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A Centenary Tribute [8]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
A Vision of United India [4]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [9]
Among the Not So Great [6]
Ancient India in a New Light [6]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [10]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [10]
At the feet of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [5]
Bande Mataram [13]
Beyond Man [10]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [3]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [10]
Champaklal Speaks [9]
Champaklal's Treasures [4]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [2]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [12]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [12]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [15]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [4]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [14]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [11]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [7]
Essays on the Gita [30]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [23]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [3]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
Evolving India [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
I Remember [1]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [3]
India's Rebirth [5]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [5]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [9]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [8]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [19]
Letters on Poetry and Art [6]
Letters on Yoga - I [8]
Letters on Yoga - II [16]
Letters on Yoga - III [11]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [11]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [9]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [16]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [12]
Light and Laughter [3]
Lights on Yoga [3]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Living in The Presence [6]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [4]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [7]
More Answers from the Mother [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [17]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [13]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [11]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [4]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [21]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [20]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [26]
On the Path [2]
Our Light and Delight [5]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [4]
Parvati's Tapasya [2]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [8]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [5]
Record of Yoga [34]
Reminiscences [7]
Savitri [12]
Seer Poets [3]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [2]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [5]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [6]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [25]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [4]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [15]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [12]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [6]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [11]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [9]
Sri Rama [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [12]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [38]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Crucifixion [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Golden Path [6]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [4]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [4]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [10]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [6]
The Mother (biography) [10]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [6]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [16]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [5]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [4]
The Renaissance in India [3]
The Riddle of This World [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [6]
The Secret Splendour [5]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Siege of Troy [2]
The Spirit of Auroville [3]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [7]
The Synthesis of Yoga [6]
The Thinking Corner [3]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [8]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [3]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Uniting Men [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [4]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [6]
Vyasa's Savitri [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [7]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [4]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Filtered by: Show All
A Centenary Tribute [8]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
A Vision of United India [4]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [9]
Among the Not So Great [6]
Ancient India in a New Light [6]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [10]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [10]
At the feet of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [5]
Bande Mataram [13]
Beyond Man [10]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [3]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [10]
Champaklal Speaks [9]
Champaklal's Treasures [4]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [2]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [12]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [12]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [15]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [4]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [14]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [11]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [7]
Essays on the Gita [30]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [23]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [3]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
Evolving India [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
I Remember [1]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [3]
India's Rebirth [5]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [5]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [9]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [8]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [19]
Letters on Poetry and Art [6]
Letters on Yoga - I [8]
Letters on Yoga - II [16]
Letters on Yoga - III [11]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [11]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [9]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [16]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [12]
Light and Laughter [3]
Lights on Yoga [3]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Living in The Presence [6]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [4]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [7]
More Answers from the Mother [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [17]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [13]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [11]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [4]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [21]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [20]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [26]
On the Path [2]
Our Light and Delight [5]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [4]
Parvati's Tapasya [2]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [8]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [3]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [5]
Record of Yoga [34]
Reminiscences [7]
Savitri [12]
Seer Poets [3]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [2]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [5]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [6]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [25]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [4]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [15]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [12]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [6]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [11]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [9]
Sri Rama [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [12]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [38]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Crucifixion [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Golden Path [6]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [4]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [4]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [10]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [6]
The Mother (biography) [10]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [6]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [16]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [5]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [4]
The Renaissance in India [3]
The Riddle of This World [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [6]
The Secret Splendour [5]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Siege of Troy [2]
The Spirit of Auroville [3]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [7]
The Synthesis of Yoga [6]
The Thinking Corner [3]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [8]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [3]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Uniting Men [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [4]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [6]
Vyasa's Savitri [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [7]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [4]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Showing 600 of 1187 result/s found for Krishna srikrishna Crishna Caanou

... will free you from all evil. This is the way in which Srikrishna has solved the problem put by Arjuna. Arjuna says: "It is my duty to fight for justice, it is my duty as a Kshatriya not to turn from Dharmayuddha, but I am perplexed, because the consequences will be so terrible. The people I am to slay are dear to me. How can I kill them?" Krishna says: "There is no doubt an apparent conflict of duties... meaning of yoga ." In the Gita Srikrishna gives certain rules by which a man may hold communion with God. The Gita says that man is not a bundle of outward cares and griefs, of things that do not last. Man is a garment which is put off from time to time, but there is within us something which is omniscient and eternal and cannot be drowned. Page 52 Srikrishna gave Arjuna the divya chakshu... beginning of maya ? .... Whatever we may try, from the nature of the world we cannot escape from bondage. There is a knowledge, by attaining which we can become free. In the Gita we find that Srikrishna unites the Vedanta philosophy with the philosophy of Sankhya. Modern science denies that man has a soul. Science considers only the laws of nature. It regards nature as material, and man as merely ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... wakes and trembles for his flowery shafts. Yea, what shall words do, friend? Love's whole estate Exhausted was that wonder to create. * * * Caanou to see I had desire; Caanou seen, my life grew fire. Thenceforth deep down, ah, foolish I, In a great sea of love I lie. Hardly I know, a girl and weak, What these words mean my heart would speak... cries, "Do come, O Lord." Ah, what shall I do with my poor child o'erwhelmed by this maddest love? Page 169 Songs of Bidyapati * How shall I tell of Caanou's beauty bright? Men will believe it a vision of the night. As lightning was his saffron garment blown Over the beautiful cloud-limbs half shown. His coal-black curls assumed with... Love that the noble heart conceives Will leave thee never till life leaves. Everyday the moons increase, Every day love greater is. Of all girl-lovers thou art crown, Caanou of youth the sole renown. When hardest holiest deeds accrue, Meet in this world lovers true. Stolen love, how sweet it is! Two brief words its only keys; Murmur but these ...

... stands in front, the others incarnate to help him. They are God Himself in His fourfold manifestation. Once in each chaturyuga they come down together,—the chaturvyuha, Srikrishna, Balarama, Pradyumna, Aniruddha. Srikrishna contains all the others and puts them out from His being. He is Ishwara, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu. Lordship is His manifestation, Might and Wisdom are His gunas. Balarama is... the fourth Power. Desire is His manifestation; bodily enjoyment and worldly reason are His attributes. Srikrishna is the Brahmin served by the Kshatriya. He has the divine knowledge and uses His might under the guidance of the Knowledge. Balarama is the Kshatriya. He allows Srikrishna in Him to guide His strength and wrath, but He does not guide them Himself, He enjoys them. He is Rudra. Pradyumna... throbbing heart in things. Aniruddha is the Sudra. He is the kamin, the bhogin, the scientist, the Page 532 user of material means, the democrat, the leveller. The Satya is full of Srikrishna; it is the golden Age when men are full of might and wisdom. The Treta is full of Balarama; the Chakravarti Raja is the incarnation of the Treta; it is full of great wars and mighty sacrifices. The ...

... worth having of Aryan civilisation & literature, to a proper appreciation of Vyasa's poetical genius and, far more important than either, to a definite understanding of the great ethical gospel which Srikrishna came down on earth to teach as a guide to mankind in the dark Kali yuga then approaching. But I fear that if the inquiry is to be pursued on the lines the writer of this article seemed to hint, if... instinctively is swayed by the examples of its greatest, will follow in his footsteps; the bonds of society will then crumble asunder and chaos come again; mankind will be baulked of its destiny. Srikrishna illustrates this by his own example, the example of God in his manifest form. लोकसंग्रहमेवापि संपश्यन् कर्तुमर्हसि ॥ यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः । स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते... inferiority of the latter, its all too facile admission of men to the higher life and its relegation of worldly action to the lowest importance possible stands at the opposite pole from the gospel of Srikrishna and has had the very effect he deprecates; it has been the author of confusion and the destroyer of the peoples. Under its influence half the nation moved in the direction of spiritual passivity ...

... laughter, save with that laughter, himself perish or reign, take joy or take torture with that secret & divine laughter. For he knows that the whole world is but a divine play of the eternal Child-God Srikrishna with Himself in the playground of His self-existence. All this he cannot have unless in the roots of his conscious being he feels not concealed or subliminal, but manifest & always present to him... infinite Pure Blissful,—not anyone, no person or individual, for He alone is, but still neither a mere abstraction or state of Being. Entering into world existence, He is All-being, God, Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Kali, Allah, the Mighty One, the Humble, the Loving, the Merciful, the Ruthless. These things are aspects of Himself to His own consciousness. Just as Sacchidananda is Triune,—not three, but One,—for... denials are false. Neither is one greater than the other, the Impersonal than the Personal, just as in the Personal, Shiva is not greater than Vishnu, nor Vishnu than Shiva, nor the All-Being than Krishna or Kali. Such exaggerated distinctions are the errors of partial or selective Yoga fastening on aspects & ignoring the true being of God in His self-manifestation. We must accept, for our perfection's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... God in the full luxury, power & splendour of the life of a great king, if Rama & Srikrishna lived in the world and did the works of the world, yet were God, who shall say that salvation cannot be attained in the midst of actions, nay, even through the instrumentality of actions? To this dispute the answer of Srikrishna is the one solution. To abandon desire in the spirit is the one thing needful; if... Upanishad Chapter II Salvation through Works I The law of spiritual abandonment in preference to mere physical abandonment, is the solution enounced by Srikrishna, the greatest of all teachers, for a deep and vexed problem which has troubled the Hindu consciousness from ancient times. There are, as we know, three means of salvation; salvation by knowledge... leave the world is necessary to the seeker after Brahman and that salvation cannot come by works. For we have Page 198 a greater authority than any to set against them, the teaching of Srikrishna himself. He tells Sanjay in the Mahabharata that as between the gospel of action and the gospel of inaction, it is the former that is to his mind and the latter strikes him as the idle talk of a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... by mental activity. Fundamental Knowledge - Sraddha 1) Nothing can happen but mangalam. 2) The yoga as laid down cannot fail to be fulfilled. 3) Every detail of the Yoga is arranged by Srikrishna. 4) All subjective experiences are true, only they must be rightly understood. Page 1287 5) All objective experiences are necessary for the lila. Jnanam - Rules for Knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Srikrishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me His shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Srikrishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover... you for my work." Then He placed the Gita in my hands. His strength entered into me and I was able to do the sadhan of the Gita. I was not only to understand intellectually but to realise what Srikrishna demanded of Arjuna and what He demands of those who aspire to do His work, to be free from repulsion and desire, to do work for Him without Page 5 the demand for fruit, to renounce self-will... the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Srikrishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat there and smiled. "Now do you fear?" He said, "I am in all men and I overrule their actions and their words. My protection is still with you and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... unconsciously, as an instrument. We believe that God created the world by Yoga and by Yoga He will draw it into Himself again. Yogah prabhavapyayau, Yoga is the birth and passing away of things. When Srikrishna reveals to Arjuna the greatness of His creation and the manner in which He has built it out of His being by a reconciliation of logical opposites, he says "Pasya me yogam aishwaram", Behold my divine ...

... Shankara's argument that कर्म must cease as a matter of sheer necessity as soon as one gains Brahma, because Brahma is अकर्ता, will not stand; for Janaka gained Brahma, Srikrishna was Brahma, and yet both did works; nay, Srikrishna in one place speaks of him as doing works; for indeed Brahman is both अकर्ता as Purusha and कर्ता as Prakriti; and if it be said that Parabrahman the Turiya Atma in whom... learn from either hedonist or utilitarian. The Buddhists knew it 2000 years ago and the Aryans of India practised it before that; the whole life of Srikrishna was a busy working for the good of others, of his friends, his country and the world, and Srikrishna never knew grief or pain. But there are three kinds of pleasure to be had from charity and beneficence; there is the satisfaction of vanity, the... laudanum. Not for such ignoble uses were these great things meant by the Rishis who disclosed them to the world. If such a man came to me for initiation, I would send him back with the fiery rebuke of Srikrishna to the son of Pritha कुतस्त्वा कश्मलमिदं विषमे समुपस्थितम् । अनार्यजुष्टमस्वर्ग्यमकीर्तिकरमर्जुन ॥ क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत् त्वय्युपपद्यते । Truly is such weakness unworthy of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... not through the cooking pot and the social convention, but in the soul. The latter is also Hinduism and it is a good deal older and more enduring than the other; it is the Hinduism of Bhishma and Srikrishna, of Shankara and Chaitanya, the Hinduism which exceeds Hindusthan, was from of old and will be for ever, because it grows eternally through the aeons. Its watchword is not kriya , but karma ; not ...

... or understress falsifies or disturbs the arrangement of the details & may lead to a wrong ultimate conclusion. The impersonality of the human consciousness is now everywhere perceived as the Srikrishna Narayana chaitanya diffused in the mental & sensational being with the ego centre as a circumstance of mind relating back to the ultimate cosmic personality of God in the universe. Sortilege... formerly dismissed as unwilled by Him or opposite to the siddhi, eg vanis of the physical mental world etc. The siddhi is seen in movements of asiddhi. For some time the sense of the parabhava of Srikrishna has been withdrawn & the Page 448 darshana tends to form in the Narabhava, the human personality, in the lowest stage of Avidya; this was in order that [ ] 1 the Srikrishnadarshana... lowest world of consciousness unenlightened or supported by the sense of the vidvan Deva above & around it. So also for some days the sense of the universal beauty in things has been withdrawn so that Srikrishna may be seen in all without the vision being dependent on the idea or vision of the Sarvasundara in all. So also He is being seen in the human Pishacha & for that purpose the realisation of the Immortal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Janaca, Valmekie & Buddha, nor the bold intellectual temperament, heroic, ardent and severe, of the Page 152 Central nations which produced Draupadie, Bhema, Urjouna, Bhishma, Vyasa and Srikrishna; neither were they quite akin to the searchingly logical, philosophic & scholastic temperament of the half Dravidian southern nations which produced the great grammarians and commentators and the ...

... is necessary. Perfect dense & developed crude forms have at last effected their power of manifestation. 16 July 1912 Dasyam more strongly confirmed, by emphasis on all action being for Srikrishna's ananda & bhoga, not for the Shakti's and by passive acceptance of the truth of the vani as superior to the apparent experience of the moment. Knowledge by sruti has begun to be proved & accepted... own remnants of ahankara than that of others,—or, rather being more troubled by my awareness the Akshara Purusha is less manifest to me than in others, in whom I see the ahankara only as a play of Srikrishna and am not disturbed by it. The health of assimilation was strongly combated but in the end prevailed—distention, air-filled ether, is still the weapon of Page 100 offence; also a... Jiva is felt as an individual & local manifestation of the impersonal Chaitanya and not as the individual manifestation of Chaitanya as universal Personality. On the other hand the universal Sri Krishna or Krishna-Kali in all things animate or inanimate has been realised entirely, but not with sufficient constancy & latterly with little frequency. The remedy is to unify the two realisations & towards this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... strong refuge of outgoing error. The Personality of the Master is now occupying the life in place of the more general personality of the Saguna Brahman. It is no longer Ishwara or Bhagawan only, but Srikrishna-Narayana. At present, however, it is only in the personal relations with the Master of the Yoga that the substitution has been established.. During the rest of the day, the parts of the Yoga which... all-embracing are at least in established action. The sraddha alone is still deficient and liable, even in some of its efficient parts, to be discouraged. A fresh siddhi today is the finality of the Krishna-Kali relation in the personality; the personal activity of the Purushottam; the personal script; the personal vani; the personal guidance. The period of intermittent manifestation of guidance passed... now more definite. A third is preparing, but still indefinite. Page 237 9 February 1913 Today is marked mainly by the continuation of the movements of the eighth; development of the Krishna Kali relation, progress of the instruments of knowledge, a more general force of the Powers, a more settled action of the rupadrishti, a finally secure and easy action in the akash of the lipi, Kamananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Aurobindo gave a call to break the present mould of Hinduism. He continued, "The latter is also Hinduism and it is a good deal older and more enduring than the other; it is the Hinduism of Bhishma and Srikrishna, of Shankara and Chaitanya, the Hinduism which exceeds Hindusthan, was from of old and will be for ever, because it grows eternally through the aeons." This was in 1910. Then in a letter some twenty-five ...

... siddhis of knowledge & power incidental to the opening of the ideal faculty) (has) at last given way.... July 16th Dasyam more strongly confirmed, by emphasis on all action being for Srikrishna's ananda & bhoga, not for the Shakti's and by passive acceptance of the truth of the vani as superior to the apparent experience of the moment. Knowledge by sruti has begun to be proved & accepted... I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and... is felt as an individual & local manifestation of the impersonal Chaitanya and not as the individual manifestation of Chaitanya as universal Personality. On the other hand the universal Sri Krishna or Krishna-Kali in all things animate or inanimate has been realised entirely, but not with sufficient constancy & latterly with little frequency. The remedy is to unify the two realisations & towards ...

... This is no alien or exotic ideal, it is merely the conscious attempt to fulfil the great centripetal tendency which has pervaded the grandiose millenniums of her history, to complete the work which Srikrishna began, which Chandragupta and Asoka and the Gupta Kings continued, which Akbar almost brought to realisation, for which Shivaji was born and Bajirao fought and planned. The organization of our villages ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Men are in love with sin; when they see one who is too high for vice or virtue, they curse him & cry, "O thou breaker of bonds, thou wicked and immoral one!" Therefore Srikrishna does not live as yet in Brindavun. 38) Some say Krishna never lived, he is a myth. They mean on earth; for if Brindavun existed nowhere, the Bhagwat could not have been written. 39) Strange! the Germans have disproved the... is the divine gaze Page 442 from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. 159) He who recognises not Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna. Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that if thou canst see all God in a little pale unsightly and scentless flower, then hast thou hold of His... Wiser, had he said, "There, by the grace of God, goes Sir Philip Sidney." 28) God is a great & cruel Torturer because He loves. You do not understand this, because you have not seen & played with Krishna. 29) One called Napoleon a tyrant and imperial cut-throat; but I saw God armed striding through Europe. 30) I have forgotten what vice is and what virtue; I can only see God, His play in the ...

... How shall I hope my love's feet to embrace? O void is home and vain affection's bliss is Without the one loved face, Crishna who has nor home nor kindred misses. Page 174 Translations Bengali Bidyapati5 XI How shall I tell of Caanou's beauty bright? Men will believe it a vision of the night. As lightning was his saffron garment blown Over the beautiful... (symbolising the human soul yearning to merge into the Godhead) is complaining to her friend of the sad plight of her child whom love for Krishna has rendered "mad”— the effect of the "madness” being that in all things she is able to see nothing but forms of Krishna —,the ultimate Spirit of the universe. The Realisation of God in all things by the Vision of Divine Love. 1. Seated, she caresses... 4. The rising moon she showeth, '"Tis the shining gem-hued Krishna!" Or, eyeing the standing hill, she cries: "O come, high Vishnu!" It rains; and she dances and cries out "He hath come, the God of my love!" O the mad conceits He hath given to my tender, dear one! 5. The soft-limbed calf she embraces, for "Such did Krishna tend", And follows the gliding serpent, explaining "That ...

... as the Sarvam Brahman in all things; He becomes the Lilamaya, the eternal Child frolicking in the Universe, the Playmate, Lover, Master, Teacher and Friend of all His creations; He is Hari, He is Srikrishna, He is the Personal God whom we love and adore and whom we pursue and seize through the Ages. Then, descending a step farther, avataran, He is known to Himself not only as the universal Lord of the... the Sad Atman as well and say that only the Asad is a reality, but if we know only the Sad Atman or only the Asad, if we follow after only the Nirguna or only the Saguna, if we only embrace Vasudeva-Krishna-Narayan, then we know not the Eternal except in an aspect and we fall under the censure of the Upanishad, dabhram evapi twam vettha Brahmano rupam. We must shut Page 516 our eyes upon nothing ...

... becomes in reality a battle and the morality of war is different from the morality of peace. To shrink from bloodshed and violence under such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Srikrishna addressed to Arjuna when he shrank from the colossal civil slaughter on the field of Kurukshetra. Liberty is the life-breath of a nation; and when the life is attacked, when it is sought to suppress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of self-perfection and conquest. The one is the retreat of the Ten Thousand; the other is Caesar's movement from Dyrrhachium to [Pharsalus]. One path culminates in Buddha, the other in Janaka and Srikrishna. The language of the Seer is perfectly framed, as in the first line, to bring about a confrontation of two giant opposites. Tyaktena in the instrumental case suggests a means, and the very first... object of the renunciation, therefore, cannot be to turn away utterly from the world after abandoning it in itself & in the lower consciousness, but to conquer and repossess it through the divine Krishna and in the supreme & all-blissful conscious being of the Lord. Nivasishyasi mayyeva. Thou shalt dwell in Me utterly, in My illimitable being & not in a limited & mortal experience of the world. To... return for renunciation release from phenomena and the bliss of the unconditioned Brahman. The devotee sees Him in divine Personality; he hopes to get, in return for what he offers, Shiva or Rama, Krishna or Kali. Some aspire to the Pure & Bright Stillness beyond, others like the Tantriks, seeing Him as Universal Power, attempt to acquire & feel Him here in a superior & divine power and mastery, yet ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Sri Krishna In Brindavan Editorial Note Sri Krishna's life, as it is narrated in the Puranas and in several other writings, reads like a legend or even like a myth. It is sometimes argued that Sri Krishna and his life have only a symbolical value. It has also been doubted whether Sri Krishna ever lived in any historical or prehistorical time. Even the M... the smiling face of Sri Krishna? Who would not love to hear the call of Sri Krishna and to listen to his flute? Who would not like to be uplifted by that splendid vision of the universe that Yashoda saw in the mouth of that mischievous Page 16 boy who is known as Sri Krishna? Who would not like to have that Time-Vision in which Arjuna saw Sri Krishna as the Supreme Lord in action... in India, we would like to be flooded by the oceanic wave of love that drowns us in the depths of the sweetness of Sri Krishna. This book is a short anthology meant for readers who would like to have a glimpse of Sri Krishna and to learn of some of the accounts of Sri Krishna that are found in the Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Harivamsa Purana and Vishnu Mahapurana. At the same time, we feel that these ...

... was that Krishna! How soft was that Krishna! How beautiful and wonderful and so captivating! For Yashoda and Nanda, Krishna was the center and circumference of their life and all that was spread within the circle and outside it. It is said that an evil demoness Putana was sent by King Kamsa to destroy that imperishable Ananda, to kill that wonderful child. Putana entered Krishna's bedroom and... which tells us that Krishna was conscious even in his childhood that he, indeed, was the master of Delight from whom have arisen all manifestations, and that he had incarnated himself in the human form for Page 21 Krishna's birth, Nandalal Bose a work that he as the leader of the world manifestation had to accomplish. The story of Sri Krishna begins with an event... The playfulness of Krishna that is depicted in all the stories that describe his childhood is not mere naughtiness but the bubbles and waves of the Ocean of Supreme Delight (Ananda) that was incarnated in this little boy of Gokul. That Delight is the very sap of the life of men and women and of all living creatures and even of the material universe. To see Krishna, therefore, was for all those ...

... and with Vyasa as Krishna. The Godhead speaking as Krishna in the Gita may be thought of as having a beyond-Krishna status which finds tongue in an utterance like the one we have just cited. Such a status is in fact attributed to himself by Krishna among the diversity of statuses which he claims as his. Sri Aurobindo¹ recognises it in his comprehensive phrase: "the Krishna of the Gita who is... from His station on the plane of Mind, and as Krishna from the Overmind plane. Similarly His incarnation as Sri Aurobindo is from His Supermind station. The common factor in all these incarnations is the Supreme Godhead himself. We have a pointer to this Godhead when Sri Aurobindo,² after equating Krishna with the Overmind Divinity, continues: "Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution... warrior who, like other pre-eminent figures, is regarded as a Vibhuti of Krishna. Even the Vibhuti-idea which Krishna illustrates at great length is nowhere given a directly personal connection with his own past births. In dilating on Vibhutis, he alludes (X.37) to himself as being a Vibhuti at the very time that he is Krishna the Avatar, meaning thereby a Vibhuti to be whoever is outstanding ...

... Infinite in Space-Time. Krishna This is the Krishna of the Gita 1 (the boy Krishna is the Krishna of Brindavan),—Krishna bringing the spiritual knowledge, will, bhakti—and not love and bhakti alone. The eye indicates the vision of the higher spiritual consciousness and the blue expanse indicates that consciousness. The boy with the flute is Sri Krishna, the Lord descended into the... important for your Yoga; both are closely associated with Krishna. Blue is his especial and significant colour, the colour of his aura when he manifests,—that is why he is called Nil Krishna ; the adjective does not mean that he was blue or dark in his physical body whether in Brindavan or Mathura or Dwarka! Violet is the radiance of Krishna's protection,—that was why, very naturally, it brought to... you that heard the call and followed after it. Page 156 It is, I suppose, the image of Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda. Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love. The flute is the call of the Divine Love; the peacock is victory ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Sri Krishna's answer The answer that Sri Krishna gives can be received and understood only if one realizes that even at the summit of the ordinary mental level of consciousness, there is no solution to the problem of the kind that Arjuna was confronted with. The mental consciousness is limited and... that the crisis of Arjuna arose because he happened to forget his duty, and the whole teaching of Sri Krishna was to remind him of that duty. It is true that in the winding development of the argument, Sri Krishna does point out to Arjuna to follow the duty of the kshatriya in the war, but Sri Krishna knew that Arjuna was quite aware of his duty, and the latter's argument showed quite clearly his awareness... Gita goes much farther than Kant. One has also to remember that Sri Krishna accepts the truth that lies bah in the Sankhyan gospel of renunciation according to which all works have to be renounced, even though Sri Krishna's fine ' answer transcends the Sankhyan solution. But both in Sankhyan doctrine and in the vision that Sri Krishna presents in which the Sankhyan doctrine is transcended, there is no ...

... Others say it was the coming down of Krishna into the physical consciousness. If it was the descent of Krishna, does that mean the descent of the supramental light? Krishna is not the supramental light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually bringing, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya, he supports the... I knew that Krishna is not the Supermind. But because some say it was the descent of the supramental light and some say it was the descent of Krishna, I asked you to make it clear to me. What I wanted to know was whether the 24th November was the descent of the supramental light or of Krishna's light. Why are we observing the 24th as a special day? It was the descent of Krishna into the physical... descent of Krishna in the material. Some say the descent was in you but you are not matter, are you? Not very clear. Why not? Why can't I be matter? or represent it at least? At least you will admit that I have got some matter in me and you will hardly deny that the matter in me is connected or even continuous (in spite of the quantum theory) with matter in general? Well, if Krishna or the Overmind ...

... And Sri Krishna's Answers Primacy of knowledge in the Synthesis It is significant for the synthetic character of the teaching of the Gita that even though at the very outset when Arjuna declares, "I will not fight", and even though Sri Krishna begins his answer by appealing to him to act and to fight, the very first note that is sounded by Sri Krishna in his... refutation of the argument of Arjuna is a note concerning the supremacy of knowledge. Sri Krishna points out that although Arjuna's argument had the appearance of a learned man and possessor of knowledge, the very first premise of knowledge was missing from his argument. Those who have knowledge, says Sri Krishna in effect, have at the root of their argument the knowledge of the self and of the immortality... premise of the stability and permanence of the self and its relationship with the world and with work. The very first part of Sri Krishna's answer consists of the Page 27 distinction between that which is permanent and that which is phenomenal. In fact, Sri Krishna points out: "The soul, not the body is the reality. All these kings of men for whose approaching death thou hast the sorrow, ...

... "I did not know whom I loved more. Kali or Krishna..." (I am commenting, not quoting exactly), "...till I realized that to love Kali was to love myself, while to love Krishna was to love myself and someone else too...." 427—I did not know for some time whether I loved Krishna best or Kali; when I loved Kali, it was loving myself, but when I loved Krishna, I loved another, and still it was myself... myself with whom I was in love. Therefore I came to love Krishna better even than Kali. Page 133 What exactly does he mean? I don't understand.... He writes as if he felt identified with Kali more than with Krishna. Yet (and he told me so) there was something of Krishna in him. So I would have liked to know if all those things were written at the same time, or years apart? Nolini seems... .. That was really interesting. ( silence ) I never heard Sri Aurobindo tell me about those things [Kali and Krishna]. I know there was something of Krishna—he told me so and I saw it; it was what I saw, and he confirmed it, he told me. There was even a day when he felt Krishna IN him, and then... (he hadn't withdrawn yet at the time, he would see everyone: he saw people, that was when he would ...

... Here is my attempt to answer your "seven doubts". 1.It is according to Sri Aurobindo that Sri Krishna is known to have revealed what you designate "the plane of Purushottama" in the Gita. I venture to suggest that he could disclose Sri Krishna's ultimate status because he was himself Sri Krishna in a past birth: the status of an Uttama (supreme) Purusha beyond either the Kshara (mutable) or the... as his instrument of manifestation. It was Sri Krishna's purpose, according to Sri Aurobindo, to manifest the Bliss-Self, the Anandamaya, through the Overmind. Other Avatars had other purposes. An intense expression of the Bliss-Self through their particular planes of manifestation was not a part of the purpose of any of them who came before Sri Krishna. This is not in disagreement with Sri Aurobindo's... was, as you say, a case of possession, but in the highest sense of that word: he was possessed at intervals Page 185 by Sri Krishna. Perhaps the more correct way of putting the matter would be to say: "Chaitanya was an emanation of Sri Krishna and manifested not only the Lord himself but also an extreme relationship of the psychic-emotional being in the human consciousness with the ...

... Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo Kamala's brother Mahesh had come with me in 1923. Obviously we both came for the same purpose, but I found a difference in Sri Aurobindo's way of dealing with us. To me he was speaking and guiding me in his Yoga but to Mahesh he talked of bhakti and upasana [worship] of Sri Krishna. Later I found out that Mahesh was intensely drawn to Sri Krishna and his... his path was different from mine. One day, however, he expressed his difficulty in reconciling his adoration of Sri Krishna with his surrender to Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo told him: “There is no difference between Krishna and me.” ...

... and greater behind it. The Krishna consciousness is a reality, but if there were no Krishna, there could be no Krishna consciousness: except in arbitrary metaphysical abstractions there can be no consciousness without a Being who is conscious. It is the person who gives value and reality to the personality, he expresses himself in it and is not constituted by it. Krishna is a being, a person and it... representation of the movement of the Divinity behind it. That is why we need not enquire whether the stories about Krishna were transcripts, however loose, of his acts on earth or are symbol-representations of what Krishna was and is for men, of the Divinity expressing itself in the figure of Krishna. Buddha's renunciation, his temptation by Mara, his enlightenment under the Bo-Tree are such symbols, so too... been actually projected on earth in the life of the incarnate Krishna and it has always been so accepted by the religious mind of India. These questions and the speculations to which they have given rise have no indispensable connection with the spiritual life. There what matters is the contact with Krishna and the growth towards the Krishna consciousness, the presence, the spiritual relation, the union ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the extent that the world becomes capable of responding to it and enjoying it with the Divine. Krishna's play: a power of progress veiling itself behind appearances. Krishna's play in Matter: beauty, love and joy are comrades; a play which widens and makes you progress. Krishna's play in the physical: the rule of the Avatar upon earth, that is to say, the realisation of the new divine... Short Written Statements Letters, Messages and Other Short Written Statements The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces Words of the Mother - III Krishna and Radha Krishna represents both the universal Godhead and the immanent Godhead, he whom one can meet within one's being and in all that constitutes the manifested world. And do you want to know why ...

... doubtless with the friendliest of motives — to worship Sri Aurobindo and not Krishna. His reason was that if I approached Sri Aurobindo I could get Krishna easily en route for the Supramental, but if I worshipped Krishna, He could only lead me to the Overmental and not the still higher Supramental plateau because Krishna could only attain the Overmental but not the Supramental which only Sri Aurobindo... "embarrassed" advisedly; because in those days none of us knew that Gurudev could have possibly "aspired to Krishna's feet" to attain to the last fulfilment. All that we knew was that he had a very high regard for Krishna. Had he not written to me in a letter (dated, 4.1.36) comparing Krishna and Christ: "The two stand in two different worlds. There is nothing in Christ of the great and boundless and... spiritual life. There what matters is the contact with Krishna and the growth towards the Krishna-consciousness, the presence the spiritual relation, the union in the soul and, till that is reached, the aspiration, the growth in bhakti and whatever illumination one can get on the way. To one who has had these things, heard the voice, known Krishna as Friend, Lover, Guide, Teacher, Master or, still more ...

... Not only was he not in the slightest way devoted or attracted to Krishna, but in addition he mocked and ridiculed the bhaktas in his hometown. Then he experienced a sudden conversion and became Chaitanya the bhakta of Krishna. This bhakta at times seemed to be possessed by the presence of Krishna, to know himself to be Krishna, to speak, move and appear with the light of the Godhead — none around... was always lost in the thought of Krishna. Tears flowed from his eyes at the very name of Krishna, and anything associated with the Lord sent him into trance. It was impossible for him to teach his pupils. The only meaning he found in the Sutras of grammar he was accustomed to teach, or in any word or letter, was Krishna. So he always discoursed on Krishna, and in the midst of the discourses... devotee of Krishna who had visited Navadvip some years before and had met the young pundit Nimai, but had no apparent influence on Nimai at that time. When he saw Ishwara Puri at Gaya, Nimai asked him to be his Guru and to initiate him. Puri accepted and, in a secluded spot, whispered the sacred Krishna Mantra in his ear. On his way back to Navadip, Nimai was blessed with a vision of Krishna. When ...

... Sri Krishna N: I hear you have said about this image of Krishna that it is very much living. What is meant by living? Sri Aurobindo (laughing): Living means living; there is some force in it. C: Is it a conscious force? Sri Aurobindo: Yes, but the consciousness is not in the image but around it. C: Would it mean that Sri Krishna has this form? Sri Aurobindo: Sri Krishna is not ...

... becomes the Brahman. About Sri Krishna,—wisdom of Sri Krishna whom millions regard as God himself. If you fail to understand the mastermind of the world you should attribute your failure not to his fault or failure on His part but your rien lack of understanding. What we do not understand, we deny or decry. This is human nature. In order to understand Krishna you should attain to the level of... consciousness which is the consciousness of truth. So., to judge Sri Krishna and Sri Rama from your ignorant and mental consciousness will not be of any meaning. It will be senseless, and land one in a helpless morass from which one will not be able to extricate himself. I am not therefore enlighten you about the actions of 'Krishna and Rama', who even as men are incomparably superior to us and have... through thousands of years. Both Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are regarded as Avatars. I do not know about other Avatars mentioned by poet Joy dev, because they are not essential for our Yoga which is to transform the mental into the spiritual and supramental consciousness for which Sri Aurobindo came. He is also an Avatar like Sri Ram-Krishna. The Avatars help in the progress in the evolution ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Krishna Once Nirod asked Sri Aurobindo regarding a photograph of an image of Sri Krishna: “I hear you have said about this image that it is very living. What is meant by living?” Sri Aurobindo (laughing): “Living means living. There is some force in it.” C: “Is it a conscious force?” ... Sri Aurobindo: “Yes, but the consciousness is not in the image but around it.” C: “Would it mean that Sri Krishna has this form?” Sri Aurobindo: “Sri Krishna is not a human being. It is a form that a sculptor has seen. I am speaking of the photograph of the image, not of the image which I have not seen.” ...

... Shankara and Ramanuja and on the other side Chaitanya about Krishna arises from the turn of their experience. Krishna was only an aspect of Vishnu to the others because that ecstatic form of love and bhakti which had become associated with Krishna was not for them the whole. The Gita, like Chaitanya, but from a different viewpoint, regarded Krishna as the Divine himself. To Chaitanya he was Love and Ananda... observer. Of course the devotee loves Krishna because Krishna is lovable and not for any other reason—that is his feeling and his true feeling. He has no time to bother his head about what in himself made him able to love, the fact that he does love is sufficient for him and he does not need to analyse his emotions. The Grace of Krishna consists for him in Krishna's very lovableness, in his showing of... and Ananda being for him the highest transcendental experience, so Krishna too must be the Supreme. For the writer of the Gita, Krishna was the source of Knowledge and Power as well as Love, the Destroyer, Preserver, Creator in one, so necessarily Vishnu was only an aspect of this universal Divine. In the Mahabharat indeed Krishna comes as an incarnation of Vishnu, but that can be turned by taking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... some others who follow them? Krishna as an Avatar Krishna is not the supramental light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually bringing, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya, he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards his Ananda. What Krishna worked for was the Overmind c... him [ Krishna ] as an Avatar; certainly it was not at all a general recognition. Among the few those nearest him do not seem to have counted—it was less prominent people like Vidura etc. Page 499 Those who were with Krishna were in all appearance men like other men. They spoke and acted with each other as men with men and were not thought of by those around them as gods. Krishna himself... The correspondent asked, "Why is it said that Krishna is an Overmind God?"—Ed. × In the Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, "Many are my lives that are past" (4.5) and again, "I am born from age to age." (4.8) The correspondent asked how Krishna's past lives could be many (bahūni) if he was born only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... them that Rama and Krishna can be accepted as Avatars; Buddha figures as such although with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him. Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of Him who was Rama and who was Krishna, being with him. But Chaitanya's case is peculiar; for according to accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more... more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were great. It was not my intention to question in any degree... degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna and the Divine Love. That character Page 374 of the manifestation appears very clearly from all the account about him and even, if what is related about the appearance of Krishna in him from time to time is accepted, these outbursts of the splendour of the Divine Being are among the most remarkable in the story of the Avatar. As for Sri ...

... sincerely Sri Krishna Prem Sri Aurobindo's very close disciple Dilip Kumar Roy has written in his book Yogi Sri Krishna Prem: In discussing philosophical and spiritual matters, Krishna Prem has a way of going straight to the very heart of a problem. He always speaks from the depths of his personal realization. For him bhakti is not emotional rapture as such, but self-giving to Krishna, which is... lady gave me the address of Sri Krishna Prem—Ronald Nixon. Although I did not know him, I wrote him a letter, expressing my aspiration to lead the spiritual life wherever the Supreme Lord willed. This was his answer: Srimati Savita Devi Jay Sri Krishna, I received your letter a day or two ago. I am glad to hear that you are a worshipper of Sri Krishna. That is the best thing that any... must be, he agrees with Sri Aurobindo, total and unconditional. It involves "the staking of everything that does not matter for the one thing that does." It is the complete replacement of the ego by Krishna's Will. Also during this time in Africa—from April to September 1954—Dyuman, a senior sadhak of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and one of the Mother's attendants, sent me two messages along with bles ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... One remembers the story of Arjuna and Duryodhana. Duryodhana approached Krishna and thought the utmost, the best that he could secure from Krishna was Krishna's battalions, for that seemed to him the most precious gift of all, for that is the thing he would need most in the coming battle. Arjuna asked for nothing else but Krishna Himself. Grace is of Maheshwari, that is to say, it is the special attribute... gesture. Or, Page 206 varying the image we may say Grace is Shiva, the benign white radiance on the supreme heights enveloping the creation in its calm immutable compassion; while Krishna is Love, the immortal delight dwelling in the heart of mortality. Page 207 ...

... also errs in his translation. He interprets it Page 345 "as soon as the talk was over Krishna assembled the kings for the affairs of the Pandavas." But the kings were already assembled & seated; not only so but they were waiting for Krishna to begin. It is absurd to suppose that as soon as Krishna began speaking they left their seats and clustered round him like a pack of schoolboys. Yet this... What Vyasa on the other hand makes us feel is that Krishna, though fixed to support justice at every cost, was earnestly desirous to support it by peaceful means if possible. His speech is an evident attempt to restrain the eagerness of the Mutsyas & Panchalas who were bent on war as the only means of overthrowing the Kuru domination. 14) Krishna's testimony to Yudhisthere's character is here of great... राज्यार्धदानाय Krishna does not, at present at any rate suggest a compromise; let them first make their full claim to which they are entitled. (Notice Genitive) पुरोहितयान This title is evidently a misnomer; there is no mention of the Purohit, far less does he set out as yet nor need we suppose he is hinted at in the description of a suitable envoy. It is doubtful whether Krishna would have singled ...

... 27—God is a great and cruel Torturer because He loves. You do not understand this, because you have not seen and played with Krishna. What does "to play with Krishna" mean? What does "God is a great and cruel Torturer" mean? Krishna is the immanent Divine, the Divine Presence in everyone and in all things. He is also, sovereignly, the aspect of Delight and Love of the Supreme;... its results are wholly known, conceived, willed, organised and played consciously in their entirety, there can be room for nothing but the delight of the play. Thus to see Krishna means to find the inner Godhead, to play with Krishna means to be identified with the inner Godhead and to share in his consciousness. When you achieve this state, you enter immediately into the bliss of the divine play; and ...

... the story of Arjuna and Duryodhana. Duryodhana approached Krishna and thought the utmost, the best that he could secure from Krishna was Krishna's battalions, Page 47 for that seemed to him the most precious gift of all, for that is the thing he would need most in the coming battle. Arjuna asked for nothing else but Krishna Himself. Grace is of Maheshwari, that is to say,... her own special form and gesture. Or, varying the image we may say Grace is Shiva, the benign white radiance on the supreme heights enveloping the creation in its calm immutable compassion; while Krishna is Love, the immortal delight dwelling in the heart of mortality. Page 48 ...

... neither was it the object of the Upanishads themselves. It must always be remembered that these great treatises are simply the gate of the Higher Knowledge; there is much that lies behind the gate. Srikrishna has indeed said that the knowledge in the Vedas is sufficient for a holy mind that is capable of knowing God, just as the water in a well is sufficient for a man's purpose though there may be whole ...

... every drop of blood, every particle of flesh in her body cries out for every drop of blood, every particle of flesh of Krishna's body. Radha has made, as it were, a fossil transmutation of her body replacing it bit by bit by Krishna's body. She feels she is none other than Krishna, even physically himself. It is an utter unity and identity - not merely in the Vedantic way, up there in Atman, but down... Radha feels that her body is no longer her own but Krishna's and therefore utterly sacred. She cries out as the Vaishnava poet says: "O sister, when this body dies, do not burn it or throw it into the river, but keep it suspended on a branch of the tamal tree. Tamal has a dark hue, my Krishna is also of dark hue. I love Tamal because I love Krishna." The earth, the body that has once received ...

... not 'tis himself he hates,     The lover knows not 'tis himself he loves. In all is one being many bodies bear;     Here Krishna flutes upon the forest road, Here Shiva sits ash-smeared, with matted hair.     But Shiva and Krishna are the single God. In us too Krishna seeks for love and joy,     In us too Shiva struggles with the world's grief. One Self in all of us endures annoy,     Cries...     Cries in his pain and asks his fate's relief. My rival's downfall is my own disgrace: I look on my enemy and see Krishna's face. Page 626 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... The Gita may well in spite of its later form represent the outcome in Indian thought of the teaching of Krishna and the connection of that teaching with the historical Krishna, with Arjuna and with the war of Kurukshetra may be something more than a dramatic fiction. In the Mahabharata Krishna is represented both as the historical character and the Avatar; his worship and Avatarhood must therefore... Mary physically lived and suffered and died in Judea. So too the Krishna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men. In seeking the kernel of the thought of the Gita we need, therefore, only concern ourselves with the spiritual significance of the human-divine Krishna of the Mahabharata who is presented to us as the teacher of Arjuna... Kurukshetra. The historical Krishna, no doubt, existed. We meet Page 15 the name first in the Chhandogya Upanishad where all we can gather about him is that he was well known in spiritual tradition as a knower of the Brahman, so well known indeed in his personality and the circumstances of his life that it was sufficient to refer to him by the name of his mother as Krishna son of Devaki for all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... dictating him ‘the ten limbs’ of it. Sri Aurobindo himself spoke about ‘the prominent and dominant role’ played by Krishna in his sadhana, which he had worked out ‘with the help of Krishna and the Divine Shakti.’ ‘I always saw [Krishna] near Sri Aurobindo,’ said the Mother. We remember that Krishna was one of the Ten Avatars, more specifically, the Avatar of the Overmind. ‘It was a descent of the Supreme... of worship and upasana [devotion] of Krishna. Later I found out that Mahesh had a strong attraction to Krishna and his way was different from mine. One day, however, when he expressed to Sri Aurobindo his difficulty in reconciling his adoration of Krishna with his devotion to Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo told him: ‘There is no difference between me and Krishna.’ 16 To Dilip Kumar Roy, who till... was as if, from above, Shri Krishna had put the seal of approval on the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that would lead to the realization of the Supramental in terrestrial matter. The Siddhi Day was the day of the definitive certainty that their work would be brought to a good end. Sri Aurobindo had a very close relation with Krishna. We already know that Krishna had played an important role ...

... Arjuna was to see cannot be grasped by the human eye. There is, according to Sri Krishna, a divine eye, an inmost seeing, by which the supreme Godhead in His yoga can be beheld and it is that eye that Sri Krishna was to give to him. Sri Krishna told Arjuna that he was to see hundreds and thousands of divine forms of Sri Krishna, the Avatar, that he was to see the Adityas, the Rudras, the Maruts, and the... Sri Krishna in action, 72 the great time-vision, specially granted to Arjuna by Sri Krishna. Divine Birth and Divine Work (Divyam Janma, Divyam Karma) Divyam janma, divine birth, can be regarded as the crucial means of Karma Yoga, and divyam karma, divine work, may be regarded, as the culmination of Karma Yoga. These two constitute the centrality of the answer that Sri Krishna gives... is reckoned as vibhuti among warriors, Bhrigu among the great rishis, Ushanas among the seer poets, Krishna himself among the Vrishnis, Arjuna among the Pandavas and Vyasa among the sages; many more are named as vibhutis in this account given by Sri Krishna to Arjuna. 105 In this way, Sri Krishna answers the question Page 101 under which Arjuna wanted to know those divine glories by which ...

... spark extinguished. Then the good effect and puissance of Sri Krishna's statesmanship were exhausted. "To save India, to save the world, there then became necessary another full Divine Manifestation, puma avatar." * Foreword to the Gita, published in the Bengali weekly Page 11 Krishna Dhan Ghose in his later years 1 "Ara-Ara"... the mortal remains of Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose. Heaps of garlands of flowers covered his body. The whole town poured in at the cremation ground to have a last look at its beloved doctor. Stricken with grief Khulna mourned the death of the great physician. Page 15 His mother's grief was beyond description. "For one whole year," said Saro, "The news of Krishna Dhan's death was concealed... Book Five Prologue "In the times of the Mahabharata," Sri Aurobindo wrote* "the earth was reeling under the weight of demoniac might.... If Sri Krishna had not destroyed that might and established a kingdom of the Law of Truth ... India would have fallen untimely into the hands of barbarians. "We must remember that the Kurukshetra war occurred ...

... a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar; in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it is given its full power and prepared to manifest... of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression preferred is the symbolic figure impersonal to the poet: here a personal note gives the peculiar intensity to the emotion. This is given a still more direct turn by a southern poetess in the image of herself as the bride of Krishna. The... Sri Krishna In Brindavan Part II On Puranic Literature A few extracts from Sri Aurobindo's "The Foundations of Indian Culture" The Puranas are essentially a true religious poetry, an art of aesthetic presentation of religious truth. All the bulk of the eighteen Puranas does not indeed take a high rank in this kind: there is much waste substance ...

... and existent, where they saw and experienced everything they have described or revealed. Page 60 Whether Krishna existed or not in a human form, living on earth, is only of very secondary importance (except perhaps from an exclusively historical point of view), for Krishna is a real, living and active being; and his influence has been one of the great factors in the progress and transformation... of commentaries (1960-1961) JNANA (Knowledge): Second period of commentaries (1960-1961) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 37 37—Some say Krishna never lived, he is a myth. They mean on earth; for if Brindavan existed nowhere, the Bhagavat 1 could not have been written. Does Brindavan exist anywhere else than on earth? The whole... transformation of the earth. 8 June 1960 × The story of Krishna, as related in the Bhagavat Purana. ...

... gada and Krishna's chakra. But, somehow, Sri Krishna was uppermost in my mind. I don't know if it has ever occurred to you (to some, it must have) that this Sri Krishna that you saw was none other than Sri Aurobindo. Perhaps you know that he was one of Sri Aurobindo's incarnations. That was what touched me most and I was constantly thinking: Ah, so Sri Aurobindo came as Sri Krishna and did all... because Ptanab was also physically very strong. 124Mace-bearer. 125Mace. 126Spinning metal disc with serrated edge: the mighty weapon or Lord Krishna. 127 The gopis at milkmaids of Brindavan were all in love with Lord Krishna the cowherd, Page 86 etc. So passersby were attracted by the kirtans. One of these passersby - a very ordinary man of the village - came... pleasure to see Him tangibly, concretely, in the film. However crude, however ludicrous the film may have been, one could see a glimpse of Sri Krishna and the truth that He represented. And knowing this as well as you do, that it was Sri Aurobindo who was Sri Krishna, I took a great delight, forgetting all these crudities and all the small, minor flaws in the film. It came as a sort of a revelation. ...

... love with their sins and cannot tolerate anyone being free and above all error. That is why Krishna, although immortal, is not present at Brindavan in a body at this moment. 3 June 1960 × The village where Sri Krishna spent his childhood, and where he danced with Radha and the other Gopis . ... cross in Jerusalem. 36—Men are in love with sin; when they see one who is too high for vice or virtue, they curse him and cry, "O thou breaker of bonds, thou wicked and immoral one!" Therefore Sri Krishna does not live as yet in Brindavan. 1 I would like to have an explanation of these two Aphorisms. When Christ came upon earth, he brought a message of brotherhood, love and peace. But... teaching and sacrifice, they still want it; and they are so attached to their pain that, symbolically, Christ is still bound to his cross, suffering perpetually for the salvation of men. As for Krishna, he came upon earth to bring freedom and delight. He came to announce to men, enslaved to Nature, to Page 59 their passions and errors, that if they took refuge in the Supreme Lord they ...

... Script, 1912 - 1913 Script - I Whatever may be the limitations of the ordinary script, there is another in which an old tendency must be fulfilled, the prophetic script, not Srikrishna's, but commissioned by him. This is the only form of script which has any practical connection with the yoga, not with its fulfilment, but with the action. Wherever the action has to be coordinated... the Veda). Page 1290 Script - II There is no Script in this actually, it is only the record of thought vyakta or avyakta. Meanwhile the direct government has to begin; the slave to SriKrishna direct. Therefore the gods have stood back, but they are all present in the system. Tomorrow the direct government will be continuous. Tonight there will be the Ananda of the actual embrace of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... fight. The most salutary thing that Arjuna did was, however, to turn to Sri Krishna with deep humility for advice. Like a pupil, he sought from Sri Krishna some decisive word by which his confusion could be dispelled and he could be enabled to act in the right way. And Sri Krishna's help was unfailing. Sri Krishna perceived clearly that behind the refusal of Arjuna was a mixture and confusion... action, Sri Krishna pointed out that if he (Arjuna) were to be slain in the battle, he would win Heaven and if he were to be victorious, he would enjoy the earth. "Therefore arise", asked Sri Krishna, "resolved upon battle." 3 Sri Krishna was, however, aware that this answer would not satisfy Arjuna for he was thinking of the slaughter of the battle as a cause of sorrow and sin. Sri Krishna, therefore... recoiled from individual grief and suffering. Sri Krishna also detected that Arjuna's reasoning was an attempt to cover his egoistic impulses by self-deceptive specious pleas of right and virtue. In the first brief reply, Sri Krishna referred to the highest ideas of the general Aryan culture in which Arjuna had been educated. In that context, Sri Krishna pointed out, "There is no greater good for a ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 12 Krishna Dhan Ghose - Sri Aurobindo's Father "Everyone makes the forefathers of a great man very religious-minded, pious, etc.," said Sri Aurobindo correcting a misstatement by a biographer. "It is not true in my case at any rate. My father was a tremendous atheist." Barin, Sri Aurobindo's younger... found songs to the Mother Goddess, written by him, that are deeply devotional." The apparently contradictory statements by the two brothers are not really so contradictory as all that. Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose, 1 M.D. M. R. C. S. (Eng.), L. M. S. (Calcutta), was born on 21 November 1844 at Patna (now in Bihar). His ancestral home was, however, at Konnagar, in the 1. We give on the following... efforts of Nirmal Nahar. Anybody with the surname of Ghose belongs to Saukalin Gotra, the descent line founded by Rishi Saukalin. Ghoses are of kayastha caste, and were traditionally cowherds (like Krishna's father Nanda Ghose). Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Hooghly District of Bengal. Konnagar is a small township, about fifteen kilometres north of Calcutta ...

