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... afternoon has passed under Vritra, the power slow to act, the trikaldrishti & jnana uncertain, the physical brain dull and overcast. The Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati shanti is giving place under such circumstances to the Mahasaraswati-Mahakali quietude based on a concealed Maheshwari pratistha. Nirukta is now acting under the rule of the vijnana normally & bhasha begins to follow suit; the intellect in the environment... shuddha still lack regular intensity, nor can the intensity come till yesterday's sortilege is fulfilled. Its fulfilment was disturbed & the system thrown back first into udasinata & then into the Maheshwari dhairya, shama & calm. Ahaituka kamananda is frequent, daily, but is seldom intense & never long continued. The sahaituka anandas Page 151 (tivra, rudra, kama, vishaya) are there, but... feeling, thought & action (there have been plenty of isolated instances & brief periods of it in the past of the sadhana) and justified by success; but the basis of hidden calm & self-possession in the Maheshwari-bhava of Mahasaraswati has to be maintained and all has to be in the [Mahasaraswati] 17 mould which demands thoroughness, perfect [contrivance], 18 faultless elaboration of detail in the consummate ...
... a change of activity Intervals of intense bodily passivity & inner calm still arrive, as this night, which belong to Maheshwari rather than to Mahakali-Mahasaraswati. They are used for the ever increasing fullness & force of the pratistha which is always the Maheshwari pratistha. Great stability has been achieved in the rupa of swapnasamadhi & lipi there seems also to be growing [in]... will fall away. But it prepares & represents the intensity of the Mahakali energy, involving also after purification an energy of the light & joy, which is to replace the Page 495 calm Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati passivity of the empty vessel. These things are not to be done slowly, gradually & with difficulty, but rapidly, victoriously and without relapse. The point at which this will be... "Ordinary" read on the box. Tapas & Prakasha are being assured more & more of their freedom. Only the uncertainty in the faith holds them back, & this obstacle is now being removed by the removal of the Maheshwari restraint. Mahakali left to herself can now work out her own salvation. The Anandamaya Drishti, the constant sense of the Ishwara, the dasya-madhura & bhoga are also almost ready. The large ...
... the foundation of the rudra energy has been successfully laid and the Maheshwari in Mahakali once dominated (taken in as pratistha) will be perfected." The Maheshwari already taken in as pratistha was Maheshwari in Mahasaraswati, the other sometimes manifest is Maheshwari in Mahalakshmi. Once in Ch. [Chandernagore] Maheshwari herself was manifest. This is the last stage of the pratistha preparation... va seems to be now normal and the reversion to Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati empty of it, is rare. But there is variation between raw Mahakali bhava too ugra and saumya Mahakali with Mahaluxmi colour. Maheshwari, normally, is quite covered and a pratistha only. Kamananda seems to be recovering force of continuity and even of intensity, though not the full force. Samadhi. (1) Antardarshi ...
... depends on successful manifestation of power. Formerly with insuccess it fell back to Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati, recently to M.M with quiescent Mahakali. At present it wavers between M³ with predominant Mahakali & insufficient Mahaluxmi colouring and M⁴ with insufficient Mahakali force. In the latter case Maheshwari pratistha tends to be hidden, as is intended, in Mahakali intensity of the prana, but... again active & all parts of the Siddhi depressed. Lipi increases in regular activity. (Lipi— regularity of the lipi ) 19 June 1915 The Mahakali-Mahasaraswati consciousness with the Maheshwari pratistha & the Mahaluxmi colouring is now being firmly & finally established. Page 874 A similar finality of Krishna Kali is in process of final foundation. The revolt of... vibration of the pure Ananda. 2) Daivi Prakriti The daivi prakriti and the fundamental sraddha are founded firmly and the Mahakali energy has occupied the Mahasaraswati frame, covered the Maheshwari pratistha, assumed the Mahaluxmi colouring and made its fiercer working compatible with the anandamaya samata . This movement is not yet touched to the final perfection and the ishwarabhava and ...
... with Letters on the Mother Maheshwari Is Maheshwari on the Intuitive and the Overmind levels? These Powers can manifest on all levels from the Overmind to the Physical. 25 August 1933 I had a talk with X in which he said that Athena is a form or representation of Maheshwari. Some of my visions of Gods like Shiva were in forms resembling human... planes to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only ...
... Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusa line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and skill in work. They also represent... envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the triple bonds and shows us the winding way into the embrace of the infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra... living and variable. Still it will serve to give a clearer picture of the matter. Napoleon. evidently was a child of Mahakali; and Caesar seems to have been fashioned largely by the principle of. Maheshwari; while Christ or Chaitanya are clearly emanations in the line of Mahalakshmi. Constructive geniuses, on the other hand, like the great statesman Colbert, for example, or Louis XIV, Ie grand monarque ...
... can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasarawati. 5 The sadhaks no doubt had glimpses - at some time or other - of the Mahalakshmi, the Maheshwari and even the Mahakali in the Mother, and yet it was the Mahasaraswati of Sri Aurobindo's inspired portraiture that came nearest... Mother's manifold epiphanies, and a key to the mystic machinery of her ministry on the earth. It is in the sixth and last section of the book that four of her great "Powers and Personalities" (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati) are invoked with a mantra-shakti - the sheer verbal élan - for which there are no exact parallels even in Sri Aurobindo's writings. He is certainly not doing... Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation ...
... Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusha line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and Skill in work. They also represent... envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is Page 75 pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the triple bonds and shows us the winding way into the embrace of the infinite Mother... is living and variable. Still it will serve to give a clearer picture of the matter. Napoleon evidently was a child of Mahakali; and Caesar seems to have been fashioned largely by the principle of Maheshwari; while Christ or Chaitanya are clearly emanations in the line of Mahalakshmi. Constructive geniuses, on the other hand, like the great statesman Colbert, for example, or Louis XIV, le grand monarque ...
... somewhere…I had a vision of Her in Her immensity. Just for an instant. And then once more She assumed Her usual form. I don’t know why but I felt that was indeed Her real form. The Mother in Her Maheshwari Aspect Quite unexpectedly the Mother would become still, immobile, quite distant…and keep staring into space. Her eyes were looking into some faraway place of which we had no idea. She was giving... blessing each one with a gentle smile on Her face. But She was so steeped in a meditative state, so majestically immense and deep at that time that we could not find our everyday Mother then. This Maheshwari form of Hers was beyond our comprehension. She was surrounded by an infinite vastness, by an unparalleled, incalculable glory. I do not have the words or the ability to describe that incredible ... of atmosphere? This inexhaustible, tender stillness and silence pervading the air? If Lord of the Universe I call thee, Ah then, so far dost thou seem to me! Experiencing the Mother in her Maheshwari aspect or Aditi made us feel very faraway indeed since we were so used to knowing Her as our friend and comrade. Like the five Pandavas who had always known Sri Krishna as their friend, we had the ...
