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Education and the Aim of human life [1]
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Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
On Education [3]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [4]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Savitri [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [6]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [5]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
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The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [6]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
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Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [154]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [3]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
On Education [3]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [4]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Savitri [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [6]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [5]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [6]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards the Light [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
154 result/s found for Human love

... away to be replaced by things that belong to the new consciousness. Human Love in the Sadhana And first about human love in the sadhana. The soul's turning through love to the Divine must be through a love that is essentially divine, but as the instrument of expression at first is a human nature, it takes the forms of human love and bhakti. It is only as the consciousness deepens, heightens and changes... changes that that greater eternal love can grow in it and openly transform the human into the divine. But in human love itself there are several kinds of motive-forces. There is a psychic human love which rises from deep within and is the result of the meeting of the inner being with that which calls it towards a divine joy and union; it is, once it becomes aware of itself, something lasting, self-existent... things that I am so insistent on bringing it down as soon as possible. And let me say also that, as regards human love and divine love, I admitted the first as that from which we have to proceed and to arrive at the other, intensifying and transforming into it, not eliminating, human love. Divine Love, in my view of it, is again not something ethereal, cold and far, but a love absolutely intense, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... and not to others, and that too at some specific point of time. Is there any inevitability in this appearance of human love? And any psychological-metaphysical necessity behind its genesis? Finally, we have to comprehend the real implication of the Mother's statement: "... human love is not a need of the soul, but rather a concession it makes for a time to the ego." (M C W, Vol. 14, p. 126) ... the purport of Rishi Yajnavalkya's teaching and claims on its basis that all objects of human love should be just the means for satisfying the obscure hungers and appetites of the ego-self, "ātmanastu kāmāya", "for the sake of the self. It is because of this false interpretation that all human love, in spite of its "coloured and passionate professions" of self-giving is at its basis nothing... to find once again true Love." (The Mother, M C W, Vol. 14, p. 129) Such is the mystery behind the phenomenon of human love; and, if this is the truth, how can a sadhaka remain for ever satisfied with the giving and receiving of this frail and obscure human love? Sooner or later his heart must cry out and thirst for the real Love and seek union with the Divine, the Atman, who is always ...

... Divine Love and Human Love Lean more exclusively on the Divine's love. When one receives the Divine's love, of what value can be any human love? 2 September 1939 There is always a bitter taste behind the human love―it is only the Divine Love which never disappoints. 5 May 1945 Do not grieve. Human love is fugitive. It is only the Divine's love... end to your miseries. This Page 119 is an occasion to surmount your egoism and to open to the true life. If you decide to make this effort my help will be with you. The need for human love, to the extent that it is not merely in obedience to the instinct of Nature or to a vital attraction, is the need to have a Divine for oneself alone, at one's entire and exclusive disposal, a Divine... Instead of enlarging oneself to the size of the Divine and having a love as vast as the universe, one tries to reduce the Divine to one's own size and have His love for oneself alone. Therefore, human love is not a need of the soul, but rather a concession it makes for a time to the ego. I have postponed my answer to give you time to look carefully into the problem and to face it with more quiet ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... or written to you. I will try to set them right as clearly as possible. And first about human love in the sadhana. The soul's lurning through love to the Divine must be through a love that is essentially divine, but as the instrument of expression at first is a human nature, it takes the forms of human love Page 117 and bhakti. It is only as the consciousness deepens, heightens and... and changes that that greater eternal love can grow in it and openly transform the human into the divine. But in human love itself there are several kinds of motive-forces There is a psychic human love which rises from deep within and is the result of the meeting of the inner being with that which calls it towards a divine joy and union; it is, once it becomes aware of itself, something lasting, sel... translation vulnerable in head and the tail. In the head because, it seems to me 1 . your se dhan [that treasure] and tā bali [that's why] lays or may lay itself open to the construction that human love is a rich and precious thing which the poet unfortunately does not possess and it is only because of this deplorable poverty that he offers the psychic devotion, less warm and rich and desirable ...

...   5. Ibid . Page 348 The starting point of Shelley's poem is human love but the love is interiorised and sublimated. The last traces of vital love are wiped away and what was desire becomes a worship and a yearning of the heart for the unattainable beauty. In the human love the heart tries to enclose in itself all that it desires, but the psychic love is the heart's... psychic vibration has not been able to take a suggestive form which would illuminate and gladden the heart of the reader.     4. Ibid ., p. 365. Page 347 Even behind human love there can be a psychic influence. When love is not merely a vital desire it has its roots in the psyche even if one is not always aware of it. In love-poems we often feel the subdued intimations... beautiful lines but they are not the expression of the soul in the language of the soul. There, can be great love-poetry without the evident soul-touch. But when the soul-touch transmutes and sublimates human love, then words that embody that love vibrate deeper in the reader's soul. Take Shelley's lines:   I can give not what men call love, But wilt thou accept not The worship the heart lifts above ...


... n of the soul's love, no longer for the desires of the ego which men call love. Vital Love and Psychic Love Ordinary human love is vital, emotional and physical and always egoistic—a form of self-love. The psychic element is very small except in a few. Human love is mainly vital, when it is not vital and physical together. It is also sometimes psychic + vital. But the Love with a dominant... sweetness, tenderness, fidelity, self-giving, self-sacrifice, reachings of soul to soul, idealising sublimations that lift up human love beyond itself come from the psychic. If it could dominate and govern and transmute the other elements, mental, vital, physical, of human love, then love could be on the earth some reflection or preparation of the real thing, an integral union of the soul and its instruments... overstress either virtues or defects, without ill-feeling or misunderstanding or injustice, with a calm mind and vision. There is the selfishness which is always a part if not the whole of human love—and it is the reaction of the demand and desire it brings that creates the opposite feeling. It is when this selfish element is rejected that one can feel the true psychic or divine love. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... existence. Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo has said that one can pass from human love to divine Love. He was speaking of human love manifesting as Bhakti, as a Page 174 force of devotion for the Divine, and he says that at the beginning your love for the Divine is a very human love with all the characteristics of human love. He describes this very well, besides. Yet if you persist and make... make the necessary effort, it is not impossible for this human love to be transformed into divine love through identification with what you love. He has not said that the love between two persons can change into divine love. It is not that at all! He has always said the opposite. He spoke about someone who had asked him about devotion, you know, about the sadhak's love for the Divine. At the beginning ...


... a part of action of universal love. The spark in human love, even if it is degraded afterwards, tends to awaken the consciousness and evolve the being. Page 231 21st November, 1939 Disciple : If love is an unconscious seeking for the Divine, why some people, who have turned to the Divine will seek the human love, especially here? Sri Aurobindo : Are they conscious... of the Divine, one of the two things would happen : either one would turn exclusively to the Divine or being conscious of the Divine one may keep the human love as an appendage. Disciple : Supposing a man is unconscious and seeks human love can it not be a seeking for Divine? Sri Aurobindo : These things are hardly pure – they are always mixed up. It may be only a cover for something... them to the Divine. But we know the result; most of them failed. Not that it cannot be done, it can – but it is not easy. Disciple : You have written in the Synthesis (of Yoga) that ordinary human love can act as a preparation and may be a form of aspiration. Sri Aurobindo : It was not written for Yogis. It acts like that in ordinary man, if there is a psychic element in it i.e. if it is ...

... manifestation. They are as it were the two sides of the same arc, but innately the same. X Like the issue between universal Will and individual initiative, that between Divine and human love is largely verbal shadow-boxing. But it is lucky that, on a June Sunday morning in 1929, somebody - Perhaps Miss Maitland? - put a series of questions to the Mother as a provocation for a memorable... sea of universal love"? At the dawn of first love, as when a Romeo sights a Juliet, "for a moment its divine touch awakens and magnifies all that is fine and beautiful". Nevertheless, ordinary human love is usually a prisoner of the ego, a distorted personal thing that is wayward and whimsical, and leaps at passion, possession, perversity, jealousy and satiety. Although human beings have thus turned... love; for it does not clothe itself in a superficial sentiment, it makes no demand in exchange for what it has done, no show of its sacrifice. 43 Aren't all the million manifestations of human love but the result of the "impulse given by a Divine love behind the human longing and seeking"? The Mother goes further, and infers in all Earth and Nature the reign of Love. When night falls, for ...


