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A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [3]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Collected Poems [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nala and Damayanti [1]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [8]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [2]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [6]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [3]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
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A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [3]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Collected Poems [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nala and Damayanti [1]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [8]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [2]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [6]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [3]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]

Radha : “personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total & integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving & total consecration of all the being & calling down into the body & the most material nature the supreme Ananda.” [SABCL 23:796]

170 result/s found for Radha

... 0love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak, Since mortal words are weak? In life, in death, In being and in breath No other lord but thee can Radha seek. About thy feet the mighty net is wound Wherein my soul they bound; Myself resigned To servitude my mind; My heart than thine no sweeter slavery found. I, Radha, thought; through the three worlds... of India, on themes related to Sri Krishna and his yoga of divine Love. b ) A selection from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ' s experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha. c ) A selection from Sri Ramakrishna's experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha. (a) Andal The Vaishnava Poetess Preoccupied from the earliest times with divine knowledge and religious aspiration the Indian mind... * * * In the spring moonlight the Lord of love Thro' the amorous revel's maze doth move; The crown of Love love's raptures proves; For Radha his amorous darling moves, Radha, the ruby of ravishing girls With him bathed in love's moonlight whirls. And all the merry maidens with rapture Dancing together the light winds capture. ...


... love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak,     Since mortal words are weak?         In life, in death,     In being and in breath No other lord but thee can Radha seek. Page 32 About thy feet the mighty net is wound     Wherein my soul they bound;         Myself resigned     To servitude my mind; My heart than thine no sweeter slavery found. I, Radha, thought; through the three... three worlds my gaze     I sent in wild amaze;         I was alone.     None called me "Radha!", none; I saw no hand to clasp, no friendly face. I sought my father's house; my father's sight     Was empty of delight;         No tender friend     Her loving voice would lend; My cry came back unanswered from the night. Therefore to this sweet sanctuary I brought     My chilled and shuddering... ah, spurn me not! Spurn me not, dear, from thy beloved breast,     A woman weak, unblest.         Thus let me cling,     Thus, thus about my king And thus remain caressing and caressed. I, Radha, thought; without my life's sweet lord,     —Strike now thy mightiest chord—         I had no power     To live one simple hour; His absence slew my soul as with a sword. Page 33 If ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Sārī Sangbad a rollickingly undevout Krishna-Radha Sangbad (Shuk says something in praise of his Krishna, Sarī contradicts with cogent arguments proving to the hilt that Krishna is not a patch on her Radha. My father varied on this) (mine is not so blasphemous after all!) thus: Krishna says, "My Radha, look at me !" Radha says, "Why do you trouble me needlessly—I have... have enough troubles of my own." Krishna says, "All the three worlds are illumined with my beauty." Radha says, "If only you were not so dark!—beauty would be overflowing." etc. Page 248 I halt in trepidation. The Lord has forgiven long enough my irreverence for His Supramental—I must be prudenter now, what? Yet I send you —on a dare-divine mood ...

... 493 Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material Nature the supreme Ananda. The coming of sex on seeing the image of Krishna and Radha is due to the... from above into the vital—the response of the vital is an extreme passion and exultation of Godward love and Ananda, the result of which is these vikāras . Chaitanya claimed this supremacy for the Radha experience because Ananda is higher than the experiences of the spiritual mind, Ananda being according to the Upanishads the supreme plane of experience. But this is a logical conclusion which cannot... for it would not be the human sex-attraction, but the soul, the psychic, hearing the call of the Divine and flowering into the complete love and surrender that brings the supreme Ananda. That is what Radha and Krishna by their divine union bring about in the human consciousness and it is so that you must regard it, throwing aside the old sex-associations. Love of Krishna and This Yoga What you were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... almost forgotten anklet bells come floating from afar. She becomes impatient — a restless mood. Then all of a sudden she hears the sound of the flute. Depression vanishes. The sound comes nearer and Radha experiences ecstasy. 3) Krishna appears. 4) Radha’s surrender at his feet. These are the four moods. Dilip composed wonderful dance-music for them. Its rich artistry of tune and striking variety... encouraging words to a novice were beyond imagination. She wrote: “Sahana, To complete what I told you yesterday about Radha’s dance I have noted down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna — ‘Every thought of my mind, each emotion of my heart, every movement of my being, every sensation, each cell of my body, each drop... whatever comes to me from you will lead me to Divine Rapture.’” What can I say about my inner feeling when I received from her this supreme boon! What did she reveal to me through this prayer of Radha, what tone of complete surrender did she make me hear? This was my constant thought. Her every word was aglow with the signature of heavenly love. What was she teaching me through this dance as a pretext ...

... of the universe." [ pp. 23-24 ] Is not the Personality referred to in this passage the Radha-Power, which is spoken of as Premamayi Radha, Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini Shakti? Yes—but the images of the Radha-Krishna lila are taken from the vital world and therefore it is only a minor manifestation of the Radha Shakti that is there depicted. That is why she is called Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini Shakti... Letters on the Mother The Radha-Power In the Chandi the names of the four Cosmic Powers of the Mother—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—are mentioned along with others, but the name Radha is not mentioned. This is a clear proof of the fact that when the Chandi was composed the Radha-Power was not manifested to the vision of the saints and that ...

... idea of a joyless God is an absurdity, which only the ignorance of the mind could engender. The Radha love is not based upon any such thing, but means simply that whatever comes on the way to the Divine, pain or joy, milana [union] or viraha [separation], and however long the sufferings may last, the Radha love is unshaken and keeps its faith and certitude pointing fixedly like a star to the supreme... finding. (1) the immobility of wonder and ecstasy at the first revelation, (2) the first adoration (prostration), (3) the offering—of flowers, ____________________ 1. Probably a letter about a "Radha-dance" which Sahana was preparing and which Dilip was to accompany. Mother encouraged and helped Sahana. Page 144 jewels, (4) the chant or expression of adoration, (5) the realisation... through the indication of these movements leading up to the close in that magnificent last stanza? January 1932 ( "Radha's Prayer," composed by Mother for Sahana. ) La pri è re de Radha à Krishna " Ô toi quej'ai, à premi è re vue, reconnu comme Ie Seigneur de mon ê tre, comme mon Dieu, accepte mon offrande! "À Toi toutes mes pens é es, toutes mes é motions, tous ...

... are done. Your attitude is good so everything is all right. I have been teaching some beautiful poems about Radha and Krishna. Radha seems to be so living. The scholars of the modern age say that Radha is a very recent addition to the Krishna cult. Can you tell me whether Radha existed or not? Surely she has lived and is still living. Love and blessings. 8 February 1966 Mother... within. I said that if one is sincere and wants to be a servant of the Lord, he can become one even without knowing the name of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, that Mother will respond to him in the form of Radha or the Virgin Mary or Hanuman. It all depends on sincerity and faith. We neither ask someone to perform the ceremony nor stop it. What do you say? Quite right. Love and blessings. 23 March... in us. I am not clear. When one lives in contact with the universal harmony, time passes without leaving any trace. Some of the best poets of Sanskrit and other Indian languages have sung of Radha and Krishna in such a way that it seems they speak of carnal desire and sexual cravings. There is something that says that it is not mere sex mania. Perhaps they could not get any other language to ...


... to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is the One of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks here, the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction; and the soul, the psychic personality, called here Radha, who responds to the call of the Flute-player. So I have been asked to say something this evening on the Radha-consciousness, that is, in... awakes, sometimes in the other person as well as in oneself. If in the other person there is the least possibility or just a tiny rift in his ill-will, the flame shines forth. Sweet Mother, about Radha, in all the Vaishnavite stories and in the accounts of many mystics, there are always tears and anguish: "She wept and the Divine did not come.... The Divine tormented her...." What does this mean?... union is experienced consciously, why do some mystics continue to have all kinds of emotions like ordinary people, and weep and lament? This is perhaps because the union is not constant. But Radha is sincere in her aspiration. If you ask me, I believe this is just literature, my children! Anyway, it is certainly in order to give you an artistic picture of human life as it is! Vaishnavism ...


... can have trust." That would be a great progress. ( Mother gives a flower called "Radha" ) Radha 1 is surrender . 2 So we can say, "The surrender to divine solicitude brings the victory." × In Indian mythology, Radha gave herself wholly to Sri Krishna. ...


... union. That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha is the name given to the soul, the psychic personality responding to the call of the Flute-player. Radha consciousness is essentially the way in which the individual ...

... That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna Page 134 is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha is the name given to the soul, the psychic personality responding to the call of the Fluteplayer. Radha consciousness is essentially the way in which ...

