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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
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Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [36]
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Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Hitler and his God [125]
India's Rebirth [4]
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Letters on Himself and the Ashram [7]
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Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [10]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
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Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [156]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [5]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Towards A New Society [3]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Uniting Men [3]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
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English [516]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [2]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Autobiographical Notes [5]
Beyond Man [4]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [36]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [3]
Evolving India [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Hitler and his God [125]
India's Rebirth [4]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [7]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [10]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [156]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [5]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Towards A New Society [3]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Uniting Men [3]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
516 result/s found for Hitler

... , p. 192, 166. 334 Adolf Hitler, op. cit., p. 258. 335 Konrad Heiden, op. cit., p. 456. 336 Adolf Hitler, op. cit., p. 538. 337 Norman Cohn, op. cit., p. 250. 338 Ron Rosenbaum: Explaining Hitler, p. 83. 339 Joachim Köhler, op. cit., p. 410. 340 Werner Maser: Adolf Hitler, p. 267. 341 Adolf Hitler, op. cit., 257, 272, 508. 342 Adolf Hitler, op. cit., p. 541. 343 John... Backing Hitler, p. 7. 633 Ron Rosenbaum: Explaining Hitler , p. 83. 634 Werner Maser: Adolf Hitler – Legende, Mythos, Wirklichkeit, p. 267. 635 Joachim Fest, op. cit., pp. 39, 533. 636 H.R. Trevor-Roper: The Last Days of Hitler, pp. 179-80. 637 John Lukacs: The Hitler of History, pp. 47, 130 footnote. 638 Gitta Sereny: The German Trauma, p. 280. 639 J.P. Stern: Hitler – The... der NSDAP, Munich. 4 J.P Stern: Hitler – The Führer and the People , p. 4. 5 Joachim Fest: Hitler (1974 ed.), p. 754. 6 Id., p. 9. 7 Christian von Krockow: Hitler und seine Deutschen , p. 7. 8 Ron Rosenbaum: Explaining Hitler – The Search for the Origins of His Evil , pp. xv and 68. 9 Id., p. xv. 10 In Joachim Köhler: Wagners Hitler – Der Prophet und sein Vollstrecker , ...


... Kempowski, Walter: Haben Sie Hitler gesehen? Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – 1889-1936 Hubris Kershaw, Ian: Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis Kirchhoff, Jochen: Nietzsche, Hitler und die Deutschen Klemperer, Viktor: Tagebücher 1937-1939 Knopp, Guido: Hitler – Eine Bilanz Knopp, Guido: Hitlers Helfer Knopp, Guido: Hitlers Krieger Köhler, Joachim: Wagners Hitler – Der Prophet und sein... et modernité en Allemagne autour de 1900 Berthold, Will: Die 42 Attentate auf Adolf Hitler Breuer, Stefan: Aesthetischer Fundamentalismus – Stefan George und der deutsche Antimodernismus Brissaud, André: Hitler et l’Ordre noir Bronder, Dietrich: Bevor Hitler kam Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives Burgess, Simon: Stafford Cripps – A Political Life Burleigh... Deus lo volt – A Chronicle of the Crusades Daim, Wilfried: Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab Davidson, Eugene: The Making of Adolf Hitler – The Birth and Rise of Nazism Dawidowicz, Lucy: The War against the Jews 1933-45 Delpla, François: Hitler Fest, Joachim: Der Untergang Fest, Joachim: Hitler (1974 ed.) Fest, Joachim: Speer – The Final Verdict Fest, Joachim: ...


... than to call Hitler a fascist”, writes Sebastian Haffner in his Anmerkungen zu Hitler (notes on Hitler), “his nationalism was everything except a fascism”. 746 “National Socialism was fundamentally and from the very start ‘Hitlerism’, and Hitler himself was, seen in this way, the first convinced ‘Hitlerite’”, writes Jochen Kirchhoff. He repeats Gottfried Benn’s question: did Hitler create the movement... of Nations. Rauschning’s written memoirs of a few conversations with Hitler and of thoughts he heard Hitler express have been attacked by such authors as Theodor Schieder in 1972 and Wolfgang Hänel in 1983. Ian Kershaw states peremptorily in his preface to his Hitler biography that Hitler Speaks, i.e. the Gespräche mit Hitler from which we quote, is “a work now regarded to have so little authenticity... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God Hitlerism The NSDAP programme, at the beginning of 1920 hastily concocted by Hitler and Anton Drexler, lost much of its actuality as the movement evolved, especially the more or less cranky articles concerning the state finances and the economy. Still Hitler refused to change one iota of the programme – ...


... Speer’s warning that Hitler adapted his words to his audiences. The fundamental difference between the two ways of seeing and speaking seems to reside in the fact that the visionary Hitler was an inspired man, while the philosophizing Hitler was a rather pedestrian thinker who had gathered his thoughts by the roadside. The rickety thought structure of the pedestrian Hitler rested on some curious... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God The Messiah Hitler reportedly said in one of his monologues: ”Ich bin auf Grund höherer Gewalt da”. 754 “Höhere Gewalt” means an act of God, and Hitler’s words may be translated as “I am here through an act of God”, something he declared directly or indirectly in many ways throughout his career. Instead... decisions to go to war, each time as soon as possible. Claus-Ekkehard Bärsch states straightaway: “The model for Adolf Hitler is Christ”, 765 and John Toland asserts that “National Socialism was a religion and Hitler was its Christ.” 766 This is much more than a simile. Hitler took his role of saviour “with the utmost seriousness”, writes Joachim Fest, and attached a special significance to the fact ...


... victory with the existence of Adolf Hitler, this in blatant contradiction with the empirical reality, for Hitler possessed hardly any power at the time”, writes Claus-Ekkehard Bärsch. “Julius Streicher believed not only that Adolf Hitler was blessed by God, but also that he was the intermediary between God and humanity.” Bärsch also points out that Streicher’s faith in Hitler was not based upon race. “One... common bond with Hitler which allowed them to survive the most dangerous crises in their relationship. Even in the case of Röhm, the main target in the Night of the Long Knives and the one exception in this group, Hitler needed a full day to decide that Röhm should die and gave him the choice of a honourable death by shooting himself. And Hess, who by flying to Scotland had given Hitler “the second worst... But “Streicher spoke and acted aloud what Hitler secretly thought and desired”, remarks Heiden. “Streicher was the embodiment of Hitler’s subconscious.” 1027 Arthur Dinter was the man who openly revolted against Hitler, accused him of betraying the original ideals of the NSDAP and demanded that he be deposed as Leader of the Party – all this when Hitler had already come to power and held the life ...


... from him more “works of devilish ingenuity”. Henriette von Schirach had known Hitler from nearby for many years, for she was the daughter of Hitler’s photographer and the wife of the chief of the Hitler Youth. It was she who said on a certain occasion: “I believe that there are people who attract death, and Hitler was most certainly one of them.” 1089 It is a fact that several of the women who were... that the Lord of Falsehood, who possessed Hitler, also represents Ignorance, Suffering and Death, and that these four aspects were therefore features of his personality. Falsehood. One of Eckart and Hitler’s recurrent themes was Schopenhauer’s saying that the Jew was “the great master of the lie”. When browsing through Mein Kampf we have found that Hitler systematically applied the methods of the... to the small lie.” The German masses, in their “primitive simplicity”, proved him right. Konrad Heiden said that Hitler was of “a phenomenal untruthfulness” and called him “a prophet of the Devil”. Günter Scholdt writes about his “shamelessness in his relation with truth”. Hitler defined his own mental processes accurately when he wrote that to the Jew lying was an art. “[The Jew] speaks to hide ...


... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God The Order of the Death’s Head “I am going to tell you a secret”, said Hitler to Hermann Rauschning somewhere in 1933, “I am founding an Order.” 820 The idea of “a small circle of real initiates” was not unknown among those close to Hitler, remembers Rauschning, for Alfred Rosenberg had already talked to... his heels even when Hitler spoke to him on the telephone. There is every ground to believe him, at least till the time that the final collapse of the Reich seemed imminent. We have therefore to disagree with the authors who would have us understand that Hitler distanced himself from some of Himmler’s projects, for instance the Wewelsburg. For Rüdiger Sünner mentions that Hitler signed, on 2 July 1940... ”, and that he thereby gave the Chief of the SS a free hand for all these plans. Höhne writes that Hitler “never appeared in the Wewelsburg”, but this is contradicted by a photo in Lebenda’s Unholy Alliance, showing Hitler and Himmler together in the hall of an old castle, with the caption: “Hitler and Himmler in the Wewelsburg”. In fact, the Order of the Death’s Head was one of Hitler’s most ...


... 16. Two Poems Hitler and his God “The Dwarf Napoleon” Sri Aurobindo wrote two poems about Hitler and Nazism; both poems are reproduced in extenso below. The first, called “The Dwarf Napoleon – Hitler, October 1939”, is written in a polemical, scathing vein; it is an ad hominem attack on Adolf Hitler shortly after his invasion of Poland. The poetic quality... machine will be needed to carry it on. Hitler had been the first to compare himself with the French Emperor. “What Napoleon did not accomplish, I will succeed in doing”, he boasted to Rauschning in the 1930s. 1037 “Hitler saw himself in a certain traditional line with the Corsican”, writes Reuth. 1038 Toland and Maser, in their biographies of Hitler, work out parallels between the Führer and... invasion “the Führer lives in an indescribable state of tension”. A similar tension had taken hold of Hitler in April 1940, during the operations in Norway and a month later during the campaign in the West – “Hitler has got the jitters.” 1057 Things became worse towards the end. “Physically [Hitler] represented a dreadful sight. He dragged himself about painfully and clumsily, throwing his torso forward ...


... between Eckart and Hitler was still there. Plewnia also quotes the words of a friend of Eckart’s, a certain Reid, who would have heard from Eckart’s mouth in the summer of 1923: “If there is a man whom Destiny has chosen to save Germany, then that man is Adolf Hitler, and no other.” And even after the November Putsch Eckart would have confided to Reid that “he continued to believe in Hitler, because he was... departure [he is writing in the third person], Adolf Hitler entered the rooms of the Thule, and he participated in the great propaganda days when under the leadership of Dannehl [Sebottendorff’s successor] the whole of Munich was covered with leaflets and posters.” 230 This was not the kind of memories Hitler liked to be reminded of. “Hitler felt it as a personal offence when somebody, struck by... Thule] and the Thule as a whole looked forward to … We recognize the greatness and the merit of Adolf Hitler. He has created what we longed for; we gathered the elements, he led to the goal! … It was to members of Thule that Hitler first came, and Thule members were the first who allied themselves with Hitler.” 233 Another grave mistake by Sebottendorff was that he called on the anti-Semitic ex-Jesuit Bernhard ...


... purpose, Mayr went on, [Hitler] was provided at first with funds … and, contrary to normal practice about members of the Reichswehr joining political parties, was allowed to stay in the army.” 94 Anton Joachimsthaler also says that Hitler was ordered by Mayr to have a look at the DAP “and even to establish contact with them … One may accept that Captain Mayr has advised Hitler to join the DAP, if he... 3. Mentor Hitler and his God The Corporal Joins a Party In Mein Kampf Hitler tells his first and fateful contact with the DAP, on 12 September 1919, as follows: “One day I received an order from my superiors to investigate the nature of an association which was apparently political. It called itself ‘The German Labour Party’ and was soon to hold a meeting... as companions of Hitler, Sergeant Alois Grillmeier and two propagandists of the Gruko [ Gruppenkommando ], Ewald Bolle and Alois Knodn.” 89 The chief speaker at the meeting in question was Gottfried Feder, author of a Manifest for the Breaking of the Interest Slavery of Money , a cranky theory which at the time made a deep impression on the German anti-Semites, including Hitler, who remarks: “Feder’s ...


... himself to powers who pulled him into the pit.” 901 Another cultured and close observer of Hitler was the French ambassador André François-Poncet. He titles the last chapter of his ambassadorial memoirs “Hitler, le possédé”, (Hitler, a man possessed). François-Poncet too describes the contrast between the Hitler in the “neutral” mode and the same man when “exalted”. “At the beginning of the conversation... 13. Medium Hitler and his God Evil Unexplained In the preface to his Hitler biography, Ian Kershaw writes peremptorily: “To call Hitler evil may well be true and morally satisfying. But it explains nothing.” 899 This statement throws some light on the confusion about the meaning of evil in modern Western civilization. Kershaw, an established historian... inner vocation , which had induced the statesman Adolf Hitler to be his own warlord”, and the intention of Hitler “to reserve for himself all essential military decisions” in which he would “follow his intuitions”. Thomas Mann, in exile in the USA, used the communiqué immediately for one of his radio broadcasts to Germany. He said about Hitler: “The monster, torn apart by his evil doings, went to ...


... unbridled expansion of its power, for there are unmistakable indications that Hitler took himself for the Messiah.” 682 Hitler was considered the intermediary between the Volk and God, writes Scholdt. “Solemnly he strides / in silence through his brown army / as a priest who blesses / the germinating seeds.” However, Hitler was much more than the high priest of Germany: he was the Saviour sent by God... Germany waits only for one man.” (Karl Schworm) To most this man was not Adolf Hitler, and he was to many either the deposed Emperor William II, or one of the princes who had abdicated in November 1918. The Bavarian coup in November 1923 prepared by “the three vons”, representing the constitutional government, and which Hitler tried to hijack, was intended to restore the monarchy and put Crown Prince Rupprecht... von Seeckt, although the most serious candidate, especially in the years 1924-25 when Hitler remained sidelined, was Erich Ludendorff, pushed on by his ambitious wife-to-be, Mathilde von Kemnitz. To all of them an imperial restoration was the chief aim. Even the Berlin “Club of the Barons”, who practically put Hitler in the saddle, hoped to be able to bring William back from Holland in due time, and ...


... was part of the political customs of that period. In this the Nazis were as industrious as their opponents, and Hitler himself received a prison sentence for breaking up, with the assistance of his cronies, a meeting of Bavarian monarchists at the Löwenbräukeller. Many years later Hitler will reminisce in his monologues: “I could use only people who knew how to brawl. It was the same everywhere: people... quoting Ernst Jünger. 183 Konrad Heiden called them “the armed human scum of five destructive years”. 184 The link between the Ehrhardt Brigade and the Hitler movement was Captain Ernst Röhm, one of those, with Mayr and Eckart, who made Hitler possible. Longerich calls him the “foster father” of the SA. “His conceptions of society were dominated by military categories; he shared the contempt of ... Corps. Röhm had become a member of the DAP shortly after Hitler. Again the jovial Eckart played a role in attracting this powerful and capable officer who would organize the fighting troops of the Party and provide them with arms when the situation so required. In fact, officer Ernst Röhm will never unreservedly submit to ex-corporal Hitler, even if for a time they addressed each other with the familiar ...


... right consequences of a terrific slaughter. 7 I don’t see why Hitler should _______________ 7Who are the people who have such a tenderness for Hitler and object to his being compared to Duryodhana? I hope they are not among those (spiritual people among them, I am told) who believe – or perhaps once believed? – Hitler to be the new Avatar and his religion (God help us!) to be the... inevitably present in all mental formations) I do not know. Hitler as Duryodhana? Again I do not know. He may be or again he may be much less than that. It is too fatally easy to see Krishna’s enemies or even Arjuna’s enemies in those who one may feel to be enemies of one’s own connection. I detest nearly all that I have heard of Hitler (which, incidentally, is not true of Duryodhana) but are the... wide world? Or among those who regard Hitler as a great and good man, a saint, an ascetic and all that is noble and god-like? Page 101 not be compared to Duryodhana, except that Duryodhana, if alive, might complain indignantly that the comparison was a monstrous and scandalous injustice to him and that he never did anything like what Hitler has done. By the way, what about Krishna’s ...

... arrested after the failed coup and imprisoned, first in Stadelheim prison, then with Hitler and the others in fortress at Landsberg. An important document in the Hitler saga is the unfinished “dialogue” Eckart wrote a few months earlier, in April and May 1923: Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue between Adolf Hitler and me . This text is not the rendering of a real dialogue but of a fictitious... 5. Settling Accounts Hitler and his God “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin” Where was Dietrich Eckart during the Hitler Putsch? John Toland spots him at the Bürgerbräukeller, just before the marchers left there, and near the Isartor, watching them pass by singing the “Storm Song” which he had written for the SA. 219 He was already gravely ill in those days... Anti-Semites?” and Hitler gave a recital of his complete anti-Jewish repertoire. In the police protocol of the speech is noted the usual crescendo in the response of the audience: “laughter – applause – bravo and applause – tumultuous applause – long tumultuous applause …” Documents like this show, beyond any doubt, the preparedness of the German soil for the seeds sown by Hitler and his likes. It ...


... friend Hitler had in Linz and Vienna, writes: “Hitler found a natural joy in the theatre and had a passion for it … There is no doubt that my friend Adolf was talented as an orator from his earliest youth. He liked to speak and did so all the time … He surely possessed great theatrical talent which, together with his oratorical talent, he knew how to use admirably.” 889 Kershaw calls Hitler “a consummate... that he was always acting on a stage; and Hitler, only half in jest, proclaimed: “I am the greatest actor in Europe”, verily keeping everybody spellbound by his performance. It was this sense for the theatrical effect which made Hitler one of the foremost stage directors, although he is seldom appreciated as such. (See e.g. Frederic Spotts recent study: Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics. ) What lives... 13. Medium Hitler and his God “A Little Guy Yelled Himself into a Fit” “The force which has ever and always set in motion great historical avalanches of religious and political movements is the magic power of the spoken word”, wrote Hitler in Mein Kampf. “The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than any other force ...


... up to Hitler had to put his life on the line, there was no other way since he had been handed the power on 30 January 1933. Even one week before that day Hitler could have been pushed into the dustbin of history; from that day onward the fate of Germany was sealed. How many attempts have there been on Hitler’s life? Will Berthold has published a book about Die 42 Attentate auf Adolf Hitler¸ others... mutilated though it might now be, had been spared for some specific purpose, some ordained design.” 723 Stauffenberg reached the conclusion that Hitler had to die, this in spite of his own moral principles, his code of honour and the oath of allegiance to Hitler he had sworn as an officer. There was no longer an alternative. “I know that he who acts will go down in German history as a traitor; but he who... there have been more than 46. The fact is that Hitler survived all of them, often in the most incredible way as if he was forewarned or protected. The Stauffenberg attempt on 20 July 1944 affected him more badly than officially acknowledged, and from that day onward his health will decline rapidly. After meeting with him, Goebbels noted in his diary that Hitler “was firmly decided to set a bloody example” ...


... Munich Bürgerbräukeller on 8 November 1939, when Hitler left early, and the Stauffenberg attempt on 20 July 1944 at the Rastenburg headquarters, when in the conference room the briefcase with the bomb was displaced behind a support of the oak table, away from Hitler, by an unsuspecting general. During the four years of the First World War, Hitler performed the dangerous job of Meldegänger, a runner... 15. “The Lord of the Nations” Hitler and his God A Charmed Life Hitler regularly visited the widow of his first favourite architect, Paul Troost. She asked him one day why he cared so little about his personal security. His answer was that he was following “his inner voice” which had told him that he was destined to remain alive “as long as he was needed... would suddenly turn the tide in his favour. If there was a fundamental insanity in Hitler, it was this unshakeable belief in his lucky star.” 992 It is a fact that Hitler’s eventful life seemed to be protected on numerous occasions and in amazing ways. In the preface to his book about Die 42 Attentate auf Adolf Hitler Will Berthold writes: “It is difficult to say exactly how many attempts on Hitler’s ...


... save us. In May 1940 the war suddenly erupted into violent action when, in a surprise move, Hitler launched a massive attack on France through Holland and Belgium. I well remember the occasion. It was evening; Sri Aurobindo was alone in his room. As soon as I entered he looked at me and said, 'Hitler has invaded Holland. Well, we shall see.' This laconic comment, with its deep overtone, still rings... with Hitler, accepting his harsh terms. Meanwhile the British army in France successfully organised a mass evacuation by sea from Dunkirk and more than 300,000 British and allied troops were safely landed in England. Vast quantities of war material had to be left behind but it was a miraculous deliverance for the men who were to form the hard core of the British armies later to fight Hitler with... this he remarked, 'That is the sign that he is the enemy of our work.' He also indicated at this time that besides August 15, September 15 too would be a day of crucial importance for Hitler. As a prelude to invasion, Hitler ordered an aerial offensive on a scale never known before. Had he won this war in the air, the fate of England would have been sealed and perhaps that of the world. But August 15 turned ...


... permanent struggle of the ‘movement’, to be waged over centuries, were laid down. Hitler saw himself as the founder of a new world epoch in which the German claims at absolute world mastery would be realized … The will to absolute dominion is inextricably bound up with the phenomenon Hitler. At the high tide of his victories, Hitler laid claim to the hegemony over Europe, and further on to Germany’s position... Reich, even as a street-sweeper, than to be the king of a foreign state”. Mein Kampf was written in 1924-25, at a time when Hitler had to make a new start in order to give shape to his dreams and world dominion was an envisaged but still vague aim. How, then, did Hitler speak when he held the reins of power? For instance thus, to an assembly of deputies from the Länder, the federal states: “[What... by step”. 372 In this, Hitler was very much aware that to himself he could accord no more than the founder’s role of one who launched a new Weltanschauung and to whom the concrete foundations of the Greater German Reich, incorporating this new world vision or religion, were to be the monuments he planned in proportions becoming of the world’s masters. From 1937 onwards Hitler had hypochondriac fears ...


... knowledge, but without his orders”, and he repeated Rudolf Hess’ words: “Hitler reserved all his important decisions for himself.” 629 Kershaw quotes Heinrich Himmler as saying: “I do nothing that the Führer doesn’t know about.” 630 Christa Schroeder, one of Hitler’s secretaries, exclaimed during an interview after the war: “Of course Hitler knew! Not only knew, it was all his ideas, his orders!” And she described... conviction (p. 98) … He knew that he could not be attacked as a politician because he kept his objectives hidden in a mystic darkness … Hitler showed himself indefinable and has remained so till today (p. 193) … What were the contents of Hitler’s inner truth, nobody knew … Hitler was not a politician who had to work out a programme and to justify his actions to the people, but the saviour of an esoteric cult... ‘When we eradicate this plague [i.e. the Jews]’, Hitler had prophesied during the march on Moscow, ‘we shall accomplish something for humanity of which our men at the front cannot have an idea as yet’. This also meant that those men killed and died without knowing why. And the people around him cheered without knowing why. They became excited when Hitler told them what was at stake and believed in his ...


... after the First World War, and the emergence of Hitler and the National Socialist movement. Without Hitler, the charismatic political leader who believed he had a mission to annihilate the Jews, the Final Solution would not have occurred. Without that assertive and enduring tradition of anti-Semitism by which the Germans sought self-definition, Hitler would not have had the fecund soil in which to grow... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God War and Extermination “Concerning the Jews, Hitler will never change”, wrote Ambassador François-Poncet in his memoirs. “He told me one day that, to his mind, the Jewish problem should be solved by putting all the Jews in the universe on an island, Madagascar for instance. Actually, the only satisfying solution... sentence of this testament Hitler obliged the leadership of the nation, newly appointed by him, to “a strict implementation of the racial laws and to a merciless resistance against the poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry”. In his letter to Adolf Gemlich on the subject of the Jews, and written at the request of Captain Mayr in 1919, twenty-five years earlier, Hitler had already insisted upon ...


... catch all the British Far East Forces in a giant pincer movement.” 1163 Ralph Giordano describes the same strategic plan in his essay Wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte (if Hitler had won the war). “A newspaper report from Moscow under the headline ‘Hitler planned conquest of India, documents reveal’ and dated 21 June 1986, was published the next day in the Indian Express. According to the documents... Turkey’s help, and what can Turkey do alone? So Hitler comes to Asia Minor and that means India. The Asura is up to his tricks again. Now Hitler’s moves are quite clear. He will try to move towards the Mediterranean, taking possession of the Suez [Canal] and then Egypt … “ 1157 Around the same time Sri Aurobindo said: “If England wouldn’t stand in the way Hitler would settle first with Russia, then proceed... “The birthplace of the English self-consciousness is India”, he said in one of his monologues. 1162 We read in Toland’s Hitler biography: “Ribbentrop persistently pressed the Japanese, through Ambassador Oshima, to turn their major attack toward India, but to no avail. Nor was Hitler more successful when he invited Oshima to the Wolfsschanze and repeated the request. The Wehrmacht, he said, was about ...


... Revolution and been introduced to Hitler by Dietrich Eckart, was another admirer of Houston Chamberlain . The pale, zealotic intellectual Rosenberg fitted badly in the rude and crude entourage of Adolf Hitler, was loved by none and hated by many, and was in later years ridiculed even by the Führer himself. During the early years in Munich, however, his influence on Hitler was more important than is now... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God Houston Chamberlain and Rosenberg “It is probably no exaggeration to say, as I have heard more than one follower of Hitler say, that Chamberlain was the spiritual founder of the Third Reich.” 438 With whatever proviso one quotes these words of the experienced journalist who was William Shirer, it is a... “The public regarded the book as the standard text for party ideology, but Hitler in those teatime conversations bluntly called it ‘stuff nobody can understand’, written by ‘a narrow-minded Baltic German who thinks in horribly complicated terms’.” Indeed, Rosenberg was still tougher reading fare than Mein Kampf , and Hitler “expressed wonderment that such a book could ever have attained such sales” ...


... possessed and "guided" Hitler: "Hitler was in contact with a being whom he considered to be the Supreme: that being would come and give him advice and tell him all that he had to do. Hitler would withdraw into solitude and wait long enough to come into contact with his 'guide' and receive inspirations from him which he would afterwards carry out very faithfully. That being whom Hitler took for the Supreme... splendid. He generally appeared to Hitler wearing a breast-plate and a silver helmet (with a sort of flame coming out of his head), and there was around him an atmosphere of dazzling light, so dazzling that Hitler could hardly look at him. He would tell him all that he had to do—he would play with him as with a monkey or a mouse. He had set his mind on making Hitler do all possible kinds of folly...... long to tell), and once, I knew he was going to visit Hitler—I went before he did: I took his appearance, it was very easy. Then I said to Hitler, "Go and attack Russia." I don't exactly remember the words or the details, but the fact was that I told him, "Go... In order to have the supreme victory, go and attack Russia." That was the end of Hitler. He believed it and did it—two days later, we got the ...


... greater devil temporarily in order to smash Hitler who was at that time the bigger immediate menace to civilisation. But would any of them guess that the folly Hitler committed of turning upon Stalin and drawing the more heinous devilry against himself had the Mother's occult goad behind it? The Mother knew exactly what Vital Being was egging Hitler on. She has dubbed him "The Lord of Falsehood"... October 1939, when Hitler and Stalin had already signed a pact of non-aggression. Thus Stalin, the "greater devil", seemed close-linked to the lesser — and against them both there could be only God's thunder stroke preparing in the dim future. But within two years — to be precise, on 22 June 1941 - the possibility of Sri Aurobindo's prophetic words coming true loomed up: Hitler attacked Russia.... arrogates to himself the title: "The Lord of the Nations." Finding Hitler going from strength to strength, she resolved to imitate the special form in which the Lord of Falsehood always appeared to him at his secret headquarters in the Bavarian Alps and inspired him to fantastic actions which yet proved triumphant. He used to come to Hitler clad in a silver cuirass and with a silver helmet from which ...


... be virtually independent. Besides, it is the best chance under the present conditions in opposition to charkha and non-violence____ (A disciple:) If Hitler invades India, Gandhi will declare we are all non-violent. Hitler will be delighted at it. _______________ * In 1942, Sri Aurobindo publicly supported the Cripps proposal to grant India Dominion status (see page... instead of the police doing it. They have no idea about the world and talk like children. Hitlerism is the greatest menace that the world has ever met—if Hitler wins, do they think India has any chance of being free ? It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world-empire____ I hear K. [a disciple] says that Russia can come now and conquer India. It is this kind... freedom and plasticity. Do you think that the average man of today is better than a Greek of 2500 hundred years ago, or than an Indian of those times ? Look at the condition of Germany today [under Hitler] —you can't say that it is progressing. I have come in contact with the Indian masses and found them better than the Europeans of the same class. They are superior to the European working classes ...


... splendid. Generally he used to appear to Hitler wearing a silver cuirass and helmet; a kind of flame came out of his head and there was an atmosphere of dazzling light around him, so dazzling that Hitler could hardly look at him. He used to tell Hitler everything that had to be done—he played with him as with a monkey or a mouse. He had decided clearly to make Hitler commit all possible extravagances till... instance, that of Hitler, who was in contact with a being whom he considered to be the Supreme: this being came and gave him advice, told him all that he had to do. Hitler used to retire into solitude and remain there as long as it was necessary to come into contact with his "guide" and receive from him inspirations which he carried out later very faithfully. This being which Hitler took for the Supreme... When Hitler died, did the Lord of Falsehood pass into Stalin? It is not altogether like that that things happen, but it is something similar. This being did not wait for Hitler's death, it is there you make a mistake. These beings are not at all tied to a single physical presence. The being in question could very well possess Hitler and at the same time influence many others. Hitler was got ...


... historian of the holocaust”, Hitler represents “near-ultimate evil”. Sebastian Haffner calls Hitler “a truly evil man” and writes about “the enormous evil in him”. Ambassador François-Poncet is of the opinion that Hitler was “a man driven to the extreme by a demon”. The historian Milton Himmelfarb says: “I don’t think that Hitler was a statesman. I don’t think that Hitler was an accidental agent. I think... persons who have a direct experience to tell. Admiral Karl Dönitz said: “Hitler was a demon.” General Franz Halder stated: “I never found genius in him, only the diabolical.” SS-general Walter Schellenberg wrote in his memoirs: “Hitler was ruled by the demonic forces driving him …” Ulrich de Maizière, general staff officer: “From Hitler emanated a demonic influence which is hard to describe, but against... him. To mention a few: Konrad Heiden writes about “the abysmal force” that was in Hitler, “the demon, disguised as an unknown soldier from the Vienna lodging-house”. Emil Fackenheim, a “theologian of the Holocaust”, calls Hitler’s reign “a radical evil”, “an eruption of demonism in history”. To William Shirer, Hitler was “a person of undoubted, if evil, genius”, “possessed of a demonic personality” ...


... alliance with Germany and rule over France. SRI AUROBINDO: If Hitler allows. Even then, after taking England he will turn to them and destroy them completely. These people are idiots, not politicians. Hitler has clearly said in his Mein Kampf that France must be crushed. So long as France exists, Germany will be in danger. Hitler first wanted to make friends with England. When that failed, he... commander of the Middle East will not submit and neither will the navy. PURANI: That will be very good. Hitler can't stop the navy. Except for the Italian Navy, he has no sea power. SRI AUROBINDO: Three things are important: French gold, her air force and her navy. If the navy falls to Hitler, it will be a difficult time for England. PURANI: Oil reserves also; it is not known what the French... states; of course, not without difficulty, for they may resist. Hitler is not likely to keep quiet over the trouble in the Balkans. With Italy's help he may settle the Balkan problem and that of Asia Minor. Or he may allow Russia a free hand now, knowing that he can settle with her afterwards. NIRODBARAN: Will Pétain hand over France to Hitler? SRI AUROBINDO: These people— (Sri Aurobindo left his ...


... possible unless Hitler undergoes deterioration. PURANI: Hitler's entry into Rumania seems to be his first step towards the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: It is, like all his moves, a slow penetration from which he may go to Turkey, Egypt and Asia. What is wonderful is Stalin's attitude. He is quite silent. NIRODBARAN: Any secret pact? SRI AUROBINDO: Even if there were, how long would Hitler respect it... he won? Then Russia would have either to resist or be effaced. Stalin is counting on the exhaustion of the Axis and England and France. Now if Hitler takes Turkey and Egypt and Africa, that will mean practically England's defeat. Then what can Russia do? Hitler has a sufficient army to fight on two fronts while England can hardly spare her troops. PURANI: Japan is trying to be original: she says she... collapse of France. PURANI: But why should Hitler make such a peace if he finds that he has chances of success? The trouble with us is that we want to cut off our nose to spite another's face. SRI AUROBINDO: No, we call in a third party to cut off our nose to spite the other's face. (Laughter) India has always done that. DR. RAO : If Hitler is defeated and they make another treaty of Versailles ...


... NIRODBARAN: Italy is not showing herself anywhere—neither on land nor in the air. It seems the Italians could easily be driven out of Africa. Then Mussolini and Hitler can quarrel over France. SRI AUROBINDO: Not so soon. As long as Hitler has England to fight, he will keep Italy with him. EVENING According to Bhaskar's radio, peace terms have been placed before Pétain. Laval and fifty other... Quite so. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SRI AUROBINDO (after some time): Russia is following a dangerous policy for herself. Does she think that Hitler will be so damaged by fight with England that Stalin will be able to destroy him by an attack? When Hitler gets the whole of France he will build up his position very strongly; then he might try to blockade England, since a direct invasion of England... . SRI AUROBINDO: Who are the people? Indians? PURANI: Yes, they say that Hitler has allowed Holland to keep her own Dutch Government. NIRODBARAN: Government is all right. What about the policy? The Dutch will have to follow Hitler's policy. SRI AUROBINDO: Why won't he allow them their own Government? Hitler can bring in his own men to rule everywhere, but I don't think he wants to attach ...


... scheme and writes about it in the papers. SRI AUROBINDO: What did he write? SATYENDRA: The Indian Express cut a joke at his cost. SRI AUROBINDO: It is as somebody said, "Only God and Hitler know what Hitler will do next," so only God and Pattabhi know what Gandhi will do? (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Like Dinabandhu Mitra writing an epilogue to Bankim's novels? SRI AUROBINDO: How is that? ... beginning of the end of the Balkans, because Bulgaria won't resist. Greece will be at its wit's end without Turkey's help and what can Turkey do all alone? So Hitler comes to Asia Minor and that means India. This is what I thought, long before, that Hitler might do in the Balkans. The Asura is up to his tricks again. Now Hitler's moves are quite clear. He will try to move towards the Mediterranean, taking... join Russia!" NIRODBARAN: I wonder if Stalin has made a secret pact with Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what all suspect. But what will be the value of any such pact if England is defeated? Then Italy, Germany and Japan will all turn on Russia. NIRODBARAN: How, if Greece and Turkey together put up resistance to Hitler? SRI AUROBINDO: That would be an effective check. England could come in ...


... splendid. Generally he used to appear to Hitler wearing a silver cuirass and helmet; a kind of flame came out of his head and there was an atmosphere of dazzling light around him, so dazzling that Hitler could hardly look at him. He used to tell Hitler everything that had to be done—he played with him as with a monkey or a mouse. He had decided clearly to make Hitler commit all possible extravagances till... instance, that of Hitler, who was in contact with a being whom he considered to be the Supreme: this being came and gave him advice, told him all that he had to do. Hitler used to retire into solitude and remain there as long as it was necessary to come into contact with his “guide” and receive from him inspirations which he carried out later very faithfully. This being which Hitler took for the Supreme... which did happen. But cases like this are frequent, though on a smaller scale, of course. Hitler was a very good medium, he had great mediumistic capacities, but he lacked intelligence and discrimination. This being could tell him anything whatever and he swallowed it all. It was he who pushed Hitler little by little. And he was doing this as a distraction, he did not take life seriously. For these ...


... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God The Search for Meaning The analysis in the previous chapters of the German mentality which lead directly to Hitler would not be complete without paying attention to the sincere longing behind even the most delirious extremes of national egoism, the historical and cultural fancies, and the aversion to everything... cadet schools. Hitler profited greatly from the peculiarities of an authoritarian educational system.” 644 The patriotic, rigidly authoritarian German teachers had sent “the Langemarck Youth” into the trenches of the First World War; the same kind of teachers, seconded by martinet fathers, are to be found in practically every biography of Germans in the Second World War, be they Hitler, Bormann, Speer... Jesuits, who, after all, were the Catholic Church’s warriors to fight the Reformation. And Hitler himself confided to Rauschning: “I shall tell you a secret: I am founding an order.” The top elite schools of “his” youth were the three Ordensburgen at Krössinsee, Sonthofen and Vogelsang. Even the ordinary Hitler Youth, obligatorily joined by all young Germans from the age of six, had to live up to the ...


... And they could rely on the blockade. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but except for war materials the blockade can't be so effective if Hitler becomes master of Europe. EVENING News arrived at about 6:20 p.m. that Pétain has decided to stop fighting and negotiate with Hitler for honourable peace terms. The Mother gave the news to Sri Aurobindo and went away. SRI AUROBINDO (after reading the news):... one is Hitler's death and the other is if Hitler exhausts himself so much that he has to wait before farther adventures. In that case time will be gained. NIRODBARAN: If America and Russia joined with England, the three of them would make a formidable combination. SRI AUROBINDO: That is common sense. But nobody listens to common sense. Even if Hitler dies, there is Stalin. And if Stalin invades... (later in the evening): No terms have been given yet? SRI AUROBINDO: No. NIRODBARAN: It seems to me France has acted more dishonourably than the Belgian king. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, yes. Besides, Hitler now becomes the master of Europe. NIRODBARAN: But why has France done this? She still has a huge army and navy intact. She could have withdrawn somewhere else, as Reynaud said, instead of surrendering ...


... strong man of France but he also is nothing beside Hitler. NIRODBARAN: What about Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: Stalin has the face of an astute and confident ruffian. No one thought of Hitler as having anything in him. Then came the vital development, the vital Power holding him in its clutch. Mussolini is at least human, with a human character. Hitler is terribly cruel—another trait that comes out very... he says on the whole hangs perfectly together. I think it is in a photograph in L'Illustration , where Hitler, Goebbels and Goering are together, that the characters of the three come out very well. In other photos the disclosure is not so striking: the expressions get hidden. But here Hitler gives the impression of having the face of a Paris street-criminal. Goebbels shows a narrow sharp-cut face... Pact I saw Hitler with Chamberlain. This man with a great diabolical cunning in his eyes was looking at Chamberlain, who looked like a fly before a spider on the point of being caught—and he actually was caught. Mussolini had a great power. But when I saw the photograph of the two dictators together after Munich, strangely enough I found Mussolini almost weak by contrast, as if Hitler could put him ...


... human values ... ; Hitler stands for diabolical values .... That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a primary importance.... 19 Then, adverting to Nolini's reference to Kurukshetra, Sri Aurobindo said that the parallel between the Mahabharata war and the war initiated by Hitler should not be pushed... On The Mother CHAPTER 30 The Mother's War I In the last months of 1940, although Hitler had had to abandon his idea of invading Britain, the Luftwaffe sporadically continued its aerial warfare and among the cities receiving special attention were London, Coventry, Southampton, Bristol, Sheffield and Manchester. There was punitive counteraction... comparative lull in Europe was too good to last much longer. Realising at last that a successful invasion of Britain was impossible so long as the mass of his troops had to keep guard in the East, Hitler took the fateful plunge and on 22 June ordered an attack on Russia all along the border. Brest-Litovsk fell a couple of days later, and a relentless advance was maintained towards Leningrad, Moscow ...


