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... consciousness. They [ pain and misery ] are perhaps rather the result of the action of universal forces—but in a certain sense grief and pain may be said to be universal forces—for there are waves of these things that arrive and invade the being often without apparent cause. The universal forces move by their own force and the consciousness within them—but there is also the Cosmic Spirit... which it acts, mental, vital or physical. But this intervention is exceptional in the ordinary play of the cosmic forces. Page 289 The Entry of the Universal Forces There is no rule for that [ the points at which the universal forces enter one ]. The human being is ordinarily conscious only on the surface—but the surface records only the results of subliminal agencies at work. It is often... enter anywhere. The universal forces act very often through the subconscient—especially when the force they send is something the person has been in the habit of obeying and of which the seeds, impressions, "complexes" are strongly rooted in the subconscient—or, even if that is no longer the case, of which there is a memory still in the subconscient. The Universal Forces and the Individual ...
... external self which receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses, and become directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us. And then only too can we hope to be directly aware of the Divine in us and directly in touch with the Divine Light and the Divine Force. Otherwise we can feel... man has his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings etc. that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind waves, vital... disappears. By environmental consciousness I mean something that each man carries around him, outside his body, even when he is not aware of it,—by which he is in touch with others and with the universal forces. It is through this that the thoughts, feelings etc. of others pass to enter into one—it is through this also that waves of the universal force—desire, sex, etc.—come in and take possession of ...
... either. It is a play in which there is a working out of possibilities in Time. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: Occult Knowledge All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces. But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose—they undergo the play of the forces... one time written that your crises of despair etc. came upon you as if thrown on you and worked themselves out without your being able to determine or put an end to them. That means an action of universal forces and not merely an independent action of your own personality, though it is something in your nature of which they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and ...
... Men cannot reach him and so his power cannot work upon them. Page 262 Again, you cannot expect work from the Avatar in the same way as from all men. He can work directly upon universal forces and thus work in humanity without seemingly doing anything and nobody can know what work he has done. It looks ridiculous and also arrogant if I were to say that I worked for the success of... impersonal, status or attitude? Sri Aurobindo : Because it is -necessary for creation, as a support for the universal nature, to maintain all the; Page 282 play of the universal forces. He supports all equally as the aksara. Disciple : You spoke about the plane of the Gods. How can one reach that plane ? Sri Aurobindo : The key for it lies in a certain knack... Matter, in the domain of Chemistry and Physics ? Sri Aurobindo : Why not ? We are speaking of the material part of the human consciousness. What is a law ? It means a certain balance among universal forces Page 285 under certain conditions. If you change the conditions you get a different result. It is not by a miracle that you change what you call a law. Disciple : The ...
... Cosmic and Universal Forces The Hidden Forces of Life Nature and Action of Universal Forces Universal forces means all forces good or bad, favourable or hostile, of light or of darkness that move in the cosmos. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Universal or Cosmic Forces They [the cosmic forces] act on everyone, according to the person‘s... suggestions, obscure intuitions, the little it can get through imperfectly to the surface. The inner being not only contacts directly and concretely the immediate motive and movement of these universal forces and feels the results of their present action, but it can to a certain extent forecast or see ahead their farther action; there is a greater power in our subliminal parts to overcome the time... man has his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings etc. that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind waves, vital ...
... Cosmic and Universal Forces The Hidden Forces of Life Universal Vital Force Sweet Mother, how can one draw on “the universal vital Force”? One can do it in many ways. First of all, you must know that it exists and that one can enter into contact with it. Secondly, you must try to make this contact, to feel it circulating everywhere, through everything... herbs, when one feels a great friendship with these things and breathes that air which is so good, perfumed with all the plants, then one opens oneself, and by opening oneself communes with the universal forces. And for all things it is like that. Can one do the same thing when it is cold? Yes, I think so. I think one can always do the same thing in all cases. The sun is a very powerful symbol... which extends very homogeneously and quietly, as when the tide is at its height and the water spreads like that, quietly—that’s the impression). The vital must be like that—then one is open to the universal forces. But if, for example, one has the very bad habit of exchanging vital forces with one’s fellowmen, then one loses the capacity altogether. So unless one is in relation with someone, one receives ...
... being through which the individual is in inner contact with other beings and with universal forces. By environmental consciousness I mean something that each man carries around him, outside his body, even when he is not aware of it, — by which he is in touch with others and with the universal forces. It is through this that the thoughts, feelings, etc. of others pass to enter into... being "receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses", 15 the inner being is "directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us." 16 For the inner mind is directly in touch with the universal mind, just as the inner vital is in direct touch with the universal life-forces, and the... consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. Page 343 Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings, etc., that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind ...
... this higher Truth for the satisfaction of their ordinary movements. Whenever a man enjoys the pleasures of life, or spends his life in pursuit of his selfish ends it is, really speaking, these universal forces that take enjoyment through and in him. In order that this higher Truth may be able to work in its purity, one has to open oneself to the greater Power above, to give oneself up to it and... many things more. Also, the Supreme does not decide every detail before the universal conditions are ready when it comes down with an imperative .decision. In between, it is all a working of universal forces. For example, take the case of physical disease to which you are prone by nature. When you have worked it out you find the same thing comes up in other forms. You cannot leave it off without... see only possibilities and moral certainties. Not that the Supreme does not know it all the time ; only, it does not interfere till the universal conditions are ready. The decision which the universal forces work out is also the decision of the Supreme. Disciple : Are the universal conditions fulfilled so far as the physical is concerned? Sri Aurobindo : The general conditions have ...
... and to reject them from one layer after another till they have been entirely thrown out from the personal experience. Even then they may remain and come back on the being from the surrounding universal forces and it is only when no part of the consciousness makes any response to those forces of the lower plane that the victory and transformation are absolutely complete. (4) His experience that whenever... him with a double vigour is again a common experience. The psychological explanation is to be found in the preceding paragraph. All the attempt at transformation of the being is to fight with universal forces which have long been in possession and it is vain to expect that they will give up the struggle at the first defeat. As long as they can, they seek to retain possession and even when they are ...
... sadhaks generally were the cause of the Mother's illness. To another who wrote something of the kind from the same personal standpoint I replied that the Mother's illness was due to a struggle with universal forces which far overpassed the scope of any individual or group of individuals. What I wrote about the strain thrown on the Mother by the physical contacts was in connection with her resumption of work... Your song to Mahakali was superb—full of a fine variety and great power. The Mother came up enthusiastic and said it was filled with a most wonderful life, energy and movement; one could feel the universal forces pouring themselves through it. Truly, you have opened your wings and soared into a larger ether. December 28, 1931 It is regrettable that this attack should recur. Perhaps it was ...
... The Environmental Consciousness around the Individual Everyone carries around him an environmental consciousness or atmosphere through which he is in relation with others or with the universal forces. It is through this that these forces or the thoughts or feelings of others enter. The environmental is not a world—it is an individual thing. The individual is not limited to the... man has his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings etc. that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind waves, vital ...
