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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Alexander the great [3]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Blake's Tyger [3]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [4]
Catherine the Great [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [2]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Hitler and his God [6]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
India's Rebirth [2]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [5]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [8]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [9]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Socrates [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
Uniting Men [2]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Alexander the great [3]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Blake's Tyger [3]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [4]
Catherine the Great [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [2]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Hitler and his God [6]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
India's Rebirth [2]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [5]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [8]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [9]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Socrates [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
Uniting Men [2]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]

Ten Thousand : refers to the retreat of Ten Thousand Greek patriots under Clearchus after the battle of Cunaxa. They marched some 1,300 miles from Sardis to Cunaxa & over 900 from there to Trapezus, on the most rugged terrains in the coldest weather, with practically no supplies, & constantly poached on by the Persian invaders.

158 result/s found for Ten Thousand

... lass. Who bids against me? MUAZZIM Vizier Almuene, you are too great to find any opposers, and you know it; but as you are great, I pray you bid greatly. Her least price is ten thousand. ALMUENE Ten thousand, swindler! Do you dare to cheat In open market? two thousand's her outside. This spindly common wench! Accept it, broker, Or call for bids; refuse at your worst risk. MUAZZIM... If 'twas an oversight, it may be mended. Page 45 IBN SAWY I'm dumb! NUREDDENE There is a Persian Muazzim sells, Whom buy for me,—her rate's ten thousand pieces— IBN SAWY A Persian! Muazzim sells! ten thousand pieces! ( to himself ) Where grows this tangle? I become afraid. NUREDDENE Whom buy for me, I swear I'll be at home Quite four days out of seven. ... Could do this better. And he would strangely like The mission; but I think his pretty purchase Would hardly come undamaged through to the owner. A perilous transit that would be! the rogue! Ten thousand golden pieces hardly buy Such wonders,—so much wealth to go so idly! But princes must have sweet and pleasant things To ease their labours more than common men. Their labour is not common who ...


... something. Evolution led to something, which was not the white infinite. Some seven to ten thousand years ago, the Rig-Veda spoke of the same thing, the same experience, in its sym­bolic language: "Concealed by this truth is that truth where they unyoke the horses of the Sun; the ten thousand [rays] meet there together; That ONE, tad ekam —I have seen the supreme God of the embodied gods... painting, which is obviously a solution for the sluggards of evolution. But there is something else. Mirra was about to experimentally rediscover what the Vedic Rishis had found some seven or ten thousand years earlier, at the beginning of this ill-starred (?) cycle—what Theon was seeking, and what Sri Aurobindo was already beginning to clear out in the Shakti’s great virgin forest. Because the Vedic... at the same time. And I met one and the other. 23 Two beings with the same Western materialistic upbring­ing rediscovered a tradition lost since the beginning of this cycle, some seven to ten thousand years earlier, as if human­ity had to travel an immense curve and explore to the very end, with innumerable sages and saints, the ways of heaven or nothingness, which all emerged into a white infinity ...

... is called Yajur Veda; the third is called Sama Veda; and the fourth is called Atharva Veda. These are four huge volumes. Rig Veda is the biggest. It has ten chapters and totally it has ten thousand verses. Ten thousand verses! In a recent publication, the mere Sanskrit text along with the English translation has come to twelve volumes, the Rig Veda alone. The Atharva Veda is half of the Rig Veda, the... These repetitions are so beautiful and so marvellous that when you hear the chanting, you would like to go on hearing, hearing, hearing again and again... marvellous! And then the whole of Rig Veda, ten thousand verses! You can imagine what a tremendous feat that is to recite and memorise in this way! And these memorise remembering both ways, and every word, as they move forward and backward, they have ...

... darkness and transmutes it. One way liberates a few individuals, while the other liberates the whole earth. Ten thousand years ago, a few giants among men had wrestled out the Secret of the world, but this was the privilege of a few initiates, while now we must all become initiates. Ten thousand years ago reigned the Golden Age, while today everything seems to have been swallowed up in darkness. In truth... encompasses in a single Glance all the infinite possibilities of the Becoming, as the solar Fire contains all its rays within its center: "They unyoked the horses of the Sun," says the Rig Veda, "the ten thousand stood together, there was that One, tad ekam. " (V.62.1) Then comes the Overmind: the "great clevage" of consciousness begins; the rays of the Sun branch off; the single Consciousness-Force is ...

... out: there is the description - from which we have already culled the final phrase - of Satan's troops remarshalled in Hell's everlasting night: All in a moment through the gloom were seen Ten thousand banners rise into the air, With orient colours waving: with them rose A forest huge of spears... 29 The concluding phrase is indeed striking for its combination of spears with a forest... before the lines corresponding to Blake's about throwing down the spears and weeping, we read of Christ amidst Satan's armies: Full soon Among them he arriv'd, in his right hand Grasping ten thousand thunders, which he sent Before him, such as in their souls infix'd Plagues. 30 The Tyger-creator's dreadfulness of grasp using the Tyger's deadliness of terrors is unmistakably here... combination of such thunder with a dreadful hand occurs in the other phrase about the same occasion - namely, Christ's progression towards Satan's army: his right hand Grasping ten thousand thunders... 228 The sense of dreadful feet combined with Christ's thunderous attack may be felt in what Milton says about the chariot in which Christ was moving. We have already noted ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... discovered and to become in these very cells, laid bare and stripped of all their genetic and atavistic and medical clutter. "Become the human being," the Vedic Rishis had already said some ten thousand years ago. That is the "apocalypse". Satprem 18 June 1999   1978   April 1, 1978 (Letter from Satprem to his mother) Harwood My beloved little mother... continue. Satprem   September 7, 1980 In fact, I am the "invisible" whipping boy of all the actions that are triggered as much in India as well as in America or elsewhere — it puts ten thousand years on my shoulders; the day when this weight will vanish, I will laugh like a god.... and go up in smoke!   September 14, 1980 (Letter to Micheline) Page 159 ... It is... during the previous regime. Not a single direct decision from the Prime Minister can be put into execution without being immediately blocked, distorted, and when ten obstacles have been overcome, ten thousand new ones arise — justice, finance, commerce, police, everything-everything is in the hands of a formidable mafia overflowing with money. It is not Indira who has the power, it is Navajata & Co ...

... there, in the distance, tomorrow or the day after. And truth keeps eluding us completely. Others before us have “corrected circumstances” – in Babylon, in Thebes, in Kapilavastu. For the past ten thousand years we have gone through one civilization after another, and it is certainly an illusion to believe that ours will not go, and that the Western world, with all its scientific and cultural truths... testimony to our impotence, a huge prosthesis to correct our incapacity to see far, hear far, penetrate the heart of things and understand instantly and directly. We do not know any better now than ten thousand years ago how to modify matter through willpower (perhaps we even knew it better then), how to illuminate with consciousness and understand through vision. Under all our apparatus, we are less... can only know what Page 90 we are, and anything that is not us is simply nonexistent or invisible to our eyes. We can foresee tomorrow, sense an accident coming, a pain or a thought ten thousand miles away, a treasure buried in a field, the tiny life quivering in a leaf in front of us only because we are connected; we are one, and everything is already there, immediately and without ...


... 5,27,1: "The leader of the raid, the asura who is more excellent than (any other) patron, has given me two cows together with a wagon. Tryaruna, son of trivṛṣṇa, has distinguished himself with ten thousand, O Agni Vaiśvānara." Hale comments: "We can be quite certain that the asura in this verse is human, since he is a patron of the poet. If the second half of this verse refers to the same person... realms of light, he can be understood as getting reflected in the human mentality with three dawns of spiritual knowledge that lead to a surpassing of the human formula. About the figure "ten thousand" Sri Aurobindo says: 510 "Thousand symbolises absolute completeness, but there are ten subtle powers of the illumined mind each of which has to have its entire plenitude." We get an inkling of ...


... therefore very appropriate that the poet should have identified and named him only after his getting this most remarkable Siddhi, the power by which he can shape the course of events. This takes about ten thousand lines of the epic and even then one at times gets an impression as if the poet was hurrying through. In contrast to this the traditionalist has a tendency to see the Savitri-tale as a tale... intended divine manifestation. What was brief and suggestively succinct in Vyasa, given to us in just twenty swift shlokas, Sri Aurobindo elaborated in his epic to the great length of about ten-thousand lines. But it is not wholly a poetic or thematic elaboration or expansion to this disproportionate size, merely for the sake of self-blissful indulgence. The existence of the World-Stair is not ...

... put the barbarians to flight. In this action he received a sword wound in the thigh. (...) The result of this battle1 was a brilliant victory for Alexander. His men killed one hundred and ten thousand of the enemy, but he could not catch Darius, who had got a start of half a mile or more, although he captured the king's chariot and his bow before he returned from the pursuit. He found the Macedonians... any other kind of music for a long time until finally an oracle was announced from the temple o Ammon, commanding him to honour Hephaestion and sacrifice to him as a hero. He determined to spend ten thousand talents on the funeral and on the tomb of his friend, and as he wished the ingenuity and originality of the design to surpass the expense he was especially anxious to employ Stasticrates, as this ...


... Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the Flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand! And then another hundred lives until we began to learn that there is such a thing as perfection, and another hundred again to get the idea that our purpose for living is to find that perfection... east, toward the home grounds of the Flock. There was brief anguish among his students, for it is the Law of the Flock that an Outcast never returns, and the Law had not been broken once in ten thousand years. The Law said stay; Jonathan said go; and by now he was a mile across the water. If they waited much longer, he would reach a hostile Flock alone. "Well, we don't have to obey the law ...

... eight or ten thousand years which, they say, is the extent of the present cycle, the civilised or cultural life of humanity has not changed much, this does not mean that it cannot, will not change. The paleolithic age, it appears, covered a period of thirty to forty thousand years; the neolithic age also must have lasted some fifteen thousand years. The metal age is now not more than ten thousand years ...

