Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... you. Stand back from them, recover your identity with your soul, and you will regain your true relation with the Mother, a relation of irrevocable selfoffering and selfless, passionate love. The Mother's love for you doesn't depend on what you do or say-it is causeless, eternal and infinite. Your psychic is Her true child in you. Live in that divine Love. Try to see Her radiant smile even in Her frowns... gradually realised in you." 15.07.64 Page 31 What has delighted me beyond measure is your repeated reference to the Love and Grace of the Mother. It is, indeed, in the Mother's Love and Grace that we exist and evolve towards our divine Nature. Her Love is our life. It is at once our Source and Goal. We love each other in Her Love. It cements our hearts and makes us one. My... parts and elements in our complex nature of which we are not normally conscious, and which may oppose a stubborn resistance to the decisions of our mind. The best course, I think, is to direct the Mother's Love-Light into every part of our nature, so that nothing may stand in the way of our total self-surrender. Patience, unflagging patience, and a confidence reliance on the Divine Grace are the only ...
... or falls. Is it so? Mother never thinks of future difficulties, falls or dangers. Her concentration is always on help and uplift, not on difficulty and downfall. 8 January 1934 All the Mother's love and help will remain with you unchanged as before. The whole difficulty comes from a vital movement which wants to possess in the wrong way, by comparison with others, instead of living fully... thing that cannot be removed from the nature. Indeed since your heart and soul want to be free from it, it cannot but go. Do not be discouraged therefore when it returns owing to old habit. With the Mother's love and help what your heart and soul desire will surely come and the wrong obscuring element disappear. 25 September 1935 Is it true that the nearer the descent of the Supermind the greater ...
... really know what to say. Kindly ask the Mother when you and Laljibhai come here. My mother has written the same. I do appreciate and understand her feeling. I assure you that I am happy here. The Mother's love and Grace are always with me. The more you all will recognise the Mother the more will you experience her love and Grace. I request all of you to believe in the Mother. Our faith in... this message to Vasanthbhai when you telephone him in Jinja. Recently I had written to him, but somehow it slipped out of my mind. Day by day I have been drawn to an unfathomable ocean of the Mother's Love, which I cannot forget or forego. I pray to the Mother to lead you all towards her Love. The Mother is the Truth—the Supreme Mother herself. Her actions are beyond our comprehension ...
... Mother. 15 May 1935 We are very glad to hear that you are better and that X has helped you out of the crisis. Surely this jealousy must go and no trace of it remain. Do not doubt that the Mother's love is and will be always with you. Trust in her grace and all this will go out of you and leave you the true child of the Mother which in your mind and heart you always are. 18 July 1935 This... with them; but that also others have Page 386 had who have now got over them and some still have them. There is no reason why you should not get over them as many others have done. The Mother's love and the Mother's grace are with you. The only other thing needed is the growth of the psychic consciousness and the psychic movement within you. That had begun and was fast increasing; it has ...
... as an empty coconut shell. When love, emotion, bhakti come, my vital consumes them and leaves my Page 473 heart like a desert. Even when there are no vital demands, I hardly feel the Mother's love, though my heart is yearning for it. If the Mother approves, let my psychic be in full activity. How do you expect the psychic to be in full activity with these things there and not thoroughly... to satisfy—as so many have done and afterwards revolted because "the Mother does not love them"—otherwise she would do whatever they want? 2 March 1935 When a physical manifestation of the Mother's love is absent, I cannot remain unmoved. This demand for a physical manifestation of love must go. It is a dangerous stumbling-block in the way of sadhana. A progress made by indulgence of this ...
... Children The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother's Love There is no need to ask for pardon, for the Mother has not in the least been angry or displeased with you. You may be sure of her love always. 29 September 1933 No more shall I seek signs of the Mother's love in an outward way. What difference does it make if she touches me a little or more ...
... This afternoon I met H. A short talk with him had a profound effect on me as he is always full of the Mother's love and joy which he spontaneously communicates to others. But after sometime I was annoyed and depressed with myself because I could not receive the Mother's love and joy in the same way at this stage of my sadhana. Page 124 There is no need for ...
... descending carrying the supramental light. There is the Mother's symbol in red on the birds' breast, a symbol of-the Mother's Love. There is water below, water that is creation, multiplicity. They are coming to establish over this creation, over this earth, the Consciousness of the Mother's Love, Peace and Ananda.' * Dada was telling us about his youth. 'When we were young, all ...
... Mother's help and love altogether or as compared to what she gives to others. If the childishly simple rule of three given above were true, such contrasts would not be possible. Whether one feels the Mother's love or not depends on whether one is open to it or not, it does not depend on physical nearness. Openness means the removal of all that makes one Page 507 unconscious of the inner rel ...
... Path. She has placed herself—with all the Love, Peace, Knowledge and Consciousness that she is—at the disposal of every aspiring soul that looks for help. All in me is proceeding towards the Mother's love, devotion and purity. Why then am I not going up in my consciousness and getting higher experience? The power of experience is not gone—but what is most important now is to develop the psychic ...
... remember the Mother and receive her presence and the force while the other is busy with the work. Meanwhile what you are doing is the right way. Remember always that whatever the difficulties the Mother's love is with you and will lead you through. Imaginations The first necessity is not to allow yourself to be upset by this difficulty [ of a restless mind full of imaginations ]. It is one that ...
... here for that, not to satisfy their palates or their bellies, not to make ordinary vital demands or to quarrel about position or place or comforts. That progress depends on how they answer to the Mother's love or protection—whether they receive the forces she pours on all alike, whether they use or misuse what she gives them. But the Mother has no intention or obligation to deal with all outwardly in ...
... United Nations had already proved quite ineffective. If Raine situated in the bleakest part of the exterior world felt depressed, it comes as no surprise. Amal Kiran was in the safe custody of the Mother's love at Pondicherry where the newspapers did not destroy the breakfast time, spreading cynicism all over. So there is sunshine in Amal Kiran's reply who notes that Raine is too conscious of the tiger ...
... written in various places at various times. Her statements are with all of us. We have to understand them with our souls by the light each of us has in him or her. With good wishes, In the Mother's Love, Yours, Huta ...
... . I gave the prints along with the Mother's blessing-packets given to me by Nolini. These people and other Aurovilians put the picture everywhere in Auroville, and that is a good sign. In the Mother's Love Yours Huta ...
... according to her wish. Finally, I shall be happy and grateful to receive directly from you the blessing packets, the flowers and camphor on the 21st February in the afternoon. With warm regards in the Mother's Love. Yours, Huta Nolini-da answered: Huta, Your proposal is all right. Nolini-da ...
... Peace but for Victory, because in a world governed by the hostile forces Victory must come before Peace. February 1930 Two things you must never forget: Sri Aurobindo's compassion and the Mother's love, and it is with these two things that you will go on fighting steadily, patiently, until the enemies are definitively routed and the Victory is won for ever. Courage outside, peace inside and ...
... thrown wide open to the world. This inwardness taking spontaneously a form of outwardness is permeating the sheet on which I am typing. I am sure it will be felt by you as Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's love channelling itself through one human being to another, through something like what a poem of mine has called "a sun grown soft and small". The four-lined Mantra in my last letter, which has ...
... your make-up. Never feel helpless. The Divine is within your reach every moment and in the thick of every temptation. Even if you fail at times to resist it, never think you are cast out from the Mother's love. Offer the failure itself to her with the faith that she will take note of it and save you from its recurrence. I believe I struck upon a great truth when I wrote to a friend in dire trouble: ...
... is not who was in the right or in the wrong; when these things happen, there is always some mistake or a wrong feeling on both sides. The one important thing is your inner condition. You have the Mother's love and my help and spiritual support; why should anything said or done or not said or not done by others disturb you? I want you to be, whatever happens, calm and at peace within and happy. It ...
... is not who was in the right or in the wrong; when these things happen, there is always some mistake or a wrong feeling on both sides. The one important thing is your inner condition. You have the Mother's love and my help and spiritual support; why should anything said or done or not said or not done by others disturb you? I want you to be, whatever happens , calm and at peace within and happy. It ...
... clearing away all the strange misconceptions with which the air seems to have become thick and by some of which you may have been affected. I wish to assure you that my love and affection and the Mother's love and affection are constantly with you.... As for me, you should realise that the will to help you towards divine realisation is one of the things that has been constantly nearest to my heart and ...
... receptivity. On the other side, a quiet gladness in the heart, faith and courage and sincerity, one-pointed aspiration, a sense of great humility, and an unwavering trust and confidence in the Mother's Love and Power — all these are helpful for the building up of one's receptivity and retentively. These are of course general statements. But along with the cultivation of these qualities ...
... your body. It is that being which is your true being of whom I was telling you so long, the intimate brother and friend of yours, indeed your own true self, incarnating the Mother's presence and the Mother's love. It is only a matter of opening out your coat or coating! Page 31 ...
... thing refers to the New Creation coming down from above - now down into the psycho-vital or physico-vital or even the subtle physical plane. This New Creation is the creation of the Divine Love - the Mother's Love. Morning Star - Venus, Goddess of Love - embodying New Creation. Amber colour representing a particular plane of consciousness. Yellow+red+a touch of brown - physico-vital ...
... difficulty, in hours of doubt and confusion in your life, you have that within you to support you. If you are conscious of it, so much the better; if you are not conscious, believe that it is there. The Mother's love, her presence is there always. That is the thing I wanted to tell you. In the Upanishads there is a story. Once Narada—I suppose it is Narada—went to a Rishi to get initiation ...
... her love for her children, and it must be Page 108 easy for you to enter and enjoy that life through your love for the Mother, your answering love for the Mother's love for you. And through the glow of that love you will gradually develop into what she wanted you to become. Page 109 ...
... left their wives, brothers left their sisters, whole families came and settled—all drawn by some irresistible, mysterious magnetism. Even little children, once they came and felt a touch of the Mother's love, refused to go back with their parents and were happy to live and grow under the Mother's outspread wings. The Mother dislikes advertisement and propaganda, particularly in the cause of spiritual ...
... warms up ) And this is no mere fancy of a fool, Page 46 A sentimental dreamer. For I have drunk Deep at the fount of worldly bliss as well: I have known how precious is the mother's love, How sweet the embrace of a loving wife, How beautiful a pupil's loyalty, How delectable the sympathy of true friends. But still our life, as I feel more and more, Is a quest ever deepening ...
... easy manner at their starting-points in some happy sense of divine Presence within your heart. Along these threads this sense sends out feelers towards the divine Presence around and above - the Mother's Love enfolding you, Sri Aurobindo's Light uplifting you. The act of typing Page 37 need be no distraction from the soul's aspiration towards the archetype, the supreme model of each ...
... foreign country to our real Home which was long hidden from us. In short, we must have more and more the sense which is growing in you of our sadhana being led forward by Sri Aurobindo's Light and the Mother's Love rather than by our feverish effort to be a disciple of that Light and our conscious attempt to be a child of that Love. Spontaneously we must find our lives put happily in their guiding hands ...
... And you have spoken thus because you have intuitively caught Page 285 the sense I often have of being a channel, however limited and imperfect, of Sri Aurobindo's light and the Mother's love, two felicitous forces which have a universal movement behind every individual-seeming action and which through that universality bring to our fumbling and aching selves the hope of an all-co ...
... the fading of our small self in the largeness of the Divine Presence. The future's vagueness is the unlimited room the same Presence shows us for merging in the depth beyond depth that is the Mother's Love and in the height over height that is the Truth of Sri Aurobindo. With a warm heart's wishes, 1.9.1985 Amal 2 From the 'Clear Ray' to ‘The Offered One ...
... something special concerning the Matrimandir, I shall let you know or André at once. It may take a few months before I have finished. Rest assured of my contribution and cooperation. In the Mother's love Satprem ...
... What a large vision is hers and how her outlook synthesises all that we can envisage on different levels! Thank you so much, dear Huta. We hope to meet you next time we come to Pondy. In the Mother's love. Micheline and Pierre ...
... Matrimandir. Mother has told you that Matrimandir will be built according to her Vision. Your booklet is simply full of power. It is a great chance and joy to read it. Thank you. In the Mother's Love and Truth Piero ...
... for the Mother showed in their eyes. After thanking them and bidding them Au revoir I sat quietly on a sofa and opened the packet. I found the Bulletin and the message of 24th November with the Mother's love and blessings. I was charmed to see a card: a lovely pink rose painted on cloth on the left side and on the right she had written: "Love." The message of the Victory Day was: How can the ...
... Shyamsunder will give to your letter the consideration which it deserves and that he will take all possible steps to remain within Mother's wishes. I am sending him a copy of this note. Yours in the Mother's love, André ...
... attitude. Those who approach her as a human Mother often get into trouble by their conception making all sorts of mistakes in their approach to her. 2 May 1934 You are the Mother's child and the Mother's love to her children is without limit and she bears patiently with the defects of their nature. Try to be the true child of the Mother: it is there within Page 452 you, but your outward ...
... for you is out of desire for your good and in love for you. This is because you have your own ideas and preferences and if she does something contrary to that you think she does not love you. The Mother's love is always there, but it is through confidence and surrender that you can feel it. You need to recover your health and strength and we wanted you to do Page 368 the necessary things ...
... in me towards the Mother. What shall I do to feel this love? Become truthful, pure, sincere, straightforward. 1 July 1935 Parts of my being are insisting on a physical expression of the Mother's love. Although at present there is no attack or depression, there is only dryness and dullness. Even if the sadhana returns and I get very high or deep experiences, they will be worth little so long ...
... the Mother was severe with you to come in and throw you down. These thoughts are never true and whenever a sadhak indulges them, he is always Page 545 invaded by the old movements. The Mother's love and kindness have always been the same and will always remain the same to you, so you should never accept this idea that she is displeased or severe. But whatever the mistakes or the difficulties ...
... ignorant and imperfect human being struggling with the evils of the lower nature.... What is created by spiritual progress is an inner closeness and intimacy in the inner being, the sense of the Mother's love and presence etc." 24 February 1965 Sweet Mother, What is the best way of expressing one's gratitude towards man and towards the Divine? Why do you put man and the Divine together ...
... express the whole Epic through painting? Every day in the afternoon I went to the Mother to receive lovely flowers and her charming smile. But still I was not happy and peaceful. It was only for the Mother's Love that I continued to live, otherwise there was no point. The Mother kept quiet regarding the Savitri paintings. My whole being was shaken and cut into pieces. The tremendous churning went ...
... revolt cannot come. Page 202 I have heard that many sadhikas love the Mother so much that they are ready to die for her. But if there is no physical expression of the Mother's love for them, they can't love her and some go so far as to revolt, weep or fast. It is self-love that makes them do it. It is just the same kind of vital love that people have outside ...
... refers to the New Creation coming down from above – now down into the psycho-vital or physico-vital or even the subtle physical plane. This New Creation is the creation of the Divine Love – the Mother's Love. Morning Star – Venus, Goddess of Love – embodying New Creation. Amber colour representing a particular plane of consciousness. Yellow + red + a touch of brown – physico-vital or even subtle ...
... Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, on October 26, 1976. Page 28 of it, so much the better; if you are not conscious, believe that it is there. The Mother's love, Her Presence is there always. That is the thing I wanted to tell you… In the Upanishads there is a story. Once Narada - I suppose it is Narada - went to a Rishi to get initiation. The Rishi ...
... the inner ashram life; that life is built out of her love for her children, and it should be easy for you to enter and enjoy that life through your love for the Mother, your answering love for the Mother's love for you. And through the glow of that love, you will gradually develop into what she wanted you to become. Published April 1975 Page 45 ...
... general, if not by every one, we have to fall back on a pool of a core of minds and hearts who are essentially spiritual in their motivation, impersonal in their dealings, capable of holding to the Mother's LOVE in all conditions. Once the unit is formed the Mother's Force is sure to vitalise it and function boldly and uncompromisingly. In the actual working there can be no question of superiority ...
... joy, all the light, all the peace of the divine love and also my loving blessings. 66 Where could one find an arbour of security as restful and as beneficent and as perfectly secure as the Mother's love? XIII Rishabhchand was one of the tens of thousands of young men who suspended their college studies in response to Mahatma Gandhi's call for Page 277 non-cooperation ...