... n, 503; on Indian literature, 503ff; "a mass of absurdities" 504; Veda and Upanishads, 504ff; unparalleled legacy, 505; the Mahabharata & Ramayana, 505; Kalidas, 505; regional literatures, 50'6; Radha Krishna cult, 506; ancient Indian polity, 508; self-poised and balanced, 508; balance upset in later times, 508; organisation of Government, 508; close participation of all the "four orders", 508;... 484; free association preferable to compulsion, 484; external support less important than subjective readiness, 485; spiritual religion of humanity, 486; compared with the views of Tagore, Toynbee, Radha-krishnan,486,490 Ilion, 71,100,155,623,638ff;sources, 639; evocation of doom, 640 Penthesilea-Achilles motif, 64 1ff; role of the divinities, 642H; the women actors, 643; the intended ... 525; "His presence is enough", 397-8; collaboration on Arya and Revue, 3989,470; meditations on the European war, 400ff; on evolutionary process, 403; launching L'Idée Nouvelle, 405; Radha 's Prayer, 407; learning Sanskrit and Bengali, 407; departure for France, 407; illness at Lunel, 408; correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, 408ff; departure for Japan, 410; "India is free", 522; second ...

... not! 13 In yet another poem. Karma, a pretty conceit is quickened with emotion; since Krishna will not come to Radha, she will now leap into the ocean and die - Die and be born to life again As Nanda's son, the joy of Braja's girls, And I will make thee Radha then... Then I will love thee and then leave... Then shalt thou know the bitterness of love. 14 Page 73... brilliantly defined as follows the unique quality of this poetry: The desire of the soul for God is there [in Bengali Vaishnava poetry] thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted by his magical flute, abandoning human cares and duties for this one overpowering ...

... the Gopis for their Playmate. Bethinking himself of Radha, he went straight to her. He made no attempt to hide anything from her and spoke about the failure of his mission to gods. Radhika listened silently to his tale. Then she asked, "Is it absolutely certain, O Debarshi, that foot-dust will cure Govinda's headache?" "Yes, Radha, that is certain," Narada assured her. "But if you give... bhakti, the dedicated love which is unafraid of even perpetual hell for the sake of the Beloved. I have often wondered if this concept is not uniquely Indian. The idea is best embodied in the story of Radha, the Milk-Maid, and Krishna, the Cowherd. My story opens at a time when Sri Krishna was already an established leader of men. And like all Page 103 leaders he too was not spared ...

... of the universe" [ pp. 55-56 ]. Is not the Personality referred to in this passage the Radha-Power, which is spoken of as Premamayi Radha, Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini Shakti? Yes—but the images of the Radha-Krishna līlā are taken from the vital world and therefore it is only a minor manifestation of the Radha Shakti that is there depicted. That is why she is called Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini ...


... in Radha's experience? Radha is the personification of the supreme global and integral identification of the Divine with the human, or rather the transfusion of the Divine Person into the substance of the human person. Radha says, every drop of blood, every particle of flesh in her body cries out for every drop of blood, every particle of flesh of Krishna's body. Radha has made, as it were, a fossil... coalescence by fusion as of the sub-atomic particles (– the matrix, by the way, of the supreme incalculable energy). Because of this supreme union and identification, even down to the material body, Radha feels that her body is no longer her own but Krishna's and therefore utterly sacred. She cries out as the Vaishnava poet says: "O sister, when this body dies, do not burn it or throw it into the river ...

... my prostration, and whenever I recall it, I feel the presence of Radha and Krishna, and, sometimes, I feel as though they beckon to me to come to Their bosom where I could lay in an eternal repose like a child in its mother's lap. But presently when I saw the summit of the temple with the flag, I perceived in my mental image, not Radha and Krishna, but Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield, and the... the temple repeating continuously one refrain "Radhe Govinda, Radhe Govinda". Mira was twelve and I was nine at that time; on the previous day a saint had given a discourse on the divine love of Radha and exhorted us to repeat that mantra in order to open the doors of our heart to Radha's consciousness. Fortunately, our father and mother were away to Jamnagar, a neighbouring town, to attend a marriage... marriage ceremony, and the household was under the charge of my little mother, Mira. The one thing I learnt from that day-long repetition of the mantra was how to prostrate inwardly at the feet of Radha and Krishna. A mental image of these adorable divinities was formed and placed in the centre of my heart. Then I had perceived that starting from my head downwards my whole body stretched itself, limb ...

... Portray the superhuman miracle? For as he went on singing, we saw a halo Girdle his shining brow and all fell down Prostrate at his twin feet acclaiming him As an incarnation, in one human frame, Of Radha and Krishna in mystic union! KESHAV ( touching his sacred thread in rage ) O horrible blasphemer! You are doomed For ever: you shall be roasted in black hell On a frying pan in the stinking... through all that attend us, For something that, starting as a nameless ache, Grows even as a tree until its every rustle Dissolves in a dirge, a questioning: "Whither, Oh! whither Shall wend my Radha-heart to find her Krishna Who plays at hide and seek, I know not why!" ( He lowers Ms voice somewhat abashed) I came here not to be theatrical, Far less to read you a tedious sermon, sir! How... Page 51 ( He stifles a sigh ) And yet my all I must Stake for my All-in-all whose haunting Flutelet Calls to me in my wakefulness and dream: "Oh come to Me, my Radha-heart, delivered From thy last anchorage: put out to sea, The shoreless Deep accept, cutting away From thy dear moorings set thy bark adrift To founder, if it must, in My bourneless ...


... joyless God is an absurdity which only the ignorance of Page 13 the mind could engender; the Radha love is not based upon any such thing, but means simply that whatever comes on the way to the Divine, pain or joy, milana or viraha , and however long the sufferings may last, the Radha love is unshaken and keeps its faith and certitude pointing fixedly like a star to the supreme object of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... loved Krishna or sakar bhagavan _______________________ 4 Sri Aurobindo’s translation: “O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak, Since mortal words are weak? In life, in death, in being and in breath, no other lord but thee can Radha seek.” 5 Sri Aurobindo’s translation: “If one brief moment steal thee from mine eyes, my heart within me dies.” Page ...

... The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces Words of the Mother - III Krishna and Radha Krishna represents both the universal Godhead and the immanent Godhead, he whom one can meet within one's being and in all that constitutes the manifested world. And do you want to know why he is always represented as a child? It is because he is in constant progression... makes you progress. Krishna's play in the physical: the rule of the Avatar upon earth, that is to say, the realisation of the new divine world. Page 14 Can you tell me whether Radha actually existed? Volumes are being written to prove that she did not. Surely she has lived and is still living. Radha's consciousness symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine. ...


... what Divine Incarnations was she in the past? When we think of Sita, Rama's wife, or of Radha, the chief feminine figure in Krishna's Godlike play, lila, on earth, we do not bring in the designation "Avatar". They are the closest to it and yet there is a line of demarcation. If the Mother was Sita or Radha, she could not be said to have made an unambiguous Avataric appearance in history. Far ...


... assumes its most complete and artistic shape in Bengal and becomes there a long continued tradition. The desire of the soul for God is there thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted by his magical flute, abandoning human cares and duties for this one overpowering... has been a strong development of devotional religion, it has nowhere been used with so much power and sincerity as in the work of the Indian poets. Page 155 Krishna and Radha, by Ukil Sarada (Bengali School) ...


... story in the present connection. I had just come to Calcutta and joined the First Year. Atul Gupta took me to a meeting of the Dawn Society. Benoy Sarkar was there, Radha Kumud Mukherji too was there, I think – not his younger brother Radha Kamal who became one of my class-fellows in the Third Year after he had passed the F .A. examination from Berhampore. Here is a sketch of one of the Society's meetings ...

... story in the present connection. I had just come to Calcutta and joined the First Year. Atul Gupta took me to a meeting of the Dawn Society. Benoy Sarkar was there, Radha Kumud Mukerji too was there, I think—not his younger brother Radha Kamal who became one of my class-fellows in the Third Year after he had passed the F.A. examination from Berhampore. Here is a sketch of one of the Society's meetings ...


... if it was their very purpose to conceal the real meaning. When the Vaishnava poet says, 0 love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak, Since mortal words are weak ? In life, in death, In being and in breath No other lord but thee can Radha seek. 1 there is nothing in the matter or manner which can indicate, to the uninitiated, any reference to the Spirit or the ...

... as if it was their very purpose to conceal the real meaning. When the Vaishnava poet says, O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak, Since mortal words are weak? In life, in death, In being and in breath No other lord but thee can Radha seek.! there is nothing in the matter or manner which can indicate, to the uninitiated, any reference to the Spirit or the Divine ...