... he did not give out his plans but kept things to himself. On Boxing Day —a Thursday—at 2:30 in the afternoon, the Congress Convention began. "In that enormous pavilion of striped canvas full ten thousand people were already assembled," wrote Nevinson. There were the Congress delegates, with a separate block for each province, and the vast audience who had paid for seats. "The whole interior, constructed... Provinces where Nagpur stands and the Congress was to have been. Page 415 'Remember Nagpur!' they cried; 'Remember Midnapur!' ... White turbans from Madras joined them. The whole ten thousand were on their feet, shouting for order, shouting for tumult." Surendranath tried again and again to speak, again and again he was shouted down with cries of 'Shame, shame !Traitor I' The Congress ...

... shivered; blood flowed from broken heads. Group rushed upon group, delegate upon delegate. Breathing slaughter, they glared for victims. It was hard to tell friend from foe. Ten thousand men, all crowded together among ten thousand chairs, no uniform, no distinction, nothing to mark off Extremist from Moderate except the facial expression of a temperament — it was a confused and difficult conflict to ...

... Had he been only stone! IOLAUS My sword! Cydone gives him the sword. Perseus goes out to the cottage. Page 453 DIOMEDE You'll go? What will you do alone against ten thousand? IOLAUS To die is always easy. This canaille I do not fear; it is a coward rabble. DIOMEDE But terror gives them fierceness: they are dangerous. IOLAUS Keep Diomede for your... towards the cottage weeping. Page 456 Scene III A room commanding the outer Court of the Palace. Nebassar, Praxilla. PRAXILLA I have seen them from the roof; at least ten thousand March through the streets. Do you not hear their rumour, A horrid hum as of unnumbered hornets That slowly nears us? NEBASSAR If they are so many, It will be hard to save the princess ...


... this plan, up to the conquest of Egypt, and how thus he actually became master of the sea. When he led his army into the interior of Asia he faced new problems. Up to the Euphrates the march of the Ten Thousand had made all clear. What lay beyond the Euphrates was completely unknown country. So it was into mysterious distances that Alexander led his army, overcoming Page 59 all natural obstacles... ending of the misunderstanding and the partnership in government of Macedonians and Persians but not, as has been argued, the incorporation of all the subject peoples as partners in the commonwealth. Ten thousand veterans were now sent back to Macedonia with gifts, and the crisis was surmounted. 2 Also called Achaemenid, Persian Hakmanishiya (559-330 B.C.), ancient Iranian dynasty whose kings founded ...


... eight or ten thousand years which, they say, is the extent of the present cycle, the civilised or cultural life of humanity has not changed much, this does not mean that it cannot, will not change. The paleolithic age, it appears, covered a period of thirty to forty thousand years; the neolithic age also must have lasted some fifteen thousand years. The metal age is now not more than ten thousand years ...

... eight or ten thousand years which, they say, is the extent of the present cycle, the civilised or cultural life of humanity has not changed much, this does not mean that it cannot and will not change. The paleolithic age, it appears, covered a period of 30 to 40 thousand years; the neolithic age also must have lasted some fifteen thousand years. The metal age is now not more than ten thousand years. ...

... that won't happen...." It's a kind of DREADFUL routine, which we breathe Page 132 quite naturally, but which is absolutely dreadful – a machine churning out one thing, another thing, ten thousand things. Well, this is exactly where we can get a GRIP on the secret. This is exactly where we can BEGIN the work. Because all those so-called useless, buzzing moments when we walk down the street... here is instantaneously felt there. It's THE SAME thing. One and the SAME being, one and the SAME Vibration, or one and the SAME wavelength. So, obviously, it knows itself, whether it's here or ten thousand miles away! It's therefore a completely different MODE of life that is emerging. Page 171 That's what the man after man is: no more separation, no more barriers, no more incomprehension ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... our soul-frequency, our landscape of darkness or of beauty... And suddenly, I seemed to perceive how. I had been able to sail ten thousand kilometres to that invisible beacon on a little white beach, drawn by a child with rose cowries. But Björn also had sailed ten thousand kilometres to this island and it was death he had encountered. —Bah! a mere nothing... I didn't even know whether he was ...

... have destroyed native industries, and, besides, have taken from India since 1834-35 (according to a calculation made by that sane and moderate journal, the Economist two years ago), more than ten thousand millions of Rupees." The Indian rupee in those days, as everybody knows, had a much higher value. 1 At any rate, 1. Lord Curzon had fixed the exchange rate at Rs.15 to the pound sterling... repercussion in Bengal, captured the mind of young Bengal and assisted more than anything else in the preparation of the Swadeshi movement." Published first in June 1904, Desher Katha sold ten thousand copies in four editions within the year. The fifth edition came out in 1905. The government of Bengal banned the book in 1910 and confiscated all the copies. Deuskar was the first to bring in the ...

... facile in his use of the word "thinking". So much at the mercy of their instincts and prejudices are the generality of mankind, that we hazard a very high estimate when we call even one man out of ten thousand a thinking man. But evidently by the thinking portion Mr. Ghose would like to indicate the class to which he himself belongs; I mean those of us who have got some little idea of the machinery of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... as a platform or a base for building up. But if this civilisation is destroyed, upon what are we going to build? First a foundation platform must be made in order to be able to build. If five or ten thousand years are still needed to make this platform, this proves that it is not now that things will be done—they will be done, that is well understood, they will be done, but... How many lives have you ...


... many more difficulties if one speaks about it. So it is better to let things happen. And, after all, if one wants to be very reasonable—very reasonable—one has only to ask oneself, "Well, in ten thousand years, this realisation we are preparing, what will it be? An imperceptible point in the march of time, a preparation, an attempt towards future realisations." Oh! it is better not to get so excited ...


... as if I had done nothing! It's indeed hopeless." For you have no endurance. If one has endurance, one says, "It's all right. Good, I shall begin again as often as necessary; a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times if necessary, I shall begin again—but I shall go to the end and nothing will have the power to stop me on the way." This is most necessary. Most necessary. ...


... as if I had done nothing! It's indeed hopeless." For you have no endurance. If one has endurance, one says, "It's all right. Good, I shall begin again as often as necessary; a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times if necessary, I shall begin again—but I shall go to the end and nothing will have the power to stop me on the way." This is most necessary. Most necessary. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... that higher heavenly world. Page 424 उत्तराद् दिवो परावतो 7) पुरंधिः । बहुकर्मा । अमुरो । अमूढः प्राज्ञ इन्द्रः । The hawk seized & brought the Soma, a thousand pourings and ten thousand thereto; here the holder of the city slew the hostile energies in the rapture of the Soma-wine, unlimited he destroyed their limitations. सोमः पुरंधिः 27 1) अन्ववेदं । आनुपूर्व् ...


... in the limitless silence which is no void but throbs with the presence of a single calm and tremendous existence; see there Orion with his sword and belt shining as he shone to the Aryan fathers ten thousand years ago at the beginning of the Aryan era, Sirius in his splendour, Lyra sailing billions of miles away in the ocean of space. Remember that these innumerable worlds, most of them mightier than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... thousand years in his sight are but a day'. It is exactly the same with us now. We don't know when the end of the world will be; it might be next year if there is a nuclear holocaust or it may be in ten thousand or a hundred thousand years. Again you have to ask yourself why if Jesus and the early Church were completely mistaken about it there was not any greater disturbance, but the expectation was simply ...

... be felt by us as a possibility if our imagination expresses the gripping Grace of God in a language reminiscent of the dog-world: that gripping Grace without which none can hope to be even within ten thousand miles of the Supermind can best be designated, after the poet Francis Thompson, as the Hound of Heaven, a Power which is all the time after us with a hound's tenacity in order to save us in spite ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... nowhere near Dante's unique blend of simplicity and exaltation, clear-cut flow and concentrated force. Dante's Ulysses tells his comrades:   "Brothers," I said, "who manfully, despite Ten thousand perils, have attained the West,  In the brief vigil that remains of light To feel in, stoop not to renounce the quest Of what may in the sun's path be essayed, The world that never ...


... Conversation of August 2 (the two rival "formations"). × Ten thousand people in a carnival atmosphere amidst incense sticks and stalls reminiscent of Lourdes. Not to mention the "embellishments" to the Samadhi, the "embellishments" to Sri Aurobindo's room, whose ...


... Paradise Lost, Bk. VI, 11 .712-714. 403. Ibid., 11 .749-751. 404. Ibid., 11 .760, 762, 763-764, 768. Page 253 Among them he arriv'd, in his right hand Grasping ten thousand thunders,... 405 Drove them before him thunderstruck pursu'd With terrors and with furies... 406 eternal wrath Burnt after them... 407 Milton's warrior Christ of Heaven ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... kind of cooperation that all other kinds ensue. It is no doubt impossible to legitimize the horrors caused by this universal antagonism which, starting with the chronic wars between small groups ten thousand years ago, has led to the big battles between great nations. However, one must recognize that, without these horrors, the world would still only be inhabited by men of the weaker type, seeking shelter ...

... However scientifically well-founded or eloquent the above illustrations of the threat to planet Earth and its denizens may be, most striking is no doubt the curve of its human population growth. “Ten thousand years ago there may have been at most 2 to 3 million humans scattered around the globe. There were no cities, no great population centers. There were fewer people on the globe than are now found ...

... Calcutta, Bombay and Nagpur for treatment, but when there was no sign of cure, the teacher who had no faith in naturopathy came to me as a last resort after wandering for twenty months and spending ten thousand rupees. When Balaben Vyas was examined she was absolutely broken down physically, nervously and psychologically. She had lost all hope of life and was in a very sad state. When I asked her to ...

... During this period I visited 1800 educational institutions of seven districts (Baroda, Kaira, Sabarkantha, Panchmahal, Mehsana, Gandhinagar and Banaskantha) of North Gujarat and distributed more than ten thousand copies of my Gujarati book on preservation of health and sight and 1200 copies of the first edition of this book My Pilgrimage to the Spirit . During my visit to the Ashram in August 1972 I ...

... which St Peter’s Cathedral in Rome would have fitted several times over. The diameter of the dome was to be eight hundred twenty-five feet. Beneath it, in an area of approximately four hundred and ten thousand feet, there would be room for more than a hundred and fifty thousand persons to assemble standing … The station was to surpass New York’s Grand Central Station in size … The idea was that when visitors ...


