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... conquest of death, it is only one of the sequelae of supramentalisation—and I am not aware that I have forsworn my views about the supramental descent. But I never said or thought that the supramental descent would automatically make everybody immortal. The supramental descent can only make the best conditions for anybody who can open to it then or thereafter attaining to the supramental consciousness... doubting, everybody taking the train homewards. The rosy side also may be true—as you said a general stillness was felt. In the atmosphere, it may be so. But what has that to do with the Supramental descent? I asked M to start tomorrow for Madras. He says he has to go to Calcutta—written there and is waiting for a reply... He is talking of starting on Sunday. About S, the "coldish" feeling... becomes dead and useless for work. Would not massaging (perhaps with some effective ointment) be necessary? October 13, 1936 I didn't imagine death would cease on the planet by your Supramental descent, or that sadhana would be unnecessary. When did I say that the Supermind is descending into the sadhaks?[9.10.36] It is implied if they are to get the conquest of death by the mere descent ...
... of earth and Matter. If I believe in the probability and not only the possibility, if I feel practically certain of the supramental descent—I do not fix a date,—it is because I have my grounds for the belief, not merely a faith in the air. I know that the supramental descent is inevitable—l have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age. But... problem, the critical stage of the whole action, because the victory there would decide everything for good and all. 24 November 1932 Is it possible for you to give us an idea when the supramental descent will come to pass? Will it be within a decade? And will the result of the completion of your yoga be, as I once asked Mother also, a power to transform us in spite of ourselves? Even at present... the physical mind which has not yet any notion of what the supramental is. For the rest, I will try to meet the points you make. 14 November 1933 As the moment of the possibility of the supramental Descent grows nearer, these forces have become more eager to keep hold on the Asram atmosphere and break the sadhana of anyone they can touch. Their main aim is to get as many as possible to leave the ...
... conquest of death, it is only one of the sequelae of supramentalisation—and I am not aware that I have forsworn my views about the supramental descent. But I never said or thought that the supramental descent would automatically make everybody immortal. The supramental descent can only make the best conditions for anybody who can open to it then or thereafter attaining to the supramental consciousness... The Supramental Descent and Transformation Letters on Yoga - I Chapter IV Transformation and the Body The Transformation of the Body It is quite true that the surrender and the consequent transformation of the whole being is the aim of the Yoga—the body is not excluded, but at the same time this part of the endeavour is the most difficult and doubtful—the... the supramental is hardly necessary—for a change of consciousness which would bring mental-spiritual union with the Divine, the Overmind is sufficient, even the Higher Mind is sufficient. The supramental descent is necessary for a dynamic action of the Truth in mind, vital and body. This would imply as a final result the disappearance of the unconsciousness of the body; it would no longer be subject ...
... of Yoga, it is said about the sex-movements that they "throw into the atmosphere forces that would block the supramental descent, bringing instead the descent of adverse vital powers" [p. 71]. Is it meant that any kind of sex-movement in the Ashram atmosphere would block the supramental descent? If it were so, the descent would hardly be possible because new sadhaks or temporary visitors may indulge... from the life plane into the material that active and conscious organised life was possible—so it was only when mind descended that the latent mind in Matter awoke and could be organised. The supramental descent must create the same kind of opening from below so that a supramental consciousness can be organised in the material. 20 April 1933 " ... it is only the very highest supramental Force... of the sadhana. It is said that if that were done, the sadhana would bring down vital Forces of a type adverse to the supramental change which would serve to block (stand in the way of) the supramental descent. 1 August 1936 Page 136 You write in Bases of Yoga, in regard to "the waves that recur from the general Nature", that "they return on him [the individual], often with an increased ...
... go into. If you want to know you have to read the Arya . Is living in that consciousness an ideal condition for receiving the supramental descent? It is a necessary condition. I ask because I heard that no one here was prepared for this supramental descent. Of course not, this realisation of the Self as all and the Divine as all is only the first step. Page 668 Is that... testing the sincerity of the sadhakas. The work of this Yoga and therefore the principle of the Asram life is to take the world as it is and deal with it by a transformation of which the supramental descent is not the first but the final process. The presence of the hostile forces is a part of the world as it is and not to deal with them at all or to act as if they were not there would have been... got rid of so easily, there would have been no need of preparation or of a trying and difficult sadhana. It was necessary to deal with what had come into existence in the evolution so that the supramental descent might become possible. 9 December 1933 What I meant in my first question [ p. 641 ] was that, as far as I can see, evolution is not necessary for the divine manifestation. There is ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 4. The Supramental Descent Then, abruptly, this universal beginning concretized itself. On a 29th of February, 1956—a leap year. In fact, if things depended on the good will or ill will of men, or even on what they think, there would be very little hope for the Earth. Sometimes I have... all the dirty laundry of the world right under our nose, until we become sufficiently asphyxiated and disgusted to... consent to something else. "Why have the difficulties increased since this supramental descent?" complained a disciple one day at the Playground, four months after the famous "descent." Who says it is not because you have become more conscious! That your difficulties were there before... from their lairs. The Supramental is a formidable power that draws all out. In 1925, Sri Aurobindo had made a strange remark, when asked what would be the signs of the imminence of the supramental descent. He enumerated four signs, the fourth leaving us pensive. Firstly, the knowledge of the Physical world has increased so much that it is on the verge of breaking its own bounds [perhaps in order ...
... our lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane.... I know that the Supramental Descent is inevitable -I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age." 33 New Manifestation Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... pp. 468-69. Page 52 Thus the objective conditions favourable for the Descent are already there. But this in itself is a necessary but by no means sufficient factor. For the supramental Descent to occur there must be someone to cooperate occultly with the process and accelerate the march of evolution. What would have normally taken thousands of years should be encompassed in a couple... fact, as Sri Aurobindo has indicated: "God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep... And belief shall be not till the work is done." But this does not mean that the supramental Descent will have no effect on this visible field of manifestation and will remain for ever aloof on the high peaks of mystic halo. Far from it; for it is no static knowledge that Sri Aurobindo and the ...
... the Arya and writing, etc., can go on. But when I came down to the vital I stopped all that."¹ We may also cite Chidanandam's corroboration. The Master tells a disciple about the process of supramental descent: "It is a silent work. Publicity attracts hostile forces. You can do outside work only when it is in you to do so. When you are doing sadhana in the mind, you can do it. I wrote the Arya at... other the supramental humanised - in the sense of assuming a man-like shape. The former would mark the evolutionary consummation, with the Mother being, as the leader of the earth's "Yoga of supramental descent and transformation", its prime exemplar. The latter would be a non-evolutionary epiphany, an embodiment of the Supermind from its own level without the ordinary birth- process and without an... the vital, the physical - must make its spontaneous individual surrender to the Supreme under the influence of the inmost psyche, in order to make integral our self-surrendering, so too the supramental descent must be accomplished essentially by a straight and unmediated relationship of each component to the Gnostic Truth. Even when the inner nature has been inhabited by that Truth, the consciousness ...
... lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane.... I know that the Supramental Descent is inevitable — I have faith in view of my experience 1 Bulletin, Vol. XV, No. 4, p. 51. 2 See Nolini Kanta Gupta, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo (Part Eight), p. 102... are only the birth-throes of a new Dawn. The objective conditions favourable for the Descent are already there. But this in itself is a necessary but by no means sufficient factor. For the Supramental Descent to occur there must be someone to cooperate fully and occultly with the process and accelerate the march of evolution. What would have normally taken thousands of years should now be encompassed... manifestation of a new world is not proclaimed by beat of drum." It was in 1932 that Sri Aurobindo wrote the afore-mentioned letter expressing his sense of certainty as regards the Supramental Descent occurring in our own time. Later on, in 1956 to be precise, the Mother declared that what he and she had assiduously worked to manifest in the field of earthly evolution, is not any more a ...
... There is no reason why the vegetable, animal and human life should not evolve in the Truth and not in the Ignorance—if once the Knowledge is there in the earth-plane. Speculations about the Supramental Descent It is not perhaps very useful to forecast by the mind what will be the precise results of the descent of a supramental consciousness into a world in which up to now the mental intelligence... would be transformed into the supramental; the vital and subhuman, if it existed in the typal world, would also be changed and become supramental. But, earth being an evolutionary world, the supramental descent is not likely to have such a devastating completeness. It would be only the establishment of a new principle of consciousness and a new order of conscious beings and this new principle would... tradition also foresees the elimination of this disturbing element by the descent of a divine Principle or Power on earth, but gives to it usually a sudden and dramatic form. I conceive that the supramental descent would effect the same event by a progressive elimination of the darkness and evolution of the Light, but with what rate of rapidity it would be rash to try to forecast or prefigure. This is ...