... threatened utterly to engulf mankind through Hitler, the occult good that promises to lift mankind utterly to the heights through Sri Aurobindo. And whoever understands the war's profound meaning will also realise that Nazism, though defunct in its Hitlerite shape, may yet prepare a new attack and that it would be an error to regard all enemies of Hitler as having been children of Light. In... study was first published on the fourth anniversary of the end of that conflict and subsequently reprinted when Totalitarianism was on the rampage from Red China.] Now that Hitler is past history we are liable to forget the true significance of those six years of sweat and tears and blood which were required to beat Nazism to its knees. And, forgetting it, we may fail... terrible menace of that period. The truth about World War II will not be grasped simply by looking at the material surface or even by examining the ideological forces at work. The New Order of Hitler, in the aid of which his Panzers and Luftwaffe went out to battle and the Gestapo and the Fifth Column of Quislings spread everywhere their tentacles, was not a mere man's conception. Its origin ...

... Toland in his standard biography of Adolf Hitler. The hesitation would eventually cost the Germans dearly: it would cost them the war. Goering had requested from Hitler the honour and the pleasure of being allowed to smash with his Luftwaffe the enemy troops, densely and helplessly packed on the beaches of Dunkirk; for reasons as yet incomprehensible, Hitler had given his consent. ‘But fog came to the... this time led by their Führer, Adolf Hitler, again looked unstoppable. Their tanks rumbled through the low countries and through the Ardennes towards the French Channel ports. By this manoeuvre they would, again, try to cut off the withdrawing French forces and the British Expeditionary Force. The Blitzkrieg would then be over in less than no time, and Hitler would reign as the supreme lord and master... of about 900 ships and boats of all shapes and sizes carried 338,226 British and Allied troops across the Channel between 24 May and 4 June. ‘Oddly, the continuing evacuation did not seem to perturb Hitler,’ remarks Toland, and his prey had escaped before he realized what was going on. In Pondicherry, Aurobindo Ghose, now called Sri Aurobindo, sat in the company of a few disciples for their daily ...


... NIRODBARAN: But does it operate both ways? PURANI: Yes, that is the arrangement. SRI AUROBINDO: The French made the mistake of not concentrating all their troops against Hitler. NIRODBARAN: Dilip says if America is attacked by Hitler, it will only be after a long time. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he will settle first with Asia and Africa. NIRODBARAN: England? SRI AUROBINDO: An attack on England is... AUROBINDO: Stalin wants to fortify his position while Hitler is engaged elsewhere. He is fortifying it in Galicia too. SATYENDRA: These governments are all a nuisance. Perhaps what Sisir said may come true that we may have to seek refuge on some islets. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if islets are available. (Laughter) We shall have to if Hitler or Stalin comes in. Stalin will at the very outset... NIRODBARAN: Dilip says that the Americans won't come into the war; he is quite definite about it. SRI AUROBINDO: They are hesitating and they may not unless they are frightened of conquest by Hitler. PURANI: Americans are now willing to enlist for the Allies but their law doesn't allow them. NIRODBARAN: Can't the law be changed? SRI AUROBINDO: It can be but the Congress has to do it. ...


... n with the outside world. NIRODBARAN: If the navy and the air force don't come back? SRI AUROBINDO: They can't be brought back. Hitler may then say that the armistice terms have been broken and he will occupy the whole of France. PURANI: And how will Hitler subjugate the colonies that don't accept the French Government? In the Middle East the authorities have said they will fight on. Pétain... now what will be the plight of the refugees who have taken shelter in France—Czechs, Belgians, Italians and Poles? They will have to be surrendered to Hitler and will undergo severe trials. NIRODBARAN: Some people here still believe that Hitler has no eye on India as he does not want colonies. SRI AUROBINDO: He is talking of colonies now. NIRODBARAN: I don't see what can prevent him from... self-government—for instance, Dominion Status—all would help the Allies." SRI AUROBINDO: Is what she says true? I thought that India was anti-British. Mitran has told the Mother that Madras is pro-Hitler. SATYENDRA: That must be the bazaar gossip. Mitran can't have the opportunity of mixing with various people. Natesan also expressed some sarcasm at the cost of Britain. I suppose some pleaders may ...


... Supermind descent, Sir. Otherwise Hitler, Mussolini & Co. will gunfire it like—! What has Supermind to do with Hitler or Hitler with Supermind? Do you expect the Supermind to aviate to Berchtesgaden? How the devil can they gunfire S; their aeroplanes can't even reach Pondicherry, much less the Supermind. The descent of S depends on S, not on Hitler or no Hitler. 16 September 1938 1944 There... will become supramental if it has a chance. The atmosphere is most confoundedly disturbed, that is why I am ingeminating "peace, peace, peace!" like a summer dove or an intellectual under the rule of Hitler. Of course, I am not asking you to become supramental offhand. That is my Page 338 business, and I will do it if you fellows give me a chance, which you are not doing just now (you is not... you make, of course. They stand on the credit of the reporters.) Since the descent of the Supermind will quicken up all the processes, why not take an axe of retrenchment ... How? I am not Hitler. and cut off all impeding elements ruthlessly so that among a very few chosen disciples, the whole work may go on most concentratedly and rapidly? When the miracle is achieved, all of us will flock ...


... Yes, but what if he wants to go back to France? The Pétain Government will be there. NIRODBARAN: Is Hitler trying to checkmate Russia in Turkey or working in league with Russia? SRI AUROBINDO: Don't know. But Stalin and Molotov would be off their heads to allow Hitler to get Turkey. Hitler would next occupy Asia Minor and then Asia. Then Jawaharlal might think the invasion of India has become... going to be stopped between Madras and Pondicherry. The people are in a panic. Hitler has declared that the French fleet is not to be demobilised, (laughter) because he can't get at it and he has threatened Turkey and Yugoslavia. It depends now on what Russia will do because it will be dangerous for Russia to allow Hitler to get control of Turkey which means control of the Dardanelles also, an entry... entry into Asia Minor. The position will then be that except for Russia and Britain everybody will be under Hitler. Spain is practically under his thumb. That is the New World Order. I suppose. Only North Africa will be out of it, since it is being guarded by the British navy. PURANI: I suppose Turkey will consult Russia before yielding. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Everybody is climbing down. Have you noted ...


... considered the strong man of France, while he was so evidently weak. In their meeting with Hitler, Hitler was clearly the most cunning, strong and powerful as if he could break them into bits; Daladier was of course the weakest and Chamberlain was a crafty fool thinking that he was dealing most diplomatically with Hitler while he didn't see the reality of what he was doing. I wonder how Chamberlain had such... If, as is reported, Hitler wants all the colonies contiguous with British colonies, then our position becomes unsafe. NIRODBARAN: But the colonies may refuse to accept such terms. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, in that case Pétain may find an excuse and break out. But if he surrenders the navy and the colonies nothing can be more shameful and more disastrous. SATYENDRA: Hitler may not be so severe now... now and maybe content at present with only the occupation of France. SRI AUROBINDO: France in any case is gone now. Resistance is out of the question but Hitler may give such terms as to make them so powerless that he can later get the colonies and the navy. SATYENDRA: Many soldiers are passing to Switzerland, they say, and are being interned. They must have been tired. SRI AUROBINDO: No, ...


... Legend of the Ages. 1 — Louis Pauwels The Medium Adolf Hitler 91 ‘Hitler is a choice instrument of the hostile forces,’ the Mother wrote in a letter to her son André. Many would have agreed with her if they had read that letter. Dusty Sklar, for instance, writes in her book The Nazis and the Occult : ‘Hitler was abandoning himself to forces which were carrying him away — forces... André Brissaud ‘the great initiator’ of Hitler. ‘Until his death [in 1923] Dietrich Eckart will be the great mentor of Adolf Hitler. The future Fiihrer of the Third Reich will owe him much, to begin with his “initiation” in the legend of Thule and the development of his mediumistic faculties. Eckart will contribute considerably to the development in Hitler of an unshakable self-confidence, founded... To the same Rauschning, Hitler cried out triumphantly: ‘The new man lives among us! He is here! Is this enough for you? I shall tell you a secret: I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I have been afraid in his presence.’ ‘When he spoke these words,’ Rauschning adds, ‘Hitler trembled with ecstatic fervour.’ 19 Rauschning also reports a conversation Hitler had with Bernhard Forster ...


... how a Dr Edmund Forster thus created Hitler has been written by David Lewis and published in 2003 as The Man Who Invented Hitler . This book is based on a novel by Ernst Weiss, and all links with the facts behind the story are very thin and in most cases nothing more than suppositions. Besides, one must have a poor idea of what it took Hitler to become Hitler and to start the fateful realization of... of the Hitler phenomenon call “the gap”. One of its aspects is “the abyss between the small-time film-noir grifter, the mountebank criminal the Munich Post reporters knew, and the magnitude of the horror Hitler created when he came to power in Berlin”. 918 How this came to be is still an enigma even to the most prominent historians. The first important episode in the rise of Adolf Hitler is what... kind of transformative vision or hallucination. It was a life-changing moment of metamorphosis … Hitler conceived the mission and the myth that would bring him to power fifteen years later.” Rosenbaum also mentions that Hitler “heard ‘voices’, or [had] a providential vision from on high”, and that “Hitler himself claimed he received a visionary impetus to redeem Germany from Jews and Bolsheviks.” 922 ...


... have been smashed if Hitler had invaded England at the right time, just after the fall of France.” 1125 It is noteworthy that Sri Aurobindo said on 20 June, i.e. before Hitler’s western campaign was concluded: “I think the next war will be between Russia and Germany.” 1126 (In March, before the Blitzkrieg, he had already opined: “Hitler is the great danger to Russia.”) Hitler had his first meeting... testifies to the fact that the destruction of Paris was a kind of obsession with Hitler. “‘We shall reach the decision in France’, Hitler screamed. ‘We will reduce Paris to rubble. We must break the chains of Versailles.’ Oh! my God, I thought, Paris in ruins, the Louvre, all those art treasures gone. Each time Hitler got into this mood I felt almost physically sick.” 1141 And Fest writes in Der Untergang... attitude of “appeasement”, had worn out. By now Chamberlain understood – and his government colleagues as well as the House of Commons had made him understand – that Hitler had tricked him. Great Britain and France both warned Hitler that this time they would not take any further aggressive action lying down. On 2 September they warned him by ultimatum that he had to withdraw his invasion force by ...


... hands with Hitler, we were dismayed and felt that there would be no chance for the Divine, were such a formidable alliance to take place. Sri Aurobindo at once retorted, "Is the Divine going to be cowed by Stalin?" When, seeing Hitler sweeping like a meteor over Europe, a sadhak cried in despair to the Guru, "Where is the Divine? Where is your word of hope?" Sri Aurobindo replied calmly, "Hitler is not... Sri Aurobindo: Even if there is one, how long will Hitler respect it if he wins? Then Russia will have either to resist or be effaced. Stalin counted on the exhaustion of the Axis as well as of England and France. Now if Hitler takes Turkey, Africa and Egypt, that will mean practically England's defeat. After that, what can Russia do? Hitler has a sufficiently big army to fight on two fronts while... have been swallowed up by Hitler long ago." Unfortunately I haven't kept further record of the talks on the War. When America joined the Allies and Hitler attacked Russia there was no doubt that behind both these movements, Sri Aurobindo's divine diplomacy played a great part just as his intervention or what he called the Divine Intervention saved England from invasion by Hitler. In October 1939, Sri Aurobindo ...

... conflicts; history regains the breath of the Legend of the Ages.’ 23 ‘One can say that Hitler is not a devil but is possessed by one,’ said Sri Aurobindo; 24 he also called him ‘an infrarational mystic.’ Sri Aurobindo and the Mother knew perfectly well by which power Hitler was possessed. ‘[Hitler] was a medium, a very good medium,’ said the Mother later. ‘Besides, he became possessed during... that people in the Ashram are pro-Hitler – will be compelled to take steps, at least expel those who are so. If these people want that the Ashram should be dissolved, they can come and tell me and I will dissolve it instead of the police doing it. They have no idea about the world and talk like children. Hitler is the greatest menace that the world has ever met. If Hitler wins, do they think India has... able to view the subjects of their studies. ‘It is a universal failing of writers on Hitler to assume that there is nothing mysterious or difficult to understand about him,’ writes Kimberley Cornish. ‘Yet if we ignore the moral dimension of what he wrought – its overwhelming wickedness – then it seems to me that Hitler has a claim to rank as the most extraordinary man the continent of Europe has ever ...

... by Chamberlain and Daladier to appease Hitler showed how by practising brinkmanship the Fuehrer had got what he wanted without firing a single shot. But both sides were merely playing for time, and by mid-1939 it was clear that Hitler did mean business this time. He signed a pact with Russia, and ordered his troops to attack Poland on 1 September. Hitler had his admirers even in India, and it... Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. Mussolini's attack of France from the rear on 11 June and some easy conquests in that area further demoralised the French and compelled them to make an ignominious peace with the triumphant Hitler. A shaken and battered Britain was now left alone to face the might of Hitler, with most of Western Europe under his grip.... could be so easily exterminated, and Hitler himself couldn't quite succeed in annihilating the Jewish people. The need of the hour was courage  sustained by faith: Page 710 There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and ...

... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God Parallels and Contrasts There are striking parallels between the conceptions of Adolf Hitler and the vision of Sri Aurobindo. After all, Hitler saw himself as the announcer and initiator of a new era in human history which was succeeding the millennium of the Christian era; it was his intention to create a... could be said that in broad outline Hitler’s vision was the shadow of Sri Aurobindo’s vision. Considerations of this sort have indeed led some to declare Hitler an “avatar”, i.e. a divine incarnation come to initiate a new age (cf. Miguel Serrano: Hitler – El ultimo Avatar ). Yet, where Sri Aurobindo’s vision is intrinsically progressive, Hitler’s view and initiatives were retrograde, intending to lead... remains an enigma. Would racial pride, some resurrected folklore and a religion of the masses suffice? Could the life of a superior racial robot be satisfactory? And who would be their living god after Hitler had left the earthly stage? In contrast with this terrible prospect of a world ruled by racial robots, Sri Aurobindo stressed the crucial importance of the individual, always of a higher consciousness ...


... scientists who were active eugenicists, also in France, where a militant and racist nationalism will find its voice during the years of the nation-splitting Dreyfus Affair, and lead to collaboration with Hitler under the Vichy regime. Still, the following statement by Edwin Black will no doubt come as a surprise to many: “The Nazi principle of Nordic superiority was not hatched in the Third Reich but on Long... meager results? We do not know; we have no data. Prevailing ‘opinion’ says we must face the later alternative. If this were so, it would be better to export the black race at once.” 30 (At one time Hitler gave his consent for negotiations to export the German Jews to the island of Madagascar.) “Despite their virulent racism, the Anglo-Saxon Clubs claimed they harboured no ill will toward the Negroes... massive financial grants and the German scientific establishment that began the eugenic programs that were finished by Mengele in Auschwitz.” No, Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were not the only Hitler fans. The feeling of superiority was deeply ingrained in the Germanic people, who considered that dominating the world was their birthright. As to eugenics, the following words of the famous Herr ...

... century and of humanity. In chapter 17 I had written: “Hitler did not invade England [after the surrender of France] and neither did Great Britain collapse, as was generally expected. The reason was one man: Winston Churchill … ‘In Churchill Hitler found something more than an antagonist. To a panic-stricken Europe the German dictator had appeared almost like invincible Fate. Churchill reduced him... Hitler and his God Postscript: Churchill’s Mission It does not happen often that events in the occult history are confirmed by an impartial, objective source. This makes it worthwhile to report the following testimony, published after the first edition of the present book and directly related to a crucially important phase in the history of the 20th century... already said in passing: ‘England is quite unreliable under her present leadership,’ and that he and the Mother were looking for a suitable person. If the Asura had his instrument in one camp [Adolf Hitler], the White Forces needed theirs in the opposite camp once their decision had been made to engage actively in the battle. It is now mostly forgotten what a chancy affair the coming to power of Winston ...


... 17. A World in the Balance Hitler and his God “Where is Hitler Now … ?” By this time the daily conversations Sri Aurobindo held with the small circle of disciples had gradually fizzled out. When three years back the author asked Nirodbaran for the reason, his answer was that he did not know. In his Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo we find that “the original... not speaking of personal things – which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other blacknesses... realms which constitute the total reality, and the human actors in front of the curtain are for the most part unconscious instruments of the Powers which really determine the course of history. Hitler was very much aware of the occult gradations of existence and of the importance of the times in which he lived as one of the great changes in the destiny of humanity. It was his pride to be the chosen ...


... ly bad, considering the fact that after the Independence (15th August, 1947),² the partition provided most disconcerting opportunities for the worst communal riots. Hitler was destroyed but the Force that was working behind Hitler was still there; and there was Stalin, too. As Mother explained later on: __________________________________________ ¹Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, Centenary Library... (Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, Centenary Library, Vol. 26, pp. 404-5.) Page 93 Hitler was destroyed because he had a whole nation and physical power behind him, and had he succeeded, it would have been disastrous for humanity; but we had no illusions. The death of either one of them (Stalin or Hitler) serves no great purpose—it goes off elsewhere. It is as if you were doing something very... from the 'staff, asked Sri Aurobindo rather innocently as to why the whole 'staff should not be retrenched and then get the Supermind down quickly. In answer, Sri Aurobindo wrote back: I am not Hitler. Things cannot be done like that. You might just as well ask the Mother and myself to isolate ourselves in the Himalayas....² In another context, Sri Aurobindo wrote: If we had lived physically ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 26 JUNE 1940 PURANI: Hitler has presented a plan for the federation of continental Europe from which England and Russia will be barred. This man is full of ideas. SRI AUROBINDO: His New World Order? PURANI: Yes, Europe will be divided into three blocks: they will have no armies. SRI AUROBINDO: Wait a minute... How will the blocks be formed? PURANI: One block in the Balkans, one in Belgium, Holland, France, etc., and another in Spain, Portugal and other countries, I suppose. They won't have any armies. Hitler alone will have an army. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course, small nations won't be able to resist, except Franco's Spain, and she can have some weight and Turkey too can resist. NIRODBARAN: Italy's claims... be demilitarised. SRI AUROBINDO: After which she can easily seize them whenever she wants to. She may reserve territorial claims for the peace treaty. NIRODBARAN: There has been a warning that Hitler may ask Italy to be mild now in order to lull the French people into a false sense of security. SATYENDRA: The French fleet has been demobilised already, Churchill says, and is under German control ...


... Overmind arching over all other levels and the two aspects are gathered together in it and combined in the same consciousness. (Turning to Nirodbaran) To come back to Hitler: Hitler is responsible so long as he feels he is Hitler. In his youth, he was considered an amusing crank and nobody took any notice of him. It is the vital possession that gives him his size and greatness. Without this vital... intends to ask you a question but he hesitates. It is the contradiction in what you said yesterday that he is unable to understand. NIRODBARAN: Once you said that the Cosmic Spirit might be leading Hitler on the way he is going and then you said that the Cosmic Spirit is not responsible for Hitler's actions. These two statements seem contradictory to me. SRI AUROBINDO: That is generally the case... standard of good and evil. You can't say that it is responsible for the one and not the other. Through good and evil, light and darkness, the Cosmic Spirit works out its purpose. NIRODBARAN: Why is Hitler made to pursue this path of violence, repression, etc.? SRI AUROBINDO: Because he has to evolve through his own nature. PURANI: When the freedom of the Purusha is won, then does it become possible ...


... the Jews will be driven out and persecuted everywhere. So Hitler by his mass persecution of the Jews may be bringing about the Golden Age! NIRODBARAN: Then has one no responsibility? Can one do as one likes. In that case one becomes a fatalist. SRI AUROBINDO: No, one can't do as one likes. Everyone is not Hitler and can't do what Hitler does. One acts according to one's nature. Your question reminds... standard by which one can judge that a voice is the right one? SRI AUROBINDO: What standard? There is no such standard. How can you judge whether a voice is right or wrong? NIRODBARAN: Then is Hitler right when he hears a voice and follows it? SRI AUROBINDO: Right in what sense? Morally? PURANI: Perhaps Nirodbaran means spiritually right. SRI AUROBINDO: How can one say that Hitler's voice... been able to get Austria and Czechoslovakia and has been successful in many other things. As I said, the Cosmic Spirit rnay want him to go that way. Even from the standpoint of ethics, one can't say Hitler is immoral. He is very restricted as regards food, is supposed to have no wife or mistress and leads a very controlled life in all respects. He shows qualities which are considered moral. Robespierre ...


... NIRODBARAN: Lloyd George has given a complimentary epithet to Hitler by calling him extraordinary. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he has an admiration for Hitler. SATYENDRA: Others have called him a mad dog. NIRODBARAN: In the Ashram the feeling is divided. Some are for the British and some for Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: For Hitler? SATYENDRA: Not exactly, but they are anti-British. SRI AUROBINDO:... forget to put up any resistance. This Hitler seems to have romantic head. SATYENDRA: Why is England landing troops in Iceland? What danger could there be? SRI AUROBINDO: They could as well do it at the North Pole. SATYENDRA: After all they have taken an initiative. Since they could not do it anywhere else, why not in Iceland? SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler may be mad, but not so mad as to attack ...


... scuttled. SRI AUROBINDO: It has been scuttled? PURANI:Yes. The commander of the Graf Spee scuttled it on his own. He has committed harakiri. SRI AUROBINDO: I thought Hitler had asked him to do it. PURANI: No, Hitler left the entire decision to him asking him to do what he thought best. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't understand these scuttles and suicides. NIRODBARAN: Perhaps the German naval... the same because they prefer to be moral. SATYENDRA: They are professing too much. SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Satyendra) : You have read that Hitler has proclaimed a naval victory over fishing boats and trawlers? (Laughter) SATYENDRA: Yes, Hitler speaks of his victories; his losses he suppresses or denies and invents all sorts of lies. Churchill seems to try to give true news. SRI AUROBINDO:... because he says he doesn't want to give such news to the Germans. SATYENDRA : An English submarine torpedoed a German cruiser and Hitler denied it. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he said there was some explosion underwater. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Somebody has said Hitler is such a liar that one can accept the opposite of what he says as true. (Laughter) Anyway, the war is getting more lively now. ...


... destroyed? NIRODBARAN: These people seem to believe Hitler more than others. SRI AUROBINDO: And these people pretend to do Yoga? The French themselves have said that the B.E.F. was rescued—the majority of it—and people who have returned from Flanders have written to us about the evacuation. If this Asuric influence acting through Hitler is being cast on the Ashram too, it is dangerous. PURANI:... people; third, care only for success without regard for truth. There have been men who have done that with some pretence of truth. But Hitler speaks openly of his method of falsehood and yet people believe him. NIRODBARAN: Except for the air attack, what else can Hitler do against England and how far will the air attack be successful? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. Aeroplanes can be tremendously d... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 20 JULY 1940 PURANI: Hitler has simply poured abuse on England in his speech and said the usual things. If England doesn't accept peace, she will be destroyed. SRI AUROBINDO: How? He talks only of air attack. With aeroplanes he can, destroy a good deal no doubt, but the same can be done to Germany. SATYENDRA: He ...


... on his biographers, 696; deep interest in the war, 696ff; Hitler & Napoleon, 696-7; spiritual intervention in the war, 697, 704-5; on Quisling, 697-8; on Churchill's Government, 698; 'The Children of Wotan', 699ff, 707; on Nazi rule, 700, 707; on the resignation of the Congress ministries, 701; on ashramites' pro-Hitler feelings, 702; on Hitler as the Asura, 702-3; support to allied cause, 704; support... 599; Guru-Sishya exchanges, 599-600; Grand Trunk Road 600; food and sleep, 600-02; samadhi and waking realisation, 602; hostile forces, 603; their role, 603; soul within and Grace above, 603; pro-Hitler sympathies of sadhaks, 702-3; C. R. Reddy on Ashram children, 718; focus of India's spirituality, 724; flower-offerings, 725; Tan Yun-shan on, 725; "a new Heaven and a new Earth", 726; atmosphere of... Sri Aurobindo on Pururavas and Urvasie, 94; his handling of blank verse, 94ff; polychromatic rhapsody, 96ff; an Elizabethan play predating the Elizabethans, 98fn Hill, E. F. F., 752 Hitler, Adolf, 127-28, 695, 696ff, 707, 711 Homer, 21,605 Hopkins, G. M. 330, 536, 615,695 Hour of God, The, 209 House of Brut, The, 120, 152, 153-54 Human ...

... Dunkirk when every­body was expecting the immediate fall of England and the definite triumph of Hitler, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German victory almost immediately arrested and the tide of war begin to turn in the opposite direction. This he did; because he saw that behind Hitler and Nazism were dark Asuric forces and that their success would mean the enslavement of mankind... not speaking of personal things – which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule?³ 20-10-1946 ¹ Sri Aurobindo, On Himself , pp. 169-70. ² Ibid., p. 188. ³ Ibid., pp... to take in addition other action of a public kind. The first was in relation to the Second World War. At the beginning he did not actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate the world, he began to intervene. He declared himself publicly on the side of the Allies, made some financial contributions in answer ...


... to Hindenberg it does not seem to be so. Disciple : Jawaharlal says that Hitler and his generals did not expect the non-resistance – which they met – from Austria. They were all very much surprised. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, the generals were opposed to Hitler, for they were not prepared to fight. Now Hitler will say :  “Have you seen that I am right? Things have happened as I told you... means he will try to regain all that once belonged Page 154 to Italy. England is deliberately raising Hitler and Mussolini against France and letting her down. I do not know why unless the three want to share the empire of France and then England may try to put Hitler and Mussolini against each other. That may be her selfish, traditional policy, but it is a very risky game. Disciple... should not count on England. Disciple : I wonder why Flandin wants to support France when Blum is against him. You know Flandin even sent telegram to Mussolini conveying his congratulations. Hitler counts Flandin as a friend – he intends to join the Rome-Berlin axis and thus keep out England! Sri Aurobindo : Italy shall demand after the Spanish question is settled. Italy is almost sure ...

... out during the war. One of them was Hitler”, Mayr recollected later. 4 We know that Hitler attended a meeting of the DAP on 12 September 1919 at the Sterneckerbräu on Mayr’s instigation, and that he soon will join this secret Thule circle with the intention to use it as a launching pad for the realization of the mission he had received. Mayr reported about Hitler in a letter to Wolfgang Kapp, saying... prose … As I trace the pencilled notations, I realized that Hitler was seeking a path to the divine that lead to just one place. Fichte asked: ‘Where did Jesus derive the power that has held his followers for all eternity?’ Hitler drew a dense line beneath the answer: ‘Through his absolute identification with God’. At another point Hitler highlighted a brief but revealing paragraph: ‘God and I are... reservations, Josef Greiner, a former companion of Hitler at the men’s hostel in Vienna. “Hitler troubled his head about the fakirs and yogis in India, who can perform incredible wonders of human will power by turning away their senses from the outside world through concentration of the thought inwards and through self-punishment.” According to Greiner, Hitler also attended several talks about occultism and ...


... injustice and a compelling argument which Hitler would not fail to use, for “the three vons” too were guilty of insurrection against the legal government. Hitler managed to use the trial as a prolonged act of theatrical propaganda. “All of this helped Hitler turn the trial to his own purposes. Still, one should not fail to mark the boldness with which Hitler faced the proceedings, even after so recent... assassin of Kurt Eisner. Hitler refused to eat for something like a fortnight. Afterwards several visitors claimed the honour of having talked their Führer into eating again, among them Anton Drexler, Hans Knirsch (a Czechoslovakian Nazi), the ever faithful and present Helene Bechstein, and Helene Hanfstängl, on whom Hitler seems to have had a crush. From a local celebrity Hitler had become a national... after all, not only a Brother of Thule, he was also intensely interested in all kinds of occult phenomena, and so was Hitler. Toland describes how the Hitler court at Landsberg was distinctly divided into two levels corresponding to two classes, the one of the inner circle around Hitler with their cells on the upper floor, the other comprising the “commoners” and lodged on the lower floor. There is ...


... Haben Sie Hitler gesehen? (did you see Hitler?), remembers: “When the nonsensical Führer orders continued to come, our division commander said: ‘I am going to give this man a piece of my mind’. I still see him standing in the ravine in which our staff buses were parked. But when he came back [from his meeting with Hitler] he said: ‘The Führer is right’.” 862 Admiral Dönitz called Hitler “a being... enchantment of Hitler”; the annotator of the “table talk” writes about “ that remarkable magnetic fluid which he emanated with such mastery ” and emphasizes his words; Ernst Hanfstängl is struck by “the extraordinary magnetism of his personality”; and Walter Langer too wonders at “the magnetic quality” of the subject of his inquiry. In his Hitler biography, Fest writes: “[Hitler] possessed ‘the... And yet by invoking it so eloquently, he came to be accused of perpetrating, indeed of falling under, the spell, of giving it, giving the Hitler myth, a posthumous life.” 870 In The Last Days of Hitler, one of the first, most famous and influential post-war Hitler books, Trevor-Roper states outright: “The power of the Führer was a magic power.” 871 Similarly, in The Face of the Third Reich Fest writes: ...


... 4. Wolf Hitler and his God The Corporal Becomes the Führer It was in the Münchener Post that in July 1921 the text of a pamphlet was printed with the title “Adolf Hitler, Traitor”, accusing Hitler of all kinds of misbehaviour within the NSDAP, and of acting in the same fashion as the people he ranted against in his speeches and articles, the Jews. The... The pamphlet was written as an angry reaction against Hitler by a group of NSDAP members. The broader background was that Drexler and others, during a prolonged absence of Hitler in Berlin, had approached other small nationalist parties with the intent of an amalgamation in order to increase their political effectiveness. Hitler had not been consulted and reacted, “prima-donna-like”, with a fit of rage... considered her stepparents. The Bechsteins had provided Eckart with funds for his magazine In Plain German . In June 1921 he introduced Adolf Hitler to them and they became “passionate friends of Hitler”, sticking by him through thick and thin. What Hitler during his climb to power owed to supporters like the Bechsteins, the Bruckmanns and the Wagners is for the greatest part still unwritten history ...


... further on. Soon Mayr’s attention was drawn to Corporal Hitler. Not only had Hitler been elected representative of his battalion under the socialist regime, he had also been elected “deputy battalion representative” under the regime of the communist soldier councils. Then, after the Republic of Councils was crushed, in a new turnabout Hitler surprisingly became a member of a commission of inquiry,... aim of the struggle against the Jews must be, “unshakeably”, their elimination – whatever this word my have meant to Hitler in 1919. 23 Mayr has written that he had daily contact with Hitler for more than fifteen months, i.e. from June 1919 till September of the next year. Hitler, acting on his innate despotic impulse, had already managed to push Beyschlag aside. He was “a frequent visitor to the... 1. Turnabout Hitler and his God Captain Mayr’s Discovery After the obliteration of the Munich Republic of Councils, an officer appeared in the city who was to play an important part in the making of Adolf Hitler: Staff Captain Karl Mayr. It was the intention of the central government in Berlin as well as of the Army High Command to wipe out all leftist ...


... being which Hitler took for the Supreme was quite plainly an Asura, one who is called the "Lord of Falsehood" in occultism, but who proclaimed himself the "Lord of the Nations" .... Generally he used to appear to Hitler wearing a silver cuirass and helmet; a kind of flame came out of his head and there was an atmosphere of dazzling light around him .... He used to tell Hitler everything... a terrible burden, for that involved also a proportionate responsibility. II 1938: it was a year of continuing crisis. On 12 March 1938, Austria was annexed by Hitler. Then day after day, week after week, Hitler mounted pressure on Czechoslovakia: A bull-throat bellowed with its brazen tongue; Its hard and shameless clamour filling space And threatening all who dared to... the humiliating (but perhaps at the time very necessary) Munich Agreement was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier and Chamberlain, giving the frightened world a little breathing-space - but no more than that! Sri Aurobindo had no doubt whatsoever regarding the powers that were behind Hitler, for on 14 November 1938 he wrote in "The Iron Dictators": I looked for Thee alone, but ...


... appeared to Hitler wearing a silver cuirass and helmet; it was as if fire irradiated from his head, and there was an aura of dazzling light around him … He told Hitler everything he wanted him to do: he played with him like with a little monkey or a mouse. He had clearly decided to make Hitler commit all possible excesses till the day he would break his neck – which was what happened … Hitler was a very... “The Lord of the Nations” Hitler and his God The Four Asuras “When we say that Hitler is possessed by a vital power, it is a statement of fact, not a moral judgement. His being possessed is clear from what he does and the way he does it”, said Sri Aurobindo in January 1939. He confirmed this repeatedly: “One can say that Hitler is not a devil but that he... (Hermann Rauschning 985) “Hitler is a sort of a mystic”, said Sri Aurobindo. “Hitler is a new type, an infra-rational mystic, representing the dark counterpart of what we are striving to arrive at: a supra-rational mysticism … He is a mystic, only a mystic of the wrong kind! He goes into solitude for his messages and waits till they come.” 986 This was the reason why Hitler asserted time and time again ...


... Bavarians, including the clique around Hitler in Munich. When Hitler held on to his gradual, legal way of coming to power, and the SA in North Germany demanded the instant socialist revolution, a rebellion erupted. The SA attacked the Party headquarters and the offices of the Party organ, Goebbels’ Der Angriff , and Hitler was requested to step down as Party leader. Hitler won the direct confrontation thanks... know about Hitler only from hearsay or from reading about him. Guido Knopp, aware of this difference, reminds us: “Numerous are the contemporary witnesses who report that Hitler effectively must have had a hypnotic power at his command to impose his will on others, also in the private sphere.” 875 Laurence Rees gives the example of one Fridolin von Spaun, remembering an encounter with Hitler at a Party... company of Hitler, freeze as he paused to talk to one or the other of them, hypnotized by his penetrating glare. I thought at first that only Germans reacted in this manner. But one day at a reception for foreign diplomats I noticed one envoy after another apparently succumbing to the famous eyes.” 877 A colonel who accompanied General von Kluge to meet Hitler before the war remembers how Hitler shook ...


... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God Hitler’s Racism Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: “It would be futile to attempt to discuss the question as to what race or races were the original standard-bearers of human culture and were thereby the real founders of all that we understand by the word ‘humanity’. It is much simpler to deal with this question... were many such men in Germany, and Hitler was one of them], which are mostly based on nothing else than a fixed idea which in itself might be right but which, because it is an isolated notion, is of no use whatsoever for the formation of a great homogeneous fighting association and could by no means serve as the basis of its organization.” 453 For this was what Hitler wanted to forge the German people... with Rauschning, Hitler talked about the danger for the German people of containing a too high percentage of Slavonic elements. This would alter the character of the people, he said. “We have already too much Slavonic blood in our veins. Doesn’t it strike you how many people in important positions in the Germany of today are having a Slavonic name?” 457 The appearance of Hitler himself, as of most ...


... Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God A New Man Hitler was convinced that humanity had the potential of transformation into a higher species. According to him “man was subject to an enormous change. In the course of the millennia a transformative process, literally speaking, took place in him.” Thus reports Rauschning, who asserts: “For Hitler was much more... and manoeuvre exercises was extended to all young men, the defence training of the Hitler Youth was expanded into special units. In 1938 the Naval Hitler Youth numbered 50 000, the Motorized Hitler Youth 90 000, the Air Force units 74 000, the model-airplane clubs of the German Youth 73 000, the Communications Hitler Youth 29 000.” 819 Their idols would be the fighter pilots Galland, Mölders and Marseille... monolithic Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens for fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds, and the German Young People and the League of Young Girls for the ten to fourteens.” 818 By the end of 1938 the Hitler Youth numbered more than seven and a half million; in March of the next year it became the only authorized youth organization in the Reich. When a member had served his years in the Hitler Youth ...


... strings to re-enter the royal palace in Munich which his father had hurriedly left in the middle of that November night in 1918. There was no love lost between “the three vons” and Adolf Hitler. The ultra-rightist Hitler was, as a fanatical Pan-German, an arch-opponent of Bavarian separatism, with a deep resentment against royalty and nobility in general. The triumvirate, for its part, looked down on the... Seeckt’s disciplined Reichswehr could easily halt whatever Bavarian phalanxes might move northwards, to ask oneself how the triumvirate as well as Hitler could possibly dream of marching on Berlin. But troubled times hatch troubled schemes. Besides, Hitler had painted himself into a corner. He had accepted and exploited the comparison with Benito Mussolini and allowed himself now generally to be called... funds had been used up. Hitler’s treasury was also exhausted, and the men were going hungry.” (Joachim Fest 216) The Hitler Putsch on 8 and 9 November 1923 was one of the worst prepared, most amateurish and even comical events (except for the shooting) in German history. Hitler and his cronies tried to hijack, on the evening of 8 November, a meeting in the Bürgerbräukeller organized by Kahr, Lossow ...


... aged Marshal Pétain formed a new Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. After a few more reverses, and the entry of Mussolini into the war against France, Pétain accepted Hitler's draconian armistice terms on 25 June. Now when England stood all alone against Hitler and the reign of universal Night as the sole bastion of the Light of Freedom, he ordered... continued in September also but, undeterred by the strain and the damage, Britain stood the trial gallantly, and at last Hitler was forced to abandon the Battle of Britain. It was in August 1940 when the air battle over Britain was raging in a frenzy of fury and Hitler was fuming and foaming at his mouth and decreeing the annihilation of his enemies, that Sri Aurobindo wrote "The Children... actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate the world, he began to intervene .... Inwardly, he put his spiritual force behind the Allies from the moment of Dunkirk when everybody was expecting the immediate fall of England and the definite triumph of Hitler, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German ...


... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God A New World The influence of Oswald Spengler and his Decline of the West was widespread, and the Nazi intellectuals did their best to make him openly chose their side. Their attempt was not very logical considering Spengler’s pessimistic view of the destiny of the West and of humanity as a whole, while... race. Hitler was quite aware of this incongruity and did not hesitate to put things straight after having given, as the new Chancellor of the nation, an audience to Spengler in Bayreuth. “I am not a supporter of Oswald Spengler! I don’t believe in the decline of the West. On the contrary, I consider it my task, conferred upon me by Providence, to contribute to its prevention.” For he, Hitler, was convinced... Hitler’s National Socialism were fully spelled out in black and white; from this line Hitler never wavered. He steadfastly refused to compromise with any other organization, however rightist or völkisch, a standpoint he sometimes had to fight out with his closest supporters when the NSDAP was still small in numbers. Hitler was the prophet of a new ideology based on faith which implied, to his mind, the ...


... met with Hitler for the first time.” 152 Taking into account that Wilhelm Gutberlet had to report to Eckart about Hitler’s doings at the DAP meeting on 12 September, when illness prevented Eckart from speaking, it stands to reason that the first Eckart-Hitler encounter took place before that date, probably several weeks before. We recall that Captain Mayr became interested in Corporal Hitler from the... What happened between Eckart and Hitler during their frequent meetings remains unknown. It is nonetheless undeniable that Hitler generated a sudden burst of energy which would make him within a short time the undisputed leader of a dynamic party out of what had been a tame affair when he was introduced to it. This is the more astonishing because Adolf Hitler was an outsider and apparently a rather... did not mean much without Hitler, and Harrer, the “national chairman”, had to give way. “The problem ‘loge’ or active party was decided already on 5 January 1920. On that day Karl Harrer left the German Workers’ Party.” (Gilbhard 157) It did not take Hitler more than four months to push him out of the nest. The twenty-five points of the party programme, formulated by Hitler and Drexler, were presented ...


