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Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [5]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [9]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [4]
Mother or The New Species - II [8]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [8]
On The Mother [9]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [4]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [4]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [4]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [3]
Savitri [1]
Seer Poets [2]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sweet Mother [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Secret of the Veda [3]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - II [3]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
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English [227]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Aspiring Swan [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [1]
Champaklal Speaks [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [7]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [5]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [9]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [4]
Mother or The New Species - II [8]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [8]
On The Mother [9]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [4]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [4]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [4]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [3]
Savitri [1]
Seer Poets [2]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sweet Mother [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Secret of the Veda [3]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - II [3]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
227 result/s found for Material consciousness

... those that keep us upright, so ... 67.309 It's the transfer. This morning, with every action, every movement, every gesture, with the attitude of the body, of the cells, the absolutely material consciousness, with everything, everything — the old method was gone. There only remained “that,” something (how can I explain?) ... smooth. There was nothing that clashes or grates or causes difficulties... form of suggestions of disorder: for example a suggestion of haemorrhage. The body consciousness rejects it. Then the battle begins (all this takes place all the way down in the cells and the material consciousness), between what we could call the “will for haemorrhage” and the reaction of the body's cells. It's very much like a real battle, a real combat. All of a sudden, the body is seized by a very... very strong determination and issues a command, in no time the effect begins to make itself felt and, gradually everything returns to normal. All this takes place in the material consciousness. Physically, this body has all the sensations, but not the haemorrhage, you understand. But it does have the sensations, that is, all the sensory effects. All right. Once the battle is over, I look at all that ...


... parts. Page 377 The Material Consciousness I do not see why you doubt the fulfilment in your material consciousness. If there is faith, quietude, openness in the rest of the being, the material is bound to open also. Tamas, inertia, ignorance, stupidity, littleness, obstruction to the true movement are universal characteristics of the material consciousness, so long as it is not enlightened... transformed from above,—they are not peculiar to yours. Therefore, there is here no sufficient reason or justification for the doubt you describe. When the Supramental comes down fully into the material consciousness, it will create the right conditions there. The oneness will be created, the constant presence and sense of contact will be felt in the material and there will be all the actual physical contact... by any persistence of the movements of the lower nature. There are some that tend always to persist and return until the whole physical nature is changed by the transformation of the most material consciousness; till then their pressure recurs—sometimes with a revival of their force, sometimes more dully—as a mechanical habit. Take from them all life-power by refusing any mental or vital assent; then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... It is this material consciousness into which we are seeking to bring first the higher (divine or spiritual) Light and Power and Ananda, and then the supramental Truth which is the object of our Yoga. But there is an obstinate dark and inert resistance both from material Nature and from the physical conscious ness of the sadhaks—of which the lower vital and the material consciousness, both of them... an instrument, not oneself, the other is to bring down the divine Force from above and make the physical the instrument of that Force. The forces of the physical mind, vital physical, material consciousness [ are the forces of the physical plane ]. Of course, as I said, the statement must be taken with a qualification, for the true mind and vital are also there, but in this condition [ of passivity... each other. The body energy is a manifestation of material forces supported by a vital-physical energy which is the vital energy precipitated into matter and conditioned by it. The Material Consciousness or Body Consciousness By material is meant the body consciousness, the consciousness of Matter etc. Physical is a wider term. There is for instance a physical mind (which cannot be called ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... is full; all the same it is nothingness, one does not know. One does not know if it is a kind of higher tamas, or... Above all, to be confident. The big difficulty in Matter is that the material consciousness (that is to say, the mind in Matter) has been formed under the pressure of difficulties—difficulties, obstacles, sufferings, struggles. It has been, so to say, "worked out" by these things... things and that has left upon it a stamp, almost of pessimism, defeatism, which is certainly the greatest obstacle. It is of this that I am conscious in my own work. The most material consciousness, the most material mind is accustomed to act, to make an effort, to advance through whippings; otherwise, it is tamas . And then, so far as it imagines, it imagines always difficulty, always the obstacle or... has to be repeated most often; all the while you are obliged to stop or to remove, to convert a pessimism, a doubt or an imagination altogether defeatist. I am speaking exclusively of the material consciousness. Naturally, when something comes down from above, that makes, well... a crash, like that ( Mother makes a gesture of flattening ), then all is silent, all stops and waits. But... I understand ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... that's full, but still is nothing: you don't know. You don't know if it's a kind of higher "tamas" or... Above all, one should be trusting. The big difficulty, in Matter, is that the material consciousness, Page 222 that is to say, the mind in Matter, was formed under the pressure of difficulties—difficulties, obstacles, suffering, struggle. It was, so to speak, "worked out" by those... those things, and that gave it an imprint almost of pessimism and defeatism, which is certainly the greatest obstacle. This is the thing I am conscious of in my own work. The most material consciousness, the most material mind, is in the habit of having to be whipped into acting, into making effort and moving forward, otherwise it's tames. So then, if it imagines, it always imagines the diffi... to be repeated most often: you are constantly forced to stop, put an end to, drive away, convert a pessimism, a doubt or a totally defeatist imagination. I am speaking exclusively of the material consciousness. Naturally, when something comes from above, it goes vrrm! like that, so everything falls silent and waits and stops. But... I well understand why the Truth, the Truth-Consciousness, doesn't ...


... Matter under the pressure of difficulties, even, of suffering; hence, there is in it an imprint of pessimism and defeatism. As Mother pointed out: The big difficulty, in Matter, is that the material consciousness, that is to say, the mind in Matter, was formed under the pressure of difficulties—difficulties, obstacles, suffering, struggle. It was, so to speak, 'worked out' by those things, and that... of it, there are no hesitations: 'Is this right or not? Is this true, is this....' All that has vanished—when I see, there is certainty. That is, there has really been a great change in the material CONSCIOUSNESS; but that formidable power is not there. I tell you, had that power stayed here, had I remained constantly as I was during those hours that night, well, many things would obviously have changed... because it will soon come into the picture). Under the higher Influence, the body consciousness rejects it. Then begins the battle (all this takes place all the way down in the cells, in the material consciousness) between what we could call the 'will for haemorrhage', for example, and the reaction of the body's cells. But it's very like a real battle, a real confrontation. And all of a sudden, there's ...

... everything around you. There is also the vital consciousness, which is the awareness of sensations, impulses, enthusiasms and desires. Finally, there is the physical consciousness itself, the material consciousness, the body consciousness, and this is the [consciousness] which so far has never been entirely transformed. The global, overall consciousness of the body has been transformed; one can throw... consciousness.’ One also notices how the Mother is searching for a verbal definition of the part that remains to be transformed. From the quoted paragraph we can deduce: physical consciousness = material consciousness = consciousness of the cells. Part of the searching and groping is due to the fact that the Mother was talking in French. This talk, not included in the published volumes of Questions and... disagreed, for otherwise transformation would make no sense. ‘We know by experience,’ the Mother went on in the same talk, ‘that if we go down into the Subconscient, lower than the physical [i.e. material] consciousness, and even lower still into the Inconscient, we can find in ourselves the origin of all atavism, of what comes from our early education and the environment in which we have lived. And this gives ...

... drama in the most material consciousness. That was the starting-point. As soon as it became conscious, that habit became, as it were, foreign, foreign to the true consciousness, and from then on the transfer has been going on. It is a very delicate and difficult work. It means fighting against a habit thousands of years old. It is the automatism of the material consciousness which is, yes, dramatic... s of others. That increases the labour. The problem of mental and even vital contagion is, so to say, resolved, but the problem of material contagion still remains there. And in this material consciousness, there is the material mind that has so marvellously responded here, 1 but it has not yet the power to assert itself spontaneously against what comes from outside, this perpetual contagion ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... comes on the way. When it comes, one has to pass through with faith, patience and courage.         You wrote to me, "I suppose, the most material consciousness has come up or you have gone into it." Does this reaching the material consciousness mean that all the layers above it (like the physical, vital etc.) have been conquered already?       No, but they have been penetrated in your...       After such a long struggle I am somehow accustomed to the physical resistance. But the present weight of the inert pressure astonishes me.       As one goes deeper into the material consciousness the weight of the physical inertia may increase.         Are there many sadhaks here who are under the same spell of inertia as I am?       Yes — it is a natural result of... a certain penetration of the material which is relatively subconscient.         The dullness, heaviness, darkness, have reached the extreme point.       I suppose the most material consciousness has come up or you have gone into it.         It is, I suppose, the full Inertia that has come upon you. Now you have to get the true Energy down into it.       The whole nature ...

... for drama in the most material consciousness. 1 That was the starting point. As soon as that part became conscious, that habit became alien, so to say, alien to the true consciousness, so the transfer is now taking place. It's a very delicate and difficult work. It means fighting against a millennial habit, you understand. It's the automatism of the material consciousness which is, yes, dramatic... the consciousness of others. So that increases the work. The problem of mental, even vital, contagion is solved, so to speak, but the problem of material contagion remains. And in this material consciousness, there is this material mind which has so marvellously responded here ( in Mother ), but it doesn't yet have the power to assert itself spontaneously against what comes from outside, that ...


... what I saw. Is there any meaning in it? Or is it my own mental construction? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in the material consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO (Ref: Visions of Champaklal, 1st Edition, P: 55) ...

... and I tried to represent it in this painting. Does it have a significance? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in the material consciousness. 25.8.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... the completion of the third chatusthaya. It will be complete before long. There is no doubt of it. All this is partly the old struggle, partly the process of supramentalising the most material consciousness and its movements, partly a condition of the farther advance of the supermind transformation. [2] Many things have still to be done before the divine gnosis can manifest in the... transformed. But this is not sufficient; for the power that will work in it must be the true supermind, and as yet it is only the supramentalised overmind that has become at all normal in the material consciousness; the others are normal only for a time and then there is a relapse to the supramentality and to the supramentalised mind or overmind. This is the trouble. It will soon be overcome. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... into all-consciousness and God-consciousness, from the ignorant seeking of Mind into the self-existent knowledge of Supermind, from obscure half animal life into luminous God-force, from the material consciousness [ sentence not completed ] 161 It is at the high line where the surrender can become absolute that a divine gnostic consciousness commences and the first authentic and unconditioned... s and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. The supreme Power has descended into the most material consciousness but it has stood there behind the density of the physical veil demanding before manifestation, before its great open workings can begin, that the conditions of the supreme Grace shall be there ...


... pure, surrendered, expressing nothing but that Will. The Blue Light coming below the level of the Muladhara means that it has entered into the physical (physical mental, physical vital, material) consciousness. The two main obstacles here are the mechanical mind with its memories and desires of the past and the most outward sex movements; these have to be overcome (especially the mechanical mind... question of establishing something in the mind, vital and body. It [ how the body receives the higher dynamism ] depends on the condition of the body or rather of the physical and the most material consciousness. In one condition it is tamasic, inert, unopen and cannot bear or cannot receive or cannot contain the force; in another rajas predominates and tries to seize on the dynamism, but wastes and ...


... soup was instituted in order to establish a means by which the sadhak might receive something from the Mother by an interchange in the material consciousness. Owing to the past Page 568 association probably you see like that when your material consciousness in dream receives something from the Mother. 27 July 1933 ...

... therefore it does not cease with the body. There is a mental and vital ego also. The base of the material consciousness here is not only the Ignorance, but the Inconscience-that is, the conscious ness is involved in form of Matter and energy of Matter. It is not only the material consciousness but the vital and the mental too that are separated from the Truth by the Ignorance. * The ...


... are pushed back. I do not speak of this in that article. I have taken a purely material point of view. I have given the example of people (and people who lived almost exclusively in their material consciousness, their physical consciousness, you understand, mental, vital and material), and who eagerly wanted to die from the time they were fifty—they lived to be eighty-seven! I have had an instance... the physical determinism. These can change the hour of death. This is exactly what I have just been explaining at full length. The power lies in bringing down a higher consciousness into the material consciousness, and with the higher consciousness bringing down a higher determinism, which changes the material determinism. Page 51 And not many have that power. I have said a very few do. In ...


... was something there he didn't understand. What did she tell you? She told me you had had a special experience with her mother, in the sense that the consciousness of the cells, the material consciousness of her body's cells, was able to leave along with the inner being, it wasn't lost. Yes, but that is the NORMAL thing. It's the normal thing. But then, it takes time. And the result is... burned his body. It took me days to find him again, put him back to rest, gather him together. And one part had disappeared; his whole consciousness didn't return, because a part of his most material consciousness, of the material vital, must have been thrown out by the shock. I know it, because Albert's 7 father was operated on (it was more than a year later, maybe two), and when he was chloroformed ...


... physical pain disappear in the cosmic consciousness?" So you reply: "Certainly it exists in the cosmic consciousness.... The cosmic consciousness is the universal consciousness, the MATERIAL consciousness; there it exists. I know it, in fact, because it's a consciousness I constantly have, so I know that pain exists. Page 198 But it's what follows: "It is in the Supreme, Divine... all habits, outside all actions and reactions, consequences and so on; then it's like this ( Mother opens eyes in wonder ), and then it disappears. Page 200 It's so new for the material consciousness that each time you feel as if... on the verge of mental derangement. (Derangement of CONSCIOUSNESS—it's not mental derangement, the mind has nothing to do with that, thank God! That's a wonderful ...


... clear a way for a stronger descent of the higher things into the lower vital and physical.         You wrote: "I suppose the most material consciousness has come up or you have gone into it." Has this stage (of dealing with the most material consciousness) come for all of us here or only for me?       It has come to many.         At times, for days together I lived in a complete ...

... remained within him for all this time. In answer to one of the questions by the sadhaks He simply answered: “The time is extremely critical.” At the moment of renouncing His body to the material Consciousness, to Inconscience, He brought down the Supramental Light. The Mother said after Sri Aurobindo left his body: “Whenever I entered His room, I saw that He was con- tinually bringing down... understand or not but it is because Brahman and Brahmashakti have been uninterruptedly labouring from the beginning of time that, as a consequence, the Supramental Light has reached today this material Consciousness, this pit of dense Inconscience. Just a little more needs to be done. We shall wait for Them in eager expectancy to grant us Their vision in divine bodies on this earth. ...


... The Hippies in America, for example! The cracking of the cosmic egg was perhaps, the necessary prelude to the birth of a new world. But the real problem was to sensitise the most material consciousness, which needed repeated whippings to change its tamas into sensibility, and to awaken in it the conviction that "behind all its difficulties there is a Grace, behind all its failures there... Mother Divine, Page 720 should ever fall ill at all, or should need to battle so long and so unceasingly in the attempt to achieve the desired transformation of the body, or of the material consciousness. But for the Mother, it was not a matter of a personal victory isolated from the rest of the world. She was doing what she was doing for the progressive divinisation of humanity and of earth-nature ...


... because it will soon come into the picture). Under the higher Influence, the body consciousness rejects it. Then begins the battle (all this takes place all the way down in the cells, in the material consciousness) between what we could call the "will for hemorrhage," for example, and the reaction of the body's cells. But it's very like a real battle, a real confrontation. And all of a sudden, there's... is SEIZED by a very strong determination and issues a command—in no time the effect begins to make itself felt, and little by little everything returns to order. All this takes place in the material consciousness. Physically, the body has all the sensations—but not the hemorrhage, you understand. But it does have the sensations, that is, all the sensory effects. All right. Once the battle is over, I ...


... Harmony does not flow in majestic symphonies through the great arteries of the spirit; it uses what it has. It percolates through minuscule channels, fragile filaments quivering within our material consciousness; it enters in droplets, spurts, discrete quanta that look like nothing – a passing breath, a flicker of a smile, a wave of ease without reason – which change everything. We do not notice... connection?... Perhaps simply something in the old substance that still takes itself for its shadow instead of taking itself for its sun – perhaps is it only a matter of a conversion of our material consciousness, of its total and integral changeover from the small shadow to the great Person? A changeover which is like a death, a swing into such a radical otherness that it amounts to a disintegration ...


... true peace. Then all else can be done. The Legs and Feet It is the material consciousness that is indicated by the legs and feet. Below the feet is the subconscient. There is no big centre below the Muladhara in the body, but there are minor centres everywhere. The leg indicates the physical (material) consciousness. All below the Muladhara is the range of the physical consciousness proper ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... alone, therefore it does not cease with the body. There is a mental and vital ego also. The base of the material consciousness here is not only the Ignorance, but the Inconscience—that is, the consciousness is involved in form of matter and energy of matter. It is not only the material consciousness but the vital and the mental too that are separated from the Truth by the Ignorance. The body is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... it?... For everything to hold together, this way of being of the material consciousness continues (the material, physical consciousness), but in it a permeation takes place (it really is a permeation), which doesn't drive away the other, but... at length, it will probably transform it. It doesn't drive it [the material consciousness] away, but it's there and it dominates—at times it doesn't dominate ...


... what I saw. Is there any meaning in it? Or is it my own mental construction? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in the material consciousness. Sri Aurobindo ...


... that helped to break the limits. Page 108 But why, how?... You can explain everything mentally, but that signifies nothing at all: for the body, for the material consciousness it is abstract. The material consciousness, when it seizes something, it knows the thing a hundred times better than one can know it mentally. And when it knows, it has power: this gives the power. And it is this ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... answer was, it's as if all that helped break limits. But why, how? Mentally, we can explain everything, but that doesn't mean anything at all: for the body, the material consciousness, it's abstract. When the material consciousness catches hold of something, it knows it A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER than we can know it mentally. When it knows, it has the power: knowing gives it the power. That's what ...


... Mother gestures as if to knock against something ). But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly: the impression of something not too... not too steady—not too steady, it's odd. 12 That's odd; it's new, it began two days ago. We'll see. ( long silence ) Maybe... ." See Agenda VIII of March 7, 1967 . × Could it be the transition from the physical, material consciousness as we know it to the cellular consciousness in which there are not two "sides"—one of "life" and one of "death"—but something else? ...


... because it will soon come into the picture). Under the higher Influence, the body consciousness rejects it. Then begins the battle (all this takes place all the way down in the cells, in the material consciousness) between what we could call the "will for hemorrhage," for example, and the reaction of the body's cells. But it's very like a real battle, a real confrontation. And all of a sudden, there's... SEIZED by a very strong determination and issues a command—in no time the effect begins to make itself felt, and little by little everything returns to order. All this takes place in the material consciousness. Physically, the body has all the sensations—but not the hemorrhage, you understand. But it does have the sensations, that is, the effects: all the sensory effects. It goes on for a while and ...


... supramental. Introduces a Soup 'ceremony'. Sri Aurobindo: It was instituted in order to establish a means by which the sadhak might receive something from the Mother by an interchange in the material consciousness.' Receives a six-cylinder 1925 Lorraine from the Potels, her French disciples. There are only two other cars then in Pondicherry. Begins to go on late-afternoon drives with a few disciples... 1963 Feb 21 Gives first 'Terrace' Darshan from her second-floor terrace at 6.15 p.m. There had been no Darshans in April, August and November 1962. 1964 Oct 7 Finds that 'the most material consciousness' requires 'often repeated experiences... to convince it that behind all its difficulties there is a Grace, behind all its failures there is the Victory, behind all its pains, its sufferings ...


... or rather an imprint. Probably the imprint of all the catastrophes it had to go through in order to awaken to life—a catastrophic awakening. The emergence from the great, quiet Sleep. The material consciousness, that is to say, the mind in Matter, was formed under the pressure of difficulties—difficulties, obstacles, suffering, struggle. It was, so to speak, "worked out" by those things, and that... so great that the power of Matter is as if cancelled—but then, that doesn't mean Transformation: it means a crushing.... That's what used to be done in the past: they would crush the entire material consciousness under the weight of a Power that nothing can fight, nothing can oppose; and then they would feel, "Here we are! It's happened!" It hadn't happened at all! Because the rest down below remained ...


... the Mother and the child has much grown in reality, intensity and deepness. With my love and blessings The Mother 2.2.1948 Matter, blind to the Light, deaf to the call, the material consciousness and material life are the last and most obstinate refuge of the Inconscient and its resistance. There, the nearer the light the higher it raises its wall of resistance. When that is overcome ...


... I have to go through it indefinitely? You must keep a constant faith that these things must go and call in the Force to cure them. Does it carry any meaning? It is simply that the material consciousness must become more receptive. 18.10.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... But now this distinction [is no longer valid]. The other one [the subtle, true physical consciousness] has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness. The purely material consciousness is more vague than [the true physical consciousness]. It gives the impression of being something that is not very … secure, yes, not very secure. Isn’t that strange.’ 28 February 1970: ...


... Less generally the cobras are the forces of the evolution, the evolution towards the Divine. Their taking the place of the legs means that their action here takes place in the physi cal or material consciousness, in the evolution of the external mind, vital, physical towards the experience of the Divine and of the Divine Nature. The bite of the cobras (Shiva's cobras!) does not kill, or it only kills ...

... 58 As Sri Aurobindo explained: ‘The soup [ceremony] was instituted in order to establish a means by which the Sadhak might receive something from the Mother by an interchange in the material consciousness.’ 59 This peculiar ceremony was in fact an act of communion with the Mother’s being intended to enable or accelerate the transformation of the physical being of the disciples. ‘Have you ...

... had never touched before in the whole of existence of the human species, and, second, the cells carry within them the burden, hardened into a behavioural habit, of a catastrophic past. ‘The material consciousness, that is the mind in Matter, has been formed under the pressure of difficulties,’ said the Mother, ‘difficulties, obstacles, sufferings, struggles. It has, as it were, been built up by all ...

... afterwards several other possibilities to form the supramental body. In October 1967, for instance, she said, in connection with a woman who had died in the Ashram, that it was normal that the material consciousness of the body cells of that woman had left her body together with the inner being, ‘and this means that everything the cells have gained is not lost.’ It was the answer to her question of some ...


... his inner vision unsealed and made their unpleasant acquaintance. The Supermind and the Lower Creation It [ the Supermind ] can act directly on everything if it is brought down into the material consciousness—at present in the arrangement of things here it is latent behind and acts through other media. No, one can't say that [ there is a direct supramental action at work in plants ]. It is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... be the vital taking hold of the physical mind and using it for expression. The physical mind centre is in the throat and mouth—the vital physical is between the two lowest centres—the material consciousness is in the mūlādhāra . Page 240 The Heart Centre The heart is the centre of the being and commands the rest, as the psychic being or chaitya purusha is there. It is only in that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... this attitude is likely to lead to stagnation and inertia. (See The Mother , Part I.) It is only the more mechanical parts of the being that can truly say they are helpless: the physical (material) consciousness, especially, is inert in its nature and moved either by the mental and vital or by the higher forces. But one has always the power to put the mental will or vital push at the service of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... is the link-name between the general and the special aspects of the same deity. Brihaspati is he who has established firmly the limits and definitions of the Earth, that is to say of the material consciousness. The existence out of which all formations are made is an obscure, fluid and indeterminate movement,— salilam , Water. The first necessity is to create a sufficiently stable formation out of ...


... Attainment, or, the splendour or, glory. × Heaven and earth, the pure mental being and the material consciousness. ...


... Planes are big regions of being with all sorts of things in them. 17 October 1936 Poetry of the Material or Physical Consciousness The Vedic times were an age in which men lived in the material consciousness as did the heroes of Homer. The Rishis were the mystics of the time and took the frame of their symbolic imagery from the material life around them. 20 October 1936 Homer and Chaucer ...


... results. Medicines are a pis aller that have to be used when something in the consciousness does not respond or responds superficially to the Force. Very often it is some part of the material consciousness that is unreceptive—at other times it is the subconscient Page 578 which stands in the way even when the whole waking mind, life, physical consent to the liberating influence. If ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... There is a close connection between the subconscient and the physical and lower vital parts; so long as the subconscient is not cleared, the seed you speak of remains. The material [ consciousness ] is for the most part subconscient—it depends upon the subtler parts for its waking consciousness. The subconscient material plane is a field that still opposes the entrance of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... physical nature. But when that happens, very often the vital exaltation which can be very great when the experience is on its own plane, falls away and the obscure, obstructive physical and material consciousness appears in its unrelieved inertia. Inertia, tamas, stupidity, narrowness and limitation, an inability to progress, doubt, dullness, dryness, a constant forgetfulness of the spiritual experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... more and more fading of the more vehement movements of the vital ego are among the more prominent landmarks on the road. 2 February 1947 Matter, blind to the Light, deaf to the call, the material consciousness and material life are the last and most obstinate refuge of the Inconscient and its resistance. There, the nearer the light, the higher it raises its wall of resistance. When that is overcome ...


... construction—they could no longer get out of it. Well, this happens very strongly to people who seek for a spiritual life through the classical methods of Page 193 a renunciation of the material consciousness, a concentration on their inner being and identification with it. If I gave you the names of some, you would be quite astonished. They construct for themselves a conception in which one finds ...


... being capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness had never been. It is possible to attain a high level and get completely out of the material consciousness; but then one does not retain the ladder, whereas the great achievement of the great epochs of the universe has been the capacity to add one more step to the ladder without losing contact with ...


... manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are. Is it not a fact that these creatures are drawn by some peculiar fascination towards the spiritual life? Yes, because they feel they do not belong to this earth ...


... need of competitions, prizes, rewards; but, as Sri Aurobindo writes, little children cannot be expected to be yogis, and during the period of preparation a stimulus is necessary for the most material consciousness to make an effort for progress.... And this period of childhood may last for many years! The ideal would be exactly what I have written in the last Bulletin , 1 I don't know if you have ...


... inferior quality, and as soon as they return to their ordinary consciousness they will find obstacles in it, because the stuff is too thin, there are not enough elements in their vital and material consciousness to enable them to bear the descent of a higher force. To eat through greediness and a passion for food is something completely different from studying the different tastes and knowing how ...


... this rupture of balance would not occur, and death would no longer be necessary. So, according to what Sri Aurobindo tells us, Nature has found this rather radical means to awaken in the material consciousness the necessary aspiration and plasticity. It is obvious that the most dominant characteristic of matter is inertia, and that, if there were not this violence, perhaps the individual consciousness ...


... working out of a Higher Destiny. This movement of the consciousness follows a double line. First of all there is an ascension; Page 13 you rise yourself out of the level of material consciousness into superior ranges. But this ascension of the lower into the higher calls a descent of the higher into the lower. When you rise above the earth, you bring down too upon earth something of ...


... ng on the case—you come into contact with the universal state of consciousness—not in its limitless essence, but on any level of Matter. There is an atomic consciousness; there is a purely material consciousness; and there is, even more, a general psychological consciousness. When by going within, by a kind of withdrawal from the ego, you come into contact with this zone of consciousness, let us say ...


... things happen—they happen like this ( gesture as of things happening upon a screen in front of her ), things come, objects, facts, people speaking.... And then, at first I believed it was my material consciousness that could not remain silent, and then I found that it was coming from outside and it was getting materialised on the material plane. That is how, if I mentalised these things now, I could ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... consciousness? It is extraordinary. It is like the harmonisation of contraries. An activity, yes, total, tremendous, and a perfect peace. But all these are words. ( Silence ) It is a material consciousness? The action is a material action—but not in the same manner. ( Silence ) Page 326 How can one come into contact with that more easily? How can one reach there or be there ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... contact with eternal Love, the supreme Love, one immediately has—how to put it?—a perception, a sensation—it is not an understanding, it is something very concrete: even the most illumined material consciousness, however much it has been moulded and prepared, is incapable of manifesting That. The first thing one feels is this kind of incapacity. Then comes an experience: something which manifests ...


... learnt Sanskrit. I have occasionally heard—not physically—Sanskrit pronounced by another being; but it does not crystallise, it remains nebulous; and when I come back to an entirely material Page 182 consciousness, I remember a vague sound, not a precise word. Therefore, it is always an individual angle from the very moment it is formulated. You must have a kind of very austere sincerity ...


... at all; we're dealing here with something very, very material)... I have sometimes gone through it without experiencing ANY CHANGE OF EFFECT, which probably means I was centered not in the material consciousness but in a higher consciousness dwelling and looking on from elsewhere —a witness consciousness—and I was in a state where everything flows... flows like a river of tranquil peace.... Truly ...


... had wondered why these difficulties had hounded him so ferociously—now I understand, because I am being attacked in the same relentless fashion. Actually, it springs from everything in material consciousness that can still be touched by the adverse forces; that is, not exactly the body-consciousness itself but, one could say, material substance as it has been organized by the mind—the initial ...


... now I don't know.... It's not that I was disappointed by his way of being, certainly not; but it has suddenly confronted me with a terrible problem: 'Is it impossible to live a truth in material consciousness? Is it really impossible? An absolute, I mean an absolute truth—not something entirely subjective and relative, each one living his own truth in his own manner. Will one person always be like ...


... yet at the same time, one felt the joy of being permeated, enveloped and of being able to widen, widen, widen indefinitely—to widen the whole being, from the highest consciousness to the most material consciousness. And then, at the same time, to look at this body and to see every cell, every atom vibrating with a divine, radiant Presence with all its Consciousness, all its Power, all its Will, all its ...


... effort and their aspiration. We had called it the ascent towards the Supermind. And IF and when they had touched the Supermind through an inner ascent (that is, by freeing themselves from the material consciousness), they should have recognized it SPONTANEOUSLY as soon as it came. But a preliminary contact was indispensable—if you have never touched it, how can you recognize it? That's how the universal ...


... certain of your lower reactions. It could not have been through preference or through personal will (these things were eliminated from my consciousness long, long ago). But I saw that this most material consciousness was already completely permeated with the transforming supramental truth, and it could no longer follow the rhythm of normal life. It was much more attuned to the true consciousness than to ...


... the small comforts of married life. If they get rid of these three slaveries, they can truly become the equal of women. 1 August 1951 Women are not more bound to the vital and material consciousness than men are. On the contrary, as they have not, in general, the arrogant mental pretensions of men, it is easier for them to discover their psychic being and to allow it to guide them. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... surroundings. Anything new can wake up this interest for the time being—but the effect is never very lasting. 21 February 1946 These contradictory impressions are quite natural. The material consciousness naturally rejoices when circumstances combine to satisfy what it considers to be its need; in any case, they will help it to recover its balance and confidence in life. The soul witnesses ...


... everything around you. There is also the vital consciousness, which is the awareness of sensations, impulses, enthusiasms and desires. Finally, there is the physical consciousness itself, the material consciousness, the body consciousness, and that is the one which has so far never been entirely transformed. The global, overall consciousness of the body has been transformed, that is, one can throw off ...


... × Mother is not referring to an intellectual and human negation, but to a material fact that one finds at the very roots of life, in the most material consciousness, and which shows itself as an abyss of black and stifling basalt. It is intimately linked with death. It is the very secret of death. ...


... Since Vellore. The treatment takes two years. They said two years? Then you should go on for two years! You should do as they say. They have, oh... they have a hypnotic power over the material consciousness, which is a bit... disturbing. I could tell you all sorts of stories, but anyway, stories about doctors aren't amusing; there are always ridiculous details. And it comes back: you throw ...


... s and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. The supreme Power has descended into the most material consciousness but it has stood there behind the density of the physical veil, demanding before manifestation, before its great open workings can begin, that the conditions of the supreme Grace shall be there ...


... their work of "transfer of power." (What I call "transfer of power" is that instead of the nerves being moved by and obeying complex and organized forces of Nature, of the character, of the material consciousness in the body, they attune themselves to and directly obey the divine Will.) It's the transfer from one to the other that's difficult: there is the entire old habit, and then the new habit to ...


... saw (with the material vision), I had the vision Page 308 of all the hostile beings rushing to attack me from every side—it was frightful! You understand, it's the support of the material consciousness that's no longer there, you are wholly in that vision, and that's why you generally get frightened, while others believe it's a "hallucination." I remember (Sri Aurobindo was there), at the ...