... you love her always, remember her often, sit every day a little time before her photograph and call her. You must never doubt that Mother loves you and you need never weep for that, for her feelings towards you cannot and will not change. Of course you can take the photographs given to you by the Mother and keep them with you there. 7 May 1935 It is not that because the Mother loves you... Letters on the Mother Letters on the Mother The Mother in Visions, Dreams and Experiences The Mother with Letters on the Mother Developing the Ability to See the Mother Mother said she would try to make you see her because it is not always easy for people to see her even when she is near them. It is also easier to see with eyes shut than with eyes open—though... to feel the Mother near you; that you can do by thinking of her and calling her often. Then seeing will be more easy. 8 May 1935 Do not mind about the time that it will take—one can't fix the time of these things beforehand. When you feel the Mother's presence more and more, when you begin to see her with the inner sight, then it can come. It is better not to speak of the Mother to your fr ...
... from cough as I had in the 1950s. We had the joy of playing tennis with Mother. She had such fine control over the ball! And if we could control our balls and place them exactly within Mother's reach, then we used to have very good rallies. Mother loved tennis and She Page 66 used to say that tennis is a game which one can play even in old age. Age... next use! Mothers Grace knew no bounds. This is only to give an example of how She had always concern for all of us. Page 70 Her love for our present, past and future was like ocean of love, unlimited, vast and no words can express the same. Once upon a time I was going to Madras Airport to fetch someone. Before starting for the airport, I went to Mother for Her blessings... the incident to Mother and She said that She had seen some kind of accident and that is why She had cautioned me. Mother's love, grace and protection were for all of us and for all the time. Long back, we were once concreting in Parea Charbon: a compound wall to protect the property from sea erosion. Page 71 The next morning, we reported the matter to Mother and we informed ...
... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1949 (1) Make me ever worthy of the Mother’s love. (2) Grant that I may love the Mother with a true love, unselfish and unreserved. (3) Give me the full realisation of my entire being. (4) Grant that I may be a perfect servant of Your Work. c. 1949 ...
... There is no doubt that the Mother will eventually have it her own way and such people who, conscious or not, are working against Her will are only building their own discomfiture. I quite agree that occasionally they are impossible and that it requires then a good deal of serenity not to follow them in their aggressiveness. With all good wishes In Mother's Love, André ...
... rather interesting. But that is all talk, talk and there is no truth in it. In Mother's love, André The Mother was totally right in stating in the Gazette Auroville of 1971, Vol. I No. 3, pp. 24-25: “ PLUS DE COMITÉS, PLUS DE BAVARDAGES .” “ MORE COMMITTEES, MORE OF USELESS TALKS ” The Mother was not in accord to have more committees. ...
... Mother’s Love My Pilgrimage to the Spirit August 15, 1928 Sri Aurobindo has sent compliments to you for the greater change that took place in you. The Mother ...
... from M. André on 11.11.75: Dear Huta, Thanks for your letter of this morning. There is no doubt that Mother will eventually have everything done as She wishes it to be. So all we have to do is to be faithful and to take care that we do not interfere with Her Will. In Mother's Love Yours, André ...
... Matrimandir for the concreting of the top ring, that will close the structure and the form. Will you? With my best wishes for your health, In Mother's love Piero ... The Spirit of Auroville Piero wrote to me on 24.2.76: Dear Huta, Thank you for the drawings of the Mother that you have given us in photo, and for your kind letter. The money you have given (Rs. 1096) will surely be spent for Matrimandir. Thank you—I have felt very much the meditation on the 21st. I wish to ask you for a promise to come to M ...
... little.” So we were walking there that day when the Mother suddenly stopped under the neem tree and leaning against the wall She started telling me stories. The Mother loved this neem tree very much. The flowers of this tree would suffuse the Playground with their spiritual atmosphere. The tree looked unbelievably beautiful as if the Mother’s love had increased its life force. Like Krishna who by playing... heart-rending flute under the Kadamba tree gave it his love, the Mother also would stand under that neem tree and permeate humanity with this all-pervading spiritual atmosphere. The Mother had named the Kadamba flower ‘Supramental Sun’. I still remember the Kadamba tree in Doctor Patil’s courtyard when it was all covered with flowers. The Mother did not like trees and plants to be cut down or leaves... marked a new beginning in the world of science. Jagdish Chandra Bose became a muchadmired scientist. So this neem tree was finally not chopped down. Pranab and the other elders knew how much the Mother loved trees. However this tree had to be removed from there so it was finally decided to transplant it by lifting it out of the soil with a crane without causing it too much pain. The tree was finally ...
... A few words from the author From the very beginning of my sojourn in the Ashram, I was blessed with the Mother’s love and grace in the different aspects of my life — in my soul’s seeking, in my acts, my thoughts and my experiences. The Mother strove, constantly and single-mindedly, to nurture in our being the vast purpose of existence through simple, spontaneous experiences;... trove of nearly fifty years of memories and bring them out in a book. These reminiscences first appeared in the Bengali monthly Srinvantu . If this collection of blessed moments of grace with the Mother can open the path to a reader to a more luminous life, I would feel my endeavour to have been worthwhile. ...
... —whose flower was named by the Mother: "Supramental Sun, we aspire that its rays may enlighten and transform us." Also Flamboyant (Gulmohur), and various other trees including Cherry blossom which the Mother loved immensely, as well as a galaxy of smiling flowers, with different kinds of birds singing merrily. Everywhere there would be quotations of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother engraved on marble slabs.... It would be a great pity if the whole Vision of the Mother is spoiled by human preconceived notions, so that we have to face the spiritual consequences and then repent. Lots of money was spent on constructing the Amphitheatre. In fact, instead of the Amphitheatre, the Mother wanted a pool which would be in harmony with varieties of coloured lotuses, lovely lilies... people wish to meditate quietly they could do so underneath the trees where there would be marble seats, and absorb the atmosphere of the "Eternal Bliss" and realise the Supreme Truth and the Supreme Love. Sri Aurobindo has written: Nature is nothing but the Will of God in action . Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: The Way of Yoga ...
... Aurobindo's. He took my father to meet him, I remained on the boat with my mother. I was two year old. Dear Huta, I wish you full success in your endeavour and hope you will have advanced on the way next time we meet. After Samadhi, my first visit shall be for you. A bientôt! Many affectionate regards In Mother's Love and Joy Your sister Yiovne Garry Nata gave the 200 Francs to ... how to forward it to you. Nata should give them to you "for the Lotus". I asked many questions to Pourna about the Mother, the Yoga, mental silence, etc... I hope she did not mind too much. This is to learn, in the end, that questions are not to carry any more—not even what Mother will want me to do. You know my heart is at the Matrimandir—I have been working on five projects since my return here ...
... concerned the Matrimandir, it should be printed in Auroville itself. So the brochure Matrimandir—the Mother's Truth and Love was printed at Auropress. Barun Tagore was in charge of it in those days. I sent the manuscript to Pourna Prema, the Mother's grand-daughter, because I wanted to know whether the Mother had disclosed to her anything new or similar in this regard. ... Dear Huta, We must find the Truth of this Sanctuary of Truth, how greatly we must give up our egos, burn them in the fire of Mother's love—how far we who are here have to go, how greatly we must strive for the new world, never to be contented in this terrible lack of love and a mixture of so many contending parts of our being. It would seem so simple—seems so very simple in words—Let the psychic come... pray that the Mother be with us at every moment and that She guide all our moments. The Matrimandir article—is there any chance of our publishing it in Sri Aurobindo's Action? It would be very valuable to us all. I am preparing a presentation of the Matrimandir I would like to show to you. Perhaps it will be finished in one week. With my kindest affection Yours in the Mother Roger ...
... body can throw away any kind of difficulty in it by coming in the contact with Mother's love and grace. One day, I asked Mother from within not to allow more such attacks which bring me almost to a condition of collapse every now and then and, Mother, it never came afterwards since about ten days!..." 2 ( Mother remains silent ) Yes, he told me he was very struck to discover practically... No questions, nothing to say? There is a note from G., if you'd like me to read it.... He says: Page 136 "Mother, "My health problem [serious heart attacks] has led me to reveal many hidden elements in the body, like Mother's love, grace, and Mother herself with me.... My body seems no more at the mercy of old beliefs. Thus, my confidence in the body is increasing more and more... but... Do you hear when I speak? Yes, yes, Mother, very clearly! ( silence Mother moans now and then ) Later... Later. ( Mother takes Satprem's hands ) I will soon have a dangerous contagion, you know! ( Mother laughs ) × Exactly what aphorism Mother is referring to is not clear, perhaps this one ...
... In my patient when I wash him, I wash Mother - in my helper, I feel Mother's love streaming through me to her (she is not easy). The difference between this and what was before, in Europe, is that I just simply feel Her in me. Her hands in mine, Her head in mine, Her heart in mine. And so I am becoming wider and wider and Love is streaming around in me. Mother gave me this wonder of a nursing home... A Captive of Her Love 24.12.1957 Today is Christmas Eve. I have given to Pavitra, to hand it to Mother for Christmas, the small Polish Madonna in the dark wooden triptych and your photo. I included inside a letter: "Ma Mere Divine, cette statuette a ete faite en Pologne. Permets que je Te donne aujourd'hui la photo de Riek, Riek par laquelle Tu m'as me nee... nee a Toi. Janina." ("My Divine Mother, this statuette was made in Poland. Let me give You today the photo of Riek through whom You brought me to Yourself. Janina.") A few minutes later your letter arrived and I knew that the Divine Power was working with you too. You must forgive my letters and understand why it is. They are not so constructed as Heinz would want it, but other things will come later ...
... feel that where there is faith in the Mother, love is also there. Without the faith, there is no love; without the love, there is no faith. Am I right? Not always. There are plenty of people who have some faith without love, though they may have a certain kind of mental bhakti, and plenty who have some love but no faith. But if it is the true psychic love, then faith goes with it, and if there... Why do I not feel love and Ananda every time I see the Mother? As for the love and Ananda, it depends on the psychic coming up. 29 July 1934 Page 467 For two days there was an intense love for the Mother and for you; the whole being was possessed with this love. Then there was only a partial effect of it—a high and deep reverence for the Master and the Mother and a happiness that... although the Mother loves me very much, I am unable to love her—as if there were no element of love in my nature. It can't be the psychic in that case. The psychic never feels that it cannot love the Divine. 4 December 1934 If the present intensity prolongs itself, I hope that within a few days you will see my whole nature engrossed only in feeling, thinking, acting round the word "Mother". ...
... The universal Mother's love was hers. {T} Universal mother Imagery Diagram for the Tenth Thematic Unit The merging of World and Spirit imagery reaches a fitting climax in the final line (281) of the unit: The universal Mother's love was hers, {T} fitting because it is in the universal Mother that Nature and Spirit... "universal Mother's love". [281-305] The universal Mother's love was hers. {T} This transitional line, which opens the next thematic unit, identifies Savitri with the "universal Mother". She carries the world and all living beings in herself; all Nature is her own. She has accepted life's terrestrial robe in order to do the Immortal's work. The image of the universal Mother is enhanced... ordeal; to confront human fate—pain, death, and suffering. [281] The universal Mother's love was hers. {I} XI [281] The universal Mother's love was hers. The universal Mother; her embodiment in earth nature and gradual awakening. {T} [305] Only a vague ea ...
... honest, truthful and sincere. Yes, I am abnormal because I do not strut about with your superficial polish the way you strut about. Yes, I am abnormal, so what? The Mother loves me and I do not care about anyone else!" Hearing the Mother say all this to me was an unimagined privilege. She took both my hands into Hers and then looked into my eyes intently for a long time. She removed all pain, all... flowers. The Mother began placing the flowers one by one into my hand still on Her lap. At the soft gentle touch of Her hand, the suppressed pain in my chest came out and my eyes welled up with tears. The Mother saw me crying but She said nothing. It was I who spoke: I - Mother, am I somewhat abnormal? Mother - (looking surprised at me) No, not at all. I - Mother, some people... hearing this. Mother - (forcefully) But why do you allow yourself to be hurt? That is your weakness. Let people talk, that is their nature. Most of the time they speak nonsense, in any case. Either they spend their time criticizing others or seeing the negative side of things. I was crying profusely even as the Mother was telling me this. I - Mother, such talk makes a normal ...
... with the Mother Preface Growing up with the Mother is an experience not easy to put into words. “Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive but to be young was very heaven.” It is not often that a person gets the privilege of close proximity, guidance and love from the Divine incarnate in a human form and that too of a wonderful Mother. “A Mother to our... they have been the instruments of the Mother’s love. As we enter the new millennium which is the harbinger of a new light and force and life, I feel a deep joy in sharing this treasure of messages, correspondence and conversations, that give a wonderful insight and guidance to seekers on the spiritual path. It also shows the natural unfolding of the Mother’s relationship with a child of the Ashram... Pondicherry and engulfed me in Her Divine embrace at the tender age of eight . Since then there has been no looking back. The Mother has been my pole star and my guiding light and will ever be the “raison d’etre” of my existence. Over the years I received Her boundless love, affection, guidance and protection through personal contact and through letters and correspondence which helped me through my ...
... How can one ever forget those days, Anju, Paroma? You too have grown up right from childhood sheltered in the Mother’s Love. The Mother’s laughter, the Mother’s words are still glowing in the treasure-house of your memory. Once you have known and received the Divine Mother Herself as your mother and as your friend, the very tenor of your life changes. The heart’s lyre is always heard in the strain: ... jaar ma maheshwari. (Whom need I fear in this world, O king, when my mother is Mother Maheshwari herself?) As a human being rests in happy confidence under a tree, we too began gradually growing up trustingly under the Mother’s Love. Without a thought, without a worry but with one single aim: to keep moving towards the Mother. There was no rest in this movement nor an end. From time immemorial we... Like the sunflower, we were always turned to the Mother and our new life unfolded. A sense of total trust and openness was instilled in us in every cell by the Mother, our universal Mother. Let me give you some instances of this total openness and trust. Whatever the little ones do is extraordinary, isn’t it? You have a fever? Go and tell Mother. The Mother looks at the little boy for a few seconds. A ...
... Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 August 1934 Beloved Mother, All Love to You. May things be more quiet, more calm, and may You have a full rest. In the present condition of things at large, we must be satisfied, I suppose, with the inner rest which is always there, untouched by any exterior turmoil. With love and blessings always 17 ...
... The Spirit of Auroville Days passed. I wrote to the Mother on 8.8.65. My dearest Mother Since we shall have some nice animals like deer and rabbits in the gardens, why can't we have lions near the Mother's Shrine? Love. ...
... Correspondence with The Mother 6 June 1935 My dear, dear Mother, I am happy with an increasing daily experience: My Mother is in my heart. She who supports me, guides me, loves me, She is the soul of this body and much more than that. My dear Mother, I love You with all my heart. Yes, you are truly in my arms, arms of love that always keep you ...
... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 January 1935 Dear Mother, My love for You is too little, too shallow. My self-offering and devotion are too flat and full of turmoil. My consciousness is too clouded, not clear and transparent. My dear Mother, 1 know this, yet I know also: there is a certitude of Victory ...
... the Grace. My mantra and all the rest seem to me only little tricks to try to win over your Grace. Mother, love me. I have only you, I want to belong to you alone. I am at your feet. Your child, Signed : Satprem Have you recovered? Happy New Year, Sweet Mother. ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 12.26.58 Happy New Year! My dear child, I have... interrupted. And I do not yet know how long this will last. Keep me posted on the result of X's action; it interests me very much ... I love you, my child, and I am near you with confidence and tenderness. Doubt not of the Victory, it is certain. Signed : Mother Page 259 ... 1958 1958 Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 24, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, December 24, 1958 Sweet Mother, Your last letter was a great comfort to me. If you were not there, with me, everything would be so absurd and impossible. I am again disturbing you because Swami tells me that you are worried and that I should write ...
... Dear Huta, Thank you from our hearts for your thoughts of us and for your lovingly published book. Let Mother's "OM" reverberate through our hearts and be the foundation of all our actions, for it is the foundation of the Matrimandir, our Truth Shrine. In Mother's eternal love Raju and Gérard ...
... Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 July 1934 Mother, My consciousness is getting changed. I see and realise Oneness, Union, Harmony. You are in each one of us and You shine in all. I feel You, Mother, Your Love and Your Light. It is your own consciousness that is growing and changing, and it is very good. All love to you, my child 28 July ...
