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Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
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Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
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Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [6]
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Essays on the Gita [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
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In the Mother's Light [7]
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Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
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Letters on Yoga - I [4]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
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Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Notes on the Way [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Education [5]
On The Mother [6]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [3]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Socrates [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [5]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [8]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [5]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [18]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [7]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [2]
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English [261]
A Greater Psychology [8]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [6]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [7]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [7]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [4]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Notes on the Way [2]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Education [5]
On The Mother [6]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [3]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Socrates [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [5]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [8]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [5]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [18]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [7]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [2]
261 result/s found for Universal Consciousness

... Other Writings from the Arya Essays in Philosophy and Yoga The Universal Consciousness I have encountered in my life several examples of people living or trying to live in the universal consciousness and it seemed to me that it rendered them less compassionate, less humane, less tender to the sufferings of others. It seems to me that if it is necessary... people are living in the universal consciousness? or, if they are, is it certain that they are really less humane and compassionate? May they not be exercising their humanity in another fashion than the obvious and external signs of sympathy and tenderness? If a man is really insensible to the experiences of others in the world, he is not living in the full universal consciousness. Either he has shut... action, or he is living inwardly apart from the universe in touch with something transcendent of world-experience. All these states are useful to the soul in its progress, but they are not the universal consciousness. When a man lives in the cosmic self, he necessarily embraces the life of the world and his attitude towards that world struggling upward from the egoistic state must be one of compassion ...


... , because the universal consciousness is not the whole truth of the Omnipresent Reality. Universal consciousness is only one term of it, and universal mental consciousness has a double strain of knowledge and ignorance. When you speak of the Universal Consciousness it is not as if you were dealing with highest spiritual Consciousness: You are dealing with the universal consciousness of which mind is... being, is separated from the universal. First, he does not know himself fully. He is not conscious Page 210 of the whole range of his being. Second, he is cut off from the universal consciousness which surrounds him. Far from being one with universal, he is not conscious of his identity with his own fellows and feels them as separate. If he lived in the universal being he would be able... surface then it can open to universal delight; then each impact of the outside world becomes only an impact of delight. Now this psychic being is the true individuality and it is very close to universal consciousness and delight. In the action of desire-soul, it is the' universal delight that enters, but it is deformed while coming through the distorting and narrowing medium of desire and ego. So what the ...


... that had descended. It was that action which was going on. 27:12:1994 Day before yesterday, during the evening meditation, around the Samadhi, there was the Universal Consciousness. It was the Universal Consciousness that acted in me. It was the Overmind action. Yesterday, for a long time, for more than an hour, the work was going on. I saw the Mother returning, after the work was... universal surrender. The other day I had talked to you about it. I know what it is. I am given the experience. It is certainly not the surrender by everybody. It is the surrender of the universal consciousness of the individual. I saw it very clearly. Something came out from it and made the surrender. From some point of the universal the surrender is made by coming out and offering itself... else could it have been? It resembled me exactly; its features were like mine. It was not bright, but neither was it dull. There was a global consciousness around it. I will not say it was universal consciousness, but there was global consciousness around it. There is a difference between the two. Could it not have been your spirit? Yes, yes, that is very likely. I never thought that it ...


... separate states results from a particular & unusual action of Avidya, the same universal Nescience which in its general & normal action makes men imagine that they are a different self from the Universal Consciousness and not merely states or conditions projected (सृष्ट) of that consciousness. We see here then an established example of the one and indivisible consciousness becoming divided and multifold... Jnana. For this reason perfect love, by which I do not mean the mere sensual impulse of man towards woman, is a great and ennobling thing, for by its means two separated conditions of the Universal Consciousness come together and become one. Still nobler and more ennobling is the love of the patriot who lives & dies for his country, for in this way he Page 107 becomes one with millions... larger stock, of the particular from the general. Thus we have seen that the Sleep Condition or Prajna is a letting loose or let us say selection of one part of consciousness from the wider Universal Consciousness; the Dream Consciousness or Hiranyagarbha is a selection from the wider Sleep Consciousness, and the Waking Consciousness Virat or Vaisvanor is a selection from the wider Dream Consciousness; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... That creates universal disharmony instead of harmony of the Satchidananda. The progress lies in moving from this ego-centricity into universal consciousness, in this very ego realizing itself as the universal consciousness. When it realizes the universal consciousness the world does not change but the significance of all experience completely changes. When a man lives in the cosmic consciousness... progress. Man's progress does not He in moving towards fulfilment of his vital desires and his mental ideas and its forms and of his emotional being but in growing toward and ascending to a universal consciousness, and from there rising to the highest attempt possible,—to the Transcendent consciousness. That is the real line of progress of the individual. A glance at the working of this Sa... rendering of experience as value, completely changes. So that when something is seen it is not seen as the individual distorting consciousness sees it but as it is to be seen from the cosmic or universal consciousness. Then it is seen quite differently, so differently that it is difficult to convey the idea of it to the individual who doesnot know that one could see so differently the whole range of human ...


... truth sense born of an underlying unity or identity and arrange an action of Nature according to the truth of Nature. This would be a real participation by the individual in the working of the universal Consciousness-Force; the individual Purusha would become the master of his own executive energy and at the same time a conscious partner, agent, instrument of the Cosmic Spirit in the working of the universal... superior Power, an overmental and supramental Consciousness-Force, the power of the original Divine Shakti. All the processes of the evolution would be felt as the action of a supreme and universal Consciousness, a supreme and universal Force working in whatever way it chose, on whatever level, within whatever self-determined limits, a conscious working of the transcendent and cosmic Being, the action... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected,—the substance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... is a universe. You know what the universe is? Well, this universe has a spirit, and this spirit is the cosmic spirit; this universe has a consciousness and its consciousness is the cosmic, universal consciousness. One may very well imagine that the universe is only an entity in something which is still vaster, as the individual is only an entity in a much vaster totality. Now, each unit has its ... and the solar system makes a part of all the systems of the universe. So just as there is an individual consciousness, there is a group consciousness and a consciousness of the system, a universal consciousness which is made up of the set of all the consciousnesses composing it, Page 232 plus something, something—something more subtle. Just like you: you have lots of cells in your body;... tumbles: one feels this unity everywhere and realises that he is only a more or less fragmentary part of a whole much vaster than he, which is the universe. Then one begins to have a more universal consciousness. ( Silence ) That's all? Sweet Mother, what does to be possessed by the Divine mean? You don't know? What do you think, that it is you who possess the Divine or the Divine who ...


... consciousness there is not that sense of division between the individual and the universal consciousness which affects the other parts of your nature. You are conscious there that your individuality is your own line of expression, but at the same time you know too that it is an expression objectifying the one universal consciousness. It is as though you had taken a portion out of yourself and put it in front... result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes con- crete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psy- chic being." — The Mother It is a little ph ...


... in a separative consciousness, what is one's relation with the universal consciousness?       One receives from it and returns things to it without being conscious of the process or of the source of what one receives.       Are the Brahman and the Universal Consciousness one and the same?       The universal consciousness is the universal Brahman — in it you see everything as one. ...

... supported by the assent of a universal consciousness by which and for which it is or rather seems to be. Well, if by any chance, law or process this universal consciousness ceases finally to be aware of the universe, then the universe no longer exists for anybody or anything at all; it is proved to be an utter illusion, existent phenomenally only so long as the universal consciousness admitted it, but capable... it, must originally have been imposed on it. There is no rational escaping from that conclusion. Well, the individual soul can escape from consciousness of the universe, but what of the universal consciousness? For so long as the universe goes on existing—and who shall say that it is not for all eternity?—this escape may only prove that the individual soul goes into a state of unconsciousness or ...


... individual we think. We look at the world in the way and speak of it in the terms of individual consciousness; but it is of the universal consciousness that the world is a creation. The individual participates subconsciently and superconsciently in the universal consciousness. But the embodied individual in his physical or waking mind does not so much participate as arrive at participation. He is not... energy—cognizing and cognized by subconscious or superficially conscious sense, because the energy is in a certain inherent reality a conscious energy. It is a knot indivisible in reality from universal Consciousness and Force and Substance but in a certain empirical utility of selective action separative rather than separate. Body, not really separate, is limited by subconscious instinct of separation ...


... sectarianism. On the contrary, it is an all-inclusive or integral force of becoming, comprising matter, life, mind, and implying fullness, wholeness and harmony, and striving towards a creative universal consciousness. Indian art, literature , science, polity should provide a beneficent framework within which one's real self could be sought and made to grow into the image of the Divine, and the truly cultured... versatility, are its distinguishing marks. There is not a page but hits the eye with its own sparkling gems of thought, its glow of purpose, or its radiance of peace. It is verily a global - a universal - consciousness that is displayed everywhere, it is the voice of indubitable authority that is heard, it is the sovereign assurance of a Master that is communicated to a distracted world. It would be fitting... him also Zeus the Eternal. But beyond Force and Intelligence - universal energy and universal reason - there is the third principle, "a third aspect of the Self and of Brahman, besides the universal consciousness active in divine knowledge, besides the universal force active in divine will, it saw the universal delight active in divine love and joy". 68 But this third constituent of the ultimate triune ...

... separate from consciousness. All this world is only one conscious Being. Matter to the Vedantist is only one of several states—in reality, movements—of this conscious being,—a state in which this universal consciousness, having created forms within & out of itself as substance, absorbs & loses itself by concentration in the idea of being as substance of form. It is still conscious, but, as form, ceases to... hypothesis is advanced—into this world from another where they are more at home. If by world is meant not another star or system in this material universe, but some other systematisation of universal consciousness, the Vedantin who follows the Vedas & Upanishads, will not disagree. Life & mind in another star or system of this visible universe might, it is conceivable, be more free and, therefore, at ...


... an obvious and inevitable necessity. Self-existent Truth of things can in that theory be nothing else than self-perceptive Truth of conscious being. The existence of a world of objects of universal consciousness arranged in fixed relations & processes presupposes the existence of this principle of Vijnana & therefore of the faculty of Vijnana. It may, however, be reasonably questioned whether, even... vitality of the nation-idea and, finally, the intuitive mind, looking behind the phenomena of the senses, begin to draw near to the real truth. In real truth a nation is an existence in the universal Consciousness, an Idea-Force in the universal Will that is knowledge, not constituted by geographical boundaries, nor by a given sum or combination of human units, nor by a common language, religion, custom ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... symbol-layers. The emerald-green of the umbrella in a shop seems at the same time to represent the vital plane characteristic of the life in the West, amidst which you outwardly are, and the Universal Consciousness of the Divine that is a Super-Life all about your inner being and that can extend anywhere, even to the farthest West and its vitalistic existence. I put together the pretty triviality of that... Perhaps the name I gave him, following his own queer "creative" reading of words, caught a hint of this side of him: you know that 1 have dubbed him "Lullaby". Now for the problem: If the Universal Consciousness of the Mother is already there in the Bliss-sea, what are all of you waiting for? Your dream is definitely charged with an expectancy. The Mother has still to appear. I believe the waiting ...


... therefore differentiation. The Purusha is aware of all other individuals as selves of himself; he may by a dynamic union become aware of their mental and practical action as occurring in his universal consciousness, just as he is aware of his own mental and practical action; he may help to determine their action by subjective union with them: but still there is a practical difference. The action of the... member of these pairs is contained in its apparent opposite. The universal particularises itself in the individual; the individual contains in himself all the generalities of the universal. The universal consciousness finds all itself by the variations of numberless individuals, not by suppressing variations; the individual consciousness fulfils all itself when it is universalised into sympathy and identity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... 267 aware of the Cosmic Self, the self of other beings, of their movements, of the movements of the cosmic forces, etc. etc. That is the cosmic consciousness. Everyone has a universal consciousness standing concealed behind the individualised personality. When one becomes aware of it one feels in contact with the universal self and forces or one with them. When one has the cosmic... person, the individualised I, but the universalised I identical with all and with the cosmic Self (Atman). Page 277 It is what it represents itself to be—an experience of the universal consciousness aspiring to the Divine Truth and beginning to receive its light. It is not your own consciousness, although you feel it in yourself, but a symbolic experience of this universal Vishwa-Purusha ...


... must have a universal consciousness. Then you can understand. For, I have said it somewhere in what I was reading today; I have said that all things are interdependent and there is neither any "beginning" nor any "end". Where do you put the beginning? 1 To understand that, you Page 192 have to go beyond the earth-bound consciousness, you have to enter a universal consciousness. Then you ...