... The Supramental Descent and Transformation Letters on Yoga - I Chapter I The Descent of the Supermind Inevitability of the Descent The descent of the supramental is an inevitable necessity in the logic of things and is therefore sure. It is because people do not understand what the supermind is or realise the significance of the emergence of consciousness... as an absurdity and a chimaera. It is the same now with the appearance of supermind in the stumbling mentality of this world of human consciousness and its reasoning ignorance. If the supramental descent is decreed, nothing can prevent it; but all things are worked out here through a play of forces, and an unfavourable atmosphere or conditions can delay even when they cannot prevent. Even when... The descent of the Supramental can hasten things, but it is not going to act as a patent universal medicine or change everything in the twinkle of an eye. Clarifications about the Supramental Descent But what will happen when the supramental comes down is a matter for the supramental to decide—no use laying down laws for it beforehand with the mind. It is the Truth-consciousness, sir—it ...
... The Supramental Descent and Transformation Letters on Yoga - I Chapter II Descent and Transformation A World-Changing Yoga What is a perfect technique of Yoga or rather of a world changing and Nature-changing Yoga? Not one that takes a man by a little bit of him somewhere, attaches a hook and pulls him up by a pulley into Nirvana or Paradise. The... because it is into the deep inconscience of material life that we have to bring, not an intermediate glimmer, but the full glory of the divine Light. Page 296 The Vital World and the Supramental Descent When there is a pressure on the vital world due to the preparing Descent from above, that world usually precipitates something of itself into the human. The vital world is very large and far... maintain humanity under its sway and prevent the higher Light. The vital descent cannot prevent the supramental—still less can the possessed nations do it by their material power, since the supramental descent is primarily a spiritual fact which will bear its necessary outward consequences. What previous vital descents have done is to falsify the Light that came down as in the history of Christianity ...
... descend? Sri Aurobindo replied: 'If I believe in the probability and not only possibility, if I feel practically certain of the supramental Descent (I do not fix a date), it is because I have my grounds for the belief, not a faith in the air. I know that the supramental Descent is inevitable — I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age.' There was... the ranges of the Higher Consciousness. As the disciples gradually came to know that Sri Aurobindo had retired into complete seclusion in order to concentrate on his task of hastening the Supramental Descent, their minds were beset with many questions. From 1930 onwards they were given the freedom to write letters to Sri Aurobindo (I shall come back to this subject later) and many put all sorts of ...
... Aurobindo that she felt like leaving her body, he is reported to have remarked, "No, this can never be. If necessary for this transformation, I might go; you will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation." 69 In his letter of 7 December 1949, Sri Aurobindo explained why, unlike Sri Ramakrishna who wouldn't use spiritual force for preserving the body, he was not unwilling... the 'first day of the week'. Jesus had warned his followers that his Kingdom was not of the earth, and Sri Aurobindo too had often warned his disciples not to visualise the promised Supramental descent in their own convenient mental terms. What Jesus had said to "doubting Thomas" was pertinent still: Be not faithless but believing! Some disciples who were poets as well were able... the world has stained his throat. 86 If he could himself invite and absorb - even at the cost of surrendering the material envelope that was his body - the first full impact of the Supramental descent (as Shiva received the impact of Ganga cascading in a downpour on the earth), both to make sure of the descent and to contain and consolidate the gains for the world, why;' certainly he would ...
... conquest of death, it is only one of the sequelae of supramentalisation—and I am not aware that I have for sworn my views about the supramental descent. But I never said or thought that the supramental descent would automatically make everybody immortal. The supramental descent can only make the best conditions for anybody who can open to it then or thereafter attaining to the supramental consciousness ...
... The Supramental Descent and Transformation Letters on Yoga - I Chapter III The Supramental Transformation Preparatory Steps towards the Supramental Change It is not possible to have the direct supramental working now. The Adhar is not yet ready. First one must accept an indirect working which prepares the lower planes for the supramental change. ... The gate of the supramental cannot be smashed open like that. The Adhar has to be steadily prepared, changed, made fit for the supramental Descent. There are several powers between the ordinary mind and the supramental and these must be opened up and absorbed by the consciousness—only then is the supramental change possible. To speak of "receiving power from the supramental when we are... lised before the mental and vital is an absolute absurdity. What I said was that the mind and vital could not be supramentalised so long as the physical was left as it was, untouched by the supramental descent. It is quite impossible for the supramental to take up the body before there has been the full supramental change in the mind and the vital. X and others seem always to expect some kind ...
... is, in many senses, a sequel. Then we shall be best able to correlate his declarations with the Mother's pronouncement and by their help fill out the significance it reveals of the supramental descent into the body, which started on December 5, 1950. I Preliminary to our exposition of the Mind of Light as treated by Sri Aurobindo we must seize the meaning of the words... Spiritual Mind before Supermind has descended. The difference provides the clue to the forms the Mind of Light assumes in its farther development. We are here talking of forms developed by supramental descent. But we can also speak of the progression of the Mind of Light by ascent, what we have already mentioned as its climbing towards and into Supermind. Once shaped, the Mind of Light can first... one's human self into connection with the Truth-counterpart of it beyond does not as a rule tarry or compromise long in its dealings with practitioners of Yoga. A fourth sign of the supramental descent into the physical mind is the repeated flow of mercy and power in extremities. People in their last gasp of inner struggle and on the black verge of total failure, people in a practically ...
... the past spiritual endeavour these are the chief affirmations of Sri Aurobindo based upon his abiding experiences and realisations. Stressing the novelty of the aim and method of the supramental descent upon the earth, Sri Aurobindo has written in one of his letters: 'It is the descent of the new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana.". . . a method... that I felt like leaving this body of mine. He spoke out in a very firm tone, 'No, this can never he. If necessary for this transformation I might go, you will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation.' It was on 5 December 1950 at 1.26 a.m. that Sri Aurobindo left his physical body, and yet for 111 hours the body remained intact and undecomposed. As the Mother ... This physical mind receiving the supramental light Sri Aurobindo called the Mind of Light.' Sri Aurobindo's withdrawal from the body has therefore been a self-chosen step to hasten the supramental descent upon the earth. And, indeed, it has been affirmed by The Mother that Sri Aurobindo has been working constantly towards this end. And on 29 February 1956, the descent of the Supermind on ...
... the inauguration of the Sri Aurobindo International University (later, the International Centre of Education); the steady and purposeful proliferation of the Ashram activities; the unnoticed supramental descent and manifestation in February 1956; the incorporation of ancillary organisations like Sri Aurobindo Society and World Union with their progressive outgrowth in scattered branches all over the... the coming years, she took evening classes in the Playground, and on 29 February 1956, after she had read a passage from The Synthesis of Yoga and during the meditation that followed, the supramental descent and manifestation took place as firmly willed by her, and so she could declare two months later: Lord, Thou hast willed, and I execute: A new light breaks upon the earth, A new world... Years later, on 1 January 1969, the Superman Consciousness floated down slowly like a golden dawn, spraying a smiling benevolence on all and a peaceful delight as well. But be it the powerful supramental descent and manifestation of 1956 or the Superman Consciousness of 1969, it is a global possession now, offering a global opportunity for the evolutionary leap into the future; and it was given to Sri ...
... made a direct reference to the world of the Gods - the Overmind world just below Supermind - and indicated that it might come down first, preparing the ground, as it were, for the climactic supramental descent: It is possible that there may be a great complexity in manifestation - one can manifest different godheads in different parts of the being.... There should be no ego if there is to... seemed to be set on the high road to newer and newer goals of realisation. Several sadhaks had also the human - only too human! - tendency to be impatient, to "expect" miracles and to picture the supramental descent and the supramental transformation in mental terms which necessarily introduced elements of falsity and futility. The vital nature might sometimes think of the Supermind as just a superior vital... means the coming of the supramental Purusha, the supramental Principle, and also supramental beings and personalities. It can be delayed no longer.... From the highest standpoint the supramental descent has been decided and nobody can resist it. From the standpoint of the conditions in which we are working, we have to see the obstacles... it is an advantage to be aware of the difficulties and ...
