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English [255]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [6]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [3]
Beyond Man [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [2]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Children's University [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [7]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [8]
Letters on Yoga - IV [6]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [4]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Our Many Selves [4]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [10]
Questions and Answers (1956) [4]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [9]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [7]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Sunlit Path [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [3]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
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English [255]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [6]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [3]
Beyond Man [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [2]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Children's University [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [7]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [8]
Letters on Yoga - IV [6]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [4]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Our Many Selves [4]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [10]
Questions and Answers (1956) [4]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [9]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [7]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Signature Of Truth [3]
The Sunlit Path [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [3]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
255 result/s found for Psychical consciousness

... that of limitation and a certain element of error which cannot be entirely eliminated so long as the soul experiences and acts on the mental level. For there is then a pure action of the true psychical consciousness and its powers, a reception of psychical experience pure in itself of the worse deformations, although subject to the limitations of the representing mind, and capable of a high spiritualisation... through their psychical selves or their psychical bodies or even with things, for things also have a psychical reality and souls or presences supporting them which can communicate with our psychical consciousness. The most notable of these more powerful but rarer phenomena are those which attend the power of exteriorisation of our consciousness for various kinds of action otherwise and elsewhere than... considerable range of our being in which the presence, influence and powers of the other planes are active upon us and help to shape our external being and its activities. The awakening of the psychical consciousness enables us to become aware of these powers, presences and influences in and around us; and while in the impure or yet ignorant and imperfect mind this unveiled contact has its dangers, it enables ...


... they are liable to be converted into a thick jungle of error. The true and direct knowledge or vision of past, present and future begins with the opening of the psychical consciousness and the psychical faculties. The psychical consciousness is that of what is now often called the subliminal self, the subtle or dream self of Indian psychology, and its range of potential knowledge, almost infinite as... lower ranges and more outer workings of the psychical consciousness are subject to dangerous influences, strong illusions, misleading, perverting and distorting suggestions and images. A purified mind and heart and a strong and fine psychical intuition may do much to protect from perversion and error, but even the most highly developed psychical consciousness cannot be absolutely safe unless the psychical... to much error unless there is at the same time a strong psychical intuition fine, subtle and pure or a high development of the luminous intuitive intelligence. A completer opening of the psychical consciousness leads us far beyond this faculty of vision by images and admits us not indeed to a new time consciousness, but to many ways of the triple time knowledge. The subliminal or psychic self can ...


... which there is what we discover to be our highest self, and this too we can set apart as a higher occult province of our nature. The Life Divine, p. 557 The Inner Being; the Psychical Consciousness The inner being means the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical with the psychic behind as the inmost. Letters on Yoga, p. 373 There is an inner mental, an inner... natural consequence. It is then that the existence of the cosmic Being becomes a certitude and a reality and is no longer an ideative perception. The Life Divine, pp. 541-42 The psychical consciousness is that of what is now often called the subliminal self, the subtle or dream self of Indian psychology, and its range of potential knowledge, almost infinite... includes a very large power... error unless there is at the same time a strong psychical intuition fine, subtle and pure or a high development of the luminous intuitive intelligence. A completer opening of the psychical consciousness leads us far beyond this faculty of vision by images and admits us not indeed to a new time consciousness, but to many ways of the triple time knowledge. The subliminal or psychic 3 self ...


... through their psychical selves or their psychical bodies or even with things, for things also have a psychical reality and souls or presences supporting them which can communicate with our psychical consciousness. The most notable of these more powerful but rarer phenomena are those which attend the power of exteriorisation of our consciousness for various kinds of action otherwise and elsewhere ... considerable range of our being in which the presence, influence and powers of the other planes are active upon us and help to shape our external being and its activities. The awakening of the psychical consciousness enables us to become aware of these powers, presences and influences in and around us; and while in the impure or yet ignorant and imperfect mind this unveiled contact has its dangers, it... enables us too, if rightly used and directed, to be no longer their subject but their master and to come into conscious and self-controlled possession of the inner secrets of our nature. The psychical consciousness reveals this interaction between the inner and the outer planes, this world and others, partly by an awareness, which may be very constant, vast and vivid, of their impacts, suggestions ...


... to use the word "psychical" to refer to phenomena connected with the subliminal (inner mind, inner vital, inner physical), such as clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. Page 413 Psychical consciousness — the consciousness of the subliminal or inner being. Psychic being —the divine portion in the individual which evolves from life to life, growing, by its experiences until it becomes ...


... that in your Calcutta Centre the Sadhana seems to have taken a different turn from that in the Krishnagore centre. It seems to be marked by an immediate opening and rapid development of the psychical consciousness and psychical phenomena. This turn has great possibilities but also by itself great danger. In the complete Sadhana there are two powers necessary, the masculine, Purusha or Ishwara power coming ...

... that in your Calcutta centre the Sadhana seems to have taken a different turn from that in the Krishnagore centre. It seems to be marked by an immediate opening and rapid development of the psychical consciousness and psychical phenomena. This turn has great possibilities but also by itself great dangers. In the complete Sadhana there are two powers necessary, the masculine, Purusha or Ishwara power ...


... 38, 72-83, 307, 342-44, 362-63 and psychical phenomena, 248-49 and the subconscient, 72 See also Inner being Subliminal consciousness, 291-92 See also Psychical consciousness Subliminal mind, see Subconciou (inner) mind Superconscient (superconscious), the, 6, 14-15, 38, 140-66, 307, 351-58, 362-63 Supermind,142,159-61,356-57,392 ...


... death?" No, not at all. The psychic consciousness that has identified with the small part of the physical is what comes out of this small physical person. Insofar as that consciousness has fashioned one's life, it remembers what it has fashioned, and the memory is closely linked with the psychic consciousness in the past events: whenever the psychic consciousness did not participate in the events... events, no memory is retained. It's only the psychic consciousness that can continue. It's not the mind that retains the memories, that's quite wrong. ... body and bringing down its consciousness and force into the cells that it can come. I speak of course of yogic means. The scientists now hold that it is (theoretically at least) possible to discover physical means by which death can be overcome, but that would mean only a prolongation of the present consciousness in the present body Unless there is a change of consciousness and change of functionings ...


... this means that the psychic consciousness enters into the physical consciousness. Yes. Because, there alone things are permanent. Yes... The psychic consciousness must enter into the ordinary physical consciousness. Yes. That is the difficult thing. But, my child, that happened to me, as I told you, at least thirty years ago. The psychic consciousness was always there ruling... makes a gesture of a straight line ) for years and years. It comes from there, it is the psychic consciousness, and it is CONSTANT. I have had recently for some moments the experience of un-unified consciousness, but it has not been like that for years and years, at least for thirty years. 1 Directly the psychic being became the master, began ruling the being, it was finished —finished, and it has... being around the psychic centre is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity." I have observed that people were insincere simply because one part of the being says one thing and another part says another thing. It is that which constitutes insincerity. But it is very difficult to have a state of consciousness that is permanent, to have always the same consciousness ruling all the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... divine consciousness which seeks to manifest from above and upholds a certain series of formations, peculiar to itself, in the universe which is its field of manifestation. Secondly, there is the psychic consciousness which climbs from below, the seed of the Divine developing through time till it meets the Force from above and takes the impress of the supramental Truth. This psychic consciousness is the... experiences. Not until they have become united with the psychic so that there arc not two halves but a single consciousness, the whole nature unified round the central Divine Will and this centralised being is connected up with the divine line of consciousness which is above-not until this happens can one receive the knowledge belonging to that consciousness and become aware of the entire series of forms and... contact whatever with the psychic consciousness and so transmits not one jot of his experiences to it. The impressions of his exterior monkey-nature vanish with the crumbling of his animal body: to pretend to a knowledge of them is to betray the grossest ignorance of the actual facts of the problem under consideration. Even with regard to human lives, it is only when the psychic has come to the fore that ...


... of divine consciousness which seeks to manifest from above and upholds a certain series of formations, peculiar to itself, in the universe which is its field of manifestation. Secondly, there is the psychic consciousness which climbs up from below, the seed of the Divine developing through time till it meets the Force from above and takes the impress of the supramental Truth. This psychic consciousness... experiences. Not until they have become united with the psychic, so that there are not two halves but a single consciousness, the whole nature unified round the central Divine Will and this centralised being is connected up with the divine line of consciousness which is above—not until this happens can one receive the knowledge belonging to that consciousness and become aware of the entire series of forms and... whatever with the psychic consciousness and so transmits not one jot of his experiences to it. The impressions of his exterior monkey-nature vanish with Page 148 the crumbling of his animal body: to pretend to a knowledge of them is to betray the grossest ignorance of the actual facts of the problem under consideration. Even with regard to human lives, it is only when the psychic has come to ...


... application must be determined by the inner consciousness seeing at each step what is to be done or not done. If the psychic is uppermost, if the being is entirely turned towards the Mother and follows the psychic, this can be increasingly done. All depends therefore not on a mental rule to follow in practice, but in getting the psychic consciousness back and putting its light into this vital part... express orders at every moment and in every detail. Especially if the psychic consciousness is open and one lives fully in that, it gets the intimation at once and sees things clearly and receives the help, the intervention, the necessary direction or warning. That was what was happening to a great extent when your psychic consciousness was very active, but there was a vital part in which you were not... and effective. If you do or say a thing with the psychic uppermost or with the right inner touch, it will be effective; if you do or say the same thing out of the mind or the vital or both, a wrong or mixed atmosphere, it may be quite ineffective. To do the right thing in the right way in each case and at each moment one must be in the right consciousness — it can’t be done by following a fixed mental ...

... durable. The psychic consciousness which has identified itself with the little physical part leaves this little physical person. Insofar as this consciousness has shaped the life, it remembers what it has shaped and the memory is closely linked to the psychic consciousness in the events. Wherever the psychic consciousness has not taken part in events, there is no memory. And only the psychic consciousness... physical being. With education, the number of men who are conscious of their vital and mind is increasing. As for the human beings who are conscious of their psychic being, they are relatively few. If you mean, "How does one awaken the consciousness of the physical being?", that is precisely the aim of physical education. It is physical education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But for the d... up the physical body. Page 340 The consciousness is, by its very nature, immortal, and in order to manifest in the physical world, it assumes more or less lasting material forms. The material substance is in course of transformation in order to become a multiform and increasingly perfect and lasting mode of expression for this consciousness. 18 May 1968 ( This time, Mother gave ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... means the psychic consciousness must penetrate the PHYSICAL consciousness. Yes. Because that's the only place where there is permanence. Yes.... The psychic consciousness must penetrate the ordinary physical consciousness. Yes. That's what is difficult! But, mon petit, I tell you, that's what happened to me at least thirty years ago. The psychic consciousness has always... state of consciousness, to have always the same consciousness prevailing at all times. But that's when you're not unified, mon petit. It's been a-l-w-a-y-s like this for me ( Mother draws a straight line in front of her ) for years and years. It comes from here, the psychic consciousness, and it's CONSTANT. Recently, for a few moments, I had the experience [of the nonunified consciousness]; I hadn't... long ago). And it has remained unchanged. Only recently did I have the experience [of the nonunified consciousness], for a few hours one night, two or three hours—it was horrible, really, it seemed like hell. It was to make me touch, to make me grasp the condition people live in. Imagine when the psychic is no longer there.... Page 58 But it's in the BODY—in the body: the body is listening ...


... go deeper. You feel sad because you are in a very superficial consciousness—you must go deeper, into a deeper consciousness. You mean in the waking state? When I am awake like now? Yes, oh yes! It's when you are awake that you must try to reach your psychic consciousness. When you are in contact with your psychic consciousness, there's no more sadness. ( silence ) You're still quite... Nothing to ask? Is there anything new? Oh, it's always new! And you, what's new with you? Nothing, Mother, I'm a little upset about my lack of consciousness during sleep.... I wonder what on earth I do at night! ( after a silence ) Page 267 Does anyone see Pavitra at night? (Sujata:) I see him almost every night. Oh, you see... quite young really! ( laughter ) How old are you? I am forty-six, Mother. You have a twenty-five-year-old's consciousness. Ah! (Satprem protests:) No, eighteen. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter.... Page 269 × See Agenda X , May 17, 1969 . ...


... Part Four How the Psychic Consciousness Develops There are two domains of consciousness, psychic and superconscient, where we need to look for, if we are in search of true knowledge and integral knowledge. Psychic consciousness is, as we have noted earlier, the inmost consciousness in the individual, and we find that the psychic entity and, its representative, soul p... to the native character of the psychic consciousness, and therefore, in the early stages we dimly become aware of the psychic consciousness through a certain sensitive feeling for all that is true and good and beautiful, fine and pure and noble; it is the psychic being who responds to and demands increasing growth of truth, beauty and goodness; it is that consciousness which puts pressure on mind and... and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete receptivity and right attitude — for Page 43 the psychic brings in everything right thought, right perception ...

... being, Page 139 the psychic consciousness, which is another thing. The psychic being is an entity which has a form; it is organised around a central consciousness and, having a form it has a dimension, but a dimension of another kind than the third dimension of the outer consciousness. It is often said that children enter into possession of their psychic being when they are about seven... it a beginning of psychic consciousness (this work is already very perceptible in animals—don't think you are exceptional beings, that you alone have a psychic being and the rest of creation hasn't. It begins in the mineral, it is a little more developed in the plant, and in the animal there is a first glimmer of the psychic presence). Then there comes a moment when this psychic being is sufficiently... dreams, but very rarely do dreams consist of true memories of past lives, because for that one must dream in one's psychic consciousness and there are not many who are capable of this. One dreams in the mental or vital consciousness but rarely does one dream in the psychic consciousness. That can happen, but it is rare. At times, there are dreams which one takes for memories, but they are only symbols: ...


... meaning of "the psychic opening in the physical consciousness " ? ... One can find the psychic through each part of the consciousness: you can find a psychic behind the physical... you Page 44 can enter into contact with the psychic directly through the physical consciousness, directly through the vital consciousness, directly through the mental consciousness. It is not... physical consciousness to the psychic consciousness, you don't need to develop vitally or mentally or to return to these states of being in order to enter into contact with the psychic. You can enter directly. The psychic manifests itself directly in your physical without passing through the other states; that's what it means. 49 * I think that one gets the psychic consciousness only when... established with the psychic, the true soul. 60 * I must have felt something during my pranam, because afterwards I wept. O my sweet Mother, why? Because during the pranam I reestablished the contact between your ordinary consciousness and the psychic consciousness. The extreme sweetness of the psychic consciousness always makes the outer consciousness weep with emotion ...


... leaving." May the Ashram inmates learn to be grateful and how down in gratitude to the Divine. Yes, my dear child, you are quite right—but gratitude is a virtue of the psychic and very few people live in their psychic consciousness. 5 July 1935 ...

... not come into the front, nothing genuine has been done. In this Yoga, the psychic being is that which opens the rest of the nature to the true supramental light and finally to the supreme Ananda. If the soul is awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then the Yoga can be done; otherwise (by the mere power of the mind or any other part)... part) it is impossible. It is this new birth, this awakening of the psychic consciousness, that the Mother is offering in the vision. If the golden Purusha refuses it, it must be because he is bound by some kind of attachment, probably to mere "knowledge". In that case, he is not very consistent; for it was he who demanded surrender to the Mother and now he rejects the very heart and meaning of the... only making things ready for a future Yoga-siddhi. 18 September 1932 What is the conscious way to bring the psychic to the front? Does awakening of the psychic being mean its coming to the front? No. Awakening is a different thing, it means the conscious action of the psychic from behind. When it comes to the front it invades the mind and vital and body and psychicises their movements. It ...

... divisions of time, for even those who have passed away are present. It is a place where the psychic consciousness prevails, as is proved by “folded hands and a deep prayerful mood”. But here this consciousness is not only within; it is also manifested without—”“eyes closed” and “eyes open”. Two of the signs of the psychic were there; “simplicity and genuine faith without any kind of pretension.” There is also... “The psychic plane is not static. There are lessons to be learned from the Divine all the while and at every stage of the soul's experience after its entry there during its sadhana. The Prasad Bhavan stands for the central point of the plane, where the psychic's intrinsic sweetness is most directly and intensely experienced. It is approachable only by those who live in the psychic consciousness. A symbol... completeness of being. It is also evocative of the sense of the sky which appears like a dome. This evocation would mean the Overhead Consciousness with which the psychic has to link up. Within this dome-shaped building is what I have called the central point of the psychic plane, the Prasad Bhavan where there is, as it were, the quintessence of the Divine. It is a deep core surrounded by a wall (with ...


... went on, but I have with me, in the Mother’s handwriting, four of the topics She gave. Reproduced below are all these topics for meditation. The new birth—the birth to a new consciousness, the psychic consciousness. 5 July 1957 How to awaken in the body the aspiration towards the Divine. Turning one’s gaze within. Looking within oneself. 2 August 1957 * * * ...


... oneself the Mother's; it is more often the increase of the feeling that brings the Presence. For the feeling comes from the psychic consciousness and it is the growth of the psychic consciousness that makes the constant Presence at last possible. The feeling comes from the psychic and is true of the inner being—its not being yet fulfilled in the whole does not make it an imagination; on the contrary,... presence all the time? It is a matter, first, of the constant activity of the psychic and secondly of the conversion of the physical and its openness to inner supraphysical experience. Apart from the vital and its disturbances the physical is the chief difficulty in establishing a continuity of Yogic consciousness and experience. If the physical is thoroughly transformed—opened and conscious—then... But I do not see why you call the feeling sentimental or think that your sense of the presence of the Mother in the heart-beats etc. was unreal. It was your psychic being that suggested it to you and the response showed that the consciousness was ready. Mother felt that something was happening in you and felt that it was the beginning of a realisation—she was encouraging it and Page 172 ...

... that right from the age of three, more or less, a child's psychic being is "in front", but as a result of intellectual education it is pushed behind by mental formations. Is it possible to educate a child by keeping the psychic being always in front? Yes, it is possible, provided the educator himself remains always in the psychic consciousness. Isn't a child mainly a vital being? He is vital ...

... being is very rarely preserved; so we speak only of the psychic consciousness which, indeed, always persists. And then there are people for whom the psychic returns to the psychic domain to assimilate the experience they have had and to prepare their future life. This may take centuries, it depends on the people. The more evolved the psychic is, the nearer it is to its complete maturity, the greater... to do. But before this state, which is not very frequent—it depends absolutely on the degree of development of the psychic and the hope formulated by the integral consciousness of the being—there is still the mental, vital and physical consciousness, united with the psychic consciousness; so at that moment, the moment of death, the moment of leaving the body, it formulates a hope or an aspiration or... will of the psychic being is not developed and it does not choose. Hence, there are no rules. It depends very much on circumstances, and especially on the line of formation which the psychic being will follow, and that depends on its origin. It is difficult to say. In the matter of sex, that may vary for a long time. As the consciousness grows and gains some unity of action, of consciousness, it can choose ...


... jealousy or ill-will). It is through the psychic consciousness that you have found it possible to be in a true constant relation with the Mother and your aim is to make that the basis of all your life, action and feeling; all in you, all you feel, all you say and do, should be consistent with that basis. If all proceeds from that psychic union of your consciousness with the Mother, dedicating everything ...

... What does "psychic poise" mean? Psychic poise means the poise of the being which comes from the fact that the psychic, which governs the movements of the being, is the master of all the movements of the consciousness. The psychic is always well poised. So when it is active and governs the being, it inevitably brings a balance. ... Then why is it said: "The psychic poise is necessary... everyone, and which is instinctively open to the influence of the psychic. There is always one part — sometimes indeed quite veiled, of which we are not conscious — something in the being which is turned to the psychic and receiving its influence. This is the intermediary between the psychic consciousness and the external consciousness. It is not the same thing in everyone; in each one it... its experiences. It takes rest, then at the required moment, wakes up and projects its consciousness upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions — or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake ...


... and because their psychic being has felt that they belonged to the same family; so they have taken an inner vow to continue to act together and collaborate. That is why even though they are born far from one another, there is something which compels them to come together; it is the psychic being, the psychic consciousness that is behind. And only to the extent the psychic consciousness is strong enough... ordinary reactions, ordinary thoughts, sensations, actions, movements,—all this is very insignificant. It is only at times, when there is a flash of the higher consciousness through the psychic, an opening into something else, a contact with the psychic being (which may last for a second), at that moment, it is not insignificant. Otherwise, all the rest is repeated in millions and millions of copies. Your... that it was her psychic being which had led her here. External motives are simply pretexts used by the psychic to realise itself. But she was quite a wonderful person! In the beginning she had taken an attitude of benevolence and goodwill towards everything and everybody, even the worst scamp; she saw only the Page 3 good side. Then as she stayed on, her consciousness developed; after ...


... dreams, but very rarely do dreams consist of true memories of past lives, because for that one must dream in one's psychic consciousness and there are not many who are capable of this. One dreams in the mental or vital consciousness but rarely does one dream in the psychic consciousness.... At times, there are dreams which one takes for memories, but they are only symbols: what one sees comes from... reasons for this. Perhaps it is an exteriorisation: one has come out of the body and gone for a stroll. They may be memories of former lives. Perhaps one has become identified with someone else's consciousness and has the memories of this other person. Perhaps it is a premonition (this is the rarest case, but it may happen): one sees ahead what one will see later. When we see you in a dream, is it... it always a symbolic dream? No, not necessarily. It can be a fact.... If I send out a force or a thought or a movement, an action to someone, in his atmosphere in his mental consciousness it takes my form. So he sees it.... It is not my whole being... but it is something of myself.... certainly, it has a significance... mostly even a very precise aim... Symbolic dreams are usually very coherent ...


... relationship, it has changed. These last few days I have observed (and it's obviously the psychic consciousness that observes; when I say "I," it's not—that's what struck me—it's not the body: it's the psychic consciousness), and for example, the habit of keeping my eyes closed has increased, and it doesn't hamper the psychic being in any way. It goes on with its action, its relationship. It may be (I am... was there before concentrated on that person—it was the same thing: the Force, the Presence, with the same Pressure on the person. And then, it was the psychic being which said, "But I haven't gone, I've remained here!" With its full consciousness, you understand. It's the intermediaries [i.e., the mind and the vital] that have gone. It's difficult to explain.... There is the impression of a lack—a... the entire consciousness may rise TOGETHER towards that perfection which must manifest, that all this ignorance which has made the world so unhappy may be changed into enlightened knowledge, that all that bad will may be illumined and transformed into benevolence.... And how lovely those prayers would be!" I remember that during those "classes," on certain days I knew it was the psychic that spoke ...


... Experiences of the Mother Words of the Mother - III Transcripts of Experiences Compassion and gratitude are essentially psychic virtues. They appear in the consciousness only when the psychic being takes part in active life. The vital and the physical experience them as weaknesses, for they curb the free expression of their impulses, which are based on... fully understand. When the mind awakens to the awareness of the first psychic movements, it distorts them in its ignorance and changes compassion into pity or at best into charity, and gratitude into the wish to repay, followed, little by little, by the capacity to recognise and admire. It is only when the psychic consciousness is all-powerful in the being that compassion for all that needs help ...


... does not know how to formulate its experience to itself because it lacks a mind. But the pure psychic consciousness is instinctive to it. When, therefore, you offer flowers to me their condition is almost always an index to yours. There are persons who never succeed Page 95 in bringing a fresh flower to me—even if the flower is fresh it becomes limp in their hands. Others, however... Divine, and the sun represents, under material conditions, the Supreme Consciousness. The plants have felt it quite distinctly in their own simple, blind way. Their aspiration is intense, if you know how to become aware of it. On the plane of Matter they are the most open to my influence—I can transmit a state of consciousness more easily to a flower than to a man; it is very receptive, though it does... strong your flower-offerings will be fresh. And if you are receptive you will be also very easily able to absorb the message I put in the flowers I give you. When I give them, I give you states of consciousness; the flowers are the mediums and it all depends on your receptivity whether they are effective or not. Page 96 ...


... part of consciousness is thrown out and one can, then, get suffused with the Mother's Consciousness (the white light). The snow-white ball on the heart is the Mother's pressure towards freeing the soul into its divine source. The beautiful baby in the Mother's lap is Champaklal's psychic being which is the “True Child of the Mother”. He wants to remain in the psychic consciousness always. It... got this dream on his birthday. “For me, your dreams are encouraging, inspiring and enlightening. They enhance my faith. “In this dream, I have noticed three things. “One—The inner consciousness can be separated completely from the body. “Two—The Mother's Force is transforming the mind, the vital and the body—particularly the body now. “Three—The many forms of the Mother, here, mainly ...


... does not know how to formulate its experience to itself because it lacks a mind. But the pure psychic consciousness is instinctive to it. When, therefore, you offer flowers to me their condition is almost always an index to yours. There are persons who never succeed in bringing a fresh flower to me—even if the flower is fresh it becomes limp in their hands. Others, however, always bring fresh flowers... Divine, and the sun represents, under material conditions, the Supreme Consciousness. The plants have felt it quite distinctly in their own simple, blind way. Their aspiration is intense, if you know how to become aware of it. On the plane of Matter they are the most open to my influence—I can transmit a state of consciousness more easily to a flower than to a man: it is very receptive, though it does... strong your flower-offerings will be fresh. And if you are receptive you will be also very easily able to absorb the message I put in the flowers I give you. When I give them, I give you states of consciousness; the flowers are the mediums and it all depends on your receptivity whether they are effective or not. Page 132 ...


... upon the consciousness in which you find yourself. In an ordinary human consciousness, time is measured in relation to the number of years you expect to live. If you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the psychic consciousness, a life is but a moment among similar moments that have existed before; then one life more or less has not much importance. If you are united with the consciousness of eternity ...


... pattern of life he has to weave. Now, the inmost being, the true personality, the central consciousness of the evolving individual is his psychic being. It is, Page 39 as it were, a very tiny speck of light lying far behind the experiences in normal people. In grown up souls this psychic consciousness has an increased light—increased in intensity, volume and richness. Thus there are ... personality. Whatever portion of the outer life, whatever element in the mind or vital or body succeeds in coming in contact with the psychic consciousness, that is to say, is able to come under its influence, is taken up and lodged there: it remains in the psychic being as its living memory and permanent possession. It is such elements that form the basis, the ground-work upon which the structure... that Page 40 and also the thing or things that oppose and do not allow it to flower or come to full manifestation. In other words you have to know yourself, recognize your soul or psychic being. For that you must be absolutely sincere and impartial. You must observe yourself as if you were observing and criticising a third person. You must not start with an idea that this is ...