... the discovery and experience of turiyam svid, the fourth plane, which has been termed as Mahas in the Taittiriya Upanishad, is indispensable for attaining one of the highest levels of universal consciousness or cosmic consciousness. It is interesting that in our own times, the experience of cosmic consciousness is being recognised increasingly, and we find references to it in William James' Varieties... once transcendental and universal, and which is also the self of the individual. The Brahman is also described as the self of all the cosmic beings, the gods, who manifest as aspects of the universal consciousness. The Brahman is also described as Ānanda, the Supreme Bliss, — since Ānaṇda contains within itself the union of Cit (Consciousness Force), and Sat, the essential being. Taittiriya ...


... mind's documentation or as the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected,—the substance ...

... Yogic methods and Yogic knowledge, Yoga continues to discover and apply more and more refined means and instruments, not only to arrive at the union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness and transcendental consciousness, but also to manifest the consequences of this union for arriving at ever increasing perfection of the individual and collective life in the physical world... equality, more and more elevating and more and more luminous experiences of equality is attained by the perception of the interplay of the Page 106 transcendental consciousness, universal consciousness, individual consciousness and also the interplay of the action of Para Prakriti and Apara Prakriti. With the increasing experience of Karma yoga, there comes about the annihilation of desire ...

... mind's documentation or as the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected, the substance ...

... embodying quite another Nature; a transformation not only of consciousness of Being but of Nature also. That is the solution of the problem. Is it possible for the ego to widen out into universal consciousness ? Yes. Normally reason refuses to admit this potentiality and possibility. Perfectibility is not envisaged as a change of consciousness by reason, because reason is overcome by the actual... this consciousness and declared that this is not the final experience possible to human beings; that there is another line of experience possible to man; that it is possible to rise to a universal consciousness, to a divine consciousness, and remain alive and bring something of that Light to life. Page 54 This, reason naturally ignores and constantly argues against because it is ...


... knowledge, power etc. The Higher Consciousness descends after rending of the veil. So by a descent of Light, Power and Knowledge from above, or by an inward turn opening to the self, the universal consciousness, one knows the subliminal parts of one's own being and subliminal movement of universal nature. In the transition from mind to the Supermind one first comes to the movement of what Sri... Supermind are not easily reached by spiritual aspirants. There are experiences that are mental, others come to the vital—and they may be striking—powerful and true as far as they go. But the Universal consciousness, the Overmind and the Supermind are not attained easily. Q : You spoke about the ideas that are mutually irreconcilable in Mind. How are they experienced in Overmind and in the Supermind ...


... there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call “this person” and “that person,” but that notion doesn't quite exist anymore), and then there was an intervention of a kind of universal consciousness in the cells, as though that consciousness was asking these cells what their reason was for wanting to retain this combination or this agglomerate [Mother's present body], while in fact making... that come, for instance, from the number of years, external difficulties, all the deterioration caused by friction, wear and tear. But they seemed to be perfectly indifferent to that! That universal consciousness said, “But here are the obstacles....” And those obstacles were clearly seen: that kind of pessimism of the mind. But the cells themselves didn't care a whit! To them it was like an “accident” ...


... . Be quick, it is late. In one of your writings you have said that beauty is universal and that one must be universal in order to see and recognise it. Yes. I mean one must have a universal consciousness in order to see and recognise it. For instance, if your consciousness is limited to one place, that is, it is a national consciousness (the consciousness of any one country), what is beautiful... farther—to discover the root of these things. Therefore, if you want to have the sense of beauty in itself which is quite independent of all these tastes, the taste of the race—you must have a universal consciousness. Otherwise how can you have it? You will always have preferences. Even if these are not active and conscious preferences, they are subconscious preferences, instincts. So, to know true beauty ...


... consciousness there is not that sense of division between the individual and the universal consciousness which affects the other parts of your nature. You are conscious there that your individuality is your own line of expression, but at the same time you know too that it is an expression objectifying the one universal consciousness. It is as though you had taken a portion out of yourself and put it in front ...


... You see, one always has the feeling either of a vertical ascent to the heights of the Supreme Consciousness or a kind of... how to put it?... horizontal widening into a universal consciousness. A universal consciousness means becoming aware of the forces which manifest in the universe and in all that is manifested. For example, just this: there are many people here; well, let us take these people ...


... there, there, in this body, in that body (in what people call "this person" and "that person", but this notion does not exist very much any more), then there was a kind of intervention of a universal consciousness with regard to the cells, as though it asked those cells for what reason they wanted to keep this combination, if one can call it so, or that conglomerate. Indeed, they were made to understand... other way, but it was in the domain of sensation rather than any other thing. And it was very clear—it was very clear and very continuous, there were no fluctuations. At that moment, this universal consciousness intervened, saying,"There!—the obstacles", and these obstacles were clearly seen (this kind of pessimism of the mind—a formless mind which is about to be born and organise itself in the cells) ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... love for all. But if he means a love that is divine, not tainted by the lower movements, then it is true that until there comes the peace, purity, freedom from ego, wideness, light of the universal consciousness which is the basis of the universal love, it is difficult to have a love that is free from all the defects, limitations, taints of ordinary human love. The more one has of the universality... n for yielding to a vital attraction or attachment. Universal love is the spiritual founded on the sense of the One and the Divine everywhere and the change of the personal into a wide universal consciousness, free from attachment and ignorance. Divine love is of two kinds—the Divine love for the creation and the souls that are part of itself and the love of the seeker and love for the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... existence in itself and that it consists only of the subjective experience of the observer? All things are creations of the Universal Consciousness, Beauty also. The "experience" of the individual is his response or his awakening to the beauty which the Universal Consciousness has placed in things; that beauty is not created by the individual consciousness. The philosophy of these lines is not at all ...


... inner and inmost being—by doing so we build up a new, a Yogic, consciousness which is able to communicate direct with the universal consciousness around and the higher spiritual above. As the individual has a consciousness of his own, so too there is a universal consciousness, a cosmic Being, a universal Mind, a universal Life, a universal physical conscious Nature. We are unaware of it because we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... faultless general effect. I have mentioned Vaughan and Wordsworth and indeed they come to the mind, but there is in Nirodbaran a clearer recognition of hidden realities: he has a sense of universal consciousness that is not prominent at all in Vaughan and more keenly than Wordsworth he feels occult or spiritual presences of an individualised character:   I felt a sudden cry Within the closed... a sky That hid behind its sapphire veil Strange faces orbed with light And beckoning to their splendour-home Beyond the brink of night.   Wordsworth could sense the universal consciousness sufficiently, but these "strange faces orbed with light" are rather outside his pantheistic ken. They are allied more to the Gods of Yeats walking the inner worlds in unbearable beauty and ...


... Vaughan and Wordsworth and indeed they come to the mind, but there is in Nirodbaran a clearer recognition of hidden Page 76 realities: he has a sense of universal consciousness that is not prominent at all in Vaughan and more keenly than Wordsworth he feels occult or spiritual presences of an individualised character: I felt a sudden cry Within... That hid behind its sapphire veil Strange faces orbed with light And beckoning to their splendour-home Beyond the brink of night. Wordsworth could sense the universal consciousness sufficiently, but these "strange faces orbed with light" arc rather outside his pantheistic ken. They are allied more to the Gods of Yeats walking the inner worlds in unbearable beauty ...


... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected, – the substance... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected, – the ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... that in Pondicherry he took his share of the universal battering. For in the Integral Yoga the attainment of a universal consciousness is one of the necessary stages, and we know that Sri Aurobindo had already realized that consciousness in the jail of Alipore. And universal consciousness means universal presence and sensitivity. The following is the first part of Mirra’s entry in her diary on 26 ...

... Page 162 Continent''? And don't you know your speculation about the "other side" - "sea or mountain?" - touched upon the liberation from that Ignorance? The sea represents the Universal Consciousness and the mountain the Transcendent Reality. These are the two states of being that terminate the inner darkness in which our ordinary life is enclosed.   Naturally the question is: "How... answer: "Nolini, looking taller, bigger and fairer-complexioned" than in the outward physical aspect you had known. The tallness pointed to the Transcendent Reality, the bigness stood for the Universal Consciousness and the fairness represented the liberating light which would counteract the power of "the Dark Continent", the "Africa" of the earth-life's nescience. As Nolini had always struck you as ...


... beyond is simply called Turiya, meaning "Fourth". It is the final ground of all and at the same time overarches all. As such, this utter Absolute, this basic stuff of Being, may be considered a universal consciousness in all the planes, founding everything as well as pervading and containing everything. It is called the Self and this Self is called "fourfold". Through a widened awareness in response to its... huts and on my right was a clear huge lovely quiet ocean." Here we have a division between a narrow impoverished existence and the vast beauty and freedom resulting from participation in a Universal Consciousness. The locale -Pondicherry - implies the choice offered by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram between the old human way of living - cooped within a small mentality - and the liberation into a superhuman ...


... here, there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call "this person" and "that person," but that notion doesn't quite exist anymore), and then there was a kind of intervention of a universal consciousness in the cells, as though it were asking these cells what their reason was for wanting to retain this combination (if we may say so) or this aggregate... while in fact making them understand... there's no other way, but it was in the field of sensation rather than anything else. And it was very clear—very clear and very continuous, without fluctuations. And then, at that moment, the universal Consciousness intervened, saying, "But here are the obstacles...." And those obstacles were clearly seen: that kind of pessimism of the mind (a formless mind that's beginning to be born and organized in ...


... centres for the manifestation of the Divine Consciousness. It is to be at the centre of the Cross for the manifestation of the Higher Part of the Transcendent both sideways and downwards in the universal consciousness around and below. This is possible only when the separate formation of the individual personality is dissolved and the separate limited functioning of the instruments is made silent... the self. All Nature's happenings were events in her, The heart-beats of the cosmos were her own, All beings, thought and felt and moved in her. This identity with the universal consciousness and beings is not limited to the mental or the vital but extends and includes all the physical consciousness as well. Her mind became familiar with its mind, Its body was her body's ...

... here, there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call 'this person' and 'that person', but that notion doesn't quite exist anymore), and then there was a kind of intervention or a universal consciousness in the cells, as though it were asking ___________________________________ ¹ Mother ’ s Agenda, Vol. 8., pp. 378 and 382. ² Mother's Agenda, Vol. 6, p. 187-8. ³ Mother... from the number of years, wear and tear, external difficulties—from all the deterioration caused by friction, wear and tear. But they seemed to be perfectly indifferent to that!... ... the universal Consciousness... [was] saying, 'But here are the obstacles....' And those obstacles were clearly seen: that kind of pessimism of the mind (a formless mind that's beginning to be born and organized in these ...

... life or even life in the vegetable kingdom. Disciple : Then how to say that there is life or consciousness? Sri Aurobindo : You can only experience it. If you enter into the universal consciousness which is common to all things then you can feel the metal's parsimonious and spare manifestation of life. In Matter itself and around it you can feel this life and enter into it by identification... under mechanical laws and it is not individualised. In material objects there are physical forces trying to maintain the forms. But there is even some life-force gathered round the form by the universal consciousness which is behind it. Perhaps it even gets experience but the experience is not recorded. There is no growth, because there is no individualisation. And even that idea – of individualisation ...

... is not that sense of division between the individual and the universal consciousness which affects the other parts of your nature. You are conscious there that your individuality is your own line of expression, but at the same time you know too that it is an Page 314 expression objectifying the one universal consciousness. 39 The spiritual or the divine consciousness is not ...


... nothing to poetry except in so far as it is either a frame, setting or ornament to life or else a living presence to the spirit. Nature interpreted by Wordsworth as a part of his own and the universal consciousness, by Shakespeare as an accompaniment or note in the orchestral music of life, by more modern poets as an element of decoration in the living world-picture is possible in poetry; as an independent ...


... and so far as she can consistently with the survival of the type, she presses forward to what she has seen in God's eternal knowledge as standing beyond. From this ego, she moves towards a universal consciousness, from this limitation to a free movement in infinity, from this twilit & groping mind to the direct sunlit vision of things, from this conflict without issue between vice & virtue to a walking ...


... of Matter. Our present experience of Matter does not give us its truth; forMatter is only an appearance of the Reality, a form of its force-action presented to the principle of sense in the universal consciousness. As Mind is only a final dividing action of Supermind and Life of Conscious-Force working in the conditions of the Ignorance, so Matter as we know it is only the final form taken by conscious-being ...


... pervades and possesses. The moment we attribute certain qualities to God, we limit Him and create a double principle in the world. Yet no religion 2 Brahman, we have seen, is the Universal Consciousness which Is and delights in Being; impersonal, infinite, eternal, omnipresent, sole-existing, the One than whom there is no other, and all things and creatures have only a phenomenal existence ...


