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Republic : best known of Plato’s dialogues; there justice is discussed by Socrates & others, especially in the context of an ideal state.
... terms of the peace treaty increased the resentment against the republic, for it had proved incapable of sparing the country the distress and privations of this ‘shameful dictated peace’ … To a growing number of Germans the very term ‘republic’ seemed synonymous with disgrace, dishonour, and powerlessness. The feeling persisted that the republic had been imposed on the Germans by deception and coercion,... Scheidemann, who proclaimed a republic almost accidentally. Scheidemann had rushed to the Reichstag to tell his colleagues of Ebert’s appointment. Having done so, he was eating lunch in the restaurant when he was told that Karl Liebknecht, the leader of the extreme left Spartacus Party, was setting up camp in the Royal Palace, from where he intended to announce a soviet-style republic modelled on Lenin’s Russia... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God “The System” The language Hitler used when he wrote or talked about the government of the Weimar Republic was even worse than the way he talked about the hated French. “November criminals”, designating all Leftists and Jews allegedly responsible for the armistice and related events, was used by him on uncountable occasions ...
... sovereignty. Such a computation would do away with the earlier "republic" à la Megasthenes, which we, on the suggestion of the Yuga-Purāna, assumed to divide the Kānvas from the Śungas - unless we could call the last 45 years of the latter dynasty's rois fainéants a "republic" in relation to this dynasty. What about the "republic" still earlier of Megasthenes, which, again on the strength of the... Yaudhēya coins suggests that an unnamed state beyond the Beas reached by Alexander was theirs." Altekar 6 agrees with Jayaswal: "The great republic beyond the Beas, of which Alexander's army heard alarming reports in 326 B.C., was most probably the Republic of the Yaudhēyas." Cunningham prefers to identify them with the Ossadioi or Asso-dioi with whom Alexander fought: the latter name he connects... 412 years in all. After them we have traced, on the basis of both Megasthenes and the Yuga-Purāna section of the Gārgi-Samhitā, an interval of 75 years in Magadha, during which period - called a "republic" by the Greek annalist - Page 336 the republican Lichchhavi clan into which Chandragupta I married had held sway over Pātaliputra, as shown by an inscription pubished by Pandit ...
... World War II, the U.S., Britain and France consolidated the zones under their respective occupation, establishing the Federal Republic of Germany (commonly referred to as West Germany) on Sept. 7, 1949. On Oct. 7, 1949, the Soviet Union created the German Democratic Republic (that is, East Germany) in the zone under its occupation. Despite its division into four sections, its occupiers fortunately... enforced by the Soviet Union from Jun. 24, 1948 to Apr. 12, 1949. Economic exchange between the two Germanys was resumed and furthered with the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic in September and October 1949, respectively. On Oct. 8, 1949, right after the establishment of the two governments, East and West Germany signed the Frankfurt agreement. Under... countries increased from 1.1 million people in 1960 to 1.25 million in 1970 and to 1.54 million in 1972. In 1973 when the framework agreement on the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic came into effect, their exchange of travellers swelled to 2.27 million. Human exchange between the two countries reached five million just before their reunification. Ahead ...
... by Moscow (which soon will mean Stalin), judged that the moment had come for the “second revolution” in Germany: the Bolshevik take-over of the Socialist (Menshevik) revolution which, as the Weimar Republic, was still in power. “Indeed, in Thuringia and in Saxony, where also since September a Popular Front was in power, the radical Left – as had been decided by the Politburo of the Russian Communist... German, as Communism, only six years after the Russian revolution, was still generally feared and abhorred. A more serious problem for General von Seeckt, and for the government of the Weimar Republic, was posed by Bavaria, which was anything but communist. Bavaria was to all German reactionaries the bulwark of the nationalist spirit, and had, as we have seen, put its doors wide open for any activist... from the despised Prussians in Berlin.” 210 The tension between Bavaria and the federal Government increased when Chancellor Stresemann no longer tolerated the aggression against himself and the Republic in the Munich rightist press, especially in the Völkische Beobachter , and when the open Bavarian defiance of the law exceeded all tolerable bounds by giving custody to people like Ehrhardt and Klintzsch ...
... continued to surround two of the greatest scientists and exceptional human beings with its luminous halo. Marie could not escape the honors this time: the President of the Polish Republic and the President of the Republic of France paid homage to her. The French President reunited Pierre and Marie in the same tribute: "We admire the splendor of their creations which are the very symbol of a... Warsaw and saw my family again, after many years of Page 64 separation, in the capital of free Poland. But how difficult are the conditions of life of the new Polish republic, and how complicated is the problem of reorganization after so many years of abnormal life!" The Radium Institute After the devastation of the war and the heavy loss of lives, it... entirely at my disposal for scientific research. Mrs. Meloney invited me with my daughters to come to America and to receive the gift, or the symbol of it, from the hands of the President of the great republic, at the White House. The fund was collected by a public subscription, as well by small as by important gifts, and I was very thankful to my Page 68 sisters of America ...
... Jacobins, with whom Huxley finds fault, I have been thinking of Laski's view. Laski is perfectly right in saying that the Jacobins saved the Republic. If they had not concentrated power in their hands, the Germans would have marched on Paris and crushed the new Republic at the very start and restored the old monarchy. It was because of the Jacobins that the Bourbons even when they returned, had to accept... monarchy. Louis XVIII and all the kings in Europe were obliged, more or less, to accept the principles of democracy, It is true that in Napoleon's time the Assembly was only a shadow, but the full Republic, although delayed for some time, was in fact already established. Politics is only a shadow at the top: the real changes that matter are those that come in society. The social laws introduced by Napoleon... if there were always an alternative between military violence and non-violent peaceful development. But things are never like that: they don't move in a perfect way. If Napoleon had not come, the Republic would have been smothered in its infancy and democracy would have suffered a setback. No, the Cosmic Spirit is not so foolish as to allow that. Carlyle puts the situation more realistically when he ...
... merely a mass of animalculae which belong individually to the lowest stage of animal life; but by combining into a republic with the cells of the brain as a sort of despotic senate or council, these undeveloped forms of life have been able to master the world. What has not this republic of animalculae, this Rome of protoplasms, been able to effect? It has analysed the elements; it has weighed the suns... gross physical matter and come appreciably nearer, within its sphere, to omnipotence and omniscience, but that this conscious Will can impose absolute quietude on and detach itself from the animalcule republic which is erroneously supposed to originate and contain it and that it does, as a habitual law of Nature, survive the disintegration of the body. These two facts are fatal to the materialistic theory ...
... Vietnam in the wake of the defeat of Japan in 1945. Ho Chi Minh responded to the situation with a declaration of establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi in September 1945. In September 1945, France temporarily recognized the republic headed by Ho Chi Minh. But, an armed clash between the two countries in Hanoi in December 1945 touched off an all-out war. The war continued for eight... 000 North Vietnamese people fled to the South in pursuit of freedom. In October 1955, Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem of the provisional South Vietnamese government declared the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam and assumed the first presidency. He boycotted a general election slated for June 1956 under the Geneva agreement, contributing to a lasting division of the country. The dog-eat-dog conflict ...
... because Sandrocottus has just been named and that, after reaching the earliest republic, goes again forward in time in the next statement where the earlier person precedes the later one: "The Indians also tell us that Dionysus was earlier than Heracles by fifteen generations." Moreover, the last-mentioned republic could appropriately be the first in time since the name "Dionysus" occurring in... by Mankad. He 1 says: "It is, of course, evident that what Arrian calls a republic may mean a kingless period; and a kingless period would mean a period without a king, but, in the case of an imperial seat like Māgadha, an absence of Imperial Dynasty." In other words, whatever the Greeks may have understood, a "republic" in Indian thought can cover rule over Māgadha by either freebooters or foreigners... te period, to the number of 153." Arrian (Indica, I. ix.) observes: "From the time of Dionysus to Sandrocottus the Indians counted 153 kings and a period of 6042 years, but among these a republic was thrice established... and another to 300 years, and another to 120 years. The Indians also tell us that Dionysus was earlier than Heracles by fifteen generations, and that except him no one made ...
... intellectual tradition of the western world. The Republic The Republic, in fact is a long book, covering many topics, and the impression it makes on us depends to some extent on the eyes with which we look at it. The principal question that the Republic deals with is: what is justice? Let us, however, remember that a great deal of the Republic is not about politics at all. A large part of... kinds of actual constitutions and of their merits and defects. The Republic is in dialogue form and its style is conversational. The dialogue form was used by some of Plato's contemporaries, Xenophon, for example, as well as by Plato himself; and many have used it since his day. In a work of the length of the Republic the dramatic and conversational element can vary; in much of the argument... great teachers have used allegories or parables to expound or explain a message or a lesson. One of the most famous allegories in the history of human thought is found in the seventh book of Plato s Republic: "The Simile of the Cave ". The main purpose of this allegory is to describe the ignorant state of humanity and its possible passage to a state of knowledge. According to Plato, most men are ...