... of life he has to weave. Now, the inmost being, the true personality, the central consciousness of the evolving individual is his psychic being. It is, as it were, a very tiny speck of light lying far behind the experiences in normal people. In grown Page 239 up souls this psychic consciousness has an increased light – increased in intensity, volume and richness. Thus there are... personality. Whatever portion of the outer life, whatever element in the mind or vital or body succeeds in corning in contact with the psychic consciousness, that is to say, is able to come under its influence, is taken up and lodged there: it remains in the psychic 'being as its living memory and permanent possession. It is such elements that form the basis, the groundwork upon which the structure... express. You have to discover that and also the thing or things that oppose and do not allow it to flower or come to full manifestation. In other words, you have to know yourself, recognize your soul or psychic being. For that you must be absolutely sincere and impartial. You must observe yourself as if you were observing and criticising a third person. You must not start with an idea that this is your ...

... character expressing something of the psychic nature, can they maintain their identity, for this identity is part and parcel of the psychic identity. Page 63 I have said that the memory of past lives is effaced because of the effacement of the instrument. But there is a higher memory which is the attribute of the psychic consciousness. The psychic being is made of light and knowledge:... even of the physical consciousness. These formations are not mere loose accretions, temporary arrangements for a life experience, but are welded, organised, given a more or less permanent shape, as the proper instrument of the psychic being, as its own expression. In such cases, the outer personality too continues as an essential mode or vibration in and with the psychic consciousness itself and when the... mind the purpose of creation and the role of the psychic consciousness. For it is not a matter of individual salvation, of the unilateral growth and development and fulfilment of an individual psychic being. The soul is a luminous point in an inconscient universe and its role is to make it conscious, at least a representative portion of it. The psychic being's activity is the means of a new creation ...

... is nothing in comparison with what is still to be perceived. I have also been asked if the psychic being or psychic consciousness is the medium through which the inspiration is perceived. Generally, yes. The first contact you have with higher regions is a psychic one. Certainly, before an inner psychic opening is achieved, it is difficult to have these inspirations. It can happen as an exception... exception and under exceptional conditions as a grace, but the true contact comes through the psychic; because the psychic consciousness is certainly the medium with the greatest affinity with the divine Truth. Later, when one has emerged from the mental consciousness into a higher consciousness beyond the mind, beyond even the higher mind, and when one opens oneself to the Overmind regions, and through... use one makes of the inspiration, rather than of the quality of the inspiration—the inspiration is always like a drop of light and truth which succeeds in penetrating the human consciousness. What the human consciousness does with this drop depends on the attitude, the need, the occasion, the circumstances; it does not alter the essential nature of the inspiration but it does alter the use one makes ...


... he has Page 335 to weave. Now, the inmost being, the true personality, the central consciousness of the evolving individual is his psychic being. It is, as it were, a very tiny spark of light lying in normal people far behind the life-experiences. In grown-up souls this psychic consciousness has an increased light—increased in intensity, volume and richness. Thus there are old souls and... personality. Whatever portion of the outer life, whatever element in the mind or vital or body succeeds in coming into contact with the psychic consciousness—that is to say, is able to come under its influence—is taken up and lodged there: it remains in the psychic being as its living memory and permanent possession. It is such elements that form the basis, the groundwork upon which the structure of... express. You have to discover that and also the thing or things that oppose and do not allow it to flower or come to full manifestation. In other words, you have to know yourself, recognise your soul or psychic being. For that you must be absolutely sincere and impartial. You must observe yourself as if you were observing and criticising a third person. You must not start with an idea that this is your ...


... influence of the psychic or in contact with it. By learning to recognise the presence or absence of the psychic consciousness, one is apt to grow more conscious of the factors which are helpful and those which are harmful in fostering the awareness of one's soul. This, in turn, enables one to adopt attitudes and make choices in one's life that are more conducive to the consciousness of the psychic. Thirdly... Emergence of the Psychic Preface This book aims at three main objectives. First, it is meant to help one in becoming more conscious of what most human beings are almost entirely unconscious, namely, the action and influence of the soul in one's life. Secondly, the book seeks to describe and clarify various states of consciousness that pertain to... These include the influence of the psychic, coming in contact or being in touch with the psychic, discovery of, identification with or awakening of the psychic, and the opening, coming forward or emergence of the psychic. Such a clarification provides a mental understanding that can be helpful not only in conceiving and distinguishing the various experiences of the psychic but also in becoming aware more ...


... form and character expressing something of the psychic nature, can they maintain their identity, for this identity is part and parcel of the psychic identity. I have said that the memory of past lives is effaced because of the effacement of the instrument. But there is a higher memory which is the attribute of the psychic consciousness. The psychic being is made of light and knowledge: it knows... possess the psychic consciousness. There one has the whole panorama of the soul's odyssey revealed. Any other way leads only to imagination, conjecture and delusion. 2 The passage between death and the arrival at final rest in the psychic world is a most difficult and dangerous ordeal for the human being. He has left the protection of the body and has not yet found the refuge in the psychic: he is... the physical consciousness. These formations are not mere loose accretions, temporary arrangements for a life experience, but are welded, organised, given a more or less permanent shape, as the proper instrument of the psychic being, as its own expression. In such cases, the outer personality too continues to exist as an essential mode or vibration in and with the psychic consciousness itself and when ...

... free, in the sense that he can, at will, take a body or not take. When a psychic being incarnates, it throws itself down into inconscience, because the physical world and even a human consciousness, whatever it may be, are very unconscious in comparison Page 19 with the psychic consciousness. It is as if it fell on its head and it is stunned. Generally, but for some rare... once more step by step to the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence and finally the Divine Himself. It is a thing characteristic of earthly creatures. It is a speciality of the earth. But only in the human being does the psychic become more conscious, more formed and also more independent; it is there individualised. It is the presence of the psychic that makes of man an exceptional being... very old story, but it is eternally true. ⁂ At its origin, the psychic begins by a kind of a divine spark within oneself, a spark of the divine consciousness. Out of this spark will slowly emerge an independent conscious being which will have its own action and its own will. The progress of the psychic consists in its formation, building and organisation. It grows into a conscious ...

... formed, he is free, in the sense that he can, at will, take a body or not take it. When a psychic being incarnates, it precipitates itself down into the inconscience, because the physical world and even a human consciousness, whatever it may be, are very unconscious in comparison with the psychic consciousness. It is as if it fell on its head and it is stunned. Generally, but for some rare exceptions... it once more step by step to the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence and finally the Divine Himself. It is a thing characteristic of earthly creatures. It is a speciality of the earth. But only in the human being does the psychic become more conscious, more formed and also more independent; it is there individualised. It is the presence of the psychic that makes of man an exceptional being... hungry. It is a very old story, but it is eternally true. At its origin, the psychic begins by a kind of a divine spark within oneself, a spark of the divine consciousness. Out of this spark will slowly emerge an independent conscious being which will have its own action and its own will The progress of the psychic consists in its formation, building and organisation. It grows into a conscious ...

... the psychic influence and psychicised, or they are occupied by the higher consciousness from above and transformed into its instruments. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The System of the Chakras Is there a psychic being in the atom? No, it is not yet there. It can be said that there is a possibility of psychic consciousness in Matter—the diffusion of the divine Consciousness had... January 1951 Mother, here Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the psychic behind supporting all". What does this mean? Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation, this triple organisation of human life and consciousness, the psychic is behind and supports it by its consciousness which is an immortal one. It is because of the psychic that we have so clear a sense of continuity. Otherwise if... (1955): 19 January 1955 It is not the psychic being that suffers for personal reasons, it is the mind, the vital and the ordinary consciousness of ignorant man. This is because the contact between the outer consciousness and the psychic consciousness is not well established. He in whom the contact has been well established is always happy. The psychic being works with perseverance and ardour ...


... thing for you is to develop the psychic fire in the heart and the aspiration for the psychic being to come forward as the leader of the sadhana. When the psychic does so, it will show you the "undetected ego-knots" of which you speak and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because... higher cosmic consciousness and the change of the whole consciousness to that. Between psychisation and spiritualisation there is a difference. The spiritual is the change that descends from above, the psychic is the change that comes from within by the psychic dominating mind, vital and physical. The psychic is the first of two transformations necessary—if you have the psychic transformation... the mental being is joining the higher consciousness there and there is not much resistance or none. The other place indicates the joining is of the psychic being to the higher consciousness, hence the greater silence, as the psychic is more central than the mental being; but also there is the attempt to join through the psychic the rest of the lower consciousness to the higher and there there is a resistance ...


... several ways. For, as we have seen, the inward turn of the psychic consciousness facilitates also the upward turn of consciousness, and while the inward turn is a proper domain of the psychic consciousness, the upward turn is the proper domain of the spiritual consciousness. Hence, the entire process is largely Page 59 psycho-spiritual; it can be said that the psycho-spiritual transformation... self-luminous instrumentation of the Self and Spirit is not restricted or divided as in our mind-nature, life-nature, body-nature. The psychic change makes this ascent not only possible but even safe; psychic consciousness opens us to the cosmic consciousness by breaking many walls of limiting individuality; but it also opens us to what is now superconscient to our normality. If there is an awakening... the integral yoga, the Page 60 awakening and full development of psychic consciousness is indispensable; similarly, the ascension from the mind to the supermind, which constitutes the domain of spiritual consciousness is also indispensable; and both these processes and high levels of perfection in the psychic transformation and spiritual transformation are prerequisites for the rapid a ...

... application must be determined by the inner consciousness seeing at each step what is to be done or not done. If the psychic is uppermost, if the being is entirely turned towards the Mother and follows the psychic, this can be increasingly done. All depends therefore not on a mental rule to follow in practice, but on getting the psychic consciousness back and putting its light into this vital part... express orders at every moment and in every detail. Especially if the psychic consciousness is open and one lives fully in that, it gets the intimation at once and sees things clearly and receives the help, the intervention, the necessary direction or warning. That was what was happening to a great extent when your psychic consciousness was very active, but there was a vital part in which you were not... these things, you throw yourself out into a very small and ignorant consciousness in which your vital defects get free play and this is likely to bring you out of what you have developed in your inner consciousness. That was why we said that if you felt a reaction against these things when you went to X 's, it was a sign of (psychic) sensitiveness coming into you—into your vital and nervous being—and ...

... physical-vital; all these distinctions are necessary because the aim of total transformation implies detailed working in every nook and corner of our nature so that the psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and the supramental consciousness can effectuate, gradually and systematically, by the power of contagion, their influence and their descent in all parts of the being right up to the inconscient... physical mind by the psychic consciousness and the consciousness of the higher spiritual and supramental planes is one of the important objects of the integral Yoga, just as to enlighten it by the power of the higher vital and higher mental elements of the being is the greatest part of human self-development, civilization and culture. The gross material part has also a consciousness of its own, the... comprehensive knowledge of consciousness and the conditions under which one can plunge into the subconscient for purposes of its transformation. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, our first concern must be with all that we are conscious of, and it is only when there has been a good deal of harmonization of our conscious being by the power of our psychic consciousness and an ascent to high levels ...

... point there was... it was difficult. But accompanied by a... strange sensation, a sort of feeling that... the closest thing is the psychic consciousness. It has been governing the being for a long, long time—that's why the mind and the vital could be removed, because the psychic being had taken up the reins long, long ago. As a matter of fact, I wanted to tell you (I don't know if I did 2 ): the first... we were walking in his huge estate, we were walking up towards the house, and I told him ( Mother raises her index finger ), "My psychic being governs me—I am afraid of nothing." Well... ( Théon started as if he had been burned ). I acquired that psychic consciousness just before leaving for Tlemcen. And it grew stronger there. I don't know if this has been noted down somewhere.... Yes, you... you did tell me once. 3 Oh, I told you about that conversation? Yes, Mother, you told me about it. It struck me, I never forgot it. All at once, my psychic being was there: "I am conscious of my psychic being, it protects me, I fear nothing...." Those may not have been the exact words, I don't know, but that was the general reply. ( long silence ) You have something? I sense ...


... in the heart-centre? Should we avoid a formulated prayer? Yes, concentration on the Presence is enough. ( Examples of subjects for meditation ) New birth. Birth to a new consciousness. The psychic consciousness. 5 July 1957 How to awaken in the body the aspiration for the Divine. 26 July 1957 Turning one's gaze inward. Looking within oneself. 2 August 1957 ... at present. I spend about two hours, morning and evening together. I am as yet not quite successful in meditation. My physical mind disturbs me a lot. I pray to you that it may become quiet and my psychic being may come out. It is so painful to find the mind working like a mad machine and the heart sleeping like a stone. Mother, let me feel your presence within my heart always. The increase of time ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... up everything, and it carries you in spite of everything. That is the sure sign of the psychic presence. That is to say, you have established a contact with your psychic consciousness, a more or less complete, more or less constant contact, but at that moment it is the psychic being, the psychic consciousness which fills your aspiration, gives it its true contents. And that's what is translated into... I don't know if several or many of you have a similar experience, but it is very real, this experience, very spontaneous. And the answer is very simple. As soon as the presence of the psychic consciousness is united with the aspiration, the intensity takes on quite a different character, as if it were filled with the very essence of an inexpressible joy. This joy is something that seems contained... sure to reach the goal. But if you want to make the complementary movement of which Sri Aurobindo speaks, that is to say, to return to the outer consciousness and world after having realised this union in yourself, and transform this outer consciousness and world, then in this case you cannot limit yourself in any way, for otherwise you will not be able to accomplish your work. Essentially, you ...


... yourself be carried along the flow, entering the psychic Page 187 source. It has that effect, it acts something like an intoxication, something that takes you into a kind of trance. If you listen well and are attentive and let yourself go, you slowly glide and dip, dip into the psychic consciousness; but if you remain in the external consciousness, such a thin stream expresses itself there... that scheme you play variations, almost an infinite number of variations. It is marvellous: it takes you deep inside and, if you are ready, gives you the consciousness of the psychic, something that draws you back from the external physical consciousness and connects you with something other where within. Page 188 ... The psychic source also is very rare. But if at all it is a very high spiritual source or otherwise it is the vital that is the source. The expression is always there, apart from some exceptions naturally; but it is almost always vital, because the source is very often purely vital. At times, as I said, it comes from high above, then it is really marvellous. At times, more rarely, it is psychic: something ...

... kept absolutely intact in the consciousness. Mother, here Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the psychic behind supporting all". What does this mean? Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation, this triple organisation of human life and consciousness, the psychic is behind and supports it by its consciousness which is an immortal one. It is because of the psychic that we have so clear a sense... no need even of a leap. On the psychic plane is there a past, present and future? Page 217 In the psychic? Yes, you have even the consciousness of all the lives you have lived. When you enter into contact with the psychic you become conscious of all the lives you have lived, it keeps the absolutely living memory of all the events in which the psychic took part—not the whole life, not... which the psychic participated are preserved, and when one enters into conscious contact with his psychic being this can be called up like a sort of cinema. But it has no continuity except in lives in which the psychic is absolutely conscious, active, permanently active, that is, constantly associated with the consciousness; so naturally, being constantly associated with the consciousness, it consciously ...


... are attentive and let yourself go, you slowly glide and dip, dip into the psychic consciousness; but if you remain in the external consciousness, such a thin stream expresses. itself there that the vital gives no response and finds it extremely flat and monotonous. If, however, along with the Page 426 psychic vibration there were also a vital force expressing it, the result would... in a certain relation and upon that scheme you play variations, almost an infinite number of variations. It is marvellous: it takes you deep inside and, if you are ready, gives you the consciousness of the psychic, some­thing that draws you back from the external physical con­sciousness and links you with something otherwhere within. Page 427 ... At times, as I said, it comes from high above, then it is really marvellous. At times, more rarely, it is psychic: something of it was there in the religious music, but it is not frequent. Indian music, on the other hand, almost always, that is to say, when we have good musicians, has a psychic source, the source, for example, of the Ragas. It does not come from the top heights, it has rather an inner ...

... the soul individuality or psychic being. Similarly "the psychic" usually means the psychic being but sometimes refers to the psychic essence. The significance of the psychic being in the evolution of consciousness lies in the fact that the psychic being is "a projection of the divine Consciousness into Matter to awaken Matter out of its inertia so that it takes the path back to the Divine."... radical change of consciousness amounting to a reversal of consciousness takes place: the ordinary consciousness, in which one identifies oneself with the mental, vital and physical, is replaced by the psychic consciousness in which one is identified with one's soul. How can one know if one is in contact with the psychic? To a child who asked how one can know whether the psychic being is in front... develops in the human being a psychic personality or soul individuality which is called the psychic being. Whereas the psychic principle is immutable and fundamentally always the same, the psychic being is progressive; it grows from life to life, using mind, vital and body as its instruments. 3 "The psychic being at its origin is only a spark of the divine consciousness and it is through successive ...


... mind boils down to two most important basic movements: (l) the emergence and increasing control of the psychic or the soul, and (2) the sincerity and completeness of the surrender of our integral being to the Consciousness-Force of the Mother. Psychic detachment, psychic love and devotion and psychic offering are the most effective means of delivering the nature-parts from the darkness of egoistic ignorance... the true psychic consciousness,. Page 251 which alone can enable us to detach ourselves from the lower nature and its desires, but a mere detachment from conscious desires is not enough, there must also be a probing and penetration of the depths, and a vigilant observation of the subtle action of the essential craving of the citta. In proportion as the psychic consciousness or the c... soul must be made the priest and leader of our spiritual journey. In the Integral Yoga the lead and control of the psychic being is of the utmost importance. "If the inmost soul is awaken- ed, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the ¹Jung rightly insists on the self-education ...

... flowers indicate always an opening (usually psychic) in some part of the consciousness. The flowers 1 are the symbols of psychic movements. The sun is the Divine Consciousness. It is the awakening of the psychic consciousness and its activity under the Divine Influence. Red flowers would ordinarily indicate an opening of the consciousness either in the physical or some part of the... Flowers indicate a blossoming in the consciousness, sometimes with special reference to the psychic or the psychicised vital, mental and physical consciousness. Page 177 The vision of flowers is a symbol usually of psychic qualities or movements whether a potentiality or promise or an actual state of development. It is usually when the psychic is active that this seeing of flowers... earth raising earth consciousness towards the Truth. The red lotus signifies the presence of the Divine on the Earth. Page 179 It [ the blue lotus ] can be taken as the (Avatar) incarnation on the mental plane. Other Flowers The red rose is the flower of love and surrender, the white is the purity of psychic love. Reddish pink rose = psychic love or surrender. White ...


... active and feels like that—for without the activity of the psychic it would not be possible. Therefore your psychic being is there and not at all far off. 14 March 1935 What you feel is not imagination. You have been going more and more into the psychic consciousness deep within you. When one is in the psychic, one begins to feel the presence of the Mother always with one and this becomes more... heart, from the entire being, as if for fulfilment. I suppose the psychic being came to the front. You had the psychic condition there and that means a coming of the influence of the psychic being to the front. But why did I feel the Mother's presence in front of me and not within me? It is when there is a complete psychic opening within that there is the presence within. The Presence in... you live in the psychic that there is this feeling—but the psychic commands at present only a part of the mind and vital—it does not yet control the most external parts, that is Page 186 why you do not feel it when in the Mother's physical presence. 25 December 1933 If you feel the Mother's presence for the greater part of the day, it means that it is your psychic being that is active ...

... forward as the leader of the sadhana. When the psychic does so, it will show you the "undetected ego-knots" of which you speak and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without... into the psychic consciousness, then this yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the mind or any other part) it is impossible. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Psychic Being and Its Role in Sadhana It is certainly better if the psychic is conscious and active before there is the removing of the veil or screen between the individual and the universal consciousness which comes... in proportion as the consciousness grows more and more pure. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Danger of the Ego and the Need of Purification I have read your account of your sadhana. There is nothing to say, I think,—for it is all right—except that the most important thing for you is to develop the psychic fire in the heart and the aspiration for the psychic being to come forward ...


... everyone, and which is instinctively open to the influence of the psychic. There is always one part—sometimes indeed quite veiled, of which we are not conscious—something in the being which is turned to the psychic and receiving its influence. This is the intermediary between the psychic consciousness and the external consciousness. It is not the same thing in everyone; in each one it is different... different. It is the point in his nature or character through which he can touch the psychic and where he can receive the psychic influence. It depends upon people; for each one it is different; everyone has a point like this. You may also feel that there are certain things which suddenly push you, lift you above yourself, open a kind of door upon something greater. It can be many things; and it depends... generosity of the gratitude which also flings itself in thanksgiving out of the little ego. These are the two most powerful levers to enter into contact with the Divine in one’s psychic being. This serves as a link with the psychic being—the surest link. ( Silence ) That’s all? Sweet Mother, does something aspire even in the most nasty people? In the most nasty people?… yes, my child—even ...


... rhythm, structure and style. They demonstrate it to our grey cells by proving it on our senses and pulses. When we pass beyond the Poetic Intelligence we enter either the Inner Mind and the Psychic Consciousness or rise into the "overhead" hierarchy. It will be enlightening no less than interesting to take one particular word and see how poets have woven it into their work in various manners moulded... largeness of thought to a wideness of sight proper to the Illumined Mind. Sri Aurobindo has read a capture of the spiritual-mental Illumination and its domination by the inmost being, the Psychic Consciousness, in the last eight lines of the same disciple's poem with which you are all acquainted: If Thou desirest my weak self to outgrow Its mortal longings, lean down from above, Temper... comment in the style of Sri Aurobindo I should say: "The Inner Mind where sight and insight happily blend, but making contact with the sweetness and light of the inmost secrecy which is the Psychic Consciousness, and catching a delicate intensity from the plane of sheer Intuition which is spontaneously intimate from its height with the depth of things." Actually, the stanza itself may be said to evoke ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... development. And naturally, if you ask the psychic to help you to fashion a pleasant life for yourself, to earn money, have children who will be the pride of the family, etc., well, the psychic will not help you. But it will create for you all the circumstances necessary to awaken something in you so that the need of union with the Divine may be born in your consciousness. At times you have made fine plans... deliberately or consciously. It is through the work of the consciousness which pushes that this kind of thing happens. There is no decision that each element is going to be exactly in this place, like that; it is the effect of the energy which has pushed the fist that organises the elements. But that's how it is. There is the psychic consciousness at work in life, organising all the circumstances of your... going within yourself, of referring to the inner psychic consciousness and letting it decide in yourself what you want to do, that you do it with certitude, without hesitation, without a question, nothing. You know that this is what must be done and there is no question about it; but that's the only case. Therefore it is only when you let your psychic guide you consciously, constantly, that you are ...


... educationists of Gujarat, India and the other parts of the world. 2.Ideal of nationalism which is in harmony with the ideal of internationalism; 3.Education of the body, vital consciousness, mind as also psychic consciousness and spirituality should be placed in the focus of the research and educational activities of the university; 4.Education should not only impart knowledge but should also inspire... fairness, justice, patriotism and universal welfare in all its aspects; d)Qualities of multiple skills and applied technology; and e)Qualities of unity, mutuality and harmony that spring from the deepest psychic and spiritual recesses and heights that are nurtured by the processes of learning to be and to become. 39 Fourfold personality of Knowledge, Power, Harmony, Skill ...


... keeps touch with his inmost being, his psychic consciousness, when this inner Guide and Helmsman is given the charge; for then he will be able to pass sovereignly by all shoals and rocks and storm-racks, through all vicissitudes, gliding on – slow or swift as needed – Inevitably towards the goal. A doubting mind, an impetuous vital urge, an inert physical consciousness, though they may be there in any strength... upset the even tenor of the forward march. Even outward circumstances bow down to the pressure of the psychic temperament and bring to it their happy collaboration. This may not always mean that all is easy and difficulty is simply not, once the psychic is there. It becomes so when the psychic is there fully in front; even otherwise when the inner being is in the background, still sensed and, on... on the whole, obeyed, although there are battles, hard battles to be fought and won, then even a little of this Consciousness saves from a great fear. For, then, in all circumstances, you will have found a secret joy and cheer and strength that buoy you up and carry you through. Like the individual, nations too have their sunlit path and the path of the doldrum as well. So long as a nation keeps ...

... one cannot do this at once, one must not be upset or think oneself unfit. It is easier for most to realise the Divine or enter into the psychic consciousness than to change this part of the nature; but once the psychic consciousness governs or the higher consciousness descends then it is much easier for these to go. You must not therefore be discouraged by these recurrences or persistences, but try always... Anger and the Psychic If the will is strong enough, it [ anger ] can be held in check—but usually it is only if the psychic being becomes entirely awake and governs the vital that the tendency to anger can entirely disappear. When it is the psychic that rules all the movements of the being, then it [ anger ] completely disappears and when the equanimity of the higher consciousness takes complete... things which come with the growth of the psychic and spiritual consciousness. Then these troubled reactions to outward things will no longer come. It is indeed when the quietude comes down from above or comes Page 275 out from the psychic that the vital becomes full of peace or of kindliness and goodwill. It is therefore that the inner psychic quietude first and afterwards the peace ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... jealousy or ill-will). It is through the psychic consciousness that you have found it possible to be in a true constant relation with the Mother and your aim is to make that the basis of all your life, action and feelings; all in you, all you feel, say and do should be consistent with that basis. If all proceeds from that psychic union of your consciousness with the Mother's, dedicating everything ...

... keeps touch with his inmost being, his psychic consciousness, when this inner Guide and Helmsman is given the charge; for then he will be able to pass sovereignly by all shoals and rocks and storm-racks, through all vicissitudes gliding on—slow or swift as needed— inevitably towards the goal. A doubting mind, an impetuous vital urge, an inert physical consciousness, though they may be there in any strength... the forward march. Even outward circumstances Page 70 bow down to the pressure of the psychic temperament and bring to it their happy collaboration. This may not always mean that all is easy and difficulty is simply not, once the psychic is there. It becomes so when the psychic is there fully in front; even otherwise when the inner being is in the background, still sensed and,... on the whole, obeyed, although there are battles, hard battles to be fought and won, then even a little of this Consciousness saves from a great fear. For, then, in all circumstances, you will have found a secret joy and cheer and strength that buoy you up and carry you through. Like the individual, nations too have their sunlit path and the path of the doldrum as well. So long as a nation ...

