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English [794]
A Centenary Tribute [4]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [14]
A National Agenda for Education [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [4]
A Vision of United India [1]
Alexander the great [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Arguments for the Existence of God [4]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [5]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [16]
Beyond Man [7]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [5]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [13]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Essays Divine and Human [12]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [9]
Essays on the Gita [7]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [10]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [7]
Gods and the World [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [3]
Guidance on Education [2]
Hitler and his God [13]
How to Bring up a Child [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
I Remember [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [4]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [12]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [6]
Kena and Other Upanishads [6]
Landmarks of Hinduism [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [15]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [11]
Letters on Yoga - II [13]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [16]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [2]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [17]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [8]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [6]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Our Many Selves [6]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [8]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Prayers and Meditations [3]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [3]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [6]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [5]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [5]
Record of Yoga [8]
Savitri [5]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [4]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [1]
Socrates [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [5]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [7]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [6]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Rama [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks on Poetry [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [9]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [6]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [5]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [8]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Human Cycle [15]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [4]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [10]
The Life Divine [23]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [5]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [14]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [13]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Secret of the Veda [6]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [20]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [5]
Visions and Voices [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Filtered by: Show All
English [794]
A Centenary Tribute [4]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [14]
A National Agenda for Education [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [4]
A Vision of United India [1]
Alexander the great [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Arguments for the Existence of God [4]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [5]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [16]
Beyond Man [7]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [5]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [13]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Essays Divine and Human [12]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [9]
Essays on the Gita [7]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [10]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [7]
Gods and the World [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [3]
Guidance on Education [2]
Hitler and his God [13]
How to Bring up a Child [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
I Remember [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [4]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [12]
Joan of Arc [1]
Karmayogin [6]
Kena and Other Upanishads [6]
Landmarks of Hinduism [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [15]
Letters on Poetry and Art [7]
Letters on Yoga - I [11]
Letters on Yoga - II [13]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [16]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [2]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [1]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [2]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [17]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [8]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [5]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [6]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Our Many Selves [6]
Overhead Poetry [2]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [8]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Prayers and Meditations [3]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [3]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [6]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [5]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [5]
Record of Yoga [8]
Savitri [5]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [4]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [1]
Socrates [3]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [5]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [7]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [6]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Rama [2]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks on Poetry [3]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [9]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [6]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [5]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [8]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Human Cycle [15]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [4]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [10]
The Life Divine [23]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [5]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [14]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [3]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [13]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Secret of the Veda [6]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [20]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [5]
Visions and Voices [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Showing 600 of 794 result/s found for Reasoning will

... this stumbling reasoner capable only of speculation and stiff logical conclusions but not of indubitable conclusions or of a complete or direct knowledge, this imperfect liver divided between his reasoning will and his half-governed impulsions and Page 232 instinctive desires, this thing of bundles of ideas and sensations and lusts and longings, this hunter after forms and formulas, this suffering ...


... thoughts according to the life-pushes, desires, will to power or possession, will to action, Page 47 emotions, vital ego reactions of the nature. It must be distinguished from the reasoning will which plans and arranges things according to the dictates of the thinking mind proper, the discriminating reason or according to the mental intuition or a direct insight and judgment. The vital ...


... this stage the people is not yet intelligently self-conscious in the way of the reason, is not yet a thinking collective being, and it does not try to govern its whole communal existence by the reasoning will, but lives according to its vital intuitions or their first mental renderings.... A second stage of the society is that in which the communal mind becomes more and more intellectually ...


... it the equality of the sum of its angles to two right angles. In short, reality belongs, and is clearly perceived to belong, to the very notion of God. Descartes is well aware that this line of reasoning will not hold in regard to other objects of thought, but he maintains the idea of God to be unique in the respect that it involves existence. This specific claim in the crux of the argument. A second ...

... is not yet intelligently self-conscious in the way of the reason, is not yet a thinking collective being, and it does Page 398 not try to govern its whole communal existence by the reasoning will, but lives according to its vital intuitions or their first mental renderings. The early framework of Indian society and polity grew up in such a period as in most ancient and mediaeval communities ...


... arranges things and thoughts according to the life-pushes, desires, will to power or possession, will to action, emotions, vital ego reactions of the nature. It must be distinguished from the reasoning will which plans and arranges things according to the dictates of the thinking mind proper, the discriminating reason or according to the mental intuition or a direct insight and judgment. The vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... of the guessing was that there were whole sets of symptoms which could belong to any one of several diseases and to decide is a most delicate and subtle business, no amount of book knowledge or reasoning will ensure a right decision. A Page 593 special insight is needed that looks through the symptoms and not merely at them. This last sentence, by the way, is my own, not X 's. About development ...

... arranges things and thoughts according to the life-pushes, desires, will to power or possession, will to action, emotions, vital ego reactions of the nature. It must be distinguished from the reasoning will which plans and arranges things according to the dictates of the thinking mind proper, the discriminating reason or according to the mental intuition or a direct insight and judgment. The vital ...


... of the guessing was that there were whole sets of symptoms which could belong to any one of several diseases and to decide is a most delicate and subtle business, no amount of book knowledge or reasoning will ensure a right decision. A special insight is needed that looks through the symptoms and not merely at them—This last sentence, by the way, is my own, not Manilal's. About development of intuition ...

... mental phenomena, collecting facts and trying to arrive at generalisations with regard to various activities of consciousness. They have been studying perception, memory, imagination, thought, reasoning, will, impulses, reflexes, complexes etc; they also tried to include the study of human personality in these fields. Though the generalisations arrived at uptil now have not amounted to anything more ...

... assimilating philosophical reasoning to mathematical reasoning. The alternative to regarding philosophical conclusions as demonstrably certain is not to hold that they are tentative, for this would be to assimilate philosophical reasoning to the reasoning in the empirical sciences. What is tentative is at the mercy of experience, but since philosophical reasoning is a priori its conclusions... answers is connected with the aprioristic character of philosophical reasoning. But if philosophical reasoning is a priori throughout it is not so throughout in the same way. Reasoning at the level of first-order philosophy is a priori in the sense that it is the exploration and development of a basic commitment. Reasoning at the level of meta-philosophy is a priori in the sense that it... the view that questions in philosophy, as distinguished from meta-philosophy, provide their own answers. This will raise the question, what is the nature of reasoning in philosophy, or, what is the role of logic in philosophical reasoning? I do not think this question has been satisfactorily answered, as logic, even when distinguished from formal logic, is usually taken to be devoid of ontology ...


... and finally on the power of right reasoning from the right data. Pratyaksha is the process by which the things themselves about which we gather data are brought into our ken; aptavakya is evidence, the testimony of men who have themselves been in possession of the knowledge we seek. An error in pratyaksha, an error committed by the apta, an error of data or of reasoning from the data may, if serious in... inquiry. We seem hardly yet to possess the right & sufficient data for a proper understanding of the universe in which we find ourselves; the habit & power of right reasoning from data, even if with insufficient materials right reasoning were possible, seem yet to be beyond the reach of our human weakness. The continued wrangles of philosophy, dogmatisms of science and quarrels of religion are so many... in its bearing or extent, vitiate all our conclusions even if all our other means are correct and correctly used. Especially is this danger present to us when we are reasoning not from things but from words; when we are using the often artificial counters of traditional logic & metaphysics, we are apt to lose ourselves in a brilliant cloud, to be lifted from the earth, our pratistha, into some nebulous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... effect in the half-conscious thought which prevents you from seeing the line, the whole line of reasoning and so you don’t think that it is a chain of reasoning, and that is quite deceptive. You have the impression of an intuition but it is not an intuition, it is an extremely rapid subconscious reasoning, which takes up a problem and goes straight to the conclusions. This must not be mistaken for intuition... the beginning of a faculty of mental vision, it gives the impression of something coming from outside or above, like a little impact of a drop of light in the brain, absolutely independent of all reasoning. This is perceived more easily when one is able to silence one’s mind, hold it still and attentive, arresting its usual functioning, as if the mind were changed into a kind of mirror turned towards... see the connection with what is happening, the consequences: see, observe very attentively what has come in, what may have caused a distortion, what one has added by way of more or less conscious reasoning or the intervention of a lower will, also more or less conscious; and it is by a very deep study—indeed, almost of every moment, in any case daily and very frequent—that one succeeds in developing ...


... merely a notion or a mental complex that the scientific knowledge is solely or chiefly the outcome of the reasoning process. Many of the scientists are perhaps of the opinion that it must be so, but the fact is otherwise. Discovery means the removal of a veil and that too all on a sudden. Reasoning steps in later to establish the discovery on a firm footing, at the most it makes slight alterations here... bearing, it belongs to quite a different sphere of human life. The being of man comprises such a dual nature; on one side he may be a scientist and on the other he may remain a non-scientist. The reasoning faculty, the intellectual power of the mental being is the instrument by which the scientist carries on his search after truth. If he wants to remain strictly faithful to reality as it appears, then... of theism proper to the scientific mind are different in nature and orientation and are independent of each other. From the standpoint of norms and. ultimate values that science brings forward, reasoning does not occupy the most important place. Science presumes to arrive at a logical conclusion from observation of facts of Nature. The advantages and benefits that we get from science are its material ...

... effect in the half-conscious thought which prevents you from seeing the line, the whole line of reasoning and so you don't think that it is a chain of reasoning, and that is quite deceptive. You have the impression of an intuition but it is not an intuition, it is an extremely rapid subconscious reasoning, which takes up a problem and goes straight to the conclusions. This must not be mistaken for intuition... the beginning of a faculty of mental vision, it gives the impression of something coming from outside or above, like a little impact of a drop of light in the brain, absolutely independent of all reasoning. This is perceived more easily when one is able to silence one's mind, hold it still and attentive, arresting its usual functioning, as if the mind were changed into a kind of mirror turned towards... see the connection with what is happening, the consequences: see, observe very attentively what has come in, what may have caused a distortion, what one has added by way of more or less conscious reasoning or the intervention of a lower will, also more or less conscious; and it is by a very deep study—indeed, almost of every moment, in any case daily and very frequent—that one succeeds in developing ...


... to believe, the reasonings of others or my own experience? Sri Aurobindo is not asking a question, but rather making an ironic comment. It is to bring out clearly the stupidity of the reasonings of the mind, which imagines it can speak of what it does not know. It is nothing else. You can prove anything with the mind. When you know how to use it and have mastered reasoning and deduction, you... you have to prove its antithesis—in the hope that if you rise a little above both, you will discover the synthesis. Therefore, once it is conceded that anything can be proved, it follows that reasoning leads nowhere; because if you can prove something and in the next moment prove its opposite, this is the proof that your proofs are worthless. There is experience. For a simple heart, a sincere ...


... Everybody justifies his action by some reasoning. But, in that case even a thief can justify his stealing by some reasoning. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and a very practical reasoning too. (Laughter) PURANI: Even the thief is free because he acts freely. SRI AUROBINDO: How? PURANI: He decides out of his own free will. SRI AUROBINDO: But merely by reasoning he can't be free. If we apply the Gita ...


... to live all the same, and it is something very valuable in me. I cannot kill it through reasoning, even spiritual reasoning. And if I tell it that everything lies 'within,' not 'without,' it replies, 'Then why was I born, why this manifestation in the outer world?' In the end, it is not a question of reasoning. It is a fact, like the wind upon the heaths. 2) There is the destiny of the writer in... prevent this other need in me from living and from finding that life is dry and from saying, 'Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms?' But neither can I stifle this with reasoning. So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration ...


... easy and natural for an uninstructed or inattentive layman to commit fallacies in his reasoning. The study of logic as a discipline helps us know the methods and principles we have to adopt in order to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning. Now, how do you draw a final conclusion in a chain of reasoning? Well, inference is a process in which one proposition is arrived at and affirmed... invalidate the consequences by saying that you didn't intend them. 26 Page 157 (3) Sri Aurobindo: You make a flourish of reasonings and do not see the consequence of your reasonings. It is no use saying "I believe this or that" and then reasoning in a way which leads logically to the very negation of what you believe. 27 Sri Aurobindo v/as never tired of pointing out that one... thoughts and ill-founded their reasonings. With infinite care he would expose all the fallacies implicit in their arguments and affirmations and then establish the truth for the edification of the persons concerned. To quote NB again: "The lightning flash of humour, the brilliant passage at arms, the arguments exposing to ridicule the utter hollowness of my unripe reasoning were things beyond my usual ...

... all the elements of the terrestrial problem. Deducing future circumstances from present ones is a mental activity of the nature of reasoning, even if the deduction takes place in the subconscient and is translated in the being into the form of intuition; but reasoning is a human faculty, that is, it is individual; its inspirations do not come from the infinite, the unlimited, the Divine. It is only ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... justified wickedness to an admiring nation. Man has been defined sometimes as a political animal and sometimes as a reasoning animal, but he has become still more pre-eminently a literary animal. He is a political animal who has always made a triumphant mess of politics, a reasoning animal whose continual occupation it is to make a system out of his blunders, a literary animal who is always the slave... business will be brilliantly foolish and convincingly illogical while the philosopher Page 751 will be logically illogical and talk nonsense according to the strictest rules of philosophical reasoning. An ordinary man may turn his back on his principles and he will be called a turncoat, or he may break all the commandments and he will be punished by the law and society,—unless of course he is an... coat at all; the natives of the country did not before we came and we should not encourage them to go in for such an uncomfortable luxury. It is just so with principles, democratic and other." The reasoning is excellent and of a very wide application. For instance it may be wrong in England to convict a political opponent for political reasons of an offence of which you know him to be innocent and on ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... it is really so easy to enter into a living contact with the Divine in Its essence. What is the truth of the matter, Mother? Kindly enlighten me. Experience goes far beyond the reasoning mind. Evidently the reasoning mind finds it very difficult to reach the Divine, but a simple heart can enter into contact with Him, almost without effort. It is the heart that has wings, not the head. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... silence in the mental region and when the spiritual force with its light and power descends through the mind and makes it act directly without its following its usual method of analysis, deduction, reasoning. All these faculties which are usually considered the normal activities of the mind, must be stopped, and yet the spiritual Light, Knowledge and Power must be able to transform them into a channel... action. This power of organisation and impulse to action can be produced directly by the spiritual force which takes hold of the mental consciousness without these processes of analysis, deduction, reasoning being necessary. In intuition things already happen somewhat in this way; but spiritual intervention is, as it were, a super-intuition, a direct expression of the vision, of the experience, of knowledge... knowledge by identity. ( Silence ) There are many stages in this transformation and the first are like a kind of mental imitation of the movement. The whole process of analysis, reasoning, deduction and formulation of conclusions occurs almost spontaneously in a mental background and gives us the result which seems to us an intuition but which is still the result of all that work which was carried ...


... transitions of thought and the development of implied or subordinate notions. Every verse in the Isha Upanishad reposes on a number of ideas implicit in the text but nowhere set forth explicitly; the reasoning also that supports its conclusions is suggested by the words, not expressly conveyed to the intelligence. The reader, or rather the hearer, was supposed to proceed from light to light, confirming... inapplicable; it is necessary to present the ideas of the Upanishad in their completeness, underline the suggestions, supply the necessary transitions and bring out the suppressed but always implicit reasoning. The central idea of the Upanishad, which is a reconciliation and harmony of fundamental opposites, is worked out symmetrically in four successive movements of thought. FIRST MOVEMENT In ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... created by human kindling; it may be volcanic or caused by a stroke of lightning or the sparks from some kind of friction in the neighbourhood.     There are three elements necessary to correct reasoning ftrst, the correctness of the facts or conclusions I start from, secbndly, the completeness as well as the accuracy of the  data I start from, thirdly, the elimination of other possible or impossible... reason by teaching the science of Logic. This is an instance of the prevalent error by which book-knowledge of a thing is made the object of the study instead of the thing itself. The experience of reasoning and its errors should be given to the mind and it should be taught to observe how these work for itself; it should proceed from the example to the rule and from the accumulating harmony of rules to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... perception of the object and comparison and contrast with other objects. [Then] 10 reasoning Page 1471 about the objects. Judgment whether the reasoning is right or not. And judgment is aided by memory and imagination. Judgment is a direct perception of the Truth, which may or may not be aided by reasoning and other helps. Imagination is the power of presenting to yourself things or... and how far it has to be qualified. This Viveka is independent of reasoning. It knows the fact directly but not by a mere instinct; it knows it luminously with a clear perception which is certain and makes no mistake. There is also a faculty of Vijnana called Intuition which does the work of reasoning without the necessity of reasoning to arrive at a conclusion; that is to say it [comes to] 12 the... intuitive knowledge of the present and the prophetic knowledge of the future. To have it properly, it is necessary that there should be no desire or personal interest in the result or any trusting to reasoning, inferences, speculation etc. Ashta Siddhi There are two siddhis of knowledge, three of power and three of being. All siddhis exist already in Nature. They exist in you. Only owing to habitual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... we find a play of intellect and reasoning, an attitude of casting side glances, and an alertness. But Chandidas was self-oblivious and beside himself with poetic imagination. The Bengalis have the power of thinking, and in it we find flashes of genius, a deep insight and bright glimpses of experience, There the calm, placid and self-absorbed tenure of the reasoning faculty is not to be found. It... at his best especially when someone is able to arouse and excite him. But in the field of calm argumentation, perhaps a Bengali cannot be a match for a South Indian scholar. Also, in the field of reasoning, the Bengalis lose all sense of practicality, whereas no one else does the same. There is an ancient saying that if once the French are seized by mania (furia franca), then there is no escape from... fount of Truth from which the Bengali race has transmitted and is transmitting and will continue to transmit Truth-Light, even though they may be wanting in skill to found the Truth on the basis of reasoning or to systematize it in action. If they do not do it now, tlley may do so in the future. But the real part they are to play is to experience and realise the Truth. Therefore, the Bengali race is the ...