... moralising will prevent it. Page 436 There has been almost continuous war in the world—it is as in the history of the Roman Republic when the gates of the temple of Janus were closed only once or twice in its many centuries—a sign that the Republic was at peace with all the world. There have been in modern times long intervals between long wars, but small ones have been generally going ...
... in our own time. Plato made eugenics one of the pillars of his Republic . Infanticide of the physically defective and superfluous has always been a widespread practice, and in Sparta, the classical example of authoritarian states, an obligation. “The Twelve Tables of the Roman Law, established early in the formation of the Roman Republic, stated in the fourth table that deformed children must be put ...
... and demands, but as the subsuming and validation of such demands.” 639 “The search for ‘a third way’, as an alternative to capitalism or Marxism, occupied much of German thought during the Weimar Republic”, writes George Mosse. “Even earlier, toward the end of the post-unification period [i.e. the years preceding World War I], men had raised similar questions – in a more theoretical manner, but just... intensified. Perhaps the background had prepared us like soldiers for the kind of thinking we encountered once again in Hitler’s system. Tight public order was in our blood; the liberalism of the Weimar Republic seemed to us by comparison lax, dubious, and in no way desirable.” 643 “Many of [the Nazis], moreover, came from homes whose patterns were based on the rigid mores of the cadet schools. Hitler ...
... after the partition of the Indian sub-continent, the army has remained one of the country's most powerful institutions. Turbulent history After Pakistan formally became a republic in 1956 under President Mirza, it faced an array of serious threats to its stability. Its conflict with India over Kashmir remained unresolved, relations with Afghanistan were poor, and the country... President Musharraf. Letter to General Pervez Musharraf on 4th Anniversary of Oct. Coup October 10, 2003 His Excellency General Pervez Musharraf President Islamic Republic of Pakistan Aiwan-e-Sadr Constitution Avenue Islamabad, Pakistan Dear General Musharraf: October 12, 2003 will mark the fourth anniversary of the military coup that ...
... gave to themselves the Constitution of the "Sovereign Democratic Republic of India". And it was on the Jan. 26, 1950, that the Constitution came into effect. This is what the preamble to the Constitution says: WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and ...
... on the western sectors of Berlin. The Western powers supply West Berlin Page 131 through air. May 8, 1949 — A West German parliamentary council adopts a constitution for the Federal Republic of Germany with Konrad Adenauer as its first chancellor. May 9, 1950 —The "Schuman plan" is made public in Paris. June 25, 1950 — North Korean forces cross the 38th parallel to "liberate" South... 1995 — Austria, Finland and Sweden join Europe 2002 —The Euro becomes the currency for 11 countries of the European Union. 2004, May 1st — Ten new countries join the European Union (The Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakie) 2004, October 29 — The text of a Constitution for Europe is signed. 2005 — Through a referendum, the French and ...
... this time, because she might initiate something, but because other countries were treating her as the stake in their power games. The Americans, I thought, would try to integrate the new Federal Republic in the Western political and military system. The Russians would oppose that by every means at their command: and at the same time French neuroses would be made worse. It was on the subject of Germany... his colleagues were Andre Francois-Poncet and the British General Sir Brian Robertson. This Council still had extensive supervisory powers, especially over the foreign relations of the new Federal Republic. It was an unusual situation: I had to ask McCloy's permission to start talks with Adenauer, and those talks presupposed that France and Germany would henceforth act as equals. The Council's decision ...
... road of History and halt at the European 'Inn of the 1800s,' we can watch the road and see the march of Time. Shall we? There goes Napoleon Bonaparte. From being the First Consul of the First Republic —established after the French Revolution of 1789 which abolished monarchy —he has crowned himself Emperor in 1804. Emperor Bonaparte's armies run all over Europe; and Napoleon sows everywhere the... it is ready to accept laudation from even those who are incompetence personified. "This reminds me," said Mother, "of the annual opening of the Salon of Painting at Paris, when the President of the Republic inspects the pictures, discovering with acumen that this is a landscape and that is a portrait, making insipid remarks with an air of knowing the very soul of painting. The painters are perfectly ...
... POLITICS 7-3-1924 The Khilafat ended two days back (5th). Disciple : The Khilafat is steam-rollered. Sri Aurobindo : It is quite right that it should be gone ; the new republic seems thorough and solid in its working Disciple : I doubt if the Turks were right in taking the step because now the opinion of other Muslim countries would go against them. Sri Aurobindo... now to watch the development since Yakub Husain and others have favoured the Angora decision and Mad Ali opposes it. There may be two parties among the Muslims. The Servant points out that the new republic is secular and not religions. Sri Aurobindo : In the first four Khalifas there was the reality of the Khilafat. They were the centres of Islamic culture and had some spirituality. After that ...
... the collection of municipal taxes and all matters relating to trade, industry and commerce. If the village community can be described as a little village republic, the constitution of the township can equally be described as a larger urban republic. It is significant that the Naigama and Paura assemblies,—the guild governments and the metropolitan bodies,—had the privilege of striking coins of their... coordination and supreme instrument of control. These inferior assemblies included bodies originally of a political character, once the supreme governing institutions of the clan nation, kula , and the republic, gaṇa . Under the new dispensation they remained in existence, but lost their supreme powers and could only administer with a subordinate and restricted authority the affairs of their constituent... with an organic life of their own that functioned in its own power and not merely as a subordinate part of the machinery of the State. The village community has been described as a little village republic, and the description is hardly an exaggeration: for each village was within its own limits autonomous and self-sufficient, governed by its own elected Panchayats and elected or hereditary officers ...
... Society formed its Kampfbund Thule in the very first days of the Republic, and the Society would equip a second fighting unit, the Freikorps Oberland . Both Free Corps units were commanded by demobilized officers with years of front experience; they would distinguish themselves in the liberation of Munich from the communist Republic of Councils as well as in the battles against the Russian Bolsheviks... preached the international revolution of the proletariat. On 7 November, Kurt Eisner, before a huge crowd on the Theresienwiese (a large open space) in Munich, declared Bavaria a social-democratic republic. The Wittelsbach king abdicated and went into exile. On 11 November Germany put down its weapons. Its “grasp for the world power” had failed, its “war of illusions” had been lost. The shock to the... down as president. His murderer, a young student Anton von Arco auf Valley, was allegedly connected with Thule. Thule’s antirevolutionary endeavours became still more intensive after the communist Republic of Council’s had succeeded Eisner’s socialists and increased the general confusion. The Bolsheviks were a direct challenge to every single article of the Thulean creed, and they did not hesitate to ...
... Its motto: Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, caught the imagination of the world. The first Republic came into being. In 1791 the French Company's privileges were abolished. On 30 October 1792 the slave trade was prohibited. Then the First Consul, the Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), soon put an end to the Republic by founding the First Empire in 1804. He conquered large parts of Europe, then after... cancer officially, though arsenic poisoning has often been alleged. Page 167 After several pendulum swings from monarchy to republic to monarchy we come to Napoleon III (1808-73). Nephew of Napoleon I, he was elected president of the Second Republic in 1848. Like his uncle, he too proclaimed himself emperor in 1852. This is the same Emperor whose Empress Eugenie joined the festivities ...
... sense of state and therefore Mr. N. N. Ghose can use the word republic in the same sense. This is Metropolitan College logic and Metropolitan College knowledge of English. Does Mr. Ghose really think that republic and commonwealth mean the Page 659 same thing precisely or that Burke would have talked of the Russian republic when he meant the Russian monarchy? But, says Mr. Ghose, it does ...
... 1. Turnabout Hitler and his God Captain Mayr’s Discovery After the obliteration of the Munich Republic of Councils, an officer appeared in the city who was to play an important part in the making of Adolf Hitler: Staff Captain Karl Mayr. It was the intention of the central government in Berlin as well as of the Army High Command to wipe out all leftist... was appointed chief of this propaganda section. Mayr, “very much radical Right”, was “ambitious, intelligent, a talented organizer and politically involved”; he was also an opponent of the Weimar Republic and an anti-Semite. 16 His network of connections seems to have extended to the most influential centres of German society. He was extraordinarily active, brimming with ideas and initiatives, and... been elected representative of his battalion under the socialist regime, he had also been elected “deputy battalion representative” under the regime of the communist soldier councils. Then, after the Republic of Councils was crushed, in a new turnabout Hitler surprisingly became a member of a commission of inquiry, whose task it was to report on the patriotic fidelity of the soldiers of his battalion under ...