... horse, her own standard, and, like other army commanders, a private military escort called maison militaire. Off she rode, Joan of Arc, seventeen years of age, at the head of an army of more than ten thousand men. And this was at a time when Catholic theologians still doubted not only whether women had a soul but whether they were human beings, and when it was considered blasphemous for women to wear ...

... nowhere near Dante's unique blend of simplicity and exaltation, clear-cut flow and concentrated force. Dante's Ulysses tells his comrades: "Brothers," I said, "who manfully, despite Ten thousand perils, have attained the West, In the brief vigil that remains of light To feel in, stoop not to renounce the quest Of what may in the sun's path be essayed, The world that ...


... know what you are saying?... I thank God that I have a greater gift of tongues than all of you, but when I am in the presence of the community I would rather say five words that mean something than ten thousand words in a tongue." 129 In Acts Paul is linked with speaking in tongues: "the moment Paul laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came down on them, they began to speak in tongues....There were ...

... doctor himself. He wanted to make some offering to the Dispensary. Page 65 He had a young maid-servant who looked after him with great care. He gave her some money, about ten-thousand rupees, for her marriage. He had given good presents like that to his earlier servants also. He used to go to the marriage ceremony and give presents. One young Tamil person came in close contact ...


... Atharva Veda. Among the Vedas the Rig Veda occupies a prominent place. It consists of ten books or Mandalas and one thousand seventeen hymns or suktas. The total number of verses in Rig Veda is ten thousand five hundred eighty. Yajur Veda is classified broadly into Shukia Yajur Veda and Krishna Yajur Veda. Shukia Yajur Veda has thirty chapters and Krishna Yajur Veda has five existing versions of which ...

... thwarted by his class-teacher: the class-teacher advised him to join his coaching institute, assuring him that he would get there, Page 42 in only three months, on payment of merely ten thousand rupees, ready-made materials for getting a first class in his final examination, and he preferred to follow the teacher's advice. This will be a case of a polluted formal education, obstructing ...

... returned. She entrusted her ministers with only the details of business, and still kept her eye on the execution. The task of governing her vast area was made almost impossible by the number (ten thousand), diversity, contradictions, and. chaos of existing laws. Hoping to play Justinian to Russia, and to consolidate her power, Catherine, on December 14, 1766, summoned to Moscow administrative ...


... active service. Those who prefer to stay with me can let it be known. The fact that Asia is now subjected and pacified means that a large Page 77 number of soldiers can be dismissed. Ten thousand men may then return home. At that moment, a wave of protestations cut off his speech. The shouts burst forth from every side: — Alexander is trying to get rid of veterans! — That is ...


... terrorism. On May 30, 1909, Sri Aurobindo delivered his historic speech at Uttarpara, from which I have already given you extracts relating to his spiritual experiences in jail. At Uttarpara ten thousand people listened to him in pin-drop silence in a spiritually surcharged atmosphere. He began by contrasting the situation before his arrest with what he now saw. He said: 'It was more than a year ...


... will increasingly take recourse to its economical tool of proxy war to keep India mired in internal-security problems. Today's "war of a thousand cuts" being waged by Pakistan could become a war of ten thousand cuts. It doesn't take much for a strong-willed State to murder, maim and menace the innocent through surrogate agents. India's interests can be served neither by pleading for a secure, stable Pakistan ...

... Napoleon, Elizabeth, Begum Samru all behaved in particular ways because they had complexes. It means that a man has a certain character and his actions are determined by that character. This we knew ten thousand years back. There is nothing new in it. The difficulty is that they want to work in psycho­logy in the same way that they work in physics. But psychology is not so simple. You can't generalise ...

... asked him about the object of his visit. He asked about his daughter's marriage and suggested certain names. Brahma said all those people had already died ! While he was listening to the song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed ! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said : "Well, Krishna and Balaram, and others have gone down – to humanity – you may go and give ...

... whom he will oblige to hand them over, it will be a great stroke. Unless he achieves this, I don't see how he can invade England. No doubt, Ireland is a weak point. But the British are raising a ten-thousand-strong army. SATYENDRA: That would be nothing. SRI AUROBINDO: But combined with the air force, it can prevent Hitler's landing. ...


... cosmos by this Copernicus of the spiritual world. 12 Writing earlier as "an American Newcomer", he had made the disarming remark : "Hundreds of us in the Ashram are far away from home, ten thousand miles away in some cases. But somehow we are not homesick, for after all 'home is where the Mother is'. " 13 Another, A. Baudisch, an Austrian-German, had long been puzzled by the hiatus created ...

... more and more reflected in the manifold works of the Ashram. Yoga could be described as Nature intensified, concentrated, accelerated, for the invisible slow processes that may have taken ten thousand or a million years are pushed through a single life-span or a midnight vigil. Even as scientific and technological research through speculation, experimentation in a laboratory and pilot-projecting ...

... staff were able writers and committed revolutionaries like Barin, Upen Bannerji and Devabrata Bose. From the beginning the paper was a sensational success, the circulation leaping up from one to ten thousand in the course of a year, and sometimes Page 217 times it had to be printed secretly at more than one press. As for the business side, it was hopeless; and "nobody bothered about ...

... argument that race of the parents is a mixed one. Secondly, in the Rigveda itself there is mention of dark-skinned people and "Anasa." I said "Anasa" figures only in one Rik out of more than ten thousand Riks and it may not mean "nose-less" or "flat-nosed." Sri Aurobindo : "Anasa" is not flat-nosed, it means nose-less. Disciple : I consulted the Rigveda and found that it refers only ...

... that solidifies Matter! But the point is that it is not an imaginary perception of the Mind, but a cellular perception, by the cells—indeed, they even catch the hemorrhage of an unknown person ten thousand miles away. Until proved otherwise, the cells are made of Matter. But for once in the history of the earth, someone took off the pair of glasses and saw the earth, felt and experienced the earth ...


... enclosed the world in its cage, then it has devised the laws of its cage and decided: this is how the world is. "But listen, it's cancer! But listen, it's the law of gravitation! But listen, it's ten thousand miles away...." Of course, it is like that in the cage. But once you come out of it, it is different. Once you come out of it, it is divine. It is the Divine. And everything remains just as concrete ...


... guides your steps as a bird is guided toward its unknown lagoon six thousand miles away. But for the compass to work correctly, you must be pure, you must not let your own ideas interfere suggesting ten thousand other possible paths—you must be silent. You must listen to the Amazon within which leads you to the Amazon without, or rather which creates the Amazon as you walk. Ambulando solvitur was Sri ...

... for 5: 30 P. M. and Sri Aurobindo was the only speaker. "The meeting was fixed at the open courtyard of the Library on the eastern side, on the west coast of the Ganges .... There were about ten thousand men in the audience . His voice was not voluminous and so the audience established pin-drop silence in order to be able to hear him .... The reception he got here was extraordinary." So was ...

... so as to build up men and not machines." The public interest in national education grew apace. In the second week of February 1908, a special conference was held at Pabna, attended by about ten thousand men. Rabindranath Tagore was in the chair. He delivered a stirring speech, in the course of which he said, "The control and direction by foreigners of education in India is a most unnatural phenomenon ...

... we cannot but feel that we are listening to the same poetic voice as in Richard III             shadows tonight Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers Armed in proof and led by shallow Richmond. or in Julius Caesar The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interrèd with their bones. or in the much later ...


... children's pain our mother, Ganges of the dead,     Leads our wandering spirits home. Mighty with the mighty still thou dwelledst, goddess high and pure;     Iron Bhîshma was thy son, Who against ten thousand rushing chariots could in war endure;     Many heroes fled from one. Devavrath the mighty, Bhîshma with his oath of iron power,     Smilingly who gave up full Joy of human life and empire ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... reconciliation. Both solutions are heroic; but one is a mighty heroism of difficult retreat and flight; the other a mightier heroism of self-perfection and conquest. The one is the retreat of the Ten Thousand; the other is Caesar's movement from Dyrrhachium to [Pharsalus]. One path culminates in Buddha, the other in Janaka and Srikrishna. The language of the Seer is perfectly framed, as in the first ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... except for a few, most of these writings are appearing in print for the first time. When the authors were approached for the contributions it was suggested that these should be generally around ten thousand words in length. This was a hard stipulation but then there were restrictions of space also. In addition to this there was a time constraint, if the book had to come out by the end of this year ...

... decent attitude towards animals”. They would therefore also adopt a decent attitude towards the Russian “human animals”, about whom he had just said: “If during the construction of an anti-tank ditch ten thousand Russian women do or don’t collapse from exhaustion, it only interests me in so far as the ditch is got ready for Germany … That other peoples live in prosperity or perish with hunger interests me ...


... ‘Inconscient’ the light that it had drawn back into its secrecies and now releases once more for a new day and another march of the great journey.” 17 His very reasonable argument in this is that the ten thousand years of our “official” history cannot suffice to develop the human mind from primitivism to the capacity of civilisation. “The time-limit allowed for the growth of civilisation is still impossibly ...

... authentic epic must proceed?" Savitri , the heroine of Sri Aurobindo, at least makes her debut in the very first Canto of Book 1 — even though she disappears soon after Canto Two for nearly ten thousand lines. But Milton cannot be exonerated from complicating his epic by all that endless thunder of the opening three Books. Actually, there are two stories in Paradise Lost , and what is meant to ...


... an authentic epic must proceed?" Savitri, the heroine of Sri Aurobindo, at least makes her début in the very first Canto of Book 1 - even though she disappears soon after Canto Two for nearly ten thousand lines. But Milton cannot be exonerated from complicating his epic by all that endless thunder of the opening three Books. Actually, there are two stories in Paradise Lost, and what is meant ...


