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English [370]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [4]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Bande Mataram [4]
Beyond Man [5]
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By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [4]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [5]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [16]
Essays on the Gita [15]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [5]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Hitler and his God [5]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [6]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Isha Upanishad [11]
Karmayogin [7]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [4]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [3]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [3]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [6]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [7]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [3]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [3]
Record of Yoga [3]
Savitri [4]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Seer Poets [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo and the Earth's Future [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [14]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Life Divine [14]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [9]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Society [3]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [3]
Visions and Voices [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
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English [370]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [4]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Bande Mataram [4]
Beyond Man [5]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [4]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [5]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [16]
Essays on the Gita [15]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [5]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Hitler and his God [5]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [6]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Isha Upanishad [11]
Karmayogin [7]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [4]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [3]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [3]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [6]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [7]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [3]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [3]
Record of Yoga [3]
Savitri [4]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Seer Poets [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo and the Earth's Future [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [14]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Life Divine [14]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [9]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Society [3]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [3]
Visions and Voices [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
370 result/s found for Laws of Nature

... in relation to a half-reflecting surface, whether it will pass through or be reflected. In this field of infinitesimals what we know is the total behaviour of an assemblage of particles, and the laws of nature are only laws of average computation. Statistics has ousted the more exact and rigid arithmetics. And statistics, we know, is a precarious science: the knowledge it gives is contingent, contingent... exorcise the ghost is possessed by the ghost itself. So the scientists of today are waking up to this disconcerting fact. And some have put the question very boldly and frankly: do not all laws of Nature contain this original sin of the observer's interference, indeed may not the laws be nothing else but that? Thus Science has landed into the very heart – the bog and quagmire, if you like – of... abstruse metaphysics. Eddington says, there is no other go for Science today but to Page 313 admit and delcare that its scheme and pattern of things, as described by what is called laws of Nature, is only a mental construct of the Scientist. The "wonderful" discoveries are nothing but jugglery and legerdemain of the mind – what it puts out of itself unconsciously into the outside world ...

... conform to the laws of nature or what we think to be the laws of nature. A man standing in the air without any support or squatting on the water – feats familiar to the yogis – are termed veritable miracles. The famous rope trick is a legendary miracle. Some of these miracles done by yogis are authentic facts. They apparently seem to violate the prevailing so-called laws of nature, but if we knew ...

... in the West had continuously accumulated consciousness in that body, and now the infinite Consciousness was a reality, but that body remained the same as millions of others, subject to the same laws of Nature, hungry, thirsty, and occasionally ill, like all the other bodies, and advancing slowly but surely towards disintegration. The consciousness is vast, luminous, immortal, but underneath everything... night up to 6 in the morning over this... even the rocky heart of a disciple would be touched. 349 Sleep, food, gravity, cause and effect – Sri Aurobindo tested one by one all the so-called laws of nature, to find that they hold only insofar as we believe in their hold; if we change our consciousness, the "groove" also changes. All our laws are only "habits": Her firm and changeless habits aping... Mother to defy natural laws, while poor mortals had only their ordinary resources, Sri Aurobindo protested vehemently: My sadhana is not a freak or a monstrosity or a miracle done outside the laws of Nature and the conditions of life and consciousness on earth. If I could do these things or if they could happen in my Yoga, it means that they can be done and that therefore these Page 271 ...

... in relation to a half-reflecting surface, whether it will pass through or be reflected. In this field of infinitesimals what we know is the total behaviour of an assemblage of particles, and the laws of nature are only laws of average computation. Statistics has ousted the more exact and rigid arithmetics. And statistics, we know, is a precarious science: the knowledge it gives is contingent, contingent... exorcise the ghost is possessed by the ghost itself. So the scientists of today are waking up to this disconcerting fact. And some have put the question very boldly and frankly: do not all laws of Nature contain this original sin of the observer's interference, indeed may not the laws be nothing else but that? Thus Science has landed into the very heart— the bog and quagmire, if you like—of abstruse... abstruse metaphysics. Eddington says, there is no other go for Science today but to Page 233 admit and delcare that its scheme and pattern of things, as described by what is called laws of Nature, is only a mental construct of the Scientist. The "wonderful" discoveries are nothing but jugglery and legerdemain of the mind—what it puts out of itself unconsciously into the outside world, it ...

... Nobody is saying a word? ( To a child ) You have still something to say? Do the laws of Nature follow the law of human reason? Oh, no! Then how can we explain so many laws of Nature by human reason? Because human reason is higher than Nature. Nature is infrarational. The laws of Nature are infrarational laws. So when men come along and tell you, "But what do you want, it is... is the law of Nature", as for me, it makes me laugh. It is not worth being a man, it would be better for you to be a monkey or an elephant or a lion. The laws of Nature are infrarational. Page 177 This is the only superiority that man has, his having a reason, and when he doesn't make use of it he becomes absolutely an animal. That's the last excuse to give: "What do you want, it's the ...


... not a disease originate from our breaking the laws of nature ? Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by the laws of nature ? What are these laws ?             Disciple : When a man acts from desire he may do things which he is not compelled to do by need ; e.g. overeating lust etc. Sri Aurobindo : There are no such universal laws of nature. If you ask people who have lived a long life... life you will find one saying that he lives long because he has kept to what you would call the laws of nature, that he is not smoking or taking wine etc. While another will say that he has been able to live long because he had always a peg ! And so on.  So there are no such universal laws. Disciple : But it is a fact that observance of hygienic Laws diminishes mortality. Sri Aurobindo ...

... es” have lost their authority: you can adapt yourself this way, adapt yourself that way. All the laws — those laws which were laws of Nature — have lost their despotism, we might say. It's like a progressive victory over all constraints. So naturally, all the laws of Nature, all the human laws, all the habits, all the rules, all that becomes supple and finally becomes nonexistent. It's mainly: all... anyway seems to have always occurred till now), and we have taken it into our head to conquer this accident and overcome it. But it is such a terrible, such a tremendous battle against all the laws of Nature, all the collective suggestions, all the terrestrial habits, that unless you are a first-class warrior frightened by nothing, it's better not to begin the battle. You must be an absolutely intrepid... and I said to myself, “Oh, that, if we knew that, how many things, how many fears, how many combinations, how many... would crumble away, would have no meaning anymore.” What we take to be “laws of Nature,” “ineluctable” things, were absurd, an absurdity! With the true consciousness, it crumbles away. You are the one who decides it's ineluctable! It's probably a ... there's a POSITION to be changed ...


... angle of ignorance—that it's because man doesn't have the knowledge that he can't be saved—it seems obvious. But what knowledge are we speaking about? The scientist will tell you: Study the laws of Nature, know all that it can teach you and it will give you the knowledge which will enable you to master life and become its possessor instead of being possessed by it. But here we see, according to... postulate: "That it is possible to know the universe as it really is, to grasp its laws objectively." The kind of regularity which we observe in the universe and translate into what we call the laws of Nature—does it have an existence independent of us? Or is it that these so-called laws exist only in our mind? Is it not possible to know the universe in its reality as it is in itself, independently ...


... its value, its fixed value, one can do in a short space of time or a longer space, exactly the same thing. "Necessities" have lost their authority: one can adapt this way or that. All laws, the laws of Nature, have lost their despotism, if we can call it that: it is Page 58 not like that any more. It is enough to be always supple, attentive and... "responsive" to the influence of the... extraordinary flexibility. That is a discovery which is being made more and more. It is wonderful, a wonderful discovery. It is like a gradual victory over all the imperatives. Thus, all the laws of Nature, and naturally all human laws, habits, rules - all that is losing its rigidity and will end up by becoming non-existent. And yet one can maintain a regular rhythm. that makes action easy — it is ...

... spontaneously without an educating will. And with this possibility of expressing intelligence, observation, comprehension, deduction—all the mental qualities—man has gradually learnt to understand the laws of Nature and tried not only to understand them but master them. If we compare what he is with the higher being living in the Truth which we want to become, we may obviously speak about man as he is at... the evolution, we see that he is endowed with possibilities and powers which the others are quite incapable of expressing. The mere fact of having the ambition, the desire, the will to know the laws of Nature and to master them sufficiently to be able to adapt them to his needs and change them to a certain extent, is something impossible, unthinkable for any animal. You may tell me that I don't usually ...


... unsound, then there are bound to be elements of danger and unrest which no amount of coercion can remove, because the attempt to remove them by coercion is an attempt to destroy the laws of nature, and the laws of nature refuse to be destroyed and conducted. We have no means to make the pressure of the people felt upon the Government. The only means which we have discovered, the only means which we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... is absolute and has no fixed or binding nature, God is supreme & transcendent and is not bound by state, law or process,—so free is He, rather, that He is not bound even to His own freedom. The laws of Nature, as we have seen, cannot be laws of being at all, since Nature itself is a becoming; they are processes which regulate the harmonies of becoming, processes which are, in the Vedic image, chhandas... universe. We arrive then at this farther all-important truth:— Nature is a divine motion of becoming of which Spirit is the origin, substance and control as well as the inhabitant and enjoyer. Laws of Nature are themselves general movements & developments of becoming and conditions of a particular order, rhythm and harmony of the universe, but not inexorably preexistent or recognisable as the very ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... patent to Charles Darwin that the human being was a product of nature just like any other organism, an animal among animals, even if possibly a special one. If so, Homo sapiens had to obey the same laws of nature, the chief one being the general competition for survival, as an individual within the species and as part of a species among rival species. The struggle for life was an inevitable, constant condition... other words collective homicide, ‘was in agreement with the order of things established by God’, because this ‘order established by God’ corresponded to perfection with the formulation of the ‘laws of nature’ as used by the positivists and Darwinians.” 16 Breeding a Superman Looking back on the amazing story of discoveries, controversies, search, dedication, endurance, obstinacy, intelligence ...

... one finds in Scientific American of November 2010: “Physics, the book states, can now explain where the universe came from and why the laws of nature are what they are. The universe arose ‘from nothing’ courtesy of the force of gravity, and the laws of nature are an accident of the particular slice of universe we happen to inhabit. ‘God may exist’, Hawking told Larry King, adding, ‘but science can ...

... same thing can be Page 106 done in a short time or a long time. Necessities have lost their authority. One can adapt oneself like this or like that. All the laws, these laws that were laws of Nature, have lost all their despotism, one might say; it is no longer as before. It is enough to be always, always supple, attentive and... "responsive" to the influence of the Consciousness—the Consciousness... . That is the discovery which is being made more and more. It is wonderful, is it not? It is a wonderful discovery. It is like a progressive victory over all the imperatives. Thus all laws of Nature, naturally, all the human laws, all the habits, all the rules, all that becomes supple and ends by being non-existent. And yet one can maintain a regular rhythm that facilitates action—it is not ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... divine Presence—the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence, the divine Power (all that wordlessly), the "something" we define as the absolute Master. It's a choice of EVERY SECOND between the old laws of Nature—with some mental influence and the whole life as it has been organized—the choice between that, the government by that, and the government by the supreme Consciousness, which is equally present... other thing is more habitual, and then there's the Presence. It's every second (it's infinitely interesting), and with illustrations: the nerves, for instance... if a nerve obeys all the various laws of Nature and mental conclusions and all that—the whole caboodle—then it starts aching; if it obeys the influence of the supreme Consciousness, then a strange phenomenon takes place... it's not like something ...


... do exactly the same thing in very little time or in much time. Necessities have lost their authority: you can adapt yourself this way, adapt yourself that way. All the laws—those laws that were laws of Nature—have lost all their despotism, we may say: it no longer works that way. All you have to do is always, always be supple, attentive, and... responsive (if any such thing can be!) to the influence... suppleness. That is the discovery being made more and more. And it's wonderful, you know! A wonderful discovery. It's like a progressive victory over all constraints. So naturally, all the laws of Nature, all the human laws, all habits, all rules, they all become increasingly supple and finally nonexistent. Yet it is possible to keep a regular rhythm that facilitates action—it's not contrary to ...


... manifested, evolved, established and maintained in Page 506 the workings of cosmic Energy until the fixed moment arrives for their variation or for their temporary or final dissolution. Laws of Nature are, in the pregnant phrase of the Rig-Veda, adabdhá vratá dhruvá yá devá akrinvata; they are the rules fixed and unovercome of active world-being which the gods have made and which they maintain... s, a harmony discovered and selected out of God's infinite possibilities and exposed therefore to the perpetual attack of those infinite possibilities. Therefore even the most well-established laws of Nature, the most general, persistent, apparently eternal and unvariable processes of world-Force, being formations of Jagati, being rhythms and harmonies of God's active Energy, truths of recurrent motion... nature a particular or a general movement of that Force. So long as it is maintained, it is binding on things in Nature, but not binding except by His own Will on Ishwara. Fundamental or "eternal" Laws of Nature are those general processes or movements in Conscious Being in which the rhythm of the universe is framed and they would naturally endure unabrogated so long as that rhythm itself is sustained ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... stop thinking that the Mother had to submit willy-nilly to any "laws of Nature". Sri Aurobindo has characterised all the planes of existence and consciousness up to what he calls the Overmind as aparardha, the lower hemisphere of manifestation, while the parardha, the higher hemisphere, starts from the Supermind. The "laws of Nature" hold, though in different degrees, for everything below the Supermind... think of her as leaving her body because she who had striven so gallantly for the Supramental Transformation had yet perforce to grow old and weaken and die, give up her mission and submit to the "laws of Nature". Are those moments and moods genuine discrepancies? Did the Inevitable Hour that has awaited all living creatures form alike the terminus of one whom Sri Aurobindo had chosen and commanded ...

... even if he commits a mistake or does a wrong deed? No, not so surely. He will suffer but not as an act of punishment but as a natural reaction of his action as the unavoidable operation of the Laws of Nature. Let us refer to some obvious examples. If you put your finger in a raging fire, it will surely get burnt and you will suffer pain, irrespective of whether you are a king or a beggar, a... man. If you swallow poison, its deleterious effects will manifest in your body. There can be no exception to this rule: none can hope to be exempted from the action of the universally operative laws of Nature. And this has to be accepted as true so far as it goes. But why bring in unnecessarily the ethical idea of rewards and punishments in this matter? It is true that man, in his attempt at... the situation, circumstances and the antecedents of the individual j ī va. To satisfy the curiosity of the readers we give below the names of a few of these "reactions" otherwise called the "Laws of Nature" (Because of dearth of space here we content ourselves with the bare mention of the names only without trying to speak more about them.): (a) Law of cause and effect; (b) Law of rebound ...

... not conform to the laws of nature or what we think to be the laws of nature. A man standing in the air without any support or squatting on the water—feats familiar to the yogis—are termed veritable miracles. The famous rope trick is a legendary miracle. Some of these miracles done by yogis are authentic facts. They apparendy seem to violate the prevailing so-called laws of nature, but if we knew ...

... And built from chemic plasm the living man. 9 Savitri better understand the principle of this world and not chase the will-o'-the-wisp. She must lend herself to see and recognise the laws of nature operating here, respect them in the tight earthly framework of things. There is actually no room for God in this brute immensity. It is by the process of Death's Sankhya that the inconscient world... The harsh fact is that Truth in this world is "bare like stone and hard like death," which first she must accept. Moving on a more metaphysical level, Death tries to explain to Savitri that the laws of Nature are immutable and that there is no agency which can change them. No one has succeeded and Savitri should not attempt the futile. Restoration of Satyavan's life is against the laws of the established ...

... energy prevents the neutrons from decaying. Without neutrons we would not have the heavier elements needed for building complex systems such as life.” 4 A physicist is of the opinion that the laws of nature seem specially tailored to our own existence; a biologist reflects that if the history of life had been even slightly different, the makeup of the world’s species today would be completely different... of its architecture, the more evidence I find that the universe in some sense must have known we were coming,” concedes Freeman Dyson. And even Steven Weinberg enunciates his amazement that the laws of nature and the initial conditions of the universe should allow for the existence of beings who could observe it. “Life as we know it would be impossible if any one of several physical quantities had slightly ...

... What Science calls laws of Nature are not the absolute or principal laws of existence, but only minor rules meant to build up a material basis for the life of the Spirit in the body. On that has to be erected in the end, not a rule of material Law, but an immortal Liberty—not law of Nature, but freedom of the Spirit. The strife of forces which is regulated by these minor laws of Nature is only the battle ...


... your nature, can it not be said that it was already there in your divya aṁśa? I do not know what the devil you mean. My sadhana is not a freak or a monstrosity or a miracle done outside the laws of Nature and the conditions of life and consciousness on earth. If I could do these things or if they could happen in my Yoga, it means that they can be done and that therefore these developments and t... things are not done—so we say they are impossible, can't be done. If the conditions are changed, then the same things are done or at least become licit—allowable, legal, according to the so-called laws of Nature,—and then we say they can be done. The Divine also acts according to the conditions of the game. He may change them, but he has to change them first, not proceed while maintaining the conditions ...


... nature, can-it not be said that it was already there in your divya amsa? 53 I don't know what the devil you mean. My sadhana is not a freak or a monstrosity or a miracle done outside the laws of Nature and the conditions of life and consciousness on earth. If I could do these things or if they could happen in my Yoga, it means that they can be done and that therefore these developments and t... things are not done—so we say they are impossible, can't be done. If the conditions are changed, then the same things are done or at least become licit—allowable, legal, according to the so-called laws of Nature,—and then we say they can be done. The Divine also acts according to the conditions of the game. He may change them, but he has to change them first, not proceed, while maintaining the conditions ...

... you can do the same thing in very little time or in much time. Necessities have lost their authority: you can adapt yourself this way, adapt yourself that way. All the laws—those laws that were laws of Nature—have lost all their despotism, if I may say so: it no longer works that way. All you have to do is constantly and always to be supple, attentive, and... responsive to the influence of the Cons... suppleness. That is the discovery being made more and more. And it's wonderful, you know! A wonderful discovery. It's like a progressive victory over all constraints. So naturally, all the laws of Nature, all the human laws, all habits, all rules, all that grows increasingly supple and finally becomes nonexistent. Yet it is possible to keep a regular rhythm that makes action easier—it's not contrary ...


... that's what will give it the capacity to prolong its life.... Necessities have lost their authority: you can adapt yourself this way, adapt yourself that way. All the laws—those laws that were laws of Nature—have lost all their despotism, if I may say so. All you have to do is constantly and always to be supple, attentive, and responsive to the influence of the Consciousness—the Consciousness in its... ary suppleness. That is the discovery being made more and more. And it's wonderful, you know! A wonderful discovery. It's like a progressive victory over all constraints. So naturally, all the laws of Nature, all the human laws, all habits, all rules, all that grows increasingly supple and finally becomes nonexistent. And then, you see: as the process grows more and more perfect —"perfect" means integral ...


... what I thought, to what I felt. "We are not strong enough to fight by force, for we are not united enough, not organised enough. We must develop our intelligence to understand better the deeper laws of Nature, and to learn better how to act in an orderly way, to co-ordinate our efforts. We must teach the people around us, we must train them to think for themselves and to reflect so that they can become ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

...     Finally, crowning all comes the physical liberation or liberation from the law of material causation. Because you are completely master of yourself, you are no longer the slave of the laws of nature that make you act through subconscious and semiconscious impulsions and keep you in the rut of ordinary life. Because of this liberation you can Page 159 decide, with full knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... Himself. A civilisation prepares an instrument so that the Divine may manifest in that instrument. The more slowly, carefully, minutely the civilisation is worked out, and succeeds in conquering the laws of Nature, the more favourable is the instrument to the manifestation of the Divine. That is why we also have this idea of the prolongation of life, it is to be able to perfect the instrument so as to manifest ...


... necessity of what he wants to do. But this requires a great self-mastery and the realisation of what Sri Aurobindo says in this last paragraph, that is, instead of remaining below, subject to the laws of Nature, dominated by these laws and compelled to submit to them, failing which one is completely unbalanced, one becomes the master, one looks at these things from above, knows the truth of these things ...


... Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 127 127—Law is a process or a formula; but the soul is the user of processes and exceeds formulas. The laws of Nature are imperative for the physical nature only so long as this nature is not under the influence of the psychic being (the soul); for the psychic being is in possession of the Page 241 ...


... function of the one being to understand the other. Undoubtedly, I am part of the Universe, but in the process of knowing it, I stand apart from it and view it objectively. I admit that what I call the laws of Nature exist independently of me, of my mind; they exist in themselves and they will be the same for any other mind capable of perceiving them. I started my work inspired by this ideal of pure knowledge ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... of philosophy, but of science, has increasingly proposed to take up all this physical and vital life and perfect it by the sole power of rationalism, by Page 164 a knowledge of the laws of Nature, of sociology and physiology and biology and health, by collectivism, by State education, by a new psychological education and a number of other kindred means. All this is well in its own way and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... and a development in the light of this divine knowledge towards the fulfilment of his own supra-material, supra-intellectual nature. For that purpose he must know God and not only the physical laws of Nature. He must know his soul and not only the open or secret machinery of his body. This knowledge he can only get from his own soul or from Vedanta explained to him by the Master, the one who knows ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... existence of a body with physical instruments and processes does not, as the 19th century wrongly imagined, disprove the existence of a soul which uses the body even if it is also conditioned by it. Laws of Nature do not disprove the existence of God. The fact of a material world to which our instruments are accorded does not disprove the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... progressed during his race history; at most he has advanced in knowledge of the physical world, in Science, in the handling of his surroundings, in his purely external and utilitarian use of the secret laws of Nature. But otherwise he is what he always was in the early beginnings of civilisation: he continues to manifest the same capacities, the same qualities and defects, the same efforts, blunders, achievements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... functioning, and I said to myself, "Oh, if we knew this, HOW MANY THINGS—how many fears, how many combinations, how many... would crumble away, would lose all meaning!" It was... what we see as "laws of Nature," "ineluctable" things, it all was absurd, an absurdity! Yes, and I felt it as something flimsy, like a thin film, something without... Those awesome laws were something very flimsy. Yes ...


... have got beyond the point at which we stood four years ago. It is by unhesitating, wholehearted and princely sacrifices that nations effect their liberty. It has always been so in the past and the laws of nature have not altered and will not alter to suit the calculating prudence of individuals. A great man is valuable to the nation and he should guard himself but only so far as he can do so without d ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... which we can become free. In the Gita we find that Srikrishna unites the Vedanta philosophy with the philosophy of Sankhya. Modern science denies that man has a soul. Science considers only the laws of nature. It regards nature as material, and man as merely a product of nature. It says man is a creation of natural forces. All his actions are results of fixed laws, and he has no freedom. According to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... stating the printer's antecedents. It was not likely that he would conceal a conviction as that would be a thing impossible to suppress. But then, if officialdom were to acquire a common sense, the laws of Nature would be sadly contravened and it is better to inflict loss on individuals than to upset a law of Nature. Soham Gita Every Bengali is familiar with the name of Shyamakanta Banerji the famous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... admission of the guiding and overriding will of God does not exclude the permission of freedom to the individual. The second is the answer of the scientist; Heredity determines our Nature, the laws of Nature limit our action, cause and effect compel the course of our development, and, if it be urged that we may determine effects by creating causes, the answer is that our own actions are determined ...


... another, one after another, but every single bodily function is changing... (what's the right word?), I have it, "changing government." Functions that worked naturally—that is, in accord with the laws of Nature—all of a sudden, brrm, finished! They stop. Then... something... which I call the Divine—perhaps Sri Aurobindo called it the Supramental, I don't know; it's something like that, something that ...


... of being the advocate of pure Darwinism.” 28 “Pure Darwinism” meant scientific materialism. Then how could Wallace write “an Overruling Intelligence has watched over the action of those laws [of nature], so directing and so determining their accumulation as finally to produce an organization sufficiently perfect to admit of, and even to aid in, the indefinite advancement of our mental and moral ...

... that fictitious something without any counterpart in nature, a means of the imagination to solve the difficulties which one has been unable to eliminate for lack of having sufficiently studied the laws of nature.” 22 What is here translated as ‘mind’ is esprit in the French language, which can mean ‘spirit’ or ‘mind’ (and even ‘wit’). In Lamarck the first significance was out of the question. From ...

... habits,’ 39 said the Mother. Good, but once more: is this possible? All sensible people up to then had answered this question in the negative. Who might be so demented to cross swords with the laws of nature? Is not even God bound by what He once ordained? ‘Across each road stands armed a stone-eyed law …’ 40 But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had come to change the Law. Every Avatar incarnates ...


... laws which the human mind can find out and formulate. “The scientific culture that arose in Western Europe, of which we are the inheritors, was dominated by adherence to the absolute invariance of laws of Nature, which thereby underwrote the meaningfulness of the scientific enterprise and assured its success.” (John Barrow) In recent times, however, the laws of physics, “once regarded as cast in tablets ...

... done, – so we say they are impossible, can’t be done. If the conditions are changed then the same things are done or at least become licit – allowable, legal according to the so-called laws of Nature, and then we say they can be done. The Divine also acts according to the conditions of the game. He may change them but he has to change them first, not proceed, while maintaining the conditions ...

... another world. Oh, no, not at all! The same goes for all those beings the Tantrics deal with—their origin is not vital, they belong to Nature. They are personified natural forces obedient to the laws of Nature. In other words, they originate from below, not from the vital but the physical world. They are vital forces in the physical, but not of vital origin. The other day, didn't I tell you the story ...


... another. To say this is to say that measuring instruments like clocks and rods can never give a reading that would be invariant from all standpoints. But physics always aims at invariants. The laws of nature must be so formulated that they hold for all standpoints. It is not sufficient to find a "transformation" rule by which we may make the requisite adjustments in calculation as we pass from standpoint ...

... very probably occasion but a slight disturbance - but that is already a statement containing the concept of probability. Thus the idea of probability unavoidably enters the formulation of all laws of nature, if these laws are to be stated with complete conceptual rigour." Science tried to raise probability to certainty by two means. If we pass to a large number of cases we change the low probability ...

... that to do with his being an Avatar? All that is only a certain movement in nature in his lower Prakriti. If your idea is that Avatar is something miraculous and that he is not subject to the laws of Nature, then you have only the conventional notion about it. He is not miraculous in the methods he adopts. He also like others accepts the human limitations. If he did not then he ceases to have any ...

... possibilities. The theory of self-organizing dynamic chance may therefore come to be replaced by the theory of a mechanical necessity in things, its workings recognizable by us as so many mechanical laws of Nature. But the theory of Mechanical Necessity does not elucidate the free play of the endless unaccountable variations which are visible in the evolution. Moreover, as Sri Aurobindo points out, the emergence ...

... as sectarian in the secular state. It is a mistaken idea. *Value education is considered to curtail the freedom of choice to the pupil. Therefore it was suggested and experimented that the 'laws of Nature' as applicable for the subjective world of man should be taught just as 'the laws of Science' are taught to pupils through experiments. *Values should permeate all the subjects appropriately ...

... race-history. It may be conceded that man has advanced in knowledge of the physical world, in Science, in the handling of his surroundings, in his purely external and utilitarian use of the secret laws of Nature. But it many be argued that despite the developments of science, man is what he always was in the early beginnings of civilization: he continues to manifest the same capacities, the same qualities ...

... that enables the body and mind to understand rhythm. Practicing Eurhythmics makes the personality rhythmical. And a rhythmical personality is beautiful and strong, conforming to and obeying the laws of nature." Totto-chan's classes began with training the body to understand rhythm. The headmaster would play the piano on the small stage in the Assembly Hall and the children, wherever they stood ...

... efforting, labouring and perspiring! Oh it will come, it will come!" It is not my working, but your moods that are queer. You get something no reasonable being would expect under the ordinary laws of Nature and then you fancy you haven't got it and wail because everything is not absolutely, continuously, faultlessly, increasingly, illimitably miraculous through and through and always and for ever ...

... the miracle does happen and man is waiting for that in spite of all the tragic interlude: If the leaves, branches, roots, trunk Had been granted a manual of freedom, The laws of nature would have intervened. Page 45 But a miracle is a miracle, a miracle is God. When we are all confusion, That instant it finds us out. Yes, the captive ...


... one word, a practical word, to what I have already said; it is an illustration of a detail, but it will be a kind of reply to some other questions put to me sometime ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, inevitable consequences in the material world, more particularly from the point of view of health : we are told that if some precautions are not taken, if we do not eat as ...

... not reported. The healing by Christ is not a miracle for that matter. Many people have done that. CHAMPAKLAL: What is a miracle then? SRI AUROBINDO: Something that happens contrary to any laws of nature. DR. MANILAL: If on the new moon day, the moon can be seen? SRI AUROBINDO: That is not miraculous—may be hypnotic? (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: If not hypnotic? SRI AUROBINDO: Then it ...


... revealing spark       And showed, in the minuteness of its flash       Imaged, this cosmos of apparent things. 66   The play of 'blind'chance is controlled by the "fixed and immutable" laws of Nature. From this ordered material universe—the Kingdom of matter and energy—there wakes up at some auspicious moment "a dream of living"; thus life arrives on the cosmic scene. But life by its ...


... the time, perhaps, to rethink their ends and means, and in fact he had already done some fresh thinking along those lines: We must develop our intelligence to understand better the deeper laws of Nature, and to learn better how to act in an orderly way, to co-ordinate our efforts.... .. .for a nation to win its freedom, it must first of all deserve it, make itself worthy of it, prepare itself ...


... earthhood and heavenhood, make deathless the children of Time." 44 Two months later, Sri Aurobindo maintained that his Sadhana was not "a freak or a monstrosity or a miracle done outside the laws of Nature and the conditions of life and consciousness on earth. " 45 It was merely the attempt to quicken and realise certain potentialities that were there in Nature already. If he could do it, if ...


... precise need, the motion of the atom in its regular gravitation—everything is exact to the electron and the millionth of a meridian. It is perfect exactitude. We speak of “instinct” or of “the laws of Nature,” because we label everything and think we exorcise a mystery by running it through Sciences baptis­mal font, and we nearly declare—not even “nearly”—that it is a total “Unconsciousness,” in other ...

... obvious that the physical Nature that controls the fish and that which controls man are very different, and yet they are the same. All the functions that worked naturally—that is, in accord with the laws of Nature—all of a sudden, brrm, finished! They stop. Then ... something ... which I call the Divine—perhaps Sri Aurobindo called it the Supramental, I don't know; it's something like that, which is tomorrow's ...

... functioning, and I said to myself, “Oh, if we knew this, how many things—how many fears, how many combinations, how many would crumble away, would lose all meaning!” It was ... what we see as “laws of Nature,” “ineluctable” things, it all was absurd, an absurdity! With the true consciousness, it crumbles away. And Mother concluded: Several times like that, when people tell me they feel as if in front ...

... original, dark cellular prison which we must shatter, and as long as we have not shattered it, we will continue to turn in vain in our golden circles or our iron circles of our mental prison. "These laws of Nature," says Sri Aurobindo, "that you call absolute... merely mean an equilibrium established by Nature... it is merely a groove in which Nature is accustomed to work in order to produce certain results ...

... is that we shall not perish as a nation, but live as a nation. Any authority that goes against this object will dash itself against the eternal throne of justice—it will dash itself against the laws of nature which are the laws of God, and be broken to pieces. This then is our object and by what means do we seek it? We seek it by feeling our separateness and pushing forward our individual self-fulfilment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of existence. Human life on earth can then never grow into anything fundamentally other, better or more perfect than it is now. The hope that by using our reason and observing or utilising the laws of Nature we can arrive at a perfect life here is futile, for our nature here being itself ignorant and imperfect cannot arrive at anything better than a mitigated imperfection and ignorance. But if there ...


... catches at & seizes petty surrounding eddies or even great masses of movement at a little distance; it seizes, arranges to itself in its own terms of vision & classes them triumphantly as ultimate laws of Nature. But who has sailed all these waters or can tell where, if at all, they end? Who shall say that those laws are not byelaws only, or the charter & constitution of a single dependency only or province ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of Nature. Even if the soul exists & rebirth be proved a fact, the Law of Rebirth can be to modern conceptions nothing but a particular working of Force, one, therefore, of the many subordinate Laws of Nature. As locomotion is the effect, electricity or steam the cause or motive force, so rebirth, continuity of personality in a material form, is the effect, past action is the cause; it is a law of Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... creative Energy by its action turns into so many realised actualities. This brings us to a second explanation—a mechanical necessity in things, its workings recognisable by us as so many mechanical laws of Nature;—the necessity, we might say, of some such secret inherent Truth of things as we have supposed, governing automatically the processes we observe in action in the universe. But a theory of mechanical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... For both heaven and earth, there has been a time of beginning and there will be a time of destruction. Even the holy divinity cannot prolong the bounds of fate or struggle against the fixed laws of nature. How were the earth, the sky and the sea created? It's sure that atoms did not take up posts, Each at its purposed station, wittingly, Or skilfully coordinate their moves. ...