... divine degree of their ascension in those who can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she... play from behind the veil and make of them its rhythms and its figures. This is the power of MAHALAKSHMI and there is no aspect of the Divine Shakti more attractive to the heart of embodied beings. Maheshwari can appear too calm and great and distant for the littleness of earthly nature to approach or contain her, Mahakali too swift and formidable for its weakness to bear; but all turn with joy and longing... MAHASARASWATI is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the worldforces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation ...
... 119.Madan,V.D. N-23D, Saket New Delhi 110024 120.Mahajan, Baldev D-72 Defence Colony New Delhi-110017 121.Maheshwari, A.N. Chairman, NCTE I.G. Stadium, LP. Estate New Delhi -110002 122.Maheshwari, S.C. G263 Surajmal Vihar Delhi-110092 123.Malhotra, Neera Teacher DAV Public School New Delhi 124.Malhotra... Secretary, DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi. Shri Sunil Kumar, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. Shri M.M. Luther, Author and Expert in Management and Values, Gurgaon. Professor A.N. Maheshwari, Chairman, NCTE, New Delhi. Shri A.K. Merchant, Vice-Chairman, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's of India, New Delhi. Shri Partho, Principal, Blue Mountain School, Ooty. Dr... Speakers (15 minutes each) : Mrs. Bela Banerjee, Joint Secretary, Department of Education ProfessorJ.S. Rajput, Director, NCERT Professor A.N. Maheshwari Chairman, NCTE Shri Ashok Ganguly Chairman, CBSE Professor N.K. Ambasht, Chairman, National Open School Shri F ...
... her face was a bright sun, Her smile could persuade a dead lacerated heart To live again and feel the hands of calm. 53 This is verily the Maheshwari described by Sri Aurobindo in The Mother. Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with splendour beyond them. For... to a treasure-house of miraculous knowledge, to the measureless movement of the Mother's eternal forces. Tranquil is she and wonderful, great and calm for ever. 54 Though the figure of Maheshwari has not had a particular image in the Saptashati, T.V. Kapali Sastri finds Sri Aurobindo's vision to have descended from a verse in the poem beginning, medhāsi devi vidhitākhila shastrasārā: ...
... The Spirit of Auroville On 17.7.1972 the Mother gave names to the four pillars of the Matrimandir as follows: Mahakali — North Maheshwari — South Mahalaksmi — East Mahasaraswa — West Each pillar represents one of the four powers of the Supreme Mother, Aditi. Sri Aurobindo has written in his book The Mother : Four... (Mahakali — North) Another embodies her power of splendid strength and irresistible passion, her warrior mood, her overwhelming will, her impetuous swiftness and world-shaking force. (Maheshwari — South) One is her personality of calm wideness and comprehending wisdom and tranquil benignity and inexhaustible compassion and sovereign and surpassing majesty and all-ruling greatness... omnipotence. All knowledge, all strengths, all triumph and victory, all skill and works are in her hands and they are full of the treasures of the Spirit and of all perfections and siddhis. She is Maheshwari, goddess of the supreme knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity ...
... might be combined, taking the place of the old alternation between passive and udasina dasya-buddhi and active egoistic tapas; the combination represents the right Mahakali tapas. As a result the Maheshwari pratistha is more covered than before, & the relapse from rajasic excitement to udasina shanti is no longer entirely permitted. Faith in the rapidity of the Yogasiddhi and in the adeshasiddhi has... udasinata but on nati with chanda samánanda (Vani); the sukham is not to be shanta sukham, but chanda sukham, centred therefore in Chandibhava of Mahakali, not in its own chatusthaya, nor on the Maheshwari pratistha. (thought-perception sruti-smriti). Last night the vijnana-buddhi made a preliminary self-arrangement, which has been disturbed this morning & gives glimpses of itself only through clouds... though strong in the mental and intelligent parts, the other siddhis sink to a low intensity and show whatever imperfections are still defectively purged out of them. Mahasaraswati tapas with the Maheshwari basis sometimes covered, sometimes visible through a thin veil of Mahasaraswati bhava. Recurrence on a small scale of the crisis of asiddhi in the Page 330 first two chatusthayas centred ...
... you picture it): a white light. It is the light of the Creation, what is she called?... Maheshwari? ( Laughing ) The supreme Lady up there. Yes, Maheshwari. Maheshwari's light. But it seems I always had it, because when Madame Théon saw me, it's the first thing she told me; she didn't speak of "Maheshwari," but she said, "You have the white light" that automatically dissolves all ill will. And ...
... Moments Eternal Memories O Mother Maheshwari, Mother Mahakali, Mother Mahalakshmi, Mother Mahasaraswati! Thus invoking Your Lotus Feet I set forth in my boat of memories… What boundless joy a fleeting glimpse of the Mother would give us! How Her presence drew us like a magnet and kept us rooted to our seats for hours together in absolute stillness... the Mother’s advice then. I just kept staring at the Mother in speechless amazement! My whole body thrilled with delight. I was capable of experiencing a little the Mother’s being Adishakti and Maheshwari . But the Mother Herself indicating to me who She was! This experience I cannot convey. A supernatural sort of feeling overwhelmed me. After reading the sixth chapter of The Mother I understood... Vibhutis and shall found in the divine degree of their ascension in those who can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. The Mother opened Her doors wide to all Her children. Young or old, everyone would wait at the Playground to listen to Her words with an eager heart. Even ...
... results have fixed themselves in the actuality even in the midst of this period of suspense, reserve & comparatively unprogressive balance. The issue now is as to the relations of the Maheshwari and Mahakali forces. The Maheshwari pratistha has to be covered over entirely by the Mahakali contents of the Mahasaraswati bhava & that again to inform itself with the colouring of the Mahalakshmi bhava (love, madhurya)... after the dream was over. On the other hand swapnasamadhi is back in the stage of obscure stability. Today Mahakali personality of Mahasaraswati with the Mahalaxmi colouring has manifested & the Maheshwari element has lost its conscious place in the personality & been reduced to a base of calm sentience seen physically as a pedestal of level consciousness from which the personality rises. Also the ...