... and the false. What the Divine wants of you is that you should grow in the Truth and the higher Nature, reject the false and the lower Nature. As you have indulged the Prakriti for the last ten thousand lives or so, it has been accustomed to impose its own way on the Purusha. To be separate is only the first step. Also I fancy the Purusha in you is still very mental in its will. In order ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... humbug, 4 unless he does not believe in it. If he does not believe in it, it is humbug, but it is not vanity. Page 240 Pride and Self-Esteem Pride is only one form of ego—there are ten thousand others. Every action of man is full of ego—the good ones as well as the bad, his humility as much as his pride, his virtues as much as his vices. To get the ego out of the human nature is not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... where others see nothing. Thus Queen Kausalya, the mother of Rama, had a vision of her son's glory. For one day he was changed in her eyes. The moment before he was a small child, and suddenly ten thousand stars shone on every hair of his body, suns and moons glittered on his limbs, and around him were high mountains, rivers, oceans, and many lands, and all the powers of Nature were gathered upon ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... Tyger's poetry. If the "spears"-"forests" association be challenged as fanciful, we have only to refer to Milton's poetic picture of Satan's army: it tells us how "through the gloom were seen" ten thousand banners rising, and how with them rose A forest huge of spears... 20 Again, as if to throw into relief the subtle connection between stanzas 1 and 5, we get, immediately after stanza ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... forth:   Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it: Think'st thou that I who saw the face of God Page 67 And tasted the eternal joys of heaven Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being depriv'd of everlasting bliss?   Faustus, who is in seed-form the complement of Mephistophilis for half of Milton's complete Satan to get evolved from, flings a reproach ...


... Yuga seems to have been on the decimal system of notation, a cycle of 10,000 years (Atharvaveda, 8.2.21)..." R. T. H. Griffith 4 translates the source of Fleet's information: "A hundred years, ten thousand years we give thee, ages two, three, four." The sentence is rather obscure, yet we may note that not only are 10,000 years made the limit but also Four Yugas are clearly enumerated. And, after ...


... sage Ghora Āngirasa. Another Krishna is a rishi, the son of Viśvaka, while yet another Krishna was a 'loud-yelling' non-Aryan asura chieftain of the Jamnā region who led a 'godless legion' of ten thousand followers and committed great havoc until he was defeated and skinned by Indra. One Krishna was also a Dravidian god of youth. A Vedic passage speaks of a leader of fifty thousand Krishnas, who ...


... but asked him to follow the advice of the oracle. Xenophon and his comrades were successful in their battle, but Cyrus was killed and they found themselves deep in enemy territory, leaderless. The ten thousand, as the Greek army of mercenaries was called, elected Xenophon as one of their leaders, and finally they fought their way home. Xenophon's record of his entire expedition the battle as well as the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... Warm Springs In the autumn of 1924 ... began the great adventure of Warm Springs. Here again we confront the extraordinary capriciousness of history; or perhaps it was determined by fate ten thousand years ago that (a) a dilapidated hotel with an adjacent warm pool should exist at Warm Springs, Georgia; (b) Dr. Lovett should have found that swimming in warm water helped some of his patients; ...

... not have to concentrate. DR. MANILAL: How far is the supramental from the subliminal, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: What do you mean by "far"? DR. MANILAL: How distant, I mean. SRI AUROBINDO: Ten thousand miles. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: There is a jain story about two yogis who went to Mahavideha Kshetra and met Padmadevi and asked her how distant their realisation was. She said to one three ...


... Mahendra Sircar suddenly taken interest? SRI AUROBINDO: There have been many others. Somebody has come from Calcutta to get elucidation on it. Jatin Sen Gupta protested at first when we gave ten thousand francs to France. But this gift to the Indian Government he has appreciated. But it should be plain enough: I want Hitler to be knocked down. NIRODBARAN: I don't understand how Dr. Sircar can ...


... And the question of finances is closely related to the needs of the growth and expansion in higher education in the country. We have today nearly two hundred universities Page 123 and ten thousand colleges; and they are all starved of funds; this is visible even when we pay a cursory visit to the corridors of some of the central universities. One need not describe the deplorable conditions ...

... them genuine supporters) was 1300 as against 1100 on the Nationalist side. This was the background against which the Congress open session began on December 26, 1907, before an audience of over ten thousand strong. And immediately the two parties clashed. The Moderates had selected Dr. Rash Behari Ghosh to be the President. He was an eminent lawyer but politically he was only a figurehead. When ...


... evolution." After the war, Clementel would get involved in the creation of the International Chamber of Commerce and would try to make this body into an instrument of international solidarity. 2. Ten thousand kilometers away, in Pondicherry, a small French enclave in South India, the great Indian leader and sage, Sri Aurobindo, in a conversation with his disciples, noted the proposal for an Anglo-French ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Purusha does not lose its separate-ness and wants the Prakriti to be calm, the Prakriti does not care to listen to it at all. Why so?       As you have indulged the Prakriti for the last ten thousand lives or so, it has been accustomed to impose its own way on the Purusha. To be separate is only the first step. Also I fancy the Purusha in you is still very mental in its will.       The Purusha's ...

... war by a whole year." As for Robert Sherwood, Hopkins's collaborator and Monnet's friend, he said, "Monnet was the great, single-minded apostle of all-out production, preaching the doctrine that ten thousand tanks too many are far preferable to one tank too few.'' Robert Nathan (member of Roosevelt's brain trust ) said, "When I met Jean Monnet for the first time, we had difficulty in assessing the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... been somewhat tolerable to them, because they have adjusted themselves to its known defects and imperfections and even calamities; but what about the next life which is bound to follow death? The ten thousand and one unknown sufferings, physical-vital-mental, that Page 8 may befall them in the next life, cannot but unnerve them now, on this side of death. We have tried to enumerate ...

... But it was truly an experience to have heard with one's own ears a human voice of their calibre. One cannot do without a mike today if one is to address an audience of a thousand. In those days ten thousand people could easily listen to those superhuman voices. But why need we go so far? You have all listened to the voice of our Sahana, a voice that held the heart of Rabindranath enthralled. Let me ...

... regular procession was organised. The meeting was fixed at the open courtyard of the Library on the eastern side, on the west bank of the Ganges. Sri Aurobindo was the only speaker. There were about ten thousand men in the audience. His voice was not voluminous and so the audience kept pin-drop silence in order to be able to hear him. "He was heard in pin-drop silence. The reception he got was ...

... , a procession was organised. The meeting was held in the open courtyard on the eastern side of the library, on the west bank of the Ganges. Sri Aurobindo was the only speaker. There were about ten thousand people in the audience. Sri Aurobindo's voice was not voluminous and so the audience kept pin-drop silence in order to be able to hear him, for there were no loudspeakers in those days.¹ He was ...


... had no importance. Sri Aurobindo : I don't think the primitive men had any ideas Disciple : Roger Fry refers to the cave-paintings in the Pyrenees mountains which are supposed to be ten thousand years old and the bushman’s paintings in Africa. He speaks of them as having an idea of the form and also the ability to convey it. Sri Aurobindo : What they had was not an "idea" but some ...

... his control. After this Dyuman concentrated on the Gloria Farms. Then, in 1987, he took up the work of agriculture in Orissa on 130 acres of land at Matrugram. One day I felt like offering ten thousand rupees to Dyumanbhai for his work and took the amount to him from Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Society. Dyuman was very happy to get it. "I was just in need of this amount for the Orissa work". ...

... money-earners for the Ashram and the Udavi school and medical centre also continue to do their useful work under the Ashram's benign care. When Nata came to know of my readiness to advance ten thousand rupees to an Auroville resident for some Auroville work, he emphatically said, "I know him better, I won't give him a penny". I did not act according to his advice. I would learn by experience that ...

... gravity, and all other laws as well — so what? So, is it not the most formidable revolution? One must be completely blind not to understand that there has been nothing more formidable for the last ten thousand years! We cry out in admiration when some Nobel prizewinner discovers the anticancer pill, but we are unable to understand the tremendous uprooting Mother and Sri Aurobindo performed in their ...

... Uttarpara, where he was received by the local Zemindar; and in the evening, Sri Aurobindo was taken in a procession to the place of the meeting on the banks of the Ganges. The audience numbered over ten thousand, and he was the sole speaker and was heard with rapt and reverent attention. He had intended at first to speak on the Hindu Religion, but as he sat there a word came to him, a word he had to speak ...

... Wilson had earlier read there his Essays on the Gita - also found his true home in Pondicherry, and spoke thus for himself and others like him: Hundreds of us in the Ashram are far from home, ten thousand miles away in some cases. But somehow we are not homesick, for after all "home is where the Mother is". 7 II For the hundreds of sadhaks in the Ashram, for the children in the University ...


... asked about the object of his visit. Revat asked about his daughter's marriage and suggested certain names. Brahma said all those people had already died! While he was listening to the song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said, 'Well, Krishna and Balaram and others have gone down to humanity, you may go and give your daughter ...

... go to Calcutta. It is clear. Blessings." Well, nothing was lost by my failure to go. In the end the mediator wanted to settle my dues of more than a million rupees for an offering of Rupees ten thousand to Mother. The party concerned was one of the richest families of the country. She immediately said No. There the matter ended. * * * In October 1968, I wrote to Mother about the ...

... things really work in Matter, it is as if everything came to give you a demonstration—a complicity in the other direction—everything comes to life and seems to react, to create echoes everywhere, ten thousand miles away or under your feet. Now, I noticed that on days there was some "disturbance in the atmosphere," not only did all kinds of small, minuscule accidents happen in waves, one after another ...


... vibration of a stone; her consciousness touched the same consciousness everywhere—of course, since there is only that! We can understand each other quite well through it and in it, whether we are ten thousand miles away or just across the room, as if there were no separation. And there is no separation, except in our clever little brains that suddenly thought they were more intelligent than all the little ...


... because this "from above” is still a way of saying things to make oneself understood by children; “from above” in no way explains how a human (that is, mental) consciousness can simultaneously pull on ten thousand threads and a number of sentences, all in logical, coherent order, and what is more, without using the brain! What was it that organized this totality of knowledge or inspiration? "Above,” it is ...

... nothing to do with knowledge or thought. The world stripped of its mental crust, the pure world. A body that knows the clock, or the person climbing the stairs to see Mother, or anything whatsoever ten thousand miles away in a perfect material complicity. For instance, from time to time, when I hear people speak of something or other and say, "It will be like this and like that," instantly there comes ...