... Tulsidas, and the proliferation of the Bhakti poetry including that of Nanak and the other Sikh Gurus. Of the poetry of the Radha-Krishna cult, Sri Aurobindo writes: The desire of the soul for God is there thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted ...

... example of psychic poetry which "seems to sing earthly beauty, but intends to suggest another beauty that abolishes the first." 7 The same thing could be said about the Vaishnava poets. Chandidasa makes Radha speak about her night of love with Krishna thus:   ekatanu haiya mora rajani gonai/  sukhera sagare dubi abadhi napai//  rajani prabhata haile katara hiyay/ deha chaRi jena... there is a voice that speaks from inside ( que habla de dentro ). Psychic poetry is that voice and poets who have ears to hear try to grasp it as perfectly as possible. As in the Vaishnava mysticism Radha, the woman in love, represents the human soul, so also for John of the Cross, the Bride ( Esposa ) is the human soul yearning for the love of the divine Lover ( Esposo ). In the dialogue between the ...


... Discovery of the last Reality. Whose other name is Divine Love. And when This is borne home to our Radha-soul, she sings: "Austerities, virtues, learning, genius, pomp, Scholarship, prudence — these move not the heart Of the world's Unique Beloved, the Evergreen Swain for whom the eternal Radha-bride In the soul of every one of us lives. And He can be only won through simple ...


... indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g., faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or else of other superhuman beings; there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge, experiences... blue of Krishna's light—lavender blue of devotion, deep blue of the physical mind, sapphire blue of the higher mind and many others. All blue is not Krishna's light. Blue is also the Radha colour. Violet Light The violet is the light of the Divine grace and compassion. "Violet" is the colour of benevolence or compassion, but also more vividly of the Divine Grace—represented ...


... into English. The Mother wrote this prayer for a disciple who was preparing to perform a dance about Radha. In a letter to the disciple the Mother wrote: To complete what I told you yesterday about Radha's dance I have noted this down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna:   "Every thought of my mind ...

... Blake fire is creative, destroyer of darkness and evil, Christ the Judge in his 'Chariot of Fire'. Little did I imagine that I would finally read Blake's Tyger in Tiger-land. - Just back from the Radha Soami Ashram in N. Punjab (where on Sunday there were nearly 500,000 -half a million - people present, in a sort of peaceful kingdom of the Golden Age, of which their Master is like a King of the Golden... only generous: it is also authoritative and enlightening. I deeply appreciate the spirit in which you write about your letter: "A pity you can't add this to your appendix!" I have read about the Radha Soami Ashram. It was Paul * Cotton. Page 272 Brunton's Search in Secret India which first introduced me to it. Its original creator was still alive at the time, a remarkable ...

... The Aim of Life Radha and Krishna, by M.A.R. Chughtai, courtesy N.G.M.A, New Delhi Ecstasy of Divine Love Introduction If we study the lives of God-lovers, we find that love for God comes to them in many ways. It may come as an awakening to the beauty of the Lover, by the sight of an ideal face and image of Him, by his mysterious hints... and him alone. I must therefore stop teaching from today onwards. You are free to go and take your lessons anywhere you like." And so saying, he closed the book and burst Page 213 Radha and Krishna, by Chughtai, N.G.M.A,New Delhi Page 214 into tears. The pupils also closed their books, saying, "No more education for us, Master. Only bless us that we may remember life after ...


... . The other extracts are from the translation by V.M. Bedekar and G.B. Palsule. For a detailed exposition of ancient Indian education, the reader is referred to Ancient Indian Education by Radha Kumud Mukherjee. Page 60 The sage Sukadeva addressing king Parikshit — Kishangarh miniature painting Bibliography Altekar,A.S. Education in Ancient India. Varanasi: Nand... Upanishads, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, volume 12. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971. Mitra, Veda. Education in Ancient India. New Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1964. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Saraswati, Swami Dayananda. Satyartha Prakash. Translated by Durga Prasad. New Delhi: Jan Gyan Prakahan, 1970. Page ...

... but clearly articulated note of music that trembles in the air for but a brief moment before it gets merged in the body of a raga. One sees it as Krishna massages the feet of Radha with the tenderest rose flower and as Radha puts out her hand to stop him, for its touch she says is too coarse for the soles of her feet. One sees it again in the poet bending down to hear the cataka, that delicate whisper ...


... Krishna's exile to Brindavan? That episode of Sri Krishna's life gave birth to the Path of Divine Love. That Path has stirred millions to seek in their hearts, the unutterable love of the gopis and of Radha, and to strive to hear the flute of Sri Krishna, to allow its music and its divine call to drench their hearts and limbs with the nectar that flows from the Ocean of Delight, that had incarnated on... readers to turn to that Celestial Song, which is known as the Bhagavadgita, and which is accessible to all who care to enter into the heart of the Message of Sri Krishna. Page 149 Radha hiding Krishna ' s flute HOME ...


... all right and if you can have things you need I shall be glad for it. My love and blessings are and will always be with you. My mother had sent all my things, including the marble idol of Radha which I used to worship. Also lots of books: Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, some sanskrit books, Gandhi, Tagore, Saratchandra Chatterji, Kakasaheb Kalelkar, K.M. Munshi, the poets Kalapi, Meghani and other... Except for these, I gave all the rest, some of them rare and valuable, to the Sri Aurobindo Library. I offered to the Mother certain things that were too beautiful for me, along with the image of Radha. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Aurobindo came in my dream and told me that I would be there within fifteen days and it happened so. Mother, I was worshipping Radha and Lord Krishna from my childhood and called them my Mother and Father. When I came here and had your Darshan I felt that I had a real Darshan of Radha and Lord Krishna. Afterwards I realized that Lord Krishna had brought me here and taken me under his protection. I call you ...


... accepted as the Guide, He is accepted as the Guru.         I must increase my knowledge about the Mother so that I may be able to understand Her more and more. What is the meaning of "Radha"?       Radha is Divine Love and Ananda (the word means adoration and also delight).         You often speak of "the Mother's Force". What is it?       The Mother's force is the manifestation ...

... personal frame as it were. Vaishnavism gave it a personal frame and a human form. Radha and Krishna are not figures of an allegory but concrete realities. Vrindavan is not merely the land of heart's desire, a garden of paradise but real habitation in a real and concrete consciousness and life. The human frame assumed by Radha and Krishna is not merely an assumption, an illusion but an eternal reality in ...

... personal frame as it were. Vaishnavism gave it a personal frame and a human form. Radha and Krishna are not figures of an allegory but concrete realities. Vrindavan is not merely the land of heart's desire, a garden of paradise but real habitation in a real and concrete consciousness and life. The human frame assumed by Radha and Krishna is not merely an assumption, an illusion but an etersal Page ...

... immortality. Matchless is the description of the glory of the human body of God found in the Vaishnava cult of Bengal. Goloka, the abode of the eternal sport of Radha and Krishna, which is far above the world of Brahma, is the supreme truth. And Radha and Krishna are meaningless without their human forms – rather all secrets of the dual personalities consist in the human form. The human form is not just ...

... purpose: A slave of ignorance, of sattva (Light) mixed with tamas Or else even in this violent act you could recognise your dearest friend, Recognise Krishna. You .understand Radha, Him you did not understand. Whenever he sees the Earth besieged by the Asura, He always comes down shaking the unshakeable; He turns round his spear and hurls it head foremost into the... fount of kindness Page 188 And the cruel slayer Kalki are one and the same Incarna­tion? Kanu withdraws the violent Kalki-mood within his bosom And kneels down at the feet of Radha. The plenitude of kindness is kept imprisoned within the Mother's heart,― Demoness, Titaness, Ogress - all their brood run riot in wild strife. This Buddhist cult was created in illusion and ...

... Sita in the forest, or killed (unjustly, as the Puritan would say) Vali, brother of the ape-king Sugriva, 165 or Sri Krishna's divine character, because he made love (so it appeared outwardly) to Radha and any number of Gopis, and induced Yudhishthira to tell a camouflaged lie. 166 The mind of man should either declare that there is nothing superrational or transcendental in spirituality, which is... and marks an age. Sometimes She is Love, sometimes She is Knowledge, sometimes She is Renunciation, sometimes She is Pity. This Infinite Energy is Bhavani, She also is Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Lakshmi, She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. "Bhavani is Shakti. "In the present age the Mother is manifested as the Mother of Strength. She is pure Shakti ...