... he did not easily give expression to his deep feelings. But being starved of his mother's love must have given him and Beno the same sense of loss as Mano felt, who was the more expansive of the three brothers. It was on 18 February 1888, when he was a collegian at Oxford, that he wrote to his friend about his mother, ". . . What to others is the bright portion of their life, its heaven and refuge... will not understand me, unless I tell you a circumstance of my life which is unhappily both painful for me to reveal, and for you to hear. I had no mother. She is insane," he said baldly. "You may judge the horror of this, how I strove to snatch a fearful love, but only succeeded in hating and loathing, and at last becoming cold. Crying for bread I was given a stone. My father Page 173 ... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 23 Neglected Childhood It must have been sometime in 1933 that I saw my father reading a book several times. He then passed it on to me, saying, "Read it." It was a Bengali book written by Rabindranath Tagore, and entitled: Aurobindo Ghose. That was my first acquaintance with Sri Aurobindo, if my memory ...
... cards first was the winner. List of Precious Stones It was very important for us to win because at the end the Mother always asked who had won the maximum number of games and the winner was always rewarded with a chocolate or a small gift. The Mother loved games of skill. One day She told me that we should introduce the game to the children which demanded a certain amount of skill... according to their inner significance. We, in the Ashram, grew up knowing many of the names the Mother gave to flowers. We knew that jasmine signified purity, that zinnias meant endurance, and so on. Let me relate how the Mother fostered in me a loving interest in flowers. In the late 1940s the Mother started seeing Chum, Jhumur and Bubu every day at noon. They would go up the Meditation Hall staircase... not go to see the Mother for 12 days. When She started seeing us again She asked me not to bring Promesse as the force that was working at that moment was too strong for him. At the beginning of 1951, the Mother asked Gauri to come and join our group and from 16 th May, 1951, Parul also joined us. The six of us, Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and I, continued to see the Mother every day until December ...
... Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 November 1934 My dear Mother, You have told us: "I have come to fight and conquer." Accept me, my dear General, as Your humble soldier. I carry Your banner of Truth and Light. I accept no defeat. A decisive Victory is crowned upon You, my dear Mother. Divine Love is the Victor. Yes, my dear... dear child, you are my good warrior and you will have your share in the Victory. With love and blessings always 16 November 1934 ...
... some-what like in the physical here but with a harmony, a beauty and a truth that do not yet exist upon earth. Mother, to love You, to love the Lord or to love Sri Aurobindo? Whom can I love? "Love, love, love as much as you can—the Lord, Sri Aurobindo and me—None of this love is wasted! ... 1963 White Roses 01 March 1963 Mother, what is the difference between the Lord and Sri Aurobindo? There is no essential difference, but the Lord is All and Sri Aurobindo is a part but conscious of the Supreme Lord of whom He is an emanation. Where is Sri Aurobindo at the moment? Sri Aurobindo is wherever He wants to be, because He is free; ...
... there. The Mother’s love, Her Presence is there always . This chain is the Mother’s love, Her presence in each and everyone. In times of pain and sorrow, in times of turmoil in our lives the Mother’s love gives us strength to fight the battle, gives us faith. This is the Mother’s infinite friendship, Her inexhaustible love for everyone. That is why I repeat once more: The Mother is our Mother, the Mother... faith while going to the Mother. One day I blurted it out to the Mother: “You know, Mother, I strongly feel like coming to see you but I also feel a strange kind of fear and excitement. Why is that, Mother?” The Mother was probably not expecting such a question. She gently put Her hands on my shoulders and looked at me with Her love-filled, steady eyes. A heavenly love and tenderness flowed from... Mother is our friend, everyone’s friend. The Mother loves us, loves all human beings and trusts them. By taking support of this power of the Mother’s trust a new ‘I’ takes birth in us. The ‘I’ that used to stumble and fall at every step suddenly starts changing by coming in contact with the Mother’s infinite love and friendship. It is such a mysterious thing. He who can, can in this way, ...
... overwhelming divine love? Your love itself is a priceless gift. Why then these other gifts? There is a great joy in giving; there is a still greater joy in pleasing those we love... and when you will eat the pickles you may remember me and think, Mother loves me... Love and blessings to my dear child. 6 August 1939 Dear, dear, dear Mother, I send you heaps and heaps of love. In the lotus... s. I never feel that I am forgiving. Love does not forgive, it understands and cures. My love and blessings always. 28 August 1939 Let divine love be your goal. Let pure love be your way. Be always true to your love and all difficulties will be conquered. Love and blessings to my dear child. 9 September 1939 My dear loving Mother, In my birthday book Sri Aurobindo... but a bad mother never. But what a joy and love it is when both mother and son are good! My love and blessings to my dear (good) child. 27 July 1939 I know you mean well, but to be good, truly good, may be possible only for those who have gone beyond all egoism. But if my Mother chooses to see only the good in her child, that only speaks of the goodness of the Mother's heart. ...
... will come one day. Sweet Mother, what kind of love do parents have for their children? What kind? A human love, don't they? Like all human loves: frightfully mixed, with all sorts of things. The need of possession, a formidable egoism. At first, I must tell you that a wonderful picture has been painted... many books written, wonderful things said about a mother's love for her children. I assure... Answers (1954) 14 April 1954 This talk is based upon Mother's essay " The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations ", Part III. Sweet Mother, I did not understand this: "At the beginning of this manifestation, in the purity of its origin, love is composed of two movements, two complementary poles of the urge towards complete oneness. On the one... described, which is at the summit of the ascent—I would not like to travesty my own words ( Mother takes her copy of "The Four Austerities" and reads ): "Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its expression in the bliss of union." At first, before the emanation of love, there is something, which we may express very clumsily by "the joy of identity". That indeed is very difficult ...
... and love. THE MOTHER Page 180 9.7.1932 Esha, I have taken a nice house for you; there is electricity and a fan. Come quick, even if you are not quite well. You know that here your health becomes very good. With love and blessings. THE MOTHER 6.9.1932 To Esha with our blessings. About your coming here, my will is that you should come with your dear mother at once... once. But... Our love and protection are with you always. THE MOTHER 11.11.1932 To Esha, our blessings. So many times I have answered your letters with my heart, but could find no time to write the answer on a sheet of paper. Hoping that your dear mother and yourself are quite well. Our love and protection are with you always. THE MOTHER 7.5.1935 To Esha with our blessings... As will be seen from the letters, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo took special interest in her and considered her an extraordinary girl.] 12.5.1932 To Esha with our blessings. I am so sorry to hear that you have been ill. I hope you are quite well now. This is to send you strength and our love. We never forget you and your dear mother. THE MOTHER 29.5.1932 My dear little Esha, ...
... took me under her wing. Up until 1973, when I was forty-eight years old, I lived securely with Mother, cocooned in the warmth of her love and affection. It is to the feast of Mother's love that you are invited. I was born in Calcutta in the house of my grandfather, P. C. Nahar. Though a lawyer by profession, it was his wide-ranging cultural activity that made him a well-known figure all over India... Sri Aurobindo, my father met Page 10 Mother. In Sri Aurobindo and Mother he found the Guides he was seeking. And, as is natural with fathers, he wanted his children also to meet Sri Aurobindo and Mother. That is how we brothers and sisters came into contact with Them. Finally, one by one, we chose to stay under the wing of Mother and Sri Aurobindo. They certainly did not allow... Sri Aurobindo and Mother with the overseas disciples. Then Satprem arrived on the scene. By this time Mother was getting pretty fed up with the unresponsiveness of the youth in the Ashram. She had wanted to mould them into a new shape, but these young people were not much interested in the Life Divine that Sri Aurobindo and Mother wanted to embody upon this earth. So Mother was glad when Satprem ...
... Vision of Auroville Foundation Ceremony 1979-02-21 At first the Mother's luminous love is seen permeating both the Auroville garden and the Matrimandir. Then there is a vision outlining the inner significance of the Auroville Foundation ceremony. The Mother in Her Light of Divine Truth, the Supramental Light, is there above every participant from each country ...
... On 11.7.68 the Mother saw me in the afternoon. Whenever I went to her, we talked intimately. I said, "Mother, I know that you will surely make me reach my goal despite everything." She said with a smile: Yes, that is sure . I said, "Mother, true love for you will lead me to my goal. But the love I have for you is not sufficient. Why don't you make me love you more and more?" She... She laughed softly and said: Ah! That is up to you . At once I held both her hands, pressed them against my heart and said, "Oh! Mother, I can give my life for you." Suddenly she drew me very close to her and kissed my forehead. Then she gave me the flower named "Auroville". ...
... Your feet (3) O ...Ma, O ...Ma .... Keep me always constantly at Thy feet, Thy feet, Thy feet. (6.7.82) In life I had aspired to serve the Mother, With love and devotion, Service I offered at Her feet alone, (2) The Mother accepted it with joy, (3) By doing this alone I found my life blessed, Felt blessed, felt blessed, felt blessed. (30.6.60) ...
... and if he feels me it is the same with hers. Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother: One Consciousness About Sri Aurobindo's Symbol, the Mother wrote: The descending triangle represents Sat-Chit-Ananda. The ascending triangle represents the aspiring answer from matter under the form of life, light and love. The junction of both—the central square—is the perfect manifestation... marble seats with satin cushions—you know they carve peacocks, flowers and things like that in marble. The Mother loved marble which is created by Nature and represents eternity, solidity, purity and light. The Mother said: This Shrine must have a vast area—not like this (The Mother took her handkerchief in her palm and closed her hand), so small. Also there must be a silent zone. No vehicles... seats. People will meditate in the open and be one with the vastness of Mother Nature—the Mother of the multitude and Her Creation. I was listening to the Mother very attentively and with great interest. Suddenly she lifted my chin, looked deeply into my eyes and declared: And you will be the guardian of the Mother's Shrine. Your tiny house in the shape of a lotus bud will be built on the island ...
... brings close the eternal harmonies! Across my length of vigil, nectars move: I am a crystal medium of far light, Through whom the unattainable galaxies Glow with a luminous Mother's intimate love!" Sri Aurobindo's Comment (Does my consistent sustaining of the telescope image throughout by expressions like "largening thought", "brings close", "length of vigil", "crystal ...
... Behold! all around is full of cheer, To see the great day of your Centenary, At the Mother's Gracious Sanctuary. Smiling, you can make others smile, Enduring, make us amaze awhile. Sitting on the Throne of Confidence, Proclaim always future brightness. A mother's love, tenderness and calm, Fills your heart as a soothing balm. Yet detached and aloof in... wondered how polite, humble and sincere is he! A man free from ego is our dear Amal-da. He has received much of The Mother's and the Master's Grace that on the evening of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth in 1956 during the Playground meditation, he saw The Mother in his train compartment while he was travelling to Bombay. She had come there to inform him about the great descent in order... his assuring tone: " The Ashram will reach its goal of Supramental Transformation" for which The Mother and Sri Aurobindo are working ceaselessly. Let us all take a pledge to work towards this goal without wasting our time. Let us draw more and more inspiration from this full blossomed Lotus in The Mother's Pond. I end my tribute with a poem dedicated to Amal Kiran: O Visionary Poet and Seer ...
... the preface. We acknowledge his love and respect for our Guru Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and his continued regard for the Hari Krishna Mandir. I would like to end this note with a blessing of love from Sri Satprem which he personally sent me in February, 2005. r r fevrier 2005 To Shankar In this auspicious month of the Divine Mother it is most touching to read re-read... re-read and re-read Your faithfulness in the Truth Divine With my deepest Love and Mother’s Love Satprem Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune January 22, 2011 Page 5 ... have heard Dilipda singing, his face beaming and entranced – probably you were there also sharing the love of Music and his love. Of all Sri Aurobindo’s letters, those written to Dilipda as to a son very much touched my heart. I wish you would agree to Sujata’s request or prayer... we would love to have these invaluable letters published... and if I can, I could try to translate them into French ...
... ocean of the Mother's radiance. Ah, how deeply moving was this dream! But was it a dream or an experience? When I went to the Mother for Her blessing, I told the Mother about this dream. The Mother did not make any comments. She just held both my hands in Hers and Page 95 meditated looking into my eyes in silence. I cannot forget that embodiment of the Mother, exuding love, compassion... forward to destroy me. Then suddenly, in the midst of that glimmer of light, I catch a glimpse of the Mother in Her all-powerful, triumphant form. She is looking at me as She stands upright. I know She is there to protect me, She is calling me. Very slowly that divine Light exuding from the Mother is spreading over that demoniac black power and wiping it away. Eventually, the entire sky is now under ...
... whitewash which has not been done for quite a number of years. I will do Your work, which is quite a lot, in my apartment, and my temple is my heart where the Divine can be realised by His Grace. Mother, I love You and I trust You, knowing that You will surely lead me to my goal by fulfilling my soul's aspiration. Ever Yours Huta ... The Spirit of Auroville On 28.3.1973 I sent to the Mother the note I had received from Roger, along with this letter: My dearest Mother, I have received this note from Roger through Shyamsunder. First point: Whatever You have decided for the Matrimandir is absolutely right because You know much more about the matter than anybody else does. Second ...
... The Mother Abides - Final Reflections The Mother, Human and Divine In our human frailty we regard the Divine Mother as mother only, forgetting that she is also divine. We are apt to seize exclusively the last term of the great Name and ignore the other term which is equally important. We demand from her the same reactions of motherly love that we expect from... from a human mother. Our love for her is human, human in the ignorant way—full of passion and craving, hunger for appropriation, considering her as nothing else than food for our egoistic desires. She is the mother indeed, but the Divine Mother. She wishes us to come to her in the divine way and not in the human way. For it is in the divine way that we rise to our highest and deepest stature,... is one drop of true love at the bottom of the heart, the amount of ignorance and turbidity in which that is sunk is colossal. The dirt smears us and is cast upon the object of our love too. And yet she is the mother in being the Divine. She is divine not in the sense that she is afar and aloof, cold and indifferent like the transcendent Brahman. Indeed, the Divine Mother is more motherly than ...
... SWEET MOTHER The Mother, Human and Divine IN our human frailty we regard the Divine Mother as mother only, forgetting that she is also divine. We are apt to seize exclusively the last term of the great Name and ignore the other term which is equally important. We demand from her the same reactions of motherly love as we expect from... from a human mother. Our love for her is human, human in the ignorant way – full of passion and craving, hunger for appropriation, considering her as nothing else than food for our egoistic desires. She is the mother indeed, but the Divine Mother. She wishes us to come to her in the divine way and not in the human way. For it is in the divine way that we rise to our highest and deepest stature and... there is one drop of true love at the bottom of the heart, the amount of ignorance and turbidity in which that is sunk is colossal. The dirt smears us and is cast upon the object of our love too. And yet she is the mother in being the Divine. She is divine not in the sense that she is afar and aloof, cold and indifferent like the transcendent Brahman. Indeed, the Divine Mother is more motherly than ...
... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 Section Three XI Beyond Love and Hate The Mother says Love and Hate are at bottom the same thing. At the centre there is the same substance in both, it is the obverse and reverse of the same stuff. It is a vibration, it is a unique vibration, a vibration of extreme intensity, of extreme intimacy... most ugly features appears in the place of what was once a smiling beauty. Indeed, Love itself as we know it, as it is at the outside on the periphery, is equally a deformation and aberration like Hatred. Hatred kills but Love devours, vitally in man, literally in some of the lower species of animals. Human love and human hatred are both perversions, falsified expressions of another truth behind ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 Beyond Love and Hate THE MOTHER says Love and Hate are at bottom the same thing. At the centre there is the same substance in both, it is the obverse and reverse of the same stuff. It is a vibration, it is a unique vibration, a vibration of extreme intensity, of extreme intimacy. At the centre there is... its most ugly features appears in the place of what was once a smiling beauty. Indeed, Love itself as we know it, as it is at the outside on the periphery, is equally a deformation and aberration like Hatred. Hatred kills but Love devours, vitally in man, literally in some of the lower species of animals. Human love and human hatred are both perversions, falsified expressions of another truth behind ...
