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A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [17]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [20]
Autobiographical Notes [6]
Beyond Man [7]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal Speaks [7]
Champaklal's Treasures [3]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [8]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [10]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [6]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [5]
Essays Divine and Human [5]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [18]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [4]
Guidance on Education [1]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
In the Mother's Light [10]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [5]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [6]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [2]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [20]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [18]
Letters on Yoga - II [23]
Letters on Yoga - III [31]
Letters on Yoga - IV [28]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [2]
Lights on Yoga [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [3]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [4]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [5]
Mother or The New Species - II [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [12]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [11]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [5]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [11]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nachiketas [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [14]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [6]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [7]
On The Mother [10]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [5]
On the Path [3]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Our Many Selves [10]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Overman [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [2]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [6]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [6]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [9]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [12]
Questions and Answers (1955) [14]
Questions and Answers (1956) [7]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [5]
Record of Yoga [15]
Savitri [1]
Seer Poets [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [4]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [4]
Sweet Mother [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Tara's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [14]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [10]
The Life Divine [15]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [33]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [8]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Psychic Being [8]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Secret of the Veda [21]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [15]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Towards the Light [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
White Roses [6]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [5]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Filtered by: Show All
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [17]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [20]
Autobiographical Notes [6]
Beyond Man [7]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal Speaks [7]
Champaklal's Treasures [3]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [8]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [10]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [6]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [5]
Essays Divine and Human [5]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [18]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [4]
Guidance on Education [1]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
In the Mother's Light [10]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [5]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [6]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [2]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [20]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [18]
Letters on Yoga - II [23]
Letters on Yoga - III [31]
Letters on Yoga - IV [28]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [2]
Lights on Yoga [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [3]
Moments Eternal [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [4]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [5]
Mother or The New Species - II [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [12]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [11]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [5]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [11]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nachiketas [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [14]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [6]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [7]
On The Mother [10]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [5]
On the Path [3]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Our Many Selves [10]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Overman [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [2]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [6]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [6]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [9]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [12]
Questions and Answers (1955) [14]
Questions and Answers (1956) [7]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [5]
Record of Yoga [15]
Savitri [1]
Seer Poets [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [4]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [4]
Sweet Mother [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Tara's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [14]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [10]
The Life Divine [15]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [33]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [8]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Psychic Being [8]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Secret of the Veda [21]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [15]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Towards the Light [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
White Roses [6]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [5]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Showing 600 of 921 result/s found for Physical Consciousness

... certitude of things but only probability. Page 392 It [ weakness of will ] is a first result of coming down into the physical consciousness or of the physical consciousness coming up prominently—formerly you were much in the mind and vital. The physical consciousness is full of inertia—it wants not to move but to be moved by whatever forces and that is its habit. This inertia has to be cured... always—it is a way the physical consciousness has of slipping out of the condition of concentrated sadhana. To keep in the inner consciousness and work from it on the external being till that also is ready is very necessary when the work of change is being specially directed towards the physical consciousness. As for the going within, the pull of the physical consciousness is always outward and... peace, so that that may occupy the physical and the true Force work instead of these invading ideas and impulses. It [ weakness of will ] is due to the influence of the physical consciousness. The physical consciousness or at least the more material parts of it are, as I have told you, in their nature inert—obeying whatever force they are habituated to obey, but not acting on their own initiative ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

...       Inertia is the very character of the physical consciousness — left to itself, it is accustomed to be passive to forces and to be their instrument or give a mechanical response to them. In your external being there was always a certain tendency to inertia.         It is obvious that, in spite of the inert character of the physical consciousness, formerly there were days when the physical... can't be used freely and easily? It is said there is no stage when the use of one's will is barred. Why then this experience?       It is due to the influence of the physical consciousness. The physical consciousness or at least the more external parts of it are, as I have told you, in their nature inert — obeying whatever force they are habituated to obey, but not acting on their own initiative... the whole physical consciousness. 1         If the inner being keeps separate then it is all right. The inertia will be worked out of the external being.         Since the working was directly on my physical, how is it that I was not conscious of it till it began to have peace and Force?           1 According to Sri Aurobindo. the physical consciousness includes the ...

... The Vertical System: Supermind to Subconscient Letters on Yoga - I Chapter VIII The Physical Consciousness The Physical Consciousness and Its Parts The physical consciousness is that part which directly responds to physical things and physical Nature, sees the outer only as real, is occupied with it—not like the thinking mind with thought and knowledge... vital are also there, but in this condition [ of passivity and inertia ] it is the forces of the physical consciousness that predominate and determine the general condition which is a proneness to aprakāśa and sometimes apravṛtti . The Opening of the Physical Consciousness The physical consciousness? It opens just like the rest, receives a new consciousness, obeys the Force, feels a change even... most hidden and (to us) subconscient processes. But the body consciousness itself is only part of the individualised physical consciousness in us which we gather and build out of the secretly conscious forces of universal physical Nature. There is the universal physical consciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for the support of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... accept the opposite suggestions of the physical consciousness. The whole difficulty comes from your identifying yourself with your external, physical consciousness which is only a small outward part of your self. You have to learn to live in the rest of your being, more real, more inward which is open to the Truth; you will then feel your physical consciousness as something external which can be worked... physical nature. Page 359 There is nothing to be discouraged about. The fact is that after being so long in the mental and vital plane you have become aware of the physical consciousness, and the physical consciousness in everybody is like that. It is inert, conservative, does not want to move, to change—it clings to its habits (what people call their character) or its habits (habitual movements)... case with all—for some have to wait till they can clear out the obstructing stuff in the mind, vital and physical consciousness, and until then they get only a touch now and then. But even at the best this earlier spiritual light is never complete until the darkness of the physical consciousness has been faced and overcome. It is not by one's own fault that one falls into this Page 364 state ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... care, to be able to tell you about it. But are you making a distinction between the body-consciousness and the physical consciousness?... Oh yes! The physical consciousness is something very complex; it includes the whole physical, conscious world. My physical consciousness has been universalized for a long, long time, it encompasses all terrestrial movements;¹ but the body _____... for the physical transformation are the purification, universalisation and impersonalization of the physical consciousness. In her conversation with Satprem on April 6, 1963, Mother gave a very interesting and instructive account of the progress in the impersonalization of the physical consciousness as follows: There is progress in the impersonalization of the physical, bodily consciousness... Sri Aurobindo left his body, the accumulated result of all his physical consciousness was transmitted to Mother's body, and thus there was no waste. But now, apart from Mother's body, there was no other body which was so developed that it could receive, if Mother left her body, the accumulated result of her physical consciousness. This was a formidable problem. But as we see from what she said ...

... December 1934 What did you imply when you wrote to me that I was in the physical consciousness? Did you mean that I am living like an animal or vegetating like a plant and did you suggest that I should come out of the physical consciousness and live on the mental level? I am myself living in the physical consciousness and have been for several years. At first it was a plunge into the physical—into... Our object is the supramental realisation and we have to do whatever is necessary for that or towards that under the conditions of each stage. At present the necessity is to prepare the physical consciousness; for that a complete equality and peace and a complete dedication free from personal demand or desire in the physical and the lower vital parts is the thing to be established. Other things... things can come in their proper time. What is the real need now is not insistence on physical nearness, which is one of those other things, but the psychic opening in the physical consciousness and the constant presence and guidance there. 16 February 1932 If the attainment of supermind does not take us to the last stage of perfection in the objective side of life, if even after its attainment we ...


... it is already finished in the verity of the ideality (on background) (but has to be realised in the physical consciousness) 2) ἴσθɩ .. ἱνα μαθƞς θƞρ.—(Chitralipi) θƞρ = पशु = the physical consciousness. Ideality is accomplished, but has to be imposed on the whole physical consciousness. The siddhi of the mental & nervous dominating the physical are already complete, but they are veiled by... chatusthayas. In the first, Asiddhi has been reduced to an occasional physical depression of the sukham which does not affect the being generally but only the nervous & physical layers of the physical consciousness. As a rule the full samata operates. Positive Ananda is sometimes deficient. Asiddhi does not bring revolt, but only a temporary failing of positive Ananda and a depression of force and... some heaviness in the shoulder-muscles. The Asiddhi is associated with an attempt of the Dwayavin consciousness to reassert itself and support an activity of the tamasic dhriti in the physical consciousness opposed to the constant manifestation of the Siddhi. The success has been to create a cleft between the divine consciousness & the physical by which the latter sees all things as the Brahman ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... called "yogic illnesses," which result from an uneven development between the higher levels of consciousness and our physical consciousness. Page 101 For instance, our mental or vital consciousness may widen considerably and receive new intensities, while our physical consciousness still lags behind in old vibratory movements and cannot withstand this increased intensity. This leads to a loss... universalizes itself; in the stillness of the body, the physical consciousness universalizes itself. Stillness, receptivity, and cellular expansion seem to be among the basic conditions for the bodily substance to be able to withstand Agni and to endure. Immediately, however, a momentous difficulty arises. Universalization of the physical consciousness? But then, if the body is one with all other bodies... widening of our mental consciousness and the vital mind is an obstacle to the universalization of our vital consciousness, the physical mind puts up a massive wall against the expansion of our physical consciousness, an expansion that is the basis of all physical mastery. In addition, it jams all communications and invites all disasters; a fact we should never fail to underscore is that the moment we merely ...

... through the vital to deal with the physical? The Overmind's limitation is seen in full, as he says, "only when one looks at it from the physical consciousness". On 29 December 1934 he writes to a disciple: "I am myself living in the physical consciousness and have been for several ¹ . On Himself, SABCL, Vol. 26, pp. 369-70. Page 17 years. At first it was... and higher consciousness and slowly having fought out in it the struggle of transformation of the physical consciousness with a view to prepare it for the supramental change."¹ To an inquiry whether with the Sadhana going on in the physical plane all have to come down into the physical consciousness, Sri Aurobindo answers on 31 December 1934: "It is a little difficult to say whether all have to... down or else misused it and became full of exaggerated and violent reactions. Since then the sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical consciousness."² Two clues are in our hands: The dealing with the physical consciousness has gone on "for several years" before 1934 and it has begun since the time of the sadhaks' failure to respond to the working Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ...

...       X told me that if one leaves the physical consciousness one can easily have the experience of the Brahman everywhere and in all things.       If he means by leaving the physical consciousness going into samadhi that is not much use - it is the waking consciousness of the Brahman everywhere that is needed - and for that the physical consciousness must be there.         During today's... down up to the physical consciousness, otherwise it would not be a full descent.       Descent means into the centres and their field - the descent would therefore be registered in the body, but that would not necessarily mean that it had come down in the physical consciousness. When the descent is in the head that means that it is in the mind - not in the physical consciousness.        ... (3) when there is a pressure from above which the physical consciousness or part of it replies to by trying to go inside .         How can the slumber be changed into insideness? There is no device for it. It comes with the growth of the inner consciousness.         Is our normal sleep such that the physical consciousness can go inside and reply to the higher pressure? ...

... the other, and yet you say you haven't progressed? As I said, when one falls into the physical consciousness, everything seems to disappear. And after the physical consciousness, there is the subconscient. Are you aware of your subconscient? DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. But how to get out of this physical consciousness? SRI AUROBINDO: You have to get rid of ideas of the mind, desires of the vital and... resting in bed) : Champaklal wants to know if Manilal's condition of being in the physical consciousness began after his direct contact with you; that is, after your accident. SRI AUROBINDO: No, no. It was there long before. NIRODBARAN: It seems to be a great ordeal for those who begin with the physical consciousness, for it takes a very long time to get out of it. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, sometimes... NIRODBARAN : You said one has to get rid of desires and attachment in order to open the physical consciousness. If I am not deceived it seems my desires are not as strong as before and yet I don't feel the progress or rather I am not conscious of what is happening. SRI AUROBINDO: When I speak of the physical consciousness I mean the stuff of the consciousness, whether it is fine, coarse or thick. That ...


... from outside and touches some weak point in you, and you have to remain as quiet as you can, reject it and open yourself. I judge from what you have written that it was the physical and vital-physical consciousness that it made restless and inclined to revolt and it did not take the whole of your consciousness. If you can keep it localised like that when it comes and remain quiet in mind and heart and... hardly existed before. That seems obviously the work of the Hostiles. The Suggestion of Illness The feeling of illness is at first only a suggestion; it becomes a reality because your physical consciousness accepts it. It is like a wrong suggestion in the mind; if the mind accepts it, it becomes clouded and confused and has to struggle back into harmony and clearness. It is so with the body c... consciousness would be supported by a conscious rejection in the body and act more immediately and promptly. All these suggestions that came to you were of course part of the attack on the physical consciousness,—the attack on the body Page 556 is used to raise these ideas and the ideas are used to make it more difficult for the body to recover. At a certain stage attacks fall heavily on ...

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... becomes difficult. There are two ways of becoming aware of a higher world. One is to send a part of oneself there, whilst remaining at the same time in one's physical consciousness. The other is to leave this physical consciousness and to enter into a sort of trance, which may come very near catalepsy or coma. You are not in a condition to try that. And probably, there is a confusion between the... the immutable Purusha, is the beginning of realisation. Some days ago I had an experience during the night. I woke up about half an hour after midnight and, whilst coming back into my physical consciousness, the memory was transformed into a dream ; here it is. I was driving a car on a great wide road. In the car, several people, among others Mother and X. It was Mother who was directing me past... no longer have any interest in spiritual books, like the Bhagavad-Gita or others. Only this mechanical part remains active. Because this is the most difficult to handle. Moreover, the physical consciousness always takes interest in these things. And even if they were not in you, they fill the surrounding atmosphere. Unless one follows the Sannyasins, one must fight like you. But this is rather ...


... have stopped fasting altogether. You cannot come till you have descended into the ordinary physical consciousness and remained there for months together. You cannot see me again at Pondicherry until you are ready to meet me on the physical plane and that can only be when you have accepted the physical consciousness and the physical life. This is definite. 6) If you refuse to do what I tell you, you... instructions that they pressed you to eat. All these things we have told you are necessary for your being in the physical consciousness and having the right relations with physical life. In our next letter we will write to you in detail what we mean by being in the physical consciousness and meeting us on the physical plane. But today there is no time and we want this letter to go by today's post. ... present state of vital consciousness, give up its false excitement, false elations, harmful depressions, give up your false inspirations and intuitions and come down into a plain, natural quiet physical consciousness. That is your only chance of coming back to reality and the Truth. (3) You must get rid of your nervous shrinkings from life and others; you must be able to look at people naturally as human ...


... our consciousness does not remain in the inert and sleeping physical consciousness, but goes out into other planes of existence. For the most part with most people it is some part of the vital, lower or higher, that goes out into the corresponding vital planes, and the experiences it has there are transcribed in the physical consciousness or brought back to it and these transcriptions or these reports... Subconscient dreams and lower vital dreams are usually incoherent. Higher vital dreams are usually and mental dreams are always coherent. Subconscient Dreams When one is in the physical consciousness, then the sleep is apt to be of the subconscious kind, often heavy and unrefreshing, the dreams also of the subconscient kind, incoherent and meaningless or if there is a meaning the dream... It is a dream of the vital plane. In these dreams the figures of the physical life take another form and meaning and the consciousness that lives and acts among them is not the outer physical consciousness but some inner vital part of the being. The insurrection of the French soldiers is a figure of some disturbance on the vital plane which wants to happen and affect the inner life. The import ...

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... psychic being can go out without any danger if the physical consciousness does not disturb and itself create the danger. But unfortunately Kanai's physical and nervous being seems to be weak and not on a level with the powers of his mind and psychical nature. It may be better for him to concentrate first on the preparation of his physical consciousness, I have already said that what he must do is to bring... must be careful about the physical as this type is likely to burn up the body in the intensity of its psychic developments.” The basis of calm, strength and purity brought down .into the physical consciousness without any hasty trepidations unhealthy vibrations will secure the physical safety and is here very indispensable. 2) GIRIN. “An intellectual and philosophic temperament but there... illness and is the cause also of his present disorder. The immediate cause, however, is his being hurried by circumstances and the eagerness of his own mind into a development too rapid for the physical consciousness which should have been subjected to a long and steady preparation. I do not know whether Krishnashashi received Barin's letter written to him at his other address, Raja Brojendra Narayan ...


... physical and elemental movement. It is only when it is thrown out from the vital physical and most physical that it is conquered. The sexual sensations do not "become" a principle of the physical consciousness—they are there in the physical nature already—wherever there is conscious life, the sex-force is there. It is physical Nature's main means of reproduction and it is there for that purpose.... given an opening to the old movements to recur. When a movement like that happens [ an attraction to women ], there is generally a good reason for it, something that has to be dealt with in the physical consciousness. Instead of getting upset or discouraged, one has to observe from this point of view and see what has to be done. There is no sense in getting discouraged like this because things recur... , it is quite possible to have spiritual experiences and make progress without any entire cessation of the sex-activity. The mind separates itself from the outer vital (life-parts) and the physical consciousness and lives its own inner life. But only a few can really do this with any completeness and the moment one's experiences extend to the life-plane and the physical, sex can no longer be treated ...

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... knowledge through the inner being: Take illness. If we live only in the outward physical consciousness, we do not usually know that we are going to be ill until the Page 342 symptoms of the malady declare themselves on the body. But if we develop the inward physical consciousness, we become aware of a subtle environmental physical atmosphere and can feel the forces... Thus "There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self." 6 Figure 1. The Concentric System The vertical system consists of various levels or gradations of consciousness below and... explanations and justifications for impulses and desires of the vital. The physical mind is the part of the mind which is intermingled with and partakes of the characteristics of the physical consciousness. Some of the chief characteristics of the physical, namely, inertia, obscurity, mechanical repetitiveness, automatism, constriction and chaotic activity are reflected in the physical mind ...


... of the other senses. There is at the same time an opening of new powers in all the senses, an extension of range, a stretching out of the physical consciousness to an undreamed capacity. The supramental transformation extends too the physical consciousness far beyond the limits of the body and enables it to receive with a perfect concreteness the physical contact of things at a distance. And the... other worlds and planes. There may even be a complete breaking of the limits of the physical consciousness and the material existence. The awakening of the psychical consciousness liberates in us the direct use of the mind as a sixth sense, and this power may be made constant and normal. The physical consciousness can only communicate with the minds of others or know the happenings of the world around... appear to the physical sense, even as it is of other states of experience, of the pure vital, the mental, the psychical, the supramental presentation of things. It can in the waking state of the physical consciousness present to us the things concealed from the limited receptivity or beyond the range of the physical organs, distant forms, scenes and happenings, things that have passed out of physical existence ...


... it to be a bit more regular? You must discipline the physical consciousness from within, and from within also will come the outer order of your physical life. 8 September 1937 You tell me to discipline my physical consciousness from within, but I don't know what it is or how to do it. I mean that the physical consciousness must be disciplined by a force that acts from within. ... origin. The disturbance you feel is not proof of a lack of divinity in the action, but of a lack of plasticity and receptivity in your mind, your vital and your physical. I think it is the physical consciousness that is active now and finding fault with You. The disturbance is still there—I don't know how to shake it off. The only way to save yourself from these disturbances is through true hu... think, since you have recognised your mistake. 15 February 1935 I would like to know what You mean by "the most material vital". It is the part of the vital that is closest to the physical consciousness, the part that gives life to the body. 16 February 1935 Is it desirable to talk with Y about Yoga? I do not think that it is good for you to talk to people about Yoga in this ...


... definite and conclusive in the Upanishads to prove that Janaka's outer nature too was as much liberated as his soul, and that his physical consciousness was! much universalised and impersonalised as his spiritual., purified, quieted and controlled physical consciousness may reflect to a certain extent the light and bliss of the soul, but, as the experience of many of the greatest Yogis testifies,... only when the body drops and the soul departs from the earthly life. The Vedantic ideal of the Jivanmukta (liberated in life) is not quite explicit; about the actual state of the active physical consciousness of the liberated man. That his soul remains detached, impersonal unaffected by the mutations of Nature, which it observes but with which it does not identify itself, admits of no possible... transcendent and universal "I", the one "I" conscious of itself in all forms and powerful to achieve everything. The blind, sense-embedded, separate "I" will disappear for ever, even from the physical consciousness, even from the subconscient. This supreme consummation, unrealised by man up to the present day, but inevitable as the crown of his evolutionary endeavour, will be possible by a descent of ...


... Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Sweet Mother, what is the meaning of "the psychic opening in the physical consciousness"? I think I have already told you this once. One can find the psychic through each part of the consciousness: you can find a psychic behind the physical... you can enter into contact with the psychic directly through the physical consciousness, directly through... psychic without leaving your physical consciousness, through interiorisation, because it is not an ascent or gradation. It is an interiorisation, and this interiorisation can be done without passing through the other states of being, directly. This is what Sri Aurobindo means: you are in the physical consciousness, nothing prevents you from opening this physical consciousness to the psychic consciousness ...


... psychic being can go out without any danger if the physical consciousness does not disturb and itself create the danger. But unfortunately Kanai's physical and nervous being seems to be weak and not on a level with the powers of his mind and psychic nature. It may be better for him to concentrate first on the preparation of his physical consciousness. I have already said that what he must do is to bring... must be careful about the physical as this type is likely to burn up the body in the intensity of its psychic developments." The basis of calm, strength and purity brought down into the physical consciousness without any hasty trepidations or unhealthy vibrations will secure the physical safety and is here very indispensable. 2) Girin "An intellectual and philosophic temperament but there... illness and is the cause also of his present disorder. The immediate cause however is his being hurried by circumstances and the eagerness of his own mind into a development too rapid for the physical consciousness which should have been subjected to a long and steadying preparation. I do not know whether Krishnashashi received Moni's letter written to him at his other address, Raja Brojendra Narayan ...


... perfection of the physical consciousness in the body and of the mind, the life, the character which it houses as, no less than an awakening and development of the body's own native capacities, a desirable outcome of the exercises and practices of the physical culture to which we have commenced to give in this Ashram a special attention and scope. A development of the physical consciousness must always be... confusion and occupied with so many dull and lower aims, must feel all its urges and instincts exalted and irradiated and become a glorious counterpart of the supramental superlife above. The physical consciousness and physical being, the body Page 69 itself must reach a perfection in all that it is and does which now we can hardly conceive. It may even in the end be suffuused with a light... the description of the Upanishad, a mental being, Purusha, leader of the life and the body. If the mind can take up and control the instincts and automatisms of the life-energy and the subtle physical consciousness and the body, if it can enter into them, consciously use and, as we may say, fully mentalise their instinctive or spontaneous action, the perfection of these energies, their action too becomes ...

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... it should interfere with the sadhana. The inner movement can always go on. When the physical consciousness prevails, often one does not feel any sign or effect [ of inner or higher experiences ] even if they are there. How do you expect anything so obtuse and forgetful as the physical consciousness to have the effect if the experiences are not repeated? It is as when you learn a lesson... yourself will prevent any long obscuration. These oscillations [ of consciousness ] always come. The universal lower Nature tries to come back and resume its hold—the lower vital or the physical consciousness responds, not always because Page 60 it wants or likes to do so but because the old habit of response is still so strong that it cannot help it. The first necessity is to detach... the lower vital has its ordinary movements or the mind its ignorant action, then the opposing forces can come in unless the sadhak is very vigilant. Inertia comes usually from the ordinary physical consciousness, especially when the vital is not actively supporting the sadhana. These things can only be cured by a persistent bringing down of the higher spiritual consciousness into all the parts of the ...


... repetition of whatever has impressed itself upon the body consciousness. But this subconscient must be clearly distinguished from the subliminal parts of our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or ill-organised, but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something... something, inner touches, communications Page 216 or influences, from these sources but does not know for the most part whence they come. The subconscient is below the waking physical consciousness—it is an automatic, obscure, incoherent, half-unconscious realm into which light and awareness can with difficulty come. The inner vital and physical are quite different—they have a larger, plastic... it, it sinks from there and takes refuge in the lower vital with its mass of small current movements that make up our daily littleness. When the lower vital too rejects it, it sinks into the physical consciousness and tries to stick by inertia or mechanical repetition. Rejected even from there it goes into the subconscient and comes up in dreams, in passivity, in extreme tamas. The Inconscient is the ...

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... possible the whole being, the inner outflowing into the outer, not in the outer being to the exclusion of the inner. In the physical consciousness the descent is the most important. Something of the subtle physical can always go up—but the external physical consciousness can only do it when the force from above comes down and fills it. There is then a sort of unification made when the higher con... subconscient. To both of these movements there can be a block—a block above due to the mind and lower nature being unhabituated (it is that really and not incapacity) and a block below due to the physical consciousness and its natural slowness to change. Everybody has these blocks but by persistent will, aspiration or abhyāsa they can be overcome. The Order of Ascent and Descent There is no fixed... one has so prepared oneself that one can rise above the head to the Self in the higher mind. It was the point you had reached but could not confirm before the difficulties came in from the physical consciousness. Experiences of Ascent and Descent The ascent of the consciousness in the lower centres into the higher and the descent of the higher powers and the white light indicates a farther p ...


... with all – for some have to wait till they can clear out the obstructing stuff in the mind, vital and physical consciousness, and until then they get only a touch now and then. But even at the best, this earlier spiritual light is never complete, until the darkness of the physical consciousness has been faced and overcome. It is not by one’s own fault that one falls into this state, it can come... Usually, if one persists it is the period of darkest night before the dawn which comes to every or almost every spiritual aspirant. It is due to a plunge one has to take into the sheer physical consciousness unsupported by any true mental light or by any vital joy in life, for these usually withdraw behind the veil, though they are not, as they seem to be, permanently lost. It is a period when... of your present difficulties is quite correct and no other explanation is needed – except what I was writing in my unfinished letter about the descent of the Sadhana into the plane of the physical consciousness and that does not disaccord with but only completes what he says. He is quite right in saying that the heaviness of these attacks was due to the fact that you had taken up the Sadhana in ...

... fullness, as a result of which the descent of the Supermind in the physical consciousness could result in fixing the Supermind in the mind of the cells of the body, which is the precondition of the attainment of the immortality of the body. The Vedic immortality was the attainment of the universalisation of the physical consciousness by the method of the ascent to and the resulting descent of the Supermind;... immortality, although it is a necessary pre-requisite. After the attainment of the universalisation of the physical consciousness, much remains to be done, — and it is that difficult process that has been carried out and it is only when the Supermind gets fixed by full descent in the physical consciousness as a permanent step in the evolutionary process that is what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have envisaged... increasing soul of the individual and the eternal divine fullness of the cosmic powers; the highest point of realisation was the manifestation of the supramental truth-consciousness in the physical consciousness up to a point where the body consciousness of the individual could become universalised This synthesis of yoga was later on broken into specialised processes of Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti ...


... dies his physical body dissolves, the vital body dissolves after some time and the psychic and the mental bodies also dissolve. Take the case of an insect.  In the insect there is only the physical consciousness and nothing else. Other formations in the universal are too low to be considered. The insect gathers certain experiences on the physical plane. My own view is that it does not go on developing... ultimately culminating into a Soul. The Soul, the Self, is already there. The Soul (suksma dehi) living on the physical plane returns to the Jiva which is all along supporting the insect in the physical consciousness. When it is ripe, it is taken up on the vital plane and there it gathers experience till the mental plane is reached in man. There is the Supramental plane also. What we do in our yoga is... know ? Practically nothing. They know the complex of forces at work, while man knows nothing of it. Man has a great destiny if he goes along the right lines, but as he is he is shut up in the physical consciousness which is a very inferior plane. Even his reason requires data for its knowledge, and argument or reasoning can justify anything. Two quite opposite conclusions can be supported by the aid of ...

... Chapter II Levels of the Physical Being The Physical Consciousness A certain inertia, tendency to sleep, indolence, unwillingness or inability to be strong for work or spiritual effort for long at a time, is in the nature of the human physical consciousness. When one goes down into the physical for its change (that has been the general condition here... not, however, be anxious about that. After a time this rights itself; the physical consciousness gets the true peace and calm in the cells and feels at rest even in full work or in the most concentrated condition and this tendency of inertia goes out of the nature. There are many [ defects of the physical consciousness ]—but mainly obscurity, inertia, tamas, a passive acceptance of the play of... the Best. There is always some tendency to looseness, forgetfulness and inattention in the physical consciousness. One has to be very vigilant and careful to prevent this tendency having its way. Page 372 These are the usual suggestions of the Ignorance in the physical consciousness—everybody in that condition says the same thing, "All the rest are so nicely off, I only am not ...

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... this is not what we want. What we want is the transformation of the physical consciousness, not its rejection. And so, in this case, what Sri Aurobindo has recommended as the most direct and most total way is surrender to the Divine—a surrender made more and more integral, progressively, comprising the physical consciousness and physical activities. And if one succeeds in this, then the physical... in its integrality. It is a mode of outer manifestation of the Divine, outer compared with the Divine, that is, terrestrial. Is that all? Nothing else? How should we come out of the physical consciousness which keeps us preoccupied all the time and exclusively with physical circumstances? There is a considerable number of ways. There are intellectual ways, ways which may be called sentimental... difficult. For most aspirants the way of meditation, concentration, withdrawal from physical life, rejection of physical activities is certainly easier than the way of action. But they leave the physical consciousness just as it is, without ever changing it, and unless one becomes like a sadhu or an ascetic who leaves behind all active life and remains in constant concentration or meditation, one achieves ...


... does happen that the unaccustomed physical consciousness feels the silence to be dull and a deprivation of intelligence rather than a release and repose, and the strangeness of this inactive condition causes it apprehension and an alarmed perplexity. As for the heat that also may be troublesome and difficult to bear to the physical Page 79 consciousness because it is unaccustomed and gets... consciousness. Man's nature is like a cup of dirty water—the water has to be thrown out, the cup left clean and empty for the divine liquor to be poured into it. The difficulty is that the human physical consciousness feels it difficult to bear this emptiness—it is accustomed to be occupied by all sorts of little mental and vital movements which keep it interested and amused or even if in trouble and sorrow... certain truth in what you say about the empty cup—a certain emptying of the consciousness of old things is necessary before anything positive can settle itself. It is what is happening in your physical consciousness, the old movements are being Page 74 emptied out and you fall quiet, but they press in again and the cup has to be repeatedly emptied. If there is a firm and persistent rejection ...


... notation of the body and the physical consciousness has a very large determining power on the music made by this human harp of God; the notes we get from the spirit, from the psychic soul, from the greater life behind our physical life cannot come in freely, cannot develop their high, powerful and proper strain. This condition must be reversed; the body and the physical consciousness must develop the habit... necessary outer instrument of the physical part of action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action. All working of mind or spirit has its vibration in the physical consciousness, records itself there in a kind of subordinate corporeal notation and communicates itself to the material world partly at least through the physical machine. But the body of man has natural... according to the will of that spiritual or other now unusual agent without distorting, diminishing or mistranslating its intention and stress. This faculty of holding, dhāraṇa-śakti , in the physical consciousness, energy and machinery is the most important siddhi or perfection of the body. The result of these changes will be to make the body a perfect instrument of the spirit. The spiritual force ...


... Aspiration for the Divine? The Blue Bird is always a symbol of aspiration towards something Beyond. February 2, 1937 I don't quite understand about "the physical consciousness" being obscure. The physical consciousness is that part which directly responds to physical things and physical Nature, sees the outer only as real, is occupied with it—not like the thinking mind with thought... because it is a medicine? Medicines have a quite different action on the Mother's body than they would have on yours or R's or anybody else's and the reaction is not usually favourable. Her physical consciousness is not the same as that of ordinary people—though even in ordinary people it is not so identical in all cases as "science" would have us believe— February 1, 1937 Did your remark... The Pranam (like the soup in the evening before) has been very badly missused. What is the Pranam for? That people might receive in the most direct and integral way—a way that includes the physical consciousness and makes it a channel—what the Mother could give them and they were ready for. Instead people sit as if at a court reception noting what the Mother does (and generally misobserving), making ...

... brain get stimulated. This helps one to escape from the limitations of the physical consciousness and one may get into other planes of consciousness. . Generally, Sadhaks who live on mountains resort I to these things to get warmth and get rid of cold. Others I might resort to them to get away from the physical consciousness. Page 94 Disciple : Do they really get some help or... you can say that Tagore has got a richer development than Bose. He is a greater personality also. Disciple : What would be the final development of Supermind being brought down to the physical consciousness ? In what respect would it differ from icchā mrtyu , – death at one's will – mentioned in the old books ? Sri Aurobindo : What is really understood as iccha mrtyu can hardly... something great and unique – he wanted tht Truth for himself – he wanted to. become divine and used to tell me that he had already got half the Supermind. I was trying to push him into the physical consciousness. Unfortunately his psychic being had no hold over his other parts. Disciple : Could the force that he pulled down – whatever its nature – have been warded off or kept away from ...

... Divine's pressure. Probably it might be the Divine Himself who takes it away, for our physical body may get fatigued by the constant working." Is this a fact?       Yes, the ordinary physical consciousness is not able to hold the contact and it does get tired — also it cannot assimilate much at a time. But it is not always the Divine who takes away the pressure; the lower consciousness itself... projection from the vital world itself, why does it feel everything new and strange when it enters there during night?       The vital does not feel anything strange there. It is the physical consciousness that feels strange when it gets the transcript of the experience.       The year 1934         It is not necessary to have committed anything— the obstacles of vital and... physical resistance there is an obstinate inertia. Its note is "stay where you are". Probably you will have to resort to an active aspiration to get rid of the obstructive inertia.       The physical consciousness has a force of inertia which makes it always go on with its old conditions, movements, responses, habits even without sanction or any true utility in them.       It is the tendency of the ...

... disorders are related partly to the physical consciousness. An aspect of inertia is passivity, which often manifests as a weakness of the will. Sri Aurobindo speaks of this as follows: "It [the weakness of the will] is a first result of coming down into the physical consciousness or of the physical consciousness coming up prominently.... The physical consciousness is full of inertia - it wants not... characteristics of physical consciousness are inertia, obscurity, mechanical activity, repetitive-ness, chaotic movement and narrowness or constriction. Unlike the mental and the vital planes of the being which are relatively more conscious, the physical plane is largely below the level of awareness. Therefore we become better aware of the characteristics of physical consciousness Page 86 ... when these manifest through the "physical mind" (part of the mind interfused with physical consciousness) or through the "physical vital" (part of the vital which is interfused with physical consciousness). The terms "physical mind" and "physical vital" will become clearer when we describe the psychological disturbances pertaining to these parts of the being. The term "psychic" is used in ...

... they are all confused together… There is the universal physical consciousness of Nature and there is our own which is a part of it, moved by it, and used by the central being for the support of its expression in the physical world and for a direct dealing with all these external objects and movements and forces. This physical consciousness plane receives from the other planes their powers and influences... not merely mental or vital way. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness The physical nerves are part of the material body, but they are extended into subtle nerves in the subtle body and there is a connection between the two. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness The vital physical on the other hand is the vehicle of the nervous responses... and (to us) subconscient processes. But the body consciousness itself is only part of the individualised physical consciousness in us which we gather and build out of the secretly conscious forces of universal physical Nature. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness … the body obeys the mind automatically in those things in which it is formed or trained to obey it, ...


... and divine life. Those who come here must have grown already so far that they are ready to give up all past mental ideas, fixed life-habits or life-tendencies and even the very mould of their physical consciousness and open only to the light of a greater Truth which, by their complete surrender to it, will transform the whole nature. This is very difficult, and it has been found by experience that those... sattwic rule. 31 October 1935 Your description of the psychological state of the Asramites is vivid and convincing and very true. It is that which we are up against. It is the average physical consciousness of humanity concentrated in the Asram and the one consolation is that if the Force can transform that , then it can transform anything. If everybody were as accurately conscious of the nature... not depend on personal capacity, but on reliance and opening to the Mother's force. It was because you had that that you were progressing for some time very well. It got covered over by the physical consciousness which understands only external things and understands even those wrongly and obscurely. If that consciousness opens, there is no reason to suppose that you will not be able to go through. ...


... them, amuses them, they are quite ready to make an effort. There is much ill-will in laziness. Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature". 2 Because the physical consciousness and nature are closed up and rigid—they are shut up in their habits, they don't want to change them, they accept only one regular routine. There is nothing more... is an adventurous being), the physical obeys, it obeys the impulse, the inner order; then it consents to the change, the novelty, but it is an effort for it. But for the physical being and physical consciousness to be ready to receive the divine impulsion, they must be extremely plastic, because the vital uses coercion, it imposes its will, and the poor body has but to obey, while the Divine just shows... shows the light, gives the consciousness, and so one must obey consciously and willingly—it is a question of collaboration, it is no longer a question of coercion. The physical being and physical consciousness must be very plastic to be able to lend themselves to all the necessary changes, so as to be of one kind one day and another the next, and so on. Sri Aurobindo speaks here of the "stability ...


... consciousness and this consciousness can act directly on it and obtain what it wants from it. So, if you are in an ordinary physical consciousness, if you see things with the eyes of the ordinary physical consciousness, if you think of them with the ordinary physical consciousness, it will be ordinary physical means you will have to use to act on your body. These ordinary physical means make up the whole... not impossible to foresee the movement where the two will unite in a very deep and very close understanding of the essential truth. So, for all those who live on the physical plane, in the physical consciousness, it is physical means and processes which have to be used in dealing with the body. And as the vast majority of human beings, even in the Ashram, live in a consciousness which, if not exclusively ...


... the psychic and its action and influence. The vision you had of the other luminous and peaceful and beautiful world was a sort of symbolic image of the true physical consciousness and the world in which it lives, the physical consciousness as it is when it is directly under the control of the psychic, and the character of the world which it tends to create for itself. The Psychic and the Relation... psychic has come up again. When the psychic is in the front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is only a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top, then the sadhana is a tapasya and a struggle. Excuse me,—if it [ the soul ] goes on with its karma, then it does not get liberation. If it wants only farther experience... frequent failure. Only if the psychic being is in front, then it reminds the mind and the thing can be more quickly done. It was your physical ill-health combined with the difficulty of the physical consciousness (which is always a thing of habits and repeats and clings to the old habits even when the mind wants to get rid of them) that prevented the emergence of the psychic from completing itself. ...


... and takes its stand above the head. One is no longer bound then by the physical consciousness or the sense of the body—the body becomes only an instrument, a small part of the consciousness which has to be perfected. One enters into a larger free spiritual consciousness in place of the present bound and limited physical consciousness. If this lifting up above the body can be repeated always until it can... can be maintained, it will be a great landmark in your progress. It is the confinement in the physical consciousness that makes you (and everybody) narrow and selfish and miserable. Hitherto the higher consciousness with its peace etc. has been descending into you with great difficulty and fighting out the vital and physical resistance. If this release upward into the higher consciousness can be maintained... suggestions in the outer nature and the rush of inertia, so you were unable to keep detached and let the Force descend more and more or call it down more and more. Hence the coming down into the physical consciousness. It is simply that when you go high, or within, you enter into a higher consciousness than the ordinary one. Also then one feels the presence of the Divine, for the Divine is always ...


... the concentration, you come into the outward physical mind and at once there is a conflict between the growing quietude and the inner psychic fire and the physical consciousness. The quietude seeks to hold and control the physical consciousness and the fire to burn out the wrong activities and imperfections, but the consciousness finds the pressure hard to bear; it feels dull and troubled by the heat... does so, it will show you the "undetected ego-knots" of which you speak and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without which the supramental must always remain far distant... call the higher, spiritual or divine consciousness, or the Mother's consciousness. When the being opens then all in you, the mind (head), emotional being (heart), vital, even something in the physical consciousness begin to ascend in order to join themselves to this greater higher consciousness. One has when one sits with eyes closed in meditation the sensation of going up which you describe. It is called ...


... always creates perturbation and even its fulfilment does not satisfy. Aspiration is a different thing. The oscillation between the two conditions you speak of, is the sign of a struggle in the physical consciousness—it must end by the Peace and Power fixing itself there, then the other will disappear. The desire for the Divine or bhakti for the Divine is the one desire which can free one from all... they are no longer acting on the mind and emotional being only, but fully on the vital also—that is a great progress. The desires you refer to are those of the vital-physical in the subtle physical consciousness—impulse to talk, essential hunger, thirst, etc. Peace and quietude full in the vital-physical and subtle physical and down even in the lowest levels are necessary for the whole change to be... to the Divine, free from all forms of ego, surrendered, simple and right in the attitude and all the movements. This is what has to be established entirely in the mind and vital and in the physical consciousness before supramentalisation of the whole nature is possible. Otherwise what one gets is more or less brilliant, half luminous, half cloudy illuminations and experiences on the mental and vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... প্রকৃতির সঙ্গে ব্যবহার ও খেলার জন্য ৷ বাহিরের মন প্রাণ দেহও যখন আলােময় চৈতন্যময় হয় তখন তারা আর সঙ্কীর্ণ আবদ্ধ বলে বােধ হয় না, তারাও অনন্তের সঙ্গে যুক্ত হয়ে যায় ৷ 30.10.35 যখন Physical consciousness প্রবল হয়ে আর সকলকে ঢেকে সমস্ত স্থান ছড়িয়ে থাকতে চেষ্টা করে, তখন এই রকম অবস্থা হয় – কারণ এই দেহচেতনার স্বতন্ত্র প্রকৃতি যখন প্রকাশ হয় তখন সব বােধ হয় জড়বদ্ধ তমােময়, জ্ঞানের প্রকাশ রহিত... ওই সােজা আলােকময় পথই আসল পথ, তবে তার মধ্যে পহুচতে সময় লাগে ৷ একবার ঐ পথে পহুচলে আর বিশেষ কোনও কষ্ট বাধা স্থলন হয় না ৷ 21.9.36 আমি ত বলেছি কেন হঠাৎ সম্পূর্ণভাবে হয় না – বাহিরের physical consciousness ওঠার জন্য ৷ এইরূপ অবস্থা সকলের হয় – তখন ধৈর্য্য ধরে তার মধ্যে মায়ের চেতনা নামাতে হয়, অনেক সময় লাগলেও ক্ষতি নাই ৷ রূপান্তর ত খুব কঠিন ও মহৎ কাজ – সময় লাগা স্বাভাবিক ৷ ধৈৰ্য্য ধরতে হয় ৷... মাথার নিম্নভাগ আর মুখ তার অধিকারে রয়েছে ৷ এই মন যদি উপরের চেতনা বা ভিতরের সঙ্গে সংশ্লিষ্ট হয়, এগুলােকে ব্যক্ত করে, তবে ভাল ৷ কিন্তু তার আরাে ঘনিষ্ঠ সম্বন্ধ – নিম্ন অংশের সঙ্গে, lower vital ও physical consciousness (যার কেন্দ্র মূলাধার) তার সঙ্গে ৷ এই জন্য এ রকম হয় ৷ সেই জন্য বাককে সংযত করার সাধনায় বড় প্রয়ােজন, যাতে সে উপরের ও ভিতরের চেতনাকে ব্যক্ত করতে অভ্যস্ত হয়, নিম্নের বা বাহিরের চেতনাকে নয় ...


... all these things are not registered in my active memory, otherwise I would be flooded—the physical consciousness acts as a filter: things are recorded on a subtle plane and remain there in the latent state, rather like music that is silently recorded, and when I need to know something with my physical consciousness, I plug into this subtle plane and the tape starts playing. Then I can see things, their... will and mistakes? And who hears? You who are with us? Is it you in your supreme consciousness, an impersonal divine force, the force of the yoga, or you, the embodied Mother with your physical consciousness—a personal presence really intimate to our every thought and act, and not some anonymous force? Can you tell us how and in what way you are present with us? It is said that Sri Aurobindo... role? I am with you because I AM you or you are me. 'I am with you' means a world of things, for I am with you at every level, on every plane, from the supreme consciousness to my most physical consciousness. Here, in Pondicherry, you cannot breathe without breathing my consciousness. It permeates the atmosphere in the subtle physical almost materially and extends right to the lake, seven miles ...


... such a complex way. But in our daily life the physical consciousness of the cells makes itself felt only in the feeling of a vague bodily heaviness and sometimes in a mechanical repetition of some suggestions, physical impressions or elementary remembrances. But if Matter is to become divine, then it is exactly this lowest form of physical consciousness, directly in contact with Matter and supporting... built. When I used to speak of the new world which is being created, it was of this intermediary zone that I was speaking. And similarly, when I am on this side, that is, in the field of the physical consciousness, and I see the supramental power, the supramental light and substance constantly penetrating matter, it is the construction of this zone which I see and in which I participate. “I was on... × “Occultism means rightly the use of the higher powers of our nature, soul, mind, life-force and the faculties of the subtle physical consciousness to bring about results on their own or on the material plane by some pressure of their own secret law and its potentialities, for manifestation and results in human or earthly mind and life ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... and the subconscient are closely bound together. The body and the physical do not coincide — the body consciousness is only part of the whole physical consciousness. Letters on Yoga, p. 1445 [Defects of the physical consciousness:] There are many — but mainly obscurity, inertia, tamas, a passive acceptance of the play Page 68 of wrong forces, inability to change... consciousness consists only of these things — but that is the usual habit of stretching one detail of Nature to explain the whole of her. Letters on Yoga, p. 1441 Page 69 The physical consciousness or at least the more external parts of it are... in their nature inert — obeying whatever force they are habituated to obey, but not acting on their own initiative. When there is a strong... initiative and so when one is in mind or vital or acting under their influence will feels itself always ready to be active. Letters on Yoga, pp. 1441-42 So far as it [living in the physical consciousness] can be said to be distinguishable by outward signs, it is a state of fundamental passivity in which one is and does what the forces of the physical plane make one be and do. When one lives ...


... blockade between the descending supermind and the physical consciousness in the human body and (ii) consequently, the development of new methods (which included or incorporated also the methods of the past systems of yoga) by means of which the blockade could be removed and the supramental consciousness could be made to permeate the physical consciousness of the human body for its permanent establishment... Integral Yoga can be successfully employed so as to discover the as-yet undiscovered new knowledge and new processes of developing supramental consciousness on the earth conditions and in the physical consciousness of the human body itself. The resultant spiritual theory of evolution is experimental in character and involves a long process of Page 15 yogic development and research.15 ... experiment, in the fullness of the knowledge of the supermind, the knowledge of the secrets of the evolutionary process, and eventual accomplishment of establishing supramental consciousness in the physical consciousness in the human body. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as a result of this accomplishment, the evolutionary process itself is bound to undergo a change, and this would inevitably lead ...

... attained in discovering the supermind and in their attainment of what they had called immortality; the Rishis had described immortality as a state of the widening or universalisation of the physical consciousness as a result of the visitations of the supramental consciousness in the physical body. From the scientific point of view of yoga, it can be said that the discovery or rediscovery of the supermind... integral yoga and developed new methods in conjunction with some of the methods Page 96 which were developed in the past in order that the supramental consciousness could manifest in physical consciousness with that kind of permanence in the evolutionary process that we find in regard to the permanence of Life in Matter and Mind in Life in the evolutionary development that we see on the earth... search carried out by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother will enable us to suggest that after 1970, when the Mother stated that the supramental consciousness had come to be permanently fixed in the physical consciousness (vide Mother's Agenda, Vol. 11, pp. 97-105, dated 14.3.1970) there must have been an unprecedented acceleration in the progression of the earth-consciousness. One can even legitimately ...

... nce of all human formulæ and ascent "very high" gives the Mother a secure station in the superconscience. But by transcendence we do not mean exclusion, nor do we imply a suspension of the physical consciousness, an act of abstraction and a rocket-flight into the empyrean of the Spirit. The Spirit's skies are, of course, attained; the Mother does stand in their serene, shoreless infinity; but not... distinctive and decisive an experience as any we get by means of our physical senses. The Mother does not regard any realization as complete so long as it is not rendered into the terms of the physical consciousness and possessed by it as a hard, solid, indubitable fact. The second movement is the assumption of the Supernature or the supramental nature as represented by the putting on of "a magnificent... in this constant aspiration for and surrender to the Divine. It would even seem, reading some characteristic Prayers, that the immediate aspiration of her body and, in fact, of her whole physical consciousness has been even greater than that of her soul. And this is not surprising, for, on the basis of the Prayers it can very well be asserted that she had already realized a complete and constant ...


... powers, if he wishes to avoid dangers and pitfalls, which are innumerable on the way. THE SECRET OF THE PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Behind the higher mind, the mind,— manas , chitta—prana and body, there is the strength of the physical consciousness. The womb of physical consciousness is always in travail to bring out the Some­thing that is behind all these things — to bring it out in its various... in the end either to devour it and be stronger or to transform it and grow richer. The physical consciousness everywhere acts as the force that holds together. Out of it originates an instinct for order, law, rhythm, the dharma. The multiple truths will finally be revealed by the physical consciousness in their multiple order and rhythm which will be a free, vast and integral dharma, a n... vibrant with power and joy. Page 61 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... if he wishes to avoid dangers and pitfalls, which are innumerable on the way. THE SECRET OF THE PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Behind the higher mind, the mind,— manas , chitta—prana and body, there is the strength of the physical consciousness. The womb of physical consciousness is always in travail to bring out the Some­thing that is behind all these things — to bring it out in its... the end either to devour it and be stronger or to transform it and grow richer. The physical consciousness everywhere acts as the force that holds together. Out of it originates an instinct for order, law, rhythm, the dharma. The multiple truths will finally be revealed by the physical consciousness in their multiple order and rhythm which will be a free, vast and integral dharma, a n... vibrant with power and joy. Page 61 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any ...

... powers, if he wishes to avoid dangers and pitfalls, which are innumerable on the way. THE SECRET OF THE PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Behind the higher mind, the mind,— manas , chitta—prana and body, there is the strength of the physical consciousness. The womb of physical consciousness is always in travail to bring out the Some­thing that is behind all these things — to bring it out in its various... in the end either to devour it and be stronger or to transform it and grow richer. The physical consciousness everywhere acts as the force that holds together. Out of it originates an instinct for order, law, rhythm, the dharma. The multiple truths will finally be revealed by the physical consciousness in their multiple order and rhythm which will be a free, vast and integral dharma, a n... vibrant with power and joy. Page 12 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... the truth from above. The latter occurs rarely; nor are the perceptions as a rule illumined, but belong to the physical consciousness. The sortilege of the 21ṣṭ, Sayana Bhur is being fulfilled as the preparation for those of the 13ṭḥ. The सुवृक्ति is going on in the physical consciousness which is being prepared as the lowest layer of the barhis . In Tapas, the two difficulties are, on the one... generalised. All this has been done by the concentrated method. The only obstacle now is the physical vessel, तनू which does not yet admit of the continuous Ananda because of the part of the physical consciousness behind it which has not sraddha in its possibility. That consciousness must be purified & enlightened in order that the body also may change its faith & its habits. Page 487 ... completed. The power of swift writing & the joy & force of inspiration have been entirely recovered; but cannot be used with sufficient continuity as yet, because of the obstructive tamas in the physical consciousness. The shadow of Vritra still remains on the Adri. Intimations— 1) The first chapter of the Life Divine & of the Synthesis of Yoga will be immediately begun & rapidly completed. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... producing a physical consciousness which is unequal to the powers of the soul and a life cast into circumstances that are still more in conflict with Page 1438 the greater potentialities. There is behind an urge and insistent will of seeking demanding a work, an association, a knowledge, anything which will help the soul to break out from its covering sheath of the physical consciousness. But... it from above. The psychic is of a very ruddy rose light. These are the two chief powers behind the veil of the physical consciousness. Writings, c. 1920 - XVI 30 corps physiques Yes, I am here.— The thirty are three tens. They are those who support the physical consciousness, not the physical body alone, but the obscurer consciousness of which it is the visible representation. In this... resistance to the change, but also if they can be made to reply to new things, they help to make them fixed in the physical consciousness and thus to assure their stability. Page 1440 Yes; only the number may vary. That depends on the plasticity and richness of the physical consciousness.. The more plastic, the more numerous the beings of this order. It may vary from three to ninety, or even ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... psychic without leaving your physical consciousness, through interiorisation, because it is not an ascent or gradation. It is an interiorisation, and this interiorisation can be done without passing through the other states of being, directly. This is what Sri Aurobindo means: you are in the physical consciousness, nothing prevents you from opening this physical consciousness to the psychic consciousness... * What is the meaning of "the psychic opening in the physical consciousness " ? ... One can find the psychic through each part of the consciousness: you can find a psychic behind the physical... you Page 44 can enter into contact with the psychic directly through the physical consciousness, directly through the vital consciousness, directly through the mental... beings and who were great yogis, great initiates. 53 * Naturally it is very difficult to establish a constant contact between the most external physical consciousness and the psychic consciousness, and oh! the physical consciousness has plenty of goodwill; it is very regular, it tries a great deal, but it is slow and heavy, it takes long, it is difficult to move it. It does not get tired ...


... subconscient mind) does not respond to outer things, depression is impossible. The self at one end, the stone at the other never get into depression. In between, the true mind, true vital, true physical consciousness never get depression because they do not give the responses to things that create depression.   I have raised this question again because X tells me that when he is depressed there... all the movements of the ego, then by an accumulative effect it can get rid of the ego. Page 106 YOGA AND THE PHYSICAL   When the working is in the physical consciousness, it is the tamas which is the main physical force that comes in whenever it can.   You said that R cured A's inertia. The question is whether it is cured by medicines or by some... The higher things I felt this morning were not felt in the evening, even during the meditation. What happened to them? To have the higher things all the time would mean that the whole physical consciousness had been changed - that has not yet happened.   At present the spiritual experiences etc. are felt either above or in the body. The mind and vital seem to have been put aside. ...

... case with all — for some have to wait till they can clear out the obstructing stuff in the mind, vital and physical consciousness, and until then they get only a touch now and then. But even at the best, this earlier spiritual light is never complete, until the darkness of the physical consciousness has been faced and overcome. It is not by one's own fault that one falls into this stage; it can come when... voyage towards the goal. When the storm comes, a storm of doubts, failures, disappointments, adverse circumstances and what not, the crew — let us say, the powers of the mind and vital and the physical consciousness — begin to disbelieve, despond, stand aghast at the contradiction between our hopes and beliefs and the present facts and they even turn in their rage of disbelief and despair to deny and... or definitive. Usually, if one persists, it is the period of darkest night before the dawn which comes to almost every spiritual aspirant. It is due to a plunge one has to take into sheer physical consciousness unsupported by any true mental light or by any vital joy in life, for these usually withdraw behind the veil, though they are not, as they seem to be, permanently lost. It is a period when ...


... vital feeling (behind the heart is the seat of the psychic being) The lotus of the navel—Higher vital The lotus of the abdomen—Lower vital The lotus at the end of the spine (Muladhara)—Physical consciousness Page 229 In the process of our Yoga the centres have each a fixed psychological use and general function which base all their special powers and functionings. The mūlādhāra... vital or emotional being, behind and concealed the soul or psychic being. The colours of the lotuses and the numbers of petals are respectively, from bottom to top:—(1) the Muladhara or physical consciousness centre, four petals, red; (2) the abdominal centre, six petals, deeper purple red; (3) the navel centre, ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat... forehead centre between the eyebrows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our Yoga,—(1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements, the little greeds, lusts, desires, the small sense-movements; (3) commanding the larger life-forces and the passions and larger ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... that the basis and organisation [ of the being ] can be founded and settled. Descent into the Physical Consciousness and Body This is a very great progress—to be able to receive the higher consciousness while doing external things with the physical mind and body—it shows that the physical consciousness is fast opening. What you feel is indeed the Grace coming down and bringing the higher divine... overcome if not supported by the vital proper) for the Light to possess all the physical consciousness. It is probably why it rose so strongly when the Light came to these parts. That is to say, [ when there is sometimes stillness and sometimes mechanical thoughts ] the Power is still working on the physical consciousness (the mechanical mind and the subconscient) to bring stillness there. Sometimes... vital mind is open, that does not mean that it is open so wholly that it is already divine and is not feeling pride or other wrong movements. As for the nervous being, it is part of the physical consciousness, below the physical mind and not above it—the nerves are part of the body. The attitude which he describes, if he keeps it correctly, is the right one. It brought him at first the beginning ...


... your being. But at the same time, my decision is shaped, as it were, by the information given to me by the other planes of consciousness and particularly by the physical consciousness, which acts as a recorder. This physical consciousness records all it sees, all your reactions, your thoughts, all the facts—without preference, without prejudice, without personal will. Nothing escapes it. Its work... the normal man, the physical consciousness does not see things as they are, for three reasons: because of ignorance, because of preference, and because of an egoistic will. You color what you see, eliminate what displeases you. In short, you see only what you desire to see. Now, I recently had a very striking experience: a discrepancy occurred between my physical consciousness and the consciousness... 'understand.' At last, I had to leave my highest consciousness and pull myself down into the physical consciousness to find out what was happening. And there, in my head, I saw what appeared to be a little cell bursting, and suddenly I understood: the recording had been defective. The physical consciousness had neglected to register Page 124 certain of your lower reactions. It could not ...


... discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, brings the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also.       Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in... The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental, vital, physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual nature) consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this yoga... there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness ...

... elasticity and therefore you should do nothing for a time that will tax it. It will then be easier for the physical consciousness to settle down into quietude and in the quietude for the inner being to recover its hold of the nature. It is the necessity to change the outer physical consciousness so that it may obey the inner and not be subject to the bondage of past nature that has become evident, but... being which is conscious and knows and the outer which can still beclouded and indulge itself in the freaks of the old nature— abhiman and the rest which you describe. ... As yet the physical consciousness and subconscient are still open to attack and to recurrences — so caution is best until this is no longer so. For the same reason you have to be careful about food. There is just now... your letter. I will do it to night. I hope the threat of ill health has passed away. 17.1.37 All these suggestions that come to you were of course part of the attack on the physical consciousness, — the attack on the body is used to raise these ideas and the ideas are used to make it more difficult for the body to recover. At a certain stage attacks fall heavily on the body because ...

... 26 September 1933 Page 274 Last night I saw in a dream that Light from the Mother's body was coming down into my body and transforming it. Good—it is the opening of the physical consciousness to the Mother. 30 September 1933 The bodies I wrote about this morning were like shadowy pictures, not distinct, and seemed to be like stones, not white in colour but black. Why was... Is all this true? You seem to have ascended into a plane of the Higher Spiritualised Mind with a descent into it of Maheshwari bringing the power of the Divine Truth. The result in the physical consciousness was a perception of the One Consciousness and Life in all things and an illumination of the cells of the body with the golden light of the higher Truth. October 1933 While looking at... in the sadhak. 23 July 1936 Page 279 Once in a vision I saw the Mother in the physical dressed in a red sari. What does it mean? Simply the presence of the Mother in the physical consciousness. Red is the colour of the physical. September 1936 I see a rough rock. Sunlight falls upon it and the rock changes: in the centre a hollow circle is made and rocks arrange themselves ...

... into the physical consciousness and that interferes with its immense obscurity in addition to the distortions of mind and vital. 27 May 1934 I am sorry I could not write to you all these days. The fact is that something prevented me from approaching you. I have not been able to make out what it was. Will you kindly enlighten me? It may be some indolence in the physical consciousness. It is... continue. 25 February 1935 I find great difficulty in understanding what is the difference between the inner mind and the vital, physical and outer minds. Also I want to know what is the physical consciousness and what are the different places of these things. If these things have forms but are not material, how am I to get the idea of them? An answer would mean writing several essays for which ...


... different from the waking consciousness... Yes, and so "Why?" ( Laughter ) How is it different? But you have never noticed that it is different? For example, your physical consciousness or your subtle physical consciousness, your vital consciousness or the consciousness of your higher or lower vital, your psychic consciousness, your mental consciousness, each one is completely different! So... Questions and Answers (1955) 27 April 1955 No class was held on the 20th of April. This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Sweet Mother, what is the difference between a symbolic dream and a vision? Usually one has a vision when one is not asleep, when one is awake. When one is awake and enters ...


... head, above the mind. What Sri Aurobindo means is: Unless one has gone beyond the mind and into altogether higher regions, so long as one remains in the human consciousness, the mental, vital, physical consciousness, one must concentrate in order to find the psychic. It is only if you have soared up out of the human consciousness and entered consciously the higher regions above the mind, far above the... something which is expressed in all kinds of ways; but it is a kind of admiration... how to put it?... a spontaneous and also charming admiration for heroism, which is in the most material physical consciousness. And this is a tremendous power for overcoming tamas and physical inertia. Besides it is upon this that all the fighting capacities of armies in the wars are founded. If human beings did... and went through the whole village singing. It seemed like a resurrection. Well, it is about this kind of thing I am speaking. It is something so beautiful, which is in the most material physical consciousness! You see, all of a sudden, they had the feeling that they were heroes, that they had done something heroic, and so they didn't want to look like people completely flattened out, no longer good ...


... Our object is the supramental realisation and we have to do whatever is necessary for that or towards that under the conditions of each stage. At present the necessity is to prepare the physical consciousness; for that a complete equality and peace and a complete dedication free from personal demand or desire in the physical and the lower vital parts is the thing to be established. Other things... things can come in their proper time. What is the real need now is not insistence on physical nearness, which is one of those other things, but the psychic opening in the physical consciousness and the constant presence and guidance there. I do not know what you mean by our wanting to use you for all practical purposes. We did not insist on your doing any work for us; it was you who asked for work, and... last time you entertain them and that consequently, as you say, it may be the last time you write them. If you can clear this out of you, there will be some chance of the liberation of your physical consciousness and a straight progress in the sadhana. 4 September 1932 People say that the sadhaks whom the Mother calls for interview now and then, and the sadhaks to whom she sends things personally ...

... downward. People went above this only in samadhi or in a condition of static mukti without any dynamic descent. All that was dynamic took place in the region of the spiritualised mental and vital-physical consciousness. In this Yoga the consciousness (after the lower field has been prepared by a certain amount of psycho-spiritual-occult experience) is drawn upwards above the Brahmarandhra to ranges above... mostly subjective. A mixture of the Ignorance, or at the very least a limitation of the active Knowledge, power, Ananda etc. remains always. At the same time if one withdraws from the outward physical consciousness, one can feel always the wide spiritual liberation, peace, living in the silent Divine. 29 November 1933 Some say that Sri Aurobindo brought down the Supermind Page 291 ... forward to at present. Of course a certain preliminary transformation is necessary, just as the psychic and spiritual transformation precedes the supramental. But this is a change of the physical consciousness down to the submerged consciousness of the cells so that they may respond to higher forces and admit them and to a certain extent a change or at least a greater plasticity in the processes ...


... journey.... 115 * Everything is dangerous in the sadhana or can be, except the psychic change. 116 * This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without which the supramental must always remain far distant... The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental, vital, physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual nature) consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this yoga... longer obstructive to the fulfilling action of the Consciousness-Force, but more and more a mould and lower basis of the Spirit. These things cannot be done so long as either mind, life or physical consciousness are the leading powers of being or have any dominance. The admission of such a change can only be brought about by a full emergence of the soul and inner being, the dominance of the psychic ...


... other worlds. Only for a physical consciousness, time and space are not the same in the vital or the mental worlds as in the physical world. For example, those who are in the physical consciousness have the impression that shiftings in the mind are instantaneous—compared with the higher consciousness they are not instantaneous, but compared with the physical consciousness, they are instantaneous, of ...


... absolutely, your physical consciousness sleeps, while the consciousness of your subtle physical body or your vital or of your mind does not sleep, it continues its activity; but your physical consciousness is separated from the body, it is asleep in a state of unconsciousness, and then the part which does not sleep, which is active, uses the body without the physical consciousness as intermediary and ...


... strike, and withdrew), the person became once again absolutely dull. Naturally it is very difficult to establish a constant contact between the most external physical consciousness and the psychic consciousness, and oh! the physical consciousness has plenty of goodwill; it is very regular, it tries a great deal, but it is slow and heavy, it takes long, it is difficult to move it. It does not get tired... vital proper in producing lust, jealousy, anger, violence etc. In its lowest parts (vital-material) it is the agent of pain, physical illness etc. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness Yes—they [the lower vital, the physical vital and the material vital] become very clear to the increasing consciousness. And the distinctions are necessary—otherwise one may influence ...


... would create a perturbation and possibly be attacked by a mixture which would make it impossible for it to stay. It is therefore that touches only can come. I understand that it is the physical consciousness which has come up forcibly with the old vital human movements and feelings and this has clouded for the moment the sense of higher things and the aspiration for Truth and Purity that is their... these things are not in its composition. In return the Divine Mother also gives herself, but freely—and this represents itself in an inner giving—her presence in your mind, your vital, your physical consciousness, her power re-creating you in the divine nature, taking up all the movements of your being and directing them towards perfection and fulfilment, her love enveloping you and carrying you in... being and no longer bring in the lower insistences of the ego. Love for the Divine must be there in all the being—not only in the spirit and the psychic heart, but in the vital and the physical consciousness also. The influence of the love for the Divine when it takes hold of any part is to turn it towards the Divine—as you describe it "concentration on the Mother"—and in the end all is ...

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... observing, separate, free to continue the sadhana. The absorption in work is not undesirable—but the difficulty in turning inwards can only be temporary. A certain plasticity in the physical consciousness which is sure to come makes it easy to turn from one concentration to another. It [ meditative absorption during work ] depends on the plasticity of the consciousness. Some are like... Absorption in work is inevitable. It is enough to offer it when beginning and ending and to encourage the attitude to grow = for You and by You. It is a certain inertia in the physical consciousness which shuts it up in the groove of what it is doing so that it is fixed in that and not free to remember [ the Mother ]. Remembering the Presence in Work It is not at first easy to remember... within all can be done. The resistance you speak of and the insufficient receptivity and the inability to continue in communion while doing work, must all be due to some part of the physical consciousness that is still not open to the Light—probably something in the vital physical and the material subconscient which stands in the way of the physical mind being in its mass free and responsive ...

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... ically etc. etc. stomach, heart and intestine lodge the vital movements, not the physical consciousness—it is there that anger, fear, love, hate and all the other psychological privileges of the animal tumble about and upset the physical and moral digestion. The Muladhara is the seat of the physical consciousness proper. As for the lower part of the body, it is the physical and external vital... big centre below the Muladhara in the body, but there are minor centres everywhere. The leg indicates the physical (material) consciousness. All below the Muladhara is the range of the physical consciousness proper including the mental physical, vital physical, material physical. This [ aspiration rising from the legs ] would indicate therefore an aspiration from Matter (bodily Matter). The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... inner consciousness would be too difficult. That is why these inner experiences are going on to prepare the growth of the inner consciousness. There is an inner mind, an inner vital, an inner physical consciousness which can more easily than the outer receive the higher consciousness above and put itself into harmony with the psychic being; when that is done the outer nature is felt as only a fringe on... to have contact with the supraphysical planes. What was meant by the sea of red colour and stars depends on the character of the red colour. If it was crimson, what he saw was the sea of the physical consciousness and physical life as it is represented to the inner symbolic vision; if it was purple red, then it was the sea of the vital consciousness and the vital life-force. Perhaps, if he had not stopped... and the seeds of the old movements and habits long after the waking consciousness has dropped them. Abandoned by the waking consciousness, they still come up in dreams; for in sleep the outer physical consciousness goes down into the subconscient or towards it and many dreams come up from there. The silence in which all is quiet and one remains as a witness while something in the consciousness spo ...


... energy or zeal ( utsāha ), because it is evident that there must be some resistance somewhere, otherwise there would not be these constant headaches and this less intense condition. If the physical consciousness is open the headaches should disappear or at least diminish in frequency and force, and if the lower vital is all right, the intensity ought to continue. But what do you want to do with... memory of it that gives it some appearance of survival. The difficulties we are now meeting have nothing to do with X ; they are part only of the necessity of conquest over the habits of the physical consciousness and he has nothing to do there and no influence of any kind whatever. Also dismiss any question about the "possibility" of conversion of your vital being; you should see rather that it is certain... the dark Shakti is also another old notion which you ought to root out Page 147 without cherishing any least trace of it. It has no meaning on the plane of the physical and vital physical consciousness where the whole work is now going on and to nourish any such ideas can only hamper your progress. Finally, when there are these recurrences, do not allow yourself to be depressed by them, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness... assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that—first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens... way of the psychic,—when the psychic being comes out in its inherent power, its consecration, adoration, love of the Divine, self-giving, surrender and imposes these on the mind, vital and physical consciousness and compels them to turn all their movements Godward. If the psychic is strong and master throughout, then there is no or little subjective suffering and the objective cannot affect either ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... bringing in the law of the gnostic Purusha, vijñānamaya puruṣa , and of that into which it opens, the Anandamaya, into the physical consciousness and its members. Pushed to its highest conclusion this movement brings in a spiritualising and illumination of the whole physical consciousness and a divinising of the law of the body. For behind the gross physical sheath of this materially visible and sensible... tranquillity. That too must be the character of the perfect spiritual action; to be equal and one to all things in spirit, understanding, mind, heart and natural consciousness,—even in the most physical consciousness,—and to make all their workings, whatever their outward adaptation to Page 692 the thing to be done, always and imminuably full of the divine equality and calm must be its inmost ...


... certain truth in what you say about the empty cup—a certain emptying of the consciousness of old things is necessary before anything positive can settle itself. It is what is happening in your physical consciousness, the old movements are being emptied out and you fall quiet, but they press in again and the cup has to be repeatedly emptied. If there is a firm and persistent rejection, then this repeated... for filling with the Divine Light." January 15, 1937 Sri Aurobindo "As for sadhana, it is not that you have no capacity, but what has happened to many has happened to you—the physical consciousness has risen up and veiled the psychic which was about to come forward. It has risen up with the insistence on the value of its own small ignorant ideas and feelings and refusing to let them go... sees clearly and rejects them consciously, then it can be got over quickly—but even if it lasts a long period, it can in the end be overcome and that is happening to many now. Naturally, the physical consciousness persuades the mind that it is everlasting and cannot be got over; but that is not true." May 21, 1937 Sri Aurobindo That's good! It seems just the right moment to say it. Page ...


... NOTHING. You understand, when Sri Aurobindo was there, it was perfect, but when he withdrew ... tasteless. And it's the PHYSICAL consciousness that has those experiences at night: the body remains in trance, it's the physical consciousness; it was the physical consciousness, but in a subtle physical freed from all difficulties—and it was no better. You know, it was like a reply to the ambition of ...


... but I have nothing to say! Are you all right? I hardly cough anymore.... But I have nothing to say. ( silence ) This physical, this physical consciousness (I don't think it's a personal physical consciousness), the general physical consciousness was, in this body, seized with such a pity, oh!... I can't say "pity"... it's something very special: a very intimate, very tender compassion for ...


... "dream" as people call it, but a more subtle and less precise consciousness, and that the physical consciousness was quite concrete and precise ( Mother gestures as if to knock against something ). But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly: the impression of something not too... impression of its own; now the psychic consciousness is the same, it sees things in the same way, but the physical impression is completely different!... Which means Page 250 it's the PHYSICAL consciousness that has changed. These last few days it has become very, VERY clear. It began on Wednesday—from Wednesday to today: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... It's quite recent. ( Laughing ) A dangerous ...


... is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word [subconscient], I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as subliminal. Letters on Yoga, p. 354 The... supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. Letters on Yoga, p. 1606 ...there is... Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 623-24 The awakening of the psychical consciousness liberates in us the direct use of the mind as a sixth sense, and this power may be made constant and normal. The physical consciousness can only communicate with the minds of others or know the happenings of the world around us through external means and signs and indications, and it has beyond this limited action only a ...


... another, but it need not change the vital nature; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love... Nature. That is not the transformation I envisage. It is quite another power of knowledge, another kind of will, another luminous nature of emotion and aesthesis, another constitution of the physical consciousness that must come in by the supramental change. Letters on Yoga, pp. 18-19 Transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body... confusion and occupied with so many dull and lower aims, must feel all its urges and instincts exalted and irradiated and become a glorious counterpart of the supramental super-life above. The physical consciousness and physical being, the body itself must reach a perfection in all that it is and does which now we can hardly conceive. It may even in the end be suffused with a light and beauty and bliss ...


... perfection of these three Page 42 worlds of the mind exists above the three heavens, tisro divah, as their three luminosities, trini rocanāni. When higher light descends upon the physical consciousness in the course of the yogic process, the earthly realms of consciousness become illumined and they become earthly realms of light, pārthivāni rajāmsi. This transformation is effected by the... the pure mind and of the intuitive reason are fulfilled. Savitri is thus perfectly expressed by the rays of the Sun, the Vedic Symbol of the Supermind. The lower world of the earth of physical consciousness and the world of sensations, emotions, intellectual thought and intuitive mind are reconciled with their counterparts in the higher consciousness of the Supermind. The Ignorance in which one... Bhaga (pure and happy enjoyment of things). All these conditions are fulfilled by Ribhus, and they have thus fashioned immortality. (f) Ribhus have gone farther, and they have filled the physical consciousness, the single bowl which was framed by Twashtri, the Framer of things, with higher workings, and multiplied four-fold the original material body and perfected the four planes of the physical ...

... themselves. This experience culminates in the ascent to the plane of Truth- consciousness (rita-chit) and its descent into lower planes of the mental, vital and physical consciousness in the human body up to a point where the physical consciousness becomes so vast that the truth-consciousness can dwell in it. The Vedic Rishis have called that state the state of immortality. Parāshara speaks of the path... And the fifth element is arrived at when this perfection is pushed to its highest conclusion which, according to Sri Aurobindo, brings in spiritualising and illumination of the whole physical consciousness and divinising of the law of the body. The sixth element is that of the perfect action and enjoyment of being on the supramental gnostic basis. And this integrality of perfection cannot ...

... . This experience culminates in the ascent to the plane of Truth-consciousness (rita-chit) and its descent into the lower planes of the mental, vital and physical consciousness in the human body up to a point where the physical consciousness becomes so vast that the truth-consciousness can dwell in it. The Vedic Rishis have called that state to be the state of immortality. Parashara speaks of... And the fifth element is arrived at when this perfection is pushed to its highest conclusion which, according to Sri Aurobindo, brings in spiritualising and illuminations of the whole physical consciousness and divinising of the law of the body. The sixth element is that of the perfect action and enjoyment of being on the supramental gnostic basis. And this Page 298 integrality ...

... cally etc., etc. stomach, heart and intestine lodge the vital movements, not the physical consciousness—it is there that anger, fear, love, hate and all the other psychological privileges of the animal tumble about and upset the physical and moral digestion. The Muladhara is the seat of the physical consciousness proper. So you have to emend the third [Image 4] make it poetically beautiful and p... excuse the luxury of laziness, melancholy and despair. You are in that bog just now because you have descended faithfully and completely into the inert stupidity and die-in-the-mudness of your physical consciousness which, I admit, is a specimen! But so after all is everybody's, only there are different kinds of specimens. What to do? Dig yourself out if you can; if you can't, call for ropes and wait till ...

... consciousness. The four-dimensional aspect of material reality is given or projected by what we call the physical consciousness.. Page 70 Material time and material space are the two norms through which the physical consciousness deploys itself. But physical consciousness, the consciousness that plays through the senses is only one form of it—the lowest, the most material ...

... Sri Aurobindo (in a clear but low voice) : I cannot call it a state, or a condition. It is, rather, a complex move­ment. I am at present engaged in bringing the Super-mind into the physical consciousness, down even to the sub-material. The physical is by nature inert and does not want to be rendered conscient. It offers much greater resistance as it is unwilling to change. One feels as... is therefore to be accepted and transformed. It is this birth after birth on every plane that makes the process complex. I am trying to bring the highest layer of the Supermind into the physical consciousness. There are three layers of the Supermind corres­ponding to the three activities of the Intuitive mind. First is what I call the Interpretative Supermind. I call it interpretative because... Supreme. Disciple : Are the universal conditions fulfilled so far as the physical is concerned? Sri Aurobindo : The general conditions have been fulfilledl in the case of the physical consciousness ; but now the most material level remains and that is the most dangerous. Disciple : Why is it most dangerous ? Sri Aurobindo : Because it is solid, compact, and can refuse ...

... indissoluble integral and unitary life. This collective integration means all individuals have one mind, one vital being, even one physical consciousness, not of course one material body but still a feeling of the' kind. One mind or one vital or one physical consciousness does not mean everyone has the same identical formations and movements in these respective regions, but all possess substantially... the global being. Indeed each particle of the being must itself be a psychic or psychicised particle: a consciousness-photon. There is thus a vital photon, a mental photon, a photon of the physical consciousness even as the material photon. And all these in their hierarchic harmonious arrangement shall constitute the global system of the new person. Even so, there is to be a transmutation of the ...

... 41 I am myself living in the physical consciousness and have been for several years. At first it was a plunge into the physical - into all its obscurity and inertia, afterwards it was a station in the physical open to the higher and higher consciousness and slowly having fought out in it the struggle of transformation of the physical consciousness with a view to prepare it for the supramental... physical refused to share in what was coming down or else misused it and became full of exaggerated and violent reactions. Since then the Sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical consciousness.... The total descent into the physical is a very troublesome affair - it means a long and trying pressure of difficulties, for the physical is normally obscure, inert, impervious to the Light ...

... anything at all—which in the end is no longer "anything at all/’ but something that begins to live its own life, breathe its own air, feel with its own feeling. It was another constitution of the physical consciousness 28 that Sri Aurobindo sought, a fact he had so much difficulty impressing on his disciples, who remained stuck to the traditional notions of yoga: cosmic consciousness and so on: One can... oneness. The question consists in knowing which will forge cosmic oneness: our willing matter, or a crushed matter? It comes down to that. The divine materialism or the other one. The Physical Consciousness We do not know what Matter is. It is the most obvious and most mysterious thing in the world. Once we have cleansed the body of its mental coating and cleansed even more this Matter of... no (and this is not even a true “vital" like that of the animal, but still the Mind creeping in and lurk­ing in Matter), once clarity has been achieved and the first jungle cleared, then the physical consciousness, the consciousness of the body, begins to emerge. A perfectly autonomous consciousness—once it has been freed from these two usurpers, the mind and the vital. And a con­sciousness endowed with ...