... dictator. (A portion from the book in which Huxley blames the Jacobins was read) Sri Aurobindo : He finds fault with the Jacobins, but I think Laski is right in saying that they saved the Republic. If the Jacobins had not taken power into their hands the result would have been that the Germans would have marched to Paris and restored the monarchy. It is because of the Jacobins that the Bourbons... kings in Europe were obliged, more or less, to accept the principle of democracy and become constitutional monarchs. It is true that in Napoleon's time the Assembly was only a shadow, but the full republic, though delayed for a time, was already established, because politics is only a show at the top. The real changes that matter are the changes that come into society. From that point of view, the social... is, military violence – and a non-violent peaceful development. But things are never like Page 106 that; they do not move in a perfect way in life. If Napoleon had not come the republic would have been nipped in the bud and there would have been a set-back to democracy. The Cosmic Spirit is not so foolish as to allow that. Carlyle puts the situation more realistically when he says ...
... contrary tendency that resulted in the appearance and the strong and enduring vitality of city or regional or confederated republics. The king became either a hereditary or elected executive head of the republic or an archon administering for a brief and fixed period or else he altogether disappeared from the polity of the state. This turn must have come about in many cases by a natural evolution of the power... and Asoka and were still in existence in the early centuries of the Christian era. But none of them developed the aggressive spirit and the conquering and widely organising capacity of the Roman republic; they were content to preserve their own free inner life and their independence. India especially after the invasion of Alexander felt the need of a movement of unification and the republics were ...
... reinterpretations of his ideas, the beginnings of a problematical relationship, symptomatic of mind's disorientation from Spirit, manifests itself in his works. Plato banishes the poet from his ideal Republic, equating the state of creative inspiration with mental instability, dangerous to the rational lucidities of social organisation. In his view of the process of creative representation, a fixed hierarchy... achieves His transient house of the divine Idea, His figure of a Time-inn for the Unborn." This passage is preceded by one which introduces the idea of human 10 Plato, The Republic, X 11 Savitri, p.109. Page 242 creation being a copy of "heaven's art." The passage evokes the metallic brilliance of Byzantine sculpture, presenting, in W. B. Yeats's ...
... liberalism against the Catholic Church and the anti-Dreyfusards. ‘The Masonic loges recruited on a grand scale and formed, in the still well-kept secret of their initiatory rites, the cadres of the Third Republic.’ 12 Mirra and Richard grew much closer after her divorce from Morisset in March 1908. She studied law along with Richard – we are reminded of her studying mathematics together with her brother... eldest son, succeeded him. Today, there are about three million Baha’is in the world. The Baha’i religion has once again been severely persecuted in Iran before and after the foundation of the Islamic Republic there in 1979. The bases of the Baha’i religion are racial and religious harmony and a universal faith consisting of the essence of the great religions. Baha’ism stands for equality of the sexes ...
... joy into the Socratic dialogues of Plato - the shorter ones: Crito, Phaedo, Apologia and Symposium. In the B.A. of Bombay University 1 had the pleasure of taking Philosophy Honours with Plato's Republic for special study. When I came to the Ashram, the Mother once told me that in a past life I had been an ancient Athenian. Later Sri Aurobindo, in reference to his general "impressions" about my... of Plato." How particular he was for the right order of vocables and the sovereign rhythm of their combination may be judged from the fact that he wrote seven versions of the first sentence of his Republic before he struck the note that satisfied him. I am also a stickler after the correct expository or revelatory form in my writings. (23.7.1991) The quotations you have given me from ...
... 4. Wolf Hitler and his God A Sudden Burst of Energy After the collapse of the Republic of Councils and still more under the rightist regime of Gustav von Kahr, Bavaria became “a haven for right-wing extremists from all over Germany, including many under order of arrest elsewhere in the country”. 150 There were “the Bund Oberland (Oberland League), the... Austrian Corporal with the Iron Cross and the gift of the gab might be an asset for the Thule Society’s floundering DAP. Hitler was not an anti-Semite (at least not outspoken) in May, under the Republic of Councils, when he wore the red armband; the course he attended at Munich University was not openly and still less expressly anti-Semitic, for it was an initiative of the social-democratic government ...
... Kaiser, according to the armistice conditions laid down by the Allies, had to go. Left to themselves, the politicians of the German Socialist Party, the SPD, almost by accident proclaimed Germany a republic. Such was the background for a catastrophic sequel to the First World War. After three years of frustration the Germans, because of Brest-Litovsk, had been certain of imminent and triumphant victory... collapse, was reinforced and propagated by Ludendorff, and was still believed in after Hitler had done his damage. “It has poisoned, as nothing else, the internal political atmosphere of the Weimar Republic.” 261 The Treaty of Versailles, signed on 28 June 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors at the Versailles palace of Louis XIV, was another cause of German and Hitlerian wrath, and the author of Mein Kampf ...
... Weimar Republic and declared Bavaria “a stronghold of threatened Germanhood”. The Bavarian army had to swear an oath not to the constitutional central government but to the State. The triumvirate justified most of its rebellious actions as measures against the communist threat in adjacent Thuringia, but nobody doubted that they were planning another rightist coup against the Weimar Republic and that ...
... Goodrick-Clarke, in his Occult Roots of Nazism , interprets the flourishing of occultism at the time as follows: “The wide range and confusing variety of racist occultism during the years of the Republic and the Third Reich might tempt one to dismiss the phenomenon as a crankish outgrowth of a larger occult movement in German society during a troubled period in history. While it is undeniably true... understand the basic ideological and political motive of this special kind of occultism. All these thinkers were united in a profound reaction to the contemporary world. They perceived the German Republic as vulgar, corrupt, and the symbol of defeat. As cultural pessimists they lifted their eyes from the frustrations and disappointments of the present to behold a vision of high Aryan culture in a fabulous ...
... the human will oppressing and disciplining the emotional and sensational mind in order to arrive at the self-mastery of a definite ethical type; and it was this self-mastery which enabled the Roman republic to arrive also at the mastery of its environing world and impose on the nations its public order and law. All supremely successful imperial nations have had in their culture or in their nature, in... Athenian. We have a curious example of the repercussion of this instinctive distrust even on a large and aesthetic Athenian mind in the utopian speculations of Plato who felt himself obliged in his Republic first to censure and then to banish the poets from his ideal polity. The end of these purely ethical cultures bears witness to their insufficiency. Either they pass away leaving nothing or little ...
... Everywhere you find the same thing. * * * March 7, 1924 (A disciple:) The Khilafat is steam-rollered.* It is quite right that it should be gone; the new [Turkish] republic seems thorough and solid in its working____ There are tendencies among the Muslims showing that fanaticism may disintegrate. That is not sufficient because it would not change... different stamp to their temperament.** * * * _________________ * Mustapha Kemal, whose Nationalist forces deposed the Sultan in November, 1922, and who proclaimed Turkey a republic a year later, finally abolished the office of the Caliph early March, 1924. The Khilafat movement in India soon died a natural death, after however having succeeded in strengthening the Indian Muslims' ...
... of dreams ajar on mystery's verge. Soon followed the discovery of the Ashram of Integral Yoga at Pondicherry. I was doing my M.A. at the time. I had graduated in Philosophy, with Plato's Republic as my Honours-study. Now I had planned a thesis to embody the two sides of my nature which were equally dominant. The thesis was to be "The Philosophy of Art". But when I reached Sri Aurobindo's... realisations in a language which was both profound and precise, literary at the same time that it was expository — a combination of qualities found in a mere handful of philosophers. The author of the Republic and the Symposium Berkeley. Fichte, Schopenhauer, Bergson, Bradley, William James are the ones that strike me at the moment. Then there was the fascination of the actual life aiming to plumb the ...
... student of Socrates and has written numerous Socratic dialogues which are a proof of his brilliance as a writer and a philosopher. Some of them are: Euthypro, Apology, Phaedo, Crito, Meno, Symposium, Republic. 10. Plutarch (46-127 AD), Mestrius Plutarchus, was a Greek historian, biographer, essayist, and Middle Platonist. Plutarch was born to a prominent family. His literary works consist of the Parallel... rhetoric and style, Prodicus made linguistics prominent Page 37 in his curriculum. 24. Thrasymachus (459-400 BC) was a sophist of ancient Greece best known as a character in Plato's Republic. His career appears to have been spent as a sophist, at Athens, though there is no concrete evidence that he was a sophist. He is credited with an increase in the rhythmic character of Greek oratory ...
