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Emergence of the Psychic [1]
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Education For Character Development [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
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Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [3]
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In the Mother's Light [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
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Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
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Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [6]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sweet Mother [1]
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The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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The Mother with Letters on the Mother [5]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Psychic Being [3]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
108 result/s found for Psychic centre

... being and the true consciousness is being laid in you. The psychic centre is that turned in all things towards the Divine, while the vital is that preoccupied with the desires and sufferings and enjoyments of the ego. If you continue with all sincerity under this sense of guidance and with this foundation growing in you, the psychic centre is likely to open of itself. It is when it opens and the present... discouraged, there is a pressure against it and he would probably find the struggle in him made still more acute. Page 577 He must first get his basis changed from the vital to the psychic centre. 20 March 1932 Sri Aurobindo does not think that your coming here is advisable at the present stage of your sadhana. If you have this feeling that a Divine Guidance is there behind the c ...


... outer field of the sadhaka' s consciousness; (iv)but this psychic emergence is not possible unless the sadhaka undertakes the sadhana of the inwardisation of his consciousness, reaches the psychic centre and is united with it; (v)but this 'entry into the inner countries' is not feasible unless and until the mind and the vital of the sadhaka are sufficiently quietened and purified. Now... getting deformed and deviated. The blind prejudices of the mind, the turbid desires of the vital and the tamasic demands of the body are almost blotting out the messages of light emanating from the psychic centre. With a view to neutralise this nefarious interference, if the sadhaka takes some effective steps to free himself from the egoistic preferences and antipathies of his vital and the mental... time being, and direct his silent but expectant attention inward to hear the voice of the psychic . And if the preliminary conditions are properly fulfilled, the indication s from the psychic centre are bound to co me. If they do not, it may be because of two reason s: either the sadhaka' s consciousness is not sufficiently stilled, or he is not ye t inwardly read y to carry out in practice ...

... child had in the psychic spark in him, the Divine Presence itself. As she said on 15 January 1951: If you organise everything - your feelings, your thoughts, your impulses, etc. - around the psychic centre which is the inner light, you will see that all inner disorder will change into a luminous order. 2 She read out her essay on "The Science of Living", and elaborated some of the points only... Yoga". But what did it mean? What did an intense "aspiration for the Divine" mean? Although her audience consisted in the main of young school-children, the Mother nevertheless relied on their psychic centre to record her meaning, and she had faith in their innate feeling for adventure. The words tumbled from the Mother's mouth as if effortlessly, freely, fully, like leaping water from a high mountain... of Light. Like a neutron bombarding a uranium atom and starting the nuclear chain-reaction, the Mother's words, charged as they were with Love and Light and Truth and Ananda, penetrated to the psychic centre, released the soul and started it on its adventure of consciousness. The outside world was ignorant of all this, and even the participants in the drama hardly knew what was obscurely but definitively ...


... all it is and feels and does. If it is the sense of the presence that you have, then you are living in the consciousness of the psychic centre. Thinking with the mind is good because it leads towards that but it is not in itself that living in the psychic centre. It is necessary [ in order to be constantly aware of the psychic ] to accustom oneself to do things from within, not to let the... difficult and uncertain in its result, even dangerous if the being is not prepared or not pure enough. To ascend with the psychic for the purpose is by far the best way. If you are thus rising from the psychic centre, so much the better. What you say indicates that the psychic and mental centres are in communication and through them you are able to bring down things from the higher consciousness. But you... when one goes inside, is conscious within but not conscious of outside things. What you describe yourself as doing involuntarily is this going inside and being conscious there. It was into the psychic centre inside that you were going, the place that you saw as a luminous maidān in a former experience. When one goes there it is just this peace and sweetness that one feels and also this Page 341 ...


... faculties are many and varied, and may often pull in different directions; and unless they are firmly linked to the "psychic centre", as the spokes are to the hub of the wheel, the human personality will crack and disintegrate. On the other hand, the discovery of the psychic centre - the soul, the real truth of our being - can defy easy accomplishment. One must first purify the instruments, and one... precedence, but psychic discipline is truly the heart of the matter. The journey to the soul may be long and difficult, yet the goal is not impossible of attainment. Once the way is open to the psychic centre, the other disciplines will be easy of mastery. Rightly tempered and sensitized, the mind or the reasoning intellect can be a great helper when subordinated to the soul. The vital, which is "the ...


... which it is wholly impregnated. It is this exactly which distinguishes the psychic from the other parts of the being. When, for instance, I speak of organising the mind and the vital around the psychic centre, I do not mean that they become psychic; they remain the mind and the vital, but they are organised around the psychic as an army is organised around its leader—it does not become the leader, it... tell yourself that in this life or another you are sure to realise. The Mother Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 26 March 1951 The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity. The Mother Words of the Mother - III: Darshan Messages Compassion and gratitude are essentially psychic virtues. They appear ...