... that to do with his being an Avatar ? All that is only a certain movement in nature in his lower Prakriti. If your idea is that the Avatar is something miraculous and that he is not subject to the laws of Nature, then you have only the conventional notion about it. He is not miraculous in the methods he adopts. He also like others accepts the human limitations. If he did not then he ceases to have any ...


... during his race-history; 3 at most he has advanced in knowledge of the physical world, in Science in the handling of his surroundings, in his purely external and utilitarian use of the secret laws of Nature. But otherwise he is what he always was in the early beginnings of civilisation; he continues to manifest the same capacities, the same qualities and defects, the same efforts, blunders, achievements ...

... remarkable things about the primal world and the sagas of humanity, about humanity’s capacity of dream-vision in olden times, about a way of knowledge and a to us supernatural power over the rational laws of nature. There had been the eye of the Cyclops, the eye in the middle of the forehead, which was the organ of a magical perception of the All that had degenerated into the pineal gland. Such ideas fascinated ...


... the cells woke up to their new receptivity and opened to the Divine Influence directly.” 12 “The necessities” were bit by bit losing their authority. “All the laws, those laws that were the laws of Nature, have lost what one could call their despotism: it is no longer as it was”, 13 the Mother said in 1967. Yet, she was still far from the complete realisation. Every part of her body was undergoing ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... would rather not believe in supernatural events personally. Although I obviously can’t prove that they never happen, I see no reason to suppose that they do. My inclination is to assume that the laws of nature are obeyed at all times. But even if one rules out supernatural events, it is still not clear that science could in principle explain everything in the physical universe. … The ‘ultimate’ questions ...

... that something better was possible by means of an inner development. ‘We are not strong enough to wage the struggle by force … We should develop our intelligence more to understand the profound laws of nature, and to better learn how to act with order, how to coordinate our efforts … I have succeeded in making my friends understand all that.’ And, he said, he had come to ask the help of the Cosmic Movement ...

... Sanskrit e (great hate) or that corresponding to Sanskrit o (old road) is made short or long at pleasure; but to the Sanskrit, Greek or Latin ear it would have sounded like a defiance of the laws of Nature. Bengali is a modern language, so there this kind of stylisation is possible, for there e can be long, short or doubtful. All this, not to write more about stylisation, but only as a protest ...

... the Avatar has to submit to the conditions imposed by Himself. Sri Aurobindo has insisted on this point again and again: ‘My sadhana is not a freak or a monstrosity or a miracle done outside the laws of Nature and the conditions of life and consciousness on Earth.’ And: ‘Certain conditions have been established for the game and so long as those conditions remain unchanged certain things are not done ...

... a hard-headed scientist in his moments of enlightened analysis:   "The chess-board is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest ...


... second calls for a commentary. The role originally set for Sri Aurobindo's body as well as for the Mother's was entire divinisation so that it might not be subject in any mode to the so-called laws of Nature and would mark the beginning of a new, a supramental race. With the passing of Sri Aurobindo we saw a momentous shift in the plan: Sri Aurobindo admitted into his physical frame what we may term ...

... own manner of existence. The black magic of the habit of centuries had everybody believe that what was happening to the Mother was exactly what should happen, deterioration and death being the laws of Nature. Nobody can be prevented from imagining great things like the cancellation of death, a divine life upon Earth, an end to suffering, and what not — but, you see, Sri Aurobindo too had succumbed ...


... new era, in which magic, mystical vision and world-power would be restored to all true-born Germans.” 504 While to its practitioners occultism was a method, based on wisdom, to find out the laws of nature and to use them to certain ends, the pagan rites of power were almost exclusively put at the service of the barbarian urges of self-aggrandizement and the physical force to dominate others, gain ...


... things are not done—so we say they are impossible, can't be done. If the conditions are changed, then the same things are done or at least become licit—allowable, legal, according to the so-called laws of Nature,—and then we say they can be done. The Divine also acts according to the conditions of the game. He may change them, but he has to change them first, not proceed while maintaining the conditions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... master; it can not only reject and control external stimuli, but can defy such apparently universal material laws as that of gravitation and ignore, put aside and make nought of what are called laws of nature and are really only the laws of material nature, inferior and subject to the psychical laws because matter is a product of mind and not mind a product of matter. This is the decisive discovery ...


... sound corresponding to Sanskrit ए or that corresponding to Sanskrit ओ is made short or long at pleasure; but to the Sanskrit, Greek or Latin ear it would have sounded like a defiance of the laws of Nature. Bengali is a modern language, so there this kind of stylisation is possible, for there ए can be long, short or doubtful. All this, not to write more about stylisation, but only as a protest ...


... you must not expect the change to take place in a few days. It is not my working, but your moods that are queer. You get something 1 no reasonable being would expect under the ordinary laws of Nature and then you fancy you haven't got it and wail because everything is not absolutely, continuously, faultlessly, increasingly, illimitably miraculous through and through and always and for ever ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... and he replied: Page 259 "Alas! I am only like a little child picking up pebbles on the shore of the great ocean of truth." You will understand that the ocean of truth means the laws of Nature which even the most learned men hardly know at all. A little child collects pebbles on the sea-shore, but how much vaster is the sea than the child thinks! And how much vaster still is the universe ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... What Buddhism means by "impurities" is chiefly egoism and ignorance; because, from the Buddhist standpoint, the greatest of all taints is ignorance, not ignorance of external things, of the laws of Nature and of all that you learn at school, but the ignorance of the deepest truth of things, of the law of the being, of the Dharma. It is noteworthy that the two defects insisted upon here are lack ...


... add a practical word to what I have just told you; it is only an illustration of a detail, but it will be an indirect answer to other questions which were asked some time ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, "inevitable" consequences in the material field, and more particularly from the point of view of health; for example, that if one doesn't take certain precautions, if one doesn't ...


... you know, in the clouds, the wind, there are little entities. These entities belong to the vital domain; they are not all wicked, they are often very mischievous. Most of the time they obey the laws of Nature of a much vaster and more general order, but some of these entities are half-independent and bring about local rain, e. Perhaps (we said that they like prayers, these small entities), perhaps if ...


... case to have always occurred till now), and that we have put it into our head and our will to conquer this accident and overcome it. But it is so terrible, so formidable a battle against all the laws of Nature, against all collective suggestions, all earthly habits, that unless, as I have said, you are a first-rate warrior whom nothing frightens, it is better not to begin the battle. You must be an ...


... y it is inevitable that officials should be masters and be able to inflict inconvenience and loss on the citizen without any means of redress If officialdom were to acquire a common sense, the laws of Nature would be sadly contravened. * *  *  September 4, 1909 Every action for instance which may be objectionable to a number of Mahomedans is now liable to be forbidden because it ...


... between all the traditional yogas and the new yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. To a tantric, for example, it seems unthinkable that Mother, with a consciousness so powerful as to scoff at the laws of nature and command the elements (if she wishes), could be subjected to absurd head colds or an eye hemorrhage or even more serious disorders. For him, it is enough to simply lift a finger and emit a vibration ...


... commonly say in French, and that one can rely only on one's physical eyes Page 40 for seeing and observing, on one's physical-mental knowledge for judging and deciding, and that the laws of Nature are laws —in other words, any exception to them is a miracle. This is false. This is what is at the root of all the misunderstandings and reservations. You already know, and I mention it only ...


... stuff of the cells, was constantly being told, "Don't you forget, now you see that miracles CAN happen." In other words, the way things work out in physical substance may not at all conform to the laws of Nature. "Don't forget, now!" It kept coming back like a refrain: "Don't forget, now! This is how it is." And I saw how necessary this repetition was for the cells: they forget right away and try to find ...


... original, dark cellular Prison which we must break open; for as long as we have not broken it, we will continue to turn vainly in the golden or iron circles of our mental prison. "These laws of Nature," says Sri Aurobindo, "that you call absolute... merely mean an equilibrium established to work in order to produce certain results. But, if you change the consciousness, then the groove also is ...


... heard thunder. It seemed to him that some divine spirit was revealing to him a new philosophy. At the core of this revelation was the intuition that there was a fundamental accord between the laws of nature and those of the science of mathematics. To carry on this work he wished to be left undisturbed. He did not think it would be possible to be so in France for several reasons. He thus enlisted ...


... realm of philosophy where the independent mind is free to speculate about unanswered, open questions. Is the world divided into mind and matter? Is it evolving towards some goal? Are there really laws of nature? Or do we believe in them only because of our innate love of order? Is man a tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on the surface of an unimportant planet? Or is he the humanised ...


... the "natural way" to leave his body when he could have easily left it in the yogic way, as Yogis usually do? The answer that I have found is that Sri Aurobindo's life has respected the rules and laws of Nature, what he has called the conditions of the game. But even these conditions are adapted to a new direction of which Nature, though not pursuing it, is secretly capable. Thus Nature is put to a s ...

... the truth of transformation so important in the philosophy and practice of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. The revolutionary conception that there is nothing sacrosanct and absolute about the so-called laws of nature purported to be discovered by the Experimental Sciences, and that there may equally be other possible 'rules of the game' implying a different type of universe 24. Savitri, Bk. X, Canto ...

... humour whose beauty will vanish if we try to explain it. So, we stop with merely reproducing it. "There was a famous canon who had said to his brother: 'Brother, you and I are exceptions to the laws of Nature. You have risen by your gravity and I have sunk by my levity.' " 7 As in all other fields of his literary creativity - philosophy, sociology, history, poetry, drama, criticism - Sri Aurobindo ...

... existence of a body with physical instruments and processes does not, as the 19th century vainly imagined, disprove the existence of a soul which uses the body even if it is also conditioned by it. Laws of Nature do not disprove the existence of God. The fact of a material world to which our instruments are accorded does not disprove the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments ...

... the Valmiki Ramayana: Trishanku, a king of the Solar Dynasty, wished to ascend to heaven in his mortal body. His Guru, Vasishta, refused to perform the needful rites as it would be against the laws of nature. Cursed by Vasishta's sons, forced to leave his country and wander the lands, Trishanku met sage Viswamitra, a rival of Guru Vasishta, who promised to help him instead. The yagnas (rituals) began ...


... body; or the possibility of retaining the Supramental power in the cells leading to a prolonging of life with a constant and infinite renewal. With this, the body has lost the sense of time. The laws of Nature have lost their meaning for this body. The inexhaustible Force pouring perpetually, ceaselessly, or without diminution of the Supramental energy which gives the capacity to prolong life, — this ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... ² For the miracle does happen and man is waiting for that in spite of all the tragic interlude: If the leaves, branches, roots, trunk Had been granted a manual of freedom, The laws of nature would have intervened. But a miracle is a miracle, a miracle is God. When we are all confusion, That instant it finds us out.³ ¹ "Magdalene" (II). ²"Earth". ³ "Miracle". ...

... problem? Why go far, the very first step that the child takes in his adventurous journey of life, is it not a veritable step into the unknown? Indeed, many, in fact most of the scientific laws - the Laws of Nature - are they strictly the result of calculation and deduction from known and observed data or are they not rather "brilliant surmises", "sudden revelations" that overwhelm by their un-expected appearance ...

... add one word, a practical word, to what I have already said; it is an illustration of a detail, but it will be a kind of reply to some other questions put to me some time ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, inevitable consequences in the material world, more particularly from the point of view of health: we are told that if some precautions are not taken, if we do not eat as we ...

... rational understanding. At one time, there seemed to be in the world an iron insistence on order, on a law basing on the possibilities. But today even while granting some apparent operations of laws of nature, what is predominantly emphasized is the unaccountability and freak and fantasy and random action. It is increasingly being recognized that the theory of Mechanical Necessity by itself does not ...

... Prayag, the place of pilgrimage, where the Ganga and the Jamuna have met. Now, in the creation nothing can remain itself and unaltered for good. Difference and polarity are the inviolable laws of nature. Therefore it is not that we do not find glimpses of pure intuition here and there among the Bengalees. Chandidas, the pioneer poet of Bengal, represents an unalloyed, pure inspiration and Vidyapati ...

... necessity and as a reaction of the senses to their objects. The intellectual faculty develops in man so that he may handle material things properly and effectively. The so-called universal truths or laws of Nature that the scientist discovers by virtue Page 293 of his keen intellect have their chief advantage in enabling one to deal with the external world with considerable ease. That ...

... universe and even there it gives knowledge of only a part. But, there is not merely the quantitative law of formation, but also a qualitative law which is more important than the quantitative. These laws of Nature you call absolute. But suppose I bring the yogic force into play and am able to overcome the law of gravitation, that is, bring about levitation, then is it not breaking the absolute law ? ...

... of Nature to the conscious functioning of the great Consciousness, the supramental functioning, that which Sri Aurobindo and Mother called the “conscious automatism.” The uncoupling from the old laws of Nature and the coupling to the other rhythm. And one morning, visibly shaken, Mother simply said: My nervous system is being transferred to the Supramental.... It feels like ... it's worse than dying ...

... the ego which is the ultimate resistant to individual and collective liberation, and thereby release the spiritual Agni that holds the key to all other sources of energy and all the so-called "laws of Nature"? Modern science knows that Matter and Energy are convertible in terms of the equation E=mc 2 , but Yoga might be able, by wresting the secret of the fundamental Agni itself, to effect a radical ...

... that we shall not perish as a nation, but live as a nation. Any authority that goes against this object will dash itself against the eternal throne of justice - it will dash itself against the laws of Nature which are the laws of God, and be broken to pieces. 21 IV Sri Aurobindo's life, divided mainly between his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra's house and the premises of the Karmayogin ...

... teaching them how to choose the divine Presence—the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence, the divine Power (all that wordlessly), the "something".... It's a choice of every second between the old laws of Nature—and the government by the supreme Consciousness. 12 The government of the open air versus the government of the aquarium, we could say. A "choice"; it is easier said than done, for how does ...


... flexibility to the impulsion of the divine Will in it. Page 445 There are many other possible achievements of the body which the human mind in its inveterate bondage to the so-called laws of Nature is hardly capable of considering as within the province of concrete reality. There is a tradition of spiritual culture that testifies to the development of the subtle senses and the assumption ...

... appears to have always occurred till now), and we have put it into our head and our will to conquer this accident and overcome it. Yet it is such a terrible, such a formidable battle, against all the laws of Nature, all collective suggestions, all terrestrial habits, that unless you are a first-rate warrior whom nothing frightens, it’s better not to begin the battle. You must be an absolutely intrepid hero ...

... existence of a body with physical instruments and processes does not, as the 19 th century vainly imagined, disprove the existence of a soul which uses the body even if it is also conditioned by it. Laws of Nature do not disprove the existence of God. The fact of a material world to which our instruments are accorded does not disprove the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments ...

... 125—Every law, however embracing or tyrannous, meets somewhere a contrary law by which its operation can be checked, modified, annulled or eluded. 126—The most binding Law of Nature is only a fixed process which the Lord of Nature has framed and uses constantly; the Spirit made it and the Spirit can exceed it, but we must first open the doors of our prison-house and learn to live less in Nature than... than in the Spirit. There is no law of Nature that cannot be overcome and changed, if we have the faith that all is ruled by the Lord and that it is possible for us to come into direct contact with Him, if we know how to escape from the prison-house of age-old habits and give ourselves unreservedly to His will. In truth, nothing is fixed, everything is in perpetual change; and this ascending ...


... the element of the incalculable and the unforeseen in Nature. Nature, in one respect, seems to be a closed circle: it is a rigid mechanism and its movements are very definite and absolutely fixed admitting of no change or variation whatsoever. That was the idea which governed our earlier scientists when they spoke or the Law of Nature. Law of Nature was to them, in the great Sophoclean phrase, something... ordinary round, according to the normal laws, bound ,within their present frame: but always there drops in from elsewhere an unknown element, a force or energy or impulse of another quality, which causes a shift of emphasis in the actual, brings about a change unaccountable and unforeseen. This is what is called miracle: the imposition of a higher law, a generic law governing subtler forms and forces upon... in nature, quality and extent in the lower order. Such miracles, interventions, providential happenings are not rare. They are always occurring, only they do not attract attention. For it is these phenomena that are the real causes of all progress – cosmic as well as individual. Evolution is based upon this truth of Nature. Man is not bound to the present pattern or complex of his nature and ...

... (biography) Introductory Quotations The world unknowing, for the world she stood.. || 3.19 || \*\*\* One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature’s doom by the lone Spirit’s power. || 91.4 || A limitless Mind that can contain the world, A sweet and violent heart of ardent calms Moved by the passions of the gods shall come. || 91.5... be with her like a conqueror’s sword And from her eyes the Eternal’s bliss shall gaze. || 91.8 || A seed shall be sown in Death’s tremendous hour, A branch of heaven transplant to human soil; Nature shall overleap her mortal step; Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will.” || 91.9 || ...


... and creatures and objects which seem each to be following its own law of nature; in this vast and apparently confused mass of existence there is a law, a one truth of being, a guiding and fulfilling purpose of the world-existence. The Supermind is veiled here and does not work according to its characteristic Page 200 law of being and self-knowledge, but without it nothing could reach its... purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is not really created by a blind force of Nature: even in the Inconscient the presence of the supreme Truth is at work; there is a seeing Power behind it which acts ...


... creatures and objects which seem Page 591 each to be following its own law of nature; in this vast and apparently confused mass of existence there is a law, a one truth of being, a guiding and fulfilling purpose of the world-existence. The Supermind is veiled here and does not work according to its characteristic law of being and self-knowledge, but without it nothing could reach its aim. A world... purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is not really created by a blind force of Nature: even in the Inconscient the presence of the supreme Truth is at work; there is a seeing Power behind it which acts ... the Spirit is there in Matter and it has made a series of steps by which it can travel from it to its own heights in an uninterrupted line of gradations; the depths are linked to the heights and the Law of the one Truth creates and works everywhere. Even in the material world which seems to us a world of ignorance, a world of the workings of a blind and inconscient Force starting from inconscience ...


... and creatures and objects which seem each to be following its own law of Page 212 nature; in this. vast and apparently confused mass of existence there is a law, a one truth of being, a guiding and fulfilling purpose of the world-existence. The Supermind is veiled here and does not work according to its characteristic law of being and self-knowledge, but without it nothing could reach... purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is not really created by a blind force of Nature: even in the Inconscient the presence of the supreme Truth is at work; there is a seeing Power behind it which acts... the Spirit is there in Matter and it has made a series of steps by which it can travel from it to its own heights in an uninterrupted line of gradations: the depths are linked to the heights and the Law of the one Truth creates and works everywhere. Even in the material world which seems to us a world of ignorance, a world of the workings of a blind and inconscient Force starting from inconscience ...

... its ulterior significance. Modern Science has brought in an equally formless and arbitrary predestination of Law of Nature and Heredity to contradict the idea of responsibility in a free, willing and acting soul. Where there is no soul, there can be no freedom. Nature works out her original law in man; our fathers and mothers with all that they carried in them are a second vital predestination and the... world. If my past actions determine my present, my immediate action also determines the moment that shall be and is not utterly put off by a tardy mechanism to belated effects in a far-off life. If Law of nature and heredity and environment are powerful, yet do they depend on the individual for the use to which they shall be turned. The fruit of my actions belongs not to me, but to God and the world;... pursuing it with a less strenuous resolution or, it may be, a less childish impatience or obstinacy than the freest believer in free-will. It is not our intellectual ideas that govern our action, but our nature and Page 159 temperament,—not dhī , 1 but mati or even manyu , or, as the Greeks would have said, thumos and not nous . On the other hand a great man of action will often ...


... ( Regarding Sri Aurobindo's Aphorism 126 : "The most binding law of Nature is only a fixed process which the Lord of Nature has framed and uses constantly; the Spirit made it and the Spirit can exceed it, but we must first open the doors of our prison-house and learn to live less in Nature than in the Spirit." ) That was precisely the subject of... (can we call it meditation... levitation (questions a modern little child might ask), I was asked, "How is it that one who escapes from this law doesn't just go up into the Page 69 atmosphere?" I replied from my experience that that's not the way levitation works, it's not because one escapes from the law of gravity: it's because physical bodies are supported by materialized vital forces (slightly materialized). So ...


... move the other way round. Thus a Page 274 never-ending see-saw, a cyclic recurrence of the same sequence of movements appears to be an inevitable law governing human society: it seems to have almost the absolutism of a law of Nature.¹ ¹ In this connection we can recall Plato's famous serial of social types from aristocracy to tyranny, the last coming out of democracy the type... sanctity of the individual conscience against the established order of a mighty State. Indeed, individualised individuals were more or less freaks in the social set-up in the early days, revolutionaries or law-breakers, iconoclasts who were not very much favoured by the people. In Europe, it was perhaps with Luther that started a larger movement for the establishment and maintenance of the individual's right... exactly as we have experienced it in our own days). But the most interesting point to which we can look with profit is Plato's view that the types are as men are, that is to say, the character and nature of man in a given period determines the kind of government or social system he is going to have. There has been this cyclic rotation of types, because men themselves were rotating types, because, in ...

... earth and she has not gone into an eternal eclipse. The over-shadowing influence cannot last for ever, it is a temporary obscuration from which the sun of her destiny is soon to emerge. This is the law of Nature and divine dispensation, and, amidst the noise and dust and smoke of that confused struggle of myriad opinions and misunderstandings which mark a revolution, the one thing essential which should... Asiatics forbids him to use his reasoning powers on India as he would have used them in the case of an European country similarly circumstanced. Otherwise he would have perhaps understood that the same laws govern and explain all human movements whether among Europeans or Asiatics. The working of the human mind, the correlation of causes and effects, the ups and downs in the life of a nation are never... provide their readers. But apart from the natural unhinging of the reason for which the prospect of loss of power and prestige or of trade is responsible, there is a plentiful lack of appreciation of the nature of the movement, its causes and probable effects not only on the part of the ruling class but of the majority of our educated people. We can understand the ruling class doing their very best to crush ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... active, cannot be predetermined by any calculation, even if that is due to a definitely and precisely arranged bombardment. So we have come to posit a principle of uncertainty, as a very fundamental law of Nature. It practically declares that the ultimate particle is an autonomou unit, it is an' individual, almost a personality, and seems to have a will of its own. A material unit acts very much like a ... physical Science has been built up – is now being called in question. We thought that the unity and uniformity of Nature is a cardinal fact and nothing can shake it. Well, it appears that solid basis too has proved to be no more than an eidolon. The search for a universal principle of Nature is a meta-physical as well as a scientific preoccupation. In ancient days, fo example, we had the Water of Thales... the way of its predecessors. We thought for a time that we had found in Electric Energy the one sovereign principle in Nature. At a time when we had a few elements – discrete, different, fundamental units – that in their varying combinations built up the composite structure of Nature, apart from the fact that they reposed finally on the ultimate unifying principle of Ether, it was found also that they ...

... self-conscious, the same law predominates; but, in proportion as life grows and still more when mind emerges, the individual also arrives at a greater and more vital power of variation. He acquires the freedom to develop according, no doubt, to the general law of Nature and the general law of his type, but also according to the individual law of his being. Man, the mental being in Nature, is especially ... individual. The nation or community is an aggregate life that expresses the Self according to the general law of human nature and aids and partially fulfils the development and the destiny of mankind by its own development and the pursuit of its own destiny according to the law of its being and the nature of its corporate individuality. It has like the individual the right to be itself, and its just claim... Chapter VII The Ideal Law of Social Development The true law of our development and the entire object of our social existence can only become clear to us when we have discovered not only, like modern Science, what man has been in his past physical and vital evolution, but his future mental and spiritual destiny and his place in the cycles of Nature. This is the reason why the subjective ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... again, the breath resumes its activity. But when the thought flows without the resumption of the inbreathing and outbreathing, then the Prana is truly conquered. This is a law of Nature. When we strive to act, the forces of Nature do their will with us; when we grow still, we become their master. But there are two kinds of stillness—the helpless stillness of Page 57 inertia, which heralds ...


... are among the most individualist, the most separatist people. For them the form is predominant, the form is attractive. It is suggestive too, it speaks of some deeper harmony or truth, of some law of nature or life. Each form, each act is symbolical, from the arrangement of the gardens and the houses to the famous tea ceremony. And sometimes in a very simple and usual thing you discover a symbol, deep... young, the workmen, the women, the children, the students, all, save perhaps the "new rich", display in their daily life the most wonderful storage of concentrated energy. With their perfect love for nature and beauty, this accumulated strength is, perhaps, the most distinctive and widely spread characteristic of the Japanese. That is what you may observe as soon as you reach that land of Page 152... are there, but not that blissful sense of the infinite which comes from a living nearness to the Unique. True, here all speaks to the eyes and mind of unity—unity of God with man, unity of man with Nature, unity of man with man. But this unity is very little felt and lived. Certainly the Japanese have a highly developed sense of generous hospitality, reciprocal help, mutual support; but in their feelings ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... supraphysical plane of being, does not seem to figure among the normal possibles or potentials of the material Energy. It could only happen there by an intervention of a supraphysical force or law of Nature or by a creator Mind acting with full power and directly on Matter. An action of a supraphysical Force and a creator may be conceded in every new appearance in Matter; each such appearance is at... and acts by an Page 291 extension of some established process of Nature. It is more conceivable that there was an opening of some existing body to a supraphysical influx so that it was transformed into a new body; but no such event can lightly be assumed to have taken place in the past history of material Nature: in order to happen it would seem to need either the conscious intervention... " On the side of consciousness the new manifestation, the human, could be accounted for by an upsurge of concealed Consciousness from the involution in universal Nature. But in that case it must have had some material form already existent for its vehicle of emergence, the vehicle being adapted by the force of the emergence itself to the needs of a new inner creation; ...


... it asserts its importance to Nature, its freedom and its universality. 204—Animal man is the obscure starting-point, the present natural man the varied and tangled mid-road, but supernatural man the luminous and transcendent goal of our human journey. Man finds his full power for progress when he no longer feels bound to Nature or limited by her laws. Nature is only a limited expression ...


... differences. God transcends world and is not bound by any law of Nature. He uses laws, laws do not use Him. God transcends world and is not bound to any particular state of consciousness in the world. He is not unity-consciousness nor multiple consciousness, not Personality nor Impersonality, not stillness, nor motion, but simultaneously includes all these self-expressions of His absolute being. ... world-consciousness; Nature is not an outcast from Spirit, but its Image, world is not a falsity contradicting Brahman, but the symbol of a divine Existence. God is the reverse side of Nature, Nature the obverse side of God. Since the soul in the body is eternally & inalienably free, its bondage to egoism, law of bodily nature, law of mental nature, law of pleasure and pain, law of life and death... determined by them. Spirit reflects in its knowledge the activity of Nature, but only those activities which it has itself compelled Nature to initiate. The soul in the body is master of body and not subject to its laws or limited by its experiences. The soul is not constituted by mind and its activities, for these also are parts of Nature and movements only. Mind and body are instruments of the secret ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... spirit. The Divine Mother now gives her wide consenting voice to expectant Aswapati:         O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry.       One shall descend and break the iron Law,       Change Nature's doom by the lone spirit's power...       Beauty shall walk celestial on the earth,       Delight shall sleep in the cloud-net of her hair       And in her body as on his homing... played in the theatre of Time must still diet on suffering and pain. It is man's merit that he is awake, that he has memory and desire, that he cannot help aspiring "to change the cosmic dream". But the law of Chance and Death cannot be altered; man is condemned yet to be no more than "a link between the demigod and the beast"; he must veer between the pulls of darkness and light, and play endlessly this... conqueror's sword       And from her eyes the Eternal's bliss shall gaze.       A seed shall be sown in Death's tremendous hour,       A branch of heaven transplant to human soil;       Nature shall overleap her mortal step;       Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will. 155     The words cease, and the splendour fades away; only the echoes of the promise fill the chambers ...


... they are by the force of the cosmic existence, they develop as they do as a result of their relation to it and to all its other manifestations. The separate law of their nature is only an application of the universal law and truth of all Nature; their particular development is determined by their place in the general development. The tree does not explain the seed, nor the seed the tree; cosmos explains... s working out of things from within and the external shock and struggle are only the superficial aspect of this elaboration. For the inner and inherent law of the one and whole, which is necessarily a harmony, governs the outer and processive laws of the parts or forms which appear to be in collision; and to the supramental vision this greater and profounder truth of harmony is always present. That... formidable. Page 151 × A Vedic expression. The gods act according to the first laws, original and therefore supreme, which are the law of the truth of things. × Gita , XVIII. 61. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... verily, the foxes have their holes, the birds their nests, but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head." And this is bound to be so, for it is the inexorable law of nature: one who has identified himself with Nature, ignorant nature, of which the ignorant and suffering humanity is part and parcel, one whose body and soul are in unison and union with the body and soul of all beings and creatures... effective power of realisation. Inevitably this means as I have said the assumption of all the ills of nature; for the very purpose of incarnation is to purify the external nature, so that it becomes one with the inner being. So, all terrestrial human beings share in the impurity of the ignorant ordinary nature and share also, as secretly conscious entities although outwardly almost absolutely unconscious... unity, instead of a static unity, a never-ending repetition, an eternal recurrence. There is a consciousness above and a consciousness below: a consciousness above the ignorant nature and a consciousness within that nature. They are not, however, altogether distinct and incommensurable: it is the same consciousness with a double status as in the well-known figure of the two birds in in the Upanishad ...

... truth, to be upheld in the divine law, to be assisted and armed with strength, manhood and energy. Dayananda has brought this idea of the divine right and truth into the Veda; the Veda is as much and more a book of divine Law as Hebrew Bible or Zoroastrian Avesta. The cosmic element is not less conspicuous in the Veda; the Rishis speak always of the worlds, the firm laws that govern them, the divine... entities which we have to admit and whose relations we have to know if we would understand existence at all, God, Nature and the Soul. If, as Dayananda held on strong enough grounds, the Veda reveals to us God, reveals to us the law of Nature, reveals to us the relations of the Soul to God and Nature, what is it but a revelation of divine Truth? And if, as Dayananda held, it reveals them to us with a perfect... aspiration, then there must inevitably be in the Veda a large part of psychology of the Divine Nature, psychology of the relations of man with God and a constant indication of the law governing man's Godward conduct. Dayananda asserts the presence of such an ethical element, he finds in the Veda the law of life given by God to the human being. And if the Vedic godheads express the powers of a supreme ...


... because that is its nature. But why is that its nature? Why should it not be its nature to produce some other form of existence, or some other kind of tree? That is the law, is the answer. But why is it the law? The only answer is that it is so because it is so; that it happens, why no man can say. In reality when we speak of Law, we speak of an idea; when we speak of the nature of a thing, we speak... a discernible momentum and say "Here is an entity called Law or Nature." The seed evolves a tree because tree is the idea involved in the seed; it is a process of manifestation in form, not a creation. If there were no insistent idea, we should have a world of chances and freaks, not a world of law—there would be no such idea as the nature of things, if there were not an originating and ordering ... the real hides behind the apparent, spirit behind matter. The apparent masquerades as real, the real is seen dimly as if it were an unsubstantial shadow. The grandeur of the visible universe and its laws enslaves men's imaginations. "This is a mighty machine," we cry, "but it moves of its own force and needs neither guide nor maker; for its motion is eternal." Blinded by a half truth we fail to see ...


... face, Janus like: violence and falsehood. In private life, in the political field, in the business world, in social dealings, it is now an established practice, it has gained almost the force of a law of nature that success can be achieved only with these two comrades on your either side. A gentle, honest, peace-loving man is inevitably pushed back, he has to go to the wall; a straightforward truthful... the apparent forms of his personality, the divine element, the very Divine in him. It is the outer man, the marginal man, man in his inferior nature that lives and moves in normal circumstances; instead, the central man, man in his higher and highest nature has to come out and take his place in the world. What is needed then is an army of souls: individuals, either separately or in groups, who have ...

