Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Different Schools Of Music

(A letter written to the Mother)

Mother Divine,
    We would like to study the different schools of music in the Indian classical tradition. In the absence of qualified teachers of music here, we are forced to do this through the recordings of great instrumentalists and singers of the country. We shall, therefore, try and pursue this with the help of available books and records. We will organise fortnightly programmes in the Playground in the following manner:

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    We will choose one particular school of music for each programme. Some relevant texts describing this school will be read out. Then, one of our teachers will illustrate it either through vocal or through instrumental music, to the best of their ability. What is beyond our means, we will leave out. We will focus on things that are within our reach and play records of well-known artistes as examples. Divine Mother, we would like to try this out to see if it benefits us in some way. When you asked me to start the Music section, you specifically told me to make students listen to good music. These programmes will help us to listen to some of the best vocalists and instrumentalists of the country.

    I pray for Your blessings and permission. Make me a worthy instrument for Your work. Transform my nature and take me on the path of Truth.

    My pranam at Your feet.
    Your child,


The Mother's reply:
    Yes, it's all right.

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