... ss, the undulating cadences of her voice were carried to the still depths of the soul, and there was a movement towards the desired psychic change. On 18 July, for example, the discussion turns on Radha-consciousness or "the way in which the individual soul answers the call of the Divine", and after a brief silence the Mother says: This consciousness has the capacity of changing everything into... worst dangers to his life devised by his demon-father, Hiranyakashipu, became only divine benefactions. If, then, one could face any danger whatsoever or any enemy or phenomenon of ill-will with this Radha-consciousness or Prahlad-consciousness of the Divine omnipresence, the danger would cease, the enemy would be immobilised or converted, and the ill-will would evaporate. On 15 August, again, a question ...


... strength and help from us, contributing by her own faith to a speedy recovery. These ideas that they do not see the Mother, are outside the atmosphere, at a distance, are 1. The idea of this "Radha dance" was given by the Mother. 2. This was the answer to my aunt Urmila Devi's visit here. She was a great patriot and went to jail also. Urmila Devi was a sister of C.R. Das. Page 3 ... e. What I wrote was as much in praise of him as of your singing and it was to express that that I did not confine myself to your question about the chorus but spoke of the whole concert and of the Radha song and its music. His first letter seems to indicate that it was my not writing to him that upset him — so you are not in any way to blame. I do not think X wrote much about you apart from this ...

... o's, there was mention about the Mother's speaking of the steps of the dance of" Radha". Here, about the same dance the Mother herself gave me the instruction in writing. Sahana, to complete what I told you yesterday about Radha's dance I have noted this down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna: 'Every ...

... Even now when I shut my eyes, his gracious, tranquil, luminous face swims up into my vision." One of our great historians, Dr. Radha Kumud Mukhopadhyay (1881-1963), was Professor of History at the College. "I happened perhaps to be one of the very few," said Dr . Radha Kumud, "who had the rare good fortune of corning into direct touch with Sri Aurobindo as a youth in the full bloom of his life ...

... uniting with the Divine Love which is eternal and universal. 6 April 1970 Page 338 × Sri Krishna loved Radha best among the gopis , but he loved Chandrabali and the other gopis also. ...


... body at this moment. 3 June 1960 × The village where Sri Krishna spent his childhood, and where he danced with Radha and the other Gopis . ...


... spring-board towards the future, not a chain preventing from advancing. As I said, all depends on the attitude towards the past. Some of the best poets and saints have written about the love of Radha and Krishna as if it were carnal love. I always considered it as an incapacity of finding the true words and the correct language. Page 147 Stop reading all this nonsense. The occultism ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... so helpful. For the psychic has the happy confidence, the ready understanding and response, the spontaneous surrender; it knows that the touch of the Guru is meant to help and not to hurt, or, like Radha in the poem, that whatever the Beloved does is meant to lead to the Divine Rapture. 5) At the same time, it is not from the negative part of the Page 386 movement that you have to judge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda. Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love. The flute is the call of the Divine Love; the peacock is victory. The green circular disc you saw round Venus must indeed have been the aura of Venus which is ...


... her anger, and now resuming his rightful rôle of lord & master, yea, turning away from her at will to a fairer & more wonderful face; and now Krishna wears the blue dress & shining jewels, and now Radha the yellow cloth & fragrant garlands of the green wood and the brilliant feather of the peacock; for He Page 165 is She, and She is He; they are only playing at difference, for in real truth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... one remains so when the man in one has undergone a new birth. Perhaps my point will be illuminated from another angle if I quote to you a part of a letter of Sri Aurobindo's to Dilip Kumar Roy when Radha-krishnan wanted a philosophical article for a compilation: "Let me tell you in confidence that I never, never, never was a philosopher - although I have written philosophy which is another story ...

... Mother gave a new name shortly afterwards: "Lalita." Sri Aurobindo explained it: "Beauty of refinement and harmony — this is the idea underlying this word. It is a name also of one of the companions of Radha." I too got a new name but it took Sri Aurobindo long to strike on it. The complexity of my nature may have caused the delay. At last it came: "Amal Kiran", with the meaning "The Clear Ray." All that ...


... प्रेमाकुलामेव नमामि राधे ॥८७॥ Thou indeed art Kali and utterly ruthless thou art; thou art Annapurna, the merciful and gracious. I bow to thee as the Violent One, O ender of the worlds; I bow to thee, O Radha, in thy ecstasy of love. अनन्तशक्त्यृद्धिमशेषमूर्तिं को वक्ष्यतीमां तव सर्वशक्ते। तेजस्त्वमेतद्वलिनां बलञ्च त्वं कोमलानामपि कोमलासि ॥८८॥ Who can support in himself thy plenitude of infinite Power ...


... know, it is a good image of his World-Lila. He is sarva , everyone, each Purusha with his apparently different Prakriti and action is he, and yet at the same time he is the Purushottama who is with Radha, the Para Prakriti, and can withdraw all these into himself when he wills and put them out again when he wills. From one point of view they are one with him, from another one yet different, from yet ...


... sizes carved from ivory. Some are so miniscule that a magnifying glass is needed to identify the shapes. Jeweled Puja and ceremonial objects of worship — Vishnu on Garuda, chariots in ivory, Ganesh, Radha and Krishna in soapstone and other deities in wood and brass. Mother’s baskets, chappals (Japanese), silver articles, geodes, stones and shells. There is a handsome teakwood sideboard, a Buddhist cabinet ...


... indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g. faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or other superhuman beings, there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge, experiences, growing ...


... beauty, all-pervasive?— "All music is only the sound of His laughter' All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss'' Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss." Unfortunately, however, those who have not been accorded even a fugitive glimpse of what a Rishi has envisioned are apt to dub him a visionary, a dreamer ...


... known disciples. K.D. Sethna and his wife Daulat, both Parsis, joined the Ashram in 1927, when Sethna was twenty-three years old. Sri Aurobindo would name her Lalita, after one of the companions of Radha, and him Amal Kiran, meaning ‘The Clear Ray.’ (As most of his writings are published under the name K.D. Sethna, we will continue to use this name.) Sethna was ‘a brilliant philosophy graduate’ with ...

... home—the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I also had a glimpse of Dakshineshwar, on the other side of the Ganges. Here Ramakrishna lived, meditated, did tapasya and realised the Supreme Goddess. Temples of Kali, Radha and Krishna form part of the complex. There is a big banyan tree known as Panchvati, referring to Sri Ramakrishna's five-fold sadhana which culminated in the realisation of the harmony of all religions ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... the Mother - III Prayers To complete what I told you yesterday about Radha's dance I have noted this down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna: "Every thought of my mind, every emotion of my heart, every movement of my being, every feeling and every sensation, each cell ...


... life-sympathy - and, if the sheer emotional-sentimental is let loose, a colourful degradation takes place, either an excessive weeping and wailing in loneliness or else an all-too-human indulgence in a Radha-Krishna erotic gambit which has cast a blot on the history of Vaishnavism. The wonderful expressions of bhakti to which you refer embody a balance of the two aspects - and the embodiment is done in ...


... also dramatic and even romantic. Not only poetry but every art perhaps. Then the statue of the Buddha carved in a rocky mountain loses itself and becomes some infinity of calm, as does the marble Radha-Krishna in the Brindavan of Bliss. Monet's painting of his dead wife still in the bed also greatly belongs to this superior class. But the niṣkāmabhāva of Vyasa is altogether of a different ...

... Brahma's vast creating clasp. The World-Puissance on almighty Shiva's lap, — The Master and the Mother of all lives Watching the worlds their twin regard had made, And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss, And Adorer and Adored self-lost and one. 51 Savitri then moved into the last and inmost chamber of the rock-temple. There, she saw seated on a golden height ...

... she might ensure the fulfilment of the Supreme Endeavour, the Supramentalisation of earth's nature. She was destined, in this earth-drama of evolution, to play the role of Prakriti to her Purusha, Radha to her Krishna and Savitri to her Satyavan. She is the Mediator between the light and the human consciousness bringing her Force to the disciples who could bear its Light and Power.     1 ...


... Vedic literature, 166, 186, 212, 234, 245-6, 254, 299, 302, 306, 311, 370, 377 Vedics, see Aryans, Rigvedic/Vedic; Rigvedics/V edics Vendīdād, 270, 284, 286 Venkatarama, Radha: "The Sunken Treasures of Dwaraka", 200 fn. Videvdat, 270, 271, 321 Vindhyas, 250, 279 visah, 334 Visanins, 355 Visnu/Vishnu, 337, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400 ...


... Faith and Love"; 3) "Sri Aurobindo, Minstrel of Harmony and Immortality"; 4) "Sri Aurobindo, Minstrel of Vision and Intuition." 1979 On 1st October he had a vision of Maa Radha Rani at Bombay. He became unwell from 11 November. On 23 November he wrote his last poem Antim Prarthana in his own hand. One day he wrote in his diary, "Namah Sri Aurobindaya— Sarvadevoh mayah guru ...