... that the crisis of Arjuna arose because he happened to forget his duty, and the whole teaching of Sri Krishna was to remind him of that duty. It is true that in the winding development of the argument, Sri Krishna does point out to Arjuna to follow the duty of the kshatriya in the war, but Sri Krishna knew that Arjuna was quite aware of his duty, and the latter's argument showed quite clearly his awareness... Gita goes much farther than Kant. One has also to remember that Sri Krishna accepts the truth that lies behind the Samkhyan gospel of renunciation according to which all works have to be renounced, even though Sri Krishna's final answer transcends the Samkhyan solution. But both in Samkhyan doctrine and in the vision that Sri Krishna presents in which the Samkhyan doctrine is transcended, there is no... relevance and appeal, and Sri Krishna himself refers to it, with justification, at the level at which that relevance has to be emphasized. But, then, we shall find also the counsel of Sri Krishna for hedonistic utilitarianism at a given stage of the development of the argument that Arjuna should fight for victory and for the enjoyment of the fruits of victory. As Sri Krishna points out in 11.37: ...

... less than cosmic dimensions! It is said the Avatar descends with His family repeatedly age after age pushing forward the Earth's march towards its divine goal. Krishna is always conceived as a boy, quite a young boy. Krishna and Radha typify the love of a young boy and a young girl. The conception is to take love at its first flowering, at its earliest and purest expression. Later on with age... twelve apostles of Christ are famous. Chaitanya too had his group of Parshadas; nearer to us Ramakrishna with his Vivekananda-group, is familiar to us all. But the greatest of them all was Sri Krishna who came down with a whole bevy of 16000 1 Gopikas – divine powers, emanations – Matrikas – to rule His new creation, His divine Lila. He was the lord of the Overmind, the cosmic manifestation. He... then there is born the true love, love Divine. The Vaishnava discipline is to keep and maintain love at this stage and mode; for early youth is the best time and age (vaya kaisorakam vayam). Love Krishna the boy, Jet your heart's yearning be moulded in the crystal clear limpid stream welling out of the pure spring of a new-born heart – that is the way of purifying the vital urge, keeping it ever pure ...

... The most salutary thing that Arjuna did was, however, to turn to Sri Krishna with deep humility for advice. Like a pupil, he sought from Sri Krishna some decisive word by which his confusion could be dispelled and he could be enabled to act in the right way. And Sri Krishna's help was unfailing. Sri Krishna perceived clearly that behind the refusal of Arjuna was a mixture and confusion... recoiled from individual grief and suffering. Sri Krishna also detected that Arjuna's reasoning was an attempt to cover his egoistic impulses by self-deceptive specious pleas of right and virtue. In the first brief reply, Sri Krishna referred to the highest ideas of the general Aryan culture in which Arjuna had been educated. In that context, Sri Krishna pointed out, "There is no greater good for a... portion."² With reference to Arjuna's appeal to the consequences of action, Sri Krishna pointed out that if he (Arjuna) were to be slain in the battle, he would win Heaven and if he were to be victorious, he would enjoy the earth. Therefore arise", asked Sri Krishna, "resolved upon battle. "³ Sri Krishna was, however, aware that this answer would not satisfy Arjuna for he was thinking of ...

... xerox from his latest book, The Betrayal of Krishna (Clarion Books, 1991). (15.10.1993) 2. K. D. SETHNA'S COMMENT The letter you have quoted from Dr. K. K. Nair (Krishna Chaitanya) "the eminent philosopher and litterateur", as you put it, and the xerox you have sent of the "Epilogue" to his latest book, The Betrayal of Krishna, have been lying before me for quite a time.... action... Krishna does not want man to renounce his volition and become a passive instrument... When we work with dedication, our conviction that we are real agents of action is not a deluded belief... Desire and revulsion also should not be surrendered in a mental or supramental state of bemused apathy." 10 This is a strange doctrine to be put into Krishna's mouth. Surely, what Krishna wants is no... consciousness. Krishna is teaching Arjuna Karma Yoga: Karma implies Work, not passivity, but Work by Yoga (inner spiritual unification with God), not by ego-impelled desire and revulsion. Nair completely misconstrues the true drift of the Gita and the basic drive of Sri Aurobindo's interpretation in this context. There is some mis-seeing by Nair of Sri Aurobindo's experience of Vasudeva (Krishna) being ...

... Mahabharata: Notes Notes on the Mahabharata of Krishna Dwypaiana Vyasa prepared with a view to disengage the original epic of Krishna of the island from the enlargements, accretions and additions made by Vyshampaian, Ugrosravas & innumerable other writers. -Aurobind Ghose Proposita. An epic of the Bharatas was written by Krishna of the Island called Vyasa, in 24,000 couplets or something ...

... universe." 1 Aurobindo has a second meaning: a red lotus. Red is the colour of revolt. And the colour of Divine Love. A third meaning: a blue lotus. The blue colour is associated with Sri KrishnaKrishna and his delight. "Pale blue light is my light," Sri Aurobindo was to say one day. * * * 1. With my apology to the author for this poor translation. The original Bengali is so beautiful... the godhead and taking possession of existence, then the rajasic [Parasurama], sattwic [Rama], nirguna Avatars, leading the human development. . . . Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development — Krishna opens the possibility of over mind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon... mother of the Vedas. From the ladies' quarters at 4 Theatre Road came the sound of the blowing of a conch. Its deep resonance filled the morning air, announcing a new birth. To Swarnalata and Krishna Dhan Ghose was born their third son. It was a Thursday. The day named after Jupiter or Thor, the wielder of the thunderbolt. Chance? Coincidence? or planned? I'll opt for the last, because ...

... and greater behind it. The Krishna consciousness is a reality, but if there were no Krishna, there could be no Krishna consciousness; except in arbitrary metaphysical abstractions there can be no consciousness without a Being who is conscious. It is the person who gives value and reality to the personality, he expresses himself in it and is not constituted by it. Krishna is a being, a person and... as authentic history. Page 186 “I accept the Krishna consciousness as a fact of human experience. There are many aspects of that consciousness expressed in an integral unity in the life of Sri Krishna. I know it to be a reality. But the problem which I would have elucidated for myself is whether the Krishna ofBrin-davan and the details of His lila are to be accepted as literally... actually projected on earth in the life of the incarnate Krishna and it has been always so accepted by the religious mind of India. These questions and the speculations to which they have given rise have no indispensable connection with the spiritual life. There what matters is the contact with Krishna and the growth towards the Krishna consciousness, the presence, the spiritual relation ...

... Aphorism - 428 428—I did not know for some time whether I loved Krishna best or Kali; when I loved Kali, it was loving myself, but when I loved Krishna, I loved another, and still it was myself with whom I was in love. Therefore I came to love Krishna better even than Kali. Sri Aurobindo always had his own way of saying things, always original and always ...

... action which was to be totally free from blemish. It is in that quest that Sri Krishna found it indispensable to provide that vast and integral knowledge of the workings of the universe, of the deepest roots of those workings and of the relations of the divine consciousness with human will and human action; Sri Krishna went farther and showed the integral method of combining that integral knowledge... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers A most Difficult Dilemma of Human Life and Gita's Solution The greatest significance of the Gita lies in the fact that it proposes a solution to a central typical problem of human life that presents itself at a certain critical stage of development. We may say that Arjuna to whom the teaching is addressed... practical terms, but just a fight for the interest of oneself, one's brothers and one's party for possession and enjoyment and rule?" The entire train of argument that Arjuna presents to Sri Krishna is very instructive, and the premises and the conclusions of the argument lead to such a dilemma that the search for its solution necessitated a revolutionary change of perception and establishment ...

... soul for the Divine is illustrated in the symbolic dance of Sri Krishna with the Gopis, the Rasalila, symbol of the symphony and festivity of total harmony. * * * Page 9 Page 10 There are four very great events in history, the siege of Troy, the life and crucifixion of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra... sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. — Sri Aurobindo Page 13 Sri Krishna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful. — Sri Aurobindo Page 14 The name of That is "That Delight"; as That Delight one should follow after... Sri Krishna In Brindavan Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Preface The task of preparing teaching-learning material for value-oriented education is enormous. There is, first, the idea that value-oriented education should be exploratory rather than prescriptive, and that the teaching-learning material should provide to the learners a growing experience ...

... intensity: "O You who dwell deep in my own heart, come!" At once Sri Krishna appeared before her with his hand gesturing abhaya — "Have no fear." And you know the sequel. The sari went on unwinding endlessly. Draupadi could not be stripped at all.         Later she chided Sri Krishna: "Why did you take so long to come?" Sri Krishna sweetly and coolly replied: "If I had to   Page 97 ... not at all an unusual thing to do. However young you may be, you can always get in touch with the Divine's luminous presence. And indeed the story of Brindavan where Sri Krishna lived and fluted is a story of young people. Sri Krishna himself was very, very young and young too were those who went after him. Most of them were girls. When I look around now, I see that most of you are young girls and thus... a great folly. It was a folly I wholeheartedly committed and, on the strength of its persistence even now, I can qualify by Oscar Wilde's standard to address you.         In the days of Sri Krishna, the kind of folly I committed took the form of leaving everything the worldly-wise would value and running after his flute-music. So powerful was his flute that it has sounded through the centuries ...

... revered by the Pandavas, stood on the side of Duryodhana. Krishna was on the Pandava side but had declared that he would not use arms during the battle and had offered his own army to Duryodhana. In the episode of the Mahabharata narrated in the Gita, we find Arjuna arriving at the battlefield in the chariot driven by Krishna. He requests Krishna to place the chariot at a strategic spot from where... his life the divine Teacher, Krishna; and we might wonder if very many of us would be so fortunate at the critical moments of life. Yet whether or not we accept the concept of divine omnipresence, we will find, if we watch ourselves and our surroundings with the eyes of an earnest seeker, that there are sermons even in stones. In any case, the Gita assures us that Krishna, the divine Teacher, is always... are unjust and wicked and that they should be destroyed in order to establish a reign of justice and good. He advances in his rapid chariot, driven by Krishna, tearing the hearts of his enemies with the victorious clamour of his war-conch. He asks Krishna to set his chariot between the armies so that he can look upon the kings who had come there to champion the cause of unrighteousness and, disregarding ...

... of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 159 159—He who recognises not Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna. Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that if thou canst see all God in a little pale Page 253 unsightly and scentless flower, then hast ...

... religious freedom. She is a devotee of Krishna and sees him in visions. Once Krishna asked her, "What do you want?" She replied, "I want to have darshan of Goloka." Krishna answered, "That is very difficult." And from that time her difficulties in family life have increased. She also hears voices. Now she asks you to help her to see the integral Being of Krishna. SRI AUROBINDO: If she hears voices... voices and has guidance, she can ask Krishna himself. (Laughter) Do these family difficulties trouble her mind? PURANI: I should think so. SRI AUROBINDO: That is why she finds it difficult to have darshan of Goloka. SATYENDRA: Somehow I distrust these voices. SRI AUROBINDO: Because it reminds you of "specially favoured people"? There is a true voice that comes, but it is not so common as people ...

... that Page 127 belongs to the mind—Krishna's light in the mind. There are different Krishna lights—pale diamond blue, lavender blue, deep blue etc. It depends on the plane in which it manifests. Diamond blue is Krishna's light in the overmind—lavender blue in intuitive mind. There is the whitish moonlight blue of Krishna's light—lavender blue of devotion, deep blue of... the Light. The lights indicate the action of certain forces, usually indicated by the colour of the light. Whitish blue is known as Sri Aurobindo's light or sometimes Sri Krishna's light. Whitish blue is Krishna's light or mine; deeper blues often indicate light from the higher consciousness. There are two pale blues, one which is whitish blue and is known as Sri Aurobindo's light... here. The rays which you saw the trees giving out are there always, only they are veiled to the ordinary material vision. I said the blue and gold together indicated the combined presence of Krishna and Durga-Mahakali; but gold and yellow have different significances. Yellow in the indication of forces signifies the thinking mind, buddhi , and the pink (modified here into a light vermilion) is ...

... opening of a path for its attainment and its action upon the world. Let me now take you to the beginning of our story. Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872, the third son of Krishna Dhan Ghose and Swarnalata. Krishna Dhan, known in his lifetime as Dr. K.D. Ghose, was then posted as Civil Surgeon at Khulna. Sri Aurobindo was born at Calcutta in the house of Mono Mohun Ghose, a well-known barrister... unfortunately her life was blighted in later years by mental illness, a tragedy that not only cast its shadow on the family but particularly affected Krishna Dhan who was deeply attached to her. After completing his medical studies in England, Krishna Dhan returned to India in 1871 and joined the civil medical service of the Government, serving with great distinction as a Civil Surgeon at Bhagalpur... further medical studies. He was one of the first Bengalis to do so. To cross the 'black waters' in those days, in defiance of orthodox injunction, was to lose caste and invite social ostracism, but Krishna Dhan had no hesitation in running the risk. Even earlier, as a student of the Medical College, he had broken away from orthodoxy by marrying Swarnalata, the daughter of Rajnarayan Bose, in accordance ...

... me: Here, take it. This is "Supramental Sun". It is a traditional flower of Krishna . I asked: Mother, we must grow this in the area of the Mother's Shrine—for Krishna will come there . She said: Yes, you see, when I used to walk meditatively to and fro in the corridor near Sri Aurobindo's room, Krishna too walked with me. I said: All the Gods, even the Supreme Lord, will come ...

... SATYENDRA: We have heard that you had guidance from Sri Krishna. Was it the Brindavan Krishna or the Kurukshetra Krishna? SRI AUROBINDO: I should think it was the Kurkshetra Krishna. I had an experience of Krishna-Kali in Alipore Jail. It was a very powerful vision. PURANI: These distinctions between the personalities of Krishna seem to be of later growth: I mean, later Vaishnavism. SRI... for Avatarhood? But did he proclaim himself an Avatar? SATYENDRA: No, Sir; but he behaved like one. SRI AUROBINDO: Gauranga is regarded as an Avatar of Krishna, and if Haranath is an Avatar of Gauranga, naturally both are Avatars of Krishna, Then why quarrel? SATYENDRA: There are cases of very rapid progress among people who have met Haranath. SRI AUROBINDO: I have found that Vaishnava Bhakti... SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, they regard Balagopal as the delight-aspect or delight-consciousness, but there were other older schools, who regarded Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu, and they were also Vaishnavas. SATYENDRA: It is the Kurukshetra Krishna who spoke the Gita. SRI AUROBINDO: The one who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. In the Vishnu Purana all these aspects are very finely described. The ...

... outline and general proportion. Of course, as Krishna Prem writes, mere speculators like Bradley, Bergson, Hegel, etc., can never give us the ultimate philosophy. Only those who philosophise through but not with the intellect can be said to be in the running, since they speak out of a light beyond the human. I should like also to comment on Krishna Prem's words: "Theories and views about mind... best to follow one's heart and select some Guru or other rather than remain whirling in endless debate. As Krishna Prem says, "the great thing is to get a move on, any direction is better than none"; but provided one does not get into an interminable whirl, the theories and views such as Krishna Prem relegates to the background may well have, if one is inclined to mental reflection, a hand in determining... Aurobindo's speciality and that it is not compassed by Masters of the Silent Self like Raman Maharshi or even by the more catholic Vivekananda: the synthetic genius of Rama-krishna himself has not embraced its basic implications. Krishna Prem seems to me mistaken in saying that if you surrender to God under any Guru you will come to know the reality that is referred to by the term "Supermind". "Supermind" ...

... 95 Krishna Dhan Chose (reproduced from Barin's autobiography) 104 Swarnalata with Manmohan, around 1877 (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal Ranjan Mitra) 107 Plaque at Khulna in memory of Dr. K. D. Chose (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 116 Facsimile of Krishna Dhan's letter to Rajnarain (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 121 Krishna Dhan, Swarnalata ...

... (Laughter) PURANI: Here is a letter from Indumati. She asks whether or not her Bhakti for Krishna is genuine and how she can dedicate herself to Krishna and pray to him to free her from all bonds. SRI AUROBINDO: It is a little dangerous to pray for that. PURANI: Then she says that sometimes she sees Krishna's picture moving. Once she saw that he was very far away. SRI AUROBINDO: You may say to... her to pray to be freed from bonds? SRI AUROBINDO: Because Krishna has extraordinary ways of freeing one, and she may not like them. You know the story of Nolineshwar and his father. Because his father used to persecute him, he prayed for his father's death. But when his father was on the point of dying, Nolineshwar prayed again to Krishna to spare him. The father recovered and then he started his ...

... remark about Krishna was not so much foolish as desperately illogical. If Krishna was by nature cold and distant (Lord, what a discovery — Krishna of all people!) how could human devotion and aspiration come near him — he and it would soon be like the North and South pole, growing icier and icier, always facing each other but never seeing because of the earth's bulge? Also if Krishna did not want the... — doubtless with the friendliest of motives — to worship Sri Aurobindo and not Krishna. His reason was that if I approached Sri Aurobindo I could get Krishna easily en route for the Supramental, but if I worshipped Krishna, he could only lead me to Overmental as against the still higher Supramental plateau because Krishna could only attain the Overmental but not the Supramental which only Sri Aurobindo... in a hot bath. Page 350 "Know Krishna, love Krishna, and work for Krishna. Then you can leave all the blisses to take care of themselves. You will certainly not find any shortage of them. Of course there is bliss experienced in self-offering but do not offer yourself in order to get the bliss butt offer yourself because He is Krishna and your being can only fulfil itself by being ...

... the call of Krishna. But even if it had been written otherwise, I would have put it like that in order to bring out the great character of his mother. In a work like this I do not feel obliged to being a bond slave to history as such, since what I set out to write is not history embellished but to express dramatically my heart's vision of one whom I have regarded as an Avatar of Krishna since my childhood... Chaitanya was born in 1486. At an early age, he felt an irresistible call to give up his hearth and home, his mother and young wife — in short, everything that man holds dear — for the love of Sri Krishna, his one love and dream on earth. A Vaishnava friend of mine wrote to me pointing out certain, what he calls historical, errors in the play. In one point, however, he was mistaken: he wrote that... reformed ruffians like Jagai and Madhai into saints, cursing anyone, no matter for what transgression. One last word of explanation about his names that occur in my play. He became known as Sri Krishna-Chaitanya or, more popularly, Chaitanya, meaning Divine Consciousness — after his great renunciation before which he used to be called by three names: NIMAI PUNDIT, because of his deep scholarship; ...

... upstairs in my room. I was doing my japa, walking up and down with my eyes wide open, when suddenly Krishna came—a gold Krishna, all golden, in a golden light that filled the whole room. I was walking, but I could not even see the windows or the rug any longer, for this golden light was everywhere with Krishna at its center. And it must have lasted at least fifteen minutes. He was dressed in those same clothes... is normally portrayed when he dances. He was all light, all dancing: 'You see, I will be there this evening during the Darshan. 1 ' And suddenly, the chair I use for darshan came into the room! Krishna climbed up onto it, and his eyes twinkled mischievously, as if to say, 'I will be there, you see, and there'll be no room for you.' Page 358 When I came down that evening for distribution ...

... then close my casket of reminiscences. A few months after I had arrived here, I started feeling a sort of uneasiness because I found that I could no more be moved or touched so much by the name of Krishna nor could I sing the songs about him as I used to do. Love, devotion, tears in the eyes, exhilarating states of the heart and mind were diminishing slowly and in their place emotions were crystallising... all the inner doors had been flung open. The entire inner being came out with an intense feeling which is beyond description. The feeling I used to have while singing Bhajans and Padavali Kirtans on Krishna were now very much less intense, as if practically absent, and the change brought about an inner conflict for some time. I thought: “They are all divine, only different in form and name and aspect... while meditating, which removed all my doubts and resolved all my problems. I need not explain the experience, I need only mention that the experience was wonderful, ineffable! — I had a vision of Sri Krishna. There appeared before me a Radiant Image agleam with blue light! At once my whole being fell prostrate at his feet with tears flowing and went on repeating with both my folded hands outstretched — ...

... them that Rama and Krishna can be accepted as Avatars; Buddha figures as such al- though with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him. Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of Him who was Rama and who was Krishna, being within him. But Chaitanya's case is peculiar; for according to the accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more... more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. SRI AUROBINDO Dilip, It was... was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna and the Divine Love. That character of the manifestation appears very clearly from all the accounts about him and even, if what is related about the appearance of Krishna in him from time to time is accepted, these outbursts of the splendour of the Divine Being are among the most remarkable Page 192 ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Arjuna's argument Let us state the argument of Arjuna: "I do not see any good by slaying my own people in the fight. O Krishna! I do not long for victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasures. O Govinda! Of what use is kingdom to us, or enjoyments, or even life? Those for whose sake we desire to gain kingdom... Page 8 he betrayed, in response to a remark of disapproval from Sri Krishna, not only his indecisiveness but a complete bankruptcy of all his views and all the notions of the right and the good and the duty and dharma which were till that time the foundations of the guidelines of his life. He asked Sri Krishna: "Tell me, how shall I attack with arrows the most venerable Bhishma, the grandfathers... if I were to attain undisputed sovereignty over the whole world and conquer even the gods, I do not see how I could remedy this grief which is consuming my senses." Once again, Arjuna said, "O Krishna! I shall not fight." And he became silent. The current standards of conduct were found by Arjuna in a hideous chaos where they were in violent conflict with each other and with themselves. No ...

... 140 Disciple : We have heard that you received guidance from Sri Krishna in your Sadhana : was it from Sri Krishna of the Bindravan or of Kurukshetra? Sri Aurobindo : I should think, it was of Kurukshetra Krishna. Disciple : These distinctions between various personalities of Krishna, one of Bindravana and others are of later growth in Vaishnavism. Sri Aurobindo... Aurobindo : They regard Bala Gopal as the Delight aspect or the Delight-Consciousness; but there are older schools of Vaishnavism that regard Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu. Disciple : Krishna of Kurukshetra is; I suppose, one who gave the Gita. Sri Aurobindo : One who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. Disciple : Arjuna could not bear his sight and had to ask him to resume his ...

... govinda paramānanda māṁ samuddhara mādhava. 14 Salutations to the One Who has a Lotus on thy navel, Salutations to the Lord of Kamala (Lakshmi). Salutations to Sri Krishna the protector of the devotee, Salutations to Kesava (Krishna), Narayana, Janardana, the reliever from sorrows, Salutations to Govinda, the Supremely delightful Madhava deliver me. Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Srikrishnastuti... komalāṅgo, jayatu jayatu pṛthvībhāranāśo mukundaḥ. 3 nāhaṁ vande tava caraṇayordvandvamadvandvahetoḥ, kumbhīpākaṁ gurumapi hare nārakaṁ nāpanetum.6 Victory be to the Son of Devaki. Victory be to Krishna, the glorifiers of the Vrishnies. Victory be to Mukunda having a body that is soft and dark as the cloud, The reliever from the burden of the World. I do not worship Thy feet for relief from sorrows... भगवते श्रीअरविन्दाय ॥ Om namaḥ praṇatapālāya śrīkṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ.9 om namo govindāya śrīaravindāya namaḥ, om namo bhagavate ṣrīaravindāya. Om. Salutations to the refuge of Devotees, Sri Krishna. Om. Salutations to Govinda Sri Aurobindo. Om. Salutations to the Divine Sri Aurobindo Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Srikrishnastuti 9 देहि पदपल्लवम् dehi padapallavam Let me worship ...

... closely related the Kalki Avatar with the Krishna Avatar. “Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the overmind leading it towards Ananda.” 66 “… The last Avatar, Kalki, only accomplishes the work Krishna began – he fulfils in power the great struggle which the previous Avatars prepared in all its potentialities …” 67 “Krishna opened the possibility of overmind with its... to, was the role Shri Krishna played in Sri Aurobindo’s avataric realization, 71 thereby demonstrating Sri Aurobindo’s statement: “The last Avatar, Kalki, only accomplishes the work Krishna began.” Shri Krishna was the guide of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga, as well in Alipore Jail, when studying the Gita and putting it into practice, as in Pondicherry, where it was from Shri Krishna that he received the... of Yoga bear witness to this. In 1926 Shri Krishna descended into Sri Aurobindo’s body. 72 This means that from 1926 till 1950 Shri Krishna was incarnated on Earth, without anybody being aware of it. (This may, moreover, be the reason that the light or aura of Shri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo is the same light blue light.) About the historical Krishna, king of the Vrishnis, Sri Aurobindo wrote: ...

... The Golden Path Krishna Tewari ( Retired two-star major general in the Indian army and in charge of the Auroville Archives ) I first met Kamla and Krishna Tewari in Santa Cruz, California in 1990 while attending an Auroville meeting there. They were visiting from Auroville and I thought they were just about the most charming two people I had ever... England and Quote the Fights Historical, from Marathon to Waterloo in Order Categorical.” Krishna’s dignified and disciplined military bearing and his handle-bar mustache just made me think of that song and I could not stop singing it in my mind each time I saw him during that visit to Santa Cruz! Krishna joined the Indian army after his graduation in 1941. His two army awards consisted of the Param... Their two families were long known to each other and Krishna knew Kamla when she was studying medicine in the Lady Hardinge Medical College in New Delhi. They got married soon after her graduation and both retired from army service in 1976 after which they moved to Pondicherry with their family. The following are some questions that I put to Krishna and his answers: Where were you born? I was ...

... inanimate existence in it is the instrument of my rapture. 427) I did not know for some time whether I loved Krishna best or Kali; when I loved Kali, it was loving myself, but when I loved Krishna, I loved another, and still it was my Self with whom I was in love. Therefore I came to love Krishna better even than Kali. 428) What is the use of admiring Nature or worshipping her as a Power, a Presence... soul utterly rejoices in, is for thought the ultimate reality. 433) Beyond Personality the Mayavadin sees indefinable Existence; I followed him there and found my Krishna beyond in indefinable Personality. 434) When I first met Krishna, I loved Him as a friend and playmate till He deceived me; then I was indignant and could not forgive Him. Afterwards I loved Him as a lover and He still deceived... into the image of his universal unity that that deep, disinterested and unassailable love becomes possible. 489) When I live in Krishna, then ego & self-interest vanish and only God himself can qualify my love bottomless & illimitable. 490) Living in Krishna, even enmity becomes a play of love and the wrestling of brothers. 491) To the soul that has hold of the highest beatitude, life cannot ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 15 Swarnalata - Sri Aurobindo's Mother In the middle of 1879 Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose, now thirty-four, again left for England, but this time with his family. Wife Swarnalata was twenty-seven; sons Beno, Mono, Ara were respectively twelve, ten and going on seven ; daughter Saro was not even two. The Doctor... deadly blow but your [letter] a 1.In tatters; hence the missing words and date. 2.A Bengali mother uses the border of her sari to wipe away her child's tears. "facsimile of Krishna Dhan's etter to Rajnarain Page 117 worse one. Oft do dear Father relieve my heart by a condescending eye of forgiveness. Your poor son is suffering and have pity upon his soul... others. My love to my friends there. As also to Hem, Jogin, Shukumaree and Joteen. 1 "Shurnolota gives her pronams to you. I remain with love Your ever affn son Krishna Dhun" Worries? Aplenty. This beautiful wife of his, whom he loved to distraction, and for whom he had changed his religion — from a Hindu to a Brahmo —what was eating ...

... for consequences; Vishnu has to come afterwards to save the situation. SATYENDRA: Krishna is hard to please, they say. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. PURANI: Talking of Krishna reminds me of X. They say he has turned a Buddhist now. SRI AUROBINDO: Good Lord! PURANI: He had such a fervour and devotion for Krishna. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't understand why he should have become a Buddhist. Living with... want it." NIRODBARAN: What did you reply to him? SRI AUROBINDO: It was not addressed to me. It was addressed to Krishna. NIRODBARAN: I see. Then I will ask him to write to you now. SRI AUROBINDO: No, no, don't do that. In that case I shall have to be as hard as Krishna. NIRODBARAN: They say Shiva is a very kind and generous god and very easily gives boons. Is it true? SRI AUROBINDO:... divine source of action in oneself, one has to be aided by a mental law of conduct. Otherwise one may take up the attitude, "There is no virtue, no sin. So let us indulge ourselves merrily!" What Krishna says in the Gita—"Abandon all dharmas"—is at the end of the Gita, not the beginning. And he does not say this only; he also says, "Take refuge in me." The stage at which the ethicists are is the sattwic ...

... gazed at you at darshan she saw through you and visioned Kishore Krishna – round about your heart. Why does she see Krishna in you when she is more partial to Shiva? Now-a-days she is sort of won over by Krishna, she says, but why should Krishna come so repeatedly as she equates you, spontaneously, to Shiva and not to Krishna. Page 121 I have said that visions of... Aurobindo wrote to Dilipda that if he stuck to Krishna, the Supermind would not be included in his realisation, whereas if he stuck to Sri Aurobindo, Krishna would be included in his realisation. The disciple disapproved of Krishna as Krishna only brought down the Overmind and not the Supermind.) I am puzzled and perplexed by this affair of Krishna and the Supermind. A.B.C.D.E.F. of Bombay... independent reality. C) Last Sunday I was singing Raihana’s song on Krishna on moonlight chandini rat [moonlit night] (whose translation I sent you the other day). I felt a deep bhakti and lo, Pratibha saw again Krishna dancing about and playing flute – a lovely youth this time not Kishore Krishna but adult Krishna. Why is it that nobody else saw it? Why should they? The vision may ...

... new age the new dispensation must not admit this error. In the Gita, Sri Krishna has time and again directed Arjuna not to follow asceticism. Why? He admits the virtue of Sannyasa and yet, in spite of the repeated questionings of Arjuna overwhelmed as he was with the spirit of asce­ticism, abnegation and altruism, Sri Krishna never withdrew his injunctions with regard to the path of action. Arjuna... engage me in this terrible work of slaying my elders?" Many have repeated the question of Arjuna, some even have not hesitated to call him the worst Teacher, one who shows the wrong way. In answer, Sri Krishna has explained that renunciation is greater than asceticism, to remember God and do one's appointed work without desire is far greater than freedom to do as one likes. Renunciation means renunciation... not interested in the play and desires rest, God will fulfil his desire. But if one follows His way for His sake, then God chooses him, in this world or elsewhere as His fit playmate. Arjuna was Krishna's dearest comrade and playmate, therefore he received the Page 167 teaching of the Gita's supreme secret. What that supreme secret is I tried to explain in a previous context. ...

... them even today have a good following and people believe that 'Ma' gives success to real believers. Rama and Krishna can be similar 'Santoshimas' of an earlier period."   You have very pointedly shown the possibility that Rama and Krishna were non-historical. But on behalf of Krishna we can put up a defence. In the second chapter of Essays on the Gita Sri Aurobindo tells us about him: "We... delayed replying to your kind and considerate letter of inquiry about certain subjects. As for the question of historicity of Rama and Krishna, Sri Aurobindo is positive about the actual existence of the latter. One of his most interesting statements about Krishna is to the effect that it is a great thing to know that at least once in human history the Divine has definitely touched the earth. In regard... he is talking of the poem Ramayana which he dates to the first century B.C. I have found no valid reason so far to doubt my chronology for Krishna.   I was impressed as well as amused by your following line of argument: "The existence of Rama and Krishna temples all over Asia cannot make them historical persons. They are such powerful personalities that people accepted them as true life figures ...

... hrdpadma: See cakra. japa: Repetition of set sounds or words or a name as prayeror invocation. j ī va (Jiva): The Jivatman; the living being. jiva (Krishna's) (Jiva, Krishna's): A creature of Krishna, i.e.,God's creature. jīvtāman (Jivatman): The individual self. jyoti: Light; the principle of spiritual light in the higher ordivine Nature. karma: Action... past, especially in past lives. karma Yoga: The system of spiritual discipline which takeswork (dedicated to the Divine) as its basis. kevala: Absolute, sheer. krsna's j ī va (Krishna's Jiva): See jiva (Krsna's). kundalini śakti (Kundalini Shakti): The power that liescoiled or involved in the lowest centre at the bottom ofthe spine; it is awakened by Yoga and rises to... portion being known as the "Book of Works". viśuddha: Literally, pure, see cakra viśtādvaita (Vishishtadwaita): "Qualified monism." vrndāvana (Vrindavan): The holy place where Krishna as the Divine Lover plays with his beloved ones. Page 62 yoga: Union with the Divine; the discipline by which one enters through an awakening into an inner and higherconsciousness ...

... What was your point in that question? DR. MANILAL: I wanted to say that Krishna was Sarvajna. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Then that girl from Mathura who knew all the details of her past life was also Sarvajna. When Arjuna said to Krishna, "Will you tell me again all you told me about Kurukshetra etc.,etc.?" Krishna replied, "Good Lord, do I remember all that blessed lot now? At that time I... 21 DECEMBER 1940 DR. MANILAL: In the Gita Sri Krishna says that he knows all about Arjuna's past lives. SRI AUROBINDO: What about it? A past life can be known. DR. MANILAL: Then he knew all the details of his past life? SRI AUROBINDO: Who says that? Does Krishna say that? (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: He knew at least the salient features. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... Sri Aurobindo entitled Swapna (A Dream) that I had also dramatized. Arup was to play the role of Sri Krishna and Swadesh was Harimohan. During our rehearsals at the Theater, Arup used to play a lot of pranks. Being a little boy, he did not quite understand the importance of a role like Sri Krishna's. Despite all my efforts, both at home and on the stage, he just could not realise its real dimension... again during the rehearsals. Don't change his role in the play. Let Arup play Sri Krishna."     The day of the performance arrived. The Mother seemed to have done some magic with Arup. When in the play, Harimohan says, "If I find Keshto, I will have him whipped to teach him a lesson", seeing the little Sri Krishna on stage, an irresistibly sweet smile on his lips, holding his flute, dressed in a... enchanting with Runu's marvelous flute, the spectators were enthralled! After the programme,everyone had the same reaction - Sri Krishna's role was very well enacted, it was extraordinary. The Mother's words echoed in my ears, "Don't change his role in the play. Let Arup play Sri Krishna." Page 117 ...

... Bengali. A cultured man, Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose was profoundly interested in Bengali literature. Bankim's youngest brother, Purna Chandra Chatterjee, gives a personal account of Dr. Ghose. "Every evening," he wrote in Narayan, a Bengali magazine edited by C. R. Das, "we would meet at Dr. Krishna Dhan's house. I was a deputy magistrate in Rangpur at that time. Dr. Krishna Dhan was an exceptional person... was a nationalist to the core; and he was disappointed in the young Bengalis who returned from England —or even from Bombay! —fully anglicized. He was in for a rude shock. Page 98 Krishna Dhan took his degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) with honours from the Aberdeen University, Scotland. He returned to India, no later than early October 1871 by my reckoning. Because from 28 October... astonishment when I saw written on the walls of many Chinese and Japanese temples some very familiar Sanskrit mantras . . . they were all Page 99 written in old Bengali script." Krishna Dhan refused. Honest to the core, he did not feel it a sin to cross the 'black waters,' so why should he perform a ceremony of purification? He sold his property for a song to a local Brahmin, to whom ...

... idea is best embodied in the story of Radha, the Milk-Maid, and Krishna, the Cowherd. My story opens at a time when Sri Krishna was already an established leader of men. And like all Page 103 leaders he too was not spared headaches. So, it is no wonder that once, when Narada called on him in Dwaraka, he found Krishna lying with his eyes closed and a face dulled by pain. Narada,... confederation during their forty years of wandering, receiving on the 1. The Exodus is supposed to have begun in 1447 B.C., which would make Moses a contemporary of Sri Krishna. And peculiarly enough, just when Krishna led the exodus of his Yadava tribe from Mathura to Dwaraka, seemingly Moses did the same with the Jews in the Middle East. Page 98 way the Ten Commandments on top... who was more accustomed to seeing a scintillating Krishna, was worried. "What ails thee, Lord?" he inquired. "I have a bad headache, Narada," answered Sri Krishna. "Lord," asked Narada, "what can be done to cure thy headache?" "If you can procure some dust from the feet of a human or a god, and apply it on my head, then only will my headache get cured," informed Narayana. ...

... Krishna-Mahakali The Mother in her cosmic power is all things and all divine Personalities, for nothing can be in manifestation except by her and as part of her being. But what was meant in the Visions Page 67 and Voices 1 was that the Ishwara and the Divine Shakti were one Person or Being in two aspects and it puts forward this union of them as Krishna-Mahakali as ...

... peacock could become in our legends Sri Krishna's own bird. To be called a peacock is not for the Indian poet both a criticism and a compliment. It is altogether a compliment -yet one which in order to be deserved necessitates a certain rising above any gratified lapping up of it. A feeling of dedication is surely implied if one is to be considered Sri Krishna's bird. One's heart must be offered to... poetry will be crude, but without that blood-stream his poetry will be thin. Whatever the Indian saint may do, the Indian poet cannot renounce the world and still be a poet. He has to be what Sri Krishna's bird symbolises - a combining of soulwardness and the feeling of dedication with a wealth of bodily colour and an intensity of bodily rhythm: he must unfold variegated feathers and set his feet dancing... transcends it in his art by the way he voices it: he cannot succeed in his poetry without harmoniously combining in the absolute beauty of his expression the Here and the Beyond. So the peacock, as Sri Krishna's bird, is the right essence of his lute - and all the more right if he is an Indian, for then the matter no less than the manner draws the two worlds together. Page 121 ...

... that Rama and Krishna can be accepted as Avatars; Buddha figures as such although with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him; Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of Him who was Rama and who was Krishna being within him. But Chaitanya’s case is peculiar; for according to the accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more... more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. * Page 255 February... February 2, 1950 It was not my intention* to question in any degree Chait-anya’s position as an Avatar of Krishna and the Divine Love. That character of the manifestation appears very clearly from all the accounts about him and even, if what is related about the appearance of Krishna in him from time to time is accepted, these outbursts of the splendour of the Divine Being are among the most ...

... when Krishna after fighting eighteen battles with Jarasandha failed to prevail against him and had to run away from Mathura. Why the immortal Hell should the Divine be tied down to succeed in all his operations? What if failure suits him better and serves better the ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question had to be given his chance as Duryodhan was given his chance when Krishna went... deduce that the sadhaks would be greater than Krishna, who was the Avatar of the Overmind level? Logically it follows, but looking at others and at myself, I wonder if such a theory will be practically realised. What is all this obsession of greater or less? In our Yoga we do not strive after greatness. Past history does not seem to prove it. In Krishna's time no disciple of his was a greater spiritual... spiritual figure than the preceding Avatar Rama, even though Krishna was an Avatar of a higher plane. It is not a question of Sri Krishna's disciples, but of the earth Page 407 consciousness—Rama was a mental man, there is no touch of the overmind consciousness (direct) in anything he said or did, but what he did was done with the greatness of the Avatar. But there have since been men ...

... The great and memorable vision of Kurukshetra when Sri Krishna manifesting his world-form declared himself as destroying Time, is significant of this deep perception of humanity. When Arjuna wished to cast aside his bow and quiver, when he said, "This is a sin we do and a great destruction of men and brothers, I will forbear," Sri Krishna after convincing his intellect of error, proceeded by that... and enjoy a great and wealthy empire. For these, they were slain even before and it is I who have slain them; be the occasion only, O Savyasachin." It is not as the slow process of Time that Sri Krishna manifests himself; it is as the Zeitgeist consummating in a moment the work carefully prepared for decades that He appears to Arjuna. All have been moving inevitably towards the catastrophe of Kurukshetra... it: those who would have done everything possible to avert the calamity, helped its coming by their action or inaction; those who had a glimpse of it strove in vain to stop the wheels of Fate; Sri Krishna himself as the niṣkāma karmayogin who does his duty without regard to results, went on that hopeless embassy to Hastinapura; but the Zeitgeist overbore all. It was only afterwards that men saw how ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva manifest certain powers of cosmic consciousness. Krishna manifests the Ananda. Krishna is said to be the Avatar of Vishnu, which means that he manifests the Vishnu aspect rather than the Shiva aspect. SATYENDRA: Are Vishnu and Krishna Gods of the overmind.? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that is, they manifest through the Overmind. Purani then related a few more ... the woman. She seems to be a devotee of Sri Krishna. SRI AUROBINDO: Then it is clear. NIRODBARAN: But why is only the face blue? SRI AUROBINDO: Because it is the mind that receives the light when she talks of the Gita and of other things in her ecstatic mood. SATYENDRA: You said yesterday that the blue colour might be of Vishnu or of Krishna. What is the difference between them? SRI ...

... I felt release from heavy oppression. I am also attracted to the name "Krishna" and sometimes in a semi-sleep condition I find myself repeating "Durga-Mahakali-Krishna". Durga combines the characteristics of Maheshwari and Mahakali to a certain extent,—there is not much connection with Mahalakshmi. The combination of Krishna and Mahakali is one that has a great power in this Yoga and if the names ...

... As neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infant Krishna, so neither Riponism nor Poona prosecutions could check the growth of Nationalism while yet it was an indistinct force; and as neither Kansa's wiles nor his vishakanyas nor his mad elephants nor his wrestlers could kill Krishna revealed in Mathura, so neither a revival of Riponism nor the poison of Page 749... momentous birth which time has engendered, when the peoples of the earth persist in the old order of things with the settled conviction that that order has yet many centuries of life before it, when Krishna is growing from infancy to youth in Gokul among the obscure and the despised and the weak ones of the earth and Kansa knows not his enemy and, however he may be troubled by vague apprehensions and... destroy him, and in the moment when he thinks to slay his enemy feels the grasp of the avenger on his hair and the sword of doom in his heart. Last is the season of rule and fulfilment, the life of Krishna at Dwaraka, when the victorious idea lives out its potent and unhindered existence, works its will with a world which has become in its hands as clay in the hands of the potter, creates what it has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of our desire And this shall be achieved when we will learn To merge, like moths, in Krishna's Fire — of Love. ( Vishnupriya falls prostrate and kisses his feet. He puts his hands upon her head in a half-trance and goes on repeating: Krishna ... Krishna ... Krishna ... Krishna ... Krishna ...) Page 82 ... a swoon. He draws near and places his hand on her head and remains still for a little while, his eyes closed, only his lips moving, re- peating the name of his heart's Lord: "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna...." She comes Page 68 back to consciousness after a few minutes, then rises and bows down and kisses his feet. He looks at her tenderly and places his hand... mend your ways, fool — or — beware! SRI CHAITANYA ( smiling ) Beware of what, my chastiser and mentor? I am no more afraid of ought on earth, For I told you a little while ago That Krishna's love is soft like cream although It can be, on occasion, tough and hard As an armour of steel that laughs at such frail weapons You are now flourishing in ignorance. JAGAI (a trifle ...

... with familiarity by Krishna. Then the two friends were in reminiscent mood, and talked of their early days. Krishna found that Sudama had married and had many children. He asked him if his wife had given some gift for him. Sudama was so overcome by the grandeur of the capital and the affluence of Krishna that he was hiding the little bundle of fried rice under him. Krishna noticed it and took... family. Sudama used to cut Krishna's share of the wood. After study they separated, Krishna became the premier prince of Dwarka and a very prominent statesman of his times. Sudama lived in an obscure village and was poor. He got a large family and very often it came to theverge of starvation. Sudama used to tell his wife about his friendship with the great Krishna in his early days. So once... Sudama somehow reached Dwarka and found out Krishna's palace. He was stopped at the gate, his poor appearance was enough to bar bis way. With difficulty he sent his name to Krishna who had just finished his bath and was being waited upon by bis queens. When he heard Sudama's name, Krishna rushed to the door and escorted him to his personal chamber. The queens were all astonished to see a poor and ...

... aspect (of the Divine) correspond to love, Devotion and surrender? Sri Aurobindo : No, not necessarily. Disciple : Does not Satchidananda love? Sri Aurobindo : No, that is Krishna Prem's idea, perhaps. Disciple : There is no reason to associate these with the feminine aspect because he associates these with it. Disciple : Receptivity includes these things; it... aspects of the woman. Love is not the only aspect of the woman. Disciple : It will also have to include the Tantric idea of the Shakti. Sri Aurobindo : Quite so. Disciple : But Krishna Prem says that both these should be equal in all men, is it true? Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by true? If you mean 'true' in fact then you can say it is not true. He says "it should be"... Disciple : Is the idea correct? Sri Aurobindo : That is his idea that it should be so. Disciple : Perhaps he means that in an ideal case these two should be equal. Disciple : Krishna Prem also says that Grace and Tapasya are complimentary. No one of them is to be stressed. Girish Ghosh used to say to Ramkrishna that he left everything for Ramkrishna to do (for him); and it seems ...

... Sonnets from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems Krishna Know more > At last I find a meaning of soul's birth     Into this universe terrible and sweet, I who have felt the hungry heart of earth     Aspiring beyond heaven to Krishna's feet. I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes,     And heard the passion of the Lover's flute ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 490, 491, 492 490—When I live in Krishna, then ego and self-interest vanish and only God himself can qualify my love bottomless and illimitable. 491—Living in Krishna, even enmity becomes a play of love and the wrestling of brothers. Page 347 492—To the soul that has hold of the highest ...

... Lord of the Universe, Master of all the three worlds, Lord Hari, adorned by the gem kaustabha, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge. Garbed in yellow, blue-hued, embellished with the mark of Srivatsa, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge. Vasudeva, Hrishikesha, Madhava, Madhusudana, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge. Hari Om That Truth. ( Source unknown ) ...

... Champaklal Recitation of Savitri by Sri Aurobindo 1979-12-26 The flute is the symbol of the spiritual call or call of the Divine. Sri Krishna is connected with its playing—Sri Krishna who, is the Avatar from the Overmind plane. Champaklal has often heard the Divine's call from there—the magnetism of the spiritual consciousness. What is beyond the spiritual is ...

... Pondicherry (Circa 1927-1947) Pondicherry (Circa 1927-1947) Three Sonnets Collected Poems The Cosmic Dance Know more > ( Dance of Krishna, Dance of Kali ) Two measures are there of the cosmic dance.     Always we hear the tread of Kali's feet Measuring in rhythms of pain and grief and chance     Life's game of hazard terrible and sweet... key to the Mysteries,     Truth's narrow road out of Time's wastes of dream, The soul's seven doors from Matter's tomb to rise,     Are the common motives of her tragic theme. But when shall Krishna's dance through Nature move, His mask of sweetness, laughter, rapture, love? Page 590 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... separate office of its own. It is true that Babu Aurobindo, the alleged writer of the offending article, is a relation of Babu Krishna Kumar and used to live with him. But did that justify the search of Babu Krishna Kumar's house? Would not a mere letter to Babu Krishna Kumar have served the same purpose for which he and his family were subjected to the horrors of a house-search? It seems the ... K. K Mitra. It was too much. Even the Bengalee of Surendra Nath Banerji protested. Page 65 "We hold that there was not the smallest justification for searching the house of Babu Krishna Kumar Mitter. And we ask again when will proceedings of this kind come to an end?" (6 April 1910) The editorial in the Amrita Bazar Patrika day, "Why was the Sanjivani office and residential ...

... It's better to read me something. ( Satprem reads a few Aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo for the next issue of the Bulletin ) 159—He who recognizes no Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna.... That's good, it's very GOOD. Yet is the opposite truth also wholly true that if thou canst see all God in a little pale unsightly and scentless ...

... disguise 1ṣṭ intensity—Krishna seen behind the human mask. 2d—Krishna seen in the human being 3d—The human being seen in Krishna Consummation.—The human being = Krishna. The same rule holds with all things and beings The samata holds against all things except complete asraddha of the Karma; it then becomes udasinata on the surface as soon as it has recovered from the positive... Anantam Jnanam with the Anandam subdued but present in all the three. It is now in course of being replaced by the Krishna-darshana in the Jnanam Anandam; the Narayana-Vishnu Bhava persists, but as a past habit. The intensity of the Krishna-Narayana is now taking its place. Karma. Krishna-Kali bhava is growing to the point of the firm epiphany. Subjective kama is assured & the full subjective Ananda... has surmounted several of its difficulties. Formerly the adult vulgar & hirsute masculine face did not at once throw back the idea of Krishna. Now all faces at once reflect him. There was also a division between the Krishna in human form & the formless & universal Krishna. Either the first was intensely sensed & the latter became merely Brahman or the latter was seen & the human form became a mask of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the   12. On Yoga 11, Tome One, p. 405, Page 90 mental man [Rama, son of Dasaratha] and again the over-mental man [Krishna]. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development -Krishna opens the possibility of overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning... Christ, Krishna, Buddha stands in its centre as the gate, he makes through himself the way men shall follow. That is why each Incarnation holds before men his own example and declares of himself that he is the way and the gate; he declares too the oneness of his humanity with the divine being, declares that the Son of Man and the Father above from whom he has descended are one, that Krishna in the human... descent of the Godhead, it is the Avatar."   And in the central scripture of Avatarhood, the Gita, whose composition all Indologists date to the pre-Christian period, 2 the divine Incarnation Krishna declares: "Many are my lives that are past... Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma 3 and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth. For the deliverance of the ...

... the Master of existence. "The sages adore Me with fervour and devotion," says Sri Krishna, "their thought becomes full of Me, their life is melted in Me, and their speech utters only of Me, and their joy is concentrated in all the contentment of the being, all the play and pleasure of the nature." 75 There is, Sri Krishna continues, a continual union from moment to moment in the thought and memory, there... Upanishads, although its Vedantic ideas are throughout coloured by the ideas of the Samkhya and Yoga. It must also be stated that the Samkhya in the Gita is not the system of Samkhya Karika of Ishwara Krishna, and Yoga referred to in the Gita is not the Yoga of the Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali. The traditional Samkhya is atheistic, while the Samkhya of the Gita admits and subtly reconciles the theistic,... the Yoga of Intelligence; take, therefore, thy refuge in intelligence." 64 This is the prescription that startles Arjuna and Flexes him, since it seems to imply renunciation of 'action. But as Sri Krishna explains, while intelligence is superior to action, action is superior to inaction. Therefore, while seated in intelligence, in Samkhya, one must do actions, be fixed in Yoga. For it is by Yoga of ...

... tragic though glorious setting of its action. Arjuna, one of the five Pandavas, is the foremost kshatriya or knight of his time. His charioteer is his friend and mentor Krishna, king of the Vrishnis and in fact the avatar Sri Krishna. In the internecine quarrel within the Kuru clan, to which the Pandavas as well as the Kauravas belong, most kingdoms of the subcontinent have chosen sides and the day... Sri Krishna at first rebukes him, and then, making him see the essential, divine justification of it all, instructs him in the yoga. Arjuna receives his initiation on the battlefield. That the Mahabharata , the great war of the Bharatas, has been a historic event is not in doubt, but the date of the war is still under discussion. In the introduction to his Search for the Historical Krishna , Navaratna... significance of this war was therefore considerable. No less is its significance in the spiritual progress of humanity, as it constitutes the background of the avataric Work of Sri Krishna. And the lasting significance of Sri Krishna’s teaching to the present day – witness the role it played in Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga and his marvellous Essays on the Gita – is that it remains an inexhaustible guide for spiritual ...

... Aphorism - 477, 478, 479 477—When will the world change into the model of heaven? When all mankind becomes boys and girls together with God revealed as Krishna and Kali, the happiest boy and strongest girl of the crowd, playing together in the gardens of Paradise. The Semitic Eden was well enough, but Adam and Eve were too grown up and its God Himself too... offer of the Serpent to be resisted. 478—The Semites have afflicted mankind with the conception of a God who is a stern and dignified king and solemn judge and knows not mirth. But we who have seen Krishna, know Him for a boy fond of play and a child full of mischief and happy laughter. Page 344 479—A God who cannot smile could not have created this humorous universe. Ridicule is the ...

... : And violet? SRI AUROBINDO: It has many meanings. Maybe Krishna's compassion. DR. MANILAL: Patience till eternity? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, you must think as if all eternity were before you. SATYENDRA: Krishna is a very difficult God. Shiva would have been easy to satisfy. PURANI: Yes, he doesn't care for consequences. Krishna has to come afterwards to save the situation. DR. MANILAL: ...

