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Among the Not So Great [3]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [13]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
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My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
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Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
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On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
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Our Light and Delight [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
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Prayers and Aspirations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [10]
Reminiscences [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
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Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [3]
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Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [5]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [3]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [13]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [5]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
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The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
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The Secret Splendour [1]
The Secret of the Veda [9]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [13]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [3]
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English [392]
A Centenary Tribute [4]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [7]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Beyond Man [4]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [4]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [2]
Collected Poems [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [6]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Early Cultural Writings [6]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Essays Divine and Human [4]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [9]
Essays on the Gita [9]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [13]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [3]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [6]
Karmayogin [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [7]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [13]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [3]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [6]
Prayers and Aspirations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [10]
Reminiscences [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [8]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [5]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [3]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [13]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [5]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Secret of the Veda [9]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [13]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [3]
Words of the Mother - I [1]

Vishnu : “Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva, are only three Powers & Personalities of the One Cosmic Godhead…. All three are often spoken of as creating the universe – even Shiva who is by tradition the Destroyer.” [SABCL 22:390-91; s/a The Great Gods)] ― In the Veda, Vishnou is the All-pervading Godhead, the Divine’s Personality of Consciousness, the wide-moving One, that which has gone abroad triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker, & Former in the Superconscient Bliss. Vishnu takes various Avatāras in every Yuga (q.v.) to protect & preserve the worlds threatened with evil, chaos, & destructive forces which is why in Vaishnavism, he is identified with the Brahman, the Supreme & also known as Nārāyana, Jagannātha, Vāsudeva, Viṭhobā, & Hari. His popular Avatāras are those as Rāma & Krishna. The Bhāgavata Purana, like all Puranas, discourses on cosmology, genealogy, geography, music, dance, yoga & culture. Puranic legends of Vishnu have inspired plays & dramatic arts that are acted out over festivals, particularly through performance arts such as the Sattriya, Manipuri dance, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Kathakali, Kathak, Bharatanātyam, Bhāgavata Mela & Mohiniyāttam. The Saṇgam literature refers to an extensive regional collection in Tamil language, mostly from the early centuries of the Common Era. Sri Krishna as Vishnu avatar is the primary subject of two post-Saṇgam Tamil epics Sīlapathikaram & Manimekalai, each of which was probably composed about the 5th century.

392 result/s found for Vishnu

... 437. 3. Ibid.. Page 242 F. W. Thomas's remark 1 on the Hinduism in the environment of Megasthenes: "...the greatest share of popular adoration accrued to Ççāiva and Vishnu (under the form of Krishna), whom the Greeks report to us as Dionysus and Heracles respectively. With the former was associated Skanda or Vicakha, the god of war. The Buddhist books and scriptures... Aśoka's R.E. XIII, for several tribes like the Chullkas and Mushikas who had their original settlement in the north have been found in the south. We may add: the Pulindas themselves figure both in the Vishnu Purāna 3 and in the Mahābhārata (IV.9.40) in the compound Sindhu-Pulindaka, implying that they lived in the north, near the Indus. Nor are the Āndhras in Indian literature invariably set in... written: "It has been suggested very plausibly that some of these pillars, specially those bearing animals sacred to the Hindu gods - e.g. the bull of Shiva, the elephant of Indra, the garuda of Vishnu (Lauriya Araraj) - may be pre-Aśokan in origin... Aśoka might have used these columns for the propagation of Dharma which was marked by his readiness to bring together all that was best in every faith ...


... far as Vishnu is concerned, we find that in the Veda, Vishnu supplies the necessary static elements in the formations of Brahmanaspati's words and for the actions of Rudra’s force. These static elements are represented by Space, the ordered movement of the worlds, the ascending levels, and the highest goals. In one of the hymns², a prayer addressed to Vishnu cries out: "O Vishnu, pace out... discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provided the conditions of the Vedic work and stood themselves behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance less continually concerned with daily movements. The Puranic understanding of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva has a direct... with an utter wideness.” Vishnu is described as having taken three strides and having established all the worlds in the space created by the three strides. The supreme step of Vishnu is his highest seat and is the triple world of bliss and light, paramam padam, which the wise ones see extended in heaven like a shinning eye of vision³. It is this highest seat of Vishnu that is the goal of the ...


... . The great Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva came to dominate and gave rise to a new pantheon. It must, however, be remarked that the predominance of this Trinity was a result of the significance that was attached to these three Gods in the Veda. Brahma evidently developed out of Brahmanaspati, Vishnu was already recognised as the all-pervading Godhead and Vishnu has a close connection with ... supplies the force, Vishnu provides the necessary static element. He supplies the ordered movement of the worlds and the highest goals. The Veda speaks of Vishnu's three strides by which he establishes all the worlds. The Veda tells us that Vishnu pervades all these worlds and gives less or greater room to the actions and movements of the Gods. Here, again, the Vedic Vishnu is a natural precursor... devoted to Agni and Indra, but the importance of the Vedic Gods should not be measured by the number of hymns devoted to them. In fact, Agni and Indra are not greater than Vishnu and Rudra. In the Veda, Vishnu, Rudra and Brahmanaspati provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assisted from behind the more present and active Gods. Brahmanaspati is the Creator by the word, and it is ...


... so necessarily Vishnu was only an aspect of this universal Divine. In the Mahabharat indeed Krishna comes as an incarnation of Vishnu, but that can be turned by taking it that it was through the Vishnu aspect as his frontal appearance that he manifested, for that the greater Godhead can manifest later than others is logical if we consider the manifestation as progressive,—just as Vishnu is in the Veda... His face." On his way back Narada came first to the Yogi. "I have asked Vishnu; you will realise Him after six more lives." The Yogi raised a cry of loud lamentation, Page 470 "What, so many austerities! such gigantic endeavours! and my reward is realisation after six long lives! O how hard to me is the Lord Vishnu." Next Narada met again the Bhakta and said to him, "I have no good news... put it in my own language but keep the substance. Narada on his way to Vaikuntha met a Yogi practising hard tapasya on the hills. "O Narada," cried the Yogi, "you are going to Vaikuntha and will see Vishnu. I have been practising terrific austerities all my life and yet I have not even now attained to Him. Ask Him at least for me when I shall reach Him." Then Narada met a Vaishnava, a Bhakta who was ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... mountain stored with wealth." 335 Vishnu too, allied with Indra, is set in opposition to that mountain-Dāsa. Parpola 336 quotes 7,99,5: "O Indra and Visnu, you two pierced Śambara's ninety-nine strong forts...." Surely, Vritra was slain by Indra, Agni, Soma, the Aśvins and Sūrya on separate occasions? Similarly, on distinct occasions Indra, Agni, Brihaspati and Vishnu-cwm-Indra must have pierced Śambara's... mentioned in connection with other gods, because the function they fulfilled was of a constant and immediate importance in the Vedic discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brāhmaṇaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad, Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assist it from behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance... of the verse implies an instance of interfused parity. For, if the gods entrusted to Indra, because of his slaying Vritra, an Asuraship like the "power" which Dyaus went on holding at the same time, Vishnu, with whom he was leagued in that exploit must be taken to have received the same Asuraship. Or see the verse (2,1,6) from which Parpola exhibits Rudra as "great Asura of heaven". In fact, it ...


... generally expresses itself physically in conflicts which we call war. In Essays on the Gita , Sri Aurobindo wrote: “Vishnu, incarnated as Krishna, delivered the oppressed Pandavas and destroyed the unjust Kauravas. A similar account is given of the descent of the previous Vishnu Avatars, of Rama to destroy the unrighteous oppression of Ravana, of Parashurama to destroy the unrighteous license of... say that the supramental transformation of the human species into divine beings was not a part of the traditional vision. In his book Dasavatara – The Ten Incarnations of Vishnu , V. Ashok, for instance, writes: “Lord Vishnu mounted on a white horse, with a drawn scimitar, blazing like a comet will come to end the present Kali Yuga and inaugurate a reign of universal goodness, peace and prosperity... ages or yugas : Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, gradually degenerating towards the critical point where all is taken back into its origin ( pralaya ) and then started again in the same order. “Lord Vishnu mounted on a white horse, with a drawn scimitar, blazing like a comet will come to end the present Kali Yuga and inaugurate a reign of universal goodness, peace and prosperity, he will renovate the ...

... our modern taste, Surya is said to be the lover of his sister Dawn and the second husband of his mother Aditi, and by a variation of the same image Aditi is hymned as the wife of the all-pervading Vishnu who is in the cosmic creation one of the sons of Aditi and the younger brother of Indra. These images which seem gross and confused when we lack the key to their mystic significance, become clear enough... born of her in the mentality of man. It is this Indra who makes Surya the light of the Truth rise in heaven and dispel the darknesses and falsehoods and limited vision of the separative mentality. Vishnu is the vaster all-pervading existence which then takes possession of our liberated and unified consciousness, but he is born in us only after Indra has made his puissant and luminous appearance. ... Viśve Devāḥ ) and especially of the four great luminous Kings, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga, Aryaman. Indra and the Maruts and the Ribhus, Vayu, Agni, Soma and the Ashwins are indeed the principal agents; Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the future mighty Triad, preside over the indispensable conditions,—for the one paces out the vast framework of the inner worlds in which our soul-action takes place, the other ...


... He was magnificent! He had appeared in a golden light, on a white horse —almost like Kalki here." According to Indian tradition, KALKI will be the tenth and the last incarnation of Vishnu. From age to age, Vishnu the Godhead descends directly into the stuff of humanity and takes up its moulds and assumes human nature, to assist humanity in its evolutionary ascent. Kalki will appear riding a white... winced, more and more humiliated. Back he went to Brahma and Vishnu and brought them to Kailash. As soon as the two great gods were Page 165 seated, Mahadeva 1 began his great song. Over the still face came a quiver and a colour of crimson flame. Listening with his whole being to the song of Rudra 1 the Destroyer, Vishnu entered the diamond heart wherein the undraped fires burn... tied to its horn. And the great Fish towed the boat and all in it through the tumultuous waters of the Flood. Indian tradition considers this Fish as the first avatar or incarnation of Vishnu. Mirra was a Piscean. She had this same characteristic trait of always growing bigger than her milieu. 1 " Knew a Painter" Thus Mirra Alfassa and Henri ...

... m that regard Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu. Disciple : Krishna of Kurukshetra is; I suppose, one who gave the Gita. Sri Aurobindo : One who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. Disciple : Arjuna could not bear his sight and had to ask him to resume his human form. Sri Aurobindo : In the Vishnu Purana all the aspects of Vishnu are nicely described. It is one of the... Disciple : The Puranas are even the earliest, supposed to have been written about the 3rd or the 4th century A. D. Sri Aurobindo : Most probably. In the Vishnu Purana Buddha is regarded as one of the Avatars of Vishnu who came to deceive the Asuras. He is not referred to by name but is called "Maya-moha". Reference to Budha is very clear; it repeats "Budyaswa! Budhyaswa." It is a fine ...

... room to the action and movements of the gods. When Indra would slay Vritra, he first prays to Vishnu, his friend and comrade in the great struggle, "O Vishnu, pace out in thy movement with an utter wideness," and in that wideness he destroys Vritra who limits, Vritra who covers. The supreme step of Vishnu, his highest seat, is the triple world of bliss and light, Page 346 priyaṁ padam... highest seat of Vishnu that is the goal of the Vedic journey. Here again the Vedic Vishnu is the natural precursor and sufficient origin of the Puranic Narayana, Preserver and Lord of Love. In the Veda indeed its fundamental conception forbids the Puranic arrangement of the supreme Trinity and the lesser gods. To the Vedic Rishis there was only one universal Deva of whom Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati... and forms, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, in the final Puranic formulation of the Hindu theogony. In this hymn of Dirghatamas Auchathya to the all-pervading Vishnu it is his significant activity, it is the greatness of Vishnu's three strides that is celebrated. We must dismiss from our minds the ideas proper to the later mythology. We have nothing to do here with the dwarf Vishnu, the Titan Bali and ...


... ankara It is probably the realm of the dynamic creative Spirit on the highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta Narayana is usually taken as a name of Vishnu—to the Vaishnavas he is the Supreme as Shiva is to the Shaivas. Both are Page 155 cosmic Personalities of the Divine and both like Brahma have... planes. Lakshmi is usually golden, not white. Saraswati is white. The snake is simply a symbol of Energy or Power. Narayana in your dream is clearly Vishnu as is shown by the presence of Lakshmi and the single many-hooded snake. Vishnu or Narayana in this image which is a normal Puranic image is the Lord of the waters of Space and Time—the Preserver of the principle of the Universe which he... creation and another. Out of that seed in his navel (the navel is the central seat of the Vital, the Life-Principle) Brahma the Creator arises in the Lotus (cosmic consciousness) which grows from it when Vishnu awakens from the inter-cyclic sleep. The Snake Ananta is the Energy of the cosmic manifestation of the Infinite in Space-Time. Krishna This is the Krishna of the Gita 1 (the boy Krishna is ...


... be said to be surrounded by it or Page 102 clothed by it. The Lord himself is present on the Ocean in various forms, Prajna, Hiranyagarbha & Virat, or Vishnu, Brahma and Maheshwara. This is what the Puranas represent as Vishnu on the Serpent of Time & Space in the Causal Ocean & Brahma growing out of the lotus in his navel etc. This is the Lord, the King & Ruler. We must therefore realise... GURU It is no new light but as old as the sun; for it is clearly laid down in the Gita and of the teaching of the Gita, Srikrishna Page 117 says that it was told by him to Vivasvan, the Vishnu of the solar system and by him to Manou, the original Thinker in man, and by Manou handed down to the great king-sages, his descendants. Nay, it plainly arises from the nature of things. The whole... Ruler & Ordainer, the Manifested Brahman dealing with a world of phenomena already created, then division has taken place, the Shakti has gone forth to its works, and the great male Trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara, filled with the force of that Shakti are creating, preserving & destroying the countless worlds and the innumerable myriads of their inhabiting forms. Both these Trinities are in reality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... yesterday that the blue colour might be of Vishnu or of Krishna. What is the difference between them? SRI AUROBINDO: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva manifest certain powers of cosmic consciousness. Krishna manifests the Ananda. Krishna is said to be the Avatar of Vishnu, which means that he manifests the Vishnu aspect rather than the Shiva aspect. SATYENDRA: Are Vishnu and Krishna Gods of the overmind.? ...


... greater even than Vidyut—although the God of the vaidyuta energy is Vishnu himself who is the Lord of the ananda, the vaidyuto manavah, electrical Man, of the Upanishads. In the vijnana, Surya as well as Vishnu is greater than Agni, but here he and Vishnu both work under the dominant energy of Agni and for the satisfaction of Indra,—Vishnu in the Upanishads being younger than Indra,—Upendra. Translated... through which they proceed. A doubt will naturally arise, how Vishnu, the supreme Lord, can be the Upendra of the Vedas. The answer is that, whatever energy is of supreme importance at a particular stage of the evolution, is taken up by Vishnu-Virat as his especial care.We have seen that the Ananda is now highest in the developed evolution. Vishnu is therefore now preeminently the Lord of the Ananda and... giving, offering, sacrifice. As the name of Vishnu it meant, predominantly, the Master who directs, compels and governs; but the idea of the Lover and Beloved, the Giver and the object of all action, ritual and worship, of all karma also entered into it in the associations of the worshipper and sometimes became prominent. The Vishnu Purana tells us that Vishnu in the Satya Yuga incarnates as Yajna, in ...


... anointed monarch. As D. R. Patil 2 relates, the Vayu Purāna terms him ādirāja (first king) and the Mahābhārata (IV and XI) says that the divine Vishnu entered the person of the king and hence the whole universe worships kings as if they were gods. The Vishnu Purāna 3 too, deems him a portion of deity. Prithu as king precedes Vaivasvata in time, but it is not by such precedence that, like ... spotted in the Purānas 1. Ibid., p. lvi. 2. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition, p. 175. 3.Pargiter cites: Brāhmanda, 19, 20; Vishnu, ii, 3, 19; Linga, i, 52,32. 4. Cultural History from the Vdyu Purāna, p. 195. 5. Vishnu Purāna, translation, p. 24, fn. 6. Page 127 today, hinting at a flexible tradition in which the Yuga-lengths could not... 108. Dhruva 102.Aiiga 109. Utanapāda 103.Puru 110. vira 104.Chakshush Manu 111. Vairāja (Svāyambhuva 105.ChakshushManu) 112. Viāj (Svāyambhuva) 106.Ripu 113. Vishnu 107. Slisti If we strictly follow the general Indian tradition according to which, as Pusalker 4 phrases it, "the dynastic lists begin with the mythical king, Manu ...


... acquiesce .. adore, worship, love, to contain, embrace. an      to be, breathe, live .. Page 602 [2] अः Name of Vishnu (Virat-purusha—अ in ओम्). Name of Shiva, Brahma, Vayu or Vaishwanara. N[ote]. It is doubtful whether अः in the sense of Vishnu had in its origin any connection of dependence with अ, the first letter of the sacred syllable; both rather proceed from a single &... be, in the widest sense of the idea, being primal, all pervading, vague and indefinable. Hence it is applicable to any of the three great deities who occupy & represent infinite & universal being, Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma; by a natural figure emphatic of the sense of व्याप्ति it became applicable to Vaiswanara or Virat Purusha. By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to Vayu, the god... breath. Bri. U. अननं प्राण, उदान etc. अनक      mean, base. अनलिः      Name of a tree. बकवृक्ष अनल      fire .. wind .. bile ..n of several plants      fifth Vasu .. N of Vasudeva—soul.. Vishnu..Supreme spirit अना      Vedic —thus, hereby, indeed अनस्      cart .. आनस      boiled food.. rice .. kitchen      birth      living being ..      parent आनस अनिकं      group, mass. ...


... the Impersonal. Both affirmations are true, both denials are false. Neither is one greater than the other, the Impersonal than the Personal, just as in the Personal, Shiva is not greater than Vishnu, nor Vishnu than Shiva, nor the All-Being than Krishna or Kali. Such exaggerated distinctions are the errors of partial or selective Yoga fastening on aspects & ignoring the true being of God in His sel... person besides God in the universe. Whatever different masks He may wear, from house to house of His habitation, it is always He. The disguises may be utterly concealing. He may manifest as Brahma & Vishnu, Surya & Agni or as the Yaksha & the Pishacha; he may dwell here as the man or dwell here as the animal; he may shine out as the saint or lust in Himself as the criminal; but all these are He. APPENDIX... the infinite Pure Blissful,—not anyone, no person or individual, for He alone is, but still neither a mere abstraction or state of Being. Entering into world existence, He is All-being, God, Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Kali, Allah, the Mighty One, the Humble, the Loving, the Merciful, the Ruthless. These things are aspects of Himself to His own consciousness. Just as Sacchidananda is Triune,—not three, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Murundas. If we take the 200 as the limit, we may wonder how the Matsya, compiling its account two whole centuries after the Āndhras, could yet omit the various dynasties which the Vayu, Brahmānda, Vishnu and Bhagavata bring in. The Guptas themselves would surely find an entry. Definitely, the 200 years as a post-Āndhra period must be ruled out: much of them must be thought of as falling within the... ted criterion: "Did a dynasty rule in Magadha and did it run its whole length as a Magadha-ruler?" This criterion held not only for the Matsya-stage but also for the stage of the Vayu, Brahmānda, Vishnu and Bhāgavata. As Pargiter 1 has noted, these Purānas made no addition either to the account of the intervals and the Seven Rishis' cycle or to the number and years of the local dynasts after the... Vindhyaśakti 1. Ibid., pp . xv, xxvi, 2. Ibid. , p. 72. 3. Ibid., fn 21. 4. Ibid., fns. 19, 20. Page 11 to be himself a Kilakila. This assertion is in the "Vishnu Purāna (XX111) and. with a reference to the contemporaneous local dynasties after the Āndhras. it says: 1 "When they are destroyed, the Kilakila Yavanas will be kings; the chief of them will be ...


... about the original idea of the triple world in which we live, the three paces of Vishnu, from the Sanskrit of the Rig Veda as follows : “Thrice Vishnu paced and set his step uplifted out of the primal dust; three steps he has paced, the Guardian, the Invincible, and from beyond he upholds their laws. Scan the workings of Vishnu and see from when he has manifested their laws.” 11 “It is difficult to suppose... Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God 6: The Chain of Being Thrice Vishnu paced and set his step uplifted out of the primal dust; three steps he has paced, the Guardian, the Invincible, and from beyond he upholds their laws. Rig Veda Levels of Being When did life originate on planet Earth? Traces of one-celled organisms have been dated ...

... idea of himself as an incarnation of Vishnu running on a straight single line with other incarnations of that member of the Divine Trimurti, makes this member a Vibhuti of his by saying: "Among the Adityas I am Vishnu..." (X. 21). Evidently, to Krishna the Adityas, solar sons of the Infinite Mother-Goddess Aditi, are a class of supernatural beings and Vishnu is its outstanding exemplar or Vibhuti... conscious that she was an Avatar. But do we understand Avatarhood in its various bearings? Sri Aurobindo interprets as a parable of evolution the Hindu idea of the procession of the ten Avatars. Vishnu the Supreme Godhead makes a progressive series of incarnations, so that — to take for our immediate purpose the human portion of the traditional sequence — He who was Vamana (the Dwarf Avatar, ...


... appropriate to Rudra. Rudra is the father of the vehemently-battling Maruts; Vishnu is hymned in the last Sukta of the fifth Mandala under the name of Evaya Marut as the source from which they sprang, that which they become, and himself identical with the unity and totality of their embattled forces." 27 Obviously, if Vishnu has an alter ego in Rudra, one can say of the latter, as Sri Aurobindo... time back Sri Aurobindo returned a negative answer to the problem of relevance on the basis of his own study of the Rigveda. In commenting on hymn I. 154, he wrote: "The deity of this hymn is Vishnu the all-pervading, who in the Rigveda has a close but covert connection and almost an identity with the other deity exalted in the later religion, Rudra... Vishnu's constant friendliness to man... Aurobindo does: "Rudra is a fierce and violent godhead with a beneficent aspect which approaches the supreme blissful reality of Vishnu." 28 And Sri Aurobindo is aware of the Rigveda's own direct picturing of Rudra in tones anticipating the character of the post-Rigvedic Shiva. He refers to "a current opinion among many scholars that Shiva was a later conception borrowed from the Dravidians ...