... is complete darshana, but emerging out of the incomplete darshana in which Ananda is involved, not dominant & Krishna concealed by the extended Brahman. In the person Kali is organised in the Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati combination, the second element as yet insufficient, but the dominant Mahakali is occasional only, the normal bhava being the contained and dominated Mahakali. This again... ti with the Mahalakshmi tinge is now affirmed. Whenever the Mahakali consciousness has been affirmed in Mahasaraswati, it has had too strong a tendency to overwhelm both Mahasaraswati and Maheshwari & assert the violent Asuric Kali bhava. For this reason the combination MahasaraswatiMaheshwari has been constantly strengthened against this assertion & each time it has thus been strengthened,... A little smarana is now all that is needed. The same process of deepening & final basing is in process with regard to the Shakti. Along with this movement Mahakali is again emerging out of Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati. Rupa in jagrad is resuming activity after a long dullness. There is no disposition in the nature towards personal tapas of the Will, but only towards tapas of the ...
... But that's very rare—you should be infinitely grateful! ( Mother laughs ) Oh, but I AM grateful! ( Mother leafs through "The Mother" by Sri Aurobindo, then reads: ) Here: Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who... of Forces, and it is this observation that lets me know. If I am asked, "Who is it?"—I know because of this. ADDENDUM ( Extract from "The Mother" by Sri Aurobindo 5 ) Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who... sentences spoken by Mother in English. × There are four aspects or "sides" of the universal Mother: Maheshwari (the supreme Mother), Mahakali (the warrior aspect and the aspect of love), Mahalakshmi (the aspect of harmony and beauty), and Mahasaraswati (perfection in the arts and in work). ...
... the planes to which the Gods belong. All creation has two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms — man also has not always seen them in human forms only... said jokingly, she always worked ‘at a gallop’, ‘with the force of a cyclone’ or ‘at the speed of a jet plane’. ‘I have not wasted my time,’ she said. She being an embodiment of the Great Mother, Maheshwari, Mahakali and Durga with their mighty divine capacities were three of her many emanations, and she held in herself the Power which creates the worlds. ‘Mother’s pressure for a change is always strong ...
... stay here because... because there are still difficulties! Anyway... Soon afterwards: Has one of the new pieces of Ashram gossip reached you two?... I am supposed to have said that Maheshwari 1 has manifested in a golden light, that Sri Aurobindo has come (where from, I don't know!) and said that the world wasn't ready and that was why there are catastrophes and cyclones—haven't you... were distraught: they were expecting the end of the world! Sri Aurobindo saying "the world isn't ready" means it's coming to an end! Anyway, yesterday (I think it's in answer to this story of Maheshwari and Sri Aurobindo saying the world isn't ready), I wrote something in French, but it was under the pressure of Sri Aurobindo's consciousness. He said ( Mother takes a note and reads ): "According... inattendue ["in an unexpected way"] is a bit cold and dry. "Et sans s'y attendre, la Terre deviendra divine..." × Maheshwari: the supreme Mother. × Let us recall that Mother's written notations often act as occult instruments: ...
... whole body appeared to have become magnified and there was a light pervading her and the face was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari. Sri Aurobindo has written of this aspect of the Divine Shakti: "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them... flower, Sun on the head of the Timeless, guest of the marvellous Hour. A figuration of Maheshwari, the Goddess of my first vision, seems also in these lines, and the last of them — Sun on the head of the Timeless, guest of the marvellous ...
... perfection of will, a perfection of aesthetic life, a perfection of the plenty of life and a perfection of material life. There you have got the four aspects in which perfection must be realized: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, the four aspects of the supreme Mother that are perfect. This conception was never given before - that is why I particularly point it out because people think... the same message. Yes, it is the same message in a sense, but so much amplified as to become quite a new message, so filled up with content that you would say, "Oh, yes, this is quite new." Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati -these are the four main aspects of the supreme Mother: wisdom, power, harmony, and perfection in work. Physical and material work that is perfect, harmony and... beauty, perfection in material organization - these four aspects of the Divine have to be brought by the human being into his life. The man who is now full of ordinary knowledge will have to bring the Maheshwari aspect into his consciousness so that she may give him true Knowledge. The man who is dedicated to machinery will have to bring into his life the Mahasaraswati aspect - perfect detail and organization ...
... telepathic vision of working forces seem impossible, but there is a limit of effectiveness which the power is not yet able to overpass. It is suggested that the power now is in its use hampered by the Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati temperament of slow and regular unhasting pressure & has not yet sufficient ugrata in the asu poured into it. Mahasaraswati's habit of giving way to the immediate event or the most... intellectuality in the telepathy that resists . ie the devatas who watch & are guided by immediate forces are unwilling to allow the force & the vision to go beyond them. They approve the siddhi of Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati, but are opposed to the siddhi of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati. The whole struggle in the siddhi now is between the present & the future, between the telepathic knowledge that sees & admits ...
... strength of second chatusthaya especially of sraddha bhagavati, devibhava and confirmed dasya . In the latter madhura has to be increased. Aishwarya has to be encouraged & devibhava to be less Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati with more in it of Mahakali. The Mahalakshmi colour comes with the positive ananda & madhura , fades with the sinking back towards mere shanti and general samata & sukha . The... आतज्ञमप्रसादः ल प्रेम भावसमृध्दिः सौंदर्यलिप्सा स्नेहहास्यं स. दास्यं बुद्धिचतुर्यं कर्मलिप्सा प्रीतिः Common to the four दया ईश्र्वरभावः सर्वकर्मसामथ्रर्य The last three bhavas, ई ल स [i.e., Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati], are now complete; the first is there except अट्टहास्यं, but not steady nor well combined with the rest. The afternoon has passed in a massive resistance to the ...
... between their divisions. They are meant for Civil Services like Post Offices, Banks, Telecom, Telegraph and so on. The four petals represent four Powers of the Supreme Mother. They are Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati . Mahakali: Industrial area. Small industries will be in this place. The big ones will be on the seaside. And further towards Madras the land will be extended covering... Lake Estate southward. Big industries will be far away from the inner parts, which must be in total silence and peace. They must not be affected by smoke and noise from heavy machinery. Maheshwari: the Residential area. Here the ground must not be levelled but be kept as it is with hillocks. There will be tall trees, grass, flowers, small ponds, fountains, rockeries—all natural things—nothing ...
... planes to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only ...