... grateful. But, sir, I want only one Knowledge — of Krishna, the One who is the home And country of all knowledge, divine or earthly. KESHAV ( sententiously ) But that is wrong. You cannot, says Panini, Attain the skies save on the wings of learning. SRI CHAITANYA But I love Mother Earth more than the skies: It's here my Krishna lived and not in the clouds. So I will now to... one. Worship is not enough: you must win knowledge Even as love — unless you hate true vision. Suppose your Krishna came to you, what would you Page 34 Ask of your Lord, my boy? SRI CHAITANYA ( his eyes filling instantly ) What would I ask If He, my Krishna, came to me. His slave? Could there be any asking then? But no, I would ask something. Shall I say it, sir... For only one thing counts on our dismal earth: The loving approbation of Sri Krishna, Beside whose one sun-smile of welcome pales The whole world's chorus of applause or jeering. KESHAV ( impatiently ) But what, in the name of sanity, are we here Debating now? What is this approbation Of Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma or Indra? And how can a human consciousness be sure Of ...

... in answer to an adesh. There is a patent self-contradiction here. The second alternative makes Parthasarathy a "means" in Sri Krishna's hands, the mouthpiece of a plan by the Supreme Being to hint to Sri Aurobindo in advance at what was to happen. It is as if Sri Krishna played secretly in modern Calcutta a variant on his great declaration to Arjuna at Kurukshetra in remote antiquity: "The Kauravas... Pondicherry on the afflatus of a divine injunction and not on a hint from Parthasarathy: a special message from Sri Krishna himself had to be received. And this injunction differed radically from the hint: whereas the hint was in connection with politics as the moving power, Sri Krishna's message turned out, according to Sri Aurobindo, to have had nothing to do with them in its purpose. If we have to... Among the documents quoted before the "Archival Notes" we find Sri Aurobindo saying in a talk of 18 De-cember 1938: "I heard the adesh 'Go to Pondicherry.' ...I could not question. It was Sri Krishna's adesh. I had to obey. Later on I found it was for my yogic work that I was asked to come here." A variant of the closing words of this record by Nirodbaran is Purani's version: "I found it was for ...

... ) BHAKTI (Devotion): Fourth Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 435, 436, 437, 438 435—When I first met Krishna, I loved Him as a friend and playmate till He deceived me; then I was indignant and could not forgive Him. Afterwards I loved Him as a lover and He still deceived me; I was again and much more indignant... repair His offences against me, we went on periodically quarrelling; but when He found out His mistake, the quarrelling stopped, for I had to submit to Him entirely. 438—When I saw others than Krishna and myself in the world, I kept secret God's doings with me; but since I began to see Him and myself everywhere, I have become shameless and garrulous. In his writings, Sri Aurobindo had a genius ...

... the axe, the divinely-natured man, a greater Rama, the awakened spiritual man, Buddha, and, preceding him in time, but final in place, the complete divine manhood, Krishna,—for the last Avatar, Kalki, only accomplishes the work Krishna began,—he fulfils in power the great struggle which the previous Avatars prepared in all its potentialities. It is a difficult assumption to our modern mentality, but... Godhead making himself manifest in the field of their own human mentality and corporeality so that they can grow into unity with that and be possessed by it. The divine manifestation of a Christ, Krishna, Buddha in external humanity has for its inner truth the same manifestation of the eternal Avatar within in our own inner humanity. That which has been done in the outer human life of earth, may be... manifestation of the diviner qualities moral, intellectual and dynamic by which average humanity is exceeded. In this idea there is a certain truth. The Avatar is at the same time the Vibhuti. This Krishna who in his divine inner being is the Godhead in a human form, is in his outer human being the leader of his age, the great man of the Vrishnis. This is from the point of view of the Nature, not of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of it. Do we make a fetish of "Sri Krishna" or "Sri Rama"? Quite frequently we just say "Krishna" or "Rama". Sri Aurobindo himself does it. In the very explanation of the Victory Day, as 24 November 1926 is called, he writes: "24th was the descent of Krishna into the physical. "Krishna is not the supramental Light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind... Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards the Ananda."² Elsewhere, in one and the same context Sri Aurobindo has "Krishna" and "Sri Krishna": "Sri Krishna never set out to arrive at any physical transformation, so anything of the kind could not... both we and the Westerners must remember the ancient Indian practice of using that honorific as a special mark of spiritual status: we speak of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna but not of Sri Dasaratha (Rama's father) or Sri Arjuna (Krishna's close companion in the Battle of Kurukshetra) - or even, for that matter, of Sri Asoka though the Buddhist emperor happened to be a highly religious figure. And ...

... cheerfulness which no adverse experience mental or physical can trouble. Its perfection is God's stamp and seal on the siddhi of the samata. It is in our internal being the image of the smile of Srikrishna playing, bálavat , as the eternal balaka and kumara in the garden of the world. Page 6 Shakti Chatusthaya This may be called the siddhi of the temperament or nature in the lower... accepting it as God's will, or with udasinatá, rising superior to it and regarding joy and sorrow equally as God's working in these lower instruments, or with ananda, receiving everything as the play of Krishna and therefore in itself delightful. The last is the state of the complete Yogin, for by this continual joyous or anandamaya namaskara to God constantly practised we arrive eventually at the entire ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... been actually projected on earth in the life of the incarnate Krishna and it has been so accepted by the religious mind of India. These questions and the speculations to which they have given rise have no indispensable connection with the spiritual life. There what matters is the contact with Krishna and the growth towards the Krishna consciousness, the presence, the spiritual relation, the union... Sri Aurobindo on Integral Yoga of Divine Love Extract from "Letters on Yoga " The historicity of Krishna is of less spiritual importance and is not essential, but it has still a considerable value. It does not seem to me that there can be any reasonable doubt that Krishna the man was not a legend or a poetic invention but actually existed upon earth and played a part in the Indian past... played by Krishna as Page 250 leader, warrior and statesman can be accepted as probable in itself and to all appearance founded on a tradition which can be given a historical value and has not the air of a myth or a sheer poetical invention. That is as much as can be positively said from the point of view of the theoretical reason as to the historic figure of the man Krishna; but in my ...

... experiences—they are in the vital plane; it is only if the experience is in the psychic that it has a decisive value as indicating the call to Yoga. The vision of the boy purports to be a call from Srikrishna, but these vital visions are not always what they seem to be. The vision about Kali and the dark forces and the fainting indicates on the contrary very serious difficulties, danger from the Asuric... Adhar. On the other hand the vision of Kali with the dagger followed by that of the boy might mean that the Divine Shakti will destroy the difficulties and make the way clear for the service of Krishna. Nothing however can be definitely said from this kind of experience. If her call to Yoga is real, it will declare itself irresistibly hereafter; it will then be seen to what path she is called ...

... believe that thou hast accepted God in thy spirit? 451—To love God, excluding the world, is to give Him an intense but imperfect adoration. 452—Is love only a daughter or handmaid of jealousy? If Krishna loves Chandrabali, 1 why should I not love her also? 453—Because thou lovest God only, thou art apt to claim that He should love thee rather than others; but this is a false claim contrary... ego and by uniting with the Divine Love which is eternal and universal. 6 April 1970 Page 338 × Sri Krishna loved Radha best among the gopis , but he loved Chandrabali and the other gopis also. ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Significance of the Gita as a Synthesis of Yoga The supreme significance of the Gita lies in the fact that in no text of yoga Shasta or the science of yoga do we find such a perfect system of karma yoga known to man in the past, and that it is the greatest gospel of spiritual works ever yet given... of yoga by establishing the path of works as the starting-point, it admits that even the path of knowledge or the path of devotion can also be an equally effective starting-point. In fact, as Sri Krishna points out in course of his teaching, every path of yoga which has been developed is His path, and that the old or new path, depending upon how the Page 20 seeker seeks the highest union ...

... Aurobindo would listen. After the singing ended, Mother remarked, "How sweet was the dance of Krishna !" Krishna had responded to the invocation in Dilip's music, and that is what Mother had seen. Dilip must have been pleased over Mother's confirmation of his musical power, but certainly not over his failure to see Krishna dancing. Page 19 Later, from Calcutta I wrote to him mentioning my remembrance ...

... with intimidating of Swadeshists carried out through the instrumentality of Indian subordinates on whom the whole blame is thrown. This is the milk of Putana by which Kansa hoped to poison the infant Krishna. The modern Kansa comes of a shop-keeping breed and is careful only to let the infant have as much of the milk and no more as will do his business for him. The separation of Judicial and Executive... subordinates. Their policy is to throttle Swadeshi with one hand while stroking the District paternally on the head with the other. What shall we do with this milk of Putana? Page 993 Sri Krishna drained the breasts of Putana and killed her, and if the bureaucracy begins giving real concessions, that will be its fate. But this watered milk of Morleyan sympathy is a different matter. To drink ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... tree in front of my cell but it was not the tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door, and again I saw Vasudeva.’ Vasudeva is one of the many names of Sri Krishna, and Sri Krishna, the former Avatar, is a personification of the One Divine. ‘I looked at the prisoners... pillar of strength and the spiritual crown-prince of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, had died in 1902, six years earlier. However, Aurobindo’s highest mentors, his true and abiding instructors, were Sri Krishna and, ultimately, the Great Mother. Once put upon the path with the help of Lele, his intense and unusually fast development led him from one surprising discovery to the other, and he soon realized... had any part in his own spiritual unfolding. Higher powers in him had taken up the reins of his destiny; out of Aurobindo A. Ghose was growing Sri Aurobindo. After his arrival in Pondicherry, Sri Krishna sketched out for him the lines of his further growth, ‘the map of my spiritual progress’. Between 1912 and 1920 Sri Aurobindo kept a detailed diary of his sadhana (spiritual discipline). He noted ...

... Radha and Krishna, and, sometimes, I feel as though they beckon to me to come to Their bosom where I could lay in an eternal repose like a child in its mother's lap. But presently when I saw the summit of the temple with the flag, I perceived in my mental image, not Radha and Krishna, but Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield, and the one mantra that seemed to be emerging from the lips of Krishna was :... that in the arrangement of the world, Krishna is always close to the soul in need of Him, and thus the Gita wants to convey a universal message : "Do not fear; if you turn to Krishna with a sincere seeking, be sure Krishna will be there ready to help you and guide you." "Since then I have been telling myself : "Be a good pupil like Arjuna; turn to Krishna with the heart of trust and pray to Him... suffering of separation, since Krishna hides Himself and does not uncover Himself until you uncover yourself totally before Him!' Mira blushed. She looked marvellously beautiful. Then she said : "I now understand why Mirabai had declared that she was wedded to Sri Krishna. Will you believe if I tell you that I have discovered that I am born to become a bride of Sri Krishna? But this is a secret between ...

... it. Then I come to the poem which I promised to read to you, on Sri Krishna. Sri Aurobindo said it was a lovely poem, a magnificent poem. I don't know if all of you can understand it, but I don't see why you shouldn't because you know Sri Krishna's life. The poem is composed of a series of pictures from Sri Krishna's life - life not as you understand it normally, but somewhat esoterically, ... or the cosmic aspect of the Lord is the vision that Sri Krishna bestowed on Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. 56The members of the religious movement or group in Hinduism that worships Sri Krishna as an avatar of Vishnu. It is a devotional path. 57Devotion or bhakti is the adoration of the heart for the Lord - in this case, for Sri Krishna. Page 32 The mother laughed upon... scriptures. You know something about Sri Krishna's early life - you have seen the pictures of his youth, his adulthood too. I shall now read out to 54 Pranam is the act of bowing down in humility and praying in a spirit of surrender and supplication. Page 30 you this poem by George William Russell (or A.E.), called "Krishna". In the poem, you will find a series of scenes ...

... Aphorism - 40 40—There are four very great events in history, the siege Page 62 of Troy, the life and crucifixion of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavan 1 created devotional religion (for before there was only meditation... its influence has increased considerably and has become decisive. 29 June 1960 Page 63 × The child Krishna had to take refuge at Brindavan in order to escape his uncle Kansa, the tyrant king of Mathura. ...

... it.” But what reply you gave to him? Sri Aurobindo : It was not addressed to me; it was addressed to Krishna. Disciple : Then, I will ask him to write to you. Sri Aurobindo : No, No, don’t do that ( laughter) . Otherwise, I will have to be as hard as Krishna. Disciple : They say that Shiva is a very kind and generous God. Sri Aurobindo : I don’t know... Divine source of action in himself, one has to be guided by some law of conduct – otherwise one might take up the attitude : “There is no virtue and no sin, so let us sin merrily.” What Sri Krishna says in the Gita” “Sarva Dharman parityajya” “abandoning all laws of conduct” – is said at the end of the Gita and not in the beginning : And then that is not alone; there is also “mamekam Sharanam... psychic being, that is, in the Purusha in the heart but the spiritual man might live above the head. I never felt like a saint myself – though Maurice Magre calls me ‘a philosopher and a saint.’ Krishna, for instance, was not a saint. A spiritual man may not always behave like a saint, he may have many other things in him like Rishi Durvasa. Disciple : But saints are nearer to humanity; ...

... Champaklal Speaks What Have you Given to the Lord? My father once narrated the story of Krishna and Sudama. I write this only for the moral of the story as he told it to us. When Sudama goes to meet him, Sri Krishna is overjoyed rushes out to meet Sudama. He embraces his friend lovingly and receives him with great honour. Later he himself gives Sudama... Sudama a royal bath. Now Sudama's wife had given him some paunva [flattened rice or rice flakes] in a tiny cloth bundle to offer to Lord Krishna, but seeing the opulence there, Sudama is unable to do it. He tries to hide the bundle under his armpit but Sri Krishna snatches it away. Opening it he takes a handful of paunva and eats it; then he eats a second. But as he is about to put a third handful ...

... with the time of the traditional Krishna who took part in the Bharata War which that epic recounts. If there is no reason to doubt the historicity of Krishna and of the War in which he participated - historicity in however legend-shorn a form - they are dated to c. 1400 B.C. by the date ascertained scientifically for Dwaraka's disappearance in the sea. As Krishna and the War are posterior by quite... whether there really existed a port town... Did it really get submerged as has been mentioned in the epics? What was the cause of its submergence?... "In the 'Mausala Parva' of the MahaBhārata, Krishna tells Arjuna that when the latter reaches Dwaraka, it will be under the sea. When he reaches there, Arjuna warns the residents to evācuate the area. As people flee, the sea rises steadily and Dwaraka ...

... reality except as a puppet? Sri Aurobindo : That is Shanker's stand. Disciple : Another question is "If the Divine is already there and does everything then why yoga?" Because Sri Krishna says to Arjuna in the Gita that you have only to become Nimitta – instrument. So the Christian's criticism is that the Individual is meaningless – without any justification or fulfillment. Gita is... say that you are "compelled" to become the Nimitta. It says "Bhava" – “become!" but it does not say that you have no existence except as Nimitta. Even if Arjuna does not become the Nimitta Sri Krishna says that he will do it in his own way. Page 293 Even when you find that the Divine has decreed the result, it is the result that is decreed but not the Nimitta, that is, anything ...

... balance of mankind. Thus the popular and mythical account of the Krishna avatar is that the unrighteousness of the Kurus as incarnated Page 169 in Duryodhana and his brothers became so great a burden to the earth that she had to call upon God to descend and lighten her load; accordingly Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, delivered the oppressed Pandavas and destroyed the unjust Kauravas.... Avatar here, though he is manifest in the name and form of Krishna, lays no exclusive stress on this one form of his human birth, but on that which it represents, the Divine, the Purushottama, of whom all Avatars are the human births, of whom all forms and names of the Godhead worshipped by men are the figures. The way declared by Krishna here is indeed announced as the way by which man can reach the... an incarnation of the divine life, the divine personality and power in its characteristic action, for a mission ostensibly social, ethical and political, as is represented in the story of Rama or Krishna; but always then this descent becomes in the soul of the race a permanent power for the inner living and the spiritual rebirth. It is indeed curious to note that the Page 170 permanent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... are related to great deities, particularly Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Bhāgavata Purāna is considered to be the most valuable book on Lord Krishna, and it is looked upon as an unparalleled composition on the theme of Shri Krishna and devotion to Shri Krishna. Purānas are also related to several other deities and great Rishis of the past. An important contribution of the Purāna is related to the concept... fact, Yajurveda is classified broadly into Shukia Yajurveda and Krishna Yajurveda. Shukia Yajurveda is also known as Vājasaneyi. Vājasaneyi Samhitā has 30 Adhyāyas or Chapters, 303 Anuvaks,1975 Kandikās, 29625 words, and 88875 letters. There are two extant Shākhās of Shukla or Vājasaneyi Yajurveda, namely, Kānwa and Mādhyandina. Krishna Yajurveda has 5 extant Shākhās, namely, Āpastamba (Taittiriya)... Māshaka), Lāhyāyana and Drāhyāyana belong to Sāmaveda; Āpastamba, Hiranyakeshi, Baudhāyana, Bhārdwaja, and Vaikhānasa are related to the Taittiriya Shākhā of Krishna Yajurveda; Mānava Shrauta Sutra is related to Maitrayāni Shākhā of Krishna Yajur Veda (this Sūtra is believed to be the basis of the famous Manu Samriti); Kātyāyana Shrauta Sūtra is related to Shukia Yajurveda; Vaitāna Sūtra is related ...

... Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life Arguments of Arjuna at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answer Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Teachers 'Training Programme in the light of Value-oriented... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Svapna Vasavadattam Arguments for the Existence of God Marie Sklodowska Curie Episodes from ...

... goal. " Transform the divided individual into the world-personality; let all thyself be the divine. This is thy goal. " Transform the animal into the Driver of the herds; let all thyself be Krishna. This is thy goal. " Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts and Glimpses, SABCL, Vol. 16, p. 377 This is what ought to be done. I believe there is no need for any explanations, it is quite clear.... ? Not very well? Yes—ah! Does anyone else have a question on what I have just read? The last paragraph, Sweet Mother: "Transform the animal into the Driver of the herds; let all thyself be Krishna." Oh! that is an image. The animal—that's all the instincts of the physical being, the needs of the physical being and all the habits, all the impulses, all the movements of the physical being... being, the need for food, the Page 377 need for sleep, the need for activity, indeed all that constitutes the animal part of the being. And then Sri Aurobindo gives the image of Krishna, whom he describes as the Driver of the herds, which is only an image; this means that it is the divine Consciousness which takes possession of all the activities of the physical being and directs and guides ...

... association between Sri Aurobindo and Krishna, as we have seen on several occasions. Sri Aurobindo would write that it was Krishna ‘who was the guide of my Yoga and with whom I realized identity.’ 9 It was Krishna who gave him the commands ( adesh) which, because of his unconditional and immediate obedience, worked such important changes in his life, as it was Krishna who drew the plan of his sadhana... noted down: ‘Datta spoke: “Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight, bringing immortality and Bliss.”’ 8 ) This means that from that moment onwards Sri Aurobindo’s adhara contained two Great beings, he himself and Shri Krishna. It also means that Shri Krishna was embodied on Earth from... room with him, but Datta began speaking … She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna’s adherence to the Supramental Descent upon Earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had ...

... there, but since he had the key to the door, they both went in. In the sanctuary, quietly seated on his throne, was the god Krishna, the child Krishna, very small, with an aura of blue light as he is usually depicted in Hindu mythology (blue is the light of the Mind and Krishna is the symbol of the higher regions of the Mind), and he was very much alive and smiling. As soon as he saw the young Indian... Her Krishna had grown very tall—he had even changed color! Krishna was in gold! In solid gold, and yet light, smiling, mischievous, gamboling with her through the world. And he kept growing and growing and growing. And as he grew, the chaos kept growing and growing and growing. Finally, seeing this chaos everywhere, the very dignified and by now indignant Gentleman attempted to lock Krishna back up... worshiped as he ought to be, under lock and key, and cease sowing his chaos. And Krishna accepted the gentleman's plea, all the while keeping the little girl's hand in his, but when he arrived once again at the door of the sanctuary, he said to her with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "I'll show you something...." Krishna in gold went back inside and began growing, growing so much that the roof of the ...

... mighty effort is Krishna, the eternal Emanation: Dharma is fallen in the whirl of adharma in this age of Kali! Vainly you find fault with the Path and blame it. You cannot understand my violent purpose: A slave of ignorance, of sattva (Light) mixed with tamas Or else even in this violent act you could recognise your dearest friend, Recognise Krishna. You .understand... withdrawn from life, The body always lolling lazily, the mind stricken with kindness, — Drunk with the wine of spiritual lust, this unheroic Dharma Declares that it worships the world-hero Krishna And in act and word tramples upon his Word and his Dharma, Speaks always of kindness and love, Has emptied real Kindness and Love of its burning truth­― Nor is it Chaitanya's path ...

... another significance in which it can be taken,—and asks how the Sun-God, one of the first-born of beings, ancestor of the Solar dynasty, can have received the Yoga from the man Krishna who is only now born into the world. Krishna does not reply, as we might have expected him to have done, that it was as the Divine who is the source of all knowledge that he gave the Word to the Deva who is his form of... Christ, Krishna, Buddha stands in its centre as the gate, he makes through himself the way men shall follow. That is why each Incarnation holds before men his own example and declares of himself that he is the way and the gate; he declares too the oneness of his humanity with the divine being, declares that the Son of Man and the Father above from whom he has descended are one, that Krishna in the human... us as Narayana, Lord of all our being and action seated secret in our hearts for ever, who becomes manifest even in the human form as the Avatar, the divine birth taking possession of our humanity, Krishna has declared in passing that this was the ancient and original Yoga which he gave to Vivasvan, the Sun-God, Vivasvan gave it to Manu, the father of men, Manu gave it to Ikshvaku, head of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... like the one you speak of in your Uttarpara Page 232 Speech—Vasudeva everywhere? Great Jumble-Mumble! What has Vasudeva to do with it? Vasudeva is a name of Krishna, and in the Uttarpara Speech I was speaking of Krishna, if you please. But how can that be? Didn't you begin Yoga later on in Gujarat? Yes. But this began in London, sprouted the moment I set foot on Apollo Bunder, touching... the surface. 25 February 1932 If seeing the Divine depended on the developed occult faculty, how do you explain people's seeing Ram, Krishna, Shiva, etc. in you at Darshan?—I mean by people who have apparently no such faculty. We've heard about Krishna presenting himself before small boys, taking them to school, etc.—fables? With many people the faculty of this kind of occult vision is the... planes in between and their possible effects upon our life and material world; but it will be quite possible to insist only on the realisation of the supreme Being or Ishwara even in one aspect, Shiva, Krishna as Lord of the world and Master of ourselves and our works or else the universal Sachchidananda, and attain to the essential results of this Yoga and afterwards to proceed from them to the integral ...

... knowledge, purity and force Bali the Titan learned and gave to men, The Yoga of the old Atlantic Kings. I came to Vyása, shining like a sun. He smiled and said, "Now seek the world's great Lord, Sri Krishna, where he lives on earth concealed; Give up to him all that thou knowst and art. For thou art he, elect from mortal men To guard the Knowledge,—yet an easy task While the third Age preserves man's... force,— But when thou seest the iron Kali come, And he from Dwarca leaves the earth, know then The time of trial, help endangered Man, Preserve the knowledge that preserves the world, Until Sri Krishna utterly returns. Then art thou from thy mighty work released Into the worlds of bliss for endless years To rest, until another aeon comes, When of the seven Rishis thou art one." I sent my knowledge... The Yoga shall be given back to men, The sects shall cease, the grim debates die out, And Atheism perish from the earth Blasted with knowledge, love and brotherhood And wisdom repossess Sri Krishna's world. Page 328 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... and becomes by his role of dramatist (lila- lover) the direct or indirect mouthpiece of the beautiful Truth that is Krishna. A poet is sincere and rings true to the extent that he, as an artist, in dramatising his experience, responds to what we may traditionally term Krishna's flute-call. Neither religion nor morality nor any particular psychological value is here involved. I would submit that... communication of a secret sustaining substance of flawlessness by means of name and Page 134 form. The diverse manifestations of that substance may be designated the various Avatars of Krishna in poetry. Are you still dissatisfied with me and my essay? Page 135 ...

... March 20, 1934 Last night in a half-sleepy state in meditation, I had a vision of Sri Krishna playing on his flute in his usual pose. The likeness was as represented in current paintings. So I rather hesitate to accept it as a vision at all. But I wonder, even if the vision were true, why should Krishna appear when I have been trying to see Shiva? If it was like the pictures, it may have been... been a mental image. On the other hand it may not have been, especially as you did not ask for it. Krishna may have appeared in that form because for your mind it was easiest. I am surprised to see that within a few days J has written more poems than my whole output in a year. No, I am not jealous but I wonder how and why I don't get sufficient inspiration. Your poems are well enough—but for ...

... that. I ask you what was the meaning of this manifestation again? Did Krishna want only to make me more sorrowful or was it an unreal subjective vision ? But how to dub it subjective either – when Pratibha asserts that she never cared for Krishna or the gods? I could understand it happening before Yashoda Ma. But why did Krishna show Himself to one who didn’t care for Him at all and never to me... harmonious). Notice that Krishna makes no attempt to deny Arjuna’s gloomy prognostications about the evil results of the war and that in fact they did take place though of course they were not the only results. Moreover, even if on Kurukshetra’s field Krishna was weaponless, on other occasions he was by no means so. What can I say in the end but as Brahma said to Krishna in Brindaban, “Let... The experience which struck me most (and which I would have found it difficult to believe if it came from some other man) was this that time and again when he offered bhoga to Krishna in the temple, Krishna actually ate it – sometimes whole of it, sometimes a part of it. The bhoga is left for a little while when the curtain is drawn and nobody then is about: it is upstairs and no servant ...

... BHĀRATA WAR AND OF THE KALIYUGA MARKED BY KRISHNA'S DEATH To round off our chronology in terms that are prominent in the Indian tradition we should arrive at an estimate of the epoch in which the Bhārata War was fought and in whose wake the Yuga traditionally designated Kali commenced, essentially marked by the death of Krishna who had been the centrally determinative figure in that... great conflict. Then, if the conflict happened, as traditionally computed, 36 years before the Kaliyuga, the latter must fall in c. 1416 or 1446 B.C. and thereby indicate the probable year of Krishna's departure from the earth. 1. Ibid., p. 34. 2. Ibid., 36 and p. 32, fn. 1. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid., p. 36. Page 545 ...

... 'tangible' from his Guru: "You are bargaining with the Divine?" The shaft went home, says Dilip. To: Sri Shankar Bandopadhyay of Hari Krishna Mandir Trust, Pune, without whose sweet collaboration, nothing could have been properly done. To: The Hari Krishna Mandir Trust for entrusting us with this work. To: Sri Nirmal Nahar, for his prompt reply to our many queries. He shed light on many ...

... Life of Sri Aurobindo PART ONE CHAPTER  I Family Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose took his degree at the Medical College, Calcutta. His marriage took place in 1864, when he was nineteen years old, to Swarnalata, the eldest daughter of Sj. Rajnarayan Bose. Swarnalata's age was twelve. The marriage was performed according to the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj... not true in my case at any rate. My father was a tremendous atheist." ¹ There was a vein of lunacy in Rajnarayan's family; one of his sons was mad. Swarnalata and her sister, who was married to Krishna Kumar Mitra, both suffered from hysteria. When Dr. Ghose returned from Britain he joined the civil medical service, beginning work as a Sub-Assistant Surgeon in Calcutta, but the greater period ...

... him on the tabla. To my left, in a corner of the room, stood a beautiful statue of Krishna playing the flute. Dilip-da was deeply absorbed in a Hindi devotional song about Sri Krishna. He was calling out to Krishna so intensely that little Shobha kept looking at the statue on her left as she felt that any moment Krishna would leap out from the statue!     As I was learning classical and other forms... grateful Page 15 to him for everything that I managed to learn from him right from my childhood. Dilip-da was a seeker of music and his whole life was suffused with music and with Sri Krishna. Page 16 ...

... from a lyre Page 484 which our hands cannot master." He saw. Visions trooped, group upon group ... Among them: "I had an experience of Krishna-Kali in Alipore Jail. It was a very powerful vision." Strange! Sri Krishna was born in a prison. He came to reveal himself to Sri Aurobindo in a prison. "In the jail," he noted, "there were many such extraordinary, and one may... Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there ... and smiled." Sri Aurobindo disclosed all this in his speech at Uttarpara on 30 May 1909. These and other experiences proved to him the truths of Hindu dharma. "They became living... yet he came to teach me. And he was exact and precise even in the minutest details." When Sri Aurobindo had returned from England to Baroda, he had been interested in the sayings of Sri Rama-krishna and his life, as also in the utterances and writings of Swami Vivekananda. He found their influence very strong all over India. He himself felt the influence of their words and books. In fact, as he ...

... claim his lost heritage of Godhood. But how far have even they, his dear disciples, seen into the heart of the divine rapture or the import of the momentous vision of Krishna which had transformed him and made him write in 1939 ( Krishna, Last Poems ): I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes, And heard the passion of the Lover's flute, And known a deathless ecstasy's surprise... tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me His shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayan who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arm of Sri Krishna around me — the arms of my Friend and Lover... all-pervasive?— "All music is only the sound of His laughter' All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss'' Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss." Unfortunately, however, those who have not been accorded even a fugitive glimpse of what a Rishi has envisioned are apt to dub him a visionary, a dreamer. But those ...

... who was since his release from 'hajut' [jail] in connection with Alipur Bomb case, residing in the house of his uncle, Babu Krishna Kumar Mitra, is reported to have mysteriously disappeared during last few days. He was last traced to Dakhineshwar 'Kalibari' where Rama Krishna Paramahansa used to live and from there is reported to have gone nobody knows where."—I.D. News Page 52 ... The sects shall cease, the grim debates die out And atheism perish from the Earth, Blasted with knowledge; love and brotherhood And wisdom repossess Sri Krishna's world." Because Sri Krishna has utterly returned to the Earth. 2 Kosha: parts or sheaths of the being. Page 53 imagination of a local contemporary has set floating. For similar... Arabindo was safe. And I, hearing the news from behind the door, was happy: my labour and effort had been successful. Later, I gave the news to my helpers Nagendra and Surendra." Sukumar's father, Krishna Kumar Mitra was a well-known and respected citizen of Bengal. The newspapers did not lose the opportunity of Arabindo Babu's sudden disappearance to taunt the government. The Bengal Government ...

... other, by Duryodhana and Sisupala as its dynamic actors and executors. The new order was envisaged by Krishna and its chief protagonists were the five brothers. The old order meant the supremacy of the family and the clan: that was the central unit round which society grew and was held together. Krishna came to break that mould and evolve a higher and larger unit of collective life. It was not yet the ...

... believe, used by sages like Krishna and Buddha." Two implications I read in your belief. One is indirect - namely, that reality has been "insighted" in past ages and that all we can do is to repeat their performance: the new faculty is in fact old and is new only for those who have not developed it. The other and direct implication is that Sri Krishna and Buddha had the same insight... up the synthesis Sri Krishna made of the Yoga of Knowledge, Works and Devotion, he goes forward to a spiritual integrality exceeding even that splendid synthesis. He says that liberation is not enough; nor is it enough to let our embodied nature be influenced by the light of the Divine, not even the dynamic light that was displayed by the synthesis à la Sri Krishna. If everything came ... background is not just some individual defect in Sri Krishna. Buddha's a-cosmic extremism is also not traceable to merely a lacuna in him. There are universal Factors no less than individual: the stage of world-evolution, the Zeitgeist and the urgent need of the hour combine to colour the spirituality of leaders like Buddha and Sri Krishna. To deem them altogether myopic and incapable is ...

... of some desires and yearnings, but let every thought and every work and every enjoyment be an offering to God within thee. Let thy steps walk in thy Lord, let thy sleep and waking be a sacrifice to Krishna. 364—This is not according to my Shastra 1 or my Science, say the men of rule, formalists. Fool! is God then only a book that there should be nothing true and good except what is written? ... shalt thou reach to His highest which is far above rule and limit. 368—The Law is for the bound and those whose eyes are sealed; if they walk not by it, they will stumble; but thou who art free in Krishna or hast seen his living light, walk holding the hand of thy Friend and by the lamp of eternal Veda. 369—The Vedanta is God's lamp to lead thee out of this night of bondage and egoism; but when the ...

... other, by Duryodhana and Sisupala as its dynamic actors and executors. The new order was envisaged by Krishna and its chief protagonists were the five brothers. The old order meant the supremacy of the family and the clan: that was the central unit round which society grew and was held together. Krishna came to break that mould and evolve a higher and larger unit of collective life. It was not yet the ...

... Krishna's Light in the physical mind Tenderness Integral purity Child's hand The vital opening to Divine Love Power of expression Ananda A la promenade - Out walking (7.8.33) Offering The Lotus The bouquet The Child Psychological perfection Mango Transparency Faithfulness Krishna's Light in the subconscient Japanese girl child Fire in the mind Krishna's Ananda... for Divine Love Peace in the vital Aspiration Divine help Detachment Vital plentitude Sincerity Transformation Page 72 Psychic purity Will to conquer vital enemies Krishna's play in the material consciousness Turned towards the light Divine purity Supramental light in the subconscient Divine Love Skilfulness in the work Skill in works Vital Prayer Disinterested ...

... recognised the divinity of anyone except Sri Krishna. I have looked on the Mother as a Guru who can take me to him. But now something in me wants to hold the Mother fast as divinity. I can't keep her out of my mind, nor can I reject Sri Krishna. The more I think, the more I am perplexed. I pray for your help. This struggle in you (between bhakti for Sri Krishna and the sense of the divinity of the Mother) ...

... contradiction, for what was being done in the Ashram was Sri Krishna's own work. Of course, by this he did not mean that the Ashram was an ultra-Vaishnavite centre and was repeating the teachings of the Bhagawata Purana or even the Bhagavad Gita in an intense form. What he meant was that the Ashram was carrying further the lines along which Sri Krishna had proceeded -the lines of a synthesis of Yoga, the ... probability. Finally, in this body, Krishna's divinity is recognised but more often hinted at than aggressively stated. The tendency is to keep it in the background as a fact to which, while himself crediting it, the writer does not hope for a universal consent, still less is able to speak of it as of a general tenet & matter of dogmatic belief; he prefers to show Krishna rather in his human character,... far. From this feeling the next natural step would be to understand what Sri Aurobindo meant when, as I wrote to you last time, he said that in his Ashram Krishna's work was being done - in the sense that it was being carried further. Here Krishna's unified triple path of spiritual Knowledge, Love and Action issues into the total life-consecration which Sri Aurobindo has designated "the Integral Yoga" ...

... will move inevitably to discover. By recovering the realisations of Yajnavalkya & Ajatashatru, we shall recover perhaps the inspired thoughts of Vasishta and Viswamitra, of Ghora from whom perhaps Srikrishna heard the word of illumination, of Madhuchchhandas, Vamadeva and Atri. And we may even find ourself enriched in spiritual no less than in psychological knowledge; rejoice in the sense of being filled ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... n. Except for Krishna.... In 1926, I had begun a sort of overmental creation, that is, I had brought the Overmind down into matter, here on earth (miracles and all kinds of things were beginning to happen). I asked all these gods to incarnate, to identify themselves with a body (some of them absolutely refused). Well, with my very Page 298 own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been... death—a person who received 'inspirations.') She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna's adherence to the Supramental Descent upon earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had... days when Sri Aurobindo was here and I used to go downstairs to give meditations to the people assembled in the hall. There's a ledge above the pillars there, where all the gods used to sit—Shiva, Krishna, Lakshmi, the Trimurti, all of them—the little ones, the big ones, they all used to come regularly, every day, to attend these meditations. It was a lovely sight. But they didn't have this kind of ...

... has fixed for its terminus a beyond-life of Goloka-felicity: a wonderful lila, play, here with Krishna's inner presence and then a happy storm of passage to a heaven on the other side. This transmundane terminus is also not suitable for the direction of our consciousness. No doubt, the worship of Krishna or the Vaishnava form of devotion can go along with the Supramental Yoga, as indeed all ways... for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.' "Then again in Letters on Yoga we read these lines: I have Page 71 no objection at all to the worship of Krishna or the Vaishnava form of devotion, nor is there an incompatibility between Vaishnava Bhakti and my supramental yoga. There is in fact no special and exclusive form of supramental yoga: all ways can... willingness to let different human beings accept different creeds and guides and paths according to their natures — this is the obvious intention. Again, look at the declaration that the worship of Krishna and the Vaishnava form of devotion are compatible with the Page 72 Supramental Yoga and that there is no special and exclusive form of such a Yoga and that all ways can lead to the ...

... Then, mother, listen: I want to leave my home To sing the name of Krishna, my Beloved, From door to door — a wandering mendicant. Page 10 SACHI ( stammering ) You ... you will... what? ... I... I... what did you say? SRI CHAITANYA ( avoiding her eyes ) Mother ... I long to leave my all for Krishna Whose call I have heard. And He enjoins on me To beg henceforth for... Act One — Aspiration 1510 A. D. Evening. Sachi Devi is seen performing her daily devotions before her cherished Ishtadeva—a marble image of Lord Vishnu who was incarnated as Sri Krishna and later, as she believed, as Sri Chaitanya. Her worship over, she offers flowers at His feet when Sri Chaitanya enters hesitantly and waits in silence. His mother turns and gives an involuntary start... of peace At war with oceans of eddying, roaring passion, Of love-sprouts lashed by blasts of demon hail And yet surviving ... (a grim spectacle Of inconceivable grandeur — a miracle Wrought by Krishna, the Wizard!) ... this mighty drama Of the Timeless unrolling on Time's wheeling stage Of the fathomless Sphinx who pilots us through this Our inescapable maze of paradoxes That face us, dog us ...

... Usually deeper blue is higher Mind, a paler blue Illumined Mind—whitish blue Sri Krishna's light (also called Sri Aurobindo's light). March 1934 It depends on the shade of the blue. Ordinary pale blue is usually the light of the illumined Mind or something of the Intuition. Whitish blue is Sri Aurobindo's light or Krishna's light. 6 February 1935 Receiving Sri Aurobindo's Light How can I... Someone was giving an explanation of the legend of the churning of the ocean. He said that blue is the colour of poison, which is why Shiva is called Nilakantha, while whitish blue is the colour of Sri Krishna and therefore of you. The different blues mean different forces (the real blue has nothing to do with poison). The whitish blue is specially called my Page 515 light—but it does not ...

... s that would not be at all the same thing. I have no objection to your substituting Krishna for Rama, and if Kabir makes any, which is not likely, you have only to sing to him softly, " Rām Shyām judā mat karo bhāī ", and he will be silenced at once. The bottom reason for the preference of Rama or Krishna is not sectarian but psychological. The Northerner prefers Rama because the Northerner is... type; the Bengali, emotional and intuitive, finds all that very dry and plumps for Krishna. I suspect that is the whole mystery of the choice. Apart from these temperamental preferences and turning to essentials, one might say that Rama is the Divine accepting and glorifying a mould of the human mental, while Krishna seems rather to break the human moulds in order to create others from the higher planes; ...

... that I would be there within fifteen days and it happened so. Mother, I was worshipping Radha and Lord Krishna from my childhood and called them my Mother and Father. When I came here and had your Darshan I felt that I had a real Darshan of Radha and Lord Krishna. Afterwards I realized that Lord Krishna had brought me here and taken me under his protection. I call you both my Mother and Father and I truly... The Growth of a Flame Introspection Mother, Before joining the Ashram, I used to pray to Lord Krishna but when I heard about you and Sri Aurobindo, I started adoring both of you. There was an intense urge to come here. Many times, I had a Darshan of Sri Aurobindo in my dreams when I was in Gujarat. I always prayed to Sri Aurobindo, "O Lord, take me in your ...

... spiritual and psychic relation with one of these beings became more and more clear and pregnant...." The Mother called Him Krishna and made even a sketch of Him. In 1914, her spiritual quest brought her to Pondicherry where she met Sri Aurobindo. She at once recognised him as the Krishna of her vision and felt that it was with him she was destined to live and work out her life's mission. Before this ...

... कृष्णाय गोपीनाथाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः। कृष्णाय गोपीनाथाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः॥८ kṛṣṇāya gopīnāthāya govindāya namo namaḥ, kṛṣṇāya gopīnāthāya govindāya namo namaḥ.8 I bow to Krishna, to Gopinatha and to Govinda. I bow to Krishna, to Gopinatha and to Govinda. Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Krishnastuti 8 श्रीपतिपदारविन्दे भवभयखेदच्छिदे वन्दे ॥२॥ दामोदर गुणमन्दिर सुन्दरवदनारविन्द गोविन्द ॥६॥ ...

... already begun. Dhritarashtra himself was an earnest inquirer into the inner meaning of things. Great Vedantists were living and teaching, such as the rishi Ghora to whom Sri Krishna himself went for the word of illumination. Sri Krishna was the intellectual force that took up all these scattered tendencies and, by breaking down the strong formalism of the Dwapara, prepared the work of the Kali. In the Gita... attempted to recover their lost heritage partly by reference to the adepts who still remained in possession of it, partly by the traditions of the great seekers of the past Yuga, Janaka, Yajnavalkya, Krishna and others, partly by their own illuminations and spiritual experience. The Chhandogya Upanishad is thus the summary history of one of the greatest & most interesting ages of human thought. Page... Satyakama Jabala occupies five sections, the third to the eighth, of the fourth chapter in the Chhandogya Upanishad. The Chhandogya seems to be the most ancient of the extant Upanishads. It speaks of Krishna, son of Devaki, and Dhritarashtra Vaichitravirya in a tone that would justify us in assuming that it regarded them not as ancient and far-off names but as men who had walked the earth in living memory ...

... like Page 9 mountain-peaks above the common level, they have attracted all eyes and fixed this withdrawal as the highest and most commanding Hindu ideal. It is for this reason that Sri Krishna laid so much stress on the perfect Yogin's cleaving to life and human activity even after his need of them was over, lest the people, following, as they always do, the example of their best, turn away... years; no other way is given thee than this to escape the bondage of thy acts." It is an error to think that the heights of religion are above the struggles of this world. The recurrent cry of Sri Krishna to Arjuna insists on the struggle; "Fight and overthrow thy opponents!" "Remember me and fight!" "Give up all thy works to me with a heart full of spirituality, and free from craving, free from selfish... ruin is the image and description of Karmayoga; for the body is the chariot and the senses are the horses of the driving and it is through the bloodstained and mire-sunk ways of the world that Sri Krishna pilots the soul of man to Vaicuntha. Page 12 ...

... northern India. He writes: Spirituality is an intrinsic part of Indian culture and life. Every Indian home is adorned with a poojaa shrine containing a picture of Lord Krishna, Shri Ganesh, Lord Shiv, the Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, or some other deity surrounded by candles and incense and garlanded with a maalaa. It is here that people stop for a praanaam to the... reader? In what other country would the name of the national radio network be Aakaashvaani - the Voice of the Heavens? Where else would you find establishments with names such as "Krishna Dry Cleaners", "Laxmi Eye Clinic" and "Ram Silk Store"? Where else would vehicles stop on the highway at a temple to take the blessings of the goddess for a successful journey? And what of Indian names... most (people in his position would have become agitated or (annoyed. During a break I asked him what the secret (was to his easy, unruffled attitude. He smiled, and then (indicating a picture of Lord Krishna which was on his (desk said, "I know that he is doing everything." (On another occasion I had been invited to give a talk at a temple in Bhind, where my main message was that one's true nature ...

... visit to Dwaraka, on the eastern tip of Saurashtra in Gujarat, the legendary town of Lord Krishna. Legendary? In the 1980s, the discovery of massive submerged walls revealed the existence of a major ancient port which served as a gateway to the subcontinent. This corroborated the story of the submergence of Krishna's city, regarded till now as a 'myth' Page 245 from the Mahabharata. Although... date ascribed to Krishna's time (let us however venture to suggest that further exploration will reveal more ancient remains), even this 'recent' date is incompatible with 'Aryan' tribes creating a great urban civilization in just a century! Or else, if the Dwaraka ruins are a late development of the 'pre-Aryan' Harappan civilization, what becomes of its association with 'Aryan' Krishna, or at least (if... (if Krishna is denied the honour of a physical existence) with the 'Aryan' Mahabharata ? Could this self-inflicted puzzle be the reason why S. R. Rao's rediscovery of ancient Dwaraka has not attracted the degree of attention which that of ancient Troy by Schliemann did? Is further proof needed? Well, there is plenty of it. From astronomy, since certain Brahmanas, which followed the Veda, contain ...

... ruse and surprise, was accepted as part of the Avataric mission. Orthodoxy is bound to get shocked and several attempts have been made to allegorise away the lives and deeds of Rama and Krishna. Particularly Krishna has given orthodoxy pause, it is finally through his strategems — contrary to the traditional warriors' code — that, according to the Mahabharata, the Pandavas destroyed their enemies... immediate particulars I may say a word on Incarnations in general — Incarnations in the Indian sense. The two greatest and most recognisable Avatars before Sri Aurobindo were Rama Dasarathi and Krishna Vasudeva. Both of them carried out sanguinary tasks involving the direct destruction of those who embodied anti-divine titanic forces. A lot of lives were lost not only on the side of these embodiments ...

... Consciousness above. A revolving disc means a force in action on the nature. The whitish blue light is known as Krishna's light, also as Sri Aurobindo's light. White is the Mother's. Perhaps here it is a combination. The [ Sudarshan ] Chakra symbolises the action of Sri Krishna's force. The chakra is the energy at work and it brings the first opening of the consciousness in the gross ...

... God, not caitanya , the illimitable for the really limited, the free for the bound. Do you remember the story of Sri Krishna and the Gopis, how Narada found him differently occupied in each house to which he went, present to each Gopi in a different body, yet always the same Sri Krishna? Apart from the Page 89 devotional meaning of the story, which you know, it is a good image of his World-Lila... Purusha who merely watches, consents to God's work, holds up the Adhar and enjoys the fruits that God gives. The work itself is done by God as Shakti, by Kali, and is offered up by her as a Yajna to Sri Krishna; you are the Yajamana who sees the sacrifice done, whose presence is necessary to every movement of the sacrifice and who tastes its results. This separation of yourself, this renunciation of the ... ess within us and their awakening and unmixed activity is the siddhi of the yoga. For when that happens, we gain the condition of being which is called in the Gita dwelling in God, of which Sri Krishna speaks when he says, mayi nivasiṣyasyeva , "Verily thou shalt dwell in Me." Once it is gained, we are free and blessed and have everything towards which we strive. The third process of the yoga ...

... sees the equal Brahman in all. When Arjuna was overwhelmed with grief and sadness at the prospect of killing his own relatives, near and dear ones without whom life would not be worth living, Sri Krishna rebuked him by saying that the wise ones do not grieve over the passing of any. For the soul is eternal while the forms only are passing. There is no meaning in abstaining from killing involved... into existence are not only mutable and perishable but they are reborn again and again under different names and forms in different times and climes. This is the secret of re-birth of which He, Sri Krishna has the knowledge while Arjuna has it not. The family relations originate in primal selfishness and their tendency is to endure through habits, customs and traditions. Very few people can outgrow ...

... time may Rama be considered to have existed? My new chronology dates Krishna at the time of the Bharata War to c. 1482 or 1452 B.C. The recent underwater archaeological finds at Dwaraka put Krishna's submerged Dwaraka at about the same time. In the traditional table of royal genealogies, starting with Manu Vaivasvata, Krishna's number is 94 and Rama's 65 - a difference of 30 generations. Taking... In chapter X, verse 31 of the Gita, Krishna speaking of his Vibhutis (manifesting human instruments) tells us: "I am Rama among warriors." We must remember that Indian tradition knows of two Ramas: Rama Jamadagnya and Rama Dasarathi. The former is also called Parasurama, "Rama of the Axe". This designation distinguishes him as a warrior. It is to him that Krishna refers.   You have quaintly wondered... Out of all improvable places in India Pondicherry has become Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's centre of action because it has most suited their mission. By an adesh , an inner command, by Sri Krishna, Sri Aurobindo left his political life and went first to Chandernagore in French India and then to Pondicherry. If he had remained in British India he would have never been free from the harassment ...

... Bengal does honour to him today. It is probable that the literary critic of the future will reckon "Kopal Kundala", "Bishabriksha" and "Krishna Kant's Will" as his artistic masterpieces, and speak with qualified praise of "Devi Chaudhurani", "Anandamath", "Krishna Charit" or "Dharmatattwa". Yet it is the Bankim of these latter works and not the Bankim of the great creative masterpieces who will rank... religious feeling into patriotic work. The religion of patriotism,—this is the master idea of Bankim's writings. It is already foreshadowed in "Devi Chaudhurani". In "Dharmatattwa" the idea and in "Krishna Charit" the picture of a perfect and many-sided Karma Yoga is sketched, the crown of which shall be work for one's country and one's kind. In "Anandamath" this idea is the key-note of the whole book ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... mission is to keep wandering about India, giving initiation to whoever wants it. His method is very simple, he says one just has to repeat the divine Name: "Hare Krishna, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna..." It's enough to purify. Hare Krishna?... He does look like a good man! Yes, he looks nice. Yoga for simple souls! It's good, I am happy with A.R.'s choice. Yes, he's a good man .... A.R. must ...

... intuition are necessary to perceive in each case the true significance. Observation and exact description are also very necessary.... The blue colour must here be the Krishna light, so it is a creation under the stress of Krishna consciousness. All these are symbols of what is going on in the inner being, in the consciousness behind and the results well up from time to time in the external or surface... in which they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g. faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or other superhuman beings, there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge ...

... confused by Krishna's explanation of the difficult moments of Yoga, asked Him: 'He who takes to Yoga with faith but then for lack of attentiveness, falls off the path, cannot he realise anything? He who could achieve anything in this life or in spiritual life either, what will become of him? Having failed on both sides will he be dissolved by the wind like a little cloud?' Sri Krishna answered Arjun: ...

... new world-order. Sri Aurobindo was born in Calcutta. His father's name was Krishna Dhan Ghosh, who came of noble parents be- longing to the distinguished Ghosh family of Konnagar, a small village in the district of Hoogly, which had already produced remarkable leaders of religious and social movements. Krishna Dhan passed the Entrance Examination of the Calcutta University from the local school... Brahmo Samaj and as "the grandfather of Indian nationalism" .² The marriage was performed according to the rites of the Brahmo Samaj to which Krishna Dhan then belonged. After taking his degree from the Medical College of the Calcutta University, Krishna Dhan proceeded to England for an advanced course of medical studies. He was one of the first Indians to go to England from Bengal, defying... defying the ban of his orthodox society. His father-in-law, Rajnarayan Bose, strongly advised him to steer clear of the baneful influences of the sceptical and materialistic civilisation of the West. Krishna Dhan took his M.D. from the Aberdeen University and returned to India in 1871. But he returned a changed man. He was completely anglicised. His outlook and manners had undergone a sea-change. He ...

... conflict between Krishna on one side (he came, I saw him), and some kind of spirit coming from Shiva; Krishna was playing, and the two of them were constantly quarreling! One wanted it to be like this, with roseate colorations, and the other wanted it all in blues and silvers. And then suddenly, as I was playing (in fact, it was the last time I played and it had started off entirely with Krishna and was going ...

... the very beginning.... But then, what does he mean when he says, "When I knew that God was a woman"! (Nolini:) He always used to say that Krishna and Kali were one Page 110 and the same being. Ramakrishna, too, once became a woman: God was Krishna and he became a woman; for a long time he had that impression. Naturally, for me, the answer is this sense of humor! ( Mother laughs ) ...

... personal Presence, is it like feeling the Presence of Krishna everywhere? SRI AUROBINDO: As I said, the Presence maybe personal or impersonal. It may be the dynamic Divine with a personal appearance or the still, immutable Brahmic Consciousness which is impersonal and universal. Form is only a certain manifestation of the Presence. You can see Krishna everywhere as a Person and feel His Presence in all ...

... Chaitanya and Mira DEDICATION To Indira, maid of Krishna, Who even in this dark age through dust and din Has won to the certitude no storm shall quell: "That the Light of the heart, pledged to His Love evergreen No demon power of Night shall countervail." July, 1977 ...