... trikaldrishti, in time, arrangement, place of action & event. Devabhava manifest as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability... Krishna. These vanis represent the mental voices of the Deva & principally the operation of fusion between the Indrabhava which is still independent and the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman bhava (Rudra-Vishnu) which is predominant. Karma—Tapas In Kriti the forces of opposition still prevail and have some notable successes. In Tapas the forces of resistance that prevent full Aishwarya & the e... the system. Subjective Ananda aided by jnana is attempting to throw out the reversion to rajasic stress & reaction of Asamata. It appears, however, that this cannot be entirely done till Rudra-Vishnu is ready. Krishna in his fullness is only seen in individuals where there is some kind of beauty, charm, youth, childhood etc. To remedy this defect it is necessary to perfect the chidghana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... they serve high Vishnu! Or she looks at the fragrant Tulsi and claims Nara-yan's garland. She is ever for Vishnu, my darling, or in, or out of her wits. 8. And in all your wealthy princes she but sees the Lord of Lakshmi. At the sight of beautiful colours, she cries, "O my Lord world-scanning!" And all the shrines in the land, to her, are shrines of Vishnu. In awe and... the Light towards which she yearned, for it is small in bulk, — is entirely occupied with her passion for the divine Being. It is said that she went through a symbolic marriage with Sri Ranganatha, Vishnu in his temple at Srirangam, and disappeared into the image of her Lord. This tradition probably conceals some actual fact, for Andal's marriage with the Lord is still celebrated annually with considerable... was Madhura-kavi who wrote down his songs as they were composed. Nammalwar died in his thirty-fifth year, but he has achieved so great a reputation that the Vaishnavas account him an incarnation of Vishnu himself, while others are only the mace, discus, conch etc. of the Deity. From the philosophical and spiritual point of view, his poetry ranks among the highest in Tamil literature. But in point ...


... Eastern races and the scholastic, logical and metaphysical South. According to the Hindu theory of the Yugas, it is in the Dwapara that everything is codified, ritualised, formalised. In the Satya Vishnu descends among men as Yajna. Yajna is the spirit of adoration and sacrifice, and in the Satya yajna reigns in the hearts of men, and there is no need Page 263 of external ritual, external... the law by the necessity of their purified nature and their complete knowledge. The kingdom of God & the Veda are in the hearts of His people. In the Treta the old perfect order begins to break and Vishnu descends as the chakravarti raja , the warrior and ruler, Kartavirya, Parsurama, Rama, and the sword, the law and the written Veda are instituted to govern men. But there is still great elasticity... slightly corrupted by the first descent from purity. It is in the Dwapara that form and rule have to take the place of the idea and the spirit as the true governors of religion, ethics and society. Vishnu then descends as Vyasa, the great codifier and systematiser of knowledge. At the end of the Dwapara, when Sri Krishna came, this tendency had reached its extreme development, and the form tended ...


... Anantam, is now replaced by Sarvam Anantam Jnanam with the Anandam subdued but present in all the three. It is now in course of being replaced by the Krishna-darshana in the Jnanam Anandam; the Narayana-Vishnu Bhava persists, but as a past habit. The intensity of the Krishna-Narayana is now taking its place. Karma. Krishna-Kali bhava is growing to the point of the firm epiphany. Subjective kama is... obeyed, usually more imperfectly. The trikaldrishti is more confused by the will-thought Krishnadarshana has for some time drawn back into a fuller Ananda Brahma Saguna-Nirguna with the Narayan & Vishnu bhavas contained & the Lilamaya without the all-pervading expressed Krishna Nama in the rupa. The violent attack of the old Asiddhi has failed after producing a few fugitive vibrations,—an effigies... What has not yet been gained, is being made prominent. The Krishna-Kali-Darshana after a period of higher intensity has fallen back again into a lower degree of the Saguna-Nirguna dominated by Vishnu-Narayana with the Ananda in the background. The Asiddhi is still powerful.. Suddha & Prema Ananda have also become depressed, though not denied. The Shuddha Prema is now being restored independently ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... duties and institutions by an external compulsion representing the community's collective will began in the Bronze Age with the institution of government in Kingship. The Vishnu Purana tells us, conformably with this idea, that Vishnu in the Satya incarnates as Yajna, that is to say as the divine Master in man to whom men offer up all their actions as a sacrifice, reserving nothing for an egoistic sa... been lost to us with the other numberless Sanhitas of Veda. The whole of it we cannot reconstitute, since a great mass of Vedic material has been lost to us, possibly beyond hope of recovery until Vishnu descends once more as the Varaha into the sea of oblivion and lifts up the lost Veda on his mighty tusks into the light of our waking consciousness and on to the firm soil of our externalised knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... away behind him. He is each separately and all altogether. He is Vishnu, Krishna, Kali; he reveals himself to us in humanity as the Christ personality or the Buddha personality. When we look beyond our first exclusively concentrated vision, we see behind Vishnu all the personality of Shiva and behind Shiva all the personality of Vishnu. He is the Ananta-guna, infinite quality and the infinite divine ...


... to the Indian special conceptions of Shiva or Vishnu or Brahma or of the Divine Mother of all, Durga or Kali. Each religion really erects a different personal Deity according to its own heart and thought to adore and serve. The fierce and inexorable God of Calvin is a different being from the sweet and loving God of St. Francis, as the gracious Vishnu is different from the terrible though always loving... loving and beneficent Kali who has pity even in her slaying and saves by her destructions. Shiva, the God of ascetic renunciation who destroys all things seems to be a different being from Vishnu and Brahma, who act by grace, love, preservation of the creature or for life and creation. It is obvious that such conceptions can be only in a very partial and relative sense true descriptions of the infinite ...


... Four for ever in his supramental quaternary of Being, Consciousness, Force and Ananda. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, these are the eternal Four, the quadruple Infinite. Brahma is the Eternal's Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse. Vishnu is the Eternal's Personality of Consciousness; in him all is supported, in his wideness, in his... is the Eternal's Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness. Page 208 Brahma is Immortality, Vishnu is Eternity, Shiva is Infinity; Krishna is the Supreme's eternal, infinite, immortal self-possession, self-issuing, self-manifestation, self-finding. Manifestation, Not Illusion 40 As earth ...


... take a look. This office is never locked. Mother, I do not know how you consider this matter. It is better if the books remain with you and you will hand them over to Vishnu at the time when it is arranged for his work. Is Vishnu to be told that he should not disclose the accounts figures to anybody? From tonight he will be in possession of the books. No, this won’t do at all. You must keep... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 March 1933 Mother, Vishnu will be shown tonight how the accounts are to be done. Up till now when the accounts books were with Nolin Behari, nobody had an easy access to them. From now on, if these books are to be kept in the accounts office of the Meditation House on an open ...

... face.” On his way back Narada came first to the Yogi. “I have asked Vishnu; Page 33 you will realise Him after six more lives.” The Yogi raised a cry of loud lamentation, “What, so many austerities! Such gigantic endeavours! And my reward is realisation after six long lives! O how hard to me is the Lord Vishnu.” Next Narada met again the Bhakta and said to him, “I have no good... it in my own language but keep the substance. Narada on his way to Vaikuntha met a Yogi practising hard tapasya on the hills. “O Narada,” cried the Yogi, “you are going to Vaikuntha and will see Vishnu. I have been practising terrific austerities all my life and yet I have not even now attained to Him. Ask him at least for me when I shall reach Him?” Then Narada met a Vaishnava, a bhakta who was ...

... Act One — Aspiration 1510 A. D. Evening. Sachi Devi is seen performing her daily devotions before her cherished Ishtadeva—a marble image of Lord Vishnu who was incarnated as Sri Krishna and later, as she believed, as Sri Chaitanya. Her worship over, she offers flowers at His feet when Sri Chaitanya enters hesitantly and waits in silence. His mother... understand why I Feel even as a stalk whose flower is gone And how I have long forgot my Gods in Heaven For the one and only God who is — my Gora? ( She turns round once more upon the image of Vishnu ) Forgive me. Lord! And be not hard on me: For you must know, 0 Resident of my heart, How a God-believer you yourself made Godless By giving her one who has usurped your place Till she thought... That cuts so deep into my derelict soul. For I knew always: I would be a naught And stay a naught without you all my life, And my one mission was to bring to birth ( indicating the image of Vishnu ) His God-stuff that's your soul and breath and self. In my dream I saw Him when I was a virgin. He said: "You shall give a birth to a son who's one With Light and Bliss derived from my ...


... Sri Krishna In Brindavan Krishas the incarnation of Vishnu, sitting on the great serpent Shesha Introduction I The Avatara descends on the earth There are debates on the existence of God, and these debates will continue because God, the Invisible, does not oblige the debaters by making himself visible to them. But even... little girl that the jailors were awakened, who without losing time could run to inform Kamsa. Many incidents of Krishna's infancy have been described in the Bhagavata Purana, Harivamsa and Vishnu Purana. Puranic stories are symbolic, and although they narrate truthfully the Page 24 inner reality of spiritual events and experiences, their external descriptions need to be read... wonder on seeing the whole universe in a trice and to shield herself, closed her eyes. Let us hear further stories from the texts selected from the Bhagavata Purana, Harivamsa Purana and the Vishnu Mahapu-rana. Some of these stories are related not only to Sri Krishna but also to his elder brother Balarama (often called Rama), since both grew up together right from the early days. ...


... automatic now. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Talking of visions, Sisir Mitra told me that Nandalal had a vision of Vishnu in an image. He was going some where and on the way he saw an image of Vishnu in a temple. It was nothing beautiful but he kept on gazing at it till suddenly he saw Vishnu come out from the image and enter into him. When his pupil came to call him he replied in a sort of trance, "Do ...


... finally our own age, that .] of the laborers (Shudras), or rather the servants—of the ego, of the machine, of sex and comfort. The age of the "small dirty bodies,” ksudra deha samskara-barjitah, as the Vishnu Purana literally says. 15 And each time, the Shakti came down from one center to another: from the mind center to the heart center to the stomach center to the sex center—that is, the center of... × Isha Upanishad, 12:65 × Vishnu Parana, VI.L28-30 × The Supramental Manifestation, 16:27 ... Actually, since Buddhism. Pre-Buddhist India was not like that, especially not Vedic India. × This Vishnu Purana, which dates back roughly to the third century A.D., says many other interesting things about our Kali Yuga. For instance: "In the Kali Yuga, kings will not take care of their subjects, and ...

... has saved you?", the child replied, "Vishnu is everywhere, in the serpents and in the sea." It is interesting to note that the king himself had been a soul temporarily driven out from the heaven of Vishnu due to the curse of some rishis who had given him the choice between three lives on earth as the enemy of Vishnu and ten lives on earth as the worshipper of Vishnu―the king had chosen the shorter way... × In Indian mythology Prahlad is the son of King Hiranyakashipu, an ardent enemy of the god Vishnu. The king had banned the worship of Vishnu in his kingdom, and when he learnt that his son Prahlad was worshipping this god in his own palace, he delivered him to serpents, but they did not bite him. Then he had him thrown ...


... ss, but there were other older schools, who regarded Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu, and they were also Vaishnavas. SATYENDRA: It is the Kurukshetra Krishna who spoke the Gita. SRI AUROBINDO: The one who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. In the Vishnu Purana all these aspects are very finely described. The Vishnu Purana is the only Purana I have carefully read through. I wonder how it has... in the Gupta period as a reaction to Buddhism. PURANI: They are supposed to have been written about the third or fourth century A. D. SRI AUROBINDO: Probably. In the Vishnu Purana Buddha is regarded as an Avatar of Vishnu who came to deceive the Asuras. He is not referred to by his own name but called Mayamoha. The Purana says, "Buddhasya, Buddhasya", which evidently refers to Buddha. The ...


... which does not represent something at once suggested to the Indian reader by the words of the text. Vishnu is nothing to the English reader but some monstrous & bizarre Hindu idol; to the Hindu He is God Himself; the word is therefore more correctly represented in English by "highest God" than by Vishnu; śyāmaḥ pādaḥ is closely represented by "dark like the cloudy foot", the word cloudy being necessary... especially with mythological allusions is to explain fully what in the original is implicit; Kalidasa for instance compares a huge dark cloud striding northwards from Crouncharundhra to "the dark foot of Vishnu lifted in impetuous act to quell Bali", śyāmaḥ pādo baliniyamanābhyudyatasyeva viṣṇoḥ . This I have translated Page 253     "Dark like the cloudy foot of highest God     When starting... association in English, but in the Sanscrit it represents the same idea as "Titan"; only the particular name recalls a certain theosophic legend which is a household word to the Hindu, that of the dwarf-Vishnu who obtained from the Titan Bali as much land as he could cover with three steps, then filling the whole world with himself with one stride measured the earth, with another the heavens and with the ...


... prodigious. India has become the land of saints & ascetics, but progressively also of a decaying society and an inert, effete & helpless people. The indignant Page 372 denunciation of the Vishnu Purana against the certain results to society of the Buddhist heresy has been fulfilled in the fate of our strongly Buddhicised Hindu nation. We see increasing upon it through the centuries the doom... still the fundamental is not the final, the pratistha is not the consummation but only the means to the consummation. It is the first step in our journey, the initial movement in the triple stride of Vishnu. There is beyond it a second step, from which we constantly return till we are ready here for the third, for the consummation. Our future state depends on our fullness at the time of our passage, on... Hiranyakashipu, ostentatiously largehearted like Bali, fiercely self-righteous like the younger Prahlada. But they fall whether great or petty, noble or ignoble & in their fall they are thrust down by Vishnu to Patala, to the worlds of delusion & shadow, or of impenetrable gloom, because they have used the heart or intellect to serve passion & ignorance, enslaved the spiritual to the material & vital elements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... 502 Vincent, Father Hugues, v Vindhyasakti, 11, 12, 13,192,522 Vipāśa (Hyphasis, Beas), 175 Virasena, 594 Virgil: Georgics. 174 Vishnu, 142 Vishnu Purāna, 10, 11,91, 103, 105, 106, 107, 204,206.274,522 Vishnu-dhvaja, 398 Vishnugupta. 486,487,494 Vishnukada Chutukulānda Sātakarni, 473-4 vistarena, 94 Viśtaspa (Gushtasp), 281,282... Aspects de l'histoire des Scythes", Revue de l'Universitaire de Bruxelles, 42 (1937) Purānas, Agni, Bhāgwata, Brahmā, Brāhmanda, Harivamśa, Kurma, Linga, Mārkandeya, Matsya, Śiva, Vāyu, Vishnu Puri, Bali Nath, India in the Time of Patahjali (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1958) Page 615 Pusalker, A. D., "Aryan Settlements in India", "Traditional... International Dictionary of the English Language, 1955 Page 619 Whithead, R. B., In Numismatic Chronicle, Sixth Chronicle, Sixth Series, III Wilson, H. H., The Vishnu Purāna: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition (London, 1840) Xenophon, Anabasis Cyropaedia Page 620 INDEX Aay/Aioi, 380 ...


... psy­chic and spiritual plane his life on the physical plane does not matter. He is true, he is real. The physical is only a shadow of the psychic. Disciple : I find the Vishnu Purana very fine. Sri Aurobindo : In the Vishnu Purana all the aspects of a Purana are nicely described. It is one of the Puranas I have gone through carefully. I wonder how it has escaped the general notice : it is ... Buddhism in the Gupta period." Disciple : They are supposed to have been written in or about the 3rd or 4th century A. D. Sri Aurobindo : Most probably. In the Vishnu Purana Buddha is regarded as an Avatar of Vishnu who came to deceive the Asuras! He is not referred to by name but is called "Maya Moha" This Purana is a fine work. 20–12–1939 Disciple : Did you read Maitra's...  Sri Aurobindo ? I want to see him". M. replied : "You can't see him". Then with an air of inviting confidence he asked M. "Does he fly away?'' (Laughter) 27-2-1939 (conti.) "The Vishnu Purana" and Puranas in general Disciple : Are the incidents related in the Purana about Krishna’s life psychic representations created by the poet, or do they correspond to facts that had occurred ...

... transcendent and cosmic vision and experience and this was expressed by a later age to the mass in images containing a large philosophical and intellectual meaning of which the Trinity and the Shaktis of Vishnu and Shiva are the central figures: the Puranas carried forward this appeal to the intellect and imagination and made it living to the psychic experience, the emotions, the aesthetic feeling and the... the poetic method employed is justified by the richness and power of the creation. The earliest work is the best—with one exception at the end in a new style which stands by itself and is unique. The Vishnu Purana for instance in spite of one or two desert spaces is a remarkable literary creation of a very considerable quality maintaining much of the direct force and height of the old epic style. There... place in a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar: in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it is given its full power and prepared to manifest ...


... prayers in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata 26 Letters on Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 22, p. 73. 27 Ibid., p. 314. Page 193 and the Bhagavata. Stotras like Aditya Hridayam, Vishnu Sahasranamam and Gajendra's Prayer have been priceless gifts for the sadhaka down the centuries. Such prayers stop us on our tracks and we gain a rare Ananda by reciting them while reading the epic... Markandeya. Death approaches us only wehen we cease to meditate upon her. But when we invoke her, Time that brings Death closer to us keeps away. The Divine Mother is worshipped by the sustainer Vishnu, Kamalaksha Nishevita. Hence she sustains us all without a moment's respite. These cosmic powers of the Divine Mother (Vishveshwari) get engaged in the Adoration of the Divine Mother. ... finds Sri Aurobindo's vision to have descended from a verse in the poem beginning, medhāsi devi vidhitākhila shastrasārā: You are Saraswati, scripture's essence; Sri, who abides with Vishnu; Gauri, with the moon-crested Shiva, and Durga, boat to the Beyond. 55 Savitri finds that this too is inadequate. Pooma Shakti needs to be incarnated on earth to help mankind. As ...

... bless your tongue, for there I'll meet the youthful Like Roma and not the senile erudite. For 'tis not age gives wisdom. Look at Nimai Who can defeat you in an argument On anything — from Panini to Vishnu, And he has lived but four and twenty years While you are ancient as the barren hills. ( He chuckles mischievously ) Ah, that reminds me, sir, of something priceless. The other day he gave... elect and erudite. And you dare flaunt before me a simple swindler Who has mastered only one art in his life: How to impose on credulous men and women And be adored of them as an Avatar Of Vishnu Narayan — a modern Krishna! ( contemptuously ) An Avatar indeed! — a lachrymose Day-dreamer who, with sentimental tears, Has won the hearts, I wager, of a few Gullible housewives! — Oh,... wonder aliens hold us in subjection. It serves us right: you cannot perpetrate Criminal heresies and yet stay moral! I wish I could but once meet this Pretender Who dare stand on the pedestal of Vishnu. ROMA( stopping her ears ) 0 hush, please — I implore you — or I must Come here no more to bathe — ah, there he is! Oh hail, my Lord! Deliver me from this — ( Sri Chaitanya''s ...


... listlessness, etc. (Complete Wordfmder, Reader's Digest Oxford, 1996). 86. Shanta: a Gujarati lady disciple. 87. Narasimha: the manlion incarnation of Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu, the Asura king, persecuted his son Prahlada who adored Vishnu, his sworn enemy. So Narasihma finally held Hiranyakashipu and with his nails cut open his stomach and pulled out his entrails. 88. Meherwan Sheriar Irani... Page 393 light and poise and peace. Rajas is the mode of action, desire and passion. Tamas is the mode of ignorance and inertia, the force of inconscience. 47. Vaishnavas: devotees of Vishnu. 48. Thoughts and Glimpses. 49; Sarat Chandra Chatterji (15.9.1876 - 16.1.1938), the famous Bengali novelist and short story writer. 50. See Letters on Yoga, Cent. Ed., p. 770. ... of Light. Brahmaloka is the world of Brahman : the highest state of pure existence and consciousness attainable by the soul without complete extinction in the indefinable. Vaikuntha is the world of Vishnu. 103. Brahmarandhra: the opening at the top of the skull. 104. Cloison : partition-wall. 105. tapo-bhanga: interruption in austere ascetic meditation or austere devotion to God. ...

... the Coverer. Speed was of him and speed was of his weapon. He was master and illimitable in works. (7) His, his, this great builder’s, was the sacrifice of the wine in which Vishnu drank the draught, the delicious food. Vishnu in his mighty violence took by force all that was made ready and shooting his arrows pierced the Boar across the mountain. Page 219 (8) To him, to him, to Indra,... immortals for us who are mortals, repelling inimical powers. (4) May Indra and the Maruts discern for us paths for our easy progress and Pushan and Bhaga, gods desirable. (5) Yea and ye, O Pushan, Vishnu and thou who movest in all motions, make for us our thoughts such as are led by the rays of illumination and full of happiness. (6) Sweetness in the winds of life to him who grows in the Truth,... Lord of Pleasure, full of sweetness Surya, the luminous; sweet become to us the herds of his rays. (9) O Mitra, be peace in us, peace Varuna, peace in us Aryaman; peace Indra and Brihaspati, peace Vishnu wide-striding. SUKTA 91 (1) Thou, O Soma, becomest subject to perception by the intelligence; thou leadest us along a path of utter straightness. By thy leadings our fathers, O lord of delight ...


... a commentator on the Vishnu Purāna (IV.24, Wilson, IX, 187) brings in Murā as the wife of King Nanda and the mother of Chandragupta and a commentator on the drāma Mudrārākshasa (Acts IV, VI) of the 5th century A.D. goes further and says that while his father was called Maurya and was a scion of the Nanda family his mother Murā was a woman of the Śūdra caste. As the Vishnu Purāna (IV.1012) and... is part and parcel of the appellation by which every ruling member of the line is known in their inscriptions. The personal names - Chandra, Samudra, rāma, Kumāra, Skanda, Pūru, Budha, Narsirhha, Vishnu - all carry the suffix "Gupta" in the inscriptions universally accepted as belonging to the line. Among these there is none attributable to the founder himself and we can imagine him calling himself... have exercised rule as small chiefs over some portions of Bihār 1 or of Bengal, 2 was, as its very name suggests, not Brāhman or Kshatriya but of lowly origin; for, according to the Vishnu Purāna, names ending in "Gupta" are characteristic of the Vaishya and Śūdra castes. 3 Then there is the fact of the importance given by the Guptas to the Lichchhavi princess Kumāradevl. Her image ...