... start it has spoken of the nature, rule and function of the Kshatriya as Arjuna's own law of action, svadharma ; 1 it has proceeded to lay it down with a striking emphasis that one's own nature, rule, Page 508 function should be observed and followed,—even if defective, it is better than the well-performed rule of another's nature. Death in one's own law of nature is better for a man than... self-recovery often after eclipse and disappearance, is the vain circuit of the wrong road retarding our real progress. This law obtains in one form or another in all Nature; it underlies all that action of law of universality and law of variation revealed to us by science. The same law obtains in the life of the human being, his many lives in many human bodies. Here it has an outward play and an inward... individual acts not only according to the common laws of the human spirit, mind, will, life, but according to his own nature; each man fulfils different functions or follows a different bent according to the rule of his own circumstances, capacities, turn, character, powers. What place is to be assigned to this variation, this individual rule of nature in the spiritual discipline? The Gita has laid ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... face, Janus like: violence and falsehood. In private life, in the political field, in the business world, in social dealings, it is now an established practice, it has gained almost the force of a law of nature that success can be achieved only with these two comrades on your either side. A gentle, honest, peace-loving man is inevitably pushed back, he has to go to the wall; a straightforward truthful... the apparent forms of his personality, the divine element, the very Divine in him. It is the outer man, the marginal man, man in his inferior nature that lives and moves in normal circumstances; instead, the central man, man in his higher and highest nature has to come out and take his place in the world. What is needed then is an army of souls: individuals, either separately or in groups, who ...

... which informs the whole action of material energy. It is that which determines what we call law of nature, maintains the action of each thing according to its own nature and harmonises and evolves the whole, which would otherwise be a fortuitous creation apt at any moment to collapse into chaos. All the law of nature is a thing precise in its necessities of process, but is yet in the cause of that necessity... reality as well as their appearance, in their truth, their law, the entire spirit and sense and figure of their nature and their workings. When it sees anything as an object of knowledge, it yet sees it as itself and in itself, and not as a thing other than or divided from it about which therefore it would at first be ignorant of the nature, constitution and workings and have to learn about them, as... there within it, and it is this infallible operation of things acting according to their own nature, of energy producing result and event according to the force within it, of action bearing the fruit and event involved in its own character and intention which we call variously in its different aspects law of Nature, Karma, Necessity and Fate. These things are to mind the workings of a power outside or above ...


... psychology,—religion as an emotional delusion, philosophy, the pure essence of the mind, as a barren thought-weaving,—and resolved to devote the whole intellectual faculty of man to a study of the laws of material Nature and of man's bodily, social, economic and political existence and to build thereon a superior civilisation. That stupendous effort is over; it has not yet frankly declared its bankruptcy... truth the East already possesses; and it is an ancient knowledge. The East also is awaking to the message. The danger is that Asia may accept it in the European form, forget for a time her own law and nature and either copy blindly the West or make a disastrous amalgam of that which she has in its most inferior forms and the crudenesses which are invading her. The problem of thought therefore is... which the enlightenment of Europe has been governed is the passion for the discovery of the Truth and Law that constitutes existence and governs the process of the world, the attempt to develop the life and potentialities of man, his ideals, institutions, organisations by the knowledge of that Law and Truth and the confidence that along this line lies the road of human progress and perfection. The ...


... made into the statue which pleases the eye and gladdens the soul. If it could feel it certainly would say, "How dearly I have to pay for the beautiful transformation." This is the inexorable law of nature. Nature has not yet been known to relent in this respect. If you want to get anything grand and beautiful out of her you must go through the process through which a piece of stone passes before it is... breaks through the impediments, rends asunder the surface of the earth before it bears on its bosom the argosies and crowns the bordering lands with plenty. Those who cannot look this sternness of nature in the face are not destined for things good, noble and high. If you want to grovel in the dust, indolence, ease and ignoble peace may do, but if climbing up the heights of glory is your ambition learn ...

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... class and the labourer, and all the most significant movements of the day have for their purpose the abolition of this last superiority. In this persistent tendency, Europe has obeyed one great law of Nature's progressive march, her trend towards a final equality. Absolute equality is surely neither intended nor possible, just as absolute uniformity is both impossible and utterly undesirable; but a ... religious community, the nation within the nation. We may perhaps say that here Nature tried an experiment of unparalleled complexity and potential richness, accumulating all possible difficulties in order to arrive at the most opulent result. But in the end the problem proved insoluble or, at least, was not solved and Nature had to resort to her usual deus ex machina denouement, the instrumentality... is sufficiently organised,—the Page 286 largest unit yet successfully developed by Nature,—entire unity is not always achieved. If no other elements of discord remain, yet the conflict of classes is always possible. And the phenomenon leads us to another rule of this gradual development of Nature in human life which we shall find of very considerable importance when we come to the question ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... स्य नाम । याश्च माया मायिनां विश्वमिन्व त्वे पूर्वीः संदधुः पृष्टबन्धो ॥३॥ 3) Many are the names of thee, the Immortal, O Fire, O knower of the births, O god who bearest with thee the self-law of nature; all the manifold magic of the Lords of magic they have combined in thee, O all-ruler, O builder of the levels. अग्निर्नेता भग इव क्षितीनां दैवीनां देव ऋतुपा ऋतावा । स वृत्रहा सनयो विश्ववेदाः... स्तोकाः श्चोतन्ति मेदसः । स्वधर्मन् देववीतये श्रेष्ठं नो धेहि वार्यम् ॥२॥ 2) O purifying Fire, full of light there drip for thee drops of understanding; give us the supreme desirable thing in thy self-law for the advent of the gods. तुभ्यं स्तोका घृतश्चुतोऽग्ने विप्राय सन्त्य । ऋषिः श्रेष्ठः समिध्यसे यज्ञस्य प्राविता भव ॥३॥ 3) To thee, the illumined seer, come these drops dripping light, O ...


... giving it the shape it took. The situation in India as they envisaged it, resembled that of the patricians and plebeians in Rome; for they accepted the permanence of British control almost as a law of Nature though they were anxious to alter its conditions. A caste of white patricians arrogated the control of the State in all its functions and effected an inborn social superiority accompanied not only... meeting of powerless critics; they certainly hoped that the plebiscites or resolutions of the Congress would eventually come to have a sovereign force and translate themselves almost automatically into laws. But they took no sufficient notice of the immense difference in the conditions of a struggle for popular rights which is introduced by the foreign character of the ruling caste. There can always be... justice of alien to alien, of self-satisfied and arrogant masters to discontented dependents with whom they have no bonds of blood, culture, religion or social life. Justice might be on their side, but nature and self-interest were against them. Therefore they failed. The real strength of their position lay in the other source of bureaucratic security, the acquiescence and support of the people. As at ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... essential nature of things. Quite correct. Everything I see—clouds, leaves, flowers, walls, clothing, people, food, the cells of the body—all are silent, and in that silence they do their work according to the law of their nature. The effect of their movement—the rustling of leaves, the striking of hammer on steel—is something quite apart from this silence which is in the nature of the things ...

... charlatans because they profess to be the pioneers of a new kind of Science. Neither, I hope, shall I be inclined to reject or criticise adversely because Theosophy has a foreign origin. There is no law of Nature by which spiritual knowledge is confined to the East or must bear the stamp of an Indian manufacture before it can receive the imprimatur of the All-Wise. He has made man in his own image everywhere... American or English. An Indian here and there may quicken the illumination of the Theosophist, but it is Madame Blavatsky or Mrs Besant, Sinnett or Leadbeater who lays down the commandments and the Law. It is strange to see the present political condition of India reproducing itself in a spiritual organisation; it illustrates perhaps the subtle interconnection and interdependence of all individual... he has his perfection in the higher and superintellectual faculties of the mind. Until then the best have to remember that the mind even of the fairly advanced is not yet divine and that it is the nature of the old unchastened human element to leap at misunderstandings, follow the lure of predilections and take premature conclusions for established truths. We must accept the Theosophists as enquirers; ...


... It is the Dharma of the thief to steal because that is his nature. Deshpande was very angry when he heard that; I said it is only a point of view. Page 166 But all that does not mean that there is no consequence for one's action. As Christ said, offence come but woe unto him by whom the offence cometh. There is a law of being which throws upon you the murder, persecution etc.,... idea of taking up forces and pull them high up. Even the sexual act has to be done from a high consciousness. Upanishad also says it is possible. But to go back to the original point about the law of Nature. We have to understand that all this does not mean that there is no moral standard. Humanity requires a certain standard it helps profess. It is obvious from what Hitler is doing that he is not... all sorts to make the world." But again that does not mean that one should not recognize other planes. For instance, there is the vital plane whose law is force and success. If you have the force you win. If you have speed you outrun others. The law of the mind comes in to act as a balance together to make a mental-vital standard. If you go above then you come to a point where Gita's "Sarva Dharman ...

... of our being and nature. Page 273 It is this deeper sense in which we must accept the dictum of the Gita that action determined and governed by the nature must be our law of works. It is not, certainly, the superficial temperament or the character or habitual impulses that are meant, but in the literal sense of the Sanskrit word our "own being", our essential nature, the divine stuff... done in the universe is accomplished without any interference of desire; it proceeds by the calm necessity and spontaneous law of Nature. Even man constantly does work of various kinds by a spontaneous impulse, intuition, instinct or acts in obedience to a natural necessity and law of forces without either mental planning or the urge of a conscious vital volition or emotional desire. Often enough his... deepest truth of the spirit. The pursuit of liberation, of the soul's freedom, of the realisation of our true and highest self, of union with the Divine, is justified only because it is the highest law of our nature, because it is the attraction of that which is lower in us to that which is highest, because it is the Divine Will in us. That is its sufficient justification and its one truest reason; all other ...


... Everyone is not Hitler and can't do what Hitler does. One acts according to one's nature. Your question reminds me of the story of my grandmother. She said, "God has made such a bad world. If I could meet Him I would teach Him what good laws are." At this grandfather said, "Yes, that is true. But God has so made His laws that if you intend to meet Him with this attitude you won't get near Him." (Laughter)... say, it takes all sorts to make a world. But again, all this does not mean that one should not recognise other planes. There is the vital plane whose law is force and success. If you have force you win; if you have speed you outrun others. The laws of the mind come in to act as a means of balance. They balance diverse things to make a mental-vital standard. It you go above the vital and mental... path of Tantra? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. It must have been prescribed with the idea of taking up the lower forces and pulling them high up. But to go back to our original point about the law of Nature, remember a young Sannyasi who came to Baroda. He had lons nails and used to sit under the trees. Deshpande and I went to see him. I asked him, "What is the standard of action?" He replied, "There ...


... truth by your own personal experience. Science deals with laws of physical nature. But we have a vital nature, a mental nature. Psychology is an effort at the study of our vital and mental nature, but this is a very imperfect and perfunctory way to learn because it studies only the surface and does not go into the roots of our nature. For that yoga, the practical philosophy is needed. There are ...

... concealed in his nature or conscious in his higher self or inner genius. He obeys an inner ideal, not an outer standard; he answers to a divine law in his being, not to a social claim or a collective necessity. The ethical imperative comes not from around, but from within him and above him. It has been felt and said from of old that the laws of right, the laws of perfect conduct are the laws of the gods... because he will be faithful to the law of his nature. The saying of the Gita is always true; better is the law of one's own nature though ill-performed, dangerous is an alien law however speciously superior it may seem to our reason. But the law of nature of the ethical being is the pursuit of good; it can never be the pursuit of utility. Neither is its law the pursuit of pleasure high or base... altogether restore. If man's conscience is a creation of his evolving nature, if his conceptions of ethical law are mutable and depend on his stage of evolution, yet at the root of them there is something constant in Page 151 all their mutations which lies at the very roots of his own nature and of world-nature. And if Nature in man and the world is in its beginnings infra-ethical as well as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... “veterinarian ideology”, as one commentator calls it, “what is stronger must dominate and not mate with what is weaker, which would mean the sacrifice of its own higher nature”. This is “a fundamental law – one may call it an iron law of nature”. “The movement ought to educate its adherents to the principle that struggle must not be considered a necessary evil but something to be desired in itself.” 291 “War... her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile. History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this law. It shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the result has been a downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher... way of mixing blood with blood, one finds here the nexus with the widespread sexual and even pornographic character assassination of those intentional spoilers of the Aryan blood: the Jews. “If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger”, one reads in Mein Kampf , “she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such ...


... over the weaker one, so the stronger group of individuals would and should conquer the weaker group. This “law of nature” was universally applicable; not to follow it, for instance by letting the weaker compassionately survive and even procreate, would mean tampering with the order of nature, whether or not created by a God. (Eugenics – and ultimately the eradication of a people that was supposed to... without mercy, but others will understand that Nature, in so doing, only obeys an iron law of logic.” This was the lesson Hitler had learned, and which he worded rather civilly in one of his nightly monologues: “One must not take pity on people who are marked by destiny to perish … One must in no way take pity on whoever lacks the necessary hardness in life.” 421 “Life is cruel”, reflected Hitler... struggle for existence and selection, did not only revolutionize biology and natural philosophy: he transformed political science. Possessing this principle enabled to get hold of the laws of life and death of a nation, laws which had escaped the speculation of philosophers”, wrote Vacher de Lapouge. 418 The application of Darwinism to society and politics, to which Darwin himself might not have agreed ...


... —the new principle or power of existence that has to be evolved, then, when it appears, it will still have to accept modification by the nature and law of the basic substance: but also it will modify that substance by its own power, its own law of nature. If, further, it is aided by a descent of its own principle already established in its own full force above the field of evolution and pressing down into... journey of evolutionary Nature. An evolutionary process must be by the very terms of the problem to be solved a development, in some first established basic principle of being or substance, of something that that basic principle holds involved in itself or else admits from out side itself and modifies by the admission; for it must necessarily modify by its own law of nature all that enters into it... Page 733 full emergence of the law of the spirit; its power of supermind or gnosis must have entered into Matter and it must evolve in Matter. It must change the mental into the supramental being, make the inconscient in us conscious, spiritualise our material substance, erect its law of gnostic consciousness in our whole evolutionary being and nature. This must be the culminating emergence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... very obvious fact; that diminution has been effected, it must be remembered, without public agitation, without any organisation or activity of the Nationalist party, by the mere operation of a law of Nature. The aspiration, however created, is there and it is a fire mounting out of the bowels of the earth, which no man's hand can extinguish. The political leaders know that they cannot quench it, if... in India? Yet where do the bomb and the Page 420 revolver, the Terrorist and the secret conspirator flourish more than in Russia? The conspirator has his own means of propaganda which the law finds it difficult to touch. The argument, however, is that it is only in an atmosphere of dissatisfaction, disaffection and sedition that the propaganda of the conspirator can be effective, and Nationalism... necessity and beneficence of the measure and appeal to all patriotic Indians to co-operate in coercing the national movement into silence. If India had been full of meetings of a seditious or doubtful nature, the necessity of the measure could have been established. Even if the national life were pulsating swiftly though blamelessly, its "aetiology",—if we may use a word which may possibly be condemned ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... deformative trick of language. For man's mentality is also a part of Nature; his mentality is even the most important, if not the largest part of his nature. It is, we may say, Nature become partly conscious of her own laws and forces, conscious of her struggle of progression and inspired with the conscious will to impose a higher and higher law on her own processes of life and being. In subhuman life there... studies them as fixed processes and rules of Nature and endeavours to understand their law and norm. He tries to determine the laws of his mind and life and body, the law and rule of the facts and forces about him that constitute his environment and determine the field and the mould of his action. Since we are imperfect and evolutionary beings, this study of the laws of life is bound to Page 418 ... values of life, in less abstract language the law of Nature and especially of his own nature, the forces within him and around him and their right utilisation for his own greater perfection and happiness or for that and the greater perfection and happiness of his fellow-creatures. In the old phrase his business is to learn to live according to Nature. But Nature can no longer be imaged, as once it was, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the tree, because we are accustomed to dissociate from the tree all idea of mind & even of life. We therefore talk vaguely of the Page 415 law of Nature that the tree shall produce according to its kind without understanding why such a law should exist. Vedanta tells us that the process in the tree is the same as in man, except that mind not being active & self-conscious cannot produce those... in the tree the conception of its nature & kind so that the seed falls into earth with every atom of its being full of that secret conception and every moment of the tree's growth is presided over by the same fixed idea. Not only in thinking man & living tree but in substances in which life & mind are inactive, this conceiving Spirit presides & determines its law & form. So 'rthān vyadadhach chhaswatibhyah... object of existence. Evolution is not an universal law, it is a particular process, nor as a process has it any very wide applicability. Some would affirm that every particle of matter in the universe is bound to evolve life, mind, an individualised soul, a finally triumphant spirit. The idea is exhilarating, but impossible. There is no such rigid law, no such self-driven & unintelligent destiny in things ...


... develops a spirit in its being, a special soul-form of the human all-soul and a law of its nature which determines the lines and turns of its evolution. All that it takes from its environment it naturally attempts to assimilate to this spirit, transmute into stuff of this soul-form, make apt to and governable by this law of its nature. All its self-expression is in conformity with them. And its poetry, art... to be heard. For we are all of us souls developing our unfinished nature in a constant endeavour to get into unity with the spirit in life through its many forms of manifestation and on many different lines. And as there is in Indian Yoga a principle of varying capacity, adhikāra , something in the immediate power of a man's nature that determines by its characteristics his right to this or that way... of great poetry. The poet, we must always remember, creates out of himself and has the indefeasible right to follow freely the breath of the spirit within him, provided he satisfies in his work the law of poetic beauty. The external forms of his age and his nation only give him his starting-point and some of his materials and determine to some extent, by education, by a subconscious and automatic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... demanding at the pistol's point special messages for the 15th for themselves and I am supposed to stand and deliver. I won't. I regret that I must disappoint you, but self-preservation is a first law of Nature. 3 August 1949 Page 69 Writing Philosophy Look here! Do these people expect me to turn myself again into a machine for producing articles? The times of the Bande Mataram and ...


... many laws and purposes to pursue. The law of the world is not this alone that our good brings good to us and our evil brings evil, nor is its sufficient key the ethical-hedonistic rule that our moral good brings to us happiness and success and our moral evil brings to us sorrow and misfortune. There is a rule Page 382 of right in the world, but it is the right of the truth of Nature and... individual being; he has built his own height and form of human nature. He may change what he has made, he may rise even, if that be within the possibilities of the universe, beyond human and to or towards superhuman nature. It is the possibility of the universal Nature and her law that determines his natural being and action, but it is part of her law to be subject to the spirit, and she will develop in reply... and Yoga The Foundation The idea of Karma has behind it two ideas that are its constituent factors, a law of Nature, of the energy or action of Nature, and a soul that lives under that law, puts out action into that energy and gets from it a return in accordance and measure with the character of its own activities. And here certain considerations ...


... would begin in earnest and the people look round them for some way of deliverance. For that an absolute rule will one day begin to coerce and trample on the subject population is an inevitable law of nature which none can escape. The master with full power of life and death over his servant can only be gracious so long as he is either afraid of his slave or else sure that the slave will continue willing... admires and hates and doubts, but will not believe. The enemies of the idea have sworn to give it short shrift. They promulgate an ordinance to the effect that it shall not dare to live, and pass a law that it shall be dumb on pain of imprisonment and death, and add a byelaw that whoever has power and authority in any part of Page 745 the land shall seek out the first-born and the young... insist on the indulgence conceded to him as on a right, to rebel against occasional harshnesses, to wag his tongue with too insolent a licence and disobey imperative orders, then it is not in human nature for the master to refrain from calling for the scourge and the fetters. And if the slave resists the application of the scourge and the imposition of the fetters, it becomes a matter of life and death ...

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... The conservative mind is unwilling to recognise this law though it is observable throughout human history and we can easily cull examples with full hands from all ages and all climes; and it is protected in its refusal to see by the comparative rarity of rapid revolutions and great cataclysmal changes; it is blinded by the disguise which Nature so often throws over her processes of mutation. If we... the social history of mankind and still awaits intelligent study. Our minds are apt to seize things in the rough and to appreciate only what stands out in bold external relief; we miss the law of Nature's subtleties and disguises. We can see and fathom to some extent the motives, necessities, process of great revolutions and marked changes and we can consider and put in their right place the brief... There has also been this result that while the European conservative has learned the law of change in human society, knows that he must move and quarrels with the progressist only over the right pace and the exact direction, the Eastern or rather the Indian conservative still imagines that stability may be the true law of mortal being, practises a sort of Yogic āsana on the flood of Time and because ...


... धर्म प्र यजा चिकित्वोऽथा नो धा अध्वरं देववीतौ ॥५॥ 5) O Fire, he who was before thee and was the Priest of the call and mighty for sacrifice and was dual entity and by the law of his nature the creator of the Bliss, by his law of action carry on the sacrifice, thou who art awake to knowledge, thou establish our pilgrim-rite in the advent of the gods. SUKTA 18 भवा नो अग्ने सुमना उपेतौ सखेव सख्ये... SUKTA 17 समिध्यमानः प्रथमानु धर्मा समक्तुभिरज्यते विश्ववारः । शोचिष्केशो घृतनिर्णिक् पावकः सुयज्ञो अग्निर्यजथाय देवान् ॥१॥ 1) He is kindled and blazes out according to the first and supreme laws and is united with the Rays, he in whom are all desirable things. Fire with his tresses of flame and his raiment of light, the purifier, perfect in sacrifice, for sacrifice to the gods. यथायजो ...


... believed in or practised. It is a multisided Way that is still being traversed; it is open to any individual for his or her free choice to traverse in the way that is suitable to his or her own law of nature and development; it is also available to humanity as an indispensable aid to its advance towards the highest ideals of unity and harmony that have come to be envisaged at this initial junction of... initial impulse, point out the path, WALK the path himself ( I mean show the path by realizing it)... but he can't bring the work to fulfilment. The fulfilment of the work depends on certain collective laws that are the expression of a particular aspect of the Eternal and Infinite — naturally, it's all one and the same Being! There aren't different individuals and personalities, it's all one and the same... confirmed by regular experiment, practical analysis and constant result..... "All methods grouped under the common name of Yoga are special psychological processes founded on a fixed truth of Nature and developing, out of normal functions, powers and results which were always latent but which her ordinary movements do not easily or do not often manifest." 99 Sri Aurobindo has also stated ...

... after physical immortality has to engage in is against this "suggestion that is collective, massive, overwhelming, compelling, a suggestion based upon thousands of years of experience, upon a law of Nature that does not seem yet to have had any exception. It translates itself into this stubborn assertion: 'It has been so always, it cannot be otherwise. Death is inevitable and it is madness to hope... more benumbing error than to mistake a stage for the goal or to linger too long in a resting-place." 3 After all, laws are nothing but the "habits of the world," 4 and the divine soul has taken its birth in the field of its apparent negation in order to accept laws for the moment and discard them when their necessity is over. And it is in this high and noble spirit that the Sadhakas... spiritual divinity and the slow transformation of the mental into the divine mental or spiritual existence." 2 We have investigated the law of Death, a law not at all immutable, absolute or inexorable inhering in the very substance of life itself, but a law altogether relative and germane to a particular stage of incomplete manifestation of Sachchidananda. And, as Sri Aurobindo has warned, "there ...

... subjection to a law of communal self-development rather than by aggressive self-affirmation, but that actually what Nature seeks to preserve is not the individual but the type and that in her scale of values the pack, herd, hive or swarm takes precedence over the individual Page 56 animal or insect and the human group over the individual human being. Therefore in the true law and nature of things... right to fulfil himself except in his relations to the collectivity. These alone then are to determine his thought, action and existence and the claim of the individual to have a law of his own being, a law of his own nature which he has a right to fulfil and his demand for freedom of thought involving necessarily the freedom to err and for freedom of action involving necessarily the freedom to stumble... first appear to make any difference in its factors. Subjectivism and objectivism start from the same data, the individual and the collectivity, the complex nature of each with its various powers of the mind, life and body and the search for the law of their self-fulfilment and harmony. But objectivism proceeding by the analytical reason takes an external and mechanical view Page 57 of the ...

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... him. He recounted many incidents in which he had done daring acts at the risk of death to himself to prove that the yogi by virtue of this superconscient knowledge is not bound by the laws of physical nature. For example, he had on more than one occasion swallowed big lumps of opium and held deadly cobras captive in his hand only to let them off unscathed afterwards. There were also nocturnal ...

... ego,— that is only the disguise of iron armour which masks and encumbers the national Purusha,—but a great communal soul and life that has appeared in the whole and has manifested a nature of its own and a law of that nature, a Swabhava and Swadharma, and embodied it in its intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, dynamic, social and political forms and culture. And equally then our cultural conception of humanity... ought to be at the very root of our education and the one thing that will give it its truly national character. Man has not been seen by the thought of India as a living body developed by physical Nature which has evolved certain vital propensities, an ego, a mind and a reason, an animal of the genus and in our case of the species homo indicus, whose whole life and education must be turned towards... the turn of her mind to regard man pre-eminently as a reasoning animal, or let us say, widening the familiar definition, a thinking, feeling and willing natural existence, a mental son of physical Nature, and his education as a culture of the mental capacities, or to define him as a political, social and economic being and his education as a training that will fit him to be an efficient, productive ...

... and the conception of the gods is so little local or mythological, so entirely cosmic and philosophical that we can easily accept both as expressive of a practical fact of psychology and general law of Nature and so apply them to the modern conceptions of interchange between life and life and of ethical sacrifice and self-giving as to widen and deepen these and cast over them a more spiritual aspect... form of a spiritual truth which is itself independent of the form; it rests on the conception of right works as a rightly ordered Page 6 expression of the nature of the individual being through whom the work is done, that nature assigning him his line and scope in life according to his inborn quality and his self-expressive function. Since this is the spirit in which the Gita advances its most... not at the local name and temporal institution, we see that here too the sense is deep and true and the spirit philosophical, spiritual and universal. By Shastra we perceive that the Gita means the law imposed on itself by humanity as a substitute for the purely egoistic action of the natural unregenerate man and a control on his tendency to seek in the satisfaction of his desire the standard and aim ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... an uprising and overcoming. The Aryan is he who Page 442 strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Self-conquest is the first law of his nature. He overcomes earth and the body and does not consent like ordinary men to their dullness, inertia, dead routine and tamasic limitations. He overcomes life and its energies and refuses to be dominated... knowledge of all things and charity and reverence for all things, even the most apparently mean, ugly or dark, for the sake of the universal Deity who chooses to dwell equally in all. But, also, the law of right action is a choice, the preference of that which expresses the godhead to that which conceals it. And the choice entails a battle, a struggle. It is not easily made, it is not easily enforced... accepted a particular type of self-culture, of inward and outward practice, of ideality, of aspiration. The Aryan gods were the supraphysical powers who assisted the mortal in his struggle towards the nature of the godhead. All the highest aspirations of the early human race, its noblest religious temper, its most idealistic velleities of thought are summed up in this single vocable. In later times ...


... indwelling Lord of all Nature and turn to Him with one's whole being, — with the life and body and sense and mind and heart and understanding, — with one's whole dedicated knowledge and will and action, sarvabhāvena, in every way of conscious self and instrumental nature. For all other Dharmas or norms of action are only a preparation for that highest Dharma which is the law of divine nature and divine action... That is the path that leads to the state of immortality, the state of union with the divine Being, identity with the Self and oneness with the supreme dynamic divine Nature, and the state of transcendence of the three gunas of lower nature, — the state of trigunātita, and the state of sādharmyam. In the last six chapters (XIII—XVIII), the entire synthesis of yoga of the Gita is reviewed from a special... surrender, culminating in in tenser and completer self-surrender. In the next six chapters there is insistence on knowledge, and the states and contents of self-realization, and knowledge of the true nature of the self and the world are described, not only in terms of essence but also in terms of fullness of essential details (Jñānam and vijñānam). 4 But the sacrifice of the works continues and the ...

... deniable has been that of the individual. This predominance is so great that most modern historians and some Page 36 political thinkers have concluded that objective necessities are by law of Nature the only really determining forces, all else is result or superficial accidents of these forces. Scientific history has been conceived as if it must be a record and appreciation of the environmental... Chapter IV The Discovery of the Nation-Soul The primal law and purpose of the individual life is to seek its own self-development. Consciously or half consciously or with an obscure unconscious groping it strives always and rightly strives at self-formulation,—to find itself, to discover within itself the law and power of its own being and to fulfil it. This aim in it is fundamental... and dissolves, but a being, a living power of the eternal Truth, a self-manifesting spirit. In the same way the primal law and purpose of a society, community or nation is to seek its own self-fulfilment; it strives rightly to find itself, to become aware within itself of the law and power of its own being and to fulfil it as perfectly as possible, to realise all its potentialities, to live its own ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... an awareness of the helplessness of the human being in relation with the eternal law of Nature – that the whole redemption of the human being lies in the fact that he tries to understand the divine Providence and does not believe that he is capable of revolt against the Law. When man thus complies humbly with the laws, then it is wonderful … An Omnipotence which creates the worlds has assigned its ...


... naturally looked up to her, yearning to find him in her. She assured them that he had cast off his material vesture only for a definite purpose, and not compelled by any ineluctable law of Nature; and that he was here still, in the earth atmosphere, toiling, as ever, for the fulfilment of the great work of his life— the descent of the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental ... the supramental Truth-Consciousness and help him grow according to its law. Evidently it is a signal departure from the aims and objects of traditional spirituality, which points to the Beyond as the only kingdom of perfection and fulfilment. The Mother's Force is directed to the radical transformation of the whole active nature of man, so that the gulf between his outer consciousness and the divine... ascending evolution in nature which goes from the stone to the plant, from the plant to the animal, from the animal to man. Because man is, for the moment, the last rung at the summit of the ascending evolution, he considers himself as the final stage in this ascension and believes there can be nothing on earth superior to him. In that he is mistaken. In his physical nature he is yet almost wholly ...


... body, they naturally looked up to her, yearning to find him in her. She assured them that he had cast off his material vesture only for a definite purpose, and not compelled by any ineluctable law of Nature; and that he was here still, in the earth atmosphere, toiling, as ever, for the fulfillment of the great work of his life—the descent of the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental transformation... supramental Truth-Consciousness and help him grow according to its law. Evindently it is a signal departure from the aims and objects of traditional spirituality, which points to the Beyond as the only kingdom of perfection and fulfilment. The Mother's Force is directed to the radical transformation of the whole active nature of man, so that the gulf between his outer consciousness and the divine... evolution in nature which goes from the stone to the plant, from the plant to the animal, from the animal to man. Because man is, for the moment, Page 71 the last rung at the summit of the ascending evolution, he considers himself as the final stage in this ascension and believes there can be nothing on earth superior to him. In that he is mistaken. In his physical nature he is yet ...


... question. "Have you seen God?" He rushed to Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, "Have you seen God?" The Maharshi did not give him a plain answer. Nobody, really, ever gave him a plain answer. But it is a law of Nature that when a question burns within, a response is bound to come. A neighbour of the Duttas, Surendranath Mitra, was a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna. One day, the Guru came to the house of his disciple... sat crowding round her, stories from the Rama-yana and the Mahabharata, and recite from memory long passages from them. All the same, she was sad in her heart, for she was childless. Then an aunt-in-law living in Benares called her there. At Benares, with great devotion, she poured Ganga water everyday on the head of Vireshwar Shiva. One day she saw in a dream-vision Mahadev. He blessed her and then... his son Bishwanath was born. The young one grew up to become an attorney in Calcutta High Court. He earned a lot and spent all he earned; all sorts of relatives sponged on him, and his own generous nature could never says 'no' to anyone. Bishwanath's wife was gifted. Any passing beggar but sang a song, and it was registered in the throat of Bhubaneswari Page 555 —words and melody ...

... had found the means of being happy, that everyone may be satisfied and men may love one another. So naturally people who did not agree with him, said to him, "But how does it happen that when the law of Nature alone reigns—as for example, without even going as far as the animal, in vegetable life—how does it happen that there are constant massacres between plants and the perpetual struggle for life? Is... suppose that I remember! What was it about? It was the morality of Nature. Oh! It is not interesting. It was a group of people whom I met in Paris. A certain gentleman had founded a group called "The Morality of Nature", and so he took his stand on all the movements of Nature to set up his moral code. But we know that Nature is... how to put it... a force, a consciousness or being, call it what... "Here we are, if everyone does what we do, well, the world will be transformed." Unfortunately it was only a spark of light, and their construction was purely mental and not free from the ordinary laws of life. And so the people in the groups who were to have preached to the world harmony, beauty, happiness, joy and peace, etc., quarrelled among themselves. This took away all power from their teaching ...