... . Yes, Mother, I understand. And then everything takes up so much time! I haven't seen anybody this morning. They're all here [waiting at the door]. What can I do, mon petit? Oh, Mother.... We love you, Mother. Eh? We love you. Page 412 What? We love you, we have much love for you. I don't even know what you're saying! I'm saying that I love you. Oh... Oh, mon petit.... ( Mother plunges in holding Satprem's hands. 2 Then Champaklal's bell rings, twice, three times. ) What is the time? Eleven o'clock, Mother. Ten o'clock? No, it's, eleven. Thank you, mon petit. Oh, Mother.... Thank you, mon petit. We need you, Mother. Thank you. Oh!... Oh, thank you, mon petit.... Ah, Mother, what Grace to be here with... 1973 1973 May Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 May 9, 1973 ( Mother is very late, she has Satprem and Sujata called in before the other disciples. She immediately takes Satprem's hands. It is heartrending. ) Something's wrong. Something's wrong. I see you.... Something's wrong. What's wrong, Mother? I feel like screaming ...
... already given a tape of the Mother's words "The Hour of God" to Christi, so that it will be played throughout the meditation and the ceremony. After I have put all these things in the recess—12x12x12—the children will cover the recess with cement, and adorn the place with the flowers of "Power" which are the most favourite flowers of Mahakali. Our Divine Mother too loved these flowers. Then all of... father's recent death. On my side I have done everything that is to be done with sincerity and goodwill. I will come there on the 21st Saturday at 4.45. With kindest thoughts in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta Actually the sacred things were put by me and some children of Auroville in the foundation of the Mahakali pillar. ... regarding the matter of placing the Mother's special blessing packet and flowers and the gold symbols in a pillar. I feel that the alternative you have proposed to place these things in the foundation of the MAHAKALI'S pillar is quite correct. So please do the arrangement accordingly. I feel sure that all of you will do your very best to receive the Mother's things, and I am thankful to you all ...
... 1970. WORKS OF THE MOTHER The Mother's Collected Works (MCW). 17 vols. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. Vol. 8. Questions and Answers 1956. 1977. Vol. 12. On Education. 1978. WORKS OF THE AUTHOR Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1990. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Love. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo... Future Evolution of Man contains extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo, with a summary and notes by the compiler. The other two compilations contain extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.) WORKS OF OTHER AUTHORS Bertaux, Pierre. In Encyclopedic Francaise, tome XX (Le Monde en Devenir). 1960. Condorcet, Antoine Nicolas. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des ...
... with vehemence and velocity like a tidal wave sweeping all before it. A time of great change was that dawn. For the first time patriotism became a national religion. Indians looked and saw their Mother. And loved Her. After setting in motion the chariot of God for the independence of India from foreign yoke, Sri Aurobindo withdrew from active politics. He had been set another task which none but he... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five A Word With You, Please! Hello, friends. Good morning to you. Are you well rested? Ready for the next leg of our journey? Then come along. We shall make further acquaintance with Sri Aurobindo. For that we have to go back to days not yet beyond recall. To the dawn of the twentieth century. Of course, he ...
... she didn’t appear to love me. Along with it, many difficulties regarding the sadhana began to accumulate, leading to the conclusion that sadhana was impossible, I couldn’t do it. Besides, if the Mother didn’t love me, when she had despaired of me, what was the use of my staying here? The situation rose to a climax and I took the decision to leave. Friends tried to dissuade me in various ways, but... y of the body to attacks is no proof of incapacity just as a finer sensibility of the mind or vital to attacks was no proof — it can in due time be overcome. As for the feelings about the Mother and that her love is only given for a return in work to those who can do sadhana well, that is the usual senseless idea of the vital-physical mind and has no value.... I hope you will be all right soon.... continued, “Mother asked, ‘Is Sahana going tomorrow?’” Then he stopped. Again, he repeated, “Mother said, ‘Is Sahana going tomorrow?’” He repeated it just in the way the Mother had said it. She seemed to have spoken three times slowly, halting at each time. My being was then filled with silent sobs and I burst out as soon as he had finished. Utterly broken I cried, “Nolinida, please tell Mother I won’t ...
... It is only the Divine's Grace that can give peace, happiness, power, light, knowledge, beatitude and love in their essence and their truth. 30 November 1954 Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace? All are children of the one and the same Mother. Her love is equally spread over all of them. But to each one She gives according to his nature and receptivity. ... these impossibilities transformed into divine realisations. 15 January 1933 Divine Grace, Thy goodness is infinite. We bow before Thee in gratitude. Mother, What is the rationale of Divine Grace? Is not the Supreme Mother always ready with Her Grace for those who can call it down? Yes. Is it not true that even most of the seekers after God cannot call it down? And yet they... Elements of Yoga Elements of Yoga Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II The Divine Grace The Supreme has sent his Grace into the world to save it. It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for―if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it. Justice is the strict logical determinism of the movements ...
... Aurobindo Mother With Thy Divine Grace, all the wrong suggestions will go away from me. After receiving your letter today I feel peace and experience your Love and Grace, because you love me as a mother loves her child and also I feel unbounded joy in becoming your daughter. Today throughout the day I have been feeling the same love as a child feels for her mother. I feel one with you... Sri Aurobindo Mother, For the last so many days, I feel I have not been open towards you. Is it true or false? I humbly pray at Thy Lotus feet to make me aware of it or to make me understand it. Mother does not find you closed. 6.7.33 Sri Aurobindo For about a month I am having a feeling that the devotion, love and aspiration for the Divine... Divine have disappeared from me. I feel the same even during the morning pranam. Mother, I pray to Thee to shower Thy Grace and inspire me to have the devotion, love and aspiration for Thee again. Mother, what may be the reason for this? Page 30 You may have allowed your consciousness to go too much outward and get taken up by ordinary things? It is usually when the outer physical ...
... principle in the earth's atmosphere. Supermind. The full fullness of evolution. Sri Aurobindo, who had passed his childhood without a mother's love, loved Mother India passionately in his youth, and in his manhood he loved profoundly this planet, Mother Earth. "I am concerned with the earth," Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1932, "not with worlds beyond for their own sake; it is a terrestrial realisation... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 52 Jail Experiences Dilip Kumar Roy was an eternal sceptic. He had heard stories about levitation, and such other claims by sannyasis. He very much doubted the authenticity of such phenomena. But Sri Aurobindo told him not to dismiss these occurrences out of hand, nor term them as fraud, but to become competent ...
... My prayer was answered and my whole being spilled over with gratitude and love. I bowed to the Mother and came away. How tremendous has been the Mother’s force behind this rebirth of East Bengal. The Mother followed the progress of this war in great detail. In the end Her force vanquished the Pakistani army. The Mother’s children proved once again that they were not cowards. They offered their lives... goodwill for Bangladesh. The Mother’s inexhaustible love had helped liberate Bangladesh. During those difficult times it was the Mother’s untiring dynamic power that gave strength and limitless courage to the youth of Bengal. This part of history is known to all and we were its witnesses. My birthday is on 31st December and so I went to the Mother with a bunch of ‘Victory’ flowers. As soon as I entered... The Mother pulled me closer to Her and looked at me with affectionate eyes. I could not take my eyes away from Her. My whole being, my heart, mind and body accompanied by the Mother went wandering across Bangladesh through every town, village, open expanse, river, hill and paddy field. I had never had such an intense experience of love for my country. Bengal of Gold, country mine, I love you in ...
... and He manifests through everything. With all my love. 9 March 1967 * You see, my child, the unfortunate thing is that you are too preoccupied with yourself. At your age I was exclusively occupied with my studies finding things out, learning, understanding, knowing. That was my interest, even my passion. My mother, who loved us very much my brother and myself never allowed us... have no time to wonder whether you are in a good or a bad mood. I am telling you these things with all my affection, and I hope that you will understand them. Your mother who loves you. 15 May 1934 * Mother, I want a discipline. This is quite excellent and I approve of it. Without order and inner discipline, one can achieve nothing in life, either spiritually or materially... been able to create something beautiful or useful have Page 13 always been persons who have known how to discipline themselves. Always with you in all love. 23 June 1934 * My little mother, I shall he so happy when all the clouds and shadows are dissolved. I want a new life. My dear child, You are quite right in wanting a new life, and you may ...
... consecration—and I feel your Love, your Presence. Things are opening a little. Sweet Mother, I love you and I want to serve you truly. Your child, Signed : Satprem P.S. All the old Questions and Answers will also have to be revised with you, perhaps not in their entirety, but certain problems need clarification. What a grace to be able to work with you! ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo... how much, in time for me to send it. As for the rest, we shall speak of it here. So, until we meet soon. Tell X that my body is on the way to complete recovery. With my love and my blessings. Signed : Mother ... 1959 1959 Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 31, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 31, 1959 Sweet Mother, I have reflected for a long time on that passage in your letter where you say that your body needs a mantra to hasten its transformation. Certainly X can do something in this realm, but I have not yet spoken to him ...
... would have no time to wonder whether you are in a good or a bad mood. I am telling you these things with all my affection, and I hope that you will understand them. Your mother who loves you. 15 May 1934 O Mother, I want to act according to your will and nothing else. Then quickly leave the path you have taken—don't waste your time wandering about and talking to girls. Start working... intuition. Love and blessings. 26 September 1967 Sweet Mother, We do not know what is the matter this year. We are unable to make any progress, either in our studies or at the Playground. Our minds are always restless and troubled. We have lost our concentration. We are wasting our time gossiping and thinking about bad things. We are not able to overcome our failings. Sweet Mother, we beg... thing is that you are too busy with yourself. At your age I was exclusively occupied with my studies—informing myself, learning, understanding, knowing. That was my interest, even my passion. My mother, who loved us—my brother and myself—very much, never allowed us to be bad-tempered or dissatisfied or lazy. If we went and complained to her about something or other and told her that we were not satisfied ...
... ? That soul-body you are carrying even now within this material body of yours. You can sense it as definite and living as the external body. The Mother is holding it in you; you come in contact with it through your contact with the Mother. Love the Mother, be one with her; then you will find and be this living soul of yours. Published August 1978 Page 83 ... The Mother Abides - Final Reflections Mother's Playground Today I am going to speak to you about the Playground itself as a great phenomenon created by the Mother. You may remember, we once saw a play in our Theatre staged by our students. It was about the adventure of a few young people leaving their home and going out wandering. In the end they came to a... respect to the freedom being given to women and to the younger generation. Mother repeated so often: the freedom, the liberty you enjoy here is extraordinary, exceptional; there is almost no limit to your freedom. Indeed, it is dangerous, because the unlimited use of freedom means also the risk of the misuse of freedom. But the Mother took the risk, for that is the only way towards a radical solution, not ...
... grip him. Whenever it happened he would become intoxicated with the Mother’s love and tell us: “What are you staring at? Have you looked into the eyes of the Mother? Do you know what Her love is? If you add up all the love that hundreds and thousands of Mothers feel for their children, it could not fathom the oceanic depth of Her love, so deep, so vast, so infinite it is. Did you come here to know Her... comprehension. When the power of Mother India, coursed in waves through Sudhir’s veins, he forgot himself and he was able to do anything. What identification he had with the Motherland! I have rarely seen so much love in anyone. Sudhir-da’s passionate love for the country is akin to a saint’s one-pointed love for the Divine. When I see him, I feel that the Mother’s call has entered his blood, his... remember will reveal what a deep inner relationship of love he had with the Mother. One morning Sudhir-da was standing in the Meditation Hall. Nolini-da came out of the Mother’s room, saw him there and said, “Sudhir, the Mother has called you.” He replied in a jocular vein, “How long shall I see the old Lady?” Nolini-da chided him, “The Mother has called you, go to Her.” Sudhir-da always obeyed Nolini-da ...
... soul-body even now you are carrying within this material body of yours. You can see it, sense it as definite and living as the external body. The Mother is holding it in you, you come in contact with it through your contact with the Mother. Love the Mother, be one with her, you will find and be this living soul of yours. Page 20 ... are mere human beings this supreme soul-identity cannot come. You have to forget the differences... some one asked the Mother in one of the playground talks of the Mother: how is it possible for one to forget this fundamental difference that one is a man and another a woman. Mother answered: "How do you say so? Look here, when I talk to Tara, do you think I am Page 18 always considering... Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Mother's Playground ON the last occasion I spoke to you of a phenomenon that used to happen in the playground, a phenomenon remarkable and extraordinary. This time I am going to speak to you of the playground itself as a great phenomenon created by the Mother. You may remember, we once saw a play in our Theatre staged by our ...
... Wisdom. 26 January 1962 The proximity of the heart and feelings is much stronger and truer than the proximity of the bodies. Love truly your mother and without sorrow or suffering you will let her go to America, knowing that the earth is small and the love is vast. 22 July 1968 Page 144 My dear child, Certainly we are your true parents, and your true duty is towards... aphorism which I am just commenting upon, "Examine thyself without pity, then thou wilt be more charitable and pitiful to others." And in this light, I must ask you to let X come and see his mother who loves him dearly and would be very miserable if she were deprived of his visits. As for his work it is a matter between myself and him, and I know we shall come to some satisfying arrangement. ... you the light, knowledge and peace of the Divine Consciousness. With our love and blessings. I am glad you are taking all this "drama" as it deserves to be taken, that is to say with a good laugh. They call you "refugees" but it is indeed a glorious thing to be God's refugees and to enjoy his shelter and His love... Let them write if it pleases them to display their lack of faith in the ...
... inference. It Page 573 becomes still more dangerous when you emphasise minor facts and set aside or belittle the meaning of the main ones. In this case the main facts are (1) that the Mother has loved music all her life and found it a key to spiritual experience, (2) that she has given all encouragement to your music in special and to the music of others also. She has also made clear the relation... Letters on the Mother Letters on the Mother Aspects of the Mother's Life in the Ashram The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother's Attitude towards Music and Other Arts Why should you think the Mother does not approve of expression,—provided it is the right expression of the right thing,—or suppose that silence and true expression are contradictory... aspect of the Mother that is working these days? On the music days it is always the Mahalakshmi aspect that is prominent. 25 December 1933 What can be stranger than this idea of yours that Mother likes only European music and does not like or appreciate Indian music—that she only pretends to do it or that she tolerates it so as not to discourage people! Remember that it is the Mother who has always ...
... something has gone wrong which you should not have done and should not do, not out of love for yourself but out of love for Mother and love for Sri Aurobindo. There are many other things, if you come to think of it, but one thing alone you can, even you children can understand - that She has such a great Power. Power of love, power of knowledge, power of peace, anything that you want from Her She gives... is still running so smoothly ? Not for fear of X, nor for fear of Y, but it is for the love of the Mother that you are so nice. Her love is everywhere, Her will is everywhere. That's what you are not conscious of at times, but sometimes, I suppose, you consciously feel it. She's doing so much for us. That love is the great power that is keeping us all united in this way. You are quarrelling and you... should be nice, you should love God, you should love the Divine and try to do little by little everything for Her, for the Divine, for God, not for yourselves; not for your name, not for your fame, not for your reputation, not for your glory; this is what She expects from all of us. However, let me come back to the story about Nishikanto. In those days, Mother used to walk on the big terrace ...
... all. how to love purely, selflessly, profoundly, infinitely and eternally and thus to be an instrument of Thy Truth. O Mother Supreme, my heart melts with gratitude and sings a hymn of gladness, for it knows no joy greater than to be Thy Divine Love. O sweet Mother of Love, my being prostrates before Thee in a humble supplication: Intensify in me this deathless Fire of Thy Divine Love and let me be... Thee, to be in a constant and invariable union with Thee so as to obey Thy Will perfectly with love. Let me have only one delight - the delight to live in Thy Truth and commune with Thy Light so as never to falter in the accomplishment of Thy Law. Grant that I may have only one love, O Mother sweet, the love in which I become Thou and give myself every moment in joy without any reserve, wholly to Thee... earth with love." *** "May this New Year which just opens its eyes be filled with the Light and Beauty and Power of Thy Truth, Thy Love and Thy Bliss, O Lord, so that all may be awakened to Thy Call and collaborate with love and joy in Thy work upon earth." I sent this prayer with a folder stuck with the flowers of Transformation, cut out from the shining gold paper. The Mother sent me a golden ...
... spiritual ego which says, "I am progressing wonderfully; the Grace is with me. I am the Mother's instrument more than others." It may demand that the Mother show some special Grace to it. This ego wants to show others that "Mother loves me more than all of you", and it wants a physical manifestation of her love. You are quite right. It is the ego that wants the satisfaction of being the first or... once a year, yet there is no one who has made more rapid progress or in whom the love relation has grown to a greater intensity and fervour. In all these things it is best to have an entire confidence in the Mother and the light that guides her. 10 December 1933 Page 494 One who is called to see the Mother often is fortunate because then one gets a chance to talk with her and to receive... Letters on the Mother Letters on the Mother Relation between the Mother and Her Children The Mother with Letters on the Mother Nearness to the Mother and Progress in Sadhana "Early" or "late" has nothing to do with what you call nearness. Some who were "early"—and also some who are "near" to her see the Mother only at "pranam" time—physically; some who ...
