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English [509]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [7]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [158]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [6]
Bande Mataram [5]
Beyond Man [2]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [1]
Champaklal Speaks [25]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Down Memory Lane [4]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
I Remember [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [7]
Kirankumari's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [4]
Living in The Presence [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [4]
Moments Eternal [8]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [14]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [16]
Our Light and Delight [10]
Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother [5]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [2]
Record of Yoga [7]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Six Talks [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [10]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [9]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [4]
The Secret of the Veda [4]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Supreme [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [11]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [3]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
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English [509]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [7]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [158]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [6]
Bande Mataram [5]
Beyond Man [2]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [1]
Champaklal Speaks [25]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Down Memory Lane [4]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
I Remember [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [7]
Kirankumari's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [4]
Living in The Presence [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [4]
Moments Eternal [8]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [14]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Old Long Since [2]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [16]
Our Light and Delight [10]
Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother [5]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [2]
Record of Yoga [7]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Six Talks [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [10]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [9]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [4]
The Secret of the Veda [4]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Supreme [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [11]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [3]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
509 result/s found for Amrita

... am not fortunate enough to drink amrita, I have to depend on your water. Chinmoy: I am sure, Amrita-da, you have drunk amrita quite a few times during your meditation. Amrita: You are mistaken. Amrita is meant for the Cosmic Gods, and not for this mortal. Kailas Page 107 Amrita around 1930 ... My height. No improvement. Amrita: I know a good cure for it. Nolini: A cure to increase my height? Amrita: Yes. Just raise your heels slowly and secretly, but more secretly than slowly. Every day Chinmoy fetched water for Amrita at four o'clock. One day Chinmoy was late. Amrita: Chinmoy, I am dying of thirst. You know my name is Amrita, which means nectar. Since I am... told them, that Amrita was the first and the last Manager of the Ashram. Nolini: Amrita, I have been to Pranab's place for a medical check-up. Dr. Vyas says that I have improved in every way. Even my chest has increased! Amrita: That is fine. Wonderful, wonderful! Nolini: But you know, for a long time I have not been able to increase one thing. Amrita: What is that? ...

... (Philippe Barbier St.-Hilaire) the Mother said to a sadhak: "Amrita and Pavitra are both within me, but time and again Amrita comes out in his subtle body and sits in front of me along with whoever is having an interview with me whereas Pavitra remains inside and keeps looking out half-amusedly."   Right up to the time of his death, Amrita was a close companion of Nolini and they always had their... carried over from one life to another. I think Amrita told me that Doraiswamy, the well-known Madras advocate who was a staunch devotee of the Mother in those days, had been Francis I of France in whose arms Leonardo is said to have died.   Doraiswamy was as humorous and witty as Amrita. Once, soon after he had arrived from Madras in early morning, Amrita visited him in his room, saying he had hurried... it. It was Amrita who first told me that Sri Aurobindo had a private Page 299 pamphlet prepared on simplified Sanskrit-learning but nobody has been able to trace it. Amrita told me also of Sri Aurobindo reading out to him portions of his play Eric which its author felt to be not at all badly created.   Referring to his earliest contact with Sri Aurobindo, Amrita mentioned ...


... when the Class was discussing the relation between the Overmind and the Supermind and Amrita had just slipped in, the Mother said: "Ah, here is Amrita; we will ask him about it." And She called out to him as he was just trying to be unnoticed, "Amrita, what is the relation between Overmind and Supermind?" and Amrita replied at once, waving his hands about. He said, "Veeery good relations, Mere, veeery... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary AMRITA—THE EVER LIVING ONE WE JOINED the Ashram in 1937 and we were then living at the end of Rue Dumas, opposite our present Park Guest house. We knew only a few Ashramites like Amal, Purani, Ambu etc. I did not meet Amrita then. In 1940 the Mother sent us to Delhi to work with the Civil Aviation Department... Golconde. Then I really came in contact with Amrita and I liked him at once. He took me to the place where I had to work, a place with only a tiled shed and some crumbling rooms which was called Harpagon. I was intrigued by the name and I asked Amrita why this name had been given to this place. He told me that this place belonged to a Chettiar, whom Amrita knew quite well. He was a very rich man but ...

... (Philippe Barbier St.-Hilaire) the Mother said to a sadhak: "Amrita and Pavitra are both within me, but time and again Amrita comes out in his subtle body and sits in front of me along with whoever is having an interview with me whereas Pavitra remains inside and keeps looking out half- amusedly." Right up to the time of his death, Amrita was a close companion of Nolini and they always had their meals... carried over from one life to another. I think Amrita told me that Doraiswamy, the well-known Madras advocate who was a staunch devotee of the Mother in those days, had been Francis I of France in whose arms Leonardo is said to have died. Doraiswamy was as humorous and witty as Amrita. Once, soon after he had arrived from Madras in early morning, Amrita visited him in his room, saying he had hurried... start relishing it. It was Amrita who first told me that Sri Aurobindo had a private pamphlet prepared on simplified Sanskrit-learning but nobody has been able to trace it. Amrita told me also of Sri Aurobindo reading out to him portions of his play Eric which its author felt to be not at all badly created. Referring to his earliest contact with Sri Aurobindo, Amrita mentioned how he used to come ...

... received. In fact, Amrita was told by Mother to route these things through Madanlal, and Amrita was in touch with us in this matter full-heartedly. I remember how anxiously Amrita came with a remittance which faced some technical infirmities under the terms of the scheme. He reported to Mother the hour when our explanation would be put before the Bank and the thing went through. Amrita must have noticed... me whether I did not do pranam to Mother, and I replied that I always did. He said that he was going out next day and had spoken to Amrita about it and advised me to see Amrita. I felt sad and some churning took Page 34 place inside. When I went to Amrita, he said that when my request was placed before Mother he was there and had the impression that there was some confusion or mixing... Down Memory Lane Amrita Amrita was the name given by Sri Aurobindo to Arvamadu Ayengar, a South Indian youth who was introduced to Sri Aurobindo on August 15, 1913 and who then started frequenting Sri Aurobindo's house more and more. He joined Sri Aurobindo's household permanently in 1919 when he was only 24. He had started with the work of posting letters and ...

... day she expressed her dissatisfaction to Amrita. Next time when X came to Amrita's office for collecting the money, he saw Amrita leaving the office. X asked him, "When will you return?" Amrita answered, "When you would have left." One day Mother told Amrita, "Whomever you see first in the morning, send him to call Dr. X." "All right Mother", replied Amrita. A little later he returned to the Mother... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary IN MEMORY OF AMRITA S PEAKING about Amrita, the first picture that comes to one's mind is his sense of humour, even at the age of 70 years, his wisdom, experience and the intense responsibility of yoga, instead of blunting his sense of humour only enhanced it as time passed. Here I could not draw a similarity... months ago, I saw a dream: Amrita entered Sri Aurobindo's room; quite a healthy body, with his usual kurta on him. Sri Aurobindo was seated on his bed. Amrita said, "I want to do pranam." "All right." "No, not just pranam, I want to embrace you." Then Sri Aurobindo stood up and held him so tightly in an embrace that I was reminded of the embrace of Bheema. This was our Amrita, so generous and kind-hearted ...

... much I can say: This is Amrita. —Nolini-da The book titled "Sei Kabe" was published on his 75th birthday, the 19th September 1969 (the very same year in which he passed away on the 31st of January) with these words of Nolini-da followed by one of his talks on Amrita-da, "Amrita-Kathā", as a sort of introduction. There Nolini-da before reading out a poem by Amrita-da, speaks about the other... other book by Amrita-da, namely, Visions and Voices thus: "I am going to read out a small poem by Amrita. This is the last bit of his writings written on the occasion of my birthday (probably the 13th January, 1969, the very same month in which Amrita-da passed away). But that is an occasion only for expressing some pinches of the secret mystery of his soul's pilgrimage. In fact that is more... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary Amrita-da (Born: 19.9.1895, Died: 31.1.1969) IN A VILLAGE about 15 km north-west of Pondicherry, a boy called Aravamudachari heard the name Aurobindo along with other great names like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bepin Chandra Pal and Lala Lajpatrai. It was the time when Independence, Foreign Rule, Slavery were the ...

... went home." That is to say, all but one. Our Amrita waited "not Page 360 knowing what to do." Then Ramaswamy came and told the youth that Bharati, Srinivasachari, V. V. S. Aiyar, were going to pay their respects to Sri Aurobindo. He asked Amrita, "Do you intend to see Sri Aurobindo with Bharati and others? Or with the inmates?" Amrita was in a dither. It was already past seven, and... Not much is known about this red-tiled house as no traces of it could be found later on. What we do know has come down to us from K. Amrita, who was to become the manager of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. In 1913, however, all that was in the cave of futurity. Amrita was but a callow youth then. He recalls the past in his book Old Long Since. Page 354 Let me briefly introduce him. All... family His name was Arumuda Iyengar. His father, Rajagopalachari Iyengar was the munsiffs of Kazhipervenbakam where Amrita was born (hence the K. before his name). The village was not far from Pondicherry. Amrita's uncle was living in Pondicherry. At the age of ten, in 1905, Amrita came there for his studies and joined the Calvé School. Bharati took refuge in the French enclave in 1908, and other ...

... Darshan that evening. Bejoykant accompanied Amrita-da to Sri Aurobindo that evening with a little hesitation. Sri Aurobindo was writing at that time. He left his writing and turned towards Bejoykant and Amrita-da to look at them. Amrita-da turned around and saw that Bejoykant was no longer with him. Amrita-da was all alone. Sri Aurobindo went on looking at Amrita-da and Amritada lost himself in His eyes... all be a little conscious.” One day Amrita-da while coming into the room hit his foot very badly at this place. The Mother exclaimed: “Amrita!” Pat came the answer from his mischief-filled eyes: “Mother, just trying to be conscious!” And everyone present there burst out laughing. The Mother Herself could not control Her laughter. This was our Amrita-da. And so naturally his presence made... incident from Amrita-da’s childhood. He had grown restless to have the Darshan of Sri Aurobindo. He requested Bejoykant to take him to Sri Aurobindo. Evidently Amrita-da had already had the Darshan of the Master. Bejoykant (the same person who had come away to Pondicherry with Sri Aurobindo) replied that he would ask Sri Aurobindo and let him know. Four or five days later, Bejoykant told Amrita-da in the ...


... there to meet the Richards on their arrival at Pondicherry. "The two persons from France have arrived," said V. Ramaswamy Iyengar beckoning Amrita near him as the latter entered the house at N°41 rue Francois Martin. It was towards the end of March, and Amrita had gone there after school to fetch Ramaswamy for their evening walk. That day as he entered the house he found his older friend sitting all... Pondicherry town only in 1909. Amrita clarifies that there was no electric meter in the house. One rupee four annas was charged for each point each month, less than four points were not given as a rule. "Whether the lights were kept burning or not, five rupees had to be paid and the charge would be the same even if they were kept on through all the twenty-four hours." Amrita had no occasion to go upstairs... know why I burst into sobs as I clasped him. Tears streamed down from my eyes." Then days passed. Ten or fifteen days later Amrita again took recourse to Bejoy, who obtained Sri Aurobindo's permission. That very evening, as soon as the school was over, Amrita flew like an arrow to the Guest House. Bejoy was waiting. "He was in uniform ready to go out for football at Odeon salai. As I reached ...

... Sri Aurobindo since 1914. Amrita and Moni – Suresh Chakravatry – were in the house during the interview, which covered (1) need of monetary help; (2) the question of Indian independence and permission to start revolu­tionary action (for Sri Aurobindo's advice see Appendix I); (3) spiritual sadhana. In 1919 Amrita came to Pondicherry to stay with Sri Aurobindo. When Amrita had come during his vacations... well as some English books of Sri Aurobindo. K. Amrita used to stay in Pondicherry during his school vacations. At one point he got into economic difficulties and had to stop his studies. Sri Aurobindo, in spite of his own difficulties, helped him with money and also used his influence with some well-known people in Madras on Amrita's behalf. Amrita was able to take his matriculation. Sri Aurobindo... promised financial help but evidently it was irregular and inadequate. V. Ramaswamy (Va-Ra), who had come from Tanjore to stay with Sri Aurobindo, used to meet Sri Aurobindo daily in the evening. K. Amrita used to visit V. Ramaswamy. An incident which threatened to happen but did not come about deserves to be mentioned in order to give an idea of the atmosphere and the difficulties of those days. ...


... changed everything in it. By this time, Amrita came towards me and said that he had come from the tent and that he had been with the Mother. Amrita—The book which you asked me to get for you, I could not bring. Myself—Which book? Amrita—Your book, forgotten? Book for the journey to the New World. Myself—Yes, yes, now I remember. What happened? Amrita—I must say it was a great opportunity... the tent but could not succeed. Amrita—(laughing) You have forgotten your name? But why were you writing it? Myself—To get into the tent. Amrita—But for you? Myself—Yes, I was asked to write. I related to him what had happened. Amrita—(laughing again) Now, not required. No name for you to write! Myself—I would like to come to your tent. Amrita—What, my tent? (laughter) Myself—Some... mood. Amrita—What you say is very true but I am still Amrita, not Champaklal! Now I come to the point—X has lost his house key which was given to him by the Mother. She never likes people to lose keys—you too know it well. Myself—Why only a key—She never likes losing things. Yes, it is true, losing the key is more serious, specially to lose the key received from the Mother! Amrita—The Mother ...


... Old Long Since AMRITA OLD LONG SINCE AMRITA- DA (Sept. 19, 1895 - Jan. 31,1969) Amrita's original name was Aravamudhachari Iyengar. Born in to a respected Brahmin family of village... west of Pondicherry, Amrita came across the name of Sri Aurobindo, as a boy; the four names much talked about in his village were those of Tilak, Bipin chandra Pal, Lajpatrai and Aurobindo, but the last one strangely caught the heart and soul of the young boy, through all the four were great leaders in India's for freedom. At that time, Amrita hardly knew that this... EXTRACT FROM THE MOTHER'S TALK 17 May 1969 ... for Amrita [who left his body on 31 January, following a heart attack], it was something else again. Amrita used to come in spite of his illness, he came to see me every day; he came up in the morning and sat there, and he came up once again ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... the Text at the end of the book. The Mother with Amrita A Life-Sketch of Amrita K. Amrita (originally named Aravamudachari Ayengar) was born on September 19, 1895 in the village of Kazhiperampakkam, fifteen kilometers northwest of Pondicherry. At the age of ten he moved to Pondicherry for his education. When Sri Aurobindo came in 1910, Amrita tried to meet him, but he managed to do so only three... studies. In 1919 Amrita returned to Pondicherry to live permanently with Sri Aurobindo. When the Ashram began at the end of 1926, he became its general manager and later was made a member of the Ashram Trust. For fifty years, from 1919 until his passing in 1969, he remained in the service of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo in 1921 with Kumud Bagchi and Amrita Amrita ... A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo Publisher’s Note This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale, told ...


... the most prominent. When our exodus from Bombay was postponed but its ultimate occurrence was certain at the beginning of the following year, the Mother kept Amrita on the alert for a suitable flat. At one point Nolini wrote to me that Amrita had found the best possible accommodation and that the Mother had fully approved of it. A few months later he wrote again saying that somehow the ideal ac... Of course the further one wanders away from the path, the more radical will be the conversion needed to return to it; but the return is always possible.' (22-12-1943) Page 89 Amrita had once referred to the person in question as being almost a part of the Mother. And, with the help of the extraordinarily developed soul-quality which the Mother had spotlighted, the invasion... thanked the man for coming to us but explained that we were very comfortably lodged already and had no mind to change the apartments. I suggested that if he were in need of a tenant he should go to Amrita and ask him to put someone there. This was at a time when the upper floor of our house, which was occupied by some other sadhaks, was soon to be vacated. We had it in mind to request the Mother ...


... information about Amrita which should help the reader to understand and appreciate the correspondence. Amrita began living in Sri Aurobindo’s small community of disciples after finishing his schooling in 1919. When the Sri Aurobindo Ashram was formed in November 1926, the Mother appointed him as its general manager, a position he held for the rest of his life. In his capacity as manager, Amrita met with... Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother Notes on the Texts Series One —Amrita . Originally named Aravamudachari Ayengar, Amrita was one of the first Tamil disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. His correspondence covers the period from 1919 to 1955. The basis of the correspondence are his reports to the Mother and her comments on them. Most of these... Year tips to postal workers, railway clerks and others. In general Amrita was the Mother’s principal liaison in dealing with government officials, houseowners, landowners, lawyers and the town’s notary; he regularly represented her in negotiations with local officials and members of the town. In executing his myriad activities, Amrita routinely consulted the Mother and did her bidding. ...

... the courtyard near the Reading Room, and Amrita would sit there, supposed to keep an eye on things. But unfortunately he had a companion — it was a man named Dara, now dead. You might have seen him, a huge man from Hyderabad, a very aristocratic Mohammedan. And he was an incurable chatterbox, (laughter) So all the time he was talking with Amrita and poor Amrita could hardly attend to what was going... question arose: "What to do about the furniture?" Well, Amrita was sent to me to break the sad news that now my job would be taken away from me. I was lying in bed and he came and very sweetly asked me how I was and all that. He was beating about the bush, (laughter) I knew why he had come, (laughter)   Page 23 I said: "Amrita, please come out with it. If you have come to tell... together and talking he would pass along, stand, look with a very interested air and say "What?" and just walk away, (laughter) We tried to give some answer but before that he was gone! (laughter) Amrita was there also — more impulsive, more easy to get at. He used to come to my room pretty often, I remember. In fact he learned typing on my typewriter, in my room. And he was in charge, at that time ...


... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary AMRITA BIRTH CENTENARY - 1995 *************************************************** Amrita A Sketch by the Mother ***************************************************** Amrita with the Mother ***************************************************** Publisher's... Note This book commemorates the life and work of K. Amrita, one of the earliest disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Originally named Aravamudachari, Amrita was born in 1895 into a Brahmin family in a village near Pondicherry in South India. As a boy in his teens he heard the name of Sri Aurobindo as one of the leaders of the freedom struggle going on in the country. When he learned... joy knew no bounds. Three years later he realised his long-cherished wish to meet Sri Aurobindo. It was the beginning of a life-long association with the Master. After completing his studies in 1919, Amrita joined Sri Aurobindo and remained with him for the rest of his life. He passed away in 1969, after fifty years of total dedication to the service of the Master and the Mother. Part One of this ...

... house, number 41, was afterwards called the ‘Guest House.’ ‘There was a time when we were living in the Guest House … How many of us were there in that house? Amrita was there. [turning towards the disciple in question] Weren’t you, Amrita? Do you remember that day? … We had a cook called Vatel. This cook was rather bad-tempered and didn’t like being reproved concerning his work. Moreover, he was... apart from the daily routine of the sadhaks. They did not really have a chance to understand who she was or what she was preparing for the future … Even at the end of 1925, when Pavitra came, only Amrita and Nolini recognized who the Mother was; the others at most had a formal devotion.’ 33 For some ‘it was unthinkable that a French lady could be an Avatar.’ When a certain woman wanted to... somewhat apathetic and morose, perhaps a little idiotic. And we noticed that when this boy moved around, wherever he went the number of stones increased. The young men who were living in the house, Amrita among them, shut the boy in a room with all the doors and windows closed … and the stones began falling [in that room], with all the doors and windows closed! More and more fell, so much so that the ...

... various arts...." 2 Long afterwards "Bharati leamt the Rig Veda from Sri Aurobindo". About a week after Sri Aurobindo was lodged at Shankar ². Old Long Since: by Amrita (Mother India: August 1962). Amrita, who was manager of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, came into contact with Sri Aurobindo as early as 1913, when he was a school boy. Page 350 Chetty's house, a distinguished... very often with Srinivasachari. Later, he would see him every day in the evening. He was profoundly influenced by Sri Aurobindo. Writing about the year 1913 in his reminiscences, "Old Long Since", Amrita says, "Every evening, a little after dark, Bharati would go to Sri Aurobindo's house. He chose that time not with the purpose of avoiding people who would want to make a note of his visit. It was... did not observe the common rule of people who undergo long fasts, - beginning with a little food, and so on. I began with the same quantity as I used to take before. "6 3. Old Long Since: Amrita (Mother India: January 1963). 4. The Dawn Over Asia: Paul Richard. 5. Italics are ours. 6. A.B. Purani: Evening Talks, 2nd series. Page 351 On the question of ...

... came back to his temple. We sat in the verandah inside and asked Amrita for some water to drink. It was given and we eagerly quenched our thirst. I may mention here that though it was true that we were thirsty due to the climate, what made us ask for water was the desire to taste the tirtha in Sri Aurobindo's house. After Amrita had gone back we sat on. Some time later he came back and said, “Babuji... government order. However, we could not remain confined to the house for long and started out at 1 p.m. and came to the Guest House, where Sri Aurobindo was then staying. There we met Amrita and informed him that we had come from Bharooch in Gujarat. “Babuji is sleeping,” he replied (Sri Aurobindo was addressed as 'Babuji' in those days) and told us to come back a little before 5 p.m.... added that he would receive us after 4.30 p.m. He got up and we too stood up. He did namaskar and we did the same. Then he started towards his room and we remained standing till he entered it. When Amrita asked us to leave it was almost 6.10, When we left we were in a trance-like condition, our eyes could hardly remain open. No wonder we lost our way. Somehow we reached home, cooked our meal, ate it ...


... question; their path is utterly swift and easy." Slay desire, and make total surrender: doesn't this sum up the whole secret of Yoga? On 4 April 1931, Amrita had found a passage in Essays on the Gita describing the role of the Avatar. Wasn't Amrita concentrating, when he was about to open the page, on what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as the twin Avatars were doing to him and to the other sadhaks... spiritual exercise in which the Mother engaged the sadhaks in those distant evenings of 1931 for a continuous period of almost six weeks. A number of passages were spotted out by sadhaks like Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Dyuman, Chinmayi, Rajangam, Sethna, Purushottam, Datta and by the Mother herself. Every time, whatever the volume Page 325 opened, a seminal passage was located - a passage... sadhaks and the rest of humanity? Why were they bearing the burden of earth-nature and treading its dolorous way? The answer was provided by the passage Amrita lighted upon: The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature and to show what are the divine works, free, unegoistic. disinterested, impersonal, universal, full of the divine light, the divine power and the ...


... I would have been still fumbling..." The same luminous humility overwhelms us in the words Amrita once reported to me in the early days of my Ashram-stay. He told me that after the Mother's arrival in Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo declared to the young men with him at the time, of whom Amrita was one: "I never knew the meaning of 'surrender' until Mirra surrendered herself to me." The... Page 4 Further light on what Sri Aurobindo has considered the necessity of the two sides coming together is shed by the closing part of a letter in which, on March 29, 1926, Amrita communicated to a disciple Sri Aurobindo's answers to his questions:¹ " will be a mistake if you make too rigid a separation between A. G.² and Mirra. Both influences are necessary for... there is an inaccuracy owing to a misunderstanding, and my closing anecdote starts from the event concerned in it. Champaklal reports on page 85 of his first book that in the presence of Amrita and himself the Mother told Satyakarma that when in 1920 she had fasted for ten days she had not taken anything, "not even a drop of water." I expressed to Champaklal my doubt about this. I said ...


... Monsieur Richard was 7 rue Dupleix (now 3 Nehru Street). It was in this house that Amrita first saw the Mother. Amrita sketched by Mother in 1920 It was Bejoy who had introduced Amrita "as one of the students of the Calve College and as one keen on practising Yoga," recalled Amrita. "Students from our school, in small groups, would come at their leisure hours to see... Other students too were deeply impressed and felt a change come over them as they came more and more in contact with her. On his twice weekly school holidays, on Thursdays and Sundays to be precise, Amrita would go at 10 a.m. to be with Mother, sit on a chair facing her "almost as equals," study with her for about half an hour one or two pages of the Yogic Sadhan. Then back home via Sri Aurobindo's... etc., but these may be met otherwise or as the Review increases its subscribers. Therefore use your best endeavour towards this end." Motilal endeavoured. On 1 July 1914 Calcutta's newspaper Amrita Bazar Patrika announced under the heading ARYA: "It is perhaps known to everybody that a new philosophical monthly, the Arya, will be published from Pondicherry from the 15 th of August ...

... coarseness; so it lacks the charm of novelty. The Amrita Bazar Patrika has also become an object of Mr. N. N. Ghose's scientific investigations. He has discovered that this great organ of public opinion is returning to light,—in other words, that it was mad and is becoming sane. We do not precisely know why. The passages quoted from the Amrita Bazar Patrika merely repeat views which it has been... before the public is one in which the Amrita Bazar and the new school are in entire agreement. In the opinion of Mr. Ghose, however, this programme shows an insufficiently broad view, and he holds out an ominous threat of broadening Srijut Motilal Ghose's intelligence. For the present, however, "we reserve our suggestions" Page 340 and the Amrita Bazar is spared this painful operation... "constructive programme" up his sleeve and is awaiting the dramatic moment for dazzling the world by its appearance. But for how long will he condemn us to hold our breath in awed expectation? The Amrita Bazar finds occasion to condemn such effusive receptions as Babu Surendranath received at Rajshahi, and, in doing so, disclaims the charge of envy and jealousy which is usually brought against it ...

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... of us were good catchers but Amrita had never been a sportsman and the Mother would bring that out by either throwing the toffee at great speed or tossing it up or hurling it beyond his reach. Poor Amrita would invariably miss it. Once she threw the sweet quite hard and Amrita made a violent comic gesture with both arms as if he were. trying to embrace somebody. "Oh Amrita," the Mother cried with a smile... smile, "to catch a small thing you make such a violent movement?" "Douce Mère," he replied, "I was trying to catch what was behind it!" Everyone burst into laughter. Amrita was very good at such repartees. Page 67 ...

... after the halahal is removed, the spiritual Shakti will awaken. From the Inconscient the Mother will re-emerge carrying the pot of amrita (the nectar of immortality). This pot of amrita is immortality. The asuras cannot gain immortality. Only the gods can get amrita or immortality. Man will get his part too. That was why the Mother plunged into the Inconscience. Now it is no more in the subtle... gods (signifying divine aspiration) went to Vishnu who told them: “You won’t be able to battle with the Asuras. The Asuras are very powerful. You have to become strong. Drink amrita (the nectar of immortality). Churn amrita out. This churning can happen only when you join all the oceans. Take the Asuras along.” Mother, give to our heart and mind a titan’s strength, a titan’s energy… The ...


... "here we are, it's my vision, what I saw last night!" And in my vision... You know that here, it's P. who looks after the servants, but in the night, it was Amrita, and Amrita as he is now, not as he was physically (because when he left his body, Amrita came to me, and in fact, he hasn't left me, but he is free: now he rests, now he goes about). Last night, he was very active, and he symbolized R's activity... that sort, thoroughly amusing.... They had put up a kind of big partition as a protection from a crowd of servants who had swarmed into the street, a partition so they wouldn't sweep in here; then Amrita came, opened the partition, and started talking with the people outside! I told him ( laughing ), "There, you're ruining all our work!" And then, I go to America, I go to Europe, I go... all the... would see you Page 234 there. But now, I am not going there anymore, so I don't see you. I did see you, but then it was quite different, once in a while like that, as in that vision with Amrita, and associated with a work I was doing. I no longer go there because... you understand, there's only the body, it's the BODY'S activity; it's interesting: it's the body's inner life. So then, I ...


... small room on the south-east side. The interviews with the Mother used to take place in this room. Below, on the ground floor, Nolini 2 lived in one room, by the side of which was the room of Amrita 3 . Ambalal Purani 4 had a room on the left side of the outer courtyard. Purani was once leader of the Gujarat youth movement. Pavitra 5 (name given by Sri Aurobindo) lived in the upper storey... their roofs blown away, doors and windows flung open by the blast and we were struggling in vain to shut them. What a calamity! I had not seen such a wild storm before. When it stopped Nolini and Amrita came to Amiya’s house on the sea-side (they were still there), wrapped up in blankets. I was at Dilip’s house when the storm threatened. I had just come out into the street to reach home in time and... months all of them were transferred to another rented house very near the Ashram, which is now the Jhunjhun Boarding. A very remarkable feature of this time was the occasional visits of Nolini and Amrita at the special request of my sisters. We used to hear from them stories of the early Ashram life, about the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and about themselves, where they had stayed at first, how they ...

... of 1914. Younger than all these, Amrita (Aravamudachari) who was yet a school-boy came under Sri Aurobindo's spell and had his first darshan on 15 August 1913 in the Mission Street house. After Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar and Srinivasachariar had left having received Sri Aurobindo's birthday blessings, Amrita was called in to make his obeisance. Recalling the event, Amrita wrote many years later: ... image was as it were installed in the sanctum sanctorum of my being.... I felt within me that he had accepted me. 34 Another time when he had darshan and received Sri Aurobindo's touch, Amrita burst into sobs: Whether I walked to him or took a leap to him, I do not know. What I remember is that a lamp was lit everywhere in me and I saw in a spontaneous and automatic movement in... reading 'The Life Divine' in the first issue of the Arya he felt transported although he couldn't understand it: "It was as if someone else in me was comprehending all that was read".36 Having surprised Amrita in the act of reading aloud, Sri Aurobindo gently assured him: "It is not necessary to understand it all at once. Go on reading. If you find a joy in reading, you need not stop it."   Page 405 ...

... will go up to her room and bring her here in a minute." Amrita told the Mother that my suggestion might be accepted. But the Mother said, "No, no, today is her birthday. I want to see her in her own room." So saying she entered the house and started climbing the staircase. We climbed after her in the following order: Chinmayi, Pavitra, Amrita and myself. The Mother stood in front of my room and... my house. Pavitra very respectfully opened the door of the car. The Mother got out and smiled. Closely following her was Chinmayi. From the front portion of the car (i.e., from the driver's side) Amrita got out. I was standing in front of the Mother with folded hands and my heart was full of gratitude. The Mother addressed me in French, saying, "Is Urmila inside? I want to see her." I respectfully... nectar she addressed this unworthy being and enquired whether I was comfortably lodged in that small room. "Mother, all my wants are fulfilled by Thy Grace, I am very happy and contented here." On that, Amrita said, "He is one who is always overflowing with joy, Mother." All present, including the Mother, laughed so loudly that it seemed as if the whole building shook to its foundations. I was astonished ...


... Motilal Ghose. These accounts, as well as official reports, note that the police allowed many delegates to pass, not just the first three, before attacking the younger men ( Bengalee , April 17 - 18; Amrita Bazar Patrika , April 16, 19; Government of India, HPA June 1906, 152 - 68). Sri Aurobindo, then new to politics, is not mentioned in any of these accounts. 84 ... of the League's demand for Pakistan without partitioning the country.) [1] In March 1946, before all the details of the proposal were known, Sri Aurobindo was asked his initial reaction by the Amrita Bazar Patrika . He wrote this response on 24 March. Issued in the name of his secretary Nolini Kanta Gupta, it was published in the Patrika on 26 March and later reprinted in other newspapers. [2]... December. On 11 December 1948 it was read out at a convocation at the university. The message was published in the Hindu on 12 December 1948, and subsequently in other newspapers, such as in the Amrita Bazar Patrika (22 December 1948). In 1949 it was reproduced in the pamphlet Messages of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother . Letters Related to the Andhra University Award. [1] This letter ...


... from above — when it takes a quite physical form the Yogins call it Amrita.         The subtle tastes in my mouth are changing in quality. In place of the Amrita (the divine nectar) there is a bitter taste sometimes. Why so?       It is not certain. It may be either something in the physical conflicting with the Amrita that comes up — or the opening of the subtle taste. When that comes... that is, to open the being to occult knowledge and powers. All sorts of tastes, some combined in form, and at times even opposite, like bitter and sweet, were actually swallowed up in the end by the Amrita. Page 189 ...

... jump to catch them. There was such excitement in the air then! The Mother enjoyed this moment immensely. Amrita-da, trying to catch a toffee with both his hands stretched out wide, was a real spectacle! And the Mother would laugh along with us at Amrita-da’s style of catching the toffee. Amrita-da explained to the Mother: “Mother, actually I am trying to catch the force that is present behind the... were still used to seeing Her as our friend and that is how She was always present in our hearts and minds. Like Bhishma, Dronacharya and the others looked up to Sri Krishna as an Avatar, Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Pavitra-da, Andréda, Nirod-da, Dyuman-da, Purani-ji and so many other senior sadhaks always looked upon the Mother as Mother Aditi Herself, as Maheshwari. Whenever the Mother called out Pavitrada’s ...


... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary PART - ONE He Gave Us the Feeling of Infinite W HEN people ask me to narrate my experiences of Sri Aurobindo, I have only one answer to give. What can be said about this Mahapurusha? And who can say... THE MOTHER OF RADIANCES This 'Hymn just before the Mother of Radiances' was written by Amrita in January 1927. Later, Amrita's drafts were revised by Sri Aurobindo and arranged to make a three-part hymn. The revised version was also copied out in Sri Aurobindo's... become conscious. Know at once and for ever, 'In me is your all.' " Page 6 AN INFORMAL TALK Between Chandulal* and Amrita Which of the two..... C: I like to obey sweet Mother in an absolute way, to have a very simple and total devotion, to scrupulously and faithfully execute ...

... freedom and ease to be compromised or lost?’ 20 As Amrita recalls those days when he sought instruction from Madame Richard: ‘Had someone seen the Mother and myself seated on chairs, facing each other, almost as equals, with the book of Yogic Sadhana in hand, he would have been in a fix to know who was teaching whom.’ 21 Amrita was still a student belonging to the high and orthodox Vaishnava... these were Sri Aurobindo’s companions, of whom the closest were Nolini Kanta Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Saurin Bose and Suresh Chakravarti. They had been joined by a young Tamil Brahmin from Pondicherry, K. Amrita. ‘With those who accompanied me or joined me in Pondicherry,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo, ‘I had at first the relation of friends and companions rather than of a Guru and disciples; it was on the ground of... × Nolini Kanta Gupta, op. cit., p. 40. × K. Amrita, in Reminiscences, p. 180. × Nolini Kanta Gupta, op. cit., pp. 63-64. ...

... also boys like Aravamudachari (to whom Sri Aurobindo later gave the name Amrita) who were irresistibly attracted to Sri Aurobindo the Yogi, the master-spirit of the New Age. The coming of Mirra was a phenomenon that at first intrigued the young men, but soon it filled them with a strange rapture of fascination and excitement. Amrita was then a pupil in Calve College, Pondicherry, and along with other school... Amrita's request, Bejoy introduced him to Mirra, and now a marvellous association began. On Sundays and Thursdays, at 10 a.m., Mirra and Amrita read Yogic Sadhan together, "seated on chairs, facing each other, almost as equals".¹ And in the coming weeks, Amrita began to feel little by little the full force of Mirra's personality: An image of immeasurable power - that was how I felt the Mother ...


... Some of them played football in the evenings, and they learnt the Veda, and the Latin and Greek classics. Others like Va Ra came, stayed for a time, then went away. Amrita came as a boy in 1912, and came for good in 1919. It was Amrita too who first took V; Chandrasekharam, an Andhra youth, to Sri Aurobindo. After an interview of only five minutes, he became an ardent disciple; and when he came to... the "vasts of God". 10 There were visitors in the evening. Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar; there were readings in the Veda; there were the younger men, Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Va Ra, Saurin, Amrita, who were in attendance whenever necessary; there were occasional visitors. Paul Richard, Madame Alexandera David-Neel, K.V. Rangaswami Aiyengar, Motilal Roy, Khasirao Jadhav; and there was the a... sādhaks staying with Sri Aurobindo. Some from Bengal, Nolini, Barindra, Bejoy, Moni, Page 539 Upendra; some from Gujarat, Purani, Champaklal, and the Punamchands; some from the South, Amrita, Chandrasekharam, Kothandaraman, Rajangam; and there were also the sadhaks from beyond the shores of India, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and Pavitra. "To the Lighthouse!" had been the cry of these distracted ...

... it might appear as nothing uncommon," said Amrita to the young Ashram students in 1960s. "But even to imagine today what difficulties it might Page 374 have created some fifty years ago can make one shudder with fear.... Later on, Bharati did away with these customs and threw them off like chaff, as things without substance." Amrita continued. "Whether in Bharati's house or by... had rebelled against the way women were treated in the Hindu society. In his Pondicherry days, when he had the benefit of Sri Aurobindo's company, he went much farther. Let us once again hear from Amrita. "At home we had a strict observance of orthodox rites and rituals. But the moment Bharati arrived, these began to crumble away; in his presence all rules and ceremonies, habits and customs slipped... more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered leaves from a tree." And old habits and customs "looked like worm-eaten things to me," said Amrita. Let us admit it. Between the first beginnings of social formation to the present, many debilitating customs have crept into Hindu society. Like parasites they suck dry its life energy. The biggest ...

... ludicrous jumps of his logic from trivial premises to gigantically incongruous conclusions, in his heroic attempt to make bricks out of straw. His chief arguments are that the Arya Samajists read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee , Page 402 —to say nothing of the long defunct Bande Mataram ,—and that some of the prominent members of the Arya Samaj are politicians and yet remain members... the Swaraj Case Justice Chandavarkar has declared it to be the law that to condemn terrorism in strong language and trace it to its source is sedition. At Patiala it is contended that to read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee is sedition. We are not quite sure that at Patiala the prosecuting counsel did not hint that to bring Christianity or Mahomedanism into contempt or hatred is sedition... Government is accused of injustice, say, in the matter of the deportations or the Gulab Bano case; for that inevitably creates hatred. Therefore strong criticism of the Government is sedition. The Amrita Bazar Patrika and Punjabee strongly criticise the Government. Therefore they are seditious papers and their readers seditious conspirators. Every official is a member of the Government established ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary Extract from the Mother's Talk 17 May 1969 ... for Amrita [who left his body on 31 January, following a heart attack], it was something else again. Amrita used to come in spite of his illness, he came to see me every day; he came up in the morning and sat there, and he came up once again in the evening (you saw ...

... some 30 kms north of Pondicherry on the Old Madras Road. He was given 2 annas (1 anna = 6 paise) by Amrita-da — Ashram Manager — of course after obtaining the Mother’s sanction. This was towards his day’s expenses. Prices were going up even in those days. Yogananda requested Amrita-da for 4 annas. Amrita-da was shocked by such extravagance and chided Yogananda for it. The matter was taken to the Mother ...


... the Way. His path was fixed through the washing section and then came another Divine Dictum. It came about like this: Amrita-da was publishing a Tamil magazine — Vaikarai (meaning ‘Advent’). Amrita-da had too much work and could not cope up with its publishing. The Mother (or Amrita-da) suggested Sitaram’s name. He was called by the Mother to take up Vaikarai . He now found himself with three handfuls ...


... L’Europe in the Rue Suffren. Their coming was, of course, not unexpected. Even the house where Sri Aurobindo was staying with his young Bengali freedom-fighters had been cleaned up a bit. When K. Amrita, a follower of Sri Aurobindo from Pondicherry, visited the house shortly before the arrival of the Richards, he was told that ‘two persons from the topmost cultural circle of France were coming to... Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research , December 1988, p. 201. × Nolini Kanta Gupta and Amrita, Reminiscences, p. 44. × Id. p. 43. ... The Mother, Questions and Answers 1956 , CWM 8 p. 150. × Nolini Kanta Gupta and K. Amrita, Reminiscenses , p. 165. × Sujata Nahar, The Mother’s Chronicles V, p. 580. ...

... Mother as he daily did, I inquired if the issue had been raised. He said: "No." Evidently he did not wish to face the Mother with the glaring contradiction. I told Amrita that Nolini had not carried out the work I had proposed to him. Amrita remarked: "How can he dare to ask her anything after she had so forcibly said 'Jamais!' twice?" What then was to be done? I used to be at times a little... that thorough approval with this downright refusal to accept responsibility for one of the momentous items? After the Playground sessions I walked to the Ashram in the company of Nolini and Amrita. I reminded them of what the Mother had clearly pronounced to be genuine reportage. Amrita's memory seemed very vague. When I turned to Nolini who had transmitted to us her pronouncement, he also ...


... Record of Yoga 28 January - 17 February 1911 Physical Feb 6ᵗʰ 1) Felt the sweet taste of the amrita in the throat and noticed the struggle ibidem of the impure rasa causing nausea with the amrita. 2) Physical, tivra, ananda—brief but definite. 3) All the physical anandas together, ahaituka, negative vaidyuta strongest, going to the head... head to base chidghana. Feb 14ᵗʰ 4) Example of pure raudrananda without discomfort from the strong bite of an ant. Cf experience in jail & the scorpion bite. 5) Sweetness of amrita much stronger, denser and more frequent and continuous, the mixture of phlegm less frequent. Communications 1) Sukshma Shabda. Gautama—about K.E.—formerly a beau of the eighteenth century. 2) Writing (not on ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... different thing—for the one Ananda (the true thing) can manifest in any part of the being. The Flow of Amrita It [ a flow of sweet liquid in the mouth ] is a form of the flow of Ananda from above—when it takes a quite physical form the Yogins call it Amrita. Sudhā is nectar or Amrita, the food or drink of the gods. It is applied in Yoga to something that flows down from the Brahmarandhra ...


... [ Illegible signature ] [17] 29 August 1914 Dear M. Before your letter came, ie yesterday, the news was published that the Government had drawn back from its proposal, and today the Amrita [Bazar] 10 with its comment arrived. I presume, therefore, no immediate answer from me is needed. But in case anything of the kind is raised again, I shall give you my opinion in the matter. ... Arya is in a new economic phase which means for the moment some diminution of income. A. G. [ Postscript in another hand: ] In a few days you will be getting 50 copies of "War & S. D." K. Amrita [24] Pondicherry May 1920 Dear M. It is only now for the first time since Sirish left that I get some time to write. It is not possible for me to write all I have to say, much must wait... I may add also that the alleged incident to which you took exception, as to his method of raising money, never actually happened. Again the advertisement or rather paragraph about Narayana in the Amrita [ Bazar ] 12 was not inserted by Barin, but by someone else according to that other person's idea after a conversation with him: Barin was not responsible for the form nor had he any intention ...


... an ordinary room, and a room next to it, which was mine—the bathroom, and another room. Sri Aurobindo was on one side. How many of us were there in that house?... Amrita was there ( turning to the disciple ), weren't you, Amrita, do you remember that day? ( Laughter ) We had a cook called Vatel. This cook was rather bad-tempered and didn't like being reproved Page 57 about his work... somewhat lifeless and a little quiet, perhaps a little stupid. And we noticed that when this boy moved around, wherever he went the stones increased. The young men who were there Page 58 —Amrita among them—shut the boy up in a room, with all the doors and windows closed; they started making experiments like the spiritists ( laughing ): "Close all the doors, close all the windows." And there ...


... very often. Amrita I don't see that much. Pavitra was absorbed into me and I put him back into a form little by little, and when he was completely formed, I brought him out and he stays very close here. What does he do? He meets people, he does all sorts of things. What work does he do? He meets people, talks, but he's here, he hasn't left the earth's atmosphere. Amrita left to rest;... September 14, 1971 ( Sujata's visit to Mother. The day before, Sujata had gone to the Cazanove gardens, in the suburbs of Pondicherry, to see the tombstones of Pavitra and Amrita. ) (Sujata:) Yesterday I went to visit Cazanove. Oh, why? To see Amritada and Pavitrada.... You know, nothing has been done, no work until now to cover the tombs, in two years. How ...


... Saurin Bose in October and Nolini Kanta Gupta in November. The fifth person to join Sri Aurobindo's household was a Tamil youth Va Ra. After a few years, in 1919 to be precise, another local youth, K. Amrita by name, came to join the group. The next year 1920 brought two more additions, Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Kodandaraman. Rajangam, a young doctor fresh from the college campus, heard the call and reached... new persons figure in the group photo. The list of the inmates of Sri Aurobindo's household as given by this particular photograph is as follows: (1) Suresh (Moni), (2) Bejoy, (3) Nolini, (4) Amrita, (5) Rajangam, (6) Purani, (7) Kanai, (8) Kodandaraman, (9) Mrs. Kodandaraman, (10) Champaklal, (11) Punamchand, (12) Champaben, (13) Saiyen, (14) Kshitish, (15) Tirupati, and (16) Manmohan. ... souls who were with Sri Aurobindo on that special occasion of twenty-fourth November charged with a tremendous significance for the earth's destiny. (1) Suresh (Moni), (2) Bejoy, (3) Nolini, (4) Amrita, (5) Datta, (6) Barindra, (7) Rajangam, (8) Purani, (9) Kanai, (10) Punamchand, (11) Champaben, (12) Champaklal, (13) Punjalal, (14) Pavitra, (15) Satyen, (16) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (17) Dr. Upendra ...

... coming to the Ashram this tendency did not leave her. Her knee pain would make her helpless. Amrita-da would often tell the Mother about this. In the beginning the Mother used to listen very seriously and hand some flower-blessings to Amrita-da for her. Once, after mother had stumbled yet again and Amrita-da reported this to the Mother, She shouted: “Why does Bibhavati keep falling?” She was ...


... over six years. In the providential scheme of things, was there no causal connection between the two - the War and the Word? "Hardly a month had passed since the declaration of the Great War," says Amrita recalling those distant days, "when I heard elderly people, rich in knowledge, affirm that the World War was but the unhealed sore in the human consciousness and the appearance of the Arya was destined... speculations. But at least the Review had the expected optimum Dumber of subscribers, and scattered seed-plots were thus being laid in the desert-wastes of the contemporary human-inhuman situation. Amrita was then only a teenager preparing for the Matriculation examination, but when he chanced upon the "first sublime article in the Arya " - the magnificent exordium to The Life Divine - he started... in great words - I could not at all comprehend! However, it was sweet to read and re-read it. It was as if someone else in me was comprehending all that was read! 40 Sri Aurobindo surprised Amrita in the act of reading when the latter sheepishly remarked that "the reading was delightful but nothing could be grasped". Sri Aurobindo's reply was: "It is not necessary to understand it all at once ...


... medical means are used by most as an outward aid and there is a whole department for the purpose! 15.11.31 Amrita can write to Doraiswami, but we must know by what train on what day they are reaching Madras; other-wise nothing can be done. You can inform Amrita as soon as you get the wire and show him this note and ask him to write or, if there is not time, wire. I suppose the... 26 8.4.35 Yes, we must try now to establish the deeper consciousness fully in all the being. 10.4.35 D writes to me that he has decided to go and I under-stand from Amrita that he has taken money — evidently for his departure. I have written to him, that as he has intimated to me that he is quite decided and I should not bar him, I could only ask him to reconsider his ...

... Karmayogin Facts and Opinions The United Congress The controversy which has arisen between the Bengalee and the Amrita Bazar Patrika on the subject of a united Congress does not strike us as likely to help towards the solution of this difficult question. We should ourselves have preferred to hold silence until the negotiations now proceeding between... to a definite conclusion either for success or failure. But certain of the positions taken up by the Bengalee cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. Our contemporary refers to the meeting in the Amrita Bazar Office last year as an All India Conference. He ought to know perfectly well that it was nothing of the kind. The Mahratta Nationalists were extremely anxious for a settlement and they approached... Sir Pherozshah Mehta before they will admit fellowship with us then farther negotiations are useless. Disunion must take its course. The Spirit of the Negotiations Both the Bengalee and the Amrita Bazar Patrika seem to us to misunderstand the spirit of the negotiations which are proceeding. The Patrika harps on the inconsistency of the Moderate leaders negotiating on one side and at the same ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... The United Congress Negotiations The persistence of the Bengalee in shielding Moderate obstinacy under cover of an appeal to the wholly inconclusive proceedings of the private Conference in the Amrita Bazar Office last year shows both the paucity of possible arguments for the Moderate position and the readiness of its chief organ to ignore facts of which it has been reminded more than once and... conference last year and the recent negotiations is radical. That conference was between Conventionists and non-Conventionists, the recent negotiations were between Moderates and Nationalists. The Amrita Bazar Office Conference was an attempt made by certain leaders in Bengal and Maharashtra to secure admission for the Nationalists to the Convention. The United Congress Committee was con-fined to... on them that these were the only terms on which the Moderate party would admit of the idea of union. It was not accepted at all by the Bengal Nationalists and it has been recently admitted by the Amrita Bazar Patrika that letters were received from the Mofussil repudiating the surrender on the question of the creed. How is it that the Bengalee persists in ignoring these facts? The compromise was ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of disintegrating forces the Soma or Amrita, the juice of immortality expressed in the Yogin’s system. Varuna & Mitra are then called for a particular & restricted purpose to perfect the discernment & to uphold it in its works by the sustaining force of a calm, wide, comprehensive self-expression full of peace & love. The Rishi of that sukta is using the amrita to feed the activity of a sattwic state... aparardha or Page 33 lower half of our conscious-being; the ideal (vijnanamaya) which links the lower to the parardha or higher half; the divine or Anandamaya in which the divine existence (Amrita) is concentrated for communion with our lower human being. These are the pancha kshitis, five earths or rather dwelling places of the Veda. But in Yoga we speak usually of the five koshas but the sapta ...


... symbolic world) without distinction between the living and the dead. I mean there's not even any perceptible distinction: last night, for instance, I had an activity; well, Amrita was there and several other people, who are alive, and Amrita was like the others... except that he was a bit... ( tired or apathetic gesture ), but that must have been in his nature: no inclination to intervene. It was a symbolic... see, amidst many other things (it lasted a long time and was a very complex thing), but as one example amidst other things, it had to do with the consequences, even current ones, of certain things Amrita did when he was here and handled money. But I spoke to him and arranged things with him as if he were present, not as if he had left. ( long silence ) Do you have anything to ask? I was wondering ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother August 1932 ( Letter of Amrita to Champaklal, with the Mother’s reply ) Champaklal, I do not want an explanation from you. I request you to pass this letter on to the Mother. This is not the first time you have been rude and inconsiderate towards me. Today you threw such... misunderstanding me. How could you even dream that I am capable of saying or feeling that “the Mother is ferocious”? But she is there and knows what I could have said or could not have said. My poor Amrita You are perfectly ridiculous. Why do you attach so much importance to a statement which, at the worst, could be considered a bad joke? I DIDN’T. You must have a little more sense of humour. ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 September 1932 ( Two sentences from the Mother’s Prayers and Meditations , chosen by her for Amrita ) To Amrita What Thou willest, what Thou willest... At every moment one must know how to lose everything in order to gain everything, to shed the past as a dead body and be ...

... added that he would receive us after 4.30 p.m. He got up and we too stood up. He did namaskar and we did the same. Then he started towards his room and we remained standing till he entered it. When Amrita asked us to leave it was almost 6.10. When we left we were in a trance-like condition, our eyes could hardly remain open. No wonder we lost our way. Somehow we reached home, cooked our meal, ate it... our thoughts remained centred on Babuji. We reached his house and sat in the verandah downstairs. It was 4.30 but nobody came down and we became impatient for Babuji's darshan. Finally, at 4.55 p.m. Amrita came and escorted us upstairs. As soon as we approached Sri Aurobindo we prostrated and our eyes touched his lotus feet. For about fifteen minutes we sat quietly, then the following conversation took... the goddess of Sleep enveloped us. After waking up we got ready quickly and set off. We went to the seashore and after a brief walk reached Babuji's temple at 4.10 p.m. Several times we sent word to Amrita. He would only say: “Babuji will see you at five. You will be called.” Thereafter we tried to spend the time in japa and meditation, but it was very difficult to keep waiting. Finally we were called ...

... table in front. Along the southern side of the verandah, there was a row of chairs. As I said, Sri Aurobindo used to meet visitors in the morning. Amrita would come up with the newspaper and tell him who were due to meet him that day. Then Amrita would go down and announce the order in which people had to come up. After the interviews were over and while Sri Aurobindo read the newspaper, those sadhaks... in 1922. On 8 February 1927, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to the first floor of 28, Rue Francois Martin, the house that now forms the northeastern part of the main Ashram building. Nolini and Amrita were given rooms on its ground floor. Amrita's room was then turned into a library and the whole house began to be known as Library House. Punamchandbhai was the first librarian; he was succeeded by ...


... l part has gone to Sri Aurobindo and united with him,’ said the Mother. ‘His psychic is with me, and he is very happy and in peace. His vital is still helping those who seek his help.’ 15 Amrita and Pavitra left in 1969. About the latter’s passing we find the following statement by the Mother: ‘It was very interesting, the experience I had that night. Nothing like it I ever had in my life... [within the Mother], quite wakeful, looking in a rather amused way at what you people are doing. He is merged in me wholly, by which I mean dwelling in me, not dissolved: he has his personality intact. Amrita is different. He is there outside, one of you, one among you people moving about.’ One recalls the living and dead mingling. ‘At times, of course, when he wants to take rest and repose, he comes and... body itself. What is most significant is that by “body” was meant the physical instrument of even the sadhaks and not simply of the Master and the Mother … In this context I remember some words of Amrita, one of the earliest sadhaks. He used to be often in my room. Once when he was there we heard the sound of a funeral passing in the street. In a whisper as if conveying a secret, he said: “I have the ...

... the house rented by him on the sea-shore, next to the Selva Park, was haunted. Mother asked me and Amrita to go to that house and perform the orthodox ritual usually done in these situations. She told me that formerly she used to send Purani on such missions but now she wanted me to do it and Amrita would accompany me. I knew that Mother was using me as an instrument and it was with that faith... of a sudden I beheld two figures—vague, indistinct, whitish—walking out of the door. On returning, I gave an account of all that happened to the Mother. She said it was interesting, and asked: “Did Amrita also see them?” C: “No, he did not.” Next day I learnt that a couple had committed suicide in that house and ever since it had been a haunted place. Needless to say there has been no trouble ...


... Speaks Drill Lesson to Amrita 1949-02-12 It was Sri Aurobindo's breakfast time and Mother had come early, at 10.33 a.m., so Mother showed Amrita how to do the mass drill 1 doing the various movements herself in Sri Aurobindo's presence. As I was serving the breakfast, Mother was free. Amrita tried to copy her movements but the result was amusing. His ...


... 1949-09-10 The Mother was speaking to Satyakarma, 1 while Amrita and I were present. She said that once she did not take anything—not even drop of water—for ten full days. Since then she suffered from acidity and it was still continuing. She looked at Amrita and asked him if he remembered in what year it was. “1920,” replied Amrita. Mother told Satyakarma: “The doctor says you must change your ...


... Nolini and Amrita." These people live with us and we can exchange glances and word-lances with them! But let me not compare them with others, for as Sri Aurobindo says "comparison is odorous" - has a bad smell. But even then, this much I can say: that they're as great as anybody outside the Ashram. The Mother had these instruments fashioned with Her own hands; they are, to quote Amrita-da, 'ripe... 15The name suffix '-da' roughly translates to elder brother' and denotes affectionate respect. 16Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 17The reference is to the passing away of Pavitra-^ and Amrita-da. Page 6 and to the side, and we long for 'the fleshpots of Egypt' 18 that have been left behind. I will give you one instance that will show the calibre of his soul. After ...


... master the left eye, why on earth is he helpless with the right one? Keratitis + conjunctivitis not curable? May 9, 1936 I asked Amrita about the well and Chandulal was also present. They say it has not been done as far as they know. And it was Amrita who was told to do it! Anyhow it has to be done. In B.P.'s case, keratitis and conjunctivitis are curable, though not all cases of keratitis... has been having pain in the abdomen since she came here. It starts after an hour of sleep. She thinks it has something to do with her non-use of mattress. Why doesn't she ask for a mattress from Amrita? But she is very constipated. Bowels moved after 2 or 3 days. Evidently the constipation must be responsible—if it is habitual. May 20, 1936 I tried hard to write a poem. but failed ...

... BODY-SENSE AND SADHANA         It is not only from the teeth that the nectar-juice (Amrita) flows. It springs from any part of the body.       During such a condition, sometimes the consciousness feels as if there does not exist a mouth or any part inside the mouth — only there is Amrita and Amrita!       That kind of non-existence of the body or of some part of it is a frequent ...

... had not been there in the morning. SRI AUROBINDO: Have you heard the story of Buddhist compassion in Aroume? PURANI: No; is it about some theft? I saw Amrita bustling about. SRI AUROBINDO ( after recounting the story to Purani ): Amrita out of Buddhist compassion paid the man's rickshaw fare. SATYENDRA: I too was there at that time. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, you were also one of the Buddhists... husk by his side. The time was about 8:30 a.m. Some sadhaks saw him and found that he was the Dining Room's sanitary servant. They showed compassion for him but didn't know what to do. They came to Amrita. He went there, hired a rickshaw put the man in it and sent him home. In the morning Dyuman found that a bag of husk was missing from the Dining Room, and he saw traces of footprints on the wall. This ...


... Page 65 I remember an incident of those days. Perhaps I have already told you about it. The Mother sent Amrita-da with a chit. The Mother had a feeling that some danger could befall me and She wanted to caution me with this note sent with Amrita-da. Amrita-da looked for me everywhere and finally handed me this note in the evening.' (Mon aimé [my loved one] ...

... Aurobindo would take a walk on the verandah for a long time after Nolini-da and Suresh Chakravarty had gone away to play football. His walking stopped only when the boys returned in the evening. Amrita-da had the privilege of seeing Sri Aurobindo walk. The house in which Sri Aurobindo lived then had three terraces and each terrace was surrounded by walls. Sri Aurobindo lived in the third block. In... Nolini, Souren, Bejoy stayed. Moni lived in the second block. It was in this house that Sri Aurobindo walked around the terrace daily, from five in the evening till eight or half past eight. One evening Amrita-da and his friend, Chettiar, on their way to the sea-front for a walk, suggested leaving their cycles in Sri Aurobindo’s house so that they could walk peacefully. On arriving in front of Sri Aurobindo’s... Aurobindo’s house they found the door closed. They reluctantly knocked. The door suddenly opened. Sri Aurobindo had quietly come, opened the door and immediately gone back to His walk. And so this is how Amrita-da had the privilege of watching Sri Aurobindo taking His walk. Sri Aurobindo had been accustomed to walking all His life. When he moved to the Guest House He used to walk in His room during a fixed ...


... सूर् etc); battle, siege etc. A third sense is to be at ease, in bliss, from which we get सुखम्, happiness; सुरः, happy, blissful, a god; सोमः, bliss, delight, ananda, nectar, the God of the Moon. Amrita or nectar may also be derived from the first sense, to press out; it may have meant not only extract, liquor, wine, but the wine of the gods, and the nectar distilled from the Brahmayoni in the Yoga... man by the pressure of the divine sensations, those which seek with the electrical force of the divine mind, the pure rasa of things. The Soma juices are ready—the immortalising joy in the mind, the amrita in the body. The Life-force is to drink of these [ incomplete ] [4] [RV I.3] Rig Veda Hymns of Madhuchchhandas, son of Visvamitra I. 3. Madhuchchhandas’ hymn of the Soma-Sacrifice ...


... one to be able to name the opera about which she was speaking. She could not get the title from her own memory and nobody in the company — we were more than a dozen and a half, including Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra (Philippe Barbier St.- Hilaire). Datta (Miss Dorothy Hodgson) and Shantimayi (Mrs. Jeanette Macpheeters) — could help her out. With some hesitation I dared to whisper in the midst or the... multi-volumed novel, Men of Goodwill, in its French original gave her great pleasure both for its language and for its subtle precision of psychological observation. She told Udar to read it. But when Amrita asked if he too could do so she refused. It would seem that its frankness in sexual matters would have brought it unnecessary trouble for Amrita's non-experienced vital being, whereas Udar was too ...


... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary PART TWO AMRITA The Creator in His dreaming has created this immortal thing in creation, Figuring as a common creature, forgetful of his Self: A mystic reason makes Him hide His own form and nature, Ever at labour in working out the Impossible: To transfigure ...

... evening Amrita-da (or Pavitra-da?) informed Bula-da about the Mother’s condition and added that the flush was stuck and water was constantly gushing out. It had to be repaired. Bula-da was in a fix. At that time of the evening, none could enter Her room, leave alone repairing a flush. Bula-da thought — and acted. The night passed uneventfully. Next morning the flush was repaired and Amrita-da (or ...


... wife stayed back. They were given accommodation in what is now the “Grace” office (earlier the Mother’s kitchen, behind the Ashram across the road). But he did not last long in the construction work. Amrita-da, then the Ashram manager, needed help, so Kameshwar was given that work. That too was not for long. He was given another work and shifted house too — a house on the rue Law de Lauriston where he... Departments of the Government and the Town. He had another thankless job too — to provide maids or man servants to the many ashram houses. (There was already one department for this — Padmasini-amma, Amrita-da’s relative, looked after it. But it was not enough.) This Liaison work suited him well and he took to it like a duck to water. We will see him at work. Kameshwar also worked in the laundry for ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 January 1932 Mother, The work certificate in question is for Mounousami of the Boulangerie. I will send the certificate to you tonight for signature. I am sending herewith a rough draft for correction and approval. ( On the rough draft prepared by Amrita, the Mother crossed ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 January 1932 Amrita If Calve does not want to repair the house unless we advance the money, it is better to keep what is still safe for Rs. 15 a month until the whole thing crumbles down. Inform Chandulal. 4 January 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 To Amrita I expected him to go to the hotel — but if he insists on being put up in the asram, one room can be given in the Hequet House; for the food he must manage himself. c. 1930 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 March 1932 Amrita, How is it that the bolts of the milk pans are all getting lost? This won’t do. It will end by a serious accident; this kind of carelessness is intolerable; the pans must be mended at once. 30 March 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 March 1932 Amrita, it seems that Dharmam has been doing very good work. When you pay her next Saturday you can give a tip of annas 7 a day for the number of days she did extra work. 7 March 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 28 February 1932 Amrita, you must pay the blacksmith boy for his days of absence due to the accident at work. 28 February 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1932 Amrita, If Govindbhai asks you for letters or messages do not give him anything private. 15 March 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 February 1933 Amrita, Krishnayya wants to buy straw from Govindapillai like last year. But before doing it, is it not possible to ask from the “ vieux grigou ” [old miser] if he would not sell to us the provision of straw which is kept behind the “ laiterie ” [dairy]; it is a huge ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1933 Amrita, You can say to Jayaraj that if he has no objection about living in the house at the manure ground, I am willing to give him some accommodation there without even asking any rent from him for that. You can show him the place and see what he says. 2 February ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 November 1919 ( Letter of the Mother from Japan in 1919 ) My dear Amrita We remember you very well indeed, and were most happy to receive your kind letter and also the photographs. These are simply splendid, especially the one standing. The expression is wonderful, and all our ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 28 October 1929 Amrita When you go tomorrow for the lime, you must not speak at all about the houses to be rented. Even if the man wants to speak of it, you will say that you know nothing about it. 28 October 1929 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 Amrita, Champaklal will explain to you his complaint about the servant. I would like you to scold her and tell her that she must work properly and when she is told to, otherwise we cannot keep her. c. 1930 ...

... last night she returned to the house to sleep and she was turned away by the girls. They said that the Mother had given orders that if Nandini came back she was not to be admitted but to be sent to Amrita. I do not dare to judge your intentions, Mother, but when I was asked if that was a decent thing to do, I could not help agreeing that to refuse entrance to Nandini at night to her own room was... without any previous notice and she was taking no trouble to let us know of her whereabouts, we had her door locked to be sure to meet her when she came back, if at all she came. She was told to go to Amrita who had the key and would open the door to her . She was, it seems, quite out of temper and it is probably why she did not understand what was told to her. It seems to me that, in future, it would ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 19 December 1932 Amrita, Krishnayya has made an astonishing report about Shivalingam’s behaviour. I asked him to show you the book in which the report was made. If the facts are found to be exact, you will have to speak to Shivalingam and to tell him that such conduct will not do at ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 17 June 1932 ( Amrita sent a note to the House Maintenance Service asking for a carpenter boy to open a bale of cloth from Bombay. The note was shown to the Mother, who wrote on the back: ) I am wondering why you disturbed a carpenter boy for opening a bale of cloth? Usually Purani ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 28 April 1932 Amrita, It seems that the milkmen are smoking inside the dairy itself—this is intolerable and must be stopped at once. They must finish their smoke before entering the house. 28 April 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 March 1933 Mother, Can I ask Satyen and Rajangam to put their account books at my door not later than 7 p.m. every day? When I proposed it to Rajangam, he asked me whether it was your arrangement or I was doing it on my own responsibility. When I wanted to undertake the... the work, it was Chandulal who suggested my room would suit me better than the accounts office. I too think so. Now I come to you for a better solution. Amrita, You can see by Rajangam’s letter (enclosed) that he has his own reasons for wishing it to be otherwise. If each one thinks only of his own convenience I give up all attempts to come to a “better solution”. 18 March 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 March 1936 ( Note by Amrita to Kanai: ) May I know whether you have taken permission from the Mother for getting kuja water from the filter? According to the rule in force, the Mother’s permission is needed to get the filter water. I write the above to you merely as information, because ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother December 1940 Amrita I asked Jotindra to explain everything to the owner of Sadhana House so that it will not be necessary for Chandulal to go there. But you must be there. The owner should not forget that we have given him the full rent in advance and that therefore ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 17 June 1936 Amrita When you have some information to give me about somebody, it is better to give it (or write it) privately , not to speak in front of others. 17 June 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 February 1936 Amrita, Yes, I am always with you to help you in your difficulties. But you must learn to open yourself and receive that help. With my blessings 3 February 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 September 1933 Mother, Gangadhar requests you to give him an umbrella because of the rainy season. Amrita, Wouldn’t it be better if he had a cloak with a hood? You can ask him, and if he wants one we can give him one from the Stores. 29 September 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 September 1933 ( Regarding measurements for a wooden stool for the bakery ) Amrita, I do not understand these measurements. You will have to go and verify what he wants. 29 September 1933 ...

... Careful You know those small chit pads from France with perforated sheets. Once Mother wanted a sheet, and she tore out one from the pad, but it was not properly torn. Amrita tried, again not properly. Mother: “Oh Amrita, you also have done the same thing!” A: “It was caught by a wire, so I could not do it properly.” Then I took the pad, tore a sheet and gave it to the Mother. Mother: ...


... accede to this my request. I am now anxiously awaiting it. Eternally at your feet, Patan 28 July 1922 Yours, Punamchand Mohanlal Shah (Sri Aurobindo's reply through his disciple, K. Amrita) Dear Punamchand, Your small note to me and the letter addressed to Sri Aurobindo Ghose are to hand. I gave your letter personally and "hand to hand" as directed by you to A.G. A.G. says... The rest he will do. Kumud Bandhu Bagchi is in Nawadweep. He and some others doing sadhana there. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Pondicherry 3 August 1922 Yours sincere K. Amrita The Bearer Punamchand Mohanlal Shah is my disciple and is now with me practising Yoga in Pondicherry. He is trustworthy and faithful in matters and enjoys my entire confidence. Pondicherry 15 ...

... something in your nature that has to be removed. It is not an easy task. Leave it to us, we shall do it.” Later, on the day fixed by the Mother, Amrita, Purushottam and I presented ourselves before her in the verandah upstairs. Mother called Amrita 'the Hound of Heaven'; she often did some of her occult work through Purushottam. 1 When we three went upstairs we found Mother seated in Sri Aurobindo's ...


... in the background) and said: Mother, I like this one. Mother held the photo in her hand, went on looking at it for a very long time. I moved away to my place at a little distance. At that time Amrita was with Mother with some papers. She turned to him and said: There is vital force, a living life in this; that is why Champaklal likes it. In the other photo there is supramental light but no life... Rajangam, Tirupati* Khitish*Nolinida* Satyen* Kanai* Bejoy* Purani* and Nagaratnam (a local devotee) Centre: Punamchand* Champaben, Mrs. Kodandaraman, Mr. kodandaraman Bottom: Champaklal, Moni* Amrita,* Manmohan. The interesting part of the story is that when I began looking at that photograph (which I had not liked earlier) subsequently, that dislike disappeared completely. ...


... Add ‘sincere’ 1967-04-22 When I went into Mother's room with a glass of coconut water, Amrita said: “Champaklal has come.” Mother immediately asked me to bring the thick sketching pen. With that she wrote “SINCERITY” and gave it to Amrita. It was for someone. Then she wrote on another piece of paper: Be honest, faithful, patient, enduring... and happy! ...


... unreserved,’ wrote Nolini in his Reminiscences. 27 Amrita too, a Tamil from Pondicherry who had been one of the first to join the small ‘group of Bengalis, is quoted as a source in this connection. ‘He told me,’ writes K.D. Sethna, ‘that after the Mother’s arrival in Pondicherry Sri Aurobindo declared to the young men with him at the time, of whom Amrita was one: “I never knew the meaning of ‘surrender’ ...


... and more important things to do; to be a sportsman must necessarily be a voluntary choice and depends on one having the taste and inclination. There are plenty of people around the Mother herself, Amrita for instance, who would never dream of frequenting the playground or engaging in sports and the Mother also would never think of asking him to do it. So equally she could not think of being displeased... But, putting all persiflage aside, my point is that to play or not to play is a matter of choice and inclination, and it would be absurd for Mother to be displeased with you any more than with Amrita for not caring to be a sportsman. So you need not have any apprehension on this score; that the Mother should be displeased with you for that is quite impossible. So the idea that Mother wanted ...

... mentioned all the difficulties and obstacles. I don't understand what has gone wrong." When the talk ended, Amrita arrived after a frantic search for a flat for Sehra and me. The Mother .expecting that all would come right, had sent him out to keep everything ready for us. Amrita sadly reported: "Nothing is available." Well, this was to be expected in the occult dispensation of things ...


... being an absolute authority. His praise was unrestricted when he saw merit. Thus, after Sri Aurobindo had given extreme praise to the last eight lines of "This Errant Life", I remember Nolini saying to Amrita that Amal had written something equal to Shakespeare. I had marked that delicate, exquisite, finely suggestive poems appealed to him the most. Apart from "This Errant Life", I recall his happily a... in some inner working on the sadhak in front of her. Again, if there was an inner understanding the Mother did not need to show her approval by a smile. Thus I never saw her beaming to Nolini or Amrita. They never took much time over the pranam and I could see the lack of formality and the brief quiet intimacy Page 76 that was sufficient on either side. But I also noticed that whenever ...


... body itself. What is most significant is that by “body” was meant the physical instrument of even the sadhaks and not simply of the Master and the Mother … In this context I remember some words of Amrita, one of the earliest sadhaks. He used to be often in my room. Once when he was there we heard the sound of a funeral passing in the street. In a whisper as if conveying a secret, he said: “I have the... for most of us who understood the originality of Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual vision and his reading of the Supermind’s implications could not help the expectation of a radical bodily change.’ 21 (Amrita had been among the first followers of Sri Aurobindo; later on, he would become one of the secretaries of the Ashram. He was loved by everybody and had an ever ready sense of humour.) In March 1935 ...


... The birth of Agni is associated with a manifestation or vision of luminous herds. "I beheld afar in a field one shaping his weapons who was golden-tusked and pure-bright of hue; I give to him the Amrita (the immortal essence, Soma) in separate parts; what shall they do to me who have not Indra and have not the word? I beheld Page 141 in the field as it were a happy herd ranging continuously... he it was found the triple principle (of immortality) in heaven in its regions of splendour (the three worlds of Swar) and in the tripartite worlds the hidden immortality (this is the giving of the Amrita in separate parts alluded to in the Atris' hymn to Agni, the threefold offering of the Soma given on the three levels, triṣu sānuṣu , body, life and mind); he it was supported widely heaven and earth ...


... however, on the verge of destruction.          rasashuddhi       panchaprana       panchabhuta Page 310 Amrita— A clear distinction must now be made between the vidya-avidya-siddhi which is constituted by the seven chatusthayas & the higher Amrita in which all limitation is removed & Death, etc entirely cease. Only the first will in this life be entirely accomplished. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... again moved from there. I told this to X—or rather had someone tell him—to see his reaction. And I realized that he did not understand in the least! Once Amrita asked him how he himself SAW and KNEW things. So he tried to explain; he told Amrita that he had to pull his consciousness upwards by a gradual effort, to go beyond the heart, beyond the throat center ... to pull it right up here ( the top ...


... like this, which Amrita translated: 'I have received the photos. It is a...' I don't know whether he said 'illumination' or 'flame,' 'ascending towards the Truth, leading towards the Truth.' That's the impression it gave him: that it was leading somewhere. That's good—he received it as I sent it. But would it really have made a difference to send these photos on the 21st, as Amrita wanted, rather ...


... Sri Aurobindo was concretely, almost palpably, present. Now it has gone away. ( silence ) Oh, another little example. You know those photos I distributed on the 21st for the Saraswati Puja) Amrita told me he was going to send them to X, 1 I but I told him, 'No, don't bother.' (The 21st was a terrible day for me. All the dasyus of the world were in league against me, trying to stop me—I... myself, 'That's what has been going on!') Then after the night of the 24th, I went down for balcony-darshan 3 with such a foursquare certainty—you know, cubic: such a cubic certainty—and I said to Amrita, 'You can send him those photos today,' without an explanation, without a word, with nothing but a feeling of certainty, a kind of definite and absolute THAT'S HOW IT IS. And that is a change ...


... the god of wine. Hence, strictly speaking, his Indian analogue is Soma. Soma originally occurs in the Rigveda. There he is apostrophized as lord of the wine of delight (ānanda) and immortality (amrita), pouring himself into gods and men, the deity who is also 1. Op. cit.. pp. 36, 72. 2. Ibid., p. 71. 3. Ibid., pp. 33, 70. 4. Ibid., pp. 27, 70. Page 78 ... and have the word and are therefore increasers of the Truth." 8 The relation of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, to the Vedic deity Soma, lord of the wine of delight (ānanda) and immortality (amrita), is obvious. Through Soma, Dionysus can be more easily linked with the Seven Rishis and with the astronomical time-calculation known as their cycle. We may even suggest that the same Vedic ...


... there to say that the unpleasantness of it [the second of transition], the unpleasant consequence of it would have been worse than the fact of being tired. There were a few very difficult days when Amrita left, 1 because Page 67 a whole collectivity of people thought, "Ooh, so one can die." There. So that's how it is. But more and more—more and more—the body has been learning that... I am very sorry! I am sorry, but what can we do?... The outer organization is like that. × On January 31, 1969. Amrita was the person in charge of the Ashram's finances. Bharatidi's departure (on November 7, 1968) appears to have acted as a trigger, for it was followed by Amrita's, then Pavitra's (on May 16), then ...


... physical, it's a specific place, and very large—huge, you know, he is there, seeing people, doing all kinds of things.... Apart from that, in Amrita's case, it was something different again. 6 Amrita used to come in spite of his illness, he used to come and see me every day; he would come upstairs in the morning and sit down here, and once again in the evening (you saw how much work it was to climb... learned many things in Mongolia's lamaseries, where a highly advanced occult science was practiced. × Amrita left his body on January 31, following a heart attack. × It may be noted that Pavitra was suffering ...


... Formerly I was frail and thin. Then I noticed something unusual in the flow of my saliva. It was that substance perhaps that gave the change of colour and the other things. The Yogis say some sort of Amrita, that is, nectar, flows down from the top of the brain that can make one immortal. An American at darshan time looked very closely and minutely at me, for he saw some light around me. He wanted... it was not, he began to think I was some kind of Mahatma. PURANI: I know of a Sadhu cutting again and again the membrane under his tongue to enable the tongue to reach inside and get that flow of Amrita. He turned insane afterwards. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, that is Khechari Mudra. He perhaps got the wrong flow. Barin was approached by some of these Sadhus who promised all sorts of things if he performed ...


... secretary! I sympathise with tea. PURANI: One day Amrita told X that Mother had instructed all gate-keepers not to sit on the chairs or read or write when on duty. SRI AUROBINDO: That's true. Y and others used to reply to visitors, sitting on an easy chair. There were many complaints from outsiders about the gate-keepers. PURANI: When Amrita asked X why he was not carrying out Mother's instructions ...


... Their breaking off of trade negotiations with England is significant. SRI AUROBINDO: Still England hopes for an agreement! NIRODBARAN: The Amrita Bazar says that due to the influence of a certain general, Leopold surrendered. SRI AUROBINDO: The Amrita Bazar ? NIRODBARAN: It is a special cable news. And Leopold's sister and mother also, who were in Rome, exercised their influence on him. This ...


... teaching Hindi when he himself knows so little. He knows even less than Amrita, I think. SRI AUROBINDO: It is like Amrita's teaching French in Madras. You know the joke about old French? PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: While he was teaching in the class, the students said that what he was saying was different from the book. Amrita replied, "That is old French." (Laughter) PURANI: Yes, yes, I remember ...


... and half sadhaks? Workmen not to be touched till the roof is finished—on Tuesday. Then you can have 4 + 4 servants and workmen, + 2 sadhaks. But get a list of sadhaks done (in consultation with Amrita) and we will mark off those who must not be poisoned. For the rest you will have to do those whom you can induce to make themselves victims on the sacred altar of Science, so that Valle can say with... not an unhealthy subject? won't bite? Besides D.R. badly off for workers. Leave it to you, sir. K has swelling of left ankle (old injury). Why revived? She is talking of bone injury etc. Amrita was to have offered himself as a victim on the altar of vaccination, but he has been kindly bitten by the dog of the Privy Councillor, so although there is no hydrophobic danger, it is better for him ...

... you and hope that you will shed some sympathetic tears (which is very common among you) over my problems. Although I say 'my heart of troubles', it is not my 'sweet heart' that troubles me, to quote Amrita-da; 214 it is my fuzzy head that is the seed of the trouble. A peculiar kind of headache I'm suffering from, for a long time now, which unfortunately cannot be located. It is neither like Sri Aurobindo's... thou not minister to a mind diseased,/ Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow ...?" 215 etc. Or I feel like sending an 213Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, 11:1: 704. 214A well-known joke from Amrita-da, 215William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V, Scene III, lines 40-41. Page 145 SOS to my Guru as I had done once in rhyme: OGuru, O Guru, My ...


... not want to share the elixir with the asuras, who, in fact, were very powerful. Then, a great battle followed for the control over the ‘Amrita’ — one who tastes this elixir becomes immortal — which the gods had hidden. Commonly it is known as the churning for ‘Amrita’. But it was only to draw the attention towards all those who tried to become immortal, but without success, as they did not have the key ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... department heads who needed her urgent guidance. People who had birthdays had their special darshan and disciples with special personal problems went to her for advice. Nolini-da, Pavitra-da, Amrita-da and some others used to take to Mother the letters of devotees staying in India and abroad, and who placed their problems before her for her advice. On top of all this, she used to write messages... people, listened to various problems regarding the running of the Ashram and offered her guidance. She used to attend to the individual problems of Page 305 the Ashramites. Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Pavitra-da and other secretaries communicated to her the news of the devotees staying outside. Many visitors vent to her for darshan and she attended to various other small activities. This ...


... through his weekly organ, the Sanjivani (July 13, 1905) found a ready response in the country. The Sanjivani's call for Boycott was soon followed by a similar call given out by the Amrita Bazar Patrika which published on July 17, 1905, a letter over the initial 'G', in which the Boycott of English goods was strongly advocated. 'G' was first believed to be the name of Lal Mohan Ghose... write. I always trusted the inner Guide even when it seemed to be leading me astray...." 136 At Nasik he delivered a lecture on 24th January on Swaraj. He said that Swaraj is life, Swaraj is amrita, Swaraj is mukti. Swaraj cannot be granted by any outside agency. Man is born free. If he has lost his freedom, he must regain it. Fitness for Swaraj can be acquired only in Swaraj. Among the means ...

... will have the Universal taste in it. I remember an incident in Sri Aurobindo's life. The youngmen who lived with him had gone out to see a fire-walking ceremony in a village nearby. A youngster, K. Amrita, was left in charge and told to see that at midday Sri Aurobindo got his lunch and other routine. He completely forgot about it. He began to read a book and was absorbed in it. So he went on reading... reading till the time for food was past. But it never occurred to Sri Aurobindo to ask whether his food was ready. He went on walking and meditating all the time. Then suddenly about 3 o'clock Amrita remembered. "Oh, the food, I forgot." Sri Aurobindo said "It is all right." When he was told "Food is ready", Sri Aurobindo came and took his food as usual. Once there was no salt in the curry, and everybody ...


... knowledge of the processes can not only bring them about but put an end to or annul them." (I must pause here to be able to explain the episode for the general reader. I was told afterwards by Amrita, who had been an eye-witness of the whole drama that all this had happened in mid-winter in 1921 day after day. And fortunately, he had kept a record of the whole incident which he showed me. From... dismissed, the fellow had threatened that he would make the place too hot for those who remained. And he went for help to a Mussalman Faqir who was versed in black magic, and then it all began. I asked Amrita whether the stones could have been illusory. He smiled and said he had had them collected and kept as exhibits for months and that they had a very curious feature in that they were all covered with ...


... Disciples I It was mentioned earlier that the number of inmates in the Ashram increased from about 25 in 1926 to about 80 two years later. Prominent among the earlier sadhaks were Nolini, Amrita, Datta, Rajangam, Purani, Champaklal, Kanai, Barindra, Pujala1, Pavitra, Chandrasekharam and Anilbaran Roy. Not long after the Siddhi Day, there came - some for the first time, some for good - ardent... noise to one's own ears. It did not take one long to realise that the rhythms of life were quite other than the ordinary .... 17 She was taken to her room in the Ladies' House, and Nolini and Amrita informed her that she could meet the Mother at 9.30. In her room "all arrangements were perfect even to a pitcher of drinking water and a glass". The meeting with the Mother was to take place in ...


... to be realised that theirs was really one Consciousness, one Power. There was, for example, Daulatram Sharma who wrote about his problems to Sri Aurobindo. On 26 March 1926, Sri Aurobindo asked Amrita to reply as follows: Your intuition that in your case the effective impulse can best come from Mina is perfectly correct.... All that is needed to receive a direct touch from her is to take... immediately sent word that all the sadhaks should assemble in the upper veranda of the Library House, the usual place of meditation. By six all were there, twenty-four in all, including Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Barin, Purani, Datta, Pujalal, Champaklal, Rajangam and Chandrasekharam. What next happened had best be described in Purani's words: There was a deep silence in the atmosphere after ...


... career, "tying up his bundle ... teeming with the catch of the Infinite", awaiting the right time to open it and call into existence his Deva Sangha. He had a few ardent young men with him, Nolini, Amrita, Moni, Bejoy Nag. But the Deva Sangha, the Ashram, was yet to be born. The Arya itself was magisterially drawing towards its preordained end. The major sequences had been concluded, and one or two... greater part of my energy in catching up, and the rest of my time, in the evening, is taken up by the daily visit of the Richards." 8 There were at the time four or five young men (notably Nolini and Amrita) living with Sri Aurobindo, and there were the Richards and Dorothy at the Bayoud House. Not quite ten in all in the Page 203 embryonic Deva Sangha! While Mirra and Paul visited Sri Aurobindo ...


... only the Mother and Her two eyes! "My dear child, aurevoir!" she said and went into Her room in the Play-ground. I came back home.     I quickly had a shower and got ready because Nolini-da and Amrita-da were to come home for dinner. Nolini-da's son, Ranju-da and a very close friend of our family, Rajen-da, also came with them. They all arrived on time. Nolini-da gifted me some of his books along... from Nolini-da ! We all sat down and talked about so many different things that we did not feel the time pass. It was a great experience and a good fortune to have the company of both Nolini-da and Amrita-da together, They finished dinner and went back to the Ashram. Now, my eyes went directly on the two books the Mother had given me. I was really curious to see the books She had chosen for me: Sri ...


... 341, 354, 358, 372, 387, 402,488,495, 504, 549-50, 573, 590, 604, 618, 686, 691 Ambalal Purani 136, 143, 151, 211-2, 214, 221, 225, 235, 239, 398, 400, 496, 676, 691 Ambu (Ambalal) Patel 496 Amrita (K.A. Iyengar) 85, 91-2,121, 201, 203, 230, 235, 246,263, 296, 326, 328-9, 340/494,691,780 Ananta (Frederick Bushnell) 624 Andre Morisset 28, 477-8, 577, 579, 801, 817, 820, 823, 834 Anilbaran... health and the end 819-20 laid in state 820ff interment 823-4 recapitulation of her life 831-44 2. Others on the Mother Alexandra David-Neel 29 Amal Kiran 86-7, 264-5, 287, 319, 341, 549 Amrita 91-2 Page 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati Muni 258 Ganapatram 278 Huta 588 Jay Smith 547-8, 589 ...


... Mother's signature. She agreed and I got an opportunity to go to her! That was in 1968. Later I came to know that when the shares were offered by Laljibhai to Mother, she did not give the scrips to Amrita to keep, which it was her practice to do, but kept them in the drawer of her desk. From the same drawer, after years, the scrips went back to Laljibhai. Perhaps the shares had never gone into... question was about the place of the printing, viz, the Ashram Press or somewhere in America through Duncan or Ida Patterson. The question had arisen because the Ashram Press would take more than a year. Amrita brought Mother's answer, "The time taken by our Press does not matter." In September 1967 I met a responsible officer in the Ministry of Education at Delhi who said that the Government would like ...

... today we told Dyuman to supply the milk for Nolina; but in future it is better to get it from Amrita direct from the Dairy. The simplest thing would be for one of Maya’s servants to take the milk for both at 5 o’clock or thereabouts and leave Nolina’s at her place on the way to Maya’s. We are informing Amrita. (10.2.33) ...

... Page 64 was held back, and the search of the Karmayogin Simultaneously, the police swooped down on his papers Dharma and the Karmayogin. The next day, Tuesday 5 April 1910, Amrita Bazar Patrika published the news. "The Karmayogin office was searched by the police last evening from 5 p.m. to about 8 p.m. Superintendent Creagan, Inspectors of Shyampukur and Burtolla and... was not the smallest justification for searching the house of Babu Krishna Kumar Mitter. And we ask again when will proceedings of this kind come to an end?" (6 April 1910) The editorial in the Amrita Bazar Patrika day, "Why was the Sanjivani office and residential house at all searched? That is the question which is just now agitating the educated community in town very much. The object ...

... disappearance to taunt the government. The Bengal Government was red in the face. Naturally, as is the habit of newspapers, they served the public with a delightful mixture of fact and fiction. The Amrita Bazar Patrika, Friday, March 18, 1910. MR. ARAVINDA GHOSE-MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE "Mr. Arabinda Ghose, who was since his release from 'hajut' [jail] in connection with Alipur Bomb case... Is it not strange that the British rulers who did their best to undermine caste as a social institution were the ones who did their best to perpetuate it? Page 55 On 22 March the Amrita Bazar Patrika reprinted the above text as Editorial Notes. Among the papers which retorted to the sarcastic remarks of the Pioneer, was Bharat Mitra (2 April 1910): 'You may cut jokes ...

... to lunch at the Guest House. In the spacious hall upstairs, two or three big tables were placed Page 444 side by side, "on them were spread thick washed sheets, white as jasmines," Amrita, one of the invited guests, said. "And above these sheets was heaped, mountain-like, milk white rice." Over the white rice were strewn rose-petals. There were, of course, side dishes, and some sweets... were assembled at the eastern end. Sri Aurobindo looked at them and "spoke something in English for two or three minutes." Most of the guests left after lunch. Only a few intimate ones stayed on, Amrita among them. But where was Mirra? Did anyone know? Did she partake of the food she had helped prepare and serve? For the old friends it was a joyous occasion. They had the Arya in hand. Did it ...

... Tantra, drawing by Maryse Prat 349 Raghavan Chetty House (Abhay Singh's coll.) 388 The Guest House (Abhay Singh's coll.) 391 Sri Aurobindo with Amrita at the Guest House (Abhay Singh's coll.) 425 Amrita sketched by Mother in 1920 (Abhay Singh's coll.) 428 Front page of the first issue of the Arya 21,87,437 Drawings by Sujata Achevé d'imprimer ...

... for you to wait a little and see whether this materialises. It would hardly do in your present state of health for you to expose yourself to the difficulties of bad food of the Tamil hotel type etc. Amrita will write and inform you as soon as we can get the thing settled. Yours Aurobindo Ghose Page 299 [3] [21 July 1924] It is not easy to get into the silence. 1 That is only... effortless will is sufficient to induce the action of the Higher Shakti. × This letter and the next were written by K. Amrita at Sri Aurobindo's dictation or following his oral instructions.—Ed. ...


... letter was marked confidential. Now, however, that the matter has got abroad, we may as well correct certain inaccuracies which have appeared not only in the Statesman 's bit of romancing, but in the Amrita Bazar Patrika 's correction. It is entirely untrue that on Monday afternoon or any other afternoon, evening or morning "a notice was served upon the proprietors, editor, manager and printer of this... for the simple reason that none was necessary. The Editorial Department is solely responsible for the policy of the paper and they have no need to consult lawyers about their duty to the public. The Amrita Bazar Patrika is therefore wrongly informed when it says that legal opinion has been taken and given in the matter. It is true that legal opinion is being taken by the Company, but it is on a point ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... common & multitudinous. The passage describes the condition in which the mind, whether by drinking the material wine, the Karanajal of the Tantrics, or, as I hold, by feeding on the internal amrita, is raised to its highest exalted condition, before it is taken up into mahas or karanam, (whether in the state of Samadhi or in the waking state of the man who has realised his mahan atma, his ideal... manifests himself as supreme and full of the nature of ideal truth from which his greatness weaponed with the vajra, vidyut or electric principle, derives (mahitwam astu vajrine). The mind, instinct with amrita, is then full of equality, samata; it drinks in the flood of activity of all kinds as the sea takes in the rivers. For the condition then results in which the ideal consciousness Mahi is like a ripe ...


... union of them as Krishna-Mahakali as of great power for the manifestation. 20 October 1936 × By K. Amrita. Published in Amrita ( Pondicherry: Sri Mira Trust, 1995 ), pp. 49-67. ...

... Ashram on December 16, 1927. The Ashram then was a very small community, numbering perhaps forty members or so. I came most in touch with forceful Purani, gentle Pujalal, poised Nolini, sympathetic Amrita, diligent Champaklal, disciplined Dyuman, simple Rajangam, enthusiastic Dara, scrupulous Premanand, cordial Pavitra, dignified Anilbaran and courteous Doraiswamy on his week-ends from Madras. All of... of the Supermind in the earth-consciousness down to Matter itself, so it can't be for the physical of myself or the Mother alone." Page 99 In this context I remember some words of Amrita, one of the earliest sadhaks. He used to be often in my room. Once when he was there we heard the sound of a funeral passing in the street. In a whisper as if conveying a secret he said: "I have the ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 June 1932 Amrita, The coolie in charge of the bullocks has been seen badly beating Tej. This is shameful and intolerable . Tell him in strong words, that if he gives one single blow more to any of the two bullocks he will be dismissed at once — and you can add that he must ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 13 March 1932 ( Amrita sent the Mother a five-page summary of his horoscope reading by a Pondicherry astrologer. She commented: ) It shines by its inconsistency, incoherence, contradictions and nonsense. Better not to be impressed by this worthless and untrue reading of your nature ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 19 May 1932 Amrita, Chandulal was asking who would show to the carpenter the work that is to be done in the “terrain” house. I have suggested your name — what do you say about it? 19 May 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 13 December 1932 Amrita, Will you speak to Shivalingam on my behalf and tell him that the place for the bullocks being very small, he must let Krishnayya tie the bullocks and the cow(?) on the mill platform when there is no chakki work . Krishnayya promises to clean the place afterwards ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 17 February 1933 Mother, In 1930 Sri Aurobindo wrote to the head of the British Post Office that Amrita is the “Manager, Sri Aurobindo Asram, Pondicherry”. I always sign at the Post Office as the “Manager, the Arya Office, Pondicherry”. Now I find that Pavitra has given his address ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 21 April 1933 Amrita, Tulsi says that you told him to attend, this afternoon, to the arrival of the paddy. How is that? I never spoke of such a thing. Tulsi is busy with the Saverhy House repairs and can’t leave his work to attend to something else. He says also that bags are needed ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 May 1933 Amrita, Benjamin is offering to take up the surveillance of Ammani for the mending work, until something is arranged. Ammani must be informed and Nolini will have to go with her to the Cocotiers to fetch all the things she was using for this mending work. A small almirah ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 May 1933 Amrita, A man is needed to bring the paddy up to the roof of the Canal House. A special coolie could be provided for that, but he must be, as far as possible, reliable. Will you see to it? 12 May 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 May 1933 Amrita, Are you using the almirah which came from Meenakshi’s house? If you are making no use of it, you might send it back to them as they are needing an almirah for the serving. But if you are using it, I shall have a smaller one made for them. 22 May 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 May 1933 Amrita, Information from the Canal House that to-day the coolie will be needed only morning and evening to carry the paddy up and down the roof. 20 May 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 June 1933 Amrita, Shanta complains that the lock of the granary cannot open (in Canal House) — mishandling, I suppose — and she is asking for a new one. Will you go and see if the report is exact and if a new lock is truly needed. 15 June 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 23 September 1933 Amrita, Mridu says that the big cane table is too big for her; if you have a smaller one of the same kind she will take it; anyhow she wants the big one to be removed. So you can take it away. 23 September 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 To Amrita I expected him to go to the hotel — but if he insists on being put up in the asram, one room can be given in the Hequet House; for the food he must manage himself. c. 1930 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1929 To Amrita Say to Duraiswami not to trust the doctors. c. 1929 ...

... I write about only 12 or 15 letter only. Earlier time, before joined Ashram, I write every month. That time manager one Amrita. He is very good man, he is helping. Translate this and... Then they replied also? Reply, reply. Reply and that immediate Amrita translation also. Did you join in Play Ground activities? No joined. Only Mother's work only. My whole ...


... Divine Mother, the Consciousness of all consciousnesses, manifesting Herself as a luminous young child-Bala. I became one with Her in consciousness. My uvula curved upwards' and tasted the oozing Amrita (Nectar) of Grace. The thousand-petalled lotus opened itself. I sensed its subtle 'fragrance full of Grace. The lid of Brahmarandhra (Aperture of Brahman) opened itself. The last vestige of... Light spread in all directions, and all the spaces were flooded with the golden Light. The Light within the inner Light was realised and I became one with the consciousness of Light and partook of the Amrita of Bliss. I entered into the vast Golden Truth-world and realised its vast Golden Light of Truth-knowledge. There was an enjoyment of the dynamic play of the Lord, His play of the beginningless ...


... uninhibited “freedom.” While some were openly critical of the new order, some merely found themselves unequal to the demands made upon them by the changed situation. Of course, people like Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal and Pavitra had already accepted unquestioningly whatever Sri Aurobindo proposed or approved. But it was otherwise with rebellious spirits like Sri Aurobindo’s younger brother, Barin.’... fetch him immediately. What a strange situation to find that Barinda was not in his room. By the time I returned to inform about it the Mother had gone up [to her room]. Next morning both Nolinida and Amrita visited Barin’s room and found a letter addressed to Sri Aurobindo on a table. Later I learned that he had written to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother saying that he was leaving the Ashram.’ 29 ...

... astonishment, on September 24th the Mother sent me for the first time, through Amrita, the General Manager of the Ashram, some tiny cute pink rosebuds. They signify "Tenderness for the Divine", and the Mother has commented on this flower: It is sweet, with charming shade and delicate form, a smile that blossoms. After Amrita left I kissed them gently, inhaled their scent, pressed them to my heart ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... it's nothing. X told me he has been doing something for me in his puja 3 —since December, it seems—so this morning I thought he should know about the experience and I sent Amrita to tell him. He replied to Amrita that this confirmed his certainty that Z has been making black magic against me since December. He had been told that Z was practicing black magic in Kashmir. Could this be the same ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 April 19, 1969 ( Regarding the departure of Amrita, who looked after the Ashram's finances. ) ( Laughing ) Here are soups! We're in a dreadful confusion, dreadful! For years there was a whole side of things, the side of money and all the arrangements, which I wasn't told about, and it was quite... Page 142 at all! On Wednesday, after you left, I realized I had things to tell you, but now I don't remember—so many things have taken place that I don't remember. You see, previously, Amrita used to centralize many things. He had organized them, and I didn't concern myself with them; he would only tell me where I needed to intervene, and all the rest was arranged. But now, for the least ...


... but anyway time vanishes. Page 211 And on top of it all, I am broke! Amrita will be coming this afternoon: I can't give him his money, I don't have it. I have to pay a certain amount every day: well, as it happens, I am broke. This afternoon, as every Wednesday, I should give 5,000 rupees to this poor Amrita in debt: I haven't a penny. That's how it is, it makes things still worse. If at ...


... had been famous as one of the inspirers of young Gujarat in the Nationalist struggle against British domination, an expert wrestler, a fearless fighter, an all-round heroic personality. I remember Amrita telling me: "Purani has a gigantic vital being, something approaching the Mother's." He had also some occult powers. When he ran up in answer to the Mother's call, he grabbed the intruder by the... Mina and a Goan servant-girl of ours can testify. I say "extraordinary", not "unprecedented". In fact, it was paralleled by a series of happenings to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as Amrita and some others had been witness. We have all heard of how stones mysteriously started falling inside the "Old Guest House" (41, later 11, rue Francois Martin) in the winter of 1921, about a year ...


... supreme victory. And what he calls the Supramental world will be brought down on earth and realised by us here and now." After Amrita had read out the Page 208 quotation to her she did not say "Yes" but wanted to know where it had come from. Amrita told me of her inquiry and I wrote to her: "I had jotted down these words in my dairy but omitted to mention the source ...


... because they meditated more or less in a normal fashion. For instance, Pavitra, sitting perfectly straight and looking very calm and pure. I may mention Lalita too, quiet and refined and childlike. Amrita looked the picture of meekness, the Divine's obedient and ever-ready servitor with just a faint forward and backward movement of the head at times. Dyuman too sat unobtrusively though not unimpressively... At the time the sketches were made very few saw them. I showed them to Purani who enjoyed them immensely. One or two others were a bit peeved. Some got the wind of them but never saw them. I think Amrita heard about them and maybe he spoke of them to the Mother. He used to give her a lot of news. But the Mother never spoke to me about this adventure of mine. What she did was to ask me unexpectedly ...


... was the moving spirit he did not invariably occupy the forefront. The Mother did not directly refer to the French Revolution, But Sri Aurobindo's presence in it was disclosed to me by Amrita. Amrita said: "Sri Aurobindo told us that he could still feel the edge of the guillotine across his neck. The memory was so vivid." Such a vividness of memory was once admitted by Sri Aurobindo himself ...


... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary Old Long Since (By Amrita) (1) In our village and all around, four names of four great personages were being continually talked of. It was the time when Independence, Foreign Rule, Slavery were the cries that used to fill the sky. And the four great names that reached our, ears in this ...

... I was wondering what would be the effect on me of a rebuke for some mistake of mine. I think Champaklal, Chandulal and Amrita do sometimes get rebukes from you, but I am sure their trust is not shaken because of that. Of course not. They get it frequently, especially Amrita and Chandulal. Formerly they would sometimes get upset (especially Chandulal), but that was long ago. Now they have learnt ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 22 November 1949 This is what Mother said to André. As Amrita too was present at that rime, I asked him to write it down and later showed to Mother. Champaklal. In introducing Andre to Champaklal, the Mother said with a great warmth: He came here when very young. I taught him many works. He taken up the... able to join the sports activities. He works with devotion and joy. He collects all our little things and keeps them with great care — our clothes, nails, hair, etc. November 22, 1949. AMRITA About 9 a.m. The above is a correct transcription. With my blessings. The Mother ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Amrita the Brahmin 1949-09-19 Amrita: “Mother has been saying for the last ten years that I am a Brahmin. But in what way am I a Brahmin? I have not kept; sign of being a Brahmin.” Mother (very emphatically): “I tell you, you are a Brahmin, And it is very correct.” ...


... reason or another. It noteworthy because he very rarely called anyone by name. I felt the same ananda when Mother called me by name. C Amrita told me: “How lucky you are, Champak! How sweet it hear Mother when she calls you by name!” Whenever he moved, Amrita used to call me Champak. ...


... their place in poetic literature among the immortals. Nishikanta of course often does that and his work is then truly remarkable. About the box for the tambura the best will be if you speak to Amrita who will arrange with Yogananda. February 20,1936 That is all right. The power of attorney will have to be drawn up so that all affairs connected with the houses will be covered and... it should be. P.S. That is the thing: let the energy have play—it can't but strengthen the being for the greater purpose. October 1936 ? (...) Mystery! Mystery O Guru! Nolini, Amrita & Co. baffled. Look at this map. They wired at 9.30 this morn from Madura. Now what do they mean ? Reaching here 11 a.m. on 21st? Then how can they stay at Salem till lunch—Salem is about the same ...

... reproach that we have made some people stiff and speechless. Who are they? Amrita, Anilbaran, Dutta. As far as I know, they are quite adept in [?] and eloquent or fluent talkers. I am guiltless of the crime you charge against me. Another thing let me correct. It is not at all correct to say ____________________ 1. K. Amrita (19 September 1895 - 31 January 1969) was born as Aravamuda lyengar ...

... Yes, I like them and shall keep them. Blessings. 9.2.36 T HE M OTHER Mother, With your permission, Amrita took my embroidery frame for someone. I now want a frame, any will do. You can ask Amrita whether he can get back the frame. 11.4.37 Sri Aurobindo Mother, Last time my father Kashibhai came he asked ...


... teasing me as to what I had done with the prayer. So… Oh! You do not like that I tease you? You still have some complexes and preferences? But Mother, it was a revelation for me when I heard Amrita-da speak to me with assurance and he thanked me with a lot of goodwill. He praised me after hearing the prayer that I read in the Sports Ground, the one You had given me to read. And what did he... for moving during that time. But I couldn’t help it. I was so tempted to see the Mother when I heard Her voice.” So, you see, Mother… Do you think that I do not know? I know everything. In fact, Amrita had recounted everything to me and I had explained this phenomenon to him. That day, at the Sports Ground, I was present with all my force and a portion of me had manifested itself. It is because ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... shall henceforward try to keep the doors always shut and ask the inmates to do so. One of the doors has no bolt to lock it from outside. Can we ask Amrita to get it done? Well, I have repeatedly said that gates must remain closed. You can ask Amrita about the locking arrangement. 28 October 1938 ...

... served. Students, captains and teachers would be free to eat there." (92) O ne day, in the July of 1945, I am not sure of the date, at about nine o'clock in the evening, Amrita-da sent for me. When I went to him, he said: "Pranab, Mother wants you to take the children to Salle Jeanne d'Arc for a film­show tomorrow morning." In those days, there was no arrangement... Mother sat on a chair on a raised platform with Pavitra-da beside her seated at a slightly lower level. The younger lot sat in front and right at the end, on the last bench, sat Nolini-da and Amrita-da. One day, Mother was trying to find the correct French translation of an English term. Mother asked Pavitra-da: "Now Pavitra, you're a pundit, tell me what would be the correct French equivalent ...


... the government suddenly took it into its head that all our sadhaks and sadhikas must be vaccinated, without any exception. Mother somehow saved one or two. So it was Amrita-da's turn and Sri Aurobindo wrote: Amrita was to have offered himself as a victim on the altar of vaccination... (Laughter) ... but he has been kindly bitten by the dog of the Privy ...


... be followed, as a result of which a sweetness comes into the saliva from what is called the 'brahmarandhra', the secret opening at the top of the head to the spiritual planes above. This is called 'amrita rasa' or the nectar of immortality. At one time, Barin fell in with these Page 147 Sannyasis. One of them tempted him with many promises and powers. But Barin absolutely refused to slit... worship of Saraswati?" "Indeed there was, at least a certain type of schooling. There was an imparting of knowledge, of the outer as well as of the inner truths. Also, I used to teach Nolini and Amrita. I taught them English, French and some other languages. We may not always have had enough money for food, but we certainly tried to put some money aside, every month, to buy books. In this way, we ...

... 527 Alipur Case (Manicktolla Bomb Case), 310ff, 359. 367 Alipur Jail, 202, 307, 310, 330, 388, 444, 490,525 Ambedkar, B. R., 496-497 Ambirajan, S., 13fn. Amrita (Aravamudachari), 405, 525, 536, 540 Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312 Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian ...

... Madhusudan Reddy (Eds.). The Flame of Truth (1968) Goswami, C. R. The Soul-Culture in the Upanishad (1971) Greenberger, Alien J. The British Image in India (1969) Gupta, Nolini Kanta & Amrita. Reminiscences (1969) Gupta, Nolini Kanta. Collected Works, Volume I (1970); Collected Works, Volume II (1971); Collected Works, Volume III (1972); Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram (1948);... The Upward Spiral (1949); Sri Chaitanya (1960); Mira in Brindavan (1961) Satprem. L'orpailleur("The Gold-Digger'), (1960) Yvonne. The Golden Journey (1960) Poetry Amrita. Visions and Voices (1929) Arjava. Poems (1939) Chinmoy. Chandelier (1951); The Infinite: Sri Aurobindo (1956) Gokak, V.K. In Life's Temple (1965) Gupta, Nolini ...

... Aurobindo moved from the small Mission Street residence to a far more spacious house - No. 41(now 33), Rue François Martin. Describing the house as it looked at the time Sri Aurobindo moved into it, Amrita writes: In the interior of the house, at one end of the verandah there was a wide staircase leading to the first floor ... the house was big but it looked desolate. The upper storey held... electric lights were installed, some &ticks of furniture were inducted; and "the house put on almost a gay appearance because of these much-needed changes" 30 It was .rumoured, continues Amrita, that' 'two Europeans had accepted Aurobindo as Guru ... two persons from the topmost cultural circle of France were coming to Sri Aurobindo for practising yoga". There was understandable excitement ...


... not the event alone, but even more, the manner in which the arrest had been made, the handcuffing and the other atrocities and humiliations - created a mighty sensation in the whole country. The Amrita Bazar Patrika asked editorially: But why were they (Sri Aurobindo and others) pounced upon in this mysterious manner, handcuffed, and then dragged before the Police Commissioner? Where was... every son and daughter of India for help to defend a brother, - my brother and theirs too. 14 This moving appeal, wrung from a sister's heart, was eloquently supported by the Bengalee, the Amrita Bazar Patrika and other leading papers. Response to the appeal was not very slow in coming; and it came - as it often does - from the most unexpected places. A blind beggar - all deathless honour ...

... that any of the meetings or processions recently organised were disorderly or led to disturbance or public inconvenience. The only fresh emergency was the political. A Hint from Dinajpur The Amrita Bazar Patrika notices a case from Dinajpur which may give a few hints to Sir Edward Baker if he really wants or is wanted to establish police autocracy in Calcutta. Mr. Garlick there justified the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Utility of Ideals 03-April-1908 We notice that a correspondent of the Amrita Bazar Patrika , finding himself out of his depth at the Federation Ground Meeting, rather plaintively asks Bipin Babu to come down from the heights of philosophy and talk to the people of Swadeshi ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... presence; Madras could muster only twelve; the Central Provinces sent so Page 377 few that the reporters are ashamed to mention the number. The United Provinces sent, according to the Amrita Bazar Patrika 's correspondent, about thirty; the Bombay number is not mentioned, but even the Statesman does not go beyond eighty; the rest came from the Punjab. Even the Anglo-Indian champion of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... he was great only as the god of fire indispensable in all their ritual, but to the Yogin he has a much greater importance, as great as that of Surya, the lord of illumination, and Soma, the lord of Amrita. He was one of the most indispensable helpers in the processes which the Veda illumines and assists. होतारम् । Hota is another word of great importance in the Veda. In all existing interpretations ...


... tejas, force, energy, brilliance, splendour. There is a doubt here as to the relation of am अमृतस्य. If it is with गोप, it must be taken to mean nectar or immortality and Agni is the protector of the amrita in the body or of the immortality of the body; if with दीदिविम्, it must mean the Immortal, God, and Agni is a splendid energy of the Immortal. The general sense of the verse will be the same, since ...


... higher part of man's being centred in the principle of Ananda; they represent the direct, unveiled and unperverted action of the free & blissful Sacchidananda. To this last and supreme Immortality (Amrita) these lower mortal parts of man must be given up as the victims of a high & ultimate spiritual sacrifice in the upward movement of world-Nature. Renunciation once determined for us in its spirit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary Visions and Voices EVOLUTION OF B EAUTY  I Beauty standing motionless in meditation is beauty of form, Beauty moving and shining in meditation is beauty of life, Beauty thinking in meditation is beauty of thought— The Spirit of beauty is thus standing, moving and thinking  from ...

... rickshaw-pullers who had seen R as Vandi-da became anxious. They thought he (R) might have in mind to run a regular rickshaw-service. This would lose them customers! A delegation of them approached Amrita-da, the Ashram’s manager, to plead with R to desist from starting an Ahram Rickshaw Service (A.R.S). (4) R was part-time supervisor in Dortoir. He was a terror to the children because of his close ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 6 February 1932 Mother, The duty on things like typewriters is 30 percent. It is difficult to say that the one in our hands costs less than say Rs. 150. The Customs Office has a price list of things, so the duty is not likely to be less than Rs. 40 to 45. This amount is recoverable ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 25 February 1932 Mother, Montbrun asked me why we were engaging a new set of workers. I told him that the old set did not agree to the new conditions laid down by us. I added that the new régime with its new conditions promised us better prospects in the matter of efficiency and ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1932 Mother, Sada informs me just at this moment that the old tenant is reoccupying the house next to the V.G.H. on Monday next. He has no intention of giving up the house at all. I see only one way out of the difficulty. It is to buy the house. The lady can be told ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 February 1932 Mother, I went to Maya’s house at 8.00 p.m. I found only one light burning in the courtyard. I was told that the one light on the ground floor burns only till 9.00 p.m. But I am inclined to believe that there are short circuits here and there and therefore there ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 February 1932 Mother, Regarding the leave and absence of paid workers: Leave will be given only on request with a notice giving reasons. Absence other than that due to illness will be counted and wages deducted. A doctor’s certificate will have to be submitted by the employee ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother December 1931 To the Christian servants I was always giving a half-day holiday on Christmas. December 1931 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 March 1932 ( To an Ashram garden worker who decided to quit his work because his request for an advance of two rupees had not been granted ) A good servant does not give up his work in a bad mood because his superiors have not acted exactly as he wishes. It was a serious mistake ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 19 March 1932 Mother, The cobbler Couppouswamy is back again in Pondicherry. He wishes to work for the Ashram on a monthly salary. Are there other things you wish to know from him? Apart from asking what wages he wants, you can tell him that, in case we take him, he will have ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1932 Mother, I forgot to mention last night about Ammani’s request to you for a loan of Rs. 20 in order to meet the expenses of the removal of the corpse of her father, who died yesterday evening. I have not given Ammani the slightest hope of getting the money. No money ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 April 1932 Mother, Balanarayan asks your permission to go to some village nearby tomorrow in order to learn swimming in a tank. It seems some of the coolies of the Building Department have promised to teach him. Certainly NOT. If he goes in spite of this it will be at his ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1932 I had suggested pastilles de Lithine to take one after each meal. The lithiné water is good; but for lazy digestion the pastilles are also very effective. 5 March 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 January 1933 Mother, The two musician friends of Radhananda who came for the last Darshan of 24th November are editors of a monthly review in Tamil at Srivaikuntham. At their request I gave them some of my manuscripts — those that had already been published five or six years ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 February 1933 Mother, This afternoon Dr. Manilal asked me for ten rupees for current expenses. I gave it to him and told him that he still had Rs. 150 remaining with me. He asked me, “Aren’t Rs. 160 remaining?” I was a little embarrassed. On the morning of the 18th, he gave me ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 27 February 1933 Mother, I have prepared a stamped receipt for Rs. 100 paid to the Modern Press today. It has been made in Nolini’s name after asking him if it should be in his name or yours. He replied that it could be in his name and asked me if he should sign it! I said it was ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 February 1933 Mother, Varadou desires to show you some samples of paddy so that you may select out of them. Do you want to see and choose, Mother? I do not think it is necessary for me to see the samples of paddy. I trust it will be all right. He will, if allowed, come ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1933 Mother, In whose name is the property-purchase contract to be made — in Sri Aurobindo’s name or yours? If this can be known today, the writing of the act will be commenced this day itself. Praying for an answer, if possible, today before 5 p.m. Sri Aurobindo ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1933 Mother, From the 17th of this month till today, I have given You a total of Rs. 73 — that works out to Rs. 9 per day. No doubt the amount goes to the Reserve Fund. It is too much. I cannot put so much money aside. An average of two rupees a day is all I can do ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 10 January 1933 Mother, How long does a packet of the new shampoo, ‘Arys’, last? The previous brand, ‘Hilder’, used to last me for four baths. I always bathe four times with a packet of ‘Arys’. 10 January 1933 ...

... allegorical event and not an historical episode.   I had asked Amal for tips on learning Sanskrit about which he said, "I am afraid I can proffer no advice on learning Sanskrit. Yes, I was told by Amrita that Sri Aurobindo had a private pamphlet on simplified Sanskrit-learning, but nobody has been able to trace it. Perhaps Nolini knows what Page 224 fie method was, for he must have ...


... Visions and Voices Hymn to the Mother of Radiances This 'Hymn just before the Mother of Radiances' was written by Amrita in January 1927. Later, Amrita's drafts were revised by Sri Aurobindo and arranged to make a three-part hymn. The revised version was also copied out in Sri Aurobindo's own hand. 1. AN inner fullness has come in like the coming ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1928 When carrying dishes, servants are bound to rob. To expect otherwise from them is childish, and no complaint to this effect is of any use. Consequently those who do not eat their meals in the dining-room and find their dishes meddled with by the servants, have the choice between ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother October 1929 (For Duraiswami) (1) For your health, the most important thing is to get cured. I shall speak of it with you when you come next. (2) Pearls and peroxide can wait until you come. (3) As for the dinner, it is no use upsetting your stomach and losing a day or two here ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 December 1928 Be simple, sincere, straightforward. 4 December 1928 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 25 July 1932 Mother, Since Indrakumari and I were responsible for the loss of over one litre of milk, as per your decision to reduce this quantity from those responsible, I did not get milk for breakfast this morning. I somehow managed to have bread with water. But at lunch, when ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 2 December 1932 Mother, Kodandaraman comes to me and gives lengthy reports about the servants — his reason being that if You ask me about them, then I should be aware of what is going on. I told him that he need not take this precious precaution and not to speak to me at all about ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 6 December 1932 I do not see on what grounds Dr. Aroule says that I am not answering his letters? Yourself you handed over to him a letter of mine not so long ago. You could have reminded him of that. As for seeing me he did not ask me an interview, so he cannot say that I refused it ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 10 January 1933 Mother, Should I convey to Sowbhagyam your decision of this morning? You have relieved her of work from the Trésor House because she does not deserve even Rs. 10 a month. Her service at Trésor costs us Rs. 14. That is not at all what I said. What I said is simply ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 December 1932 Mother, One of Purushottam’s gardeners — his name is Rajagopal — has asked me if his wife can come and pay her respects to you on New Year’s Day. This gardener is one of the newly married workers. Should I tell him that it is too late now? Why answer him like ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 25 April 1932 ( Regarding the rent of a house ) For Monsieur Charles Passagne I am quite astounded by this change of conditions after everything had been agreed. I had accepted the previous conditions, but I cannot accept these new ones. 25 April 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 March 1933 Mother, When Varadou first informed us that the plot owned by the bank was for sale, it was felt that the whole deal could be done by correspondence. But the Notary insists that it be done by both parties meeting personally and that the Director of the bank will ask ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 March 1933 Mother, According to the present agreement between the owner of the Josue House and us, we are to deduct Rs. 11 every month from the rent for the tax we pay on the house till the end of June. Thereafter the amount deducted will be Rs. 12 a month. But now the owner proposes ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 March 1933 Mother, De Quadros pleaded very much that I should give him word on your behalf that he would receive Rs. 2500 in cash on the day he would actually leave the house, that is, sometime before 30th April 1933. I told him that you could give your word only after his ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 March 1933 Mother, Venkataraman asked for milk from the Dairy early this morning. He said he would not take his share of milk from the Dining Room in the morning. Since he did not find Dyuman, he left word with Jivan and I gave him the quantity he wanted; he also bought milk ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1933 Mother, I will need to buy the following material to make a mattress for Swasti: 2 maunds of cotton, 8 yards of printed cloth, 31/2 yards of unbleached cloth, and some one yard of coloured cloth for stitching the border. The mattress maker will take two days to make ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1933 Mother, I will need to buy the following material to make a mattress for Swasti: 2 maunds of cotton, 8 yards of printed cloth, 31/2 yards of unbleached cloth, and some one yard of coloured cloth for stitching the border. The mattress maker will take two days to make ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 June 1933 Mother, Just now (10.10 p.m.) Dyuman reminds me that the Dining Room does not sell milk and that it has not done so for the last two years. But Dande has already been asked to go to the Dining Room for his one anna of hot milk. Dande says he cannot go either to the ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 10 April 1933 Mother, Each time I go to see Varadou, he strongly recommends a particular milkman who according to him will bring an excellent cow to us for milking and the cow will be very clean. The most important point, again according to Varadou, is that this man will not be ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 May 1933 Mother, I have a proposal to make for drying the paddy quickly. If you agree to give your permission to carry it out, then everything could be arranged as follows: 1. Six to seven workers will put the entire quantity of paddy into sacks. First expenditure. ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 28 April 1933 Mother, Jayaraj, working in our Electricity Department, is not satisfied with the fate of his children in the convent here. He now wants to put his children in the convent at Cuddalore. For this purpose he wants to go to Cuddalore tomorrow to make enquiries. He asked ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 March 1933 Mother, Krishnayya went to the Bank Garden yesterday and gave me a verbal report of the state of the place — it is in a very much dilapidated condition, with the mango trees practically dead, etc. But it struck me that it was not advisable for him to go there without ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 May 1933 Mother, For my meditation with Arjava in my room, I was using the rug from Duraiswami’s room during his absence. But today I was obliged to use one of the Pranam verandah rugs for the purpose. I have done it without your permission. For next time, well, I await your ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 May 1933 Mother, You spoke at mid-day today about how to give pocket money to Sankara Rama. As nothing was decided at that time, I simply bring it before you again. You might go to him and tell him simply: You know that Mother gives pocket money to all the members of the Asram ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 19 March 1933 Mother, I imagine that by now you must have already become despairing about me — repetition of mistakes, persistency of partiality, much self-revolving, repeated inaccuracy of reports, want of vision, especially clarity, etc. But after all, I am your child, Mother ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 27 May 1933 Mother, What would you like me to do with the pistachios and raisins I received today? Can I give them to Dyuman? Yes, but it would be better if someone is willing to prepare 120 packets, so that the work of the Dining Room is made easier. 27 May 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 April 1933 Mother, Balanarayan has accepted all your conditions — to return every evening to Cycle House at the time fixed by Benjamin and to obey all the rules of the House. The important points being: no smoking, no chewing tobacco, no taking snuff. 30 April 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 26 December 1935 Mother, On the 23rd evening Dyuman spoke to me about the D.R., his two morning milk deliveries to the D.R., and also about Madanlal. Instead of limiting himself to the problem at hand, he rambled on here and there, sometimes persuading me, sometimes convincing me ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 April 1936 Mother, Some relatives of Yagnalakshmi have arrived and she would like to receive them at her place — that is, at Aroul House. She asks you if she may. I saw those people when they were talking on the footpath of Aroul House with S. Ram and Yagnalakshmi. There are ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 9 December 1935 Mother, Rajangam informs me that there is a veterinary doctor in town. If Mother wants, Rajangam could bring him to the Dairy tomorrow afternoon for a consultation with regard to the condition of the cows. He charges two rupees per visit. Certainly it should ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 September 1934 Mother, I would prefer that Vishnu be present when Kodandaraman and I meet. Next Monday I will place before you the result of the meeting. All this will take place provided you approve of the meeting. Yes, I approve of your meeting and you can show him the accounts ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 December 1933 Mother, For the purchase of the two houses we are interested in buying, I have been negotiating with the owners or their representatives for some time now. Hours and hours, with wholehearted devotion to You, I have mixed with these outsiders, now cajoling, now persuading ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 September 1933 Mother, M. B. Desai gave me a cheque for Rs. 91.5 annas this afternoon, saying that Rs. 60 was for the Asram for the month of September and that the rest was for his wife which he would send to her at the end of the month. In the evening he told me not to encash ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 April 1934 Mother, A few things continue to puzzle me; no, they even trouble me. A certain atmosphere sometimes develops that prevents the actual facts from being presented to you. The result is that something not exactly wanted or needed is either constructed or furnished which ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 January 1934 Mother, This evening Padmasini told me that her happiness in being here is slowly growing. But then this afternoon, after returning from Aroumé, she felt as if her heart was choking and she was overpowered by a sense of cold, accompanied by a slight shiver. She also ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 April 1933 Mother, Some of our paid servants have come together to form a group of either five or ten members among themselves. The group is formed for a certain number of months during which each member contributes a certain amount of money each month. The money thus collected ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 June 1933 Mother, Just now (10.10 p.m.) Dyuman reminds me that the Dining Room does not sell milk and that it has not done so for the last two years. But Dande has already been asked to go to the Dining Room for his one anna of hot milk. Dande says he cannot go either to the ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 September 1933 Mother, Kodandaraman engaged two coolies for two hours to shift Dilip’s belongings. He paid them Rs. 1. That is really something! He took the money from me in the morning and gave me the account in the evening. It is absurd! And why does he do things like that ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 September 1933 Mother, Kodandaraman engaged two coolies for two hours to shift Dilip’s belongings. He paid them Rs. 1. That is really something! He took the money from me in the morning and gave me the account in the evening. It is absurd! And why does he do things like that ...

... difficult to understand. All the same I could not remain quiet. I exclaimed: “Mother, I have hands. Even if you leave the dish on the table I can take it from there.” At this Nolini laughed aloud and Amrita also laughed and laughed. They understood what I meant to say. Mother too laughed and said: “No, no, I have only collected them and put them there.” I said: “Yes, Mother, I know it well and you ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks “Realisation” Let Agni lead you to Realisation.—Amal You will have the Realisation of Faith.—Amrita Be enthusiastic for Realisation.—Champaklal Faith will lead you to Realisation.—Chandulal The Star of your Realisation is rising.—Datta Prayer will lead to Realisation.—Doraiswamy Your Faith is ...


... Mother could stretch out her legs comfortably. This made the passage narrower and one had to be very cautious while getting up not to bang one's head against the shelf that was jutting out. Sometimes Amrita had to sit there for some work. After he banged his head several times against it while getting up I requested Mother to remove the shelf as she had got it made only for my convenience and it was not ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Towards Transformation 1968-08-09 (about 10 a.m.) The following was noted by Amrita at my instance and later approved by the Mother. The Mother said: “Something is going on which is interesting. They are saying I am not collaborating. 1 (The Mother was “ill” but she refused to take the ...


... visible at the back—and said: “Mother, I like this one.” Mother held the photo in her hand, went on looking at it for a very long time. I moved away to my place at a little distance. At that time Amrita was with the Mother with some papers. She turned to him and said: “There is vital force, a living atmosphere in this photo; that is why Champaklal likes it. In the other photo there is supramental ...


... would not be more than Rs. 30 rent, the sum named by K. That is all I know about it. I suppose something will emerge. I will ask Mother about it tomorrow – if I remember. P.S. It appears Amrita is to give information about the house. * December 10, 1944 (A disciple of Sri Aurobindo wrote to Dilipda that if he stuck to Krishna, the Supermind would not be included in ...

... 14 July 1934 Dear Mother, When the servant K comes to fetch the empty tiffin-boxes, he opens them and eats anything that is left or takes it away. I have asked Amrita to tell him not to open the tiffin-boxes at all: his business is only to remove them. A will speak to him tomorrow. What happens to all the food taken back in the tiffin-boxes? Is it distributed ...

... wherever he wanted in all of the manifestation. The Mother would later report that together with Sri Aurobindo in his supramental dwelling there were other people close to him. She named Purani, and Amrita, and the amazing Mridu. The explanation of their presence there is not difficult. We remember that, after her experience of the ship of the New World, the Mother had said that some people on Earth ...

... been Indians and, furthermore, exclusively of the masculine gender. Gradually the Mother having been a 'Frenchwoman" stood as no bar to the worship offered her by thousands of Indians. In fact, Amrita once remarked to me; "What a difference for the worse would be there if an Indian instead of A European lady were at the head of this Ashram !" However, a prejudice continues in some quarters against ...


... devoted to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. An interesting bit of occult news I heard in the early days of my stay here when I was very chummy with the central group of the sadhaks — Nolini, Amrita, Purani, Anilbaran, Champaklal, Dyuman, Rajangam, Pavitra — was that, when in a past life of theirs Sri Aurobindo had been Leonardo da Vinci and the Mother Mona Lisa, Doraiswamy had been Francis ...


... ignorance". I for one actually stood thus in the early days of my stay in the Ashram. I would go to the Ashram's Reading Room every morning to pick up only the "Literary Supplements" of the Hindu or the Amrita Bazar Patrika. I used to see the race of the sadhaks, with Nolini generally first at the winning post, when the bag of dailies from the GPO was emptied on the mats. I was placidly unaware that Hitler ...


... There he is within here, quite wakeful, looking in a rather amused way at what you people are doing. He is merged in me wholly, that is dwelling within me, not dissolved: he has his personality intact. Amrita is different. He is there outside, one of you, one among you people moving about. At times, of course, when he wants to take rest and repose he comes and lodges here. A remark-able story. A great and ...

... The Spirit of Auroville Later the Mother told Nolini Kanta Gupta, Counouma, Dyuman, André, Amrita, Champaklal, Vasudha, Navajata and others that I had received the correct vision. It was nice to read the Mother's talk of 23-6-65 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture , special issue of February 1967: Have you heard of Auroville? For a long ...


... three years in the Ashram. The Mother had written on a Japanese card: To My dear little child Huta With all my love and sweetest compassion. Pour une bonne fête.* In the afternoon Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal, Dyuman, Udar and his wife Mona, Maniben, some others and myself were waiting for the Mother at the gate of Huta House. For at last the renovation of my apartment had been completed. Her ...


... Shakespeare's plays. 2 December 1934 Victor Hugo When I said to Pavitra that Les Misérables was one of the great works of art he replied "Faugh! What a shallow thing." But I believe I heard from Amrita that you used to regard it as one of the world's great novels. Page 549 It is not one of the masterpieces of "art", but I regard it as the work of a powerful genius and certainly one of ...


... illumination of the human being so that the obstructions of his inner knowledge are removed and he attains to the utmost splendours of the liberated mind. But what is this Soma, called sometimes amrita, the Greek ambrosia, as if it were itself the substance of immortality? It is a figure for the divine Ananda, the principle of Bliss, from which, in the Vedic conception, the existence of Man, this ...


... The Rishi then dwells on the two capital works of the divine Dawn in man,—her elevation of him to the full force of the Light and the revelation of the Truth and her pouring of the Ananda, the Amrita, the Soma Wine, the bliss of the immortal being into the mental and bodily existence. In the world of the pure mind, divi , she rises into the full force and mass of the Light, ūrdhvaṁ pājo aśret ...


... Prevision . 2) A lottery is arranged for the distribution among the sadhaks of articles of small value—in order to see how the forces work on different people. Before the distribution of tickets Amrita sees in vision the number 61; he gets actually the number 62. On inquiry he learned that by mistake two tickets had been distributed to one sadhak, otherwise he would have received No 61. Telepathic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... feverish or limited, but Shuddha Bhoga is calm, self-possessed, victorious, unlimited, without satiety and vairagya, immortally blissful. It is in a word, not Harsha, not Sukha, but Ananda. It is Amrita, it is Divinity and Immortality, it is [becoming of] 21 one nature with God. [The soul] 22 has then no Kama but pure Lipsa, an infinite readiness to take and enjoy whatever God gives. 23 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... which being physical relies upon physical remedies. When you find that the will is strong enough to deal rapidly with even these affections, then you can dispense with remedies. You have written to Amrita about a translation of the "Secret of the Veda" and "To the Nations." The latter book is not my property, it is M. Richard's and it is possible that he has given the rights of translation to the publisher ...


... much! Later I was told—I don't know the story exactly, I can't say—that some misfortune had befallen her: her head had been cut off, wasn't that it? Something like that. ( Turning to a disciple ) Amrita, do you know the story of the Kali of Virampatnam?... No, you don't? Someone had related it to me, anyway it was not very interesting, it was an unfortunate Kali. I told her to remain quiet and that ...


... convinced that declaration of His Majesty's Government substantially confers that freedom for which Indian Nationalism has so long struggled.     2 This statement was given in reply to a request from Amrita Bazar Patrika for Sri Aurobindo's views on the British Cabinet Mission, 1946. Page 29 THE FIFTEENTH OF AUGUST 1947 I 1 August ...

... There he is within here, quite wakeful, looking in a rather amused way at what you people are doing. He is merged in me wholly, that is dwelling within me, not dissolved: he has his personality intact. Amrita is different. He is there outside, one of you, one among you people moving about. At times, of course, when he wants to take rest and repose he comes and lodges here. A remarkable story. A great and ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... your physical comportment and what you are inside, isn't there?! Sri Aurobindo didn't accept this tradition at all. For instance, X is completely caught up in all his family affairs; he said to Amrita, 'In August the girls will go back home to their husbands, the boy will be at college, and I'll be able to live tranquilly.' But there will be something else! There is always something else, naturally ...


... starting to understand certain things—that is, in his own way he is discovering the progress I am making; he's discovering it as a received teaching ( through subtle channels ). He wrote a letter to Amrita two or three days ago in which he translates in his own language, with his own words and his own way of speaking, exactly my most recent experiences—things that I have conquered in a general way. ...


... time. We shall see. Now X is coming, and these days of meditation with him. 2 What is going to happen?... By the way, he no longer writes that he's coming to 'help the Ashram.' He wrote to Amrita that he's coming to have the opportunity (I can't exactly remember his words)... anyway, to take advantage of his meditations with me so that he can make the necessary transformations!... Quite a changed ...


... continue in spite of my students' apathy or can I give it up? Continue without hesitation. I have the deepest respect for Indian languages and continue to study Sanskrit when I have time. Amrita says that the situation of his Tamil class is much worse than that of the Hindi one. He says that he will continue even if the students come no more ... he will teach to himself! With love and blessings ...


... before that, it was really fine. ( silence ) It was the same thing when I made that overmental formation (we were heading for miracles!). One day Sri Aurobindo told me I had brought down into Amrita 6 a force of the creative Brahma (it's the creative Word, the Word that realizes itself automatically). And I don't know what happened... something, I can't recall what, that showed me it was working ...


... but Mother also needed instruments to do Her work. As an elderly friend of mine remarked, "Mother brought her own team to do her work." He was not referring to the very old guard - Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita and others -who are known to have been with the Mother through many lives, but the later batch which was responsible for the more external growth of the Ashram. There can be no doubt that Abhay-da ...


... people that they are selfish and stupid, and I want nothing from them ." And I banged on the table.... Oh, oh!... Everyone was petrified. ( Mother laughs ) The doctor was there, and Nolini, Champaklal, Amrita.... Something in me was laughing a lot! Oh, they thought I was in a terrible fit: "They'll see what will happen to them!..." And you know, those vibrations are familiar to me—they're terrifying, mon ...


... understand a thing in the last Bulletin 1 —they didn't dare to say anything, but they didn't understand Page 64 a thing! Even those who, consciously, are supposed to understand: Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, André... not to mention all the rest who are not as developed intellectually—understand nothing. I have a feeling, a vague feeling that it will give someone, somewhere, very far away ...


... heartily ) Oh, this is priceless! But didn't you see Mridu? 5 No. She's there ( huge gesture, laughing ), just as she was!... I saw Purani, I saw Mridu, and the other day (I told you) I saw Amrita and Chandulal talking together. That whole place looks like downstairs, but it's not downstairs. So it's the place all right. Very long ago (very long, a few years after Sri Aurobindo left), one ...


... November 9, 1968 ( Bharatidi's death marked a sort of turning point in Mother's life, or the beginning of an unfortunate series: Amrita, Mother's faithful treasurer, was going to leave a few months later, in January 1969, followed by Pavitra in May 1969; then Mother's personal attendant, Vasudha, would fall gravely ill in August 1970 ...


... Yes, but I hadn't yet told you about it... Certainly, you should send him a line saying, "It's all right, Mother approves!" ( Mother laughs ) This poor C.!... Poor C.... ...Since Amrita left, Nolini has had much more work. Because we've had to divide the work.... Me too, I have a good deal of it! Ah, it's quite difficult.... Soon afterwards But this Consciousness ...


... Pavitra] has been especially preserved intact because it entered here [into Mother], or whether it's always like that?... Where does someone conscious go? Does he remain here?... 1 I told you, with Amrita, it's a sort of not too precise form; it's always there, now resting, now waking up, but he doesn't seem to be particularly interested in material things. While Pavitra, from what I see, seems to be ...


... the blood has become condensed within; the Page 255 semen has become concentrated into a single drop and confined in the chest; the petals of the brain 2 have blossomed or expanded; amrita [nectar of immortality] is welling up into springs all over the body and filling it up; the luminous forehead perspires; the luminous face brightens up; the breath full of peace becomes cool and r ...


... are not many mosquitoes. A blanket, banyan, mattress have been given. Mother did not know about mosquito net—but if he is not accustomed to it, he may find it rather suffocating. But you can ask Amrita for one if you think it indispensable. Civilisation is good, but not at all points for everyone. I can't decide if he should be given any work, but if he sits all the time at home, that may act ...

... spiritual experience. The starting of a new life has been a strong idea among many people for a long time. Anukul Thakur, Radhashyam and Dayanand had all the same idea. EVENING NIRODBARAN: In the Amrita Bazar Patrika there is a report that Surendra Mohan Ghose is unanimously going to be chosen as the President of the new B.P.C.C. SRI AUROBINDO: I am rather surprised. Let me see the report. ...


... said he could have taken Trondjheim if he had been given the command. He is a famous man. (Later, to Purani while lying in bed) The Prabuddha Bharata has a remarkable article quoted from the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Have you seen it? PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: See it. It is there on the table. You may find something familiar in the style. PURANI: It seems to be from your Defence of ...


... looking, I was surprised to see that the legs were rather thin. But when I came to the feet, I was still more surprised, it was a marvel. They were tiny, delicate, almost like the feet of a child. Amrita also speaks of his sweet, small feet. Later, when we 269 Broad-shouldered. Page 218 used to see Him walking, I would say to myself: "How could these small feet carry such ...


... from Talks with Sri Aurobindo how many notes I had taken. So, such were our teachers and such were the examinations. Sometimes, when you face a strict professor, there is some trouble. To quote Amrita-da, your "sweet heart" troubles you. But that is all in the game, as they say. So, as I said, I had to pass through this trouble for today's talk: What to say? What not to say? All that I've ...


... has fallen. PURANI: It is similar to the last war. The mark had fallen so low that people began to buy it in large numbers. Perhaps Germany may introduce the mark now in France. SRI AUROBINDO: Amrita went to see some businessman here and during the talk the businessman said, "Oh, I am ruined!" PURANI: Oh yes, plenty of people will have the same fate. SATYENDRA: In the market there is panic ...


... SATYENDRA: No, Begum Hamida won't like a mere man being put at the head of the ladies. SRI AUROBINDO: Which one was Hamida in yesterday's photo? SATYENDRA: The one on the right. On the left was Amrita Kaur, She doesn't look so terrible. SRI AUROBINDO: As in her speech? No, she looks quite matronly and amiable. Whose Begum is she? Or who is her Nawab? PURANI: I think an I.C.S. man called Hamid ...


... come for your philosophy. SRI AUROBINDO: Why "not many"? Very few. SATYENDRA: That was my tactfulness. SRI AUROBINDO: Nirod didn't come for my philosophy! NIRODBARAN: No! SATYENDRA: Amrita, for instance, says that whatever you say he will do. If politics, then politics. SRI AUROBINDO: There is only one man who has come for my philosophy—Veerabhadra! (Laughter) PURANI: Yes, he ...


... fifty thousand were lost. Still he has two million while the Allies did not use even a million there; no wonder they were defeated. Have you read that the Belgian consul has become furious with the Amrita Bazar and calls it a gossip-monger? He praises Churchill and The Hindu. But now Churchill says that one can form one's own opinion about the conduct of. Leopold. (Laughter) Nishtha met him ...


... done always counts in the economy of the universe." After the War, the Labour Government of U.K. sent a Cabinet Mission to India in 1946 for fresh talks. Asked to give his views on the mission by Amrita Bazar Patrika , a leading daily in the country, Sri Aurobindo said: "Sri Aurobindo thinks it unnecessary to volunteer a personal pronouncement... His position is known. He has always stood for India's ...

... right down on the typewriter. Otherwise it would not have been possible to write 64 pages every month. Strictly speaking, it was only in the last week of the month that he would get down to writing. Amrita had been asked to remind him about the Arya , a week before its time for the Press. When he gave the signal, Sri Aurobindo would start the "Herculean labour" and finish it with utmost ease. Those ...

... 1967 My Savitri work with the Mother 01 February 1967 The next day the Mother wrote: 1.2.67 My very dear little child Huta Amrita will go at 10.30 am on the 10th to open the exhibition and Nolini will go with him. All my love ...


... when there is something. Yes. You can prepare for me the names of all the women of the ashram, each name on one small chit (it is to pin on the sarees I shall give). You can ask from Nolini or Amrita the list of the women now living in the ashram — about 50 or 52. I need these names tomorrow at 2.30 when I see you. My love and blessings to my dear child 2 August 1939 ...

... portrait of Sri Aurobindo. In 1916 Khaserao Jadhav, Sri Aurobindo's old friend from Baroda came specially to meet him. A young but regular visitor was K. Amudan, whom Sri Aurobindo later gave the name 'Amrita', who first came in 1913 when he was still a school boy. Soon he was an ardent disciple and by 1919 he had become a member of the household. When the Ashram came into being, he was to render invaluable ...


... was beating nervously as if I were going to face an examination. A stately chair in the middle of the room attracted momentarily my attention. In a short while the Mother came accompanied by Nolini, Amrita and Dilip. She took her seat in the chair, the others stood by her side. I was dazzled by the sight. Was it a "visionary gleam" or a reality? Nothing like it had I seen before. Her fair complexion ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: If the Divine chooses to be deceived, anyone can deceive him—just as he can run away from the battle, You are evidently not up to the tricks of the Lila. MYSELF: Amrita says no water should drain into the street except rain water. But we have to wash frequently the Dispensary courtyard as it's too hot. What's the solution of the impasse? SRI AUROBINDO: If ...


... after the Bombay special session to Pune and VOC was among the invitees to discuss the future course of action. When VOC rose to spoke he was "loudly cheered". Motilal Ghose, the venerated editor of Amrita Bazar Patrika, who was present on the occasion, expressed his desire to see the hero of Swadeshi days and warmly hugged VOC. Page 131 Momentous times Tilak's case ...

... intuitive vision through an inner concentration in the first instance, and then he would give it an external verification in the light of reason, making the necessary changes accordingly."1 Amrita, another disciple of Sri Aurobindo writes: "Because of Bharati's association with Sri Aurobindo and his immense respect and devotion for him, I felt in me a great inexplicable attraction to ...

... he is within here, quite wakeful, looking in a rather amused way at what you people are doing. He is merged in me wholly, that is, dwelling within me, not dissolved: he has his personality intact. Amrita is different. He is there outside, one of you, one among you people moving about. At times, of course, when he wants to take rest and repose, he comes and lodges here. A remarkable story. A great and ...


... Mother’s views on the matter, though I suspected that she had already been consulted before the step was taken. It was the usual morning Pranam time and people had gathered, among whom were Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Champaklal, Madhav and others. The Pranam being over, the Mother was on her way to her room on the top floor, when I asked her, "Mother, what should I do? Shall I join the Group?" The question ...

... remember the colour); and Her manner of walking - majestic. In this way She came, but, unfortunately, attended by some human beings. (Laughter) There was Nolini-da and some others also, and perhaps Amrita-da also. She took her seat, looked at me, and I did pranam at Her feet, offered Her the rose; She blessed me. Then, by Jove, She started looking at me and kept looking at me, it felt as if for eternity ...


... the youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly paper, Sanjivani on 13 July 1905 and an article in Amrita Bazar Patrika on 17 July 1905 by an unknown correspondent 'G' (probably Sri Aurobindo or his brother Barindra Kumar Ghosh). To cap it all, it was adopted at the Calcutta Town Hall meeting on 7 August ...

... of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give them all of these but not your souls nor your minds". (Amrita Bazar Patrika, July 4 1940). Thus we see that according to Gandhi, Indian culture was synonymous with absolute nonviolence; recourse to violence was wrong even in as grave a situation as the British ...

... there are very few which contain anything more than imagination. Some time ago, I was told of a tree nearby that was the haunt of a ghost. Our milkmen were afraid of the ghost and had seen it! I sent Amrita to burn some incense there and go round the tree a few times and tell the people it was Page 37 gone. Well, it was indeed gone; for it was not a very substantial being. As I said, ...

... there are very few which contain anything more than imagination. Some time ago, I was told of a tree nearby that was the haunt of a ghost. Our milkmen were afraid of the ghost and had seen it! I sent Amrita 1 to burn some incense there and go round the tree a few times and tell the people it was gone. Well, it was indeed gone; for it was not a very substantial being. As I said, most of the spirits are ...

... furniture from her room — only the almirah and one box of clothes. A big cot is not necessary; if there is a small canvas cot, it is sufficient. She can move whenever she wants but must inform Amrita first and speak to H about the cot. My love and blessings to my dear child 20 June 1940 ...

... and Integral Transformation. In the early fifties or late forties, the Mother told me one day—'Pranab, this time there will be no tragedy. I shall do what I have come here for. Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita and all the sadhaks are waiting to see the Supramental Realisation and physical Transformation. I cannot disappoint them. It must happen.' For some reason or other Physical Transformation could ...

... A question has risen again in me. I pray for Your guidance. The gardener whom You have asked us to keep in service has already been given his official letter of dismissal. X had Your permission and Amrita had already informed the Labour Office and the President. Now the dismissed man is again seeking work. May we safely and unhesitatingly take him back into service with his old roll-number and ...

... work-men went on strike, so he was taken back after he apologised, saying he would no more absent himself without authorisation. This month he took two days of unauthorised absence. If I take him to Amrita, some drastic step will be taken against him, I believe. As this workman is very lethargic, we will not mind losing him. But I am not sure if You would approve of it. It is no use dismissing servants ...

... third is Sushumna on the crown of the head. When these two are stopped, by inverting the tongue and blocking the passage of breathing, then Sushumna begins to function. The theory is that Nectar – Amrita – is dropping from the Sushumna even now but as the tongue dose not Page 48 taste it man does not enjoy the nectar. There is also a tradition that in Khechari Mudra one is able ...

...       Page 482               105.  Mother India, 19 May 1951.       106. It was perhaps this or one of the early versions that Sri Aurohindo read to Amrita in 1913. (Vide A.B. Purani, Life,p. 155).       107.  Cf. Iyengar:"...a devoted and widely-read Roman Catholic thinks that The Life Divine reminds him often of the structure as well as the ...


... Names of participants in the evening talks:- From 1923 – 1926 1. Barindra Kumar Ghose 2. Nolini Kanto Gupta 3. Bijoy Kumar Nag 4. Suresh Chakravarty – "Moni" 5. K. Amrita 6. B. P. Varma – “Satyen” 7. Tirupati 8. K. Rajangam 9. Khitish Chandra Dutt 10. A. B. Purani 11. "Pavitra' – P. B. St. Hilaire 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and 14 ...

... that everybody in England does not understand Milton and that the ordinary man has to prepare himself to understand high poetry. Disciple : Tagore says that even if what you have to give is Amrita – ambrosia – it must be eatable by the ordinary man. Sri Aurobindo : But people also must have capacity to understand and enjoy noble literature. Disciple : Kalelker in a recent article ...

... It was still very hot in the afternoon and the sun was very strong. As soon as the Mother arrived in the passage through Pavitra-da’s room She cried out loud: “Don’t pluck them!” Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Pavitra-da and the others who were present there were taken aback on hearing the Mother’s voice. She said: “These roses came and complained to me that they should not be plucked at odd times ...


... by Sri Aurobindo in his early days, of which I was unaware till then. "You will enjoy his old English," he said. And I did. Once Mother received a number of Rolex wrist watches. One she gave to Amrita, another to Nirod. "Nolini does not need a watch," she said, and gave him a dictionary. Nolinida was so punctual in his routine that it is said that people checked the correctness of their watches ...

... and underlined it twice. My mother, in spite of her orthodox background, took it well. When my mother's proposal for Brahmin feeding according to our custom was put before Mother, she agreed. Amrita who was sitting there offered himself as an invitee, saying, "Mother, I am a Brahmin; my name should be on the list." "Everyone in the Ashram is a Brahmin", someone remarked. Finally, some Brahmins ...

... Naren Banerji's, Dikshit's or Rishabchand's instructive readings from Sri Aurobindo's works, or visited Dilip's house to catch the strains of Mira bhajan, or exchanged words or smiles with Nolini, Amrita, Rishabchand, Pavitra, Prithwi Singh, Chandradip, Premanand, Gangadharam, or even if one merely watched the sadhaks at work - perhaps the rolling up or unrolling of mats at meditation time, or the ...

... thought of making it for him. As an absolute rule, He never asked for anything and treated everyone as his equal. When inadvertently his foot hit a young Tamil student who had just joined them (it was Amrita, the future treasurer of the Ashram), He got up from his chair, and in the best British manner, bowed and said: I beg your pardon. The rather wild group that sur­rounded him—and respected and loved ...

... gestures, looks, a whole swarm of inexactitudes checking the pure flow of the Shakti —a bird makes no inexact movement, it goes straight to its goal. Or else Sri Aurobindo left his typewriter to admonish Amrita, the young Tamil disciple who had been scolding the typesetter of the Modern Press for he was something of a drunkard and was always late with his proofs: You have no right to interfere in his personal ...

... important and unimportant, and happenings of the day. Once it was about my bed infested with bugs. (I was yet to learn of hygiene.) Sri Aurobindo wrote back humorously that a deputation headed by Amrita was being sent to investigate the state of affairs and exterminate the bugs. The Mother wrote to me to say that running in the street in the sun was not the way to cure a cold. Once I wrote to Sri ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace

... correspondent of the Madras-based newspaper The Hindu. His articles regularly found a place of prominence in The Bengalee of S. N. Banerji, The Indian Mirror of Keshab C. Sen, Hope, Amrita Bazar, etc. The youngest, Munindranath, was also a man of letters. The youngest daughter Lajjabati Bose's (1870-1942) poems were a feature of many Bengali magazines of the time. Neither she nor Jogindra ...

... information of Members? The Under Secretary could not deny having seen the Page 70 report in the Times but pleaded ignorance as to the veracity or otherwise of the published news. Amrita Bazar splashed the news on 9 April. "TELEGRAM ARABINDA'S WARRANT LORD MORLEY'S ENQUIRY London April 7: Mr. Motagu, replying to Mr. Ramsay Mac-Donald said 'Lord Morley ...

... April to which Montagu gave only a partial reply. To an additional query on the fate of the publishers he replied that the Secretary of State was 'not aware' of any other warrants in this matter. Amrita Bazar Patrika, in its editorial on 20 April expressed great surprise. "Mr. Montagu, the Under Secretary of State for India, said in answer to Mr. Ramsay MacDonald: that he was not aware of any ...

... t poet, accompanied them. 1 Moni and Bejoy 2 followed behind in push-push with the luggage, and a Tamil guide. To Moni's great surprise the house to which the guide 1 Both Purani and Amrita mention Bharati's presence. Not so 2 Moni. Moni does not quite remember about Bejoy. Page 32 The old pier at Pondicherry, where Sri Aurobindo landed ...

... landmark. Of course, the colony being French, educational institutions were almost the first to come up. The Lycee Francais was started by Viscount Desbassyns de Richmont. College Calve, where Amrita had his education, was founded in 1875 for Indian students. 1 1 These scraps of information were procured by my brother Abhay from Pondicherry Government Archives. Thanks to them all ...

... you have to have a feel for adventure. Adventure? what kind? Well, that depends. It could be an adventure of consciousness, where you explore inner worlds. Or ... Now one day before Amrita became familiar with Sri Aurobindo's house at rue Francois Martin, before Mother's arrival at the end of March, before Moni, Nolini, Saurin went away to Bengal in February 1914, something strange happened ...

... Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes The Alipore Bomb Case The Amrita Bazar Patrika asked editorially: " ... but why were they (Aurobindo and others) pounced upon in this mysterious manner, handcuffed and then dragged before the Police Commissioner...." No, tied with a rope; 1 this was taken ...


... without reserve. But we cannot receive it; and instead of reproaching ourselves for our inability, we put the blame on the Mother, pouring our venom on her which she swallows and offers back to us as Amrita in return. This experience brought me a mixed feeling of peaceful silence, self-reproach and a touch of sadness. It has remained with me all day, but now I apprehend a reaction; for usually my ...

... want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these but not your souls nor your minds____" (Amrita Bazar Patrika, July 4, 1940, "Method of Non-violence —Mahatma Gandhi's appeal to every Briton.") Page 229 July 7, 1940 With [Sub has] Bose on one side and Gandhi on the ...


... continue in spite of my students' apathy or can I give it up? Continue without hesitation. I have the deepest respect for Indian languages and continue to study Sanskrit when I have time. Amrita says that the situation of his Tamil class is much worse than that of the Hindi one. He says that Page 108 he will continue even if the students come no more... he will teach ...


... ( Questions and Answers 1929 , 28 July ), then asks: What is the relation between art and yoga? Can the artist and the yogi have the same source of inspiration? ( Mother turns to a disciple :) Amrita, will you tell us what relation there is between art and yoga? A beautiful relation.... Art can be a yoga and yoga is an art. That's very fine! I knew someone, an American lady, who said that ...


... more than anything else can cure them of the habit of speaking bad Hindi. Do you want me to continue teaching Hindi in spite of the apathy of the students? Continue without hesitation.... Amrita says that the situation of his Tamil class is much worse than that of the Hindi one. He says that he will continue even if the students come no more—he will teach to himself! 30 September 1959 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Bombay did not know the addresses of the Nationalist members?—did not know for instance, that Mr. Rasul was a Barrister-at-law, or Sj. Motilal Ghose edited a not altogether unknown journal called the Amrita Bazar Patrika or Srijut Bipin Chandra was Page 570 connected with a weekly called New India of which also even Bombay worthies must at least have heard. Or was it merely an amiable bit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... made were fair and moderate, we ask them to absolve us of all responsibility for the failure of the negotiations. The terms offered by the Moderate party were based on a compromise framed at the Amrita Bazar Office last year which has since been rejected by the Moderates in one of its most important features, namely, the insistence on the acceptance of the four Calcutta resolutions as an indispensable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of responsibility of Sri Aurobindo, the "Editor", and Shyam Sunder Chakravarti (here spelled Chuckerbutty). [5] A note on the use of Calcutta newspapers. The Englishman, Bengalee, Amrita Bazar Patrika, Empire, Statesman and Daily News were newspapers of Calcutta. Lacking its own reporters and the wherewithal to subscribe to the wire services, the Bande Mataram lifted most of its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... in consciousness ( cetathaḥ ) to the flowings of the Soma-wine; that is to say, the mind-power and life-power working together in human mentality are to awaken to the inflowings of this Ananda, this Amrita, this delight and immortality from above. They receive them into the full plenitude of the mental and nervous energies, cetathaḥ sutānāṁ vājinīvasū . 1 The Ananda thus received constitutes a new ...


... Soma, head & navel, enjoy, thou, O Soma, know when they grow to thee in their being.” Soma is the lord of the immortalising nectar, he is the god of Ananda, the divine bliss which belongs to the Amrita or divine nature of Sacchidananda and is its foundation. The most high seat of the truth, Mahas, the pure ideal principle which links the kingdom of Immortality to our mortal worlds, is peopled with ...


... continued for nearly an hour. Borne at first with passive ananda, it became at last nirananda & had to be expelled by a constant pressure of the Will accompanied by rapid breathing and swallowing of amrita in the saliva. Not the element of pain, but the element of discomfort overpowered the ananda for the reason that the element of pain appeals only to the body & the mind can accept or reject it easily; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... × In 1920. × Some disciples (Amrita for instance) kept them for several years. × In this connection, the reader will read with interest ...


... × An old and very faithful disciple whose body was found on the beach. This is the continuation of the series that began with Bharatidi, then Amrita, Pavitra.... Rishabhchand was the author of Sri Aurobindo—His Life Unique . × Astha is nine year ...


... a centre of scientific and technical education; it can no longer be a workshop in which national spirit and energy are to be forged and shaped. The Progress of China A recent article in the Amrita Bazar Patrika gives a picture of the enormous educational progress made by China in a few years. In the short time since the Boxer troubles China has revolutionised her educational system, established ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... feverish, or limited, but Shuddha Bhoga is calm, self-possessed, victorious, unlimited, without satiety and Vairagya, immortally blissful. It is in a word, not Harsha, not Sukha, but Ananda. It is Amrita, it is divinity and immortality, it is becoming of one nature with God. The soul has then no kama, but it has pure lipsa, an infinite readiness to take and enjoy whatever God gives it. Grief, pain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... . As if everything, but everything were exposed. ( silence ) People write to me... Previously, all kinds of things were going on downstairs [in the Ashram's offices]; people would speak with Amrita and they would "sort it out"; now, they're writing to me!... I've just heard a load of it, you know... ( gesture like a truckload being dumped ). I did have a kind of sensation that things weren't ...


... Ashram could easily boast of quite a few people who could be considered in cultural and literary fields equal of any of the greats in those spheres outside. To name a few: Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita, Anilbaran, Dilip Kumar Roy, Sahana Devi, Amal Kiran, Nishikanto. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have hinted that in their past lives some of these sadhaks had been great historical figures, and ...


... satire. Satyen, a linguist by predilection and training, began to write as if the doors of Truth were opened to him. It was a short brief hour, but brilliant and significant in its own time. In Amrita we see a power beyond him possessing him and making him say what he himself could not even comprehend at the moment. Purani began to translate Sri Aurobindo's works into Gujarati and also write ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 27 February 1932 Mother, In case a new servant is to be employed, I would prefer that he is given the work of the Meditation House as his main work. In addition, he could be given other minor chores, but the Dairy work should not be given to him. And then another man for the ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 14 February 1932 Mother, Sivalingam has given up his oil bath for a fort-night or so. The oil that was bought for him is with him unused. He asked me to put the following before you: As he will not be using oil for besmearing himself, the soap-nut powder is of no use to him. Therefore ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1932 Mother, The landlord informs me that only the bare land with its small dilapidated building will be given for rent — not the rest. He will come again to see me a little before six this evening. This does not sound promising. Such a restricted occupancy of the land ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 23 February 1932 Mother, Dr. Aroule desires to show his house to someone. He sent his chauffeur yesterday to ascertain whether it would be possible to do it. I replied: “I cannot allow you to take somebody into the house without first taking Mother’s sanction and fixing a time for ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 February 1932 Mother, Dyuman seems to have objection in sending the new servant, Joseph, with dishes to the ladies of the Ashram. Therefore he did not send the new man with the dishes this afternoon. Perhaps it is better not to allow the man inside the Asram for a few days, during ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 6 January 1932 ( Note to a property owner ) Regarding the disastrous condition of the wall separating the house you have rented to her from your own compound. This wall has crumbled down on your side endangering the solidity of the building on our side. We trust you will do the needful ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 January 1932 Mother, Sarala complains that Ammani is very irregular in attendance [ details given ] . She is asking for an advance of Rs. 6. Am I to do anything? Shall I detain the advance without paying Ammani for a day? You can say to Ammani that if she does not become ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 February 1932 Mother, Regarding the bullocks: (1) Can Krishnayya ask Rama Reddy to send the bullocks with a cart? I suppose so. (2) If the bullocks are to come, we have to arrange for hay, for a shed, etc. Before doing anything we must first be sure that the bullocks ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 February 1932 Mother, Where to put Duraiswami’s car that will come this evening? I don’t have the slightest idea! 20 February 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 26 August 1932 Mother, When Chandulal addresses me in his notes as his “lovable, loving brother”, there comes up in me a strong resentment. I am pushing it away by calling Your name. I am Your child and nobody’s brother. If you are my child, then you are the brother of all ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 June 1932 Mother, Duraiswami’s guests are arriving tomorrow and will stay in Chandrasekhar’s house. If Amal has to arrange for furniture for them, they will need three cots, three tables and three chairs. I thought there was some furniture in that house — I don’t like ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 April 1932 Mother, Today is the Payas 3 day. I propose the following arrangement: (details given). Yes, it is all right. But you must see that, while waiting to be boiled, the milk does not get dirty. It seems that very often all sorts of uncongenial things are found ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 June 1932 Mother, The pushwallah has vacated the premise of the Josué House. He wants the promised amount of three rupees paid to him now. Just now it is from the man to whom you give the Rs 3 that you must take a receipt. You will arrange with the proprietor afterwards. ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 May 1932 Mother, The milkmen are not coming. It is 5 a.m. What am I expected to do? If the milkmen don’t come we will have no milk today. We refuse to yield to their fancies and fetch milk from their house. 24 May 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 May 1932 Tobacco is the symbol of falsehood because you produce smoke out of your mouth! (says Sri Aurobindo) 8 May 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 December 1932 Mother, It seems from what Jayaraj told me this morning that he is unable to easily digest the Ashram bread. It is the same old story! He doesn’t want to eat bread in the morning. He begs You to let him have one more banana in addition to the phoscao. The bread ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 25 December 1932 Mother, You have asked, “When are there cakes in the Asram? I don’t understand.” Mother, Savitri bakes cakes from time to time. Evidently Jayaraj has received them from her each time. He asked You to let him have those Indian cakes, and nothing else. But ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 December 1932 Mother, It seems Kodandaraman is right about the deduction of two days’ wages from Muthu’s salary. He told me that You have sanctioned two days’ leave without pay because Muthu gave a false excuse for his two days’ absence. You can tell Muthu that I am once again ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 2 December 1932 Mother, When I report something to You, how can I trust my discretion? If I don’t tell You everything, I feel uneasy. But if I tell You every detail, I feel I am wasting Your time or am giving You unnecessary worry and trouble. Two horns of the dilemma! Mother, tell ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 December 1932 Mother, Kodandaraman seems to think that I have been the cause of much vexation to him on account of Muthu, Chellu and Marie. Perhaps he has good reasons on his side. The logic is evidently in his favour. Even if one is right, one is always wrong to be vexed ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 31 August 1932 Mother, How shall I adore you? By being happy and carefree in serving You? I shall not fail in using every opportunity that is put before me by You. Yes, but also by meeting what comes from others with perfect equanimity. 31 August 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1933 Mother, I will need to buy the following material to make a mattress for Swasti: 2 maunds of cotton, 8 yards of printed cloth, 31/2 yards of unbleached cloth, and some one yard of coloured cloth for stitching the border. The mattress maker will take two days to make ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 January 1933 Mother, Do people come to you on their own or is it the influence of the stars that sends them here? There is no question at all. It is one and the same, that is to say, it is neither the people who come to us, nor the stars that send them. There is one and same ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 February 1933 Mother, Varadou will come tomorrow morning. He will need to know your first name, your last name and your profession in order to prepare the lease. Will I be right in giving him the following information: “Madame Mira Alfassa, No profession”? Yes. I don’t ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 January 1933 Mother, Two fighting workers. J asked young D to bring some cloth for him from a village. The boy did not bring the cloth. The result was friction, scolding, indecent abuses — all from J’s side. The boy remained silent. Have you heard J abusing the boy? Were ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 6 January 1933 Mother, Venkataraman asked me whether I would show him the readings of my horoscope as calculated by Pavitra. I told him that they are not meant for circulation and that I could not give to anyone without your express sanction. He then asked me to ask you. No ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 13 February 1933 Mother, The Doctor is asking me for five rupees to disinfect the Budi House. I have given him three for the present. Shall I give him the rest? Yes. 13 February 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 March 1933 Mother, I did not receive Arjava yesterday. I was disinclined and indisposed. You seem to be rather fanciful in your dealings with people. 3 March 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1933 Mother, Will you permit me to have a rubber stamp on which can be printed simply “The Manager“? Yes. 16 March 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 March 1933 Mother, I was to bring the Notary in the car at 4.30 p.m. for him to see the houses for which the deed has been drawn up. When I went to his house, I found him very busy and I waited for him till 5.45 p.m. Patience was finding me unworthy. Then he wanted to go in a ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 March 1933 Mother, Vishnu will be shown tonight how the accounts are to be done. Up till now when the accounts books were with Nolin Behari, nobody had an easy access to them. From now on, if these books are to be kept in the accounts office of the Meditation House on an open ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 21 March 1933 Mother, De Quadros has been to see the Notary; later he met me. He wants me to convey his plea to you not to charge him the cost of the transfer of the title once you buy his house. He said he would bear half the cost of the Registration Charges and the Notary’s fee ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1933 Mother, I do not know whether you know the existing arrangement for payment in the Bullocks’ Department. Krishnayya pays the amount in advance to the cart-men directly. He takes the money from me with your sanction. I state this because Krishnayya told me this morning ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 March 1933 Mother, I have paid the tax, but one of the hundred-rupee notes was not accepted because it has been cut in a rather zigzag way. Wherever I have tried to make payment with that note, it has not been accepted. But one of our milkmen, Gopal, is ready to accept it. His ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1933 Mother, Prasanna has been asking every alternate day if you have given permission for her pocket watch to be repaired. She feels that perhaps you are angry with her on hearing that she has spoiled it for the third time. You can give the watch to be repaired but ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1933 Mother, Prasanna has been asking every alternate day if you have given permission for her pocket watch to be repaired. She feels that perhaps you are angry with her on hearing that she has spoiled it for the third time. You can give the watch to be repaired but ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 March 1933 Mother, Last night I went to bed at 11.15; I couldn’t go to sleep earlier. I had to get up at 3.45 a.m. and I did. Tonight also I have no hopes of going to bed before 11.00. I do not approve at all of this going to bed so late. If it is because of the accounts ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 April 1933 Mother, Krishnayya wants to help me in the Dairy work. Mother, would you have any objection if I familiarised him with the work? After helping me for about two months, he could substitute for me from time to time instead of Dyuman who has a lot to do. You could ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 26 April 1933 Mother, De Quadros, the previous owner of the house, has left behind a dog and two cats! As soon as the dog came out of the house we closed the door in such a way that it will not be able to enter again. I am sure that it will spend the whole night outside the house ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 May 1933 Mother, Ramchandra informs me that Louis Arogya [ a local resident ] has taken a turn to the Yoga. He has decided to join the Asram, but all depends on whether you will admit him or not. It would be good if he could give the date and the time of his birth. ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 14 May 1933 Mother, Louis Arogya will submit his personal documents to me tomorrow evening. What do you want me to do? Should I accept them so that I can give them to you? Advise me, Mother. You can tell him that I usually don’t give advice in matters of this kind. Still, if ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 May 1933 Mother, Rama Reddy has invited me to his house for lunch tomorrow! I told him that I would write to you today and wait for the answer tomorrow morning. He bought a half-measure of milk for the purpose! The stomachic soul in me seems to be very influential! You can ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 April 1933 Mother, Krishnaswamy Chetty, father of Sri Ramalu, has again sent his prayer through Joseph for you to allow him at least to meditate in the Reception Hall where Sri Aurobindo’s photo is kept. I think he can come once to the Reception Hall if he is so eager. ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 April 1933 Mother, Balanarayan tells me that he was given a present of one tray by the shopkeeper Appadurai. He is offering it to you, Mother. It is an ash tray! 12 April 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 May 1933 Mother, Paying one person out of other people’s money introduces difficulty in accounting. For example, two or three days ago I received Rs. 133 from you. But at the time of payment I found that I needed Rs. 159. So I took the remaining amount from the money deposited ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 June 1933 Mother, Louis Arogiassami of Reddiyarpalayam asked me whether he could come more often for the Pranam. He has a cycle and he could come every day, if permitted. He can come. He plans to send his mother to his brother’s house. Once that is taken care of, he wants ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 June 1933 Mother, Dyuman is somewhat upset because Jivan issued milk to Dande without consulting him. Nolini asked me yesterday to inform Dyuman about Dande’s going to the Dining Room to receive hot milk, but I failed to inform him of it. But Mother, did you tell Nolini that ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 14 May 1933 Mother, Some time back, Subramania Chetty installed two water connections — one in Subbu House and the other in Josué House. We did not pay him for these additional connections. Today he has dug up the two notes for these connections from his archives! But the other ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 15 May 1933 Mother, While Premanand was translating for me some sentences underlined in Dahi’s letter, Nolini came to the Library to take Premanand’s signature on the circular about the meeting. Nolini wanted Premanand not to talk about it to anybody, not even Amal. Now Amal and ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 2 June 1933 Mother, Pujalal asked in the evening to give him the address of V. Venkataraman in order to have an English dictionary brought from Madras. Can I give it to him, Mother? He intends to pay for this dictionary, I believe? You must make sure and only under this condition ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 22 May 1933 Mother, But what to do about the paddy? One has to choose either to finish the work in one day or to dry the paddy little by little for five days on the roof of Calve House. Arrange all that if you like — but don’t ask me questions about minor details. 22 May ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 30 October 1934 Mother, When milking began at 4.30 a.m., our policy was to fine the milkmen who came late. Now and then some of them would come late by five, ten or twenty minutes and this caused a lot of inconvenience to us. The fine levied up to now was three paise for every ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 September 1933 Mother, Kodandaraman engaged two coolies for two hours to shift Dilip’s belongings. He paid them Rs. 1. That is really something! He took the money from me in the morning and gave me the account in the evening. It is absurd! And why does he do things like that ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 26 September 1933 Mother, I have informed M. B. Desai that the bank has transferred to your credit the sum of Rs. 90, 8 as. This afternoon he received from me Rs. 10 and 8 as. In my notebook I will note Rs. 80 to the credit of M. B. Desai. Have I done the right thing, Mother? ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 20 December 1935 Sweet Mother, To what extent should one be wary of personal decisions and judgments? Is it the will or the need in one’s surroundings that determines what one should do? But neither the one nor the other should determine it. Should one remain passive? No, obey ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 11 September 1933 Mother, With an exceptionally silent mind, I met Sachi and Manubhai separately. I experienced an unusual clarity while understanding what they said to me. I prayed to you before going to them. It is nice to listen silently to the one who speaks. Bravo! ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 23 July 1933 Mother, Which of the two notices below will be preferable? Chairs are forbidden to be taken up to the roof or Chairs are forbidden to be taken up to the roof By order Chairs are not to be taken on the roofs or It is forbidden to take up ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 7 June 1933 I never heard that an unregistered parcel needed a signature. And if a signature was needed it was a great mistake to have put one in somebody’s behalf. 7 June 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 December 1928 Be truthful, sincere, awake. 3 December 1928 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 8 August 1936 Sweet Mother, You have spoken about the use of servants in connection with excessive expenses. I would very much like to put before you some suggestions: 1. Give up all the special services: laundry, hot water supply, mosquito-net cleaning, etc. 2. Limit ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 18 June 1936 Mother, Ambu informs me that Mother has asked him to speak to me about the periodical checking of the weights of the Building Service. Chandulal will not allow him to do this, unless he presents an authorisation written by the Mother. He never spoke a word to me ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 February 1936 Mother, Regarding the absence of domestic workers. A few months ago you told me that we could deduct money for absence from the Darshan tips we give them. I request you to allow me to deduct either the entire amount or part of it during the Darshan month. In ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 10 April 1936 Mother, Kiran, who already has one table, is asking for a second one in which to keep the photos. We have a dozen cane tables but she wants to have one with drawers. We cannot give a cane table for keeping the photographs. It is impossible to give two tables with ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 5 September 1955 Mother, Vinata is asking for seven extra keys for the gate of Montbrun House to minimise the theft in the house. Each inmate will have one key. This seems to me increasing the danger instead of diminishing it as some people are sure to lose their keys. But ...

... There he is within here, quite wakeful, looking in a rather amused way at what you people are doing. He is merged in me wholly, that is dwelling within me, not dissolved; he has his personality intact. Amrita is different. He is there outside, one of you, one among you people moving about. At times, of course, when he wants to take rest and repose he comes and lodges here. A remarkable story. A great and ...


... go and tell Louis that he should take them back on the “old terms” (i.e. as ‘old’ employees). Then She said: “You need not go. You have 1st and 2nd Dec. practices. I will send someone else through Amrita.” My role was over — I know nothing more about the episode. Time went by as it has to. Some more Ashramites, some old and many new, were sent to work under Louis. It was hard to please Louis. A ...


... Mother once commented about this aspect of my nature to Sri Aurobindo, just by observing me from far. When Sri Aurobindo lived in Library House, the present Fruit Room was his dining room. Nolini, Amrita, Bijoy and Moni, who lived in Library House, also dined with him. One day while eating, Sri Aurobindo said, “Mirra (as Mother was then called) told me that Champaklal has a steadfast and meticulous ...


... vocabulary though English is the language I heard about my cradle." Fortunately for us, English is a remarkably hospitable language and has already accepted Sanskrit words like karma, maya, dharma, amrita, Brahma, mantra if not lila, bhakti, pranam, japa, mukti, bhava, ananda, samskara which, as A.E. rightly says, have no counterparts in English. But as — to quote Sri Aurobindo, the Poet- Seer — ...


... more favorably inclined. It was difficult to reach all the traditionalists, for example, the people attached to the old spiritual forms; well, they seem now to have been touched by something. When Amrita, 5 seized with zeal, wanted to make him understand what we were doing here and what Sri Aurobindo had wanted, it almost erupted into an unpleasant situation. So after that, I decided to identify ...


... It came like that, in a quite childlike form, but very, very pure. And two days later, when it was necessary for the money to come, for me to have money, just as everything seemed quite impossible, Amrita suddenly came in, telling me, "Here, so-and-so has sent a cheque for such-and-such an amount."—Exactly the amount needed. And I think it was the first time that person had sent money. It was quite ...


... question, I will answer you." "The Divine is an absolute of perfection, eternal source of all that exists, whom we grow progressively conscious of, while being Him from all eternity." Once, Amrita told me too that for him it was something simply unthinkable. So I answered him, "No! That way doesn't help. Just think that the Divine is everything (to the fullest possible extent, of course), everything ...


... together made me... "Well," I said, "this is surprising!" You understand, just enough time to go out of Page 25 his body normally and enter another normally. I didn't say anything, but it was Amrita who brought me the telegram; we looked at each other, and I said, "Well, well!" That's all. The next day, the whole Ashram knew that Paul Richard had reincarnated in R.! Someone even wrote to me, "I ...


... to get revenge. For several weeks in a row, at certain times of the day stones rained in the courtyard of the Guest-House: a disciple even had his arm injured. It was a condensation of vital forces. Amrita picked up some of those stones and preserved them to study them scientifically, but they were real stones, whose only peculiarity was that they were covered with moss all over. That was in 1921. Sri ...


... the same reality, the same density and the same conscious, independent existence. There I see... Last night (or the night before, I don't know), there were things like that: Chandulal 8 was there, Amrita too, they met and talked, made plans together, just as they would have done physically on earth. It wasn't the first time they were meeting, and they said to each other, "I'll tell you tomorrow..." ...


... of the group in the "Prosperity" Room. The other was Amal. This selection did not denote that either Doraiswamy or Amal was more deeply devoted to the Mother than the rest of those present: Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Dyuman, Champaklal, Lalita, Tajdar, Chinmayi, Dara, etc. It simply denoted that Doraiswamy and I turned inwardly to the Mother most frequently for help because we found ourselves more often ...


... Your reply, in spite of all that I have already urged, will be that, for whatever reason, she was ready to give up her body and had in mind the body of Nolini or Champaklal or Dyuman or Pavitra or Amrita or Satprem to fulfil the work Sri Aurobindo had assigned to her: namely, "our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation."   Now is the moment for me to set forth my discovery to drive home ...


... matter! In the past, when I had money problems, I always had money from here or there, it was easy: I would take it, and as soon as money came, I'd put it back. But now it no longer works! I owe Amrita 20,000 rupees; I owe H. 13,000 rupees; I owe the cashier 15,000 rupees. That's how it is. It doesn't matter, I don't attach any importance to it. We have an awesome budget; we have the budget of ...


... there are only 365 days in a year, and we are... including the visitors who come specially for their birthdays, nearly 1,300 people. Most people I don't see, but some I have to: people like Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Champaklal, 2 I can't but give them a moment. Then there are people who come from Africa, from Europe, and who ask to see me before leaving, so... So I am listening to you now. ...


... background may be elicited from the name of Sandrocottus's son, which we have already mentioned: Amitrachates or Amitrochades. We may remember Barua's reading 1 of the Sanskrit equivalent for the latter: "Amrita-khāda" ("Eater of ambrosia"). With the Allāhābād Pillar inscription's presentation of Samudragupta, the son of Chandragupta I, as a god in human form this reading accords very well, as does also our ...


... demonstrativeness, but a good deal of concentrated self-dedication.         The next definition runs: "Faith in the Divine and aspiration for the Highest."         This has for me the ring of Amrita. It has a spontaneous putting of oneself in the Mother's care, believing in her implicitly and trying one's best to live up to her expectations.         Then we have a long definition: "A series ...


... freer and fresher. P.S. There was one little disappointment this morning. The Mother did not like the idea of Soli taking me to her new room. The fact is that nobody is taken there—even Nolini and Amrita haven't seen it. Only those who are strictly concerned with the work are allowed. Although disappointed I wasn't at all depressed. I perfectly understood the situation and saw the Mother's viewpoint ...

... Old Long Since Old Long Since (By Amrita) (1) In our village and all around, four names of four great personages were being continually talked of. It was the time when Independence, Foreign Rule, Slavery were the cries that used to fill the sky. And the four great names that reached our, ears in this connection were Tilak, Bipinchandra Pal ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... Krishnalal, Jayantilal, Vasudev-bhai and others were there to arrange everything. The Mother asked me not to go to the Exhibition Hall once the exhibition of the Savitri paintings was declared open by Amrita. Nolini-da, Dyuman and Udar accompanied him. I obeyed her. A dear old lady said to me with good will: Huta, I saw the exhibition of Savitri paintings. You have done the work of 100 births ...

... just come back from the Ashram Theatre [ where the Christmas celebration and. distribution were held ] and were sitting in your studio trying out the toys you had received—the whistle etc. Just then Amrita came out of Mother's room and told you: 'Mother says that if Champaklal wants to show his Christmas presents, she is ready to see them.' Accordingly you went up to her and showed those things. She ...


... Singh and Sujata are waiting near Pavitra's laboratory door; and, a little further, stands Jayandlal. Inside the laboratory are Pavitra, Noren Singh, Sumantra, Suprabha and Sumkra. 2 Nolini and Amrita are in Pavitra's room. On the window-side, to the south of the passage, stand Pujalal, Nirod and Biren; in front of the table, Kalyan 3 and Mrityunjoy 4 . She greets them all, though not in ...


... Part II: Notes, Prayers and Reflections of the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Champaklal’s Treasures Amrita - sketch by the Mother ...

... understand whether he was joking or telling the truth. It is not easy for me to distinguish between a joke and a serious statement. But from his expression he seemed really impressed. That same evening Amrita came to my room and said, “Barin told me that Champaklal's room is worth seeing and insisted I come and see for myself. So I have come.” This is how the Mother cleared my doubts about Barin's statement ...


... room and it was allotted to Doraiswami. On the opposite side, where Navajata's rooms are, there was a large terrace in which pots of rose plants were kept. Mother was deeply interested in roses, so Amrita maintained that garden and Barin tended the plants. This is why that house was called Rosary House. Incidentally, the roses were taken to Mother in an interesting way. They were placed in a tin ...


... “What is Yoga?” To feel a warmth and a glow in the heart in my relation with You.—Amal Transformation of my consciousness in terms of the consciousness of the Mother.—Amrita To live in Mother and to know Mother's Will.—Champaklal To do as Mother directs us to do.—Chandulal A series of experiences which the individual soul feels from the time of its contact with the ...


... (even in the physical cells).—Chandulal I pray constantly to Him to give me the realisation of the harmony between the inner and the outer that I may devote myself entirely and truly to the Mother.—Amrita In the perfect peace the descent of the supramental light in the physical.—Dyuman Make my body a perfect instrument of your work.—Satyen Right attitude.—Champaklal ...


... chiming, he would ask me: “Champaklal, have you informed Bansidhar?” And when Bansidhar came to repair it, he would watch with interest. Sri Aurobindo always had a special tender smile for Amrita. For Nolini he had a deep and intense smile. As you know Sri Aurobindo often said that Nolini has clarity of mind. And he also remarked: “What I cannot read of my handwriting, Nolini can.” Sri ...


... Top: Rajangam, Timpati, Khitish, Nolinida, Satyen, Kanai, Bejoy, Purani and Nagaratnam (a local devotee) Centre: Punamchand, Champaben, Mrs. Kodandaraman, Mr. Kodandaraman Bottom: Champaklal, Moni, Amrita, Manmohan. Part V, "Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother", contains advice to sadhaks on various subjects. How can one know when he meets his psychic mate? Did Buddha live ...

... and barrier. February 2, 1935 I have received Rs.240 rent for the other house (I don't know why he insured for Rs.270). I deposit the same as well [as ?] Rs.300 from the bank with Amrita. The bank balance ;'s low. And this tenant sends an estimate for Rs.570 for repairs! How to reduce it? If it can't be reduced, well, it will be difficult to offer Rs.300 even — (Sri A ...

... and devout follower of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, took him to Sri 'M' (Sri Mahendranath Gupta), who had kept a day-to-day record of Sri Ramakrishna's sayings, later published as Ramakrishna Kath-amrita in Bengali (translated into English as The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1922). Dilip was deeply fascinated by Sri Ramakrishna's personality, installed him in his heart as his Guru and loved him ...

... and manifest immortality. Can you comment? S: I would word it in a slightly different way: it is about transcending mortality. But you are absolutely right, that is what we call ambrosia, amrita: that which does not die is ananda, the primal joy, the elixir of immortality that we drink from the cup of dance. Dance or such activities provide us with that elixir, even if momentarily, which ...

... works are available at: MIRA ADITI Centre 62 'Sriranga' II"'1 Main 1st Cross T.K Layout Saraswatipuram MYSORE - 570009 - INDIA Some other works on Sri Aurobindo Amrita and Nolini Reminiscences (Ashram Press, 1969) Chandrasekharam, V. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine" (Ashram Press 1941) Chattopadhyaya, D.P. Sri Aurobindo on Man ...

... illnesses. Page 50 ment of the sadhana?       Mother does not believe much in an easy chair sadhana. In fact there is, I think, no easy chair but all the same you can ask Amrita.         What the Mother meant was that this meditating on an easy chair which is so common in the Ashram is a new thing to her and she finds it rather a tamasic habit. There can be no objection ...

... physical of which we become aware by Yoga. April 8, 1936 My big photo requires Sanjiban's treatment. Granted permission? What? which? where? how? What disease? what medicine wanted? Amrita says no water should drain into the street except rain water. But we have to wash frequently the Dispensary courtyard as it's too hot. What's the solution of the impasse? If it is for coolness ...

... management of the household. The number of residents, including Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had now increased to nine. In addition to the four companions who initially came with Sri Aurobindo, K. Amrita became an inmate in 1919, followed by Barin, who arrived after his exchange of letters with Sri Aurobindo, and by Datta who came with the Mother. With the increase in the number of inmates it became ...


... March 1946, the British Government decided to send a Cabinet Mission to India to negotiate with Indian leaders for the eventual transfer of power to Indian hands. Sri Aurobindo was requested by the Amrita Bazar Patrika to give his views on this important development and on March 24, 1946, the following statement was issued by him: 'Sri Aurobindo thinks it unnecessary to volunteer a personal pronouncement ...


... Moon-God, whose plant of intoxication has to be gathered on lovely mountain heights in the moonlight and whose purified juice and essence is the sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amrita, without which the gods themselves could not be immortal." 98 97The first manned spacecraft landed on the moon on 20 July 1969. 98 SABCL, 9:331-32. Page 63 This is ...


... has to be got rid of, so I am taking trouble. I wouldn't if it were not worth while. Ishwarbhai is suffering from inability to eat or digest what he has eaten. Mother proposes to treat him like Amrita with nux vomica and with syrup of bitter orange. He will probably come to you for them; give and instruct him. May 12, 1937 A says his trouble has increased: headache, flatulence, many ...

... "Let us first see how these get on." After a year or so, all of them found shelter under her wide protective wings. She observed later on before Sri Aurobindo that they were a "success". I remember Amrita going about and looking for a house where the entire family could be lodged together. A new house which had recently been taken for some young sadhaks was chosen for them and the sadhaks removed to ...

... effect of the bromide and it may be safer not to give him too much of it. Sitabala got a slight headache after a cold bath... She asks if she could have hot water. Yes, she can have. Inform Amrita. October 30, 1937 ... N is the same. Do you advise any outside consultation or Dr. R? Or shall we wait? We can wait a few days more. October 31, 1937 ...

... works of Sri Aurobindo Vol 6-7 p977 7.  All material From Wikipedia on the internet Chapter 11 1.From Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta Vol 7 2. From Old Long Since by Amrita Page 133 Chapter 12 All material taken from Randour Guy's blog Chapter 13 1.  Complete works of Sri Aurobindo Vol 36 p170-171 ...

... There is no table for my personal use, and for your big photo what would you suggest, a small cane table or nails on the wall? No nails on the wall—absolutely forbidden. Ask for a small table from Amrita. By the way, I find that I am extremely hilarious and happy, though I am doing very little sadhana. One cause, I find, is the daily contact with you. But is hilarity permissible in the court of ...

... in his consciousness. That was the central theme, because a truly great poet means a status of consciousness; in order to understand his consciousness you must become identified with his being. Amrita also used to say the same thing, because he was learning the Gita from Sri Aurobindo. He could feel the spirit of Krishna and the spirit of Arjuna throughout Page 5 —their relations ...


... ("The World War" and "The Situation of To-day"), the others are translations. The reminiscences of Nolini Kanta Gupta and those of Suresh Chandra Chak-ravarty were written in Bengali and those of Amrita (Old Long Since) in Tamil. All these essays, both in the original and in translation, were at the outset published in journals and some subsequently in book-form. The collection here is presented ...


... rows. The right side of the Mother represented Light, on the left was Power. Each of us found a seat to her right or left according to the turn of our nature of the inner being. I was to her right, Amrita sat on her left. A strange thing used to happen every day at these medita­tions. Purushottam was one of our number in those days. He used to sit directly in front of the Mother, a little apart ...

...   ACHERON, 103 Aditi, 131-2 Adityas, the, 144­ Aesop, 21 Agastya, 74 Agni, 133, 138-40, 144 Ajdeb, 277 Algeria , 12 Amrita, 38, 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n        Arabia (L'Arabie), 1I8 Arcturus, 297        Arjuna, 38, 68, 112 Asura, 148,272 ...

... gardeners have remained absent from work since the 26th of last month without informing us. X got Your permission to send them away. One of them turned up for work this morning, after 18 days' absence. Amrita has already given me his official letter of dismissal (referring there to an article in the Convention Collective), copies of which have been sent to the Labour Office and the President. This letter ...

... caught him red-handed. On cross-examining these gardeners and also R, X came to know that R and N had tried to cut bits in the morning also. What do You advise us to do? A good scolding from Amrita and a warning that if they begin doing again such things, they will be dismissed. 19 October 1938 ...

... Marching". Mother herself had translated my English commands of Gymnastic Marching into French. Page 286 Mother with Nehru, Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi, Amrita-da, Nolini-da and Pranab are on the left. Page 287 Mother on her way to the "Island" on 18.3.59 Page 288 Mother visiting the ...


... arrest you and a police case would follow." How anxious Mother was for me! However, the matter did not go that far. Incidentally, one evening, much later, Mother sent me a chit through Amrita-da. "Pranab," she wrote, "I have a strange feeling that there's some danger hovering over you. Be alert." But thanks to Mother's grace no danger came my way. Page 40 This is just ...


... spoil both. NIRODBARAN: A has asked to clear some English constructions in The Life Divine which he couldn't understand. PURANI: Olaf also doesn't understand The Life Divine. He was telling Amrita, '"Or rather; or rather'-what does all that mean?" SRI AUROBINDO: He doesn't know English, and what he writes is Swedish English. He says reading The Life Divine is all sadhana. Sadhana of hunger ...


... NIRODBARAN: We do not hear of Gamelin now. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): No. NIRODBARAN: Has he committed suicide then? SRI AUROBINDO: No, he has been relieved of his duty. NIRODBARAN: The Amrita Bazar says that the failure to blow up a bridge on the Meuse was responsible for the German penetration. SRI AUROBINDO: That is one reason; but Gamelin's disposition and his placing of troops under ...


... often in the morning she found a heap of these newspapers, and ourselves making a jolly good feast of them. Suddenly one day to our surprise all the papers stopped coming except The Hindu and the Amrita Bazar Patrika . Sri Aurobindo looked as usual for the Daily Mail . We had to tell him that the Mother had banned all these papers, for they seemed to spoil the atmosphere of the room. The Mother did ...

... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 11 JANUARY 1940 Today we showed Sri Aurobindo the Amrita Bazar Patrika "Forecast of the Year" by one Capricornicus. SRI AUROBINDO (after reading it) : Hitler, it says, will be crushed in March; it may happen but there is no sign of it at present. Most of the things will happen, it seems, in the first quarter of the year ...


... them being to capture the Congress in a year. NIRODBARAN: He still seems to have a big following. In Calcutta he addressed a large gathering. SRI AUROBINDO: Who says "large"? NIRODBARAN: The Amrita Bazar reported it. SRI AUROBINDO: In places like Calcutta and Bombay the Leftists seem to be large in number but even around Bombay they were badly defeated in the elections. If the Congress ...


... sweetness, she looked like Maheshwari of transcendent glory. She would stand silently before the body, look at it for some time and quietly retire. Sometimes she was accompanied by Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita and others. She did not want the body to be touched and wished that an utter silence should prevail in the room at all times. On 9th December, the Light faded and signs of discoloration here and ...

... in his consciousness. That was the central theme, because a truly great poet means a status of consciousness; in order to understand his consciousness you must become identified with his being. Amrita also used to say the same thing, because he was learning the Gita from Sri Aurobindo. He could feel the spirit of Krishna and the spirit of Arjuna throughout ― their relations and the atmosphere ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 Index ADITI, 287 Agnl,189,221,280,327,371 Ahriman, 287 Akbar, 196 Algeria, 141 Amrita, 29 Arjuna, 206, 350 Aryama, 330 Ashram, the, 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 ...

... eye mirrors the measureless sky, the other holds the mystery of the blue. Two pictures in one frame.   NRIPENDRAKRISHNA   Page 191        AMRITA (On his birthday ¹ )     WHAT we understand easily we believe we understand rightly, We make a confusion between the face and its mask. We think ...

... Indian Express wrote that it was "the chance of many life-times to be present at the birth of a city, and of a city, too, that will be in tune with the noblest ideals of India and the world". The Amrita Bazar Patrika said that Auroville was "going to be a laboratory of the evolving world city". Angelo Moretta wrote in Giornale d'ltalia that Auroville would "serve to translate into reality the teachings ...

... Mother, but the concern had to be sold in 1920 when he went away to Bengal. In the meantime the war continued, and the Arya continued; and when the war ended, the Mother came finally on 24 April 1920. Amrita and Barin were also of the group, and it became a more cohesive, a better organised group after 24 November after 1920. When the Arya was suspended in 1921, the group began to look more inward than ...

... 30. Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 576 31. Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 1, p. 252 32. Ibid., p. 253 33. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 16, pp. 313-14 34. N. K. Gupta & K. Amrita, Reminiscences, p. 159 35. Ibid., p. 171 36. Ibid., p. 183 37. Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 1, p. 287 38. Ibid., p. 291 Page 799 ...

... greatest among them, could do such a thing. There he is within here, quite wakeful.... He is merged in me wholly, that is dwelling within me, not dissolved: he has his personality intact. Amrita too, another of the most seasoned sadhaks, had lately passed away, but his situation was significantly different. "He is there outside," the Mother said, "one of you, one among you people moving ...


... there were negotiations in progress, or there were new constitutions, alterations, or additions to the old buildings. Divine economy didn't always conform to the principles of classical economy, and Amrita, Counouma and others were often baffled at first, or surprised, by her decisions, but also profoundly satisfied in the end. Nolini, the ageless Secretary, needed no speech to understand the Mother's ...


... uninhibited 'freedom'. While some were openly critical of the new order, some merely found themselves unequal to the demands made upon them by the changed situation. Of. course, people like Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal and Pavitra had already accepted unquestioningly whatever Sri Aurobindo proposed or approved. Page 246 But it was otherwise with rebellious spirits like Sri Aurobindo's ...


... to see through the press and despatch to the subscribers and the agencies after obtaining the necessary visas; there were the meetings of the New Idea, and there were sessions of readings with Amrita and others; and there were, above all, the evening meetings at Sri Aurobindo's place, and the Sunday evening meetings at hers. The news of the War - now terribly disturbing, now guardedly reassuring ...


... week to the French Post Office to get the Mother's foreign mail in two or three white canvas bags. Pavitra helped the Mother in her foreign correspondence, and was even otherwise a constant help. Amrita looked to many of the details of the internal management. Reports from each department came to the Mother every evening, and urgent matters at almost any time. She took careful note of the work ...


... Sethna from Bombay, Sahana Devi and Dilip Kumar Roy from Bengal, Miss Maitland from the U.K. and others. Among the old-timers, Nolini was Secretary of the Ashram, silent and efficient as ever, and Amrita was its manager. Pavitra was in charge of the Workshop. The sadhaks old and new had now every opportunity to see the Mother in her myriad manifestations, and in particular as patient persevering ...


... of Nature through artificial chemical means. Twice or thrice a day in her snowlike robe and with a scarf covering her head, the Mother visited Sri Aurobindo's room, sometimes accompanied by Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra and others, and silently communed with Sri Aurobindo. "Her face calm and grave, yet softened with a maternal sweetness, she looked", says Nirodbaran, "like Maheshwari of transcendent glory ...


... elderly with new-found eagerness also joined joyfully in the Mother’s karmayoga, this sadhana of the transformation of the body. They began mixing with the children as friends. Nolini-da, Pavitra-da, Amrita-da, Dyuman-bhai, Purani-ji, Nirod-da and many others became our best friends. We could speak with them most freely. In the beginning we used to say about them (of course, behind their backs!) that ...


... father’s body and sit around it. Meditate for an hour.” Then She turned to me and said: “Don’t cry. Meditate for one full hour. Don’t worry about the flowers. I will give the flowers to Nolini, Amrita and Pavitra. They will also sit and meditate with you.” We returned from the Mother and came back home and sat before father’s body. We began meditating. But what was this! I kept seeing father ...


... Names of participants in the evening talks : From 1923-1926  1. Barindra Kumar Ghose  2. Nolini Kanta Gupta  3. Bijoy Kumar Nag  4. Suresh Ghakravarty – "Moni"  5. K. Amrita       .  6. B. P. Varma −"Satyen"  7. Tirupati  8. K. Rajangam  9. Khitish Ghandra Dutt 10. A. B. Purani 11. "Pavitra" – P. B. 3t. Hilaire 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and ...

... one happened in August ’70, when her personal assistant, who had served her for so many years with great fidelity had to stop her work. One year before, She had already lost her smiling treasurer, Amrita, then Pavitra, her General Secretary, one of the only pure and solid elements around her. She was increasingly alone in front of the pack. For a month, during those days of August, 1970, her body struggled ...

... topic again with anyone. But I was a little girl, after all, just 10 years old then! The wish remained in my heart. One day, as I was getting into the Dining Room with Ma and Dada, we met Nolini-da and Amrita-da coming out. I spontaneously ran up to him, held his hand and blurted out, "Nolini-da, I want to dance and sing before the Mother!" Nolini-da patted my head and tenderly replied," I'll tell the Mother ...


... 01 September 1934 MYSELF: Mother mine, here is the account of last month. You will see that I took ten rupees’ advance last month. May I take another ten rupees extra from Amrita, as I have bought some very good cheese for Sri Aurobindo’s sandwiches? I have signed my name and not yet paid the money. When I see anything especially good or nice anywhere I feel like buying it ...

... Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, had made a plea for boycott in his Sanjivani; and on 17 July, a correspondent "G" had strongly advocated boycott in the columns of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Was "G" really Aurobindo Ghose? Was it Barindra Kumar Ghose? 14 Anyhow, all climaxed in the events of 7 August, and the swadeshi-boycott offensive received the tardy imprimatur ...

... for such things. And there was a peculiar new substance in the saliva, owing to which these changes were Page 152 probably taking place." He explained. "The Yogis say some sort of amrita (nectar) flows down from the top of the brain that can make one immortal." Ever practical, he added, "Another curious thing I noticed was that whenever I used to sit for pranayama not a single mosquito ...

... Page 552 Mission's work. She refused. In January 1903 the Mission's authorities, headed by Swami Brahmananda, made her write an open letter which was published the next day in the Amrita Bazar Patrika, and in The Statesman whose editor Ratcliffe was a friend of hers; in the letter she said that she was cutting off her relations with the Mission of her own free will. The Mission ...

... had helped in his cause and acknowledge the congratulatory telegrams and letters that kept pouring in from his innumerable admirers and well-wishers. His letter was published on 18 May both in the Amrita Bazar Patrika and The Bengalee. "Sir, Will you kindly allow me to express through your columns my deep sense of gratitude to all who have helped me in my hour of trial? Of the innumerable ...

... Narrating the episode to his disciples, Page 47 Sri Aurobindo added, "A Zamindar disciple of the Yogi found me out and bore the cost of the book Yogic Sadhan. "The book, according to Amrita, was printed at Srirangam Vani Vilas Press in 1911. Reprinted several times over the years its last edition came out in 1933. K. Y. R. not only bore the cost of the printing of Yogic Sadhan, but ...

... senses due to a strong dose, he feared we would have beaten him." Everybody laughed. "Second time," said Sri Aurobindo, "I took it here at Barin's persuasion. It was a strong dose, but had no effect." Amrita confirmed that Sri Aurobindo indeed took a very heavy dose, sufficient to kill an elephant, but it had no effect on him. 1. Bhang, an Indian hemp, is used as narcotic and intoxicant; it is taken ...

... brother Bari were in Calcutta; they were given the news after the funeral. Krishna Dhan died in December 1892, most probably on Wednesday the 14 th . An obituary was published on the 15 th in the Amrita Bazar Patrika. On Saturday, 17 December 1892, the Bengalee published the following on the demise of Dr. Ghose. "It is with very great regret that we have to record the death of Dr. K. D. Ghosh ...

... Laughter ) SRI AUROBINDO: He felt inspired? ( Laughter ) PURANI: Perhaps. Mother has again taken him into service. ( Sri Aurobindo laughed .) PURANI: Amrita's servant has stood guarantee for him. SATYENDRA: And who stood guarantee for Amrita's servant? ( Laughter ) PURANI: They have made a good collection for the Red Cross. Dr. André and his chief were members. It is Rs. 8000. SATYENDRA: ...

... but he was the one who was driving. Now I understand my vision. It was that force, that power in him... it was tremendous. ( silence ) It was a rather peculiar night.... An old friend of Amrita's died in the night: Ganeshan. I didn't know. And it was... How can I really explain?... The body, the body consciousness was the consciousness of a dying body, and at the same time with the perfect ...

... how the form of the Pranam was very much changed: It was no longer in the room where one could approach Her in privacy, but in the open verandah in the Meditation House, downstairs in front of Amrita's room, where we all sat together and looked at each person approaching the Mother, instead of concentrating on how to stand in Her Presence. No longer different flowers to every person this time; ...

... sometimes coming in a flood like the Ganges or the Brahmaputra. There is one more modern trait, which my my friend Purani has noted. During the early years of the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo's foot once touched Amrita's inadvertently. Sri Aurobindo sat up in the chair and said: "I beg your pardon." Well, the Guru telling a shishya "I beg your pardon" is certainly modern!         To further demonstrate the ...

... sometimes coming in a flood like the Ganges or the Brahmaputra, There is one modern trait, which our friend Purani has noted. During the early years of the Ashram, Sri Aurobindo's foot once touched Amrita's inadvertently. Sri Aurobindo sat up in the chair and said, "I beg your pardon." Well; the Guru telling a shishya "I beg your pardon"—if that's not modern, I don't know what is! To further demonstrate ...

... stay in the Darshan hall for a few weeks, we could sometimes hear him downstairs, a gentle cough or a word uttered, now and then, during Nirod's perusal of the papers. Also, sometimes, standing in Amrita's room, I would hear the Master's footsteps as he walked upstairs. You know He shifted from the main room to the Darshan hall when the main room was under renovation. Page 163 ...

... it does not recommend itself to me. I see you are having great difficulties over the money question. Remember that money as a general power is still in the hands of the adverse forces, Mammon or Amrita's grand Titan. The favourable force can only come in waves which must be realised at once, otherwise the adverse forces will intervene and create all difficulties. Also it will not do to relax effort ...

... concentrate on the Divine. Perhaps that is why most sadhikas did some embroidery in their spare time, and also to create something to offer to Mother on their birthday. Another close friend was Amrita’s sister, Padmasini, who was in charge of the domestic service. A daughter of a police inspector, her bearings and dealings intimidated most sadhaks. As a result, her long-time assistant Arvind Sule ...

... course, there was no question of asking Mother for “receipts” when I placed my offering on her lap. It is more than likely that there has never been any trace of those gifts (except perhaps in Amrita’s notebooks) and they can deny what they all know perfectly well (I remember a fragment of conversation with Counouma who, with his usual tone of a perfidious sacristan, told me one day, “Oh, you ...