... I was ready to suppose that nothing was at all the way our senses represented them to be. As there are men who make mistakes in reasoning even on the simplest topics in geometry, I judged that I was as liable to error as any other, and rejected as false all the reasoning which I had previously accepted as valid demonstration. Finally, as the same precepts which we have when awake may come to us when... lacking in me, and so would have been myself infinite, eternal, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent, and, in sum, I would possess all the perfections that I could discover in God. For, following the reasoning which I have just explained, to know the nature of God as far as I was capable of such knowledge, I had only to consider each quality of which I had an idea, Page 53 and decide whether... insist that all our ideas or notions must have some foundation in truth, for it would not be possible that God, who is all-perfect and wholly truthful, would otherwise have given them to us. Since our reasonings are never as evident or as complete in sleep as in waking life, although sometimes our imaginations are then as lively and detailed as when awake, or even more so, and since reason tells us also ...

... wrong movements in your nature. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Jivatman in the Integral Yoga Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental form. They are not ideas or reasonings. They have their own character quite distinct from the mind, something like a feeling that comprehends itself and acts. By its very nature, the psychic is calm, quiet and luminous, understanding... without necessarily passing through the reason or mental formation. For instance, one may act with a perfect knowledge of what should be done, and without intervention—the least intervention—of the reasoning mind. The mind is silent: it simply looks on and listens in order to register things, it does not act. The Mother Questions and Answers (1953): 23 December 1953 The perception of the exterior ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 December 13, 1971 ( A note by Mother ) Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental form. They are not ideas or reasonings. They have their own character quite distinct from the mind, something like a feeling with a self-contained meaning and influence. By its very nature, the psychic is calm, quiet and luminous, ...


... consciousness which surpasses the reasoning intellect, can one do it on lines which are to be judged and understood by the reasoning intellect, controlled at every step by it, told by the intellect what it is to do, what is the measure of its achievements, what its steps must be and what their value? If one does that, will one ever get out of the range of the reasoning intelligence into what is beyond ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... experience, that must be in their very nature a suprarational truth and experience, it begins like the rest with an infrarational instinct, an infrarational formulation, falls under the influence of the reasoning mind and only at its [ sentence not completed ] Page 414 ...


... July 1942 Mother, I spent quite a lot of grey matter putting before you argument after argument. But you have not argued back. You are quite happily unconcerned. Amal, All the reasonings in your letter come from the external physical mind. You cannot expect me to come down to that level and discuss with you from there. I see things from another plane and in a different way. 19 ...

... however far off, and meanwhile there is not the slightest doubt that it helps to get things done. There's a bit of reasoning for you! just like all other reasoning too, convincing to the convinced, but not to the unconvincible, i.e., who don't agree with the ground upon which the reasoning dances. Logic after all is only a measured dance of the mind, nothing else. Page 348 Your dream was... is always interposing its own reservations, prejudgments, ignorant formulas or if it insists on arriving at the Divine certitude as it would at the quite relative truth of a mental conclusion, by reasoning, doubt, enquiry and all the other paraphernalia of Ignorance feeling and fumbling around after Knowledge; these greater things can only be brought by the progressive opening of a consciousness ... from the vital mind which sees things Page 342 according to its condition and mood and needs something else than what the mind asks for to satisfy it. It is perfectly true that these reasonings have no force when the vital is in its true poise of love or joy or active and creative power, and when the vital is depressed then it is hard and seems sometimes impossible, so long as the depression ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Period of commentaries (1969-1970) On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 162 162—Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. Page 254 As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges. I would like to see the English to know which tense Sri Aurobindo ...


... or lost through damage to the manuscript that are required by grammar or sense, and that could be supplied by the editors The Karikas of Gaudapada are a body of authoritative verse maxims and reasonings setting forth in a brief and closely-argued manual the position of the extreme Monistic school of Vedanta philosophy. The monumental aphorisms of the Vedantasutra are meant rather for the master... of philosophic terminology and the general trend of Monistic and Dualistic discussion. This preliminary knowledge granted they provide the student with an admirably lucid and pregnant nucleus of reasoning which enables him at once to follow the Monistic train of thought and to keep in memory its most notable positions. It has also had the advantage, due no doubt to its preeminent merit and the long... really differenced and manifest & the senses become one with Prana, so how do you predicate of it absence of manifestation and differentia by saying it becomes One ? But there is no real fault in the reasoning, since in the undifferenced the particularising conditions of space and time are absent and the same is the case with Prana in the state of Sleep . Although indeed the Prana is in a sense differenced ...


... our existence. Intellectual statement is an account to our intelligence and a justification by reasoning of a seeing of things which pre-exists in our turn of mind or temperament or in some tendency of our nature and secretly predetermines the very reasoning that claims to lead to it. That reasoning itself can be conclusive only if the perception of things on which it rests is both a true and ... enter into the ultimate Reality. Intellectual speculation, logical reasoning as to whether there is or is not such a greater consciousness cannot carry us very far. What we need is a way Page 182 to get the experience of it, to reach it, enter into it, live in it. If we can get that, intellectual speculation and reasoning must fall necessarily into a very secondary place and even lose... generalisations drawn from spiritual experience by the light of metaphysical reasoning, but on the basis of that experience and with the evidence of the spiritual seekers as a supreme proof ranking higher than intellectual speculation or experience. In that way the freedom of spiritual and mystic experience is preserved, the reasoning intellect comes in only on the second line as a judge of the generalised ...


... by some is opposed by others. Some believe that truth is what our physical senses perceive; some others believe that truth is what our reasoning mind comes to conceive as real; some others believe that truth can be known neither by the senses nor by the reasoning intellect; according to them, truth is given to us through God's revelation. Truth by revelation became a preponderant concept in... I was ready to suppose that nothing was at all the way our senses represented them to be. As there are men who make mistakes in reasoning even on the simplest topics in geometry, I judged that I was as liable to error as any other, and rejected as false all the reasoning which I had previously accepted as valid demonstration. Finally, as the same precepts which we have when awake may come to us when... in me, and so would have been myself infinite, eternal, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent, and, in sum, I would possess all the perfections that I could discover in God. For, following the reasoning which I have just explained, to know the nature of God as far as I was capable of such knowledge, I had only to consider each quality of which I had an idea, and decide whether it was or was not ...


... and Valmekie. There is also a tertiary and yet more common action of the inspiration. For of our three mental instruments of knowledge,—the heart or emotionally realising mind, the observing and reasoning intellect with its aids, fancy and memory, and the intuitive intellect,—it is into the last and highest that the ideal principle transmits its inspirations when the greatest poetry writes itself out... for the poetry to descend into the heart and return to the intellect suffused and coloured with passion and emotion than to be formed directly in the observing intellect. Poetry written from the reasoning intellect is apt to be full of ingenious conceits, logic, argumentation, rhetorical turns, ornamental fancies, echoes learned and imitative rather than uplifted and transformed. This is what is sometimes... be written from the uninspired intellect, but the sensational mind never gives birth to sattwic poetry. One thing has to be added. A poet need not be a reflective critic; he need not have the reasoning and analysing intellect and dissect his own poetry. But two things he must have in some measure to be perfect, the intuitive judgment which shows him at a glance whether he has got the best or the ...


... and deduction; it is by and through reasoning that he takes his decision and chooses his way—or believes he does—in life. The new race shall be governed by intuition, that is to say, direct perception of the divine law within. Some human beings actually know and experience intuition—as, undoubtedly, certain big gorillas of the forest have glimpses of reasoning. In mankind, the very few who have... intricate paths of reasoning, they go straight their way, guided through the windings of life by intuition, this superior instinct, as by a strong and unfailing hand. This faculty which is exceptional, almost abnormal now, will certainly be quite common and natural for the new race, the man of tomorrow. But probably the constant exercise of it will be detrimental to the reasoning faculties. As man... had to abandon. For man, there has been no more of that marvellous climbing up trees, somersaults over abysses, jumps from summit to summit, but in exchange he acquired intelligence, the power of reasoning, combining, constructing. Indeed with man it is the life of mind, of intellect which appeared on earth. Man is essentially a mental being; and if his possibilities do not stop there, if he feels in ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... can never expect to write it. I don't mean here the bringing down of the new Truth, but the power of expression, the art of reasoning and arguing with intellect and logic. Page 65 There is very little argument in my philosophy—the elaborate metaphysical reasoning full of abstract words with which the metaphysician tries to establish his conclusions is not there. What is there is a harmonising ...


... Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 262, 263, 264 262—Perceive always and act in the light of thy increasing perceptions, but not those of the reasoning brain only. God speaks to the heart when the brain cannot understand him. 263—If thy heart tell thee, Thus and by such means and at such a time it will happen, believe it not. But if it gives thee ...


... which had been so long the foundation of your sadhana and the cause of the great progress you were making. Do not listen to the clamour of the adverse vital force which has been attacking you, its reasonings or its wrong emotional suggestions — it only wants you to fall from happiness, to suffer and to descend into a lower consciousness and lose your progress. Get back into the true spirit of love ...

... thoroughly into all private representations and the arguments urged on either side in the public prints and draw up a very full and exhaustive memo balancing the pros and cons under each head of reasoning. His Highness does not wish to hurry you unduly, but he would like you at the same time to submit the memo without any unnecessary delay. Yours sincerely Aravind A Ghose Secretary. ...


... 299, 300, 301, 302 299—Avoid vain disputing; but exchange views freely. If dispute thou must, learn from thy adversary; for even from a fool, if thou listen not with the ear and the reasoning mind but the soul's light, thou canst gather much wisdom. 300—Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living. 301—Private dispute should always be avoided; but shrink Page 298 ...


... openness of mind are essential to the success of the experiment. Whoever interrupts, whoever refuses to discuss an argument, whoever contradicts or says, Absurd! whoever substitutes assertion for reasoning, whoever loses his temper or allows his voice to rise to a higher key, whoever tries to make out that he has conquered in debate because he has appealed to a polysyllable such as hallucination, c... circle will be incomplete. We must have other human specimens. A Jurist now, a Priest, a Historian, a Sanscritist, a Doctor, an Attorney, and a few others that may occur to me. I know where all these reasoning animals are to be found. Then, a live Extremist would be an acquisition. I know one. He is amiable, pleasing and warranted not to bite, though his views are fiery and his language, when excited, apt ...


... proof of the first assertion; the second, they think, requires no proof, for how can what Mr. Gokhale has said be wrong? This assertion of the impossibility of a graduated boycott is an answer to the reasoning by which Mr. Tilak has supported the movement in Maharashtra. In the first days of the movement Mr. Tilak published a series of vigorous and thoughtful articles in the Kesari on boycott as a political... boycott will naturally extend itself in these directions sooner than in others. The theory therefore that a graduated boycott is impossible, seems to us to have no foundation either of facts or of reasoning. Whatever the fate of its use as a political weapon, its success as an economical weapon depends solely on the zeal with which it is preached and the readiness with which it is received by the people ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... environment or out of a movement of mind that is grandiose, forceful & elemental. When man becomes excessively refined in intellect, curious in aesthetic sensibility or minute & exact in intellectual reasoning, it becomes more & more difficult to write great and powerful poetry. Ages of accomplished intellectuality & scholarship or of strong scientific rationality are not favourable to the birth of great ...


... I agree with you that too much money has been spent on that house, and it is C's opinion also. He was telling me that very thing not later than yesterday; but you will allow me not to follow your reasoning about princes. A house is made nice not for the sake of its occupants but for its own sake, and those who are to live in it have no reason to feel shy or uncomfortable about it. So, I hope you ...

... take; it is with perfect serenity that one does at every moment what one thinks best, convinced that the best too is sure to come from it, even if it is not the result which we, with our limited reasoning, expected from it. That is why, Lord, our heart is light, our thought in repose. That is why we turn to Thee in all confidence and say peacefully: May Thy will be done, in it true harmony is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... consequences of the spiritual theorem of existence"? It is probably from someone who doesn't know what "theorem" means! A theorem is the statement of a truth which has been arrived at through reasoning. The word is used quite concretely in mathematics and all the external sciences. From the philosophical point of view it is the same thing. In the present instance, the spiritual theorem of existence... way in which the intervention of the Grace has crystallised in the thought. Probably no two ways are identical, everyone must find his own. But one must not be mistaken, it is not "finding" by reasoning, it is "finding" by aspiration; it is not by study and analysis, but by the intensity of the aspiration and the sincerity of the inner opening. When one is truly and exclusively turned to the spiritual ...


... absurd cabalistic figures have any real force and meaning?" Then the scientist drove him out as a hopeless imbecile; for he did not recognise his own system of denials and his own method of negative reasoning. If we wish to refuse an impartial and open-minded enquiry, we can always find the most respectable polysyllables to cover our refusal or impose tests and conditions which stultify the inquiry. ...


... demands and needs of our ideals, experience and inner impulses, and in order to furnish them with proofs, we engage reason and its company. Therefore the authority of the proof lies not in any power of reasoning, but in the reality behind the ideal, the secret feeling, the profound impulse and impetus. What is truth is existent; that is, it is true only because it has existence. It is independent of any ...

... enjoyment of the individual, the family or the collective ego, substantially as is done by the animal families and colonies, in bee-hive or ant-hill for example, though in the larger, many-sided way of reasoning animals; it is also, and much more characteristically of our human as distinguished from our animal element, the endeavour to arrive at a harmonised inner and outer perfection, and, as we find in... away; or it labours gently or forcefully to reject or correct its superstitions, crudities, absurdities, to purify it into an abstract nothingness or persuade it to purify itself in the light of the reasoning intelligence; or it allows it a role, leaves it perhaps for the edification of the ignorant, admits its value as a moralising influence or its utility to the State for keeping the lower classes in... when the intellect of mankind after a long wandering is again turning towards the search for the Divine. Here there must inevitably enter a part of those operations proper to the intellect, logical reasoning, inferences from the data given by rational experience, analogies drawn from our knowledge of the apparent facts of existence, appeals even to the physical truths of science, all the apparatus of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... rock-ways Where the feet seeking The Perfect face   Forgotten by earth Are bled to a halt And lost for ever Is the lure of the Vault!   Only when mind Puts reasoning by And with an abrupt Shutting of eve   Draws back from the brain To a Self that is mute, We hear in the distance The call of a flute,   A pang of roses An ...


... into sterile intellectual discussions. The intellectual mind cannot even realise what the supermind is; what use, then, can there be in allowing it to discuss what it does not know? It is not by reasoning but by constant experience, growth of consciousness and widening into the Light that one can reach those higher levels of consciousness above the intellect from which one can begin to look up to the ...


... notions, thoughts, form a jumble. They have no purpose, no direction, no common impulse or end, each runs in its own way. The mind's faculties such for example as attention, memory, discrimination, reasoning, cogent thinking have to be clear and efficient and learn how to work harmoniously for a common objective. In the process and for that purpose they have to be developed, that is to say each of them ...

... notions, thoughts, form a jumble. They have no purpose, no direction, no common impulse or end, each runs in its own way. The mind's faculties such for example as attention, memory, discrirnination, reasoning, cogent thinking have to be clear and efficient and learn how to work harmoniously for a common objective. In the process and for that purpose they have to be developed, that is to say each of ...

... notions, thoughts, form a jumble. They have no purpose, no direction, no common impulse or end, each runs in its own way. The mind's faculties such for example as attention, memory, discrimination, reasoning, cogent thinking have to be clear and efficient and learn how to work harmoniously for a common objective. In the process and for that purpose they have to be developed, that is to say each of them ...

... Along rock-ways Where the feet seeking The Perfect Face Forgotten by earth Are bled to a halt And lost for ever Is the lure of the Vault! Only when mind Puts reasoning by And with an abrupt Shutting of eye Draws back from the brain To a Self that is mute, We hear in the distance The call of a flute, A pang of roses, An ...