... Hess will henceforth call Hitler “the Tribune”, which is a reference to Hitler’s Rienzi experience. When Haushofer visited Hess, he necessarily met Hitler also. It has been established that the professor of geopolitics visited Landsberg eight times and met both men for a total duration of 22 hours. This was surely time enough for Haushofer to expound his theories to Hitler, and some results of this... important speech Hitler was, sometimes for days, closeted with Hess who in some unknown way got Hitler into that frenetic state in which he came forth to address the public.” 1021 During Hitler’s speeches Hess may have repeated “with closed lips” and in unison with Hitler some passages which he remembered from the rehearsals. As Mayr’s article was written after his flight from Germany (and published after... “The Lord of the Nations” Hitler and his God A Friend In documentary films of the Nuremberg NSDAP congresses, one can still see the Führer’s deputy standing at attention on the rostrum high above the smartly lined up blocks of uniformed Germans, then suddenly turn to his left, raise his arm stiffly in salute to the arriving Hitler, and announce, as chairman ...


... spiritual leader of the small group [around Hitler] was Eckart, the journalist and poet, twenty-one years older than Hitler … He had a strong influence on the younger man, probably the strongest anyone ever has had on him”. 110 In The Crisis of German Ideology , George Mosse agrees that Dietrich Eckart was “the man who exercised the greatest influence on Adolf Hitler in the immediate postwar years”. In... historical importance was Adolf Hitler himself. Here the abundance of references is really overwhelming, taking into account that Hitler as a rule blotted out all traces leading towards his pre-public past and in many cases eliminated the persons connected with it. (“A Führer can never admit that what he advocates, he got from others.” 113) The greatest honour Hitler did to Eckart was highlighting... 3. Mentor Hitler and his God Dietrich Eckart Brigitte Hamann, in her highly rated Hitlers Wien (1998), calls Dietrich Eckart the “closest friend and mentor” of Hitler. 107 In this she is not alone. Actually, most students of Hitler’s life say the same and use identical words. A “mentor”, according to the dictionaries, is “a wise and trusted adviser and ...


... 4. Wolf Hitler and his God A Mental Make-Up Hitler is still often represented in the popular media as a madman obsessed by a few fixed ideas. There is truth in the obsession, but he was not a madman. “Hitler was not mad”, writes John Lukacs, “he was responsible for what he did and said and thought … He had very considerable intellectual talents”. 124 He... summarizing complex matters. As Fest puts it: “Hitler had the knack of translating into simple images the abstract character of political and functional relationships.” 125 When reading some biographies one might gain the impression that Hitler studied, in his Viennese years, some of the most influential philosophers – an impression furthered by Hitler himself by dropping their names in his writings... Kershaw 128) “Books, always books! I cannot think of Adolf Hitler without books. Books were his world,” 129 writes August Kubizek, Hitler’s close friend in Linz and Vienna until somewhere in 1909, when Hitler failed his entrance examination to the Academy of Fine Arts for the second time and disappeared into the anonymity of the metropolis. Hitler read about the subjects that interested him: Richard Wagner ...


... within the Ashram, where a considerable part of patriotic sadhaks was anti-British and therefore pro-Hitler. On 11 May, Nirodbaran, the Ashram doctor, had already said to Sri Aurobindo: “In the Ashram the feeling is divided. Some are for the British and some for Hitler.” Sri Aurobindo: “For Hitler?” A disciple: “Not exactly, but they are anti-British.” Sri Aurobindo: “Not a rational feeling. How can... that people in the Ashram are pro-Hitler, will be compelled to take steps, at least to expel those who are so. If these people want the Ashram to be dissolved, they can come and tell me and I will dissolve it instead of the police doing it. “They have no idea about the world and talk like children. Hitler is the greatest menace the world has ever met. If Hitler wins, do they think India has any... not expect much from Hitler. In 1933 he had already said: “Today I regret that I have to return to India with the conviction that the new nationalism in Germany is not only narrow and selfish, but arrogant … The new racial philosophy, which has a very weak scientific foundation, stands for the glorification of the white races in general and the German race in particular.” Hitler deigned to receive him ...


... general.” (John Weiss 138) The pages in Mein Kampf written on Georg von Schönerer and Karl Lueger, mayor of Vienna, bear testimony to the influence both men had on Hitler. Karl Lueger (1844-1910), mayor of Vienna, impressed Hitler because of his oratory skill and his power over the masses, capacities which appealed to Hitler’s own, as yet latent, capabilities. Lueger was not only the mayor, he was... Franz Joseph. It was not so much Lueger-the-politician and his party, the Christian-Socialists – by 1895 the most powerful anti-Semitic party in Europe – who attracted Hitler, as his towering personality, an example of what young Hitler dreamed of becoming. More concrete was the influence of Georg von Schönerer (1842-1921), the proclaimed Führer of the Austrian Pan-Germans, who strove for unification... would become Hitler’s ideological model.” 139 A failure Hitler would never make, though, was Schönerer’s open belligerence against the Catholic Church in anti-Semitic but predominantly Catholic Austria. Schönerer’s “Away from Rome” movement cost him the adherence of so many supporters that he fell from power. A young vagabond like Adolf Hitler during his Vienna years could never meet with a rich and ...


... explicitly that strong rumour had come of Nazi Germany being busy with experiments to make an atom bomb. The dreadful weapon was made by the U.S.A. specifically to forestall Hitler. After the war it was discovered that Hitler had been pushing every bit of government money towards the manufacture of long-range guns, anti-aircraft and small cannon. So the scientists researching in nuclear energy and... the country and preparing the way for an all-out invasion by Hitler's armies, advised England to practise non-violence, submit to Hitler, welcome him and thereby Page 230 melt his heart. He had no insight into the Rakshasik Force that was making Hitler its instrument. As all occultists know, the Rakshasa, the Asura, the Pisacha, by their "typal", non-evolutionary nature, cannot be... Adharma, but all the same, once a war is engaged, both sides believing they represent dharma, all standards are apt to break down, as with Hiroshima. I do believe that we had to wage the last war against Hitler and the genocide of the Jews in the cause of dharma, but Hiroshima seems to have (as I feel it) gone beyond what any dharmaraja would be justified in allowing. Your knowledge of the sequence of events ...

... meetings and had many followers. His Munich counterpart, according to the press, was a certain Hitler who, however, differed from his Berlin rival by the exciting coarseness of his speeches, which reached new levels of vulgarity in the extravagance of their threats and their unconcealed sadism. While Hitler wanted to bring about the millennium by a massacre of all the Jews, there was a certain [Friedrich]... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God Things Visible and Invisible It is a symptom of the confusion in the Western “consensus mentality”, supposedly materialistic and scientific, that occultism remains a subject of suspicion while millions accept the occult ceremonies of their Churches without questioning them, and while thousands of the social... simple presentation of the facts, cannot explain the historical events. This is especially true as far as the history of the Third Reich is concerned … There is a wealth of quotations which show that Hitler conceived National Socialism as a religion. Until now no historian has drawn serious conclusions from this fact. The National Socialist religion appeared too abstruse to the analytical, scientific ...


... I shall finish by giving one instance more — from our Talks. The War was on, Hitler was in the ascendant. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother declared that Hitler represented a hostile force and so we must all side with the Allies who were on the side of the Divine. But still many in India and Europe were much enchanted by Hitler and wanted him to win. Even in our camp, knowing very well that Sri Aurobindo... temerity to wish for Hitlers victory. Of course the root cause was not that they loved Hitler but that they did not love the Britishers, India's rulers. So when Sri Aurobindo heard about it, he told us:   "It seems it is not five or six of our people but more than half that are in sympathy with Hitler, and want him to win. It is a very serious matter. The Government can dissolve ...


... Another time, he said about Hitler, "I'll try to convert Hitler by my force of nonviolence. If he comes to India, I'll do that." [Reading from Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo by A BPurani, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry: 1982 (3rd edition), 159): Page 19 Sri Aurobindo: Someone told Jean Herbert 37 that the Mother had described Hitler as possessed by a demon. He... Mother had simply said that he was 'possessed.' P: That Russian S 38 also took Hitler to be a great man; he was full of admiration for him. He said that the Germans of today are the most cultured nation. Sri Aurobindo: What culture do they have? I should think on the contrary that Getmany before Hitler was more cultured than the present Germany. That reported interview with the Kaiser expressed ...


... Supermind descent, Sir. Otherwise Hitler, Mussolini & Co. will gunfire it like—! What has Supermind to do with Hitler or Hitler with Supermind? Do you expect the Supermind to aviate to Berchtesgaden? How the devil can they gunfire S; their aeroplanes can't even reach Pondicherry, much less the Supermind. The descent of S depends on S, not on Hitler or no Hitler. Things look damnably bad, what ...

... 'Gandhi, during a meeting with Lord Linlithgow stunned him by saying that the British should have the courage to let Germany occupy Britain': "Let them take possession of your beautiful island, if Hitler chooses to occupy your homes, vacate them, if he does not give you free passage out, allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered." 3.... Faced with such an impracticable - even unethical... piece that may be considered his own writing. In revising, he retained Anilbaran's third-person 'Sri Aurobindo'. 'Sri Aurobindo's decision to give his moral support to the struggle against Hitler, which was made at the very beginning of the war, was based like all his actions on his inner view of things and on intimations from within. It was founded on his consciousness of the forces at work... governments and societies, the other tendency by the democracies; but democracy is on the wane everywhere in Europe, the totalitarian idea was gaining ground on all sides even before the war. Now with Hitler as its chief representative, this Force has thrown itself out for world-domination. Everywhere the results are the same, the disappearance of individual and national liberty, a rigid "New Order", the ...

... such lust for wanton cruelty, such wild sadism, such abnormal velleities no people, it is said, have ever evinced anywhere on the face of the earth: the manner and the extent of it all are appalling. Hitler is not the malady; removal of the Fuehrer will not cure Germany. The man is only a sign and a symbol. The whole nation is corrupt to the core: it has been inoculated with a virus that cannot be eradicated... divine—august and grim, one has to add—is profoundly significant of the type of the subconscient dynamic in the nation: it strangely reminds one of the state organised by the bee, the ant or the termite. Hitler has only precipitated the idea, given it a concrete, physical and dynamic form. That philosophy in its outlook has been culturally anti-Latin, religiously anti-Christian. Germany cherishes always in... Vansittartism (at least in its extreme variety) has very little hope for the mending of Germany, it practically asks for its ending. A son of the soil, an eminent erstwhile collaborator of Hitler, who has paid for his apostasy, offered a compromise solution. He says, Germany, as a matter of fact, is not one but two: there is the Eastern Germany (the Northern and the Eastern portion) and there ...


... vigorously. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if Hitler gives them one more year, they will become tremendously powerful. Both Daladier and Chamberlain seem to be impotent. They have done nothing at all. The Mother says that Hitler has asked for all French colonies contiguous to the British. That means we go to Germany. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: I do not think Hitler has heard the name of Pondicherry. ... things I willed, which I now don't want to be fulfilled, but they have been and in a way which I don't want. I wanted the British Empire to be crushed and Hitler is now doing it in such a thorough fashion that I don't want it any more because Hitler has become a greater danger. (Laughter) Does it mean I willed that my leg should be broken? Or that France should be defeated? SATYENDRA: That is what ...


... Purani) Have you heard Jean Herbert's opinion of Hitler? PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: Someone told him that the Mother has described Hitler as possessed by a demon. He was greatly shocked and replied that the Mother could not have said so. Of course, the Mother had simply said that he was "possessed". PURANI: That Russian S also took Hitler to be a great man; he was full of admiration for him... should think on the contrary that Germany before Hitler was more cultured than the present Germany. That reported interview with the Kaiser expressed the contrast very well. PURANI: Yes, he said the Nazis were a gang of ruffians and blackguards, without God, tradition and dynasty. SRI AUROBINDO: That's the disadvantage for the county When Hitler and Mussolini go they won't leave any tradition ...


... Italian Empire, and that means he will try to regain all that once belonged to Italy. She is deliberately raising Hitler and Mussolini against France and letting her down. I don't know why, unless the three are going to share the empire of France and then England may try to set Hitler and Mussolini against each other. That will be in line with her traditional self-centred policy of balance of power... known. They are trying to conceal everything as far as possible. PURANI: Jawaharlal says that Hitler and his generals didn't expect non-resistance from Austria. They were all very much surprised. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, the generals were opposed to Hitler's plan, for they were not prepared to fight. Now Hitler will say, "Have you seen that I am right? Things have happened just as I told you." PURANI:... coming as it does from Daladier's own friend. PURANI: I wonder why Flandin wants to support Franco when Blum is against him. You know Flandin even telegraphed to Mussolini his congratulations, etc. Hitler counts on him as a friend. Does Flandin want to join the Rome-Berlin Axis and thus keep England out? SRI AUROBINDO: How is that possible unless France satisfies Italy's demands? After the Spanish ...


... NIRODBARAN: Dilip has received a letter from Sir Francis Younghusband asking him to be a member of the Fellowship of Faiths. It is an irony since he has lost all faith in fellowship. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler is uniting all into a fellowship of nations. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Dilip says the Mother will have to put forth more force to save France. SRI AUROBINDO: What an idea! He thinks that the Mother... does not care what happens to Britain but France she will save. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): How can it be possible to do that without saving Britain also? They are allies. SATYENDRA: Yes, but Hitler is trying to divide them. His wrath is against England. He is likely to attack England directly. SRI AUROBINDO: What about their fleet? Do they think that the Italians will come and destroy it?... problem. SRI AUROBINDO: The Pakistan scheme is not of much interest. NIRODBARAN: Not Pakistan. He speaks of Indian freedom. SRI AUROBINDO: Indian freedom? India will inevitably be free if Hitler and Stalin are removed. Otherwise I can't give a guarantee. NIRODBARAN: They will be removed when the Supermind descends. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: What did you say? They will be removed when ...


... case, I don't see how they can beat Hitler. NIRODBARAN: But why is it so? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. Perhaps they want to lead a comfortable life. They have given good resistance in other parts—only in the centre the main army has given way. In the battle of the Meuse they forgot even to blow up the bridges during the retreat. PURANI: Herbert says that Hitler will get what he wants. SRI ... attack against the Siegfried Line today. SRI AUROBINDO: It is impossible now. NIRODBARAN: Reynaud says that they have committed mistakes. SRI AUROBINDO: A lot of them. They assume things. With Hitler one can't assume anything. He does what is unexpected. All these people go by scientific principles. Hore-Belisha is the only man who can do something new. Eden is good but not for this. He would be... . Pétain has something but he is too old. SATYENDRA: Weygand? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know anything about him. NIRODBARAN: Is there an occult influence behind the Allies as there is behind Hitler? SRI AUROBINDO: No, they are all ordinary persons without any such influence pushing them. NIRODBARAN: Ordinary persons against an Asura? A bad look-out! SRI AUROBINDO: There is nobody among ...


... to her calling himself Krishna. As soon as she saw me, she recognised that it was myself. EVENING DR. MANILAL: Could Hitler be called as great as Napoleon, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: What? How can he be compared with Napoleon? He can't stand any comparison with Napoleon. Hitler is a man of one idea; he has no other capacity or activity except that he is also a house-painter, while Napoleon had many... with great audacity. Even that new technique is not his. It was discovered by a Frenchman and was passed on to the German generals. They hesitated to act on it while Hitler pursued it boldly, disregarding the advice of the generals. Hitler is a new type, an infra-rational mystic, representing the dark counterpart of what we are striving to arrive at: a supra-rational mysticism. (Looking at Dr. Manilal)... established the bases of social laws, administration and finance which are followed even today. He is not only the greatest military genius in history but one of the greatest men, with manifold capacities. Hitler is a man of one idea, with no intellect, which he applies with strong force and violence; he has no control over his emotions. He hesitates in his policies which some call cautiousness. And all his ...


... when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed that a black yoke of the Asura [the Devil] would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history... . But Sri Aurobindo added: Other black­nesses threaten to overshadow or even engulf mankind.... This was in 1946— after Hitler! And... crystalline simplicity— like a pure mountain spring—She said to the children: We got rid of Hitler because he had a whole nation and a physi­cal power behind him, and had he succeeded, it would have been disastrous for humanity; but we had no illusions.... The death of one or the other [Stalin or Hitler] does not matter, it does not make much difference—the thing goes off elsewhere. It is just a ...

... beyond the blackest darkness there lies for one who is a divine instrument the light of God's victory.... There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other blacknesses... Hiroshima (5 August) and Nagasaki (9 August) accounting for stunning devastation, Japan surrendered unconditionally, and 15 August was the day of complete victory. In 1940, after the fall of France, Hitler had fixed 15 August as the day of his triumphant tryst with Britain. That he - guided by the Asuric genius that was the Lord of his fevered thoughts and uncanny actions - should have thought of 15... Divine's work that was being attempted in the Ashram; "and from the values concerned in the conflict it should be quite clear that what is behind him is the Asuric, the Titanic power". 2 Actually, Hitler was to receive a major set-back on that day in the aerial Battle of Britain. Again, five years later, the capitulation of Japan on 15 Page 441 August 1945 was another indication of the ...


... more puzzling Hitler seems to become”, writes Christian von Krockow. 7 Alan Bullock, author of such essays like Hitler – A Study in Tyranny and Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives , admits in a conversation: “The more I learn about Hitler, the harder I find it to explain … I can’t explain Hitler. I don’t believe anybody can.” 8 And to H.R. Trevor-Roper “after fifty years Adolf Hitler remains a frightening... myself chosen my way in spite of totally inimical surroundings”, said Adolf Hitler, “and I, an unknown and nameless man, have kept walking until the final success. Often declared no longer existent and always wished to be non-existent, in the end I was the victor.” 10 There must have been a time “when Hitler became Hitler”, when the nonentity turned into a seer and a politician who, in a very short... worn out stray dog, reached such a pinnacle of power that Joachim Fest could write: “If Hitler had succumbed to an assassination or an accident at the end of 1938, few would hesitate to call him one of the greatest German statesmen, the consummator of Germany’s history”? 6 Libraries have been written about Hitler and Nazi Germany, yet several of the best-known and most widely read historians agree ...


... his handbook Geopolitics of the Pacific Ocean . A close friendship tied him to Rudolf Hess, who adulated Hitler and was one of the most enthusiastic Nazis. Haushofer, acquainted with Hitler since 1921, visited Hess several times in Landsberg prison, where he inevitably also met with Hitler, for Hess had a cell next to Hitler’s on the upper floor and these cells gave out unto a common room. There... the Third Reich which others would have to build up and complete, did not include colonies. Water was an element Hitler disliked, and Ernst Hanfstängl, who maintains he tried to convince Hitler of the capacities of the USA, writes: “He thought only in European terms.” 349 How did Hitler justify his demand for living space in Mein Kampf ? The principle was unequivocal: “Only a sufficiently large space... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God Living Space for the Master Race “See to it that the strength of our nation does not rest on colonial foundations”, wrote Hitler in Mein Kampf , “but on our own native territory in Europe. Never consider the Reich secure unless, for centuries to come, it is in a position to give every descendant of our race a piece of ...


... “Day of the Party” that Hitler, after the debacle of the November Putsch in 1923 and his imprisonment, took the reins of the Party again in his own hand and put an end to the factional squabbles. Dinter, however, was very much his own man, even when boasting about his early convictions and his closeness to Hitler. Deep within himself he could not accept that Adolf Hitler was the one and only God-sent... following year he demanded that the Party should constitute a commission with the power to control Hitler, and was consequently excluded from the Party. A few months later he wrote: “Only the blind, uncritical admirers of Hitler or people who do not want to see the truth can doubt as yet that the Hitler Party is a party of Jesuits who, under the völkisch banner, are doing the business of Rome.” Dinter... the Geistchristliche Religionsgemeinschaft, which may be translated as “Religious Community of Christian Intellectuals”. In 1930 he called Hitler “a sentimental dreamer and babbler”. The future of the nationalist-völkisch movement was not “in the hands of Hitler or of para-military organizations; the future lies with the German youth movement, the young, Spartan groups who are the bearers of destiny ...


... three. But Hitler turned around and started walking back towards the hill. “I want to be alone”, he said – and never mentioned the experience again. Till July 1939, “before the war started”, when Hitler was the world-renowned all-powerful German Führer and Chancellor, Kubizek, though an accomplished musician, had never done better than becoming the secretary of a small municipality. Hitler now had... Hitler saw in Linz for the first time, and in the company of his friend August Kubizek, Wagner’s opera Rienzi. Kubizek has related Hitler’s reaction to this experience in detail. What renders it especially important is that Kubizek’s narration was afterwards confirmed by Hitler himself. Wagner’s Rienzi is based on the life of Cola di Rienzo (1313-54), the tribune who wanted to restore the glory... been felt as no more than a theatrical climax, although Hitler kept the possibility of a Weltenbrand, a world conflagration, in mind even in the 1930s; but Wagner’s opera libretto proved to be prophetical. “It was the most impressive moment which I have known with my friend”, writes Kubizek. “When I think back to my friendship with Adolf Hitler in my youth, what has remained most strongly and clearly ...


... future generations.” 306 Hitler was already building a mausoleum for himself and reserving his place in the Walhalla of the great. “One thing is certain”, he declared, “our world is facing a great revolution”. 307 According to Jäckel, “Hitler considered himself to be the prophet of a new world vision.” 308 This is true but perhaps stated too mildly. In any case, Hitler himself repeatedly wrote that... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God Blind Faith Writing in Mein Kampf about his first contacts with the DAP in September 1919, Hitler says that, after long reflection, he came to the conclusion that “what had to be proclaimed here was a new ideology and not a new political slogan”. 304 That this reflection was not a solitary exercise has become evident... considerable extent. True, the beginnings of Hitler’s work seemed modest and the accomplishment of his ambitions questionable to most observers at the time, but not to Adolf Hitler himself. The effect the Landsberg retreat had on Hitler was that of a complete reassurance about his vocation and a total confidence in the execution of his mission. Discretion still prevented him from proclaiming himself Führer ...


... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God “National Socialism is a Religion” It was the future propaganda-tsar Goebbels who wrote in 1928: “National Socialism is a religion. Only the religious inspiration, which shatters the old, outmoded formulas and creates new ones, is still missing. What we lack is a ritual. The time must come that National... an oath on Adolf Hitler personally, represented by the Blood Banner , the sacred banner magically containing and able to impart the presence and force of the Führer. The crowning festivity of the year was the Party Rally, held in Nuremberg in the month of September. It lasted a whole week and delegations of party organizations everywhere in Germany participated. In 1938 Hitler declared: “Several... that would last more than a single lifetime. But when I saw Hitler virtually canonizing the ritual in this manner, I realized for the first time that the phrase was intended literally. I had long thought that all these formations, processions and dedications were part of a clever propagandistic revue. Now I finally understood that for Hitler they were almost like rites of the founding of a church … It ...


... represented by the brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser, by Goebbels (till Hitler turned his mind), and by a considerable faction of leading SA-men, including Hugo Stennes, who will risk an open revolt against Hitler in Berlin, and also including the chief of the SA, Ernst Röhm, who will stubbornly hold on to his demand that Hitler launches a “second revolution”, more or less socialist. There was an outspoken... atmosphere was inimical towards the Jews. There is no doubt that Hitler did not have to push much to make a National Socialist kick a Jew, and harassing those “other” people was a lot of fun for a member of the Hitler Youth, as retaliation was out of the question. National Socialism wanted to discard the Jews from German society. Hitler wanted to eradicate them physically, sooner or later, from the body... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God Nazism “There was actually no ideology as such, no coherent, compact theory which could be called National Socialism. Even central concepts like ‘race’ or ‘Nordic’ were defined in quite differing and loose ways, or not at all,” writes the former Heidelberg Professor Klaus von See. 736 Heinz Höhne, historian ...


... progress, Hitler was as völkisch as could be and an exponent of the times in Germany. But he extended this oppositional attitude to everything deemed by him to be anti-German, which in point of fact meant opposed to Hitler and his new ideology. In this he followed his propagandist principle: to focus the whole attention of a movement, a mass or a people on a single opponent – who for Hitler was the Jew... members in particular. But Hitler had now recast these principles in the Darwinian-racist mould, stimulated, especially after Eckart’s death, by Alfred Rosenberg, who “wielded a tremendous influence on Hitler” (Hanfstängl). From this man, steeped in the virulent Russian anti-Semitism of the turn of the century (which resulted in a massive exodus of East-European Jews), Hitler borrowed the reasonings to... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God “Great Master of the Lie” If the Aryan was “the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth”, his antagonist was the Jew. “The Jew offers the most striking contrast to the Aryan”, wrote Hitler. “There is probably no other people in the world who have so developed ...


... 198 The dog can be seen on some photos taken when Hitler was reviewing a parade or making an open air speech. He will be the first of a series of Hitler dogs, till the last one in the Berlin bunker, Blondi, will be used to try out the poison with which Hitler and Eva Braun are supposed to have ended their life. Another constant companion of Hitler in the early years was his dog-whip. At a certain... 4. Wolf Hitler and his God “Fortunate Wolf” “Hitler liked to be called ‘Wolf’ in his intimate circle”, we read in Fest. “The name, he decided, was the primitive Germanic form of Adolf. It accorded, moreover, with his jungle image of the world and suggested the qualities of strength, aggressiveness and solitariness. He also used ‘Wolf’ as a pseudonym o... ran his household.” 196 And Toland writes: “Hitler was living up to his own name, for Adolf was derived from the Teutonic word meaning ‘fortunate wolf’.” 197 (Another source says that “Adolf” means Adelwolf, noble wolf.) Could it be a coincidence that the H in Hitler’s signature, with the nick in the horizontal bar, resembles the rune Wolfsangel ? Hitler used his pseudonym quite frequently. Everybody ...


... who have such a tenderness for Hitler and object to his being compared to Duryodhana? I hope they are not among those—spiritual people among them, I am told,—who believe—or perhaps once believed?—Hitler to be the new Avatar and his religion (God help us!) to be the true religion which we must all help to establish throughout the wide world or among those who regard Hitler as a great and good man, a saint... saint, an ascetic and all that is noble and godlike. I don't see why Hitler should not be compared to Duryodhana, except that Duryodhana, if alive, might complain indignantly that the comparison was a monstrous and scandalous injustice to him and that he never did anything like what Hitler has done. By the way, what about Krishna's jitvā śatrūn bhuṅkṣva rājyaṁ samṛddham ? An unholy and unethical bribe... Aurobindo's Work The other day X said that Hitler had so arranged things that the Allies will not be able to make any headway in Italy. Also that in Russia he has shortened his front so that the Russians will not move any further. Page 219 Well, they seem to be making some headway in spite of Hitler's arrangement. I seem to remember Hitler made arrangements for taking Stalingrad; the ...


... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God Faith What held together this fantastic, paranormal world of Hitler, which was more and more becoming the world in which lived the whole German nation, was faith and the will power which faith generates. Hitler squarely stated that “faith was all”. Faith in Aryanhood and in Germany’s greatness was the... faith in Hitler. “Hitler was not a politician who based himself on a programme and who had to justify his actions to the people, but the redemptive figure of an exoteric cult whose aim was to liberate the world from the Jews … Strictly speaking the Germans did not need to know anything. They only had to have faith.” 775 “I have taught you how to have faith: now give me your faith!” Hitler shouted... possible.” 776 The last, emotional occasion on which Speer met Hitler in the Führerbunker, when Hitler knew that the man who once had been his “unrequited love” did everything possible to counteract his “Nero order” to destroy Germany, he asked: “Do you still hope for a successful continuance of the war or is your faith shattered?” “Once again Hitler reduced his demand to a formal profession of faith that ...


... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God Hitler Was No Accident How was all that possible: Hitler, Nazism, the Second World War, the Holocaust…? The major tragedy of the 20th century has remained an unexplained mystery with a thousand explanations, justifications and refutations, especially among the people who started it all, the Germans. Were they not ... terminated in Hitler; he was by no means a ‘German catastrophe’, as the title of a well-known book asserted, but a product of German consistency.” 356 Among the first to use the word “accident” in connection with Hitler seems to have been Thomas Mann, the great novelist, writing or addressing his radio messages from exile to the German people. He wrote in November 1939: “Hitler, wretched as he... also Thomas Mann who in 1934 pointed out the influence of Luther on the Nazi movement in general and Hitler in particular: “No, Hitler is no accident, no inexplicable misfortune, no derailment. From him ‘light’ reflects on Luther, and one has to recognise the latter to a large degree in the former. Hitler is a true German phenomenon.” 359 Another writer in exile, Hans Habe, expressed the same idea in one ...


... was religious, occult, or, as many have maintained, demonic. Hitler “claimed to serve not the emancipation but the redemption of mankind”, writes Fest. If this is true, the question is legitimate: redemption in the name of what or of which god? About the ritualistic events of the Reichstage at Nuremberg, Speer wrote: “When I saw Hitler virtually canonizing the ritual in this manner, I realized for... something similar: an order, the hierarchic ordering of a secular priesthood … I will tell you a secret: I am founding an order …” This, Hitler confided to Hermann Rauschning, lifted a tip of the veil over his inmost thought. What kind of religion was it which Hitler wanted to launch? “The Order of the Death’s Head”, the SS, may suggest an answer. Many of Himmler’s hobbyhorses were not to Hitler’s taste... 9. The Völkisch Movement Hitler and his God The Light of Apollo, the Frenzy of Wotan We had a look at some of the ideas which became ever more articulated in “the new romanticism” that was the völkisch movement. We met with a new German history favouring heroes whose actions and ideals seemed worthy of imitation; there was the Motherland with its natural ...


... 17. A World in the Balance Hitler and his God The Munich Agreement (30 September 1938) On 29 September 1938 Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier met in Munich to decide on the fate of Czechoslovakia, which itself was barred from participation. Hitler wanted Czechoslovakia to be split up so that the Sudetenland with its... Czechoslovakia], the Czechs could have given an effective fight to Hitler … Blum and Daladier made the worst possible blunders, the one by his non-intervention policy [in the recently concluded civil war] in Spain, the other by betraying the Czechs.” 1109 Chamberlain was “a crafty fool, thinking that he was dealing most diplomatically with Hitler while he did not see the reality of what he was doing … So... into a more reasonable stance toward the situation. This attitude of appeasement, fully exploited by the sharp-sighted Führer, resulted on the following day in the signing of an agreement which gave Hitler complete satisfaction. Czechoslovakia was forced to cede to Germany “11 000 square miles of territory in which dwelt 2 800 000 Germans and 800 000 Czechs. Within this area lay all the vast Czech ...


... the moment the general public come into possession of that book and understand it.” 334 “Hitler, in the depth of his feeling, if not of his intelligence, was surely convinced of the Jewish world conspiracy”, writes Konrad Heiden. 335 One finds this confirmed on several pages of Mein Kampf where Hitler writes about “the aspiration of the Jewish people to become the despots of the world”. 336 A... but they were entirely taken by surprise.” 337 In his book on Hitler, one of the earliest biographies ever written and still in print, Konrad Heiden states repeatedly that the Nazi Führer imitated the methods described by the forgers of the Protocols. Heiden’s assertion seems at first overblown and inspired by his hatred for Hitler and everything the Nazis stood for. But when one reads the Protocols... ploys as those recommended to the imaginary Wise Men of Zion. A phrase which Hitler in Mein Kampf often applied to the Jews was “great masters of the lie”. This expression had been often used by Eckart, who copied it from their admired philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The phrase is, in fact, perfectly applicable to Hitler himself. He had an instinct to sense and play on the weaknesses of human nature ...


... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God The Leader and the Masses In Mein Kampf Hitler left no doubt as to who was going to lead the Aryans in their struggle for supremacy. Although the book was written at a time when still several candidate-dictators were around, and Hitler never names himself, one does not have to cogitate much before finding out whom he... the Wise Men of Zion , or from his own intuition and experience. Hitler, the theatre man, was a genius at mass psychology, which made him a genius at propaganda; and when he picked out Joseph Goebbels as his right-hand man in these fields, his intuition was proved correct once more. We are now at the heart of the German tragedy. Hitler sought not only to dominate the masses: his objective from the... Sieg Heil! – all of that was an unmistakable warning which was not heeded. “What Hitler had in mind”, writes Zentner, “was the inner unity of the nation, welded into a strictly organized marching column, prepared for self-sacrifice and ready at any time to execute any order of the National-Socialist leadership”. 299 Hitler compared the unified masses which were the nation to a sword, his weapon to wage ...


... rightist revolt in Bavaria. Mayr borrowed a light airplane from the Reichswehr, and Eckart, with “his collaborator” Hitler, flew to Berlin on 16 March. (Toland writes: “The weather was so turbulent that despite the pilot’s skill Hitler kept vomiting … When they touched down at Berlin the wan Hitler vowed that he would never, never fly again.” 160) But on their arrival at the centre of the capital the coup... the outside of the city. Eckart profited of the occasion to introduce Hitler for the first time to some influential friends in Berlin. Afterwards they will travel there on several occasions. When in December 1923 the financial situation of the Völkische Beobachter became so critical that the newspaper had to be sold, Hitler jumped to the occasion. He alerted Drexler, but the person who directed... In Rosenbaum’s Explaining Hitler we obtain a glimpse of the political atmosphere in Munich at the time of Hitler’s rising. The written histories of Hitler’s life and of the Nazi party always zoom in so closely on their subject that it seems to occupy the whole stage, or at least centre stage, of life in Germany at the time. But the movement launched by Mayr, Eckart, Hitler and others was one of the ...


... 13. Medium Hitler and his God On the Mountain The place of preference where Hitler went to receive his inspirations was his villa on a mountain in the Bavarian Alps, the Obersalzberg, just above Berchtesgaden and very near to Salzburg. 1 Hitler had discovered Berchtesgaden in 1922 through – whom else? – Dietrich Eckart, who went there in hiding when... Mussolini, for whom Hitler developed a liking. It was on the Obersalzberg, auf dem Berg (on the mountain) as his mountain retreat was referred to in Hitler’s entourage, that he received the French ambassador on his last visit. Yet the meeting did not take place at the Berghof but at the Kehlsteinhaus, within walking distance of the villa. The Kehlsteinhaus was built for Hitler on the initiative and... the knights of the Grail obtains a more concrete significance if one knows that, in one of his monologues, Hitler reminisces about François-Poncet’s perfect German and his last visit “at the Gralsburg ” ¸ the Caste of the Gral, by which he meant the Kehlsteinhaus. From the Berghof, Hitler had a splendid view of the Untersberg where, as legend has it, Charlemagne is sleeping till one day he will ...


... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God A Militant Movement Hitler owed the successes of his NSDAP to his insight that, in the given post-war circumstances, no new party could make headway if it was not able to stand up to the other parties, the Socialists and especially the Communists, with brute force, for they ruled the streets and broke up any meeting or... religious terms, used by Hitler freely and intentionally, for the new ideology of which he was the prophet was not a political programme to be realized by a political party and with political objectives: it was a fundamental and therefore religious creed, intended to use the German nation as an instrument for conquest of the world and the establishment of a new world order. Hitler as a human being may... 317 Because Hitler kept his most intimate thoughts a secret, “Germany subjected itself to a religion it did not know; it followed rites it did not understand; it exulted and died for a mysterium in which it was not initiated. Only ‘the Führer’ had real knowledge, no National-Socialist doubted that. And the Führer kept to himself what he did not want to share with others.” 318 “Hitler has shown his ...


... Events (1940-1950) Autobiographical Notes On the War: An Unreleased Statement Sri Aurobindo's decision to give his moral support to the struggle against Hitler, which was made at the very beginning of the war, was based like all his actions on his inner view of things and on intimations from within. 1 It was founded on his consciousness of the forces at... societies, the other tendency by the democracies; Page 457 but democracy is on the wane everywhere in Europe, the totalitarian idea was gaining ground on all sides even before the war. Now with Hitler as its chief representative, this Force has thrown itself out for world-domination. Everywhere the results are the same, the disappearance of individual and national liberty, a rigid "New Order", the... wherever the Nazi idea spreads, a violent racialism denying the human idea; outside Europe what is promised is the degradation of the coloured peoples to helotry as an inferior, even a subhuman race. Hitler, carrying with him everywhere the new idea and the new order, is now master of almost all Europe minus Great Britain and Russia. [Faced with the stubborn opposition of Britain he is turning southwards ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God World Conspiration One of the prevalent accusations against “international Jewry” was that the Jews were plotting a conspiracy to dominate and exploit the world, and that they were using the liberal and capitalist rightist movements as well as the socialist and communist leftist movements to achieve their aim... the purpose behind the policies of the Catholic Church to establish itself as the Universal Church which it pretends to be. Moreover, as narrated in a previous chapter, it was the objective of Adolf Hitler himself to conquer the globe for the Aryan master race, and it was this objective which resulted into his opposition to the alleged global aspirations of the Jews, propagated by malicious pamphlets... menace”, in the words of Justice Jackson, president of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1946. There are countless documents telling of the sadistic power trip of the brown storm-troopers and the Hitler Youth, who could humiliate and beat up any Jew, and destroy his property, without as much as a gesture of resistance, and who became hardened by this practice to do worse. It remains a startling fact ...


... what life will be like under Hitler. Ireland has no feeling for England. Left alone it would not mind if England went down. NIRODBARAN: England is responsible for this bitterness. SRI AUROBINDO: In the past, yes. Ireland has undergone more repression than India. Everybody but India realises this. You have heard what picture Roosevelt has drawn of the future under Hitler? PURANI (after some time):... in certain sectors. SRI AUROBINDO: How can France fight against such odds? It seems it is by sheer mass that Germany is carrying on. The mechanised units are not so effective now. NIRODBARAN: Hitler also must have had tremendous losses. SRI AUROBINDO: For that he is prepared. He has said already that he is prepared to sacrifice one million men against the Maginot Line. (After a while) Paris... England can easily send half a million troops. What France needs now is men. NIRODBARAN: Perhaps they fear an invasion by Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: That is not likely now. After France is occupied, Hitler may turn his attention there. But the English Army is still in training. PURANI: Neither are they good soldiers. They can of course be sent to the south. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, they may be good ...


... these things take place, they jump out of bed and rush out. (Laughter) (After some time) Laval is at his game trying to make a pact with Hitler. I hope people understand him and won't believe in him. Those who understand Hitler ought to know that Hitler will agree to anything that suits him at the moment and afterwards swallow everything. PURANI (handing Sri Aurobindo Dean Inge's book on ... succumb to Hitler's perfidious cunning. It is mostly due to his personality that America has turned her sympathies towards Britain. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but also helped by the misdeeds of Japan and Hitler. (Laughter) Churchill is the second great man given by his family to England at times of crises. PURANI: Some American correspondent has said that though destruction from bombing is going on in ...