... success in these things has become a chose acquise [acquired thing]. I told Sahana because she asked the question and in doing so I indicated that the whole concert had been a success—and I praised the Radha song specially because it was the best, not only because of her singing but the song and music were so admirably beautiful—a compliment which was meant as well for you as for her. In fact the whole ...

... Non Locality in the Nature of Consciousness: Implications in Neuroscience and Evolution, Consciousness Series, V, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, 2002. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud, Ancient Indian Education, London, Macmillan, 1951. Murphy, J.P, Pragmatism: From Peirce to Davidson, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1990. Murty, Sachidananda K, Revelation & Reason ...

... 1972. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism. New York: Verry, 1964. David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Its Methods. London: B.I. Publications, 1977. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Niirada, Thera. trans. The Dhammapada. London: John Murray, 1972. Davids, Rhys. Buddhism. Delhi: Indological Book House, 1973. Page ...

... Sri Aurobindo. Essays on the Gita. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, vol. 13. Pondicherry, 1971. Lai, P. The Mahabharata of Vyasa. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Rajagopalachari, C. Mahabharata. New Delhi; The Hindustan Times, 1950. Roy, Biren. The Mahabharata. The Indian Airman [Calcutta] 1958 ...

... to plunge into this sweetness and intensity by reading these poems. We have included here some extracts, which describe some of Sri Chaitanya's and Sri Ramakrishna's experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha, which bring to us the living and continuing reality of Sri Krishna's consciousness. The poems of Surdas have been taken from J.S. Hawley's translations, of Nan-dadas from the translations by R.S. McGregor ...


... order of reality:         A sealed identity within her woke;       She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme:... 298   She is Mother, Brahma's word, Shiva's spouse, Krishna's Radha; and, indeed, she is the Adorer and Adored self-lost and one". Savitri now comes to the last chamber where she espies the formless fount of her "straying force", and passing beyond it through a tunnel ...


... the Avatar descends with His family repeatedly age after age pushing forward the Earth's march towards its divine goal. Krishna is always conceived as a boy, quite a young boy. Krishna and Radha typify the love of a young boy and a young girl. The conception is to take love at its first flowering, at its earliest and purest expression. Later on with age and youth advancing, it becomes passion ...

... difficulty—the impossibility of expressing through the mind truths beyond the mind. We land into the weird and confused worlds of myths and mythologies, —myths and mythologies for example about popular Radha and Krishna, and Kali or Shiva. We are compelled to reduce to our human measures, to accentuate our human failings in order to present graphically to us the inexpressible intensities or extensions of ...

... Panchatantra, 77 Panis, 272 Paraclete, 23 Parasurama, 148 Parvati, 152, 154 Pondicherry , 11n., 12 Pulastya, 149   RADHA, 307 Ramakrishna, 106 Ramprasad, 159-61 Raoutu,283 Ravana, 148 Reminiscences, 11 Richard, King, 59 Roy, Dilip, 189 Rudras ...

... femmes chastes," dit Ie poète, "perdent volontiers leur                          chasteté, elles mettent en vent leur belle                         jeunesse."! L' amour de Radha.. un poème   bengal du XV siècle   II   Je suis femme, mon coeur est l'innocence; je ne connais                         ni Ie bien ni Ie mal ...

... The calamities of nature cannot be evaded, they have to be bravely faced. One has to march through the stormy and tenebrous night to reach the Light and Peace beyond – the supernatural – as did Sri Radha to meet Sri Krishna. Beauty can bloom only in and through courage. It is this courage that inspires us to achieve something noble. Calamities should be turned into opportunities. We have to bear ...

... plenitude, great grandeur – are found in Bengal. Bengalis, the worshippers of Nature, do not pray to the gods to the same extent that they pray to the female deities. Consequently, the influence of Sri Radha, the Page 217 Delight-Power of God, dominates the heart of Bengal more. And that is why we see Siva lying down at the Feet of Sivani, his own Power when he acts in the form of Rudra ...

... The question raised was : "Should the mahapurusa call himself God ?" The difference between Rukmini's and Radha's surrender was also discussed. Rukmini laid down conditions in her surrender while Radha surrendered unconditionally. Disciple : I now remember how Girish Chandra Ghosh some days before his death, said that though Ramakrishna had asked him to leave the burden of his Sadhana to him ...

... marks on your body. Ramakrishna himself seems to have said that when he was doing Hanuman Sadhana, he grew a little tail. Disciple : He also said that when he was living in sakhi-bhāva , the Radha attitude, he developed feminine characteristics on his body Disciple :  But it is also said that you had the power of raising the body from the ground ! Sri Aurobindo : Who told you ? ...

... 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 Sankhya, 182, 186, 279 Sarama, 330 Saraswati, 189 Sati, 184 Satyavan, 242-6 Savitri ...

... stars He is caught.... Alt music is only the sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss.... In the sweep of the worlds, in the surge of the ages, Ineffable, mighty, majestic and pure, Beyond the last pinnacle seized by the thinker ...

... face, the face of her "Krishna"! 16 Here, then, was her journey's end at last, the terminus of her quest for certainty; here was the Lord of her being and her God; here was Krishna, the refuge of Radha and the friend and charioteer of Arjuna. Beyond all thinkings and imaginings, all arguments and affirmations, Sri Aurobindo's mere glance seemed to comprehend all the planes and all the beings of the ...


... production. I heard that Anukul Thakur also has started work on the same idea. Disciple : Does he not belong to Dayal Bag? Sri Aurobindo : No. He may belong to what they call, the Radha Swami School. But he does not belong to Dayal Bag. Disciple : But to start such a Sangha one must have spiritual realization and may take a long time to start. Sri Aurobindo : Not n ...

... pet-als of a full blown Lotus, Who resides under the Ocean, Whose feet rest on the head of Ananta, the King of the serpents, Who is full of love, Who is Blissful in the embrace of the loving body of Radha, please manifest Thyself within my sight O the Lord of the universe! Srijagannathastotram 7, 6 सदा शिवानां परिभूषणायै सदाऽशिवानां परिभूषणाय । शिवान्वितायै च शिवान्विताय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ...

... 38 The Confounded British Government "And the second fact is," wrote Sri Aurobindo to Dilip on 2 October 1934, giving his reasons for declining a request from Dr. Radha krishna for a philosophical contribution. "And the second fact is that I do not care a button about having my name in any blessed place. I was never ardent about fame even in my political days; I preferred ...

... Pal, Page 323 P. Mitter, Surendranath Banerji, Gaganendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Chittaranjan Das, Aravindo Ghose, Satish Chandra Mukherji, A. Rasul, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Radha Kumud Mukherji, etc. And Dr. Nilratan Sarkar, that enemy of death. Add a galaxy of eminent personalities of the then Bengal. For his part, Sri Aurobindo who was never really interested ...

... with His joy and His beauty again. All music is only the sound of His laughter,     All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal     Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. He is strength that is loud in the blare of the trumpets,     And He rides in the car and He strikes in the spears; He slays without stint and is full of c ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... strong desire     And into Ocean leaping die: So shall my heart be cooled of all its fire.     Die and be born to life again As Nanda's son, the joy of Braja's girls,     And I will make thee Radha then, A laughing child's face set with lovely curls. Page 209     Then I will love thee and then leave; Under the codome's boughs when thou goest by     Bound to the water morn or eve ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... O lady Venus, shine on me 188 O letter dull and cold, how can she read 178 O Life, thy breath is but a cry to the Light 651 O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak 32 O pale and guiding light, now star unsphered 17 O pall of black Night painted with still gold stars 649 O plaintive, murmuring reed, begin thy strain 26 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... creates and marks an age. Sometimes She is Love, sometimes She is Knowledge, sometimes She is Renunciation, sometimes She is Pity. This Infinite Energy is Bhawani. She also is Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Lakshmi. She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. BHAWANI IS SHAKTI. In the present age, the Mother is manifested as the mother of Strength. She is pure Shakti. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... our inward life. How then can we live Swaraj? By abandonment of the idea of self and its replacement by the idea of the nation. As Chaitanya ceased to be Nimai Pandit and became Krishna, became Radha, became Balaram, so every one of us must cease to cherish his separate life and live in the nation. The hope of national regeneration must absorb our minds as the idea of salvation absorbs the minds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... assumes its most complete and artistic shape in Bengal and becomes there a long continued tradition. The desire of the soul for God is there thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted by his magical flute, abandoning human cares and duties for this one overpowering ...