... soul (Ibid., pp. 303-313). The three other gods who are objects of the prayer are Vayu, Vishnu and Brahman. According to the Vedic and Upanishadic symbolism, Vayu represents the cosmic being that dynamises the inertia of matter and leads consciousness to higher realms of knowledge and power (Ibid., pp. 294-302). Vishnu has been described as the supreme comprehensive eye of divine knowledge (Ibid., pp.... them represents the Supreme Being of the Ultimate Reality or God; these cosmic beings are described as gods. The prayer starts with an address to Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, and then to Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Brahman and Vayu. These cosmic Page 79 beings are considered (in the psychological interpretation) to be the manifestations of those powers and qualities which are directly related to... with which the Taittiriya Upanishad commences, reads as follows: "Hari OM. Be Peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be Peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu.ˮ ( Chapter One)¹ After addressing the prayer to the gods, the teacher speaks to the pupil. He says, "Thou, thou art the visible ...


... they serve high Vishnu! Or she looks at the fragrant Tulsi and claims Narayan's garland. She is ever for Vishnu, my darling, or in, or out of her wits. 8. And in all your wealthy princes she but sees the Lord of Lakshmi. At the sight of beautiful colours, she cries, "O my Lord world-scanning!" And all the shrines in the land, to her, are shrines of Vishnu. In awe and... me! How many the pranks she plays for my sinful eyes to behold. 4. The rising moon she showeth, '"Tis the shining gem-hued Krishna!" Or, eyeing the standing hill, she cries: "O come, high Vishnu!" It rains; and she dances and cries out "He hath come, the God of my love!" O the mad conceits He hath given to my tender, dear one! 5. The soft-limbed calf she embraces, for "Such did ...

... devotional temple ritual came to replace to a great extent the karmic ritual of sacrifice. More precise conceptual forms of the two great deities, Vishnu and Shiva, came to replace the vague and shifting mental images of the Vedic gods. The shaktis of Vishnu and Shiva also came to dominate the religious scene. These new concepts became stabilised in physical images, and these images were made the basis... a farther widening and fathoming of psychic and spiritual experience. The Vedic pantheon gradually faded out altogether under the weight of the increasing importance of the great Trinity, Brahma - Vishnu - Shiva. Anew pantheon appeared; its outward symbolic aspect expressed a deeper truth and larger range of experience, feeling and idea. The tradition of the Vedic sacrifice began to break down the... condition of the soul after the death of body. They also deal with the question relating to philosophic and yogic matters.Most importantly, Puranas are related to great deities, particularly of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. An important contribution of the Purana is related to the concept of divine incarnation, avatara. The texts connected with Tantra are numerous, probably sixty-four or even more. The ...


... chapters, as many as 85 are from the Upanishads, nearly 60 from the Vedas (mostly from the Rig Veda, and one from Yajur Veda and three from Atharva Veda), over 20 from the Gita, and one each from the Vishnu Purana and Sankara's Vivekachudamani. To sustain an argument (be it pūrva-paksa or siddhānta) by reference to ancient authority has been the traditional Indian way of convincingly projecting... the 'Sruti'. Ancient knowledge and learning, preserved through countless generations, is known as the 'Smriti'. 4 Although not as "infallible" as the Sruti, the Smriti also - notably the Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata - have been included among the "authoritative scriptures of the Hindu dharma". 5 As for the Gita, it was Sri Aurobindo's ardent hope that it might become "the universally... question: "Who, then, is this god Agni to whom language of so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when ...

... inimical. The natural is the stronger feeling. There are finally certain gods who stand behind these planets. Behind the Sun & Moon is Vishnu, behind Mangal and Shani Rudra, behind Shukra, Rahou & Ketou is Kali, behind Budha Lakshmi, and behind Brihaspati Durga. Vishnu gives royalty & victory, Rudra force and fortune, Kali subversive genius & destructive energy, Lakshmi wealth & ease, Durga wisdom, ...


... वतु । अवतु माम् । अवतु वक्तारम् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Hari OM. Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare Righteousness! I will declare... ीत् । आवीन्माम् । आवीद्वक्तारम् । ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः । हरिः ॐ ॥ Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vaiou. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal & as the visible Eternal I have declared thee. I have declared Righteousness; I have declared ...


... date the Veda about 1000 BC, a ridiculously late date. The result is the fallacy of a rigid break between Aryan and Dravidian races, languages, civilizations, even deities (Shiva is Dravidian, Vishnu is Aryan!). India, maimed in her spirit and her physical being, has also been maimed in her past. We await a broader, bolder and un blinkered scholarship, which will neither ignore the elements supplied... ineluctable and the violence of the Rudra forces in man and Nature are also the supreme Godhead in one of his cosmic figures.... No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still un evolved mankind the law of love and oneness ? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...


... Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict ended in a cease-fire on 22 September. During this time Mother made the following five statements.) Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid." What does this mean? Mother, is the present situation in India like the debt which must be paid to Rudra?     Here is the... would ask the wherefore of the present situation. I am sending it to you so that your question is taken care of.     "No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...

... verbal noun of अन्      अनो not      in all its senses      अन्य another अनस् 1. birth 2. living being 3. parent अनुः 1. a man 2. a proper name अनल 1. soul 2. the supreme spirit 3. a Vasu अनिल Vishnu (cf Isha Up. अनिलममृतं divine Life) आनूकं in abundance (Vedic) (2) with idea of substance, mass or extension अन्नं food or matter .. rice, corn .. earth .. (water) अनस् rice, boiled food अनीक... as आयुः & अयुः means man, the primal idea being that of an existing creature. We get back to this root idea of existence in अन्, soul, being & अनल, soul, spirit (cf anala and anila as names of Vishnu); nevertheless, the trend of the significance is towards physical or substantial existence, अन्, to live, अनस्, birth, living being, the parent or producer of being. We notice, next, the full sense ...


... the giver of the oblation? what offence to Vishnu wide-striding hast thou told? what to Sri of the Vastness (or Sri who is mighty)? सुमखाय. I accept provisionally "sacrifice" for मख, sin for रेतः (from री to injure, offend). उरुगाय I take to be wide-moving—त्रिविक्रमाय—from O.A. गा to move, & शरु = श्री, lit. Movement or Force, the Energy of Vishnu. 8) कथा शर्धाय मरुतामृताय कथा सूरे बृहते ...


... the vijnanamaya ananda, then of the others, reappears full of the Vishnu or Pradyumna personality, taking into it Rudra (Balarama), Page 72 Shiva (Mahavira) and Aniruddha (Kama). The definite personality of the Master in his personal relations to this Yoga and the Jiva in the Yoga has to develop out of the laya; for Vishnu is the Ishwara who incarnates. The present method of the Yoga is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of Spirit and Matter in this causal or seed-state is admirably expressed in the Puranic image of Vishnu, the eternal Purusha, asleep on the waveless causal ocean with the endless coils of the snake Ananta, the Infinite, for his couch. The sea of causal matter is then motionless and it is only when Vishnu awakes, the snake Ananta stirs and the first ever widening ripples are created on the surface of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... गुह्यं नाम गोनाम् ॥३॥ 3) For the glory of thee, O Violent One, the Thought-Powers make to shine out by their pressure that which is thy rich and beautiful birth. 8 When that highest stride 9 of Vishnu has been established within, thou protectest by it the secret Name of the herds of the Radiance. 10 तव श्रिया सुदृशो देव देवाः पुरु दधाना अमृतं सपन्त । होतारमग्निं मनुषो नि षेदुर्दशस्यन्त... world of Light. Agni is said elsewhere to become in his being the highest of the shining worlds. × Vishnu has three strides or movements, earth, heaven and the supreme world of which Light, Truth and the Sun are the foundation. × ...


... cleaves to the ocean that is the billowing of those waters.( Rig Veda. IX. 96. 18, 19. ) Thrice Vishnu paced and set his step uplifted out of the primal dust; three steps he has paced, the Guardian, the Invincible, and from beyond he upholds their laws. Scan the workings of Vishnu and see from whence he has manifested their laws. That is his highest pace which is seen ever by the seers like ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and delivers and harmonises. Thus the old legend tells us that the Deva and the Asura laboured together to churn the ocean of life for the supreme draught of immortality, but, once it had been won, Vishnu kept it for the God and defrauded the fiercer and more violent worker. And this seems unjust; for the Asura has the heavier and less grateful portion of the burden. He begins and leads; he goes his... choice that Shiva made with knowledge and from love, the Titans made from darkness and passion,—desirous really of something very different and deceived by their stormy egoism. Therefore the award of Vishnu stands; to the God shall fall the crown and the immortality and not, unless he divinise himself, to the proud and strenuous Asura. Page 154 For what is supermanhood but a certain divine ...


... Candharvas and Gandharvis in distress. Shiva agreed, but on condition that He must have in His audience at least one perfect listener!   Who were the perfect listeners? There were only two -Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.   Narada met the two who were but too willing to oblige him, for an opportunity to listen to Shiva singing came but rarely.   The event took place with the two great... the region, all were splashed with wonderful waves of delight and of course, the lost limbs were restored to the presiding spirits of music.   But something most unexpected happened too. Lord Vishnu became so completely identified with the flow of music that his aura melted and began to flow away. Lord Brahma, however, captured the flow in his Kamandalu and did not let it go waste. (That was ...


... posts in those days of British Raj. Pantulu refused the job. He had his future chalked out. He moved to Guntur with his family, wife and three children, Suniti, Bhavatarini and Narayan. The eldest son Vishnu had joined the RIAF (Royal Indian Air Force) and gone off to War. The next, daughter Prabhavati, was studying. He pooled all his resources and bought some arable land near a remote village named Nedutippa... ’s brother), Anil Bhatta the artist (Pavan’s grandfather), Ardhendu (cat-lover and chemist), Krishnalal (artist), were some of the recruits. They all contributed yet could not make up the Rs. 100. Vishnu, Pantulu’s eldest son (RIAF), happened to be there. He made up the shortfall. We had breakfast in the D.R. and loaded the bus with vessels and food, etc. Off we went, watched by a crowd of Ashramites ...


... eventual Maratha terrorists, but he had found no activity of that kind there and was quite disillusioned. Aurobindo, from his side, wanted to take up yoga again and asked Barin to invite the yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, whom Barin had met in September and who was then in Gwalior, to come and meet him in Baroda. Barin sent Lele a telegram and he readily complied. Suddenly Aurobindo disappeared for ten... the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me.’ Narayan and Vasudeva are names of Krishna and Vishnu, and represent here the highest Godhead. Aurobindo had realized the cosmic consciousness, the second fundamental realization in his yoga. During a certain period he was visited by the spirit of ...

... ². Op. at., p. 212. Page 11 the governing principle. "Then comes the world of the Gods, below the Supermind and behind the manifestation. The Gods of Hindu culture - Shiva, Vishnu, the Gods who represent the Divine Principles governing the manifestation of the universe. There is a hierarchy of these beings. "Below this is the manifested universe. The purpose of this... universe of Mind, Life and Matter is the world of the Great Gods. They receive light from the Supramental. It is they that govern our universe. Hindu culture represented these Gods as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva in the Puranas. What the Puranas describe as the Gopi Rasalila, the play of Krishna with the Gopis who are ¹. "Sri Aurobindo at Evening Talk", Mother India., Page 24 ...

... the well. As I went on looking towards the water it became deeper and deeper until it could not be seen. I want to know what it is. Sometimes flames of sacred fire are seen in front. Yours, Vishnu Sri Aurobindo's reply : It is a symbol of the growth of the spiritual consciousness and its manifestations. The blue colour gives the indication. The flames are the flames of Agni, the... calmness and blue colour as usual. What were these parrots and their death ? Have all visions some real meaning? Should I care to see these things and write to you whatever I see? Yours ... Vishnu Sri Aurobindo's reply : The centre is the centre of the true being. Green and. violet are colours of the vital plane and the parrots seem to indicate movements of the vital mind which try ...


... description about a radiant tree in the World of Varuna; while the source of its rays is above, the rays emanating from it spread here down below. In the Thousand Names of Vishnu the Tree of Varuna is one of the names of Vishnu. Under this tree (Supalash Vriksha) Yama and our forefathers sat together to share a drink (X.135.1); two birds of beautiful plumage dwell on it (I.164.22); this is the same ...


... amazement. Thou hast enormous burning eyes and many mouths that wait to devour, and thou art terrible with many tusks of destruction. On seeing all this, the worlds are terrified and so also myself. O Vishnu! Having seen Thy form that is touching the sky, radiant with many colours, with wide opened mouths, and large burning eyes, I tremble in my inmost self in fear, and I find neither courage nor tranquility... as moth with accelerated velocity enters into blazing fire to perish, so too all these people are entering with accelerated Page 106 velocity into Thy mouths for their destruction. O Vishnu! Thou art devouring all the worlds by Thy blazing mouths and Thou art licking them up. They terrible radiance is filling this entire universe and scorching it with their fierce rays with Thy intense ...

... Sūtras, Gautama Dharma Sūtra is related to Sāmaveda, and Āpastamba, Hiranyakeshi, and Baudhāyana are related to Krishna Yajurveda. But Dharma Sūtras such as Gautama, Vasishtha, Mānava, Vaikhānasa and Vishnu are not related to any specific Veda Shākhā. The word "dharma" has been used in various senses in Indian literature. According to Manu Smriti, dharma is characterised by what is contained... soul after the death of the body. We also find in them questions and answers dealing with philosophic and yogic matters. Most importantly, Puranas are related to great deities, particularly Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Bhāgavata Purāna is considered to be the most valuable book on Lord Krishna, and it is looked upon as an unparalleled composition on the theme of Shri Krishna and devotion to Shri Krishna ...


... the poetic method employed is justified by the richness and power of the creation. The earliest work is the best — with one exception at the end in a style which stands by itself and is unique. The Vishnu Purana for instance in spite of one or two desert spaces is a remarkable literary creation of a very considerable quality maintaining much of the direct force and height of the old epic style. There... place in a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar; in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it is given its full power and prepared to manifest ...


... short anthology meant for readers who would like to have a glimpse of Sri Krishna and to learn of some of the accounts of Sri Krishna that are found in the Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Harivamsa Purana and Vishnu Mahapurana. At the same time, we feel that these accounts would be better understood if we presented a few extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo, the Supreme Master of Yoga of our times, who... translated by Swami Tapasyananda and Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana translated by C.L. Goswami. The texts adapted from Harivamsa Purana are from the translation by Bhumipati Dasa. A short text adapted from Vishnu Mahapuranam is from the translation by M.N. Dutt. Page 19 ...


... Shiva goes about in anguish with the dead body of Sati flung upon his shoulder. Shiva is to be relieved of this burden, otherwise the creation will go to rack and ruin. The prayer went to Vishnu and Vishnu hurled his discus that cut to pieces the corpse of Sati—the pieces were fifty-two in number and each spot where a piece, a limb of Sati, fell became a great place of pilgrimage. Even so, the ...

... respect of manifestation—the Divine and his creative Power. This two-in-one reality may be considered, according to one view of creation, as dividing into three forms or aspects —the well-known Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra of Hindu mythology. These may be termed the first or primary emanations. 1 Brihadaranyaka 1.4. Page 363 Now, each one of them in its turn has its own emanations—the... devolution of the supreme consciousness. We may now understand and explain easily why one chooses a particular Ishta, an ideal god, what is the drive that pushes one to become a worshipper of Siva or Vishnu or any other deity. It is not any rational understanding, a weighing of pros and cons and then a resultant conclusion that leads one to choose a path of religion or spirituality. It is the soul's natural ...

... disturbing you. Indeed everything will seem to you as though outside you. That's my experience. When I began yoga, I came to an impasse, unable to go any further. My brother then directed me to a yogi( Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, whom Sri Aurobindo met towards the end of 1907.) who had certain powers. I remained with him ten days. He told me to sit beside him and to drive away with deliberation any thought which... Or what cannot be absorbed will be rejected. There is no doubt that the change will occur. You spoke of your experience with Lele.* At that time did this mechanical working stop? *Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, a "temporary guru" whom Sri Aurobindo met in December 1907 and with whom he spent three days in meditation. At the end of the third day Sri Aurobindo had the experience of Nirvana. ...


... Is that true, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: Ask the gods. DR. MANILAL: You are above the gods, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: I am on earth. DR. MANILAL: Some time ago the Mother said that the gods—Shiva, Vishnu, etc. — came to the meditation she was giving. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and then? DR. MANILAL: In what form did they come. Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: What do you mean? DR. MANILAL: In an image form... image? Everything is an image. You are an image. Nirod is an image. DR. MANILAL: I mean could they be seen as concretely as, for instance, I see Nirod? SRI AUROBINDO: Shiva is as concrete to Vishnu as you are to Nirod. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: Were they seen with open eyes? SRI AUROBINDO: One can see with open or closed eyes. But with what sense does one see the gods? DR. MANILAL: I ...


... Rudyard, 12, 241 Kitchener, Lord, 205 Krebs, K. A., 572 Krishnaprem, Yogi (Ronald Nixon), 468 Langley, G. H., 752 Lawrence, D. H., 215,615 Lele, Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar, 274fr, 279-80, 289, 291, 318, 387, 389 Levi, Sylvain, 550 Life Divine, The, 17, 20, 22, 122, 404ff; a declaration for the future, 419; greatly planned, 419; key opening 419;... to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490 Seetaraman, M. V, 672 Sen, Indra, 760 Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185 Sen, Kshitish Chandra, 244 Sen, Sushil, 305, 307 ...

... hand-writing. We worked late at night at the “Gupta Press Panjika”, having secured the permission of its owner. — Barindra K. Ghosh 1908 – Deoghar, Bihar With Vishnu Bhaskar Lele I received a letter from Sri Aurobindo saying that Vishnu Bhaskar Lele would be arriving and we were to take good care of him. We felt that a Sadhu had no part in our scheme of things and so we looked on him with distrust ...

... brings in the Vedic symbol as in: (Katha I.3.9} " That man who uses the mind for reins and the knowledge for the driver, reaches the end of his road—the highest seat of Vishnu." The " highest seat of Vishnu " is a Vedic phrase.³ So also, Of the Katha is the same as Rig-veda IV.40.5. "Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity. He is Vasu in the inner regions, the Sacrificer ...

... invoked Vishnu, who counselled him to drain the water from the lake. To Ananta Naga was assigned the task of piercing the hills round about. When the water of Satisaras flowed away and the lake became dry, the demon was exposed and finally killed. Sati flew out as the main body of water: our Jhelum river —Vitasta of the Vedas. The legend goes on to say that it was here in Kashmir that Vishnu assumed ...

... वन्दे नारायणम्॥ om keyūravān kanakakuṇḍalavān kirīṭī hiraṇmaya-vapurdhṛtaśaṅkhacakraḥ. om viṣṇave namaḥ, om naumi nityaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ harim. vande varadaṁ vande nārāyaṇam. Vishnu dhyanam OM. Obeisance to Vishnu, adorned with bracelets and golden ear-rings and a crown, the golden-bodied One, bearer of a conch and a discus. Obeisance to the Eternal Narayana-Hari. I bow down to Narayana, the ...

... and spiritual experience. The Vedic gods rapidly lost their deep original significance. At first they kept their hold by their outer cosmic sense but were overshadowed by the great Trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, and afterwards faded altogether. A new pantheon appeared which in its outward symbolic aspects expressed a deeper truth and larger range of religious experience, an intenser feeling, a vaster... sacrifice was transformed into the devotional temple ritual; the vague and shifting mental images of the Vedic gods figured in the mantras yielded to more precise conceptual forms of the two great deities, Vishnu and Shiva, and of their Shaktis and their offshoots. These new concepts stabilised in physical images which were made the basis both for internal adoration and for the external worship which replaced... Page 210 intensely home to the general mind and feeling of the people. Even the so-called henotheism of the Vedic idea was prolonged and heightened in the larger and simpler worship of Vishnu or Shiva as the one universal and highest Godhead of whom all others are living forms and powers. The idea of the Divinity in man was popularised to an extraordinary extent, not only the occasional ...


... the triple occult formation with its enduring transcendental realities vis-à-vis this vast creation. These give rise to the triple world of Sat-Chit-Ananda. The Veda speaks of the three strides of Vishnu in the transcendent and we may as well conceive these to be the eight-syllabled three parts of this devatā. The virgin goddess of this supernal world is the one who, over there, luminously up-bears... Shakti who alone could grant him the propitious boon which would lead him towards the fulfilment of his singular desire. Therefore we can well understand why he worships Savitri and not, say, Shiva or Vishnu,— or the Sun-God himself if the tale belongs to the Vedic times. The deeper imponderable of the story is perhaps the premature death of Satyavan. Why was he preordained to die in his "beauty's... p. 391. 44 lbid., p. 14. When Narad sees that Savitri has chosen Satyavan for a husband, he at once bursts into an optimistic rapturous song. He sings of the glory of the name of Vishnu and makes sudden haste to reach king Aswapati's palace in Madra. He is extremely happy that the things that were promised long ago shall now be fulfilled. He is gladdened that in the fire of Savitri's ...

... of Love. He now intends to call on his wife and mother though he has to stay elsewhere, in the precincts of a temple of Vishnu. It is evening now and Vishnupriya, the beautiful bride of Sri Chaitanya, is seen in her private temple praying before the image of Lord Vishnu. She offers flowers, lights a few incense-sticks and then starts the 'arati' ceremony ( moving a censer with lighted... Page 66 down her cheeks as she saw him embrace his assai- lants and heard him sing the last quatrain. Then the vision fades out. She opens her eyes and gazes at the image of Lord Vishnu in a heave of emotion. ) VISHNUPRIYA ( with unshed tears glistening in her eyes ) O Lord, my Lord! Forgive a doting woman Who worshipped the very ground her idol trod: Since it was ...