... dasya has given place to the first stage of tertiary; tejas & tapas have now become habitually active when the prakasha is clouded by the partial nirananda & unfaith; the bhava of Mahakali on the Maheshwari pratistha has occupied permanently the Mahasaraswati continent without this time ploughing up the pratistha & continent by the tendency to drag Page 291 them also over to the rudrabhava... in the adeshasiddhi. Sraddha & energy of tapas are developing, not yet grown to their full vigour. The Mahakali bhava has therefore tended without effacing itself to draw back, no longer into its Maheshwari pratistha,—this is the difference,—but upon rather than into its Mahasaraswati continent. Trikaldrishti after displaying yesterday a great wideness & freedom of the satya is now removing the remnants ...
... of the Asuro-Rakshasic (Chandi) Devi governed by the Deva in Krishna. It is now a settled gain that the Maheshwari bhava as pratistha is practically covered over; it is dominated, first, by Mahasaraswati as continent and, secondly, by Mahakali as inhabitant, seated on Maheshwari & embraced by the conditioning Mahasaraswati. When the combination Mahakali-Mahasaraswati is perfect, the pratistha ...
... planes to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless,—the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herielf has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only ...
... December programme. The story depicted the four aspects of Mother Durga and a lot of the actors for the dance-drama had been selected by the Mother Herself: for instance, Mother Durga was Anu-ben, Maheshwari was Gauri Pinto, Mahalakshmi was Light Ganguly, Mahasaraswati was Jhumur and Mahakali was myself. In addition, there were three Asuras: Shumbha, Nishumbha and Raktabeej, played respectively by Mona... the dance-drama, Mother Durga reappeared on stage, her foot on the chest of one of the slain demons. Then, slowly the four aspects of the Mother came on to the stage and stood around Mother Durga - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. The concluding strains of Sunil-da's music had uplifted the atmosphere with such sweeping beauty and emotion that I find it difficult to describe and impossible ...
... whole body appeared to have become magnified and there was a light pervading her and the face was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari. Sri Aurobindo has written of this aspect of the Divine Shakti: "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond ...
... henceforth to a six hours maximum to be reduced successively to 4, 2½ and nil. The Kalibhava was developed in the terms of the second chatusthaya, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati with a previous return to Maheshwari & Mahakali. 17 July 1912 Programme 1) Renewal of the force of the siddhi in the body 2) Forward movement of the vijnanam 3) Fifth chatusthaya prepared for life. The force at work... weakened, but no longer blotted out by the old sanskaras in conversation & after sleep; but it is no longer replaced by MaheshwariMahasaraswati, but by an improperly combined quadruple bhava. The Maheshwari (Gauri) pratistha is still too prominent, because the habit of exciting mental tapas, against which the pratistha is an insurance, still lingers, though weakly, as a habit that always revives with ...
... in the form of Maheshwari in me? Why is she working so slowly? If she worked in the form of Mahakali, everything troubling me would flee from fear and the Mother's luminous Sun would rise in me. Mahakali can work only when there is a calm inner being and a resolute will facing without disturbance all the difficulties. When there is not that, then it is only possible for Maheshwari to work in order ...
... Forms, Powers, Personalities and Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati Yesterday night I saw Maheshwari above my head, Mahakali in my vital being and Mahalakshmi seated in my mind and heart. Each one radiated a different light from her body. Then I saw a few subtle powers descending ...
... A manifest change has been the accomplishment of the Chandi personality in the Devibhava of the Prakriti. This bhava is in its nature Mahasaraswati, the Aniruddha-shakti. It has for its base Maheshwari; it is strongly coloured with Mahaluxmi. This combination was finally expressed in a strong and long-permanent personality, perfect in equality, intense in bliss, full of universal love madhurya... prevails, but is crossed by the intellectual uncertainty as to the intention of the Ishwara. (6) & (7) Resultant defect of Mahaluxmi colour (bliss and love) and resurgence to the surface of the Maheshwari to correct the defect of excessive mental tapas and asamata. Lipi predictions. Finality of the ideality from 15ᵗʰ July. (20ᵗʰ April). The seagod in the ideality (Varuna). Liberty ...
... ball were the first constructions to be built in a huge crater, dug out diligently handful after handful in the red earth. The Mother called the pillars after the four Powers of the Great Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. We have briefly commented upon them at the moment when Mirra Alfassa realized her identification with the Universal Mother. Here it may be suitable to evoke... omnipotence. All knowledge, all strengths, all triumph and victory, all skill and works are in her hands and they are full of the treasures of the Spirit and of all perfections and siddhis. She is Maheshwari, goddess of the supreme knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity ...
... time of Christ and during the Renaissance. ‘The Mother’s Vibhutis would usually be feminine personalities most of whom would be dominated by one of the four personalities of the Mother’ 6 – i.e. Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. She has talked about some reincarnations only in passing; she has said, for instance, that she had lived several times in Babylonia – ‘I have extremely precise... more lives than the Mother – she who said she has never left the earth since its beginning? In our four characteristics, the reader will doubtlessly have observed some of the characteristics of Maheshwari (majesty, greatness), Mahakali (strength, daring), Mahalakshmi (beauty, harmony) and Mahasaraswati (learning, industry), functioning within the given, limited circumstances of our Earth at particular ...
... the planes to which the Gods belong. All creation has two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms – man also has not always seen them in human forms only ...
... Mahasaraswati: Integral Perfection Maheshwari: All-knowledge and Wisdom Mahakali: Power and Generous Love They have differently shaped aureoles behind their head depending on what they represent. Also, the Mother disclosed the colours of their attires: Mahalakshmi: Pink, green and mauve, all pastel colours Mahasaraswati: White and red Maheshwari: Royal blue and gold Mahakali: ...
... Matrimandir last February 21st. So, for the next year—1977—I should like to take precautions beforehand so that things may be smoother. Now two pillars still remain to receive our offerings—those of Maheshwari and Mahasaraswati. I sincerely feel that from the occult and the spiritual point of view these pillars too must receive our offerings. Otherwise there will be no meaning. 1978, the Mother's Birth... the Mother's things. When the time comes, I will take personally as usual the flowers from you, and will surely show you everything which will be taken and to be put into the two pillars—of Maheshwari as well as Mahasaraswati. I am sure you will understand my feeling—as you always do. Thank you ever so much for your kind support and help. With deep regards in the Mother's Light. Yours ...
... becomes prominent and determines everything. In the world of Ananda, Bliss is the determinant. Then there is the Supramental world, with the four Maha-Shaktis, aspects of the Divine Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Below the Supermind and behind the universe of Mind, Life and Matter is the world of the Great Gods. They receive light from the Supramental. It is... as much when she said that she could not tell precisely in what year had arrived on earth temporarily the power and personality of Ananda which, unlike her four great powers and personalities - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - had never appeared in the manifestation so far: she could only declare that it had arrived before Sri Aurobindo left his body (5 December 1950). When a ...
... first to appreciate. For, the Mother was full of wit and her eyes never failed to sparkle when anybody was quick and keen in mind. Let me say then that, while we have heard of her four great aspects—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati—very few have heard of the Mother as "Maha-Examineri". And by this new name I do not mean her all-seeing, all-probing, all-evaluating, all-classifying co... all my comforts and my wife Sehra's was now a Goddess of Terror over so trivial a plea on my part. At once I said: "No, Mother, no. I want nothing. I am sorry." Flaming Mahakali turned into calm Maheshwari and blessed me. Within my heart I came Page 69 to realise that the high aim with which I had just come back to the Ashram for a permanent stay after an absence of several years had ...
... the Supreme Divine incarnate could come down to a funny game like this ... whenever I recollect the sight I think of... the second stanza of Sri Aurobindo's Rose of God .... A figuration of Maheshwari, the Goddess of my first vision, seems also in these lines, and the last of them - Sun on the head of the Timeless, guest of the marvellous Hour - calls forth from me, as an equally profound... lotus in bloom, has verily reserves of potency. If one must go into greater detail, one may say that the central circle signifies the Divine Consciousness, the four surrounding petals connote Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and the twelve outer petals or twelve powers "the vibrations that are necessary for the complete manifestation". Sri Aurobindo also gave his approval ...
... of an intense and absolute Ananda." 1 The supramental Mahâshakti has manifested four of Her great aspects in Her governance and guidance of our terrestrial existence: one is Her aspect of Maheshwari, another of Mahâkali, the third of Mahâlaksmi and the fourth of Mahâsaraswati. 2 They correspond more or less approximately to the four aspects of Nârâyana as described in the Vaishnava Panchar... 1 The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. 2 For further details refer to The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. Page 92 essential condition of the divine life in the material world. Maheshwari with her all-illumining and all-commanding splendour of knowledge, Mahâkâli with her thunders and lightnings of force, Mahâlakshmi with her enthralling and exalting grace and harmony, and Mahâsaraswati ...
... your mother and as your friend, the very tenor of your life changes. The heart’s lyre is always heard in the strain: Ey sansarey dori karey raja jaar ma maheshwari. (Whom need I fear in this world, O king, when my mother is Mother Maheshwari herself?) As a human being rests in happy confidence under a tree, we too began gradually growing up trustingly under the Mother’s Love. Without a thought ...
... too is Her Love 588 Through Limitless Freedoms 360 Through Vesper's Veil 88 Time 233 Time's End 38 Time-Telescope 166 To Maheshwari 407 To My Own Heart 631 To the All-Beautiful 455 To the Ashram Poet Harindranath Chattopadhyaya Writing in Seclusion 511 Together ...
... from birds, the scorn and the Grace play into each other, and Mahakali the falsehood-smiter and Mahalakshmi the love-showerer are two simultaneous and identical gestures from a single source that is Maheshwari, the all-comprehending all-enveloping "Wisdom supernal". And the double gesture I would imagine as ultimately issuing into the worldward creative dynamism of Mahasaraswati, the Mother-Power of harmony ...
... in the details, especially in certain turns of the language." [ In the version printed here the few 'failures' have disappeared owing to Sri Aurobindo's finishing touch.] (4.9.31) To Maheshwari "The poem does not call for destruction; it has a sort of modernised Elizabethanness about it that is very attractive." (15.9.31) Night in the Open [In reply to the ...
... Ariankuppam. His botanical genius came in handy. He set to experiment. It seems he worked some wonders — produced seedless lady’s fingers, and some wheat, enough to make bread for the Mother. (At present Maheshwari working there has repeated the wheat growing in just a small patch.) “One man’s loss is another man’s gain.” We lost a good teacher, but the world at large gained a great musician. As time passed ...
... Mother seated in Sri Aurobindo's chair. She looked very different that day, really magnificent. The occult work began. I was made to lie on the floor and went into a half-conscious state. The Maheshwari aspect of the Mother commenced her work through Purushottam. He sat on my body and pummelled and kneaded it thoroughly; I could hear the sound of his blows but, I was completely passive. The pounding ...
... world of the Supermind breaking out of Matter. The globe, with a diameter of about thirty meters, rests on four gigantic supports representing the four active powers of the Mother in the universe: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The most important feature inside the globe is a ‘chamber’ with a diameter of about twenty meters and near the wall twelve round columns seemingly supporting ...
... I saw her then. She was no longer human. Her whole body appeared to have become magnified and there was a light pervading her and the face was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari.’ 63 Why mention all this? Because it is related to the serious physical crisis the Mother went through in 1931. From 18 October to 24 November she had to withdraw and all her activities ...
... Durga is surely subsumed in her highest aspect in the play of those four goddess-personalities which, according to Sri Aurobindo, have been put forward by the Mother in her world-work down the ages: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Those who have served Sri Aurobindo have often been struck with a detached contemplative grandeur holding at the same time a tremendous reserve of power and ...
... bring down divine beings from the highest spiritual level to work in the human instruments and she could manifest even in her physical form something of her four goddess personalities and powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. A kind of miraculous sadhana went on. If it had been successfully carried through, the Supermind would soon have taken direct charge. But the method of action ...
... the structure from the base to the topmost of the petals is marked by the Mother as 1.65 meters, her own height. At the top are four lotus petals, signifying the four Powers of the Supreme Mother, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Around these four petals are twelve more signifying the twelve Attributes of the four Powers. The Mother also indicated the colour of the lotus: " Marbre ...
... Mother and the Matrimandir. With love Gloria Too much criticism, many hindrances, enormous ill will, numerous obstructions took place. Despite this, all the four pillars—Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Maheshwari and Mahasaraswati—received our humble offerings. I felt that it was the Victory of the Supreme Mother. ...
... hostile forces, conscious of the failure, gather up & exhaust in an illegitimate endeavour all the forces which, properly used, might last for a longer season than that actually allotted to them. The Maheshwari patience is still needed to support these tyrannies,—samata, dhairyam. Mahakali tapas begins to break through the habitual restrictions of the Mahasaraswati bhava. 18 November 1913 The second ...
... There is now no reason why the Samata etc should disappear. Only the tejas of Mahakali must finally be harmonised with the passivity and the dasya. This will be done today by eliminating the Maheshwari bhava from the superficial consciousness & its contents without bringing back the mental tejas. It is true. Nevertheless these things are done. The struggle is over the whole basis of the farther ...
... adapt itself to any kind of knowledge without feeling anywhere a limit or an incapacity. This is Jnana Samarthyam. Daivi Prakriti (Divine Nature) This means the possession of the four Shaktis—Maheshwari, the Shakti of greatness and knowledge; Mahakali, the Shakti of force and violence; Mahalakshmi, the Shakti of beauty, love and delight; and Mahasaraswati, the Shakti of worldly reason (science) ...
... was putting pressure on me, you wrote that the word "pressure" was "entirely wrong". If that is so, what is the sense Page 114 of the word "pressure" in this passage from The Mother: "[Maheshwari] puts on them the required pressure" [ p. 41 ]? You wrote also, in regard to Mahakali, of "the vehemence of her pressure" [ p. 44 ]. I was speaking of your case only—it was not my intention to ...
... of the higher mind consciousness or of some spiritual consciousness? It depends on the shade of the yellow. If it is golden white it comes from above the mind and the combination suggests the Maheshwari-Mahakali power. Higher Mind colour is pale blue. 21 March 1938 ...
... from heavy oppression. I am also attracted to the name "Krishna" and sometimes in a semi-sleep condition I find myself repeating "Durga-Mahakali-Krishna". Durga combines the characteristics of Maheshwari and Mahakali to a certain extent,—there is not much connection with Mahalakshmi. The combination of Krishna and Mahakali is one that has a great power in this Yoga and if the names rise together ...
... and Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Radha-Power In the Chandi the names of the four Cosmic Powers of the Mother—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—are mentioned along with others, but the name Radha is not mentioned. This is a clear proof of the fact that when the Chandi was composed the Radha-Power was ...
... Perfection in work and in feeling in a consecration of the entire life. 21.2.1972 * Significance of the four pillars North Mahakali East Mahalakshmi South Maheshwari East Mahasaraswati * Significance of the twelve rooms Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality ...
... the Divine Perfection in work and in feeling, in a consecration of the entire life. 21 February 1972 ( Significance of the four pillars ) North—Mahakali East—Mahalakshmi South—Maheshwari West—Mahasaraswati ( Significance of the twelve underground rooms which will radiate from the Matrimandir foundation ) Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity ...
... able to touch the Supreme directly, in spite of your smallness, but on the horizontal plane, the extent of your realization will be infinitesimal. We could take the example Page 102 of Maheshwari, the Mother of Might and All-Wisdom. This aspect of the Mother will assume different forms depending upon the degree of evolution of 'that' within you: it might be a mere little group leader, a queen ...
... Divine Mother, creatrix of all, is pictured by the small centre in which all things seem to be held secretly concentrated. Out of this, four primary creative powers are shown as breaking: these are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - goddess-personalities of wisdom, puissance, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These personalities are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting ...
... institutions and motivated schools at the earliest. I have every faith that the multiplier effects would be tremendous. Page 328 VALUE ORIENTATION IN TEACHER EDUCATION A. N. MAHESHWARI Since independence education system in the country has expanded very rapidly. In spite of the recommendation of the several commissions on education that education in human values should be ...
... Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222 Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 Marx, 128 -Dos Kapital, 118 Marxism ...
... Mother's flag symbolises the Spiritual Reality at work in Sri Aurobindo's Ashram. Out of the concentrated Seed-Shakti that is the centre, four primary powers of divinity are shown as breaking: they are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—goddess-personalities of wisdom, dynamism, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These four are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting forces ...
... Delhi-110 031. Tel. 242 0289 (R). DR. S.C. GOSWAMI: Reader, Dept. of Chemistry, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi. 67, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 721 8331. SHRI S.C. MAHESHWARI: Social Activist, C-263, Surajmal Vihar, Delhi-110 092. SHRI S.I.TRIPATHI: Formerly, Secretary(Finance), Government of India A-42, Retreat Aptt. 20 LP. Extn. Phase II, Delhi- 110 092. ...
... for that seemed to him the most precious gift of all, for that is the thing he would need most in the coming battle. Arjuna asked for nothing else but Krishna Himself. Grace is of Maheshwari, that is to say, it is the special attribute, a particular emanation of her own self, it is a form of herself in an attitude that belongs particularly to her. Love is of Mahalaxmi, it is her own ...
... the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Iswari: (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv} Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient ...
... 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. – Paradise Lost, 156n Mimansakas ...
... of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi – consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed Page 225 in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution pr ...
... Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination – of destruction and dissolution – to clear the path of Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, – the infinite, love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions and supports it. The new creation, the new world that Mother built and is still building with so much love and care is ready – ready to manifest, to reveal itself in the material field ...
... happening now. Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination, of destruction and dissolution, to clear the path for Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati; the infinite love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions and supports it. The new creation, the new world that Mother built and is still building Page 56 with so much love and care is ready, ready to manifest, to reveal itself ...
... proprieties that make up our adult wisdom- Cast to the winds -come as innocent as when you were born And bathe in the wide sunlight of the Love Divine. October 4, 1932 VI MAHESHWARI VAST and serene as the infinite spaces, Far away from our little earthly world, And yet overarching and leaning down in a protective gesture- The Mother of Light, the Mother of all ...
... one with the Unthinkable Absolute, the ineffable Unnamed. All the powers and splendours of creation are her powers and splendours, derived from her, constituted by her, directed by ¹ Maheshwari , Mahakali , Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Page 333 her and offered to her own unmanifest, undifferentiated Eternity. What words will describe the mystery and marvel of that silent ...
... no human considerations for the Adhar in which it descends, because for the Power it does not seem to matter if the Adhar breaks ? Sri Aurobindo : The best is to have the Maha Saraswati and Maheshwari aspects working. Formerly I used to work in that way. Many would not be able to bear Maha-kali – only a few can pull with impunity. All the four aspects have to be harmonised in us. The ideal condition ...
... sat with the Mother and felt a little more relaxed. The clouds of fear thinned out. At that moment, even though the Mother looked very distant, we felt as if She was ours. The Mother seated in Her Maheshwari aspect, immobile, calm,—a formidable Vastness radiated from Her all around. Who knows what sort of a path the Mother was preparing for us? Where She was taking us? Where this path would end? What ...
... with human life! When the Mother read out “The Four Aspects of the Mother” from Sri Aurobindo’s book The Mother , we all just stared at Her face unblinkingly. While reading the descriptions of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, She would bring down the Power of each one on to the Playground. Even Her voice would change for each of the four Powers. “ Mahakali is of another nature ...