... all the possibilities for what happens after death. There are people who return in the psychic. You see, I have told you that the outer being is very rarely preserved; so we speak only of the psychic consciousness which, indeed, always persists. And then there are people for whom the psychic returns to the psychic domain to assimilate the experience they have had and to prepare their future life. This... to do. But before this state, which is not very frequent—it depends absolutely on the degree of development of the psychic and the hope formulated by the integral consciousness of the being—there is still the mental, vital and physical consciousness, united with the psychic consciousness; so at that moment, the moment of death, the moment of leaving the body, it formulates a hope or an aspiration or... the purely psychic consciousness, without reincarnating; or else it can come when it wants, as it wants, where it wants, perfectly consciously. And there are those who have united with forces of a universal order and with entities of the Overmind or elsewhere, who remain all the time in the earth atmosphere and take on bodies successively for the work. This means that the moment the psychic being is ...


... domains are distinct from the domains of the psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and of supramental consciousness, — all of which are above the physical, subtle-physical, vital and mental domains of existence. In strict terms, the field which makes yoga distinctive is its field of psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and supramental consciousness. It is true, however, that yogic quest... But even if this prefatory quest in these fields happens to be necessary in most cases, it has to be underlined that the central field, — the distinctive field, — of yogic experiences is that of the psychic, spiritual and supramental. It is for this reason that many yogins, in order to keep their quest absolutely direct and unmixed, discourage occultism and even aṣṭa siddhis, many aspects of which... are empowered to enter. Their validity and significance, as Sri Aurobindo points out, "must be scrutinised, but according to their own law and by a consciousness which can enter into them and not according to the law of another domain or by a consciousness which is capable only of truths of another order; so alone can we be sure of our steps and enlarge firmly our sphere of knowledge."18 Page 59 ...

... untransformed past has ever been and enter into an enlightened state of consciousness which breaks loose from all moorings. To be reborn means to enter, first of all, into our psychic consciousness where we are one Page 176 with the Divine and eternally free from the reactions of Karma. Without becoming aware of the psychic, it is not possible to do so; but once we are securely conscious of... Spiritual Rebirth As I have often been questioned about it, I shall touch briefly on the meaning of true humility, supramental plasticity and spiritual rebirth. Humility is that state of consciousness in which, whatever the realisation, you know the infinite is still in front of you. The rare quality of selfless admiration about which I have spoken to you is but another aspect of true humility;... be a colossal not-Himself, this phenomenal world. He has passed into a form in which He has to discover endlessly in time the infinite contents of that which He possesses entirely in the eternal consciousness. One of the greatest victories of this ineffable humility of God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally ...


... that the untransformed past has ever been and enter into an enlightened state of consciousness which breaks loose from all moorings. To be reborn means to enter, first of all, into our psychic consciousness where we are one with the Divine and eternally free from the reactions of Karma. Without becoming aware of the psychic, it is nor possible to do so; but once we are securely conscious of the true soul... TRUE HUMILITY As I have often been questioned about it, I shall touch briefly on the meaning of true humility, supramental plasticity and spiritual rebirth. Humility is that state of consciousness in which, whatever realisation, you know the infinite is still in front of you. The rare quality of selfless admiration about which I have spoken to you is but another aspect of true humility; for... this phenomenal world. He has passed into a form in which He has to discover Page 57 endlessly In time the infinite contents of that which He possesses entirely in the eternal consciousness. One of the greatest victories of this ineffable humility of God will be the transformation of Matter which is apparently the most undivine. Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally ...


... another point of view. You must know, for consciousness, the true consciousness —the consciousness of the psychic—glory and obscurity are the same, success and failure are the same. What is important is the growth of consciousness. Certain conditions which to your human eye appear favourable, may in reality be quite unfavourable for the growth of consciousness. With your ordinary thoughts and your... any movement. When the psychic is about to take rebirth does it choose its form beforehand? It depends. As I have told you now, there are psychic beings that are just on the way of formation and growth, they usually cannot choose at the beginning, they cannot choose very much. But when they have come to a certain degree of development and consciousness, they make a choice; generally... choice comes from the nature of the birth itself. The soul, the conscious being, precipitates into the inconscience, for the physical world, even human consciousness, at its very best, is an inconscient thing when compared to the psychic consciousness. It is as though the soul fell head downmost. That makes it dazed and for a long time it does not know what is what. It does not know where it is, what ...

... that comes is just the thing to do. There must come a condition in which you live within in the psychic consciousness with the feeling of the Mother's constant presence, while all the outer activities go on only on the surface and the Mother's Force acts on them to change them into more and more true psychic and spiritual action. The way you speak of is the best for bringing about that condition. Offer... guide and sustain you. This is a preliminary stage which often takes long, but if one goes through it with sincerity and steadfastness, the mentality begins little by little to change and a new consciousness opens in the sadhak which begins to be aware more and more of the Mother's presence within, of her working in the nature and in the life or of some other spiritual experience which opens the gate ...

... have lost your protective armour. You have to live in a continual nightmare. It is not very pleasant. Page 91 To avoid a nightmare you have to be in your psychic consciousness; for when you are in that consciousness nothing troubles you or brings you anxiety. It is only when you are in a movement of ignorance that you do not have the courage or the strength to face a danger. ... regret for it afterwards. * * Every human being here upon earth, whoever he is and whatever he is, has within him a psychic being, only in various degrees of evolution. An embodied person possesses many other things e.g. states and forms of consciousness. His task upon earth is to transform these elements which form as it were, the part of universe given to him for his work of transformation... unless you have begun changing your own self. It is the first and indispensable condition and it is true for all, young or old, small or big. It is for this reason that life has been given to the psychic being: it is man's opportunity for progress. The span of earthly life is the time for progress. Outside earthly life there is no progress. The possibility and the means for the progress are only there ...

... have lost your protective armour. You have to live in Page 66 a continual nightmare. It is not very pleasant. To avoid a nightmare you have to be in your psychic consciousness; for when you are in that consciousness nothing troubles you or brings you anxiety. It is only when you are in a movement of ignorance that you do not have the courage or the strength to face a danger. What... only regret it afterwards. Page 65 Every human being here upon earth, whoever he is and whatever he is, has within him a psychic Being, only in various degrees of evolution. An embodied person possesses many other things e.g. states and forms of consciousness. His task upon earth is to transform these elements which form, as it were, the part of the universe given to him for his work of ... unless you have begun changing your own self. It is the first and indispensable condition and it is true for all, young or old, small or big. It is for this reason that life has been given to the psychic being: it is man's opportunity for progress. The span of earthly life is the time for progress. Outside earthly life there is no progress. The possibility and the means for the progress are only there ...

... You must know that for consciousness, the true consciousness – the consciousness of the psychic – glory and obscurity are the same, success and failure are the same. What Page 403 is important is the growth of consciousness. Certain conditions which to your human eye appear favourable, may in reality be quiet unfavourable for the growth of consciousness. With your ordinary thoughts... any move­ment. When the psychic is about to take rebirth does it choose its form beforehand? It depends. As I have told you now, there are psychic beings that are just on the way of formation and growth, they usually cannot choose at the beginning, they cannot choose very much. But when they have come to a certain degree of development and consciousness, they make a choice; generally... choice comes from the nature of the birth itself. The soul, the conscious being, precipitates into the inconscience, for the physical world, even human consciousness, at its very best, is an inconscient thing when compared to the psychic consciousness. It is as though the soul fell head down­-most. That makes it dazed and for a long time it does not know what is what. It does not know where it is, what ...

... awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done...". Why has he said "the inmost soul"? Is there a superficial soul? It is because this inmost soul, that is, the central psychic being, influences the superficial parts of the consciousness (superficial in comparison with it: mental parts, vital parts). The purest... 1. Meaning and Nature of the Psychic Being The Psychic Being Psychic-Mental, Psychic-Vital, Psychic-Physical There is always a part of the mind, of the vital, of the body which is or can be influenced by the psychic; they can be called the psychic-mental, the psychic-vital, the psychic-physical. According to the personality or the degree of evolution of... accept the psychic motives or aims, partake of the nature of the psychic or follow its aims but with a modification in the manner which belongs to the mind, vital or physical. The psychic-vital seeks after the Divine, but it has a demand in its self-giving, desire, vital eagerness. The psychic has not, for the psychic has instead pure self-giving, aspiration, intensity of psychic fire. The psychic-vital ...


... lodged there. Of the animal, the lower creation, we cannot say the same thing for it does not possess overtly the Divine element that dwells in man. This Divine Element is what we call the psychic consciousness, the Divine himself formed secretly or framed in matter. It is that which comes in contact with the human mental and the human vital and the human body, and succeeds in remoulding them in the... This material body of man has the marvellous advantage of being united, of being able to unite itself with the Supreme Consciousness. Indeed as through his consciousness man has the privilege of ascending to the supreme consciousness, even so in and through the same consciousness, the physical cell also has the privilege of establishing a contact with the Supreme Substance. What is true of man's mind... very self of the body, not anywhere else. The hidden consciousness lodged in the cell, the material cell, that is the key to the problem, that secret consciousness and its energy asleep in the cell, has to be awakened and brought into play. When the physical cell itself awakes and declares its purpose, the thing is done. This secret consciousness-energy appearing as a material form is also intrinsically ...

... lodged there. Of the animal, the lower creation, we cannot say the same thing for it does not possess overtly the Divine element that dwells in man. This Divine Element is what we call the psychic consciousness, the Divine himself formed secretly or framed in matter. It is that which comes in contact with the human mental and the human vital and the human body, and succeeds in remoulding them in the... negatived. Divine Consciousness, Divine Delight, Divine Power, indeed, Divine Being – they each and all exist as absolute and unitary realities, that is to say, one without a second. Even like Divine Love, there is only one Divine Consciousness, one Divine Power, one Divine Bliss, one Divine Being, however various they may appear in outward name and form. But the physical consciousness, the physical... is the way of consciousness. Every human being has in him the possibility, the capacity of making his own consciousness come forth, pure, transparent, luminous and then in and through that pure light charge the body too with a transfiguring force or energy. This material body of man has the marvellous advantage of being united, of being able to unite itself with the Supreme Consciousness. Indeed as through ...

... Mother, here Sri Aurobindo speaks of “the psychic behind supporting all”. What does this mean? Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation, this triple organisation of human life and consciousness, the psychic is behind and supports it by its consciousness which is an immortal one. It is because of the psychic that we have so clear a sense of continuity. Otherwise if you compare what you... predominates in the consciousness while the external is no longer felt as one’s own self but only as a front or even a fringe of the being. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic Ordinarily is there not a nexus between the psychic being and the higher consciousness? Ordinarily means in the ordinary life? A relation between the psychic being… Yes... Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Sweet Mother, here Sri Aurobindo has said: “If the inmost soul is awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done…” Why has he said “the inmost soul”? Is there a superficial soul? It is because this inmost soul, that is, the central psychic being, influences the s ...


... time about the psychic being—that it is behind the veil and its consciousness also; only a little comes out into the mind and vital and physical. When that consciousness is not concealed, when you are aware of your soul (the psychic being), when its feelings and aspirations are yours, then you have got the consciousness of the psychic being. The feelings and aspirations of the psychic being are all... quieting and purification of the mind, vital and physical consciousness by their subjection to the psychic influence and guidance; (5) the opening up of all this lower consciousness to the higher spiritual consciousness above for its descent into a nature prepared to receive it with a complete receptivity and right attitude—for the psychic brings in everything right thought, right perception, right... presence that you have, then you are living in the consciousness of the psychic centre. Thinking with the mind is good because it leads towards that but it is not in itself that living in the psychic centre. It is necessary [ in order to be constantly aware of the psychic ] to accustom oneself to do things from within, not to let the consciousness be thrown outward. If it is thrown outward, then ...


... presence here is not enough; there must be this consciousness of the divine presence in your heart and the divine guidance in your acts. This the psychic being can easily, swiftly, deeply feel if it is fully awake; once the psychic has felt it, it can spread to the mental and vital also. 16 February 1932 The advantage of being in the psychic consciousness is that you have the right awareness and its... and think and act and grow into the true consciousness. As for writing, the Mother has no time any longer, that is why she leaves it to me. X formerly used to tell the Mother to take full rest and not wear herself out etc.—how is it now she weeps because the Mother does not write? Her former attitude was the true one—she was in the psychic consciousness and always with the Mother's presence close... necessary energy and interest. Now I think that the fourth aspect of the Mother—richness in detail, completeness, perfection—is coming. I await further suggestions. It is very good. By remaining psychically open to the Mother, all that is necessary for work or sadhana develops progressively, that is one of the chief secrets, the central secret of the sadhana. 13 February 1933 There is no part ...

... (and cannot be) in the surface consciousness. The Atman, the Soul and the Psychic Being The Atman is one in all, is not born, does not evolve or change. The soul is something that comes from the Divine into the evolution and as the psychic being it evolves and assumes Page 31 different personalities from life to life. To live in the consciousness of the Atman is to live in the... that is above things and separate from the world even when pervading it. But for the psychic consciousness there are two things, the world and itself acting in the world. The Jivatman has not come down into the world, it stands above, always the same—supporting the different beings, mental etc. which act here. The psychic is what has come down here—its function is to offer all things to the Divine for... imperfect with her imperfection. Thus the soul or psychic essence, which is the Purusha entering into the evolution and supporting it, carries in itself all the divine potentialities, but the individual psychic being which it puts forth as its representative assumes the imperfection of Nature and evolves in it till it has recovered its full psychic essence and united itself with the Self above of which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... life. In the early period he is still nearer his psychic being which is not yet Page 50 thrown back or covered over by the impacts and impressions of the world. The first conscious contacts with the world are not generally happy for the child. He meets things all around that go against the grain of his still sensitive psychic consciousness. The first quarrel he witnesses between his parents... shocks in mutual interchange. Real sympathy is a movement of mature consciousness. The inquisitiveness that so strongly possesses a child is also the drive of an awakening and growing consciousness. He indulges in breaking, tearing, ripping because of this curiosity, this keen edge of a developing and experimenting consciousness. It seems to be hard and unfeeling, even an aberration, precisely... of the egocentric nature of the child consciousness yet unfamiliar with values normal to age and experience. But if it is nature to a certain extent that makes the child so apathetic, self-regarding and cruel, it is not the only cause and it is not the whole story. There are other very active factors in life that affect and mould the child's consciousness from the very beginning. The child ...

... it a beginning of psychic consciousness (this work is already very perceptible in animals — don't think you are exceptional beings, that you alone have a psychic being and the rest of creation hasn't. It begins in the mineral, it is a little more developed in the plant, and in the animal there is a first glimmer of the psychic presence). Then there comes a moment when this psychic being Page... exactly that, but something very similar. It throws itself down into an unconsciousness, because the physical Page 75 world, even human consciousness whatever it may be, is very unconscious in comparison with the psychic consciousness. So it rushes into an unconsciousness. It is as though it fell on its head. That stuns it. And so generally, apart from some very very rare exceptions... origin is only a spark of the divine consciousness and it is through successive lives that it builds up a conscious individuality. It is a progress similar to that of a growing child. It is a thing in the making. For a long time, in most human beings the psychic is a being in the making. It is not a fully individualised, fully conscious being and master of itself and it needs all its rebirths, one ...


... body you no longer have a body to protect you. So you find yourself in a perpetual nightmare, which is not very pleasant. For, to avoid the nightmare you must be in a psychic consciousness, and when you are in a psychic consciousness you may be quite sure that things won't trouble you. It is indeed the movement of an ignorant darkness and, as I said, a great cowardice in front of the sustained effort... within what is incomplete and imperfect in the working of the present being. The divine Consciousness is present in the psychic being and it sees what is imperfect and at the same time it is aware of the attacks, and it knows what should be done to repulse them. But for this, one must be conscious of his psychic being. It is always the same thing. We always come back to the same thing. Why does... does one suffer when one commits suicide? Why does one commit suicide? Because one is a coward... When one is cowardly one always suffers. In the next life one suffers again? The psychic being comes with a definite purpose to go through a set of experiences and to learn and make progress. Then if you leave before its work is finished it will have to come back to do it again under much more ...


... .. Strange. And invincible... (how Page 16 should I put it?), it cannot be affected in any way: it doesn't receive from outside, it receives only from the psychic consciousness, or directly from the supreme Consciousness. And now it's going about here and there! ( Mother laughs ) These two, the vital and the mind, care very little—very little—for the body's well-being: it's merely ...


... very far away) a Power, an EXTRAORDINARY Power! But we are such imbeciles we don't even accept it. I know, I've had some experiences these past few days.... I have this vision in which the psychic consciousness sees that through this instrument, through this (but this— Mother pinches the skin of her hands —has nothing to do with it except being the link between things as they are and the things that... I am here, there are lots of circumstances, complications, people... and everything is so tangled up; but then in the background there is a sort of... it's not a mere Force, it's a CONSCIOUSNESS-Force—a consciousness—and it's like a... like a smile—a smile... a smile that knows everything. That's it, you see. So, when I am quiet ( gesture of open hands ), it's as if nothing existed and all is marvelous... like things actually lived. I don't know how to say it. It's hard to explain.... It's sensing or having the... (I don't know how to explain exactly what it is) how, in the manifestation, the human consciousness distorts the Divine Action ( gesture of direct flow ). It's our constitution which is so pitiable. We reduce, distort, diminish EVERYTHING—everything. We know things (Knowledge is there all around ...


... these parts has brought them close to the psychic, that is, to the extent the progress lies in putting all the parts of the being successively under the psychic influence. For all that is under the psychic influence and identified with the psychic continues, and it is that alone which continues. But if the psychic is made the centre of one's life and consciousness, and if the whole being is organised around... it a beginning of psychic consciousness (this work is already very perceptible in animals—don't think you are exceptional beings, that you alone have a psychic being and the rest of creation hasn't. It begins in the mineral, it is a little more developed in the plant, and in the animal there is a first glimmer of the psychic presence). Then there comes a moment when this psychic being is sufficiently... its experiences. It takes rest, then at the required moment, wakes up and projects its consciousness upon earth centralising it in the chosen domain and the chosen conditions—or almost so; there is a small margin you know, for in the psychic consciousness one is too far away from the material physical consciousness to be able to see with a clear vision; it is an approximation. It does not make a mistake ...


... quite considerable, it is perceptible. So, the part of the mind which has a kind of sensibility, of subtle contact with the psychic being, is capable of feeling the presence of the soul in others. Those who have the ability to enter to a certain extent into the consciousness of others to the point of being able to see or feel directly their thought, their mental activity, who can enter the mental... feel—"many", I mean among evolved people—can say that. But naturally, to know exactly how far somebody's soul is awake and active, how far it rules the being, is the master, one must have the psychic consciousness oneself, for that alone can judge definitively. But it is not altogether impossible to have that sort of inner vibration which makes you say, "Oh! This person has a soul." Page 308 ... whose vital being is not developed do not possess. This confusion between the vital activity and the soul is a very frequent one.... The vital vibration is much more easily perceptible to the human consciousness than the vibration of the soul. To perceive the soul in someone, as a rule the mind must be very quiet—very quiet, for when it is active, its vibrations are seen, not the vibration of the soul ...


... nature of the psychic being and the psychic worlds. Therefore it is not possible for you to put the true value on all that comes to you. When the psychic consciousness opens, especially so freely and rapidly as it has done in your case, it opens to all kinds of things and to suggestions, and messages from all sorts of planes and worlds and forces and beings. There is the true psychic which is always... you may come here hereafter. What you need now is not so much psychic development, which you will always be able to have (I do not ask you to stop it altogether) but an inner calm and quiet as the true basis and atmosphere of your future development and experience, calm in the mind, the purified vital being and in the physical consciousness. A psycho-vital or psycho-physical Yoga will not be safe for... intellectual,—although that also is a thing not to be despised. But it may be a psychic discrimination or one that comes from the higher super-intellectual mind and from the higher being. If you have not this, then you have need of constant protection and guidance from those who have it, and who have also long psychic experience, and it may be disastrous for you to rely entirely on yourself and to ...


... supramental or spiritual) knowledge and the power that acts in this knowledge, while the psychic being supports this action and helps to transform the physical and vital plane. Mirra acts directly on the psychic being and on the emotional, vital and physical nature through the illumined psychic consciousness, while the illumined intuitions from the supramental being give her the necessary knowledge... knowing it? If nothing else happens, the necessary psychic preparation (so far your preparation has been only mental) may take place. At least, you could try it. Only do keep your mind quiet—not silent or blank—but put outside you; look at the thoughts if they rise, but wait for a higher truth, for the psychic being to come forward, for the psychic intuition to speak, and when it comes do not let the... strength and activity has been turned outwards. It is only the psychic being in you that has from time to time been giving you intuitions and turning you towards the Truth. But it could not come forward and lead your life because you have too much suppressed your emotional nature, dried up your surface mind and choked up with much rubbish the psychic fire. If once it can awaken entirely and come in front, ...


... quite considerable, it is perceptible. So, the part of the mind which has a kind of sensibility, of subtle contact with the psychic being, is capable of feeling the presence of the soul in others. Those who have the ability to enter to a certain extent into the consciousness of others to the point of being able to see or feel directly their thought, their mental activity, who can enter the mental... feel—“many”, I mean among evolved people—can say that. But naturally, to know exactly how far somebody’s soul is awake and active, how far it rules the being, is the master, one must have the psychic consciousness oneself, for that alone can judge definitively. But it is not altogether impossible to have that sort of inner vibration which makes you say, “Oh! This person has a soul.” Now, obviously... whose vital being is not developed do not possess. This confusion between the vital activity and the soul is a very frequent one…. The vital vibration is much more easily perceptible to the human consciousness than the vibration of the soul. To perceive the soul in someone, as a rule the mind must be very quiet—very quiet, for when it is active, its vibrations are seen, not the vibration of the soul ...


... different.... For me it has been very radical—I had no choice, you understand: it was like that, it is like that. There you are. But one must really... What has made the thing easy is that the psychic consciousness was wholly in front and governed the life. So it continued quietly without being disturbed. Likewise for seeing and hearing, I came to know that it was not a physical decline, it was simply... conscious of my psychic (the psychic being which has been formed through all the lives), I was very conscious and it has remained; it has remained and it, precisely, has allowed me to have dealings with men without this making any difference, due to this psychic presence. That is why there has been so little apparent change. So I can say only what I know, and I say this: the psychic must remain there... is we who change into difficulties, sufferings and miseries what, in the Divine Consciousness, is... perfect Peace. It is we who bring about this little transformation. And extraordinary examples have come... hours would be needed to explain. Indeed it is the consciousness that must change, even the consciousness of the cells, you understand?... That is a radical change. And we have no words ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... vital vibrations which don't. It is usually this, nothing else. It is vital chemistry. One would have to be in a much deeper and more clear-sighted consciousness for it to be otherwise. There is an inner perception based on a psychic consciousness, which makes you feel which people have the same aspiration, the same aim, and can be your companions on the way; and this perception also makes you c... reasonably, and without attractions and repulsions. Therefore, it may be said in a general and almost absolute way that those who have very definite and impulsive likes and dislikes live in a vital consciousness. Mixed with this, there may be mental affinities; that is, some minds like to have relationships in common activities, but here too, these are people on a much higher level intellectually, and this... from its present conditions in the reign of the cosmic Ignorance so far as to be possessed of a perfected mind, a mind of light which could even be a subordinate action of the supermind or Truth-Consciousness and in any case capable of the full possibilities of mind acting as a recipient of that truth and at least a secondary action of it in thought and life. It could even be a part of what could be ...


... subliminal consciousness consisting of the inner mind, inner vital force and subtle physical consciousness. Spiritual experiences relate to the realm of super-consciousness or of psychic consciousness which is the consciousness of the inmost being which governs body, life and mind and which has the power of integrating body, life and mind under its own integrating power. Super-consciousness refers to... to the realm of the transcendental Spirit which, in its universal aspect, provides an entry into cosmic consciousness and increasing unity of diversity which culminates in what is called in Yoga, supramental consciousness or consciousness of vijnānamaya. Again, it is true, as William James points out, mystical states are transient. But in Yoga proper, this transiency can e gradually removed, and... which the subject and the object of knowledge are united, and if such experiences are a means of growth, of ennoblement of character and personality, of expansion, deepening and heightening of consciousness and will-force, then yoga stands out, — considering the methods that it has developed for attaining depths, heights and widenesses as also objectivity and certainty, — as a human endeavour of the ...

... being: it has not started becoming. This is man's especiality: in him the psychic begins to be dynamic, to be organised and to organise, it is a psychic personality that he possesses. Now this flowering of the psychic personality is due to an especial Descent, the descent of a Person from another level of consciousness. That Person (or Super- person) is the jivatman, the Individual Self, the central... Page 50 currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery, one can say that the multifarious experiences of various lives are as fuel to the Inner Fire—this Psychic Agni which is just a spark or a thin tongue at the outset of the human evolutionary course;... soul, his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another Page 47 line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The phenomenon of individualisation has at its back the phenomenon of the growth of the Psyche. It is originally a spark or nucleus of consciousness thrown into ...

... being: it has not started becoming. This is man's especiality: in him the psychic begins to be dynamic, to be organised and to organise, it is a psychic personality that he possesses. Now this flowering of the psychic personality is due to an especial Descent, the descent of a Person from another level of consciousness. That Person (or Super-person) is the Jivatman, the Individual Self, the central... particular life, all the currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery, one can say that the multifarious experiences of various lives are as fuel to the Inner Fire—this Psychic Agni which is just a spark or a thin tongue at the outset of the human evolutionary course;... his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The phenomenon of individualisation has Page 51 at its back the phenomenon of the growth of the Psyche. It is originally a spark or nucleus of consciousness thrown into ...

