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English [317]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A National Agenda for Education [6]
A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth [1]
A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [6]
Among the Not So Great [10]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Basic Asanas [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Way - Part II [3]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal Speaks [4]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [9]
Children's University [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Daily dozen for Men [2]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education For Character Development [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [9]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Growing up with the Mother [8]
Guidance on Education [4]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [2]
How to Bring up a Child [2]
I Remember [11]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
Innovations in Education [4]
Karmayogin [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Learning with the Mother [8]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [12]
On Education [25]
On The Mother [16]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [6]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [4]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [7]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [1]
Six Talks [2]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Surya Namaskar [1]
Sweet Mother [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [8]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [4]
The Grace [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [5]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
Words of the Mother - I [3]
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English [317]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A National Agenda for Education [6]
A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth [1]
A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [6]
Among the Not So Great [10]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Basic Asanas [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Way - Part II [3]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal Speaks [4]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [9]
Children's University [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Daily dozen for Men [2]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education For Character Development [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [9]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Growing up with the Mother [8]
Guidance on Education [4]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [2]
How to Bring up a Child [2]
I Remember [11]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
Innovations in Education [4]
Karmayogin [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Learning with the Mother [8]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [12]
On Education [25]
On The Mother [16]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [6]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [4]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [7]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [1]
Six Talks [2]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Surya Namaskar [1]
Sweet Mother [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [8]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [4]
The Grace [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [5]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
Words of the Mother - I [3]
317 result/s found for Physical education

... developed into Physical Education and through education in general, and physical education in particular, Mother wanted to prepare the youth for an integral perfection which would ultimately lead them towards an integral transformation of which physical transformation would be the ultimate aim. Using me as her instrument, Mother has built our organisation of Physical Education. When... expect to finish this construction work by the end of 1991.* The Library of Physical Education had also a very small beginning with a few personal books of mine. Now we have about four thousand books on various subjects relating to physical education in this library. We also receive about forty physical education magazines from various parts of India and abroad. Our medical examination room... world. (65) A long time back, some boys and girls requested me to speak about the Physical Education Department. I have included here the text of what I told them. Brothers, Sisters and Friends, Like many other activities of the Ashram, the organisation of Physical Education here, as you see it now in your daily routine, has had a long history of development behind it. You ...


... Seeing my success as a teacher of physical education and because I liked games and sports so much that I did not want to lose touch with them, I thought of taking up this teaching as my life's work. In order to prepare myself in the theoretical side of it, I took my admission in a famous college of physical education and in four years I got my degree in physical education. Being a master of both practice... given to me as the Minister of Physical Education. That is why I could do so much. Soon my name spread to every part of the world as a great physical educator and organiser, and I was considered an authority on physical education in the international sphere. I was invited to many countries by the authorities to speak on and introduce my system of physical education to their land. Letters were pouring... subject of physical education I got down to work. So long as I was an athlete, my sole purpose had been to gain health, strength, skill, physical beauty and to reach a high perfection in my own body. Now I started helping others in order to make them do the same. I organised teachers' training centres all over my country and trained very good instructors and directors of physical education. With the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... exchange of ideas and growth of fellow feeling, some festival of Physical Education is to be organised. There, arrangements will be made for the demonstration of the different branches of Physical Education. Two days in a year, once on the 2ist February and then on the i5th August there will be a festival of Physical Education. Page 14 On the 21 st February, the festival will... children. (b) Well-planned programme for normal children. Page 8 (c) To organise competitions in different branches of physical education. (d) To organise demonstrations of physical performances of the different branches of physical education. Corrective Measures Physically defective and deficient children should be separated from the normal children. A suitable... of all the different branches of Physical Education. Page 12 (iv) From 15-18 years Now more concentration should be given for the proper and proportionate development of all the parts of the body through body building exercises. At this age they can start to learn in details all the technique of the different branches of Physical Education. In no way a child before ...

... the world is becoming smaller. Page 328 About the neglect of physical education To my mind, physical education is a totally neglected field in our sys tem of education. In school, we are receiving education from the teacher. But who is educating the teacher about the importance of physical education? No one. The most important task now is to teach the teachers. We should target... But our society is also to be blamed: why should a good physical education teacher have lower status, be less paid and have fewer career opportunities than other teachers? As a result, too often you get only less brilliant persons in such posts and it explains why physical education is too often badly taught. If physical education is a part of the curriculum but is given no importance as... knowledge that we possess. In the West, it is applied in day-to-day life and becomes therefore popularized. Nowhere in the world do we find lesser importance given to physical education than in India. The role of physical education in mental development is now universally recognized, but I don't think it is so well accepted here in our society. Once I had a very interesting conversation with the ...

... from the abnormal which is always a sign of perversion and inferiority. What should be the ideal of physical education for a girl from the point of view of her sex? I do not see why there should be any special ideal of physical education for girls other than for boys. Physical education has for its aim to develop all the possibilities of a human body, possibilities of harmony, strength,... over it with the help of enlightened and systematised physical education. This renewal has been the result of the action of a new power and light that have spread upon the earth in order to prepare it for the great transformations that must take place in the near future. We must not hesitate to give primary importance to this physical education whose very purpose is to make our body capable of receiving... Chapter 2: Education Growing up with the Mother To Women About Their Body Sweet Mother, While handling children in the Group for Physical Education we meet certain problems with girl students. Most of these are suggestions put upon them by their friends, older girls, parents and the doctor. Please throw light on the following questions so that we ...


... happening all around. Physical education is a concrete test from which you can learn, and learn quickly and at every moment what life is offering us. It is a direct means of acquiring experience in life. Not the life of a shirker, but the life of one who knows how to fight, one who knows how to stand on his feet, one who learns to overcome the difficulties.   Physical education gives us not only... Sweet Mother Becoming Conscious Through Physical Education   Mother, there is a football match against...   I have no objection, whether you play a match or not. The fact of playing does not concern me if it does not help you all to become conscious, if it is only to repeat the same mistake a thousand times and you do not come out of it a little more... how to behave well and gains the respect of others. He is generous and fair towards others. What else do you need? If you can develop these qualities, it is already much for one life.   Physical education strengthens the system, regulates life, brings a balance and a harmony in the daily life. Discipline and confidence are indispensable to develop the sporting faculties. It helps to sharpen one's ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... of details. She even translated the simple physical education lessons in our notebooks neatly, thereby teaching us to be organised and meticulous. The remarkable point to note is the interest and pains She took in every minute and apparently insignificant detail of the children’s welfare and nurturing. A sample facsimile from the physical education notebook in Mother’s handwriting in French... would write out the lessons in a notebook everyday and Usha and I would teach the Group. He would stand near by to watch and correct us when necessary. Around 1947, when we were all pursuing physical education activities very enthusiastically, Pranab Da wanted us to learn to march smartly. The Mother contacted the governor of Pondicherry who then sent us a French Military officer to teach us marching... recognition has remained with me for the rest of my life and I am always alert when things are not taken care of or when they are out of place. Activities were getting more organised in the physical education department and facilities were being expanded. The body building Gym had already started in a small way. The Tennis Courts, the Basketball and Volleyball Courts, the Boxing Ring and the Wrestling ...


... through physical education it can be demonstrated that the body is able to develop high qualities of excellence. A special emphasis has been laid on the Olympic Games of our times, since they have given a great impetus to physical education all over the world. As the subject of physical education is very important, we have presented in the first place, two texts, dealing with physical education in ancient... research team has been concentrating upon the question of physical education as a part of the larger theme of self knowledge. There is, indeed, a vast literature on this subject, but the aim of our study had certain specific novelties in regard to approach and thrust. Firstly, we wanted to relate problems and programmes of physical education with deeper questions about the nature of the human body... (5) Part IV is devoted to the justification of physical education and how it is necessary to maintain health as also to develop strength, agility, grace and beauty in the body. That the human body is not only a remarkable organism but also possesses latent capacities which can be brought out by means of elementary and higher forms of physical education is the main thrust of this part of the book. It ...

... employment in one vocation or the other. Provision should also be made that all children in the school system should receive good physical education so that all of them are healthy and well-built and will have such habits that they will continue their physical education even after leaving their schools. The syllabus in the elementary school should also have a good component which will provide inspiration... of a culture and of making Matter subservient to the higher aims of culture, — even of spiritual culture. 12. Physical Education Well balanced healthy body is the means of realisation of the highest ideals. Shariram adyam khalu dharma sadhanam . Hence, physical education that aims at health and strength, agility and perfect coordination of the bodily movements should be under lined, and... be replaced by some other halfway houses. Just twenty years ago, we had thought that by building a new structure of education under 10+2+3 pattern, and with some kind of grafting of a bit of physical education and a bit of socially useful work experience, and a bit of three languages, as also of a bit of value-education so as to be in conformity with scientific education, we would have given to the ...


... growing number of students with facilities for physical education, a well-organised Physical Education Department was created in 1949. A regular course of gymnastic Marching for half an hour every evening became very soon a regular feature of the physical education imparted. Also, a quarterly journal started with the title of Bulletin of Physical Education. At the request of the Mother, Sri Aurobindo... path. He rationalised and legitimised all his biased antipathy against physical education in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and went to the absurd extent of suggesting to Sri Aurobindo that even he, at the persuasion of the Mother, had come to neglect the spiritual aspect of his Ashram and chosen to devote attention to physical education! And so on and so forth with all the perverse arguments human imbecility... "The Divine Body". In course of time many senior Ashramites too joined these physical educational activities but a few others resisted the move. They not only refused to participate in any physical education but went to the extent of dubbing any such activity as Page 399 totally contrary to the spirit and principle of the Ashram. In their perverted logic they felt that the Mother was ...

... skills in respect of different crafts. X. Role of Physical Education Ancient Sanskrit adage declares: shariram adyam khalu dharmasadhanam — body is the means of fulfilment of dharma, i.e. every ideal which we can propose to ourselves and the law of its working out and its action. Three important aspects of physical education must be emphasised in the educational system: control... machinery that has a natural impulse towards health and healing. The neglect of physical education that has ruined our country's vigour and sense of discipline requires to be remedied with massive programmes of development of gymnasia, playgrounds, facilities for sports, combatives and aquatics. Physical education Page 20 should not be looked upon as a pastime. It should be related to... further avenue of assessment will be available.. For maintenance of physical fitness will require regularity and punctuality in respect of participation in activities of physical education. Besides, a process of physical education will very largely contribute to the development of some of the valuable qualities of team spirit, obedience to umpire and sportsmanship. Page 31 — Tests and ...

... Page 45 VI One of the great deficiencies of our current system of education is the neglect of physical education. Even when some place is given to physical education, its place in the programme of studies is only marginal. In the innovative programme of physical education, a comprehensive study and practice should be emphasized. This programme will include lessons in health-care... endurance. It is important to correlate the programmes of physical education with the development of right attitudes that include self-control, discipline, team-work, obedience to the decision of the umpire and sporting spirit which accepts success and failure with equanimity. Man-making education, value-oriented education and physical education are intimately interrelated with each other, and a systematic... courses in gymnastics, athletics, aquatics and games as also exercises in asanas and pranayama under expert guidance. Daily one hour should be allotted for every student so that engagement with physical education and with games would ensure lifelong foundation for physical health, strength and agility. This programme should also include the study of anatomy and physiology, considering that the knowledge ...


... Tennis Ground in 1948 and our physical education programme got widened. Mother started playing tennis every day. At 4 p.m. she came out from the Ashram main building to go for her tennis. Then she came to the Playground to see the physical education activities; attend to training and competitions; distribute roasted ground-nuts to all members of physical education; censor films before they were... orchestra party started under bandmaster, Selvanadan. What was Udar's responsibility and contribution in shaping the physical education? Udar played a great role as an organiser and administrator in the formative years of our Department of Physical Education in the Ashram. I took up the work in 1945 . Udar joined me when we got the Tennis Ground in 1948 and were extending our programme... led the group in the daily and special March Pasts. Up to 1959 he was everything in physical education in the Ashram. Then he shifted his line of action and went to construct Laljibhai's Sugar Mill. We then had our different vocations and parted as friends. But I must say that because of him physical education in the Ashram is what it is today, without him I could not have done much. Page 292 ...


... usually descend who spurn the admonitions of reason, disregard its counsels, and elect to follow the obscure lead of their unchastened emotions. Vivekananda had once to ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education, Feb. 1957. Page 205 lash out against some of his brother disciples who had given themselves up to extravagant emotional paroxysms in the mistaken belief that such swoons and... inroads of the unfriendly or unhelpful forces. Its discrimination protects us from many a dangerous snare. It is true that our reason itself is often deluded, ¹ & ² Bulletin of Physical Education, Feb. 1957. Page 206 bribed or blackmailed, but whatever its faults and shortcomings, it is still the best guide we possess so long as we are not in the hands of the Divine. ... partialities; but none the less it is of great utility. There are many things you would have done, if you had no reason, and which would have led you straight to ¹ & ² Bulletin of Physical Education Feb. 1957. Page 207 your ruin, because so long as you have not reached the highest regions, your best means for discrimination is reason. Naturally it is neither the ideal ...


... from the abnormal which is always a sign of perversion and inferiority. 8) What should be the ideal of physical education for a girl from the point of view of her sex? I do not see why there should be any special ideal of physical education for girls other than for boys. Physical education has for its aim to develop all the possibilities of a human body, possibilities of harmony, strength, ... the help of enlightened and systematised physical education. This renewal has been the result of the action of a new power and light that have spread upon the earth in order to prepare it for the great transformations that must take place in the near future. Page 292 We must not hesitate to give a primary importance to this physical education whose very purpose is to make our body capable... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education To Women about Their Body ( Answers to Some Questions ) 1) For God's sake can't you forget that you are a girl or a boy and try to become a human being? 2) Each idea (or system of ideas) is true in its own time and place. But if it tries to be exclusive or to persist even when its ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... all your will. 1 April 1966 Competitions 1967 On this occasion of our physical education and sportive activities: I must tell you once more that for us spiritual life does not mean contempt for Matter but its divinisation. We do not want to reject the body but to transform it. For this physical education is one of the means most directly effective. So I invite you to participate in... ns 1968 The first condition for acquiring power is to be obedient. The body must learn to obey before it can manifest power; and physical education is the most thorough discipline for the body. So be eager and sincere in your efforts for physical education and you will acquire a powerful body. My blessings are with you. 1 April 1968 Competitions 1969 Since the beginning of... we make to the Divine, than to offer the skill of our growing bodies? Let us offer our efforts towards perfection, and physical education will take for us a new meaning and a greater value. The world is preparing for a new creation, let us help through physical education, by making our bodies stronger, Page 278 more receptive and more plastic, on the way to physical transformation ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... up the playground work. Then slowly and steadily the Mother started building the Physical Education organisation and made him Her instrument. She had seen great possibilities in Physical Education for the work of Physical Transformation which is our true aim. That is why She gave so much importance to Physical Education in the Ashram. Page 77 The Mother started taking him more and... early childhood, Pranab was highly interested in sports and Physical Education and he wanted to build a strong, healthy and powerful body. He had his first lesson in Boxing at the age of seven, in Bhowanipore Y.M.C.A., at Calcutta, which his father was a member. In Anandamayee Institution he had to go through a programme of Physical Education in a minor way, as a part of his education. Later, at Jagadbandhu... Jagadbandhu Institution also he had to go through a Page 75 programme of Physical Education, not in a very serious y except for Boxing which he practised seriously under a famous boxer of that time named Jagat Kanta Seal and his assistant Biren Chunder. But his real Physical Education started when he joined Biren Chunder's club. The Ballygunge School of Physical Culture at the age of fifteen ...

... building in the Department of Physical Education, and every place and building in the Ashram as a whole, has been established against considerable odds. We know that the Sri Aurobindo Ashram was the only ashram where men and women lived together on equal terms. It was also the only ashram where children formed an integral part of its life – and where physical education formed an integral part of life... full flower. His most important contribution on this topic of education and its aims was, however, the series of articles requested from him by the Mother for publication in the Bulletin of Physical Education and dictated in the last months of his life. In educating the Ashram children, the Mother drew from her lifelong practical experience and still more from her spiritual knowledge and intuition... body, as great a perfection as we can bring about by the means at our disposal, must be the ultimate aim of physical culture,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo in the articles published in the Bulletin of Physical Education. ‘Perfection is the true aim of all culture, the spiritual and psychic, the mental, the vital, and it must be the aim of our physical culture also. If our seeking is for a total perfection of ...

... upon physical education and to advocate the training of the mind in preference to the training of the body. In a balanced view, however, the training both of the mind and of the body is necessary. A healthy mind in a healthy body is the ancient advice of the wise. A good teacher will always encourage the learners to participate in a methodical and well-designed programme of physical education. It is... is true that sometimes, physical education is looked upon as a mere pastime and a matter of recreation rather than as a discipline closely related to the perfection of human personality. A good teacher will therefore promote the right conception of physical education and will lay a special emphasis on it so that the learners are encouraged to develop health, strength, agility, grace and beauty by means... means of disciplined practice of any preferred system of physical education. A good teacher respects the ideal of sportsmanship and encourages the qualities that are associated with sportsmanship, such as courage, hardihood, initiative, steadiness of will, rapid decision and action, good humour, self-control, fair play, equal acceptance of victory or defeat, loyal acceptance of the decisions of the ...