... the dividing ego-sense. The ethical rule against covetousness is an ordinary human rule and stands on a strong affirmation of the ego-sense & it has no meaning in a gospel of divine life & universal consciousness. The phrase can only stand here, not as an ethical rule, but a rule of the inner life, tending not to the confirmation but to the annulment of the ego. The Mosaic commandment is consistent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... heighten to their greatest lights and powers, they bring embodied life to the point where it can open to a still greater light and power beyond them; the individual mind widens into a vast universal consciousness and lifts towards a high spiritual transcendence. These are at least no sterilising and depressing ideas; they exalt the life of man and make something like godhead its logical outcome. ...


... from desire and disappointment, from sin and virtue. All henceforth is to his conscious sight and sense the will and working of the Divine. He lives and acts as a soul and portion of the universal consciousness and power; he is filled with the transcendent divine delight, a spiritual Ananda. His action becomes the divine action and his status the highest spiritual status. "This is the solution ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... our original conception of Sachchidananda and see whether on that foundation a completer solution is not possible. We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different Page 105 from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being, so also when we speak of universal delight of existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... embraces the universe, is one with it and does not exclude it, even as the universe embraces the individual, is one with him and does not exclude him. The individual is a centre of the whole universal consciousness; the universe is a form and definition which is occupied by the entire immanence of the Formless and Indefinable. This is always the true relation, veiled from us by our ignorance or our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... have many co-ordinated movements which to the finite reason may seem contradictory; it is one but innumerably manifold, infinitely plastic, inexhaustibly adaptable. Maya is the supreme and universal consciousness and force of the Eternal and Infinite and, being by its very nature unbound and illimitable, it can put forth many states of consciousness at a time, many dispositions of its Force, without ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... believed that it would take place in a single day, whereas the activation of the cells of our brain may well take centuries Page 14 before linking us to a higher plane of universal consciousness from which, without ceasing to be human, mental creatures, we shall perceive the universe from within. Dominating the continued double current of desire and refusal, we shall live in detachment ...


... and does not exclude it, even as the universe embraces the individual, is one with him and does not exclude him. The individual is a Page 385 centre of the whole universal consciousness; the universe is a form and definition which is occupied by the entire immanence of the Formless and Indefinable. This is always the true relation, veiled from us by our ignorance ...


... when we think of consciousness, it is of the individual we think. We look at the world in the way and speak of it in the terms of individual consciousness; but it is of the universal consciousness that the world is a creation. 22 Conclusion and Summary Science can only describe the processes of things. To try to explain the essential nature of a thing on the basis ...


... way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected, — the ...


... significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of ...


... mind's documentation or as the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and ...

... as the sense of immortality which attends the formed existence through all its phases of self-development.” 8 “We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being; so also when we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something ...

... What is more important is to know their inner condition and it is this chiefly which comes to her.’ 37 Still, if so desired, she could play back ‘the disque ,’ the recording in her universal consciousness, and know the facts which were relevant to be known, even if trivial. ‘You don’t expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes and in all the universes ...

... there, and there, in this body, in that body – in what people call “this person” and “that person,” but this kind of notion does not exist very much any more. 94 Then there was as it were a universal consciousness contacting the cells, as if it asked these cells for what reason they wanted to keep this combination, if one can call it so, or this conglomerate. 95 They were made to understand or feel ...

... She used to stand for over an hour at times in the early morning in the passage-room I have spoken of, receiving pranams and giving blessings. And as she could draw endless energy from the Universal Consciousness she could compel her body to carry on to please her children. But at the time I heard that whisper, her body had already reached the age of eighty years.   Even more of a strain than ...


... something had gradually stood back from the feverish Amal. The fever had not gone but the real I was free from it. Then 1 recalled Sri Aurobindo writing that mountains were a symbol of the Universal Consciousness. It also struck me that what he had called the "overhead" planes - planes of consciousness above the mind-level - would surely be inner heights in a spiritual wideness, from where Sri Aurobindo ...


... atman. This Mohan atman is not anybody's private possession, except in the sense that it is a profound non-public secret, but it is in that sense the private possession of everybody, a universal consciousness which is one in all, hidden in you no less than in me, and waiting to be felt through an ever wider practice of what I have called "equanimity".   (13.7.1990)   X would be wrong ...


... "dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to re- Page 135 create", they are received with a living sense in us of the original Creativity by which they are projected within the universal consciousness. As a result, they undergo two changes. In the first place, they become congenial to our mind and are felt as its own. In the second, while being enveloped by our mind, they get penetrated ...


... "unitive knowing" is not actually the Vedantic Knowledge in however temporary a form. All practitioners of Yoga9 are aware that there are many "planes" of existence and on each plane there is a universal consciousness which is not the ultimate Ground - Atman, Brahman - or the total Cosmic Consciousness, but only an immensity of the principle basic or active on that plane - the Life Force or the Mind Force ...

... unusable, the universal Mother will recommence manifesting herself in hundreds of individualities according to their capacity and receptivity, every one being a partial manifestation of the Universal Consciousness.”’ 62 ‘Mother is Getting Old’ I am the only one who is young. 63 — The Mother The battle in her body between the new and the old world was leaving its traces. After ...


... achievement with regard Page 267 to living matter; but this still awaits the discovery of the true characteristic method and power of spirit in the body. We may say therefore that the universal Consciousness after its descent into Matter has conducted the evolution there along two lines, one of ascent to the discovery of the self and spirit, the other of descent through the already evolved levels ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... mind's documentation or as the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... go in the normal active human psychology; for it must return soon to the wider self-aware consciousness of which this self-forgetfulness is only a temporary movement. But in the larger universal consciousness there must be a power of carrying this movement to its absolute point, to the greatest extreme possible for any relative movement to reach, and this point is reached, not in human unconsciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... position of the Jiva or what will fill in his new consciousness the part of the ego-sense? There will be no ego-sense even if there is a sort of individualisation for the purposes of the play of universal consciousness in an individual mind and frame; and for this reason that all will be unforgettably the One and every Person or Purusha will be to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises ...


... Surya is the seer, the revealer. His Truth takes into its illumination all forms of things, all the phenomenal objects and experiences which constitute our world, all the figures of the universal Consciousness within and without us. It reveals the truth in them, their sense, their purpose, their justification and right use. Ordering rightly the energies of the sacrifice it creates or produces good ...


... is the eternal Being out of which all becoming derives and to which it owes its potentialities, elements, original and final motives. We may say indeed that all becoming is only an act of universal consciousness, is Maya, is a creation of the will to become, and the only other reality, if there is any, is a pure eternal existence beyond consciousness, featureless, unexpressed and Page 482 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Arya in December 1914. Editorial title. In the Arya the following sentence preceded the question: "One of our Subscribers sends us the following Question:"   Page 601 The Universal Consciousness. Published in the Arya in January 1915. In the Arya the following sentence preceded the question: "One of our subscribers in Europe puts to us the following difficulty:—". ...


... aware of them not merely as brothers,—that is a fragile bond,—but as parts of himself, only when he has learned to live not in his separate personal and communal ego-sense, but in a larger universal consciousness can the phenomenon of war, with whatever weapons, pass out of his life without the possibility of return. Meanwhile that he should struggle even by illusions towards that end, is an excellent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... them up towards the lowest centre of the higher consciousness above your head, so that hereafter they might both be consciously governed from there and that these might both move in a wide universal consciousness not limited by the body.. (3) The other prāṇa , the restless one of which you became aware, is the vital being, the being of desire and life-movement. The work of the Power has been directed ...

... There is a level corresponding to the Satya Loka in the head Page 325 but the consciousness has at a certain stage to rise above the head freely to meet the same level in the universal Consciousness above. Mantras in the Integral Yoga The idea of your friend that it is necessary to receive a mantra from here and for that he must come is altogether wrong. There is no mantra given ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... embodied Mother or open to and concentrate on the consciousness of the Universal Mother? The embodied Mother must be the foundation of the concentration—even when you receive from the universal Consciousness above you, it is from her consciousness that you are receiving. 5 March 1934 ...

... To surrender to the Divine is to renounce your narrow limits and let yourself be invaded by it and made a centre for Page 33 its play. But you must bear in mind that the universal consciousness so beloved of Yogis is not the Divine: you can break your limits horizontally if you like, but you will be quite mistaken if you take the sense of wideness and cosmic multiplicity to be the ...


... limitations of the ignorant external self which receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses, and become directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us. And then only too can we hope to be directly aware of the Divine in us and directly in touch with the Divine Light and the Divine ...


... significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a ...


... being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes concrete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psychic being." It is a little philosophical... You know the difference ...


... Psychic Being and Its Role in Sadhana It is certainly better if the psychic is conscious and active before there is the removing of the veil or screen between the individual and the universal consciousness which comes when the inner being is brought forward in all its wideness. For then there is much less danger of the difficulties of what I have called the Intermediate Zone. Sri Aurobindo ...


... being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes concrete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psychic being. I must emphasise that what is stated briefly here does ...


... Competitions 1966 It might be better to remind you that we are here for a special work, a work which is done nowhere else. We want to come in contact with the supreme consciousness, the universal consciousness, we want to bring it down in ourselves and to manifest it. But for that we must have a very solid base; our base is our physical being, our body. Therefore we have to build up a body solid ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... origin—another origin of influence. It will take months, I believe, before I am able to see clearly. In any case, the general consciousness ( same gesture above the head ), what may be called the universal consciousness (in any case the terrestrial consciousness), has not moved for a minute—not for a minute. It remained there all the while. You have seen this note? 1 Yes, Mother, I have seen it ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes concrete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psychic being. I must emphasise that what is stated briefly here does ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... for Auroville, on the models, etc., (a very nice young man) and he came yesterday with a plea: could he change the word "Divine". I asked him, "What do you suggest instead?" He said, "the universal consciousness". So I answered (laughing), "You belittle it terribly!" He was annoyed, what to do? I said, "Listen, I'm going to make a concession; if you like, we'll say 'perfect consciousness', that's ...

... personal property: on paper that's all very well, but when it comes down to doing it practically... And the problem is always the same: the responsibility should fall on those who have a... universal consciousness, you see, otherwise.... Wherever there is the personal consciousness, it is a being incapable of governing — we see what governments are like, it's dreadful! (long silence) ...

... organs must undergo a transformation, but were it too rapid and too sudden, well, everything would go out of whack. The machine would simply explode. But this Wisdom doesn't come from the universal consciousness (which I don't really think is so wise!), it's infinitely higher: the Supreme Wisdom. Something so wonderful! It foresees things the universal forces in their universal play would overlook—a ...


... all words, and that... for me, the simplest thing (the simplest to express) is, 'The Supreme's Will.' And it's 'The Supreme's Will' FOR THE EARTH—which is quite a special thing. I am in a universal consciousness at the moment and the earth seems to me to be a very tiny thing, like this ( Mother sketches a tiny ball in the air ) in the process of being transformed. But this is from the standpoint of ...


... HERE, in this material swarm.... But I don't see how all this work could be done in the solitude of the Himalayas or the forest. There's a great risk of entering into that very impersonal, universal consciousness where things are relatively easy—the material consequences are so far below that it doesn't much matter! One can act directly only in the MIDST of things. Page 274 Anyway, at the ...


... around me and ill will—mental ill will. 2 But if you have mental control and power, you can go through, they cannot touch you. And other people, when they see a snake, think it is the universal consciousness. So we can't say. Théon used to say that the serpent is the symbol of evolution, and those who were with him always saw rainbow-colored serpents, Page 124 with all the colors, and ...


... Ashram's sport season: ) "It may be good to remind you that we are here for a special work, a work not done anywhere else: we want to come into contact with the supreme consciousness, the universal consciousness, we want to receive it and manifest it. For that, we need a very solid base, and our base is our physical being, our body. We therefore need to prepare a solid, healthy, enduring body, skillful ...


... that on paper, it's very fine, but when it comes to doing it in practice... The problem is always the same: those given the responsibility Page 116 should be people with a... universal consciousness, of course, otherwise... Wherever there is a personal consciousness, it means someone incapable of governing—we can see how governments are, it's frightful! ( long silence ) There's something ...


... asks, "Does the sense of physical pain disappear in the cosmic consciousness?" So you reply: "Certainly it exists in the cosmic consciousness.... The cosmic consciousness is the universal consciousness, the MATERIAL consciousness; there it exists. I know it, in fact, because it's a consciousness I constantly have, so I know that pain exists. Page 198 But it's what follows: ...


... origin—another origin of influence. But I think it will take months before I can understand it. In any case, the general consciousness ( gesture above her head ), what could be called the universal consciousness (or at least terrestrial), hasn't budged for one minute—not one single minute. It has stayed there all the time. Only, you're a complete imbecile; you know how it is when you can't do anything: ...