... things that I am so insistent on bringing it down as soon as possible. And let me say also that, as regards human love and divine love, I admitted the first as that from which we have to proceed and to arrive at the other, intensifying and transforming into itself, not eliminating human love. Divine Love in my view of it, is again not something ethereal, cold and far, but a love absolutely intense... things clear. 1. Although I have laid stress on things divine in answer to an excessive (because contrary) insistence on things human, it must not be understood that I reject everything human,— human love or worship or any helpful form of human approach as part of the Yoga. I have never done so, otherwise the Ashram could not be in existence. The sadhaks who enter the Yoga are human beings and if... human nature. An association is not enough, a transformation is indispensable. The tradition of later Vaishnava bhakti is an attempt to sublimate the vital impulses through love by turning human love towards the Divine. It made a strong and intense effort and had many rich and beautiful experiences; but its weakness was just there, that it remained valid only as an inner experience turned towards ...

... very interesting. But this is not done in a flash without one's doing what is necessary. Once you said that human love was distorted and disfigured by men. What was love in its origin? What? Human love. Human? Why, haven't I said it? It is Love. When it becomes human love, it is as I have described it. Love in its origin is divine love. Love in man, that is, love grown human, is distorted ...


... should offer the best thing of it in one's aspiration and opening towards the Divine, is it not absolutely necessary in order to be free from all ties and bondage, not to allow this human love and relation to grow? Human love is mostly vital and physical with a mental support. It can take an unselfish, noble and pure form and expression only if it is touched by the psychic. It is true, as you say, that... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Categories of Love 1) Is human love the combination of the mental, vital and physical loves or the predominance of one or another? And does it depend upon the largeness, purity and harmony of the nature that this love can take an unselfish, noble and pure form and expression ...

... sweetness, tenderness, fidelity, self-giving, self- sacrifice, reachings of soul to soul, idealising sublimations that lift up human love beyond itself, come from the psychic. If it could dominate and govern and transmute the other elements, mental, vital, physical of human love, then love could be on the earth some reflection or preparation of the real thing, an integral union of the soul and its... fire and sink for want of fuel, but is steady and all- embracing and self-existent like the light of the sun. There is also a divine love that is personal, but it is not like the ordinary personal human love dependent on any return from the person—it is personal but not egoistic—it goes from the real being in the one to the real being in the other. But to find that, Page 222 liberation ...

... always the same. Take for example human love; stripped of the mere human element, love remains the same original thing. Because the old ascetic orders of spiritual discipline, in the main, considered love essentially and wholly earthy and human, they rejected this limb altogether, cut it out as undivine. But that is an error. We do not regard love, even human love, as an error but a power, a force... force and energy. Love, even human love, is not to be amputated or rooted out but like gold as ore, it has to be purified. The work is hard but it is worth the trouble. As a matter of fact, however, all the divine qualities— supernals as they have been sometimes called—are of that nature, that is to say, all are universal they are never nonexistent, they are never and can never be negatived. Divine ...

... means that it has not given itself, it wants to keep itself for itself. *** Divine love has an element of detachment which human love has not; and yet Divine love can be as passionate as human love, nay, Divine love has an intensity which human love carowt attain. It is the element of detachment which intensifies love, because it is this which purifies love. Detachment means ...

... always the same. Take for example human love; stripped of the mere human element, love remains the same original thing. Because the old ascetic orders of spiritual discipline, in the main, considered love essentially and wholly earthy and human; they rejected this limb altogether, cut it out as undivine. But that is an error. We do not regard love, even human love, as an error but a power, a force... force and energy. Love, even human love, is not to be amputated or rooted out but like gold as ore, it has to be purified. The work is hard but it is worth the trouble. As a matter of fact, however, all the divine qualities – supernals as they have been sometimes called – are of that nature, that is to say, all are universal; they are never non -existent, they are never and can never be negatived. ...

... darkening sway over them. It is only a completely psychicised human nature upon which divine Love can take its stand and base its operations in the material world. Human Love A derivative of divine Love, human love is dwarfed and distorted in the ignorance of man's nature. It is infected with desire, clouded by mental ideas, and darkened and weighed down by the dross of the physical... that it is not the union of one being with another that it is seeking after, but the union of all beings with the Divine.” The Mother thus indicates the issue out of the cramping intensity of human love, the point of release. Love has not to be killed : a loveless life is a dreary desert, arid and infertile. Love has to cure itself of desire and soar above attachment; it should be a bond of union ...


... like that. I must ask for time. Why do you always insist on cherishing the idea that I refuse all human love? I have surely written to you to the contrary. I don't reject it, neither human nor vital love. But I want that behind the vital there shall be the constant support of the psychic human love (not all at once the divine), because that alone can prevent the movements which make you rest- less... You need not imagine that we shall ever lose patience or give you up—that will never happen. Our patience, you will find, is tireless because it is based on an unbounded sympathy and love. Human love may give up, but divine love is stable and does not falter. We know that the aspiration of your psychic being is sincere and the falterings of the vital cannot affect the support that we shall always ...

... self-expenditure, divine love can squander itself utterly, yet never waste or diminish. Can human love change into divine love, human strength into divine strength and human knowledge into divine knowledge? There is only one love. Human love is nothing but divine love perverted and distorted by the instrument through which it is expressed. The same holds true for strength and knowledge. In their... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 534 534—Human love fails by its own ecstasy, human strength is exhausted by its own effort, human knowledge throws a shadow that conceals half the globe of truth from its own sunlight; but divine knowledge embraces opposite truths and reconciles them, divine strength grows by the prodigality of its self-expenditure ...


... wants to keep itself for itself. * Divine love has an element of detachment which human love has not; and yet Divine love can be as passionate as human love, nay, Divine love has an intensity which human love cannot attain. It is the element of detachment which intensifies love, because it is this which purifies love. Detachment ...


... aspiration and ascension, to move forward at the same pace on the same spiritual path, that is the secret of a lasting union. 19 The limitations of human love in its many forms and the quality of divine love as the culmination and crystallisation of human love were to come up again for discussion in a conversation of 19 September 1956. How is one to give up - or outgrow - the lower forms of love in favour... , and to struggle, not against love itself, but against its distorted forms.... Not to want to possess, dominate.... Simply to be happy to love, nothing more. 20 And from the purer forms of human love, it should be a natural movement towards divine love, whether it be manifested in a personal being (an avatar, for example) or whether it is unmanifested and impersonal. In a later conversation, ...


... sweetness, tenderness, fidelity, self-giving, self-sacrifice, reachings of soul to soul, idealising sublimations that lift up human love beyond itself, come from the psychic. If it could dominate and govern and transmute the other elements, mental, vital, physical, of human love, then love could be on the earth some reflection or preparation of the real thing, an integral union of the soul and its instruments ...


... is not an intention in it and there is no intention at all as we have constantly warned all of you. Of course the cause is that the sadhaks apply the movements of a vital human love to the Mother and the ordinary vital human love is full of contrary movements of distrust, misunderstanding, jealousy, anger, despair. But in Yoga this is most undesirable—for here trust in the Mother, faith in her divine ...

... took some notes, very succinct and reduced to the minimum as always, and in English. All that is somewhere around, mixed up with other papers. ( the first note, found again later: ) Unlike human love which is for some and not for the others, my love is for the Supreme Lord alone, but as the Supreme Lord is all, my love is for all equally. The Lord's love is equal, constant, all-embracing... come, assert themselves, impose themselves, then they fade away to be replaced by others; but in this case, it didn't go, it's continuous), this other experience is of a more general order.... Human love, what people call "love," even at its best, even taking it in its purest essence, is something that goes to one person, but not to another: you love SOME people (sometimes even you love only certain ...


... person or that... ", I thought I could talk to her and thus gradually come to the true attitude. Mother... love. If it is divine love that you mean, one can obtain it only by renouncing human love, which is a travesty and caricature of it. 26 September 1934 O Mother, I want to act according to Your will and nothing else. Then quickly leave the path you have taken—do not waste... give and use it to satisfy their own desires instead of using it to serve the Divine. 2 July 1936 How far I have drifted from the spiritual life, from the true attitude! This business of human love assumes such great proportions that afterwards it becomes difficult to extricate oneself from it. Why is it like this? A great vigilance is required to avoid falling into the movements of the ...