... highlights of his collection of poetry called the Sursagar. Alvars: South Indian saints who in the 7th to 10th century wandered from temple to temple singing ecstatic hymns in adoration of Vishnu. The songs of the Alvars rank among the world's greatest devotional literature. Shaiva poets composed hymns to Shiva. Charu Chandra Dutt (16.6.1876 - 22.1.1952) served as judge at... Post-World War I cultural movement in visual arts and literature. Alfred Edward Housman (1859-1936), English classical scholar and lyric poet; author of A Shropshire Lad, etc. Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande (1860-1936): Most important Hindustani musicologist and composer of the 20th Century. Born into a cultured Maharastrian family in Balukeshwar, Bombay, Bhatkhande acquired his sweet... recorded in his book A la poursuite de la sagesse [In Pursuit of Wisdom]. Page 304 It was in answer to his question that Sri Aurobindo wrote The Riddle of This World. Vishnu Prasad Doctor. A Gujarati disciple, Puraniji's student and secretary. He was a good gymnast and later taught malkhamb to young boys. Rambai: A Marwari lady disciple. Luchi: ...

... settled the list of Avatars, for they are all Avatars of Vishnu according to the Purana. The final acceptance by all may have come later than Shankara, after the Buddhist-Brahminic controversy had ceased to be an actuality. For some time there was a tendency to substitute Balarama's name for Buddha's or to say that Buddha was an Avatar of Vishnu, but that he came to mislead the Asuras. He is evidently... evidently aimed at in the story of Mayamoha in the Vishnu Purana. He [ Buddha ] had a more powerful vital than Ramakrishna, a stupendous will and an invincible mind of thought. If he had led the ordinary life, he would have been a great organiser, conqueror and creator. Mahomed and Christ Mahomed would himself have rejected the idea of being an Avatara, so we have to regard him only as the prophet ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... er, Tapasya. Brihaspati—Wisdom (Word and Knowledge). Vishnu—Cosmic Consciousness. Vayu—Life. Post-Vedic Gods of the Indian Tradition Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are only three Powers and Personalities of the One Cosmic Godhead. Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and creation. As for Vishnu being the creator, all the three Gods are often spoken of as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... sensible creation which Hiranyagarbha has shaped. He is triple again as Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu; Shiva, the destroyer, the Yogin, the Lord of brute or inert life; the Master of Samadhi, the Refuge of the outcast & of those who have no refuge; Brahma, the Creator, who puts forth life and stays not his hand for a moment; Vishnu, the Preserver & Saviour, the Master of Power & Love and Life and Light and Sweetness... —Action, Love, Knowledge, are the three paths which lead out of phenomenal existence to the eternal reality, and where the three meet & become one, is the end of the great journey, that highest home of Vishnu towards which it is the one object of the Upanishad to turn and guide us. The Isha Upanishad is the Scripture of the Karmayogin; of the three paths it teaches the way of Action, and therefore begins ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... devotional temple ritual came to replace, to a great extent, the karmic ritual of sacrifice. More precise conceptual forms of the two great deities, Vishnu and -Shiva, came to replace the shifting mental images of the Vedic gods. The shaktis of Vishnu and Shiva also came to dominate the religious scene. These new concepts became stabilised in physical images, and these images were made the basis for... was farther widening and fathoming of psychic and spiritual experience. The Vedic pantheon gradually faded out altogether under the weight of the increasing importance of the great Trinity, Brahma- Vishnu-Shiva. A new pantheon appeared; its outward symbolic aspect expressed a deeper truth and larger range of experience, feeling and idea. The tradition of the Vedic sacrifice began to break down; the ...


... that is wounded and suffers and complains and submits. And we realise Vishnu of the vast pervading motion who holds in his triple stride all the worlds. We realise that it is Vishnu20 who makes a wide room for the action of Indra, the Giver of Light, in our limited mortality. We also realise that it is by Vishnu and with Vishnu that we rise into his highest seats where we find waiting for us the Friend ...


... points out: "He is each separately and all together. He is Vishnu, Krishna, Kali; he reveals himself to us in humanity as the Christ personality or the Buddha personality. When we look beyond our first exclusively concentrated vision, we see behind Vishnu all the personality of Shiva and behind Shiva all the personality of Vishnu. He is the Ananta-guna, infinite quality and the infinite divine ...

... Rig Veda speaks of several planes of consciousness in terms of symbols, but its language is a sealed book to the modern mind. It mentions the three steps5 of Vishnu, the all-pervading Divine. Each step of Vishnu creates a world and Vishnu maintains it by His dynamic presence. Rig Veda speaks of " Dyawa Prithivi" Heaven and Earth symbolising the Mental and the Physical planes of consciousness ...

... Seen in Symbols - I 28-November-1920 There are Four who are Beyond and they rule the mighty game of evolution. It is they who build the universe with their thoughts and imaginations. Vishnu or Virat put them in front each in turn, and they govern each a cycle. All the sons of immortality come forth from them and return to them, all the children of earth are their portions. One stands... chaturyuga they come down together,—the chaturvyuha, Srikrishna, Balarama, Pradyumna, Aniruddha. Srikrishna contains all the others and puts them out from His being. He is Ishwara, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu. Lordship is His manifestation, Might and Wisdom are His gunas. Balarama is the second Power. Force is His manifestation; strength and wrath are His attributes. Pradyumna is the third Power. Love is ...


... & voluptuous in the Universe, the element of desire which being unspiritual & non-moral, finds its sphere in the satisfaction of the sense of beauty and for that satisfaction needs freedom Vishnu, the Almighty Spirit, incarnate in Naraian, the saint and hermit, was meditating in the voiceless solitude of mountains. Indra, always jealous of austerity & sacrifice, sent the Opsaras to allure him... thigh and produced from it a woman of so shining a loveliness that the beauty of all the Opsaras together was as nothing to her beauty According to this story Naraian, the great Rishi, who is also Vishnu & therefore the type of the World-Saviour when he comes in the guise of the Ascetic, was meditating in the Himalayas. Indra, always hostile to ascetism, always distrustful of the contemplative & p ...


... is young, radiant, beautiful and bold. But let him fall. We will not bear defeat. Page 624 MAHASEGN Yet many gods stood smiling at his birth. Luxmie came breathing fortunate days; Vishnu Poured down a radiant sanction from the skies And promised his far stride across the earth; Magic Saruswathie between his hands Laid down her lotus arts. GOPALACA The austere gods Help... Avunthy. GOPALACA Hasten in front Towards my father fire-hooved messengers To cry aloud to him the prize we bring Richer than booty of his twenty wars. Shiva has smiled on us. VUTHSA Vishnu on me. Godheads, it is by strife that you grow one. Page 662 Act III Avunthy. In the palace. Scene I A room in the royal apartments. Mahasegn, Ungarica. MAHASEGN ...


... Father and Mother of the Worlds and their inhabitants, he is also their Son and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our... Power of God who lifts forcibly the creation upward, smites all Page 382 that opposes, scourges all that errs and resists, heals all that is wounded and suffers and complains and submits. Vishnu of the vast pervading motion holds in his triple stride all these worlds; it is he that makes a wide room for the action of Indra in our limited mortality; it is by him and with him that we rise into ...


... for the gods at the sacrifice". But the language of the Vedas is always precise and sufficient and no such omission of a word need be supplied. यज्ञस्य । यज्ञ is acknowledged to be a name for Vishnu, for the Supreme Lord, and the Supreme is not a sacrifice. We must find some other meaning for यज्ञ in the etymology of the word. We find the kindred यमः which means he who controls, governs, Page... to or handing, from which we have the idea of giving, यच्छ, यज् in the sense of sacrifice, cf याजयति. The sense of strong one, master, controller, lord is established for यज्ञः by the application to Vishnu and Agni, continued at a time when the etymological justification had been lost; the sense of sacrifice is established by the universal later use. But it is also capable of the same senses as योगः ...


... us, it has to be bodied forth and take separate shapes in sound forms which we are accustomed to perceive and understand. Brahman-Brahma as Thought Creative in Shakespeare brings them forth, Brahman-Vishnu as Thought Preservative in us maintains them, Brahman-Rudra as Thought Destructive or Oblivion will one day destroy them; but in all these operations Brahman is one, Thought is one, even as all the... there that is formed the idea of undifferentiated, eternal, infinite, universal matter, with the implications Time, Space and Causality involved in its infinity. It is represented mythologically by Vishnu on the causal Ocean sitting on the hood of Ananta, the infinite snake whose endless folds are Time, and are also Space and are also Causality, these three being fundamentally Page 397 one ...


... its Laws, the Almighty Providence, the Master of the Dharma. It has a similar sense to the word यमः applied to the single god of Dharma, Yama. There is an echo of this use in the Vishnu Purana when it is said that Vishnu is born in the Satya Yuga as Yajna, in the Treta as the Chakravarti Raja, in the Dwapara as Vyasa. In the Satya Yuga mankind is governed by its own pure, perfect and inborn nature ...


... in, does not come back.” Sometime in 1920 Bharat Brahmachari said that the VishnuShakti had gone from Badrinath (the deity at Badrinath is Badrinarayan, a form of Vishnu) to settle in Gandhi. But two years later he said that the Vishnu-Shakti had retreated from Gandhi. He added that Gandhi would not be able to bring about the freedom of India. A Mahapurush settled on some seashore would free India ...


... lacking with current revisionist historians seeking to establish that whatever the epics record is historical. After this, he turns to an article I wrote after discovering a five feet high 12th century Vishnu statue while digging a well in the district of Malda. What he writes shows his encyclopaedic grasp of matters, the attention to minutiae and how he would temper his trenchant criticism with warm humour:... "spirit ditties of no tone". The word goes with what precedes it. Properly punctuated, the whole line would read: "Pipe, to the spirit, ditties of no tone." So, I would make your sentence run: "...Vishnu who piped 'to the spirit ditties of no tone', ..." That would save Keats from turning in his grave.   Despite the pat on the back, my article didn't get published in Mi.!   There is a ...


... Mother, I would prefer that Vishnu be present when Kodandaraman and I meet. Next Monday I will place before you the result of the meeting. All this will take place provided you approve of the meeting. Yes, I approve of your meeting and you can show him the accounts concerning the servants, but no others. He need not see also the accounts of the Atelier people. Vishnu can be present. 8 September ...

... mark destiny's black sun. From the dreadfulness of her nixie past Peered eyes that deepened the mystery of hell Even as she proclaimed the Tao of evil. But in that cave too Aswapati saw Vishnu. 4 May 2002 Page 14 Canto Thirteen In dismal river was born the tadpole ego Who claimed forthwith the universe for its use And brought falsehood to run the enterprise... And truer yet became Savitri's resolve. If love came from the old creation to die The new shall take birth in the glory of death. 21 May 2002 Vaikunttha: The Heaven of Vishnu Page 34 Canto Thirty-Three Falsehood is the sorrow of the supreme And not for nothing was this creation made And not for failure the sacrifice performed. Not this world ...


... secrecy of the superconscient. These are the upper and the lower ocean. This Vedic imagery throws a clear light on the similar symbolic images of the Puranas, especially on the famous symbol of Vishnu sleeping after the pralaya on the folds of the snake Ananta upon the ocean of sweet milk. It may perhaps be objected that the Puranas were written by superstitious Hindu priests or poets who believed... not choose to be blind. For they have given a name to Vishnu's snake, the name Ananta, and Ananta means the Infinite; therefore they have told us plainly enough that the image is an allegory and that Vishnu, the all-pervading Deity, sleeps in the periods of non-creation on the coils of the Infinite. As for the ocean, the Vedic imagery shows us that it must be the ocean of eternal existence and this ocean ...


... उरूगायः is plainly widely-moving cf उरुक्रमः 5. Vishnu firmly established or supported as on pillars the higher seated world, ie Mahas, by striding variously in a triple stride of his wide movement ie in Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur. (2) प्र तद्विष्णुः स्तवते वीर्येण मृगो न भीमः कुचरो गिरिष्ठाः      स्तवते The only sense consistent with the wording is: Then Vishnu stands established by his deed of energy like ...


... vessels full plenty of its rays. Page 329 (3) Poured out for the God in the mind, for the God in the Life, for Varuna the wide, for the Masters of Thought-power, travel its delights, for Vishnu, the pervading Lord. (4) The Three Words mount upward, the fosterers low, the radiant herds; bright Joy goes shouting aloud. (5) The mighty Ones of the soul, they who are mothers of the Truth... and its force breaks down all firm-established things. (2) Poured out for Indra in the mind, for Vayu in the life, for Varuna the wide, for the Masters of Thought-power, travel its delights, for Vishnu, the pervading Lord. (3) With the stones of the pressing they press out Joy, the Strong one compelled by the Strong; by Power they milk out the food of the gods. (4) May it become for the Triple ...


... svasti . In III.2.7, Agni Vaishwanara is described as filling the earth and heaven and the vast Swar, ā rodasī apṛṇad ā svar mahat ; and so also Vasishtha says in his hymn to Vishnu, VII.99, "Thou didst support firmly, O Vishnu, this earth and heaven and uphold the earth all around by the rays (of Surya). Ye two created for the sacrifice (i.e. as its result) the wide other world ( urum u lokam ), bringing ...


... you Gods and the mortal peoples. अर्यमणं वरुणं मित्रमेषामिन्द्राविष्णू मरुतो अश्विनोत । स्वश्वो अग्ने सुरथः सुराघा एदु वह सुहविषे जनाय ॥४॥ 4) Aryaman for them and Mitra and Varuna, Indra, Vishnu and the Maruts and the Ashwins do thou well-horsed, well-charioted, great in the joy of achievement, bring now, O Fire, for the giver of good offerings. गोमाँ अग्नेऽविमाँ अश्वी यज्ञो नृवत्सखा... ब्रवः कदग्ने शरवे बृहत्यै ॥७॥ 7) How wilt thou speak of us to Pushan, the mighty bringer of increase, what to Rudra great in sacrifice, giver of the offering? What seed of things to wide-striding Vishnu, or what, O Fire, to vast doom? कथा शर्धाय मरुतामृताय कथा सूरे बृहते पृच्छयमानः । प्रति ब्रवोऽदितये तुराय साधा दिवो जातवेदश्चिकित्वान् ॥८॥ 8) How when they question thee wouldst thou answer ...


... takes possession of it. He multiplies himself in the Suris or Solar Gods who are the souls of the flames of Surya, the Purushas of the female solar energies. Then he creates out of this solar body of Vishnu the planets each of which successively becomes the Bhumi or place of manifestation for Manu, the mental being, who is the nodus of manifest life-existence and the link between the life and the spirit... The animal develops the tribe life, the pack or clan life, the family life. He develops chitta, manas, the rudiments of reason. Then only man appears. How does he appear? Prajapati manifests as Vishnu Upendra incarnate in the animal or Pashu in whom the four Manus have already manifested themselves, and the first human creature who appears is, in this Kalpa, the Vanara, not the animal Ape, but man ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... partial ( aṁśa ) Avatar in great saints, teachers, founders, or most significantly in the belief of southern Vaishnavas that some of their saints were incarnations of the symbolic living weapons of Vishnu,—for that is what all great spirits are, living powers and weapons of the Divine in the upward march and battle. This idea is innate and inevitable in any mystic or spiritual view of life which does... own fit mental and physical body according to the needs and pace of the human evolution and so appearing from age to age, yuge yuge ? In some such spirit some would interpret the ten incarnations of Vishnu, first in animal forms, then in the animal man, then in the dwarf man-soul, Vamana, the violent Asuric man, Rama of the axe, the divinely-natured man, a greater Rama, the awakened spiritual man, Buddha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... brothers became so great a burden to the earth that she had to call upon God to descend and lighten her load; accordingly Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, delivered the oppressed Pandavas and destroyed the unjust Kauravas. A similar account is given of the descent of the previous Vishnu avatars, of Rama to destroy the unrighteous oppression of Ravana, of Parashurama to destroy the unrighteous license of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the Titans the elder gods. So they still are; nor is any god entirely divine unless there is hidden in him also a Titan. 224—If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu. 1 This means that sweetness without strength and goodness without power are incomplete and cannot totally express the Divine. I could say in keeping with the kind of image used by Sri... infinitely more effective than those of an innocent angel. 11 December 1969 × Rama was an avatar or incarnation of Vishnu; Ravana was a Titan (Asura), mortal enemy of Rama. ...


... border at Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict ended in a cease-fire on 22 September. During this time Mother made the following five statements. ) Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid." What does this mean? Mother, is the present situation in India like the debt which must be paid to Rudra? Here is the whole quotation which... those who would ask the wherefore of the present situation. I am sending it to you so that your question is taken care of. "No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... this disharmony, and his most urgent work is to purify himself of it by a constant aspiration. 1 September 1965 Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo writes in His Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid." What does this mean? Mother, is the present situation in India 25 like the debt that must be paid to Rudra? Here is the whole quotation... those who want to know the reason for the present situation. I am sending it to you so that your question becomes unnecessary. "No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...


... | अवतु माम् | अवतु वक्तारम् | ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः | | Hari OM. Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman, Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare Righteousness! I will declare... do ever religiously. Page 47 Chapter Twelve Be peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu. Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I have declared thee. I have declared Righteousness; I have declared ...


... bereaved Shiva goes about in anguish with the dead body of Sati flung upon his shoulder. Shiva is to be relieved of this burden, otherwise the creation will go to rack and ruin. The prayer went to Vishnu and Vishnu hurled his discus that cut to pieces the corpse of Sati-the pieces were fifty-two in number and each spot where a piece, a limb of Sati, fell became a great place of pilgrimage. Even so, the world ...

... respect of manifestation-the Divine and his creative Power. This two-in-one reality may be considered, according to one view of creation, as dividing into three forms or aspects -the well-known Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra of Hindu mythology. These may be termed the first or primary emanations. ¹ Brihadaranyaka 1.4. Page 30 Now, each one of them in its turn has its own emanations... devolution of the supreme consciousness. We may now understand and explain easily why one chooses a particular Ishta, an ideal god, what is the drive that pushes one to become a worshipper of Siva or Vishnu or any other deity. It is not any rational understanding, a weighing of pros and cons and then a resultant conclusion that leads one to choose a path of religion or spirituality. It is the soul's natural ...

... writings of hoary antiquity. Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti (The one Truth is expressed differently by the men of knowledge) or, tat Visno param padam...diviva cakuratatam (That is the supreme Status of Vishnu, as if an Eye wide open in the heavens) or, Brhaspatih prathamam jayama mano jyotisah parame Vyoman (Brihaspati being born first as a great Light in the supreme Heaven)-the meanings of these words... meaning of Surra as the source of truth, then it does not become difficult for us to understand the significance of this word. Again, let us take the word "Goloka". Goloka is the dwelling-place of Vishnu. If we take the word "go" for light, the light of su­pernal knowledge, then devanamuparistacca gavah prativasanti vai ("The Ray-Cows dwell even above the gods") of the Mahabharata can no longer remain ...

... spiritual help of the Naga Yogi, Totapuri, or of the Tantric Yogini, Bhairavi. Sri Aurobindo expressed his wish to consult a Yogi to Barin, his younger brother. Barin pro- cured the address of Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Leie113 and wired to him at Gwalior to come to Baroda and see Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo came to Baroda from Surat. Barin says in his autobiography that the Principal of the Baroda College... experiences during those three days: " 'Sit down', I was told, 'look and you will see that your thoughts come into you from outside. Before they enter, fling them back.' I sat down and 113. Vishnu Bhaskar Leie was a fire-brand nationalist in his youth, but his contacts with a few spiritual persons converted him to the life of a Yogi. 114. Life of Sri Aurobindo, A.B. Purani. ...

... and unexpected spiritual experience that invaded and encompassed Sri Aurobindo recalls the somewhat similar - only it was less unexpected - instance of Sri Chaitanya's conversion in the temple of Vishnu at Gaya. An arrogant young pundit of exceptional intellectual attainments 2. On Yoga by Sri Aurobindo, Tome I, p. 129. Page 15 and justifiably proud of his matchless erudition... was an experience as sudden and strange in its onslaught as transforming in its result. Nimai Pundit died at that mysterious instant, and out of him rose a new man, a modest and humble lover of Vishnu, a God-drunk apostle of Bhakti. In Sri Aurobindo's case, as has been said above, the experience was even more unexpected, for he had no knowledge of the Hindu Shastras. He had neither any desire ...

... darkness. Darkness strangles earth's breast. It is stark night. Man's mind has become the handmaiden of his lowest instincts. Man is demented. It is the time of 'little bodies unclean,' as says the Vishnu Purana. 1 The creation is rotted to its core. Time for the deliverance. Time for pralaya. Out of the apocalypse, phoenix-like, a new creation emerges. The Puranas state that the duration of... Truth man's stature too declines. Man's height, which is fourteen cubits in Treta, is reduced to seven cubits in Dwapara, and goes down to four and a half cubits in Kali. Sri Aurobindo 1.The Vishnu Purana, which was recorded in about the third century A.D., says many other interesting things about the Kali Yuga: "In the Kali Yuga, the kings will not take care of their subjects, and yet they ...

... ' After fifteen minutes I opened my eyes at his bidding and saw us sitting as before. "'Did you feel something? " 'No. Felt sleepy.' "'Don't worry, you will achieve'!!" That was Vishnu Bhaskar Lele. That unexpected encounter brought unexpected results in its wake. When Barin asked him for a mantra, he refused to give any. He was not a sannyasin, he said, but a family man... of the city," said Barin. That was the house of Sardar Majumdar. "There, day in and day out, the two of them sat wrapped in deep meditation facing each other. Their simple needs were looked after by Vishnu Bhaskar's wife, a matriculate girl of small stature, of very subdued nature." Morning and evening Barin joined the other two in meditation. "We went to Sardar Majumdar's place," narrates Sri Aurobindo ...

... nobody gathered on the Himalayan peaks- to celebrate the divine Marriage. Obviously, that posed a great threat to the earth's equilibrium. 3 How to restore the balance? Imploring eyes turned, not to Vishnu who had tied the knot, but to the Bridegroom. Mahadev looked at the high assembly, then beckoned Agastya. Agastya, the offspring of Mitra and Varuna, the Sun-god and the Ocean-god, was born in... has the form of a man and the head of a horse, as opposed to Sagittarius the Archer, who has a horse's body and the head of a man. 2 I have heard that it was at Triyugīnārāyan (1980 m.) that Vishnu, or Narayana, performed the celestial nuptials. The fire lit for the wedding ceremony still burns. The temple with a gopuram is curiously reminiscent of South Indian temple architecture. 3 " ...