... becomes unusable, the universal Mother will again start manifesting in hundreds of individualities according to their capacity and receptivity, each one being a partial manifestation of the Universal Consciousness." Page 346 That's important. It's amusing!... It's a long time ago too. There's no date. We're finding some amusing things again.... Three or four people here, at ...


... philosophise in any intellectual fashion, but she often transmits in a systematised intellect-stirring shape the discoveries she has made in the realms of psychology, occultism, the universal consciousness, the transcendental being. To every subject discussed she brings a quickening insight. Sometimes the insight is simultaneously profound and piquant. Thus we read under Meditation and ...

... London), p. 16. 2 Ibid., pp. 14-15. 3 As distinct from the essential individual in respect of whom Sri Aurobindo has remarked: "The individual is a centre of the whole universal consciousness; the universe is a form and definition which is occupied by the entire immanence of the Formless and Indefinable." (The Life Divine, p. 37) 4 Ibid., p. 200. 5 The Life ...

... irrevocably to the spirit. The human soul, as represented in Hamlet, has evolved so far as to stand on a summit from where it can contemplate the entire creation. It has attained a kind of universal consciousness and has the vision of a global movement of nature – even as Arjuna had of the Lord's universal body, and like him is awed and overwhelmed – a harsh world, in which one draws one's breath in ...

... its apparent Page 105 opposite. In reality, the universal particularizes itself in the individual; the individual contains in himself all the generalities of the universe; the universal consciousness finds all itself that the variations of the numberless individuals, not by suppressing variations; the individual consciousness fulfils all itself when it is universalized in sympathy and identity ...


... truth-creation 99 truth-feeling 68 truth-force 67 truth-sense 14, 68 truth-sight, the nature of 67 truth-thought 67,68; see also mind, higher truth-vision 67 universal consciousness 60,66,95 (The) Upanishads 3, 9, 20, 45, 47,48,90 Vaishnavism 87 Vedānta 21 VedānticYoga 21 (The) Vedas 20; synthetic yogas of 48 Vedic Rishis 89, 90, 91 ...

... from these states of equality, more and more elevating and more and more luminous experiences of equality are attained by the perception of the interplay of the transcendental consciousness, universal- consciousness, individual consciousness and also the interplay of the action of Para Prakriti and Apara Prakriti. With these experiences, there comes about the annihilation of desire and also of ego. Sri ...

... audition and sight), as also to Ilā, Saraswati, Saramā and Dakśinā (revelation, inspiration, intuition and discrimination). The knowledge of the superconscious states also included that of universal consciousness, transcendental consciousness, and comprehensive consciousness. This vast fund of psychological knowledge was strikingly classified, and two broad divisions were made: (i) that which pertains ...

... or way of knowing or a faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status. When the powers of any grade descend completely into us, it is not only our thought and knowledge that are affected, — the substance ...

... of an individual being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the Supreme Origin of all manifestation which, through the one and universal consciousness, is concretised in the law or the truth of an individual and so becomes by a progressive growth its soul or psychic being. I stress the point that what I have said here in brief does not ...

... with the universe, as wide as creation itself, can still have a core of ego-sense left behind, however attenuated it may be; the ego-sense can be abolished only by a transcendence even of the universal consciousness and rise into the supra-conscious. And this brings us to the other line of discipline, the supreme discipline which means obedience not merely, not even to the cosmic law but to the transcendent ...

... imaginative construction of any individual consciousness, although it exists in and through the individual consciousness in so far as that consciousness is universalised, is one with the universal consciousness (or the transcendental, the two can be taken together in the present connection). Instead of the Kantian transcendental idealism we can name it transcendental realism. In the other case ...

... portion above the transverse line, stands for the supreme or transcendent Divine, one who is above manifestation; the middle – the transverse or horizontal branch stands for the expanse of the universal consciousness, the Cosmic Divine; and the bottom portion, the vertical line below the transverse stands for the individual Divine immanent or imbedded in the manifestation. You will note that the flower ...

... sea giving up their separate individual name and function. These senses do maintain their identity, each its own, even when they together are all of them part and parcel of the Supreme Universal Consciousness. Only, they become supple and malleable, they intertwine, mix together, even one doing another's work. Also, as things exist at present, modern knowledge has found out that a blind man ...

... with the universe, as wide as creation itself, can still have a core of ego-sense left behind, however attenuated it may be; the ego-sense can be abolished only by a transcendence even of the universal consciousness and rise into the supra-conscious. And this brings us to the other line of discipline, the supreme discipline which means obedience not merely, not even to the cosmic law but to the transcendent ...

... mind's documentation or as the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and ...

... personal property: on paper that's all very well, but when it comes down to doing it practically... And the problem is always the same: the responsibility should fall on those who have a... universal consciousness, you see, otherwise.... Wherever there is the personal consciousness, it is a being incapable of governing—we see what governments are like, it's dreadful! (long silence) There ...


... at the same achievement with regard to living Matter; but this still awaits the discovery of the true characteristic method and power of Spirit in the body. We may say therefore that the universal Consciousness after its descent into Matter has conducted the evolution there along two lines, one of ascent to the discovery of the Self and Spirit, the other of descent through the already evolved levels ...

... response of the waking organism of either man or animal. In the animal the consciousness is not mentally conscient as in man, but is vitally conscious. So this cosmic consciousness or universal consciousness, which is the power of an infinite existence, works on several levels in the cosmos; they are all present in man, in a condensed, tabloid form. The Unconscious, subconscious, subliminal, vital ...


... yet embraces it. The Universal is greater than the Individual but includes and supports it. The Individual holds within himself the capacity to liberate the Self from ego and expand into Universal Consciousness. He can even soar beyond the Universal into the Transcendent and keep his relation with life so as to bring the working of the highest status of Reality into life. The liberated individual ...


... earnest investigator in the science of comparative theology which the world has produced." In Ram Mohan's personality and his life-work we glimpse the wide, cosmopolitan, international, universal consciousness 83. Ram Mohan - the Man and his Work, edited by Amal Home. 84. When he went to France, he was welcomed and honoured by the King, Louis Philippe, who invited him to dinner and fêted ...

... the infinite, the first labour was to create, to manifest or to bring about this individual into being. When this was brought into being, the process is reversed, and it is the path to the universal consciousness, to the Truth-Consciousness of the Infinite again. That is how the supramental operation is leading the whole phase of life towards the original truth from which the individual has been created ...


... Page 80 there (in the psychic being) that your individuality is your own line of expression, but at the same time you know too that it is an expression objectifying the one universal consciousness.”¹ It is only the ego in us that, in its pitiful ignorance, denies the soul, denies God, denies everything that would deliver it from death and suffering. It is proud of its atheism, its ...


... Sadhaks – K opened himself to the Universal, could not distinguish, or rather refused to distinguish and at the end went mad. Or take the case of L, an outsider, who was trying to remain in the Universal consciousness with the vital being full of all kinds of impurities. That is not perfection. When the Divine Power – the Supramental Shakti – works She establishes harmony between the various instruments ...

... Reprinted from the Arya. Part One ("The Question of the Month"): "The Needed Synthesis" (August 1914), "The Significance of 'Arya'" (September 1914), "On Meditation" (October 1914), "On Universal Consciousness" (January 1915). Part Two (Reviews): "Hymns to the Goddess" (May 1915), "South Indian Bronzes" (October 1915)-, "God the Invisible King" (July 1917), "Rupam" (April 1920), "About Astrology" ...


... Immortal. Even though the body dies you know you are immortal. Also there are many things more. For example, freedom from every thing even from the world. You realize the Transcendental and the Universal consciousness. Realization of the fundamental being may be the beginning i.e. of the Essential being, Consciousness and Delight. Then, everything is divine, you are divine, you live in the divine : ...

... Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man has been repeatedly placed before us. Many a man and woman has transcended in the past the limiting ego and claimed the larger freedom of a more universal consciousness. Page 293 But these exceptions have nevertheless failed to effect a basic or total revolution in the mental consciousness. The mass of humanity has remained largely ...


... right direction. In future we might even look beyond the mere human self of man, for, there is within man the possibility of outgrowing his mere humanity. He can widen out and ascend to a universal consciousness. In his inmost being " man is more than man ". The artist discovering his own true self would derive inspiration to create from there. 1 1 To live in the subliminal world, to dwell ...

... and to enter into contact with it and to receive it, it is enough to aspire sincerely for it, to open oneself to it in faith and trust, to widen one's consciousness and identify it with the universal Consciousness. 10 It should be clear, then, that as viewed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother alike, physical education was not an end in itself, but a possible means preparing the beneficiary for the ardours ...


... herself, if we know how to observe her. For the movement of Nature is an ascending one; from one form, one species, she brings forth a new one capable of manifesting something more of the universal consciousness... the present human consciousness will be replaced by a new consciousness, no longer mental but supramental. And this consciousness will give birth to a higher race, superhuman and divine ...


... that keeps together just so long as there is a will behind to keep that so? A few days before 7 October, in a decentralised state of her physical consciousness, there was an intervention of a universal consciousness which made the cells of her body "understand or feel" the problems arising out of the wear and tear on the body and the external difficulties, but the cells "did not attach importance to anything ...


... Aurobindo,—and he is here at one with the Gita—it is the supreme Mother, the parā prakṛti, who has become all these numberless Jivâtmâ, these multiple centres of the one transcendent and universal Consciousness— par ā prakṛtirjīvabh ū t ā . Each Jiva or Jivâtmâ is an individual Self in conscious union with the Transcendent and the Universal. It does not descend .into evolution, but presides from ...

... ¹ The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo. Page 4 This colossal and multiform ignorance is due to the alienation of the human consciousness from the infinite and universal consciousness; it can be abolished only by healing the division. And Yoga is the only means, the only effective spiritual dynamism that can completely heal this division. Here Yoga means not the union ...

... Truth I desire (i.e. the human by the divine), together the unripe things of the Cow and her ripe and honeyed yield (again the imperfect human and the perfect and blissful divine fruits of the universal consciousness and existence); she (the cow) being black (the dark and divided existence, Diti) is nourished by the shining water of the foundation, the water of the companion streams ( jāmaryeṇa payasā ) ...


... thought of the Page 243 mind are the motives of action only in the lower nature; when the ego is lost and the Yogin becomes Brahman, when he lives in and is, even, a transcendent and universal consciousness, action comes spontaneously out of that, luminous knowledge higher than the mental thought comes out of that, a power other and mightier than the personal will comes out of that to do for him ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... third idea of strongest consequence at the base of Indian religion is the most dynamic for the inner spiritual life. It is that while the Supreme or the Divine can be approached through a universal consciousness and by piercing through all inner and outer Nature, That or He can be met by each individual soul in itself, in its own spiritual part, because there is something in it that is intimately one ...


... flowers, so to speak, are not conscious: it is a spontaneous movement, not a consciousness that is conscious of itself, not at all. But it is a great Force which acts through all that, the great universal Consciousness and the great Force of universal love which makes all things blossom in beauty. That is what I have written there also ( Mother resumes reading "The Four Austerities" ): "Is it not love ...


... universe. You cannot become the universe physically, you know; but perhaps there is a way of becoming the universe: it is in the consciousness. If you identify your consciousness with the universal consciousness, then you know what is happening. But that's the only way; there are no others. It is an absolute fact that one knows only what one is, and if one wants to know something, one must become ...


... within me and this "me" was something wider than I as a man. Page 290 To have that is very important—to get into something wider than the I as a man—into one's own cosmic Self and universal consciousness—in the Mother. ...

... being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the supreme origin of all manifestation which, through the medium of the one and universal consciousness, takes concrete form in the law or the truth of an individual and so, by a progressive development, becomes his soul or psychic being." It is a little philosophical.... You know the difference ...


... of an individual being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the Supreme Origin of all manifestation which, through the one and universal consciousness, is concretised in the law or the truth of an individual and so becomes by a progressive growth its soul or psychic being.     I stress the point that what I have said here in brief does ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... not merely as brothers, — that is a fragile bond, — but as parts of himself, only when he has learned to live not in his separate personal and communal ego-sense, but in a larger universal consciousness can the phenomenon of war, with whatever weapons, pass out of his life without the possibility of return. Sri Aurobindo Page 22 ...


... the work conceived in the depths can be realised. Of this, O Lord, Thou hast given us the assurance, an assurance which has been accompanied by the most powerful promise that Nature, the universal Consciousness can possibly make.... Thus we have the certitude that what must be done will be done and that our present individual beings are in reality called upon to collaborate in this glorious victory ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... contact with it and receive it, it is sufficient to sincerely aspire for it, to open oneself to it in faith and confidence so as to enlarge one's consciousness for identifying it with the universal Consciousness." "Energy Inexhaustible" , On Education In these articles I am trying to put into ordinary terms the whole yogic terminology, for these Bulletins are meant more for people who lead ...