... man is nearer to the Supreme than the gods are. He can be nearer. He is not so automatically, but he has the power to be so, the potentiality. If human love manifested itself without mixture, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love there is as much love of oneself as of the one loved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. Page 360 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 August 9, 1958 If human love came forth unalloyed, it would be all-powerful. Unfortunately, in human love, there is as much SELF love as love for the beloved; it is not a love that makes you forget yourself. Evidently the gods of the Puranas are a good deal worse than human beings, as we saw in that film the other day 1 ...


... master of man and the celestial goddess who had also descended on the earth to lead the human story of struggle against evil, to secure imperishable victory of the Good, and to redeem the burden of human love so that the divine love and its glory can perennially aspire to live divinely beyond the ordinary ties and knots of human comedy and tragedy. Sri Rama, the most beloved prince of Dasaratha and... Valmiki could describe that tender love of Sri Rama for Sita and also the fierce love of Sita for Rama. Valmiki Ramayana should be read in the original if one wants to experience the profundities of human love, where utter renunciation vibrates in every tremor of emotion, in every pulsation of sentiment and every flash of thought. Sri Rama and Sita stand out in an unforgettable dialogue as a crowning glory ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... have been a pauper. Well, I can't say anything about it, you people may know better. But whether true or not, from some of us it is demanded that all human love be redirected to the Divine - from some of us at least it is demanded. No human love, either for the mole or for the soul - all your love must be offered at the feet of the Divine. I quoted to you earlier the famous verse by Thompson: ...


... put this up.     I - Mother, how can I show the second part? How can I portray human desires and passions? ( The Mother kept quiet for some time, as if in thought. ) It isn't possible to show human love on the stage.     Mother - No.     I - We cannot even show You on the stage.     Mother - You can do one thing: you can place a photograph of mine on a small platform on the stage. ... 66     Mother - No, no. All this is full of pain and suffering. It would be better for you to stay away from all this. ( Looking at me intently ) Human love is full of pain and suffering.     The Mother went into trance again. When She opened Her eyes they were filled with motherly tenderness. Very sweetly She said to me:     Mother - Let him quietly ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Human Love is Fugitive Do not grieve. Human love is fugitive. It is only the Divine's love that never fails. With love and blessings. The Mother continue ...

... I must ask for time. Why do you always insist on cherishing the idea that I refuse all human love? I have surely written to you to the contrary. I don’t reject it, neither human nor vital love. But I want that behind the vital there shall be the constant support of the psychic human love if (not all at once the divine), because that alone can prevent the movements which make you restless ...

... supramental, and its special insistence on the whole being moving forward by degrees, in an intimate rapture which is at the same time intense and calm. I should be the last one to run down human love. I see with clear eyes its insufficiency, but, when deep and sincere, it has an idealism which breaks open many closed chambers of our being. Let me plod on to my realisation of this truth. ... contact of a Guru. Of course the faithlessness of a lover is like a sword cutting the Gordian knot and at times turning one sharply to the Divine -but this help cannot be ascribed to any merit in human love -it is a stroke of fate manipulated secretly by the Divine. Love's merit lies only in making delightfully devastating inroads on the ego's hard self-sufficiency - it makes the being leap out of ...


... must ask for time. Why do you always insist on cherishing the idea that I refuse all human love? I have surely written to you to the contrary. I don't reject it, neither human nor vital love. But I want that Page 441 behind the vital there shall be the constant support of the psychic human love (not all at once the divine), because that alone can prevent the movements which make you ...


... Questions and Answers (1929-1931) 2 June 1929 What is the relation of human love to Divine love? Is the human an obstacle to the Divine love? Or is not rather the capacity for human love an index to the capacity for Divine love? Have not great spiritual figures, such as Christ, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, been remarkably loving and affectionate ...


... question is not that. Someone asked me, "If love is a seeking for the Divine, why does one seek human love after taking up Yoga?" SRI AUROBINDO: But is the man conscious of the Divine? If he is, either of two things may happen. All human relations may fall off or, keeping the divine love, he may keep human love as an appendage trying to raise it towards the Divine. I am not speaking of sex relations. ...


... sweetness, tenderness, fidelity, self-giving, self-sacrifice, reachings of soul to soul, idealising sublimations that lift up human love beyond itself, come from the psychic. If it could dominate and govern and transmute the other elements, mental, vital, physical, of human love, then love could be on the earth some reflection or preparation of the real thing, an integral union of the soul and its instruments ...

... something of the vital world but certainly get nowhere near the Divine. 2.The Divine in itself is something cold and empty and dark — only human love gives it some warmth and attraction. I always thought the Divine was the supreme ineffable Ananda of which human love and delight is only a clouded and fallen ray -most often hardly even that — compared with the empyrean of ethereal fire. How can the luminous ...

... Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 LOVE HUMAN LOVE         Even the higher or deeper experiences do not seem to be of much value if one cannot love the Mother with the true heart.       It is a mistake to think like that. The experiences prepare the different parts of the being for loving in the right way, so that it is not the soul... even think that demands and jealousy and wounded vanity are signs of love or at least natural attendants of it.         In the Ashram the Mother works with us first through the ordinary human love and then through the psychic love, satisfying some of our desires and demands in the beginning. For it is only so that our weak human bullock cart can proceed. But farther on when the bullocks perceive ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 XIII Go through It is said one must be free from human love if one is to enjoy Divine Love. But to be free is usually taken to mean to reject, to reject naturally by force, that is to say, to coerce, to repress and suppress. "But who can coerce a force of Nature?" the Gita asks. Indeed a force of Nature like human... free. You stand and face in order to seize the truth, the reality of the thing you have to deal with. You have to purify it and clean it in order to remove the dust that covers the gold. If it is human love, to purify means to free it from selfishness, from egoistic desire, the sense of possession. Instead, you love simply for the joy of loving without any expectation or demand of return. You find ...

... of the final and definitive triumph: but that was not to be, for he left out of account an incalculable element. Love, even human love has, at least can have, a wonderful power, the potency of reversing the natural decree and bring about a supernatural intervention. Human love can at a crucial moment – in extremis – call down the Divine Grace, which means God's love for man. And the soul meant for ...

... vital and even physical, as intense and poignant as the ordinary ignorant human passion. It is to show that the Love Divine can beat the human love on its own ground, that is to say, it can be or it is as passionately sweet and as intensely intimate as any human love. It is why Bhakta Prahlad said to his beloved Vishnu "O Lord, what ordinary men feel and enjoy in and through their physical senses, may ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 Go Through IT is said one must be free from human love if one is to enjoy Divine Love. But to be free is usually taken to mean to reject, to reject naturally by force, that is to say, to coerce, to repress and suppress. "But who can coerce a force of Nature?" the Gita asks. Indeed a force of Nature like... free. You stand and face in order to seize the truth, the reality of the thing you have to deal with. You have to purify it and clean it in order to remove the dust that covers the gold. If it is human love, to purify means to free it from selfishness, from egoistic desire, the sense of possession. Instead, you love simply for the joy of loving without any expectation or demand of return. You find in ...

... even physical, as intense and poignant as the ordinary ignorant human passion. It is to show that the Love Divine can beat the human love on its own ground, that is to say, it can be or it is as passionately sweet and as intensely intimate as any human love. It is why Bhakta Prahlad said to his beloved Vishnu "O Lord, What ordinary men feel and enjoy in and through their ...

... one of the most profound & splendid of the many profound & splendid allegories in the great repertory of Hindu myth that Kalidasa has here rendered into so sweet, natural & passionate a story of human love & desire. [The religious interpretation of the myth, which is probably older than the poetical, is slightly but not materially different.] 2 In one sense therefore the whole previous life ...


... While to dream faces mounts the poet's song. Yet she makes not their lyric right her wrong, Knowing her homely eyes his sorrow's star Smiles at the eclipsing brow untouched by care. Content with human love lightly she yields The immortal fancy its Elysian fields. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... necessity of remembering the Mother—when the difficulty comes, then it feels the necessity and remembers. But the inner being is not like that. 11 May 1933 There must be something soiled in human love—otherwise why should I feel like this? After some problem with X in which he told me some unpleasant things, my vital got disturbed and my mind got confused. I kept remembering the incident over ...