... being and makes it a single consecration and appeal to the Love of the Divine. This appeal is echoed in the Mother's Prayer of 27th August, 1914 : "To be the divine Love, love powerful, infinite, unfathomable, in every activity, in all the worlds of being—it is for this I cry to Thee, O Lord. Let me be consumed with this Love divine, love powerful, infinite, unfathomable, in every activity, in... something transcending it, some wider, mightier, sovereign Love, occupying the Mother's consciousness, shaping, stimulating and transmuting her psychic love into its own image and pouring out upon the world to redeem and illumine it. Let us quote another Prayer in which this process of dynamic union between the psychic love and the Divine's Love is more elaborately depicted: "O Lord, Thou of whom... moulded of Thy complete and sublime Love, that Love which is at once the source and the realisation of all knowledge; may the thought be clarified., classified, enlightened, transformed by Thy Love; may all the forces of my life, solely ¹ Prayers and Meditations of the Mother, May 9, 1914. Page 32 penetrated and moulded by Thy Love, become irresistible purity and ...
... the Mother loved very much. In fact it was the Mother who had named him Goldy. It was indeed a most beautiful dog. His body was covered with shiny golden fur and that was probably why the Mother had named him so. Lakshmibai used to take a lot of care of her dog. Everyday Goldy would go straight to the Mother without bothering about anybody and lift his front paws and hug the Mother. The Mother showered... everything. He was delighted to show his love for the Mother. Then he would go to Sri Aurobindo’s room and get His darshan as well! I am told that Sri Aurobindo would gently stroke his head for a while. I am sure you all know that Sri Aurobindo had a dog. This was certainly long before the Mother arrived in Pondicherry. And who does not know about the Mother’s cats? One of Her cats would come everyday... man refused the meal I had prepared with so much love and care, I invoked the God to take it. Nolini-da has written: What food had the Mother prepared that man refused to accept? It was nothing other than a divine life here on the bosom of the earth prepared with supreme love and divine ananda by this Light and this Power beyond, something that only gods can enjoy. To attain this divine ...
... realisation of the Motherhood of God in the country, the vision of the Mother, the knowledge of the Mother, the perpetual contemplation, adoration and service of the Mother. Other love than this is foreign to the motives of political action. Between nation and nation there is justice, partiality, chivalry, duty but not love. All love is either individual, or for the self in the race or for the self... cannot understand as something monstrous and sinful. "Heal hate by love, drive out injustice by justice, slay sin by righteousness" is their cry. Love is a sacred name, but it is easier to speak of love than to love. The love which drives out hate, is a divine quality of which only one man in a thousand is capable. A saint full of love for all mankind possesses it, a philanthropist consumed with the... physical delight in the touch of the mother soil, of the winds that blow from Indian seas, of the rivers that stream from Indian hills, in the sight of Indian surroundings, Indian men, Indian women, Indian children, in the hearing of Indian speech, music, poetry, in the familiar sights, sounds, habits, dress, manners of our Indian life, this is the physical root of that love. The pride in our past, the pain ...
... the cosmic mights" Page 402 278-9; "Her life shared the cosmic load" 305. But, especially, Capricorn is called the sign of the universal Mother, who is right away introduced in the early lines: "The Universal Mother's love was hers." 280 After establishing Savitri on these cosmic heights the Canto moves far away, back, back to the state creation was in before even Mind... absolute beginnings, and we are back into the first lines of the Canto, the movement of the Inconscience. Here her final meeting takes place, here it is where her task lies, to confront Earth and Love and Doom, the ancient disputants, the giant figures wrestling in the night (316-18). Line 319 clearly calls back the early hours of the day: "It was Page 403 the hour before the... contact, in order to meet the Cosmic and the Transcendent in our own depths. The Cantos are like sub-gurus guiding us Mantra by Mantra towards high integration. We pray to the Master and the Mother for insight growing towards the depths and heights of Savitri. May the little mind be quiet before the wonders of all the worlds, may the soul resound, may the glory and beauty not diminish under ...
... primitive men form groups or families consisting of a man, a woman and children. When does the mother begin to love her child? At the beginning of his life. When does the child begin to love his mother? Not at the same time. First he must learn to feel, to think and act. Then he learns to love his mother and his father as well. We are told about a little girl of seventeen months who ran Page... your mother." These words were repeated seven times, and Moses assured him that he would remember them. Then the Lord added: "Yes, Moses. When your mother is happy with you, I am also happy, and if she is angry, I am angry." The love of the mother and father expresses itself to the child in charming words. An Arab woman caressed her child and said, "I love him as the miser loves his money... at his feet until he resumed the form of a little child. We have seen that parental love exists in a simple way in animals, that the father and mother love their child from Page 266 the beginning of his life, that they love him whether he is healthy or sick, clever or deficient, and that the mother especially has a penetrating eye which detects the good qualities of his soul. The family ...
... living within, all lives she bore; Aloof, she carried in herself the world: Her dread was one with the great cosmic dread, Her strength was founded on the cosmic mights; The universal Mother's love was hers. Against the evil at life's afflicted roots, Her own calamity its private sign, Of her pangs she made a mystic poignant sword. A solitary mind, a world-wide heart, To... glimmered across the floor. A happy wonder in her fathomless gaze, Changed by the halo of her love she came; Her eyes rich with a shining mist of joy As one who comes from a heavenly embassy Discharging the proud mission of her heart, One carrying the sanction of the gods To her love and its luminous eternity She stood before her mighty father's throne And, eager for beauty... sense of those vast possibilities. She goes in search of her partner. When Narad sees her on her return after the choice he finds in her the exuberance of beauty, and delight due to the fulfilment of Love. But his description of Savitri is one of the most wonderful feats of poetic inspiration giving voice to Overmental sight. It is one of the most impassioned and yet impersonal descriptions. The ...
... If it becomes a dynamic descent, then yes. If the sadhana continues like that, it would just be a fit board to jump into the higher planes of consciousness. As the Mother's sweet love and grace are with me such jumps would be safe and easy. I would like to know if today's state has come as a natural development of my sadhana. Or is it only due to some higher... silence, is it terrific? No. When my consciousness is in silence I try to keep my mind as empty as possible. Then I leave my sadhana and even the thought of it to the Mother. Is it O.K., or is it necessary to think of the transformation and aspire for the bringing down of the higher things? If you can very quietly and silently aspire for the bringing down ...
... offer them to Her. The Mother must certainly be still appreciating these handkerchiefs from the subtle world and blessing Smriti with Her infinite love. Sumedha, Sudha, Kokila, Nirata and several other young girls from the school used to offer all kinds of embroidered things to the Mother, all exquisitely beautiful. The girls remained busy through the year with this. The Mother too gave us all kinds... felt love for each and every thing: love and affection for one and all would flow out from the inmost heart! How my heart has bloomed today, In warm embrace with the world at play, Ah, what’s this feeling at break of light? Whose face to touch my eyes delight? We would inwardly bow down to the Mother and launch a new year on our birthday. Be it young or old, the Mother filled... is ageless, eternal. Eternity is my birthright.’ On this day our soul bows to the Mother in a movement of total faith and devotion with the resolve to walk on the path of life with renewed energy. In the outside world this day also brings every year a special happiness and love into our lives. Many of the Mother’s children who live far away come rushing back to the Ashram even today in order to ...
... lower—but with a great effort I set my feeling aside, approached the table and started writing to the Mother. The memory of the Mother enshrined in my heart was more intense than ever. I knew that when everything in my life failed me I should bear in my mind that the Mother loved me and that love would save me from all evils. At about 11.30 a.m. a man from the CID came over and asked me several... appreciative. It was a luminous day for us. That very night I wrote a letter to the Mother. “My dearest Mother, Pranam. Please accept my gratitude for sending me messages and Bulletins unfailingly. I am extremely happy you liked the things I had sent you. In the depth of my heart there is always a stream of love for you, flowing serenely, sweetly. Outwardly I am meeting with hideous di... 1960 My Savitri work with the Mother 29 February 1960 29.2.60 THE GOLDEN DAY Dorinavant, le 29 fevrier sera le jour du Seigneur. Henceforth the 29th of February will be the day of the Lord. On the outside of the folder she had written: 27.2.60 To My dear little child Huta with love and blessings This is what I shall distribute ...
... 28 April 1934 Mother, You don 't love me at all. Is this the way that one loves one's child? My child, Certainly I do not love you in the way you conceive of as love; and I do see how it could be otherwise. You first have to realise the Divine Consciousness—only then will you be able to know what true love is. 30 April 1934 My sweet Mother, Human contact has done... cannot satisfy all its whims, for that would be the worst thing I could do for you. True love is the love that wants, to the exclusion of all else, the highest good for the loved one. This is the love that I have and want to have for you. Your mother. 6 April 1934 Page 117 My sweet Mother, May peace be with me always. Peace, peace in your heart and your vital. Yes... Consciousness are always with you, as well as all my love. Your mother. 21 August 1934 Page 125 My dear Mother, Purify me. Dispel the shadows. I will not revolt any more. You must never lose confidence in my unvarying love. 30 August 1934 Mother, I have a pain in my head. I am very tired. My child, all my love is always with you; do not push it away. 1 ...
... me, enter into me wholly, merge into my being, lose yourself into my love, with your love. You will see all problems solved, everything done. Forget all else, forget the world. Remember me alone, be one with me, with my love.” * One day I found the Mother with a very stern expression. I wondered what the cause was. The Mother looked at me and said: “I still cannot understand you human beings... there is a tinge of fear that hides in our hearts. Why, Mother?” The Mother just kept looking at me with exceeding tenderness. * After Sri Aurobindo’s physical departure it was the Mother who pulled us out of our deep gloom by pouring Her infinite love and joy on us. Right from very early in the morning till late in the night the Mother would spread cheer all around carrying all of us in Her... come and join the marching on some days. The Mother put a finger on Her lips and asked us not to make any remarks about Dilip-da. I was slightly taken aback. Dilip-da was Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s very dearly loved child. And so through such varied, apparently insignificant talk the Mother came close to all of us. As the marching went on, the Mother taught us French on some days. Chitra, Minu ...
... The Philosophy of Love The Philosophy of Love Everyday I awake a philosopher. I look at the state of the world and the ages. Today I awoke with the philosophy of Love. Love Love for the sea Love for music Love for beauty Love for Mother Divine Love I feel great pity for these poor men, who are what, who love what ? This world... it cannot love. It is an upside down love. Everything and everyone would like to destroy all. And yet, at the centre, there is something that beats. And it will continue to beat beneath other skies until we find what fills. Why not right here and now ? For what loves is joy that loves joy. Music that loves its note. The great sea that loves its wave. The Mother of worlds... And it was Mother once again who said to Page 22 this young humanoid, worn out by so much useless running through his own virgin forest like at the beginning of that first terrestrial Matter: "A certitude deep down in Matter That the solution is THERE. You have to go to the very depths In search of this marvelous bursting forth of the Vibration of Love." The very depths ...
... Divine Love and Grace. 45 What was this world but insentient matter, till the Divine Love came down and stirred it into life? Love has so far flowered in a million imperfect ways, the noblest of them all being a mother's love for her child. But the ascent of Love towards the Divine summits hasn't been halted, and it may. be that man's consciousness will now wake up to "the Divine love, pure... the Mother of Love that she manifested a power of 'the The Divine Shakti not hitherto witnessed - or witnessed to an equal degree - in the world. The symphonic Divina Commedia of Dante concludes with a peal in of praise of "the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars". Love is indeed the heart-beat that sustains and gives rapture to the phenomenal world. "Love," says the Mother, "is... thus turned love into "an ugly and repulsive thing" , something "low, brutal, selfish, violent, ugly", true love is "universal and eternal... a Divine Force". 40 The Mother's view of Love is not different from Savitri's, who limns its contours (in Sri Aurobindo's epic, Savitri) for the benefit of Death who is confronting her: My love is not a hunger of the heart, My love is not a craving ...
... build upon them a big inference. It becomes still more dangerous when you emphasise minor facts and set aside or belittle the meaning of the main ones. In this case the main facts are (1) that the Mother has loved music all her life and found it a key to spiritual experience, (2) that she has given all encouragement to your music in special and to the music of others also. She has also made clear the relation... it should if it be pursued in the proper spirit, as a field or aid for spiritual growth, or as a work done for the Mother. 18 January 1936 You have painting and music in you and if you apply yourself they will develop in you. Only it is best to do it as an instrument of the Mother and as an offering to her, and not allow any personal desire for fame or appreciation by others or any personal pride... difficult to do any poem, picture or music of a creative kind. That intensity is not harmful. 7 October 1933 The Mother finds the pictures of Tagore hideous and monstrous, she would not dignify them with the name of art. But it is not because they depart from tradition. The Mother does not believe in tradition—she considers that Art should always develop new forms—but still these must be according ...
... nor condemns, but works unceasingly to perfect without constraint, to mend without reproach, to encourage without impatience, to enrich each one with all the wealth he can receive; she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands everything, she can endure everything, excuse and pardon everything, hope and prepare for everything;... and manifest thy nature.'" Let us live by this beautiful utterance and we shall see everything around us transformed as if by miracle. This is the attitude of true, conscious and discerning love, the love which knows how to see behind appearances, understand in spite of words, and which, amid all obstacles, is in constant communion with the depths. What value have our impulses and our desires... servant, the role of all who have been revealers and heralds of the God who is within all, of the Divine Love that animates all things.... And until we can follow their example and become true servants even as they, let us allow ourselves to be penetrated and transformed by this Divine Love; let us offer Him, without reserve, this marvellous instrument, our physical organism. He shall make it yield ...
... independently on the road traced out by Sri Aurobindo. 2. Quoted by R. Cousinet in L'education nouvelle, pp. 127-28. 3. The problem of love and sexual life, left untouched in these lectures, has been dealt with in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Love. III. The Educational Environment. No notes. IV. The Class Work 1. R. Dotterns's L'enseignement individualise contains... Evolution of a Class 1. See the note on the Mother on page 80 of this book. 2. Sri Aurobindo, SABCL vol. 15, p. 28. VII. The Task of the Educator 1. The Mother, MCW vol. 8, pp. 353-54. 2. Ibid., p. 354. 3. The Mother, MCW vol. 12, p. 113. VIII. Do We Need a New System of Education? 1. The Mother, MCW vol. 12, p. 118. TWO CARDINAL POINTS... author's references to citations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been updated by the editors of his fifth edition. The new citations refer to the volumes of the Sri Aurobindo Birth - Centenary Library (SABCL) and the Mother's collected Works (MCW). The reader may note that although citations from the Mother's works have been updated to accord with her Collected Works, the original ...
... with the Mother (2d ed. 1st imp. 1993) Mrinalini Devi (1988) Dream Cadences (1946) The Yoga of Works (1976) The Yoga of Self-Perfection (1983) Commentaries on the Mother's Ministry in 4 vols. (1983, 1983, 1985, 1988) The Mother and I (1984) The Yoga of Transformation (1989) An Early Chapter in the Mother's Life (1990) The Mother of Love (3d ed.... On The Mother SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY WORKS OF THE MOTHER The Mother's writings and recorded conversations have been published in the original French, as well as in authorised English translations. The Mother often wrote or spoke in English too to her disciples, and most of these writings and conversations have also been collected and published... Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, about her Questions and Answers 1929, and about Sri Aurobindo's The Mother. Vol.5 Questions and Answers 1953. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's Questions and Answers 1929. Vol.6 Questions and Answers 1954. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-d ...
... Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future. *** Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace? All are children of the one and the same Mother. Her love extends equally over all (of them). But to each She gives according to his nature and his receptivity. *** There is a stain, the worst of all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify... s; it is the fire of an all-conquering will. Let it grow in you alongside a perfect equanimity. *** Only he who loves can recognise love. Those who are incapable of offering themselves in a sincere love, will never recognise love anywhere; and the more divine the love, that is to say devoid of egoism, the less they can recognise it. *** Concentration upon oneself leads to decay... can save human beings from ignorance and obscurity. *** There is a true and profound consciousness where everyone can meet in love and harmony. *** Intimacy with the Divine will always grow with the growth of the consciousness, equanimity and love. *** Jealousy comes from a narrowness of the mind and a weakness of the heart. It is a great pity that so many people should ...