... NIRODBARAN: There are so many Maharajas, Chiefs, Nawabs and other rulers dotting India everywhere. SRI AUROBINDO: Germany was like that at one time. Napoleon swept away one half and Hitler the other half—not Hitler exactly but the post-war period. Japan also had the same thing, but the princes voluntarily abdicated their powers and titles for the sake of duty—duty to their country. NIRODBARAN:... of the dictator and traced Hitler's genealogy, as it were. PURANI: The dictator's psychology is centred in the authority-complex. People feel that they are great and Hitler is fighting for them, not that they are fighting for Hitler. The dictators also find a competitor in God and religion. SRI AUROBINDO: But Mussolini didn't, though Mustafa Kamil did. Mussolini has, on the contrary, given more ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: If Gandhi met Hitler, Hitler would probably say to him, "You follow your inner voice, Mr. Gandhi, and I my own." And there is no reason to say he would be wrong, for inner voices may differ and one kind of voice may be good and necessary for one person while the very opposite may be the same for another. The Cosmic Spirit may have a certain thing for Hitler and lead him in the way he is... voice. There may be voices from mental, vital and subtle-physical planes. Moreover, in the same man the voices may differ. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite true. A friend of Hitler's said about him that what Hitler said today he contradicted the next day. I also heard a voice asking me to come to Pondicherry. But it was not an inner voice: it came from above. SATYENDRA: Cannot one be mistaken in obeying these ...


... on Franco-Spanish frontier. Hitler wants to march through Spain to Gibraltar. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that may be his intention. I don't see then how the British can hold out against him. NIRODBARAN: Is Hitler working in collaboration with Franco? SRI AUROBINDO: Of course. NIRODBARAN: Then Portugal also would be left out. SRI AUROBINDO: No. PURANI: Hitler is trying to cut off supplies... their co-operation, England would have kept aloof. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, England could have been on the defensive. But England has learnt one lesson from the fight. She could have gone on evading Hitler and then been put to some difficulty later, but now she knows all his tactics. NIRODBARAN: Has Gandhi himself proclaimed independence for India or has the Working Committee forced it on him? ...


... Aurobindo : Hitler would not have been where he is if he had a soft heart. It is curious how some of the most sentimental people are most cruel. Hitler, for instance, is quite sentimental. He weeps over his Mother 's tomb and paints sentimental pictures. Disciple : It is "the London cabman's psychic" as you said the other day. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. Men like Hitler can't change, they... that he "embodies justice and law", Page 107 that, he dispenses with "trials" – which made Murry consider him as the Anti-Christ. It seems Gandhian non-violence has also appealed to Hitler. He wants to become a village pastor and stop the flow of villagers to the cities. Gandhi has written about Hitler's regime that the sufferings of Bishop Niemuller are not in vain. He has covered himself ...

... better that Gandhi should go to Hitler. Hitler will say to Mahatma :  You follow your inner voice Mr. Gandhi, I my own. There is no reason to say that he would be wrong, for my inner voice may be good and necessary for me, while it may not be so for another man. The very opposite may be good and necessary for another man. The Cosmic Spirit has one thing for Hitler and may lead him in the way he is... be voices either from the mental or the subtle physical planes. Moreover, in the same person the voices may differ. Sri Aurobindo : Quite true. Hitler's f’iend said about him that what Hitler said today he contradicted tomorrow. I also heard a voice which asked me to come to Pondicherry; of course, it was the inner voice. Disciple : Can not one be mistaken? Page 159 ...

... world conditions. Or perhaps by psychic he means mental and vital changes. Even that I don't know how they can come about if Hitler wins. For the present, everybody seems to be taking refuge in cowardice and trying to save his own skin and if the change desired is to come after Hitler wins then perhaps it would be after great suffering and through reactions on the part of men to that oppression, or even... course, there can be no variation in what is decided by the Supreme Vision. In a way, it is quite true that we mankind have made the world what it is. Disciple : K. P. seems to say that Hitler is a result of tendencies which men have been harbouring in themselves. He forgets that the being behind him may also be responsible for spreading the influence. Disciple : K. P. feels that... achieved in a different manner then the destruction of the British Empire is not necessary. I myself would not have minded any result to the British Empire, if its destruction did not mean victory for Hitler. But that changes the whole aspect. Disciple : Is this not all due to the necessity of a new world order? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, evidently. Question is what is going to be the world-order ...

... national feeling against the British was so bitter that every victory of Hitler was acclaimed as ours.”² Sri Aurobindo's will was as much for the liberation of India in 1942 as it had been in the days of the Bande Mataram; but this did not blind him to the true nature of the Nazi aggression. "He saw that behind Hitler and Nazism were dark Asuric forces and that their success would mean the... kept himself informed about the events which in 1939 led to the declaration of war in Europe. At first Sri Aurobindo "did not actively concern himself” with the war "but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate the world, he began to intervene. He declared himself publicly on the side of the Allies, made some financial contributions in answer to... public statements:" Inwardly, he put his spiritual force behind the Allies from the moment of Dunkirk [May 1940] when everybody was expecting the immediate fall of England and the definite triumph of Hitler, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German victory almost immediately arrested and the tide of war begin to turn in the opposite direction."² We cannot hope to treat here adequately ...


... Sri Aurobindo added - in the same style as the rest of the play - one passage with what seems a prophetic eye to the development of the contemporary phenomenon of Hitler." 20 More pointedly, Sri Aurobindo had written about Hitler in October 1939: A Titan Power supports this pigmy man, The crude dwarf instrument of a mighty Force.... Too small and human for that dreadful Guest, ... being reprinted in 1942 in Collected Poems and Plays,* Sri Aurobindo added just one passage towards the end "with what seems a prophetic eye to the development of the contemporary phenomenon of Hitler". 2 Many years after Sri Aurobindo's passing on 5 December 1950, four other plays (The Viziers of Bassora, Rodogune, Vasavadutta and Eric) and three unfinished plays (The House of Brut... Perhaps to meet upon his storm-swept road A greater devil - or thunderstroke of God. 21 The similarities between the two passages are obvious enough and point to the same inspiration, Hitler-Polydaon! As for Perseus, he is divine-human throughout, but he is the instrument used by Pallas to substitute, in the place of the terrible old-Mediterranean god of the sea, a humaner god, Olympian ...

... life, the redeemer of Germany. “That in the hour of her deepest need Germany gives birth to a Hitler proves her vitality … May God protect you!” 405 Siegfried Wagner was equally impressed by Hitler’s first visit: “Hitler is a wonderful man, the real soul of the German people. He must succeed.” 406 “Hitler appears as the specifically radical representative of a concept of German world hegemony that... explained and preached to the enthused German people by Chamberlain.” 403 Another admirer paying homage to Houston Chamberlain was Adolf Hitler when in 1923, a few weeks before his Beer Hall Putsch, he visited Haus Wahnfried for the first time. “It is clear that Hitler had carefully planned his visit to Wahnfried ”, writes Brigitte Hamann, “which happened at a moment when he was already considered someone... go on a pilgrimage before making an important decision, so Hitler went to obtain the blessings of Chamberlain and of the deceased master, Richard Wagner.” 404 By then Chamberlain was a bedridden man who could only hold Hitler’s hand and mumble some hardly understandable words. But afterwards he still managed to write a letter to Hitler in which he thanked God for having been able to meet, at the ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “The Jews are our Misfortune” “A Jew remains a Jew, in Germany or any other country. We can never change this race, even by centuries of residence among other people”, says the Handbook of the Hitler Youth, published in 1937. 564 This statement, a point of doctrine for Hitler’s young, rash and ready heroes,... ” 579 This is even more true of the German armies in the Second World War, for they fought under the command of a Wagnerian, Adolf Hitler, who had seen to it that they grew up with Wagner’s music in their ears at every important public or political manifestation. Hitler had made Wagner into the official composer of the Third Reich; living composers, like Richard Strauss, only moved in Wagner’s shadow... him behave as if entranced. “This music affected him physically”, wrote Ernst Hanfstängl, “it had become part of Hitler’s being.” 580 And Hitler himself said one day: “When I hear Wagner, it is as if I hear the rhythms of the world in its beginnings.” 581 Hitler never hid what he owned to Wagner and he thanked him by taking Bayreuth and Wagner’s legacy under his special protection – as told by Brigitte ...


... 1. Turnabout Hitler and his God Like a Worn Out Stray Dog This was the Munich corporal Hitler arrived in on 21 December 1918, discharged from the hospital at Pasewalk. He was assigned to the Reserve Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, a battalion marked for immediate demobilization. But demobilization was what Hitler tried to prevent by any means for... army garrison in Munich was governed by Eisner’s socialists, which means that Hitler went along with the leftists, something diametrically opposed to his later beliefs. He even became a member of the propaganda section of the Soldiers Council. And when Kurt Eisner had been murdered, on 21 February, Vertrauensmann Hitler was one of the hundred thousand mourners following the remains of the Jewish prime... political propaganda and how little a biography”. 14 In the beginning of 1919 corporal Hitler would have done anything to stay another day in the army, for he had nowhere else to go. “He was after the First World War one of the many thousands of ex-soldiers who roamed the streets looking for work … At that time Hitler was willing to accept a job from anybody who was kind towards him. He would have worked ...


... dagger plunged in his back [by the pacifist Social-Democrats and other ‘Jews’]”, wrote Hitler in *Mein Kampf.* 260 This untruth, a lie called legend, launched by Hindenburg before a commission examining the cause of the German collapse, was reinforced and propagated by Ludendorff, and was still believed in after Hitler had done his damage. “It has poisoned, as nothing else, the internal political atmosphere... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God Mortal Enemy France In the First World War the Germans were fighting on two fronts. This made the divided efforts of their armies indecisive, and the unending war caused ever greater suffering in the Fatherland. Because of this problematic situation the German power elite – the Army, the heavy industry and the banks – as... dictatorship of the duo Hindenburg-Ludendorff, did their utmost to bring about the downfall of the Russian empire. When Lenin came to power, it was thanks to the Germans – a fact conveniently forgotten by Hitler in his diatribes against Lenin and his “Judeo-Bolshevism”. The Peace of Brest-Litovsk, concluded on 9 February 1918 with the Ukraine and on 3 March with Russia, looks like the finishing off and robbing ...


... doing, only obeys an iron law of logic.” This was the lesson Hitler had learned, and which he worded rather civilly in one of his nightly monologues: “One must not take pity on people who are marked by destiny to perish … One must in no way take pity on whoever lacks the necessary hardness in life.” 421 “Life is cruel”, reflected Hitler, deep in the night reclining in a comfortable chair at his eastern... war is everywhere. There is no beginning to it, there is no peace, ever. War is life. War is in every contest, war is the primeval state”, said Hitler to Hermann Rauschning. And also: “Nature is cruel, that’s why we may be so too.” 423 And yet Hitler did not believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. In the composite arrangement of his mind the most irrational and contradictory ideas existed side... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God Social Darwinism Racism found itself justified by Darwin’s theory of evolution published in 1859 under the title The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The racism deduced from Darwin’s revolutionary view of nature was that all life is a continuous struggle for existence in which the fittest ...


... but some descendants still survive in the original location. In 1934 Elisabeth would receive the Chancellor of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler, at the Nietzsche Archives in Weimar with a flashy right arm salute, and create the occasion for a photo session of Hitler with the bust of Friedrich Nietzsche, symbolizing the philosophical tradition of Nazism. Nietzsche’s superman was not the only new human... 698 The well-read Dietrich Eckart was familiar with List’s publications, a fact which we find confirmed in Ralph Reuth’s Hitler biography, and communicated this knowledge, along with much more, to his Austrian pupil. There is also the testimony of a Munich librarian that Hitler borrowed List’s books, and Brigitte Hamann mentions several occasions on which he used Listian language. 699 Intriguing, moreover... Tagore on nationalism with a handwritten dedication on the occasion of his 1921 birthday: ‘To Mr Adolf Hitler, my dear Armanist Brother, B. Steininger’. Babette Steininger has been identified as an early member of the Nazi Party in Munich.” And Hamann cogitates: “This could be an indication that Hitler had contacts with a secret organization connected with List”, adding: “The word ‘Armanist’ could also ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Socialists and Communists Although “socialist” was a component of the name of the National-Socialist Party, the word meant to Hitler something quite different from its ordinary significance; it was included into the Party name mainly to attract the workers, as had been the initial purpose of the Thule Society... struggle against the bourgeois society for a just distribution of the common weal, but a functional integration into the body of the Volk or nation, cancelling out any notion of individualism. Actually Hitler – supreme leader, genius and artist – had a profound disdain for the workers, except when he tried to lure them into the ranks of his Party, or when he needed their effort to prepare Germany for war... capitalism!) were creations of the Jews to dominate the world, and they were therefore to be opposed by the right-thinking with all their might. “My socialism is something different from Marxism”, Hitler said to Hermann Rauschning. “My socialism is not a class struggle, but order. Who thinks of socialism as revolt and demagoguery of the masses is not a National-Socialist. Revolution is not a spectacle ...


... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God Hitler Bares his Mind William Shirer, the American journalist who has followed “the rise and fall of the Third Reich” from nearby, writes: “It might be argued that had more non-Nazi Germans read [ Mein Kampf ] before 1933 and had the foreign statesmen of the world perused it carefully while there was still time, both Germany... For whatever other accusations can be made against Adolf Hitler, no one can accuse him of not putting down in writing exactly the kind of Germany he intended to make if he ever came to power and the kind of world he meant to create by armed German conquest. The blueprint of the Third Reich and, what is more, of the barbaric New Order which Hitler inflicted on conquered Europe in the triumphant years between... advantage of present hindsight, are agreed – as little as the top Nazis around Hitler were agreed on it among themselves. This is the fundamental paradox of this book, which confers to it a special place in history. “Rarely and probably never in history has a ruler, before he came to power, put down in writing, as Adolf Hitler did, what he subsequently carried out” writes Jäckel, and he quotes Hans Gisevius: ...


... America against extending the field of war while Hitler is pressing Mussolini. PURANI: Even in today's paper there is something about American pressure on Italy. America has already sent some dive-bombers, it seems, lending them to the Allies. SRI AUROBINDO: Not lending but sending to some company which will forward them. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Hitler is quietly swallowing all that. He does not... with the soldiers. They were trying to make a pact with Hitler. PURANI: The French seemed to have destroyed seven hundred tanks. SRI AUROBINDO: Yesterday it was four hundred—a very good number. PURANI: Today's paper says seven hundred. SRI AUROBINDO: Which paper? The Hindu? PURANI: No, The Indian Express. (Laughter) Hitler is not dive-bombers in the attack this time. SRI AUROBINDO:... why the Indian Government came down on them and Sikandar Hyat could not protect them any more. NIRODBARAN: Hitler has duped them with Muslim Raj? SRI AUROBINDO: No, maybe independence of India. This Mushriki has been to England? PURANI: Yes, he is an I.C.S. Independence by Hitler? He says that Indians are a primitive race. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, even the other day when he was to be friendly ...


... could it? In June 1946, less than a year after the unconditional surrender of Japan, Sri Aurobindo wrote: “There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg [where the trial of the top Nazi criminals was taking place] have marked the end... phenomena of a decade named “the roaring Twenties.” As to “the rise of persons who wield a tremendous vital influence over large numbers of men”: Benito Mussolini had marched on Rome in 1922 and Adolf Hitler had become the hero of a sedition trial in 1924; fascism raised its pompous head everywhere, also in Great Britain and the United States, and violence was seen as becoming of manhood, as the expression... l manifestation was expected in 1938, when in a direct attack by the hostile forces Sri Aurobindo fell and broke his right thigh. 1938 was also the year of the infamous conference at Munich, where Hitler bluffed the representatives of the rival powers into submission, ready to pounce on Czechoslovakia and conquer Europe and the world. Then the war broke out. “There was such a constant tension for ...

... baptized”. Even Hitler will compare the Christian culture in Germany to a veneer covering a world of ancient fears and impulses still very much alive. These were the hidden realities Romanticism fell back on, as did, in its wake, the völkisch movement which built up an imaginary world fed by deep instincts. “National Socialism was a völkisch movement”, states George Mosse. “Yet Hitler would never have... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God The Quest for World Domination “The Germans once held the whole world in their hands and they will do so again, and with more power than ever”, wrote that exalted anonymous German in 1510. Similar feelings were given vent in the following centuries (as we will see below), not in reference to the Book of a Hundred... underlying ideological foundation for the feeling of “Germanness”, of belonging to a German Volk . It was this special sense of belonging which made them sing, long before they raised their right arm to Hitler: “Today Germany belongs to us, tomorrow the whole world”, and shout slogans like “Am deutschen Wesen wird die Welt genesen” , meaning that the rest of the world would regain its health if it shared ...


... allow these talks. NIRODBARAN: Y, I think, is still unconvinced. He says he doesn't want Hitler to come to India but he does want him to win. It is difficult to rid him of his absurd idea. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler will act according to what Y wants or doesn't want? It is a very simple thing to see that Hitler wants world-domination and his next move will be towards India. But if Y goes on with such... position. SATYENDRA: The war will continue till 1942, according to astrology. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the prophecy by the Theosophists. According to astrology, there is to be some set-back for Hitler in May. There is no sign of it yet. NIRODBARAN: Still eight days to go. If they take Narvik, then— SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, then we can begin to think that the Allies will win. They want to take Narvik... go on fighting with each other, other powers are sure to come in and a fresh subjugation is inevitable. SRI AUROBINDO: Certainly. That is from the national point of view. Spiritually Stalin and Hitler will never tolerate any kind of work like ours. Spirituality and liberty of conscience are impossible in their regime. The Socialists or perhaps the Communists may think that Stalin will give some ...


... that people in the Ashram are pro-Hitler, will be compelled to take steps, at least to expel those who are so. If these people want the Ashram to be dissolved, they can come and tell me and I will dissolve it instead of the police doing it. They have no idea about the world, and talk like children. Hitlerism is the greatest menace that the world has ever met. If Hitler wins, do they think India has any... with Sri Aurobindo 17 MAY 1940 EVENING SRI AUROBINDO: It seems it is not merely five or six of our people but more than half that are in sympathy with Hitler and want him to win. 2 PURANI (laughing): Half? SRI AUROBINDO: No, it is not a matter to laugh at. It is a very serious matter. The Government can dissolve the Ashram at any moment. In Indo-China... any chance of being free? It is a well-known fact that Hitler has an eye on India. He is openly talking of world-empire. He will turn towards the Balkans, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of three weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor ultimately means India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is only a question as to who wins and comes to India. I hear K says that Russia ...


... 1940 PURANI: Russia's occupation of Bessarabia seems to be the result of an understanding with Hitler and the proper time was also fixed beforehand. SRI AUROBINDO: Probably. NIRODBARAN: But the question is: Will Russia stop here? SRI AUROBINDO: No. NIRODBARAN: In that case Hitler will have to look on, thinking how he can deal with her later on. SRI AUROBINDO: He can't afford to... her very strong artificial defence of the Mannerheim Line she still couldn't hold on. NIRODBARAN: My impression is that when Hitler gets involved with Britain, Stalin may march towards India. SRI AUROBINDO: Before that he will have to take Asia Minor and then Hitler will get nervous. PURANI: Daladier seems to have been arrested in Casablanca. SRI AUROBINDO: Why in Casablanca? They are not... fool. He sways from this side to that. NIRODBARAN: Hitler has rewarded the king by sacrificing him. SRI AUROBINDO: He will sacrifice anybody. PURANI: He can't afford war with Russia now. SRI AUROBINDO: No, that will be too much for him. He has started his game in England. Radio news that Chamberlain and his party wanted peace with Hitler was strongly denied. SRI AUROBINDO: That must be ...


... practicality to India. PURANI: They may not yet have felt the necessity. SRI AUROBINDO: Pétain and Weygand are inelastic and too old. Hitler is neither practical nor a man of ideas. Still he is very successful because of his remarkable inspirations. NIRODBARAN: Hitler has not yet sent any reply to France's peace offer. PURANI: He will be more cunning now in the face of the British proposal. SRI... sticks on in the face of defeat and failure. Hitler had himself been imprisoned but he stuck on like a bulldog even after defeat. Now he is the master of Europe. EVENING PURANI: It seems Reynaud has resigned on the issue of the appeal of Churchill, which he wanted to accept while Pétain and others didn't. And Pétain has started communication with Hitler, SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, they want military... don't seem to be willing to give their lives for the Italians. PURANI: Sammer still holds that if France declared herself communist, the Russians would attack Hitler and come to help France. And people here in Pondy believe that Hitler doesn't want the British Empire. He only wants hegemony among his colonies. SRI AUROBINDO: Are they so idiotic as to believe that he will be satisfied with that ...


... redemption.” 559 “A line of anti-Semitic descent from Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler is easy to draw. Both Luther and Hitler were obsessed by a demonologized universe inhabited by Jews. ‘Know, Christian’, wrote Luther, ‘that next to the devil thou hast no enemy more cruel, more venomous and violent than a true Jew.’ Hitler himself, in that early dialogue with Dietrich Eckart, asserted that the later... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Luther, the anti-Semite Then came the Reformation with the towering personality of Martin Luther, who threw his long shadow ahead in German history. In a previous chapter we have seen him as the precursor of nationalism; here now we will have a look at his influence on the sentiment which is inseparable from ... compensate for all the money fleeced from the Germans, and be expelled from the country … 557 Several authors who mention this programme proposed by Luther remind their readers that it was exactly what Hitler, who called Luther “that powerful enemy of the Jews”, would implement – adding a point of his own which for others had remained unthinkable, at least to such an extent. “The historical connection of ...


... but the Imperialists of yesterday. On October 16, 1939 he wrote The Dwarf Napoleon, a diatribe on Hitler, exposing his false and futile ambition to be Even as the immense colossus of the past. Sri Aurobindo, with the Yogi's eye, discerned an occult reality at work behind Hitler: A Titan Power supports this pigmy man— and he read a terrible threat to earth-life's... 1939. Already before its composition Hitler had made a pact with the only other Titan one saw on the scene: Stalin. That was on August 23 of the same year. Britain and France had but recently—September 3—gone to war with Germany. Hitler's most sensational striding on and conquering all was still in the future. And it was not before June 22, 1941, that Hitler broke with Stalin and attacked Russia... Russia. Only on November 25,1942 the tide of batde in Russia began to turn against Hitler at Stalingrad. Rommell's crack-up in Tunisia, face to face with British and Commonwealth armies, came as late as May 12, 1943. The invasion of Normandy by Anglo-American troops was still years away: it began on June 6,1944. Sri Aurobindo's poem proves more than an occult realism: it proves also a spiritual prophetism ...


... Gutberlet], a Munich physician who belonged to the intimate circle around Hitler. Gutbarlett believed in the ‘sidereal pendulum’, an astrological contraption, and claimed that this had given him the power to sense at once the presence of any Jew or persons of partial Jewish ancestry, and to pick them out in any group of people. Hitler … had many discussions with him on racial questions.” 69 Wilhelm Gutberlet... 2. Masters Hitler and his God The Thule Society The Germanenorden-Walvater was not in good shape when Sebottendorff took charge of the Bavarian province in 1916. This was in the middle of “the Great War” which the Germans at the outset had expected to last only a few weeks or months, but which had turned into unending hell at the front and dire hardship... century by a succession of esteemed publicists, scientists as well as litterateurs, and became gospel truth to all völkisch-oriented, racist Germans in the first decennia of the twentieth century. Hitler, for one, held exactly the same opinion, as did Alfred Rosenberg, the ideological supervisor of the Third Reich, and consequently the official ideology of the Nazis. Thule had also become familiar ...


... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God “Germany, Awake!” Dietrich Eckart’s pithy exhortation, embroidered on all Party banners, was an important component of Mein Kampf, which was after all the announcement and the programme of the man who intended to lead a resurrected Germany towards its glorious future. Yet the real meaning of this exhortation was not its... its literal meaning; having fought a war, mourned its dead, being shaken by revolts and obliged to fight for its daily sustenance, Germany had had no time to fall asleep. What the Eckart-Hitler slogan meant was that Germany must regain its place and power as the foremost nation of the world, that it must rebuild all means necessary to occupy its rightful place on the globe after having been humbled... “Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill which we see before our eyes today, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power”, wrote Hitler in Mein Kampf. “This very fact justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore he represents the archetype of what we understand by the term ...


... NIRODBARAN: In that case Meher Baba is like Hitler. By the way, this is the fateful month for Hitler, SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but the stars don't seem to be acting perhaps because Russia has come in. Russia now occupies the stage; Hitler has quieted down. PURANI: Now people are hoping for something in Spring. SRI AUROBINDO: That is due to Strauss. Hitler began too early, in November. If he had begun... begun in December, astrology would have proven itself successful. Anyhow, now it is not only the Hitler danger but the Stalin danger. NIRODBARAN: Hitler is in a difficult position. He has to face the Western front and also provide for Stalinist possibilities. SATYENDRA: Why? He has nothing to fear from Stalin. SRI AUROBINDO: If Stalin is successful in the Baltic and the Balkans, Germany will ...


... magnitude. The phenomenal rise of Mussolini and Hitler, the inability of the democracies to contain the dictators, the Spanish Civil War, the enigmatic role of Russia which went through the throes of the brutal Stalinist purges, were all indications of a gathering storm. 1938, in particular, was a year of a mounting political crisis which came to a head when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia in September. As a... a result of frantic Last-minute efforts by England and France, a compromise was reached with Hitler and the Munich Agreement signed on September 29, 1938. War was narrowly averted, but no one was sure how long peace would last. There is a letter from the Mother to her son, Andre, written in October 1938, i.e. after the Munich Pact, which throws a revealing light on the real forces at work behind... scene. She wrote: 'Speaking of recent events, you ask me "whether it was a dangerous bluff" or whether we "narrowly escaped disaster". To assume both at the same time would be nearer to the truth. Hitler was certainly bluffing, if that is what you call shouting and making threats with the intention of intimidating those to whom one is talking and obtaining as much as one can. Tactics and diplomacy ...


... Then, can one say that one has no responsibility. One can do as one likes –, in that case one becomes a fatalist. Sri Aurobindo : No, one can't d’ what one likes. Every one is not Hitler and can't d’ what Hitler does, because it is one's n’ture that makes one do things. Your question reminds me of the story of my grand-mother. She said :  “God has made such a bad world. If I could meet Him... standard by which one can judge whether it is a true voice? Sri Aurobindo : What standard? There is no such standard. How can you judge where it is right or wrong? Disciple : Then is Hitler who says, "I heard a voice and I follow it", right? Page 164 Sri Aurobindo : Right in what sense?  Morally? Disciple : He means spiritually, perhaps. Sri Aurobindo... Cosmic Spirit may have, after all, led him to do it to bring this result. There is a Cabalist prophesy   :  the golden age will come when the Jews will be driven off and persecuted every where. So, Hitler may be bringing that about. There are so many ways of looking at a thing. For instance, this American lady thinks, perhaps, that she is paying us a big sum, but we call it a joke. Disciple : ...

... 271 French soldiers are not fighting. They think in terms of communism and capitalism etc. Sri Aurobindo : They will have chance for nothing under Hitler. There are only two chances : either if Hitler dies soon, then the work may be undone or if the people last out. Sri Aurobindo liked Churchill's proposal and said : English people do not like an idea for the... if to-morrow they are going to conclude peace." There is no heart in the fighting. Disciple : At that rate they will find after some time, they can't oppose Hitler. Sri Aurobindo : It is as Mother says that Hitler does not want to give his terms before he destroys the French army. It seems the same condition that was in time of Napoleon III when France lost the war. It is due to... proposed an armistice and all thought that France was lost. Sri Aurobindo : All these heroes of the last war – how could they propose a truce? How can they expect anything honourable from Hitler? It would be an end of France. They have become decadent. Disciple gave the instance of the Munich crisis. Sri Aurobindo : France was condemned then, when she did not stand by her treaty ...

... dangerous game. The soul of Nixon had not really been exorcised. It is coming back, darker than ever. Kissinger is going to lead the deadly dance — he is the nastiest devil I have ever seen since Hitler: Hitler was a vital devil. This one is a mental one — he laughs at everything and everybody and regards humans as pygmies for his play. A fat and libidinous devil. He is perfectly disgusting. And the... corrupt Bureaucracy. In fact, it is a huge octopus. All this you know. Now, on the horizon, a greater danger is slowly emerging in the person of Mr. Kissinger. Since Hitler, there has not been a greater danger. While Hitler was a vital devil, Kissinger is a mental devil also aided by formidable means in financial circles. For him, humans are mere pygmies for his play. He hates India, seeing... traffic; then an arrangement of Beethoven (the Pastoral Symphony) for Oceanian music with Polynesian "yoyo-yeye" — it was a grace if I did not go insane. But I was completely devastated. Even Hitler had not devastated me to such an extent. I spare you our return. And those multimillionaires' yachts — oh, splendid yachts ... what for? and where to? Hundreds of yachts in Tahiti, each with ...

... not speaking of personal things—which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other blacknesses... convenance at Delhi. But we must not let our reaction to it become excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated,—even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily ...


... of Dunkirk when everybody was expecting the immediate fall of England and the definite triumph of Hitler, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German victory almost immediately arrested and the tide of war begin to turn in the opposite direction. This he did, because he saw that behind Hitler and Nazism were dark Asuric forces and that their success would mean the enslavement of mankind... advisable to take in addition other action of a public kind. The first was in relation to the second World War. At the beginning he did not actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate the world, he began to intervene. He declared himself publicly on the side of the Allies, made Page 65 some financial contributions ...


... 2 In June 1946, less than a year after the unconditional surrender of Japan, Sri Aurobindo wrote: “There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg [where in those days German top Nazis stood trial] have marked the end of that dreadful... Mother’s decisive interventions in the Second World War, the fiercest and most deadly of all wars, and of its significance in human history, one has to be moved by these words. (The phrase “where is Hitler now?” may well be the softest worded victory bulletin ever.) But then, now that the war was won, why the somber talk about other engulfing blacknesses which nobody else seemed to see? Yet the threat ...

... 2. Masters Hitler and his God The Germanenorden [Order of Germanic People] It was around 1880 – an axis in European cultural history – that the self-consciousness of the Germans, not to say their superiority complex, took on inflated proportions. Thanks to the statesmanship of Bismarck they had finally succeeded, in 1871, to build a German nation, which... On this well-prepared soil the Germanenorden was born, the brainchild of a mechanical engineer, Theodor Fritsch (1852-1933). Some consider him to have been “the most important anti-Semitic before Hitler”. 41 It was Fritsch who compiled, in 1887, the Catechism of the Anti-Semite; its twenty-seventh impression in 1907 was renamed Handbook of the Jewish Question and remained till the end of the Third... by candle light. And so on. This goes to show that the Germanenorden was still deeply stuck in the naïve imaginings of a romantic past. It is not that simple to create a new culture with new myths. Hitler will do much better. Still, if a certain aspect of the Germanenorden may appear jejune, its anti-Semitism was fanatical, aggressive and malignant. The order has been the breeding ground of the horrors ...


... one time were closest to Adolf Hitler, the other one being Rudolf Hess. In the last phase of the war Speer was Minister for Production, which means that he was the boss of some 12 million slaves – forced workers from conquered countries, among them the Jews who, still more or less healthy, temporarily escaped extermination. In the rapidly worsening circumstances Hitler expected Speer to perform miracles... lung infection. The moment was not opportune for him because Göring, always covetous of more power, had been intriguing against him, using the sinister Bormann to manœuvre Speer into disfavour with Hitler. The medical institution where Speer’s condition had grown critical was a state-of-the-art Party hospital at Hochenlychen, near Berlin, run by Dr Karl Gebhardt. This was an SS-Gruppenführer and the ...

... 16. Two Poems Hitler and his God “The Children of Wotan” In the part of the globe which one may roughly call “the West”, the Christian era and its civilization were breaking up, and the West had become, since the Renaissance, a world in transition. “As the Christian view of the world loses its authority, the more menacingly will the ‘blond beast’ be heard... green hat who rides at the head of his wild hunters, and who possesses the berserkers with his force and invulnerability. Nazism took pride in this revival of the ruthless Germanic warrior spirit. The Hitler Youth sang: “If all the world lies in ruins, / What the devil do we care? / We will still go on marching, / For today Germany belongs to us, / And tomorrow the world.” And the SS-magazine Das Schwarze... cities as gigantic bonfires to celebrate the summer solstice; for it was the god Thor whose lightning (the exploding bombs) was taking revenge on Germany’s enemies. 1096 This elementary force line in Hitler and Nazism has been sufficiently dealt with in our story to interpret Sri Aurobindo’s poem: “The Children of Wotan (1940)”. The date, part of the title, is relevant because at that time the further ...


... 6. Mein Kampf Hitler and his God “The System” The language Hitler used when he wrote or talked about the government of the Weimar Republic was even worse than the way he talked about the hated French. “November criminals”, designating all Leftists and Jews allegedly responsible for the armistice and related events, was used by him on uncountable occasions... struggle with the Left and their centrist partners in government was happening in the present; it had to be won before the power could be gained and the revenge against Germany’s mortal enemy prepared. Hitler called the government “the present Jewish-Democratic Reich, which has become a veritable curse for the German people”; they were “those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 and were able to ...


... speaking of personal things – which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other blacknesses... convenance at Delhi. But we must not let our reaction to it become excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated – even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to ...

... 9. The Völkisch Movement Hitler and his God Völkisch Romanticism The importance of the völkisch movement can be deduced from its diversity, by which it adapted itself to all aspects of German life, and from the number of its adherents. This was a popular movement in the real sense of the word. It found much of its justification in the enduring appraisal... reasoning showed you that, if all higher culture was originally due to the Aryans, cultured peoples like the Greeks and the Romans must have been of Aryan blood, and Aryan meant the same as Germanic. Hitler, borrowing from the völkisch tradition when it suited him or when he did not know better, was of the same opinion. “By the Greeks he meant the Dorians. Naturally his view was affected by the theory... north had been of Germanic origin and that, therefore, its culture had not belonged to the Mediterranean world.” 475 When one asks who were our forefathers, we must always point back to the Greeks”, Hitler said. 476 Everything belonging to this exalted but fictitious past shared in the völkisch adulation. The runes, used from the second century CE till the end of the Middle Ages, and brought back ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Intelligence “Intelligence is the mortal sin of the Jews”, said one Friedrich Gentz. The Jews were indeed thought to be an intelligent sort of people, and they were hated and feared for it. Hitler himself wrote in Mein Kampf: “The intellectual faculties of the Jews have been trained through thousands of years... sterile, incapable of creation, and that he was a parasite or a vampire of the life-force and creativity of others. “The Jewish intellect will never be constructive but always destructive”, wrote Hitler. “In the course of a few years [the Jew] endeavours to exterminate all those who represent the national intelligence. And by thus depriving the peoples of their natural intellectual leaders, he fits ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “Without Christianity no anti-Semitism” The popular anti-Semitic mentality, in the rest of Europe as well as in Germany, was the result of a historic process which went back all the way to the life and death of Jesus Christ, and which was closely connected with Christianity. The attitude of Europe, where Christianity... deceitful traitor, a smiling villain who kissed Jesus on the mouth while stabbing him in the back. Indeed, one can hear incendiary anti-Semitic echoes of the Judas story in the stab-in-the-back accusation Hitler manipulated to convince the German public that the heroic German army had not lost the First World War but had been betrayed, stabbed in the back, by treacherous Jews and Jewish-paid politicians on... same conclusion much more bluntly in a conversation with Ron Rosenbaum: “Christians say the Holocaust is part of the evil of humanity. It isn’t the evil of humanity. It’s the evil of Christendom … Hitler was brought up to hate the Jews, particularly to hate the Jews as the people of the Devil. He lost his Christian faith, but he retained the hatred of the Jews as the people of the Devil … I don’t blame ...


... year against the triple alliance of Germany, Japan aid Italy while Russia stood by, having made that infamous pact with Hitler. But in those days (before 1939) — with Hitler sill in the offing — we ignored him, the more because we disliked the British tyranny so much and knew of Hitler so little. N3 wonder many of us could not fully respond to Chadwick's justified abhorrence of totalitarian imperialism ...


... Nirod, — that is unintelligent faith. If you doubt and say he might be Narbheram or Khirod or Hitler and discuss all the possible arguments for or against his being Nirod, Narbheram, Khirod and Hitler till the whole subject is exhausted until you come to the conclusion either that he is Nirod or that he is Hitler and believe in your conclusion, then that is intelligent faith.       (3) If you believe ...

... subjection by Manu and others. Is it because men are more sexual? It would be rather hard on us to be accused of this! It is because of man's desire to be the master and keep her in subjection,—the Hitler and Mussolini attitude. The sex is an additional stimulus. Not more hard than you deserve. Then again, it is said that woman's centre of life and consciousness is in the vital, whose nature is... wait on your table till Monday. Sorry, but you can't get today either the volume or the harmonious whole. Woman will have to wait as she has done through the centuries and may have to do again if Hitler and Mussolini have their way. The men have crowded her out. Next time better not discuss her yourself—that will save me from the temptation of marginals. As for Monday—no, sir!it is almost as impracticable... I haven't left any marginal space in my writing, because I want an exhaustive answer. The book can wait till Sunday. As you put no margin, I have put interstitials instead of marginals. Hitler and Mussolini are much better than Manu and Chanakya 40 , I should say, for they haven't excluded women. They want women to be subject to men and confined to the domestic drudgery and child ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 3 JUNE 1940 PURANI: Franco's representative seems to have met Mussolini and then gone to meet Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: Who is he? PURANI: I forget his name—some general. Military circles say that after seeing the Dunkirk operation they are convinced that the navy is still superior to the air force. The German air... difficult for France. NIRODBARAN: Italy's coming in means the extension of the war to the Balkans too. SRI AUROBINDO: That depends on Mussolini. He may do it later on after winning the war, provided Hitler does not come in the way. SATYENDRA: If Spain also comes in, it will make it still worse for France. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, attack on three sides. NIRODBARAN: But Spain has not yet recovered... starts the civil disobedience. But with Italy and Spain coining in— SRI AUROBINDO: It will be much worse. By the way, have you seen that Nehru is prepared to shed his blood for the country against Hitler? SATYENDRA: He wants to be recruited. EVENING SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Purani): Have you seen that history repeats itself? Germany dropped two bombs on England and killed only a chicken ...


... AUROBINDO: Monkeys in his Ashram! PURANI: Oh, yes. You mean he may change with regard to Hitler-monkeys also? (Laughter) He is quite capable of that. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler was born to prove the inapplicability of Ahimsa. NIRODBARAN: The small neutrals seemed to have followed Gandhi's method in submitting to Hitler so easily. SATYENDRA: In Holland and Belgium he met some resistance. NIRODBARAN: ...