... In the Annexure X, a tentative statement has been made for the consideration of the Committee. 11. Multisided Physical Education: One of the great deficiencies in Indian system of education is its neglect of meaningful programme of physical education. Sometimes what goes under the programme of yoga has not been sufficiently well planned and what goes under P.T. is so perfunctory... will be serving as teachers. These courses can be as follows: 9. Education for Integral Development of Personality 10. Education Through Indian Culture 11. Multisided Physical Education 12. Multilingual Courses III We may briefly analyse the above mentioned Foundational and Core Courses: 1. General Knowledge Course: As far as the General Knowledge... 213 In the relevant AnnexureXI details of this programme have been suggested, and it may be recommended that every student in the IITE should undergo a comprehensive and multisided physical education, and the Institute must find the required time for this purpose. 12. Multilingual Courses: In the relevant Annexure XII, it is suggested that provisions should be made in ...

... the Mother felt the necessity of providing them with a system of physical education to make their growing bodies supple and strong and to inculcate a sense of discipline in them. With the help of a young disciple, Pranab Bhattacharya, who had recently joined the Ashram and had specialised in this field, a Department of Physical Education was started in May 1944. A spacious playground was constructed... paid heed to Sri Aurobindo's words. The other important publication to come out on February 21, 1949 was the English-French-Hindi quarterly journal, Bulletin of Physical Education, brought out by the Department of Physical Education at the Ashram. The first issue contained a special message from Sri Aurobindo, written at the Mother's request, and for the subsequent issues he wrote a series of seven... facilities were expanded and came to include a sportsground, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. From the beginning the Mother took an active interest in the development of the Physical Education Department and helped to shape its programme. For years she spent her late afternoon and evening hours with those who took part in the physical activities. She herself played tennis regularly ...


... aim of an efficient physical education. Our stand is that, whatever type of body a man may have, he must accept as a starting-point and bring out, by a concentrated effort and an appropriate training, the possibilities it contains and make it into fit instrument for as perfect a life as possible. The results that a wholesome and methodical program of physical education may be expected to bring... beauty and a perfect harmony.12 We shall now see the most important specific points of these five aspects of education one by one and their reciprocal relations. The Physical Education Perfection is the true aim of all culture .... If our seeking is for a total perfection of the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside; for the body is the material... the being. Unfortunately, there has been recently a tendency to use games and sports as a means of political propaganda .Though the immixture of politics may increase the budget allocated to physical education, its effects on the morale of the athletes cannot but be harmful. Page 55 The Vital Education . . . the vital is the Life-nature made up of desires, sensations ...

... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body Physical Education in Ancient India I ndia has had a long history of physical education, far more ancient than Greece. But in our times When the Olympic Games occurring every four years have become probably the biggest planetary event, most people know that the Games originated more than two thousand years ago in Greece... about body and spirit and methods appropriate to perfection of body and spirit could evolve in India. Could this have happened in an environment generally indifferent to physical exercises and physical education? We should remember the heroes that India gave to herself who rep resent not only great qualities of courage and valour but also of physical strength and excellence. Here is how Valmiki... civilization which produced such characters? Without a great and unique discipline involving a perfect education of body, soul and mind, this would have been impossible. We will see later how physical education was an integral part of the educational curriculum, but first it must be said that, at the basis of the ancient system of education was the all important discipline of Brahmacharya. Ancient ...

... in various activities of physical education. Physical education was not conceived as pastime but as a serious pursuit of health, strength, agility and harmonious beauty of the body. Regular programmes were interspersed with periods of competitions, where it was specially emphasised that one should not try to come first but to do one's best. Captains of physical education were themselves so trained... after by teachers of the Centre. Although there was one vacation of one month a half (November-December), this period was devoted to intensive activities of physical education, so that students largely devoted themselves to physical education, cultural activities and some other academic activities, according to their choice. Teachers were supposed to be under training, and their work was designed... post-graduation; and although three faculty of arts, science, and engineering technology were prominent, there were no artificial barriers between them, and a very special stress was laid on physical education and on art, music, dance, drama, and various kinds of manual works and crafts. Education was conceived as a free process of growth; education was also conceived as integral education. But integrality ...


... for it as completely as he can. 18 February 1972 * * * Mother, Some people criticise the fact that we have too many rules in our physical education and that we impose too much discipline on the children. There can be no physical education without discipline. The body itself could not function without a strict discipline. Actually, the failure to recognise this fact is the principal... Chapter 2: Education Growing up with the Mother Questions and Answers on Education Sweet Mother, In the Physical Education section, you have made all the necessary arrangements so that by physical training we may be able to develop our bodies in every possible way and thus become ready to participate in the great work of integral transformation.... master certain physical qualities and correct certain defects is always done without much eagerness. The great majority of students, big and small, suffer from this malady. Very few approach physical education with the right attitude. How can we learn to make it our normal practice? The contents of the consciousness must change, the level of the consciousness must be raised, the quality of the ...


... himself for it as completely as he can. 18 February 1972 Mother, Some people criticise the fact that we have too many rules in our physical education and that we impose too much discipline on the children. There can be no physical education without discipline. The body itself could not function without a strict discipline. Actually, the failure to recognise this fact is the principal... knowledge and perfection, who look forward eagerly to a future that will be more totally true. There is plenty of room in the world for all the others. 17 July 1960 Sweet Mother, in the Physical Education Section, you have made all the necessary arrangements so that by physical training we may be able to develop our body in every possible way and thus become ready to participate in the great work... master certain physical qualities and set right certain defect is always done without much eagerness. The great majority of students, big and small, suffer from this malady. Very few approach physical education with the right attitude. How shall we learn to make it our normal practice? The contents of the consciousness must change, the level of the consciousness must be raised, the quality of the ...

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... destruction. The role that physical education can play in the development of character has not been sufficiently understood. In our country, physical education has been neglected almost completely Page 29 and this neglect is one of the causes of the low morale of the people. It is, therefore, necessary to bring forth the value of physical education not only in regard to the fitness... and strictness in training, and wide comprehension in student-teacher relationship - these will, in brief, govern the methods of learning. There are aspects of the mental, vital and physical education which contribute to the development of character. The methods in regard to these that have emerged through various experimentations can be suggested as follows: In its natural state, the human... training the body to feel and sense the psychic presence within and to learn to obey its governance. The emphasis on the development of strength, suppleness, calm, quiet, poise, grace and beauty in physical education, whether done by Yogic Asanas or by other methods of physical culture, such as games and sports, or Japanese Judo and similar exercises, will ensure the contact of the body with the psychic ...

... education, physical education; Page 371 Yoga and development of latent faculties and powers; Yoga and development of spiritual experiences; Yoga and education for values; Methods of education, content of education and structure of educational organisation in the light of Yoga; Yoga and education for self-perfection. A Special Note on Yoga and Physical Education Although... be achieved by the systems of western physical culture, including games and sports. In India, physical education has been neglected almost completely and this neglect is one of the causes of the low morale of the people. It is, therefore, necessary to bring forth the value of physical education not only for the fitness of the body but also for the great contribution it makes for the intellectual... and strictness in training, and widest comprehension in student-teacher relationship - these will, in brief govern the methods of learning. There are aspects of the mental, vital and physical education which contribute to the yogic education. They can be briefly mentioned: (i) In its natural state the human mind is always limited in its vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in ...

... have 1021 members in physical education. The Mother: Oh, that’s terrible! Tara: There are 180 children in the school who are not in any group. The Mother: So they are nowhere? Tara: They are in the school’s New Group, but they don’t have physical education. They have some sort of recreation to keep them busy in the late afternoon, but no physical education. The Mother : They... but there are already 180 who are waiting to enter the group, and that is the problem. So either the school has to reduce its number by 180 or physical education has to increase its number. But there has to be a limit. We cannot increase 180 in physical education; it is impossible. But if you give a limit that you think is right we can try to compromise. Pranab : I won’t go for a compromise. Tara... And then there is the question of the New Group which I wanted to put before you. I feel that psychologically it is not fair for the children of the same school to have different treatment for physical education. Some have beautiful grounds to play on, enough captains and a good organisation. They have buses to go to the sportsground, while the others have to go on foot and they don’t have enough grounds ...


... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Founded in May 1945, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education organises the physical education programme for the students and teachers of the Centre of Education and for the members of the Ashram. Its activities are coordinated and supervised by a group of instructors called... Facilities of the department include a library, gymnasium, playground, sportsground, swimming pool, judo hall and tennis courts. The Mother took active interest in the development of the Physical Education Department and helped to shape its programme. For years she spent her late afternoon and evening hours with those who took part in the various physical activities. Page 255 ...

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... to develop the will of the individual and to encourage the exercise of the will in which what is valued most is not the result but application and doing one's best. Physical Education: On the subject of physical education, it must be mentioned that the physical is our base, and even the highest spiritual values are to be expressed through the life that is embodied here. Sariram adyam khalu... insistence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has been on detailed perfection of the human mind, life and body. We may, therefore, turn to the three domains of mental education, vital education, and physical education as expounded and experimented upon at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry and subsequently at the Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research at Auroville. Mental Education:... functions of the body; a total methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body; rectification of defects and deformities, if there are any. Page 153 Physical education must be based upon knowledge of the human body, its structure and its functions. And the formation of the habits of the body must be in consonance with that knowledge. The child should be ...

... ideal. Shariram adyam khalu dharma sadhanam - this is how the Sanskrit adage lays down. Secondly, the values of physical education are perfectly Page 339 harmonious with the totality of values of vital, mental and spiritual education. One great value of physical education is that of health, and it is very well known that good health of the body is indispensable for the integral health... education will not aim at weakness but at strength, not at escape from action but at mastery of action. Just as mental and vital education can form part of spiritual education, even so, physical education, too, can be so conceived and practiced that it forms part of spiritual education. First is the question of attitude towards the body. There are those who consider the body to be the tomb of... been found that the spiritual and supramental powers, when captured by the cells of the body, can effect even the mutation of the human body. It is with this high aim that the possibilities of physical education that our educational system should provide full facilities for the perfection of the human body. For that perfection can be a vehicle of the highest possible spiritual manifestation. It ...

... the Mother laid an emphasis on physical education, which is normally absent in the current system of education. This was as it should be, considering that the aim of education was to help each individual discover the Divine Reality and work for Its manifestation in physical life. A decision was taken to bring out a quarterly Bulletin dedicated to Physical Education, and Mother prayed to Sri Aurobindo... relating to the agricultural fields, gardens mechanical workshops, printing press, laboratories, carpentry, smithy painting, music, teaching (from the kindergarten to the university stage), physical education, bakery, laundry, or even washing dishes The work changed, if it was necessary for a new development of consciousness. The idea behind this organisation was that each individual carries in himself... Aurobindo to write a Message and articles for this Bulletin. The first issue of the Bulletin of Physical Education came out on the 21st February 1949 with Sri Aurobindo's Message. In the succeeding issues eight momentous articles of Sri Aurobindo appeared. These articles bring out some of the latest experiences and realisations that Sri Aurobindo had regarding the supramental manifestation on ...

... a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. What should be the ideal of physical education for a girl from the point of view of her sex? I do not see why there should be any special ideal of physical education for girls other than for boys. Physical education has for its aim to develop all the possibilities of a human body, possibilities of harmony, strength, ... and unavoidable. Give it as little importance as possible and go on with your usual life, without changing anything because of it. Should a girl participate in her normal programme of Physical Education during her periods? Certainly if she is accustomed to physical exercise, she must not stop because of that. If one keeps the habit of leading one's normal life always, very soon one does ...

... a first step, we need to concentrate upon the question of physical education as a part of the larger theme of self-knowledge. There is, indeed, a vast literature on this subject, but the aim of our study had certain specific novelties in regard to approach and thrust. Firstly, we need to relate problems and programmes of physical education with deeper questions about the nature of the human body and... both body and mind should be developed vigorously and rigorously. He discovers that the qualities needed in physical education contribute a great deal to the development of an integrated personality. For example, the sporting spirit, valued most in physical Page 46 education, includes good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to both teammates... and how its potentialities can be developed through various methods of self-control and physical education, up to the levels of excellence. Secondly, we need to be free from dogmatic views regarding the nature off the body and its relationship to deeper aspects of the human personality. Thirdly, we need to be as comprehensive as possible within our present limitations and thus to include in our studies ...

... mastery over the body is an important object of Hatha Yoga. It is true that in our schools, physical education is often taken as a pastime, and games and sports are encouraged with a mixed motive in which physical fitness is only now increasingly acknowledged as an important element. But physical education should rightly be designed as a process of Yoga, Page 274 and even games and sports... of the State, and as a special privilege, my mother was admitted to that special school. She was good at horse- riding and had won numerous trophies for swimming. Because of her wide-ranging physical education, her body was endowed with health, strength, agility, grace and beauty. She had also Page 208 a great love for adventure, and even today she organises programmes for hiking and mo... role in establishing a harmony. She became my father's pupil of the Veda and studied a few Upanishads like Isha and Kena quite thoroughly. But she imposed upon my father a healthy regime of physical education. My mother believed in the gospel of service and, in due course, she began to take a leading part in activities of social welfare. In her public activities, she found it necessary to come in ...

... Ashram School was growing sinews of strength and its Department of Physical Education was serving school-children and sadhaks alike, she blessed the formation of the Sports Association of Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Jeunesse Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo), and she launched on 21 February 1949 its organ, Bulletin of Physical Education, a bi-lingual (English-French) quarterly journal. It was to contain... highest levels of expectancy. Physical education would mean health, strength and fitness of the body, but even more to the point would be the growth of discipline and morale and sound and strong character, and the development of the habit of team-work and the flair for leadership, the two chiming in concert as in splendid orchestration. The main thrust of physical education would of course be the awakening... important, and only that umpire or referee who was "above all likes and dislikes, all desires and preferences" could look at things with perfect impartiality. 3 On a total view, the scheme of physical education in force in the Ashram is to offer opportunities to children and sadhaks alike to discipline and perfect their bodies under expert guidance and on proper lines. In Yoga, there is always the ...


... in your goodwill. Trust in my help. Captains' Group All you Captains of Physical Education: Page 271 You can and must be the élite. I was thinking that, in the Ashram, there should be a nucleus around which all will be organised. The Captains of Physical Education can be the nucleus of Physical Education. They need not be many in number, but a good selection, first class people, true... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Replies to Prayers of the Physical Education Groups The groups are listed here as they were originally formed; since then, they have been reorganised. Group A Sweet Mother, for us Thou hast kept the path free from all dangers and difficulties, the path that surely leads to the goal; ...

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... have referred only to the education to be given to children; for a good many bodily defects can be rectified and many malformations avoided by an enlightened physical education given at the proper time. But if for any reason this physical education has not been given during childhood or even in youth, it can begin at any age and be pursued throughout life. But the later one begins, the more one must be... On Education Physical Education Of all the domains of human consciousness, the physical is the one most completely governed by method, order, discipline, process. The lack of plasticity and receptivity in matter has to be replaced by a detailed organisation that is both precise and comprehensive. In this organisation, one must not forget the interdependence... the needs of the growth and development of the being. All education of the body should begin at birth and continue throughout life. It is never too soon to begin nor too late to continue. Physical education has three principal aspects: (1) control and discipline of the functioning of the body, (2) an integral, methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body and (3) ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education. The nine short pieces introducing this section first appeared in the Bulletin between 1949 and 1950. The middle two subsections comprise written and tape-recorded messages to the participants in the competitions and the annual demonstrations of physical culture organised by the Department of Physical Education. The next subsection contains general... edition). The texts in this second edition (2003) are the same as those in the first. Part One. Articles These fifteen articles were first published in the Ashram quarterly, Bulletin of Physical Education (later renamed Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education ) between 1950 and 1955. The Mother wrote them in French and translated a few, entirely or in part, into English;... the Bulletin issues of April and August 1978. The same translation appears here, with a few minor revisions. V. Answers to a Monitress. Written to a young captain of the Department of Physical Education, the seven "Sutras" introducing this section first came out in the French original, with an English translation, in the Bulletin of November 1959; the correspondence following them was first ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... (1961 - 1970) Some Answers from the Mother Letters to a Young Captain (1961-1970) To a young captain in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education. He began writing to the Mother at the age of nineteen. Sweet Mother, On the night of Friday the 8th, I had a very peculiar dream. As I could not tell it to You at the Playground... courage and sincerity. You are sure to succeed one day. 2 September 1962 Sweet Mother, We have had a discussion among friends about the problem and various possible methods of physical education. The fundamental problem is this: how can we Page 270 establish a programme that will satisfy everyone and be as effective as possible for all the members? Are the tournaments necessary... ) It is all right, my children, but it is not enough to pray; you must also make a persevering effort. 26 October 1962 Sweet Mother, In a discussion with a friend about our physical education programme and the countless other activities we have here, he asked me: "Can you give me a valid example of even one person who takes part in so many activities and maintains a fairly high s ...


... realizes that both body and mind should be developed vigorously and rigorously. He discovers that the qualities needed in physical education contribute a great deal to the development of an integrated personality. For example, the sporting spirit, valued most in physical education, includes good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to both teammates and rivals... appreciation of our cultural and national diversity as well as the importance of tolerance, justice, compassion, concern and the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully and harmoniously. Regular Physical education, music, art and craft, drama, Yoga and relaxation have facilitated the respect in the children for self-discipline. Moreover, the happy and stress free environment has played a critical role... aim of this book is to bring about an increased awareness about the human body, a sense of wonder about its mystery and excellence and help the reader to a deeper understanding of the values of physical education. I would like now to give a more detailed presentation of the themes which are central to the two books, The Aim of Life and The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil. There are states ...

... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body Part IV Physical Education and Excellence of the Human Body and Physical Education and Excellence of the Human Body and Introduction There are three great miracles in regard to the human body. Intricacy, complexity and automatic coordination in the body under the guiding power of the... concentrate in this fourth part on the issues related to the education of the human body and how that education can bring out the hidden and astonishing potentialities of the human body. Physical education must be viewed as a part of an integral programme of the education of the totality of the human personality. The human being is complex; apart from the body, the human being has also a vital... human body. In other ancient civilisations also, some kind of integral education was recognised and advocated. For the purposes of our book, we have restricted ourselves to brief expositions of Physical education in ancient India and in ancient Greece. For our object in this book is not to trace history but to underline a few aspects of the nature of the human body and its potentialities so as to generate ...

... observing the normal rules of health a sound programme of physical education should be adopted. "The basic programme will be to build a body beautiful in form, harmonious in posture, supple and agile in its movements, powerful in its activities and resistant in its health and organic functions.” A systematic physical education with suitable food, adequate rest and sleep, personal and ... special capacities which can be acquired only by special exercising and activities. "An extended and many-sided physical education and discipline" is needed. For discipline and morale, a sound and strong character are important and they are naturally acquired by a meaningful physical education. It helps "to form even necessitate the qualities of courage, hardihood, energetic action and initiative or... or call for skill, steadiness of will, rapid decision and action, the perception of what is to be done in an emergency and dexterity in doing it." Activities of such an organised system of physical education promote sportsmanship, leadership, obedience to leadership and spirit of fair play so necessary for a healthy and progressive life, individual and collective. The vital, the life-energy part ...

... can be by an enlightened physical education and by using physical activities—the activities of the body—not for little personal needs and satisfactions, but to make the body more capable of expressing a higher beauty and consciousness. And for that, physical education has an important Page 96 place, which should be given to it. And this physical education must be done with an e ...


... not being the cork. Mother, some say that our general inadequacy in studies comes from the fact that too much stress is laid on games, physical education. Is this true? Who said that? People who don't like physical education? Stiff old teachers who can't do exercises any longer? These?  I am not asking for names! Well, I don't think so. You remember the first article... how is it useful? I believe I have already explained this to you once. I think I have even explained it in detail in the articles on education. It is quite similar to the results of physical education for the body. We have limbs and muscles and nerves, indeed everything that constitutes the body; if we don't give them a special development, a special education, all these things do what ...


... Thus one finds that while physical education is a must (as the body is a being of habits and the sooner it acquires the right ones, the better it is for the child's future growth and work), in the field of intellectual training, there is more freedom and diversity. It is curious that in modern schools the opposite normally holds true - a child may or may not do physical education, but all children have... integral training of mind, life and body. This is apparent in the way the student life is organised and the manner in which subject teaching is carried out. A daily programme of one to two hours of physical education is a must for each student -even on Sundays. There are ample opportunities to learn the arts and most students voluntarily fix classes for themselves during their leisure time to learn 2-3 different ...


... Yoga and rising higher and higher in the scale of its luminous potency till we reach the absolute potency of Supramental Gnosis, we must at once meet and dispose 1 2 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 85. Page 351 of another prevalent misconception that the practice of Yoga, having for its result the amassing of spiritual experiences, far from helping... for us who know a little more about it — to bring about the necessary transformation, as far as it lies within our means, by calling the Force, the Consciousness, 1 2 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 85. 3 Ibid. (Italics ours) 4 Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 1230. (Italics ours) 5 Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 1230. ... thing that concerns us most intimately and the only thing we should be concerned with. A new world, yes, a completely new world, is born and is here." (op. cit. p. 18.) 2 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 83. 3 A. W. Momerie, Immortality, pp. 19-20. Page 356 ...

... to develop the will of the individual and to encourage the exercise of the will in which what is valued most is not the result, but application and doing one's best. Physical Education On the subject of physical education, it must be mentioned that the physical is our base, and even the highest spiritual values are to be expressed through the life that is embodied here. Sariram ____... discipline of functions of the body; a total methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body; rectification of defects and deformities, if there are any. Physical education must be based upon knowledge of the human body, its structure and its functions. And the formation of the habits of the body must be in consonance with that knowledge. The child should be ...


... integrated character; it is able to sharpen in-born capacities and potentialities towards their own highest values. A developed character is a developed personality that harmonises the demands of physical education, vital education, emotional education, of rational education, aesthetic education, ethical education, and spiritual education. III In our present system of education, all that we have... to the pursuit of truth; we propose only the pursuit of piece-meal assemblage of topics and subjects which are prescribed in our syllabus. It is only recently that some place is being given to physical education and aesthetic education. But the situation is entirely unsatisfactory when we come to the domain of character development. Even our thinking on the subject of values which are central to character... great ideals can guide us in developing all that we have spoken of as character and all that can be considered to be of highest value to integral personality. As a result, in the domain of physical education, we discover the values of health, grace and beauty. In the domain of emotional education, we arrive at the values of harmony and friendliness, of courage and heroism, of endurance and perseverance ...

... context of the ideal of unending education with due emphasis on non-formal processes of teaching and learning and on some innovative ideas connected with work education, aesthetic education, physical education, and a new system of evaluation. II (A) Permit me, however, to make a few critical remarks. It has been suggested that curriculum development is essentially a process of qualitative... presented Page 75 in the document which can easily be integrated and expanded into the proposed special interdisciplinary subject. This refers to work-education, art education, health and physical education. The new proposed subject could very well be termed: value-oriented education, and under this subject all that is being proposed for education pertaining to fundamental duties can also be... it for purposes of getting support for excellence, not only in respect of academic subjects but also in respect of practical abilities, aesthetic tastes and accomplishment, value-orientation, physical education, and of all-round development of personality; and 3) To conceive of a framework which would be open to any student who wishes to have a new system of testing, free from the fetters of the ...

... reformulation of educational objectives — perennial and contemporaneous, — child-centred education, new methodologies, new contents of education, national value of art education, importance of physical education and the necessity of the development of the national spirit of discipline. The Agenda does not rightly go into details. For the Agenda for Education should not turn out to be a Manual of Education... be relative, with- out considering that relativism permits pluralism but not vacuum, and that values are not exclusively related to the field of morality, but they extend also to the fields of physical education, vital education, aesthetic education, intellectual education and even to higher realms of human personality. In fact, value-oriented education, when rightly understood, opens up a wide... neglected so far, as a result of which our nation has become lopsided and even weak, cannot any further be postponed to a future date. These relate to infrastructural facilities and to art education, physical education and information technology. Unfortunately, our country has a very poor planning as far as education is concerned. Our country does not know how many new universities, colleges and schools ...

... international peace is also sought to be promoted; education for the promotion of human rights as also fundamental duties is also being underlined; the role of art in education and the role of physical education are being increasingly supported. While these desirable objects and Programmes need to be welcomed, the question is whether the present framework of education is capable of implementing... into account the lessons of progressive experiments carried out in the different parts of the world that have aimed at the integral development of students, which would harmonize the values of physical education, aesthetic education, rational education, ethical education, and spiritual education; 6.A schedule will be annexed to the legislative bill, which Page 9 will indicate some... actually Page 19 achieved? How much do we provide to the students in a compulsory way, which the students retrospectively find to have had any utility in their lives? And what about physical education, what about art education, and the contribution it can make to the education of the inmost soul? Are we teaching the history of India and the world in the right perspective? This is a very sensitive ...


... And that was the work she was doing here and it is for that that she created the Ashram. You all know the special emphasis she laid on physical education in order to prepare the body and senses to receive the golden light. She always said that physical education gives us the basis for the new consciousness, the new light. We must have a strong body, a beautiful body, a body that endures: for the new... not by itself an end and fulfilment; in order to secure it one must secure a beautiful vital. Not only that: for a fulfilment in the body and in the vital one must possess a mind beautiful. The physical education that the Mother has arranged for us here is to prepare us for the body beautiful. And the school that she has organised is for the cultivation of the mind. The cultivation of the mind, however ...

... physical. Particularly in young Pranab, the Mother found an excellent instrument for physical culture and with his help she quickly built up the centre of physical education. I don't need to discuss the place and raison d'etre of physical education in our Ashram life when Sri Aurobindo has done it so well in his essay on The Divine Body. 6 My vision being more earthly, I can see that it has served... into banyan trees spreading their branches far and wide, and are inspiring countries with a new vision. The two major activities that she took up during this period were the Ashram School and Physical Education which together form the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Both of them, like the others, were born from tiny chromosomes and out of a compelling necessity, for the Japanese aggression ...

... there arose the necessity to open a school, which was inaugurated on 2 December 1943. Then, on account of the Calcutta killings and other sanguinary riots during 1946-7, the Mother introduced physical education for adults as well. But behind these developments there were other germinating ideas too. Surendra Mohan Ghose has reported that Sri Aurobindo once told him (probably in 1939): The Mother... "university" with its restrictive and hence Page 764 inhibiting associations. In due course the Centre organized the four basic Faculties (Arts, Science, Engineering Technology and Physical Education), several Residential Homes, and the necessary facilities for study, practical work, athletics, ' sports, recreation, medical care, painting, music, dance and drama. By 1970, there were about... in Sri Aurobindo Circle, 26th Number (WO), pp. 30-47. Page 765 for boys and education for girls. The Centre of Education accordingly provides the same programme - including physical education - for boys and girls. There is still room for plenty of choice, but the options are made by the inner preference and not by the mere fact of sex and the compulsion of traditional taboos. Again ...

... Bibliography Sri Aurobindo's writings have appeared in journals (notably Indu Prakash, Bande Mataram, Yugantar, Karmayogin, Dharma, Standard-Bearer, Arya and Bulletin of Physical Education), as also in book form in successive editions and impressions. For this edition the references to Sri Aurobindo's writings are from the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library: Volume... undergoing during that time. Volume 12 — On Education. Essays on education and self-development, written between 949-55. Correspondence and conversations with students, teachers and physical education captains. Three dramas: Towards the Future, The Great Secret and The Ascent to Truth. Volume 13 — Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Sri Aurobindo, the Mother... number appearing on 21 February 1944. Mother India, first a fortnightly, later a monthly. The Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (originally 'Bulletin of Physical Education'), a Quarterly in English-French-Hindi, since February 1949. World Union, a Quarterly Journal. Equals One (=1), a Quarterly Journal of Auroville. Gazette Aurovilienne, a ...

... the lines of India's future developments. 1949 February 2I: Publication under Mother's guidance the illustrated quarterly Bulletin of Physical Education, with a Message from Sri Aurobindo on Physical Education. In its subsequent issues appeared sever other message- articles on subjects like Supermind, Divine Body, Evolution. These eight articles... relaxations in the rules of admission. For the education of the children thus assembled Mother started a school from the nursery stage upwards. Almost simultaneously necessary arrangements for proper physical education on scientific lines were also made. Publication of Sri Aurobindo's Collected Poems and Plays in two vols., and a de luxe edition. I943 September ...

... on this path consciously." "In the Ashram, does everyone look upon physical education on in this way?' "I don't think so, really. The more I observe things, the more I feel that the essential truth of physical education hasn't been understood by many people. Few have understood about the truth of physical education and are using it in their life in that way." * Dada was ...

... everything will be fine.' Dada handed him a packet of the Mother's 'Blessings'. Page 77 Pranab at work in the Physical Education Department office Page 78 The reading Room adjoining the Physical Education Department office Page 79 A visitor has come from Brazil. He is tall, healthy and well- built. You can see at once that he... following year the Mother came to the Playground to watch the demonstration. She was very pleased with it and She told me: Page 55 The newly constructed gymnasium of the physical Education Department Page 56 "Buy whatever equipment you need." So through Biren-da, I got from Madras a vaulting-box, a vaulting-horse, wall-pulley machines, a punching ball and p ...

... Moments Eternal Sports and the Beginning of the Playground Physical education started with a group of small boys. During the first years of the Ashram there was no organisation for any sports or games here. The younger boys, Mona, Manoj, Harit, Kittu, Gama, Sumantra and several others would wander around and play anywhere. Nirmal-da and Shanti-bhai had... had made a group of these boys and they used to make some arrangements for them to play. Nirmal-da and Shanti-bhai were these children’s captains. The real physical education that you see now, started when Pranab came here in 1945. Slowly all the groups got organised and in 1949 the J.S.A.S.A was formed. That same year the first issue of the Bulletin was also printed in our press. Chitra, Sujata... Mother say to this? She kept quiet. The Mother started coming to the Playground from Because of the Mother’s presence all the groups were spontaneously organised. In the beginning our physical education activities were limited to the Playground and included volleyball and a few other games. Boys and girls had different time-schedules for sports. Sometimes it was the girls who played first and ...


... referred only to the education to be given to children; for a good many bodily defects can be rectified and many malformations avoided by an enlightened physical education given at the proper time. But if for any reason this physical education has not been given during childhood or even in youth, it can begin at any age and be pursued throughout life. But the later one begins, the more one must... growth and development of the being.     All education of the body should begin at birth and continue throughout life. It is never too soon to begin nor too late to continue.     Physical education has three principal aspects: (1) control and discipline of the functioning of the body, (2) an integral, methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body and (3)... harmonious. As for positions, postures and movements, bad habits are formed very early and very rapidly, and these may have disastrous consequences for his whole life. Those who take the question of physical education seriously and wish to give their children the best conditions for normal development will easily find the necessary indications and instructions. The subject is being more and more thoroughly ...


... girl or a boy, and try to become a human being? What is the ideal for a girl, from the point of view of physical education? I don't see why there should be one special ideal for the physical Page 241 education of girls and another for the education of boys. Physical education aims at developing all the possibilities of the human body―possibilities of harmony, strength, suppleness... that some have heard―not once but hundreds of times, especially from those who come from outside with all the ideas of the world outside―this question: "Why do you have the same programme of physical education for boys and girls?" There are some who consider it a scandal; some consider it a glaring error from the physical, material point of view. "Why aren't girls treated in a special way and quite ...


... dwindles when we see their lack of interest in everything. The interest of the students is proportionate to the true capacity of the teacher. 12 July 1961 (Regarding a message to the Physical Education Captains) We are very far from what you ask of us, at least I am. It is an arduous task and will take time, a very long time, but what can be done at present? To change our consciousness and... all egoistic motives and all egoistic reactions must disappear. 20 November 1961 Sweet Mother, We have had a discussion with friends concerning the problem and possible methods of physical education. The fundamental problem is this: how to establish a programme which will please everyone and which will be as effective as possible for all members in general? Are tournaments necessary? Should... Each has his own taste and his own temperament. One can do nothing without discipline —the whole of life is a discipline. 20 September 1962 In a discussion with a friend about our physical education programme and the other innumerable activities we have here, he asked me: "Can you give me a valid example of at least one person who takes part in so many activities and maintains a fairly high ...

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... the living ideal of beauty that is to be realized, you are sure to reach the goal you aim at. ____________________________________ Extracts from The Mother, Physical Education Bulletin of Physical Education, April 1951 Page 432 ... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body The Mother Physical Education O f all the domains of human consciousness, the physical is the one most completely governed by method, order, discipline, procedure. The lack of plasticity and receptivity in matter has to be replaced there by an organization of details, at once precise and comprehensive. In... beauty is to be manifested one day. Till now I have referred only to the education to be given to children: for, a good many bodily defects and malformations can be avoided by an enlightened physical education given at the proper time. But if, for some reason or other, this education has not been given during childhood and even in youth, it can begin at any age and followed throughout life. But ...

... practice of every ideal. Shariram adyam khalu dharmasadhanam this is how the Sanskrit adage lays down. Secondly, the values of physical education are perfectly harmonious with the totality of values of vital, mental and spiritual education. One great value of physical education is that of health, and it is very well known that good health of the body is indispensable for the integral health of the ... education will not aim at weakness but at strength, not at escape from action but at mastery of action. Just as mental and vital education can form part of spiritual education, even so, physical education, too, can be so conceived and practiced that it forms part of spiritual education. First is the question of attitude towards the body. There are those who consider the body to be Page... been found that the spiritual and supramental powers, when captured by the cells of the body, can effect even the mutation of the human body. It is with this high aim that the possibilities of physical education that our educational system should provide full facilities for the perfection of the human body. For that perfection can be a vehicle of the highest possible spiritual manifestation. ...

... . Let us take the example of physical education, which has somehow secured some place in recent decades in our system of education. There are periods allotted to physical training or to Yoga classes. But what exactly is physical education, what is the importance of the human body, how miraculously human body works, what are different forms of physical education, --these and allied questions receive... receive hardly any place in the curriculum. Something about the human body is, of course, taught in courses relating to physiology and hygiene, but the orientation is not related to physical education. Moreover, we find that there are a number of interesting questions and studies which come up if we allow freedom of enquiry and freedom of pursuit of subjects of interest. Students often ask questions ...


... of the last century the Mother introduced in Sri Aurobindo Ashram a full-fledged programme of physical education, ostensibly for the young school children but actually open to all the inmates of the Ashram, even to the veteran sadhakas and sadhikas of quite an advanced age. Sports and Physical education activities in Sri Aurobindo Ashram? What an anomaly! And Sri Aurobindo supporting the Mother in... the genesis and the development of physical culture in the Ashram. He even wrote two long highly luminous articles on physical education and justified its appearance in his spiritual Ashram: These articles were published at that time in the Ashram Journal, Bulletin of Physical Education. Interested readers may look through these two articles and gain much insight. (The articles have been reprinted in ...

... not all left Pondicherry yet. A French physician, who was a real gentleman, became a disciple of Mother. He was quite close to the Ashram. His wife, named Dutsy, also a physician, joined our Physical Education Department. Mother thought it good for a lady doctor like Dutsy to join the Ashram as this would enable our girls to receive some medical care. This lady, however, was of a haughty temperament... Mother coming to the Tennis Ground (1950-51) Mother playing Tennis (1954) On Pranab's birthday - 18.10.51 (10) W hen the Physical Education Department was set up, in the beginning we did not have much equipment for our physical demonstration programme. We needed some music-records. Benjamin, an old sadhak, said that he knew some... Page 12 to the soul? Has the soul been split too?" Mother looked rather annoyed and said: "No, India's soul cannot be partitioned." (14) I had taken charge of the Physical Education Department in the Ashram. Mother told me one day, "You know that the medium of education in the Ashram is French. You'll have to give orders in French too." I said: "Mother, I don't know French ...