... to do with divine purity. At the best it is an approximation. Haven't understood? It will come one day. Sweet Mother, what kind of love do parents have for their children? What kind? A human love, don't they? Like all human loves: frightfully mixed, with all sorts of things. The need of possession, a formidable egoism. At first, I must tell you that a wonderful picture has been painted.. ...


... difficult. It is almost impossible. For human nature is so limited, so full of contradictions and so exclusive in its movements that if one wants to reject love in its lower form, that is to say, human love as human beings experience it, if one makes an inner effort to reject it, one usually rejects the entire capacity of feeling love and becomes like a stone. And then sometimes one has to wait for ...


... of human nature. An association is not enough, a transformation is indispensable. The tradition of later Vaishnava bhakti is an attempt to sublimate the vital impulses through love by turning human love towards the Divine. It made a strong and intense effort and had many rich and beautiful experiences; but its weakness was just there, that it remained valid only as an inner experience turned towards ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... things clear. 1) Although I have laid stress on things divine in answer to an excessive (because contrary) insistence on things human, it must not be understood that I reject everything human,—human love or worship or any helpful form of human approach as part of the Yoga. I have never done so, otherwise the Asram could not be in existence. The sadhaks who enter the Yoga are human beings, and if ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Is there any indication in the poem that the God spoken of is not the sole Divinity? ... For the time being there is no God but the jealous God—all Godhead is seen as a jealousy directed against human love and happiness. It was this that drew from A.E. that remark: he could find nowhere in the poem the distinction you make between the time and essential Godhead and a construction out of universal ...


... is the Shakti of the Divine Ananda and Love taking possession of the whole being down to the vital and physical. But it is the Ananda and love of the Divine—the spiritual, it cannot be turned to a human love and vital pleasure. It can have nothing to do with marriage. In your dream it was neither the divine nor the human that came, but a supernormal and supraphysical vital kāma and joy—a being from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... one the Form and the Formless, and identifies Spirit and Matter. It is that which the spirit in Love is seeking here in the darkness of the Ignorance and it is that which it finds when individual human love is changed into the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material universe. As with individual, so with universal Love; all that widening of the self through sympathy, goodwill, universal ...


... culmination in this complete and unreserved self-giving; it awakens the consciousness of one common self in the giver and the object of the sacrifice. This culmination of sacrifice is the height even of human love and devotion when it tries to become divine; for there too the highest peak of love points into a heaven of complete mutual self-giving, its summit is the rapturous fusing of two souls into one. ...


... sness intense and illimitable. And since love is the effective power and soul-symbol of bliss-oneness he will approach and enter into this oneness by the gate of universal love, a sublimation of human love at first, a divine love afterwards, at its summits a thing of beauty, sweetness and splendour now to us inconceivable. He will be one in bliss-consciousness with all the world-play and its powers ...


... horribly to shake our dispositions With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls. The thrill differs also from mystical-seeming suggestions at their keenest, either through an impetuosity of human love - Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Bliss in our brows' bent, none our parts so poor But was a race of heaven - or through an imaginative sensation's indefinite depth as of ...


... elements fall almost apart as if he could not somehow adjust a blending of the human shade and the divine substance — except on a couple of occasions and then too not in the finest vein. The purely human love-poems, though not negligible, suffer by comparison with the unstrained fire in the mystic pieces: only one stands out, altogether non-mystic yet steeped in witchery, to indicate his potentialities ...


... womanliness.... If this is a nymph of heaven, one thinks, then heaven must be beautifully like the earth." Sri Aurobindo's poem is meant to be not an epiphany of the Apsara so much as an idyll-epic of human love, showing the rush of a regal heart beyond all bonds and bounds of life towards perfect beauty embodied, a rush through varied scenes of the earth into the above-earth that is the true home of such ...


... external suggestions till that too ends—and they are finished and nonexistent. You need not think that anything can alter our attitude towards you. That which is extended to you is not a vital human love which can be altered by external things: it remains and persistently we shall try to help and lift you up and lead you towards the Light where in the union of soul and heart you will recognise the ...

... to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine." It is this love — not the purely human love we humans know of, a blend of gold and alloy, but the inviolate love purged of its dross — which has inspired his epic poem, Savitri, wherein he has limned his breath-taking Realisation of Divine ...


... doomed to pass away, the price for the One who is infinite and eternal. Both of us had gone through emotional entanglements and had ached for the Divine after much of the bitter-sweet of human love. Then there was the pull of "career" resisted by either of us — he had the prospect of becoming a musician of note and the lime-light had already played upon him: I, with some lucky academic distinction ...


... think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high—it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly be. It does not abolish whatever is pure and sweet in human love, but intensifies and sublimates it to its highest. It is this love that the Divine has to give and that you must open yourself to receive. I think if you realise this, it will be easier for you to ...

... praise on Chadwick's poems. "Your translation of Shelley's poem is vulnerable in the head and the tail. In the head, because it seems to me that your words are open to the construction that human love is a rich and precious thing which the poet in question unfortunately does not possess and it is only because of this deplorable poverty that he offers the psychic devotion, less warm and rich ...


... (Correspondence with Gautam Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother 29 December 1966 Even human love, when it takes hold of us, gives us joy — but inevitably it is followed by suffering. Why? This world is impermanent and all is passing. Love in its essence and origin is eternal, but the forms in which it manifests on earth are ...

... has not obtained what was necessary. Human beings obstinately remain human beings and do not want to or cannot become superhumans. They can only receive and express a love cut to their measure: a human love. And the marvellous joy of the divine Ananda escapes their perception. ‘So, at times she thinks of withdrawing, finding that the world is not ready to receive her. This would be a cruel loss. ...

... Thus far, She has not found what is needed. Men remain obstinately men and do not want to or are unable to become supermen. All they can receive and express is a love at their own dimension: a human love—whereas the supreme bliss of divine Ananda eludes their perception. At times, finding the world unready to receive Her, She contemplates withdrawing. But how cruel a loss this would be! It ...


... is said that one grows into the likeness of what one loves; but with regard to God it is also true that one can remain always with Him only when one grows into His likeness. It is not through human love that one can learn to love the Divine, for the love is of quite a different nature. First learn to give yourself sincerely to the Divine and then the joy of love will come afterwards. By giving yourself ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... write a 'Sri Aurobindo'—but this will not satisfy that other need in me, and periodically it awakens and sprouts up to tell me that it too needs to breathe. 3) There is also the destiny that feels human love as something divine, something that can be transfigured and become a very powerful driving force. I did not believe it possible, except in dreams, until the day I met someone here. But you do not ...


... This is the undisguised truth. But what can I do?—I am tied down. If I truly loved, things would be different, but it seems I love no one, not even myself, and the only love of which I am capable, human love, is forbidden to me. So I can do nothing, not on any plane, and I have no hope in anything. Forgive me, I do not wish to pain you, but neither can I pretend any longer to be happy with my lot. ...


... can bear Thy delight.   The Beauty invoked is that which is a blissful harmonious manifestation of a Supreme Consciousness free from all the shadows and shortcomings of the common objects of human love. Not that these objects are to be disdained and rejected, but the usual way they are approached and valued has to change. They are approached with a "longing" which is bound up with "grief" because ...


...   Page 148 a great gain to the soul practising any Yoga. Even if the motive of the music is not directly religious or spiritual, there could be a self-transcending ecstasy of human love in which the heart of insatiable desire loses its identity in a super-sleep, as it were, of a nameless night. I am thinking of both the prelude and the grand finale of Wagner's Tristan and ...


... Passion-flower is the flower resembling the crown of thorns placed on the head of Christ. As you know, his love for God expressed in pain and tears is called the passion-play. The love on earth, the human love is a veritable passion-flower. It has always thorns around it. Earth gives this love, and in its sequel doom, death. -10- The central idea here is of the divine sacrifice. The earliest ...

... as an "ambassadress" between Eternity and Time. She embodies forth herself in the form of Divine Love, or rather of a being carrying the saving power of the Divine Love within herself. All true human love has this divine element in it. Love, in truth, is that embodiment of the Eternal in Time which carries with it the stamp of immortality. Eternity drew close disguised as Love And laid ...