... guided by his Daemon, the inner light and guide. To such a man, indeed, no given action is good unless it is a manifestation of the integrating experience, which is also the true knowledge. In the Republic of Plato, when we read the myth of the den, 1 where Plato describes the way by which the Highest Good is realized, what we get is the symbolic description of spiritual experience. That realization... level that is referred to by Socrates in his doctrine 'Virtue is Knowledge'. Page 134 Notes and References Myth of the den: It is a part of the famous dialogue The Republic by Plato. In this allegory, he brings to light the difference between what men think of as real, but, which is, in fact, an illusion and that, which is the real Reality. In this he likens human beings ...
... speculation." The president of the League went on to express the hope that the French authorities were indeed not thinking of expelling those having full trust in the hospitality of the French Republic. But in case some of the political refugees had indeed to be expelled, at least not to hand them over to the Anglo-Indian administration; and immediately to give explicit instructions about it to... "Those are, Sir, extremely serious facts: the presence of a large number of British constables in Pondicherry would be dangerous not only for the Swadeshis who sought asylum from the French Republic, but for the security of the town, where they may instigate unrest." Page 239 It was Lebrun who had underlined the words are false besides putting a question mark against them. ...
... heart of the French populace—and that has ever beaten most highly in unison with the grand ideas of Equality and Fraternity, since they were first enounced on the banner of the great and terrible Republic. Hence though by the indiscreet choice of a machine, they have been compelled to copy the working of English machinery and concede an undue importance to politics, yet the ideals which have genuinely ...
... converting the Magistrate to their views, for even he is in possession of a copy. We have, however, news later than the Englishman 's. We have been informed from a reliable source that the Sylhet Republic has been declared and that Babu Bipin Chandra Pal is to be its first President. The Englishman graciously accedes to the request of a correspondent who prays this "much-esteemed journal to ...
... synthesis of communal autonomies, the autonomy of the village, of the town and capital city, of the caste, guild, family, kula , religious community, regional unit. The state or kingdom or confederated republic was a means of holding together and synthetising in a free and living organic system these autonomies. The imperial problem was to synthetise again these states, peoples, nations, effecting their ...
... Questions and Answers (1954) 14 July 1954 This talk could not be recorded very clearly because of the noise of the fireworks celebrating the French Republic Day. The talk is based upon Chapter 2 of The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. Sweet Mother, does Sri Aurobindo make a difference between the Divine and the Shakti? Here he speaks of "surrender ...
... 50, 68, 139 , 145-146 Indian conception of, 69, 182 notion of single religion, 147 see also Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, sa Liana dharma, spirituality renunciation (of life), 106 -107, 240 republic (in ancient India ), 137 , 178, 248 revolution, 37, 38 , 110 era of, 140 -141 spiritual, 129 Rig-Veda, see under Veda Rishis, 26, 49, 89, 98({11), 116, 12 1, 158 Rolland, Roma in, 193 Rome ...
... rotten food and is so greedy that it will accept praise from even the very embodiments of incompetence. I am reminded of the annual opening of the Arts Exhibition in Paris, when the President of the Republic inspects the pictures, eloquently discovering that one is a landscape and another a portrait, and making platitudinous comments with the air of a most intimate soul-searching knowledge of Painting ...
... rotten food and is so greedy that it will accept praise from even the very embodiments of incompetence. I am reminded of the annual opening of the Arts Exhibition in Paris, when the President of the Republic inspects the pictures, eloquently discovering that one is a landscape and another a portrait, and making platitudinous comments with Page 137 the air of a most intimate soul-searching ...
... Maurya to which the Pathan, the Moghul and the Englishman succeeded, in the West into the vast military and commercial expansions achieved by Alexander, by the Carthaginian oligarchy and by the Roman republic and empire. The latter were not national but supranational unities, premature attempts at too large unifications of mankind that could not really be accomplished with any finality until the intermediate ...
... achieved it, although its two separating parts have figured for a time as dominions and one of them may possibly adhere for some time to that status while the other has adopted, although an independent Republic, a new formula of adhesion to the Commonwealth. × Things have taken, as was practically inevitable ...
... constantly disunited since ancient times, develop at last to portentous issues its innate sense of oneness formidably embodied in the Empire of the Hohenzollerns and persistent after its fall in a federal Republic. Nor would it at all be surprising to those who study the working of forces and not merely the trend of outward circumstances, if one yet far-off result of the war were to be the fusion of the one ...
... after a struggle that freedom was given but subject to a controlling British alliance. Still the nationalistic principle worked in the creation of a free Iraq, the creation of Arab kingdom and Syrian republic, the withdrawal of imperialistic influence from Persia and, above all, in the institution of Dominion Status substituting an internally free and equal position in a commonwealth of peoples for a ...
... internationalism may revive with a redoubled force after the stress of the feelings created by the war has passed. In that case, the tendency of unification may look to the ideal of a world-wide Republic with the nations as provinces, though at first very sharply distinct provinces, and governed by a council or parliament responsible Page 470 to the united democracies of the world. Or ...
... its impact on the times , it will be seen to fulfil every demand we can stipulate: it appeared at the right psychological moment, expressed the precise mood of revolutionary France wanting to be a republic, and on its magnificent flood an entire country swept to liberation from century-old bond age. It is also intensely inspired every word rings authentic and carries the high passion that filled ...
... The Significance of the English Language in India INDIA'S decision to remain a member of the Commonwealth in spite of being an independent sovereign Republic has given a new lease of life amongst us to the English language. Until recently English was apt to be regarded as the remnant of a foreign imposition, an inappropriate growth in the way of an authentic ...
... something about him which the other eminent intellectuals lack. Sri Aurobindo sees in him a subtle sight such as cannot be traced in his encyclopaedic contemporary Aristotle. Sri Aurobindo read the Republic and the Symposium in the original when he was at Cambridge, he also went on to imitate the Platonic dialogue-form in a remarkable work, fairly long yet unfinished, of his late teens, The Harmony ...
... be properly determined by observation and analysis. For Theology, for Mediaeval Religion herself did not care for this field of knowledge; she had no need for scientific truths just as the Jacobin Republic had "no need of chemists"; in fact she guillotined Science wherever its presence attracted her attention. But all injustice—and that means at bottom all denial of truth, of the satyam and ritam—brings ...
... mutation. If we look casually at European history in this light the attention is only seized by a few conspicuous landmarks, the evolution and end of Athenian democracy, the transition from the Roman republic to the empire, the emergence of feudal Europe out of the ruins of Rome, the Christianisation of Europe, the Reformation and Renascence together preparing a new society, the French Revolution, the ...
... fine now. ( silence ) Page 204 Do you know, there's an interesting phenomenon. The American ambassador to India [Kenneth Keating] is for Bangladesh, while the president of the American republic [Nixon] is for Pakistan!! ( Mother laughs ) So, now, they say, there are two Americas! A Pakistan America and a Bangladesh America!... The American ambassador is in total agreement with what you wrote ...
... meeting and the gift were eminently in the fitness of things. Immediately after achieving what seemed like "squaring the circle" — the reconciliation of the concept of India the sovereign independent Republic with the concept of the British Commonwealth of Nations — Jawaharlal Nehru could not have acted more appropriately than by meeting that master of surprise and paradox, Bernard Shaw. Nor could he have ...
... an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth consciousness as a whole. No Plato and no Marx ever thought of such a Republic based on a communism of the spirit. The Divine Materialism and Spiritual Communism advocated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is such a revolutionary concept that it is no wonder that the world ...
... processes manages by their activity on the nerves and brain of a Shakespeare or a Plato to produce or could be perhaps the dynamic occasion for the production of a Hamlet or a Symposium or a Republic ; but we fail to discover or appreciate how such material movements could have composed or necessitated the composition of these highest points of thought and literature … These formulae of Science ...
... Augustinian monk, was a younger contemporary of Charles Darwin. ‘Johann’ was the name given him at his baptism, ‘Gregor’ the name he chose when becoming a monk at the abbey of Brno, now in the Czech Republic. Towards the end of his life Mendel wrote about himself (in the third person): “When he looked back on his own past, as a peasant lad in Heitzeindorf, who had had so hard a struggle to achieve a ...
... much of his scientific career was intertwined with the French Revolution and the Empire, the period in French history from 1789 to 1815. The Botanical Garden and the Muséum were creations of the Republic, and Lamarck’s mental outlook was that of the Enlightenment which led to the ideals of the Revolution. On the one side fanatical Jacobins killed the chemist Antoine Lavoisier, on the other the Revolution ...