... one is physically near her or not. This relation takes up the mind, vital and inner physical till one feels one's mind close to the Mother's mind, one's vital in harmony with hers, one's very physical consciousness full of her. 12 A sense of nearness to the Mother - of being within the protecting and purifying orbit of her influence, of belonging to the Mother, and being committed to her far aims... Light, one slowly experiences a change in one's whole life, one's varied play of consciousness, "till one feels one's mind close to the Mother's mind, one's vital in harmony with hers, one's physical consciousness full of her". The fueling of separativity, disharmony, physical density - which is the normal condition of one's life - gives place to a feeling of kinship and harmony with the Mother, and... certainly transcends Page 693 the mere physical nearness, and it is continuous and creative, and facilitates the desired integral change and transformation of the mental, vital and physical consciousness. We have only to look up to the Mother in total trust and love, and she will unfailingly respond with her Grace supreme. V It was in 1961 that the little gold-blazoned book - ...


... its very core. And her smile had no parallel, it cannot be compared either. She very often kept holding in her hand the soup-cup in a state of immobile trance. Then, as she returned to her physical consciousness, the distribution would begin again in an easy natural manner — as if nothing had happened in the interval. Soon after my arrival I was permitted to see the Mother once a week, and once... Sri Aurobindo wrote to me: “When the psychic being is in front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top the sadhana is a tapasya and a struggle.” (10.7.34) To lead us like blind men by the hand was not the method followed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They wanted that... meaning or a true cause — this is what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother taught us again and again, removing the veil of our outer consciousness. I wrote to Sri Aurobindo: “You have written that my physical consciousness has the habit of responding to illness. But I am not at all aware of it. How to become so? Whatever little perception I do have, makes me feel that I don’t want these things at any cost, for ...

... that day in 1971 when She exclaimed: The inner consciousness can say and be conscious that that suffering is unreal, but the physical consciousness can't!—it can't, it HAS to change. It's not a matter of entering a consciousness where one leaves this physical consciousness to disappear: it has to change, it HAS TO change.... The FACT has to change, you see. For the transformation to be genuine, the... experience of it, you know, for something like sixty years. I know this phenomenon. But this is entirely the type of experience one has in the physical Falsehood, if you will, in the ordinary physical consciousness. 62 “A material doubling?”— Possibly. It may be that. Ubiquity, or something like that. 63 And Mother was no further on than she was before, after having put a label on the phenomenon ...

... with the old bark. She spent her time making the junction. So it’s something that must change in the body’s vibration for the Consciousness to manifest without distortion. The very body, the physical consciousness, is full of all those falsehoods and all those illusions and all those preconceived ideas, and when that is gone, then the Lord can manifest in there. Distortion is what creates ... a misery... that creates the whole carbon layer. Change that, and the true Consciousness flows into the tissues, the bones, the nerves … the earth. Then nothing is impossible. A change of position in the physical consciousness. Something that annuls the distorting little vibration. But through what mechanism? How does the axolotl in its hole manage to breathe the other air? Another Physical Rhythm As usual... reach the total state, without death, in a body. Just a small vibration which distorts. Which veils. A false time in the body’s consciousness. Transformation means a change in the physical consciousness of time. Then the world will be exactly the same, but it will be lived differently altogether⎯without heaven and without tombs. As great a difference as between the consciousness of the ...

... perfection of the physical consciousness in the body and of the mind, the life, the character which it houses as, no less than an awakening and development of the body's own native capacities, a desirable outcome of the exercises and practices of the physical culture to which we have commenced to give in this Ashram a special attention and scope. A development of the physical consciousness must always be... confusion and occupied with so many dull and lower aims, must feel all its urges and instincts exalted and irradiated and become a glorious counterpart of the supramental super-life above. The physical consciousness and physical being, the body itself must reach a perfection in all that it is and does which now we can hardly conceive. It may even in the end be suffused with a light and beauty and bliss... the description of the Upanishad, a mental being, Purusha, leader of the life and the body. If the mind can take up and control the instincts and automatisms of the life-energy and the subtle physical consciousness and the body, if it can enter into them, consciously use and, as we may say, fully mentalise their instinctive or spontaneous action, the perfection of these energies, their action too become ...


... case with all — for some have to wait till they can clear out the obstructing stuff in the mind, vital and physical consciousness, and until then they get only a touch now and then. But even at the best, this earlier spiritual light is never complete, until the darkness of the physical consciousness has been faced and overcome. It is not by one's own fault that one falls into this state; it can come when... definitive. Usually, if one persists, it is the period of darkest night before the dawn which comes to every or almost every spiritual aspirant. It is due to a plunge one has to take into sheer physical consciousness unsupported by any true mental light or by any vital joy in life, for these usually withdraw behind the veil, though they are not, as they seem to be, permanently lost. It is a period when... difficulties is quite correct and no other Page 234 explanation is needed — except what I was writing in my unfinished letter about the descent of the sadhana into the plane of the physical consciousness and that does not disaccord with but only completes what he says. He is quite right in saying that the heaviness of these attacks was due to the fact that you had taken up the sadhana in ...


... a rule and control could with difficulty be stabilised and it is not likely that it could be complete, final and definitive. For an intuitive mentality intervening in a mixed mental, vital, physical consciousness would normally be forced to undergo a mixture with the inferior stuff of consciousness already evolved; in order to act on it, it would have to enter into it and, entering in it, would get... to the fulfilling action of the Consciousness-Force, but more and more a mould and lower Page 964 basis of the Spirit. These things cannot be done so long as either mind, life or physical consciousness are the leading powers of being or have any dominance. The admission of such a change can only be brought about by a full emergence of the soul and inner being, the dominance of the psychic... of the pure spiritual existence and consciousness, of the delight of a divine presence, closeness, contact can be acquired through the mind or the heart or the life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being. The necessary turn or change can also be ...

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... repetition of whatever has impressed itself upon the body consciousness. But this subconscient must be clearly distinguished from the subliminal parts of our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or illorganised, but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something,... inner touches, communications or influences, from these sources but does not know for the most part whence they come. The subconscient is below the waking physical consciousness—it is an automatic, obscure, incoherent, half-unconscious realm Page 596 into which light and awareness can with difficulty come. The inner vital and physical are quite different—they have a larger, plastic... on it directly and completely in a way in which mind and vital cannot and by this direct action can help to liberate the mind and vital also. Yes, what you write is correct. When the physical consciousness has to be changed, it is of course essential to work on the subconscient, as it has a great influence on the physical which is very dependent on it. The loss of consciousness comes naturally ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the rest of the being they may make the crucial choice and either accept or refuse transformation. My whole work depends upon this movement; it is the decisive ordeal of this Yoga. For the physical consciousness and the material life cannot change if this does not change. Nothing that may have been done before, no inner illumination, experience, power or Ananda, is of any eventual value if this is... development here it cannot conceive or perceive by its own inadequate instruments or judge by its puerile standards; in spite of all opposition this is pressing down for manifestation in the physical consciousness and the material Page 155 life. On the other side is this lower vital nature with all its pretentious arrogance, ignorance, obscurity, dullness or incompetent turbulence, standing... lines of forces are the line of these lower vital forces and the line of the true movement of forces resting on the psychic consciousness and opening the true mind, the true vital, the true physical consciousness to the action of the Higher Force. If you persist in rejecting the former and aspiring for the latter, the struggle will diminish after a time and the true path become more and more clear. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the descents of peace would not have begun. The fall came because when you descended into the physical consciousness to complete the preparation there, you became too passive, not continuing your will of tapasya, with the result that this sex force took advantage of the inertia of the physical consciousness to assert itself fully. That kind of passivity to the forces comes upon many when there is the... Down Movement My inner condition is not quite a vacancy, but rather a sort of stillness, with some mechanical movement of thought. That is to say, the Power is still working on the physical consciousness (the mechanical mind and the subconscient) to bring stillness there. Sometimes the stillness comes but not complete, sometimes the mechanical mind reasserts itself. This oscillation usually... condition, always thinking of "lower forces, attacks etc." If the sadhana has stopped for a time, then let it stop, remain quiet, do ordinary things, rest when rest is needed—wait till the physical consciousness is ready. My own sadhana when it was far more advanced than yours used to stop for half a year together. I did not make a fuss about it, but remained quiet till the empty or Page 372 ...


... projection of a greater and subtler invisible physical consciousness which is much more complex, much more aware, much wider in its receptiveness, much more open and plastic and free. If you understand and experience this truth, then only you will be able to realise what is meant by the inner mental, the inner vital, the inner physical consciousness. But it must be noted that this term “inner” is... and awareness of the constant presence. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. This inner self once awake opens in its turn to our... universal life forces, the universal physical forces. Sometimes, on the other hand, we mean an inmost mental, vital, physical, more specifically called the true mind, the true vital, the true physical consciousness which is nearest to the soul and can most easily and directly respond to the Divine Light and Power. There is no real Yoga possible, still less any integral Yoga, if we do not go back from ...


... be united [with the Divine] in the physical consciousness and on the supramental plane"; then, when the physical consciousness is united with the Divine, does transformation follow? Yes. Follow, but not instantaneously. It takes time. Only if the Divine descends into the physical consciousness—or rather, to put it more precisely, if the physical consciousness is totally receptive to the Divine... Divine—naturally transformation ensues. But a transformation does not come about by waving a magic wand. It takes time and is done progressively. But it is sure to come once the physical consciousness is united, isn't that so? I shall tell you this a little later! For, if so, it is not the final aim 1 —if transformation does not follow! Page 109 No. It is not what we call the... illness will vanish; and again, if there are physical shortcomings, these will disappear, and so on. But it is all very hazy, it's just an impression. There is something quite remarkable: the physical consciousness, the body-consciousness, cannot know a thing with precision, in all its details, except when it is on the point of being realised. And this will be a sure indication when, for instance, one ...


... must not only descend in the physical consciousness, but it must also be fixed in the physical consciousness. On the other hand, the physical Page 83 substance itself must undergo the necessary change so as to be able to receive the supramental consciousness and to manifest it. But even this fixing of the supramental consciousness in the physical consciousness will, according to Sri Aurobindo... and surrender as follows: "... —an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing — the mind's will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature; rejection of the movements of the lower nature — rejection of the mind's ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free room... the supramental consciousness not merely to dwell in the cellular consciousness of the body and widen it or universalize it but also permeate that consciousness and thus fix itself in the physical consciousness of the human body; only then the integration of Spirit and Matter can be secured. That integration would manifest, first, in a few individuals, and then it will spread into collectivities of ...

... g attain to a supreme capacity and the ' perfection which is possible to it or which can be made possible. I have already indicated in a previous message a relative perfection of the physical consciousness in the body and of the mind, the life, the character which it houses as, no less than an awakening and development of the body's own. native capacities, a desirable outcome of the exercises... exercises and practices of the physical culture to which we have commenced to give in this Ashram a special attention and Page 125 scope. A development of the physical consciousness must always be a considerable part of our aim, but for that the right development of the body itself is an essential element; health, strength, fitness are the first needs, but the physical frame itself must be the... so many dull and lower aims, must feel all its urges and instincts exalted and irradiated and become a Page 126 glorious counterpart of the supramental super-life above. The physical consciousness and physical being, the body itself must reach a perfection in all that it is and does which now we can hardly conceive. It may even in the end be suffused with a light and beauty and bliss ...

... that is established. So it's not very easy. And even individually, it's a battle against oneself, because if you want your physical consciousness to be in a state that admits of physical immortality, you must be free to such an extent from everything which the physical consciousness at present represents that it's a battle of every second: all feelings, all sensations, all repulsions, all that exists... precisely the so interesting curve of what is unfolding at present. At times, you feel as if everything, everything is dissolving, getting disorganized; and I have observed closely: at first the physical consciousness wasn't sufficiently enlightened, it would feel, “Ah, this must be what heralds death”; then, little by little, came the knowledge that it wasn't that at all, it was only the inner preparation... the “change of authority” is always difficult, and if one isn't aware, one can take it for a sign of illness. It's the cells which no longer know whom they must obey. But it's deceptive. The physical consciousness (the consciousness that makes the cells function) is accustomed to effort, struggle, misery, defeat ... so accustomed that it's quite universal: the end, you know, that end which for centuries ...


... psychic being can go out without any danger if the physical consciousness does not disturb and itself create the danger. But unfortunately Kanai's physical and nervous being seems to be weak and not on a level with the powers of his mind and physical nature. It may be better for him to concentrate first on the preparation of his physical consciousness, I have already said that what he must do is to bring... must be careful about the physical as this type is likely to burn up the body in the intensity of its psychic developments." The basis of calm, strength and purity brought down into the physical consciousness without any hasty trepidations unhealthy vibrations will secure the physical safety and is here very indispensable. 2) GIRIN. "An intellectual and philosophic temperament but there is... illness and is the cause also of his present disorder. The immediate cause, however, is his being hurried by circumstances and the eagerness of his own mind into a development too rapid for the physical consciousness which should have been subjected to a long and steady preparation. I do not know whether Krishnashashi received your letter written to him at his other address. Raja Brojendra Narayan Roy's ...

... the physical consciousness to the contacts of outward life and things. The lower vital as distinguished from the higher is concerned only with the small greeds, small desires, small passions etc. which make up the daily stuff of life for the ordinary sensational man—while the vital physical proper is the nervous being giving vital reflexes to contacts of things with the physical consciousness. ... the incoming of the wrong suggestions and impulsions more difficult and give full force to the true movements. This action of the physical mind is in dispensable for the change of the whole physical consciousness even to the most material, though for that the enlightening of the subconscient is indispensable. It is the function of the outward physical mind to deal with external things—that is... only Page 181 on what the Will wants to deal with, not run about in a random manner. When it becomes quiet, it can then go inside and come into contact and unity with the inner physical consciousness. The wideness and peace as it grows can do much to quiet the physical mind and give it an inward source of deeper action. In the human physical mind there is always a tendency not to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the ordinary will and knowledge of man, from the mortal and physical consciousness to the immortality of the Truth and the Beatitude. The Vedic Rishis speak of five births for man, five worlds of creatures where works are done, pañca janāḥ, pañca kṛṣṭīḥ or kṣitīḥ . Dyaus and Prịthivī represent the pure mental and the physical consciousness; between them is the Antarikṣa, the intermediate or connecting... the word of right self-expression aspires beyond mind. This divine will carrying in all its workings the secret of the divine knowledge, kavikratuḥ , befriends or builds up the mental and physical consciousness in man, divaḥ pṛthivyāḥ , perfects the intellect, purifies the discernment so that they grow to be capable of the "knowings of the seers" and by the superconscient Truth thus made conscient... are universal forms, masses of the vast and infinite consciousness. As a result, the fostering rivers in the lower world are nourished by this descending higher sweetness and the mental and physical consciousness, the two first mothers of the all-effecting Will, become in their entire largeness perfectly equal and harmonised by this light of the Truth, through this nourishing by the infinite Bliss. ...


... understand 2 Truth, but is not one with it. The light of knowledge has to present itself in this human understanding tempered so as to suit its forms to the capacities and limitations of the physical consciousness. And it has to lead up progressively to its own true nature, to manifest successive evolutionary stages for our mental development. Therefore the rays of Surya, as they labour to form our mental... exists only in the pure mental plane of being, 3 where they shine above the three heavens, tisro divaḥ , as their three luminosities, trīṇi rocanāni . But their light descends upon the physical consciousness and effects the corresponding formations in its realms, the Vedic pārthivāni rajāṁsi , earthly realms of light. They also are triple, tisraḥ pṛthivīḥ , the three earths. And of all these... play of forces. Man, subjectively, contains in himself all the worlds in which, objectively, he is contained. Preferring ordinarily a concrete to an abstract language, the Rishis speak of the physical consciousness as the physical world, earth, Bhu, Prithivi. They describe the pure mental consciousness as heaven, Dyaus, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit. To the intermediate dynamic, vital ...


... the Mother and goes to sleep under her protection, as if in her lap, surrounded by her presence. As for the dream the legs indicate the physical consciousness which is still under a double pull, one upward to the higher consciousness so that the physical consciousness may unite itself with the spiritual, the other downward towards the lower consciousness. The looking towards me indicates the choice of... very much in the external physical consciousness—but in reality it is there in your inner being working in you. When you recover the inner consciousness, you feel it again within and it wakes in you your own true consciousness, the psychic—and it is only the psychic that gives faith and devotion. It is however a great progress if, even when in the external physical consciousness, you feel the Peace enveloping... and physical that the transformation of the nature begins to take place. The opposite experience of dryness, despair etc. comes from the resistance of the ordinary lower nature (lower vital, physical consciousness, especially). This resistance is to be got rid of—and one condition of that is never to indulge the desires of the lower vital and the body. You must turn them on the contrary wholly to the ...


... condition, always thinking of "lower forces, attacks" etc. If the sadhana has stopped for a time, then let it stop, remain quiet, do ordinary things, rest when rest is needed—wait till the physical consciousness is ready. My own sadhana when it was far more advanced than yours used to stop for half a year together. I did not make a fuss about it, but remained quiet till the empty or dull period was... the darkness. The opportunity for these forces is given when the sadhaka descends in the inevitable course of the sadhana from the mental Page 785 or higher vital plane to the physical consciousness. Always this is accompanied by a fading of the first deep experiences and a descent to the neutral obscure inertia which is the bedrock of the unredeemed physical nature. It is there that the... difficulties you experience are nothing to those that others have felt and yet conquered them, others who were not stronger than you. All that has happened is that by this descent into the physical consciousness, the ordinary external human nature has come to the front with its elementary imperfections and subconscient unsatisfied impulses and it is to these that the contrary force is appealing. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... own superior process and with steps that do not fail or falter. Its takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness: already all these have their own peculiar powers of intuition derivative from the hidden Light; the pure power descending from above can assume them all into itself and impart to these deeper... parts—thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalising Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their _____________ ¹ Ibid., p. 70. Page 253 own right. It reasons and perceives... feelings, such a food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds—and a numberless host of other things. The physical consciousness is mechanical and repetitive in character, and it is limited to the purely bodily needs, and it is this consciousness which insists on the mind to seek the evidence of physical senses and ...

... repetition of whatever has impressed itself upon the body-consciousness. But this subconscient must be clearly distinguished from the subliminal parts of our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or ill-organised but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something... partially expressing a larger secret vital which we can only know by going within. Equally, what we call our physical being is only a visible projection of a greater and subtler invisible physical consciousness which is much more complex, much more aware, much wider in its receptiveness, much more open and plastic and free."¹ ( VI ) SOUL OR THE PSYCHIC BEING (a) The... emotional being with the psychic hidden behind it. From the navel downwards is the rest of the vital being containing several layers. From the bottom of the spine downward are the layers of the physical consciousness proper, the material, and below the feet is the subconscient which has also many levels. "² * * * The Centres or Chakras are Seven in numbers : __________________ ...

... All we need now for the jigsaw puzzle to be complete is the confirmation of the arrival of the Machine — the physical consciousness is much like St. Thomas, it needs evidence. For five years I have spent my time Page 50 taking blind decisions, while my physical consciousness has not ceased harassing me, demanding material evidence that naturally came only much later. A strange walk ... The future will tell. Perhaps Mother wants us to laugh a little instead of taking everything so seriously.... In fact, I am carrying the whole thing on my shoulders, apparently, and if the physical consciousness could be persuaded that it is not its thing or responsibility but that of the great Mother, it would be Page 51 simpler and joyously easy.... So we go struggling along until the... experience to teach to the body the real attitude and the real divine life. So it is a thin thread and one can be thrown to one side or to another — real life or death — depending on this physical consciousness. I don't know whether all these experiences are willed by Mother or ... what? I cannot believe that those cruel little magicians are the masters of my destiny. At the same time, I know how ...

... they can come up from there in dream forms: most dreams in ordinary sleep are formations made from subconscient impressions. The habit of strong recurrence of the same things in our physical consciousness, so that it is difficult to get rid of its habits, is largely due to a subconscient support. The subconscient is full of irrational habits. When things are rejected from all other... universal Nature and try to return from there or they sink into the subconscient and can come up from there even after lying long quiescent so that we think they are gone. When the physical consciousness is being changed, 1 the chief resistance comes from the subconscient. It is constantly maintaining or bringing back the inertia, weakness, obscurity, lack of intelligence which afflict... nt so completely that it can return no more, then only can we be sure that we have finished with it for ever. Letters on Yoga, pp. 356-357 The Muladhar is the centre of the physical consciousness proper, and all below in the body is the sheer physical, which as it goes downward becomes increasingly subconscient, but the real seat of the subconscient is below the body, as the real ...


... less precise consciousness, and that the physical consciousness was fully concrete and precise. But now this distinction [is no longer valid]. The other one [the subtle, true physical consciousness] has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness. The purely material consciousness is more vague than [the true physical consciousness]. It gives the impression of being something ...


... constantly, but all are not recorded in my active memory, I would be flooded; the physical consciousness acts like a filter. Things are recorded in a subtle plane, they are there in a latent state, something like a piece of music that is recorded without being played. When I need to know with my physical consciousness, I make the contact with the subtle physical plane and the disc begins to turn. Then... pioneers, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had had to descend into Matter, but humanity had to follow. As Sri Aurobindo wrote: ‘Since then the Sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical consciousness. Many have followed – some immediately without sufficient preparation in the mind and vital, some holding on to the vital and mind and living still between the three, some totally but with... 21 ‘The long rope is needed,’ he would write to Nirodbaran. And the Mother said: ‘Everybody here represents an impossibility that has to be solved.’ 22 The transformation of the physical consciousness into a Divine Consciousness is in itself an impossibility. Each sadhak and sadhika, son and daughter of Mother Earth, contained that impossibility in his or her person. The Integral Yoga of ...

... consciousness? ‘… The physical consciousness as a whole. But in this physical consciousness as a whole there is the physical mind – a mind that is occupied with all the ordinary things and responds to everything around you. There is also the vital consciousness, which is the awareness of sensations, impulses, enthusiasms and desires. Finally, there is the physical consciousness itself, the material... transformation of ‘the body consciousness.’ One also notices how the Mother is searching for a verbal definition of the part that remains to be transformed. From the quoted paragraph we can deduce: physical consciousness = material consciousness = consciousness of the cells. Part of the searching and groping is due to the fact that the Mother was talking in French. This talk, not included in the published ...

... planes. Page 143 The white sun indicates the purity and peace of the Divine Consciousness. The red sun is a symbol of the true, illumined physical consciousness which is to replace the obscure and ignorant physical consciousness in which men now live. Red is the colour of the physical; the red diamond is the Mother's consciousness in the physical. In the experience the disc... The moon, as I have already written, indicates spirituality—the crescent form means a commencement of the spiritual light. The position near the knee would indicate an action on the physical consciousness—for all below the Muladhara down to the feet is the physical province. The moon is sometimes a symbol of the Light in the mind,—if Page 145 it is a full moon. The crescent... depends on herself and the future orientation she gives to her being. Stars in such visions 1 indicate points of light or of higher experience in the consciousness. The earth means the physical consciousness. Stars indicate points of light in the ignorant mental consciousness. Moon = spiritual light Sun = the higher Truth light They [ gold stars in the sky ] are simply indications ...


... more conscious in your sleep than in your waking condition. This is because of the physical consciousness which is not yet sufficiently open; it is only just beginning to open. In your sleep the inner being is active and the psychic there can influence more actively the mind and vital. When the physical consciousness is spiritually awake, you will no longer feel the trouble and obstruction you now have... enter into other planes of consciousness than the physical and command an immense range of informative and utilisable experience. By not sleeping enough you weaken the forces of the physical consciousness and so the physical basis of the sadhana is less strong than it should be. It gets more open to the forces of inertia. Is that all your sleep [ three-and-a-half hours ]? If so, it is... body needs sleep, not having had enough or because enough rest is not given, (2) when it wants to recuperate after illness or strong fatigue, (3) when there is a pressure from above which the physical consciousness or part of it replies to by trying to go inside. Take care to rest enough. You must guard against fatigue as it may bring relaxation and tamas. To rest well is not tamas, as some people ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... rationale of your present difficulties is quite correct and no other explanation is needed—except what I was writing in my unfinished letter about the descent of the sadhana into the plane of the physical consciousness and that does not disaccord with but only completes what he says. He is quite right in saying that the heaviness of these attacks was due to the fact that you had taken up the sadhana in earnest... otherwise they could not act or at least could not act with any success. In your case the chief points d'appui have been the extreme sensitiveness of the lower vital ego and now also the physical consciousness with all its fixed or standing opinions, prejudices, prejudgments, habitual Page 772 reactions, personal preferences, clinging to old ideas and associations, its obstinate doubts... what is wrong and false. This insight you had very constantly whenever you were in a good condition and especially whenever Bhakti became strong in you. When the sadhak comes down into the physical consciousness, leaving the mental and higher vital ranges on which he had first turned towards the Divine, these opposite things become very strong and sticky and, as one's more helpful states and experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... mind and vital. But you have the capacity to do it as recent experiences have shown; the capacity will grow, for as the psychic develops that develops and the inability or instability of the physical consciousness becomes less pressing. Diabetes or any other physical illness cannot be a cause of absence of concentration. There is always a difficulty in the beginning to concentrate for more than... certain obscurity in it which impedes the knowledge from coming out. This obscurity Page 34 is universal in the external physical mind—you feel it more just now because it is in the physical consciousness that the opposition is now centred. It will pass as soon as the Force can descend through the mind and vital and act directly on the physical nature. But that is a common experience—it... yet the Light. It does not matter very much if you keep in touch with the consciousness of the Force working upon you; for such periods of inertia in one part or another, especially in the physical consciousness, come to Page 36 everybody. If you keep and deepen the quietude and become continuously conscious of the Force, it will itself work these defective states and movements out of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Yoga - II: Surrender When the psychic is in the front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is only a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top, then the sadhana is a tapasya and a struggle. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic The yoga is very usually a series... there is conflict between the soul and the vital nature, between the Divine Attraction and the pull of the Ignorance, then obviously there may be much suffering of the mind and vital parts. The physical consciousness also may offer a resistance which is usually that of a fundamental inertia, an obscurity in the very stuff of the physical, an incomprehension, an inability to respond to the higher consciousness... assaults from men or forces. There too the possibility of suffering is evident. There are two ways to meet all that—first that of the Self, calm, equality, a spirit, a will, a mind, a vital, a physical consciousness that remain resolutely turned towards the Divine and unshaken by all suggestion of doubt, desire, attachment, depression, sorrow, pain, inertia. This is possible when the inner being awakens ...


... constantly, but not all are recorded in my active memory, I would be flooded; the physical consciousness acts like a filter. Things are recorded on a subtle plane, they are there in a latent state, something like a piece of music that is recorded without being played, and when I need to know with my physical consciousness, I make contact with this subtle physical plane and the disc begins to turn. Then... And who hears? You who are with us? And is it you in your supreme consciousness, an impersonal divine force, the force of Yoga, or you, Mother Page 72 in a body, with your physical consciousness? A personal presence that really knows each thought and each act and not some anonymous force? Can you tell us how, in what way you are present with us? Sri Aurobindo and you, it is said... with you because I am you or you are me. I am with you, that signifies a world of things, because I am with you on all levels, on all planes, from the supreme consciousness down to my most physical consciousness. Here, in Pondicherry, you cannot breathe without breathing my consciousness. It saturates the atmosphere almost materially, in the subtle physical, and extends to the Lake, ten kilometres ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... acting on illnesses, on the cells, on doubt (not mental doubt, but rather the doubt of the physical consciousness which can't accept certain things that seem impossible to it Page 485 —what Sri Aurobindo calls disbelief , 1 not a mental doubt, but the disbelief of the physical consciousness which can't accept what is contrary to its own nature and its own working). And as for illnesses... obstructed, for when it must work here in the body, it is stopped or deformed or altered or diminished. All this goes on in the subconscient; these are things that were pushed out of the physical consciousness down into the subconscient, so they're there and they come back up whenever they please. Two nights ago (no, three—the night before Darshan), I had one of those experiences that... that... very hard ... The next morning I woke up with the flu. So, it's very simple. The sickness was due to one part of your Page 487 being going faster than the rest. A part of the physical consciousness probably remained behind, and that created this imbalance and triggered the sickness. It took a huge effort in my dream. Yes, it's good. It's working as it should. It may not be very ...


... care, to be able to tell you about it. But are you making a distinction between the body-consciousness and the physical consciousness?... Oh yes! The physical consciousness is something very complex; it includes the whole physical, conscious world. My physical consciousness has been universalized for a long, long time, it encompasses all terrestrial movements 3 ; but the body is limited... concentration of substance ( Mother touches her body )—that's what I call the body-consciousness. And when I said, "I have left the body," 4 it certainly didn't mean I have left the physical consciousness—my overall contact with the terrestrial world has remained the same. It concerns only the purely bodily aspect, the specific concretization or concentration of substance giving each of us a ...


... ss, of course—the physical consciousness as a whole. But then, in this physical consciousness as a whole, there is the physical mind—a mind that is occupied with all the ordinary things and responds to everything around you. There is also the vital consciousness, which is the awareness of sensations, impulses, enthusiasms and desires. Finally, there is the physical consciousness itself, the material... without smoke, no life without ignorance in life. That is the common experience, but it is not our idea, is it? We know by experience that if we go down into the subconscient, lower than the physical consciousness, into the subconscient and even lower still into the inconscient, we can find in ourselves the origin of atavism, of what comes from our early education and the environment in which we lived ...


... impossible to a physical consciousness that is conscious of the Divine. It's impossible, it absolutely has to change. And that was so vivid... I was gripped by it all night and all day, even while seeing people, with such an intensity: it must change, it must change.... The being, the inner consciousness can say and be conscious that that suffering is unreal, but the physical consciousness can't—it can't... can't, it HAS to change. It's not a matter of merging with a consciousness, leaving this physical consciousness to disappear: it has to change, it has to change.... I can't put it into words, I can't say it. Yes, yes, I understand. It is so very conscious that in all the worlds, even the vital world, everything depends on the attitude, and if you are in contact with the Divine, everything is... solidity of matter is an illusion and that it may.... Here, I'll give you a very practical example: something inside, an inflammation somewhere, for instance; well, as long as I am in the ordinary physical consciousness, it's there, it's concrete and it hurts, but there is a consciousness in which it no longer exists—physically. If you know (what shall I say?)... to put it simply: to approach the Divine in ...


... undergoes a transformation, unless its action and functioning attain to a supreme capacity and the perfection which is possible to it or which can be made possible. (...) A development of the physical consciousness must always be a considerable part of our aim, but for that the right development of the body itself is an essential element; health, strength, fitness are the first needs, but the physical... confusion and occupied with so many dull and lower aims, must feel all its urges and instincts exalted and irradiated and become a glorious counterpart of the supramental super-life above. The physical consciousness and physical being, the body itself must reach a perfection in all that it is and does which now we can hardly conceive. It may even in the end be suffused with a light and beauty and bliss... stability of the health and strength of its physical tenement could be maintained by the will and force of this inhabitant; all the natural capacities of the physical frame, all powers of the physical consciousness would reach their utmost extension and be there at command and sure of their flawless action. As an instrument the body would acquire a fullness of capacity, a totality of fitness for all use's ...

... Aurobindo October 1935 Absolutely in the physical consciousness! Don't find any trace of the psychic anywhere, Sir! Are you handling the blessed subconscient physical or what? I am handling the handle. Sticky! If you are absolutely in the physical consciousness, so much the better. It shows you are on the way. If you were in your uproarious mental... inclination to write poetry... Is it the physical? Yes, that's the joker—physical consciousness. And this, you say, is the better condition? No, where did I say that? Why, this is almost next to inconscience. Of course it is. I don't know how the psychic is going to emerge from the physical consciousness. Well, it's the bottom of the first curve, so logically the next thing ...

... physical centre - it happens to be the centre for sex and physical propagation also, but it is not separately and solely the centre of sex. If that were so, there would be no centre governing the physical consciousness, but only a centre governing the sex organ.   The sex exists in itself - put a number of sexual men together debarred from all possibility of feminine society - after a time they will... etc. Page 145 When doing this work you had the Force in you and the right consciousness filling the vital and physical - afterwards with relaxation the ordinary physical consciousness came up and brought back the ordinary reactions - fatigue, sciatica etc.   Along with the above reactions came a host of suggestions: that it was the ego's secret action which moved... passivity. You are right. That is the real trouble - a laziness in the nature that cannot take the trouble to persist.   I observe that there is no definite movement in my physical consciousness towards a higher progress. Is it the same thing with other sadhaks and the earth consciousness itself? Yes, for the time being.   Let me not compare my difficulties with ...

... informed you that every first day of the month I get an attack of adverse suggestions. Why does the difficulty linger so long?       The attack on the first is only a bad habit of the physical consciousness due to a long standing association in the mind which you ought to get rid of.         Why am I singled out by the difficulties? Any error on my part?       Everybody has... condition, always thinking of lower forces, attacks etc. If the sadhana has stopped for a time, then let it stop, remain quiet, do ordinary things, rest when rest is needed — wait till the physical consciousness is ready. My own sadhana when it was far more advanced than yours used to stop for half a year together. I did not make a fuss about it, but remained quiet till the empty or dull period was...       Now I see that one has to accept a period of no-effort in spite of having the knowledge. Can one still make the effort?       The period of no-effort is usually when the physical consciousness is uppermost, for the nature of that is inertia, to be moved by the higher forces or to be moved by the lower forces or by any forces but not to move itself. One must still use one's effort ...

... thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalising Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right. It reasons and perceives with ideas of infinity, eternity, unity, identity and se... sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, Page 55 little wishes of all kinds and a numberless host of other things. The physical consciousness is mechanical and repetitive in character, and it is limited to the purely bodily needs, and it is this consciousness which insists on the mind to seek the evidence of physical senses and the... second sight and other supernormal faculties. The operations of this subliminal sense add immensely to our possible scope of knowledge and widen the narrow limits in which our sensebound outer physical consciousness-is circumscribed and imprisoned. Page 61 One of the more important powers of this subliminal level is to enter into direct contact of consciousness with other consciousness or ...

... hand. She is still holding my hand! Oh, how silly we are, seeing nothing, doubting everything, how this physical consciousness is blind. Then we do despite everything. That is what I called “walking in the dark,” every step in the dark. If there were a certain faith in the physical consciousness, it would be self-evident! We would see Mother! There is probably a last physical ego that produces... and sticky fingers of Falsehood slipping into everything, soiling and confusing everything. There is nothing to do, only to wait. In the depths of my heart (though a little less in my physical consciousness) I have faith in Mother letting them make only the mistakes they need to destroy themselves. But we can clearly see that only destruction, or rather a total disintegration will be able to... japa while walking without any particular purpose, in a purely mechanical way: one goes round and round — it becomes very different. It really becomes the japa of the Page 287 physical consciousness and of the body. I thought of you in the squares of Paris, where, as you told me, the japa went much better when there were a few trees — you should go and do the japa in the hallways of ...

... as he was about to cross the barrier and get out of his body into the expanses above, Mother would pull him back in: "Instead of helping me go beyond, it seems She brought me back into the physical consciousness!” he exclaimed in a conversation with Sri Aurobindo. And Mother replied, Yes. The question is to link both consciousnesses, which means to bring the higher consciousness down into the physical... In a distinct but low voice, Sri Aurobindo answered: I cannot call it a state, or a condition. It is, rather, a complex movement. I am at present engaged in bringing the Supermind into the physical consciousness, down even to the sub-material. The physical is by nature inert and does not want to be rendered conscient. It offers much greater resistance as it is unwilling to change. One feels as if “digging... the mental and the vital also cannot be fully Supramentalised. The physical is therefore to be accepted and transformed. ...I am trying to bring the highest layer of the Supermind into the physical consciousness. 27 This up and down movement is what is most perceptible to all those who have ever tried their hand at it. Freed from its mental coating and its various fixations, inferior and utili­tarian ...

... transformation of the body? Before the transformation of the body?... This is a phenomenon of consciousness. For instance, the physical consciousness may have this experience even for years before the cells change. There is a great difference between the physical consciousness (the Page 57 body consciousness) and the material body. This takes a long time, because it is a thing that has never ...


... they are within the reach of all who are sincerely interested in this development and its results. Among the faculties that are often mentioned, there is, for example, the ability to widen the physical consciousness, project it out of oneself so as to concentrate it on a given point and thus obtain sight, hearing, smell, taste and even touch at a distance." What are the names of these twelve senses... this properly, he sees what there is in the studio, can hear what is going on, though he is not there himself: the body is lying in a bed in a room, but the consciousness is projected. It is a physical consciousness. It is not an inner state, for one sees physically, hears physically. If there are people in the room one sees them, and if they are speaking one hears them speaking. Naturally, it is not from ...


... inwardness or sleepiness as in the Hall. Is it not possible to do so usually? It is the pressure of the Force on the physical consciousness which produces that result of inwardness, though the translation of it into sleepiness can only be a transitory failing of the physical consciousness which is accustomed to associate inward-going with sleep. There is no reason why you should not do it usually if you ...

... that was because I was seeing them from the Mind. The true defect of Overmind, the limitation in it which gave rise to a world of Ignorance is seen fully only when one looks at it from the physical consciousness, from the result (Ignorance in Matter) to the cause (Overmind division of the Truth). In its own plane Overmind seems to be only a divided, many-sided play of the Truth, so can easily be taken... Page 153 not change the vital nature, a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love, ...


... concrete presence of the Mother in the photograph and the immediate effect on the health are things of the subtle physical acting on the physical mind and body—such things can happen only when the physical consciousness has begun to open—that is why I said it was a sign. Of course the full effects of the spiritual experiences can only come when the whole consciousness is entirely open and receives and responds... experience was due to your mind dwelling in the state of the Mother's constant presence and its results. What you say is true, about these results, but it is not easy for the mind or vital or physical consciousness to get or keep the Mother's conscious presence—it is only the psychic that keeps it easily. So the thought brought down a pressure from above and a concentration within in the heart with a ...

... imagination, but a true experience. It expressed the relation between your psychic being and the Mother. That relation is always there; it is prevented from filling up the whole vital and physical consciousness by the old habitual movements that return upon the lower vital and physical and by the assent some part of the mind, when it is obscured, gives to these movements. Do not allow your mind to... assent, and do not allow any demand to rise in your vital, for it is usually some vital demand or disappointment of demand that is the occasion for these returns. The whole mental, vital and physical consciousness will then begin to be filled with the permanent relation which is natural to the psychic part of you. There would then be no serious difficulty or disturbing struggle. 26 April 1932 ...