... That is still another question. You are going to abolish illness, death, misery?—And that misery is perhaps just the means of passing to another state? You want to make your B.A. babies live to be ten thousand years old? They will fill the libraries and the savings banks... Never once in my life have I seen a single evil which did not have its full meaning. So? You are going to cut out evil, and you will ...

... —I guard you. He pressed his satchel hard against his chest. He was erect and pale, as if defying death. What was the link between this child and Björn—that Björn who, one day, had come from ten thousand kilometres away to this island at the other end of the world?... What joined our three lives, what story? Oh! I have looked for miracles, and now that I don't look for them any more, I seem to see ...

... the Holder of Plenty, the mighty Lord most awake to knowledge has made me largesse of two Ray-Cows that draw the Wain. Let the Triple Dawn-lord son of the Triple Male awake to knowledge by the ten thousands of the Ray-Cows, O universal Fire. Page 293 यो मे शता च विंशतिं च गोनां हरी च युक्ता सुधुरा ददाति । वैश्वानर सुष्टुतो वावृधानोऽग्ने यच्छ त्र्यरुणाय शर्म ॥२॥ 2) A hundred and ...


... × A few days before his birthday, the Mother gave Champaklal a card with a quotation by Sri Aurobindo: “I do not want tens of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be instruments of God.” ...

... to repress a nostalgic thought about a past when the massacre of 810 Jews prompted a universal condemnation”, 594 when after the Holocaust the habit of reading and writing the numbers of thousands, tens of thousands and even millions made our souls callous. ... visible, and who therefore put into question the security which the integrated Jews thought they had obtained. The stream of Ashkenazi Jews from the East towards Austria, Germany and, in their tens of thousands, towards the USA, had started moving because of a wave of pogroms in Russia in the wake of the 1903 events in Kichinev. Kichinev was the capital of Bessarabia and forty-five percent Jewish. The ...


... being, lord of his plenitudes has given me his two cows of the Light that draw his wain. He of Page 466 the triple dawn, son of the triple Bull, 2 has awakened to knowledge with the ten thousands 3 of his plenitude. यो मे शता च विंशतिं च गोनां हरी च युक्ता सुधुरा ददाति । वैश्वानर सुष्टुतो वावृधानोऽग्ने यच्छ त्र्यरुणाय शर्म ॥२॥ 2) He gives to me the hundred and twenty 4... triple dawn is the dawn of these three realms on the human mentality. × Thousand symbolises absolute completeness, but there are ten subtle powers of the illumined mind each of which has to have its entire plenitude. × ... The symbolic figure of the illuminations of divine knowledge as the series of dawns (cows) of the twelve months of the year and twelve periods of the sacrifice. There are again ten times twelve to correspond to the ten subtle sisters, powers of the illumined mentality. × The two shining horses of Indra ...


... it. It is surprising that scholars miss the meaning. For instance, the Veda says, "Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun. There the ten thousands stand together. That is the One: I have seen the Supreme Godhead of the embodied gods." It is clear that this refers to the Vedantic truth. Similarly the Upanishads speak of the Sun, Surya, and... that his mind remained clear and powerful up to the last. All talk of his mental decline is nonsense. NIRODBARAN: Yesterday we spoke about materialisation. But is it possible to materialise even ten years after death? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if the spirit has not gone far away from the earth. Generally up to three years it remains near the earth, they say. The Guru's power can materialise the subtle ...


... And when it was taken to her, she was very happy and began to feel it with her hand again and again. The following quotation had been pasted below Sri Aurobindo's photograph: “I do not want tens of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be the instruments of God.” —Sri Aurobindo The Mother wrote on this Card: 2.2 ...


... Or the commanders of the Einsatzgruppen in Russia – Walter Ohlendorff, Arthur Nebe, Friedrich Jeckeln … – who performed such an effective job of slaughtering Jews and non-Jews alike in their tens of thousands? ...


... Freedom of India, compiled and edited by Chanda Poddar, Mona Sarkar and Bob Zwicker, 1995 ed., pp. 199-206. The fiery newspaper soon became immensely popular, with a readership at times in the tens of thousands. Aware of its influence, the Government prosecuted Yugantar six times for sedition during its brief lifespan. Eager to do more than just talk about revolution, Barin formed his own revolutionary... sentence was later commuted to transportation for life. In December 1909 he was shipped to the British penal colony on South Andaman Island. Physically weak and constitutionally slender, he endured ten years of drudgery, deprivation and suffering before his release. He returned to mainland India in January 1920, following the amnesty granted to political prisoners after the armistice of the First World ...

... stream, they felt the living Presence of the Mother charged with an aura of limitless love and protective grace. The sharp sense of personal bereavement became muted because it was shared by tens of thousands - if not millions - and it was exceeded by the realisation that the divine consciousness that the Mother had embodied was permanently settled in the Ashram atmosphere. It was indeed impossible... and she had ordained with her invisible sovereign powers the divine order to be. Her helping hand and her word of cheer and her smile of Grace had been the means of rescue and redemption to tens of thousands of souls wrecked on the disturbed sea of our life without faith, or lost in our urban deserts deprived of the waters of love. Numberless were the wielders of power and authority or the bearers... out of all difficulties. 19 She had spent her whole life spread over ninety-five years visibly exemplifying these golden words, revealing in her speech of massed illumination and in her tens of thousands of still gratefully remembered acts the infinite comprehension and limitless compassion of the Divine, manifesting in every circumstance of her life the purity and power of the Mother Divine, ...


... of Jew-baiters from place to place, attacking and slaying the Jews wherever he found them, except when they consented to be baptized. The killer wave ran through Franconia and Bavaria, making tens of thousands of victims. “What is new in this case is that for the first time a crime allegedly committed by one or a few Jews was held to be the responsibility of all the Jews in the country … We can say... Death The Jews remained relatively unmolested – throughout their amazing history they were never secure – till the calling of the first crusade by Urban II in 1095. Taken by a sudden fervour, thousands of the most destitute people in Western Christendom left the little they possessed, if anything, and followed preachers like Peter the Hermit in the hope of finding lasting happiness, or a full stomach... of the opinion that this was one of the lowest points ever known in the continuity of history, in a century which one historian calls “the Devil’s century”. “In the cities they became ill in their thousands and nearly all died for lack of care and assistance. In the morning one found their corpses before the doorstep of the houses where they had died during the night … It came to the point that one did ...


... Madras as a preacher of the new political creed. For several days on the sands of the beach, he spoke words hot with emotion and subtly logical, which were wafted by the soft evening breeze to tens of thousands of listeners invading their whole souls and setting them aflame with the fever of a wild consuming desire. Oratory had never dreamed of such triumphs in India ; the power of the spoken word had... meetings were held —in one district in spite of the prohibition of the District Magistrate." "When after the Barisal Conference, we brought in the peasants into the Movement, forty or fifty thousands of them used to gather to hear Pal," recalled Sri Aurobindo. B.C. Pal, Page 304 though lacking in organizational ability and not capable of political leadership, was perhaps the ...

... and the masses have commenced to take a keen and possibly a more earnest interest in public questions than even the so-called educated classes. They have joined our meetings in their thousands and their tens of thousands, and have taken, during the last twelve months, an intelligent interest in our movements. What right have we now to ignore them in such momentous matters as the submission of a fresh... the Partition continues, if only we can arouse a real interest in the masses in our public and political agitations? If the masses once awake from their present torpor, they will be able to undo a thousand evil and obstructive measures like the Partition of Bengal. True statesmanship would prefer this quickening of public life and public spirit in the people to the revocation, as a favour, of even the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... barrister P. Mitra as the leader of the revolution in Bengal and a central council of five persons, one of them being Nivedita. The work under P. Mitra spread enormously and finally contained tens of thousands of young men and the spirit of revolution spread by Barin's paper "Yugantar" became general in the young generation; but during my absence at Baroda the council ceased to exist as it was impossible... is wholly untrue that she and Gonen Maharaj came to see me off at the Ghat. There was no time to inform her; for almost immediately I received a command from above to go to Chandernagore and within ten minutes I was at the Ghat, a boat was hailed and I was on my way with two young men to Chandernagore. It was a common Ganges boat rowed by two boatmen, and all the picturesque details about the French ...


... s or translates into a later and more open style a Vedic verse of the Atris: Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun. There the ten thousands stand together, That is the One: I have seen the supreme Godhead of the embodied gods. This Vedic and Vedantic imagery is foreign to our present mentality which does not believe in the living ...


... movement of integration described in the Rig Veda, 64 which hymns as follows: "Hidden by your truths is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun; there the ten- thousands stand together; That is the One: I have seen the supreme godhead of the embodied gods." The Synthesis of Yoga in the Gita Sri Aurobindo observes that the synthesis that we find in... The earliest entries in these diaries began in 1909 and latest ended in 1927. These diaries have been now published in two volumes, entitled "Record of Yoga". Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wrote thousands of letters to the disciples, and large numbers of them are now available in three volumes, entitled "Letters on Yoga", and in other volumes of the Mother's works. Finally, thirteen volumes of "Mother's... descending path, the one I began with Sri Aurobindo; and there, the work is immense. The thing can still be brought down as far as the mental and vital planes (although Sri Aurobindo said that thousands of lifetimes would be needed merely to bring it down to the mental plane, unless one practiced a perfect surrender). With Sri Aurobindo, we went down below Matter, right into the Subconscient and ...

... was not lifeless, that Bengal was faithful to the vow she had made. He waited to see what would happen on that date in Bengal, whether they would attend in their hundreds or in their thousands or in their tens of thousands. It was Bengal on which the burden of the struggle fell because she first had preached the Gospel and she first had had the courage to bear suffering for the Gospel. Therefore God had... priests of Baal. "Always," He said, "in the nation I have chosen there are some who confess me and now too in this nation there are seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal." So always in this Bengal which God had chosen there would always be several thousands who would be true to the faith and never bow the knee to false gods. If the voices that proclaimed it were silenced, if the organisers... as soon as its local officials could bring themselves to acknowledge that there was a famine in the land. That saved a number of lives, but it did not save us from the misery, the mortality, the thousands of Page 104 ruined homes. That did not strike at the root of the chronic starvation and famine; Swadeshi and boycott alone could strike at the root. So long as the exploitation of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... barrister P. Mitra as the leader of the revolution in Bengal and a central council of five persons, one of them being Nivedita. The work under P. Mitra spread enormously and finally contained tens of thousands of young men and the spirit of revolution spread by Barin's paper Yugantar 1 became general in the young generation ; but during my absence at Baroda the council ceased to exist as it was ...