... When that is there, when this realisation is attained, then to eat or not to eat, to sleep or not sleep, all this has no longer any importance. It is an outer rhythm left to the play of the universal forces as a whole, finding expression through the circumstances and people around you; and then the body, united, totally united with the inner truth, has a suppleness, a constant adaptability: Page... body, is this union with the supramental forces, the divine forces. And there is no longer any need at all to be preoccupied with what the consequences will be. What has to be in the play of the universal forces and their manifestation will be, quite naturally, spontaneously, automatically, there is no need to be preoccupied with it. The only thing that matters is the constant, total, complete contac ...
... realise. 18 November 1962 ( Regarding the captain's estimate of someone ) Remember that all these individual virtues and faults are only the deceptive appearance of a great play of universal forces which one does not understand. 5 January 1963 ( Regarding a friend ) Find your happiness and your joy in the very fact of loving, and it will help you in your inner progress; because... November 1964 Sweet Mother, What is the meaning of one's birthday, apart from its commemorative character? How can one take advantage of this occasion? Because of the rhythm of the universal forces, a person is supposed to have a special receptivity on his birthday each year. He can therefore take advantage of this receptivity by making good resolutions and fresh progress on the path ...
... a great friendship with these things and breathes that air which is so good, perfumed with all the plants, then one opens oneself, and Page 136 by opening oneself communes with the universal forces. And for all things it is like that. Can one do the same thing when it is cold? Yes, I think so. I think one can always do the same thing in all cases. The sun is a very powerful symbol... spends suddenly in a kind of impulse—for example, in an impulsive movement—if one spends much more than one has received, one needs a brief moment of concentration, calm, receptivity to absorb universal forces. You must put yourself in a certain condition to receive them; and then, they last for a certain time, and once you have spent them you must begin again to receive them. It is in this sense that... their anger, that is, their irritability, their movement of violence is full of a greater force, a greater energy, and becomes much more violent. So it is well said that to be in contact with universal forces does not make one progress. But this is because they make a bad use of them. Yet naturally in the long run, this bad use diminishes the capacity of receiving; but it takes time, it is not immediate ...
... effort which pulls you out of inertia; it is effort which makes you receptive to the universal forces. And the one thing above all which spontaneously gives joy, even to those who do not practise yoga, who have no spiritual aspiration, who lead quite an ordinary life, is the exchange of forces with universal forces. People do not know this, they would not be able to tell you that it is due to this,... beautiful animals. They were handsome, their gestures were harmonious, their forces quite balanced and they spent without reckoning and received without measure. They were in harmony with the material universal forces and they lived in joy. They could not perhaps have told you that they were happy—joy with them was so spontaneous that it was natural—and they would have been still less able to tell you why, ...
... – with the universal forces. What is this understanding ? Sri Aurobindo : There are many ways. Even in the case of one man there are different methods, I mean in the yogic sense, which he can follow. First, you must put your need before God and ask him to satisfy it ; your duty ends there. In that case you need not have any bojhāpadā – understanding – with the universal forces. But we... men can reach this condition, then in course of time it may become a permanent force in mankind. It would certainly bring new forces into play in the universe and change the present balance of universal forces. There may be many things beyond the Supermind but they cannot operate in this manifestation except through the Supermind. Therefore it must be made a permanent part of humanity. 13-4-1923 ...
... and to reject them from one layer after another till they have been entirely thrown out from the personal experience. Even then, they may remain and come back on the being from the surrounding universal forces and it is only when no part of the consciousness makes any response to these forces of the lower plane that the victory and transformation are absolutely complete. 4) His experience that whenever... upon him with a double vigour is again a common experience. The psychological explanation is to be found in the preceding paragraph. All attempt at transformation of the being is a fight with universal forces which have long been in possession and it is vain to expect that they will give up Page 365 the struggle at the first defeat. As long as they can, they seek to retain possession and ...
... around us. Thus whereas the outer being knows things only indirectly from their outer touches as perceived though the senses and the outer mind, the inner being is directly aware of the surrounding universal forces that act through us. Environmental Consciousness (The Circumconscient) The inner or subliminal being receives the contacts of the environing world though the environmental consciousness... man has his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. "Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings, etc., that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind waves ...
... herbs, when one feels a great friendship with these things and breathes that air which is so good, perfumed with all the plants, then one opens oneself, and by opening oneself communes with the universal forces. And for all things it is like that. Source Receptivity to the Universal Vital Forces Sweet Mother, do the universal vital forces have any limits? I don't think that forces have... spends suddenly in a kind of impulse—for example, in an impulsive movement—if one spends much more than one has received, one needs a brief moment of concentration, calm, receptivity to absorb universal forces. You must put yourself in a certain condition to receive them; and then, they last for a certain time, and once you have spent them you must begin again to receive them. It is in this sense that ...
... effort which pulls you out of inertia; it is effort which makes you receptive to the universal forces. And the one thing above all which spontaneously gives joy, even to those who do not practise yoga, who have no spiritual aspiration, who lead quite an ordinary life, is the exchange of forces with universal forces. People do not know this, they would not be able to tell you that it is due to this, ...
... external self which receives consciously only the outer touches and knows things indirectly through the outer mind and senses, and become directly aware of the universal consciousness and the universal forces that play through us and around us. And Page 204 then only too can we hope to be directly aware of the Divine in us and directly in touch with the Divine Light and the Divine Force... presence. As for instances of the difference, I may give you two from the opposite poles of experience, one from the most external phenomena showing how the inward opens to the awareness of universal forces, one of spiritual experience indicating how the inward opens to the Divine. Take illness. If we live only in the outward physical consciousness, we do not usually know that we are going to be ...
... being's ] being "around" the psychic. It is obviously nearer to the psychic than the outer mind, vital or physical, but that does not ensure its being open to the psychic only and not to other universal forces. The psychic can have peace behind it—but the inner mind, vital and physical are not necessarily silent—they are full of movements. It is the higher consciousness that has a basis of peace... separate plane. But when one lives in the inner being then one is aware of a consciousness which begins to spread into the universal and the external is only a surface movement thrown up by the universal forces. The Outer Being and Consciousness The outer being is a means of expression only, not one's self. One must not identify with it, for what it expresses is a personality formed by the old ...
... inference to have intended or purposed—our inferences are often wrong and even when they are right touch only the surface of the matter. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces. But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose—they undergo the play of the forces ...
... work for mental self-development is a creation of the mental ego. The inertia gives room and power for the hostile forces to act. The Hostile Forces and Universal Forces No, they [ the hostile forces ] do not create universal forces; they are themselves moved by them and move them. The Hostile Forces and the Spiritual Consciousness From the higher mind upwards, all is free from the action ...
... , obscure intuitions, the little it can get through imperfectly to the surface. The inner being not only contacts directly and concretely the immediate motive and movement of these universal Page 558 forces and feels the results of their present action, but it can to a certain extent forecast or see ahead their farther action; there is a greater power in our subliminal parts to overcome... further use, could be abolished or put out of action; instead of an activity of individual mind, life, body there would be only an individual but impersonal centre or channel through which the universal forces would flow unimpeded and unselective. This can happen, but it would imply a higher spiritualisation far exceeding the normal mental level. In the static seizure of the cosmic knowledge by identity ...
... expressed in what yogic experience has called the “chakras,” lined up in the subtle body along the backbone. Through the chakras, the human being is tuned to the universal forces, even though unaware of it. “All the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings, etc., that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come ...
... cell of the body, will be this union with the supramental, the divine forces. There is no need at all any more to be preoccupied with the consequences that might follow. In the play of the universal forces and their manifestation, what must be will come naturally, spontaneously, automatically; one has not to think about it. The only thing that matters is keeping up the complete, total, constant... consciousness that they have no place there.... Then to eat or not to eat, to sleep or not to sleep, all that has no longer any importance. It is an external rhythm left t6 the play of the universal forces in their totality, expressing themselves through circumstances and persons around you, giving to the body united, united wholly with the inner truth, a suppleness, a constant capacity for ...
... one time written that your crises of despair etc. came upon you as if thrown on you and worked themselves out without your being able to determine or put an end to them. That means an action of universal forces and not merely an independent action of your own personality, though it is something in your nature of which they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and... same we have plucked a few lines from here and there, when the individual merged with the universal. After all, none of us are free from our dark side. For, are we not all buffeted by the play of universal forces, such as anger, pride, etc. ? Sri Aurobindo and Mother gave Harm a "long and full chance to develop his better side of spiritual experience," as they gave to so many other sadhaks. The question ...
... everywhere, in all beings and in all things; we can communicate directly, as if everything were the same, without separation. We have touched something within us that is not the mere puppet of universal forces, not the narrow and dry "I think, therefore I am," but the fundamental reality of our being, our true self, true center, warmth and being, consciousness and force. 51 As this inner urge... and relationship with the world every moment of the day. We are enclosed in an individual, personal body only through a stubborn visual delusion; in fact, we are porous throughout and bathe in universal forces, like an anemone in the sea: Man twitters intellectually (=foolishly) about the surface results and attributes them all to his "noble self," ignoring the fact that his noble self is hidden far ...
... egoistic impulses and aims which are born of those limitations. But if and when Mind in man becomes capable of being free, unegoistic, in harmony with all other beings and with the play of the universal forces, the use and office of suffering diminishes, its raison d'être must finally cease to be and it can only continue as an atavism of Nature, a habit that has survived its use, a persistence of ...
... comes from the attempt of the egoistic mind to identify itself in a wrong and imperfect way with the workings of the divine Force. ... In the world we act with the sense of egoism; we claim the universal forces that work in us as our own; we claim as the effect of our personal will, wisdom, force, virtue the selective, formative, progressive action of the Transcendent in this frame of mind, life and ...
... his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses. Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings, etc., that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind ...
... this fact. Everyone has made for himself an image of me in conformity with his needs and desires, and it is with this image that he is in contact, it is through this that he receives what few universal forces and still less supramental forces succeed in filtering through all these formations. Unfortunately these people cling to my physical presence, otherwise I could withdraw into my inner solitude ...
... in one's being may not be amenable except to what Sri Aurobindo has called Supermind, the highest dynamic divine consciousness. These difficulties may be due to one's karma or to the play of universal forces or to the folly of other people. Take, for instance, the attack of polio which my left leg suffered when I was two and a half years old. Much was done by way of surgical intervention in London ...
... success, e.g., in purifying the physical is not immediate and absolute as the full and direct Supramental action would be but still relative, conditioned by the individual nature and balance of the universal forces, it is progressive, but resisted by the adverse powers, by the unwillingness of the lower workings to cease, by the want of complete consent in the personal nature. Sri Aurobindo ...
... determinism, a local state of things is an independent field of causality or all is so bound together that it is the whole that determines the local result. A man's action then would be determined by universal forces and his state of mind and apparent choice would be only part of the instrumentation of Universal Force. In the case of Socrates and that of the habitual drunkard raised by you, the difference ...
... there which will transform those who can receive and embody it. The Earth, the Earth Consciousness and the Supramental Creation The earth is the place of evolution in which all these [ universal ] forces meet and try to manifest and out of their working something has to develop. On the other planes (the mental, vital etc.) there is not the evolution—there each acts separately according to its ...
... individual spirit. For man in the individual can be more easily enlightened, conscious, Page 196 open to clear influences; man in the mass is still obscure, half-conscious, ruled by universal forces that escape its mastery and its knowledge. Against this danger of suppression and immobilisation Nature in the individual reacts. It may react by an isolated resistance ranging from the instinctive ...
... applying to experience on a supernormal plane the ordinary terms of mentality which it applies to its normal experiences in the world. In the world we act with the sense of egoism; we claim the universal forces that work in us as our own; we claim as the effect of our personal will, wisdom, force, virtue the selective, formative, progressive action of the Transcendent in this frame of mind, life and ...
... according to circumstances, to the need of the being, to the intention of the Cosmic Power in its action; our life is affected not only by its own energies but by the energies of others and by universal Forces, and all this vast interplay cannot be determined in its results solely by the one factor of an all-governing moral law and its exclusive attention to the merits and demerits, the sins and virtues ...
... thee to birth, the force of all pilgrim-sacrifices, the many-hued ray of intuition; so do thou win for us by sacrifice in the line of the planes with their godheads, their desirable and opulent universal forces. यं त्वा द्यावापृथिवी यं त्वापस्त्वष्टा यं त्वा सुजनिमा जजान । पन्थामनु प्रविद्वान् पितृयाणं द्युमदग्ने समिधानो वि भाहि ॥७॥ 7) Thou whom heaven and earth, thou whom the waters, thou ...
... heavenward evolution. All the terrestrial past of the world is there summarised in man, and not only has Nature given as it were the physical sign that she has formed in him an epitome of her universal forces, but psychologically also he is one in his subconscient being with her obscurer subanimal life, contains in his mind and nature the animal and rises out of all this substratum into his conscious ...
... body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the universal, a wave of the ocean, a dynamo receiving and formulating the universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world—it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material Energy ...
... rejection of all that is not turned towards the Divine in those parts into which you call the peace—here the emotional and higher vital. They [ the mind and vital ] are always more open to the universal forces than the material. But they can be more restless than the material so long as they are not subjected to the peace from above. The movement of universality by itself cannot prevent the vital ...
... will come the power to throw away what is hostile, wrong or untrue. If the psychic is active—or in so far as it is active, there is something in it which is like an automatic test for the universal forces—warning against (not by thought so much as by an essential feeling) and rejecting what should not be, accepting and transmuting what should be. That is the special work of the psychic being ...
... from every movement of your consciousness. Develop the cosmic consciousness—let the egocentric outlook disappear in wideness, impersonality, the sense of the cosmic Divine, the perception of universal forces, the realisation and understanding of the cosmic manifestation, the play. Find in place of ego the true being—a portion of the Divine, issued from the World-Mother and an instrument of the ...
... disappears. By environmental consciousness I mean something that each man carries around him, outside his body, even when he is not aware of it,—by which he is in touch with others and with the universal forces. It is through this that the thoughts, feelings etc. of others pass to enter into one—it is through this also that waves of the universal force—desire, sex, etc.—come in and take possession of ...
... in one's aim and not discouraged by the recurring difficulties of the nature, for they have been long ingrained in the vital and physical of the human being and they are also in the play of the universal forces—so if it takes long to get them out, as it does even with the best sadhaks, that is no proof that one is not fit for the sadhana. Reject all that and go on steadily—aim always at getting more ...
... Avatar), he has to veil himself and deal with the world and its movements like an ordinary man of the cosmic product. Exactly. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. 23 July 1936 Avatars can ...
... Roosevelt said to his wife about their servants? Why should the Mother "know" in the human way all such happenings on the physical plane? Her business in her embodiment is to know the working of the universal forces and use them for her work; for the rest she knows what she needs to know, sometimes with her inner self, sometimes with her physical mind. All knowledge is available in her universal self to her ...
... developed much and, whatever difficulties may remain, it cannot be said that the ground is not there! I do not quite understand what you mean by the pressure, but if you mean the pressure of the universal forces, sex, anger etc., it is always under that pressure that the recurrences occur. There is nothing new or peculiar in that which would justify a conclusion of individual unfitness. These things have ...
... in the past for the processes of Yoga. In the ordinary life of man a progressive dislocation is the rule. The mental and the vital beings of man follow as best they can the movement of the universal forces, and the stream of the world's inner transformation and evolution carries them a certain way; but the body bound to the law of the most material nature, moves very slowly. After some years, seventy ...
... to the capacity for Divine love? Have not great spiritual figures, such as Christ, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, been remarkably loving and affectionate by nature? Love is one of the great universal forces; it exists by itself and its movement is free and independent of the objects in which and through which it manifests. It manifests wherever it finds a possibility for manifestation, wherever there ...
... and enabling them, by grouping them together, to reconstitute better and better Thy consciousness, at once single and multiple, it was possible for me to see clearly what love is in the play of universal forces, what its place and mission; it is not an end in itself but it is Thy supreme means. Active, everywhere, between all things, everywhere it is veiled by the very things it unites, which, though ...
... which is not a falling into the inconscient―which generally tires you more than it refreshes―but a conscious rest, a concentration in which one opens oneself and absorbs the forces which come, the universal forces. The limits of the body's possibilities are so elastic! People who undergo a methodical and scientific training, rational, systematic, arrive at absolutely startling results. They demand things ...
... all these are transformed into a number of godheads and they are given an aesthetic and intellectual reality. It is a symbolic and artistic and literary and poetic way of dealing with all the universal forces and realities. That is how these pantheons came into existence, like the Greek or Egyptian pantheon or else the pantheon of India. All these gods are representations which Sri Aurobindo calls ...
... time ago—of the possibility of physical transformation, and I told him that one of the results would be that one would no longer need to eat, that one would recuperate strength directly from the universal forces or else from the Divine. And this person in an absolute consternation said to me, "And all the fine things one eats!" ( Laughter ). So, it is like that. If we become immortal, then creation ...
... not have an exclusively personal motive. One must do something a little unselfish, for if one is exclusively occupied with oneself, one gets shut up in a sort of carapace and is not open to the universal forces. A small unselfish movement, a small action done with no egoistic aim opens a door upon something other than one's own small, very tiny person. One is usually shut up in a shell and becomes ...
... which extends very homogeneously and quietly, as when the tide is at its height and the water spreads like that, quietly—that's the impression). The vital must be like that—then one is open to the universal forces. But if, for example, one has the very bad habit of exchanging vital forces with one's fellowmen, then one loses the capacity altogether. So unless one is in relation with someone, one receives ...
... have come and in whom all are. environmental consciousness (being) —part of the being that each person carries around him, outside his body, by which he is in touch with others and with the universal forces. gradations between mind and Supermind —higher ranges of mind overtopping our normal mind and leading to Supermind; these succesive states, levels or graded powers of being are hidden in our ...
... quiet, strong and poised, at every minute it will be able to put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action and to recuperate, through contact with the universal forces, the energies it expends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions, which will give it ...
... fact. Each one has made his own image of me for himself in conformity with his needs and desires, and it is with this image that he is in relation, through that he receives the little amount of universal forces and the still smaller amount of supramental forces that manage to filter through all these formations. Unfortunately, they cling to my physical presence, otherwise I could withdraw into my inner ...
... doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, it will at every minute put forth effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to recuperate through contact with the universal forces the energies it spends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, rellecting the harmony of the higher regions which will give it the perfect ...
... But this Wisdom doesn't come from the universal consciousness (which I don't really think is so wise!), it's infinitely higher: the Supreme Wisdom. Something so wonderful! It foresees things the universal forces in their universal play would overlook—a wonder! ( silence ) We mustn't be in a hurry. It's hard to imagine how a physical body can, for instance, extend or enlarge itself. It all seems ...
... perhaps you have felt this way because you had left your work in the Ashram for an entirely personal, that is, necessarily egoistical reason, and egoism always isolates one from the great current of universal forces. That is why, too, you no longer clearly perceive my love and my help which nevertheless are always with you. You asked me what I see and whether your difficulties will not reappear upon your ...
... "supreme Lord"), how at EVERY SECOND, it makes you do or say or see or know ex-act-ly what is needed for everything to move like this ( round gesture expressing the innumerably ramified movement of universal forces ), to move forward. It's not yet the direct, all-powerful, crushing Movement of direct Forces ( gesture from above downward, like a sword of light ): it's a movement like this ( same round gesture ...
... CAN be that way." The mind was absolutely silent, absolutely: all the connections with all that people keep sending from everywhere were cut—all of it was completely gone. There were only the universal forces in Page 163 action, with something that came from above and impregnated them all, sent them all out. And with it, a point—it was like a point in that immensity—a sparkling point, ...
... J felt like that, it must have been because he had become conscious. Most people are unconscious; they are subject to the forces but do not know it. Just as the opening to these universal forces has come naturally and by itself, I hope that the control over them will also come by itself in time. To be conscious is the first step towards overcoming - but for the overcoming strength ...
... the impersonal forces of the world that surrounds us. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: The inner being not only contacts directly and concretely the immediate motive and movement of these universal forces and feels the results of their present action, but it can to a certain extent forecast or see ahead their farther action; there is a greater power in our subliminal parts to overcome the time ...
... with the psychic centre and the body will learn to put forth at every minute the effort that is demanded of it; for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to replace through contact with universal forces the energies it spends consciously and usefully. By this sound and balanced life, a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the regions which will give it the perfect ...
... the Prakriti, impersonal and dispassionate, he must watch the executive Nature-Force at work within him and understand its action; he must learn by this separation to recognise the play of her universal forces, distinguish her interweaving of light and night, the divine and the undivine, and detect her formidable Powers and Beings that use the ignorant human creature. Nature works in us, says the Gita ...
... with the psychic centre and the body will learn to put forth at every minute the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to replace through contact with universal forces the energies it spends consciously and usefully. By this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, Page 366 reflecting the harmony of the regions which will ...
... egoistic impulses and aims which are born of those limitations. But if and when Mind in man becomes capable of being free, unegoistic, in harmony with all other beings and with the play of the universal forces, the use and office of suffering diminishes, its raison d'etre must finally cease to be and it can only continue as an atavism of Nature, a habit that has survived its use, a persistence of ...
... doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, it will at every minute put forth effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to recuperate through contact with the universal forces the energies it spends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions which will give it the perfect ...
... for his separate world. Everyone carries around him an environmental consciousness Page 22 or atmosphere through which he is in relation with others —or with the universal forces. It is through this that there [enter] forces or thoughts or feelings of others. It can become silent when there is the wideness. One can become conscious of it and deal with what passes ...
... with the impersonal forces of the world that surround us. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: "The inner being not only contacts directly and concretely the immediate motive and movement of these universal forces and feels the results of their present action, but it can to a certain extent forecast or see ahead their farther action; there is a greater power in our subliminal parts to overcome the time ...
... with the impersonal forces of the world that surround us. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: 'The inner being not only contacts directly and concretely the immediate motive and movement of these universal forces and feels the results of their present action, but it can to a certain extent forecast or see ahead their farther action; there is a greater power in our subliminal parts to overcome the time ...
... receptive and plastic to its inspirations. He is not so much an individual man, experimenting with Truth in the dim light of his faith and reason, and groping his way forward, but a focal point of universal forces, releasing into expression the elements that go to construct the future. For an objective study of the origin and development of a revolution, it is, therefore, essential to discover the ...
... doing. Calm and quiet, strong and poised, it will at every minute put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to replace through contact with the universal forces the energies it Page 42 spends consciously and usefully. In this sound and balanced. life a new harmony will manifest in the body, reflecting the harmony of the higher regions ...
... the limitations of life and body. The crux of the difficulty is here—that man is a mental being and has a mental consciousness, and as a mental being and as a mental consciousness he is aware of universal forces. He is aware of the universal force, of a universal life and then he knows that he is only a part of it. And he does not know that he, himself, is universal. This is the knot of the difficulty ...
... that way, so you know that the resultant most probably will be this way, it won't go this way or that way: the result will be this way. Now that is the resultant of forces. Narada says that now universal forces are working and the result is that Satyavan must die. Is it an equation which you cannot change? Savitri says you can change it. There is no inevitability about this result in life because the ...
... n. And it ended in certain victory, there is not a shadow of doubt....This feeling of power once I was firmly grounded there (in the “square”), enough power to help others. These were universal forces. I can’t say it means war. I’ve foreseen many wars — widespread wars, local wars, so many wars — and up to now they have never been presented to me in that form. They’ve always come as a fire ...
... of Abundance, even as earlier she had been overwhelmed by Poverty - but, then, one is not more welcome than the other! She nowsees, on a consideration of the role of Love in the play of universal forces, that it is the great, the supreme, unifying Force. As for action, between selfish and unselfish action, between action for personal advancement and action offered as a sacrifice to the ...
... fulfilment. 19 Page 632 She was indeed the Mother divine, yet her physical body couldn't claim immunity from the mounting strain resulting from contact with others and the struggle with universal forces. She suffered a slight haemorrhage in her left eye, and on 6 March she told her listeners at the Playground: "My eye won't allow me to read today." On 8 March, she was still unable to read, but ...
... responsibility for them: since they are in possession of this wealth, they are its stewards and must see that it is used for the good of the greatest number. The same holds true for all the other universal forces. Only the concept of union, of the perfect identity of everything and everyone, can lead to true charity. But to come back to practice, there is one more serious pitfall in the way of its complete ...
... Calm and quiet, strong and poised, it will at every minute put forth the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to recuperate through contact with the universal forces the energies it spends consciously and usefully." On Education, CWM Vol. 12, p. 7 How can one have "rest in action"? That comes from a kind of certitude of inner choice. When one ...
... governs action; he recognises that Prakriti, Force of cosmic nature following her fixed modes, is the one and only worker. Sri Aurobindo The Synthesis of Yoga - I: The Supreme Will The universal forces move by their own force and the consciousness within them—but there is also the Cosmic Spirit who supports them and determines by his on-look and disposing will their play—although the direct ...
... oneself worthy of this contact and, when one has had it, not deform it. And this excludes nobody. Even a very small child can, at certain moments in his life, come into touch with one of these great universal forces of divine origin, and use it for its childish needs. Unfortunately, there are added to it so many limitations, so much egoism, ignorance, stupidity, that it is often completely disfigured. It ...
... and that there is almost no individualisation, that is, specialisation which makes you a different being. You are moved—a kind of form which is your physical being is moved—by all the common universal forces, vital forces or mental forces, which go through your form and put it in motion. So that is the universal being. And all that you have wrested from this general semi-consciousness, and have ...
... of it supporting and moving or pouring into the system and giving the energy needed for the work whether it be mental, vital or physical. There is naturally a higher Energy above the present universal forces and it is that which will transform the nature and take up the mental, vital, physical energies and change them into its own likeness. If you mean by failure the weakness of the body, it ...
... in purifying the physical, cannot be immediate and absolute as the full and direct supramental action would be; it is still relative, conditioned by the individual nature and the balance of the universal forces, resisted by adverse powers, baulked of its perfect result by the unwillingness of the lower workings to cease, limited either in its scope or in its efficacy by the want of a complete consent ...
... consciousness cannot be a self-existent reality; it is a result, a phenomenon dependent on the reactions of something—you say a personality, but what is a personality apart from consciousness?—to the universal forces of Nature. We can take a purely external view and say that consciousness is the result of a mass of reactions to the impact of outward physical things on the brain and nerves of a physical being ...
... be put on these things, so much is fairly universal. If there were not these certitudes, there could be no assured spiritual life or endeavour. The transcendent [ is the state beyond the universal forces ]—which for the purposes of our universe would mean the Sachchidananda planes and the supramental as a link with the present manifestation. Of course the absolutely transcendent would be beyond ...
... consciousness means the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical and behind them the psychic which is their inmost being. But the inner mind is not the higher mind; it is more in touch with the universal forces and more open to the higher consciousness and capable of an immensely deeper and larger range of action than the outer or surface mind—but it is of the same essential nature. The higher consciousness ...
... one time written that your crises of despair etc. came upon you as if thrown on you and worked themselves out without your being able to determine or put an end to them. That means an action of universal forces and not merely an independent action of your own personality, though it is something in your nature of which they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and ...
... used by the Hostile Forces. Hostile [ source of illness ] here means hostile to the Yoga. An illness which comes in the ordinary course as the result of physical causes—even though adverse universal forces are the first cause—is an ordinary illness. One brought by the forces hostile to Yoga to upset the system and prevent or disturb progress—without any adequate physical reason—is a hostile attack ...
... consciousness (sometimes the subconscient also, rising in dreams)—I mean by the environmental a sort of surrounding atmosphere which we carry about with us and by which we communicate with the universal forces—and try to invade from there. Rejected from there, they become in the end too weak to be more than external suggestions till that too ends—and they are finished and non-existent. There ...
... these things [ anger and sex desire ]—when rejected they either sink into the subconscient or pass out into the surrounding (environmental) consciousness through which one is connected with the universal forces. They may try to rise up from the subconscient or come in again from outside; but if one always rejects them, calling in the aid of the Mother and does not allow them to take hold, their force ...
... sadhaks generally were the cause of the Mother's illness. To another who wrote something of the kind from the same personal standpoint, I replied that the Mother's illness was due to a strife with universal forces which far overpassed the scope of any individual or group of individuals. What I wrote about the strain thrown on the Mother by the physical contacts was in connection with her resumption of work—and ...
... consenting, are able to bear the difficult and exacting process of the transformation. And hardest of all, even if all in us is willing, is the struggle we shall have to carry through against the universal forces attached to the present unstable creation when we seek to make the final supramental conversion and reversal of consciousness by which the Divine Truth must be established in us in its plenitude ...
... potentialities, more plastic, more powerful, more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind, life or body; especially, it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces, movements, objects of the cosmos, a direct feeling and opening to them, a direct action on them and even a widening of itself beyond the limits of the personal mind, the personal life, the body ...
... defence and attack, of discord and pain. For each body being a limited conscious-force feels itself exposed to the attack, impact, forceful contact of other such limited conscious-forces or of universal forces and, where it feels itself broken in upon or unable to harmonise the contacting and the recipient consciousness, it suffers discomfort and pain, is attracted or repelled, has to defend itself ...
... powers and lends them to constitute by their variations the manifestation of personality. Love is the nature of the lover, courage the nature of the warrior; love and courage are impersonal and universal forces or formulations of the cosmic Force, they are the spirit's powers of its universal being and nature. The Person is the Being supporting what is thus impersonal, holding it in himself as his, his ...
... is one side of the cosmic Self; the other presents itself as a universal Divine, one in being, multiple in personality and power, who conveys to us, when we enter into the consciousness of his universal forces, a sense of infinite quality and will and act and worldwide knowledge and a one yet innumerable delight; for through Page 255 him we become one with all existences not only in their ...
... preference, but to be moved by God only, by the highest Truth only, this is Karmayoga. To live and act no longer in human ignorance, but in divine Knowledge, conscient of individual nature and universal forces and responsive to a transcendent governance, this is Karmayoga. To live, be and act in a divine, illimitable and luminous universal consciousness open to that which is more than universal, ...
... consciousness means the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical and behind them the psychic which is their inmost being. But the inner mind is not the higher mind; it is more in touch with the universal forces and more open to the higher consciousness and capable of an immensely deeper and larger range of action than the outer or surface mind - but it is of the same essential nature. The higher con ...
... Roosevelt 94 said to his wife about the servants? Why should the Mother “know” in the human way all happenings in the physical plane? Her business in her embodiment is to know the workings of the universal forces and use them for her works; for the rest she knows what she needs to know, sometimes with her inner self, sometimes with her physical mind. All knowledge is available in her universal self, but ...
... the body, is this union with the supramental forces, the divine forces. And there is no longer any need at all to worry about what the consequences will be. What has to be, in the play of the universal forces and their manifestation, will be, quite naturally, spontaneously, automatically, there is no need to worry about that. The only thing that matters is the constant, total, complete contact – constant ...
... every movement of the consciousness. 3) Develop the cosmic consciousness—let the egocentric outlook disappear in wideness, impersonality, the sense of the Cosmic Divine, the perception of the universal forces, the realization and understanding of the cosmic manifestation, the play. 4) Find in place of ego the true being—a portion of the Divine issued from the World-Mother and an instrument of the ...
... consciousness (sometimes into the subconsient also, rising in dreams)—I mean by the environmental a sort of surrounding atmosphere which we carry about with us and by which we communicate with the universal forces— and try to invade from there. Rejected from there, they become in the end too weak to be more than external suggestions till that too ends—and they are finished and nonexistent. You need ...
... time written that your crises of despair etc. came upon you as if thrown on you and worked themselves out without your being able to determine or put an end to them. That means an action of universal forces and not merely an independent action of your personality though it is something in your nature of which they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and pressure ...
... function of sleep in the total organisation of our being and consciousness. Sleep in its Recuperative Role In the prevailing economy of the interchange of energies with the universal forces, in the present imperfect constitution of man's physical being, none of its dynamic organs can function in a ceaseless way without succumbing after a lapse of time to a state of utter fatigue ...
... curious, for it's the opposite of the method we follow. In his material consciousness (physical and vital), he has trained himself to be impersonal, open, limitless, in communication with all the universal forces. In the physical mind, silence, immobility. But in the speculative mind, the one there at the very top of the head ... what an organization, phew! ... All the tradition in its most superb organization ...
... destruction. And it ended in certain victory, there is not a shadow of doubt. This feeling of POWER once I was firmly grounded there [in the 'square'], enough power to help others. These were universal forces. I can't say it means war. I've foreseen many wars—widespread wars, local wars, so many wars—and up to now they have never been presented to me in that form. They've always come as a fire—flames ...
... concentration and accumulation of divine Energy in the cells of the body. During a certain period (I don't remember when), every night I had a kind of recharging of batteries through contact with universal forces; I had it again Page 220 two nights ago, spontaneously. Then last night, when I wanted to look, to study, to understand how it worked, I was given a lavish demonstration of the inadequacy ...
... that immobility there is perfect transparency ... and the problem does not exist: the solution precedes the problem. That is to say, things organize themselves ( gesture showing the movement of universal forces ) in such a way that they can change positions or take a different place in order to express the new thing that must be expressed: something new constantly enters the manifestation (as if emerging ...
... and to reject them from one layer after another till they have been entirely thrown out from the personal existence. Even then, they may remain and come back on the being from the surrounding universal forces and it is only when no part of the consciousness makes any Page 131 response to these forces of the lower plane that the victory and transformation are absolutely complete ...
... movements like an Page 75 ordinary man of the cosmic product [Sri Aurobindo's marginal remark: "Exactly"]. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. Does your above answer ...
... for the higher life this reverse movement of elimination of the ego is indispensable. The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 734 In the world we act with the sense of egoism; we claim the universal forces that work in us as our own; we claim as the effect of our personal will, wisdom, force, virtue the selective, formative, progressive action of the Transcendent in this frame of mind, life and ...
... body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the universal, a wave of the ocean, a dynamo receiving and formulating the universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic Consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world — it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material ...
... which are more plastic, more powerful, more capable of a manifold knowledge than our surface mind, life and body. The inner parts of ourselves are capable of a direct communication with the universal forces and movements. This widening can extend itself so as to bring us in union with the consciousness of the cosmic mind and universal life. After this, the next step is the discovery of the ...
... with this fact. Everyone has made for himself an image of me in conformity with his needs and desires and it is with this image that he is in contact, it is through this that he receives what few universal forces and still less supramental forces succeed in filtering through all these formations. Unfortunately these people cling to my physical presence, otherwise I could withdraw into my inner solitude ...
... this fact. Everyone has made for himself an image of me in conformity with his needs and desires; and it is with this image that he is in contact, it is through this that he receives what few universal forces and still less supramental forces succeed in filtering through all these formations. Unfortunately these people cling to my physical presence, otherwise I could withdraw into my inner solitude ...
... sadhana-life of an aspirant. Of course, there is the physiological necessity of periodic sleep. For it is well acknowledged that in the prevailing economy of the interchange of energies with the universal forces, non e of the dynamic organs of the present imperfect constitution of man ' s physical being can function in a ceaseless way without succumbing after a lap se of time to a state of utter fatigue ...
... being is found to possess a dynamism and potentialities much superior to those of our surface mind and life and body. As a -matter of fact, "it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces, movements, objects of the cosmos, a direct feeling and opening to them, a direct action on them and even a widening of itself beyond the limits of the personal mind, the personal life ...
... himself and deal with the world and its movements like an ordinary man of the cosmic product [Sri Aurobindo's marginal remark: "Exactly"]. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. Does ...
... outer. The other inner being is centred not around the ego but around the Page 33 psychic being. It is peaceful and pure and open to the Divine and not only to the universal forces. It helps in preparing the outer nature for the spiritual life. Though it can act directly, it usually acts through the inner being that is just behind the outer. Is there any substance in my ...
... in the mind which I failed to understand. Probably some pressure or presence of the sex force indeterminate and without form. Am I more open than others to the universal forces so as to receive any bad influence from anywhere? You have the same suggestions and invasions of these forces as others have. While reading a famous mans biography ...
... life the representative of Savitri, and Fire is his vehicle, instrument or symbol. Just as Surra is Vivasvan, the Supreme Effulgent One, Yama is likewise the Cosmic Being, all cosmic power and universal forces are his. Surya is supra-cosmic, belongs to the Beyond. Fire is cosmic, belongs to our worlds. Or, to put it more exactly, Surya is the point of transition from the Beyond to these worlds; Fire ...
... exclusively personal. You must do something disinterested, not concerned with yourself. If you are concerned with yourself only, you shut yourself within a kind of shell and you are not open to the universal forces. An unselfish movement, an unselfish action, however small, opens the door to something other than your little self. Normally you are imprisoned in your shell and you know of the existence of ...
... they have a form which is supple and changeful, not hard and crystallised like the human figure. Gods, we said, are cosmic forces – lines (or vectors, if we wish to be scientifically precise) of universal forces; this does not mean that they have no shape or form. They too have a form and can be recognised by it even as a human being is recognisable Page 273 by his body. In spite of variability ...
... Supreme Being. The consciousness comes from the universal which is ultimately directed by the Supreme. PURANI: Are they individualised? SRI AUROBINDO: What do you mean by that? They are universal forces. For instance, the universal force of love seizes upon a man and he becomes a lover. When the force leaves him, he ceases to be a lover. NIRODBARAN: But the force that is manifested through ...
... praise of "the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars". Love is indeed the heart-beat that sustains and gives rapture to the phenomenal world. "Love," says the Mother, "is one of the great universal forces;" it is also a "supremely conscious Power". Love at first sight - people say, but what is it except "a wave from the everlasting sea of universal love"? At the dawn of first love, as when a ...
... of course, that the sadhaks had brought about the Mother's illness. Rather was it due, as Sri Aurobindo explained in the course of another letter written four days later, "to a struggle with universal forces which far overpassed the scope of any individual or group of individuals". All the same the illness was a warning against a seemingly too lavish expenditure of the Mother's energies: ...
... Roosevelt said to his wife about the servants? Why should the Mother "know" in the human way all happenings in the physical plane? Her business in her embodiment is to know the workings of the universal forces and use them for her works; for the rest she knows what she needs to know, sometimes with her inner self, sometimes with her physical mind. All knowledge is available in her universal self ...
... which are in no way native to our essential being. It is only when our soul awakens within us that we begin to feel the agony of our bondage and realise our utter helplessness in the hands of the universal forces of ignorance. A ray of light seems then to glint in the darkness, a gentle breath of hope seems to steal into our hearts, and an intuition of something within us which is immortally free, pure ...
... all ¹ Words of the Mother. ² Advent, February, 1957. ³ Words of the Mother, 4th Series. . 4 Words of the Mother. 5 ibid. Page 157 universal forces. There is in it no exceptions, no loop-holes, as the Buddha declared. As one sows so one has to reap. There is no escape from the natural and inevitable consequences of one's karma. But "the ...
... fragments, by grouping them, to reconstitute better and better Thy consciousness, at once single and multiple, that it has been possible for me to see clearly what love is in the play of the universal forces, what is its place and its mission. It is not an end in itself but a supreme means. Active everywhere and between everything, everywhere it is veiled by that very thing which it unites, and ...
... was 3 July 1912. Then wryly, "No doubt, God will provide, but He has contracted a bad habit of waiting till the last moment." Although poverty held no terrors for him, as his study of the universal forces deepened, his position on money and wealth ultimately stabilized. "But we look upon money," Sri Aurobindo said in 1926, "as a power of the Divine, and, as with everything else, we want to conquer ...
... contact with the universal vital forces. "The third, to which it usually opens only in a great aspiration for progress, comes to it from above by the infusion and absorption of spiritual forces and inspiration." Sweet Mother, here I have not understood. You have said: "... a great aspiration for progress comes to it from above by the infusion and absorption of spiritual forces and inspiration... developed vital which they have subjected to a discipline—and they have a sense of immensity and are in contact with the world and the movements of world-forces. And so they can receive... if in a movement of calling... they can receive the universal vital forces, which enter them and renew the dose of energy they need. There are others, very rare ones—or maybe in very rare moments of their individual life—who... towards higher forces, at that time the vital can receive these higher forces into itself; and then this becomes a source of considerable energy for it. But in its ordinary, habitual life it is not in contact with these forces—unless, of course, it is Page 81 transformed; but I am speaking of the ordinary vital in ordinary life. It is not open to this source of higher forces, and for it this ...
... there is an instinct in the being to recuperate the energies spent, if you don't take them from food, that is, from below, you instinctively make an effort to take them through union with the universal vital forces which are free, and if one knows how to assimilate them one does so directly and then there is no limit. It is not like your stomach which can digest only a certain amount of food, and therefore... remain with you after all the work of swallowing, digesting, etc.? Not much, you see. But if you learn... and this indeed is a kind of instinct, one learns instinctively to draw towards himself the universal energies which move freely in the universe and are unlimited in quantity... as much of these as you are capable of drawing towards you, you can absorb—so instinctively when there is no support from... this creates an imbalance between the intensity of the energies you absorb and the capacity of the body to hold them, and then this causes disturbances. You lose your balance, and all the balance of forces is destroyed, and anything at all may happen to you. In any case, you lose much control over yourself and become usually very excited, and you take this excitement for a higher state. But often it ...
... suggestions, emotional formations, impulsions to sensation, action, dynamic experience. However large a part of this pressure may be traced to our own subliminal self or to the siege of universal Mind-forces or Life-forces belonging to our own world, there is an element which bears the stamp of another origin, an insistent supraterrestrial character. But the contacts do not stop here: for there is also... Hidden Worlds and Evolutionary Forces The Hidden Forces of Life Existence and Influence of Hidden Worlds It is a fact that mankind almost from the beginning of its existence or so far back as history or tradition can go, has believed in the existence of other worlds and in the possibility of communication between their powers and beings and the human race…... pre-existent forces and formations are pressing upon us to realise themselves in the physical world also; but only a part succeeds in getting through and even that emerges partially in a form and circumstance more proper to the system of terrestrial law and sequence. This precipitation takes place, normally, without our knowledge; we are not aware of the action of these Powers, Forces and Influences ...
... with the universal vital forces. The third, to which it usually opens only in a great aspiration for progress, comes to it from above by the infusion and absorption of spiritual forces and inspiration. To these sources men always strive more or less to add another, which is for them at the same time the source of most of their torments and misfortunes. It is the interchange of vital forces with their... their fellows, usually in groups of two, which they most often mistake for love, but which is only the attraction between two forces that take pleasure in mutual interchange. Thus, if we do not wish to starve our vital, sensations must not be rejected or diminished in number and intensity. Neither should we avoid them; rather we must make use of them with wisdom and discernment. Sensations are an ...
... various sources: either from the physical level below channeled by the sensations, or its own level in league with the universal vital forces, or from above in the form of a great aspiration for progress. And there is also, between individuals, the interchange of vital forces. While the vital world with its energies and irrationalities can be a danger and a trap for the unwary, and result in abuse... didn't think it odd to talk of a nation's soul; and certainly the idea was not foreign to the people of India: The thinking elite in India even identifies her with one of the aspects of the universal Mother, as the following extract from the Hymn to Durga illustrates: "Mother Durga! Rider on the lion, giver of all strength,... we, born from thy parts of Power, we the youth of India, are ...
... identification or universalisation may be more on one plane or level of consciousness than on another, predominantly mental or predominantly emotional (through universal sympathy or love) or vital of another kind (experience of the universal life forces) or physical. But in any case, even with the full realisation and experience it should be evident that this Page 141 cosmic play would be something... beyond all and the direct experience of the cosmic Energy and its forces, workings and formations, this latter experience not being complete till one has the sense of being commensurate with the universe or pervading, exceeding and containing it. Till then there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic... of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic universal oneness. Or on the contrary there may be some dynamic universalising of consciousness without the experience of the free static Self omnipresent everywhere,—the preoccupation with and pleasure of ...
... × “Many scientific theories refer to unverifiable and unobservable entities such as forces, fields, molecules, quarks, and universal laws. … Forces, fields atoms, quarks, past events, mental states, subsurface geological features, molecular biological structures – all are unobservables inferred from observable phenomena... then further reduced to the constituent atoms, which follow the laws of physics. Thus, in this approach, although the human body is complex, its operations can ultimately be analyzed in terms of the universal laws of physics.” 47 What seems to have escaped ‘orthodox’ present-day biology, however, is that the physics it envies is that of the nineteenth century, and that since Einstein and especially... of neo-Darwinism, deserves to be mentioned: “All so-called evolutionary laws are contingent [i.e. accidental, random] generalizations … with numerous exceptions, and are quite different from the universal laws of physics.” And he quotes Bernhard Rensch, another architect of neo-Darwinism: “Evolutionary ‘laws’ are greatly restricted in time and place and therefore do not satisfy the traditional definitions ...
... with the universal vital forces. The third, to which it usually opens only in a great aspiration for progress, comes to it from above by the infusion and absorption of spiritual forces and inspiration. To these sources men always strive more or less to add another, which is for them at the same time the source of most of their torments and misfortunes. It is the interchange of vital forces with their... and I wish to be able to lead even a child to it. Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its ultimate expression in the bliss of union. Between the two lie all the phases of its universal manifestation. At the beginning of this manifestation, in the purity of its origin, love is composed of two movements, two complementary Page 65 poles of the urge towards complete oneness... their fellows, usually in groups of two, which they most often mistake for love, but which is only the attraction between two forces that take pleasure in mutual interchange. Thus, if we do not wish to starve our vital, sensations must not be rejected or diminished in number and intensity. Neither should we avoid them; rather we must make use of them with Page 55 wisdom and discernment ...
... sensations. The second is on its own plane, when it is sufliciently wide and receptive, in contact with the universal vital forces. And the third, to which generally it opens only under a great aspiration for progress, comes from above through the infusion and absorption of spiritual forces and inspirations. To these men try more or less always to add another Page 140 source;... source; which is, at the same time, for them the source of most of their torments and misfortunes. It is the interchange of vital forces with their fellow creatures, generally grouped by twos, which they mistake for love, but which is only an attraction between two forces that take pleasure in mutual interchange. So, if we do not wish to starve our vital, the sensations should not be rejected... they are meant to lead even a child. Love is, in its essence, the joy of identity; it finds its supreme expression in the bliss of union. Between the two there are all the phases of its universal manifestation. At the beginning of this manifestation, love is, in the purity of its origin, composed of two movements, two complementary poles of the impulsion towards complete fusion. On ...
... suggestions, emotional formations, impulsions to sensation, action, dynamic experience. However large a part of this pressure may be traced to our own subliminal self or to the siege of universal Mind-forces or Life-forces belonging to our own world, there is an element which bears the stamp of another origin, an insistent supraterrestrial character. But the contacts do not stop here: for there is also... acted was not desire in an individual or a universal Mind or Life, but a will in the Spirit,—a will of Being deploying something of itself or of its Consciousness, realising a creative idea or a self-knowledge or an urge of its self-active Force or a turn to a certain formulation of its delight of existence. But if the world has been created, not by the universal Delight of existence, but for the desire... pre-existent forces and formations are pressing upon us to realise themselves in the physical world also; but only a part succeeds in getting through and even that emerges partially in a form and circumstance more proper to the system of terrestrial law and sequence. This precipitation takes place, normally, without our knowledge; we are not aware of the action of these Powers, Forces and Influences ...
... feel at once—not merely infer from their results, but feel directly—the action of the secret world-forces, mind-forces, life-forces, subtle physical forces that constitute universal and individual existence; we shall even be able, if we will but train ourselves to it, to lay our hands on these world-forces that throw themselves on us or surround us and more and more to control or at least strongly modify... working of the forces of universal Mind and to know how our thoughts are created by that working, separate from within the truth and falsehood of our perceptions, enlarge their field, extend and illumine their significance, become master of our own minds and active to shape the movements of Mind in the world around us. We begin to perceive the flow and surge of the universal life-forces, Page 183... bring into us for a lower life-motive. Afterwards too, even when the seeker has opened to the Divine Love transcendental, universal or immanent, yet if he tries to pour it into life, he meets the Page 166 power of obscuration and perversion of these lower Nature-forces. Always they draw away towards pitfalls, pour into that higher intensity their diminishing elements, seek to capture the ...
... safe to open oneself to the Universal before one has the power of discrimination, because all kinds of ideas, forces, impulses, even Rākshasic and Paishāchic rush into him. There are schools of Yoga that consider this conditions as "freedom" or Mukti and they also take pleasure in the “Universal manifestation”, as they call it. But that is not perfection. Perfection only comes when the Transcendental... simple affair at all. It is not a revolt against the British Government which any one can easily do. It is, in fact, a revolt against the whole universal Nature and so one must think deeply before enrolling oneself with me. There will be tremendous forces that will attack you and you have constantly to go on making the right choice and giving consent to the working of the Higher Truth and thereby... meditating or not. 2 . You should have an aspiration to separate your vital being and have its experience as a separate entity, so that the vital would be able to see the effect of other universal (vital) forces upon its own self. These are Page 64 the two things you must try to establish during your stay here. V : Do you find in me some progress ? Sri Aurobindo : ...
... the gods. (2) For they are the masters of substance who become in us substance of being and they are the illimitable by their vastnesses and they maintain the laws of their activity in the universality of forces. (3) May they work out for us peace, immortals for us who are mortals, repelling inimical powers. (4) May Indra and the Maruts discern for us paths for our easy progress and Pushan and... them, O Indra, thy voices laugh up to thee, seeking unfulfilled satisfaction to their lover and lord. (5) Excite entirely,O Indra, that manifold highest ecstasy below,—that Is of thee which is universal being and supreme. (6) Us too in that, O Indra, wholly excite to bliss; make us full of strong ecstasy and victorious strength, O thou brilliant in steadfast force. (7) So do thou dispose to... of the team of swift horses. (16) Thus have the Gotamas made for thee, O Indra, a cut clearness, the sacred words that yoke thy bright horses. Place in them then the thought that gives shape to universal things. At dawn may he come soon rich with thought. Page 220 SUKTA 62 (1) We are thinking a hymn of strength, a hymn of power to the great One when he puts forth his strength, to the ...
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