... a legend has been formed and people cling to it. 5 July 1933 I do not think your reasoning that you were in the physical consciousness and therefore the observation of the physical fact [ of the Mother's touch ] is likely to be correct is very sound. The physical consciousness is full of impressions and that they are not entirely reliable has begun to be more and more recognised—it is the reason ...

... instinct is a true one." 3 All? It is far too sweeping a generalisation. If he had said that is one very strong strain in human nature it could be accepted. But mark that it is in human physical consciousness only. The human vital tends rather to reject a happiness untainted by sorrow and to find it a monotonous, boring condition. Even if it accepts it, after a time it kicks over the traces and... the heart with the Divine supporting it there—this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the whole being to the Truth and the Divine, with results in the mind, the vital, the physical consciousness which I need not go into Page 176 here,—that is a first transformation. We realise it next as the one Self, Brahman, Divine, first above the body, life, mind and not only within ...


... feel an absolute need to realise materially their spiritual realisation; they are not satisfied with going away into the clouds or into worlds where forms no longer exist. They must have their physical consciousness and even their body participate in their inner experience. Now, it may be said that the need to adopt or follow or participate in a religion as it is found all ready-made, arises rather... physical life quite mechanically and ordinarily and, when he can do it, when he has the time or when it suits him, withdraws within himself, escapes from physical Page 246 life and the physical consciousness and goes to far-off heights to find his spiritual joys. Someone who tries to make his material life the expression of his highest aspiration is certainly more noble, more upright and sincere ...


... The body too has its own distinct consciousness which operates in the involuntary functionings of the various bodily organs and physiological systems. Body-consciousness is only part of the physical consciousness. The latter includes also the physical mind and the physical vital which will be presently explained. Though separate and distinct, the three main divisions of the outer being just mentioned... on impulses and desires of the vital. Another subdivision is the physical mind, which is the part of the mind that is intermixed with the physical, and partakes of the characteristics of the physical consciousness such as inertia, obscurity and mechanical repetitiveness which manifest in the physical mind as mental torpor and conservatism, doubt, and obsessive thoughts. The part of the mind which is ...


... in the heart and whenever these were active in the meditation it showed itself. But for the sake of completeness the working had to come down into the physical consciousness and establish the quietude and the openness there. The physical consciousness is always in everybody in its own nature a little inert and in it a constant strong aspiration is not natural, it has to be created. But first there must ...

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... discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, brings the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method Page 7 is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature... The only question is what is to be the chief power in your seeking, a vital demand or a psychic aspiration manifesting through the heart and communicating itself to the mental and vital and physical consciousness. The latter is the greatest power and makes the shortest way—and besides one has to come to that way sooner or later. Let us first put aside the quite foreign consideration of what we ...

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... or creation not known or possessed by the common mind of the race. Occultism means rightly the use of the higher powers of our nature, soul, mind, life-force and the faculties of the subtle physical consciousness to bring about results on their own or on the material plane by some pressure of their own secret law and its potentialities, for manifestation and result in human or earthly mind and life... its animal impulses and gross material procedure? It might be held that the first necessary change would be the liberation of the mind, the life-force, the subtle physical agencies and the physical consciousness into a freer and a diviner activity, a many-dimensioned and unlimited operation of their consciousness, a large outbreak of higher powers and the sublimation of the bodily consciousness itself ...


... occasional instances or moments of concentration. There is now a movement to recover & fix the general intensity beyond relapse. The work now being done is to fix all gains in the lowest physical consciousness so that they may be always secure and not only present during periods, however long, of concentration, illumination or exaltation. Tivra is beginning to generalise its intense recurrence... throughout the body. Vaidyuta is also seeking to pervade the body and with less force kama and vishaya. Rupasamadhi is growing by little jets of progress in the midst of an obstructing physical consciousness. Trikaldrishti grows constantly in force, but fluctuates in completeness and especially in ritam. Intensity of premananda fails now only because of the inability of the prana ...

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... about X was such a contribution. The rest seems all right. The writing on the forehead means of course something that is fixed in you in the vital plane and has to come out hereafter in the physical consciousness. You are too physically matter of fact. Besides you are quite ignorant of occult things. The vital is part of what European psychologists sometimes call the subliminal and the subliminal... being which can at once open to the Higher Consciousness, its power, light and Ananda. There is also begun a similar breaking of the small physical mind and sense into the wideness of the inner physical consciousness. The inner planes are always wide and open into the Universal while the outer surface parts of the being are shut up in themselves and full of narrow and ignorant movements. It is plain ...


... there is above us, above the consciousness in the physical body, a great supporting extension as it were of peace, light, power, joy—that we can become aware of it, and bring it down into the physical consciousness and that that, at first for a time, afterwards more frequently and for a longer time, in the end for good, can remain and change the whole basis of our daily consciousness. Even before we are... because here it is the physical adhar itself that is attacked and a too great mass of physical difficulties may destroy or disable or permanently injure. The only thing to do here is to get the physical consciousness (down to the most material parts) open to the Power, then to make it accustomed to respond and obey and to each physical difficulty as it arises, apply or call in the divine Power to throw ...

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... take hold of you and try to push you to despair—for it is an enemy force that pushes them back into you. The difficulty is that your physical consciousness does not yet know how to reject this when it comes. The inner being rejects it, but as the physical consciousness lets it in, the inner being is pushed back for the time being. You must absolutely learn not to allow this thing to come in, not to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... life-force, some pressure for a change there. Page 251 It [ the kind of samadhi one has ] depends on the nature of the physical consciousness you keep. When there is the descent of consciousness into the body one becomes aware of a subtle physical consciousness and that can remain in samadhi—one seems to be aware of the body, but it is really the subtle body and not the outward physical. ...


... respond to Page 185 outer things, depression is impossible. The self at one end, the stone at the other never get into depression. In between them, the true mind, true vital, true physical consciousness never get depression because they do not give the responses to things that create depression. Naturally the deep depression and low vitality [ in another person ] try to get into you... confidence that you are being led towards it even through difficulties and apparent denials, there could be no better mental foundation for sadhana. And if not only the mind, but the vital and physical consciousness can be imbued with this faith, dejection will become either impossible or so evidently an outer thing thrown from outside and not belonging to the consciousness that it will not be able to ...

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... revolt but an acceptance. Of course there are moods of revolt also in the vital in which it takes a pleasure. The part that does not like suffering and would be glad to get rid of it is the physical consciousness, but the vital pushes it always and so it cannot escape. It is the rajaso-tamasic vital ego that is responsible both for revolt and for the acceptance of depression. Rajas predominating... would be terribly boring to have nothing but joy and Ananda and peace—many even have said it. The gloom and other difficulties come from a resistance of inertia in the lower vital and physical consciousness. What you have to do is to prepare the consciousness by getting rid of the inertia. A sattwic gladness and calm and confidence is the proper temperament for this Yoga; gloom, depression and ...

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... as the vital in man insists and persistently opposes its refractory desires and ill-will to every divine influence; not obstructing and entrenched in incapacity, inertia and tamas as man's physical consciousness obstructs and clinging to its pleasure in smallness and darkness cries out against each touch that disturbs its soulless routine or its dull sloth or its torpid slumber. The unreserved surrender... nature and see her with the psychic vision that alone make a straight response to the Truth. Then the Mother herself will enlighten by their psychic elements your mind and heart and life and physical consciousness and reveal to them too her ways and her nature. Avoid also the error of the ignorant mind's demand on the Divine Power to act always according to our crude surface notions of omniscience ...

... clear light of the mentality reflecting the Truth, has been hidden by the Panis, the lords of the lower sense-activity, and shut up in the subconscient; in our thoughts, in our desires, in our physical consciousness the Light and the Ananda have been triply established, but they are concealed from us. It is in the cow, symbol of the Light from above, that the gods find the clarified streams of the "ghritam"... that it is not Heaven the father and Earth the mother that are indicated, but the two sisters, Rodasi, feminine forms of heaven and earth, who symbolise the general energies of the mental and physical consciousness. It is their dark states—the obscured consciousness between its two limits of the mental and the physical,—which by the happy movement of the nervous dynamism begin to labour in accordance ...


... by the very nature of the matter with which it is dealing,—that inferior stuff invades the very forms that are meant to serve as intermediaries between the spiritual and the mental, vital or physical consciousness, and often it diminishes, degrades and corrupts them: but it is in this attempt that lies religion's greatest utility as an intercessor between spirit and nature. Truth and error live always... exposed to vitiation by some incompleteness of the spiritual knowledge on its dynamic side, by the imperfections of the individual seekers and by the invasion of the ordinary mind and vital and physical consciousness taking hold of the truth and mechanising, obscuring or corrupting it. The mental intelligence and its main power of reason cannot change the principle and persistent character of human life ...

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... all things the multitudinous play or the slow masked evolution of the embodied Spirit. It is not a mental quiet, aloofness, indifference, not an inert vital quiescence, not a passivity of the physical consciousness consenting to no movement or to any movement that is the condition aimed at, though these Page 177 things are sometimes mistaken for this spiritual condition, but a wide comprehensive... inability indeed is the cause of the failure of reason, morality and every other surface action to control and deliver and perfect the life of the human race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing ...


... little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its Page 153 purifying... being—"no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers—and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature. This soul is obliged to accept the human mental, emotive, sensational life as it is, its relations, ...


... fruit which Adam and Eve, Purusha and Prakriti, the soul tempted by Nature, have eaten. The redemption comes by the recovery of the universal in the individual and of the spiritual term in the physical consciousness. Then alone the soul in Nature can be allowed to partake of the fruit of the tree of life and be as the Divine and live for ever. For then only can the purpose of its descent into material... harmonies where there should be a self-adaptation to the orchestral whole. All totality, even if it be only in one scheme of the universal vibrations, even if it be only a totality of the physical consciousness without possession of all that is in movement beyond and behind, must be to that extent a reversion to harmony and a reconciliation of jarring opposites. On the other hand, to Sachchidananda ...

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... him. This extended state of being will not only be an extension in oneness of self or an extension in conceptive idea and vision, but an extension of oneness in heart, in sense, in a concrete physical consciousness. He will have the cosmic consciousness, sense, feeling, by which all objective life will become part of his subjective existence and by which he will realise, perceive, feel, see, hear the... life, on the body organism, from an ignorance that does not know how to meet these forces or is not able to meet them rightly or with power, and from some obscurity, pervading the stuff of the physical consciousness and distorting its responses, that reacts to them in a wrong way. A supramental self-acting self-effectuating awareness and knowledge, replacing this ignorance, will liberate and restore the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... by oneness of mind with all Nature and all beings, we can break down the walls. Even our bodies are not really separate entities and therefore our very physical consciousness is capable Page 415 of oneness with the physical consciousness of others and of the cosmos. The Yogin is able to feel his body one with all bodies, to be aware of and even to participate in their affections; he can ...


... condition too is not ideal and presents, besides, still a certain obstacle, because the higher action has still to pass through a retarding and diminishing conscious substance,—that of the physical consciousness. The final stage of the change will come when the supermind occupies and supramentalises the whole being and turns even the vital and physical sheaths into moulds of itself, responsive, subtle... formed and heard in the intuitive mind or supermind and need not at first except in certain highly gifted souls come out easily into speech and writing, but that too can be freely done when the physical consciousness and its organs have been made ready, and this is a part of the needed fullness and power of the integral perfection. The range of knowledge covered by the supramental thought, experience ...


... [between the subtle physical and the material physical], but... how should I put it?... For everything to hold together, this way of being of the material consciousness continues (the material, physical consciousness), but in it a permeation takes place (it really is a permeation), which doesn't drive away the other, but... at length, it will probably transform it. It doesn't drive it [the material con... they describe it as I might describe it myself, that is to say, with the full knowledge. And they know nothing! It's quite astounding, oh!... Yes. And then, when you are in that subtle physical consciousness, the laws change—you can change the material law if you are in that consciousness. Yes, it doesn't at all work in the same way. I mean that... Mon petit, great care has been taken ...


... gestures as if taking Rishabhchand by the hand ), had him leave his house. But in his consciousness (my "dream" must have stopped at the point where he physically lost consciousness), in his PHYSICAL consciousness, he could not see Him. Then it became clear! You know, I found that so marvelous! Because the experiences Page 170 I have now... I never had such precise and concrete experiences... and he got up—he got up, feeling it was the Lord calling him; he left his room and went to bang his head on the rocks—the Lord led him.... It's pretty, no? And as I was identified with his physical consciousness, I felt the anguish he must have felt: "The Lord asked me to come and meet Him, but I cannot see Him...." And he didn't want to be seen: "People must not see me, people must not see me...." ...


... trikaldrishtic thought-perception. Page 1200 The relics of asamata persisted in a fragmentary occasional fashion so long as the defect of mentality in the Shakti has persisted in the physical consciousness; it did not belong to the system, but was imposed on it, so long as the outer mind could shoot in its arrows of suggestion or break in for a time and possess the surface. There is still a ... mentality, a narrowed vijnanamaya. The mental has in fact been for some time really recurrent with a show of Page 1206 persistence. It is now merely recurrent. This shows that the physical consciousness has gone far in a first idealisation. Pervasiveness is now becoming final, only the pervasion of the head offers some difficulty: there it is not, but tends to be quite continuous. In deeper ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... personal Prakriti, but has been able to produce asamata in the outward physical mentality. These things are still possible because of the persistence of intuitive mentality in the stuff of the physical consciousness; that can only be secure against mental suggestions by a partial personal siddhi cut off from the external Nature or by complete idealisation. 17 July 1919 The ideality has resumed its... once changed to the inspirational form. But this too is not absolutely effective. The highest logistis alone can do the work. Page 1142 There is a beginning of the change of the physical consciousness to the inspirational ideality. Free gandha in the evening; the obstruction seems to be broken down, though not either in gandha or rasa entirely destroyed. It is intact in ҫravana and sparsha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... even steady), suddenly there came into him, "All this is because your physical consciousness doesn't have trust: it doesn't believe, doesn't have trust." Then, ALL AT ONCE, he felt something as if seizing him, and everything went away! He was perfectly fine, and it remained like that. He knew very well that in his physical consciousness there was doubt and all the old Page 93 ideas—he swept ...


... assertion, but is in disaccord with the others. But that means the psychic consciousness must penetrate the PHYSICAL consciousness. Yes. Because that's the only place where there is permanence. Yes.... The psychic consciousness must penetrate the ordinary physical consciousness. Yes. That's what is difficult! But, mon petit, I tell you, that's what happened to me at least ...


... silence ) Only those with a physical body have the kind of reactions—pleasure, displeasure—we have in physical life. The others no longer have it. That seems to disappear with the purely physical consciousness. ( silence ) More and more I get the feeling we know nothing. That's all. That there is an infinite variety of things, and we know nothing. Personally, I often complain about my nights... meaning, and tiring moreover. What is it? I haven't the faintest idea. Perhaps it's that. Perhaps that same world. Page 221 But what's one doing there! ( silence ) For our physical consciousness it's stupid, of course. 3 Yes, it looks stupid. That's just what I had last night. And it was quite natural and... without reaction. 4 I think it's the mind that gives meaning ...


... 2) Is it not that after a course of purification and liberation of the physical consciousness that this intimacy and union were made possible? A. There was something in the vital also (which was standing in the way of union). 2) Some purification perhaps of something that acts between the vital and physical consciousness. Sri Aurobindo ...

... present the necessity is to prepare the physical consciousness; for that a complete equality and peace and a complete dedication free from personal demand or desire, in the physical and the lower vital parts is the thing to be established. Other things can come in their proper time. What is the real need now is the psychic opening in the physical consciousness and the constant presence and guidance ...

... you remember this passage? I didn't know he had written that. "Well, well..." I thought. He writes, "It is hard to stay near her, because the difference between the physical consciousness of all you people and her physical consciousness is so enormous...." 10 Indeed, that's what tires me out. That's what tires my body, because it is used to living in a certain rhythm, a universal rhythm. ( silence ...


... Aurobindo because at the time I didn't have those experiences. I had all the psychological experiences, experiences in the mind, even the most material mind, or in the vital or the physical consciousness—the physical CONSCIOUSNESS—but not in the body. That's something new, it started only three or four years ago. All the rest is easy. Everything up to that point is settled—settled very nicely. Since ...


... not while I am there, because any activity lessens the receptivity. 12 October 1959 Sweet Mother, What is meant by the "silence of the physical consciousness" 2 and how can one remain in this silence? The physical consciousness is not only the consciousness of our body, but of all that surrounds us as well all that we perceive with our senses. It is a sort of apparatus for recording ...


... repetition of whatever has impressed itself upon the body-consciousness. But this subconscient must be clearly distinguished from the subliminal parts of our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or ill-organized, but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something... is that the vital intervenes and so does the mind—that never, ever happens [in Mother]. That belongs to the past, there's no question of it any longer. Everything takes place purely in the physical consciousness. So for the ordinary consciousness, it's disequilibriums between the various functionings of breathing, digestion, blood circulation and so on. But for me, all that has become the expression ...


... day I had an unforgettable experience. The minute the actual news of the attack came, the consciousness was as if drawn into the universal physical consciousness, like that ( spreading out gesture ). And it was from there, from the universal physical consciousness, that everything was seen. That's how I was able to see: I was able to see the reaction IN EACH ONE. It was really interesting, oh, really ...


... about him: ) ...It comes with images, it's a sort of perception like a motion picture.... ( Then she goes on: ) ...There is a whole part of the most material consciousness, the utterly physical consciousness (precisely the one that participates in incalculable, minuscule activity of every day) which, of course, is very hard to bear. In ordinary life, it's tolerable, it's bearable because you take... it's only in a state of rest sufficiently complete for its personal difficulties not to interfere), but from time to time, what we'll call "waking up" takes place, that is to say, the purely physical consciousness comes back—and the whole problem comes back instantly. Instantly the problem is there. And without your remembering it: the problem doesn't come back because you remember it, it's that the ...


... and attitudes. The physical consciousness of the body is characterised by inertia, obscurity, mechanical and chaotic activity, repetitiveness. and narrowness or constriction. The vital consciousness is characterized by energism, action and passion. The characteristics of mental consciousness are rationality, objectivity, balance and harmony. The influence of the physical consciousness is to be seen in ...

... wonderful thing we could have done together ... but for that I ought to have been beautiful and you a sage! ... Today was truly a day of victory, victory over all that yet remained human in the physical consciousness. 0 Nature, I bring to thee force and light, truth and power; it is for thee to receive and utilise them. It is thou who wilt be receptive in the fruit of thy creation, man, and open the... organisation and immediate future of human life upon earth, and who see that the only solution of this problem is the concrete and effective realisation of Human Unity. At the moment, in the physical consciousness, the heart is with X, the lover, and the spiritual confidence with Y, the Guru. I do not see very well what I have to do in this tableau if it is not as a Will that puts spokes in the wheels ...


... Mother that took place in her classes. In 1958, the Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, the Mother founded Auroville, and International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for realizing human unity as a... the Mother to Satprem covering a period of more than twenty years, during which the Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supra mental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. 49 Vide., Mother's Agenda (Vols. 1-13), Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris & Mira Aditi, Mysore ; The Mother: ...

... superior process and with steps that do not fail or falter. It takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness: .. .A certain integration can thus take place, but whether it is a total integration must depend on the extent to which the new light is able to take up the subconscient and penetrate the... limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realize the self, acquire a spiritualized and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into the supramental consciousness begins to become possible, and even then there is a difficult ascent to make each stage of which is a separate arduous achievement ...

... limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a Spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. "Then only the passage into the supramental consciousness begins to become possible..." (The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 267-68 Paragraphing ours.) (3) "This can be done only by... principal element of this preparation should be that the seeker should learn to be guided in his daily life not by the impulses of his impure vital nor by the animal appetites of his blind physical consciousness but by a pure and free and enlightened reason. This reason is not the debating calculating reason of common men but the aspiring intelligence which seeks the truth and truth alone and yearns ...

... to us—not in hints, but at length? The highest planes are not so accommodating as all that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky fancy-web-spinning ignoramuses you all are. You speak of silence, consciousness, overmental, supramental, etc. as if they were so many electric buttons you have only to... but cases born with a wide opening somewhere... The activity of the vital is there in N as well as in Dilip. I don't see why you brought in "the organisation of the Supermind in the physical consciousness" into the talk about your poetic inspiration. The first is collective, the second individual. Excuse me, it was you who brought in overmind etc. in connection with my poetry and asked why ...

... conditions on the body. Would you kindly make the matter clearer.       There is nothing to make clearer. It is simply that the force of the subconscient tamas has increased as the physical consciousness accepted it. That was what I had said already.   SLEEP         Is the time come for me to start becoming conscious of my nights? My normal sleep is filled with unconsciousness... are passed with a close intimacy with the Mother and five hours with a close contact with the dark obscurity of the earth.       By not sleeping enough you weaken the forces of the physical consciousness — and so the physical basis of the Page 34 sadhana is less strong than it should be. It gets more open to the forces of inertia.         I don't have enough sleep ...

... cally, etc., etc. stomach, heart and intestine lodge the vital movements, not the physical consciousness - it is there that anger, fear, love, hate and all the other psychological privileges of the animal tumble about and upset the physical and moral digestion. The Muladhara is the seat of the physical consciousness proper. So you have to amend the third line into 'Invade the mournful bottom of my ...


... doing things suggested by the ordinary forces.       It is probably due to the mental control being removed — what is acting in the things you mention is not the mind but the vital and physical consciousness.         What should take the place of the removed mental control? The psychic or spiritual control.         What is meant by the spiritual control? The control... do with mind, memory and thoughts.         Why do we sometimes fail to remember certain things even though we try our best to recollect them?       It is the nature of the physical consciousness to forget. Page 221       My memory is very weak and dull. How to set it right? By training it to remember, practice (abhyasa).         My mind has almost ...

... spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle. Agni in the physical consciousness is called grhapati, for the body ...

... union can happen before the transformation of the body. The union is a thing of the consciousness. There is a great difference between even physical consciousness and physical matter. The most advanced mystic may get to the realisation in the physical consciousness, but that does not include physical matter. The transformation of the material body has not been done nor even attempted perhaps in the ...

... union can happen before the transformation of the body. The union is a thing of the consciousness. There is a great difference between even physical consciousness and physical matter. The most advanced mystic may get to the realisation in the physical consciousness, but that does not include physical matter. The transformation of the material body has not been done nor even attempted perhaps in the past ...

... of the divine Yoga.' -Jul-Aug At Marsillargues. Ill again. Andre spends his vacation with her and first hears of Sri Aurobindo. - Nov 2 Experiences complete identification of her physical consciousness with the Divine. 'It is Thou who wert the motive and the goal; Thou art the worker and the work.' Later says, 'It was a total holocaust - the offering not of this or that movement of life but... the Divine who must do the battling.... And so the body does all it can in order not to be an obstruction to the Divine Force which passes through.... Page 866 - Nov 8 Her physical consciousness experiences 'just for a few seconds - the supramental consciousness.... It is like the harmonisation of contraries. An activity, yes, total, tremendous, and a perfect peace.... The action is ...


... all right, it wasn't a "dream" as people call it, but a more subtle and less precise consciousness, and that the physical consciousness was quite concrete and precise. But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly.... Strange. 12 * "But how does one go from one state to ...


... perhaps also the physical consciousness (if it is complete). The restlessness of the physical is probably due to the peace and silence having touched the physical but not yet penetrated the material or body consciousness. The old restlessness is there in the body struggling to remain, although it cannot invade either mind or vital or even in a general way the physical consciousness as a whole. If the ...

... to get away from the physical consciousness so as to get into an inward-drawn condition. "My own experience in the matter," Sri Aurobindo declared, "is that wine and narcotics generally inhibit the action of the most Tamasic centers in the physical brain, and the other centres in the brain get stimulated. This helps one to escape from the limitations of the physical consciousness and one may get into ...

... 7 - 26 June 1920 7 June 1920 The discontinuation of the record for about two months marks a time when the Yoga was slowly proceeding against a strong obstruction in the physical consciousness. At no time did this obstruction amount to a gap in the process of the Yoga, a complete discontinuity (of more than hours) or a relapse in the old manner. It was not an arrest, but a retardation... smarana; when mind occupied either suppressed with predisposition of the body to it, or half-suppressed or present with a lesser insistence. Often the mind occupied, but with a part of the physical consciousness fully aware of the intense Ananda. More firmness of continuous pervasion; for a long time the inner physical fibres penetrated and possessed by the Ananda. Result in the afternoon intenser... such as had not occurred for some months past including even an attack on the samata. Insistent suggestion of asamata—amounting to duhkha in the prana and impatience in the buddhi—in the physical consciousness, not radical but strongly disturbing the outer physical fibres. This duhkha is now mingled with ananda when it enters the system and cannot preserve its pure character. Its recurrence however ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... The mind has its ideas and it clings to them; the human vital resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it; the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more than inertia. 60 Page 105 It is not possible to get rid of the stress on personal effort at once—and not always... is not possible in so short a time—for a complete surrender means to cut the knot of the ego in each part of the being and offer it, free and whole, to the Divine. The mind, the vital, the physical consciousness (and even each part of these in all its movements) have one after the other to surrender separately, to give up their own way and to accept the way of the Divine. 64 If there is not... Pertaining to Tamas. one of the three Gunas or modes of Nature (Prakriti); Tamas is the quality of ignorance, obscurity, inaction, and inconscience, and is inherent in the physical consciousness. × Sri Aurobindo. Letters on Yoga. SABCL, Vol. 23. p. 589. ...

... essential consciousness of the Spirit; the free and all-creative self-awareness of the Absolute. Chitta — the basic stuff of mental consciousness; the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse, etc. "Chitta really means the ordinary consciousness including the mind, vital and physical — but practically... mok ṣ a, Moksha — spiritual liberation. mole ruet sua — (Latin) will collapse by its own mass. Mukta —free. Muladhar —"root vessel or chamber"; the physical consciousness centre (Chakra); see also Centres of Consciousness. Mukti — spiritual liberation, the release of the soul from the bondage of Ignorance. n ā styanto vistrarasya me —... consciousness and the change of the whole nature to that. ś raddh ā —faith. the Subconscient — the part of the being which is below the level of the mental, vital and physical consciousness; in the average person, it includes the larger part of the physical mind, the vital being and the body-consciousness. Subconscious mind — the inner or subliminal mind. the ...


... g the nature of the subconscient is between the submental and the subconscient. The former refers to that which, from the evolutionary point of view, is lower than or inferior to mind. The physical consciousness of the body and that of the vital are in this sense submental, but they are not entirely subconscient, for in them consciousness Page 34 has already evolved a certain degree of... surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the word, I mean always what is below the ordinary physical consciousness, not what is behind it." 25 Sri Aurobindo has occasionally used "subliminal" as a general term to denote all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface consciousness, "so... states: "There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self." 30 The outer being is connected with the subliminal and, though unaware of it, receives from the subliminal its inspirations, intuitions, etc. As ...

... received your letter and your questions. Some are already answered by what I have previously written. You say, "the Ego and the physical consciousness are not me ." It is your soul , who can say that in truth. Certainly your soul is not the ego and the physical consciousness; but the mental, the vital and the physical beings have been formed by the ego and it is through the ego that they express themselves... d, becomes the conscious intermediary between the soul, the psychic being and the mental, vital and physical beings. When the psychic being gets the liberation, it feels the ego and the physical consciousness, merely as movements of the universal Nature outside itself, quite foreign to itself; and these movements can no more affect the psychic being in any way. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... has its own characteristic forms. The psychic being stands behind all the others; its force is the true soul-power. But if it comes to the front, it can suffuse all the rest; mind, vital, the physical consciousness can take its stamp and be transformed by its influence. When the nature is properly developed, there is a psychic in the mental, a psychic in the vital, a psychic in the physical. It is when... movements and formations of their own domain which each individual has made for himself in the past or in his present life. What is needed is a general plasticity of the mind, the vital, the physical consciousness, a readiness to give up all attachment to these things, to accept whatever the higher consciousness brings down with it however contrary to one's own received ideas, feelings, habits of nature... all the small life-impulses that constitute the bulk of the ordinary human life and character. This is what we call the lower vital nature. The Muladhara is the main support of the physical Page 190 consciousness and the material parts of the nature. It [ the vital mind ] is a mind of dynamic (not rationalising) will, action, desire—occupied with force and achievement and satisfaction ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... emotional being with the psychic hidden behind it. From the navel downwards is the rest of the vital being containing several layers. From the bottom of the spine downward are the layers of the physical consciousness proper, the material, and below the feet is the subconscient which has also many levels. The experience of the splitting of the forehead from the middle and the pouring out of light signified... effectuate a half manifestation, and this is the most usual result, the more so as these vital or other supraphysical forces come into conflict and have not only to overcome the resistance of the physical consciousness and of matter, but their own internecine resistance to each other. A certain number succeed in precipitating their results in a more complete and successful creation, so that if you compare... liberties has not, something which makes creation more difficult, but in the last result justifies the labour. Each plane of consciousness contains the others in itself in principle. In the physical consciousness there is a physical mind, a vital force and action which we call the vital physical, and the physical proper or material. Mind has its own realms and life has its own realms just as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... is not possible in so short a time,—for a complete surrender means to cut the knot of the ego in each part of the being and offer it, free and whole, to the Divine. The mind, the vital, the physical consciousness (and even each Page 72 part of these in all its movements) have one after the other to surrender separately, to give up their own way and to accept the way of the Divine. But what... psychic being are concentrated on the spiritual aim and open to the Divine—that is why the Influence comes down into the head and as far as the heart. But the vital being and nature and the physical consciousness are under the influence of the lower nature. As long as the vital and physical being are not surrendered or do not on their own account call for the higher life, this struggle is likely to... Page 83 ideas and it clings to them; the human vital resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it; the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more than inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... transmission of the power and light that comes from above. There is a disparateness between the supramental consciousness in which the Purusha now stands, thinks and wills and the mental, vital and physical consciousness through which he has to effectuate its light and knowledge. He lives and sees with an ideal consciousness, but he has yet in his lower self to make it entirely practical and effective. Otherwise... the inferiority or lack of Page 819 the integral play of the being. This can only be remedied by the supermind taking hold of and supramentalising the mental, the vital and the physical consciousness,—transforming them, that is to say, into moulds of the supramental nature. This is much more easily done if there has been that Yogic preparation of the instruments of the lower nature of which... movements of the vital being and consciousness and relates them to the movements and imparts to them the significances of the spiritual life of the self and its power of Tapas. It takes the physical consciousness, delivers it from its darkness and tamas of inertia and makes it a responsive recipient and a sensitive instrument of the supramental light and power and Ananda. It deals with life and action ...


... of life, the true and pure vital being, the Purusha; there is even a Self of body of which, by standing back from the body and its demands and activities and entering into a silence of the physical consciousness watching the action of its energy, it is possible to become aware, a true and pure physical being, the Purusha. So too, by standing back from all these activities of nature successively or... and knowledge. A light and power, a knowledge and force are felt which first take possession of the mind and remould it, after wards of the life part and remould that, finally of the little physical consciousness and leave it no longer little but wide and plastic and even infinite. For this new consciousness has itself the nature of infinity: it brings to us the abiding spiritual sense and awareness... itself is not commensurate with its light. A light and power of the overmind working in its own full right and in its own sphere is one thing, the same light working in the obscurity of the physical consciousness and under its conditions is something quite different and, owing to dilution and mixture, far inferior in its knowledge and force and results. A mutilated power, a partial effect or hampered ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... The first necessity is to create a sufficiently stable formation out of this flux and running so as to form a basis for the life of the conscient. This Brihaspati does in the formation of the physical consciousness and its world, sahasā , by force, by a sort of mighty constraint upon the resistance of the subconscient. This great creation he effects by establishing the triple principle of mind, life... leading activity of their nature. As a result Brihaspati in them became able to taste for them the bliss of existence, the wine of Immortality, the supreme Ananda. The formation of the definite physical consciousness is the first step, this awakening to the Ananda by the bringing forward in mind of the intuitive soul as the leader of our conscious activities is the consummation or, at least, the condition... paramā parāvat , from which the being has descended, the paramā parārdha of the Upanishads, the existence of Sachchidananda. It is to that highest existence that those arise out of this physical consciousness, ataḥ , who like the ancient Rishis enter into contact with the Truth-consciousness. 4 They make it their seat and home, kṣaya, okas . For in the hill of the physical being there are dug ...


... Part of the mind is ranging through time and space or in other worlds. Another part is on the watch to receive its experiences and report them to the physical consciousness. Sushupta Samadhi, the third stage, is when the whole physical consciousness, at least that part of it which belongs to the waking self, is asleep. When we are in deep sleep we think that nothing is going on in us; but that... these experiences are merely distorted memories or confused, falsified and fragmentary, then it is called ordinary dream. [This happens when] 14 the mind proper is not acting at all in the physical consciousness and only [ ] 15 parts of the nervous system are awake. But when part of the mind remains as it were awake even in [ ] 16 sleep, then one may get [accurate] 17 records of true and actual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Whatever is beyond mind and life and body is spirit. But spirit can be realised even on these lower levels, in the spiritualised mind, in the spiritualised life-force, even in the spiritualised physical consciousness and body. But if thou rise not up beyond the mind-level, then in these realisations the spirit must needs be modified by the medium through which thou attainest to it and its supreme truth... e of the instrumentation of the nature from the outer to the now more than half-veiled inner mind, from the outer to the inner vital or life-self, from the outer to an inner subtler vaster physical consciousness and by this transference a direct and conscious instead of an indirect and unconscious or half conscious contact with the secret cosmic forces that move us; a breaking out from the narrow limited... rejection of the falsehood, these are the only conditions made. But these must be fulfilled entirely, without reserve, without any evasion or pretence, simply and sincerely down to the most physical consciousness and its workings[.] 170 Victory in this effort depends upon the sincerity within you, the purity of your aspiration, the burning core of your faith, the absoluteness of your will ...


... from which they can be manifested. Page 123 Purple is the colour of vital power. "Red" depends on the character of the colour, for there are many reds—this may be the colour of the physical consciousness. As for the tricoloured ball of energy, I am not quite sure, but it may mean the triple force, Love, Light, Life which are contained and constrained in the inconscient sleep of the Shakti... the Truth in the physical. Orange or red gold is supposed by the way to be the light of the supramental in the physical. Orange Light Orange is the true light manifested in the physical consciousness and being. Orange is the colour of occult knowledge or occult experience. Yellow Light Yellow is the thinking mind. The shades indicate different intensities of mental light. ... consciousness. The red Purusha may be the power of the true physical—red being the colour of the physical. It depends on the nature of the red. Red (when it does not mean the light of the physical consciousness) indicates always some kind of Force or Power, but what power it is depends on the shade. Deep red is the Divine Love—rosy is the psychic love. The deep red is the light of the ...


... conquered in the end—although it is difficult—even in the external nature. The fight with the ego is part of the fight with the physical nature, for it is the superficial ego in the physical consciousness, irrational and instinctive, that refuses to go. No, it need not. 1 It is so thought because the old Yogas did not care about the liberation of the body and other instruments, and... willing to change their lower nature that this unwillingness can disappear. What stands in the way of course is always the vital ego with its ignorance and the pride of its ignorance and the physical consciousness with its inertia which resents and resists any call to change and its indolence which does not like to take the trouble—it finds it more comfortable to go on its own way repeating always the... alousy is certainly there, or you would not feel this violent sorrow. That it subsists still in the recesses and rises with such vehemence shows how deeply rooted this movement was in your physical consciousness. You have not been able to root it out, because when it comes you associate yourself entirely with it and abandon yourself to its outcries and violence. You must have the strength to stand ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... plane. (1) It [ the vision of a flower ] was seen through the physical eyes but by the subtle physical consciousness; in other words there was an imposition of one consciousness upon another. After a certain stage of development, this capacity of living in the ordinary physical consciousness and yet having superadded to it another and more subtle sense, vision, experience becomes quite normal... choose the right ones. Subtle Physical Visions All that can be seen with closed eyes can be seen with open eyes also; it is sufficient that the inner sight should extend to the subtle physical consciousness for that to happen. One can see [ visions ] either with open or closed eyes or both. It is a matter of temperament or idiosyncrasy which one starts with. Page 108 The ...


... not change the vital nature; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body Page 398 and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love,... l or subtle physical body not adapted for life on the earth. If it were not so, they would not have disappeared. The object of supramentalisation is a body fitted to embody and express the physical consciousness on earth so long as one remains in the physical life. It is a step in the spiritual evolution on the earth, not a step in the passage towards a supraphysical world. The supramentalisation is... the step is different from that aimed at by other Yogas. There is not therefore much utility in these discussions—one has first of all to supramentalise sufficiently the mind and vital and physical consciousness generally—afterwards one can think of supramentalisation of the body. The psychic and spiritual transformation must come first, only afterwards would it be practical or useful to discuss the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... plenitude, energy, light and force, all that diminished, diminished... and then... nothing. I was not in a mental or vital consciousness, I was in an absolutely physical consciousness. Well, those who are sensitive in their physical consciousness ought to feel that quite concretely. And I can assure you that the area we call "the Ashram" has a condensation of force which is not at all the same as that... when you have nothing to do with the physical any longer and you enter the mind itself, there are relations which may be rendered by a certain time and certain space which do not exist for the physical consciousness but which exist for the mental consciousness. That then would be, if you like, the explanation of what you were saying, that Time changes; for it is evident that in the universal formation ...


... divine satisfaction. In Yoga we hasten this slow process of Nature and insist on the physical consciousness seeing the truth and learning to recognise and want it. But how to show it the truth? Well, just as Page 130 you bring a light into a dark room. Illumine the darkness of your physical consciousness with the intuition and aspiration of your more refined parts and keep on doing so till... Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine's Love Here is the flower we have called "Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine's Love." By the "Physical" I mean the physical consciousness, the most ordinary outward-going consciousness, the normal consciousness of most human beings, which sets such great store by comfort, good food, good clothes, happy relationships, etc., instead ...


... the power of the higher vital and higher mental elements of the being is the greatest part of human self-development, civilisation and culture. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness One of the chief functions of the physical mind is to doubt. If you listen to it, it will always find a thousand reasons for doubting. But you must know that the physical mind is working... The mechanical mind is a sort of engine—whatever comes to it it puts into the machine and goes on turning it round and round—no matter what it is. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness That is the nature of the mental physical to go on repeating without use the movement that has happened. It is what we call the mechanical mind—it is strong in childhood because the thinking... thinking mind is not developed and has besides a narrow range of interests. Afterwards it becomes an undercurrent in the mental activities. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Physical Consciousness ...


... surrender in the physical"? Why, we spoke about it last time, didn't we? I think so. It is the psychic surrender expressing itself in the physical consciousness; that is, the physical consciousness takes an attitude of psychic surrender. The physical consciousness receives the influence of the psychic and takes the attitude which psychic surrender gives. We said that; I am sure I said something very ...


... Questions and Answers (1955) 11 May 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Who is going to ask questions today? Sweet Mother, how can we make the body immune to every attack? Well, Sri Aurobindo has written it later, hasn't he? He says that only the descent of the supramental Force can... 146 naturally protected by the very fact of this supramental nature. That's what Sri Aurobindo says. But the supramental nature in the body is something yet to be realised. In the physical consciousness it is possible but in the body, not yet. Besides, Sri Aurobindo has told us that it would take three hundred years, so we have time to wait. We must only learn to wait, learn to last it... 148 Yes, but everything, everything is a degradation. He has said, pleasure also. Pleasure and pain are equally a degradation of Ananda. Besides, the capacity for balance of the human physical consciousness is very small. If you have a pleasure which you push a little too far, whatever it may be, it immediately becomes a pain—whatever it may be. And there is always a place where one no longer ...


... with the Grace, of faith in the Grace; and then, as soon as they are in their vital or physical consciousness, there is nothing any more. There are others, on the contrary, who, even physically, in their body... who perhaps Page 114 don't have much mental knowledge, but who in their physical consciousness have an absolute faith in the divine Grace, and a total trust, and they live like that... Questions and Answers (1955) 6 April 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". What is this psychoanalysis of Freud, Sweet Mother? Ah, my child, it is something that was in vogue, very much in vogue at the beginning of the century... no, in the middle of the century! ( Mother turns to Pavitra ...


... have told you this once already, I believe; in any case, I have written it somewhere. There are two points of view. Here I have taken quite an ordinary, material point of view, that of the physical consciousness. But I have explained somewhere that there are, as it were, different "layers of determinisms" in our being. The physical existence has a determinism; the vital existence has a determinism;... speak of this in that article. I have taken a purely material point of view. I have given the example of people (and people who lived almost exclusively in their material consciousness, their physical consciousness, you understand, mental, vital and material), and who eagerly wanted to die from the time they were fifty—they lived to be eighty-seven! I have had an instance of that. I had another example... view. Page 48 If you do not make a higher determinism intervene, truly you can change nothing. That is the only way of changing your physical determinism. If you remain in your physical consciousness and want to change your determinism, you cannot... During the First War I knew a boy who had been told he would die of a shot (you know in war one dies easily), and he had even been given an ...


... your physical is something that's three-fourths inert and without its own consciousness. There is a physical consciousness proper, a consciousness of the body; the body is conscious of itself, and it has its own aspiration. So long as one thinks of one's body, one is not in one's physical consciousness. The body has a consciousness that's quite personal to it and altogether independent of the mind. The... vital and the mind and that this harms its own equilibrium, and it suffers from this. That may produce a complete disequilibrium in it. And so on. Page 293 One can develop one's physical consciousness so well that even if one is fully exteriorised, even if the vital goes completely out of the body, the body has a personal, independent consciousness which enables it to move, to do all kinds ...


... inability indeed is the cause of the failure of reason, morality and every other surface action to control and deliver and perfect the life of the human race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing... repetition of whatever has impressed itself upon the body consciousness. But this subconscient must be clearly distinguished from the subliminal parts of our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or ill-organised, but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something... and they can come up from there in dream forms. Most dreams in ordinary sleep are formations made from subconscient impressions. The habit of strong recurrence of the same things in our physical consciousness, so that it is difficult to get rid of its habits, is largely due to a subconscient support. The subconscient is full of irrational habits. When things are rejected from all other parts ...


... seeking is a divine satisfaction. In Yoga we hasten this slow process of Nature and insist on the physical consciousness seeing the truth and learning to recognise it and want it. But how to show it the truth? Well, just as you bring a light into a dark room. Illumine the darkness of your physical consciousness with the intuition and aspiration of your more refined parts and keep on doing so till it realises... Of Truth ASPIRATION IN THE PSYHIC Here is the flower we have called "Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine's Love." By the "Physical" I mean the physical consciousness, the most ordinary outward-going consciousness, the normal consciousness of most human beings, which sets such great store by comfort, good food, good clothes, happy relationship, etc., instead ...


... Life. We have to bring out and call down the riches from our subliminal depths and superconscient Page 212 heights and make these an acquisition of our waking life. Our physical consciousness has to be "spiritually awake" 1 and "as open in the waking consciousness as in sleep." 2 We have somehow to "arrive at a point when one remains outwardly conscious and yet lives in the... the body. Hence to cure our physical system of all liability to fatigue, the limitation of ego has to be totally abrogated not only in the inner parts of our being, but in the very physical consciousness and the material organisation of the body. Our body has to be brought into complete harmony with the demands of our own inner consciousness and with the infinite cosmic rhythm. But... waking awareness which is still in the grip of an involutionary half-sleep. So, unless and until this spiritual slumber is totally eliminated from all parts of the being including our very physical consciousness, mother Nature will constrain our body to fall occasionally into the swoon of slumber so that the portals of the inner and higher life can open. Now, as we have mentioned in Chapter ...

... set before the Yoga of Transformation as envisaged and delineated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Naturally enough this implies that our Prakriti part including in particular the waking physical consciousness must * Tat kenaitanmahābhāga yanmoho jhāñlnorapi ? Page 55 have to undergo the necessary spiritual transfiguration and be made capable of bodying forth in full... the withdrawn status of blissful realisation and the darkened status of waking existence, is not something that can be viewed with indifference by all, especially since our normal waking physical consciousness does not seem to have the spiritual capability of ever mirroring the highest or the deepest realisation. Is it not Sri Ramakrishna who cited his own case to declare: "Sa, re, ga, ma, pa... ni: it is not good to keep the voice on 'ni', it is not possible to keep it there very long. I shall keep it on the next lower note" ? 3 This supposed incapacity of our waking physical consciousness coupled with the gravitational pull exerted by the body-consciousness tending to bring down the embodied soul from its status of perfect union and illumination, often creates a sense of ...

... a function of consciousness. The four-dimensional aspect of material reality is given or projected by what we call the physical consciousness. Material time and material space are the two norms through which the physical consciousness deploys itself. But physical consciousness, the consciousness that plays through the senses is only one form of it – the lowest, the most material formation. For ...

... in the body, and this will imply the bringing in the law of the Gnostic Purusha, vijhanamaya purusa, as also of Page 9 the anadamaya purusa (bliss-purusha), into the physical consciousness and its members. The fifth element of perfection will consist of the perfect action and enjoyment of being on the Gnostic basis. Finally, the sixth element of perfection will consist of Gnostic... it is not all that is needed for the largest transformation that is envisaged by the integral yoga. The movement of ascent to the supermind and the descent of the supermind right up to the physical consciousness are indispensable. For it is the supermind in which there is perfect unity of Truth-Knowledge and Truth-Will, and it is only by that unity that the perfect harmony in the outer and inner existence... another, but it need not change the vital nature; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilize the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough; it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love, ...

... Integral Yoga of Transformation -05_Part Three.htm PART THREE Analysis of Mental , Vital and Physical Consciousness in the Human Being 30 Sri Aurobindo has provided detailed analysis of the complexity of our nature, subconscient, conscient, intraconscient or subliminal and superconscient; but we may first present a brief analysis of three important... thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalizing Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness or corporeal consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right. It reasons and perceives with ideas of infinity, eternity... such as food desire, sexual desire, small likings and disliking, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kind — and a numberless host of other things. The physical consciousness is mechanical and repetitive in character, and it is limited to the purely bodily needs, and it is this consciousness which insists on the mind to seek the evidence of physical senses and the ...

... discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, brings the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual... another, but it need not change the vital nature; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love... is an episode, but one which was perhaps inevitable. For if the spiritualisation of the mind, life and body is the thing to be achieved, the conscious presence of the Spirit even in the physical consciousness and material body, an age which puts Matter and the physical life in the forefront and devotes itself to the effort of the intellect to discover the truth of material existence, had perhaps ...

... not mean mere purification, as we have already indicated. By physical trans- formation he means a reversal of the whole physical consciousness and a radical conversion of the very grain and gamut of its working— "...a spiritualising and illumination of the whole physical consciousness and a divinising of the law of the body.”¹ It is a long and difficult work, depending for its success on two indispensable... Truth within us continues to be separated by a painful gulf from the ignorant mechanism of our external nature.”¹ Having dwelt at some length on the question of the transformation of the physical consciousness and being of man, as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo, we turn now to the Mother's conception of it, as expressed by her before her meeting with Sri Aurobindo. It is here, on the question of the ...


... possibility of ameliorating the material condition of the masses all over the world. Man has established himself as the undisputed king among creatures of the earth and he is expanding his physical consciousness to outer space claiming it as his domain. Mind has succeeded in mastering material energy by the knowledge of its processes. Even with regard to mind's control over material energy... considered here is the place of the physical body in the scheme of Supramental transformation. The movement of ascent from Mind to Supermind and the descent from Supermind to the mental, vital and physical consciousness brings about the transformation of nature. For example. Mind would function as the Mind of Light, not as at present, a mind subject to half-light _____________________ 17 The Life Divine... are awakened in man or when man's nature undergoes a transformation by the descent of the Supramental Consciousness, then not only would unknown spiritual powers become active but the very physical consciousness o man would undergo such a change that a far greater degree of immunity from diseases would be attained leading to the conquest of death. The schools of Yoga in India mention five states ...

... (with God knows what submissive delight). The physical consciousness, the consciousness that makes the cells function [or more precisely that which hypnotizes the cells] is accustomed to effort, struggle, misery, defeat... so accustomed—that's quite universal. In people, it's only their mental consciousness that holds out; but their physical consciousness tends to foresee catastrophe, so accustomed it... of habit... of defeat, basically, with a faith, a true consciousness.... The true consciousness that truth is Harmony, truth is Progress, truth is Light, truth is .... 3 And the body, the physical consciousness falls back constantly into its old habit, what Mother called the "old way": But there is such idiocy in this body. For instance, there is every moment (it's every second or minute), every moment ...


... not mean mere purification, as we have already indicated. By physical transformation he means a reversal of the whole physical consciousness and a radical conversion of the very grain and gamut of its working—"...a spiritualising and illumination of the whole physical consciousness and a divinising of the law of the body." 1 It is a long and difficult work depending for its success on two indispensable... ignorant mechanism of our external nature." 1 Having dwelt at some length on the question of the 1 The Synthesis of Yoga, Book I Page 28 transformation of the physical consciousness and being of man, as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo, we turn now to the Mother's conception of it, as expressed by her before her meeting with Sri Aurobindo. It is here, on the question of ...


... (self-development & self-perfection); one of the three, mind, vital parts & body, perhaps the physical consciousness. Perhaps the three taken together as one. Cf the epithet. 3 पर्षि Carry over to its goal—cf पार्ये दिवि. The wealth of divine delight is to be brought into the body, the physical consciousness. 4 Having manifested in the body, the Ananda is to bring the consciousness to the divine ...


... fibres. Dyaus or Heaven is the pure mental principle not subjected to the reactions of the nerves and the body. In the seat of Heaven,—the pure mental being as distinguished from the vital and physical consciousness,—the thoughts and emotions become pure rays of true perception and happy psychical vibration instead of the troubled and obscured mental, emotional and sensational reactions that we now possess... who received the strong divine vision, nṛcakṣasaḥ , the Truth-vision by which they were able to find the Cows hidden by the Panis and to pass beyond the bounds of the Rodasi, the mental and physical consciousness, to the Superconscient, the Vast Truth and the Bliss (R.V. I.36.7, IV.1.13-18, IV.2.15-18 etc.). Soma is the Gandharva, the Lord of the hosts of delight, and guards the true seat of the ...


... difficulty. The vibrations of the mental Ananda are becoming more powerful & are being Page 478 accorded with energy in the Tapas & prakasha in the Knowledge. The trilok of the physical consciousness is being subjected to the liberated trilok of the nervous consciousness with that of the pure mental behind but not purohita . Kamananda persists in recurrence, but is oppressed from outside... in the body; continued from many days. A great deal of walking was done & produced at first strong tamasic fatigue, but afterwards the fatigue was driven into the thin exterior shell of the physical consciousness & the rest of it was filled with a pranashakti untouched by tamas. Lipis. 1) Lady of delight —ie the one of the sapta hotráh who directs Ananda of the Manas is to take charge.    ...

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... the four lamps on the four corners of the Dhara Patthi. With this help and guidance the basic physical consciousness becomes steady and rises higher and higher, first slowly and then with a surprising rapidity. But the progress is first through the universal counterpart of the individual physical consciousness. And here it is as if from the ordinary ignorance there is a movement into the subconscient ...


... in a child of this age indicates some kind of accumulation in the physical heredity creating an opportunity or a predisposition of which vital invasion takes advantage. It is especially the physical consciousness and physico-vital which contain the germs or materials of this predisposition. The physical being is always changing its constituents and in each period of seven years a complete change is... your normal consciousness and the basis of the supramental development. In order that it may so become, the mind has to be made calm and strong, the emotional and vital being purified and the physical consciousness so opened that the body can hold and retain the consciousness and power. I notice that at the time you had it the body also expressed it. This is sign that the capacity is already there in ...

... machinery fails to reveal the whole secret. It is only when we go behind, below, above into the hidden stretches of our being that we can know it; ... For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly... Notre Dame Press, 1985), p. 43. 4. Sri Aurobindo uses the term "vital" to designate the part of our psychological make-up which lies between the mental consciousness above it and the physical consciousness below it. The vital part of our being — often referred to simply as "the vital" — represents the Life-Nature, made up of sensations, instincts and impulses, desires, etc. 5. Sri Aurobindo ...


... little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark... bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" 2 was the image used by the ancient seers — and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity or ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature. This soul is obliged to accept the human mental, emotive, sensational life as it is, its relations ...


... though temporary physical materialisation seems to be possible — with the powers, forces and beings of other worlds and planes. There may even be a complete breaking of the limits of the physical consciousness and the material existence. The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 844-46 The psychical consciousness is that of what is now often called the subliminal self, the subtle or dream self of... and interpret rightly its images and experiences. It is still the fact that they add immensely to our possible scope of knowledge and widen the narrow limits in which our sense-bound outer physical consciousness is circumscribed and imprisoned. But more important is the power of the subliminal to enter Page 248 into a direct contact of consciousness with other consciousness or ...


... one hand, and the qualities of Tamas, Rajas and Sattwa on the other. Inertia as described above is clearly a state of Tamas, a characteristic attributed in yoga psychology essentially to the physical consciousness. In Sri Aurobindo's words: "The stigmata of Tamas are blindness and unconsciousness and incapacity and unintelligence, sloth and indolence and inactivity and mechanical routine and the... mastery: "There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. This inner self once awake opens in its turn to our true real eternal self. It opens inwardly to the soul, called in the language of this yoga the psychic ...

... Ignorance and the darkness. The opportunity for these contrary forces is given when the sadhak descends in the inevitable course of the sadhana from the mental or the higher vital plane to the physical consciousness. Always this is accompanied by a fading of the first deep experiences and a descent to the neutral obscure inertia which is the bed-rock of the unredeemed physical nature. It is there that... and the Mother's will be there working behind even in the moments when you cannot feel it. The one need for you and for all is to be, even in the darkness of the powers of obscurity of the physical consciousness, stubbornly faithful to your soul and to the remembrance of the Divine Call. Be faithful and you will conquer. Page 40 March 30, 1930 I return excerpts and poems; ...

... done in a day. The mind has its ideas and it clings to them—no human vital but resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a self-giving with a demand in it—the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more than inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When... advance to be anything like general or swift in its process, the attitude of the sadhaks not of a few only, must change. They must cling less to the conditions and feelings of the external physical consciousness and open themselves to the true consciousness of the Yogin and sadhaka. If they did that, the inner eye would open and they would not be bewildered or alarmed if the Mother again manifested ...

... confidence that you are being led towards it even through difficulties and apparent denials, there could be no better mental foundation for sadhana. And if not only the mind, but the vital and physical consciousness can be imbued with this faith, dejection will become either impossible or so evidently an outer thing thrown from outside and not belonging to the consciousness that it will not be able to... to be necessary is that the mixture should disappear and that the consciousness should be established on a purer level (not only spiritual and psychic but a purer and higher mental, vital, physical consciousness) in which there is not this mixture. There one would feel the true Ananda of oneness and love and sympathy and fellow ship, spiritual and self-existent in its basis but expressing itself through ...

... only question is what is to be the chief power in your seeking, a vital demand or a psychic aspiration manifesting through the heart and communicating itself to the mental and vital and physical consciousness. The latter is the greatest power and makes the shortest way—and besides one has to come to that way sooner or later. I may observe also that, from your own account, it was the psychic... incoherent only when (1) they are badly transcribed in the recording consciousness or improperly remembered, (2) when they belong to a certain region of symbol occurrences in the vital to which the physical consciousness has no clue. But in the second case there is only an apparent incoherence, for once one gets the main clue, everything falls into its place and is full of a connected significance. At any rate ...

... ‘When Sri Aurobindo left his body, the accumulated result of all his physical consciousness was transmitted to Mother’s body, and thus there was no waste. But now, apart from Mother’s body, there was no other body which was so developed that it could receive, if Mother left her body, the accumulated result of her physical consciousness. This was a formidable problem. But as we see from what she said, ...


... painful, is an episode, but one which was perhaps inevitable. For if the spiritualisation of mind, life and body is the thing to be achieved, the conscious presence of the Spirit even in the physical consciousness and material body, an age which puts Matter and the physical life in the forefront and devotes itself to the effort of the intellect to discover the truth of material existence, had perhaps... Nature. That is not the transformation I envisage. It is quite another power of knowledge, another kind of will, another luminous nature of emotion and aesthesis, another constitution of the physical consciousness that must come in by the supramental change. Spiritual realisation can be had on any plane by contact with the Divine (who is everywhere) or by perception of the Self within, which is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... of their belief that they have acquired a right over you, thirdly because of the habit of assent and passive response to them or endurance of them that has been stamped on the physical consciousness. This physical consciousness is not as yet liberated, it has not begun to be as responsive to the higher force as the vital, so it cannot resist their invasion. So these forces when thrown out retreat into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... within us—so too the Purusha in the heart is described as Ishwara of the individual nature in some places. The word soul is very vaguely used in English—as it often refers to the whole non-physical consciousness including even the vital with all its desires and passions. That is why the word psychic being has to be used so as to distinguish this divine portion from the instrumental parts of the nature... soul is described as a spark of the Divine Fire in life and Page 117 matter, that is an image. It has not been described as a spark of consciousness. There is mental, vital, physical consciousness—different from the psychic. The psychic being and consciousness are not identical. When the soul or "spark of the Divine Fire" begins to develop a psychic individuality, that psychic in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic universal oneness. Or on the contrary... that was because I was seeing them from the Mind. The true defect of Overmind, the limitation in it which gave rise to a world of Ignorance, is seen fully only when one looks at it from the physical consciousness, from the result (Ignorance in Matter) to the cause (Overmind division of the Truth). In its own plane Overmind seems to be only a divided, many-sided play of the Truth, so can easily be taken ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Influence and the Physical Consciousness Sometimes chandas are at the tip of my tongue but I'm unable to express myself in verse. Is there no way for me to learn? Any necessary power may come with the sadhana—but many get the poetic impulse from within, but are not able to transcribe it in really good poetic form—it depends on how it comes out through the physical consciousness. 22 December ...


... even when the mind doubts or the vital revolts or the physical consciousness denies it. When this extends itself to the instruments, it becomes a fixed belief in the mind, a sort of inner knowledge which resists all apparent denial by circumstances or appearances, a complete confidence, trust, adhesion in the vital and in the physical consciousness, an invariable clinging to the truth in which one has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... mind, life and body; to possess him with the spirit, with the mind, with the vital and the physical consciousness; and it is again for all these to be possessed by him, so that our whole being is one with him, full of him, governed and driven by him. It is, since God is oneness, for our physical consciousness to be one with the soul and the nature of the material universe; for our life, to be one with ...


... possession of them for its activities; they are purified, aṇvībhis tanā , "by the fingers and the body" as Saying explains it, by the subtle thought-powers of the pure mind and by extension in the physical consciousness as it seems to me to mean. For these "ten fingers", if they are fingers at all, are the ten fingers of Suryā, daughter of the Sun, bride of the Ashwins. In the first hymn of the ninth Mandala... crossed", a phrase that recalls at once the ship of the Ashwins that carries us over beyond the thoughts; for Heaven is the symbol of the pure mental consciousness in the Veda as is Earth of the physical consciousness. These sisters who dwell in the pure mind, the subtle ones, aṇvīḥ , the ten brides, daśa yoṣaṇāḥ , are elsewhere called the ten Casters, daśa kṣipaḥ , because they seize the Soma and speed ...


... comes thus to the soul with the light of her knowledge, prajñāna , confronting all the worlds as field of that knowledge,—all provinces, that is to say, of our universal being,—mind, vitality, physical consciousness. She stands uplifted over them on our heights above mind, in the highest heaven, as the perception of Immortality or of the Immortal, amṛtasya ketuḥ , revealing in them the eternal and beatific... existence in us by her revelations Page 296 Swar, the concealed luminous mind, our highest mental heaven; and thus from the farthest extremities of mental being extends herself over the physical consciousness. As this divine Dawn pours out widely its light upon them, so have men by submission to the law of her divine act and movement to bring forward for her the fully energised completeness of ...


... itself to the body, the physical sensations, the obscure mind etc. Eg. an object sought in the darkness, the hand instinctively seeks the right place, if not interfered with by the mind. A physical consciousness presents itself of a certain fact or event, the mind being without a clue is unable to specify, although the kind of fact or event is felt or known. The fact or event justifies or produces... that defect of anima in the back & legs obeyed the prohibition of the Tapas and that the after reaction is being reduced. The sense of exhaustion after effort is being expelled from the physical consciousness. Vijnana During utthapana a great & large activity of vijnanamaya thought harmonising all oppositions, explaining all appearances, justifying all forces, illuminating the truth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 1936 Poetry of the Material or Physical Consciousness The Vedic times were an age in which men lived in the material consciousness as did the heroes of Homer. The Rishis were the mystics of the time and took the frame of their symbolic imagery from the material life around them. 20 October 1936 Homer and Chaucer are poets of the physical consciousness—I have pointed that out in The Future ...


... fruits are the results of the sadhana. Flowers Flowers indicate a blossoming in the consciousness, sometimes with special reference to the psychic or the psychicised vital, mental and physical consciousness. Page 177 The vision of flowers is a symbol usually of psychic qualities or movements whether a potentiality or promise or an actual state of development. It is usually... ] means consciousness. The opening of the lotus is the opening of some part of the consciousness. The opening of the lotuses 2 means, I suppose, the opening of the true vital and physical consciousness in which the spiritual being (the Swan) can manifest with all the consequences of that opening. The lotus must represent owing to its numerous petals the "thousand petalled" lotus above ...


... to be necessary is that the mixture should disappear and that the consciousness should be established on a purer level (not only spiritual and psychic but a purer and higher mental, vital, physical consciousness) in which there is not this mixture. There one would feel the true Ananda of oneness and love and sympathy and fellowship, spiritual and self-existent in its basis but expressing itself through... creates an unnecessary interchange and comes in the way of a complete turning to the Divine. Relations after taking up Yoga should be less and less based on a physical origin or the habits of the physical consciousness and more and more on the basis of sadhana—of sadhak with sadhaks, of others as souls travelling the same path or children of the Mother than in the ordinary way or with the old viewpoint. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... passing there is a considerable sensitiveness in the vital physical part of the being and it may be easily disturbed by a wrong impact or a wrong movement like overfeeding. When the physical consciousness has been sensitivised, too rich or heavy food becomes offensive to it. Page 429 It is true that as one reaches an advanced age a diminished diet may become desirable. Fasting... no better than before. It is a change of consciousness that is effective and this kind of abstention helps that only in so far as it tends to create a less heavy and more refined and plastic physical consciousness for the higher will to act upon. That is something, but it is not all; the change of consciousness can come even in spite of non-abstinence. Onions are allowed here because the palate of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... fire of aspiration and tapasya, burning under the earth, that is to say, in the subconscient. It opens the earth, the physical consciousness to the Divine Light. Moonlight may symbolise the spiritual consciousness and the room your own personal being or individual physical consciousness. With these clues it will be easy for you to understand the significance of your experience. The fire you saw ...


... felt before was in your mental being and consciousness; after coming here you have evidently come out into your external and physical consciousness, that is why you feel as if all you had before was gone. It is only covered over by the obscurity of the physical consciousness and not gone. As for sadhana, I presume you mean by that some kind of exercise of concentration etc. For work also is sadhana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... suddenly, but even after a sudden conversion the effects of it have to be worked out, applied to every part of the vital until the effect is complete and that takes often a long time. As for the physical consciousness, that can only be converted by long spade work, as it were,—rapid changes in this or that Page 110 point can be made; but the whole change means a long and persistent endeavour... awaken the psychic being in you (the Purusha in the secret heart) so that it will come forward and remain in front and pour its influence on all the movements of the mind, the vital and the physical consciousness. The work of transformation will still have to be done, but from that moment it will no longer be so hard and painful. Peace and Quiet in the Vital What you have to aspire for and bring ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... one is physically near her or not—this relation takes up the mind, vital and inner physical till one feels one's mind close to the Mother's mind, one's vital in harmony with hers, one's very physical consciousness full of her. These are all the elements of the inner union, not only in the spirit and self but in the nature. I do not recollect what I had written, but this is the inner close relation... from outside. Let the psychic being in you grow and the Mother's force work. The relation of the child and the Mother is there in your soul; it will make itself felt in your mind and vital and physical consciousness till it becomes the foundation of the whole consciousness on which all the sadhana can be firm and secure. 26 July 1935 The connection between you and the Mother is there and has always ...

... from me. If the mind and the heart have a settled devotion and are full of the Mother's presence or in constant contact with her Light and Force, then the difficulties of the vital and physical consciousness in you can be met and conquered. It is that you must get first. To try to deal with the difficulties of the vital without this contact or presence, is premature and cannot succeed. 20 June... Why? It is the same part of you, the vital, that is afraid of her. It seems like someone has taken away my life-energy and I am without any strength. Page 385 It is the physical consciousness which has no longer the mind's sanction to the old push of vital activity and vital desire and so feels the absence of the rajasic vital strength in which men live. In Yoga that strength must ...

... particle of his triple body (sthūla, sūkṣma, kāraṇa). Does this process include the transformation of the physical consciousness which Sri Aurobindo's yoga aspires to achieve? Or if it is different, in what way does it differ? I do not believe a mantra can change the physical consciousness. What it does, if it is effective, is to open the consciousness and to bring into it the power of that which ...


... child of this age indicates some kind of accumulation in the physical heredity creating an opportunity or a predisposition of which the vital invasion takes advantage. It is especially the physical consciousness and the physico-vital which contain the germs or materials of this predisposition. The physical being is always changing its constituents and in each period of seven years a complete change... your normal consciousness and the basis of the supramental development. In order that it may so become, the mind has to be made calm and strong, the emotional and vital being purified and the physical consciousness so opened that the body can hold and retain the consciousness and power. I notice that at the time you had it the body also expressed it. This is a sign that the capacity is already there in ...


... endeavour is impotent to bring it about; as for egoistic insistence and vital revolt, they are, so long as they last, insuperable obstacles to the descent. Only a calm, pure and surrendered physical consciousness, full of the psychic aspiration, can be its field; this alone can make an effective opening of the material being to the Light and Power and the supramental change a thing actual and practicable... you can get the true relation with the Divine in this province. If you want the realisation there, it is the true nearness that you must seek, the descent and presence of the Mother in your physical consciousness, her constant inner touch Page 86 in the physical being and its activities, her will and knowledge behind all its work and thought and movement and the ever present Ananda of that ...

... September 1935 Some say November 24th is a day of victory. By that some mean that the Supermind (supramental consciousness) descended into the physical consciousness of Sri Aurobindo. Others say it was the coming down of Krishna into the physical consciousness. If it was the descent of Krishna, does that mean the descent of the supramental light? Krishna is not the supramental light. The descent ...


... physical. I want to make it clear that it is not a question of the pure mind here, but of the physical mind; for in the physical consciousness itself there is a mental activity, a vital activity and a purely material activity, and all that takes place in your physical consciousness, in your body consciousness and bodily activity, penetrates first in the form of vibrations of a mental nature, and so ...


... is a battle against oneself, because (I think I have already told you this once), if you want your physical consciousness to be in a state which admits of physical Page 316 immortality, you must be free to such an extent from everything which at present represents the physical consciousness that it becomes every second a battle. All feelings, all sensations, all thoughts, all reflexes, all ...


... strike, and withdrew), the person became once again absolutely dull. Naturally it is very difficult to establish a constant contact between the most external physical consciousness and the psychic consciousness, and oh! the physical consciousness has plenty of goodwill; it is very regular, it tries a great deal, but it is slow and heavy, it takes long, it is difficult to move it. It does not get tired ...


... Questions and Answers (1955) 16 March 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". This evening the reading ends with the following lines: "The subconscient is the main cause why all things repeat themselves and nothing ever gets changed except in appearance. It is the cause why people say character... is not very frequent—it depends absolutely on the degree of development of the psychic and the hope formulated by the integral consciousness of the being—there is still the mental, vital and physical consciousness, united with the psychic consciousness; so at that moment, the moment of death, the moment of leaving the body, it formulates a hope or an aspiration or a will, and usually this decides the ...


... physical. I want to make it clear that it is not a question of the pure mind here, but of the physical mind; for in the physical consciousness itself there is a mental activity, a vital activity and a purely material activity, and all that takes place in your physical consciousness, in your body consciousness and bodily activity, penetrates first in the form of vibrations of a mental nature, and so ...


... little flame of godhead burning in the midst of a great darkness; for the most part it is veiled in its inner sanctum and to reveal itself it has to call on the mind, the life-force and the physical consciousness and persuade them, as best they can, to express it; ordinarily, it succeeds at most in suffusing their outwardness with its inner light and modifying with its purifying fineness their dark... being—"no bigger in the mass of the body than the thumb of a man" was the image used by the ancient seers —and it is not always able to prevail against the obscurity and ignorant smallness of the physical consciousness, the mistaken surenesses of the mind or the arrogance and vehemence of the vital nature. This soul is obliged to accept the human mental, emotive, sensational life as it is, its relations, ...


... The surrender must be total and seize all the parts of the being. It is not enough that the psychic should respond and the higher mental accept or even the inner vital submit and the inner physical consciousness feel the influence. There must be in no part of the being, even the most external, anything that makes a reserve, anything that hides behind doubts, confusions and subterfuges, anything that... surrender, — an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing — the mind's will, Page 31 the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature; rejection of the movements of the lower nature — rejection of the mind's ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free ...


... dimensions of this love. It not only needs to open, but to widen itself and to become more supple—Matter is still too rigid. And even the substance of the physical consciousness—not only the most material Matter, but the substance of the physical consciousness—is too rigid. January 1961 × Oral question and answer. ...


... demands, but it is not in consonance with the rest. Yes, this means that the psychic consciousness enters into the physical consciousness. Yes. Because, there alone things are permanent. Yes... The psychic consciousness must enter into the ordinary physical consciousness. Yes. That is the difficult thing. But, my child, that happened to me, as I told you, at least thirty ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... discrimination, a constant intimation, finally a governance which discloses and quietly and patiently removes all imperfections, brings the right mental and vital movements and reshapes the physical consciousness also. Another method is to stand back detached from the movements of the mind, life, physical being, to regard their activities as only a habitual formation of general Nature in the individual... The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental, vital, physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual nature) consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this yoga ...


... impression of the marvelous and the miraculous and they want the subtle physical to become visible in the material world IN SPITE OF the falsehood. What makes the great difference for the ordinary physical consciousness is this: it wants to come into contact with that in spite of the falsehood, whereas the universal law is, get out of the falsehood and that will become true for you. For me, this subtle... it.' Are you referring to the supramental world? It applies to everything: every true thing in the world, including all the fairy tale miracles. Things that appear miraculous to the physical consciousness happen in an altogether different way, but to it they are indeed miraculous since they don't depend on any physical processes. As I have said, 1 to travel from one place to Page 146 ...


... nectar of immortality? This consciousness of immortality... is OUR becoming conscious of the realms where immortality exists; but to bring immortality into the physical consciousness requires not only a transformation of physical consciousness but a transformation of physical substance as well. So.... ( Concerning the last conversation where Mother spoke of the essential Sound, or the 'Word' of ...


... his own experiences. Nevertheless, Sri Aurobindo has often said and written that his yoga begins where the others leave off. This is to say that yoga ordinarily consists in awakening the physical consciousness and making it rise gradually towards the Divine. Whereas Sri Aurobindo has said that to do his yoga, one must already have found the Divine and united with Him—then the consciousness descends... Certainly. Page 392 In Sri Aurobindo's yoga, the transformation of the body is indispensable so far as it can be done. Because the aim of this yoga is not an escape from the physical consciousness but a divinisation of that consciousness. 31 December 1968 Page 393 × Questions and Answers ...


... expression of what the physical creation has contributed to the immense Manifestation, and which is specific to the physical consciousness as nowhere else, in no other domain. So Page 19 this was the problem: If it ( this "something" contributed by the physical consciousness ) can't be had in sleep, it means that when we lose our body, we'll lose a degree of precision, doesn't it? Before ...


... sense-mentality in the human being. For delight is the raison d'etre of sensation, or, we may say, sensation is an attempt to translate the secret delight of existence into the terms of the physical consciousness. But in that consciousness, — often figured as adri, the hill, stone, or dense substance, — divine light and divine delight are both of them concealed and confined, and have to be released... fibres. Dyau or Heaven is the pure mental principle not subjected to the reactions of the nerves and the body. In the seat of Heaven, — the pure mental being as distinguished from the vital and physical consciousness, — the thoughts and emotions become pure rays of true perception and happy psychical vibration instead of the troubled and obscured mental, emotional and sensational reactions that we now possess ...


... different. That has made a difference .... For those few hours, there was nothing but that consciousness, it was wonderful; now there is... what has been formed. But the inner attitude, even in the physical consciousness, is changed; there is a sort of vision of things, a POSITION: the position with regard to the world, the creation, is changed. It's no longer the same—no longer the same. And then, a sort of... true vision, what was there like that ( fluid gesture above ) can be changed. You understand, the whole creation is in a movement of such tremendous rapidity that it's imperceptible for the physical consciousness, but between the moment when things are seen ( gesture above ) and the moment when they get expressed materially, a change takes place. And if one is very careful—very careful and (what should ...


... Work and make things difficult. And all that takes pleasure in that naturally encourages drama. But the seed of the difficulty is that pettiness, extreme pettiness of the physical consciousness—the material physical consciousness—which has an absolutely perverse taste for drama. Drama—the slightest thing has to make a drama: if you have a toothache, it becomes a drama 1 ; if you bang against something ...


... the last, and... God knows when it will come. The inner change is being made. But for those who aren't aware, it's deceptive, because it may even begin with a rather strong pain. The physical consciousness (if we can call it "consciousness": the consciousness contained in the cells—not deep down, but the consciousness that makes the cells function) is accustomed to effort, struggle, misery, defeat... defeat... so accustomed—that's quite universal. In people, it's only their mental consciousness (and often, when they are more advanced, their vital consciousness) that holds out; but their physical consciousness tends to foresee catastrophe, so accustomed it is: the end, you know, that end which for centuries and centuries was inescapable.... It weighs down. It's very difficult. It takes a very slow ...


... of the body and the physical consciousness has a very large determining power on the music made by this human harp of God; the notes we get from the spirit, from the psychic soul, from the greater life behind our physical life cannot come in freely, cannot develop their high powerful and proper strain. This condition must be reversed; the body and the physical consciousness must develop the habit ...

... highest consciousness of the self. The three lower levels of consciousness of the self are described as those Page 86 of annamaya Puruṣa (Puruṣa consciousness that controls the physical consciousness), prāṇamaya Puruṣa (Puruṣa consciousness that controls the vital consciousness), and manomaya Puruṣa (Puruṣa consciousness that controls the mental consciousness). A transition needs... paths of that spiritual attainment by which immortality is gained. And by immortality was meant not only the discovery of the immortal Spirit but also the widening and stabilisation of the physical consciousness in the awareness and consciousness of the immortal spirit. It can thus be seen that the Vedic system of education was an integral system of education; it covered the pursuit of sciences ...


... details get in that are contributed by the subconscient mind ... The writing on the forehead means of course something that is fixed in you in the vital plane and has to come out hereafter in the physical consciousness. By milk-tea and butter I meant a greater quantity of milk with a little tea, bread and butter. Well, the idea is to fill up the clavicular and other hollows in the body. Laughing alone... forehead the Mother had fixed something in you on the vital plane. That something, which she has fixed, will in time come out, manifest, be produced, born, fulfilled in this (slightly obtuse) physical consciousness of yours on this material plane. Produce itself out of latency like the sainthood in Muthu—see? Why on earth should the Mother write something impure on your forehead? Something good of co ...

... a true one..." 156 All? It is far too sweeping a generalisation. If he had said that it is one very strong strain in human nature—it could be accepted. But mark that it is in human physical consciousness only. The human vital tends rather to reject a happiness untainted by sorrow and to find it a monotonous, boring condition. Even if it accepts it, after a time it kicks over the traces and... apparent reason to account for it. We can make a laboratory examination of his urine, without his knowledge. How to do that? My objection to his knowing the results, if bad , is that his physical consciousness accepts all suggestions of illness, instead of reacting sinks down under the illness and prolongs it interminably. If the results are good, it is another matter. There is also something in ...

... thought it was through the head alone that both happen. SRI AUROBINDO: It is usually through the mind, when the mental consciousness goes up, but it can happen otherwise also, the vital or physical consciousness directly going up without passing through the mental. NIRODBARAN: Sahana's experience of ascent and her feeling of nothingness and then her return with the sense of a flame in the heart—is... same it is a major ascent into the spiritual consciousness. SATYENDRA: I had also the experience of ascent through the Muladhara Chakra before doing any Yoga. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the physical consciousness ascending. NIRODBARAN: It would be nice to have this experience of ascent and descent. SRI AUROBINDO: Remove that "cornice"! PURANI: One Pradhan, an M.L.C. of Bombay, has written a ...


... Personal, the, 75 Siddhi, 159, 240, 241-3 Physical, 254 Silence, 9-11, 50-1 Physical Cells, 88 Sleep walker, 24 Physical consciousness, 150-1, 160,176, 253-4 Species, new, 74, 176 Physical consciousness and the supreme, 102-5 Spiritual transformation, 78-81 Physical, descent into the, 82 Spring, almighty, 126-9 Physical ego, 86 ...

... the Mother that took place in her classes. In 1958, Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for realising human unity as a part... by the Mother to Satprem¹ covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. ___________________ ¹. Satprem was born in Paris in 1923. After intense experiences in concentration camps and adventures ...

... of the body and the physical consciousness has a very large determining power on the music made by this human harp of God; the notes we get from the spirit, from the psychic soul, from the greater life behind our physical life cannot come in freely, cannot develop their high powerful and proper strain. This condition must be reversed; the body and the physical consciousness must develop the habit ...

... hints, but at length? Sri Aurobindo: The highest planes are not so accommodating as all that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky fancy-web-spinning ignoramuses you all are. You speak of silence, consciousness, over- * A place once famous for its mental hospital. Page 334 ... excuse the luxury of laziness, melancholy and despair. You are in that bog just now because you have descended faithfully and completely into the inner stupidity and die-in-the-mudness of your physical consciousness which, I admit, is a specimen! But so after all is everybody's, only there are different kinds of specimens. What to do? Dig yourself out if you can; if you can't, call for ropes and wait till ...

... Humour with initials / abbreviations / acronyms: 1.NB: Absolutely in the physical consciousness! Don't find any trace of the psychic anywhere, Sir! Are you handling the blessed subconscient physical or what? Sri Aurobindo: I am handling the handle. Sticky! If you are absolutely in the physical consciousness so much the better. It shows you are on the way. If you were in your uproarious ...

... place in her classes. In 1958, Mother Page 29 withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an international city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for realising human unity as a part... extraordinary exploration covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. II When exactly Sri Aurobindo wrote this epic in quantitative hexameters is not known, but a fragment of this epic running ...

... in physical sciences, so in Yoga, it is a reason for scrutinising it and finding out in it true standards and valid means of verification. The Yogic science confirms that the supra-physical Page 76 consciousness including the subliminal consciousness, psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and higher domains of super consciousness, — when rightly investigated, is confirmed again and... book. Strictly speaking, experience of automatic writing, or mediumistic trance are experiences related the subliminal consciousness consisting of the inner mind, inner vital force and certain physical consciousness. Spiritual experiences relate to the realm of super-consciousness or of psychic consciousness which is the consciousness of the inmost being which governs body, life and mind and which has ...

... took place in her classes. In Page 11 1958, Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for realising human unity as a part... the Mother to Satprem 1 covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. Page 12 × Satprem was born in Paris in ...

... world (Bhur) According to the Vedic sages, we live in physical consciousness, and we experience only this physical world of the Earth-Mother, and we are aware only of mortal Page 57 existence (martyam). It is by profound psychological methods that we can transcend the limitations of physical consciousness and enter into realms of supraphysical existence. They established ...

... contact with the Supermind. That superconscient comic Mind is the Overmind. It is when, as a result of the ascent to the overmind, a descent of the overmental Consciousness is accomplished in the physical consciousness, that the status of the spiritual transformation is attained. This overmind is not a mind as we know it, but, in the words of Sri Aurobindo: "... an Overmind that covers as with the wide... consciousness. As Sri Aurobindo points out: "A light and power of the Overmind working in its own full right and in its own sphere is one thing, the same light working in the obscurity of the physical consciousness and under its conditions is something quite different and, owing to dilution and mixture, far inferior in its knowledge and force and results. A mutilated power, a partial effect or hampered ...

... little treatment the help—But when faith went, illness increased and the doctor became not merely useful but indispensable. There was also the third cause, the descent of the sadhana into the physical consciousness with all its doubt, obscurity and resistance. To eliminate all that is no longer possible. We have also an impression, considering the sudden wave of diseases, that it is due to some Force... vital or nervous havoc? Or some other force taking D.L.'s shape or voice trying to push in? D.L. does not call him; it is not she at all. When she got ill something possessed her body and physical consciousness and turned everything against her recovery. When she died the Mother separated this from her—but still there was a strong earthly attachment left in her vital form—attachment to husband, food ...

... constantly, but all are not recorded in my active memory, I would be flooded; the physical consciousness acts like a filter. Things are recorded in a subtle plane, they are there in a latent state, something like a piece of music that is recorded without being played. When I need to know with my physical consciousness, I make the contact with the subtle physical plane and the disc begins to turn. Then ...

... there is the Force from above.         What difficulty did the higher strength meet in its descent into my physical consciousness?       There was a rajasic element which you did not get rid of, though you kept it outside you. When you got into the physical consciousness and the inertia arose, the suggestions of this rajasic element became strong and between them and the inertia you ...

... difficulty and create it and the physical consciousness accepts it. Aspiration is never really difficult. Rejection may not be immediately effective but to maintain the will of rejection and refusal is always possible.       A sanskar [a formed habit, a reflex] is created by the forces that aspiration will bring restlessness and, once the physical consciousness gets convinced of the connection ...

...       Thus I saw, one after the other, two flowers signifying,       (1)  "The physical consciousness turned towards the Light",       (2)  "The peace in the cells".       It is evidently from what you have written the thing that is happening — the physical consciousness is opening to the spiritual experience.         In action I feel detached and the Mother's ...

... of Christ and his body into that of the Messiah; he makes the body of Christ a part and parcel of his own. As lime clarifies turbid water, so by drinking the physical consciousness of Christ his follower purifies his own physical consciousness. To confess one's sins is to accept the Cross: Page 274 the tragic end of Christ signifies God's compassion for man, because the crucified ...

... spiritual light manifested in the physical consciousness. The lunar fire is also the fire of the stars, the stars, mythologically, being the consorts or powers of the moon and they symbolise, in Yogic experience, the intuitive thoughts. The fire of the life-force has its symbol in lightning, electric energy being its vehicle. Agni in the physical consciousness is called grhapati, for the body ...

... Effects of Spiritual Experiences on Evolutionary Human Nature The experiences of the Spirit can be acquired through the mind or the heart or life-sense or even through the physical consciousness; as Sri Aurobindo points out, if the inner doors are flung sufficiently open, the light from the sanctuary can suffuse the nearest and the farthest chambers of the outer being. A consciousness... the Intuitive Mind, Sri Aurobindo states: Page 59 "It takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness: already all these have their own peculiar powers of intuition derivative from the hidden Light; the pure power descending from above can assume them all into itself and impart to these deeper ...

... with earth-consciousness and of bringing about the decisive descent of the supermind in Matter; and the third part of this research consisted of fixing the supramental consciousness in the physical consciousness, — a task which involved series of radical discoveries spread over years and years that led the Mother ultimately to that point of irreversible accomplishment so as to state in 1970: "The physical... curves of the research work that developed rapidly towards the descent of the supermind on the earth and subsequent developments during which the supermind came to be fixed permanently in the physical consciousness in the Mother's body, which had become so universalized as to represent the body of the human species as a whole. The coming together of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is itself a matter ...

... many who are called men of will, they are not entirely submerged in Nature's current, but endeavour to have their own way even against that current. Their psycho-vital, aided often by their physical consciousness, has an independent formation, being a strong centre of self-driven force, and can impress upon the outer Nature and circumstances its own pattern and disposition. Naturally, all depends upon... true secret of the power to control and guide Nature's dispensation lies along a different line, not along the line of the normal Page 64 activity of the mental and vital and physical consciousness. Body and life and mind belong after all, at least are closely affiliated, to one's environmental consciousness; they are indeed part of the circumstances in which one is born and lives and ...

... creation not known or possessed by the common mind of the race. Occultism means rightly the use of the higher powers of our nature, soul, mind, life-force and the faculties of the subtle physical consciousness to bring about results on their own or on the the material plane by some pressure of their own secret law and its potentialities, for manifestation and result in human or earthly mind and life... its animal impulses and gross material procedure? It might be held that the first necessary change would be the liberation of the mind, the life-force, the subtle physical .agencies and the physical consciousness into a freer and a diviner activity, a many-dimensioned and unlimited operation of their consciousness, a large outbreak 01" higher powers and the sublimation of the bodily consciousness itself ...

... is above the Inconscient and just below our surface physical consciousness, below the threshold, as it is called. It is, to quote Sri Aurobindo, "the extreme border of our inner existence where it meets the Inconscient; it is a degree of our being in which the Inconscient struggles into a half-consciousness; the surface physical consciousness also, when it sinks back from the working level and ...


... Conscious­ness must lead to its descent in man. If the new element, the Supermind, is to become a permanent part of the earth-consciousness, then not only should it descend into the lowest plane of physical consciousness – the subconscient – but it must become a part of the collective consciousness on earth too. I asked him many questions about the organisation of a collective life based on spiritual aspiration... Disciple : As the Higher Power is there why does it not work in all men – consciously? Sri Aurobindo : Because man, at present, is shut up in his mental being, his vital nature and physical consciousness and their limitations. You have to open yourself. By an opening I mean an aspiration in the heart for the Page 38 coming down of the Power that is above, and a will in the ...

... inflammation of the Mother's knee. 22 November. Jivanlal, an aluminium merchant, came to see Sri Aurobindo. 23 November. Hints about sadhana to a disciple. Talk about the mental, vital and physical consciousness. 20 December. Reply to a letter of Ketkar. . ¹ G. V Subbarao, from a lecture delivered at the Eswara Library, Kakinada, and published in The Sunday Times (Madras), 6 May 1951. ... the collective meditation was that "it obliges Sri Aurobindo to descend lower in the consciousness." It was considered better that Sri Aurobindo be allowed to complete the perfection of his physical consciousness; from this all the sadhaks Page 191 would stand to gain. Many sadhaks were disturbed because both the collective activities – the meditation and the evening talks – were ...


... to Transformation? Answering this question on 21 April 1954, the Mother says that it was not all that easy, it must take time: Only if the Divine descends into the physical consciousness - or rather... if the physical consciousness is totally receptive to the Divine - naturally transformation ensues. But transformation does not come about by waving a magic wand.... A certain number of years ...


... below what the body needs for maintaining sufficient strength to react — also probably the nervous tendency to insomnia with its consequences. The second is an inertia of the lower vital and physical consciousness which prevent it from throwing off the lassitude, from reacting against the attacks and from opening steadily to the Force which would remove these things. All that is due to the breakdown... throwing out the causes of the trouble. This reaction seems to have been a restlessness at losing the things of which it was still holding — such a reaction always brings the inertia of the physical consciousness while the right reaction in the lower vital brings on the contrary a sense of peace, release, quietude which definitely opens the lowest physical parts to the higher consciousness and force ...

... the remedy? SRI AUROBINDO: There is nothing to be discouraged about. The fact is that after having lived so long on the mental and vital plane you have become aware of the physical consciousness, and the physical consciousness in everybody is like that. It is inert, conservative, does not want to move, to change — it clings to its habits (what people call their character) or its habits (habitual ...

... against all that is established. So it is not very easy. And even individu­ally, it is a battle against oneself, for if you want your physical consciousness to be in a state which admits of physical immortality, you must be so much free from everything the physical consciousness presently represents that it is a battle of every instant. All feelings, all sensations, all thoughts, all reflexes, all attractions ...

... supraphysical and the spiritual existence. It came in contact with truths, principles and realities which, be- cause they obtain in worlds of other dimensions than those accessible to our physical consciousness, are sealed to our normal experience and, therefore, readily regarded Page 16 as non-existent. It discovered that the supraphysical is the parent of the physical, the invisible... original aim of far-reaching consequences, which makes it descend into the inconscient and subconscient abysses in. order to purify and transform the human body, the life- energy and the physical consciousness of man at their very roots. It considers the body as a potential tabernacle of the unveiled Godhead, and bestows considerable care upon its radical transmutation. These are some of the ...

... The origin of the four-fold order in Hindu society was an intuitive perception of the truth of this transitional station of the evolving consciousness of man. A man who lived mainly in the physical consciousness was called a Shudra, for whom an obedient, . faithful and conscientious service, in whatever walk of life it might be, was the best possible means of self- development. If a zealot humanitarian... and fire it into spells of love and devotion and surrender, do not abide long in it—they are soon covered up or fade away. The sâdhaka feels drained and depleted. When one falls into the physical consciousness, one finds it so dull and stupid, so cold and wearying. Depression, disappointment, and even despair usually follow this fall, and one feels, as it were, lost in a dreary desert. Or, there ...

... aspiration that calls from below," "an aspiration vigilant, constant, un- ceasing—the mind's will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature." 1 Nothing like it has ever been conceived or attempted before in the past, for at no period of the spiritual history of the world was .humanity so athirst and ripe in its elite... "wideness and calmness are Page 77 the foundation of the Yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible." ...

... transformation I envisage. It is quite another power of knowledge, another kind of will, another luminous nature of emotion and aesthesis, another Page 408 constitution of the physical consciousness that must come in by the Supramental change."¹ Very important words are these that throw a flood of light upon the capital distinction between the object of the Integral Yoga and the ideals... nature. It implies, as Sri Aurobindo says in categoric terms, "another power of knowledge, another kind of will, another luminous nature of emotion and aesthesis, another constitution of the physical consciousness." It is not any moral perfection or yogic siddhi, as it is currently understood, any seerhood or sainthood, that is meant by transformation. It is not indefinitely prolonging one's youth ...

... come to the Ashram balcony above Rue Saint Gilles, and all those standing below were able to have Her darshan . What is meant by the “silence of the physical consciousness”* and how can one remain in this silence? The physical consciousness is not only the consciousness of our body, but of all that surrounds us as well, all that we perceive with our senses. It is a sort of apparatus for recording ...


... This and many other passages show clearly, conclusively, as it seems to me, that the anyad anyad , the two are always earth and heaven, the human based on the physical consciousness and the divine based on the supraphysical, heaven. × Arcati ( ṛc ) in the Veda means to ...


... it and the joy of our nervous being in it; diminish one of them and the joy and the sensitiveness are to that extent dulled. Much more must there be this complex unity in a higher than the physical consciousness and most of all must there be unity in the highest. But the essential sense must be capable also of seizing the secret essence of all conscious being in action, in itself and not only through ...


... emerges a knowledge to which modern thought is returning through its own very different intellectual, rational and scientific method, the knowledge that behind the operations of our outward physical consciousness are working the operations of another, subliminal,—another and yet the same,—of which our waking mind is a surface action, and above—perhaps, we still say—is a spiritual superconscience in ...


... at the knowledge of a divine existence by exceeding the evidence of the senses and piercing beyond the walls of the physical mind. So long as we confine ourselves to sense-evidence and the physical consciousness, we can conceive nothing and know nothing except the material world and its phenomena. But certain faculties in us enable our mentality to arrive at conceptions which we may indeed deduce by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to which we can give the name of vital and physical consciousness? If so, we must suppose in the plant and the metal also a force to which we can give the name of consciousness although it is not the human or animal mentality for which we have hitherto preserved ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... but quietly and simply open yourself to the Mother's force and allow it to change you. 10 March 1931 When you decided to tell the Mother, it had the effect of opening something in your physical consciousness and the Mother's Force acted. It often happens so—the action of the Mother's Force depends on a certain power of receptivity in the mind or vital or body—and openness is the first necessary ...

... formations there. On the contrary on these inner planes the subliminal as they call it in Europe—that is to say, our inner selves is full of powers which have not emerged—yet at least—in the physical consciousness. And especially as I was full of Shiva in your experience there is no reason why I should not have sung for I suppose Shiva sings as well as dances? 31 August 1933 I.C.S. Examination ...


... the work. At the time the Mother was seeing the past (or part of it) of those to whom she spoke and that is why she said this. At present we are too much occupied with the crucial work in the physical consciousness to go into these things. Moreover we find that it encouraged a sort of vital romanticism in the sadhaks which made them attach more importance to these things than to the hard work of sadhana ...

... got Page 749 clouded over by the coming up of the physical nature in its full force. This clouding happens to almost everybody at that stage, but it need not be lasting. If the physical consciousness resolves to open itself, then nothing more is needed for progress in the sadhana. 10 July 1937 There is one thing everybody should remember that everything should be done from the point ...


... Force or Light I felt a great dryness. It depends upon your condition whether the Ananda or Force or Light descends or whether the resistance rises. It is the resistance of the ordinary physical consciousness ignorant and obscure that seems to have risen in you. The period of the 15th is a period of great descents but also of great resistances. This 15th was not an exception. 17 August 1934 ...


... spontaneous admiration for the true, the beautiful, the noble, there is something divine expressed. You should know for certain that it is the psychic being, the soul in you with which your physical consciousness comes in contact when your heart leaps out to worship and admire what you feel to be of a divine origin. The moment you are in front of what you feel to be such, you should be moved to tears ...


... Questions and Answers (1955) 13 April 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Now, has anyone any questions? Sweet Mother, here it is written: "I find it difficult to take these psycho-analysts at all seriously..." It means that he is laughing at them, simply that. (The child continues ...


... which were the result of a clear and willed decision, very few, only what one considers important things, and even here there is a wide margin. The amount of inconscience that's mixed with the physical consciousness is tremendous, but because we are used to it we do not notice it. But as soon as you begin to analyse, look, study, you are terrified. How many times you are just faced with a question. You ...


... is no longer fixed to the shell; and so when you move it, it moves inside; it is completely free, it is absolutely independent of the shell. So the image of the being is given: the ordinary physical consciousness is the shell; and so long as the Atman is not completely formed it is attached, it holds on, it is stuck to the shell, and it cannot be detached; but when it is completely formed it is absolutely ...


... Questions and Answers (1955) 23 March 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Here Sri Aurobindo says: "As for the things in our nature that are thrown away from us by rejection but come back, it depends on where you throw them. Very often there is a sort of procedure about it." What is this procedure ...


... Questions and Answers (1955) 4 May 1955 This talk is based upon Bases of Yoga , Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Sweet Mother, how can one draw on "the universal vital Force"? One can do it in many ways. First of all, you must know that it exists and that one can enter into contact with it. Secondly, you must try to make this ...


... instinct of destruction in children? It is not there in all children. I have known many who, on the contrary, were very careful. Children are not as "concretised", materialised in their physical consciousness as older people—as one grows up, it is as though one is coagulated and becomes more and more gross in one's consciousness unless through a willed action one develops otherwise. For instance ...


... unhappy. I consoled her a little, but I had a good deal of difficulty in persuading her not to keep watching over her money so that it might not be wasted. Now, if you live exclusively in your physical consciousness (it is difficult, for you have, after all, thoughts and feelings, but if you live exclusively in your physical, when the physical being disappears, you disappear at the same time, it is finished ...


... achieved once and for all. Sweet Mother, here it is written: "It is not enough that the psychic should respond and the higher mental accept or even the lower 2 vital submit and the inner physical consciousness feel the influence." Does this mean that there is also a higher vital? Yes, the higher vital is usually much less difficult to surrender, for it is under the influence of the mind and ...


... which at times are very astonishing! But that, of course, is their translation. As for me, when they tell me all that, it gives me the exact picture of the state of their mental, vital and physical consciousness. Just the deformations in the translation suffices for me to know what the state of their mind is. And I cannot tell them, "It was not I", for it was I! Only they have changed this in their ...


... ask you to stop it altogether) but an inner calm and quiet as the true basis and atmosphere of your future development and experience, calm in the mind, the purified vital being and in the physical consciousness. A psycho-vital or psycho-physical Yoga will not be safe for you until you have this calm and an assured purity of being and a complete and always present vital and physical protection. ...


... will do my best to help you; but until you come, write to me, for even if I do not answer, that creates a physical link which makes transmission of help easier on the material plane—for the physical consciousness. It will certainly be better for you if you come to Pondicherry, but I recognise the difficulties. We are trying, not yet with success, to arrange for a house here where people who come for ...


... upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions—or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake about the country or the environment and it sees quite clearly the inner vibrations of the people chosen ...


... which were the result of a clear and willed decision, very few, only what one considers important things, and even here there is a wide margin. The amount of inconscience that's mixed with the physical consciousness is tremendous, but because we are used to it we do not notice it. But as soon as you begin to analyse, look, study, you are terrified. How many times you are just faced with a question. You ...


... the heart with the Divine supporting it there—this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the whole being to the Truth, the Divine, with results in the mind, the vital and the physical consciousness which I need not go into here—that is the first transformation. We realise next the one Self, Brahman, Divine, first above the body, life, mind and not only within the heart supporting them—above ...


... thing and a little treatment the help. But when faith went, illness increased and the doctor became not merely useful but indispensable. There was also the third cause, the descent into the physical consciousness with all its doubt, obscurity and resistance. To eliminate all that is no longer possible. We have also an impression, considering the sudden wave of diseases, that it is due to some Force ...


... to it more completely and to seek spiritual progress even not for your own sake but for the sake of the Divine—then you will go on more smoothly. Get the psychic opening in the most external physical consciousness. That and not despondency is the lesson you ought to draw from your present adverse experience. ...

... chest, was expanding. Peace! Calm! Ananda! Afterwards, the upper portion of my body slowly became smaller and smaller. Then something entered from the soles of my feet, and I came back to the physical consciousness. That is very good. It is the Force and Presence of the Mother from above that comes down like that into the body—first in the head and chest and afterwards into the whole body. It is the ...

... was this momentary repulsion and shrinking. I suppose the shrinking and repulsion were in yourself? for there was none and could be none in the Mother. It must be some part in yourself (physical consciousness perhaps?) that is not in the Light and may not want to be. 31 January 1932 All fear ought to be cast out. This movement of fear belongs to a still unchanged part of the vital which answers ...

... not come for the morning meditation I felt the atmosphere of the meditation hall wherever I was. It is possible to receive, but not in the same way. There is an element, a touch on the physical consciousness that is wanting. 30 May 1933 Today I saw with open eyes diamond white light descending on the sides of the Mother's ears; while doing pranam I felt a strange kind of touch and with it ...

... and Non-Pranam Days What are these stupid waves moving about the atmosphere? People say: "Non-pranam day means a day of rest for the sadhana." It is the ordinary attitude of the physical consciousness—but once the fundamental consciousness is fixed, there is no reason why the sadhana should stop for a single day or need rest. 1 April 1935 False suggestions have been telling me that ...

... Pranam in such a dry manner or simply for protection or peace or any such selfish object? That is a suggestion which should be entirely rejected. It is the usual attack trying to act on the physical consciousness through dryness and depression. 24 February 1934 Page 559 I have often seen that X would be quite cheerful just before coming for Pranam, but when he came in front of Mother ...

... strength and persistency of the force put out, (2) the receptivity of the subject, (3) the sanction of the Unmentionable—I beg your pardon, I meant the Un nameable, Ineffable, Unknowable. X 's physical consciousness is rather obstinate, as you have noticed, and therefore not too receptive. It may feel the Mother inside it, but to obey her will or force is less habitual for it. 31 January 1935 I ...


... they are within the reach of all who are sincerely interested in their culture and its results. Among the many faculties that are often spoken of, there is, for example, this one: to widen the physical consciousness, project it out of oneself so as to concentrate on a definite point and thus get the sight, hearing, smell, taste and even the touch at a distance.     To this general education of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... people—when they withdraw into their higher mind for instance—can enter into very deep meditation and be liberated from the things of this world, and then when they return to their ordinary physical consciousness, are absolutely ordinary if not even vulgar, because they haven’t taken care to establish any contact, and to see that what is above acts and transforms what is below. The Mother Questions ...


... upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions—or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake about the country or the environment and it sees quite clearly the inner vibrations of the people chosen ...


... the Divine you do not really lose your individuality: you only give up your egoism and become the true individual, the divine personality which is not temporary like the construction of the physical consciousness which is usually taken for your self. One touch of the divine consciousness and you see immediately that there is no loss in it. On the contrary, you acquire a true individual permanence ...


... is itself nothing but a translation of Knowledge. And Knowledge can be obtained only by a total identification. So, when you put yourself in your small human mentality, the mentality of the physical consciousness which is at work all the time, which looks at everything, judges everything from the height of its derisive superiority, which says, "That is bad, it should not be like that", you are sure ...


... consciousness, it is already accomplished. It is an accomplished fact. But in order to become aware of this, one must be able to enter into another state of consciousness than the ordinary physical consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has spoken—I believe I have read it to you, I think it's in The Synthesis of Yoga —of the true mind, the true vital and the true physical or subtle physical, and he has said ...


... built. When I used to speak of the new world which is being created, it was of this intermediary zone that I was speaking. And similarly, when I am on this side, that is, in the field of the physical consciousness, and I see the supramental power, the supramental light and substance constantly penetrating matter, it is the construction of this zone which I see and in which I participate. I was on ...


... Page 94 When the psychic is in the front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is only a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top, then the sadhana is a tapasyā and a struggle. 104 — Sri Aurobindo * ... when the psychic being gets in front and becomes master, there comes in a fundamentally ...


... grows and decomposes. But this comes from its lack of plasticity and receptivity and by its very nature; it is not inevitable. Therefore there is room to think that at a given moment, as the physical consciousness itself progresses consciously and deliberately, well, to a certain extent and increasingly the body itself will be able, first to resist decay—which, obviously, must be the first movement—and ...


... earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions — or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake about the country or the environment and it sees quite clearly the inner vibrations of the people chosen ...


... external methods, the result is sure to be total failure and we shall also deceive ourselves totally. So when you imagine that you can know the secrets of Nature and still remain in a purely physical consciousness, you are entirely deceived. And this habit of demanding concrete, material proofs before accepting the reality of something, is one of the most glaring effects of ignorance. With that attitude ...


... or other, they remain together.... In the last few days, yesterday or the day before, there was this experience: a kind of consciousness wholly decentralised (I am speaking always of the physical consciousness, not of the higher consciousness at all), a decentralised consciousness which happened to be here, there, there, in this body, in that body (in what people call "this person" and "that person" ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... 23 November 1968 I have had an interesting experience.... Not last night, but the night before, someone, whom I shall not name, told me, "I am wholly down in the physical consciousness: no more meditation, and the Divine has become something up there, so far away." Then immediately, as he was speaking, the whole room got filled with the divine Presence. I told him, "Not up ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... it Page 82 out, seize hold of it and cast upon it the light of knowledge and certitude. Thus life does not die, but the form is dissolved, and it is this dissolution that the physical consciousness dreads. And yet the form is constantly changing and in essence there is nothing to prevent this change from being progressive. This progressive change could make death no longer inevitable ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... support from Sri Aurobindo's teaching that the body is an indispensable basis for the yoga, that it should not be neglected and that, on the contrary, great care should be given to it, the physical consciousness concentrates almost exclusively on the body and tries to find ways of satisfying it. This is practically impossible, for, with a very few exceptions, the more it is given, the more it demands ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... there is no hope. A little quietude would bring back the flow. You were having the necessary experiences, the necessary progress and it was only a coming forward of some difficulties of the physical consciousness that stopped them for a time. That happens to all and is not particular to you, as I explained to you. These difficulties always come and have to be overcome. Once overcome by the working of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... that is clean in itself—so to get it is a positive way of securing your object. To look for dirt only and clean is the negative way. When the light and peace are full in the vital and physical consciousness, it is this that remains always as a basis for the right movement of the whole nature. It is the same peace [ in the physical as in the vital ]—but is felt materially in the material ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... sadhana is the surrender, the aspiration to the Divine touch, presence, control in the heart—the opening of the psychic being from within and its coming in front to govern and change mind, vital, physical consciousness. There are two openings that are necessary, one from above, the other from within. The one from above which can come by the impersonal Path or by the personal and impersonal together, seems ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the heart with the Divine supporting it there—this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the whole being to the Truth and the Divine, with results in the mind, the vital, the physical consciousness which I need not go into here,—that is a first transformation. We realise it next as the one Self, Brahman, Divine, first above the body, life, mind and not only within the heart supporting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... why assume that He is immobile, silent and aloof? The Cosmic Divine can be as close to one as one's own self and the Transcendent as intimate as the closest friend or lover. It is only in the physical consciousness that there is some difficulty in realising it. The Jain realisation of an individual godhead is all right so far as it goes—its defect is that it is too individual and isolated. Buddhism ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... into silence and then imposing the same silence on the vital nature. Page 437 Chit is the pure consciousness—as in Sat Chit Ananda. Chitta is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse etc. It is these that in Patanjali's system have to be stilled altogether so that the consciousness may be immobile ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... excuse the luxury of laziness, melancholy and despair. You are in that bog just now because you have descended faithfully and completely into the inert stupidity and die-in-the-mudness of your physical consciousness which, I admit, is a specimen! But so after all is everybody's, only there are different kinds of specimens. What to do? Dig yourself out if you can; if you can't, call for ropes and wait till ...


... shows that Lawrence had an idea of the new spiritual birth. What he has written there could be a very accurate indication of the process of the change, the putting away of the old mind, vital, physical consciousness and the emergence of a new consciousness from the now invisible Within, not an illusory periphery like the present mental, vital, physical ignorance but a truth-becoming from the true being ...


... Yogic life force, Yogic body force. When doing this work you had the Force in you and the right consciousness filling the vital and physical—afterwards with relaxation the ordinary physical consciousness came up and brought back the ordinary reactions—fatigue, sciatica etc. With the right consciousness always there, there would be no fatigue. It [ the cause of fatigue ] is probably ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the summits of the spiritual realisation. The sun is the symbol of the higher Truth. The lotus is the symbol of the inner consciousness. The vision you saw was a symbol of the outward physical consciousness obscured by the ordinary movements (clouds), but with the spirituality (the moon) still spreading its light everywhere from behind the ordinary human ignorance. The dog indicates something ...


... Atman, the Self, represents itself differently in the sevenfold movement of Nature according to the dominant principle of the consciousness in the individual being. Page 32 In the physical consciousness Atman becomes the material being, annamaya puruṣa . In the vital or nervous consciousness Atman becomes the vital or dynamic being, prāṇamaya puruṣa . In the mental consciousness Atman ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... is the Intuition and below it there is the intuitive mind which may have several degrees or layers. Also there is a partial power of intuition in ordinary mind itself, in the vital, in the physical consciousness, in the material itself. To live in the Intuitive it is necessary first to have the opening into the cosmic consciousness and to live first in the higher and the illumined Mind, seeing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... not know anything as it really is. But when by Yoga one begins to open to the true consciousness, then this barrier begins to break down. One feels the mind grow wider, even in the end the physical consciousness grows wider and wider, until you feel all things in yourself, yourself one with all things. You then become one with the Mother's universal Consciousness. That is why you feel the mind becoming ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... something of it modified through the Overmind or other intermediate region. The Supramental Influence and Supramentalisation Who told you that it [ the supermind ] was descending on the physical consciousness without touching the mind and vital? Page 301 Certainly no part of the Nature has been supramentalised—that is not possible, until the whole being has been put under the supramental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the pressure of life. It is not any strict adhesion to a transcendental view of things that constitutes this kind of poetry, but something behind not belonging to the mind or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European Page 32 poetry which ...


... element in vani & script was broken & the siddhi moves swiftly. Saundarya bodha has been made finally the natural view of the mind & indriyas, only faint relics of the asundaram remaining in the physical consciousness. The last relics of asamata are finally disappearing, those of depression giving way to a settled tejas & tapas and the defects of the second chatusthaya are in course of removal. The old ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... psychic aspirations by the vital to justify things that are not spiritual. Page 120 It is the nature of the psychic pressure to change the former tendencies of the mind, vital and physical consciousness, and remove those that were of the nature of imperfections. This weakness in your outer vital and timidity before others and dependence on them and preoccupation with their opinion of you or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the higher Consciousness; it brings peace but it also brings all other possibilities of the higher Consciousness too and, as you Page 475 felt, the seeds of transformation of the physical consciousness—by the coming in it of the seeds of the powers and qualities of the higher Nature. I am very glad that the experience we have been working to bring to you has come with such force and ...


... reflected on the higher planes of consciousness (Overmind, etc.), in relation to them; just as one can have an experience of Sachchidananda and these planes as reflected in the mind or vital or physical consciousness, so one can have it there—but on each plane it appears in a different way. Page 410 Trance and the Higher Planes The higher planes are not planes on which man is naturally conscious ...


... and wide or infinite. It is then possible for the psychic being to effect in that freedom the full transformation of the nature. All your former experiences were preparing for this, but the physical consciousness came across. Now that you have had the glimpse of the self separate from the body, this physical difficulty may soon be overcome. Page 393 The experience you have is the experience ...


... thought and feeling of oneself as identified with the body and shut up in it. After a time this leads to a substantial experience of wide consciousness beyond the body. The means to quieten the physical consciousness is to detach oneself from all restless vibrations, not by any struggle or effort but by a simple easy will of quietude. However now that the higher Force is bringing quietude, these mental ...


... and the psychic feeling, one has no right to despair of one's spiritual future. You could not yet carry out the discrimination into an entire psychic change, because a large part of the outer physical consciousness still took some pleasure in old movements and therefore their roots remained alive in the subconscient. When you were off your guard the whole thing rose up and there was a temporary and violent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... waking self. There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. This inner self once awake opens in its turn to our true real and eternal self. It opens inwardly to the soul, called in the language of this Yoga the psychic ...


... so that one can see the surroundings and the things happening through him. It is the physical that becomes nervous at these experiences and this must be overcome; as the inner mental, vital, physical consciousness opens to things behind the thick physical veil all kinds of experiences may happen that are strange to the physical mind and its tendency to be apprehensive or nervous at these things must ...


... by bringing a vast peace and shows to you the clear sky of the higher consciousness in which there are the Truth-formations (golden stars) some of which begin to descend in a rain upon the physical consciousness (the earth). Conch The conch is often the symbol of call or aspiration. The conch is the symbol of the spiritual call. The conch is the call to realisation. The conch ...


... whole thing has to be thrown out and the consciousness has to recover and be as if it had not happened. These things, hard forms of speech, anger etc., are habits formed by the vital-physical consciousness and, as they are supported by the subconscient, very difficult to change. If one can conquer or change them by force of will or mental or spiritual control, so much the better. But if one cannot ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... aspiration, rejection and surrender,— an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing—the mind's will, the heart's seeking, the assent of the vital being, the will to open and make plastic the physical consciousness and nature; rejection of the movements of the lower nature—rejection of the mind's ideas, opinions, preferences, habits, constructions, so that the true knowledge may find free room in a ...

... for the Divine and to give their adhesion, without claim or arrière-pensée or subterfuge. It is the whole issue at the present moment in the sadhana; for it is only if this is done that the physical consciousness can change and become fit for the descent. Otherwise there will always be these ups and downs in some part of the being at least, delay, confusion and disorder. This is the only true basis ...

... human mind and vital to get at once. One has to go on perseveringly till one has reached it. The quickness with which the consciousness changes is a feature of the ordinary action of the physical consciousness when it is active and not inert. But many of the things you now feel (of which you speak in your letters), e.g. the idea of the Mother's presence and her regard on you, the reference in what ...

... will fail if there is not behind them the true spirit and the true force and influence. 23 March 1928 Page 193 The illnesses you have are the signs of the resistance of your physical consciousness to the action of the Divine Power. If you cannot advance in your sadhana, it is because you are divided and do not give yourself without reserve. You speak of surrendering everything to ...

... manifests fully, steadfastly and faultlessly only when the ideal, supramental truth-plane is upheld in us by the pure wideness and harmony of Varuna and Mitra and takes up the vital and the physical consciousness into its power and light. ...


... greatness of His energy. But in the world of our darkened mortal view of things there reigns the lesser Night of the Ignorance which envelops heaven and earth and the mid-region, our mental and physical consciousness and our vital being. It is here that Dawn the daughter of Heaven rises with the radiances of her Truth, with the bliss of her boons; putting off the darkness like a black woven robe, as a young ...


... sometimes he is the flame born from these two tinders; sometimes Heaven and Earth are called his two mothers, when the figure is more explicitly symbolic of the pure mental and psychical and the physical consciousness. He is also hymned as the child of the seven Mothers—for his complete birth is a result of the manifestation of seven principles which constitute our conscious existence—three spiritual of ...


... opening of the whole third plane of our existence which was before as a fortified city with its gates closed to the soul embodied in Matter. By this new action of the Divine Force the mental and physical consciousness are wedded to the high supramental which was till now separated from them and the life-force blazing in its works with the heat of the divine Sun is harmonised with the play of the sun-ray ...


... energy. All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother, Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu,master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities,—Parjanya, giver ...


... an underlying, a still occult consciousness and power of inherent knowledge, and there is also an overlying layer of what might be called indeterminate or else ill-formed stuff of vital and physical consciousness; through this obscure difficult medium the emerging mentality has to force its way and has to Page 633 impose itself on it by a constructed and no longer an inherent knowledge, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... takes place a coming to the front of some secret inmost soul within which was veiled by the restless activity of the mind, by the turbulence of our vital impulses and by the obscurity of the physical consciousness, the three powers which in their confused combination we now call our self. There will come about as a result a less impeded growth of a Divine Presence at the centre with its liberating Light ...


... and interpret rightly its images and experiences. It is still the fact that they add immensely to our possible scope of knowledge and widen the narrow limits in which our sense-bound outer physical consciousness is circumscribed and imprisoned. But more important is the power of the subliminal to enter into a direct contact of consciousness with other consciousness or with objects, to act without ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... circumstance. If there is a self in us capable of largeness and universality, able to enter into a cosmic consciousness, that too must be within our inner being; the outer consciousness is a physical consciousness bound to its individual limits by the triple cord of mind, life and body: any external attempt at universality can only result either in an aggrandisement of the ego or an effacement of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... lowest into the highest and an incessant descent of the highest into the lowest till all becomes one at once solid block and plastic sea-stuff of the Truth infinite and eternal. The very physical consciousness in man, the annamaya puruṣa , can without this supreme ascent and integral descent yet reflect and enter into the self of Sachchidananda. It can do it either by a reflection of the Soul in ...


... instrument and detachable robe, realising that also as a movement of universal Matter, a cell of the cosmic Body. We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around as our own energies, feel all the heart-beats of the great cosmic impulse and seeking in our heart-beats set to the rhythm of the divine Ananda ...


... pressure on circumstances so they become more definite and clear. Only, then, it's the end of peace and tranquility. ( silence ) But also, under that pressure, the consciousness [Mother's physical consciousness] is becoming clearer and clearer, and realizes how much work we have to do for everything in the being to be in tune with the Divine alone, oh!... One sees—sometimes I spend almost the whole ...


... overhead poetry need not be explicitly mystic. Sri Aurobindo tells us that it can deal with quite other things than the Infinite and the One everywhere. Something behind mental or vital or physical consciousness has to be brought out in its own native tongue charged with its deeper values, rather than in a translation by that consciousness. But, of course, to be able to live constantly in that something ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... Nature. That is not the transformation I envisage. It is quite another power of knowledge, another kind of will, another luminous nature of emotion and aesthesis, another constitution of the physical consciousness that must come in by the Supramental change." 6 No doubt, Sri Aurobindo did not complete for the world what he had set out to do: the first accomplishment of the Supramental change ...

... volumes. The first to see them was Sri Aurobindo and it was he who asked her to get them published as they were sure to be of immense help to others and would at the same time show what the physical consciousness could achieve. So he made a selection and she got it printed. She had the rest burnt in a boiler which is still in use at the Ashram. The utter absence of self-attachment which is ...

... practical or useful to discuss the supramentalisation of the whole being down to the body." Again, we learn from him: 3 "One has first of all to supramentalise sufficiently the mind and vital and physical consciousness generally — afterwards one can think of supramentalisation of the body." Who is capable of the full preparation? I have not come across anyone who can sufficiently represent the Mother or Sri ...


... if beauty demands a certain fine organisation of externals, that organisation is accepted. This does not put a premium on what the Mother, of Sri Aurobindo's Ashram, calls in her talks the physical consciousness. One must get out of this narrow superficial mode of being and as long as one has not got out of it one cannot give up a degree of outer discipline, but even here the important thing is, as ...

... already been modified. Though the "overhead" reality's descent was always the goal, now the process was a working from below. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother came down into the physical consciousness and assuming all its difficulties and dangers set themselves on a long arduous course. To open up the obscure recesses of earth-nature and evoke the secret flame in the human heart, the psychic ...


... divine realisation into the body. These forces can do miracles under the right conditions; and now they are quite strong enough to produce miraculous results on the subjective plane, in the physical consciousness, the physical mind and the vital physical, but the most material is not yet ready. The attempt was therefore premature. In order that it should succeed, one of two things was necessary, either ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... for a long period of time, then the asan is said to have been mastered. In ordinary concentration when the body is only comparatively still it is not noticed, but there is an undercurrent of physical consciousness which may surge up at any moment into the upper current of thought and disturb it. The Yogin seeks to make the forgetfulness perfect. In the higher processes of concentration this forgetfulness ...


... outer heart is the seat of the vital being, the life personality. That like the mind may Page 347 believe and then lose its belief, doubt comes from the mind, the vital and the physical consciousness. [The greater the intensity] of the psychic fire, the less will be the power of doubt to soil and darken the mind, the life and the consciousness of the body. 137 Three are the ...


... looks after itself or sleeps—it's always, always there, conscious, vibrating. I say, "It can be done"—but it's a fact. Only, what's needed is... the general obstacle is that most people's physical consciousness is very dark; it's made only of needs, desires, the most material reactions, but what's needed is to awaken in the cells the love for the Divine, and once they love the Divine, it's like that ...


... instance, when you speak of the "deep blue light" in the physical mind, is it the same cellular mind? I don't think so. Because it's also through japa, mantras, the awakening of the physical consciousness, that the Tantric power operates. I think their power comes from a higher layer [higher than the cellular mind]. Because their action is very cerebral: its effect is always here ( gesture ...


... you to decide." So I immediately cast that Power on you, saying, "He must be cured." It's a new experience. It came very strongly, as though the final decision were referred to me—to the PHYSICAL consciousness. So I said, "Very well, then! Let him be cured, that's my decision." What struck me was the suddenness of it: all at once I felt an easing. Yes, it isn't gradual, it's all at once. ...


... goodwill would quite naturally follow the indication every minute. Page 36 And it was like a preparation for what happened that night [of February 11], in which from that terrestrial physical consciousness I could see down below (as clearly as material objects) the vibration that made contact with that formation of Falsehood, and THE Vibration, that sort of state in which nothing made contact ...


... true being, we shall recover as a true becoming of the Self, but no longer in a purely individual narrowness — We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around us as our own energies, feel all the heart-beats of the great cosmic impulse and seeking in our heart-beats set to the rhythm of the divine ...


... Page 137 formerly I used to speak of the new world that is being created, I was speaking of this intermediate zone. And similarly, when I am on 'this' side—that is, in the realm of the physical consciousness—and I see the supramental power, the supramental light and substance constantly permeating matter, I am seeing and participating in the construction of this zone. I found myself upon an ...


... is neither an idea nor even a sensation, it's... I don't know what it is. It is like a negation, a painful negation. Which really makes me feel an acute pain, and I am pulled back into this physical consciousness. ( Mother plunges in, then seems uncomfortable. Champaklal comes and rings the bell ) Page 375 × ...


... normal consciousness. What lies below the normal consciousness is called the subconscient in Sri Aurobindo's yoga psychology. The subconscient proper is entirely below the mental, vital and physical consciousness, but the mind, the vital and the physical are also partly submerged in the subconscient. Thus there is a subconscient mental, a subconscient vital and a subconscient physical. What Freud called ...


... For, as Sri Aurobindo writes, 362 "delight is the raison d'etre of sensation, or, we may say, sensation is an attempt to translate the secret delight of existence into the terms of the physical consciousness. But in that consciousness - often figured [in the Rigveda] as adri, the hill, stone or dense substance - divine light and divine delight are both of them concealed and confined and have ...


... Visions of Champaklal On the Way to Hemkund 1979-07-01 Digambar means a saint without clothes, here signifying a person who does not live in the physical consciousness. Only such a person could be the right guide in sadhana. At once, one begins to see another part of consciousness (water) which is beautiful. Another significant indication derives from the ...


... is what is being done. How far will we be able to go? I don’t know. I do not say that this body will be able to transform itself, I see no sign of this. But there is the consciousness, the physical consciousness, the material consciousness which becomes supramentalized. This is the work that is going on. This is what is important.’ 45 (26 April 1972) And this is what she has done by building ...

... that. The pranam (like the soup the evening before) has been very badly misused. What is the pranam for? That people might receive in the most direct and integral way — a way that includes the physical consciousness and makes it a channel — what the Mother could give them and they were ready for. Instead people sit as if at a court reception noting what the Mother does (and generally misobserving), making ...


... to the Divine, free from all forms of ego, surrendered, simple and right in the attitude and all the movements. This is what has to be established entirely in the mind and vital and in the physical consciousness before supramentalization of the whole nature is possible. Otherwise what one gets is more or less brilliant, half luminous, half cloudy illuminations and experiences on the mental and vital ...

... for in coming back there is a sort of turning over of the consciousness in which everything experienced in sleep except perhaps the last or else one that was very impressive recedes from the physical consciousness and becomes as if a blank. There is a state of inertia, but that is when one gets into the subconscient, and that is very undesirable; but, it is not very likely that you are in this condition ...

... nce with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 October 1935 My dear Mother, If there were even a few in the Ashram whose physical consciousness could readily receive the Divine Force and allow it to be effective in its working, I feel that a greater part of the illnesses in the Ashram would be pushed aside, and there would be sounder ...

... form. Last year she had violent attacks on the vital; now they are coming on the physical. She seemed much discouraged today, but my feeling is that there is a quiet and steady opening of her physical consciousness to the Divine. She must rely on You completely and quietly go on. Yes, if she keeps quiet inside and calm outside all these attacks will have to stop. 10 June 1936 ...

... be trance. Mother come generally 7, 7.30 [a.m.] in Meditation Hall [for] meditation. That day [when in trance] even 3 o'clock [p.m.] Mother will be sit, the body is there and that physical consciousness. That time Sri Aurobindo take food 9 o'clock, that Mother only give. After meditation Her going, take bath everything, then give. That day, Mother go 3 o'clock, after Her come and give ...


... all forms. This gives the indispensable psychological basis from where to face the problem... "Life then does not die; but the forms are dissolved, and it is this dissolution that physical consciousness fears. And yet the form changes constantly and there is nothing that debars this change from being progressive. This progressive change alone can make it possible that death would no more ...

... earth in the conditions of the material universe. That cannot be unless the body too undergoes a transformation, unless its action and functioning attain to a supreme capacity" 1 and "the physical consciousness, and physical being, the body suffused with a light and beauty and bliss from the Beyond and the life divine assume a body divine." 2 Elsewhere Sri Aurobindo sounds a ...

... less abrupt, then perhaps the memory remains of the last of the dreams or of the one that was the most impressive during sleep. Otherwise everything experienced in sleep recedes from the physical consciousness leaving a state of blankness behind. Absence of link bridge ; We have stated that in sleep our being passes through a succession of states of consciousness. Now, so long as there ...

... merit to the already established and seemingly inexorable Laws of the Ignorance that the higher spiritual lights and powers, even those of the Overmind, coming down into the obscurity of our physical consciousness lose much of their transforming potency and become instead mutilated, circumscribed and not altogether dynamically effective. Thus a perfect transfiguration of our lower nature is ...

... would be complete chaos in the work. Yes, what you say is quite true—but the mischief is that both H and K do not accept at all what is told to them, on this subject at least. May the physical consciousness open more and more to the Divine Light and come under its direct influence. Yes, it is the only solution. My love and blessings are always with you. 20 May 1936 ...

... higher mind and the higher vital and the psychic and what they have gained either into the background or behind a curtain and a domination by the difficulties of the ignorant and obstructing physical consciousness with its obscure and mistaken ideas, habitual reactions, irresponsive obstructions, doubts and objections and the small lower vital nature with its ego-centric reactions and revolts and ...

... the whole of humanity would change nothing of this fact. 32 – The Mother ‘It was in 1914 that the identification with the Universal Mother took place, the identification of the physical consciousness with her. Of course, I knew before this that I was the Mother, but the complete identification took place only in 1914,’ 33 said the Mother many years later. Who is the Universal Mother ...

... appearances. The sign of the true and Divine Consciousness is perfect equality, constant equanimity and peace. Excitement, irritation, sorrow, depression, upsetting belong all to the Physical Consciousness and must be surmounted in order to get rid of the Falsehood. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... occur to my mind that the Mother had been giving hints about expressing Savitri through paintings in the future. My head was full of hotchpotch. I lived too much in an egoistic and petty physical consciousness. If the Mother was preparing and planning for a big work, I did not take it seriously. How was I to give any thought to such a notion when impossibility was stamped on my consciousness? ...


... used to speak formerly of the new world which is being created, it was of this intermediary zone that I was speaking. And in the same way when I am on this side, that is, in the field of the physical consciousness, and see the Supramental Power, the Supramental Light and substance penetrating continuously into Matter, I can say that this zone is being erected. 19.2.1958 The Mother ...


... is the symbol of the opening of the centre to the Light. Flower — A blossoming in the consciousness, sometimes with special reference to the psychic or the physical vital, mental and physical consciousness. Usually indicates a psychic activity. Red flowers ordinarily indicate an opening of the consciousness either in the physical or some part of the vital according to the shade . ...


... is sure to join mine. The second point is that you say that the Lord gives to people prosperity, children and happiness whenever they ask for it—Quite true, but these things belong to the physical consciousness and need no preparation to be received; they (people) can have these things with remaining just as they are. While you are asking for the greatest thing of all, the most difficult, the ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 06 June 1963 You asked what is the difference between the liberation and the realisation. The realisation of the soul is achieved when the whole being (including the physical consciousness and the ego) has got under the control of the soul through the psychic being, when all the activities of the being including the physical are governed exclusively by the soul in peace and quietness ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... opposing the advent of the truth. They feel powerless in this battle, sorrowful witnesses, victims without the strength to Page 52 fight, for this is taking place in that part of the physical consciousness where the supramental forces are not yet fully active, although I am confident they soon will be. Meanwhile, the only remedy is to endure, to go through this suffering and to await patiently ...


... coming of the new race. But first, the vital and the physical have to be free of all desire—otherwise one is courting disaster. 31 January 1972 Page 432 The first thing the physical consciousness must understand is that all the difficulties we meet with in life come from the fact that we do not rely exclusively on the Divine for the help we need. The Divine alone can liberate us ...


... do not delay, Mother. You know that the child will not listen to reason, he only wants to remain on his Mother's breast. You know very well that I am always with you and in you, in the physical consciousness as in the others. 10 July 1934 Yes, the outer nature must become calm and quiet and turn towards the Divine. 21 December 1936 Page 236 We are at least mentally ...


... supple enough or receptive enough to widen to the measure of this Love. The earth must not only open itself but become wide and supple. Matter—not just physical Matter, but the substance of the physical consciousness as well—is still much too rigid. Wouldn't it be better if each time you answered these questions on the Aphorisms verbally? Ah, that's always better! With pencil and paper I have ...


... Weaknesses Words of the Mother - II Greed (for Food) Greed for anything concerning physical consciousness, so-called necessities and comfort of whatever nature―this is one of the most serious obstacles to sadhana. Each little satisfaction you get through greed is one step backward from the goal. When you have a desire you are governed by the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... is to say, physical. 2 October 1957 Comments on Puja Days ( Durga Puja 1953, Victory Day ) Today was truly a day of victory, victory over all that yet remained human in the physical consciousness. O Nature, I bring to thee force and light, truth and power; it is for thee to receive and utilise them. It is thou who wilt be receptive in the fruit of thy creation, man, and open the ...


... don't know. Sri Aurobindo's case was quite special, and apart from him I don't see any convincing example. But generally speaking, what is most developed in a man, along with the mind, is the physical consciousness; the vital is very impulsive, practically ungoverned. That's my experience of the hundreds and hundreds of men I have met. There's normally a physical strength built up through games and exercises ...


... everyone could understand. But he knew very well that the effective remedy for human egoism lies beyond philosophy and religion, in a true spiritual life accepted and lived on earth by the physical consciousness itself—this makes it truly capable of getting rid of the ego once and for all. 15 November 1969 ...


... mankind were those in which there were the fewest material remedies. 393—The most robust and healthy race left on earth were the African savages; but how long can they so remain after their physical consciousness has been contaminated by the mental aberrations of the civilised? As always Sri Aurobindo's words are prophetic. For only when humanity is cured of its mental aberrations will it be able ...


... And I see, many people fall ill (or think they are ill or seem to get ill or are really so), but it becomes concrete in the body through their way of being, which is the old way; for this new physical consciousness, it can be avoided, but, oh! it means such a difficulty. One must maintain, through a sort of conscious concentration, a condition, a way of being which is not natural according to the old ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... people or being busy with itself or sleeping—it is always, always there, conscious, vibrant. I say, "It is possible"; it is a fact. Only, what is needed... what prevents it generally is that the physical consciousness in most men is very obscure; it is made only of the most material needs, desires, reactions. But what is needed is to awaken in the cells the love for the Divine; it is always so, all the time ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... confusion in their minds. Besides, I have always felt that this attitude of my body perceiving its own imperfection was indispensable in order to keep a living and constant humility in the physical consciousness. When the transformation is total, then I shall be able to speak, not before. 21 October 1955 O divine Light, supramental Reality: With this food, penetrate the whole body ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... I had never had. ...I begin to see what the supramental body will be. ...I had had a somewhat similar experience at the time of the union of the supreme creative principle with the physical consciousness. But that was a subtle experience, while this was material—in the body. ...I did not have the experience, I did not look at it: I WAS it. ...And it radiated from me: myriads of little ...


... × Indra represents the king of the gods, the master of mental power freed from the limitations and obscurities of the physical consciousness. × The body-consciousness. ...


... comparison. At that moment itself there was only the 'Something' which sees, decides—and it is done. ( silence ) It did not remain. It has remained above, but not here. It has given the physical consciousness a certain self-confidence in the sense that when I see something now, I am sure of it, there are no hesitations: 'Is this right or not? Is this true, is this....'All that has vanished—when ...


... out the text of a note: "Through the widening of its consciousness, this body is more or less identified with those around it. "Every effort made towards the purification of one's physical consciousness is so much less work for this body." If everyone made an effort... ( Mother nods her head ) I saw P.L. yesterday. He is still terribly nervous. He said he was much better ...


... difficulties of ignorance and inertia—the incapacity to receive. And it comes back as memories, like that ( gesture from below ), like a snake rearing its head. And every time, everything in the physical consciousness has the same call, "Why? How can these things be when You are there!" That's the astonishing thing: "Since You are there, how can these things be?" Till now, in the majority of cases, ...


... watching over the money so no one takes it. People won't see him, but he is there nonetheless, and very unhappy if something happens to his dear money.... Now, if you live exclusively in your physical consciousness (which is difficult, because, after all, you have thoughts and feelings), if you live exclusively in your physical, when the physical being disappears, you disappear along with it, it's over ...


... which death isn't necessary, one must absolutely find it... entirely natural, an unimportant event. It's chiefly that—something of very little importance. ( silence ) The education of the physical consciousness (not the body's global consciousness, but the consciousness of the cells) consists in teaching them... First of all it's a choice (it looks like one): it's choosing the divine Presence—the ...


... self-conversion: the horse's head has been turned irrevocably towards the Spirit's glimmering East and there is no halt in the pacing in that direction. What I await is the sweeping up of the total physical consciousness into the rhythm of the Rigveda's unstoppable courser with its eyes a-lit for ever.   (2.2.1991) Page 168 ...


... tied, I can't say anything with certainty. I would hazard the interpretation that the black rope symbolises the restricting ignorance in which our outermost or Page 342 lowest physical consciousness, more than any other part of us, lives. The legs stand for this extreme physicality or outwardness. The dark man would, at first blush, suggest ignorance too, but as you have made a distinction ...


... raised of X is pertinent. He is claiming to be supramentalising his body. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have clearly said that the supramentabsation of the mind, the vital being and the physical consciousness have to precede the body's supramentalisation - and that there would be a failure in the Integral Yoga if the true soul has not emerged and taken charge of the sadhana with its constant ...


... to be done all over again. At the most, there might be a greater new ability. How? When you are born again, your mind is more developed, your vital is more developed; well, the physical consciousness will be more capable of doing the work again. Provided dust retains consciousness—and it doesn't retain consciousness. No, there's no doubt, the work must be done in one lifetime. ...


... reason or other, it stays together, but... These last few days (yesterday or the day before), there was this: a sort of completely decentralized consciousness (I am always referring to the physical consciousness, of course, not at all to the higher consciousness), a decentralized consciousness that happened to be here, there, there, in this body, that body (in what people call "this person" and "that ...


... what makes me say my body was dead. I no longer had it.... The experience was far, FAR away from here (I don't mean in the garden!)... somewhere. Somewhere very far away to the left, in the physical consciousness. And when I had traveled back here along a level path, I noticed that there was still a body. 2 But this body is no longer MY body—it is A body. Except that gradually the consciousness ...


... being had left him quite some time ago and, as a result, to the surface consciousness he seemed a bit deranged—he wasn't deranged but diminished. And he lived, as I said, out of habit. The physical consciousness still held a minimum of vital and mind and he lived out of habit. But the remarkable thing is that sometimes, for a few seconds, he would live admirably, in full light, while at other times ...


... familiar with the phenomenon for something like sixty years—it's completely different. But this is entirely the type of experience one has in the physical Falsehood, if you will, in the ordinary physical consciousness. I haven't said anything because people here tend to think I am going off my rocker, and I don't want to add to their... impression! But even for me, it left me... it took me a little while ...


... of something going on elsewhere. But I don't know what it is.... It is a new process. But once, you had a similar experience with all the symptoms of fainting: when the center of your physical consciousness left you. Yes, but that's not... ( long silence ) I feel it as something linked to the circulatory system, but... ( Mother goes into a meditation, looking for the real cause ) ...


... this sort of memory, but they don't know what it is. Most of the time they regard it as "dreams" or "imaginings." Those who know (that is to say, who are conscious of what goes on in their physical consciousness) can see that it's memories. The number of memories of this kind I've had is almost incalculable. But it doesn't have the same character as the memories of the higher consciousness (then ...


... a resolute endurance which made light of the common ills of the flesh. Above all, it was a body responding to the Divine's demand for surrender, a demand met in its entirety by even the physical consciousness and not only the inner self. Both its humility and its uniqueness come through in that passage written on September 8, 1954:¹ "The body repeats constantly and with a poignant sincerity: ...


... the Overmind's illuminations that you think here is a continuation of the highest "radiant world". But when Sri Aurobindo came down to the vital plane and still more when he descended to the physical consciousness for the   Page 78 transformative sadhana there, then it became sharply evident that the Overmind was not merely a sub-Supermind. Standing in the world of marked division ...


... Mother's. The Ashram too was officially started — under the Mother. Next, 1938 is the year — 12 years later — in which it seems a decisive step was taken to draw the Supermind into the outer physical consciousness, even if the step was partial and not continuous in its effect. Then comes 1950 — the year of the strategic self-sacrifice of Sri Aurobindo. The result of the sacrifice was not only that his ...


... from her. In dreams and visions she manifested herself to several of her followers. But what was an ever-living Presence to the inner self was yet a mysteriously haunting Absence to the physical consciousness. It is this outer loss that has been counteracted in an indescribable way by the Birth Centenary. One feels irresistibly urged from with to say, "The Mother has taken birth again." ...


... Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, SABCL. Vol. 24, p. 1398. × The physical being made up of the physical consciousness and the body. × Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, SABCL. Vol. 24, p. 1399. ...

... and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface * It should be noted that Sri Aurobindo distinguishes between the subconscient and the Inconscient. The latter, for which there is no equivalent in modern psychology ...

... the pressure of life. It is not any strict adhesion to a transcendental view of things that constitutes this kind of poetry, but something behind not belonging to the mind or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European poetry which most suggests ...

... partially expressing a larger secret vital which we can only know by going within. Equally, what we call our physical being is only a visible projection of a greater and subtler invisible physical consciousness which is much more complex, much more aware, much wider in its receptiveness, much more open and plastic and free. Letters on Yoga, pp. 348-49 There are always two different ...


... may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again, there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic universal oneness. Or, on ...


... All beings, thought and felt and moved in her. This identity with the universal consciousness and beings is not limited to the mental or the vital but extends and includes all the physical consciousness as well. Her mind became familiar with its mind, Its body was her body's larger frame In which she lived and knew herself in it Page 93 One, multitudinous in ...

... volumes. The first to see them was Sri Aurobindo and it was he who asked her to get them published as they were sure to be of immense help to others and would at the same time show what the physical consciousness is capable of achieving. So he made a selection and she got it printed. She had the rest burnt in a boiler which is still in use at the Ashram. The utter absence of self-attachment which ...

... the pressure of life. It is not any strict adhesion to a transcendental view of things that constitutes this kind of poetry, but something behind not belonging to the mind or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring cut that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European poetry which most suggests an ...


... impossible to think of leaving the Mother or going out of this place. Nowadays thoughts of visiting my father keep recurring. What is the reason? It is one of the suggestions of the external physical consciousness that are filling the atmosphere just now. I explain that to you in the answers below. For quite some rime now, at nights, I get strange dreams. I forget my way, come across many obstacles ...


... wonderful thing we could have done together ... but for that I ought to have been beautiful and you a sage!... Today was truly a day of victory, victory over all that yet remained human in the physical consciousness. O nature, I bring to thee force and light, truth and power; it is for thee to receive and utilise them. It is thou who wilt be receptive in the fruit of thy creation, man, and open the ...

... experiences touch the mind — Yes, except on some occasions " when they live in their own greatness. Then the unstability of the light is due to vital consciousness and stability is due to physical consciousness. Difficulty is experienced by everyone in making the higher experiences normal as the lower being gets hold of them and reduces them to their own level. That is what has happened also in Motilal ...

... to find our way in the dark, the lower nature, she asked to be paid for her services, saying that the "other gentleman" (titan) was always paying her. The place: some vital layer in the physical consciousness. 20 February 1932 (2 a.m.) The Mother ...

... one is physically near her or not—this relation takes up the mind, vital and inner physical till one feels one's mind close to the Mother's mind, one's vital in harmony with hers, one's very physical consciousness full of her. These are all the elements of the inner union, not only in the spirit and self but in the nature. ... This is the close inner relation as opposed to an outer relation which ...


... “What do You Want?” An all-surrendering love by which the whole vital being becomes purified and one-pointed.—Amal Full conversion and consecration of the physical consciousness. Liberation from all sexual impulses and desires.—Pavitra To be taken right into the Beyond in surrender.—Datta Deep and complete Faith in all the parts (even in the physical cells). ...


... that Lawrence had an idea of the new spiritual birth. What he has written there could be a very accurate indication of the process of the change, the putting away of the old mind, vital, physical consciousness and the emergence of a new consciousness from the now invisible Within, not an illusory periphery like the present mental, vital, physical ignorance but a truth becoming from the true being ...

... another, but it need not change the vital nature; a light in the vital may purify and enlarge the vital movements or else silence and immobilise the vital being, but leave the body and the physical consciousness as it was, or even leave it inert or shake its balance. And the descent of Light is not enough, it must be the descent of the whole higher consciousness, its Peace, Power, Knowledge, Love, ...

... formations there—on the contrary on these inner planes the subliminal as they call it in Europe —that is to say, our inner selves are full of powers which have not emerged—yet at least—in the physical consciousness. And especially as I was full of Shiva in your experience there is no reason why I should not have sung for I suppose Shiva sings as well as dances? With great difficulty I have just taken ...

... yogic experience, the body, vital forces and the mind undergo a refreshing bath of purity and wideness and joy of fulfillment. The life-powers range with the voice of truth"-seeking thought in physical consciousness and mental consciousness; Mitra and Varuna, the two emperors or samrats, come to their cry with the brilliant clouds full of the creative waters. There is then the manifestation of the divine ...

... had individual attainment, and although they Page 68 followed the method of ascent to supermind, the maximum point which they reached was that of the attainment of widening of physical consciousness so that the body could become the vehicle of receiving the supermind. Sri Aurobindo also points out that the reception of the supermind resulted in the breaking of the limits of the physical ...


... l consciousness and secondly, the movement of the descent in yoga by which the supramental consciousness can be brought down so as to transform lower levels of consciousness, including the physical consciousness. In fact, in pursuance of these double processes; Sri Aurobindo has spoken of a new integral yoga of three transformations, psychic transformation, spiritual transformation, and supramental ...

... Strictly speaking, experiences of automatic writing or mediumistic trance are experiences related to the subliminal consciousness consisting of the inner mind, inner vital force and subtle physical consciousness. Spiritual experiences relate to the realm of super-consciousness or of psychic consciousness which is the consciousness of the inmost being which governs body, life and mind and which has ...

... and the eternal divine fullness of the cosmic godheads meet perfectly and fulfil themselves. This experience culminates in the ascent to the plane of Supermind or truth-consciousness, and the physical consciousness becomes so vast that the truth-consciousness can visit it. The Vedic Rishis have called that state the state of immortality. The Rishi Parashara speaks of the path which leads to immortality ...


... effectuate and accomplish this task. The first step is to arrive at the loftiest peaks of supramental consciousness; next is the gradual descent of the supermind right up to the level of the physical consciousness and physical substance and into sub-conscience and the inconscience. The third step would be that of transformation of the inconscience and fixing of the supramental consciousness page ...

... observe that the very basis of our objective experience is our subjective being; hence, it is not probable that only the physical objectifications are true and the rest unreliable. The supra-physical consciousness, when rightly interrogated is a witness to truth and its testimony is confirmed again and again even in the physical and objective field; that testimony cannot, then, be disregarded when it ...

... phenomena which are superconscient rise high above that psychological stratum to which we give the name of mentality. All these phenomena, including what can be called the phenomena of vital and physical consciousness, suggest that in the plant and even in the metal, there is a force Page 25 to which we can give the name of consciousness, which is not human or even animal. Sri Aurobindo ...

... of the Gnostic Light would effectuate a complete transformation of the Ignorance and even penetration into the Inconscience; even the supramental consciousness could come to be fixed in the physical consciousness. As Sri Aurobindo points out, a supramental change of the whole substance of the being can take place when the involved Supermind in Nature would emerge to meet and join with the supramental ...

... the appearance of the divine body, there will have to come about a radical change of consciousness that can be effected by the ascent to the supermind and the descent of the supermind in the physical consciousness. Even in the previous developments of evolution, even when it appeared that the change in the physical organization preceded the change in the manifested power of consciousness, a change of ...

... as the outer instrument of a complete divine living on earth is a necessary part of the supramental transformation. In its highest movement, Sri Aurobindo envisages illumination of the whole physical consciousness and a divinizing of the law of the body. The yogic literature, particularly relating to Hatha yoga and Tantra, speaks of physical siddhis acquired by some opening up of the law of the subtle ...

... unconditioned and without claims, self-existent; (2) the contact or the presence of the Mother within; (3) the unerring guidance from within; (4) a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared ...

... mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to which we can give the name of vital and physical consciousness? If so, we must suppose in the plant and the metal also a force to which we can give the name of consciousness although it is not the human or animal mentality for which we have hitherto preserved ...

... planes of their own limited body, life and mind, comes to know the Divine Force, which is utilised to raise the triple being of man to divinity. Thereafter one makes an offering of the physical Page 21 consciousness, vital consciousness and mental consciousness to the divine consciousness. Then one finds the Lord of our being whom we adore, and we are led to know the Brahman, which is even beyond ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... psychic soul, from the greater life behind our physical life cannot come in freely, cannot develop their high, powerful and proper strain. This condition must be reversed; the body and the physical consciousness must develop the habit of admitting and shaping themselves to these higher strains and not they, but the nobler parts of the nature must determine the music of our life and being." (The Synthesis ...

... subsequently revolted against the Divine and became Asuras. The Asuras are generally found on the mental plane. Rakshasas and Pishachas function in the lower vital. A few hostiles are active in the physical consciousness: the Theosophists call them 'obscure elementals''. But what is noteworthy is that the hostile beings and forces have absolutely no access to the spiritual plane. But why are these adverse ...

... long run detrimental to the maintenance of his physical health. But this sort of fear and doubt has got no basis in fact. For, as we have already pointed out, it is not with the waking mind's physical consciousness that one seeks to be Page 330 conscious in sleep. It is another and a higher order of consciousness that the sadhaka cultivates while, at the same time, leaving the body ...

... Mother’s Agenda, Vol. 11, 14.3.1970. Page 196 Mother reiterated during her conversation with Satprem on 29.4.1970 that the object to be accomplished was the change in the physical consciousness, that the change in the physical appearance was a secondary consequence, and that that would be the last thing to change. She said emphatically that the thing that had to be accomplished was ...

... sensuality will depart from the scene and the spiritual aspirant's upsoaring consciousness will not be drugged and dragged down into the mire by the unregenerate and unresponsive waking physical consciousness. In short, there will come about indeed a divine apotheosis of body and the bodily life upon earth: "The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze And Matter shall reveal ...

... much as it possibly can in the Illumination of the inner Being and then drop off definitively at death. But although actually and pragmatically valid, we do not accept that our waking physical consciousness is intrinsically and potentially debarred from getting spiritually transformed. But it is never enough to assert a high goal and a laudable objective; it is necessary too to see whether they ...

... of a sincere sadhaka comprises in its wide sweep the indomitable willpower of the mind, the insatiable thirst of the heart, the plenary consent of the vital, and the perfect opening of the physical consciousness. All of us know that aspiration is one of the three basic limbs of the sadhana of the Integral Yoga, the other two being 'rejection' Page 37 and 'surrender'. Viewed ...

... has to meet and contend with the resistance in his mental being with its principal forms of doubt and denial, in his vital nature with its turmoils of desires and attachments, also in his physical consciousness with its characteristic stamp of fundamental inertia and obscurity. If that is so, whenever dificulties and impediments to sadhana present themselves to the sadhaka of the Integral ...

... for a few seconds — I could not bear it longer, so I bent my head down. I felt a glow all over my body — up to the material layer! It was something more than the touch of a fiat. This time my physical consciousness experienced being taken more inside than above. It was no more bound by the ignorant nature. Page 226       It is obviously an experience. It is not symbolic, so you can't ...

...       No, except that they can act as obstacles.         I think that though the descent has to a large extent to do with the progress of the Ashram, yet mostly it deals with the physical consciousness in general.       Yes.         And therefore I feel that when it has come down once every sadhak's physical will not be automatically Page 263 supr ...

... about a disease and living just in the faith that the Mother could take care of everything, was more effectual than even Page 49 could be repelled from the lower vital and physical consciousness.         You wrote yesterday about a complete separation of my consciousness from the feelings of the body and its acceptance of illness. But, when the whole head is affected by the ...

... there very well rooted since you began your human evolution in the primaeval forests.   The physical mental or externalising mind is part of the mental consciousness, not part of the physical consciousness. But it is closely connected with the mental physical - so that the two usually act together.   It is not by a general descent that people come out of the physical mind. If one chooses ...

... inertia, she went on, "When we were working in the physical cells, Sri Aurobindo realised the difficulty of transforming the mind of the physical cells. I am not speaking of the physical mind or physical consciousness. He thought of leaving the mind of the physical cells alone. Then I saw that their refusal to change was not due to any bad will but to ignorance. The cells have a great aspiration and the ...

... reached and brought down before the Supramental Descent is at all possible. The 'Descent of Krishna' signified the fullness of the Overmental realisation, the Descent of the Divine into the very physical consciousness of Sri Aurobindo, and it was the culmination of all his previous realisations. It marked a decisive stage in his sadhana and paved the way for the Supramental Descent — the goal of Sri Aurobindo's ...


... Force or Light I felt a great dryness. It depends upon your condition whether the Ananda or Force or Light descends or whether the resistance rises. It is the resistance of the ordinary physical consciousness ignorant and obscure that seems to have risen in you. The period of the 15th is a period of great descents but also of great resistances. This 15th was not an exception. It is exactly one ...

... emanation that was acting. I'm sure that if I had asked Him about any such incident in the world outside our Ashram, "Do you know about it ?" He would have said, "I know nothing!" So His physical consciousness did not know it, but His Divine Consciousness was acting everywhere and this is how even today He is pulling people here. "Go to Pondicherry," He said to a doctor who was practising in Burma ...


... yesterday by my question about sex, inertia and the physical was this: is sex as much a principle of the physical as inertia?       The sexual sensations do not 'become' a principle of the physical consciousness — they are there in the physical nature already — wherever there is conscious life, the sex force is there. It is physical Nature's conscious means of reproduction and it is there for that ...

... strength and persistency of the force put out, (2) the receptivity of the subject, (3) the sanction of the Unmentionable—I beg your pardon, I meant the Unnameable, Ineffable and Unknowable. N's physical consciousness is rather obstinate, as you have noticed, and therefore not too receptive. It may feel the Mother inside it, but to obey her will or force is less habitual for it. N's departure to see ...

... Satyayuga. That is what the general human mind has been aspiring for and calling "Ramarajya". A humanity with a radiant mind, a purified, generous, un-egoistic, yet creative vital and a physical consciousness enjoying, revealing, building forms of true beauty seems to be a nearer and intermediary probability—and animal-born humanity retaining its normal animal structure, still Page 6 ...

... consciousness with the aid of her body, almost playfully like children. Now a little bit of austerity will be needed on our part; the austerity will be needed to bring our external life and physical consciousness in line with her consciousness, to prepare them, to make them ready. Her material body offered an unconditional help and protection; now all that will be conditional—conditional upon our willing ...

... basement, so we had to come down, forgetting for the moment the higher realisation, into these darker regions and make a thorough cleaning of them. The regions of the vital consciousness and physical consciousness are, as we all know, full of human failings and dangerous complications. One had to leave the heavens and come down to these lower levels and tackle the problems that beset them, the crucial ...

... there is only one Divine Consciousness, one Divine Power, one Divine Bliss, one Divine Page 133 Being, however various they may appear in outward name and form. But the physical consciousness, the physical body, this very material frame have for us upon earth, a divine significance. They are not to be despised or thrown out. On the contrary, our object is to take special care of ...

... would not admit stupidity as a qualification for saintliness. Sri Ramakrishna's advent took place in a scientific age, in the world of modern civilisation, amid a deluge of atheism, when the physical consciousness was the dominating principle everywhere. He appeared before such a world in all his rusticity, for he was to demonstrate by the very example of his own life that the highest aim of human life ...

... sovereignly by all shoals and rocks and storm-racks, through all vicissitudes gliding on—slow or swift as needed— inevitably towards the goal. A doubting mind, an impetuous vital urge, an inert physical consciousness, though they may be there in any strength, cannot disturb or upset the even tenor of the forward march. Even outward circumstances Page 70 bow down to the pressure of the ...

... translated in Matter and is figured there by what we call Psychic Sorrow. It is, as it were, a reversed image of the original reality. The Divine's compassion, translated in the individual physical consciousness, becomes a sorrow that is not egoistic, a sorrow that is an expression of one's identification with the universal sorrow through sympathy. I have described the experience at some length in ...

... maintained, but a new significance, a transcendent connotation is put into it. The general contour of the instrumentation is preserved, but the substance is transmuted. The brain, the heart and the physical consciousness not only change their direction, but their very nature and character. And the Divine himself is conceived of as such a Human Person—for the norm of the human personality is an eternal verity ...

...     The lesser gods and the pseudo-gods are none other than the various forces that reign in the world of the mental, the vital or the physical consciousness. These are the three planes that, in the cosmic as well as in the Page 34 human scale, form the fundamental notes of the Inferior Hemisphere of ...


... that the body has no part in it. What do you think of it? Sri Aurobindo : You can say "matter" knows nothing about good and bad or sick and healthy. But the human body, I mean the physical consciousness, is not "matter”. It is conscious, and therefore it can have its own responsibility with regard to diseases. Disciple : It seems A's stand-point referred to repentance and expiation ...

... tied and burnt. Sri Aurobindo : It may be this Utkata Karma that brought about the accident (to his foot). Disciple : What is incomprehensible is the unmerited suffering of the physical consciousness in your case. Sri Aurobindo : How do you know it is unmerited? Perhaps it was to give me knowledge of what intense pain is. I had ordinary pains before which I could turn into Ananda ...

... certain elevation of consciousness. Page 364 The lesser gods and the pseudo-gods are none other than the various forces that reign in the world of the mental, the vital or the physical consciousness. These are the three planes that, in the cosmic as well as in the human scale, form the fundamental notes of the Inferior Hemisphere of Nature. The true gods belong to higher reaches, they ...

... here, is to be a confluence, where all the streams of consciousness, all the movements of the being, flow in: movements of life-force, movements of the mind, secret 1.1.rges of the subliminal physical consciousness – pure and impure, things foreign to its nature, things that are its own, elements friendly and unfriendly, all assemble in a market-place, as it were, the result being a huge horrid discordant ...

... same way as it returns them there on the journey back after death. But as I have already said, there are beings who have developed well-formed personalities of mind and life and even of the physical consciousness. These formations are not mere loose accretions, temporary arrangements for a life experience, but are welded, organised, given a more or less permanent shape, as the proper instrument of the ...

... medicine on the Mother's body: "Medicines have quite a different action on the Mother's body than they would have on yours or X's or anybody else's and the reaction is not usually favourable. Her physical consciousness is not the same as that of ordinary people — though even in ordinary people it is not so identical in all cases as 'science' would have us believe." Now I shall pass on to another field ...

... maintained, but a new significance, a transcendent connotation is put into it. The general contour of the instrumentation is preserved, but the substance is transmuted. The brain, the heart and the physical consciousness not only change their direction, but their very nature and character. And the Divine Himself is conceived as such a Divine Person – for the norm of the human personality in this view is an ...

... from recurring. NIRODBARAN: But how can it be practically applied? SRI AUROBINDO: Once one has the experience, one can do it more easily. It is the power of the idea and will. If the physical consciousness is awake, it can act. EVENING DR. MANILAL: I am having no meditation, Sir, and no experiences. Formerly I used to feel so much peace and Ananda. SRI AUROBINDO: That means you have ...


... and power and light and life, by a fuller manifestation for which it is being moulded through suffering and darkness. For this consummation to be possible there must be a readiness in the physical consciousness to open to the influence of the psychic being, the inner soul." [8] Soon after joining the Ashram, she took up embroidery — an excellent means of concentration and sadhana. "Yoga ...

... the same paper. She had written: ) By the widening of its consciousness, this body is more or less identified with those who are around it. All effort made for the purification of one’s physical consciousness is so much less work for this body. May 26, 1968 BLESSINGS OF THE GRACE ( These are some of the Mother’s written answers to the questions I sent to Her in my diary .) ...


... Yes, one must have the vision. But for a long time, I hear, you have been dealing with the physical. So there should be some reflection in the outer. SRI AUROBINDO: The physical means the physical consciousness. When that work is done, the effect may be seen on the outer physical. NIRODBARAN: But something may be reflected before the final achievement? SRI AUROBINDO: May be or may not. C ...


... which he felt calm. He didn't know whose hand it was! SRI AUROBINDO (after laughing) : He seems to be receptive. NIRODBARAN: He doesn't understand what is meant by the mental, vital, and physical consciousness. As for his wife, she says the intensity of pain and pleasure seems to have diminished in her. But at the same time she feels disinclined to do any work. SRI AUROBINDO: Does she feel like ...


... body or into matter is quite another. The two are worlds apart. One may have a vision in one part of the being, for example in the mind or in the vital, but to experience it permanently in the physical consciousness, and feel it constantly in the body, is something that is possible only when one has reached a very high degree of spiritual realisation. Now what remained for me to do was to bring down the ...

... past, but go ahead, as if through a virgin tract, making quite new discoveries, and opening unexpected vistas at each step. You can make an experiment even on your physical body, i.e. take the physical consciousness too to share in your adventure of ever new discovery. Thus you may, for example, forget your habit of eating or even walking, truly forget and try to learn over again, even as you did for the ...

... arrive at the crucial or synthetic state of consciousness (which is, in fact, the basic supramental consciousness, as Sri Aurobindo calls it) is the realisation that the world, that is to say, physical consciousness does not exist by itself. By itself, it is nothing. As the Prayer says, "it knows nothing, it can do nothing, it is nothing."1 This realisation must not be merely a mental perception, a perception ...

... translated in Matter and is figured there by what we call Psychic Sorrow. It is, as it were, a reversed image of the original reality. The Divine's compassion, translated in the individual physical consciousness, becomes a sorrow that is not egoistic, a sorrow that is an expression of one's identification with the universal sorrow through sympathy. I have described the experience at some length in ...

... remain of a somewhat inferior quality: and when they come back to their ordinary consciousness they find there great obstacles: for the stuff is missing there; there are not, in the vital and physical consciousness, elements enough to enable it to support a descent of the higher force. Page 69 How does fasting bring about a state of receptiviry? Usually the vital being is concentrated ...

... the Satyayuga. That is what the general human mind has been aspiring for and calling "Ramarajya". A humanity with a radiant mind, a purified, generous, unegoistic, yet creative vital and a physical consciousness enjoying, revealing, building forms of true beauty seems to be a nearer and intermediary probability – and animal-born humanity retaining its normal animal structure, still outgrowing its grosser ...

... second. Even like Divine Love, there is only one Divine Consciousness, one Divine Power, one Divine Bliss, one Divine Being, however various they may appear in outward name and form. But the physical consciousness, the physical body, this very material frame have for us upon earth, a divine significance. They are not to be despised or thrown out. On the contrary, our object is to take special care of ...

... bit piqued by my facile observation: "The highest planes are not so accommodating as all that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky fancy-web-spinning ignoramuses you all are. You speak of silence, consciousness, overmental, supramental, etc. as if they were so many electric buttons you have only to ...

... and has his own experiences. Nevertheless, Sri Aurobindo often said and wrote that his yoga begins where the others end. This is to say that yoga ordinarily consists in awakening the physical consciousness and making it rise gradually towards the Divine. Whereas Sri Aurobindo has said that in order to do his yoga, one must have already found the Divine and be united with Him, and then the co ...


... and Goddesses into us — Varuna in one, I mean the overmental Gods and Goddesses in others. It was not merely an influence by the Gods and Goddesses; it was a material descent of them into the physical consciousness of the sadhaks so as to effect a complete identification. The result was that the total personality of the Sadhak — his conduct, habits, thinking and feelings all underwent a sea-change. We ...

... they are within the reach of all who are sincerely interested in their culture and its results. Among the many faculties that are often spoken of there is, for example, this one: to widen the physical consciousness, project it out of oneself so as to concentrate on a definite point and thus get the sight, hearing, smell, taste and even the touch at a distance. To this general education of the senses ...

... something like... things dissolving; certain kinds of links between my consciousness and the Work were dissolving (not links with me, because I don't have any, but with the body, the whole physical consciousness, all that attaches it to the things in its environment, to the work and to the entourage.... It's like things dissolving, dissolving, dissolving. And it's more and more pronounced. Formerly ...


... supramental world descended. It comes in and vibrates like a pulsation in the cells. 17 Very few were to recognize it on that evening of February 29 at the Playground. To recognize it, the physical consciousness must already be very free from its mental coating, its mental swarming, we might say. In fact, we become aware of it negatively through the reaction of the "swarming." The lights in the Playground ...


... the course of progressing. 17.12.1969 Is the Yogi's sleep without dreams? They are no longer dreams. They are visions and activities in worlds that are invisible for the physical consciousness. 19.12.1969 May my whole being become a straight line towards You, Divine Mother! Page 118 En route towards integral transformation. 21.12.1969 I find ...


... are not in its composition. In return the Divine Mother also gives herself, but freely - and this represents itself in an inner giving ­ her presence in 'your mind, your vital, your physical consciousness, her power re-creating you in the divine nature, taking up all the movements of your being and directing them towards perfection and fulfilment, her love enveloping you and carrying you ...


... light of the psychic its education cannot start. The Mother's clear guideline is that the sadhak should first tackle this native darkness of the physical: Illumine the darkness of your physical consciousness with the intuition and aspiration of your more refined parts and keep on doing so till it realises how futile and unsatisfactory is its hunger for the low ordinary things, and turns spontaneously ...


... her with the psychic vision that alone can make a straight response to the Truth." "Then the Mother herself will enlighten by their psychic elements your mind and heart and life and physical consciousness and reveal to them too her ways and her nature.....If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the Page 25 Mother even when she is manifest before. Follow your ...

... and knowledge. "A light and power, a knowledge and force are felt which first take possession of the mind and remould it, afterwards of the life part and remould that, finally of the little physical consciousness and leave it no longer little but wide and plastic and even infinite. For this new consciousness has itself the nature of infinity: it brings to us the abiding spiritual sense and awareness ...

... consciousness of these divine worlds, synthesise them and act simultaneously and in full knowledge in all the domains”¹. What the Mother means here is that the vital-physical and the gross physical consciousness of man must also awake to the constant perception of Sat-Chit-Ananda, as his inner and subtler consciousness does on the spiritual planes, where the perception is more or less native and abiding ...


... recover his innate infinity and immortality; and without this recovery it is impossible for him to serve the Divine. It is for a complete elimination of the ego, its elimination even from the physical consciousness, that the Mother prays to the Divine : "O Lord, O my sweet Master, dispel this feeling of the 'I'...tear out from my heart this illusion that Thy servant may become pure and faithful.”¹ ...


... These are your sorties into the vital world. And what is the first thing you try to do when you are in the grip of a nightmare ? You rush back into your body and shake yourself into your normal physical consciousness. But in the world of the vital forces you are a stranger; it is an uncharted sea in which you have neither compass nor rudder.. .Directly you enter any realm of this world, its beings gather ...


... here. If this one gives us an experience of the higher consciousness and its nearness with at! the exaltation that accompanies it, there is another type in which Aswapathy comes down to his physical consciousness from Trance,—after the intense experience on the highest level of his being, where he communicates with the Supreme Power. This is how he felt: "The warm-lipped sentient soft terrestrial ...

... be found to be shot through with the threads of desire, whether it assumes physical forms, vital forms or mental. In the body it manifests as hunger and thirst, which engross and enslave our physical consciousness; and in the vital it manifests as turbulent lusts and passions, clamorous cravings and insatiate ambitions, that toss and torment our being and goad us into all sorts of actions, most of which ...

... marvellous hour" permanently in a human body. Even a most developed psychic love, leading a purified heart and mind, may not be able to incarnate divine Love so long as the body and the general physical consciousness have not been radically converted by the conquest and illumination of the subconscient which exerts such a fundamental, darkening sway over them. It is only a completely psychicised human ...


... lay so much stress on a full and dynamic realisation of the psychic. According to them, the soul or the psychic has no mission here to fulfil, nor has it any necessity to transform the physical consciousness and nature of man. Such transformation is deemed rather Utopian and impracticable. But for the Integral Yoga, which has as its sole object a dynamic union with the Divine and a divine tran ...


... ess. And then the problem would be how to give the process of expansion a trial in life. The problem is how to provide the process of expansion from limited and egoistic mental, vital, and physical consciousness to a consciousness of unity, universality, infinity and delight ? If this can take place then the divine manifestation becomes possible. Then the remoulding of all the instruments of mind, ...


... to that or else it will create any amount of trouble. The absence of proper sleep naturally brings a state of fatigue in the nerves which helps these things to come — for it is through the physical consciousness that they attack and if it can make that consciousness tamasic in any way their entry is more easy. (15.9.36) ...

... repetition of this thought of going away. Now the six letters from Sri Aurobindo bearing on this episode: (1a) All these suggestions that came to you were of course part of the attack on the physical consciousness, — the attack on the body is used to raise these ideas and the ideas are used to make it more difficult for the body to recover. At a certain stage attacks fall heavily on the body because ...

... other times a sense of “lightening” in regard to other aspects — these keep alternating. SRI AUROBINDO: All these things are in fact things that had been left in the outer being, in the physical consciousness, though some were rejected by the higher parts and their persistence there or their remnants made the progress incomplete. Now they are rising up for dispersal and have to be thrown out from ...

... best rule for you will be to allow the entire going inside only when you are alone and not likely to be disturbed, and at other times to accustom yourself to have these experiences with the physical consciousness awake and participating in them or at least aware of them. You did therefore quite right in stopping the complete going inside while you were at M’s place. There was no harm in having these ...

... more completely and to seek spiritual progress even not for your own sake but for the sake of the Divine — then you will go on more smoothly. Get the full psychic opening in the most external physical consciousness. That and not despondency is the lesson you ought to draw from your present adverse experience. ...

... farther disillusionment — you gain nothing and pay a heavy price for that nothing. It is only by becoming one-minded in the sadhana that you can escape from this painful circle.... Let the physical consciousness as well as the rest of the nature turn wholly to the Light and the Divine and seek only the one true source of happiness and Ananda. (31.3.33) ...

... indication of "the present state" of the Sadhana: I cannot call it a state, or a condition. It is, rather, a complex movement. I am at present engaged in bringing the Supermind into the physical consciousness, down even to the sub-material.... One feels as if "digging the earth", as the Veda says. It is literally digging from Supermind above to Supermind below.... The Veda calls it "the ...

... world; bhuvarloka = vital world; dyoloka = mind-world; swarloka = highest region of mind-world. The Rishis preferred a concrete language to an abstract one. Bhu, to them, meant the physical consciousness, and not just the earth. Page 43 may note that this formula is a verse from the Rig-veda, from a hymn of the Rishi Vishvamitra." Ages ago, in the mid-twenties, Sri Aurobindo ...

... from the bottom as we go upward are: 1.MULĀDHĀRA: located at the base of the spine. The lotus is red and has four petals. It is the Earth-centre in the body. "This centre commands the physical consciousness and the subconscient t." It is the main and immobile support of all bodily operations, "of the material parts of nature." 2.SWĀDHISHTHĀNA: located below the navel. The lotus is deep ...

... energy. All this action and struggle and ascension is supported by Heaven our Father and Earth our Mother, Parents of the Gods, who sustain respectively the purely mental and psychic and the physical consciousness. Their large and free scope is the condition of our achievement. Vayu, Master of life, links them together by the mid-air, the region of vital force. And there are other deities,—Parjanya, ...


... struggle and labour grows full of a divine delight. As it is said in the Veda that by Truth is the progress towards the Truth, that is to say by the growing law of the Truth in the mental and physical consciousness we arrive finally beyond mind and body to the superconscient Truth, so here it is indicated that by Ananda is the progress towards the Ananda,—by a divine delight growing in all our members ...


... it is put in the language of the Isha Upanishad, sa paryagāt ,—triply extending himself as Seer, Thinker and Former, in the superconscient Bliss, in the heaven of mind, in the earth of the physical consciousness, tredhā vicakramāṇaḥ . Page 347 In those three strides he has measured out, he has formed in all their extension the earthly worlds; for in the Vedic idea the material world which ...


... at the sacrifice the gods drink in the fourfold bowl, camasaṁ caturvayam , the pourings of the nectar. For Twashtri, the Framer of things, has given man originally only a single bowl, the physical consciousness, the physical body in which to offer the delight of existence to the gods. The Ribhus, powers of luminous knowledge, take it as renewed and perfected by Twashtri's later workings and build ...


... a rapid progress in the idealisation of the physical Ananda. There was some beginning of continuity, but it was ill established and collapsed in the evening. The normal state of the physical consciousness is the revelatory; the descent to the intuitive occurs much more rarely than before and is not of long duration. Occasionally there is the representative vijnana. No decisive progress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... seasons is called ऋतु and represents the progressive movement of development of the hidden truth of things in man. The Seer-Will is also the Hota, the power that brings the divine powers into the physical consciousness of man by his flaming force in the revealedWord, manifests & forms them there and offers to them the whole activity of the being as a sacrifice of the lower human to the higher divine. The ...


... truth that these two conceptions disfigure. It is true that for this world of form in which we are set for our self-realisation, nothing is entirely valid until it has possessed itself of our physical consciousness and manifested on the lowest levels in harmony with its manifestation on the highest summits. It is equally true that form and matter asserting themselves as a self-existent reality are an ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Ambu's Correspondence Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother 19 May 1936 It is not the physical consciousness, neither the vital nor even the mental that can recognise. It is only the psychic when it wakes up and comes to the front. Your psychic has recognised me long ago and it is that that keeps you here. For your usual consciousness it is still behind ...

... These are your sorties into the vital world. And what is the first thing you try to do when you are in the grip of a nightmare? You rush back into your body and shake yourself into your normal physical consciousness.... In the world of the vital forces you are a stranger.... its beings gather round you and want to encompass and get out of you all you have, to draw what they can and make it a food and a ...


... overhead poetry need not be explicitly mystic. Sri Aurobindo tells us that it can deal with quite other things than the Infinite and the One everywhere. Something behind mental or vital or physical consciousness has to be brought out in its own native tongue charged with its deeper values, rather than in a translation by that consciousness. But, of course, to be able to live constantly in that something ...


... it sought. A new kind of work in the physical, in the body began. A work so far unknown and unforeseen, the contours of which were only revealed step by step. But it seemed that the entire physical consciousness, including the consciousness of the body itself, maybe even something of its substance, was beginning to be remoulded into something quite different. What Mother called the Auroville co ...


... regions. In this new world, all arrangements are perfectly done by the Father and the Mother, the “two who are one.” Having once reached the higher domains of consciousness, one lives less in the physical consciousness as indicated by the absence of physical necessities like food, etc., and most persons do not want to come down from these new and higher worlds. The “two who are one” have spent many lives ...


... the experiences touch the mind—Yes, except on some occasions when they live in their own greatness. Then the unstability of the light is due to vital consciousness and stability is due to physical consciousness. Difficulty is experienced by everyone in making the higher experiences normal as the lower being gets hold of them and reduces them to their own level. That is what has happened also in Motilal ...


... spiritual peace Shanti, and then into the supramental calm and silence full of the higher light and strength and Ananda. Moreover, the quieting of the mind only is not enough. The vital and physical consciousness have to be opened up and the same foundation established there. Also the spirit of devotion of which he speaks must be not merely a mental feeling but an aspiration of the deeper heart and ...

... bound to come as long as your entire consciousness is not transformed. Even when the higher power works in you down to your physico-vital consciousness, the attacks will find a way through the physical consciousness. Even if the power is in full action down to the physical itself, the attacks you complain of in your letter, especially those that take the form of illness can get you through the medium of ...

... lifetime or several (time and distance have no relevance here) through Part One of Savitri. The last step brings us home with one bound. But for now, let us experience the darkness of our own physical consciousness. We are about to leave behind the sightless spinning globe and when Sri Aurobindo shows it to us again, much later, we will see it with different eyes. Becoming conscious of our ignorance ...

... Your home, your place and your fulfilment are here. The Mother 2.2.1942 Aspire always to grow more and more conscious so that all the small obstacles shall disappear from the physical consciousness and the obscurer parts of the vital nature. Sri Aurobindo In front of the repeated attacks from the enemy you must keep your faith intact and endure till the Victory is won. The Mother ...


... organisation and immediate future of human life upon earth, and who see that the only solution of this problem is the concrete and effective realisation of Human Unity. At the moment, in the physical consciousness, the heart is with X, the lover, and the spiritual confidence with Y, the Guru. I do not see very well what I have to do in this tableau if it is not as a Will that puts spokes in the wheels ...

... There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting another or inner self. 44 It is the inner mind just mentioned—which is perhaps what some Zen Masters call "Zen mind" or the "deeper mind"—that is the witness in the mind ...

... initial conditions for the realisation. Aspiration in the physical for the Divine's Love , a complete opening of the physical being to the Divine's Love and the turning of the whole physical consciousness towards the Divine , are the conditions for the last and entire transformation . 3.11.1929 A transformed life-energy is the dynamic power for transformation . 6.11.1929 ...


... piqued by my facile observation: "The highest planes are not so accommodating as all that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky fancy-webspinning ignoramuses you all are! You speak of silence, consciousness, overmental, supramental, etc., as if they were so many electric buttons you have only ...

... supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. If one wishes to purify and transform the nature ...


... and descent; the individual consciousness must ascend to progressively higher levels of consciousness and then must bring down the dynamism of the higher levels into the mental, vital and physical consciousness so as to transform these lower levels. The aim of the spiritual disciplines of the past generally stopped short at ascent to the highest level of consciousness and attainment of liberation ...


... superior process and with steps that do not fail or falter. It takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness: already all these have their own peculiar powers of intuition derivative from the hidden Light; the pure power descending from above can assume them all into itself and impart to these ...


... is the extreme border of our secret inner existence where it meets the Inconscient, it is a degree of our being in which the Inconscient struggles into a half consciousness; the surface physical consciousness also, when it sinks back from the waking level and retrogresses towards the Inconscient, retires into this intermediate subconscience. Or, from another viewpoint, this Page 233 ...


... inability indeed is the cause of the failure of reason, morality and every other surface action to control and deliver and perfect the life of the human race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly ...


... the Yoga, because you relied upon the Mother and did not yield to the contrary vital Force. Here also you will have to have constant reliance on the Mother and reject the suggestions of the physical consciousness in the atmosphere when they come. 30.5.1935 Sri Aurobindo ...


... getting pain. Mother, you said, “It depends on something”. It depends on what? I think it was not recently that Mother said that but a long time ago. She meant that it was the bondage to the physical consciousness movements (physical mind, physical vital) which prevented the response in the body and only the rule of the psychic that could remove them. 4.7.1935 Sri Aurobindo ...


... mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to which we can give the name of vital and physical consciousness? If so, we must suppose in the plant and the metal also a force to which we can give the name of consciousness although it is not the human or animal mentality for which we have hitherto ...


... come so repeatedly as she equates you, spontaneously, to Shiva and not to Krishna. Page 121 I have said that visions of this kind do not necessarily spring from the physical consciousness or the mind and its preconceptions or preferences. If they did they would have no independent reality. C) Last Sunday I was singing Raihana’s song on Krishna on moonlight chandini ...

... Page 175 When the storm comes, a storm of doubts, failures, disappointments, adverse circumstances and what not, the crew – let us say, the powers of the mind and vital and the physical consciousness, begin to disbelieve, despond, stand aghast at the contradiction between our hopes and beliefs and the present facts, and they even turn in their rage of disbelief and despair to deny and ...

... The mind has its ideas and it clings to them — the human vital resists surrender, for what it calls surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it — the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more than inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When ...


... centre of the material universe? “In the last few days, yesterday and the day before, there was this experience: a kind of consciousness completely decentralised – I am always speaking of the physical consciousness, not at all of the higher levels of consciousness – a decentralised consciousness that was here, there, in this body and in that other one. In what people call ‘this person’ and ‘that person’ ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... us, namely that otherwise she could not have let him go without leaving together with him. We will shortly see what an enormous shock Sri Aurobindo’s sudden corporeal absence impacted on her physical consciousness. As she told Nirodbaran, indications of Sri Aurobindo’s departure had not been lacking. To begin with there had been the conversation between her and Sri Aurobindo which we have literally ...


... physical refused to share in what was coming down or else misused it and became full of exaggerated and violent reactions. Since then the sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical consciousness. Many have followed … The total descent into the physical is a very troublesome affair — it means a long and trying pressure of difficulties, for the physical is normally obscure, inert, impervious ...


... is being built. When formerly I used to talk of the new world that is being created, it was this intermediary zone that I meant. And similarly, when I am on this side (in the domain of the physical consciousness, that is) and when I see the supramental power, light and substance constantly penetrating into matter, it is the construction of this zone I see and in which I participate. ‘I was on a ...


... accepting an Avatar who was not only a woman, but a twice-married French woman to boot! ‘It was in 1914 that the identification with the Universal Mother took place, the identification of the physical consciousness with Her. Of course, I knew before that I was the Mother, but the complete identification took place only in 1914.’ 14 — ‘The great World-Mother now in her arose.’ 15 ( Savitri) — In ...


... told me: "Sometimes when the flow of Light comes down from above, I say: 'Not now, let me finish this work.— I said: "Never do that. Receive it, welcome it, allow it to come. It is the physical consciousness that wants to have its own old nature." Surely what you said was right. Moreover with a little practice the light can be fully received and still the work go on. But this condition comes ...

... In one word, there is no peace and equanimity in the body consciousness. Not only the body but the entire consciousness gets clouded and veiled; there is no remembrance of the Divine in the physical consciousness and it is this that catches the illness and prolongs it. Yes, this is quite rightly observed—but to have become conscious of it is a big step towards a successful transformation of the ...

... one’s consciousness, the more perfect in work one is? But I know people who work as perfectly as possible but are ordinary. They cannot be “ordinary” and do perfect work. Surely their physical consciousness of the material world is highly developed and they must have great concentration in their work. 15 January 1967 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 April 1934 Dear Mother, My body is increasing in bulk and volume, my physical consciousness or outward consciousness is growing in Your consciousness. The growth of my body depends upon this external consciousness growing in You. It is all right. I think you can put on a little ...

... the passions and desires of the vital being and its ego may block the way and prevent the self-giving of the mind and heart to the Divine. The inertia, ignorance and incon-science of one’s physical consciousness, its attachment to fixed habits of thought and feeling and action, its persistence in the old grooves may come badly in the way of the needed change. In such circumstances the Divine may ...

... was that her body became decentralized. As she once said: ‘In the last few days … there was this experience: a kind of consciousness completely decentralized (I am always speaking of the physical consciousness, not at all of the higher consciousness) a decentralized consciousness which happened to be here, and there, and there, in this body, in that body – in what people call “this person” and “that ...

... has to be carried out and every statement taken as God's truth. Thus alone can the disciple open himself thoroughly to the Divine Power streaming through the Guru and put away the gross physical consciousness which is the main obstacle to the growth of the inner being. I do not know whether the Mother ever exercised the right of faith-test in the strict sense. She was too modern to go in for ...


... utilising was the Overmind power. Not that the Supermind was still unrealised inwardly, but that he had not yet, at the time involved, established it as an active force from the station of physical consciousness he had taken up for the specific world-work he had come to do. The Mother once told me that she hoped to cure the damage infantile paralysis had done to one of my legs, but that the cure ...


... wakefulness that is our daily life. This imperturbable smiling freedom from the sense of the varying sequences of time is experienced Like a magical point in the middle of my chest. My main physical consciousness is concentrated there. There is no anxious looking forward to the end of my supposed discomfort in a state of complicated "traction" which allows no turning left or right in bed. For all I ...


... is not any strict adhesion to a transcendental view of things that constitutes this kind of Page 195 poetry, but something behind not belonging to the mind or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality of power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something." Hence non-mystical poetry has effects which we can ill afford to neglect ...


... not imply that the physical substance is transformed and becomes immortal; for that quite another procedure has to be followed, and you must not only let it work out the transformation of the physical consciousness, but also the transformation of the physical substance which is quite a considerable work." 1 The "Immortality Day" was the seed assurance that this "considerable work" which has been ...

... began’ – between 17 April 1923, the date of Pearson’s visit, and 15 August 1924. For Sri Aurobindo said on his birthday of that year: ‘I am at present engaged in bringing the Supermind into the physical consciousness, down even to the submaterial. The physical is by nature inert and does not want to be rendered conscious. It offers much greater resistance [than the vital] as it is unwilling to change. One ...

... because here it is the physical Adhar itself that is attacked and a too great mass of physical difficulties may destroy or disable or permanently injure. The only thing to do here is to get the physical consciousness (down to the most material parts) open to the Power, then to make it accustomed to respond and obey and to each physical difficulty as it arises apply or call in the Divine Power to throw out ...

... cure My Pilgrimage to the Spirit May 4, 1932 It has nothing to do with sadhana except that there is evidently some weakness or obscurity in the physical consciousness that opens it to these things—but, that is a general principle and does not help for a precise cure. Sri Aurobindo ...

... soul. The aim is that it should be constant, but this comes later on and little by little when all the parts of your being turn towards your soul instead of turning to the exterior, the physical consciousness and being caught in it. The best way to hasten this change is the habit of going within. For going within you must sit comfortably or lie down, gather and bring back all the threads of ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... your letters, knowing very well that you would not be conscious of my answers but that, all the same, it would help. One thing only remains to be said. Do not mistake your Ego and your physical consciousness for yourself, because when you do so, they make you do and say what they want and not what you want , which does not help the release you want. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... ###July 25, 1932 Q. What is the difference between "Chitta" and "Chit"? A. Chit is the pure consciousness—as in Sat-Chit-Ananda. Chitta is the stuff of mixed mental-vital-physical consciousness, out of which arise the movements of thought, emotion, sensation, impulse, etc. It is these that in Patanjali's system have to be stilled altogether so that, the consciousness may become immobile ...

... always in that condition or too long a time in it during the day; for the hold on the external must be kept and, besides, the best part of the work to be done, just note, is the change of the physical consciousness and external nature. If you mean by trance going out of the body, that should only be done under conditions which make it safe. Sri Aurobindo ...

... letters, and only as much is circulated as is considered apposite or of general interest or use from the point of view of sadhana. These movements obviously belong to the lower vital and physical consciousness. It is the petty love of gossip and the pleasure in small talk and scandal and fault-finding and the rest that are responsible. These are activities that, I believe, are generally supposed ...

... easily which—of the state of consciousness of the Neutral Witness. These experiences are always felt in the subtle consciousness somewhere. To make it a reality in the exterior being and in the physical consciousness is a very difficult and laborious affair—it means an application to every movement, act, happenings, impact in life—in an active life. Those who make this neutral state their aim, usually draw ...

... less are they the creations of the human soul itself, whether its dreams or the result of the constant self-projections of mankind in its dynamic and creative being beyond the limits of the physical consciousness. The only thing that man clearly creates in this direction is the reflex images of these planes in his own embodied consciousness and the fitness of his own soul to respond to them, to become ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... itself from the beginning without even now resting in any final solution. The intellect indeed can hardly give the final answer: for that must in its very nature lie beyond the data of the physical consciousness and memory, whether of the race or the individual, yet these are the sole data which the intellect is in the habit of consulting with something like confidence. In this poverty of materials ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... forward to at present. Of course a certain preliminary transformation is necessary, just as the psychic and spiritual transformation precedes the supramental. But this is a change of the physical consciousness down to the submerged consciousness of the cells so that they may respond to higher forces and admit them and to a certain extent a change or at least a greater plasticity in the processes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... highest planes with the slightest pull. The highest planes are not so accommodating as all that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky fancy-web-spinning ignoramuses you all are. You speak of silence, consciousness, overmental, supramental etc. as if they were so many electric buttons you have only to ...


... the eternal Self— Page 49 which has finally to replace tamas, the physical inertia. Tamas is the degradation of śama , as rajas is the degradation of Tapas, the Divine Force. The physical consciousness is always trying to substitute its own inertia for the calm, peace or rest of the true consciousness, just as the vital is always trying to substitute its rajas for the true action of the Force ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... wantonly on oneself is not spiritual. I am aware of the austerities of the Tapaswis of old, but these, condemned by the Gita as Asuric tapasya, had at least for their motive a mastery over the physical consciousness and might therefore be called a discipline, but to torture oneself or allow oneself to be tortured either for the joy of it or the beauty of it was not their idea—be it either the victim's ...


... more completely and to seek spiritual progress even not for your own sake but for the sake of the Divine—then you will go on more smoothly. Get the full psychic opening in the most external physical consciousness. That and not despondency is the lesson you ought to draw from your present adverse experience. They [ patience and peace ] go together. By having patience under all kinds of pressure ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the vital and physical evolution? And may it not well be that the mental beings who descend are not all of the same power and stature and, besides, do not take up equally developed vital and physical consciousness-material? There is also the occult tradition of a hierarchy of beings who stand above the present manifestation and put themselves into it with results which will obviously be just such a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... bringing out—of an inherent and permanent but hidden knowledge of past, present and future that is always carried within itself by the eternal spirit. But embodied as we are and founded on the physical consciousness, the mind of ignorance still persists as a conditioning environment, an intervening power and limiting habitual force obstructing and mixing with the new formation or, even in moments of large ...


... us is the extreme border of our secret inner existence where it meets the Inconscient, it is a degree of our being in which the Inconscient struggles into a half consciousness; the surface physical consciousness also, when it sinks back from the waking level and retrogresses towards the Inconscient, retires into this intermediate subconscience. Or, from another view-point, this nether part of us may ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into supramental consciousness begins to become possible, and even then there is a difficult ascent to make each stage of which is a separate arduous achievement. Yoga ...


... experiences self-constructed unstable structures of name, form, relation, happenings, and in the waking state externalises himself in the more apparently stable but yet transient structures of the physical consciousness, so the Self develops out of a state of massed consciousness its subjective and its objective cosmic experience. But the waking state is not a true waking from this original and causal sleep; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... working in the form of the lower Prakriti on the inferior levels of the conscious being, helps powerfully towards this change. And if we can do this, then the separation of our mental, vital and physical consciousness from that of other beings thins and lessens; the limitations of its workings remain indeed, but they are broadened and taken up into a large sense and vision of the universal working; the ...


... to suggest to the profane Page 55 mind only the food given at the sacrifice to the gods, but for the initiated it meant the Ananda, the joy of the divine bliss entering into the physical consciousness and at the same time suggested the image of the Soma-wine, at once the food of the gods and the Vedic symbol of the Ananda. We see everywhere this use of language dominating the Word of ...


... Soul and Nature, who are regarded as the father and mother of all beings. It is significant, however, that Heaven and Earth, when they symbolise two forms of natural energy, the mental and the physical consciousness, are no longer the father and mother, but the two mothers. The triple principle was doubly recognised, first in the threefold divine principle answering to the later Sachchidananda, the divine ...


... gradually, in the mornings of the human spirit, by the unbroken succession of the Dawns. For Dawn in the Veda is the goddess symbolic of new openings of divine illumination on man's physical consciousness. She alternates with her sister Night; but that darkness itself is a mother of light and always Dawn comes to reveal what the black-browed Mother has prepared. Here, how ever, the seer seems ...


... as sense-mentality in the human being. For delight is the raison d'être of sensation, or, we may say, sensation is an attempt to translate the secret delight of existence into the terms of physical consciousness. But in that consciousness,—often figured as adri , the hill, stone, or dense substance,—divine light and divine delight are both of them concealed and confined, and have to be released or ...


... of this mould of Matter. We become conscious of and conscious in new realms, immense ranges of life, the "far-extending existence" of the next verse, which are screened off from our ordinary physical consciousness. Trita is the god or Rishi of the third plane, full of luminous mental kingdoms unknown to the physical mind. × ...


... environmental atmosphere. Third, the gnostic Power in the body for the transformation of the body. Page 1265 9 April 1927 Passivity is now practically complete; surrender in the physical consciousness a little less, but still almost complete. Equanimity is moving towards automatic completeness but is still imperfect. Faith is limited and poor. Strength is there, but neither harmonised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... waking consciousness is blind and to the experience, either in reflected images or in the things themselves, of other worlds and planes of consciousness than the material earth or this waking physical consciousness. The consideration of Samadhi may also be postponed for the present. Page 22 Sharira Chatusthaya Sharirasiddhi The sharirachatusthaya, likewise, need not be at present explained ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... which there were the fewest material remedies. 392) The most robust and healthy race left on earth were the African savages; but how long can they so remain after their Page 475 physical consciousness has been contaminated by the mental aberrations of the civilised? 393) We ought to use the divine health in us to cure and prevent diseases; but Galen and Hippocrates & their tribe have ...


... has this feeling of enlargement or wideness above the head one is in contact with the universal Self; below it is according to the level with the cosmic Mind, the cosmic vital or the cosmic physical consciousness. When Page 273 one is entirely freed from the body limitation, then one feels the consciousness as infinite with the body only as something very small within it. It [ separation ...


... Divine in the highest centre and so connect the manifest and the unmanifested, joining Spirit and Matter. The golden serpent in the Muladhara is a symbol of the energy of the transformed physical consciousness. The cobra is a symbol of the Energy in Nature—the upraised hood and light indicate the illumination and victorious position of the emerged Energy. The opening of the hood indicates ...


... stains of the subconscient, it prepares its flight towards the supreme Divine (the Mother). Parents and Relatives In these dreams the parents or relatives mean the ordinary forces of the physical consciousness (the old nature). A relative is generally a symbol of some element of the hereditary nature (the external being so far as it is created by heredity). Mother, sister or other relatives ...


... above. The mountain represents the ascending planes of the higher consciousness. The journey in the train is the passage from one consciousness to another. The bucket is the physical consciousness; milk is always a symbol of the flow of consciousness from Above; the mountain is the Adhar with its ascending levels from the physical to the Above. 1 Page 152 The golden mountain ...


... n. The power of concentration above the head is to bring peace, silence, liberation from the body sense, the identification with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental-vital-physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... best rule for you will be to allow the entire going inside only when you are alone and not likely to be disturbed, and at other times to accustom yourself to have these experiences with the physical consciousness awake and participating in them or at least aware of them. You did therefore quite right in stopping the complete going inside while you were at X 's place. There was no harm in having these ...


... on by lower Powers and a confusion created. That has happened with many. It is not a matter of any particular act or feeling, but a sort of excited vibration with which the vital and physical consciousness meets the vital disturbance—it is evident in the tone and language of what you write when there is the stress of vital suggestion—but it used also to rise when you got the experiences in an ...


... without conditions or claims, self-existent; (2) the contact or the presence of the Mother within; (3) an unerring guidance from within; (4) a quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared ...


... too the passions and desires of the vital being and its ego may block the way and prevent the self-giving of the mind and heart to the Divine. The inertia, ignorance and inconscience of one's physical consciousness, its attachment to fixed habits of thought and feeling and action, its persistence in the old grooves may come badly in the way of the needed change. In such circumstances the Divine may have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... nature that has not felt the former descents, is not ready, is perhaps unwilling to change,—often it is some strong habitual formation of the mind or the vital or some temporary inertia of the physical consciousness and not exactly a part of the nature—and this, whether showing or concealing itself, thrusts up the obstacle. If one can detect the cause in oneself, acknowledge it, see its workings and call ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... The surrender must be total and seize all the parts of the being. It is not enough that the psychic should respond and the higher mental accept or even the inner vital submit and the inner physical consciousness feel the influence. There must be in no part of the being, even the most external, anything that makes a reserve, anything that hides behind doubts, confusions and subterfuges, anything that ...

... have a respect for physical things and use them rightly, not misuse and waste, ill-treat or handle with a careless roughness. This feeling of all being conscious or alive comes when our own physical consciousness—and not the mind only—awakes out of its obscurity and becomes aware of the One in all things, the Divine everywhere. It is very true that physical things have a consciousness within ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... made complete. There are Yogis who have only the union on the spiritual plane, others who are united in mind and heart, others in the vital also. In our Yoga our aim is to be united too in the physical consciousness and on the supramental plane. Page 24 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Power to do its work. Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the Yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become the basis for its transformation; in fact, without this wideness and calmness the transformation is hardly possible. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... full concentration it is quite a different thing from standing talking with people. In the former condition nothing can touch her. In the second she has to identify herself with the general physical consciousness and open herself to its forces, so the conditions are not the same. Nowadays there is an improvement in the physical, but still limits must be kept. 5 November 1934 There are people ...

... because it is a medicine? Medicines have a quite different action on the Mother's body than they would have on yours or X 's or anybody else's and the reaction is not usually favourable. Her physical consciousness is not the same as that of ordinary people—though even in ordinary people it is not so identical in all cases as science would have us believe. 1 February 1937 I am surprised to hear ...

... all that comes from the Light, this should be the aim before you. 2 February 1941 Aspire always to grow more and more conscious so that all the small obstacles shall disappear from the physical consciousness and the obscurer parts of the vital nature. 2 February 1942 Keep yourself ready by faith and self-opening to receive the Light when it comes. 2 February 1943 Let the mind be quiet ...


... promise—"I am coming". Am I right? It looks like it. At any rate there is evidently an opening in the heart-centre or you would not have had the change or the vision with the stilling of the physical consciousness in the body. 30 October 1934 Last night I had a dream that you had come out of your seclusion for once; you were tall, quite young, but very dark. I began to wonder if this was Sri Aurobindo ...


... prayer as one mantra? Yes. 18 July 1938 Page 832 Let my Peace be always with you. Let your mind be calm and open; let your vital nature be calm and responsive; let your physical consciousness be a quiet and exact instrument, calm in action and in silence. Let there be my Light and Power and Peace upon you; let there be ever Power and Light and Peace. In the night as ...


... these things are not in its composition. In return the Divine Mother also gives herself, but freely—and this represents itself in an inner giving—her presence in your mind, your vital, your physical consciousness, her power re-creating you in the divine nature, taking up all the movements of your being and directing them towards perfection and fulfilment, her love enveloping you and carrying you in ...

... harbourage to that or else it will create any amount of trouble. The absence of proper sleep naturally brings a state of fatigue in the nerves which helps these things to come—for it is through the physical consciousness that they attack and if it can make that consciousness tamasic in any way, their entry is more easy. 15 September 1936 The Mother has in no way changed towards you nor is she disappointed ...

... adhara has been fundamentally and patiently purified, and made plastic and capable of receiving what is beyond the constructions of the mind, the desires of the body and the habits of the physical consciousness and physical being. His most obvious obstacle, one of which he has not in the least got rid of up to now, is a strongly Rajasic vital ego for which his mind finds justifications and covers ...