... of the limits of your ego. To surrender to the Divine is to renounce your narrow limits and let yourself be invaded by it and made a centre for its play. But you must bear in mind that the universal consciousness so beloved of Yogis is not the Divine: you can break your limits horizontally if you like, but you will be quite mistaken if you take the sense of wideness and cosmic multiplicity to be the ...


... could have been foreseen. Indeed, I refuse to believe it. I call it an accident—a rather terrible accident, but still, you see, it is especially terrible to the human consciousness; for the universal consciousness, it may only be quite a reparable accident. And after all, when it has been set right, we shall even be able to recall it and say, "Ah! it has given us something we wouldn't have had otherwise ...


... second of concentration—He is there! He is there, He is everywhere. He is far away only when we think He is far away. Naturally, when we begin to think of all the zones, all the planes of universal consciousness and that it is at the very end, at the very end, right at the very end, then it becomes very far away, Page 152 very, very far! ( Mother laughs. ) But when we think that He is ...


... and to enter into contact with it and to receive it, it is enough to aspire sincerely for it, to open oneself to it in faith and trust, to widen one's consciousness and identify it with the universal Consciousness. At the outset, this may seem very difficult, if not impossible. Yet by examining this phenomenon more closely, one can see that it is not so alien, not so remote from the normally developed ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... herself, if we know how to observe her. For the movement of Nature is an ascending one; from one form, one species, she brings forth a new one capable of manifesting something more of the universal consciousness. All goes to show that man is not the last step in terrestrial evolution. The human species will necessarily be succeeded by a new one which will be to man what man is to the animal; the present ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... can only come by the perfection of his own existence through the principle in himself to which he has not yet attained and by embracing consciously the life of others in his own through a universal consciousness which must also be gained by the superconscient becoming conscient in us through an upward evolution. Page 477 ...


... exist only in her inferior kingdoms. As one rises higher they become conventional boundaries which we can always stride across and, on the summits, they merely mark off compartments in our universal consciousness. The soul does not move, but motion of Nature takes place in its perfect stillness. The motion of Nature is not real or material motion, but vibration of the soul's self-consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... limitations of the ignorant external self which receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses, and become directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us. And Page 204 then only too can we hope to be directly aware of the Divine in us and directly in touch with the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... mind grow wider, even in the end the physical consciousness grows wider and wider, until you feel all things in yourself, yourself one with all things. You then become one with the Mother's universal Consciousness. That is why you feel the mind becoming wide. But also there is much above the human mind and it is this which you feel like a world above your head. All these are the ordinary experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... is in process of final foundation. The revolt of the evolutive tendency non-central to the adhara is the cause of the relapse of these last two days and the break of the unity in the universal consciousness. As usual the relapse has synchronised with the reappearance of the Mahakali energy. Anandamaya samata has been superficially disturbed, but tends always to hold its own. Sraddha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... about by specific concentration and effort. It is certainly better if the psychic is conscious and active before there is the removing of the veil or screen between the individual and the universal consciousness which comes when the inner being is brought forward in all its wideness. For then there is much less danger of the difficulties of what I have called the intermediate zone. Page 307 ...


... s. That [ thoughts about others ] can be only a temporary result of past activities. The endeavour should now be to make the ascent above into the silence of the Self in the higher universal consciousness above, for that was evidently what was trying Page 423 to come when the disturbance broke in. That would probably bring also the descent of the permanent spiritual peace into all ...


... in that mass of being. Page 506 × The embodied individual mind is a surface fragmentation of the universal consciousness repeating by its perceptions this creation and so by a sort of reflection creating for its own thought and sense its own perceptual and conceptual universe. ...


... limited knowledge supported by a secret All-Wisdom as an instrument for working out within the necessary limitations a restricted world-order may be admitted as an intelligible process of the universal Consciousness and Energy; but the necessity of false hood and error, the necessity of wrong and evil or their utility in the workings of the omnipresent Divine Reality is less easily admissible. And yet ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... significance is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... itself by an act of power which is inseparable from the act of knowledge and from the movement of self-existence, is indeed one and the same act. For we have seen that universal force and universal consciousness are one—cosmic force is the operation of cosmic consciousness. So also divine Knowledge and divine Will are one; they are the same fundamental movement or act of existence. This indivisibility ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... self-directive knowledge inherent in Consciousness which enables it to guide its own Force inevitably along the logical line of the original self-perception. It is then a self-determining power in universal consciousness, a capacity in self-awareness of infinite existence to perceive a certain Truth in itself and direct its force of creation along the line of that Truth, which has presided over the cosmic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... can arrive at that which is beyond himself, that which he represents, and can yet continue to represent it, no longer as an obscured and limited ego, but as a centre of the Divine and of the universal consciousness embracing, utilising and transforming into harmony with the Divine all individual determinations. We have then the manifestation of the divine Conscious Being in the totality of physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... aim possible to man upon earth. Thus the eternal paradox and eternal truth of a divine life in an animal body, an immortal aspiration or reality inhabiting a mortal tenement, a single and universal consciousness representing itself in limited minds and divided egos, a transcendent, indefinable, timeless and spaceless Being who alone renders time and space and cosmos possible, and in all these the higher ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... formulation incomplete terms of the Transcendence, but they are that in their essence, and it is only by becoming conscious of that essence that Page 1062 individual consciousness or universal consciousness can come to its own fullness and freedom of reality. Otherwise the individual may remain subject to the cosmic movement and its reactions and limitations and miss his entire spiritual freedom ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... approaching the Divine on either of these sides. We may think, feel and say that God is Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Power, Love, Delight, Beauty; we may see him as a universal force or as a universal consciousness. But this is only the abstract way of experience. As we ourselves are not merely a number of qualities or powers or a psychological quantity, but a being, a person who so expresses his nature ...


... d of our true individuality, to be the apparent and not the real individual; it is our power of ignorance. To be taken up into the divine Being and be aware of our spiritual, infinite and universal consciousness as that in which we now live, is to possess our supreme and integral self, our true individuality; it is our power of self-knowledge. By knowing the eternal unity of these three powers of ...


... ethical element and its perfection and fulfilment in the gnostic nature. Ordinarily, in the common notion, the separative ego is our self and, if ego has to disappear in a transcendental or universal Consciousness, personal life and action must cease; for, the individual disappearing, there can only be an impersonal consciousness, a cosmic self: but if the individual is altogether extinguished, no further ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... body and the physical life and outer mind and it is above too the inner mind and its experiences. It can be aware of all things in whatever world, on whatever plane, in whatever formation of universal consciousness. It can be aware of the things of the material universe even in the trance of samadhi, aware of them as they are or appear to the physical sense, even as it is of other states of experience ...


... an increasing spontaneity of the supramental discrimination and a constant heightening of its own energy. The consciousness of supermind is a cosmic consciousness and it is in this self of universal consciousness, in which the individual knower lives and with which he is more or less closely united, that it holds before him the object of knowledge. The knower is in his observation a witness and this ...


... time, I was in a consciousness in which the separate individuality no longer existed, but the principle... (how should I Put it?) the particular principle of each individual persisted in the universal Consciousness. And then, mon petit, everything became so marvelous!... It lasted maybe for an hour, a little more or a little less, I don't know, but anyway long enough to... ( Mother smiles ), I mean, to ...


... and which can be realised only by overpassing the ego-cadre, is an inherent aspect of the multi-moded Spirit and is not debarred from a genuine oneness with other individuals and with the universal consciousness. Beyond the universe it has its reality in the Transcendence whose complementary manifested formulations are the universe and the individual. In a general sense we may say that the original ...

... power. It is a divine Friend who meets us or a Divine Master or a World Father or World Mother or an almighty Lord of all or a Divine Lover. We are in the presence of a Cosmic Spirit in whose universal consciousness we lose our separate ego or a Supracosmic Absolute in whom we lose altogether our cosmic as well as our individual existence. We find our own highest Self or the Self of all or we pass into ...


... Knowledge, conscient of individual nature and universal forces and responsive to a transcendent governance, this is Karmayoga. To live, be and act in a divine, illimitable and luminous universal consciousness open to that which is more than universal, no longer to grope and stumble in the old narrowness and darkness, this is Karmayoga. Whosoever is weary of the littlenesses that are, whosoever ...


... first terms, the aspect of consciousness, the aspect of power, a supreme intelligence and a supreme energy. The eye of Indian thought saw a third aspect of the Self and of Brahman; besides the universal consciousness active in divine knowledge, besides the universal force active in divine will, it saw the universal delight active in divine love and joy. European thought, following the line of Heraclitus' ...


... potentiality is coming to the front, a Page 249 compelling, luminous force is gaining hold of human existence. We are on the threshold of a new age - the age of universal consciousness, and language too on its side is rapidly being transformed into a competent instrument of luminous power and inspired intelligence. Each language has certain signal advantages as ...


... and by means of which alone I had strained always to draw from the sense of absolute aesthesis a secret religion. In general, the poetic process requires no direct mysticism. For the universal consciousness can be touched by any faculty in us and the Archetype can set glowing the hues of a million moods. In art, beauty is all - though we must understand by the term a beauty of substance no less ...


... take months, I think, before I’ll be able to see clearly [what happened during the ordeal]. In any case, the general consciousness [same gesture above the head], what one might call the universal consciousness (in any case terrestrial) didn’t leave me one minute. Not one minute. It remained here all the while. ‘It wasn’t an innocent paralysis! For at least three weeks – at least – for three weeks ...

... universe as Divine's Grace.... Day and night I see myself in this huge form… radiating the only thing—fire! fire! Explanation: It is what it represents itself to be—an experience of the universal consciousness aspiring to the Divine Truth and beginning to receive its light. It is not your own consciousness, although you feel it in yourself, but a symbolic experience of the universal Vishwa-Purusha ...

... evolution and the consciousness that has descended from above for involution.... [Thus] the subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage ...

... taken the shape of a double movement, a prior involution of the spirit followed by a process of evolution. "Involution is the process of self-limitation or densification, by which the universal Consciousness-Force veils itself by stages until it assumes the appearance of a dense cosmic Inconscience". 2 Thus is reached the lowest stage of this downward plunge of the manifestation—a total involution ...

... manifestation has taken the shape of a double movement, a prior involution of the spirit followed by a process of evolutionary ascension. Involution is the process of self-limitation by which the universal Consciousness-Force has veiled herself by stages until she assumes the appearance of a dense cosmic Inconscience. We feel tempted at this point to reproduce in full a magnificent passage by Sri Aurobindo ...

... ce is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Inconscience, a veil of insensibility of Matter hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within it, so that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of creation assumes in the physical universe, appears to be itself inconscient and yet does the works of ...

... effective attitude when confronted with Evil? There is no sin not our own.... You have this experience when for some reason or other, depending on the case, you come into contact with the universal consciousness—not in its limitless essence but on any level of Matter. There is an atomic consciousness, a purely material consciousness and an even more generally prevailing psychological consciousness ...


... not at all: from the general standpoint of the earth and humanity in general. It was exceedingly interesting! And then, at the same time, a vision showing how, with what swift movement, the universal consciousness moves ( arrowlike gesture ) in a progression towards the Divine—the TRUE Divine, I mean, not religions, of course—towards the TRUE Divine... through all that. And with the consciousness of ...


... the models and so on (a young man, he is very nice), and yesterday he came with a prayer: whether he could change the word "divine." I asked him, "What are you offering me?" He said, "The universal consciousness." Then I answered ( laughing ), "You are making it shrink terribly!" He was bothered: what's to be done? I told him, "Listen, I'll make a concession for you; if you like, we'll say 'perfect ...


... vital-animal consciousness - was a necessary part of the human past. Someone Rama-like was assuredly there and Valmiki has so projected him that all his actions bear the stamp of an Avatar's universal consciousness. Sri Aurobindo declared that he could clearly recognise the Avataric afflatus in all the decisions and deeds of Valmiki's Rama. I think that for all prac- Page 261 tical purposes ...


... encourage them, but they are on quite... friendly terms. It's very subtle, but absolutely true. I see a given vibratory phenomenon of the cells with the Consciousness (let's call it universal Consciousness), and then the very Page 293 same thing seen in a medical consciousness—if you knew how changed it is! It takes on a very concrete character, to begin with (which it otherwise doesn't ...


... rush that creates the original would be missing. Sri Aurobindo himself says that Savitri renders into poetry a symbol of things occult and spiritual. In fact it has the essence of a universal consciousness which brings with it wide and luminous knowledge, power, charm, beauty in possession of the truth and truth in the lure of beauty, and the obligation is that these must at least in some ...