... the sadhaks against the attacks of the Asuras on the physical plane—for it is there that there is the who question—then what is to be done? what can be done? Nothing. We can only wait for the supramental descent—and descent is methodical but slow, for the opposition to that is obstinate in the material Nature. However, we must go on and do what can be done under these difficult conditions. I do... evolution. I meant that things could move more swiftly towards this if the sadhaks had a less ignorant attitude, but if they could not yet reach that, we had of course to go on anyhow until the supramental descent came down to the material level. Finally, you must get rid of this gratuitous tendency despair. The difficulty for you has been created by the indulgence given to the formation I speak of; ...
... personality ruled grossly or subtly by what he dubs "the ego". The emergence and activity of the psychic being are the key to the special process that constitutes Sri Aurobindo's "Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation". The psychic being is the only directly divine element in the evolving human composite. All the others, even at their highest, function as part of the cosmic formula... Divine, invocation of the Infinite, possession by the Eternal. At the root of these three states lies the constant act of self-surrender to the Supreme. The Aurobindonian Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation can also be termed the Yoga of Self-surrender. And with such an appellation goes another equally apposite. Corresponding to the psychic being's natural gesture of what the ...
... the Great Work that She has done." In addition to all this, we must remember what she told Dr. Sanyal at the end of 1950—namely, that Sri Aurobindo has asked her to fulfil their Yoga of "Supramental Descent and Transformation. 1 It is not the believers in the Mother's complete transformation, who lacked true perception and understanding. Those who now refuse to believe after the event of her... work for the goal better by leaving his body and concentrating everything in the Mother's, and himself acting from the subtle-physical plane, so too she found that she could fulfil his Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation better by taking up into her supramental body the greatest victory of this Yoga—sufficient if not full transformation of her body-mind. The strategy was changed in order to ...
... sway and prevent the higher Light. 9 June 1936 If, as you say, there has been a "change for the worse" due to the descent of the vital world, would it not make the Page 604 supramental descent in the earth-consciousness impossible or postpone its coming to some distant future instead of here and now? Moreover, the "possessed" nations are endowed with all the possible material power... for their egoistic plans, nothing will be allowed to succeed. The vital descent cannot prevent the supramental—still less can the possessed nations do it by their material power, since the supramental descent is primarily a spiritual fact which will bear its necessary outward consequences. What previous vital descents have done is to falsify the Light that came down as in the history of Christianity ...
... of which is that she and Sri Aurobindo had become young and exquisite so much so that none of the sadhaks could recognise them. From Sri Aurobindo's letters too we had the intuition that the Supramental descent in the physical was imminent. In one of the sonnets written in 1940 we find him speaking of abolishing death and of his physical transformation: ... Under the mask grows clear The mould... remarked that I felt like leaving this body of mine. He spoke out in a very firm tone, 'No, this can never be. If necessary for this transformation, I might go, you will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation.'" He told us he would not explain why he was not Curing himself as we would not understand it. He called it "the dread mysterious sacrifice, offered by God's martyred body" ...
... Sri Aurobindo says, "If I believe in the probability and not only possibility, if I feel practically certain of the Supramental Descent ( I do not fix a date), it is because I have my grounds for the belief, not a faith in the air. I know that the Supramental Descent is inevitable—I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age... I have ...
... 15 August. Barada Charan, a yogi of Bengal, had an experience involving Sri Aurobindo. Talk about celebrating the fifteenth August. The food was as usual. Remarks on the difficulty of the supramental descent into the physical. Evening talk on the Supermind. 20 August. Barin arrived from Calcutta. Talk about the Bhawanipore centre, the Bijoli newspaper and collecting money. 12 September... of his nature into it. He was, besides, not impatient for action. He did not want to act from ignorant human instruments but from a Higher Consciousness. He had the confidence that if the Supramental descent could be established in its perfection, then other people would be able to profit by it with much less effort. It was when the Tapasya for the Siddhi of the Supramental was going on that, ...
... forces that acted in and through Yoga, about Guruvada, about the hindrance of mental preconceptions and above all about the greatness of Sri Aurobindo and his, endeavour to invoke a Force – the Supramental descent for which our minds and the earth-consciousness were still far from ready. He told me also how he had visioned in his meditations "the greatest Yogi of this age" (Yugavatar was the word he... you meet them that the business is not theirs." . . . "Do I understand," I pursued again after the laughter had subsided, "that the conquest of the Asuric forces will usher in the Supramental Descent?" "Not in itself," he said with a far-away look, "but it will create conditions for the Descent to become a possibility." There was something in his tone and look which stirred ...
... were the adverse forces erupting all the time and throwing up a variety of false and enervating suggestions, questioning the very basis of the Ashram and discounting the possibility of the supramental descent. But the Ashram community held together and the pupils at the Centre seemed to go about like "the sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn". The Mother too was well aware of the environing ... greater India. From her relaxed figure a great Peace descends upon us all." 5 Jay Smith became a sadhak himself, and thought of Sri Aurobindo - who had declared the inevitability of the supramental descent - as "this Copernicus of the spiritual world". As for the Ashram, it was the Mother's "laboratory for the Great Transformation, her seed-plot for the new Divine Order", her 'colony of heaven' ...
... Chamberlain looked like a fly before a spider, on the point of being caught. 39 The struggle was slowly getting closer, more merciless, in that silent room upstairs. "So, when will this supramental descent take place?" they all kept asking—this descent akin to a myth they reluctantly believed in and whose slowness disconcerted them. “When will it take place? Is it for now? Is it possible?" Yet... whole difficulty is to make it flow down. 54 August 1925 I find that the more the Light and Power are coming down, the greater is the resistance. 55 August 1932 I know that the supramental Descent is inevitable—I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later stage.... But even if I knew it to be for a later time, I would not swerve from ...
... But what exactly will this new creation be? The supramental being on earth, as man is the mental being, the animal the vital etc. 8 May 1934 When I hear people talking about the supramental descent it makes me somewhat sceptical. They expect that when the descent happens everything will soon be spiritualised and even in the most outward political life all that is now wrong will immediately... two things go on together—psychisation and spiritualisation of the being, the latter process opening up the highest planes entirely. 29 September 1936 If the preparatory work for the supramental descent into the earth consciousness goes on so slowly, will it not be years before the earth consciousness is wholly transformed? There is no proposal to transform the whole earth consciousness—it ...
... avatar of every age, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not have to depend on mere writing by a Gregory of Nyssa or any other Greek father or on any Biblical record to know whether the Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation, both individual and collective, was ever practised or even enunciated in the long spiritual past of the earth. When they state repeatedly that what they were doing was never... and, while fusing with it, get charged with India's multiform Yogic aspiration, especially in that wide-ranging comprehensive modern version of it which is Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation. I don't believe that in following "Karl Rahner generally in his understanding of Christ in an evolutionary perspective" you can arrive at anything so dynamically fruitful ...
... it with one's physical eyes open and bring about its progressive descent - as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do. The constant day-to-day living in the light of the Supermind and the supramental descent into our whole constitution in order to shape a divine mind, a divine life-force, a divine body: this is the aim and the decisive condition of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. But there is a long and... n: can you point to any yogi or rishi who gives Page 70 signs of that clear vision, leave aside indications of the practice of the full dynamics of the supramental descent? Is there any wonder the disciples of Sri Aurobindo say that this path is new and different? Page 71 ...
... hoped to cure me of the infantile paralysis that had struck at one of my legs? She had added that only the Supermind's power would be able to effect the cure, which meant my waiting for the Supramental descent into her outermost substance. Right down to the subtle-physical which lies behind this substance the new Consciousness had made its appearance. In a letter of August 1936, after affirming that... both outwardly and inwardly as never before, owing to the intensity with which the Mother sought to obey Sri Aurobindo's call to her in the year he departed: "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." In the middle of 1973 she had to stop meeting people. The influx of a Power which had never been experienced by any humanly built receptacle in the whole history of the earth ...
... point of no longer even recognizing the adverse forces: ALL is the Supreme. It was like a widening of her consciousness. Some interesting things have been happening in that world [since the supramental descent].... How can I explain? Those beings have an independence, an absolute freedom of movement (although at the same time, they are all a single Being), but they had the true sense of perfect Unity... See The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. × First anniversary of the supramental descent: February 29, 1960. × Like the one Mother just mentioned: Durga's surrender. ...
... frame she had used for ninety-five years in the cause of the Divine's manifestation on earth. What are we to make of this act of leave-taking by one whom we expected to complete the Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation? And how are we to envisage the shape of the future? One thing may be immediately said. All the energies the Mother had to spend on her body in the enormous uphill fight... us, he would come in the first supramental body built in the supramental and not the natural way. From his command to the Mother early in the year that she would have to "fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation", we understood that just as he would represent a non-evolutionary materialisation of the Supramental she would toil on to represent an evolutionary supramentalisation of the ...