... vital with your psychic being and the opening of the consciousness to Mother's consciousness above. Both of these are beginning. The voice that spoke was that of your soul, your psychic being; the impulse to go deep within was the movement to plunge into the depths of the psychic. The consciousness that rejected and threw away the anger and old movements was also that of the psychic. Page 471 ... Force is acting on the consciousness in order to create an opening somewhere or for some other purpose. As soon as that is done, the pressure is not felt but instead a changed condition or else the working of the Force within but without any sense of pressure. When the condition of lightness, quietude, etc. comes, it means that something has opened to the psychic consciousness and become full of it... thinking mind where it communicates with the higher consciousness; the neck or throat is the seat of the physical, externalising or expressive mind; the ear is the place of communication with the inner mind centre by which thoughts etc. enter into the personal being from the general Nature. The sternum at the point indicated 1 holds the psychic and emotional centre, with its apex on the spinal column ...


... of severe collapse on the 8th of May 1948. I have told elsewhere the story of what followed. Here I may touch on a few points. There was a sudden plunge into the psychic consciousness, which in Yogic terminology is the consciousness of the deepest heart or the inmost being, a plunge which seemed a surprising metamorphosis of the terrible prolonged sinking feeling in the middle of the chest as... and took unexpected advantage of the sensation of the life-force falling as though abysmally away from the cardiac centre where, in the Upanishads' view, the whole complex of the living human consciousness with all its various radiations has its hub. After the doctor had come and given an injection of atropine and morphine and advised complete rest instead of the anticipated drowse a profound... reinforce with their spiritual light the life-power of the body, more easily when one had faith but often even without conscious co-operation by the patient. They believed that the spiritual consciousness could achieve all kinds of undreamt-of results and that there were interconnections between physical events and spiritual movements. But they also had a poised scientific mind ever testing their ...


... which is invisible or imperceptible for our ordinary consciousness and constantly changes the whole course of circumstances. We don't need to go very far; it is enough to take just a step outside the ordinary consciousness in order to realise this. I have already said several times that if one finds the psychic consciousness within oneself and identifies oneself with it, well, immediately one... it is, and enter another consciousness, we perceive things totally differently. And then we see that behind these appearances which seem to us absolutely logical and extremely natural, and almost necessary, there is an action which, if perceived in one's ordinary consciousness, would seem all the time miraculous. There is an intervention of forces, consciousnesses, movements, influences, which... the single Divine who is all things. Don't you catch it? It is only the mind and the limited human consciousness which make distinctions. And through these differences you get into a confusion. You distinguish only by differences, and differences mean just the illusory outer consciousness. As soon as you really enter within, you immediately have the sense of a total identity and all these divergences ...


... is so overflowing that when they arrive everything is perfect, including the food. They find it very good as long as they are in their psychic consciousness. When that begins to go down, the old habits begin to rise up; you understand, when the psychic consciousness comes down, the old habits climb back into their place. And then they begin saying: "It is strange! I used to like this, but I don't like... In the human being the psychic becomes more conscious, Page 160 more formed, more conscious and more independent also. It is individualised in human beings. But it is a speciality of the earth. It is a direct infusion, special and redeeming, in the most inconscient and obscure Matter, so that it might once again awake through stages to the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence and... see in them their psychic being, their ideal, what they want to do, what they want to be, in order to keep it, pull it to the surface; all my work consists of this: what I see I pull out always. And so, when I am doing that, apart from those cases in which I am aware that people are a little conscious of themselves, I am not always sure of the degree of their outer consciousness; and when I ask questions ...


... intermediate necessity for some persons and at certain stages. The individualisation of the mind, its organisation as a special formation, as a vehicle of the true light, the light of the Psychic consciousness is comparatively easy for a man. Mind is the first member of the lower sphere that is taken up and dealt with by the soul; for it is the highest and the most characteristic element in man and... called organisation; it is not individualisation in the true sense, much less personalisation. A limb is individualised, personalised only when it is an instrument and formation of the soul consciousness, the psychic being. And the vital is not easily amenable to such a role. For, it is the dynamic element, the effective power of life and it has acquired a strong nature and a definite function in its... individualised, personalised, that is to say, when it takes up the disposition and configuration of the psychic person and individual. The first stage is that of a subtle body individualised, a radiant form of etherealised elements consisting of the concentrated light particles of the divine consciousness of the Psyche. This too is an immortalisation of the personal identity which can be achieved and is ...

... which is invisible or imperceptible for our ordinary consciousness and constantly changes the whole course of circumstances. We don’t need to go very far; it is enough to take just a step outside the ordinary consciousness in order to realise this. I have already said several times that if one finds the psychic consciousness within oneself and identifies oneself with it, well, immediately one feels... as it is, and enter another consciousness, we perceive things totally differently. And then we see that behind these appearances which seem to us absolutely logical and extremely natural, and almost necessary, there is an action which, if perceived in one’s ordinary consciousness, would seem all the time miraculous. There is an intervention of forces, consciousnesses, movements, influences, which... “Look, there is something like a force, a consciousness, a power which acts and which is not from the material domain. Materially, logically, this is what should have happened, and it did not happen.” You say, “Ah! It was his good luck”, don’t you? And then you are satisfied, it’s all right for you. (Silence) It is the ignorant, limited, egoistic consciousness which demands miracles. As soon as one ...


... intermediate necessity for some persons and at certain stages. The individualisation of the mind, its organisation as a Special formation, as a vehicle of the true light, the light of the Psychic consciousness is comparatively easy for a man. Mind is the first member of the lower sphere that is taken up and dealt with by the soul; for it is the highest and the most characteristic element in man and... called organisation; it is not individualisation in the true sense, much less personalisation. A limb is individualised, personalised only when it is an instrument and formation of the soul consciousness, the psychic being. And the vital is not easily amenable to such a role. For, it is the dynamic element, the effective power of life and it has acquired a strong nature and a definite function in its... individualised, personalised, that is to say, when it takes up the disposition and configuration of the psychic person and individual. The first stage is that of a subtle body individualised, a radiant form of etherealised elements consisting of the concentrated light particles of the divine consciousness of the Psyche. This too is an immortalisation of the personal identity which can be achieved and is ...

... everyone, and which is instinctively open to the influence of the psychic. There is always one part—sometimes indeed quite veiled, of which we are not conscious—something in the being which is turned to the psychic and receiving its influence. This is the intermediary between the psychic consciousness and the external consciousness. It is not the same thing in everyone; in each one it is different... as they remain co-ordinated and under the influence of the psychic. It is only the physical being which grows and decomposes. Page 420 But this comes from its lack of plasticity and receptivity and by its very nature; it is not inevitable. Therefore there is room to think that at a given moment, as the physical consciousness itself progresses consciously and deliberately, well, to a... different. It is the point in his nature or character through which he can touch the psychic and where he can receive the psychic influence. It depends upon people; for each one it is different; everyone has a point like this. Page 417 You may also feel that there are certain things which suddenly push you, lift you above yourself, open a kind of door upon something greater. It can be many ...


... rejecting the whole of the physical consciousness and all physical events. "Look life in the face", this means: don't turn your back on it! It means: face life as it is instead of running away from it and call to your aid the inner psychic force—this is what Sri Aurobindo says: "the soul's inner strength", the inner psychic force—and with the help of this psychic consciousness rise above circumstances and... of the psychic being? It is a higher plane than that of the psychic being. The psychic being is, so to say, the vehicle of the Divine, it contains the Divine, is the habitation of the Divine, but the Divine is higher than it. For the psychic being is only an aspect of the divine manifestation. Is not the Supermind also the psychic being? The Supermind is far higher than the psychic being... Supermind because it comes after Page 298 the mind, that is to say, it is a new manifestation of the supreme divine Principle. And it is related to the psychic as the Divine was related to the psychic, that is to say, the psychic is the home, the temple, the vehicle, everything that must outwardly manifest the Divine. But it is divine only in its essence not in its integrality. It is a mode ...


... own ideas, feelings, habitual ways of consciousness as opposed to the higher things from above or from the psychic within. Page 350 The Psychic Opening and the Inner Centres There is no doubt that the inner being and the psychic in you are opening and that the psychic is influencing all including the physical centre. As to the centres. The psychic is placed behind the heartlotus, the... parts—and it can also cover up the psychic; but then what happens is not that the psychic loses its own Page 351 consciousness, which is impossible, but that the sadhak loses for the time being the full possession of the psychic consciousness. But it can always be recovered by a rectification of the wrong movement. But if one lives firmly in the psychic, there is not much danger of this... in that more than in outward things. When the consciousness is full of these things altogether, i.e. when there is the full psychic state or opening, then experiences begin to come of themselves. The first two at least had started of themselves in you—let them grow and the third should necessarily follow. The psychic opening first, the higher consciousness and its experiences afterwards. What ...


... There are different statuses ( avasthā ) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes... something yet higher than this; but before one can understand them, one must first have the self-realisation, the full action of the spiritualised mind and heart, the psychic awakening, the liberation of the imprisoned consciousness, the purification and entire opening of the ādhāra . Do not think now of those ultimate things (Overmind, Supermind), but get first these foundations in the liberated... or overmental-spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in different ways. Krishna's mind, for instance, was overmentalised, Ramakrishna's intuitive, Chaitanya's spiritual-psychic, Buddha's illumined higher mental. I don't know about B. G. [ Bijoy Goswami ]—he seems to have been brilliant but rather chaotic. All that is different from the supramental. Then take the vital of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... that is something marvelous), it seems that the final decision is left to the choice of the cells themselves. I am not at all referring to the physical, vital, psychic consciousnesses, not to any of that: I am referring to the consciousness of the cells. That's how the present moment is: the will may be like this ( Mother raises a finger upward ), or it may be like that ( finger downward ). Like... dissolution; like this, it means continuation and progress—continuation with the necessity of progress. There is something which is the consciousness of the cells (a consciousness that observes, and which, when it is awakened, is a wonderful witness), and that consciousness is the one which goes like this ( same gesture ) or like that. This is expressed by a will to endure or to last, or by a need for the... rid of influences you cut off the contact; well, that movement of withdrawal, recoil, isolation, all those psychological movements (through material isolation in the physical; in the vital, in the psychic, in the mind, everywhere, it always consists in cutting oneself off, in separating oneself), all that is false; it's contrary to the truth. The truth is to... ( outspread gesture ) to feel the union ...


... 1961 Page 334 It is not the psychic being that suffers for personal reasons, it is the mind, the vital and the ordinary consciousness of ignorant man. This is because the contact between the outer consciousness and the psychic consciousness is not well established. He in whom the contact has been well established is always happy. The psychic being works with perseverance and ardour... of whom the psychic is the instrument in man. The inner contact with the psychic is a concrete and undeniable fact which imposes itself on all sincere consciousness. 5 April 1972 The psychic is always there, and it is strong. It is the receptivity that is weak. 1 May 1972 Page 335 The best way to get rid of the rule of the ego is to find the psychic being, instrument... Let this house be a symbol of the psychic, the temple of the eternal divine Presence. Page 331 Live in the consciousness of the psychic centre; thus your will will express the Divine's Will alone and your transformed being will then be able to receive and manifest the Divine Love. 25 September 1934 The centre of the human being is the psychic which is the dwelling-place of the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... then you will no longer have desire for anything and after that it will go out of your consciousness completely. When the psychic is about to enter into the world, does it choose in advance the form it is going to take? It is an interesting question. That depends. As I have just told you, there are psychic beings who are in the making, progressing; these generally, right at the outset, cannot... like an image: it is not exactly that, but something very similar. It throws itself down into an unconsciousness, because the physical world, even human consciousness whatever it may be, is very unconscious in comparison with the psychic consciousness. So it rushes into an unconsciousness. It is as though it fell on its head. That stuns it. And so generally, apart from some very very rare exceptions... origin is only a spark of the divine consciousness and it is through successive lives that it builds up a conscious individuality. It is a progress similar to that of a growing child. It is a thing in the making. For a long time, in most human beings the psychic is a being in the making. It is not a fully individualised, fully conscious being and master of itself and it needs all its rebirths, one after ...


... aware of oneself by a growing consciousness, then one Page 23 can see different degrees, kinds, powers of consciousness, mental, vital, physical, psychic, spiritual. The Divine has been de scribed as Being-Consciousness-Ananda, even as a Consciousness (Chaitanya), as putting out a force or energy, Shakti, that creates worlds. The mind is a modified consciousness that puts forth a mental energy... where the consciousness places itself and centralises itself. If the consciousness places or associates itself within the ego, you are identified with the ego—if in the mind, it is identified with the mind and its activities and so on. If the consciousness puts its stress outside, it is said to live in the external being and becomes oblivious of its inner mind and vital and inmost psychic; if it goes... disposition of the consciousness that determines everything, makes one predominantly mental, vital, physical or psychic, bound or free, separate in the Purusha or involved in the Prakriti. Good heavens! what a magnificent muddle [ in the correspondent's response to the preceding letter ]! The Jivatman is on the supramental plane and the Jiva is the psychic? It is the consciousness with a clear individual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... shuts off the psychic consciousness. All kinds of circumstances, happenings, experiences—external and emotional—are then needed to strike open the doors within, to bring the memory that one comes from elsewhere and for a very special reason.”² In this way all knowledge comes to the psychic as memory, as reminiscence, to use Plato's expression; for all knowledge is already in the psychic; what is needed... his consciousness something like a totality of his personal history. For in his case even when the body drops, the other parts being integrated and taken up into the soul substance maintain their individual existence; the personality formed around the psychic continues with its memory intact; even it can pass from one life to another without losing its consciousness. ”² The psychic memory... the latent consciousness, the veiled knowledge, shine out in their ¹ & ² The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part VII, by Nolini Kanta Gupta. Page 98 unbarred wideness. If we look at rebirth from this standpoint, we can easily understand why the psychic sometimes chooses difficulties, struggles and hardships as a very drastic means to the evolution of its consciousness and the p ...


... through their half-conscious mechanism. When the mind awakens to the consciousness of the first psychic movements, it deforms them in its ignorance and changes compassion into pity and gratitude into the will to recompense which is transformed gradually into the capacity to recognise and admire. It is only when the psychic consciousness is all-powerful in the being that compassion for all that is below... does not want he resents it badly and throws all the blame on whoever he considers responsible. God, man or nature. Compassion and gratitude are purely psychic virtues. They appear in the consciousness only with the participation of the psychic being in active life. The vital and physical feel them as weaknesses because they put a check upon the free expression of their impulsions based on the power... the Divine's. The Divine Consciousness sees first the truth of a work, the best way of doing it according to given circumstances, and when She acts, it is final, She never comes back on what is done, She goes forward, using failure as well as success for a new progress, one more step towards the goal. In order to progress, Nature destroys while the Divine Consciousness stimulates growth and finally ...


... the divine spark, I was speaking of the being, the psychic consciousness, which is another thing. The psychic being is an entity which has a form; it is organised around a central consciousness and, having a form it has a dimension, but a dimension of another kind than the third dimension of the outer consciousness. 10 — The Mother The psychic being is the representative of the Divine in the... dwells in the psychic being — but not always. There is always a divine Presence in the psychic being, but it is the divine Presence which was at the origin of the psychic formation, it is an emanation from the divine Consciousness; whereas the true self is not a terrestrial formation. It precedes the terrestrial formation. 7 — The Mother * The psychic being is formed by the... Mother Page 14 The psychic world or plane of consciousness is that part of the world, the psychic being is that part of the being which is directly under the influence of the Divine Consciousness.... It is a world of harmony, and everything moves in it from light to light and from progress to progress. It is the seat of the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Self in the individual being ...


... definitive stage in the growth of your psychic being and its power over your nature and your life. 2 February 1945 Continue to open yourself and the psychic consciousness will grow in you and the Light refine and illumine whatever is left of the shadows in the mind and vital being. 2 February 1946 An increasing advance on the road to the entire psychic change is what is most important in the... My blessings for the day and the year. Grow in faith, grow in light, grow in consciousness. 11 February 1942 My blessings for your birthday. May this year be a step forward in consciousness and towards union with the Divine. 11 February 1943 My blessings for the year. May it bring to you growth in consciousness towards the Divine. 11 February 1944 My blessings on your birthday. May... Tranquillise and widen your consciousness; go deeper into your soul. 2 February 1940 A clarified consciousness with strength to reject all inconscience and receive all that comes from the Light, this should be the aim before you. 2 February 1941 Aspire always to grow more and more conscious so that all the small obstacles shall disappear from the physical consciousness and the obscurer parts ...


... the consciousness, it puts a thick shell over it and so prevents it from being receptive. It is as though you were putting a varnish upon something to prevent its being touched. Does the mind aspire? That means? When the mind aspires, it aspires. Page 8 "... the mental will and the psychic aspiration must be your support." Yes, but the mind also can aspire. But psychic aspiration... and everything becomes very clear. Yes, that's quite true. What is it? What is it? It is because you have no contact with your psychic being when the door is closed. And if the door opens, then naturally you will benefit by all the psychic consciousness, and will know the things you want to. Sweet Mother, here Sri Aurobindo says, "... the difficulty faced in the right spirit and conquered... aspiration is more powerful than mental aspiration, and the mind must have its own will. If one speaks of the mental will and the psychic aspiration it does not mean that the mind has no aspiration and the psychic no will. It is just saying what is the most important thing in each of these. But it doesn't mean that it has only this. It can have all the other movements too. Sometimes when I want to ...


... the cells have learned their lesson and say right away, "Lord, Your presence" (without words—the attitude), pfft! the thing goes. It's no use if the thought does it, if the psychic consciousness, EVEN THE PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS, does it: it must be the cells that do it. So the one who does it in the thought says, "Here, I give myself to the Divine, I am ready for anything, I am in a state of perfect... of something "living".... It's very deceptive. And you can know this, feel it, perceive it clearly Page 301 only when you know the True Thing; if you have touched true love through the psychic and through divine union, then it [vital love] appears hollow, thin, empty: an appearance and a drama—more often a tragedy than a comedy. All that you can say about it, all that you can explain... taken root in the being. Page 303 I have noticed something very interesting. Suppose there is a pain, some sign or other that something in the body is out of order. In the consciousness—in the consciousness—you are absolutely indifferent, which means that whether it's life or death, disease or health, there is equality; but if the body reacts according to its old habit, "What should be done ...


... help his psychic being to cover in a limited number of years the experiences it would perhaps take several lifetimes to go through. That is to say, the help is reciprocal. The psychic, when it has an influence on the outer life, brings to it light, order and quietude and the joy of the divine contact. But also the physical being, the body-consciousness—if it is identified with the psychic consciousness... in the past and what it will be in the future. And because of this knowledge you can gather by a concentration of the consciousness all these experiences in a very short time and gain lives, do in a few years what could take a fairly considerable number of lives to achieve. The psychic being goes progressively through all these experiences towards its full maturity and complete independence, its lib... does an individual's life depend on the experience his psychic being wants to have? Very much! I was just speaking about just this with someone today, and I said this, that if one can become fully conscious of his psychic being, at the same time one understands, necessarily, the reason of his present existence and the experience this psychic being wants to have; and instead of having it somewhat ...


... there were not a deeper consciousness within which is of quite another character. There is within you a psychic being which is divine, directly a part of the Mother, pure of all these defects. It is covered and concealed by the ordinary consciousness and nature, but when it is unveiled and able to come forward and govern the being, then it changes the ordinary consciousness, throws all these undivine... within, they were in the outer or surface nature, only you were not sufficiently conscious of them because the other true consciousness had not opened and grown within you. Now by the experiences you have had the psychic has been growing and it is because of this new psychic consciousness that you are able to see clearly all that has to go. It does not go at once because the vital had so much the habit of... needs in our Yoga is a discrimination and a psychic tact distinguishing the false from the true, putting each thing in its place and giving it its true value or absence of value, not carried away by the excitement of the mind or the vital being. What do you mean by true? You have a subjective experience belonging to a higher plane of consciousness; when you descend you come down with it into ...


... transformation, it's serious). So for these two opposites the problem has been solved. And the state I've just described is possible in the body's cells and in the corporeal consciousness, also in the psychic consciousness; but vitally and mentally, even if you understand, it seems like an almost impossible realization because of a fixity, a fixity in the form: the form of thoughts and the form of... NOTHING. You understand, when Sri Aurobindo was there, it was perfect, but when he withdrew ... tasteless. And it's the PHYSICAL consciousness that has those experiences at night: the body remains in trance, it's the physical consciousness; it was the physical consciousness, but in a subtle physical freed from all difficulties—and it was no better. You know, it was like a reply to the ambition of people... was like this ( gesture of intense aspiration ). There. As a result, my impression was that unless the whole universe becomes THAT, well ... what's the use? All, all that isn't Consciousness, the supreme consciousness, I mean, yes, supreme and supremely divine, all the rest ... It's the first time I've felt so intensely the uselessness of all outward activities—their uselessness IN THEMSELVES, like ...


... the 15th, there has been a whole work of preparation for the transformation.... What could I call it?... A transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness, used to obey the inner individual consciousness—the psychic consciousness most of the time, or the mental (but the mind had been silent for a long time). But now this material mind is organizing itself like the other one, or the other... awakening. There has been a sort of reversal of consciousness. And at night it corresponds to thoroughly strange activities: a completely new way of seeing, feeling and observing people and things. Last night, for example, for over two hours there was a clear vision—an active vision (through action, that is)—of the way in which human consciousnesses make the most simple things complicated and difficult... difficult. It was fantastic—fantastic. And then, this consciousness was spontaneously impelled by the divine Presence, but it followed the others' human movements with the clear perception of the simple thing and of the way in which it becomes complicated. It was symbolic, with images; an activity in images in the sense that it wasn't purely material, physical as we know it here, but in a symbolic, imaged ...


... his huge estate; we were going up towards the house on foot, and I told him," she raised her index finger, " 'My psychic being governs me —I am afraid of nothing.' Well ..." Mother made a gesture which showed Theon starting as if he had been burned. "I acquired that psychic consciousness just before leaving for Tlemcen. And it grew stronger there." Theon turned on his heels and silently led ...

... ecstatic trance, as from an intoxication. It makes you enter a little into trance. Then if you listen well and let yourself go, you move on and glide, glide into a psychic consciousness. But if you remain only in the external consciousness, the music is so tenuous that there is no response from the vital, it leaves you altogether flat. Sometimes, there was a vital force, then it became quite good...... infinite variations), personally I find it wonderful to put you in repose, and you enter deep within yourself. And then, if you are ready, it gives you the psychic consciousness: something that makes you withdraw from the external consciousness, which makes you enter elsewhere, enter within. In what form does music come to the great composers? That is, is it only the melody that comes or is it... but this is not very frequent. Indian music, when there are good musicians, has almost always a psychic origin; for example, the rāgas have a psychic origin, they come from the psychic. The inspiration does not often come from above. But Indian music is very rarely embodied in a strong vital. It has rather an inner and intimate origin. I have heard a great deal of Indian music, a great deal; ...


... being : it has not started becoming . This is man's speciality: in him the psychic begins to be dynamic; to be organised and to organise, it is a psychic personality that he possesses. Now this flowering of the psychic personality is due to an especial Descent, the descent of a Person from another level of consciousness. That Person (or Superperson) is the j īvatman, the Individual Self, the central... Page 51 currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery, one can say that the multifarious experiences of various lives are as fuel to the Inner Fire – this Psychic Agni which is just a spark or a thin tongue at the outset of the human evolu­tionary... soul, his true psychic centre. It is this soul that is the source of his personality. The formulation or revelation of the Psyche marks another Page 48 line of what we have been describing as the Descent of Consciousness. The phenomenon of individualisation has at its back the phenomenon of the growth of the Psyche. It is originally a spark or nucleus of consciousness thrown into Matter ...

... point of view of a mental consciousness, of something which lasts like a written work, for instance—a work of truly fine quality can last for hundreds and even thousands of years; so, if you are told, "For your ideas to spread it will take a hundred years", this will not seem to you so very long. And if you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the psychic consciousness, a life is only one moment... And if, still further, you unite with the consciousness of eternity, time no longer has any reality. All is relative. When one is conscious of the different parts of the being, what part is it which is conscious? It is probably not always the same. Usually the work of becoming aware ought to be done by the psychic, but it is rarely the psychic. More often it is a part of the mind, more... enter a human body in the next life. The experiment succeeded fully, I had three absolutely flagrant instances; they left with a psychic being sufficiently conscious to enter a human body. But this is not what men ordinarily do; what they usually do is to spoil the consciousness or rather the instinct of animals. Page 239 × ...


... awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done..." Why has he said "the inmost soul"? Is there a superficial soul? It is because this inmost soul, that is, the central psychic being, influences the superficial parts of the consciousness (superficial in comparison with it: mental parts, vital parts). The purest mind... seen. And these things are very beautiful and give you very impressive experiences, but this is not the contact with the psychic being itself. The contact with the psychic being is definitive, and it is about this that I say, when people ask, "Do I have a contact with my psychic being?", "Your question itself proves that you don't have it!" That's all, my children? Sweet Mother, I have heard... take these parts for the soul and that is why he says "the inmost soul", that is, the central soul, the real soul. For very often, when one touches certain parts of the mind which are under the psychic influence and full of light and the joy of that light, or when one touches certain very pure and very high parts of the emotive being which has the most generous, most unselfish emotions, one also ...


... remained firm and sought to reincarnate. The musical being was originally organised and fashioned around the psychic consciousness and therefore it acquired its peculiar power and its force of persistence, almost an immortality. Such formations, though not themselves the psychic being, have a psychic quality, are independent beings, possess their own life and seek their fulfilment by manifesting and ... Can a Psychic Being take two bodies at the same time? The matter is not so simple. I have told you often that the psychic being is the result of an evolution, that is to say, it is the expression of the divine consciousness that has entered and spread itself into Matter and slowly raises Matter and develops it so that it may return to the Divine. The psychic being is formed ... the human being, the psychic becomes more conscious and formed; more conscious and therefore also Page 145 more free, it is individualised. You should note that it is a speciality of the earth alone. It is the direct infusion of a purifying and redeeming agent into the most obscure and unconscious Matter to waken it by degrees towards the divine consciousness, the divine presence ...

... became organised cells with the first incidence of an incipient consciousness and will. With its growth and the appearance of mind there grew the psychic element, the beginning of the individual, in the higher animal for example. And the psychic element with the growth of consciousness and will and individuality in man, developed into the psychic being which moves on towards the Divine impersonation on the... automaton by the willing and happy collaboration of a free being. That is the psychic with its free choice. The choice lies, as the Upanishad says, between 'sreyas' and 'preyas'; the deliberate choice of the 'sreyas' by the psychic being at every step is the great dialectic movement of evolution through which the consciousness moves forward and upward towards the supreme reality. The initial separation... the earth. This is Earth's divine fulfilment in and through her earthly son, man. She clothes Page 372 herself more and more with the developing psychic consciousness of man meeting the Divine Consciousness – finally incorporating in herself and as herself her lord, the Supreme Divine and in her individual formations his parts and portions to make the whole a divine Play. Page ...

... fashioned around the psychic consciousness and therefore it acquired its peculiar power and its force of persistence, almost an immortality. Such formations, though not themselves the psychic being, have a psychic quality, are independent beings, possess their own life and seek their fulfilment by manifesting and incarnating themselves whenever the occasion presents itself. Can a Psychic Being take two... same time? The matter is not so simple. I have told you often that the psychic being is the result of an evolution, that is to say, it is the expression of the divine consciousness that has entered and spread itself into Matter and slowly raises Matter and develops it so that it may return to the Divine. The psychic being is formed progressively by the divine centre through many lives or incarnations... upon earth. In the human being, the psychic becomes more conscious and formed; more conscious and therefore also more free, it is individualised. You should note that it is a speciality of the earth alone. It is the direct infusion of a purifying and redeem­ing agent into the most obscure and unconscious Matter to awaken it by degrees towards the divine consciousness, the divine presence, to the Divine ...

... sleeps the consciousness is different from the waking consciousness... Yes, and so "Why?" ( Laughter ) How is it different? But you have never noticed that it is different? For example, your physical consciousness or your subtle physical consciousness, your vital consciousness or the consciousness of your higher or lower vital, your psychic consciousness, your mental consciousness, each one... remain quiet, don't sleep and you may have visions. Dreams come when one is asleep, that is, when one has no longer the waking consciousness; whereas in vision one is in the waking consciousness, but one quietens or immobilises it, and it is another more inner consciousness which awakens; yet one is not asleep, the body is not asleep, it is just made quiet. One can have visions even while remaining... must not force things, one must quite simply, slowly, concentrate his consciousness in his body and wait a while for the fusion to be made normally; one must not force things. Sometimes the eyes are a little open and one can also see things... And one can't move! Yes. It means that only a fragment of the consciousness has come back, not enough to bring back the full movement in the body ...


... the depths of the consciousness and supports all that you do, and you never lose the contact. Then many things disappear. For instance, depression is one of these things, Page 33 discontentment, revolt, fatigue, depression, all these difficulties. And if one makes it a habit to step back, as we say, in one's consciousness and see on the screen of one's psychic consciousness—see all the ci... the consciousness in the vital, when one remains there. The only thing to do is to get out of the vital and enter a deeper consciousness. Even the higher mind, the luminous, higher mind, the most lofty thoughts have the power to drive away depression. Even when one reaches just the highest domain of thought, usually the depression disappears. But in any case, if one seeks shelter in the psychic, then... (1954) 24 February 1954 This talk is based upon Mother's essay " Psychic Education and Spiritual Education ". Sweet Mother, here you have said: "From beyond the frontiers of form a new force can be evoked, a power of consciousness which is as yet unexpressed and which, by its emergence, will be able to change the course of things and give birth ...


... will of the psychic being is not developed and it does not choose. Hence, there are no rules. It depends very much on circumstances, and especially on the line of formation which the psychic being will follow, and that depends on its origin. It is difficult to say. In the matter of sex, that may vary for a long time. As the consciousness grows and gains some unity of action, of consciousness, it can choose... world who have never taken a body upon earth and who want to act there, have a terrestrial action. So they wait till some psychic beings attain their full development and unite with them to do some work according to their nature. Their consciousness is added to the psychic consciousness upon earth. These are beings who have never taken birth here, beings who materialised themselves more and more as the... tendencies opposite to their sex. But at the time of the "choice" one may decide to belong to the creatrix Consciousness or to the immobile Witness. Page 183 That depends upon the origin. Have all psychic beings the same origin? This is how things happen. The origin of the psychic life, the divine Presence in Matter is one and the same, that's understood, but there are beings in the ...


... quite independently, because there will no longer be a physical being to hold them together. While if you have united your consciousness to the psychic consciousness, when you die you will remain conscious of your psychic being, and the psychic being will return to the psychic world which is a world of bliss, joy, peace, tranquillity, and growing knowledge.... But if you have lived in your vital and... single person, a single being. But there are many of them, and there are in particular concentrations on different planes: just as you have a physical being, you have a vital being, a mental being, a psychic being, and many others with all possible intermediaries.... So when you leave your body, all those beings will scatter. It's only if you are a very advanced yogi and have been capable of unifying your... something descending; from above you see: there are, yes, points of consciousness that shine and call, and then there is Contact ( gesture of junction between the Force above and the shining points below ). It's very strange, I really feel as if I am somewhere above, seeing things from above. A great mass of Power—Power-Consciousness-Vision—descending onto the world. ( long silence ) These last ...


... 198 This screen? It is the psychic consciousness. And this play? 3 Play? It is the play of the central consciousness. It is precisely the consciousness that is at the origin of the psychic being. And then there you have to take only a tiny step to find out how this psychic consciousness should reflect and translate the one supreme Consciousness. And there the matter ends. This last... text that follows. I said that only when the individual rises in his consciousness up to the highest Consciousness which is the origin of all things, where is the origin of all things, can he become a creator. That is to say, if he is identified with the creative Consciousness, he is naturally and he becomes the creative Consciousness. If he identifies himself, he is identified. 2 So, what was... externally in the way we are compelled to do (because the physical world is like that and our physical consciousness is like that), we may be able at the same time to join the other Consciousness so closely that while doing things according to the material law and in the material way, in our consciousness we may not lose sight of the fact that it is only an approximation, a translation, and that it is not ...


... touches on the theme again and, Page 42 referring to Sri Aurobindo, says: "He conceived that...the Supermind descends not only into the soul or psychic consciousness but also into the body or physical consciousness. In fact, it is well known that he and the Mother, who accompanied him in all his work, were both attempting to transform the body, so that it would not be subject to... alludes to the lack of success in the efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to accomplish here and now a transformation of the body by the Supermind's descent into the physical no less than the psychic consciousness. The objective of the Christian Yoga is poles apart from that of the Aurobindonian. Fourthly and lastly, Christ's resurrected body is not an example of transformation that has stayed on... ess. In the integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo the values of matter and life and human consciousness and the experience of a personal God are not lost in the ultimate Reality, the divine Sachchidananda. Matter and life and consciousness in man are seen to be evolving towards the divine life and the divine consciousness, in which they are not annihilated but fulfilled." (p. 137) The Supramental Physical ...


... because afterwards I wept. O my sweet Mother, why? Because during the pranam I reestablished the contact between your ordinary consciousness and the psychic consciousness. The extreme sweetness of the psychic consciousness always makes the outer consciousness weep with emotion. 21 September 1934 For a long time I have been aspiring with all my heart, Mother, for You to grant me Your... harmony with the psychic life of the universe. 4 June 1935 What do you mean by "the psychic life of the world"? Just as there is a psychic life in human beings, there is a psychic life in the earth and doubtless in other worlds too. Then what is the goal of life on earth? To make the consciousness progress towards the Divine. 5 June 1935 Turn my consciousness towards You... disturbance, which always pulls down the consciousness. It is also a resistance in the brain, expressing those elements of the physical mind that refuse to be transformed. 6 April 1935 I think that one gets the psychic consciousness only when the psychic comes to the surface. Or when one can go deep enough inside to enter into contact with one's psychic being. So what should I do about ...


... the growth of your psychic being and its power over your nature and your life. Sri Aurobindo I am glad to be able to say that your openness and your receptivity have increased during last year. Do not stop now and let them become perfect in the year to come. With my love and blessings The Mother 2.2.1946 Continue to open yourself and the psychic consciousness will grow in you... all my love. The Mother 2.2.1947 An increasing advance on the road to the entire psychic change is what is most important in the sadhana, for that is the straight road to the spiritual transformation. Devotion, harmony and scrupulousness in work, a growing inner perception and consciousness, more and more fading of the more vehement movements of the vital ego are among the more prominent... of Thy Will and Thy Law. With my Blessings The Mother 2.2.1940 2 Tranquillise and widen your consciousness; go deeper into your soul. Sri Aurobindo This year make an effort to achieve equanimity. The Mother 2.2.1941 A clarified consciousness with strength to reject all inconscience and receive all that comes from the Light, this should be the aim before you ...


... physical consciousness and the psychic consciousness, and oh! the physical consciousness has plenty of goodwill; it is very regular, it tries a great deal, but it is slow and heavy, it takes long, it is difficult to move it. It does not get tired, but it makes no effort; it goes its way, quietly. It can take centuries to put the external consciousness in contact Page 257 with the psychic. But... the nature of the consciousness is visible in the divine domain. It has a special vibration, a special light and this can be perceived. And so, when there is Page 251 an affinity (sometimes merely an affinity, sometimes an identity, depending on the being's degree of perfection), the Force goes there. Those who are still in the course of formation but whose psychic being is sufficiently... manifested sometimes loses his head and is unable to contain the Force? That may happen, everything is possible. But generally... I told you this the other day, when I spoke of the rebirth of psychic beings, I told you that from their domain they see a certain vibration, a certain light and they know that it is there that they must go. But when they drop down, most of the time they drop into u ...


... that the Mother may pull me out of the slumber and awaken my psychic consciousness? To develop your intelligence, read the teachings of Sri Aurobindo regularly and very attentively. To develop and master your vital, carefully observe your movements and reactions with a will to overcome desires, and aspire to find your psychic being and unite with it. Physically, continue with what you... then during the hours when you are not studying, your brain, having worked enough, will be able to rest and it will be possible for you to concentrate in the depths of your heart and find there the psychic source; with it you will become conscious of both gratitude and true happiness. 23 May 1935 * Page 16 My studies are suffering because of constant... don't feel at all enthusiastic. From the moment one has decided and accepted to do something, it must be done as well as one can. One can find in everything a chance to progress in consciousness and self-mastery. And this effort for progress immediately makes the thing interesting, no matter What it is. 26 September 1963 * 1. The annual cultural programme of the Centre ...


... aspiration... I can't say it disappears in that nonexistence, but there's nothing, there's almost nothing left. Mon petit, that's because what you call "aspiration" is a movement of your psychic consciousness, mentally formulated and supported by the vital—but it ISN'T YOUR BODY. And it's only if you are very attentive to the vibration of the cells, if you are accustomed to observing them and feeling... when things were the darkest, the blackest, the most negative, the most painful, not once did the thought come, "I would like to die." And ever since I had the experience of psychic immortality, the immortality of consciousness, that is, in 1902 or 3, or 4 at the latest (sixty years ago now), all fear of death went away. Now the body's cells have the sense of their immortality. There was also a time... would take it as a sign if my back became straight again. 1 At the time, it wasn't much, but it disgusted me deeply, and I did it as a challenge . Naturally, now it's very far away from my consciousness and my thought, I find it childish, but I remembered it a few days ago also, and I said to myself that now I didn't care a bit about that, because to me it's nothing! All the rest... rail the rest ...


... they are converted, which is not easy. There is a sort of association between the physical and the psychic and between the mental and the vital being. A mental being is very often a very vital being. A psychic being is very often a physical being. Children—just because this psychic consciousness is in front in them—live also altogether in their body. But as soon as one begins to develop the mind... other, try as hard as you may, it will weep, it will cry or it will run away, but it will have nothing to do with that per son; and all this is a translation, in a consciousness of ignorance, of a psychic phenomenon: the vision of the psychic quality of that person. Some people can concentrate very quickly while others can't. Perhaps they are born like that, for some reason or other, or perhaps... In children the psychic is always in the front, isn't it? Not always. The psychic is more "in front" than later when they grow up and the mind develops, but it can't be said that in all children the psychic may be felt. And one cannot judge from what we have here, for the condition of admission I make when Page 4 children are brought to me is this: if I see the psychic on the surface ...


... is translated in Matter precisely by this psychic sorrow which is spoken about here. 1 We read that this evening. That is as though something were reversed, it is the same thing but reversed in this way ( Mother joins her hands and then opens them as in an offering ). Well, the Divine's state of compassion is translated in the psychic consciousness by a sorrow that is not egoistic, a sorrow... Compassion, and there, truly it is a psychic door that opens. So, if someone sees me shedding tears, if at that moment one tries to unite completely—you understand, to enter into these tears, melt in them—this can open the door. One can open the door and have the full experience, a very exceptional experience, which leaves a very deep mark upon your consciousness. Usually it is never effaced. But if... in my eyes. There is no unrest or disturbance in it, rather there is a feeling of calm and purity and a deep gravity associated with it. Is this what is called the psychic sorrow? "A: Yes, there is a psychic sorrow of that kind—but psychic tears need not be sorrowful, there are also tears of emotion and joy." × ...


... that was the condition to which you were coming before this (it seems to me quite causeless and accidental) lapse. So I wrote that there was no reason why you should not speedily have the same psychic consciousness which would prevent all doubt or any radical disturbance. 7 May 1934 X has often quoted things that the Mother told him, not only about me but about others. He says that she tells him... bring pride in you, but to encourage you to rely on your psychic and bring it out so that it might get full control on the vital. I may add that the psychic being strong does not necessarily mean that it is in full control of the vital or cannot be clouded over. The condition some of those you mentioned have attained now is that the psychic is in control of the vital so that doubts and revolts are... interview one year ago that the psychic is quite strong in me. Did she say this to bring pride in me? It gave me a sense of superiority to persons like X and Y and many others. But now it would seem I am full of vital difficulties. Did the Mother ever look at the vital difficulties of others as severely as she seems to be looking at mine? Mother told you about your psychic because she saw it—but she ...

... deliberately or consciously. It is through the work of the consciousness which pushes that this kind of thing happens. There is no decision that each element is going to be exactly in this place, like that; it is the effect of the energy which has pushed the fist that organises the elements. But that’s how it is. There is the psychic consciousness at work in life, organising all the circumstances of your... development. And naturally, if you ask the psychic to help you to fashion a pleasant life for yourself, to earn money, have children who will be the pride of the family, etc., well, the psychic will not help you. But it will create for you all the circumstances necessary to awaken something in you so that the need of union with the Divine may be born in your consciousness. At times you have made fine plans... evolution of our existence in Nature; but this action is occult and not obtruded on the surface. In the early material and vital stages of the evolution of being there is indeed no consciousness of soul; there are psychic activities, but the instrumentation, the form of these activities are vital and physical—or mental when the mind is active. For even the mind, so long as it is primitive or is developed ...


... There are different statuses of the divine consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which... entire consciousness and power of Being, it is altogether indispensable that we gather up our consciousness and rise out of the sphere of ignorant mind into the radiant higher altitudes of the Spirit. And these ascents must be made in full awareness and not merely in the immobile trance-state of absorbed superconscience. For in the latter case, on the return to the waking consciousness from... widening into immense ranges of new being, new consciousness, new potentialities of action." 1 But this ascension of our consciousness to these higher luminous planes, even if permanently centred there, does not suffice for the spiritual transformation of our being and nature. The permanent ascent from the lower to the higher consciousness must be followed by the complementary process ...

... There are different statuses (avasthā) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which... only a beginning; spiritualisation and the descent of the higher consciousness is not enough, it is only a middle term; the ultimate achievement needs the action of the supramental Consciousness and Force. Something less than that may very well be considered enough by the individual, but it is not enough for the earth-consciousness to take the definitive stride forward it must take at one time or... a putting on of the spiritual consciousness, dynamic as well as static, in every part of the being down to the subconscient. That cannot be done by the influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of the Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these ...


... February this year, Griffiths touches on the theme again and, referring to Sri Aurobindo, says: "He conceived that...the Supermind descends not only into the soul or psychic consciousness but also into the body or physical consciousness. In fact, it is well known that he and the Mother, who accompanied him in all his work, were both attempting to transform the body, so that it would not be subject to... alludes to the lack of success in the efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to accomplish here and now a transformation of the body by the Supermind's descent into the physical no less than the psychic consciousness. The objective of the Christian Yoga is poles apart from that of the Aurobindonian. Fourthly and lastly, Christ's resurrected body is not an example of transformation that has stayed on... ess. In the integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo the values of matter and life and human consciousness and the experience of a personal God are not lost in the ultimate Reality, the divine Sachchidananda. Matter and life and consciousness in man are seen to be evolving towards the divine life and the divine consciousness, in which they are not annihilated but fulfilled." (p. 137) The Supramental ...

... along with this wave of the wrong kind of consciousness. Whenever this comes up, you should be at once sure that it is a wrong turn and stop it and reject all its characteristic suggestions. It is when you have been able to do so for a long time that you have made great progress and developed a right consciousness and right ideas and the true psychic attitude. You are not hampering our work nor... hanker after these or get disappointed and despondent because they do not yet come. These things can be left to come of themselves when the consciousness is ready. What you have to aspire to is bhakti, purification of the nature, right psychic consciousness and surrender. Aspire for bhakti and it will grow in you. It is already there within and it is that which expresses itself in your poetry and... and music and the feelings that rise up as in the temple of the Mother at the Cape. As the bhakti and purity in the nature grow, the right psychic consciousness will also increase and lead to the full surrender. But keep steady and don’t indulge these ideas of incapacity and frustration and going away; they are stuff of tamas and good only to be flung aside. * Page 44 ...

... of surface consciousness. The psychic consciousness, which is the inmost consciousness, is a consciousness of the secret organizer and builder of outer and inner personality, and it is the secret ruler, although most often unrecognized, of the physical, vital and mental personality, which are considered and utilized by the psychic being as its instruments. A vast knowledge of the secret laws of human... world becomes accessible only when one enters into psychic consciousness and one begins to dwell more and more consciously in that inmost consciousness. Higher consciousness is the proper domain of what is normally called spiritual consciousness, although named differently in different traditions. It is the domain of cosmic and transcendental consciousness, the knowledge and the power of which varies according... domains of subliminal consciousness as distinguished from the domains of the Spirit, provided that we mean by the Page 16 subliminal to cover those domains which lie behind the surface appearances and extend to the realms of the subtle Matter, Life and Mind. In this definite scope, occultism excludes those domains which are psychic and spiritual, — since the psychic reality belongs to the ...

... didn't even know how I used to speak to him when I saw him, nothing, it was all gone. All that had remained alive were one or two movements or facts which were clearly connected to the psychic life, the psychic consciousness—but just one or two or three such memories; all the rest was gone. So a whole slice of my life came back, but it didn't stop there! It keeps extending back further and further, and... the things of life, at people, at this totality, I see that it's identically the same thing when seen from there, from that consciousness—it's so drab, dull, insipid, gray, uninteresting, lifeless ... Oh, all of life, WHATEVER IT IS, is like that when seen from that consciousness! So I understood that this must correspond to a certain realm of experience; I understood all those who say, 'If it has... KNOW that it can and must become something else. But then all this Consciousness which is there and in which I live and which has this world vision must come forward and manifest in the vibration of EACH second—not in a whole which looks interesting when seen from afar; it must enter the vibration of each second, the consciousness of each minute, otherwise ... ( silence ) How well I understand ...


... There are others that catch it—through contact with man they catch it—but there are those who don't have it. The unselfish movement, uncalculating, is one of the most beautiful forms of psychic consciousness in the world. But the higher one rises in the scale of mental activity, the rarer it becomes. For with intelligence come all the skill and cleverness, and corruption, calculation. For instance... that, and it turns into a very strong attachment, an irresistible need to be near you. There is something else. If the master is really a good one and the animal faithful, there is an exchange of psychic and vital forces, an exchange which becomes for the animal something wonderful, giving it an intense joy. When they like to be quite close to you in that way, when you hold them, it is that they ... mind is active he tries to get some advantage out of his beauty and cleverness; he wants it to bring him something, either men's admiration or even much more sordid gains yet. Consequently, from the psychic point of view, the rose is better than human beings. Page 240 Only, if you climb a rung higher and consciously do what the rose does unconsciously, then it is much more beautiful. But it ...


... the divine work upon earth. All of them come impelled by their psychic being, which wants to lead them towards self-realisation. They come with their psychic in front and ruling their consciousness; they have a psychic contact with people and things. Everything seems beautiful and good to them, their health improves, their consciousness grows more luminous; they feel happy, peaceful and safe; they think... is consequently only one remedy: be on your guard, hold fast to the psychic, do not allow anything in your consciousness to slip in between your psychic and yourself, close your ears and your understanding to all other suggestions and rely only on the psychic. Usually, those who become conscious of their psychic being expect that it will liberate them from vital and physical attractions and activities;... cannot deal effectively with the body. Only the psychic consciousness has the knowledge and the insight needed to do the right thing in the right way. You might well ask, what is the remedy for this state of affairs? For here we are going round in a vicious circle, since the whole trouble comes from drawing away from the psychic and only the psychic can find the solution to the problems. There is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... it must be different.... For me it was very radical—I didn't have any choice, you understand: it was like that, and that's that. But we truly have to.... What made things easy is that the psychic consciousness was completely in the forefront and ruling the life, so it just went on quietly without being concerned with the rest. It's like sight and hearing, I've noticed that it's not a physical ... because I was VERY conscious of my psychic (the psychic being which was formed through all the lives), I was very conscious of it, and it remained; it remained and enabled me to deal with people without its making any difference, thanks to that psychic presence. That's why there were very few apparent changes. So I can speak only of what I know, and I'll say this: the psychic has to remain very much in command... change into difficulties, suffering, misery what is... perfect peace in the Divine Consciousness. It's we who create that little "transformation." Page 340 And I had some extraordinary examples.... It would take hours to describe. But it's really the consciousness that must change—and even the consciousness OF THE CELLS, you understand?... That, that's a radical change. And there are ...


... from the psychic or from the thinking mind above comes to the rescue. It is the psychic consciousness, not perfect but still well developed, that supports some of those whom you mention and makes it easy for them to go on in faith—but it is only after much vital difficulty that it developed in them,—and there is no reason why that should not happen speedily in you also. The psychic if it gets... outward things. To fix the consciousness within, to keep it concentrated on the Divine alone is a great difficulty for all, it is what makes sadhana a thing for which long time and a slow development of the consciousness is usually necessary, at first at any rate. So that need not discourage you. In your inner vital there is plenty of strong will and deep down in your psychic there is the true aspiration... n of the restlessness or impatience easier; but in any case the Mother's force is there working behind the variations of the surface consciousness and it will bring you through them. The experiences you had were renewed glimpses of the Page 33 psychic working that is going on all the time even when there is no sign of it on the surface. The golden sword was the sword of Truth which will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... this work. The positive side is to increase one's aspiration, develop one's consciousness, unify one's being, to go within in order to enter more and more into contact with one's psychic being; to take up all the parts, all the movements, all the activities of one's being and put them before this psychic consciousness so that they fall into their true place in relation to this centre; finally, to... action. And there is also the genius of the species, which is a consciousness. There is already an active consciousness at work in plants. And in the genius of the species there is a beginning—quite embryonic, but still—there is a beginning of response to the psychic influence, and certain flowers are clearly the expression of a psychic attitude and aspiration in the plant, not very conscious of itself... being all its different elements, obscure, egoistic, unconscious, or even ill-willed, which consciously or otherwise, answer these bad influences, and allow them not only to penetrate into the consciousness, but sometimes to get settled there. That is the negative side. Both must be practised at the same time. According to the moment, the occasion, the inner readiness, you must insist now on one ...


... mind and vital and physical. When that consciousness is not concealed, when you are aware of your soul (the psychic being), when its feelings and consciousness are yours, then you have got the consciousness of the psychic being. The feelings and aspiration of the psychic being are all turned towards truth and right consciousness and the Divine; it is the only part that cannot be touched by the hostile... One is aware of one's soul, feels the psychic to be one's true being, the mind and the rest begin to be only instruments of the inmost within us. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic It seems to me that you must know by this time about the psychic being—that it is behind the veil and its consciousness also; only a little comes out in the mind... it is in the depths of the consciousness and supports all that you do, and you never lose the contact. Then many things disappear. For instance, depression is one of these things, discontentment, revolt, fatigue, depression, all these difficulties. And if one makes it a habit to step back, as we say, in one's consciousness and see on the screen of one's psychic consciousness—see all the circumstances ...


... in the year to come. With my love and blessings. THE MOTHER Page 16 Page 17 2.2.1946 Continue to open yourself and the psychic consciousness will grow in you and the Light refine and illumine whatever is left of the shadows in the mind and vital being. SRI AUROBINDO My dear child, now I can call you in truth my... 2.2.1947 An increasing advance on the road to the entire psychic change is what is most important in the sadhana, for that is the straight road to the spiritual transformation. Devotion, harmony and scrupulousness in work, a growing inner perception and consciousness, more and more fading of the more vehement movements of the vital ego are among the more prominent... no darkness can obscure. THE MOTHER Page 14 Page 15 2.2.1945 Let the year that is beginning mark a definitive stage in the growth of your psychic being and its power over your nature and your life. SRI AUROBINDO I am glad to be able to say that your openness and your receptivity have increased during last year. Do not stop ...


... united your consciousness with the psychic consciousness, when you die you remain conscious of your psychic being and the psychic being returns to the psychic world which is a world of bliss and delight and peace and tranquillity and of a growing knowledge. So, if you like to call that a paradise, it is all right; because in fact, to the extent to which you are identified with your psychic being, you... Mother, here Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the psychic behind supporting all". What does this mean?       Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation, this triple organisation of human life and consciousness, the psychic is behind and supports it by its consciousness which is an immortal one. It is because of the psychic that we have so clear a sense of continuity. Otherwise... soul of  Thee. It is not the psychic being that suffers for personal reasons, it is the mind, the vital and the ordinary consciousness of ignorant man. This is because the contact between the outer consciousness and the psychic consciousness is not well established. He in whom the contact has been well established is always happy.       The psychic being works with perseverance and ardour ...


... Chapter 5, "Physical Consciousness, etc.". Sweet Mother, what is the meaning of "the psychic opening in the physical consciousness"? I think I have already told you this once. One can find the psychic through each part of the consciousness: you can find a psychic behind the physical... you can enter into contact with the psychic directly through the physical consciousness, directly through the... directly. This is what Sri Aurobindo means: you are in the physical consciousness, nothing prevents you from opening this physical consciousness to the psychic consciousness, you don't need to develop vitally or mentally or to return to these states of being in order to enter into contact with the psychic. You can enter directly. The psychic manifests itself directly in your physical without passing through... the vital consciousness, directly through the mental consciousness. It is not as though you had to cross all the states of being in order to find the psychic. You can enter the psychic without leaving your physical consciousness, through interiorisation, because it is not an ascent or gradation. It is an interiorisation, and this interiorisation can be done without passing through the other states of ...


... external physical consciousness and the psychic consciousness, and oh! the physical consciousness has plenty of goodwill; it is very regular, it tries a great deal, but it is slow and heavy, it takes long, it is difficult to move it. It does not get tired, but it makes no effort; it goes its way, quietly. It can take centuries to put the external consciousness in contact with the psychic. But for some... said, “You die when your soul leaves your body” or “Your soul leaves your body when you die”, in one way or the other; but it is not the soul, it is not only this soul—what we call soul, I mean the psychic being—it is the vital being. When the vital being leaves the body for whatever reason, the body dies or death cuts off the vital being from the body… So it is in the see of animating, that is, giving... of vital visions, formations, experiences of all kinds, but there is no mental clarity or order, neither do they rise above the mind. It is only the minority of men who live in the mind or in the psychic or try to live on the spiritual plane. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - IV: The Nature of the Vital In the ordinary life, people accept the vital movements, anger, desire, greed, sex etc ...


... without light, without an opening, and then you begin pushing from inside, pushing, pushing, pushing so that it may break. And the day it breaks, the day it opens, suddenly, you enter the psychic consciousness. And then you understand. And then, truly, if you have a sense of humour, you laugh; you realise your stupidity. Source Cut the Knot of the Ego Sweet Mother, what does the... begin to feel this, that what you believed to be yourself, the person doing things and for whom they are done, the person who exists and makes you what you are, yes, when you pass from this to the consciousness that this is a prison preventing you from being truly yourself, then you have made great progress, and there is hope. You feel yourself stifled, crushed, absolutely shut up in a prison without air... these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... through their half-conscious mechanism. When the mind awakens to the consciousness of the first psychic movements, it deforms them in its ignorance and changes compassion into pity and gratitude in to the will to recompense which is transformed gradually into the capacity to recognise and admire. It is only when the psychic consciousness is all-powerful in the being that compassion for all that is below... does not want he resents it badly and throws all the blame on whomever he considers responsible, God, man or nature. Compassion and gratitude are purely psychic virtues. They appear in the consciousness only with the participation of the psychic being in active life. The vital and physical feel them as weakness because they put a check upon the free expression of their impulsions based on the power... not seem to stop I must add that those who persist in so doing will be treated occultly as traitors. Consciousness is a state and a power Love is a force and an action When Consciousness separated from its Origin and became inconscience the Origin emanated Love to re-awaken Consciousness from the depth of the inconscience and bright it back into touch with its Origin. It may be said that ...

... subjectively formulate itself as a physical, a vital, a mental, a psychic consciousness — all these are present in man, but as they are all mixed up together in the external consciousness with their real status behind in the inner being, one can only become fully aware of them by releasing the original limiting stress of the consciousness which makes us live in our external being and become awake and... , we are or can become aware of the large and rich and inexhaustible kingdom within. So also consciousness in us has drawn a lid or covering or whatever one likes to call it between the lower planes of mind, life, body supported by the psychic and the higher planes which contain the spiritual kingdoms where the self is always free and limitless, and it can break or open the lid or covering and... ic thought as consciousness, because that thought is governed by science 2 and sees consciousness only as a phenomenon that emerges out of inconscient Matter and consists of certain reactions of the system to outward things. But that is a phenomenon of consciousness, it is not consciousness itself, it is even only a very small part of the possible phenomenon of consciousness and can give no ...


... of purification and concentration (i.e. gathering up of the consciousness and turning it fixedly towards the Divine), the psychic fire which all must pass through so as to reach the Mother permanently and completely. It is egoistic if the ego thinks that it is the psychic fire. If the consciousness feels identified with the psychic fire and becomes conscious that the fire can burn out all impurities... is in the psychic being, but it can be lit in all the parts of the being. The Psychic Fire and Some Inner Visions The fire you saw was the fire of the psychic being, the fire of aspiration and tapasya, burning under the earth, that is to say, in the subconscient. It opens the earth, the physical consciousness to the Divine Light. Moonlight may symbolise the spiritual consciousness and the room... spiritual. Psychic sorrow is a spiritual movement, but sorrow is not part of the essential character of the higher consciousness. Resignation, the ego's submission to the divine will, is a spiritual movement, but the higher consciousness has no need of resignation and a submitted ego is not a part of its essence, for it has no ego. Psychic Tears or Weeping Yes, there is a psychic sorrow of that ...


... glimpse of the Divine Reality, as you must see the sea and know something of it before you can jump into it. That glimpse is usually the awakening of the psychic consciousness. But some realisation you must have—a strong mental or vital, if not a deep psychic or integral contact. You must have felt strongly the Divine Presence in or about you; you must have felt the breath of the Divine world. And you must... those that are connected with the most superficial and physical layer of consciousness, those that are the result of stray thoughts, random impressions, mechanical reactions or reflex activities. These have no regular or organised form and shape and meaning; they are hardly remembered and leave almost no trace in the consciousness. But even dreams that have a somewhat deeper origin are still obscure,... mechanism of the body. The control over the processes of the body-consciousness is more difficult, since they are more rigid, less amenable to change than are the mental or the vital processes. In the night the mental and vital, especially the vital, are very active. During the day they are under check, the physical consciousness automatically represses their free play and expression. In sleep this ...


... aspiring that the Mother may pull me out of the slumber and awaken my psychic consciousness? To develop your intelligence read regularly and very attentively the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. To develop and master your vital, observe attentively your movements and reactions with the will to overcome desires, and aspire to find your psychic being and unite yourself with it. Physically, continue to do as... élite. Page 387 Therefore, the best thing is to start to work immediately. The rest is simply an excuse that our laziness gives to itself. 15 July 1961 We speak very often of the psychic and the soul, but I understand nothing about them. What are these two things and how can one experience them? Sri Aurobindo has written a lot on this subject (in his letters) and I too have explained... the Physical Education Captains) We are very far from what you ask of us, at least I am. It is an arduous task and will take time, a very long time, but what can be done at present? To change our consciousness and become an élite will take a great deal of time. At present, we are on the same level as our students, so the immediate problem is not solved. How can we awaken interest in them for each thing ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... see the same dream twice, it means one of two things: either that he has lost once more another state of being, you see, that he has entered a vital consciousness or later from this vital consciousness he has gone out to enter a psychic consciousness. It can be that. But then there are sure signs. The dream cannot deceive you, and it cannot be similar. Or it may be simply that there was Page 122... difference between having a moral conscience and a consciousness which is the expression of truth. But I must say that it is infinitely more difficult to have a consciousness which expresses the truth than to have a moral conscience, because any fool who knows the social rules and follows them has a moral conscience, while to have a consciousness of truth one must not be an idiot—in any case, it's... what decision to take; or else some way of being of your own character which does not show itself to you clearly in the waking consciousness—because you are so accustomed to it that you are not aware of it—but something that harms your development and obscures your consciousness, and which appears to you in a symbolic revelatory dream, and you become clearly aware of the thing, then you can act upon it ...


... among two or three or four possible decisions and doesn't know which is the right one, then one must put himself as far as possible in contact with his psychic being and the divine Presence in him, present the problem to this psychic consciousness and ask for the true light, the true decision, the Page 340 one most in accordance with the divine Will, and try to listen and receive the i... truer in you". 4 It is the psychic, isn't it? Something...? Ah, it must be... You see, these are answers to letters. People used to write something and Sri Aurobindo copied Page 341 what they said, you understand; and probably this person said that he felt within him "something truer". And so he says: this "something truer" in you is certainly the psychic. Sweet Mother, how can... otherwise it could not express the truth. Sweet Mother, how can we make our consciousness vast? Vast? Ah, there are many ways of doing this. The easiest way is to identify yourself with something vast. For instance, when you feel that you are shut up in a completely narrow and limited thought, will, consciousness, when you feel as though you were in a shell, then if you begin thinking about ...


... illustration of the psychic love, we can already discern in them something transcending it, some wider, mightier, sovereign Love, occupying the Mother's consciousness, shaping, stimulating and transmuting her psychic love into its own image and pouring out upon the world to redeem and illumine it. Let us quote another Prayer in which this process of dynamic union between the psychic love and the Divine's... pores." The working continues, the transition is effected, and the Sun of the divine Love blazes forth at last against throbbing, incandescent background of a pure psychic consciousness. This rapturous union of the two loves, the psychic and the Divine, is beautifully brought out in the Prayer of 3ist May, 1914 :— "If it is a sweetness to be Thy divine Love at work in the world, it is as great... and Meditations of the Mother, January 5, 1917. Page 36 divine gives itself and asks for nothing.”¹ Divine Love can be incarnated in a human being if psychic love has cleared the whole consciousness and nature of all selfish distortions and the individual has opened wide—receptively wide—to its mighty influx. Often it is seen partially and temporarily occupying the being ...


... many concrete powers of the psychic consciousness in its most highly developed and transformed order and degree of status and action. The ever-enduring forms of the truth-seeds are seen by the psychic vision, not of a dark and lower, but of a higher and more illumined nature; they are established by the pure and lucent powers of the higher psychic consciousness, and they are set in motion... with power and joy. Page 61 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any new... will in man. What is will in the spiritual consciousness is faith in the lower heights of mind, life and body. Will is the materialising power of consciousness. When consciousness vibrates, it vibrates to action. Vibration is the will that achieves the thing that is in the consciousness. What we see is the process which we call work. The will, the consciousness and what the will achieves, i.e. work, are ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... many concrete powers of the psychic consciousness in its most highly developed and transformed order and degree of status and action. The ever-enduring forms of the truth-seeds are seen by the psychic vision, not of a dark and lower, but of a higher and more illumined nature; they are established by the pure and lucent powers of the higher psychic consciousness, and they are set in motion... vibrant with power and joy. Page 61 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any new... will in man. What is will in the spiritual consciousness is faith in the lower heights of mind, life and body. Will is the materialising power of consciousness. When consciousness vibrates, it vibrates to action. Vibration is the will that achieves the thing that is in the consciousness. What we see is the process which we call work. The will, the consciousness and what the will achieves, i.e. work, are ...

... many concrete powers of the psychic consciousness in its most highly developed and transformed order and degree of status and action. The ever-enduring forms of the truth-seeds are seen by the psychic vision, not of a dark and lower, but of a higher and more illumined nature; they are established by the pure and lucent powers of the higher psychic consciousness, and they are set in motion... vibrant with power and joy. Page 12 The physical consciousness in its psychic movement is very near to the images of truth. The dark and concealed sense in plants, the covert and accurate instinct in animals and the stray flashing intuitions that come to man, are all psychic aspects of physical consciousness in its various grades and phases. If man is to discover any new... will in man. What is will in the spiritual consciousness is faith in the lower heights of mind, life and body. Will is the materialising power of consciousness. When consciousness vibrates, it vibrates to action. Vibration is the will that achieves the thing that is in the consciousness. What we see is the process which we call work. The will, the consciousness and what the will achieves, i.e. work, are ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... different methods that can be used. But the most potent of them all is to grow in the consciousness of the immortality of soul. In the inimitable words of the Mother: "Beyond all the emotions, in the silent and quiet depths of our being, there is a light burning constantly, the light of the psychic consciousness. Go in search of this light, concentrate upon it; it is within you. With a persevering... knowledge beyond the ken of our mind. As a matter of fact, in the course of the heightening and deepening of our consciousness brought about by the pursuit of spiritual Sadhana, there arises spontaneously a trans-mental knowledge of our true being which is then realised as a consciousness altogether independent of the bodily vehicle, as a spiritual entity possessed of a continuous soul-life perpetually... self-existence, the spirit's timeless existence, constitutes our true immortality. "By immortality is meant the consciousness which is beyond birth and death, beyond the chain of cause and effect, beyond all bondage and limitation, free, blissful, self-existent in conscious-being, the consciousness of the Lord, of the supreme Purusha, of Sachchidananda." 3 But as a corollary to this true immo ...

... to you but to some part of your being that Mother was speaking, telling it that it was not progressing or remembering her and at the same time she was giving you the flower indicating some psychic consciousness or movement by which this inertia would be removed. S RI A UROBINDO Mother, S For the last ten or fifteen days, I have been having a fear about some snake. When I go to... following dreams are lost. Only Sri Aurobindo's interpretations are given below.) It must have been your psychic being that was there as a child with the psychic beings of others. The two chained people may be the mind and the vital, kept chained so as to allow the psychic to have play. They get free from time to time and the vital may do mischief - which you felt. S RI A UROBINDO ... four or five trees. I plucked flowers with child-like joy. When I saw this dream, I felt as if I was seven years old. Does it have any meaning? It was probably some force lifting your psychic being (the child) so that it could arrive at some realisations. The figure of Hiren in the dream was probably only a mental figure representing the Force — it was not Hiren himself. The mind often ...


... journey.... 115 * Everything is dangerous in the sadhana or can be, except the psychic change. 116 * This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without which the supramental must always remain far distant... physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual nature) consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this yoga the spiritual transformation. If one begins with this movement then the Power from above has in its descent to open all the centres (including the lowest centre) and to bring out the psychic being;... of the overmind becomes the governing power of the existence.... 114 * The psychic is the first of two transformations necessary — if you have the psychic transformation it facilitates immensely the other, i.e., the transformation of the ordinary human into the higher spiritual consciousness — otherwise one is likely to have either a slow and dull or exciting but perilous journey ...


... those of whom I have till now spoken. What are the conditions in the psychic world? How is it situated with regard to the hostile forces? The psychic world or plane of consciousness is that part of the world, the psychic being is that part of the being which is directly under the influence of the Divine Consciousness; the hostile forces cannot have even the remotest action upon it. It is a... you. It is the intermediary between the Divine Consciousness and your external consciousness; it is the builder of the inner life, it is that which manifests in the outer nature the order and rule of the Divine Will. If you become aware in your outer consciousness of the psychic being within you and unite with it, you can find the pure Eternal Consciousness and live in it; instead of being moved by the... years. The psychic being is that which persists after death, because it is your eternal self; it is this that carries the consciousness forward from life to life. The psychic being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression and your psychic being is a special aspect of the one Divine Consciousness that has taken ...


... have recourse to the second method, the method of inner seeking. Beyond all the emotions, in the silent and tranquil depths of our being, there is a light shining constantly, the light of the psychic consciousness. Go in Page 83 search of this light, concentrate on it; it is within you. With a persevering will you are sure to find it and as soon as you enter into it, you awake to the sense... subconscient and it is not easy to dislodge. It is obviously made up of several interwoven elements: the spirit of conservatism and the concern for self-preservation so as to ensure the continuity of consciousness, the recoil before the unknown, the uneasiness caused by the unexpected and the unforeseeable, and perhaps, behind all that, hidden in the depths of the cells, the instinct that death is not inevitable... point is to know that life is one and immortal. The forms are countless, fleeting and brittle. This knowledge must be securely and permanently established in the mind and one must identify one's consciousness as far as possible with the eternal life that is independent of every form, but which manifests in all forms. This gives the indispensable psychological basis with which to confront the problem ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... most, most extraordinary is this change of consciousness of the BODY!... You understand, it's as if it were reliving... they are things that have remained in the consciousness because the psychic being took part—they're very clear, very precise; the rest has been erased (it's been like that for a long time). Well, those things were recorded by the psychic being, and the body had an impression, you... you understand, an impression of its own; now the psychic consciousness is the same, it sees things in the same way, but the physical impression is completely different!... Which means Page 250 it's the PHYSICAL consciousness that has changed. These last few days it has become very, VERY clear. It began on Wednesday—from Wednesday to today: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... It's quite recent... as people call it, but a more subtle and less precise consciousness, and that the physical consciousness was quite concrete and precise ( Mother gestures as if to knock against something ). But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly: the impression of something not too. ...


... of the neighbouring world, that is, of the vital world, the subtler region beyond the fourfold earth-atmosphere, 6 and this vital world which is not under the influence of the psychic forces or the psychic consciousness is essentially a world of ill-will, of disorder, disequilibrium, indeed of all the most anti-divine things one could imagine. This vital world is constantly penetrating the physical... make it clear that it is not a question of the pure mind here, but of the physical mind; for in the physical consciousness itself there is a mental activity, a vital activity and a purely material activity, and all that takes place in your physical consciousness, in your body consciousness and bodily activity, penetrates first in the form of vibrations of a mental nature, and so in the form of suggestions... Questions and Answers (1954): 22 September 1954 × Consisting of the four principles: physical, vital, mental and psychic. × In the preceding talk Mother had described how on her return from Japan she had all of a sudden ...


... with the psychic being. For months on end, sometimes years, you may be sitting before a closed door, push, push, pushing, and feeling, feeling the pressure (it hurts!), and there's nothing, no results. Then all at once, you don't know why or how, you sit down and poof! Everything bursts wide open, everything is ready, everything is done—it's over, you emerge into a full psychic consciousness and become... the beginning you remember very, very little. As you advance, you remember more—I am referring to the experience of the psychic being. Of course, I am not speaking of what the universal Mother can know, that's quite another category! I am speaking of the experience of the psychic being, the purely terrestrial experience. Well, very few things seem... in fact, none of them seem alien or unknown to... you never escape your destiny! Although it's not official here, there's still a wide margin of freedom. That's the first thing I told Sri Aurobindo: "This was the resolution made by my psychic being" (my psychic being was in a certain person—I know who). "And when I left, it declared categorically: 'I want NO MORE of this!'" The rest doesn't matter much to me, it didn't leave such an... acute ...


... five, had an intense aspiration, although they could not express it in words, and they wouldn't leave the Ashram when their parents wanted to take them away: Even at the age of five... the psychic consciousness was there, and they could feel. Well, these children are of an infinitely higher stuff than that of people who have already had three-fourths of their head blunted by the education they have... the children may have gone astray, all the more so because of the large freedom they enjoyed in their Ashram life. Studies, group life, physical culture, the ambience of the elected Presence, the psychic opening stimulated by the Ashram environment, all helped the promotion of a gymnastic fused in the harmony of the Spirit, the flowering of a bright young race with the flame of freedom in their souls... cumbrous mammalian body is not everything, for there are other dimensions too to our existence: We have in us an intelligent will more or less enlightened which is the first instrument of our psychic being. It is this intelligent will that we must use in order to learn to live not like an animal man, but as a human being, candidate for Divinity. The human body is in part the animal of yesterday ...


... divine supramental perfection. In proportion as the psychic influence permeates the nature, and the consciousness of each part of the being is released from the toils of ignorance, a limitless love and devotion for the Divine grows in his being, and a corresponding insistence to purify the nature in all its elements. Identifying himself with the psychic being, as much as he can, he looks into his nature... we have the power either to stop them altogether or considerably modify or even transform them. A constant consciousness of our soul or self is a constant guarantee against a blindness to or a false identification with the obscure movements of our lower nature. Poised in the psychic consciousness, or even basking in its light, we feel each impure or ignorant movement of our nature, not as the puritan... perception, growing in clarity and intensity as the Yoga progresses, of the soul or the psychic being. In fact, a real, dynamic start in this Yoga is usually preceded by a perception, be it even in a flash, of the immaculate purity and imperturbable peace of the soul, its luminous whiteness and unclouded joy. The consciousness of the Yogi begins to feel an irresistible attraction towards the object of this ...

... united your consciousness with the psychic consciousness, when you die you remain conscious of your psychic being and the psychic being returns to the psychic world which is a world of bliss and delight and peace and tranquillity and of a growing knowledge. So, if you like to call that a paradise, it is all right; because in fact, to the extent to which you are identified with your psychic being, you... enjoy a perfectly happy life or rest. If you like to call that paradise, call it paradise. If you are good, if you have become conscious of your psychic and live in it, well, when your body dies, you will go with your psychic being to take rest in the psychic world, in a blissful state. But if you have lived in your vital with all its impulses, each impulse will try to realise itself here and there... single being. But there are many beings and particularly there are concentrations on different levels: just as you have a physical being, you have a vital being, you have a mental being, you have a psychic being, you have many others and all possible intermediaries. But it is a little complicated, you might not understand. Suppose you were living a life of desire, passion and impulse: you live with your ...


... this work. The positive side is to increase one's aspiration, develop one's consciousness, unify one's being, to go within in order to enter more and more into contact with one's psychic being; to take up all the parts, all the movements, all the activities of one's being and put them before this psychic consciousness so that they fall into their true place in relation to this centre; finally, to... sincere!" These two sentences go together: "I FEEL UNHAPPY." "I AM NOT SINCERE." Now, what is it that is wrong? Then one begins to take a look, it is easy to find out... Source The Psychic Mirror This is life. One stumbles and falls at the first occasion. One tells oneself: "Oh! One can't always be so serious", and when the other part returns, once again, one repents bitterly: "I... to look at; there are others which are beautiful, pleasant, and must be kept. This one does a hundred times a day if necessary. And it is very interesting. One draws a kind of big circle around the psychic mirror and arranges all the elements around it. If there is something that is not all right, it casts a sort of grey shadow upon the mirror: this element must be shifted, organised. It must be spoken ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... mysterious, awaiting reaches came the sleep-vision you have written of. The powerful yet limpid blue sky was surely the overhead consciousness, leaning down in all its secret majesty to your soul - a glorious night connecting and communicating with your dream-depths, your psychic centre. The immediate overhead plane was what Sri Aurobindo has called the Higher Mind, the first link between our normal self... poignant sufferings, difficulties, misfortunes." To realise this alchemy of the soul we have to be in contact with the alchemist and then the outer self in us will be pervaded more and more by the psychic consciousness which is like an unflickering flame burning ever upward in a windless place, a flame which can bring to the common human heart of us a warmth of self-existent happiness, a Page 188 ... point of view, but from the viewpoint of the soul there is nothing sad or glad: everything can be an occasion for a step forward on its journey towards the Divine. Sri Aurobindo has written: "The psychic being in us takes its account even of the most perverse or contrary as well as of its more benign experiences and grows by the rejection of them or acceptance: it extracts a divine meaning and use ...


... higher spiritual light or that insight and tact of the psychic consciousness which sees at once what is true and right and distinguishes it from what is wrong and false. This insight you had very constantly whenever you were in a good condition and especially whenever Bhakti became strong in you. When the sadhak comes down into the physical consciousness, leaving the mental and higher vital ranges on which... the environmental consciousness and from there they can return when pushed by the hostile forces. It is in these two ways that the hostiles try to recover their hold. But the rising from the subconscient is not so important except for its long persistence—it comes up in dream or it is, in the waking consciousness, fragmentary. But when it comes from the environmental consciousness then it can be a strong... d'appui in the sadhak himself, in the ignorant parts of his consciousness and its assent to their suggestions and influences; otherwise they could not act or at least could not act with any success. In your case the chief points d'appui have been the extreme sensitiveness of the lower vital ego and now also the physical consciousness with all its fixed or standing opinions, prejudices, prejudgments ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... of the neighbouring world, that is, of the vital world, the subtler region beyond the fourfold earth-atmosphere; 1 and this vital world which is not under the influence of the psychic forces or the psychic consciousness is essentially a world of ill-will, of disorder, disequilibrium, indeed of all the most anti-divine things Page 392 one could imagine. This vital world is constantly ... what does "impossible" mean? There is nothing impossible in the world except what is outside Page 383 your consciousness. And as your consciousness can grow, as what is not in your consciousness today may be in your consciousness after some time, for the consciousness can become wider, so in the eternity of time nothing is impossible. At the present moment—I have explained this to you... you. And how is it that you tried to do it?—Because it was somewhere in your consciousness. If it had not been in your consciousness, you would not have tried to do it; and the moment it is in your consciousness, it is quite obvious that it is something you will realise. That alone which is not in your consciousness you cannot realise. It's as simple as that! Only, instead of telling you the ...


... identification, the psychic govern the rest of the nature and life. It becomes the master of existence. So this is what we mean by the psychic coming in front. It is that which governs, directs, even organises the life, organises the consciousness, the different parts of the being. When this happens, the work goes very fast. Very fast, well... relatively very fast. In the human consciousness everything is... if suddenly something is reversed within them and they have an experience—even if it be only the experience of identification with the psychic—then all of a sudden they understand. Identification with the psychic means an identification with the divine Consciousness. So, immediately they understand; they understand and this even makes them laugh. One feels how foolish one was! ( Mother laughs. ) ... without light, without an opening, and then you begin pushing from inside, pushing, pushing, pushing so that it may break. And the day it breaks, the day it opens, suddenly, you enter the psychic consciousness. And then you understand. And then, Page 332 truly, if you have a sense of humour, you laugh; you realise your stupidity. Mother, you said one day that before being able to identify ...


... possibility of a greater consciousness" wrote the Mother; "a good many children are under its influence". The crux of the educational problem is therefore to safeguard this light of consciousness, and make it illumine all thoughts, all actions, all feelings and give a new direction and a new tone to our entire life. Hence the paramount need for psychic education: With psychic education we come to the... frustrating incompleteness. It is psychic education alone that can team the other three purposively together, and also link them to the creative centre. Unfortunately, current educational systems have no idea of psychic education - thus tragi-comically playing Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark. In their early years, children do have intimations of a higher consciousness which may puzzle or even startle... marvellous consciousness without time or limit. And this is only one aspect of the psychic realisation; there are others, many others. All help you to go beyond the barriers of your egoism, the walls of your external personality, the impotence of your reactions and the incapacity of your will. 8 In another essay also, "Transformation", the Mother seems to refer to the awakening of the psychic consciousness ...


... useful for opening up the consciousness; but it is when they are replaced by the spiritual and psychic consciousness that there is the beginning of the true progress. When the vital being has been touched by the psychic, mere vital pleasure has no longer any interest, and may also be felt as a disturbance and discomfort because of the lowering effect upon the consciousness. The Ananda you... reaches and join it to the psychic, then your vital being fills with the pure aspiration and devotion natural to the psychic; at the same time it gives to the feelings its own abundant energy, it makes them dynamic for the change of the whole nature down to the most physical and for the bringing down of the divine consciousness into earth matter. When it not only touches the psychic but fuses with the higher... revelations of the divine truth and the divine will. This obedience of the vital to the psychic and the higher mind is the beginning of the outgoing of the Yogic consciousness in its dynamic action upon life. But this, too, is not sufficient for the divine life. To come into contact with the higher mind consciousness is not enough, it is only an indispensable stage. There must be a descent of the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... powers; citta or basic mental consciousness; manas , the sense mind; buddhi , the intelligence; ahaṅkāra , the ego-idea. The classification may serve as a starting-point, though for a greater practicality we have to make certain farther distinctions. This mentality is pervaded by the life-force, which becomes here an instrument for psychic consciousness of life and psychic action on life. Every fibre... fibre of the sense mind and basic consciousness is shot through with the action of this psychic prana, it is a nervous or vital and physical mentality. Even the buddhi and ego are overpowered by it, although they have the capacity of raising the mind beyond subjection to this vital, nervous and physical psychology. This combination creates in us the sensational desire-soul which is the chief obstacle... undergo a certain transformation by the conscious will of the spirit which gives its right and no longer its wrong or desire form of characteristic action to the psychic prana. Manas, the sense mind, depends in our ordinary consciousness on the physical organs of receptive sense for knowledge and on the organs of the body for action directed towards the objects of sense. The superficial and outward ...


... the memory of just one circumstance. But the memory it keeps is the PSYCHIC life of that moment; so even if it retains the memory of an image, it is a simplified image, translated in the psychic consciousness and according to the psychic vibration of all those present. He wouldn't ask such a question if he had ever had a psychic memory, because when you have one it's perfectly obvious. Page 212... tales: they are forces, states of consciousness that manifested in certain individuals at certain moments in their lives and which, at such moments, touched Matter concretely. And all that is gathered, collected together little by little, gradually, until it produces a conscious being. Now, this ( Mother's being ) is a rather special conscious being.... The psychic of this life ( laughing ) was rather... development of the being "weigh the psychic down," he says. No, it SIFTS them. That's precisely what happens: the psychic doesn't retain things in their totality: it sifts them—it sifts the vibrations as they come along. The psychic memory is a sifted memory of events. In previous lives, for instance, there were moments when, for some reason or other, the psychic was present and took part, and so ...


... statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. ‘Nobody can have the supramental r... realisation who has not had the spiritual. ‘The psychic is the first of two transformations necessary — if you have the psychic transformation it facilitates immensely the other, i.e., the transformation of the ordinary human into the higher spiritual consciousness.’ 54 ‘One first has to find one’s soul,’ said the Mother in 1955, ‘this is wholly indispensable, and you have to identify... most cases the ‘I’ was no more than a personal pronoun as grammatical subject, ‘because otherwise one cannot talk.’ Or it referred to the body which was narrating its experience. Or it was the psychic consciousness in the heart. (‘There [the heart], it is like a sun, all the time. It is like a radiant sun. It is there that I work — it is from there that I work … This and that [gesture towards her supraphysical ...


... of the psychic life of that moment; so even if it retains the memory of the image, it is a simplified image such as it is translated in the psychic consciousness and according to the psychic vibration of all the people present." (CWM, Vol. 16, p. 350) "It is through contact with the psychic that one gets fragmentary memories of past lives - the memory of events in which the psychic took part... reversion to its normal progression." (Ibid.) "But the soul, the psychic being, once having reached the human consciousness cannot go back to the inferior animal consciousness any more than it can go back into a tree or an ephemeral insect. What is true is that some part of the vital energy or the formed instrumental consciousness or nature can and very frequently does so, if it is strongly attached... "Not until they [the physical mind and the physical vital] have become united with the psychic, so that there are not two halves but a single consciousness, the whole nature unified round the central Divine Will.... not until this happens can one receive the knowledge belonging to that consciousness and become aware of the entire series of forms and lives which were upheld by it as its own successive ...

... the spiritual posture we have been depicting. He writes: "In this yoga, the psychic is that which opens the rest of the nature to the supramental light and finally to the supreme Ananda.... If the inmost soul is awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the mind or any... was reported that the consciousness which had manifested through Jesus. Chaitanya and, most recently, Ramakrishna — three examples par excellence of the psychic being's love-light within the context of the old-world spirituality which put its goal in the Beyond — had taken Pavitra as its channel for the new Yoga. There can be no question that the presence of the psychic being could be perceived... g to the psychic being's natural gesture of what the Gita calls abandoning all set rules (dharmas) and taking refuge in God alone, there is the action of the Divine Grace, the Godhead coming forward in all its plenitude to uplift the human instrument. And it is fundamentally by Page 135 the Divine Grace that the Integral Yoga can be fulfilled. Man's consciousness can climb ...


... communication between the higher consciousness and the inner mind and the outer mind (throat centre) also. That is the condition for the realisation of knowledge and the mental illumination and transformation. The heart centre commands the psychic and vital—that opening enables the psychic influence to work in the vital and ends in the coming forward of the psychic being. It [ the opening at... soul. The psychic being (which is the soul) does not make centres for itself in the Adhar—the centres are there. The psychic being can take control of the centres that are already there—the heart and the navel centre and the two below the navel. Also the mind and vital are not abolished—they are brought under the psychic influence and psychicised, or they are occupied by the higher consciousness from above... have become aware of your higher mental being which is in contact at once with the Divine above and with the psychic behind the heart and is aware of the Truth and has the psychic and spiritual insight and view into things. Page 234 Above the head extends the higher consciousness centre, sahasradala padma. But usually there is partial working of the forehead centre also when the sahasradala ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... done. The Mother's love and the Mother's grace are with you. The only other thing needed is the growth of the psychic consciousness and the psychic movement within you. That had begun and was fast increasing; it has only to reach a certain point, to occupy the mind and vital consciousness more strongly, then these things will no longer be able to return. What difficulties remain will then be minor... you if it is not satisfied. That is precisely the kind of attitude of the vital which prevents the inner progress and drags back the consciousness Page 390 from the psychic to the lower vital level. Full trust with humility and devotion, that is the psychic poise and for nothing should it be lost. No satisfaction of vital desire can replace it. 6 January 1937 X 's letter is all right... 18 July 1935 This jealousy (which is a very common affliction of the vital) will go like the rest. If you have the aspiration to get rid of it, it can only come by force of habit, and with the psychic growing in you and the Mother's force acting the power of the habit is sure to diminish and fade away. Do not be discouraged by its occasional return, but reject it so that it may be unable to stay ...

... phenomenon of consciousness. One can remember in all the domains of one's being: one can remember vitally, one can remember physically, one can remember psychically, one can remember mentally also. But memory is a purely mental phenomenon. Memory can, first of all, be deformed and it can also be effaced, one can forget. The phenomenon of consciousness is very precise; if you can take the consciousness back... they refused stubbornly, saying: "No, no, I want to remain here." Even at the age of five, although they could not know in their head the reason why, because the brain was not formed. But the psychic consciousness was there, and they could feel. Well, these children are of an infinitely higher stuff than that of people who have already had three-fourths of their head blunted by the education they have... particular state of consciousness in you, it comes back exactly the same as it was. Now, a remembrance can also be purely Page 289 mental and it may be a continuation of cerebral activities, but that is mental remembrance. And you have remembrances in feeling, remembrances in sensation.... The other day, you said: To enlarge your memory, you must widen your consciousness. Is it the same ...


... dangerous. It's not even necessary to be in a psychic consciousness—even for an enlightened vital consciousness, it produces no effect; but HERE, in this material swarm.... But I don't see how all this work could be done in the solitude of the Himalayas or the forest. There's a great risk of entering into that very impersonal, universal consciousness where things are relatively easy—the material... individually from that deformed consciousness. When one comes out of that consciousness and enters the Truth-Consciousness, one is incredulous that such things as suffering, misery and death can exist; it's amazing, in the sense that (when one is truly on the other side)... one doesn't understand how all this can be happening. And, although this state of consciousness is habitually associated with the... quantity of matter in the universe proves in fact to be a quantity of consciousness, whose contraction or expansion will be regulated by the laws of consciousness. × When the veil of falsehood has gone: the supramental consciousness. × ...


... within us. "The psychic being is also a great discovery to be made requiring as mud fortitude and endurance as the discovery of new continents."³ The Psychic Presence and the Psychic Being The Divine Consciousness which is involved here in Matter is immanent as a Presence in all that exists. In every living being on earth this consciousness becomes a psychic presence, a nucleus... hardly any individual formation—there is only this (psychic) presence more or less.”² The Origin and Nature of the Psychic Being We have already seen that it is the one, immanent, indivisible Divine Consciousness that, dwelling in each living form on earth as a psychic presence, develops a psychic personality and becomes the psychic being, an individualised entity representing an... afresh, the past no longer cleaves to us.”¹ This contact with the psychic being in us, and the change of consciousness that results from it are called new birth. "To be reborn means to enter, first of all into our psychic consciousness where we are one with the Divine and eternally free from the reactions of karma.”² Till the psychic is awake and in front, it is the ego in us that is the leader ...


... neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic consciousness, the consciousness of the soul, or into the spiritual consciousness. Those who have had the experience have always said that the difficulties and sufferings of the path are not real, but a creation of human ignorance, and... Education. Sweet Mother, What is the difference between the psychic change and the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the sheath and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally... How can one make one's psychic personality grow? It is through all the experiences of life that the psychic personality forms, grows, develops and finally becomes a complete, conscious and free being. This process of development goes on tirelessly through innumerable lives, and if one is not conscious of it, it is because one is not conscious of one's psychic being—for that is the indispensable ...


... behind and above them. For the heart opens to the psychic being and the mind centres open to the higher consciousness and the nexus between the psychic being and the higher consciousness is the principal means of the Siddhi. The first opening is effected by a concentration in the heart, a call to the Divine to manifest within us and through the psychic to take up and lead the whole nature. Aspiration... surrender in the early stages is a doubtful kind of self-giving with a demand in it; the physical consciousness is like a stone and what it calls surrender is often no more than inertia. It is only the psychic that knows how to surrender and the psychic is usually very much veiled in the beginning. When the psychic awakes, it can bring a sudden and true surrender of the whole being, for the difficulty of... mind alone. If the inmost soul is awakened, if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done; otherwise (by the sole power of the mind or any other part) it is impossible.... If there is a refusal of the psychic new birth, a refusal to become the child new born from the Mother, owing to attachment to intellectual knowledge or ...


... among two or three or four possible decisions and doesn't know which is the right one, then one must put himself as far as possible in contact with his psychic being and the divine Presence in him, present the problem to this psychic consciousness and ask for the true light, the true decision, the one most in accordance with the divine Will, and try to listen and receive the inspiration." (M C... vague intimation only and not the direct and full awareness of it; for, he has not yet reached the advanced state of a concrete spiritual experience of the Presence of either the Divine or the psychic being. That experience will surely come with the further advancement of his sadhana. But at this early stage of his spiritual life, the sadhaka can at best expect to receive just a sign of the divine... we do then? How to come out of the impasse? The Mother and Sri Aurobindo have both assured us that even in the state of ignorance, even when the sadhaka is not aware of die presence of his psychic being nor, for that matter, of the Will of the Divine, he can surely put himself in the hands of the Divine in such a way, in such a spirit of sincere self-giving and a total trust the divine guidance ...

... spiritual light or that insight and tact of the psychic consciousness which sees at once what is true and right and distinguishes it from what is wrong and false. This insight you had very constantly whenever you were in a good condition and especially whenever Bhakti became strong in you. When the sadhak comes down into the physical consciousness, leaving the mental and higher vital ranges on ... mystic and occult experience, that is to say, to the data of other planes of consciousness than the physical, as also on the nature of the relations between the cosmic consciousness and the individual and collective consciousness of man. From the point of view of spiritual and occult Truth, what takes shape in the consciousness of man is a reflection and particular kind of formation, in a difficult... the national consciousness of the nation. By a process of continual meditation the national consciousness has formulated in these figures certain great ideals, ethical and spiritual. One may very well accept the validity and the beauty of these ideals without necessarily accepting the Ramayana as authentic history. Page 186 “I accept the Krishna consciousness as a fact of ...

... finding out in it true standards and valid means of verification. The Yogic science confirms that the supra-physical Page 76 consciousness including the subliminal consciousness, psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and higher domains of super consciousness, — when rightly investigated, is confirmed again and again in the physical and objective field. Knowledge that is sought to be... experience of automatic writing, or mediumistic trance are experiences related the subliminal consciousness consisting of the inner mind, inner vital force and certain physical consciousness. Spiritual experiences relate to the realm of super-consciousness or of psychic consciousness which is the consciousness of the inmost being which governs body, life and mind and which has the power of integrating... elements which are founded on the knowledge relating to Kundalini. It takes into account the psychical or mental body of which the physical is a sort of reproduction in gross form and is able to discover thereby secrets of the physical body which do not appear to a purely physical inquiry. This mental or psychical body has also a subtle prānic force in it corresponding to its own subtle nature and substance ...

... moments when, for some reason or other, the psychic was present and participated; in that case it retains the memory of the circumstance. But the memory it retains is that of the psychic life of that moment; so even if it retains the memory of the image, it is a simplified image such as it is translated in the psychic consciousness and according to the psychic vibration of all the people present. ... you must wait until life has moulded you a little more and your psychic consciousness awakens from the slumber in which it lies. 15 July 1964 Sweet Mother, Until I am ready for a spiritual discipline, what should I do, apart from aspiring that the Mother may pull me out of the slumber and awaken my psychic consciousness? To develop your intelligence, read the teachings of Sri Aurobindo... enough with You, or is there another reason? I do not understand myself. It is probably a kind of inner discretion; it is rather a good sign, because this kind of discretion comes from the psychic consciousness which would rather give than ask. 24 July 1963 Sweet Mother, I still lack confidence in my work. I am too shy. I think that in order to progress one should be a little bolder ...


... comes when the psychic being is awake and prominent. The very object of Yoga is a change of consciousness—it is by getting a new consciousness or by unveiling the hidden consciousness of the true being within and progressively manifesting and perfecting it that one gets first the contact and then the union with the Divine. Ananda and bhakti are part of that deeper consciousness, and it is only... outer vital or outer mind. These feelings really are those of your inmost self, your soul, the psychic in you and when you are in the psychic consciousness, they become normal and natural. But when your consciousness shifts and becomes more external, then these workings of the soul or of the divine consciousness are felt as themselves external, as merely an influence. All the same, you have to open yourself... fully interesting only when its character has been analysed and understood. There is no such opposition when the psychic Page 358 and the higher plane knowledge act together predominantly—the psychic welcomes knowledge that supports its emotion, the higher thought consciousness rejoices in the bhakti. It is a mistake to think that a constant absence of vyākulatā is a sign that the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... spiritual being in its multisidedness and integrality, and of the supramental consciousness and power in its plenitude. The discoveries made by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in regard to these three realms of psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and supramental consciousness confirmed in many ways what was already discovered and applied in the past traditions of religion, occultism, philosophy... evolution of the earth-consciousness has still to make. ... I laid emphasis on it as Page 17 The aim of total transformation that this new synthesis of this yoga puts forward is a process that involves, first, psychic transformation, secondly, spiritual transformation, and thirdly, supramental transformation. This entire process is based on the discovery of the psychic being, of the spiritual... The unveiling of the psychic being and the bringing of the psychic entity into the front and giving it there the lead and rule is a capital movement of the integral yoga. It might even seem that this movement would result in the fulfillment of all our natural being and would also open the gates of the kingdom of the Spirit. But, as Sri Aurobindo points out, although the psychic transformation is one ...

... Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic consciousness, the consciousness of the soul, or into the spiritual consciousness. Those who have had the experience have always said that the difficulties and sufferings of the path are not real, but a creation of human ignorance, and... Sadhana and Life Sweet Mother, What is the difference between the psychic change and the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the vesture and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and... How can one make one’s psychic personality grow? It is through all the experiences of life that the psychic personality forms, grows, develops and finally becomes a complete, conscious and free being. This process of development goes on tirelessly through innumerable lives, and if one is not conscious of it, it is because one is not conscious of one’s psychic being—for that is the indispensable ...


... distinction between psychic consciousness and spiritual consciousness, as there is a distinction between spiritual consciousness and supramental consciousness. As the Mother pointed out: Page 146 ...the psychic life is immortal life, endless time, limitless space, ever-progressive change, unbroken continuity in the universe of forms. The spiritual consciousness, on the other hand,... faculties of personality. Again, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, psychic and spiritual development cannot be effected without effecting high level development of the body, life and mind, and that the perfection of the body, life and mind can be attained only when the powers of psychic and spiritual consciousness are bestowed upon the instruments of the body, life and mind. At an important... silence, of the higher objects of the higher psychological exploration. The justification for psychic and spiritual education rests upon three important considerations: (a) education should provide to the individual a steady exploration of something that is inmost in the psychological complexity of human consciousness; (b) the most important human question of human life is to consider the aim of human life ...

... She said this: There has been a whole work of PREPARATION for the transformation. What could I call it?... A transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness, used to obey the inner individual consciousness—the psychic consciousness most of the time, or the mental (but the mind had been silent for a long time). But now this material Mind is organizing itself like the other one, or the other... that intensification would be what would effect the transformation outwardly—that would replace the false appearance with the real form.... Now, of course, when I say that, people imagine it’s a “psychic” or mental vision—that’s not it, I don’t mean that ! I mean a PHYSICAL vision, with these very eyes [and Mother touched her eyes] . But a true physical vision, instead of the distorted vision we have... really “entered,” it is all the opaque layers of consciousness to be traversed: it is only “at the end,” “over there,” on the other side of the sleep of our physical Mind. Once the curtain crossed, it is there , with one’s eyes wide-open, as “objective” as the table or the chair, and even more objective because it has more content of consciousness than a table or a chair: it is denser. I think that ...

... inner mind and life and psychic nature, this training and bringing out of the psychic man ought to make possible a still larger development and support a greater spiritual movement as the leading power of life. The first stage makes possible the preparation of the natural external man for spirituality; the second takes up his outward life into a deeper mental and psychical living and brings him more... This inner Vedic religion started with an extension of the psychic significance of the godheads in the Cosmos. Its primary notion was that of a hierarchy of worlds, an ascending stair of planes of being in the universe. It saw a mounting scale of the worlds corresponding to a similar mounting scale of planes or degrees or levels of consciousness in the nature of man. A Truth, Right and Law sustains and... essence, it takes in them different but cognate forms. There is for instance the series of the outer physical light, another higher and inner light which is the vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness and a highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-God, was the lord of the physical Sun; but he is at the same time to the Vedic seer-poet the giver of the rays of knowledge ...


... There is a distinction between psychic consciousness and spiritual consciousness, as there is a distinction between spiritual consciousness and supramental consciousness. As the Mother pointed out: The psychic life is immortal life, endless time, limitless space, ever-progressive change, unbroken continuity in the universe of forms. The spiritual consciousness, on the other hand, means to live... when the psychic and spiritual domains are explored and when one is enabled to develop psychic and spiritual faculties of knowledge; and (c) the contemporary crisis of humanity has arisen because of the disbalancement between the material advancement on the one hand and inadequate spiritual progression. If, therefore, this crisis has to be met, development of psychic and spiritual consciousness should... faculties of personality. .Again, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, psychic and spiritual development cannot be effected without effecting high level development of the body, life and mind, and that the perfection of the body, life and mind can be attained only when the powers of psychic and spiritual consciousness are bestowed upon the instruments of the body, life and mind. At an important ...


... adequately) by the Psychical Research - the phenomena of extrasensory perception, such as telepathy, telekinesis, foreknowledge and allied or cognate operations. But in India, there are schools which specialised in the study of this range of consciousness. And, in the system of the Tantra, we have a remarkable body of the application of the knowledge of the subliminal or occult consciousness. The subliminal... entirely do so. Behaviour may manifest understanding but it cannot explain it. Besides, when we come to examine facts now brought forward by the psychical research, psychoanalysis and allied schools, we begin to wonder if the body is not a form of consciousness, having its own dumb or unconscious will, thought, and feelings. The difference between the conscious and the unconscious seems to be simply a... still shot through and through with this ignorance. The science of Yoga, therefore, in its understanding of Consciousness, insists on the distinction between the subliminal on the one hand, and the psychic and the superconscious, on the other. Of the soul, of the psychic consciousness, and of the superconscious, there are, in Yoga, numerous descriptions; among the Sufis, among the Christian mystics ...

... nature, like the higher vital or the mind. It has Page 143 to be changed in the power of the higher consciousness, not left to itself or dropped from you. (3) If you do not so change it, if you simply remain content by living in the psychic or other higher consciousness internally then you raise the risk of doing like those who are satisfied to have experiences and some inner quietude... justifying them under the plea that there is the psychic or spiritual consciousness behind them. I asked you to look for the cause of the abatement of energy or zeal ( utsāha ), because it is evident that there must be some resistance somewhere, otherwise there would not be these constant headaches and this less intense condition. If the physical consciousness is open the headaches should disappear or... bring down the descent of the Light. If they return persistently he must not be discouraged; it is not possible to change the nature at once, it takes a long time. If, however, he can keep the psychic consciousness in the front, then it will be much easier and there will be much less difficulty and trouble in the change. That can be done by constant aspiration and abhyāsa . The difficulty you have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... (intuition, supramental or spiritual) and the power that acts in this knowledge, while the psychic being supports this action and helps to transform the physical and vital planes. Mirra acts directly on the psychic and on the emotional vital and physical being through the illumined psychic consciousness while the illumined intuitions of the supramental being give her the necessary knowledge to... The Mother disclosed "how she had achieved in her tender age the highest occult truths, how she had realised and seen all the visions set forth in Savitri". Here is indeed a marvellous flash of psychic autobiography. Huta continues the report based on the Mother's words: "Actually, she had experienced the poem's fundamental revelations before she arrived in Pondicherry and before Sri Aurobindo... to act on the right lines and at the right moment. Her force representing the Shakti element is directly psychic, vital, physical and her spiritual knowledge is predominantly practical in its nature. It is, that is to say, a large and detailed knowledge and experience of the mental, vital and physical forces at play and, with the knowledge, the power to handle them for the purposes of life and ...


... realised and a growing possibility of expressing materially the psychic consciousness. With the certitude of a final Victory. Page 337 To that one of my children who has entirely dedicated himself to the realisation of the miracle, which for the ordinary eye seems an impossibility. Your psychic is wonderful in its loving consecration. Your physical is... when wished - Example of Bhishma in the Mahabharata - He must have reached the first step also. 3. Physical Immortality. The Process 1. The psychic Contact - this is the very first step. 2. Putting the whole being under the psychic guidance. 3. The vital and the mind must not rule over the body. They spoil it by their ideas, their impulses and their desires (their excessive... had realised the supramental consciousness. Mother answered: "No, not yet." The supramental consciousness came down into them from time to time but it was not yet established. "But we have caught the tail of it." I was very disheartened. But I consoled myself thinking Page 342 that even if they have not established the supramental consciousness in them they are at least marching ...


... because their psychic being has felt that they belong to the same family. So they have taken an inner vow to continue to act together and collaborate. That is why, even though they are born far from one another, there is something which compels them to come together: it is the psychic being, the psychic consciousness that is behind. And only to the extent that the psychic consciousness is strong enough... whole being, mental, psychic, vital and physical, enters into a complete rest made of perfect peace, absolute silence and total immobility, while the consciousness remains completely awake; or else I enter into an internal activity which constitutes the occult work and which, needless to say, is also perfectly conscious. So I can say, in all truth, that I never lose consciousness throughout the twenty-four... repeat them and not go farther. In the spiritual development of the consciousness upon earth the great past ought to be followed by a greater future.’ 11 As we have seen, the basic qualities to be developed in the Integral Yoga are aspiration, surrender, sincerity, and equality or equanimity. But ‘it is always the psychic being that is the real, though often the secret cause of man’s turning ...


... of this experience had been the presence of a woman with a very developed, matured psychic being, and the Mother’s own psychic being had reacted so strongly to that presence that she had again become aware of it. And how! She now marked that: ‘When I say “I”, I do not mean the body: I mean the psychic consciousness.’ This reduced a lot of her ‘I’s’ to one ‘I’. And also this: ‘It is possible (I don’t... 1972: ‘It is the psychic being, the representative of the Divine in the human being, that will remain, that will cross over into the new species.’ And a couple of days later, on 15 April, she said in passing: ‘[The psychic consciousness] has been governing the being [hers] for a very long time. This is why one has been able to take away the mental and the vital: because the psychic being had taken over... about body, matter, cells, consciousness of the cells, universalization, and what not, but isn’t it the soul that is supposed to play a central role in the existence of man as well as in the cosmic evolution, in which it was said to be the fundamental active element? One of the last times the Mother talked about her soul had been on 19 May 1959. ‘[This body] is full of the psychic in each of its cells,’ ...


... coming down and have to be fixed. The ease and peace are felt very deep and far within because they are in the psychic and the psychic is very deep within us, covered over by the mind and vital. When you meditate you open to the psychic, become aware of your psychic consciousness deep within and feel these things. In order that this ease and peace and happiness may become strong and stable and... above has in its descent to open all the centres (including the lowest centre) and to bring out the psychic being; for until that is done there is likely to be much difficulty and struggle of the lower consciousness obstructing, mixing with or even refusing the Divine Action from above. If the psychic being is once active this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of... still lower down. The two main places where one can centre the consciousness for Yoga are in the head and in the heart—the mind-centre and the soul-centre. One has to open through concentration in the heart centre or above the head, in the former case to the psychic, in the latter to the higher Truth. But without the psychic preparation or at least a thorough purification of the being, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... because of the hold you gave them. The two lines of forces are the line of these lower vital forces and the line of the true movement of forces resting on the psychic consciousness and opening the true mind, the true vital, the true physical consciousness to the action of the Higher Force. If you persist in rejecting the former and aspiring for the latter, the struggle will diminish after a time and the true... pleasant excitement which cannot abide—that pleasure and grief and pain are always near to each other and the consciousness passes easily from one to the other. One has to establish peace and quietude there, so that the true psychic and spiritual joy can take the place. It is the touch of the psychic that gives the soothing effect of which you speak. Page 165 Evidently, the condition into... impotent to bring it about; as for egoistic insistence and vital revolt, they are, so long as they last, insuperable obstacles to the descent. Only a calm, pure and surrendered physical consciousness, full of the psychic aspiration, can be its field; this alone can make an effective opening of the material being to the Light and Power and the supramental change a thing actual and practicable. It is for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... because their psychic being felt that they belong to the same family. So they have taken an inner vow to continue to act together and to collaborate. This is why, even though they are born far from one another, there is ‘something’ that compels them to come and get together. [This ‘something’] is the psychic being, the psychic consciousness behind. And it is only to the extent that the psychic consciousness... great day of the realisation – a preparation which has been made in the course of thousands of years and will now reach its culmination.” 22 “Some psychic beings have come here [in the Ashram] who are ready to join with great lines of consciousness above, represented often by beings of the higher planes, and are therefore specially fitted to join with the Mother intimately in the great work that... there was no beaten path. “Many of the activities [of her avataric yoga] I have left to this Consciousness”, she said in 1970. “I let this Consciousness work actively because I found that it really knows.” 56 It is this Consciousness of the Overman, an activated aspect of the Supramental Consciousness adapted to the present circumstances, which is at work now. It is changing the world through ...


... are different statuses ( avasthā ) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statues of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which... be in the right consciousness – it can't be done by following a fixed mental rule which under some circumstances might fit in and under others might not fit in at all. A general principle can be laid down if it is in consonance with the Truth, but its application must be determined by the inner consciousness seeing at each step what is to be done or not done. If the psychic is uppermost, if... if the being is entirely turned towards the Mother and follows the psychic, this can be increasingly done. All depends therefore not on a mental rule to follow in practice, but in getting the psychic consciousness back and putting its light into this vital part and making that part turn wholly to the Mother, ¹ 11-6-1932 It is only divine Love which can bear the burden I have ...


... the physical mind of the common man is trained as in the Vedic Age or even if a greater effort is made to train the psychic-emotional part of common man's nature, as was attempted in the Purano-Tantric Age. What is needed is to turn to spiritual reality the entirety of mental, psychical and physical living of the individual and the collectivity so as to divinise the entire human life and nature. ... training of the physically minded man; the second stage took up man's outward life as also a deeper mental and psychical life, and brought man more directly into contact with the spirit and divinity within him. But now at the third stage, there was an attempt to take up man's whole mental, psychical and physical living so as to arrive at the first beginning of at least a generalised spiritual life. This... forms in different levels of existence. For instance, there is in the Veda a series of outer physical light, another series of higher and inner light which is a vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness. Besides these, there is the highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-god, was the lord of the physical Sun, but he is at the same time giver of the rays of Knowledge which ...


... those of a human being. There is much that is psychic in the plant, much that is psychic in the animal. The plant has only the vital-physical evolved in its form, so cannot express itself; the animal has a vital mind and can, but its consciousness is limited and its experiences are limited so the psychic essence has a less developed consciousness and experience than is present or at least possible... the consciousness places itself and concentrates itself. If the consciousness places or concentrates itself within the ego, you are identified with the ego - if in the mind, if is identified with the mind and its activities and so on. If the consciousness puts its stress outside, it is said to live in the external being and becomes oblivious of its inner mind and vital and in most psychic. If... subjectively formulate- itself as a physical, a vital, a mental, a psychic consciousness ; all these are present in man, but as they are all mixed up together in the external consciousness with their real status behind in the inner being, one can only become fully aware of them by releasing the original limiting stress of the consciousness which makes us live in our external being and become awake and ...

... the outer consciousness entirely without developing this inner consciousness would be too difficult. That is why these inner experiences are going on to prepare the growth of the inner consciousness. There is an inner mind, an inner vital, an inner physical consciousness which can more easily than the outer receive the higher consciousness above and put itself into harmony with the psychic being; when... yourself free—it is another sign of the psychic growth. It takes time of course to make the transition from one state of consciousness to another. The depth of feeling will come more Page 219 and more as your consciousness draws back from the claim of external things and goes deeper in into the heart region seeing and feeling from there with the psychic to prompt and enlighten it. Faith... distant. But this is a transitory change. Afterwards you will be able to have the two consciousnesses together, be in your psychic in one part of yourself with all the experience and activities of the psychic being and nature and yet with your surface self fully awake and active in physical things with the psychic support and influence behind this outer action. It is a very good sign that when ...


... everywhere: In the psychic consciousness there is not that sense of division between the individual and the universal consciousness which affects the other parts of your nature. You are conscious there that your individuality is your own line of expression, but at the same time you know too that it is an Page 314 expression objectifying the one universal consciousness. 39 The spiritual... has need of total trust in the security of the Mother's arms, and one has to wake up the psychic being, the divine witness and guide within, and make it the controlling and radiating centre of all faculties, all thoughts, all actions, all delights: In the depths of your consciousness is the psychic being, the temple of the Divine within you. This is the centre round which should come about... one Divine Consciousness and yet consent to act as though they were something separate, a division of the whole. There are many intermediary stages between that ignorance and this full knowledge, many ways of participating in the play. 38 The essential thing, then, is to be united with the Divine Consciousness. First an opening up of the lines of communication with the psychic being which ...


... just next door, is not at all the perception of a "psychic," but the perception of the body. It is the body that sees, the cellular consciousness, not the mental or psychic consciousness. You cannot even call it "seeing": it lives, it is, it touches. It is a material perception. The body understands nothing of our tales of visions and psychics and all the rest of our mental theatrics, it understands... right, it wasn't a "dream" as people call it, but a more subtle and less precise consciousness, and that the physical consciousness was quite concrete and precise. But now this distinction... the other consciousness has become almost more concrete and real than the physical consciousness; the purely material consciousness is more wobbly.... Strange. 12 * "But how does one go from one state to the... of opaque terrestrial Matter, have prepared the rending of the veil in the body of the Earth itself. One day, we shall see. And we will not see mysterious and psychic worlds, but the earth itself, as it is. Although perhaps it is also psychic! It is the supramental earth. And we understand also why Sri Aurobindo called it "supramental": it is a world in which mental laws no longer apply. A world without ...


... tumbles down dead or goes off skating and swimming into some grey or white matter worlds beyond? Certainly not. I am using a significant language which expresses certain relations between the psychic consciousness and the physical of which we become aware by Yoga." 17 Here ends the chapter on "Matters Medical": let us now pass on to the consideration of Sri Aurobindo's humour playing on matters... dryness and am terribly thirsty for something. Along with it, waves of old desires. Any handy remedy? Sri Aurobindo: Eucharistic injection from above, purgative rejection below; liquid diet, psychic fruit juice, milk of the spirit.' 2 NB: Please ask Mother to give some blessings to this hopeless self. Sri Aurobindo: R/ Vin. Ashirv. m. VII Recept. Chlor. gr. XXV Aqua jollity ...

... spiritualisation of the collective life cannot be achieved if only the physical mind of man is trained or even if a greater effort is made to train the psychic- emotional part of man's nature. What is needed is to turn the entirety of mental, psychical and physical living of the individual and the collectivity to divinise the whole of human life and nature. It is significant, therefore, that there arose... of the physically minded man;18 the second stage took up man's outward life as also a deeper mental and psychical life, and it brought man more directly into contact with the spirit and divinity within him. But now in the third stage, there was an attempt to take up man's whole mental, psychical, physical living so as to arrive at a first beginning at least of a generalised spiritual Page 98 ... forms in different levels of existence. For instance, there is in the Veda the series of the outer physical light, another higher and inner light which is a vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness, and a highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-god, was the lord of the physical Sun, but he is at the same time the giver of the rays of Knowledge which illumines the ...


... predominantly in illumined knowledge and the power that acts in this knowledge, while the psychic being supports this action and helps to transform the physical and the vital plane. Mina acts directly on the psychic being and on the emotional vital and physical being through the illumined psychic consciousness, while the illumined intuitions of the supramental being give her the necessary knowledge... mental intervention. It was altogether spontaneous instinct. But what is instinct? - it is the presence of the Divine in the genus of the species, and that, that is the psychic of animals; a collective, not an individual psychic. 7 With all this background, it was hardly surprising that the worlds of plant and animal creation were not alienated from human beings in Mirra's scheme of things... course of a conversation, the Mother spoke with greater feeling about the beauty of the instinctive behaviour of the animals, especially the cats: In animals there is sometimes a very intense psychic truth ... in human beings I have rarely come across some of the virtues which I have seen in animals, very simple, unpretentious virtues. As in cats, for example: I have studied cats a lot; if one ...


... life to another without losing anything of its consciousness. 16 Psychic memory, the Mother was to write to a disciple years later, Page 553 is a decanted memory of events. For example, in past lives there have been moments when, for some reason or other, the psychic was present and participated.... ...I had had psychic memories.... It was as if one had, one cannot exactly... trying to find in oneself the part which is truly one's self, until one has found one's psychic being." 39 The Mother vividly describes this discovery: Beyond all the emotions, in the silent and tranquil depths of our being, there is a light shining constantly, the light of the psychic consciousness. Go in search of this light, concentrate on it; it is within you... and as soon as you enter... between our surface movements, reactions, thoughts, feelings, sensations, actions, Page 550 which are really of little consequence, and the occasional "flash of the higher consciousness through the psychic" which alone has relevance to our essential destiny. The surface effervescence may seem important, but it is "repeated in millions and millions of copies". One must therefore dig for ...


... tumbles down dead or goes off skating and swimming into some grey or white matter worlds beyond? Certainly not. I am using a. significant language which expresses certain relations between the psychic consciousness and the physical of which we become aware by Yoga. April 8, 1936 My big photo requires Sanjiban's treatment. Granted permission? What? which? where? how? What disease? what... speculation by others. Anyway, from what you first wrote and cancelled, I find that from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 or 3 p.m. you do your real work—for earth-consciousness. How do you find that? After 8.30 a.m. I have nothing to do with the earth-consciousness. Hard, throbbing, painful boil. Slight fever, headache in the morning. Hot fomentation etc. Went to the miracle doctor, 4 powders! Added to these... anything hostile. If there is a protecting envelopment, an inner purifying descent and, as a result, a settling of the higher consciousness in the inner being and finally, its substitution even in the most external outwardly active parts in place of the old ignorant consciousness, then the world and the hostile forces will no longer matter—for one's own soul at least; for there is a larger work not personal ...

... because the contact between the outer consciousness and the psychic consciousness is not well established. He in whom this contact is well established is always happy. The suffering we experience proves that the psychic being is far away from the Divine. It is not the psychic being which suffers, it is the mind, the vital and the ordinary consciousness of ignorant man. Page 166 ... physically near or far, I am always with you in your work and in your consciousness. You ought to know that. Life will no longer have any attraction for me if I do not feel that You are with me. But I am always with you. Page 165 Do not leave my heart empty, Mother. I am always in your heart. The psychic being is constantly and invariably in contact with the Divine... contact. The Divine is constantly present in the psychic being and the latter is quite conscious of this. The psychic being is asleep in me. The psychic being is not asleep. It is the connection with it which is not well established because the mind makes too much noise and the vital is too restless. Mother, if the psychic always feels the Divine Presence, why does the human ...


... statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin... or higher. I have no objection to them in their own place. But I must remind you that in my Yoga alI vital movements must come under the control of the psychic and of the spiritual calm, knowledge and peace. If they conflict with the psychic or the spiritual control, they upset the balance and prevent the forming of the base of transformation. If unbalance is good for other paths, that is the business... Love, Knowledge, etc.,—but don't you think purity is also required? And if peace and purity are to be established, a complete opening of the inner being is essential, and the bringing forward of the psychic. This will naturally take years—so we have to go on starving for Love and Knowledge and other things divine. That is logical and orthodox; but the supramental, once it is down (O lingering once ...

... substance of the nature and the stuff of consciousness refine to a greater subtlety and purity, and the deeper psychic experiences, those which are not solely of an inner mental or inner vital character, become possible in this subtler, purer, finer substance; the soul begins to unveil itself, the psychic personality reaches its full stature. The soul, the psychic entity, then manifests itself as the central... supramental Consciousness into our entire being and nature. At the beginning the soul in Nature, the psychic entity, whose unfolding is the first step towards a spiritual change, is an entirely veiled part of us, although it is that by which we exist and persist as individual beings in Nature. The other parts of our natural composition are not only mutable but perishable; but the psychic entity in... an opening outward of the inner and inmost being and nature; for then there comes into play the soul's power of unerring inherent consciousness, its vision, its touch on things which is superior to any mental cognition; there is there, native to the psychic consciousness in its pure working, an immediate sense of the world and its beings, a direct inner contact with them and a direct contact with the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... that the untransformed past has ever been and enter into an enlightened state of consciousness which breaks loose from all moorings. To be reborn means to enter, first of all, into our psychic consciousness where we are one with the Divine and eternally free from the reactions of Karma. Without becoming aware of the psychic, it is not possible to do so; but once we are securely conscious of the true soul... the Mind of Light.         These are extremely high matters and guesses are risky. Nearer home for us is the experience I prayed for at the close of my interview: not the come-and-go of the psychic opening but the permanent establishment of it. Even its glorious occurrence unbroken for days or weeks or months is not sufficient: it must be there at all times.         Here I may recall a... greatest difficulty was to pronounce a word like "above". He could never combine the b and v. He would say either "avove" or "abobe". Anyway, he had some aspiration to what was above, but not much of a psychic opening. I watched him every day at Pranam and he was quite stiff face to face with the Mother. Once, however, I saw a sort of unstiffening and softening. So I caught him afterwards and said: "Sarat ...


... which will bring about or prepare the wakening of the psychic being—that is for them the beginning of the effective psychic contact. It is also for this reason that a stay here is needed for many—if they are ready—in order that under the direct influence and nearness they may have this development or building up of the psychic being in the consciousness or its coming to the front. When the touch has been... yogic consciousness and it shows that the foundation of the true being and the true consciousness is being laid in you. The psychic centre is that turned in all things towards the Divine, while the vital is that preoccupied with the desires and sufferings and enjoyments of the ego. If you continue with all sincerity under this sense of guidance and with this foundation growing in you, the psychic centre... knowledge from above. This is important because the principle of this Yoga is not perfection of the human nature as it is but a psychic and spiritual transformation of all the parts of the being through the action of an inner consciousness and then of a higher consciousness which works on them, throws out the old movements or changes them into the image of its own and so transmutes lower into higher ...


... or ill-will). It is through the psychic consciousness that you have found it possible to be in a true constant relation with the Mother and your aim is to make that the basis of all your life, action and feelings; all in you, all Page 706 you feel, say and do should be consistent with that basis. If all proceeds from that psychic union of your consciousness with the Mother's, dedicating ... (which does not yet exist here). None would understand it except as a form of words. Only three points— (1) Its very base would have to be spiritual and psychic and not vital. The vital would be there but as an instrument only. (2) It would be a relation flowing from the higher Truth, not continued from the lower Ignorance. Page 705 (3) It would not be impersonal in the sense of being... flows out on those around it. Even ordinarily in the world people easily turn to such a strong and expansive vital and draw upon it for strength and assistance. In your case this is enhanced by your psychic being having the habit of using your vital force for communication to the outside world as it has been habitually doing in your creative activities, poetry and other forms of writing or speech, song ...


... spiritual light or that insight and tact of the psychic consciousness which sees at once what is true and right and distinguishes it from what is wrong and false. This insight you had very constantly whenever you were in a good condition and especially whenever bhakti became strong in you. When the sadhaka comes down into the physical consciousness leaving the mental and higher vital ranges on which... result of past (prenatal) influences or they may have been chosen by her psychic being as a passage towards a higher state for which she was not yet prepared but towards which she was moving. This and the non-fulfilment of her capacities could be a final tragedy if there were this life alone. As it is, she has passed towards the psychic sleep to prepare for her life to come." Yes, he was always like... the earth consciousness. I see it above and know what it is — I feel it ever gleaming down on my consciousness from above and I am seeking to make it possible for it to take up the whole being into its own native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in half-light, half-darkness. I believe the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness here to be ...


... jealousy or ill will). It is through the psychic consciousness that you have found it possible to be in a true constant relation with the Mother and your aim is to make that the basis of all your life, action and feelings, all in you, all that you feel, say and do should be consistent with that basis. If all proceeds from that psychic union of your consciousness with the Mother, dedicating everything... speech — especially if anything of the depression remains with you, it will waste the time in discussing things which cannot help the true consciousness to Page 19 predominate. Concentrate, open yourself and let the Mother bring you back to the psychic condition by what she will pour into you in meditation and silence. 21.5.33 I need not say much as you yourself have seen... yourself and get back into the right attitude and the right union with her. Clean out all this perilous indulgence in vital abhiman and resume your way in the sweetness of the psychic union and with the strength of the psychic surrender. 23.5.32 It is not anything physical but a vital depression (in some part of the vital, not the whole) that prevents the body from recovering its elasticity ...

... windowpane, except when the presence of dust or whatever on it hinders the view. The Mother’s psychic being, as she herself said, was ‘totally transparent.’ ‘The psychic consciousness was wholly in front and governed my life.’ 20 This made her aware of the fact that most of her I’s had actually been her psychic identity speaking. The vital and mental egos had been dissolved long ago. By now the physical... presence of an American disciple, Rijuta, whose psychic being seems to have been fully developed, the Mother again observed that her own psychic being had remained very much present. How had she not been practically aware of a fact like this before? She herself gives the reason: she was that psychic being, all the time she acted and perceived out of her psychic being. When looking through a window pane... every opportunity to develop.’ 18 The Presence and Role of the Psychic Being Human beings have much more in them than a soul, a ‘divine spark.’ They have in them an evolved ‘psychic being,’ built and shaped by the essence of experiences in their previous lives (which is the essential meaning of reincarnation). This psychic being will ultimately result in the creation of the divine being, in ...


... spiritual light or that insight and tact of the psychic consciousness which sees at once what is true and right and distinguishes it from what is wrong and false. This insight you had very constantly whenever you were in a good condition and especially whenever bhakti became strong in you. When the sadhaka comes down into the physical consciousness leaving the mental and higher vital ranges on which... , structure of ideas, beliefs, spiritual and psychic experiences, the whole building of the inner life in which one moves onward in the voyage towards the goal. When the storm comes, a storm of doubts, failures, disappointments, adverse circumstances and what not, the crew — let us say, the powers of the mind and vital and the physical consciousness — begin to disbelieve, despond, stand aghast... only thing I could say is that they have confirmed and deepened and made more living the impressions I had already formed about him from his letters to you and what came through them and from such psychical contact as I had already made from a distance, for the contact itself is not distant. You know very well the value I have always put upon his insight into spiritual things, the brilliance and accuracy ...


... in the physical consciousness! Don't find any trace of the psychic anywhere, Sir! Are you handling the blessed subconscient physical or what? I am handling the handle. Sticky! If you are absolutely in the physical consciousness, so much the better. It shows you are on the way. If you were in your uproarious mental or tragic vital, then there would be little chance for the psychic to emerge. But... inclination to write poetry... Is it the physical? Yes, that's the joker—physical consciousness. And this, you say, is the better condition? No, where did I say that? Why, this is almost next to inconscience. Of course it is. I don't know how the psychic is going to emerge from the physical consciousness. Well, it's the bottom of the first curve, so logically the next thing is to... of your finishing the circle M. V. Ph. Afterwards possibly there will be a chance for the line Ps. HC. S. Rejoice! October 1, 1935 What are the abbreviations Ps. HC. S.? Psychic—Higher Consciousness—Supramental. You are trying to adopt shorthand now! Of coursel what to do? Shorthand lessens the labour of the writer, even if it increases that of the reader. Besides the attempt ...

... physical consciousness! Don't find any trace of the psychic anywhere, Sir! Are you handling the blessed subconscient physical or what? Sri Aurobindo: I am handling the handle. Sticky! If you are absolutely in the physical consciousness so much the better. It shows you are on the way. If you were in your uproarious mental or tragic vital then there would be little chance for the psychic to emerge... of your finishing the circle M. V. Ph. Afterwards possibly there will be a chance for the line Ps. HC. S. Rejoice! NB: What are these abbreviations - Ps. HC. S.? Sri Aurobindo: Psychic — Higher Consciousness — Supra-mental. NB: You are trying to adopt shorthand now? Sri Aurobindo: Of course! what to do? Shorthand lessens the labour of the writer, even if it increases that of the reader ...

... mind and a psychic awake and alive, such pettinesses are not likely to occur. As for those who can live in the true Divine Consciousness, certain powers are not "powers" at all in that sense, not, that is to say, supernatural or abnormal, but rather their normal way of seeing and acting, part of the consciousness—and how can they be forbidden or refuse to act according to their consciousness and its nature... power in your seeking, a vital demand or a psychic aspiration manifesting through the heart and communicating itself to the mental and vital and physical consciousness. The latter is the greatest power and makes the shortest way—and besides one has to come to that way sooner or later. I may observe also that, from your own account, it was the psychic aspiration that began your push towards the... offer to you. But there is a greater thing, a true psychic love, all worship and devotion, which men do not readily value, being led away by the vital glamour, but which the heavens do not reject, though it is offered from something so far below them, so maimed and ignorant and sorrow-vexed as the human consciousness which is to the divine consciousness as the moth is to the star, as the night is to the ...

... powers of his mind and psychical nature. It may be better for him to concentrate first on the preparation of his physical consciousness, I have already said that what he must do is to bring down the basis of calm light and strength into the physical mind, nerves and body. Once this is thoroughly done all attacks can be met. There will be no disturbing vibrations and all kinds of psychic and vital experiences... be marked by an immediate opening and rapid development of the psychical conscious and psychical phenomena. This turn has great possibilities but also by itself great danger. In the complete Sadhana there are two powers necessary, the masculine, Purusha or Ishwara power coming down in knowledge, light, calm, strength, wide consciousness from above, and the feminine, Nature or Ishwari power opening in... forces. As you yourself experienced at that time, this greater consciousness will of itself bring the development of the higher will and knowledge. Psychic experiences of a proper kind are of course a great help but in your case it may be that any rich development of the psychic will only come after or in proportion as this consciousness with its calm knowledge, will and Samata take possession of the ...


... force working in us far more easily in the way she wanted so that our psychic being might awake and come to the front. Sri Aurobindo wrote to me: “When the psychic being is in front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top the sadhana is a tapasya and a struggle.” (10.7.34)... worth so much? Once Sri Aurobindo wrote to me: “We mind no trouble so long as we can carry you farther and farther on the path of transformation. Let the greater consciousness, the vastness and the peace grow in you and the psychic liberated from these veils flood you with the divine love and the soul’s happiness. We shall certainly concentrate our endeavour to help you towards that.” I had a... difference is too obvious! But why should it be so? If it is your force acting I should sing equally well everywhere. If I have a psychic connection with you, such difference as regards time and space should not be there. Is it not then my inability to remain in the true consciousness, the true condition, that makes the difference?” Sri Aurobindo wrote in reply: “You have seen very accurately (as expressed ...

... made in it. You can breathe.... It was a totally, totally material and cellular action.¹ ... A transfer of power. The cells, the whole material consciousness, used to obey the inner individual consciousness—the psychic consciousness most of the time, or the mental (but the mind had been silent for a long time). But now this material mind is organizing itself like the other one, or the other... radical. One has to imagine a true body growing up in an old body at the very cellular level, where there is no intermediate between the supermind and psychic, on the one hand, and the cellular consciousness of the body, on the other. The cellular consciousness was liberated from all the intermediate levels, including the physical mind. Here was now the possibility of infusing a new genetic code in the cells—the... it was totally new. And so concrete! Concrete like that (Mother touches the arms of the armchair), like what, usually, the physical consciousness considers as 'the others', concrete like that. It means that it did not pass through some inner being, through the psychic being: it came DIRECTLY to the body. What is it.... Yes, maybe; perhaps that... The body feels a kind Page 183 of ...


... take all forms in the consciousness. When the consciousness undergoes, sees or feels anything spiritual or psychic or even occult, that is an experience (in the technical yogic sense, for there are of course all sorts of experiences that are not of that character). Feelings themselves are of many kinds. The word feeling is often used for an emotion, and there can be psychic or spiritual emotions... novels. All depends on the consciousness from which the thing is done. If it is done from the psychic or the spiritual consciousness and bears the stamp of its source, that is sufficient. Of course there are certain things that cannot be done from there, but neither poetry nor fiction as in that case. They can be lifted to a higher level and made the expression of the psychic or spiritual mind and... is done run a great risk. It is much better to have the heart pure first, for then the way becomes safe. Nor can the Divine dwell in one's consciousness, if that consciousness is obscure with impurity. It is for the same reason that I advocate the psychic change of the nature first—for that means the purification of the heart, the turning of it wholly to the Divine, the subjection of the mind ...

... our soul, we experience the soul's subtle heat or psychic Agni . There is only one Agni throughout, one current of Consciousness-Force or consciousness-energy or consciousness-heat taking on different intensities at different levels. Then there is the fundamental Agni , or material Agni , which is the ultimate state of the energy of consciousness, prior to its conversion or densification into Matter... conscious human or the animal existence. All this infinite becoming is a birth of the Spirit into form. 148 Once we have opened the doors of the psychic, a first phase of cosmic consciousness is unveiled. But the growing psychic, the consciousness-force growing increasingly alive and compact and strong inside, is no longer satisfied with a narrow individual form. Feeling itself one with That, it... what Sri Aurobindo calls a change of consciousness . In that transparency, the old habits of the being will indeed quietly lose their hold, and we will feel a new poise of consciousness within ourselves – not an intellectual poise, but a new center of gravity. At heart level, but deeper than the vital center of the heart (which covers and imitates the psychic), we will feel a region of concentration ...