... own. Evidently the stoppage was a period of inner assimilation brought about by the Guru. A notable experience which his correspondence with Sri Aurobindo reveals is of the Brahmic or Universal Consciousness. No doubt, a very important state realised for a shorter or longer period, but one that has been undergone by a number of sadhaks. We find it indicated, for instance, in Sahana-devi's corr ...


... of our true individuality, to be the apparent and not the real individual; it is our power of ignorance. To be taken up into the divine Being and be aware of our spiritual, infinite and universal consciousness as that in which we now live, is to possess our supreme and integral self, our true individuality; it is our power of self-knowledge. By knowing the eternal unity of these three powers ...


... the starting-point or basis for an indirect constructive experience. The subliminal has the right of Page 74 entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage ...


... Whereas the outer being "receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses", 15 the inner being is "directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us." 16 For the inner mind is directly in touch with the universal mind, just as the inner vital is in direct touch with the universal ...


... love? Is it based upon the sense of oneness in all? Universal love is the spiritual, founded on the sense of the one and the Divine everywhere and the change of the personal into a wide universal consciousness, free from attachment and ignorance. What is the nature of the Divine Love? Can you say that it is in its nature free from all lower bondage, vast, pure and luminous? Divine love ...

... maintains with the universe with the sense-mind and the senses. As Sri Aurobindo explains: "The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world; it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and ...


... belongs to the domain of multiplicity and therefore subject to the ignorance of the underlying unity and of the essential knowledge of the true relationship between the individual consciousness, universal consciousness and transcendental consciousness. Great perils of occultism arise from great mixtures of knowledge and ignorance that are found in the domains in which occultism normally dwells. Occultism ...

... states of supernal ecstasy. The methods of the yoga of Devotion, when followed with regularity and constancy, confirm the repeated experiences and realizations of the human individual with the universal consciousness and with the consciousness of the Lord of the universe. 33 Yoga of Knowledge The yoga of knowledge 34 has also its own specific methods where the powers of intellect are ...

... from desire and disappointment, from sin and virtue. All henceforth is to his conscious sight and sense the will and working of the Divine. He lives and acts as a soul and portion of the universal consciousness and power; he is filled with the transcendent divine delight, a spiritual Ananda. His action becomes the divine action and his status the highest spiritual status. Page 85 "This ...

... role of the individual in the evolutionary process is, according to Sri Aurobindo, of fundamental importance. In the evolution, the individual, as distinguished from the ego, is capable of universal consciousness, and therefore, can summarise within his own consciousness the evolutionary experiences of cosmic evolution and lead it to a higher grade of evolution in individual formations, even when the ...

... our original conception of Sachchidananda and see whether on that foundation a completer solution is not possible. We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being, so also when we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something ...

... 2 The Life Divine, p. 277. Page 130 domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status.... Each stage of this ascent is a general, if not a total, conversion of the being into a new light and power of a greater ...

... will and the thought of the mind are the motives of action only in the lower nature; when the ego is lost and the Yogin becomes Brahman, when he lives in and is, even, a transcendent and universal consciousness, action comes spontaneously out of that... (Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, I, p. 303) Page 61 Action without desire is possible, action without attachment ...

... third idea of the strongest consequence at the base of Indian religion is the most dynamic for the inner spiritual life. It is that while the Supreme or the Divine can be approached through a universal consciousness and by piercing through all inner and outer Nature, That or He can be met by each individual soul in itself, in its own spiritual part, because there is something in it that is intimately one ...

... the sea giving up their separate individual name and function. These senses do maintain their identity, each its own, even when they together are all of them part and parcel of the Supreme Universal Consciousness. Only, they become supple and malleable, they intertwine, mix together, even one doing another's work. Also, as things exist at present, modern knowledge has found out that a blind man can ...

... what he does, to think what he does. But flowers are not, so to say, conscious at all, theirs is a spontaneous movement. It is a mighty Force that is at work through all this, the great universal Consciousness, the great force of universal Love that makes all things flower in beauty. It is said the tiger's need to devour is one of the first expressions of love in the world. What is likely ...

... the sea giving up their separate individual name and function. These senses do maintain their identity, each its own, even when they together are all of them part and parcel of the Supreme Universal Consciousness. Only, they become supple and malleable, they intertwine, mix together, even one doing another's work. Also, as things exist at present, modern knowledge has found out that a blind man can ...

... portion above the transverse line, stands for the supreme or transcendent Divine, one who is above manifestation; the middle—the transverse or horizontal branch stands for the expanse of the universal consciousness, the Cosmic Divine; and the bottom portion, the vertical line below the transverse stands for the individual Divine immanent or imbedded in the manifestation. You will note that the flower ...

... and the force descends to take possession. Besides, a distinction must be made between the real individuality and the illusory sense of the ego. The true individuality is a fragment of the universal consciousness and even when it seems to merge in this consciousness, the distinction is nevertheless there. It permits organised action, which without it would be impossible. As gradually the supreme ...


... individual being is the result of the projection, in time and space, of one of the countless possibilities latent in the Supreme Origin of all manifestation which, through the one and universal consciousness, is concretised in the law or the truth of an individual and so becomes by a progressive growth its soul or psychic being.36 This definition of the psychic being will be sufficient ...

... the body ; the great plane the lower part, – the foundation". Sri Aurobindo : It means if you want to rise to the Supermind  you have to attain the mahas – the wide, infinite and universal consciousness which is its basis : Ritam means "Truth of movement".  Satyam is "Truth of being"   ś raddhā is the acceptance of the Truth when it is there. Disciple : When the Truth is ...

... insist; on a certain kind of food. In order to arrive at that stage you have to give up your individual likes and dislikes – because that is a very limited condition – and enter into the universal consciousness and find : what the cosmic spirit enjoys through each of these forms, what delight it derives from each. Disciple : What relation will ;the Superman have with outside humanity? ...

... imaginative construction of any individual consciousness, although it exists in ahd through the individual consciousness in so far as that consciousness is universa,lised, is one with the universal consciousness (or the transcendental, the two can be taken together in the present connection). Instead of the Kantian transcendental idealism we can name it transcendental realism. In the other case ...

... before, and what I they were afraid of becoming. This is of no value to us. But for us, where the world is the field of action, one must widen the consciousness and be in touch with the universal consciousness and I abandon oneself completely to the Divine — the action, the work and everything. Then alone can one perceive gradually the action of the Eternal and the Infinite. But now, to carry out ...


... what he does, to think what he does. But flowers I are not, so to say, conscious at all, theirs is a spontaneous movement. It is a mighty Force that is at work through all this, the great universal Consciousness, the great force of universal Love that makes all things flower in beauty. It is said the tiger's need to devour is one of the first expressions of love in the world. What is likely to prove ...

... the luminous point that breaks through is, as I have said, the soul-power, the psychic. That creates the rift in the dense covering through which can pour down the rains and streams of the universal consciousness with its purificatory ablution of the lower nature and conciousness. But this again becomes not only possible but inevitable when this new consciousness contacts openly and directly its master ...

... the universe: Consciousness-Force, Chit-Agni . While consciousness is a force, the reverse is also true: force is consciousness; all the forces are conscious. 53 Universal Force is universal Consciousness. This is what the seeker discovers. After coming in contact with the current of consciousness-force in himself, he can attune himself to any plane of universal reality, at any point, and perceive ...

... and hearing are 'thrown into the background to make room for identification by consciousness'. 1971 Jan 16 During the illness, although her body felt it was 'being torn asunder' her universal consciousness became stronger and clearer and constant: '1 continued to work, not only for India but for the world....' - Feb 21 Directs the laying of the foundation stone for Matrimandir, 'the soul ...


... circle: disintegration does not take place—one again finds the beings one truly loved and one pursues a common work. But there remains the little corpse that has never yet become a part of the universal consciousness—and as long as there remains a scrap of death somewhere, the tree will not be complete. The body is the complete proof. We are at the stage of evolution where, thanks to the "I," we have ...


... when the Mother began reading the last six chapters of The Life Divine, she fastened upon Sri Aurobindo's reference to the veil of Inconscience, the veil of insensibility, that hides the universal Consciousness-Force which works within Matter, and on this text she built her own sermon on the Reality at the heart of Matter: When you pick up a stone and look at it with your ordinary eyes and c ...


... of man from his natural self to his true being or his spirit./Aswapathy gets this realization of the spirit, leading to a widening of his true being, equating him with the cosmos, with the universal consciousness, the universal being. Marching through all the planes which have their counterpart in his nature, he is then led to a divine consciousness where he is able to take the whole of human aspiration ...


... character in a drama or story, and at the same time a detachment keeps all personal elements aside. The individual outgrows the limits of his ego, enlarges his being, and has the joy of the universal consciousness. That is why Vishwanath, the Sanskrit critic, speaks of the delight or Rasa — as " Brahmānanda sahodara " "Of the same nature as the spiritual delight of the Brahma". The meaning ...

... story, and at the same time a detachment keeps all personal elements aside. The individual out- grows the limits of his ego, enlarges his being, and has the Page 89 joy of the universal consciousness. That is why Vishwanath the Sanskrit critic, speaks of the delight or Rasa E "Brahmananda sahodara" "of the same nature as the delight of the Brahman." The meaning of the word 'Rasa' ...

... methods, way of knowing or faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal consciousness—Force constituting and organizing itself into a higher status."³ " In the descent of these higher grades upon us it is this greater light, force essence of being and consciousness, energy ...

... takes her stand upon the assurance of the Divine : "Of that ,O Lord, Thou hast given us assurance, an assurance which has been accompanied by the most powerful promise which Nature, the universal Consciousness, can ever make...We have, therefore, the certitude that what has to be done will be done, and that our present individual being is really called upon to collaborate in this glorious victory ...


... they only give a form to Page 189 its direct experience of objects...The subliminal has the right of entry into the mental and vital and subtle-physical planes of the universal consciousness, it is not confined to the material plane and the physical world, it possesses means of communication with the worlds of being which the descent towards involution created in its passage and ...


... contact with it and to receive it, it is sufficient to sincerely aspire for it, to open oneself to it in faith and confidence, so as to enlarge one's consciousness for identifying it with the universal Consciousness, ”¹ "We can easily imagine what would be the consequences of this power to draw at will and in all circumstances from the limitless source of an omnipotent energy in its luminous purity ...


... influence can spread all over the world, who by actual test can prove that it is something superior to the means hitherto employed. Disciple : Will it have a power (corresponding to the Universal Consciousness) over humanity? Sri Aurobindo : We shall leave it to the Supermind to answer that question when it comes. Disciple : The materialist and scientist say that Yogis have done nothing ...

... way of knowing, or faculty or power of cognition; they are domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the Spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status."— Life Divine. "In the descent of these higher grades upon us it is this greater light, force, essence of being and consciousness ...

... evolved in man is only a trembling ray on the surface, but behind is the vast subconscient and also the vast subliminal and also the superconscient, which receives all the contacts of the universal consciousness, being, and delight. In life we dimly feel the Self calm and joyous, sometimes, and we know that this world is not Its master. Therein, man has gone through a great crisis, and if he can become ...


... Aurobindo spoke of: all that was left was that body, pure, without ramparts, or which was itself perhaps the last rampart undergoing its own transmutation. And on the other side, a physical universal consciousness, another state, a different way of being … unspeakable, but which no longer obeyed the laws of the tomb, no longer needed eyes, ears, a memory and even a body to move with, and for which the ...

... those iron bars, the white wall, the green-leaved tree shining in the sunlight, it seemed as if these commonplace objects were not unconscious at all, but that they were vibrating with a universal consciousness, they loved me and wished to embrace me, or so I felt. Men, cows, ants, birds are moving, flying, singing, speaking, yet all is Nature's game; behind all this is a great pure detached spirit ...

... aware of them not merely as brothers, - that is a fragile bond, - but as parts of himself, only when he has learned to live, not in his separate personal and communal ego-sense, but in a large universal consciousness, can the phenomenon of war, with whatever weapons, pass out of his life without the possibility of return. 57 * The reader is also referred to Nolini Kanta Gupta's Towards a New Society ...

... miscellaneous essays, comments on the progress of the war or on the prospects of perpetual peace, discussions on   Page 404 materialism, meditation, astrology and the universal consciousness, discourses on the reincarnating soul and the ascending unity, notices of books and journals, appreciative notes on poetry and art - these too were scattered in princely profusion in the garden ...

... creative, Knowledge destructive of world-existence, but an essential unity. As pain is an effect of the universal Delight produced in the recipient by incapacity, as incapacity is a disposition of the universal Will-force, so ignorance is a particular action of the universal Knowledge.—Consciousness, which is Power, takes three poises; its plenitude of the divine knowledge invariable in unity and mu... power of Consciousness and determine its operation and origin,—not accepting the refusal of some philosophies to consider the question because it is insoluble; and first we must fix what we mean by the Ignorance.—In the Veda the Ignorance is the non-perceiving of the essential unity which is beyond mind and of the essence and self-law of things in their original unity and actual universality; it is a ...