... of earth and Matter. If I believe in the probability and not only the possibility, if I feel practically certain of the supramental Descent—I do not fix a date,—it is because I have my grounds for the belief, not merely a faith in the air. I know that the supramental descent is inevitable—I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age. But ...
... she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna's adherence to the Supramental Descent upon earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had put me in charge and I would be doing all the work. This was in 1926. It was only... (how... Himself, Centenary Library, Vol. 26, p. 469. Page 88 At the same time, there were expectations. Questions were pressing on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: 'So, when will this supramental descent take place?' 'When will it be?' 'Is it for now?' 'Is it possible?' In an answer to a disciple, Sri Aurobindo wrote: I find that the more the Light and Power are coming down the greater ...
... lised before the mental and vital is an absolute absurdity. What I said was that the mind and vital could not be supramentalised so long as the physical was left as it was, untouched by the supramental descent. Does your bringing down the Supermind into the physical depend upon the sadhaks here? No, except that they can act as obstacles. I think that though... spiritual, that is sufficient for the present. You wrote to me the other day: "The descent into the subconscient was a necessity of the general * Supramental Descent Page 266 sadhana, i.e. of the Divine Work." Will you kindly explain what work of the Divine is meant here? Is there any reference to the Super mind? The work ...
... and brought down before the Supramental Descent is at all possible. The 'Descent of Krishna' signified the fullness of the Overmental realisation, the Descent of the Divine into the very physical consciousness of Sri Aurobindo, and it was the culmination of all his previous realisations. It marked a decisive stage in his sadhana and paved the way for the Supramental Descent — the goal of Sri Aurobindo's ...
... fix peace in the outer physical till the supramental descent, and that there is only one man in the world who has done it up to now. Who says that? Peace can be brought down into the physical—to its very cells. It is the active transformation Page 63 of the physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent. BODY-SENSE AND SADHANA ...
... 540; shift to Rue de la Marine, 540, "Master and Lord of Yoga", 541; birthday celebrations, 541ff; on 3 layers of supermind, 542; on possibility of his own death, 542; on conditions favouring supramental descent, 543,544ff; on Gayatri, 544; Overmind world of the Gods, 545-6; siddhi (24 Nov. 1926), 5478; "descent of Krishna", 549; significance of withdrawal, 549-50, 586; The Synthesis of Yoga, 550ff;... h Jauhar on, 750; assurance to Sanyal and Jauhar, 750; K. M. Munshi on, 750; desire to become Indian citizen, 755; spiritual Flag of India, 755; on youth, 756; on the law of sacrifice, 757; Supramental descent, 757, 759; the Grace of her giving, 758; on the Ashram's growth, 759; message to Sri Aurobindo Centres, 760; message to Delhi Branch of Ashram, 760; on the aim of the Ashram School, 762; message ...
... Sri Aurobindo says, "If I believe in the probability and not only possibility, if I feel practically certain of the Supramental Descent (I do not fix a date), it is because I have my grounds for the belief, not a faith in the air. I know that the Supramental Descent is inevitable—I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age....I have ...
... difficulty; for all difficulties would be dissolved by the pressure of the supramental light and power from above pouring itself into the mind and the life-force and the body. But the result of the supramental descent need not be limited to those who could thus open themselves entirely and it need not be limited to the supramental change; there could also be a minor or secondary transformation of the mental ...
... Of course, the Mother in her non-personal aspect would be in Page 147 touch with every kind of spiritual experience anywhere. What is at issue is the Integral Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation whose radiating centre was the embodied Divine Mother gathering around her all those children of hers who had in these times a special affinity with her mission and brought ...
... Emperor. By insisting on transformation of the physical existence and not merely a purification as a step towards transcendence of earth and life — by bringing the new message of the Supramental Descent — Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are more specifically evolutionary in their mission and more openly opposed to the rule of the Asura and the Rakshasa in the world. Sri Aurobindo did not hesitate ...
... inmost soul and the descent of it into mind and life-energy and even the physical body, transforming and divinising them in entirety, are Sri Aurobindo's special discovery and Yoga. With the supramental descent Sri Aurobindo aimed at creating a new humanity enjoying true self-consummation and living divinely in every field, and it is with this aim that he sought to form an initiating double centre for ...
... though: the Supramental. Because at the time he had not grasped Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary aim. I understood that the animated discussion on that February day was about the possibility of the Supramental descent. To my father's question Sri Aurobindo wrote back "I don't think you need attach any value to what Dilip professes to think about the Supramental." And explained why that descent was "an inevitable ...
... d and should be seen as one. A direct result of the Second World War was that it brought the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to a halt, and this at the moment that they expected the supramental Descent to take place. Sri Aurobindo wrote later on about “these times of world-crisis when I have to be on guard and concentrated all the time to prevent irremediable catastrophes.” 24 The Mother ...
... of a humanity become as perfect as it can be. And it was very good.” 10 Sri Aurobindo too wrote about this “true humanity”, even in his series of articles on overman: “The result of the supramental descent need not be limited to those who could thus open themselves entirely and it need not be limited to the supramental change; there could also be a minor or secondary transformation of the mental ...
... of them [Sri Aurobindo and the Mother] had become young and exquisite, so much so that none of the sadhaks could recognise them. From Sri Aurobindo’s letters too we had the intuition that the Supramental descent in the physical was imminent.’ 12 Many years later the Mother declared: ‘There was such constant tension for Sri Aurobindo and me that it interrupted the yoga completely during the whole ...
... ascent there is now the appearance of a new type. This is a descent from above. The previous descent [which resulted in the human being] was a mental descent, and this one Sri Aurobindo calls a supramental descent. The [Mother’s] impression is of a descent of the supreme Consciousness which infuses itself into something that is capable of receiving and manifesting it [i.e. the cells of the body as they ...
... in Page 26 the world. But it was a body too which Sri Aurobindo, some months before leaving his own body, had charged with a mighty mission: "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." The Mother has herself given a more distinct depth of significance to this charge: she has declared that hers was a body in which for the first time in human history the ...
... work in our mental-vital-physical levels with the collaboration of our psychic being in order to transform them into the Supermind-nature. Therefore Sri Aurobindo names his Yoga the Yoga of supramental descent and transformation. Thus, theoretically, it begins where the other Yogas end. In practical sadhana there could be an interplay of the other Yogas with the Aurobindonian and one may have several ...
... of their work. The Mother had said she would do it. Sri Aurobindo had refused to let her undertake the sacrifice. He had said that he would go and that she must stay to fulfil their Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation. 1 Most certainly the Supramental Transformation includes as its crown and climax a supramentalised physical body. Sri Aurobindo looked upon his "Integral Yoga" as the ...
... Sri Aurobindo said that if the supramentalisation was not done first in him it could not be done in others. 1 The Mother declared that he had given her the work of completing their Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation and that her body was to be the first experiment in the difficult process of supramentalisation so as to make the task easier for others by her success. The physical absence ...
... humans ?' "His smile now broadened into laughter... 'Do I understand,’ I pursued again after the laughter had subsided, 'that the conquest of the Asuric forces will usher in the Supramental Descent ?' " 'Not in itself,' he said with a far-away look, 'but it will create conditions for the Descent to become a possibility.' Page 110 "There was ...
... conduct us only to one conclusion: the Mother has first to come back in whatever manner and stand before us physically transformed before we can reach the last stage of Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation …’ 9 ‘The physical absence of the Gurus is bound to postpone the success of the disciples in this particular part of the Integral Yoga [i.e. the physical transformation] ...
... 1932 Q. How far can its general atmosphere and general conditions help or delay your bringing down the Supermind? Are these conditions interdependent? A. To a certain extent. If the Supramental descent is decreed, nothing can prevent it; but all things are worked out here through a play of forces, and an unfavourable atmosphere or conditions can delay even when they cannot prevent. Even when ...
... harmonised, divinised, and the supramental being and nature may descend and be manifested in you—for until this is done, this conscious linking and relation with the psychic centre, there can be no supramental descent. The Words "Soul" and "Psychic" The European mind, for the most part, has never been able to go beyond the formula of soul + body—usually including mind in soul and everything except body ...
... the higher being to descend. Peace can be brought down into the physical to its very cells. It is the active transformation of the physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent. The peace that descends from above can stop the lower action, if it settles in all the being. But that is not sufficient if one wants to develop the dynamic side of the being also on ...