... quoting from the Sunday Times about Middleton Murry, where it was said that he had come to believe in Gandhi's non-violence and that because of Hitler he had become a believer in God. SRI AUROBINDO: How is that? PURANI: I don't know; he says he finds Hitler an anti-Christ after that murder of eighty people in one night. SRI AUROBINDO: Wasn't Murry a mystic long before Hitler's regime? Does he... Today a Russian may knock your head through the window-pane but tomorrow he may weep and embrace you. Englishmen also can be very cruel—for a time—but they can't go on with a persistent brutality. Hitler has cruelty in his blood. NIRODBARAN: Englishmen seem also to appreciate a man standing up to their violence. PURANI: I know of a case where a Punjabi settled in Fiji gave a fierce beating to ...


... has taken his decision to back the democracies. But it is doubtful whether he can carry the American nation with him. The Americans won't come into the war unless some Americans are killed by Hitler, and Hitler won't do that. If they remain aloof, then it will merely be a question of being eaten up last. France will come first, then England, and finally America. Do you know of the three dreams Washington... leadership. Another possibility is the departure of the dictators. A prophetess freind of Suryakumari says that she doesn't see any future for Mussolini: she sees his body covered with blood. And about Hitler astrological predictions are that his stars are with him up to december. After that his decline will begin. But these prophecies and predictions can't be fully relied on. If by any chance the dictators ...


... dictators. NIRODBARAN: Now Hitler will think twice before he tries to do anything. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if he is capable of thinking. His voice may ask him to push on. Mussolini may think twice, he is too Hitlerised. But then Hitler may say to him, "I have given you a chance for colonies. If you don't take it, I will go to the Ukraine." Mussolini may not like that. But Hitler may not go to war. During ...


... Government thinks perhaps that he may be made a Fascist king if England is defeated. SATYENDRA: Hitler has already declared that. SRI AUROBINDO: Has he? SATYENDRA: Yes. PURANI: Sammer has a very nice idea. He says that all Europe will turn communist. SRI AUROBINDO: Every communist says that. If Hitler is defeated, Germany may turn communist. In that case the whole of Europe will be communist... They won't consent unless De Valera joins the British in the defence of England. I don't think De Valera is so foolish as to say that by remaining strictly neutral Ireland will avoid a German attack. Hitler may or may not attack as it suits him. NIRODBARAN: Even after so many examples before his eyes, he doesn't learn! SRI AUROBINDO: Maurice Magre has said that one of the chief characteristics of ...


... been Indians who felt elated at the news of Hitler's victories and some would have even welcomed Japan into our homeland, but they forgot the cruelty and inhumanity those nations are capable of. What Hitler did to Europe would have happened to India if he had ever taken over our country." "But Japan is Asiatic, she is one of us. Many believe that if Japan had come to India, she would have helped us... battle against a government which, like that demon, was drinking our mother's blood. When I realised that England and her government were fighting against a great demoniac power, I sided with her. Hitler represented a dark force whose diabolical intention was to drink the life-blood of the whole world and it was the English alone who stood out against him at a crucial period. Our patriotism was then... then no longer confined to India alone but encompassed the world and wished for universal good. There is nothing contradictory in this. Also, very few people realised in those days that if Hitler won the War it would be a hundred times worse for India. Do you understand?" "We would like to know something more about the revolutionaries, if you please." "Still more?" ; "Yes. We've been told about ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 23 SEPTEMBER 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (looking at Purani): Is Hitler waiting for the fog? PURANI: It seems he is more busy in the east settling Rumanian questions in the warm climate. Japan seems to have toned down. It must be due to the Anglo-American alliance regarding the Singapore naval base. SRI AUROBINDO:... dangerous for Japan; for Singapore is a strong naval fortress, but at present the British have only a few ships there. An alliance with America will bring in American ships. SATYENDRA: I don't think Hitler has given up the idea of attack. Perhaps he is delaying because of differences among his generals. SRI AUROBINDO: He may attack. There have always been differences; in spite of them he has acted... itself. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. SATYENDRA: They don't see how you can support the culture and civilisation of the British and their allies. SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? They ought to see what Hitler is doing everywhere. NIRODBARAN: The difficulty is that they are so biased with an anti-British feeling. SRI AUROBINDO: But I am not biased like them. SATYENDRA: They are political people ...


... Englishman bringing news from Rome that Hitler will try to take Gibraltar first, then cross to Morocco, capture Egypt, the Suez canal, the whole of Africa and finally invade England. PURANI: If the French forces side with England in Africa, even now there may be a chance of victory. There are fine French forces in Morocco. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. If Hitler takes Gibraltar, the British can occupy... the war. SRI AUROBINDO: How? She would have been attacked one day. Italy was already talking of her colonies. In that case, British help wouldn't have been available. They might have hoped that Hitler would attack Russia first but it is doubtful whether Italy would have waited such a long time. Sri Aurobindo had been styled a Brahmo leader by some American paper in connection with George Nakashima's ...


... can hold out till November, I hope. SATYENDRA: Oh yes. In winter the operations have to be slower. PURANI: Hitler is trying to find Britain's weak spots by these small air attacks. But if Spain and France join Hitler— SRI AUROBINDO: Then it will be formidable. PURANI: Hitler is trying to drag in France. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case, it will end in a revolution in France. The French are ...


... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo May, 1940 20th May, 1940 Disciple : Why Hitler says that he wants to finish this campaign before August 15th*? Sri Aurobindo : That's a clear indication, if an indication was necessary, that he is the enemy of our work. Disciple : Is it that he fears that descent might take place on August... when I said these people have guarded the Barbarian in them. What they have got is scientific knowledge, mechanical skill, but other cultural activities that used to be there, are all suppressed, and Hitler suppresses them where ever he goes. He has suppressed them in Poland, in Czechoslovakia. Disciple : Man is only used by these people as a part of machinery and organization. Sri Aurobindo... against them. It is alright so long as there is a question of influencing men, that is to say the Divine influence as well as Asuric working. But, when it is a question of incarnation, as in the case of Hitler, then it is a different matter. Disciple : That makes the conflict between the Gods and the Asuras represented in the Puranas very realistic even for our times, because, generally the Gods ...

... burning you at the stake either, for a few centuries, after a few purifying tortures that vie with the Gestapo's cruelties: five centuries of Inquisition is a long time compared to fifty years of Hitler. But that is not the worst, nor the most cruel, most fundamentally cruel: it is those men uprooted from their civilization and ancestral knowledge, a true Page 12 knowledge and a true... "WHAT?" anymore. The only "discoveries" that remain to be made are those of the West and its sick man and sick Earth. At the end of two millenniums, we are more devastated than when we came out of Hitler s concentration camps: we are right in the Page 13 Death Camp, a Death of our own making. Thus, in India, the great idol of "Independence," Pandit Nehru, head of that noxious and... antiHindu India that reviles her own history, and in the West onto the great American lord and its lackeys, with the pestilent and insane virus crossing every border. The great Invader is here. Hitler has perfectly transmigrated everywhere under Hollywood smiles and various types of headgear. He strives to convert the whole world to his financial and weapon-happy dictatorship —weapons are the ...


... Crassus, who had six thousand of Spartacus' slaves crucified on the road between Capua and Rome. Crassus was before Jesus Christ. Hitler was after Jesus Christ. Where is the difference? Who will be the next Hitler? Where? Forty years later we know that Hitler has disseminated everywhere, and that he has won the war. No, it was not the crumbling of the West I was contemplating in my Cairo-bound ...


... Atom Bomb. Why? The clue to the riddle lies in his words to the Belgian pacifists who prior to the war asked him what they should do in case they were attacked by Hitler. Without the slightest hesitation Einstein replied: "You must fight Hitler and defend your fatherland." He explained that where there was a question merely of a war between governments all more or less similar in fundamental princi­ples... a war would be merely between rival imperialisms. And when the war did come, he was aware that Hitler was bent on finding the secret of nuclear fission and if the secret fell into his hands there would be the end of civilisation. So he urged with all his might the American Government to forestall Hitler and with the deadliest weapon of destruction be capable of worsting all anti-civilisation forces... professors. He was at home in any place, so little was he a creature of fixed habits and so free from individual or national attach­ments. When he and his wife left Germany for a trip to California Hitler had not yet denounced him. But, while getting out of his beautiful house at Caputh on which he had spent almost his whole fortune, he quietly remarked to his wife: "Take a good look at the house. We ...

... speaking of personal things — which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious every where and it seemed certain that the black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nurenberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human History. Other blacknesses... deconvenance at Delhi. But we must not let our reaction to it become excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated — even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for Page 236 the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak... He was not writing at all in those days. In fact, since the beginning of world War II (1939) he had been engrossed in directing all his Yogic powers against the hounds of hell which the rise of Hitler had unleashed.* __________________ *on September 3, 1943 he wrote to me a long letter which I might as well quote here in part because it is relevant. After explaining what the spiritual issue ...


... think it is important. The other day Venkataram 26 said Hitler had arranged that they would not be able to make any headway in Italy. Also that in Russia he has shortened his front so that Russians will not move any further. Well, they seem to be making some headway in spite of Hitler’s arrangement. I seem to remember Hitler made arrangements for taking Stalingrad: the result was that... a most dangerous giving of oneself to the Falsehood that is seeking to prolong its hold on the world and establish definitely the reign of Evil over the whole world. That is what the victory of Hitler would have meant – it would have meant also the destruction of my work. You are quite right therefore in resenting this kind of attitude (also there is the fact that it establishes a centre of support... consciousness. But for pragmatic world action it offers no solution except either to escape from the whole thing as Maya or doing one’s own work in one’s own circle of action and leaving the rest, Hitler included, to the mysterious unaccountable workings of the cosmic Ishwara. And of this sum of all-round wisdom of which only dim rays are received by minds like ours I have had a glimpse ...

... already in full swing. The Anschluss with Austria, approved by a plebiscite of more than ninety-nine per cent of the Austrian population, was effected on 12 March 1938. On 29 September of the same year Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier signed the Munich Pact, an agreement that was the death-blow to Czechoslovakia. The pogrom against the Jews in Germany started on 9 November with the infamous ... she wrote to him: ‘Speaking of recent events, you ask me whether it was “a dangerous bluff” or whether we “narrowly escaped disaster.” To assume both at the same time would be nearer to the truth. Hitler was certainly bluffing — if that is what you call being boisterous and proffering threats with the intention of intimidating those one is talking to, and obtaining as much as one can. Tactics and diplomacy... of explanation and understanding they can be divided into two main opposing tendencies: those who work for the fulfilment of the Divine Work upon earth and those who are opposed to this fulfilment … Hitler is a choice instrument for the anti-divine forces who want violence, upheavals and war, for they know that these things delay and hinder the action of the divine forces. That is why disaster was very ...


... not speaking of personal things—which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other black nesses... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical (e.g. the virtues of the Herrenvolk, the master race). That does not make the English or Americans... at least spoil the opportunities opened to the human world by that victory, I would still put my force behind them. At any rate things could not be one-hundredth part as bad as they would be under Hitler. The ways of the Lord would still be open—to keep them open is what matters. Let us stick to the real, the central fact, the need to remove the peril of black servitude and revived barbarism threatening ...


... NIRODBARAN: But if Hitler presses? SRI AUROBINDO: Even so they can't. They have been able to save face by saying that they have saved France from destruction by the armistice with Hitler, but to allow foreigners to kill the French people, that would be— PURANI: Germany has begun regular air raids on England. SRI AUROBINDO: But that is not an attack yet. After settling with France Hitler may start.... Sri Aurobindo 27 JUNE 1940 PURANI: If Russia demands Bessarabia it might be through an understanding with Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: If Rumania accedes then Russia will next enter Bucharest. Hitler has demanded all the German refugees from the French Government which means that he will harass them now. PURANI: Our people in Calcutta have asked whether ...


... not possible; it is possible between Russia and Germany. Between themselves they have divided their spheres. Hitler is to take the West and Stalin the East. SRI AUROBINDO: I suspected some such thing. So India is to fall under Stalin? Only, Indians don't yet realise it. But though Hitler may allow it for now, he may turn against Stalin afterwards. NIRODBARAN: So India will be treated with another... that day will act as a check against Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling): According to the rather discredited astrologers the 3rd, tomorrow, is the date of his death. SATYENDRA: It has been estimated that about two and a half crores of rupees will be required to equip one division. SRI AUROBINDO: Then forty such divisions will be necessary against Hitler or Stalin. PURANI: The Pétain Government... and they call it the yellow peril. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and theirs is the white peril, which Japan knows. NIRODBARAN: The Supermind ought to descend now; the conditions are getting very bad with Hitler and Stalin threatening everybody. SRI AUROBINDO: The Supermind is not concerned with these things. PURANI: Nirod is surprised to find that the Supermind goes by different values and he doesn't ...


... wants Fascist dictatorship and the other wants to bring back monarchy. PURANI: Hitler may try a blockade on England. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if he has control of the Mediterranean then it will be dangerous. NIRODBARAN: But before that the English navy has to be crushed—unless the French navy surrenders to Hitler. PURANI: The French navy and Italian submarines will be powerful enough —if America... 23 JUNE 1940 According to B.B.C. radio the armistice between France and German has been signed. Navy, air force and colonies are supposed to be handed over to Hitler. But French radio from Saigon said nothing. PURANI: If the navy and air force revolt and join the British? (Sri Aurobindo simply shook his hands meaning "I don't know what they will do.") Romania... assured and so may not press them now. If Turkey also backs out and Gibraltar goes, then England will be in a precarious condition. NIRODBARAN: Still there are people in the Ashram who think that Hitler wants only his old colonies and nothing more. SRI AUROBINDO: He may not till he has consolidated his position in France. Didn't the American consul say that Germany wants France's colonies and a ...


... such lust for wanton cruelty, such wild sadism, such abnormal velleities no people, it is said, have ever evinced anywhere on the face of the earth: the manner and the extent of it all are appalling. Hitler is not the malady; removal of the Fuehrer will not cure Germany. The man is only a sign and a symbol. The whole nation is corrupt to the core: it has been inoculated with a virus that cannot be eradicated... to add – is profoundly significant of the type Page 87 of the subconscient dynamic in the nation: it strangely reminds one of the state organised by the bee, the ant or the termite. Hitler has only precipitated the idea, given it a concrete, physical and dynamic form. That philosophy in its outlook has been culturally anti-Latin, religiously anti-Christian. Germany cherishes always in... Vansittartism (at least in its extreme variety) has very little hope for the mending of Germany, it practically asks for its ending.   A son of the soil, an eminent erstwhile collaborator of Hitler, who has paid for his apostasy, offered a compromise solution. He says, Germany, as a matter of fact, is not one but two: there is the Eastern Germany (the Northern and the Eastern portion) and there ...

... As Hitler was threatening to cover, as with an ominous comet's tail, the whole of earth and sky, one of our sadhaks here sent up to Sri Aurobindo his wail, "What, 0 Guru, is this happening to the comforting words you gave? Don't you see that the earth is getting on to the verge of ruin? Where, 0 Saviour, are you?" Sri Aurobindo's reply was a quiet admonition, "Where is the worry? Hitler is not... man got his notion of Page 487 the super-race, and the notion took concrete shape among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance; Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient... said the Japanese might be expected any time and that we should start learning their language. Some thought we had better concentrate on German instead, for the Germans were going to occupy India. Hitler was at the time pouncing on England and Churchill alone stood up fearless against that furious onslaught. It was at this time that, as you have already heard from the Mother, there began a rush ...

... together and combined in the same consciousness (turning to X) So you see, Hitler is responsible so long as he does not feel that he is not Hitler. Disciple : But does he feel that he is responsible? Sri Aurobindo : He feels that he is responsible not only for himself but for the whole of Germany. When Hitler began he was not like that. He was considered an amusing crank and nobody... Disciple : My friend X is hesitating to put you a question; but he is puzzled by what he thinks as the contradiction in what you said yesterday about Gunas. Disciple : You said that a man like Hitler does what he does because of the action of the Gunas, the modes of nature. In other-words he does what the Cosmic Spirit makes him do and yet he is individually responsible for his actions. It seems... psychic being and a very strong vital being, But in his last photograph he seems to have weakened. Either he is physically unwell or is aging or perhaps he has misused his powers. Disciple : Hitler feels responsible for all the Aryans, what ever that may mean. Sri Aurobindo : Of course, the only Aryans are the Germans. It is they who feel the responsibility and bear the consequences. ...

... Yesterday Nirod told me you wanted me to add something about H. in my letter. I could not quite grasp what he meant. So I ask you. About C. I have written to him that if he still had a soft corner for Hitler he might be sure the Ashram was no place for him. So you see I am traveling away from friends you have decided not to smile on. Page 165 I have failed, unrepentantly, when it came... this as yesterday I was left rather uneasy by our charming Sotuda, the optimist who told me with a face glowing with faith: 1) Since you are at the Helm of affairs and have worked a miracle anent Hitler, it is rational to expect that you will be going on doing so till doomsday. 2) The atomic bomb is going to chasten men ail into sanity as its consequences are too gruesome by half. 3) Since you are... roundly with him on counts two and one... Personally I would like to serve you because you are you, that is all, not because I have any faith in humanity or its future. (As you hinted in a letter re. Hitler, that man may be bypassed by God and another type sponsored better able to evolve on the lines He wishes him to – the procedure He adopted re. Mammoths.) Guru is Krishna, that is enough for me and ...

... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “Cargo” The literature about Nazism is abundant with instances of such absurdity – if “absurdity” is the right word. For instance, Anna Maria Sigmund, in her biographies of prominent Nazi women, quotes the father of Gerda Bormann as saying: “The Jew is not a human being. He is an element of decay. Just as the... the protection of animals and had to be stopped on the personal intervention of Reich Marshall Göring, the ‘Supreme Master of the Hunt’. This opened the way for experiments with human beings.” 534 Hitler, another animal lover, said in one of his monologues when expressing his aversion to hunting: “I can swear that never in my life I hurt a little hare.” And Himmler boasted in one of his speeches to... through sexual intercourse became an obsession. Lanz von Liebenfels had published pictures of buxom naked women, pure-blooded but weak and lustful, who were being sexually assaulted by ape-like monsters. Hitler had written in Mein Kampf about the black-haired Jewish young man who lay in wait for hours to disgrace the unsuspecting Aryan girl with his blood and steal her from her Volk; and in his early speeches ...


... Nations”, by whom Hitler was possessed. At the time the nations were undergoing a decisive change towards a new, higher consciousness of truth and harmony, this asuric Power fought with all its might to conserve the status quo of its dominion over the earth. It was, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the initiator of the twentieth century wars, and prompted not only Hitler but all those who... 15. “The Lord of the Nations” Hitler and his God Fallen Angels For centuries “the devil” was one of the most feared presences in European civilization. Learned studies describe how this anti-divine being from the nether worlds originated in Chaldean Mesopotamia. The European imagination represented it as a repulsive replica of the great god Pan. The c... who through falsehood and violence acted against the progressive movement of the world and the unification of humanity. It was also the Power by which Hitler was protected. × This “parable” is closely paralleled in many traditions which hold that an “accident” happened during the creation of the world, or that this world ...


... the peoples. The situation was “as clear as a pike-staff” to Sri Aurobindo’s yogic knowledge and insight. “There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that a black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule?” However: “Other blacknesses threaten to overshadow or even engulf mankind …” 26 May Aurobindians... conditions … It does not seem to me that X is wrong in seeing in it [ i.e. the ongoing war] the same problem as in Kurukshetra.” When “more than half” of the Ashram inmates were sympathetic towards Hitler, most of them out of hatred towards the British colonial regime, Sri Aurobindo made his and the Mother’s standpoint clear: “I affirm again to you most strongly that this is the Mother’s war … It is... had made a mess of the world, and the whole affair would have been postponed for centuries. This had to be stopped first of all: the action of the Lord of Nations – the Lord of Falsehood.” 25 Hitler, his Nazis and the supporting Fascists of several countries lost the war. Yet the Lord of the Nations is not bound to any country or personality, and while the Allied nations were at their victory ...

... 9. The Völkisch Movement Hitler and his God Back to Nature Nature was the temple of God where, in ever varying beauty, harmony and grandeur, one could communicate with Him and contact one’s inmost soul. Nature was timeless and allowed one to transcend time. In nature everything was the visible expression of the life-forces; there one could come to rest... valleys, the harmony of creation could still be felt. The more virginal the mountains, the lovelier the river valleys, the more they drew us.” 479 Joachim Fest, the biographer of Speer as well as of Hitler, comments: “His love of nature was even more formative, and probably also more typical [than his love for the great romanticist literature]. The mountain tours that he made with his future wife in... the ‘tribe’, common maintenance chores were called ‘service’, and all activities went accompanied by shouted orders, drum rolls, fanfares and militant soldiers’ and Landsknechts’ songs. Life in the Hitler Youth, the German Army and the SS presented their recruits with very little they had not already known in one or other of their youth organizations.” 484 Whose soul was linked more closely with ...


... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God Gobineau and Vacher de Lapouge At the beginning of every history of modern racism, in Germany as in the whole of Europe, one finds the name of the French aristocrat Joseph de Gobineau (1816-82). Some even call him “the father of racial theory”. His fame is based chiefly on his Essai sur l’inégalité des... the nationalist-racist scene in Germany. They directed the events – visible like the Kapp-Putsch and invisible like many underhand dealings and “physical eliminations” – which led straight to Adolf Hitler, whom they thought would execute their designs and be the puppet dancing on their strings. What did they find that was so special in Gobineau, whose name today hardly rings a bell? He was the first... of others. The general trend of Gobineau’s world-view was diametrically opposite to the world-view of the Nazis, but they would nevertheless refer to him appreciatively in their racist writings. Hitler was a “practical thinker”, in the sense that he picked out what fitted into his peculiar mental framework and memorized it, with the purpose of having those thoughts at his disposal when he needed ...


... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God Treitschke, Fritsch, Haeckel It was to be expected that the self-affirmation of the Germans would reach high peaks at times when the material and racial feelings were singularly stimulated. Two such occasions were the foundation of the German nation in 1871 and the take-off of its industry and economy... was force. War united the race and fostered the heroic; peace mutilated the personality and brought the domination of vulgar commerce. Might did not make right: it was right. Treitschke said, as Hitler would say: ‘History is nothing other than the eternal struggle of race against race’.” John Weiss calls the Herr Professor “the crude voice of the barracks writ large”. “The enormous popularity... were hardly of any importance – if the murder of half a million of them can be said to be of little importance.) Fritsch, called by some “probably the most important racist and anti-Semite before Hitler”, was a very capable and prolific organizer. We remember that he launched the periodical Der Hammer, from which resulted the local Hammer Societies, which were unified in 1908 in the Reichshammerbund ...


... too the institutions which try to embody them. Whatever the relative worth of these things—they have been a stage, even if a still imperfect stage of the forward evolution. (What about the others? Hitler, for example, says it is a crime to educate the coloured peoples, they must be kept as serfs and labourers.) England has helped certain nations to be Page 464 free without seeking any personal... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical (e.g. the virtues of the Herrenvolk, the master race). That does not make the English or Americans... freedom, are new values, an evolutionary movement; this is a new Dharma which has only begun slowly and initially to influence practice,—an infant Dharma which would have been throttled for good if Hitler succeeded in his "Avataric" mission and established his new "religion" over all the earth. Subject nations naturally accept the new Dharma and severely criticise the old imperialisms; it is to be hoped ...


... mean a conscious psychic being, formed, individualised. I don't think so. I believe it was a direct incarnation of a being of the vital world. And that was the great difference between him and Hitler. Hitler was simply a man, and as a man he was very weak-minded, very sentimental—he had the conscience of a petty workman (some said of a petty shoemaker), in any case of a little workman or a little ... earth", 3 and just after that [on 5 March 1953], Stalin died. Does this signify anything? That would truly be a small result. The death of Stalin (unfortunately not any more than the death of Hitler) has not changed the present state of the world. Something more than that would be necessary. For this is like the assassin who is guillotined: when his head is cut off, his spirit remains behind and... him all in silver armour, with a silver helmet and golden plume! It was magnificent! And a light so dazzling that hardly could the eyes see and bear that blaze. Naturally it did not appear physically—Hitler was a medium, he saw. He had a sort of clairvoyance. And it was at such times that he had his fits: he rolled on the ground, he drivelled, bit the carpet, it was frightful, the state he was in. The ...


... too the institutions which try to embody them. Whatever the relative worth of these things-they have been a stage, even if a still imperfect stage of the forward evolution. (What about the others? Hitler, for example,says it is a Crime to educate the coloured peoples, they must be kept as serfs and labourers.) England has helped certain nations to be free without seeking any personal gain; she has... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical (e.g. the virtues of the Herrenvolk, the master race). That does not make the English or Americans... freedom, are new values, an evolutionary movement; this is a new Dharma which has only begun slowly and initially to influence practice,-an infant Dharma which would have been throttled for good if Hitler succeeded in his "Avataric" mission and established his new "religion" over all the earth. Subject nations naturally accept the new Dharma and severely criticise the old imperialisms; it is to be hoped ...

... Through the personality of Napoleon revolutionary France let loose the spirit of modern times - Napoleon who was born on August 15 in 1769. It is a far cry from this great Corsican to Hitler. But though Hitler cannot compare with him in stature and though he differs also in being an instrument of the dark forces of racialism and totalitarian tyranny rather than a medium, however flawed and self-willed... down in British skies! We might indeed designate it the turning-point in the Battle for Britain. August 15 can also be considered the beginning of peace after World War II, though not the peace Hitler had intended to initiate on that day; for Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945. And, seeing that peace once more was broken by North Korea's invasion of the South and what was in appearance a civil... it for extraordinary exertions. Now that the general climate of thought has changed considerably and we have beheld with startled gaze the Nietzschean dream come almost true in the Herrenvolk of Hitler and are facing another version of it in the aggressive challenge of Stalinist totalitarianism, the idea of the Superman cast deep into the modern mind by Nietzsche is showing signs of becoming subtler ...

... course. But Hitler won't turn so soon towards America. He will turn first towards the Balkans and, if Stalin comes in the way, march into Russia. After gaining Asia and Africa he will turn towards America. You know Washington's three dreams: First, war with England, Second, the American Civil War, third, the destruction of America by all mixed races, coloured and white. I suppose Hitler will pick out... provinces and each put under a gaulieter. The same has been done in Norway, Denmark and Belgium. I hope he won't succeed in America. As I said, his aim is clearly a world-empire. NIRODBARAN: If Hitler is defeated what will happen to the Being guiding him? SRI AUROBINDO: He will try to possess somebody else, for instance, Stalin. But I should say Stalin is himself a devil. He is cold and calculating... particularise, they make mistakes and try to wriggle out of them. This man says that the annexation of Poland was the last successful result of Hitler's ambition. Then he goes on to say that after Hitler and Stalin have gone, Russia and Germany will make a military alliance and create a new type of State. And then he pays high tributes to Chamberlain. PURANI: Yes, he makes him out a saint. SRI ...


... well because they thought Hitler was bluffing. They didn't take him seriously. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler does not bluff. He has done everything he has said he would do—only, in his own time. Mussolini bluffs, but when he acts, he does it thoroughly. PURANI: He seems to intend to come in at the end and get a share. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but that share won't be for long. Hitler will finish him in no time... industries and export by calling them. Only before resigning did he call the last reservists, three million, and they will take about three months to be ready. PURANI: It seems K was in favour of Hitler. When he told Counouma about it, Counouma said, "If it is so, better not speak about it. You know it is very dangerous to talk like that." And then he kept quiet. SRI AUROBINDO: It is strange that ...


... had said about pro-Hitler sympathy. It has come at the right time, he says. He was being jeered at for being pro-Ally. When he said he was sad at Holland's defeat, they remarked, "You are pro-Ally?" SRI AUROBINDO: They are glad that Holland was occupied? Very strange, and yet they want freedom for India! That is one thing I can't swallow. How can they have sympathy for Hitler who is destroying other... AUROBINDO: Scattered? Then it may be possible to penetrate it. PURANI: The Allies also should attack somewhere. SRI AUROBINDO: The French have been trained for long to be on the defensive. Now that Hitler has changed his plan, they have to take up a new position. The French are very good in attack; they are good also in defence. NIRODBARAN: Amery says that he believes in self-government and wants... PURANI: Hitler's power seems to have started even from Hindenburg's time? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The German army had already made preparations but they were afraid of what the Allies would say. Hitler gave them the first start. Of course the British are responsible for all this. They thought that France would become very powerful, so in order to keep the French in check they helped Germany to power ...


... in the Indian problem, as was shown by the poor attendance on the India debate. SRI AUROBINDO: That doesn't mean they won't stick to India. PURANI: If Hitler invades India, Gandhi will declare we are all non-violent. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler will be delighted at it. PURANI: Yes, he will sweep off everybody with machine guns. Gandhi believes he can be converted. SRI AUROBINDO: It is a beautiful... Chamberlain won't easily give up. SRI AUROBINDO: No, he will stick on with his hands, feet and teeth unless forcibly dislodged. It is because there is not a single real statesman in Europe that Hitler and Mussolini are getting their own way. SATYENDRA: The Neutrals will lose their fear under the British strength and protection. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but Sweden is very bitter. SATYENDRA: It... now Dominion Status is almost equivalent to that and in time you will be virtually independent. Besides, it is the best option under the present conditions in contrast to charkha and non-violence. Hitler won't give it, neither will Mussolini nor Japan. Stalin may give autonomy but controlled from Moscow. Moreover, the first thing he will do will be to cut off the industrialists and middle class and ...


... relying on Germany and Italy to protect them. Now it has to be seen what Hitler and Mussolini will do against Russia. If something happens Turkey and other powers will also pluck up courage. PURANI: What will happen to Hitler's pact with Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: "Pact of brotherhood sealed in blood." That's what he said. Hitler has cloven-hoofed everybody. Now it is his turn to be cloven-hoofed. Carol... for now. SATYENDRA: De Gaulle wrote a book before the war which has been translated into German. It seems he foresaw modern warfare in the form of mass employment of tanks at selected points, as Hitler has done, as well as, mechanised units, armoured cars, surprise attacks in the Ardennes and on the Meuse and the defection of Belgium. He says, "This mechanical system of fire, shock, speed and camouflage... into operation; it gave a lot of trouble to the British at the end of the war. The Siegfried Line is modelled on that system for about thirty miles! PURANI: Spain's attitude seems to be doubtful. Hitler has massed an army on the Franco-Spanish frontier. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? PURANI: Perhaps he wants to take Gibraltar with Franco's help. SRI AUROBINDO: Then it will be very difficult for the ...


... armistice. PURANI: There is unconfirmed news that General Nogues is also doing the same. SRI AUROBINDO: It must be true then. PURANI: The Belgian Minister also seems to be negotiating with Hitler about terms on which they can return to Belgium. SRI AUROBINDO: The general is out then! After his walk Sri Aurobindo took up the discussion again. SRI AUROBINDO: Rajagopalachari is getting... colonies surrender, England remains all alone. If she gets India with her, then she can get India's man-power and resources and in that case America also may join. That is the only way left to meet Hitler. In America the two parties are pro-Allies. I hope she will have the grace to do what is necessary. SATYENDRA: I don't think the British are likely to concede anything to India yet. They will say... her army against England. SATYENDRA: That will be the last step. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what Weygand must have told Mittelhauser—that the French should get whatever they can, Japan is not like Hitler. She can wait patiently, but she never gives up her policy. When the right time comes she will strike. SATYENDRA: She has recognised the Bordeaux Government, SRI AUROBINDO: Of course. The Bordeaux ...


... successful. SRI AUROBINDO: Now it will be difficult. Hitler had his chance after the fall of France. If he had attacked at once it would have been difficult for England to resist. Hitler really missed the bus. Now England is equally strong in air and navy. Only on land, if they come to grips, it has to be seen what the outcome will be. PURANI: Hitler will have to pay a heavy toll for an invasion. ... and, as in the case of Ireland, the British Government could not force India to join the war. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and Egypt too. Suppose today Hertzog gets a majority and tries to make peace with Hitler; England can't do anything about it. It can only create a split separating Natal and Cape Town. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen is asking whether, after the ego-sense has disappeared, any selective action ...


... forces, more quietly and without much destruction. Were it not for Hitler I wouldn't have cared whether the British Empire remained or went down. Now the question is whether this New Order is to come after much suffering and destruction or with as little suffering as possible. The destruction of England would mean the victory of Hitler and in that case, perhaps after a great deal of suffering and through... psychic change? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but is the psychic change possible for the whole world? By psychic I suppose he means the mental and vital changes. I don't know how even these are to come about if Hitler wins and if everybody is busy taking refuge in cowardice and trying to save their own skin. NIRODBARAN: You said that what is decided above takes place here with a certain variation. Is that variation... Even the result of the psychic past belonged once to the material world before it passed away into the subtle. And the material can always modify the result. He himself admits that in the case of Hitler he could reject the influence. So others. It is the same as in Yoga. If you accept the influence, it will then try to throw its formations on you and come true in the material plane. There also the ...


... francs to France. But this gift to the Indian Government he has appreciated. But it should be plain enough: I want Hitler to be knocked down. NIRODBARAN: I don't understand how Dr. Sircar can ask that question. Is he anti-British? PURANI: Doesn't he know what will happen to him if Hitler comes to India? SRI AUROBINDO: He will lose his pension or Mussolini may allow it for the sake of old times... behind Japan's demand for naval military bases in Indo-China, there must be Hitler's pressure on the Pétain Government to accede to the Japanese demand. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite possible. PURANI: Hitler may want the Japanese to act as a check against the British and keep them engaged in the East while he carries the invasion. SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps. Japan is still talking only of Indo-China, the... scheme is fixed, they can wait for years to carry it out, and when the right moment comes they strike. Japan's influence in the East is, of course, good for us. It will serve as a counterpoise against Hitler and Stalin if England goes down and in the meantime we can prepare as much as we can unless we fly at each other's throat. We heard the other day—I don't know where—maybe on the radio, that the Kuomintang ...


... ns which try to embody them. Whatever the relative worth of these things— they have been a stage, even if a still imperfect stage of the forward evolution. (What about the others? Hitler, for example, says it is a crime to educate the coloured peoples, they must be kept as serfs and labourers.) England has helped certain nations to be free without seeking any personal gain; she has... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical (e.g. the virtues of the Herrenvolk, the master race). That does not make the English or Americans... freedom, are new values, an evolutionary movement; this is a new Dharma which has only begun slowly and initially to influence practice,—an infant Dharma which would have been throttled for good if Hitler succeeded in his "Avataric" mission and established his new "religion" over all the earth. Subject nations naturally accept the new Dharma and severely criticise the old imperialisms; it is to be hoped ...

... disciples that the Asuric Being with whom Hitler was in contact, the 'Lord of the Nations', was the same with whom Paul Richard too had established a communion much earlier, and under whose influence he had written the book, The Lord of the Nations: ... the plans and methods he has written of in the book are the same as those carried out now [by Hitler] .... He [Richard] said there that the present... it is the destruction of the whole human civilisation that is aimed at, and already in Germany Hitler has done it .... 19 Again, in her talk to the children on 8 March 1951, the Mother said that it was occultism's 'Lord of Falsehood' who proclaimed himself the 'Lord of the Nations', and guided Hitler in his seemingly uncanny decisions. 20 On 10 June 1953, the Mother returned to this subject and ...


... 404, 426, 446, 451, 457-8, 485, 810 Gin, V.V. and Mrs Saraswati 778, 821 Gokak,V.K. 173ff Gould, F.G. 480 Guru Nanak 123, 180, 317 Heilbroner, R.L. 732 Himanshu Niyogi 662 Hitler, Adolf 181, 208, 395ff, 409ff, 422ff, 441ff, 593 Hofman, Dr Albert 742 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 41, 71, 80, 354 Huta (Savita Hindocha) 587-8, 605, 652, 679, 684, 700-4, 712-3, 717, 721, 727... religions and the supramental creation 188, 633-5, 742 and spirituality 317-8, 633, 786-7 (cf83) morality and spirituality 304, 641 Lord of Falsehood and Lord of the Nations 208, 573, 593, 602 Hitler 208, 396, 414 Nazi sympathisers 414-6' Falsehood and Death 208-9, 593, 601-2 'Rekhas' or lines on palms 221-2 founding her Ashram 217, 240, 242, 251, 573-5 its research in Yoga 754 ... involvement in the War 404ff, 571 revision of The Life Divine 408-9 intervention with a spiritual force 411-2 knowledge of military and diplomatic moves 413 warns against support for Hitler 414-5 contribution to the war effort 415-6 against India seeking Japanese help 424 supports Cripps' proposals 425ff, 571 calls it the Mother's war 427-8 message on Independence Day ...


... Invader, naively reasoned that the enemy of our enemy is our friend—even Gandhi would later send an open letter to the Members of the Brit­ish Parliament exhorting them not to take up arms against Hitler and to practice nonviolence... 102 And Sri Aurobindo wrote over and over again: The victory of one side (the Allies) would keep the path open for the evolutionary forces: the victory of the other... race, as others in the past evolution failed and perished. 37 And He categorically added: this would mean the destruction of my work. 38 In 1938, when shown a photograph of Chamberlain and Hitler in Munich, He said that Chamberlain looked like a fly before a spider, on the point of being caught. 39 The struggle was slowly getting closer, more merciless, in that silent room upstairs. "So... very pleasant? It is the whole earth that would have to be cut out! "Why not 'dismiss' the whole staff and get it done quickly?" a disciple innocently asked him, since the “staff" resisted. I am not Hitler, Sri Aurobindo wrote back. Things cannot be done like that. You might just as well ask the Mother and myself to isolate ourselves in the Himalayas. ... 43 He took in all, understood all, only ...

... Letter I was going through the article "Our light and Delight", No. 18 and was astounded by the statement that the mother assumed and form of the Lord of Falsehood in order to misguide Hitler and make him launch an attack on Stalin's Russia. This seems incredible. I have not heard of this before and surely it is not the way the Mother worked for achieving results. Did she really say... the Mother herself. It is also in a talk dated 12 January 1965 , which was taped and is included in the publication called Agenda. I am told that the Mother is on record there as having said to Hitler: "Go... To have the supreme victory, go and attack Russia." You have been shocked because you have misconceived the world-roles played by revolutionary Avatars like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... standing above both the parties? Surely the Allies are no saints as compared to the Nazis!" Sri Aurobindo took care to show that, whether the Allies be saints or not, they could not be equated to Hitler and his henchmen: the Allies represented a side which was in accord with the many-moded evolutionary drive of Nature, unlike Nazism which was an inrush from the typal Rakshasic plane to take possession ...


... 9. The Völkisch Movement Hitler and his God In Defiance of Reason The rejection of reason as the guiding light of man, of the revolutionary changes the Enlightenment had brought about, and of the new world and the civilization it attempted to realize, are characteristic of all trends within the völkisch movement. The völkisch experience derived in a straight... drifting in a formless, fluctuating mass, without religion, brainy, impotent, with a deep-seated repulsion against the peasantry – which means a decisive step towards the inorganic, towards the End.” 521 Hitler too will rail against the city, but only occasionally, for instance when in Mein Kampf he tried to get the proletariat on his hand, “those decent working people … who could not and did not grasp... ‘destruction of reason’, nowhere was it carried out with such a vengeful thoroughness as in Germany.” 525 These insights were formulated in 1963 and they retain their validity. Let us now listen to what Hitler himself had to say to Rauschning on the subject. “We stand at the end of the era of the intellect.” “The mind, glorifying itself, has become an illusion of life. Our [National Socialist] revolution ...


... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God List and Lanz We have met Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels in the first chapters of our story. We recall that these Austrian mythic visionaries were widely read and exerted a direct influence on the Germanenorden, of which the Thule Society was a chapter. Both saw the Germanic race as a people of god-men... world prior to the establishment of German hegemony. This tale owed its inspiration to a complex of medieval millenarian hopes which had originally crystallized around the Hohenstauffen emperors.” 392 (Hitler will call the invasion of Russia “Operation Barbarossa”.) List also gave voice to a strong, profound expectation in the German people of the coming of a Saviour, a Herzog who would raise the people... of the Germans long before the strong man became the paragon of Fascism in many European nations. The Führer (i.e. leader) was longed and prayed for; he was expected before he took shape in Adolf Hitler. It was not the least of Hitler’s intuitions that he knew exactly how to take on the part and act in a way to which the German masses subconsciously responded with religious fervour. “The cry for a ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God The Jewish Stereotype In the previous chapters we had glimpses of the anti-Jewish aspect of the völkisch movement, because both were inseparable: being völkisch meant being racist, at least to some degree, and in Germany racism was practically synonymous with anti-Semitism. It was the aim of the völkisch movement... primarily by anti-Semitism had no difficulty in accepting the basic völkisch ideas, and those already in the movement took readily to the precepts of anti-Semitic racism … The anti-Semitism embraced by Hitler was not just an opportunistic device, but a deeply felt conviction strengthened by the whole völkisch outlook. And even though it was part of a spiritual disposition and an attitude toward life that... of anti-Semitism which covered the whole spectrum, from respectful coexistence to the views of outright elimination in whatever way. It remains nevertheless a subject of discussion that anyone but Hitler ever thought of doing away with the Jews physically. The völkisch movement, especially through its youth organizations, became a gigantic instrument to propagate anti-Judaism in Germany; the mentality ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Assimilation When having read all this, it may come as a surprise how intimately the Jews felt integrated in Germany. Walter Rathenau, the epitome of the German Jew, declared: “I am a German of Jewish descent. My people is the German people, my fatherland is Germany, my religion that Germanic faith which is above... diverse community”, were closely involved in the German life. The degree to which they were “assimilated” or “integrated” is corroborated by the difficulty of trying to extricate them again. Wagner, Hitler, Rosenberg and Heydrich were themselves suspected of having Jewish blood in their veins (Hitler’s case remains pending, probably forever); Emil Maurice, Albrecht Haushofer, Erhard Milch and other prominent... kept their religious identity as a people and that their religion demanded a separate existence, while generally speaking people were not yet ready to mix with others on their home turf. The Nazis, Hitler in the first place, always contended that their racial cleansing was not a matter of religion but of purification “of the blood”; yet the proofs of a person belonging to the Jewish race were in most ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Front Soldiers No historical context gives a more telling idea of the Jewish dilemma than the extreme situation created by the outbreak of the First World War. The anti-Jewish feeling followed the culminating curve of frantic German nationalism. It was nevertheless at this time that the Jews as a community gave... medals must have been doubly earned. Anti-Semitism was so strong at the front that German Jewish officers were often amazed when their orders were obeyed.” 613 (The officer who recommended Corporal Hitler for the Iron Cross 1st Class was Jewish.) The Marburg professor of philosophy Hermann Cohen wrote in 1916: “As Germans we want to be Jews, and as Jews Germans”, and he thought he saw how in the... promoted, 2000 to the rank of officer. 10 000 Jews entered the army as volunteers. The “National Association of Jewish Front Soldiers”, founded in 1919, counted 35 000 members. “In October 1933, when Hitler already had gathered all power in his hands, they still wanted ‘in true military discipline to stand with their German fatherland to the last’, but were dissolved in 1939. In 1941 Jews were forbidden ...


... disciples in his room. He said that it was not Hitler who took the crucial decisions, but ‘the Being’ behind him. ‘There are more than one, but this is a very powerful Being … [Paul Richard] was in communion with this Being, and the plans and methods he has written of in the book [The Lord of the Nations] are the same as those carried out now [by Hitler]. He said there that the present civilization... Nations … Through its fallible words the infallible voice may be heard of Him “who rules the nations with a rod of iron” – the Lord of the Yoga of the Nations.’ 36 (Once more one is reminded of Adolf Hitler, who withdrew to his villa in Berchtesgaden, in the Alps, to communicate with his ‘God.’) And Richard writes in a foreword, ‘[ To the Nations ] marks a step further in the denunciation of the international ...

... speaking of personal things — which did not eventually happen even after delay, defeat or even disaster. There was a time when Hitler was victorious everywhere and it seemed certain that the black yoke of the Asura would be imposed on the whole world; but where is Hitler now and where is his rule? Berlin and Nuremberg have marked the end of that dreadful chapter in human history. Other blacknesses... convenance at Delhi. But we must not let our reaction to it become excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated — even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews Page 363 who are still showing themselves very much alive; and, as for the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak ...


... and they will form an integral part of Nazism. It should be mentioned here that several authoritative writers give credence to Lanz’s statement that Hitler was a reader of Ostara during his years in Vienna. Lanz himself wrote in 1932: “Hitler is one of our pupils.” 38 He was, just like Sebottendorff, silenced for his impudence. The saddest fact, however, is that so many of Lanz’s ideas were put... 2. Masters Hitler and his God Austrian Visionaries Around 1880 a remarkable change took place in the European consciousness. The acquisitions of the Enlightenment had already been questioned by the Romantic movement at the beginning of the century. Now a powerful wave of vitalism and intuitionalism restated the rights of the emotional components of human ...


... 3. Mentor Hitler and his God Thule Reaches Out Bismarck had not been able to suppress the social-democratic upsurge, feared and hated by the reactionaries. In 1912 the Socialists obtained 110 seats in parliament, more than any other party. In 1914, carried on the wave of general euphoria with which the war was greeted, the social-democrats temporarily... become aware of the potentially catastrophic gap between Right and Left, and decided to do something about it by trying to win over the workers for the nationalist ideas. In the following words of Hitler, in Mein Kampf , one hears an echo of Thule’s concerns: “The bourgeoisie has misjudged the importance of the mass and therefore of the social problem. Because of this the bourgeoisie has estranged... presented as an initiative of Drexler’s.” 85 “The German Workers’ Party gained no great influence at first and remained mainly limited to Munich. Only when through an intervention of Destiny Adolf Hitler joined the still thinly populated ranks of the Party, in the autumn of 1919, came the turnabout which gained great historical significance for the whole German people.” 86 ...


... March and the beginning of April 1942 are memorable for one of the very few interventions of Sri Aurobindo in India's public affairs. World War II was in full swing and Japan had joined hands with Hitler and posed a threat to Burma and even India, both of which were then under British rule. There was considerable discontent in India and a great reluctance to join the war effort of the British Commonwealth... and collective. Churchill was England's Prime Minister at the time. He had been known as a die-hard Imperialist. All of a sudden he appeared to have felt that in the war he was conducting against Hitler the cause of civilisation was at stake and that to serve it at all costs was more important than to preserve the sanctity of the British empire. He wanted India to give up her distrust of the British... this advice. Churchill chose him to carry to India certain proposals meant to meet her basic demands and Page 144 induce her to join the united front of Britain and her allies against Hitler and his associates. In connection with what came to be known as the Cripps Proposals it may be interesting to put together all the documents relating to Sri Aurobindo's intervention. Sir Stafford ...


... There is no chance for the world unless something happens in Germany or else Hitler and Stalin quarrel. But there is no such likelihood at present. NIRODBARAN: No. That may happen at the end. Hitler thinks perhaps that he can handle Stalin easily afterwards. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin thinks he can deal with Hitler. NIRODBARAN: German soldiers are better fighters than the Russians. SRI ...


... and then France and England will turn communist. PURANI (after reading a few extracts from Blake's book) : Blake calls Hitler a devil. SRI AUROBINDO: There lies the difference from the French man. The Frenchman calls Stalin a devil and Hitler human. One can say that Hitler is not a devil but is possessed by one. ...


... a fight. Hitler is now asking for colonies equivalent to those of other powers. SRI AUROBINDO: But from where will he get them? PURANI: From Belgium, Portugal or Holland. SRI AUROBINDO: Holland has no colonies. Portugal's colonies in Africa are so small that Hitler will hardly be satisfied. The Belgian Congo is big, but England won't dare to do anything with it to placate Hitler, for that ...


... him. EVENING At about 6:15 p.m. the news came that Germany had invaded Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. SRI AUROBINDO: I expected it. (After a pause) We will see. NIRODBARAN: Perhaps Hitler has taken advantage of England's ministerial confusion. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and Churchill's disclosure about their air power disparity. I was surprised that he gave it out. It is one thing to say... Napoleon against his generals. They lose in the right way! PURANI: Now the ministerial crisis will recede. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Chamberlain is a lucky beggar, but England is unlucky. NIRODBARAN: Hitler is spreading war on many fronts which may not be very convenient for him. SRI AUROBINDO: He wants to break through the blockade because of economic pressure. And if he gets air bases in the Netherlands... SATYENDRA: I hope their idea of neutrality will go now. SRI AUROBINDO: Let us hope so. NIRODBARAN: Stalin does not want Sweden to fall into German hands. SRI AUROBINDO: Obviously not. For, if Hitler gets Sweden, and if the Allies go down in the war, he is sure to attack Russia afterwards. He will promise independence to Finland and, through her, attack St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg's defences ...


... Hindu-Muslim question. SRI AUROBINDO: Now the Muslims will say that their allegation about the Congress injustice is true. PURANI: Y considers Hitler a Kshatriya emanation. SATYENDRA: Oh, he is furious against the British and is in sympathy with Hitler. He says the British have become old now by their long domination. SRI AUROBINDO: German domination will be young and new? SATYENDRA: Both... a great difference if plans had been made beforehand so that they could at once have taken up their positions. SATYENDRA: I told Y what you had said—amely, that it is dangerous for us to support Hitler. For some days he keeps quiet and then goes off again. But he does not say anything outside. SRI AUROBINDO: That does not make any difference. Somebody else may speak to an outsider and thus it ...


... will be denied later. But if true, it must be because Rumania has declared herself Nazi. NIRODBARAN: But if war starts between them Hitler will have to look on at present. SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps. PURANI: In that case Italy will jump in and that will bring Hitler in. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but it doesn't look as if Russia and Italy will involve themselves at present in the Balkans. NIRODBARAN:... fallen in line with the Axis Powers. SRI AUROBINDO: In a war with Rumania, Turkey will certainly side with Russia. PURANI: Oh yes. It is easy for her. They are in one line. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler will then have to postpone the invasion of England. NIRODBARAN: If England and Russia combine, will the result of such a combination of human and Asuric forces be good? SRI AUROBINDO: Not a true ...


... Governor, in which Sri Aurobindo said that we give our entire support to the British in their struggle. It is not only a war for self-defence and the defence of nations threatened with world domination by Hitler, but also a war for the preservation of civilisation, etc. SRI AUROBINDO(looking at Purani): So? PURANI: It will be published in all the papers. Gandhi will see it. NIRODBARAN: He may find... SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. SATYENDRA: But as regards India, the British are not very lovable. SRI AUROBINDO: Lovable? Nobody said they were lovable. They never were. But the question is to love Hitler less. (Laughter) PURANI: Some American correspondent has said the British forces are waiting in Egypt for the Italians to come out like tortoise heads, and then they will chop them off. SRI... phones him every morning saying, "Ulysse, are you still proving yourself to be a traitor to your country?" (Laughter) PURANI: But the condition in France is none too happy. SRI AUROBINDO: No. Hitler is putting pressure on Pétain. The Germans are plundering whatever they can in the non-occupied territories and withholding payment from the banks. They have released French prisoners from Germany ...


... cars? SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. PURANI: Hitler seems to be putting pressure on Sumer, trying to displace the French. SRI AUROBINDO: He doesn't require pressure. He has always been pro-Axis. He is a phalangist. PURANI: The British have kept Spain neutral by offering joint control of Gibraltar after the war as well as now. SRI AUROBINDO: If Hitler gets Spain, it will be only one point controlled... supporter of the war. It is not only a war for defence, he says, but for civilisation. SRI AUROBINDO: That is my standpoint also. They talk of independence, but nobody will remain independent if Hitler wins. PURANI: Dr. André was asked by the pharmacist what he would do if Germany came to India. André was telling me it is a far-off thing yet. SRI AUROBINDO: All the same, it is a pertinent question ...


... AUROBINDO: Even if she recognises it, she will have to pay. (Laughter) PURANI: It says war on England is to begin in a week. SRI AUROBINDO: A German paper says England won't enjoy another weekend. Hitler will appear in a triumphal march on 27th July for which windows are being hired. SATYENDRA: That means hardly two weeks. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. I don't know how he is going to do it. NIRODBARAN:... SRI AUROBINDO: He means the vital being, perhaps. PURANI: Yes, he was a very self-contradictory man. At one moment he would say one thing, at the next another. When others had gone, Purani said Hitler was not getting any inspiration to attack England. SRI AUROBINDO: No, nobody knows what he has up his sleeve. But I don't think that he can attack. He can attack by air and destroy the industrial... something. Britain's air force also has increased but it is still inferior in number. She is inferior in the army also. There are now about three million men in arms. They will be sufficient to deal with Hitler if he makes a land attack, for he can't first land his whole army and armoured units. Most probably he has not worked out his plan yet. PURANI: Or he may be considering various possibilities that ...


... 24 OCTOBER 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Purani): Laval is involved in a great labour! Laval is trying to bring about peace in France by some agreement with Hitler. Proposals seem to be to give Nice to Italy, put Tunis under France and Italy, cede Alsace-Lorraine to Germany, Morocco to Spain, Indo-China to Japan, surrender air and navy to the Axis and have France... SATYENDRA: Will the French fight? PURANI: If they had wanted to fight they could as well have gone on fighting against Germany in the first place. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so! NIRODBARAN: But Hitler may hold out the threat that if they don't agree, the whole of France will be occupied. SRI AUROBINDO: If they do agree, they will lose their colonies. This seems to be Hitler's game. It is quite... then to the east to Egypt, and on this line bring France and Spain into the war. Sumer's visit and Hitler's visit to Franco must be to induce Spain. There must be an Italian brain behind this scheme. Hitler moves to the front with one objective at a time. This sort of combination is not usual for him. It must be Mussolini's calculating brain. It is a large scheme this time, not like Hitler's previous ...


... communist prisoners now? Have they been released? SRI AUROBINDO: Why? They are in Britanny. I hope they will be sent to French Guiana before anything happens. (Laughter. Looking at Purani) By the way Hitler has said that he will enter Paris on the 15th. He may have meant the army. NIRODBARAN: By Jove, how remarkably precise! SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he is getting remarkable guidance from his Asura. Sometimes... foresight that comes true with perfect precision both on the vital and subtle-physical planes, just like that which is possible on the spiritual planes. Of course they are not always infallible. But Hitler committed only one mistake: when attacking Poland he thought that the Allies wouldn't intervene. (Smiling) Napoleon did not have such guidance. NIRODBARAN: Had Hitler's Asura anything to do with... She is consulting them. NIRODBARAN: Russia seems to be frightened by Germany's success and is taking many precautions in the Balkans and the Baltic. SRI AUROBINDO: Precautions won't help if Hitler is triumphant. (After a while to Purani) Do you know if there are still any people with political tendencies in the Maharshi's Ashram? Once it had revolutionaries like Ganapati Shastri. PURANI: ...


... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 25 AUGUST 1940 PURANI: Baudoin is speaking like Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: How? PURANI: He says Britain is continuing the war and will bring ruin on the world because of it. As Hitler says, "I don't see why the war should go on." (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Baudoin says it would have been cowardly and derogatory to... is cowardice to fight but heroism to surrender. He is another scoundrel and swindler like Laval. Many of these people had their money deposited in Germany before the war and when the war broke out Hitler stopped all payments except to these people in order to keep them in his hands. ...


... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical (e.g. the virtues of the Herrenvolk, the master race). That does not make the English or Americans... at least spoil the opportunities opened to the human world by that victory, I would still put my force behind them. At any rate things could not be one-hundredth part as bad as they would be under Hitler. The ways of the Lord would still be Page 47 open-to keep them open is what matters. Let us stick to the real, the central fact, the need to remove the peril of black servitude... Had Cripps' proposal been accepted, the Partition and the blood bath that followed might have been averted. Sri Aurobindo gave reasons for accepting the proposals. First, Hitler represented an Asuric force and his victory would be good neither for India nor for the world. Second, this offer was made chiefly to the Congress party and it was an opportunity for it to ...

... They were not fulfilled at the time when I willed – many have been fulfilled when I no longer wanted them. For instance, I wanted to break the British Empire. Now Hitler wants to do it. But I don't want it, as it would mean the triumph of Hitler. Wherever he has gone, he has destroyed the higher values of life. If I want that British must not be destroyed it is not because I like the British Empire... purpose, will have to be limited : of course, such a limitation will be self-imposed. That is to say, he will consent to the rules of the play of forces. Page 279 Disciple : Now Hitler is giving bread to German workers. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, he says the German workers are without food and he is going to feed them. It is the Asura spreading his influence like that. He promises ...

... not a quarrel between two “camps,” but an evolutionary choice between the past of the earth and its future. And ultimately it is the choice of the whole Earth, as one day we had to choose between Hitler (another “brother”) and the Resistance, or between the pithecanthropus and the Homo sapiens . And now it is another species, it is another little vibration to catch and live. This particular... in jail and resist the blackmailing — the complete muddle. Result: nobody knows anymore where he stands and “everything is the same” and all are equally the children of the Mother and long life to Hitler! or to any brother in the world. Now you have understood “everything” and you are stuck like a fly in the mental “honey.” And Auroville is nowhere. And the funny thing in this mental game is that... you force the barrier in ’73, and why ...” All that, always, as if the Falsehood had swallowed the Truth and spoke with the strength of the Truth it has swallowed. I mean the true Falsehood: not Hitler, but the very Truth wrapped in Falsehood. It wears me down. And I have been meeting the same thing everywhere for four years, since Mother’s departure. Not only are you slandered from without, but ...

... the Congress, 32 and violence, 246 se e also religion, Sanatana dharma Hindu-Misfire question, 17, 18·19,31, 53,54,58,62,65, 165,166, 167, 173, 181,195,222,223,227,228,230, 241,242, 244-245 Hitler, 193, 194,213,217,224·226,227, 229(fn), 230, 239, 242 sympathy for, 225 Holland,226 honesty, 112·113 humanitarianism, 59, 80, 112, 196 humanity, see under man/mankind hunger strike, 145 , 168... its call, 44 is Sanatana dharma, SO Nation alit movement party, 17,32·33, 36,44,45,47, 50,54,59,60, 93,21 5, 246 see also Swadeshi Nazis Nazism, 2 11, 214, 2 17, 2 18, 229(fn), 236 see also Hitler Nehru, Jawaharlal , 192(fn), 207, 228-229, 238(fn), 245(fn), 253 newspapers , see under press Nivedita , Sister , 13,71 ,21 9 non-cooperation movement, 156,160,180 non-violence , 45 , ISI , 166 ...


... important because if you say that everything is God, then you have to affirm that God is responsible for evil. When I do an evil act, commit adultery or murder it is God who is acting in me. A man like Hitler or Stalin is moved by God no less than a Buddha or a Christ. This is surely nonsense; it makes no sense of God or of man. Evil, of course, remains a mystery which human reason can never penetrate... disappear only to an inner spiritual realisation and not even the most convinced pantheist will declare the Cosmic Spirit to be equally expressive everywhere, to have been just as manifest in a Hitler or Stalin as in a Jesus or Buddha. Along with such a recognition, the Gita brings a multi-minded approach in which pantheism is but one feature - and this approach must yield another vision and ...

... Poems and Plays (1942) and while doing it Sri Aurobindo added—in the same style as the rest of the play—one passage with what seems a prophetic eye to the development of the contemporary phenomenon of Hitler: This man for a few hours became the vessel Of an occult and formidable Force And through his form it did fierce terrible things Unhuman: but his small and gloomy mind And... The Children of Wotan catches vividly the perversely religious vision and exultation that was one of the most effective elements in the cult of Nordic race and blood and steely Titanism which Hitler let loose in Germany and swept outward on the war-path. 4 Most of Sri Aurobindo's Sonnets were written in the late 'thirties though a few were touched up afterwards. Except for Nirvana ...


... concession as well from Churchill as from the British Crown and should have led to the full independence of the country within a foreseeable time. The British, involved in a war of life and death with Hitler and the nations supporting him, needed the wholehearted assistance of the Indian subcontinent urgently, notwithstanding the fact that already a million Indian troops were fighting on the side of the... India.’ When his message was spreading as radio-waves through the ether, nobody knew that they were listening to Sri Aurobindo’s testament. With the termination of the Second World War — ‘Where is Hitler now and where is his rule?’ said Sri Aurobindo — and the independence of India, the problems of the world were not solved. On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo kept repeating that the world situation was ...


... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God Schwabing “The part of Munich called Schwabing is at that time a hotbed of the most different groups. Theosophists, mystics, Gnostics, Taoists, Mazdaists, Buddhists, Neo-Buddhists, Zionists, nihilists, trade-unionists, Bolsheviks and pacifists: all are searching for an explanation of the historical occurrences... admirers); Alfred Schuler was a propagator of Nietzschean ideas, flavoured according to his own recipe, and an habitué at the Bruckmann salon, frequented by Rilke and other celebrities (and soon by Adolf Hitler); and Ludwig Klages would write The Mind as the Opponent of the Soul, a book of lasting interest (and he would join the Nazis). And for a while, during his stay in Munich, there was Stefan George ...


... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God The White Man’s Pride We have met the noble Aryan – the “Prometheus of mankind”, “standard-bearer of human progress” and “highest image of the Lord” – when leafing through Hitler’s Mein Kampf. We recall that the discovery of an Aryan root language was made around 1800, in that fecund period of literary... contact with its pre-Christian origins, through re-rooting itself in the powers of its old gods. It would take the fancies about being Herrenmenschen literally, and when it thought it had, under Hitler, built up the necessary military capability, try to turn them into reality. ...


... 5. Settling Accounts Hitler and his God Annus terribilis After a series of bad years, 1923 was a terrible year for Germany. In retaliation for unsatisfactory “reparations”, i.e. punitive payments agreed upon in the Treaty of Versailles, three French and Belgian divisions occupied the Ruhr, Germany’s industrial heartland. The German Government responded... attitude of reactionary Germany, which may be called instinctive, towards the ideological values of Socialism and its representation of the fourth estate was a direct cause of the conditions that made Hitler possible, and will be exploited to the utmost by the man himself. The general in command of the Reichswehr was Hans von Seeckt, a monocled officer of the Prussian school, very capable and very aware ...


... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God Superior People There were even before Luther marks of a German road that would eventually lead to Hitler. An anonymous publicist, called “the Revolutionary of the Upper Rhine”, wrote the Book of a Hundred Chapters in 1510, at a time that European thought, stirred up by the revolution of the Renaissance, was in total ...


... passions and reactions, and ambitions too, but he isn't one of those beings who know they are instruments of the great Asura—he's not that. He is less dangerous than that. Not like Hitler—who knew, of course. Hitler asserted that Falsehood should govern the world and that it was governing it. And he was very conscious of being the instrument Page 280 of the Asura who had himself called ...


... British Prime Ministers, Daladier and Chamberlain meet Hitler in Munich and avert war by abandoning Czechoslovakia to its fate. March 15, 1939 — German troops enter Czechoslovakia. September 1, 1939 — Invasion of Poland. September 3, 1939 — England and France declare war on Germany. Beginning of World War II. May 10, 1940 —Hitler launches its attack on the Allies. Netherlands, Belgium ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... will become supramental if it has a chance. The atmosphere is most confoundedly disturbed, that is why I am ingeminating "peace, peace, peace!" like a summer dove or an intellectual under the rule of Hitler. Of course, I am not asking you to become supramental offhand. That is my business, and I will do it if you fellows give me a chance, which you are not doing just now (you is not personal, but collective... very few chosen disciples, the whole work may go on most concentratedly and rapidly? When the miracle is achieved, all of us will flock again and achieve everything as by a miracle! How? I am not Hitler. Things cannot be done like that. You might just as well ask the Mother and myself to isolate ourselves in the Himalayas, get down the supramental, then toss everybody up in a blanket into the Supreme ...

... first dictators the world had seen. There have been dictators since the beginning of the world. And they are of various kinds. Kernal, Pilsudski, all the kings of Balkan states, as well as Stalin and Hitler, are all dictators. Even Gandhi, if he were put at the head of a free India, could be a dictator. My own father can be called the dictator of Rangppur or Khulna! The dictators come in answer to the... 150,000-strong Communist Party remain pure and are faithful to our ideal, nothing can resist us." And it was quite true; for as long as they were able to do that, Communism was really successful. Hitler too had a glimpse of the same truth. When he killed one of his prominent followers for immorality, he was not quite hypocritical even though he had known about it before. In some vague way he felt ...


... are trying to expand in the Ukraine. After that, Hitler will come to Central Europe. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but that will at once combine Russia, Poland, Roumania and Yugoslavia. The small countries will be afraid about their own safety. PURANI: But I don't understand why Germany should join with Italy in attacking France. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? Hitler himself has said in his Mein Kampf that Germany ...


... official order. The post office is still giving out British money. SATYENDRA: Shopkeepers refuse to give any change. Chamberlain has said that England would rather go down than make peace with Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: No more appeasement? SATYENDRA: No. He says England is fighting for the liberty of the world's peoples. NIRODBARAN: The trouble is that the British people's own liberty is... and the Americans may not believe in the possibility of an invasion of their land, at least at a near date. SRI AUROBINDO: No, everybody now is realising the danger. PURANI: The next step of Hitler after England will be America. SRI AUROBINDO: Not quite the next, because he may have to square with Russia first. NIRODBARAN: Burma has given unconditional help to Britain while the English ...


... Nehru also speaks of being international. Now his sister speaks in the same vein. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case he should support Britain. Otherwise, he will only help Hitler. NIRODBARAN: If there is any trouble in India, Hitler will be glad. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course! PURANI: Benoy Sarkar writes in Rupam about art, that the subject matter is not important. Indian art has been always concerned ...


... stay here for some time. SRI AUROBINDO: Buy a house? Queer ideal! Wants to do Yoga? NIRODBARAN: Probably. PURANI: He has spoken somewhere in the South against Hitler and the Nazis and, quoting from Mein Kamf, says that Hitler considers us "chattels and slaves". In a Nazi victory our lot will be like that. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. That is the well-known Nazi position on the coloured races ...


... reported that the Allies have broken through the line and penetrated into the Baltic. SRI AUROBINDO .If they enter the Baltic, then the Germans are done for. NIRODBARAN: So it seems true then that Hitler has blundered by extending the war front. SRI AUROBINDO: It was a very rash thing to do. These things depend in the end on sea-power. Without sea-power you can't transport supplies, mechanised troops... AUROBINDO: Some French general said that Hitler's move was well-planned, well-executed but not well-judged. If the prohibition of the use of petrol, etc., is true, then Germany's condition is pretty bad. Hitler seems to succeed only where there is not much resistance. EVENING Devata, Dr. André's lab assistant, was on the point of dying from heart failure. André said, "If he is dead, I will resuscitate ...


... captured the Faroe Islands which appear to be strategically important. SRI AUROBINDO: Where are they? PURANI: Somewhere between Orkney and Norway. SRI AUROBINDO: Then they are of no importance. Hitler is not such a fool as to go and occupy Iceland or Greenland. NIRODBARAN: Does Chamberlain direct the military operations? SRI AUROBINDO: No, he supervises all the departments and is advised by... blockade, the navy's starvation of Germany and they are daunted by the presence of the Siegfried Line on their east. They don't want to risk anything. They are tied up by their organization, while Hitler fixes himself to nothing. He considers all possibilities and strikes according as it suits him. PURANI: Yes, the British must have their plans and moves fixed beforehand: "If such things happen ...


... return of her trucks from Rumania. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling): Yes. She seems to be looking for an excuse for a quarrel. PURANI: Rumania has given no reply and is perhaps turning to Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler will say he is not going to fight Russia over some trucks. He will advise her to settle the affair. NIRODBARAN: As in the case of Hungary, Bulgaria, etc.? If Rumania concedes to all ...


... we can open more easily to them, then by his working on the Inconscient our diseases ought to be cured. PURANI: Yes, but we can open only in the reverse way! (Laughter) There was news that Hitler was trying to persuade Bulgaria to allow German passage or to join the Axis orbit. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the danger now. I don't think an invasion of England is likely. If Britain can't help the... resist Germany. NIRODBARAN: Turkey may come in to help Bulgaria if the latter is attacked. SRI AUROBINDO: Don't know. If Turkey waits till Bulgaria is attacked it will be too late. In that case Hitler may turn towards Palestine and help Italy there, and then move on to Africa. Next he will ask Spain to join him so that the English army in Africa will be caught between two forces. . PURANI: Yes ...


... would have been smashed if Hitler had invaded England at the right time, just after the fall of France. DR. MANILAL: Why didn't the Divine intervene in France, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: Because the French were corrupt and had no power of resistance. The English people have still some of their old virtues left to which support could be given. DR. MANILAL: They say that Hitler may occupy Italy if Italy ...


... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo 22nd May, 1940 Disciple : If the Asuric forces incarnated in Hitler and others in Germany, is there no one on this side of allies who incarnates a Divine force? Sri Aurobindo : No. Unfortunately there is none. They are all ordinary men; there is no one who can receive the Force. Perhaps Marshal Petain may be able... "Failure of my Mission in Germany"? Sri Aurobindo : I have seen a review of it in the New Statesman. Disciple : Jwalanti was telling that in that book Sir Arthur Henderson speaks of Hitler as a man who works under possession. Sri Aurobindo : Does he say that? Disciple : He also described the condition of a young man who is her friend's son and who was in the diplomatic ...

... by German Nordic hordes and to-day it is again the Germans who are trying to destroy the centre of European culture. The Asura working behind Hitler has been giving him very correct and remarkably accurate guidance. He knows what is possible. That is why Hitler has never been listening to reason. He only waits for the voice. Till now it has guided him correctly. One mistake, it seems, it has made it ...

... Disciple : No. What about it? Sri Aurobindo : It was shouting at each other. It is said that when Hitler begins to shout his eyes become glassy and it means disaster.   But in this interview when he began to shout and eyes turned glassy, Beck began to shout louder. Hitler was much surprised to find this unexpected return and himself toned down.  Disciple : What was the result ...

... human progress. If you were to differ from Stalin or Lenin you would be liquidated. These dictators have remarkably few ideas :  Take for example Hitler. He believes that :      I  The Germans are the best people in the world. II. Hitler should be the leader. III. All the Jews are wicked persons. IV. All the people in the world must be Nazis. I do not understand how humanity ...

... Disciple : The British consul here says that the Chinese are no good as soldiers and the Russians are good in defensive warfare. The Germans are trying to expand in the Ukraine. After that Hitler might come to central Europe. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. But that will at once combine Russia, Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia. These small minor powers will be afraid of their own safety. Disciple... understand why Germany joins Italy in attacking France. According to European astrology Hitler's stars are with him till Dec. 1938. Page .66 Sri Aurobindo : Why! Hitler himself has said in his "Mein Kemp" that Germany is not safe without the destruction of France. And France says the same thing about Germany. They have chosen this time, perhaps, because they think ...

... Disciple : Roosevelt seems to have declared for democracy. Disciple : Now Hitler will think twice before he tries to do anything. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, if he is capable of thinking. His inner voice may ask him to push on. Mussolini may think twice unless he too is Hitlerised. In that case Hitler will Page 206 say :  I have given you a chance for Colonies. If ...

... does not seem possible. I don't object to the world-order but I object to Hitler's world order. "Psychology" would remain unpublished so long as the war lasts because I must known whether Hitler goes up or goes down. All European publications have been stopped on account of the war. My contribution to the war fund was not my taking part in politics. It was in view of much wider issues... matters like defense and foreign affairs. Page 297 They don't care for world opinion or India because the opinion they consider important is American opinion. But as all are afraid of Hitler they won't at present speak against England for her Indian Policy. And also they are not quite wrong when they say that the Indians must settle their own differences. The Lucknow pact has become a ...

... features! The other is the usual Mongolian type. Disciple : The dictator's psychology is an authority complex. People under the dictator feel they are great and that the dictator – in this case Hitler – is fighting for them, not they who fight for him. Perhaps the dictators find a competitor in God and religion. So they try to crush religion. Sri Aurobindo : But Mussolini did not crush religion... features! The other is the usual Mongolian type. Disciple : The dictator's psychology is an authority complex. People under the dictator feel they are great and that the dictator – in this case Hitler – is fighting for them, not they who fight for him. Perhaps the dictators find a competitor in God and religion. So they try to crush religion. Sri Aurobindo : But Mussolini did not crush religion ...

... And let them quarrel like Kilkeni cats. I suppose. (Said laughing.) The Congress at the present stage – what is it but a Fascist organization? Gandhi is the dictator like Stalin, I won't say like Hitler. What Gandhi says they accept and even Working Committee follows him. Then it goes to A. I. C. C. which adopts it and then the Congress. There is no opportunity for any difference of opinion except... and adopt Gaelic but as time went on and things settled themselves their enthusiasm waned and English came back. Disciple : I do not understand why the Jews are being so much persecuted by Hitler. Disciple : I understand that the Jews betrayed Germany during the war. Sri Aurobindo : Nonsense, on the other hand they helped Germany a great deal. It is because they are a clever ...

... the next bed. He was already too far gone. He was not speaking — probably could not. His bed and he had to be cleaned every now and then. Kobi jokingly remarked: “Oré Batti, Hitler o erokom treatment payeni” (Batti, even Hitler didn’t get such treatment). Soon after, Haradhan-da left us. The Ashram Courtyard was suddenly empty — for a while. Time blunted memories. New events and new people quickly filled ...


... 9. The Völkisch Movement Hitler and his God A Path Apart Putting together the glimpses of German history which we could catch in our story about the roads that led to Hitler, we detect a certain outline, useful for the interpretation of the whole. The first contact of the Germanic tribes with the rest of the continent on which they lived was their con ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God A Less Prejudiced Attitude How, then, did the next stage in Europe’s history, the Enlightenment, treat the Jews? Its principle was a radical questioning of all certainties and dogmas formerly held to be unquestionable. The field of questioning was broadened constantly by discoveries of new lands and peoples, and... French Revolution pervaded the minds and the political practice only gradually, in the advancing and retiring waves of the nineteenth century revolutions with repercussions in all European countries. Hitler and Nazism, arisen on a soil which remained inimical to these ideals, attempted the ultimate effort to counteract and annul them. ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God The Jewish Menace “Numerically, the Jews remained a tiny minority, never more than about one percent of the population. Those few, however, tended to congregate in Berlin. The 50 families of 1671 grew to a population of 3 322 in 1800, to 92 000 in 1900, to a peak of 173 000 in 1925 (about six times the 29 000... that the Jews gathered the world’s money in their hands, and that they tried to crown Reason as the new God of humanity, thereby intending to loosen and destroy all established values? This was what Hitler asserted. He also said that Socialism and Communism, children of the Enlightenment, were clearly agencies, as were capitalism and so-called “progress”, meant to engulf the existing world, break it ...


... considerations are either irrelevant or of a minor importance. The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical …” 85 The struggle for the liberty of mankind was fought and won, but the end of the... × Sri Aurobindo alludes here, among other things, to the Second World War, in which the Asura who possessed Hitler had to be defeated. See the chapters on the Second World War in Georges Van Vrekhem’s Beyond Man and The Mother (HarperCollins India). ...

... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God A Higher and a Lower Choice The German aspiration for a new and total spiritual experience was spontaneous and sincere. The existing religions had always promised a fulfilment of all expectations in another world, but human intuition knew that, if God was something more than a simulacrum residing above the clouds... Myth of the Twentieth Century. The reader will remember that Rosenberg was the official chief-ideologist and inspector of ideology in the Nazi Reich. (Unofficially, but most effectively, it was Adolf Hitler who held this job and who supervised the inspector.) As we have seen, what Germany needed according to Rosenberg was “a religion without Jewishness, without intermediaries, without dualism: a German ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Money It is an amazing fact that in Germany the medieval guild system was still very much in use in the first decades of the twentieth century for anybody who wanted to learn and practice a craft. Emil Maurice, for instance, Hitler’s part-Jewish chauffeur whom his boss made into a “honorary Aryan”, earned his... his living first as an apprentice watch repairer, then as a watch repairer in his own shop and finally as a master watch maker, from whom Hitler sometimes ordered the gold watches which he wanted to gift on certain occasions. 596 The continuation of this medieval practice in an apparently modernized society is symptomatic for many of the themes we have met with in the last chapters. Medieval attitudes ...


... creation while all they stand for is collapsing into the Néant without their being able to raise a finger to save it. What the devil are they going to create and from what material? and of what use if a Hitler with his cudgel or a Mussolini with his castor oil can come and wash it out or beat it into dust in a moment? March 23, 1934 I felt all day a tinge of regret re. Tagore—though I had... fore it could create. Now all that has been smashed to pieces and its weaknesses exposed—but nobody knows what to put Page 44 in its place. A mixture of scepticism and slogans, "Heil-Hitler" and the Fascist salute and Five-Year Plan and the beating of everybody into one amorphous shape, a disabused denial of all ideals on one side and on the other a blind "shut-my-eyes and shut-every ...

... literary and, as he was the resident doctor, medical. 9. We don't really know what happened. But, in fact, Sri Aurobindo often refers to Hitler and Mussolini in subsequent letters. For it was the period when the Dark was rising. Personified in Hitler, and in Mussolini to some extent, the nazi and fascist forces were gathering strength, soon to burst brutally over the world, unleashing the ...

... de l’histoire de France , J’ai lu, 1980 Pichot, André: Histoire de de la notion de géne , Flammarion, 1999 — Histoire de la notion de vie , Gallimard, 1993 — La société pure de Darwin à Hitler , Flammarion, 2001 Porter, Roy: Flesh in the Age of Reason , Penguin Books, 2004 Prigogine, Ilya: La Fin des certitudes , 1998 — Order out of Chaos , Bantam Books, 1984 Rose, Hilary... de l’O.E.I.L., 1990 Talbot, Michael: Beyond the Quantum , Bantam Books, 1988 Tresmontant, Claude: L’histoire de l’univers et le sens de la création , Tempus, 2006 Van Vrekhem, Georges: Hitler and his God , Rupa & Co., 2006 Weinberg, Steven: Dreams of a Final Theory , Vintage, 1993 — The First Three Minutes , Bantam Books, 1984 Wilber, Ken: The Essential Ken Wilber , Shambala ...