... suggestion of the love of the human soul for God, but to the profane is nothing but a sensuous and passionate love poetry hung conventionally round the traditional human-divine personalities of Krishna and Radha. The two methods may meet together, the fixed system of outward images be used as the body of the poetry, while freedom is often taken to pass their first limits, to treat them only as initial suggestions ...


... return visit to “Fenêtres” on Rue St. Gilles in Pondicherry, home of the Pinto family, found me again being greeted at the door by the furry likes of “Starry”, “Jackie-Boy”, “Cutie”, “Tina”, “Brownie”, “Radha” and others of Gauri Pinto’s numerous cats and dogs that she nurtures back to health so assiduously after rescuing them from the streets of Pondicherry. Our initial conversation centered around the ...


... Meenakshi Kalyanam, Sita Kalyanam, or Andal Kalyanam. Significantly it is only the name of the goddess which is used to indicate the divine marriage. Even the lay man will speak of Rukmini Kalyanam or Radha Kalyanam but never a Krishna Kalyanam! Sri Aurobindo draws in for his Yoga this wonderful concept of a divine marriage, again without any of the rituals. Savitri and Satyavan have met in a ...

... but also dramatic and even romantic. Not only poetry but every art perhaps. Then the statue of the Buddha carved in a rocky mountain loses itself and becomes some infinity of calm, as does the marble Radha-Krishna in the Brindavan of Bliss. Monet's painting of his dead wife still in the bed also greatly belongs to this superior class. Page 123 But the niskāmabhāva of Vyasa is altogether ...


... (Delicate) Ramakrishna Jain's daughter 20.11.60 The Mother [ST] Lalita (Beauty of refinement and harmony. This is the idea underlying the word. It is also the name of one of the companions of Radha.) [ST] Napta (Grandchild or protector) Mamata's grandchild 1.11.60 The Mother [ST] Navajāta (The new born) 12.9.54 The Mother [ST] Nirata (Dévouement sincère) 4.6.51-4.6 ...


... nature of faith and the limits of its field (why it does not include B.G's miracles, etc.) and other central matters. August 31, 1934 (Dilip received a letter from Dr. Sarvepalli Radha- Krishnan of Andhra University asking Sri Aurobindo to write a statement for a book on "Contemporary British Philosophy.") "My dear Dilip Kumar Roy, "I am sending the enclosed to Sri Aurobindo ...

... Tilak, B.G., The Arctic Home in the Vedas (Tilak Bros., Poona, 1925) [reference by Sri Aurobindo]. Vats, M.S., Excavations at Harappā (Delhi, 1941). Venkataraman, Radha, "The Sunken Treasures of Dwaraka", in Indian Express Magazine (Jan. 19, 1986). Venkateswara, S.K., "Proto-Indian Culture", in The Cultural Heritage of India Vol. III, old ed. (Ramakrishna Mission ...


... might have served as the peripheral boundary walls of the submerged town. The wares found in 1, The Indian Express, Magazine, January 19, 1986, p. 4, "The Sunken Treasures of Dwaraka" by Radha Venkataraman. Page 200 stratified deposits were also found to belong to the 14th century B.C. ... "A study of sediment and pinnacles now under the sea shows that earlier the ...


... 'tis with mouth of clay I supplicate: Speak to me heart to heart words intimate, And all Thy formless glory turn to love And mould Thy love into a human face. If Radha saw divine Love moulded in Krishna's face, why not Amal Kiran who saw it moulded in Sri Aurobindo's ? Anyway, here is Sri Aurobindo's own comment on the poem: "A very beautiful poem, ...


... is another form of this realisation in which the Jiva disappears into and becomes one with the Shakti and there is then only the play of the Shakti with the Ishwara, Mahadeva and Kali, Krishna and Radha, the Deva and the Devi. This is the intensest possible form of the Jiva's realisation of himself as a manifestation of Nature, a power of the being of the Divine, parā prakṛtir jīva-bhūtā . A third ...


... love or bhakti in contact with the mental being. In some cases it may be the figure of a formation of the mental being itself. The flowers, diamonds and gems etc. would seem to indicate contact with Radha, Mahalakshmi and Mahakali influences. The vision of writing is also frequent on the mental plane—it is known by us as the lipi , and if it organises itself so as to be legible and intelligible, it ...


... and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, Truth-consciousness and Ananda of the Supramental Divine. * Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration ...


... more happiness than a pure and disinterested love. The true divine love is above all quarrels. It is the experience of perfect union in an invariable joy and peace. Page 172 Radha is the symbol of loving consecration to the Divine. Keep always your balance and a calm serenity; it is only thus that one can attain the true Union. It is in your soul that the calmness ...


... Mallika Sarabhai, Draupadi, who was extremely beautiful, and she at least had to be Indian. Krishna - Bruce Myers - is English and acted very finely. A middle-aged Krishna, not at all the lover of Radha, but severe, as befits the part of the charioteer of the great Battle. 1 don't know how an Indian audience will take Peter Brook's conception of that battle as universal but he makes his point that ...

... joy and His beauty again. All music is only the sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. Page 30 He is strength that is loud in the blare of the trumpets, And He rides in the car and He strikes in the spears; He slays without ...


... Aurobindo Page 12 All music is only the sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. — Sri Aurobindo Page 13 Sri Krishna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful. — Sri Aurobindo Page 14 The name of That is ...


... nearer to the Mother of incredible Love and Sweetness. Yet the joy unshared is an incomplete joy for a noble soul, Like a violin concerto without an orchestra to accompany its exultation. Radha feels shy to have Krishna all for her own. She persuades her companions to fall in love with her beloved Lord. A great soul does not enjoy his solitary liberation, Cannot remain u ...

... strong desire And into Ocean leaping die: So shall my heart be cooled of all its fire. Die and be born to life again As Nanda's son, the joy of Braja's girls, And I will make thee Radha then, A laughing child's face set with lovely curls. Then I will love thee and then leave; Under the Codome's boughs when thou goest by Bound to the water morn or eve, Lean on that ...

... works, Dipti Publishers, 1971, Pondicherry, 13 Vols. Kunhan Raja, C., The Vedas: A Cultural Study. Majumdar, R.C., The Vedic Age, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1951, Bombay. Mookerji, Radha Kumud, Ancient Indian Education, Motilal Banarasidass, 1989, Delhi . Mother, The, Mother's Agenda, Mira Aditi Centre, 1951-1973, Mysore, 13 Vols. Radhakrishnan, S., Indian Philosophy, ...


... University, 1957. Mira, Veda Education in Ancient India, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi, 1964. Mother, The, Mother's Agenda, (Vol.2) Institut de Reserches Evolutives, Paris. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud, Ancient Indian Education, London, Macmillan, 1951. Radhakrishnan, S., Indian Philosophy (2 Vols.) George Alien & Unwin, London. —— Principal Upanishads, George Alien & Unwin, ...


... There was, once, a sankirtan patha in some holy place, a temple or some similar place. You know what sankirtan is - kirtan, bhajan, devotional songs woven around the figures of Sri Krishna and Radha and other gopis, 127 etc., 123Bhima was one of the five Pandava brothers in the epic Mahabharata. He was a brave warrior and physically a very strong man. Here Nirod-da is comparing Pranab ...


... if we extend the limits of India to Ghazni on the north-west and fix the other two points of the triangle at Cape Comorin and Sadiya in Assam." (Mookerji pp. 62-63)from Fundamental Unity of India by Radha Kumud Mookerji We thus see that the first element of Indian nationhood is drawn from its unique geography. India is one of the few countries that can be located on a physical map of the world ...

... properties and actions; at the very outset, the knower gets unified with the object to be known, his consciousness infuses itself into its being; in a sense, he becomes the object itself, just as Sri Radha felt that through constant remembrance of Sri Krishna she had become Sri Krishna himself. In this state the truth, the mystery, the properties and functions of the object transmit themselves to the ...

... difficulty – the impossibility of expressing through the mind truths beyond the mind. We land into the weird and confused worlds of myths and mythologies, – myths and mythologies for example about popular Radha and Krishna, and Kali or Shiva. We are compelled to reduce to our human measures, to accentuate our human failings in order to present graphically to us the inexpressible intensities or extensions of ...

... spirit, and thus formed a basis for real poetic utterance. The joy we derive from the songs of Vidyapati and Chandidas can be called the real poetic pleasure. For example, Hearken, O Madhava, Radha is at large. (Vidyapati) or, I shall store up my Beloved in my soul. To none shall I disclose The perfect union of two hearts. ( Chandidas) It is said that Valmiki ...