... Personalities. In answer to his question Sri Aurobindo had him sent the manuscript copy of The Mother which he had just written. The rhapsodic description of the Mother's fourfold powers - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Page 255 Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - so profoundly moved the disciple that he had to turn the piece into Mātr Upanisad m inspired Sanskrit verse. And in his hymn ...
... the inner experience. If that were so you would return with the full knowledge of what happened. Between your head and chest a line of light is set up .... ... this white light comes from Maheshwari, it is a light of knowledge and purity. It is she who is the great preparer of the yoga. When that is ready Page 228 generally an aspect of power (Mahakali) descends.... But the work ...
... its white down. Thou wilt lead them all to their supreme destiny. 37 These fivefold functions seem to be an astonishing anticipation of those of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Maheshwari and, as Sri Aurobindo describes it, "that mysterious and powerful ecstasy and Ananda ... that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the supramental spirit and the lowest abysses ...
... Mother made what amounted to a sensational statement, or rather a piece of heartwarming revelation. Writing on the Divine Mother and her Powers and Personalities in 1927, Sri Aurobindo had described Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and then added that there were other great Powers of the Mother too, but they were difficult to bring down; and yet, however difficult, "her Personality ...
... of work 286, 460-1, 489 evening drives and meditations 287 at the 'Soup ceremony' 287ff, 341 (cf 195) Powers and Personalities 292ff, 529, 597 (cf 168-9) as Mahashakti 293, 451 ' as Maheshwari 296, 320 converses with disciples 297ff, 301 aphorisms and mahavakyas 298-9, 318 'inner relation' with disciples 305, 589, 692-4 rhapsody on Love 315ff, 471-7 'games' she fashioned 319ff ...
... a beautiful golden colour. All this time I kept calling the Mother quietly. Is all this true? You seem to have ascended into a plane of the Higher Spiritualised Mind with a descent into it of Maheshwari bringing the power of the Divine Truth. The result in the physical consciousness was a perception of the One Consciousness and Life in all things and an illumination of the cells of the body with ...
... have a poetic mind, so... It is a poetic image to express... You must not understand these things with a positivist mind; you must have a little feeling for the harmony of words and phrases. "Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces...." What does this mean: "the large lines of the world-forces"? Page 282 It means that she makes the plan of what the world ought to be ...
... surely. It has an effect. It is as though you were choosing to concentrate on one aspect of the Mother rather than another; for example, if you choose to concentrate on Mahakali or Mahalakshmi or on Maheshwari, the results will be different. That part of you which answers to these qualities will awaken and become receptive. So, it is the same thing. But somebody who has only one photo, whichever it may ...
... 1933 Is it mostly the Mahasaraswati aspect of the Mother that works in our sadhana here? At present since the sadhana came down to the physical consciousness—or rather it is a combination of Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati forces. 25 August 1933 Page 325 You wrote to me yesterday, "Now there is a sufficient descent of Light and Power." 4 Does this show that the psychisation of the sadhaks ...
... always what could be called the "central being" which takes an earthly body. That is what is called an Avatar. I thought you knew that. Sri Aurobindo has explained this in many places. "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will...." 1 Is there a plane of will, as there is a mental plane, a vital plane, etc.? I have explained that to you in connection with ...
... acquired by long practice in the sadhana has been to insist on shanti, udasinata, & passivity as the condition of progress. It is now necessary to overlay & fill the shanti, udasinata, & passivity, the Maheshwari basis, with an active & even violent Page 210 & rapid tapas of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati; but the habitual reaction of failure caused by the irruption of false tejas & false tapas has first ...
... omnipotence. All knowledge, all strengths, all triumph and victory, all skill and works are in her hands and they are full of the treasures of the Spirit and of all perfections and siddhis. She is Maheshwari, goddess of the supreme knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity ...
... least—oh, even more than that! I don't remember when we moved here, when was it?... In 1927... forty-five years ago! It's the same with the four. What are the four? They must be Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati. Yes, but I don't mean the popular deities. Sri Aurobindo gave each one a special significance. Yes, you mean what he wrote in "The Mother." But that's ...
... felt descending and the Mother could bring out most- markedly into her physical being something of the Page 96 powers and personalities which Sri Aurobindo speaks of as being hers: Maheshwari the vast and calm and all-controlling Knowledge, Mahakali the Truth-flashing Warrior of the Worlds, Mahalakshmi the Ever-blissful and All-beautiful, Mahasaraswati the Doer of Perfect Work and the ...
... s with the one fault that the Kali element in the Devibhava, which is constant, is not steady; the ordinary condition is that of the Mahasaraswati with a strong Mahaluxmi colouring and submerged Maheshwari basis. This is full of shama ananda, but insufficient in tapas. It is the Mahakali element that carries the full tapas, ishwarabhava and attahasya of the lila; but when the Mahakali element is there ...
... Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, makes them living and near to us and mediates between the human personality and the divine Nature.’ 8 The Mother as Maheshwari is the personification of the supreme power and wisdom, as Mahalakshmi of harmony and beauty, as Mahakali of the combative force which destroys with Love in order to build up what is greater, and ...
... available documents, all of them. In August 1954 the Mother read out from chapter six of Sri Aurobindo’s booklet The Mother a passage following his description of her four universal Powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 91 ‘There are other great Personalities of the Divine Mother, but they were more difficult to bring down and have not stood out in front with so much ...
... 34 ‘Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and in her dealings with the terrestrial play. One [Maheshwari] is her personality of calm wideness and comprehending wisdom and tranquil benignity and inexhaustible compassion and sovereign and surpassing majesty and all-ruling greatness. Another [Mahakali] ...
... displaying things and guiding people where things can be obtained and bought. Also there will be schools to learn handicrafts, offices, and this zone will be surrounded by trees and gardens . Maheshwari: South—Residential zone The shape will be Hexagon. The colour will be gold, golden pink. The shape signifies 'Perfect Creation' . The Residential zone will have 3 sections 1) People who ...
... to Nolini-da: Some months back I wrote a letter to you regarding the two pillars of Matrimandir, into which the offerings still remained to be placed. These are the pillars of Mahasaraswati and Maheshwari. You have replied: "It is all right." The other day I just happened to meet Piero and Gloria near the Ashram. We had a talk about the same matter. They asked me whether you would give the Mother's ...
... the disciples and external activities of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This was in 1926. Page 15 Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; it ...
... developments, Aditi has also come to be known as Shakti, Mahashakti, Parashakti and as Parameshwari. In Sri Aurobindo's book. The Mother, four aspects of Aditi have been described, namely, those of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 8 The word intuition is often used in religions and philosophical literature so as to include in its connotation all the levels of consciousness that ...