... explain to the Mother exactly what had happened. Mother went in and brought Her First Aid box, washed his forehead with spirit, bandaged it nicely and showered him with love. She also gave him some ‘Sweets’ and sent him home with me. I was amazed to see the beauty of Divine Love becoming human. Page 49 Games of Skill The Mother was very... The Mother (Ibid. Vol. 12,pp.436-39) Page 47 Some Reminiscences Here are a few anecdotes collected from the reminiscences of those who had the privilege of being close to the Mother and seeing her with children. The anecdotes reveal not only the Mother’s deep love for them but also her unique... printed are poisonous. And newspapers are always dirty. “ I realised how particular the Mother was with things concerning the children. I also felt that when my children were bathed in the Mother’s love and sweetness where was the need of sweets from Delhi. * The Mother- Human and Divine My child P. had been admitted to the children’s boarding ...
... “If the Mother herself does not know then how can Nolini know anything?” We were dumbstruck! What an answer! Bravo! All these old sadhaks like Pavitra-da, Nolini-da, Amrita-da always had that attitude of great humility vis-à-vis the Mother. It was such an admirable trait in them. We have learnt so much from their beautiful conduct by keeping the goal of faithful love for the Mother always in... in mind. The Mother kept looking at Nolini-da for a while. Love was overflowing from Her eyes. Then the Mother herself explained the difficult concept of ‘purusha’ and ‘prakriti’ so simply and so beautifully that we could not believe it! And when we went on to read “The Divine Shakti” from Sri Aurobindo’s The Synthesis of Yoga I realised I had finally understood! The Mother had a natural gift... competition between the young and the old right from the beginning! It is like the first child who sees his younger siblings arrive and thinks that they have come to take their share of the mother’s love. There is a tinge of jealousy. Well, it was something like that! In tennis, this competition was most glaring. Even in football. Often the matches were between the young and the old. But it was great ...
... Light; but conditions barred it. Her love for me had a much deeper origin than my growing, unsteady, adolescent mind could even conceive. The fact, however, came back to me with great impact that she was not only the divine mother, she was my physical mother as well. There was a blending of the human and the divine, which far transcended the human relation of a mother for her offspring or a spiritual relation... the Master scolded only those they loved and this was aimed to pinpoint the limitation and overcome it. 1st May I left Boulangerie house; I was given accommodation in a room where the Mother before 1932 used to sit for meditation and pranam. In the same year I started reading Shakespeare with Nolini and writing small letters to the Mother. These letters were letters of a boy attempting to imitate... with love and protect you lovingly." Once she wrote: "If, as you say, one part in you is happy and contented, stick to this happiness to drive out the ugly things. Do not allow these to take possession of you. For that, do exactly what I tell you to do and live a well ordered regular life. I am always with you to help you to carry out this good will and to help you – Love of your mother." ...
... soul's love and joy come from within from the psychic being. What comes from above is the Ananda of the higher consciousness. Love and devotion depend on the opening of the psychic and for that the desires must go. The vital love offered by many to the Mother instead of the psychic love brings more disturbance than anything else because it is coupled with desire. Do love, devotion... higher or spiritual planes? The love that belongs to the spiritual planes is of a different kind - the psychic has its own more personal love, bhakti, surrender. Love in the higher or spiritual mind is more universal and impersonal. The two must join together to make the highest divine love. We cannot be satisfied with experiences of the Mother's infinite Peace and Silence: they are... and more of Mother's love, joy and peace, it becomes easier to turn the physical to purity and light. All that may be very well in theory, but practically it is found that the physical impurity is strong enough to bar the inner progress and limit rigidly the inner experience to some passive peace. I have often seen that when the inner being or the mind feels love, happiness, joy ...
... homage to Mother by Madhav, a very genuine and moving record of his love and gratitude to the Mother of Love: Whatever the form the Ashram as an organisation may assume to meet the exigencies of the community, to us sadhaks it is and it will Page 281 continue to be what it has always been: our Mothers Home. We came here because our Mother was here... leaf, every brick in the Ashram vibrates with only one note, Mother, Mother! The entire Ashram is so much permeated with the Presence of the Mother that some years ago, a visitor - a Dutchman of some consequence, if i remember right - asked the Mother if this was not a dictatorship. All around were taken aback, incensed. The Mother did not take offence. She nodded and added with a smile, "Benevolent... Siddhi, 321 he enjoined all the inmates to accept the Mother as Guru, to call Her 'Mother', not Mira. He Himself once said that what He would have done in ten years, He achieved in one year with Mother's cooperation and collaboration. So you can see what a tremendous force She has brought with Her. What Sri Aurobindo brought down, Mother received instantly, like an electric current. So very receptive ...
... Page 339 Mother kept a close watch on me and several times she tried to get me out of these depressions. Once my condition got so bad that Mother dragged me to Sri Aurobindo and left me at his feet. Sri Aurobindo looked at me with immense love and I felt a great hope and peace within me. Everything would get all right, he assured me. From then on Mother would keep repeating: "I'll... care of yourself. My love never leaves you. - Mother On 24th November 1958, after the Balcony darshan, I walked away along the road. Later when I met Mother she told me that she had seen me walking away on the road after the darshan. "I saw you from behind. I wrote something about it afterwards." And she showed me what' she had written: 24.11.58 This morning I... reorient my life, I suddenly had an impulse that brought me here. Once I had made contact with Mother and Sri Aurobindo, I felt that the answers to all my questions will be found only from them. That was another reason for my coming to. the Ashram. As time passed, I received Mother's love and affection and came extremely close to her. I benefitted from her active guidance. Life, I felt ...
... the true perception, true impulse etc. that comes from the Mother or leads to the Mother. When this side grows, then the other, Page 338 the Presence, Love, Joy, Beauty, can develop and be permanently there. The Role of the Psychic in Sadhana The contribution of the psychic being to the sadhana is: (1) love and bhakti, a love not vital, demanding and egoistic but without conditions... only part that cannot be touched by the hostile forces and their suggestions. Everything is dangerous in the sadhana or can be, except the psychic change. That [ feeling the Mother's Presence, Love, Joy, Beauty ] is one part of the psychic experience—the other is a complete self-giving, absence of demand, a prominence of the psychic being by which all that is false, wrong, egoistic, contrary... this Yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the mind or any other part) it is impossible. If there is a refusal of the psychic new birth, a refusal to become the child new born from the Mother, owing to attachment to intellectual knowledge or mental ideas or to some vital desire, then there will be a failure in the sadhana. It seems to me that you must know by this time about the ...
... of Matter. At this age when I suppose other children feel their first 'sentiment' for a person or for art or religion, I was affectionate, well-behaved, even pious. That is, catching it from my mother, I loved 'the little lord Jesus' dearly. But in reality my genuine self was elsewhere. To find out about this you would have had to watch me as I withdrew, always secretly and without a word, without even... beginning of the Epistle to the Colossians (Chapter I, verses 12-23) and tried to give it the full, organic meaning it requires? Here Christ appears as a true soul of the World. It is only thus that I love Him." A number of momentous points stand out. First, Teilhard has "no need" of "the purely human or moral qualities of Jesus". Secondly, whatever Jesus was - man or God or both -two thousand... revealed by Saint John and Saint Paul, who is truly irreplaceable. Fourthly, this full Christ, the one who interests Teilhard, the one whom he prefers to a past figure and whom alone he can "adore" and "love" is Christ as "a Force that is immense, present, universal", a Force comparable in its reality to Matter and surpassing the materially real along the latter's own line: that is to say, a Force that ...
... Abhay Singh, we thought of Mother when the old faithful sadhaks left Her one by one. Nothing to say, or too much to tell for Sujata, my heart swells within my chest. If, one day, you meet her, please tell her about my love always. I love Satprem but I had and still have a "special corner" for her in the heart. I thank you Patrice... we love you much and J.P. and Claude love very much Satprem and Sujata... the arts. I shall truly miss his lovely presence, the warmth of his smile when I visit the ashram. He is surely now in the Mother's all consuming embrace. Page 124 Please extend my love to the Nahar family. With my love to you, In Her Light 16 August 2001 My dear Sumitra, We were deeply shocked and grieved to learn about the sudden demise of our dear... his work and respect towards the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo Page 125 shall always be remembered. We offer our heart-felt tribute to this great son of the Mother. Please accept our deepest condolence. 22 August 2001 My dear Noren Babaji, My mind goes back to all those happy times of childhood, where receiving love and gifts from you, Abhay Babaji and ...
... this pain from the boil I am saving you from so many other dangers.” The Mother’s Love was evident in each word She uttered. I felt extremely ashamed. Holding onto Her Feet I said in a choked voice: “Mother, forgive me. I could not bear this pain, that’s why I said these things. Please forgive me, Mother.” The Mother held me in Her arms and remained in a meditative state for a long time. I’m... scolding and she feels I do not love her!” I had got used to being scolded by the Mother and so I just smiled weakly. After making my pranam I rushed to that girl’s house. She was lying in bed and wailing away tearfully. I told her: “You know, it was to drive away your fever that the Mother shouted like that. And you came away thinking that She doesn’t love you!” After getting that scolding... map of India, waiting for the Mother. The Mother arrived and looked at us gravely for a while. We stiffened with fear. “What had we done, now?” we wondered. The Mother declared in a firm, grave voice: “Never think, not even by mistake, that I shall leave you.” Hearing these words from the Mother frightened us even more. The Mother continued: “As the mother cat carries her kittens holding ...
... From Mother To Love Peace Strength Silence Consciousness THE MOTHER Page 78 Page 79 2.2.71 To Champaklal First Prize of Faithfulness. With my full love bonne fete! blessings THE MOTHER Page 80 Page 81 2.2.72 Bonne Fete To Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's Champak... With my love and blessings. THE MOTHER (On this occasion the Mother had also given four big artistically prepared folders with paintings and photographs. Messages from these are given on following pages.} Page 54 Page 55 2.2.64 To Champaklal always with you for ever in eternal Love THE MOTHER Page 56... working in the Divine's Consciousness. With love. THE MOTHER Page 66 2.2.1967 Bonne Fete! To Champaklal With love and blessings. The illness has come like a test and gone like a purification carrying away all that was standing in the way of the joy of an integral consecration. THE MOTHER (The Mother orally said, "I come to you. You will read ...
... and he told her ... (Ah, yes! The quarrel was with Saraswati.) Saraswati was telling him that knowledge is much greater than love (much greater in that it is much more powerful than love), and he replied to her, 'You don't know what you're talking about! ( Mother laughs ) Love is much more powerful than knowledge.' So she challenged him, saying, 'Well then, prove it to me.'—'I shall prove it to you... 1958 1958 Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 November 4, 1958 ( Concerning; the Agenda of August 9, 1958 , on the gods of the Puranas ) The gods of the Puranas are merciless gods who respect only power and have nothing of the true love, charity or profound goodness that the Divine has put into the human consciousness—and which... it was lovely throughout. Lovely in the way it showed that the sincerity of love is much more powerful than anything else. If I were to narrate the whole thing to you, there would be no end to it, but anyway, you get the idea. ( Shortly afterwards, the disciple again brings up the topic of August 9 , where Mother had said that the gods are 'a good deal worse than human beings' ) It should ...
... fond of this god, Gajanana. The Mother has told us that god Ganesha’s face looks indeed like an elephant’s. The Mother loved Ganesha very much. There are a lot of images of gods and goddesses in the Mother’s room. The biggest number is that of Ganesha. The Mother used to talk with them. The statues of Ganesha and Narayana are together next to the Mother. The Mother said that in every image of a god... bowed down with awe and love; and when they rose, Mohendra asked in a broken voice, “When shall I see this image of the Mother?” “When all the Mother’s sons,” replied the Brahmacharin, “learn to call the Mother by that name, on that day the Mother will be gracious to us.” The Mother has come down to our dust-soiled earth in this age and time. She is gracious now. The Mother is now all Her children’s... Moments Eternal Durga Puja Mother Durga! Rider on the lion, giver of all strength, Mother, beloved of Siva!... O Mother of the world, dispel all ills.... Mother Durga! Giver of force and love and knowledge…. Today is Durga-puja, 28th Ashwin 1398 (15th October 1991). Shakuntala, Krishna and several others are decorating the Meditation ...
... exact foreseeing of the future but a sort of feeling that a change would come. 8. The image of the Mother is very beautiful. This Mother- the universal Mother was before now the "heedless mother". But the newly born stir, the vague aspiration "clutched the heedless mother" and the maternal love vaguely awoke in her apparently unconscious breast. She was reminded of the "endless need" of the newly... almost suggests the continuity of the work begun by the Goddess Dawn and the Imperishable ambassadress,—Omnipotent power of the Divine. The poet while describing Savitri says "The universal Mother's love was hers". Even though Savitri was akin to the eternity from which she came and a stranger to the fields of human life she was human enough to feel desire not as ordinary people do, but "as... grief in the depths of her heart,—she did not allow her inner suffering to be seen outside. Savitri calm, silent, courageous,—"Apart, living within, all lives she bore". And yet "The Universal Mother's love was hers" and so when the determinism of nature proclaimed the doom of Satyavan it was not for the sake of her personal calamity only that she was moved. For "Her own calamity" was only a "private ...
... "Thou", or the Divine, the Master, the Supreme Lord. Mirra is potentially the Divine, she aspires to be one with Him inseparably, - and, in later years, she was to be known and loved and adored as the Mother, the Mother Divine. Now, Page 64 in Prayers and Meditations, who is addressing whom? How are we to understand these communications from the Divine to the Divine? When this question... at the core of one's being, the Guide who has a mother's love and a teacher's patience. On 28 November, in the "calm concentration which comes before day break", Mirra finds that an opening to a fuller consecration to His Will- a more complete self-giving to His Work - a more total forgetfulness of self, a greater illumination, a purer love, and a communion with the Divine ever deeper and... one single drop of Thy divine love, can transform this suffering into an ocean of delight. While the path of Knowledge has its sure rewards, for it can lead at least to a true conception of Reality if not to its actual experience, the path of love alone is pure and disinterested, and "opens all doors, penetrates every wall, clears every obstacle", and this Love is the "infallible healer, the ...
... so big. The Mother loved this tree very much. Page 111 While walking many people would get hurt by its branches. Someone went to Nolini-da and told him that as people were banging their heads while walking there some of the branches could be sawed off. When Nolini-da heard this he said: 'Good Lord! If you chop a branch of that tree then we are lost. The Mother will chop us... Rani-di remarked: 'With the Mother, Motakaka's behaviour was totally frank. He didn't hide anything like a naughty, capricious child of the Mother. One day Motakaka went to the Mother for his birthday. The Mother asked: 'What would you like, tell me.' 'Give me a hundred rupees, Mother,' he replied. 'What will you do with the money?' the Mother enquired. 'I want to go and eat... Bina-kakima woud have got angry he had warned the Mother. The customary gentleness or solemnity was absent from his rapport with the Mother. He was truly like Her son A daredevil son. One day he was coming down from the Mother's room. He looked terribly upset. Probably he had gone to the Mother with some capricious demand and the Mother had not yielded to him. And so he was coming down ...
... old "Catherine" is what has come through me from the Mother's overflowing love and compassion not only to kindle in you her true child but also to act through you to spread her warm wide being to the world you live in and kindle everywhere happiness and harmony and health and holiness. These four h's are things that are modes of the Mother's "warm wide being" already present in the world's depths... all-penetrating white light which Indian spiritual mythology sees issuing from Shiva's "third eye" in the centre of his forehead. It is natural that you should feel the Mother smiling, for surely it is the true Amal that the Mother kept always in gracious sight, overlooking all the obscurities which were present in me but which I never sought to hide from her and tried my best to submit to her for... throughout history has ever been such What we have to cling to and what should give us an optimistic vision is the Mother's assurance that a luminous spiritual age awaits us and all that happens before it will be turned in the best way possible towards its arrival. Now that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are not in their physical forms, the age spoken of may be far, but it will certainly come and nothing like ...