... may even result in an illness. But originally it's not that: it's a withdrawal, the withdrawal of Nature's ordinary law with its adjunct of personal vital and mental law (but Nature's law in the body is generally much stronger than the mind's and the vital's law); well, it's the withdrawal of that law and its replacement by the other. So there is a moment when it's neither this nor that, and that moment... slowly, that gets cured. Page 45 Each experience—and now it's going fast—each experience points to a great step forward. ( silence ) Every time the rule or domination of Nature's ordinary laws is, on one point or another, replaced (or must be or is going to be replaced on any point) by the authority of the Divine Consciousness, that creates a state of transition with all the appearances... would happen. So this need to get a grip on oneself occurs until one is entirely ready—when one is ready, one can let oneself go. And as soon as the fusion is done... (what can I call it?) not the "law" but what we might call the raison d'être [of individualization] comes back, and without the ego's limitations. I had that experience in the vital and in the mind; now I see that it's the same in ...


... of the Sadhaka, his body and physical nature continue to circumscribe and diminish "the sovereignty and freedom and dynamism of the spirit with [their] own force of adjustment by limitation, demarcation by incapacity, foundation of energy on the repose of an original Inertia", 2 and as a consequence remain subject to the established and inexorable Laws of Darkness and Incapacity and Death. ... participation of the latter. But this confrontation of the higher and the lower has a reciprocal two-way consequence. While the higher seeks to transfigure the lower with its own power and its own law of nature, it is at the same time modified, its light obscured and its effectivity curtailed by the counteraction of the lower. To quote Sri Aurobindo again: "A descent of consciousness into the... may be forthcoming in the subjective domains of the being. But, we stress again, this subjective liberation from the universal law of Hunger is but the necessary pre-requisite; but it does not automatically deliver our physical being from the iron grip of the same law. The problem has to be faced and tackled on the plane of the body itself: the lion has to be tamed in its own den. Hence ...

... squarely the new situation and make the best use of it. India, that claims a spiritual heritage and a high and hoary civilisation, can afford to be idealistic even and envisage a deeper and higher law of Nature, of universal harmony and solidarity, of conscious co-operation. Apart from that, if as practical men, we look to our self-interest, then also it will be wise for us to take up the same line of... consider the present, look for those forces that make for the new world and thus help the course of evolution and progress. Nature does not care for her past formations, she is not bound to them; she is always throwing up chances and opportunities-varia­tions-for new developments. Nature red in tooth and claw is only one side of the shield; and the picture is not as true today as it was even a few hundred... change, although conditions and circumstances have changed, is known as the ideologist, the doctrinaire, the fanatic. The no-changer does not change with the times: for, according to him, that is the nature of the weather-cock, the time-server. On the contrary, he seeks to impose his ideas (sometimes called ideals), notions, prejudgments and even prejudices upon time and circumstance. Such an endeavour ...

... new situation and make the best use of it. India, that claims a spiritual heritage and a high and hoary civilisation, can afford to be idealistic even and envisage a deeper and higher law of Page 71 Nature, of universal harmony and solidarity, of conscious co-operation. Apart from that, if as practical men, we look to our self-interest, then also it will be wise for us to take up the... consider the present, look for those forces that make for the new world and thus help the course of evolution and progress. Nature does not care for her past formations, she is not bound to them; she is always throwing up chances and opportunities—variations—for new developments. Nature red in tooth and claw is only one side of the shield; and the picture is not as true today as it was even a few hundred... change, although conditions and circumstances have changed, is known as the ideologist, the doctrinaire, the fanatic. The no-changer does not change with the times: for, according to him, that is the nature of the weather-cock, the time-server. On the contrary, he seeks to impose his ideas (sometimes called ideals), notions, prejudgments and even prejudices upon time and circumstance. Such an endeavour ...


... of you has awakened to the knowledge of this secret thing, that it is the Child who gives birth to his own mothers by the right workings of the law of his nature? Born in the womb of many waters, he comes forth from their lap a vast Seer, possessed of the law of his being. आविष्टयो वर्धते चारुरासु जिह्मानामूर्ध्वः स्वयशा उपस्थे । उभे त्वष्टुर्बिभ्यतुर्जायमानात् प्रतीची सिंहं प्रति जोषयेते ॥५॥... सुवर्चाः ॥१॥ 1) Day and Night have different forms, but are travellers to one perfect goal; they suckle alternately the divine Child. In our day he becomes the brilliant Sun and is master of the law of his nature; through our night he is visible in the purity of his brightness and the energy of his lustres. Page 145 दशेमं त्वष्टुर्जनयन्त गर्भमतन्द्रासो युवतयो विभृत्रम् । तिरमानीकं स्वयशसं... Kutsa Angirasa SUKTA 94 इमं स्तोममर्हते जातवेदसे रथमिव सं महेमा मनीषया । भद्रा हि नः प्रमतिरस्य संसद्यग्ने सख्ये मा रिषामा वयं तव ॥१॥ 1) This is the omniscient who knows the law of our being and is sufficient to his works; let us build the song of his truth by our thought and make it as if a chariot on which he shall mount. When he dwells with us, then a happy wisdom becomes ...


... the goal as well as the origin of all existence. They point to the Absolute in whom alone all the jarring discords will be harmonised; for, there can never be an ordered play of relativities, a law of Nature, a system of values, a rule of conduct or a rhythm of evolution in life without an Absolute embracing and leading them together in the steps of its own shadowless light. If the relativities are... destiny. The glib prating of the rule of reason and free will cannot carry him anywhere, so long as the ego is the effective centre of his nature and desire the motive of his actions. Unless a higher light dawns and begins to lead his nature, his reason can never be perfectly rational, nor his will a free will. It is the will of the ego that he mistakes for the will of his real self and... Synthesis The first business of human life, the Work of all work, is to find and realise the supreme Person in oneself and make Him the effective centre of one's whole life. Ordinarily, human nature is a shifting mishmash of diverse elements and unco-ordinated energies. Its parts do not agree with each other, but follow their exclusive individual likes and desires to the detriment of the whole ...


... springs of the machine do not insist on the product that shall be turned out from its labour. These things are settled by the intention and working of Nature and the more the conscious instrument learns to feel and obey the pure and essential law of its nature, the sooner shall the work turned out become perfect and flawless. Self-choice by the nervous motive-power, revolt of the physical and mental tool... because they are in thy unfinished nature. For Nature is the worker and what is it that she works at? She shapes out of her crude mind and life and matter a fully conscious being Know thyself next as the Worker. Understand thy nature to be the worker and thy own nature and All-Nature to be thyself. This nature-self is not proper to thee nor limited. Thy nature has made the sun and the systems... and imperfect images. For beyond all these it is an original Page 164 self-knowledge and an infinite force and innumerable quality. But in thee there is a special movement, a proper nature and an individual energy. Follow that like a widening river till it leads thee to its infinite source and origin. Know therefore thy body to be a knot in Matter and thy mind to be a whirl in universal ...


... superhuman nature."¹ ¹ The Synthesis of Yoga or On Yoga-I by Sri Aurobindo. Page 13 This, then, is the nature of Yoga whose generalisation :in humanity appears to be the next evolutionary saltus; for, evolution is cyclic and not rectilinear, and the emergence of a new dawn out of the darkness of a passing night is not a freak, but the ineluctable law of Nature... perfection of the body. Nature seeks the Divine in her own symbols; Yoga goes beyond Nature to the Lord of Nature, beyond universe to the Transcendent, and can return with the transcendent light and power, with the fiat of the Omnipotent."¹ Yoga could also be said to be at once the way and the ultimate goal of evolutionary Nature; but in the ignorance through which Nature passes in order to... man has arrived at a stage when his nature must either consent to be converted into the Supernature or go slithering down into perdition. If we look with a searching and dispassionate eye into the heart of Nature's universal working in the material world, we perceive that all life is Yoga—a slowly, spirally, precariously evolving stupendous Yoga of Nature aiming at a progressive reproduction ...

... or Page 370 probable laws of the universal working which are relevant to it and must enter into the account. First, it is sure that Nature has laws of which the observance leads to or helps well-being and of which the violation imposes suffering; but all of them cannot be given a moral significance. Then there is the certainty that there must be a moral law of cause and consequence in the... pain is Nature's advertisement of things we should avoid, pleasure her lure to things she would tempt us to pursue. Page 373 These devices are first empirical tests for limited objects; but as I grow, I pass beyond their narrower uses. I have continually to disregard Nature's original warnings and lures in order to get to a higher nature. I have to develop a nobler spiritual law of Karma... triumphs in its own nature and hatred because it is its denial or perversion, leads to a greater sum of misery to myself as to others. And of all true moral good and real evil this may be said that the one tends towards some supreme Right, the ṛtam of the Vedic Rishis, the highest law of a highest Truth of our being and that Truth is the door of the spirit's Ananda, its beatific nature, the other is a ...


... be fought is already formidable: it is the mental battle against a collective suggestion that is massive, overwhelming, compelling, a suggestion based on thousands of years of experience, on a law of Nature that does not yet seem to have had any exception. It translates itself into this stubborn assertion: it has always been so, it cannot be any different; death is inevitable and it is madness to hope... one can from day to day, from hour to hour, without worrying about what is going to happen. This process is very effective when it is used by intellectuals who are accustomed to act according to the laws of reason; but it would be less successful for emotional people who live in their feelings and let themselves be ruled by them. No doubt, these people should have recourse to the second method, the... great self-control and an unshakable calm can render innocuous. In another of its aspects, occult science is, for the individual seeker, like the discovery and exploration of unknown countries whose laws and customs one often learns at one's own cost. Some of these realms are even rather terrifying for the beginner, who finds himself surrounded by new and unexpected perils. However, most of these dangers ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Chapter IX Civilisation and Culture Nature starts from Matter, develops out of it its hidden Life, releases out of involution in life all the crude material of Mind and, when she is ready, turns Mind upon itself and upon Life and Matter in a great mental effort to understand all three in their phenomena, their obvious action, their secret laws, their normal and abnormal possibilities and powers... but also to control and re-create correspondingly his environment. He has to turn Mind not only on itself, but on Life and Matter and the material existence; that is very clear not only from the law and nature of the terrestrial evolution, but from his own past and present history. And there comes from the observation of these conditions and of his highest aspirations and impulses the question whether... is not supposed to have these advantages. In a certain sense the Red Indian, the Basuto, the Fiji islander had their civilisation; they possessed a rigorously, if simply organised society, a social law, some ethical ideas, a religion, a kind of training, a good many virtues in some of which, it is said, civilisation is sadly lacking; but we are agreed to call them savages and barbarians, mainly it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... scientific or rational enquiry and it is impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in Science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience, following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive ... make the ordinary reason the judge of what is beyond it." Because, he explained in his precise way, "the experiences of Yoga belong to an inner domain and go according to a Page 193 law of their own, have their own method of perception, criteria and all the rest of it which are neither those of the domain of the physical senses nor of the domain of rational or scientific enquiry. Just... the subconscious material," he wrote cautioning a disciple, "that feels an artificial need created by the past and does not care whether it is harmful or disturbing to the nerves or not. That is the nature of all intoxicants (wine, tobacco, cocaine etc.), people go on even after the deleterious effects have shown themselves and even after all real pleasure in it has ceased because of this artificial ...

... according to the law of its own nature, Swabhava, shapes man too and determines his action according to the general law of nature of his kind, the law of a mental being emmeshed and ignorant in the life and the body, shapes too each man and determines his individual action according to the law of his own distinct type and the variations of his own original swabhava. It is this universal Nature that forms... ever subject to the mixed compulsions of Nature. For Purusha veils himself in this round, veils his divine and immortal being in ignorance and is subject to the law of an insistent limiting Prakriti. That law is the compelling rule of the three gunas. It is a triple stair that stumbles upward towards the divine light but cannot reach it. At its base is the law or dharma of inertia: the tamasic man... sensational nature. In the middle intervenes the kinetic law or dharma; the rajasic man, vital, dynamic, active, attempts to impose himself on his world and environment, but only increases the wounding weight and tyrant yoke of his turbulent passions, desires and egoisms, the burden of his restless self-will, the yoke of his rajasic nature. At the top presses down upon life the harmonic regulative law or dharma; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... there are no limits, no limits—nothing, nothing, there is nothing, no law of Nature that can resist, nothing, nothing. 32 No law of Nature. And indeed a whole series of physical, physiological consequences—incredible for our physical mind—begin to get through the mesh, as if we were dealing with another physical Nature—or perhaps the true one. We are completely misled, not only by false matter... almost making fun of you: Oh, so you want miracles! Well then, look.... Look at this law here, and look at that one. It is like the essence of the miracle that comes poking its nose through a crack in the door, or though the mesh of the web; and it does nothing sensational: it simply blows on a little "inescapable" law to let you see clearly how things work... naturally. You rub your eyes for a second:... totality one is. Without a screen. The next consciousness. Another species which is no longer humanity or superhumanity, not an improvement upon the animal: something else. Something that obeys another law which has no longer anything to do with universal gravity. And yet it takes place in a physical, material body. A divine, material reality. And a "divine" who is no longer "other"... who is what you ...


... which assents in Nature to the varying impulse of the gunas, has to give its sanction to that sattwic impulse and that sattwic will and temperament in our being which seeks after such a rule. The sattwic will in our nature has to govern us and not the rajasic and tamasic will. This is the meaning of all high reason in action as of all true ethical culture; it is the law of Nature in us striving to... self-deceived tools of his desires. He sees this lower nature only and not his supreme self and highest being or the Godhead within himself and in the world: he explains all existence to his will in the terms of ego and desire and serves only ego and desire. To serve ego and desire without aspiration Page 280 to a higher nature and a higher law is to have the mind and the temperament of the Asura... Asura. A first necessary step upward is to aspire to a higher nature and a higher law, to obey a better rule than the rule of desire, to perceive and worship a nobler godhead than the ego or than any magnified image of the ego, to become a right thinker and a right doer. This too is not in itself enough; for even the sattwic man is subject to the bewilderment of the gunas, because he is still governed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the material law of Nature and the biological law of life of which human reason was to be the faithful exponent and human science the productive utiliser and profiteer. But to apply the mechanical blindness of the rule of physical Nature as the sole guide of thinking and seeing man is to go against the diviner law of his being and maim his higher potentiality. Material and vital Nature is only a first... in the universe and the invisible king in man who is the master of his works. It Page 619 develops in the universe through laws which are not complete here or not filled in in their sense and action until humanity shall have fully evolved in its nature the potentialities of the mind and spirit. It works in man, but through his individual and corporate ego so long as he dwells within the... destroy the foe, enjoy a rich and happy kingdom." But the kingdom of what Dharma? It is doubtful enough whether as the nations were blind to the nature of the destruction that Page 616 was coming, they may not be at least purblind to the nature of the construction that is to be created. An increase of mechanical freedom to be lavished or doled out according to the needs, interests, hesitations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of universal laws of which the individual is almost a by-product and by which he must necessarily be governed, this attempt actually to govern the social life of humanity in conscious accordance with the mechanism of these laws seems to lead logically to the suppression of that very individual freedom which made the discovery and the attempt at all possible. In seeking the truth and law of his own being... were laws and truths which justified and yet controlled the claims and desires of the individual human being; here a science which provided a standard, a norm of knowledge, a rational basis for life, a clear outline and sovereign means for the progress and perfection of the individual and the race. The attempt to govern and organise human life by verifiable Science, Page 20 by a law, a truth... pack, hive or ant-hill; he is something in himself, a soul, a being, who has to fulfil his own individual truth and law as well as his natural or his assigned part in the truth and law of the collective existence. 2 He demands freedom, space, initiative for his soul, for his nature, for that puissant and tremendous thing which society so Page 24 much distrusts and has laboured in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... living creature. This Jiva is not the Page 360 mental ego-sense constructed by the workings of Nature for her temporary purpose. It is not a thing bound, as the mental being, the vital, the physical are bound, by her habits, laws or processes. The Jiva is a spirit and self, superior to Nature. It is true that it consents to her acts, reflects her moods and upholds the triple medium of mind, life... back and rending or a rushing down of the walls that imprisoned our conscious being; there is a loss of all sense of individuality and personality, of all placement in Space or Time or action and law of Nature; there is no longer an ego, a person definite and definable, but only consciousness, only existence, only peace or bliss; one becomes immortality, becomes eternity, becomes infinity. All that is... the soul from something wider than the individual, but also from something higher than the collective ego. Altruism, philanthropy, the service of mankind are in themselves mental or moral ideals, not laws of the spiritual life. If into the spiritual aim there enters the impulse to deny the personal self or to serve humanity or the world at large, it comes not from the ego nor from the collective sense ...


... foolish convention followed by the great poets of the past in a primitive ignorance unconscious of their own bondage; it is in spite of its appearance of human convention a law of Nature, an innermost mind-nature, a highest speech-nature." The verb "metred", therefore, in the last line of our quotation may be held to be perfectly in order, especially in a context where infinity is said to be the visioner... themselves had a trying time with the poet. One of his wives is reported to have run away from him. He was not exactly an amiable person. He had the typical Puritan's low opinion of human nature (other people's human nature) and the censorious lip and even the heavy hand. He was a lifelong believer in the birch for young people. Enjambment and the feminine ending have taken us a little off the track ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... fact there will be no aggregates at all, the individual will be the sole, the first and the last unit. The individual, it is said, will have so developed and perfected its self-nature that by following the law of that nature, it will automatically and spontaneously live and move harmoniously with all the rest; each will be a self-contained unit and there will be a kind of pre-established harmony among... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 The Ideals of Human Unity THE unification of humanity is also a thing decreed. For it is the goal towards which Nature is proceeding slowly but inevitably, bringing into play factors and forces that work out that consummation. Man is a gregarious animal, a social being. He forms groups and collectivities and... firm, solid, self-conscious and selfishly aggressive entity that it has now become almost a barrier to a further enlargement of the unit towards a still greater and wider unification of mankind. But nature cannot be baulked, its straight urge hampered; it takes to by-ways and indirect routes and roundabout channels for its fulfilment. On three different lines a greater and larger unification of mankind ...

... fact there will be no aggregates at all, the individual will be the sole, the first and the last unit. The individual, it is said, will have so developed and perfected its self-nature that by following the law of that nature, it will automatically and spontaneously five and move harmoniously with all the rest; each will be a self-contained unit and there will be Page 98 a kind of p... PART II TOWARDS A NEW SOCIETY The Ideals Of Human Unity The unification of humanity is also a thing decreed. For it is the goal towards which Nature is proceeding slowly but inevitably, bringing into play factors and forces that work out that consummation. Man is a gregarious animal, a social being. He forms groups and collectivities and... firm, solid, self-conscious and selfishly aggressive entity that it has now become almost a barrier to a further enlargement of the unit towards a still greater and wider unification of mankind. But nature cannot be baulked, its straight urge hampered; it takes to by-ways and indirect routes and roundabout channels for its fulfilment. On three different lines a greater and larger unification of mankind ...


... creation imply a universal, many-sided force of knowledge at work and each form or power of this knowledge has its own distinct nature and law, its own principle of order and arrangement, its logic proper to itself, and need not follow, still less be identical with the law of nature, order and arrangement which the intellectual reason would assign to it or itself follow if it had control of all these ... so far as it tries to lay down laws, it does so within very narrow limits of immediate potentiality and it Page 110 renounces man's drift towards higher possibilities, his saving gift of idealism. In this limited use of the reason subjected to the rule of an immediate, an apparent vital and physical practicality man cannot rest long satisfied. For his nature pushes him towards the heights;... to their nature. True, even Science and Philosophy are never entirely dispassionate and disinterested. They fall into subjection to the tyranny of their own ideas, their partial systems, their hasty generalisations and by the innate drive of man towards practice they seek to impose these upon the life. But even so they enter into a world either of abstract ideas or of ideals or of rigid laws from which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... why I tell people (not that I expect them to do it, at least not now, but it's good they know) that it's NOT a matter of fate, NOT something that completely escapes our control, NOT some sort of 'Law of Nature' over which we have no power—it is not so. We are truly the masters of everything which has been brought together to create our transitory individuality; we have been given the power of control... But it's good to know in order to avoid this feeling of being crushed when things are still completely outside your control, this sense of fatality people have—they're born, they live, they die: Nature is crushing and we are the playthings of something much bigger, much stronger than us—that is the Falsehood. In any case, for myself, in my yoga, only after I KNEW that I AM the Master of everything... I know how to BE this Master and LET myself be this Master—provided, that is, that the outer Page 456 stupidity accepts to stay in its place), did I know that one could be the Master of Nature. There's also this old idea rooted in religions of Chaldean or Christian origin of a God with whom you can have no true contact—an abyss between the two. That is terrible. That absolutely has ...


... so much their ultimate nature and relations as their actual workings and the rule and law of these workings. 15 The investigation of the workings of consciousness and the laws governing these workings calls for special processes and instruments which can be discovered only by yogic practice. This definition [of psychology as an examination of the nature and movements of con... therefore supra-rational. Both modern and yoga psychologies presume the operation of law in the realm of the psyche. However, modern psychology attempts to discover the laws governing psychological phenomena from the study of sample data, therefrom deriving generalisations by statistical inference based on the law of probability. Yoga psychology, on the other hand, shuns generalisations and aims... and supply it but to which it has no visible access. All that is our self, our being, — what we see at the top is only our ego and its visible nature. Even the movements of this little surface nature cannot be understood nor its true law discovered until we know all that is below or behind and supplies it — and know too all that is around it and above. 9 The yogic view that ...


... liberation by likeness to it or by attaining to the law of its nature, sādṛśya, sādharmya . If the human consciousness were bound to the sense of imperfection and the acceptance of it as the law of our life and the very character of our existence,—a reasoned acceptance that could answer in our human nature to the blind animal acceptance of the animal nature,—then we might say that what we are marks the... with the law of that particular manifestation. Each being is possessed of the knowledge, the force, the measure and kind of delight of existence precisely proper to its own nature; each works in the gradations of experience decreed by a secret inherent will, a native law, an intrinsic power of the self, an occult significance. It is thus perfect in the relation of its phenomena to the law of its being;... defect as the immediate will of God, a present law of imperfection laid on our members, but on condition that we recognise it also as the will of God in us to transcend evil and suffering, to transform imperfection into perfection, to rise into a higher law of Divine Nature. In our human consciousness there is the image of an ideal truth of being, a divine nature, an incipient godhead: in relation to that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the Conscious Force that builds the worlds; a universal Energy that is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth of things. Dharma — law; the deepest law of one's nature; the right law of individual and social life; literally, that which one lays hold of and which holds things together. Higher Mind — see under spiritualised mind. inner mind... Illumined Mind, Intuition and Overmind. Nature — the outer or executive side of the Conscious Force which forms and moves the worlds. The higher, divine Nature (Para Prakriti) is free from Ignorance and its consequences; the lower Nature (Apara Prakriti) is a mechanism of active Force put forth for the working of the evolutionary Ignorance. The lower nature of an individual — mind, life and body —... not the body alone, but the whole physical mind, vital, material nature, physical mind — see under mind. Prakriti — Nature; Nature-Force. "Existence is composed of Prakriti and Purusha, the consciousness that sees and the consciousness that executes and formalises what we see. The one we call Soul, the other Nature." (Sri Aurobindo) see also Purusha. psyche — the soul; spark ...


... is Dharma then? How does it accomplish the miracle which to others seems to have proved an impossibility ? Dharma is self-law, that is to say, the law of the Self; it is the rhythm and movement of our inner or inmost being, the spontaneous working out of our truth-conscious nature. We may perhaps view the three terms Right, Duty and Dharma as degrees of an ascending consciousness. Consciousness... individual souls being made of one truth-nature in its multiple modalities, when they live, move and have their being in its essential law and dynamism, there cannot but be absolute harmony and perfect synthesis between all the units, even as the sun and moon and stars which, as the Veda says, each following its specific orbit according to its specific nature Page 140 never collide... was a blind obedience—obedience to the chief, the patriarch or pater familias —obedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty, it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation; in reality it was more of the nature of the mechanical functioning of an automaton than the exercise of conscious will and deliberate choice ...


... is Dharma then? How does it accomplish the miracle which to others seems to have proved an impossibility? Dharma is self-law, that is to say, the law of the Self; it is the rhythm and movement of our inner or inmost being, the spontaneous working out of our truth-conscious nature.   We may perhaps view the three terms Right, Duty and Dharma as degrees of an ascending consciousness. Con... The individual souls, being made of one truth-nature in its multiple modalities, when they live, move and have their being in its essential law and dynamism, there cannot but be absolute harmony and perfect synthesis between all the units, even as the sun and moon and stars, as the Veda says, each following its specific orbit according to its specific nature, never collide or halt – na methate na tasthatuh... obe­ dience to the chief – the patriarch or pater familias –obedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty; it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation. In reality it was more of the nature of the mechanical functioning of an automaton than the exercise of conscious will and deliberate ...

... method of faith in the cells can be likened to eating a slice of the moon. Nobody ever got a slice of the Page 99 moon, but the healing by faith in the cells is an actual fact and a law of Nature and has been demonstrated often enough even apart from Yoga. The way to get faith and everything else is to insist on having them and refuse to flag or despair or give up until one has them—it is... always that however the lower nature may rise or hostile forces attack, victory will be yours and the transformation is sure. Keep firm faith in the victory of the Light and face with calm equanimity the resistances of Matter and human personality to their own transformation. Even if there is much darkness—and this world is full of it and the physical nature of man also—yet a ray of the... Will is not, to our ordinary consciousness, something that acts as an independent power doing whatever it chooses; it works through all these beings, through the forces at play in the world and the law of these forces and their results. It is only when we open ourselves and get out of the ordinary consciousness that we can feel it intervening as an independent power and overriding the ordinary play ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the lack of faith we mix into it that takes away His power. The minute we are truly pure, that is, under His influence alone, there are no limits, no limits—nothing, nothing, there is nothing, no law of Nature that can resist, nothing, nothing. Only, the whole thing is that the time must have come, there must be only That left—all the rest spoils, whatever it is, even the highest, purest, noblest,... everywhere something pushes them on. Behind this "quiver," there is a will for disorder that tries to prevent Harmony from being established. It's there in the individual, in the collectivity, and in Nature. And then, it's such a painstaking, persistent teaching, which forgets nothing and is repeated every time something isn't totally understood, and is repeated in greater detail for you to better understand... The nerves began only a few months ago their work of "transfer of power." (What I call "transfer of power" is that instead of the nerves being moved by and obeying complex and organized forces of Nature, of the character, of the material consciousness in the body, they attune themselves to and directly obey the divine Will.) It's the transfer from one to the other that's difficult: there is the entire ...


... earth still he has not yet adequate power to change the whole cosmos and nature. Being subject to darkness, he is "A nomad of the far mysterious Life, In the wide ways a little spark of God." In his present state in the world man is subjected to darkness and opposed by hostile forces. He is subject to the law of division and duality on which he depends for his working and progress... All heaven's beauty crowd in earthly limbs!" He appealed to her to unlock the doors of Fato by one great act And he heard in reply One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power." She promised the descent of a limitless mind, "a sweet and violent heart of ardent calms" moved by the passion of the gods, embodying all mights... first entrance into the realm of timelessness which would be a beginning of his discovery .of :God. "There is a zero sign of the Supreme; Nature left nude and still uncovers God." This zero is not a void without content nor is the Nature an illusive manifestation without a mystery behind it. This silence of the Divine is not without power. For "in absolute silence sleeps an absolute ...

... will is entirely opposed to the normal feelings of the nature and cannot be "true" and right. There is nobody who asks you to pretend—what we ask you is to reject false perversions and wrong feelings and ignorance and not to go on supporting them as they want you to do. It is not courage and nobility to accept these things as the law of your nature, nor is it meanness and cowardice to aspire to a higher... higher Truth and try to act according to it and make that the law of your nature. In the indolence of the will which does not want to make a sustained effort for a long period [ lies the difficulty ]. It is like a person who moves slightly half a leg for a second and then wonders why he is not already a hundred miles away at the goal after making such a gigantic effort. That [ the idea that... the less conscious parts of the nature. These have to become conscious by receiving the Light and Force until finally they refuse response to the calls of the lower nature. This is quite right. If you keep this condition [ of trust and devotion ], not allowing it to be entirely obscured or long clouded, you can move rapidly towards a new birth of your nature and the foundation of your life and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... What would be the realized condition of consciousness and power when lower nature comes to be recreated and transformed by the higher nature is briefly described by Sri Aurobindo in the language appropriate to the Gita's synthesis of yoga as follows: "When we grow into the spirit, this Dharma or inferior law of Nature is replaced by the immortal Dharma of the spirit; there is the experience of... perfection of manifesting the law of the divine nature (sādharmyam), 63. Page 76 Indeed, just as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother pointed out the incompleteness in regard to the Vedic goal and Vedic conquest, even so, they have pointed out also the incompleteness in regard to the highest possible fulfilment that has been described in the Gita. As Sri Aurobindo points out: "The greatest... Apara Prakriti or lower nature, but the utilization of the attainment of liberation as a step towards the movement by which hierarchies of mind, overmind and supermind are attained, so that one is enabled to manifest the higher nature, divine nature or Para Prakriti. The Gita replaces the obsessive idea of self-annulment of nature by the principle of self-fulfilment in divine Nature. There is, according ...


... g his body and physical nature cannot but circumscribe and diminish "the sovereignty and freedom and dynamism of the Spirit with its own force of adjustment by limitation, demarcation by incapacity, foundation of energy on the repose of an origin Inertia." (Ibid., p. 962) And as a consequence the human body re mains subject to the established and apparently permanent laws of Darkness and Incapacity... participation of the latter. But unavoidably this meeting of the higher and the lower has a reciprocal two-way consequence. While the higher tries to transfigure the lower with its own law of nature, svadhamza, it itself is at the same time modified and diluted, its light obscured and its effectivity curtailed by the counteraction of the lower. To quote Sri Aurobindo on this point: ... the status of a worthy mansion for the self-manifesting Spirit. And this, "not in the sense of any attachment of obligatoryrestriction to the corporeal frame, but as an exceeding of the [present] laws of the physical body, - the conquest of death, an earthly immortality." Let us close this essay on 'Physical Transformation' with someprophetic lines from Sri Aurobindo' s Savitri: "The ...

... n of inherent inferiority. For my part I demur to any such hasty generalisation: yet however much of it be true be sure that there is no law of Nature which can prevent you from changing it. To suppose that any nation can be shut out from the operation of the law of Evolution is utterly unscientific, and, in the light of history, absurd. Granted that originality among us is low, that enterprise... never relied on it for commercial capacity. If we go a little deeper into the matter we find that there is a further reason which does not depend on the natural working of economic laws but which is political in its nature, the result of the acquisition of political power by the East India Company and the absorption of India into the growing British Empire. As Mr Dutt shows in his able Economic History... road to progress, opulence, and prosperity. There is a theory which affects to regard the races inhabiting the tropical and subtropical regions of the earth as disinherited by some mysterious law of Nature from all hope of originality, enterprise and leadership. These things belong to the temperate regions; the tropics are to be for ever no more than the field for the energies of the superior races ...


... of him, it does not become dominant and formative in his whole nature: but this is not typical of him in his greatest development, for there the vital and physical are controlled and subjected by the thinking will and intelligence. The mental man cannot transform his nature, but he can control and harmonise it and lay on it the law of a mental ideal, impose a balance or a sublimating and refining... seed out of the tree; a fixed law, an invariable process reigns in the permanence of the form of manifestation which we call a tree. The mind regards this phenomenon, this birth, life and reproduction of a tree, as a thing in itself and on that basis studies, classes and explains it. It explains the tree by the seed, the seed by the tree; it declares a law of Nature. But it has explained nothing;... as the soul, the real being of this form and the rest as merely a settled operation and manifestation of that force, still it tends to regard the form as a separate existence with its separate law of nature and process of development. In the animal and in man with his conscious mentality this separative tendency of the Mind induces it to regard itself also as a separate existence, the conscious ...


... but made like animals and subject to the laws of animal Nature. You have been taught surely that one peculiarity of the mammal is that the female conceives the child, carries it and builds it up within herself until the moment when the young one, fully formed, comes out of the body of its mother and lives independently. In view of this function Nature has provided the woman with an additional... muscular like a muscular man's and make her look ugly if she practises vigorous exercises? Weakness and fragility may look attractive in the view of a perverted mind, but it is not the truth of Nature nor the truth of the Spirit. If you have ever looked at the photos of the women gymnasts you will know what perfectly beautiful bodies they have; and nobody can deny that they are muscular! ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... like the levitation with which we are familiar, when the whole body remains suspended in the air unmindful of the law of gravitation. What a delightful feeling of rest and lightness that gives! even if it occurs in our dreams. But Sri Aurobindo was out to conquer all laws of physical nature. He therefore went about it in his own way. He would keep an arm or a leg suspended in the air for more than two... deduces the laws. Exactly what our Scientist of the Spirit was doing; putting everything to the test of hard physical experience. In his Journal of Yoga, under the date of July 1 st 1912, Sri Aurobindo wrote: "August, 1912, will complete the seventh year of my practice of Yoga. It has taken so long to complete a long record of wanderings, stumbles, groupings, experiments,— for Nature beginning... Sri Aurobindo wishing: "Just as people are Page 306 advancing in physical science and trying to explore every possible secret of Nature, so also if they went into the inner being and tapped the powers from the unusual ranges of Nature then there could be no limit to possibilities." Oh, how astonishing it is that those two worlds, both available to our eye, yet remain hidden each ...


... longer a slave of the movements of the lower Prakriti, in control of it, seated securely in a free harmony with a higher law of Nature. An increasing control of the individual over his own action of nature, a more and more conscious participation in the action of universal Nature, is a marked character, it is indeed a logical consequence, of the evolutionary principle and process. All action, all mental... is attached to its own formed movements, and both are willingly obedient to the inferior law of the Ignorance. And yet the law of participation and the law of surrender are imperative; at each step of the transition the assent of the Purusha is needed and there must be too the consent of each part of the nature to the action of the higher power for its change. There must be then a conscious self-direction... energy. The law of the gradation has to be satisfied even in the complexity of the process of evolutionary Nature. A further cause of complexity arises from the need of integration itself; for the process is not only an ascent of the soul to a Page 992 higher status, but a descent of the higher consciousness so gained to take up and transform the inferior nature. But this nature has a density ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... at a successful reproduction of Europe in India, forgetting the deep saying of the Gita—"Better the law of one's own being though it be badly done than an alien dharma well-followed; death in one's dharma is better, it is a dangerous Page 61 thing to follow the law of another's nature." For death in one's own dharma brings new birth, success in an alien path means only successful suicide... game of life; and the joy which He sees is the joy of various self-expression. For this reason it is that no two men are alike, no two nations are alike. Each has its own separate nature over and above the common nature of humanity and it is not only the common human impulses and activities but the satisfaction and development of its own separate character and capacities that a nation demands. Denied ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... lots of people on the ship? Yes, a lot. Was it a big ship? Yes, it was a big liner. Then ( laughing ) it's surely that! It's collective evolution, as it is according to the laws of ordinary nature, and what you represented there was the higher knowledge wanting to change the pace, change the course of the ship. It's very clear. And of course ( laughing ), you know the ways of the world:... consciousness remain conscious the whole night. But it takes a very long time. Do you do a concentration before going to sleep? Oh, always. That's the surprising thing, in fact. What's the nature of it? Vital or mental? I feel it's vital.... Last night, for instance, there was a huge ship on which I was a stowaway, or ticketless, and I spent I don't Page 419 know how many hours ...


... that the collectivistic idealism and higher forms of altruism, too, have their own roots in human nature. The law of competition, which is rooted in the egoistic psychology, is not the only possible law for organizing the life of the individual and of society; cooperation, too, is rooted in human nature, and co-operation is not necessarily an offshoot of egoism. It is true that in the early phases of... standards of human conduct that make an ascending scale. The first is personal need, preference and desire; the second is the law and good of the collectivity; the third is an ideal ethic; the last page - 77 is the highest and divine ideal and the divine law of the nature. (i) Standard of conduct which is prescribed by psychological and ethical but egoistic hedonism, falls into the first... of battle between competition and co-operation, the former page - 78 wins the race; — not because co-operation, as a principle, is weak in human nature or lower in value but only because the law of competition is primitive and has the force of early primacy; that which is morally superior, that which is more civilized, gets defeated, as history has repeatedly shown, by what is primitive and ...

... but made like animals and subject to the laws of animal Nature. You have been taught surely that one peculiarity of the mammal is that the female conceives the child, carries it and builds it up within herself until the moment when the young one, fully formed comes out of the body of its mother and lives independently. In view of this function Nature has provided the woman with an additional... muscular like a muscular man’s and make her look ugly if she practises vigorous exercises? Weakness and fragility may look attractive in the view of a perverted mind, but it is not the truth of Nature nor the truth of the Spirit. If you have ever looked at the photos of the women gymnasts you will know what perfectly beautiful bodies they have; and nobody can deny that they are muscular! ...


... interpretation; but the doubt is not justified by its cause. For throughout the fourteen Manwantaras, variations, permutations & combinations of the same type are bound to appear. This is the law of Nature's development in clay, plant & animal & applies equally to man, his manners, ideas, appurtenances & institutions. Given the truth of the Manwantara theory any other feature than this varied repetition... incarnate in the animal or Pashu in whom the four Manus have already manifested themselves, and the first human creature who appears is, in this Kalpa, the Vanara, not the animal Ape, but man with the Ape nature. His satya yuga is the first Paradise, for man Page 1324 begins with the Satya Yuga, begins with a perfected type, not a rudimentary type. The animal forms a perfect type for the human... will be remembered that there are fourteen Manus and ten gavas of the Dashagava. How are these divided among the Manus? In this Kalpa or rather Pratikalpa the type Pashu is the Vanara, but as in all Nature's movements, even in manifesting the Vanara, the others first make their appearance rapidly before the type "arrives"; those most germane to the matter are the lion, tiger, elephant, dog, wolf, cat ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

...         O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry.       One shall descend and break the iron Law,       Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power...       A seed shall be sown in Death's tremendous hour,       A branch of heaven transplant to human soil;       Nature shall overleap her mortal step;       Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will. 180 Page... may have a perennial human significance. The symbols employed in the poem may likewise hark back to the glorious childhood of the human race, the Age of the Veda, when the rishis looked out upon Nature with wonder and wild surmise and created the great myths of the race.         The race, the milieu, the moment may all create a favourable context for the poet who would sing of man and his... Page 452 Numerous are such audacious hyphenated combinations: 'sun-herds and moon-flocks', 'thought-food', 'sleet-drift', 'world-kindergarten', 'sea-heart', 'sun-laugh', 'soul-nature and mind-sense', 'star-field space', 'dense-maned monsoon', 'flower-mouth', 'Sun-word', 'heaven-bliss', etc. Even as the Anglo-Saxon poet had somehow to convey in the most vivid or picturesque way ...


... working, no element of error or impotence to obscure or distort the luminous perfection and power of the Spirit. All these lower conditions, laws, dharmas cease to have any hold on us; the Infinite acts in the liberated man and there is no law but the immortal truth and right of the free spirit, no Karma, no kind of bondage. Harmony and order are the characteristic qualities of the sattwic mind and... The sattwic principle of renunciation is to withdraw not from action, but from the personal demand, the ego factor behind it. It is to do works not dictated by desire but by the law of right living or by the essential nature, its knowledge, its ideal, its faith in itself and the Truth it sees, its śraddhā . Or else, on a higher spiritual plane, they are dictated by the will of the Master and done with... He follows in the light of the full sattwic mind and with the power of an inner renunciation lifting the soul to impersonality, towards God, towards the universal and eternal the highest ideal law of his nature or the will of the Master of works in his secret spirit. He will not do action for the sake of any personal result or for any reward in this life or with any attachment to success, profit or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... what should or should not be done, till the instinctive desire nature is schooled and abated and put down by the habit of self-control and man is ready first for a freer intelligent self-guidance and then for the highest supreme law and supreme liberty of the spiritual nature. For the Shastra in its ordinary aspect is not that spiritual law, although at its loftiest point, when it becomes a science... of his freedom and immortality, in the law of the supreme eternal Infinite, sarvathā vartamāno'pi sa yogī mayi vartate . There seems here to be a contradiction, an impasse. But this is only when we knot ourselves up in the rigid logical oppositions of the analytic mind, not when we look freely and subtly at the nature of spirit and at the spirit in Nature. What moves the world is not really the... too beyond the inferior light and happiness of that purest quality of Nature, Sattwa, the power that makes for assimilation and equivalence, right knowledge and right dealing, fine harmony, firm balance, right law of action, right possession and brings so full a satisfaction to the mind, beyond this highest thing in the normal nature, admirable in itself so far as it goes and while it can be maintained ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... chair and almirah, books, chaddar etc. by bugs. He also fears that the conquering army, if not checked, will proceed to annex other rooms also. As bugs in a solignumed cot are a violation of the law of Nature, Mother proposes to send a Committee of Enquiry composed of Y (who is both scientifically and officially interested in the solignum-bug problem), yourself and Z for investigations. Page... sadhaks to overcome these defects of their nature. 28 November 1935 No harmony can be brought about merely by apologising for one's errors. Unless we change radically and meet each other in the light of the Mother, no harmony is possible. Quite right. Aggressiveness and bristles on both sides are not likely to go without a luminous modification in the nature. 1 July 1936 I would like to add... 1938 We shall get the dhotis in January, I hope. But what is to be done in the meanwhile till January? We shall have to dress the sadhaks in saris or they will have to resort to a state of Nature and Adamic innocence! The Behaviour of Ashramites You can take your meal in the verandah as indicated by X . I must point out to you that X is in charge of the Cycle Office and the cycles ...


... therefore the action of the self-nature, स्वभाव, धर्म. अनुष्वधम् here is equivalent in idea to अनु स्वराज्यम्, in the law of thy self-empire, in the last hymn. Indra is great by will or action, क्रतु, and in verse 7 he is described as ऋजुक्रतु, straight in will or action. His nature like that of the other gods is the nature of the Truth, ऋतवृध्; the law of its action is the law of the truth, सत्यधर्म, often... downward the middle, cleave to either side the lower; then shall we sinless in thy law, O son of the supreme Nature, abide in it for a higher existence. SUKTA 25 (1) Whatsoever thy peoples, whatever their nature, thou,OGod Varuna, measurest out to them accordingly in sky and sky Page 210 the law of their nature. (2) Let not thy delight in us be for the mortal piercing of him who is heedless... strength is the force of his nature? (6) Therefore do ye two enjoy his equal mood and like harpers tune yourselves in yoga to the Giver whose law of being is constancy,— (7) he who knows the path of the birds as they wing through the air and he knows the ships that go down to the sea; (8) he knows the twelve months with their offspring, because his nature is constancy to law, he knows him who is born ...


... it most. For the other a stage must come in the work before he goes. Everything is fixed by the law of his nature & the law which governs that law. What do you mean by the reason? Again a doubtful expression; everything is rational from one point of view, absurd & arbitrary from another. The ultimate Law is beyond expression by the mind. Imperfectly & from a limited point of view. For man's convenience ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... over." 2 But this dynamic interchange, this mutual yajña , is not confined to our body constituents alone; it governs our vital and mental sheaths too. The extent to which this law reigns in Nature has not yet been fully recognised by men of our time, — who take their stand on the supposed substratum of Matter, — and indeed cannot be recognized, as Sri Aurobindo has pointed out, "until... energies of other beings. A similar law governs the mutual relations of our mental life with the mental life of other thinking creatures. There is a constant dissolution and dispersion and a reconstruction effected by the shock of mind with a constant interchange and fusion of elements." 1 The whole process of the universe is thus seen to be in its very nature a sacrifice, a process of interchange... aliments from outside but which would prevent by all means any outward flow. But the false hopes of the ego founder at every moment, and when sacrifice is not voluntarily offered, Nature exacts it by force; for the law has been imposed from above and, even from those who do not consciously recognise its validity, the universal World-Force invariably exacts and takes the sacrifice. Only in this ...

... forward-moving demands of the Time-Spirit. There is this permanent spirit in things and there is this persistent swadharma or law of our nature; but there is too a less binding system of laws of successive formulation,—rhythms of the spirit, forms, turns, habits of the nature, and these endure the mutations of the ages, yugadharma . The race must obey this double principle of persistence and mutation... void. A feeling of its illusion and unreality because that which is greatest in man and raises him beyond himself had been neglected, would oppress them at every step. The discovery of the laws of physical Nature would not compensate in their eyes for the comparative decline—for a long time it was the almost absolute cessation—of a greater seeking and finding, the discovery of the freedom of the spirit... all that was great, essential, elevating, vitalising, illuminating, victorious, effective. And in that again we must distinguish what was close to the permanent, essential spirit and the persistent law of our cultural being and separate from it what was temporary and transiently formulative. For all that was great in the past cannot be preserved as it was or repeated for ever; there are new needs, ...


... ss behind it, its own inferior truth or inevitable result of various relation. For this is the nature of Law or Truth in the world that it is the just working and bringing out of that which is contained in being, implied in the essence and nature of the thing itself, latent in its self-being and self-law, svabhāva and svadharma , as seen by the divine Knowledge. To use one of those wonderful formulas... in the death of the body there is no cessation of Life, only the material of one form of life is broken up to serve as material for other forms of life. Similarly we may be sure, in the uniform law of Nature, that if there is in the bodily form a mental or psychic Page 188 energy, that also is not destroyed but only breaks out from one form to assume others by some process of metempsychosis... there, unless we suppose it to be a new creation magically and unaccountably introduced into Nature. If it is that, it must either be a creation out of nothing or a result of material operations which is not accounted for by anything in the operations themselves or by any element in them which is of a kindred nature; or, conceivably, it may be a descent from above, from some supraphysical plane above the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the Ignorance is assumed in Nature by the secret spirit. It is not that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live; it would be confined to the higher worlds of the divine Existence or to a typal non-evolving cosmos where each being lived in the whole light of its own law of nature, and this obverse manifestation... inconscience of material Nature is the same exclusive concentration, the same absorption in the work and the energy as in the self-limitation Page 610 of the waking human mind, or the concentration of the self-forgetting mind in its working; it is only that self-limitation carried to a farthest point of self-forgetfulness which becomes, not a temporary action, but the law of its action. Nescience... characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Page 609 Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret will, a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... harmonies. The apparent inconscience of physical Nature, the beautiful and terrible, kindly and cruel conscious but amoral Life Force that is the first thing we see before us, are not the whole self-expression of the universal Being here and therefore not the whole of Nature. Man comes into it to express and realise a higher law of Nature and therefore a higher system of the lines of Karma. The... the spirit, cannot confine the rule of his action and nature to an obedience to the vital and physical law and an intelligent utilisation of it for the greater, more ordered, more perfect enjoyment of his vital and physical existence, perpetuation, reproduction, possession, enjoyment, expansion. There is a higher law of mental being and nature of which he is bound to become aware and to seek to impose... generalised conception of Right on the law of life. For its essence is the discovery or belief of the mind that in all things there is a right rule, a right standard, a right way of thought, will, feeling, perception, action other than that of the intuition of vital nature, other than that of the first dealings of mind seeking only to profit by the vital nature with a mainly vital motive,—for it has ...


... the Ignorance is assumed in Nature by the secret spirit. It is not that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live; it would be confined to the higher worlds of the divine Existence or to a typal non evolving cosmos where each being lived in the whole light of its own law of nature, and this obverse manifestation... by a subliminal or intraconscient assimilation and absorption of its results of past Page 96 becoming and an output of potentialities of future becoming. The law that deprives us of the memory of past lives is a law of the cosmic Wisdom and serves, not disserves its evolutionary purpose. The absence of any memory of past existences is wrongly and very ignorantly taken as a disproof... outer man would have broken down and the permanent mental and vital being from within, the mental and vital representatives of the immortal psychic entity, would govern the life. Our mind nature and our life nature would then be a continuous progressive expression of the soul and not a nexus of successive formations preserved only in their essence. Our Page 99 mental personality and life ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... There is a straight road or road of naturally increasing light and truth, ṛjuḥ panthāḥ, ṛtasya panthāḥ , leading over infinite levels and towards infinite vistas, vītāni pṛṣṭhāni , by which the law of our nature should normally take us towards our fulfilment. Sin compels it instead to travel with stumblings amid uneven and limited tracts and along crooked windings ( duritāni, vṛjināni ). ... described as the Truth, the Law, the Vast. He is the Fosterer or Increaser, for he enlarges and opens man's dark and limited being into a luminous and infinite consciousness. He is the sole Seer, Seer of Oneness and Knower of the Self, and leads him to the highest Sight. He is Yama, Controller or Ordainer, for he governs man's action and manifested being by the direct Law of the Truth, satyadharma... हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् । तत् त्वं पूषन्नपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये ॥१५॥ 15) The face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden lid; that do thou remove, O Fosterer, 10 for the law of the Truth, for sight. पूषन्नेकर्षे यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मीन् समूह । तेजो यत् ते रुपं कल्याणतमं तत् ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि ॥१६॥ 16) O Fosterer, O sole Seer, O Ordainer ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... idealism and true altruism have their own roots in human nature, which are independent of that aspect of human nature which, in the words of Hobbes, is nasty and brutish. The law of competition, which is rooted in the egoistic psychology is not the only possible law for organising human society; cooperation, too, is rooted in human nature, and cooperation is not necessarily an offshoot of egoism... four main standards of human conduct that make an ascending scale. The first is personal need, preference and desire; the second is the law and good of the collectivity; the third is an ideal ethic, the last is the highest and divine ideal and law of the nature. Standard of conduct, which is pre scribed by psychological and ethical but egoistic hedonism, falls into the first category; its argument... ism is valid, the individual in its true nature is not an egocentric entity subject to appetites and desires, but an entity capable of uplifting himself to a state of intrinsic and universal values. Consequently, it came to be advocated that the needs and desires of individuals are to be surpassed in obedience to the moral law, and even the social law has no claims upon him if it is opposed to ...


... we are subject to the lower Nature we cannot expect any freedom (of action): the Mother's order is our law. Since she did not give me any definite reply I gave up my desire to see the festival.       She meant that it was of no importance one way or the other.       It is when you are free from the lower Nature that her will is the Law.       The lower Nature is constantly disobeying the... to the lower Nature what does the Mother actually intend by leaving the responsibility to us by saying, "Comme vous voulez"? Only if one is a little advanced, one can make the best use of such a freedom.       When one is advanced one does not ask for freedom, but to obey the Divine Will.         In order to reach the higher Nature, have we not to prevent the lower Nature from disobeying... influence than the Divine.         What is meant by "vital consecration"?       Consecration means offering and making sacred to the Mother so that the whole vital nature may belong to her and not to the lower nature.         You said yesterday: "It is only after you become conscious that the surrender can be complete." Which consciousness was spoken of here? How am I to receive ...

... smile upon a virgin's lips Young moonlight dallies with a sleepy rose, Then come and call me gently twice and thrice, And I will answer you. Observe this well In that the harsh and beldam Law excludes Nature's sweet rites and Paphian marriage Unless her bleared eyes be privy too. MELANDER O love, have you forgot the long elapse And weary pomp of hours ere the sun That follows now a path... Abstained from brabbles, women, verses, wine, And now you see me bask in hale old age, Mid Autumn's gilded ruin one green leaf. Life's palate dulls with much intemperance, And whoso breaks the law, the law shall break. Love is a specious angler— MELANDER Dotard, off! Confide thy heavy rumours to the grave Where thou shouldst now be rotting. Exit. Page 767 Act III Scene... you forgotten then, my sister, how Since war's ensanguined dice have thrown a cast So fatal to our peace, the sweet confines Of Ilni and her primitive content Are hedged and meted by the savage Law? ALACIEL Child, I have not forgotten; but first love Poseidon-like submerges with his sea All barriers, and the checks that men oppose But make him fret and spume against the sky. Who shall ...


... senses was regarded by her as the nature of the Asura and Rakshasa. It is the Titanic, gigantic or demoniac type of spirit, permitted in its own plane, but not the proper law for a human life. Another power claims man and overtops desire and self-interest and self-will, the power of the Dharma. The Dharma, at once religious law of action and deepest law of our nature, is not, as in the Western idea... creed, cult or ideal inspiring an ethical and social rule; it is the right law of functioning of our life in all its parts. The tendency of man to seek after a just and perfect law of his living finds its truth and its justification in the Dharma. Every thing indeed has its dharma, its law of life imposed on it by its nature; but for man the dharma is the conscious imposition of a rule of ideal living... and has its stages; there are gradations of spiritual and ethical ascension in the search for the highest law of our nature. All men cannot follow in all things one common and invariable rule. Life is too complex to admit of the arbitrary ideal simplicity which the moralising theorist loves. Natures differ; the position, the work we have to do has its own claims and standards; the aim and bent, the call ...


... followed by the great poets of the past in a primitive ignorance unconscious of their Page 345 own bondage; it is in spite of its appearance of human convention a law of Nature, an innermost mind-nature, a highest speech-nature. But it does not immediately follow that the metrical application to poetry of the normal rhythm of the language, discoverable even in its colloquial speech and prose... shall find the same law of quantitative rhythm automatically arranging his word-movement— Page 343 The measures of this prose rhythm find their units of order in word-groups and not as in poetry in metrical lines; the syllabic combinations which we call feet do not follow here any fixed sequence. In colloquial speech the sequence is arranged by impulse of Nature or by the automatic... has some difficulty in asserting its full independent value. Moreover the words do not cohere or run into each other as in a Sanskrit line, (this cohesion was the raison d'être of the complicated law of Sandhi by which the closing letter of one word so frequently unites with the initial letter of its successor in a conjunct sound); each word in English is independent and has its own metrical value ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... definite end; thirdly, liberation, that is to say, the release of our being from the narrow and painful knots of the individualised energy in a false and limited play, which at present are the law of our nature. The enjoyment of our liberated being which brings us into unity or union with the Supreme, is the consummation; it is that for which Yoga is done. Three indispensable steps and the high, open... strange to those who associate the idea of science only with the superficial phenomena of the physical universe apart from all that is behind them; but they are equally based on definite experience of laws and their workings and give, when rightly practised, their well-tested results. In fact, Hathayoga is, in its own way, a system of knowledge; but while the proper Yoga of knowledge is a philosophy of... itself, in which alone it can be completely possessed and enjoyed while we are in the body, that certain disciplines of Yoga look as if they were only ways of arriving at Samadhi. All Yoga is in its nature an attempt and an arriving at unity with the Supreme,—unity with the being of the Supreme, unity with the consciousness of the Supreme, unity with the bliss of the Supreme,—or, if we repudiate the ...


... their perceivings of knowledge; may our words increase thee. अदब्धस्य स्वधावतो दूतस्य रेभतः सदा । अग्नेः सख्यं वृणीमहे ॥२०॥ 20) We choose the comradeship of the Fire inviolate in the law of his nature, the ever-chanting messenger. अग्निः शुचिव्रततमः शुचिर्विप्रः शुचिः कविः । शुची रोचत आहुतः ॥२१॥ 21) Most pure in his workings is the Fire, he is the pure illumined sage, the pure seer... hears our cry and smites away from us the foe. विशां राजानमद्भुतमध्यक्षं धर्मणामिमम् । अग्निमीळे स उ श्रवत् ॥२४॥ 24) I pray this Fire, the marvellous king of the peoples who presides over the laws of their action, may he hear. अग्निं विश्वायुवेपसं मर्यं न वाजिनं हितम् । सप्तिं न वाजयामसि ॥२५॥ 25) Fire who illumines the universal life like a male horse urged to its gallop, we speed... thousandfold wealth and the hero-force. अग्ने भ्रातः सहस्कृत रोहिदश्व शुचिव्रत । इमं स्तोमं जुषस्व मे ॥१६॥ 16) O Fire, my brother, created by my force, drawn by thy red horses, pure in the law of thy workings, take pleasure in this laud of mine. उत त्वाग्ने मम स्तुतो वाश्राय प्रतिहर्यते । गोष्ठं गाव इवाशत ॥१७॥ 17) My lauds reach thee, O Fire, as to the calf lowing in glad response ...


... Inconscient operates by the law of heredity and, left to itself, works faultlessly to ensure the survival of good and healthy types. Man misuses heredity in the false conditions of his social life to transmit and perpetuate degeneracy. We must study the law of heredity, develop a science of Eugenics and use it wisely and remorselessly—with the remorseless wisdom of Nature—so as to ensure by intelligence... the real reality of his being, must necessarily seek to enter into it, to become conscious in it, to make there his centre instead of dwelling on the surface, to win and apply its diviner law and supreme nature and capacity, to make himself one with it so that he shall become the Real instead of the Apparent Man. And the sole debate that remains is whether this great conquest can be achieved and enjoyed... surface psychological functionings, will, mind, senses, reason, conscience, etc., were arranged in a dry and sterile classification; their real nature and relation to each other were not fathomed nor any use made of them which went beyond the limited action Nature had found sufficient for a very superficial mental and psychic life and for very superficial and ordinary workings. Because we do not know ourselves ...


... further research. As his researches led Sri Aurobindo nearer to the hidden 'Foetus' of language, he discovered that language proceeds in a Page 370 regular natural law, almost paralleling Nature as she "proceeds in the physical world to form a vegetable or an animal genus and its species." The debate will doubtless continue, but here we are presenting some food for thought:... the history of the Celts—Ellis quotes a number of them—are struck by the commonality between the social systems, law systems of the Celts and those of the Hindus. "The extraordinary parallels and similarities between the Celtic and Hindu cultures, occurring in the areas of language, law, religious attitudes 2 and mythology, music and caste." How come? I was reminded of the Battle of Ten Kings... farther and farther, to other clues, he stumbled upon an Ancient Language,' a language older than any known form of Sanskrit. And he "plunged into the far more interesting research of the origins and laws of development of human language itself." The clues came to him from several sources. One was, of course, etheric writing (dkasha-lipi). Truth-audition (Shruti) was another. Intuition and inspiration ...


... participation of the latter. But this meeting of the higher and the lower has a reciprocal two-way consequence. While the higher seeks to transfigure the lower with its own power and its own law of nature, svadharma, it is at the same time modified, its light obscured and its effectivity curtailed by the counteraction of the lower. To quote Sri Aurobindo again; "A descent of consciousness... Divine, pp. 960-61. Page 230 incapacity, foundation of energy on the repose of an original Inertia" 10 , and as a consequence remains subject to the established and inexorable laws of Darkness and Incapacity and Death. Faced with this almost insuperable difficulty of physical transformation, most spiritual seekers have tended to turn away from the physical being of man... earth-nature and overtly act therein. From the point of view of evolution, this supramental intervention will take the form of a twofold process. When the evolutionary Nature is found ready and receptive, there will occur "a supramental inflow from above, the descent of a gnostic being into the 10. The Life Divine, p. 962. 11. Ibid., p. 917. Page 231 nature, and ...

... return to her own law of nature. But Asia or at any rate India lives naturally by a spiritual influx from above; that alone brings with it a spiritual evocation of her higher powers of mind and life. The two continents are two sides of the integral orb of humanity and until they meet and fuse, each must move to whatever progress or culmination the spirit in humanity seeks, by the law of its being, its... and physical Law in the material universe, is quite sufficient for any rational mind, Page 141 —and so we get to Deism, to a vacant intellectual formula. Or why should there be any God at all? The reason and the senses by themselves give no witness to God; at best they can make of Him only a plausible hypothesis. But there is no need of an unsubstantial hypothesis, since Nature is enough and... gurus, holy days, vows, offerings, sacrifice, a constant reference of life to powers and influences of which there can be no physical evidence instead of a rational scientific dependence on the material laws which alone govern the existence of mortal creatures. It is to him an unintelligible chaos; it is animism; it is a monstrous folk-lore. The meaning which Indian thought puts upon these things, their ...


... is boundless consciousness, Perfect in knowledge, pure and therefore luminously right in Page 27 its discernment of things, perfectly harmonious and happy in its concordance of the law and nature; it is Mitra who brings us this light, harmony, right distinction and relation and friendly concord. The Divine is in its own being pure and perfect power and in us the eternal upward tendency... obey the law of relations of cosmic forces by which harmony can constantly be maintained. Vastness and harmony accompany each other, and therefore we find in the Veda, Varuna always associated with Mitra, who is the lord of harmony. We may take for instance, one of the many hymns in which Mitra and Varuna are addressed together: 1. Guardians of the Truth, you ascend your car and the law of the... by the knowledge you rain down Heaven ruddy-shinning and sinless. 7. O Mitra and Varuna, you who are illumined in consciousness, by the Law, by the knowledge of the Mighty One, you guard the workings or divine rhythms of work determined by the divine law of the Truth; by the Truth you govern widely all the world of our becoming; you set the Sun in heaven, a chariot of various splendour 20 ...


... divine Page 171 principle working itself out in forms and laws of action, forms of the inner and the outer life, orderings of relations of every kind in the world. Dharma 1 is both that which we hold to and that which holds together our inner and outer activities. In its primary sense it means a fundamental law of our nature which secretly conditions all our activities, and in this sense each... bhagavān ,—the bhāgavata , which is the law of the Vaishnava dispensation of adoration and love, the bhakta representing the fellowship of those in whom that law is manifest, bhagavān , the divine Lover and Beloved in whose being and nature the divine law of love is founded and fulfils itself. The Avatar represents this third element, the divine personality, nature and being who is the soul of the Dharma... each being, type, species, individual, group has its own dharma. Secondly, there is the divine nature which has to develop and manifest in us, and in this sense dharma is the law of the inner workings by which that grows in our being. Thirdly, there is the law by which we govern our outgoing thought and action and our relations with each other so as to help best both our own growth and that of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... surface soul which expresses itself in our cravings, impulses, feelings, emotions, ambitions, etc.; it is distinguished from the true soul in us—the psychic being. Dharma —law; the deepest law of one's nature; the right law of individual and social life; literally, that which one lays hold of and which holds things together. Divine, the —the Supreme Truth, the Supreme Being from whom all have... between mind and supermind . Nature, Nature Force —the outer or executive side of the Conscious Force which forms and moves the worlds. The higher, divine Nature (Para Prakriti) is free from Ignorance and its consequences; the lower Nature (Apara Prakriti) is a mechanism of active Force put forth for the working of the evolutionary Ignorance. The lower nature of an individual—mind, life and body—are... itself it is represented by the evolving psychic being which supports all the rest of the nature. life-nature (the life) —see the Vital . manomaya puruṣa (Manomaya Purusha) —mental Person, the mental being. mechanical mind —a part of the mind closely connected with the physical mind; its nature is to go on repeating without use whatever has happened—recent events, impressions, old ...


... awareness; the utilitarian standard gives way to the aspiration towards self-consciousness and self-realisation; the rule of living according to the manifest laws of physical Nature is replaced by the effort towards living according to the veiled Law and Will and Power active in the life of the world and in the inner and outer life of humanity. All these tendencies, though in a crude, initial and i... him that he cannot securely discover the truth and law of his own being without discovering some universal law and truth to which he can relate it. Of the universe he is a part; in all but his deepest spirit he is its subject, a small cell in that tremendous organic mass: his substance is drawn from its substance and by the law of its life the law of his life is determined and governed. From a new... distant or immediate goal of his individual and social destiny. In Europe and in modern times this has taken the form of a clear and potent physical Science: it has proceeded by the discovery of the laws of the physical universe and the economic and sociological conditions of human life as determined by the physical being of man, his environment, his evolutionary history, his physical and vital, his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... to human feeling and sight and sensation. This demand is the justification of their creation and action, and furnishes a clue to the mystery of the divine immanence in the world. And it is a law of Nature that when ever there is an insistent and legitimate demand for a particular experience and realisation in the being of man, there is always found a means to fulfil it. The human' mind is content... into the dark, subconscious regions of the being and a grappling with the most powerful forces of human nature, desire and lust and passion, in their own field; but it had to be undertaken, if the whole being and nature Page 36 of man were to be transmuted into the being and nature of the Divine to ensure the integrality and permanence of the dynamic divine union, which is the goal of... impressions and impulses of our unregenerate nature. They have to be illuminated and emancipated from the hold of ignorance and inertia, if the integration and transformation of our nature are to be complete. The Gitâ's way of the renunciation of all desire and attachment is the right way, and a very effective method of purification, so far as the surface nature is concerned and the regions just below the ...

... by the thousand forces that deny. And then the divine Mother gives a reply to his entreaty: "O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend, and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone spirit's power. A limitless Mind that can contain the world, A sweet and violent heart of ardent calms Moved by the passions of the gods shall come. ... to mankind; human nature as well as human consciousness is capable of liberation and perfection, and that perfection consists in a transformation of nature, not a rejection of nature but a transformation, not a control only, not a type of behaviour according to ethics and morality, but a free expression of the Divine in man with the divine nature. The Divine has the divine nature which man can also... between Satyavan and Savitri, so as to give some idea of the fifth book. Satyavan is telling Savitri how he looks upon their meeting: I plunged into an inner seeing Mind And knew the secret laws and sorceries That make of Matter mind's bewildered slave: The mystery was not solved, but deepened more. I strove to find its hints through Beauty and Art, He says: I pursued ...


... द् द्यावापृथिवी पर्यपश्यत् ॥८॥ 8) He has purified through the three filters the Ray, following the thought with the heart he has reached knowledge of the light; he has created by the self-laws of his nature the supreme ecstasy and his sight has embraced earth and heaven. Page 204 शतधारमुत्समक्षीयमाणं विपश्चितं पितरं वक्त्वानाम् । मेळिं मदन्तं पित्रोरुपस्थे तं रोदसी पिपृतं सत्यवाचम् ...


... better to choose one or two items and give a very good demonstration in these rather than do several in a mediocre way? Each one does according to his or her nature and if he (or she) follows courageously and sincerely the law of the nature, he or she acts according to truth. Thus it is impossible to judge and decide for others. One can know only for oneself, and even then one has to be very sincere... no matter what it is, interesting. 26 September 1963 Sri Aurobindo writes in one of his Aphorisms: "Those who are deficient in the free, full and intelligent observation of a self-imposed law, must be placed in subjection to the will of others." 2 I Mother, I am one of those. Will You take me and discipline me? My child, it is exactly what I have been trying to do for quite a long... Playground, the band, studies, etc., and devote all my time to the work. But my logic does not accept this. From where does this idea come and why? In this case your logic is right. In the outer nature there is often a tamasic tendency to simplify the conditions of life in order to avoid the effort of organising more complicated circumstances. But when one desires to progress in the integrality of ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... For the maintenance of family morality, of the social law and the law of the nation? These are the very standards that will be destroyed by this civil war; the family itself will be brought to the point of annihilation, corruption of morals and loss of the purity of race will be engendered, the eternal laws of the race and moral law of the family will be destroyed. Ruin of the race, the... assured there need be no apparent change in the action, he must act always by the law of his nature, even if the act itself seem faulty and deficient compared with that of another law than his own, he is troubled. The nature! but what of this sense of sin in the action with which he is preoccupied? is it not this very nature which drives men as if by force and even against their better will into sin and... into that higher nature beyond mind which is the status of the Divine. He has at the same time to give him that for which he asks and for which he is inspired to seek by the guidance within him, a new Law of life and action high above the insufficient rule of the ordinary human existence with its endless conflicts and oppositions, perplexities and illusory certainties, a higher Law by which the soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... lies over the sense-mind is lifted and a new world, a world where mind is the principal factor, peopled with human beings, emerges with its own characteristic laws quite different from those of the worlds of matter, sense and sense-mind. A new law means a new rhythm. If the world of matter were a plane figure, then the number­less beings of the sense-world are so many fixed points on that plane, and the... substances. He is capable of an enormous strength, but it is Titanic or Asuric in its Nature. He is ever-greedy in his strength, ever-absorbing, ever-devouring, mightily, fiercely, cunningly, forcefully, whatever he gets from whatsoever source. That which he annexes to his kingdom turns into the law and nature of this presiding deity — this great Titan. He is the Lord of the three kingdoms. He... nature, is a shell-covered seed which under proper climate and favourable weather breaks, comes out of the shell, grows, awakens out of the earth as a plant, buds, blossoms and finally falls as seed on the same earth out of which it came, as though getting involved again into inconscience only to come out again on a newer round and in newer forms. The Truth-Soul obeys its own law, its own ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... lies over the sense-mind is lifted and a new world, a world where mind is the principal factor, peopled with human beings, emerges with its own characteristic laws quite different from those of the worlds of matter, sense and sense-mind. A new law means a new rhythm. If the world of matter were a plane figure, then the numberless beings of the sense-world are so many fixed points on that plane, and the... substances. He is capable of an enormous strength, but it is Titanic or Asuric in its Nature. He is ever-greedy in his strength, ever-absorbing, ever-devouring, mightily, fiercely, cunningly, forcefully, whatever he gets from whatsoever source. That which he annexes to his kingdom turns into the law and nature of this presiding deity — this great Titan. He is the Lord of the three kingdoms. He... nature, is a shell-covered seed which under proper climate and favourable weather breaks, comes out of the shell, grows, awakens out of the earth as a plant, buds, blossoms and finally falls as seed on the same earth out of which it came, as though getting involved again into inconscience only to come out again on a newer round and in newer forms. The Truth-Soul obeys its own law, its own ...

... lies over the sense-mind is lifted and a new world, a world where mind is the principal factor, peopled with human beings, emerges with its own characteristic laws quite different from those of the worlds of matter, sense and sense-mind. A new law means a new rhythm. If the world of matter were a plane figure, then the number­less beings of the sense-world are so many fixed points on that plane, and the... substances. He is capable of an enormous strength, but it is Titanic or Asuric in its Nature. He is ever-greedy in his strength, ever-absorbing, ever-devouring, mightily, fiercely, cunningly, forcefully, whatever he gets from whatsoever source. That which he annexes to his kingdom turns into the law and nature of this presiding deity — this great Titan. He is the Lord of the three kingdoms. He... nature, is a shell-covered seed which under proper climate and favourable weather breaks, comes out of the shell, grows, awakens out of the earth as a plant, buds, blossoms and finally falls as seed on the same earth out of which it came, as though getting involved again into inconscience only to come out again on a newer round and in newer forms. The Truth-Soul obeys its own law, its own ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... expectant Bhaaratvarsha, our India, felt something like the promise of the Divine Mother, in Sri Aurobindo's epic, King Aswapathy, the father of Savitri: One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power. ... And in her body as on his homing tree Immortal Love shall beat his glorious wings .... She shall bear Wisdom in her voiceless bosom, Strength... proved a sanctuary and phoenix-hour for the whole tapasya of a Mahasaraswati: Page 201 The science and craft and technique of things are Mahasarawati's province. Always she holds in her nature and can give to those whom she has chosen the intimate and precise knowledge, the subtlety and patience, the accuracy of intuitive mind and conscious hand and discerning eye of the perfect worker.... the strong, the tireless, the careful and efficient builder, organiser, administrator, technician, artisan and classifier of the worlds. When she takes up the transformation and new-building of: the nature, her action is laborious and minute and often seems to our impatience slow and interminable, but it is persistent, integral and flaw. less .... Nothing short of a perfect perfection satisfies her and ...


... with the eternal laws that govern the Universe, others hold it to be the fulfilment under self-rule and guidance of man's nature, others a natural evolution of man in the direction of his highest faculties. The Hindus perceived that it was all these at once but they discovered that the law with which the soul must put itself in relation was the law of the Eternal Self, that man's nature must seek its... t. But it was not in this aspect of the law of creation that the old Hindu thought interested itself. Modern Science has made it its business to investigate and master the forces and laws of working of the physical world; it has sought to know how man as a reasoning animal developed into what he is, how he is affected in detail by the laws of external nature and what is the rule of his thought and... substance; one seed disposes itself in many forms. There are many laws governing the workings of that substance in its evolution but they resolve themselves into one law to which all existence is subject. As substances and forms develop, there seem to be many things with many natures, but they go back into one thing with one nature. There are many forms of electricity, but all resolve themselves into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... and wisdom are potentially present everywhere. ‘There is no law of Nature by which spiritual knowledge is confined to the East or must bear the stamp of an Indian manufacture before it can receive the imprimatur of the All-Wise,’ 31 said Sri Aurobindo crisply. But also, as we have seen, every true nation has its own character and nature, which are the reasons of its existence and place within the... entered into it only by contact and influence, not from an organical impulse. And it is to its passion for the discovery of the actual truth of things and for the governing of human life by whatever law of the truth it has found that the West owes its centuries of strength, vigour, light, progress, irresistible expansion. Equally, it is due not to any original falsehood in the ideals on which its life... and Europe, and what they stand for] are two sides of the integral orb of humanity and until they meet and fuse, each must move to whatever progress or culmination the spirit in humanity seeks, by the law of its being … A one-sided world would have been the poorer for its uniformity and the monotone of a single culture; there is a need of divergent lines of advance until we can raise our head into that ...


... helpful to it; but to erect this human device into a general law of cosmic Nature or a law of the supreme Being or the supreme law of existence is a procedure of doubtful value. It is human, but also puerile, to impose the insufficient and narrow standards of our own Ignorance on the larger and more intricate operations of cosmic Nature or on the action of the supreme Wisdom and supreme Good which... behind the cosmos; if so, here is a Law and Process that satisfies our human reason and our mental standards of right and justice and it has the beauty and truth of a perfect symmetry and a mathematical accuracy of working. But all is not Law and Process, there is also Being and Consciousness; there is not only a machinery but a Spirit in things, not only Nature and law of cosmos but a cosmic Spirit, not... human standards of morality, cannot, therefore, be the sole preoccupation of the cosmic Law or the sole principle of determination of the working of Karma. Page 841 If it is true that the nature of the energy put forth must determine the nature of the result or outcome, all these differences in the nature of the energy have to be taken into account and each must have its appropriate consequence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... of that manifestation vibrating in the earth-nature and the soul of that manifestation presiding over its upward endeavour. It is to give a spiritual mould of divine manhood into which the seeking soul of the human being can cast itself. It is to give a dharma, a religion,—not a mere creed, but a method of inner and outer living,—a way, a rule and law of self-moulding by which he can grow towards... assist the human march, to hold it together in its great crises, to break the forces of the downward gravitation when they grow too insistent, to uphold or restore the great dharma of the Godward law in man's nature, to prepare even, however far off, the kingdom of God, the victory of the seekers of light and perfection, sādhūnām , and the overthrow of those Page 159 who fight for the continuance... he governs all nature, the human included; from within also he governs all nature, always, but hidden; the difference here is that he is manifest, that the nature is conscious of the divine Presence as the Lord, the Inhabitant, and it is not by his secret will from above, "the will of the Father which is in heaven," but by his quite direct and apparent will that he moves the nature. And here there ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... he pushed aside his tools. There was a sheet of accounts in front of him. —You have arrived at the appointed time. One cannot blame you; you have followed the law of your nature. But now the time has come when you can change that law if you so will. Because there is a time when one can. —But why... —Be quiet, listen. I want you to see clearly; only Truth can save you; it alone has the Power ...

... If a zealot humanitarian placed him on a higher status and trained him for a different vocation, he would be transplanting him from his swadharma to a paradharma, from the self-law of his nature to an alien law, and creating in him a psychological confusion, varṇśankara. The ancient order was not rigid, nor had it Page 269 anything to do with birth, as it is commonly supposed... The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo CHAPTER XV THE PHYSICAL NATURE AND ITS PURIFICATION PART I BY physical nature Sri Aurobindo means the physical mind, the physical part of life, called the physical-vital or nervous being, and the body. Before we enter upon the process of their purification, we had better be clear about what these terms... effect upon our consciousness, and consequently upon our life and nature. This is a truth which the seekers of perfection should never lose sight of. But there is another complementary truth which has also to be borne in mind, that it is our consciousness that determines our thought, feeling and action. Everything in our life and nature is an instrumental working of our consciousness. If we take into ...

... ego,—that is only the disguise of iron armour which masks and encumbers the national Purusha,—but a great communal soul and life that has appeared in the whole and has manifested a nature of its own and a law of that nature, a Swabhava and Swadharma, and embodied it in its intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, dynamic, social and political forms and culture. And equally then our cultural Page 426 ... possibility of the Indian mentality working freely in its own nature discovering new methods or even giving a new turn to physical science—we shall relate it to other powers of the human mind and scientific knowledge, to other knowledge more intimate to other and not less light-giving and power-giving parts of our intelligence and nature. And there the peculiar cast of the Indian mind, its psychological... living and vital issue that we have to do with, and there the question is not between modernism and antiquity, but between an imported civilisation and the greater possibilities of the Indian mind and nature, not between the present and the past, but between the present and the future. It is not a return to the fifth century but an initiation of the centuries to come, not a reversion but a break forward ...


... disguise of iron armour which masks and encumbers the national Purusha, — but a great communal soul and life that has appeared in the whole Page 15 and has manifested a nature of its own and a law of that nature, a Swabhava and Swadharma, and embodied it in its intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, dynamic, social and political forms and culture. And equally then our cultural conception of humanity... possibility of the Indian mentality working freely in its own nature discovering new methods or even giving a new turn to physical science — we shall relate it to other powers of the human mind and scientific knowledge to other knowledge more intimate to other and not less light-giving and powergiving parts of our intelligence and nature. And there the peculiar cast of the Indian mind, its psychological... living and vital issue that we have to do with, and there the question is not between modernism and antiquity, but between an imported civilisation and the greater possibilities of the Indian mind and nature, not between the present and the past, but between the present and the future. It is not a return to the fifth century but an initiation of the centuries to come, not a reversion but a break forward ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... Thrice Vishnu paced and set his step uplifted out of the primal dust; three steps he has paced, the Guardian, the Invincible, and from beyond he upholds their laws. Scan the workings of Vishnu and see from whence he has manifested their laws. That is his highest pace which is seen ever by the seers like an eye extended in heaven; that the illumined, the awakened kindle into a blaze, even Vishnu's step... obliged to consent to dissolution. Its constituents are broken up so that the elements of one life can be used to enter into the elemental formation of other lives. The extent to which this law reigns in Nature has not yet been fully recognised and indeed cannot be until we have a science of mental life and spiritual existence as sound as our present science of physical life and the existence of Matter... —hunger and desire, the first seed of conscious mind. The growth into the third status of life by the principle of association, the growth of love, does not abolish the law of desire, but rather transforms and fulfils it. Love is in its nature the desire to give oneself to others and to receive others in exchange; it is a commerce between being and being. Physical life does not desire to give itself, it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... A passage from Sri Aurobindo sums up the whole position: Page 118 'India can best develop herself and serve humanity by being herself and following the law of her nature. This does not mean, as some narrowly and blindly suppose, the rejection of every thing new that comes to us in the stream of time or happens to have been first developed or powerfully expressed... religious community, the nation within the nation. We may perhaps say that here Nature tried an experiment of unparalleled complexity and potential richness, accumulating all possible difficulties in order to arrive at the most opulent result. But in the end the problem proved insoluble or, at least, was not solved and Nature had to resort to her usual deus ex machina denouement, the instrumentality of... organised common life; it has only an inchoate organization determined much more by circumstances than by human intelligence and will. And yet the idea and the fact of our common human existence, nature, destiny has always exercised its strong influence on human thought and action. One of the chief preoccupations of ethics and religion has been the obligations of man to mankind. The pressure of the ...

... large lines of the universal action. She governs the multitudinous movements of the world by the rigour and rectitude of Her Laws. The mechanical Nature with which we are all familiar, the aspect of Prakriti, is only the lower executive form of this cosmic Mahâshakti. Above the nature of the three gunas or essential modes of terrestrial existence. She moves in the freedom of Her spiritual infinitudes and... lower into the higher nature, bestowing upon man the double freedom of self-expression—the freedom of the soul and the freedom of the converted and divinised .nature? THE INDIVIDUAL POISE The most immediately effective and mysteriously transfiguring poise of the Mother is in Her incarnate individuality. In Her universal poise. She acts according to the cosmic Law of Her own creation;—She... of a certain truth which will be apparent to us as we proceed in our consideration of the objectification and individualisation of the Mother's Presence for a radical transformation of our active nature. The Mother, whom Sri Râmakrishna adored and called Kâli, is the supreme Shakti, at once transcendent and universal, who, as the Consciousness-Force of Brahman, creates, constitutes and upholds ...

... Ruling earth-nature by Eternity's law... 74 When Life's tops shall flame with the Immortal's thoughts, Light shall invade the darkness of its base, 75 because When superman is bom as Nature's king His presence shall transfigure Matter's world: He shall light up Truth's fire in Nature's night, He shall lay upon the earth Troth's greater law; Man... Then at long last, his Divine Interlocutor answers assuring him that she, Savitri, will be bom: O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power. A limitless Mind that can contain the world, A sweet and violent heart of ardent calms Moved by the passions of the gods shall come. ... And the mandate of thy secret world-wide love. 40 40 Ibid., p. 687. Page 136 His first answer comes almost as an admonition: How shall earth-nature and man's nature rise To the celestial levels, yet the earth abide? 41 Then after telling her that the gulf between Heaven and Earth cannot be bridged here and now (because Earth is still too ...

... research into supraphysical realities and an unveiling of the hidden laws of being and Nature, of all that is not obvious on the surface. It attempts the discovery of the secret laws of mind and mental energy, the secret laws of life and life-energy, the secret laws of the subtle-physical and its energies, — all that Nature has not put into visible operation on the surface; it pursues also ... scientific or rational enquiry and it is impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in Science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience, following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive... appropriate to the order of the truths into which we are empowered to enter; their validity and significance must be scrutinised, but according to their own law and by a consciousness which can enter into them and not according to the law of another domain or by a consciousness which is capable only of truths of another order; so alone can we be sure of our steps and enlarge firmly our sphere ...


... stood no more: Overpowered were earth and Nature’s obsolete rule; The python coils of the restricting Law Could not restrain the swift arisen God: Abolished were the scripts of destiny. There was no small death-hunted creature more … 23 We find the same in his sonnet ‘ Transformation’: I am no longer a vassal of the flesh, A slave to Nature and her leaden rule … 24 Actually... Earth, will be visible, livable and describable only much later. Sri Aurobindo has not gone ‘the way of all flesh’ like human beings before him have and still do; he did not die because of a law of nature deemed unbreakable. In the aforementioned words of the Mother: ‘He was not forced to leave his body, he has chosen to do so.’ When Satprem was writing his Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience... of the primal Night And shattered the stereotypes of Ignorance. Alive, breathing a deep spiritual breath, Nature expunged her stiff mechanical code And the articles of the bound soul’s contract, Falsehood gave back to Truth her tortured shape. Annulled were the tables of the law of pain … He imposed upon dark atom and dumb mass The diamond script of the Imperishable Inscribed on the dim ...


... Every law, however embracing or tyrannous, meets somewhere a contrary law by which its operation can be checked, modified, annulled or eluded. 126) The most binding Law of Nature is only a fixed process which the Lord of Nature has framed and uses constantly; the Spirit made it and the Spirit can exceed it, but we must first open the doors of our prison-house and learn to live less in Nature than... the Spirit. 127) Law is a process or a formula; but the soul is the user of processes and exceeds formulas. Page 437 128) Live according to Nature, runs the maxim of the West; but according to what nature, the nature of the body or the nature which exceeds the body? This first we ought to determine. 129) O son of Immortality, live not thou according to Nature, but according to God;... Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges. 163) The power to observe law rigidly is the basis of freedom; therefore in most disciplines the soul has to endure & fulfil the law in its lower members before it can rise to the perfect freedom of its divine being. Those disciplines ...


... was published fifty years later in 1967 as "Talk to the Women of Japan". * Mirra's theme was the bringing up of children, and her audience was made up of mothers, or potential mothers. By a law of nature as it were, children are to women, and not least to Japanese women, their dearest and sacredest possession and preoccupation. Indeed, children are investments on faith, an insurance for the future... Kyoto is full of criss-crossing lanes. We reached her place at last, and she warmly received us and took us to her drawing room, furnished with such impeccable taste. Her adopted daughter, her son-in-law and their baby also joined us in due course. Madame Kobayashi was about seventy, but looked much younger; she was indeed a lively, energetic and most friendly person. In Gokak's words, "Free from... a deep waking dream of unfathomable peace, melting into an immensity vast and calm, losing even the remotest traces of the obtrusive consciousness of separative individuality. And the views of Nature! Mirra 'experiences an ineffable throb of fulfilment: And these great mountains with their serene contours which I see from my 'window, range after majestic range up to the very horizon, are ...


... things, which the real reality of his life and his nature, whither the attraction of his destiny and where the sphere of his perfection. Matter and life are his actual basis, the thing from which he starts and on which he stands and whose requirement and law he has to satisfy if he would exist at all on earth and in the body. The material and vital law is a rule of survival, of struggle, of desire and... gradual advance, to be wisely effected by following out faithfully with more and more of intelligence and moral purpose and with a final turn to Page 568 spirituality the law of their nature. Its message touches the other smaller solutions but, even when it accepts them partly, it is to point them beyond themselves to a higher and more integral secret into which as yet only the few... figures the Self and the Divine veiled in a disguising Maya, and to pursue the lower life for its own sake is to persist in a stumbling path and to enthrone our nature's obscure ignorance and not at all to find the true truth and complete law of existence. A gospel of the will to live, the will to power, of the satisfaction of desire, of the glorification of mere force and strength, of the worship of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... and the highest light. A large liberty will be the law of a spiritual society and the increase of freedom a sign of the growth of human society towards the possibility of true spiritualisation. To spiritualise in this sense a society of slaves, slaves of power, slaves of authority, slaves of custom, slaves of dogma, slaves of all sorts of imposed laws which they live under rather than live by them, slaves... ideas. Art may make use of these things as elements, Page 229 but it has its own svadharma , essential law, and it will rise to the widest spirituality by following out its own natural lines with no other yoke than the intimate law of its own being. Even with the lower nature of man, though here we are naturally led to suppose that compulsion is the only remedy, the spiritual aim will seek... preparation for a solitary salvation or release from the burden of life. Human society itself never seized on the discovery of the soul as a means for the discovery of the law of its own being or on a knowledge of the soul's true nature and need and its fulfilment as the right way of terrestrial perfection. If we look at the old religions in their social as apart from their individual aspect, we see that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... sovereign. A similar unity of jurisdiction, power to constitute tribunals administering the civil law and the right to modify the laws relating to property, marriage and other social matters which concern the public order of society, comprise its civil side. But the unity and uniformity of the civil law is of less pressing and immediate importance to the State when it is substituting itself for the... often a religious sense in the community which attaches as in most countries of the East a sacrosanct character to its laws and customs and tends to keep the king or State in bounds; the ruler is accepted as the administrator of justice, but he is supposed to be strictly bound by the law of which he is not the fountain but the channel. Sometimes this religious sense develops a theocratical element in the... codes. For first there are systems that are unwritten or only partly written and do not throw themselves into the strict code form, but are a floating mass of laws, decreta , precedents, and admit still of a large amount of merely customary law. And again there are systems that do take the strict code form, like the Hindu Shastra, but are really only an ossification of custom and help to stereotype ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... saying is true that the body is the instrument provided for the fulfilment of the right law of our nature, then any final recoil from the physical life must be a turning away from the completeness of the divine Wisdom and a renunciation of its aim in earthly manifestation. Such a refusal may be, owing to some secret law of their development, the right attitude for certain individuals, but never the aim... only a few generations to cover ground that ought apparently to be measured in the terms of millenniums. Either, then, man by his privilege as a mental being is exempt from the full burden of the tardy laws of evolution or else he already represents and with helpful conditions and in the right stimulating atmosphere can always display a high level of material capacity for the activities of the intellectual... The Conditions of the Synthesis The Synthesis of Yoga Chapter II The Three Steps of Nature We recognise then, in the past developments of Yoga, a specialising and separative tendency which, like all things in Nature, had its justifying and even imperative utility and we seek a synthesis of the specialised aims and methods which have, in consequence, ...


... those substances of certain primary & secondary, general & particular properties and working as a result by certain invariable tendencies & fixed processes which we call by a human figure Nature's Laws. This is Nature. When searchingly analysed she is found to be a play of two entities, Force & Matter; but these two, if the unitarian view of the universe is correct, will some day be proved to be only... , put so as to bring out its logical consequences & implications, but still effectively the modern account of the universe. In that account the nature of a thing consists of its composition, the properties contained in that composition and the laws of working determined by those properties; as for [example] iron is composed of certain elementary substances, possesses as a consequence of its composition... the course of a century into a larger synthesis, there is still something to be said about the presence or absence of intelligence Page 123 in Nature. In what after all does intelligence consist, what are its composition, properties, laws? What in its circumstances is human intelligence, the only kind of intelligence which we are in a position to study from within & therefore understand? It ...


... be the placing of oneself in harmony with eternal laws, or the fulfilment of man's nature, or the natural evolution of man in the direction of his highest faculties, Hinduism will not object but it insists that the Law with which man must put himself into relation is the Eternal in the universe, that in this permanent and stable Truth man's nature fulfils itself out of the transient seemings of his... the Universe as more important than man and seeks to study its laws for their own sake. But still it remains true that humanity persists in its claim and that only those discoveries of the physicist, the zoologist and the chemist have been really fruitful which have helped man practically to master physical nature or to understand the laws of his own life and progress. Whatever moralist or philosopher... may see, embrace & become God. The first law of Karmamarga is to give up the natural desire for the fruits of our works and surrender all we do, think, feel and are into the keeping of the Eternal, and the second is to identify ourself with all creatures in the Universe both individually and collectively, realising our larger Self in others. These two laws of action together make what is called Karmayoga ...


... would acquire a divine nature and be free from disease, ageing and death. What he as well as the Mother would achieve was intended to be repeated in their disciples. Not that one would be eternally bound to one physical frame: one could leave the body if one wanted but one would not be obliged to do so by any defect in it, any subjection to the so-called "laws of physical nature" which have obtained... possible. But, considering the old superabundance, it was enough for the Mother to base herself on it for the continuation of her work towards the goal she had set for each of her disciples. The nature of the goal is spotlighted by a short talk I had with her in the very early years of my Ashram-stay. I was despondent about myself and said: "I can see that I am not fit for this Yoga and will never... 1956, the evolution of the New World in the future by the Supermind's entrance into the gross-material is certain. But evolution is a slow, zigzag, back-and-forth, up-and-down process, and human nature is difficult to change without the Incarnate Divine's pioneering Page 87 sadhana concretely proceeding amidst us and gathering us up into its own movement with its constant ...


... knowledge, pure and therefore luminously right in its discernment of things, perfectly harmonious and happy in its concordance of their law and nature; Mitra brings us this light and harmony, this right distinction and relation and friendly concord, the happy laws of the liberated soul concordant with itself and the Truth in all its rich thought, shining actions and thousandfold enjoyment. The Divine... being. Whatsoever Aryaman aspires to on his path, has to be effected by the 'holdings' or laws of Mitra or by his foundations, statuses, placings, mitrasya dharmabhiḥ, mitrasya dhāmabhiḥ . For dharma , the law is that which holds things together and to which we hold; dhāma , the status is the placing of the law in a founded harmony which creates for us our plane of living and the character of our ... is of the world of Light" and to her her sons "cleave ever waking". They are "most straight" in their being, will, thought, delight, action, movement, they are "thinkers of the Truth whose law of nature is the law of the Truth", they are "seers and hearers of the Truth". They are "charioteers of the Truth, whose seat is in its mansions, purified in discernment, unconquerable, the Men wide-visioned" ...


... has preoccupied the modern scientific mind and made for it its whole view of Nature, and so much so that science still hopes and labours with a very small amount of success to explain all phenomena of life by laws of matter and all phenomena of mind by law of living matter. Here soul or spirit has no place and nature cannot be regarded as power of spirit. Since the whole of our existence is mechanical... and in living matter powers and processes of mind. Throughout its operations it acts by fixed laws and in each kind of created thing displays varying properties of energy and laws of process which give its character to the genus or species and again in the individual develops without infringing the law of the kind minor characteristics and variations of a considerable consequence. It is this mechanical... upholder of Nature and her action and the giver of the sanction by which alone her law becomes imperative and her force and its ways operative. That Spirit within her is the Knower who illuminates her and makes her conscient in us; his is the immanent and superconscient Will that inspires and motives her workings. The soul in man, a portion of this Divinity, shares his nature. Our nature is our soul's ...


... cease to be limited within their specific boundaries. It replaces the moral law by a progressive law of self-perfection spontaneously expressing itself through the individual nature. No more in this operation is the imposition of a rule or an imperative on the individual nature. The spiritual law respects the individual nature, modifies it and perfects it, and in this sense, it is unique for each individual... possible perfection of the individual and the society and the perfection of the relationship between the individual and the society. Self-exceeding or self-transcendence is the fundamental law of the nature of the human being, and if humankind comes to the paralyzing situation where the urge to exceed the limits of the mental Page 15 human being is buried under the heavy weight of the... the guidance and supervening inspiration of a standard of conduct formulated in consideration of man's station and duties in the society or in consideration of any discovered or prescribed intrinsic law of an ideal. Morality is often conceived as a preparation for spirituality. Spirituality, on the other hand, begins when one seeks whatever one conceives to be the ultimate and absolute for its own ...


... than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. 201   Savitri is herself the manifestation of the Divine Grace, and it— becomes her duty—the law of her nature—to defy fate and fight the battle for Satyavan and for mankind. She is the avatar, the world-redeemer... these, and the action of Nature in us is an attempt, we might say, to work out under the difficult conditions of a natural and egoistic ignorance what is foreseen in full supramental light by the inner Will and Knowledge. 200   When fate seems to bar one's path, there is one recourse possible: appeal to spiritual force. All is possible then. The law itself may be exceeded, and... the past Karma..." 198         The cosmos is not a mere machine, all a Law and an unalterable Process; there is a Spirit behind it all, which is the Process as well as the Power that regulates it. "The destiny which binds our physical being", writes Sri Aurobindo, "binds it so long or in so far as a greater law does not intervene. Action belongs to the physical part of us, it is the physical ...


... the law of the workings of the gods. दैव्या होतारा प्रथमा न्यृञ्जे सप्त पृक्षासः स्वधया मदन्ति । ऋतं शंसन्त ऋतमित् त आहुरनु व्रतं व्रतपा दीघ्यानाः ॥८॥ 8) I crown the two supreme Priests of the invocation. The seven pleasures take their rapture by the self-law of their nature; the Truth they express, the Truth only they speak, guardians of the law of its action according to that law they... आहुरनु व्रतं व्रतपा दीध्यानाः ॥७॥ 7) I crown the two supreme Priests of the invocation. The seven pleasures take their rapture by the self-law of their nature; the Truth they express, the Truth only they speak, guardians of the law of its action according to that law they shine. आ भारती भारतीभिः सजोषा इळा देवैर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः । सरस्वती सारस्वतेभिरर्वाक् तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं सदन्तु ॥८॥ ... godhead, wide in his might, his illuminations 11 create the ecstasies to make a path on the foundations of things: because the immortal Fire sets the gods to their work none can corrupt the eternal Laws. अन्तर्दूतो रोदसी दस्म ईयते होता निषत्तो मनुषः पुरोहितः । क्षयं बृहन्तं परि भूषति द्युभिर्देवेभिरग्निरिषतो धियावसुः ॥२॥ 2) He travels as the Messenger between earth and heaven, the doer ...


... Life Divine, p. 650. 27.Prof. Robert Lenoble. Page 72 experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature." 28 Subjective experiences and supraphysical realities must, by their very nature, be investigated and verified by other than the physical or sense mind, by a method of scrutiny and affirmation applicable to their own domain. And there... World View of Physics. 33.Heisenberg, The Physicist's Conception of Nature, p. 24. 34.Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 649. Page 74 Men of science should note that our subjective movements and inner experiences are a domain of happenings as real as any outward physical happenings, with laws of their own and their special method of scrutiny and affirmation and hence... completely he must go behind his own and its exterior, he must dive deep below his own mental surface and the physical surface of Nature. This he can only do by knowing his inner mental, vital, physical and psychic being and its powers and movements and the universal laws and processes of the occult Mind and Life which stand behind the material front of the universe.... He must know also the hidden ...

... scientific or rational enquiry and it is impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive d... disowning the falsehood,—which is yet there for ever? I suggested that this sounded a little queer. But queer or not, if it is so, it is so—for as you point out, the Ineffable cannot be subjected to the laws of logic. But who is to decide whether it is so? You will say, those who get there. But get where? To the Perfect and the Highest, pūrṇaṁ param . Is the Mayavadin's featureless Brahman that Perfect... universal Nature, sometimes formed and distinct, sometimes unformed and then they are given shape somewhere in us. The principal business of our mind is either a response of acceptance or refusal to these thought-waves (as also vital waves, subtle physical energy waves) or this giving a personal-mental form to Page 243 thought-stuff (or vital movements) from the environing Nature-Force. It ...


... foolish convention followed by the great poets of the past in a primitive ignorance unconscious of their own bondage; it is in spite of its appearance of human convention a law of Nature, an innermost mind-nature, a highest speech-nature." The verb "metred", therefore, in the last line of our quotation ay be held to be perfecdy in order, especially in a context where infinity is implied to be harmoniously... reality, the essence of things. Then note the epithet "natural" apropos of the scientist's work. The scientist cuts into the physical universe and reaches down to its system of laws—his field is what commonly passes as Nature. A born master of words has made the statement, instinctively using the most expressive turns. But we are not at the moment concerned so much with the art of the statement as with... the mantra while concentrating in one brief expression the ultimate nature of the mantric utterance. Yes, the whole subject is a special hieratic one, but the treatment of it sheds light on the nature of poetic inspiration in general. For, if the mantra while concentrating in one brief expression the ultimate nature of the mantric utterance. In our first group of six lines we listed ...


... The events have to develop all the way up to the ultimate point if the sudden reversal, the sudden breakthrough of the ray of light in the night, has to become possible. This is a little known law of nature. Pregnancy reaches the point of impossibility for the body of the mother just before birth. The seed reaches the point of impossibility just before it bursts and makes new life grow. The caterpillar... ‘In the hour of God cleanse they soul of all self-deceit and hypocrisy and vain self-flattering that thou mayst look straight into thy spirit and hear that which summons it. All insincerity of nature, once the defence against the eye of the Master and the light of the ideal, becomes now a gap in thy armour and invites the blow. Even if thou conquer for the moment, it is the worse for thee, for... facets of the diamond of The Miracle, are happening, and they are far more numerous than we are able to see. ‘The advance [of the transformation], however it comes about, will be indeed of the nature of a miracle, as are all such profound changes and immense developments; for they have the appearance of a kind of realised impossibility. But God works all his miracles by an evolution of secret ...


... bondage; it is in spite _____________________ 1 Collected Poems, SABCL Vol. 5, pp. 368-69. Page 176 of its appearance of human convention a law of Nature, an innermost mind-nature, a highest speech-nature." The verb "metred", therefore, in the last line of our quotation may be held to be perfectly in order, especially in a context where infinity is implied to be... reality, the essence of things. Then note the epithet "natural" apropos of the scientist's work. The scientist cuts into the physical universe and reaches down to its system of laws - his field is what commonly passes as Nature. A born master of words has made the statement, instinctively using the most expressive turns. But we are not at the moment concerned so much with the art of statement as with... Those other poems had their regard on Nature's forms, moments, moods and set free in the visible world deeper meanings, greater dynamisms that are like presences of hidden lords of Nature, living puissances that are secret cosmic agents. Now we are told of an attempt with the help of inspiration from "higher spheres" and not merely inner ones ("Nature's heart"), to liberate the soul of man, the ...


... poets of the past in a primitive ignorance unconscious of their own bondage; it is in Page 214 spite of its appearance of human convention a law of Nature, an innermost mind-nature, a highest speech-nature." 11 The verb "metred", therefore, in the last line of our quotation may be held to be perfectly in order, especially in a context where infinity is implied to... cuts into the physical universe and reaches down to 2 The Future Poetry, SABCL, Vol. 9, p. 10. 4 Ibid., p. 29. Page 203 its system of laws — his field is what commonly passes as Nature. A bom master of words has made the statement, instinctively using the most expressive turns. But we are not at the moment concerned so much with the art of statement as with... Those other poems had their regard on Nature's forms, moments, moods and set free in the visible world deeper meanings, greater dynamisms that are like presences of hidden lords of Nature, living puissances that are secret cosmic agents. Now we are told of an attempt with the help of inspiration from "higher spheres" and not merely inner ones ("Nature's heart"), to liberate the soul of man, the ...

... incarnation. The Avatar comes as the manifestation of the divine nature in the human nature, the apocalypse of its Christhood, Krishnahood, Buddhahood, in order that the human nature may by moulding its principle, thought, feeling, action, being on the lines of that Christhood, Krishnahood, Buddhahood transfigure itself into the divine. The law, the Dharma which the Avatar establishes Page 148 ... plane of existence and they are less easily grasped. Men therefore have to follow the fourfold law of their nature and works and on this plane of mundane action they seek the Godhead through his various qualities. But, says Krishna, though I am the doer of the fourfold works and creator of its fourfold law, yet I must be known also as the non-doer, the imperishable, the immutable Self. "Works affect... the divine nature, it sounds like a blasphemy. The rationalist objects that if God exists, he is extracosmic or supracosmic and does not intervene in the affairs of the world, but allows them to be governed by a fixed machinery of law,—he is, in fact, a sort of far-off constitutional monarch or spiritual King Log, at the best an indifferent inactive Spirit behind the activity of Nature, like some ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... e of Nature over the soul; "even the man of knowledge acts according to his own nature." And on this it founds the injunction to follow faithfully in our action the law of our nature. "Better is one's own law of works, svadharma , though in itself faulty than an alien Page 217 law well wrought out; death in one's own law of being is better, perilous is it to follow an alien law." What... "I am acting according to my nature", and he cannot do it, because he has not the nature and not, therefore, the law of action, svadharma , of the tiger, storm or fire. He has a conscious intelligent will, Page 220 a buddhi , and to that he must refer his actions. If he does not do so, if he acts blindly according to his impulses and passions, then the law of his being is not rightly... claims of others, as an attempt to know the higher law of his own nature, which the sattwic principle in him creates, and to obey it, and as a conception of the greater peace and happiness which virtue, knowledge and sympathy bring in their train. He knows more or less imperfectly that he has to govern his rajasic and tamasic by his sattwic nature and that thither tends the perfection of his normal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... spiritual motive. The leading idea was the government of human interest and desire by the social and ethical law, the Dharma, so that it might be made,—all vital, economic, aesthetic, hedonistic, intellectual and other needs being satisfied duly and according to the right law of the nature,—a preparation for the spiritual existence. Here too we have as an initial form the aphoristic method of the Vedic... consistent and organised system of individual and communal life and that endeavour resulted in the authoritative social treatises or Shastras of which the greatest and the most authoritative is the famous Laws of Manu. The work of the philosophers was to systematise and justify to the reasoning intelligence the truths of the self and man and the world already discovered by intuition, revelation and spiritual... aesthetic grace and harmony and sweetness; on the other are wild and anarchic and almost amorphous forces of superhuman egoism and self-will and exultant violence, and the two ideas and powers of mental nature living and embodied are brought into conflict and led to a decisive issue of the victory of the divine man over the Rakshasa. All shade and complexity are omitted which would diminish the single purity ...


... impression of freedom are an orientation and an atmosphere which cling about the action of mind, and they grow in Nature as she rises towards mentality. The world of Matter seems to know nothing about freedom; everything there appears as if written in sibyllic laws upon tablets of stone, laws which have a process, but no initial reason, serve a harmony of purposes or at Page 343 least produce... assent to Nature, an acquiescence; and for good reason. For I start with the action of the universal Energy which the Spirit has set in motion and as I rise from the ignorance towards knowledge, the first thing demanded from me is to gather experience of its law and of my relations to the law and partly therefore to acquiesce, to allow myself to be moved, to see and to come to know the nature of the motions... somewhere there is in our being and action, and we have only to see how and why it is limited in our outward nature, why here I am at all under any dominion of Karma. I appear to be bound by the law of an outward and imposed energy only because there is separation between my outward nature and my inmost spiritual self and I do not live in that outwardness with my whole being, but with a shape, turn ...


... hand, the social law, rule or relation is disregarded, that too will not be for the indulgence of desire, personal will or personal opinion, but because a greater rule is felt that expresses the law of the Spirit or because it is known that there must be in the march of the divine All-Will a movement towards the changing, exceeding or Page 211 abolition of existing laws and forms for the... human attraction, sympathy and pity. The petty law cannot bind the vaster movement; the mind's partial attainment cannot dictate its terms to the soul's supreme fulfilment. At first, the higher Love and Truth will fulfil its movement in the sadhaka according to the essential law or way of his own nature. For that is the special aspect of the divine Nature, the particular power of the supreme Shakti... the supreme and immanent Reality, must be alone the Lord within us and shape freely our final development according to the highest, widest, most integral expression possible of the law of our nature. In the end that nature acts in the perfect Truth and its spontaneous freedom; for it obeys only the luminous power of the Eternal. The individual has nothing further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has ...


... being and consciousness, but as worlds; for the experiences there are organised as they are in our own world, but on a different plan, with a different process and law of action and in a substance which belongs to a supraphysical Nature. This organisation includes, as on our earth, the existence of beings who have or take forms, manifest themselves or are naturally manifested in an embodying substance... any such untoward developments of the limitation of being and consciousness: for this descent is in its nature a limitation of knowledge; existence and cognition and delight of being confine themselves in a lesser truth and good and beauty and its inferior harmony, and move according to that law of a narrower light, but in such a movement darkness and suffering and evil are not obligatory phenomena... in the end arrive to a limited extent at its natural domination; it might make its basis of physical matter a more elastic instrument not altogether prohibitive of the action of its own highest law and nature or opposed to that action, as it now is in its inelastic resistance. But Spirit would always be dependent upon Matter for its field and its manifestation; it could have no other field: it could ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... animals on earth can by habit of the adaptation live only in a certain range of atmosphere and need oxygen, but they could adapt themselves to other conditions—it is a law of habit of Nature, not a law of inevitable necessity of Nature. It is therefore quite possible for life to exist on other planets in our and other systems, though the beings there may not be quite like earthly humanity or life quite... amount of ordinary reasoning can get rid of that necessity of surmounting the lower in order that the higher may be there. Science and the Supernormal Scientific laws only give a schematic account of material processes of Nature—as a valid scheme they can be used for reproducing or extending at will a material process, but obviously they cannot give an account of the thing itself. Water Page... scientific or rational enquiry and it is impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive d ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... mental nature, and he follows in it a progressive law of his development determined by an inner law of his being; his cast of spirit makes out his cast of mind and life, his swabhava. Each man has a swadharma, a law of his inner being which he must observe, find out and follow. The action Page 99 determined by his inner nature, that is his real Dharma. To follow it is the true law of his... take human life any more than to eat human flesh? It is obvious that here the moral law which is above all relative duties must prevail; and that law depends on no social relation or conception of duty but on the awakened inner perception of man, the moral being. There are in the world, in fact, two different laws of Page 67 conduct each valid on its own plane, the rule principally... fact that man lives imprisoned in the ignorance of his mental, vital and physical nature. He is compelled by its qualities and yet afflicted with responsibility in his will because something in him feels that he is a soul who ought to be what now he is not at all or very little, master and ruler of his nature. All his laws of living, all his dharmas must be under these conditions imperfect, temporary ...

... primary law of all becoming and of each Jiva; it constitutes the essence and develops the movement of the nature. It is a principle in each creature that derives from and is immediately related to a transcendent divine Becoming, that of the Ishwara, madbhāvaḥ . In this relation of the divine bhāva to the svabhāva and of the svabhāva to the superficial bhāvāḥ , of the divine Nature to the individual... in accordance with the law of the swabhava. But what again is meant by saying that the Divine is not in the becomings, the forms and affections of the lower nature, even the sattwic, though they all are in his being? In a sense he must evidently be in them, otherwise they could not exist. But Page 275 what is meant is that the true and supreme spiritual nature of the Divine is not imprisoned... of becoming which are of the nature of the gunas, this whole world is bewildered and does not recognise Me supreme beyond them and imperishable." If we could see that that Divine is the real truth of our existence, all else also would change to our vision, assume its true character and our life and action acquire the divine values and move in the law of the divine nature. But why then, since the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... to the higher law of the soul, but to an outward moral law, a code of conduct. For then in place of a lifting enthusiasm we have the rigidity of the Pharisee, a puritan fierceness or narrowness or the life-killing tyranny of a single insufficient side of the nature. This is not yet that higher mental movement, but a straining towards it, an attempt to rise above the transitional law and the vitalistic... beauty and delight in itself and spontaneous irrefragable order. Meanwhile this third movement of mind discovers a law of the return of mental energies, pure in its kind and as certain as the vital and the physical, as faithful to itself, to the self of mind and to mind nature, a law not of vital returns to mental dynamis, but of progression of the soul in the being and force of good and beauty and... necessity of its moral nature, a truly categorical imperative, a call that in the total more complex nature of man may be dulled or suppressed or excluded by the claim of its other parts and their needs, but to the ethical mind is binding and absolute. The virtue that demands a reward for acting well and needs a penalty to keep it walking in the straight way, is no real portion, no true law of the ethical ...


... Prakriti. Thus the soul's own law of action becomes identified with the law of action of the Supreme. The method of liberation in the Gita is to rise above the inferior nature of existence, to discover its identity with Immutable, akśara, which is above the three gunas, but also the method of rising above the lower nature in which the operations of the higher nature are manifested in the form of... the law of their being and in the law of their work and nature, bh ā v ā yopapadyate. ¹³² The Gita thus envelopes all the three states of liberation in its catholic integrality and fuses them all in one greatest and richest Divine freedom and perfection. In that state of perfection, the soul is not only liberated from the workings of Apara Page 113 Prakriti, the lower nature of the... between the two natures, Apara Prakriti and Para Prakriti, the lower nature and higher nature?. And how are our action and our soul's status affected by the liberation, and what exactly is the secret-most method of attainment of the integral liberation and perfect-ion, namely, the largest, fullest self-giving of the human soul to the Divine Spirit that permits the identity of Soul's law of action with ...

... l form he followed the free self-adaptation of his nature in its relations with the Supreme. So also one may say that the perfection of the integral Yoga will come when each man is able to follow his own path of Yoga, pursuing the development of his own nature in its upsurging towards that which transcends the nature. For freedom is the final law and the last consummation. Meanwhile certain general... representative word is only taken as a sort of excuse for the inner power to awaken and manifest; it is, as it were, a concession of the omnipotent and omniscient Divine to the generality of a law that governs Nature. Thus it is said in the Upanishads of Krishna, son of Devaki, that he received a word of the Rishi Ghora and had the knowledge. So Ramakrishna, having attained by his own internal effort the... zeal of the whole nature for its divine results, vyākulatā , the heart's eagerness for the attainment of the Divine,—that devours the ego and breaks up the limitations of its petty and narrow mould for the full and wide reception of that which it seeks, that which, being universal, exceeds and, being transcendent, surpasses even the largest and highest individual self and nature. But this is only ...


... this achievement is not new and some yogis have achieved it, I believe — but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal siddhi maintained by yoga-siddhi — not a dharma [= inherent law] of the nature." The Aurobindonian supra-mentalisation has to be an intrinsic permanent state of the body by the junction of the descending free Supermind from above the mental plane with the Supermind evoked... documents, simply speaks of Jesus as having been "made of a woman, made under the law" (Galatians 4:4) or, as the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible phrases it, "born of a woman, born a subject of the Law". 2 The second part refers, of course, to the common unredeemed world with its constituents ruled by an established universal Law. The first part alludes to another facet of the same condition, as is obvious... does not involve the loss of the body in the final state of liberation but its transfiguration... It is filled with the divine life and becomes a spiritual body no longer conditioned by the present laws of matter, but transfigured in the divine light. The story of his own passing that he simply disappeared, whether it is literally true or not, is surely of deep Page 49 symbolic value ...


... own standard of satisfaction and sets up as a canon and law its own manner of response; there is a multitude of counsels, and each has this common characteristic that it overstresses one side of the norm of poetic creation. For the spirit of poetry is many-sided and flexible in its processes, but firm and invariable in the central law of its nature. The poetic Truth of which I am speaking has nothing... a thing impossible to our normal nature, a law honoured with the consent of the lips and universally ignored in the observance. A few only seeking perfection in spiritual experience discover in it the natural rule of our real and our highest being, quite possible if we can only get some abiding realisation of that secret oneness which is the foundation of the law of universal love. Then, not seeking... true to her nature, her soul's will under the shadow of a cruel death, "Not to join in hate, but to join in love was I born!" The Athenian poet intended no moral instruction, calls up no religious emotion into his line, is concerned only with a crucial situation in life, the revolt of natural affection against the rigid claim of the law, nation, State. It is a simple cry of the voice of nature and life ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... what? For the maintenance of family morality, of the social law and the law of the nation? These are the very standards that will be destroyed by this civil war; the family itself will be brought to the point of annihilation, corruption of morals and loss of the purity of race will be engendered, the eternal laws of the race and moral law of the family will be destroyed. Ruin of the race, the collapse... assured there need be no apparent change in the action, he must act always by the law of his nature, even if the act itself seem faulty and deficient compared with that of another law than his own, he is troubled. The nature! But what of this sense of sin in the action with which he is preoccupied? Is it not this very nature which drives men as if by force and even against their better will into sin and... into that higher nature beyond mind which is the status of the Divine. He has at the same time to give him that for which he asks and for which he is inspired to seek by the guidance within him, a new Law of life and action high above the insufficient rule of the ordinary human existence with its endless conflicts and oppositions, perplexities and illusory certainties, a higher Law by which the soul ...

... state of things would be one merely of lawless confusion negativing the very idea of any law of speech or any possibility of a linguistic Science, but I shall show that this extraordinary freedom & pliancy arose inevitably out of the very nature of human speech in its beginnings & as a result of the very laws which presided over its pristine development. By going back thus from the artificial use... selection of the law of the individual being which is at the basis of all Nature’s infinitely varied regularities. Fidelity to the principle already selected being once observed, the rest results from the very nature & necessities of the sound-instrument that is employed. Therefore, in the outward form of language, we see the operation of a regular natural law proceeding almost precisely as Nature proceeds... work. This character arises necessarily from the very nature of the problem we have before us, the processes by which language took birth and formation. In the physical sciences we have a simple and homogeneous material of study; for, however complex may be the forces or constituents at work, they are all of one nature and obey one class of laws; all the constituents are forms developed by the vibration ...


... the truth and law of his or of all being. The Shastra is something impersonal to the individual, and that gives it its authority over the narrow personal law of his members; but at the same time it is personal to the collectivity and is the outcome of its experience, its culture or its nature. It is not in all its form and spirit the ideal rule of fulfilment of the Self or the eternal law of the Master... and will to believe and realise, may be called by the name which the Gita gives to it, his faith, śraddhā . The religion, the philosophy, the ethical law, the social idea, the cultural idea in which I put my faith, gives me a law for my nature and its works, an idea of relative right or an idea of relative or absolute perfection and in proportion as I have a sincerity and completeness of faith in... had rejected or breaks forward to some new truth and power, but is always in search of the same thing, the law of its perfection, its rule of right living, its complete, highest and essential self and nature. This movement begins with the individual, who is no longer satisfied with the law because he finds that it no longer corresponds to his idea and largest or intensest experience of himself and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... this achievement is not new and some yogis have achieved it, I believe - but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal siddhi maintained by yogasiddhi - not a dharma [=inherent law] of the nature." The Aurobindonian supramentalisation has to be an intrinsic permanent state of the body by the junction of the descending free Supermind from above the mental plane with the Supermind evoked... Actually, St. Paul, whose Epistles are the earliest Christian documents, simply speaks of Jesus as having been "made of a woman, made under the law" (Galatians 4:4) or, as the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible phrases it, "born of a woman, born a subject of the Law". 2 St. Paul's two expressions are invariably associated everywhere else in the Bible with natural humanity. To him the birth of Jesus was like... does not involve the loss of the body in the final state of liberation but its transfiguration.... It is filled with the divine life and becomes a spiritual body no longer conditioned by the present laws of matter, but transfigured in the divine Page 9 light. The story of his own passing that he simply disappeared, whether it is literally true or not, is surely of deep symbolic value ...

... some remarkable speculations to the contrary,—the ethical nature of man and the ethical law of the world. It considered that man was justified in satisfying his desires, since that is necessary for the satisfaction and expansion of life, but not in obeying the dictates of desire as the law of his being; for in all things there is a greater law, each has not only its side of interest and desire, but its... subordinate himself to the communal self, though by no means bound altogether to efface himself in it as the extremists of the communal idea imagine. He must live according to the law of his nature harmonised with the law of his social type and class, for the nation and in a higher reach of his being—this was greatly stressed by the Buddhists—for humanity. Thus living and acting he could learn to transcend... fruits of his perfect spiritual evolution, an identity with the Self and Spirit, a dwelling in or with God, the divine law of his being, a spiritual universality, communion, transcendence. But distinctions are lines that can always be overpassed in the infinite complexity of man's nature and there was no sharp and unbridgeable division, only a gradation, since the actuality or potentiality of the three ...


... "The transformation has been done to a sufficient degree on the other planes." This means that he held the Supermind embodied in his subtle sharira and that he was under no occult necessity, no law of subtle Nature, to give up the latter for the purpose of returning to some plane of the soul's rest before being reborn with a new subtle body as well as a new gross one. Sri Aurobindo, at the hour of his... process and a progression of the evolutionary method: it aimed not at a bewildering superimposition of divine qualities which still left the grain of human nature unchanged, but at a spiritually organic luminous growth, an assimilation by nature of supernature, a marvellous and yet no freakish transfiguration, an intense working out within a life-time of what is not foreign to the purpose of terrestrial... the large and tranquil acceptance. That is why we have said that Sri Aurobindo has gone down fighting. Never to acquiesce in any shortcoming of earth-nature was his motto, for he saw the very secret of evolution to be the manifestation in earth-nature of what superficially looks impossible - the quivering forth of vitality and sensation in seemingly lifeless Matter, the glimmering out of mind and reason ...


... transformation has been done to a sufficient degree on the other planes." This means that he held the Supermind embodied in his subtle sharira and that he was under no occult necessity, no law of subtle Nature, to give up the latter for the purpose of returning to some plane of the soul's rest before beingreborn with a new subtle body as well as a new gross one. Sri Aurobindo, at the hour of his physical... process and a progression of the evolutionary method: it aimed not at a bewildering superimposition of divine qualities which still left the gram of human nature unchanged, but at a spiritually organic luminous growth, an assimilation by nature of supernature, a marvellous and yet no freakish transfiguration, an intense working out within a life-time of what is not foreign to the purpose of terrestrial... the large and tranquil acceptance. That is why we have said that Sri Aurobindo has gone down fighting. Never to acquiesce in any shortcoming of earth-nature was his motto, for he saw the very secret of evolution to be the manifestation in earth-nature of what superficially looks impossible - the quivering forth of vitality and sensation in seemingly lifeless Matter, the glimmering out of mind and reason ...

... the rush of forces of Nature, by means of which we can observe, we can control, we can master. And at a later stage, we can even discover or formulate those laws by which forces of Nature can be controlled and mastered. In the human realm, these laws assume a normative character. We then make a distinction between positive laws and normative laws. Positive laws are those laws which are automatically... called State Law. "But State Law must always be viewed in the larger context of progressive culture of man where newer concepts of normative laws are discovered or fashioned. And to the extent to which the State Law subjects itself to the newer and higher concepts of normative laws, it rises into higher realms of culture. "The society, in which makers and interpreters of law consider the... highest cooperation of the law-makers and law-interpreters. In a sense, it may be said that the present crisis is the crisis of law. It is a crisis of law because, on the one hand, the law of desire is being given unprecedented freedom to operate in all domains of life, and yet, on the other hand, there is an imperative and urgent need to provide to mankind those ideals and those laws which, if accepted, ...

... of her flowering womanhood, subsequent access to a received Shastra or an external Guru could be, "as it were, a concession of the omnipotent and omniscient Divine to the generality of a law that governs Nature". 4 This was how Mirra began reading Swami Vivekananda's Raja Yoga and later, more important still, poring over the Bhagavad Gita. She found Vivekananda's lectures illuminating, and it... are the result of human mental formations .... There are hells, there are paradises, there are purgatories .... 22 Such being the nature of the interlinked occult worlds ­ Ascending and descending twixt life's poles The seried kingdoms of the graded Law Plunged from the Everlasting into Time, Then glad of a glory of multitudinous mind And rich with life's adventure and delight... apart, she prized her privacy. Her steady schooling in the outside world of Man and Nature was not, however, quite as important as the sadhana in the infinitudes of the inner realms of the Spirit: A shore less sweep was lent to the mortal's acts, And art and beauty sprang from the human depths; Nature and soul vied in nobility .... Leaving earth's safety daring wings of Mind ...


... e expansion is the self-expression of the Brahman, and to deny Life is to diminish the Godhead within us … The danger is that Asia may accept it in the European form, forget for a time her own law and nature and either copy blindly the West or make a disastrous amalgam of that which she has in its most inferior forms and the crudenesses which are invading her.’ 23 And he warned the West: ‘The safety... Night And shattered the stereotypes of Ignorance. || 64.39 || Alive, breathing a deep spiritual breath, Nature expunged her stiff mechanical code And the articles of the bound soul’s contract, Falsehood gave back to Truth her tortured shape. || 64.40 || Annulled were the tables of the law of pain.. || 64.41 || ..He imposed upon dark atom and dumb mass The diamond script of the Imperishable... projection has in the meantime taken a concrete shape or is in the process of doing so. In a letter to the Mother during the First World War, Sri Aurobindo wrote: ‘The whole world is now under one law.’ If today this is a fact for all to see and experience, it was far from apparent when that letter was written. Has not every race or people throughout the history of humanity held itself to be the ‘navel ...


... uprising and overcoming. The Arya n is he who strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Page 108 Self-conquest is the first law of his nature .... For in everything he seeks truth, in everything right, in everything height and freedom. Self-perfection is the aim of his self-conquest. Therefore what he conquers he does not destroy... forms, the forms by the progress of life, life by the progress of forms, this Love is now at work in the human being. After having drawn him forth out of the divine possibilities of Nature, it would now draw out of his nature the possibilities of the Divine. This supreme aspiration of Love explains and justifies the universal desire and transfigures it; therein the being discovers the secret of... immortality. The ancient dawns of human knowledge have left us their witness to this constant aspiration; today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to return to its primeval longings. The earliest formula of Wisdom promises to be its last,- God, Light, Freedom, Immortality. 8 The same issue carried the first instalments of ...


... societies are demanding at the pistol's point special messages for themselves and I am supposed to stand and deliver. I won't. I regret that I must disappoint you, but self-preservation is a first law of nature. 14 III. From Nirodbaran's treasury (1) What a "woman" expects of a "man"; NB: I had been to the pier with Y. We were quietly resting on a bench with our feet up, when a Tamilian... Ignorance, not its plunge into it. The lower nature is the nature of the Ignorance, what we seek is to grow into the nature of the Truth. How do you make out that when the soul has looked towards the Truth and is moving towards it, a pull-back by the vital and the ego towards the Ignorance is a glorious action of the soul and not a revolt of the lower nature? I suppose you are floundering about in... were so many electric buttons you have only to press and there you are. It may be one day but meanwhile I have to discover everything about the working of all possible modes of electricity, all the laws, possibilities, perils, etc., construct roads of connection and communication, make the whole far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be made foolproof and all that in the course of a single lifetime ...

... this material world man seems to be only a pawn in Nature's game, the cosmos appears like a vast prison wherein Ignorance rules with the karmic laws and pain and joy seem to be the inevitable results of its working. Death seems an inevitability and life seems to be under its sway. Thus we see in the world the working of an iron law. This law equally restrains "the Titan in us and the God". Savitri... liberated from the yoke of the laws of Nature's ignorance,—from the limitations of the intellect. Before him "there gleamed the dawn of a spiritual day". After this spiritual awakening "Humanity framed his movements less and less". It was no longer possible for him to allow the human elements in him to govern his life, and to accept as final the limitations of human nature. He awoke in himself latent... draws nearer to God. "An hour comes when fail all Nature's means" and man's soul is thrown upon the help of God. Savitri was now passing through such an hour. She knew that only the power of the Spirit "can lift the yoke imposed by birth in time' and that her Nature's means comprising of the mind and the vital were impotent against the inexorable law of Death and Fate. Page 147 She had ...

... utility of work that it tests the nature and puts the sadhak in front of the defects of his outer being which might otherwise escape him. It will be better to do the work as a sadhana for getting rid of the defects rather than accept the defects as a reason for not doing the work. Instead of accepting these reactions as if they were an unchangeable law of your nature, you should make up your mind... psychic being and a part of the mind that have drawn you to the Yoga and were predisposed to it, but the vital nature or at least a large part of it has not yet put itself into line with the psychic movement. There is not as yet the full and undivided consecration of the active vital nature. The signs of the consecration of the vital in action are these among others: The feeling (not merely the... attachment and offering them to Him as a sacrifice. He may also try or aspire to feel the presence of the Divine Shakti behind the world and its forces, distinguish between the lower nature of the Ignorance and the higher divine nature whose character is absolute calm, peace, power, Light and Bliss and aspire to be raised and led gradually from the lower to the higher. If he can do this, he will become fit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... self-manifested; Ritam is Law, the motion of things thought out, the principle of divine self-aware energy, Chit-shakti objectivised to knowledge as the Truth of things selfarranged; Brihat is full content & fullness, satisfaction, Nature, the principle of divine Bliss objectivised to knowledge as the Truth of things contented with its own manifestation in law of being & law of action. For, as the Vedanta... towards truth, trees grow according to their seed, animals act according to their species & nature, & man walk in the paths which God has prescribed for him. It is that in the Akasha—the Akasha where Varuna is lord—which develops arrangement & order, it is the element of law in Nature. But not only in material Nature, not only in Page 54 the moral akasha even,the akasha of the heart of which... harmonious action of that being. Swarajya is spiritual Freedom. One is Samrat when one is master of the laws of being, ritam, rituh, vratani, and can therefore control all forces & creatures. Samrajya is divine Rule resembling the power of God over his world. Varuna especially is Samrat, master of the Law which he follows, governor of the heavens & all they contain, Raja Varuna, Varuna the King as he is ...


... her consenting voice: O Strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power... A seed shall be sown in Death's tremendous hour, A branch of heaven transplant to human soil; Nature shall overleap her mortal step; Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will. 35 Thus Savitri comes into... the same time to two apparently incompatible and contrary worlds and possesses a dual character. Within, it harbours the Divine, is the Divine, fully conscious of its sovereign potency above the laws of a mortal life of ignorance; without, it embraces this world too, this play of inconscience and limitation. The two confront each other in the Incarnation with equal potency and in magic interaction... fight. When a Voice summons her to her mission in life ("Arise, O soul, and vanquish Time and Death," p. 474), Savitri poses the tell-tale question: Why should I strive with earth's unyielding laws Or stave off death's inevitable hour? This surely is best to practise with my fate And follow close behind my lover's steps. 43 The Voice almost admonishes Savitri: Is this ...

... personal need, preference and desire; Page 192 the second is the law and good of the collectivity; the third is an ideal ethic; the last is the highest divine law of the nature. Man starts on the long career of his evolution with only the first two of these four to enlighten and lead him; for they constitute the law of his animal and vital existence, and it is as the vital and physical animal... threefold ascent of Nature. His needs and desires themselves are touched with a more elevated light of purpose and the mental need, the aesthetic, intellectual and emotional desire begin to predominate over the demand of the physical and vital nature. The natural law of conduct proceeds from a conflict to an equilibrium of forces, impulsions and desires; the higher ethical law Page 197 ... moving towards its own concealed perfection, must be a supreme spiritual law and truth of our nature. Again, as we are embodied beings in the world with a common existence and nature and yet individual souls capable of direct touch with the Transcendent, this supreme truth of ourselves must have a double character. It must be a law and truth that discovers the perfect movement, harmony, rhythm of a great ...


... well prepared for the struggle of life and putting all at the service of the national ego, but a great collective soul and life that has appeared in the whole and has manifested a nature of its own and a law of that nature, a svabhāva and a svadharma, and has embodied it in its intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, dynamic, social and political forms and culture. Sri Aurobindo sees in humanity... its own sake is to persist in a stumbling path and to enthrone our nature's obscure ignorance and not at all find the true truth and complete law of existence. (Vide, SABCL, Vol. 13, pp. 549-50) (2)"...the pursuit of intellectual, ethical and social standards, the mind that insists on salvation by the observance of... moral law, social duty and function or the solutions of the liberated intelligence... very. The partial consciousness already evolved upon earth is a portent for further evolution and must surely develop in the very nature of things into complete consciousness with all its attendant accomplishments. A perfected and divinised life is what the earth-nature has always been seeking. In its progressive evolutionary development, consciousness appearing upon earth has been at first ...

... periods & often in their moments of felicity. 63 Evolution is the one eternal dynamic law and hidden process of the earth-nature. An evolution of the instruments of the spirit in a medium of matter is the whole fundamental significance of the values of the earth-existence. All its other laws are its values of operation and process; the spiritual evolution is its one pervading secret sense... know why this should be so. All we can say is that [it] is a fixed law of Nature that when this formula is scrupulously followed without deviation something called water appears,—becomes a phenomenon of material Nature. There seems to be no reason in this miracle. We could partly understand if oxygen and hydrogen by their very nature tended to produce in any combination water or something like water... and its limits and the form circumscribes the potentialities of the life. Therefore the self-fulfilment of the life is contained within certain limits fixed by the nature of the life and the law of its being and action which that nature determines. The idea which thus determines is the cause and the form which thus limits the sign of the Finite in the universe. The universe is an infinity creating ...


... material and mental nature, and he follows in it a progressive law of his development determined by an inner law of his being; his cast of spirit makes out his cast of mind and life, his swabhava. Each man has a swadharma, a law of his inner being which he must observe, find out and follow. The action determined by his inner nature, that is his real Dharma. To follow it is the true law of his development;... fact that man lives imprisoned in the ignorance of his mental, vital and physical nature. He is compelled by its qualities and yet afflicted with responsibility in his will because something in him feels that he is a soul who ought to be what now he is not at all or very little, master and ruler of his nature. All his laws of living, all his dharmas must be under these conditions imperfect, temporary... upholder of Nature and her action and the giver of the sanction by which alone her law becomes imperative and her force and its ways operative. That Spirit within her is the Knower who illuminates her and makes her conscient in us; his is the immanent and superconscient Will that inspires and motives her workings. The soul in man, a portion of this Divinity, shares his nature. Our nature is our soul's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... and receptive, at once in all things, in eve being"? 36 Like Truth, like Love, which are laws of universal Nature, Beauty is another universal law: In the world of forms a violation of Beauty is as great a fault as a violation of Truth in the world of ideas. For Beauty is the worship Nature offers to the supreme Master of the universe; Beauty is the divine language in forms. And... Knowledge governing the action of his divine Power. The rest is the full opening up of the different planes of his world-play and the subjection of Matter and the body and the material world to the law of the higher heavens of the Truth: 6 The main object of the Power which moves him, of course, is to "possess securely the Light and the Force of the supramental being"; but progress in that... unfathomable than that of the Eternal Cause .... And also to thy eyes I have shown thy heart so that thou canst thus see what the supreme Truth had willed for it, so that thou mayst discover in it the law of thy being. Mirra had always heard in her heart the command to "turn to the earth and men". And in Sri Aurobindo's great epic, when Savitri is in the ultimate realm of Everlasting Day, the ...


... divya karma the liberated soul is enjoined to perform in the Will of the Master of the Works. Arjuna has been asked to abide by this fact of spirituality and do the works according to the innate law of his nature. Only such desirable actions issuing from the inborn character of his soul will prove rewarding to him. But then who are those who actually take this Path of the immortalising Dharma, the bright... brahma (that Eternal), adhyatma (the soul’s abiding in the conduct and law of the Spirit), karma (active and creative dynamism in the working of the world), adhibhuta (the manner of the mutable becoming and its thousand operations), adhidaiva (the consent for and the enjoyment of the activities of Prakriti or Nature by Purusha who is the enjoyer of all her works), adhiyajna (the offering... qualities enhance further its sweetness and its charm. These are such that diverse shades and hues spread by it in the sky easily inspirit more and more of the difficult subjects, subjects such as the nature of the oneness of the Self everywhere. Knowledge shines in it with soft and pleasing whiteness of moonlight. A cool and soothing esoteric sacredness is present in its living idiomatic expression. With ...


... spiritual nature of being where all action is the automatic self expression of that truth and there can be nothing else. In the imperfection and conflict of our members there is an effort to arrive at a right standard of conduct and to observe it; that is ethics, virtue, merit, puṇya , to do otherwise is sin, demerit, pāpa . Ethical mind declares a law of love, a law of justice, a law of truth, laws without... truth in its own freedom, free from all constructed laws, while yet its life is a fulfilment of all true laws of becoming in Page 1033 their essence of meaning, and an ignorant self-divided existence which seeks for its own truth and tries to construct its findings into laws and construct its life according to a pattern so made. All true law is the right motion and process of a reality, an... no virtue or merit, no sin or demerit of the nature. The power of love, of truth, of right will be there, not as a law mentally constructed but as the very substance and constitution of the nature and, by the integration of the being, necessarily also the very stuff and constituting nature of the action. To grow into this nature of our true being, a nature of spiritual truth and oneness, is the liberation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... consenting voice: O strong forerunner, I have heard thy cry. One shall descend and break the iron Law, Change Nature's doom by the lone Spirit's power. ... A seed shall be sown in Death's tremendous hour, A branch of heaven transplant to human soil; Nature shall overleap her mortal step; Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will. 43 Thus Savitri comes... the same time to two apparently incompatible and contrary worlds and possesses a dual character. Within, it harbours the Divine, is the Divine, fully conscious of its sovereign potency above the laws of a mortal life of ignorance; without, it embraces this world too, this play of inconscience and limitation. The two confront each other in the Incarnation with equal potency and in magic interaction... the fight. When a Voice summons her to her mission in life ("Arise, O soul, and vanquish Time and Death"), Savitri poses the tell-tale question: Why should I strive with earth's unyielding laws Or stave off death's inevitable hour? This surely is best to practise with my fate And follow close behind my lover's steps... . 51 The Voice almost admonishes Savitri: ...

... driven it underground, ready to burst out again in redoubled fury: Repression can never crush a force when it is once in operation, but to kill it is impossible. Conservation of energy is a law of nature, and she cannot be false to herself in the interests of the British bureaucracy. Energy changes for us, works in subtle and invisible ways, but is never destroyed. 33 In a notable article... last; it was from the so-called educated classes that vitality seemed to have been drained away: The spirit that rose against the Colonisation Bill in the Punjab and prevented its passing into law, the spirit that has manifested itself in the Bengal Boycott, the spirit that has revolted against white insolence in the Transvaal is the spirit of the people.... 23 Certain "leaders", some... Brahmacharya sought to "raise up the physical to the spiritual"; it gradually perfected the instruments of knowledge; it led to the heightening and ultimate perfection of the sattwic elements in human nature; it created, as it were, an infallible engine of universal knowledge within. But Sri Aurobindo was also careful to add that such a feat of mobilisation and perfect deployment of one's faculties was ...

... Mahomedan world; the political subjugation of India has been followed by a pervasive invasion of European intellectualism which is striving hard to substitute itself progressively for the ancient law & nature of our Indian temperament and being. But these manifestations, however overwhelming in appearance, however conclusive they seem of approaching victory, conceal the seeds of a profound revolution... leads up by this purificatory process to his own deeper knowledge. Harmony, synthesis is the law of the Veda, not discord & a disjection of the members of truth in order to replace the manysided reality of existence by a narrower logical symmetry. But the metaphysical philosophies are compelled by the law of their being to effect precisely this disjection. Veda can admit two propositions that Page... purview of humanity. As man marches upon the dust and is circumscribed by the pressure of the terrestrial atmosphere, so also his thought moves only in the material ether and is circumscribed within the laws & results of material form and motion. Recently we see, even in Europe or chiefly in Europe,—for Asia is too busy imitating Europe of yesterday to perceive whither Europe of today is tending,—a revolt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the swabhava or nature of a man which decides the way he shall take. If a born Jnani becomes the disciple of a great Bhakta, however submissively he may accept his Master's teachings, however largely he may infuse his Jnana with Bhakti, yet eventually it is the way of Jnana he must take and no other. For that is his swabhava or nature, his Page 200 dharma or the law of his being. If... which put us at the mercy of new and equally implacable claimants. Nature, the great judge and gaoler, is ever giving fresh decrees against us, for her law is inexorable and will not admit of remission or indulgence. We can obtain our release only by escaping from her jurisdiction into the divine sanctuary where the slave of Nature, by his very entry, becomes free and her master. Page 203 ... live thy hundred years, for thus to thee and there is no other way than this, action cleaveth not to a man." A hundred years is the full span of a man's natural life when he observes all the laws of his nature and keeps his body and mind pure by the use of pure food, by pure ways of living, by purity of thought and by self-restraint in the satisfaction of his desires. The term is ordinarily diminished ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Arya means an effort or an uprising and overcoming. The Aryan is he who strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Self-conquest is the first law of his nature.' The word was later corrupted by Hitler who made it a symbol of racial superiority and arrogance, the Aryan representing the blond Nordic race who would be masters of the world. It was as if... great fortitude and steadfast devotion to her husband. There is a letter dated February 19, 1919 from Sri Aurobindo to his father-in-law, Bhupal Chandra Bose, which allows us a glimpse of the depths of Sri Aurobindo's feelings. It reads: ‘My dear father-in-law, I have not written to you with regard to this fatal event in both our lives; words are useless in face of the feelings it has caused... she never lost hold of the insight, — that life cannot be rightly seen in the sole light, cannot be perfectly lived in the sole power of its externalities. She was alive to the greatness of material laws and forces; she had a keen eye for the importance of the physical sciences; she knew how to organise the arts of ordinary life. But she saw that the physical does not get its full sense until it stands ...


... human conduct that make an ascending scale. The first is Page 214 the personal need, preference and desire; the second is the law and good of the collectivity; the third is an ideal ethic, the last is the highest and divine ideal and law of the nature. Standard of conduct, which is prescribed by psychological and ethical but egoistic hedonism, falls into the first category; its argument... ism is valid, the individual in its true nature is not an egocentric entity subject to appetites and desires, but an entity capable of uplifting himself to a state of intrinsic and universal values. Consequently, it came to be advocated that the needs and desires of individuals are to be surpassed in obedience to the moral law, and even the social law has no claims upon him if it is opposed to... fact is that the categorical imperative of ideal law does not signify the end of human search of the truth that harmonises and delivers. We discover that the moral nature of the human being is not the last and the highest component; there is, in us, it will be found, a divine being that is spiritual and supra-mental. In that component of our complex nature, it is claimed, is the integrating power; in it ...

... supramental it is a law of the nature; in a supramentalised body immunity from illness would be automatic, inherent in its new nature. There is a difference between Yogic Force on the mental and inferior planes and Supramental Nature. What is acquired and held by the Yoga Force in the mind and body consciousness is in the supramental inherent and exists not by achievement but by nature—it is self-existent... obviously due to the imperfect nature of the body and the physical nature. The body can be immune only when it is open to the higher consciousness and the latter can descend into it. Till then what he writes is the remedy—if he can also call in the force to throw out the illness, that is the most powerful help possible. It is only by the conquest of the material nature that illness can cease altogether... force is sent is for cure. Increase of illness or physical suffering is not the result of the force. The Lower Nature, the Hostile Forces and Illness Attacks of illness are attacks of the lower nature or of adverse forces taking advantage of some weakness, opening or response in the nature,—like all other things that come and have got to be thrown away, they come from outside. If one can feel them ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... down wholly into life and lift life wholly into itself and transform it. But what happens at present is that something comes down and accepts to work under the law of the mind and with a mixture of the mind and it must be judged by the laws and standards of the mind. It brings in new tones, new colours, new elements, but it does not change radically as yet the stuff of the consciousness with which... grace for the artistic consciousness and is limited within the field of his art. In the overhead consciousness, especially in the Overmind, these things become more and more the law of the vision and the law of the nature. Wherever the overmind spiritual man turns he sees a universal beauty touching and uplifting all things, expressing itself through them, moulding them into a field or objects of its... judge and here too it must judge; but it can judge and appreciate rightly here only if it first learns to see and sense inwardly and interpret. But it is dangerous for it to lay down its own laws or even laws and rules which it thinks it can deduce from some observed practice of the overhead inspiration and use that to wall in the inspiration; for it runs the risk of seeing the overhead inspiration ...


... none of them had a complete mastery over the laws of physical nature, e.g. age, decay, illness, etc. You are mistaken in two respects. First, the endeavour towards this achievement is not new and some Yogis have achieved it, I believe—but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal siddhi maintained by Yoga-siddhi—not a. dharma of the nature. Secondly, the supramental transformation is... they visit us now and then, and keep us going? They can if you keep the doors open. And if you have to wait for absolute purity of nature before the Supramental can come down, I should say that you will have to go on waiting and waiting! Whose nature? It is I who have to bring it down. Do you mean to insinuate that I am impure? Sir, I raise my blameless head in dignified remonstrance. ... But why should you have any latent medico in you to diagnose diseases? Why not? I can begin to write poetry only if I have a poet either latent or suddenly introduced into me. I can lay down the law to Einstein only if I have a scientist similarly lodged inside. I thought your Yogic vision is something like X-ray, which when applied, gets the condition on the plate; or the vision directly p ...

... only when the supramental becomes the law of the nature. It is therefore on the accomplishment of this ascent and on the possibility of a full dynamism from these highest levels descending into earth-consciousness that is dependent the justification of Life, its salvation, its transformation into a Divine Life in a transfigured terrestrial Nature. The nature of the integral Yoga so conceived... greater part of the motive and action of these powers clings to the old law, the deceiving tablets, the cherished inferior movements of Nature and they meet with reluctance, alarm or revolt or obstructing inertia the voices and the forces that call and impel us to exceed and transform ourselves into a greater being and a wider Nature. In their major part the response is either a resistance or a qualified... or the spiritual and the vital or a mere sublimation from within of Life outwardly unchanged cannot be the law or the aim of the Yoga. All life must be taken up but all life must be transformed; all must become a part, a form, an adequate expression of a spiritual being in the supramental nature. This is the height and crowning movement of a spiritual evolution in the material world, and as the change ...


... but the general nature of things has certain tendencies or laws in it which oppose the development of the Yoga as well as certain tendencies which help the development of the Page 1376 Yoga. There are three laws which oppose—the law of persistence, the law of resistance and the law of recurrence: there are three laws which assist—the law of gradual processes, the law of concentrated processes... the laws of physical nature. But the Will is omnipotent and if patiently, calmly and heroically exercised, will prevail. For the Will, I repeat, is—Kali herself. Therefore in the end it establishes by its action new rules, habits or tendencies which fight with and gradually overcome the old. What then happens is that the old, though put down, weakened and no longer a real part of the nature, resist... impure adhar, or with an imperfect Will, the recurrence is often as prolonged and troublesome as the resistance. On the other hand there are the three favourable laws. When a new habit or tendency is once established, it is the law that it shall develop towards strength and perfection. So long as it is struggling Page 1377 to establish itself, the Yogin may at any time become bhrashta ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Disciple : If the laws of Matter change, will not Matter cease to be Matter ? Sri Aurobindo : Why ? Disciple : Because certain laws define the nature of Matter. Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by laws ? What you call laws are mere habits. If you change your habits you still remain yourself. Disciple : Can a few persons by their Sadhana change the laws of the material world... of the laws of the physical being as final, the mistake of accepting the vital powers as the true gods. For example, the people who do psychic research, mediumistic experiments, automatic writing, spirit communication etc. are the people. Disciple : Do you mean to say that the physical laws also will be changed ? Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by a law ? What are called laws are mere... and observe all that is going on in the Nature, not even the smallest movement, the most external act must remain unnoticed. This process is comparatively easy in the mental and vital planes. But in the physico-vital and the physical plane the powers of ignorance hold their sway and reign in full force, persisting in what they believe to be the eternal laws. They obstruct the passage of the Higher ...

... Arya means an effort or an uprising and overcoming. The Aryan is he who strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Self-conquest is the first law of his nature.... For in everything he seeks truth, in everything right, in everything height and freedom.... Self-perfection is the aim of his self-conquest. Therefore what he conquers he does not... be constantly conscious with the Divine Consciousness, so that we know "at every moment, spontaneously, without any reflection being necessary, exactly what should be done to best express" the Divine Law. 8 And the very next day she wrote that such perfect identification with the Divine Consciousness was one of the things she expected from her journey to India. We may rightly surmise that she had learned... constantly keep this communion with Thee.... 14   Page 399 On 4 June, she recorded that the two supreme obstacles to realisation, the two impediments to the action of the Divine Law, were "the darkness of ignorance and the black smoke of egoistic ill-will". 15 People were ignorant: and people were selfish and perverse, which was even worse. The light of knowledge and the warmth ...

... self-forgetful, artificial'. It aimed, he added, 'at a successful reproduction of Europe in India', forgetting that 'death in one's own dharma is better; it is a dangerous thing to follow the law of another's nature'. Such a death brings new birth, 'success in an alien path means only successful suicide'. Savitri is a great Pyrrhic victory." It is not easy to make out Mr. Lai's meaning. One... Whistle of wind in the tree-tops of Time and the rustle of Nature. _______________ 1 First published in Mother India, September 3, 1949, except for the change of a few quotations in order to avoid repeating some matter used elsewhere in my book. Page 121 "Elsewhere there are many pleasant lines of a derivative nature and it is interesting to find traces of the influence... fugitive experience to which the brain opens itself as it pauses at times between an unknown above and an unknown below and feels Touched by the thoughts that skim the fathomless surge Of Nature and wing back to hidden shores - [p. 347] or in that phrase about the divinised consciousness's vivid play of self-disclosure within its universal oneness: Idea rotated symphonies ...


... aimed at a successful reproduction of Europe in India, forgetting the deep saying of the Gita, "Better the law of one's own being though it be badly done than an alien dharma well-followed; death in one's own dharma is better, it is a dangerous thing to follow the law of another's nature." For death in one's own dharma brings new birth, success in an alien path means only successful suicide... and the breath of king-perfume v Have made each musical sentence with the noise Of women's ornaments and sweet household joys... All nature in a page, no pleasing show But men more real than the friends we know.... His nature kingly was and as a god In large serenity and light he trod His daily way, yet beauty, like soft flowers Wreathing a hero's sword, ruled... something is seen, a profound   Page 64 change operated in some inner part, there enters into the ground of the nature something calm, equal, ineffable. One stands upon a mountain ridge and glimpses or mentally feels a wideness, a pervasiveness, a nameless Vast in Nature; then suddenly there comes the touch, a revelation, a flooding, the mental loses itself in the spiritual, one bears the ...

... mean "absolutely" for all time. The absoluteness can only come with the supramental change. For below the supramental it is an action of a Force among many forces—in the supramental it becomes a law of the nature. Can the supramental really make immortal a tottering old man, with all his anatomy and physiology pathological? Well, don't you know that old men sometimes get a new or third set of teeth... Yogic Force can do? There is a difference between Yogic Force on the mental and inferior planes and the Supramental Nature. What is acquired and held by the Yoga-Force in the mind-and-body consciousness is in the supramental inherent and exists not by achievement but by nature—it is self-existent and absolute. 82 Not now. I am too busy trying to get things done to spend time in getting them... changes were probably made by Sri Aurobindo, but no written record of his revision remains. There is a difference between Yogic Force and Supramental Nature. What is acquired and held by Force in the one, becomes inherent in the supramental and exists by nature—it becomes self-existent and absolute. × Would-be ...

... aim of Art is to find the Divine through beauty. But this discovery has its own laws and the first endeavour is "to see and depict man and Nature and life for their own sake, in their own characteristic truth and beauty; for behind these first characters lies always the beauty of the Divine in life and man and Nature and it is through their just transformation that what was at first veiled by them... that is only the disguise of iron armour which masks and encumbers the national Purusha, - but a great communal soul and life that has appeared in the whole and has manifested a nature of its own and a law of that nature, a Swabhāva and Swadhārma, and embodied it in its intellectual, aesthetic, Page 47 ethical, dynamic, social and political forms and culture. And equally then... reached it, have described it more or less clearly. But Page 73 the supreme value of the discovery lies in its spontaneity, the genuineness: that escapes all ordinary mental laws. And this is why anyone wanting to take up the adventure, usually seeks at first some person who has gone through it successfully and is able to sustain him and show him the way. Yet there are ...


... to grow and develop in order to qualify for the spiritual life. Svabhava is one's essential nature & svadharma is the law of that nature. Later, when the psychic being experiences its universality and transcendence and becomes a divine child of the Divine Mother, it transcends the law of its individual nature, and lives and moves and acts, a free being, at once individual, universal and transcendent... life. Sri Krishna led him, step by step, to a comprehension of the dharma Page 35 or essential law of his soul, which is supra-ethical and spiritual. The word Dharma is used in both the senses. The one is Svadharma or the essential law of one's spiritual nature which is never affected by heredity, environment or any other external agency, and the other is the Dharma of the evolved... "essential nature" of man. This essential nature or Svabhava is the nature of the psychic being which evolves by means of the inner mind, inner life and subtle or inner physical and seeks to express itself in the outer nature of the mind, life & body of man. It is not the nature of the ego. Arjun was not aware of his essential nature, he was being led by his sattwic rajasic nature the norms of ...


... own valuation and strives to find out an intellectual basis, an idea of law or principle, rational or cosmic, a law of Karma perhaps or an ethical system founded on reason or on an aesthetic, emotional or hedonistic basis. Religion brings in her sanctions; there is a word or law of God that enjoins righteousness even though Nature permits or stimulates its opposite,—or perhaps Truth and Righteousness... receive the activities of Nature is either a neutral indifference or an equal acceptance or, intellectually, an admission of all that she may do as a divine or a natural law in which everything is impartially admissible. That is indeed one side of the truth: there is an infrarational truth of Life and Matter which is impartial and neutral and admits all things as facts of Nature and serviceable for the... a certain type of experience and use of experience which must, for the mind and life at least, govern nature; that for the moment is its law of being, its dharma. This limitation of mind-consciousness by personality and of truth by mental temperament and preference must be the rule of our nature so long as the individual has not reached universality, is not yet preparing for mind-transcendence. But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... self-forgetful, artificial'. It aimed, he added, 'at a successful reproduction of Europe in India', forgetting that 'death in one's own dharma is better; it is a dangerous thing to follow the law of another's nature'. Such a death brings new birth; 'success in an alien path means only successful suicide'. Savitri is a great Pyrrhic victory." Page 434 It is not easy to make out Mr. Lal's... verse, e.g.: Only he listens to the voice of his thoughts, his heart's ignorant whisper, Whistle of wind in the tree-tops of Time and the rustle of Nature. "Elsewhere there are many pleasant lines of a derivative nature and it is interesting to find traces of the influence of that Yellow Book character, the poet Stephen Phillips, who was at Cambridge with Sri Aurobindo. The Tennysonian... should be nineteenth-century in certain respects was inevitable, since it belonged to that period; but this in itself is no fault at all. And to say that it has "many pleasant lines of a derivative nature" is both to be patronising out of turn and to be deficient in close and keen scrutiny. To Page 409 characterise as merely pleasant the poetic intensity that is Sri Aurobindo's is to ...


... do not see how the method of faith in the cells can be likened to eating a slice of the moon. Nobody ever got a slice of the moon, but the healing by faith in the cells is an actual fact and a law of Nature and has been demonstrated often enough even apart from Yoga. The way to get faith and Page 298 everything else is to insist on having them and refuse to flag or despair or give up... indifferent gaze upon it from the heights of Nirvana. It seems to me that it is obvious that if we do try to help and save, it is because care and love are not absolutely foreign to our nature or to the Yogic nature or to the Nature of the Divine. I do not see anything that is Page 321 so cold and grim and stern in our dealings—did you really see no love or tenderness in the Mother's attitude... up to now. It is not surprising that they should be powerful in a world of Ignorance, for they have only to persuade people to follow the established bent of their lower nature, while the Divine calls always for a change of Nature. It is not to be wondered at that the Asura has an easier task and more momentary success in his combinations. But that temporary success does not bind the future. ...

... of our nature. A total change of consciousness, a radical change of nature is the one remedy and the sole issue.” 18 As he wrote to Nirodbaran, all efforts of the mind and the overmind can yield nothing but partial results. “The absoluteness can only come with a supramental change. For below the supramental it is an action of a Force among many forces – in the supramental it becomes a law of the... the nature.” 19 Nature is being made anew. “Evolution itself is evolving.” The problem, however, is that the substance of Supermind is so different from the kind of substance we are made of and are used to. Beings like us can live in gross matter, on a planet consisting of gross matter, but to live in the Supermind means no less than to live in the Sun, metaphorically speaking. This explains the... surviving the worst catastrophes created by its own errors or by the violent turns of Nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its long history and continuous survival is not the accident of a fortuitously self-organising Chance, which it must be in a purely materialistic view of the nature of the world. If man is intended to survive and carry forward the evolution of which ...


... Kalidasa at fault in his knowledge of the world and of human nature? Such a solution would be inconsistent with all we know of the poet's genius as shown in his other work. The truth is that Kalidasa simply gives us the other side of the shield. It is not an invariable law of human nature that the poetic temperament should be by its nature absolutely unfitted for practical action & regal power. Nero... from his ken. Then must his soul wander through all Nature seeking her, imagining her or hints & tokens of her in everything he meets, but never grasping unless by some good chance he accept the Jewel Union born from the crimson on the marvellous feet of Himaloy's Child, Uma, daughter of the mountains, the Mighty Mother, She who is the Soul behind Nature. Then he is again united with her and their child... the harmonising atmosphere of his poetic temperament; under his touch the grotesque becomes strange, wild & romantic; the trivial refines into a dainty & gracious slightness; the sublime yields to the law of romance, acquires a mighty grace, a strong sweetness; and what was merely lovely attains power, energy & brilliant colour. His creations in fact live in a peculiar light, which is not the light that ...


... down wholly into life and lift life wholly into itself and transform it. But what happens at present is that something comes down and accepts to work under the law of the mind and with a mixture of the mind and it must be judged by the laws and standards of the mind. It brings in new tones, new colours, new elements, but it does not change radically as yet the stuff of the consciousness with which... grace for the artistic consciousness and is limited within the field of his art. In the Overhead consciousness, especially in the Overmind, these things become more and more the law of the vision and the law of the nature. Wherever the Overmind spiritual man turns he sees a universal beauty touching and uplifting all things, expressing itself through them, moulding them into a field or objects of... canons and standards may be quite inapplicable; evidently, you cannot justly apply to the poetry of Whitman the principles of technique which are proper to the old metrical verse or the established laws of the old traditional poetry; so too when we deal with a modernist poet. We have to see whether what is essential to poetry is there and how far the new technique justifies itself by new beauty ...

... questioned. But all that cannot be for the sadhak as it is for the materialistic sceptic founded on a fixed pre-judgment that only what is normal, in consonance with the known (so-called) laws of physical nature is true and that all which is abnormal or supernormal must a priori be condemned as false. The abnormal abounds in this physical world; the supernormal is there also. In these matters, apart... as one predicts material things that obey a rigid law. The plasticity increases with the growth of Mind, so that man can have at least a sense of free-will, of a choice of his action, of a self-movement which at least helps to determine circumstances. But this freedom is dubious because it can be declared to be an illusion, a device of Nature, part of its machinery of determination, only a seeming... scientific or rational enquiry and it is impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in Science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience, following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive ...

... the method of complete self-surrender, — spontaneous, simple and yet full, — in which all laws of action which are necessary for climbing the staircase of the ascent of the sacrifice, can also be sacrificed; and it is by renunciation of those standards that the highest standard, the highest law, the highest law of divine action, divyam karma, is discovered and becomes practicable. 23. Intermediate... dharmas that the human mind can conceive, and to discover a new dharma, the law of divine action, divyam karma, by the attainment of divine freedom in which the nature of the individual transcends its limitations, the limitations of the nature subject to three gunas, — tamas, rajas, and sattva, — and attains to the divine nature (s ā dharmyam). Gita's view of Duty for Duty's sake Often this... indwelling Lord of all Nature and turn to Him with one's whole being,— with the life and body and sense and mind and heart and understanding, — with one's whole dedicated knowledge and will and action, sarvabhāvena, in every way of conscious self and instrumental nature. For all other Dharmas or norms of action are only a preparation for that highest Dharma which is the law of divine nature and divine action ...

... unified will and feeling, a life expressing the spiritual Truth would find through them its own natural forms of becoming. An order there would be, for truth of oneness creates its own order: a law or laws of living there might be, but these would be self-determined; they would be an expression of the truth of a spiritually united being and the truth of a spiritually united life. The whole formation... from which it has to unfold itself, if an evolution of being is the law, then what we are seeking for is not only possible but part of the eventual necessity of things. It is our spiritual destiny to manifest and become that supernature,—for it is the nature of our true self, our still occult, because unevolved, whole being. A nature of unity will then bring inevitably its life-result of unity, mutuality... existence and over Nature must come when a still greater consciousness emerges and replaces the hampered operations of the mental Energy in our too individualised and restricted force of existence. A certain fundamental subjection of mind to life and matter and an acceptance of this subjection, an inability to make the law of Mind directly dominant and modify by its powers the blinder law and operations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... better to choose one or two items and give a very good demonstration in them, rather than to do several in a mediocre way? Each one acts according to his nature and if he (or she) courageously and sincerely follows the law of that nature, he or she acts according to truth. Thus, it is impossible to judge and decide for others. One can know only for oneself, and even then one has to be very sincere... feeling I have only a reflection of my own nature! Here is the best answer to your questions, written by Sri Aurobindo: Each one carries in himself the seeds of this disharmony, and his most urgent work is to purify himself of it by a constant aspiration. 1 September 1965 Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo writes in His Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt... Page 289 Sweet Mother, In Aphorism 172, Sri Aurobindo has said: "Law released into freedom is the liberator." 12 What does that mean? How can law be released into freedom? By law we understand something determined and fixed. Or is it a flexibility that is required, as opposed to rigidity: law that will be free to mould itself according to circumstances? I regret to have to ...


... each duly as it should be & must be because of its own nature, for the nature of a thing is its origin, its law, its destiny, its end; and harmony with its nature is its perfection. All this mighty universe where various things acting according to their various natures harmonise & melt into a perfect unity, all this wonderful Kingdom of a single Law in its manifold aspects He has ordered, व्यदघात्, he... mistaken & unless it widen its view it may easily be convinced of its mistake in a very ugly fashion before long. The Will is mightier than any law, fate or force. The Will is eternal, omnipotent, it has created the law of causation and governs it; it has made the laws of matter and it can override them; it is itself all the forces which seem to govern and bind it. There is no compulsion on the human will... own overmastering & inexorable nature. All this He has done from years eternal, not in time, not at a particular date & season, but eternally, before Time was. The Law did not spring into being, but was, is & for ever shall be. The forms of objects, it is true, vary in Time, but the law of their nature is of eternal origin. In the act you do today, you are obeying a Law which has existed during the whole ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... in the graphic English phrase, with the narrow hearts and commercial habit of mind peculiar to that sort of people. It is something like folly to quarrel with them for not transgressing the law of their own nature. If we were not dazzled by the artificial glare of English prestige, we should at once acknowledge that these men are really not worth being angry with: and if it is idle to be angry with... World. Page 136 impossible by the aid of the ordinary positive reason to test the data of spiritual experience and decide whether those things exist or not or what is their law and nature. As in Science, so here you have to accumulate experience on experience, following faithfully the methods laid down by the Guru or by the systems of the past, you have to develop an intuitive... free to follow the self-law of his being and develop according to it. This was the chief characteristic of his leadership, and, understandably enough, a constant source of bewilderment to his associates and followers. For, his serene yogic detachment, his perfect unconcern in the midst of various action, and his different ways of dealing with and leading different natures baffled them. Try as they ...

... Arya means an effort or an uprising and overcoming. The Aryan is he who strives and overcomes all outside him and within him that stands opposed to the human advance. Self-conquest is the first law of his nature. He overcomes earth and the body and does not consent like ordinary men to their dullness, inertia, dead routine and tamasic limitations. He overcomes life and its energies and refuses to be dominated... acquainting him with the situation. The Secretary of State wired to the Viceroy: "...If so, under what law has the warrant been issued? Does the article contain inducement to violence or assassination? Do you know where Arabindo is...?" To which the flustered Viceroy replied, "Law officers considered the article clearly seditious. Whereabouts of Aravinda Ghose unknown to Government of... satisfaction and growing rapture of the Unity. It is this to which our nature is most recalcitrant. It persists in the division, in the dualities, in the sorrow and unsatisfied passion and labour, it finds it difficult to accustom itself to the divine largeness, joy and equipoise - especially the vital and material parts of our nature; it is they that pull down the mind which has accepted and even when ...

... with us, Nature is with us. The law of God which is higher than any human, justifies our action, youth is for us, the future is ours. On that moral strength we must rely for our survival and eventual success. We must not be tempted by any rash impatience into abandoning the ground on which we are strong and venturing on the ground on which we are weak. Our ideal is an ideal which no law can condemn:... the animal to the divine and struggling against their lower natures, but beings already fulfilled and satisfied with themselves. Even the holiest of them have a contempt for the ordinary law and custom and break them easily and without remorse, as Christ did on more than one occasion, drinking wine, breaking the sabbath, consorting with publicans and harlots; as Buddha did when he abandoned his... overmastering sway of the body.... However much we may accuse the West of materialism, in point of fact, all men are materialists. The body is only a means of fulfilling the inherent, spiritual law of our nature, our chariot drawn by many horses, the chariot we ride in order to drive through the world. But we submit to the illegitimate dominance of the body and give so much indulgence to our sense of ...