... muteness to mind,   Never save through The rose-heart hung, Mortal in hue With the wound far-flung!   No gate to the free Zenith above, But through the plea Of human love   Vigilling for God— A lamp whose flame  Is a spurt of blood To the azure Name!   And till the heat Of the Honey-Cruse  Is won, the sweet Mediator muse   ...


... think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high—it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly be. It does not abolish whatever is pure and sweet in human love, but intensifies and sublimates it to its highest. It is this love that the Divine has to give and that you must open yourself to receive. I think if you realise this, it will be easier for you to ...

... dreams of a more beautiful ideal. A group of three students (two boys and a girl) who have faith in a better life and in themselves. Two lovers who are seeking for perfection in human love. The ascetic who is prepared for any austerity in order to discover the Truth. Two beings brought together by a common aspiration, and who have chosen the Infinite because they ...


... intelligence half-witness, half-machine. An opening looked up to spheres above And coloured shadows lined on mortal ground The passing figures of immortal things; A fragile human love that could not last, Ego's moth-wings to lift the seraph soul, Appeared, a surface glamour of brief date Extinguished by a scanty breath of Time; Joy that forgot mortality ...

... (I can't call them delectations) occupying me. January 10, 1936 Is there no real love in the human world?... Where is the crux of the trouble? In the self-delusion of the vital. Human love is mainly vital, when it is not vital and physical together. It is also sometimes psychic + vital. But the Love with a dominant psychic element is rare. I am in agony; a great upheaval is going ...

... of his articles on Rāslīlā , asks why mystics and yogis use so much the imagery of passion, wine etc. in their description of experiences of Divine Love. Then he quotes Underhill to say "... it [human love] most certainly does offer upon lower levels a strangely exact parallel to the sequence of states in which man's spiritual consciousness unfolds itself and which form the consummation of mystic life ...

... course; with wary eyes he can choose for himself the golden path that will lead him to happiness. The queen warns Savitri not to rely on any platonic or aesthetic love to console her in her trial. Her human love for Satyavan will be no match against the relentlessness of fate: only when Savitri is able to merge with the One completely can she realise the unity of humanity and be happy therein. But for such ...


... presumption! "Born from a gas, a plasm, a sperm, a gene", yet to assume the god, affect his powers, and wish to divinise earth! There is no true wisdom because all human knowledge is error's make; and human love is but "a posturer on earth-stage/Who imitates with verse a faery dance". Children of the dust must return to the dust, leaving not a rack behind; such is the adamantine law. Death concludes with ...


... difficult, almost impossible. Because human nature is so limited, so full of contradictions and so exclusive in its movements that if you want to reject love in its lower form, that is to say, human love as human beings feel it, if you force yourself towards rejecting that, then generally you reject even the capacity to feel love and you become as it were a stone. Then sometimes you have to wait ...

... has no awakening in all time. We have a personality to which matter and force are unmeaning unless related to something infinitely personal, whose nature we have discovered, in some measure, in human love, in the greatness of the good, in the martyrdom of heroic souls, in the ineffable beauty of nature, which can never be a mere physical fact nor anything but an expression of personality .. ...

... difficult, almost impossible. Because human nature is so limited, so full of contradictions and so exclusive in its movements that if you want to reject love in its lower form, that is to say, human love as human beings feel it, if you force yourself towards rejecting that, then generally you reject even the capacity to feel love and you become as it were a stone. Then sometimes you have to wait ...

... and Matisse. Meets Emile Zola. Six of her paintings are exhibited at the Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, between 1903-06. Writes a novelette (since lost) depicting a human love that, universalised by devotion to Beauty, conquers pain and sorrow. On a visit to the castle Blois, Beaugency, gets a sudden glimpse into one of her past lives. 1897 Oct 13 Marries Henri ...


... eyes are really awakened, distant flashes can reach him testifying to the one Omnipresent Reality. The sight of a tree makes him view the "soul of man" as being "earth-bound, heaven-amorous".7 Human love breaks its bonds and grows immortal dimensions: Immortal to immortal I made speed. Change I exceed And am for Time prepared. 8 Page 158 marvels of sound and sight ...

... fulfilline Mother of all beings. Overflowing His fatherly solicitude it is His motherly love and tenderness that rains down upon His struggling children. This is the divine Love towards which our human love naturally gravitates, once we open to its beatific Force. This is the mellifluous bosom upon which we learn to rest and revive our spiritual possibilities. This is the golden Fount at which we drink ...

... social units like limbs of the human body. Rather than conflict it suggests mutual adjustment and co-operation based on a sense of living unity. His another poem "A Trance" contains an image of human love. From mutual unity attained by the lovers "Sometimes, apart in sleep, by chance She falls out of my care alone Into the chaos of a trance". The person that moves in the trance goes ...

... struggle against Fate. The foreknowledge, of Fate prevents Savitri from any slackening of her will,—or from her being drowned in the ordinary life of vital emotions which play so great a part in human love. The situation takes a grim turn at the very moment of the greatest human joy. The psychological tension gives the sense of concreteness to the whole effort of Savitri, and endows their relation ...

... She was pushing towards aims inconceivable to men and so men found it very' difficult to follow her. But they became her satellities and could not go away from her, Some felt towards her "turbid human love" and were partly disappointed but could not resist her attraction for, she was their support. Her contact opened them to the "new diviner air", to a "freer, happier world". There were some who opened ...

... Jnanadas - they are five notes out of which Sri Aurobindo makes, in his 'transcreations', one song, one orchestrated symphony on the theme of Love Divine in the more familiar images of universal human love. IV Between human and divine love, there are various other Powers that too command human affections and adorations: the country, for instance, the country as Motherland (or fatherland) ...

... es demanded, exile, durance or death. Not mere conviction, but courage of conviction that dares to stare death in the face has been the secret of those passions and emotions that are immortally human. Love of man or love of God, love of knowledge or love of the Motherland, each and every one has had to pass through the inevitable test. And it is this indispensability of sacrifice to the success of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... action of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic age in France arose to reconstitute society and transform Europe. Let us not therefore despise these mighty instruments. God has created them and the natural human love for them for very great and abiding purposes. Even in these few years the Ganapati and Shivaji festivals, instituted by the farseeing human sympathy and democratic instinct of Mr. Tilak, have done ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... insufficiencies of life! No human being is born who can keep at all times that first flaming of love and let no surface action deny the glory of the depths. It is too much to ask that human love should be a perfection through and through. We must ever combine the philosopher with the poet in us: then alone shall we understand that love in the body is an angel always at war with a demon and ...


... rejection and that it is better to take sexual pleasure where one finds it. This kind of denigration of love is categorically rejected in Savitri, which, in fact, is the greatest celebration of human love. Death, of course, argues like Lucretius himself in Savitri: What is this love thy thought has deified, This sacred legend and immortal myth? It is a conscious yearning of thy flesh ...

... man thrills to the love of God. 19 The secret of man's transmutation lies in Love. The poet says here that he alone can respond to love of God who has loved man. He who has never known human love must remain a stranger to the love of God. Savitri says to Death: A Lover learning from his cloister's door Gathers the whole world into his single breast... ODeath, I have triumphed ...

... ridicules it as her delusion which she must dispossess. Not only that; he is a staunch materialist and asserts that, not on Self but on Matter is founded the creation. Therefore in his theory all human love automatically gets reduced to a chemical process going on in the human body. Hence Savitri should accept the little joys that are now available to her and eventually pass into everlasting sleep ...


... an "ambassadress" between Eternity and Time. She embodies herself forth in the form of Divine Love, or rather, of a being carrying the saving power of the Divine Love within herself. All true human love has this divine element in it, however, perverted it may be in its actual expression. The highest ideal of love conceived by man is, really speaking, a manifestation of this "infinity's centre" ...

... think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high; it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly be. It does not abolish whatever is pure and sweet in human love, but intensifies and sublimates it to its highest. It is this love that the Divine has to give and that you must open yourself to receive. I think if you realise this, it will be easier for you to ...

... "You need not imagine that we shall ever lose patience or give you up — that will never happen. Our patience, you will find, is tireless because it is based upon unbounded sympathy and love. Human love may give up, but divine love is stable and does not falter. We know that the aspiration of your psychic being is sincere. It is because the sincere aspiration is there that we have no right to ...