... me see the cruelty and futility of the system." He also resolved to propagate this view and put forward arguments to abolish such hellish imported practices in a sovereign India. Alas for the tens of thousands of jail inmates rotting in 'free' India. Four months after the last piece of New Lamps for Old appeared in the Indu Prakash, a new series of articles was begun on Bankim Chandra Chatterji... simple and solid rule of life.... Nature gives us quartz profusely and mixed alloy in abundance, but pure gold in rare parcels and infinitesimal portions.... His ten masterpieces of fiction are enough. They would serve to immortalize ten reputations.... He saw what was beautiful and sweet and gracious in Hindu life, and what was lovely and noble in Hindu woman, her deep heart of emotion, her steadfastness ...

... these birds could have no possible experience. That this result should have been attained through thousands and tens of thousands of female birds all preferring those males whose markings varied slightly in this one direction, this uniformity of choice, continuing through thousands and tens of thousands of generations, is to me absolutely incredible. And when, further, we remember that those which did ...


... written after that date, mainly to persons living outside the Ashram. The Writing of the Letters Between 1927 and 1950, Sri Aurobindo replied to hundreds of correspondents in tens of thousands of letters, some of them many pages in length, others only a few words long. Most of his replies, however, were Page 501 sent to just a few dozen disciples, almost all of them ...


... present volume are also published in Letters on Himself and the Ashram . The Writing of the Letters Between 1927 and 1950, Sri Aurobindo replied to hundreds of correspondents in tens of thousands of letters, some of them many pages in length, others only a few words long. Most of his replies, however, were sent to just a few dozen disciples, almost all of them resident members of his Ashram; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... written after that date, mainly to persons living outside the Ashram. The Writing of the Letters Between 1927 and 1950, Sri Aurobindo replied to hundreds of correspondents in tens of thousands of letters, some of them many pages in length, others only a few words long. Most of his replies, however, were sent to just a few dozen disciples, almost all of them resident members of his Ashram; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... this phase of turmoil cannot be overestimated … Many invisible threads met in the Vier Jahreszeiten .” 76 The Thule Society ran an active propaganda campaign against the Reds and printed tens of thousands of leaflets, one of the principal means of political action at a time that the “media” were not what they have become today. Weapons, massively available after the return of the armies from the ...


... later and more open style a Vedic verse of Atris.V. 62. 1: "Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun. There the ten thousands stand together, That is the One; I have seen the Supreme Godhead of the embodied gods. " In this text is expressed the aspiration of the human Soul: " From non-being lead me to Being, from... and the more easy and secure gains, secure perhaps only in appearance of the physical life and of the intellect and the logical reason."6 " The Rig Veda is one in all its parts. Whichever of its ten Mandalas we choose, we find the same substance, the , same ideas, the same images, the same phrases. The Rishis are the seers of a single truth and use in its expression a common language. They differ... the exoteric religion was much more than a mere Nature worship. Page 181 rushing through the mind which is its 'luminous, wide- extended ' strainer of purification, cleansed there by the ten sisters pours forth giving birth to the gods. "13 " The Veda is a book of esoteric symbols, almost of, spiritual formulae, which masks itself as a collection of ritual poems. The inner ...

... criminal assaults on women. The mob fury continued for four days with the government standing by and proving to be utterly ineffective in dealing with the situation. It is estimated that thousands were killed, tens of thousands injured, lakhs left homeless and property worth crores of rupees destroyed. Bengal was then under the Muslim League and the Chief Minister was Suhrawardy. The Statesman wrote: 'this... The British Government crushed the movement ruthlessly using all the machinery of modern warfare at their disposal. These methods included machine gun firing and even aerial bombing. Tens of thousands were arrested and the police used the most bestial Page 54 methods to quell the uprising. By the end of September, the movement had been more or less crushed and the... the Muslim people, the Muslim police and Muslim officials worked in perfect unison, and brought widespread death, destruction and uprooting to Hindus and Sikhs in a dozen districts, killing many thousands and uprooting about a million, before the month was out. So, from Mar. 5, 1947 onwards, the constitutional game was up, and for the Hindus and Sikhs it became a sheer struggle for life against ...


... present volume are also published in Letters on Himself and the Ashram . The Writing of the Letters Between 1927 and 1950, Sri Aurobindo replied to hundreds of correspondents in tens of thousands of letters, some of them many pages in length, others only a few words long. Most of his replies, however, were sent to just a few dozen disciples, almost all of them resident members of his Ashram; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... materials that Sri Aurobindo wrote. The Selection, Arrangement and Editing of the Letters What has been called the 1926—1950 corpus of Sri Aurobindo's correspondence consists of tens of thousands of replies that he wrote to hundreds of correspondents. Most of the replies, however, went to a few dozen disciples, almost all of them resident members of his ashram. A smaller number of disciples ...


... patience, using chemical and biological elements alike, gene and gland and heart and brain and nerve and cell and living tissue and the animal walked and bounded and man arose evolving through tens of thousands, perhaps millions of years in the body of an erect two-footed animal. There again the physical-minded elemental would have intervened and cried out, "What is this that is being attempted? No, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Delhi by campaigning for improving the quality and practical value of women's education. Meanwhile, the post-partition situation offered a readymade problem for Kamaladevi to take up. Tens of thousands of refugees from mainly west Punjab were in Delhi looking for shelter and work. Many of them had lost vast property when they fled their hearths and homes in the wake of mass killings. As many ...

... information. The Selection, Arrangement and Editing of the Letters in the Present Volume The corpus of Sri Aurobindo's correspondence between 1927 and 1950 consists of tens of thousands of replies that he wrote to hundreds of correspondents. Most of the replies, however, were written to a few dozen disciples, almost all of them resident members of his Ashram. A smaller number ...

... in the hundreds of millions. The Pope draws crowds of hundreds of thousands; in the year 2001 the participants in the Kumbha Mela, at Allahabad in India, the greatest human gathering ever, numbered seventy million; tens of thousands have marched on the White House in Washington for one Christian cause or another; and tens of thousands perform the haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca year after year. In France... support of this: on 7 December 2000, L’Express published an enquiry about “The astonishing influence of the astrologers”. There are no less than 10,000 astrologers in France, and one Frenchman out of ten consults them. They are asked for advice by many of the prominent people in the land, ambassadors as well as financiers and politicians. It is known that Charles de Gaulle, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Boris... occultism?” The Mother answered: “It does not call it ‘occultism’, that is all. It’s only a matter of words. They are making sensational discoveries – which people with occult knowledge already knew thousands of years ago. They have taken a big detour and are now arriving at the same thing … They will end up practising occultism without knowing that they are doing so. For, in fact, as soon as one draws ...


... minutes, the words of the charter rumbled in the rhythms of one language or another along the unseen corridors of the collective consciousness of the silently participating congregation comprising tens of thousands of aspiring humanity. In all, 124 Nations of the world and 23 States of the Indian Union - comprising the big and the small, the far and the near, the affluent and the underdeveloped - took part... enable its citizens to participate in the unique festive ceremony of the birth of the City of Dawn. For several days previously, the Ashram and Pondicherry had become the centre of attraction, and thousands had come to witness the historic occasion. A newly made road led to the amphitheatre in the heart of Auroville where the vast concourse of humanity gathered on the 28th morning in exemplary silence... The Light was massed and packed and solid, yet As softly radiant as the yellow rose. Where now my seventy summers? By Thy Force Transfigured to the freshness, riches, splendour Of a thousand springs!... I felt the waves of Light, of Love, of Peace And Strength outflowing from the gracious Mother To envelop all of me.... 15 And thus Minnie Canteenwalla, gratefully ack ...


... and a stunned world tried its best to come to terms with the "greatest tragedy to humanity at this critical juncture in its history", as S. Duraiswami Aiyar described the event. How were the tens of thousands of Sri Aurobindo's disciples all over the world to understand his inexplicable withdrawal from his body - that marvellous body of the Golden Purusha? "I also saw," writes Nirod, "to my utter wonder... m., and retired again saying, "Call me when the time comes." It was already 5 December. Sri Aurobindo was now in an apparent trance of deep peace. Then, suddenly from that indrawn state, "about ten minutes before the grand end" he asked Nirod for a drink and sipped a little. The end came at 1.26 a.m., "in the presence of the Mother who stood near his feet with an intense penetrating gaze, an i... ns clearly: "I want to keep him in the centre of the Ashram. There are those three tanks in the courtyard. Keep the western tank as it is; the other two you can join into one. Go deep down, go down ten feet. Put Sri Aurobindo's casket at the bottom." 17 Preparations accordingly started in the morning with the sadhaks themselves doing the whole work. Before dawn, Sri Aurobindo's body had been ...


... joy. 2 "The Mother was eighty on 21 February 1958"! In a sense it was like saying "Infinity is so many kilometres" or "Eternity is so many years". The Mother was more than their mother to tens of thousands and was also the Mother divine who even in her transcendence didn't fail to meet her children on the human plane. And for the children themselves, who were but flawed human beings inhabiting a... the 20th, she went to the Ashram Theatre where she first read out a message for the All India Radio, and went round the grand flower show that had been organised in the large courtyard. There were thousands of pots with ferns and flowers in a variety of colours, and there was also a tank of white lotuses, emblazoning the Mother's symbol. Then she attended a programme of dance recitals representing the... When the night presses close upon us And the roar of the distant sea is dull, The air astir with soft soothing draughts, When the spaces teem with whispers of unknown longings - And a thousand desires Swish against the sealed doors of the Soul And music tells of births long ago, worlds long forgotten - Whatever their failings, whatever their strivings, Whatever the fever ...