... and leading in the city, including Rabindranath Tagore, Hiren Datta, Sir Gooroodas Banerji, Bepin Chandra Pal etc., were among the patrons and supporters of the college, and Benoy Kumar Sarkar and Radha Kumud Mookherji among its young professors. But the new movement for education lacked the basis of an inspired vision, a knowledge of the essential spirit of Indian culture, and the true ideal of ...

... the glorious consummation of human existence, the very meaning and purpose of human birth, is the manifestation of the Divine in man and the fulfilment of His Will in the world. The legendary Radha is the very personification of an absolute and integral love for the Divine. From the physical to the spiritual, the whole gamut of her consciousness was completely at the disposal of the transcendent ...


... "She knew herself Beloved of the Supreme: "Mother was she of Beauty and Delight, The Word in Brahma's vast creating clasp, "The Master and the Mother of all lives "And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss". Page 322 There she arrived in the last chamber where "one Sat" "A Sun of which all knowledge is a beam A Greatness without whom no life could ...

... marks an age. Sometimes She is Love, sometimes She is Knowledge, sometimes She is Renunciation, sometimes She is Pity. This Infinite Energy is Bhawani, She also is Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Lakshmi, She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. Bhawani Is Shakti In the present age, the Mother is manifested as the mother of Strength. She is pure Shakti ...


... Vaishnavite method? Sri Aurobindo : Not that there is no truth in it; but it is lacking in that "calm strength" of the Spirit. For ins­tance, why should a man put on a sari because he feels Radha-Bhava? Let him feel it and realise it within. But that way of bringing down a law of another plane to the plane where another law holds, and trying to impose it there, introduces a falsehood. That is ...

... here. The significance of the white and blue aparajita that we used to collect for the Durga-puja is also particularly pertinent. The Mother called the blue aparajita , Radha’s Consciousness . Radha is the symbol of this deep yearning for the Lord in our human consciousness. Pure love and limitless tenderness, consecration and surrender. The significance of the white aparajita is Purified Senses ...


... fervour my life now overspills! I always doubted if this was possible. Somehow Sri Radha’s love and self-offering at Sri Krishna’s feet would fill us with sadness. We did not know then that like Sri Radha, the Mother too would fall into a samadhi-like trance on hearing the name of Sri Aurobindo. And what is more, we would get a darshan of the Mother in this state. It was in this very Playground that ...


... aspects and infinite forms. Each aspect creates and marks an age". Love, Knowledge, Power, Strength characterise different ages as the dominant aspect of the Mother, and she reveals herself, now as Radha the Beloved, and at other times as Lakshmi, Kali, Bhavani - and each may assume for us a multiplicity of forms. In our age, the Mother's characteristic aspect is Shakti, or masterful strength; in this ...

... reader; but, then, knowing a§ he did at the time hardly anything about India and her culture, Sri Aurobindo couldn't have written in any other strain. In like manner, the poems on Indian themes the — Radha poems, for example, or those on Madhusudan and Bankim Chandra — were attempts to express his "first reactions to India and Indian culture after the return home and a first acquaintance with these ...

... dancer, - "but why should the Mother not see the little I could do?" After a dance-recital of Tagore's "In the steps of the Dance", the Mother herself gave Vasudha, Sahana the idea of a dance on Radha, along the lines of her own Radha's Prayer. And so with the march of the years Vasudha, Sahana Devi made unfaltering progress in the sadhana, never halting, never taking things for granted, but ...


... the Divine; pink rose, Surrender; white rose, Integral Surrender; the yellow champak, Supramentalised Psychological Perfection. Likewise other flowers acquired names such as Sincerity Devotion, Radha' s Consciousness, Transformation, Tapasya, Intuitive Mind, Successful Future, Divine Solicitude, Cheerfulness, Integral Opening, Patience, Service, Psychic Purity, Faithfulness, Realisation, Spiritual ...


... truth at heart of Reality 614, 650 Supramental Manifestation 615-21, 812 the new stage of evolution 666 its progress 667-8 'child prodigies' 620-1 (cf 567, 746) cure for corruption 622 Radha-consciousness 628 meeting evil by supramental Force 630-2 film Rani Rasmani 634 Page 913 words and acts 636, 771 atmosphere created by one's actions 642 (cf 5) materialism, science ...


... Sri Aurobindo had a guru. In later years Sri Aurobindo came to be known as a great 'philosopher.' Decades later, on 4 September 1934 to be precise, Dilip transmitted to him a request from Dr. Radha Krishnan that he would introduce Sri Aurobindo to the West if he wrote a philosophical article for the Westerners; Sri Aurobindo declined. "Look here !" he wrote back to Dilip . "Do these people ...

... creates and marks an age. Sometimes She is Love, sometimes She is Knowledge, sometimes She is Renunciation, sometimes She is Pity. This Infinite Energy is Bhawani, She also is Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Page 266 Lakshmi, She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. Bhawani is Shakti In the present age, the Mother is manifested as the mother of Strength ...

... Translations of Prayers of the Mother Translations of Prayers of the Mother Radha's Prayer The Mother with Letters on the Mother Radha's Prayer The Mother originally wrote this prayer in English and then translated it into French the following day. Later Sri Aurobindo translated the French version into English; this is the translation presented above ...

... a complete faithfulness to the Divine. (Fivefold psychological perfection: faith, sincerity, devotion, aspiration, surrender.) 24.9.1929 Open with devotion your vital being to Radha's influence and you will get vital peace , the peace which leads to transformation . 25.9.1929 Through peace in the vital, aspire for the beginning of realisation . (Peace in the vital... To an aspiration for the Divine Love , supported by faithfulness and sincerity in the vital , the Divine's Love will surely answer. 4.10.1929 The devotion that accompanies Radha's absolute consecration , this alone has the power of bringing down Krishna's Light in the mind . 5.10.1929 Only by the constant flaming up of Agni can an integral loving consecration ... true humility will power be given. 10.10.1929 The power of Agni will keep the aspiration flaming in the physical being . Then can be founded and established in a vital opened to Radha's influence the true supramentalised friendship with the Divine. 12.10.1929 Approach the Divine with loving gratitude and you will meet the Divine's Love . 14.10.1929 Let your ...

... a Wave burst 652 Parabrahman 216 Perfect thy motion 285 Perigone Prologuises 189 Phaethon 42 The Pilgrim of the Night 603 Pururavus 663 Radha's Appeal 32 Radha's Complaint in Absence 32 The Rákshasas 321 Rebirth 213 Reflections of Srinath Paul 267 Reminiscence 203 Renewal 580 Revelation 209 The Rishi... Index of Titles Adwaita 621 Ahana 475 All here is Spirit 597 Appeal 210 Ascent 581 Baji Prabhou 293 A Ballad of Doom 657 Radha's Appeal 34 Because Thou art 623 Because thy flame is spent 179 The Bird of Fire 547 The Birth of Sin 275 The Bliss of Brahman 616 Bliss of Identity 601 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Health exercises for Women and Girls Radha's Prayer O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments of my heart, all my sensations, all the movements of my life, each cell of my body, each drop of my blood. I am absolutely and altogether Thine, Thine ...

... England and Baroda (1883-1898) England and Baroda (1883-1898) Songs to Myrtilla Collected Poems Radha's Complaint in Absence ( Imitated from the Bengali of Chundidas ) O heart, my heart, a heavy pain is thine!     What land is that where none doth know Love's cruel name nor any word of sin?         My heart, there let us go. Friend of my ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... of different colours are the play of her forces. 14 October 1933 Looking at the Mother on the terrace in the evening, I saw a dark blue light around her like the colour of the flower named "Radha's consciousness". Is the light around her of different colours? For I have also seen white light around her many times, and sometimes a pretty pale blue light. There are various lights around the ...

... d as Purusha Sinha (Man-lion), Sri Aurobindo said, "All I can say is that it is queer. His goat is better than this." About some of the modern paintings, he said, "Is this democratic art?" Seeing Radha's picture in a lying position, he remarked, "She doesn't seem to be sleeping." ...

... Luckily, the permission was granted.     I informed Robi-da that I was starting this work. On 5 different coloured silk sarees I drew five different kinds of flowers: Power (hibiscus), Harmony, Radha's Consciousness, Silence and roses. Once the sarees were ready, I would show Krishnalal-ji the work and ask him to evaluate the price it could fetch. Since he knew that this money would go to the Mother ...

... same spot after a long walk, we saw a bush full of white flowers. The flowers were those that signify refinement—artistic, material. The shape of the white flowers was like that of the blue flowers—Radhas Consciousness [Clitoria ternatea] . The flower the Mother had mentioned was Gliricidia Sepium . She gave this meaning to the flower: Refinement of Habits. Ordered, neat and regular in their ...