... human nature and will help you through. Persevere always, call always and then after each difficulty there will be a progress. 20 April 1935 What poise or mode should we keep for the supramental descent? As for poise or mode—that you need not trouble yourself about. An entire faith, opening, self-giving to the Mother are the one condition necessary throughout. 23 September 1935 It ...
... Chesterton; it does not fit in my style of hilarity. It is long since my laughter has been continuous and uncontrolled like that. For that to be true I shall have to wait till the Year 1, S.D. (Supramental Descent). And "rollicking"? The epithet would have applied to my grandfather but not to his less explosive grandson. 1945 Rising above Depression I am still not able to maintain the right attitude ...
... greatest India (or world). Tagore expected the latter and is much disappointed Page 35 that I have not done it. 9 March 1935 Will you come out of your retirement after the supramental descent? That will be decided after the descent. 23 September 1935 [SWAMI SAMBUDDHANANDA:] In connection with the celebration of the Birth Centenary of Sri Ramakrishna, a Parliament of Religions ...
... × Sri Aurobindo was asked to write an article about what the world would be like fifteen years after the supramental descent.—Ed. × Sri Aurobindo's letter to Dr. Radhakrishnan, turning down his request to contribute ...
... leaves the spirit free to enter into Nirvana. Our object is a spiritual change and not merely an ethical control, but this can only come first by a spiritual rejection from within and then by a supramental descent from above. Page 405 Sri Aurobindo 2 has no remarks to make on Huxley's comments with which he is in entire agreement. But in the phrase "to its heights we can always reach" ...
... partial deities or even, if one is not careful, undivine Powers for the Supreme. There is no connection between the Christian conception (of the Kingdom of Heaven) and the idea of the supramental descent. The Christian conception supposes a state of things brought about by religious emotion and moral purification; but these things are no more capable of changing the world, whatever value they ...
... saints realise the Divine on the spiritualised mind plane, that does not mean they become supramental. But why should they [ Yogis of the traditional schools ] feel any pressure [ of the supramental descent ] when they are satisfied with the realisation they have? They live in the spiritual mind and the nature of the mind is to separate—here to separate some high aspect or state of the Divine and ...
... sadhaks, against the attacks of the Asuras on the physical plane—for it is there that there is the whole question,—then what is to be done? what can be done? Nothing. We can only wait for the supramental descent—and that descent is methodical but slow, for the opposition to that too is obstinate in the material Nature. However, we must go on and do what can be done under these difficult conditions ...
... The Signature Of Truth THE SUPRAMENTAL DESCENT Do you know what the flower which we have called "Successful Future" signifies when given to you? It signifies the hope—nay, even the promise—that you will participate in the descent of the supramental world. For that descent will be the successful consummation of our Work, a descent of which the full glory ...
... remarked that I felt like leaving this body of mine. He spoke out in a very firm tone, "No, this can never be. If necessary for this transformation, I might go, you will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation." 1 1950 Lord, we are upon earth to accomplish Thy work of transformation. It is our sole will, our sole preoccupation. Grant that it may be also our sole ...
... satisfaction of it and look on this as a part of the sadhana. It would be the most effective way to head straight towards spiritual downfall and throw into the atmosphere forces that would block the supramental descent, bringing instead the descent of adverse vital powers to disseminate disturbance and disaster. This deviation must be absolutely thrown away, should it try to occur and expunged from the con ...
... and indefinite ascent, there is the appearance of a new type—it is a descent from above. The previous descent was a mental descent, Page 95 and this one, Sri Aurobindo calls it a supramental descent; the impression is that of a descent of the supreme Consciousness which infuses itself into something that is capable of receiving it and manifesting it. And then, out of this, when it has been ...
... a very important date when something exceptional is expected to happen. Will You please say if it is the supramental Ananda that will manifest on that date? The anniversary of the first Supramental descent comes every four years (the leap year). I do not see what the number 7 has to do in the matter. This year 1964 (leap year) was the second anniversary of the first descent. The next one will take ...
... Supramental through an ascent into the Supramental and a sovereign entry into the Supramental has not been done. How then can one speak of a practical realisation of the full dynamics of the supramental descent? "At least that is what I understood from a study of Sri Aurobindo's and your writings. Am I wrong? A clear indication from you would be very helpful to make us see things in the true light ...
... 1972-1973 February 26, 1972 ( Mother hands Satprem her message for February 29, the fourth anniversary of the "supramental descent" of February 29, 1956 . ) It is only when the Supramental manifests in the body-mind that its presence can be permanent. 1 Mother This message comes from Sri Aurobindo—although ...
... it's all the same. The whole scale of values changes. The vision of the world is as though changed. ( silence ) This gives an idea of the change brought about in the world by the supramental Descent. Things that were insignificant are becoming quite categorical: a small mistake becomes categorical in its consequences while a little sincerity, a true little aspiration becomes miraculous in ...
... legends or symbols, visions or intuitions having some link or other with their own spiritual quest just as they noted doctrinal or experiential affinities elsewhere to their integral Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation. If they were trying to repeat in their bodies and hoping to achieve in those of their followers what had taken place in Jesus, why did they not ever give a hint of it? It ...
... for us humans?' "His smile now broadened into laughter... 'Do I understand,' I pursued again after the laughter had subsided, 'that the conquest of the Asuric forces will usher in the Supramental Descent?' "'Not in itself,' he said with a far-away look, 'but it will create conditions for the Descent to become a possibility.' . "There was something in his tone and look which stirred ...
... earth-self in her begins to be binding, so to speak, on the creativity of her own Supreme Self in the Transcendence. This means a developing adjustment of the incalculable time-rhythm of the Supramental descent from on high to the impatient beat of the aspiring human heart. The possibility dawns of a rapturous acceleration of the Truth-Consciousness's transforming process — and a greater, more luminous ...
... and it was so as late as 1950 in which on December 5 Sri Aurobindo left his body. Early that year he had told the Mother in anticipation of his own departure: "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." How, then, shall we come to terms with the letter to Mrinalini Devi at the end of 1918? The mystery gets further deepened when we come across a letter Sri Aurobindo ...
... unless the Mother comes back to the earth. You may recall Sri Aurobindo's command to her in 1950 some months before he launched his mysterious "sacrifice": "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." If her endeavour to obey it is to succeed, she cannot but visit our earth once more. How she will do it is past anybody's guessing. She may make an extraordinary entry through ...
... End of Part Two 1 Towards February 29, 1960: Some Statements bp the Mother (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1960), p. 1. * Readers wishing to know more about the supramental descent and the course of its manifestation as it is being actually elaborated may consult the above booklet priced at Re. 1/- and follow the writings of the Mother that have been serialised in the ...
... called a philosopher. Gandhi and Tagore are being called philosophers. SRI AUROBINDO: Karl Marx is also a philosopher and all the communists too. PURANI: Yes. Indra Sen is asking if by the supramental descent the whole of humanity is going to be transformed and how humanity is going to be benefited by it. By a change in consciousness? SRI AUROBINDO: If he means supramental transformation, no. ...
... Supramental consciousness, 2, 266-7 1926 (Descent of Sri Krishna in Sri Aurobindo's body), 84-5 Supramental creation, 129 1935 (Mathematical formula), 89 Supramental descent, 89-90, 92 1938 (Fractured right leg), 91 Supramental gnosis, 247, 271 1947 (Independence of India), 1-2, 93 Supramental manifestation, 88, 111-3 1950 (Left the ...
... Chesterton; it does not fit in my style of hilarity. It is long since my laughter has been continuous and uncontrolled like that. For that to be true I shall have to wait till the year 1, S.D. (Supramental Descent). And 'rollicking'? The epithet would have applied to my grandfather but not to his less explosive grandson." 15 Well, this is so far as comic laughter is concerned. But what about Sri ...
... realisation. For the divine supermind has descended into earth-nature and is now dynamically operative to liberate the supramental principle involved within her. As a consequence of this supramental descent and its subsequent action, something of capital importance has happened in a particular individual body, that unmistakably heralds the emergence of a divinely transformed physical existence ...
... Yoga is that supramental consciousness can, by its descent in Matter transform earthly life into divine life. In other words, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have discovered the method by which supramental descent on the earth can be brought about and even Matter can manifest supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has, while describing supermind, referred to the Vedic concept of truth-consciousness ...
... sorts of aspects and applications first and that I refuse to go into. If you want to know you have to read the Arya. Is living in that consciousness an ideal condition for receiving the Supramental descent? It is a necessary condition. I heard that no one here was prepared for this Supra-mental descent? Of course not, this realisation of the Self as all and the Divine as all is only ...