... and became a pet of the whole village. He had a sweet voice and could sing any song he 1. Shālagram shilā is a black geode worshipped as the symbol of Vishnu. 2. Gadadhar: holder of the mace, another name of Vishnu. 3.This date is according to the officially adopted horoscope, prepared by Narayan Jyotirbhushan. Other astrologers differ in the date of birth (20 February says ...

... that the Opsaras came to Naraian; they were the loveliest of all the sisterhood who came, & subtlest & most alluring of feminine arts & enchantments was the way of their wooing; but Naraian, who is Vishnu the World Saviour when he comes in the guise of the ascetic, moved neither by the passion of love nor by the passion of anger, smiled in the large & indulgent mood of his world embracing nature and ...


... strength and bliss I soared Beyond the spheres, above the mighty gods, And left my human body on the snows; And others gathered to me, more or less In puissance, to assist, but mine the charge By Vishnu given. I gather knowledge here, Then to my human frame awhile descend And walk mid men, choosing my instruments, Testing, rejecting and confirming souls, Vessels of the Spirit; for the golden age ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... of as rivers or waters; we hear of the seven rivers, the great water, the four superior rivers, in a context which shows their symbolic significance. We see this image fixed in the Puranic mythus of Vishnu sleeping on the serpent Infinite in the milky ocean. But even as early as the Rig Veda, ether is the highest symbol of the Infinite, the apeiron of the Greeks; water is that of the same Infinite ...


... relative; "He is named according to the pleasure of each." This is nothing more nor less than the truth proclaimed by the Vedas, "One existent the sages call by many names." Brahman is willing to be called Vishnu, and yet he is not willing, because he is also Brahma and Maheshwara and all the gods and the world and all principles and all that is, and yet not any of these things, neti neti . As men approach ...


... realistic, ritualistic, semi-barbarous, a sacrificial worship of material Nature-powers, henotheistic at their highest, Pagan, joyous and self-indulgent. Brahma & Shiva do not exist for the Veda; Vishnu & Rudra are minor, younger & unimportant deities. Many more discoveries of a startling nature, but now familiar to the most ignorant, have been successfully imposed on our intellects. The Vedas, it ...


... ha. Nor would it be possible for Aswalayana to come to Hiranyagarbha and say "Teach me, Lord," for Hiranyagarbha has no form nor is He approachable nor does He manifest Himself to men as Shiva and Vishnu do. He is millionfold, Protean, intangible, and for that reason He places in each cycle a Brahma or divine Man between Him and the search and worship of men. It is Brahma or divine Man who is called ...


... catch a Page 426 glimpse of it in the symbolic idea of Indian religion which attributes each of these qualities respectively to one member of the cosmic Trinity, sattwa to the preserver Vishnu, rajas to the creator Brahma, tamas to the destroyer Rudra. Looking behind this idea for the rationale of the triple ascription, we might define the three modes or qualities in terms of the motion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... excludes them; for since it constitutes and controls, it must be aware of them but from a supreme plane, pararṁ dhāma , which includes all in its view; for its original action is that highest movement of Vishnu which, the Veda tells us, the seers behold like an eye extended in heaven. It is that by which the soul sees its seeings and hears its hearings; but all sense only assumes its true value and attains ...


... which are only reflections of his own need, temperament and nature, and he worships them to help or appease his natural longings. He constructs for the Godhead the name and form of Indra or Agni, of Vishnu or Shiva, of a divinised Christ or Buddha, or else some composite of natural qualities, an indulgent God of love and mercy, or a severe God of righteousness and justice, or an awe-inspiring God of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Prakriti, Shakti or Karma, is behind all happenings, whether to us they seem good or bad, acceptable or inacceptable, fortunate or adverse. The Infinite creates and is Brahma; it preserves and is Vishnu; it destroys or takes to itself and is Rudra or Shiva. The supreme Energy beneficent in upholding and protection is or else formulates itself as the Mother of the worlds, Luxmi or Durga. Or beneficent ...


... take it that the orthodox Vedanta was, at any rate in its main tendencies, pantheistic at the basis, monistic at the summit. 5 It knew of the Brahman, one without a second; it knew of the Gods, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and the rest, who all resolve themselves into the Brahman; but the one supreme Brahman as the one Ishwara, Purusha, Deva—words often applied to it in the Upanishads and justifying to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... × Swetaswatara Upanishad , VI. 12. × A name of Vishnu, who, as the God in man, lives constantly associated in a dual unity with Nara, the human being. × ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the sunny path to the grey one. My faith again perhaps? But, sunny path or grey one, the one thing wanted is that you should push through and arrive. June 1934 Page 241 Meeting with Vishnu Bhaskar Lele It is not the human defects of the Guru that can stand in the way when there is the psychic opening, confidence and surrender. The Guru is the channel or the representative or the ...


... , 96 , 119-120 Vedic Rishis, see under Rishis village, 39, 41 in ancient India, 172, 220 development, 172 , 180 see also agriculture. peasantry violence, see under non-violence virtue, 171 Vishnu, 98(fn), 144 Vivekananda, Swami, 9, 24, 76 , 97 , 102, 185,219 Voltaire, 77 W Wakankar's, V. S 101 (fn) war, 81·82,123·124, 125,202,239-240 see also World War I, II waste, 198,199 ...


... Sri Aurobindo presiding over its conference breaks away from the Moderates First session of the Muslim League at Karachi. 1908, January In Baroda, Sri Aurobindo meets Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, a Maharashtrian yogi, and experiences the Brahman consciousness. Gives many speeches on his way back to Calcutta. 1907-1908 Many Nationalist leaders, such as Lala Lajpat ...


... the light, power and joy of the divine being and the divine nature. Page 135 × Therefore it is said that Vishnu is the King in the Treta, but in the Dwapara the arranger and codifier of the knowledge and the law. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... —individually, be it noted, though with an all-embracing universality of his nature and its conscious circumference. It is said in the old Indian writings that while in the second age, the age of Power, Vishnu descends as the King, and in the third, the age of compromise and balance, as the legislator or codifier, in the age of the Truth he descends as Yajna, that is to say, as the Master of works and sacrifice ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... but this need not trouble us; for in the old Hindu system all that is objective had something subjective corresponding to it and constituting its real nature. We find it explicitly declared in the Vishnu Purana that all things here are manifestations of vijnana, pure ideal knowledge, sarvani vijnanavijrimbhitani—ideal knowledge vibrating out into intensity of various phenomenal existences each with ...


... numerous others. From the same idea of limitation we get another shade of significance, the sense of confinement, control, containing or contents,—or embrace.We find मः as a name of Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu who embrace & control all things, मम्, contents, substance, wealth, welfare. The cases of अहं, मां, मे etc spring from the same idea of I as the containing self. The mother who bears or contains the ...


... 5 Gandharva. अबुध्नेषु रजःसु 6 Food taken out from the Mountains 7 Arrow of Indra & 11 Bow 8 Indra Ribhusthira 9 Mountains held with all encompassing hearts Page 506 10 Vishnu & Indra. A hundred Buffalos. Kshira & Food The Boar 11 The Arms of Indra. VIII.82 . 1 Indra both brings down the nectar & drinks it प्रभर्मणि—cf भृमिं. Bringing or Filling—cf 83.8. 2 द ...


... पदं यद् विष्णोरुपमं निधायि तेन पासि गुह्यं नाम गोनाम् ॥३॥ 3) For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the life-powers make bright thy birth into a richly manifold beauty. When that highest step 1 of Vishnu is founded within, thou guardest by it the secret name of the Ray-cows. Page 258 तव श्रिया सुदृशो देव देवाः पुरु दधाना अमृतं सपन्त । होतारमग्निं मनुषो नि षेदुर्दशस्यन्त उशिजः शंसमायोः ...


... in mental faculty. 4) Aryamaṇam Varuṇam Mitram eshám, Indrávishṇú Maruto A sh winota; Sva sh wo Agne surathah surádhá, edu vaha suhavishe janáya. Aryaman, Varuna & Mitra of these, Indra&Vishnu, theMaruts and the Aswins, do thou, O Agni, good in thy steeds, good in thy chariot, good in thy delight, bear hither to men good in their offerings. 5) Gomán Agne avimán a sh wí yajno, nṛivatsakhá ...


... to his queries in the form in which he has put them. He will find for instance a long description of invisible Page 451 worlds,—invisible, that is to say, to our physical senses,—in the Vishnu Purana, but it is picturesque rather than precise. We do not think he will find much about the constituents of the worlds or the size of subtle bodies. The form of the third question lends itself ...


... also आयु = life, & there is nothing to prevent us from taking विश्र्वायु= that which is the source of all being here on this earth, for Surya is सविता, the Father & Creator; all things are, says the Vishnu Purana, सर्वाणि विज्ञानविजृंभितानि. महो द्रुहो अपधायि. Sayana says “The wheel was wrested from Surya, the great doer of harm”! प्रभुतस्य द्रोग्धोः. An astonishing interpretation. The great evil-doer ...


... all the forms that being has taken; may she, even Speech the Cow of the milking, full of rapture and milking out for us force of being and force of impulsion come to us perfectly affirmed. (12) O Vishnu, our comrade, stride out thy widest! O Heaven, yield thy world to Indra’s lightning as it pushes wide. We two would slay the Coverer, we two would pour out the rivers of being; let them flow released ...


... journeying, since he desired himself a path for his body. (11). Then the Mother coaxed the Mighty One, “Behold, the gods abandon thee, O my son.” Then said Indra, for he meant to slay the Coverer, “O Vishnu, O my Comrade, pace all the width of thy steps.” (12). Who made thy mother a widow? Who would have smitten thee in thy lying down and in thy moving or what god was above thee in his grace, that ...


... is therewith assuming a more perfect & all-pervading anandamaya nati to the Ishwara. Last night prayer, to which the nature has been long much opposed & then indifferent, was twice used to the Rudra-Vishnu as the helper & healer & yet the cause of the affliction. In the afternoon there was again trouble owing to the obstinate obstruction of the vijnana & the attempt of the unillumined pranic movements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... their external character and for higher purposes gave place to a new pantheon. They had to give precedence to Puranic deities who developed out of the early company but assumed larger cosmic functions, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahma—developing from the Vedic Brihaspati, or Brahmanaspati,—Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga. Thus in India the change in the gods was less complete, the earlier deities became the inferior divinities ...


... wrathful and beneficent Power of God who lifts forcibly the creation upward, smites all that opposes, scourges all that errs and resists, heals all that is wounded and suffers and complains and submits. Vishnu of the vast pervading motion holds in his triple stride all these worlds; it is he that makes a wide room for the action of Indra in our limited mortality; it is by him and with him that we rise into ...


... a keen sense of this possibility which has taken different shapes and persisted through the centuries,—the perfectibility of man, the perfectibility of society, the Alwar's vision of the descent of Vishnu and the Gods upon earth, the reign of the saints, sādhūnāṁ rājyam , the city of God, the millennium, the new heaven and earth of the Apocalypse. But these intuitions have lacked a basis of assured ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... itself in form, unfolds itself in the individual. That luminous Emergence is the dawn which the Aryan forefathers worshipped. Its fulfilled perfection is that highest step of the world-pervading Vishnu which they beheld as if an eye of vision extended in the purest heavens of the Mind. For it exists already as an all-revealing and all-guiding Truth of things which watches over the world and attracts ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... character and action there are always two strands, sweetness and strength, mildness and force, saumya and raudra , the force that bears and harmonises, the force that imposes itself and compels, Vishnu and Ishana, Shiva and Rudra. The two are equally necessary to a perfect world-action. The perversions of the Rudra power in the heart are stormy passion, wrath and fierceness and harshness, hardness ...


... creates and supports the world and is at once the same God and Nature and world, Personal and Impersonal, Pure and Varied, Qualified and without qualities, Krishna and Kali, and Shiva and Brahma and Vishnu, man and animal and vegetable and stone, all aspects of Himself and all symbols. We need not doubt therefore that we, recovering our divine reality, shall not be bound to a single condition or aspect ...

... Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati One of the Vital Four Purani ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... breath control. This practice became irregular when he started his political career in 1906 and by the end of 1907 he suffered a "complete arrest" of yogic experience. In January 1908 a yogi named Vishnu Bhaskar Lele showed him how to silence the activity of his mind. This led to the experience of the static Brahman or Nirvana. A few months later, in Alipore Jail, he had the experience of the dynamic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Divine Existence creates & supports the world & is at one & the same [time] God & Nature & World, Personal & Impersonal, Pure & Varied, Qualitied & without Qualities, Krishna & Kali, Shiva & Brahma & Vishnu, man & animal & vegetable & stone, all aspects of Himself & all symbols. We need not doubt therefore that we, recovering our divine reality, shall not be bound to a single condition or aspect but can ...


... His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze Page 442 from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. 159) He who recognises not Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna. Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that ...


... the past was moving and for the sake of which it lived. Then we perceive that there is no real opposition between these three; we see that they are parts of a single movement, a sort of Trinity of Vishnu-Brahma-Maheshwara fulfilling by an inseparable action the one Deity. Yet the human mind in its mania of division and opposition seeks to set them at strife and ranges humanity into various camps, the ...


... one or the few, so too there is a diffused virtue, knowledge and force in the many which acting collectively may outweigh and exceed isolated or rare excellences. If the king, the sage, the best are Vishnu himself, as old Indian thought also affirmed, to a degree to which the ordinary man, prākṛto janaḥ , cannot pretend, so also are "the five", the group, the people. The Divine is samaṣṭi as well ...


... began creating a whole imbroglio on earth just to prove his point. It was only a film story, but anyway, the goddesses, the three wives of the Trimurti—that is, the consort of Brahma, the consort of Vishnu and the consort of Shiva—joined forces (!) and tried all kinds of things to foil Narada. I no longer recall the details of the story ... Oh yes, the story begins like this: one of the three—I believe ...


... Sri Aurobindo becoming red at first and then golden. It was something grand and intense. The background Page 192 of the light was all dark and in the darkness all the gods — Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva — were lying as if heaped like rocks. It meant that their reign had been over and Sri Aurobindo's had begun. Page 193 ...


... room. There are miniature elephants in varying sizes carved from ivory. Some are so miniscule that a magnifying glass is needed to identify the shapes. Jeweled Puja and ceremonial objects of worship — Vishnu on Garuda, chariots in ivory, Ganesh, Radha and Krishna in soapstone and other deities in wood and brass. Mother’s baskets, chappals (Japanese), silver articles, geodes, stones and shells. There is ...


... the bank of the tank and sit by its edge. After having performed the evening rites, japa and tapa, they would get up and, all of them reciting together the Viśhnusahasranāma (the thousand names of Vishnu), come back to the village. On the eastern bank of the tank was a small temple of Ganesh and the holy image of Aiyanar at the border of the village. One evening. Darkness had just crept over ...


... religious instead of a secular turn. More and more an inward withdrawal took place with a hurry to find a number of separate short-cuts to Nirvana, the Formless Brahman, the peaceful Shiva, the blissful Vishnu. In the outer realm a defensive shell was set up of rigid rites, observances and functions. The Gita was the last explicit testament of a comprehensive and conquering spirituality. Time and again the ...


... or levels of being constitute the backbone of all schools of wisdom since ancient times. In the Hindu scriptures the worlds of matter (or substance), life and mind are known as “the three strides of Vishnu.” “Matter is only energy in action, and as we know in India, energy is force of consciousness in action.” (LY 222) “There is no such thing as the self-evident Matter posited by nineteenth century Science ...

... of the great yogic realization or fulfilment. × The Hindu Trinity consists of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver and according to tradition the Divine aspect incarnating in the succession of Avatars, and Shiva, the destroyer. One should not confound Brahma with the Brahman. ...


... published in 1982 by the Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research, is the logical, staggering consequence of his general outlook. And he also wrote: ‘Then he [the Creator] creates out of this solar body of Vishnu the planets, each of which successively becomes the Bhumi [Earth] or place of manifestation for Manu, the mental being, who is the nodus of manifest life-existence and the link between the life and ...


... after the Surat conference, Aurobindo went to Baroda to meet some of his former friends and acquaintances and to reconnoitre the political lay of the land. There he met, through Barin, the tantric yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, and they withdrew to the attic of the house where Aurobindo was staying. There Lele was astounded to see that Aurobindo obtained in three days one of the mightiest realizations yoga can ...


... padaratam pinashtu mam Adarshanan marmahatam karotu va Yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato Matprananathastu sa eva naparah Page 80. Vaikuntha: The Abode of Lord Vishnu. Page 197 ...


... becomes a doer, he becomes an understander." 3 Therefore the injunction is to "reverence food", annamupāssva 4 , for "verily, this food represents the world-sustaining figure of the great godhead Vishnu." 5 1 The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, pp. 50-51. 2 Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad, 5.12. 3 4 Chhandogya Upanishad, 7.9.1. 5 Maitri Upanishad, VI ...

... to the other beliefs current in the Ashram of which you make mention in your letter. As for going out, the Ashram has seen Amal go out twice and return with full permission, it has recently seen Vishnu 103 and Rambai 104 go with the Mother's permission, both with the full intention of returning—to say nothing of others. As for Nolina you yourself were entirely against her going and only the ...

... hillocks. Animals wander fearlessly. Colourful birds continuously chant Her name melodiously among the splendours of magnificent nature. The Supreme Mother reclines on a unique divan supported by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Maheshwara. The whole Universe dwells in the nail of the big toe of Her right foot. I once related this story to the Mother. She was charmed. I never forgot to kiss her right foot ...


... I felt as if she were still dreaming. The Mother said: I saw in 1904 the vision of a Spirit when I went into the Inconscient. The form of this Spirit was neither of man nor of woman. Nor was it Vishnu or Shiva or Krishna. Once again she closed her eyes to recall what she had seen in the fathomless darkness. When she awoke she instructed me: Child, you must paint a pale gold reclining figure ...


... river. What do they mean? The palace and river were the image of a moment from one of your past lives. The great bird "Garuda" standing immobile behind you with outspread wings is the vehicle of Vishnu, the destroyer of serpents. He seemed to be standing behind you to protect and inspire you. Love from your mother. 28 August 1937 The moon is the symbol of the spiritual light, one in its ...


... call the Titans the elder gods. So they still are, nor is any god entirely divine unless there is hidden in him also a Titan. "If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu." Thoughts and Aphorisms , Cent. Vol. 17, pp. 106-07 × "For the vast majority of those who bring ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... × Anusuya : wife of the rishi Atri and endowed with a great inner force. In her husband's absence, three gods came (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) disguised as brahmins and asked her for something to eat. Then they refused to eat unless she served them naked. Since they were brahmins, she could not send them away without feeding them ...


... strong element of the Shiva-poise and Shiva-peace in him: If we think of Sri Aurobindo as an Avatar, I would say that in traditional terms he could be considered as much an incarnation of Shiva as of Vishnu.   If you can very quietly open your wife's eyes to this vision, much if not all of the division she feels between her religious life and your Yogic practice will vanish.   I would ...


... contact with their Origin and they feel themselves to be the representation of the Origin, as in the Indian theogony in which they say that Shiva is the representative of the Supreme—Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, Shiva, the transformer—and all three are conscious representatives of the Supreme, but partial ones. It's perfectly obvious that those are only manners of speaking. There are indeed ...


... always successful. 147 Sri Aurobindo discovered this truth about the extraneous source of our thoughts when he followed the instructions given to him by Page 140 Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele for silencing the mind. Describing his experience, Sri Aurobindo writes: It was my great debt to Lele that he showed me this. "Sit in meditation," he said, "but do not think, look ...

... karma , 5 kensho experience, 151 knowing, 102 knowledge Advaita process of the way of, 114 methods of, 102, 103 paths of, 115, 116 spiritual, 116 L Lele, Vishnu Bhaskar, Yogi, 141 liberation, 23, 40-42, 65, 120, 144, 146, 147 Lila, concept of, 83, 84 M Mahabharata , 20, 107 Page 170 Mayavada ...

... having come down and participated in the labour of the earth's evolution. Earth is the field of progress. There is no progress of our kind on the higher planes. Sri Aurobindo cites the passage from Vishnu Purana where it is said that even the gods, if they want to rise higher, have to come down to the earth and take a human birth. That is the purport of "the godhead greater by a human fate." ...

... esoteric utterances, it also gave us revealing myths such as the victory of the Angirasas, or Indra's companionship with Kutsa, or the boons of Yama to Nachiketa, or the cosmic-transcendent strides of Vishnu. The very tongue is epic. Add to that epic majesty the power of mantra of the seer-poet and we have Vyasa's Savitri. All the attributes of the epic described in a textbook are present in this poetry: ...

... 270, 284, 286 Venkatarama, Radha: "The Sunken Treasures of Dwaraka", 200 fn. Videvdat, 270, 271, 321 Vindhyas, 250, 279 visah, 334 Visanins, 355 Visnu/Vishnu, 337, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400 Visvadeva hymns in the Rigveda, 377 VisVakarman, 414 Visvamitra, 418 von Bradke, 374 von Roth, 339 von Schroeder ...


... the bank of the tank and sit by its edge. After having performed the evening rites, Japa and Tapa, they would get up and, all of them reciting together the Vishnusahasranama (the thousand names of Vishnu), come back to the village. On the eastern bank of the tank was a small temple of Ganesh, the holy image of Eyenar at the border of the village. One evening. Darkness had just crept over the ...

... 3Ibid., p. 3. 38 Ibid. Page 12 I saw in 1904 the vision of a Spirit when I went into the Inconscient. The form of this Spirit was neither of man nor of woman. Nor was it Vishnu or Shiva or Krishna. Once again she closed her eyes to recall what she had seen in the fathomless darkness. When she awoke she instructed me: Child, you must paint a pale gold reclining ...

... unchangeable— Are lost for ever yet for ever found: The kindling cosmos, the fused flaming All Blaze without break from a timeless spaceless glow— Brahma outstretching omnipiesent life, Vishnu upholding one omniscient truth, Shiva sustaining both by omnipotent peace!   14.7.48 Page 338 ...