... happiness or sorrow, pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from Thee will be welcome." Does the Divine give suffering or sorrow? Well, my child, that text, you know what it is: it is Radha's prayer to Krishna. And so, it is such a personification of divine forces that one is obliged to extend human feelings to the Divine in order to be able to express oneself. To understand it in its true ...

... psychological & philosophical religion expressed in relation to fixed practices & symbolic ceremonies, if we find that the common & persistent words of Veda, words such as vaja, vani, tuvi, ritam, radhas, rati, raya, rayi, uti, vahni etc,—an almost endless list,—are used so persistently because they expressed shades of meaning & fine psychological distinctions of great practical importance to the Vedic... fixed ideas, the same subjective purpose & spiritual aspiration. A few words here & there in my translation may be challenged and given a different meaning. Throughout the Veda there are words like radhas etc to which I have given a sense based on reasons of context & philology but which must be allowed to remain conjectural till I am able to take up publicly the detailed examination of the language... is Varuna. We see the results & the conditions of the action ofVaruna in the four remaining verses. “By their protection we have safety from attack”, sanema, safety for our shansa, our rayah, our radhas, by the force of Indra, by the protecting greatness of Varuna against which passion & disturbance cast themselves in vain, only to be destroyed. This safety & this settled ananda or delight, we use ...

... 224, 226-9, 233, 235, 248, 286 -Collecwd Poems & Plqys, 59n., 1O2n., 287n -"A Child's lmaginaticn", 60n -"Abana" (Ahana & Other Poems), 59n., 1O2n -"Parabrahman", 55-6n - "Radha's Appeal" (Songs to Alyrtilla), 67n -"Reminiscence", 60n -"The Other Earths", 183 -"The Rishi", 55n -"Thought the Paraclete", 58n -"Trance of Waiting", 287n -"Transformation" ...

... the Lover of the beloved devotee has blossomed only in Bengal. The worship of Kartikeya prevails in some parts; Sri Rama or Sita and Rama are worshipped in some parts. But the full significance of Radha's pining for Krishna has been appreciated only by the Bengalis. Mahadeva (Siva) has taken his abode in many places, but it is the Bengalis who have been mad over his consort, Gauri. The doctrine of Vedanta ...

... 398 Prefigure 39 Prelude 86 Prophecy 569 Psyche 361 Psychophany 552 Purblind 746   Quest   Radha's Rebuke to the Worldly-minced 413 Realisation 491 Red Snake 375 Refuge of Lions 581 Reintegrator 529 Renunciation 506 Revelation ...

... destination in the early morning, I and my wife Daulat (later renamed by Sri Aurobindo "Lalita", signifying, in his words, "beauty of harmony and refinement" and also pointing to "the name of one of Radha's companions") were not quite ready to get down from it. She was still in her night-gown. As we did not wish to keep waiting the member of the Ashram (named Pujalal, as I learnt later) who had come to ...

... completed and properly furnished by the first week of December and was ready for occupation. On the evening of 9 December, the Mother's talk 5 centred upon a number of subjects - spiritual ego, Radha's Prayer, suffering and bliss, incarnations, Savitri - and the Mother had much spiritual food to give her children. The age-old question of pain and joy, their relativity, almost their interchangeability ...

... destination in the early morning, I and my wife Daulat (later renamed by Sri Aurobindo "Lalita", signifying, in his words, "beauty of harmony and refinement" and also pointing to "the name of one of Radha's companions") were not quite ready to get down from it. She was still in her night-gown. As we did not wish to keep waiting the member of the Ashram (named Pujalal, as I learnt later) who had come ...

... grudging consent or even of devoted resignation but in full joy and eager acceptance. For in his case "adversity becomes the oil and wood which only inflame and preserve in him the fire of love." "Radha's Prayer" as formulated by the Mother embodies the attitude of a genuine God-lover: "O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering.... What Thou ...

... anniversary of the School which began on 1 December 1951, and the celebrations included recitations of Sri Aurobindo's Hymn to Durga and from the Mother's Prayers, as also a dance-rendering of her "Radha's Prayer". Then came the 5th December, and the interim from 5th to 9th, recalling the time of Sri Aurobindo's body lying in state a year earlier and the mahasamadhi. His Presence, for all that it ...

... (translation), "A Rose of Women" (translation), "Saraswati with the Lotus", "Night by the Sea", "The Lover's Complaint", "Love in Sorrow","The Island Grave", "Estelle", "Radha's Complaint in Absence" (translation), "Radha's Appeal" (translation),"Bunkim Chandra Chatterji", "Madhusudan Dutt", "To the Cuckoo", "Envoi". Included in Collected Poems and Plays (See 13). In SABCL the ...

... Thou seeing the world through this body; it will be Thou acting in the world through this instrument. In me is the calm serenity of perfect certitude.” Page 6 RADHA'S PRAYER "O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being, and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments of my heart ...

... There is nothing which is beyond the reach of the God-lover or denied to him; for he is the favourite of the divine Lover and the self of the Beloved. Page 244 Radha's prayer . Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments of my heart, all my sensations ...

... Invocation   "It is very good indeed. In this there is the true inspiration, felicity and power of phrase, and rhythms that are not common or obvious and are subtly effective." (8.5.32)   Radha's Rebuke to the Worldly-minded   [I wrote: "This poem almost out-Brookes Rupert Brooke, at two or three places, in distant rhyming. I hope this defect is not unforgivable. Has it, otherwise ...

... before she could turn to the mastery and transmutation of the external world. And so the final plunge of absolute ātma-samarpana was achieved, as may be seen thus imaged in her celebrated Radha's Prayer of 13 January 1932: O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments ...

... Mother's work, whatever, why [do it] very bad, anyhow? Everything is work, do consciously, this is Mother's work, for our sadha­na, that attitude give, that is enough. Earlier time, Mother give "Radha's Prayer" to sadhaks [describ­ing a sadhak's attitude]. Tell us something about those earlier times. When I am joined, 1933, only 75 people, my number is 75. Mother own house about ...

... The Island Grave . Circa 1890–98. Estelle . Circa 1890–98. Radha's Complaint in Absence . Circa 1890–98, probably towards the end of this period. This is an adaptation of a poem by the Bengali poet and mystic Chandidasa (late fourteenth to early fifteenth century) Radha's Appeal. Circa 1890–98, probably towards the end of this period. Another adaptation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... even glimpse The iridescence of His rainbow Grace Which shows me an exit into the Life Divine Through the dark portals of death-agony!" And she hummed a song of mine she had heard me sing, Of Radha's everlasting pledge to Krishna, And, improvising with a rare emotion, Her virgin soul she poured forth as she sang: ( breaking out passionately into song ) Whether He tramples on ...

... said, "Seventy times"—and, pointing to the rest, she added, "Forty times." Then she mentioned the significance of my leading flower and that of Sehra's. Mine was "Vital Protection". Sehra's was "Radha's Consciousness in the Vital". Page 115 I asked the Mother whether the significance of these flowers were to be spoken out by us 70 times and those of the remainder 40 times. She answered ...

... of her puissant renewal, and she had won back the sovereign simplicity of a "naked new-born babe". The splendour of this total ātma-samarpana may be seen thus imaged in the Mother's celebrated 'Radha's Prayer' of 13 January 1932: O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions....all the movements ...

... pass into the others, especially raudra and tivra. For the rest, this conjunction of all the anandas is intended as the normal state of ecstasy, except in its more particular movements of vishesha-radhas. Vishaya is in its nature a saumya ananda, the rest in their nature chanda anandas; hence states of chandata tend naturally to pass out of vishaya into its fiercer fellows. It is noticeable also that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... intense kamananda is now becoming persistent and common. Only continuity is insufficient. Subjective ananda is almost perfect as positive samata, but not in intensity of positive ecstasy (rabhas, radhas). Generality of objective ananda is now being restored; but intensities of physical pain still escape the grasp of the Ananda. Later, an initial continuity of intense kamananda was manifested... action or that all is to be saumya , easy, pliant. On the contrary; for it is the action of Mahakali that is intended. That action is already pleasant in the impulse & joy of the sahitya, its isha & radhas—combined as the ratha, the chariot of the soul in its action. The same rudra energy will be extended everywhere; but it must result from the bhoga of the passive Prakriti enjoyed by the Ishwara. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... The important thing is never to lose sight of the ideal you wish to realise and always do your best to realise it. 6 April 1934 Page 31 What is the significance of the flower "Radha's consciousness"? Consecration of love. 6 April 1934 My sister likes to talk to me, but I remain very serious with her. I never smile at her when we meet. But that's how it is with nearly ...