... was Dilip, Gurudev also was Gurudev: so he wrote back to me as tenderly as ever: "You need not think that anything can alter our attitude towards you. That which is extended to you is not a vital human love which can be altered by external things: it remains and persistently we shall try to help you and lift you up and lead you towards the Light." But I stayed unconvinced and wrote back again insisting ...


... Leaving the stagnant bogs we grow to cherish. And every joy on earth becomes a bog: Every haven save the one pledged by the highest. And nowhere holds this truer than in the realm Of human love and nowhere is the prison More stifling than where lust is dominant, For lust can never win to lasting bliss Because its rhythm falls out of step with love's. For lust by its ...


... small silly voice whispered: "You fool, how awful to let the first bright flame of romance flicker down to cold grey ashes!" Indeed, physical attractions were a snare. But they had no real base. Human love could never be sincere, one-pointed, true and pure. That very night I wrote a letter to the Mother regarding the proposal and my refusal. I also wrote a letter to my friend Mrs. Saralaben Shah ...


... balancing opposites, imperfect also,—leave with the ignorance the human knowledge, with the evil the human good, with the weakness the human strength and power, with the strife and suffering the human love and joy; for Page 423 these are in our present nature inseparably entwined together, look like conjoint dualities, negative pole and positive pole of the same unreality, and since they ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... in its depths is a contact of the Divine Possibility or Reality in oneself with the Divine Possibility or Reality in the loved. It is the inability to affirm or keep this character that makes human love either transient or baulked of its full significance or condemned to sink into a less exalted movement diminished to the capacity of the human receptacle. But there McTaggart brings in his saving ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Nara-Narayana 3 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense,—just as the supreme state of human love likewise is described as the unity of one soul in two bodies. The ego-sense is not indispensable to the world-play in which it is so active and so falsifies the truth of things; the truth is always ...


... outpouring of love. If knowledge is the very state of oneness and love its bliss, divine works are the living power of its light and sweetness. There is a movement of love, as in the aspiration of human love, to separate the lover and the loved in the enjoyment of their exclusive oneness away from the world and from all others, shut up in the nuptial chambers of the heart. That is perhaps an inevitable ...


... seeking all the sentiment and passion, all the moods and experiences of love concentrated on a supreme object of desire and intensified a hundredfold beyond the highest acme of intensity possible to a human love. There is the disturbance of the whole life, the illumination by an unseized vision, the unsatisfied yearning for a single object of the heart's desire, the intense impatience of all that distracts ...


... its own vision, all pain a secret & violent ecstasy. If thou believest firmly & unweariedly, in the end thou wilt see & experience the All-true, Almighty & All-blissful. Page 497 533) Human love fails by its own ecstasy, human strength is exhausted by its own effort, human knowledge throws a shadow that conceals half the globe of truth from its own sunlight; but divine knowledge embraces ...


... Shelley. 3 Good poetry, but as a translation vulnerable in the head and the tail. In the head because, it seems to me that your সে ধন and তা বলি lays or may lay itself open to the construction that human love is a rich precious thing which the poet unfortunately does not possess and it is only because of this deplorable poverty that he offers the psychic devotion, less warm and rich and desirable: but ...


... Divine. If it does not get what it wants, it is capable of revolting or turning elsewhere. It is often pursued by jealousy, misunderstanding, unfaithfulness, anger etc.,—the usual imperfections of human love, and can turn these against its object of bhakti. On the other hand, if there is vital bhakti governed by the psychic, these defects disappear and the vital gives an ardour and enthusiasm to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... fire and sink for want of fuel, but is steady and all-embracing and self-existent like the light of the sun. There is also a divine love that is personal, but it is not like the ordinary personal human love dependent on any return from the person—it is personal but not egoistic,—it goes from the real being in the one to the real being in the other. But to find that, liberation from the ordinary human ...

... Their Attitude towards the Sadhaks You need not think that anything can alter our attitude towards you. That which is extended to you is not a vital human love which can be altered by external things: it remains and persistently we shall try to help and lift you up and lead you towards the Light where in the union of soul and heart you will recognise the ...

... one the Form and the Formless, and identifies Spirit and Matter. It is that which the spirit in Love is seeking here in the darkness of the Ignorance and it is that which it finds when individual human love is changed into the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material universe." Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 150 This brings us back to the symbol of ...


... way. "Till now she has not obtained what was necessary. Men obstinately remain men and do not want to or cannot become supermen. They can only receive and express a love cut to their measure—a human love! And the marvellous joy of the divine Ananda escapes their perception. "So, at times, she thinks of withdrawing, finding that the world is not ready to receive her. And this would be a cruel loss ...


... difficult. It is almost impossible. For human nature is so limited, so full of contradictions and so exclusive in its movements that if one wants to reject love in its lower form, that is to say, human love as human beings experience it, if one makes an inner effort to reject it, one usually rejects the entire capacity of feeling love and becomes like a stone. And then sometimes one has to wait for ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... artist who dreams of a more beautiful ideal. A group of three students (two boys and a girl) who have faith in a better life and in themselves. Two lovers who are seeking for perfection in human love. The ascetic who is prepared for any austerity in order to discover the Truth. Two beings brought together by a common aspiration, and who have chosen the Infinite because they have been ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... one here, power, light and strength are given as much as he can take and even more. It is given for transforming you. But when you take all that and use it for your personal ends and for so-called human love, it is dishonesty, it is robbery and it is crime of the first order. 2 Page 182 You must use everything for the purpose for which it is given, otherwise you commit a crime. I ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... (After relating several problems:) What stories on a day like the 29th! Let me not get the contagion of bitterness. When we get bitter we lose our Divine contact and become very "bitterly" human... Love and blessings. 29 March 1967 Page 293 Mother, I am not bitter for the simple reason that I am losing my sense of responsibility (the words do not convey the proper ...


... practises it. There are desireless men who are not pursuing any yoga. Widen your thought—it is very necessary! 3 June 1964 Page 296 (Regarding love) How can one direct this human love towards the ideal love, the true love? There is only one true love—it is the Divine Love; all other loves are diminutions, limitations and deformations of that Love. Even the love of the bhakta ...


... muteness to mind, Never save through The rose-heart hung, Mortal in hue With the wound far-flung! No gate to the free Zenith above, But. through the plea Of human love Vigilling for God— A lamp whose flame Is a spurt of blood To the azure Name! And till the heat Of the Honey-Cruse Is won, the sweet Mediator muse Of ...

... motives of life. Each group consists of hundred verses, and all the three combined together have been called shatakatraya, three centuries. The first century of verses is devoted to the theme of human love and romance, the beauty and joy of sensuous pleasure and ecstasy. The Sanskrit word, shringara, expresses more meaningfully the opulence of ornament, restrained dignity, beauty and delight of love ...


... passion, all the moods and experiences of love concentrated on a supreme object of desire and intensified a hundredfold beyond the highest acme of intensity possible to a Page 235 human love. There is the disturbance of the whole life, the illumination by an unseized vision, the unsatisfied yearning for a single object of the heart's desire, the intense impatience of all that distracts ...


... it may be a seeking for love itself and its realisation or fulfilment. NIRODBARAN: I have read a novel where the hero—an artist—has been depicted as unconsciously seeking for the Divine through human love but every fresh contact or relation seems to disillusion him because he finds jealously, pettiness, etc. coming in. Could it be said it was really a seeking or was it merely a vital play? SRI ...


... Vol. 14, p. 127) The second reason is much more profound and is of capital page-178 importance in one's sadhana. It is hard for us to believe but yet it is true that any human love however noble and beautiful it may appear to be, if it involves some attachment on the part of the lover, cannot but act as a "short-circuiting" and prevent the passage of true divine love. ...

... forward X's letter. He supports in this letter, very strongly, his belief in human affections. Y came to me just now and recounted her discussion with X on the subject, and her having lost all faith in human love and affections, as a result of her past experiences. Is Y far wrong? Obviously not. On X's own argument, if his experience justifies him in believing in human affection, Y's justifies her in ...

... as it is at the outside on the periphery, is equally a deformation and aberration like Hatred. Hatred kills but Love devours, vitally in man, literally in some of the lower species of animals. Human love and human hatred are both perversions, falsified expressions of another truth behind. It is human ignorance and prejudice that appreciates one and deprecates the other. Yet both have the same ...