... disoriented by the post-war upheavals and revolutions in Eastern Europe. Moreover, they were cultural outsiders and an easy target for xenophobic accusations of economic parasitism. In the Weimar Republic they were approximately one fifth of the Jewish population. The more assimilated and established members of German Jewry tended to believe that the revival of anti-Semitism was directed primarily ...
... wrote the book to present Hitler with the bill of formerly rendered services, and that he thought he might claim his share in the success of the movement he had aided to launch. Soon after the Munich Republic of Councils, when the Thule had been at its most active and several of its members had been executed, he recalled, the society started on its downward slide and began to disintegrate. “Heavy inner ...
... This decision is supposed to have been taken in the Pasewalk hospital, at the end of the deep depression which overtook him on learning that Germany had lost the war and that the country had become a republic overnight. Hitler’s statement is untrue and even nonsensical. At Pasewalk his social isolation was nearly absolute; at the age of twenty-nine his heroic years as a soldier were wiped out by the German ...
... of periodicals, and Eckart had chewed all that for Hitler to digest. There was also a new factor which played an important role since 1917: the Russian Revolution. Lenin, Trotsky, Bolshevism, a Republic of Councils, Bela Kun, Spartacists, red flags, the hammer and sickle, new leftist terms and slogans: all of that became part of the popular awareness, and all of it was felt as threatening. The presence ...
... ought therefore by rights to be a subject people, ruled by the Germans. As for the Italians, they were descended from serfs who had been banished over the Alps … Roman law, the Papacy, the French, the Republic of Venice [in 1510 still flourishing] were so many aspects of an immense, age-old conspiracy against the German way of life … Emperor Frederick would restore Germany to the position of supremacy which ...
... But perhaps they will only insist on the teaching of Charka and cottage industries—in which case things will not be better for the authors. It makes me long for Page 288 the Soviet Republic where the authors are the millionaire class. As things are in Bengal, you are served—you get the fame and Gurudas pockets the money. November 25, 1937 (From Mother) I was ...
... according to the divine guidance. I think it is useless to speculate just now about what may happen in the Supermind. 12 July 1934 At five o'clock I got ready to go and watch the Republic Day celebrations from the terrace of Aroumé. But thinking that You would prefer that I didn't go, I came back. I have no preference in this or in any other matter. For each person the decision ...
... BC) Complete Works, ed. J. Cooper, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, 1996. ( The Dialogues of most direct relevance are the Euthydemus, Protagoras, Meno, Gorgias, Symposium, Republic, Theaetetus and Laws). 10. Emile (1762), (or On Education), trans. A. Bloom, New York: Basic Books, 1979. (Rousseau's principal work on education). 11.Bailin, S. (1988) 'AchievingE ...
... because of lurking suspicion that value education might be used for religious education. *India is multi-religious country and comprises of multicultural societies. The constitution of the Republic of India is based on the concept Page 662 of secularism. Therefore, it is imperative to distinguish value education from religious education or even education about religions ...
... of Value-Consciousness and Experience The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). Study of passages from Plato, particularly from the Apology and The Republic. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly Isha Upanishad Contemplation on the concept of "Universals". Topic for deep study and reflection:' 'What is my role in the ...
... Value-Consciousness and Experience 1. The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). 2. Study of passages from Plato, particularly from the Apology and The Republic. 3. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly Isha Upanishad. 4. Contemplation on the concept of "Universals". 5. Topic for deep study and reflection: "What is my role ...
... very insolent remark, but it is true. We have made Giri 227 happy. (Laughter) We have made Indira Gandhi 227 V.V. Girl, the fourth President (from 24 August 1969 to 23 August 1974) of the Republic of India. Page 158 happier, though we have made some other people unhappy. But you understand then, that the happiness of the world lies with us. So let us be happy and cheerful all ...
... India or to Pakistan. Geographically my State is contiguous to both the Dominions. It has vital economical and cultural links with both of them. Besides my State has a common boundary with the Soviet Republic and China. In their external relations the Dominions of India and Pakistan cannot ignore this fact. I wanted to take time to decide to which Dominion I should accede, or whether it is not ...
... Then, Turkey herself took the fateful decision to abolish the institution of Khilafat in March 1924. Mustapha Kemal, whose nationalist forces deposed the Sultan in November 1922, proclaimed Turkey a republic a year later and finally abolished the office of the Caliph in early March 1924. The Khilafat Movement in India thus died a natural death; but it had encouraged and succeeded in strengthening the ...
... introduced Bharati, he learnt on the other hand a boldness, freedom and forthrightness of utterance. If Whitman was the prophet of American democracy, Bharati would be the prophet of the new Indian Republic to be, and he would sing its praises unreservedly. Poet of Freedom and Patriotism The poet of freedom and patriotism is the Bharati that most people know, and have known for ...
... defence of the country. SRI AUROBINDO: Defence against whom? PURANI: Pétain has become a Führer. SRI AUROBINDO: Not yet, going to be. PURANI: He says that now is the last phase of the third Republic and the motto will be not Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, but Work, Family and Patrie. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the Fascist motto. PURANI: The priests are happy because Pétain is a Catholic ...
... published again, but this time they were not on politics, but on philosophy and poetry and so on. I was acclaimed a great philosopher. I had never studied any philosophy, though I had read Plato's Republic and Symposium. Of course, if you can call them philosophy, I had read the Gita and the Upanishads. However, after a year, the Mother returned to France - " "But why?" "Because the First World ...
... irrelevant, unnecessary quantity. Reason is sufficient to hold together mankind and the world, to develop, elevate and illumine them as much as it is necessary. The Great Revolution declared: the Republic − ResPublica – has no need of God. Morality, a system of morals is the sole sufficient solid base; it is a known and proven reality, nothing illusory or imaginary, nothing nebulous or suppositional ...
... Ashram and its inmates: Almost all professions are represented there: cultivators, smiths, poets, mechanics, musicians and writers, artists and accountants ... and everyone, as in an ideal republic, pursues his activities with joy. ... everyone carries out an activity which corresponds to his true nature, to the law of his own being. It is not rare to see a newly arrived disciple change ...
... "guide the world humanly as God guides it divinely, because like the Divine he is in the life of the world and yet above it". 23 This is not very different from the Platonic view, expressed in the Republic, that "until philosophers are kings... and political greatness and wisdom meet in one... cities will never have rest from their evils".* These considerations lead to the conclusion that in spirituality ...
... this direction than Art and by the perfect expression of harmony insensibly steeps the man in it. And it is noticeable that England has hardly produced a single musician worth the name. Plato in his Republic has dwelt with extraordinary emphasis on the importance of music in education; as is the music to which a people is accustomed, so, he says in effect, is the character of that people. The importance ...
... great gain for the human intellect to have grown more acute and discerning, if the human soul dwindles? But Science does not admit the existence of soul. The soul, it says, is only an organised republic of animalcules, and it is in the mould of that idea Europe has recast herself;—that is what the European nations are becoming, organised republics of animalcules,—very intelligent, very methodical ...
... attended the process Page 142 but the price paid has been comparatively small. Like other Asiatic States in a similar process of transformation Persia has rejected the theoretic charms of a republic; she has set up a prince who is young enough to be trained to the habits of a constitutional monarch before he takes up the authority of kingship. In this we see the political wisdom, self-restraint ...
... more occult miracle than the precipitation of letters or the reading of the Akashic records. If Science is true, what more absurd, paradoxical and Rabelaisian miracle can there be than this, that a republic of small animalcules forming a mass of grey matter planned Austerlitz, wrote Hamlet or formulated the Vedanta philosophy? If I believed that strange dogma, I should no longer hold myself entitled ...
... of mind falling on the object,—the afferent nerves carry the impact to the brain-cells, their matter undergoes modification, the brain-filaments respond to the shock, a message—the will of the cell-republic—returns through the efferent nerves and that action of perception,—whether of an object or the idea of an object or the idea of an idea, which is the essence of thinking—is accomplished. What else ...
... on a smaller scale and under less developed conditions. When the combined intellectuality of Greece and practical materialism of the Latins, supported by the conquering military force of the Roman Republic and Empire, came into contact with the old tradition of Asia, the result was the collapse of the politically victorious civilisation under the assault of an Oriental religion which in its tenets & ...
... processes manages by their activity on the nerves and brain of a Shakespeare or a Plato to produce or could be perhaps the dynamic occasion for the production of a Hamlet or a Symposium or a Republic ; but we fail to discover or appreciate how such material movements could have composed or necessitated the composition of these highest points of thought and literature: the divergence here of the ...