... stones flying.... That day I had an unforgettable experience. The minute the actual news of the attack came, the consciousness was as if drawn into the universal physical consciousness, like that ( spreading out gesture ). And it was from there, from the universal physical consciousness, that everything was seen. That's how I was able to see: I was able to see the reaction IN EACH ONE. It was really... 167 "The traditions of the past are very great in their own place, in the past, but I do not see why we should merely repeat them and not go farther. In the spiritual development of the consciousness upon earth the great past ought to be followed by a greater future." January 14, 1932 Soon afterwards Does your mother intend to come by plane? By sea. Mon petit, ships... cease-fire, to stop the conflict. If this news is true (because the amount of lies that go around is unbelievable), if this news is true, it means the Pressure is beginning—the pressure of the Consciousness. It has already started acting. You see, every national entity has a right to free and independent existence, provided it doesn't interfere in the free and independent existence of all other ...


... the consciousness of the Self which is everywhere spread out throughout existence. That is how one usually experiences it.         You have spoken of spreading out the Brahmic conscious- Page 269 ness where one begins to lose the ego. What is this Brahmic or Brahman consciousness? Spread out where?       In the wideness of the Self and of the universal Divine... SELF, INDIVIDUAL AND UNIVERSAL         What is called one's self (not the soul or the psychic being) above the head? Is it individual or universal? I mean, is one's self the same as another's self or is there individuality in it as is in the soul of each person?       The self is felt as either universal, one in all, or as uni-versalised individual the... the Jivatman as a portion of the Divine.       The self, Atman is in its nature either transcendent or universal (Paramatma, Atma); when it individualises and Page 267 becomes a central being, then it is the Jivatman. The Jivat-man feels his oneness with the universal but at the same time his central separateness as a portion of the Divine.         " What acts on the ...

... Govind gave to the Khalsa. Is it credible that a foreign rule would either knowingly foster or allow the growth of that universal political consciousness in the subject nation which self-government implies? It is obvious that foreign rule can only endure so long as political consciousness can be either stifled by violence or hypnotised into inactivity. The moment the nation becomes politically self-conscious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of longevity and perfect health were known to the Vedic seers and they constituted an important part of their quest of immortality. The capacity of the body to bear the pressure of the universality of consciousness was considered to be an indispensable element in the Vedic ideal of perfection. It is for this reason that the ancient Indian system of medicine was named the Science of Life, Ayur Veda... has such a power on the state of the body. To find the right balance in attitude, one which is neither fatalistic, nor indifferent, nor unduly apprehensive calls for an exercise in proper consciousness. Each human being is unique and the complex blend of psycho-physiological elements in each person demands a personal synthesis. Health can be obtained and maintained in many different ways' according ...

... even a preliminary idea of it, it is essential to have an initial understanding of Consciousness. What then is Consciousness? Let Sri Aurobindo answer this crucial question: "But here in our world of Matter the original and fundamental phenomenon we meet everywhere is a universal Inconscience, Consciousness appears to come in as only an incident, a development, a strange consequence of some... been an explosion of interest in the study of consciousness as evidenced by numerous journal articles and books on the subject by writers from several different disciplines. But Western thought has been concerned with the aspects and functions of consciousness rather than with the essential nature of consciousness. That is simply this that Consciousness is the Reality of all that is; it is self-existent... depths of consciousness but also of heightening and widening it. These are not empty notions but actual facts discovered and effectuated by yoga. Sri Aurobindo has said that real psychology is the science of consciousness. But consciousness in his experience is not only xii mental intelligence and feeling. For mind is only one level of the multi-level reality called Consciousness. This ...


... colossal and monotonous application of one particular movement of things. He has nothing to gain by evolving, nothing to lose by not evolving. For to Him all being is only a play of His universal self-consciousness, the will so to exist the only reason of this existence and its own pleasurability its only object in existence. In that play He takes an equal delight in all, He is sama in ananda—an equal... supplied by the editors We must not however pass from this idea, 1 as it is easy to pass, into another which is only a popular error,—that evolution is the object of existence. Evolution is not an universal law, it is a particular process, nor as a process has it any very wide applicability. Some would affirm that every particle of matter in the universe is bound to evolve life, mind, an individualised... idea or implied form in the seed, there would be no reason why any seed should bring forth according to its kind. The form does not indeed exist sensibly in the form of consciousness which we see as matter, but in the consciousness itself it is there, and therefore there is a predisposition in the matter to produce that form & no other, which is much more than tendency, which amounts to a necessity ...


... Existence, Being gathered in itself and Being displayed in all existences; as one Consciousness concentrated in the unity of its existence, extended in universal nature and many-centred in innumerable beings; one Force static in its repose of self-gathered consciousness and dynamic in its activity of extended consciousness; one Delight blissfully aware of its featureless infinity and blissfully aware... each progresses, the force of effectuation which each carries with it and the delight of being for which and from which each is born, and it relates all to the universal being, consciousness, force and delight of Sachchidananda. Thus it harmonises for us all the oppositions, divisions, contrarieties of existence and shows us in them the One and the Infinite. Uplifted into this supramental light, pain... everywhere, we transform our souls into a passion of universal delight and a wideness and joy of universal love. All this which, as we shall find, is the summit of the path of Devotion, becomes also an annexe and result of the path of Knowledge. Thus by the integral knowledge we unify all things in the One. We take up all the chords of the universal music, strains sweet or discordant, luminous in their ...


... concentration of the universal Life which he is takes place within limits and is not like the intensive unity of Brahman free from all conception of bound and term, he must necessarily universalise and impersonalise himself in order to manifest the divine All which is his reality. Yet is he called upon to preserve, even when he most extends himself in universality of consciousness, a mysterious transcendent... Self and the universal indwelling Presence. It is a necessity for the soul in the universe - and therefore the inner trend of the evolutionary Energy and its ultimate intention - to know and to grow into this truth of itself, to become one with the Divine Being, to raise its nature to the Divine Nature, its existence into the Divine Existence, its consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, its delight... product of the universal Energy, but is at the same time a nature-personality of the soul, an expressive formation of the inner being and person, and this soul is not a perishable cell or a dissoluble portion of the cosmic Spirit, but has its original immortal reality in the Transcendence.... But equally any view that sees the universe as existent only in the individual consciousness must very evidently ...


... separate consciousness of the body, to see and feel its movements and the forces that act upon it from inside or outside and to learn how to control and direct it even in its most hidden and (to us) subconscient processes. But the body consciousness itself is only part of the individualised physical consciousness in us which we gather and build out of the secretly conscious forces of universal physical... The Physical Each plane of our being—mental, vital, physical—has its own consciousness, separate though interconnected and interacting; but to our outer mind and sense, in our waking experience, they are all confused together… There is the universal physical consciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for... body consciousness different from the mind consciousness which can do things at the mind’s order but has to be awakened, trained, made a good and conscious instrument. It can even be so trained that a mental will or suggestion can cure the illnesses of the body. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Mind There is a consciousness in the cells: it is what we call the “body consciousness” and ...


... concentration of the universal Life which he is takes place within limits and is not like the intensive unity of Brahman free from all conception of bound and term, he must necessarily universalise and impersonalise himself in order to manifest the divine All which is his reality. Yet is he called upon to preserve, even when he most extends himself in universality of consciousness, a mysterious transcendent... knows itself by becoming itself. Thus possessed of itself inwardly, it imparts also to its forms and modes the conscious delight of Sachchidananda. This becoming of the infinite Bliss-Existence-Consciousness in mind and life and body,—for independent of them it exists eternally,—is the transfiguration intended and the utility of individual existence. Through the individual it manifests in relation even... whether purity, calm and freedom in the spirit be Page 48 our aim or puissance, joy and perfection, Sachchidananda is the unknown, omnipresent, indispensable term for which the human consciousness, whether in knowledge and sentiment or in sensation and action, is eternally seeking. The universe and the individual are the two essential appearances into which the Unknowable descends and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... atmosphere, toiling, as ever, for the fulfilment of the great work of his life— the descent of the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental transformation of man. She assured them that he was present in their midst, not in a figurative sense or as a universal, impersonal consciousness, but as the very divine being he had been in his physical body, as the very dynamic Master they had ... remain a man in its external form, and yet whose consciousness will rise far above the mental and its slavery to ignorance. "Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to teach this truth to men. He told them that man is only a transitional being living in a mental consciousness, but with the possibility of acquiring a new consciousness, the Truth-Consciousness, and capable of living a life perfectly harmonious... Truth-Consciousness and help him grow according to its law. Evidently it is a signal departure from the aims and objects of traditional spirituality, which points to the Beyond as the only kingdom of perfection and fulfilment. The Mother's Force is directed to the radical transformation of the whole active nature of man, so that the gulf between his outer consciousness and the divine Consciousness may ...


... the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental transformation of man. She assured them that he was present in their midst, not in a figurative sense or as a universal, impersonal consciousness, but as the Page 65 very divine being he had been in his physical body, as the very dynamic Master they had loved and adored. . Sri Aurobindo had often told them that his consciousness and the... remain a man in its external form, and yet whose consciousness will rise far above the mental and its slavery to ignorance. "Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to teach this truth to men. He told them that man is only a transitional being living in a mental consciousness, but with the possibility of acquiring a new consciousness, the Truth-Consciousness, and capable of living a life perfectly harmonious... supramental Truth-Consciousness and help him grow according to its law. Evindently it is a signal departure from the aims and objects of traditional spirituality, which points to the Beyond as the only kingdom of perfection and fulfilment. The Mother's Force is directed to the radical transformation of the whole active nature of man, so that the gulf between his outer consciousness and the divine ...


... mental consciousness we find that this duality is only a phenomenal appearance. The highest and real truth of existence is the one Spirit, the supreme Soul, Purushottama, and it is the power of being of this Spirit which manifests itself in all that we experience as universe. This universal Nature is not a lifeless, inert or unconscious mechanism, but informed in all its movements by the universal Spirit... pranic energy is that of the embodied mind. But when we get clear above the physical mind, we can get too above the pranic force to the consciousness of a pure mental energy which is a higher formulation of the Shakti. There we are aware of a universal mind consciousness closely associated with this energy in, around and above us,—above, that is to say, the level of our ordinary mind status,—giving all... our being between a consciousness that observes and can reserve its willpower and an energy full of the substance of consciousness that takes the forms of knowledge, will and feeling. This detachment gives at its highest a certain freedom from the compulsion of the soul by its mental nature. For ordinarily we are driven and carried along in the stream of our own and the universal active energy partly ...


... getting into a consciousness in which one is no longer limited by the small ego, personal mind, personal Page 9 vital and body but is in union with the supreme Self or with the universal (cosmic) consciousness or with some deeper consciousness within in which one is aware of one's own soul, one's own inner being and of the real truth of existence. In the Yogic consciousness one is not... seems to us an inconscient or a painful existence or a consciousness without Ananda. Indeed, without this separation of them in experience pain and ignorance and falsehood and death and what we call inconscience could not have manifested themselves - there could not have been this evolution of a limited and suffering consciousness out of the universal nescience of Matter. Page 22 ... Light. To call in the light of the Divine Consciousness from above, to bring the psychic being to the front and kindle a flame of aspiration which will awaken spiritually the outer mind and set on fire the vital being, is the way out. * Yoga means union with the Divine - a union either transcendental (above the universe) or cosmic (universal) or individual or, as in our Yoga, all three ...


... something transcending even psychic peace. It is a peace in which there is not even the slightest disturbing vibration anywhere, in any part of the being. It is the peace of the immutable Self, universal in consciousness and eternally equal to all impacts of the world. It is one of the prerequisites of the manifestation of the Divine in and through the liberated soul of man. It is only in this boundless,... it is usually found to be a precarious peace and very superficial, behind which one can often hear the uneasy rumble of the rebellious forces. The Socratic confession of suppressed passions is a universal experience which sometimes damps the ardours of youthful idealism and leads to cynicism or pessimism. A peace or calm held at the point of the sword against the unflagging opposition of its enemies... Spirit, infinite, eternal, all-embracing and all-transcending. It is through this peace alone that the Divine can sovereignly act in the liberated human instrument. Man, torn and tossed by the universal unrest, pants today for peace : his soul is in deep agony. War and strife have become the order of the day, war and strife in every walk of life; and everywhere there is a conflict of values, a crumbling ...