... that idealism has been smashed to pieces by the immense adverse Event and everybody is busy exposing its weakness, but nobody knows what to put in its place. A mixture of scepticism and slogans, "Heil Hitler" and the Fascist salute and Five-Year Plan and the beating of everybody into one amorphous shape, a disabused denial of all ideals on one side and on the other a blind shut-my-eyes and shut-everyb... creation while all they stand for is collapsing into the Néant without their being able to raise a finger to save it. What the devil are they going to create and from what material? and of what use if a Hitler with his cudgel or a Mussolini with his castor oil can come and wash it out or beat it into dust in a moment? If there are such great spiritual men in Europe [ as a book reviewer claimed ], ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... exhausted by a hopeless struggle. But the end was inevitable. After the turning back at Compiègne all the balance of forces had passed to the other side. 26 October 1934 The Kaiser, Hitler and His Lieutenants Hitler and his chief lieutenants Goering and Goebbels are certainly vital beings or possessed by vital beings, so you can't expect common sense from them. The Kaiser, though ill-balanced, was ...


... in thought or in the field of practical life! An infant crying in the night when he is not hitting other infants in the stomach in order to bring the golden age. (I am referring to infants like Hitler, Mussolini and others.) 95 * * * August 10, 1933 (A disciple:) I am disconcerted at what is happening in the world. Everywhere misery is rampant, people are losing faith... idealism has been smashed to pieces by the immense adverse event and everybody is busy exposing its weaknesses—but nobody knows what to put in its place. A mixture of scepticism and slogans, "Heil-Hitler" and the Fascist salute and the Five-Year-Plan and the beating of everybody into one amorphous shape, a disabused denial of all ideals on one side and on the other a blind "shut-my-eyes ___ ...


... 24 April 1937 Speaking of recent events, you ask me "whether it was a dangerous bluff" or whether we "narrowly escaped disaster". To assume both at the same time would be nearer to the truth. Hitler was certainly bluffing, if that is what you call shouting and making threats with the intention of intimidating those to whom one is talking and obtaining as much as one can. Tactics Page 9 ... As for the anti-divine forces they have only too many to choose from, and always they find wills which they enslave and individuals whom they turn into docile but nearly always unconscious puppets. Hitler is a choice instrument for these anti-divine forces which want violence, upheaval and war, for they know that these things retard and hamper the action of the divine forces. That is why disaster was ...


... dictatorially. To overlook the existence of a Power which is infinitely greater than any human power, single or combined, is to invite danger and disaster. This we have seen in the case of Napoleon, Hitler and Tojo. We do not really know the source of their defeat but attribute it to adverse circumstances and a combination of forces against them. This is only a superficial and therefore misleading... after their resounding success at Narvik and Dunkirk ? It is said that whom God wants to destroy, He first makes mad. Is it not true in the case of the ill-fated invasion of Russia by Napoleon and Hitler and of the bombing of Pearl Harbour by Tojo's air-arm, a bombing, which was but a brilliant passage to a terrible doom ? To deny this is to evince lack of the most elementary knowledge of human affairs ...

... progress. If you dare to differ from Stalin, you are liquidated. I don't understand how humanity can progress under such conditions. Look at Hitler. After all, what do all his ideas come to except that the Germans are the best nation in the whole world and Hitler should be their leader; all Jews are wicked persons; all people on earth should become Nazis; and France must be crushed. That's all! There ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: Do you mean to say that for that reason they should lead an invasion against the Siegfried Line? Already Germany has more men than the Allies. And if one million men are sacrificed to Hitler by trying to break the Siegfried Line, then the war is finished. There is no sense in that. PURANI: Perhaps they are dissatisfied with the treatment of the Communists since the Government has put... detention camps. SRI AUROBINDO: Bah! What do they want then? To let them go free and spread a revolution behind the lines? They were plotting against France, taking orders from Stalin and trying to help Hitler. What else could be done to such enemies of the country? Allow them to betray France? The Socialists also agree to the Government policy. When Blum went to London he said that he would have done the ...


... PURANI: Hitler's sudden meeting with Mussolini and the postponement of Sumner Wells' return seem to suggest a peace move again from their side. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but if the Allies sell out to Hitler, Hitler will only wait for an advantageous time to strike again. PURANI: Have you heard of the prophecies of Leonard Blake? A Parsi who had come here has offered to present a copy of Blake's book if ...


... never like this. He was never insolent, never pushed things too far. When somebody asked him to arrest one of his opponents, he replied, "Ça, c'est une mauvaise politique." ("That's bad politics.") Hitler also is pushing things too far. That is why he cannot last long. There is a famous Greek story about Polycrates, a tyrant of Samos. Do you know it? This tyrant wanted to make friends with another... SRI AUROBINDO: They, I suppose, praise Rabindranath but don't encourage others to follow him. (Laughter) In Europe, apart from vulgarisation, there is dictatorship acting against art. In Germany Hitler must have crushed everything fine out of existence—music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? People in Germany have to admire only one thing: Nazism! I hope Mussolini ...


... police trying to prove that Christ was a Tamilian? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and also that the Tamilians were Jews! Do you know that now the Germans claim Christ as a German? PURANI: But I thought Hitler and Ludendorf were trying to give up Christianity and go back to the old Norse religion. SRI AUROBINDO: That's because they found Christ inconvenient in many ways. The Turks also tried, when they... united much earlier and Germany would have been more civilised. If instead of proclaiming himself Emperor he had remained the First Consul, he would have met with better success. But, he was not like Hitler, he could not carry out things in a ruthless fashion. Even after his overthrow, the Germans on the Rhine were unwilling to give up the Code Napoleon and the institutions he had brought into existence ...


... PURANI: No, what was it about? SATYENDRA: Shouting at each other? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. It is said that when Hitler begins to shout and his eyes become glassy, it means some disaster. But in this interview when he began shouting and his eyes got the glassy look, Beck began to shout louder. Hitler was much surprised at this unexpected response and toned himself down. SATYENDRA: He seems to have met ...


... British leave and he was no less a patriot than anyone else. EVENING SATYENDRA: What is this flame-throwing business the Germans have started? SRI AUROBINDO: That is a real sign of the Asura. Hitler has many devilish things in store, it seems—works of devilish ingenuity. NIRODBARAN ( addressing Satyendra ): Your Indian Express prints in headlines that the Germans are only seventy miles from... What happened is no wonder after he has killed all his generals. I suppose he has no such military knowledge as Trotsky had. PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: The Finnish war has been reassuring to Hitler. He has seen Stalin's limited strength and thinks, "Let Stalin do now whatever he likes. After the war I will handle him." ...


... to be destroyed, but really it is the destruction of the whole human civilisation that is aimed at, and already in Germany Hitler has done it: there is no civilisation left there. What reigns there is barbarism supported by science—science meaning physical science. And Hitler has destroyed human civilisation wherever he has gone—as in Poland. PURANI: Christianity and all religion seem to be his ...


... going to win. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, now he finds that right is on their side. He had suspected perhaps that God was not on his side. (Laughter) PURANI: The Allies have laid extensive mine-fields. Hitler has not much chance of success in Norway. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know what made him take this step. PURANI: His inner voice, perhaps. SRI AUROBINDO: His inner voice must have been wild then... her-self to be found like Norway. PURANI: She may join the Germans. SRI AUROBINDO: She can do anything. Today she will declare you her friend and tomorrow join your enemy. But if she intends to join Hitler, she should have done that at the beginning when the Allies were unprepared. Now if she joins she will have to keep her control of the Mediterranean or she will be put into a worse position than Germany ...


... can destroy the Italian navy, then it will be a big gain in their favour. SATYENDRA: On land too, the Italians are not shining. Perhaps Hitler will employ them to guard the French territories? PURANI: If he can trust them. SRI AUROBINDO: Trust? Hitler can drive them out and conquer Italy at any time. NIRODBARAN: Nolini, in his translation of a chapter of The Life Divine, is finding some ...


... The French Governor is now frightened because the Pétain Government has issued orders to carry out government orders as it is the duty of the fonctionnaire to obey the superior authority. Moreover, Hitler has threatened the admirals, officials and others that if they don't obey their wives and children will be taken to the concentration camps. SATYENDRA: Then what remains for them to resist for?... the age of the "physical crust". (Laughter) The scientists have a special term for it. SATYENDRA: But a most momentous period for us. After a while Purani read out a poem by B. K. Thakore on Hitler. In it Thakore says, "We will gather all our might to crush you." SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Not so easy as in poetry. (Laughter) × ...


... it is not going to be over so soon, or if Hitler is defeated England will still have to conquer back the European territories. SRI AUROBINDO: It is only possible if apart from the repulsion of Germany by England, the Italian fleet is destroyed so that a complete blockade of the whole continent can be effected and, as a result of general starvartion, Hitler may be assassinated. NIRODBARAN: Meher ...


... 1 JANUARY 1941 The radio news said that Hitler has prayed to the Almighty to protect him against his enemies, as he is a single power surrounded by enemies. SRI AUROBINDO: Since when has he become pious? DR. MANILAL: God must be in a fix, Sir. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: He is always in a fix. DR. MANILAL: And Hitler prays to the Almighty, not just to God. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 19 JULY 1940 PURANI: Hitler has called the Reichstag and is delivering a Speech. SRI AUROBINDO: Instead of a triumphal entry, a triumphal speech? PURANI: He is going to offer peace to Britain. SRI AUROBINDO: He knows Britain won't accept. Why does he offer it? SATYENDRA: To keep a historical record that he... interned. SRI AUROBINDO: That is for the duration of the war? That means from five months to fifty years. (Laughter) Some people say that the war will last fifty years. PURANI: Then Churchill and Hitler will be no more. SRI AUROBINDO: No, it will become a normal condition of life. From this occasional bombing and no serious damage, it is not unnatural to suppose that the war will last fifty years ...


... triumphal entry into London. PURANI: But there is no sign yet anywhere of the attack. Nolini was saying that just as Napoleon was scratching his head at Boulogne thinking about how to invade England, Hitler also must be doing the same. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: During the reign of King Harold, the last invader crossed over to England. NIRODBARAN (after a pause): Huque has paid a high tribute... SRI AUROBINDO: But they may upset the whole thing. An irruption of women suffragists may invade and upset everything. ( Laughter ) But after they get their rights, they should combine and fight Hitler because wherever he goes, he deprives women of their rights. PURANI: The Fascist slogan is back to the family. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the Fascist and Nazi and now the French slogan— Famille. ...


... Gandhi ought to be happy because of their passive resistance. PURANI: I think Germany may try to push the French soldiers to war against England. SRI AUROBINDO: Not likely, because to do that Hitler will have to arm France which he doesn't want to do. He hoped to get the navy. NIRODBARAN: He must have made a mistake if he hoped that. SRI AUROBINDO: Evidently he hoped. Now that he can't get... been declaring that England must concede the demands. Otherwise they will have to take the necessary steps. So England has given way. SRI AUROBINDO: England can't deal with anything else now except Hitler. She can't deal with Japan or Russia. SATYENDRA: Churchill saw long ago the necessity of alliance with Russia and also the need of increasing the air force. NIRODBARAN: And Chamberlain did neither ...


... refugee ship. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling): You have seen how Hitler says Churchill has sunk the French ship. PURANI: Does he say that? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The Daily Herald has a report, perhaps true, about Germany inventing the story that England is going to invade France and Germany will come in as a saviour. (Laughter) PURANI: Hitler wants all the world to believe this! NIRODBARAN: Probably ...


... fighting and there was no distinction between martial and non-martial races. It is only after the English came that people lost their fighting habits and ability. NIRODBARAN: The Yugoslavian pact with Hitler seems a fact. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. However, it is good news that Turkey says she will resist. She is not depending on Russia. NIRODBARAN: Nothing is known about Greece. PURANI: There is no... effective check. England can come with her air force and navy. PURANI: Italy can be easily pounded. SRI AUROBINDO: Not only Italy; from her bases, England can attack East Germany and Poland, where Hitler has factories, and then Rumania itself. The British can close its embassy in Rumania on the plea that she is now an enemy-occupied country. Then it will be an even game. SATYENDRA: Ribbentrop is ...


... PURANI: Italy has ordered her ships to neutral ports. SRI AUROBINDO: It means war then. PURANI: And it seems the German generals are to go to Italian Africa. NIRODBARAN: What a huge mass Hitler has thrown into the north! SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if Weygand can hold on, it's all right; otherwise a dark lookout. Germany has the advantage of concentrating all its strength at one point, while the... flat forestland. From the end of France to Basle there is what is called a trou — a hole, that is — there is no Maginot Line there. Of course Switzerland can fight by retreating into the mountains. Hitler may not think of attacking there now because of his concentration in the north. PURANI: Perhaps he is waiting for Italy to join and then make a combined attack there. SRI AUROBINDO: Probably ...


... Purani): So Mussolini has butted in? When he sees that Germany is winning he comes to share the spoils. PURANI: Yes. It's a jackal policy. But he says it is according to his understanding with Hitler. NIRODBARAN: Understanding? No, he says pledge. SATYENDRA: Pledge or no pledge, why say all that? Why not say plainly that he wants to join? SRI AUROBINDO: Then what becomes of diplomacy?... with the defence. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. PURANI: He may perhaps invade Corsica with aeroplanes or land parachutes. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't think so. That requires dash and daring. PURANI: Hitler may have kept off Russia by guaranteeing that Italy wouldn't go to the Balkans. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite possible. But for how long? It will come later on. If the Allies could attack Germany through ...


... also. SRI AUROBINDO: Just the preparation for it. PURANI: I suppose Hitler wants to bring in Italy then and it will be very advantageous to him. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. PURANI: Italy seems to be vacillating because of the strong American pressure. SRI AUROBINDO: You saw how Bullitt escaped? It is lucky for Hitler. I was wondering what America would have done if Bullitt had been bulletted ...


... the ports and without ports the Germans can't launch an attack. It will take time to put them in order, and by that time England will be still more ready. Even now she has a strong army ready. No, Hitler won't attack; he has not intuition but intimation. That is why he is driving against Paris. He knows that if he sets out to repair the ports and attack England, by the time he is ready the Allies will... AUROBINDO: The French have destroyed four hundred tanks they say. It is a very good number—one-fifth of the whole. PURANI: Yes, the Germans have brought in two thousand tanks. SRI AUROBINDO: It seems Hitler brought two-and-a-half million men to Belgium and only fifty thousand were lost. Still he has two million while the Allies did not use even a million there; no wonder they were defeated. Have you read ...


... removed many dangers. PURANI: Spain is getting financial help from Britain for reconstruction of her Government, and she must be afraid of a British blockade if she joins Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. To get help from Hitler in financial matters is the least thing possible. EVENING SRI AUROBINDO: The Governor has warned Baron against Schomberg, saying that he is a scoundrel and will try to ...


... other ally. Disciple : It is the short-sighted policy of the Allies, that has given chance to Hitler. Sri Aurobindo : No, it is England that got afraid of the French ascendancy on the continent and encouraged and pressed Germany into power. She wants to maintain the balance of power. Hitler aims at France. France always wants to placate Italy; but England came in the way with "sanctions" ...

... to take it. Disciple : It is a pity they gave in without fight. But now Hitler is asking equivalent colonies. Sri Aurobindo : From whom? Where? Disciple : From Belgium, Holland and Portugal. Sri Aurobindo : Holland has no Colonies in Africa. Portuguese Colonies in Africa are small and Hitler would hardly be satisfied with them. Belgian Congo is big, but England would not ...

... Foreign Minister, while he did nothing in fact for preparing for war and so also Chamberlain. You have only to look at their photographs at Munich conference where you can see fierce cunning and crafty Hitler while Daladier appears like one who can be broken in no time, while Chamberlain looks like a cunning fool who thinks he was getting his point, while really he was not. There was a Nazi incident... will be no chance of blockade. Page 277 23rd June, 1940 On hearing about the terms of French armistice which included putting all the French resources at the disposal of Hitler Sri Aurobindo said, it is an "act of basest treachery". When he heard about the Rumanian Government becoming Nazi he said "the whole world seems to have been taken by a wave of selfishness, cowardice ...

... forces that are asuric, forces that embody the anti-divine element in life have come into existence. Take for instance the case of a man like Hitler. Why go further? It's not very necessary to go back to mythology. Take an individual like Hitler: do what you like, you cannot convert him. It is impossible because he is not man. He is not man in the true sense of the word - in the sense of an ignorant ...


... many elements from Egypt, Crete and Asia. And the set-back to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth. From that point of view all these efforts of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to confine the human mind in a narrow circle of ideas are so absurd! We had thought, during the last years of the 19th century, that the human mind had reached a certain level... dictator has come, set things right and pulled out the race from it  He will have to take all the dictators in one line for condemnation, Page 105 e.g. Kemal (a different type from Hitler), Pilsudski, Stalin and the kings of the Balkan states. Even Mahatma Gandhi is a type of dictator. (A portion from the book in which Huxley blames the Jacobins was read) Sri Aurobindo : ...

... you send Force to Germany, Abyssinia, etc., or make a leap to the Supramental? That is not my real work. Who except the devil is going to give force to Germany? Do you think I am in league with Hitler and his howling tribe of Nazis? We speculate and speculate. Next you concentrate from 6 p.m. to 11 or 12. Still not enough? Who gave you this wonderful programme? Invented it all by your ingenious ...


... in the big Barnum circus of journalistic "features" along with or in competition with Joe Louis the prize-fighter, Douglas Fairbanks, H. G. Wells, King George and Queen Mary, Haile Selassie, Hobbs, Hitler, Jack the Ripper (or any modern substitute of his) and Mussolini should Page 687 be strictly banished from the mentality for evermore and the day after. 24 September 1935 I cannot ...


... public explanation of his action or any controversy on the subject. In his letter he made it very clear that it was on the War issue that he gave his full support and he indicated the reason for it. Hitler and Nazism and its Page 453 push towards world domination are in his view an assault by a formidable reactionary Force, a purely Asuric force, on the highest values of civilisation and ...


... nature except in a minority cannot bear for long and given too a twist which seems to me to make it harmful to the sane balance and many-sided plasticity necessary for national life. What with Gandhi, Hitler and the rest (very different people but all furiously one-sided and one-ideaed) a large part of humanity seems to have gone off its balance in these times. 21 September 1934 Did you enjoy the ...


... English tongue is needed and no one can give the real stuff like Easterners and especially Indians. (2) We are entering an age when the stiff barriers of insular and national mentality are breaking down (Hitler notwithstanding), the nations are being drawn into a common universality with whatever differences, and in the new age there is no reason why the English should not admit the expression of other minds ...


... Note the absolute culmination of this drive in Germany in the unprecedented centralisation, the rigid standardisation and uniformity of the Nationalist Socialist regime under Hitler. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory—a force lacking to their less fortunate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... monosyllables? Or is it your inference from "realm" and "prism"? If the latter, I would only say, Beware of too rigidly logical inferences. If the former, I can only say that Oxford needs some gas from Hitler to save the English mind from its pedants. This is quite apart from the currency of vizhns. 29 September 1934 I am sincerely sorry for mistaking you on an important point. But before my arg ...


... ready for that rule and, while it is so, doctors and their physical methods will be there. I have also supported justifiable violence on justifiable occasions, e.g., Kurukshetra and the war against Hitler and all he means. The question then, from this middle point of view, about the immediate question is whether this violence is justifiable and the occasion justifiable. I back out. War and Conquest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... ) ( A little later, Mother listens to Satprem read various letters of Sri Aurobindo, then a letter she herself wrote in English during World War II about the attitude of the disciples toward Hitler and the Allies. ) Page 318 May 25, 1941 "The world situation is critical today. India's fate too is hanging in the balance. There was a time when India was a absolutely secure, there ...


... diverse writings and publications, the innumerable letters of wisdom and wit to the disciples on every conceivable topic, the unbroken touch with the world's events, the emphatic enlightened anti-Hitler and pro-Allies attitude and action throughout the War in the midst of the wavering Yeas and Nays of Indian politics. "My life", says Sri Aurobindo in a letter quoted by Professor Iyengar, "has ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... Constructive energy on a large scale lay behind both Hitlerism and Stalinism, but even though we may learn something from it we cannot get lost in admiration of it. Of course, Satprem is neither a Hitler nor a Stalin, yet a clear tinge of the totalitarian in him is evident from the intolerant, exclusivist single-type mentality he has fixed in the group which follows him. I have observed that ...


... passive wraith but a store-house of stupendous radiancy. We must not let it slip our memory that he resurrected "living graves". Indeed his was not a brutal obstreperous vitality: he was no Attila or Hitler or even an American hustler and go-getter. Strength and activeness of that type are in various and differing measures the mark of the Titan: the God comes with another face and another step, a dynamis ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... English tongue is needed and no one can give the real stuff like Easterners and especially Indians. 2. We are entering an age when the stiff barriers of insular and national mentality are breaking down (Hitler notwithstanding), the nations are being drawn into a common universality with whatever differences, and in the new age there is no reason why the English should not admit the expression of other minds ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God The Human Cycle Sri Aurobindo’s writings are not only based on a severely tested spiritual experience but also on a vast erudition. He was thoroughly familiar with the tradition and cultures of the East and the West and some of their principal languages, and he had imbibed the literature and the poetry of their ...


... 2. Masters Hitler and his God Rudolf von Sebottendorff Adam Glauer, alias Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff von der Rose, was born in 1875 as the son of a locomotive driver. Machinery and all kinds of technical gadgets interested the son as much as the father, for Adam became a skilled technician; he even undertook engineering studies but never brought ...


... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God The Living and the Dead The years we are looking back to were also those of a high tide of spiritism, then together with astrology the most practiced form of occultism. Spiritism in its many varieties has been since times immemorial a way of contacting the invisible worlds and the beings that are supposed to ...


... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God The 1880 Watershed At this point we have to direct our attention once more to the important change in the European cultural landscape which took place around 1880, and which announced the global upheavals of the twentieth century. The importance of those years – called by one German author Zeitbruch 1880 , ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “The Jew” “‘The Jew’ was invariably referred to in Nazi discourse as a type to which all Jews conformed, whether western or eastern, men or women, secular or religious, assimilated or unassimilated, bourgeois or proletarian. Even baptized Jews were irrevocably tainted in Nazi ideology by the stigma of degenerate ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God A Jewish Race? Has there ever been a pure race which might be called Jewish? The historical data are dubious, according to André Pichot, to whom we turn once more for our information. At the time of Vacher de Lapouge and Ernst Haeckel, when in Darwin’s footsteps the first trees of humanity were drawn up, the Jews ...


... egoistic self-affirmation of Life, in other words they resist unconditionally any spiritual endeavour. As Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have stated explicitly, the rather weak personality of Adolf Hitler got its strength and inspiration from an asuric power, the Lord of Falsehood who calls himself Lord of the Nations. It was at the inspiration of this occult personality that the Second World War took ...

... accommodation; if she can stay in the same room as [?] she can come. For Kunju Ghosh there is no difficulty as he is going to stay in a hotel. The poem is very good. Don’t worry about Hitler; no asuric force can stand eternally against the divine force and the hour of his defeat is bound to come. With our love and blessings * June 18, 1940 Yes, you can ...

... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God The First World War “The tension of the present time must result in a discharge”, wrote Helmuth von Moltke, chief of the German general staff, a few weeks before the First World War began. When the explosion finally occurred, in August 1914, it was greeted in all concerned countries with jubilation, caused by an i ...


... calling for the victory of the Nazis are by that very fact collaborating with the Asura against the Divine and helping to bring about the victory of the Asura. The Asuric power that is acting with Hitler as instrument and seeking through him domination of the world is the same power that has been opposing Sri Aurobindo’s work and trying to destroy it and to frustrate the Divine fulfilment. ...

... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God The Crusades and the Black Death The Jews remained relatively unmolested – throughout their amazing history they were never secure – till the calling of the first crusade by Urban II in 1095. Taken by a sudden fervour, thousands of the most destitute people in Western Christendom left the little they possessed ...


... seen that Sri Aurobindo said, with ever greater urgency, that the times were serious and that he wanted to finish his main work. Serious the times certainly were, even after the elimination of Adolf Hitler, instrument of the Lord of Falsehood. But the Asura had other instruments on Earth. In the first place there was Stalin, considered by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be an even greater evil than the ...

... Nations'.... And I saw him, oh! I saw this Lord of Nations. During the last war [World War II] I had some dealings with him again, but not through Richard—directly. The being who used to appear to Hitler was the Lord of Nations. An incredible story!... And I knew when they were going to meet (because after all, he's my son! 9 That was the funniest part of it); and on one occasion I substituted myself ...


... the Lord of Falsehood.... To the human consciousness, those things are terrible, but seen from up above, they make you smile. I remember, when I met him during the war (I had ruined his work with Hitler, then I met him), I told him, "You know quite well that your time is over." He said, "I know it, but until I disappear I will wreak as much havoc as I can." Childishness. Soon afterwards ...


... or semi-scientific debate. There is also the moral question - Gandhi's ahimsa or non-violence and Schweitzer's "Reverence for life." But Gandhi went to the extreme of advising Britain not to fight Hitler if he tried to invade her and rather welcome him so as to melt his heart. Gandhi did not realise how Indian spiritual insight has distinguished human ambitions and fighting urges from preternatural ...


... variation and mutation in the germplasm's pattern of chromosomes and genes. Besides, World War II has thrown into frightful relief an actual approximation to the Nietzschean dream in the Herrenvolk of Hitler and today other forms of that Titanism are also about us to shake our senses into vivid realisation of its mortal danger to all evolutionary hopes. A finer and less egoistic strain is observable ...

... mental or the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment ...


... century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory — a force lacking to their less fortunate ...


... that when one is successful one can be very jolly, which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil and cudgel: but even that is not sure, they will want to know what the smile means first—flattery or satire. September 1936 O yes Guru, I follow ...

... so it is claimed. Thus, the Mahabharata declares: "Atyugra-puṇya-pāpānām ihaiva phalam aśnute." Have we not seen in our own times how the Nemesis of Karma has violently overtaken the fates of Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and their compeers in misdeeds, in their present life itself. If we rummage through the pages of history books, we can come across many examples of this type. Here is one from the ...

... monosyllables? Or is it your inference from 'realm' and 'prism'? If the latter, I would only say, 'Beware' of too rigidly logical inferences. If the former, I can only say that Oxford needs some gas from Hitler to save the English mind from its pedants. This quite apart from the currency of vizhns.... It seemed to me impossible that even the reckless Fowler -reckless in the excess of his learning - should ...

... to be brilliant and almost Leninesque. Perhaps one day you will gaze at the figure of পাগলা যশোবন্ত (I think that is Mridu's description) presiding over the destinies of a Communist India!! Why not? Hitler in his "handsome Adolf" days was not less পাগলা or prettier, so there is a chance. Really, how things happen here so suddenly! He had been laughing, joking and one day I find he has turned quite ...

... Leninesque. Perhaps one day you will gaze at the figure of (mad Jaswant) (I think that is Mridu's description) presiding Page 11 over the destinies of a Communist India!! why not? Hitler in his "handsome Adolf " days was not less (mad) or prettier, so there is a chance. MYSELF: Really, how things happen here so suddenly! He had been laughing, joking and one day I find ...


... MYSELF: Perhaps you send Force to Germany etc...? SRI AUROBINDO: That is not my real work. Who except the devil is going to give force to Germans? Do you think I am in liaison with Hitler and his howling tribe of Nazis? MYSELF: We speculate and speculate. Next, you concentrate from 6 p.m. to midnight. Still not enough? SRI AUROBINDO: Who gave you this wonderful programme ...


... extracted from his supramental quarry, though at the cost of being dubbed a "wooden head" and many other complimentary epithets. Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Milton, Dante, Napoleon, Virgil, Shaw, Joyce, Hitler, Mussolini, Negus, Spanish Civil War, General Miaja, romping in, oh, the world-theatre seen at a glance exhibiting many-coloured movements for the eye's, the ear's and the soul's rejoicing. Now ...

... Perhaps you send Force to Germany, Abyssinia, or make a leap to the Supramental? That is not my real work. Who except the devil is going to give force to Germany? Do you think I am in league with Hitler and his howling tribe of Nazis? We speculate and speculate. Next, you concentrate from 6 p.m.-11 or 12. Still not enough? Who gave you this wonderful programme? Invented it all by your ingenious ...

... this picture.) That is how man got his notion of the super-race, and the notion took concrete shape among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance. Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient ...


... that India would be free and Britain go out lock, stock and barrel? Who believed that the Czardom would disappear for ever? And the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs, where are they now? And the great Hitler? Even a few years ago who would have believed that man would walk on the moon? And can you believe now that matter can Page 44 exist and does exist as anti-matter? Not in vain ...

... that renunciation of life is not a part of his yoga. "The first was in relation to the second World War. At the beginning he did not actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate ^.he world, he began to intervene." 2 |- Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram ^ Ibid p. The second was with regard to Sir ...

... honest people. Do you think the average man today is better than a Greek of 2500 years ago—or than an Indian of that time? Look at the condition in Germany today. You have seen the Kaiser's remark on Hitler. (Smiling) You can't say Germany is progressing. I have come in contact with the Indian masses and I have found them better than the Europeans of the same class. So too the working classes here—they ...


... that is, France virtually will go. In the south, Bordeaux and Rhone are the few important places. That has always been the difficulty of Franc—that Paris is too near the frontier. If Paris is taken, Hitler will have some breathing time before he attacks other countries. SATYENDRA: England will continue to fight, Churchill says, even after England is gone. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that is something new ...


... Front. It is the Asuric Front, through which the Asura aims at world-domination. It is the descent of the Asuric world upon the human to establish its own power on the earth. NIRODBARAN: It seems Hitler says that by the end of June he will proclaim a New Order from a city in France. SRI AUROBINDO: A New Order for what? And from which city? Vervains? NIRODBARAN: Or Amiens? SRI AUROBINDO: Amiens ...


... fast losing it under European influence. The setback to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth and from that point of view all these efforts of Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin to bottle up the human soul in a narrow mould of ideas is absurd. We had thought during the last years of the nineteenth century that the human mind had attained a certain ...


... into power. She saw that France was getting powerful in Europe after the war. As is her usual self-interested policy, she raised Germany in order to create a balance of power, She didn't expect that Hitler would aim his gun at her. At one time France and England came almost to a point of rivalry. France tried to create a friendships with Italy by placating her and England made Mussolini an enemy by applying ...


... said she would cover the first zone; it may be that. If she occupies more than Bessarabia, then it becomes interesting. PURANI: Hungary and Bulgaria are also pushing their claims. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler and Mussolini have asked them to wait for the present. SATYENDRA: Why are the English people being evacuated from Hongkong? SRI AUROBINDO: Because Japan is going to blockade the coast; in that ...


... achieve in this direction is not even a near but a very far approximate. And w hen he is otherwise inspired, when suggestions and impulsions come to him from the Hostiles, well, he hews his way, as Hitler did – and some others are doing now – to wrong ends; even there he does not succeed wholly, realises his design very partially, grosso modo. The stone club in the hand of the palaeolithic man and ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 1 OCTOBER 1940 PURANI: Hitler hasn't given up the idea of attacking Britain. He is concentrating his forces in Norway. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. About 200,000 troops are practising jumping into the sea from the rocks! Is it a preparation, in case of reversal, to swim back from England? Any news about Gandhi's second ...


... 11 JANUARY 1940 Today we showed Sri Aurobindo the Amrita Bazar Patrika "Forecast of the Year" by one Capricornicus. SRI AUROBINDO (after reading it) : Hitler, it says, will be crushed in March; it may happen but there is no sign of it at present. Most of the things will happen, it seems, in the first quarter of the year. NIRODBARAN: Congress will come ...


... PURANI: That book of astrology is hard on Sir Oswald Mosley, and what the writer has said has come true. Mosley has been imprisoned. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but Mosley may comfort himself by thinking that Hitler too was once imprisoned. PURANI: As regards particulars, the book is not correct at all. SRI AUROBINDO: Only about general influences does he make some right guesses. ...


... PURANI: Narvik is supposed to be in mountainous country. So there is no scope for air bases. SRI AUROBINDO: The English speak of their difficulties but don't know how to overcome them; while Hitler, in spite of difficulties, grapples with them. He does not hesitate to establish airfields even in open fields. ...


... the Commander-in-Chief of Holland had asked the soldiers to ceasefire because of the sacrifice of lives. SRI AUROBINDO: What sort of idea is that? Do they think they can win without any sacrifice? Hitler seems to be right in his opinion of their power of resistance. PURANI: There seems to be some treason among them. SRI AUROBINDO: Probably, but the Commander-in-Chief is not supposed to be a Nazi ...


... out a fine joke from the Indian Express which Sri Aurobindo enjoyed very much. SRI AUROBINDO (replying in the same vein) : You saw the article about Hitler's secret weapon? Somebody writes that Hitler will drop gas bombs on England and people will fall asleep for a fortnight. When they wake up they will find themselves already invaded by Germany! (Laughter) PURANI: And the German invaders won't ...


... NIRODBARAN: On 21st February it can only be my long expected Supramental Descent. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SATYENDRA: N is not satisfied with anything less. NIRODBARAN: Mars and Saturn must be Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin? By the way, the author of that book, Inside Europe , seems pro-Stalin. He says that Stalin is almost ideal except for a touch of blood thirstiness. NIRODBARAN: What ...


... could have offered good resistance but for the Allies who betrayed them. If the Allies had agreed to help them at that time in combination with Russia, the Czechs could have given an effective fight to Hitler. NIRODBARAN: The Allies didn't want to combine with Russia probably. SRI AUROBINDO: No, that was not the reason. The reason was that they were not ready for the war. They were not even mobilised ...


... in all the ministries. His photo in the paper shows the face of a criminal. The paper says he began as an errand boy and ended as a millionaire. PURANI: This action of his may also be to satisfy Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and out of revenge and fear of these people as well. ...


... is saying that though Spain is quiet now, it doesn't mean that Spain has no interest in the New World Order in Europe. When the time comes, Spain will take her share. He has gone to Germany. Perhaps Hitler may persuade or force him to join him. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Siam is also claiming from the French her bit of territory, not by using any force but only as a concession. However, if France doesn't ...


... nothing will induce him. The facts are there speaking for themselves. There is the three-Power pact. (After a while, laughing) Some Patel has written a postcard to us saying that he is convinced Hitler is right and we are wrong in supporting Britain. NIRODBARAN: This pact seems to be directed against America. SRI AUROBINDO: Obviously! PURANI: It seems Spain is being persuaded to join the ...


... pact and whether Japan was declared the leader of Asia or the Far East): Not that it makes any difference. SATYENDRA: It is the Far East. SRI AUROBINDO: Italy has an eye on Palestine and Hitler wants Baghdad. How can Japan be allowed the whole of Asia then? NIRODBARAN: Russia left out of the picture? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, perhaps they have seen that she is not in a fighting mood at present ...


... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 30 JULY 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (starting the talk): So Hitler has changed the date to September 15th. PURANI: Yes. He doesn't know what to do and the Balkan problem is also engaging him. SRI AUROBINDO: He must have relied on the French fleet surrendering to him. If he had attacked at once there might have been some ...


... it was Laval and then Flaudin. Flaudin is pro-German and worse than Laval. But will the name of Flaudin be enough to enthuse the people? SATYENDRA: The15th of August is nearing. PURANI: Yes, Hitler said he would dictate peace terms on that date. SATYENDRA: Not only that. He will go to England, he said. SRI AUROBINDO: And not come back? (Laughter) Did he say that? SATYENDRA: Yes, it ...


... seems. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that is because the Nizam is anti-British, perhaps? So the Viceroy wants to squeeze out whatever he can before the English go down. Doesn't want to leave anything for Hitler. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: But why is the Nizam anti-British? SRI AUROBINDO: Don't know, this is a funny world—a joke. PURANI: Montbrun has already made a broadcast from Madras. He has now ...


... years? SRI AUROBINDO: No wonder she is against sending any expeditionary force to Europe. SATYENDRA: Now Japan is also threatening her. SRI AUROBINDO: America has her navy to deal with Japan. Hitler had a navy, then after defeating England he would have gone straight for America. The present state of America's army would have been a great opportunity for him. ...


... just in the thick of the fight, with at most a fifty percent chance of success. And if they start stating war aims and peace terms now, division and quarrel will start among them giving a handle to Hitler to break up their alliance. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. What peace terms did Lloy George offer? DR. MANILAL: It was the Versailles treaty and this war is result. Perhaps he wants to be the Prime ...


... that India would be free and Britain go out lock, stock and barrel? Who believe that the Czardom would disappear for ever? And the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs, where are they now? And the great Hitler? Even a few years ago who would have believed that man would walk on the moon? And can you believe now that matter can exist and does exist as anti-matter? Not in vain has the mad, bad and sad poet ...

... GANGES, THE, 85n George VI, 117 Gita, the, 173, 198,208-9,248, 267,272, 284, 297, 337, 345 Goethe, 244n HAMLET, 387 Hapsburgs, the, 338 Helen, 399 Himalayas, the, 224 Hitler, 338 Hohenzollerns, the, 338 407 Page 407 ILA, 189 Ilion, 399 India, 32, 106, 143, 196, 269, 289-90, 338, 357, 361 Indra, 275, 371 Italy, 196 JACOB ...

... and Mother publicly took the side of the Allies, while Gandhi, undoubtedly in an outburst of praiseworthy feelings, sent an open letter to the British people urging them not to take up arms against Hitler and to use only "spiritual force" instead. It would therefore be appropriate to explain Sri Aurobindo's spiritual position with regard to violent action. War and destruction , he wrote, are not ...

... is... a channel through which the Lord passes His forces freely and pours upon all His Light, His Consciousness and His Joy, according to each one's receptivity.' - Oct 22 Writes to Andre, 'Hitler is a choice instrument for these anti-divine forces which want violence, upheaval and war, for they know that these things retard and hamper the action of the divine forces.' - Nov 24 Accident ...


... ant, crushing under its weight all the other attributes of man". In the popular imagination of the time, the Kaiser and his .warlords approximated to the Nietzschean Asuric ideal, and certainly Hitler and his Nazi hordes ("The Children of Wotan", as Sri Aurobindo calls them in his poem) were to prove total perversions of the anticipated Nordic Superman. Fully alive to these dangerous possibilities ...


... intuitive intelligence; the Soup ceremony and the Flower Game; the rhythm of the Darshans and pranams; the portentous accident to Sri Aurobindo's leg in 1938; the unleashing of the Second World War by Hitler; the occult divine action from the Ashram trying to counteract at crucial moments the ferocity of the Nazi onslaught in the European theatres of war; the coming of the children and the opening of the ...


... different names, forms or faces. And now it was as if She were at the crossroads of evolution with Theon, perhaps facing an old resurrec­tion of Atlanteans—who would secretly walk their path right up to Hitler—and a totally unknown but perceptible path which She was treading gropingly with Sri Aurobindo, over there, and a hesitant Theon. A Certain Fourth A very peculiar experience was going to occur ...

... is bound by ignorance and there are three ties of that ignorance and three ways of liberation. This has been symbolized in the Swastika. Page 255 Sri Aurobindo : That is why Hitler took Swastika from there. ( Laughter) Disciple : Because he wants to dominate over all the world. Disciple : Jainism believes in multiplicity of Purushas and in one Prakriti. ...

... agree, as they wanted to, during the Abyssianian war, but Mussolini would say :  'I am not a Collector of deserts' Disciple : But Italy is sure to push her claims again. Disciple : Hitler has advised him to keep quiet now. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, till Franco's victory is complete. Disciple : Bonnet wanted to come to a compromise. Sri Aurobindo : Bonnet is not reliable ...

... former dominant party was not like that. He never lost sense of balance, and never pushed things too far. When his lieutenants asked him to arrest his political opponents he refused. Disciple : Hitler also has a precipitous rise, he can't maintain the momentum. He can't last very long. Sri Aurobindo : There is another famous Greek story about the tyrant of Syracuse. Do you know it? ...

... free it will think many times before meddling into international problems before it is on its own feet. Disciple : You saw M. N. Roy got only 38 votes! Sri Aurobindo : He might say : Hitler began with even less! But Page 223 it does not always happen so. Some people remain where they are : Oswald Moseley, for instance, is where he was ten years back, and Brailsford ...

... tremendous debate going on in the teachers’ room. Father was on one side and the junior professors on the other and they were hotly debating. The latter would not agree with Sri Aurobindo’s announcement. Hitler was their hero. The world had not yet seen the real nature of the Axis Powers. Every day father would try valiantly to make these junior professors understand Sri Aurobindo’s political vision and wisdom ...


... distinctly that renunciation of life is not a part of his yoga. "The first was in relation to the second World War. At the beginning he did not actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominate ^.he world, he began to intervene." 2 |- Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram ^ Ibid p. Page 3 The second was with regard ...

... the 'psychological' stage. Although reprinted over thirty years after its serialisation in the Arya, the book was not subjected to any drastic revision. Occasional references to Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler and to Fascism, Nazism and Soviet Communism show that here and there a sentence or a paragraph was added when the Arya sequence of twenty-four chapters was reissued as The Human Cycle. However ...

... Arya for his journal, Sri Aurobindo couldn't of course have wanted to convey any suggestions of racial superiority. "Aryan" was for Sri Aurobindo a concept, an ideal, and not - what it became for Hitler later on - the name of the Blonde Beast of the Nordic race, the chosen race. Explaining the significance of the name in an early issue of the journal, Sri Aurobindo said: ...the word in its ...

... mention forced conversion of Bengalis. The boast of the Portuguese was that they made more Christians in a single year by forcible conversion than all the missionaries put together in ten. Exactly like Hitler telling Bishop Berning of Osnabruch, "I am only doing what the Church has done for fifteen hundred years, only more effectively." 1 It was sometime after 1510 that Goans called the Portuguese ...

... Lyrical Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems The Dwarf Napoleon Know more > ( Hitler. October 1939 ) Behold, by Maya's fantasy of will A violent miracle takes sudden birth, The real grows one with the incredible. In the control of her magician wand The small achieves things great, the base things grand. This puny ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... wars, revolutions, violence and nuclear conflagration. That we have not destroyed ourselves over and over again is because the spiritual energy these souls generated proved so invincible, that even Hitler and other Satan-driven figures retracted in the face of it. This is my article of faith and as an intellectual I am proud to wear it on my sleeve. Our men of religion were first-class patriots and ...


... friendly knower, And he shall escort us on the shining path. 9 May 2002 Page 19 Canto Eighteen What of victory drums, what of the grieving heart? Armies of Hitler set the world on fire, Maniacs of time destroy the towers of pride, And what of the river-song through luxuriant fields, Of Sistine Chapel and the caves of Ajanta? Aloof and untouched watches ...


... that every reader may profit by these letters. Some letters, like that of 17 February 1934, tug at our heart. The years 1934-1935 were crucial years for the world. Little noticed by the common man. Hitler and Mussolini, Nazism and Fascism were gathering force before breaking into a furious, whirling maelstrom that would soon hit the world, sweeping all before it. And in the invisible, occult plane Sri ...

... idealism has been smashed to pieces by the immense adverse event and everybody is busy exposing its weaknesses —but nobody knows what to put in its place. A mixture of scepticism and slogans, 'Heil-Hitler' and the Fascist Salute and Five-year-plan and the beating of everybody into one amorphous shape, a disabused denial of all ideas on one side and on the other a blind shut-my-eyes-and-shut-every ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God A Double Ladder Sri Aurobindo’s vision is evolutionary and encompasses the standard scientific outlook while at the same time exceeding it. In his view matter is not the only and sufficient reality, nor is it capable of providing an adequate explanation of the evolutionary process. The appearance of the ev ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God Man is a Transitional Being One of Sri Aurobindo’s aphorisms says: “Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges.” 934 In other words, the place of the human being is somewhere ...


... 11. The German Aspiration Hitler and his God “A Devil or a God” About this circle, Peter Aschheim writes: “The Georgekreis was a circle of disciples and initiates, a sect without formal or obligatory statutes, but which was completely centred upon its master. Although small changes kept taking place in the inner circle, the number of members of this ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God A Lady from Paris Mirra Alfassa was born in Paris on 21 February 1878. Her father was Turkish and her mother Egyptian; they had settled in the French capital a few months before her birth. At that time Paris, refashioned by Baron Haussmann, was the cultural capital of the world. It was where the haute couture ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God Scholar and Revolutionary Aravinda Akroyd Ghose was born in Calcutta on 15 August 1872. His father, Civil Surgeon K.D. Ghose, was an anglophile who saw to it that in his house no Bengali but only English and a smattering of Hindustani were spoken. He had great ambitions for his sons and sent, in 1879, the three ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God “The Titan Kings Attack …” Sri Aurobindo never considered his seclusion at the end of 1926 to be definitive. It was a necessity of his yoga, imposed upon him by the inner Voice which he obeyed unconditionally. His seclusion was misunderstood by many, and the temporary seal of secrecy on his yoga, as on all ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God “In Matter Lies the Crux” It is significant that Sri Aurobindo often writes Matter with a capital M. In the cosmic “world stair” of the degrees of substance and their corresponding realms, it was Matter on which his spiritual vision as well as his transforming yogic effort was focused. He had the courage to ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God A Higher and a Lower Choice: What Went Wrong And yet, seldom has a non-German shown a greater appreciation for the qualities and possibilities in the German people than Sri Aurobindo. “Germany was for the time the most remarkable instance of a nation preparing for the subjective stage because it had, in the ...


... 14. Sri Aurobindo’s Vision Hitler and his God Humanity is One A precondition for the superman to be embodied on this earth is the realization of the oneness of humanity, which does not mean its uniformization but a sharing of its highest values in a common experience, making the acquisition of a superior consciousness possible. “All mankind is one in its ...


... assured her that he would cause all possible havoc until she had destroyed him. The “Lord of the Nations” has been the origin of the great wars and all evil in the past century; he was the being by whom Hitler was possessed. 19 Who were the human instruments? We do not know and it is risky to guess. It is much easier to become the medium of the forces of evil than it is to put oneself at the disposition ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... 1. Turnabout Hitler and his God Germany in Turmoil “Caste” is generally associated with India and fossilized backwardness. Little does the common awareness in the West realize that caste did and to a considerable extent still does determine the patterns of its social structures. In the Middle Ages – not so very long ago – caste was a fact of life. There ...


... the superior society or nation would be the one in which the fittest are intentionally, scientifically cultivated. Closely related to this dominant view was “eugenics,” usually associated with Hitler and Nazism, but widespread before the Second World War, especially in the Unites States. (See e.g. Edwin Black: War against the Weak – Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race. ) Darwin ...

... always the same, accommodation; if she can stay in the same room as R she can come. For K there is no difficulty as he is going to stay in a hotel. The poem is very good. Don't worry about Hitler. No asuric force can stand eternally against the divine force and the hour of his defeat is bound to come. With our love and blessings 27 May 1940 ...

... suppose, that when one is successful one can be jolly — which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil or cudgel: but even that is not sure, for they may want to know what the smile means first — flattery or satire" But smile or no smile, he added, one must stave off ...


... Amrita Bazar Patrika. I used to see the race of the sadhaks, with Nolini generally first at the winning post, when the bag of dailies from the GPO was emptied on the mats. I was placidly unaware that Hitler had come to dangerous power and that Stalin was unleashing his reign of terror - until on October 12,1936, nine years after my arrival in Pondy, there was put on the Ashram library table a typed copy ...


... obsession the political mass-movement which he had brought about as a push towards Swaraj. Again, Sri Aurobindo could never hesitate to throw his full weight behind the effort of the Allies to check Hitler, never put any hindrance in their way as Gandhian politicians did when Cripps came with his enlightened proposals and the Cabinet Mission brought similar plans for full support by India to the Allied ...


... hundreds to the horrors of the Gas Chamber exclaimed when he was caught by his Israeli pursuers in Latin America: "Oh, do not kill me, do not kill me!" You have doubted whether a monstrous person like Hitler could ever have been courageous. What distinguished him was the boldness of his ventures, the confident strokes of his strategies. We have learned from our Gurus that these masterful acts were inspired ...


... depend on pity and, when pity failed, make it go under instead of fighting with righteous fury and coming out on top. Besides, satyagraha can be an absolute "misfire" when practised against a type like Hitler who brought a diabolic strain which unlike the human mind and heart is impervious to appeals to conscience and to attempts to create a sense of moral shame and stir up fellow-feeling. To offer satyagraha ...


... that year. 1 Owing to 1 Life-Literature-Yoga (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1968), pp. 41-43. Page 24 several factors—the chief being the push towards World War II by Hitler and the increasing power of Stalinism and the catastrophic division of India—this divine event was delayed for eighteen years! Without Sri Aurobindo's drastic short-cut which we may call the Dying ...

... conceptions of spirituality. We know how Sri Aurobindo, instead of sitting like a Himalayan sage serenely apart from world-issues, declared himself on the side of the Allies in World War II against Hitler and urged American participation versus Stalinism in the Korean conflict of 1950, and thus exposed himself in the one case to the charge of befriending the British who were still India's imperialist ...

... each a penetrating word. Among the letters, those treating of poetic values, Frank Harris and Shaw, Anatole France, European philosophy, art and spirituality, the inner meaning of the war with Hitler are perhaps the finest. If not anything else, Among the Great is worth buying for these discourses. Roy is nothing but generous in his gifts to the reading public. Besides these epistolary ...


... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God Renaissance and Reformation Whereas the so-called Revolutionary of the Upper Rhine thought and wrote in the tradition of the medieval eccentrics, the Renaissance scholars formed a network all over Europe, sharing their erudition, discoveries and enthusiasm for “the new learning”. They were, in a way, the first Europeans ...


... 7. Superior People Hitler and his God Romanticism (1770-1840) The three trends we distinguished in the Renaissance continued to dominate the cultural and intellectual life in Europe – and do so even today, quite simply because they are elementary aspects of the human make-up. This consists of an emotional, a mental and a spiritual part, in whatever way ...


... Assemblies where the serious and important decisions are taken for the worlds' welfare. He overthrows creative and beautiful plans. He is pernicious. His emanations take possession of human minds —like Hitler, Stalin and others who have disruptive motives and want to regiment mankind. I am enclosing a copy of one of my paintings from the book About Savitri with a comment of the Mother on a passage ...


... the mental or the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our Yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment taste ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... that idealism has been smashed to pieces by the immense adverse Event and everybody is busy exposing its weakness, but nobody knows what to put in its place. A mixture of scepticism and slogans, "Heil-Hitler" and the Fascist salute and Five-Year Plan and the beating of everybody into one amorphous shape, a disabused denial of all ideals on one side and on the other a blind shut-my-eyes and shut-everyb ...


... the necessity or the choice of it threatened at one time to spread everywhere. × The appearance of Hitler and the colossal attempt at German world-domination have paradoxically helped by his defeat, and the reaction against him entirely altered the world circumstances: the United States of Europe is now ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... êtres Asouriques" mentioned by the Mother who had taken birth in human bodies claiming to serve the Divine? Since they are "grands" they must have been well-known persons. I can see only one—Rasputin. Hitler, Page 605 Stalin and Co. do not claim to serve the Divine. Mother was not speaking of these but of others met by herself. But "grands" here does not mean great in the worldly sense ...

... race, as others in the past evolution failed and perished.... The Allies at least have stood for human values, though they may often act against their own best ideals (human beings always do that); Hitler stands for diabolical values or for human values exaggerated in the wrong way until they become diabolical.... That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans ...


... from the horrible conflict which is tearing men at, the only way to express their gratitude is by a complete consecration of their whole being to the divine work. May 1940 Don't worry about Hitler. No asuric force can stand eternally against the divine force and the hour of his defeat is bound to come. 27 May 1940 Page 43 The Victory has come, Thy Victory, O Lord, for ...


... devotion to the divine Presence, can be loyal to this Presence. This implies a relationship with something in front of you, or a relationship with the universal. The German generals were loyal to Hitler, but they weren't sincere with themselves. This is a very complex problem. They might have been sincere in relation to their own ideal. You do not know. I have known beings who were the most ...


... same minority that was on the side of Vichy during the war. What was that Marshal's name? Pétain. Yes, it's that whole side. Yes, the one who behaved like ... He seemed to want to imitate Hitler as much as he could! No, but the incoherence of it all ... Some resent India's attitude during the war, others resent Israel's victory in the war! So, never Page 199 mind the most c ...


... intellectual arrogance—that's French. ( long silence ) Someone has just written from America (I think it's America), they're preparing what they think will be a "revolutionary" film: it's about Hitler, the war, and children!... But it's so old! They don't know how awfully old it is! This book would have to be made into a film: in Italian if it's for Italy, in French and in English, and then ( ...


... bringing to each a penetrating word. Among the letters, those treating of poetic values, Frank Harris and Shaw, Anatole France, European philosophy, art and spirituality, the inner meaning of the war with Hitler are perhaps the finest. If not anything else, "Among the Great" is worth buying for these discourses. Roy is nothing but generous in his gifts to the reading public. Besides these epistolary ...

... opponent's part. Many Indians committed the same mistake, but except the taking up of arms on behalf of Fascism nothing could have been more Himalayan a blunder than the pitting of ahimsa against a Hitler. Did Gandhi Embody the Soul of India? The idealisation of non-violence at all costs serves also to throw into relief the precise meaning of Gandhi's saying: "Politics are to me subservient ...

... sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat there and smiled." 11 Years later, this very Sri Aurobindo took whole-heartedly the side of the British and their allies in World War II and regarded Hitler as the instrument of a demonic force and set his own spiritual power working against him and later against Japan. Nair, unable to fathom the fact that, as a line in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri puts it ...


... extensive press coverage. He felt it was his responsibility to speak out his convictions and to lend his name to causes he found to be true. When the madness of Nazism overwhelmed Germany with the rise of Hitler in 1933, he had to flee Germany. When the Nazi terror spread across Europe, Einstein changed his pacifist views and told the conscientious objectors to fight in the war. The Nazis reacted by placing ...


... tongue is needed and no one can give the real stuff., like Easterners and especially Indians. (2) We are entering an age when the stiff barriers of insular and national mentality are breaking down (Hitler notwithstanding), the nations are being drawn into a common universality with whatever differences, and in the new age there is no reason why the English should not admit the expression of other minds ...

... Both are true and through both you have to go to the Truth. When you come to politics, the truth again is various. Democracy, plutocracy, monarchy, etc.—all have their truth. Even Mussolini and Hitler stand for some truth. Ours is a very big Yoga. One has to crawl all over (gesture with a movement of the hands.) I think Nirodbaran is not prepared to take all that trouble! DR. BECHARLAL: ...


... pitfalls and no reality. Yogis living in the vital plane can't bring down those experiences into the physical. One can have some power, of course. But the forces of the vital plane take up a man like Hitler and make him do things. The man opens himself to the constant suggestions of these forces and believes they are the Truth. NB used to hear such suggestions which he called intuitions coming from the ...


... SATYENDRA: Do you have to change much in the Psychology ? SRI AUROBINDO: No—only adding a passage here and there, and one or two new chapters at the end. The Ideal I have to recast because of Hitler. He has brought new problems. ...


... difference between Hitlerism and British and French imperialism. When their self-interest is at stake, they go on killing people mercilessly. I told him the British people don't go to such extremes as Hitler does. SRI AUROBINDO: He doesn't find any difference between Hitlerism and the French Revolution? The French Revolution was only a revolutionary paroxysm which settled soon into a normal life. There ...


... though they don't seem to have met. Mahavira was born in Vaisali. DR. MANILAL: In Jainism each soul is bound by ignorance and there are four Lokas represented by the Swastika. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler got the Swastika from there then? (Laughter) SATYENDRA: What is the destiny of the individual according to Jainism? DR. MANILAL: Mukti. SATYENDRA: Does one become a Tirthankara? DR. MANILAL: ...


... of his own life and work, of the Mother and the Ashram, of his path of Yoga and other paths, of India's social, cultural and spiritual life, of the country's struggle for political independence, of Hitler and the Second World War, of modern science, art and poetry, and of many other things that arose in the course of conversation. Serious discussion is balanced with light-hearted banter and humour. ...


... and taken independent decisions. It was he who prevented alliance with France just before the war and he kept his wonderful neutrality. Now he has been given a castle and a pension for his service to Hitler. SATYENDBA: The surrender came as a surprise even to the German commander. NIRODBARAN: If the Army rises in revolt— SRI AUROBINDO: That would be something. PURANI: The Belgian Cabinet is ...


... is information, and people don't know what use to make of it, how to apply it in the right and not the wrong way. It is already a difficult problem for educated people; what then about the masses? Hitler has openly said in his book that to carry the public, one has only to lie, to give false promises, and they will be with you. It shows now that what he has said is quite true. PURANI (after some ...


... special cable news. And Leopold's sister and mother also, who were in Rome, exercised their influence on him. This general had been to Rome and returned just three days before the surrender. It seems Hitler exerted his influence through Mussolini and has promised Leopold the kingship of Holland. (The paper was shown to Sri Aurobindo and after reading it he asked us to give it to Pavitra for the Mother ...


... Akbar everybody is anti-British. NIRODBARAN: Why are the Muslims anti-British? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? They don't want British Raj, they want Muslim Raj. I would not mind that if it were not for Hitler. Even Mussolini would not matter if he defeated the Allies, because he is not a man to conquer the world. Stalin is serious not because of himself but because of his Communism. Huque says he wants ...


... of prophecy on the war. PURANI: Prophecy by studying planets? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, the author says that there is going to be peace but it won't be a satisfactory peace. Germany will fare badly, Hitler will go down and the Third Reich will come to power. Peace is likely to come by March, it will certainly make headway by September. Then he says that Stalin will win. After that he says catastrophic ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: No. NIRODBARAN: Is that the next book? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. (Then looking at Purani) The Ideal of Human Unity will have to be rewritten perhaps. Things have changed and Hitler is mainly responsible. × Yoga of continuous practice. ...


... very narrow one, and about 150 have abstained. He has been criticised even by his own people. Amery's voice is the strongest. It shows dissatisfaction in his own party with his policy. SATYENDRA: Hitler will perhaps consolidate his position in Norway before he makes any other venture. SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps. Unless there is too much economic pressure. NIRODBARAN: The debate has shown how shabbily ...


... Germany is not finding any resistance in north-east Holland. SRI AUROBINDO: The important part is the east. In the north-east they have no defence. The defence comes after the canals. It seems that Hitler did not expect any resistance from Holland. It was reported to him that the Dutch were bad soldiers and would soon give up the fight. PURANI: He has been disillusioned. In Belgium the Germans are ...


... themselves their enthusiasm waned and English came back. The discussion then drifted to the question of the Jews. Purani said that he didn't understand why the Jews were being persecuted so much by Hitler. NIRODBARAN: I understand that the Jews betrayed Germany during the First World War. SRI AUROBINDO: Nonsense! On the contrary they helped Germany a great deal. It is because they are a clever ...


... incidence, they possess, more often than not, the property of the boom­erang, they hit back the originating source itself. It has been said, for example, that the origin of the present war – the rise of Hitler-is due to the Versailles Treaty that ended the last war, which was, in its turn a war of revenge having its origin on the field of Sedan; this campaign of 1870 again was the natural and ...

... Pétain . PURANI: For fighting against Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh no, for that the punishment is penal servitude for life or death. I suppose it is for their lack of fidelity to their promise to Hitler. I have read about that statement of Baudoin. After Weygand took command in the southwest, the French, British and Belgian armies were encircled by the Germans. The Belgians were asked to take up a ...


... freedom dependent on British support. SRI AUROBINDO: But he is talking about world freedom and it is quite true that unless Nazism is destroyed, there won't be any freedom anywhere. PURANI: And if Hitler wins, India's freedom has no chance. SRI AUROBINDO: Not in a century. NIRODBARAN: Roy has also said that we must give unconditional support to gain the sympathy of the British public. SRI ...


... Gaulle still has some sentiment left. SRI AUROBINDO: Gandhian sentiment of non-violence? PURANI: Mrs. M.N. Roy has written an article in support of the war. There she says that people consider Hitler great because he is a vegetarian and because he is a bachelor. "But there may be medical reasons for it," she says. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Any vegetarian who murders people will be great then ...


... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 1 AUGUST 1940 SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler wants peace not in Rumania only but all over the world. PURANI (laughing): Yes, he has already said he does not understand why the war should go on. SRI AUROBINDO: He would say, "Now that I have won, why should it?" NIRODBARAN: The newspaper says there is a great concentration ...


... Italy also has got a knock in Libya. She lost about sixteen. NIRODBARAN: The British superiority in the air has now been proved. If only they can achieve equality in numbers. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Hitler is superior on land only. PURANI: Somebody from Punjab, who has come for Darshan had a severe haemorrhage from the nose. I had to call Dr. André; he gave an injection and the bleeding stopped. ...


... by Germany. At the end of the war he will appeal to the public to give their verdict. Rumania is now turning away from the Axis—perhaps it wants to go to Russia. NIRODBARAN: What is the use if Hitler divides and gives away Rumania to other powers? SRI AUROBINDO: Rumania's claim on Transylvania is right because the majority of people there are Rumanians and they don't want to go to Hungary. Already ...


... earthquake too. PURANI: Yes, like Turkey. SRI AUROBINDO: But Turkey has no Germans! PURANI: The Germans are trying to penetrate into Bulgaria also in the guise of tourists. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Hitler didn't find Boris very— PURANI: Pliable? No. ...


... Gandhiji's non-violence is of course of a different type. You offer resistance non-violently and the enemy may pass over your dead body! SRI AUROBINDO: Somebody in England gave the same suggestion. Hitler will regret that nobody accepted it. PURANI: Japan declares she will help the Axis in case of reverses. SRI AUROBINDO: By telegrams? This Japan-China war seems to be interminable; each claims ...


... far. They can't go back to the old forms of government and state and society. If they do, there will be upheavals again. What they are calling a New Order will be forced on them by such a necessity. Hitler looks at it upside down. He wanted to make Germany self-sufficient and saw that it was not possible without making the world subservient to Germany. That means that self-sufficiency is not enough nowadays ...


... atmosphere. The thing is that it gives all the news though not the views. PURANI: Paris is not going to be defended, no street fighting. SRI AUROBINDO: That is to prevent the destruction of Paris. Hitler is getting remarkable inspiration from his Asura. He doesn't go by reason but only by the voice. He considers all possibilities and when he fixes on something he goes ahead. Only, he did not foresee ...


... AUROBINDO: Russia has not done it. PURANI: No—only according to Shaw. And then he says that when the British people are frightened they flare up. The Kaiser frightened them and he was defeated. Hitler also will have the same fate. SRI AUROBINDO: Is he defending the war now? PURANI: Yes. SRI AUROBINDO: He has been frightened himself then? (Laughter) PURANI: He asks Ireland to join with ...


... First they started hobnobbing with Japan, then tried to be fraternal, then tried to be friendly with China, turned again towards Japan and now combine against her. If the news is true, it means that Hitler doesn't want Japan to be master of the East. NIRODBARAN: This eccentric Ajit Chakravarty asked Sisir— SRI AUROBINDO: Is he an eccentric? NIRODBARAN: No, I mean unsteady. He asked Sisir what ...


... been seeking for, and for the sadhaks each Darshan was a step to a further milestone towards the Eternal. Sri Aurobindo had said: "Darshans are periods of great descents!" It was not for nothing that Hitler chose the 15th of August for his royal ascension in Buckingham Palace and got the first heavy blow. Nor was it for nothing that India gained her independence on that immortal day. Now that Sri Aurobindo ...

... what is your reading?" "In 1947," answered the friend, "he will become the ekachatra adhipati (unchallenged sovereign of the whole world)." SRI AUROBINDO: 1947? Then I will do things quicker than Hitler! (Turning to Dr. Manilal) What post will you have Manilal? DR. MANILAL: Nothing, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: No, you must have something to do. DR. MANILAL: Sir, I'll be at your feet. Sir, humbly ...


... suppose, that when one is successful one can be jolly - which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil or cudgel: but even that is not sure, for they may want to know what the smile means first - flattery or satire." 11 (9) DK's 6-point resolution and Sri Aurobindo's ...

... overcoming. The Aryan is he who strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Self-conquest is the first law of his nature.' The word was later corrupted by Hitler who made it a symbol of racial superiority and arrogance, the Aryan representing the blond Nordic race who would be masters of the world. It was as if Sri Aurobindo anticipated the danger of such ...


... Had Cripps' proposal been accepted, the Partition and the blood bath that followed might have been averted. Sri Aurobindo gave reasons for accepting the proposals. First, Hitler represented an Asuric force and his victory would be good neither for India nor for the world. Second, this offer was made chiefly to the Congress party and it was an opportunity for it to ...

... don't have them, it's all right, but if you keep them, other forces come. The Guru writes to a sadhak, "Don't listen to these voices." Still he doesn't believe the Guru, he believes them. Hitler had no Guru to tell him not to listen to those voices. Those who are sincere can discriminate between the true and the false; otherwise, the glamour, the maya 87 can delude them. All these are ...


... nor as a charioteer, but as a commander of a great spiritual power, marshalling and directing that spiritual power which knows no time and space, He has moved, He has guided the world-chariot. When Hitler was in the ascendant, all of you know that it was Mother and Sri Aurobindo who championed the cause of the Allies; and Mother declared it was Her war. She even said in one of Her most firm notices ...


... brilliant and almost Leninesque. Perhaps one day you will gaze at the figure of pāglā [mad] Jaswant (I think that is Mridu’s description) presiding over the destinies of a Communist India! Why not? Hitler in his ’handsome Adolf days was not less pāglā or prettier, so there is a chance." Page 72 Let me be permitted to make a pleasant digression here, though not strictly appropriate in the ...

... of the bravest soldiers. I want you to fight Nazism without arms or with non-violent arms. I would like you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. ... Invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give them all ...

... lot. Fortunately, he had kept some shares in the cognac family business. Anyway his mind had become entirely preoccupied with the growing perils. When he heard of the anti-Jewish measures taken by Hitler, his reaction was immediate, 'A man who is capable of that will start a war. There are no limits to the spirit of discrimination and domination. Monnet was extremely concerned about the weakness ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... JOHN, 68n -"To His Tutor", 68n Hamlet, 185 Hardy, Thomas, 71, 88 Hegel, 246 Hilton, Walter, 114 -The Scale if Perfection, 115 Himalayas, the, 151 Hinduism, 242, 276-8, 280 Hitler, 274 Hobbes, 108 Homer, 52, 73, 83, 85-6, 93, 147, 176 Horace, 89 Horatio, 173-5 Housman, 88 Hugo, Victor, 52 Huxley, Aldous, 114, 131-3, 144, 181 Index expurgawrius, 23 ...

... Naturally there came a reaction and we are in this century, still, on the high tide of this movement of reaction. Totalitarianism in one form or another continues to be the watchword and although neither Hitler nor Mussolini is there, a very living ghost of theirs stalks the human stage. The liberty of the individual, it is said and is found to be so by experience, is another name of the individual's erraticism ...

... incidence, they possess, more often than not, the property of the boomerang, they hit back the originating source itself. It has been said, for example, that the origin of the present war — the rise of Hitler—is due to the Versailles Treaty that ended the last war, which was, in its turn a war of revenge having its origin on the field of Sedan; this campaign of 1870 again was the natural and inevitable ...


... then, through the crisis, that we see England as a great country. You feel that it is a great nation because it could forget at that time its interest in empire and keeping it up somehow or other. And Hitler promised to keep what he called "the ramshackle empire." England refused. That is the spirit and that is what ultimately brings the soul of the race to its fulfilment. In 1953 I gave a talk ...


... fast. The miraculous or extraordinary powers acquired by Yogis on the vital plane are not all true in the physical. There are many pit-falls in the vital. These vital powers take up even a man like Hitler and make him do things by suggesting to him – "It shall happen". There are quite a number of cases of Sadhaks who have lost their Sadhana by listening to these voices from the vital-world. And the ...

... distinctly that renunciation of life is not a part of his yoga. "The first was in relation to the second world-war. At the beginning he did not actively concern himself with it, but when it appeared as if Hitler would crush all the forces opposed to him and Nazism dominates the world, he began to intervene."1 The second was with regard to Sir Stafford Cripps' proposal for the transfer of power to India ...

... Aurobindo : Yes, it is very good as a decorative design. In pictures like "Early Hours" you find the idea but it could be less violent and less ugly in execution. (After some time) One can’t blame Hitler for suppressing these paintings. Germany has lost much. It .is surprising low this ugliness is spreading everywhere. Is the art of Bengal also like this? Disciple : Perhaps the art in Bengal ...

... got the aesthe­tic sense. If they produce ugly things, it is only for export to other countries. I am afraid the Japanese are losing that sense now because of the general vulgarisation. In Germany Hitler must have crushed all fine things out of existence – German music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? I hope Mussolini has kept some sense of art. Disciple ...

... got the aesthe­tic sense. If they produce ugly things, it is only for export to other countries. I am afraid the Japanese are losing that sense now because of the general vulgarisation. In Germany Hitler must have crushed all fine things out of existence – German music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? I hope Mussolini has kept some sense of art.             ...

... is not two different things. Both the One and the Many are true and through both you have to go to the Truth. When you come to politics, democracy, plutocracy, monarchy etc. all have truth, even Hitler and Mussolini stand for some truth. Page 73 This is a very big yoga, – one has to travel – I think "X" will not take all that trouble – ( Sri Aurobindo said referring to a disciple ...

... where all outer reason was against them. There are many such things in history. Page 316 If England had only thought and depended on reason then she should have made peace with Hitler. She had no chance against Germany. But in spite of that she had faith that she could win and she is beginning to win. It was after the Dunkirk that I openly came out with my declaration and gave ...

... of megalomania and Andromeda giving utterance to her despair as she is chained to the rock. Perseus speaks the epitaph over the dead body of Polydaon—an epitaph that would fit other fanatics too, a Hitler for instance! Perseus' also is the closing speech, underlying the evolutionary message of the play:         .. .the ascent is slow and long is Time.       Yet shall Truth grow and harmony ...


... say there is a difference of opinion among Hitler's generals regarding invasion. SRI AUROBINDO: May be only a story. He may be trying to settle the Balkan problem first. But if it is true, it is remarkable that Keitel is against invasion. He has always been for attacking England. He is a general in name only; he knows nothing about war, he is only Hitler's mouthpiece. EVENING PURANI: Nolini... same thing is happening in art. SRI AUROBINDO: It is an age of decadence like Roman decadence, only in a different way. That took a thousand years to start. Now also it may take a thousand years. Hitler's threatened millennium of the New Order will be like this, probably. ...

... Today's evening radio says that 144 German planes have been brought down in England—the biggest number so far. CHAMPAKLAL: That is the result of Darshan. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): The day of Hitler's triumphal entry into England! NIRODBARAN: It seems Anandamayee of Dacca is dead. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh! She is dead. NIRODBARAN: It is reported in the paper. SRI AUROBINDO: The disciples have ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 17 JULY 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (smiling and addressing Purani): Hitler's hope of a triumphal march into England is diminishing day by day. PURANI: Yes, there is yet no sign of any preparation to attack. SRI AUROBINDO: I see only two ways possible—either landing troops in spite of the British navy or an attack by air... it not be a bluff, for an attack somewhere else? SRI AUROBINDO: That is another matter. NIRODBARAN: If Gandhi's proposal to Britain to offer only passive resistance had been accepted, perhaps Hitler's hope would have been fulfilled. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. They appreciated his proposal but couldn't consider it. PURANI: Churchill has made a very fine speech. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 7 AUGUST 1940 SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler's invasion can't come off on the l0th. PURANI: He still has three days' time. Otherwise it will break his sequence. He is preparing. SRI AUROBINDO: I wish it had been fixed to come after the 15th; I don't want the Darshan to be disturbed. NIRODBARAN: Hiren Dutt finds The ...

... calling a meeting. The meeting may be banned by the Government, then there may be some riot. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case a riot is inevitable. Gandhi is balancing on a pinpoint. EVENING PURANI: Hitler's intention seems to be to launch an attack in the East. SRI AUROBINDO: Not only that. He wants to control the oil fields in Asia Minor on which the British depend. Turkey says Germany will have ...

... Regarding very generous disciples who send soup packets to Mother, who in turn gives them to Satprem: ) They are two old ladies, of German origin, but Jewish. In Germany, they still aren't kind at all; Hitler's influence has been disastrous, the Jews are still treated with contempt—it's disgusting, utterly disgusting. So these ladies went to Israel. They are very generous. But some people still have prejudices ...

... should answer. Disciple : N and I decided not to convert any other people about Vedic interpretations but to go on repeating over and over again our own point. Sri Aurobindo : That is Hitler's method. Disciple : That is why nobody contradicts N. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. When people find that the opponent does not answer they lose all interest. Disciple : He says it is ...

... soon as the need is over. NIRODBARAN: Morality is also regarded as a superstition. But isn't there something good in chastity? SRI AUROBINDO: Any restraint gives one power and strength. Half of Hitler's energy comes from his restraint, though his opponents say that he is a sexual pervert and a lunatic. NIRODBARAN: They call his condition of mind schizophrenia—a psychological disease due to se ...

... the first Indian to call for complete independance from the British. Yet he was the only personality in India at the time of the Second World War to openly support the Allies because, as he said, "Hitlerism is the greatest menace that the world has ever met." (Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, recorded by A.B. Purani, third Series, Pondicherry: 1966). 3. Robert Schuman (1886-1963) was born in ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... we grow fanatical and intolerant and exclusivist is not a movement towards a general "Krishna-consciousness" for any fight, but a drive towards a species of Spanish Inquisition or of a Herrenvolk Hitlerism. What you say at the end of your letter is to my mind correct: "Satprem's Agenda minus Satprem (the Mother's temporary private references, the editor's personal footnotes, etc.) would be quite ...

... blanket of sadness and despair! To put it more soberly,—accept once for all that this thing has to be done, that it is the only thing left for yourself or the earth. Outside are earthquakes and Hitlers and a collapsing civilisation and—generally speaking—the jackal in the flood? All the more reason to tend towards the one thing to be done, the thing you have been sent to aid in getting done. It is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Hindu domination." The perversity here is, of course, the undemocratic idea of domination of one community by another. To discriminate between communities within a country is to sow the seeds of Hitlerism. The fullest equality not only on constitutional paper but also in living practice must be there. Some perversity can be read too in the belief that the Muslims are Hinduism's enemies. Although u ...

... and to keep him imprisoned there. That this is really their aim, the protagonists and partisans themselves have declared frankly and freely and loudly enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; Page 6 it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. ...

... non-violence is lavishly strewn in their writings and speeches. If ahimsa signifies, as Gandhi would have it, repugnance from shedding all blood except one's own even when one is confronted with Hitler's panzers or, to take a smaller yet sufficiently vicious example, the marauding tribesmen who with Pakistan's connivance broke into Kashmir, then ahimsa is just an unconscious collaboration with ...

... to keep him imprisoned there. That this is really their aim, the protagonists and partisans themselves have declared frankly and freely and loudly enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's Mein Kampf has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller ...

... and to keep him imprisoned there. That this is really their aim, the protagonists and partisans themselves have declared frankly and freely and loudly enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran.   When man was ...

... suffered – some burning in leaping fire, some freezing in most unbearable cold, some torn to pieces by hideous demons and goblins – the sight was unbearable. As if a thousand concentration camps of Hitler's day were concentrated here, or even more frightful than that. For every sin there is the cruellest retribution and these people have no protection which, as I have said, their body gave them upon ...

... corporeal happiness cannot, for all the acceptable common sense of it, be an imperative ideal. Otherwise no risks would be worth running for a great cause, no deadly struggles with a force like Hitlerism could be faced. And in a Page 98 certain confrontation that I have observed between the psychic being and the body's life the Mother's procedure was unequivocal. I recollect ...

... reclaimed into the Transcendent, can it be said that the way is finally clear for the integral transformation of Earth and Man. The Lord of Falsehood had lately got hold of certain human bodies - Hitler's, for example - and "played a big role in the recent history of the earth". Even now, in league with Death, he is very influential, and "catches you with a contagion as strong as that of contagious ...

... due to World War II: the Games which were to be held in Tokyo in 1940 and London in 1944 were cancelled. The last Games before the war had been held in Berlin in 1936. They are best remembered by Hitler's failed attempt to use them to prove his theories of racial superiority, but they are also noteworthy as they were the first to be shown on television. It was only after 12 years that the Olympic Games ...

... things; when I told her the story of the alleged prohibition she was equally astonished and broke out, ‘T! I never gave such an order! “ Another thing is clear that the story about your book and Hitler’s Mein Kampf being coupled together by the Mother is a myth. Page 200 Premananda 36 misunderstood something said by Prithwi Singh and so the story got about; Prithwi Singh says ...

... is empty. Please enjoy our poet H's sarcasm against "Aurobindo and his best disciples" in "Agragati" [a Bengali journal]. It is rather in H's silliest style. And what about our Indian Hitler's [S.T.] great mission to save young brains of India by sending all Asrams to perdition? If he would save his own young brain first from the evident disposition towards softening his ambition betrays ...

... if that same power went astray then it could also destroy man. At that time the burning example of the Second World War and its effects were hovering before me. The War was almost nearing its end. Hitler's mighty pride had been nearly crushed. All I could see was how under one man's rashness, ignorance and petty, blind leadership the powerful German race was being led to ruin. What a waste of human ...

... of wonder. In the Evening Talks Sri Aurobindo discussed different subjects with his attendants. For instance serious subjects such as politics, the independence of India, the Second World War, Hitler’s and Stalin’s personalities. But there were also other lighter but interesting conversations streaked with humour, laughter and fun. In his words you find not only the flow of seriousness and profound ...

... allies after the fall of France. Whatever errors the Allies might have made in regard to their colonies, he thought, they still were open to the influence of the forces of higher evolution, while Hitler's Germany was possessed by forces that were positively anti-divine. Contributions to Allied War Funds . This letter, dated 19 September 1940, was signed jointly by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ...