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Mother’s Agenda 1964 [5]
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Mother’s Agenda 1966 [4]
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Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [5]
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Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Sweet Mother [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Life Divine [6]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sunlit Path [3]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [3]
Work - an offering [1]
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English [217]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Greater Psychology [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Debou's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance on Education [1]
How to Bring up a Child [2]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Path [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Prayers and Meditations [4]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [4]
Questions and Answers (1953) [3]
Questions and Answers (1954) [8]
Questions and Answers (1955) [5]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Sweet Mother [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Life Divine [6]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sunlit Path [3]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [3]
Work - an offering [1]
217 result/s found for Material things

... occupants of the house the same care and solicitude, the same loving kindness, she had given them so long. Even material things are not just to be taken for granted! Much later, she was to admonish her disciples against insensitiveness towards material things: Not to take care of material things which one uses is a sign of inconscience and ignorance. You have no right to use any material object... care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things are not simply inanimate objects, not mere lifeless implements. They are endowed with a life of their own, even a consciousness of their own, and each thing has its Own individuality and character.³ There is a hint of all this in the prayer of 3 March 1914. For Mirra, material things are created by divine Love from the dark inconscience ...


... totally, without walls. And Mother added: ... You can easily understand why saints and sages, those who wanted to benefit constantly from this divine atmosphere, they had gotten rid of all material things — because they weren't transformed, and so they fell back into the old way of being. But to transform this matter, is incomparably superior! It gives an extraordinary stability and consciousness... that comes from supreme love [the other state], fantastic! It made me understand one thing: that the state I had been put in was for obtaining this power that comes through an identity with all material things.... Then, I saw this power, from a methodical point of view, working to organize (not as something spasmodic or accidental as it is with mediums), but as an ORGANIZATION OF MATTER. And so I began... above; but down below, it's swarming. In fact, it's a battle against small, really tiny things, things: habits of being, ways of feeling and of reacting.... 69.2712 When it is a question of material things, intelligent people instinctively feel that everything is quite familiar, known and based on established experiences. So there, one is vulnerable. And that's just what is being taught to the body: ...


... called anything, Page 25 by any name, it does not matter, but which is integral and pure in the sense that it is not false, it is in the Truth—that this power is capable of ordering material things in a way that is truer, happier and better for everyone than any material power. That is the first point. Once people agree on that... It is not something one can pretend to have; an individual... their social class. This would be the true vision. All those who participate in the experiment should be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the most material things. What has ruined India is this idea that the higher consciousness deals with higher things and that lower things do not interest it at all, and that it understands nothing about them! That has... has been the ruin of India. Well, this error must be completely eradicated. It is the highest consciousness which sees most clearly,— most clearly and most truly—what the needs of the most material things must be. With that, a new type of government could be tried. + 10.4.1968 What political organisation do you want for Auroville? An amusing definition occurs to me: a divine ...


... the Spirit. The Mother Material Things Rules In the most physical things you have to fix a programme in order to deal with them, otherwise all becomes a sea of confusion and haphazard. Fixed rules have also to be made for the management of material things so long as people are not sufficiently developed to deal with them in the right... proportionate increase in the wastage and dis- order and neutralise the material advantage. This must be remedied if there is to be any sound progress. Sri Aurobindo Not to be despised Material things are not to be despised - without them there can be no manifestation in the material world. Sri Aurobindo consciousness in physical things There is a consciousness in each physical thing ...


... limited by our senses which we now know to be restricted in their field and even there fallible. The material senses by their very nature can perceive only material things and from that our still infantile external reason infers that only material things exist and there is nothing else. All forms that are immaterial or of another substance than ours are and cannot but be illusions, hallucinations, unreal... e-Bliss—these are the grades of the evolutionary ascent from inconscience to the Superconscience. Life does not wholly come into the earth from outside it; its principle is there always in material things. But, imprisoned in the apparent inanimate inertia or blind force movement of Matter, it is bound by its movements and unable to manifest its own independent or dominant existence. Life is there ...


... consciousness which can be called anything, by any name, it does not matter, but which is integral and pure in the sense that it is not false, it is in the Truth―that this power is capable of ordering material things in a way that is truer, happier and better for everyone than any material power. That is the first point. Once people agree on that... It is not something one can pretend to have; an individual... their social class. This would be the true vision. All those who participate in the experiment should be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the most material things. What has ruined India is this idea that the higher consciousness deals with higher things and that lower things do not interest it at all, and that it understands nothing about them! That has... has been the ruin of India. Well, this error must be completely eradicated. It is the highest consciousness which sees most clearly―most clearly and most truly―what the needs of the most material things must be. With that, a new type of government could be tried. Page 274 31 May 1969 The night before last, I spent more than three hours with Sri Aurobindo and I was showing him all that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... properties and elements which are common to both and others which are common to material things in general. And in reality each does not exist only by its distinctions, but much more essentially by that which is common Page 389 to both; and we get back to the very basis and enduring truth of all material things only when we find that all are the same thing, one energy, one substance or... elements and the common properties of the class to which they belong, we may arrive at the power of making either a diamond or pearl at our pleasure: go farther still and master that which all material things are in their essence and we may arrive even at the power of transmutation which would give the greatest possible control of material Nature. Thus the knowledge of distinctions arrives at its greatest ...


... and elements which are common to both and others Page 395 which are common to material things in general. And in reality each does not exist only by its distinctions, but much more essentially by that which is common to both; and we get back to the very basis and enduring truth of all material things only when we find that all are the same thing, one energy, one substance or, if you like... elements and the common properties of the class to which they belong, we may arrive at the power of making either a diamond or pearl at our pleasure: go farther still and master that which all material things are in their essence and we may arrive even at the power of transmutation which would give the greatest possible control of material Nature. Thus the knowledge of distinctions arrives at its greatest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... diamond is a diamond and a pearl is a pearl. But each has properties and elements which are common to both and others, which are common to material things in general, and we get back to the very basis and Page 106 enduring truth of all material things only when we find that all are the same thing, one energy, one substance, and that if we can gain that knowledge and control of the elements... dark infinite and, when it acts and creates, — but it acts first as Energy and not as Consciousness,—everything is arranged with the precision and perfection of an intrinsic knowledge. In all material things reside a mute and involved Real-Idea, a substantial and self-effective intuition, an eyeless exact perception, an automatic intelligence working out its unexpressed and unthought conceptions, a ...


... on the brink of its satisfaction. For we must remember that we are dealing with a book full of mystical imagery, which starts with & looks on psychological and philosophical truths in the most material things and we shall miss its meaning altogether, if in our interpretation we are afraid of mysticism. The sun is the eye of this great Force, the wind is its life-breath or vital energy, Fire is its... death, are the front & hind part of the body of the horse, Time expressed in matter. But on Day & Night the sage fixes a deeper significance. Day is the symbol of the continual manifestation of material things [in] the vyakta, the manifest or fundamentally in Sat, in infinite being; Night is the symbol of their continual disappearance in Avyakta, the unmanifest or finally into Asat, into infinite non-being ...


... know how to adapt yourself and not to regret it when it goes. Even if defects come? It is not a question of defects, I am speaking of material things. Defects are not things which come, they are things one carries in oneself. I am speaking of material things. I am speaking of asceticism, you understand. Asceticism is an altogether material discipline. Defects—don't think they come from outside; ...


... him towards them with a fierce selfishness; the result, you see, is that instead of being able to withdraw in a slightly higher consciousness which will protect him in his exit, he is gripped by material things and it is a terrible inner battle to free himself from both his body and his attachments. In fact, you see—I say except for a very few, so few that one can hardly speak about them—all men live... you are not selfish; at a particular moment you want to help someone, and then comes this question: "What should I do?" You know nothing at all about it. "What does he need?" I mean not only material things but the feeling you must have, the thought you must have, the word you ought to say. If you just take a step backward, you look at yourself, but you know nothing about it; you do it like that, ...


... then be able to communicate among yourselves with a minimum of words or even without any words at all." Can an inner understanding be established in every instance between two people, even in material things? Um!... And so? What do you want to know? Whether this inner understanding can be established. Yes, words serve merely as a means of communication between one mind and another. That... and powerful enough to communicate without using words, it communicates much better, much more clearly and precisely and much more exactly. And then words are not needed. Even in altogether material things? Yes, one may try an experiment. For instance, when two people have attuned their minds, if one thinks, "Why, that object ought to be here instead of being there", the other goes quite naturally ...


... it off as one would something disagreeable. But the protective envelope on the material plane has no effect in this instance. This is indeed something very interesting.... I have seen that material things are arranged in such a way at present that one could reach a high degree of perfection of the physical instrument in any field whatever, no matter what may be the degree of Page 324 ... same perfecting of the same instrument which permitted the production of the lovely thing we saw yesterday evening and that ignoble thing we saw sometime ago.... This makes us reflect deeply on material things. Physical perfection does not at all prove, not the least in the world, that one has taken one step farther towards spirituality. Physical perfection means that the instrument the force will ...


... "Transform enjoying into an even and objectless ecstasy"? Yes, this means that it has no cause. Usually one feels pleasure or joy or enjoyment due to this thing or due to that—from the most material things to things psychological or even mental. For example, to take a mental thing, you read a sentence which gives you a great joy, for it brings you a light, a new understanding; so that joy is a joy... on with others—and so he will act like a sage. But that depends on the care he has taken to unify his whole being around the central consciousness. For example, to take the most positively material things like food and sleep: it is quite possible that, if he has not taken care to infuse, as it were, his new consciousness into his body, his need for food and sleep will remain almost the same and ...


... accustomed to call "evil". There is no absolute evil, but an evil, a more or less partial disequilibrium. This may be taught to a child in a very simple way; it may be shown with the help of material things that an object will fall if it is not balanced, that only things in equilibrium can keep their position and duration. There is another quality which must be cultivated in a child from a very young... this creates a solid atmosphere.  You can help.   24 November 1954 Sweet Mother, why do some children have the habit of always asking for things? What things? Material things, like sweets, everything they see... Oh, because they are full of desires. They were probably formed with vibrations of desires, and as they have no control over themselves it is expressed ...


... Power that is not material , becomes more concretely powerful upon earth than earthly material things. Yes, it is that. This is the protection and the means of defence for supramental beings. It will be a thing which is not material in appearance but which has a greater power over Matter than material things. This is becoming more and more true from day to day, from hour to hour—the feeling that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... if it is complete, a new vision and attitude towards all things immaterial or material. But the complete knowledge of the Divine can produce a change in material things, for it sets a Force working which ends by acting even upon these material things that seem to the physical consciousness so absolute, invincible and unchangeable. Fear of Death In a certain part of the physical consciousness and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... everything, but everything is in regard to the Divine, in the Consciousness of the Divine—all is marvelous, all is easy! And I am speaking of material things, of the material, physical life (for psychological things, we've known it for long), I mean material things like little discomforts of the body, or reactions, feeling pain or not, circumstances going wrong, not being able to swallow your dinner—the ...


... How is it over there? 6 I have to get used to it.... I find it very difficult to reconcile the inner consciousness with material life. Material life is a dreadful burden to me: all material things are so heavy, so leaden.... I find it very difficult. I can't seem to reconcile the two. Oh!... Did you go to the performance of The Gold Washer ? 7 Yes, Mother. Was it good? ... consciousness into this material life, you know; there's a sort of gulf between the two. I feel well only when I stop everything and sit. Then everything is fine. Ahh! But as soon as I touch material things... it's awful. There's no bridge between the inner life and Matter—none AT ALL, a complete chasm. ( after a silence ) From what Nirod is now reading me from his correspondence with Sri Aurobindo ...


... changing today with the powerful telescopes on and above earth. Another question altogether is whether all this has taken the human being out of the centre of the universe. If the humans were only material things on planet earth, one could say yes. But as they are mental and spiritual beings, they will always perceive “the world,” including its picture as developed by Science, from the centre that they... enjoyed shocking the prim moralistic Victorian society of their time with the new message: that all living beings consisted of nothing but matter, should be studied in the way physics studied material things, and that in the course of the evolution everything had always developed from a previous material something, like the primates from the monkeys and consequently the humans from the primates. The ...

... of unconsciousness and ignorance. One has no right to use any material object unless one takes care of it. 23 March 1935 Now I understand that there is something of the Divine even in material things. Yes, and we must take care of them, not because we are attached Page 87 to them, but because they too manifest something of the Divine Consciousness. I would like to know by... compassion. 11 June 1935 But shouldn't we kill pests? Of course. 12 June 1935 Is the obscurity inside me or does it come from outside? Obscurity is everywhere in material things—inside and outside. 12 June 1935 What can one do against obsession when there is very intense suffering? Look at a beautiful flower. 13 June 1935 But when one is in very ...


... Words of the Mother - II Care of Material Things Mother, why do I lose things so often? Because you do not keep things sufficiently in your consciousness . It is always very good to make use of things instead of uselessly destroying them. It was an act of ignorance. Received in the right spirit the curtains could have lasted two... pieces within a month. Things also have a consciousness of their own. The Divine is in things also and that is why they must be treated with care. 17 May 1955 Not to take care of material things which one uses is a sign of inconscience and ignorance. You have no right to use any material object whatsoever if you do not take care of it. You must take care of it not because you are ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... few ideas they have. If you open their cupboard, you will find that they have very few things, but these things are neatly and tidily Page 310 arranged, because they have organised material things in the same way as they have organised their thoughts. The mind is therefore an instrument of organisation. People who have some power of organisation may start by organising their little personal... reason for thinking as he does, and it may be better than mine." And in this way, you must try to find the solution which can reasonably satisfy both ties. This is very important when dealing with material things. Naturally, each one sees only his own point of view and his own point of view is always selfish. It is very hard to admit another point of view, for this point of view may be "detrimental" to ...


... hundred different places, just as Sri Aurobindo is doing right now. If I may ask, has Sri Aurobindo remained quite conscious of material things? Completely. ( Mother reflects a moment ) Well, completely material, no—only through me. He is conscious of material things through me, not directly. He is very conscious in the subtle physical, but that's not quite the same, not quite ( Mother makes a ...


... one may call as one likes, any name—that doesn't matter—but which is integral and pure in the sense that it's not mendacious, it's based on the Truth), that this power is capable of governing material things for everyone in a MUCH TRUER, happier and more beneficial way than any material power. That's the first point. Once everyone agrees on it... And it's not something you can pretend to have; a... Page 106 That would be the true vision. But all those participating in the experience would have to be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of the MOST MATERIAL THINGS. You see, what has ruined India is this idea that the higher consciousness has to do with "higher" things, while it's not interested in lower things and knows nothing about them! That's what has ...


... uses things not merely with care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things are not simply inanimate objects, not mere lifeless implements. They are endowed with a life of their own, even a consciousness of their own, and each thing has its own individuality and character. The Mother says about material things what the ancients have said about the life of plants, that they have in ...


... eternal continent. Our next eyes. Things become... I don't know... concrete. Things that were like this (ethereal gesture), what's called the "realm of the spirit," are becoming concrete, material. Things become... real. 2 It is remarkable—Mother would say the same thing each time: the world becomes real. The Free Earth It would be absurd to think that Mother was trying to evolve... certain privileged states: we then have "inspirations," "visions," "messages"... all kinds of more of less distorted or hazy things—although sometimes surprisingly vivid, even more so than so-called material things, as if one had collected there the most vivid memories of one's entire life—but while going back through the web, something is altered and distorted: there remains only a translation in the cage ...


... mentioned in one of the first chapters, Galileo’s premises would become the foundations of the revolutionary scientific method. His first premise, and the most important one, was that only matter and material things should be the object of science. This created, from the start, a gap between science on the one side, and religion, occultism and everything else on the other. How sharply this separation was felt... by the latest school of Science [at the time of writing quantum mechanics]: As Life emerges a certain plasticity sets in, so that it is difficult to predict anything as exactly as one predicts material things that obey a rigid law.” 25 And the plasticity increases with the growth of Mind. Parading the Paradigm While reading Aristotle’s Physics Thomas Kuhn, a philosopher of science, also ...

... the most physical things you have to fix a programme in order to deal with them, otherwise all becomes a sea of confusion and haphazard. Fixed rules have also to be made for the management of material things so long as people are not sufficiently developed to deal with them in the right way without rules. But in matters of the inner development and the sadhana it is impossible to map out a plan fixed... indeed the transitional movement before the supramental working takes possession of the physical mind and brings into it the spontaneous action of the Light. Dealing with Physical Things Material things are not to be despised—without them there can be no manifestation in the material world. Physical things have a life and value of their own which does not depend upon their price. To respect ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... 16 February 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 4, "Desire—Food—Sex". Sweet Mother, here it is said that one should have no attachment for material things; then, when you give us something, if we lose it and feel sad, it can be called attachment? It is better not to lose it. ( Laughter ) But in fact the thing ought to be only... It is not the... carry on very well, work very well, have a lot of energy without having any of the things which seem to you indispensable. Are there any things in the whole world which are indispensable, I mean material things? Yes, one can say a small amount of food—and one can't make a general rule, it depends on the climate. Nature is foreseeing enough, she produces in each climate the right thing for it. Of course ...


... between human beings. But what makes money a power is not this, it is the force that's behind. As I was saying a while ago, it is a force that is able to attract and use anything whatever, all material things and... So this is used according to a convention. Now, it is understood that wealth is represented by bits of paper which become very dirty, and on which something is printed. They are altogether... see that one day you are very generous. Let us take this, it is easy to understand. Very generous: generous in your feelings, generous in your sensations, generous in your thoughts and even in material things; that is, you understand the faults of others, their intentions, weaknesses, even nasty movements. You see all this, and you are full of good feelings, of generosity. You tell yourself, "Well. ...


... from consciousness and happiness. It takes you far away from the Divine. And for the Divine, naturally, only one thing is true—the divine Consciousness, the divine Union. And each time you put material things in front, you become more and more materialistic and go farther and farther away from full success. To judge from appearances and apparent success is precisely an act of complete ignorance... him towards them with a fierce selfishness; the result, you see, is that instead of being able to withdraw in a slightly higher consciousness which will protect him in his exit, he is gripped by material things and it is a terrible inner battle to free himself from both his body and his attachments. Source Religious Ceremony the invisible world hardly any beings love to be worshipped ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... a consciousness which can be called by any name, it doesn't matter, but which is integral and pure in the sense that it is not false: in the Truth), that this power is capable of ordering material things in a MUCH TRUER, happier and better way for everyone than any material Page 85 power. That's the first point. Once people agree on that... And it's not something that one can... That would be the true vision. But all those who participate in the experiment would have to be absolutely convinced that the highest consciousness is the best judge of THE, MOST MATERIAL things. You know, what has ruined .India is this idea that the higher consciousness is only "Concerned with ''higher" things and lower things don't interest ,it at all and .it doesn't understand anything ...

... to another world. One doesn't normally see material things with this eye, or if one does, it is from a very special angle. There are people who can see at a distance what is going on in another country or in a place that is far away from them. Are these things seen by the psychic vision? No, the psychic vision doesn't usually deal with material things. Isn't it mental vision? Page 285 ...


... material mind extremely active. Extremely active...? I have great difficulty keeping a hold on it. A domestic detail, for instance, some utterly material things invade my consciousness. The rest is always quiet, but utterly material things become very active. Probably it pulls the Force down into a very material domain.... Page 229 All right. It will calm down as it develops ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 December 27, 1969 Do you have anything to say?... I am so immersed in so many practical or material things .... ( Mother laughs ) One feels a bit swallowed up in Matter... no? These last few days, I've rather had the impression of being surrounded by a TOTAL incomprehension—but I'm used... Intelligence at its higher level very easily understands that it knows nothing and is very easily in the attitude required to progress, but even those who have that intelligence, when they deal with material things, they instinctively feel all that is quite well known and based on established experiences. So there, one is vulnerable. That's just what is being taught to the body: the inanity of this present ...


... Might, which is NOT MATERIAL, is becoming more concretely effective on earth than earthly material things. That's it. Page 177 And that is how the supramental beings will protect and defend themselves. In its appearance it won't be material but its power OVER MATTER will be greater than material things. Day by day, hour by hour this is getting truer and truer. The feeling that when this Force ...


... here on earth, an earthly fellow; I would like to have it in this very life. Well, let's see. At another time, She said, "Don't ask me for material things, ask me only for spiritual things." I laughed, and thought to myself, "Mother, have I left all material things behind in order to ask them again from you?" Page 44 But that is Her way. Sri Aurobindo said everyone will arrive ...


... uses things not merely with care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things are not simply inanimate objects, not mere lifeless implements. They are endowed with a life of their own, even a consciousness of their own, and each thing has its own individuality and character. The Mother says about material things what the ancients have said about the life of plants, that they have in them ...

... things with care, but there was more to it than this. She uses things not merely with care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things are endowed with a life of their own, even a consciousness of their own 2 II If material things - a mat, a chair, a door, a vase, a cooking utensil- have their own life, their own consciousness and their own personality and character ...


... she uses things not merely with care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things are not in- animate objects, not mere lifeless implements. They are endowed with a life of their own, even a consciousness of their own, and each thing has its own individuality and character. The Mother says about material things what the ancients have said about the life of plants, that they have in them ...

... Translated by Sri Aurobindo or revised and published under his guidance. Peace, peace upon all the earth! May all escape from the ordinary consciousness and be delivered from the attachment for material things; may they awake to the knowledge of Thy divine presence, unite themselves with Thy supreme consciousness and taste the plenitude of peace that springs from it. Lord, Thou art the sovereign Master ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... It naturally remembers its choice and, before coming down once more, when it has finished its assimilation, when it is time to return, to come down upon earth, it cannot, from that domain, see material things as we see them, you know: they appear to it in another form. But still the differences can be foreseen: the differences of environment, differences of activity in the environment are clearly seen ...


... and very material. But if one can enter that consciousness, rise right up to these higher worlds of creation, then with this Page 121 in one's consciousness one can work at making material things take their real form. Mother, at night if one sees someone dying, and a few months later one sees again the same person dying, what does it mean? Is this person in danger? In a dream, one ...


... this part is mixed with all the others which think of hundreds of different things at the same time, or when it goes down into the body, is all tied up precisely to that frightful slowness of material things, and when we have to take so many steps only to go from here to the door. In the vital with a leap one can be there; mentally there is no need even of a leap. On the psychic plane is there ...


... don't know how to deal with things carefully, don't deserve to have them. Sri Aurobindo has often written on this subject in his letters. He has said that if you don't know how to take care of material things, you have no right to have them. Indeed this shows a kind of selfishness and confusion in the human being, and it is not a good sign. And then later when they grow up, some of them cannot keep ...


... desire seizes you, it can make you do anything whatever—but impulsively, not methodically. Sweet Mother, why do some children have the habit of always asking for things? What things? Material things, like sweets, everything they see... Oh, because they are full of desires. They were probably formed with vibrations of desires, and as they have no control over themselves it is expressed ...


... Page 238 and happiness. It takes you far away from the Divine. And for the Divine, naturally, only one thing is true—the divine Consciousness, the divine Union. And each time you put material things in front, you become more and more materialistic and go farther and farther away from full success. But for the Truth that other success is a terrible defeat.... You have exchanged truth for ...


... these vital desires, "a cot to my taste" etc.? I have always lain on any cot given to me, not asking whether it is to my "taste" or not. It seems to me the proper attitude for a sadhak. Care of Material Things Wanton waste, careless spoiling of physical things in an incredibly short time, loose disorder, misuse of service and materials due either to vital grasping or to tamasic inertia are baneful ...


... letter raised comments. I would very [much] like to know what precisely I should send, at what intervals and in what way. It would set my mind at rest if I knew this, for it is difficult to act in material things without such precisions. I hope therefore you will not mind my asking. Sri Aurobindo [15] 27.1.35 Durgadas I have written to you in my last letter about sending money—I would ...


... too will come. 8 February 1933 Since the material world is only one of the several worlds, only a small portion of the total manifestation, should we not attach very little importance to material things, material work and its details? Also, from what Mother said yesterday it seems that one should attach little importance to errors in work—one should not mind them if others commit them, one should ...

... When Children Cry for Things   Q: Sweet Mother, why do some children have the habit of always asking for things? Material things, like sweets, everything they see... Oh, because they are full of desires. They were probably formed with vibrations of desires, and as they have no control over themselves it ...


... call “evil”. There is no absolute evil, but an evil, a more or less partial disequilibrium. This may be taught to a child in a very simple way; it may be shown with the help of material things that an object will fall if it is not balanced, that only things in equilibrium can keep their position and duration. -The Mother (Ibid. vol ...


... It naturally remembers its choice and, before coming down once more, when it has finished its assimilation, when it is time to return, to come down upon earth, it cannot, from that domain, see material things as we see them, you know: they appear to it in another form. But still the differences can be Page 74 foreseen: the differences of environment, differences of activity in the ...


... determinism in Matter—though this is now disputed by the latest school of Science. As Life emerges a certain plasticity sets in, so that it is difficult to predict anything exactly as one predicts material things that obey a rigid law. The plasticity increases with the growth of Mind so that man can have at least a sense of free will, of a choice of his action, of a self-movement which at least helps to ...


... purgatories. There are all sorts of things in accordance with the different religions and their conceptions. These things have only a very relative existence, but with a relativity similar to that of material things here; that is to say, for someone who finds himself there, they are entirely real and their effects quite tangible. One needs an inner liberation, a wideness of the consciousness and a contact ...


... store for us I do not know nor care to know; outer circumstances have no importance at all; my only wish is that this may be for us the beginning of a new inner period in which, more detached from material things, we could be more conscious of Thy law and more one-pointedly consecrated to its manifestation; that it may be a period of greater light, greater love, of a more perfect dedication to Thy cause ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... serve Thee worthily should not be attached to anything, not even to those activities which enable him to commune more consciously with Thee.... But if as a result of the totality of circumstances, material things still take a greater place in life than usual, one must know how not to become absorbed by them, how to keep in one's inmost heart the clear vision of Thy presence and live constantly in that serene ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... they leave unchanged and their bodies as unregenerate as ever. Coming back to the physical world, they are likely to be worse there than even ordinary people; for they have lost the mastery over material things, and their dealing with Page 24 physical life is likely to be slovenly and helpless in its movements and at the mercy of every passing force. An ideal of this kind may be good for ...


... have been. The whole totality of things is indispensable for realising the Divine. If you took away one of these things, there would be a hole in the realisation. And I am not speaking only of material things, material points, I am speaking of all the depths. So when you say as many do, "Ah! If that were not there in the world, how fine the world would be", you are displaying your ignorance. I met ...


... May ) Which mental plane are you speaking of? Of the physical mind. Certainly not of the higher mind, for there are no adverse forces there. The reference is to the mind that deals with material things. Are there beings in the mental worlds? Yes, many. They are completely independent; they have their own life, their own relations among themselves, as in other worlds. Only for a physical ...


... purgatories. There are all sorts of things in accordance with the different religions and their conceptions. These things have only a very relative existence, but with a relativity similar to that of material things here; that is to say, for someone who finds himself there, they are entirely real and their effects quite tangible. One needs an inner liberation, a wideness of the consciousness and a contact ...


... Maya or another, a dark contradiction of the divine Truth." It is a certain attitude which produces this. He says it earlier, doesn't he? He explains it. There is an attitude in which all material things appear to be not only not the expression of the Divine but incapable of becoming that and essentially opposed to the spiritual life. And so there is only one solution—it was that of the old Yogas ...


... and for that one must follow a physical discipline and become master in one's own home. It is very fine to escape into meditation and from the height of one's so-called grandeur look down on material things, but one who is not master in his own home is a slave. ( Silence ) No questions over there? No? Mother, one of the problems that arises in physical activities is that in order to be perfect ...


... cure it altogether.... Source True Courage True courage, in its deepest sense, is to be able to face everything, everything in life, from the smallest to the greatest things, from material things to those of the spirit, without a shudder, without physically... without the heart beginning to beat faster, without the nerves trembling or the slightest emotion in any part of the being. Face ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... and for that one must follow a physical discipline and become master in one's own home. It is very fine to escape into meditation and from the height of one's so-called grandeur look down on material things, but one who is not master in his own home is a slave. Source The Body Needs Activity the body needs activity: if you keep it inactive, it will begin to revolt by becoming sick ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... difficulties), and there is a third category in which everything, everything exists in relation to the Divine, in the Consciousness of the Divine—everything goes on wonderfully! Easy! And I speak of material things, of the material physical life (morally speaking it has long been known to be like that), but things material, that is to say, the small inconveniences of the body, its reactions, having pain or ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... the cells". Everything is a "substance"—even peace, consciousness, ananda,—only there are different orders of substance. Certainly, peace, purity and silence can be felt in all material Page 152 things—for the Divine Self is there in all. Nature by itself is always full of peace—a peace which is fundamental and even the perturbations of mind and life cannot break. Peace in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... seem to differ from it, even others which seem logically to contradict it, but in reality only enlarge its viewpoints and put its idea in its proper place. It is quite true that the beauty of material things is perfect in itself and you may say that the descent of Overmind cannot add to the glory of the sun or the beauty of the rose. But in the first place I must point out that the rose as it is something ...


... become effective directly, communicating themselves without physical means from mind to mind, producing with a similar directness effects on the thoughts, actions and lives of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly ...


... being or by some other means or agency is able to materialise itself sufficiently so as to appear and act in a visible form or speak with an audible voice or, without so appearing, to move about material things, e.g. furniture or to materialise objects or to shift them from place to place. This accounts for what are called poltergeists , phenomena of stone-throwing, tree-inhabiting bhūtas and other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... use for the proper equipment of a life lived not for oneself but for and in the Divine. It should not be difficult for the man devoted to the spiritual aim [ to depend on the Divine for material things ]—for he is always expected to rely on the Divine even in his ordinary life in the world—such dependence being part of his mental atmosphere and the constitution of his vital nature. Demand ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... There are powers of the mind and the life-force which have not been included in Nature's present systematisation of mind and life in matter, but are potential and can be brought to bear upon material things and happenings or even brought in and added to the present systematisation so as to enlarge the control of mind over our own life and body or to act on the minds, lives, bodies of others or on ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... its dark infinite and, when it acts and creates,—but it acts first as Energy and not as Consciousness,—everything is arranged with the precision and perfection of an intrinsic knowledge. In all material things reside a mute and involved Real-Idea, a substantial and self effective intuition, an eyeless exact perception, an automatic intelligence working out its unexpressed and unthought conceptions, a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... there's nothing about the passing of Théon. He says, "the Eastern Sage, Max Théon," that's all. He was.... I don't know if he was Russian or Polish. But all that kind of power they had over material things, wouldn't all that have some use for you materially? No, no use at all—absolutely NO use. Only he did teach me occultism very well. At the time I was really very skilled!... ( Laughing ) ...


... Rigveda has been regarded as a sacred book and its hymn-makers as Rishis — that is, seers and hearers of Truth, Yet these seers and hearers of Truth have been taken to be concerned all the time with material things. A ritual of sacrificial prayer to mighty supra-terrestrial Gods for the sake of cattle and gold and children and intoxicating drinks and the defeat of enemies: this is the essence of the Rigveda ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... are reflexes and reactions to the contacts of things outside, to other material objects, bodies, movements, forces. Sense and sensation are the reply of the nerves to stimulus of external and material things or to internal stimuli that are still material. To the experience of the body the result of these, recoils, reflexes, reactions, may seem mental, but that cannot alter the fact that they are material ...


... has been developing through the past six or seven decades and all its various manifestations in terms of its material growth, its expanding social structure and character, its handling of material things and their appropriate organisation, its educational and cultural activities, its economic structure and functions and other new emerging trends creative or research-oriented. The very ideal ...


... free of the fetters of ignorance, pain, mortality and unconsciousness. I shall be able to do many things at the same time. The transparent, luminous, strong, light, elastic body won’t need any material things to subsist on … It will be a true being, perfect in proportion, very, very beautiful and strong, light, luminous or else transparent …” 33 And the Mother added: “The human body is closer ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... Holding my hand, she said: You are my adopted child—I have adopted you, and I like to take care of you . Tears of relief and happiness welled up in my eyes. I was quite aware within me that material things would never bring me everlasting peace and happiness. I could only obtain these when I would realise and unite with the Supreme Lord. I expressed my feeling to the Mother and thanked her once again ...


... Words of the Mother - II The Body (the Physical) Physical centre: occupied mainly with material things, it likes to have an ordered life. Divine Mother, I want to realise Your Presence in all the parts of my being, penetrating even the body—only I don't know how to do it. You are the very reason of my being; why then do I live now without feeling ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... expression of a second, and in which all this is a sort of—not even an interesting game, but rather ... a breathing in and out, in and out ... And at such a moment, all the importance we give to material things seems so fantastically idiotic! And it goes in and out ... In this state, everything is obvious and indisputable. And in the other state, everything is obvious and indisputable. But between the ...


... within us coming forth, through all thinking and feeling and speaking and doing, to meet the Divine who is everywhere around and above and below — yes, even below, waiting to be recognised in dumb material things. Of course, this should not blur our perception of the diversity of instruments - we have to deal differently with persons and occasions, using common sense and tact and specific understanding ...


... is that he is a man with a vivid vision. His conceptual system is just a working out, in semi-scientific semi-philosophic language, of his persistent intuition of the divinity in "les choses": material things were to him charged with God and to bring forth the hidden splendour in the course of evolution was the constant concern of his visionary genius. He said that he had been born with a pantheistic ...


... automatically triggered the physical mind into a great activity. The physical mind! Yes, that is to say, when I begin the japa, I am assailed by a number of material questions, tiny little material things that happened during the day and come back. Uninteresting things. The japa seems to act on that mind, on that bit of physical mind. Yes, it WANTS to act there. That's why its action is stu ...


... stop you; but there is no reason why it couldn't be a permanent state. Because it changes everything! Everything changes!... You know, I was brushing my teeth, washing my eyes, doing the most material things: their nature changed! And there was a vibration, a conscious vibration in the eye that was being washed, in the toothbrush, in... All that, all of it was different. And it is clear that if you ...


... wonderfully true. It immediately puts you in the atmosphere of the relativity of all those human conceptions. The trouble is that the outer being finds it hard to forget its habit of regarding material things as true, real, concrete: "This is concrete, you touch it, see it, feel it...." It's beginning to come. Page 27 I tell you, every night it's like that, something is demolished through ...


... last a month or two, or three. Afterwards, it's finished. Then, after that, there comes another period like that. One should remain very calm in such cases. But I've noticed that when I do material things—small things—there seems to be a tremendous vital force flowing into the work, and in the end I find myself exhausted through having done nothing at all! How come all that vital energy goes away ...


... things, but with the same concrete quality; its nature is not like that of vital things, which have vibrations of power but again not that very concrete and objective quality characteristic of material things. In the subtle physical, things are very concrete. For instance, if someone stands in your way, you have to push him aside: he doesn't just vanish, you can't walk through him. If you see an object ...


... points to a pile of papers on her table: ) You see, it's all like that, it's a snowball. All my life it's been like that with everything I touch, everything I do: it snowballs. So when it comes to material things, you're absolutely deluged! And now my time is spent like that. Every day, ten, twenty people ask to see me—it's impossible. And yet, as far as I can, I do it.... Those birthday cards... here ...


... sole release. The hidden Word was found, the long-sought clue, Revealed was the meaning of our spirit's birth, Condemned to an imperfect body and mind, In the inconscience of material things And the indignity of mortal life. 32 Heidegger has reminded us — echoing, without knowing, the Vedic idea — that genuine poetry is the establishing of Being by means of the word and ...

... wood floor. But it is true that it was not for myself that I was cooking or polishing the floor in my room. The moral of the story is that one should not attach too much importance to these material things and that one must keep smiling in all circumstances. With my tenderness and my blessings 7 February 1964 ...

... higher will and intelligence of the more exalted planes of mind. It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions ...


... higher will and intelligence of the more exalted planes of mind. It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions ...


... the universe in its aspects of objective vital and mental existence. According to occultism, there are powers of the mind and the life-force which are potential and can be brought to bear upon material things and happenings or even brought in and added to the present systemization so as to enlarge the control of mind over our own life and body or to act on the minds, lives, bodies of others or on the ...

... confidence in life. — And do we know the nature of this absolute essence? — To be sure, he said. — And whence did we obtain our knowledge? Did we not see equalities of material things, such as pieces of wood and stones, and gather from them the idea of an equality, which is different from them? For you will acknowledge that there is a difference. Or look at the matter in another ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... this transformed body, I shall be free from the fetters of ignorance, and the inconscience. I could do many things at the same time. The body transparent, luminous, light, elastic will not need material things to subsist on. It is an altogether new concept. When I need something, I only have to wish for it and immediately I will have the thing in my hand. If I want to be in some part of the world, in ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... As he wings and sings his way to Aswapati's abode, the seer rapidly reads as from an open book the secrets of life; the cosmic panorama unrolls before him, he passes from mind to the realm of material things; and what he sees, what he reads, he tunes to immortal song. As he gazes at the terrestrial play, his mood changes, his voice quivers with pathos and pity, and he chants the still sad music of ...


... has always attracted and captivated man's attention, since al- , most the very dawn of his consciousness, is the existence of a pattern, of an artistic layout in the composition and movement of material things. When the Vedic Rishi sings out: "These countless stars that appear glistening night after night, where do they vanish during the day?" he is awed by the inviolable rhythm of the Universe, which ...

... the positivist scientific Page 168 West, finds this day many fissures and loopholes in the solid Laplacian scheme; as it dives down and enters into the secrecies of even the most material things, curious mysteries surge up and its eyes demand another look and another vision than those to which the mere senses have accustomed them. Physical Scientists bending towards or being compelled ...

... purest, for there is its origin and source. Prayers come from the other, the lower or secondary levels of being. That is to say, there are physical or material prayers, asking for physical or material things, vital prayers, mental prayers: there are psychic prayers and spiritual prayers too. Each has its own character and its own value. I say again there is a certain type of prayer which is so spontaneous ...

... consciousness and happiness, away from the Divine, in other words. For the Divine, however, there is only one thing which is true, the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Union. Each time you put material things in front of you, you become more and more material, you push behind more and more the Divine. To the eye of the ignorant you may have all the appearance of wonderful success, but this success, ...

... faculty mediating between a more direct and immediate perception of things, Intuition and Instinct, on the one hand, and on the other, the perception given by the senses and a power of control over material things. Take Egypt or Israel or Chaldea, what one finds prominent there is the instinctive-intuitive man, spontaneous – prime-sautier – ima ginative, Page 219 mythopoeic, clairvoyant ...

... purest, for there is its origin and source. Prayers come from the other, the lower or secondary levels of being. That is to say, there are physical or material prayers, asking for physical or material things, vital prayers, mental prayers; there are psychic prayers and spiritual prayers too. Each has its own character and its own value. I say again there is a certain type of prayer which is so spon­taneous ...

... consciousness and happiness, in other words, away from the Divine. For the Divine, however, there is only one thing which is true, the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Union. Each time you put material things in front of you, you Page 333 become more and more material, you push behind more and more the Divine. To the eye of the ignorant you may have all the appearance of wonderful ...

... a line of inquiry pursued by savants that was called occultism. The occultist sought to discover the secret and subtle forces of nature through which one could influence and control outer and material things and happenings. In this field there were the alchemists whose attempt was to transform lead into gold, that is to say, manipulate forces and elements in nature in such a way that mere lead would ...

... become effective directly, communicating themselves without physical means from mind to mind, producing with a similar directness effects on the thoughts, actions and lives of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly ...

... unfailing interest in life. 69 The concern one brings to the well-being and efficiency of one's physical body has further to be extended in respect of one's dealings with other physical or material things as well. In handling houses, furniture, machines, cars, and other physical things ever so apparently insignificant, it would be wise to remember that each entity - a chair, a pen, a mirror, a ...

... miracles", 587; on daman and pranam, 592ff; effect of darsan on disciples, 593-4; Nirod, Arjava, Themis on darsan, 5945; on a 'vacant' and a 'calm mind', 599; on suicide, 599-600; on care of material things and waste, 601; on need for food and sleep, 600-2; on susupti state, 602; on role of 'hostile' forces, 602ff; on predestination, 602-3; letters to disciples on literature, 604ff; on Goethe and ...

... means that I will take you towards your divine goal in spite of all difficulties and all obstacles. Blessings. 14.5.1967 How can I get rid of the habitual feeling that I own the material things that belong to me? If you belong entirely and totally to the Divine, then all that belongs to you, all that forms part of your physical being, belongs to the Divine. 16.5.1967 ...


... And it made me understand one thing, that the state I had been put in [all the illnesses, the disorders, the pain] was for obtaining the particular Power that comes through an identity with all material things, a power possessed by certain mediums, for instance. I saw it with Madame Theon: she would will a thing to come to her instead of going to the thing herself; instead of going to get her sandals ...


... capacity of material vision grows.... The man at the top should be a representative of the supreme Consciousness because an integral and pure power of consciousness alone is "capable of ordering material things in a way that is truer, happier and better for everyone" and its very contact brings a "power of conviction" and a "power for transformation". Failing such a representative, there could be a small ...


... There were eminent intellectuals and scientists who joined that body. The medium of the phenomena was a lady who used to be possessed by a vital being, and that vital being was capable of handling material things in such a way as to defy all the laws of physical science. The lady was lifted out of her chair to the ceiling directly without any intervening medium. There are so many facts which he recounts ...


... referred to above, but they are far removed from the normal experience of man and the orbit of his immediate perception. It is only when his consciousness, which is now almost wholly identified with material things, rises beyond them into the large air of the Spirit-skies that a new limitless vista will open before him and he will know that he is infinitely greater than he ever imagined, and that he has the ...


... would be suicidal for a seeker of the integral union and perfection to squander or to be negligent or indifferent to the gifts of the Divine, whether they are material or spiritual, Even the material things that come to him for his use are not only from the Divine, but afire with the Divine, and have, there- fore, to be handled in the right spirit and with a loving and scrupulous care. His life ...


... between efficiency in the details of external organisation and the inner attitude of consecration to the Master and Lord of Yoga gave a new form * The Mother has said: "Not to take care of material things which one uses is a sign of inconscience and ignorance.... You must take care of it, not because you are attached t» it, but because it manifests something of the Divine Consciousness." ...

... application. MOTI LAL ROY Boraichanditala, Chandernagore" Does the reader still needs to be convinced as to how minutely exact Sri Aurobindo always was when dealing with material things? Then please read on. This letter was written shortly after the previous one we have quoted. "Dear M," Sri Aurobindo wrote, "Again a business letter. "Enclosed you will find two samples ...

... these limitations are inherent in the nature of life & mind. The mind & life which are in this body can depart from it, intact & still organised, and act more freely outside it; mind can know even material things without the help of the physical eye, touch or ear; life itself is not conditioned necessarily, and mind is not even conditioned usually, though it is usually affected, by the state of the body ...


... the nature of that Truth itself, the reason why these determinates are what they are is nowhere visible. It has been possible indeed for human Science to detect the process or many processes of material things, but this knowledge does not throw any light on the major question; we do not know even the rationale of the original cosmic processes, for the results do not present themselves as their necessary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... exclaimed “Ké sala ” (Bengali expression) and looked up, saw who was his tormentor and ran from there followed by his friends. Pranab-da himself was always neat and clean in his handling of material things. Others fell far short of his expectations. He would urge us to be as “gentle” as possible with the barbells and dumbbells. Any repairs had to be attended to as soon as possible — delays would ...


... A Peace stupendous, featureless, still, Replaces all... ("Nirvana")   the words "Permanent" and "Peace" are not abstract notions; they are more concrete to the seer-vision than material things. Likewise in the following line of Mallarme "Nothingness" is a concrete experience:     12. Sn Aurobindo, The Life Divine , SABCL, Vol. 18, p. 277. 13. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on ...


... Page 6 Canto Five In the murky cave awoke the god of sleep Who builds in trance the starry worlds of dream, And Aswapati understood their meaning And the spiritual sense in material things, Grasped the will that works behind halting fate. A Ganges of knowledge poured down from above Flooding his mortality with supernal light. In the listening depth of his heart he heard ...


... dark infinite and, when it acts and creates, — but it acts first as Energy and not as Consciousness, — everything is arranged with the precision and perfection of an intrinsic knowledge. In all material things reside a mute and involved Real-Idea, a substantial and self-effective intuition, an eyeless exact perception, an automatic intelligence working out its unexpressed and unthought conceptions ...


... . It is not that. No, it is not that: it is the descent of the supramental world, which is not merely something of the imagination. It is an absolutely material Power, but it has no need of material things. A world that wants to incarnate within the world.” 51 In 1954 the Mother had already mentioned a change in the composition of gross Matter, perceptible in the presence of particles which ...

... is influenced by positivism and materialism to such a degree that everything not material is supposed to be thinner than air and therefore less and less real. Otherwise how could it be that non-material things are not subject to the laws of matter; how could they, as ghosts do, traverse matter and, as the soul supposedly does at the time of death, move about unseen and continue existing in ethereal places ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... forces and the power to handle them. It is a science. It is altogether a science. I always compare occultism with chemistry, for it is the same kind of knowledge as that of chemistry regarding material things. It is a knowledge of invisible forces, their various vibrations, their interrelations, the combinations which can be made by bringing them together and the power one can exercise over them. It ...

... determinism in Matter—though this is now disputed by the latest school of science. As life emerges a certain plasticity sets in, so that it is difficult to predict anything exactly as one predicts material things that obey a rigid law. The plasticity increases with the growth of Mind, so that man can have at least a sense of free-will, of a choice of his action, of a self-movement which at least helps ...

... free of the fetters of ignorance, pain, of mortality and unconsciousness. I shall be able to do many things at the same time. The transparent, luminous, strong, light, elastic body won’t need any material things to subsist on … The body can even be lengthened if one wants it to become tall, or shrunk when one wants it to be small, in any circumstances … There will be all kinds of changes and there will ...


... 1963 White Roses 06 June 1963 ....Meanwhile, in spite of all adverse circumstances, try to get back into this detached condition in which the material things lose their hard reality. It is the surest way to get rest. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1956 My Savitri work with the Mother 23 October 1956 Tears of relief and happiness welled up in my eyes. I was quite aware that material things and outer comforts would never bring me everlasting peace and happiness and that I could only obtain these when I realise the Supreme. I expressed my feeling to the Mother and thanked her once again for taking ...


... The only obstacle is that I have no precious things nowhere, neither in my rooms nor in Dyuman's stores—no precious things at all... and the Mother's Shrine will be an empty place, empty of all material things, meant only for meditation, and prayer.. and I hope, filled with light, spiritual force and the presence of the Truth. With all my love . I contemplated on the Mother's letter and realised ...


... determinism in Matter—though this is now disputed by the latest school of Science. As Life emerges a certain plasticity sets in, so that it is difficult to predict anything exactly as one predicts material things that obey a rigid law. The plasticity increases with the growth of Mind so that man can have at least a sense of free will, of a choice of his action, of a self-movement which at least helps to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... be sincere. Such points of view are irrelevant. Shelley is not concerned with the real life of the high-born maiden or the poet any more than with the ornithology of the skylark or with other material things. His glow-worm is something more than a material glow-worm. He is concerned with the soul love-laden, with the dreams of the poet, with the soul of beauty behind the glow-worm's light and the colour ...


... multiplicity cannot divide it; if it manifests motion and becoming, motion cannot perturb nor becoming change it: it cannot be limited any more than it can be exhausted by self-creation. Even material things have this superiority to their manifestation; earth is not limited by the vessels made from it, nor air by the winds that move in it, nor the sea by the waves that rise on its surface. This impression ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... result of an involution of itself with all these powers in Matter for a later evolution and emergence. Whether signs of this submerged life are discoverable, unorganised yet or rudimentary, in material things or there are no such signs, because this involved Life is in a full sleep, is not a question of capital importance. The material Energy that aggregates, forms and disaggregates 3 is the same ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... it calls its freedom and mastery, is only the subtle subjection of mind to Prakriti which is lighter indeed, nearer to the possibility of liberty and rule than the gross subjection of vital and material things like the animal, plant and metal, but is still not real freedom and mastery. Therefore we have had to speak of different planes of our consciousness and of the spiritual planes of the mental being; ...


... higher will and intelligence of the more exalted planes of mind. It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions ...


... the material universe and with the petty experiences of the little hour of time which is represented by our life in a single body upon this earth. To that consciousness the world is a mass of material things and forces thrown into some kind of shape and harmonised into a system of regulated movements by a number of fixed self-existent laws which we have to obey, by which we are governed and circumscribed ...


... intend." That can only be when they become the direct material creators. I do not know whether I make myself clear to you. It is difficult for me to say because I see the psychic better than the material things. In trying to make an inference from the former to the latter, I should probably commit many errors. The obstacle is general; it applies itself for the moment to any action you are likely to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... supposed Page 825 indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence. The last is ...


... The Mother and the Discipline in the Ashram The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mother and Material Things The Mother had arranged for the good order of the distribution of dishes and their return. X was to arrange for all necessary facilities demanded by Y , Y was to be responsible for the good order of the work, and for that he was to have ...

... white light around her; it is clearly visible around her body and sometimes the top of the whole building seems to emit light. One day I thought that there may be a background of light behind all material things which can be seen physically. Is it true? Is there any systematic process to open oneself to that physical vision? The white Light around the Mother is the Mother's own light—that of the Divine ...

... symbolises and is supposed indeed to carry within itself. The mantra OM should therefore lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the One Consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supraphysical worlds, in the causal plane above now superconscient to us and, finally, the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence. The last is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the most physical things you have to fix a programme in order to deal with time, otherwise all becomes a sea of confusion and haphazard. Fixed rules have also to be made for the management of material things so long as people are not sufficiently developed to deal with them in the right way without rules. But these things of which you write are different; they are concerned with your inner development ...

... accustomed to call "evil". There is no absolute evil, but an evil, a more or less partial disequilibrium. This may be taught to a child in a very simple way; it may be shown with the help of material things that an object will fall if it is not balanced, that only things in equilibrium can keep their position and duration. There is another quality which must be cultivated in a child from a very ...


... day we all must die. And those who are aware of it appease their quarrels. When you think you may die the next moment, immediately, automatically, there occurs in you a detachment from all material things; it is logical that from then on you think only of what does not depend upon this physical life and which is the only thing that will still belong to you once you have left this body, that is to ...


... dark hostility. Look the danger straight in the face and it will vanish before the Power." O Lord, I understood the weakness of this most external nature which is always ready to surrender material things and escape, as a compensation, into a supreme intellectual and spiritual independence. But Thou expectest action from us, and action does not allow such an attitude. It is not enough to triumph ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... heroic. But this of course is a collective suggestion. True courage, in its deepest sense, is to be able to face everything, everything in life, from the smallest to the greatest things, from material things to those of the spirit, without a shudder, without physically... without the heart beginning to beat faster, without the nerves trembling or the slightest emotion in any part of the being. Face ...


... forces and the power to handle them. It is a science. It is altogether a science. I always compare occultism with chemistry, for it is the same kind of knowledge as the knowledge of chemistry for material things. It is a knowledge of invisible forces, their different vibrations, their interrelations, the combinations which can be made by bringing them together and the power one can exercise over them. ...


... would be absolutely putrefied. With money it is the same thing. And people have not yet understood that. Later on I shall write about it. That won't last always. When there is avarice for material things... Avarice for all things—there is an avarice for spiritual things also. There are misers who want to keep all the forces for themselves and never give them. But I have just told you the ...


... on with others—and so he will act like a sage. But that depends on the care he has taken to unify his whole being around the central consciousness. For example, to take the most positively material things like food and sleep: it is quite possible that, if he has not taken care to infuse, as it were, his new consciousness into his body, his need for food and sleep will remain almost the same and ...


... they leave unchanged and their bodies as unrcgenerate as ever. Coming back to the physical world, they are likely to lie worse there than even ordinary people; for they have lost the mastery over material things, and their dealing with physical life is likely to be slovenly and helpless in its movements and at the mercy of every passing force. An ideal of this kind may be good for those who Want ...


... physical world. This colour would also Page 265 indicate that material success has given it predominance over the others. In any case, it represents a people that stresses physical and material things. Blue, on the other hand, indicates a young continent with its whole future before it and great possibilities, but still new and growing. Black is a very unfortunate choice of colour as it ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... higher level understands very easily that it knows nothing and it falls quite easily into the attitude required for progress, but even they who have this intelligence, when it is a question of material things, have the instinctive feeling that all that is known, understood and founded on established experiences; and there you become vulnerable. And that is exactly what Page 217 the body ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... s. Not (as Sri Aurobindo said) through asceticism, but rather because the attention, the concentration of the being shifts fields.... One can very well imagine Page 190 that only material things please the purely material being; and the interest of all those who live in the emotional being and the outer mind is turned towards... for example, things of beauty, like those who need to live ...

... It naturally remembers its choice and, before coming down once more, when it has finished its assimilation, when it is time to return, to come down upon earth, it cannot, from that domain, see material things as we see them, you know: they appear to it in another form. But still the differences can be foreseen: the differences of environment, differences of activity in the environment are clearly seen ...


... away more sincerely from its slavery to activity. Indeed, the first movement is this: "Oh! To find the place where one can concentrate, find oneself, truly live without being preoccupied with material things." That is the first aspiration. It was even on this basis, at any rate in the beginning, that disciples were chosen but it does not last! Things become easy and so one lets oneself go. There are ...


... book, On Yoga ; I wanted to see for myself what it was. Ah, I understood! And I express this in my own way when I say 1 that thoughts come and go, flow in and out.' But thoughts concerning material things are formations originating in that world, they are kinds of wills coming from the vital plane which try to express themselves, and most often they are truly deadly. If you are annoyed, for example ...


... formidable Power! And it made me understand one thing, that the state I had been put in (by the Lord of Yoga, in fact) was for obtaining the particular power that comes through an identity with all material things, a power possessed by certain persons—not always yogis, certain mediums, for instance. I saw it with Madame Theon: she would will a thing to come to her instead of going to the thing herself; instead ...


... when this Harmony comes. You know, puttering about, arranging papers, setting a drawer in order.... It all sings, it's lovely, so joyous and luminous... so delightful! And all, all, all.... All material things, all activities, eating, dressing, everything becomes delightful when this harmony is there, delightful. Everything works out smoothly, it's so harmonious, there's no friction. You see... you see ...


... stomach, heal.... So the Doctor told him, 'But why do you eat just anything at any time of day? Naturally you're sick....' And then he was constantly running up against our ways of organizing material things here—people like him don't organize, they don't care, they just let things drift. Regarding his son, for instance, the Doctor told him, 'It's because you don't look after him. If you did, this ...


... divert this feeling of being entirely this ... a movement, an action in the body of the Divine. And it's increasing from day to day, for it seems that He is plunging me more and more into entirely material things with the will that THERE TOO it must be done—that all these things must be consciously full of Him; they are full of Him, in actual fact, but it must become conscious, with the perception that ...


... experienced this very concretely. In the mornings, for instance, I have a very short time, very limited and very fixed, to get to the balcony for darshan, and there are a number of completely material things I must do beforehand. It's quite natural to feel that time must always be the same—but it's not true. It's not true—even I am astonished! With my japa the contrast is the same, it's absolutely ...


... endeavour which may take many years—but once it is done, the unification is achieved and the path becomes easy and swift. 10 May 1967 How can I get rid of the habit of feeling that I own the material things that belong to me? If you belong entirely and totally to the Divine, then all that belongs to you, all that forms part of your material being, belongs to the Divine. 16 May 1967 Sometimes ...


... body—he doesn't understand. That's the difficulty. He cannot understand. And who can?... I don't know: As soon as it concerns mental things, he understands perfectly well; as soon as it concerns material things, he doesn't understand anymore. But who can understand?... I can't say I "understand," but... You feel. Page 97 I transpose. I transpose a truth that I understand mentally ...


... not remain in harmony with the other parts and begin to grow out of all proportion. Generally this is the result of a very Page 163 strong greed in the nature. It may be greed for material things or for power or any other subtle object. By performing an operation you may remove the tumour, but if the inner nature remains unchanged, it will come up in some other part and all the trouble ...


... more sincerely from the slavery to activity. The first movement is indeed like this: "At last, to find the place where I can concentrate, find myself, live truly without having to bother about material things...." This is the first aspiration (it's even on this basis that the disciples—at least in the beginning—were chosen), but it doesn't last! Things become easy, so you let yourself go. There are ...


... keeps still). The visitor comes, the body smiles, everything is fine—the Lord is there, so of course Page 91 everything goes very smoothly. But when we're dealing with what we call "material" things, the things of daily life, it's hell, because of that idiot. The other day, after you left, I couldn't eat anything! I couldn't eat because the body felt it was being diluted in the world like ...


... remained the same. We understand it psychologically, but it's not psychological: it's HERE ( Mother touches matter ). But until one has a solid base... From the standpoint of concrete, physical, material things, I don't think there's anyone more materialistic than I was, with all the practical common sense and positivism; and now I understand why it was like that: it gave my body a marvelous base of ...


... external things: reading and writing letters, seeing people, doing this and that, putting some order into matter (there's a very strong tendency to bring order—an order of a higher logic—into SMALL material things)—why?" Then the reply came, not in words but very clearly: "Don't worry ( Mother laughs ). It has to be this way and it's a time of transition." A time will come when it will all be done au ...


... cells, lo and behold, they started seeing! But then ... what a caravanserai! And it kept going and coming, and seeing and seeing, constantly, all the time. I would open my eyes: instead of seeing material things, I would see the physical things behind them. Oh! Then I said, "I understand!... It was the aspiration of Ignorance, now I understand: people who don't see are blessed!" Because I always used to ...


... person, it's something curious. There's a series of states of consciousness being organized. Page 284 ( silence ) There is in an almost constant and general way the impression that material things—not only things, but perceptions, sentiments (kinds of odd sentiments that have nothing to do with...) and ways of being, perceptions, consequences, reactions—all that constantly strikes me as ...


... Really interesting. ( long silence ) One can well understand why saints and sages, those who wanted to feel themselves live constantly in this divine atmosphere, had got rid of all material things—because they weren't transformed, and so they fell back into the old way of being. And there comes a moment when it's ... unpleasant. But if you transform that ... it's in-com-pa-rably, vastly ...


... Does he remain here?... 1 I told you, with Amrita, it's a sort of not too precise form; it's always there, now resting, now waking up, but he doesn't seem to be particularly interested in material things. While Pavitra, from what I see, seems to be conscious of them. It's something rather remarkable, I think. I have seen cases of people who took interest and continued to take interest in what ...


... Aurobindo said), not through asceticism, but because the focus of attention and concentration of the being moves to a different domain.... The purely material being, quite conceivably, finds only material things pleasing; with all those who live in the emotive being and the outer mind, the interest of the being is turned to... for instance, things of beauty, as with those who want to live surrounded by ...


... ignore the intensity of such a quest? The misery of an imperfectly constituted body open to attack on every side and gravitating towards dissolution is not due simply to our attachment to material things: it is due also to our innate sense of a great lack - a lack of what our body is hungering after. We try and try to appease its hunger. Blind alleys meet us everywhere because we do not turn ...

... that some part of the berth opposite mine and a bit of the woodwork above it were making up her face and form. But this observation on my side did not make any difference to my seeing her. The material things were the support of her projection into the physical plane. I saw her for nearly one-fourth of a minute. It was fine to feel that she was with me even when I was not in Pondicherry. Then I shut ...


... Soul Undated? My outer problems and inner struggles persisted. The Mother showed great concern about my welfare. I felt it was absurd to ask her for material things, even though I needed them. At the same time I was hesitant to inform my family about my requirements—even though I received many letters from them regarding this matter. I had a notion that since ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... awakening around 800 B.C. Yet, if ancient Greeks are easily perceived as very physical in their preoccupations, Indians in contrast are rather seen as metaphysical beings, hardly interested in material things. And it is indeed true that at a certain stage of the development of Indian culture, a deep influence has been cast on Indian collective psyche, bringing about a tendency to consider physical ...

... positivist scientific Page 226 West, finds this day many fissures and loopholes in the solid Laplacian scheme; as it dives down and enters into the secrecies of even the most material things, curious mysteries surge up and its eyes demand another look and another vision than those to which the mere senses have accustomed them. Physical Scientists bending towards or being compelled ...

... that has always attracted and captivated man's attention, since almost the very dawn of his consciousness, is the existence of a pattern, of an artistic layout in the composition and movement of material things. When the Vedic Rishi sings out: "These countless stars that appear glistening night after night, where do they vanish during the day?" he is awed by the inviolable rhythm of the Universe, which ...

... Page 72 with a fierce selfishness; the result, you see, is that instead of being able to withdraw in a slightly higher consciousness which will protect him in his exit, he is gripped by material things and it is a terrible inner battle to free himself from both his body and his attachments." (CWM, Vol. 6, pp. 449-50) Let us now examine more closely in our next chapter where the disembodied ...

... supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.... In all material things resides a mute and involved Real-Idea [Inconscience], a substantial and self-effective intuition, an eyeless exact perception, an automatic Page 256 intelligence working out its unexpressed ...

... even say that she knows everything—all that is material or spiritual. Others maintain that she knows when the question of consciousness is involved, e.g. sex movements etc., but not so much about material things. Good Lord! you don't expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes and in all the universes? Or even on this earth—e.g. what Lloyd George had for ...

... "Granted - ?" "Yes, granted prayers," she repeated. "When you come to me in the afternoon, come with these prayers formulated. But be careful about what you ask. They are granted. Don’t ask for material things, for I can’t give them. Ask what I can give." "Mother, my material needs are very few. I don’t need to ask for them," I replied. In the afternoon, I went to her with the prayers written on ...

... to suspend the outer communications; for, her love in which she is pressing me is so deep and sublime that my poor pen refuses to manifest it through a material thing like paper!       Material things are not to be despised — without them there can be no manifestation in the material world.         The following flowers present themselves repeatedly before me: "Psychic purity" (Jasminum) ...

...        It is not the sense mind that has to sit down; it is the mind that has to stop paying attention.       What would be the true activity of the senses which at present are so subject to material things and cause all sorts of dualities of emotion (like, dislike etc.)?        It is to record the divine or true appearance of things and return to them the reaction of an equal Ananda without ...

... that questions should be asked as to why the scientists have failed to recognize the fact that a non-computational phenomenon like consciousness should be inherent at least potentially in all material things. According to him, it is quite possible in physics, to have a fundamentally new property completely different from any contemplated hitherto, hidden, in the behaviour of ordinary matter. David ...

... spiritual consciousness. Not (as Sri Aurobindo said) through asceticism, but rather because the attention, the concentration of the being shifts fields.... One can very well imagine that only material things please the purely material being; and Page 29 the interest of all those who live in the emotional being and the outer mind is turned towards... for example, things of beauty, like those ...


... supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity. ... In all material things resides a mute and involved Real-Idea, a substantial and self-effective intuition, an eyeless exact perception, an automatic intelligence working out its unexpressed and unthought conceptions, ...

... it comes into being and exists in the field of the senses by way of a necessity and as a reaction of the senses to their objects. The intellectual faculty develops in man so that he may handle material things properly and effectively. The so-called universal truths or laws of Nature that the scientist discovers by virtue Page 293 of his keen intellect have their chief advantage in ...

... and creature. This would induce such a state that the prison ceased to be a prison. The high enclosure, the iron grating, the white walls, the sunlit tree decked in green leaves, the common material things no more appeared as inanimate; I felt as if they had become alive with an all-pervading consciousness, as if they loved me and were eager to enfold me in their embrace. Men, cows, ants, birds ...

... become effective directly, communicating themselves without physical means from mind to mind producing with a similar directness effects on the thoughts, actions and lives of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly ...

... what it has almost always been, poor and halting, or squalid. Much of the aversion of the modern mind to spirituality is due to the latter's uncouth expression in life, its lack of control over material things, and an uncertain, hesitant and slovenly attitude towards them. This weakness—for, it is nothing short of that—has to be cured and replaced by a masterful dealing with the money-power for the ...


... feel the pressure of the descending spirit-force was the physical being of man. Two immediate outstanding consequences of this descent were, first, a growing obsession of the national mind with material things and, second, an uprush of the subconscient scum and obscurity. But that is an eventuality which has to be faced in any work of radical purification. At this juncture of Indian spiritual culture ...

... a little "outside" of the perturbations. I breathe violence and an oppressive cruelty in the world. It will be more and more like that, until it changes course. ...... Sorry for these material things, a little broken up and incomplete. We are working. We are together. In this insane and suffocating world, we knock at the doors of the future. With tenderness Satprem   March 7, ...

... and Karma 401, 546 obedience to and trust in 528, 648, 781 aspiration and 593-4 contact with 673 and the horoscope 713 and human egocentric imbecility 776, 806 taking care of material things 78 India 82, 92, 423, 425-6, 539, 725, 732, 756, 799 her true mother-country 79, 572-3, 760 foresees freedom of 205 partition of 206, 451 Soul of 451-2, 454, 716, 841 her spiritual ...


... transformation. And ever diminishing Vanishes what's outside.32 Light beckons to light, and the divine light lit at the heart of living creatures and at the core even of matter and all material things is the same, "whence follow as a result the essential unity of all and their solidarity and fraternity". If the battle is won for the individual, it will then be possible to bring together a ...


... Everything gets disorganized, there is a sort of veiled revolt: "Like stepping on an anthill," she said, and it is exactly that. Everything becomes very aggressive, and strange as it may seem, all material things, even objects, animals and all the people around become very aggressive, as if there were some kind of secret complicity in Matter. I have personally observed a very remarkable phenomenon which ...


... the most physical things you have to fix a programme in order to deal with time, otherwise all becomes a sea of confusion and haphazard. Fixed rules have also to be made for the management of material things so long as people are not sufficiently developed to deal with them in the right way without rules. But these things of which you write are different; they are concerned with your inner development ...

... discipline and research. "The rapid and world-wide growth of a 'psychological' interest over the past two decades shows unmistakably that modern man has to some extent turned his attention from material things to his own subjective Page 462 processes," says Jung, adding that "...modem man, in contrast to his nineteenth century brother, turns his attention to the psychic with very great ...

... little real interest in these superficial activities, they occupy him almost exclusively. This condition is very troublesome and fatiguing, for nothing is more fatiguing than thoughts about material things, and the wearied mind suffers like a caged bird unable to spread its wings yet aspiring for the power to take its free flight.'¹ Expressing herself on the same subject, the Mother says ...

... anxious to know; outer circumstances have no importance at all; I would only wish that it may be for us the beginning Page 13 of a new inner period, in which, more detached from material things, we may be more conscious of Thy law and more solely consecrated to its manifestation; that it may be a period of a greater light, a greater love, a more perfect devotion to Thy cause. "In ...

... quality and world-wide interest which are yet almost purely derivative in their character and hardly succeed in rendering the national spirit to us at all, so overloaded are they with foreign material, with things learned rather than experienced; such are the American literature, the modern German literature. Instances there Page 146 are again of the nation freeing itself from foreign domination ...


... effort has been directed towards that realisation. This has caused some... disturbance, for the tendency was formerly so individualistic that certain habits have been upset, I don't mean materially, for things are not very different from what they were, but in a somewhat deeper consciousness. And above all —that is the point I want to emphasise—this has created a certain inner interdependence which... declared themselves—I don't mean materially but in their consciousness—to be disciples of Sri Aurobindo and have tried to live his teaching. Among all of them, and more strongly since the manifestation of the supramental Consciousness and Force, there has awakened the necessity for a true communal life, Page 173 which would not be based only on purely material circumstances but would represent ...


... tamas . 2 ( silence ) X has the power of rendering things very material—that's his great power, which is why things get upset when he comes here. Overnight, someone progressing well comes to grips with difficulties; money on the way stops coming; you fall sick, things break down—all because he has the power to give materiality to things from above. For, you see, you can go right to the height... more of the outer world.' And they forget there's Love! That is the great Secret, that which is behind the Existent and the Non-Existent, the Personal and the Impersonal—Love. Not a love between two things, two beings... A love containing everything. In the early part of the century, I wrote Prayers and Meditations , and I too spoke of 'Him'; but I wrote that with all my aspiration, all my sincerity... clothes itself in a different color. In me, this was translated by a new physical experience which lasted from 4 in the morning till 6:30, when I had to start speaking with people and deal with outer things. It was a kind of eternity, a kind of absolute PHYSICAL immobility which contained no possibility of illness within it—as a matter of fact, nothing remained in this immobility, it was a sort of nirvana ...


... if it goes away, for some reason or other, let it go, without regret, without trying to hold it back; not to refuse it when it comes, not to regret when it leaves – naturally, I speak of material objects, things required for use in life. Physical asceticism does not cure. For the defects are within. You are afraid of contacts from outside and you withdraw into Page 56 caves... vanity. You make a show of your ascetic virtues and under the guise hide many other things. It is much more difficult, however, to master one's impulses quietly, deliberately, prevent them from bursting out instead of mortifying the body with ascetic feats. It is much more difficult not to be attached to things that one possesses than to possess nothing. Yet it is a simple truth that has been... not due to that. Indeed, things are arranged in such a way here that the satisfaction of having done and done well is the best reward one has and one punishes oneself thoroughly by doing badly or not doing; no other punishment can be more real or more concrete. All this is immensely significant and valuable from the standpoint of spiritual growth, much more than things produced by external regulation ...

... and if it goes away, for some reason or other, let it go, without regret, without trying to hold it back; not to refuse it when it comes, not to regret when it leaves—naturally, I speak of material objects, things required for use in life. Physical asceticism does not cure. For the defects are within. You are afraid of contacts from outside and you go to caves and jungles and hilltops, to live... vanity. You make a show of your ascetic virtues and under the guise hide many other things. It is much more difficult, however, to master one's impulses quietly, deliberately, prevent them from bursting out instead of mortifying the body with ascetic feats. It is much more difficult not to be attached to things that one possesses than to possess nothing. Yet Page 76 it is a simple... is not due to that. Indeed, things are arranged in such a way here that the satisfaction of having done and done well is the best reward one has and one punishes oneself thoroughly by doing badly or not doing; no other punishment can be more real or more concrete. All this is immensely significant and valuable from the standpoint of spiritual growth, much more than things produced by external regulation ...

... nature, because the consciousness sees clearly in this domain and it is a domain so near that the same names could be given to things; they seem to have the same or quite similar forms, but it is not what is here known by the name "tangible reality"; materially, externally, things are not quite like that. And so there are cases of so-called insincerity which are simply too close a mixture of the two c... it so.... And the objective reality of the material world comes from this, that if you see the same object ten times, ten times it resembles itself, with differences that are reasonable, which could be differences due to usage, for example; but there also it is like this! And if you study carefully, even in the physical world two persons do not see things exactly in the same way. There, perhaps it... where the material reality itself becomes an illusion; it is illusory, it is not exact: the inner reality is more true. Then in that case, it is simple. It is perhaps only our mind that is astonished. Take writing, for example. I have not observed in detail, but when one writes there, one seems to write much more easily. I do not know how to explain it, it takes much less time and things are noted ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... great deal of things—a great deal. It brings down considerably the number of cases of real mental derangement and cases of real lies, that is, the cases when one deliberately and consciously says the contrary of what is—that must not be as frequent as we think. Many people say incorrect things like that ( floating gesture ), but they have perceptions in another world than the purely material world, with... everything is extremely natural, you understand; and it's permanent: I find the same things in the same places again, sometimes with slight differences, but differences made necessary by action. That is to say, it's a coherent world, not wild imaginings. But to what extent are those forms the reflection of material forms? To what extent ARE they really like that, or do we SEE them that way? I am not... their brain.... The objective reality of the material world stems from the fact that if you see the same object ten times over, ten times it looks like itself, with differences that are logical, or that may be, for instance, differences of wear and tear—but there too it's like that! If you study carefully, even in the physical world no two people see things in exactly the same way. There, it may be more ...


... human mind. Again, Force in indeterminate Matter without any Conscious-Soul being all the beginning and all the material of things, Mind, Life and Consciousness can only be developments out of Matter and even only operations of Matter. They cannot be at Page 171 all things in themselves, different from Matter or in the last degree independent of it. This is the second paradox and the point... wear a less material and mechanical aspect; its source and the seat of its motive power are shifted to that which is least material, most psychical in Matter. Finally, the first idea of a slow and gradual evolution is being challenged by a new theory of evolution through sudden and rapid outbursts; and again we pass from the sense of an obvious superficial machinery and all-sufficient material necessity... been supposed. For example the evolution of Life in Matter must have been produced and governed not by a material principle, but by a Life-Principle working in and upon the conditions of Matter and applying to it its own laws, impulses, necessities. This idea of a mighty Life, other than the material Principle, working in it and upon it has begun to dominate the advanced thought of Europe. The other idea ...


... seems to depend upon the measure of his self-oblivion. But evidently this is not bound to be so. A one-pointed self-absorption—that is Ignorance— is certainly an effective way of dealing with material objects—things of Ignorance; but it is not the only way. It is a way or mechanism adopted by Nature in a certain status under certain conditions. One need not always forget oneself in the act in order to... and utility. Its special function was utilised by Nature for precision and perfection in details of execution in the most material order of reality. Indeed, what can be more exact and accurate than the laws of physics, the mathematical laws that govern the movements of the material particles? Furthermore, if we look at the scientist himself, do we not find in him an apt image of the same phenomenon?... ultimate and fundamental force of consciousness. When we say all things, whatever they are, exist in the Divine Consciousness, the Absolute, we have an idea that they exist there as they do here as objects or entities: it goes without saying, they do not. Naturally we have to make a distinction between things of Knowledge and things of Ignorance. Although there Page 48 is a gradation ...

... 1964 November 21, 1964 Mother looks weary. She is holding her palms on her eyes: ...They stupefy me with material, mechanical things to be done, and as they're all in a hurry and disorganized, they come at the last minute and the thing has to be done "immediately." All this to explain to you that I am completely stupefied... but that's nothing, it's childish. ( silence ) What I had noted was indeed this: "If my back straightens up, I will understand that there is something stronger than material habit." Now there are quite a few other things besides my back to be straightened out! Life, seen from the external, superficial—very superficial—standpoint, from the standpoint of appearances, the life of this body is... like, we can do some translation, because then it's you who's working, not me! But do you have anything to say?... If you do, tell me. Oh, there are always things to be said, but... Ah! Tell me, then. They're personal things. Yes, fine, tell me. I don't quite understand my position now. I have the feeling that my existence has grown thin, thin, thinner and thinner—it has thinned ...


... to depend upon the measure of his self-oblivion. But evidently this is not bound to be so. A one-pointed self-absorption – that is Ignorance – is certainly an effective way of dealing with material objects – things of Ignorance; but it is not the only way. It is a way or mechanism adopted by Nature in a certain status under certain conditions. One need not always forget oneself in the act in order to... and utility. Its special function was utilised by Nature for precision and perfection in details of execution in the most material order of reality. Indeed, what can be more exact and accurate than the laws of physics, the mathematical laws that govern the movements of the material particles? Furthermore, if we look at the scientist himself, do we not find in him an apt image of the same phenomenon?... fundamental force of consciousness. When we say I all things, whatever they are, exist in the Divine Consciousness, the Page 85 Absolute, we have an idea that they exist there as they do here as objects or entities; it goes without saying, they do not. Naturally we have to make a distinction between things of Knowledge and things of Ignorance. Although there is a gradation between the ...

... fists ). Page 339 It has told me all kinds of things like that; it told me, "If this person" (Indira, for instance), "if this person had said this" (in her meeting, when she is in difficulty), "everyone would have been won over." And it's such a compact Power that you feel as if you could cut slices out of it, you understand, so material it is! It's a rather deep golden color (rather deep when... quite curious. But to correctly perceive what "That" wants, one has to be very pure. Yes. And ABOVE ALL without any mental preferences: it's mostly the mind that stands in the way Material desires, things of that sort, it doesn't care, but mental ideas, rigid conceptions, oh!... It doesn't seem to be touched by that, it's not interested. Page 340 It's very hard to know what comes... And he added, "Very often, when I have difficult, material problems to be solved, I concentrate, I call Mother, and suddenly I'll see white hands come, as it were, and they start sorting out everything. So when I see those hands come, I feel sure that everything is going to be sorted out!" Oh, that's fine, very fine. He feels that material, concrete help. When he has problems and turns to you ...


... it were a material story. And narrated thus, it becomes a child's story. But these things must be seen in their own domain, which is a spiritual domain and not a material one. Things do not happen as they would here. But still, yes! What happens here is symbolically the same thing, in the sense that the child who is born is nothing else but a little piece of his mother, even materially, altogether... altogether materially, for during almost...completely during a few hours, about two days, and to a lesser extent though still very perceptibly during at least two months—this link of substance is so great that it feels really like a physical material prolongation of herself, but outside herself. That is just the element of emanation. Well, this Page 380 does not prevent children, when they grow... above things, in a much higher consciousness which can see from above—even that which appears the most terrible and most dramatic to the ordinary human consciousness makes you smile as at a childishness. And so, if one is in that consciousness in which one can smile at everything (for one understands the causes of everything, and one also sees the forces working in Page 369 all things), if ...