... charge of all the disciples and external activities of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This was in 1926. Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; ...
... value education programme, the NCERT is working on the promise that every teacher is a carrier of values. PaperVII: Value Orientation in Teacher Education Speaker: Professor A.N. Maheshwari *In spite of the recommendations of the several commissions on education that education in human values should be made an integral part of the curriculum, it is hardly visible in the State's ...
... by some fortuitous chance, the 23 When the Divine or the Supreme Reality manifests itself into the lower world of Ignorance, it reveals its four principal aspects: 1) Wisdom and Knowledge (Maheshwari), 2) Power, Force, Violence and Destruction (Mahakali), 3) Splendour, Opulence, and Beauty (Mahalakshmi), and 4) Service, skill in works (especially those involving intricacy and detail), and practical ...
... of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself immediately, ...
... light of knowledge and purity. It is she who is the great preparer of the yoga. When that is ready generally an aspect of power (Mahakali) descends, which takes a personal form, whilst the force of Maheshwari is impersonal (at least here). I was expecting to see this descent. But the work of preparation was long — of assimilation and cutting off from the exterior, that took almost the whole time. At the ...
... que rien n'attendrit. Vous ne pouvez avoir de subites cl é mences Qui d é rangent le monde, ô Dieu, tranquille esprit! ¹ This is the divine love, love proper to Maheshwari. But there is another love more intimate, close, human-the love of Mahalakshmi. This is the love that comes down here upon earth and takes on an earthly quality, a terrestrial vibration. In other ...
... the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Coriesponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother – íśwarií (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient ...
... battalions, for that seemed to him the most precious gift of all, for that is the thing he would need most in the coming battle. Arjuna asked for nothing else but Krishna Himself. Grace is of Maheshwari, that is to say, it is the special attribute, a particular emanation of her own self, it is a form of herself in an attitude that belongs particularly to her. Love is of Mahalaxmi it is her own ...
... Mother paid her visits to the room twice or thrice a day, clad in a white robe and with a scarf tied over her hair. Her face calm and grave, yet softened with a maternal sweetness, she looked like Maheshwari of transcendent glory. She would stand silently before the body, look at it for some time and quietly retire. Sometimes she was accompanied by Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita and others. She did not want ...
... 39 1n Krishna, 134, 183, 206-7, 350 228, 297, LAKSHMI, 249 Lear, 391 Leo X, 196 Lindberg, 316 MAETERLINCK, 71 – The Blue Bird, 71 Mahalakshmi, 206, 228, 297 Maheshwari, 206 Marlowe, 399n Maruts, the, 279-80, 331-2 Mayavada,182 Milton, 371 Minerva, 328 Mitra, 189 Mohammed, 379 Mother, the, 29n., 205-6, 208, 224, 229, 231-6, 247, 249 ...
... Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation ...
... dedicated to Kāli —a terrible Kāli." In the Indian popular belief, there are many Kālis, each with a particular function. All of them are a portion of Māhākali. Actually speaking, Mahakali along with Maheshwari, Mahālakshmi and Mahā-saraswati (mahā = Great) are the Divine Mother's four Page 138 great leading Powers: Strength, Wisdom, Harmony and Perfection. However, in spite of their ...
... simultaneously - that does not unfold itself in time, it is we who move in time as we speak, otherwise we cannot express ourselves. 23 The Powers described in Sri Aurobindo's The Mother - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - are in their original manifestation "quite close to the Supermind", though a series of descents in the lines of consciousness might lead, not only to the Overmind ...
... accompanied by Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra and others, and silently communed with Sri Aurobindo. "Her face calm and grave, yet softened with a maternal sweetness, she looked", says Nirodbaran, "like Maheshwari of transcendent glory." 21 The processionary homage went on hour after hour, day after day. Everybody could see the freshness and the glow on Sri Aurobindo's face, Page 494 but ...
... make Her one, O Lord.” I still utter the same prayer regularly. Will not the Lord fulfil our prayer? We love the Mother. We have all felt Her, sometimes as Mother Aditi Herself, sometimes as Maheshwari, at other times as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi or as Maha-saraswati. Standing next to a fire, how can our body not be touched by its warmth? And in spite of our untransformed, ignorant condition the Mother’s ...
... through symbol - for the symbol was more direct than the 'sense' it symbolised - that the Divine was Knowledge, Power, Protection and Mutuality, and Work and Service, all at once, even as Shakti is Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati -Wisdom, Power, Harmony and Work, the four supreme godheads of the cosmic order. With the passage of time, however, 'symbol' became 'type', and ...
... realisation and intelligence, giver of enjoyment and freedom and who is the very image of Mantra. Salutations to the Goddess Mahamira, who is beginningless and endless, who is the Power Original, Maheshwari, born of Yoga and the Self of Yogic magnificence. Mahalakshmyashtakam 3-5 ॐ नमः अरविन्दाय। om namaḥ aravindāya Om salutations to Sri Aurobindo ...
... नमः ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीअरविन्दाय ॐ श्रीमीरायै नमः om namo bhagavatyai māheśvaryai svāhā śrīmīrāyai namaḥ om namo bhagavate śrīaravindāya om śrīmīrāyai namaḥ Om Salutations to the Divine Maheshwari Swāhā Salutations to Sri Mira Om salutations to the Divine Sri Aurobindo Om salutations to Sri Mira ...
... difficulties. For what I was pouring in you was not merely human kindness —though surely it contained all that human kindness can be at its best — but Mahalakshmi's love, Mahasaraswathi's care, Maheshwari's embracing and enveloping light. Do not think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high; it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly be. It does ...
... painful difficulties. For what I was pouring in you was not Mèrely human kindness—though surely it contained all that human kindness can be at its best—but Mahalakshmi's love, Mahasaraswati's care, Maheshwari's embracing and enveloping light. Do not think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high—it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly be. It does ...
... (there can always be a greater harmony, that goes without saying), then it's all right. With some people, the minute they come in, there is a tremendous descent, very often of Kali's power or Maheshwari's power (not the Supreme, but what they understand best), very often—right away, instantly. Then everything is stilled. And it's very amusing, it's interesting: the Response (the Response, what responds) ...
... both in the tenderness of Mahalakshmi's Grace and in the severity of Mahakali's Grace — both the movements being straightforward acts for the soul's good and having behind them the Grace of Maheshwari's wisdom and the Grace of Mahasaraswati's skill in works. We must realise that the same soul, for its good, could receive in clear-cut terms at different times the unqualified compliment ...
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