... Germanic character and values. That the Germans were special, a Volk apart, capable of justifying its claims as leaders of the world’s destiny, would be proven – that, or nothing. The despicable Weimar Republic was a miscarriage of the Enlightenment fathered by the victorious Allies. Once a Leader was found to bundle and direct the energies of the Volk, it would put its inmost powers into effect, realize ...
... – and they were atheists, a requirement for joining.” (John Weiss 609) The total number of Jews murdered by the tsarists in the Ukraine between 1918 and 1920 was more than 60 000. The Socialist Republic and the Workers’ Councils immediately after the war in Munich were very visibly lead by Jews, most of them foreigners in the city and for years to come used as bogeymen in the Nazi propaganda. The ...
... This theory, however farfetched at first sight, would agree with Hitler’s deep-rooted nationalist feelings shown by him throughout the war, and with the fact that immediately after the defeat of the Republic of Councils he became a member of an inquiry commission to sift out the militant leftists from the Army. His temporary recruitment by Thule may have had no connection with his discovery by Captain ...
... depths of his ordeal when hearing the announcement that the fighting had stopped on 11 November, that Germany had lost the war, that the Kaiser and all German princes had abdicated, and that a German republic had been proclaimed. Now he was waiting in Munich, in the barracks of what remained of his regiment, to be demobilized. Although Austrian by birth and still by nationality, Adolf Hitler had in ...
... no longer hesitated to go on strike at the end of October and in the beginning of November 1918. Then came the coup in Munich: Kurt Eisner, a Jewish journalist, proclaimed Bavaria a Socialist Republic on 7 November. The Wittelsbach king, Ludwig III, abdicated that very day, the first of all eighteen still ruling German princes to do so. (Kaiser Wilhelm II would follow suit on 9 November. It had ...
... if they go and come with somebody to accompany them, there is no possible danger. 1 July 1934 × French Republic Day. ...
... husband. She observed the whole business with a penetrating and rather ironical eye, and remarked later: ‘I am reminded of the annual opening of the Arts Exhibition in Paris, when the President of the Republic inspects the pictures, eloquently discovering that one is a landscape and another a portrait, and making platitudinous comments with the air of a most intimate and soul-searching knowledge of painting ...
... the unification of all “workers of the head and the hand”. The association never took off. Still Eckart tried to make himself useful by participating in the Thule resistance against the communist Republic of Councils. The result was that the Reds caught him, and that his name could very well have been on the list of the executed Thule members, had he not managed to talk himself out of a risky and totally ...
... officers in his regiment were Jews, one of them the captain who cited him for his Iron Cross First Class. And there is also the fact that Corporal Hitler wore the red armband under Eisner and the Republic of Councils. The influence of Schönerer and Lueger, as well as that of List and Lanz von Liebenfels, must have been revived and reformulated at the time of his instruction and his activities as a ...
... under pressure from the Communists and the 1917 events in Russia, reverted to their original ideals when the war turned sour. Since the 1918 revolution, which made Germany from a monarchy into a republic, the country was fissured into two hostile blocks and “the menace of civil war hung like a black cloud over Germany”. 78 The Thule Society, “probably the most powerful secret organization in Germany” ...
... deeds and needs. While he was in Landsberg prison the conditions in Germany took a turn for the better, so much so that the period from 1924 till 1929 would be called “the golden years” of the Weimar Republic. The two men responsible for steering their country on a more propitious course were Premier Gustav Stresemann and the “financial wizard” Hjalmar Schacht, who created a new monetary system – and who ...
... leftist bids for power in Berlin (the Spartacus Revolt), Hamburg, the Rhineland, Swabia, Thuringia and elsewhere. The “Kapp Putsch” in March 1920 was a right-wing, reactionary revolt against the Weimar Republic. The pan-German journalist Wolfgang Kapp (1868-1922), whom we have met as an acquaintance of Mayr and Eckart, was its figurehead, but its military leader was General von Lüttwitz, supported by one ...
... democracy and Bolshevism, as well as against Judaism.” After 1918 the youth movement became dominated by the “völkisch-anti-Semitic-pan-German” thought, says Bronder; the social-democratic Weimar Republic did no longer seem worthwhile to be defended, and they wanted to replace its humanitarian stance with values like communal life, egalitarianism, authority, obedience, and the “leadership principle” ...
... 478 to war than monarchies; but this is true only within a certain measure. What are called democracies are bourgeois States in the form either of a constitutional monarchy or a middle-class republic. But everywhere the middle class has taken over with certain modifications the diplomatic habits, foreign policies and international ideas of the monarchical or aristocratic governments which preceded ...
... × This was written when Home Rule seemed to be a possible solution; the failure has now become a settled fact and Ireland has become the independent Republic of Ireland. × Home Rule now replaced by Dominion Status which means a confederation in fact though ...
... tampered with, but that is not an absolutely sure indication of security. The postman may be paid by the police. Personally, however, I am inclined to believe in the Republican administration theory—the Republic always likes to have time on its hands. Still, if you like, you can send important communications to any other address here you may know of, for the present (of course, by French post & a Madrasi ...
... Editor of Mother India (1948-1950) Autobiographical Notes On the Commonwealth and Secularism India can't remain in Dominion. It had decided to be a free republic and that can't be changed. On that basis it can have relations with Commonwealth if it wants. Spirituality cannot be affirmed in a political constitution. You can add spirituality in a matter of ...
... ical Notes Sources of His Philosophy Sri Aurobindo's intellect was influenced by Greek philosophy. Very little. I read more than once Plato's Republic and Symposium, but only extracts from his other writings. It is true that under his impress I rashly started writing at the age of 18 an explanation of the cosmos on the foundation of the principle ...
... × Often, during the talk, loud music and noises blared from the loudspeakers in the town. The 26th of January is the Republic Day of India. ...
... great gain for the human intellect to have grown more acute and discerning, if the human soul dwindles ? But Science does not admit the existence of soul. The soul, it says, is only an organised republic of animalcules, and it is in the mould of that idea Europe has recast herself;—that is what the European nations are becoming, organised republics of animalcules,—very intelligent, very methodical ...
... of saying it. Do that, it'll be fun! Sri Aurobindo is happy. ADDENDUM THE STATE OF THE NATION The Mother answers (A questionnaire from The Illustrated Weekly of India , Republic Day issue of 1964—original English) 1) If you were asked to sum up, just in one sentence, your vision Page 212 of India, what would be your answer? India's true destiny is to be ...
... The Classical writers who have given a detailed description of the Punjāb states on the eve of the establishment of the Maurya empire do not mention them at all. But they certainly existed as a republic in the pre-Samudragupta period as they are included in the list of the republican tribes which submitted to the Gupta emperor.... Here it may also be noticed that the Arthaśāstra (III.18.8) refers ...
... if we find that a mare magnum already familiar to us had all along a shade of glory we had never distinguished—that, for instance, it was Homer who also wrote Plato or that the author of the Republic was the true wizard who even here in the world of Impermanence had made the phenomenal ill-fate of Ilium almost a divine Idea. Such indeed is the blessing of surprise in store for those of us Indians ...
... The Significance of the English Language in India in India* India's decision to remain a member of the Commonwealth in spite of being an independent sovereign Republic has given a new lease of life amongst us to the English language. Until recently English was apt to be regarded as the remnant of a foreign imposition, an inappropriate growth in the way of ...
... perhaps, because of lurking suspicion that value education might be used for religious education. India is a multi-religious country and comprises of multicultural societies. The Constitution of the Republic of India is based on the concept of secularism. Therefore, it is imperative to distinguish value education from religious education or even education about religions. As a result of quick economic ...
... fighting, it is useful to take a brief look at the development of the fighting traditions of the ancient East. Before 500 BC China did not exist as a nation. The territory occupied by the People's Republic of China today was divided into a large number of minor, independent states, whose social systems were essentially feudal in structure. Warfare was endemic, but armies of peasants, led by local ...
... with warm welcome. Baseball, Karatedo, Modern Pentathlon and Soft Tennis were added to make 34 disciplines in total. 3rd Asian Winter Games: 1996 Harbin (China) The Democratic People's Republic Korea (North Korea) was not able to honour its commitment as the host of the 3rd Asian Winter games. Instead, Harbin, a northern city of China, was given an Page 325 opportunity to host ...
... little dweller in this narrow house! A channel of the mighty Mother's choice, The immortal's will took into its calm control Our blind or erring government of life; A loose republic once of wants and needs, Then bowed to the uncertain sovereign mind, Life now obeyed to a diviner rule And every act became an act of God. In the kingdom of the lotus of the heart ...