... development yoga came to be regarded as a triple world of Sachchidananda those highest steps or seats, which are also described as the seats of Agni (sadāmsi), or three highest steps, padāni, of Vishnu, or those supreme Names of the Mother, the Cow, Aditi. Turiyam svid, that fourth world, which was discovered by Ayasya by means of universalisation of consciousness by the knowledge of the ...

... the true law, of dharma, by will-power and the force of Page 200 character in the treta, and by law, arrangement and fixed convention in the dwapara. Therefore, it is said that Vishnu is the king in the treta, but in the dwapara, he becomes the arranger and codifier of the knowledge and the law. In these intermediate ages, the principle of order may take refuge in a limited ...


... error and suffering. This condition is fulfilled by Bhaga. There are many other gods as Vayu, the master of life-energy, Brihaspati, the power of the soul; Ashwins, the lords of bliss; Vishnu, the all-pervading godhead; and Shiva and Rudra, the mighty, who breaks down all defective formations and who is also the supreme healer. There are also female energies, among whom Aditi ...


... consciousness; nor is it Sankhya although it explains the created world by the double principle of Purusha and Prakriti; nor is it Vaishnava Theism although it presents to us Krishna, who is the Avatara of Vishnu according to the Puranas, as the supreme Deity and allows no essential difference nor any actual superiority of the status of the indefinable relation less Brahman over that of this Lord of beings ...

... predominant position. In fact, not only the teacher, but the mother and the father and even the guest were given a place of high reverence. As 1 One well-known verse speaks of Guru as Brahma, as Vishnu and as Maheshwara. He is equated with the Supreme Absolute Being. Page 33 the Taittiriya Upanishad says: Matri devo bhava, pitri devo bhava, acharya devo bhava, atithi devo bhava. ("Let ...

... contains the prayer and vow of the teacher, which may be for the whole course of instruction or for separate hours of instruction or lessons. This prayer is addressed to Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Aryaman, Vayu and Brahman. Then the teacher takes a vow: "Thou, thou art the visible Eternal and as the visible Eternal I will declare thee. I will declare Righteousness! I will declare Truth ...


... monograph. It is hoped that the teachers who will study this monograph will find valuable help from its study and will tell the children the story contained in it. Page 11 Vishnu and Lakshmi on Ananta (Kangra, Karan Singh Collection, early 19 th century) Page 12y ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Bengali: all those who have come here, will realise. × Jagannath. Lord of the world. one of the forms of Vishnu. In Puri, the sacred city, his huge chariot is pulled each year by people who have assembled in large numbers on the special festival day. Some devotees get themselves killed under the wheels with ...

... Shakespeare's King John – I still remember these titles – and several other titles of the type used in my college as textbooks. Some works of Vivekananda came and also the Brahmavaivarta and the Vishnu Puranas in the Basumati edition. All of these books we went through over and over again, times without number, for new books could not be had for the asking. But questionings too began to arise: ...

... terrestrial realisation also diminished. (3) Some say that the Buddha was an Avatara, others say he was not. To use the names as known in India, I think it is the Avataras of Vishnu (the aspect of the Divine that builds and preserves), who come to prove that the Divine can live upon earth; whereas, each time that Shiva has manifested (the aspect that works to transform and destroy) ...

... vital ether and Prathwi puccham prati ś thā clearly means that the vital is based on and looks from above upon the physical. Disciple : Does the Christian Trinity correspond to Brahma. Vishnu and Shiva ? Sri Aurobindo : No. The Indian trinity refers to cosmic powers which preside over certain movements in the universe Brahma-creative etc. "Son" in the Christian Trinity means perhaps ...

... it were! It may simply be my imagination, friends, but I had a vision - a poetic vision. I saw, through a moments parting of the skies, the gods seated in all their splendour, eyes turned to Lord Vishnu, with his consort, Lakshmi, seated on a golden throne in their majesty and grandeur. There was a solemn hush in the Assembly, as if they were waiting for some momentous event or for some important ...


... manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – with lndra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying a similar conception. Another tradition gives the Four Supernals as (1) Light or Consciousness, (2) Truth or Knowledge ...

... stands. SATYENDRA: But the solution is very difficult. Sir—at least to me. SRI AUROBINDO: It is not at all easy. One way of looking at transformation is as the Tamil saint Nammalwar puts it: Vishnu comes down with all the Gods and takes possession of the earth. My way is the other: to change the human being by some sort of evolution into what I call a race of Gods. The Hindu vision of the last ...


... boons. Is it true? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. Very inconveniently he gives boons to the demons also and then has somehow to wriggle out. He is a god who doesn't seem to care for consequences; Vishnu has to come afterwards to save the situation. SATYENDRA: Krishna is hard to please, they say. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. PURANI: Talking of Krishna reminds me of X. They say he has turned a Buddhist ...


... But our knowledge of it may not be quite correct: for instance, we see it standing on its roots. But it may be standing on something else for that matter. SRI AUROBINDO: It is the story of the Vishnu Purana where we read that it is difficult to say whether the king is on the elephant or the elephant is on the king. All European philosophers after the Greeks hold that Reason is the faculty by ...


... Urvasie, 390-1 VAISHNAVA, 183,265 Vaishnavism, 183 Varuna, 189,318-9, 369 Vedanta, 181, 197 Vedas, the, 188, 294, 330-1, 357, 369, 371 Villon, François, 338n Virgil, 284 Vishnu, 106, 183-4, 358 Vivekananda, 349 Vrindavan, 183, Vyom, 280, 331 WORDSWORTH, 257n – Ode on the Intimations Immortality", 257n Wu Wei, 144 YAMA, 400 Page 409 ...

... turmoil, between political meetings and the newspaper to get out every morning (and under constant threat from the secret police) that, on December 30, 1907, Sri Aurobindo met a yogi by the name of Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, who was to bring a paradoxical experience into his already paradoxical life. It was the first time, after thirteen years in India, that Sri Aurobindo voluntarily met a yogi! It shows ...

... be freed through appeal God released him from the body’s prison. Towards the end Ashok’s yogic powers developed considerably, on the day of his passing away, overwhelmed by the power of the Lord as Vishnu, ‘distributing’ the holy, salvation-inducing Name and spiritual advice he gave up the body with the Name on his lips. Ashok Nandi had been born to work out the consequences due to a previous incarnation ...

... shall they tell of Him who marvel at sin/And smile at grief?" The angels themselves knew Him tot they only feared His frown, and they had static constricted minds. At least, at least the Trinity - Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva - could enlighten the Rishi? But no! they too were content to rest on their respective lonely eminences. What then? Had the Rishi but travelled in vain among the "unwonted stars" and covered ...

... Congress itself. Met at Surat the famous Maharashtrian Yogi Shakhere Baba who was interested in Indian independence. Later, towards the end of December, met Vishnu Bhashkar Lele, another Yogi of Maharashtra, from whom Sri Aurobindo received spiritual help. Meditating according to Lele"s guidance Sri Aurobindo had realisation of silent Brahman and a complete stillness ...

... may be known by finding out how it acts on men. Suppose one says : "beauty captivates me"— then he is feeling the attraction and perhaps the charm of it without the perception of true beauty. Lord Vishnu is said to have assumed the form of the fatal charmer, Mohini, to deceive the titans. When one is enchanted or enthralled by a form then something like a spell is cast upon him, it almost seems as ...

... beauty may be known by finding out how it acts on men. Suppose one says: "beauty captivates me",-then he is feeling the attraction and perhaps the charm of it without the perception of true beauty. Lord Vishnu is said to have assumed the form of the fatal charmer, Mohini, to deceive the titans. When one is enchanted or enthralled by a form then something like a spell is cast upon him, if almost seems as ...

... Gods and the Asuras represented in the Puranas very realistic even for our times, because, generally the Gods used to get beaten by Asuras and run for protection either to Mahakali or to Rudra or to Vishnu. Sri Aurobindo : It is the intervention of the Divine that can become effective, and in this German and Stalin affair it is the question of the descent of the whole vital world on this earth ...

... occidental, ancient or modem. It is true that in the Veda we meet with some references to the Rita-Chit or the supermind. It is described there as the Truth, the Right, the Vast; as the supreme step of Vishnu; and some Vedic Rishis endeavoured to rise into its solar glory. But there is no trace of a collective ascent into it or of any attempt on their part to bring it down into the material life for a ...


... occidental, ancient or modern. It is true that in the Veda we meet with some references to the Rita-Chit or the supermind. It is described there as the Truth, the Right, the Vast; as the supreme step of Vishnu; and some Vedic Rishis endeavoured to rise into its solar glory. But there is no trace of a collective ascent into it or of any attempt on their part to bring it down into Page 335 the ...


... own sadhana becoming very irregular and disorganised on account of the political work. So he told Barin to arrange a meeting with someone who would help him in his sadhana. One of the disciples of Vishnu Bhaskar Lele was at Baroda. Barin had come to know about him and learnt that Lele was at that time in Gwalior. A wire was sent to Lele asking him to come to Baroda. So, when Sri Aurobindo went to Baroda ...


... I don’t know if he is very kind to the demons. He gives very inconvenient boons and finds it very difficult to wriggle out through them. He is a God who does not care for consequences. Generally Vishnu or somebody else has to come in afterwards to save the situation. Krishna is hard-hearted, they say. (The topic underwent a change.) Disciple : I am reminded of Sadhaka X whose Sadhana ...

... field. At Surat, Sri Aurobindo met a Maharashtrian Yogi, Sakhare Baba, and this confirmed him in his desire to pursue Yoga more systematically than he had hitherto done. It was suggested that Vishnu Bhasker Lele, another Maharashtrian Yogi, might be able to help Sri Aurobindo, and so Barindra wired to Lele to come from Gwalior (where he was staying at the time) to Baroda. Sri Aurobindo's own ...

... outward reality, has been a constant invitation to Western detractors. The gravamen of the charge is that Indian art is not "realistic". What do these ancient sculptors mean by giving four arms to Vishnu, eight or ten to Shiva, eighteen to Durga, or three heads to Brahma? Aren't such images unnatural, aren't these only masses of "monstrous and abortive miscreation"? Dhanam's incomparable melodies ...

... robes he dwell. 56 Even more sharply phrased, and defiantly dialectical in its organisation, is the projection of "The Proud Soul's Choice": But one God to worship, hermit Shiv or puissant Vishnu high; But one friend to clasp, the first of men or proud Philosophy; But one home to live in. Earth's imperial city or the wild; But one wife to kiss, Earth's sweetest face or Nature ...

... the earth there and burned all creatures great and small. A perpetual day in the North. In the South it was perpetual night. Consternation! Everybody prayed to Rishi Agastya to come to the rescue. As Vishnu always came to the rescue of the heavenly gods, so did Agastya come —time and time again —to the rescue of earthly men. Had he not drunk the ocean to its last drop to expose the demons hiding in its ...

... devi tvaṁ viṣṇunā dhṛtā, tvam ca dhāraya māṁ devi pavitraṁ kuru cāsanam. om hrīṁ caṇḍikāyai namaḥ. Devimahatmyam – Purvangavidhi O Earth goddess! Peoples are borne by thee: thou art borne by Vishnu. Bear me as well and purify the seat. Om, salutations to Chandika. (Translation by Shankaranarayanan) Glory of the Divine Mother , p. 62. ...

... Intellect who knows the essence of all scriptures! Thou art Durga and alone art the boat in our raging sea of life. Thou art indeed Lakshmi ever residing in the heart of the slayer of the demon Kaitabha (Vishnu); verily art Thou Gauri who is established in the moon-crested Shiva. Shakradikritadevistotram 10 ॐ दुर्गायै नमः। ॐ मीरायै नमः॥ om durgāyai namaḥ, om mīrāyai namaḥ OM to Durga our ...

... nityā mahāmīrā namo'stu te. Om. Ever do I bow with adoration to Mira, to the goddess who is the embodiment of all the gods, to the remover of all the fears of the world, to whom Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu offer their salutations. Om. I bow to Chandika, to the One who is present in the Vindhyas, to the dweller of the divine abodes of the Vindhyas, to the Yogini and to her who is the power of Yoga ...

... White-hued – White as the Kunda flower or the moon     or the snow-range, robed in white She bears in her arms the marvellous vina, seated     on the lotus, She is ever adored by Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva     and all the Gods. May Mira, the Goddess, save us, may She wipe out     all our slothness unto the last. Sarasvatistotram Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta CWNKG Vol. 8, ...

... महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥ Gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheswaraḥ Guruḥ sākṣāt param Brahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ . which means "Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is the Lord Maheswara, Guru is the Supreme Brahman Himself. Salutations to Him, the Guru." Apart from these, he might have also used verses which he composed himself. Many devotees of the ...

... Protector of the world, though she is terrible in appearance with her glittering teeth and fangs, she is the mainstay of the great opulence of beauty, auspiciousness and lustre.4 She is the delusion of Vishnu, the impassable Mahakali. If worshipped she will bring under the control of the worshipper all the mobile and the immobile in the universe.6 The one who manifested out of the bodies of all the gods ...

... om śaṅkhacakradharaṁ devaṁ dvibhujaṁ pītavāsasam, om ādityaṁ viṣṇuṁ sūryam brahmāṇaṁ ca bṛhaspatim. Om to the God, having two hands, holding Conch and Discus and wearing a yellow robe. Om to Vishnu, to Surya, to Brahma and to Brihaspati. ( Source unknown ) ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्ताक्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥६॥ om ...

... the traditional prayer for the King's welfare, his Majesty turning his chair so as to face each priest as he spoke. During this ceremony the King, although a Buddhist, held in his hand the images of Vishnu and Siva, the 'Protectors of Cambodia'—a tradition of the old Vedic faith so deeply rooted in the country." (Modern Review, Nov. 1928.) Page 115 in their settlements in the ports ...

... experience is there. Oh, a tremendous power. Tremendous." OM or AUM is known also as the first seed-mantra of the Vedas. It is also said that the three letters represent the three Godheads: A = Vishnu, U = Maheshwar (or Shiva), M = Brahma. "Do you know what they say?" Mother said to Satprem. "That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM like a ...

... bungalow —which had to be cleared of bats and rats! The bungalow contained quite a few old etchings and paintings. Behind the building was an alley with a row of sculptured images in granite, such as Vishnu with Sridevi and Bhudevi, six-faced Kartik with his consort, and other gods and goddesses. A little away, all alone under a canopy, there was an exquisitely carved granite image of Buddha, seated in ...

... of the world, She whose form is that of the Shabdabrahman, And whose substance is bliss. Thou art the primordial One, Mother of countless creatures, Creatrix of the bodies of the Lotus-born, Vishnu and Shiva, Who creates, preserves and destroys the worlds.... Page 574 Although Thou art the primordial cause of the world, Yet art Thou ever youthful. Although Thou art the Daughter ...


... muniments Of empire grasped and powers that shake the world. Then with a golden wave of arm sublime Ménaca towards the warlike consistory, Under half-drooping lashes indicating Where calm eternal Vishnu like a cloud Sat discus-armed, said to her sister bright: "Daughter of Ocean, sister, for whom heaven Is passionate, thou hast reviewed the powers Eternal and their dreadful beauty scanned, And ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Jupiter spinning through heaven,     Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl. These are His works and His veils and His shadows;     But where is He then? by what name is He known? Is He Brahma or Vishnu? a man or a woman?     Bodied or bodiless? twin or alone? We have love for a boy who is dark and resplendent,     A woman is lord of us, naked and fierce. We have seen Him a-muse on the snow ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... from his tempestuous Uprising that immortal spirit strong. He rises now; for God has taken birth.     The revolutions that pervade the world     Are faint beginnings and the discus hurled Of Vishnu speeds down to enring the earth. The old shall perish; it shall pass away,     Expunged, annihilated, blotted out;     And all the iron bands that ring about Man's wide expansion shall at last ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Speech eldest-born of the world, puts them into shape and body as Hiranyagarbha, God imaginative and therefore creative. Last they take permanent shape and abide in some material body, form, organism. Vishnu there holds them in his fixed and visible cosmos as Virat, God practical, until the divine imagination wearies of them and Shiva as destroyer draws them back again, their outward form disintegrated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... was Madhura-kavi who wrote down his songs as they were composed. Nammalwar died in his thirty-fifth year, but he has achieved so great a reputation that the Vaishnavas account him an incarnation of Vishnu himself, while others are only the mace, discus, conch etc of the Deity. From the philosophical and spiritual point of view, his poetry ranks among the highest in Tamil literature. But in point ...


... into the Light towards which she yearned, for it is small in bulk,—is entirely occupied with her passion for the divine Being. It is said that she went through a symbolic marriage with Sri Ranganatha, Vishnu in his temple at Srirangam, and disappeared into the image of her Lord. This tradition probably conceals some actual fact, for Andal's marriage with the Lord is still celebrated annually with considerable ...


... the Lord of the house and his consort. For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the Maruts brighten by their pressure that which is the brilliant and varied birth of thee. That which is the highest seat of Vishnu, by that thou protectest the secret Name of the radiances (the cows, gonām ). By thy glory, O Deva, the gods attain to right vision and holding in themselves all the multiplicity (of the vast man ...


... तु मनःप्रग्रहवान् नरः । सोऽध्वनः पारमाप्नोति तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ॥९॥ 9) That man who uses the mind for reins and the knowledge for the driver, reaches the end of his road, the highest seat of Vishnu. इन्द्रियेभ्यः परा ह्यर्था अर्थेभ्यश्च परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्बुद्धेरात्मा महान्परः ॥१०॥ 10) Than the senses the objects of sense are higher: and higher than the objects of sense is ...


... ess is the basis of the Adwaita philosophy. Page 401 But where in all this is there any room for religion, for the spirit of man, for any idea of God? Who is the Lord, Isha, Maheshwar, Vishnu, Rudra, Indra, the Lord of the Illusion, the Ruler, the Mighty One of which all the Upanishads speak? Who is this triple Prajna-Hiranyagarbha-Virat? Who is this twofold Purusha-Prakriti, God & Nature ...


... consciousness; nor is it Sankhya although it explains the created world by the double principle of Purusha and Prakriti; nor is it Vaishnava Theism although it presents to us Krishna, who is the Avatara of Vishnu according to the Puranas, as the supreme Deity and allows no essential difference nor any actual superiority of the status of the indefinable relationless Brahman over that of this Lord of beings who ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... only two orders, the householder and the ascetic, the monk and the layman, an effect which subsists to the present day. It is this upsetting of the Dharma for which we find it fiercely attacked in the Vishnu Purana under the veil of an apologue, for it weakened in the end the life of society by its tense exaggeration and its hard system of opposites. But Buddhism too had another side, a side turned towards ...


... subhuman creatures, and amid all these qualities, powers and objects, the chief, the head, the greatest in quality of each class is a special power of the becoming of the Godhead. I am, says the Godhead, Vishnu among the Adityas, Shiva among the Rudras, Indra among the gods, Prahlada among the Titans, Brihaspati the chief of the high priests of the world, Skanda the war-god ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the tight and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... the tight and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

... the bank of the tank and sit by its edge. After having performed the evening rites, Japa and Tapa, they would get up and, all of them reciting together the Vishnusahasranama (the thousand names of Vishnu), come back to the village. On the eastern bank of the tank was a small temple of Ganesh, the holy image of Eyenar at the border of the village. One evening. Darkness had just crept over the ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... the offering! One night one of them “saw” Sri Aurobindo and “heard” Him say: “I have accepted your offering.” The devotee then addressed Sri Aurobindo: “I have heard you are a portion of Sri Krishna (Vishnu). Show me your four arms, like He has.” He was amazed and through tears of joy saw Sri Aurobindo with four arms, with “ Shankha , Gada , Chakra and Kamal ” (Conch, Mace, Disc and Lotus). But he ...


... worth observing and emulating, as did those players privileged to oppose her from across he net.   In the Indian mythology we have the story of Jaya and Vijaya, the celestial gatekeepers of lord Vishnu in Vaikunth, who were cursed by the rishi Sanaka that they would be ex-led from the Lord's presence. Later when the rishi was mollified he commuted the period of exile to either seven human births ...


... the tight and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... it was strange to note that the peaks were out of sight. How and from where the golden sunlight was coming was a question. There was seen a superbly grand figure without any garment like that of Vishnu lying on his serpent-couch. I have no idea, on what that grand figure was lying, but I felt that there was no such thing, the figure was in the air. A lion-shaped figure also was there before the ...


... (Chakras) opened one by one. From below, light started going into the higher centres. Finally, something luminous, looking like the “ Sudarshanchakra ” 1 (the destructive circular weapon of Lord Vishnu or Krishna) appeared, rotating over my head. At first, I became very happy but later I got a little nervous. And my eyes opened. They closed again and I remained seated cherishing the memories and ...


... continue to be seen in Indian sculpture and architecture right up to the 16 th c. and in Painting at least upto the 18 th c. By the 5 th c, sophisticated treatises on art and aesthetics, like the Vishnu-dharmottaram, have made their appearance, containing canonical injunctions on standards of form and methods of artistic practice. It is clear from these texts that no use of external models were ...

... shape looked like Garuda, the divine Eagle himself, with his wings and tail distended; the majestic Bird was with the wings of gold. 28 According to the Bhagavata Purana it is Lord Vishnu himself who in his person represents all the sacrifices; he is the Lord of Sacrifice, Yajneshwara. The seven sacrifices—Agnistoma, Atyagnistoma, Uktha, Sodashi, Vajapeya, Atiratra, and Aptoryama—are ...

... drained the ocean dry; of Parasu-Rama a Brahman who killed the Kshatriyas of the earth; of Bhagiratha who brought down the Ganges from the skies to the earth; of Manu and the universal deluge; of Vishnu and various other gods; of Rama and his deeds which form the subject of the Epic Ramayana; — these and various other legends have been interwoven in the account of the forest-life of the Pandavs ...

... Letters on Yoga. SABCL, Vol. 23, p. 503. × The Divine, usually taken as a name of Vishnu, Preserve and Lord of Love. × The human soul (Nara), eternal companion of the Divine (Narayana) ...