... wide acceptance, it will be as well to consider & convince ourselves of the more important of them clearly and in some detail before we proceed. In the first place, by the method of intellectual reasoning we are compelled to apply the processes of logic to entities which are beyond the grasp of logic. A single instance will suffice. We find, as a matter of experience, that existence is one and yet... conclusion. The difference here [is] a difference of education; the education of each had trained his mind to look only at a certain set of considerations, to move only in a certain way of thinking & reasoning. If physicist & geologist are combined in one mind, the age of the earth will not even then be indisputably fixed, for the necessary data are still wanting, but a juster perception will be gained... spirit. Certainly, in the absence of another, the scientific method would be the best,—the method of patient and courageous experiment & observation aided by a scrupulous use of hypothesis & exact reasoning. A beginning has been made in this direction in Europe by the examination of the abnormal conditions of hypnosis, divided personality & rare mental & psychic phenomena as well as in the tendency of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Kant's opponent is that every body follows reason. So, everybody should be considered free. Everyone justifies his action – even the thief supports his stealing by some reasoning. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, it is very practical reasoning ( laughter) . Disciple : And he is free, because he acts freely. Sri Aurobindo : How? Disciple : Because he decides freely, to steal. ...

... faithful to me, in other words, you must be nice to me, must not exploit me etc. Dogs do not have these complexities, for they have a very rudimentary mind. They have not this marvellous capacity of reasoning which drives man to commit such follies. But, of course, we cannot go back to the dog state. What we have to do is to rise higher, to become a superman, to have the dog's quality on a higher level ...

... such that they Page 233 concur to help and execute and not mar and obstruct. But how to find out or recognise when such conditions are available? Not by your mind or external reasoning. You must have the intuition, and instinctive perception of the situation. Always the indication is there in the very poise of your consciousness. That is to say, when it is filled with a great calm ...

... t, or what are the grand lines of his philosophy? For if his thought is not developed in the severe systematic method of later thinkers, if it does not come down to us in large streams of subtle reasoning and opulent imagery like Plato's but in detached aphoristic sentences aimed like arrows at truth, still they are not really scattered philosophical reflections. There is an inter-relation, an int... the oneness of the Spirit, and it proves nothing else. Therefore, on this truth of eternal oneness and eternal multiplicity Heraclitus fixes and anchors himself; from his firm acceptance of it, not reasoning it away but accepting all its consequences, flows all the rest of his philosophy. Still, one question remains to be resolved before we can move a step farther. Since there is an eternal One, what ...


... know and enter into the ultimate Reality. Intellectual speculation, logical reasoning as to Whether there is or is not such a greater consciousness cannot carry us very far. What we need is a way to get the experience of it, to reach it, enter into it, live in it. If we can get that, intellectual speculation and reasoning must fall necessarily into a very secondary place and even lose their reason ...


... it is only when the body is forgotten and the vital part consents to quietude that a man can concentrate himself in thought and follow undisturbed the consecutive development whether of a train of reasoning or a train of inspiration. Not only is this so, but the higher faculties of the mind can only work at their best when the lower are quieted. If the accumulations in the chitta, the recording part... thought-sensations good and bad, false and true which we call mind—manas. It is this freedom which is called the scientific spirit. To form no conclusions which are not justified by observation and reasoning, to doubt everything until it is proved but to deny nothing until it is disproved, to be always ready to reconsider old conclusions in the light of new facts, to give a candid consideration to every ...


... disposition of circumstances is such that they concur to help and execute and not mar and obstruct. But how to find out or recognise when such conditions are available? Not by your mind or external reasoning. You must have the intuition, an instinctive perception of the situation. Always the indication is there in the very poise of your consciousness. That is to say, when it is filled with a great ...

... faithful to me, in other words, you must be nice to me, must not exploit me etc.' Dogs do not have these complexities, for they have a very rudimentary mind. They have not this marvellous capacity of reasoning which drives man to commit such foolishness. But, of course, we cannot go back to the dog state. What we have to do is to rise higher, to become a super-man, to have the dog's quality on a higher ...

... by the Avatar, it merely means that there is no divinity in man that can respond to the divinity in the Avatar. You make a flourish of reasonings and do not see the consequence of your reasonings. It is no use saying "I believe this or that" and then reasoning in a way which leads logically to the very negation of what you believe. I admitted that Avatars have many difficulties, but because they... 410 must take account if you want to get the exact measure of my reasoning and its significance. 10 February 1935 I would like to know something about my "bad logic" [ p. 408 ] before I write anything further to you. Helps to finding out your bad logic. I give instances expressed or implied in your reasonings. Bad logic No 1) Because things have not been, therefore they can never... been several—have appeared only as meaningless foam and froth on the excited crest of the dispute. I fear you have not grasped the internalities and modalities and causalities of my high and subtle reasoning. It is not surprising as you are down down in the troughs of the rigidly logically illogical human reason while I am floating on the heights amid the infinite plasticities of the overmind and the ...


... dreams of the poets and artists, the visions of the seers and prophets, all would be quenched and blown away by the chill breath of the sense-mind or the reasoning mind refusing to look beyond the physical facts of life. It is the tyranny of the reasoning mind, swearing by the exclusive reality of Matter, that is responsible for the poverty of the higher intelligence in modern man and the remarkable paucity... purification of the rest of the nature, so far as the majority of men are concerned; but it must not be thought that the purified buddhi is only a fully developed intellect, brilliant in its work of reasoning and discernment. ¹ The Synthesis of Yoga—by Sri Aurobindo Page 244 It is more than intellect,—it is intelligence, in which there is less of intellection and more of light. ...

... insipid, worthless.... The highest concepts thus lose their freshness after a time and the intelligence which delighted in transcendental speculations suddenly feels an imperious need to abandon all reasonings and all its philosophy and contemplate life with the marvelling gaze of a child, so as no longer to remember anything of its past knowledge, were it even a sovereignly divine one.... It is true ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... full capacity of the body. It is to that end, the fullness of the body potential, that the culture of the bodily limbs is to be directed. In the same way, mental culture—the power of thinking, reasoning, arguing—has its value in its relation to the total culture of the mind and consciousness. There are higher regions of consciousness beyond the reach of the intellect; and you have to Page ...

... the full capacity of the body. It is to that end, the fullness of the body potential, that the culture of the bodily limbs is to be directed. In the same way, mental culture-the power of thinking, reasoning, arguing -has its value in its relation to the total culture of the mind and consciousness. There are higher regions of consciousness beyond the reach of the intellect; and you have to stop all i ...

... Mediaeval and Modern is incorrect. Does he mean that there are no differences or that the differences of epochs are to be overlooked? (After some time) In a philosopher it is not the process of reasoning that is important, for he blinds himself to everything else in order to arrive at his conclusion. Therefore what you have to do is to take his conclusions and even in taking the conclusions you have... It is something that answers the need of evolution and can vary. PURANI: Probably something in a man's mind has already accepted the conclusions, unknown to the man himself, and it is by his reasoning that he seems to arrive at them. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it is something unknown to the surface consciousness of course! Then, again, the human ego comes in. It is so limited that it thinks the... changes completely the course of history. That is an inrush of forces. PURANI: Thinkers like Emerson and Shaw believe that human beings have not made any substantial progress in their powers of reasoning since the Greeks.— SRI AUROBINDO: It is quite true. Of course, you have today a vaster field and more ample material than the Greeks had, but in the handling of them the present-day mind is not ...


... what I the author am still trying to understand after twenty years!" But if you said that he wrote Nonsense he would be happy, for Nonsense is the opposite of all that the reasoning intelligence can make head or tail of, the reasoning intelligence which is the chief power of Science as well as in one way or another the chief power of what we call Common- Page 240 sense. Yes, Mallarme... he would not be Mallarme if he let you rest satisfied that you had got hold of him by the right end in saying so. Nonsense in Mallarmean poetry is not the meaningless: it is the Meaning which the reasoning intelligence cannot grasp. According to him, this intelligence grasps what really has no value — the world of physical events and all in the mind that is close to physical facts and correlates them... poetry is to write such Nonsense as brings up to our vision exact yet enigmatic images that transcend our experience of the physical world and to combine these images in a manner baffling to the reasoning intelligence and by this combination instil in us the vivid feeling of a wondrous Void where world and thought seem beatifically extin-guished and even the most strange imagery dissolves and the most ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... satisfaction and its most precise and effective principle of organisation in the reasoning and logical intelligence. It is true that man is not and cannot be wholly governed either in his thought or his action by the reason alone. His mentality is inextricably subjected to a joint, mixed and intricate action of the reasoning intelligence with two other powers, an intuition, actually only half luminous... other powers is in its own kind an intimate action of the spirit operating in mind and life and has a more direct and spontaneous character and immediate power for perception and action than the reasoning intelligence. But yet neither of these powers is capable of organising for man his mental existence. His life-mind—its instincts, its impulses,—is not and cannot be self-sufficient and predominant... as Page 849 a supplier of materials and data, but no longer quite itself or at ease in its action because half rationalised, dependent at least on some infused element however vague of reasoning or intelligent activity and incapable of acting to good purpose without the aid of the intelligence. Its roots and place of perfection are in the subconscient from which it emerges and man's business ...


... use of logical reasoning that it proceeds, but by a comparison of intuitions and experiences in which the less luminous gives place to the more luminous, the narrower, faultier or less essential to the more comprehensive, more perfect, more essential. The question asked by one sage of another is "What dost thou know?", not "What dost thou think?" nor "To what conclusion has thy reasoning arrived?" Nowhere... Nowhere in the Upanishads do we find any trace of logical reasoning urged in support of the truths of Vedanta. Intuition, the sages seem to have held, must be corrected by a more perfect intuition; logical reasoning cannot be its judge. And yet the human reason demands its own method of satisfaction. Therefore when the age of rationalistic speculation began, Indian philosophers, respectful of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... knowledge." 28 Intuition [Ordinarily, intuition means the power of understanding things immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. In this ordinary sense, intuition may be based on a feeling, or it may be a rapid "subconscious reasoning" based on subtle cues which are not consciously apprehended. But as employed by Sri Aurobindo to refer to the superconscient plane above the Illumined ...


... Eckart was a blazing Jew-baiter, preaching a purification of the German race from the Jewish Evil and the advent of a Führer who would lead the Germans toward their glorious future; but his way of reasoning and his philosophical categories were too abstract for Hitler’s demagoguery. How could Hitler preach the elimination and extermination of the Jews while saying that their evil, the poison of a demonic... gut feelings, and any combination of simplistic arguments will do to justify it, even if very loosely stitched together. The assent of the audience was obtained by the power of speech, not by the reasoning behind it. Still, so many terms (poison, parasite, bacillus) and concepts Hitler was using, and will keep using in the future, are there in the Eckart text, written in the form of a dialogue among ...


... movements and also through its own angle the other parts. Likewise the physical has a Purusha and it too observes through its own consciousness. The mental Purusha says, "I see I am thinking, reasoning etc."; the vital Purusha says, "I see I am angry, violent or enjoying, energising etc."; the physical Purusha says, "I see I am acting, walking, running etc." Now each of these three Purushas, in ...

... however far off, and meanwhile there is not the slightest doubt that it helps to get things done. There's a bit of reasoning for you! just like all other reasoning too, convincing to the convinced, but not to the unconvincible, i.e., who don't agree with the ground upon which the reasoning dances. Logic after all is only a measured dance of the mind, nothing else. Page 197 The day before... 7 July 1936 I would prefer to avoid all public controversy especially if it touches in the least on politics. Gandhi's theories are like other mental theories built on a basis of one-sided reasoning and claiming for a limited truth (that of non-violence and of passive resistance) a universality which it cannot have. Such theories will always exist so long as the mind is the main instrument of... 1935 Here is Subhas the despairer: "It is no use trying to argue with you. You are quite blind. Reason is but the slave of your faith. When I think how a person of your calibre can surrender his reasoning in this way, I feel like despairing of my country. Everywhere we find the same thing. You regard Sri Aurobindo as God Incarnate. So many regard Mahatma Gandhi in the same light. My own mother—whose ...


... vital movements and also through its own angle the other parts. Likewise the physical has a Purusha and it too observes through its own conscious-ness. The mental Purusha says, "I see I am thinking, reasoning, etc."; the vital Purusha says, "I see I am angry, violent or enjoying, energising, etc."; the physical Purusha says, "I see I am acting, walking, running, etc." Now each of these three Purushas, ...

... It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions and unsteadiness of the waking mind. It can use too its will... in which, though immersed in itself, it exercises all its powers. The experiences of the dream-state are infinitely various. For not only has it sovereign possession of the usual mental powers, reasoning, discrimination, will, imagination, and can use them in whatever way, on whatever subject, for whatever purpose it pleases, but it is able to establish connection with all the worlds to which it has... soul grows in height, range and self-mastery. Especially, withdrawing from the distraction of sensible things, it can, in a perfect power of concentrated self-seclusion, prepare itself by a free reasoning, thought, discrimination, or more intimately, more finally, by an ever deeper vision and identification, for access to the Divine, the supreme Self, the transcendent Truth, both in its principles ...


... is only partially successful, it is still dhyana. Ordinary thought is not dhyana. Ordinary thought is simply the restlessness of the mind playing with associations, speculations, trains of reasoning. In order to have dhyana the restlessness of the mind must be utterly stilled, the intellect must become like a calm and movement, not a ripple on its surface. The principle is that all knowledge ...


... Mahratta with the most crushing completeness and there is no possible answer to the array of authorities, precedents and sound argument which he has marshalled in those pieces of perfect political reasoning unrivalled in their force and clearness of exposition. Whoever wishes to draft a constitution for the Congress must take this great issue into consideration and lay down clearly, first the powers ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... practical than of written arithmetic, with an emphasis on the development of the faculty of mental arithmetic. It is more difficult, but it greatly increases the capacity for inner visualisation and reasoning. It is a very effective way of developing true intelligence instead of memorised knowledge. When one knows mental arithmetic and understands arithmetic, it then takes very little time to learn ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... as he has been defined, a reasoning animal, but it is necessary to add that he is, for the most part, a very badly-reasoning animal. He does not ordinarily think for the sake of finding out the truth, but much more for the satisfaction of his mental preferences and emotional tendencies; his conclusions spring from his preferences, prejudices and passions; and his reasoning & logic paraded to justify ...


... therefore, to confine ourselves to the training of the storing faculty memory and the storage of facts and to neglect the training of the three great using (manipulating) faculties, viz. the power of reasoning, the power of comparison  and differentiation and the power of expression. These  powers are present to a certain extent in all men above  the state of the savage and even in a rudimentary state the... affected by  the mere change or rearrangement of the curriculum. It is true that certain subjects are more apt to develop certain Page 58 faculties than others; the power of accurate reasoning is powerfully assisted by Geometry, Logic and Political Economy; one of the most important results of languages is to refine and train the power of expression and nothing more enlarges the power of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... made the decision and keep to it; when they are here, it is for the Yoga that they come, when they are elsewhere, the will for the Yoga remains with them there. You have to get rid of your constant reasonings and see whether you can do without the impulse towards Yoga or not—if you cannot, then it is useless thinking of the ordinary life without Yoga—your nature will compel you to seek after it even if... seek all your life with a small result. But the small result Page 445 is mainly due to the mind which always came in the way and the vital weakness which gives it its support for its reasonings. If you fixed your will irrevocably, that would give you a chance—and whether you followed it here or elsewhere would make only a minor difference. I suggested the Gita method for you because ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Nationalist Work in England We publish in this issue an article by Sj. Bipin Chandra Pal in which he suggests the necessity of a Nationalist agency or bureau in England, and states the reasoning which has led him to modify the views formerly held by the whole party on the inutility of work in England under the present political conditions. Bipin Babu has been busy, ever since his departure... facts;—many political and psychological factors would interfere. If we are to change our opinion, it must be either as the result of new experience showing the effect of agitation in England or of new reasoning correcting the imperfections of our old premises and conclusions. The only fact that seems to be in favour of a readjustment of our views, is the energetic campaign in Parliament of Mr. Mackarness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... homoeopathic medicine, how do you select it? By intuition? And how do you know that your intuition is correct? DR. SAVOOR: Intuition by its very definition means something not obtained by logical reasoning; so it must be correct. NIRODBARAN (to Sri Aurobindo) : You told me that Dr. Ramachandra uses mental intuition. So there must be various levels of intuition. SRI AUROBINDO: By mental intuition ...


... members have to be exalted and raised before they can be fully spiritualised, before they can directly feel the spirit and obey its law. An intellectual formula is often needed by the thinking and reasoning mind, a form or ceremony by the aesthetic temperament or other parts of the infrarational being, a set moral code by man's vital nature in their turn towards the inner life. But these things are ...


... alone, away from the dividing and limiting operation of the mind, we shall realise the unity of universal existence and the truth of both our essential and phenomenal being. But the pleasures of reasoning and speculation have so enthralled us that we think we can know everything by means of them, and even if, as in spiritual life, we feel the need of silencing or at least quieting the mind, we cannot... activity which revels in the analysis, synthesis, criticism and exposition of spiritual truths of which our mind knows little or nothing by realisation, but everything by imagination, inference and reasoning, or, at second-hand, from books; and many a promising spiritual career is wrecked by this overmastering passion to know and understand and expound, rather than to be and become, which should be the... presence. ”¹ It will have been clear from the above consideration that, in spiritual life, the best discipline for the mind is its rejection of all egoistic interests and habits of thought and reasoning, and a growing surrender, in serenity and silence, to the divine Light. None of its essential functions have to be suppressed, but all have to be offered and polarised to the Infinite. "When we ...