... best to maintain the laws as they understood them, elaborate them, change or modify wherever possible or needed under given circumstances. In ancient Europe too, it was Plato who envisaged the ideal Republic, a government of philosophers – the wise who are not actively engaged in the turmoil of life, but stand aloof and detached and can see more of the game and accordingly legislate all the better. In ...
... new in it. SRI AUROBINDO: What does Counouma say about this Government? PURANI: He is not here now. But he is against it. He said, "Armistice may be all right, but if they try to destroy the Republic, I will enlist myself. I don't know what Dr. André and others think about it. They still support Pétain in his peace move and say, 'People on the spot know better than others', and blame the British ...
... humorous writing again from the pen of young Aurobindo and picked at random from the same The Harmony of Virtue about which Sri Aurobindo remarked apropos: "I read more than once Plato's Republic and Symposium, but only extracts from his other writings. It is true that under his impress I rashly started writing at the age of 18 an explanation of the cosmos on the foundation of the principle ...
... sness and Experience: 1. The ideal and practice of brahmacharya (example of Dayananda Saraswati). 2. Study of passages from Plato, particularly from (he Apology and The Republic. 3. Study of passages from the Upanishads, particularly Isha Upanishad. 4. Contemplation on the concept of "Universals". 5. Topic for deep study and reflection: "What ...
... day for more than three years and produced a _____________ ¹ Niccolo Macchiavelli (1469-1527), Florentine statesman and political philosopher; secretary to the war council of the Florentine republic (1498- 1512). His most famous work is II Principe (The Prince,1532). ² Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu (1689-1755), French political philosopher. His chief work is L'Esprit des lois (1748) ...
... seen, experienced and realized as imperishable and ultimate, and there is nothing beyond It. If we do not comprehend That Reality, how can it be helped? Is it understandable when Plato says in 'The Republic’ that the highest reality, the Good far exceeds essence both in power and dignity'? In what way this highest reality can be known and known justifiably as indescribable and yet describable in many ...
... a synthesis of communal autonomies, the autonomy of the village, of the town and capital city, of the caste, guild, family, religious community, regional unit. The state or kingdom or confederated republic was a means of holding together and synthesizing in a free and living organic system these autonomies. The imperial problem was to synthesize again these states, peoples, nations - effecting their ...
... of the Governor's Council in 1946. In 1948, after Indian independence was attained, he replaced Mountbatten to become the only Indian Governor-General of India, in which post he continued till the Republic was declared on January 26, 1950. The office was replaced by that of President, first held by Rajendra Prasad. Rajaji became a member of Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet, first without portfolio, then, ...
... under him. Few know that just before 15 August 1947, India was not one monolithic entity, but one that comprised provinces of British India and over 554 Princely States. Forming a United Republic including all has to be one of the greatest - and unsung - successes of the twentieth century. Page 114 HOME ...
... had no control. The more I tried to control the sneeze, the more it seemed ready to burst and finally it did. And He remarked: "What 243 Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the third Prime Minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977, and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. Page 184 a metallic sneeze!" (Laughter) I was going ...
... 1871, just when France was reeling under the shock of a humiliating defeat at the hands of Prussia, My revenge is my fraternity! No more frontiers! The Rhine for everyone! Let us be the same Republic, let us be the United States of Europe, let us be the continental federation, let us be European liberty, let us be universal peace! ... What is fascinating in Jean Monnet is the intensity of ...
... Puritans had cast aside poetry and music like poison. In the Talmud (the scripture of the Jews) there is the total prohibition to draw the picture of anybody, be he a man or a God. Plato in his Republic refused to award a locus to the poet. Even in the world of to-day, behind the externals we are after Idealism that awakens the higher emotions, the spiritual perception, and inspires the spiritual ...
... its apparatus of technical terms, its copious literature. For three thousand years at least, India created abundantly and incessantly. This creativity was many-sided and led to the development of republic, kingdoms and empires, philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences and creeds and arts and poems and all kinds of monuments, palaces, temples and public works, communities and societies and religious ...
... processes manages by their activity on the nerves and brain of a Shakespeare or a Plato to produce or could be perhaps the dynamic occasion for the production of a Hamlet or a Symposium or a Republic. But if we examine this kind of explanation, we fail to discover or appreciate how such material movements could have composed or necessitated the composition of these highest points of thought and ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 The Poet and The Seer PLATO has exiled the poet from his Republic – in his ideal society there is no place for the poet – this is a stern condemnation. It is a matter of surprise to us, even of disbelief. Especially when we notice that there is no dearth of poetry in Plato himself – he was no dry-as-dust reasoner ...
... best to maintain the laws as they understood them; elaborate them, change or modify wherever possible or heeded under given circumstances. In ancient Europe too, it was Plato who envisaged the ideal Republic, a government of philosophers -the wise who are not actively engaged in the turmoil of life, but stand aloof and detached and can see more of the game and accordingly Page 107 legislate ...
... and satyagraha was the method or the technique. The earlier movement ended in the establishment of the Maratha confederacy falling short of a united India and now the latest movement has given us a republic and a united India (though paradoxically, it has also brought the division of India along religious lines). Sri Aurobindo enumerates the essential elements of a culture : " The Culture of a people ...
... heart of the French populace - and that has ever beaten most highly in unison with the grand ideas of Equality and Fraternity, since they were first enounced on the banner of the great and terrible Republic.... They chose not the fierce, sharp air of English individualism, 119. New Lamps for Old, September 18, 1893. 120. We quote his words again: "If there was attachment to a European ...
... movement. But the very first onrush of the newly awakened national consciousness of India was unique. That tidal wave in its initial onrush defined the goal of India's political ideal – anindependent republic. Alternating movement of ebb and flow in the national movement followed till in 1947 the goal was reached. The lives of leaders and workers, who rode, willingly and with delight on the dangerous ...
... intense flame that touched many Indian hearts and set them ablaze. Some people have supposed that Aurobindo studied Greek philosophy while he was in England. This is not true. He read Plato's Republic and Symposium , but he did not study Greek Philosophy. He had heard of Heraclitus while in England, but ¹Ibid pp. 1 - 4. ² Ibid. p. 4. Page 31 read ...
... 25 interesting to know that in our history the last songs written that had any quality were written in the Civil War, before the age of science and. reason. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "John Brown's Body" were two of the most stirring anthems written in this country. But in World War One and World War Two, there was absolutely nothing that had any parallel to it. Yes ...
... with, but that is not an absolutely sure indication of security. The postman may be paid by the police. Personally, however, I am inclined to believe in the Republican administration theory, – the Republic always likes to have time on its hands. Still, if you like, you can send Important communications to any other address here you may know of, for the present (of course, by French post and a Madrasi ...
... movement. But the very first onrush of the newly awakened national consciousness of India was unique. That tidal wave in its initial onrush defined the goal of India's political ideal – anindependent republic. Alternating movement of ebb and flow in the national movement followed till in 1947 the goal was reached. The lives of leaders and workers, who rode, willingly and with delight on the dangerous crest ...
... Kanta Gupta, and taken to the Reception room where he was shown a plaster model of the State of Pondicherry conceived by the Mother and executed by Ashramites, and intended for display in the coming Republic Day parade at Delhi. Pondicherry was to be represented by a small country craft carrying a pavilion: The four principal pillars of this pavilion are the four Continents of Asia, Europe, Africa ...
... texture as the old and different only in pattern.... It must come by other means—from within and not from without. 69 1949 First Russian atomic explosion. Mao Tse-Tung proclaims the People’s Republic of China. August 1949 (A note by Sri Aurobindo's secretary): Practically all the correspondence came to an abrupt halt, only the work on Savitri proceeded steadily. I wonder if he had taken ...
... of a greater good? For the last two thousand years and more, we have been devising beneficial systems, which crumble one after another – fortunately. Even the wise Plato banished poets from his Republic, much as today we would perhaps banish those useless eccentrics who roam the world and knock blindly at the doors of the future. We complain about our incapacity (to heal, help, cure, save), but ...
... terms of organization of consciousness, to mention only the external part of the task. Even if we put together all the geniuses of the world, we could not conceive of Plato writing Phaedras, The Republic, The Laws and God knows what else at the same time, nor can we imagine Goethe managing Faust, Wilhelm Meister .. . and whatever else in one go. Furthermore, Sri Aurobindo was also writing poetry ...
... evolution of French Republicanism. Or it may be something else.... The postman may be paid by the police. Personally, however, I am inclined to believe in the Republican administration theory,—the Republic always likes to have time on its hands. "I have not written all this time because I was not allowed K. V. Rangaswamy Iyengar, the zamindar of Kodailam; see ch. 5 for details. Page ...
