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A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal Speaks [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Debou's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [6]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [5]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On The Mother [8]
On the Path [1]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [5]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [26]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Grace [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [4]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [14]
The Spirit of Auroville [16]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
To the Heights [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
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English [214]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal Speaks [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Debou's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [6]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [5]
More Answers from the Mother [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On The Mother [8]
On the Path [1]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [5]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [26]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Grace [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [4]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [14]
The Spirit of Auroville [16]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
To the Heights [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
214 result/s found for Mahakali

... “Stop! Stop! Otherwise you will provoke Mahakali, you will provoke Mahakali.” The Mother was doing Her utmost to try and spare Her own child from the terrible wrath and fury of Mahakali. I stood on the staircase and went on praying to the Mother: “Ma, Ma, please spare the boy from the awful wrath of Mahakali. Please save him. Please calm Mahakali down.” I peeped in and saw that the Mother... us on this special day. On this special day the Mother used to bring down Mahakali. Mahakali was seated within the Mother. And unknowingly we would all feel a little of the different aspects of the Mother. When one is close to the fire, one cannot but be touched by its warmth. The Mother kept the Rudra aspect of Mahakali always under control but in spite of that sometimes this terrible aspect of... she can very easily put a pressure upon Mahakali and tell her, “Keep quiet”. And the other is obliged to keep quiet; and yet she acts quite independently. The next question was about Mahakali’s intervention, for by her action what would have taken centuries could take place now. I say it is for this that Mahakali is there and does her work. But Mahakali has a particular way of seeing the work; ...


... Mahasaraswati. When the combination Mahakali-Mahasaraswati is perfect, the pratistha will be entirely covered. It only emerges when it is necessary to correct the tendency of Mahakali to assert the supremacy of her own peculiar bhava to the detriment of the Mahasaraswati cont[in]ent. The type fixed is the Mahakali bhava of the Mahasaraswati Personality, not the Mahakali personality. The emergence of... and the subsequent discrediting of the sanction. Page 639     It is a circumstance of the imperfect assimilation of the Mahakali Bhava, which in its stronger movements tends to be the pure Mahakali using Mahasaraswati & not Mahasaraswati informed by Mahakali. It is therefore an imperfection of the Daivi Prakriti. 4 October 1914 तस्मा उ राधः कृणुत प्रशस्तं     प्रातर्मंक्षू धियावस... combination of Ananda + Tapas, centred in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati Bhava; (2) to assert the passive Devi in place of the Asuro-Rakshasic (Chandi) Devi governed by the Deva in Krishna.     It is now a settled gain that the Maheshwari bhava as pratistha is practically covered over; it is dominated, first, by Mahasaraswati as continent and, secondly, by Mahakali as inhabitant, seated on Maheshwari & embraced ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... chatusthaya with the Mahakali bhava tends to fix itself. There is sraddha in the struggle & power of battle, not yet firm sraddha in the result. Page 897 The main point is that the maintenance of Mahakali bhava no longer depends on successful manifestation of power. Formerly with insuccess it fell back to Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati, recently to M.M with quiescent Mahakali. At present it wavers... wavers between M³ with predominant Mahakali & insufficient Mahaluxmi colouring and M⁴ with insufficient Mahakali force. In the latter case Maheshwari pratistha tends to be hidden, as is intended, in Mahakali intensity of the prana, but the intensity ceases in the general Tapas. In the latter there is intensity of tapas, but the pratistha appears & emphasises itself so as to support the tapas & prevent... giving rise to the PremaKama. The right harmony in intensity of the three elements is not yet fixed. Daivabhava of Mahakali is fixed. The Maheshwari Pratistha is submerged, but the Mahalaxmi-Mahasaraswati continent is still too strong for the right intensity of the Mahakali inhabitant to fix itself. In Samata there is still a tendency to return of depression by non-faith in Siddhi. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Mother, I am unable to dance the part of Mahakali. Page 160     Mother - Why, what's happened?     I - Mother, how can I dance Mahakali before You?     Mother - Make the effort, it will come.     I - There's a thought that invades me all the time. We do not know anything about the consciousness of Mahakali. You will be sitting before us. How will... will I be able to battle with the Asuras in front of the real Mahakali? My dance is very powerful, Mother, but how can I dance in front of You? How can I act as Mahakali, when the real Divine Mother is present before me? Tell me, Mother, what I should do.     The Mother sat for a long time in silence, eyes closed. Then, She spoke:     Mother - Try and gather all the force...     I - (stunned) Call Mahakali, Mother?     Mother - Yes, call Her. She will come.      I - I am calling, Mother. You come, come, come.     The Mother fixed Her regard on me for quite some time. Total silence reigned between us. I bowed down to Her and came away.     1 st December arrived. That day, I just kept calling Mahakali and thought of nothing else ...


... Brahman. In the person Kali is organised in the Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati combination, the second element as yet insufficient, but the dominant Mahakali is occasional only, the normal bhava being the contained and dominated Mahakali. This again is due to the gulf that still remains between the Purusha & the Shakti. The Purusha is the dominant Krishna, bala, Balarama-Aniruddha; but the... fashion. Telepathy of thought & feeling is recovering distinctness, but is not yet sufficiently confident of its ritam. The Mahakali-Mahasaraswati consciousness with the Mahaluxmi colour is finally taking form, but has not yet sufficient force of Mahakali. For today in the Script, a progress in jagrad rupa antardrishta, in tapas-siddhi and in lipi was specially indicated. These indications... in its partial success. Page 804 Tapas-siddhi seems to be preparing its movement rather than to be actually advancing. The dasya of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati with the Mahalakshmi tinge is now affirmed. Whenever the Mahakali consciousness has been affirmed in Mahasaraswati, it has had too strong a tendency to overwhelm both Mahasaraswati and Maheshwari & assert the violent Asuric ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 11 May 1951 Mother reads the passage about Mahakali ( pp. 28-30 ) from The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. Are the stories told about the image of Mahakali true? What stories? Hundreds of stories are told, my child. Which stories are you speaking of? Which Mahakali? The images made of her, the statues? This is the human way of seeing things. She is not... and it is sometimes a little disturbing. I gave the example of Mahakali, because the conception of Mahakali in the human consciousness is especially horrible. When one goes to other divinities like Mahasaraswati, for instance, to whom all kinds of artistic, literary and other capacities are ascribed, it is no longer so terrible. But Mahakali particularly... Their conception of power, force, warlike energy... instance this poor Mahakali; you have a multitude of Kalis, one more horrible than another; some are absolutely terrifying and horrifying, and they sometimes become quite repulsive beings who are exclusively human formations, that is, the outer form is given by human imagination, by the human mind's capacity of formation. There may be within that a vague reflection of the force of Mahakali, but it is so ...


... sometimes a mixture of these three functions. The attempt at finality of perfect samata & Mahakali tapas has failed once more. The sraddha established is once more interrupted and only fitfully recurrent. The combination of the ananda, samata & knowledge with the effective Mahakali tapas in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati personality was again effected, but the Mahasaraswati element predominates & the... Disappointment & despondency, when they offer themselves, are immediately or almost immediately rejected. These conditions persist even though the Mahakali tapas has been remanifested even though with small intensity. The Mahasaraswati nature with the Mahakali tapas has accepted entirely the full dasya. Faith is now imposed on the intellect even in the saundarya-siddhi as the result of two or three... The tapas has greatly increased in effectiveness without being yet master of the akasha In the afternoon there was a relapse to intellectuality and ineffectiveness with a lowering of the Mahakali tapas. The system took refuge in subjective inertia. The animal form which for a long time was excluded from the Chitra, is now of frequent occurrence and a rich perfection & variety, though not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... reestablished by the revival of the brihat activity of the Vijnána. It will not again be allowed to be broken. But it must be assimilated with the Mahakali tapas; it must be not the acquiescent ananda of Mahasaraswati, but the temporary acceptance of Mahakali who takes defeat only as a step on the way to victory & presses forward immediately to the siddhi and yashahprápti. Page 317 There remains... Ananda. The ananda in the Lilamaya had already been realised, the Ananda in the Brahman is now realised. It was there in an indeterminate perception before; now it is determinate. Once more the Mahakali tapas, tejas & shakti have to be combined & harmonised with the samata, & also with the action of the third chatusthaya. It is clear that only after a somewhat prolonged struggle can the third chatusthaya... in all parts except the body. When it is completed in the body, then the quadruple line will be closed up & perfection secured. Hasyam is increasing & will soon deserve the fourth line. The Mahakali tapas is there in essence, but has to be tempered a little during the process of harmonisation of the two first chatusthayas. Subjective shuddhi, mukti, bhukti are now, in a way, complete, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... prepares in its turn a forward movement of the Samadhi which is dimly adumbrated. There is some strain of the Tapas; it is unnecessary & will fall away. But it prepares & represents the intensity of the Mahakali energy, involving also after purification an energy of the light & joy, which is to replace the Page 495 calm Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati passivity of the empty vessel. These things are... Tapas & Prakasha are being assured more & more of their freedom. Only the uncertainty in the faith holds them back, & this obstacle is now being removed by the removal of the Maheshwari restraint. Mahakali left to herself can now work out her own salvation. The Anandamaya Drishti, the constant sense of the Ishwara, the dasya-madhura & bhoga are also almost ready. The large siddhi has also been... instrument in whatever is intended. This does not mean that there is to be no passion & force in the action or that all is to be saumya , easy, pliant. On the contrary; for it is the action of Mahakali that is intended. That action is already pleasant in the impulse & joy of the sahitya, its isha & radhas—combined as the ratha, the chariot of the soul in its action. The same rudra energy will be ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... you say of Mahakali, "her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour" [ p. 44 ]. What do you mean here by "strike"? It expresses her general action in the world. She strikes at the Asuras, she strikes also at everything that has to be got rid of or destroyed, at the obstacles to the sadhana etc. I may say that the Mother never uses the Mahakali power in your case nor the Mahakali pressure.... 5 June 1936 About the Mother's Mahakali aspect it is said in The Mother: "When she is allowed to intervene in her strength, then in one moment are broken like things without consistence the obstacles that immobilise or the enemies that assail the seeker" [ p. 44 ]. How is this intervention of the Mahakali force felt? It is felt as if something swift, sudden, decisive and imperative. When... Page 115 verisimilitude destroyed or are weak shadows that come only to flicker and fade away. I say "allowed", because this supreme action of Mahakali is comparatively rare, the action of the other Powers or a partial action of Mahakali is more common. 24 August 1933 In the book The Mother what is the sense of "false adaptation" [ p. 53 ]—is it something like a mason doing a coolie's ...


... actuality even in the midst of this period of suspense, reserve & comparatively unprogressive balance. The issue now is as to the relations of the Maheshwari and Mahakali forces. The Maheshwari pratistha has to be covered over entirely by the Mahakali contents of the Mahasaraswati bhava & that again to inform itself with the colouring of the Mahalakshmi bhava (love, madhurya). All these results are preparing... towards stability. The difficulty now is to harmonise the chanda action of the Mahakali personality with the luminous effectiveness of the vijnana, as it has been harmonised with the internal purity, liberty & bhukti. For the luminous & effective vijnana has hitherto been the privilege of Maheswari-Mahasaraswati, & the Mahakali bhava has been always accompanied by false action, false tejas, false knowledge... movements of sensation as forms & vikaras of Ananda-Chit-Sat is now fixed, as also the comprehensive Ananda-Akasha in which all things move, & of actions as vikaras of Ananda-Tapas. Today also the Mahakali Tapas seems to have been permanently fixed in the system free from all accompaniment of rajasic ego or of straining, unquiet, eagerness, in full harmony with the Page 429 first chatusthaya ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... sadhara, continues. Devibhava Mahakalibhava seems to be now normal and the reversion to Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati empty of it, is rare. But there is variation between raw Mahakali bhava too ugra and saumya Mahakali with Mahaluxmi colour. Maheshwari, normally, is quite covered and a pratistha only. Kamananda seems to be recovering force of continuity and even of intensity, though not... rasa) begins to remanifest. Some remanifestation of rupa in antardarshi and bahirdarshi. Thought-telepathy (animals). Mahakali bhava now firmly founded and in possession. Harmony of the four bhavas not yet developed on the new basis of Mahakali Mahasaraswati. 4 March 1917 Stability and vivid legibility of the unsuggested lipi is developing against the obstruction. The... The Maheswari bhava concealed as pratistha in Mahalakshmi-Mahasaraswati has again risen, though it can no longer possess; it has to be concealed again in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati with the Mahalakshmi colour. Tapas is recovering its old effectualities which had fallen into disuse; but they are now only material for the larger effectuality, not, as once, an object in themselves. There ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... day to confine it henceforth to a six hours maximum to be reduced successively to 4, 2½ and nil. The Kalibhava was developed in the terms of the second chatusthaya, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati with a previous return to Maheshwari & Mahakali. 17 July 1912 Programme 1) Renewal of the force of the siddhi in the body 2) Forward movement of the vijnanam 3) Fifth chatusthaya prepared for life.... bhava, hitherto absent, is now tending to appear. At first it replaced momentarily the Mahakali which it is intended only to colour without altering its character, afterwards it tended to bring the MahalaxmiMahasaraswati combinations, but eventually it has subordinated itself to the proper Chandibhava. The Mahakali bhava tends to be Page 101 weakened, but no longer blotted out by the old... weakly, as a habit that always revives with the advent of Mahakali. The permanent realisation of the fourfold Brahman is final. The activity of shuddhi, mukti, bhukti is now final in all their parts, though not yet consummate; only the siddhi remains and this is being rapidly brought forward. It is still chiefly hampered in the karma proper to Mahakali & in the outward fulfilment of kama. 23 July 1912 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 15 April - 1 June 1914 15 April 1914 Today the siddhi is beginning to reemerge decidedly from its obscuration. The same movement, however, continues. Mahakali personality & dasya resist all attempts at disturbance; but the former is diminished in force by being confined to personality and barred from control over the bhava and the action in which the other... devatas who watch & are guided by immediate forces are unwilling to allow the force & the vision to go beyond them. They approve the siddhi of Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati, but are opposed to the siddhi of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati. The whole struggle in the siddhi now is between the present & the future, between the telepathic knowledge that sees & admits the present & the vijnanamaya that reaches beyond to... image of their vijnanamaya & anandamaya equivalents, between the present NaraNarayana in men & the future Krishna who incarnated himself in Brindavana & Dwarka. After a farther brief struggle the Mahakali bhava & tapas, as well as the personality, have been finally accepted in the bauddha parts of the consciousness. They have now to be imposed on all the sensations & impulses without diminishing the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... demand, but always with the udasina lipsa. The tapas is not yet pure of the temperamental stress left by desire & preference. There is still a preference, but of tapas purely, not of Ananda. The full Mahakali Mahasaraswati Tapas cannot manifest without a greater power of vijnana. There must now emerge the determinative knowledge & the determinative aishwarya, forming the ritam of the jnana & tejas, sa... l speculation is being restored. The asiddhi that has come is assisting the reestablishment of the second chatusthaya on the basis of a perfected nati and samata. The positive ananda, sraddha and Mahakali tapas have now to be restored. There was a slight disturbance, but it has righted itself; only the result is the tapas without the sraddha. As for the ananda, it is there & will now be entirely confirmed... ality. This will now pass away & the finally perfected knowledge & power prevail steadily & swiftly over the ajnana. The second chatusthaya has once more been reestablished on the basis of the Mahakali Tapas & the nati, not yet of the perfect sraddha There must be utthapana this afternoon & evening, basing, although at first imperfectly, the rapid development of the perfect secondary utthapana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... larger proportions. But the chief movement will be the final emergence and justification of the Mahakali element in its shuddha Asuric bhava." Afternoon The tertiary dasya has become decisive, trikaldrishti continues to produce striking results, but its mahattwa is faulty when applied by the Mahakali movement. In samadhi the clearness, consecutiveness & frequency of lipi increases & the tendency... not used. The struggle in the health continues; jalavisrishti is virulent, the semi-tejasic parthiva visrishti dominated, but not yet entirely dislodged in tendency; other symptoms also cling. The Mahakali element has emerged but is not yet justified. Instances of opposition to the karma have abounded today, even in the midst of the preparation for a larger activity of the karma. Secondary utthapana... overcome its obstacles, but rather manifested itself occasionally, especially in the sukshma body as madira, in spite of them. Aishwarya is applying itself more consistently to karma and saundarya. The Mahakali action is apparently established & sanctioned, but not yet justified by results. 13 January 1913 Dasya is of four degrees,—first, the dasya of the servant who obeys of his own free will or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Mahakali and Kali What is the essential difference between the Mahakali form as described in the Chandi and the Shyama form? These—Kali, Shyama, etc.—are ordinary forms seen through the vital; the real Mahakali form whose origin is in the Overmind is not black or dark or terrible, but golden of colour... Asuras. 10 February 1934 Sometimes I see the Mother in the form of Mahakali or as the Transcendent and Universal Mother. But I see her in a white colour. I know that Kali is called Shyama because her colour is black, but I saw white. Why is this? Mahakali and Kali are not the same, Kali is a lesser form. Mahakali in the higher planes appears usually with the golden colour. 13 March 1934 ...

... necessary rapidity of Yogasiddhi prevents a complete & forcible finality of the shakti, retains the excess of the Mahasaraswati-Maheswari combination in the Mahakali Mahasaraswati temperament and hampers the expression & activity of the Mahakali tapas. The third chatusthaya is founded in all its parts, but insecure in the jnana, unfinished in the trikaldrishti, wide & secure but still uncertain & variable... still revolts against even the actual possibility being enforced on it as or even instead of the actuality. This demand still strives to disturb the ananda of struggle & defeat & victory proper to the Mahakali tapas and temperament. The tapas-siddhi, clouded and interrupted yesterday, again manifests in a series of aishwaryaprayogas (with vashita) in which there was no instance of failure, but always... intensity, in subdued action or in a suppressed action effective on the body in secondary sensation, so that the system is not allowed to forget the ananda or to imagine its essential absence. The Mahakali tapas has developed so far that now no defeat is taken as even temporarily final,—except in temporary particulars,—no nirananda is accepted, but at once converted wholly or partially into ananda, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and manner that make us think of the stamp of Mahakali. Virgil or Petrarch, Shelley or our Tagore seem to be emanations of Beauty, Harmony, Love—Mahalakshmi. And the perfect artisanship of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspiration seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her genial favour upon... Ishwara, forming the male or purusha line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and Skill in work. They also represent thus a divine... the infinite Mother. His associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic ...

... was bright white. Why did I see her like this? The black Kali form is a manifestation on the vital plane of Mahakali—but Mahakali herself in the Overmind is golden. What you saw was the Mother herself in her body of light with the Mahakali power in her, but not the actual form of Mahakali. 26 September 1933 Page 274 Last night I saw in a dream that Light from the Mother's body was... shining red round spot in the centre of each hood. What did it signify? The cobra is an emblem of Nature-Energy—golden = the higher Truth-Nature—many hoods = many powers. Red is probably a sign of Mahakali power. The cobra covering the head with its hoods is a symbol of sovereignty. 23 January 1937 Two years before I came here I had a vision one night: High above in the sky I saw two dark blue ...

... can very easily put a pressure upon Mahakali and tell her, "Keep quiet." And the other is obliged to keep quiet; and yet she acts quite independently. But why doesn't she let Mahakali act? For here he says that if Mahakali intervenes what would have taken centuries can take place now. I say it is for this that Mahakali is there and does her work. But Mahakali has a particular way of seeing the ...


... The Mother as Guru and Guide The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Mahakali Method All these things depend on the person, the condition, the circumstances. The Mother uses the method you speak of, the Mahakali method, (1) with those in whom there is a great eagerness to progress and a fundamental sincerity somewhere even in the vital, (2) with those... the Mother's will and the sadhaka's. For a relation to exist in which Mother can do as you say, the Page 353 sadhak must not be afraid of the Mahakali aspect and ask only for sweetness. He must be able to take the blows of Mahakali as a blessing. He must also believe in her vision and judgment and word, otherwise when she says or does something unpleasant to his ego that ego will go sulking... working inside me. By her infinite compassion, I am out of the fear. If you are afraid of the Mother's scoldings, how will you progress? Those who want to progress quickly, welcome even the blows of Mahakali because that pushes them more rapidly on the way. 28 September 1933 Is it true that when I realise the Divine Consciousness there will be no difference between the Mother's will and mine? I ...

... shall found in the divine degree of their ascension in those who can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour... action from the course decreed; for the Truth of things is her one concern, knowledge her centre of power and to build our soul and our nature into the divine Truth her mission and her labour. MAHAKALI is of another nature. Not wideness but height, not wisdom but force and strength are her peculiar power. There is in her an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence... the untimely slumberer and the loiterer. The impulses that are swift and straight and frank, the movements that are unreserved and absolute, the aspiration that mounts in flame are the motion of Mahakali. Her spirit is tameless, her vision and will are high and far-reaching like the flight of an eagle, her feet are rapid on the upward way and her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour. For ...

... full of shama ananda, but insufficient in tapas. It is the Mahakali element that carries the full tapas, ishwarabhava and attahasya of the lila; but when the Mahakali element is there, the Mahaluxmi colouring and ananda intensity diminishes; this defect is the cause of the unsteadiness. Tapas ananda has to take possession of shama ananda; Mahakali has to mould itself into the Mahasaraswati, and be the... y expelled, but it retains its ground, though often reduced to a minimum. There is a continual alternation now between the Mahakali bhava and the Mahasaraswati for possession, the latter becoming more and more full of the former. 25 March 1918 The Mahakali element has fixed itself. Eight days are given by the lipi, up to April 2, for its taking full possession of the bhava. 27 March ...

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... make us think of the stamp of Mahakali. Virgil or Petrarch, Shelley or our Tagore seem to be emanations of Beauty, Harmony, Love – Mahalakshmi. And the perfect artisanship Page 209 of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspirations seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her... Ishwara, forming the male or purusa line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and skill in work. They also represent thus a divine... associate, Mitra, is the lord of love and harmony, evidently an emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Page 207 Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic ...

... farther eliminated & weakened. On the other hand, the new tejas has increased & grows on the buddhi which is admitting the subjective conditions of the adeshasiddhi, eg the Asura & Rakshasa bhavas of Mahakali, but not the probability of the siddhi itself in this life. Kamananda though it comes, has not overcome the opposition to its intensity & permanence. The higher material forms of lipi, in which vividness... the power slow to act, the trikaldrishti & jnana uncertain, the physical brain dull and overcast. The Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati shanti is giving place under such circumstances to the Mahasaraswati-Mahakali quietude based on a concealed Maheshwari pratistha. Nirukta is now acting under the rule of the vijnana normally & bhasha begins to follow suit; the intellect in the environment has recognised the... have to be justified" & is interpreted in the sense that, although hitherto all the more vehement uses of the aishwarya have been abortive and only moderate demands have been satisfied, the vehement Mahakali use of the aishwarya and ishita have not therefore to be abandoned, but must be insisted on till they succeed. Aniruddha and his Shakti Mahasaraswati have been satisfied; the Yogasiddhi has been justified ...

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... of sraddha bhagavati, devibhava and confirmed dasya . In the latter madhura has to be increased. Aishwarya has to be encouraged & devibhava to be less Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati with more in it of Mahakali. The Mahalakshmi colour comes with the positive ananda & madhura , fades with the sinking back towards mere shanti and general samata & sukha . The rest awaits the development of the third... Manas Brahman. It is now returning sometimes with, sometimes without vijnanananda. Sraddha swashaktyam (subject by dasya to sraddha bhagavati) is founded,—so too Devi bhava of the Dasi-Ishwari (Mahakali-Mahasaraswati) and as a result a qualified daiva aishwaryabhava T³ is formulating itself; but there is confusion owing to misplacement of detail by intellectual tapas. This is removed in general... Samananda hardly at all interfered with; when amangalabodha comes, it is anandamaya; the place of the amangala as a step of the mangalya is usually understood at once. In second chatusthaya, aishwarya, Mahakali bhava, sraddha swashaktyam, daihik shakti still imperfect,—the rest satisfactory. Daya very strong. Mahalakshmi colour, once quite absent or almost quite, is now very deep. Dasyam is almost absolute ...

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... entrant in the Ashram. So it was only to teach me the important lesson not to throw away anything without reason that I was shown the Mahakali aspect. Since then I think well before throwing away anything; and at the same time recall with happiness that vision of Mahakali. ... fortunate to get the work of sweeping and cleaning Mother's room in Meditation House, or rather she made him fortunate. When I remembered that he had once witnessed two aspects of the Mother, that of Mahakali and that of the compassionate, merciful Mahalakshmi, I asked him to write down his experience. Here it is in his words: When I (Bansidhar) was cleaning Mother's room in Meditation House, I would... looked at me for some time, then said: “Do not be afraid. It does not matter. Such things happen.” I think these were her words. But what did I expect to hear and what was I hearing! Where was that Mahakali, who had appeared when I threw away just a piece of torn paper, and why this Mahalakshmi, when I broke an expensive bottle of perfume! My head bows down in gratitude. Not only this. The next day ...


... that the dasatya & tapatya buddhi might be combined, taking the place of the old alternation between passive and udasina dasya-buddhi and active egoistic tapas; the combination represents the right Mahakali tapas. As a result the Maheshwari pratistha is more covered than before, & the relapse from rajasic excitement to udasina shanti is no longer entirely permitted. Faith in the rapidity of the Yogasiddhi... 2) The samata has now to be based no longer on udasinata but on nati with chanda samánanda (Vani); the sukham is not to be shanta sukham, but chanda sukham, centred therefore in Chandibhava of Mahakali, not in its own chatusthaya, nor on the Maheshwari pratistha. (thought-perception sruti-smriti). Last night the vijnana-buddhi made a preliminary self-arrangement, which has been disturbed this... proceeding from the vani. Afternoon.. The old form of samata with dhairyam & persistency in the tapas, but with no faith or pure ananda in the upper layer of the mentality, has been established; the Mahakali tapas is in abeyance. The present occasion therefore presents all the features of the old relapses into asiddhi. The only things that have hitherto held firm are some of the incomplete siddhis, eg ...

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... Narada Narada stands for the expression of the Divine Love and Knowledge. Mahakali and Kali Mahakali and Kali are not the same, Kali is a lesser form. Mahakali in the higher planes appears usually with the golden colour. These—Kali, Shyama, etc.—are ordinary forms seen through the vital; the real Mahakali form whose origin is in the Overmind is not black or dark or terrible, but golden ...


... The Mother with Letters on the Mother Mahakali Why is the Mother working in the form of Maheshwari in me? Why is she working so slowly? If she worked in the form of Mahakali, everything troubling me would flee from fear and the Mother's luminous Sun would rise in me. Mahakali can work only when there is a calm inner being and a resolute will facing without... not that, then it is only possible for Maheshwari to work in order to bring her calm and wideness into the being. 20 November 1933 Has anyone here concretely experienced the intense action of Mahakali and successfully come through that? Yes. There is at least one instance in which it was called down by the sadhaka and he met it full. There was a violent action shattering his old sanskaras, ...

... 15ᵗʰ, since then undergoing modifications and vicissitudes, has brought the completion of the Devibhava, not yet altogether perfect, but firm fundamentally. It is Mahasaraswati personality with the Mahakali bhava; the Mahaluxmi colour, a hidden Maheswari base ( pratishtha ). Defects still existent. (1) Occasionally the ῥαθυμɩα of the Mahasaraswati gets the better of the rudra tejas ; this is mostly... instrumental aishwarya acting through the mind in forgetfulness of its source. Then there is trouble and disturbance of samata. (4) The hasyam of the first chatusthaya is developing the attahasyam of Mahakali into which is to be taken the jnana-hasyam, sneha-hasyam and kautuka-hasyam of the three other powers. But with defect of perfect sraddha swashaktyam , of perfect samata in tapas and of perfect ... has not yet occupied the place of the original colourless and featureless hasyam (ahaituka), but is preparing its occupation. Incidentally the ῥαθυμɩα of the Mahasaraswati is being taken up by the Mahakali,—it is an Page 1039 anandamaya titiksha-udasinata-nati—and will be converted into an element of the sama tapas (shamomaya tapas). Sraddha, ishwarabhava etc are also taking their proper ...

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... is the "vision" you had of Mahakali in the state of a semi-sleep into which you had entered after reading those beautiful words of the Mother to Huta published by Huta in White Roses: "Behind the sorrow and loneliness, behind the emptiness and the feeling of incapacity, there is the golden light of the Divine Presence shining soft and warm." You write about the Mahakali you saw: "She was not ter... terrible-looking, she looked affectionate and soothing..." Your pair of adjectives answer well to the Mother's "soft and warm". Of course, Mahakali too, as Sri Aurobindo has said, "is the Mother..." And her motherliness, her affectionate and soothing aspect is natural for those who invoke her to remove their defects with rapidity, those who are on her side and not stuck in their follies and obscurities... once heard a passage from the book The Mother declaimed at the Playground by one of our boys when Jawaharlal Nehru had visited the Ashram. It was a powerful passage - 1 think about the action of Mahakali - but the declaimer was so carried away and spoke so vehemently with all his passion poured into the meaning that I could hardly recognise the words. I have also listened to taped Page 115 ...


... earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasarawati. 5 The sadhaks no doubt had glimpses - at some time or other - of the Mahalakshmi, the Maheshwari and even the Mahakali in the Mother, and yet it was the Mahasaraswati of Sri Aurobindo's inspired portraiture that came nearest to their daily... manifold epiphanies, and a key to the mystic machinery of her ministry on the earth. It is in the sixth and last section of the book that four of her great "Powers and Personalities" (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati) are invoked with a mantra-shakti - the sheer verbal élan - for which there are no exact parallels even in Sri Aurobindo's writings. He is certainly not doing an exercise... spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation and execution, relation of parts and effective c ...


... "vision" you had of Mahakali in the state of a semi-sleep into which you had entered after reading those beautiful words of the Mother to Huta published by Huta in White Roses : "Behind the sorrow and loneliness, behind the emptiness and the feeling of incapacity, there is the golden light of the Divine Presence shining soft and warm." You write about the Mahakali you saw: "She was not ... terrible-looking; she looked affectionate and soothing...." Your pair of adjectives answers well to the Mother's "soft and warm". Of course. Mahakali too, as Sri Aurobindo has said, "is the Mother..." And her motherliness, her affectionate and soothing aspect is natural for those who invoke her to remove their defects with rapidity, those who are on her side and not stuck in their follies ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 17.7.1972 the Mother gave names to the four pillars of the Matrimandir as follows: Mahakali — North Maheshwari — South Mahalaksmi — East Mahasaraswa — West Each pillar represents one of the four powers of the Supreme Mother, Aditi. Sri Aurobindo has written in his book The Mother : Four... Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and in her dealing with the terrestrial play. (Mahakali — North) Another embodies her power of splendid strength and irresistible passion, her warrior mood, her overwhelming will, her impetuous swiftness and world-shaking force. (Maheshwari — South) ... knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity of illumination; she is Mahakali, goddess of the supreme strength, and with her are all mights and spiritual force and severest austerity of Tapas and swiftness to the battle and the victory and the laughter, the attahasya, that ...


...                                                                        Fulfilled except the prediction marked * Then the siddhi. Today the shanti has been disturbed and the shakti, because Mahakali had to draw back. From today this will be prevented or, if it comes, resisted & expelled. From tomorrow the third chatusthaya will begin to be absolutely final even in the siddhis of power, but not... कर्म करोति यः । स सन्न्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः ।। There was still an oscillation between imperfect tejasic action and karmahin udasinata. This has now been expelled by associating the Mahakali bhava with the karma. The second chatusthay is imperfectly founded in sraddha; the third yet insecure, deficient in sani ; the fourth not yet established; the fifth only incipient. The next movement... from confusion of details & broken relics of the old tejasic overhaste accompanied by suggestions from phantasms of the dead devatas. The shakti-prayog suffers only by the prematureness of the Mahakali kshiprakarita. The samadhi is only obscured by the imperfect dharanashakti of the material mind. The defect of anima is prolonged by the tamas in the body.                                 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... invariably, the perfect aishwarya, ishita, vashita of Mahakali in Mahasaraswati. This is not it; that is Mahasaraswati-Maheswari used by Page 303 Mahakali. That is done. Now it has to be lifted into the ritam. 30 September 1913 The perfect establishment of invincible udasinata & firmly founded faith yesterday in the bhava of Mahakali assures a free course to the siddhi; in order that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... rays which you saw the trees giving out are there always, only they are veiled to the ordinary material vision. I said the blue and gold together indicated the combined presence of Krishna and Durga-Mahakali; but gold and yellow have different significances. Yellow in the indication of forces signifies the thinking mind, buddhi , and the pink (modified here into a light vermilion) is a psychic colour;... they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g., faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or else of other superhuman beings; there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge... Divine Truth in you,—for gold in these visions is the symbol of the Divine Truth. The spiritual Power is naturally more free on its own level than in the body. The golden colour indicates here Mahakali force which is the strongest for the working in the body. The different parts [ mind, life and body ] are naturally coloured by the lights of the powers that come down (golden of Overmind and ...


... The Mother's Lights The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Golden Light of Mahakali Today at Pranam I saw a light like a golden thread coming from the Mother to me, but it vanished in a short time. Once I saw this light very clearly when she was standing on the Page 267 terrace, just before coming down the staircase. Is this light from... for a while, I cannot believe my own eyes. The golden Light is the light of the Divine Truth on the higher planes above the ordinary mind—a light supramental in origin. It is also the light of Mahakali above the mind. The golden light is also often seen emanating from the Mother like the white Light. 17 September 1933 The line of golden light is a line of the light of the higher Divine Truth... higher mind consciousness or of some spiritual consciousness? It depends on the shade of the yellow. If it is golden white it comes from above the mind and the combination suggests the Maheshwari-Mahakali power. Higher Mind colour is pale blue. 21 March 1938 ...

... also attracted to the name "Krishna" and sometimes in a semi-sleep condition I find myself repeating "Durga-Mahakali-Krishna". Durga combines the characteristics of Maheshwari and Mahakali to a certain extent,—there is not much connection with Mahalakshmi. The combination of Krishna and Mahakali is one that has a great power in this Yoga and if the names rise together in your consciousness, it is a ...

... Moments Eternal Memories O Mother Maheshwari, Mother Mahakali, Mother Mahalakshmi, Mother Mahasaraswati! Thus invoking Your Lotus Feet I set forth in my boat of memories… What boundless joy a fleeting glimpse of the Mother would give us! How Her presence drew us like a magnet and kept us rooted to our seats for hours together in absolute stillness... even to imagine that during Durga-puja the Mother used to come down bringing Durga with Her. On Lakshmi-puja day She would come to the Meditation hall along with Lakshmi. And then on Kali-puja day Mahakali came with the Mother. On Mahasaraswati-puja day the Mother came down in Her aspect of Mahasaraswati. We were able to have the Darshan of these different aspects of the Mother without having to make... shall found in the divine degree of their ascension in those who can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. The Mother opened Her doors wide to all Her children. Young or old, everyone would wait at the Playground to listen to Her words with an eager heart. Even those who ...


... Forms, Powers, Personalities and Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati Yesterday night I saw Maheshwari above my head, Mahakali in my vital being and Mahalakshmi seated in my mind and heart. Each one radiated a different light from her body. Then I saw a few subtle powers descending... descending into my being. Maheshwari's natural place is in the higher consciousness above mind, for she is the wideness and largeness and wisdom of the Divine. Mahakali acts most naturally through the higher vital which is the instrument of force and power. Mahalakshmi acts through the heart—in your case at present she is acting through the mind also, though that is less usual—ordinarily it is Mah ...

... November 30, 1935 (from Mother) 141 Bravo! bravo! bravo! c´était magnifique et nos invités étaient ENCHANTÉS. Votre Mahakali a été un triomphe. [Bravo! bravo! bravo! it was magnificent and our guests were DELIGHTED. Your Mahakali has been a triumph.] December 1935 As yet I have no luck with my answer to your arguments against any Yoga that is not obvious... chanson de Krishna garcon,je n'etaispas vraiment Page 349 inquiète—mais maintenant vous m´avez tout a fait rassurée. Avec nos bénédictions. [I am sending you the translation of "Mahakali"; it was a very interesting thing to do. Regarding the song of the boy Krishna, I was not really worried—but now you have reassured me altogether. With our blessings.] November 21 ...

... Actually speaking, Mahakali along with Maheshwari, Mahālakshmi and Mahā-saraswati (mahā = Great) are the Divine Mother's four Page 138 great leading Powers: Strength, Wisdom, Harmony and Perfection. However, in spite of their different functions, all the Kalis have certain similar characteristics. The Kali idols and images depict a dark-hued woman (although Mahakali herself is golden-hued)... heads hangs from her neck; she is red-eyed, and her red tongue sticks out to soak up all blood. Only the stout of heart is reassured and dare worship Shakti, the Mighty One, as she is often called. Mahakali is the Warrior of the Worlds. The lesser Kalis also never shrink from giving battle to the hostile powers, the Asuras, who strive to limit and obstruct man's high and mounting movement. Cutting off ...

... of will, a perfection of aesthetic life, a perfection of the plenty of life and a perfection of material life. There you have got the four aspects in which perfection must be realized: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, the four aspects of the supreme Mother that are perfect. This conception was never given before - that is why I particularly point it out because people think it is the... message. Yes, it is the same message in a sense, but so much amplified as to become quite a new message, so filled up with content that you would say, "Oh, yes, this is quite new." Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati -these are the four main aspects of the supreme Mother: wisdom, power, harmony, and perfection in work. Physical and material work that is perfect, harmony and love and... chapter of the book The Mother and you Page 82 will understand this. It is a very small book; the sixth chapter gives you the four aspects of the supreme Mother: Mahesh-wari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati: knowledge, will-power or force, harmony and love, and perfection of life, meaning fullness of life and perfection in material work. Matter, life, power and knowledge - ...


... Kalkali river. There were dense forests in those days. In the forest by the river, Bankim was "surprised to find there three temples honouring Jagaddhatri, Mahakali, and Dashabhuja Durga. Bankim in fact stayed on the first floor of the Mahakali temple for some time, writing major portions of Anandamath. He wore saffron like a sannyasi.... Bankim heard a centenarian tantrik chant Bande Bandini Matarang... that the mantra was not an invention, but a revivification of the old mantra which had become extinct, so to speak, by the treachery of one Navakishan." Page 258 Mahakali at Lalgola's temple Now, by a strange coincidence, a newspaper article 1 came into my hands, which describes how Bankim and the Raja of Lalgola (in the district of Murshidabad, Bengal) ...

... mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna, the Supramental. From this restraint and limitation too he has loosened himself away, he has proceeded even beyond the large precincts of the higher mind. And now he has gone into the... forces of whatever might and insolence. No danger, not even the Titan himself, can pierce the fences of Light that enring him. To be accepted by him is to be accepted by the double personality of Mahakali-Krishna. The secret of acceptance by him — the guhyatamam or uttamam rahasyam is the secret of the old text, sarvakarmāni parityajya māmekam śaranam vraja. The secret is known but it ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna, the Supramental. From this restraint and limitation too he has loosened himself away, he has proceeded even beyond the large precincts of the higher mind. And now he has gone into the... forces of whatever might and insolence. No danger, not even the Titan himself, can pierce the fences of Light that enring him. To be accepted by him is to be accepted by the double personality of Mahakali-Krishna. The secret of acceptance by him — the guhyatamam or uttamam rahasyam is the secret of the old text, sarvakarmāni parityajya māmekam śaranam vraja. The secret is known but it ...

... up She pulled him into the bathroom, out of others’ gaze. She was in an angry mood — raised Her hand to strike! Bula-da was paralysed stiff in front of what he saw — Mahakali. Sweat poured out of every pore. Then as sudden as the Mahakali appearance, the “Mother” aspect returned and the raised hand was lowered gently. Bula-da was shaken and pleaded “Ma — I will never do it again.” Dyuman-bhai and ...


... mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna, the Supramental. From this restraint and limitation too he has loosened himself away, he has proceeded even beyond the large precincts of the higher mind. And now he has gone into the... forces of whatever might and insolence. No danger, not even the Titan himself, can pierce the fences of Light that enring him. To be accepted by him is to be accepted by the double personality of Mahakali-Krishna. The secret of acceptance by him — the guhyatamam or uttamam rahasyam is the secret of the old text, sarvakarmāni parityajya māmekam śaranam vraja. The secret is known but it ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... compassion. She now meets the Mother of Might ( yā devi sarvabhuteshu shakti rūpeṇa samsthithā), 49 Ibid, p. 503. Page 207 and Sri Aurobindo brings in the image of Mahakali as found in the Tantra literature: A Woman sat in gold and purple sheen, Armed with the trident and the thunderbolt, Her feet upon a couchant lion's back. A formidable smile curved... in her womb, Dhumavati. 59 The elements of Tantra continue to glimmer in the concluding Books also, but they do not have visual specificity since they are immerged in the total vision. Mahakali is very much a presence as Savitri answers Death point by point during their struggle in the Eternal Night and Double Twilight. It is not the Savitri of the earlier parts of the epic. The Princess ...

... discovered what she is like or he still clings to her in spite of it? 1931? The verse translations from Nietzsche are very successful, some of them quite admirable, and the poem on Mahakali combines the sublime and the lyrical in a perfect fusion. Suhrawardy's 1 poem is exceedingly beautiful, sentimental Perhaps, but he has succeeded in transmuting the sentiment __________________... can be said for any of the creations of this Prakriti ? December 26, 1931 I should like—and the Mother asks me—just to express a word of appreciation of the music yesterday. Your song to Mahakali was superb—full of a fine variety and great power. The Mother came up enthusiastic and said it was filled with a most wonderful life, energy and movement; one could feel the universal forces pouring ...

... divisions. They are meant for Civil Services like Post Offices, Banks, Telecom, Telegraph and so on. The four petals represent four Powers of the Supreme Mother. They are Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati . Mahakali: Industrial area. Small industries will be in this place. The big ones will be on the seaside. And further towards Madras the land will be extended covering some 50 miles ...


... After I have put all these things in the recess—12x12x12—the children will cover the recess with cement, and adorn the place with the flowers of "Power" which are the most favourite flowers of Mahakali. Our Divine Mother too loved these flowers. Then all of us will pray sincerely to the Supreme Power to set everything right not only in Auroville and in the Ashram but in the whole world. Finally... 21st Saturday at 4.45. With kindest thoughts in the Mother's Light and Love. Yours, Huta Actually the sacred things were put by me and some children of Auroville in the foundation of the Mahakali pillar. ...


... Mother and Energy of the worlds. All powers are hers. Sometimes Devi-power may mean the power of the universal World-Force; but this is only one side of the Shakti. Mahakali and Kali are not the same, Kali is a lesser form. Mahakali in the higher planes appears usually with the golden colour. Ganesh is the Power that removes obstacles by the force of Knowledge—Kartikeya represents victory over ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... greatly. Secondary dasya has given place to the first stage of tertiary; tejas & tapas have now become habitually active when the prakasha is clouded by the partial nirananda & unfaith; the bhava of Mahakali on the Maheshwari pratistha has occupied permanently the Mahasaraswati continent without this time ploughing up the pratistha & continent by the tendency to drag Page 291 them also over... will-power,—adverse experience with regard to rapidity in Yoga and large foundation & development in the adeshasiddhi. Sraddha & energy of tapas are developing, not yet grown to their full vigour. The Mahakali bhava has therefore tended without effacing itself to draw back, no longer into its Maheshwari pratistha,—this is the difference,—but upon rather than into its Mahasaraswati continent. Trikaldrishti ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Asuras, she strikes also at everything that has to be got rid of Page 210 or destroyed, at the obstacles to the sadhana etc. I may say that the Mother never uses the Mahakali power in your case nor the Mahakali pressure. 5 June 1936 The suggestion that the pressure of sadhana is unbearable has got fixed in my mind, particularly after reading in two places that those whose nerves ...

... have Lakshmi-puja, Mahakali-puja, and all that... That's because it amuses you, my children! But on these days you give us blessings also! Yes, because that amuses you! ( Laughter ) Eh? You give us blessings only to amuse us? Come now! It pleases you; I said "amuses"; it's... I was disrespectful; but it's because it pleases you. Page 193 Mahakali day, for instance. ...


... And I knew people who, when the misfortune came, a real misfortune in the family—someone's death—took the image of Kali and went and threw it into the Ganges. This Kali has no connection with Mahakali, has she? No. She has a very close connection with the human mind. I believe these are almost exclusively constructions of the human mind.... But I have found that there is really a Ganapati—something... evidently it was that. It took this form: When I said to Kali, "No", they were panic-stricken. They turned back. Otherwise, if they had continued to advance it would have been all over. What is Mahakali like? Well, my children, when you see her, you can tell me! She is not like that Kali. All I can tell you is that she is not black, she Page 69 doesn't stick out a big tongue, and ...


... you, Sir?" Soon, Mother came, and we were waiting there. That day, Mother asked Manilal, "What do you say? What is your opinion?" He remained quiet, didn't give any reply. And Mother put on Her Mahakali aspect, at once. Manilal was perhaps being evasive. Because he was an experienced surgeon, he knew how grave the situation was, that it was very serious indeed. So perhaps he didn't want to reveal... nothing can be concealed from Her. She knows everything. She sees everything. So She thundered: "Don't hide anything, we know the truth!" We were simply stunned. It was the first time we saw Her Mahakali Page 233 aspect. Sri Aurobindo was lying calm and quiet like Shiva, while Mother thundered at the doctor. All of us retreated into our shells, as it were, from shock. And Manilal ...


... toward the Mother. But the Mother did not even look at me. She just put some flower-blessings in my hand and bid me farewell. After a lot of thought I understood that the Mother had taken on Her Mahakali form in order to root out this sluggishness from my nature, this inability to receive the Mother’s Force. It had been possible for this fire of aspiration to rise in my body to rid itself of all these... From that day the falls stopped. In a flash such an age-long tendency disappeared! When the Mother uses Her own Force all difficulties and obstacles vanish in an instant. That is when we can see Her Mahakali form. For speedy results the Mother often took on this terrible form. * Our father was a professor at the Feni College. It was on Sri Aurobindo’s instructions that he had accepted this job in ...


... Aurobindo’s book The Mother , we all just stared at Her face unblinkingly. While reading the descriptions of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, She would bring down the Power of each one on to the Playground. Even Her voice would change for each of the four Powers. “ Mahakali is of another nature. Not wideness but height, not wisdom but force and strength are her peculiar power .” While reading ...


... Then the form of X appeared and he threatened me, saying that my fate would be the same as his—I would have to leave the Asram. Later, while in this condition I passed by Y's room and felt that the Mahakali forces of the Mother were around me; I also felt that her very name would create fear in the hostile forces. As I thought of her with feeling, suddenly all was clear. It is the Force that attacks... the sake of having a more concrete effect. It is a vital violence which suggests always a catastrophic breaking of the personal sadhana or of my work. Such a Force is naturally met by the power of Mahakali. You felt it while passing Y 's room because it is always there with Y , and it is by that that he meets the suggestions of this Force when it comes. The Mother's name Page 319 called ...

... spite of shadows, except that strong doubts have assailed the faith in the saundarya, the one member of the four chatusthayas for which there is as yet very meagre justification. On the other hand the Mahakali tapas has sunk into inactivity, after one strong battle in which it prevailed temporarily over the strongest resistance to the aishwarya. The vijnana siddhi has been pale and fitful; physical siddhi... Pradyumna and based on concealed Maheshwara now governs the Yoga; but in the Prakriti, the Maheshwara bhava is not yet concealed. In neither is there as yet a very powerful energy of the Balarama or Mahakali bhava. The vijnana has recovered its elasticity, the knowledge & sight of the sukshma world is increasing and the kamananda grows in intensity. This movement continued throughout the day, ceased ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Krishna-Mahakali The Mother in her cosmic power is all things and all divine Personalities, for nothing can be in manifestation except by her and as part of her being. But what was meant in the Visions Page 67 and Voices 1 was that the Ishwara and the Divine Shakti were one Person or Being in two aspects and it puts forward this union of them as Krishna-Mahakali as of great ...

... the ground and threw him down with a thump though she was so much smaller than he. The force that had come down into her and made her tremendously strong was recognised by her later in life as Mahakali. Another instance. She had gone to play in a forest near Fontainebleau. She was climbing a steep hill, when her foot slipped and she began to fall down. The road below was strewn with sharp... With a bit of anger she caught the elderly woman's hand and held it in a firm grip as if the very bones would be crushed. It was soon agreed that the monitrice would be allowed to stay on. Mahakali had been at work again. The Sphinx of the Studio was also the same serious self at home. She rarely smiled or laughed. And for this, once when she was about twenty, she got a scolding from ...

... January (?) 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Mother, I invoke the Presence of Mahakali to break all my RESISTANCES, my INERTIA, my discouragement. Rather painful shocks than this tepidness! Or else, why am I here? O Mother, may the PRESENCE of Mahakali be with me, may She force my whole being towards the Truth, the Light. Burn me, Mother, if I do not know how to ...


... the first constructions to be built in a huge crater, dug out diligently handful after handful in the red earth. The Mother called the pillars after the four Powers of the Great Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. We have briefly commented upon them at the moment when Mirra Alfassa realized her identification with the Universal Mother. Here it may be suitable to evoke her four... knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity of illumination; she is Mahakali, goddess of the supreme strength, and with her are all mights and spiritual force and severest austerity of Tapas and swiftness to the battle and the victory and the laughter that makes light of defeat ...

... meager results.’ 18 Kali is the goddess who destroys to bring the world faster to its divine goal by a new creation. There is however a whole hierarchy of Kalis, from those in the lower vital up to Mahakali, the Great Kali, who is one of the four aspects or direct emanations of the Mother. The lower Kalis are as depicted in the Indian iconography: naked, black, with bulging eyes, the tongue hanging out... weapons (powers) in their eight hands, and bloodthirsty. The lower Kalis are goddesses of murderers and thieves, of magicians and tantrikas, and they can give a lot of trouble to those adoring them. Mahakali, on the contrary, is as described by Sri Aurobindo in his booklet The Mother and is a magnificent, noble being with an enormous militant energy for a better world, but always in the first place ...


... and during the Renaissance. ‘The Mother’s Vibhutis would usually be feminine personalities most of whom would be dominated by one of the four personalities of the Mother’ 6 – i.e. Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. She has talked about some reincarnations only in passing; she has said, for instance, that she had lived several times in Babylonia – ‘I have extremely precise memories... who said she has never left the earth since its beginning? In our four characteristics, the reader will doubtlessly have observed some of the characteristics of Maheshwari (majesty, greatness), Mahakali (strength, daring), Mahalakshmi (beauty, harmony) and Mahasaraswati (learning, industry), functioning within the given, limited circumstances of our Earth at particular moments of its evolution and ...

... when you appear to us as Mahakali, my heart surges up with one prayer: May I realise that Mahakali's "blows beat what is rebellious in [our] material into strength and perfect truth, hammer straight what is wry and perverse and expel what is impure or defective". My dear child, Tonight I gave petals of the Divine's love because no love is greater than that of Mahakali for her children. 24 ...

... becomes more violent. If the inmates remain faithful and sincere, it is bound to go in one second. I ask for the wrath of Mahakali, the intensest love of that warrior Mother, to chase away this obstinate force and free the Ashram from our everyday trouble. The wrath of Mahakali manifests from time to time and acts all right, but the effect of it does not last because those who answer to the adverse ...

... Maheshwari: All-knowledge and Wisdom Mahakali: Power and Generous Love They have differently shaped aureoles behind their head depending on what they represent. Also, the Mother disclosed the colours of their attires: Mahalakshmi: Pink, green and mauve, all pastel colours Mahasaraswati: White and red Maheshwari: Royal blue and gold Mahakali: Red and gold. Supreme Mother: White ...


... all right. I will put the Mother's blessing packet and flowers given by you in the foundation—down below in the pillar of Mahakali. They have agreed. I constantly pray for the Mother's Victory. The money which has been collected with me along with the humble offering to Mahakali from me, may I give to Piero and Narad to buy necessary things for the Matrimandir and its gardens? Will you please let ...


... and determines everything. In the world of Ananda, Bliss is the determinant. Then there is the Supramental world, with the four Maha-Shaktis, aspects of the Divine Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Below the Supermind and behind the universe of Mind, Life and Matter is the world of the Great Gods. They receive light from the Supramental. It is they that... she said that she could not tell precisely in what year had arrived on earth temporarily the power and personality of Ananda which, unlike her four great powers and personalities - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - had never appeared in the manifestation so far: she could only declare that it had arrived before Sri Aurobindo left his body (5 December 1950). When a disciple mentioned ...

... appreciate. For, the Mother was full of wit and her eyes never failed to sparkle when anybody was quick and keen in mind. Let me say then that, while we have heard of her four great aspects—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati—very few have heard of the Mother as "Maha-Examineri". And by this new name I do not mean her all-seeing, all-probing, all-evaluating, all-classifying consciousness... aback. She who had looked to all my comforts and my wife Sehra's was now a Goddess of Terror over so trivial a plea on my part. At once I said: "No, Mother, no. I want nothing. I am sorry." Flaming Mahakali turned into calm Maheshwari and blessed me. Within my heart I came Page 69 to realise that the high aim with which I had just come back to the Ashram for a permanent stay after an ...

... from the ground and threw him down with a thump though she was so much smaller than he. The force that had come down into her and made her tremendously strong was recognised by her later in life as Mahakali. Another instance. She had gone to play in a forest near Fontainebleau. She was climbing a steep hill, when her foot slipped and she began to fall down. The road below was strewn with sharp black... another line. With a bit of anger she caught the elderly woman's hand and held it in a firm grip as if the very bones would be crushed. It was soon agreed that the monitrice would be allowed to stay on. Mahakali had been at work again. The Sphinx of the Studio was also the same serious self at home. She rarely smiled or laughed. And for this, once when she was about twenty, she got a scolding from her ...

... "How is it that with that bleeding you went on walking to the Lake?" Then he answered, "Why not, Mother, I am the child of Mahakali!" Mother said, "That is all right - then it is all right." It is not a show, my children, it is not bravado. He does see the Mother as Mahakali, the Divine. The other day, I proposed to him, "Kobi, give up all these ideas! Some Frenchman has come; he has some ...


... is very devoted. The thing that I love the most is that she is a perfectionist of the highest degree and does not ask much in return and she is always on the alert to help me. It is the same with Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Durga, because they know very well that it is by me that they progress, and they will have as much as is necessary. That is why they have the right attitude. But the other gods, if... privileged ‘darshan’ of me and also to participate in what I used to bring down in the terrestrial atmosphere to transform life. There were, naturally, these four Powers like Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Durga…, but there were so many other gods that I do not remember their names. There were also the gods of the Vedic age and then other gods who were there to be transformed. In fact, there was ...


... 09 May 1933 MYSELF: Mother, will you please explain to me what you mean by your Mahakali method? Why don’t you use this method with everybody? SRI AUROBINDO: All these things depend on the person, the condition, the circumstances. The Mother uses the method you speak of, the Mahakali method, (1) with those in whom there is a great eagerness to progress and a fundamental sincerity ...

... Karnali, where he regarded the World-Mother. Page 181 Among the many temples at Karnali, 'The Stone Goddess' is housed in a little shrine known as the Mahakali Mandir of Karnali. The beautiful statue of Mahakali, facing west, is about three feet high. Her mount is a tiger. It was Deshpande —he had joined the Baroda State Service in 1898 —who had taken Sri Aurobindo there from ...

... a touch of Divine Grace: the droppings suggest the former Page 40 and the birds the latter. But as the droppings come from birds, the scorn and the Grace play into each other, and Mahakali the falsehood-smiter and Mahalakshmi the love-showerer are two simultaneous and identical gestures from a single source that is Maheshwari, the all-comprehending all-enveloping "Wisdom supernal". ...


... regions. 8.12.65 Sunil, my dear child, I have just heard what you have recorded. It is beautiful, very beautiful. It is the first time that I have heard music express true power, the power of Mahakali, the power of the Mahashakti. It is formidable and at the same time, so deeply sweet... And specially, while listening to it, I had the impression of a door opening on to a still more beautiful ...


... (Correspondence with Debou) Debou's Correspondence with The Mother 21 October 1949 Mahakali, my sweet Mother, Grant that always I may be faithful to you; grant that my love for you may ever increase and my receptivity be so perfect that you can accomplish in me the total transformation. 21 October 1949 ...

... did—only to undo the alteration in the next edition! only to make his editing suspect, questionable! Any number of examples can be given in that respect. Amal Kiran speaks of the Mother exploding like Mahakali on 10 April 1954, but he still keeps on arguing with her. What else can she say if not “ok”?—meaning, “if it pleases you, my child”? When a child becomes adamant in asking something from its mother ...


... Kiran speaking strangely of “slips and oversights by Sri Aurobindo himself”, we can well understand why the Mother should have exploded long ago the way she did, on 10 April 1954, like “a veritable Mahakali”. It seems that we are not really dealing with the “biggest puzzle in the text of Savitri ”; we are dealing with something else—ardent disciples becoming wiser than the Master, not only pointing ...


... Supermind breaking out of Matter. The globe, with a diameter of about thirty meters, rests on four gigantic supports representing the four active powers of the Mother in the universe: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The most important feature inside the globe is a ‘chamber’ with a diameter of about twenty meters and near the wall twelve round columns seemingly supporting the ceiling ...


... corrected, partly rewritten. It is not equal to the original but still I think it is not bad, as I have made it on Sen's traces. Your Radha song is very fine indeed; it makes a pair with the dance of Mahakali—a superb pair. April 1, 1932 As to the "anti-climax", I will get it out of the way first by protesting that I had not in the least your case in mind when I wrote the "message" about ...

... Sri Aurobindo sometimes corrected his own things on our pointing out oversights we conclude that passages may be there which needed revision." At this, the Mother exploded like a veritable Mahakali: "Yes, I know. People used to pester him with letters, pointing out grammatical mistakes and other things. He used to make changes just for the sake of peace. He was very polite and did not let ...


... surely subsumed in her highest aspect in the play of those four goddess-personalities which, according to Sri Aurobindo, have been put forward by the Mother in her world-work down the ages: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Those who have served Sri Aurobindo have often been struck with a detached contemplative grandeur holding at the same time a tremendous reserve of power and felt in this ...


... divine beings from the highest spiritual level to work in the human instruments and she could manifest even in her physical form something of her four goddess personalities and powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. A kind of miraculous sadhana went on. If it had been successfully carried through, the Supermind would soon have taken direct charge. But the method of action from above ...

... have informed me more than once that when the Mother was on Her deathbed She lost all interest except in the Matrimandir. When She left Her body at 7.25 p.m., at that very moment the fourth pillar of Mahakali was just completed. It was not a coincidence—it was intentional from the spiritual and occult point of view. I sincerely wish that the Mother's Will be carried out. Now it is high time we expedited ...


... structure from the base to the topmost of the petals is marked by the Mother as 1.65 meters, her own height. At the top are four lotus petals, signifying the four Powers of the Supreme Mother, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Around these four petals are twelve more signifying the twelve Attributes of the four Powers. The Mother also indicated the colour of the lotus: " Marbre rose ou blanc ...


... for the Mother and the Matrimandir. With love Gloria Too much criticism, many hindrances, enormous ill will, numerous obstructions took place. Despite this, all the four pillars—Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Maheshwari and Mahasaraswati—received our humble offerings. I felt that it was the Victory of the Supreme Mother. ...


... towards infinite distances. The currents are of course, the currents of the double force working to make this liberation. The blue and gold must be the blue of Krishna and the gold of the Mother (Durga—Mahakali)). All this is not a Supramental experience but comes from the overmind. But overmind experiences must come first and liberate the consciousness. It is only after the overmind liberation that the ...

... Meanwhile I received a letter dated 12.2.76 from Shraddhavan: Dear Huta, I saw Piero and Gloria this morning and they were happy about the decision to put the things in the foundation of Mahakali. Gloria wanted to come and see you but Piero is not well and she is so busy! But I feel everything is all right now. Piero tells me that Matrimandir's accounts are now handled by Harikant and ...


... pray to Her to raise up the actual situation. Many people working in Matrimandir wish that you will come more often than once in a year. The cement over the blessing packet you have put in the Mahakali pillar is now like a stone, and your flowers are still there. With true love Yours, Gloria ...


... to the universal beauty and refinement of the Mahalakshmi force is good. It is not an expression of greed or lust—only into these things a perversion can always come if one allows it, as into the Mahakali experience there may come rajasic anger and violence, so here there may come vital passion for possession and enjoyment. One must look at the beauty as the artist does without desire of possession ...


... 264 certainty; samadhi in coherence & continuity; vyapti prakamya in fulness & frequency; aishwarya in purity. 21 June 1913 Script Tejas must be of the Mahasaraswati, not the Mahakali order with a clear intelligence even in its speed & fire. The rapidity of the siddhi cannot be of the meteoric speed, but still it must become rapid & unresisted. At present tamas possesses the sraddha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... work out of it by the lower processes. That has been done sufficiently and has not to be repeated ad infinitum— There is now no reason why the Samata etc should disappear. Only the tejas of Mahakali must finally be harmonised with the passivity and the dasya. This will be done today by eliminating the Maheshwari bhava from the superficial consciousness & its contents without bringing back the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... prudent a beginning. The power of the work is not the power of your past life nor temperament, not the power of Mahasaraswati which governed the past existences that have been revealed to you, but of Mahakali, the swift and forceful Shakti. The desire to lay a slow and sure basis which belongs to the careful reason and its experimental skill is not the genius of the work you have to do. The other side ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... anywhere a limit or an incapacity. This is Jnana Samarthyam. Daivi Prakriti (Divine Nature) This means the possession of the four Shaktis—Maheshwari, the Shakti of greatness and knowledge; Mahakali, the Shakti of force and violence; Mahalakshmi, the Shakti of beauty, love and delight; and Mahasaraswati, the Shakti of worldly reason (science) and work. The possession of these Shaktis carries ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and the true relation between Guru and Shishya. Disobedience is the highest respect to the Guru, anger and revolt are the noblest worship one can give to the Divine. 5) One who takes the blows of Mahakali with joy as a means of discovering his faults and increasing in light and strength and purity is a sheep and unworthy of disciplehood—one who responds to the quietest pressure to change by revolt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... energies of light over the energies of darkness. The serpent Ananta is the infinite energy in infinite Time-Space which supports the universe. It is in answer to your aspiration that the Mahakali force descended—the Serpent is the Energy from above working in the vital answering to the Serpent Kundalini which rises from below. The Serpent is the symbol of energy—especially of the Kundalini ...


... with the mental being. In some cases it may be the figure of a formation of the mental being itself. The flowers, diamonds and gems etc. would seem to indicate contact with Radha, Mahalakshmi and Mahakali influences. The vision of writing is also frequent on the mental plane—it is known by us as the lipi , and if it organises itself so as to be legible and intelligible, it can embody many things such ...


... Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother The Radha-Power In the Chandi the names of the four Cosmic Powers of the Mother—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—are mentioned along with others, but the name Radha is not mentioned. This is a clear proof of the fact that when the Chandi was composed the Radha-Power was not manifested ...

... mean the divine Personalities of the Mother—the answer is yes. It may even be said that each Vibhuti draws his energies from the Four, from one of them predominantly in most cases, as Napoleon from Mahakali, Rama from Mahalakshmi, Augustus Caesar from Mahasaraswati. 31 October 1935 ...

... frightful! I have seen some of these formations... ( silence ) and all this is so obscure, so incomprehensible, inexpressive... Some of the gods are more ill-treated than others. For example, that poor Mahakali, you know, what things are done to her!... It is so frightful , it is unimaginable! But this form lives Page 275 only in a very low world... yes, in the lowest vital; and what it possesses ...


... of aspiration towards the Divine Perfection in work and in feeling in a consecration of the entire life. 21.2.1972 * Significance of the four pillars North    Mahakali    East    Mahalakshmi South    Maheshwari    East    Mahasaraswati * Significance of the twelve rooms Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress ...


... this is a unity of aspiration towards the Divine Perfection in work and in feeling, in a consecration of the entire life. 21 February 1972 ( Significance of the four pillars ) North—Mahakali East—Mahalakshmi South—Maheshwari West—Mahasaraswati ( Significance of the twelve underground rooms which will radiate from the Matrimandir foundation ) Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... common experience; we know, for example, that Sri Aurobindo is there, he speaks and sees, he has his own way of seeing and expressing himself, that happens very often. And then often it is Durga or Mahakali or... very often. Often, it is a being from very high up, very permanent—very permanent—who manifests himself, and then there occurs a kind of absolute in the being. Sometimes it is beings from a ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... you on the way. Blessings. 2 July 1971 The victory is the one that we must win over ourselves so that we belong to the Divine alone. Love. 29 September 1971 In the creation Mahakali manifests the divine love; but so powerful and sublime is this love that most men are afraid of it. 18 October 1971 We are on earth in order to progress and to perfect ourselves in the course ...


... your force come and burn all my impurities, shatter my resistances. Page 48 Signed : Bernard 2 × Mahakali : the eternal Mother in her warrior aspect, She who severs the heads of the demons. × Such was our ...


... to know and love the Divine Godhead and fulfil Her in my life and to know the worlds, if it is Her Will that I should do so. But above all, I must have the Darshan of the World-Mother, Adya Shakti Mahakali. She will know what is best for me. Then how can I do without a Guru who will lead me to Her Feet? I do not see anybody in the world more qualified than Sri Aurobindo to lead you to the feet of ...


... The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces Words of the Mother - III Kali, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati When people speak against you, I feel as if a big flame with many tongues is arising in me and the person in front becomes docile. It must be Kali's force which you evoke. I want to ask you a question concerned with my reaction to ...


... Sri Aurobindo is here, and that he speaks and sees, with his own way of seeing ( piercing and ironic gesture ) and his way of expressing himself—that happens very often. Often too, it's Durga, or Mahakali, or ... very often. Often, what manifests is a being from very high up, very permanent—very permanent—and then there comes into the being a sort of absoluteness. At times, it's beings from a nearby ...


... creatrix of all, is pictured by the small centre in which all things seem to be held secretly concentrated. Out of this, four primary creative powers are shown as breaking: these are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - goddess-personalities of wisdom, puissance, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These personalities are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting powers ...

... lower fires run down and, thus a changed man, jump into the spiritual sea? For a time perhaps, but will not the hydra-headed monster rise up again? Yes, if there is no radical change. But only Mahakali can bring that about. Up to now we have given her no chance. Isn't it true that in Yoga desires enjoyed are more harmful than rejected or repressed? At any rate in this Yoga. Some say ...

... AUROBINDO: Otherwise the world would be full of fat women. Suvrata 3 is tolerable compared to Sarojini Naidu. PURANI: Oh yes, because she is taller too. NIRODBARAN: Sisir had a vision of the Mahakali aspect of the Mother in meditation as a sort of reply to his sorrow over the fall of Paris and he heard a voice saying, "Don't worry, don't worry." PURANI: I had the perception of an angel praying ...


... fierce one') manifest in the temperament. This was originally the third element of the sakticatustaya; as such, it was later replaced by the more inclusive devibhava or daivi prakriti with the Mahakali bhava as one of its four aspects. However, this aspect of devibhava retained a certain pre-eminence in the Record' since 'the method chosen for fulfilment' of the work was essentially Mahakali's. ...

... symbolises the Spiritual Reality at work in Sri Aurobindo's Ashram. Out of the concentrated Seed-Shakti that is the centre, four primary powers of divinity are shown as breaking: they are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—goddess-personalities of wisdom, dynamism, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These four are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting forces that operate ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... 1961 My Savitri work with the Mother 07 November 1961 On 7th November 1961—Mahakali Puja—the Mother came downstairs in the Meditation Hall to distribute this remarkable Message by Sri Aurobindo: In the inconscient dreadful dumb Abyss Are heard the heart-beats of the Infinite. This insensible midnight veils His trance of bliss, A fathomless sealed ...


... the true relation between Guru and Shishya. Disobedience is the highest respect to the Guru; anger and revolt are the noblest worship one can give to the Divine. 5)One who takes the blows of Mahakali with joy as a means of discovering his faults and increasing in light and strength and purity is a sheep and unworthy of disciplehood - one who responds to the quietest pressure to change by revolt ...

... of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Iswari: (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv} Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and se ...

... competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Ishwari: (i) Mahesh-wari, (ii) Mahakali, (Hi) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and s ...

... Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 Laplace, 370 Lazarus, 200 Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 ...

... dharma; he is the armed guard of knowledge and truth, he is strength and force. He has to resist the evil in the name of the Lord, he has to raise his arm to strike. He is the instrument of Rudra and Mahakali. Does not the mighty goddess declare - I draw the bow for Rudra, I hurl the arrow to slay the hater of the truth"?³ If the Kshatriya does not follow his own dharma, but seeks to imitate the Brahmin ...

... truly frightful. I have seen formations that are so obscure, so ununderstandable, so inexpressive! There are some divine beings that are treated worse than the others. Take, for example, this poor Mahakali. What has man made of her, wildly terrible, a nightmare beyond imagination! Such crea­tions however live in a very inferior world, in the lowest vital world; and if there is anything there of the ...

... self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi – consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed Page 225 in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself ...

... it seems. Something like that, in fact the same thing is happening now. * A report of a private talk. Page 256 Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination – of destruction and dissolution – to clear the path of Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, – the infinite, love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions ...

... dharma; he is the armed guard of knowledge and truth, he is strength and force. He has to resist the evil in the name of the Lord, he has to raise his arm to strike. He is the instrument of Rudra and Mahakali. Does not the mighty goddess declare—"I draw the bow for Rudra, I hurl the arrow to slay the hater of the truth"? If the Kshatriya does not follow his own dharma, but seeks to imitate the Brahmin ...

... Matter and became one with it. She became Matter, material Nature, dense, dark, heavy with all its weight. She became as the Veda names her, "Bhimajaya" – the mighty, the terrible spouse – in fact our Mahakali. She was originally the fair spouse – Saumyajaya. But there is to be a progress, a gain. So when she rises and is on her upward march she has now acquired the capacity to carry and lift Page ...

... hasten the work, and you even rejoice in it. You enjoy the joy of destruction—at least Shiva does, the Divine Force does, it seems. Something like that, in fact the same thing, is happening now. Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination, of destruction and dissolution, to clear the path for Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati; the infinite love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions and ...

... the work started growing in various fields of human activities. But there were many defects and shortcomings in the process and the Mother wanted a very fast progress. So She unleashed Her "Mahakali" aspect and allowed Nature to smite a terrible and crushing blow on Orissa and its people in order to break their pettiness, selfishness and all other weaknesses that were coming in the way of their ...

... mortals, Draws them infallibly ever nearer to her through the rolling ages - Her very presence is the power that decrees, the grace that redeems. October 5, 1932 VII MAHAKALI SHE has burst open the veil and leaped to the front, Into the very thick of the combat Our Captain, our Warrior - her flaming sword, her battering mace, Her thundering cry sweep the ...


... the Unthinkable Absolute, the ineffable Unnamed. All the powers and splendours of creation are her powers and splendours, derived from her, constituted by her, directed by ¹ Maheshwari , Mahakali , Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Page 333 her and offered to her own unmanifest, undifferentiated Eternity. What words will describe the mystery and marvel of that silent Unknowable ...


... named history." Men in themselves were but helpless pieces of straw swaying hither and thither as the vagrant breeze intermittently disturbed them; they were great only to the extent the energy of Mahakali informed and inspired them, and carried them onward by the momentum of its own impulsion. In other words: "The greatness of individuals is the greatness of the eternal Energy within." 44 Ultimately ...

... ies. In answer to his question Sri Aurobindo had him sent the manuscript copy of The Mother which he had just written. The rhapsodic description of the Mother's fourfold powers - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Page 255 Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - so profoundly moved the disciple that he had to turn the piece into Mātr Upanisad m inspired Sanskrit verse. And in his hymn Matr-mahimā ...


... white light comes from Maheshwari, it is a light of knowledge and purity. It is she who is the great preparer of the yoga. When that is ready Page 228 generally an aspect of power (Mahakali) descends.... But the work of preparation was long .... At the same time a third ring separated you as though to cut you off from the world where you lived externally and also from your past. This ...


... pearly whiteness and warms all hearts with its white down. Thou wilt lead them all to their supreme destiny. 37 These fivefold functions seem to be an astonishing anticipation of those of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Maheshwari and, as Sri Aurobindo describes it, "that mysterious and powerful ecstasy and Ananda ... that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the ...


... what amounted to a sensational statement, or rather a piece of heartwarming revelation. Writing on the Divine Mother and her Powers and Personalities in 1927, Sri Aurobindo had described Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and then added that there were other great Powers of the Mother too, but they were difficult to bring down; and yet, however difficult, "her Personality of that mysterious ...


... promise, 'One who chooses the Divine, has been chosen by the Divine'." When I had written to the Mother once about her serious expression at the time of pranam, she replied that perhaps it was the Mahakali aspect of her. She pointed out my habitual frivolousness and remarked that I must be serious and not light as I had been during the 'Marching' for example. She always encouraged my study, and ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace

... With all my love and blessings. * * * 5 July 1971 The victory is the one that we must win over ourselves so that we belong to the Divine alone. Love. 18.10.71 In the creation Mahakali manifests the divine love; but so powerful and sublime is this love that most men are afraid of it. * * * We are on earth in order to progress and to perfect ourselves in the course of ...


... diamond light is a light of absolute purity and power. (e) The diamond light is the central consciousness and force of the Divine. The Mother's light is white—especially diamond white. The Mahakali form is usually golden, of a very bright and strong golden hue. 12 October 1935 The diamond is the symbol of the intensest light of the Mother's consciousness, so your visions indicate that ...

... other one for another reason, surely. It has an effect. It is as though you were choosing to concentrate on one aspect of the Mother rather than another; for example, if you choose to concentrate on Mahakali or Mahalakshmi or on Maheshwari, the results will be different. That part of you which answers to these qualities will awaken and become receptive. So, it is the same thing. But somebody who has only ...


... in a ridiculously easy way, by the grace either of a temporary guru (but it wasn't that, for he was himself bewildered by it) or by the grace of the eternal Brahman and afterwards by the grace of Mahakali and Krishna. So don't try to turn me into an argument against the Divine; that attempt will be perfectly ineffective. 20 January 1936 You have often inveighed against my using you as an argument ...


... a ridiculously easy way, by the grace either of a temporary guru (but it wasn't that, for he was himself bewildered by it) or by the grace of the eternal Brahman and afterwards by the the grace of Mahakali and Krishna. So don't try to turn me into an argument against the Divine; that attempt will be perfectly ineffective. Page 459 I am obliged to stop—if I go on, there will be no Pranam ...


... towards infinite distances. The currents are of course the currents of the double force working to make this liberation. The blue and gold must be the blue of Krishna and the gold of the Mother (Durga-Mahakali). All this is not a supramental experience, but comes from the Overmind. But the overmind experiences must come first and liberate the consciousness. It is only after the overmind liberation that ...


... greed. It [ the equivalent of anger in the higher nature ] is a rudra power of severity and indignation (in the deepest sense of the word) against what should not be—the warrior force of Mahakali in combating the Asura. Yes, certainly. Infinite peace, universal love can remove anger—if they are complete and stable. Anger Comes from Outside The fact that the anger comes with such ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... knowledge, and brings to us her vision for all kinds and widenesses of truth, her rectitude of the spiritual will, the calm and passion of her supramental largeness, her felicity of illumination: she is Mahakali, goddess of the supreme strength, and with her are all mights and spiritual force and severest austerity of tapas and swiftness to the battle and the victory and Page 780 the laughter ...


... the very least—oh, even more than that! I don't remember when we moved here, when was it?... In 1927... forty-five years ago! It's the same with the four. What are the four? They must be Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati. Yes, but I don't mean the popular deities. Sri Aurobindo gave each one a special significance. Yes, you mean what he wrote in "The Mother." ...


... which the mere mind trembles and with which it can scarcely reconcile its principle of war-shunning pacifism. On one side, "Nature red in tooth and claw", on the other the dazzling devastation of Mahakali the Goddess who carries the Eternal Truth like a sword to cleave violently the darkness of ignorance and evil. No doubt there is also Mahalakshmi the beneficent Goddess, but she does not exclude the ...

... into her physical being something of the Page 96 powers and personalities which Sri Aurobindo speaks of as being hers: Maheshwari the vast and calm and all-controlling Knowledge, Mahakali the Truth-flashing Warrior of the Worlds, Mahalakshmi the Ever-blissful and All-beautiful, Mahasaraswati the Doer of Perfect Work and the Maker of Flawless Form. With hardly any sleep and very little ...


... × There are four aspects or "sides" of the universal Mother: Maheshwari (the supreme Mother), Mahakali (the warrior aspect and the aspect of love), Mahalakshmi (the aspect of harmony and beauty), and Mahasaraswati (perfection in the arts and in work). ...


... they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g. faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or other superhuman beings, there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge, experiences ...


... ed personalities, among them Kali or Durga, were great warriors. She carried above her eye the scar of an occult battle. And did Sri Aurobindo not call the Second World War “the Mother’s War”? Of Mahakali, Sri Aurobindo wrote: “There is in her an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps out in ...

... and mediates between the human personality and the divine Nature.’ 8 The Mother as Maheshwari is the personification of the supreme power and wisdom, as Mahalakshmi of harmony and beauty, as Mahakali of the combative force which destroys with Love in order to build up what is greater, and as Mahasaraswati she is the omnipotent but meticulous power who organizes the cosmos and the molecule. ...


... jokingly, she always worked ‘at a gallop’, ‘with the force of a cyclone’ or ‘at the speed of a jet plane’. ‘I have not wasted my time,’ she said. She being an embodiment of the Great Mother, Maheshwari, Mahakali and Durga with their mighty divine capacities were three of her many emanations, and she held in herself the Power which creates the worlds. ‘Mother’s pressure for a change is always strong — even ...


... Dilip Kumar Roy's Correspondence Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother 19 November 1935 Dilip, I am sending you the translation of "Mahakali"; it was a very interesting thing to do. Regarding the song of the boy Krishna, I was not really worried—but now you have reassured me altogether. With our blessings 19 November 1935 ...

... 30 November 1935 (Regarding Dilip's singing at the Government House, Pondicherry) Dilip, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! It was magnificent and our guests were enchanted. Your Mahakali has been a triumph. 30 November 1935 ...

... documents, all of them. In August 1954 the Mother read out from chapter six of Sri Aurobindo’s booklet The Mother a passage following his description of her four universal Powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 91 ‘There are other great Personalities of the Divine Mother, but they were more difficult to bring down and have not stood out in front with so much prominence ...

... [Maheshwari] is her personality of calm wideness and comprehending wisdom and tranquil benignity and inexhaustible compassion and sovereign and surpassing majesty and all-ruling greatness. Another [Mahakali] embodies her power of splendid strength and irresistible passion, her warrior mood, her overwhelming will, her impetuous swiftness and world-shaking force. A third [Mahalakshmi] is vivid and sweet ...

... Gloria: Dear Huta, It is from the 29th of May that I wish to write to you to thank you for your beautiful letter and tell you that during the concreting I put the 5 red hibiscus flowers in the Mahakali pillar as you asked me to do, and also to tell you how wonderful was this night in which we have completed the structure of Matrimandir. We had put up the Mother's flag on the top for the occasion: ...


... André, who was in Paris: Dear Huta, Many thanks for your aerogramme of the 22nd. I am glad that you went to the Matrimandir on the 21st and placed Mother's blessing packet and flowers in the Mahakali pillar. Certainly this will have been quite good in restoring the real meaning of the Matrimandir instead of having it the object of the feud between Nava and Shyamsunder. I am glad also that the ...


... towards the New Light. On each Puja day the Mother wore a sari and crown or bandeau to suit the occasion. On Durga Puja day, for instance, she dressed in a red sari. On the Puja days of Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, and Mahasaraswati her attire corresponded to the particular quality and power of the specific goddess. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... There is one Kali temple and when I looked at the image I saw the living presence there. For the first time I believed in the presence of God. 5.12.1939 Sri Aurobindo The idol of Mahakali, Karnali situated on the northern bank of river Narmada, near Chandod in Gujarat. When Sri Aurobindo visited this shrine in 1906. He realised the living Presence of Kali in the image. The poem ...


... Mother's blessing packet and flowers from Nolini-da. 4.45 p.m. — Homage to the Banyan tree. 5.00 p.m. — Meditation for half an hour. 5.45 p.m. — Putting the blessing packet and flowers in the Mahakali Pillar. We all pray for the Mother's victory in her truth and love... OM I shall be hoping that you and your family members will be present on the occasion. With kindest regards Huta ...


... he would give flowers and a special blessing packet touched by the Mother. All these, along with gold symbol combining the symbols of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, will be put in the pillar of Mahakali on the platform. ...


... 1956 My Savitri work with the Mother 12 May 1956 The Mother asked me to make a garland of red Hibiscus for Mahakali. This was her first sketch with instructions: 12.5.56 To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta Here is the promised Java flower which you can use as a model. Naturally you will have to do them quite small . My ...


... 1959 My Savitri work with the Mother 31 October 1959 Then finally there was a small enclosure for 31st October 1959—for the Mahakali Puja. A special blessing packet of Pomegranate flower-petals was attached inside. Beneath it the Mother had written: To My dear little child Huta. With love and blessings The message for the occasion was in Sri ...


... that in each part of the town, houses should be built in particular shapes: Square, Hexagon, Round and Triangular. Each shape will have a special colour: Rainbow, Orange, Gold, and Light Blue . Mahakali: North—Industrial zone The shape will be square, colour will be rainbow—it has seven colours. The number seven represents Realisation. There will be five Industrial zones. Some are on the sea-side ...


... passing at the time I gave you the flower. I did not attach any importance to it because it was just foolishness—but I see that you received it. 28 April 1934 Page 20 The wrath of Mahakali manifests from time to time and acts all right, but the effect of it does not last because those who answer to the adverse force do not truly want to be cured—they are not sincere. 1 July 1935 ...


... delay in our sadhana? Your question seems to be just clever words meant to do away with some inconvenient uneasiness about your own role as a sadhak. 5.Should 1 at times invoke Mother Mahakali? Page 199 Better not at present. You are not God's Warrior enough.   6. Of the two - an ardent desire for one's personal progress and not having any concern for it - which ...


... at all; she went and reported to Sri Aurobindo such and such a thing was being done. That he should be asked to hand over the cast at once. There you see the Mother is not a gentleman 1 She can be Mahakali. Sri Aurobindo said: "All right, I'll speak to him." When the disciple came up, he called him, and in a very quiet and affectionate manner explained to him the impropriety of his action.   ...


... his own or else a terrific bolt from the Divine's blue. Now the dividing "or" turned out to imply not a pair of different destructive forces but simply two different names for one and the same Mahakali, for the greater devil was pulled into action willynilly by the hands of the Divine. The Mother, by a bold piece of what we may call a divine outdevilling of the super-devil, the Lord of Falsehood ...


... the Gracious Mother will surely reveal herself. This is not a mere belief. All this reminds me of an incident narrated by Sri Aurobindo. When he visited Chanod-Karnali, he had a living vision of Mahakali in a srone image in a small temple on the Narmada. So many visit the same temple but how many have this living darshan? Similarly, we have all heard that Sri Ramakrishnadev even talked with the image ...


... external activities of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This was in 1926. Page 15 Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; it was complex; it was ...

... Aditi has also come to be known as Shakti, Mahashakti, Parashakti and as Parameshwari. In Sri Aurobindo's book. The Mother, four aspects of Aditi have been described, namely, those of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 8 The word intuition is often used in religions and philosophical literature so as to include in its connotation all the levels of consciousness that transcend ...

... disciples and external activities of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This was in 1926. Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; it was complex; it ...

... mukti, bhukti is now final in all their parts, though not yet consummate; only the siddhi remains and this is being rapidly brought forward. It is still chiefly hampered in the karma proper to Mahakali & in the outward fulfilment of kama. November 10th ... Samata siddhi, sraddha, virya, shakti, are perfect except for the defective spot in the Sraddha through which the asiddhi can ...

... thought Mother's touch would do him good. He is too insincere. Mother refuses to have him for Pranam or meditation. She says he is so full of falsehood that she can put no force on him except a Mahakali one and as he would resist that also, it would be more dangerous to him than helpful. D was saying that his ailments don't ever improve after reporting to you. Please see that this report gives ...

... a ridiculously easy way, by the grace either of a temporary guru (but it wasn't that, for he was himself bewildered by it) or by the grace of the eternal Brahman and afterwards by the the grace of Mahakali and Krishna. So don't try to turn me into an argument against the Divine; that attempt will be perfectly ineffective. I am obliged to stop—if I go on, there will be no Pranam till 12 o'clock. So ...

... Divine or the Supreme Reality manifests itself into the lower world of Ignorance, it reveals its four principal aspects: 1) Wisdom and Knowledge (Maheshwari), 2) Power, Force, Violence and Destruction (Mahakali), 3) Splendour, Opulence, and Beauty (Mahalakshmi), and 4) Service, skill in works (especially those involving intricacy and detail), and practical knowledge (Mahasaraswati). Page 9 ...


... worst kind of cowardice she could ever imagine. She went on battering in this vein for some minutes in front of about a dozen persons. The atmosphere was tensely silent. We saw and heard the veritable Mahakali in her wrath. The captain took it all without a word of self-defence. At the end the Mother patted his head and cheek. On several previous occasions she had praised him highly for his leadership. ...

... estation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself immediately, almost as a ...

... truly frightful. I have seen formations that are so obscure, so ununderstandable, so inexpressive! There are some divine beings that are treated worse than the others. Take, for example, this poor Mahakali. What has man made of her, wildly terrible, a nightmare beyond imagination! Such creations however live in a very inferior world, in the lowest vital Page 124 world; and if there ...

... become tomorrow's truth and reality. It is through time that man's inner aspirations and dreams gradually become real. In the world of manifestation, Mother is that catalyst of time - she is Mahakali. Mother and Sri Aurobindo sought to bring down a vast and lofty consciousness into man's present life so that it is renewed and transformed. As flowers spontaneously blossom at the coming ...


... Draws them infallibly ever nearer to her through the rolling ages - Her very presence is the power that decrees, the grace that redeems. October 5, 1932 Page 310 VII MAHAKALI SHE has burst open the veil and leaped to the front, Into the very thick of the combat Our Captain, our Warrior - her flaming sword, her battering mace, Her thundering cry sweep the ...

... of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Coriesponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother – íśwarií (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and self ...

... her rebuke. I was indeed very much moved by her divine considerateness. If she would be rude or severe on occasions — she once said that Sri Aurobindo was a gentleman, she was not — we have seen her Mahakali aspect, freezing silence, ironical smile, cold look, — her Mahalakshmi graciousness too was showered upon us often. For example, she used to give me, on my birthdays, a pair of fine dhotis from the ...

... for the third time! SRI AUROBINDO: Even if you have not got patience, you have persistence. DR. MANILAL (explaining to the Mother who had just come in) : The frontage is rather low. Perhaps Mahakali is smiting me? THE MOTHER: No, no. SRI AUROBINDO(looking at the Mother) : It is certainly an experience. (Laughter by both) DR. MANILAL (after Sri Aurobindo's usual walk) : How did you, ...


... spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation and execution, relation of parts and effective combination ...

... bloom, has verily reserves of potency. If one must go into greater detail, one may say that the central circle signifies the Divine Consciousness, the four surrounding petals connote Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and the twelve outer petals or twelve powers "the vibrations that are necessary for the complete manifestation". Sri Aurobindo also gave his approval to the int ...


... sly - that does not unfold itself in time, it is we who move in time as we speak, otherwise we cannot express ourselves. 23 The Powers described in Sri Aurobindo's The Mother - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - are in their original manifestation "quite close to the Supermind", though a series of descents in the lines of consciousness might lead, not only to the Overmind, but ...


... the conflict between the Gods and the Asuras represented in the Puranas very realistic even for our times, because, generally the Gods used to get beaten by Asuras and run for protection either to Mahakali or to Rudra or to Vishnu. Sri Aurobindo : It is the intervention of the Divine that can become effective, and in this German and Stalin affair it is the question of the descent of the whole ...

... strength to those who engage in such a dharma yuddha— a battle for the safeguarding or salvaging of the spiritual and cultural heritage of humanity. The Kshatriya element, the aspect of Rudra and Mahakali, has its undeniable truth and function, at least in the present economy of the world, and a willful ignoring of it can only lead to chaos and confusion Page 28 and untold miseries. The ...


... still utter the same prayer regularly. Will not the Lord fulfil our prayer? We love the Mother. We have all felt Her, sometimes as Mother Aditi Herself, sometimes as Maheshwari, at other times as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi or as Maha-saraswati. Standing next to a fire, how can our body not be touched by its warmth? And in spite of our untransformed, ignorant condition the Mother’s Grace has so spontaneously ...


... symbol - for the symbol was more direct than the 'sense' it symbolised - that the Divine was Knowledge, Power, Protection and Mutuality, and Work and Service, all at once, even as Shakti is Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati -Wisdom, Power, Harmony and Work, the four supreme godheads of the cosmic order. With the passage of time, however, 'symbol' became 'type', and what had been ...

... and ordering of a new divinised vital and physical existence in whatever way the Divine Mother herself decides in her creative vision." There are four great aspects of the Mother —Maheswari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The "third is vivid and sweet and wonderful with her deep secret of beauty and harmony and fine rhythm, her intricate and subtle opulence, her compelling attraction ...

... Umarani (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 242 Barin's portrait of Sri Aurobindo (courtesy Smt . Lahori Chatterjee) 254 Agastya, Darasuram temple (courtesy Michel Danino) 259 Mahakali at Lalgola's temple (courtesy Soumendu Datta) 275 Barin the revolutionary (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 311 Sri Aurobindo in his revolutionary days (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose ...

... she is terrible in appearance with her glittering teeth and fangs, she is the mainstay of the great opulence of beauty, auspiciousness and lustre.4 She is the delusion of Vishnu, the impassable Mahakali. If worshipped she will bring under the control of the worshipper all the mobile and the immobile in the universe.6 The one who manifested out of the bodies of all the gods with immeasurable light ...

... word that the programme was all right and that you approved it fully, and you would give the Mother's special blessing packet touched by her. Also the flowers and camphor to be put in the recess of Mahakali's pillar in the Matrimandir. You have been giving me the sacred things for the last two years and the effect of their working is marvellous. We all pray to the Supreme Mother to release Her Force ...

... progress, and on their strength and their resistance. But I know very few people who don't need blows at all. Mother, is the blow which comes Mahakali's? The blow? Not necessarily. If you swallow a poison and are poisoned, it won't be Mahakali's fault. It is you who will have swallowed the poison. If one puts oneself into absolutely ridiculous conditions, one is in a state in which one is... because you are not in a state of true equilibrium, you can't accuse the divine forces. It is the normal mechanical consequence of the stupidity committed, of the inner state. What is the nature of Mahakali's blow? It makes you feel very happy. It gives you a sweet warmth in the heart, like that. You feel quite satisfied. Does one have to aspire for it or does it come naturally? Yes, one must ...

... Light or Force or Peace or Ananda. In your case it was the Force working on the mind in waves. It is true also that when it was like that, not in currents or as a rain or as a quiet flood, it is Mahakali's Force that is working. The first necessity when it is so, is not to fear. Flow or Stream The descent of the Consciousness from above is often felt as a flow of water. Also the image of the ...

... from our ordinary reactions to the Mother's psychological state? Many in the past have seen the Mother "angry", "impatient", "intolerant". But did these adjectives do anything more than translate Mahakali's drastic Truthward moods into human equivalents? Those moods can have no quality of our common anger, impatience, intolerance. The Mother has also undergone bodily ailments and felt drained of physical ...

... capable of being a "supreme Diplomat" (a phrase from Savitri) when the Divine Guidance required it, could be quite uninhibited both in the tenderness of Mahalakshmi's Grace and in the severity of Mahakali's Grace — both the movements being straightforward acts for the soul's good and having behind them the Grace of Maheshwari's wisdom and the Grace of Mahasaraswati's skill in works. We must ...

... surrounded him and remained with him for long months afterwards." 14 He experienced on a later occasion a sense of the vacant Infinite while walking on the bridge of the Takht-i-Suleman in Kashmir, and Mahakali's living presence once filled him with rapture on the banks of the Narmada. 15         Soon after his return to India, Sri Aurobindo employed special tutors and quickly mastered his mother ...

... tilts the balance for the God of Justice. The way the Kauravas acted atrociously towards a helpless, God-loving woman sealed their doom, and the Pandavas woke to the idea of grave vengeance. Then Mahakali's wrath fell upon the Kauravas because they'd insulted Her own Shaktis, Her powers. Beware! Have you finished your questions ? I've elsewhere to go, so many are calling me. [N:] I have another ...

... saying that to make a stupid man intelligent is an impossibility. To make a dishonest man honest is an even more impossible miracle.... Which is swifter for transformation: Divine Love or Mahakali's force? Page 25 Kali's force is necessary only for those who are not yet open to Divine Love. For one who is open to Divine Love, nothing more is needed. 11.11.1967 Before ...

... in other fields of life. The following day, Dr. Manilal had to face from the Mother such an unexpected thundering assault that we felt our hearts would stop with fear and consternation. It was Mahakali's wrath. I have never since seen her in such a fiery mood. Sri Aurobindo was lying quietly; the Mother came into the room and, standing by his bed, asked Dr. Manilal what he thought of the fracture ...

... specialist advised that Sri Aurobindo should stay in bed for a number of weeks. The next day when Dr. Manilal tried to make light of it to the Mother, she almost flew into a rage. "It was Mahakali's wrath." The Mother knew that not the doctors, but Sri Aurobindo alone could initiate the process of cure. And so she "prostrated herself on the floor before Sri Aurobindo," writes Nirod, "and ...

... make a stupid man intelligent is an impossibility. To make a dishonest man honest is an even more impossible miracle. 8 November 1967 Which is swifter for transformation: Divine Love or Mahakali's force? Kali's force is necessary only for those who are not yet open to Divine Love. For one who is open to Divine Love, nothing more is needed. 11 November 1967 By Your Grace, my body ...

... and Love. 16 February 1965 Mother, I am told that the recent violence against the Ashram was the result of Mahakali's wrath and you are supposed to have said that this was not the last. I thought that it was an act of the hostile forces. If truly it is Mahakali's work, then is it to be welcomed? People always deform what I say. It is better not to listen to them. But I have written... progress. 10 March 1965 Mother, I am grateful for the message that you have sent. Is it only for me or can it be put in "Purodha" also? I would like to know why one should not pray for Mahakali's intervention when the destruction that she brings is only for hastening your work. I have seen that when you scold, one feels your hand supporting from behind, so that we may not fall. If a few blows ...