... Page 276 out]. Today, a young friend from this crowd has asked me to read out to you the introductions from the two books here, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo and The Mother of Love. One introduction is by my humble self, the other by the scholar himself - Madhav Pandit. 312 I'm sure my introduction is not new to you. I've talked about much of the same material in this... whole body bending in love and sweetness to bless the head lying at his feet ? I remember clearly the scene. He had a rose in His hand; somebody had offered it to him. He was dangling His rose like this when I approached, a sweet smile was there. I bowed, simply bent down like that [Re-enacting the gesture now]. I came away after doing pranam to the Mother. I don't know, people... Aurobindo has captured their hearts and minds by the magic of his pen... Our heart repeats the marvel of his name and awaits his arrival through the very pathway that he has built with so much labour of love and compassion. ...
... realise...) Page 183 The Mother wrote the following personal note to Dada: (My dream may seem absurd and impossible but I must live it, because without my dream the world is meaningless Page 184 (Today to love Mother; Tomorrow to love Mother and everyday to love Mother who loves me always and for all eternity.) Page... (My loved one. The Divine's love is with you always and for ever.) Page 172 (Bonne Fête To Pranab with everlasting love.) Page 173 Pranab, The Divine loves you.) Page 174 (Bonne Fête to Pranab. With all my love I pray for your full Realisation.) Page 175 Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother was brought... The book Words of the Mother was given by the Mother to Dada with the following words: (Let this help to take one step more towards transformation.) Page 178 Entretiens, Aphorismes et Paradoxes was given by the Mother to Dada with these words: (To Pranab with love, my birthday present.) Page 179 The Mother gave the French edition ...
... The Mother Page 22 Entire consecration to the Divine You seem to forget that by the fact that you are living in the Ashram, it is neither for yourself nor for a boss that you are working, but for the Divine. Your life must be entirely consecrated to the Divine Work and cannot be governed by petty human considerations. The Mother Divine Love, Grace... to help you in your progress and your work. The Mother The Worker -Work in the Ashram Yoga Yoga is communion with God for knowledge, for love or for work. Sri Aurobindo The object of the Ashram This Ashram has been created with another object than that ... any other place: it is the Divine Love, Grace and Care. It is when this is forgotten or disregarded that people begin to feel miserable here. Indeed whenever somebody feels unhappy and discontented, it can be taken as a sure sign that he is turning his back on what the Divine is always giving and that he has gone astray in pursuit of worldly satisfaction. The Mother One single aim Whatever ...
... of the Mother and try to understand what she says on the subject. What is Grace ? Going to the very root of the matter, the Mother explains the genesis of Grace and its essential nature, and then she throws light upon the nature of its action, the conditions to be fulfilled for receiving it, its place in the Integral Yoga, etc. According to her. Grace is the Divine's Love which has... in rendering help ¹ Advent, February 1957. ² The Supreme Discovery by the Mother, Page 156 and healing. To feel lost is to deny God and repel His Grace. "Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace ? All are children of the same Mother. Her love is equally spread over all of them. But to each one She gives according to his nature... the all-achieving Force of Love, and that is Grace. When once we realise this truth, 5 we cannot but fling ourselves headlong ¹ The Bases of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo. ²"However long the journey may be and however great the traveler, at the end is always found exclusive reliance on the Divine Grace."— The Words of the Mother. ³ Words of the Mother. 4 ibid. 5 It is ...
... sadhak the Mother had a special relationship, and sometimes the exchanges of letters marked the steps or vicissitudes in the sadhana. The Mother's replies, long or short, were pregnant with meaning and instinct with the nuances of universality. To sadhaks who knew French, the Mother preferred to write in French, and to others in English; and always it was the Mother Divine essaying Truth, Love, Power,... forehead curve. ... Her passion-flower of love and doom she gave. All came back to her: Earth and Love and Doom, ... 9 Page 703 The mantric vibrations impinge on the doors of consciousness, there is a call or summons, and there is some response from the innermost countries. But Huta's paintings, which are but a transcription of her and the Mother's joint meditations, have yet to be re-enacted... V For the Mother herself, the set-back in her health during 1962 was not of much importance. The fight against the inconscience was still on, and her forces were properly mobilised and in excellent trim. Was it not significant that it was during 1962 that Meditations on Savitri, comprising "The Symbol Dawn", had made its triumphant appearance? The universal Mother's love was hers. Against ...
... few days Mother asked me: "Can you now feel what good music is?" For several years Mother kept her promise of selecting music for the drills. (11) A fine artist named Mrs. Kaspary was on a visit to the Ashram in those days. She used to play the piano very well. Another musician had come too and she was a violinist. Page 10 There was a musical story Mother loved very much:... Mother never permitted the windows to be shut whether it was summer or winter. Then, one night in winter, when Mother had gone to rest after dinner, a cold breeze was blowing into the room through the windows. I asked very softly: "Mother, shall I close the windows?" Mother replied: "No, no, let them be open." I kept mum after this. Much later at night I saw Mother fidget... me: "Why don't you write down these answers from Mother, all these valuable words may benefit others when they read them." So I asked Mother one day: "Mother, should I write down all that you tell me?" Mother countered: "Why do you wish to write them down?" I said: "These are valuable words, what if I forget them later?" Mother said: "All that I tell you, I say to your inner being ...
... way to do all that for the said area." In an article, "The Morality of Boycott", Sri Aurobindo returned to the theme of love in politics and as related to the adoration and worship of the country as the Mother. Love has a place in politics, but it is the love of one's country, for one's countrymen, Page 215 for the glory, greatness and happiness of the race, the divine ... delight in the touch of the mother-soil, of the winds that blow from Indian seas, of the rivers that stream from Indian hills, in the hearing of Indian speech, music, poetry, in the familiar sights, sounds, habits, dress, manners of our Indian life this is the physical root of that love. 14 Much of the language of "the body's rapture", much of the poetry of romantic love, is reproduced here, but... his wife "Dearest Mrinalini", a letter breathing love of the community of thirty crores of Indian humanity, and love of God and love of the country, a letter pleading, earnestly pleading, for his wife's total identification with him in his triune adventure of love for Man, God and Country, in this letter Sri Aurobindo has set the whole emotion of love to an orchestration that includes the divers strains ...
... was wrong. Then I came to know that the British used to often call German-made U-boats submarines. The Mother was right but then I was not totally wrong either. The Mother loved Japan very much. The love of beauty, uprightness, cleanliness were qualities that She admired. The Mother would say Japanese girls were pretty while Indian girls were beautiful. Their nature was more inclined towards... told the Mother all this but She just would not accept. She was a great admirer of Japan, you see. Page 123 The next day I took some books from our Ashram historian Sisir-da to show the Mother. She would not look at the books saying what was written in the books was all nonsense. She had so much love for Japan that even when I was right had to lose before the Mother. And saying... of the Mother. Not to let the slightest hint of a wrong thought enter the consciousness. Even for a second. Your mind should always remain full of faith, love and surrender like a flawless diamond. Like the immobile, clear morning sky. That is why Navajata used to say: 'I respect Pranab for that reason, but I also envy him.' * Whenever Dada speaks about the Mother his face ...
... The Mother The Mother Words of the Mother - I Relations with Others "I am with You" Mother gives always to each one the love he needs. 11 January 1933 I am always seated in your heart, consciously living in you. 2 September 1935 Open your heart and you will find me already there. Don't be restless, remain quietly concentrated... Guru of anyone. It is more spontaneously natural for me to feel the Mother of all and to carry them forward silently through the power of love. 19 September 1961 Page 82 I am not eager to be the Guru of anyone. It is more spontaneously natural for me to be the universal Mother and to act in silence through love. But as you put the question, I shall answer. From the time you... could you think that this could change my love for you? Page 69 Now nothing stands in the way between us, between X and his Mummy, and if my love for you could be greater, it would be so now that you have shown full confidence in me. Remember what Sri Aurobindo has written to you. When these moods come, why do you run away from Mother? Come to her, on the contrary, and she will ...
... I keep away from him? Mother - What do you mean by 'attracted'? I - If I feel some tenderness for someone, if I feel love for him, a love that might obstruct my self-giving to You, then should I detach myself from him or should I keep nurturing that love? Mother - Who is it? I - Mother, you will scold me if I tell You his name. Mother - No, tell me who it is. ... jar in its art, I beseech you, my Mother, Ah! forget me not! Keep holding my hand, Ah! Abandon me not! Ah! Abandon me not! If love of man push me, To pursuits illusory; If my love-filled heart Can love no more impart; Know still, O my Mother, Of You I am a part. Know still, O my Mother, Of... was present my love and my devotion to the Mother. In the way I had drawn the Silence flowers and embroidered them, lay hidden the prayerful aspiration of my birthday. I felt fulfilled as the Mother entered the room and sat in Her chair. I got in and silently sat down at the Mother's feet. I bowed my head at Her feet and offered the flowers to Her. Then our conversation began. The Mother looked at me ...
... body of the ever-veiled Mystery, The compassionate Mother restores sight to my born-blind soul. My soul, a white candle bums on the altar without walls, Unafraid, needing no protection from the wind and the waves, For all is changed. There is only the Great Mother, the Divine Soul, Immeasurable pulsation of Love filling the earth and the sky. 92 - 93... your precious gifts Or remain for life in peace with the Blessings of the Mother Divine. All will be well with you. May the Light of Heaven, may the Peace of the Eternal, May the Beauty and Harmony and Love and Joy of the Infinite Being, May the closeness and security In the embrace of the Mother Divine be with you. 94 - 95 Continuity ... cruel agony, discovered within a hidden joy. The Musician was grateful now with understanding to the Blissful Mother, Who was the Sovereign Queen of his life, always present in his inmost soul. One night while playing his violin, She spoke to him in a whisper. I love to dance to your music, play for Me, in fact, I am your music. I am in the heart of all living beings, I am ...
... other loves except the love for the Divine are voluntarily given up. There reigns only one love in the sadhaka' s heart, that for the Divine Beloved. This love is thus made all-exclusive admitting of no sharing, for "I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." In the word s of the Mother: "To love truly the Di vine we must rise above all attachments. To become conscious of the Divine Love, all... Therefore if you want to be like the Divine, love Him alone." (M C W Vol. 12, pp. 68-69) Sixth Stage: The stern and uncompromising words of the Mother as quoted above may sadden many human hearts. Is love then a taboo for the sadhakas? There is a confusion of understanding here. No, the cancellation of all other loves does not mean that our life will become dry and dessicated and... importance in one's sadhana. It is hard for us to believe but yet it is true that any human love however noble and beautiful it may appear to be, if it involves some attachment on the part of the lover, cannot but act as a "short-circuiting" and prevent the passage of true divine love. Hence the Mother's warning: "... whatever the sincerity, simplicity and purity of the relation between ...
... am to Mother for helping me? I felt almost as if I wouldn’t have to worry about anything in future and that I should be taken care of everywhere. Please tell me, Dada, if I can be of any little service to the Ashram. I would love to do any work – anything. I would feel very grateful if Mother can give me something to do for her. “ Nirod has, no doubt, explained to you Mother’s answers... misconceptions with which the air seems to have become thick and by some of which you may have been affected. I wish to assure you that my love and affection and the Mother’s love and affection are constantly with you. We have had nothing for you but love and affection and a full appreciation of all you have done for us, your work, your service, your labour to make people over there appreciate... background and turning to sport as a substitute, such an idea is absurdly impossible. I hope also that you will accept from me and the Mother our firm asseveration that our love and affection for you are undiminished and that there has been no coldness on the Mother’s part and no least diminution in my constant inner relation with you. In view of what I have written, you ought to be able ...
... brings close the eternal harmonies! Across my length of vigil, nectars move: I am a crystal medium of far light. Through whom the unattainable galaxies Glow with a luminous Mother's intimate love!" SRI AUROBINDO'S COMMENT (Does my consistent sustaining of the telescope image throughout by expressions like "largening thought", "brings close", "length of vigil", "crystal... beauty; and, devoid of you, His dark unknown would yet fulfil my love. SRI AUROBINDO'S COMMENT "No, they are not stiff: the expression is successful and the rhythm harmonious. The first three lines are magnificent " * DELUGE You fear clay's solid rapture will be gone If once your love dives deep to the Unknown— But how shall body not seem a hollow... infinite. SRI AUROBINDO'S COMMENT "It is mental throughout except the last line which has a touch of Higher Mind; but it is fine all the same. Quite up to the mark." * LOVE'S TRIUMPH O face of scorn, you winter not my will: This heart grew brighter when your breath's proud chill Flung my diffuse life-blood more richly in! Now mystic reveries halo ...
... , the sadhaka should recall the bracing adage: "Always behave as if the Divine is looking at you, for he is indeed always present." He should activate his love for the Divine and try to grow in the living Presence of the Divine Mother. This love and the sense of Presence, if strong and genuine, will immensely fortify; Page 244 his will-power and the conquest over one's weaknesses... self-assertion of a self-willed ego. As this love for inner freedom grows in the sadhaka' s consciousness, he realises that 'will' is essentially the forceful application of the intrinsic freedom of the Purusha or Self against the serfdom Prakriti or Nature seeks to impose. The sadhaka will then have a natural shrinking from surrendering his well-loved liberty and going under the yoke of the wily ... making constant progress. "Am I not a child of the Divine Mother? How can I then accept ignoble defeat at the hands of my nature's foibles? I must always advance on the path of my spiritual destiny — come what pay" — such an attitude of self-confidence and resolution has to grow up in the sadhaka' s heart. Here is the Mother's instruction to her children in this regard: "What is i ...
... is only the Mother, the Shakti with her many powers and personalities - Mother-Wisdom, Mother-Might, Mother-Beauty, Mother-Love, Mother-Perfection - and it is the Mother who mediates between the ego and God, between life in ignorance and division and misery and life in knowledge and harmony and ānanda: If you desire this transformation, put yourself in the hands of the Mother and her Powers... non-yogins alike. And the paths of Knowledge, Works and Love could easily converge into a single highway: Divine Love should normally lead to the perfect knowledge of the Beloved by perfect intimacy, thus becoming a path of Knowledge, and to divine service, thus becoming a path of Works. So also should perfect Knowledge lead to perfect Love and Joy and a full acceptance of the works of That which... Permanent - remains; all else is nothing, less than nothing. In Bhakti Yoga, or the Way of Love and Devotion, the sovereign actor is the heart: through the purification of human emotions and human relationships and their elevation to a one-pointed and blissful condition of participation in divine love, the Bhaktiyogin emancipates himself from the turbulent vicissitudes of everyday existence and ...
... Antiochus. Not of your mother, not of your dear mother? ANTIOCHUS You were for me the thought of motherhood, A noble thing and sacred. This I loved. Page 213 CLEOPATRA No more? Are you so cold in speech, my son? O son Antiochus, you have received Your father's face; I hope you have his heart. Do you not love me? ANTIOCHUS Surely I hope to love. CLEOPATRA You... TIMOCLES But are swept away As with a wind. O mother, fatal mother, Why did you keep me from the battle then? My presence might have spurred men's courage on And turned this swallowing fate. It is alone Your fault if I lose crown and life. CLEOPATRA My son! TIMOCLES There, mother, I have made you weep. I love you, Dear mother, though I make you often weep. CLEOPATRA I... a kiss. Another song! you dark-browed Syrian there! Song Wilt thou snare Love with rosy brightness To make him stay with thee? The petulant child of a fair, cruel mother, He flees from me to crown another. O misery! Love cannot be snared, love cannot be shared; Light love ends wretchedly. Page 277 TIMOCLES Remove these wine-cups! tear ...
... If it is the love of my country which led me into danger, it is also the love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Love was the one sovereign reality. Love of the country, love of the India the Mother, love that had bled at the sight of the Mother in bondage, this love had led him to dare danger and difficulty; and his countrymen's love - the infinite love of his numberless... numberless brothers and sisters - welling up to the mighty Mother had made Her take him in Her arms, shield him from defeat and despair, and brought him safely through the ordeal. Patriotism was but a form of love, and suffering itself was a means to the awakening of the love Divine. Sri Aurobindo was "free", the bureaucracy had been humbled, and his friends were elated. But as for Sri Aurobindo... the Bengalee this letter of thanksgiving: ...The love which my countrymen have heaped upon me in return for the little I have been able to do for them, amply repays any apparent trouble or misfortune my public activity may have brought upon me. I attribute my escape to no human agency, but first of all to the protection of the Mother of us all who has never been absent from me but always ...