... one can't give anything more. SATYENDRA: There will be so many commentaries on The Life Divine in the future. PURANI: There won't be much room for them. There is a sufficient body of mental reasoning in the book for everyone to be able to understand it. If the book had been like the Sutras, there would have been more room. SRI AUROBINDO: Even so, I suppose different interpretations will be ...


... could see without subservient dependence on the testimony of the sense-mind and senses; imagination would give place to the self-assured inspiration of the truth, reasoning to the spontaneous discernment of relations and conclusion from reasoning to an intuition containing in itself those relations and not building laboriously upon them, judgment to a thought-vision in whose light the truth would stand... chastened and rightly-guided imagination view all in the light of a trained and disciplined judgment. Such is the pure intellectual understanding of which disinterested observation, judgment and reasoning are the law and characterising action. But the term buddhi is also used in another and profounder sense. The intellectual understanding is only the lower buddhi ; there is another and a higher ...


... underlying science, shows in his essay La société pure – de Darwin à Hitler that Darwin’s evolutionary theory, based on his observations of nature, did not have a scientific leg to stand on. The reasoning supporting the theory was borrowed, he says, from British sociologists and economists, especially from Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus and Francis Galton. How the species evolved, which was the process... or not created by a God. (Eugenics – and ultimately the eradication of a people that was supposed to be harmful, like the Jews – was therefore a development in the logical order of things.) Such reasoning left no longer any possibility open for an upward evolution beyond animal man, into a future where the human being might rise above his animal characteristics. In a materialistic era Social Darwinism ...


... revelations is alone the eternal Word of God and all others are either imposters or less imperfectly inspired, that this or that doctrine or philosophical or theological reasoning is the page - 68 last word of the reasoning intellect and other systems are either errors or saved only by such partial truth in them as leaves them to the one true philosophical cult. Humanity is, however, inclined ...

... But I went on and at last they took Tunisia. If you depend upon reason then you can't know what is Truth. Germany fought Russia on her reason and won and now Russia is fighting Germany on her reasoning and is winning. It is apparent it is not reason which is giving anyone the success. There is, or must be, something behind that decides these things. Our people cannot understand why one who has ...

... state of the individual because something comes in between the eye's perception and the brain's reception. It is very subtle; the brain receives the eye's perceptions through the nerves; there is no reasoning, it is so to say instantaneous, but there is a short passage between the eye's perception and the cell which is to respond and evaluate it in the brain. And it is this evaluation of the brain which ...


... All these are so much dominated and conditioned by the thinking and reasoning conscious-being in us that we have no real awareness of these lower planes; we are unable to perceive in their own terms what these parts of us are doing, and receive it very imperfectly in the terms and values of the thinking and reasoning mind. 16 Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but... inconscient to the inconscient, — for sense and reflex action, [yet it] becomes absurd if we try to explain by it thought and will, the imagination of the poet, the attention of the scientist, the reasoning of the philosopher. Call it mechanical cerebration, if you will, but no mere mechanism of grey stuff of brain can explain these things; a gland cannot write Hamlet or pulp of brain work out ...


... being with his surroundings was effected. What the Vedanta is, intrinsically, I have already hinted. It is the reaffirmation of Veda or Brahmavidya, not by metaphysical speculation or inferential reasoning, but by spiritual experience and supra-intellectual inspiration. If this idea be true, then by interpreting correctly the Vedanta, we shall come to some knowledge of what God is, what man, of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Hitler and his God Man is a Transitional Being One of Sri Aurobindo’s aphorisms says: “Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges.” 934 In other words, the place of the human being is somewhere on the upward ladder, though ...


... that supreme point of the earth where they still placed the sacred mountain of their gods. Necessarily, this explanation is in the highest degree conjectural and depends on pure intellectual reasoning which is an unsafe guide in the absence of solid and sufficient data. Nevertheless, it is the one positive explanation that suggests itself to us and, as a hypothesis, is well worth taking into c ...


... in the world could never hope to write it. I don't mean here the bringing down of the highest Truth, but the power of expression, the art of reasoning and arguing. There is very little argument in my philosophy - the elaborate metaphysical reasoning full of abstract words with which the metaphysician tries to establish his conclusion is not there. What is there is a harmonising of the different... asked to continue his studies here, while I was asked to give them up and take up physical work. Consequently his mind is more developed. He can reason much better than I. Well? X is more reasoningly stupid, that is the only difference. Intelligence does not depend on the amount one has read, it is a quality of the mind. Study only gives it material for its work as Page 61 ... concerned with the mental things and have nothing much to do with the practice of Yoga. Why should you expect the theory of logic to have anything to do with Yoga - it is concerned with mental reasoning, not with spiritual experience. Cooking also has nothing to do with Yoga; you can't cut up Brahman and the Purusha and surrender and put them into the dishes either as a vegetable or a sauce. All ...

... in the world. One argument, for instance, often put forward triumphantly in disproof is this that we have no memory of our past lives and therefore there were no past lives! One smiles to see such reasoning seriously used by those who imagine that they are something more than intellectual children. The argument proceeds on psychological grounds and yet it ignores the very nature of our ordinary or physical... recall that which was before infancy, before birth, before itself was formed. And if it cannot, we are to cry, "Disproved your reincarnation theory!" The sapient insipiency of our ordinary human reasoning could go no farther than in this sort of ratiocination. Obviously, if our past lives are to be remembered whether as fact and state or in their events and images, it can only be by a psychical memory... argument of the reincarnationist is so far a good argument and respect-worthy, though not conclusive. But there is another more clamorously advanced which seems to me to be on a par with the hostile reasoning from absence of memory, at least in the form in which it is usually advanced to attract unripe minds. This is the ethical argument by which it is sought to justify God's ways with the world or the ...


... been, therefore, to confine ourselves to the training of the storing faculty memory and the storage of facts and to neglect the training of the three great manipulating faculties, viz. the power of reasoning, the power of comparison and differentiation and the power of expression. These powers are present to a certain extent in all men above the Page 359 state of the savage and even in a ... effected by the mere change or rearrangement of the curriculum. It is true that certain subjects are more apt to develop certain faculties than others; the power of accurate Page 360 reasoning is powerfully assisted by Geometry, Logic & Political Economy; one of the most important results of languages is to refine & train the power of expression, and nothing more enlarges the power of ...


... I cannot find the way to remove the misunderstanding about her smile or her seeing some persons often or treating European sadhaks specially and other such things which indicate partiality. With reasoning it is easy to understand, but the feeling persists. But why indulge a feeling which has not truth or good sense or reason at its back? This accusation of partiality rests first on feelings of ...

... of modern man seems to be to find means of destruction as well as to find means of protection. Human ingenuity!—but after all it is an extension of the animal ingenuity. Man is supposed to be a reasoning animal. In early days destruction was intelligible—it was necessary for self- protection. EVENING The radio news: clash between the Russian and Rumanian soldiers on the frontier. Gathering of ...


... one's soul. Moreover, it is by no means an illusion, otherwise the Divine too will be an illusion. We are saved from the impulse by the descent of the Avatar.       I do not understand the reasoning. If the soul's natural impulse is to seek laya and that is the true Page 235 theory, otherwise the Divine would be an illusion, then anything contrary to it (e.g. my teaching that ...

... compelled them to riot and plunder and worse, so anxious were the people of Jamalpur and Dewangunj to bring on themselves the worst outrages and insults. With such brilliant powers of insight and reasoning, Mr. Garth ought to have come much more to the front as a barrister than he has succeeded in doing. The case for the Mahomedans as presented by this brilliant special pleader is that they were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... have irritated the Mahomedans into revolt. Whether Mr. Morley made this statement out of a sweet trustfulness in the man on the spot or relying upon his philosophical judgment and innate powers of reasoning does not concern us at all. Everyone knows that the statement is untrue. The boycott was no doubt the final cause of the hooliganism in the East just as the Russian revolutionary movement was the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... risk of overstatement. In the process of overmental transformation what I have observed is that the Overmind first takes up the illumined and higher mind and intellect (thinking, perceiving and reasoning intelligence) into itself and modifies itself to suit the operation—the result is what may be called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... philosophy. Ideas and thoughts began to flow in, visions and spiritual experience. Insight and spiritual perception, a sort of revelation built my philosophy. It was not by any process of mental reasoning or argument that I wrote the Arya . NIRODBARAN: Then you didn't try by the mind to understand? SRI AUROBINDO: As I said, I read only one page of Kant and then gave it up, because it wouldn't ...


... know and enter into the ultimate Reality. Intellectual speculation, logical reasoning as to whether there is or is not such a greater consciousness cannot carry us very far. What we need is a way to get the experience of it, to reach it, enter into it, live in it. If we can get that, intellectual speculation and reasoning must fall necessarily into a very secondary place and even lose their reason... the light of metaphysical reasoning generalisations drawn from spiritual experience; and it was always on the basis of that experience that they proceeded and with the evidence of the spiritual seekers as a supreme proof ranking higher than intellectual speculation or inference. In that way they preserved the freedom of spiritual and mystic experience and allowed the reasoning intellect to come in only... illusion, extravagance, hallucination or what not—the usual charges of the positive earth-walking intellect against mystic experience; but I have to take the risk if I want to do it at all. The reasoning intellect bases itself on man's normal conscious ness, it proceeds by the workings of a mental perception and conception of things; it is at its ease only when founded on a logical basis formed by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... cause no trouble, and if life must last forever, it causes no trouble—like that, you understand ( perfectly equal and sovereign gesture ): SPONTANEOUS, spontaneous, effortless acceptance, without reasoning, without... spontaneous and total, like that ( same gesture ). That's the second point. And the third: a tre-men-dous will! Every moment it expresses itself as... For instance, something is thrown ...


... existence. Intellectual statement is an account to our intelligence and a justification by reasoning of a seeing of things which pre-exists in our turn of mind or temperament or in some tendency of our nature and Page 510 secretly predetermines the very reasoning that claims to lead to it. That reasoning itself can be conclusive only if the perception of things on which it rests is both a true... the Inconscient, between Heaven and Earth, between God and the World, between the limitless One and the limited Many, between the Knowledge and the Ignorance. We have arrived by the train of our reasoning at the conclusion that this need be no more than an error of the sense-mind and the logical intellect founded upon a partial experience. We have seen that there can be and is a perfectly rational... of that which exceeds it and it is by its own self-exceeding and transformation into that that it can find and develop into a complete form its own real essence. But there is one point in the reasoning which till now we have left somewhat obscure, and it is precisely in this matter of the coexistence of the Knowledge and the Ignorance. Admittedly, we start here from conditions which are the opposite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... phrases in which he has justified wickedness to an admiring nation. "Man has been defined sometimes as a political animal and sometimes as a reasoning animal... He is a political animal who has always made a triumphant mess of politics, a reasoning animal whose continual occupation it is to make a system out of his blunders, a literary animal who is always the slave of a phrase and not the least... about the same business will be brilliantly foolish and convincingly illogical, while the philosopher will be logically illogical and talk nonsense according to the strictest rules of philosophical reasoning. "An ordinary man may turn his back on his principles and he will be called a turn-coat or he may break all the commandments and he will be punished by the law and society, — unless of course... it; in Egypt, which is hot, you can change it for thin alpaca; in India, where it is very hot indeed, you need not wear a coat at all... It is just so with principles, democratic and other.' The reasoning is excellent and of a very wide application. For instance, it may be wrong in England to convict a political opponent for political Page 379 reasons of an offence of which you know ...

... attacking—they attack whenever and whoever they can. What one has to see is that nothing responds or admits them. There is always this critical hostile voice in everybody's nature, questioning, reasoning, denying the experience itself, suggesting doubt of oneself and doubt of the Divine. One has to recognise it as the voice of the Adversary trying to prevent the progress and refuse credence to it... in motion goes its round till it stops or something intervenes to stop it. This justification by the mind gives it strength to assert itself and remain or, when thrown back, to recur. For if these reasonings were not there, you would at once see the situation and disengage yourself from it or at any rate would perceive that such a course of feeling and conduct is not worthy of you and draw back from... brain, so it is quite possible that it may be felt as coming in through the head from above. That does not mean that it came from regions above the mind (higher Mind, intuition or Overmind). Correct reasoning means no more than coherent argument from a certain standpoint and does not validate a fit of anger or indicate for it a non-adverse source. It [ a vibration of anger which entered the body ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... which goes beyond Mind and enters into spiritual realities. Each mind is satisfied with its own reasoning, but for spiritual purposes that satisfaction has no validity, except as an indication of how far and on what line each one is prepared to go in the field of spiritual experience. If your reasoning leads you towards the Shankara idea of the Supreme, that might be an indication that the Vedanta... has a place, though it cannot have the chief place it occupies in purely mental philosophies. The Mayavadin himself labours to establish his point of view or his experience by a rigorous logical reasoning. Only, when it comes to an explanation of Maya he, like the scientist dealing with Nature, can do no more than arrange and organise his ideas of the process of this universal mystification; he cannot ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Indian philosophy has always recognised the claim of experience to be superior to that of mere intellectual reasoning, and it is interesting to note that the entire trend of modern inquiry seems to turn back to the primacy and superiority of experience over mere speculation and 'fictions' of reasoning. It is then in the recovery of this Indianness of Page 469 Indian philosophy that the future... the world. But, still, Indian philosophy has been primarily a darshan, a vision based upon spiritual experience and channelised into a metaphysical system by means of intellectual processes of reasoning. Even when intellectual speculations have been free both in regard to the premises and conclusions, still the conclusions have never been accepted as authentic unless they have been found verifiable ...

... capacity of calm, measured and comprehensive deliberation which is usually Page 78 called intellect or reasoning power, and which, though it is far from the whole of thought, is essential to the completeness of thought and action. By itself the logical or reasoning intellect creates the accurate and careful scholar, the sober critic, the rationalist and cautious politician, the conservative... the nucleus of fresh discovery and enlarged creation. An education that confines itself to imparting knowledge, is no education. The various faculties of memory, judgment, imagination, perception, reasoning, which build the edifice of thought and knowledge for the knower, must not only be equipped with their fit and sufficient tools and materials, but trained to bring fresh materials Page 82 ...

... people. In sermons without number the Germans were presented as God’s people because God had entrusted them with the task of lifting up the world, by means of this war, to a higher cultural level. The reasoning follows that God has proposed to them to become victorious and powerful also on the material level; they have to accept this proposal because God’s intention is the well-being of the German people ...


... Madrasi and Maratha, in the capacity of calm, measured and comprehensive deliberation which is usually called intellect or reasoning power, and which, though it is far from the whole of thought, is essential to the completeness of thought and action. By itself the logical or reasoning intellect creates the accurate and careful scholar, the sober critic, the rationalist and cautious politician, the conservative... the nucleus of fresh discovery and enlarged creation. An education that confines itself to imparting knowledge, is no education. The various faculties of memory, judgment, imagination, perception, reasoning, which build the edifice of thought and knowledge for the knower, must not only be equipped with their fit and sufficient tools and materials, but trained to bring fresh materials and use more skilfully ...


... transmitted instinct—with an absorbed devotion of it to the securing of some particular utility Page 106 or with a useful but hardly luminous application of a customary and transmitted reasoning to the necessary practical interests of his life. Even the thinking man ordinarily limits his reason to the working out of certain preferred ideas; he ignores or denies all that is not useful to these... not only an Absolute, an Infinite in itself which governs its own expression in many forms and tendencies, but there is also a principle of infinite potentiality and variation quite baffling to the reasoning intelligence; for the reason deals successfully only with the settled and the finite. In man this difficulty reaches its acme. For not only is mankind unlimited in potentiality; not only is each of... supreme commands, or as one channel of the sovereign authority, because that hidden Power acts at present not directly but through many agents and messengers. The real sovereign is another than the reasoning intelligence. Man's impulse to be free, master of Nature in himself and his environment cannot be Page 112 really fulfilled until his self-consciousness has grown beyond the rational mentality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... devoid of any thought or mental movement: "there was no ego, no real world". Herein lies the first fundamental characteristic of yogic knowledge — it is based on experience, not on thought or reasoning. Thus yoga psychology, like modern psychology, is an empirical science, that is, a body of knowledge based on observed or experiential data; Page 303 it is not a philosophy arrived... in addition to the physical senses, yoga psychology employs subtler inner senses belonging to the subliminal consciousness. Further, unlike modern psychology which relies solely on intellectual reasoning in drawing conclusions from observations, yoga psychology utilises an intuitive perception for assessing the significance and validity of experiences which pertain to non-ordinary states of co... Page 312 into itself all truth and sees objects of knowledge all at once in their essence, totality and parts or aspects] is not a systematised result of mental questionings and reasonings, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in terms of the highest probability, but rather a pure self-existent and self-luminous Truth." 22 Such knowledge of the essential nature ...


... Indian philosophy has always recognised the claim of experience to be superior to that of mere intellectual reasoning, and it is interesting to note that the entire trend of modern inquiry seems to turn back to the primacy and superiority of experience over mere speculation and "fictions' of reasoning. It is then in the recovery of this Indianness of Indian philosophy that the future conflict of science... the world. But, still, Indian philosophy has been primarily a darshan, a vision based upon spiritual experience and channelised into a metaphysical system by means of intellectual processes of reasoning. Even when intellectual speculations have been free both in regard to the premises and conclusions, still the conclusions have never been accepted as authentic unless they have been found verifiable ...

... and experience are the doors of the Spirit. It cannot be attained either by logical reasoning or by scholastic investigation,—na pravachanena, na bahuná srutena ... na tarkenaishá matir apaneyá. "Not by explanation of texts nor by much learning" ... "not by logic is this realisation attainable." Logical reasoning and scholastic research can only be aids useful for confirming to the intellect what... enquiry. To the logical reason of Page 551 modern men revelation is a chimera, inspiration only a rapid intellectual selection of thoughts or words, intuition a swift and obscure process of reasoning, intuitive discrimination a brilliant and felicitous method of guessing. But to the Vedic mind they were not only real and familiar, but valid processes; our Indian ancients held them to be the supreme... Each therefore has a double movement, one swift, direct, fruitful, but unsafe, the other more deliberate and certain. The direct process of metaphysics is speculation, its confirmatory process is reasoning under strict Page 552 rules of verbal logic; the direct process of science is hypothesis, its confirmatory process is proof by physical experiment or by some kind of sensational evidence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... a passage towards the true knowledge. It is no use trying to decide the things of the Spirit by the power and in the light of the intellect. The intellect can only reason and infer and its reasonings are partial and its inferences vitiated by error. One has to awaken the divinations in the soul, the psychic being, and wait for a higher knowledge which comes from above. It is not safe to listen... common human faculty—and habit. Perhaps it is here that man begins to diverge from the animal; for animals have much intelligence—many animals and even insects—even some rudimentary power of practical reasoning, but so far as we know, they don't meet Page 15 and put their ideas about things side by side or sling them at each other in a debate, 1 as even the most ignorant human can do and very ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... he was in those moments. The Force is not a matter for reasoning or theory but of experience. If I have written about the Force, it is because both the Mother and myself have had many thousand experiences in which it acted Page 37 and produced results of every kind. This idea of the Force has nothing to do with theory or reasoning but is felt constantly by every Yogin; it is part of his ...


... great beings descended. Then whatever your external cloak, how could you hide your inner self—the true divinity—from them? But why cannot the inner self be hidden from all in such lives? Your reasoning would only have some force if the presence on earth then were as the Avatar, but not if it was only as a Vibhuti. So, in answer to the question, "Presence where and in whom?" I would say, "Presence ...

... practical than of written arithmetic, with an emphasis on the development of the faculty of mental arithmetic. It is more difficult, but it greatly increases the capacity for inner visualisation and reasoning. It is a very effective way of developing true intelligence instead of memorised knowledge. When one knows mental arithmetic and understands arithmetic, it then takes very little time to learn ...


... are comprehensive, creative and synthetic; the faculties of the lefthand critical and analytic. To the righthand belong judgment, imagination, memory, observation; to the lefthand comparison and reasoning. The critical faculties distinguish, compare, classify, generalise, deduce, infer, conclude; they are the component parts of the logical reason. The righthand faculties comprehend, command, judge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... burdens drop was peculiar to Sarojini. And even leaders greater from the constructive and energetic point of view were avid of this intoxication, for it took the edge, off difficulties which the reasoning mind could not help taking too seriously. Sarojini did not overlook difficulties but she rendered them transpicuous, as it were, and showed a refreshing and resplendent future beyond them. ...

... course, they also say that the Mother may see some people very often because of their special needs or difficulties. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling) : All chat is humbug, because it is deduced by mental reasoning. If it were a question of seeing or feeling it would be a different matter. EVENING PURANI: J asks: Is there a universal plane called the universal psychic, like the universal vital or the universal ...


... be full of thoughts and ideas. It must be stored with the results of your observation and study. It must not be a "poor mind", a mind, that is to say, that has not many ideas nor the capacity of reasoning and argument. Your mind must be capable of thinking of many different things, gathering knowledge of different kinds, considering a problem from many different sides, not following only a single line ...

... be full of thoughts and ideas. It must be stored with the results of your observation and study. It must not be a "poor mind", a mind, that is to say, that has not many ideas nor the capacity of reasoning and argument. Your mind must be capable of thinking of many different things, gathering knowledge of different kinds, considering a problem from many different sides, not following only a single line ...

... existence. The objection to a teleological cosmos can be based on two very different grounds,—a scientific reasoning proceeding on the assumption that all is the work of an inconscient Energy which acts automatically by mechanical processes and can have no element of purpose in it, and a metaphysical reasoning which proceeds on the perception that the Infinite and Universal has everything in it already, that... just conscious instinct; it develops slowly till in more organised forms of living Matter it reaches its climax of intelligence and exceeds itself in Man, the thinking animal who develops into the reasoning mental being but carries along with him even at his highest elevation the mould of original animality, the dead weight of subconscience of body, the downward pull of gravitation towards the original... fundamentally and unchangeably a world of Ignorance,—even if all cosmic existence is not in its nature a state of Ignorance,—that escape is likely to be the true end of the cycle. This is a line of reasoning that has a considerable cogency and importance, and it was necessary to state it, even if too briefly for its importance, in order to meet it. For although some of its propositions are valid, its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... delusions acquire an infinite power for mischief. People listen to them because they claim to be Nationalist and because a sincere Nationalist feeling not infrequently breaks through the false Loyalist reasoning. Moreover by associating themselves with the Moderates on the same platform the Loyalists are enabled to exercise an influence on public opinion which would otherwise not be accorded to them. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... own higher light that the Divine Consciousness from which they had descended was already here in a physical form.       But why can't the inner self be hidden from all in such lives? Your reasoning would only have some force if the presence on earth then were as the Avatar but not if it was only as a Vibhuti.         You have asked, "Presence where and in whom?" Why have you put those ...

... bondages and limitations of body, life and mind. But there exists a world, a plane above these three; and there the; knowledge of man does not depend on gross physical sensations or on syllogistic reasonings. There the knowledge is self-revealing, undeformed and infallible. It is called Intuition, Revelation. There the restless wild urge of action or blind agitations of numberless sensations have turned ...

... happened in the particular case of Mr. Morley. A mind clouded by national self-interest and perverted by European prejudices and contempt for Page 558 Asiatics forbids him to use his reasoning powers on India as he would have used them in the case of an European country similarly circumstanced. Otherwise he would have perhaps understood that the same laws govern and explain all human movements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... recognise the Mother's Force when it acts and to distinguish it from other egoistic or ignorant forces? One has only to be perfectly sincere, not to justify one's own desires and faults by the mind's reasonings, to look impartially and quietly at oneself and one's movements and to call on the Mother's Light—then gradually one will begin to discern everything in that light. Even if it cannot be done perfectly ...

... the mind is educated and has applied itself to various disciplines, the more it becomes capable of proving that what it puts forward or what it says is true. One can prove the truth of anything by reasoning, but that does not make it true. It remains an opinion, a prejudice, a knowledge based on appearances which are themselves more than dubious. So there seems to be only one way out and that is to ...


... silence ) But it's very hard for the body to change. Because it lives only from its habit of living. And every time something of the true way of living filters in, then without thinking, without reasoning or anything like an idea, practically without sensation, almost automatically, the cells panic at the newness of it. So, you understand, Page 20 EVERYTHING has to be changed. It's no longer ...


... their methods. Sri Aurobindo points out that if an animal mind were called upon to leave consciently the safe ground of sense-impulse, sense-understanding and instinct for the perilous adventure of a reasoning intelligence, it might well turn back alarmed and unwilling from the effort. Similarly, he observes that the human mind, when called upon to make a still greater change and, although self-conscious... intuition can operate without interference of the mental methods of operation and can give us ordered and articulated form for the truths that are seen directly, without the operations of mediate reasoning. For understanding the true nature of intuition, we need to transcend the limitations of the mental consciousness and begin to accustom ourselves to looking in through the gates of the being's secret... intuition in our first inexperience. There is something in the intellectual operations which can be called the intellectual insight of a quick intelligence; there is something like rapid judgment of reasoning intellect; there is also what can be called the inspired action of the imaginative intelligence; and there is also something like purely mental seizing of the truth and experience. All these mental ...

... the mind is educated and has applied itself to various disciplines, the more it becomes capable of proving that what it puts forward or what it says is true. One can prove the truth of anything by reasoning, but that does not make it true. It remains an opinion, a prejudice, a knowledge based on appearances which are themselves more than dubious. So there seems to be only one way out and that is to ...


... limitations and vital limitations and also physical limitations. The mind's mental limitations are its notions and concepts, constructed ideas and fabricated comprehensions. The mind bound by its reasoning faculties, its deductive system, its syllogistic scheme, all that scaffolding has to go if the new light is to penetrate and illumine it with the new consciousness. The mind has Page 19 ...

... limitations and vital limitations and also physical limitations. The mind's mental limitations are its notions and concepts, constructed ideas and fabricated comprehensions. The mind bound by its reasoning faculties, its deductive system, its syllogistic scheme, all that scaffolding has to go if the new light is to penetrate and illumine it with the new consciousness. The mind has also a vital element ...

... it over again in other terms. It looks as if, by attempting to arrive at an explanation by means of intellectual reasoning, we have only befogged ourselves by the delusion of our own uncompromising logic: we have imposed on the Absolute the imposition which our too presumptuous reasoning has practised on our own intelligence; we have transformed our mental difficulty in understanding the world-manifestation... It can indeed be met also by a dialectical battle, a logomachy of the logical mind; but that by itself is an artificial method, often a futile combat in the clouds and always inconclusive. Logical reasoning is useful and indispensable in its own field in order to give the mind a certain clearness, precision and subtlety in dealing with its own ideas and word-symbols, so that our perception of the truths... mind in order that we may fall as little as possible into that ordinary mental habit of our kind which turns truth itself into a purveyor of errors. That clarification the habit of clear logical reasoning culminating in the method of metaphysical dialectics does help to accomplish and its part in the preparation of knowledge is therefore very Page 381 great. But by itself it cannot arrive ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... comprehensive, creative and synthetic; the faculties of the left hand critical and analytic. To the right hand belong judgment, imagination, memory, observation; to the left hand comparison and reasoning. The critical faculties distinguish, compare, classify, generalise, deduce, infer, conclude; they are the component parts of the logical reason. The right-hand faculties comprehend, command, judge... facility for mastering another. With the linguistic faculty unsatisfactorily developed in one's own tongue, to master others is impossible. To study science with the faculties of observation, judgment, reasoning and comparison only slightly developed is to undertake a useless and thankless- labour. So it is with all other subjects. The mother-tongue is the proper medium of education. and therefore the... this way he will be trained to form the habit of correct analogy which is an indispensable aid in the acquisition of knowledge. The one faculty we have omitted, apart from the faculty of direct reasoning, is Imagination. This is a most important and indispensable instrument. It may be divided into three functions, the forming of mental images, the power of creating thoughts, images and imitations ...

... consciousness which is a very inferior plane. Even his reason requires data for its knowledge, and argument or reasoning can justify anything. Two quite opposite conclusions can be supported by the aid of the same reasoning.  And your preferences determine which one you accept.  For the data of reasoning, again, you require to depend upon what you see and hear – on your senses. The vital beings are not so... Sri Aurobindo : Yes, it is true. Mind itself understands nothing. You say "this is the reason" but the same act of reasoning can lead you to a quite opposite conclu­sion. Even when a man acts, or seems to act, according to some "reason" he acts not by mental reasoning but by something from above – intuition. At a certain stage the substance of the mind itself is transformed into the intuitive... not the same thing as the physical-mind. It is not this which is behind matter and supports it. It is certain habitual, mental movements repeating themselves with­out any act of pure reasoning. Even if there is reasoning in it, it is mechanical. It goes on moving in its round even when the other parts of the mind are not conscious of it. It goes on mechanically repeating old ideas and sanskaras etc. ...

... gross Matter, would persuade us that the suprasensible is the unreal. This vulgar or rustic error of our corporeal organs does not gain in validity by being promoted into the domain of philosophical reasoning. Obviously, their pretension is unfounded. Even in the world of Matter there are existences of which the physical senses are incapable of taking cognisance. Yet the denial of the suprasensible as... the materially perceptible, which is itself a hallucination. Assuming throughout what it seeks to establish, it has the vice of the argument in a circle and can have no validity for an impartial reasoning. Not only are there physical realities which are suprasensible, but, if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supraphysical 1 and can not only take ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... govern the kinetic vital energies, but it is more by a forceful compulsion and constraint than by a harmonisation of the being. If, however, a strong vital personality, mind and will can get the reasoning intelligence to give it a firm support and be its minister, then a certain kind of forceful formation can be made, more or less balanced but always powerful, successful and effective, which can... effect when achieved, it is at once more difficult for him and easier to arrive at a harmony of his nature. It is easier because the mental will once in control can convince by the power of the reasoning intelligence and at the same time dominate, compress or suppress the life and the body and their demands, arrange and harmonise them, force them to be its instruments, even reduce them to a minimum ...


... For we mean ordinarily by knowledge an intellectual appreciation of the facts of life, mind and matter and the laws that govern them. This is a knowledge founded upon our sense-perception and upon reasoning from our sense-perceptions and it is undertaken partly for the pure satisfaction of the intellect, partly for practical efficiency and the added power which knowledge gives in managing our lives and... world visible or sensible to us and all too in it that is not visible is merely the phenomenal expression of something beyond the mind and the senses. The knowledge which the senses and intellectual reasoning from the data of the senses can bring us, is not true knowledge; it is a science of appearances. And even appearances cannot be properly known unless we know first the Reality of which they are images ...


... these are so much dominated and conditioned by the thinking and reasoning conscious-being in us that we have no real awareness of these lower planes; we are unable to Page 387 perceive in their own terms what these parts of us are doing, and receive it very imperfectly in the terms and values of the thinking and reasoning mind. Still we know well enough that there is an animal in us as ...


... of the prevalent faith in the ultimate sense of justice of the British people. If the House of Commons saves us the trouble of farther argument and itself conclusively proves the soundness of our reasoning, we accept its assistance with gratitude but without surprise. We may draw the attention of our monitor in return to an equally healthy sign in India. Nobody now, at least in Bengal, ventures in public ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... tremendously. One wonders how it will end, and at times one gets really worried. No, you shouldn't. You simply... keep clinging to the Divine. For, of course, the resistance has such wonderful reasoning! "You see," it says, "You see where all this is leading you, you see...." Oh, it's... it's more than a resistance; it is PERVERSE. Yes. A perversity. Yes, Mother, quite so. I can see that ...


... For it means a kind of continuous and methodical drainage or rare-fication which takes more or less a very long time. First you throw out well-formed ideas and notions, processes and products of reasoning and judgment— the bigger waves, as it were; as soon as these subside Page 12 you find there are smaller waves below or behind— half-formed thoughts, budding ideas, fugitive notions ...

... are comprehensive, creative and synthetic; the faculties of the left hand critical and analytic. To the right hand belong Judgment, Imagination, Memory, Observation; to the left hand Comparison and Reasoning. The critical faculties distinguish, compare, classify, generalise, deduce, infer, conclude; they are the component parts of the logical reason. The right-hand faculties comprehend, command, judge... facility for mastering another. With the linguistic faculty unsatisfactorily developed in one's own tongue, to master others is impossible. To study science with the faculties of observation, judgment, reasoning and comparison only slightly developed is to undertake a useless and thankless labour. So it is with all other subjects. The mother-tongue is the proper medium of education and therefore the first... this way he will be trained to form the habit of correct analogy, which is an indispensable aid in the acquisition of knowledge. The one faculty we have omitted, apart from the faculty of direct reasoning, is imagination. This is a most important and indispensable instrument. It may be divided into three functions, the forming of mental images, the power of creating thoughts, images and imitations ...


... remains nothing. That's all? There are people who do foolish things... Yes. And they know they are doing so, but their mind does not justify them, it gives no support, no excuse, no reasoning or explanation. What is this state? 1 What is this state? People who know that they are doing foolish things, who are conscious, but who are not able to refrain from them, because their mind... consciousness and its movements; when the lower vital manifests certain desires and impulses, the more material mind comes to its aid and justifies and supports them with specious explanations and reasonings and excuses." Questions and Answers 1929-1931 ( 26 May 1929 ) × "This physical mind is usually... consciousness and its movements; when the lower vital manifests certain desires and impulses, the more material mind comes to its aid and justifies and supports them with specious explanations and reasonings and excuses." Questions and Answers 1929-1931 ( 26 May 1929 ) ...


... of initiation of the energy of the being. If an animal mind were called upon to leave consciently the safe ground of sense impulse, sense understanding and instinct for the perilous adventure of a reasoning intelligence, it might well turn back alarmed and unwilling from the effort. The human mind would here be called upon to make a still greater change and, although self-conscious and adventurous in... creation of the true supermind, but the organisation of a predominantly or even a completely intuitive mentality sufficiently developed to take the place of the ordinary mentality and of the logical reasoning intellect of the Page 807 developed human being. The most prominent change will be the transmutation of the thought heightened and filled by that substance of concentrated light, concentrated... element and yet unconscious of its own limitations and of the greatness of the thing beyond it, might form another definite status and halting place like the instinctive mind of the animal or the reasoning mind of man. But the intuitive mentality cannot be made abidingly perfect and self-sufficient except by the opening power of the supermind above it and that at once reveals its limitations and makes ...


... truth-discernment. This true and authentic intuition must be distinguished from a power of the ordinary Page 477 mental reason which is too easily confused with it, the power of involved reasoning that reaches its conclusion by a bound and does not need the ordinary steps of the logical mind. The logical reason proceeds pace after pace and tries the sureness of each step like a man who is walking... reason, though never a satisfying guide to the inner truth of things. It is possible to cultivate and extend the use of the intuitive mind in proportion as we rely less predominantly upon the reasoning intelligence. We may train our mentality not to seize, as it does now, upon every separate flash of intuitive illumination for its own inferior purposes, not to precipitate our thought at once into... transmuted from intelligence to gnosis, imagination would be replaced by truth-inspiration, mental judgment would give place to a self-luminous discerning. The slow and stumbling logical process from reasoning to conclusion would be pushed out by a swift intuitive proceeding; the conclusion or fact would be seen at once in its own right, by its own self-sufficient witness, and all the evidence by which ...


... in the compass of another experience much more wide and much more lofty. For, as Sri Aurobindo has so forcefully pointed out, "a single decisive spiritual experience may undo a whole edifice of reasonings and conclusions erected by the logical intelligence." 2 So, instead of engaging in sterile intellectual debates, in this matter of the reality or otherwise of the dynamis of the Absolute... obscure the stable realisation, and hence these have to diminish and disappear if we would seek to enter the indivisible consciousness of the Real. Here too, as we shall presently see, the reasoning is fallacious. For it is not dynamism as such that binds and involves the soul of the seeker; it is the intrinsic incapacity of our mind-consciousness that is at the root of the trouble. ...

... out naturally a right and rational adjustment of his life with the life of others, it is for the reason of the whole community to arrange that too for him. Not the reasoning minds and wills of the individuals, but the collective reasoning mind and will of the community has to govern. It is this which will determine not only the principles and all the details of the economic and political order, but ...


... doubt be said that since the accused have to be punished whether they are guilty or innocent, it does not much matter whether their punishment begins before or after their conviction. That is good reasoning from the point of view of a bureaucratic executive, but not from that of a judicial authority. The refusal of bail to the Rawalpindi pleaders is one of the most deadly of the many wounds which the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... admirable character-sketch of Srijut Page 29 Shyamsunder Chakravarti are the best things in the issue. Bipin Babu seems to have recovered the copious vein of thought, the subtle and flexible reasoning, the just and original view of his subject which made one wait with impatience for every fresh number of New India . His attitude towards the Reform scheme and the Mahomedan demand for a separate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... heart which brings the divine touch and in time the divine presence, humility before the Divine which liberates from egoism and the pride of the mind and of the vital, the pride that imposes its own reasonings on the ways of the spirit and the pride that refuses or is unable to surrender, sustained persistence in the call within and reliance on the Grace above. Meditation, japa, prayer or aspiration from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... physical senses. But at the same time, it is being increasingly conceived that the infra-rational man was not wholly infra-rational or that he had some kind of implicit Page 2 power of reasoning and a more or less crude supra-rational element. It has also been argued that it is not unlikely that at a certain stage of development, the infra-rational age may arrive at a lofty order of civilization ...


... reconciled to her lot, forgetting "the joy and the struggle and the pain". Page 212             Savitri has no difficulty in exposing the hollowness of Death's fabric of specious reasoning. She tells him straight: love has come to her from God, and such love is heavenly, partaking not of the corruptions of the flesh and heart. Besides, all love, even the most flawed, provokes "a whisper ...


... For it means a kind of continuous and methodical drainage or rarefication which takes more or less a very long time. First you throw' out well-formed ideas and notions, processes and products of reasoning and judgment – the bigger waves, as it were; as soon as these subside you find there are smaller waves below or behind – half-formed thoughts, budding ideas, fugitive notions and so on; when these ...

... es under the government of a trained mind and reason and for the best advantage of the personal and the national ego. It has not been either the turn of her mind to regard man pre-eminently as a reasoning animal, or let us say, widening the familiar definition, a thinking, feeling and willing natural existence, a mental son of physical Nature, and his education as a culture of the mental capacities ...

... intellectual reasoning and was not analytical as that of t day. The language was simply symbol of their direct reali­sation. All languages originate from the perceptions of the senses and the emotions of the heart. The inner urge was kept intact in the language of the ancients. The language Page 86 and their direct perception were not intercepted by the syllo­gistic reasoning. So the... founded. So it is no wonder that this faculty of argument should lead us astray. This truth has already been declared by the Upanishad: naisa tarkena matiraPaneya ("This wisdom cannot be gained by reasoning".) In fact, first we must have an access to the Upanishads, then only can we hope to understand the esoteric truths of the Vedas. It is the Upanishads that can claim to be the first exposition... fact, the truth attained by the ancients was not the outcome of an intellect given to mundane things. Rather the criticism may be applied to our present-day intellect. The process of syllogistic reasoning with which we usually try to get to the truth was not their method. They had a direct perception of truth. They used to live the truth they realised. Besides this rational faculty, man has other faculties ...

... happening in the world. That is what the Upanishad means when it says "True knowledge consists in knowing That by knowing which all is known." True knowledge is not acquisition of farts. Reasoning upon sense evidence is a secondary process called Avidya. Avidya is not total ignorance, but secondary knowledge, knowledge of the superficial and secondary causes and not of the root-causes. The... origin very often to the working of this greater influence. Apart from this we have seen that the first instrument which man can and does use for increasing his knowledge is reason. This reasoning faculty has a double function : a mixed and dependent one, and a pure and free working. When reason confines itself to sense-data, to the appearance of things, then it knows even the Becoming s... become ordered because otherwise it remains unused and very often lends itself to a misinterpretation or an exaggeration which does not allow the expression of perfection in life. To-day it is the reasoning power that leads and not the intuition. Today intellect is the leading power of man, it is the instrument of knowledge and pure reason has led to practical results in science. Reason proceeds by ...


... any case excessive, for "can conquer" is turned into "has conquered" = is immortal. It is not easy, my dear doctor, to be a logician; the human reasoning animal is always making slight inaccuracies like that in his syllogisms which vitiate the whole reasoning. This might be correct: "One who becomes wholly supramental conquers death. Sri Aurobindo is becoming supramental. Sri Aurobindo is conquering... into sterile intellectual discussions. The intellectual mind cannot even realise what the supermind is; what use, then, can there be in allowing it to discuss what it does not know? It is not by reasoning, but by constant experience, growth of consciousness and widening into Page 277 the Light that one can reach those higher levels of consciousness above the intellect from which one can... difficult to believe that any amount of the divine force will turn a C into a Sri Aurobindo or a D into a Sri Mira. I am not joking. I mean it. You do not seem to have followed the sense of my reasoning very well—perhaps because I clothe my arguments with E in a tone of humour. 1 You have taken my humorous comment about Muthu with a portentous seriousness—if you really are not joking: but I ...


... into being to the conceptual fictions of the pure Reason is fallacious. If indeed intuition in this matter were really opposed to intelligence, we could not confidently support a merely conceptual reasoning against fundamental insight. But this appeal to intuitive experience is incomplete. It is valid only so far as it proceeds and it errs by stopping short of the integral experience. So long as the... attitude, and in our action upon the movement of the world. And this stability in which we can so live is precisely that which the pure Reason has already given us, although it can be arrived at without reasoning at all, without knowing previously what it is,—it is pure existence, eternal, infinite, indefinable, not affected by the succession of Time, not involved in the extension of Space, beyond form, quantity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Divine Truth. None will be able to hinder the work that is destined. (11) Ultimately I found the truth that to argue with the mind, to discuss a matter with it and try to teach others by mental reasoning is not the right way, — because the mind cannot bring out the underlying spiritual idea. I have noted many times while arguing with friends or others, that either they do not understand my point... they do not understand and think I oppose them. Unless two minds are on the same level, this sort of disharmony is bound to take place. The only remedy is that we have to go beyond mental reasoning; through silence of the Spirit we can really help others. (12) Two kinds of Beauty — Masculine and Feminine. Shiva represents the Masculine and Krishna represents the Feminine. One Beauty m ...


... direct intimate vision in the Intuition. This true and authentic intuition must be distinguished from a power of the ordinary mental reason which is too easily confused with it, that power of involved reasoning that reaches its conclusion by a bound and does not need the ordinary steps of the logical mind. Overmind: The Overmind is a delegate of the Supramental Consciousness, its delegate to the cosmic... emergence being Matter. inner being —the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical with the psychic behind as the inmost; see also the subliminal. Intuition —1) Insight without conscious reasoning. 2) Plane of consciousness between Illumined Mind and Overmind. See under gradations between mind and Supermind. Jivatman (Jiva) —the individual Self; the individualised self or spirit ...


... the mould of that idea Europe has recast herself;—that is what the European nations are becoming, organised republics of animalcules,—very intelligent, very methodical, very wonderful talking and reasoning animalcules, but still animalcules. Not what the race set out to be, creatures made in the image of the Almighty, gods that having fallen from heaven remember and strive to recover their heritage ...


... in his climb to power. “The psyche of the broad masses is accessible only to what is strong and uncompromising. Like a woman whose inner sensibilities are not so much under the sway of abstract reasoning but are always subject to the influence of a vague emotional longing for the strength that completes her being, and who would rather bow to the strong man than dominate the weakling – in like manner ...


... But the Grace can act only in conditions of absolute surrender and total reliance on the Divine alone. Its action is beyond calculation and can be understood by its own favour, but never by the reasoning mind. The Grace has been acting since the birth of the universe or rather, the creation of the universe is a sovereign act of the Divine Grace, but there are only a few who are blessed to recognize ...

... of the Indian mind has been responsible for this great national loss. Our forefathers who discovered or received Vedic truth, did not arrive at it either by intellectual speculation or by logical reasoning. They attained it by actual & tangible experience in the spirit,—by spiritual & psychological observation, as we may say, & what they thus experienced, they understood by the instrumentality of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... a tendency to disinterestedness and more humanitarian solutions. But unfortunately, in their present state, women in general are creatures of passion and enthusiastic partisanship; they lack the reasoning calm that purely intellectual activity gives; the latter is undoubtedly dangerous because hard and cold and pitiless, nevertheless it is unquestionably useful to master the overflow of sentiment which ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... facility for mastering another. With the linguistic faculty unsatisfactorily developed in one's own tongue, to master others is impossible. To study science with the faculties of observation, judgment, reasoning and comparison only slightly developed is to undertake a useless and thankless labour. So it is with all other subjects.     The mothertongue is the proper medium of education and therefore the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... her forehead ). (Pavitra:) Passion and reactions. Passion, passion—but this passion and these reactions are the same, thing. And then they stuff into it what they consider intellectual reasonings, but their intellectuality is not so terribly luminous—anyway ... ( Mother shows the letter ) Here, I'll read this to you for your edification (!). Page 404 'And finally, Sweet Mother ...


... Purani took up the thread of a past conversation. PURANI:: Between Hegel and Kant, poor Nirodbaran's question was lost. SRI AUROBINDO: What was it? PURANI: Nirodbaran says that, just like reasonings, experiences differ and come to different conclusions. How then can experience be a criterion any more than reason? SRI AUROBINDO: Experience is not a criterion. It is a means of arriving at the ...


... but they belong to the level of pure feeling or impulse and have not risen to the level of sentiments which have a mental element infused into their vital stuff. Indeed a strong mental element, a reasoning capacity sometimes very clearly develops in the domestic animal. The animal acts by instinct, we say; that is to say, it goes straight to the thing to be done: in order to do a thing it does not ...

... desires. Only children are more simple. When they want something they say so. They don't tell themselves that perhaps it would be wiser not to show this, because they don't yet have this kind of reasoning. But I think, generally speaking, with very few exceptions, that people live in perpetual desires. Only, they don't express them, and sometimes they are ashamed also to acknowledge it to themselves... impulse of desire, the movement of desire. And for this a great deal of knowledge is needed, and this is difficult for a very young child. It is difficult. Indeed, they don't have the capacity for reasoning; one can't explain things to them, because they don't understand the reasons. So you see, when it is like that the parents usually tell the child, "Keep quiet, you are a nuisance!" In this way they ...


... those who seek to preserve the present or restore the past are obliged un consciously or half-consciously to justify their endeavour from the novel point of view and by its appropriate standards of reasoning. Throughout the East, the subjective Asiatic mind is being driven to adapt itself to the need for changed values of life and thought. It has been forced to turn upon itself both by the pressure of... Asuric or even Rakshasic character of the recent world-collision was due to this formidable combination of a falsely enlightened vitalistic motive-power with a great force of servile intelligence and reasoning contrivance subjected to it as instrument and the genius of an accomplished materialistic Science as its Djinn, its giant worker of huge, gross and soulless miracles. The War was the bursting of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... capacity for attention and concentration, the ability to exercise reasoning and judgment, the powers of observation and memory, and so forth. The important point to remember is that the teacher will not Page 400 get trapped by a wish to impart information or facts, but will let the child apply her mind to observing, reasoning, discovering, learning - the retention will automatically improve ...


... into being to the conceptual fictions of the pure Reason is fallacious. If indeed intuition in this matter were really opposed to intelligence, we could not confidently support a merely conceptual reasoning against fundamental insight. But this appeal to intuitive experience is incomplete. It is valid only so far as it proceeds and it errs by stopping short of the integral experience. So long as the... attitude, and in our action upon the movement of the world. And this stability in which we can so live is precisely that which the pure Reason has already given us, although it can be arrived at without reasoning at all, without knowing previously what it is, — it is pure existence, eternal, infinite, indefinable, not affected by the succession of Time, not involved in the extension of Space, beyond form, ...

... He goes farther and adopting a positive attitude says: "We know truth not by reason alone, but by the heart also: it is in the latter way that we know the first principles, and in vain does reasoning, that has no part in it, attempt to combat them... The heart feels... and the reason demon strates afterwards... Principles are felt, propositions are deduced. . . . "³ About doubt, Pascal says... even from the standpoint of mere gain and loss, belief in God is more advantageous than unbelief. This is how he applied to metaphysics the mathematics of probability. One is not sure if such reasoning is convincing to the intellect; but perhaps it is a necessary stage in conversion. At least we can conclude that Pascal had to pass through such a stage; and it indicates the difficulty his brain ...

... comes suddenly? That is what people usually understand by intuition. It was not that in her case nor in X 's. By seeing the Divine in the Mother, I don't mean imagination or calm, calculated reasoning. But to see actually the fully flaming, resplendent, effulgent Divine Mother in any one of her Powers—why, that is damnably difficult at least for me who have not even seen the halo around her. ...

... he will be trained to form the habit of correct analogy which is an indispensable aid in the acquisition of knowledge.     The one faculty we have omitted, apart from the faculty of direct reasoning, is Imagination. This is a most important and indispensable instrument. It may be divided into three functions, the forming of mental images, the power of creating thoughts, images and imitations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... man may be illogical and silly and everybody realizes that he is illogical and silly. But the philosopher is logically illogical and talks nonsense according to the strictest rules of philosophical reasoning, and the literary man will be brilliantly foolish and illogically convincing. An ordinary man may turn his back on his principles and he will be called a turncoat, or break all the commandments and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... insincerity—they will argue like Pandits and go to Shastra to prove you in the wrong; it is unconsciousness, a vital insincerity which Page 53 they are not aware of and which uses the reasoning mind as an accomplice. That is why we insist so much on sincerity in the Yoga—and that means to have all the being consciously turned towards the one Truth, the one Divine. But that for human nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... but they belong to the level of pure feeling or impulse and have not risen to the level of sentiments which have a mental element infused into their vital stuff. Indeed a strong mental element, a reasoning capacity sometimes very clearly develops in the domestic animal. The animal acts by instinct, we say; that is to say, it goes straight to the thing to be done: in order to do a thing it ...

... sought for his own sake, as and more than these have been by men even in their lesser selves and nature? What your reasoning ignores is that which is absolute or tends towards the absolute in man and his seeking as well as in the Divine—something not to be explained by mental reasoning or vital motive. A motive, but a motive of the soul, not of vital desire; a reason not of the mind, but of the self... to be gained that one approaches the Divine, it is not a fact that one can approach Him or seek union only for the sake of Ananda and nothing else. That involves something which throws all your reasoning out of gear. For these are aspects of the Divine Nature, powers of it, states of his being,—but the Divine Himself is something absolute, someone self-existent, not limited by his aspects,—wonderful ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... use of logical reasoning that it proceeds, but by a comparison of intuitions and experiences in which the less luminous gives place to the more luminous, the narrower, faultier or less essential to the more comprehensive, more perfect, more essential. The question asked by one sage of another is ‘What dost thou know?’, not ‘What dost thou think?’ nor ‘To what conclusion has thy reasoning arrived?’ Nowhere... Nowhere in the Upanishads do we find any trace of logical reasoning urged in support of the truths of Vedanta. Intuition, the sages seem to have held, must be corrected by a more perfect intuition; logical reasoning cannot be its judge.” 48 By way of comment. Firstly, “intuition” here is not what is meant by this word in the common parlance: a hint, a feeling, a presentiment, a suspicion, or whatever... those who seek to preserve the present or restore the past are obliged unconsciously or half-consciously to justify their endeavour from the novel point of view and by its appropriate standards of reasoning. Throughout the East, the subjective Asiatic mind is being driven to adapt itself to the need for changed values of life and thought. It has been forced to turn upon itself both by the pressure of ...


... by the Avatar, it merely means that there is no divinity in man that can respond to the divinity in the Avatar. You make a flourish of reasonings and do not see the consequence of your reasonings. It is no use saying "I believe this or that" and then reasoning in a way which leads logically to the very negation of what you believe. Also, I find that some important points on which my whole case... any case excessive, for "can conquer" is turned into "has conquered" = is immortal. It is not easy, my dear doctor, to be a logician ; the human reasoning animal is always making slight inaccuracies like that in his syllogisms which vitiate the whole reasoning. This might be correct: "One who becomes wholly supramental conquers death Sri Aurobindo is becoming supramental Sri Aurobindo is conquering... what intellectual grounds or by what fixed ethical or rational rules are you going to fix that and declare "No entry here for you"? You cannot generalise in the way you try to do by an intellectual reasoning. The mystery of the Spirit is too great for such a puny endeavour. March 6, 1935 [Whatever correspondence on Avatarhood follows now, refers only to Sri Aurobindo's short reply of March ...

... of reason, it is something instinctive. We have a sense of beauty and love beauty without even knowing why, and there are things which give the sense of beauty without our knowing why, without our reasoning. It is instinctive. He says that this is the infrarational stage of the aesthetic sense. It is absolutely obvious that a child, who sees a pretty flower and has the feeling of beauty he does not know... understood, one always says this: "There's no disputing tastes and colours." You know, there are all kinds of popular proverbs which say that the appreciation of the beautiful is not a matter of reasoning, everyone likes a particular thing he doesn't know why, he takes pleasure in looking at a thing, and this pleasure cannot be discussed. Well, this is the infrarational stage of the aesthetic sense ...


... Chinese. And we are still yielding [in Bangladesh]. So how to thwart all that? ( silence ) For example, Mother, the Americans are quietly giving aid to Pakistan again because they say, their reasoning is: if we don't give aid, then we leave the whole territory of Pakistan to the Chinese. That's sheer... [madness]. We'll see. ( Mother strikes her forehead, then goes within, shakes her ...


... senses and examination and analysis by the intellect – these are the approved and accepted instruments of knowledge for the scientist. Scientists are rationalists; the senses and the mind or the reasoning intellect are all they hold on to. In their quest for truth they do not rely on other faculties; for other faculties fall under the categories of guess, imagination and poetry. Science demands direct ...

... does not lie within the ken of the questioning mind, the Upanishad emphatically declares. We all know the famous mantra: "naisā tarkena matirāpaneyā ― this consciousness cannot be reached by reasoning nor by intelligence nor by much learning. Indeed the Self, the Divine discloses his body to him alone whom he chooses as his own.   ¹ It is difficult to locate or identify the Upanishadic ...

... produced through the external Page 358 study of life and things: all that can be found in books, all that can be found through the direct study of Nature and all that can be found by reasoning, deduction, analysis and all the speculative activities of the human mind. And Sri Aurobindo puts reason at the summit of man's mental activity; he tells us that in the development of the mind... you, you cannot follow because you have completely neglected philosophical mental gymnastics. It is exactly the same thing if someone who has not done mathematics is asked to follow a mathematical reasoning—he won't be able to.... And so, this means that if you want to express fully, totally, the deeper reality of your being, you will express it in a much richer, more integral, more varied, more productive ...


... invalid. As Sri Aurobindo points out: Page 66 This vulgar or rustic error of our corporeal organs does not gain in validity by being promoted into the domain of' Philosophical reasoning. Obviously, their pretension is unfounded. Even in the world of Matter there are existences of which the physical senses are incapable of taking cognisance. Yet the denial of the suprasensible... materially perceptible, which it itself a hallucination. Assuming throughout what it seeks to establish, it has the vice of the argument in a circle and can have no validity for an impartial reasoning." 1 At the stage at which we stand today, the recent advances in the field of knowledge provide as sounder foundations for the philosophy of value and philosophy of value-oriented education ...

... on them people judge and criticise others. It is a great mistake. We are persistently correcting it, but a legend has been formed and people cling to it. 5 July 1933 I do not think your reasoning that you were in the physical consciousness and therefore the observation of the physical fact [ of the Mother's touch ] is likely to be correct is very sound. The physical consciousness is full of ...

... does not lie within the ken of the questioning mind, the Upanishad emphatically declares. We all know the famous mantra: "naisā tarkeṇ matirāpaneyā — this consciousness cannot be reached by reasoning nor by intelligence nor by much learning. Indeed the Self, the Divine discloses his body to him alone whom he chooses as his own. (2) It is to be noted that even when at the top ...


... cite only a few of them: (i) many types of doubts and misgivings are the habitual contributions of Mind, disconcerting the sadhaka at every step; (ii) Mind is very clever in the art of fallacious reasoning bringing confusion to the sadhaka' s consciousness; (iii) Mind has an inveterate tendency to show the white as something black and the black as something white, thus derailing the forward march of... incoherent life .... The least thing will upset you completely and you won 't even know why, and still less how to remedy it. While someone who has established within himself a state of active, clear reasoning, can face attacks of all kinds , emotional attacks or any trials whatever.... Well, reason can stand back a little, look at all that , smile and say, 'Oh! no, one must not make a fuss over such... imagination view all in the light of a trained and disciplined judgment. Such isthe pure intellectual understanding of which disinterested observation, judg- Page 281 ment and reasoning are the law and characterising action." (The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 296-97) The sadhaka has to see that, in his normal life-functionings and in his dealings with other men, he habitually ...

... half subconscious or just conscious instinct. Advancing step by step, it developed into intelligence in animal man. Advancing still further, it has elevated the thinking animal into the status of a reasoning mental being. But even in his highest elevation man is still weighed down by a heavy stamp of original animality. Therefore mental man has still to evolve out of himself the fully conscious being... insists upon is that man is not just a living body somehow developed by physical nature which has evolved in him certain vital propensities, an ego, a mind and a reason. Man is not pre-eminently just a reasoning animal of the genus homo, nothing more than a thinking, feeling and willing natural existence, a mere mental product of inconscient physical Nature. For if such is the view we take of man — and... also are one and have no country. How can one then talk of offering any "national" education to a child? A deeper consideration will not fail to expose the fallacious nature of this line of reasoning. A nation or a people is Page 15 not, let us remember, just a geographical unit or an arbitrary conglomerate or an assemblage of men brought about by the vagaries of History. A ...

... inspired thought of the Upanishads which was pure spiritual experience enlightened by intuition and gnosis,) were preceded by a very acute scrutiny of relevant psychological phenomena and a process of reasoning which, though certainly not rationalistic, was as rational as any other method of thinking. He clinches his refutation by the sage remark that these intuitions which he chooses to call fantasies ... and therefore, it seems, have no sort of value except their vain metaphysical subtlety. Are we to conclude that the patient study of phenomena, the scrupulous and rigidly verifiable intellectual reasonings and conclusions of Western scientists have led to no conflicting or contradictory results? One could never imagine at this rate that the science of heredity is torn by conflicting "fantasies" or... Page 258 may be prepared by a long intellectual training, but that does not make it a last step in an intellectual process, any more than the precedence of sense activity makes intellectual reasoning a last step of sense-perception? The reason overtops sense and admits us to other and subtler ranges of truth; the intuition similarly overtops reason and admits us to a more direct and luminous power ...


... listen to the "common sense" of others at least; usually there is much that is common in it but very little that is sense. What your inner being feels is rather to be followed than the superficial reasonings of the outer intelligence. How can Reason be the sole arbiter [ in the quest for Truth ]? Whose reason? The reason in different men comes to different, opposite or incompatible conclusions... Professor Sorley's letter 2 —for apart from the ignorant denunciation and cheap satire in which it deals, there is nothing much in its statement of the case against spiritual thought or experience; its reasoning is superficial and springs from an entire misunderstanding of the case for the mystic. There are four main arguments he sets against it and none of them have any value. Argument number one. Mysticism... Argument number four. The plea of intuition is only a facile cover for an inability to explain or establish by the use of reason—Joad and Radhakrishnan reason, but take refuge in intuition because their reasoning fails. Can the issue be settled in so easy and trenchant a way? The fact is that the mystic stands on an inner knowledge, an inner experience—but if he philosophises, he must try to explain to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... losing their own qualities—profound intuition and practical deduction—without acquiring those of their masculine counterparts—logical reasoning and the capacity of analysis and synthesis. That is why today I shall not attempt to demonstrate to you by logical reasoning and transcendental speculation that thoughts exist as true, autonomous, living and active entities. Besides, if we do not want to ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... part of his Integral Yoga. Page 25 merge it in the featureless infinity of the One. By noetic abstraction, by sustained reflection on the sole, 'relation- less Reality, by subtle reasoning and intense contemplation, it achieves an evulsion and extinction of the individual soul—evulsion from the illusion (Maya) of embodied existence, and extinction in the ineffable Absolute. It can... y. The very intensity of Godward love consumes the' ego and abolishes its self- regarding concerns, and plunges the soul in the ecstasy of the divine embrace. Bhaktiyoga does not care for the reasoning and reflection of the mind, but feels in its faith the promise of its final fulfilment, which is an infinity of bliss in an eternal proximity to the supreme object of its love and adoration. The ...

... to avoid—the non-resistance of the Hindus of Jamalpur. There are some who say that the recent events in India are a proof of the impracticability of the Nationalist programme. We do not follow the reasoning of these logicians. The Jamalpur incidents and their sequel are a terrible proof of the soundness of the Nationalist ideas and the utter unsoundness of the Moderate theories of our relations with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... adduce some additional arguments to establish the fact that the physical death does not denote the total annulment of all conscious being. Leaving aside the elaboration of the intricate maze of reasoning adopted by philosophers and logicians, we may content ourselves with the bare statement, in the words of Professor Hammond, of the five traditional arguments that have been commonly advanced in ...

... the ways, would very naturally look askance at the diminished value of many of its qualities and attributes in the new status to come. First of all, as it has been pointed out, the intellect and reasoning power will have to surrender and abdicate. The very power by which man has attained his present high status and main­tains it in the world has to be sacrificed for something else called intuition ...

... that lies beyond the ken of the human mind, beyond all that can be grasped by the daily experiences and perceptions of men, and that truth which is really the deepest and supreme in men. Plato's reasoning amounts to this in modern terms. What Plato says does not, on reflection, appear to be utterly worthless. The vital world is the source of the poet and all other artists who are creators. When ...

... he wrote on 23 June 1935. "Perhaps it is here that man begins to diverge from the animal; for animals have much intelligence—many animals and even insects, even some rudimentary power of practical reasoning, but, so far as we know, they don't meet and put their ideas about things side by side or sling them at each other in a debate as even the most ignorant human can do and very animatedly does____" ...


... Aiyar in his brilliant and astonishing work, The Riks , tells us that it means "in the lowest hollow"; for vyoman "means break, fissure, being literally absence of protection, (uma)"; and the reasoning which he uses is so entirely after the fashion of the modern scholar that the philologist is debarred from answering that "absence of protection" cannot possibly mean a fissure and that human language... geological phenomena belonging to the new birth of our planet after its long-continued glacial death in the same period of terrestrial evolution. It is difficult to accept in their mass Mr. Aiyar's reasonings and conclusions, but he has at least thrown a new light on the great Vedic mythus of Ahi Vritra and the release of the seven rivers. His interpretation is far more consistent and probable than the ...


... education strives to restore appropriate balance to the learning process by giving equal status to experience, imagination, creativity and intuition, as it does to knowing, thinking, remembering and reasoning. It also recognises the need to incorporate sound components of work education in the entire process of education interspersed throughout the ten years of schooling. In the context of the... strategies that unify knowledge; a shift from mastery of fixed body of knowledge to understanding of a web of relations Page 79 between parts of a whole; and a shift from linear sequential reasoning to search for patterns and connections and a shift from collection of information to processing of information. While emphasising the new roles of the teachers, the document suggests that the ...

... working underneath, which tended in another direction,—a sprinkling of men in whom one fiery conviction replaced the cultured broodings of philosophy and one grim resolve took the place of political reasoning. The conviction was that subjection was the one curse which withered and blighted all our national activities, that so long as that curse was not removed it was a vain dream to expect our national ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... had sworn to revenge the death of Christ in the blood of the Jews. “There was no shortage of preachers to incite at massacring the Jews without waiting for the confrontation with the Saracens.” The reasoning was simple: hadn’t the Jews killed the Son of God? Wasn’t the Antichrist to be born from them? Why march toward the Orient to kill the Saracens and leave this devil’s brood behind unharmed? The first ...


... way good will come to humanity, needs for its solution a knowledge of the self. As is one's knowledge so is one's goal. If one considers one's body as the self, then one will sacrifice all other reasonings and considerations for its sole satisfaction and thus become a selfish demon in human form. If one considers one's wife as the self, loves her as one's self then one becomes a slave to her, ready ...

... Page 30 naturally look askance at the diminished value of many of its qualities and attributes in the new status to come. First of all, as it has been pointed out, the intellect and reasoning power will have to surrender and abdicate. The very power by which man has attained his present high status and maintains it in the world has to be sacrificed for something else called intuition or ...

... experience of others? I have often said that discrimination is not only perfectly admissible but indispensable in spiritual experience. But it must be a discrimination founded on knowledge, not a reasoning founded on ignorance. Otherwise you tie up your mind and hamper experience by preconceived ideas which are as much a priori as any acceptance of a spiritual truth or experience can be. Your idea... restless tormented feelings into a wide intense divine Love and Ananda, our small suffering personality into the one Person of which it is an obscure outcome. If one insists on one's own ideas and reasonings, the greater Light and Knowledge cannot come or else is marred and obstructed in the coming at every step by a lower interference; if one insists on one's own desires and fancies, that great luminous... if one refuses to give up one's petty ways of feeling, eternal Love and supreme Ananda cannot descend or is mixed and is spilt from the effervescing crude emotional vessel. No amount of ordinary reasoning can get rid of that necessity of surmounting the lower in order that the higher may be there. Science and the Supernormal Scientific laws only give a schematic account of material processes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... vital mind and the physical mind. The vital mind is the part of the mind which is intermixed and dominated by impulses, desires and feelings of the vital nature. The reasoning of the vital mind is a pseudo-reasoning as is well illustrated by the common act of rationalisation by which the mind, usurped by the vital, provides plausible "rational" explanations and justifications for impulses... 45 Intuition In common usage, intuition means the power of understanding things immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. In this sense, intuition may be based on a feeling, or it may be a rapid "subconscious reasoning", based on subtle cues which are not consciously apprehended. Sri Aurobindo, however, uses the term "intuition" in a much deeper sense when he refers ...


... that as a rule. 5 April 1935 The Censor I don't find it a noble voice at all, it is the voice of the usual defeatist suggester using any and every reasoning to instil weakness, flight and self-destruction. There is no strong reasoning, either, it is the usual round of sophistries always the same and repeated to every sadhak in turn. "Give up, give up, give up! run, run, run! die, die, say ...


... depends on each individual. But still, it is understood that in the seven-year period between the age of seven and fourteen, one begins to reach the age of reason. If one is helped, one can become a reasoning being between seven and fourteen. Before seven there are geniuses―there are always geniuses, everywhere―but as a general rule the child is not conscious of itself and doesn't know why or how to... behave rationally. The least thing will upset you completely and you won't even know why, and still less how to remedy it. While someone who has established within himself a state of active, clear reasoning, can face attacks of all kinds, emotional attacks or any trials whatever; for life is entirely made up of these things―unpleasantness, vexations―which are small but proportionate to the one who feels ...