... the Department of Physical Education was able, in February 1958, to introduce classes in Judo and Jiu-Jitsu under his competent guidance. And, at the Department's request to the Government of Germany, a highly qualified physical instructor, Mr. Werner Haubrich, arrived on 1 September 1958. He conducted a three-month course in Athletics and Swimming, and lectured on physical education. On 5 December... nal University Centre was renamed by the Mother as "Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education" in order to give a wider scope and meaning to the training given there. The Bulletin of Physical Education was likewise renamed the Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. The Ashram School, established on 2 December 1943, had grown into the University on 6 January 1952, and... was a soul unfolding, a soul struggling to come forward and take charge of the body, life-forces and the mind. In working out this principle, there was, in the first place, the Department of Physical Education geared up in dedicated efficiency to promote the fullest possible development of the physique of the pupils. There was, in the second place, the canalisation of the life-energies of the pupils ...


... 41 As if to emphasise that the physical was the root of the rest, the first issue of the English-French quarterly journal. Bulletin of Physical Education, came out in February 1949, and it has since been a pace-maker for physical education in the country.* But Sri Aurobindo seems to have had a special interest in Mother India - he is said to have looked upon it as "My paper"... a hostel had to Page 717 be established. The Ashram ideal of integral education meant physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual education in harmonious flowering, but physical education was still the base or stem of the whole, and therefore from the outset the Ashram School gave special importance to sports, games and athletics. During his visit to the Ashram to hand over... towards which we look as our hope for humanity's future". There Sri Aurobindo might have stopped if his intention had merely been to give a word of encouragement to the Department of Physical Education in the Ashram. The following series of articles, however, heaved up wave upon wave of a high-arching argument that was, perhaps, a probe into possibility, perhaps the record of a new realisation ...

... Vishnu Ji joined the physical education activities and started teaching grown up girls and boys, skills like Lathi, Lakadi patta, Lezium, and other Indian sports in which they were experts. They had started many youth clubs (akhadas) in Gujarat. In fact, our Ambubhai Purani Ji and his elder brother, Chhotu Bhai Purani, are still recognised as the pioneers of physical education in Gujarat of the 20th... discipline. They would also be responsible for the apparatus: to fetch whatever apparatus was required for that day and at the end of the physical education lesson, put everything back exactly where it belonged. This leadership training was part of our physical education activity right from the beginning. By 1948, we were probably about 20 to 25 children in Group B, and a slightly lesser number in Group ...


... (7) The work of new admissions every fortnight is heavy; then the various examinations are a great tax on the Head Master's energy. Importance of physical education 4) To see to the proper efficiency and progress of the physical education is under the circumstances a task beyond his energies; yet this is a side of Education the importance of which is being more and more recognised. The High... not only to the scholastic efficiency but to discipline and, so far as is possible under the conditions of Indian School life, to the life of the boys outside school-hours, especially to the physical education. The first object is fulfilled well enough under present circumstances, the second with but moderate success, the third hardly at all. The scholastic efficiency of the School is on the whole ...


... up a packet. We all were blind but P had a sort of intuition, or deeper perception. Pranab-da felt that growing children and youngsters did need some more substantial food — especially as physical education was compulsory for all students. He started a separate kitchen named Corner House (separate from the Dining Room). The food would often be a bit spicy — so tasty and the variety was also there... Pranab-da closer and closer. He became, as She grew older, Her constant support and helper. He was more or less fully, day and night, occupied with looking after Her needs. Much, nay all, the Physical Education work was shouldered by the captains and helpers (coaches). Pranab-da was a supporter of girls’ (of all ages) participation with equal opportunities as their male counterparts. We can now boast... came to the same conclusions. P was the doer and the Mother was the inspirer (conspirator) in all these developments. The Mother used to give P some money every month to buy just one book on Physical Education. Starting with that P built the very useful PED Library, now containing a few thousand books and magazines. (The Library is very much underused — even the captains who are the ones allowed to ...


... in the journal with that of a manuscript draft. PART FIVE: FROM THE BULLETIN OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1949 - 1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth These eight essays, Sri Aurobindo's last prose writings, first appeared in the quarterly Bulletin of Physical Education (at present called Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education ) in 1949... The Yoga and Its Objects , written around 1912; Part Three, writings from the Arya , 1914 - 21; Part Four, an essay from the Standard Bearer , 1920; Part Five, writings from the Bulletin of Physical Education , 1949 - 50. P ART O NE : E SSAYS FROM THE K ARMAYOGIN (1909 - 1910) Sri Aurobindo was the editor of and principal writer for the Karmayogin , "A ...


... chance given to them. 22 December 1969 Page 287 Mother, what is the difference between sports and physical education? Sports are all the games, competitions, tournaments, etc., all the things based on contests and ending in placings and prizes. Physical education means chiefly the combination of all exercises for the sake of the growth and upkeep of the body. Naturally, here... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education General Messages and Letters Become Master of your body—this will lead you to Freedom. Physical culture is the best way of developing the consciousness of the body, and the more the body is conscious, the more it is capable of receiving the divine forces that are at work to transform ...

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... them: If that's what you mean, it's precisely the goal of physical education. And teaching is an attempt to replace the Consciousness with... ( laughing ) an inner library!... If I joke too much, they won't understand anymore! We can tell them this: The way to really awaken the physical consciousness is physical education. It's physical education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But to develop ...


... 1 Letters on Yoga, p. 1234. 2 Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 334. 3 The Mother, "The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It", in Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. VI, No. 1, p. 65. Page 342 This has roots deep in the subconscient and it is not easy to dislodge it from there. Obviously, it is made up of several intermingled... itself, much as we look on a dress ... the body will rend like a garment, but I — I am." 3 1 2 The Mother, "The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It", in Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. VI, No. 1, p. 65. 3 See H. Carrington and J. R. Meader, Death, pp. 170-72. Page 343 This citation from Goethe reminds us of the memorable words of Sri... death is only a bad habit; they seem to be born with the resolution to conquer it." 2 In order to obviate a possible chance of misunderstanding let us 1 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. X. No. 3, p. 70. 2 The Mother,"The Fear of Death and the Four methods of Conquering It." Page 348 forthwith state that the attainment of physical immortality ...

... feet. And that was the work she was doing here and it is for that that she created the Ashram. You all know the special emphasis she laid on physical education in order to prepare the body and senses to receive the golden light. She always said, physical education gives you the basis for the new consciousness, the new light, we must have a strong body, a beautiful body, a body that endures: for the new... not by itself an end and fulfilment; in order to secure it you must secure a beautiful vital. Not only so, for a fulfilment in the body and in the vital one must possess a mind beautiful. The physical education that the Mother has arranged for us here is to prepare us for the body beautiful. And the school that she has organised is for the cultivation of the mind. The cultivation of the mind, however ...

... A Scheme for The Education of Bengal Preface This scheme is written to help a group of people who wanted to organise Physical Education in Bengal As physical education cannot go all alone, divorced from other education such as vital, mental, psychic and spiritual and general education, so all the branches of education were included and touched in... for those who want to study in further details. The section of psychic and spiritual education could not be included in this volume. This section will be dealt with in the Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IV , No. l. ...

... and transform it all there was, in the second place, a well-knit yet silken organisational set-up, partly through the extension of the existing Ashram organisation and partly through the new physical education with its mystique and its many-sided discipline. The influx of children was at once an upsetting as well as a tonic experience for the older sadhaks accustomed to a measure of austerity and a... purpose and shape and proper direction to the School. While the academic courses were organised on efficient lines, physical culture received equal importance. As Nirod saw it, the daily regimen of physical education "served the most important purpose of keeping the inflammable material of young boys, girls and children under a strict supervision through compulsory activities from 4.30 to 7.00 p.m. or so"... whether, during their monthly periods girl pupils could join in the sports and athletics as usual, or whether a modified regimen was necessary. The Mother answered both in general terms about the physical education of girls and in specific terms on the particular points raised. 18 Page 438 There was little sense, the Mother felt, in the supposed boy-girl contrast being constantly projected ...


... in the evenings towards the end of 1947. At first She played table tennis and when the tennis courts were ready in 1948, She started playing tennis. After playing, She would watch the various physical education activities. Sometime in 1949, the Mother extended the duration of Her stay in the Playground. After the activities were over, She would sit on a bench and watch Pranab (whom I began calling Dada)... accompanied the Mother wherever She went in the Playground sat on the floor at Her feet. I lived in “Dortoir”, a children’s boarding house adjacent to the Playground. As soon as the session of our physical education ended, I would run to the boarding house, take a shower, gulp down my dinner and return to the Playground. Timidly, I would stand behind the others and watch Dada’s training. I was not even thirteen... classes. Eventually, loud­speakers were installed so that everyone could hear. From 1953, whatever She said was tape-recorded. Portions of Her talks were first published in the Bulletin of physical education and later as a series of books titled Questions and Answers . These Wednesday classes continued until December 1958 when the Mother stopped all Her activities at the playground. After December ...


... On Education III PHYSICAL EDUCATION Of all the domains of human consciousness, the physical is the one most completely governed by method, order, discipline, procedure. The lack of plasticity and receptivity in matter has to be replaced there by an organisation of details, at once precise and comprehensive. In this organisation one must not forget,... one day. Page 105    Till now I have referred only to the education to be given to children; for, a good many bodily defects and malformations can be avoided by an enlightened physical education given at the proper time. But if, for some reason or other, this education has not been given during childhood and even in youth, it can begin at any age and followed throughout life. But the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... educated. He can increase certain faculties. You cannot imagine any animal, even among those we most admire, which is capable, for instance, of physical education, purely physical—I am not speaking of going to school or learning things, but purely physical education, a systematic development of the muscles. The animal is born and makes good use of what it has and it grows according to its own law, but it ...


... evident that the Page 73 methods and the first objects to be attained must belong to what we have called the lower end of the being. Originally they have been introduced for the physical education and bodily development of the children of the Ashram School and these are too young for a strictly spiritual aim or practice to enter into their activities and it is not certain that any great... fitness of the body for all that can be. asked from it which is the common formula of all this action, a fitness attained by a few or by many, that could be generalised by an extended and manysided physical education and discipline. Some of these activities can be included under the name of sports; there are others for which sport and physical exercises can be an effective preparation. In some of them a training ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Concentration and Dispersion In sporting activities those who want to be successful choose a certain line or subject which appeals more to them and suits their nature; they concentrate on their choice and take great care not to disperse their energies in different directions. As in life... obtain the phenomenon at will, on command, so to say, and the resulting perfection in the execution of any activity follows inevitably. This is exactly what we want to try in our Department of Physical Education. By this process the result may come more slowly than by the usual method, but the lack of rapidity will surely be compensated by a fullness and richness in the expression. Bulletin, April ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... is the supramental Vibration. About this completely new phenomenon on Earth he has first written in a series of articles requested by the Mother for the Bulletin of Physical Education , the quarterly of the section of physical education in the school she had started. These articles, Sri Aurobindo’s last prose writings, appeared in the quarterly during 1949 and 1950, and were later published as a book ...


... Upanishad, I .1.21. (Sri Aurobindo's translation) 3 Ibid., I .1.29. 4 The Epic of Gilgamesh composed around the beginning of the second mil lennium B.C. 5 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 81. Page 374 that tends to vitiate a proper and unbiased evaluation of the phenomenon of death. For, if we can contemplate this sombre phenomenon... Thomson: "Ode to the Setting Sun") (v)"Life and Death — two companions who relieve one another in the leading of the soul to its journey's end." (Paul Richard) 1 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 65-67. (Italics ours) Page 377 (vi) "Life [is] a figure of death and Death of life." (Sri Aurobindo, Eight Upanishads, p. 51. fn.) ...

... may be called Sri Aurobindo’s testament. Overman – the Transitional Being Meanwhile, the Ashram school and its Department of Physical Education had grown to such an extent that the Mother wanted to bring out a quarterly magazine, the Bulletin of Physical Education, the first issue of which was published on 21 February 1949. (It was later renamed Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre ...

... as much as we emphasize the power of knowing facts. We do not give importance to the pursuit of Truth as much as to the pursuit of piece meal information. Some place is, indeed, being given to physical education and aesthetic education, but these aspects of education are so peripheral that they tend to be almost neglected. In regard to inner domains of personality, the situation is totally unsatisfactory... therefore govern and guide all the values and aspects of education. In various domains of education, spiritual consciousness can be aided by promoting certain specific values. In the domain of physical education, the values that we ought to promote are those of health, strength, plasticity, grace and beauty. In the domain of vital education, the values that we ought to promote would be those of harmony ...


... the concept of integral education implies a simultaneous integrated process of the development of the qualities and values relevant to physical education, vital education, mental education, psychic and spiritual education. e. In the domain of physical education, the values that are implied are those of health, strength, plasticity, grace and beauty. In the domain of emotional education or vital ...

... realizes that both body and mind should be developed vigorously and rigorously. He discovers that the qualities needed in physical education contribute a great deal to the development of an integrated personality. For example, the sporting spirit, valued most in physical education, includes good humour and tolerance and consideration for all, a right attitude and friendliness to both teammates and rivals ...

... synthesis, they came to underline certain profounder aspects of physical education, which have far-reaching implications for the contemporary problem of human evolution. We have, therefore, presented in this part a few selections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which have a direct bearing on the theme of physical education as a part of a larger scheme of integral education. ...

... character development, and holistic testing. 9)Finally, a ninth department could be conceived which might be specialized in physical education, which is today extremely neglected. This department could also conduct research in synthesizing Indian system of physical education with western systems of gymnastics, athletics, swimming and games. It could also make research in developing team spirit among ...


... XXXIX. Flowers for children XL. Fruits for children XLI. Vegetables for children XLII. Nutrition for children XLIII. Physical education at different stages XLIV. Introducing swimming XLV. Introducing gymnastics XLVI. Yogic Asanas and Pranayama 26 ... and Childhood LXXXV. The Child and Teamwork LXXXVI. The Child as the Builder of the New World LXXXVII. Adolescence and problems of Nutrition and physical education LXXXVIII. Psychological problems of adolescence LXXXIX. Adolescence of girls XC. Great children of the past XCI. Children ...


... is the domain of physical education, where even the most elementary exercise like drill demonstrates the necessity of co-ordinated and mutual action of all the participants. Sports encourage greatly what we call team spirit and a number of sports can never be won without disciplined manifestation of the dependence of each player upon the other. If, for nothing else, physical education should be encouraged ...

... and on which the Mother insisted, was: no difference of age, especially no difference of sex; all human beings are fundamentally of the same nature. Particularly in the competitions of physical education that were arranged from time to time, the groups were more or less all mixed up; the green and the red and the blue and all the other colours made a blend, as it were. Nowadays it is somewhat... people by their mere names, but it sounds nice and appropriate when the thing Page 77 comes from their lips. These were the principles that guided the organisation of the physical education groups. There was to be, first, no difference between boys and girls; all should undergo the same exercises and the same programme. This was and is even now, I think, compulsory for the younger ...

... part of By the Way and it is sincerely hoped that all those who read it do so with enjoyment. It is half past eleven in the morning. A few of us are sitting at the office of the Physical Education Department (P.E.D). Dada too is amongst us. The office-work is almost over. In fifteen minutes the office will close. This is usually the time for a little chat or for a discussion of some specific... Page 16 The personal fitness-room attached to Pranab's house The personal fitness-room attached to Pranab's house "You see as I look after the physical education department I always ask people if they do any sports," Dada said. The boy bowed his head in embarrassment: 'No, I don't do anything.' "So only brain? No brawn? Those who don't practise ...

... screen as well. From the second of December 1946, Mother started coming out of the Ashram occasionally. First, it was not frequent but later it became more regular. Mother used to watch our physical Education activities with great interest. She would play table-tennis at Nanteuil. She even came to watch films with us in the Playground. When my father, Dakshinapada, came to the Ashram for good... However, the Managing Trustee is said to have remarked that of all the accounts in the Ashram, the best Page 140 kept were those of the Lake Estate and of the Department of physical Education. It is needless to say that after Mother's departure, the white bag with my name written on a chit in her own hand was given to me. It also contained her own personal small things and several ...


... of health, hygiene, physical exercise, preventive and curative medicine. 6. Growth of the body consciousness - the special role of physical education leading to gradual control, mastery and transformation of the body. 7. Physical education can help a lot in developing body consciousness. The body must be kept in a perfectly balanced state - Physical Sat-Chit-Ananda. ...


... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 Education of Girls THE question is about our physical education and, in a general way, the psychological basis of our activities here. These things have, of course, been written about and spoken of by me and by Sri Aurobindo very often, but evidently the idea does not seem to have entered your consciousness... others – the males! I am told people have been remarking – people naturally not accustomed to our ways – people with their own old-world ideas – and asking why we have the same programme of physical education for both boys and girls, why the girls are not treated in a special way, quite differently from the boys – is it not a gross error even from the physical point of view to level them together ...

... - who were growing in number - should receive suitable education, and so a School was started on 2 December 1943 with about twenty children on the roll. With the School came a Playground, and physical education - games, athletics, sports - came to occupy a visibly important place in Ashram life. It was after the communal riots of 1946 that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt that boys and girls - and... equate life with the Spirit. 24 It was about this time too (the years immediately after the war and the coming of independence) that Sri Aurobindo set forth in ample detail his views on physical education and on the ideal of the perfect body. It was not simply a question of health, strength and fitness of the body, important as this was; of even greater consequence was the "development of discipline ...

... the disciples, 576ff, 58 1ff; the Guru's role and influence, 579ff, 590-2; aim of, 580-1; human relations in, 579-81; coming of the children, 581, 724-5; the school and sports, 58 1ff, 762-3; physical education and the Body Divine, 582-3; development of Ashram services, 584, 585-6; as laboratory for Yoga, 584; choice of disciples & allotment of work, 584-6; work as a field for sadhana, as sacerdocy... The Synthesis of Yoga, 550ff; on Yoga Siddhi, 567ff; the Ashram, 571ff, 580; coming of the disciples, 576ff; coming of the children, 581; Ashram School, 581; on sports in the Ashram, 581-2; on physical education and the Body Divine, 582; as Witness Spirit, 582; "minute-to-minute miracles", 587; on daman and pranam, 592ff; effect of darsan on disciples, 593-4; Nirod, Arjava, Themis on darsan, 5945; ...

... advice - sent through several channels - to accept Cripps' offer. 1943 Dec 2 Opens a small school with about 20 children of devotees. Takes some classes. 1945 May Opens the School's physical education department (P.E.D.). 'Physical culture is the process of infusing consciousness into the cells of the body.' Page 857 1946 Descent of the Divine Mother's Personality of Ananda,... her Spiritual! Flag of United India on the Ashram main building. Anti-Ashram elements attack, murder one inmate just outside the main building. 1949 Feb 21 Publication of the Bulletin of Physical Education (renamed in 1959 Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education), in which many of her writings and talks and her (translations of Sri Aurobindo's works are first published. ...


... submitted to the Education Commission; she had kept in constant touch with the several Services of the Ashram, its industrial and other establishments, the Centre of Education and the Department of Physical Education, and indeed with the global ramifications of her sadhana and ministry. She continued to receive day after day streams of sadhaks, children and visitors, accepting their pranam, and resolving... the value of the collaboration. On 1 April, in her message for the annual sports competitions, the Mother said that spiritual life did not mean contempt for Matter but rather its divinisation. Physical education was one of the most directly effective means for promoting the desired transformation, and the two requisites were enthusiasm, which was essential for success, and discipline, which was the ...


... the history of the Ashram, in the epic march of its collective sadhana. On 2 December, the anniversary of the School, there was the usual physical demonstration at the Ashram Sports Ground. Physical education in the Ashram aimed, not at producing champions or providing recreational activities, but rather at training and perfecting the physical instrument so that the Truth Force might manifest itself... being the base claimed particular attention. Through resilient efficiency and harmony of perfect functioning, the body was to be a House Beautiful for the indwelling Divine. The Department of Physical Education had started around 1945 with but fourteen boys, no equipment, and no regular playground. During the next seventeen years, it grew wings of purposive and planned development and in 1962-63 counted ...


... A Scheme for The Education of Bengal VI. PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF all the domains of human consciousness, the physical is the one most completely governed by method, order, discipline, procedure. The lack of plasticity and receptivity in matter has to be replaced there by an organisation of details, at once precise and comprehensive. In this organisation... beauty is to be manifested one day. Till now I have referred only to the education to be given to children; for, a good deal of bodily defects, malformations can be avoided by an enlightened physical education given at the proper time. But if, for some reason or other, this education has not been given during childhood and even in youth, it can begin at any age and followed through the whole life. ...

... knowledge of health, hygiene, physical exercise, preventive and curative medicine. 6.Growth of the body consciousness - the special role of physical education leading to gradual control, mastery and transformation of the body. 7.Physical education can help a lot in developing body consciousness. The body must be kept in a perfectly balanced state - Physical Sat-Chit-Ananda. 8.Integral ...

... first children from Calcutta fleeing the Japanese bombs: the Ashram was opening up to the outside. 123 children in 1950. She had to reorganize everything, create a school, train teachers and physical-education instructors, check the wave of discontent among the old disciples who looked on this hardly “yogic” youth and all those frivolous gymnastic exercises with reproach or incomprehension.... She... explain itself, as He said, if it is implemented. Nevertheless, He would dictate The Supra­mental Manifestation upon Earth because Mother had asked him for some articles for the Bulletin of Physical Education, which She intended for the Ashram children. Then, He would let himself be devoured again by the correspondence until that day in 1949 when He remarked for the fourth time: My real work remains ...

... and joy to minds unseasonably clouded, to hearts in their seasons of drought, and to souls in their winters of cold discomfort. Page 691 IV In March 1961, the Department Of physical Education had formed a separate -group for its instructor and group captains, and 24 April, this Captains Group appeared in in its new uniform - olive green shirt and shorts - with the other groups when... ambition to be first by the will to do the best possible. Replace the desire for success by the yearning for progress. Replace the eagerness for fame by the aspiration for perfection. Physical Education is meant to bring into the body, consciousness and control, discipline and mastery, all things necessary for a higher and better life. Keep all that in mind, practise sincerely and you will become ...


... it a certain fixity arising from preconceived ideas and unfavourable suggestions.”² The mind imposes its own ideas, which are nothing but ignorant constructions, ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education. ² Prayers and Meditations of the Mother. Page 265 upon the body, and, in its effort to compel it to subserve its own ends, disrupts the natural harmony of the physica... and interpenetrate freely; it is like the waves of the sea that ceaselessly flow into each other and change and mingle. Against this fluidity of the vital world you are ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. I. No. 3. ² ibid. ³ Prayers and Meditations of the Mother, Page 267 defenceless unless you can oppose to it a very powerful light and force from inside; otherwise ...


... "Everything changes in a second: you know, you are, you live, you see the unreality of what seemed so real.” One may have to wait for this moment "through days and ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education. ² ibid. ³ ibid, Page 88 months and centuries.” "But if you intensify your aspiration, the pressure becomes so great...that something veers round in your c... should purify and unify the whole nature and remould it in its own image. Psychic transformation, as Sri Aurobindo says, must precede the other two transformations, ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education. ² ibid. ³ ibid. Page 89 spiritual and supramental. Those schools of yoga which have as their aim an escape of the human soul from the material world into some state ...


... Learning with the Mother Useful suggestions for the instructors of Physical Education A sample page of the suggestions given in the Mother’s handwriting in French Prepare the lesson before coming to the class. Consider and fix beforehand every detail. Come a little before time; inspect and prepare all that will be required during the class... lesson the entire class should stand at attention 6 6 : *Stand at attention for a few moments* soon came to signify *Concentration*, which was practised at the beginning and at the end of every physical education lesson. for a few moments, and the same should be done before the class disperses. “Safety first” should be the watch-word for all physical activities. ...


... life of the Ashram it is evident that the methods and the first objects to be attained must belong to what we have called the lower end of the being. Originally they have been introduced for the physical education and bodily development of the children of the Ashram School, and these are too young Page 525 for a strictly spiritual aim or practice to enter into their activities and it is not... fitness of the body for all that can be asked from it which is the common formula of all this action, a fitness attained by a few or by many, that could be generalised by an extended and many-sided physical education and discipline. Some of these activities can be included under the name of sports; there are others for which sports and physical exercises can be an effective preparation. In some of them a ...


... playground and over the years the dramatization of Savitri has become a very special regular activity of the Ashram. This was also the time when, with the arrival of Pranab, the work of physical education was started in the school. In the early days, the Mother took a walk around the main playground and asked a few of the women present to join her in the walk and she thus formed what came to be... for their playground activities. The younger boys and girls were organized into various groups under the overall care of Pranab with his team of group captains. A detailed and varied pattern of physical education gradually came into being as an essential element of the expanding activities of the school. The body needed to be made a conscious base for the descent of the spiritual force. When did the ...


... imperceptible glass of her love and protection — a space in which they could breathe much more freely because she assured them an unpolluted supply of oxygen. The Ashram school with its section of physical education, its playground and later a well-equipped sportsground, its gymnasium, and its physical ideals far ahead of their time, certainly belongs to the important exemplary realizations of the Mother... Mother, as after all her great experiences, wanted to be fully certain of the scope of her Cosmic Act on 29 February; she therefore published the announcement of the new Dawn in the Bulletin of Physical Education of 24 April, two months afterwards. There one reads: Lord, Thou hast willed and I execute: A new light breaks upon the earth, A new world is born. The things that were promised are ...


... the building a little after four. There was whispering and crying, and the atmosphere was one of deep dejection. Order was maintained by boys and girls of the Ashram led by ‘captains’ of the physical education. It did not take long before I too could enter the building and then the meditation hall. There she lay under humming electric fans, the Mother, whom I last had seen six months ago. She appeared... been living in the company of the Mother, which means that he had not only seen what had happened from nearby, he had also been personally involved in it. He was the head of the department of physical education and some called him the ‘bodyguard’ of the Mother. When in the last years she could not walk that well anymore, she leaned on his arm to give darshan. He had a difficult character and Narayan ...


... for not being the cork. Mother, some say that our general inadequacy in studies comes from the fact that too much stress is laid on games, physical education. Is this true? Page 183 Who said that? People who don't like physical education? Stiff old teachers who can't do exercises any longer? These?―I am not asking for names! Well, I don't think so. You remember the first article ...


... beings who are conscious of their psychic being, they are relatively few. If you mean, "How does one awaken the consciousness of the physical being?", that is precisely the aim of physical education. It is physical education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But for the development of the brain, it is study, observation, intelligent education, above all observation and reasoning. And naturally ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... For man's nature, specially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for whatever he thinks, feels,     * First published in the Bulletin of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, from Nov. 1950 to Feb. 1952. Printed also in book form as: The Mother on Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1952. Page 89 ... is maintained one is sure to triumph one day and see all difhculties melt and vanish before the radiant consciousness of truth.     Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clearseeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us.     In fact, the body must not rule ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... Series Five (1960 - 1973) To a disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1944 at the age of eight. She worked for almost thirty years in the Ashram's Department of Physical Education, becoming one of its first captains at the age of eleven. Sweet Mother, Are You with us during the collective meditation at the Playground? Certainly, I am always there. ... Sweet Mother, My brother has started working in the Sports Ground at night along with some other boys. I do not know if this is all right for him after all the studies during the day and the physical education activities in the afternoon. He does not even take rest after lunch. He says he does not feel tired. Last night he returned from the Sports Ground at midnight, but he says that in future he will ...


... appears on earth. Blessings. 13 January 1970 Sweet Mother, What is the difference between sports and physical education? Sports are all the games, competitions, tournaments, etc. that are based on competition and lead to placings and prizes. Physical education means principally all the various exercises for the development and maintenance of the body. Naturally, here we have ...


... first condition for acquiring power is to be obedient. Page 88 " The body must learn to obey before it can manifest power; and physical education is the most thorough discipline for the body. " So be eager and sincere in your effort for physical education and you will acquire a powerful body." It's logical. That's all. Soon afterwards Everybody is quarreling.... Oh, quarrels ...


... following works of Sri Aurobindo: (i) TheProblem of Rebirth; (ii) The Life Divine (Book Two, Chaps. XX-XXIII); (iii) Letters on Yoga, Part One, Section VIII. 5 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 81. Page 380 heart" 1 and "his slow inertia as of living stone." 2 In the luminous words of the Mother: "Opposites are the quickest and the... Life and Death. This approach is not altogether unjustified; for as Sri Aurobindo has so clearly pointed out: 1 2 The Life Divine, p. 176. (Italics ours) 3 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 2, p. 83. (Italics ours) Page 386 "Science and metaphysics (whether founded on pure intellectual speculation or, as in India, ultimately on a spiritual ...

... fitness of the body for all that can be asked from it which is the common formula of all this action, a fitness attained by a few or by many, that could be generalized by an extended and many sided physical education and discipline. Some of these activities can be included under the name of sports; there are others for which sport and physical exercises can be an effective preparation. In some of them a training... consciousness and physical form and functioning of which we could speak as not only the total but the supreme perfection of the body. ___________ Sri Aurobindo Bulletin of Physical Education 1949 Page 713 ...

... instance, will need to have sound physical fit Page 68 ness and adequate stamina to take part in various activities of physical education. If example is the most effective means of education, there is no better way to inspire children to undertake physical education seriously than to have teachers who are themselves strong and healthy in their bodies and who have interest and capacity to play ...

... announced that a supramental body — a body that will transcend all subjection to death—will be a sexless one. 1 "The Fear of Death and the Four Methods of Conquering It", Bulletin of Physical Education, February 1954. 2 Babylonian mythology. 3 Katha Upanishad, II.1.10. 4 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I .2.1. 5 Taittiriya Upanishad, II.2. 6 Vide :... sum of greater unrealised possibles. It veils an advanced stage and a yet unaccomplished journey." 5 1 The Life Divine, pp. 822-23. 2 Ibid., p. 823. 3 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. VI, No. I, pp. 69-71. (Italics ours) 4 Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts and Glimpses, p. 15. 5 Ibid., p. 6. Page 413 ...

... the concept of integral education implies a simultaneous integrated process of the development of the qualities and values relevant to physical education, vital education, mental education, psychic and spiritual education. •In the domain of physical education, the values that are implied are those of health, strength, plasticity, grace and beauty. In the domain of emotional education or vital ...

... pursuit of piecemeal assemblage of topics and subjects which are prescribed in the syllabus. Recently, attempts have been made to ameliorate this situation and some place is being given to physical education and aesthetic education. But the situation is far from satisfactory, and when we come to the domain of moral and spiritual values, the situation is confusing and it seems, a deeper exploration... however, some guidelines that we can derive from the contemporary educational thought and from some of the great educational experiments conducted in India or elsewhere. In the domain of physical education, the values that we ought to seek are those of health, strength, plasticity, grace and beauty. In the domain of emotional education, the values that we ought to seek would be those of harmony ...

... of personality, and character that is committed to pursuit of truth, nationalism, and highest welfare of humanity in terms of synthesis of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; Multisided physical education, healthcare and promotion of the international system of sports and games as also the spirit of youthfulness, adventure, and readiness to participate in services related to defense of peace... Promotion of the indigenous tradition of teacher-student relationship (Guru-Shishya parampara) in various fields of humanities, arts, crafts, sciences, technologies and yoga (psychological and physical education); Page 3 Promotion of advanced research relating to teachers' education for purposes of advancement of capacities to teach and learn among professional teachers as also ...

... programme of children's teachers' pre-service and in-service training. (c)To conduct innovative programme of training which will aim at: (i) Participation in well-developed programme of physical education. 72 Expertise in prenatal education of mothers and integral care of the initial stages of children's development, and/or expertise in nursery education... expertise in transmitting value-oriented education to children, and/or expertise in skill-oriented education to children, and/or expertise in adventure related activities of children, and/or physical education of children, and/or organization of programmes of exploration, discoveries and inventions and presentation of films, dramas, and recitation programmes and programmes of eloquence, drawing, painting ...


... the concept of integral education implies a simultaneous integrated process of the development of the qualities and values relevant to physical education, vital education, mental education, psychic and spiritual education. In the domain of physical education, the values that are implied are those of health, strength, plasticity, grace and beauty. In the domain of emotional education or vital ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 Education of Girls The question is about our physical education and, in a general way, the psychological basis of our activities here. These things have, of course, been written about and spoken of by me and by Sri Aurobindo very often, but evidently the idea does not seem to have entered your consciousness. I do not... I am told people have been remarking—people Page 94 naturally not accustomed to our ways—people with their own old-world ideas—and asking why we have the same programme of physical education for both boys and girls, why the girls are not treated in a special way, quite differently from the boys—is it not a gross error even from the physical point of view to level them together ? ...

... organisation and on which the Mother insisted was: no difference of age, specially no difference of sex; all human beings are fundamentally of the same nature: Particularly in the competitions of physical education that were arranged from time to time, the groups were more or less all mixed up, the green and the red and the blue and all the other colours made a blend as it were. Now-a-days it is somewhat... strange that youngsters called old people by their mere names but it sounds so nice and appropriate when the thing comes from their lips. Thus the principles that guided the organisation of physical education are as you know now: there is to be, first, no difference between boys and girls, all should undergo the same exercises and the same programme. This was and is even now, I think, compulsory for ...

... life of the Ashram it is evident that the methods and the first objects to be attained must belong to what we have called the lower end of the being. Originally they have been introduced for the physical education and bodily development of the children of the Ashram School and these are too young for a strictly spiritual aim or practice to enter into their activities and it is not certain that any great... of the body for all that can be asked from it which is the: common formula of all this action, a fitness attained by a few or by many, that could be generalised by an extended and many-sided physical education and discipline. Some of these activities can be included under the name of sports; there are others for which sport and physical exercises can be an effective preparation. In some of them a training ...

... Biren-da joined the Ashram one month after I did in May, 1945 and started working with me. He rendered invaluable help by his active collaboration in those early days, when our Department of Physical Education was taking shape. I progressed a lot in boxing. Now it was time to join different tournaments and show my skill and capacities and become a champion. But the Second World War broke out in... boxing career. It was in Pondicherry that I received news of my success in the exam. (26) This was in 1945-46. By this time I was completely absorbed in my work of physical education in the Ashram. I used to organise games and exercises for boys and girls in the Playground. After everyone had finished, I would switch on one lamp and do my own exercises (during that period ...


... morality', and thus justifying the murder of Afzal Khan by Shivaji." — The Indian Nationalist Movement by Dr. S.C. Bartarya. 139. Sarala Devi Choudhurani, the well-known organiser of physical education and propagator of the cult of lathi-play in Bengal, writes: "My lathicult was in full swing in those days. I had succeeded in making the practice of fencing and boxing, of the stick and the... "a spiritual life and aspiration and a strong religious feeling." 189. Sarala Devi Ghosal, a niece of Rabindranath Tagore. We have already referred to her as the foremost organiser of physical education in Bengal. 190. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, p. 43. 191. Tilak's articles in his Marathi paper, Kesari, containing trenchant criticism of the oppressive methods ...

... ancient system should find its place side by side with the modern practice in any national scheme of physical education. And it is indeed now being introduced in many progressive institutions as part of physical training, at home and abroad. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. ...


... Calcutta, since 1942 The Advent Quarterly, Pondicherry (originally Madras), since 1944        Sri Aurobindo Circle Annual, Pondicherry (originally Bombay), since 1945 Bulletin of Physical Education (presently the Bulletin of S ri Aurobindo International Centre of Education) Quarterly, Pondicherry, since 1949, English-French The eight articles which make up The Supramental Manifestation... SUPRAMENTAL MANIFESTATION UPON EARTH Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1952 The last of Sri Aurobindo's prose writings, reproduced from the quarterly Bulletin of Physical Education ( presently called the Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education), February 1949 to November 1950. Reprinted in New York in 1953 as The Mind of Light (See 53) ...


... been amply brought out by other writers. One appreciative remark of the Mother sums up the man’s true metal. Our Sudhir-da PRANAB BHATTACHARYA ( Director of the Ashram’s Department of Physical Education ) I first met Sudhir-da at the Pondicherry Railway Station. It was in 1942, towards the beginning of April, just before dusk. Four friends — Sunil, Gora, Ranju and I — had come to Pondicherry... has proved this throughout his whole life. I came to live permanently at Sri Aurobindo Ashram on 7th May 1945. Within a few days of my arrival, I took up the responsibility of the Ashram’s physical education department, with the Mother’s blessings. From the very beginning Sudhir-da encouraged me in my work for physical culture. When the Group for elderly persons was started, he joined it. I used ...

... Panchatantra, Hitopadesha or the Mother's own Tales of All Times), - and equally parents should refrain from scolding children, or being despotic, impatient or ill-tempered with them. Physical education 4 should be methodical because the human body is "the most completely governed by method, order, discipline, procedure," and is strictly subservient to the laws of the universe. The needed ... personal or communal discipline, presently become the habits of a lifetime done with unconscious ease and even with a quiet sense of joy. The Mother differentiates between three aspects of physical education: (1) control and discipline of functions; (2) harmonious development of the several parts of the body and the body itself; and (3) rectification of defects and deformities. A basic knowledge ...


... Mother was undergoing during that time. Vol.12 On Education. Essays on education and self-development, written during 1949-55. Correspondence and conversations with students, teachers and physical education captains. Three dramas: Towards the Future, The Great Secret and The Ascent to Truth. Vol.13 Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Sri Aurobindo, the Mother herself... since 1942 The Advent (Quarterly) since 1944 Sri Aurobindo Circle (Annual) since 1945 Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (formerly Bulletin of Physical Education) (Quarterly) since 1949 Mother India (Monthly since 1951- originally fortnightly) since 1949 Srinvantu (Quarterly) Calcutta, since 1953 World Union (Quarterly, then Monthly ...


... avoid illicit traffic with India. Yes, if people were honest, it would be all right, but they're not. No police and no army. Yes, that's good! And so that gives physical education a profound objective: people capable of stopping fires, saving people from drowning, etc. And not very many would be needed: if there were 500 people like that, it would be enough for the whole ...

... Questions and Answers (1954) 27 January 1954 This talk is based upon Mother's essay " Physical Education ". Mother, does a person's body-formation express his character? No. Even the character itself is not a simple affair, that is, the character of a person is not the expression of his true being but the result of many things. For example ...


... complete and more difficult than aH the austerities of the ascetic: the austerity necessary for the integral transformation, the fourfold austerity     * Reprinted from the Bulletin of Physical Education, Feb. to Aug. 1953 (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondieherry). Page 132 which prepares the individual for the manifestation of the supramental truth. One can say, for example, that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... collective reorganisation, something that would lead towards an effective unity of mankind: the other declares that all     * Reproduced with a few alterations from the Bulletin of Physical Education, April 1952. Page 161 progress is made first by the individual and insists that it is the individual who should be given conditions in which he can progress freely. Both are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... We all tried, but it was Mother who replaced it without the least sound. I told Mother that we had already introduced some games of skill for children, at the Library of Physical Education. She seemed pleased to hear it. Whenever people brought Her games of skill. She would give them to us. We soon had a little corner all to ourselves where we kept all these games ...


... being irregular, rude or negligent is obviously indispensable; unkind and harmful mischief cannot be tolerated. But as a general and absolute rule, the teachers and especially the physical education instructors must be a constant living example of the qualities demanded from the students; discipline, regularity, good manners, courage, endurance, patience in effort, are taught much more by ...


... thing is always necessary, not to give up the game for it is a great game—and the result is worth the trouble of playing it through. "Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us." "The Science of Living" , On Education ...


... Has no one any questions on the text?... I have nothing special to tell you this evening, and if you are not curious to know what the new perfections of the body could be... Mother, in the physical education we practise here our aim is a greater and greater control over the body, isn't it? So, as Sri Aurobindo has said in what we read last time, that the Hatha-yoga and Tantric methods give a very ...


... the universe and of the truth of our being,—why, after having taught this and shown that this is the truth to be realised, do we have in the organisation of our Ashram, doctors, dispensaries, a physical education of the body based on modern theories accepted everywhere?" And why, when some of you go for a picnic do I forbid you to drink water from just anywhere and tell you to take filtered water with ...


... student. Page 84 × This "Message" of 30 December 1948 was given for the first issue of the Bulletin of Physical Education of the Ashram (February 1949). It forms the introduction of The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth , which contains eight articles originally written by Sri Aurobindo for the Bulletin . ...


... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Energy Inexhaustible One of the most powerful aids that yogic discipline can provide to the sportsman is to teach him how to renew his energies by drawing them from the inexhaustible source of universal energy. Modern science has made great progress in the art of nourishment, which is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Correct Judgment One of the great problems in sports competitions is equity of judgment. To avoid the clashes and quarrels which would otherwise be inevitable, it has been decided once and for all that the competitors would submit without argument to the judges' decision. This may solve ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Tournaments January, February, March and April are for us the months of tournaments. Small and big, all participate with the same ardour, but, I must say, not in the spirit of the ordinary competitors. For we always strive, not to win, but to play the best we can and open thus the way to ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... protection to the British authorities and look for help to the only true, political divinity, the national strength which is within ourselves. If we are to do this effectually, we must organise physical education all over the country and train up the rising generation not only in the moral strength and courage for which Swadeshism has given us the materials, but in physical strength and courage and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... That' all. Yes, to avoid smuggling with the rest of India. Yes. If people were honest, it would be fine, but they aren't! No police and no army. Yes, that's fine! So it gives physical education a deep raison d'être: people capable of stopping fires, saving drowning people and so on. There needn't be many: if there were five hundred of them, it would be enough for the entire town, in ...


... Prepared an image of the coming god - is used with a specific connotation for the first time in the concluding essays in the series originally published in the Mother's Bulletin of Physical Education and later collected in book-form under the title, The Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth. The connotation is indeed specific but packed with subtleties, all of which are not expounded ...

... absolute physical deterioration and decay. But this was an immortal idea in the mind of our police and it successfully effected transmigration. It took this form, that these Samitis encourage physical education, they encourage lathi-play, therefore they must be the nurseries of violence and dacoity and factories of bombs. Our rulers seem to have accepted this idea of the police. So perhaps this is the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... In the Ashram he was fondly known as Budo. He came here from Calcutta back in 1945, same year as I did, on the 11th of August. He was well-known there as a boxer. He was Pranabda’s teacher in Physical Education and more, he was a friend and even looked up to as an elder brother. ...


... Military (Inde Française). We first saw him at close quarters in our Playground. It was long, long ago when our JSASA was in its infancy. I do not think we had even got that title. It was simply the Physical Education part of our school. We had no band of our own. But we did celebrate the school’s Anniversary on the 2nd of December. In 1945 there were a few items, like Sukol drill or Wand drill etc. The movements ...


... the building a little past four. There was whispering and crying, and the atmosphere was one of deep dejection. Order was maintained by boys and girls of the Ashram led by their “captains” of physical education. It did not take long before I too could enter the building and then the meditation hall. There she lay under humming electric fans, the Mother, whom I had last seen six months before. She appeared ...

... excellent to me,’ he writes. 8 He was at times teaching in the Ashram school, and with his remarkable literary talent he looked after the French copy for the Bulletin of the Department of Physical Education which, in fact, was the Mother’s publication. This periodical was (and still is) a quarterly and has all texts printed in English and in French. Satprem’s first years in the Ashram were a ...


... main lines of development had become perceptible to them. Such was the situation in the last months of Sri Aurobindo’s life, when the Mother asked him to write a message for the Bulletin of Physical Education. She had founded a school during the war years, for many relatives of Ashramites, especially Bengalis, had descended on the Ashram in Pondicherry to seek shelter from the threatening Japanese ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... and myself together, so that she could keep it always with her. Later one copy was sent to her, and another was given to me by the Mother. It was taken by Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya—Director of Physical Education. When the time came for her to leave, my mother hugged me and kissed my cheeks. She wanted me to go with her. I was torn between my emotion and my aim. Weak tears rolled from my eyes ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... constitutes man's body must undergo a big change, it must become more receptive to the Consciousness and more plastic under its working. These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical education. So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result. My blessings to all, for progress and achievement. ...


... Series Eight (1959 - 1960) Some Answers from the Mother Letters to a Young Captain To a young captain in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education. Sweet Mother, What is the difference between the psychic change and the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine ...


... to be like this! Oh, I ought to be like that!' you waste your time. Page 478 × The Ashram's annual physical education demonstration at the Sportsground. × The actual aphorism reads: 'When I read a wearisome book ...


... Satprem, my child, I am truly with you and I love you. Signed : Mother Page 269 × The Bulletin of Physical Education , which appeared quarterly. ...


... to overcome all obstacles. Let us live for the new creation and we shall grow stronger and stronger by remaining young and progressive. 30 January 1972 ( Message for the Ashram's physical education competitions during 1972 ) This year, let us offer all the activities of our body in consecration to Sri Aurobindo. 1 April 1972 Page 17 Page 18 ( Message ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... season: "... I must tell you once more that for us spiritual life does not mean contempt for Matter but its divinization. We do not want to reject the body but to transform it. For this, physical education is one of the means most directly effective ..." Last time, there was something I didn't have the time to tell you; now, regrettably, it's only a memory—not quite, not just a memory ...


... the consciousness and more plastic under its working.... I am not the one who said that, because I don't remember at all! "These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical education. So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result." I didn't remember at all. I think it's good to say that to them... ...


... interest in Education (mentioned by the Mother in the inaugural address at the All- India University Convention in 1951). There is no proof for this. No indication by Sri Aurobindo that Physical Education or educational activity by the Ashram was the only pursuable object (after his departure). 2) The Mother's statement about the Supramental Consciousness or Power flowing into her from ...

... man's body must undergo a big change, it must become more receptive to the Consciousness and more plastic under its working. These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical education. So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result. My blessings to all for progress and achievement. Page 36 ...

... All of us, including Sri Aurobindo, enjoyed the sight very much. × Every year, a few selected members of the Physical Education Department compose a mass drill in which most of its members participate; it is one of the drills presented as an offering to the Mother on every 2nd December. ...


... ______________________ 7.Taittiriya Upanishad, Shikshavalli, Chapater 1.4. Page 145 There was a concept of shreshtha, the best, of highly excellent. The adage for physical education was: "A healthy and sound body is the instrument of the performance of the highest ideal." The qualities aimed at in regard to the dynamic and vital energies and emotions were those ...


... domain of morality, but will also extend to the domain of aesthetics, rationality, and even to the domain of supra-rationality. This question will become complex when we come to consider values of physical education, vital education, and mental education in the con text of the integral development of personality and of the perfectibility of the individual and the collectivity. Science and Values ...


... which always looked upon scientific inquiry as a part of the holistic quest in which Science, Philosophy and Yoga had a sound system of interrelationship; and fourthly, it omitted altogether physical education and skills of art and craft and others related to science of living, which were kept alive in India throughout the ages. What has been lost in terms of pedagogy and richness of contents of knowledge ...

... light of UNESCO's recommendation of the need to relate education to life. It is heartening to note that education in aesthetics is to be given a place in the new pattern. Stress is being laid on physical education. It is also proposed that education for moral and spiritual values will be provided. All this seems to be quite good, and the effort that lies behind the new proposals needs to be encouraged ...

... looked upon scientific inquiry as a part of the holistic quest Page 646 in which Science, Philosophy and Yoga had a sound system of interrelationship; -It omitted altogether physical education and skills of art and crafts and others related to science of living, which were kept alive in India through the ages; -What has been lost in terms of pedagogy and richness of contents of ...

... this system. The ancient Sanskrit adage, Shareeram adyam khalu dharma sadhanam (a sound body is the veritable instrument of the pursuit of the ideal law of life) underlined the importance of physical education. There was also a clear recognition that the fullness of physical, vital, and mental culture was necessary for arriving at spiritual perfection. And if we study the Yoga of the Veda in its inmost ...

... to the joy of living in integral beauty and harmony. ___________________________________________________ From The Mother, The Four Austerities and the Four Liberation Bulletin of Physical Education August 195 Page 438 ...

... exercises, however remarkable they may be. It is therefore important to reflect on the deeper purpose of Hatha Yoga so as to put this great discipline in its proper place in the realm of physical education. Yoga is a Sanskrit word which comes from the root-verb "yuj", to unite. All Yoga is by nature an attempt and an arriving at unity with the Supreme. To attain freedom from our ordinary ...

... contribution it can make towards the bringing about of unity and a more harmonious world order towards which we look as our hope for humanity's future. _______________________ Bulletin of Physical Education, February 1949 Page 425 ...

... and coach are combined, the influence can be altogether life-changing — for better or worse. In Jesse Owens's case, it was for the better. Ever afterward he gratefully referred to a coach and physical education teacher at Fairmount Junior High School, Charles Riley as the man who made all the difference in his life. Jesse's various accounts of their initial encounter are muddled in contradictions ...

... from being irregular, rude or negligent is obviously indispensable; unkind and harmful mischief cannot be tolerated. But as a general and absolute rule, the teachers and especially the physical education instructors must be a constant living example of the qualities demanded from the students; discipline, regularity, good manners, courage, endurance, patience in effort, are taught much more by ...

... National College. At Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother laid the foundation of a new centre of education, and some of the last writings of Sri Aurobindo were meant for the Bulletin of Physical Education. After Sri Aurobindo left his body in December 1950, the Mother announced in the beginning of 1951: "One of the most recent forms under which Sri Aurobindo conceived of the ...

... although it is true that the spiritual is supra mundane, it is also immanent in the dynamic manifestation of the world and in various experiences of the mundane. Thus, even in the domain of physical education, one can provide for the development of those features, which manifest more and more the immanence of the Spirit, such as grace and beauty. In the pursuit of illumination, in the pursuit of ...

... which always looked upon scientific inquiry as a part of the holistic quest in which Science, Philosophy and Yoga had a sound system of interrelationship; and fourthly, it omitted altogether physical education and skills of art and craft and others related to science of living, which were kept alive in India throughout the ages. What has been lost in terms of pedagogy and richness of contents of ...

... the development of its instrumental fitness in the unhindered service of the human mind and will and dynamic life-energy. What is thus gained by an extended and many-sided course of physical education and discipline is a general fitness of the body to rise to the occasion and meet adequately all possible situations in which it may find itself placed. Another happy result is "the formation ...

... his first thoughts on education as far back as 1894 to the Journal Indu Prakash of Bombay and expressed his views on the same subject for the last time in 1949 in the quarterly Bulletin of Physical Education published from his Ashram, it came as a pleasant surprise to many of his admirers to hear from the Mother in 1951 after the passing of the Mahayogi that "One of the most recent forms under which ...

... with a child's growing capacity to comprehend. For this purpose Pestalozzi recognized three basic aspects of education: Intellectual education, moral education, and practical education (i.e. physical education in the broadest sense).... Here, however, it should be noted that while Pestalozzi attempted to break the educational process down into basic elements in order to simplify and rationalize it ...

... Tagore brothers were members, and Sarala Ghosal founded several clubs where not only boys but girls too were taught to wield lathi and sword. Sarala Ghosal was indeed the foremost organiser of physical education in Bengal. It will be of some interest to note that Sri Aurobindo first met Tilak in 1901 at Baroda. Later in 1902 at the Ahmedabad Congress, the two met again. Tilak took him out of ...

... Supramental Manifestation upon Earth . The Mother: On Education ; Words of Long Ago ; Words of the Mother (containing Conversations with the Mother ); The Four Austerities . Bulletin of Physical Education . Mother, is there any possibility for me to realise the Divine in this life? All depends on the sincerity of the aspiration. If the aspiration is sincere and steady, you are sure to ...

... especially the series published in the Home University Library and the World Classics editions. Today you see what a fine Library we have, not indeed one but many, for there is a Library of Physical Education, there is a Medical Library, there is a Library for the School, and there are so many private collections. All this had its origin in the small collections we began every month. At first, ...


... self-discipline in your inner being, that is to say, with regard to your desires and impulses and feelings. It is however the same discipline as you follow with regard to your body in the playground. Physical education means nothing else than controlling and disciplining the body. You control and discipline the body through physical exercises and these mean controlled and guided movements. You have to make ...


... rhythmic way. Some are unhealthy, some do not work, some others are overworked. These too have to be co-ordinated, each set in its place and made to function in unison with others. That is physical education and that too means perfect organisation. We have said that organisation means working for a common end and common purpose. That comes from an opening into a deeper and higher level of ...

... examination is required. 8. In our Centre of Education it has always been difficult to obtain home-work from the student, the principal reason being that the late afternoon is given to physical education and the night to a multiplicity of cultural activities (cinema and slides, dance, music and theatricals or rehearsals). In the new classes, the common pool of written work gives the students ...

... of mind whenever I came to Pondicherry. I would go to Mother, do my pranam and receive her blessings. Then a long time afterwards, when I came to the Ashram for good, and took charge of physical education, I came quite close to Mother. I wanted to ask her some questions. Perhaps it was 1950. Mother said: "Why don't you give me your questions?" I began to ask her my questions one after ...


... safe. That 'nirbhaya', 186 as He says, is the keynote of sadhana. But don't know why I am telling you all this. Things have 185The Green Group is that of the youngest children in the Physical Education Department. It is often said of old sadhaks who die in the Ashram that they will be born again and enter the Green Group as children. 186Fearlessness. Page 133 changed ...


... "Oh! Pranab I know, not Dada." "We all call him Dada, our elder brother. We've just finished our exercises; had a quick wash in order to come to you. We have a very strict programme of physical education which we have to follow. Dada says exercises are no less important than studies." "He is right. I have told you, have I not,, of how, in our time, games and physical exercises were considered ...

... and rhythmic way. Some are unhealthy, some do not work, some others are overworked. These too have to be co-ordinated, each set in its place and made to function in unison with others. That is physical education and that too means perfect organisation. We have said that organisation means working for a common end and common purpose. That comes from an opening into a deeper and higher level of being ...

... self-discipline in your inner being, that is to say, with regard to your desires and impulses and feelings. It is however the same discipline as you follow with regard to your body in the playground. Physical education means nothing else than controlling and disciplining the body. You control and discipline the body through physical exercises and these mean controlled and guided movements. You have to make ...

... of Sudhir Kumar Sarkar’s report to the Mother on work along with the Mother’s observations Sudhir Kumar supervising chunam-making at the Ashram Cloth-Dyeing A physical education uniform was designed in the late 1940s. The Groups were formed according to age. The Mother decided that each group should be identified by a special colour. Here Sudhir’s talent found another ...

... rough towel. Finally, at the end of this booklet, some important health habits have been given to guide the readers.. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director J .S.A.S.A. Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry -605002. ...

... constitutes man's body must undergo a big change, it must become more receptive to the consciousness and more plastic under its working. These are just the qualities that one can acquire through physical education. So, if we follow this discipline with such a result in view, we are sure to obtain the most interesting result. My blessings to all, for progress and achievement. 1 April 1969 The Mother ...

... III. A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION— Sri Aurobindo IV. BRAIN OF INDIA— Sri Aurobindo V. EDUCATION 1—The Mother (Taken from Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 2 Page 13.) VI. EDUCATION II-PHYSICAL EDUCATION— The Mother (Taken from Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 2 Page 13.) VII. EDUCATION III-THE 'EDUCATION OF THE VITAL — The Mother (Taken from Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 3 Page 25.) VIII. EDUCATION IV-MENTAL ...

... maintained. For, it is the full concentration, or the lack of it, that will make this exercise system a success or a failure. 25.04.1986 Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry-605002. Concentration means fixing the consciousness in one place or one object and in a single condition. By concentration of our whole ...

... introducing notions of strong and weak. We have seen how she didn't like the male-female implications of the Purusha-Prakriti concept, and how she was against providing different courses of physical education for boys and girls. Reality is one, the human race is one, for the indwelling Divine makes no difference between man and woman, and hence all these forged discriminations and sedulously cultivated ...


... Aurobindo Memorial Convention, which met in the Ashram Tennis Ground on 24 and 25 April 1951. Appropriately enough, on the 24th morning, the school-children and sadhaks in their uniform for physical education classes lined up in their respective group formations on the street outside the Mother's balcony, and as she appeared at seven, they gave the salute to her and then marched into the Ashram ...


... from which it has been estranged. Love .attracting from above and love awaking and responding from below and advancing towards union by a progressive ¹ The Mother in The Bulletin of physical Education—August 1953. ² According to Plotinus the Divine is never more itself than when it "empties itself" in self-sacrificing love. ³ Described in the Purusha-Sukta of The Rigveda. Page ...

... of Sri Aurobindo, essays and poems written by his disciples and devotees and by students of his thought. In February 1949 two other journals were begun: the quarterly Bulletin of Physical Education and the fortnightly Mother India. The first of these was the organ of the Jeunesse Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo, the Ashram's sports programme, in which not only school children ...


... photo. Shanti's letter about the school. For some outside children Mother said that they could go there and participate in what they choose. About the proposal to have a different physical education programme of integrated activities for suitable children, Mother said, "If you can do it, it is good." * * * Mother said, "What more can I say? I am not active now." ...

... photo. Shanti's letter about the school. For some outside children Mother said that they could go there and participate in what they choose. About the proposal to have a different physical education programme of integrated activities for suitable children, Mother said, "If you can do it, it is good." * * * Mother said, "What more can I say? I am not active now." ...

... Sister Nivedita was a member. Sarala Ghosal founded several clubs where not only boys but girls too were taught to wield lathi and sword. A worshipper of Shakti, she was the foremost organizer of physical education in Bengal. The Tagores had a tradition of physical training. There was a wrestling pit in their compound at Jorasanko and, as a young lad, Rabindranath practised wrestling. "I was neither ...

... It was during this period that my own interest in photography was roused and I started taking Mother’s photos at the Terrace Darshan with an Alpa camera given to me from the Department of Physical Education where I was then working. When I took these photos to the Mother, She showed a keen interest in them and rewarded me by asking for some of the nicer pictures for Her personally to distribute ...


... the passage for the following week, whether it was for dictation or for recitation. I would then type out the selected quotation neatly and put it up on a notice board at the department of physical education. The children would come and copy it down in their notebooks for memorising or would learn the spellings for dictation. I would ask the younger ones to come during the school recess and make ...


... Learning with the Mother PRAYER FOR THE SUN Each year for the birthday of Pranab Da, Director of the Ashram Physical Education Department, we the captains and group members secretly prepared an informal demonstration of physical culture which would be put up before the Mother on the 18th of October every year. The Mother took a keen interest in this particular ...


... as I told you in another class. Given below are the contents of the two booklets. The code of Sportsmanship 7 7 : Code of Sportsmanship’ is partly reproduced from Introduction to Physical Education by Jackson R. Sherman. Keep the rules. Keep faith with your comrade. Keep your temper. Keep yourself fit. Keep a stout heart in defeat. Keep your pride under control or in check ...


... individual disputes, keep order and peace on public occasions, attend to questions of sanitation, help the sick and suffering, relieve the famine-stricken, work out our intellectual, technical and physical education, evolve a Government of our own for our own internal affairs so far as that could be done without disobeying the law or questioning the legal authority of the bureaucratic administration, this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... subject he said with feeling and conviction: “You name a good quality and Bihari-da had it!” Bihari-da had a very puzzling bit of routine that he enacted every evening. He never joined our Physical Education, but at about 7.15 p.m. he would come to the Playground and hunker down, leaning his back against a pillar of the old verandah (it does not exist any more. It was demolished to make place for ...


... Not So Great Pondicherry Pondicherry, 1945 — Pranabda came here a couple of months ahead of Birenda, i.e. in May 1945 and took up the just nascent Physical Education (Ashram School). He invited Birenda to come and help him in this work. Birenda came, looked, and liked what he saw. Awhile he wavered. Common and worldly sense urging him to go back to family ...


... Tamil and it was ever decreasing). I mention the beard for he was its faithful host as opposed to many old-timers who shed beards and long hair as encumbrances when they joined the newly started Physical Education sometime after 1949 when the Mother put much of Her energies and creative powers into its burgeoning and growing. Then Rajangam had to discard his dhoti (at least for the time of the activities) ...


... Distillery and our one dairy, worth mentioning, beyond it. The Ashram took it on lease from the French Govt. to carve out a Playground (our needs were growing with our number and developments of Physical Education). It was a Herculean job. No bulldozer or JCB’s, even tractors were unknown — only men with spades and crowbars. Who would do the job — Manoranjan was the Hercules (Her coolie) chosen. I cannot ...


... Nripen-da it seems urged Jalad-da to start a poultry. The eggs were for the children. The first egg was sent by him, through the Mother, to Sri Aurobindo!? He was happy that the Department of Physical Education later took it upon itself to open a tiffin-room for children where eggs were served. (This tiffin-room was in a way the precursor of our present day Corner House.) We, at least the young ones ...


... in my recollections, he was bespectacled. The eyes grew worse with time and the spectacles grew thicker. Perhaps he was an intellectual by temperament. But here, in the Ashram, he joined the Physical Education in khaki group with Biren-da as captain. He joined us in the Bodybuilding Gymnasium. We were his co-builders — Sailesh (late), Parna Kumar, myself and others. He built up a good, well-muscled ...


... His dress was ever the same — dhoti “Bengali way” and kurta — all white, Ashram-given. Nripen-da came to the Ashram in 1941. He was Chitra-di’s (Chitra Sen — captain in the Department of Physical Education and also of the Trésor Nursing Home) maternal uncle (i.e. mama ). Chitra-di’s father, Nolini Sen, happened to lend Nripen-da a typed copy of Sri Aurobindo’s The Synthesis of Yoga . (Printed ...


... of you and your excellent work. I consider you like my son and I have great confidence in your future from the point of view of yoga. With my blessings.” Tell me about your connection with physical education and how you became a captain? In the very beginning I was not so interested in games and sports but I did love gymnastics and swimming. We also had more of boxing than I enjoyed, since Biren ...


... the language of exhortation of the Master: 6 Imagine not the way is easy; the way is long, arduous, 6 Words of the Master, Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Physical Education, Vol. Ill, No. 2. Page 127 dangerous, difficult. At every step is an ambush, at every turn a pitfall. A thousand seen or unseen enemies will start up against thee, terrible ...

... Pondicherry Olympics 1949-09-24 The Mother went to the military grounds today to attend the Pondicherry Olympic Games. Members of the Ashram's physical education department went there marching, and those among them who were selected participated. ...


... Speaks Mother’s Responses To infer anything from Mother's apparent behaviour often turns out to be quite contrary to the truth. For instance when physical education activities such as marching, drills and exercises were started in the Playground, those who wanted to participate had to give their names to Mother. One sadhak who had given his name went and ...


... article on physical perfection for the Bulletin 1 . And she smiled at him. × The first issue of Bulletin of Physical Education came out on 21 February 1949. The eight essays that Sri Aurobindo wrote on the subject, the last of prose writings, were serialised there in 1949-50 and reprinted in book-form 1952 under the ...


... a glimpse of in the volumes of Mother’s Agenda, her conversations with a French disciple, and in Notes on the Way, extracts from these conversations published in the Ashram’s Bulletin of Physical Education from 1965 onwards. On 24 March 1972, the Mother reported: “For the first time, early in the morning, I saw myself, my body. I do not know whether it is the supramental body or – how to ...

... Kumar Mitra, who had been a professor at Tagore’s Vishva Bharati and who now became the Head of the school; there was Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, who would become the head of the Department of Physical Education and a very close assistant of the Mother. 93 We will see more about the Ashram school in a later chapter. Looking from a distance at how the Ashram developed, one might say it grew like ...

... × The Mother: Notes on the Way, p. 22. The Notes on the Way are extracts from Mother’s Agenda published from October 1964 onwards in the Bulletin of Physical Education of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. In this chapter we will quote mostly from this book. × The Mother: ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... s. When Satprem realized the importance of these conversations, he began recording them on tape, and from 1964 onwards published, with the Mother’s consent, some passages in the Bulletin of Physical Education under the title Notes on the Way. Since its inception the Bulletin was published in English and French, and Satprem had become the French editor. After the Mother’s departure these recorded ...

... × The eight essays making up The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth were first published in the Bulletin of Physical Education in 1949 and 1950.—Ed. ...


... life of the Ashram it is evident that the methods and the first objects to be attained must belong to what we have called the lower end of the being. Originally they have been introduced for the physical education and bodily development of the children of the Ashram School and these are too young for a strictly spiritual aim or practice to enter into their activities.... Yet what can be attained within ...


... something about it. When Sri Aurobindo wrote this, he wrote it quite obviously for people who were not interested in yoga and had not read his books. He wrote it for people who were concerned with physical education, so he put himself in their place, expressed their ideas and tried to lead them a little farther. He took the standpoint of those who had never read his books. But you said "it is self-evident ...


... Pondicherry. There are, in addition, a few notes and messages and some letters to young people living in the Ashram in the 1930s. Most aspects of education are discussed here, with the exception of physical education; the Mother's statements on that subject will be published in a separate book, as will her essays on education and oral commentaries on them. This book is divided into two parts, the first ...


... concentration. One must learn to concentrate and do all that one does with full concentration. 4 July 1961 * Sweet Mother, In a discussion with a friend about our physical education programme and the countless other activities we have here, he asked me: "Can you give me a valid example of even one person who takes part in so many activities and maintains a fairly high standard ...


... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Our Flag and Our Cover The flag that is shown on the cover of our Bulletin represents the symbol of a full-blown golden lotus with two rows of petals, four inside and twelve outside, at the exact centre of a silver-blue square. This blue is the blue of the spirit and the gold is the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education The Olympic Rings It has been officially stated that the five rings of the symbol of the Olympic Games represent the five continents, but no special significance has been attached to the colour of the rings, nor has there been any intention of allotting a specific colour to each continent ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education Messages for the Annual Demonstration of Physical Culture Demonstration 1960 Bravo! To all those who participated in yesterday's performance! 1 It was excellent. My congratulations to everybody. Everything was well planned and well executed. With love and blessings to all. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education On Education The Championship Badge During the Athletic Championships of the J.S.A.S.A. which were held this quarter, the champion of each sub-group received as a prize a badge of championship. This badge is in the form of a golden tortoise with a full circle of red in the centre from which radiate ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... courageous will is maintained, one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiance of the truth-consciousness. Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us. In fact, the body must not rule, it ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... physical activities―the activities of the body―not for little personal needs and satisfactions, but to make the body more capable of expressing a higher beauty and consciousness. And for that, physical education has an important place, which should be given to it. The question "Why are they like that"―everyone says to me, "They are like this. They are like that. Why are they like that?" And in every ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... various schools, technical instruction in different vocations, classes for music and dance, a cinema hall where educational films will be shown, a lecture hall, a library, a reading room, varied physical education, a sportsground and so on. Each one can choose the kind of activity that is most suitable to his nature and will receive the required training. Even small gardens will be provided where those ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... useful? I believe I have already explained this to you once. I think I have Page 400 even explained it in detail in the articles on education. It is quite similar to the results of physical education for the body. We have limbs and muscles and nerves, indeed everything that constitutes the body; if we don't give them a special development, a special education, all these things do what ...


... and from universality to Totality. It makes a whole set of interesting experiences. Then there is a doctor, V., who comes here twice a year to give a check-up to all who take part in the physical education program and all the children. He is an extremely honest and sincere man who believes in the mission of medical science. Each time he comes, I write something in his diary on the day of his departure ...


... a few months, suddenly, Mother tells me, "You wanted to do some construction work. You can start now. You see, these [Ashram] boys, when there is some construction, they go away to Group [for physical education]. You can't leave like that during concreting." . [Yet another example:] One fine morning, She wrote a letter to me saying Rishabhchand required a little rest. So I could take up his work ...


... it was being carried to the cremation ground. (The procession seemed to have emerged from the small lane that connects Parichand's Cocotier with the building of the office of the Department of Physical Education.) I wondered as to what had happened, and who was being carried. As the procession approached the courtyard and people saw me, there was panic among them, and there was scare and fear ...


... wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional. "Will you not be of those who take advantage of it? "Let your body be prepared through physical education for this great change!" ...


... and... time goes by so fast!... Sometimes I have visions. ( Mother plunges back ) × A young instructor of physical education who left his body a few years earlier. × Motilal Roy, a disciple from Chandernagore with whom ...


... use and how they dry the pots as I am doing some sculpture. But they were so kind to show me also other places on the way. Near the pottery is a lovely house where the father of our director of physical education lives. He supervises all the rice fields. The feeling of Her presence in all these places made me see once more that even if the sadhaks are more or less human, She is the Lord of everything ...


... en stage to higher course has so much increased of late that it is difficult to find accommodation for all the applicants. People had to wait sometimes from Special attention is paid to physical education of the children. Though there are now 4 outlets for physical and sports activities, they are just sufficient to accommodate the various group members for their daily exercises after the school ...

... seems to be given as a maximum, and as the mark of the victory of the Buddha over M ṛ tyu māra 1 Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 822 fn. (Italics ours) 2 Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 3, p. 123. Page 367 'Mara, who is death'. " 1 This question of a possible maximum limit to the postponement of death is very significant and highly ...

... Archelaus was an Athenian philosopher of the 5th century, student of Anaxagoras and teacher of Socrates for a brief period. 26. In ancient Greece, the "Gymnasium" was a public school for physical education for the adult male population. The state-owned "gymnasiums" were basically rectangular sports grounds, surrounded by colonnades containing washrooms, massage rooms and training rooms. 27 ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... recorded by Plato who, after 1. Plato, The Seventh Letter, 324 e . 2. Plato, Complete Works. Xenophon, Memorabilia 3. In ancient Greece, the "Gymnasion" was a public school for physical education for the adult male population. The state-owned "gymnasions" were basically rectangular sportsgrounds surrounded by colonnades containing wash-rooms, massage rooms and training rooms. Page ...


... s, gets its full scope and can work more dynamically from above and behind. Sri Aurobindo could now make the path clear for the Manifestation in 1956. The Mother has said in the Bulletin of Physical Education that we have no idea of the tremendous work Sri Aurobindo has done in the occult worlds as a result of which all the crucial changes are taking place in her body. It will be, therefore, not ...

... Again, if we want to provide different dimensions in our higher education, — which we must, — do we have any realistic assessment as to what facilities we shall need to develop in respect of physical education, sports, cultural activities and activities that could foster the integral development of personality along with appropriate value-orientation? Unfortunately, we are almost blank and we have ...

... the essential purpose of the organic evolution and the key to the mystery 1 2 3 Expressions taken from Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri. 4 The Mother in the Bulletin of Physical Education, Vol. IX, No. 3, p. 123. 5 6 7 9 Expressions taken from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. 8 Savitri, Book X, Canto II, p. 619. Page 20 of its secret process ...

... Teaching any One or Two School Subjects Teaching New Subjects of Development of Personality Teaching Groups of Hobbies Teaching Group of Vocational Courses Teaching Physical Education Teaching Gifted Creativity Teaching Differently Abled Children Teaching Early Childhood Education (Including Health, Nutrition and First Aid) Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy ...

... Computer-aided programmes at various stages of learning, devoted to self-learning, auto-corrections and learning to do; (v) New pathways in pedagogy for fine arts/ crafts/ vocation courses/ physical education/ NSS or NCC or Scout and Guide / development of hobbies / puppetry / children's drama / children's poetry / children's stories / children's music / children's dance / emerging new avenues ...


... was originally arranged with a particular purpose in view. The students used to prepare themselves collectively for a many-sided cultural programme on the 1st December and a demonstration of physical education activities the very next day, on the 2nd. Almost all the students stayed back in the Ashram during this period and there was no interruption in their life-style. And then things began ...

... coordination of mind, intelligence and body organs. These are considered the important symptoms of the healthy individual. _______________________________________________ From S.H. Deshpande, Physical Education in Ancient India Page 127 ...

... domain of morality but will extend to the domain of aesthetics, rationality, and even to the domain of supra- rationality. This question will become complex when we come to consider values of physical education, vital education, and mental education in the context of integral development of personality and of the perfectibility of the individual and the collectivity. Science and Values: ...

... man-making education in conjunction with integral development of Page 37 personality and a special emphasis on value-oriented education that can develop and foster values in physical education (viz., health, strength, agility, and harmonious and beautiful symmetry of the human body), vital and emotional education (viz., courage, heroism, adventure, sympathy, mutuality and compassion) ...


... education for peace and education for development; if we want our students to have not only intellectual development but an integral development of personality; if we want to underline the value of physical education and manual labour as also that of the moral and spiritual austerity and discipline; and if we want each student to discover his own inner law of development and real vocation of life; if we want ...

... the original: the only jewel which is a blue gem, because "Nirodbaran" means a dark cloud. 68A currency coin of very small value. 69Pranab Kumar Bhattacharyan was the director of the Physical Education department of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education and a very close attendant of the Mother. He came to the Ashram in the mid-forties from Behrampore in West Bengal, along with ...


... absent himself that night or if there was any ground for her remark. The construction of our lovely swimming pool in the Sportsground had been complete and was thrown open to all the Groups of Physical Education. At last, I thought, some pleasant innocent exercise when I had given up all other games. But alas, soon I began to feel uneasy after the dip, even a bit out of sorts. One night I had the vision ...

... will is maintained one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiant consciousness of truth. Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us. In fact, the body must not rule, it has ...

... Salute, in the same place where we have the map of undivided India. One by one, the groups would file past Her. This action had a profound and deep significance. She also supervised the other physical education activities.   The Mother has explained what she tried to do during the March Past. She says: "...the March Past a way of opening oneself to the energy, the universal energy ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... and rhythmic way. Some are unhealthy, some do not work, some others are overworked. These too have to be co-ordinated, each set in its place and made to function in unison with others. That is physical education and that too means perfect organisation. We have said that organisation means working for a common end and common purpose. That comes from an opening into a deeper and higher level of being ...

... life of the children who are here like you. In those days a student's life did not mean merely studies, that is to say, reading and writing, book knowledge, but as here a very active life. The physical education in the old time āśramas in certain ways was even more complete than what is given here, for it included the art of warfare also, combatives like serious archery and many other items of physical ...

... conflict with the philosophic spirit and the philosophic spirit was recognised as a prelude to the training by which intuitive spiritual knowledge can be gained and mastered. Fourthly, physical education was widespread, and the development of health and the strength of the body were constantly nourished and developed under the illuminating dictum that body is verily the instrument of the achievement ...

... development*and man-making education in conjunction with integral development of personality, and a special emphasis on value-oriented education that can develop and foster values involved in physical education, vital and emotional education, rational education, aesthetic education, ethical education and spiritual education; (c)Learning to learn or learning to know, learning to do, learning to ...


... system. The ancient Sanskrit adage, shareeram adyam khalu dharma sadhanam (a sound body is the veritable instrument of the pursuit of the ideal law of life) underlined the importance of physical education. There was also a clear recognition that the fullness of physical, vital and mental culture was necessary for arriving at spiritual perfection. And if we study the Yoga of the Veda in its inmost ...


... Yes, to avoid illicit traffic with the rest of India. Yes. If people were honest, it would be fine, but they aren't! No police and no army. Yes, that’s fine! So it gives physical education a deep raison d'être: people capable of stopping fires, saving drowning people and so on. There needn't be many: if there were five hundred of them, it would be enough for the entire town, in ...


... especially the series published in the Home University Library and the World Classics editions. Today you see what a fine Library we have, not indeed one but many, for there is a Library of Physical Education, there is a Medical Library, there is a Library for the School, and there are so many private collections. All this had its origin in the small collections' we began every month. At first, the ...

... quelconque". Now to come back to the point. I was speaking of the kind of exercise I had in those days, that medieval period of our existence, perhaps you would call it. The second item in my physical education programme was still more impressive. It consisted in giving a very careful wash to my clothes when I took my bath. This allowed some exercise to the limbs and body and I considered this as the ...

... individual disputes, keep order and peace on public occasions, attend to questions of sanitation, help the sick and suffering, relieve the famine-stricken, work out our intellectual, technical and physical education, evolve a Government of our own for our own internal affairs so far as that could be done without disobeying the law or questioning the legal Page 321 authority of the bureaucratic ...

... quelconque". Now to come back to the point. I was speaking of the kind of exercise I had in those days, that medieval period of our existence, perhaps you would call it. The second item in my physical education programme was still more impressive. It consisted in giving a very careful wash to my clothes when I took my bath. This allowed some exercise to the limbs and body and I considered this as ...


... is maintained one is sure to triumph one day and see all difficulties melt and vanish before the radiant consciousness of truth. Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical education make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us. In fact, the body must not rule, it has ...

... life of the children who are here like you. In those days a student's life did not mean merely studies, that is to say, reading and writing, book-knowledge, but as here a very active life. The physical education in the old time asramas in certain ways was even more complete than what is given here, for it included the art of warfare also, combatives like serious archery and Page 27 ...


... worn out so Swarna-di suggested to Mother to discard it. Mother answered: "You're asking me to discard this? Do you know how well it has served me?" (42) In 1945, a physical education section was opened in the Ashram with 14 boys. Some time later another section was opened with 10-15 little boys and girls. After some time big girls also wanted to participate and so 32 of them ...


... a temple before coming here from North India. He was handsome and healthy and good at fast-walking. His was given work in our bakery. In our annual competition organised by the Department of Physical Education, standards were set for three types of events - runs, jumps and throws. If anyone achieved these standards, he would get a pair of sports shoes as prize for his achievement. Bhavani Prasad ...


... to feed them non-vegetarian food cooked in Mother's Kitchen. Mother said: "Pranab, just eat and tell me how it's been cooked." Incidentally, let me tell you that at the beginning of our physical Education activities, all the group members used to have the same three vegetarian meals a day that the other Ashramites had. My old teacher of physical Culture in Calcutta came to the Ashram at that ...


... in varying degrees. Exercise and the education of the body keep it healthy and fit for work and it can help us in keeping that particular consciousness of the body awake. And that is why physical education and exercise have been given so much importance in our Ashram. Page 162 Mother was extremely conscious about keeping her body fit for work. Although she didn't get sufficient ...


... converted into a monthly and published from Pondicherry.       Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Originally published (since February 1949) as the Bulletin of Physical Education: now issued quarterly as an Anglo-French-Hindi illustrated Journal; published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. Page 491 ...


... India Radio. 1948 Publication of The Synthesis of Yoga, Part I. 1949 The Human Cycle published. February 21 First issue of the Bulletin of Physical Education (now called the Bulletin of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education) with Sri Aurobindo's "Message". Seven more articles written by Sri Aurobindo appear in subsequent issues ...


... would be prudent to consult your doctor. This is particularly so in the case of older women who have not exercised earlier. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director J .S.A.S.A. Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry -605002. ...

... Mother. She is known for her ability and detail management. Udar himself has been associated with a variety of works from time to time. Mention may be made of Harpagon Workshop, Ashram Press, Physical Education Dept, Handmade Paper Unit, New Horizon Sugar Mills and Honesty Engineers & Contractors. On one occasion Udar and I were called together by Mother and she told us to work like two brothers ...

... is a significant postscript, too - or so it might be called. The Life Divine was published in 1939-40, but when Sri Aurobindo contributed a series of articles in 1949-50 to the Bulletin of Physical Education (since collected as The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, 1952) he mentioned a new concept, a newly realised Page 438 power of consciousness, which he called Mind of ...

... broadcast by the All India Radio. 1948 — Publication of The Synthesis of Yoga, Part 1. 1949 — The Human Cycle published. February 21 First issue of the Bulletin of Physical Education (now called the Bulletin of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education) with Sri Aurobindo's "Message". Seven more articles written by Sri Aurobindo appear in subsequent issues. First ...

... the Playground after my evening 'Group' activities. (Boys and girls were divided into different groups for sports activities in the evening and so 'Group' referred to all activity related to physical education.) As I had not taken permission to take my father to the Playground, I went to the Mother before the Marching started in order to inform Her about Baba's arrival from Calcutta to see us. Even ...


... the children, but that went unrecorded. The Mother was nevertheless present in the Playground every evening, and watched with interest the training given to the captains of the Department of Physical Education. While she watched, some of the children crowded round her and even conversed with her. One of them, Parul Chakraborty (then in her early teens), relates how in such circumstances started ...


... publication, first came out from Bombay on 24 April 1945, and later shifted to Pondicherry, and has been appearing every year. And 1949 was to see the publication of two more journals: Bulletin of Physical Education, a quarterly, whose first issue appeared on 21 February, and Mother India, a cultural fortnightly, whose inaugural number came out from Bombay, also on the Mother's birthday. All these journals ...


... Delhi 652, 772 admonition to children 710 opens the Art Gallery 734 gives 'the prayer of the cells of the body' 752 influence of Ashram atmosphere on 434, 460, 467, 530-1, 669, 677 physical education in 434-5, 466-7, 469, 511, 541-2, 548, 556-7, 623, 677, 697, 705, 754 prayer of and message to its captains 692 transformation, its cardinal aim 468, 785 teacher's role and qualifications ...


... Future. This was the Mother's New Year message for 1971. It was followed on 2 January with a message to the Auroville Office, - "1971: A Sweet Year!" A subsequent message to the Department of Physical Education offered something of a comment and an explanation: We are at one of these "Hours of God", when the old bases get shaken, and there is a great confusion; but it is a wonderful opportunity ...


... us. We feel sure that today one step more is taken towards unity of the great human family. The team responded in appropriate terms, and expressed their genuine appreciation of the Ashram physical education and sports, and the hospitality they had received. In the course of a conversation with Nolini, the gymnasts remarked that they found the love, affection and solicitude which the Ashram children ...


... it was something clearly seen, experientially seen. Here the purely physical discipline of gymnastics, sports, etc., can play an important role, and that is why She gave such a prominence to physical education in the Ashram. The fuller physical mastery given by hatha yoga can also be of help—all means are good. But actually, the tiny, unobtrusive method of a certain "attitude" in and toward the thousand ...


... September 1, declaration of war. 1943 December 2, beginning of the Ashram School. 1947 August 15, Independence of India. 1949 February 21, beginning of the Bulletin of Physical Education. 1950 November 10, end of Sri Aurobindo’s revision of Savitri. December 5, Sri Aurobindo leaves his body. December 9, Sri Aurobindo’s body is placed in the Samadhi. ...

... faint inkling of the thing men call sex. But psychologically I was not mature enough to assess the full import of the problem. I would narrate something which may surprise. At that period physical education was a thing unknown. In 1932 a tract of land lay vacant which is now Lakshmibai house and garden. I conceived the brilliant idea of having a badminton court. But the place was full of weeds and ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace

... Learning with the Mother GROUP UNIFORMS Once the activities in the physical education department took a more organised form, Mother decided to introduce Group uniforms since children often appeared for sports in clothes unsuited for physical activities. The Group uniforms were of different colours for different Groups. Khaki shirt and shorts were assigned ...


... nationalism the Anglo-Indian Governement had turned to turbulent Mahomedan fanaticism, hoping to drive out poison by poison. It took no time at all for the seeds to bear fruit. "We must organise physical education all over the country," Sri Aurobindo wrote in the Bande Mataram on 18 March 1907, "and train up the rising generation not only in the moral strength and courage for which Swadeshism has given ...

... January 1960 I started another notebook, this one with questions on Thoughts and Aphorisms from the point where the Mother had stopped discussing the book in the Group A 2 2 : Group A was the physical education group of which I was the captain. classes, which were being held every Friday at the Playground. These were later published as a book entitled On Thoughts and Aphorisms. In July 1960 I started ...


... 1954, with the youngest children of the Ashram. During these years, She met them to teach French. It is interesting how these classes started. We, the captains of Group A who supervised the physical education activities of the children, of ages four to twelve, usually spoke to the children in English or ‘Ashram Hindi’. But sometimes we spoke in French, for that was not only the Mother’s native language ...


... My brother (Promesse) has started working in the Sports Ground at night along with some other boys. I do not know if this is all right for him after all the studies during the day and the physical education activities in the afternoon. He does not even take rest after lunch. He says he does not feel tired. Last night he returned from the Sports Ground at midnight, but he says that in future he will ...


... from you. But what you can find there, I do not know. To say the truth anything will be welcome and I will treasure it. I am sure you will have great success and profit a lot by joining the physical education institute. I am always with you. With love and blessings. My dear child Tara, I am happy to have good news from you and to know that you have an interesting occupation. Surely you ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Mind of Light A new humanity means for us the appearance, the development of a type or race of mental beings whose principle of mentality would be no longer a mind in the Ignorance ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Message I take the opportunity of the publication of this issue of the "Bulletin d'Éducation Physique" of the Ashram to give my blessings to the Journal and the Association—J... what I have said is sufficient. At any rate, in schools like ours and in universities sports have now a recognised and indispensable place; for even a highest and completest education of the mind is not enough without the education of the body. Where the qualities I have enumerated are absent or insufficiently present, a strong individual will or a national will may build them up, but the aid given by... doing so I would like to dwell for a while on the deeper raison d'être of such Associations and especially the need and utility for the nation of a widespread organisation of them and such sports or physical exercises as are practised here. In their more superficial aspect they appear merely as games and amusements which people take up for entertainment or as a field for the outlet of the body's energy ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Supermind and Mind of Light The essential character of Supermind is a Truth-consciousness which knows by its own inherent right of nature, by its own light: it has not to arrive ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Supermind in the Evolution A new humanity would then be a race of mental beings on the earth and in the earthly body, but delivered from its present conditions in the reign... and independent which we call a soul exists, it is limited by its natural conditions here where Matter is the basis, physical life the condition, mind the highest possible instrument; there is no possibility of an action of consciousness apart from the body or surpassing this physical, vital or mental Nature. This fixes the limits of our evolution here. It might be suggested also that until something... heavily against any early materialisation on earth of anything divine. Again, if too strong a stress is laid on the present or apparent character of the evolution here as it is presented to us by physical science, it might be urged that there is no warrant for expecting any emergence of a principle higher than human mind or of any such thing as superhuman beings in a world of Matter. Consciousness ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Supermind and the Life Divine A divine life upon earth, the ideal we have placed before us, can only come about by a spiritual change of our being and a radical and fundamental... body into the full consciousness and possession of its spiritual reality, and its nature also would have to be lifted out of the consciousness and power of consciousness proper to a mental, vital and physical being into the greater consciousness and greater power of being and the larger and freer life of the spirit. It would not lose these former veils but they would no longer be veils or imperfect expressions... right condition and action, even a kind of unexpressed occult knowledge in the constitution of its cells and tissues which may one day become conscious and contribute to the transformation of the physical being. An awakening must come in the earth-nature and in the earth-consciousness which will be, if not the actual beginning, at least the effective preparation and the first steps of its evolution ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Supermind and Humanity What then would be the consequence for humanity of the descent of Supermind into our earthly existence, its consequence for this race born into a world ...


... From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949-1950) The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth Essays in Philosophy and Yoga The Divine Body A divine life in a divine body is the formula of the ideal that we envisage. But what will be the divine body? What will be the nature of this body, its structure... well be considered as one of the new possibilities. Even physical science is trying to find physical means for passing beyond the ordinary instrumentation or procedure of Nature in this matter of propagation or the renewal of the physical life-force in human or animal beings; but the resort to occult means and the intervention of subtle physical processes, if it could be made possible, would be a greater... outlines for us there is not only a subtle physical force but a subtle physical Matter intervening between life and gross Matter, and to create in this subtle physical substance and precipitate the forms thus made into our grosser materiality is feasible. It should be possible and it is believed to be possible for an object formed in this subtle physical substance to make a transit from its subtlety ...