... the talks in the Playground, the occasional interviews, the vitaminised doses of correspondence, and above all by occult means that defied understanding. With every sadhak, with everyone of her tens of thousands of children, in the Ashram and the outside world, she had a particular and unique and intimate relationship which was there even when it seemed to lack visible expression. Some she met daily,... number of fantastic experiments: It is a huge cauldron: you stir it, and something comes out; it's no good, you throw it back in and take something else. Imagine the dimension... thousands and thousands and thousands of [forms]; and... eternity before you! 17 That very evening the Mother had identified herself totally with Nature, participating in her processes and winning a new intimacy with... course of becoming a supramental species you are not that yet! but within you there's a psychic being which has already lived in many, many, countless species before and carries an experience of' thousands of years within you, and which will continue while your human body remains human and finally decomposes. 11 This was to be amplified later in another talk: Earthly life is the place ...


... attended in London at the end of 1931 and which ended in failure. The British government in response unleashed a reign of terror, caning and firing on demonstrators, jailing, whipping and torturing tens of thousands. It then promulgated its "Communal Award," which further hardened the division between Hindus and Muslims, also among the Hindus on the basis of caste. Page 192 August 30... material responsibility of the disciples and the growing Ashram to Mother. Apart from three and later four yearly "Darshan," Sri Aurobindo kept in external touch with the disciples through letters—thousands of letters in which he tirelessly dealt with their questions or difficulties or revolts. This section consists mostly of excerpts from some of Sri Aurobindo's letters.) Undated... and dry on the shores of nowhere—or it means a movement. A movement in the case of a work like mine means the founding of a school or a sect or some other damned nonsense. It means that hundreds or thousands of useless people join in and corrupt the work or reduce it to a pompous farce from which the Truth that was coming down recedes into secrecy and silence. It is what has happened to the "religions" ...


... instrument in any case, except possibly for writing a book! (Although I discovered that a book could be written without the mind; I even had a sort of demonstration of how Sri Aurobindo did it when tens of thousands of lines were passing directly through the cells of his hands.) But I did not quite grasp the extent of the upheaval, and Mother wanted to spare me: Because of the number of years, I have had... what is happening. She left, apparently. But Mother does not like flights, as we know. Physical Universalization She would live that "undulation," then again return to the painful cage, ten times, fifty times a day. Can it even be said that it was the "I" that made the cage? For quite some time She no longer had an "I"—an "I" in Matter, then? Perhaps.... We do not really know, we are walking... and what permits a radical transformation is that instead of an ascent which is so to speak eternal and indefinite [from plane to plane of consciousness, as all the yoga manuals for the last four thousand years recommend; and then you dissolve up above, at the summit], there is the appearance of a new type. The awakening of that consciousness which was there, deep down, in the very depths. The mind ...


... दशायुधाढ्या दशदिक्ष्वगम्या पातासि मातर्दशबाहुरार्यान्। सहस्रहस्तैरुपगुह्य पुत्रानास्से जगद्योनिरचिन्त्यवीर्या ॥९०॥ Ten-armed with all thy ten weapons thou protectest the Aryans, O Mother unattainable in the ten directions; as the womb of the world thou sitst with a thousand arms embracing thy children, unthinkable in thy energy. प्रकाशयन्तीं गहनानि भासैर्भीमां ज्वलत्पर्वतमूर्तिमग्रयाम्। पश्यामि... of mighty rulers. रक्तप्रवाहैरपि नास्मि तृप्ता शतैः सहस्रैरयुतैरजानाम्। प्रदत्त भित्त्वा हृदयानि रक्तं सम्पूजयन्त्येवमजां करालीम् ॥२७॥ Not by torrents of blood from hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of goats am I satisfied. Break open your hearts and offer that blood to me, for so do they worship the unborn and dreadful Goddess. येषां सदैवात्मबलिप्रवृत्ताः शूरा महान्तः प्रमुखाः... र्याः। सहस्रसूर्या इव भासुरास्ते समृद्धिमत्यां शुशुभुर्धरित्र्याम् ॥१३॥ Their strength purified by their continence, rendered noble by self-knowledge and severe austerities, resplendent like a thousand suns they shone on a prosperous earth. शूराः प्रगल्भाश्च हि शात्रवाणां स्पर्धालवं सोढुममर्षणास्ते। पूजां जनन्या रिपुभिः समाप्य रेजू रणान्ते रुधिराक्तदेहाः ॥१४॥ Heroic and bold, they would brook ...


... One must imagine a thousand Christs or Buddha's or Krishnas being born on earth at the same time, possessing a more complete Page 22 wisdom than that which the Buddha, Christ or Krishna formulated, living with us on all levels and in all possible contexts. And, one must also imagine that these thousands will become tens of thousands and thousands of thousands. Their growing numbers... life which, while being far superior to ours, will still be human. These will be enlightened men, not supermen. Becoming increasingly numerous, they will one day be counted by the thousands, and the next by the tens of thousands, forming in our multitude an ecstatic rosace. Not having a past, they will possess a vision of the future which nothing will affect or limit. They will know exactly which... be something else, we must fear punishment or expect a reward. We shall no longer ask ourselves how to live so as to obtain the latter, or avoid the former. We shall know. Thousands of new beings will teach us, and tens of thousands of new beings will take up and echo their words. They will have triumphed over temporal consciousness, vanquished the sense of limitation, supplanted the hegemony of Death ...


... tabernacle of God. ... In the heart of my creation's mystery I will enact the drama of thy soul, Inscribe the long romance of Thee and Me. 18 IX For her children, for the tens of thousands who had found in her their true Mother, the child-mother relationship was - and is - the solvent of all problems and perplexities. She was with her children "on all levels, in all planes"; and... tenement on 17 November 1973. Did it mean the abrupt end of the unique adventure of consciousness begun by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on behalf of the earth and humanity, almost sixty years earlier? A thousand times No! A spiritual power, a supramental Light and Force and Consciousness, cannot just become extinct. The stupendous Saga of Transformation, inner and outer, may seem unfinished as yet, but the ...


... the thou­sand little no’s of a thousand footsteps that come and go, climb up and down, without knowing why, without even wanting Life. An automatism of pain. Something that clings to death. And if any pressure is applied to it, one feels as if wholly uprooted—three drops of that Ray, and all the little mud here and there begins to revolt and protest: tens of thousands of letters. What dark and desperate... ing, tire­lessly clearing up, letter after letter. It was a sly, invasive, minuscule horde, like an onslaught of death disguised as a thousand little cockroaches. We do not know what death is; we believe in the great blows of Destiny, but we do not see the thousand little blows that are death. This infinitesi­mal death that He kept uprooting and uprooting, and which kept growing back again and again... . The stubborn mute rejection in Life's depths, The ignorant No in the origin of things. 33 That great No hiding a thousand times behind all the little stumblings, the little sufferings, the little falsehoods in our gestures, our eyes or our bodies, the thousand roots of death that await the great Death as a final relief from this misery of being and living—that will for death in the depths ...

... ocean of power; over that an of power I want the radiation of the sun of Knowledge and in that luminous vastness an established ecstasy of infinite love and bliss and oneness. I do not want tens of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get as instruments of God one hundred complete men free from petty egoism. 24 On reading the letter, Barin's soul was on fire, and the long and dreary... visit of the Richards." 8 There were at the time four or five young men (notably Nolini and Amrita) living with Sri Aurobindo, and there were the Richards and Dorothy at the Bayoud House. Not quite ten in all in the Page 203 embryonic Deva Sangha! While Mirra and Paul visited Sri Aurobindo in the evenings and held talks day after day, Sri Aurobindo with his young men called on the Richards ...


... verses paraphrase or translate a Vedic Page 59 verse of the Atris: "Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun; there the ten thousands stand together; That is the One: I have seen the supreme godhead of the embodied gods."55 The knowledge of multiplicity that is gained at higher and higher levels of avidya is a brilliant golden... an assembly of seekers and mystics had gathered at a sacrifice, a question was asked by him as to who among those assembled had attained the highest knowledge. Janaka enclosed a thousand cows. To the horns of each ten pādas of gold were bound. He said to them: "Venerable seekers and possessors of knowledge (Brahmans). let him of you who is the best knower drive away these cows." Those seekers... synthesized; and the real meaning of avidya should refer to the state in which experience of multiplicity ignores the underlying unity and oneness. It is these real meanings that are referred to in verses ten and eleven. It is stated that according to the records of the highest realization, the result that comes from the ignorance, avidyā, and the result, that comes from the knowledge, vidyā, are quite ...

... species be swallowed up by the old one? The Central Experience Now, there is an experience, repeated thousands and tens of thousands of times during those years since the first exit from the web of the physical Mind in 1962, that tended to take on a new depth, as if deep down underneath thousands of forms or faces, we were always in front of the same Experience, the same Reality, which unveils what... like nothing, appear and disappear to resurface five or ten years later with all their sense, as if they had journeyed underground, so much so that one does not know where things begin and the transformation, to say truly, is thousands of phenomena together without a date and without a special “moment.” There is nothing sensational, interesting to recount, She told me one day in 1961. It’s a miniscule... it is “something,” a phenomenon amongst thousands. It does not have a logic, logic is for later, when it is “understood.” It is that logic that we are trying to track down in the dense thickets and the miraculous undergrowth of the thirteen volumes of Mother’s Agenda . It is in 1961 that we find a first hint of the phenomenon, and truly these are thousands of minuscule phenomena which seem like ...

... day. And perhaps there is only one fact in life, everything else is an imitation, a false likeness—where is the Fact? I have seen twenty countries and yet not a single one, I have covered tens of thousands of kilometres and not moved a centimetre, I have lived millions of seconds and they are just like dust—where is the thing, the second? What has happened? The forests of Brazil are painted very... par hasard ... Only it is a finer law. —And so what? Then she dug her eyes into mine and added, detaching each word: —What is happening today was begun thousands and thousands of years ago, and will continue for thousands and thousands of years to come. —You are mad. —I am not mad, I can see. There are no gaps. —Gaps? —You don't understand anything: gaps between your so-called “chance”... the whole island out of the water like a fabulous wreck in a revelry of parakeets and macacos. Slowly, our sail changed tack, sheering off the rock; a creek appeared. I was wonder-struck. Thousands and thousands of blazing Gul Mohur trees in full red bloom swept down towards the sea in close clusters, like a scarlet tidal wave. She was watching me out of the corner of her eye; I was like a stone ...