... mental plane and symbolic. It symbolised not so much your own position as the general difficulties which lie in the way of one's going deep inside into the psychic centre and living there. The maidān full of light was the inmost psychic centre; the dark place in between represents the veil of ignorance created by the gulf between this inmost psychic and the outer nature. The chakra turning round and ...


... September 1934 Even when I am in a good state of consciousness, the mind is not always at peace. There are all kinds of random thoughts. It is behind the mind, behind the vital, in the psychic centre that one can find the quietness that never wavers. 15 September 1934 The pressure is constantly there. Grant me quietness, my sweet Mother. I never cease pouring peace and quietness... must find me, and when you have found Page 67 me there, in the depths of your heart, you will also recognise me in my physical form. 31 October 1934 But how can I enter the psychic centre when there is a black veil between the psychic and the integral being? (The Mother substituted the word "external" for "integral" and commented:) Integral means complete, entire, omitting ...


... something either in the physical mental (throat) [or] the emotional vital that obstructs the descent. That may be the reason of the union of the upper Agni and the psychic fire and the push in the psychic centre - something is trying to remove the difficulty.         Is it true that the passive peace can stop the lower action?       The peace that descends from above can stop the lower... something either in the physical mental (throat) [or] the emotional vital that obstructs the descent. That may be the reason of the union of the upper Agni and the psychic fire and the push in the psychic centre - something is trying to remove the difficulty.         When I become conscious of the Fire or of Mother's Force, my heart feels a great fire deep in itself. Though the centre of the fire ...

... above, and the consciousness descending from there has to liberate the heart centre. As it acts on the heart centre, the psychic action becomes more possible.   The direct opening of the psychic centre is easy only when the ego-centricity is greatly diminished and also if there is a strong bhakti for the Mother. A spiritual humility and sense of submission and dependence are necessary.  ... d an unimaginable depth in the heart and as if a great fire was bursting out. That is of course the psychic depth and the psychic fire.   Sometimes when concentrated on the psychic centre, I feel as if I am the psychic fire itself and can burn out whatever comes in the way of sadhana. Is this not an egoistic feeling? It is egoistic if the ego thinks it is the psychic fire ...

... centres of activity in this translucent milieu. Yes, this is an experience which will develop. Saturday, October 16, 1926 I feel the working of two forces. One goes straight to the psychic centre and remains there.... The other comes from above and per­meates the outer consciousness, the mind first then the vital. The first is more inner, but calls the second one into action. THESE... resulting from the different movements. Today I woke up with a pain in the back. I don't know if it has any relation to yoga or is simply due to cold? It may perhaps have a connection with the psychic centre ? But why is the vital not opening ? It is opening. Much more work is being done than is felt by your ordinary consciousness. Mother tells me sometimes what is happening during the ...


... is also a personality. He is the outcome of a twofold growth and revelation. He has outgrown the vital and climbed into Mind, and he has dived into the Heart and touched his inner soul, his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another Page 48 line of what we have been describing as the Descent... Guide that holds the reins and drives upward in the end. Thus naturally there appear gradations of the human personality; as the consciousness in the human being rises higher and higher, the psychic centre organises a higher and higher – a richer, wider, deeper – personality. The first great conversion, the first turning of the human personality to a new mode of life and living, that is to say, living ...

... ; but once started on the quest, Faith helps one to gate-crash into the psychic citadel and station oneself at the psychic centre. What happens next is little less than a veritable revolution: This is an opening of the inner being to the divine Presence in the psychic centre, and there you know at every moment not only what must be done but why it should be done and how it should be done ...


... than receive an answer. They seem no longer of any importance. But still this is not "going from knowledge to knowledge". This is an opening of the inner being to the divine Presence in the psychic centre, and there you know at every moment not only what must be done but why it should be done and how it should be done, and you have the vision of the truth of things behind their appearances. Instead... person thinks (you must make a great effort, you see only the surface of things and nothing of what goes on behind); well, after this inner opening and this identification with the Presence in the psychic centre, you see things from within outwards, and the outer existence becomes an expression, more or less deformed, of what you see within: you are aware of the inner existence of beings and their form; ...


... of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be Page 3 organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination... ns soon destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny and this can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is able to do so many more things than one usually imagines. If, instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... the truth of our existence, whatever is in opposition to it. It is thus that little by little all the parts, all the elements of our being, could be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification demands a long time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Hence, to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong... everything to destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny; that can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is fit to do so many more things than one can usually imagine. If instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... Page 330 When one has an awakened soul, it is not easy to get rid of it; so it is better to obey its orders. Obey your soul, it alone has the right to govern your life. Psychic centre: luminous and calm, it is made to govern the human being. The psychic gets its power of expression when it governs the whole being. The psychic power organises the activities of the... compels the physical to turn towards the Divine. Let this house be a symbol of the psychic, the temple of the eternal divine Presence. Page 331 Live in the consciousness of the psychic centre; thus your will will express the Divine's Will alone and your transformed being will then be able to receive and manifest the Divine Love. 25 September 1934 The centre of the human being ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... of sincerity, of will, of perseverance is in the psychic being, but this translates itself differently in different people.         The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realize a perfect sincerity. Page 13       "Remember why thou cam'st:       Find out thy soul, recover thy hid self,       In silence seek... impregnated. It is this exactly which distinguishes the psychic from the other parts of the being. When, for instance, I speak of organising Page 14 the mind and the vital around the psychic centre, I do not mean that they become psychic; they remain the mind and the vital, but they are organised around the psychic as an army is organised around its leader — it does not become the leader ...

... the truth of our existence, whatever is in opposition to it. It is thus that little by little all the parts, all the elements of our being, could be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification demands a long time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Hence, to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination to prolong... everything to destroy the natural balance of the body and create in it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny; that can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is fit to do so many more things than one can usually imagine. If instead of the ignorant and despotic masters that ...

... is also a personality. He is the outcome of a twofold growth and revelation. He has outgrown the vital and climbed into Mind, and he has dived into the Heart and touched his inner soul, his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another Page 47 line of what we have been describing as the Descent... Guide that holds the reins and drives upward in the end. Thus naturally there appear gradations of the human personality; as the consciousness in the human being rises higher and higher, the psychic centre organises a higher and higher—a richer, wider, deeper—personality. The first great conversion, the first turning of the human personality to a new mode of life and living, that is to say, living ...

... is also a personality. He is the outcome of a twofold growth and revelation. He has outgrown the vital and climbed into Mind, and he has dived into the Heart and touched his inner soul, his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The... Guide that holds the rein and drives upward in the end. Thus naturally there appear gradations of the human personality; as the consciousness in the human being rises higher and higher, the psychic centre organises a higher and Page 55 higher—a richer, wider, deeper—personality. The first great conversion, the first turning of the human personality to a new mode of life and living ...

... the troth of our existence, whatever is in opposition to it. It is thus that little by little all the parts, all the elements of our being could be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification demands a long time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Hence, to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, determined to prolong our life... everything to destroy the natural balance of the body and create in. it fatigue, exhaustion and disease. It must be freed from this tyranny; that can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being. The body has a wonderful capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is fit to do so many more things than one can usually imagine. If instead of the ignorant and despotic masters ...

... wholly identified with the psychic, one that has organised its whole existence around it, unified its whole being—all the tiniest parts, all the elements, all the movements of the being around the psychic centre—that has made of itself a single being, solely turned to the Divine; then, if the body falls off, that remains. It is only a completely formed conscious being that can remember exactly in another ...


... contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination ...


... in the Divine; essential in its being, it cannot be regarded as a combination of things. 1 July 1931 The Psychic How is it that in the Arya you never laid any special stress on the psychic centre and considered the centre above the head the most important in your Yoga? Is it because you wrote under different conditions and circumstances? But what exactly made you shift your emphasis? ...


... contradicts the truth of our existence, whatever is opposed to it. In this way, little by little, all the parts, all the elements of our being can be[p.3] organised into a homogeneous whole around our psychic centre. This work of unification requires much time to be brought to some degree of perfection. Therefore, in order to accomplish it, we must arm ourselves with patience and endurance, with a determination ...


... faith which can really move mountains. Source Doing Yoga with the Head I believe there is a vast difference between an effort for transformation which, precisely, comes from the psychic centre of the being and a kind of mental constructions to obtain something. I don't know, it is very difficult to make oneself understood, but so long as the thing goes on in the head in this way ( ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... impregnated. It is this exactly which distinguishes the psychic from the other parts of Page 228 the being. When, for instance, I speak of organising the mind and the vital around the psychic centre, I do not mean that they become psychic; they remain the mind and the vital, but they are organised around the psychic as an army is organised around its leader—it does not become the leader, it ...


... body's equilibrium and to create a condition of fatigue, exhaustion and illness. Page 53 "It must be freed from this tyranny; that can be done only through a constant union with the psychic centre of the being." "The Science of Living" , On Education That is evidently the cure of all ills. "The body has a remarkable capacity of adaptation and endurance. It is fit to do so many ...


... up and take a plunge and sink down." Questions and Answers 1929 ( 7 April ) Naturally, when I speak of the heart, I do not mean the physical organ, the viscera, but the psychological or psychic centre of the being. Mother then reads a question asked during her talk in 1929: "What is one to do to prepare oneself for the Yoga?" Questions and Answers 1929 ( 7 April ) I replied to ...


... throw wholly out of yourself (there are very few of this kind); they are simply things not in their place. If you organise everything—your feelings, your thoughts, your impulses, etc,—around the psychic centre which is the inner light, you will see that all inner disorder will change into a luminous order. It is quite evident that if a similar procedure were adopted by a nation or by the earth, most ...


... throw wholly out of yourself (there are very few of this kind); they are simply things not in their place. If you organise everything—your feelings, your thoughts, your impulses, etc,—around the psychic centre which is the inner light, you will see that all inner disorder will change into a luminous order. The Mother Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 15 January 1951 ...


... there is a presence, the most marvellous Presence on earth, and except in a few very rare cases which I need not mention here, this presence lies asleep in the heart  but the physical heart but the psychic centre of all beings. And when this Splendour is manifested with enough purity, it will awaken in all beings the echo of this Presence. 8 January 1951 The Mother reads her statement "What ...


... I have constantly to go on reading and writing and thinking—with the result that I live mostly in my mind. This constant preoccupation in mental activity stands in the way of the opening of the psychic centre. It has also made my life very dry and top-heavy. You have said in the "Bulletin" that this sort of constant mental activity is not good for receiving the New Consciousness that is now manifesting ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... while he would not get so easily out of a Page 9 mistake as one more mentally enlightened. Usually they [ persons without mental knowledge of the Self ] feel first through the psychic centre by union with the Mother and do not call it the Self—or else they simply feel a wideness and peace in the head or in the heart. Previous mental knowledge is not indispensable. I have seen in more ...


... direction before; this vital has, as is often one first result, fallen silent and neutral. It is no longer strongly moved towards the ordinary life; it has not yet received from or through the psychic centre and the higher mental will a sufficient illumination and impulse to take up a new vital movement and run vigorously on the road to a new life. That is the reason for the listlessness of which you ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly to heart, the life-force come to the help of other lives and answer their call in spite of strangeness and distance, many beings without any external communication thrill ...


... is a resistance. It is this descent of the sadhana to free the vital being that made you feel the necessity of concentrating in the region of the heart; for in the region of the heart is the psychic centre and below, behind the navel, is the vital centre. If these two can be awakened and occupied by the Yoga-Force, then the psychic or Soul-Power will command the whole vital range and purify the vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Chapter III Difficulties of the Physical Nature The Real Difficulty It is no doubt quite true that if you could settle the true relation [ with the Mother ] in the psychic centre—the inner heart—and all the rest could be under its influence and take part in it, the fundamental difficulty would disappear; and that is what must happen. But the real difficulty is in the physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the Mother and can lead the others in the right way. For control one has to centralise somewhere—some do it in the mind or above the mind, others do it in the heart and through the heart in the psychic centre. 11 June 1933 Now that you are here, try to enter into the higher ways of the sadhana. Withdraw from the vital and its demands and desires, make the inner heart and the psychic being your ...

... easily touched by the suggestions. 29 September 1934 I am not sure whether a direct psychic opening could have been done in my case without any difficulty. The direct opening of the psychic centre is easy only when the ego-centricity is greatly diminished and also if there is a strong bhakti for the Mother. A spiritual humility and sense of submission and dependence is necessary. 16 July ...

... logical sequences; the centre or centres it knocks at are not Page 82 the brain-mind, not even the poetic intelligence but the subtle physical, the nervous, the vital or the psychic centre. The poem he quotes from Blake is certainly not nonsense, but it has no positive and exact meaning for the intellect or the surface mind; it expresses certain things that are true and real, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... s from one life to another? Each case is different. It all depends on the degree of the individual's development in his different parts and on how well these parts are organised around the psychic centre. The more organised the being, the more consciously lasting it becomes. We can say in a general way that each person brings into his present life the consequences of his previous lives, without ...


... powerful yet limpid blue sky was surely the overhead consciousness, leaning down in all its secret majesty to your soul - a glorious night connecting and communicating with your dream-depths, your psychic centre. The immediate overhead plane was what Sri Aurobindo has called the Higher Mind, the first link between our normal self and the levels of existence that are above it. The deep blue colour is indicative ...


... so is the case with the exploration of our consciousness. There are many many levels intervening between the normally functioning surface consciousness and our deepest and truest being, the psychic centre. Now all these levels have different types of subjective movements, creasing in their subtlety and complexity as we move farther and farther inward. Well, if such is the actual situation ...

... the happenings there have a different less fanciful character with a clear meaning.         Last night I saw two dreams:       1) A warrior sends to his son a flower (signifying "Psychic Centre") and informs him thus: "There is a sword with just the shape of this flower on a certain mountain, go and get it." The sword was exactly Page 224 like that.       ...

... the manifested being — it is not above it like the Supermind.       What I meant by "attaining" is "passing through" the centre during sadhana.       One does not pass through the psychic centre or any centre. The centres open under the pressure of the sadhana. You can say that the Force descends or ascends into a centre. Page 9       What are the fifth and sixth ...

... consciousness which is not controlled by the outside forces but can control them, Page 28 which is not coloured by them but can lend them its own luminosity. That is the soul or the psychic centre. And this centre is not an isolated entity in its nature: it is, as it were, a universal centre, that is to say, it links itself indissolubly in a secret sense of identity with all other ...

... the centre, the purer must be the elements that compose it and therefore of greater value and significance. If you can arrange in this way all the parts and parcels of your being around the psychic centre, each in its own place according to its role and function and all turned towards the central consciousness and inspired and moved by it and there is no element which sounds a differing note ...

... Tantra there seems to be symbolism. There are different Chakras – centres – which open one after another. Sri Aurobindo : There is no fixed rule as to which opens first. The heart is the psychic centre and if that opens first, it is a very good opening. Disciple : It is said that in the Vāman , incarnation God, in the form of the dwarf, demanded three steps from the Titan, Bali. Does ...

... and moulded by its consciousness, will alone persist and share in the immortality of the soul. Normally, the elements of the human vehicle form a loose and unorganised aggregate massed round the psychic centre. When the centre withdraws, they too fall off automatically and are scattered into the universal storehouse of Nature. Only when they have been organised and when Page 201 they ...

... centre, a focus of consciousness which is not controlled by the outside forces but can control them, which is not co loured by them but can lend them its own luminosity. That is the soul or the psychic centre. And this centre is not an isolated entity in its nature: it is, as it were, a universal centre, that is to say, it links itself indissolubly in a secret sense of identity with all other centres ...

... to the centre, the purer must be the elements that compose it and therefore of greater value and significance. If you can arrange in this way all the parts and parcels of your being around the psychic centre, each in its own place according to its role and function and all turned towards the central consciousness and inspired and moved by it and there is no element which strikes a discordant note, ...

... Order and Discipline 1 You must become conscious of yourself, conscious in every detail. You must organise what you call yourself around the psychic centre, the divine centre of your being so that you can possess a single, cohesive, fully conscious being: as this centre is wholly consecrated to the Divine, if all the elements are organised harmoniously ...

... of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly to heart, the life-force come to the help of other lives and answer their call in spite of strangeness and distance, many beings without any external communication thrill ...

... hardly any respite. On 9 February, commenting on the passage of Sri Aurobindo that she had chosen as the message for her coming birthday - "The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity." - she confessed to have had for some moments "the experience of un-unified consciousness", the like of which she hadn't had for sixty-five ...


... , depending for every step forward on the Divine Grace, and all will go well. Let us steadily knit all the divergent parts of the nature together and forge them into an organic unity round the psychic centre, fully respecting their autonomy and persuading, not forcing, them to consent to be transformed by the Mother's Light. It is an uphill work, but, uphill or easy, it is the only work appointed by ...

... from the ego is a progressive widening and ascent of consciousness. This can be more easily done if the inner centre has been discovered and realised. With a more or less stable experience of the psychic centre, and a poise in it, one can let one's consciousness sweep beyond the mind and enlarge into the cosmic vastness. If the knots of the ego have been frayed or loosened, and the invasion of the desires ...

... has accepted it; "all this that thou sayest, my mind holds for the truth." But still there will remain the need of that deeper possession in the very self of our being out from its most intimate psychic centre, the soul's demand for that inexpressible permanent spiritual realisation of which the mental is only a preliminary or a shadow and without which there cannot be a complete union with the Eternal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... "though an Immortal", convey no more than the conception, while Sri Aurobindo infuses into his less explicit yet keener turns some breath of the overhead atmosphere. The poetic seeing is from some psychic centre, and therefore not sweepingly large, yet like a sharp flame the poetry rises to touch the air of the Overworld and burn a tittle with a colour beyond its own mood.   This phenomenon plays ...

... beginning of realisation . (Peace in the vital is at once the basis of aspiration and the condition for the beginning of realisation.) 26.9.1929 To keep Agni burning always in the psychic centre is an indispensable condition for the transformation . 27.9.1929 Aspire for integral and absolute loving consecration by which will be established faithfulness and purity, the ...


... empty well. 13:06:1994 The Mother was working directly on the sex centre. Ananda had descended earlier and stopped at the vital. When the Mother was working, I could see from the psychic centre energy rising up and going above. It was released completely. Is it Ojas? I am not told about it, but it must be that. Energy rising above from this centre must be that. In ...


... constant Vedic and Upanishadic expression Hrdaye guhāyām, nihitam gūhāyām, gudham guhāyām, [hidden in the secret cavern of the heart]. What is meant, in the individual nature, is the secret psychic centre which is covered up in man by egoistic emotion and feeling and desire. It is not necessary to translate the word. Nature. Any word or epithet which will convey the idea of the secret centre ...

... "though an Immortal", convey no more than the conception, while Sri Aurobindo infuses into his less explicit yet keener turns some breath of the overhead atmosphere. The poetic seeing is from some psychic centre, and therefore not sweepingly large, yet like a sharp flame the poetry rises to touch the air of the Overworld and burn a little with a colour beyond its own mood. This phenomenon plays ...


... positive view of things and its logical sequences; the centre or centres it knocks at are not the brain-mind, not even the poetic intelligence but the subtle physical, the nervous, the vital or the psychic centre. The poem he quotes from Blake is certainly not nonsense, but it has no positive and exact meaning for the intellect or the surface mind; it expresses certain things that are true and real, not ...


... land for the Matrimandir had not yet been bought at that time. The Mother also gave this message on her 94th birth anniversary: The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity . The Mother, Notes on the Way: 9 February 1972 In the evening the All India Radio, Pondicherry broadcast a talk on Sri Aurobindo ...


... positive view of things and its logical sequences; the centre or centres it knocks at are not the brain-mind, not even the poetic intelligence but the subtle physical, the nervous, the vital or the psychic centre. The poem he quotes from Blake is certainly not nonsense, but it has no positive and exact meaning for the intellect or the surface mind; it expresses certain things that are true and real, not ...


... chakras. It is by their opening that the Yogic or inner consciousness develops—otherwise you are bound to the ordinary outer consciousness. Page 231 One does not pass through the psychic centre or any centre [ during the sadhana ]. The centres open under the pressure of the sadhana. You can say that the Force descends or ascends into a centre. The spine is the support of the centres ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... that they may become purified, harmonised, divinised, and the supramental being and nature may descend and be manifested in you—for until this is done, this conscious linking and relation with the psychic centre, there can be no supramental descent. The Words "Soul" and "Psychic" The European mind, for the most part, has never been able to go beyond the formula of soul + body—usually including mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... profoundest within us—or else to open to the superconscient highest domains. For this penetration into the luminous crypt of the soul one has to get through all the intervening vital stuff to the psychic centre within us, however long, tedious or difficult may be the process. The method of detachment from the insistence of all mental and vital and physical claims and calls and impulsions, a concentration ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Mind. 3) The centre in the throat. Speech, external mind, all external expression and formation. 4) The heart-lotus. Externally, the emotional mind, the vital mental: in the inner heart the psychic centre 5) The navel centre. The larger vital proper; life-force centre. 6) The centre intermediate between the navel and the Muladhara. The lower vital; it connects all the above centres with the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... positive view of things and its logical sequences; the centre or centres it knocks at are not the brain-mind, not even the poetic intelligence but the subtle physical, the nervous, the vital or the psychic centre. The poem he quotes from Blake is certainly not nonsense, but it has no positive and exact meaning for the intellect or the surface mind; it expresses certain things that are true and real, not ...


... dependence on the Light continues. The psychic contact does not bring mental knowledge, but it brings true perception and true feeling and it can bring down also, if you aspire from the psychic centre, a knowledge higher and truer than intellectual knowledge. Quietude and surrender are the first things to be established. In that must come the full contact. By that contact, if well established ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... life-centre), another below the navel in the abdomen which is the lower or sensational vital centre. Finally, at the bottom of the spine is the Muladhara or physical centre. Behind the heart is the psychic centre. If one concentrates in the head as many do it is a mental-spiritual meditation one seeks for, if in the heart it is a psychic meditation; these are the usual places where one concentrates. But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... something either in the physical mental (throat) or the emotional vital that obstructs the descent. That may be the reason of the union of the upper Agni and the psychic fire and the push on the psychic centre—something is trying to remove the difficulty. The Power above the head is of course the Mother's—it is the power of the Higher Consciousness which is preparing its way of descent. This Higher ...


... the Mother's action whether the mind understood or not. Such an attitude encourages the opening of the psychic and would therefore bring at once the psychic joy and the kindling of Agni in the psychic centre. It is some association in the mind probably coupling Agni with the psychic. Of course the individual Agni fire has its starting-point in the psychic, but the mere burning of the fire does ...


... from above, and the consciousness descending from there has to liberate the heart centre. As it acts on the heart centre, the psychic action becomes more possible. The direct opening of the psychic centre is easy only when Page 352 the ego-centricity is greatly diminished and also if there is a strong bhakti for the Mother. A spiritual humility and sense of submission and dependence ...


... this mean that some light will come into the obscurity in me? Yes, it is a symbol,—the expanse of water means the ordinary outward consciousness which is obscure and dull, the temple is the psychic centre behind it. By calling the Mother her white light comes upon the dark consciousness and begins to change the darkness into lustre. 27 May 1933 For about a month I have the feeling that devotion ...

... have grasped them rightly and many of the details are not clear to me. I suppose however that the three supernals are at the top, that the two below them (led to by Justice and Prudence from the psychic centre) are mind-planes or mind-centres, that Tiphareth in the middle is the psychic, the three between it and the earth are vital planes. In the absence of precise information I cannot carry the correlation ...


... of your physical body, an analogous form, it must be very much individualised, very much centralised. The mind still more; it must be completely individualised, centralised, organised around the psychic centre in order to have a definite form. There are people who spend their life organising their mind. I have known some who had made of their mind a kind of fortress, a huge construction (I am speaking ...


... Love and at the same time keep my other attachments, needs and enjoyments...." The fundamental seat of aspiration from which it radiates or manifests in one part of the being or another is the psychic centre. When I speak of aspiration in the physical I mean that the very consciousness in you which hankers after material comfort and well-being should of itself, without being compelled by the higher ...


... this to the Divine. Years of work are needed. You must not only...( silence )... become conscious of yourself, conscious in all details, but you must organise what you call "yourself" around the psychic centre, the divine centre of your being, so that it would make a single, coherent, fully conscious being. And as this divine centre is itself already consecrated ( Mother makes a gesture of offering ) ...


... effort one makes can be only mental? But what can be done to make it spontaneous? I believe there is a vast difference between an effort for transformation which, precisely, comes from the psychic centre of the being and a kind of mental constructions to obtain something. Page 138 I don't know, it is very difficult to make oneself understood, but so long as the thing goes on in the ...


... half-truths and mixtures. 18 — Sri Aurobindo * The fundamental seat of aspiration from which it [aspiration] radiates or manifests in one part of the being or another is the psychic centre. 19 — The Mother * Page 20 All urge for perfection comes from it, but you are unaware of the source, you are not collaborating with it knowingly, you are not in ...


... which it is wholly impregnated. It is this exactly which distinguishes the psychic from the other parts of the being. When, for instance, I speak of organising the mind and the vital around the psychic centre, I do not mean that they become psychic; they remain the mind and the vital, but they are organised around the psychic as an army is organised around its leader—it does not become the leader, it ...


... s from one life to another? Each case is different. It all depends on the degree of the individual’s development in his different parts and on how well these parts are organised around the psychic centre. The more organised the being, the more consciously lasting it becomes. We can say in a general way that each person brings into his present life the consequences of his previous lives, without ...


... all this to the Divine. Years of work are needed. You must not only…( silence )… become conscious of yourself, conscious in all details, but you must organise what you call “yourself” around the psychic centre, the divine centre of your being, so that it would make a single, coherent, fully conscious being. And as this divine centre is itself already consecrated ( Mother makes a gesture of offering ) ...


... February 1972 This talk begins with Mother's comments on the message to be distributed on the Darshan of 21 February 1972 . "The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity." I have observed that people were insincere simply because one part of the being says one thing and another part says another thing ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... and at the same time keep my other attachments, needs and enjoyments ..." The fundamental seat of aspiration from which it radiates or manifests in one part of the being or another is the psychic centre. When I speak of aspiration in the physical I mean that the very consciousness in you which hankers after material comfort and Page 92 well-being should of itself, without being ...


... wholly identified with the psychic, one that has organised its whole existence around it, unified its whole being—all the tiniest parts, all the elements, all the movements of the being around the psychic centre—that has made of itself a single being, solely turned to the Divine; then, if the body falls off, that remains. It is only a completely formed conscious being that can remember exactly in another ...


... what I have decided to do? I think there is something in me that refuses to obey me. It is the same for everybody as long as one has not consciously unified the whole of one's being around the psychic centre. This unification is indispensable if one wants to be the master of one's being and of all its actions. It is a long and meticulous work that requires much perseverance, but the result is ...


... influenced even by the wind that blows about him, by a book he reads or a picture he sees. He is most vulnerable. That happens when he has not taken care to organise his conscious being around the psychic centre, which is the Truth of his being. 28 June 1963 Sweet Mother, Most people here quote the Mother to suit their own convenience. Before criticising others, it is better to be sure ...


... Page 186 24 April 1971 Needless to say that those who aspire to Truth must abstain from telling lies. 21 February 1972 The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity. 15 August 1972 Sri Aurobindo's message is an immortal sunlight radiating over the future. 24 November 1972 Beyond all ...


... experience must come spontaneously.   About the "push" from outside that I experienced, I don't understand how it could rush in two opposite directions simultaneously - towards the deep psychic centre as well as towards the higher spiritual consciousness. I do not see what there is in it that cannot be understood. Why should not one thing go into two separate parts? There is no uncrossable ...

... education, whether done by Yogic Asanas or by other methods of physical culture, such as games and sports, or Japanese Judo and similar exercises, will ensure the contact of the body with the psychic centre and the body will learn to put forth at every minute the effort that is demanded of it; for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to replace through contact with universal forces the energies ...

... physical education, whether done by Yogic Asanas or by other methods of physical culture, such as games and sports, or Japanese Judo and similar exercises, will ensure the contact of the body with the psychic centre and the body will learn to put forth at every minute the effort that is demanded of it, for it will have learnt to find rest in action, to replace through contact with universal forces the energies ...

... well sustained by the aspiration, — is acting through the so-called self. For the Self seems to be hidden. But the concentration is well directed, deeply fixed there, within (indicating the psychic centre) , not being disturbed by the exterior, discovering regions of happiness where the divine sweetness reigns. Layer after layer, one discovers planes of consciousness and one leaves behind one subtle ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... that veil and get the psychic in front?       You have to aspire for it and it can only happen when you are sufficiently advanced.       Usually the mind opens first or the heart — the psychic centre opens afterwards.       From where does the mind or the psychic receive the power of discrimination?       It belongs to them by nature — only the mind can Page 72 ...

... 8 Order and Discipline I You must become conscious of yourself, conscious in every detail. You must organise what you call yourself around the psychic centre, the divine centre of your being so that you can possess a single, cohesive, fully conscious being: as this centre is wholly consecrated to the Divine, if all the elements are organised harmoniously ...

... and moulded by its consciousness, will alone persist and share in the immortality of the soul. Normally the elements of the human vehicle form a loose and unorganised aggregate massed round the psychic centre. When the centre withdraws, they too fall off automatically and are scattered into the universal storehouse of Nature. Only when they have been organised and when they have attained a definite ...

... of others or even upon material things. The heart would equally be a direct communicant and medium of interchange for the feelings and emotions thrown outward upon the world by the forces of the psychic centre. Heart could reply directly to heart, the life-force come to the help of other lives and answer their call in spite of strangeness and distance, many beings without any external communication thrill ...

... life. A dynamic union with the psychic unites us with the Divine, and with the whole universe in the Divine. This union is the well-spring of universal love. "Live in the consciousness of the psychic centre, thus your will shall express the Divine’s Will alone and your transformed being will then be able to receive and manifest the Divine Love.”¹ What we know as faith in the Divine Presence ...


... identified with the psychic, one that has organised its whole existence around it, unified its whole being - all the tiniest parts, all the elements, all the movements of the being around the psychic centre - that has made of itself a single being, solely turned towards the Divine; then, if the body falls off, that remains. It is only a completely formed conscious being that can remember exactly ...


... not suffering and struggle but an all-powerful and happy realisation. All the rest is painful illusion. * * * 6-7 February 1972 The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic centre is the essential condition for realising a perfect sincerity. * * * 7 February 1972 When humanity was first created, the ego was the unifying element. It was around the ego that the different ...


... the twentieth century. As a natural result of these materialistic theories, science has found it difficult to discover any true psychical centre for the multifarious phenomena of mind and has therefore fixed upon the brain, the material organ of thought, as the only real centre. From this materialistic philosophy have resulted certain theories very dangerous to the moral future of mankind. First, man... analysis arrives at a primal entity from which all proceeds, so Yoga analysis arrives at a primal spiritual entity from which all proceeds. It is also able to locate and distinguish the psychical centre to which all psychical phenomena gather and so to fix the roots of personality. In this analysis its first discovery is that mind can entirely isolate itself from external objects and work in itself and of... that all phenomena proceed from and can be reduced to a single causal substance from which they were born, in which they move and to which they return, the same truth is likely to hold good in the psychical world. The unity of the material universe has now been acknowledged by the scientific intellect of Europe and the high priests of atheism and materialism in Germany have declared the ekam evādvitīyam ...


... means, the ego-centres that are still left and active are to be exorcised, purified – the separative knot has to be dissolved and the true centre of unity to be found – the psychic divine centre. First each element in the individual, each level of his being must find its centre, its soul or psychic base – and then only a co-ordination of all would be possible. Next through the psychic level the general...   II   It is not sufficient that the central psychic being comes forward and exercises what is at most a general influence on the other limbs of the being. It should enter into its counter-parts or counter-points – the inherent psychic centres of each part and parcel and make them directly active. The central psychic – self – has its delegated selves everywhere in the global being... circumstances and happenings will be a field – an Einsteinian field – of modulations, pulsations, tensions, of these consciousness-particles of the psychic. An uplift of consciousness is a natural consequence of the psychic's aspiration. The psychic has the power to call down the rain of higher existence, a wider law of being-higher means, as I have said, higher than the highest mental yet achieved ...

... light of the higher Divine Truth encircling the Akash of the heart and the diamond mass is the Mother's light pressing into that Akash. It is therefore a sign of these powers working on the psychic-emotional centre. 17 December 1936 One night I found a vast light, yellowish white, cool and peaceful, coming down from above. Is this the light of the higher mind consciousness or of some spiritual ...

... three upper centres (brahmarandhra, base of sahasradala; inner mind centre in the forehead; and the heart or psychic-emotional centre). The feeling in the spine is due to a very slight flow of the current of the Shakti from above—the spine being the base of all the centres and the channel through which the Force tends most easily to flow from one centre to another (Sahasradala = the centre where the... your mind. The centres of the mind are (a) the head and above it, (b) the centre of the forehead between the eyes, (c) the throat and the vital mental (emotional) and sensational mind centres from the breast downward. It is this latter which is the first prāṇa of which you became aware. The action of the Power was to widen these two parts of you and raise them up towards the lowest centre of the higher... the action of the Mother's Force which is first felt above the head or around it, then afterwards within the head. The pressure means that it is working to open the mind and its centres so that it may enter. The mind-centres are in the head, one at the top and above it, another between the eyes, a third in the throat. That is why you feel the vibration around the head and sometimes up to the neck, but ...