... 1973 1973 May Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 May 15, 1973 KRISHNA IN GOLD ( A vision of Sujata's on the afternoon of May 15 ) ( original English ) A place similar to the Playground. A few people, here and there, are talking or going about. I am standing somewhere in the middle of the ground, in front of Mother's door. From the main gate... under the debris. The gold God grows. Taller and mightier. And will brook no resistance. With His mighty hands, He pulls down the walls of His old sanctuary. When I woke up, I called Him "Krishna in gold." ...

... Mother 19 November 1935 Dilip, I am sending you the translation of "Mahakali"; it was a very interesting thing to do. Regarding the song of the boy Krishna, I was not really worried—but now you have reassured me altogether. With our blessings 19 November 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Amal Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother 16 February 1933 Amal, Is it true that Krishna Shambhu is without a wooden cot? How is it? Will you go to his room and see, and if he has none give him one out of the last ones that have been made. You can tell him, by the way, that I was convinced a wooden cot had been given ...

... the rest of his life. On this extraordinary day Sri Krishna took on an earthly body, consenting to descend into the adhara of Sri Aurobindo, making his withdrawal “indispensable”. We have already mentioned the close connection between Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo’s yoga. Some hints by the Mother even suggested that Sri Aurobindo had been Sri Krishna in “a formation of the past.” The fact that the aura... speak and a work to do,” but nobody understood him at the time. From the time of his imprisonment in Alipore Jail, Sri Aurobindo was constantly in the company of Sri Krishna and guided by him, and it was in obedience to Sri Krishna’s adesh (command) that he left Calcutta for Chandernagore, and soon afterwards for Pondicherry. In this French enclave in South India he took up his study of the Vedas... and all kinds of things were beginning to happen. I asked all those gods to incarnate, to identify themselves with a body [on earth]. Some of them absolutely refused. But with my very own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been in rapport with Sri Aurobindo, consent to come down into his body. It was on the 24th November…” 10 In the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 24 November 1926 is known as “Siddhi Day” ...

... towards divinities such as Krishna, Shiva, Durga and Ganesh". You ask: "In what way do they carry on or participate in the process of Supramental transformation?" You add that your question has no bearing on your own life which is devoted and dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: you have posed it just "to know and let others know".   Your inclusion of Krishna in the list you have given... Aurobindo has also said that Krishna's work is being done in the Ashram - not, of course, a mere repetition of this Avatar's earthly activity but a carrying forward of his multiform Overmind drive to a supramental manifestation. That is why so much importance has been accorded to the spiritual event of November 24,1926 which has been called by Sri Aurobindo the descent of the Krishna Consciousness, the mightily... Ashram in the Mother's hands after November 24 and withdrew into seclusion for a dynamic meditation to hasten the supramental advent. However, the special place given to Krishna does not justify any separate cult set up in his name. Krishna has to be seen as merged in Sri Aurobindo.   As for deities like Shiva, Durga, Ganesh, we have to keep an appreciative attitude towards them as part of the general ...

... rises as passion and lust in man. We in India have a dark god and a dark goddess—Krishna and Kali. Krishna is dark, his is the deep blue of the sky. Kali is dark, hers is the blackness of the earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh , how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali, his ...

... passion and lust in man. We in India have a dark god and a dark goddess— Krishna and Kali. Krishna is dark, his is the deep blue of the sky. Kali is dark, hers is the blackness of the earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh, how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali ...

... as passion and lust in man. We in India have a dark god and a dark goddess - Krishna and Kali. Krishna is dark, his is the deep blue of the sky. Kali is dark, hers is the blackness ofthe earthly night. The Vaishnava poet and saint sang: Oh, I love black, For black is the tamal tree, black is Krishna, Oh, how I love black. Ramprasad the Bhakta thus speaks of Kali, his ...

... practical intelligence is baffled by Krishna's assertion that it was he who in !4.1-8! ancient times revealed to Vivasvan this Yoga, since lost, which he is now again revealing to Arjuna, and by his demand for an explanation he provokes the famous and oft-quoted statement of Avatarhood and its mundane purpose. He is again perplexed by the words in which Krishna continues to reconcile action and re... with the problem of human life and its apparent incompatibility with the spiritual state or even with a purely ethical ideal of perfection. Arjuna is the fighter in the chariot with the divine Krishna as his charioteer. In the Veda also we have this image of the human soul and the divine riding in one chariot through a great battle to the goal of a high-aspiring effort. But there it is a pure figure... the thought alone but heart and vital desires and all, are utterly bewildered and can find nowhere the dharma , nowhere any valid law of action. For this alone he takes refuge as a disciple with Krishna; give me, he practically asks, that which I have lost, a true law, a clear rule of action, a path by which I can again confidently walk. He does not ask for the secret of life or of the world, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... impetuously to the Divine, and gives all itself and all it has to Him, so does the Divine yearn after a union with the human soul and give all Himself to it. As Râdhâ loves and longs for Sri Krishna, so does Sri Krishna love and long for Râdhâ.² The love of the heart of Râdhâ mounts ¹"His being remains but in another form, in another glory, and in another power"—Suso, the mystic. "When the... are the recognised models. Vātsalya is the love of the mother for her child. In this form of bhakti God is loved as one's own child, who is dearer than life itself. Yashoda, the mother of of Sri Krishna, is regarded as the supreme example of this kind of love. But the crowning perfection of love is Page 328 the madhurabhāva , the "self-naughting" love of the lover for his Beloved.... a play of love between the sucking souls and the Mother-Soul, brooding in infinite tenderness over them; or a game, a līlā, between the evolving Nature and the eternal Lord of Nature, Râdhâ and Krishna. The movement of love is,. therefore, the most natural movement of the human soul in its upsurging towards the Infinite. That which has released the soul from the inconscience of Matter and guided ...

... a large verandah, Page 135 and I used to walk up and down on the verandah (Sri Aurobindo was in his room, working), and I would walk alone; but I was never alone: Krishna was always there—Krishna, the god Krishna as he is known, but taller, more beautiful, and not with that ridiculous blue, you know, that slate blue! Not like that. And always, we always walked up and down together—we would... himself. Then when I came here [to Mother's present room], Sri Aurobindo had left, and I began walking up and down while reciting my mantra. Sri Aurobindo came, and he was at exactly the same place as Krishna was ( same gesture, just behind the head ); I would walk, and he was there, and we would walk together day after day, day after day. And it was becoming so concrete, so marvelous that I started thinking... a few days, I've had a sort of feeling that I was close to something; and yesterday, for half an hour: THE Presence—a Presence... An absolutely concrete presence. And it is He who told me, "First Krishna, then Sri Aurobindo, then I." Only ( laughing ), He doesn't want the effect to be the same and me to say, "Now I am fed up with people!" ( The important digression that follows was set off ...

... Divine and the Mother What is the difference between the cosmic Divine and the Mother? It is a matter of realisation. In the yoga of the Gita the cosmic Divine is realised as Vasudeva (Krishna). The Vaishnavas realise it as Vishnu, the Shaivas as Shiva. The Tantrics (Shaktas) realise the Devi (Goddess) as the Cosmic and even as the Transcendent Divine. 22 October 1935 ...

... Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 217 217—Who can bear Kali rushing into the system in her fierce force and burning godhead? Only the man whom Krishna already possesses. This is a charming and most expressive way of saying that only the conscious Divine Presence is capable of mastering and conquering all violence. 8 December 1969 ...

... "You sit here. I will quickly go and get you breakfast." And he disappeared. Slowly I climbed up the few stairs and arrived at the Krishna temple. The whole temple and the corridors around it were constructed with white marble. Inside stood a beautiful statue of Sri Krishna wearing a golden silk dhoti and his upper body covered with a golden cloth. He was adorned with gold and pearl ornaments and he held... attractive roses anywhere in Calcutta! Their fragrance and beauty completely transformed the atmosphere of the house. I continued to wake up early as I did in Calcutta. I would go out all by myself to a Krishna temple nearby and sit there quietly. In those days Balthazar. had not been touched ye  by the urban air and had a charming rural feel. Tigers were reported to enter that area from time to time and... with folded hands, sat at his feet and tried to meditate. I just loved this whole ambience. I had heard this word 'meditation' very frequently at the Pondicherry Ashram. So I kept looking at Sri Krishna's statue in an attempt to  meditate. I sat in this silence for a while. Then suddenly I feltas though someone was pulling me from behind. There was a room behind the sanctum sanctorum that I had never ...

... Socrates had to drink the hemlock for having brought down heavenly knowledge upon earth. The Christ, God's own son and beloved, perished on the Cross. Krishna, the Avatara, was killed by a chance arrow; and Arjuna, the peerless hero of Kurukshetra, Krishna's favourite, had to see days when he could not even lift his own bow with which he once played havoc. And in our own days, a Ramakrishna, who could cure ...

... Socrates had to drink the hemlock for having brought down heavenly knowledge upon earth. The Christ, God's own son and beloved, perished on the Cross. Krishna, the Avatara, was killed by a chance arrow; and Arjuna, the peerless hero of Kurukshetra, Krishna's favourite, had to see days when he could not even lift his own bow with which he once played havoc. And in our own days, a Rama­krishna, who could ...

... of commentaries (1969-1970) BHAKTI (Devotion): Fourth Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 520 520—Kali is Krishna revealed as dreadful Power and wrathful Love. She slays with her furious blows the self in body, life and mind in order to liberate it as spirit eternal. Shall we complain when we see this helpless ...

... BHAKTI (Devotion): Fourth Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 484 484—Sin is a trick and a disguise of Krishna to conceal Himself from the gaze of the virtuous. Behold, O Pharisee, God in the sinner, sin in thyself purifying thy heart; clasp thy brother. As always, in his striking and humorous way, Sri ...

... uncom-panioned by Krishna and is himself worshipped by queer ascetics who are quite other than the devotees connected with the well-known combined cults of Krishna-Vāsudeva, Sankarshana and other god-heroes. We should not be taken aback on seeing the name "Krishna" in unusual company and particularly linked to Kamsa. Kamsa in later tradition is notorious as an evil tyrant whom Krishna destroyed. Already... Āngirasa. Another Krishna is a rishi, the son of Viśvaka, while yet another Krishna was a 'loud-yelling' non-Aryan asura chieftain of the Jamnā region who led a 'godless legion' of ten thousand followers and committed great havoc until he was defeated and skinned by Indra. One Krishna was also a Dravidian god of youth. A Vedic passage speaks of a leader of fifty thousand Krishnas, who was captured... was either the son or the grandson of Simuka-Sātavāhana. 2 As the Purānas name Krishna as the successor of Simuka and an epigraph in a cave in the Nāsik hills attests to the sovereignty of king Krishna of the Sātavāhana-family, 3 one of the two labels which in the series of eight are totally lost may have named Krishna. No Kumāra other than Hakusiri is in sight. It is a sheer guess that, as Sircar ...

... Thee, making Thee A God of love, a God too sweet to rule. I have the knowledge; what Thou art, I know, And know myself, for Thou and I are one." So prayed the Lord of Lunca, and in Heaven Sri Krishna smiled, the Friend of all mankind, A smile of sweetness and divine delight, And asked, "O Masters of the knowledge, Seers Who help me by your thoughts to help mankind, Hearken what Rávan cries... Shall he then have it?" And a cry arose, "He would root out the Brahmin from the earth, Impose his dreadful Yoga on mankind, And make the violent heart, the iron hand Sovereign of all." Sri Krishna made reply, "From out Myself he went to do My will. He has not lied, he has the knowledge. He And I are one. How then shall I refuse? Does it not say, the Veda that you know, When one knows That ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... 1935 Page 88 I can understand how ordinary people in the past may not have recognised your presence, especially when you lived outwardly like human beings. But how is it that even Sri Krishna, Buddha or Christ could not recognise your presence in this world? Presence where and in whom? If they did not meet, they would not recognise, and even if they met there is no reason why the Mother... Buddha himself did not believe in a personal God, only in some impersonal and indescribable Permanent. Still I can't understand one thing: even though you did not cast off your veil, how could Krishna, Buddha and Christ not help casting off their veil in order to recognise you? Why should they? The veil was there necessary for their work. Why should it be thrown off? So if the Mother was present ...

... against Auroville and Aurovilians, he must not neglect visiting the Matrimandir, because the Inner Chamber and the Crystal globe are the Mother's Vision and we should respect it. Then Dyumanbhai, Krishna, Behram, Shipra C. Gupta and myself went to the Matrimandir. He entered the Inner Chamber. There he felt peace and he meditated for about 20 minutes or so. Afterwards he said that he would like to ...

... flag. I presume you mean the flag with the white lotus. If so, it is the Mother's flag, for the white lotus is her symbol as the red lotus is mine. The blue of the flag is meant to be the colour of Krishna and so represents the spiritual or Divine Consciousness which it is her work to establish so that it may reign upon earth. This is the meaning of the flag being used as the Ashram flag, that our work ...

... s.   No rest until—beyond brief clay's control And past our mortal senses' flickering charms— The abysm of timelessness at Buddha's feet, Time's treasure of infinite truth in Krishna's arms! Page 360 ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Siddhi Day 1926-11-24 Datta spoke: Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight Bringing Immortality and Bliss. As each one made pranam to the Mother and she gave h blessing ...

... 4 February 1936 Dear Mother, This morning there were two accidents in Aroumé, almost on the same spot, with an interval of only a few minutes. The servant Krishna fell down and sprained his wrist. Then K fell down and sprained her ankle. At the same place, a year back, G fell down and got a sprain. Yes, it is a kind of thing that happens sometimes. A suggestion ...

... (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 339 339—Tangled is the way of works in the world. When Rama the Avatar murdered Vali, 1 or Krishna, who was God himself, assassinated, to liberate his nation, his tyrant uncle Kansa, who shall say whether they did good or did evil? But this we can feel, that they acted divinely. This is a ...

... moment of death or thy hours of torture? Canst thou see Him in that which thou art slaying, see and love even while thou slayest? Thou hast thy hand on the supreme knowledge. How shall he attain to Krishna who has never worshipped Kali? All is the Divine and the Divine alone exists. 8 June 1970 Page 362 ...

... and the transcendent. The two experiences are not contradictory, rather they reinforce each other. Uddhava might have had numberless teachers and instructors, but the Guru of his soul was Sri Krishna alone, none other. We may learn many things from many places, from books, from nature, from persons; intuitions Page 82 and inspirations may come from many quarters, inside and outside... and places, there is no harm in being a globe-trotter; but as soon as one becomes serious, means business, one automatically stops short, finds and sticks to his Ishta, even like the Gopis of Sri Krishna who declared unequivocally that they would not move out of Brindaban even by a single step. Page 83 ...

... cosmic and the transcendent. The two experiences are not contradictory, rather they reinforce each other. Uddhava might have had numberless teachers and instructors, but the Guru of his soul was Sri Krishna alone, none other. We may learn many things from many places, from books, from nature, from persons; intuitions and inspirations may come from many quarters, inside and outside, but the central guidance... and places, there is no harm in being a globe-trotter; but as soon as one becomes serious, means business, one automatically stops short, finds and sticks to his Ishta, even like the Gopis of Sri Krishna who declared unequivocally that they would not move out of Brindaban even by a single step. Page 101 ...

... consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course, the currents of the double force working to make this liberation. The blue and gold must be the blue of Krishna and the gold of the Mother (Durga—Mahakali)). All this is not a Supramental experience but comes from the overmind. But overmind experiences must come first and liberate the consciousness. It is ...

...                  Shuddhi, Mukti, Bhukti, Siddhi. 2) Brahma Chatusthaya—                              Sarvam Anantam Jnanam Anandam Brahma. 3) Karma Chatusthaya—                              Krishna, Kali, Karma, Kama 4) Shanti Chatusthaya—                              Samata, Shanti, Sukha, Hasya (Atmaprasada) 5) Shakti Chatusthaya—                              Virya, Shakti, Chandibhava ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... argue about my own spiritual greatness in comparison with Krishna. The question itself would be relevant only if there were two sectarian religions in opposition, Aurobindo-ism and Vaishnavism, each insisting on its own God’s greatness. That is not the case. Page 152 And then what Krishna must I challenge – the Krishna of the Gita who is the transcendent godhead, Paramatma,... greatness, you think there can be nothing greater than Krishna: each is entitled to have his own view of feeling whether it is itself right or not. It can be left there; it can be no reason for your leaving the Ashram. But the argument you put forward seems to me rather queer. By that logic one could deny greatness or divinity to Krishna because he was driven by superior armaments from Mathura... letter re. Hitler, that man may be bypassed by God and another type sponsored better able to evolve on the lines He wishes him to – the procedure He adopted re. Mammoths.) Guru is Krishna, that is enough for me and Krishna’s Lila is inscrutable, to say the least. So I find myself unable to hold with dear Sotuda in his sattwic optimism specially after Mother’s thought-provoking letter to Prithwi Singh ...

... silences Of inward prayer upon her visage wrought In perfect rhythm the gloom-glow of her thought. Her love's a flute ensouled with timeless drouth, Craving each night the touch of Krishna's mouth To wake its exquisite eternities. Page 17 ...

...     Ghauts and temples lightly touched With thy fingers as thou ranst, laughed low in pureness like a child     To his mother's bosom clutched. Where the steps of Rama wandered, where the feet of Krishna came,     There thou flowest, there thy hand Clasps us, Bhagirathie, Jahnavie or Gunga, and thy name     Holier makes the Aryans' land. But thou leavest Aryavurtha, but thou leapest to the seas... And the Atlantic pirates helped that hue,—its ruined glory flood     Kîrtinasha's waters wan. Buried are our cities; fallen the apexed dome, the Indian arch;     In Chitore the jackals crowd: Krishna's Dwarca sleeps for ever, o'er its ruined bastions march     All the Oceans thundering loud. Still, yet still the fire of Kali on her ancient altar burns     Smouldering under smoky pall, And ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... "The surrender to divine solicitude brings the victory." × In Indian mythology, Radha gave herself wholly to Sri Krishna. × Italics indicate words Mother spoke in English. ...

... brought up almost in abject poverty in a friendless country where wealth counts so much, not only physically, but also intellectually and morally." Let us not forget that over and above the rest, Krishna Dhan had to maintain his wife and the two younger children, Sarojini and Barin. In Rohini, a village not far from Deoghar where lived Swarnalata's parents, he had rented a bungalow set in an extensive... in his own words, "a tiger fell amid the herd," and his Didi was gone. Swarnalata had let Saro be taken away to Khulna by her father. Barin was left all alone with his mother. For two years. Krishna Dhan's heart's desire was the education of his children, about which he had written to Mano. It was unacceptable to the father that his ten-year-old son should remain unlettered. In late November or... he must be properly brought up. "I have made my three sons lamps not only of India but of the world. "I have vowed not to let my Barindra stay unlettered. It is my resolve that the son of Krishna Dhan Ghose shall not keep his head bowed in the world. "The way Sarojini is now being educated gives me good hope that she will be able to introduce herself as her father's daughter. Poor Bari ...

... Lord. She said, "This is exactly what I wanted You to tell me. I am ready!" She was really wonderful. In 1960, on the night previous to the First Anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation, Krishna came to me and told me, "It is I who will distribute tomorrow's message." So the next day when I went down, He sat on my lap and started giving blessings to people. It was really so amusing, seeing... nothing to say. He is free. Ever since I took birth on this earth, these Gods and Goddesses have been constantly with me. In the old days, when I was taking a walk near Sri Aurobindo's room, Krishna used to walk with me. I know that these Gods and Goddesses will help human beings in the New Creation, the New World of the Supermind. .. The Mother has explained in Vol. 4, [pp. 395-396] ...

... thousand seventeen hymns or suktas. The total number of verses in Rig Veda is ten thousand five hundred eighty. Yajur Veda is classified broadly into Shukia Yajur Veda and Krishna Yajur Veda. Shukia Yajur Veda has thirty chapters and Krishna Yajur Veda has five existing versions of which Maitrayam Samhita is prominent. It has four kandas which have prose compositions thousand seven hundred one have been taken ...

... Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life Arguments of Arjuna at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answer Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Teachers' Training Programme in the light of... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Svapna Vasavadattam Arguments for the Existence of God Marie Sklodowska Curie Episodes from ...

... White Roses 28 February 1963 Mother, I am eager to know about the Lord.... I mean Sri Aurobindo . Sri Aurobindo is a permanent Avatar of the Lord—(as Krishna is). Can I ever see Him? Certainly yes if you remember your night activities. I wish I could see the marvel of the world into which we go at night. I have seen you there sometimes. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... ence with Jagannath) Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother 23 September 1948 Gracious Mother, My maternal cousin, a devotee of Krishna, who stirred in my heart the feeling of lovingly sweet devotion, writes to me, “We, the Hindus of the west Punjab, have committed innumerable sins and have therefore been driven out from our native ...

... He is an artist but as I said his figures... but I have not fixed my opinion yet.” Sri Aurobindo's comments on the paintings: Yamuna : The river is good but the figure is self-satisfied. Krishna and Vidur : Vidur is good. Kailas : Quite good. Shiva with Cobra : Good. Shiva profile : More original; there is some expression. Durga and Fire : Good. The face is not that of ...

... Promode Kumar Chatterji Sri Aurobindo'S COMMENTS: His sketches are very living and very expressive. He is certainly an artist. Yamuna : the river is good but the figure is self-satisfied. Krishna and Vidur : Vidur is good. Kailas : not bad. Shiva with cobra : good. GENERAL REMARK: The artistic part is all right but he lacks in idea, that is to say, there is nothing big in the idea ...

... Period of commentaries (1969-1970) KARMA (Works): Fourth Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 251 251—If Krishna be alone on one side and the armed and organised world with its hosts and its shrapnel and its maxims on the other, yet prefer thy divine solitude. Care not if the world passes over thy body and its ...

... her of the ceiling-report and informed her of its having been actually put in writing by someone. (By the way, Krishna Prem's quotation from Hamlet is slightly off the mark: Shakespeare uses the word "flesh" and not "earth" in the first part of it.   Secondly, the phrase Krishna Prem employs and you endorse - "Those who have gone far enough on the Inner Path" - mixes up with the true spiritual... and forbearing - with a courageous outlook and a humble inlook - can be designated as being fine in stuff.   (3.11.1993) Page 219 How far have you gone on the Inner Path? Krishna Prem (Ronald Nixon) has written: "For the Great Ones no obstruction can exist. Christ appeared suddenly in the midst of closed doors. Apollonius of Tyana removed his limbs from chains to show a doubting...   "This movement of going inward is a difficult task to lay upon the normal consciousness of the human being; yet there is no other way of self-finding."   I have great respect for Krishna Prem's spirituality and intuitive insight, but here is not one of his most felicitous moments. First of all, his eloquent passage is based on plausible legends, not unmistakable history. Don't you ...

... probability. Finally Krishna's divinity is recognized, but more often hinted at than aggressively stated. The tendency is to keep it in the background as a fact to which, Page 339 while himself crediting it, the writer does not hope for universal consent, still less is able to speak of it as of a general tenet & matter of dogmatic belief; he prefers to show Krishna rather in his human character... be corroborated by other facts, we may venture to suggest its correctness as a moral certainty. This body of poetry then, let us suppose, is the original Mahabharata. Tradition attributes it to Krishna of the Island called Vyasa who certainly lived about this time and was an editor of the Vedas; and since there is nothing in this part of the poem which makes the tradition impossible and much which ...

... Maya. Lila includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it; nor has it that association of the vanity of all things, useless to you who have elected to remain and play with Sri Krishna. ... 15 (The Mahabharata portrays Krishna as playing with the cowherd-eases, the Divine engaged in a play with human souls.) Eckhart does see the aspect of Lila, a divine game, which God seems to be playing ...

... Mahashiva means a greater manifestation than that ordinarily worshipped as Shiva—the creative dance of a greater Divine manifesting Power. At X 's conscientious hesitations between Krishna and Shakti and Shiva I could not help indulging in a smile. If a man is attracted by one form or two forms only of the Divine, it is all right,—but if he is drawn to several at a time he need not torment... can very well accept them all and harmonise them in the One Divine and the One Adya Shakti of whom all are the manifestations. Shiva is the Lord of Tapas. The power is the power of Tapas. Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests the union of wisdom (Jnana) and works and leads the earth-evolution through this towards union with the Divine by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... as it were. Vaishnavism gave it a personal frame and a human form. Radha and Krishna are not figures of an allegory but concrete realities. Vrindavan is not merely the land of heart's desire, a garden of paradise but real habitation in a real and concrete consciousness and life. The human frame assumed by Radha and Krishna is not merely an assumption, an illusion but an eternal reality in an eternal ...

... it were. Vaishnavism gave it a personal frame and a human form. Radha and Krishna are not figures of an allegory but concrete realities. Vrindavan is not merely the land of heart's desire, a garden of paradise but real habitation in a real and concrete consciousness and life. The human frame assumed by Radha and Krishna is not merely an assumption, an illusion but an etersal Page 10 ...

... (Knowledge): Second period of commentaries (1960-1961) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 41 41—They say that the gospels are forgeries and Krishna a creation of the poets. Thank God then for the forgeries and bow down before the inventors. What is the role of the Gospels in the life of man? The Gospels were the starting-point of the ...

... moment of death or thy hours of torture? Canst thou see Him in that which thou art slaying, see and love even while thou slayest? Thou hast thy hand on the supreme knowledge. How shall he attain to Krishna who has never worshipped Kali? You answer: "All is the Divine and the Divine alone exists." ( Mother goes into a contemplation ) ...

... Pondicherry (Circa 1927-1947) Pondicherry (Circa 1927-1947) Lyrical Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems Krishna Know more > ( Cretics ) O immense Light and thou, O spirit-wide boundless Space, Whom have you clasped and hid, deathless limbs, gloried face? Vainly lie Space and Time, "Void are we, there is none." Vainly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 464, 465 464—God has so arranged life that the world is the soul's husband; Krishna its divine paramour. We owe a debt of service to the world and are bound to it by a law, a compelling opinion, and a common experience of pain and pleasure, but our heart's worship and our free and ...

... This is the explanation of the fact that the Avatar, according to Krishna in the Gita, incarnates at times of crisis. The crisis necessitates the coming of the Avatar, as well as his coming causes the crisis. Rama, the Avatar of the rational mind, fought his great battle with the ten-headed asura Ravana, king of Lanka. 17 Krishna incarnated at the time of the Mahabharata war, when the world of... incarnates at times of evolutionary crises to put matters straight is better known than the fact that he also comes when a special work of evolutionary development is to be done. The reason is Sri Krishna’s well-known pronouncement in the Bhagavad Gita: “Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth.” 2 Of course, both reasons... said that the Avatar is one who comes to open the Way for humanity to a higher consciousness – if nobody can follow the way, then either our conception of the thing, which is also that of Christ and Krishna and Buddha also, is all wrong or the whole life and action of the Avatar is quite futile. X seems to say that there is no way and no possibility of following, that the struggles and sufferings of the ...

... This Secret Splendour* Thou hast withdrawn with flying golden banners, Golden trumpets with music mute— Our hearts lie injured, bleeding—a barren world— A Krishna with a voiceless flute! I have loved Thee for these forty years and more, But now is still Thy radiant smiling face. Reveal to us the meaning of this secret splendour, The mystery ...

... soul if not with incense in a temple, and even though thou deny it the heart of infinite Love and the mind of infinite self- effulgence. Then though thou Page 342 know it not, it is still Krishna whom thou reverest and worshippest. Beyond words, beyond thoughts, the Supreme Presence makes itself felt and compels our wonder. Let us beware of all mental constructions that limit and distort ...

... occupation nor can war be called a spiritual line of action. But Krishna calls upon Arjuna to carry on war of the most terrible kind and by his example encourage men to do every kind of human work, sarvakarmdni. Do you contend that Krishna was an unspiritual man and that his advice to Arjuna was mistaken or wrong in principle? Krishna goes further and declares that a man by doing in the right way and ...

... of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 482, 483 482—The seeker after divine knowledge finds in the description of Krishna stealing the robes of the Gopis one of the deepest parables of God's ways with the soul, the devotee a perfect rendering in divine act of his heart's mystic experiences, the prurient and the Puritan ...

... 15 Rue Lemercier. 1898, August 23 Their son, ANDRÉ MORISSET, is born in Paris. 1903-1904 -First contact with the Cosmic Movement. -Series of visions of Sri Aurobindo, or Krishna as Mirra thought. 1905 -Mirra meets MAX THEON. 1906, 14 July to15 October -First visit to Tlemcen. 1906 1907,July to October -Second visit to Tlemcen. 1908 ...

... breaks his instrument or satisfies his hopes only in a slight degree. The doubt of power rests on the idea that the Master is not Krishna, but another who represents himself as Krishna or has taken advantage from the beginning of that belief in the mind, or that Krishna is only a god among gods & not the supreme Deity. The doubt of time rests upon immediate disappointment & argues from that to eventual... Vani is sometimes of the gods, sometimes of Krishna. There is external vani of others, but in all cases they are reduced to the terms of truth & Krishnahood. The gods are Krishna in his separate personalities. Darshana Now varies between an advanced second intensity & the third. The Jnanam Brahma, whenever it occurs, is immediately occupied by Krishna. There is an immense extension of the... the lipi. authority 7) 31     chitra. Script. The three other affirmations 5) The Personality of the Ishwara, Krishna, to be present in the consciousness, governing all the activities 6) Dasya of madhura to be the personal relation of the Jiva with Krishna—the dasya to be tertiary with the most intense consciousness of passive yantrabhava in the whole system. 7) Acceptance of all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... sympathy when Arjuna complains that the answers of Krishna are very perplexing. Take, for instance, at one stage Krishna says, and this is verse 49 of the second chapter, 'Action is far inferior to the Yoga of intelligence; take, therefore, refuge in intelligence, O conqueror of riches! miserable are those who accomplish action for its fruits." "Krishna continues then the exposition of the Yoga of ... of the third chapter, we find Arjuna making a complaint to Krishna: 'If you take intelligence to be superior to action, O Janardana, why do you assign to me this terrible action, O Keshava?' "How, according to you, is this question answered?" I said : "We have to be careful while listening to the words of the Gita. Krishna says that action is far inferior to the Yoga of intelligence... text several times. And I have many many questions to ask you. I feel very happy with the prospect of becoming the Foreign Minister. But I wonder whether it is right for me to feel happy. What would Krishna say? Has he not said that one should be equal minded?" "Equal-minded does not mean that you should feel miserable or you should feel indifferent. The experience of happiness has to be received ...

... of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...

... our pressing spiritual need to find our poise of perfect peace and equality by attainment to the Brahmic condition. He speaks as yet not at all in set terms of the Purushottama, but of himself,—"I", Krishna, Narayana, the Avatar, the God in man who is also the Lord in the universe incarnated in the figure of the divine charioteer of Kurukshetra. "In the Self, then in Me," is the formula he gives, implying... supremely beyond to the status of the divine Mastery which is Page 134 able to do all works and yet be bound by none. The idea of the Purushottama, seen here as the incarnate Narayana, Krishna, is therefore the key. Without it the withdrawal from the lower nature to the Brahmic condition leads necessarily to inaction of the liberated man, his indifference to the works of the world; with... affected or bound by them, not unable to distinguish himself, as we are unable, from the workings of life, mind and body. He is the doer of works who acts not, kartāram akartarām . "Know me," says Krishna, "for the doer of this (the fourfold law of human workings) who am yet the imperishable non-doer. Works fix not themselves on me ( na limpanti ), nor have I desire for the fruits of action." But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... salverform flower with a cream-yellow throat. The Mother's felicitous gloss on its meaning ("Krishna's Light in the Mind") was: "A charming way of being intelligent." The epithet "charming" is apt in view of the winsome personality traditionally attributed to Krishna. Sri Aurobindo has characterised Krishna as the Avatar who came from the plane of Divine Ananda and manifested through the Overmind, the... mind and heart. In the context of your dream-vision you have spoken of Krishna guiding you. Of course there can be no comparison between that incarnate Lord and tiny and puny Amal, a poor pallid mortal. But do you know that the flower the Mother chose as representing me happens to carry in her vision the significance: "Krishna's Light in the Mind"?   To be more precise, there was once a scheme ...

... spiritual and psychic relation with one of these beings became more and more clear and frequent; and although I knew little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time I was led to call him Krishna, and henceforth I was aware that it was with him (whom I knew I should meet on earth one day) that the divine work was to be done. In the year 1910 my husband came alone to Pondicherry where, under... country which I had always cherished as my true mother-country. And in 1914 this joy was granted to us. As soon as I saw Sri Aurobindo I recognised in him the well-known being whom I used to call Krishna.... And this is enough to explain why I am fully convinced that my place and my work are near him, in India. Pondicherry, 1920 Page 39 O, my Lord, my Lord! What you want of me ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Relationship between Knowledge, Action and Devotion At the root of the synthesis of the yoga of the Gita is a clear and indispensable relationship that exists between cognition, conation and affection. Knowledge, which is the fruit of cognition is always superior to mere action, since knowledge aims... conation and affection can attain to perfection without the attainment of the foundation that can be seized by the processes of knowledge, Jnana. One of the basic truths of the karma yoga is, as Sri Krishna declares, that knowledge is far superior to works, and that all works culminate in knowledge: "jyāy a sī karmanah buddhih' "sarvam karm ā khilam jñāne parisam ā pyate" 2 However ...

... (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 297, 298 297—Why dost thou recoil from a mask? Behind its odious, grotesque or terrible seemings Krishna laughs at thy foolish anger, thy more foolish scorn or loathing and thy most foolish terror. 298—When thou findest thyself scorning another, look then at thy own heart and laugh at thy folly. ...

... Institute of Educational Research, Auroville: Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author ...

... of colour mean a dynamic rush of forces and the star may in such a context indicate the promise of the new being that is to be formed. The blue colour must here be the Krishna light—so it is a creation under the stress of the Krishna light. All these are symbols of what is Page 102 going on in the inner being, in the consciousness behind, and the results well up from time to time in the... [ a vision of Krishna, silvery blue in colour, standing in a dance pose playing the flute ] can be taken as true since it has been seen by many and always in the same relation and still more because it has been confirmed by what was seen by Yashodabai and Krishnaprem. It means obviously that your singing by the power of the bhakti it expresses can and does bring the presence of Krishna there. It is... is not that Krishna "shows himself", but simply that he is there and some who have the power of vision catch sight of him and others who have not the power fail to do so. This power of vision is sometimes inborn and habitual even without any effort of development, Page 103 sometimes it wakes up of itself and becomes abundant or needs only a little practice to develop; it is not necessarily ...

... Consciousness as such, should show it from the very start. Even Krishna, as the Chhandogya Upanishad says, became a disciple of Rishi Ghora (if I don't mistake the name) before growing aware of the Divine Consciousness in full: the awareness came almost at a touch, but the incident of discipleship is significant. Then take Chaitanya. The Krishna-being manifested here in an intensely recognisable way - but... land-animal boar Avatar, a man-lion Avatar, a dwarf-man Avatar, a rajasic human Avatar (Parashurama), then a sattwic human Avatar (Rama) and then a guna-transcending superhuman "global" Overmind Avatar (Krishna). If we count Buddha as an Avatar too, he would represent on earth the clean break bypassing the Overmind into the Transcendent, but only the Transcendent's negative aspect and not Its positive Tr... integration by Yoga and Jainism. Page 132 With our national weakness for easy apotheosis, we have been multiplying Avataras. Even Swami Narayana {early XIX century) claimed to be Sri Krishna come again and is worshipped as an Avatara by his sect. The other day a Sadhu came to me and, throughout a forty-minute conversation, referred to himself as Bhagwan. The basic concept of Avatara, however ...

... knowledge of all the powers and personalities, all the intermediary regions, and it uses all that. It is there that one makes use of the divinities of the Overmind. This is in the second way. Shiva, Krishna, all the aspects of the Mother form part of this second way. And then there is the higher intellectual approach, which is the projection of a spirit transcending the scientific, which seizes the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... of Educational Research, Auroville: Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossy, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author ...

... Shankara, Mohammed, Alexander, Napoleon—among these well-known figures, which are Vibhutis of the Mother and which are Vibhutis of the Ishwara? And what about the Mother's action in Avatars like Rama and Krishna? The Mother's Vibhutis would normally be feminine personalities most of whom would be dominated by one of the four personalities of the Mother. The others you mention would be personalities and ...

... The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga Part Three 1. Towards Sādharmya Mukti It is this union and synthesis which is reiterated by Sri Krishna in the twelfth chapter, and while reiterating it, something more is said in order to bring out all the meaning of the great spiritual change. The twelfth chapter leads up to that which is still to be said, and the last... would be entailed in the performance of his dharma would inevitably lead to a consequence that would be destructive of social morality and Page 115 social dharma. The solution that Sri Krishna presents to Arjuna involves a radical shift in human consciousness and transformation of human consciousness by a synthetic process of Yoga. That transformed consciousness consisted of indubitable... constructions of Dharma stood out as temporary constructions, which could be useful in the course of the evolution of human consciousness in its long journey, but which can justifiably be transcended. Sri Krishna not only presented a detailed , and reasoned argument as also intricate knowledge of the steps of Yoga by which the knowledge of the Divine Will could be obtained in actual experience; but in the course ...

... panacea. What the soul utterly rejoices in, is for thought the ultimate reality. Page 334 434—Beyond Personality the Mayavadin sees indefinable Existence; I followed him there and found my Krishna beyond in indefinable Personality. As always, this is Sri Aurobindo's wonderful way of making clear to us the inanity of human assertions by which each one arrogantly denies anything that is ...

... Institute of Educational Research, Auroville: Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author ...

... Institute of Educational Research, Auroville: Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... kinsman, and the occasion is the moment of a sanguinary clash of arms. Arjuna and Krishna have been compared to nara and narayana, who do tapasya together, and to the two birds of the Rig Veda. (1.164.20) that cling to a common tree, one eating the sweet fruit, the other unregarding and silent: Arjuna and Krishna, this human and this divine, stand together not as seers in the peaceful hermitage... relation, not only to Karma, but also Jnana and Bhakti, although these are to receive fuller treatment only in the subsequent Books. For Krishna, it is not simply a question of making Arjuna fight, but charging him with a new sense of power and purpose. As an avatar, Krishna has both to enact the Divine manifestation and to effect Arjuna's upliftment to a higher - to the divine - level. The very purpose... Arjuna, with Krishna beside him wonders: the words are certainly from his friend and comrade - but what else is he, what is he? He has put such authority into his words - words that are battle-cries as well as seer-wisdoms - as if he knows, as if he is what he has been describing. Can he Arjuna, can he the Nara, see that also, - see, see with his physical eyes, Krishna's Narayana's total F ...

... no room here for works, since works belong to the Ignorance; action is the very opposite of knowledge; its seed is desire and its fruit is bondage. That is the orthodox philosophical doctrine, and Krishna seems quite to admit it when he says that works are far inferior to the Yoga of the intelligence. And yet works are insisted upon as part of the Yoga; so that there seems to be in this teaching a... but action full and Page 108 free done without subjection to sense and passion, desireless and unattached works, are the first secret of perfection. Do action thus self-controlled, says Krishna, niyataṁ kuru karma tvam : I have said that knowledge, the intelligence, is greater than works, jyāyasī karmaṇo buddhiḥ , but I did not mean that inaction is greater than action; the contrary is... desireless; it is simply a replacement of certain smaller personal interests by other larger desires which have only the appearance of being impersonal, virtue, country, mankind. All action, moreover, as Krishna insists, is done by the guṇas of Prakriti, by our nature; in acting according to the Shastra we are still acting according to our nature,—even if this Shastric action is not, as it usually is, a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... January 12, 1893, Sri Aurobindo left England by S.S. Carthage, but a great tragedy marred his homecoming. You can imagine with what eagerness Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose was waiting for his son to come back to India after all these years. It seems that Krishna Dhan even went to Bombay to receive Sri Aurobindo but, in the absence of any exact information about the ship by which he was coming, he returned... before he went up to Cambridge, Sri Aurobindo's mind had turned towards his motherland and he had begun to take interest in the political and social conditions in India. Ironically enough, it was Dr. Krishna Dhan who was mainly responsible for first arousing patriotic feelings in young Aurobindo. In the course of his official duties Dr. Ghose came across many instances of injustice and harshness to Indians... arrogance were published in local newspapers and Dr. Ghose would send the cuttings to his sons. Sri Aurobindo, in particular, used to pore over them with avidity and growing indignation. So it was that Krishna Dhan, who had asked that his sons were not to be exposed to any Indian influence, himself helped to turn Sri Aurobindo's mind towards his motherland. Sri Aurobindo's growing interest in politics ...

... Banerji, Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Page 387 Mitra, are not to be altogether gagged, but their hands are to be bound. "If he diverts his students' minds to political agitation," as Srijut Surendranath has done for decades, "if he encourages them to attend political meetings or personally" conducts them to such meetings,—this is obviously aimed at Srijut Krishna Kumar Mitra and the Ant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hands Till all the air is tremulously rent By wizardries of incorporeal tone, Because for one brief moment, sweet, intense, Into his thought the immortal legend strayed Of how Lord Krishna once the flute had played And made its simple heart of song His own!     ...Whatever unknown lips' mellifluence Be here, it's ecstasy to me; nor less, When on his lonely path ...

... is: The Bird of Happiness The lights indicate the action of certain forces, usually indicated by the colour of the light. Whitish blue is known as Sri Aurobindo's light or sometimes Sri Krishna's light. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Colours The fire indicates a dynamic action. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire I am the bird ...

... Institute of Educational Research, Auroville: Abha, Alain, Anne, Ashatit, Auralee, Bhavana, Christine, Claude, Deepti, Don, Frederick, Ganga, Jay Singh, Jean-Yves, Jossi, Jyoti Madhok, Kireet Joshi, Krishna, Lala, Lola, Mala, Martin, Mirajyoti, Namrita, Olivier, Pala, Pierre, Serge, Shailaja, Shankaran, Sharanam, Soham, Suzie, Varadharajan, Vladimir, Vigyan. General Editor: KIREET JOSHI Author of ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Gita's Karma Yoga: The secret of Karma Yoga lies in the right dealing with the relationship between desire and action, and in eliminating from the psychological complex by pursuing a sustained method the operation of desire so that one can discover the real origin of all dynamism of action in ...

... projected in the terrestrial play, the play working itself out in the *"For whatsoever I have spoken to thee in rash vehemence, thinking of thee only as a human friend and companion, 'O, Krishna, O Yadava, O Comrade,' not knowing this thy greatness, in negligent error or in love, and for whatsoever disrespect was shown by me to thee in jest, on the couch and the seat and in the banquet,... instructed him to initiate the boy into the sacred Mystery. Page 12 Gorakshanath was the preceptor of Nivritti’s great-grandfather Trimbakpant. Nivritti was given the Mantra Rama-Krishna-Hari and was further told that he should initiate his brother Jnaneshwar in the spiritual path. A mission for him was already marked out by the Yogi. In the epilogue to Jnaneshwari the author gives... transformative miracle. The one is for Swargaloka; the other is for Mrityuloka. This does not mean that the yogic stature of Jnaneshwar suffers in any way, just as the significance of the work of Rama or Krishna or Buddha does not get diminished in the later contexts. It simply means that we are living in New Time, Time that has come directly from Eternity, Time in which each individual finds his proper m ...

... Matchless is the description of the glory of the human body of God found in the Vaishnava cult of Bengal. Goloka, the abode of the eternal sport of Radha and Krishna, which is far above the world of Brahma, is the supreme truth. And Radha and Krishna are meaningless without their human forms – rather all secrets of the dual personalities consist in the human form. The human form is not just one among the... stand before us with an immortal embodied consciousness free from decay and disease, then we shall keep at a distance from Him. We shall not be able to receive Him as our own. How close to Arjuna was Krishna in his human way! All on a sudden one day Arjuna happened to see this mystery through the divinely gifted vision and, being overwhelmed, he exclaimed, "Thou art my father, Thou art my friend, Thou ...

... obey the law of our inward life. How then can we live Swaraj? By abandonment of the idea of self and its replacement by the idea of the nation. As Chaitanya ceased to be Nimai Pandit and became Krishna, became Radha, became Balaram, so every one of us must cease to cherish his separate life and live in the nation. The hope of national regeneration must absorb our minds as the idea of salvation absorbs... tyaga of the nameless ascetic. Our passion to see the face of our free and glorified Mother must be as devouring Page 1031 a madness as the passion of Chaitanya to see the face of Sri Krishna. Our sacrifice for the country must be as enthusiastic and complete as that of Jagai and Madhai who left the rule of a kingdom to follow the sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... willingly helped in many ways. Our thanks are due to Dr. Karan Singh for writing the preface. We acknowledge his love and respect for our Guru Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and his continued regard for the Hari Krishna Mandir. I would like to end this note with a blessing of love from Sri Satprem which he personally sent me in February, 2005. r r fevrier 2005 To Shankar In... Divine Mother it is most touching to read re-read and re-read Your faithfulness in the Truth Divine With my deepest Love and Mother’s Love Satprem Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune January 22, 2011 Page 5 ...

... his credal profession for any motive; if he has, he cannot; he can only change it in response to an inner spiritual need. If a man has a bhakti for the Divine in the form of Krishna, he can't very well say, "I will swap Krishna for Christ so that I may become socially respectable." You can write to him not to be depressed by his failures but to go on aspiring and trust in the Divine Grace. He ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... with the object to be known, his consciousness infuses itself into its being; in a sense, he becomes the object itself, just as Sri Radha felt that through constant remembrance of Sri Krishna she had become Sri Krishna himself. In this state the truth, the mystery, the properties and functions of the object transmit themselves to the consciousness of the knower and become clear to it as daylight. This ...

... universe." [ pp. 23-24 ] Is not the Personality referred to in this passage the Radha-Power, which is spoken of as Premamayi Radha, Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini Shakti? Yes—but the images of the Radha-Krishna lila are taken from the vital world and therefore it is only a minor manifestation of the Radha Shakti that is there depicted. That is why she is called Mahaprana Shakti and Hladini Shakti. What is ...

... ready for the highest heavens; then, as in Kurukshetra, the terrible form of the Master of strife, suffering and destruction is withdrawn and the sweet face, the tenderness, the oft-clasped body of Krishna shine out on the shaken soul and purified eyes of his eternal comrade and playmate. 501—Suffering makes us capable of the full force of the Master of Delight; it makes us capable also to bear the ...

... light, their deliverer, receiver and harbourer of their souls, those who turn to Me in their spiritual effort towards release from age and death, from the mortal being and its limitations, says Krishna, come to know that Brahman and all the integrality of the spiritual nature and the entirety of Karma. And because they know Me and know at the same time the material and the divine nature of being... adhidaiva next, the objective phenomenon and subjective phenomenon of being; adhiyajña last, the secret of the cosmic principle of works and sacrifice. I, the Purushottama ( māṁ viduḥ ), says in effect Krishna, I who am above all these things, must yet be sought and known through all together and by means of their relations,—that is the only complete way for the human consciousness which is seeking its path... not at first quite clear or at least they are open to different interpretations, they have to be made precise in their connotation, and Arjuna the disciple at once asks for their elucidation. Krishna answers very briefly,—nowhere does the Gita linger very long upon any purely metaphysical explanation; it gives only so much and in such a way as will make their truth just seizable for the soul to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... "evolutionary avatars like Sri Aurobindo" or also by "accomplished avatars like Sri Krishna". No doubt, there is a distinction between the two types, but fundamentally every avatar has to do some ascension. If the Krishna, son of Devaki, who is mentioned in the Chhandogya Upanishad is the same as the Avatar Krishna of the later traditions, we see that he needed Rishi Ghora's illumined touch-to realise... ascension was made, however rapidly or even   1. The projected book referred to in this letter is now at last published, (A.K., 1994) Page 49 instantaneously. The Upanishad's Krishna was not born with the full divine consciousness: he was not, strictly speaking, "an accomplished avatar". Apart from the picture presented in Vaishnava legends, I don't think any avatar can be "ac... as something one was not born with. None can ever become an avatar. Avatarhood is preordained and is a state from birth. If we consider Sri Aurobindo an avatar, he was as much a born avatar as Sri Krishna. He did not evolve into an avatar. The born avatarhood gradually manifested in him in a particular way attuned to the intended harmony of human and divine to be played out in his life. This playing ...

... for that casual carelessness and negligent ignorance with which he has treated Sri Krishna sometimes. [Reading from "The Vision of the World-Spirit", Essays on the Gita (1966), 375]: For whatsoever I have spoken to thee in rash vehemence, thinking of thee only as my human friend and companion, 'O Krishna, O Yadava, O comrade,' not knowing this thy greatness, in negligent error or in love... the settled will of endeavour in him is a right and complete will. Swiftly he becomes a soul of righteousness and obtains eternal peace." This is the word of the Divine Teacher, Sri Krishna Himself. Now Sri Aurobindo interprets: In other words a will of entire self-giving opens wide all the gates of the spirit and brings in response an entire descent and self-giving of the... Divine in this way well, forgetting our ego, that itself is a big achievement. Mother also said in one context, "I show my Divine form only to those who love me" - Divine form, mind you. Sri Krishna said to Arjuna after the world vision: "I've shown these forms to you, which I don't show even to the gods, this 'VishwaPurusha' vision because you love me, you are dear to me." So such is love, ...

... and tortures; and I could not tell why the voice in his departing words was so sweet that when he returned often and offered himself to me, it was with sorrow I refused him. Then I discovered it was Krishna at His tricks and my hate was changed into laughter. 461—They explained the evil in the world by saying that Satan had prevailed against God; but I think more proudly of my Beloved. I believe that ...

... intensity: "O You who are hiding deep in my own heart, come!" At once Sri Krishna appeared before her subtle vision with his hand gesturing abhaya - "Have no fear." The clothing went on unwinding endlessly. Draupadi could not be stripped at all.   Later she chided Sri Krishna: "Why did you take so long to come?" Sri Krishna sweetly and coolly replied: "If I had to come from the highest heaven... have been a striptease artist, so she was quite bashful. In full view of the court a brother of Duryodhana's started pulling at her dress. Draupadi did not know whom to turn to. She thought of Sri Krishna the Avatar and appealed to him in her mind. She cried out inwardly: "O Lord of the highest heaven, come to my aid!" There was no response. The poor girl became more desperate. She sent again her cry: ...

... perhaps the most definite as well as succinct: "[It] was the descent of Krishna into the physical. "Krishna is not the supramental Light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind God- head preparing, though not itself actually bringing, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards... that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence."² Not only is a fusion of Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo indicated but also the Mother's presence is shown to be in it. Elsewhere Sri Aurobindo, speaking of the various modes of Krishna's being, first mentions the many-sided supreme reality that is Krishna of the Gita and then describes him as "the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan... ted. What these words signified was explained in the letter cited in the preceding section - namely, that Krishna the Anandamaya Being, the supreme Deity, working through the Overmind plane (the plane of the great Gods), had come down into Sri Aurobindo's body. Krishna's identification with the bodily presence of Sri Aurobindo was taken to prepare the subsequent embodiment in him of ...

... Early Cultural Writings "Suprabhat" 14-August-1909 The paper Suprabhat , a Bengali monthly edited by Kumari Kumudini Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, enters this month on its third year. The first issue of the new year is before us. We notice a great advance in the interest and variety of the articles, the calibre of the writers and... identification parades of the Bomb Case, gives some glimpses Page 566 of the approver Noren Gossain and deals with the personal character of some of the jail officials. Nanak Charit by Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, the first instalment of which is given in this issue, commands interest both by its subject and the name of its writer. The two chapters given are full of interesting details of Nanak's ...

... into Shaw's hands are known by botanists to have had at least five thousand years of ancestors behind them, in the land of Arjuna and Tilak, Kapila and jagadish Chunder Bose, Vyasa and Tagore, Sri Krishna and Sri 'Aurobindo. Page 88 Further, the mango is fraught with the flavour and bouquet of the typical Indian genius. This genius combines in its unity a large diversity of elements... consider the mango as suggestively summing up at the same time the high ideal of her inner life and the sacrificial, the dedicative, the detached attitude which is commanded to the idealistic soul by Krishna in the famous phrase of the Gita: "Thou hast a right to the work but not to to the fruit thereof." A most poetic and profound gesture, then, can be read in Nehru's action, conveying to Shaw ...