... style is too strong to agree with yours. It is as if a trumpet were to take up the notes of a flute. By the way, J all on a sudden told me, before B, about a correspondence regarding the supramental descent on some anonymous sadhak and your remarks—exaggerated ego etc.; I hope J didn't mean B and myself, because very often we cut many jokes about your Supermind. Not yourself—He quoted some silly ...
... often and so long since, that by now the Supramental or any Light should have tumbled down! It isn't so easy to make it tumble. But jokes apart, I hear, from reliable authority, that the Supramental Descent is very near. Is it true, Sir? I am very glad to hear it on reliable authority. It is a great relief. What is this medical word, Sir? "What kind of coupletitis "? Yes, that's it—like ...
... November, it only signified the fullness of the Overmental realisation. And the event was not only important in itself, but could very well be the preparation for - and the promise of- the Supramental descent itself and the consequent transfiguration of the whole arc of human existence down to the physical and the inconscient. On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo had warned his disciples that egoism and ...
... Agenda in India. × 46 Later, I would understand that it was the beginning of this "supramental descent." × 47 It was the beginning of this work in the body, or at least I was beginning to realize ...
... The world of the Gods is the Overmind world just below the supermind, and Sri Aurobindo seemed to say that if the link could first be established with this overmental world of the Gods, the supramental descent would become a near certainty. As he said on 6 November 1926: I spoke about the world of the Gods because not to speak of it would be dangerous. I spoke of it so that the mind may understand ...
... back... it is an extremely complex criss-crossing, in all possible directions, of a spiraling ascent. 3 These apparent ambiguities admitted, the Mother had still no doubt at all that the supramental descent was imminent; it was not a question of something happening in the distant future, but an event decreed to happen in the present age. She felt too that mankind was living in one of those segments ...
... supramental Page 516 education, which the mere mind cannot grasp at all. But the dream of today may yet become tomorrow's actuality. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt convinced that the supramental descent was no mere phantom of hope but an event decreed and inevitable. And it would be specifically a "descent" of consciousness, and hence supramental education too will progress from above downwards ...
... and talks. The scene was the same, the people were largely the same, except that the Mother was only invisibly present. But the atmosphere was as rich and vibrant as ever: The cascade of supramental descent cleansed and awakened the soul... An ambience inexpressible filled the arena's dimmed spaces. Page 680 In the stillness profound, what avenues of spiritscapes burst ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 5. The Supramental World If we were an explorer returning from some faraway continent and had to describe the marvels we had encountered, forests unlike any others, winged beings, metals with strange properties, it would be easy enough. But it is not the case. The future world is right here ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 6. A Veil This change in our perception of Matter, whether sudden or gradual, individual or more general, must necessarily be followed by a change in our handling of Matter. A considerable change. After all, there is no essential difference between an ape gnawing through a liana with its ...
... on everybody, and there you found Mother again. She quietly narrated her latest adventures, that sort of universal pulsation (and I was suddenly reminded of the first time She had felt the "supramental descent" in 1956, there was "a sort of pulsation in the cells"): And it was like gusts—like great gusts ending in explosions. And each one of these gusts was a span of the universe. It was Love in its ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 8: The Triple End Mother was reaching the turning point. There is no doubt that She saw better than we do the supramental world, the supramental Power, so formidable, the incredible supramental creation, but it was for her as great a mystery as it is for us: how does one get there, how ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 3. A Universal Beginning The Evolutionary Bridge But the superman is still a tiny transition—at best a few more swollen heads in the universe. Although a prerequisite, it is not the core of the problem. The sense of Oneness, the concrete perception of Oneness, is only the abc's for the ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 2. The New Species It was almost a new Ashram that was emerging. Actually, we accept everything, the entire earth, and then... there's a churning. And everything useless goes away. 1 Children, a lot of children, more and more. And truly speaking, She was much more interested in them ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 1. That Great Gaze A new life was beginning. Something had closed in this violent heart, 2 like a heavy silver door behind which She held her pain in a silence that was perhaps terrible. Something had taken root there forever and for each and every day, a sort of gaze which could ...
... unimportant, it’s all the same. The whole scale of values changes. The vision of the world is as though changed. This is as if to give an idea of the change brought about in the world by the supramental Descent. Things that were insignificant are becoming quite categorical: a small mistake becomes categorical in its consequences, while a little sincerity, a true little aspiration becomes miraculous ...
... it? It was certainly a true dream of the lower vital or perhaps subtle physical plane, where the laziness, indifference, frivolity of the sadhaks is a fact and the chief obstacle to the supramental descent into Matter. Because in your inner physical you were sincere and aspiring, the Mother's blessing came upon you and removed something there that was in the way. There is no indication in the dream ...
... concealed supramental principle. This however cannot be done at once or in a short time or by any rapid or miraculous transformation. Many steps have to be taken by the seeker before the supramental descent is possible. Man lives mostly in his surface mind, life and body but there is an inner being within him with greater possibilities to which he has to awake—for it is only a very restricted influence ...
... Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Supramental Descent Do you know what the flower which we have called "Successful Future" signifies when given to you? It signifies the hope—nay, even the promise—that you will participate in the descent of the supramental world. For that descent will be the successful consummation of our work, a descent of which the ...
... knowledge but of knowledge subduing itself to the rule of the Ignorance, the cosmic necessity in a world of Ignorance. If their action was that of the full Knowledge, there would be no need of any supramental descent. The higher consciousness is a concentrated consciousness, concentrated in the Divine Unity and in the working out of the Divine Will, not dispersed and rushing about after this or that ...
... ascent of the lower consciousness to the higher planes is the means of transformation of the lower nature—although naturally it takes time and the complete transformation can only come by the supramental descent. Your experiences here are forms of the widening experiences of this process. The practice of this Yoga is double—one side is of an ascent of the consciousness to the higher planes, the ...
... body and these higher planes of Being. So this basic stabilisation must first be completed. It [ purification of the physical nature ] is rather a necessity of the work itself for the supramental descent. The effect in a particular person will still depend on the person himself though there will be much greater and quicker possibilities than now. It is not possible to bring down the whole ...
... The Mother and the Purpose of Her Embodiment The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother and the Supramental Descent Am I right in thinking that the Mother as an individual embodies all the Divine Powers and brings down the Grace more and more to the physical plane ... Yes. and that her embodiment is a chance for the entire physical to change ...
... Incarnation and Evolution The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and the Supramental Descent X has made the following remark: "The present preparation is going on to bring down the Supermind into the physical of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo." Is it correct? [ Sri Aurobindo bracketed "The present preparation is going on to ...
... imperfection and character of disguise distort the truth of which they are in labour, but afterwards arriving more and more at half-luminous figures of itself which can become, once there is the supramental descent, a true progressive revelation. The descent from original supermind, the assumption of evolutionary supermind is a step which the supramental gnosis can very well undertake and accomplish without ...
... conduct us only to one conclusion: the Mother has first to come back in whatever manner and stand before us physically transformed before we can reach the last stage of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation. 29.5.1982 Notes and References 1."Two Clarifications", Mother India, July 1982 2. On Yoga II, Tome One (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1958) ...
... me grasp its importance. We must put: "Message for the 21st." Yes, Mother. We need another one for the 29th, too. February 29th, what's that? It's the fourth anniversary of the supramental descent, in '56. Oh! It was the 29th.... The 29th, in 1956... sixteen years ago. ( Mother smiles and remains absorbed ) Could we say: It is only when the supramental manifests in ...
... she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna's adherence to the Supramental Descent upon earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had put me in charge and I would be doing all the work. This was in 1926. It was only... (how can ...
... direct Descent of Love into Matter, without passing through all the intermediate worlds. That's the story of the first Descent. But you're speaking of the descent heralded by Sri Aurobindo, the Supramental Descent, aren't you? Not only that. For example, Sri Aurobindo says that when Life appeared there was a pressure from below, from evolution, to make Life emerge from Matter, and simultaneously a ...
... felt like leaving this body of mine. Sri Aurobindo spoke out in a very firm tone: ‘No, this can never be. If necessary for this transformation, I might go. You will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation.’ … After that – this took place early in 1950 – he gradually let himself fall ill. For he knew quite well that, should he say ‘I must go’, I would not have obeyed him and ...
... _________________ 2 (Dilipda’s note:) Sri Aurobindo’s closing note went: “I have made a few alterations. As for publication, that too is one of the things that wait for the Supramental Descent. En attendant, even, it should not be shown to many people.” Page 54 February 6, 1943 Please forgive me that I have to write to you so soon asking a few questions ...
... ” 71 wrote Sri Aurobindo in a letter. And in another one, of October 1935: “The present business is to bring down and establish the Supermind, not to explain it.” 72 – “I know that the supramental Descent is inevitable – I have faith in view of my experience that the time can and should be now and not in a later age … But even if I knew it to be for a later time, I would not swerve from my path ...
... will fail to endorse his Experience as valid. But those who have nursed even a spark of that flame-aspiration which is native to the soul will be moved by the flame-accent of the Vision of the Supramental Descent as portrayed in his Savitri. So, knowing full well how "our blind thoughts" must constantly "refuse what our souls 'accept,"* he came to show us how we may grow to see with the soul's third ...
... Part Three: The Road Alone The Mother (biography) 15: The Manifestation of the Supramental I know that the supramental Descent is inevitable – I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age. 1 – Sri Aurobindo A Prediction The Mother had been giving messages for the new year since ...
... on and the unveiled action of the supramental Gnosis in our earth-existence and earth-nature. But that can come about only when a prior ascent to the plane of Supermind is followed by the supramental descent in the field of terrestrial manifestation. But what precisely are the difficulties offered by our present being and nature, that cannot be satisfactorily met even by the highest s ...
... our lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory or his method on the physical plane.... I know that the Supramental Descent is inevitable -I have faith in view of my experience that the time can be and should be now and not in a later age." (On Himself, pp. 468-9) So we say that a positive adventure's call ...
... remarked that I felt like leaving this body of mine. He spoke out in a very firm tone: “No, this can never be. If necessary for this transformation, I might go, you will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation.”’ 59 On another occasion she recalled this conversation as follows: ‘I told him: “If one of us must go, I want that it should be me.” – “It can’t be you,” he replied, ...
... she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna’s adherence to the Supramental Descent upon Earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had put me in charge and I would be doing all the work.’ 6 (The reports about Datta’s words vary ...
... for an early decisive result. Sri Aurobindo worked long for the overmental siddhi, which came about in 1926. Much longer and more strenuous was the next phase of work that was crowned with Supramental Descent in 1956 and created the necessary condition for the transformation of the physical, which engaged the Mother for a long time and continues to be the further quest of the spiritual work here. ...
... ascent which is so to speak eternal and indefinite, there is the appearance of a new type—a descent from above. The previous descent was a mental one, while this is what Sri Aurobindo calls a "supramental descent"; the impression is, a descent of the supreme Consciousness infusing itself into something capable of receiving and manifesting it. Then, out of that, once it has been thoroughly kneaded (there's ...
... to divinise our physical cells. No doubt, the divinisation of the body, so that it becomes immune to disease, decrepitude and even death, is the crown of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga of the Supramental Descent and Transformation. To keep this climax in view and to create an eagerness and readiness in the body for it, so that the physical cells may open to the transformative Supermind, is nothing in ...
... Mother: "Our work may demand that one of us should leave and act from behind the scene." The Mother's response was: "I will leave." Sri Aurobindo decided: "No, you have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." Only during Amrita's later days did I once hear him say apropos of some sadhak dying: "We all have to do the same one day." When his own death took place, the Mother ...
... ready to give up her body and had in mind the body of Nolini or Champaklal or Dyuman or Pavitra or Amrita or Satprem to fulfil the work Sri Aurobindo had assigned to her: namely, "our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation." Now is the moment for me to set forth my discovery to drive home my long-held conviction that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother insisted that their bodily presence - ...
... if it is not done in myself, it cannot be done in others." Of course he never put the Mother on a par with "others". When he left his body he told the Mother: "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." If it was not fulfilled in the Mother, it cannot be fulfilled in any of us. In Nirodbaran's Correspondence (October 7, 1937, Vol. 2, p. 704), we also get a glimpse ...
... while the experience went on, I knew (because the consciousness above was watching it all), I knew that only when the flash—the dazzlingly intense flash of the mental transformation through the supramental descent—only when the Light, the burst of Light, joins the ananda of Power will there occur things that will be a bit... indisputable. Because in an experience of this type, only the one who has it ...
... to guide us he would never let you use the adjective 'transitory'." I concluded with my conviction that Sri Aurobindo, who had asked her, as she herself had stated, to fulfil the Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation, would choose the French equivalent of "transitional". After the Mother had read my note, she came to me where I sat on the floor as usual, waiting for her to finish ...
... intense synthesis summing up 'the world's and especially India's past spirituality and rendering the inner ground ready for the novel leap forward that is Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga of Supramental Descent and its labour towards even physical transformation. A testimony to Ramakrishna's relation in the inner domain to that leap is an admission by Sri Aurobindo² in a letter, most probably ...
... unlamenting towards the goal" (April 1934). Obviously, if her remark to me was to be fully understood, the Mother desired the Divine Love, which was sustaining her, to fulfil its aim of supramental descent and transformation in this very birth of hers: she had no inclination to write "To be continued" to the story of her present life. What is more, she did not think in terms even of her disciples ...
... concealed supramental principle. This, however, cannot be done at once or in a short time or by any rapid or miraculous transformation. Many steps have to be taken by the seeker before the supramental descent is possible. Man lives mostly in his surface mind, life and body, but there is an inner being within him with greater possibilities to which he has to awake—for it is only a very restricted ...
... preconception that the Divine Grace will shun me like one past all hope ? I am not joking. I mean it. All mental conceptions must go! This too? It is urged, thanks to your logic, that with the Supramental descent every sadhak here will become greater than Krishna since Krishna was—pooh-pooh, an Overmental pigmy god compared with what supramentalized Haradhan will be. Logic irrefutable. But—O tears! flow ...
... Just when the descent of the supermind reached a critical point, the Second World War broke out. This war was perceived by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as a fierce resistance to the task of the Supramental descent. Hence, they put all their yogic force against Nazism and the war ended in 1945, with the victory for the Allies as Sri Aurobindo had willed. In early 1950, Sri Aurobindo told the Mother: "One ...
... these heights, the paths have been built towards the supramental ascent or the incommunicable Transcendence. The recent developments of the spiritual evolution have opened up the paths of the supramental descent and supramental manifestation on the earth so as to bring about largest synthesis of the Spirit and Matter, the boundaries of which, it is claimed, are constantly breaking so as to bring about ...
... Supramental or any Light should have tumbled down! SRI AUROBINDO: It isn't so easy to make it tumble. MYSELF: But jokes apart, I hear from a reliable authority that the Descent—Supramental Descent is very near. Is it true, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: I am very glad to hear it on reliable authority. It is a great relief. MYSELF: No luck about Intuition? SRI AUROBINDO: ...
... principle. ...I meant that the difficulties in the physical (generally speaking, not in a particular case) could not be entirely absent so long as the material resistance to the supramental descent had [not] been overcome in principle. In principle means in essence, not in every detail of the coming development. A time comes when one can't read, write or think of anything ...
... knowledge but of knowledge subduing itself to the rule of the Ignorance, the cosmic necessity in a world of Ignorance. If their action was that of the full Know-ledge, there would be no need of any supramental descent. What exactly is the difference between the Supermind and the Overmind? The Supermind is the total Truth Consciousness; the Overmind draws down the truths separately ...
... and it was so as late as 1950 in which on December 5 Sri Aurobindo left his body. Early that year he had told the Mother in anticipation of his own departure: "You have to fulfil our Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation." How, then, shall we come to terms with the letter to Mrinalini at the end of 1918? The mystery gets further deepened when we come across a letter Sri Aurobindo wrote in ...
... solution of the problems which have perplexed and vexed him since he first began to think and to dream of individual perfection and a perfect society'. This was Sri Aurobindo's sadhana for the Supramental Descent and it was for the fulfilment of this dream that he came. In his message Sri Aurobindo expresses the hope that India will have a leading role to play in these movements — the message is indeed ...
... As for the ways pointed out by the Guru, all supramental nonsense. The surprising thing is that anyone succeeds here. You seem to have again changed your front. Once you wrote that the Supramental descent may not depend on the condition of the sadhaks, and now you speak of the Supramental coming as fast as we will allow. You have mistaken the sense altogether. It simply means if with the bother ...
... Yes, it is true, and that is why I am still here. Otherwise, I would not be here. I would have left earlier. But because my presence helps humanity to progress, — it is because of me that the Supramental descent was possible — that I am still here upon earth, otherwise, I would not be here. It is not worth spending my time uselessly here below if my presence does not help the decisive progress of humanity ...
... is because you have not yet spread out in the realisation of the Atman everywhere. "It is the active transformation of the physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent." Could you kindly explain to me what the active and the passive transformations are? The passive is the peace and calm, the active is the change of the* functionings. ...
... Supramental Power. Is it possible? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, by the decent of the Supramental Power into A, not into anybody else. Page 218 Disciple : But in that case the Supramental descent can change stones and metals. Sri Aurobindo : In stones and metals there is no mind which requires to be changed. It is not so difficult to effect a change in them. So if the Supermind ...
... order that you may appreciate His goodness: (Laughter) NIRODBARAN (to Satyendra) : Did you say on the 21st? SATYENDRA: Yes NIRODBARAN: On 21st February it can only be my long expected Supramental Descent. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SATYENDRA: N is not satisfied with anything less. NIRODBARAN: Mars and Saturn must be Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin? By the way, the author of that book ...
... ears. Characteristically does he call the series of articles, not "The Future of Poetry", but simply "The Future Poetry"; it is a thing Page 610 as good as decreed even as the Supramental Descent is an event preordained and inevitable that the future poetry should partake of the nature of the mantra, "that rhythmic speech which, as the Veda puts it, rises at once from the heart ...
... , for ""all difficulties would be dissolved by the pressure of the supramental light and power from above pouring itself into the mind and the life-force and the body. But the result of the supramental descent need not be limited to those who could thus open themselves entirely and it need not be limited to the supramental change; there could also be a. minor or secondary transformation of the mental ...
... Part One: The Supramental Descent Mother or The New Species - II 7. Krishna in Gold But is not all the present cataclysmic acceleration just the result of the acceleration of the "other thing"? The phenomenon rushing our way? We always look in the wrong direction, we always see an "against" whereas there is nothing but a "for." The whole world with its ...
... very strong feeling, she said, *that to condense that world, as it were, would be enough for it to become visible to all. 18 She had already said that in 1956, after the experience of the supramental "descent." Between 1956 and 1959, there were only three years. What happened in 1973 when Mother disappeared? Where did She disappear?... In this same experience of 1959, Mother asked Sri Aurobindo ...
... the immediate context, and would prove insufficient in the long run. Better resolutely opt for patience, first for the hard discipline of Yoga in the lower planes, and for the ultimate supramental descent and transformation. Recapitulating that time of sudden glory, the Mother too was to remark many years later in the course of a conversation: Suddenly, immediately, things took a certain ...
... supramentalisation of the earth and man? If only he could himself invite and absorb - even at the cost of surrendering the material envelope that was his body - the first full impact of the supramental descent (as Shiva is said to have received the impact of Ganga cascading in a furious downpour on the earth), both to make sure of the descent and to contain and consolidate the gains for the world! ...
... Aurobindo : Yes, everybody seems to be busy with his own world-order and nobody knows about the decision of the Supreme. Disciple : But how can you say nobody knows? You said that Supramental descent is bound to come. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, but we have not yet become Supramental. I know it will come, but I have not fixed the date for it. It may be to-morrow. I don't know! Disciple ...
... who travel in our consciousness. Indeed, that Supermind was "up there,” at the end of the journey, as complete as the Amazon and for years and years Sri Aurobindo and Mother would speak of the supramental "descent" upon earth. They would keep “pulling" the Supermind onto the earth, until a certain day in 1956 when it “descended." They traveled in a Supermind that was there all the time, just like the ...
... in Dr. Sanyal's 'Call from Pondicherry'. I read out the last portion and asked Mother whether the following words can be given under her photo: "... You will have to fulfil our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation." Mother said Yes. * * * 21.5.72 There is a thousand year old temple in the village Irumbai, a Page 179 little away from the borders of ...
... caught by what Sri Aurobindo calls the ‘black being’! SRI AUROBINDO: At any rate you know now and can be on your guard — so that lessens his chance. As the moment of the possibility of the supramental Descent grows nearer, these forces have become more eager to keep their hold in the Asram atmosphere and break the sadhana of anyone they can touch. Their main aim is to get as many as possible to leave ...
... Descent into the Throat-Centre. 4) The Sun of supramental Love, Beauty and Bliss, releasing the Soul of the Knowledge-Power to vivify and harmonise the supramental creation. Descent into the Heart-Lotus 5) The Sun of Supramental Force dynamised as a power and source of life to support the supramental creation Descent into the navel centre 6) The Sun of Life-Radiances (Power-Rays) ... creation. Descent into the Sahasradala. 2) The Sun of Supramental Light and Will-Power, transmitting the Knowledge Power as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna-chakra, the centre between the eyes. 3) The Sun of the Supramental Word, embodying the KnowledgePower, empowered to express and arrange the supramental creation ... distributing the dynamis and pouring it into concrete formations. Descent into the penultimate centre 7) The Sun of supramental Substance-Energy and Form-Energy empowered to embody the supramental life and stabilise the creation. Descent into the Muladhara. Page 1342 Undated Notes - VII The Seven Centres of the Life 1) The thousand-petalled Lotus—above the head with its base ...
... Supermind : 1.The Sun of Supramental Truth,—Knowledge-Power originating the supramental creation. Descent into the Sahasradala (the full bloomed thousand petaled lotus above the head). 2.The Sun of Supramental Light and Will-Power, transmitting the Knowledge-Power as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna Chakra, the centre... 3.The Sun of Supramental Word, embodying the Knowledge-Power, empowered to express and arrange the supra-mental creation. Descent into the Throat Centre. 4.The Sun of Supramental Love, Beauty, and Bliss, releasing the Soul of the Knowledge-Power to vivify and harmonize the supramental creation. Descent into the Heart-Lotus. 5.The Sun of Supramental Force dynamited as... support the supramental creation. Descent into the Navel Centre. 6.The Sun of Life-Radiances (Power-Rays) distributing the dynamis and pouring it into concrete formations. Descent into the Penultimate Centre (Swadhishthana, below the navel). 7.The Sun of Supramental Substance-Energy and Form-Energy empowered to embody the supramental life and stabilise the creation. Descent into the ...
... will not-cannot-Iend itself to degradation, but which will scale higher and higher peaks of knowledge, deeper and deeper oceans of reality. Sri Aurobindo called the new type 'supramental. ' "The descent of the supramental is an inevitable necessity in the logic of things and is therefore sure," had begun Sri Aurobindo in the same letter to my father. "It is because people Page 93 ...
... by his so-called ‘death.’ We know now that he went voluntarily into death. We also remember that he was fully supramentalised except for the material part of his adhara, and that personal supramental descents in his body were frequent already in 1938. In the following twelve years his personal transformation, in spite of the upheaval caused by the war, must still have progressed considerably. It... This amazing transmission has taken place immediately after Sri Aurobindo was declared ‘dead’ by Dr. Sanyal. ‘When [Sri Aurobindo] had left, there was an entire part — the most material part of the descent into the material body down to the mental — which visibly left his body and entered into mine,’ said the Mother, ‘and that was so concrete that I felt the friction of the forces going through the... consists of twelve books, subdivided into cantos. × See Georges Van Vrekhem, the talk “Sri Aurobindo’s Descent into Death” in Preparing for the Miraculous , 2012. × Henri Cartier-Bresson, held to be ‘the father ...
... Will-Power (Descent into the Ajna Chakra, the centre between the eyes) 3.The Sun of Supramental Word (Descent into Throat) 4.The Sun of Supramenetal Love, Beauty, Bliss (Descent into the Heart-Lotus) 5.The Sun of Supramental Force (Descent into the Navel) 6.The Sun of Life-Radiances (Descent into the Penultimate Centre) 7.The Sun of Supramental Substance-Energy (Descent into the... Divine Mother's descent into the aspirant at this moment transforming him entirely into a being of Ananda can be understood in the light of what Sri Aurobindo says about the seven Suns of the Supermind making a steady and inexorable descent into man's material body in terms of Tantrik diction: 1.The Sun of Supramental Truth (Descent into the Sahasradala) 2.The Sun of Supramental Light and... Yoga posited by Sri Aurobindo, there are very helpful guides for the aspirants. While the tattva (philosophy) of man's transformation is brought to us by works like The Life Divine and The Supramental Manifestation, the hita (way) is outlined in The Synthesis of Yoga. Here 'synthesis' is not to be an "undiscriminating combination" of existing methods of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo says in this ...
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