... long time now, more Page 260 than a year, almost a year and a half), it seems to me that all the work was done only to teach every single element of the body to have a physical, material consciousness, but at the same time to maintain that state of peace—a positive, full, thoroughly comfortable peace: something that can last indefinitely. That is to say, I progressively teach the body what ...


... people who do dirty magic!" In other words, one domain after another, one difficulty after another, one kind of obstacle after another (obstacles that are either subconscious or in the most material consciousness or the lower vital), it all comes for an ACTION. An action which is very sustained and varied; even when some other thing (some other difficulty or problem) is in the foreground, predominant ...


... not the same any more. It's no longer what it used to be. Yet the memory of its earthly existence hasn't gone, it isn't another body. Yet it is another person. I am referring here only to the material consciousness ( Mother touches her body ). The other thing up there ( gesture above ) is all very easy to explain, the work was done long Page 59 ago, that's not what I mean—no, it's here. The ...


... world cannot be true unless it's absolutely free. Page 221 And the more power you have, the less you should influence. But it [the will not to influence] is probably in my very material consciousness, so at a distance it doesn't count: people are caught, seized, held tight, and the Force won't let go of them. Very interesting. ( Then Mother tells about X's visit ) I gave him his ...


... possible (I see plenty of people, but still infinitely less than before—before, I used to see them by the thousand), but this reduction is largely made up for by the widening of the physical, material consciousness, to such a point that I constantly, constantly have sensations that seem like individual sensations, but immediately I can see that they are other individuals' sensations, which come because ...


... shock of the new. This is his answer. But, for that, the mind should keep quiet. With all these experiences of the cells, how many times all that so-called wisdom, which is in the material consciousness and comes from rubbing against life, from so-called experience—the wisdom that comes from experience—how many times has it started expressing itself and Sri Aurobindo has said, but mercilessly ...


... which in the memory, is translated as a similarity. But it's an action. I am aware of the time only when I return, because I have made it a habit to look at the time when I come back to the material consciousness (there is a watch beside my bed and I look at it), and that's how I can say, "It lasted an hour" or "It lasted two hours." But there, you don't have the sense of time at all, it's not the same ...


... unfolding. ) A great battle.... I have learned a great many things. And it's going on. I've made discoveries.... Diseases, accidents, catastrophes, wars, all that, is because the human material consciousness is so small, so narrow that it has a rabid taste for drama. And of course, behind there is the vital being having fun, influences too... anyway all that enjoys an opportunity to delay the divine ...


... to be taken, since years the answer comes from above), but now with all material movements, also the inner movements, with the attitude of the body, the attitude of the cells, the absolutely material consciousness, with everything, everything—the old method was gone. It began with the perception of the remaining difference between how things were and how they should be, then that perception disappeared ...


... that all the time. Unfortunately... ( laughing ) the painful side lasts longer! When I am in peace, still, then naturally it's the other side. But this toothache and all that, which to the material consciousness, from an external standpoint, is very real (!), even that is no longer... When the consciousness becomes true, it no longer has the same character—I don't know how to explain. There must be ...


... to the Divine, and things come—they come like this ( gesture as though on a screen in front of Mother ), they come like this, things, events, people talking.... At first I thought it was my material consciousness, which did not know how to keep quiet, but then I realized it was coming to me from outside and was taking shape materially. Which means that now, if I were to mentalize those things, I could ...


... a flash you sense that if you were totally receptive, you would become formidable. That's the sensation. That's more and more my sensation: that if the entire consciousness, the entire most material consciousness—the most material—was receptive to this new Power... one would become for-mi-dable. ( Mother closes her eyes ) But there is one essential condition: the ego's reign must come to an end ...


... fortitude in the physical mind and consciousness would perhaps be helpful.   The latest higher descent is now penetrating into my physical Page 110 and material consciousness - so inertia, dullness etc. are natural. Is this not true?   It may be - as a reaction of the lower nature resisting change.   Just after the general evening meditation ...

... genes, of colloid actions and neuron reactions: the elementary instincts, the primary reflexes, the tangle of short and brief vibrations, and half-articulate pulsations of the most physical and material consciousness are the stuff of the life we seek to live and to capture and mirror. The creative and active force in life as well as in art is now invested in the nervous dynamism and sensational perception ...

... Its significance is thus described by the Master: "The soup was instituted in order to establish a means by which the sadhaka might receive something from the Mother by an interchange in the material consciousness." × Barin, Sri Aurobindo’s younger brother, wrote to him in a letter that sweets, had been ...

... have been misusing the terms "lower forces" and "hostile forces". What exactly is the difference between the two?       There are natural movements of the ordinary human nature in the material consciousness which take time to get rid of. Of course we call them forces of the lower nature but one must not regard them as hostile, but only ordinary. They have to be changed but it usually takes time ...

... it is not easy for the Light from above to penetrate, to penetrate to a great depth, to the bottom of the brain. It is not the Light from above but the fire from below, the flaming force of material consciousness that has to do the main or final work. For the light from above is mostly mental or mentalised, the very supreme Light does not descend easily, is not readily available: indeed it is ready ...

... element he embraces and he holds them all together in loving union—his is the friendly tie of comradeship with all. Finally Yama is the master of the lower regions, the underworld of physical and material consciousness, where precisely Agni has taken refuge. Agni is within the jurisdiction of this trinity and it devolves upon them to tackle the truant god. There is another point which requires clarification ...

... material nature. It was accorded in principle but in act it was found wanting. Now the tables are turned. The earth-consciousness has now to ask for, pray for collaboration from the Divine. The material consciousness has to come forward and take the lead and play the frontal role in the working out of the evolution. The collaboration of her physical body has been withdrawn, in order to leave us free in ...

... the very creation of the material existence. He is the secret energy hidden in the atom which is attracting, invoking all the other gods to manifest themselves. It is he who drives the material consciousness in its evolutionary re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra Consciousness at the ·summit. He is .however not only Page 14 energy, he is also ...


... he embraces and he holds them all together in loving union—his is the friendly tie of comradeship with all. Finally Yama is the master of the lower regions, the underworld of physical and material consciousness, where precisely Agni has taken refuge. Agni is within the jurisdiction of this trinity and it devolves upon them to tackle the truant god. There is another point which requires ...


... lifted up so that it may be capable of holding and embodying the afflatus that was coming into it for the change. Otherwise an individual representing the human level and forming part of the material consciousness will not be able to do it. Not only the earth-consciousness but the material constitution of the earth has to be transfigured. For the human body to pass through and complete the stages of ...

... intensity and deepness. With my love and blessings. THE MOTHER Page 22 Page 23 2.2.1948 Matter, blind to the Light, deaf to the call, the material consciousness and material life are the last and most obstinate refuge of the Inconscient and its résistance. There, the nearer the light, the higher it raises its wall of resistance. When that is overcome ...


... action) consisted in acting from a higher Truth-Consciousness. He did not want to begin outer action so long as the Higher Consciousness did not descend into the physical and even into the gross material consciousness. Only so could a new life, a life that manifests integrally the Divine, be embodied. In the fulfillment of the spiritual work that he had begun lies the ultimate solution of all human problems ...


... to emerge. One would like, so much, to remain enfolded like this, to remain like this for a long, long, long time.... It's coming, we must be patient. 37 As within an egg. And the material consciousness repeats, OM Namo Bhagavateh.... Like a backdrop to everything. OM Namo Bhagavateh You know, a backdrop you can use as a physical support. OM Namo Bhagavateh 38 She was weaving the cocoon ...

... morning I go to pick some flowers and I did not see it! Yes, in the depths of our hearts we know , we absolutely know the victory, the grace in all things, the exact process, but in the material consciousness, we are so blind, step by step, like a donkey on the path. I was so much in the obstacle that I saw nothing anymore. Oh, it is not over, but we are going to breathe more freely now. ...

... constant invocation to the Supreme 713 descent of 'this Truth-Power' 715 publishing her Notes on the Way 719ff experiences: incommensurable, incommunicable 719, 739 sensitising the material consciousness 720 'a bombardment of adverse forces' 722 'vibration of Ananda' 735 (see also 717-8) Terrace Darshan: 24 November 1965 737 22 January 1966 740 experiences 'consciousness of ...


... know! I had wondered why these difficulties had hounded him so ferociously—now I understand, because I am being attacked in the same relentless fashion. Actually, it springs from everything in material consciousness that can still be touched by the adverse forces; that is, not exactly the body-consciousness itself but, one could say, MATERIAL SUBSTANCE AS IT HAS BEEN ORGANIZED BY THE MIND- the first stirrings ...


... into a gesture, we are nearer the goal than if we had lifted a hundred pounds of barbells for two hours, while observing the development of our muscles in the mirror—it is the muscles of our material consciousness that need developing. And that can be done while brushing our teeth. Consequently, a huge field of possible development opens before us. There are genuine and duly recorded experiments ...


... it that had something to do with it?—The hands in fact. As the words were being typed on the platen, He "learned,” as it were, what He was writing. It was the consciousness in his hands—the material consciousness, the consciousness of corporeal matter—that did all the work. Sri Aurobindo was perfectly silent, transparent, and Matter went straight through the philosophical jungle, just as the Siberian ...

... let the body know, and it suddenly finds itself outside all habits, outside all actions and reactions, consequences and so on; then it’s …a wonder. And then it disappears. It’s so new for the material consciousness that each time you feel as if on the verge of a precipice. There’s a minute of panic in the consciousness. Because from the beginning and constantly, there’s a sort of commonsense firmly rooted ...

... Mind and reaching that Mind of the cells, She said this: There has been a whole work of PREPARATION for the transformation. What could I call it?... A transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness, used to obey the inner individual consciousness—the psychic consciousness most of the time, or the mental (but the mind had been silent for a long time). But now this material Mind is organizing ...

... principle of our being, and forfeit our birthright to the light and bliss and freedom of our spiritual existence. Detachment from the physical mind gives us a release from the grossness of the material consciousness; it gives wings to our inner consciousness to soar into the Spirit- skies. Referring to the recurrence of material thoughts and the consequent obscuration of consciousness, which is a common ...

... is worth keeping. What, on the contrary, you must feel is that this world is ugly, stupid, brutal and full of intolerable suffering; and once you feel in this way, all the physical, all the material consciousness which does not want it to be that, will want it to change, crying, “I will have something else — something that is true, beautiful, full of delight and knowledge and consciousness!” All here ...


... but man as he is now can hold only a little of these things and he can give them no adequate organisation and shape and body in his mental movements or his life-action or his physical and material consciousness and dynamis. The moment he tries to get at the absolute of the spirit, he feels himself obliged to reject body, to silence mind, and to draw back from life. It is that urgent necessity, that ...


... 343 This is very important. If you think of nasty things, you will be surrounded by nasty things. "To get over our ego is not an easy task. "Even after overcoming it in the material consciousness, we meet it once more—magnified—in the spiritual." Words of the Mother, CWM Vol. 14, p. 258 How can one meet one's ego in the spiritual consciousness? There is a spiritual ego ...


... manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled or dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are." Questions and Answers 1929-1931 ( 12 May 1929 ) Mother, you say: "These beings are very powerful"; what kind of power have they? The power that the vital ...


... lethargy and sicknesses. The main difficulty in the general sadhana also is now in the physical. From November last there has been much struggle and obstruction on the most physical plane—the material consciousness. 7 May 1935 Page 341 It seems another victory has been won by you? Some people saw a red-crimson light around the Mother a few days back. What does it signify? ??? Great ...


... Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother's Force and the Body When can it be said that the material being is ready for the Divine? If the material consciousness is open, feels the Mother's Force working in it and responds, then it is ready. 11 June 1933 I feel the Mother's light, peace, beauty, joy and love descending from above into each strand ...

... inferior quality, and as soon as they return to their ordinary consciousness they will find obstacles in it, because the stuff is too thin, there are not enough elements in their vital and material consciousness to enable them to bear the descent of a higher force. Source A Child's Desires Sweet Mother, how can we help a child to come out of this habit of always asking? There are ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are. The Mother Questions and Answers (1929 - 1931): 12 May 1929 ...


... to change it from a blind prison into his splendid mansion and high heaven-reaching temple. * Evolution is nothing but the progressive unfolding of Spirit out of the density of material consciousness and the gradual self-revelation of God out of this apparent animal being. * Evolution in its essence is not the development of a more and more organised body or a more and more ...


... An attempt to create a harmony among men?... It's presented to us in another way, but I wondered if it wasn't that. We'll see. Page 52 Now, integrally, including the most material consciousness, the bodily consciousness: leave all responsibility to the Lord - what He wants will be, and that says it all. When He wants you to do something, you do it, but after all... You simply do ...

... a dynamic agent in the working out of a Higher Destiny. This movement of the consciousness follows a double line. First of all there is an ascension; you raise yourself out of the level of material consciousness into superior ranges. But this ascension of the lower into the higher calls a descent of the higher into the lower. When you rise above the earth, you bring down too upon earth something of ...


... is worth keeping. What, on the contrary, you must feel is that this world is ugly, stupid, brutal and full of intolerable suffering; and once you feel in this way, all the physical, all the material consciousness which does not want it to be that, will want it to change, crying, "I will have something else—something that is true, beautiful, full of delight and knowledge and consciousness!" All here ...


... understood quite easily that it is the play of Nature with tremendous forces and that for her it is only a diversion; in any case, nothing catastrophic. For the consciousness of Nature or the material consciousness, physical forms and humanity upon earth are like ants. You yourself, when you walk, you do not find it necessary to move out of the way to avoid crushing the ants! unless you are a stubborn ...


... is worth keeping. What, on the contrary you must feel is that this world is ugly, stupid, brutal and full of intolerable suffering; and once you feel in this way, all the physical, all the material consciousness which does not want Page 47 it to be that, will want it to change, crying, "I will have something else—something that is true, beautiful, full of delight and knowledge and ...


... one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness had never been. It is possible to Page 117 attain a high level and get completely out of the material consciousness; but then one does not retain the ladder, whereas the great achievement of the great epochs of the universe has been the capacity to add one more step to the ladder without losing contact with ...


... something, it has to exist, otherwise you cannot imagine it. Yes, in our higher being we can have a very clear, very exact, very luminous perception of what it is. But if one comes down into the material consciousness, one has to say, "Well, I know Page 9 nothing about it." When it is there, I shall tell you what it's like—and probably I won't even need to tell you, you will be able to see it ...


... solution. The worst of it is that generally the whole material reality seems to be the only reality, and everything which is not that seems altogether secondary. And the "right" of that material consciousness to rule, guide, organise life, to dominate all the rest, is justified to such an extent that if someone tries to challenge this sacrosanct authority, he is considered half-mad or extremely ...


... aspiration, enter into contact with this Force. That was what we used to call the ascent to the Supermind. And so, even if it were by an inner ascent―that is to say, by freeing themselves from the material consciousness―if by an inner ascent they had touched the Supermind, they should naturally have recognised it the moment it came. But it was indispensable to have had a previous contact: if they had not ...


... 21 August 1965 Since the 15th there has been a whole work of preparation for the transformation. What could one call it?... a transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness obeyed the inner individual consciousness—most often the psychic or the mental (but the mind has been silent since long). But now this material mind is busy organising itself like the other ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... feels that if one were wholly receptive, one would become formidable. That is the impression—the impression I am having more and more, that if the whole consciousness (the whole of the most material consciousness—the most material) were receptive to this new Power... one would become for-mi-da-ble. ( Mother closes her eyes. ) But one essential condition: the reign of the ego must be ended. The ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... possible only at some level near the Supermind. It is possible in the psychic also. The phrase "arrives at its luminous term thy flight" means, I suppose, the complete descent into the material consciousness after breaking the barriers of mind and life. No. It reaches the Eternal and brings back to the material world that which is beyond Mind and Life. 25 October 1933 The Dancer is not ...


... existence which is in bondage to Avidya. Bhurloka is the material world, our dwelling place, in which Annam predominates, in which everything is subject to or limited by the laws of matter & material consciousness. Bhuvar are the middle worlds, antariksha, between Swar & Bhur, vital worlds in which Prana, the vital principle predominates and everything is subject to or limited by the laws of vitality ...


... then, being arranged in seven stairs, seven worlds, seven streams of world movement, seven bodies of things, seven states of consciousness which inform & contain the bodies. They saw this material consciousness & this material world as the lowest stair, the least in plenitude & power & joy of these seven divine rivers. Man they saw as a soul dwelling in matter, deriving his activities from mind & ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... All individual existences are jagat in jagati, object of motion in stream of motion & obey the laws & processes of that motion. Body is an object of motion in the stream of material Page 357 consciousness, of which the principal law is birth & death. All bodies are subject therefore to formation and dissolution. Life is a current of motion in the stream of vital consciousness composed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... and in one form or another a fairly general malady. Its constant return, the mechanical irrational return even when all the rest of the nature has rejected it, is due to the obstinacy of the material consciousness always repeating the old movement in the old groove at the least touch from the old habitual forces. It is a question of faith, patience and persistence. One must be more obstinate than the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the latter is always in a fever of restlessness. Pleasant coolness or coldness usually indicates a pacifying force bringing down calm or release. Knee to toe = the field of physical material consciousness. If the coolness passed into dullness, it may well have been only physical. But perhaps there was an inflow, only afterwards came a reaction of the lower inertia which is the physical ...


... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. Accepting and Enjoying Illness Your theory of illness is rather a perilous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... tranquillity and ease is what is wanted at present to restore the opening of the nature. The feeling of inability is just the thing you have to reject. It is true only of the physical material consciousness and it is true of everybody in the physical consciousness, because that is something very inert and all that it can do is open itself, remain quiet and receive the Influence. But there is no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... complete surrender from the beginning does protect—suggestions may come, but they have no power to develop into a crisis. There is a natural movement of the ordinary human nature in the material consciousness which takes time to get rid of. Of course we call them forces of the lower nature but one must not regard them as hostile, but only ordinary. They have to be changed but it usually takes time ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. We have not sought perfection for our own separate sake, but as part of a general ...

... The Ninth Hymn to Agni Divine Will Ascendent from the Animal to Mentality [The Rishi speaks of the birth of the divine Will by the working of the pure mental on the material consciousness, its involved action in man's ordinary state of mortal mind emotional, nervous, passionate marked by crooked activities and perishable enjoyments and its emergence on the third plane of our ...


... which is evolving in Matter, we who are not yet liberated from the conditions and effects of that involution of spirit in form, that plunge of Light into its own shadow by which the darkened material consciousness of physical Nature was created. The type of all perfection towards which we grow, the terms of our highest evolution must already be held in the divine Real-Idea; they must be there formed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... consciousness. Then alone the soul in Nature can be allowed to partake of the fruit of the tree of life and be as the Divine and live for ever. For then only can the purpose of its descent into material consciousness be accomplished, when the knowledge of good and evil, joy and suffering, life and death has been accomplished through the recovery by the human soul of a higher knowledge which reconciles and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... perfectly natural and normal, not separately psychic but spiritual, not occult and strange, but a direct, simple, inherent and spontaneous action. The spirit is not limited like the waking material consciousness, and the supermind when it takes possession of the waking consciousness, dematerialises it, delivers it from its limits, converts the material and the psychic into the nature of the spiritual ...


... the symbolism, Sayana's interpretation would have been impossible. In a letter to me, dated 20th October 1936, Sri Aurobindo wrote: "The Vedic times were an age in which men lived in the material consciousness as did the heroes of Homer. The Rishis were the mystics of the time and took the form of their symbolic images from the material life around them." What are we to conclude from this? We may ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Sri Aurobindo is for creating lebensraum for the Spirit here and now. And what is finally determinative of his being the upper pole to Hitler's nether is that he is for divinising the material consciousness and substance and form no less than the subtle parts of our nature - a transformation never clearly envisaged by the saints, sages and prophets of the past despite their intuition that ...

... essence, free, automatic, voluminous, not yet perfectly organised or complete, has been finally established and, except at intervals, acts even in the obscurity and inert relaxation of the material consciousness. Surrender is complete; horizontal movements of desire cross but are [ ] 5 easily rejected. Samata is complete except for certain external movements that touch the physical sensation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... supermanhood is the next distinct and triumphant victory to be won by the spirit descended into earthly nature. The disk of a secret sun of Power and Joy and Knowledge is emerging out of the material consciousness in which our mind works as a chained slave or a baffled and impotent demiurge; supermind will be the formed body of that radiant effulgence. Superman is not man climbed to his own natural ...


... and transitory delight is always the symbol of the eternal Ananda, revealed and rapidly concealed, which seeks by increasing recurrence to attach itself to some typal form of experience in material consciousness. When the particular form has been perfected to express God in the type, its delight will no longer be perishable but an eternally recurrent possession of mental beings in matter manifest in ...


... density with the ulterior intention of imposing law of spirit on matter & nature of deity upon human nature. Evolution is nothing but the progressive unfolding of Spirit out of the density of material consciousness and the gradual self-revelation of God out of this apparent animal being. Yoga is the application, for this process of divine self-revelation, of the supreme force of tapas by which God ...


... he who has had both experiences, can easily tell which condition is the more fertile in knowledge, the mightier & more blissful. 153) I believe immaterial consciousness to be truer than material consciousness? Because I know in the first what in the second is hidden from me & also can command what the mind knows in matter. 154) Hell & Heaven exist only in the soul's consciousness. Ay, but so ...


... supreme Love, the first, immediate... (what should I say?) perception or sensation (it's not an understanding, it is much more concrete) is that even the most enlightened, kneaded, prepared material consciousness is INCAPABLE of manifesting That! The first impression is that sort of incapacity. Then comes the experience of something manifesting a type of... not exactly "cruelty," because it's not cruelty ...


... perpetual, constant and eternal state in that it never leaves me. It's like that, and it never varies. What diminishes the immensity Page 373 of the Vibration are the limitations of the material consciousness which can color it and even sometimes change it by giving it a personal appearance. Thus, when I see someone and speak to him, for example, when my eyes concentrate on the person, I have almost ...


... turn my consciousness towards myself as little as possible, because... the sensation is VERY unpleasant. Things are tolerable only when I am turned exclusively towards the Divine and the material consciousness repeats, OM Namo Bhagavateh... Like that. Like a backdrop to everything. OM Namo Bhagavateh... You know, a backdrop you can use as a physical support. OM Namo Bhagavateh... ( Mother ...


... ed—much. Something significant and decisive will be accomplished. I am not saying that the body will be able to get transformed... I have no such signs, but the consciousness—the physical, material consciousness becoming... "supramentalized." That's it, that's the work now in progress. And that's what's important. You too, you must be able, you must be destined to do that also, hence your disgust. ...


... as cosmic. In the final analysis evolution, for Sri Aurobindo, is "nothing but the progressive unfolding of Spirit out of the density of Page 270 material consciousness and the gradual self-revelation of God out of this apparent animal being". Sri Aurobindo has given to the world his Integral Yoga which is a methodised effort at individual as well as ...


... far will we be able to go? I don’t know. I do not say that this body will be able to transform itself, I see no sign of this. But there is the consciousness, the physical consciousness, the material consciousness which becomes supramentalized. This is the work that is going on. This is what is important.’ 45 (26 April 1972) And this is what she has done by building a supramental body out of the ...

... dynamism is there in the Supermind; no other can be unfailing. Why does the body not stand dynamism? A. Why not? It depends on the condition of the body or rather of the physical and most material consciousness. In one condition it is tamasic, inert, unopen and cannot bear or cannot receive or cannot contain the force; in another rajas predominates and tries to seize on the dynamism, but wastes ...

... Grace will be intense and unshakable enough to overcome the harmful effect of these medical suggestions; and I feel that I have no right to tell you, "It is nothing," when everything in your material consciousness is crying out, "Danger!" Rest assured that our help and our blessings are always with you. 24 March 1937 Certainly we will be happy to keep you here until June. You are quite ...


... co-ordinated and when all things find themselves in you in their respective places and your entire material basis is thus prepared and becomes ready to receive the Light and the Power. The material consciousness has a firm and solid steadfastness. Page 362 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... and will not let me pass. In what manner should I fight him? Ignore him and go through. 12 May 1966 To get over our ego is not an easy task. Even after overcoming it in the material consciousness, we meet it once more–magnified―in the spiritual. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... reason or other, depending on the case, you come into contact with the universal consciousness—not in its limitless essence but on any level of Matter. There is an atomic consciousness, a purely material consciousness and an even more generally prevailing psychological consciousness. When, through interiorization or a sort of withdrawal from the ego you enter into contact with that zone of consciousness ...


... organize it a little (it was done rather quickly, I didn't stay there long). So when I went inside X, I saw ... It was rather curious, for it's the opposite of the method we follow. In his material consciousness (physical and vital), he has trained himself to be impersonal, open, limitless, in communication with all the universal forces. In the physical mind, silence, immobility. But in the speculative ...


... need is.... A lower stage? When the contact is through images, concrete and palpable, it's in a consciousness that's... I don't say "lower" in a pejorative sense, but I mean in a more material consciousness. It's in the vital. In the vital. Ramakrishna's experiences were in the vital. But at least it gives a meaning to life; life becomes full! Page 213 Yes, of course.... But in ...


... he who has had both experiences, can easily tell which condition is the more fertile in knowledge, the mightier and more blissful. 153—I believe immaterial consciousness to be truer than material consciousness, because I know in the first what in the second is hidden from me and also can command what the mind knows in matter. Page 251 How can one always remain in an immaterial co ...


... thing that is translated in the memory by a similarity. But it is an action. I know the time only when I come back, for I have made it a habit to notice the time whenever I come back to the material consciousness (I have a watch beside my bed and I look at it) and that is how I can say: "This lasted one hour, that lasted two hours." But there, one has not the sense of time, it is not the same sense—it ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... of it, there are no hesitations: 'Is this right or not? Is this true, is this....'All that has vanished—when I see, there is certainty. That is, there has really been a great change in the material CONSCIOUSNESS; but that formidable power is not there. I tell you, had that power stayed here, had I remained constantly as I was during those hours that night, well, many things would obviously have changed ...


... similar attempt, an attempt to harmonize men?... It's presented to us the other way round, but I have wondered if it wasn't that. We'll see. Now there is integrally, even for the most material consciousness, the body consciousness, this: to leave the entire responsibility to the Lord—what He wants will be, and that's all. When He wants us to do something, we do it, but after all ... We do it simply ...


... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. We have not sought perfection for our own separate sake, but as part of a general ...


... because physically I learned Sanskrit. Otherwise, I heard (not physically) Sanskrit uttered by another being, but it doesn't crystallize, it remains hazy, and when I return to a completely material consciousness, I remember a certain vague sound, but not a precise word. Therefore, the minute it is formulated, it's ALWAYS an individual angle. It takes a sort of VERY AUSTERE sincerity. You are carried ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 January 15, 1964 ( after a long silence ) There is a curious transitional state in the most material consciousness, the body consciousness. A transition from the state of subjugation, of helplessness, in which one is constantly at the mercy of forces, vibrations, unexpected movements, all sorts of impulses—to ...


... describes certain things she saw about him: ) ...It comes with images, it's a sort of perception like a motion picture.... ( Then she goes on: ) ...There is a whole part of the most material consciousness, the utterly physical consciousness (precisely the one that participates in incalculable, minuscule activity of every day) which, of course, is very hard to bear. In ordinary life, it's tolerable ...


... is necessary to intervene, I pass everything on to the Lord and tell Him, "Do it." ( silence ) I see clearly, you know. It's a distortion of aspiration. In your consciousness—your most material consciousness—there is a feeling that it is an aspiration, and, as you say, a frustrated aspiration, and you haven't understood that it's because it's a distorted aspiration that you don't feel the response ...


... right, it's a springboard—hop! let's jump, now let's go beyond that." When one does the work I am doing and is in contact with all the petty reactions of the physical body, of the most material consciousness... mon petit, it would be absolutely disheartening and sickening to anyone having an ideal. But that... that's how it is, so that's how it is: it must change—we are here so that it will become ...


... you, is it true?" ( silence ) Since the 15th, there has been a whole work of preparation for the transformation.... What could I call it?... A transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness, used to obey the inner individual consciousness—the psychic consciousness most of the time, or the mental (but the mind had been silent for a long time). But now this material mind is organizing ...


... down even to the external physical, because if we understood the story of his death symbolically we would see why he died by an arrow shot into his foot: the foot is the symbol of the most material consciousness. That part, we may conclude, had remained vulnerable. Anyway, here was a great occasion on which a power, not unheard-of but unrealised in its fullness, had come down in its fullness, though ...


... conquered life, conquered death, conquered all. Lord Krishna has come." Mother explained last night: it is not that Lord Krishna was not there, on the 24th he manifested in the most material consciousness and Sri Aurobindo said that he knew that now the time had come to take up the work of the new creation. Speaking of those days Mother said that the atmosphere was intense because ...

... with the image of "God-light", and reminds us that the earth cannot look very long upon that glorious light Too soon the divine splendor is absorbed by the earth nature and dissolves in its material consciousness. Analogous imagery dominates the first part of this unit with words such as "illuiruning", "spark of deity", "lustre", "glow of magic fire", "bright", "supernal beam", and "body of glory". ...

... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. We have not sought perfection for our own separate sake, but as part of a general ...

... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the idea of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. We have not sought perfection for our own separate sake, but as part of ...

... Divine;, the spiritual Force and the Guru) suddenly happens after all and also how those who never had any experience for years get the opening. The difficulty is great and the darkness of the material consciousness is obstinate, but still if one knows how to persist or even how to wait, the light comes. March 19, 1935 I shall try to see about the Riddance tomorrow—but I am not sure about ...

... the vital Aspiration Divine help Detachment Vital plentitude Sincerity Transformation Page 72 Psychic purity Will to conquer vital enemies Krishna's play in the material consciousness Turned towards the light Divine purity Supramental light in the subconscient Divine Love Skilfulness in the work Skill in works Vital Prayer Disinterested work Surrender New ...


... great working all around as a preparatory stage for the great event of the 21st February. 1 Then what is meant by these two days of constant darkness? This has brought me down to the most material consciousness. How am I to prepare myself now for the grand descent?           1 The Mother's birthday, one of the Darshan days at the Ashram. Page 251       Let the ...

... absence of mind. January 24, 1935 Apropos our discussion on women, let me put before you Mother's opinion on the matter. She says that women are not more bound to the vital and material consciousness than men. On the contrary, as they do not have the arrogant mental pretensions of men, it is easier for them to discover their psychic being and be guided by it. No doubt, they can discover ...

... disturbed reflection". 23 As we penetrate behind the surface or appearance and touch the reality within, this world of Anandamaya, new values replace the values of our lower mental, vital or material consciousness, and our aesthesis too, "shares in this intensification of capacity.. .As it enters the Overhead planes the ordinary aesthesis turns into a pure delight and becomes capable of a high, a large ...


... material nature. It was accorded in principle, but in act it was found wanting. Now the tables are turned. The earth-consciousness has now to ask for, pray for collaboration from the Divine. The material consciousness has to come forward and take the lead and play the frontal role in the working out of the evolution. The collaboration of her physical body has been withdrawn in order to leave us free in our ...

... with the very creation of the material existence. He is the secret energy hidden in the atom which is attracting, invoking all the other gods to manifest themselves. It is he who drives the material consciousness in its evolutionary re-course upward towards the radiant fullness in the solar Supra-Consciousness at the summit. He is however not only energy, he is also delight (vāma). For he is the Soma ...

... element he embraces and he holds them all together in loving union-his is the friendly tie of comradeship with all. Finally Yama is the master of the lower regions, the underworld of physical and material consciousness, where precisely Agni has taken refuge. Agni is within the jurisdiction of this trinity and it devolves upon them to tackle the truant god. There is another point which requires clarification ...

... it is not easy for the Light from above to penetrate, to penetrate to a great depth, to the bottom of the brain. It is not the Light from above but the fire from below, the flaming force of material consciousness that has to do the main or final work. For the light from above is mostly mental or mentalised, the very supreme Light does not descend easily, is not readily available: indeed it is ready ...

... an extent that it might be capable of holding and embodying the inflatus that was coming into it for the change. Otherwise an individual representing the human level and forming part of the material consciousness would not be able to do it. Not only the earth consciousness but the material constitution of the earth has to be transfigured   For the human body to pass through and complete the stages ...

... then transformation might go faster. The Mother returned to the question on 24 June, and remarked that the desired change was from a habit thousands of years old, "the automatism of the material consciousness which is, yes, dramatic, almost catastrophic", to the automatism generated in the "cellular mind" by its being "constantly conscious of... the divine Presence and Consciousness". But in all ...


... speaking, those original four rushing into matter had lost no time in peopling the world exponentially with their progenies. All of them thrive on conflict and have occupied every layer of the material consciousness. "Those four personalities," said Mother, "made innumerable emanations, they in turn made innumerable emanations, which made formations. Thus there are millions upon millions upon millions ...

... going this way or that way; you can go like that or like this or like that [Mother made a gesture of pulling the consciousness to one side or the other]. 19 A veil to be lifted in the material consciousness of the earth. A tilt into the true position. Nothing to change. Only the position of consciousness to change. The world is the same, and everything is true. Life is the same, and death no ...


... And why is there a dividing line in the first place, where is the line, where is the veil? What makes the veil?... A veil can be removed. Something is veiled in our material substance, in our material consciousness. And yet, she said, it would take little, very little, to pass from this world to the other, or FOR THE OTHER TO BECOME THE REAL WORLD. A little click would be enough, or rather a little ...


... On 21 August, the Mother said that since the 15th there was in the process of the transformation of her body what could be called "a transfer of power". Until then "the cells, the whole material consciousness obeyed the inner individual consciousness - most often the psychic or the mental (but the mind has been silent since long) But now this material mind is busy organising itself...." Significantly ...


... capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness had never been. It is possible to attain a high level and get completely out of the material consciousness; but then one does not retain the ladder .... To go up and down and join the top to the bottom is the whole secret of realisation, and that is the work of the Avatar. Each time he adds one ...


... intense, conscious, marvellous .... 30 The link had been established at last, and there was no danger of it snapping or the experiences of the higher planes being lost on return to the material consciousness. Max Théon, a Polish Jew, and his wife Alma, an Englishwoman, an even greater occultist, lived at Tlemcen in Algeria. In 1906, leaving the continent for the first time in her life, Mirra ...


... the distribution, Sri Aurobindo once said: The soup was instituted in order to establish a means by which the Sadhak might receive something from the Mother by an interchange in the material consciousness. 16 Long years afterwards, some of the privileged participants have tried to recapture the meaning, message and the whole mystique of the Soup ceremony which had meant so much to ...


... get empty sometimes. It is when we are preparing for greater receptivities that we feel empty. To get over our ego is not an easy task. Even after overcoming it in the material consciousness, we meet it once more - magnified - in the spiritual. If we allow a falsehood, however small, to express itself through our mouth or our pen, how can we hope to become perfect messengers ...


... question about the illness, perfection in the physical plane is indeed part of the ideal of the Yoga, but it is the last item and, so long as the fundamental change has not been made in the material consciousness to which the body belongs, one may have a certain perfection on other planes without having immunity in the body. We have not sought perfection for our own separate sake, but as part of ...


... feel an intense power of Delight which the author communicates to us in his expression. The fulfilment of earth-consciousness would be possible when the Divine would descend into the most material consciousness. It would then, says the author, take the world of ignorance by storm because the Divine would be manifested in form as beauty and it is the Divine Beauty which would capture the heart of Ignorance ...

... physical consciousness was quite concrete and precise. But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly.... Strange. 12 * "But how does one go from one state to the other or from one perception to the other?" I asked Mother. "What makes the difference between the two?" I ...


... chrysalis of the caterpillar, time stops... and Matter is transformed. This is perhaps an unexpected angle of the problem. The transformation of Matter is a problem of transforming the tempo of material consciousness. The supramental Vibration is at once perfectly still and characterized by fantastic movement. Mathematicians say that at the speed of light time stops, or it is the limit of time when ...


... that the butterfly was within the caterpillar’s very body. It was not another species that saw, not a higher vision of Mother: it was the body that saw, the body’s cells that saw, the very material consciousness that saw Matter and saw it in a different way, lived it in a different way. It was not outside of Matter, another type of Matter: it was Matter itself. For, one day, Mother made this very revealing ...

... great being capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness had never been. ... one more step to the ladder without losing contact with the material [consciousness],... to reach the Highest and at the same time connect the top with the bottom.... To go up and down and join the top to the bottom is the whole secret of realisation, and that is the work ...

... up, one step down], very true, because it's true even for the most material body-consciousness. And you realize the difficulties that represents.... As soon as the body becomes more conscious of the divine Presence and Light, it's immediately as though you touched the dregs of unconsciousness and... yes, of unconsciousness and material inertia. And that makes the work very hard, very hard. And just... just last time, when I told you I wasn't very well, it happened during the night, and it was the equivalent of what you write here, but purely material, in the body. In your book you describe it rather psychologically, like a phenomenon of consciousness, that is; but here it's a phenomenon of the cells.... So hurry to bring me the triumph! ( Mother laughs ) I was telling myself just this morning how ...


... and it's located in the most material physical consciousness—it isn't doubt (which mainly belongs to the mind), it is almost like a refusal to accept the obvious as soon as it doesn't belong to the little daily routine of ordinary sensations and reactions—a sort of incapacity to accept and recognize the exceptional. This disbelief is the bedrock of the consciousness. And it comes Page 491 ... going somewhere—'Oh, he's going to have an accident!'... And it applies to everything; it's swarming down below. Nothing to do with thought as such! It's quite a nasty habit, for it keeps the most material state in a condition of disharmony, disorder, ugliness and difficulty. I tried every possible way... To get out of it is relatively easy. But then it doesn't change. The problem appeared again ...


... is in the most material physical consciousness." ( CWM , Vol. 7, p. 259)   After the exercises all the groups would stand in attention, in a formation around the Mother who stood in front of the map. This was the 'concentration' about which the Mother says: "I try, first, to make the atmosphere as calm, quiet, unified as possible, as though I were spreading the consciousness out wide, like ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... upon something which is expressed in all kinds of ways; but it is a kind of admiration... how to put it?... a spontaneous and also charming admiration for heroism, which is in the most material physical consciousness. And this is a tremendous power for overcoming tamas and physical inertia. Besides it is upon this that all the fighting capacities of armies in the wars are founded. If human beings... sing and went through the whole village singing. It seemed like a resurrection. Well, it is about this kind of thing I am speaking. It is something so beautiful, which is in the most material physical consciousness! You see, all of a sudden, they had the feeling that they were heroes, that they had done something heroic, and so they didn't want to look like people completely flattened out, no longer... human consciousness, the mental, vital, physical consciousness, one must concentrate in order to find the psychic. It is only if you have soared up out of the human consciousness and entered consciously the higher regions above the mind, far above the mind, that you no longer need to concentrate in the psychic because you will naturally find it. But to rise above the mental consciousness, not into ...


... The true witness and discoverer is our growing consciousness; for that consciousness is itself the sign and power of the evolving Divine, and its growth out of the apparent inconscience Page 163 of the material universe is the fundamental, the one abiding, progressive index event of the long earth-story. Only when this evolving consciousness can grow into its own full divine power will... If all were indeed a result of cosmic Chance, there would be no necessity of a new advance; nothing beyond mind need appear in the material world,—as indeed there was then no necessity for even mind to arise at all out of the meaningless blind material whirl. Consciousness itself would be only a Page 162 fortuitous apparition, a strange hallucinating reflection or ghost of Matter. Or if... illimitable consciousness and power out of the seemingly inert yet furiously driven force of insensible Nature. Earth-life is one self-chosen habitation of a great Divinity and his aeonic will is to change it from a blind prison into his splendid mansion and high heaven-reaching temple. The nature of the Divinity in the world is an enigma to the mind, but to our enlarging consciousness it will appear ...


... life is essentially miserable in its very nature. People will invite A.B. to come down from his hyper-optimism into the material earth-consciousness and see for himself. A.B. is not an ass. He knows perfectly well what is taking place in the material earth-consciousness and would be very anxious to plunge into the fray to make things better, if I allowed him—but I don't and won't. I am trying... was under the impression that Mother could at once know of such things. Some even say that she knows everything—all that is material or spiritual. Others maintain that she knows when the question of consciousness is involved, e.g. sex movements etc., but not so much about material things. Good Lord! you don't expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes... planes and in all the universes? Or even on this earth—e.g. what Lloyd George had for dinner yesterday? Questions of consciousness of course she always knows even with her outermost physical mind. Material facts she can know but is not bound to do it. The matter however is too complex for answer in a short space. What would be true to say, is that she can know if she concentrates or if her attention ...

... into the subtle physical all that is necessary for one's integral progress. And in the order of things, the outer contact should come only as a crowning and an aid so that the body—the material physical consciousness and the body—may be able to follow the movement of the inner being. Page 306 But if you believe that this contact is going to replace the inner receptivity, you are mistaken... transform themselves, then, at a particular moment, perhaps a conversation or a material contact, a presence, may help them to make a more integral progress. One may very easily live in close proximity, in one's daily life be apparently very near, and get nothing at all out of it, at least in the active consciousness. Perhaps there is a very slow and deep action which goes on... but it seems to me... succeed in all they do, they avoid many troubles and catastrophes, indeed they are in harmony with the rhythm of life and Nature. And, moreover, there are days when one is in contact with the divine Consciousness which is at work, with the Grace, and then everything is tinged, coloured with this Presence, and things which usually seem to you dull and uninteresting become charming, pleasant, attractive, ...


... to consciousness"; and although mind does not create material objects, consciousness may do so—indeed it is the force of the original consciousness, which is the force of being, that has created the physical plane of multiplicity. This creative power is the self-projecting energy of consciousness— prajnana. It is, in other words, the force of individuation inherent in the play of consciousness. Now... and grow. Possibility really means just a chance of the consciousness acting in a certain way, developing in a particular direction under certain conditions. Matter exists in the absolute Consciousness, not as Matter but as its fundamental substratum, as that radical mode of being or consciousness which by the devolution of consciousness and the interaction of Knowledge and Ignorance in the end... release of concentration has given birth to Mind which still bases itself upon and is woven into Life and Matter. The change-over from unconsciousness to consciousness and from consciousness to super-consciousness is the movement of consciousness from a unilateral towards an ever widening multiple poise and functioning of concentration. The exclusive concentration was the logical and inevitable ...