... esoteric utterances, it also gave us revealing myths such as the victory of the Angirasas, or Indra's companionship with Kutsa, or the boons of Yama to Nachiketa, or the cosmic-transcendent strides of Vishnu. The very tongue is epic. Add to that epic majesty the power of mantra of the seer-poet and we have Vyasa's Page 109 Savitri. All the attributes of the epic described in a text book ...


... awake always. (3) Gracious Mother, Blissful Mother, Mother of     Consciousness, Mother of Truth,     Supreme Mother, Supreme Mother, Supreme Mother, (3)     Guru is Brahma (Creator), Guru is Vishnu (Sustainer)     Guru is Maheshwara (Great God), Guru is God incarnate, I bow to that Glorious Guru. I bow to Guru; I bow to Guru; I bow to Guru; He who has the form of the infinite universe,     who ...


... as if taking a new birth in the warm luminous womb of the Initiator. The Dikshakar takes upon himself the entire burden when the Dikshita surrenders to him totally. For him “Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is the great God Shiva; Guru is the transcendental Eternal,” and before this auspicious and benedictive excellence does he ever bow. is Viswasaratantra ’s ...


... Vedas its mountain of gems. The dialogue between the Lord and the chosen Disciple provides the rocky blocks which are put one above another in a pile of knowledge reaching heaven. This Gita-Palace of Vishnu, gita-vaishnava-prasada , is the exceptional miracle that has come into existence through the genius of Vyasa. Some chant its glory while circumambulating it; some lean against the walls inside the ...


... Aurobindo’s eventful life. First there was the decisive inner change which came about because of his search for a firm psychological foothold amid the fleeting stream of outer events. He met the yogi Vishnu Baskar Lele in Baroda shortly after the Surat congress. The event would prove determinative for Aurobindo’s further life as, totally unexpected, he had the stunning experience of “the silent Brahman” ...


... Akroyd Ghose, who would revolutionize the spiritual destiny of the world, was an “agnostic,” to use his own term. 1908 was an axis year in his life. In the beginning of this year he met the yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele and had with him his first great spiritual experience, the realization of the silent Brahman. Later he was imprisoned in Alipore Jail under accusation of revolt against the Crown, which ...

... Alfassa stumbled upon the Revue cosmique which put her into contact with Théon’s teachings and the Divine within. After a period of spiritual stagnation and ‘inner dryness’, Aurobindo met with the yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele at the end of 1907; Mirra’s yoga, properly speaking, began immediately afterwards (‘I began my true yoga in 1908’). The Bhagavad Gita played an important role in the initial development ...


... the Mother, who, born on February 21, was herself a Piscine and by virtue of this early date the primary one. Like the first member of the Hindu procession of Ten Avatars — the Fish-Incarnation of Vishnu who led Manu, the Indian Adam-cum-Noah, to safety over the World-Flood — such a Piscine would most appropriately be our leader through the super-Mallarméan mysteries which Sri Aurobindo in a line ...


... latter's complex Kohinoor corresponds to its own slanted seizure of the inner light. What I wrote struck a sympathetic chord in your friend's mind. If I had dilated on the six-armed dancing Nataraja or on Vishnu reclining upon the Snake Ananta and watching a blue lotus springing out of his navel, the good Page 24 chap would have goggled. Perhaps you will say that I am so enthusiastic about ...


... a degree of youthful enthusiasm and in both the turning to spirituality was equally powerful.   While Sri Aurobindo had the Nirvanic experience in Bombay, thanks to the Maharashtrian guru Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, Sethna recalls that he sought out in his city men in ochre Page xxi robes, Sadhus and Sannyasis and questioned them about the Unknown. It was from a South Indian ...


... the universe as we know it, the sexes are the concrete expression of the spiritual truth of an initiating and a manifesting Divine. Every God has his Shakti: Brahma and Brahmani, Shiva and Parvati, Vishnu and Lakshmi. But it should be kept in mind that this division of the creative tasks into a male and female part is one of the features of the ‘lower hemisphere,’ and that the infinite Play of the Godhead ...

... with thy tongues and thou art swallowing up all the nations in thy mouths of burning; all the world is filled with the blaze of thy energies; fierce and terrible are thy lustres and they burn us, O Vishnu. Declare to me who art thou that comest to us in this form of fierceness; salutation to thee, O thou great godhead, turn thy heart to grace! I would know who art thou who wast from the beginning, for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Ignorance, Page 139 even a fundamental Inconscience out of which the universe has to evolve consciousness and knowledge. (5) If we regard Vaikuntha or Goloka each as the world of a Divinity, Vishnu or Krishna, we would be naturally led to seek its place or its origin in the Overmind plane. The Overmind is the plane of the highest worlds of the Gods. But Vaikuntha and Goloka are human conceptions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... embrace this Godhead with every part of himself, it is represented with a form that answers to its aspects and qualities and which becomes the living body of God to the adorer. These are those forms of Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Kali, Durga, Christ, Buddha, which the mind of man seizes on for adoration. Even the monotheist who worships a formless Godhead, yet gives to him some form of quality, some mental ...


... The Life Divine Chapter XIV The Supermind as Creator All things are self-deployings of the Divine Knowledge. Vishnu Purana. (II. 12. 39.) A principle of active Will and Knowledge superior to Mind and creatrix of the worlds is then the intermediary power and state of being between that self-possession of the One and this flux of the Many ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the basis, the foundation ( budhna ) of the infinite consciousness, Aditi. This Vast is the Truth which supports the supreme triple world, those highest steps or seats ( padāni, sadāṁsi ) of Agni, of Vishnu, those supreme Names of the Mother, the Cow, Aditi. The Vast or Truth is declared to be Page 118 the own or proper seat or home of Agni, svaṁ damam, svaṁ sadaḥ . Agni is described in this ...


... of other divine names and figures, but also in part by the same obscure process that we observe in the evolution of Greek mythology. The river Saraswati has become the Muse and Goddess of Learning; Vishnu and Rudra of the Vedas are now the supreme Godhead, members of a divine Triad and expressive separately of conservative and destructive process in the cosmos. In the Isha Upanishad we find an appeal ...


... our being. आस्क्राः ? S. তোমাকর্ত্তৃক অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the ...


... इन्द्रो वृषभः सतामसि त्वं विष्णुरुरुगायो नमस्यः । त्वं ब्रह्मा रयिविद् ब्रह्मणस्पते त्वं विधर्तः सचसे पुरन्ध्या ॥३॥ 3) O Fire, thou art Indra the Bull of all that are and thou art wide-moving 2 Vishnu, one to be worshipped with obeisance. O Master of the Word, thou art Brahma, the finder of the Page 31 Riches: O Fire, who sustainest each and all, closely thou companionest the Goddess ...


... goest forth crying aloud from the mothers around the nights and the darknesses. विष्णुरित्था परममस्य विद्वाञ्जातो बृहन्नभि पाति तृतीयम् । आसा यदस्य पयो अकत स्वं सचेतसो अभ्यर्चन्त्यत्र ॥३॥ 3) Vishnu knowing rightly the supreme plane of this Fire, born in his vastness, guards the third (plane); when in his mouth they have poured the milk (of the cow), conscious they shine here towards his own home ...


... so manifest. The others were known before. The gods of other systems also reveal themselves in a grand general unity & diversity with the Vedic & Puranic deities. All are manifestations of the one Vishnu who is Krishna & as Krishna, Rudra & Brahmá. Script This is the rapidly proceeding completion of the subjective siddhi which is now hampered only by the remnants of the old negations supported ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... sinner, man, bird and beast, tree & stone,—and all things in the manifestation are the forms and activities of my Self. Moreover, this Self is again the Lord of the Cosmos, the Purushottama, the divine Vishnu, Shiva or Krishna, of whom every individual soul is a conscious centre, aware of its unity with Him in being and also of its difference in the universe; and the manifestation is a Lila or play of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... institution and were understood by the vulgar as ritual chants in praise of the Nature-gods, Indra, Agni, Surya Savitri, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and other forms of wealth of a pastoral people, victory over enemies, safety in travel, sons, servants ...


... of the Godhead in its divided subjective and lower cosmic aspects, Page 276 sattwic, rajasic and tamasic. It is a cosmic veil which the Godhead has spun around our understanding; Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra have woven its complex threads; the Shakti, the Supreme Nature is there at its base and is hidden in its every tissue. We have to work out this web in ourselves and turn through it and from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... it means to give, Page 490 offer, sacrifice. A third sense is to woo, court, worship, adore, cf Gr. ἰάλλω, to desire. यज्ञः may therefore mean either, the Master, the Almighty, the Lord, Vishnu, Ishwara; or, action, or yoga; or, sacrifice. All three senses have to be taken into consideration in the Veda. Here and ordinarily it means Ishwara, the Lord. देवम् । Root दिव् compounded after ...


... this new power, may get a more formidable impetus and Kali arise filling the world with a more terrible sound of her laughters. No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Titans the elder gods. So they still are; nor is any god entirely divine unless there is hidden in him also a Titan. 223) If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu. 224) Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice always, but for the sake of God and humanity, not for the sake of sacrifice. 225) Selfishness kills the soul; destroy it. But take care that your altruism ...


... world as a recurrent series of phenomena of which the terms vary but the general formula abides the same. The theory is only acceptable if we recognise the truth of the conception formulated in the Vishnu Purana of the world as vijñāna-vijṛmbhitāni , developments of ideas in the Universal Intelligence which lies at the root of all material phenomena and by its indwelling force shapes the growth of ...


... poor spiritual vessels. I am aware of the paradox about Ravana in the Purana, but let me point out that these Asuras and Rakshasas did not pretend to be disciples or worshippers of Rama or Krishna or Vishnu or use their position as disciples to get moksha by revolt—they got it by being enemies and getting killed and absorbed into the Godhead. 4) Obedience to the Guru, worship of the Divine are all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... meditation—serpents indicate always energies of Nature and very often bad energies of the vital Page 170 plane; but they can also indicate luminous or divine energies like the snake of Vishnu. The one you saw was evidently of this latter type—a luminous divine energy and therefore there was no cause for alarm, it was a good sign. A snake is a bad symbol only when it comes from the ...


... Aurobindo had already realised in full two of the four great realisations on which his yoga and his spiritual philosophy are founded. The first he had gained while meditating with the Maharashtrian Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, at Baroda in January 1908; it was the realisation of the silent spaceless and timeless Brahman gained after a complete and abiding stillness of the whole consciousness and attended at ...


... anyone. He started his sadhana at Baroda in 1904 on his own account after learning from a friend the ordinary formula of Pranayama. Afterwards the only help he received was from the Maharashtrian Yogi, Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, who instructed him how to reach complete silence of the mind and immobility of the whole consciousness. This Sri Aurobindo was able to achieve in three days with the result of lasting ...


... Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes Meeting with Vishnu Bhaskar Lele ... Lele also advised Sri Aurobindo, in the final resort, to trust only to his own inner spiritual inclinations. [ Last phrase altered to: ] to trust only to the guidance of the Divine within him if once he could become aware ...


... surroundings all who are out of harmony with the atmosphere necessary to the yogic quietude. He sees no one and receives no visits. His friends in Madras do not see him when they come. Even his old guru Vishnu Lele who proposed to come here at this time has been requested to postpone indefinitely his visit. For the same reason he has ceased altogether to write. His own works, even those of which the publication ...


... accept Mother, how is he a good devotee? A devotee to whom? A brilliant student is another matter; one can be a brilliant student and yet quite incompetent in spiritual matters. If one is a devotee of Vishnu or some other godhead, then it is different—one may see only one's object of worship and so not be able to accept anything else. 14 November 1934 Today is really a great day for me. What greater ...

... the difference between the cosmic Divine and the Mother? It is a matter of realisation. In the yoga of the Gita the cosmic Divine is realised as Vasudeva (Krishna). The Vaishnavas realise it as Vishnu, the Shaivas as Shiva. The Tantrics (Shaktas) realise the Devi (Goddess) as the Cosmic and even as the Transcendent Divine. 22 October 1935 ...

... aspect of the Divine which is constructive and preservative, rather than a transformative and destructive aspect. You see, to use the Indian names known in India, well, I think they are Avatars of Vishnu who come rather to prove Page 292 that the Divine can come upon earth; whereas each time Shiva has manifested he has always manifested like this, in beings who have tried to fight against ...


... impersonality and His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. Will the Avatars still need to take birth on earth once the supramental consciousness is firmly established? This question will be easier to answer when the supermind ...


... in particular). He is also known as the scribe of divine knowledge. × Narayana : another name of Vishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity. He watches over the creation, whereas Brahma is the creator and Shiva the destroyer. × ...


... August 25, 1965 ( Mother reads a passage from "Essays on the Gita," which she wants to publish in the next Bulletin: ) "No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...


... by Chandragupta I in the inscription he set up in the wake of his victory - the famous Meherauli Pillar Inscription of King "Chandra", topped by the emblem of Garuda (Eagle) consecrated to the God Vishnu. From this epigraph we may conclude that the Greeks, who in all their early advances towards and into India came via Bactria, old Bāhlīka, modern Page 595 Balkh, were known ...


... the Gāngārides-Calingae as separate peoples from the Calingae, while the Mahābhārata names the Kalingas three separate times, and each time in conjunction with different peoples. (H. H. Wilson in Vishnu Purāna, 1st ed., pp. 185 note and 188.).' " "Tri-Kalinga" is only mediaeval and not early: Cunningham has no real justification in supposing it to be an ancient term. But we may bear in ...


... the Titans the elder gods. So they still are; nor is any god entirely divine unless there is hidden in him also a Titan." 223—"If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu." (Rama is a divine incarnation, whereas Ravana is the incarnation of a demon.) Mother gave this comment on the last of these Aphorisms: "It means that gentleness without strength and goodness without ...


... × Tirupathi or Sripathi: the master of wealth (or husband of Lakshmi—the goddess of wealth—that is to say, Vishnu). ...


... programme notes that "in the Mahabharata, at least in those parts of the poem generally thought to be the earliest, nothing clearly indicates that he is an avatar, one of the earthly incarnations of Vishnu". Smith Page 203 declares: "Mahabharata 5.22 is a chapter that can be shown on internal (metrical) evidence to be uniformly early: at Stanza 10 Krsna is referred to as 'Visnu the ...

... Are lost for ever yet for ever found: The kindling cosmos, the fused flaming All Blaze without break from a timeless spaceless glow— Brahma outstretching omnipresent life, Vishnu upholding one omniscient truth, Shiva sustaining both by omnipotent peace! 14-7-48 Page 109 ...

... strong and firm, if the spiritual aim is the chief thing in the life."³ Yes, the lexicographer cannot help bringing out Sri Aurobindo in a trm ürti aspect - Brahma of the Creative Word, Vishnu the World-Preserver and Dharma-Saviour, Shiva the Destroyer of Darkness. But naturally the stress falls on the main work for which the Truth-Consciousness that is Sri Aurobindo brought East and ...

... about - these too are Brahman," says the Upanishad. What is there to be surprised at if the old man suddenly threw away his stick and strode like a youngster or the green bird brought a message from Vishnu? The presence of the so-called supernatural became so familiar, so immediate, so basic indeed that at a certain period of India's history the natural began to seem a miracle, an inexplicable ...

... to perform the Shraddha Ceremony' of his father. He was accompanied, as always, by a large number of his pupils. After the ceremony, he went to a nearby temple to see the sacred footprint of Lord Vishnu. As his gaze was fixed on the footprint and the priests around were singing the Name of the Lord, Nimai was overcome with emotion; tears flowed down his face in a continuous stream, his whole body ...


... embrace this Godhead with every part of himself, it is represented with a form that answers to its aspects and qualities and which becomes the living body of God to the adorer. These are those forms of Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Kali, Durga, Christ, Buddha, which the mind of man seizes on for adoration. Even the monotheist who worships a formless Godhead, yet gives to him some form of quality, some mental ...


... pure always,reaches that goal whence he is not born again. 9. "That man who uses the mind for reins and the knowledge for the driver, reaches the end of his road, the highest seat of Vishnu. 10. "Than the senses the objects of sense are higher: and higher than the objects of sense is the Mind: and higher than the Mind is the faculty of knowledge: and than that the Great Self ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... MANILAL: How can it be a punishment? The Divine can't be vindictive. SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? DR. MANILAL: We know of the Divine as protective, kind and benevolent. SRI AUROBINDO: That is Vishnu. There is also Shiva. DR. MANILAL: Shiva is Bholanath.2 SRI AUROBINDO: He is also Rudra.3 DR. MANILAL: But he can't be vindictive to a Bhakta for such things. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends ...


... coming to Pondicherry] Sri Aurobindo had already realised in full two of the four great realisations on which his Yoga... is founded. The first he had gained while meditation with the Maharashtrian Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele at Baroda in January 1908; it was the realisation of the silent, spaceless and timeless Brahman.... His second realisation which was that of the cosmic consciousness and of the Divine ...


... tradition as well. At the last moment, some miracle happens. SATYENDRA: They also say that Shiva supports the Asuras, gives them boons. SRI AUROBINDO: He makes many blunders. SATYENDRA: And Vishnu comes to the rescue. NIRODBARAN: Sometimes it seems that Shiva favours one side and Parvati the opposite one. Madhusudan has depicted it in Meghnad, his epic poem. SRI AUROBINDO: Madhusudan ...


... temptation, delivering, as the price of the bargain, our soul. Indeed, we are masters of many fields, our knowledge and power extend over an immense variety of regions, uncharted till now. Even like Vishnu the Dwarf, our consciousness has covered with its three strides the entire creation, barring that domain alone where the soul resides.   Our mind, our life and our body have become today ...

... story, Sir. In our part a deputy magistrate's grandson, who is now a student, related that he had been a parrot in a previous birth, residing in a particular banyan tree and bowing before the image of Vishnu. The wife of this magistrate, while passing beneath that tree, had seen a parrot and after hearing about its religious character prayed that it might be born as her grandson. The grandson related the ...


... problem, accomplish a special mission and then, when the work is done, retire to its own status. It is, as it were, a weapon of flame and light hurled into the earthly fray – even like the discus of Vishnu – and having accomplished its mission, going back into the hand of the thrower, its fount and origin. The task of the Avatara was usually bh ū bh ā ra-haralJa, lightening earth's load: it ...

... Venizelos,239 Venus, 177 Versailles Treaty, 106 Vibhisana, 298 Vibhutis, 390 Virgil, 197,211,375 -Ae1Ulid, 375n Virochana, 288, 376 Vishnu, 133, 277 Vwekananda, 56, 59, 154, 161, 165,396 Voltaire, 16, 50, 212 . WAGNER, sa Watson-Watt, Sir Robert, 251-2 Wave mechanics, 316 Wells, H. G., ...

... the process of birth has to meet the contrary phenomenon of death; and this law is universally valid and applicable, whether the subject in question is humanly great and noble, or the gods Brahma or Vishnu, or a miniscule organisms like the amoeba. None can escape this sombre fate and, what is more, one has to experience death all by oneself, one cannot share the "experience" with any other person. No ...

... am aware of the paradox about Ravana in the Purana, Page 155 but let me point out that these Asuras and Rakshasas did not pretend to be disciples or worshippers of Rama and Krishna or Vishnu or use their position as disciples to get Moksha by revolt - they got it by being enemies and getting killed and absorbed into the Godhead. 4)Obedience to the Guru, worship of the Divine are all ...

... Kashibhai's brother Haribhai was a well-known political leader of his day. Kamalaben recalls having seen many great personalities including CF. Andrews, Gandhiji, Annie Besant, and Pagal Harnath. Vishnu Bhaskar Lele too was closely connected with her family. Haribhai, although a follower of Swaminarayan, used to receive spiritual guidance regularly from Sri Aurobindo in his quest. Remembering ...


... Sankhya although it explains the created world by the double principle Page 93 of Purusha and Prakriti; nor is it Vaishnava Theism although it presents to us Krishna, who is the Avatar of Vishnu according to the Puranas, as the supreme Deity and allows no essential difference nor any actual superiority of the status of the indefinable relationless Brahman over that of this Lord of beings who ...


... others are not in harmony with the Vedas, yet most of the Agamas are in consonance with the Vedas. Of these latter, there are three categories, those in which the object of worship and realisation is Vishnu (known also as Pancharatra or Bhagavata), those in which the object of worship and realisation is Shiva, and those in which the object of worship and realisation is Shakti. In the Shaiva Agamas ...


... mind the Lord of the house and his consort. For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the Maruts brighten by the pressure that which is the brilliant and very birth of thee. That which is the highest seat of Vishnu, by that thou protectest secret Name of the radiances. By thy glory, O Deva, the gods attain to right vision, and holding in themselves all the multiplicity of the vast manifestations taste Immortality ...

... mastery. Yaj means therefore to rule, govern, order and possess. That is why Yajna also means Almighty Ruler, the Master of man's action, body and thought, and that is why yajna has also come to mean Vishnu, the supreme Lord ruling from the higher faculty in man, the parardha. The word yajna is formed by the combination of yaj + na, and the suffix na carries a sense of action. It may therefore convey ...

... someone who could pull him out of the impasse and help him to pursue yoga more systematically than he had hitherto done. In the course of his extensive wanderings, Barin had met a Maharashtrian yogi, Vishnu Bhaskar Lele by name, and had been impressed by him. It had been a brief meeting but Barin remembered the occasion and now, with Sri Aurobindo's consent, he sent a telegram to Lele at Gwalior to come ...


... aspect of the Lord is the vision that Sri Krishna bestowed on Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. 56The members of the religious movement or group in Hinduism that worships Sri Krishna as an avatar of Vishnu. It is a devotional path. 57Devotion or bhakti is the adoration of the heart for the Lord - in this case, for Sri Krishna. Page 32 The mother laughed upon the child made ...


... the passage. Let me read it out to you [Reading from Essays on the Gita (1966), 354-355]: Page 92 No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by ...


... difference between the cosmic Divine and the Mother?       It is a matter of realisation. In the Yoga of the Gita the Cosmic Divine is realised as Vasudeva (Krishna). The Vaishnavas realise it as Vishnu, the Shaivas as Shiva, the Tantrics (Shaktas) realise the Devi (Goddess) as the Cosmic and even as the Transcendent Divine.         Is not the Self and the Jivatman one and the same thing ...

... Vedas, the, 9, 13-14, 21, 27-9, 37, 42, 104, 162, 166, 278, 281 -Rig Veda, 13n., 18n.,26, 30,36, 42-5n., 157, 160, 163-6n., 184n., 220 -"Ode to Darkness", 220 Virgil, 53, 85, 93 Vishnu, 30-1, 278 Vishwamitra,162 Visva Bharati, 228 Vivekananda, 103-5, 241, 253-4, 299 -From Colombo to Almora, 103 Voltaire, 85, 286 Vyasa, 39, 58, 62, 73, 235 WARNER, REX ...

... Divine can beat the human love on its own ground, that is to say, it can be or it is as passionately sweet and as intensely intimate as any human love. It is why Bhakta Prahlad said to his beloved Vishnu "O Lord, what ordinary men feel and enjoy in and through their physical senses, may I have the same enjoyment in and through Thee." Still the Vaishnava love in its concrete reality is a mani­festation ...

... the human love on its own ground, that is to say, it can be or it is as passionately sweet and as intensely intimate as any human love. It is why Bhakta Prahlad said to his beloved Vishnu "O Lord, What ordinary men feel and enjoy in and through their physical senses, may I have the same enjoyment in and through Thee." Still the Vaishnava love in its concrete reality ...

... n. The Vaishnavas have spoken of a highest spiritual world, go-taka, which is within the manifestation. The Christians too speak of their Heaven. We also hear of the world of Shiva, the world of Vishnu; these too are not entirely outside the manifestation or created universe. Does then Chardin aim at something overmental, utterly beyond and above the mind? In the vision of Sri Aurobindo, the process ...

... The Trinity of Bengal RAMMOHAN, Bankimchandra, Vivekananda – these three personalities represent the three steps in the process of evolution in modern Bengal. Like the three strides of Vishnu these three great souls have occupied three stages of the evolving consciousness of Bengal. The soul of modern Bengal awoke in Rammohan, and then its mind blossomed in Bankim, subsequently its life-energy ...

... Varma, Ravi, 420 Varona, 207 Vedas, the, 133, 151, 239 -Rig Veda, 133, 160n Vedanta, 85 Victoria, Queen, 418 Virgil, 107,203,209 -Aeneid, 1O7n. 154, 178, 207, Vishnu, 58, 208 Vivekananda, 141,300 Voltaire, 99 WORDSWORTH, 119, 132, 195n. -Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, 119n. -Miscellaneous Poems, 132n. -"A slumber did my spirit ...

... earthly a tegument, Page 277 to glimpse his divine possibility beyond, before he could hope to build it here below. The long reign of Siva was a necessary preparation for the advent of Vishnu. And yet Mayavada even while it reigned supreme, was never the be-all and end-all of the inner Indian spirit. Always there was along with it the other strain; in the background, driven underground ...

... possibility of terrestrial realisation also diminished. (3) Some say that the Buddha was an Avatar, others say he was not. To use the names as known in India, I think it is the Avataras of Vishnu (the aspect of the Divine that builds and preserves), who come to prove that the Divine can live upon earth; whereas, each time that Shiva has manifested (the aspect that works to transform and destroy) ...

... In the meantime, his marriage with Sharada, my mother, had brought about a great change in his philosophy of life. He was a Shaivite, a devotee of Shiva, and she was a Vaishnavite, a devotee of Vishnu and Krishna. He was an erudite scholar of Veda and Upanishads, she was confined only to the Gita. He pursued the path of knowledge, she pursued the path of devotion. There was an evident conflict between ...

... systems and practices—through rule, tradition or other means—by which the demands of the higher self were given a predominant position. In One well-known verse speaks of C7uru as Brahma, as Vishnu and as Maheshwara. He is equated with the Supreme Absolute Being. Page 35 fact, not only the teacher, but the mother and the father and even the guest were given a place of high ...


... flow unerringly. That wide material earth opulent in her streams yields water like milk, may she pour upon us a shower of lustres. (10) The twin Aswins have measured her out; upon her Vishnu strode wide. Indra, the Lord of the Lights, for his own sake, has freed her of enemies. That wide material earth of ours as a mother to her son pours out her sweet drink for us. (11) May ...

... be Peace and Grace to us. May Varuna be Peace and Grace to us. May Aryaman be Peace and Grace to us. May lndra be Peace and Grace to us. May Brihaspati be Peace and Grace to us. May the vast-ranging Vishnu be Peace and Grace to us. (10) May the Wind blow to us the Peace and the Grace, may the Sun bring to us the warmth of the Peace and the Grace, may the Rain-God roar and thunder and pour ...

... WHITE-hued — white as the Kunda flower or the moon or the snow-range, robed in white She bears in her arms the marvellous vina, seated on the lotus. She is ever adored by Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva and all the Gods. May Saraswati save us, the Goddess, may she wipe out all our slothness unto the last. Oh Saraswati, thou art the great destiny, the supreme Knowledge ...

... manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity —Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva—with Indra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying a similar conception. Another tradition gives the Four Supernals as (I) Light or Consciousness, (2) Truth or Knowledge ...

... groups and often remain for ages hidden like an underground stream; they have been submerged in the lower reaches of society. They have taken as their chosen deity, not Durga or Lakshmi, nor Brahma or Vishnu, but Kali and Karali, Chandi and Baguli. In the Page 118 words of one of these poets: . For an entire epoch, the line of this particular form of spiritual discipline ...

... days and nights and centuries battled and battered and broke through And at last, Providence aiding, ravaged and destroyed the city of Lanka. I could also understand if the great Vishnu spread His net of duplicity, cast his spell of darkness Upon the intelligence of the Rakshasas and stole away The Fair Royal Deity of Lanka. But we are conquered by the arms of Rama, ...

... you understand Vrindavan, You have not understood the killing of Kamsa, you have not understood the war of Kurukshetra. You are a perfect Vaishnava, you chant hymns to Buddha. But Vishnu and Rudra are one body, they are only different limbs ― Have you forgotten it? Have you forgotten that the very fount of kindness Page 188 And the cruel slayer Kalki are one and ...

... the bank of the tank and sit by its edge. After having performed the evening rites, Japa and Tapa they would get up and, all of them reciting together the Vishnusahasranama (the thousand names of Vishnu), come back to the village. On the eastern bank of the tank was a small temple of Ganesh, the holy image of Eyenar at the border of the village. One evening. Darkness had just crept over ...


... Chaitanyadev. Perhaps a not-so-well-known artist had managed to get a sitting from Sri Chaitanyadev. Being an original painting it was of historical value. * Place for worship ** Lord Vishnu Page 30 I also saw two very big diamonds that people had named the Suryakanta and Chandrakanta gems. The Suryakanta gem was a little smaller but from it I saw a lustre coming out. ...


... "The divine-Dwarf towered to unconquered worlds". Sāvitrī, Book I, Canto 3. (14) The "Dwarf" here brings to our mind the Vamana—"The divine Dwarf", an incarnation of Vishnu who measured the three worlds—the material, the vital and the mental—in his three steps. In die Rig Veda there is a symbolic reference to this which is enlarged as usual, in the Puranas. Rig ...

... the Cosmos. In the development of art in mankind East has contributed her share. But the art-ideals of the East are not understood by many even among those who claim to follow them. In the Vishnu Dharmottar Purana the six limbs—(Shadanga) of the art of painting are enumerated showing that Indian Art must have reached a high standard of development before the canons of art could be formulated ...

... himself the Dwarf with triple stride, Can he help man to grow into the God". —Book VII, Canto 3. Compare: The Indian mythological story of Vaman—the Dwarf —the Incarnation of Vishnu, the All pervading Divine, and his three steps that covered Earth, Mid region and Heaven—or Matter, Life and Mind. "It dared the force that slays, the joys that hurt," Compare: ...

... that leads to the breaking of the Congress. December 28 Presides over a meeting of the Nationalists. December 31 Leaves Surat for Baroda. 1908 January In Baroda. Meets Vishnu Bhaskar Leie, a Maharashtrian yogi. Following Leie's instructions, establishes complete silence of the mind attaining to the experience of the Silent Brahman. Gives three ...


... all felt Her hand one after the other while She smiled. After inaugurating the weight-lifting section, the Mother opened the asana -room. Ambu-bhai taught asanas . Malkhamb started after this. Vishnu-ji became the malkhamb -instructor. Tara and Parul learnt the malkhamb -exercises very quickly. At the Tennis Ground, Purani-ji taught wrestling. It was quite unbelievable how even at that late age ...


... Shaktis, great powers. On the Supermind unity is the governing principle.     ? Then comes the world of the Gods, below the Supermind and behind the manifestation. The Gods of Hindu culture – Shiva, Vishnu etc. – are names and representations Page 292 in the mind but they point to the Gods who represent the Divine Principles governing the manifesta­tion of the universe. There is a ...

... spiritual power can open out a new and a more lasting way to peace and harmony. And even with all these materials one can only indicate the landmarks of his inner life: 1. His meeting with Vishnu Bhaskar Leie and the experience of the Silent Brahman Consciousness that never afterwards left him. 2. His vivid experience of the omnipresent Narayana during his confinement in a solitary cell ...


... colourful pujas connected with other gods and goddesses, especially Ganesh. But unfortunately there was no tradition of Durga-puja! I suppose each state or region focusses on one particular deity, Vishnu, Shiva, Kartikeya or Ganapati. In the Ashram itself, however, pujas had never been celebrated. That is why I could never imagine that my wish could come true. On the saptami (the seventh day of ...


... of the churning of the ocean as recounted in the Bhagavat . There was tremendous darkness in the whole of creation. The Asuras were running wild. The gods (signifying divine aspiration) went to Vishnu who told them: “You won’t be able to battle with the Asuras. The Asuras are very powerful. You have to become strong. Drink amrita (the nectar of immortality). Churn amrita out. This churning can ...


... and presence of the Divine." ¹ + 1923 9 April. Talk about the political situation and village reconstruction. 11 April. Talk with K. Rajangam about sadhana. 13 April. Talk about Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, about Lele's gurubhai . ¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks , Second Series, pp. 9-11. [Added to this edition of The Life of Sri Aurobindo by the editors] Page 184 ...


... after all, is bound to take place in life based on interchange and mutual exchange of influences. The only living person from whom Sri Aurobindo received direct spiritual help and guidance was the late Vishnu Bhaskar Lele. Their connection as Guru and disciple Page 355 seems to have lasted three months and it terminated with a clear understanding on both sides. The fact that Ramakrishna ...


... keen sense of this possibility which has taken different shapes and persisted through the centuries, - the perfectibility of man, the perfectibility of society, the Alwar's vision of the descent of Vishnu and the Gods upon earth, the reign of the saints, sādhūnām rājyam, the city of God, the millennium, the new heaven and earth of the Apocalypse. But these intuitions have lacked a basis of assured ...

... breaking of the Congress. December 28 Presides over a meeting of the Nationalists. December 31 Leaves Surat for Baroda. Page 814 1908 — January In Baroda. Meets Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, a Maharashtrian yogi. Following Lele's instructions, establishes complete silence of the mind, attaining to the experience of the Silent Brahman. Gives three public speeches ...

... Discordances disappear, ugliness vanishes; there is now only the splendour of the divine Presence in a Love shining in all things. 13 The Mother cites the classic instance of Prahlad who saw but Vishnu everywhere, and hence the worst dangers to his life devised by his demon-father, Hiranyakashipu, became only divine benefactions. If, then, one could face any danger whatsoever or any enemy or phenomenon ...


... spite of nonviolence. Another of those "sacred cows” we dare not speak of too loudly at a time when spiritual pygmies reign. No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu [the god of love] cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra [the god of destruction] is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the ...

... mother of my French teacher, was renamed Suvrata. Being childish and imitative by temperament, I asked for my name to be changed as well. The Master wrote that Rama – Indra – Ramendra was the name of Vishnu. It was a fine name. Incidentally, it is the Mother who has changed my name from Ramen to Romen much before I even dreamt of asking for a name. The Mother gave me a message: 14.3.32 To ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace

... exercises. Things were just growing spontaneously and there was tremendous enthusiasm for sports on the part of the teachers as well as the children. In addition, sometime, probably in 1946, Purani Ji and Vishnu Ji joined the physical education activities and started teaching grown up girls and boys, skills like Lathi, Lakadi patta, Lezium, and other Indian sports in which they were experts. They had started ...


... ahninayanaṁ vande mukundapriyam, vande bhaktajanāśrayañca varadaṁ vande śivaṁ śankaram. 15 I worship the One Who has the Sun, the Moon and the Fire as eyes. I worship the beloved of Mukunda ( Vishnu ) I worship the Protector and Giver of boons to devotees. I worsip the benignant Sankara ( Siva ). Sivaparadhakshamapanastotram 15 वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दम् तस्मात् त्वमेव मम शरणम् vande ...

... fair and white, whose face is bright and beautiful like the full moon of Autumn, whose smiling lips are red like Bimba-fruit, who showers the nectar of Her compassion, who is adored even by Lords like Vishnu, Siva, Brahma, She — the aspired for by all and the giver of boons — is to be meditated upon. Sitadhyanam वन्दे मीरां जगद्धात्रीम् मीरा नामैव नामैव मम जीवनम् मीरा नामैव मम शरणम् मीरा मम ...

... , worshipped by Gods, and holding the conch, the discus, the club and the lotus in Thy hands, the Goddess Mahalakshmi, salutations to Thee. O the rider on Garuda (The bird who is the Vehicle of Vishnu), the who strikes fear in Kola the Asura, the deliverer from all sins, the Goddess Mahalakshmi, salutations to Thee. O the Terrible in the gross and the subtle, the most powerful, the most prosperous ...

... mīraiva paramā gatiḥ. OM. Salutations to Thee who among all gods are the greatest bestower of boons, O Beloved of Hari. OM. O Goddess, adored in all the three worlds, O Kamala, consort dear to Vishnu. I bow down to Sri Mira, the most auspicious, the splendid one, pure, who art the supreme ray, beyond all rays, and who art the sovereign and soul of the universe. OM. Eternal destroyer of sin ...

... beautiful, before the extremely terrible. Salutations, salutations to her. To the main-stay of the world, to the Goddess, workmanship, we bow, we bow. To the Goddess who in all beings is resonant as Vishnu Maya, to her salutations, to her salutations, to her salutations, salutations, salutations, To the Goddess who in beings is called consciousness, to her salutations, to her salutations, to her ...

... modern research. Nothing in our knowledge of those remote times warrants the fallacy of a sharp demarcation between Aryan and Dravidian races, languages, civilizations, even deities (Shiva is Dravidian, Vishnu is Aryan!). Whatever twists and Subhash Kak (Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1994), and The Politics of History by Navaratna S. Rajaram (Delhi, Voice of India, 1995). This last work, besides giving ...

... articles they could salvage. "Then Father Coeurdoux of Karikal came with a great hammer, kicked the lingam, broke it with his hammer, and ordered the Coffrees 1 and the Europeans to break the images of Vishnu and the other gods. Madame 2 went and told the priest that he might break the idols as he pleased. He answered that she had accomplished what had been impossible for fifty years...." The temple demolition ...

... Surat session of the Congress, which ends in a break-up; on the 28 th , Sri Aurobindo presides over the conference of the Nationalists. 1908, January - Sri Aurobindo meets the Maharashtrian yogi Vishnu Page 586 - Bhaskar Lele at Baroda. May 2 — Sri Aurobindo is arrested in the Alipore Bomb Case. He is defended by Chittaranjan Das. June 30 — A large area at Tunguska ...

... (Correspondence with Amal Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1933 Mother, As regards Vishnu’s request to be given back his old cane table in addition to the new wooden one, it seems he has no trunk or anything in which to keep his clothes and other things. So should I give him the table or will some other arrangement be made for ...

... KARMA (Works): Fourth Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 335, 336 335—Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer ...

... in the dumb Night Page 945 And no man know it. SUDAMAN Care not; I am shielded. OCROOR Not by the gods! SUDAMAN No, by a greater god Than any that have seats near Vishnu's throne. OCROOR What god whom even Sudaman worships? SUDAMAN Terror Whose shoe I have enshrined in Mathura And all men kiss it and their tongues declare 'Tis justice and mild rule ...

... human evolution:         "Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal of the ...

... Notes: Griffin = Golden Hawk + Winged Lion The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital Remember Vishnu's Garuda + Durga's lion With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemisphere - the twilight world (Night and Day) - Griffin is ...

... Atman. Does she follow the Adwaita path? The Atman has no colour. Maybe the blue is of some being. She doesn't know herself? PURANI: No. Could it be Krishna's light? SRI AUROBINDO: Possibly, or Vishnu's. PURANI: Krishnamurti is giving some new principles now, but they are so amorphous. He says that to realise the Reality a Guru is not necessary. One has only to get rid of preconceived notions ...

... opened into the Unknown.! Notes: Griffin = Golden Hawk + Winged Lion The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital Remember Vishnu's Garuda + Durga's lion With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemisphere - the twilight world (Night and Day) - Griffin is the guardian ...

... reminding us that the Griffin is "Golden Hawk - Winged Lion", explained the symbol as standing for "The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital" and asked us to remember "Vishnu's Garuda + Page 298 Durga's Lion". Finally, he wrote: "With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemispheres - the twilight world (Night... The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1964, p. 541, col. 2) describes the griffin as "Fabulous creature with eagle's head & wings & lion's body." This would suit Nolini quite well since he brings in "Vishnu's Garuda". Now, hawk and eagle and falcon are kin birds. If any one of them can be found Vedically associated with Agni, half of our case would be rendered credible. At the very start we may mention... under this or that particular face and since Agni especially is the bringer or revealer or fashioner of all the gods in man - "in thee are all the gods" (V.3.1) 1 - the identification of him with Vishnu's Garuda and with Durga's Lion is quite in order. Hence what Nolini has said stands substantially unchanged. Even his "twilight world" may be accepted in the sense that the bright and the dark of the ...

... round and referring to the laughter  asked : "What was the divine descent about?" Disciple : X. had his usual outburst of laughter. Sri Aurobindo : Oh, it was the descent of Vishnu's ananda. Disciple : It is very peculiar how I break out into uncontrolled laughter  so easily. Formerly, I used to weep at the slightest provocation. I think because I live in the external ...

... of Sri Aurobindo. Purani was still absent. SRI AUROBINDO (looking at us) : What Divine Descent was it? NIRODBARAN: It was Champaklal who burst into laughter. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, then it was Vishnu's Ananda that descended! As soon as he encouraged us by his voluntary question we flocked near his bed. CHAMPAKLAL: It is peculiar how I break into laughter so easily. Formerly I used to weep ...

... human evolution: ".Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, to- wards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal ...

... stages of human evolution: "Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, to wards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal of ...

... and had to run away from the room. Sri Aurobindo, looking at us, said, "What divine descent was it?" I replied, checking my mirth, "Champaklal burst into laughter." Sri Aurobindo: Oh, so it was Vishnu's Ananda that descended! Later on, Champaklal said, "My eyes always remain watery." Sri Aurobindo: Virgil had eyes like that, while Horace used to breathe hard. Once Mycaenas, the great patron ...

... each point of the line, on the level of the newly emerged principle, there is a divine embodiment of that principle. The esoteric significance of the graded scale of Avatarhood, as illustrated in Vishnu's ten Forms, has long ago been pointed out, by some thinkers, in this light. The principle of Avatarhood stands justified in this scheme as a necessary and inevitable element in the terrestrial ...

... each point of the line, on the level of the newly emerged principle, there is a divine embodiment of that principle. The esoteric significance of the graded scale of Avatarhood, as illustrated in Vishnu's ten Forms, has long ago been pointed out, by some thinkers, in this light. Page 70 The principle of Avatarhood stands justified in this scheme as a necessary and inevitable element ...

... but piercing all veils, shattering all obstacles and triumphing over all oppositions and resistances, it mounts with an ever-increasing intensity of aspiration towards what the Rigveda describes as "Vishnu's step supreme", or as : "A Permanent, a Truth hidden by a Truth where the Sun unyokes His horses. The ten hundreds (of His rays) come together...That One." An unfathomable love is ...

... vāji 302 Valery 62 Valmiki 60,182,205,213 Vaughan 232 Veda 3,61 Vedantic influence in poetry 197 Vidya 302 Vijnana 247 Virat 99 Virgil 57,186,205,258 Vishnu's Garuda 307 Vision, power of poet 162 vital 189 plane 209 vyakta 302 Vyasa 60,66,182,205,213 W Wordsworth 52,197,266,367 World Religion 272 Y Yeats ...

... purpose and its usefulness. I also have deities ( Mother catches hold of three bronze statuettes, immersed with some others under a flood of papers ): this is a standing Ganesh; this is Garuda, Vishnu's attendant; and this is Shiva's bull. And there ( a little farther on the table ), I keep three Ganeshas: a tiny little silver Ganesh, between the legs of this deity ( a modern-looking one ), then ...

... of eternal light     Where He is found? RISHI The heavens of the Three have beings bright     Their portals round, And I have journeyed to those regions blest,     Those hills renowned. In Vishnu's house where wide Love builds his nest,     My feet have stood. MANU Is he not That, the blue-winged Dove of peace,     Father of Good? RISHI Nor Brahma, though the suns and hills and seas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... integral supramental state in which the Object Page 14 of Knowledge is seen in all its integrality. The Veda has presented this integral vision through a beautiful metaphor, where Vishnu's eye is described as extended over the whole sky. The Veda makes a distinction between higher light (jyotir uttaram) and the highest light (jyotir uttamam),9 and we can see how integrality is ...

... things, but all enjoyment, enjoyment of knowledge, of power, of self-giving, of service, comes within its scope. The Vaishya, purified and liberated, becomes the supreme giver and lover & enjoyer, Vishnu's ansha preserving & making the most of the world. He is the Vishnushakti, as the Brahmana is the Shivashakti & the Kshatriya the Rudrashakti. Shudrashakti कामः प्रेमः दास्यलिप्सात्मसमर्पणमिति ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... one point I am inclined to pick fault with the expression. "Like heaven's vast eagle" is ambiguous. Sri Aurobindo, writing with the mythological atmosphere of his theme around him, refers perhaps to Vishnu's famous bird. I think an effect poetically more telling would have been produced if he had simply said: "Like a vast eagle." If the indefinite article is not rhythmically strong enough, "some" can ...