... is needed for us to possess our self in its universality and transcendence. By itself Page 240 the psychic being at a certain stage might be content to create a formation of truth, good and beauty and make that its station; at a farther stage it might become passively subject to the world-self, a mirror of the universal existence, consciousness, power, delight, but not their full participant... the individual and universal delight of things; the ascent of Life is in its nature the ascent of the divine Delight in things from its dumb conception in Matter through vicissitudes and opposites to its luminous consummation in Spirit. The world being what it is, it could not be otherwise. For the world is a masked form of Sachchidananda, and the nature of the consciousness of Sachchidananda and... veil, if it is represented as its own opposite, even as being is masked in death, consciousness figures as the inconscient and force mocks itself with the guise of incapacity, then that which lives cannot be satisfied, cannot either rest from the movement or fulfil the movement except by laying hold on this universal delight which is at once the secret total delight of its own being and the original ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... look deeply into being and its energy and understand and solve all their enigma. But here in our world of Matter the original and fundamental phenomenon we meet everywhere is a universal Inconscience, Consciousness appears to come in as only an incident, a development, a strange consequence of some ill-understood operations of Energy in inconscient Matter. It arises out of an original Inconscience... All these problems arise in our consciousness and in our consciousness alone can be found their solution—or to it or through it perhaps from a greater consciousness the solution must come. On the nature and validity of our consciousness depends the nature and validity of the discovery we shall make or the conclusions to which we can come. On the power of our consciousness depends the possibility or i... latent power for consciousness—and then its inconscience is phenomenal only, not fundamental,—or else is the veil of a Consciousness which emerges out of a state of involution which appears to us as an inconscience. There is no doubt a connection and interdependence between consciousness and the inconscient substance in which it resides and through which it seems to operate. Consciousness depends upon ...


... first, transcendence of the body-consciousness, then of the habitual environmental consciousness and, last, of the universal human consciousness. This transcendence of all human formulæ and ascent "very high" gives the Mother a secure station in the superconscience. But by transcendence we do not mean exclusion, nor do we imply a suspension of the physical consciousness, an act of abstraction and a... progressive dilatation of the cells until there was a complete identification withthe earth; the body of the awakened consciousness was the terrestrial globe moving harmoniously in ethereal space. And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Personality, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to Her in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that... the Ineffable. The return towards the consciousness of the individual body took place very slowly in a constant and invariable splendour of Light and power and Felicity and Adoration, by successive gradations, but directly, without passing again through the universal and terrestrial forms. And it was as if the modest corporeal form had become the direct and immediate vesture, without ...


... from above is needed for us to possess our self in its universality and transcendence. By itself the psychic being at a certain stage might be content to create a formation of truth, good and beauty and make that its station; at a further stage it might become passively subject to the world-self, a mirror of the universal existence, consciousness, power, delight, but not their full participant or possessor... its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness has this knowledge inherent... gradual unfolding of higher and higher levels of consciousness through the necessary modifications of Matter, which in itself is a mode of consciousness. In Matter or below it in the Inconscient the higher levels of consciousness are involved, and evolution is a resultant process of a double pressure of the ascent of the involved levels of consciousness and the descent of the corresponding levels from ...

... time came when the "thing" took place more naturally, when it even became contagious—probably when the universal preparation was adequate (we always forget that the world is a single whole). In a way, the ape shed its monkey skin for a moment and became aware of the great universal, total Consciousness, and because he was an ape, the opening, the point of contact, took place at the most clarified level... let go of the smartest baboons two million years ago (or was it three?). We are merely in the year 20 or so after this universal beginning. We can already appraise the situation; a simple look at the world around us is enough. It is writhing and thrashing about. This Consciousness is kneading them from within, whether they want it or not. 20 How well we understand Sri Aurobindo now: "The attempt... aspires for the Divine in consciousness. Without the Divine, there would be no aspiration, and without the consciousness concealed in unconsciousness, it would be impossible to change unconsciousness to consciousness. 10 Sometimes we wonder if Matter, our own corporeal matter, will not become conscious before we do; or rather if its true, pure, already existent consciousness will not circumvent the ...


... being of Spirit, the being of the supreme and universal Existence, Consciousness, Delight, Sachchidananda. All our existence depends on that Existence, it is that which is evolving in us; we are a being of that Existence, a state of consciousness of that Consciousness, an energy of that conscious Energy, a will-to-delight of being, delight of consciousness, delight of energy born of that Delight: this... to exceed himself: he has to enlarge his partial being into a complete being, his partial consciousness into an integral consciousness; he has to achieve mastery of his environment but also world-union and world-harmony; he has to realise his individuality but also to enlarge it into a cosmic self and a universal and spiritual delight of existence. A transformation, a chastening and correction of all... endeavour of Nature and have behind their limited apparent aims no other true sense or foundation. For the individual to arrive at the divine universality and supreme infinity, live in it, possess it, to be, know, feel and express that alone in all his being, consciousness, energy, delight of being is what the ancient seers of the Veda meant by the Knowledge; that was the Immortality which they set before ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... concentration of the universal Life which he is takes place within limits and is not like the intensive unity of Brahman free from all conception of bound and term, he must necessarily universalise and impersonalise himself in order to manifest the divine All which is his reality. Yet is he called upon to preserve, even when he most extends himself in universality of consciousness, 24. Sri Aurobindo... all the rest in its universality, yet by some principle or ordered detail of variation unique." 8 In fact the whole evolutionary problem turns out to be a various attempt at the harmonious equation of Unity to Diversity, Freedom to Order, Growth to Cohesion. In this connection we may recall a remarkable discovery of modern bio-sociological researches: the universal existence of a double... unmastered from the subconscient or the subliminal in them and us. But this conscious oneness can only be established by entering into that in which we are one with them, the universal, and the fullness of the universal exists consciously only in that which is superconscient to us, in the Supermind.... The lower conscious nature is bound down to ego in all its activities, chained triply to the ...

... con­sciousness into the elements that make up his body, his sleep will be a conscious sleep and of a universal nature. He will be able to know at will what is happening in one place or another, in this person or that one, in this part of the world or another; and, being universal, his consciousness will naturally put him in touch with all the things he wants to know. Instead of an unconscious and useless... continuously woven there, as if by someone who knows all and sees all—and who is perhaps ourselves without the partitioning of a little mental shell. Then we shall realize that we are naturally universal. The Subtle Body But first, there was that immediate frontier of Matter one was not sure whether it was still Matter or something else, perhaps another type of Matter, or real Matter itself... there are not two. We ourselves, in that little body of ours, are made of a series of superimposed milieus, of dense or not so dense layers, each with its little center attuned to the corresponding universal layer or milieu, and we have every possible kind of life depending on the center or milieu where we are poised. We could say that we are capable of living every possible kind of story, and that every ...

... Supreme Shakti and declares her mightinesses. Here also the woman-singer, filled with the divine afflatus, intones her inexpressible experiences. Her individual consciousness is identi­fied with the universal Mother consciousness. And as such while she casts her glance into herself, into the depth of her womb, she finds the entire universe there and it comes out in a burst. But she notes that... divine soul or consciousness in man embraces both the sphere of consciousness, the higher and the lower. 2. That central consciousness hoards the delight, keeps it tight bound in the depth of the heart, so that it may not be spilt and spoilt – the material sheath with its teguments and ligaments must be strong and make a resisting armour. 3. The supreme consciousness is simplicity... emptiness.² Luy says, "I have seen in my consciousness: The twin breaths³ are the stools upon which           I am firmly seated."     NOTES   1. Five branches – five senses. 2. One must have wings of emptiness – the empty consciousness i.e., pure consciousness emptied of all movements – to soar into the high heavens ...

... the manifestation of the highest Supramental Consciousness in the body, and although they succeeded in widening and universalizing body consciousness, they came to the conclusion that one cannot enter into the Supramental consciousness fully in the physical body. There is also a mention in the Upanishads43 that if one enters into the Supramental Consciousness fully, one cannot return from there into the... contributions to the world of Western philosophy. It is rightly said that the individual becomes perfect when he becomes universal, but the universal manifests its own perfection when .the individual brings into him something from the transcendental and adds it to the universal manifestation. Socrates was that individual who had brought something from the transcendental and fused it into the vastness... the society nor the individual, and points to the source of Ideal action, Page 27 which lies in the Universal and Transcendental Self, According to that view, an individual does not owe allegiance either to himself or to the society or to the state, but to the Universal and Transcendental Self, and the individual should obey the imperatives delivered by that Self. In judging ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... all phases of life, mind and consciousness. This is the fundamental difference of the two. Milton has attempted to be universal; but his universality is limited by the limitation of technical knowledge of his age and the sensuous physicality which, along with Christian scriptural lore, he terms truth. Sri Aurobindo's universality is the universality of consciousness and spirit and he is not limited... Inconscience. Here too we see the expanse of vision that grasps the totality of the inconscient world in one look. Such span of vision and penetration, such stretch of universal experience are only possible on that level of consciousness where one sees all things in their totality, yet not missing the differentiation, the different constituting factors, the different facets, possibilities, moods and... chief characteristics of Sri Aurobindo's poetry. Listen: Page 321 To marry all in God's immense delight, Bearing the eternity of every spirit, Bearing the burden of universal love, A wonderful mother of unnumbered souls. 1 There is a sweep, a fulfilling vision, a height of spiritual experience. There is a spontaneous winging beyond the normal mode of existence ...

... above is needed for us to possess our self in its universality and transcendence. By itself the psychic being at a certain stage might be content to create a formation of truth, good and beauty and make that its station; at a farther stage it might become passively subject to the world-self, a mirror of the universal existence, consciousness, power, delight, but not their full participant or... It is a putting on of the spiritual consciousness dynamic as well as static in every part of the being down to the subconscient. That cannot be done by the influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of the Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these... unresponsive, labouring hard for breath suddenly becomes quiet; a consciousness enters the body, He is awake and normal. He finishes the drink, then, as the consciousness withdraws, the body lapses back into the grip of agony. Sri Aurobindo was suffering from uraemia, and he was having this peculiar coma, a coma controlled by yogic consciousness! On the 4th December, Mother said: 'He's withdrawing ...


... When that cohesion or that discipline failed, the Mahratta and the Sikh power also dissipated itself. Then alien rule could thrive only so long as it was not opposed by a "universal political consciousness in the subject nation". It was thus infantile to assume that the foreigner was paternally or benevolently interested in training the subject nation in the tasks of self-government... entered the arena. Nationalism is an avatār and cannot be slain. Nationalism is a divinely appointed śakti of the Eternal and must do its God-given work before it returns to the bosom of the Universal Energy from which it came. Rhetoric, glorious rhetoric, certainly; but also rhetoric charged with idealism, poetry, prophecy. Contemporary history is here raised to the level of myth, the... resistance, while it was less bold and aggressive in appearance than violent methods like guerilla warfare or armed insurrection, called "for perhaps as much heroism of a kind and certainly more universal endurance and suffering". In passive resistance, it is not a "daring minority" that "purchase with their blood the freedom of the millions"; it is the entire population that gets ready to "share ...

... ascent. You have risen above but you have not yet opened into the Brahman consciousness where one begins to lose the ego.         What is the Brahman Consciousness and where is it spread out?       In the wideness of the Self and of the universal Divine Consciousness - these two together are the Brahman consciousness.         I have asked so many questions about dwelling on the... stretching out everywhere.       It is so that all that belongs to the spiritual consciousness is Page 224 experienced. One's own self and consciousness is felt like that, something vast and limitless and stretched out everywhere, - so too the force and everything else. It is in that universality that all special action in one's own mind and body or in others takes place. ... outer waking state disappears and the consciousness goes entirely inside.         X told me that if one leaves the physical consciousness one can easily have the experience of the Brahman everywhere and in all things.       If he means by leaving the physical consciousness going into samadhi that is not much use - it is the waking consciousness of the Brahman everywhere that is needed ...

... . That manifests as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). This is triune, but it also forms three worlds. In the world of Sat, the beings are not separately individualised but have a divine universality. There Consciousness-force and Ananda are held back and subordinated in the manifestation. In the world of Chit, Consciousness-force becomes prominent and determines everything... very much longer to demolish otherwise. The moment he left his body the Mind of Light was realised in the Mother. Six years later (1956) the manifestation of the supramental light, consciousness and force on a universal ¹ . Ibid., p. 50. ². Ibid. ³. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother (1953), p. 358. Page 47 scale was brought about in the subtle-physical... station in the physical open to the higher and higher consciousness and slowly having fought out in it the struggle of transformation of the physical consciousness with a view to prepare it for the supramental change."¹ To an inquiry whether with the Sadhana going on in the physical plane all have to come down into the physical consciousness, Sri Aurobindo answers on 31 December 1934: "It is a ...