... - British explorer Scott reaches the South Pole a month after Amundsen, but perishes along with his companions on his way back. February 2 -The Chinese Emperor abdicates; China becomes a Republic under Sun-Yat-Sen. April 14 -The Titanic collides with an iceberg off Newfoundland and sinks; 1,517 victims. October 10 -Outbreak of the Balkans War over Serbia. December 23 — India's ...
... Parliament. The Upper House—like our Rajya Sabha—is called the Senat; the Lower House—Lok Sabha—is called the Chambre des Deputes (in plain English, the Chamber of Deputies). It was during the Third Republic, which was established in 1870 and which lasted until the occupation of France by the Germans in 1940, that the French settlements in India were accorded the right of representation in the French ...
... Italian republics into a nation, he says, was not so much the effect as the cause of Italian independence. We leave for the moment the truth of the statement which is contrary to the facts of history; but we should like to know what on earth our universal critic means by his Italian republics? There were republics in mediaeval Italy, but we did not know that Naples and Sicily were republics under King ...
... into relation with all issues and, in particular, cultural ones - that is to say, issues basic to the human situation. The recognition of this need has led readers of Mother India to ask for republication in book-form of editorial articles dealing in the main, directly or indirectly, with the bearing of the Aurobindonian vision and experience on such issues - and centrally on those aspects of ...
... other countries the people had to take part in the triumphs, disasters and failures of their rulers either as citizens or at least as soldiers, but in India they were left to their little isolated republics with no farther interest than the payment of a settled tax in return for protection by the supreme power. This was the true cause of the failure of India to achieve a distinct organized and self-conscious ...
... put upon all the Indian stamp, welded the most diverse elements into its fundamental unity. But it has also been throughout a congeries of diverse peoples, lands, kingdoms and, in earlier times, republics also, diverse races, sub-nations with a marked character of their own, developing different brands or forms of civilisation and culture, many schools of art and architecture which yet succeeded in ...
... vigil over the integrity of their own republican constitution, they revel at the same time in the despotic sway of unlimited power over the peoples they conquer. This is strictly true of the Pagan republics of Hellas and Rome as well as of the Christian communes and country-states of Mediaeval and Modern Europe. The ideal that has shaped the polity of Europe is always consciously or unconsciously Hellenic ...
... the Page 54 State. The world, however, has outlived the original meaning, and is now used, when used at all, somewhat loosely of States ruled by hereditary sovereigns, as distinct from republics with elected presidents or for the "monarchical principle", as opposed to republican. Oligarchy is the traditional term used to denote the rule of the few when that rule is looked upon with ...
... Chandragupta, Chanakya, Asoka, the Gupta emperors and goes down through the multitude of famous Hindu and Mahomedan figures of the middle age to quite modern times. In ancient India there was the life of republics, oligarchies, democracies, small kingdoms of which no detail of history now survives, afterwards the long effort at empire-building, the colonisation of Ceylon and the Archipelago, the vivid struggles... the viśaḥ of the Veda, of whom the kings were the leaders and from them as well as from the sacred or princely families were born the Rishis; they held their villages as little self-administered republics; in the time of the great kingdoms and empires they sat in the municipalities and urban councils and the bulk of the typical royal Council described in the books of political science was composed ...
... brought about by the pressure of their example, or even by simply growing into the majority in each country, the party might control Europe. It might create counterparts of itself in all the American republics and in Asiatic countries. It might by using the machinery of the League of Nations or, where necessary, by physical force or economic or other pressure persuade or compel all the nations into some ...
... about such a creation and this might lead to a closer confederacy. America seems to be turning dimly towards a better understanding between the increasingly cosmopolitan United States and the Latin republics of Central and South America which may in certain contingencies materialise itself into Page 401 a confederate inter-American State. The idea of a confederate Teutonic empire, if Germany ...
... description of Indianness. For before the period of exhaustion, for at least three thousand years, India created abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible many-sidedness; it built republics, kingdoms and empires; it constructed philosophies and cosmogonies; it developed sciences and arts and poems; it raised all kinds of monuments, palaces and temples and public works; it organised ...
... on the borders of the region inherited from his father and not newly acquired. The states to the east are Samatata, Kāmarūpa, Davāka, Kartripura and Nepal. Those to the west are not kingdoms but republics. All of them are beyond Allāhābād, Oudh and South Bihār. Perhaps the most interesting of them for pur immediate purpose is Samatata which "is taken as comprising the delta of the Ganges and Brāhmaputra"... Ganges-delta is exactly what Sandrocottus exercised authority over and what Aśoka cannot be said with any certainty at all to have inherited from Chandragupta Maurya. On the west, even further than the republics are some independent foreign countries which have entered into respectful relationship with Samudragupta. 3 He has not been at war with them. They are the outlying borders of some of the Indian ...
... America as well as Europe and it must be in its nature an organisation of international life constituted by a number of free nations such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the United States, the Latin republics and a number of imperial and colonising nations such as are most of the peoples of Europe. Either the latter would remain, as they now are, free in themselves but masters of subject peoples who, with ...
... unimaginably prolific creativeness. For three thousand years at least, — it is indeed much longer, — she has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible many sidedness, republics and kingdoms and empires, philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences and creeds and arts and poems and all kinds of monuments, palaces and temples and public works, communities and societies and religious ...
... impulse were enough to impose on this plasticity a law of general oneness. And even when there grew up the great kingdoms and empires, still the characteristic institutions of the smaller kingdoms, republics, peoples were as much as possible incorporated rather than destroyed or thrown aside in the new cast of the socio-political structure. Whatever could not survive in the natural evolution of the people ...
... also the grouping of several peoples thus designated with a reference to rivers. Further we learn from Mookerji: 2 "In Panini's time there were both individual republics functioning by themselves and confederacies of such republics such as the Trigarta-shashtha, or the Sdlvas..." In the very time of Alexander, says Mookerji, 3 "some kind of national opposition was organised... by the c ...
... unimaginably prolific creativeness. For three thousand years at least,—it is indeed much longer,—she has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible many-sidedness, republics and kingdoms and empires, philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences and creeds and arts and poems Page 7 and all kinds of monuments, palaces and temples and public works, communities and ...
... voice? Who else are to determine preponderatingly the decisions they will have to enforce or can give to them a permanent principle or sustained practical policy? No combination of little American republics Page 646 and minor European powers could dictate a world policy to the United States, France and the British Empire or could be allowed to play by the blind rule of a majority with these... means a questioning of that basis and a shaking of the very foundations of the European world-order. This League is a league of governments, and all these governments are bourgeois monarchies or republics, instruments of a capitalistic system assailed by the tides of socialism. Their policy is to compromise, to concede in detail, but to prolong their own principle so that they may survive and capitalism ...
... the need of multiple rules. An example may make this point clear. The small city-States of Greece have exhibited greater creative power than many great nations and some empires; so also the small republics of ancient India or Small States under Kings were more creative than extensive Indian Empires. One could ask the question in face of all these difficulties : Is it that the unity of mankind is ...
... put upon it the Indian stamp, welded the most diverse elements into its fundamental unity. But it has also been throughout a congeries of diverse peoples, lands, kingdoms and, in earlier times, republics also, diverse races, sub-nations with a marked characteristic of their own, developing different brands or forms of civilisation and culture, many schools of art and architecture which yet succeeded ...
... Richardson's opinion of this and other work and, who knows, I might have ranked in however low a place among the poets of the romantic decline. Perhaps then I need not decide too hastily against any republication of the Collected Poems or could even cherish the hope that, when the fashion of anti-romanticism has passed, it Page 351 may find its proper place, whatever that may be, and survive ...
... Richardson's opinion of this and other work and, who knows, I might have ranked in however low a place among the poets of the romantic decline. Perhaps then I need not decide too nastily against any republication of the Collected Poems [ 1942 edition] or could even cherish the hope that, when the fashion of anti-romanticism has passed, it may find its proper place, whatever that may be, and survive. ...
... unimaginably prolific creativeness. For three thousand years at least,—it is indeed much longer,—she has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible many-sidedness, republics and kingdoms and empires, philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences and creeds and arts and poems and all kinds of monuments, palaces and temples and public works, communities and societies and religious ...
... almost unimaginably prolific creativeness. For three thousand years at least, it is indeed much longer—she has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly, with an inexhaustible manysidedness, republics and kingdoms and empires, philosophies and cosmogonies and sciences and creeds and arts and poems and all kinds of monuments, palaces and temples and public works, communities and societies and religious ...
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