... does not mean merely "mental" but also "relating to consciousness"; and although mind does not create material objects, consciousness may do so – indeed it is the force of the original consciousness, which is the force of being, that has created the physical plane of multiplicity. This creative power is the self-projecting energy of consciousness – praj ñana . It is, in other words, the force of... sprout and grow. Possibility really means just a chance of the consciousness acting in a certain way, developing in a particular direction under certain conditions. Matter exists in the absolute Consciousness, not as Matter but as its fundamental substratum, as that radical mode of being or consciousness which by the devolution of consciousness and the interaction of Knowledge and Ignorance in the end... status of consciousness, the Divine Consciousness, exactly as they exist now, there would be no point or meaning in creation or manifestation. Manifestation or creation does not mean merely unveiling or unrolling in the sense of unpacking. It means a gradual shift in the stress of consciousness, giving it a particular mode of action. The unrolling or Involution is the path traced by consciousness in its ...

... its experiences. It takes rest, then at the required moment, wakes up and projects its consciousness upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions — or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake... extraordinary natures, does not get its full chance in the outer consciousness; it needs some kind of Yoga or Sadhana to come by its own and it is as it emerges more and more in front that it gets clear of the mixture. That is to say, its presence becomes directly felt, not only behind and supporting, but filling the frontal consciousness and no longer dependent or dominated by its Page 34 ... indeed quite veiled, of which we are not conscious — something in the being which is turned to the psychic and receiving its influence. This is the intermediary between the psychic consciousness and the external consciousness. It is not the same thing in everyone; in each one it is different. It is the point in his nature or character through which he can touch the psychic and where he can receive ...


... the physical mind), not shared in by the emotional being—a wave brought from outside into the material body consciousness. These small things of the physical mind [ such as being disturbed by the defects of others ] are such as everybody has and they will fall off when the truer wider consciousness comes out. You have the understanding in your mind, but these things persist because they really... mind—almost everybody has it, for the physical mind goes after all sorts of outward things. To fix the consciousness within, to keep it concentrated on the Divine alone is a great difficulty for all, it is what makes sadhana a thing for which long time and a slow development of the consciousness is usually necessary, at first at any rate. So that need not discourage you. In your inner vital there is... spiritual consciousness and experience. This cannot disappear by a single experience; a steady will to change is necessary. It means that the outer physical mind has a certain obscurity in it which impedes the knowledge from coming out. This obscurity Page 34 is universal in the external physical mind—you feel it more just now because it is in the physical consciousness that the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... happened 'without moving,' unlike the experience of the ascent of the Kundalini, suggests that it is the supramental consciousness concealed in the depths of the cells, that somehow emerges and traverses all the layers until the junction is made with the most material body-consciousness. × Later, Mother... y ... like an ascension of this consciousness 6 towards the supreme Consciousness. The body was stretched out flat. And for a quarter of an hour, the consciousness rose, rose, without moving. It kept rising up, up, up—until... the junction was made. A conscious junction, absolutely awake, NO TRANCE. Thus the consciousness became the ONE Consciousness: perfect, eternal, outside time... or of what was about to come, so that when I reached the end, all of it together was a simultaneous whole—the Supreme Consciousness.' When Satprem asked if this Supreme Consciousness was the 'New Consciousness,' Mother replied, 'Not "new!" One can't say "new"—Supreme Consciousness.' × This entire experience ...


... its experiences. It takes rest, then at the required moment, wakes up and projects its consciousness upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions—or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake... it is the result of certain experiences or certain inner needs. At that moment the psychic being is "in front", as Sri Aurobindo says, that is, it comes to the surface of the consciousness, it is in direct contact with material circumstances, with forms and words and sounds, etc., for a very short time; so it records all that like a photograph or a cinema, but it is just a minute, a few moments in a... body causes a kind of friction, for what goes out has to be something very material if it is to bring about death, something even more material than the subtle physical, and this friction is extremely painful. Otherwise one may be externally unconscious, but one is not dead for all that. It is only when something extremely material goes out of the body and all ties are broken that there is truly "death" ...


... its experiences. It takes rest, then at the required moment, wakes up and projects its consciousness upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions—or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake... accomplished. Its descent into the physical body is necessarily a descent into darkness, ignorance, unconsciousness; and for a very long time it must labour simply to bring a little consciousness into the material substance of the body, before it can make use of it for the experience it has come for. So, if we cultivate the body by a clear-sighted and rational method, at the same time we are helping... their secret divine sense and essence, a divine use and purpose so that by experience our mind and life may grow out of the Inconscience towards a supreme consciousness, out of the divisions of the Ignorance towards an integralising consciousness and knowledge. It is there for that and it pursues from life to life its ever-increasing upward tendency and insistence; the growth of the soul is a growth ...


... don't know. We shall see. ( silence ) To realize what one has to realize, it is absolutely indispensable to be TOTALLY free of all ties with the ordinary, false consciousness common to material body-consciousness—the consciousness of the body-substance—deriving from the subconscient and the inconscient. This must not only be mastered (it has been mastered for a long time)—but there must be complete... separate body, cut off from other bodies ). That is truly Falsehood. As soon as your consciousness changes a little, you realize that... what we see is like an image plastered over something. But it's not true, NOT TRUE AT ALL. Even in the most material Matter, even a stone—even in a stone—as soon as one's consciousness changes, all this separation, all this division, completely vanishes. These are..... interpretation of certain experiments thus far unexplained. Moreover, the simple question still remains, even if they do exist materially: 'What are quarks made of?' Nevertheless, a mathematical model resulting from a recent theory that attempts to represent our material universe strangely resembles Mother's perception, for it postulates a milieu consisting entirely of electromagnetic waves of very ...


... Our need then is to discover its exact nature, origin, function in a material world and the utmost limit of its possibilities for the human being; for to man matter is only a basis of his life, a material of his works, an opportunity; what is really important to him is consciousness, for it is his consciousness and use of consciousness that gives him his significance and importance to himself and the... one general force or power of being that we can call Consciousness. 86 Consciousness,—but what is consciousness? And first of all we have to face the possibility that there is no such thing. For many hold that the word is an unreal generalisation invented to cover a class of material phenomena having their origin in Matter and material in their nature and essence, an operation of Matter... releasing itself slowly and with difficulty out of its self-made chrysalis of material Inconscience. Page 276 It is not sufficient to examine the material, the physiological processes accompanying the functioning of consciousness and attempt to explain the functioning by its physical processes. This leaves consciousness itself unexplained; if it accounts to some extent, but imperfectly, for sense ...


... life,—that it is the Consciousness-Force of Satchidananda manifesting itself as life. The element of the Infinite that is behind life is Consciousness-Force or cit- ś akti of Satchidananda. Being, or Sat, becomes the basis of existence reducing itself to matter. When infinite Sat reduces itself to cosmic terms, we see it as Matter, the base of the material universe. Consciousness-Force becomes what... else. And that unity brings about a vibration in life, in the individual and in the atmosphere which solves the problem of division that is the difficulty of man's consciousness. Sympathy can go to the extent of extending help,—material or vital or mental or emotional Page 219 help,—but identity and unity can help by eliminating the very cause of difficulty and suffering. People have... being which will be able to embody the Truth-Consciousness in himself. If you observe life you find that there is a correspondence between consciousness and force : consciousness and force are proportionate to each other. If there is infinite consciousness, the force at the disposal of infinite consciousness must be also infinite. If there is consciousness submerged in matter or in inconscience, then ...


... inconsequential freak of Matter itself or of some energy building up Matter, there cannot be any individual personal existence outside of the material body. Consciousness having no independent non-material source or support but being only an operation of material energy acting in and upon a particular structural pattern of Matter, must perforce cease to exist with the dissolution of the physical body... Thus the true significance of the earthly existence is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine reality, in an opaque material Inconscience. Here in this material world Sachchidananda or the Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites: "a Void, an infinite of Non-Existence, an indeterminate Inconscient, an insensitive... 'clothed' in some other type of non-earthly frame; (ii) also the idea — a natural corollary of the first tenet — that this material world, this earthly arena, this human life is not the only possible scene or habitation of the soul; indeed, there are other planes of greater consciousness, other worlds of higher existence which the soul can attain to, even while in the earthly physical body, and to which ...

... universalised. Only its status varies. The Ishwara-darshana is equally founded and universalised. But there are two experiences of it, one in which it is only present to the observation as the material of consciousness, but does not come home to the mind, the other in which it is vivid and the very nature of the soul's view of things. The Ishwara is not as often before Krishna or Kali, Purusha and Prakriti... incoherent except when the ideal consciousness was present and either saw coherent lipi or evolved coherence out of confusion by disengaging the words from each other and adding what was incomplete. But all else tended to be coherent even when the ideal consciousness was not present. At the end all sushupti and swapna became possessed by the ideal consciousness. Images related to life upon earth... possess; it has to be concealed again in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati with the Mahalakshmi colour. Tapas is recovering its old effectualities which had fallen into disuse; but they are now only material for the larger effectuality, not, as once, an object in themselves. There is in the kshetra a sort of rough and imperfect tapas-siddhi now fairly generalised. The main object is roughly attained ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... you describe. ... As yet the physical consciousness and subconscient are still open to attack and to recurrences — so caution is best until this is no longer so. For the same reason you have to be careful about food. There is just now an acute struggle between the supra mentalising (not supramental) Force and the Asuric powers in the material and violent attacks on the body have been felt... does not right itself, you must keep me informed from time to time. It looks as if this time it was a purely physical attack based on nothing psychological except the tendency of the material (body) consciousness to respond to the insomnia vibrations. We must try this time to get it out of this last refuge for its recurrence. You can certainly sing J's song to her and N. 25.4.37 ... withdrawal from the outer consciousness into an inner plane of experience. The feeling of coldness of the body in the first is one of the signs — like the immobility and stiffness of D's experience — that the consciousness is with drawing from the outer or physical sheath and retiring in side. The crystallisation was the form in which he felt the organisation of an inner consciousness which could receive ...

... step, is that this material body consciousness, Page 86 therefore the most destructible, the most mortal, the one we leave behind in a box with our bones, is the one that sees, the one that has access to what is on the other side of the graves.... The other consciousnesses – mental, vital or higher – live on, that goes without saying, but this wholly banal consciousness of the worker handling... there is hardly any “consciousness” left save that of the body, or in other words, the consciousness of the “worker” who day after day struggles in that recalcitrant corporeal magma and tries rather desperately to find a “position” or movement that might hurt less and offer a better passage to that imperious and unremitting Lightning. The worker's other, mental and vital consciousness, the beautiful dreams... this poor cellular consciousness, childlike and ill-treated, almost always covered up by our ratiocinations, our mental hubbub, our emotive fog, our social or medical or other imperatives and the whole peremptory bag of tricks of our science, this body consciousness buried under the weight of all that it has been taught about “the right way of living,” is the very consciousness that not only sees ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolution II