The Mother
with Letters on the Mother

  Integral Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

This volume consists of two separate but related works: 'The Mother', a collection of short prose pieces on the Mother, and 'Letters on the Mother', a selection of letters by Sri Aurobindo in which he referred to the Mother in her transcendent, universal and individual aspects. In addition, the volume contains Sri Aurobindo's translations of selections from the Mother's 'Prières et Méditations' as well as his translation of 'Radha's Prayer'.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) The Mother with Letters on the Mother Vol. 32 662 pages 2012 Edition
 PDF     Integral Yoga

Reading of 'The Mother'

  English|  8 tracks
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Reading of 'The Mother'

  English|  8 tracks

Part II

Letters on the Mother

Opening, Sincerity and the Mother's Grace

The Mother's Grace

Do calm and equality come down from above by the Mother's Grace?

When they descend, it is by the soul's aspiration and the Mother's grace.

The Mother's grace is there always; open yourself to it in quietude and confidence.

I don't feel Mother's grace as before. Sometimes I get the suggestion that I am not fit for her service and for Yoga.

What is all this nonsense? The grace of the Mother does not withdraw; open yourself and you will feel it.

The presence whose fading he regrets can only be felt if the inner being continues to be consecrated and the outer nature is put into harmony or at least kept under the touch of the inner spirit. But if he does things which his inner being does not approve, this condition will be inevitably tarnished and, each time, the possibility of his feeling the presence will diminish. He

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must have a strong will to purification and an aspiration that does not flag and cease, if the Mother's grace is to be there and effective.

To practise Yoga implies the will to overcome all attachments and turn to the Divine alone. The principal thing in the Yoga is to trust in the Divine Grace at every step, to direct the thought continually to the Divine and to offer oneself till the being opens and the Mother's force can be felt working in the Adhara.

When a sadhak feels the Mother's Grace coming down in him, is it by the consent of the Purusha in him?

What do you mean "by the consent"? The Mother's Grace comes down by the Mother's will. The Purusha can accept or reject the Grace.

Is there any law of the working of the Mother's Grace?

The more one develops the psychic, the more is it possible for the Grace to act.

Is the Mother's Grace always general?

Both general and special.

How to receive what the Mother gives generally?

You have only to keep yourself open and whatever you need and can receive at the moment will come.

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Some like me have exceptionally great imperfections and defects. We have no claim for any Yoga, much less for the Integral Yoga. Sheerly out of her care and grace, the Mother has managed to keep us here; but the only return we have given is to tire her out.

It is so—if the sadhaks had been different in their reaction to the Mother's grace, the work in the physical would have been much easier and less perilously subject to hostile attacks; perhaps it would have been done by now.

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