... it, as it is at the outside on the periphery, is equally a deformation and aberration like Hatred. Hatred kills but Love devours, vitally in man, literally in some of the lower species of animals. Human love and human hatred are both perversions, falsified expressions of another truth behind. It is human ignorance and prejudice that appreciates one and deprecates the other. Yet both have the same root ...

... Personalities and Emanations. Indeed Dante's mind was full of questions and doubts and Beatrice herself had noticed it and given warnings to him. As she was purifying his heart movements lifting his human love to the divine level, so she sought to cleanse his mind too and as they moved on she was disclosing to him with her love and with her consciousness the nature of true mind and consciousness. At one ...

... Sachchidananda. And yet Love is one and indivisible, it is always and everywhere the same, essentially the Divine Love – in various moulds. And the mould in which Sri Aurobindo has cast even earthly human love is divinely noble and beautiful. Love has been uttered, as it were, by a Divine tongue and it has been transmuted, irised and is full of the redolence of heaven's delight: if it cannot claim to be ...

... as an "ambassadress" between Eternity and Time. She embodies herself forth in the form of Divine Love, or rather, of a being carrying the saving power of the Divine Love within herself. All true human love has this divine element in it, however, perverted it may be in its actual expression. The highest ideal of love conceived by man is really speaking a manifestation of this "infinity's centre". Love ...

... —clouds and thunder were in the sky, the sun was hidden. "So her grief's heavy sky shut in her heart". "A still self hid behind but gave no light". Savitri seemed to feel all the movements of human love, fear and grief specially due to her foreknowledge of his doom. This reveals the working of the human aspect of Savitri. CANTO TWO THE PARABLE OF THE SEARCH FOR THE SOUL ...

... life divine... I sacrifice not earth to happier worlds. 167   Urban says truly that the religion of the mystics is, "that the love of man for God is also a love for all humanity...our human love, both for God and man, is also a witness of the love of God for us. In this love divine, all loves excelling, we know the oneness of the Good and of Being which our human reason, while it can demonstrate ...


... to Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo, it seems, commented that in the spiritual world there are such “mothers” who are unwilling to take a human birth and yet want to experience motherly feelings and human love — it is they who take possession of a person in order to fulfil their desires. ...

... has not obtained what was needed. Men have obstinately remained men. They neither want nor have the ability to become supermen. They can receive and express only a love cut to their own measure - a human love! And the wonderful joy of the divine Ananda escapes their perception. Then sometimes she thinks of withdrawing herself, finding the world unprepared to receive her, and that would be a cruel loss ...


... bound by no carnal or sentimental ties but only by their common aspiration, are willing to join the great search for the Truth. The two Lovers, on the contrary, are eager to realise perfection in human love, and agree to join the search hoping for the perfect truth of love. The Ascetic warns the others that the quest must involve "dangers and risks, of threats and deceptive illusions" of all sorts, ...


... Splendour The Stranger*   How oft I ask myself: "Whence wandered you? Nought chains your soul to earth with happiness: Coldly you turn from human love's caress, As though a rapture infinite were your due! What memories haunt you of lost paradise? What cause once served, celestially august,  Makes all here seem disfigured barren ...


... throbbings of the bliss That reels through heaven a drunkard of Truth's sun. Page 276 Or. in rare moments quiet with dawn and noon And eve at once, our tittle human dreams Love with such far-flung eyes the undying birds That the large lust comes swooping down for prey  And, where the shadows mystically shone, Falls—crushing, piercing, lavishing every ...


... immortal, throbbings of the bliss That reels through heaven a drunkard of Truth's sun. Or, in rare moment quick with dawn and noon Page 49 And eve at once, our little human dreams Love with such far-flung eyes the undying birds That the large lust comes swooping down for prey And, where the shadows mystically shone, Falls—crushing, piercing, ravishing every sense— ...


... adopt better institutions, but not to give place to the love of mankind, not to recognise a real unity between man and man. For that essentially must be the aim of the religion of humanity, as it must be the earthly aim of all human religion, love, mutual recognition of human brotherhood, a living sense of human oneness and practice of human oneness in thought, feeling and life, the ideal which was... The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XXXIV The Religion of Humanity A religion of humanity may be either an intellectual and sentimental ideal, a living dogma with intellectual, psychological and practical effects, or else a spiritual aspiration and rule of living, partly the sign, partly... and served by man and that the respect, the service, the progress of the human being and human life are the chief duty and the chief aim of the human spirit. No other idol, neither the nation, the State, the family nor anything else ought to take its place; they are only worthy of respect so far as they are images of the human spirit and enshrine its presence and aid its self-manifestation. But where ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... illusions, be your normal self, come with me, I will show you greater miracles." He was taken to the world of beauty and beauties, the source of poignant delight, even the most poignant of all, a human physical love. He saw there rising before his eyes her who was the most beautiful woman in the world. Bewitched, beside himself, he cried out: Is this the face that launched a thousand ships And burnt... from the intruding feet of Satan's brood nor any shadow from their presence should fall here. That other influence must always be shaken off. You must always love your soul, always remain in its embrace, then you will no longer be a mere human being but an angel, indeed a god. And yet there is a still more mysterious mystery. Satan or his armies do not quite belong to the outside world apart from... sweet? Is there a special reason for such a predilection in them for human flesh? Here is an explanation. It occurs to me that human flesh is really sweet; the human body has been sweetened because it contains something which the other animals do not have, it is precisely the thing that we were talking about just now, because the human body enshrines a soul, and the soul is the source of all sweetness ...

... bosom for thousands of aeons and yet my heart is not soothed.... they all give a very beautiful, a very poignant experience of . love, but one does not know if it is love human or divine, if it is soul's love or mere bodily love. The famous Song of Solomon too is not on a different footing, when the poet cries: Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse;... can trace, Suffuse my mood with a familiar glow. For 'tis with mouth of clay I supplicate: Speak to me heart to heart words intimate, And all Thy formless glory turn to love And mould Thy love into a human face. 2 Auguries of Innocence". K. D. Sethna: "This Errant Life" in The Semt Splendour. Page 302 Something of the fullness of spiritual matter and manner... Double-lived in. regions new? 2 Poetry, actually however, has been, by and large, a profane and mundane affair: for it expresses the normal man's perceptions and feelings and experiences, human loves and hates and desires and ambitions. True. And yet there has also always been an attempt, a tendency to deal with them in such a way as can bring calm and purity— katharsis— not trouble and confusion ...

... upon bosom for thousands of aeons and yet my heart is not soothed.. . . they all give a very beautiful, a very poignant experience of love, but one does not know if it is love human or divine, if it is soul's love or mere bodily love. The famous Song of Solomon too is not on a different footing, when the poet cries: Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; ... trace, Suffuse my mood with a familiar glow. For 'tis with mouth of clay I supplicate: Speak to me heart to heart words intimate, And all Thy formless glory turn to love And mould Thy love into a human face.² ¹ "Auguries of Innocence". ² K. D. Sethna: "This Errant Life" in The Secret Splentiour. Page 74 Something of the fullness of spiritual matter and... Double-lived in regions new?² Poetry, actually however, has been, by and large, a profane and mundane affair: for it expresses the normal man's perceptions and feelings and experiences, human loves and hates and desires and ambitions. True. And yet there has also always been an attempt, a tendency to deal with them in such a way as can bring calm and purity – katharsis – not trouble and confusion ...

... Suffuse my mood with a familiar glow. For 'tis with mouth of clay I supplicate: Speak to me heart to heart words intimate, And all Thy formless glory turn to love And mould Thy love into a human face. It has been said of Sri Aurobindo's yoga that it starts where traditional systems leave off. It may be said with equal truth that the writer of Overhead... seeker (or the poet) who calls them down must bear the wrenching blissful pain of their descent: Or, in rare moments quick with dawn and noon And eve at once, our little human dreams Love with such far-flung eyes the undying birds That the large lust comes swooping down for prey And, where the shadows mystically shone, Falls - crushing, piercing, ravishing... brain-damped mentality". 1 The result is the sustained perfection of substance and style exemplified in his This Errant Life: This errant life is dear although it dies; And human lips are sweet though they but sing Of stars estranged from us; and youth's emprise Is wondrous yet, although an unsure thing. Sky-lucent bliss untouched by earthiness! ...