... unshakable power; over that ocean of power I want the radiation of the sun of Knowledge and in that luminous vastness, an established ecstasy of infinite love and bliss and oneness. I do not want tens of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get as instruments of God one hundred complete men free from petty egoism. I have no confidence in guruhood of the usual type. I do not want to be a guru... pursuit of another. Afterwards, when I came to Pondicherry, this unsteady condition ceased. The indwelling Guru of the world indicated my path to me completely, its full theory, the ten limbs of the body of yoga. These ten years he has been making me develop it in experience; it is not yet finished.... For the present, I can only say that its fundamental principle is to make a synthesis and unity of... provinces of India. But now the time has come to take hold of the substance instead of extending the shadow. We have to awaken the true soul of India and to do everything in accordance with it. For the last ten years I have been silently pouring-my influence into this foreign political vessel, and there has been some result. I can continue to do so wherever necessary. But if I took up that work openly again ...


... loving blessings. 66 Where could one find an arbour of security as restful and as beneficent and as perfectly secure as the Mother's love? XIII Rishabhchand was one of the tens of thousands of young men who suspended their college studies in response to Mahatma Gandhi's call for Page 277 non-cooperation in the early nineteen-twenties. Subsequently he established his... clue to the right action." One astonishing outcome of Arjava's exposure to the Ashram atmosphere was the opening up of the hardly suspected springs of his poetic inspiration, and in less than ten years he composed - for as he lisped in numbers, they came as if effortlessly and unceasingly - a mass of lyric verse to make up a volume of nearly 400 pages. While Sri Krishnaprem found in the lyrics... canto I) beginning with the memorable It was the hour before the Gods awake. as an example of possible "overhead" poetry. 23 But Savitri was to be a carefully guarded secret for another ten years, and even in the Ashram itself very few knew anything authentic about it. There was some random speculation, of course, but that was about all till from the middle forties onwards the poem started ...


... have to spend 12 hours over the ordinary correspondence, numerous reports, etc. I work 3 hours in the afternoon and the whole night up to 6 in the morning over this. 47 This was in 1933. Tens of thousands of letters. An inconceivable labor. And each one posed the same questions again and again, their little problems, their big problems, their unique problem. Sri Aurobindo tire­lessly answered through... after all, you have come to the yoga to have “illuminations,” poetry at the tip of your pen, articles for your periodical, inspiration for your book, or stretches of light... for sleep­ing. Thousands and thousands of complaining letters to the Master. And patiently, imperturbably, He answered each one. He tried to make them understand: The pressure, the call is to change in that part of the nature which... resists, it does not give a damn. And there you are, push­ing against walls on every side, in all you do, all you think, all you say! It is petty, it is sordid. It is an obtusely rebellious Matter—thousands of years of matter and hundreds of grandfathers clinging to the slightest of gestures.... A Matter conscious at every minute, clear at every minute, exact at every minute? No, it is not at all easy ...

... hurts and fighting their battles. The Bhakti-yogin, although he is generally lost in the ecstasy of divine love, has Page 556 often been able to infect others too - sometimes tens of thousands - with his own sense of intoxication and fervour of love's realisation. All the same, the general run of Yogins have been more interested in effecting an escape from the obstreperous problems... Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history C HAPTER 23 The Ten Limbs of The Yoga 1 The 'Siddhi' of 24 November 1926 was a decisive stage in Sri Aurobindo's mission, since it meant - as he explained later - "the descent of Krishna into the physical". On 11 November he had said that he was trying to bring down the "world of the Gods"... appropriate to take a look at the Yoga itself. We saw in the previous chapter how, in the course of his letter to Barindra in 1920, Sri Aurobindo remarked that the "Guru of the world" had given him "the ten limbs of the body of this Yoga". This was presented as a spiritual philosophy in The Life Divine and, more particularly, as a practical treatise in The Synthesis of Yoga. The latter was begun as ...

... Gandhian ahimsā born 1920 onwards, yet when freedom came in 1946-7, unprecedented violence was let loose in the country, especially in Bengal and the Punjab, resulting 1" the killing of tens of thousands, acts of bestiality and brutality, and the uprooting of millions from their respective homelands.   Page 284 were but a pack of hot heads whose postures of extremism were really ...

... extant Veda. I could hardly say. There is much that has survived from old civilisations that have perished, but of course in a changed form. One would have to count their origin perhaps by tens of thousands of years. There are things also that were believed in old times, forgotten and again recovered from the mental planes. It is difficult to disentangle the various materials and say which dates... psychic and mental and the 6 refers to the nervous being. In that case there will be two orders Page 1435 each of the number 40 (four tens) in the mental, and of 30 (three tens) in the psychic, and of 60 (six tens) in the nervous, and only ten orders of 3 each in the physical. I do not yet see to what the orders correspond. You must remember that the physical has to bear the impact of... not see clearly; but the flood of the present movement is likely to be three years, after which it will be replaced by the second. That may last a little longer. In any case all will be finished in ten years. Not long considering that the greater part of India is still illprepared even for this stage. The people have to be accustomed to shake off their habits of timidity and dependence and work ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... was talking with Jatin. Sri Aurobindo spoke with Abinash and welcomed him into the movement. ¹ Sri Aurobindo has written: "The work under P. Mitra spread enormously and finally contained tens of thousands of young men and the spirit of revolution spread by Barin's paper Yugantar became general in the young generation; but during my absence at Baroda the council ceased to exist as it was impossible... morning tea Sri Aurobindo used to write poetry. He would continue up ¹. Sri Aurobindo, Supplement (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), P. 420-21. Page 45 to ten o'clock. Bath was between ten and eleven o'clock and lunch was at eleven o'clock – a cigar would be by his side even while he ate. Sri Aurobindo used to read journals while taking his meals. He took less of rice and... and innocent husband onto the bad path. But it was this innocent husband of yours who brought those people and hundreds of others onto that path – be it bad or good – and will yet bring thousands and thousands of others onto that same path. I do not say that the work will be accomplished during my lifetime, but it certainly will be done. Now I ask you, what are you going to do in this connection ...


... Shakti; over that ocean of Shakti I want the vast radiation of the sun of Knowledge and in that luminous vastness an established ecstasy of infinite love and bliss and oneness. I do not want tens of thousands of disciples; it will be enough if I can get as instruments of God a hundred complete men free from petty egoism. I have no faith in the customary trade of guru. I do not want to be a guru. What... dissolving and moribund past of Europe. 84 Page 157 January, 1921 India has never been nationally and politically one. India was for close on a thousand years swept by barbaric invasions and for almost another thousand years in servitude to successive foreign masters.... But in India at a very early time the spiritual and cultural unity was made complete and became the very stuff... development____ But now the time has come to take hold of the substance instead of extending the shadow. We have to awaken the true soul of India and in its image fashion all works. For the last ten years I have been silently pouring my influence into this European political vessel, and there has been some result. I can continue to do this wherever necessary. But if I went out to do that work again ...


... . . . When I saw the film Monsieur Vincent* I was greatly interested. He saw that whenever he fed ten, a thousand would flock to be fed. As Colbert told him, 'You seem to breed the poor by feeding them!'" Indeed, we can go on feeding the 'poor' by the millions till doomsday, we can open thousands of hospitals to cure the sick in billions, but can hunger ever be satisfied? Can the sick be cured for... of Pelusium. Passing on the spade to the team of his engineers and of about hundred men. Each in turn digging up a spadeful of earth. A quiet, unheralded beginning for an enormous project that took ten years to complete and an army of professionals working with heavy equipment. —1869, August 15: The Red Sea joins the Mediterranean. —1869, November 17: Today, the road to India Page 23... but one instance when I took things seriously, or rather I took on a serious AIR," said Mother. "It involved my brother, who was still quite young. My brother may have been twelve years old or less —ten, and I eight . . .no, nine and eleven, more likely —youngsters. One day my brother got carried Page 34 away —he was quick to anger, was outspoken and a bit cheeky —he talked back to ...


... soon surpassed by shame-faced perplexity and the benumbing sense of fatality. The surgical act of division let loose unimaginable horrors and the desecration of the cherished national values. Tens of thousands were butchered, millions were uprooted from their native hearths. Page 714 And those months witnessed too superhuman endeavours to stem the avalanching poisonous tide of reaction... tropical conditions too, and without the induction of drugs or special conditions - should have defied decomposition for over 100 hours, and reposed "in a grandeur of victorious quiet, with thousands upon thousands having darśan  of it?" 81 Neither everyday experience nor medical science would give even half that much time as the outside limit for a body in the tropics to resist decomposition... American visitor wrote: The atmosphere of the Ashram is discouraging to all pretence and vanity. 'Ego-antics', so common in the average small group, are rarely noted here, even among a thousand - blessed relief! Surely there is a powerful Force at work to subdue the Ego and bring forward the Soul. 51 The 'ego' is a stifling prison-house and makes for increasing anxiety, calculation ...

... English began six thousand strong and left two thousand dead upon the field. It is said and believed that in three battles alone—Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt—near a hundred thousand Frenchmen fell, without counting the thousand other fights of that long war. The dead of that war make a mournful long list—an interminable list. Of men slain in the field the count goes by tens of thousands; of innocent women... it takes to hard-boil an egg. It was the most momentous ten minutes that the clock has ever ticked in France, or ever will. Whenever you read in histories about hours or days or weeks in which the fate of one or another nation hung in the balance, do not you fail to remember, nor your French hearts to beat the quicker for the remembrance, the ten minutes that France, called otherwise Joan of Arc, lay... 'The praise is to God. He has smitten with a heavy hand this day.' After a little she lifted her face, and looking afar off, said, with the manner of one who is thinking aloud, 'In a thousand years—a thousand years—the English power in France will not rise up from this blow.' She stood again a time, thinking, then she turned toward her generals, and there was a glory in her face and a noble light ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc