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Hitler and his God [1]
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Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
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Letters on Yoga - III [12]
Letters on Yoga - IV [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
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Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
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Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
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Our Light and Delight [1]
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Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [2]
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Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sun Blossoms [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Talks on Poetry [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [5]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [5]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [234]
A Centenary Tribute [5]
A Greater Psychology [4]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Blessings of the Grace [2]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Classical and Romantic [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education For Character Development [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [3]
Guidance on Education [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Inspiration and Effort [3]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [12]
Letters on Yoga - IV [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [1]
On the Path [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
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Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [3]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [2]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sun Blossoms [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Talks on Poetry [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [5]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [5]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
234 result/s found for Inner vision

... physical world also. Everything not physical is seen by an inner vision. When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter—so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past. The inner vision can see objects—but it can also see instead the vibration of the... experience. But in both it is the inner vision that sees. The physical things 1 are simply an occasion or starting-point for the inner vision to work through the open eyes and bring in the significant inner things. Representative and Dynamic Visions It depends on the nature of the symbolic vision whether it is merely representative, offering to the inner vision and nature (even though the... Visions, Sounds, Smells and Tastes Letters on Yoga - III Chapter II Kinds of Vision The Inner Vision There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see things in the physical world ...


... is the nature of these sights and objects that pass like a cinema film before you. If they are things seen by the inner vision, then there is no need to drive them away—one has only to let them pass. When one does sadhana an inner mind which is within us awakes and sees by an inner vision images of all things in this world and other worlds—this power of vision has its use, though one has not to be attached... the cosmic consciousness, the realisation of the Divine, the sense of the cosmic forces and other things—without any breaking of the veil through vision. Ordinarily, however, with most people the inner vision comes first. I said [ in the preceding letter ] the realisation of the Divine in the mind. If there is to be the total realisation, the breaking of the veil is indispensable. Usually... the eyebrows which is the centre of inner mind and its thought, will and vision, there is no harm in that. These lights and visions are not hallucinations. They indicate an opening of the inner vision whose centre is in the forehead Page 93 between the eyebrows. Lights are very often the first thing seen. Lights indicate the action or movement of subtle forces belonging to the different ...


... physical is seen by an inner vision. When the inner vision opens, there can come before it all that ever was or is now in the world, even it can open to things that will be hereafter—so there is nothing impossible in seeing thus the figures and the things of the past. Inner vision is vivid like actual sight, always precise and contains a truth in it. The inner vision can see objects, but it... came independent of his thoughts, they are not visual imagination but vision. This realm (whose centre is between the eyebrows) is the realm of inner thought, will, vision.... There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see... that the thing is being done. Vision in trance is vision no less than vision in the waking state. It is only the condition of the recipient consciousness that varies.... But in both it is the inner vision that sees. The mental visions are meant to bring in the mind—the influence of the things they represent. In mental vision the images are invented by the mind and are partly true, partly a ...


... In the Future Painting, you must not copy blindly the outer appearance without the inner Vision. Never let people's ideas influence your mind and impose their advice about the Future Painting. Do not try to adopt the technique either of modem art or of old classical art. But always try to express the true inner vision of your soul and its deep impression behind everything to bring out the Eternal Truth... gorgeous colours, but when there are no living vibrations and deep harmony, then obviously the paintings are lifeless and without value. But where there is a combination of the two—outward charm and inner vision—then they are real and can be considered as true art. In your paintings I have felt the living vibrations and that is very good. The Mother added: A true artist never speaks ...

... — the Mother who is looking at you, and your inner vision has suddenly opened to reveal Her presence. Then one comes across similar instances or one becomes responsive when one is touched by a marvellous scene in nature, enchanted by the creation of a music which seems celestial, or a message that a sentence or a word brings to you; for the inner vision has opened and one begins to see the hidden ... emotions undergo a transmutation — and a new vision, a new sensation and a new hearing open, and we do not see or hear anymore in the ordinary way or feel the earthly type of pain and suffering. An inner vision, a more subtle and profound hearing, a more true and exact sensation awaken in us, and we begin to have an experience by identity; and we no longer see the exterior as it is, but we see the truth ...


... same “density” ... but the appearance is exactly the same. Those who have an inner vision see something, but that’s only because they have the capacity of inner vision. 18 The new way of being would only be visible to someone who himself or herself had the supramental vision. 19 And yet that so-called “inner vision” or supramental vision is a material vision, since Mother saw material facts: ...

... scenes come before my eyes even when I have not thought of them and when I have not wanted their presence. Are these images mental or subtle?       These are not mental images. There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic. Just as your physical eyes see...         Are subtle images restricted to any particular object or realm?       Subtle images can be images of all things in all worlds.       Everything not physical is seen by an inner vision.         I saw Mother's form in a dream last night. Was it real or was it imagination only at work?       What do you mean by real? It was the form of Mother in a dream experience... then? Can one really enjoy it without going to the supraphysical worlds?       What light? If you mean the supraphysical light you don't get it on the physical. You get the supraphysical inner vision often behind the physical sight and you see with that, supraphysical things as is perfectly natural.         When one tries to do something that is contrary to the Divine's Will, what is ...

... much difficulty in developing it. It was so even with me. It would be something of a miracle to see things without the faculty of seeing. We don't deal much in miracles of that kind. It (the inner vision) does not come as easily to intellectuals as it does to men with a strong life-power or the emotional and the imaginative. At this early stage of sadhana most of the things seen are formations... required into an inmost consciousness by which one becomes aware of the self and spirit, the Eternal and the Divine. These lights and visions are not hallucinations. They indicate an opening of the inner vision whose centre is in the forehead between the eyebrows. Lights are very often the first thing seen. Lights indicate the action or movement of subtle forces belonging to the different planes of being—the... very often in order to develop the power use the method of trāṭak , concentrating the vision on a single point or object—preferably a luminous object. The seeing of colours is the beginning of inner vision, what is called sūkṣmadṛṣṭi . Afterwards this vision opens and one begins to see figures and scenes and people. Sri Aurobindo ...


... mind—therefore also of the inner mental will and inner mental vision. Page 237 The centre of vision is between the eyebrows in the centre of the forehead. When it opens one gets the inner vision, sees the inner forms and images of things and people and begins to understand things and people from within and not only from outside, develops a power of will which also acts in the inner (Yogic)... the beginning of the Yogic as opposed to the ordinary mental consciousness. In the forehead between the eyes but a little above is the Ajnachakra, the centre of the inner will, also of the inner vision, the dynamic mind etc. (This is not the ordinary outer mental will and sight, but something more powerful, belonging to the inner being.) When this centre opens and the Force there is active, then... pressure can be felt in all the forehead and the eyebrows also or anywhere there. It radiates from the centre. The forehead centre is that of inner mind and vision. It is really through that inner vision that one sees the lights—the open eyes are only a channel for seeing them outside as well as within. The pressure from within upon the forehead centre begins very often after the pressure ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... your inner vision and feeling that are not opened so that you cannot see or feel her. What came down to the centre of the forehead was the answer, let us say the touch of the Mother's presence,—her consciousness, her force working in you to open the centre of the inner vision. For in the centre of the forehead between the eyebrows is the centre of the inner mind, inner will, the inner vision and ...

... "The impersonal truth of things can be rendered into the abstract formulas of the pure reason, but there is another side of truth which belongs to the spiritual or mystic vision and without that inner vision of realities the abstract formulation of them is insufficiently alive, incomplete. The mystery of things is the true truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation... thinker too is often guided in his deliberations by an inner background of specific vision. In fact, the thinker will be able to express the knowledge more and more in proportion as he leans on the inner vision as his secret support. If he happens to be a poet-philosopher, let the thinker in him first of all fall silent in reverent hush 12 and let the poet behold and give shape; and once this is adequately... me Congr è s International de Philosophie (Bruxelles, 1953). Page 126 A profound thinker seeks no doubt the nourishment of his conceptual scheme in the effulgent source of an inner vision. But, what is more interesting, his thinking itself often assumes a pictorial appearance. For, as has been aptly described by M. Masterman-Braithwaite, whenever "we think most deeply, we nearly ...

... of art reduces itself in analysis. But it is the turn given to each of the constituents which makes all the difference in the aim and effect of the technique and the source and character of the inner vision guiding the creative hand in their combination which makes all the difference in the spiritual value of the achievement, and the unique character of Indian painting, the peculiar appeal of the art... obsession of the mind that has been subtly and strangely changed, the eye that has been trained to see, not as others with only the external eye but by a constant communing of the mental parts and the inner vision with the self beyond mind and the spirit to which forms are only a transparent veil or a slight index of its own greater splendour. The outward beauty and power, the grandeur of drawing, the richness ...


... experiences and visions? She has not related them to us. But there is nothing improbable in it. It means simply that she externalised her inner vision and experience so as to see through the physical eyes also, but it was Page 288 the inner vision that saw and the inner hearing that heard, not the physical sight or hearing. That is common enough. It does not indicate an "advanced" sadhana ...

... come from the paraṁ jyotiḥ . Lights of various colours are one of the first things people see when they meditate. There is no imagination in the seeing of these lights—it is when the inner vision is open or active that one sees them—for they themselves are subtle and not physical lights. A concentrated mind is not always necessary for seeing the light—if there is an opening anywhere... Different Forms of Light One sometimes sees the Light in masses, sometimes in forms—and the most common forms are sun, moon, star or fire. The Light is often seen in front before the centre of inner vision, mind and will which is between the eyebrows in the forehead. The Sun means the formed Light of the Divine Truth, the starry light is the same Light acting as a diffused Power on the ordinary c ...


... It has become extremely sensitive.... It appears not to have the same "density"... but the appearance is exactly the same. Those who have an inner vision see something [another form of Mother], but that's only because they have the capacity of inner vision. So that's it [i.e., the residue]. You understand, in the consciousness of the cells, there is the consciousness which is "internal" to the cells ...


... the inner truths of existence and harmonise them all in the language of a real aesthetic vision.  Great literature blends a high intensity of rhythmic expression with an answering immensity of inner vision. The literature of the future must be expressive of the deepest soul of the individual as well as of the universal spirit in all things, and correspondingly evolve a language of its own, -... or moon-ebb lure, when I Have gripped the Eternal in a rock of trance ? There is found today in literature more than in the past a marked futurist outlook, a more profound inner vision opening new creative possibilities; it has both an inspiration and a promise for a greater future. Modern literature is remarkably preoccupied by themes that exceed the immediate present, by ...


... the star in such a context indicates the promise of the new being that is to be formed. It depends on the nature of the symbolic vision whether it is merely representative, presenting to the inner vision and nature (even though the outer mind has not the understanding, the inner can receive its effect) the thing symbolised in its figure or whether it is dynamic. The Sun symbol, for instance,... physical and vital, but forces making for enlightenment of these parts of the being. The flowers usually indicate a psychic activity. The light is often seen in front before the centre of inner vision, mind and will which is between the eyebrows in the forehead. The light outside means a touch or influence of the force indicated by the light (golden is Truth-light, blue some spiritual force ...


... a greater consciousness through a Truth-sight and Truth-light and its seeing and seizing power. It can effect a more powerful and dynamic integration; it illumines the thought-mind with a direct inner vision and inspiration, brings a spiritual sight into the heart and a spiritual light and energy into its feeling and emotion, imparts to the life-force a spiritual urge, a truth inspiration that dynamises... become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity. This inner vision is one form of psychological experience; but the inner experience is not confined to that seeing; vision only opens, it does not embrace. Our whole being ought to demand God and not only our ...


... experience (from the subtle physical, the subconscient, all the inner regions) and the memory of a physical fact. There is a very great difference in quality, the same difference that exists between inner vision and physical vision. Physical vision is precise, well defined, and at the same time flat—I don't know how to explain it: it's very flat, totally superficial, but very accurate, with the kind of... memory of having gone downstairs, of having seen certain people and things, spoken and organized certain things—several different scenes... of the PHYSICAL memory. Not at all things I saw with the inner vision while exteriorized, but the MATERIAL memory of having done certain things. Afterwards, I had to look into it: it really was a memory. It suddenly struck me, and I wondered, "Did I really go ...


... ss conceal the spiritual realities they figure) as symbols which awaken the reader's inner vision and reveal and illuminate the divine truth hidden in the form. Finally, the poetic vision expressed by the poet leads beyond itself to a truth of the soul. The greatest poetry has the power to awaken that inner vision in us and to reveal some truth of the spirit itself. In the greatest poetry, poetic vision ...

... a knowledge that is secret but already existent in the being: it is not an acquisition, but something that was always there and revealable. "It sees the truth from within and illumines with that inner vision the outsides and it harmonises, too, readily — provided we keep intuitively awake — with whatever fresh truth has yet to arrive." 17 Mind and Higher Mind Between the Mind and the... but by vision; thought is here only a subordinate movement expressive of sight. The illumined mind can effect a more powerful and dynamic integration; "it illumines the thought-mind with a direct inner vision and inspiration, brings a spiritual sight into the heart and a spiritual light and energy into its feeling and emotion, imparts to the life-force a spiritual urge, a truth inspiration that dynamises ...

... indicate an advanced sadhana?       She has not related them to us. But there is nothing improbable in it. It means simply that she externalised her inner vision and experience so as to see through the physical eyes also, but it was the inner vision that saw and the inner hearing that heard, not the physical sight or hearing. That is common enough. It does not indicate an "advanced" sadhana, whatever ...

... the right thing. Necessarily—until the ear and feeling are satisfied, one has to do that. For overhead poetry to come with a faultless rush one must be very very. 140 You talk about inner vision, inner feeling, etc., but the blessed writer himself doesn't know very often he has visioned something; all the same he writes. That you must have in order to understand and judge about the... have to train your ear to judge the source of Bengali poetry. Is it a question of the ear? Great Scott, man! Poetry and no question of the ear? Just the other day you wrote that by the inner vision, inner feeling, etc. one must understand and judge the source of poetry. How does the ear come in now? Have you read only that sentence and not other things I have written about overmind rhythm ...

... sometimes images are forced—How to understand that? Inner feeling? One can surely feel that if one tries. My inner vision didn't tell me that "the book of the Ocean" was a forced image, nor did it tell me that the poem was not cogent enough... Well then, the inner vision or the subtle sense of these things has to be developed till it is capable of feeling and seeing these differences. ...

... process and arrived at a correct understanding of it. For instance, if the artist wants to represent a God in sculpture or painting, he has at first to visualise the form of the God in an inner vision and then only to paint or sculpt it. At times he may arrive at the form by coming in contact with the higher worlds of being or planes of consciousness. In that case the artist brings back... is evidence that all great artists had contact with a higher world of which most of them were occasionally or always conscious. Q. Granting that the artist must create according to his inner vision, I don't understand why he should be asked to meditate on forms according to fixed formula or Dhyan Mantras, as is prescribed in ancient Indian texts. A. I quite agree with you. Perhaps ...

... experience (from the subtle physical, the Subconscient, all the inner regions) and the memory of a physical fact? There is a very great difference in quality, the same difference that exists between inner vision and physical vision. Physical vision is precise, well-defined, and at the same time flat—I don't know how to explain it: it's very flat, totally superficial, but very accurate, with the kind of... memory of having gone downstairs, of having seen certain people and things, spoken and organized certain details—several different scenes of the PHYSICAL memory. Not at all things I saw with the inner vision while exteriorized, but the MATERIAL memory of having done certain things. Afterwards, I had to look into it: it really was a memory. It suddenly struck me, and I wondered, “Did I really go downstairs ...

... is looked upon as a division of the Indivisible, but there is no such thing: for this division is only apparent; there is a demarcation, but no real separation is possible. When we see with the inner vision and sense and not with the physical eye a tree or other object, what we become aware of is an infinite one Reality constituting the tree or object, pervading its every atom and molecule, forming... The impersonal truth of things can be rendered into the abstract formulas of the pure reason, but there is another side of truth which belongs to the spiritual or mystic vision and without that inner vision of realities the abstract formulation of them is insufficiently alive, incomplete. The mystery of things is the true truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... a poet's or artist's, though that can be strong enough) but if fully followed out bring a constant growth of the being and the consciousness and its richness of experience and its scope.. The inner vision is an open door on higher planes of consciousness beyond the physical mind which gives room for a wider truth and experience to enter and act upon the mind. These first seeings are only an outer... of the Presence as well as the Image in the heart, of many other things that bring what man seeks through religion or yoga. To see the Brahman everywhere is not possible unless you develop the inner vision—to do that you have to concentrate. One can go to experience direct,—it [vision] can come in afterwards as a powerful aid to experience; it can be full of indications which help to self-knowledge ...


... In the Future Painting, you must not copy blindly the outer appearance without the inner vision. Never let people's ideas influence your mind and impose their advice about the Future Painting. Do not try to adopt the technique either of modern art or of old classical art. But always try to express the true inner vision of your soul and its deep impression behind everything to bring out the Eternal Truth ...


... thought-power and the characteristic way of expression of the born philosophic thinker hampered him in poetic expression. It was the constant outstreaming of form and thought and image from an abundant inner vision of life which made Shakespeare, whatever his other deficiencies, the sovereign dramatic poet. Sight is the essential poetic gift. The archetypal poet in a world of original ideas is, we may say... at least a personal interpretation and transmutation of the thing seen. The poet really creates out of himself and not out of what he sees outwardly: that outward seeing only serves to excite the inner vision to its work. Otherwise his work would Page 36 be a mechanical construction and putting together, not a living creation. Sheer objectivity brings us down from art to photography; and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... poetry, often though not always, one has to catch the bhāva of the deeper significance directly through the figures and by that arrive at the form of the intellectual meaning or else share in the inner vision, whichever may be the thing to be conveyed by the poem. Mystic poetry can be written from any plane, provided the writer gets an inspiration from the inner consciousness whether mind, vital... abstractness; but these images must be felt as very real and concrete things, otherwise they become like the images used by the philosophic poets, decorative to the thought rather than realities of the inner vision and experience. 28 May 1937 Spiritual imagery is perfectly free. Occult imagery usually fixes itself to a system of symbols, otherwise it can't be understood even by the initiates. But spiritual ...


... We can't say, but the source has dried up and that is something extremely important. In 1920, that terror was trying to spread all over the world and to become really catastrophic; and then in my inner vision I could see that a whole movement had dried up at its source. This means that little by little, little by little, little by little... the karma is being exhausted. The same goes for these little... which is much too limited and superficial). But it obviously does have results. That vision of terror clearly diverted the course of events that nations were being pushed into. But only someone with inner vision can see it. ( silence ) Is it eleven o'clock? All right then, keep on with your book. It's good, much better than you think! ( gesture of denial from Satprem ) Yes, yes, I know what you ...


... too, possesses a perspective and an anatomy; it, too, has a focus of observation which governs and guides the composition, in the ensemble and in detail. Only, it is not the physical eye, but an inner vision, not the angle given by the retina, but the angle of a deeper perception or consciousness. To understand the difference, let us ask ourselves a simple question: when we call back to memory a landscape... other foundations. His procedure was, first, to get a focus within the mind, to discover a psychological standpoint, and from there and in accordance with the subtler laws and conventions of an inner vision create a world that is unique and stands by itself. The aim was always to build from within, at the most, from within outwards, but not from without, not even from without inwards. This inner ...

... knowledge. He has also said that the last one is the true sense and when one gets it the others drop or are cut away. According to him, 'the Rishis saw the Truth, the true law of things, directly by an inner vision'. He also said that 'the true sense of the Vedas can be recovered directly by meditation and tapasya’. We also find that the Vedic Rishis themselves believed that their hymns contain a Page... teaching. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, Brahmasutra and Bhagavadgita is continuing to develop even in our own times. It is true that the Upanishads are concerned mainly with the inner vision and not directly with outward .human action; yet, all the highest principles of ethics held out by Buddhism, Jainism and later Hinduism are products of the very life and significance of the truths ...


... communicate directly with your soul. It becomes like a bridge, and I transmit the force. It passes directly from my eyes, like a ray of light, invisibly, — invisible for those who have not developed the inner vision. But it is in this way that I communicate and work to change the consciousness, the attitude, and to illumine it and guide it for the total progress of the persons whom I see. There are all sorts... formation, a sincere aspiration or a vibration, then I concentrate deep within myself to distinguish better and judge the magnitude of this aspiration or this vibration and when it appears in my inner vision — there, it is as clear as I see you in front of me just now — I hear everything, and I send the answer. It does not get formulated, it does not take time. It is spontaneous, aimed directly at the ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... knowledge. He has also said that the last is the true sense and when one gets it the others drop or are cut away. According to him, "the Rishis saw the Truth, the true law of things, directly by an inner vision". He also said that "the true sense of the Vedas can be recovered directly by meditation and tapasya". We also find that the Vedic Rishis themselves believe that their mantras contain a secret knowledge... teaching. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, a Brahmasutra and Bhagawad Gita is continuing to develop even in our own times. It is true that the Upanishads are mainly concerned with the inner vision and not directly with outward human action; yet, all the highest ethics of Buddhism and later Hinduism are emergences of the very life and significance of the truths to which they give expressive ...


... and special forms of devotion to the universal Ananda of the Divine which comes to us by approach to and oneness with the self-existent and universal spirit. And though mainly concerned with an inner vision and not directly with outward human action, all the highest ethics of Buddhism and later Hinduism are still emergences of the very life and significance of the truths to which they give expressive ...


... has he anything more to do? No. But it is not easy to do it completely. How can we recognise someone who gives all he has and is and does to the Divine? You can't, unless you have the inner vision. 14 January 1937 Page 615 What does Mother mean by this sentence in Conversations: "When you eat, you must feel that it is the Divine who is eating through you" [ p. 23 ]? It ...

... in every movement of the organs. With this alone one could be busy day and night without having to do anything else.... One does not keep up the effort and, above all, the concentration, nor the inner vision. I have put to you quite a superficial question: it seems astonishing to you that one can know the exact amount of what one should eat, and what should be eaten at a certain time, and at what ...


... must be very quiet, very attentive, calm the mind as much as possible, because as soon as it begins to stir, the phenomenon is distorted. In any case, in a very general way, this proves that the inner vision is beginning to develop or is developed. ( Silence ) Nothing more? Do you have another question? Regarding the film we saw, what is the place of suffering in artistic creation? The ...


... image of her is reflected in his own mind. But there is nothing extraordinary, much less impossible in seeing a person whom one has never seen—you are thinking as if the inner mind and sense, the inner vision were limited by the outer mind and sense, the outer vision, or were a mere reflection of that. There would be not much use in an inner mind and sense and vision if they were only that and nothing ...


... nothing, we are not even aware of their existence. To all this unseen movement and action the subliminal inner consciousness can open our awareness, for it has a knowledge of it by direct contact, by inner vision, by a psychic sensitiveness; but at present it can only enlighten our obtuse superficiality and outwardness by unexplained warnings, premonitions, attractions and repulsions, ideas, suggestions ...


... submerging under its heavy flood the result sometimes of numberless efforts. Then the being enters a sort of torpor, its physical needs of food and sleep increase, its intelligence is clouded, its inner vision veiled, and in spite of the little interest it really finds in such superficial activities, they occupy it almost exclusively. This state is extremely painful and tiring, for nothing is more tiring ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... It comes progressively. Do not strain. Be calm and confident. 12 March 1973 * Please help me to distinguish between the bubbling of ideas and an inner vision of necessities. The mind must be quiet and silent before you can receive an inspiration from above. * A very very quiet head is indispensable for a clear understanding and vision ...


... Page 139 A very, very quiet head is indispensable for a clear understanding and vision and a right action. Please help me to distinguish between the bubbling of ideas and an inner vision of necessities. The mind must be quiet and silent before you can receive an inspiration from above. The mind must remain quiet to let the Force flow through it for an integral manifestation ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... feel what you mean and enter into it by a kind of identification. Failing this experience, a sympathetic insight can bring the significance home; certainly, Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their minds are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayrai have no such training; it is ...


... cast upon it, but begins to throw up at once around them its own rich matter of receptive being and shaping force and so creates something new, something more personal, intimate, fuller of a first inner vision, emotion, passion of self-expression. This is the source of the new intensity; it is this impulse towards an utterance of the creative life-power within which drives towards the dramatic form and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... but "valleyed sake" carries the principle of the " Arṣa prayog " (Rishi's license) beyond the boundaries of the possible. 2) When an image comes out from the mind not properly transmuted in the inner vision or delivered by the alchemy of language, it betrays itself as coin of the fancy or the contriving intellect and is then called a conceit. These two lines sound very much like a conceit; transmuted ...


... was before dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when Page 338 the Reality is all around you, you feel at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined and seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine. Then you can much less doubt it or deny it than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... feeling and your new attitude towards people are signs of the change. The seeing Page 223 of inner things also usually comes with this growth of the inner being and consciousness; it is an inner vision which awakes in most sadhaks when they enter this stage. It is also a characteristic of this inner consciousness that even when it is active, there is felt behind the action or containing it ...


... in the heart one has to go deep, but one can see light elsewhere without going in deep there. Light is often seen between the eyebrows first or in front at that level, for there is the centre of inner vision and a slight opening of it is sufficient for that—so also light is often seen round the head or above it, outside. If it was a Light, you would see the Light. Vibrations are either of a Force ...


... oppositions. For those who wish to lead the spiritual life, the Divine must always come first, everything else must be secondary. Keep yourself detached and look at these things from the calm inner vision of one who is inwardly dedicated to the Divine. Well, that is right. The difficulty of the difficulties is self-created, a knot of the Ignorance; when a certain inner perception loosens the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... them and separate oneself from them, persisting in the concentration and sadhana till the vital becomes quiet and clear. (3) The things you saw (moon, sky etc.) are due to the opening of the inner vision; this usually comes when the concentration begins to open up the inner consciousness of which this subtle vision is a part. This faculty of vision has its importance in the development of the inner ...


... probable in the past, present or future. This is an instance of a dream of exact physical prevision. The power to have such dreams is comparatively rare, for ordinarily such previsions come in inner vision but not in sleep. In dreams vital or mental formations often take shape which sometimes fulfil themselves in essence, but not with this accuracy of detail. It is only a particular class of dreams ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... a result of the descent of Force, or a sign that it is too much for her, but a wrong movement of the body which she must check and get rid of altogether. The colours are only a sign that the inner vision is open; if it develops things of a more definite kind will appear. Write to her again that if she wants to do sadhana, she must get rid of fear altogether; fear opens the door to the adverse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... sometimes glimpses of the things on other planes, sometimes symbols; e.g., the golden water, golden tree, rising moon. At certain stages of the inner opening such things come in great number before the inner vision. The feet of which you saw the golden footprints must have been the Mother's in one of her divine forms descending from the higher plane. The pricking and the heat are both of them signs of an action ...

... others drop or are cut away. It is this spiritual sense that saves and the rest is outward and subordinate. He says further that "the Rishis saw the truth, the true law of things, directly by an inner vision"; afterwards the knowledge and the inner sense of the Veda were almost lost and the Rishis who still knew had to save it by handing it down through initiation to disciples and at a last stage outward ...


... nothing, we are not even aware of their existence. To all this unseen movement and action the subliminal inner consciousness can open our awareness, for it has a knowledge of it by direct contact, by inner vision, by a psychic sensitiveness; but at present it can only enlighten our obtuse superficiality and outwardness by unexplained warnings, premonitions, attractions and repulsions, ideas, suggestions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... figure, not as its evidence, but as its intimate conditions, connections and relations, its constituent parts or its wings of circumstance. Mental and sense observation would be changed into an inner vision using the instruments as channels, but not dependent on them as the mind in us is blind and deaf without the physical senses, and this vision would see not merely the thing, but all its truth, its ...


... psychic senses of which the sight is the most developed ordinarily and the first to manifest itself with any largeness when the veil of the absorption in the surface consciousness which prevents the inner vision is broken. But all the physical senses have their corresponding powers in the psychical being, there is a psychical hearing, touch, smell, taste: indeed the physical senses are themselves in reality ...


... In fact, all genuine poetry goes beyond it, even Classical Poetry at its truest, in spite of having an intellectually lucid expression as its ideal; for, however intellectualised, it is Vision, inner Vision, that writes poetry, and when such Vision is on the scene the intellect is not the chief figure though its minor figure may be made to stand side by side with the chief: only pseudo-Classicism is ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... satisfied with mirroring or just beautifully responding, but begins to throw up at once around them its own rich matter of being and so creates something new, more personal, intimate, fuller of an inner vision, emotion, passion of self-expression. This is the source of the new intensity; it is this impulse towards an utterance of the creative life-power within which drives towards the dramatic form and ...


... 34 An infinite Presence whose multiple centres are in our own bosoms, an All-God or Pantheos who is All-Man or Pananthropos, a Divine Humanity secretly perfect and waiting to be realised in an inner vision which embraces all outer things and holds them in an eternity of Jesus: such is Blake's Christianity and this Christianity is essentially at little variance with Wordsworth. A certain Gnostic element ...


... a projective or responsive awareness of things at a slight or great distance, a premonitory sense of things about to happen [or] preparing to happen, a feeling of things or persons not seen, an inner vision of physical objects and happenings not before the eye and hundreds of other phenomena not normal to the ordinary mind. These phenomena are ordinarily labelled occult or psychic or described as ...


... the battle. It's over. It's over. ( silence ) It has taken this Consciousness 3 ... a little more than a year to win this Victory. Naturally, as yet it's visible only to those who have the inner vision, but... its done. ( long silence ) That was the work Sri Aurobindo had given me, that was it. Now I understand. But it's as if from every side—every side—those mental forces, mental powers ...


... that people are insincere simply because one part of their being says one thing and another part says something else. That's what causes insincerity. It came very clearly: a vision, you know, an inner vision. So I tried to put it down on paper; I don't know if it's clear. But it's very difficult to remain in a permanent state of consciousness, to have always the same consciousness prevailing at ...


... what you mean and enter into it by a kind of identification. Failing this experience, a sympathetic insight can bring the significance home; certainly, Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their minds are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayarai have no such training; it ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... beautiful vibrations in the air. The beautiful vibrations result by virtue of an inner harmony seized by the poet, a special thrill of experience, a special movement of the being in the shape of inner vision and inner emotion: that thrill and movement translates itself, in a successful poem, into the sound-arrangement of words, the powerful yet measured music of verbal rhythm. If poetry says anything ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

...   AMAL KIRAN is a scholar of extraordinary depth and understanding. His intuitive analysis of Sri Aurobindo's insights offers a unique instance of the creative integration of scholarship and inner vision. I, for one, have been greatly benefited by his critiques of Aurobindian poetry and poetics. His is not a mere re-rendering of the master's voice but a creative interpretation. He never takes anything ...


... where the occult joins the overhead. Not so thick-hued, nor blithesomely enchanting, is the poetry of Arjava (J.A. Chadwick) about whom Sri Aurobindo had said that he "writes poems of inner vision and feeling" and that his "mind is sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression". Regarding his The Mother of Time Sri Aurobindo had written to ...


... “The impersonal truth of things can be rendered into the abstract formulas of the pure reason, but there is another side of truth which belongs to the spiritual or mystic vision and without that inner vision of realities the abstract formulation of them is insufficiently alive, incomplete. The mystery of things is the true truth of things; the intellectual presentation is only truth in representation ...

... a moment all that was before dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when the Reality is all around you, you feel at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined and seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine. Then you can much less doubt it or deny it than ...


... him on 17.10.1979: "After this vision I find and feel the Mother's concrete physical presence inside the Ashram building. One day in the Ashram meditation hall... with open eyes and not in an inner vision, I saw the Mother sitting on the bed with a glowing divine golden body which looked most concretely physical beyond a sha­dow of doubt" (Gangadhar in Mother India Jun 1980:358ff) Earlier ...


... like a tongue of flame! But though such things I have seen, I have never before seen this sort of flashing gold on your face at such close quarters. Whatever can it mean?" "It means that your inner vision is developing," she said with a beaming smile, "and when this power will further increase, new and vivid worlds will open before your eyes. This is only the beginning, the outer fringe, as Sri Aurobindo ...


... progress if he had not shut the door that was opening. Evidently, he made a mistake when he stopped the visions that were coming. Vision and hallucination are not the same thing. The inner vision is an open door on higher planes of consciousness beyond the physical mind which gives room for a wider truth and experience to enter and act upon the mind. It is not the only or the most important ...

... a moment all that was before dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when the Reality is all around you, you feel at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined and seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine. Then you can much less doubt it or deny it than ...

... beautiful he has first to see it within, to realise it as a whole in his inner consciousness; only when so found, seen, held within, can he execute it outwardly; he creates according to this greater inner vision. This too is a kind of yogic discipline, for by it he enters into intimate communion with the inner worlds. In our class the majority of the students did abstract and modem paintings. ...


... like to talk about these things, though—they don't interest me. As Sri Aurobindo said, I lived my whole life absolutely free. I watched myself living through events like watching a movie. I had an inner vision, an inner will, and my inner reason for doing things was an Order received, an Order I was conscious of; but outwardly—fantastic!... Naturally—how else could it have been? Here in Pondicherry ...


... It has lost the game. ( Silence ) It took... a little more than a year for this Consciousness 2 to win this victory. And still, naturally, it is not visible except to those who have the inner vision, but... but it is done. ( Long silence ) It was this, the work that Sri Aurobindo had given me. Now I understand. But it is as if from all sides—all sides—these forces, these powers of ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... don't know how to... The impression is of something stonelike. It doesn't respond. ( long silence ) For... for years, even from the time Sri Aurobindo was here, there had been the vision—an inner vision—that India is the place where the fate of the earth will be decided. So the two opposite possibilities are there. As if it were said that if there were war, it would be over India; that the world ...


... defined groups of light, but not fixed (they were plastic), and organizing themselves like this ( same gesture of a kaleidoscope ). When I started talking, I almost stopped seeing.... I was in an inner vision, very deep inside. A very special consciousness. It was moving about and organizing itself with great suppleness ( same gesture ) And the whole thing was like a nimbus, like the haloes they ...


... things I then understood. One, for instance, which I had noticed with Sri Aurobindo for all the small details of life, well all things as they are on earth—mere nothings; when I went to him with an inner vision and said to him, "This is how I see that" (I would say it to him with words or not), it would AUTOMATICALLY become true, it would become real: things that were neither in my hands nor in his nor ...


... looks up at the ceiling —he likes to look tall). He's very tall and all black. (That's more or less his natural state; he appears to humans blazing with light, but that doesn't fool someone with inner vision: it's an icy light. But some people are fooled and take him for the supreme God. Anyway, that's an aside.) So he was there and I went to him—not to him: I went to that place and found him there ...


... human will but more the nature of vision than that of thought: it's like a vision imposing itself in order to be realized, in a domain very close to material Matter, but invisible except to the inner vision. And That, that Vibration, exerts a pressure on people, on things, on circumstances, in order to fashion them according to its vision. And it's irresistible. Even people who think the opposite, ...


... conquer." The Mother's cry of "death" or "victory" can lead an Aurobindonian worker like her to nothing save the same paradox in a new key. But her change mystifies us, in spite of all that the inner vision can descry, because there is none to confirm what is seen and because it is difficult to reconcile with it the fact that Sri Aurobindo, unlike the Mother, could afford to sacrifice himself knowing ...


... mind, but they are still free and found by a creative activity of the mathematical conscious- ness, akin to the activity of the artist. Being artistic in quality they are reached by a sort of inner vision, a sort of intuition. They are divined. In Einstein's view, the mathematician's mind has a capacity of sheer ' "Simplest" does not mean for Einstein the easiest to conceive or memorise: ...

... submerged. I felt extremely uncomfortable because it was a most unusual phenomenon with me. But I think the extreme form of my experience was secretly a gift of the Mother's grace, for it broke open an inner vision. When I hung my head down and looked between my legs at the stairs, I did not see the stairs but a black abyss, a bottomless black abyss. At once I was shocked into saying: "Ah, so this is what ...


... true Consciousness and of manifesting it.... It took a little more than a year for this Consciousness to win this victory. And still, naturally, it is not visible except to those who have the inner vision, but it is done... This is the fourteenth month since the Consciousness came..." A footnote identifies what the Mother is referring to: "The superman consciousness which manifested on 1 January ...

... speaks of several schools of Vedic interpretation, from which it singles out as the most authentic the spiritual one holding that "the Rishis saw the truth, the true law of things, directly by an inner vision." 6 In further support of Sri Aurobindo there is the curious fact observable right to our own day and contradicting the trend of thought which sets the Rigveda aside as a 3.Ibid., pp. 5-6 ...


... feel what you mean and enter into it by a kind of identification. Failing this experience, sympathetic insight can bring the significance home; certainly, Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their mines are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayarai have no such training; it is ...


... the peace that passeth all understanding, the small current or thrill of inner delight the first trickling in of the ocean of Ananda, the play of lights or colours the key of the doors of the inner vision and experience, the descent that stiffens the body into a concentrated stillness the first touch of something at the end of which is the presence of the Divine. He is not impatient, he is rather ...

... an infinite commencement of truth. There are in the Upanishads, as in the Vedas, epic hymns of self-knowledge and world-knowledge and God-knowledge. Even though they are mainly concerned with an inner vision and not directly with outward human action, we find in them the sources of the highest ethical systems that developed in the later periods as the Indian idea of Dharma. The Upanishads constitute ...


... sadhaka is not being able to comprehend the inner significance of his apparent misfortune is due only to the vain and erroneous expectations of his ignorant ego-consciousness which obscure his inner vision thus preventing him from seeing the truth. These are times of tests for the sadhaka and he must try with all his strength not to listen to the misleading voices of the Adversary but, instead ...

... beings do really exist and are very much active in the world. "The reality of the Hostiles and the nature of their role and trend of their endeavour cannot be doubted by anyone who has had his inner vision unsealed and made their unpleasant acquaintance." (Letters on Yoga, Part One, p. 24) We have mentioned at the outset of this essay that the existence and nature of these adverse forces ...

... game. It is over. It is over. . (silence) It took... a little more than one year for this Consciousness to win this Victory. And yet, naturally, it is visible only to those who have the inner vision, but... but it is done. (long silence) This was that, the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to me Now, I understand. Page 194 But it is as if from all sides—all sides— ...

... creative Force, in Time and in Space. Page 108 But the goal is easier stated than realised. For, almost on universal evidence, any great stress of dynamism generally obscures the inner vision, brings in a relative loss of the Peace and Silence of the soul, and otherwise tends to lower the status of spiritual attainment. But this disability arises from the fact that attempts ...

... consciousness that varies -in one the waking consciousness shares in the vision, in the other it is excluded for the sake of greater facility and range in the inner experience. But in both it is the inner vision that sees. Page 197 HIGHER KNOWLEDGE AND MENTAL KNOWLEDGE         How is it that at times I feel myself in the proximity of knowledge and at times miles ...

... external form, hears external words and sounds — only what he sees and hears with his outer senses, that alone he sees and hears. To see or hear anything else is difficult for him, but the capacity for inner vision and hearing has to be opened, one has to try for it, it takes time. If it doesn’t happen in the beginning, don’t be sad. The Mother will always Page 187 love you and remember you, one ...

... wide-winged, high-soaring rhythms. Nowhere the authentic intuitive inspired utterance gets stied or marred by the falsifying intrusion of the external speech, nowhere the intrinsic light of the inner vision gets clouded or blurred in the revealing expression; nowhere the deeper subtle profundities and potencies get cribbed or maimed in transmission. The height and intensity of the poets inspiration ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sun Blossoms

... magnificent. "Magnifies" was used jokingly, of course. As I don't yet understand much of longs, shorts, narrows and thicks of your prosody, I laid the beauty of the line at the door of significance or inner vision. So "false value" is not what I meant. I am rather limited, or my solar plexus is inhibitory to profound things told in a bare and rugged way. For instance, your three lines against: "A rhythmic ...

... physical with the psychic behind as the inmost? How can there be one centre for all that?   Is it true that the point between the eyebrows is the centre of the will as well as of the inner vision? It is the centre of the inner mind - therefore also of the inner mental will and inner mental vision.   I sometimes feel as if my inner being is located above and lives on the ...

... mind centres that have become open and conscious.         While standing and looking at the Mother my eyes felt a burning pressure.       It may be to connect the outer with the inner vision.         The inertia is a thing of the subconscient nature and at most of the material body. My present sadhana is so much affected by the inertia. Are the sub-nature and physical parts ...

... Moksha). Seekers have different natures; therefore different ways of seeking have been prescribed, and the goal sought is also different for each. But even if the outer view sees many goals, the inner vision understands that the goal sought is one and the same for all seekers: it is self-fulfilment. In the Upanishad Yajnavalkya explains to his wife that all is for the self. The wife is for the self ...

... have met on the wild forest's lonely verge.       My father, I have chosen. This is done. 209     All are astonished, all sit silent "for a space". A "heavy shadow" floats before his inner vision, but Aswapati sees also a pursuing light; all may yet be well. He tells his daughter that she has chosen well:         If this is all, then all is surely well;       If there is more ...


... activity, in each movement of the organs. Only that and nothing more can keep you busy day and night with no other thing to look to. It is not easy to maintain the effort, the concentration, the inner vision in a continued manner. You have to enter into the disposition of the cells, your inner physical organisation if the body is to answer to the force that descends. First of all, you must be ...

... full of prejudices and preconceived ideas, stuffed with things he has heard or read. And he is tied to his constructions. But at times, here and there, very rarely indeed, artists appear with an inner vision, with a great aspiration and a great purity of soul; they do things that are acceptable. But they are exceptions, the contrary is the rule. I have seen some of these forms in the vital world ...

... true vision-form does not appear to them. But even if one is not able to see, one can feel or perceive these forces or presences. And feeling is a step towards realisation. There are, in the inner vision, symbols which are as old as the Vedas. NIRODBARAN: The cross is a significant one. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it is ancient and very well known. It marks the meeting-point of the Individual, the ...


... presence of this unvarying Ananda. These are the experiences of the planes of spiritual consciousness which reveal the splendours that are hidden in the higher worlds. But when one has this inner vision which opens the doors within our being and one begins to see the truth behind things, then one perceives that even in this material world there are so many things which escape our ordinary sight ...


... startled to find that it was true! DR. BECHARLAL: Is that outer vision or inner? SRI AUROBINDO: It can be either. By training one's vision one can see things at a distance. Training of the inner vision may produce a corresponding effect on the outer as well. NIRODBARAN: He used to read other people's thoughts by separating the mind from the body. SRI AUROBINDO: That is done by going to the ...


... all so young. Perhaps you don't even know the names of all my books!" "How did you acquire so much knowledge?" "Through Sadhana and Yoga. While I was in prison, doing my Sadhana, the eye of inner vision suddenly opened. For instance, about painting - I began to understand painting, Page 175 its qualities of colour and form and line. Also, I have already told you about the power acquired ...

... tradition, there is no stamp of personality on his art. SRI AUROBINDO: Not correct. What Coomaraswamy says about the inner and the outer vision is correct and interesting. The East has followed the inner vision in art, while the West the outer; but by outer is not meant simply the surface but the deeper things of the world. ...


... as if the whole body from head to foot were charged with a mass Page 34 of energy at once compact and crystalline ( a solid cool block of peace, 36 says Sri Aurobindo). And if our inner vision has begun to open, we may notice that everything has become bluish; we are like an aquamarine, and vast, vast, tranquil, without a ripple – such indescribable freshness, truly the feeling of bathing ...

... light no longer seems a light before the sun. If by "sun" you mean the super mind, it is unquestionable. But all physical lights, even the light of the sun, appear as obscure to an inner vision. 7.9.1969 Page 104 The physical light does not hide itself, but the supra-mental Light which is greater can hide itself. It is a mystery for man. The physical eyes are ...


... the Divine, the awareness of the Divine Consciousness and becoming one with it. ”¹ How it makes us keep to the line of advance in spite of ourselves ! And how, when we stray and wander, when our inner vision is dimmed and the heart's fire flags, it keeps pointing us to the distant Light and whispering in our ears : "Aham twām sarvapāpebhyaḥ mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ” (I will deliver thee from all ...


... still too few in mortal forms". As Aswapathy listened to these words, Savitri came to him, a goddess in human form. She was "bright moved torch of incense and of flame". He saw her with the inner vision, through the depths of the being. She appeared to him as "The strange significant icon of a Power Renewing its inscrutable descent Into a human figure of its works. "A godhead ...

... the moon by Rahu. Just as the moon is slowly devoured by Rahu, so was he by this black something. I didn’t have visions before. Is there any truth in it? SRI AUROBINDO: It is so seen when the inner vision is opened. It is an influence from an adverse force or from the universal lower nature (an influence more often than a possession) that brings about this violent depression and disturbance and it ...

... to "this central Presence." Colours. Lights. All possible subjects were included in Mirra's study. "All lights," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "are indications of a Force or Power." Mirra, whose inner vision was as vivid as her actual sight, could now determine the plane from which a particular light emanated, as well as its action, by the light's colour. Later, Mother and Sri Aurobindo made a detailed ...

... with Tilak, Khaparde, Lala Lajpat Rai, and others. A word here on V. Ramaswamy may not be without interest. In a letter of 1934 (24 October), in which Sri Aurobindo dwelt on the subject of inner vision, and the faculty of seeing unknown people, he said that "not only Yogins have it, but the ordinary clairvoyants, crystal-gazers, etc." Mother, whose inner faculties were highly developed, had 'prevision ...

... appearance; to us the true reality is that which is hidden; otherwise, there would be no need of the prophet, the philosopher, the poet and the artist. It is they who see with the sūkṣma dṛṣṭi , the inner vision, and not like the ordinary man with the eye only. Beauty for beauty's sake, the other great note of European Art is recognised by us, but not in the higher work of the artist. Just as in the first ...


... teats of the herd. It is in this capacity that Madhuchchhanda calls on the god of his preference, juhúmasi dyavi dyavi. A rich and clear activity of mind, abundant in perfect forms of thought and inner vision, is Page 365 the first aim of the sacrifice in this Sukta. But there is a deeper subtlety concealed in this vigorous pastoral simile which, once we have grasped its principle, opens ...


... comes formed by inscrutable means out of the soul. For this reason, too, poets of otherwise great faculty, have failed to give us living Page 405 men and women or really to show to our inner vision even the things of which they write eloquently or sweetly, because they are content to write about them after having seen them with the mind only, and have not been able or have not taken care first ...


... touches and glimpses; there is as if a leap of the lightning of revelation flaming out from those heavens for a moment and then returning into its secret source; as if the lifting of the eyelid of an inner vision and its falling again because the eye cannot look long and steadily on the utter light. The repetition of these touches and visitings from the Beyond fixes the Page 85 gods in their ...


... Archangel Gabriel by God's throne Sounding the advent of the Day of Wrath? Suddenly the wonder-widerness fades. A path Draws back from the future's depth of the unknown, Leaps out from inner vision to earth-space. Ending in a neighbour's window, a frowsy face.... The distant trumpet of a nose is blown. Page 611 ...


... whereby the heart is like a distant chamber at the back of the chest, and the breath cuts powerful channels of energy in the being, striking the frontal lobe, one can open oneself to worlds of inner vision and, if need be, leap through the fontanelle outside one's physical envelope and merge with the Eternal and Infinite. There is, thus, a strong chance that these new beings would not breathe in the ...


... love me no more.” Bharat Brahmachari once told Yogananda that one day he (Yogananda) was destined to meet this Mahapurush living on the seashore. As for himself, the Mother had granted him the inner vision; so he did not need to go to anyone. But IF for Her work She asked him to go — he surely would. And the one person She might ask him to go to was Sri Aurobindo. There were in this period quite a ...


... comes more easily with the eyes shut than with the eyes open, but it does come in both ways."   Of course, when the eyes are open, it is still not the physical sight that is operative: an inner vision acts simultaneously with the outer and imposes its own discoveries on what the latter discloses. In the situation pictured by Brown, the reality of a supraphysical body of Jesus makes itself manifest ...

... abstractness; but these images must be felt as very real and concrete things, otherwise they become like the images used by the philosophic poets, decorative to the thought rather than realities of the inner vision and experience." 13   The poetry of spiritual thought is not an abstraction either. The Thought itself is "real and present"; it is incarnate and intimate to the being of the poet and it ...


... daring to hazard what the nature of the form was in which Jesus appeared after death. Drawing upon Sri Aurobindo's pronouncements, he identifies this as a subliminal reality, apprehended by the inner vision of mystics like Paul, of a subtle physical substance, a causal body, descending from Paul's "third heaven" (the ideal or spiritual plane, beyond the vital and the mental). It is a remarkable conclusion ...


... face. His look was a wide daybreak of the gods, His head was a youthful Rishi's touched with light, His body was a lover's and a king's. 39 The moment Savitri met Satyavan her inner vision knew who he was. A marvel of the meeting earth and heavens Is he whom Savitri has chosen mid men, His figure is the front of Nature's march, His single being excels the works of ...

... the sky's. If we consider that blue firmament is basically the matrix of existence and consists of player of ether, then the sky becomes synonymous with the air of felicity. Savitri's inner vision can penetrate through many strata of the heavens and gain admission to secret realms as the divine gates swing open. When she comes back to earth with the soul of Satyavan, pursuing her ...

... greater consciousness through a Truth-sight and Truth-light and its seeing and seizing power. It can effect a more powerful and dynamic integration; it illumines the thought-mind with a direct inner vision and inspiration, brings a spiritual sight into the heart and a spiritual light and energy into its feeling and emotion, imparts to the life-force a spiritual urge, a truth inspiration that dynamises ...


... moment all that was before dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when the Reality is all around you, you feel at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined and seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine. Then you can much less doubt it or deny it than ...


... speech or actions of people or events in the physical world. Letters on Yoga, pp. 1492-93 The power to have such dreams is comparatively rare, for ordinarily such previsions come in inner vision but not in sleep. In dreams vital or mental formations often take shape which sometimes fulfil themselves in essence, but not with this accuracy of detail. It is only a particular class ...


... senses of which the sight is the most developed ordinarily and the first to manifest itself with any largeness when the veil of the absorption in the surface consciousness which prevents the inner vision is broken. But all the physical senses have their corresponding powers in the psychical being, there is a psychical hearing, touch, smell, taste: indeed the physical senses are themselves in reality ...


... attraction was there.” 1019 Konrad Heiden, a rather matter-of-fact journalist, has the following intriguing paragraph: “Suddenly, in the midst of a conversation, Hitler’s face grows tense as with an inner vision; these are the moments in which the humanly repulsive falls away from him and the unfathomable is intensified until it becomes truly terrible. His eyes peer into the distance, as though he were ...


... penetrates a form and helps to transform it, so that this form may become – either immediately or through successive generations – capable of manifesting that consciousness. For those who have the inner vision and knowledge, this is absolutely beyond doubt. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. But those who start from the other end, from below, will not admit it. But, all the same, it is not for ignorance ...

... the Mother's sacred bed (the bed on which her pure and holy physical sheath had been kept for some days after she had assumed the inner golden body), I was meditating. With open eyes and not in an inner vision, I saw the Mother sitting on the bed with a glowing divine golden body which looked most concretely physical beyond a shadow of doubt. Source: Mother India, June 1980, Page 358 ...


... an image of her as reflected in his own mind. But there is nothing extraordinary, much less improbable in seeing one whom one has never seen—you are thinking as if the inner mind and sense, the inner vision, were limited by the outer mind and sense, the outer vision, or were a mere reflection of that. There would be not much use in an inner mind and sense and vision if they were only that and nothing ...

... transforms in a moment all that was before dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when it is all around you felt at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined and seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, when everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine, then you can Page 221 much ...

... here — is a more intimately affectionate awareness of the outer life's details, including the details of Nature. Other points which are hardly an advantage are, in general, a tendency to have the inner vision in excited spurts instead of in a steady glow and a proclivity to hold together the golden glimpses either in a sort of happy heap or by means of a cementing intellectual imagination instead of ...


... sexagenarian doesn't make your case hopeless? You speak of a "vision-problem" which does not appear to refer altogether to your physical eyes. But surely, as far as I can see into you, your inner vision is absolutely unblurred. It is more clear than that of most people connected with the Ashram. In all that you write I can feel your love for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and your soul's sight of ...


... besides the direct touch of intuition, a life and strength of language, a palpable motion of that word-body as well as the soul's sign from afar. This means that not merely the subtle mind or the inner vision but at the same time the energy of the full waking consciousness is employed to catch inspi- Page 320 ration. What is thus created acquires a certain impetuous diversity; and ...


... intimate response of joy to the touch of objects, the craftsman's-love of moulding matter, etc. Thirdly, the senses are not, in their origin, merely physical powers: the life of the Spirit is a life of inner vision, inner contact, inner fusion — it is a life of concrete experience of the Divine Page 205 and of marvellous universes beyond the physical, it is a life in which the Infinite ...


... has not the overhead grip."   (What exactly is the mental process which would define "conceit" in poetry?)   "When an image comes out of the mind not properly transmuted in the inner vision or delivered by the alchemy of language, it betrays itself as coin of the fancy or the conceiving intellect and is then called a conceit."   (Would you describe the following poem of mine ...


... Sonorous metal blowing martial sounds. 16 Paradise Lost has onomatopoeia in diverse forms, and that too is part of its music; but here is a phonetic manifestation of the rhythm of the inner vision-feeling. This sort of word-vibration on the one hand and on the other the sound-waves which it intersperses of what I have termed the flux and reflux of word and phrase, these constitute the music ...

... and transforms in a moment all that was dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when it is all around you felt at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, when everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine, then you can much less doubt it or deny ...


... as a poet of Integralism. His characterisation of his own poems published under the title, The Secret Splendour, is clearly indicative of his pursuit,   Poems seeking a new intensity of inner vision and emotion that would catch alive in words the deepest rhythms of the spirit secret behind man's life and the world in which he labours and aspires.   To me he is the sage poet of the Ashram ...


... submerged. I felt extremely uncomfortable because it was a most unusual phenomenon with me. But I think the extreme form of my experience was secretly a gift of the Mother's grace, for it broke open an inner vision. When I hung my head down and looked between my legs at the stairs, I did not see the stairs but a black abyss, a bottom-less black abyss. At once I was shocked into saying: "Ah, so this is what ...


... example I didn't feel as if I am helping to project the slides but rather that I was among those totally absorbed in the experience. The slides seemed to me, again and again, to touch a high realm of inner vision and perfection. You would not believe some of the colours, the life of Ashwapathy and so many other experiences. And of course there was that one incredible line that sounds again and again in ...


... Matrimandir excavation at night, and inside I heard singing, wonderful singing which seemed to fill the excavation. After listening for some time I asked: let me see who is singing like this; and my inner vision saw a being who, as far as I can tell, looks just like your painting. She was marvellously active, very articulated, and swooping and flying everywhere. I wrote a small poem about it which I would ...


... psychic being or its intimate feeling of the Truth. It does not refer to any Centre. The Centre of the psychic being is behind the heart and not in the forehead. The eye in the forehead is the eye of inner vision—this Centre is partly a Centre of vision, partly of will and its powers. Sri Aurobindo ...

... gorgeous colours, but when there are no living vibrations and deep harmony, then obviously the paintings are lifeless and without value. But where there is a combination of the two—outward charm and inner vision—then they are real and can be considered as true art. In your paintings I have felt the living vibrations and that is very good. The Mother added: A true artist never speaks of what ...


... the inner vision's sense of concreteness of subtle things. The whole passage is of course about mental movements and mental powers, therefore about what the intellect sees as abstractions, but the inner vision does not feel them as that. To it mind has a substance and its energies and actions are very real and substantial things. Naturally there is a certain sense of scorn in this passage, for what the ...


... dark Powers have made Life a claimant instead of an instrument. The reality of the Hostiles and the nature of their role and trend of their endeavour cannot be doubted by anyone who has had his inner vision unsealed and made their unpleasant acquaintance. The Supermind and the Lower Creation It [ the Supermind ] can act directly on everything if it is brought down into the material consciousness—at ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... ideas, but when that is done, we are no nearer to indisputable truth than we were before. It is vision that sees Truth, not logic—the outer vision that sees facts but not their inner sense, the inner vision that sees inner facts and can see the inner sense of them, the total vision (not belonging to mind) that sees the whole. A strong and clear and powerful intellect, Russell, but nothing more—not ...


... something introduced here from a vital world—undivine—which is not part of the Mother's vital. It has come in through that Influence of which the Mother spoke—it throws its own shadow and so changes the inner vision of the thing to be done, the face to be portrayed. There is no such element in your paintings of Nature, which catch very finely the inner truth of what you paint. It was not with this portrait ...


... still greater consciousness through a Truth Sight and Truth Light and its seeing and seizing power. It can effect a more powerful and dynamic integration; it illumines the thought-mind with a direct inner vision and inspiration, brings a spiritual sight into the heart and a spiritual light and energy into its feeling and emotion, imparts to the life-force a spiritual urge, a truth inspiration that dynamises ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... secret but already existent in the being: it is not an acquisition, but something that was always there and revealable. It sees the truth from Page 814 within and illumines with that inner vision the outsides and it harmonises, too, readily—provided we keep intuitively awake—with whatever fresh truth has yet to arrive. These characteristics become more pronounced and intense in the higher ...


... become more frequent till it is constant; when and how soon depends on the devotion and persistence with which we insist on the path and besiege by our will or our love the hidden Deity. This inner vision is one form of psychological experience; but the inner experience is not confined to that seeing; vision only opens, it does not embrace. Just as the eye, though it is alone adequate to bring the ...


... difficulties now experienced are the habit of judging by past experience and association(स्मार्तः) and that of judging by present indications(वार्तमानिकः) and the insufficient power of judging by inner vision directly straight on the vishaya. This again is due to the insufficient realisation of the jnanam Brahma, anekadarshi ekam. 2) यदादित्यादिविलकक्षणं ज्योतिरान्तरं सिद्धमित्येत्दस्त् । Brih. Up ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... comprehend them, to the soul that is not merely the subject and instrument of the world-force but can reflect something of that Master-Consciousness which controls and uses it, the ideal present to its inner vision is a greater reality than the changing fact obvious to its outer senses. The Idea is not a reflection of the external fact which it so much exceeds; rather the fact is only a partial reflection ...


... the birds; and the will of Zeus was accomplished", he is writing in the highest style of poetry. 13 June 1936 Conceit When an image comes out from the mind not properly transmuted in the inner vision or delivered by the alchemy of language, it betrays itself as coin of the fancy or the contriving intellect and is then called a conceit. 1 26 August 1931 Conceit means a too obviously ...


... fact? And is the physical sense accustomed or able to see or feel spiritual things—a spiritual Presence, a non-material Form? To see the Brahman everywhere is not possible unless you develop the inner vision—so to do that you have to concentrate. To see non-material forms is indeed possible for a few, because they have the gift by nature, but most can't do it without developing the subtle sight. It ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... silent, tranquil, untouched by any or all things, existing everywhere and in all, one with or united with the Divine. Other experiences come on the way, or may come, such as the opening of the inner vision, the sense of the Force working within and various movements and phenomena of the working etc. One may also be conscious of ascents of the consciousness and descents of Force, Peace, Bliss or Light ...


... but they prevent them from being used to build up the divine in life. Attacks Often Follow a Progress It often happens like that. When a progress has been made (here it is the opening of the inner vision) the hostiles attack in a fury. You must be especially on your guard when you are making a progress—so as to check the attack before it can get in. It is a fact that the lower forces always ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... looked at your photograph in the Reception Room after meditation and clearly saw the portrait move its shoulders and as if breathing. There was a movement in the vital plane and you opened to an inner vision of it. 22 March 1933 As I was sitting in prayer, I saw Sri Aurobindo in a vision coming down the staircase till he came just near to the floor. What does this mean? It indicates perhaps ...


... when she sees her walking on the terrace. And some days, when the Mother is meditating, she sees some figure behind her. There is always light around the Mother which the eyes can see if the inner vision opens. There are also many beings that are around her. 4 September 1934 Page 270 ...

... passeth all Page 14 understanding, the small current or thrill of inner delight the first trickling in of the ocean of Ananda, the play of lights or colours the key of the doors of the inner vision and experience, the descents that stiffen the body into a concentrated stillness the first touch of something at the end of which is the presence of the Divine. He is not impatient; he is rather ...


... come back and have their share of the world action to reach that largest realisation. How can we recognise who gives all he has and is and does to the Divine? You can't, unless you have the inner vision. "For there is nothing in the world which has not its ultimate truth and support in the Divine." 20 To know this perfectly by experience is to have a very great attainment, perhaps the ...


... beautiful, he has first to see it within, to realise it as a whole in his inner consciousness; only when so found, seen, held within, can he execute it outwardly; he creates according to this greater inner vision. This too is a kind of yogic discipline, for by it he enters into intimate communion with the inner worlds. A man like Leonardo da Vinci was a Yogi and nothing else. And he was, if not the greatest ...


... beautiful, he has first to see it within, to realise it as a whole in his inner consciousness; only when so found, seen, held within, can he execute it outwardly; he creates according to this greater inner vision. This too is a kind of yogic discipline, for by it he enters into intimate communion with the inner worlds. A man like Leonardo da Vinci was a Yogi and nothing else. And he was, if not the greatest ...


... between the physical senses and those of the subtle physical; for instance, like a breath felt as a gentle breeze, like certain perceptions of smell, like subtle perfumes. Naturally, those who have an inner vision can see, but for the most material senses there Page 129 is not—how shall I put it?—not the permanence given by the physical body as we know it materially. There are phenomena, yes, ...


... said about the subject and of what has been written in the scriptures and what has been seen by people. And so he is bound by all that. At times, from time to time , there are artists who have an inner vision, a great aspiration, a great purity of soul and of vision, who have made things which are reasonably good. But this is extremely rare. And generally, I believe it is almost the opposite. I have ...


... that is there is seen and accordingly the degree of manifestation is determined, the exact line of manifestation, the importance and conditions of the manifestation. All that is included in the inner vision. But it may happen that the instrument does not understand, for the man in whom the Force is manifested sometimes loses his head and is unable to contain the Force? That may happen, everything ...


... which penetrates a form and helps to transform it, so that this form may become—either immediately or through successive generations—capable of manifesting that consciousness. For those who have the inner vision and knowledge, this is absolutely beyond doubt. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. But those who start from the other end, from below, will not admit it—but all the same it is not for ignorance ...


... touches all the centres and is experienced in the whole body. At first it comes only for a moment or two; afterwards it lasts for longer periods. The other experiences show that the faculty of inner vision is opening; this is also a part of the yoga. The fire seen by you must have been the fire of aspiration lit in the vital being. The other things you saw are not definite enough to be interpreted ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... attitude of the absolute authority of the eternal Mother. When Sri Aurobindo told me, 'You are She,' at the same time he bestowed upon my body this attitude of absolute authority. But as I had the inner vision of this truth, I concerned myself very little with the imperfections of the physical body—I didn't bother about that, I only used it as an instrument. Sri Aurobindo did the sadhana for this body ...


... and the clock started going even faster. After observing it for a day, he agreed to shorten the pendulum and now the clock is working perfectly all right. I believe in the superiority of the inner vision over the outer vision and this belief is based not merely on theoretical knowledge but on the thousands of examples I have come across in the course of a life which is already long. Unfortunately ...


... have this experience. They see clearly that the so-called "disaster" was in fact the starting-point of their ascension, an ascension which could not have taken place without it. If someone has the inner vision and is able to enter his higher consciousness at will, he will see that it is the greatest good that happens to him when he is in contact with his highest consciousness. But, to be able to understand ...


... besides the direct touch of intuition, a life and strength of language, a palpable motion of that word-body as well as the soul's sign from afar. This means that not merely the subtle mind or the inner vision but at the same time the energy of the full waking consciousness is employed to catch inspiration. What is thus created acquires a certain impetuous diversity; and in AE the new movement comes when ...


... it has not the overhead grip." (What exactly is the mental process which would define "conceit" in poetry ?) "When an image comes out of the mind not properly transmuted in the inner vision or delivered by the alchemy of language, it betrays itself as coin of the fancy or the conceiving intellect and is then called a conceit." (Would you describe the following poem of mine ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... I should...," all that is perfectly useless. Perfectly useless, and you put yourself in a kind of mental muddle; besides, it doesn't really help, it doesn't have the expected effect. While this inner vision... to see why that being is ill and what that physical disorder expresses in the destiny of the soul of that man or this woman—it's magnificent, magnificent! And ultimately, saying, "You will ...


... spontaneously, it goes out of it spontaneously, and I am like a witness. Just a witness who is used as a link—an electric plug. Page 217 It goes towards the person (I see it with the inner vision, you understand) or towards the circumstances or towards the event, and it pummels it without letting go of it: "You will do what the Lord wills, it will be as the Lord wills." I put it into ...


... else, and the experience begins to take on its own value or color. With those faintings of sorts I told you about the other day, I observed (it went on the whole day), and I saw (saw with the inner vision): it is like the travel—at times as quick as a flash, at other times slow and very measured—of a force that starts from one point to reach another one. That force travels along a precise route, ...


... anyone live in you like that. Oh!... Is she still here? She arrived two weeks ago. Her name is F. Oh, F.... For a while she couldn't see anymore physically, so that has developed the inner vision. A diamond warrior, she said. Yes, that's it. Oh, it has an extraordinary power on the vital atmosphere. I have seen it since I was quite small—I noticed it before knowing anything outwardly ...


... "death"... I see lots of people who to me are living dead (they are those who are without their psychic being, or even those who have no contact with their soul). But to know that, one must have the inner vision. But what people call "death," that is, the decomposition of the cells and dissolution of the form, is when the most material "vital subdegree," which brings into contact with Life—with the vital ...


... the beginning of their evolution, are quite tied down to the earth; I have seen quite a few people in trees, for instance. Very often I saw them in trees; often, while following someone [with the inner vision], I saw him enter into a tree; and often, while looking at a tree, I saw someone in it. I saw others who were... oh, people clinging to a place they were interested in: for instance, I saw a man ...


... drop or are cut away. It is this spiritual sense that saves and the rest is outward and subordinate. He says further that 'the Rishis saw the truth, the true law of things, directly by an inner vision'; afterwards the knowledge and the inner sense of the Veda were almost lost and the Rishis who still knew had to save it by handing it down through initiation to disciples and at a last stage ...

... which is beyond the brook itself, something which is haunting it in some way: a rainbow presence — that is what you have to get, a beauty that belongs to the world of the imagination, the world of inner vision. Then the poet gives a second piece of advice: You shall tread deftly Lest beauty be bereaved By bruising of a flower.... There again you have the play of alliteration: "beauty" ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... illumines and transforms in a moment all that was dark, sorrowful and obscure, when all that is becomes part of the One Reality, when it is all around you felt at once by the spiritual contact, by the inner vision, by the illumined seeing thought, by the vital sensation and even by the very physical sense, when everywhere you see, hear, touch only the Divine, then you can much less doubt it or deny it than ...

... the artist in the non-mathematical sphere, lies at the base of the Einsteinian method. The fundamental concepts of Einstein are compassed by a species of inner vision, divination, "intuition" (Einstein's own word). 69 Somehow the mind at its acutest is able to have direct insight into reality, to be one with reality and know ...


... poetry live and the thing seen stand out before our eyes, but the creation is always out of the poet's self and not out of what he externally sees: "that outward seeing only serves to excite the inner vision to its work." 22 The Classical poet - a Sophocles or a Virgil - no less than the Romantic has his mind environed by much more than the immediate physical reality, by even much more than the physical ...


... fact? And is the physical sense accustomed or able to see or feel spiritual things—a spiritual Presence, a non-material Form? To see the Brahman everywhere is not possible unless you develop the inner vision—to do that you have to concentrate. To see non-material forms is indeed possible for a few, because they have the gift by nature, but most can't do it without developing the subtle sight. It is ...

... that people are insincere simply because one part of their being says one thing and another part says something else. That's what causes insincerity. It came very clearly: a vision, you know, an inner vision. So I tried to put it down on paper; I don't know if it's clear.       Page 24 The psychic being is in the heart centre in the middle of the chest (not in the physical heart, for ...

... where? PURANI: Going round! SRI AUROBINDO: And backward. They have gone farther back than we have ever done. PURANI: What seems to me the point is not whether art is religious; it is the inner vision, the inlook, so to say, by which an artist creates, that matters. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. Sarkar is scientific. PURANI: I remember Arjava used to see Krishnalal's pictures like that—the scheme ...


... further his spiritual progress. According to the Tibetan lore the third eye is "the director of energy or force, and thus an instrument of the will of the Spirit... It is the eye of the inner vision, and he who has opened it can direct and control the energy of matter, see all things in the Eternal Now, and therefore be in touch with causes more than with effects, read the akashic records, ...

... subtle sight? The answer is: All visions have a significance of one kind or another. When rightly interpreted they can be of great help in the development of Sadhana. Also, by the opening of the inner vision, one becomes aware of the subtle planes of experience and of the worlds of existence other than the material, which are all the time exercising their occult influences to shape and govern our outer ...

... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 3. Inner Vision: Its Necessity and Value: The faculty of subtle sight is a great aid to the aspirant who has the necessary intelligence and clarity of mind and a power of intuitive discrimination. Visions are one key to unlock the doors of the other worlds of cosmic manifestation that lie beyond ...

... touches and glimpses; there is as if a leap of the lightning of revelation flaming out from those heavens for a moment and then returning into its secret source; as if the lifting of the eyelid of an inner vision and its falling again because the eye cannot look long and steadily on the utter light." (Ibid., Vol. 12, p. 221) As Sri Aurobindo explains further, it is by repetition of these touches and ...


... not be very easy to understand but as Sri Aurobindo explains: 'The reality of the Hostiles and the nature of their role and trend of their endeavour cannot be doubted by any one who has had his inner vision unsealed and made their unpleasant acquaintance.' We must remember that world conditions at the time were particularly favourable to the workings of these malignant forces. Discerning observers ...


... wideness of the Self there, so one feels there a presence of a great Force — higher or Divine Force.         During the free reception I feel the descent passing through my head, forehead and inner vision centre.       It is the inner mind centres that have become open and conscious.         During a deep meditation, sometimes I feel a sweet and star-cool intense Force just above ...

... full of prejudices and preconceived ideas, stuffed with things he has heard or read. And he is tied to his constructions. But at times, here and there, very rarely indeed, artists appear with an inner vision, with a great aspiration and a great purity of soul; they do things that are acceptable. But they are exceptions, the contrary is the rule. I have seen some of these forms in the vital world ...

... activity, in each movement of the organs. Only that and nothing more can keep you busy day and night with no other thing to look to. It is not easy to maintain the effort, the concentration, the inner vision in a continuous manner. You have to enter into the disposition of the cells, your inner physical organisation, if the body is to answer to the force that descends. First of all, you must be ...

... us confined to lower knowledge. The more we cross the borders of sense-knowledge and intellectual knowledge, the more we grow inward, the more we discover the inner self and inner unity through inner vision and inner intuitive concreteness of experiences that lead us into the secrets of higher knowledge. Apara vidya is a kind of knowledge which seeks to understand the apparent phenomena of ...

... Upanishads that can claim to be the first exposition of and commentary on the living ideas of the Vedas. The Upanishad is spiritual realisation, supra­physical experience, mystic perception and inner vision. The Katha Upanishad has clearly indicated: sarve veda yatpadamamananti...¹ ("The seat or goal that all the Vedas glorify and which austerities declare, for the desire of which men practise holy ...

... experiences which had been flooding Sri Aurobindo's being did not grow in the soft soil of religious faith and certitude, but they took the agnostic and the sceptic in him by storm and unsealing their inner vision, revealed to them the infinite glories of the Spirit. (5) God commissioned him to go forth and speak to the nation "this word" that it was "for the Sanatana Dharma that they arise", it was ...

... thought and idealism which inspired national effort, struggle, and suffering through half a century and achieved for India her full political freedom in 1947. It was Sri Aurobindo's rare insight and inner vision that first detected the inherent defects of the traditional Congress method of political work which was so far based on what was rightly described as mendicant politics - the politics of small ...

... and evocative and effective. "The whole passage", explains Sri Aurobindo, "is of course about mental movements and mental powers, therefore about what the intellect sees as abstractions, but the inner vision does not feel them as that. To it mind has a substance and its energies and actions are very real and substantial things." 177 He always claimed the right to use words, not in terms of any notion ...


... his mother died A. Tagore felt deeply sore because he had not drawn his mother's portrait. He sat quietly and tried to recall in memory his mother's form. All unexpectedly it appeared before his inner vision and A. Tagore was excited and became nervous and tried to draw the portrait in a hurry. Suddenly the vision disappeared. Then being advised by his elder brother, he remained calm when the vision ...

... Power is within... Le pouvoir est dedans , Nil, the adventure is within. Our machines are not the sign of our progress, but of our impotence. We are at the doors of a world which will create by the inner vision, we are the adventurers of the powers of the soul. He hesitated a moment. —Moreover, it is not without danger. —Björn! Someone rushed into the corridor. —Guruji is calling you. ...

... not want any law nor any rule. Here, I have been near Mother, and that is that. I have always seen and felt that people need to let themselves be ruled because they are Unable to have the inner vision and knowledge by themselves — though it is the only true rule, the only one I can accept. Otherwise, the forces don a different mask and everything starts off again with different egos. Thus ...

... programme will have to be executed in an aesthetic way in its totality, but the cardinal need would be this inner aspiration, this inner feeling with which the director has executed the work, the inner vision that has guided the director. This is very important here, my dear child, and that is what I see in your programme, present in a very beautiful way.     When the Mother said this, She looked ...


... and the rest. Above all, she had her own occult way of taking decisions and implementing them, and it was futile to weigh them in the sheerly mental balance of propriety and utility. Hers was an inner vision, and an integral consciousness. This the sadhaks - not all of them - would understand. As Sri Aurobindo wrote in the course of a subsequent letter: Page 460 If she is busy with the ...


... its natural instruments and eternally belonging to the Divine. It is this consciousness that is the most decisive factor in the spiritual turning of a man. Some subtle intuitive perception, some inner vision or experience, some living faith and divination gives the start and serves as the germinating nucleus of the spiritual life. This tiny nucleus becomes the rock of safety against the blows and ...

... of his lesser self and find peace and fulfilment. 7.10.33 Naturally. These dirty things do not agree with the system refined by Yoga. No, it is not imagination — it is the inner vision and feeling that gives you these experiences. 22.10.33 All you say is quite right. It is becoming impossible. The Mother did not like to give a notice; but perhaps we have to give. ...

... sometimes under its heavy flood the result of innumerable efforts. Then the being enters into a sort of torpor, its physical needs of food and sleep in- crease, its intelligence is obscured, its inner vision is veiled, and in spite of its feeling little real interest in these superficial activities, they occupy him almost exclusively. This condition is very troublesome and fatiguing, for nothing is ...

... lucidities of sight's inner world" (412) (3)"Plunging her deep regard into herself (538) (4)"Opened the windows of the inner sight" (28) (5)"Lived on the tablets of my inner sight" (405) (6)"Upon an inner vision's motionless verge" (360) (7)"Plunged into an inner seeing Mind" (407) (8)"With the arrow-point of being's inmost gaze" (438) (9)"Her inner gaze [beheld] the... experiences and visions and heavenly intimations, a veritable world of wonderful illuminations, and it is in this realm that our mind and vital being retire when they manage to withdraw by inward-drawn concentration from their absorption in surface activities. Here are some verses from Savitri describing the nature of the inner awakening and what happens when the inner sight opens: ... the movements of the soul" (416) (10)"Through an inner seeing and sense a wakening came" (404) (11)"Where all is deep and strange to the eyes that see" (64) (12)"And passes over the edge of mortal sight To a new vision of himself and things." (71) (13)"And Fate revealed a chain of seeing will" (76) (14)"He looked into the unseen with seeing eyes" (423) Page ...

... clouds enwrapping it. The boat also is a usual symbol in the inner visions. The elephant is the spiritual strength that removes obstacles and the horse the force of tapasya that gallops to the summits of the spiritual realisation. The sun is the symbol of the higher Truth. The lotus is the symbol of the inner consciousness. The vision you saw was a symbol of the outward physical consciousness... The Opening of the Inner Senses The Opening of the Inner Senses Symbols Letters on Yoga - III Chapter I Symbols and Symbolic Visions Different Kinds of Symbols A symbol, as I understand it, is the form on one plane that represents a truth of another. For instance, a flag is the symbol of a nation. But generally all forms are symbols. This body of... its significance. The vision of the moon and the rain of flowers means always the falling of the light of spirituality on the consciousness (the moon) and the descent of a psychic influence (flowers). These things are symbols to the mind, but in the inner experience they have a reality and can produce a tangible effect. Page 138 Some Symbolic Visions and Dreams Interpreted The ...


... the fire can burn out all impurities, then it is a true experience. The central fire is in the psychic being, but it can be lit in all the parts of the being. The Psychic Fire and Some Inner Visions The fire you saw was the fire of the psychic being, the fire of aspiration and tapasya, burning under the earth, that is to say, in the subconscient. It opens the earth, the physical consciousness... external nature. You must recover in that faith the inner peace and quietude while at the same time keeping the clear insight into what has to be done and the steady aspiration for the inner and outer change. It is quite correct that [ ordinary ] weeping brings in the forces that should be kept outside—for the weeping is a giving way of the inner control and an expression of vital reaction and ego... that is going on within; it is what is called the heat of tapas—there is nothing unhealthy in it as in the heat of fever. The beautiful scent that you get is a subtle or psychic fragrance, just as the vision of the lotus is a subtle or psychic sight. The psychic being is often seen or felt within in the form of a child,—it is perhaps that that you are feeling within you; it is calling for a complete ...


... It was the aspiration of Ignorance, now I understand: people who don't see are blessed!" Because I always used to say, "My visions aren't concrete, they are subjective visions since they are inner visions; they are subjective visions, not concrete ones—I want concrete visions, I want to see the material world as it is; not in its deceptive appearance—AS IT IS." When I started seeing, I said, "No thanks... one day? 3 Mon petit, there is ... (you will find this amusing), there is mental vision: when you are concentrated, you see things here ( gesture around the head ); not with the same kind of vision as with open eyes, but you see them. You see images, you see thoughts, you see ... There is a vital vision: you just have to close your eyes to see all sorts of things. It's not always pretty. It's... (how long?) twenty, thirty years (I started seeing when I was quite small—I didn't know what it was) but when I began to know what it was, I complained a lot that I didn't have perfectly objective visions ( Mother gestures in front of her open eyes ): not those one sees here around the head; not those one sees when one is in the vital; but those one sees like this, with open eyes. And when I met quite ...


... mental centre, (2) between the eyebrows = centre of will and vision, (3) throat = centre of externalising mind, (4) heart = (mental-vital) emotional centre with the psychic behind it (the soul, Purusha in the heart). (2) The lights he sees indicate not some mere "physiological" phenomenon, but the first opening of an inner subtle vision which sees things that are not physical. At a later stage a... When you do not feel it there, when you feel it only as external, it is because you are very much in the external physical consciousness—but in reality it is there in your inner being working in you. When you recover the inner consciousness, you feel it again within and it wakes in you your own true consciousness, the psychic—and it is only the psychic that gives faith and devotion. It is however... the Integral Yoga The Spiritual Transformation Letters on Yoga - III Chapter V Descent and Other Kinds of Experience Descent and Experiences of the Inner Being It is good that you felt the peace within and the movement in the heart. That shows the force is working not only from above but inside you, and this promises a farther progress. The full opening ...


... calm and joy and take up all the parts of your being, mind and vision and will and feeling and life and body. Let each date in your life be a date of its growth and greater completeness till all in you is the child of the Mother. Let the Light and Power and Presence envelop you and protect and cherish and foster, till all in your inner and outer existence is one movement and an expression of its peace... same stimuli which besiege us and rise from the subconscient, then only can the nature be wholly free and respond only to the Truth from above. 9 September 1946 Clarity of knowledge and inner self-vision, subjugation of the ego, love, scrupulousness in selfless and dedicated works, are the four wheels of the chariot of Yoga. One who has them will progress safely on the path. 9 September 1947... Satyendra A veil behind the heart, a lid over the mind divide us from the Divine. Love and devotion rend the veil, in the quietude of the mind the lid thins and vanishes. 9 September 1936 May the inner Sun tranquillise and illumine the mind and awaken fully the heart and guide it. 9 September 1937 In a quietude of the mind open to the presence of the Divine in your heart and everywhere; in a ...


... l version of the inner self-vision? Dry? policeman? criminal? Great Lord! If it were that, it would cease to be self-vision at all—for in the true self-vision there is no policemanship and no criminaldom at all. All that belongs to the intellectual-ethical virtue-and-sin dodge which is only a mental construction of practical value for the outward life but not a truth of real inner values. In the true... ng of a drama or a novel—a living vision and perception of how things are done in us which brings also a living mastery over this inner universe. Such things become dry only when one deals with them with the analytic and ratiocinative mind, not when one deals with them thus seeingly and intuitively as a movement of life. If you had that observation (from the inner spiritual, not the outer intellectual... true self-vision we see only harmonies and disharmonies and set the wrong notes right and replace them by the true notes. But I say that for the sake of truth, not to persuade you to start the self-vision effort; for if you did with these ideas of it, you would inevitably start it on the policeman basis and get into trouble. Besides, evidently, you prefer in the Yoga to be the piano and not the pianist ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... beginning before you are sure that it is the right call. For there are many vehement pulls from the forces of the inner planes which it is not safe to follow. Your first experience is an opening into the inner mental self—the space between the eyebrows is the centre of the inner mind, vision, will and the blue light you saw was that of a higher mental plane, a spiritual mind, one might say, which is... there may be an unbalancing, a tendency to live more and too much in the visions of the supraphysical realms and a decrease of the hold on outer realities. The knowledge, the enlargement of our consciousness of these fields of inner Nature is very desirable, but it must be kept in its own place and limits. A Touch of the Inner Self In my last letter I had postponed the explanation of your third... particular stage it may be accompanied by an abundance of visions due to the growth of the inner sight which sees things belonging to all the planes of existence. That is a valuable power helpful in the sadhana and should not be discouraged. But one must see and observe without attachment, keeping always the main object in front, realisation of the inner Self and the Divine—these things should only be regarded ...


... caterpillar and butterfly, language and understanding, outer man and inner man. Training of the senses and their powers: Knowledge of the senses: five senses of knowledge, five senses of action. Exercises of vision and hearing: art and music as instruments. Exercises of concentration in sense activities. Inner senses: capacities to see the invisible and to hear the inaudible... poetry, dance, art and craft. Elementary powers of perception. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly in relation to: Refined vision and audition, appreciation of art and music. Inner yogic visions and voices. Sympathetic feeling and understanding, experience of cooperation, harmony, mutuality and oneness. Page 55 Elementary... psychic being, the inner seat of the highest truth of our existence. With that growing awareness, the child should be taught to concentrate on his presence and make it more and more a living fact. The child should be taught that whenever there is an inner uneasiness, he should not pass it off and try to forget it, but should attend to it, and try to find out by an inner observation the cause ...

... nces, reveals himself in man and in all beings. The potential outcome here of this union, this divine Yoga, man growing towards the Godhead, the Godhead manifest in the human soul and to the inner human vision, is our liberation from limited ego and our elevation to the higher nature of a divine humanity. For dwelling in this greater spiritual nature and not in the mortal weft, the tangled complexity... with the lesser human motives of his work; to substitute for them the larger spiritual motive this revelation is given to him in the supreme moment of the work to which he has been appointed. The vision of the World-Purusha and the divine command to action is the culminating point to which he was being led. That Page 366 is already imminent; but without the knowledge now given to him through... relation of the human soul obscured in Nature to the Godhead, its awakening to self-knowledge, its birth into a greater consciousness, its ascension into its own spiritual heights. But when this new self-vision and consciousness have been acquired in place of the original ignorance, what will be the liberated man's view of the world around him, his attitude towards the cosmic manifestation of which he has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Rishies won their knowledge by meditation working through inspiration to intuition. Austere concentration of the faculties stilled the waywardness of the reason and set free for its work the inner, unerring vision which is above reason, as reason is itself above sight; this again worked by intuitive flashes, one inspired stroke of insight quivering out close upon the other, till the whole formed a logical... stream which joins Ganges and Yamouna in their tryst at Proyaga. Are there not here sufficient features of poetical promise, sufficient materials of beauty for the artist to weave into immortal visions? I would gladly think that there are, that I am not cheating myself with delusions when I seem to find in this yet untrodden path,         via ... qua me quoque possim Tollere humo victorque... × O fostering Sun, who hast hidden the face of Truth with thy golden shield, displace that splendid veil from the vision of the righteous man, O Sun. O fosterer, O solitary traveller, O Sun, O Master of Death, O child of God, dissipate thy beams, gather inward thy light; so shall I behold that splendour, thy goodliest ...


... or go beyond them. But the mind's concepts and formulas are only fragmentary representations of Truth or pointers or abstract schemas and images, not her very self and reality. Either a deeper inner soul-vision or a higher overmental or supramental consciousness is needed to discover Truth in her very face and body. Page 288 Then only can both ends of the riddle be firmly seized and connected... height, but by the evolution of consciousness. The degree of consciousness is the degree of evolution; the extent to which consciousness has developed its powers, range, height, its fullness of vision and self-vision, is the measure of the evolution's development of its work and aim, its progress towards its goal, if goal indeed it has and is not the incoherent working out of an accidental Chance. Indeed... existence is an enigma to the human mind, because the mind is a light which sees only the surfaces of things or at most a little below the surface and is moreover limited by its own circumscribed area of vision. It cannot see what is beyond those limits and yet there are an infinity of things beyond its circle. It cannot see what is above, it cannot see what is within, it cannot see what is below. But what ...


... and butterfly, language and understanding, outer man and inner man. II. Training of the senses and their powers: 1. Knowledge of the senses: five senses of knowledge, five senses of action. 2. Exercises of vision and hearing: art and music as instruments. 3. Exercises of concentration in sense activities. 4. Inner senses: capacities to see the invisible and to hear the inaudible... art and craft. 2. Elementary powers of perception. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly in relation to: (a) Refined vision and audition, appreciation of art and music. (b) Inner yogic visions and voices. (c) Sympathetic feeling and understanding, experience of cooperation, harmony, mutuality and oneness. 3. Elementary powers of action. ... psychic being, the inner seat of the highest truth of our existence. (1) With that growing awareness, the child should be taught to concentrate on his presence and make it more and more a living fact. (m) The child should be taught that whenever there is an inner uneasiness, he should not pass it off and try to forget it, but should attend to it, and try to find out by an inner observation the ...

... butterfly, language and understanding, outer man and inner man. II. Training of the senses and their powers: 1. Knowledge of the senses: five senses of knowledge, five senses of action. 2. Exercises of vision and hearing: art and music as instruments. 3. Exercises of concentration in sense activities,. 4. Inner senses: capacities to see the invisible and to... 2. Elementary powers of perceptions. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly in relation to: (a) Refined vision and audition, appreciation of art and music. (b) Inner yogic visions and voices. (c) Sympathetic feeling and understanding, experience of cooperation, harmony, mutuality and oneness. 3. Elementary powers of action... being, the inner seat of the highest truth of our existence. (1) With that growing awareness, the child should be taught to concentrate on his presence and make it more and more a living fact. (m) The child should be taught that whenever there is an inner uneasiness, he should not pass it off and try to forget it, but should attend to it, and try to find out by an inner observation ...

... selfish little interests; and a conviction, not merely intellectual, but as it were sensible, of the existence of an Ideal Power. In Christian saintliness this power is always personified Utopias, or inner visions of holiness or right may also be felt as the true lords and enlargers of our life, in ways which I described in the lecture on the Reality of the Unseen.¹ 2. A sense of the friendly continuity... we call love, and that the happiness of each and all is in the long run absolutely certain. The vision lasted a few seconds and was gone; but the memory of it and the sense of the reality of what it taught has remained during the quarter of a century which has since elapsed. I knew that what the vision showed was true, I had attained to a point of view from which I saw that it must be true. That view... whatever of the phenomenon, and it may have no significance for the subject's usual inner life, to which as it were, it makes a mere interruption. Mystical states strictly so called, are never merely interruptive. Some memory of their content always remains, and a profound sense of their importance. They modify the inner life of the subject between the times of their recurrence. Sharp divisions in this ...

... development of the first Yogic consciousness, that of the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical or for an occult understanding of the universe. Visions which are real can help the spiritual progress, I mean, those which show us inner realities: one can, for instance, meet Krishna, speak with him and hear his voice in an inner “real “ vision, quite as real as anything on the outer plane. Merely... on it to prepare you for living within in the inner being more than in the outer consciousness. The outer can grow in faith, fidelity to the Divine, reverence, love, worship and adoration, great things in themselves – though in fact these things too come from within – but realisation can only take place when the inner being is awake with its vision and feeling of things unseen. Till then, one can... it? Why should they? The vision may have been personal to her, but even otherwise for all or many to see is somewhat rare, one might say very rare. She was in deep ecstasy but still regrets what do these visions import. She has been told that visions are not experiences and as such was telling me, regretfully (fancy, regretting after visioning Krishna and in you too!J these things ...

... and largeness from the very outset which allows the style to remain unmutilated. Style in poetry is the expression, the manifestation of the thing within. It is the vehicle of the inner inspiration, vision, thought, mood. It could easily be compared to style in painting. If we could conceive Milton to be analogous to an Ingres or a Delacroix, Sri Aurobindo would be seen as similar to a Chinese... listening soul. 8 This is the regard of the awakened man on the turbulent, eerie and mechanic device of the Inconscience. Here too we see the expanse of vision that grasps the totality of the inconscient world in one look. Such span of vision and penetration, such stretch of universal experience are only possible on that level of consciousness where one sees all things in their totality, yet not... become vulgar or sound a contrary note and is in keeping with the total Miltonic concept of perfection. On the contrary, to the whole he gives a philosophical turn, and sees all with a nobility of vision, that excludes vulgarity. We shall examine one example: flowers were the couch, Pansies and violets and asphodel And hyacinth, — Earth's freshest softest lap. There they their fill ...

... version of the inner self-vision ? Dry ? policeman ? criminal ? Great Lord! If it were that, it would cease to be self-vision at all—for in the true self-vision there is no policemanship and no criminaldom at all. All that belongs to the intellectual-ethical virtue and sin dodge which is only a mental construction of practical value for the outward life but not a truth of real inner values. In the... of a drama or a novel, a living vision and perception of how things are done in us which brings also a living mastery over this inner universe. Such things become dry only when one deals with them with the analytic and ratiocinative mind, not when one deals with them thus seeingly and intuitively as a movement of life. If you had that observation (from the inner spiritual, not the outer intellectual... gates which shut it in—the faculty of supraphysical vision. The coming up of the word "consecration" is also a familiar phenomenon of these experiences—it is what I call the voice of the psychic, an intimation from his own soul to the mind as to what it wants him to do. Now he has to accept it, for the assent of the nature, of the outward man to the inner voice is necessary so that it may be effective. ...