... thought Glimmers immortal, throbbings of the bliss That reels through heaven a drunkard of Truth's sun. Or, in rare moments quick with dawn and noon And eve at once, our little human dreams Love with such far-flung eyes the undying birds That the large lust comes swooping down for prey And, where the shadows mystically shone, Falls - crushing, piercing, ravishing every sense... yan realisations which no human power on its own can attain, the Grace has automatically to be there to clap wings on to our sagging shoulders.   (27.9.1993)   Here are your questions and my answers . 1. What is the unifying relation between the Supermind and Divine Grace? The Divine Mother who is the Supermind's eternal gesture of Light and Love to our fumbling and stumbling... that I am in omnipotent hands which at any moment will Page 201 lift me out of myself and carry me where Time neighbours Eternity.   (22.10.1993)   How shall I repay your love and generosity? All I can do is to keep you in the very core of my heart.   Perhaps you will want to know what sort of place this core is. Here the feeling of time is charged with a secret t ...


... from the Arya (1914-1921) Writings from the Arya (1914-1921) The Problem of Rebirth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga The Ascending Unity The human mind loves a clear simplicity of view; the more trenchant a statement, the more violently it is caught by it and inclined to acceptance. This is not only natural to our first crudity of thinking, and the... for a human birth and, without binding ourselves to the figure, we can appreciate the force of its idea of the difficult soul evolution by which humanity has come or perhaps constantly comes into being. We can only get away from this necessity of an animal past by denying all soul to subhuman nature. But this denial is only one of the blind, hasty and presumptuous isolations of the human mind which... . The human mind is a development from what is inchoate in the animal mentality; there is, even, in that inferior type a sort of suppressed reason, for that name may well be given to a power of instinctive and customary conclusion from experience, association, memory and nervous response, and man himself begins with these things though he develops out of this animal inheritance a free human self-detaching ...


... tranquille esprit! ¹ This is the divine love, love proper to Maheshwari. But there is another love more intimate, close, human-the love of Mahalakshmi. This is the love that comes down here upon earth and takes on an earthly quality, a terrestrial vibration. In other words, it has what we call the psychic quality that characterises the human feeling with its peculiar charm and sweetness and... bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ is symbolic of the alchemy of which the human body is capable when one knows how to treat it in occult knowledge and power. The human body can suffer a sea-change which is not within the reach of the radiant body of an immortal. 4   Divine Love is something aloof, apart, beyond. Even then it is there behind supporting, animating, helping... in the Transcendent where Love and Life and Light are fused to gether Page 274 into one single absolute reality. When it expresses itself, that is to say, when it makes its presence felt as such in its supreme nature, it seems almost like indifference, so calm and tranquil and poised it is, wide and vast and far and away, unlike anything human. Indeed human consciousness would view it ...

... describe it if a friend were to drop in and cross-examine me as to its exact nature. A curious question formulated itself instantly (I was sitting intoxicated on the beach alone): "What is it that a human being loves most in life?" The answer burgeoned at once, equally from nowhere, voiced by my heart in ecstasy: "Air and light". And startled, as though my heart had suddenly developed a tongue, I heard it... helpless against the army of waves? That was the question I had to find an answer to once and for all. An Ashram, a spiritual centre, a nucleus of aspirants? But being a born individualist, with love of freedom bred in my bones, I was scared at the prospect of having to live in a colony, in comparative seclusion under conditions which might prove more stringent than I could bear. Suppose I did not... "As for the other question — about the truth behind Hinduism — I can only say what to my view is the truth behind Hinduism, a truth contained in the very nature (not superficially seen of course) of human existence, something which is not the monopoly of Hinduism but of which Hinduism is the noblest expression." Page 14 Lowes Dickinson and Pundit Nehru never felt this because neither ...


... most difficult is the austerity of feelings and emotions, the tapasya of love. Indeed, in the domain of feelings, more perhaps than in any other, man has the sense of the inevitable, the irresistible, of a fatality that dominates him and which he cannot escape. Love Page 64 (or at least what human beings call love) is particularly regarded as an imperious master whose caprice one cannot... supramental truth upon earth. These rare Page 68 souls must reject all forms of love between human beings, for however beautiful and pure they may be, they cause a kind of short-circuit and cut off the direct connection with the Divine. For one who has known love for the Divine, all other forms of love are obscure and too mixed with pettiness and egoism and darkness; they are like a perpetual... took up this sublime force of love and put it at the service of her creative work by linking and mixing it with her movement of procreation. This association has even become so close, so intimate, that very few human beings are illumined enough in their consciousness to be able to dissociate these movements from each other and experience them separately. In this way, love has Page 66 suffered ...

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... austerities this is the most difficult, the austerity of feelings and emotions, the Tapasya of love.     Indeed, it is in the field of feeling more than perhaps in any other that man has the sense of something inevitable and irresistible, a fatality dominating him which he cannot escape. Love (at least what human beings call by that name) is especially looked upon as an imperious master whose caprices... separately. Thus has love suffered all the degradations and thus it has been lowered to the level of the beast.     It is also from this very moment that there has clearly appeared in Nature's works her will to build up again, by stages and degrees, the primordial unity through groupings more and more complex and numerous. After having used the power of love for bringing two human beings together... the magic contained in the action of love, Each time a being breaks the narrow limits in which he is imprisoned by his ego, as he soars up into the free air through self-giving, whether it is for the sake of another human being, or for the family or for the country or for his faith, he finds in this self-forgetfulness a foretaste of tile marvellous delight of love and this gives him the impression that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... unregenerate nature! Our God seeks birth as a human so we may Page 158 Be the more swiftly divinised till our Flawed natures, become one with His, merge all Their taints and blurs in His Love's gold-incandescence! AJIT ( hesitantly ) Will you give an instance? Does the Divine, indeed, Laugh and fence with us as a human? SANATAN ( to Mira ) Tell Him... sounding stilted, But you who are the soul of tolerance And understand our human limitations Far better than the worldly-wise of our world, Will surely forgive me if I ask how can The infinite Godhead (who is self-fulfilled, The Atmaram, basking in His own sun-bliss) Could seek to be born as a mortal to make love In the human rhythm to us, crass egoists, Who dare deny the gods and insult angels... boons — His utter Self of light, Beatitude and golden harmony, Unleashing through His every human gesture A deluge of inviolable Love That passes understanding and opens to earth Marvellous vistas of how we, frail mortals, Can live to manifest His deathless lila Of human-divine lilt, as His own playmates, A status envied of the Gods in Heaven, ( She turns ...


... there is no preference; the other one is much nicer looking, but you, you are Narayana.' I flattered him! I told him pleasant things. He was perfectly happy." Humph. Not always. Gods, like humans, love to be flattered. But when they were unduly criticized, they came to chide Mother. At the time Satprem was reading to Mother his manuscript of The Adventure of Consciousness. And he asked questions... a great shared love which would be free from all animal activity; something that could reproduce physically the great love which is at the origin of the worlds." Thus speaks the Artist in Mother's drama Towards the Future. "It is this dream that was responsible for my marriage. But it has not been a happy experience. I have loved much, very sincerely, very intensely, but my love did Page 168... " She remarked: "It's an affair between the Asuras and the human species." Rather an insoluble affair, we may say! But Mother did give a solution: "The only solution Page 121 left to the species is to transform itself, thereby stripping the asuric forces of the power of ruling over it." Alas for the human species! Alas for its freedom! Alas for the unfulfilled condition ...


... sentimental love of humans — it loves everything and everywhere, but it shuts itself in nowhere. It is a universal force. François’s difficulty has been summed up in a few words by a sentence of Colette’s, who did not know how right she was: “His poor heart was not commensurate with his love.” Great was his love indeed, because it came from a divine source, but he tried to shut this Love in a family... Septuagint, where it refers to a “laying bare” in the material sense, but above all, in the figurative sense, to the “revelation” of human or divine secrets. To Sujata with whom, step by step, we went through those terrible ordeals, supported by our sole love for Mother and our desperate will to continue Their Work until the end मा Introduction From age... And at the same time, there is probably something that does not want to get out of it. This frightening human condition. And one becomes so terribly sensitive....I swallow them raw, and it becomes so suffocating that I reach a point where I say No — or else go down on one’s knees and love. That is how it is. A nasty business. And if I begin to add up Andre Morisset + Cou-nouma + Barun, in order ...