... those who have sent him into exile name definitely any single action which Aswini Kumar Dutta has committed, of which the highest and noblest man might not be proud? Can anyone name a single action of Krishna Kumar Mitra's which would be derogatory to the reputation of the highest in the land? There have indeed been charges,—vague charges, shameless charges,—made. The law under which they have been exiled... Ministers and pollute the atmosphere of the House of Commons? Is there a man in his senses who will believe that Aswini Kumar Dutta was the instigator and paymaster of anarchy and bloodshed or that Krishna Kumar Mitra was the instigator and paymaster of anarchy and bloodshed,—men whose names were synonymous with righteousness of action and nobility of purpose and whose whole lives were the embodiment... lie that they think will please the authorities or injure their personal enemies. But if the Government in this country have upon such information believed that the lives of Aswini Kumar Dutta and Krishna Kumar Mitra are a mere mask and not the pure and spotless lives we have known, then we must indeed say, "What an amount of folly and ignorance rules at the present moment in this unhappy country." ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Allow all that happens in your external life. Give up resistance. Say "yes" to what is. Allow the power of Now to transform you. Of the two attitudes in spiritual practice spoken of by Rama-Krishna alluded to earlier (pp. 42, 43)—the baby-monkey attitude of reliance on personal effort, and the baby-cat attitude of surrender and reliance on the Divine Power—the latter is a more fitting description... the Divine Force to act supporting it with its complete adhesion at every step, but otherwise remaining still and quiet. This last condition which resembles the baby-cat attitude spoken of by Rama-Krishna, is difficult to have. 63 A complete surrender is not possible in so short a time—for a complete surrender means to cut the knot of the ego in each part of the being and offer it, free and... to the Divine, not insisting on one's ideas and desires, but allowing the divine Truth to replace them by its knowledge and will. The Gita expresses this teaching about absolute self-giving in Krishna's words: "Whatever thou doest, whatever thou enjoys, whatever thou sacrifices!, 69 whatever thou givest, whatever energy of Tapasya, 70 of the soul's will or effort thou puttest forth, make it ...

... anywhere definitely about it. And when Ramakrishna must have been intensely calling Mother, she must have felt something at that age. In Mother's childhood's visions she saw myself whom she knew as "Krishna"—she did not see Ramakrishna. It was not necessary that he should have a vision of her coming down as he was not thinking of the future nor consciously preparing for it. I don't think he had the ...

... nd move about in all kinds of places. It is even written down in a book. He told me about it himself. Some books say that Mirabai disappeared physically into Page 375 the idol of Krishna and was never seen again. Don't other books tell other stories? It is also reported that you never write with a pen. The pen just writes for you. There you are! Page 376 ...

... namaste’khilāścaryasindho mahādeva sambho namaste namaste. ( Source unknown ) In all beings, moving and unmoving, far and near, in front or in the rear I see above and below and aside, thy form, O Krishna, who has infinite forms. Lo! I am wholly merged in the ocean of thy beauty: I see there neither the end nor the middle nor the beginning. Speechless I am, motionless evermore, utterly bewildered ...

... blue light and I saw Sri Krishna, flute in hand, standing beside me and gently soothing me with his hand. I heard him repeat the Gita verse, "Abandon all dharmas and take refuge in me alone; I will deliver you from all sins; do not grieve". I woke up from the trance and ever since I have been trying to understand the meaning of this vision and trying to live up to Sri Krishna's teaching. The Lord's Grace... school to accept Sri Aurobindo as my guru was perfectly right. I, therefore, surrendered myself heart and soul to him and felt reassured that he would save me from all my sins in the same way as Sri Krishna had promised Arjuna. When I had my second darshan of Sri Aurobindo in the August of 1928, he was satisfied with my yearnings for sadhana and progress in it and conveyed his satisfaction and had sent ...

... the mind, the Kingdom of God on earth can only be an ideal, not a fact realised in the general earth-consciousness or earth-life. I feel it difficult to say anything about X 's Christ and Krishna. The attraction which she says people feel for Christ has never touched me, partly because I got disgusted with the dryness and deadness of Christianity in England and partly because the Christ of... the Christ of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa and others. But apart from that, is it a fact that Christ has been strongly or vividly loved by Christians? Only by a very few, it seems to me. As for Krishna, to judge him and his revealing tradition by the Christ figure and Christ tradition is not possible. The two stand in two different worlds. There is nothing in the latter of the great and boundless... knowledge and power of realisation we find in the Gita, nothing of the emotional force, passion, beauty of the Gopi symbol and all that lies behind it, nothing of the many-sided manifestation of the Krishna figure. The other has other qualities: there is no gain in putting them side by side and trying to weigh them against each other. That is the besetting sin of the Christian mind even in those who are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Knowledge Will in it is not the supermind as I know it. Sri Krishna when asked by Arjuna after the destruction of the Yadavas to repeat the sacred lore of the Gita, replied that the teaching of the Gita came into him once but that it was no more and he could not repeat it. Can one who has attained to the supermind fall? Srikrishna did not say that he was in the supermind when he spoke the Gita... without ignorance is possible. I don't see how there can be, given the starting point of the Inconscience. An unfolding of anything involved must necessarily be an evolution. (10) As for Krishna, he was God, who is everything consciously not excluding the Vijñāna (the Supermind). I have said nothing about that. 31 January 1934 Page 658 In a letter of November 1933 [ p. ...

... joy and His beauty again. All music is only the sound of His laughter,     All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal     Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss. He is strength that is loud in the blare of the trumpets,     And He rides in the car and He strikes in the spears; He slays without stint and is full of compassion; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... house. One of them is the flute-playing Krishna. Absolutely divine. The old man refuses to show it first, saying it is not meant for the eyes of an outsider. But after a while he is satisfied with the sincerity of Emily and Farquhar. When the painting is brought down and unveiled, the English are amazed. The music flows on as anahata nada 9 as Krishna stands grace-fully surrounded by cows and... a way that the calf's hunger vanished with the sounds     9. unheard melody Page 176 of Krishna's flute. The calf would feel hungry some time after drinking milk from the mother cow. But one will never be hungry again if one heard the sounds of Krishna's flute. It is obvious the rest of the painting had been prepared to usher in this moment. 10 Such depth of understanding... when Orientalist Englishmen (or Germans or whoever else from the West) took away bundles of palm-leaf manuscripts or Indian artefacts (it could be a sculpted Shiva in the Grove of Palms, a carved Krishna dancing on Kaliya, a painting of an Apsaras floating in a celestial tarn) and not necessarily were they thefts. The Indians willingly gave them away for nothing or just sold them. They had no idea ...

... Surrender My Pilgrimage to the Spirit November 21, 1933 Q. (1) It is true that there is a surrender beyond mind, vital and physical surrender which Krishna asks Arjuna to attain by saying—nistraigunyo bhavarjuna? A. Naturally, the whole being must surrender, not the mind, vital and body alone. Q. (2) Is this surrender the same as the psychic surrender ...

... a complete psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical science of Yoga. Its popular form in the Vaishnava religion centres round the mystic apologue of the pastoral life of the child Krishna. In the Vishnu Purana the tale of Krishna is a heroic saga of the divine Avatar: in later Puranas we see the aesthetic and erotic symbol developing and in the Bhagavat it is given its full power and prepared to manifest... of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression preferred is the symbolic figure impersonal to the poet: here a personal note gives the peculiar intensity to the emotion. This is given a still more direct turn by a southern poetess in the image of herself as the bride of Krishna. The... most complete and artistic shape in Bengal and becomes there a long continued tradition. The desire of the soul for God is there thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted by his magical flute, abandoning human cares and duties for this one overpowering passion ...

... and accept totally in his mind and being and in all the parts of the being. Why, even Arjuna who was an unmistakable part of God, his loved friend, when he wished to see the divine form of Sri Krishna, Sri Krishna replied: Na tu mam shakyashey drishtum anena eva swachakshushya. You will not be able to see my real form with your human eyes. Then the Lord bestowed His Grace on Arjuna: Divyam dadami... it. Duryodhan did see Sri Krishna's cosmic form in the assembly of Kauravas. But even after seeing Him with his own eyes he refused to accept Him. Contemptuously he dismissed it as merely illusion or magic. Page 34 Moreover, just before the battle of Kurukshetra, Dhritarashtra, Sanjay and all the rest requested and implored him to accept Sri Krishna and take refuge in His Grace... Even if I know Sri Krishna to be God Himself, even if He can create or destroy in a flash the universe, I will still refuse to accept Him." Sorrowfully Gandhari and Dhritrashtra asked: "Why, dear son, but why?" "Why is He then the Panda vas' and Arjuna's friend?" he replied. So you can imagine how pride and arrogance and ignorance can veil the truth. Krishna's Grace was on Arjuna ...

... consciousness that has a cosmic character. How far back in time Rama may be considered to have existed ? My new chronology dates Krishna at the time of the Bharata War to c. 1482 or 1452 B.C. In the traditional table of royal genealogies, starting with Manu Vaivasvata, Krishna's number is 94 and Rama's 65 - a difference of 30 generations.  Taking a generation to be roughly 30 years we get about 900... misunderstanding. In Chapter X, verse 31 of the Gita, Krishna speaking of his Vibhutis tells us: "I am Rama among warriors." We must remember that Indian tradition knows of two Ramas: Rama Jamadagnya and Rama Dasarathi. The former is also called Parasurama, "Rama of the Axe". This designation distinguishes him as a warrior. It is to him that Krishna refers. You have quaintly wondered, before ...

... Jivanmukta 551 Journey's End 576 The Just Man 43 Kama 324 Kamadeva 540 Karma 209 Khaled of the Sea 145 The Kingdom Within 599 Krishna 608 Krishna (Cretics) 637 Liberation [1] 604 Liberation [2] 617 Life 541 Life and Death 216 The Life Heavens 549 Life-Unity 605 Light 5 Light [sonnet] ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... and sincerity in the vital , the Divine's Love will surely answer. 4.10.1929 The devotion that accompanies Radha's absolute consecration , this alone has the power of bringing down Krishna's Light in the mind . 5.10.1929 Only by the constant flaming up of Agni can an integral loving consecration be realised. And only by this absolute loving consecration can there be ... maker of vital harmony which will lead to a very successful future . 29.3.1930 Let gold be turned to the service of the Divine. So it will get purified and take its true place in Krishna's play in the material*. 26.4.1930 Surrender all falsehood ; your physical mind will be converted and a mental victory won. 1.5.1930 ...

... Page 6 of their vast oceanic prowess and harbour no doubt of victory. The Pandavas on the other side, with a relatively smaller army, have the support of the virtuous Allies, with Krishna as the wise counsellor as well as the charioteer of Arjuna. War-conchs are blown and the call has come. But at that precise moment sags the spirit of the Hero. This of course cannot be allowed to determine... Vyasa. He wrote it out in splendid poetry and fixed it permanently for us. How can we be sufficiently faithful to it in the conduct of our daily transactions should be the thing of concern for us. Sri Krishna enfolds Arjuna in his arms and, without breaking their two-ness, makes him one like himself, dwaita na modita kele apana aise , says Jnaneshwar. This is a spiritual possibility opened out to man and ...

... test my strength in sadhana. You act not for success but for the Divine, though that does not mean that you must not work for success. Is this confusing? That was what Arjuna complained to Krishna—that Krishna spoke in double words. He told Arjuna not to be eager for results but at the same time he said, "Fight and conquer." ...

... opened one by one. From below, light started going into the higher centres. Finally, something luminous, looking like the “ Sudarshanchakra ” 1 (the destructive circular weapon of Lord Vishnu or Krishna) appeared, rotating over my head. At first, I became very happy but later I got a little nervous. And my eyes opened. They closed again and I remained seated cherishing the memories and experiences ...

... the not very exalted outward personal life and surroundings he had as the milieu given him and not in the least wishing to change it. It was his theory that this was the teaching of the Gita—to feel Krishna within, to have the inner spiritual life and realisation,—the rest was the Lila and could be left as it was unless or until the Divine himself in the automatic movement of his play chose to change ...

... MANILAL: And Hitler prays to the Almighty, not just to God. SRI AUROBINDO: He thinks himself a mighty man; God, being almighty, will be on his side, he thinks. DR. MANILAL: On which side would Krishna be, Sir, in this war? On the British? SRI AUROBINDO: But his army might be on the other side as in the Mahabharata. Send a letter of enquiry to his chief secretary. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: ...

... nd, Sri Krishna, were some nadus . As soon as he saw Sudama, Sri Krishna exclaimed: “I am seeing you after ages, my friend. Where are the nadus I love so much?” In the midst of all the pomp and glitter, in the presence of the honourable prime minister and ministers, Sudama hung his head in shame. But because of Sri Krishna’s insistence he had to give the nadus . Sri Krishna began eating... her friends, Sri Krishna. The play turned out very well. On people’s request we performed this play several times. In this play at one point Sudama is forced by his wife’s insistence to go to his childhood friend, Sri Krishna. He packed a few nadus (a simple rural sweet) in his chaddar (a piece of cloth to cover the upper part of the body) and very shyly walked into Sri Krishna’s royal court. All... Arjuna’s fortune lay in finding out from Krishna himself who He was. We were born with that same good fortune. How many questions have been put to the Mother about Sri Aurobindo’s The Mother , about every power of the Mother! With exemplary patience has She always answered all these questions. In the Gita the Divine revealed Himself to Arjuna in the form of Sri Krishna and showed him his way of working ...

... uttered by Arjuna after the Godhead has spoken are eloquent of a greater uplifting and reassuring reality behind this face of death and this destruction. "Rightly and in good place," he cries, "O Krishna, does the world rejoice and take pleasure in thy name, the Rakshasas are fleeing from thee in terror to all the quarters and the companies of the Siddhas bow down before thee in adoration. How should... forgiveness of his unseeing carelessness and his negligent ignorance. "For whatsoever I have spoken to thee in rash vehemence, thinking of thee only as my human friend and companion, 'O Krishna, O Yadava, O comrade,' not knowing this thy greatness, in negligent error or in love, and for whatsoever disrespect was shown by me to thee in jest, on the couch and the seat and in the banquet, alone... blindness, his treatment of this Divine as the mere outward man, his seeing of only the mental and physical relation seems to him a sin against the Mightiness that was there. For the being whom he called Krishna, Yadava, comrade, was this immeasurable Greatness, this incomparable Might, this Spirit one in all of whom all are the creations. That and not the veiling outward humanity, avajānan mānuṣīṁ tanum ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... always—who else speaks to us on our journey?—but the gods of the heart, the gods of the mind, the gods of desire, the gods of sense take up the divine cry, intercept it and alter it for their purposes. Krishna calls to us, but the first note, even the opening power or sweetness, awakes a very brouhaha of these echoes. It is not the fault of these poor gods. The accent of power is so desirable, the note of ...

... the heart-numbing threat of the Cold War all about us. And the word of Sri Krishna is not a pious advice to stand aside from the grim actuality but "Go forth and fight: conquer a mighty kingdom" because on the one side stood in burning indignation the defenders of civilised values and on the other a titanic tyranny. Sri Krishna, however, did not look forward to just an outward triumph. The warrior was... present even in the static realisation and its presence everywhere gives the lie to those who think that mystics live in a "glorified gas". But the static path lays an overstress on the Beyond: Sri Krishna makes the Beyond dynamic here and Page 4 now, he links up with it the concrete human. THE GREATEST YOGI OF OUR AGE     An attitude similar to the Gita's ...

... Napoleon are the ideal men of action in the West, while Krishna, Arjuna and Bhishma are the representatives 'of the ideal of the East. The European heroes display daemoniac restlessness and exuberance. The Indian heroes possess the godly virtues of calmness and poise along with clear insight. Napoleon is a mighty Vibhuti of the Divine Power. But Sri Krishna is the Incarnation of God Himself Leaving aside some... so the East has failed to assimilate the true spirit of earthly action. As in the West the Christ is practically buried in oblivion, so the East has somehow managed to wipe out the teachings of Sri Krishna. And, in consequence, the people of the East try to avoid action as much as possible in order to attain to union with God. The West Page 258 moves in the diametrically opposite ...

... familiar to the people in her audience since their childhood. The ten Avatars are: the Fish, the Tortoise, the Boar, the Man-Lion, the Dwarf, Parasurama alias Rama-with-the-axe, Rama (with the bow), Krishna, the Buddha and finally Kalki, who according to tradition is still to come. The succession, even at first sight, shows a continuity. ‘The Hindu procession of the ten Avatars is itself, as it were,... homo sapiens, the species we all belong to and which is now present in great numbers on this planet. In mentally conscious humanity an opening is possible toward the supramental realms thanks to Krishna, and the nirvanic state can be consciously attained by following the path of the Buddha. Kalki, finally, will bring about the great revolution which will result in the superhuman and the Kingdom of... of either his divine or his human nature has its parallels in the literature of the Hindus. And this is why Sri Aurobindo, in his Essays on the Gita, mentions time and again the names of Christ, Krishna and the Buddha in the chapters about avatarhood. However, while the East recognizes the full evolutionary line of the ten (and in certain enumerations more) Avatars, the Christianized West recognizes ...

... must try to run and come up to me. I cannot make Page 50 myself still smaller. I have made myself sufficiently small." I may remind you here of what Sri Krishna did in this line, something very similar. Sri Krishna, the Divine, became a very ordinary playmate of cowherd-boys and village maids and was one of them and with them, almost with no apparent difference. The Divine not merely... merely as the Master, the Guru, the leader or the captain but as a loving playmate and comrade is a very extraordinary Indian conception of the Divine. Arjuna in his loving tenderness for his friend Krishna almost forgot to respect him and honour him, he could only embrace him. But one day revelation came to him as to who his intimate friend and comrade really was: he was dumb-founded and full of contrition... tell you Arjuna's state of mind in his own words — as stated in the Gita: "For whatsoever I have spoken to Thee in rash vehemence, thinking of Thee only as my human friend and companion, '0 Krishna, 0 Yadava, 0 Comrade,' not knowing this Thy greatness, in negligent error or in love, and for whatsoever disrespect was shown by me to Thee in jest, at play, on the couch and the seat and in the banquet ...

... That won't do. Now you must try to run and come up to me. I cannot make myself still smaller. I have made myself sufficiently small." I may remind you here of what Sri Krishna did in this line, something very similar. Sri Krishna, the Divine, became a very ordinary playmate of cowherd-boys and village maids and was one of them and with them, almost with no apparent difference. The Divine not merely... merely as the Master, the Guru, the leader or the captain but as a loving playmate and comrade is a very extraordinary Indian conception of the Divine. Arjuna in his loving tenderness for his friend Krishna almost forgot to respect him and. honour him, he could only embrace him. But one day revelation came to him as to who his intimate friend and comrade really was: he was dumbfounded and full of contrition... you Arjuna's state of mind in his own words – as stated in the Gita:   For whatsoever I have spoken to Thee in rash vehemence, thinking of Thee only as my human friend and companion, 'O Krishna, O Yadava, O Comrade,' not knowing this Thy greatness, in negligent error or in love, and for whatsoever disrespect was shown by me to Thee in jest, at play, on the couch and the seat and in the banquet ...

... Disciple) Why don't you try to prove that Sanskrit was derived from Gujarati ?  Disciple : Yes, my friend always puts forth the fact that Krishna lived in Gujarat.  Sri Aurobindo : Then it proves that Gujarati was spoken by Krishna ! ( Laughter ) 23-7-1923   Disciple : The Mahatma believes that non-violence purifies the man who practises it.  Sri Aurobindo... must also remember that the whole thing resulted in tearing out the entrails of his father. ( Laughter)  Disciple : Sri Krishna and Arjuna can serve as examples of men who resorted to what the Mahatma calls "violence". Disciple : But Mahatma says "I am not Krishna". Sri Aurobindo : Any man can say, "I am not Prahlad". 23-7-1923 Disciple : I had a long discussion ...

... must not work for success. Arjuna complains to Sri Krishna in the Gita that he speaks in "double words" :  saying "do not be eager for the result" but at the same time he said "fight and conquer." Disciple : There was a letter from our friend "X" in which he has tried to show that the Gita is a book on psychoanalysis and that Sri Krishna was a great psycho-analyst! He psycho-analyzed Arjuna ...

... In this development the recent spiritual history of India is a very important stage." Decades earlier, in an article in the Karmayogin (26 March 1910), Sri Aurobindo had given three names—Rama-krishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, and Bijoy Goswami —as examples. They had then indicated to him "the lines from which the future spiritual development had most directly to proceed, not staying but passing... Mother's Chronicles, Book Five, ch. 62. Page 280 complete the work of spiritual development but pass on to something beyond. Sri Aurobindo received three messages from Sri Rama-krishna. From his notes: "The guidance from above seems now to be free from the necessity of any longer managing & giving rein to the forces of Anritam. 1 Its final emergence from the action of ...

... fast as we can. 15 April 1960 × In the Bhagavad Gita, the legendary battle-field where the Pandavas, led by Sri Krishna, and the Kauravas confronted each other. × Governed by tamas , the principle of inertia and obscurity ...

... this man says that Araba equals Arava, Saracen equals Surasen and Ansari equals Anusari. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: That was the fashion at one time. It was Colonel Todd, I think, who said that Krishna was Hercules who is also called Heracles. He derived the Greek name from Harikul (Laughter) EVENING SRI AUROBINDO: It is now known what Bhaskar's source was for the report of the coming German ...

... book. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, edited by Aldous Huxley. Bilwamangal: The Sanskrit poet and author of Krishna Karnamrita. He is supposed to have been passionately attracted to Chintamani, a woman of ill repute but who nourished a deep devotion to Lord Krishna. She shows Bilwamangal the Page 297 path of devotion and turns him into a saint. This story has been... his poems and teaching had a great influence. Mirabai (1498-1547) was the daughter of Raja Ratan Singh, married to Bhoj Raj Rana, ruler of Mewar. She became a mendicant in the name of Lord Krishna and went to Vrind- avan to her Guru. She left her body at Dwarka. She composed songs which have become very popular and are sung every- where in India. Tulsidas (1532-1623): a Hindi poet and... He wrote the famous Ramacharitamanasa which is a Hindi version of the Ramayana. Surdas (1478-1581): A medieval poet and singer who was born blind and whose descriptions of the life of the child Krishna are the highlights of his collection of poetry called the Sursagar. Alvars: South Indian saints who in the 7th to 10th century wandered from temple to temple singing ecstatic hymns in adoration ...

... then from any such standpoint that the weakness of Arjuna merits rebuke. "Whence has come to thee this dejection, this stain and darkness of the soul in the hour of difficulty and peril?" asks Krishna of Arjuna. The question points to the real nature of Arjuna's deviation from his heroic qualities. There is a divine compassion which descends to us from on high and for the man whose nature does not... nature, to feel only for the world and the destiny of mankind calling to him as its god-sent man to assist its march and clear its path of the dark armies that beset it. Arjuna in his reply to Krishna admits the rebuke even while he strives against and refuses the command. He is aware of his weakness and yet accepts subjection to it. It is poorness of spirit, he owns, that has smitten away from... resolved that on the old basis of thought and motive he will not fight and he awaits in silence the answer to objections that seem to him unanswerable. It is these claims of Arjuna's egoistic being that Krishna sets out first to destroy in order to make place for the higher law which shall transcend all egoistic motives of action. The answer of the Teacher proceeds upon two different lines, first, a brief ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... disputing all my way of Yoga. He does not understand and does not care to understand my processes. He has ideas of his own, does not want peace or equality or surrender or anything else, wants only Krishna and bhakti. He has read things in Ramakrishna and elsewhere as to how to do it, insists on following that. Rejects all suggestions I can make as unpracticable. Erects a sadhana of violent meditation... making a sort of psychic opening. Decides to try surrender, purification of the heart, rejection of ego, true humility etc.—tries a little of it and is really progressing. After two months finds that Krishna is not appearing—gets disgusted and drops the beastly thing. And after all that he is always telling me "What an impotent Guru you are! You are evidently able to do nothing for me." Evidently! That's... pressure of divine love. 8 April 1935 The Divine loves all equally but there seem to be some who are dearer to Him. You seem to say some such thing in Essays on the Gita—that Arjuna was dearer to Krishna because he Page 443 came nearer to the Divine and those who do that will always be dearer to Him. I don't say; it is the Gita that says it—or rather there are two separate slokas; one ...

... nah.        The time I am writing about they had performed the "Bhagavad Gita" at the Ashram Theater. Kelu-babu lad directed Sanjukta Panigrahi as Krishna and Nandita Mohanty as Arjuna. It was an extraordinary piece of choreography, especially Krishna's 'Vishwarupa darshan': Sanjukta was completely transfigured! The group came to the Ashram several times after that and performed other dance compositions... privileged in the Ashram to hear a very large number of very reputed artists, both in vocal and in instrumental music. The director of the Sangeet Research Academy, Vijay Kichlu and his secretary Krishna Choudhury made it possible for us, through their extraordinary efforts, to listen to Zakir Hussain, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Girija Devi, Hari Prasad Chaurasia, A.T. Kanan, Malavika Kanan, V.G. Jog, Protima... Chakraborty, Rashid Hussain Khan, Shubhra Guha and many other famous artists of India. There are far too many to enumerate here. We also had the famous golden voice of Carnatic music, Dr Balamurali Krishna and the reputed veena-player, Chitti Babu. There were also some semi-classical musicians who have left unforgettable memories in our hearts like A.T. Kanan (Bhajan), Purushottam Jalota (Bhajan), Sandhya ...

... literature of to-day, of which Bharati , the literary organ of the cultured Tagore family, is the most finished type. Since then Bankim has given us some very ripe and exquisite work, Chandrashekhar, Krishna Kanta's Will, Debi Chaudhurani, Anandmath, Sitaram, Indira and Kamal Kanta . Dating from his magistracy at Barhampur broken health and increasing weakness attended the great novelist to his pyre; but... over the Bhagavadgita and the Vedas, striving to catch the deeper and sacred sense of those profound writings. To give that to his countrymen was the strenuous aim of his dying efforts. A Life of Krishna, a book on the Essence of Religion, a rendering of the Bhagavadgita and a version of the Vedas formed the staple of his literary prospects in his passage to the pyre. The first realised themselves ...

... Thankfully we didn’t. The second — a free rendering of Subramanya Bharati’s poem on Kannan — makes one feel that Sitaram “enjoyed”, as did Subramanya Bharati, the suffering dealt out by Kannan (Krishna). ...

... is like a man weltering in a hot bath. Know Krishna, love Krishna and work for Krishna. Then you can leave all the "blisses" to take care of themselves. You will certainly not find any shortage of them. Of course there is bliss experienced in self-offering but do not offer yourself' in order to get the bliss hut offer yourself because He is Krishna and your being can only fulfil itself by being... saying of Sri Ramakrishna about gurur kripa [the Guru's grace]. I have long felt I have got gurur kripa though till now I have seldom felt I have got Krishna's kripa. But I thought Guru's kripa will lead to Krishna as Guru and Krishna are really one and Krishna comes as the Guru to facilitate the introduction to himself. I don't really question your ineffable grace and Mother's matchless sweetness and the... frame." It does not always come like that—very often it comes by stages or at long intervals, at first, working on the consciousness till it is ready. We speak here also of Krishna's light—Krishna's light in the mind, Krishna's light in the vital; but it is a special light—in the mind it brings clarity, freedom from obscurity, mental error and perversion; in the vital it clears out all perilous stuff ...

... outer life of the person & the world the play of the consciously manifested balaka Krishna (Rudra Vishnu) 6) Madhuradasya the relation between the Prakriti-Jiva & the balaka Krishna. 7) The Jiva accepts all bhoga as the slave & instrument of the victorious & rudra Lover. 8) The field of play of Krishna the five worlds working themselves out in the fifth, Bhurloka 9) Time the instrument... not the acceptance as a slave and instrument of the Lover. The Personality of Krishna is still often & long concealed behind his workings, his Prakriti. If these can be perfected, the rest will be more easy. For there will be, & this is now preparing to be perfected, the universal sense of the Anandamaya Krishna as the continent & cause of all conscious activity & the base of Ananda with the... an idealisation & fulfilment in the brihat of the former relations, mental, sentimental, restricted, with the boy Krishna. Page 701 The Bhaya Anandamaya once promised is now also manifesting and takes the form of the same relation, Bala-Kali at play with the Bala-Krishna. All this can now be reestablished in the cadre of the satyam ritam brihat. Therefore the Affirmations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... I preserve, For I am Love. I weary of Myself, And the world circles back into the Vast. Delight and laughter walking hand in hand Go with Me, and I play with grief and pain. I am the dance of Krishna, I the dance Of Kalí. Might and majesty are Mine, And yet I make the heart a child at play, The soul of things a woman full of bliss. Hunger and Thirst, arise and make the world! Page 324 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... that the sadhaks would be greater than Krishna, who was the Avatar of the Overmind level? Logically it follows, but looking at others and at myself, I wonder if such a theory will be practically realised. Past history does not seem to prove it. In Krishna's time, no disciple of his was a greater spiritual figure than the preceding Avatar Rama, even though Krishna was an Avatar of a higher plane. ... the cross or when after healing thousands he failed to heal in a certain district (I forget the name) because people had no faith (faith being one of the conditions imposed for his working) or when Krishna after fighting eighteen battles with Jarasandha 54 failed to prevail against him and had to run away from Mathura. Why the immortal Hell should the Divine be tied down to succeed in all his... his operations? What if failure suits him better and serves better the ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question had to be given his chance as Duryodhan was given his chance when Krishna went to him as ambassador in a last effort to avoid the massacre of Kurukshetra? 55 What rigid primitive notions are these about the Divine! And what about my explanation of how the Divine acts through the ...

... Disciple : But it appears Krishna lived for a hundred and eight years only. Sri Aurobindo : Probably the poet could not exaggerate in his case as he is historically near us. Disciple : The poet perhaps knew that we would read these things and so he wanted to be accurate ! Disciple : I want to know whether the incidents related by the poet about Krishna's life are psychic representations... of Sri Krishna. Now, is it the description of his psychic body or his physical body – because we see that form of his in our own psychic vision even to-day. T Sri Aurobindo : What on earth does it matter whether he Page 146 lived on the physical plane or not ? If the thing is true pn the psychic and spiritual plane it is all that matters. As long as you find Krishna as a divine... all those people had already died ! While he was listening to the song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed ! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said : "Well, Krishna and Balaram, and others have gone down – to humanity – you may go and give your daughter to Balaram." So, Revati was married to Balaram. When she came to Balaram after marriage he looked up to ...

... held high. He turned his head towards me and I saw in his eyes that it was He.” 3 For many years Mirra had been visited and guided in her dreams by several masters, one of whom she named Krishna. This “Krishna” always appeared to her in a dress which she, at the time unfamiliar with the Indian dhoti, could not identify and which she therefore thought to be a “costume worn in visions”. Now he stood... Jail. According to his own report he, like Mirra, received help from beings on the occult levels: from Ramakrishna and Vivekananda – both then deceased – and throughout from the Great Mother and Sri Krishna, who dictated to him the programme for his yogic development. Aurobindo considered Pondicherry his “cave of tapasya” where he worked out that programme (as shown in his diary which now is called ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... your account of the inconsistencies of the Gita, but those that have been urged against the combining of sadhanas of which the Gita is the finest example that I was speaking of. Your objection to Krishna's pouring contradictory sadhanas on Arjuna was, I said, akin to these and not more sustainable. All the other side questions I consider irrelevant and of no importance. The setting of the Gita is... if you consider it a bad Page 442 one, that does not matter. It makes no difference, even if you are right, to the spiritual excellence of the Gita. I care nothing whether Sanjaya and Krishna and Arjuna of the Mahabharat were myths or real persons. The only thing that is important is that the sadhana of the Gita is a real thing and can be lived and that if spiritually lived, its so-called ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... DR. MANILAL: If it was not true and if Krishna and Arjuna didn't exist, you would not have written Essays on the Gita, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? Whether they existed or not I would still have written the book if the truth of the Gita was there. NIRODBARAN: Sri Aurobindo himself has said in the preface that the important point is not whether Krishna and Arjuna did actually exist but whether ...

... prepared? It is a certain movement which takes place in his nature leaving his soul free, unaffected. If he were to use his freedom he would grow twenty arms and ten eyes. But he does not do so. Krishna says he has been taking birth always since the beginning. It is not that God is above somewhere else and has to come down. He is always here and everywhere. Only he has to manifest his Divinity. ...

... the next stage will be to see the Unity as a creative duality of Two-in-One: Pure Existence and Power of ,Consciousness, Purusha and Prakriti, Krishna and Kali. The true Yogi turns himself into a pure engine of Power; to be used for His purposes by Krishna. What, then, happens to the individual self? In itself it is nothing; but the more the Yogi becomes a power-house of the Supreme and a centre... the settled perception of the One behind the manifold, and also to the rapture of such unitive experience; then, from that position to the active self, from Krishna to Kali, the total elimination of the ego and the total sovereignty of Krishna and Kali, divine Knowledge coupled with divine Power; and then, the opening up of the higher planes of consciousness up to and including the supramental, and... Yoga is incomplete: When the Unity has been well founded, the static half of our work is done, but the active half remains. It is then that in the One we must see the Master and His Power, - Krishna and Kali as I name them using the terms of our Indian religions; the Power occupying the whole of myself and my nature which becomes Kali and ceases to be anything else, the Master using, directing ...

... the beginning of the Kaliyuga, Page 341 traditionally dated to Krishna's death, at 1452/1482 B.C. and 1416/1446 B.C. respectively working back 8 or 9 generations of preceptors from Ashvalayana, a contemporary of Buddha, to Parikshit who was enthroned after Krishna's death. In another discussion, 12 Sethna examines the Arthashastra and shows it as not having... interval between Panini and Patanjali, but closer to the former on account of the reference to the prevalence of worship of the Nasatya and the bracketing of an evil spirit Krishna with Kamsa recalling the asura Krishna of the Veda, which indicates a period prior to that of the Vasudeva cult recorded by Megasthenes. On this basis, the original Arthashastra is assigned by Sethna to c. ... Dwaraka, where the submergence has been dated to about 1400 B.C., tallying with what the Maha- Page 334 bharata and the Harivamsa state regarding this event following Krishna's death. If the Kurukshetra war took place around this time, surely the period of the Rigveda will have to be considerably anterior to it and can by no means be around 1500 B.C. as the invasionists ...

... much greater than the love that flows from the heart of both Hinduism and Buddhism to all creatures and not merely to human beings. Similarly, Krishna, though appreciated, is cut down in comparison to Christ and also relegated to the world of myth. Krishna is obviously historical in the Chhandogya Upanishad. In the Mahabharata he is depicted fully as a human being who is the Divine Incarnate. Even... the world." As a later talk (September 13,1967) clarifies, if Christ Page 53 had a glorified body it belongs not to the world but to heaven. Christianity, Reincarnation and Krishna In Griffiths's remarkably wide-visioned book as well as in his recent elevating speech another sad deficiency is in regard to Reincarnation. He quotes Shankara to the effect that "the... range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot be matched by anything in any other sacred book. (Here I hold no brief for the Gathas of Zarathustra, though I was born a Parsi.) The Krishna who emerges from whatever myth and legend have grown around his historicity is a uniquely many-sided and magnificently soul-satisfying figure at once ideal and actual, immense and intense, oceanic ...

... the Masculine and Krishna represents the Feminine. One Beauty manifesting in two forms. Silent and grandiose, static and wide, a figure with the adornment of Nature’s ornament, having no artificiality and softness, Shiva represents the Eternal Purusha. Attractive, changing, dynamic, mild, bewildering in behaviour and adorned with rare riches and artistic garments, Krishna represents the feminine... What difference do you find between now after the passing away of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and before? I think, when an Avatar takes birth on earth, He can never leave it. Do you think Sri Krishna is gone and finished with? Sri Aurobindo is still here, as the Mother has said. Now it is for the individual to find and feel. If you try with sincerity Their help is always there. You are young ...

... magnificent chapters, the Gita describes, in words of fire, the Supreme Godhead as the universal Spirit who demands of the human soul a conscious and obedient participation in His world-action. Sri Krishna says to Arjuna before giving him the revealing vision of His universal form: "Thou shalt see my hundreds and thou- sands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the... and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou wiliest to behold."¹ Sri Krishna then makes His universal Form visible to Arjuna. "It is that of the infinite God- head whose faces are everywhere and in whom are all the wonders of existence, who multiplies unendingly all ... the thrilled longing of love—the very spirit of it is one of harmonisation of the various strands of our being, and antithetical to all exclusiveness. "All works culminate in knowledge," says Sri Krishna, and, one might add, also in exalting and unifying love. The works of a yogi well out of an increasing knowledge and a flaming love—they are radiant and rapturous pulses of power. How can one offer ...

... In this case it is very possible that she got into some kind of connection with the actual world of Krishna and the Gopis—through the vital. This seems to be indicated first by the sense of extreme rapture and light and beauty and secondly by the contact with the "Blue Radiance" that was Krishna—that phrase and the expressions she uses have a strong touch of something that was authentic. I say through ...

... what will become of mere power and strength which has no office left but selfishness and self-aggrandisement? How long will it be before it is withdrawn as the strength of Arjuna was withdrawn when Krishna went from him; as the strength of Ravana was withdrawn when Rama beheld the Power of God protecting the Rakshasa in her arms, and prayed to the Mother? ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... between past enemies and rivals). In mutual aid and self-limitation lie also the growth and fulfilment of each collective individuality. That is the great Law of Sacrifice enunciated ages ago by Sri Krishna in the Gita-"By increasing each other all will attain the Summum Bonum." Page 83 ...

... between past enemies and rivals). In mutual aid and self-limitation lie also the growth and fulfilment of each collective individuality. That is the great Law of Sacrifice enunciated ages ago by Sri Krishna in the Gita—"By increasing each other all will attain the Summum Bonum." Page 29 ...

... Dharma of the age and race. That may make him temperamentally congenial to Gandhi and the Page 315 reverse to you; but just as Gandhi's temperamental recoil from Krishna does not prove Krishna to be no Avatar, so your tem- peramental recoil from Rama does not establish that he was not an Avatar. However, my main point will be that Avatarhood does not depend upon these questions... Nimai Pandit and had no consciousness of being anything else. Then he had his conversion and became the bhakta Chaitanya. This bhakta at times seemed to be possessed by the presence of Krishna, knew himself to be Krishna, spoke, moved and appeared with the light of the Godhead — none around him could think of or see him as anything else when he was in this glorified and transfigured condition. But from... the Russells and Bernard Shaws can only end by setting up another set of conventions in the place of those they have skittled over. Only by rising above mind can one really get beyond conventions — Krishna was able to do it because he was not a mental human being but an overmental godhead acting freely out of a greater consciousness than man's. Rama was not that, he was the Avatar of the sattwic mind ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... occupation nor can war be called a spiritual line of action. But Krishna calls upon Arjuna to carry on war of the most terrible kind and by his example encourage men to do every kind of human work, sarvakarmāṇi . Do you contend that Krishna was an unspiritual man and that his advice to Arjuna was mistaken or wrong in principle? Krishna goes farther and declares that a man by doing in the right way and... work or all kinds of work demanded from us by the Divine. If it were not so, there would not have been great spiritual men like Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian... yet be a spiritual man, practise Yoga, have an inner life. The Gita is constantly justifying works as a means of spiritual salvation and enjoining a Yoga of works as well as of Bhakti and Knowledge. Krishna, however, superimposes a higher law also that work must be done without desire, without attachment to any fruit or reward, without any egoistic attitude or motive, as an offering or sacrifice to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... battle of life in which forces of Light and Darkness are constantly clashing. As regards the dilemma of Arjuna, Sri Krishna assures him that the Divine Will shall be fulfilled as far as the battle of Kurukshetra is concerned, even if Arjuna does not participate in it as its instrument. Krishna says to Arjuna in effect :Kurukshetra is not your battle only though each participant has joined it for his own... carnations including that of Christ. Sri Krishna says : "I have accepted human birth and action; one who knows my birth and action as divine really knows me." Gita points out that divine action by the human being is possible; it is possible by a gradual development of the human consciousness. This is made clear in the Vibhuti Yoga chapters by Sri Krishna declaring: " I am Arjuna among... of a still earlier human speech. Or the whole voluminous mass of its litanies may be only a selection by Veda Vyasa out of more richly vocal Aryan past. Made, according to the common belief, by Krishna of the Isle, the great traditional sage, the colossal compiler ( Vyasa ), with his face turned towards the commencement of the Iron Age, towards the centuries of increasing twilight and final darkness ...

... occupation nor can war be called a spiritual line of action. But Krishna calls upon Arjuna to carry on war of the most terrible kind and by his example encourage men to do every kind of human work, sarva karmani. Do you contend that Krishna was an unspiritual man and that his advice to Arjuna was mistaken or wrong in principle? Krishna goes further and declares that a man by doing in the right way... work or all kinds of work demanded from us by the Divine. If it were not so, there would not have been great spiritual men like Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian... be a spiritual man, practise yoga, have an inner life. The Gita is constantly justifying works as a means of spiritual salvation and enjoining a Yoga of Works as well as of Bhakti and Knowledge. Krishna, however, superimposes a higher law also that work must be done without desire, without attachment to any fruit or reward, without any egoistic attitude or motive, as an offering or sacrifice to ...

... the creative and transformative Supermind may sweep to terrestrial shores. The Aurobindonian Karma Yoga is not content with one's becoming an instrument of Sri Krishna's power of action: our consciousness has to receive the descent of Sri Krishna and realise Him acting as our own selves from our very bodies, not just from above them. And, along with His action, there is the experience of the everlasting... also "ray". So I could be addressed as "The Clear Cow"! I suppose I thus get assimilated to the Krishna-legend and become a part of his herd and would stand out by being clearly recognisable as his ward and by being clear in recognising him as my leader. There is also the Vaishnava fancy that if Krishna is the one unique Divinity with whom the soul has to unite, all souls are feminine and He the single ...

... godhead. They want to hold man bound down in their grip. Such a moment of crisis came to man in the time of Sri Krishna. The Kurukshetra War is known as a war of righteousness, dharma-yuddha; it was a war of the gods and the titans. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra Sri Krishna gave his message that was to initiate the New Age that was coming. In exactly the same way, Sri Aurobindo began to ...

... Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on ...

... bright in colours and numerous in forms and groups, mostly crude, in the prana akasha; this was under stimulus. In the afternoon the depression of the tejas parted and the Krishna Kali emerged with the Rudra personality of Krishna; the kamananda more continuous & persistent while walking. There is a throwback in the saundarya. The continuity and intensity of sharira Page 276 ananda are predicted... external intrusions appearing with or without provocation. Exposure to cold is still effective in assisting this kind of uneasiness. The Kali consciousness aware of Krishna as the Iswara attached itself to all the acts & experiences; but the Krishna personality was held back & the anna given over to other influences. This last movement was the result of the attempt to execute with force of tejas a second ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Vignana  is not the fundamental realization of the One. It means the knowledge of the principles of the Divine Being; what Krishna (in the Gita) speaks of  "Tattvatah" One cannot know the complete Divine except in the Supermind. That is why Krishna said that one who knows him in the "true principles of his being" is rare, "Kashchit". The Upanishads also speak of the ...

... vaster scale for the whole country. He was a competent policy maker with a penetrating vision. 1 Their meeting had taken place in the office room that served as Sanjibani office. As Krishna Kumar Mitra used to work for his paper and receive people there, his wife Lilabati had hung up that motto on the wall. Page 73 But Sri Aurobindo always made light of his own acc... spiritual. A spiritual master's consciousness is wide as the universe, so it is natural that he sees more widely than we ordinary people do. In point of fact, Sri Aurobindo, like his predecessor Sri Krishna, was intensely spiritual and intensely material. He had a very firm grasp of the material. Remember the way he had organized the great movement for Independence. Later events too were to disprove ...

... is the symbol of the Divine Truth, and the Mother is the incarnation of this Truth. NIRODBARAN: The other vision was of an intense blue light striking him in the eyes. SRI AUROBINDO: That is Krishna's light. ...

... can say is that he has thought about the problem. And he himself says that experience is necessary. How can you say from his writings whether he has had any experience or not? You know what my uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra said? When The Synthesis of Yoga in the Arya came out, he said that it was all philosophy; there was nothing of Yoga in it. NIRODBARAN: Did he do any Yoga? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Introduction The Age of the Vedas and the principal Upanishads was the Age of Intuition, but this Age was followed by the Age of Reason. Inspired texts of the Veda and the Upanishads made room for metaphysical philosophy, even as afterwards metaphysical philosophy had to give place to experimental ...

... world's Lord and Lover. In short, to follow the light which is shed by Avatars like Krishna and in scriptures like the Gita. Reference to Krishna and the Gita is an appropriate approach to the theme of the Kaliyuga on which you have made interesting comments. According to tradition, the Kaliyuga came the moment Krishna's "lotus-feet" left the earth. The message of the Gita is, therefore, the last spiritual... We have covered a wide range of topics spanning thousands of years if we count Sri Aurobindo on the one hand and Sri Krishna on the other. This pair of names standing at the two time-extremes of our subject-matter seems significant. Hasn't Sri Aurobindo said, "It is Sri Krishna's work that is being done in our Ashram", meaning not just a continuation of old traditional Vaish-navism but a new extension... Take the whole complex of events in proper significant sequence. First is the fact of Drona harassing the Pandavas with a divine "astra", a weapon not permissible in a conflict among Kshatriyas. Krishna emphasises the unfairness of the fighting and declares that an unfair counter can be made to it. He tells his comrades that if somehow Drona can be led to believe that his son has died he will drop ...

... public by her enemies, she appealed inwardly to Sri Krishna for Page 105 help. "O Sovereign of the Highest Heaven, come!" No response. "O Master of the Seven Worlds, come!" Nothing. "O Ruler of the Four Quarters, come!" Still no answer. Then desperately Draupadi called out, "O Dweller in my own heart, come!" Immediately Sri Krishna appeared to her subtle vision and signed to her not... not to be afraid. The enemies were foiled in their attempt to undrape her. The sari went on unfolding endlessly. Later Draupadi chided Sri Krishna and asked why he took so long in coming. He explained: "You see, the Highest Heaven, the Seven Worlds, even the Four Quarters are far away and it takes time to come from them. But when you called me from your own heart where I dwell, I could come at once." ...

... time." I answered—maybe—especially when Krishna is supposed to have contained the whole universe in his mouth or when he says that whoever takes the name of the Divine, or offers a flower, etc., comes to his feet. Then why is it said again that he is an Overmind god? Doesn't it mean that there is a greater godhead than Krishna? What was said was that Krishna as a manifestation on earth opened the... forbidden. February 3, 1936 You can send your Force to whomever you like—Lenin, Kemal, Gandhi, but how people calling Shiva or Krishna for their Ishta Devata 152 get responses from you, I don't understand. Again who is Shiva? and who is Krishna? and what is an Ishta Devata? There is only one Divine, not a thousand Divines. It would mean that wherever a sincere heart is aspiring... the possibility of the Overmind consciousness here to men and stood for that, as Rama was the incarnation in mental Man. If Krishna was an overmind "God", that means he was not an Incarnation, not the Divine, but somebody else who claimed to be the Divine—i.e. he was a god who somehow thought he was God. Somehow I can't accept that people following other paths of sadhana are calling Mother and ...

... much greater than the love that flows from the heart of both Hinduism and Buddhism to all creatures and not merely to human beings. Similarly, Krishna, though appreciated, is cut down in comparison to Christ and also relegated to the world of myth. Krishna is obviously historical in the Chhandogya Upanishad. In the Mahabharata he is depicted fully as a human being who is the Divine Incarnate. Even... Page 13 world." As a later talk (September 13, 1967) clarifies, if Christ had a glorified body it belonged not to the world but to heaven. Christianity, Reincarnation and Krishna In Griffiths's remarkably wide-visioned book as well as in his recent elevating speech another sad deficiency is in regard to Reincarnation. He quotes Shankara to the effect that "the Lord... range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot be matched by anything in any other scripture. (Here I hold no brief for the Gathas of Zarathustra, though I was born a Parsi.) The Krishna who emerges from whatever myth and legend have grown around his historicity is a uniquely many-sided and magnificently soul-satisfying figure at once ideal and actual, immense and intense, oceanic ...

... not rejected or excised. When the Unity has been well founded, the static half of our work is done, but the active half remains. It is then that in the One we must see the Master and His Power,—Krishna and Kali as I name them using the terms of our Indian religions; the Power occupying the whole of myself and my nature which becomes Kali and ceases to be anything else, the Master using, directing... not mine, with that which I call myself only as a centre of his universal existence and responding to its workings as a soul to the Soul, taking upon itself his image until there is nothing left but Krishna and Kali. This is the stage I have reached in spite of all setbacks and recoils, imperfectly indeed in the secureness and intensity of the state, but well enough in the general type. When that has ...

... should act, how he should not act—they can only come in the way. Only the Divine Himself matters. When your consciousness embraces the Divine, then you can know what the Divine is, not before. Krishna is Krishna, one does not care what he did or did not do; only to see Him, meet Him, feel the Light, the Presence, the Love, the Ananda is what matters. So it is always for the spiritual aspiration—it is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... It was taught essentially in order to fit men for violence in a right cause. The emphasis was always on being right, not on being non- violent. The holiest figures in Indian tradition, Rama and Krishna, were mighty warriors and urged men to battle against the enemies of dharma. To explain away their fights as being allegories of inner struggle between man's higher self and his lower is to ...

... Aurobindo Ashram. I also had a glimpse of Dakshineshwar, on the other side of the Ganges. Here Ramakrishna lived, meditated, did tapasya and realised the Supreme Goddess. Temples of Kali, Radha and Krishna form part of the complex. There is a big banyan tree known as Panchvati, referring to Sri Ramakrishna's five-fold sadhana which culminated in the realisation of the harmony of all religions. Beneath ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... divine form in each and all things? It may happen so. But I am not sure; I have the impression that there is a large part of imagination in such experiences. You may, for example, see the form of Krishna or Christ or Buddha in every being or thing. But I say that much of human conception enters into this perception. Otherwise what I was telling you just now would Page 28 not be true ...

... speedy and effective. Otherwise, mere contrition and lamentation and self-torture mean, as I have said, a ballast, a burden upon the force Page 88 of progress and purification; as Sri Krishna says in the Gita, by oppressing oneself one oppresses only the Divine within. Humility, in order to be true and sincere, need not be sour and dour in appearance or go about in sack-cloth and ashes ...

... becomes all the more speedy and effective. Otherwise, mere contrition and lamentation and self-torture mean, as I have said, a ballast, a burden upon the force of progress and purification; as Sri Krishna says in the Gita, by oppressing .oneself one oppresses only the Divine within. Humility, in .order to be true and sincere, need not be sour and dour in .appearance or go about in sack-cloth and ashes ...

... divine form in each and all things? It may happen so. But I am not sure; I have the impression that there is a large part of imagination in such experiences. You may, for example, see the form of Krishna or Christ or Buddha in every being or thing. But I say that much of human conception enters into this perception. Otherwise what I was telling you just now would not be true. I said all who have the ...

... Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I Jaigum Preface In the Gita, Sri Krishna says to Arjuna: Yad-yad vibhuti matsatvam srimadoorjitamevava Tat-tatdevavagachha tvam mamatejomsha sambhavam (10.41) That is: "Wherever you find efflorescence of grace, Opulence, grandeur or power that thrills the heart— Know: it all derives... humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as to Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the spirit. Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune February 21, 2003 Page 16 ...

... Vijnana, does not mean merely the fundamental realisation of the One. It means the knowledge of the principle of the Divine Being, what Krishna speaks of as Janati tattwata. One cannot know the complete Divine except in what I have called the Supermind. That's why Krishna said of himself that one who knows him in the true principles of his being is rare. The Upanishads also speak of the Brahman as Chatushpada ...

... listened with rapt attention. On the subject of incarnation, he cited instances of the philosophic and practical types of manifestation, explaining in detail that Vyasa was the philosophic type and Sri Krishna the practical. He freely expounded the Upanishadic principles... "His continued stay at a place might cause the secret to leak out, and we talked about his removal... I was charged to escort him... in the last week of February, asking him to go to Pondicherry and arrange for Sri Aurobindo's stay there. Page 346 The preparation for Suresh's departure was made by Sukumar Mitra, Krishna Kumar Mitra's son and Sri Aurobindo's cousin. Suresh started by train from Calcutta on the 28th and reached Pondicherry on the 31st March. We quote below a few lines from A.B. Purani's Life of Sri ...

... father, King Revat, wanted to get her married and wished to consult Brahma, the Creator, about it." King Revat was the king of Kushasthali on the Arabian Sea; it is over its ruins that in another age Krishna built his Dwaraka. Revat lived in Treta Yuga when men mingled freely with gods. Princess Revati accompanied her father. "So he went to the Brahmaloka and he was entertained with a song by an Apsara... said all those people had already died! While he was listening to the song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said, 'Well, Krishna and Balaram and others have gone down to humanity, you may go and give your daughter to Balaram.' "So, Revati was married to Balaram. When she came to Balaram after marriage, he looked up to her ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 54 The Karmayogin Sukumar Mitra had gone to Agra to see if he could do something for his father, Krishna Kumar Mitra, held a prisoner in the Agra Fort from December 1908. So he was not at home to welcome his cousin when he was released from Alipore Jail. Upon his return he found his Auro-dada at home in N°6... Majumdar helped with the proof-reading and news reporting, and ... But let us hear from Nolini himself. "On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the Page 501 place was known as the Sanjibani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we ...

... the sacred tulsi-plant. We know little of Andal except what we can gather from a few legends, some of them richly beautiful and symbolic. Most of Vishnuchitta's poems have the infancy and boyhood of Krishna for their subject. Andal, brought up in that atmosphere, cast into the mould of her life what her foster-father had sung in inspired hymns. Her own poetry—we may suppose that she passed early into ...

... I saw the Mother just above each youth participating in the Foundation Ceremony, with Her beatific, sweet, supreme smile. She radiated bright golden light and Her Divine Love. This reminded me of Krishna's Ras Lila. Each participant was on a lion, holding his country's flag in one hand and the earth of his land in the other, marching towards the Foundation Urn. The whole sight was magnificent. The lions ...

... mortal bodies. Their sudden withdrawal from the physical world came as a shock to all of us who were close to them and were associated in their endeavours. We remember the assurance given by Lord Krishna in the Gita (2-23): Nainang Chindanti Shastrani Nainang dahati pavakah Na chainang kledayantapo Na Shoshoyati marutah Weapons can never cleave nor fire burn Neither ...

... individual. SRI AUROBINDO: How does Anilbaran come to his view of the individual? PURANI: He quotes the Gita where Arjuna is said to be an instrument of the Divine. SATYENDRA: But why then does Krishna ask him also to be manmana, madbhakta (my-minded, my devotee)? SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. And why does he ask Arjuna to get rid of Ahankara? ( Sri Aurobindo quoted the passage.) Who is that "you" ...

... asked? Is martyrdom then our ideal? Not so, for we do not believe that evil forces can be appeased or conquered or transformed by yielding to them, letting them free to have their own way. Otherwise Krishna would not have enjoined. and inspired (almost incited) Arjuna to enter on a bloody battle. Still forces, whether good or bad, are conquered or quelled or transformed truly and permanently by forces ...

... consciousness and Brahmic consciousness is not clear to many people, and also some of the Monists consider Ishwar to be a lower status than Brahman because it is dissolved in the Pralaya. But Krishna took side openly in Maha Bharata and Rama also. Rama they do not consider an Avatar – He was weeping because he was not self-conscious – why! An Avatar cannot weep!! Sri Aurobindo had sent the ...

... is sometimes deficient. Asiddhi does not bring revolt, but only a temporary failing of positive Ananda and a depression of force and faith. Everything being now seen as the play of the Lilamaya Krishna, revolt is no longer possible. It is also seen that all forces, all experiences act & occur, succeed & fail in pursuance of his self-fulfilment in the world. It is only in the relations of the Lilamaya... Brahmadarshana; but there is need of smarana still. As soon as there is smarana, there is complete darshana, but emerging out of the incomplete darshana in which Ananda is involved, not dominant & Krishna concealed by the extended Brahman. In the person Kali is organised in the Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati combination, the second element as yet insufficient, but the dominant Mahakali is occasional... occasional only, the normal bhava being the contained and dominated Mahakali. This again is due to the gulf that still remains between the Purusha & the Shakti. The Purusha is the dominant Krishna, bala, Balarama-Aniruddha; but the Prakriti does not always feel the fullness of the tertiary dasya & the actual presence of the bhava of madhura-dasya. Hence the Ishwara is recognised, but the Devi is not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... without distinction. To realise the One everywhere and see the One in the Many as well as the Many in the One is the goal of the Hindu mystic, the climax of the Hindu religious experience. And Sri Krishna in the Gita declares that even a Chandala, a scavenger, can become a knower of God and stand with the highest. In the face of such a declaration and doctrine it is difficult to understand how... glorious personality of Buddha and the great experience he embodied remained stamped on the Indian mind, so much so that he was included in the list of the Avatars and put beside Sri Rama and Sri Krishna, but after a few glowing centuries the religion he had propagated lost its grip and died out. The Hindu View and Way of Life The inclusion of Buddha among the Avatars and at the same... escaped completely the mind of the critic but which answer to the Indian soul's need and against which Buddhism could not stand long. Buddhism could never have taken into its scheme Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. It is, like most other religions, a one-track move towards the Eternal. Hinduism is multitudinous and multifarious, catholic and synthetic, a cosmos of creeds and experiences. It is a gigantic diversity ...

... connects with Vasudeva." Even linguistically the equivalent of "Heracles" can be found: "Harikrishna." When the "Krishna" of "Krishnapura" becomes "Cleiso" in "Cleisobora", the terminal "cles" of "Heracles" can well be equated to "Krishna" added to "Hera" for "Hari". But, if we have Krishna Vāsudeva here, how in any sense can he be 15th after Dionysus or Prithu? He cannot be even 15th from Vaivasvata... almost the last Yādava was Krishna. 2 The term "Yada-va" means in general a member of Yadu's family: its first and immediate meaning is "son of Yadu". If Krishna, who is the Yādava par excellence just as Rāma Dāśarathi is the preeminent Raghava (descendant of the Solar Line of Raghu), is understood as "son of Yadu", then, since Yadu is 14th in succession to Prithu, Krishna is 15th. And he is 15th not... earlier than Krishna who, according to us, substitutes one of these sons in Megasthenes's understanding. The precise generation-number 15 which Krishna as "Yādava" could fit is too suggestive to be without relevance to our problem of Dionysus's having been "fifteen generations earlier than Heracles". Besides, the very name of the son, through whom the line which nearly ended with Krishna came into ...

... little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time I was led to call him Krishna, and henceforth I was aware that it was with him (whom I knew I should meet on earth one day) that the divine work was to be done … As soon as I saw Sri Aurobindo I recognized in him the well-known being whom I used to call Krishna.’ 12 She wanted to meet him alone that first time on 29 March 1914. And there... there he stood at the top of the staircase waiting for her, exactly as the ‘Krishna’ she had seen in her visions. The next day she wrote in her diary: ‘It matters little that there are thousands of beings plunged in the densest ignorance, He whom we saw yesterday is on earth; his presence is enough to prove that a day will come when darkness shall be transformed into light, and Thy reign shall be indeed ...

... is something much more; many other things besides and in them all a Presence, a Being, a Divine Person; for the Divine is Krishna, is Shiva, is the Supreme Mother. But through the Ananda you can perceive the Anandamaya Krishna; for the Ananda is the subtle body and being of Krishna; through the Peace you can perceive the Shantimaya Shiva; in the Light, in the delivering Knowledge, the Love, the fulfilling... I seek you for that" changes to a sheer "I seek you for you." It is that marvellous and ineffable absolute in the Divine that Krishnaprem means when he says, "Not knowledge nor this nor that, but Krishna." The pull of that is indeed a categorical imperative, the self in us drawn to the Divine because of the imperative call of its greater Self, the soul ineffably drawn towards the object of its adoration ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... church bells ] are usually sounds that indicate the opening or attempt to open to the cosmic consciousness. The music you heard was the music of the divine call to the soul—like the flute of Krishna. Subtle Smells and Tastes It [ experiencing subtle smells and tastes ] was not an opening of occult knowledge and powers, but simply an opening of the inner consciousness. Subtle smells ...

... also an order of reality:         A sealed identity within her woke;       She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme:... 298   She is Mother, Brahma's word, Shiva's spouse, Krishna's Radha; and, indeed, she is the Adorer and Adored self-lost and one". Savitri now comes to the last chamber where she espies the formless fount of her "straying force", and passing beyond it through ...

... in visions, but could not make out the exact identity. She thought it might be a Chinese figure. SRI AUROBINDO: No, it was not like that. Every day somebody used to appear to her calling himself Krishna. As soon as she saw me, she recognised that it was myself. EVENING DR. MANILAL: Could Hitler be called as great as Napoleon, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: What? How can he be compared with Napoleon ...

... Table of Illustrations Page Frontispiece, From old issues of The Modern Review (courtesy Patrice Marot) 23 , 54, 214 , 425, 475, 557 12 Krishna Dhan Ghose, from Sukumar Mitra's article on Sri Aurobindo in Basumati, Phalgun 1358 38 Bankim Chandra Chatterji 59 Sarojini Ghose (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal ...

... modern way of thinking; but if we look at its description of the Para Prakriti, we shall find that this is practically the substance of what it says. For first, this other higher Prakriti is, says Krishna, my supreme nature, prakṛtiṁ me parām . And this "I" here is the Purushottama, the supreme Being, the supreme Soul, the transcendent and universal Spirit. The original and eternal nature of the Spirit... Spirit and its transcendent and originating Shakti is what is meant by the Para Prakriti. For speaking first of the origin of the world from the point of view of the active power of his Nature, Krishna assevers, "This is the womb of all beings," etad-yonīni bhūtāni . And in the next line of the couplet, again Page 268 stating the same fact from the point of view of the originating Soul... else supreme beyond Me." Here then the supreme Soul, Purushottama, and the supreme Nature, Para Prakriti, are identified: they are put as two ways of looking at one and the same reality. For when Krishna declares, I am the birth of the world and its dissolution, it is evident that it is this Para Prakriti, supreme Nature, of his being which is both these things. The Spirit is the supreme Being in his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... disciple had indeed once advised me, casually, to take the Mother's name should anything 'untoward' happen. But I had only smiled at the word. How could anything untoward happen to me when I only wanted Krishna? Besides, ghosts and spirits were too fantastic to be able to exist except, of course, as vapours of a heated brain. Page 212 So, naturally, I sat down to meditation in a flawlessly... appeared in the subtle and danced before my eyes, as I told you, and also her characteristic red colour appeared. When you sang of Shiva, he actually came and stood before me and you. When you sang of Krishna, the blue colour, which is His colour, appeared and, just when your aspiration mounted and He was about to manifest Himself, you stopped." "I regret so much, Mother," I said smiling. "I wish... for I would then have emitted 'a cry that shivers to the tingling stars.'" "No matter," said Mother, giving me an answering smile. "The stars will tingle all right — all in good time. Besides, Krishna is difficult to invoke in this way, much more difficult than Kali. But what I am emphasising is that you have been succeeding more and more in expressing your theme: the white light which developed ...

... Aurobindo and the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the Spirit. Dol Purnima 26th March 2005 Shankar Bandopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir Page 12 ...

... scene. Their appearance was probably necessitated by the prevailing world conditions where Dharma had fallen into decline with the rise of Adharma or sin or unrighteousness and the promise of Sri Krishna had to be redeemed by the descent of the Avatars for the regeneration of humanity. Apropos of our subject, it is relevant to quote Swami Vivekananda here. The Swami defines religion in the following ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 22 Darwinian Evolution Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose's letter set me thinking. Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species was published in 1859. It was the most important book to come out in the second half of the nineteenth century; for it not merely opened a new era in biology but, causing a sensation as it ...

... trees, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover... permission after some time to take a stroll every morning and afternoon in the open space in front of his cell. He was also permitted to obtain clothes and books from home and accordingly asked his uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, to send him the Gita and the Upanishads. We come now to the overwhelming spiritual experience Sri Aurobindo had in jail. He spoke of it in his Uttarpara Speech, to which I have... could not learn for yourself and to train you for my work." Then he placed the Gita in my hands. His strength entered into me and I was not only to understand intellectually but to realise what Sri Krishna demanded of Arjuna and what He demands of those who aspire to do His work.' Then Sri Aurobindo goes on to speak of his experience: He made me realise the central truth of the Hindu religion. He ...

... instead of a victory"), the next stage would be to see the Unity as a creative duality of Two-in-One: Pure Existence and Power of Consciousness, or Krishna and Kali. The true Yogi turns himself into a pure engine of Power, to be used for His purposes by Krishna. What, then, happens to the individual self? In itself it is nothing; the more the Yogi becomes a power-house of the Supreme and a centre of the... God which is within us all. 3 For some time, she had encountered in her dreams several teachers, some of whom she afterwards met in real life. But the face - which she was led to call 'Krishna' - that appeared again and again, this face she was not to meet till some years later. On Paul Richard reporting to her about his conversations with Sri Aurobindo - especially about his explanation... 30 the same afternoon, she met Sri Aurobindo in the upstairs of his house in Rue Francois Martin. At the very first sight, recognition came like a flash of lightning: Sri Aurobindo was verily the 'Krishna' she had met so often in her dreams. There was no need for speech, she Sat at Sri Aurobindo's feet and closed her eyes, only her mind was open to him. A great silence now encompassed her and flooded ...

... brain is her chief opponent. Pass over the madness of such and profit by their inspiration. 216) Who can bear Kali rushing into the system in her fierce force and burning godhead? Only the man whom Krishna already possesses. 217) Hate not the oppressor, for, if he is strong, thy hate increases his force of resistance; if he is weak, thy hate was needless. 218) Hatred is a sword of power, but its... as God's theatre; be thou the mask of the Actor and let Him act through thee. If men praise or hiss thee, know that they too are masks & take God within for thy only critic and audience. 250) If Krishna be alone on one side and the armed & organised world with its hosts and its shrapnel and its Maxims on the other, yet prefer thy divine solitude. Care not if the world passes over thy body and its... perfection. Wait; for it is a divine wager, and out of this baseness, God will emerge brilliant and triumphant. 296) Why dost thou recoil from a mask? Behind its odious, grotesque or terrible seemings Krishna laughs at thy foolish Page 462 anger, thy more foolish scorn or loathing and thy most foolish terror. 297) When thou findest thyself scorning another, look then at thy own heart and ...

... should seize the eternal feet of Krishna. Not hope to seize them at some future date — 'if we are good' as they used to say when we were children. Now, now, now ! Let the past go and the future take care of itself. "It is natural that you should be painfully affected by the horrors of Bengal but that too is in Krishna's hands. He who has given himself to Krishna must keep his eyes on His feet,... Incommunicable* The Gita says that everything that has a beginning must have an end. After Gurudev had assured me that he loved me not a whit less because of my insistence on the unique epiphany of Krishna, things returned slowly to normal and the imbroglio ended. But woe is me! The respite was as short-lived as it was delectable. For, I had hardly begun to have a glimpse of what Gurudev called the... more so to see the nature of the troubles you refer to. Set your teeth and stick it out as best you can: the darkness will pass if you keep facing it. Never mind what happens: keep your mind on Sri Krishna's feet, remember always that you belong to Him and not to yourself and just go on whether in light or in darkness, in joy or in sorrow as He wills. But stick to it. Since your Gurudev sanctions, take ...

... that Shiva lived on earth, that Krishna lived on earth. As for Buddha and Christ, we know they lived on earth—it raised enough rumpus! People even made more fuss about Christ's death than about his life. As for Buddha, he professed himself in favor of going away for good (although he didn't actually). But the others...? They have of course told the story of Krishna's death—but they have told many stories ...

... Arjuna when he laid down his bow after seeing the two vast armies on the battlefield ready to slaughter each other, and said to Krishna, "I am not able to stand and my mind seems to be whirling." NIRODBARAN: Perhaps you have come as a Arjuna in this new play of Krishna. SATYENDRA: For you it is all right. You have begun with Intuition on the way to Supermind. SRI AUROBINDO(referring to Nirod's ...

... Life of Sri Aurobindo CHAPTER VII Chandernagore From May 1909 to February 1910 Sri Aurobindo stayed at the house of his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6, College Square, Calcutta. He used to go to the office of the Karmayogin and the Dharma at 4, Shyam Pukur Lane every day at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was winter and Sri Aurobindo came wrapped... to Srinivasachari was given to him. He walked to the Howrah station and took his seat in the second class. He was dressed as an Anglo-Indian. Saurin Bose, Mrinalini Devi's cousin and Sukumar Mitra, Krishna Kumar's son, were on the platform to see him off. They gave him his second class ticket and Rs. 30 in cash. He reached Pondicherry on the 31st. Some people thought then – and even now there may ...

... things. 172   It is his child still, he sees the familiar face and limbs, he meets the eyes lighted up with love, but he now sees them as the vessel of the immortal spirit, as Yasoda sees Krishna when he opens his mouth and reveals all the worlds to her. Savitri is no mere girl, but the "traveller of eternity"; she sojourns amidst ordinary humanity, yet is also "armed for the splendid hazard" ...

... MADE me remember! There was Saraswati saying, 'What about my sitar?' And Krishna, 'What about my flute?' ( Mother laughs ) There was another one also, I don't remember who. They were really upset! They told me right away, 'What are you talking about! We LOVE music.' All right. 'Fine,' I said ( Mother laughs ). It's true—Krishna is a great musician, and Saraswati is the perfection of expression.... Now ...

... hatred and malice, a calm self-dedicated dynamism — the state of consciousness in which Sri Krishna commanded Arjuna to make a crucial choice and to fight. Let me, however, add that a self-righteous frame of mind in which we grow fanatical and intolerant and exclusivist is not a movement towards a general "Krishna-consciousness" for any fight, but a drive towards a species of Spanish Inquisition or of ...

... full of humour and humanity, Sri Aurobindo covers a wide range of matters and ideas. For the first time the unabridged letters of Sri Aurobindo to Dilip Kumar are being published jointly by Hari Krishna Mandir and Mira Aditi. This is the fourth volume of the series. Here I must recount my own close association with Dilipda. It was through his book Among the Great that, in the early ...

... development and allows the play of forces to work out and in that play of forces it consents to certain things. It does not will for each individual fact. It may include also running away like Krishna who fled from Kala Yavana. Disciple : Is the Divine limited? Sri Aurobindo : Every one who descends for a spiritual purpose, will have to be limited : of course, such a limitation ...

... acquaintance of his father who ran a Brahmo school in Bengal, and perhaps to give his name an English touch. Aravinda was the third son of Krishna Dhan Ghose, at the time the Civil Surgeon in Rangpur, a town in East Bengal, which is now Bangladesh. Medical doctor Krishna Dhan Ghose (°1844) was a popular figure in Rangpur because of the idealism he showed in the execution of his office – ‘duty is my creed’... defiance of orthodox Hindu injunction, was to lose caste and invite social ostracism, but Krishna Dhan had no hesitation in running the risk … He came back to India a ‘pucca sahib’ [accomplished gentleman], determined to model himself on the British and throw away all Indian ways of life, customs and manners. Krishna Dhan admired the English; at the same time, he had a very strong aversion to the inertia... political and cultural situation at the time of Aravinda Ghose’s birth closely influenced the life of his parents. We know already that Krishna Dhan was an enthusiastic Anglophile. Swarnalata was educated as a Brahmo in the house of her prominent Brahmo father, and Krishna Dhan was still a Brahmo at the moment of their marriage, which was celebrated according to the Brahmo rites. Aravinda would not be ...

... nothing impossible," he wrote first, "in Mira Bai mani- festing in this way through the agency of Indira's trance, provided she (Mira) is still sufficiently in touch with this world to accom- pany Krishna where He manifests and in that case there would be no impossibility either in her taking the part she did in Indira's vision of her and her action. If Indira wrote in Hindi with which she was not ...

... n from Swami Vivekananda as to the direction for the later Tapasya. Eighteen years later, in 1926, he got the Siddhi of his Tapasya when Sri Krishna entered in his subtle physical body. That was the merging of the Overmental consciousness of Sri Krishna in the body of Sri Aurobindo. It was the eighteen years of his Tapasya that had brought down the Truth, like the eighteen years of Tapasya of... below. There has to be the descent of the higher force too. It is the combination of both that brings in a higher rung in evolution. All the previous Avatars, like Matsya or Varaha or Buddha or Sri Krishna came at a point of time when the evolution was ready for assimilating their Truth. So, in a way we can also say that there is an evolution of Avatar from the earth itself, in the sense of evolution... writer but hardly anyone thought of him as an Avatar. That means within these many years people came to take Sri Aurobindo as the Avatar. Until then even to his closest disciples he was like Sri Krishna to Arjuna, a very close and dear friend. After 1926 and till 1938, their roles reversed. Now it was Sri Aurobindo who established the Mother as the Divine Mother. In 1926 the Ashram began ...

... his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine... the inner power to awaken and manifest; it is, as it were, a concession of the omnipotent and omniscient Divine to the generality of a law that governs Nature. Thus it is said in the Upanishads of Krishna, son of Devaki, that he received a word of the Rishi Ghora and had the knowledge. So Ramakrishna, having attained by his own internal effort the central illumination, accepted several teachers in the... Divine in something entirely close to his own humanity and sensible in a human influence and example. This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar—Krishna, Christ, Buddha. Or if this is too hard for him to conceive, the Divine represents himself through a less marvellous intermediary,—Prophet or Teacher. For many who cannot conceive or are unwilling ...

... self-realised souls. In the 20 th century itself, which has just drawn to a close, we have had outstanding figures such as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Sri Krishna Prem and a number of other men and women who, through the dint of their sādhanā and realisation have re-illuminated the path to the Divine. Sri Aurobindo in particular, with his outstanding intellect ...

... going to sleep, nor does it show that he had indigestion at the time. There were a few pictures of Mogul art about which Sri Aurobindo said "Very fine." Then he came across a coloured picture of Krishna playing on the flute and Gopis dancing, in the usual modern style. SRI AUROBINDO: Ah, this is a masterpiece-bacchanal! (Laughter) PURANI: I didn't want you to see that. SRI AUROBINDO (after ...

... a world-shunner was not always the only ideal or the highest ideal. To do works, yes; but, with skill, it is pointed out, that is to say, in the way in which they can be most effectively done. Sri Krishna teaches Arjuna the skill and shows how to apply it in the crudest and the most terrible action, viz ., a bloody battle. But the skill that he demands, that is demanded of a Yogi, is not mere cleverness ...

... into the synthetic Yoga taught in the Bhagwad Gita: the figure of Sri Krishna became an omnipresent reality to him, which he beheld even in the court where his trial took place-behind judge and prosecutor and counsel for defence and every wines Sri Krishna was seen standing and working out the future! And it was Sri Krishna's command he obeyed when he withdrew from British India to Chandernagore ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... Eternities of grace; Resplendent worlds of love, Mirrored within your face. Krishna’s Coming Around my heart I set gold trellis, And hung the roof with filligree, For Krishna of the myriad splendours Was coming with his pageantry; I wove golden fairy-netting. And worked it in with jewelry. For Krishna of the shining joy-songs Was coming in his pomp to me. Ah, everything and ...

... superficial mind - the deepest heart which instinctively knows the Divine's wonderful way with the soul. In the ras lila, the traditional play of the Divine with the human, every Gopi felt that Krishna was all hers and that she was the whole world to him and that he gave her a supreme value. The Lord, we are told, multiplied himself innumerably in his dance with his devotees and each devotee had... quite a delusion about oneself if one did not know well enough the Mother's way with those who had an intimate relationship with her. She often made them feel wonderfully unique. Something of this Krishna-like Grace is sought to be pictured in the last lines of my poem. The Triumph of Dante: For, how shall earth be dark when human eyes Mirror the love whose smile is paradise?- Page... in the early days she was allotting to various rooms little paintings by me of flowers with their significances, she asked me to put in my own room a painting of the flower whose significance is: "Krishna's light in the mind." In later times I remember her once telling 1. Letters on Savitri in the Centenary Edition of Savitri, p. 759. Page 258 me during an interview: "If I ...

... Bhakta Sudama naturally comes to mind. He went to Sri Krishna’s royal court carefully carrying in his chaddar a fistful of humble nadus (a rural sweet of Bengal) for his childhood friend. But then on seeing Sri Krishna in his royal robes he felt a little embarrassed and hesitant about giving his simple offering to his friend. So Sri Krishna himself asked for the nadus . He sat on his royal seat ...

... If a higher motive demands concealing or misrepresenting something by words, I would hardly call it a lie—the motive is superhuman and cannot fall in the same category as an ordinary lie. I think Krishna did not always speak the exact truth and his half-lies always provoke an understanding smile in all who listen to his stories. If the Mother did a thing for one reason and said that she did it... cares for the Truth and she has always said that lying and falsehood create a serious obstacle to realisation. How then can she herself do that? I do not remember any lies or half-lies told by Krishna, so I can say nothing on that point. But if he did according to the Mahabharat or the Bhagwat, we are not bound either by that record or by that example. I think Rama and Buddha told none. 17 May ...

... them, I know better than she does"! You understand, when I was giving meditations in the hall downstairs, they were all there: Shiva, Krishna, all the gods of the Indian pantheon were there, seated like this ( gesture in a circle ) to follow the meditation. Krishna... sometimes I walked with him for hours in conversation. At night, when I was very tired from my work, he would come and sit on the ...

... boats" behind him but bringing with him the flame which had lit that bonfire — his colourful, many-shaded, complicated, questioning, impetuous, expansive and at the same time dreamily idealistic and Krishna-haunted personality. We had several things in common. There was the intense love of literature, especially poetry. There was also the itch for writing, the urge in particular to write poems of... inner force and urgency cannot be mistaken. On Roy's side as well as on Sri Aurobindo's, there works a deep intensity without which the book would not be the important document that it is. Roy, the Krishna-haunted soul caught in the fretful surface mind, is burning in his heart of hearts to see in Sri Aurobindo the complete Avatar and in the Mother the Avatar's creative spiritual counterpart: short of ...

... three times, indestructible, that which continues uninterrupted through all change. Page 336 This work is already beginning, and three parts of it are being clearly worked out. Sri Krishna has shown me the true meaning of the Vedas, not only so, but he has shown me a new Science of Philology showing the process and origins of human speech so that a new Nirukta 1 can be formed and the... 'gay' stood for lively, cheerful; but look what it has come to mean in a few decades. The language of the Vedas was so old, so old, a type of Sanskrit from times lost in the mist of oblivion. Sri Krishna told Arjuna, "This is the imperishable Yoga I declared unto Viva-swan, Vivasvan revealed it to Manu and Manu to Ikshvaku told it. Thus was it known to the royal sages by hereditary transmission, till ...

... austerities of morals, and knock at the doors of churches, temples and mosques. He may endeavour to set his feet on the paths of spiritual experience. He may imitate or live with Agni, Indra, Shiva, Krishna and Christ, sit at the feet of Agastya, Yajnavalkya, Aruni and Buddha, laugh with the sanyasin at the snaring net of Maya and meditate with Shankara on the reality of the Brahman, and yet yearn with ...

... mankind in the past may not have recognised your presence amongst them, especially when outwardly both of you may have had personalities like those of ordinary human beings. But how is it that even Sri Krishna, Buddha or Christ could not detect your presence in this world? Page 282       Presence where and in whom? If they did not meet, they would not recognise, and even if they met ...

... Lower Nature, in various degrees they are yet its vassals; they owe allegiance to the three gunas, be it even to sattwa—sattwa is also a movement in Inferior Nature; they are not free. Has not Sri Krishna said: Traigunya--vishaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna ? The only Page 100 thing we must remember is that freedom from the gunas does not necessarily mean an absolute cessation of ...

... realisation. Not merely creation, but destruction also happens in the same way. Destruction first occurs in the subtle world and as a consequence physical destruction inevitably takes place. Sri Krishna in the Gita tells Arjuna: All these troops ranged against you have already been killed by me, you have only to be the instrument or the excuse: Mayaivaite nihat ā h p ū rvameva. 2 ...

... exclusiveness. You have to give up, if you wish to gain. They who lose life shall find it and they who stick to life shall as surely lose it. But is not Gita's solution somewhat different ? Sri Krishna urges Arjuna to be in the very thick of a deadly fight, not a theoretical or abstract combat, but take a hand in the direst manslaughter, to "do the deed" (even like Macbeth) but Yogically. Yes, Gita's ...

... tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva, It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover... into danger, it is also the love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909¹ After his acquittal Sri Aurobindo remained with Krishna Kumar Mitra's family. Mitra himself was in jail in Agra. Sri Aurobindo's aunt had become very weak, so the doctor advised her to bathe in the Ganges. Generally somebody accompanied her to the Ganges... he was writing and said, "Auro, please just come along with me, I am going for my bath in the Ganges." Sri Aurobindo would leave the writing and accompany her. Basanti Chakravarty (daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra) writes: "I never saw [Sri Aurobindo] getting angry. Auroda is sitting and writing. His sandals are lying at a little distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace ...

... with Washington and Wall Street. But thousands of years before him Sri Krishna had led Arjuna's chariot, urged the mighty battle of Kurukshetra and called upon his beloved disciple to abandon all man-made Dharmas, take refuge in Him alone and fight with a high-stationed soul to bring about a New Age of history. In addition, Sri Krishna was an astute hand at politics and lived in kingly purple and gold ...

... for immortal productions every day! Why in another three years Savitri and Ilion and I don't know how much more would be all written, finished, resplendently complete. 6 December 1935 Sri Krishna must have had more leisure than you have. In those days the art of writing had not developed so much and so he had not to reply to questions, though sometimes he had sudden calls as when Durvasa came... Perhaps he had to perform more miracles than you have to, though I should not forget that constant calls must be coming to you also for help in illnesses and many others in many ways. Moreover, Sri Krishna never actually became the Guru of a number of people. Well, he may have been rather wise in that and fortunate in the infrequency of correspondence in those days—but that did not save him. There ...

... February, the Mother's birthday (1878); 24 April, the Mother's final arrival in Pondicherry (1920); 15 August, Sri Aurobindo's birthday (1872); 24 November, Siddhi Day (Victory Day), the descent of Krishna, the Overmind Godhead, into the physical (1926). Here and in the sections which follow, only the messages written by the Mother are published; those from the writings of Sri Aurobindo are not included ...

... knowledge of all the powers and personalities, all the intermediary regions, and it makes use of all that. 2 That's where one makes use of the Overmind godheads: it's in this second way. Shiva, Krishna, all the aspects of the Mother are part of this second way. Then there is the higher intellectual approach, which is the projection of a surpassing scientific mind and takes up the problem from ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: The Divine Self means the Atman. Does she follow the Adwaita path? The Atman has no colour. Maybe the blue is of some being. She doesn't know herself? PURANI: No. Could it be Krishna's light? SRI AUROBINDO: Possibly, or Vishnu's. PURANI: Krishnamurti is giving some new principles now, but they are so amorphous. He says that to realise the Reality a Guru is not necessary. One ...

... understand the significance of this achievement. Sri 29 Nhod-da read out what Mother had said about Pavitra-da on 25 May 1969. 30The Mother, Agenda, 13:186-187. Page 13 Krishna says to Arjuna, "You will dwell in me." That tells us what a great sadhak pavitra-da was. So ladies and gentlemen, let's not pass comments on the sadhaks here. If one knows how to look, even the ...

... exclusiveness. You have to give up, if you wish to gain. They who lose life shall find it and they who stick to life shall as surely lose it. But is not The Gita's solution somewhat different? Sri Krishna urges Arjuna to be in the very thick of a deadly fight, not a theoretical or abstract combat, but take a hand in the direst man-slaughter, to "do the deed" (even like Macbeth) but yogically. Yes, The ...

... controversy and picturesque prophecy. It is a prolonged simile in which the birth and growth of Indian nationalism runs parallel to the Avatarhood of Krishna. There are four stages in this history: gestation and growth in secrecy or obscurity (Krishna in Gokul growing from infancy to youth), the leaping of the Page 223 great name to light (the sudden coming from Gokul to Mathura causing... neither the milk of Putana nor the hoofs of the demon could destroy the infant Krishna, so neither Riponism nor Poona prosecutions could check the growth of Nationalism while yet it was an indistinct force; and as neither Kamsa's wiles nor his visakanyās, nor his mad elephants nor his wrestlers could kill Krishna revealed in Mathura, so neither a revival of Riponism nor the poison of discord... trial and triumph (the hour of reckoning when the enemy"feels the grasp of the avenger on his hair and the sword of doom in his heart"), and finally the season of rule and fulfilment (the reign of Krishna in Dwaraka). The second period is the most exciting, for it is "the season of ordeal and persecution" whose blaze of glory only the "children of grace" will be able to see. The enemies will do ...

... the being (Purusha, Prakriti, the elements, Indriyas, Buddhi etc.) was universally accepted and Kapila was mentioned with veneration everywhere. In the Gita he is mentioned among the great Vibhutis; Krishna says, "I am Kapila among the sages." Patanjali's Yoga Divine union [ was the aim of Yoga in Patanjali's day ], yes—but for the ascetic schools it was union with the featureless Brahman, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects The Gita And The Mother Sri Krishna's Gita is well-known to the spiritual seekers all over the world from time immemorial and has been acclaimed by the elite as one of the best spiritual guide whose value remains unimpaired to this day because of the eternal verities it contains. Sri Aurobindo's Mother is ...

... conditions—the sine qua non A certain modern critic, however, demurs. He asks why Arjuna was chosen in preference to Yudhishthira and doubts the wisdom and justice of the choice (made by Sri Krishna or the author of the Gita). Is not the eldest of the Pandavas also the best? He possesses in every way a superior adhara. He has knowledge and wisdom; he is free from passions, calm and self-controlled; ...

... him about it. SRI AUROBINDO: He used too many compounds, making it seem like Sanskrit. (To Purani) What is the name of that Indian whom Raman mentions in his address? SATYENDRA: It is Dr. Krishna perhaps. SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps. I don't remember the name. Raman mentions him as the first to experiment with the Cavendish cyclotron. PURANI: Yes, it is he. He is a doctor of science of Madras ...

... inner physical or for an occult understanding of the universe. Visions which are real can help the spiritual progress, I mean, those which show us inner realities: one can, for instance, meet Krishna, speak with him and hear his voice in an inner “real” vision, quite as real as anything on the outer plane. People value visions for one thing because they are one key (there are others) to contact ...

... yet it is not illogical to assume that in the Formless itself Form is inherent and already existent in a mystic latency; also it would be equally logical to assume that there is an eternal Form of Krishna, a spirit body. Sri Aurobindo further wrote: "As for the highest Reality it is no doubt Absolute Existence, but is it only that? Absolute Existence as an abstraction may exclude everything ...

... degrees they are yet its vassals; they owe allegiance to the three gunas, be it even to sattwa – sattwa is also a movement in Inferior Nature; Page 111 they are not free. Has not Sri Krishna said: Traigunyavisaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna ¹? only thing we must remember is that freedom from the gunas does not necessarily mean an absolute cessation of the play of Prakriti. Being in the ...

... an uncommon phenomenon. Many of the Christian saints (Saint Francis of Assisi, for example) are reported to have borne on their body the marks —the stigmata—of crucifixion of Christ's body; Rama-krishna too, it is said, once showed marks of scouring on his back when a boy was whipped in his presence. All this means that the physical body is not man's sole means of action in the physical world ...

... invention, not mine. Still you go on saying that what you have done is possible for me and not for Arjunas only to whom alone Krishna seems to have addressed the Gila. [Sri Aurobindo underlined "Arjunas only".] What a waste of words and energy! Yet Krishna said "even Chandalas can follow my way." I prophesy that your message will reverberate in the rarefied atmosphere evoking a loud... absolute surrender, faith which we find shining through Mother's prayers as well. Did you not leave your great work for the country at one word of Krishna? Lots of people leave things at the word of a human being like Gandhi, they do not need the word of Krishna. Does the average man have this faith etc.? If he has not, but has instead struggles, sufferings etc., picture what his condition would be... one died by drowning and the other of a cancer. I don't know if Avatars ever play the part of the rogue or the eternal sinner. [Sri Aurobindo underlined "rogue or the eternal sinner".] Krishna was a rogue and a sinner even in his Avatar life, if tales are true! Don't you think so? Now about your absence of urge towards spirituality. Even though that sounds like a story, pray tell us ...

... mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take her constitutional walk. After some time * Krishna Kumar Mitra was Sri Aurobindo's uncle in whose house (the Sanjivani office) he was staying at the time. ** Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter; Krishna Kumar had married Sri Aurobindo's mother's sister.   Page 343 people come to see [Sri Aurobindo]. He gets... Kesari commenting on the Muzzaferpore bomb-outrage, was then a prisoner at Mandalay in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others.   Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even... of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, etc."; among the contributors would be "Srijut Aurobindo Ghose and others"; the cover illustration was of the Chariot, with Arjuna and Sri Krishna seated in it; and one of the three mottos of the journal was the Gita vākya, "Yoga is skill in works". It was to be a national review and not a weekly newspaper. Current events were important ...

... appoint me to a terrible work? Thou seemest to bewilder my intelligence with a confused and mingled speech; tell me then decisively that one thing by which I may attain to my soul's weal." In answer Krishna affirms that the Sankhya goes by knowledge and renunciation, the Yoga by works; but the real renunciation is impossible without Yoga, without works done as a sacrifice, done with equality and without... expressed almost in riddling words; he has not caught their sense or at least not penetrated into their spirit and reality. Therefore he asks again, "Thou declarest to me the renunciation of works, O Krishna, and again thou declarest to me Yoga; which one of these is the better way, that tell me with a clear decisiveness." The answer is important, for it puts the whole distinction Page 82 ... decisive entrance of these all-important truths Page 83 which, when they come in, must necessarily enlarge and modify, though without abolishing, these first reconciliations. Twofold, says Krishna, is the self-application of the soul by which it enters into the Brahmic condition: "that of the Sankhyas by the Yoga of knowledge, that of the Yogins by the Yoga of works." This identification of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Saturday. Satya of telepathy becomes more & more ritam; general satya of trikaldrishti preparing. Growth of the more intense Vishayananda of the mind in all the objects of sense. Growth of Krishna Kali bhava in the Brahma darshana 2 March 1916 In the evening telepathic trikaldrishti that N [Nolini] will come soon after 8.30, M [Moni] soon after 9.0, S [Saurin] soon after 9.30. N came... beginning to take a stronger hold on the system. Time of bath given correctly as after 12. and then as 12.10. (first mistaken for dinner-time); ready at 12.10, called at 12.11 5 March 1916 The Krishna-consciousness is now perfectly normal and universal, though not as yet seated on the plane of the Vijnana or Ananda, but only on the mental. Smarana is still necessary, though not invariably. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course the currents of the double force working to make this liberation. The blue and gold must be the blue of Krishna and the gold of the Mother (Durga-Mahakali). All this is not a supramental experience, but comes from the Overmind. But the overmind experiences must come first and liberate the consciousness. It... × In a letter to the correspondent, Krishnaprem said that there are two stages of bhakti. In the first stage of rapturous adoration, the light and bliss of Krishna rush down into the bhakta just as water rushes over Niagara Falls. In the second stage the water flows through great pipes into mighty turbines which supply a continent with power.—Ed. ...

... Supreme; but it is not in direct contact with the Supreme—there is no inner, psychic contact. That's what Sri Aurobindo says (I myself know nothing about it!). But with the Vedanta and the devotees of Krishna, it is the god within: they had a direct contact with the god within (as in the Gita ). × Shortly... a human body it must be terrible for him. Or does his divinity become quite veiled to him? Yes, quite veiled. They are powerful beings, they give a sense of power, but it is quite veiled. But Krishna had a human body, Shiva had a human body. But supposing one of those gods were to incarnate in the present world ... well, it wouldn't be much fun—he would suffocate. Fun?... No, you see, they ...

... is the highest step of the Cosmic Ladder, the top of the series of the Worlds, from where the transcendent is to be attained. This descent is also termed the coming of the Krishna-Consciousness to aid Sri Aurobindo's work. Krishna, the greatest Avatar of the past, manifested himself from the Page 166 Transcendent through the Overmind. The time has arrived now for the Transcendent to ...

... to London, conditions turned very difficult because remittances from Dr. Ghose became irregular as well as insufficient and almost stopped at the end. The reason for this I have already indicated: Krishna Dhan was generous to others, to the point of recklessness, and in following the bent of his nature, he sadly neglected his sons. And the situation worsened when they had to leave the old lady's house... and succeed in a very stiff examination. The ICS career, with its immense prestige, power and rewards, held no attraction for Sri Aurobindo and he sat for the examination only to please his father. Krishna Dhan had high hopes that his son would glorify the country by becoming a brilliant administrator and Sri Aurobindo did not want to disappoint him by refusing to take the examination. When the results ...

... means perfection, completion. In yoga, it means attainment of mukti or liberation, enlightenment. For Sri Aurobindo, the Siddhi day is November 24, 1926, when he attained the Overmind, the Krishna Consciousness, just one grade below the Supermind. 322In the traditional paths of yoga, it is enough to get liberation. Your consciousness rises to a level higher than the mind and you let... need to explain the vision, ladies and gendemen, it is quite clear. You know how, before She came here, Mother used to see in her visions so many sadhus, but one was constant, whom She called 'Krishna', and she recognised that very face when She met Sri Aurobindo, and She understood that by His side Her work would begin and continue. There, in Paris, in a very strange manner, She got a ...

... consecration before the greater results can come. By meditation alone and trying to concentrate you will never succeed. There must be an aspiration from the heart and a giving up of all yourself to Krishna. In your nature there are many obstacles, chiefly a great activity of the outward-going mind and a thick crust of the impure lower Prakriti that covers the heart and the vital being. Quieting of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... acquired the philosopher's stone which transforms even the ugly into the beautiful. When Duhshasana, the second Kaurava, unrobed Draupadi, it must have been something indecent to look at. But when Sri Krishna robbed the bathing gopi girls of their clothes, it was supremely beautiful. The poet says, "Add the Divine to what is ugly and you will find the supremely beautiful. When you tied God to the gallows ...

... AUROBINDO: About Indumati I may say that Purna "God-meeting" is possible by Purna devotion, full self-giving, so that nothing else matters to her, although she can get guidance from and communication with Krishna without that. SATYENDRA: She seems to be a Vaishnavite. SRI AUROBINDO: How? SATYENDRA: She speaks of Goloka darshan. SRI AUROBINDO: How does one get it? SATYENDRA: I don't know. SRI ...

... sine qua non – of discipleship. A certain modern critic, however, demurs. He asks why Arjuna was chosen in preference to Yudhisthira and doubts the wisdom and justice of the choice (made by Sri Krishna or the author of the Gita). Is not the eldest of the Pandavas also the best? He possesses in every way a superior adhara. He has knowledge and wisdom; he is free from passions, calm and self-controlled; ...

... give in so easily to the Government in France. SATYENDRA: No. PURANI (after reading a letter from X stating that a court judgment had been in her favour by the grace of Sri Aurobindo and Sri Krishna): Setalvad's son, who is the Advocate General and related to the lady, may have spoken to and influenced the judges against her husband who is a drunkard. SRI AUROBINDO: But do the judges discuss ...

... 371 Italy, 196 JACOB, 121 Japan, 54, 78, 196 Job, 305 Jupiter, 328 KALI, 80, 249, 297 Kalidasa, 278, 390-1 – Hero and the Nymph, 390 – Vikramorvasie, 39 1n Krishna, 134, 183, 206-7, 350 228, 297, LAKSHMI, 249 Lear, 391 Leo X, 196 Lindberg, 316 MAETERLINCK, 71 – The Blue Bird, 71 Mahalakshmi, 206, 228, 297 Maheshwari, 206 Marlowe ...

... ray of grace from the Mother as the book is being issued during the golden jubilee of the Society. It has also been a joy to work with the young and enthusiastic helpers in the task of production, Krishna, Gita and Vilasni. Nandita Jaishankar s attention to detail as an editor has been of great help. I am deeply thankful to Shobit Arya and Sapna Rangaswamy for publishing the book under the auspices ...

... exercise of such sovereignty; nothing is now hidden from view, neither the origins nor the course of events, neither the glory of Shiva in his "mystic loneliness of nude ecstasy" nor the passion of Krishna's flute and the beauty of his immortal eyes:         I have wrapped the wide world in my wider self       And Time and Space my spirit's seeing are.       I am the god and demon, ghost ...

... saints, yogis, prophets, avatars are in my view- most affined to the Aurobindonian Era of the Integral Yoga. One is Sri Krishna of the magic flute capturing the whole world's heart as well as Sri Krishna of the wide-visioned Gita in the war-chariot at Kurukshetra - Sri Krishna who revealed himself to Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Jail and later secretly commanded him to leave British-ruled Calcutta ...

... Poetry and Art Remarks on Individual Poets The Author of the Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna is not supposed to have written anything. The Gita is part of the Mahabharata which is attributed to the sage Vyasa, the contemporary of Krishna. But in its present form the Mahabharata seems to be of later origin and many scholars say that the Gita was composed afterwards... afterwards by someone and put into the Mahabharata. In any case whoever wrote it was a great Yogi and certainly received his inspiration from Krishna. Catullus and Horace You prefer Catullus [ to Horace ] because he was a philosopher? You have certainly rolled Lucretius here into Catullus—Lucretius who wrote an epic about the "Nature of Things" and invested the Epicurean philosophy with a rudely ...

... (of body consciousness with supreme consciousness),138 1926 (Organization of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, beginning of), 87 1950 (Departure of Sri Aurobindo), 101 Krishna, 12-3, 85 1951 (Sri Aurobindo International University Centre, beginning of), 2-3, 110-1 Kundalini, 138-9 1956 (First supramental manifesta- tion), 111 1958... 1920 (Mother returns to Pondiche- Supramental body, vision of, 207, 216-8 rry), 67 Supramental consciousness, 2, 266-7 1926 (Descent of Sri Krishna in Sri Aurobindo's body), 84-5 Supramental creation, 129 1935 (Mathematical formula), 89 Supramental descent, 89-90, 92 1938 (Fractured right leg), 91 Supramental gnosis ...

... the later reciters for an older name no longer familiar. It is now known beyond reasonable doubt that the Mahabharata war was fought out in or about 1190 B.C.; Dhritarashtra, son of Vichitravirya, Krishna, son of Devaki & Janamejaya are mentioned in Vedic works of a very early date. There is therefore no reason to doubt that an actual historical event is recorded with whatever admixture of fiction in ...

... Usually the Mother's name has the full power in it; but in certain states of consciousness the double Name may have a special effect. 29 August 1936 I find no harm if I repeat the name of Sri Krishna, whose very Page 826 being has taken the form of our Lord Sri Aurobindo and his Parashakti, the Mother. There is no harm in that; it is not incompatible or inconsistent with this Yoga ...

... suddenly experience the mental representation of the ideas expressed. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it was the same with me when I was reading the Gita and the Upanishads in jail. CHAMPAKLAL: People say that Krishna gave the Gita into your hand. SRI AUROBINDO ( after laughing) : I think I said or wrote something like that. I didn't know that they would give a material interpretation to it. NIRODBARAN: Y ...

... Not merely creation, but destruction also happens in the same way. The destruction first occurs in the subtle world and as a consequence inevitably takes place the physical destruc­tion. Sri Krishna in the Gita tells Arjuna: All these troops ranged against you have already been killed by me, you have only to be just the instrument or the excuse: Mayaîvaîté nihatah purvameva. ...

... Divine as Avatara does become human, almost totally – in appearance at least. One may recall not only the impulses and passions, all the foibles and lapses, even misdeeds liberally recorded of Sri Krishna. But this does not mean that the human has been divinised in him, the Divine has only assumed the human character and qualities, it is after all a disguise, it is an assumption, the adhyaropa of ...

... letter to me he wrote: '24th November 1926 is the day when Sri Krishna descended into the body. His descent means the descent of the Overmind God which will prepare the descent of the Supermind.' To another disciple he wrote: '24th was the descent of Krishna into the physical. Krishna is not the supra-mental Light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though... though not itself actually, the descent of the Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards the Ananda.' Sri Aurobindo tells us that between Mind and Supermind there are various intermediate planes or ranges of consciousness, each with its characteristic Light, Power and Knowledge, and the Overmind is the highest of these ranges... ranges. He said that the Overmind has to be reached and brought down before the Supramental Descent is at all possible. The 'Descent of Krishna' signified the fullness of the Overmental realisation, the Descent of the Divine into the very physical consciousness of Sri Aurobindo, and it was the culmination of all his previous realisations. It marked a decisive stage in his sadhana and paved the way for the ...

... I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend Lover... Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat there and smiled.'12 The following two interesting experiences in the Alipore jail may be noted: 'I... knew something about sculpture,'... spiritual experience and it ceased as soon as it finished saying all that it had to say on the subject.'15 It was again in the Alipore jail that Sri Aurobindo received the messages from Sri Krishna which opened up before him a passage to a new work. And it was in this direction that he was moving after his release from the jail in May 1909 when he Page 11 got the Divine ādeśa ...

... defined as follows the unique quality of this poetry: The desire of the soul for God is there [in Bengali Vaishnava poetry] thrown into symbolic figure in the lyrical love cycle of Radha and Krishna, the Nature soul in man seeking for the Divine Soul through love, seized and mastered by his beauty, attracted by his magical flute, abandoning human cares and duties for this one overpowering passion... Ah, suffer, sweet, To thy most faultless feet That I should cling unchid; ah, spurn me not! 13 In yet another poem. Karma, a pretty conceit is quickened with emotion; since Krishna will not come to Radha, she will now leap into the ocean and die - Die and be born to life again As Nanda's son, the joy of Braja's girls, And I will make thee Radha then... Then... bird Cowed to thy breast's hill-cavern winds. 15 Such poetry may be sensuous? but it is not really sensual, this sense of love-play between young cowherdesses and the dark-hued boyish Krishna is more a pastoral - or even proletarian - version of divine love than an exercise in eroticism, .and although the imagery is often bold, often audacious, often even outlandish, there is seldom ...

... people. That is why we find in the Gita Sri Krishna speaking of the Dharma of the Kshatriya and of the creed of the Aryan fighter. 'And even when Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to take up arms, he insisted that he should fight without anger, without wrath and without any sense of revenge. If you read Mahabharata carefully, you will find that Sri Krishna made an extraordinary effort to avoid a war;... to that question. 'He said, 'What is that question?' "I said, 'When Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to take up arms and to fight the battle, he had at least at that time, and in the case of Arjuna, no objection to the use of violence for the establishment of the rule of Dharma. This means Page 107 that Sri Krishna had in his consciousness some justification for the use of violent means. What... I told him: "Sir, the Gita speaks of four Varnas, and Sri Krishna explicitly states that four Varnas were created by the Divine and that the four-fold Varna corresponds to four-fold divisions of quality and action. 1 The Gita speaks of "kartavyam karma" (obligatory action) and also of "niyatam kartavyam" (regulated action). 2 Sri Krishna also appeals to Arjuna to consider his 1. 4.13 2. 3 ...

... darshan I asked: "Lord, what is the significance of this that I have seen? And oh, how beautiful!" "How did it strike you?" he asked. "I thought it was Sri Krishna; who else can have such beauty, such radiance?" "Who could that Sri Krishna be?" he asked. "Who else but you?" I answered. "You think it was I?" "Yes, of course." Then he said: "What you have seen is true and good," and he put his ...

... important than any question of personal honour or indignities, or a parading of one's capacity or virtue, was the work to be done and its success. He would cite the example of Sri Krishna in the Mahabharata story; Sri Krishna had no intention of being caught by Jarasandha and he fled to Dwarka in order to make ready for the adversary. That is why Sri Aurobindo did not consider a retreat to be a bad ...

... 'Auro-dada' in a Bengali magazine, Galpa Bharati. Sri Aurobindo was very close to her family, and whenever he passed through Calcutta he always dropped in to see his aunt Lilabati, 'Na-mesi,' and Krishna Kumar Mitra, his 'Na-mesi,' at their residence. K. K. Mitra and Lilabati were married at Calcutta in April 1881. A large number of guests attended the marriage party, but the bride's father, Rajnarain... magazine published in the Karmayogin in August 1909 is very interesting. We quote a good part of it, "The paper Suprabhat, a Bengali monthly edited by Kumari Kumudini Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, enters this month on its third year. The first issue of the new year is before us. We notice a great advance in the interest and variety of the articles, the calibre of the writers and ...

... 38 The Confounded British Government "And the second fact is," wrote Sri Aurobindo to Dilip on 2 October 1934, giving his reasons for declining a request from Dr. Radha krishna for a philosophical contribution. "And the second fact is that I do not care a button about having my name in any blessed place. I was never ardent about fame even in my political days; I preferred... n prove that Sri Aurobindo was the editor of the Bande Mataram. He was acquitted. As was the publisher of the paper, Hemendra Nath Bagchi. To save the face of the Government, the printer Apurba Krishna Bose was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment. Here are a few extracts from the columns of the paper dated 25 September 1907, written of course by Sri Aurobindo himself, but still ...

... her out but she would not keep quiet. Then Lele asked us to divert her attention to something else. She was taken to a garden where she finally calmed down. Lele said, “She had a vision of Sri Krishna's face, but not of the upper half; that is why she was pleading so much to be shown His whole face.” Then added, “Take great care of this child; see that she is never disappointed or dissatisfied.” ...

... alone makes these priceless letters so vibrant and living. Fortunately for us all, the disciple, in this case, Dilip Kumar Roy, had preserved his Master's letters with meticulous care and the Hari Krishna Mandir, which he later established in Pune, where these letters were enshrined, has now taken up this task of publishing them, with the collaboration of Mira Aditi. Of all the disciples of Sri ...

... Deptt. of Communication & Jounalism SubEditor, Indian Express, Loksatta Bhavan, Nagarwada, Baroda-390 001. 9. Swamini Swaprakashanandaji (SS) (Swami Dayanand Saraswati Mission) Krishna Niwas,Brahman Falia, Shankar Tekri, Baroda-390 001. 10. Mrs. Thrity Vaswani (TV) Reader, Deptt. of Social Work, M.S. University of Baroda, Opp. Fatehganj Post Office, Baroda-390 ...

... Jules Supervielle 55 Juno 34 Jupiter 32 Jouve 76, 77 K Kali 78 Kalidasa 17, 18, 27, 32 Kanhu 83 Kanwa 8 King Lear 20 King Zeus 34 Krishna 31, 78 Kronos 4 Kumbhodara 17 Kutsa 8 L Lalan the Fakir 84 Laocoon 18 London 10 Lombards 50 M Macbeth 19 Madhuchchanda 8 Madhyama ...

... the Muslims to remove the monument and Bose has taken up that cry. In the Corporation, a European member proposed to withdraw all advertisements from the Star of India because of its attack on Sri Krishna, and the Hindu Sabha supported him. But Bose opposed it. His party, himself and other Muslims voted against it. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): You mean he is also a Muslim? NIRODBARAN: Going to be ...

... nature of our activity in our present situation. The new truth, the new capacity you have to acquire in and through the activities of the normal life. It was what Page 349 Sri Krishna taught to Arjuna. Arjuna was a representative of the common man, Arjuna was thought to be always in the yogic consciousness even while he was engaged in battle. Thus we are at the world's finest ...

... That is what Mirra was going to do. Europe had given Mirra of her best, indeed, all she could give. The most solid foundation for the work Mirra had to do. Mirra was going to meet the 'Krishna' of her visions. 1. Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, VII, VI. Page 319 ...

... lady said it would. CHAMPAKLAL: Is it because of the Rishi that you have faith in it? DR. MANILAL: Yes, but the Rishi is not only a Rishi; he gave it with the blessings of Panduranga who is Sri Krishna himself. SRI AUROBINDO: To prove its effectiveness it must be tried on Purani first. DR. MANILAL: Yes, we can apply it on his other knee. NIRODBARAN: Buddhadev Bhattacharya was very happy... people would benefit. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on the person. A response can be had at any stage. People have been cured at critical stages, even on their death-bed. You know my maternal uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter was saved from her death-bed by simple prayer. The doctors had given up all hope after trying all remedies, even snake-poison. She was a typhoid case—the consciousness wouldn't ...

... and that is a feminine quality. Krishnaprem says that Newman refers to the soul as a woman. Krishnaprem also speaks of the Vaishnavas trying to identify themselves with the Gopis in order to love Krishna. SRI AUROBINDO: The soul, he says, may be considered a marriage of receptiveness and Tapasya—it is a married couple. The Upanishad also speaks of eko vaśi (one controller). PURANI: Can receptiveness... is otherwise engaged. NIRODBARAN: But she had to practise keeping the pitcher on her head. SATYENDRA: In the case of the Gopis, it was not that they had to make difficult effort to remember Krishna: they spontaneously fell in love with him and something in them was on fire. So when something in the being is touched the concentration doesn't require labour or effort. By the way, at times one ...

... important than any question of personal honour or indignities, or a parading of one's capacity or virtue, was the work to be done and its success. He would cite the example of Sri Krishna in the Mahabharata story; Sri Krishna had no intention of being caught by Jarasandha and he fled to Dwarka in order to make ready for the adversary. That is why Sri Aurobindo did not consider a retreat to be a bad thing ...

... politics to find the Englishman reporting Bengali meetings in the Calcutta squares with a full appreciation of their importance. The meeting Page 490 in College Square at which Srijut Krishna Kumar Mitra presided has been favoured as well as Srijut Bipin Chandra Pal's meeting at Beadon Square. As to the accuracy of the reports we have our doubts, for the Bengali gentleman who reports for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Teachings, for exclusion would run counter to integrality, but one certainly cannot keep them as they were. You have yourself understood Sri Aurobindo to imply that his Yoga "goes beyond Buddha, Christ, Krishna and other Teachings". If Sri Aurobindo "includes" all the Teachings of the past and yet goes beyond them, why does one have to keep them at all in their old recognisable forms instead of plunging ...

... Sri Krishna In Brindavan III The Vrajvasis leave Gokula* One day, most handsome Śrī Krsna said to his brother, Balarāma, "My dear brother, I think it is not good to play in this forest any more. We, the cowherd boys, have spoiled the beauty of this forest by using it recklessly. There is no more grass left for the cows, and no more dry wood for cooking ...

... nature of our activity in our present situation. Page 60       The new truth, the new capacity you have to acquire in and through the activities of the normal life. It was what Sri Krishna taught to Arjuna. Arjuna was a representative of the common man, Arjuna was thought to be always in the yogic consciousness even while he was engaged in battle.         Thus we are at the world's ...

... descend in him with all their divine plenitude. The truth-seeker gives birth to the gods in his being. Likewise the gods draw him towards them. With regard to the mystery of this sacrifice Lord Sri Krishna proclaims: ¹ Katha, I.3.13. ² Gita, IV.27. Page 96 Devan bhavayatanena te deva bhavayantu vah Paraspararm bhavayantah sreyah paramavapsyatha.¹ "Foster by this the ...

... the name of Shyam? Through the ear into my inmost heart? With fervour my life now overspills! I always doubted if this was possible. Somehow Sri Radha’s love and self-offering at Sri Krishna’s feet would fill us with sadness. We did not know then that like Sri Radha, the Mother too would fall into a samadhi-like trance on hearing the name of Sri Aurobindo. And what is more, we would get ...

... important for your Yoga; both are clearly associated with Krishna. Blue is his special and significant colour, the colour of his aura when he manifests, —that is why he is called N ī l Krishna; the adjective does not mean that he was blue or dark in his physical body whether in Brindavan or Mathura or Dwarka! Violet is the radiance of Krishna's protection—that is why it brought to you a sense of peace... to your demand for a suggestion about the Dance of Krishna, it is a little out of my accustomed line, for I am a poet but not in the least a musician and how then can I draw out a suggestive scheme for music? Still I will see what comes—if anything comes. AE.'s lines on Krishna are a magnificent poem; of course, it gives only one side of the Krishna idea as it is in the Puranas and the Gita. I never... much more; many other things besides, and in them all a Presence, a Being, a Divine Person; for the Divine is Krishna, is Shiva, is the Supreme Mother. But through the Ananda you can perceive the ā nandamaya [all-blissful] Krishna; for the Ananda is the subtle body and being of Krishna; through the Peace you can perceive the śantimaya [all-peaceful] Shiva; in the Light, in the delivering Knowledge ...

... only because the idea of beauty was not sufficiently catholic and too much attached to a fastidious purity of form and outline and restraint, but because they were deficient in love. God as beauty, Srikrishna in Brindavan, Shyamasundara, is not only Beauty, He is also Love, and without perfect love there cannot be perfect beauty, and without perfect beauty there cannot be perfect delight. The aesthetic ...

... give up discretion merely to show that a lion is hidden in the Yogi. I don't remember - for that matter - that Krishna anywhere in the Gita calls Arjuna a lion: as far as I can recollect, his highest apostrophic compliment is: "O Bull among the Bharatas!" If I may interpret Krishna à la Chesterton, I should say: "A bull is one who is never cowed, yet never bullies." In the same vein I may... appealed to the Divine and awaited the Divine's Word for fighting. Even the dejected mood in which you have written to me is not quite un-Gita-like: only, your dejection differs from that of Krishna's friend in coming after the event instead of before; but the heart-searching is typical. As to your future line of action, it would be wrong to run away from the field of potential danger ...

... and spiritual relation with one of these beings became more and more clear and frequent and, although she knew little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time, she was led to call him Krishna and henceforth she was aware that it was with Page 5 him, whom she knew she would meet on earth some day, that the divine work was to be done. A number of years she spent in Algeria... from some centre in it. Now, in 1914, she was soon face to face with the centre. And when she saw Sri Aurobindo she recognised in him the being of her early visions, the one whom she used to call Krishna. This was enough to convince her fully that her place and her work were near him in India. Here we may remark that the whole truth about her choice to reside in India is not told when we have noted... highest dynamic divine consciousness that had been realised so far in the world: he brought it down into the very material being, thus carrying one step forward the work done by the previous Avatar Sri Krishna who had brought down its influence into earth-life. With the descent of this consciousness into Sri Aurobindo the ground was prepared for the future descent of the Supermind, the integral Truth-Co ...

... of commotion. Ashramvas (Ashram life) in jail. Reading the Gita and the Upanishad. Practising Yoga. Had decisive spiritual realisations of cosmic consciousness vision of Sri Krishna everywhere and in everything. Attained mastery over the functions of the body as a means to its perfection. Never afterwards suffered from any serious illness, overcoming by Yogic force whatever chronic... proposals and sought Sri Aurobindo's advice. Sri Aurobindo's assurance of the coming of India's freedom. 1926 November 24: The Day of Victory. 'The descent of Krishna into the physical.' Silent celebration by the then 24 inmates of the Ash- ram. The day became another Darshan Day. Sri Aurobindo went into complete seclusion leaving entire charge... realising one of his most cherished ideals.' Among the signatories to the appeal for funds for the university centre were: S. Radhakrishnan, K. M. Munshi, R. R. Diwakar, Tan Yun-Shan, Nandalal Bose, Hare- krishna Mahtab. Vice-chancellers of the Universities of Agra, Allahabad, Bombay, Gujrat etc. Publication of Parts Two and Three of Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri. Most of Part Three were dictated by him at ...

... victory to establish their empire continued after them by Parikshit and Janamejaya. Could not modern humanism and pacifism make it a reproach against the Pandavas that these virtuous men (including Krishna) brought about a huge slaughter (alas for Ahimsa!) that they might establish their sole imperial rule over all the numerous free and independent peoples of India? Such a criticism would be grotesquely... Duryodhana, if alive, might complain indignantly that the comparison was a monstrous and scandalous injustice to him and that he never did anything like what Hitler has done. By the way, what about Krishna's jitvā śatrūn bhuṅkṣva rājyaṁ samṛddham ? An unholy and unethical bribe? Or what on earth did he mean by it? But battle and conquest and imperial rule Page 217 were then a dharma and... Bhagavad Gita and evokes the Kurukshetra war. At the end of the essay, the writer mentions Duryodhana and his ninety-nine brothers, who were on one side in that war, and the five Pandava brothers and Sri Krishna, who were on the other side.—Ed. × Here Sri Aurobindo wrote between two lines of the correspondent's ...

... they have not the Man of Sorrows temperament as part of their make-up. You surely can't hold off Krishna, Shiva or Brahma because X treats the Divine like that. That would be acting not like a Friend, though maybe like the Divine! What do you mean? I am not holding off Krishna. It is Krishna who is holding off himself, as he generally does, except when he finds a likely person who will tolerate... coming into this sorrowful world with a mighty magical pen. Sri Krishna, I conjecture, may have complained about his lungs because of his incessant blowing and fluting to melt our hard hearts. It is an idea! Strange that none of the poets has mentioned it—a modernist poet would catch at it at once, "The Flute and the Lungs," or "Krishna's Bronchitis." I am knocking about with Kanai and trying... mean by experience? Love and Bhakti are themselves an experience. First time I heard of any such rule. One should be able to have the vision of the loving and intensely lovable Presence of Krishna or his blue radiance sending thrills of ecstasy. Hundreds of Bhaktas had to wait for long and many years before anything of the kind came. Five minutes or twenty-four hours of intense rapture ...

... call Purushottama, " but man can get to the ananda. plane only. Disciple : To what plane does Krishna of the Vaishnavites belong ?                                             Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by "Krishna" ?      Disciple : According to the Vaishnavas, Krishna belongs to the ananda plane ; they indicate it by saying that it is far beyond the aksara .         ... Sri Aurobindo : Perhaps, because we can see seven, the rest we can't. Disciple : Sri Krishna is described as having a blue light with lightning flashing behind it. Sri Aurobindo : Blue is the characteristic colour of the spiri­tual plane and it is special to Krishna. Krishna be­longs in the fullness of his divine Personality to the ananda plane and it is there that you get the ...

... catastrophes. Those are the means to push us towards a new direction. * Yes, they have to 'break' at times - not break bones. When Sri Aurobindo went to jail and asked Sri Krishna why he had to, the reply was that there was no other way to push him in the right direction. It is important to know why an event, an accident, has happened. The knowledge is not mental. It comes... by those words - the modus operandi of the one unfailing factor possible to realise amidst the vicissitudes of 'this transient and unhappy world' into which we have come yet within which Sri Krishna points to an unchanging support when he gives the call 'Love and worship me'. A little later an external circumstance came to my help. I received an assurance that the hurtful situation ...

... guiding love which Sri Aurobindo suggests in that enchanting line: Ever we hear in the heart of the peril a flute go before us.... The very title of the document from which we learn of Sri Krishna Vasudeva appearing to Sri Aurobindo in Alipore Jail and taking charge of his life is symbolic of the new expe-rience: it is a Speech - delivered at Uttarpara. The Nirvanic realisation was, as I have... universe and its in-dwelling resident but also manifested in it as the Avatar, meeting our humanity on its own level and uplifting it towards its ultimate destiny, the incarnate Divine. And from what Sri Krishna did for Sri Aurobindo we can have the assurance that Avatar Sri Aurobindo will do likewise for you and me if we give ourselves to his warm protective clasp. (19.2.1988) I have not replied to ...

... Oct. 1946 Met Janak Kumari (later known as Smt. Indira Devi) at Jabbalpur. Also met M. S. Subbulakshmi and taught her Mira bhajans for the film Mirabai. (Later, in 1971, M. S. came to Hari Krishna Mandir to learn songs, mainly Indira Devi's Mira bhajans and Dilip's Bengali songs.) 22 Jan. 1947 Bengal celebrated Dilip's 50th birthday, acknowledging the versatility of his genius... "Namah Sri Aurobindaya— Sarvadevoh mayah guru." Till the last minute he was alert and conscious. Once Maa Indira Devi asked him when he was a little drowsy, if he remembered Bhishma's hymn to Sri Krishna from the Srimad Bhagavat; he recited the whole hymn, in his gorgeous voice though grown weak now, without faltering. 6 Jan. 1980 Dilip said in the morning, "Wash my hands, I have ...

... SATYENDRA: When the Supermind conquers the subconscient physical, it will be automatically all right. THE MOTHER (smiling) : Not automatically. SATYENDRA: Because it was not done before, Sri Krishna had to leave his body? THE MOTHER: It is only Sri Aurobindo's case and mine are difficult. Other cases are comparatively much easier. And already some cases have been cured. SATYENDRA: Even ankylosis... brother had come to the Ashram. He became a little deranged and had to go back. Some time later we heard that he died of burns. CHAMPAKLAL: Pictures by Krishnalal's brother. SRI AUROBINDO: Krishna's brother? (Laughter. After looking at the pictures) He is better as a sculptor than as a painter. His paintings are weak and poor imitations, but the sculptures have power and individuality. (Seeing ...

... frequently active in the nature itself. Light above means a Force descending upon the mind, light around a general enveloping influence. The golden and blue lights are both of them lights of Krishna. It was intimated to you by your seeing them once that they are there within you waiting to manifest. But it is by a psychic and spiritual, not a physical pressure that it must be done. If the mind ...

... is rather shadowy and what in the last resort encompasses our minds as "purushottama" is the shining shadow of the Supermind in the top-layer, the synthesising crest of the Overmind from where Sri Krishna who, in Sri Aurobindo's view, is the Being of Bliss ("ananda") come as an Avatar, using the Overmind-divinity as his instrument of manifestation. He wove together the three Yogas — "karma" (Work) "jnana" ...

... because the powers that be are afraid of the consequences which may result from their sudden success and cannot shake off the delusion that they have the strength to suppress them. When Kansa heard that Krishna was to be born to slay him, he tried to prevent the fulfilment of God's will by killing His instrument, as if the power which warned him of approaching doom had not the strength to enforce the doom ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... A contemplative of compassion's light, Thou sing'st "None but true lovers win the Star Of Love whose unique miracle alchemy Can resolve Hate's anarchy into a Harmony." Hari Krishna Mandir D.K. ROY Poona – 5 March, 1963 DESHBANDHU C. R. DAS My appeal to you is this, that long after the controversy will be hushed in silence, long after this turmoil and ...

... in India which ought never to have happened.'3 At about the same time, most ironically, Mohammed Ali Jinnah too opposed the idea of a separate electorate for the Muslims. In the words of Krishna Iyer: 'He opposed the Muslim League's stand of favouring separate electorate for the Muslims and described it as a poisonous dose to divide the nation against itself. He collaborated with the Congress ...

... 260 Kanhu, 260-1, 263-5, 269-70; 274,280, 282-3,285 Kankanapada, 284 Karataka, 77 Katyayani, 54 Kirkup, James, 46n. –New Directions, 46n. Krishna , 38, 68, 112, 149 Kukkiripada, 256,270 Kutsa, Rishi, 129   LADY MACBETH, 38 London , 82n. Luy(pada) 255,277,279   MADRAS , 40 Mahinda ...

... true, not correct. SRI AUROBINDO: How to know whether they were correct or not? PURANI: Besides, who reports those stories? Is it Buddha himself? DR. MANILAL: Then all that is said about Krishna and Arjuna and the Gita can't be believed. PURANI: It is not necessary to believe everything. The point is whether or not the principle laid down there is true. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. The important ...

... and obliging to the one who is his favourite, who loves him unreservedly, who identifies himself with him,—as in oneness of sunshine with the sun. Arjuna would address him in endearing terms as “O Krishna, O Yadava, O Comrade;” he would speak to him in jest and be informal  “at party, on the couch, and the seat and the banquet.” Now he makes himself bold and asks him to show him his universal Form.... its transcendent dimensions, we also hear in Vyasa the ring of Overmind poetry manifoldly expressing that unseizable Greatness: (The Gita: 11.36-40) Rightly and in good place, O Krishna, does the world rejoice and take pleasure in thy name, the Rakshasas are fleeing from thee in terror to all the quarters and the companies of the Siddhas bow down before thee in adoration. How should ...

... on no other basis. As for founding it on this [...] 172 , it can't be done. ...There are situations when one is faced with either telling a lie or the truth, and one can't decide which. Sri Krishna says in the Mahabharata that lies are permitted at times, and that they are as good as truths, e.g. a truthful Muni, by showing the robbers the hiding place of travellers and causing their death, went... food? August 4, 1937 I don't know about Ekalavya's epidermis. Can he be compared to a বনদেব 174 without being one? But Gods and Goddesses are supposed to be fair, no? Who says? Krishna was নীল, 175 other gods have different colours red, white, black, yellow and green. If he had নীলোৎপল আঁখি 176 what prevents him from being like a বনদেবতা? 177 August 5, 1937 ...

... Ashram on December 16, 1927. It was a little more than a year after November 24,1926, the Siddhi Day, the Day of Victory marking the descent of what Sri Aurobindo has called the Overmind, the Krishna Consciousness, the plane of the Great Gods, into the physical being of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This Victory was to prepare the descent of the supreme divine dynamism that has never directly ...

... the limit of transformation which the Gita speaks of?" SRI AUROBINDO: Limit of transformation? But the Gita, as I said, doesn't speak of transformation. It goes as far as the Buddhi. PURANI: Krishna says, puta madbhavam agatah— "They come to My nature"—doesn't this mean transformation of nature? SRI AUROBINDO: That is not transformation. Puta, being purified, you attain to My nature—the ...

...         What is the difference between the cosmic Divine and the Mother?       It is a matter of realisation. In the Yoga of the Gita the Cosmic Divine is realised as Vasudeva (Krishna). The Vaishnavas realise it as Vishnu, the Shaivas as Shiva, the Tantrics (Shaktas) realise the Devi (Goddess) as the Cosmic and even as the Transcendent Divine.         Is not the Self ...

... dharma, but seeks to imitate the Brahmin, he brings about a confusion liable to disintegrate the society, he is then un-Aryan, inglorious, unworthy of heaven, deserving all the epithets which Sri Krishna heaped upon the dejected, ¹ Manusim tanu asritam, IX. 11 ² ParitraNaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam, IV. 8 ³ Aha rudraya dhanurakanomi brahmadiswe saprobes kantaba u -Rig Veda ...

... Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on ...

... dharma, but seeks to imitate the Brahmin, he brings about a confusion liable to disintegrate the society, he is then un-Aryan, inglorious, unworthy of heaven, deserving all the epithets which Sri Krishna heaped upon the dejected, depressed and confused Arjuna. So long as the world is held by brute force, so long as there is the sway of evil power over the material earth and the physical body, there ...

... emotion tingled through the blood of Chandidas he turned deep within and sang to himself with his eyes closed, in trance as it were: Sister, who has sung first the sweet name of the Lord Krishna? On the other hand, the self-poised Vidyapati with his eyes wide open sang: Childhood and youth fuse together. ¹ A similar event seems to have taken place in Europe with the advent of ...

... sense       The Dryad lives drenched in a deeper ray       And feels another air of storms and calms       And quivers inwardly with mystic rain. 161   The traditional stories of "Krishna Lila" reveal the boy who was also God, the innocence that was also Wisdom, the baby-tenderness that was also sovereign Power. Likewise, in the life of the child and girl Savitri, a tenuous line separates ...

... door, and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given to me for a couch and felt the arm of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the Page 324 ...

... was very fine and made a great impression on me. It was due I suppose to Mother's telling me about Krishna's hands offering her the "sun-flower" for me which of course overjoyed me (that even Krishna took some notice of the poor fellow). I saw I was praying fervently with tears in my eyes for Krishna; asking him to show himself for once and not remain unconvincingly invisible (through grace or not)... silhouette made a great impression on me—particularly as it looked so fine on the horse. I take it to be some shadow of Krishna maybe—or perhaps it is too much to expect even Krishna's silhouette even in dream ? Anyway the impression it gave me in the dream was that it was Krishna's head that appeared in response to my Page 34 prayer—for it appeared just when I was on the verge of... should act, how he should not act—they can only come in the way. Only the Divine Himself matters. When your consciousness embraces the Divine, then you can know what the Divine is, not before. Krishna is Krishna, one does not care what he did or did not do, only to see Him, meet Him, feel the Light, the Presence, the Love, the Ananda is what matters. So it is always for the spiritual aspirations—it is ...

... place on 24 November 1926. In Sri Aurobindo's words: It was the descent of Krishna into the physical. Krishna is not the supramental Light. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually bringing, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Page 239 Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind ...

... continues to recover its former frequency & hold on the system, but is still held back by the pranic deficiencies which result in exhaustion & roga. The Brahmadarshan fluctuates between the Krishna, Krishna Narayana, Narayana, Nara Narayana, Nara in Saguna Brahman & mere Saguna bhavas. The two former predominate in children, the young & the beautiful, the Narayana & Nara Narayana in others; the Nara... perfect jnana & imperfect trikaldrishti, jnana being symbolised by 1, trikaldristi by 2, Rupa by 3, Tapas by 4, Samadhi by 5, Health by 6, Ananda by 7, Utthapana by 8, Saundarya by 9, Kali by 10, Krishna by 11, Karma by 12, Kama by 13; so in succession with the 4 members of the Brahma-chatusthaya & the 4 of the Siddhi Chatusthaya making 21 in all. 3) पृष्टो भिंध्यामस्याः संशयं यथानुभवकथनेन. This... refers to the persistent doubts of the sceptical intellect re the Karmasiddhi & points to increasing authority of the divine Vani, अस्याः being Kali the Prakriti & the speaker the Deva or Purusha, Krishna, Master of the Yoga. It appears, however, that the doubts as to dehasiddhi, rapidity, exact fulfilment of knowledge & power are also included. Images 1) A mirror (back view) with a woman behind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... observer. Of course, the devotee loves Krishna because Krishna is lovable and not for any other reason—that is his feeling and his true feeling. He has no time to bother his head about what in himself made him able to love, the fact that he does love is sufficient for him and he does not need to analyse his emotions. The Grace of Krishna consists for him in Krishna's very lovableness, in his showing... on of the movement of the Divinity behind it. That is why we need not enquire whether the stories about Krishna were transcripts, however loose, of his acts on earth or are symbol- representations of what Krishna was and is for men, of the Divinity expressing itself in the figure of Krishna. Buddha's renunciation, his temptation by Mara, his enlightenment under the Bo-tree are such symbols, so... the Grace from acting ? In spite of the parking off, it works—Christians, Mahomedans do answer to the Grace of Krishna. Tigers, ghouls must love if they see him, hear his flute ? Yes, but why do some hear it and see him, others not ? We are thrown back on the two alternatives, Krishna's Grace calls whom it wills to call without any determining reason for the choice or rejection, his mercy or his ...

... can't expect me to argue about my own spiritual greatness in comparison with Krishna's. The question itself would be relevant only if there were two sectarian religions in opposition, Aurobindoism and Vaishnavism, each insisting on its own God's greatness. That is not the case. And then what Krishna must I challenge, – the Krishna of the Gita who is the  transcendent Godhead, Paramatma, Parabrahma, Purushottama... was over.¹ 8-3-1935 I thought I had already told you that your turn towards Krishna was not an obstacle . ... If we consider the large and indeed predominant part he played in my own Sadhana, it would be strange if the part he has in your Sadhana could be considered objectionable . ... If you reach Krishna you reach the Divine; if you can give yourself to him, you give yourself to me.² ... also the appraisal of the work from his own point of view. The other, non-political portions are, really speaking, more important because the reader will find the affirmation of his identity with Krishna, the reason why he carried on an enormous correspondence for nearly eight years with his disciples, how he helped them and how he acted on the world situation. There are some other important things ...

... The following passages within brackets have been omitted from the version published in the Centenary Edition (1972), 30. Bhāgavat: an old and widely read Purana dealing with the life of Sri Krishna and his devotees. 31. Puranas: sacred works composed by Vyasa, eighteen in number, which contain the whole of Hindu mythology and ancient legendary history. 32. (Dilip's note:) Dhruba Sundara... pieces of his own flesh, but the dove was still heavier. The king then offered himself in the balance. Seeing that Agni and Indra blessed the king for his firm sense of sacrifice. 44. Bejoy Krishna Goswami (2.8.1841 -1899), was born at Shantipur in Bengal, and was a descendant of Adwaitacharya. He was married to Yogmaya Devi and became a brahmo. After he started his Yoga and was told by his... the age of 16 she had a profound spiritual experience which she narrated in a booklet: Heart of a Gopi. She was a powerful singer and used to Page 400 sing Meera bhajans in love of Krishna. She passed away in 1976. 113 . Mrinalini Chattopadhyay (1883 - 1968), Harm's sister. Tripos in Philosophy from Cambridge University. An educationist. She first came to see Sri Aurobindo in P ...

... forbidding immensity and scope, wrote a surpassingly moving sonnet tided simply — Krishna: Page 172 At last I find a meaning of soul's birth Into this universe terrible and sweet, I who have felt the hungry heart of earth Aspiring beyond Heaven to Krishna's feet- 1 have seen the beauty of immortal eyes, And heard the passion... Speak to me heart to heart words intimate, And all Thy formless glory turn to love And mould Thy love into a human face. If Radha saw divine Love moulded in Krishna's face, why not Amal Kiran who saw it moulded in Sri Aurobindo's ? Anyway, here is Sri Aurobindo's own comment on the poem: "A very beautiful poem, one of the very best you have written ...

... energetic virility; for Karma is merely Shakti in motion and the Karmayogin must be a pure conductor of divine energy, a selfless hero and creator in the world. Isha Himself in His Avatars, Buddha, Rama, Srikrishna, has given us the highest types of this selfless divine energy and it is therefore to these mighty spirits, God-in-man, that the Karmayogin may well direct his worship. Or he may worship Isha in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... occupation nor can war be called a spiritual line of action. But Krishna calls upon Arjuna to carry on war of the most terrible kind and by his example encourage men to do every kind of human work, sarvakarmāṇi . Do you contend that Krishna was an unspiritual man and that his advice to Arjuna was mistaken or wrong in principle? Krishna goes farther and declares that a man by doing in the right way and... work or all kinds of work demanded from us by the Divine. If it were not so, there would not have been great spiritual men like Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian... yet be a spiritual man, practise Yoga, have an inner life. The Gita is constantly justifying works as a means of spiritual salvation and enjoining a Yoga of works as well as of Bhakti and Knowledge. Krishna, however, superimposes a higher law also that work must be done without desire, without attachment to any fruit or reward, without any egoistic attitude or motive, as an offering or sacrifice to the ...

... 463ff; Gita's place in India's scriptural literature, 464; presenting the essential message, 464; Arjuna-Krishna, Nara-Narayana, 464; existential situation, 464; three arches, works-knowledge-love, 464; wide range of comprehension, 465; central argument, 465; the idea of sacrifice, 466; Krishna as friend and avatar, 466; dual role of avatar, 466; King-Knowledge, King-science, 467; visvarupa... "national" education, 25 1ff; as teacher of National College, 252-3; "Like Shiva in trance" 253; "Puma Yogi", 253; advice to students, 253-4; on Indian nationality and sovereignty, 255ff; on Krishna and Autocracy, 256ff; on politics and spirituality, 257-8; on Morley, 259-60; on Anglo-Indian administrators, 260; on Tilak, 263,267-8; on Gujarat and Gujaratis, 264; at Midnapore Conference, 265,... supermind, 542; on possibility of his own death, 542; on conditions favouring supramental descent, 543,544ff; on Gayatri, 544; Overmind world of the Gods, 545-6; siddhi (24 Nov. 1926), 5478; "descent of Krishna", 549; significance of withdrawal, 549-50, 586; The Synthesis of Yoga, 550ff; on Yoga Siddhi, 567ff; the Ashram, 571ff, 580; coming of the disciples, 576ff; coming of the children, 581; Ashram School ...

... with Him... of manifesting Him upon earth.... This, along with a practical discipline for its fulfilment, was given to me during my body's sleep by several teachers'. One of them she was 'led to call Krishna' and she became 'aware that it was with him that the divine work was to be done'. c. 1891-92 Every night 'I went out of my body and rose straight up... clad in a magnificent golden robe, much... 'It made me gain in a few months what would have perhaps taken me years to do.' c. 1898-1902 Receives a translation of the Bhagavad Gita from Jnanendranath Chakravarti with the advice, 'Take Krishna as the symbol of the immanent Divine, the Divine within you.' And, 'in a month the whole work was done.' 1896-1907 Period of cultivation of the vital being and aesthetic consciousness. Comes... the Bois de Boulogne gardens, watch the 'grasshopper-like early aeroplanes' take off. -Apr 4 Sri Aurobindo arrives in Pondicherry, his 'cave of Tapasya', and begins an intense sadhana with Sri Krishna as his Master of Yoga. Page 848 - Apr-May Paul Richard meets Sri Aurobindo. He returns to France with a photograph of Sri Aurobindo and a feeling that he has the Knowledge, but fails ...

... sacrifice,—we shall see hereafter in what sense we may understand a passage which seems at first sight to convey only a traditional theory of ritualism and the necessity of the ceremonial offering,—Krishna proceeds to state the superiority of the spiritual man to works. "But the man whose delight is in the Self and who is satisfied with the enjoyment of the Self and in the Self he is content, for... sarvabhūteṣu , and present in all the workings of existence. The Veda is the knowledge of the Divine, the Eternal,—"I am He who is to be known in all the books of the Knowledge," vedaiś ca vedyaḥ , Krishna will say in a subsequent chapter; but it is the knowledge of him in the workings of Prakriti, in the workings of the three Page 116 guṇas , first qualities or modes of Nature, traiguṇyaviṣayā ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... stoop to the shifts and meannesses and trickeries that go mostly with them. He will never set a great cause below personal ambition and he is ready always to see his opponent's point of view. As Krishna Kripalani puts it: "He tolerates dissent and obliges enemies, virtues fatal to a politician." Non-violence is not altogether native to him: he has a quick temper and a fighting spirit and has often... developed soul should fail to wake up to his own destiny. The result is an inexplicable sadness that is ever a shadow at Nehru's heels. All who have watched him in private have remarked, as his sister Krishna Hutheesing testifies in With No Regrets, a brooding disconsolate look stealing often into his face as if the dreamer in him who peered into the distance had an unearthly longing which nothing ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... the English translations were just as bad and ... well, Sri Aurobindo hadn't done his yet!). He said, 'Read the Gita knowing that Krishna is the symbol of the immanent God, the God within.' That was all. 'Read it with THAT knowledge—with the knowledge that Krishna represents the immanent God, the God within you.' Well, within a month, the whole thing was done! So some of you people have been ...

... demands an absolute allegiance and loyalty of his contemporaries for the fulfilment of his particular work in the world.¹ It will not do to be exclusively attached to Rama in the age of Krishna, for, though Rama and Krishna are the same in essence, each represents a definite specific work. God's own work, which can be accomplished only if the mind and heart of his age turn devotedly to him and his ideal ...

... true governors of ethics and society. It was the age of Vyasa, the great codifier and systematizer of knowledge. In Dwapara everything was codified, ritualized, formalized. It was then that came Sri Krishna, the Iconoclast. He mocked at the strong hold rule had taken in the hearts of men. Dismissing the set ethical systems, defying conventional wisdom, he established in the Gita an inward and spiritual... and free thinkers the idea is crumbling into dust. The claim of woman is to be regarded and treated as a free individual being. If you remember, one of the tasks given to Sri Aurobindo by Sri Krishna was "to try and bring about certain social changes." The Druids, Peter Beresford Ellis. Page 383 He was never afraid to call a spade a spade. He used all the arrows in his ...

... were still dreaming. The Mother said: I saw in 1904 the vision of a Spirit when I went into the Inconscient. The form of this Spirit was neither of man nor of woman. Nor was it Vishnu or Shiva or Krishna. Once again she closed her eyes to recall what she had seen in the fathomless darkness. When she awoke she instructed me: Child, you must paint a pale gold reclining figure of a God. His right ...

... knowledge, action, and devotion so as to arrive at immortality. The next system of synthesis is to be in the Upanishads, where a great emphasis was laid on the processes of knowledge. In the Gita, Sri Krishna expounds a grand synthesis of Buddhi Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Page 576 Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, where the final emphasis is laid on bhakti as a supreme motivation of Karma ...

... through that play so that ultimately the Divine Will may prevail and fulfill itself; for a time the opposing forces may conquer and the Divine Will withdraw, as is said in the Bhagavad Gita. Did not Sri Krishna have to leave the battle? The Divine foresees and provides for everything in the original plan but that plan is carried out through the play of forces whatever the ultimate purpose is. The Divine does ...

... was coloured blue and white is the movement of Yoga assimilating the passage of time and representing by its colour Krishna's light which Sri Aurobindo has also termed his own light - a whitish blue. No wonder the "heart-stirring music" that came out of it bore the mantra "Rama...Krishna" and, by that soul-intimate sound, cut you away from your ordinary relationships and through a snatch of trance brought ...

... I understand and appreciate your pain at the word "survive", your anxiety that I should not pop off soon and your deeply held wish for me to go on and on to help people remember and act on Sri Krishna's great words: "You who have come into this transient and unhappy world, love and worship Me." Yes, I cannot blame you for chiding me: your affection is perceived to be warm and vibrant behind your... operandi grew clear of the one unfailing factor possible to realise amidst the vicissitudes of "this transient and unhappy world" into which we have come Page 125 yet within which Sri Krishna points to an unchanging support when he gives the call: "Love and worship Me."   A little later an external circumstance came to my help. I received an assurance making me see that the hurtful ...

... Education, Vol. VI, No. 1, p. 65. 3 See H. Carrington and J. R. Meader, Death, pp. 170-72. Page 343 This citation from Goethe reminds us of the memorable words of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavadgita: "Finite bodies have an end, but that which possesses and uses the body is infinite, illimitable, eternal, indestructible. It casts away old and takes up new bodies... translation) Page 347 of physical death is indeed a welcome event, for with this terminal event the cycle of transmigration will be absolutely ended. It is for this that Sri Krishna said: "Ripe souls meet death as their most beloved guest (kṛta-krtyāḥ pratikṣante mṛtyuṁ priyam ivātithim)." But cetainly this type of world-disgust cannot be the attitude for a Sadhaka ...

... still upwards and arrived at the abode of the sunlight, which is the light of the supreme knowledge.) Again, is it a mere legend when the Chhandogya Upanishad refers to this verse when it is said that Krishna, son of Devaki, attained to supreme knowledge, when Ghora, his teacher, pronounced to him that one Word, contained in that verse. In one sentence, the Veda declares that mere crossing the darkness... knowledge that, according to the ancient Indian wisdom, the harmony between the individual and the collectivity can be created and perfected. Examples of great Rishis and personalities like Rama and Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha and a number of Siddhas illustrate what profundities of knowledge are required if we are not only to repeat what was achieved in the past but also if we are to recreate, with new ...

... still upwards and arrived at the abode of the sunlight, which is the light of the supreme knowledge.) Again, is it a mere legend when the Chhandogya Upanishad refers to this verse when it is said that Krishna, son of Devaki, attained to supreme knowledge, when Ghora, his teacher, pronounced to him that one Word, contained in that verse. In one sentence, the Veda declares that mere crossing the darkness... knowledge that, according to the ancient Indian wisdom, the harmony between the individual and the collectivity can be created and perfected. Examples of great Rishis and personalities like Rama and Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha and a number of Siddhas illustrate what profundities of knowledge are required if we are not only to repeat what was achieved in the past but also if we are to Page 47 ...

... prisoner at Alipore. Spends his time reading the Gita and the Upanishads and in meditation and the practice of Yoga. Has the realisation of the Cosmic Consciousness and of the Divine (Sri Krishna) as all beings and in all that is. May 19 Preliminary hearing in the Magistrate's Court begins. August 19 Committed to the Court of Sessions. October 19 Trial in the Sessions Court... published. Group meditation discontinued. 1925 Meeting with Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottam Das Tandon. 1926 November 24 The Day of Siddhi (Victory Day): the descent of Krishna, the Overmind Godhead, into the physical. The evening talks and all other direct contacts ,with Sri Aurobindo are discontinued. He retires completely into concentrated sadhana, but gives ...

... that King Yudhish-thir's crown was full of germs?" I said, "Lullaby, look again at the text." He looked and exclaimed: "Oh, it is 'gems', not 'germs'.'" Later he read out as Arjuna's apostrophe to Krishna: "O thou beast among men!" When I burst out laughing, he looked again and said: "I'm sorry. It was "best'." Somewhere else he turned the poetic phrase "Starry eyes that falter not, set in an exalted ...

... Madalasa reminded her child. SRI AUROBINDO: The Divine parents have much to do while Madalasa had nothing else. DR. MANILAL: Why was that bakul flower violet. Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: May be Sri Krishna's compassion for your patience or perhaps he has the compassion to wait patiently for you. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL(addressing Nirodbaran after a short pause): Try Arnica oil for your hair. N ...

... speaking in favour of the Germans. When Bansidhar told him the Mother did not wish that we should take sides with Hitler, he replied, "Sri Aurobindo says different things to different persons as Sri Krishna did to Arjuna, Vidura, etc. You don't know." SRI AUROBINDO: R knows? ...

... limp? Say, Titans, has that pride lost its brilliance? Has that power evaporated unnoticed As we lay courting sleep at night without care? Who has stolen your blazing might? Is it Krishna or Mahadeva or any other bold enough In the still night trembling to enter Lanka while she lay asleep? Oh! the irony of Fate! the unconquerable race Is conquered at last in a petty skirmish ...

... the mind, the other in which it is vivid and the very nature of the soul's view of things. The Ishwara is not as often before Krishna or Kali, Purusha and Prakriti, in the individual, but the Lilamaya impartially in all, Krishna with Kali in the purusha, Kali with Krishna in the stri . The prema-kama is normalising itself in the same way,—in two ways separately, first as essential stuff of the... fulfilment. Suddha vijnanananda is becoming more and more confirmed, brilliant and intense on the vijnana plane. It is becoming also full of the devibhava and is preparing to base the full Krishna Kali darshana. Devibhava grows in firmness and intensity and is preparing to expel the habit of reversion by the full illumination of the lower bhava and the removal of the division between... rich colour and the faery atmosphere of the ananda. The insistence throughout the day has been on the fifth chatusthaya + Ishwara, ie on the Ananda Brahman merging into the Anandamaya Purusha (Krishna-Kali). For days the rupadrishya has been disorganised. The mental Page 982 stress and formation is being eliminated. Meanwhile the old round of breaking up and rebuilding the broken ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... never take in those who can See through your ruses. Humph! How can sobriety Endorse your version of Lord Krishna's ways And coming and going? It sounds all too quixotic! You glibly mouth a string of hyperboles, Feminine and absurd! Do we not know How unattainable is our Lord, Sri Krishna? Did not even the resplendent saints and sages Apostles and Messiahs find the Path To Him, the Lone, strait... for Him as for the mother The child cries in the night, And compelled. He leaned like sky to earth, In love's divine delight. {In tears of ecstasy she sang, describing How Krishna, her one blue dream in desert life, Delivered her from the underworld of Night To boon her with the freedom of the sky, Calling her His own child of dateless dawn And she sang how... if one Cries out for His union, staking one's all for Him. SECOND PUNDIT ( a little impressed in spite of, himself ) You mean you really found Him — your Gopal Whom we call Krishna, the Lord Himself—the One Who is the Primal Cause of causes, the Lone Inviolate Light of lights, the One-in-all — MIRA Yes, sire, 'twas He, the world's Evergreen Beloved, Who ...

... India, Tahal Ram Ganga Ram who visited Calcutta during February-March1905 and inflamed the youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly paper, Sanjivani on 13 July 1905 and an article in Amrita Bazar Patrika on 17 July 1905 by an unknown correspondent 'G' (probably Sri Aurobindo or his brother Barindra... the Dalawa collected forces at Cochin and, assisted by the Carnatic Brigade, marched to Trivandrum and put an end to the mutiny. Several of its leaders were executed in the most gruesome manner. One Krishna Pillai, a commander of a regiment, had his legs tied to two elephants which were driven in the opposite direction, tearing him to pieces. The Treaty signed with the British East India Company... kingdom was actually run by his powerful minister and relative, the Paliath Achan Govindan Menon. Paliath Achan wanted the assassination of a powerful and trusted aide of the Rajah, a certain Kunju Krishna Menon (whose daughter later married Ayilyam Thirunal, Maharajah of Travancore), who was protected by the Resident. This increased the hostility between the Paliath Achan and the Resident who started ...

... Sri Krishna's exile to Brindavan came to an end. A new chapter of glory began. The major event that occurred in that chapter was Sri Krishna's killing of Kamsa and the liberation of Vasudeva and Devaki from prison. The chapters of Sri Krishna's life are numerous, but they should be read in the Puranas and in the great story of the Mahabharata. How can that great story of the life of Sri Krishna be contained... Sri Krishna In Brindavan Part I Exile of Sri Krishna in Brindavan Krishna and companions (Pahari miniature) The Vrajavāsīs arrive in Vrndāvana* Gradually, the caravan of Vrajavāsīs arrived at the beautiful forest of Vrndāvana. They built their residences over a vast area, for the benefit of the cows. The bullock... contained in this small monograph, the purpose of which is only to depict Sri Krishna's exile to Brindavan? That episode of Sri Krishna's life gave birth to the Path of Divine Love. That Path has stirred millions to seek in their hearts, the unutterable love of the gopis and of Radha, and to strive to hear the flute of Sri Krishna, to allow its music and its divine call to drench their hearts and limbs ...

... accomplishment, except for a doubt of the sharira siddhi and of the extent of the karma . Page 1018 With this the determining of the Kali-Krishna bhava in the personality; together, dasya of the Kali-prakriti as expressive of the Krishna-purusha both making the upper and lower sides of one personality. The Ishwara of the system, with the Ishwara of the worlds above, one in two dhamas ... fragmentary denial, in all but the [ . . . ] roga which still persists. Utthapana is thrown backward, Saundarya only developed in psychic youth and a few preparatory movements of the physical change. Krishna Kali are both developed, but not perfect. Karma kama are psychically progressing, physically held back. Page 994 Brahmadarshana is complete as continent, incomplete in contents. Shuddhi... the siddhis which compose the last five chatusthayas . 1) jnanam, 2) trikaldrishti, 3) rupa-siddhi, 4) tapas 5) samadhi, 6) arogya, 7) ananda, 8) utthapana, 9) saundarya, 10) Krishna, 11) Kali, 12) karma, 13) kama, 14) Sarvam Brahma, 15) Anantam, 16) Jnanam, 17) Anandam, 18) suddhi, 19) mukti, 20) bhukti, 21) siddhi. This jyotih is not yet to be free ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... individuals like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna is not a matter of speculation but a matter of their own direct experience and a living and constant confirmation and reconfirmation. The most recent testimony of the fact of avatarhood is to be found in Sri Aurobindo, who has quite categorically declared his personal and daily experience and realization of Sri Krishna as an avatar, and who has in some of... spiritual tradition, there is a clear recognition of those who have manifested the presence and action of the Infinite Consciousness right from the birth of certain individuals like Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and Buddha, and others who have manifested the Infinite Consciousness at certain levels of their development in certain human births such as those of Sri Chaitanya and others. This tradition is marked ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... vessels of gold and silver, ornamented with rubies and emeralds and diamonds sparkling with many colours. Lord Krishna was invited to the feast but did not go. Instead he went that night to the house of a poor Sudra, who had also invited him. The meal was simple, the dishes were plain. And yet Krishna chose this one in preference to the other, for the feast which the Sudra offered him was full of sincere ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... in one, for delight of existence is their highest power and without consciousness delight cannot be possessed. That is the sense of the supreme figure of the intensest Indian religion of love, Sri Krishna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful. The intelligence can also follow this trend, but it ceases then to be the pure intellect; it calls in its power of imagination to its aid, it becomes the image-maker... forms of his personality are real truths of himself in which he meets us and seems to deal with us, as if the rest had been put away behind him. He is each separately and all altogether. He is Vishnu, Krishna, Kali; he reveals himself to us in humanity as the Christ personality or the Buddha personality. When we look beyond our first exclusively concentrated vision, we see behind Vishnu all the personality ...

... anything, someone brought me a sprig of tulsi. 3 I smelled it and said, 'Oh, Devotion!' It was absolutely a... a vibration of devotion. Afterwards, I was told it's the plant of devotion to Krishna, consecrated to Krishna. Another time, I was brought one of those big flowers (which are not really flowers) somewhat resembling corn, with long, very strongly scented stalks. 4 I smelled it and said, 'Ascetic ...

... times. Sri Aurobindo subsequently showed to what extent the supermind was discovered by the Rishis of the Veda Page 92 and the Upanishads and even by the later tradition of which Sri Krishna's yogic knowledge and realization is the culminating point. It was not as if Sri Aurobindo had any mental idea of the supermind or of the yoga by which supermind can be attained by following which he... Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity ...

... wandered about the whole of India, crossed the seas, traversed continents, undertook whirlwind campaigns—talking, debating, lecturing: it was a life superbly rich in muscular movements. By his side, Rama-krishna would appear quite tame—inactive, "introvert": fewer physical displacements or muscular exercises marked his life. And yet, ask anyone who is in touch with the inner life of these great souls, he will... side of Nature, there is also a sunny side. If there is a nadir, there must be a corresponding zenith. In the Vedic image, if man is born of the Dark Mother, he is also a child of the White Mother (krishna and shveti). Or again, if earth is our mother, the Heaven is our father— dyaur me pita mata prithivi iyam. In other words, consciousness extends not in depth alone, but in height also —it is vertically ...

... very high up to arrive at the true expression which is on the summit of the ascent. The ultimate expression of love is in the felicity of union. That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha is the name given to the soul ...

... to climb very high up to arrive at the true expression which is on the summit of the ascent. The ultimate expression of love is in the felicity of union. That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna Page 134 is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha ...

... not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. Therefore, says Sri Krishna in the Mahabharat, God created battle and armour, the sword, the bow and the dagger. Page 1121 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... extraordinary was its light that nothing could keep hiding in the places lit up wide by it; all must come to light. Not a speck of dust in that broad daylight; it was as though the presence of Lord Krishna behind the sun, pervading the whole sky, was there to enhance a hundredfold with its dark blue the light of the sun shining therein. Nothing could conceal itself in that great light. As I note down ...

... Page 13 Around this time, she came into contact with Bhagavadgita through an Indian who had come to Europe. He had told her, "Read it with THAT knowledge - with the knowledge that Lord Krishna represents the immanent God, the God within you." She not only studied the Gita, but within a month, she attained to the realization of the immanent Supreme. Soon thereafter, she went to Tiemcen ...

... choice but to leave the field altogether to the Asuras, in whatever camp or form they are, to fight it out among themselves and finally destroy themselves in the act even like the Yadavas of old after Krishna's retirement. Some Asuras may like to pre­tend to be divine precisely to "catch" the voting strength, so to say, of the human being who may still seem to have a prejudice or predilection for divine ...

... form to it than going from cottage to cottage and popularising the Ramayana. By the way, there is a point made by someone about Vyasa and his Mahabharata. He says that Vyasa was greater than Sri Krishna because he had universal sympathy: Vyasa expresses his sympathy with every character he created in the Mahabharata. SRI AUROBINDO: Where does Vyasa say that? This looks like Valmiki's intention ...

... hard facts of life or nature present themselves. But what an illusion all the same!" Oh, the poignancy of it! Even before the Drewett couple left for Australia in 1884, the remittances from Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose had become irregular, and as time went on they grew increasingly Page 153 rare, till finally they almost stopped. Thus, for years, the three brothers were thrown mostly ...

... though politics is not always or often a very clean occupation nor can war be called a spiritual line of action. But Krishna calls upon Arjuna to carry on war of the most terrible kind and by his example encourage men to do every kind of human work, sarvakarmani. Do you contend that Krishna was an unspiritual man and that his advice to Arjuna was mistaken or wrong in principle? I do not regard the... static Brahman; then you can look upon the whole thing as Maya and it may not exist for you. But I believe in Brahman siding against Brahman—that the Brahman, I think, has always been doing.... Krishna took sides openly in the Mahabharata and Rama also. September 3, 1943 (From a letter to a disciple.) We [Sri Aurobindo and Mother] made it plain in a letter which has been made public ...

... his credal profession for any motive; if he has, he cannot; he can only change it in response to an inner spiritual need. If a man has a bhakti for the Divine in the form of Krishna, he can't very well say, "I will swap Krishna for Christ so that I may become socially respectable." 116 May 17, 1936 There is no necessity to reveal one's plans and movements to those who have no business to... take sides for the Truth, to stand against the forces that attack it and seek to stifle it. Arjuna wanted not to stand for either side, to refuse any action of hostility even against assailants; Sri Krishna, who insisted so much on samata, strongly rebuked his attitude and insisted equally on his fighting the adversary. "Have samata," he said, "and seeing clearly the Truth, fight." Therefore to take ...

... poem, but I accept with much reservation your other statement that the poet has come out, for after a long labour I could not even complete a sonnet. If the poet has come out I think it is a sort of Krishna's afternoon visit to Chaitanya! As for the Yogi, I submit myself to anything,—injection, forceps or even operation; but only do bring him out, please. He is overdue! Well, at any rate it proves... now! What the hell! what the blazes!" So it would depend on the occasion, not only on the person. There are many instances to show that some persons are dearer to the Divine than others. Besides Krishna and Arjuna, we have the instance of Buddha and Ananda. There is also St. John, the beloved disciple. Then again, Vivekananda was dearer to Ramakrishna than the other disciples. Chaitanya showered... arrive. I am in trouble and I don't know if you will help me. Why not? You know that I have not served or sought any god. Yoga and religion were a repulsion to me. I can't conceive of any Krishna, Shiva or even Buddha helping me—since I have not taken their name. Perhaps Mahomed? I have neither any great being nor power behind me which many have, I hear. [Sri Aurobindo underlined ...

... not an independent existence to the Jiva - it is, they say, one in essence, different in * In Bengal when one is about to kill a small animal, people often protest saying "Don't kill - it is Krishna's Jiva (His living creature)." Page 17 manifestation, and as the manifestation is real, eternal and not an illusion, it cannot be called unreal. The dualistic schools affirm the Jiva... is One enjoy the Divine, that is the Dwaitadwaita Page 19 liberation; it may lay stress on its Many aspect and be possessed by the Divine, the Vishistadwaita, or go on playing with Krishna in the eternal Vrindavan, the Dwaita liberation. Or it may, even being liberated, remain in the Lila or manifestation or descend into it as often as it likes. The Divine is not bound by human philosophies ...

... approach which generally characterised the earlier revolts. The first period in the history of the Congress was dominated by four leaders, namely Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozeshah Mehta, Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Surendranath Banerjee. For the following two decades till about 1905, they dominated the scene and controlled the Congress party. Here is a brief note on these four personalities. ... elected the president of the Indian National Congress in 1890. He became a member of the Bombay Legislative Council in 1893. He founded the newspaper Bombay Chronicle in 1910. Gopal Krishna Gokhale entered into public life in 1886 at the young age of 20. While contributing articles to the English weekly Mahratta, he was attracted by the idea of using education as a means to awaken ...

... the godhead. They want to hold man bound down in their grip. Such a moment of crisis came to man in the time of Sri Krishna. The Kurukshetra War is known as a war of righteousness, dharma-yuddha; it was a war of the gods and titans. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra Sri Krishna gave his message that was to initiate the New Age that was coming. In exactly the same way, Sri Aurobindo began to proclaim ...

... trial prisoner at Alipore. Spends his time reading the Gita and the Upanishads and in meditation and the practice of Yoga. Has the realisation of the Cosmic Consciousness and of the Divine (Sri Krishna) as all beings and in all that is. May 19 Preliminary hearing in the Magistrate's Court begins. August 19 Committed to the Court of Sessions. October 19 Trial in the Session... Life published. Group meditation discontinued. 1925 — Meeting with Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottam Das Tandon. 1926 — November 24 The Day of Siddhi (Victory Day): the descent of Krishna, the Overmind Godhead, into the physical. The evening talks and all other direct contacts with Sri Aurobindo are discontinued.He retires completely into concentrated sadhana, but gives "Darshan" ...

... grieve, O great Sage; not even for being deprived of the kingdom, as much do I for the daughter of Drupada. The evil-souled had put us to shame in the game of dice but she, the sister of Krishna, had come there to our rescue; and then again, in this forest, Jayadratha took her away forcefully. Did you ever in the past meet, or did you hear of any woman, devoted to her husband and ...

... beast, tree & stone,—and all things in the manifestation are the forms and activities of my Self. Moreover, this Self is again the Lord of the Cosmos, the Purushottama, the divine Vishnu, Shiva or Krishna, of whom every individual soul is a conscious centre, aware of its unity with Him in being and also of its difference in the universe; and the manifestation is a Lila or play of the Lord who is in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... so that my insistence—in The Mother or elsewhere—on getting rid of mental constructions is not so groundless after all. The Mother told you very simply that if you prayed to her (your prayers to Krishna having according to you no effect) you would have received quicker help. That was simply to help you—she is here close to you and the others and any number here have received help by calling to her ...

... of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity ...

... Janaka,21 Japan, 421 Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198 Jehovah, 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 Laplace, 370 Lazarus, 200 Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 ...

... Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity ...

... piece of a comet. July 22 — Tilak is sentenced to six years' transportation to Burma for alleged seditious writings in the Kesari. December 16 - Deportation of Ashwini Kumar Dutt, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Satish Chatterjee, Subodh Mullick, Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, and four others. December 28 — An earthquake followed by a tidal wave in Messina, Sicily, leaves 160,000 victims ...

... wrote about his being "puzzled"? and so on. I went on then to ask him if it was really possible to refer all our works to the Divine. I reminded him. once more that though I had tried to "remember" Krishna while I worked, I found that I failed utterly in the attempt for more than a few minutes at a time because I got quickly absorbed in whatever I undertook. So, I had come in the end to ask myself if... all right for the strong — but aspiration and the Grace answering to it are not altogether myths; they are great realities of the spiritual life. Again, you see, I am muddling the human mind — like Krishna of the Gita — by supporting contrary things at the same time — can't help it — it is my nature. "But I am unable to explain further today — so I break off these divagations. I am rather too ov... alarming a symptom after all." Once a rather funny thing happened in 1933. We used in those days to have a musical programme in the Ashram, about once in two months. As I was singing a song on Krishna on one such occasion with Mother sitting before me in samadhi, I was Page 150 conscious of a sudden commotion behind me where the others were sitting. A senior sadhaka of considerable ...

... but not subject to it, not desiring anything that the objective life can give. It is not an external asceticism, the physical renunciation of the objects of sense that I am teaching, suggests Krishna immediately to avoid a misunderstanding which is likely at once to arise. Not the renunciation of the Sankhyas or the austerities of the rigid ascetic with his fasts, his maceration... higher than itself and in which calm and self-mastery are inherent. And this Yoga can only arrive at its success by devoting, by consecrating, by giving up the whole self to the Divine, "to Me", says Krishna; for the Liberator is within us, but it is not our mind, nor our intelligence, nor our personal will,—they are only instruments. It is the Lord in whom, as we are told in the end, we have utterly to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... meditating on the terrace, I saw a white light coming down from the sky and passing through the crown of her head. The light was not bright white, but a little blue, like the colour of the flower "Krishna's Ananda". The lights represent forces—I suppose you saw some force of Ananda coming down. 2 April 1934 Today while offering flowers to the Mother, I concentrated with my eyes shut. I saw... how can it ever develop? 26 October 1934 I had a dream in which the Mother seemed to be ill. Once when she smiled, I imagined that I saw all the worlds in her mouth, as Yashoda saw them in Krishna's mouth. Immediately after this, I felt myself being lifted up above the world and looking at it as a witness. But the sense of the Mother being ill made me wonder if it was really her or someone else—some ...

... her. Four years later the Mother came to Pondicherry. This was in 1914. Before coming she repeatedly had the vision of a certain figure whom she accepted as her guide and instinctively called Krishna though she knew very little of Indian mythology or history. Being a gifted painter, she made a coloured sketch of that figure. At the very first meeting with Sri Aurobindo she recognised in him the... into Sri Aurobindo's body as well as into the Mother's, of what Sri Aurobindo has termed Overmind. Overmind is the World of the Great Gods, diverse aspects of the one Divinity. It is the Plane of Krishna-Consciousness, the highest unified power of the Divine known in the past. With its descent the preparation was made and the foundation laid for the descent of the hitherto unmanifested power which ...

... and although I knew little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time I was led to call him Krishna, and henceforth I was aware that it was with him (whom I knew I would meet on earth one day) that the divine work was to be done.’ 16 We will see later on how Mirra met this ‘Krishna.’ And so she grew up, that quiet, well-behaved, intelligent and talented girl de bonne famille , and ...

... the two ends of existence - the Supermind bearing in itself the truth of both eternity and time at one extreme and at the other the terrestrial scene where all truth appears to be lost so that Sri Krishna of the Gita could say to Arjuna: "Thou who hast come to this transient and unhappy world, turn thy love to Me." Sri Aurobindo, in his poem "The Life-Heavens" sees man's consummation ultimately in a... had a beauty lit by an intimate touch on what had been to me an elusive distance.   When the wonder-struck poet kindled into a lover whose object of affection had already heard the flute of Krishna, something awoke in him relating itself not only to the human charm in front but also to a Beyond in that charm. Then the search for the Unknown linked the two beings as much as what their eyes delighted ...

... asked to paint the flower called "Falsehood" for the room in which the sadhaks read daily newspapers. For my own room the Mother told me to paint "Krishna's Light in the Mind". I was very happy with this choice of hers — especially as "Krishna's Light" is said by Sri Aurobindo to be also "Sri Aurobindo's Light". Ever since this choice, cleverness for the sake of cleverness has ceased ...

... our people who are no more with us. I saw almost all of those who had passed away in the Ashram and also those from outside who were connected with the Ashram but were no more alive. Tirupati, Krishna Shashi were also there. They were all standing with folded hands in a deep prayerful mood, with their heads uplifted towards the sky—some with eyes open and some with closed eyes. Their simplicity ...

... mankind in the past may not have recognized your presence amongst them, especially when outwardly both of you may have had personalities like those of ordinary human beings. But how is it that even Sri Krishna, Buddha or Christ could not detect your presence in this world? Presence where and in whom? If they did not meet, they would not recognize, and even if they met there is no reason why the Mother ...

... mud of the ordinary world, and it took her a lot of time and trouble to rub and scrub and clean the dross upon the body, to made it shine as before. You may remember here in this connection a Rama-krishna story about the sinners who went to the Ganges for a bath to purify themselves; they leave their sins on the shore or the sins leave them as they get into the Ganges water, but the sins wait for them ...

... Akshara Purusha and the supreme Soul that is at once impersonality and divine Person and much more than either—that this capital distinction implied in the later chapters and in the divine "I" of which Krishna has constantly spoken, aham, mām , has as yet not been quite expressly and definitely drawn. We have been throughout anticipating it in order to understand from the beginning the full significance... unmanifest and not the manifest is the eternal Spirit. How then does the union which admits the manifestation, admits the lesser thing, come yet to be the greater Yoga-knowledge? To this question Krishna replies with an emphatic decisiveness. "Those who found their mind in Me and by constant union, possessed of a supreme faith, seek after Me, I hold to be the most perfectly in union of Yoga." The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... that they are indispensable to overcome the difficulty of a complete and firm realisation; for how else can this knowledge be made a thing of the heart and life? He requires guiding indications, asks Krishna even for a complete and detailed enumeration of the sovereign powers of his becoming and desires that nothing shall be left out of the vision, nothing remain to baffle him. "Thou Page 359 ... whom My powers rise to the utmost heights of human attainment are Myself always, My special Vibhutis. I am among men the king of men, the leader, the mighty man, the hero. I am Rama among warriors, Krishna among the Vrishnis, Arjuna among the Pandavas. The illumined Rishi is My Vibhuti; I am Bhrigu among the great Rishis. The great seer, the inspired poet who sees and reveals the truth by the light of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... April 4. At 4 p.m. on that fourth day of the fourth month of the year, Sri Aurobindo set foot in Pondicherry in answer to an inner Page 276 command of Sri Krishna, an adesa heard during his earlier Krishna-chosen exile in Chandernagore. From that moment the future Ashram was waiting to take birth. You write: "I give you a free hand to decide and advise me. Believe me ...

... who do not belong to the group called together out of millions by the Grace in the first aspect of inexplicable choice may envisage the Saviour Strength under any guise -sustainer Rama or enchanter Krishna, compassionate Buddha or all-merciful Allah's mediator Mohammed, beneficent Kwanon or Holy Mary the eternal intercessor. Even the habitual unbeliever who, when he finds himself helpless, instinctively... the means to push us along a new pathway. Part of their work is to ensure a "break" at times, though I do not necessarily mean breaking a bone!   When Sri Aurobindo went to jail, he asked Sri Krishna "Why?" The reply was that there was no other way to push him in the right direction. A drastic measure was needed to pull him out of politics. In my own small way I kept asking my Gurus for a clear ...

... be in a hurry to quit "this transient and unhappy world", the Gita's anityam asukham lokam imam, without carrying out as much and as long as you can the command of Sri Krishna: bhajasva mam, "love "and worship Me." Sri Krishna has graced our times with a manifestation still more luminous than in the period of the Bharata War. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have touched our earth with the blessings ...

... sufficiently prepared to tread their path?" You have mentioned the Gita's Krishna as listing the four types of people who worship him: people who are in distress, people who want prosperity, people who want to know the truth of things and, finally, people who have realised the truth. Your feeling that the Mother's grace, just like Krishna's, answers to the needs of all seeking souls is right. Wherever there ...

... alert mastery, though the seeds of that development were already there in his young days, as proved by pieces like that veritable quintessence of Vaishnava insight, the poem entitled Krishna . Artistically, Krishna and Babylon are the most opulent things he has done, opulent in the sense of not only jewelled phraseology but also rhythm-modulation, the technique of pause, stress and changing tone ...

... integral and absolute. The Attempt at Physical Transformation Sri Krishna never set out to arrive at any physical transformation, so anything of the kind could not be expected in his case. Neither Buddha nor Shankara nor Ramakrishna had any idea of transforming the body. Their aim was spiritual mukti and nothing else. Krishna taught Arjuna to do liberated works, but he never spoke of any physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... into the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material universe." Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 150 This brings us back to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is the One of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks here, the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction; and the soul, the psychic ...

... translations were as bad and I did not have... Sri Aurobindo had not yet written his. He said, "Read the Gita, and take Krishna as the symbol of the immanent God, the inner Godhead." This was all that he told me. He said to me, "Read it with that—the knowledge that Krishna represents the immanent God in the Gita, the God Page 298 who is within you." Well, in one month the whole work ...

... alert mastery, though the seeds of that development were already there in his young days, as proved by pieces like that veritable quintessence of Vaishnava insight, the poem entitled Krishna . Artistically, Krishna and Babylon are the most opulent things he has done, opulent in the sense of not only jewelled phraseology but also rhythm-modulation, the technique of pause, stress and changing tone ...

... for spiritual perfection is a perfect equality." (The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 671) "Equality is the chief support of the true spiritual consciousness..." (Letters on Yoga, p. 661) Lord Krishna, the great proponent of spiritual synthesis, went so far as to define 'Yoga' as the 'attainment of equality', 'samatvam yoga ucyate'. According to him the consciousness of a true yogi is always... their roots struck deep down, peace and equanimity will always remain beyond the reach of the sadhaka, ś ā ntim apnoti na k ā mak ā mī (Gita II. 70). According to the prescription suggested by Lord Krishna, the only way to the attainment of perfect peace and equality is the uprooting of ego and desires, nisprhah nirmamo nirahank ā rah śā ntim adhigacchati (ibid., II. 71). But this is easier ...

... Education •Landmarks of Hinduism •The Veda and Indian Culture •Glimpses of Vedic Literature •Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life •Arjuna's Argument at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answers •Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays •A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher •Philosophy... •The Aim of Life •The Good Teacher and the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates ...

... •Landmarks of Hinduism •The Veda and Indian Culture •Glimpses of Vedic Literature •Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life •Arjuna's Argument at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answers •Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays •A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher •A... of Life •The Good Teacher and the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri Aurobindo and Ilion •Gods and the World •Socrates ...

... up if one sincerely aspires to get the needed help. One should remember how Arjuna in his moment of crisis at the battlefield of Mahabharata approached Sri Krishna and asked for his advice. His humility led him to declare to Sri Krishna: "Rule over me", shādhi mām. In the moment of crisis, one must turn to the wisest advice that may be available in the given situation. One must remain ...

... Maheshbhai and Shanta-bhabhi, her elder brother and sister-in-law, and two cousins Ramjibhai and Dayaben. She had inherited a liking for the spiritual life from her father, who was a devotee of Lord Krishna and had founded an Ashram at Kansia, a beautiful island a Page vii few miles from Bharuch, where he lived a spiritual life. He took a very keen interest in moulding the lives of his ...

... choice but to leave the field alrogether to the Asuras, in whatever camp or form they are, to fight it out among themselves and finally destroy themselves in the act even like the Yadavas of old after Krishna's retirement. Some Asuras may pretend to be divine precisely to catch the voting strength, so to say, of the human being, who may still seem to have a prejudice or predilection for the divine things; ...

... fourteen years, from 1879 to 1893. Which reminds me of an Avatar of another Age: Rama, the son of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya, was banished from the kingdom by his father for fourteen years. Did Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose know that he was doing the same to his son? We don't know. But what is known is that he placed his three sons with the clergyman and his wife with strict instructions that they should ...

... consciousness and afterwards it spreads from the first centres and takes up more and more of the global consciousness till it becomes an established force there. 29 July 1933 The spiritual work of Krishna, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and others achieved nothing permanent. Whose work? So far as bringing in spiritual forces goes, I suppose their work was fairly successful. I am not aware that Ramakrishna... for the whole earth,—only there will be a growing influence of it on the earth life. 15 December 1934 Do you seriously want me to swallow this mountainous absurdity that any man can be made a Krishna or a Sri Aurobindo, any woman a Mother, any X a Tyagaraj, any Y a Tansen, any Z a Shakespeare, any A a Raphael, any B a Vyasa or a Valmiki? ... I have never said any or all of these things. These... had this vision and this ideal before them, that is no reason why I should not follow my Truth-sense and Truth-vision. If human Page 281 reason regards me as a fool for trying to do what Krishna did not try, I do not in the least care. There is no question of C or D or anybody else in that. It is a question between the Divine and myself—whether it is the Divine Will or not, whether I am sent ...

... consciousness known as Krishna's is also said by Sri Aurobindo to have been — at least in its dynamic aspect — a manifestation of the Overmind in a concrete and personal way. So this occasion of the descent of the Overmind was, as it were, an extension of what Krishna had achieved — that is, the Overmind Consciousness coming down right to the most physical. We may question whether Krishna brought it down ...

... 1911, and died within half an hour. His assassin Vanchi alias Sankara Aiyar of Shencotta in Travancore State committed suicide a few minutes after; he was accompanied by a youth named Sankara Krishna Aiyar who ran away, but was afterwards caught and convicted. An important member of the conspiracy named Nilakanta Aiyar alias Omkar Swami, who absconded to Benares but eventually... Police in Calcutta, who had no previous knowledge of any of the facts, and it was afterwards repeated in Madras. In his statement he admitted that he used to travel about in the company of Sankara Krishna Aiyar, the youth who was with Vanchi Aiyar at the time of the murder, and that he had met Vanchi Aiyar himself frequently. The most important part of his statement was that relating to Pondicherry... pamphlets and journals. On some there was the image of Kali and some writing in Bengali. The suspicion was supposed to be created that all these refugees were carrying on correspondence with Shyamji Krishna Varma, Madame Cama and other leaders of the revolutionary movement in Europe and were trying to hatch an Indian conspiracy with their help. The investigating magistrate who came to search ...

... life, or to win a glorious victory for a just cause. Both men are conscious of a divine mission in life and in various ways are the constant recipients of divine guidance Arjuna directly from Lord Krishna, and Achilles, as directly from Zeus, Athena, and other Greek deities. Page 68 The seers who wrote these epics attributed semi-divine parentage to both heroes. Arjuna is said to be the... eventually killed by the Trojans, but his re-entry into the field of battle assures their eventual victory, for so it has been foretold. Arjuna is part of the victorious army on the field of Kurukshetra. Krishna has assured him that he and his brothers are destined to win. Both of these personalities exhibit heroic qualities of the highest order. Besides physical skills and even great physical beauty... more interesting is the way these men are shown to respond to a divine guidance. Arjuna faces doubt and faint-heartedness about his chosen mission at the commencement of the great war. He turns to Krishna for help and soon there after his mind is illumined and he again takes up his mission — but this time with a deeper understanding of its hidden values. The great message "Abandon all dharmas and take ...

... is no alien or exotic ideal, it is merely the conscious attempt to fulfil the great centripetal tendency which has pervaded the grandiose millenniums of her history, to complete the work which Srikrishna began, which Chandragupta and Asoka and the Gupta Kings continued, which Akbar almost brought to realisation, for which Shivaji was born and Bajirao fought and planned.... The day of the independent... India shall meet and possess its divine and mighty destiny. 22 The parallelism here (like the other one, referred to in Chapter 10, comparing the life of Nationalism with the life of Sri Krishna) is worked out at perhaps excruciating length, and the parable is here and there twisted to point the political moral. But the peroration is magnificent, for it has the thunderclap of a prophecy ...

... Vedic symbols and legends. But I wonder whether the whole of the epic can be thus interpreted. There is a definite historic nucleus. You must not fall into the Gandhi-mentality which, unable to accept Krishna as the encourager of a violent war, desired to take him, as well as Arjuna and all the rest, as an allegory of a certain part of our psychological make-up and the entire battle of Kurukshetra as an... written in Hindi a place in Mother India in English would be to disseminate his     1. Reprinted in Aspects of Sri Aurobindo along with another letter to me critiquing the philosopher Krishna Chaitanya's severe criticism of Sri Aurobindo. Page 229 views unnecessarily. Besides, he is such an ignoramus that he hardly deserves mention, especially mention at some length... is rather shadowy and what in the last resort encompasses our minds as Purushottama is the shining shadow of the Supermind in the top-layer, the synthesising crest, of the Overmind from where Sri Krishna who is basically Anandamaya came as an Avatar. He wove together the three Yogas -Jnana, Bhakti, Karma - and suggested the secret of secrets, the abandonment of all dharmas to take refuge solely in ...

... op. cit., p. 5; Intelligence Resource Program, p. 2; Ashok Krishna, op. cit., p. 2. Page 210 39 In 1997 the U.S. State Department declared the HUA a terrorist organization and placed it on America's terrorist watch list. 40 Ashok Krishna, op. cit., pp. 2-3. 41 John Daily Wilson, op. cit., p. 2. 42 Ashok Krishna, op. cit., p. 3. 43 Benazir Bhutto is the daughter of... 1. 4 SDECE: Service de Documentation Exte rieure et de Contreespionage (the Service of External Documentation and Counterespionage). 5 Rahul Bedl, op. cit., p. 2. Major General Ashok Krishna, AVSM (Ret.), ''The Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan,'' IPCS, Article No. 191, 25 May 1999, p. 1; B. Raman, ''Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI),'' South East Asia Analysis Group ...

... action, and insistence on collective domains and forms of life. At the beginning of this period there arose a galaxy of great personalities, like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dayanand Saraswari, Sri Rama Krishna and Swami Vivekananda, who filled India with a new breath and sowed the seeds not only of a spiritual awakening but also of social and political awakening. The new nationalist spirit was at once spiritual... the Upanishads and dwelling on the Upanishads. Important Upanishads are: Aitareya, Mandukya and Kaushitaki, which are related to Rig Veda; Taittiriya, Kama and Shweteshwatara which are related to Krishna Yajurveda; Brihadaranyaka and Isha, which are related to Shukla Yajurveda; Kena and Chhandogya, which are related to Sama Veda; and Prashna and Mundaka, which are related to Atharva Veda. 12. We... received the knowledge containing the Puranas from the Supreme Divine; Brahma transmitted it to his four mind-bom sons, one of whom Sanat Kumara transmitted it to Narada, who, in turn, transmitted it to Krishna Dwaipayana, Veda Vyasa. Veda Vyasa composed that knowledge in 18 books; each one of them is called Purana. There are also a number of Upapuranas. Puranas describe the creation of the universe, development ...

... Thus Champaklal: Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight Bringing Immortality and Bliss. 51 Rajangam's is a briefer version: He has conquered Life. He has conquered Death. He has conquered All. Krishna the Lord has descended... On The Mother CHAPTER 15 Descent of Krishna I Since her shifting on the night of the cyclone to Sri Aurobindo's residence, Mirra began gradually taking the reins of the management of the house­hold in her own hands, and with a mixture of gentleness and firmness, of patience and sweet reasonableness, of sustained hard work and infinite generosity... instinctively loved and revered the Master, but also held him in some awe. But Mirra was on a different footing altogether. She had come from France to see Sri Aurobindo, and had recognised in him her Krishna, the Lord of her being and her God. Five years later she had returned, this time from Japan and bringing her friend Dorothy with her, and her feeling for Sri Aurobindo had only deepened if that ...

... Guha or Sj. Hardayal Nag, the leading men of Mymensingh and Chandpur respectively, or declared by the authorities to be of undesirable antecedents, e.g. Lala Lajpat Rai, Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra and all Nationalists and agitators generally, are ipso facto incapable of representing the people under these exquisite reforms. After all this it may seem a waste of time to go into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... understand his consciousness you must become identified with his being. Amrita also used to say the same thing, because he was learning the Gita from Sri Aurobindo. He could feel the spirit of Krishna and the spirit of Arjuna throughout Page 5 —their relations and the atmosphere they created. It is not the mere lesson, the teaching, that is important — that is secondary. The person ...

... understand his consciousness you must become identified with his being. Amrita also used to say the same thing, because he was learning the Gita from Sri Aurobindo. He could feel the spirit of Krishna and the spirit of Arjuna throughout ― their relations and the atmosphere they created. It is not the mere lesson, the teaching, that is important ― that is secondary. The person is the primary ...

... victory to establish their empire, continued after them by Parikshit and Janamejaya. Could not modern humanism and pacifism make it a reproach against the Pandavas that these virtuous men (including Krishna) brought about a huge slaughter that they might become supreme rulers over all the numerous free and independent peoples of India? Page 466 That would be the result of weighing old happenings ...

... Vedic times. Agastya and Lopamudra, Vasishtha and Arundati, Vishwamitra and kings and gods all became characters of flesh and blood. His novel in English, Krishnavatara, based on the life of Sri Krishna is Page 225 fascinating —being a historian helped. By profession he was a lawyer, which did not prevent him from becoming a successful educationist and journalist; in each and every ...

... which Sri Krishna incarnated – as Avatar – descended on this day into the physical rendering possible the descent of the Supermind in Matter. Of this descent Sri Aurobindo wrote on several occasions afterwards. In October 1935 he wrote as follows: "It [the 24th November 1926] was the descent of Krishna into the physical. "Krishna is not the supramental Light. The descent of Krishna would mean... October as the guest of Shanker Chetty. Sri Aurobindo's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Krishna Kumar Mitra, and also his grandmother, Mrs. Rajnaniyan Bose, were very anxious about him and wanted to have authentic news of his safe arrival at Pondichcrry. A week after Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta, a man came to see Krishna Kumar Mitra to inform him that Sir Charles Cleaveland, Director General of Criminal... gone to Pondicherry, Mono Ranjan Guhathakurta and Shyam Sundar Chakravarty wrote a letter requesting him to guide them (and the party) in politics. The letter was answered: its purport was that Sri Krishna had taken the responsibility of freeing India. And so all of us must act from a firm status in yoga. This letter was read at the house of Shyam Sundar Babu, in Vidyasagar Street, Calcutta." This ...

... education in India, in its peak period, produced amazing results in terms of development of faculties and capacities, and their integration, a supreme example of which is found in the personality of Sri Krishna who was at once a spiritual teacher, a heroic warrior, a great harmoniser, and skilful worker who could excel in the task of a charioteer in the field of Kurukshetra. If we consider the spiritual... practice of a higher change, and it familiarised him with the concept of a spiritual existence and encouraged in him a hunger for the divine and infinite. __________________________ *As Sri Krishna points out in the Gita: "Whatsoever a great man does, the same is done by others as well. Whatever standard, he sets, the world follows the same. (Bhagavadgita, 3.21) Page 131 ... truth, calm and ironic, taking to himself with both hands without attachment worldly possessions and spiritual riches and casting at last all his wealth behind to wander forth as a houseless ascetic, Krishna son of Devaki who heard a single word of the Rishi Ghora and knew at once the Eternal, the Ashramas, the courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, the great sacrificial assemblies ...

... India, in its peak period, produced amazing results in terms of development of faculties and capacities, and their integration, a supreme example of which is to be found in the personality of Sri Krishna who was at once a spiritual teacher, a heroic warrior, a great harmoniser, and skilful worker, who could excel in the task of a charioteer in the field of Kurukshetra. If we consider the spiritual... truth, calm and ironic, taking to himself with both hands without attachment worldly possessions and spiritual riches and casting at last all his wealth behind to wander forth as a houseless ascetic, Krishna son of Devaki who heard a single word of the Rishi Ghora and knew at once the Eternal, the Ashramas, the courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, the great sacrificial assemblies... Upanishadic declaration that there is a kind of knowledge having acquired, all can be known? Page 400 × As Sri Krishna points out in the Gita: × Sri Aurobindo: The Foundations of Indian Culture, Centenary Edition, ...

... of Siva!... O Mother of the world, dispel all ills.... Mother Durga! Giver of force and love and knowledge…. Today is Durga-puja, 28th Ashwin 1398 (15th October 1991). Shakuntala, Krishna and several others are decorating the Meditation Hall under Milli-di’s guidance. People keep dropping in to have a glimpse. My mind goes back to the days of yore. The first Durga-puja took place here... important place for us and this poet’s poem is indeed so true. Worshipful adoration is my life’s heart-beat . This line seems to describe Radhika’s profound yearning to offer herself entirely to Sri Krishna. How marvellous indeed! How we enjoy reading the Mother’s Radha’s Prayer ! The Mother is showing us through this prayer how to lose oneself totally in the Divine: Thine are all my thoughts... also tastefully decorated with flowers, garlands and vines. The Mother’s chair was decorated with a Benarasi silk sari and this is done with the same dedication and skill even today by Shakuntala, Krishna and others. The Mother’s chair was placed exactly where the large photo of the Mother stands today. Every year the Mother would bless us on the Mahaashtami and the Vijayadashami day with flowers. On ...

... continued for a time but would soon change. A new way of thinking was on the horizon. His girlfriend, at that time, spoke to him of a Bengali yogi and devotee of Sri Krishna who visited Bombay periodically. His name was Pagal (“mad for Krishna”) Hamath. They went to see him. Amal put a question. “I believe that the universe is ruled by fixed laws. Where, then, does God come in?” The yogi replied, “If ...

... that romantic world-cry which we hear in them in continuation with the other version of the opening words. I didn't know that the flower going by the name "Passionflower" in English is called "Krishna-Kamal" in Maharashtra. The suggestions are quite opposite - divine suffering in one case and divine delight in the other. I don't think Sri Aurobindo had either symbolism in mind. Nor could he have... flower symbolising "New Creation" is the tuberose, a flower which used to be a favourite of mine before I knew my number was 15. But what the Mother considered to be my flower was the one she named "Krishna's Light in the Mind". (25.6.1983) I have promised to tell you why I cancelled the operation on my right thigh which was to counter the defect that had resulted from the serious thigh-fracture ...

... Vyasa by ancient India. The name of Vyasa is common to many old authors and compiers, but it is especially applied to Veda-Vyasa or Krishna Dvaipayana.He was the son of Rishi Parashara and Satyavati. From his complex- ion (dark) he received the name Krishna, and from his birthplace (an island, dvip, in the Yamuna), the name Dvaipayana. He was a Rishi himself and is traditionally cited as the ...

... was not idle: actually he worked at white heat during the whole of 1912 and composed in the course of the year some of his greatest poems, viz. the group of poems centred around the personality of Krishna, the remarkable fable known as Kuyil Pattu, and the justly celebrated Panchali's Vow. In 1914 the Great War came, and Bharati's difficulties only increased. He continued to write however, and... true flowering time of Bharati the poet. V. V. S. Aiyar was to him a pillar of support, a stimulant, a guardian angel, while Sri Aurobindo was even more - a *spell-binder, an inspiration, a veritable Krishna to this neophyte Arjuna. All three, besides being patriots of the first order, were also lovers of poetry and of Indian culture and philosophy. Their discussions must have been at once vastly interesting ...

... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo Third Series 1966 Edition INTRODUCTION The question which Arjuna asks Sri Krishna in the Gita (2nd Chap.) occurs pertinently to many about all spiritual personalities. "What is the language of one whose under­standing is poised ? How does he speak, how sit, how walk ?" Men want to know the outer signs of the... an incarna­tion of divine life, the divine personality and power in its characteristic action, for a mission ostensibly social, ethical and political, as is represented in the story of Rama and Krishna; but always then his descent becomes in the soul of the race a permanent power for the inner and spiritual rebirth." 1 "He comes as the divine power and love which, calls men to itself, so ...

... Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927) Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine Master (1948) Bhattacharya, Pranab. A Scheme of Education (1952) Bose, Bejoy Krishna. The Alipur Bomb Trial (1922) Chandrasekharam, V. Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': A brief Study (1961); Sri Aurobindo: Three Essays (1961); Aitareya Upanishad (1967) Chaudhuri, Haridas... Saint-Hillaire, P. B. The Message of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (1947); Education and the Mm of Human Life (1962); Sri Aurobindo: The Future Evolution of Man (1963) Sharma, S. Krishna. Seed of Grandeur, Commentary on Thought the Paraclete', 'Rose of God' and The Symbol Dawn' (1972) Sastry, T. V. Kapali. Lights on the Upanishads (1947); Further Lights: The Veda and the ...

... the sense of shining, glittering, white, bright, we have मुः, tawny or brilliantly coloured gleaming red-brown, मृतण्डः, the sun, मरालः, flamingo, swan, duck, horse, मरीचिः, a ray of light, light, Krishna (cf हरिः meaning also a horse, lion, etc), मरीचिका, mirage. Cf the Latin marmor , Greek μαρμαίρω. मरीचं, pepper, is obviously from the kindred sense of तेजस् applied to the taste & smell. We may also ...

... mental and physical planes of existence), and sustains them as their imperishable lord." And in the thirteenth chapter, while drawing the distinction between the lower Purusha and the higher, Sri Krishna defines more minutely the relations of God and the individual soul to Nature. "Prakriti is the basic source of cause, effect and agency; the Purusha, of the sense of enjoyment of happiness and grief; ...

... Sri Krishna In Brindavan II Some incidents of Krsna's early boyhood* Boyhood Pranks of Śrī Krsna (21-28) 21. In course of time, Rāma and Śrī Krsna began to move about together playfully on their knees and hands. 22. They dragged themselves through slushy regions in Vraja to the accompaniment of the tinkling sound of their anklets and girdles. ...

... girls and wives perform the Savitri-vrata to ensure a happy married life for themselves. Rama is the hero of the Ramayana, but he is also the prince who became God to millions of devoted Hindus; Krishna is the protagonist of the Bhagavata and Arjuna's friend and charioteer in the Mahabharata, but he is the Lord of Brindavan too, the bhagavan who indites the Gita, to his numberless devotees ...

... epidemics, lives side by side with Durga. But really it does not matter if the deity is small. For, if the worship is sincere and the offering pure, they ultimately reach the Divine. Did not Sri Krishna say in the Gita that whom-soever you may worship and in whatever way, that in the end' reaches him? The importance and significance of worship do not depend upon their size and scale: a little water ...

... is unwilling. Luck for the guinea-pig! If seeing the Divine depended on developed occult faculty, how do you explain people's seeing Ram, Krishna, Shiva, etc., in you at Darshan?—I mean by people who have apparently no such faculty. We've read about Krishna presenting himself before small boys, taking them to school, etc.—fables? With many people the faculty of this kind of occult vision is the ...

... does not give nourishment to a man sitting in a palace of pleasure or stirred by inexplicable longings for the Eternal and the Infinite or groping through labyrinths of dream towards the ecstasy of Krishna's flute-call - if poetry is meant for only this, that or the other kind of man but has no value for all the moods of the human heart, then its essence remains un-grasped and unutilised. The correct ...

... relief and solace. Another very promising aspect of this experience is that it came as an immediate response to an appeal to the Divine. You asked for the understanding and the way out and at once Krishna showed you both—the way out was the change of the consciousness within, the plasticity which makes the knowledge possible and also the understanding of the condition of mind and vital in which the ...

... is not the same as the spiritual-mental. It is a change of mind, life and body which the mental or overmental-spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in different ways. Krishna's mind, for instance, was overmentalised, Ramakrishna's intuitive, Chaitanya's spiritual-psychic, Buddha's illumined higher mental. I don't know about B. G. [ Bijoy Goswami ]—he seems to have been brilliant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... certain set principles of conduct by means of will-power and fellow-feeling. The moral life in itself can be a fine thing, but it cannot be compared in greatness to the mystical life - the life of a Krishna, a Chaitanya, a Mirabai, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda. Nor can we deny that it is the mystical life, the Yogic spirituality, that is the aim and ideal of the Upanishads and the Gita, the vibrant luminous ...

... see also evolution spiritual liberation 22, 30; see also mukti, nirv ā na spiritual transformation 34; the process of 33 spiritualisation 86, 95 ś raddhā 75 Sri Krishna 10, 11 (The) Synthesis of Yoga 3, 15, 90 subliminal consciousness 60, 63 subtle sight 6 superconscience 59,61,66 superconscient 66, 68 Superman 15, 38, 80, 102 Supermind ...

... brought about into the elevated and sublimated human level. The ground had already been prepared, we may note, by the descent of the 24th November 1926 – the descent of the Overmind or Krishna-consciousness into Sri Aurobindo's body-consciousness and thence generally into the earth-atmosphere and becoming its natural and permanent possession. But arrived at one point, Sri Aurobindo ...

... lives side by side with Durga. But really it does not matter if the deity is small. For, if the worship is sincere and the offering pure, they ultimately reach the Divine. Did not Sri Krishna say in the Gita that whomsoever you may worship and in whatever way, that in the end reaches him? The importance and significance of worship do not depend upon their size and scale: a little water ...

... Sahana, to complete what I told you yesterday about Radha's dance I have noted this down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna: 'Every thought of my mind, each emotion of my heart, every movement of my being, every feeling and every sensation, each cell of my body, each drop of my blood, all, all is yours, yours absolutely ...

... Life of Nationalism" to equate the growth of the national spirit in India with the different stages in the life of Krishna: and Nationalism was an avatār! - an avatār that had taken birth to redeem the Mother from the clutches of the demon, Foreign Rule. Another essay, "Sri Krishna: and Autocracy", * The reader is referred to V.P. Varma's The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (1960)... of the Political Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh 1893-1910 (1963, 1967 and Haridas and Uma Mukherjee's Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought: 1893-1908 (1958). Page 256 went also to Krishna's life to draw a lesson in nation-building. The essay, however, begins rather unexpectedly with a glance at Brutus' killing of his friend Julius Caesar: It was not in vain that Brutus polluted... all abilities to questionable purposes.... Whoever does not delight in being one of the multitude and has no desire to share their joys and sorrows can hardly do any good to mankind.... And Krishna comes into the picture as the avatār who was also a man of the people. He was the nation-builder, not the builder of his own image; he made "overtures for peace" but took care to have some strength ...

... He would praise Sri Krishna's body very much. And now he has appreciated your body very much.' Dada, why don't you write down exactly what the Mother told you,' we all requested him. So Dada wrote down what the Mother had told him: Sri Aurobindo was enthusiastic about your body. He never liked his body. He was always praising Sri Krishna's body. He liked your... by Sri Krishna's explanation of the difficult moments of yoga, asked Him: 'He who takes to yoga with faith but then for lack of attentiveness, falls off the path, cannot he realise anything? He who could not achieve anything in this life or in spiritual life either, what will become of him? Having failed on both sides will he be dissolved by the wind like a little cloud?' Sri Krishna answered ...

... of our nature, is the central secret." The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 87 But of course, this is what is written in the Gita, that you must give yourself entirely. You know, in the Gita, Krishna is the Guide and inner Master, and you must give yourself entirely to Him, make a total surrender—so? I tell you, people profess one teaching or another, but they are not always able to follow it; ...

... towards the future, not a chain preventing from advancing. As I said, all depends on the attitude towards the past. Some of the best poets and saints have written about the love of Radha and Krishna as if it were carnal love. I always considered it as an incapacity of finding the true words and the correct language. Page 147 Stop reading all this nonsense. The occultism that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Page 73 × In Bengal when one is about to kill a small animal, people often protest saying, "Don't kill—it is Krishna's Jiva (his living creature)." × Mark that I did not think these things, there were no thoughts or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... authentic spirituality. The ringing slogans of high ethics — "Love thy neighbour as thyself", "To love man is to love God" — can deafen us to the still small voice from the inmost silence and the call of Krishna's flute from dream-distances. Yes, such is the allure of the altruistic mission that we are tempted to consider ourselves as obeying God's dictate to the full. Actually, the altruist is doing no more ...

... Karmayogin No. 4, 17 July 1909 Karmayogin No. 4, 17 July 1909 Karmayogin Exit Bibhishan Mr. Gopal Krishna Gokhale has for long been the veiled prophet of Bombay. His course was so ambiguous, his sympathies so divided and self-contradictory that some have not hesitated to call him a masked Extremist. He has played with Boycott, "that criminal agitation"; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... all who desire union. We admit that the success of the plan depends on its acceptance by the Bengal Moderates, but we believe it was substantially this idea which the deported Moderate leader Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra was trying to get carried out when he was arrested. We see no reason why Bengal Moderates should object to it. At any rate this is the Nationalist proposal. In addition to these amendments ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... melodious voice he would sing: Kahān kahoon chhabi āpaki, bhale bane ho Nāth; Tulasī mastak tab name, dhanushaban jab hāth. Explaining this he said, “God appeared in front of Tulsidas as Sri Krishna and Tulsidas told Him, 'Lord, I have no words to describe Your Beauty; but my head will bow to You only when you come with bow and arrows in the form of Sri Rama.' And the Lord was forced to appear ...

... dark-ness, vices etc., at least to a certain extent. Each of them preached against these things.       I am not concerned with what the Avatars did or are supposed to have done (though in that case Krishna seems to have done some very queer and undivine things). My business is with rising above the Page 250 human consciousness and not with fulfilling limited human ideals; and I look ...

...       But where is thy strength to conquer Time and Death? 64   And Death repeats his challenge that she should reveal her power or at least show that the Mighty Mother is with her. As Krishna assumes his vi ś var ū pa or cosmic form in the Gita in response to Arjuna's imperative request, Savitri too now permits her whole greatness to invade and possess her:         A mighty ...

... occasioned or brought about, into the elevated and sublimated human level. The ground had already been prepared, we may note, by the descent of November 24, 1926, the descent of the Over-mind or Krishna-consciousness into Sri Aurobindo's body-consciousness and thence generally into the earth-atmosphere Page 36 and becoming its natural and permanent possession. But at one point ...

... nature cannot be evaded, they have to be bravely faced. One has to march through the stormy and tenebrous night to reach the Light and Peace beyond – the supernatural – as did Sri Radha to meet Sri Krishna. Beauty can bloom only in and through courage. It is this courage that inspires us to achieve something noble. Calamities should be turned into opportunities. We have to bear them as Christ bore ...

... April, "that he would not be very much longer in the affairs of the world and engaged in journalistic work." Sri Aurobindo remained in Calcutta just long enough to see the return home of a freed Krishna Kumar Mitra and Shyam Sundar Chakraborty, in February 1910. If we take August 1906 —when he joined the National College and began the Bande Mataram — zs the beginning of his open political ...

... considering that students normally took three years to complete the same course. Besides, our A. A. Ghose did not pass the grade just anyhow, he was one of the two best Classics scholars of his year. Yes, Krishna Dhan Ghose's Ara had a most brilliant academic career. At the end of the first year at King's College he won a prize for Greek Iambics. At the end of the second year he was awarded prizes for Greek ...

... deduce that the sadhaks would be greater than Krishna, who was the Avatar of the Overmind level? Logically it follows, but looking at others and at myself, I wonder if such a theory will be practically realised. Sri Aurobindo: What is all this obsession of greater or less? In our Yoga we do not strive after greatness. It is not a question of Sri Krishna's disciples, but of the earth-consciousness... vessels. I am aware of the paradox about Ravana in the Purana, Page 155 but let me point out that these Asuras and Rakshasas did not pretend to be disciples or worshippers of Rama and Krishna or Vishnu or use their position as disciples to get Moksha by revolt - they got it by being enemies and getting killed and absorbed into the Godhead. 4)Obedience to the Guru, worship of the Divine... true: but have they been done? Has any sweeper or street beggar been changed into a Buddha or a Chaitanya by the Divine? We see in the whole history of spirituality only one Christ, one Buddha, one Krishna, one Sri Aurobindo, one Mother. Has there been any breaking of this rule? Conclusion: Since it has not been done, it can't be done. Sri Aurobindo: The question was not whether it had been done ...

... accepted the offering! One night one of them “saw” Sri Aurobindo and “heard” Him say: “I have accepted your offering.” The devotee then addressed Sri Aurobindo: “I have heard you are a portion of Sri Krishna (Vishnu). Show me your four arms, like He has.” He was amazed and through tears of joy saw Sri Aurobindo with four arms, with “ Shankha , Gada , Chakra and Kamal ” (Conch, Mace, Disc and Lotus) ...

... always as if you were under the very eye of the Supreme and of the Divine Mother. Do nothing, try to think and feel nothing that would be unworthy of the Divine Presence. 16 April 1930 For K. Krishna Rao Go below the surface of the consciousness deep within, for there you will find the soul's profound quietude, luminous silence, freedom and spiritual wideness, there the direct touch and presence ...

... scheme. Of course, the Indian genius is not confined to spirituality pure and simple, not even to a many-sided spirituality to the exclusion of all other modes of being. The very fact that Rama-krishna's chosen instrument for world-work was Vivekananda, a complex passionate analytic mind, a highly cultured master of system and organisation, a richly endowed physical nature, shows that India moves ...

... Education to keep vividly alive in their memory and consciousness these aims and ideals and make a persistent and sincere effort to realise them in practice even if it be in a small measure. For, as Krishna has emphatically stated in the Gita, svalpam apyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat. "Even a little of the practice of this principle will save us from great peril." As an effective means ...

... crystallises. A Rama comes and human society attains a new status: against a mainly vitalistic and egoistic organisation whose defender and protagonist is Ravana, is set up an ideal of sattwic humanity. A Krishna appears and human consciousness is lifted, potentially at least, to a still higher level of spiritual possibility. The Avatar following, rather tracing,. in his upward movement the central line of ...

... crystallises. A Rama comes and human society attains a new status: against a mainly vitalistic and egoistic organisation whose defender and protagonist is Ravana, is set up an ideal of sattwic humanity. A Krishna appears and human consciousness is lifted, potentially at least, to a still higher level of spiritual possibility. The Avatar following, rather tracing, in his upward movement the central line of the ...

... she already knew him —through hearsay of course, but mainly through what she had read of his writings. Was he not the one who opened wide to her the gates of knowledge? Would he be, by chance, the 'Krishna' she saw in her dream-visions about a year ago? "When I met him," Mother said, "I saw that he was a being of great power. He bore a certain likeness to Sri Aurobindo. Théon was rather tall, about ...

... The very evening Kazi's prohibitory order came into force, Chaitanya led his san-kirtan 1 party, larger than ever, around the streets of Nabadwip. 1. Public singing of hymns to Sri Krishna. Page 235 Thus singing, the party marched to the Kazi's house. Such a huge crowd! The Kazi was intimidated. Then he admired the courage of Chaitanya. So charmed was the Kazi by young ...

... body (some of them absolutely refused). Well, with my very own eyes I saw Krishna, who had always been in rapport with Sri Aurobindo, consent to come down into his body. It was on November 24th, and it was the beginning of 'Mother."¹ Yes, in fact I wanted to ask you what this realization of 1926 was. It was this: Krishna consented to descend into Sri Aurobindo's body—to be FIXED there; there... death—a person who received 'inspirations'.) She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the descent of the Supermind; that it meant Krishna's adherence to the Supramental Descent upon earth and that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had... meditations with people. I had begun a sort of 'overmental creation', to make each god descend into a being—there was an extraordinary upward curve! well I was in contact with these beings and I told .Krishna (because I was always seeing him around Sri Aurobindo), This is all very fine, but what I want now is a creation on earth—you must incarnate.' He said 'Yes'. Then I saw him—I saw him with my own eyes ...

... wrist before he was encircled and killed by the Kauravas. To this Amma added another trick played by Krishna. When A blew on his conch calling for help, Krishna too blew on his own to muffle A’s call, thus preventing Arjun and others coming to his aid. "But the most important reason why Krishna needed Abhimanyu dead," Amma said, "was that that was the only way to justify the way the Pandavas killed... water on your brothers; they will come back to life." I told the story of Uttara’s potent rakhi on Abhimanyu. Krishna knew that death dared not come to A as long as the rakhi was on his wrist, but not unless he died would his father, Arjun, put his whole heart in the war. So Krishna took the form of a rat and loosened the rakhi before A went into the battlefield. Thus the rakhi dropped from his... kaval, Fire at Arunachalam or Tiruvannamalai, Ether at Chidambaram, Earth at Kancheepuram, and Air at Kaalahasti. [12] This title was awarded to him by Raja Krishna Tarka Panchanana on 2 nd June 1900, for winning that year’s national poetry contest of ashta-avadhani , held by the University of Nawadweep, the last surviving ancient seat of traditional ...

... peaks And put the peacock's feather in our hair And think we are in Brindavon the green? NIRMOL With a snub-nosed Scythian Krishna to lead the dance. But they say Krishna was neither Scythian nor Rajpoot but a Bheel. Well, Page 858 there is another Krishna of that breed out who will make eighth-century Rookminnies of you if you dance too far into the forest, sweethearts. COOMOOD... tell you, Comol; I am mad when I think of it. Why, I came out to be abducted; I did not come for a quiet stroll through the woodlands. But I have still hopes of our Bheel cateran, our tangle-locked Krishna of the hill-sides; surely he will not be so ungallant as to let such sweet booty pass through his kingdom ungathered. COMOL I would gladly see this same stripling and talk to him face to face... easily believe it. Will you suffer me to test the measure? NIRMOL I fear you would prove an unjust balance; so I will even walk, if you will help me over the rough places. It seems you were not Krishna after all? Page 876 SUNGRAM Why, take me for brother Balaram then. Is not your name Revaty? NIRMOL It is too early in the day for a proposal; positively, I will not say either ...

... spiritual relation with one of these beings became more and more clear and frequent and, although she knew little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time, she was led to call him Krishna and henceforth she was aware that it was with him, whom she knew she would meet some day, that the divine work was to be done. Being a painter she made a psychically impressionist sketch of him... dynamic divine consciousness that had been realised so far in the world: he brought it down into the very material being, thus carrying one step forward the work done by the previous Avatar Sri Krishna who had brought down its influence into earth-life. With the descent of this consciousness into Sri Aurobindo the ground was prepared for the future descent of the Supermind, the integral Tr ...

... always conceived of as a life of renunciation. In our times Sri Ramakrishna, the Saint of Dakshineswar, never tired of stressing the importance of tyāga or renunciation. Also, the quintessence of Krishna's teaching in the Gita lies in the process of entire renunciation. "Peace comes out of renunciation", 'tyāgāt śāntih' , such is the declaration of the Bhagavad-Gita Gita. Indeed, it cannot... first, reasons arising out of a very genuine spiritual realisation; there are at the same time metaphysical reasons, psychological reasons, pragmatic reasons, even reasons issuing forth from what Krishna terms in the Gita as 'kṣudram hṛdaya-daurbalyam', 'petty weakness of the heart'. One by one we shall touch upon these various reasons contributory to the spirit of entire renunciation of life and ...

... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo Second Series 1961 Edition INTRODUCTION The question which Arjuna asks Sri Krishna in the Gita (2nd Chap.) occurs pertinently to many about all spiritual personalities. "What is the language of one whose under­standing is poised ? How does he speak, how sit, how walk ?" Men want to know the outer signs of the inner... as an incarna­tion of divine life, the divine personality and power in its characteristic action, for a mission ostensibly social, ethical and political, as is represented in the story of Rama and Krishna; but always then his descent becomes in the soul of the race a permanent power for the inner and spiritual rebirth." 1 "He comes as the divine power and love which, calls men to itself, so that ...