... mights; The universal Mother's love was hers. There is an uncertainty, there is a fear in the cosmos, the dread of disintegration, decay, death. Savitri's dread reflects this pervading dread in the universe. Similarly, her strength bases itself on the cosmic strength. Her force is one with the cosmic force. All this is possible, because she embodies love which is the sure basis of identity... identity and oneness. This love is the all-embracing love of the universal Mother. Against the evil at life's afflicted roots, Her own calamity its private sign, Of her pangs she made a mystic poignant sword. She is not overcome by the evil that is staring at her in a personal way. She faces it as an individual sign of the Evil that has struck generally at the roots of life... of love and doom she gave. Savitri is verily the Daughter of Infinity. In exchange for her boon of power and delight, earth gives to her the passion-flower of love and doom. Passion-flower is the flower resembling the crown of thorns placed on the head of Christ. As you know, his love for God expressed in pain and tears is called the passion-play. The love on earth, the human love is a ...
... fringed and bubbling with foam, and so beautiful – an irresistible peril. I was going to sink there, split my keel! I wanted it, and feared it. But I have always loved the sea. And I loved Mother, as a drowning man loves air. Yes, I struggled. I said no and then yes. But how I wanted to know! And she made all my old comprehensions melt into a... flabbergasting unknown. I would put up... their Mother, what they had been searching for life after life, through one body after another, through an endless desert of agitated existences. Now that Thirst was fulfilled at last, satisfied to the full with that nectar. As if the body had reached the Goal of the Ages. There are no words to express that. One might say it was all of the body's love meeting its timeless Love. One “loves”... Heaven and a new Earth,” said Saint John of the Apocalypse. The resurrection from the dead is our resurrection. It is the last revolt of the Earth. It is Sri Aurobindo's revolution. And Mother's love. Friday, July 7, 1989 × 1 Rig-Veda, III ...
... vital level, alas, that jealousies and quarrels are rife, but psychic or divine love transcends all rivalry and struggle. True love eschews mere sentiment and tempestuous passion, and is silent in its very strength. At one point the Mother has to tell the sadhak sharply: The Ashram is not a place for being in love with anyone. If you want to lapse into such a stupidity, you may do so elsewhere... how to unite with the divine Presence which is "always and everywhere"? Either go within, and find the Divine in your heart; or look out, and find the visible Divine in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through love and self-giving. 22 Page 376 The way doesn't matter; what is necessary is to find the Divine, and learn to see Him "in all things and everywhere". In a similar vein is Sri... "Cheerfulness is the salt of the sadhana. It is a thousand times better than gloominess." 28 The Mother likewise tells the sadhak that "The Divine is not sad and to realise the Divine you must throw far from yourself all sadness and all sentimental weakness." He should also remember that "Psychic love is always peaceful and joyous; it is the vital which dramatises and makes itself unhappy without ...
... hands. VUTHSA Yes, take me, brother. GOPALACA I shall use the trust And yet deserve it. VUTHSA I love thee well, Gopalaca. How dost thou love me? GOPALACA It was hard to speak, Now I can tell it. As a brother might Elder and jealous, as a mother loves Her beautiful flower-limbed boy or grown man yearns Over some tender girl, his sister, comrade, child, In all these... door. VASAVADUTTA Oh, now I feel My mother's heart when over me she bowed Wakeful at midnight! He has never had Since his strange birth a mother's, sister's love. O sleeping soul of my beloved, hear My vow, that while thy Vasavadutta lives, Thou shalt not lack again one heart's desire, One tender bodily want. All things at once, Wife, mother, sister, lover, playmate, friend, Queen, comrade... Thy proud heart cannot find the way to yield. VASAVADUTTA If thou knewst, mother. UNGARICA No, thou hast the will But not the art, Love's learner. O my proud Sweet ignorance, 'tis he shall find the way And thou shalt know the joy of being forced To what thy heart desires. VASAVADUTTA O mother! She hides her face in Ungarica's bosom. UNGARICA Thou hast done thy father's ...
... delight that is heaven's nectar, O Mother of Love, Mother victorious! October 29, 1932 [Translated from Bengali] XIV MAHALAKSHMI DEAR to thee are gardens of the lotus, Where else shall I spread thy seat, O Mother? On the lotus of my heart press the dawn-roses of thy feet and make it flower. Things ungainly afflict thee, O Mother, I will not cherish them anywhere... her victory. Terrible Mother who presses her children through blazing fire, The sooner to burn out the dross and free the gold - The sooner to smother them with her passionate bliss! Her every tread crushes a demon's head, Unseals for mortals a fount of immortality. October 6, 1932 VIII MAHALAKSHMI MOTHER of Delight- Of Love that moves the sun and stars... babe, all beauty in its sheer nakedness, Reposing ecstatic in the warmth of the mother's lap. The clothings and trappings, the pretences and falsities - All the proprieties that make up our adult wisdom- Cast to the winds -come as innocent as when you were born And bathe in the wide sunlight of the Love Divine. October 4, 1932 VI MAHESHW ARI VAST and serene ...
... delight that is heaven's nectar, O Mother of Love, Mother victorious! October 29, 1932 [Translated from Bengali] XIV MAHALAKSHMI DEAR to thee are gardens of the lotus, Where else shall I spread thy seat, O Mother? On the lotus of my heart press the dawn-roses of thy feet and make it flower. Things ungainly afflict thee, O Mother, I will not cherish them anywhere... her victory. Terrible Mother who presses her children through blazing fire, The sooner to burn out the dross and free the gold - The sooner to smother them with her passionate bliss! Her every tread crushes a demon's head, Unseals for mortals a fount of immortality. October 6, 1932 VIII MAHALAKSHMI MOTHER of Delight- Of Love that moves the sun and stars... babe, all beauty in its sheer nakedness, Reposing ecstatic in the warmth of the mother's lap. The clothings and trappings, the pretences and falsities - All the proprieties that make up our adult wisdom- Cast to the winds -come as innocent as when you were born And bathe in the wide sunlight of the Love Divine. October 4, 1932 VI MAHESHWARI VAST and serene ...
... we know that in him too there is the "indwelling God" who is in all others as well? Only true Love can awaken this veiled Divine to flower into manifestation: For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither demands nor threatens; she offers and gives herself ... she is the mother whose love bears fruit and nourishes, guards and protects, counsels and consoles; because she understands... the recent medical theory of different phases of sleep culminating in about ten minutes of absolute rest and silence, and points out how it corroborates the Mother's own occult-spiritual knowledge and experience: According to the Mother's experience and knowledge one passes from waking through a succession of states of sleep consciousness which are in fact an entry and passage into so many worlds... gardens, and watched the grasshopper-like early aeroplanes take off. I remember her [Mirra's] elegance, her accomplishments, her intellect endowed with mystical tendencies. In spite of her great love and sweetness, in spite even of her inherent ease in making herself forgotten after achieving some noble deed, she couldn't manage to hide very well the tremendous force she bore within herself. 4 ...
... contrary, is as described by Sri Aurobindo in his booklet The Mother and is a magnificent, noble being with an enormous militant energy for a better world, but always in the first place motivated by her motherly love for all her children: objects, plants, animals and men, saints and sinners, gods, asuras, rakshasas and pishachas . The Mother has strongly condemned violence: ‘Violence is an asuric... of the security of those expectations in all their forms (by death, divorce, accident, imprisonment, serious incapacitation, and so on) tops the list of the causes of illness and death. The Mother was Love incarnate. She has made the greatest sacrifices so that this Earth, this ‘place of desolation,’ may become in the shortest possible term a paradise, and she has done everything for the change to... Hour of God, the time of the unexpected. ‘What is happening now is something that never happened before, and therefore nobody can understand it.’ 25 (the Mother) In this book we have got some idea of the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and we may use this insight to try and prolong the lines of their Work into tomorrow as a not totally unfounded thought-experiment. It is already worthwhile ...
... is “Immortality.” Like our love like two children at the feet of Mother. Douce May 25, 1974 (Message from Sujata) Page 99 May our “aspiration” be pure for the secret to be disclosed to us. * It will be written in Mother’s Book. * With so much love, O my beloved Douce * To my Douce: “May we find Mother’s secret together.” May 26, 1974... declared a state of emergency in India from this morning and sent Morarji Desai and Co. 42 into jail. Mother is leading us a merry dance! love, love, sweet beloved Douce July 4, 1975 (Message from Sujata) ... Where is Mother leading you? Is the Amazon getting clearer? Is Mother becoming visible? Page 113 But Her hand holds us, I know that, I can see it. July 8, 1975... presence of love. Love alone ties me down, as if Love had its foundation in this non-love, was forced to be through the very negation. It is the intolerable contradiction that makes the fire. At every moment I am tempted to jump overboard and every time I am caught up by this something that Mother called Satprem. There you are, it sounds like a confession! But that is where the Adversary corners ...
... relation with any but the Mother? And if some have the aspiration, if they feel the necessity of turning to the Divine alone in a passion of love or surrender and if they feel that they can find that Divine in or through the Mother, what is there in that spontaneous movement that is grim and stern and cruel? Are there not people who have left all other ties for the love of a man or a woman and... it is obvious that if we do try to help and save, it is because care and love are not absolutely foreign to our nature or to the Yogic nature or to the Nature of the Divine. I do not see anything that is Page 321 so cold and grim and stern in our dealings—did you really see no love or tenderness in the Mother's attitude and dealings today with Maya and the little child (who is not a... this. You are not to leave Pondicherry by this morning's train or at all. You have to come and see the Mother at 9.30 and speak to her heart to heart. Both the Mother and myself _________________ 1. Barin Ghose, Sri Aurobindo's younger brother. Page 338 have lavished much love and care on you and you are certainly not going to make a return like this—it is impossible. Do not ...
... a great shared love which would be free from all animal activity; something that could reproduce physically the great love which is at the origin of the worlds." Thus speaks the Artist in Mother's drama Towards the Future. "It is this dream that was responsible for my marriage. But it has not been a happy experience. I have loved much, very sincerely, very intensely, but my love did Page 168... means your inside is beautiful." I nodded. And that made me love Mother the more. For, I told myself, anyone can see your physical beauty, but how many care to see your inner beauty?! But generally speaking, people's sense of beauty — what is termed as such —is ... ah, well. . . . Let us hear what Mother says. "If you speak to Europeans, for instance, they tell you there's nothing more beautiful... and giddiness disappeared completely. When I met the Mother I told her all that had happened in the night. She listened to me with love and explained that the poison of the jaundice had evaporated from the body, and that was why I was cured. She said that it was a very interesting case and she was satisfied with my experience. Why had Mother turned away her face, in the first place, and walked ...
... December 1936 Mother, do You believe that I feel for You the love of a child for his mother? A child's love for his mother is full of a spontaneous and absolute trust. In you such a love can only be based upon a psychic opening, for the psychic is likened to a child precisely because it feels this spontaneous and absolute trust in the Divine. 12 January 1937 Mother, please make me ... true cure. 23 July 1934 My sweet little Mother, Yesterday evening during the meditation I felt so much love—I felt waves, vibrations of love. But this love pours itself out on others. Before, when I felt a lot of love it remained silent; I became more serious and I did not express it. But this time, on the contrary, I allowed the love to express itself because I don't find it undesirable... avoiding this person or that... ", I thought I could talk to her and thus gradually come to the true attitude. Mother... love. If it is divine love that you mean, one can obtain it only by renouncing human love, which is a travesty and caricature of it. 26 September 1934 O Mother, I want to act according to Your will and nothing else. Then quickly leave the path you have taken—do not ...
... blind It speaks to the stars of unknown height. Mother, a flame of love so sweet Sways along the path of gold And rises to touch your heavenly feet Where sun and moon and stars you mould. Mother, a flower of eternity Unfolds its petals within my soul. I sing to the light that unveils to me. The Crystal tower, your shining goal. Mother, in my precious secret spot, I am nestled on your... to a stop. Sri Aurobindo corrected it like this: Mother! deep in my heart I find A jewel glimmering in the night, When every mortal sense is blind It speaks to stars of unknown height. Mother! a love-flame swift and sweet Swaying along the path of gold, It rises to your heavenly feet Where sun and moon and stars you mould. Mother! the flower of eternity Unfolds its petals in my soul... I dived so deep inside that the work was forgotten. But that was not a true attitude, I felt. So I wrote to the Mother to clear my doubt. She wrote: “...when you are at work, it is always better to remain fully aware of your body and its action. With my love and blessings”. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo say that all depends on the attitude. I understood my mistake. Afterwards they made me feel in ...
... materialising the new world, yes, this fairytale of Mother and Sri Aurobindo. There is a passage in your letter that touched me a lot, where you say that your life is "useless" — no, no, Carole, it is not true at all. What you are , your mere existence, has its full value. I believe in you, and first of all I love you, that is, Mother too must love you, don't you think so? We are all "in preparation"... much affection. Satprem December 8, 1978 (Letter from Satprem to his mother) My beloved little mother, Here you are in this dark Paris, I'd rather you were in Saint-Pierre, it would reassure me. December 15 is drawing near [my mother's eighty-third birthday], I would like to surround you with much love and gratitude. I have quite the impression that we belong to the same, indestructible... for a long Page 73 time; it is very soft and very good. I surround you with all my love. Satprem December 11. 1978 Vision Mother: "We are going to pass the bac [abbreviation of baccalaureat exam, bac in French is a ferry boat] together." Mother naked. "The stark Mother." December 15, 1978 (Letter to Micheline) At last the customs were passed yesterday ...
... The Radha love is not based upon any such thing, but means simply that whatever comes on the way to the Divine, pain or joy, milana [union] or viraha [separation], and however long the sufferings may last, the Radha love is unshaken and keeps its faith and certitude pointing fixedly like a star to the supreme object of Love. All this, however, has nothing to do with what the Mother wished to... is Shiva, is the Supreme Mother. But through the Ananda you can perceive the ā nandamaya [all-blissful] Krishna; for the Ananda is the subtle body and being of Krishna; through the Peace you can perceive the śantimaya [all-peaceful] Shiva; in the Light, in the delivering Knowledge, the Love, the fulfilling and uplifting Power you can meet the presence of the Divine Mother. It is this perception... one letter why, practically, the Mother could not see anyone until she was strong enough; why should you deduce from it a principle intended to govern her action for all the future? I did not at all mean that you were henceforth to be con founded in the mass and never see the Mother in private! I have not, I think, anywhere insisted on "a silent expression less love" and I cannot even remember having ...
... seen Mother was her gaze.... It seemed that, for the first time someone was looking at me with love. It was a gaze that... went deep into your chest and pierced something open there – a rather overwhelming experience, and a bit... scary, you know. I was leery of it. But nobody had ever looked at me that way. Nobody had shown me that love. I had met... first, there was my own mother, who... who loved me very much. A wonderful – wonderful – woman, truly my mother, and not just in terms of passports and birth certificates. But in all the gazes I had seen, deep down, there was always something trying to "take" or EXPECTING something of you. But here, with Mother, it was quite strange. There was mainly a sort of "power" of love. And you felt that it didn't seek to take anything, just plunged... I think I should put my question differently. I meant: Satprem signifies "The One Who Truly Loves." Yes. Towarnicki: It's the name Mother gave you. Yes. Towarnicki: But can one always truly love? I would almost say that it's a question of temperature. What does it mean, to love? What does it mean, to understand? It means being INSIDE... things, beings; it means perceiving ...
... Matter. At this age when I suppose other children feel their first 'sentiment' for a person or for art or for religion, I was affectionate, well-behaved, even pious. That is, catching it from my mother, I loved 'the little lord Jesus' dearly. But in reality my genuine self was elsewhere." 22 Then Teilhard speaks of "this instinctive movement which made me truly speaking worship a little piece of metal"... when we further read: 20 "It is a great point of force for me, in any case, to recognise that the whole effort of 'evolution' is reducible to the justification and development of a love (of God). It is already what my mother used to tell me. But it will have taken me a lifetime to integrate this truth into an organic vision of things. I imagine that it is this effort of integration that the World must... had need of that.... It is a great point of force for me, in any case, to recognise that the whole effort of 'evolution' is reducible to the justification and development of a love (of God). It is already what my mother used to tell me. But it will have taken me a lifetime to integrate this truth into an organic vision of things. I imagine that it is this effort of integration that the World must ...
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