... allowing the psychic being to manifest: with the candid warmth of a child ( Mother speaks very softly ) to aspire, pray, ask, want with all its strength, without reasoning or trying to understand. One can't imagine how great an obstruction reasoning and this effort to Page 41 understand put in the experience. At the moment when you are on the point of reaching a state in which something will ...


... interfere with your ignorant mind in a matter which had been decided by the Mother, as if it could know better than she did. As usually happens when the physical mind acts in this way, it made wrong reasoning and foolish blunder. It was as if you gave Haribhai a choice between giving money or giving the clothes and other articles. He was to give both and there was no question of a choice between them; ...


... theatrical hoopla, but he did not tell them that they were fattened to be eaten by Death. “The great master of the lie”, the great sophist, was Adolf Hitler, the persuader who distorted all terms and reasonings, but did so in a passionate and therefore convincing way which bypassed logical thought. If Mein Kampf has the nasty odour Fest writes about, it is because of its mendacious contents. This book ...


... everybody's reach, if one is sincere and persistent in one's effort. One of these steps is to grow Page 54 into a truly rational being who seeks after truth at any cost and whose reasoning intelligence is made really free and is no more under the subjugation of his physical and vital instincts, desires and passions. "Mano... prana-sarira-neta", "Mind should be the leader of the vital ...

... Page 21 pose, a good deal of knowledge and understanding and experience is required. That you cannot expect of young children. First of all, they do not possess the capacity for reasoning and you cannot explain the matter to them, they will not understand your reasons. It is why the parents have normally no other go than to cut them short, saying: "Stop, you bother us." That is how ...

... development of the rational and imaginative intellect and the harmonious satisfaction of the emotions and sensibilities must be to themselves sufficient. But if, on the contrary, man is more than a reasoning and emotional animal, if beyond that which is being evolved, there is something that has to be evolved, then it may well be that the fullness of the mental life, the suppleness, flexibility and wide... termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle 6 which are described as those of knowledge and bliss. But this knowledge is not a systematised result of mental questionings and reasonings, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in the terms of the highest probability, but rather a pure self-existent and self-luminous Truth. And this bliss is not a supreme pleasure ...


... time of the Poona murders? Or those who pointed out Lala Lajpat Rai to the bureaucracy as the man to strike at when the Punjab was in a ferment over the Colonisation Bill? But, by the Bengalee 's reasoning, men may be the moral descendants of Mir Jafar and Jagat Seth and yet be excellent patriots so long as they obey Moderate leaders and respect age and authority. The second term we want to see so ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... it is turned into the higher thought (intuitive or overmental) it becomes on the contrary a great force. The intuitive perception or discrimination is self-sufficient—it does not need any reasoning or process of thought to justify it. The intellectual depends on data and steps, even if the steps are hurried over or the data rapidly seized and swallowed into the intelligence. Page 6 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... into the hands of a hostile Influence that lives by confusion and ignorance. You began by setting your own imperfect thinking power against a superior Truth and Knowledge. And by false and fantastic reasonings you have so clouded your mind that it has become entirely muddled and confused and incapable of understanding the plainest distinctions or discriminating between falsehood and Truth. This is evident ...

... movement itself. For that purpose, a good deal of knowledge and understanding and experience are required. That you cannot expect of young children. First of all, they do not possess the capacity for reasoning and you cannot explain the matter to them, they will not understand, your reasons. It is why the parents have normally no other way except to cut them short, saying: "Stop, you bother us". That is ...

... far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be made foolproof and all that in the course of a single lifetime. And I have to do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints but at length. Lord God in omnibus 1" Page 170 ...

... an event seemed fixed either in a favourable or hostile sense on the strength of the telepathic dristi or even of the reasoning perceptions. The latter difficulty is beginning to disappear with the transference of knowledge to the vijnanabuddhi, & the disappearance of the reasoning intellect, but the former persists & is likely to persist until the knowledge has been transferred from the intuitional... between vijnana, vijnanabuddhi and those parts of manasabuddhi which are either pseudo-intuitional in the nature of their activity or else attempt to preserve the fragments of the old intellectual reasoning or of the undercurrent of habitual mentality. This defect is now being steadily mended; ideal interpretation is being applied to the material of telepathy, lipi, rupa, samadhi etc; but until this... fulfilled but usually are not, except in quite another space or time or under quite other circumstances; 2, arrangement of actual possibilities and their reasonable event, proper to the judgment & reasoning intelligence, which often are fulfilled, but quite as often frustrated by forces behind the scene or impossible to be properly estimated by logic & mental reason; 3, arrangement of actualities on ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... further be argued that no firm metaphysical building can be erected upon these shifting quick sands. A line of reasoning can be constructed to question the contention that Nature intends to develop on this earth a supramental being. Sri Aurobindo himself has stated this line of reasoning that can be constructed. That argument can be briefly summarised as follows: (a) Heredity, upon which Science... thing as intention in Nature, and therefore, there can be no question of the intention in Nature to manifest a supramental being. The above line of reasoning may seem at first to be cogent and even formidable, but that line of reasoning, in some of its aspects, assumes that the theory of materialism is unquestionable and even irrefutable. Sri Aurobindo points out that this assumption is unfounded... intellectual kind; they do not present systems of metaphysical analysis labouring to define notions and to logicise truth or else to support the mind in its intellectual preferences by a dialectical reasoning. The Upanishadic Rishis realized the Truth rather than merely thought it; they clothed it with a strong body of intuitive idea and disclosing image. When we read the Upanishads, we find in them a ...


... of the time and the possible forms of knowledge to which he has access. At first it was in religion a personal illumination supported in the West by a theological, in the East by a philosophical reasoning. In society and politics it started with a crude primitive perception of natural right and justice which took its origin from the exasperation of suffering or from an awakened sense of general oppression... free curiosity of the Greek mind, its eager search for first principles and rational laws, its delighted intellectual scrutiny of the facts of life by the force of direct observation and individual reasoning, on the other the Roman's large practicality and his sense for the ordering of life in harmony with a robust utility and the just principles of things. But both these tendencies were pursued with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... elements to assist it, its path is made easier but even the sattwic element can resist by attachment to old ideas, to preconceived notions, to mental preferences and partial judgments, to opinions and reasonings which come in the way of higher truth and to which it is attached: the kinetic element resists by its egoism, its passions, desires and strong attachments, its vanity and self-esteem, its constant... too the resistance may diminish and eventually disappear. And you must now get rid of an exaggerated insistence Page 633 on the use of reason and the correctness of your individual reasoning and its right to decide in all matters. The reason has its place especially with regard to certain physical things and general worldly questions—though even there it is a very fallible judge—or in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... to regard it in that way. Supposing it is the impersonal Self of all only, yet the Upanishad says of the Self and its realisation, "This understanding is not to be gained by Page 169 reasoning nor by tapasya nor by much learning, but whom this Self chooses, to him it reveals its own body." Well, that is the same thing as what we call the Divine Grace,—it is an action from above or from... all problems and to deal with it at all adequately Page 175 would need an answer as long as the longest chapter of The Life Divine . I can only state my own knowledge founded not on reasoning but on experience that there is such a guidance and that nothing is in vain in this universe. If we look only at outward facts in their surface appearance or if we regard what we see happening ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... or Sir Andrew Fraser. We would suggest that Sir Andrew Fraser should be arrested in England and brought here to answer to the outraged police for the remarks passed by the Police Commission. The reasoning is perfectly fair. Any strong criticism, especially if it is persistent, lowers the reputation of the Government and creates in people a tendency to belittle, that is to say, have a contempt for authority ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... just conscious instinct; it develops slowly till in more organised forms of living Matter it reaches its climax of intelligence and exceeds itself in Man, the thinking animal who develops into the reasoning mental being but carries along with him even at his highest elevation the mould of original animality, the dead weight of subconscience of body, the downward pull of gravitation towards the original ...


... influence on Hitler” (Hanfstängl). From this man, steeped in the virulent Russian anti-Semitism of the turn of the century (which resulted in a massive exodus of East-European Jews), Hitler borrowed the reasonings to turn his “intellectual anti-Semitism” into an “exterminationist” anti-Semitism. Of this Eckart most probably would never have dared to dream despite his hardened prejudices; it may have been the ...


... to ideas instead of going forward to direct experience. I do not know about this Commentary [ on the Taittiriya Upanishad ], but most commentaries on the Upanishads are written out of the reasoning and speculating intellect. They may be of use to people who are trying to find out intellectually the meaning of the Upanishads—but they can be of no help to you as a sadhak who are seeking experience; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... physical education. It is physical education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But for the development of the brain, it is study, observation, intelligent education, above all observation and reasoning. And naturally, for the whole education of the consciousness from the point of view of character, it is yoga. Page 344 Does the central will of the physical being have a particular location ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... of seeing the history of mankind and its intellectual development from that point forward to where it stands today. And that curve suggests that Western philosophy took birth with Socrates and his reasoning which, therefore, could not have been detrimental to the youth of those days. Page 143 ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... they apply not only to the individual but to the nation. Here was the first error of the German subjectivism. Reasoning of the Absolute and the individual and the universal, it looked into itself and saw that in fact, as a matter of life, That seemed to express itself as the ego and, reasoning from the conclusions of modern Science, it saw the individual merely as a cell of the collective ego. This ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... that uncommon category that I so much admire, the reasonable mystic. I am truly grateful to the friends who advised me to visit this man. He thinks with such clarity, there is such lucidness in his reasoning, such lustre in his eyes, that he leaves one with the impression of having contemplated the genius of India such as one dreams it to be after reading the noblest pages of Hindu philosophy.’ 1 But... Mother) which integrates everything, even the smallest details, in a large synthetic whole. That is why he could say: ‘There is very little argument in my philosophy — the elaborate metaphysical reasoning full of abstract words with which the metaphysician tries to establish his conclusions is not there. What is there is a harmonizing of the different parts of a many-sided knowledge so that all unites ...


... Mahomedans alike, to work enthusiastically for Swadeshi Page 221 and Swaraj. By raising the cry of Swadeshi and Swaraj, then, we forfeit the protection of the law. Stated so nakedly, the reasoning sounds absurd; but, in the light of certain practical considerations we can perfectly appreciate the standpoint of these bureaucrats. Arguing as philosophers, they would be wrong; but arguing as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... It's... as if you were absolutely sick, a total mess, and all of a sudden you're marvelously well, strong. And it comes very naturally, without any fuss. It remains there, and then pfft! All our reasoning, all our... : in pieces—no longer worth anything. And all the people needed to operate the organization, all the persons you count on, ploff! they fall through. You see, it's got to the point ...


... their own higher light that the Divine Consciousness from which they had descended was already here in a physical form. But why can't the inner self be hidden from all in such lives? Your reasoning would only have some force if the presence on earth then were as the Avatar but not if it was only as a Vibhuti. You have asked, "Presence where and in whom?" Why have you put those question-words ...


... if you had the senses differently organised, you would perceive the same thing differently. About Reason, what I may say is that if it was sufficient for arriving at the Truth, then all men by reasoning would arrive at the same conclusion. I am not speaking of abstract Reason. If Reason could work in the abstract and be an ideal faculty, it might perceive Truth. As it is, practical Reason deals with ...


... much (for which I have a fellow-feeling): the rational mystics. I am really grateful to the friends who recommended me to look up this man. He thinks with such clarity, there is such lucidity in his reasoning, such radiance in his look that you are left with the impression of having contemplated the genius of India as you dream of it after reading the most sublime pages of Hindu philosophy." The 'Hindu ...


... remarkable feature which has distinguished alike the crimes at Nasik, London, Calcutta, to say nothing of the assassination of Gossain in jail. With such men it is difficult to deal. Neither fear nor reasoning, disapprobation nor isolation can have any effect on them. Nor will the Government of this country allow us to use what we believe to be the only effective means of combating the spread of the virus ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... consciousness is physical education. It's physical education that teaches the cells to be conscious. But to develop the brain, it's study, observation, intelligent education—especially observation and reasoning. And naturally, for the whole education of the consciousness from the standpoint of character, it's yoga. Another question: "Does the central will of the physical being have a particular ...


... Intuition. This true and authentic Intuition must be distinguished Page 126 from a power of the ordinary mental reason which is too easily confused with it, that power of involved reasoning that reaches its conclusion by a bound and does not need the ordinary steps of the logical mind. Overmind: The Overmind is a delegate of the Supramental Consciousness, its delegate to the cosmic ...


... the gods and the divine principles indirectly through symbols and similes, but in mental terms which are closer to our normal understanding and we can also utilise the form of our intellection and reasoning to represent and capture something of what lies beyond intellect and reason. In India we have an echo of the transition, rather perhaps, she held up the type of the transition required. For here ...

... Page 382 of being as such, or b) of the subject matter common to all sciences, or c) of the activity of thinking or reasoning. As prescriptive laws they have been conceived of as expressing absolute or conventional standards of correct thinking or reasoning. As formal laws they have been held to be propositions which are true in virtue of their form and independent of their content,... the Law of Contradiction. With a similar intention formal logicians are nowadays wont to show that its negation implies any proposition whatever (and thus also the Law of Contradiction itself). The reasoning is as follows.     1) To assume that the Law of Contradiction is false is to assume that for some proposition p, both p and not-p are true. 8.  Metaphysics III, 2,2. 9.  Ibid . ...


... assumption of the inviolability and the absolute nature of mathematical concepts. Traditional logic has definitely failed before the problems raised by the Cantorian transfinite. "This confusion of reasoning in that 10.Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, p. 111. 11. Ibid., p. 146. 12.Adolphe Buhl, Esth éti nque Scientifique. 13.René Dugas, La Math é matique, Object de Culture... lnn é it é du Transfini. 15. Ibid. 16. Savitri, Bk. II, Canto 13, pp. 284-85. 17. Words of the Mother, p. 140. Page 88 a direct divination anterior to all reasoning." 18 And the wonder is that this intuition invariably brings with it appropriate symbols and language for its expression. That is why M. Andre Weil, the leading light of the polycephalous Bourbaki... something of a poet." To seize in full the importance of this statement, we should remember that it comes from the pen of a great mathematician whose fame has been based on his extremely careful reasoning, on "Weierstrassian rigour" as other mathematicians style it. "Weierstrass was the mathematical conscience par excellence, methodological and logical." 42 In fact mathematics possesses the ...

... this is philosophy. Anything more unphilosophical, more vicious in reasoning cannot be imagined. When the Veda, speaking not of the Absolute but of Brahman Hiranyagarbha, says that He was alone and grew afraid of His loneliness, it passes, as a daring poetical fancy; and this too might pass as a poetical fancy, but not as serious reasoning. It is no more than an unreasoning recoil from the European idea... not, became; out of nothing, something arose. This is not philosophy but theology; not reasoning, but faith. As faith it might pass; that God is omnipotent and can therefore literally create something out of nothing, is a dogma which one is at liberty to believe or reject, but it is outside the sphere of reasoning.) There seems at first to be a fatal objection to the concession of this postulate;... the Page 353 unending panorama of things. 2 And for whose benefit? Surely for those conscious knowing and perceiving Egos, the army of witnesses, who, each in his private space of reasoning and perceiving Mind partitioned off by an enveloping medium of gross matter, sit for ever as spectators in the theatre of the Universe! For ever, thought the Sankhyas, since the Egos, though their ...


... descendants of Darwin, had in common, it seems difficult to comprehend that they became the leaders of the opposing camps in the second phase of the Darwin Wars. But we have already seen that Dawkins’ reasoning rested mainly on theories about the genes, their “lineages” and their alleged action in the extended phenotypes, while Gould’s vantage point was primarily the study of the fossil record. (The various... and clear,” Dawkins wrote, “is the truth that the theory of punctuated equilibrium lies firmly within the neo-Darwinian synthesis. It always did.” 27 But knowing the ambiguity of Dawkins’ reasonings, one will not be surprised to find him writing some years later that the Gouldian view was incompatible with the standard neo-Darwinian model. But then again he wrote: “A key feature of evolution ...

... susceptible— genus irritabile vatum . And besides where is the joy of literature if you cannot use your skill of words in pummelling some opposite faction's nose? Man is a reasoning animal (perhaps), but a belligerent reasoning animal and must fight with words if he cannot do it with fists, swords, guns, or poison gas. All the more, I applaud your decision not to pursue farther the ত্রৈরথ. 24 November ...


... of thought and reason in an animal world as an absurdity and a chimaera. It is the same now with the appearance of supermind in the stumbling mentality of this world of human consciousness and its reasoning ignorance. If the supramental descent is decreed, nothing can prevent it; but all things are worked out here through a play of forces, and an unfavourable atmosphere or conditions can delay ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... time, which are intermediary between the higher mind and the Overmind. How does it manifest, Sweet Mother?—intuition. Um! How does it manifest? It is something, which takes place without any reasoning, any analysis, any deduction. Suddenly one knows a thing, without having reasoned, without having analysed, without deducing, without having reflected, without having made use of one's brain, without ...


... cases—there are analogies, there can even be families of cases, but there aren't two identical cases; so in everyone there are variations. And unless the gentleman is very intuitive, he will start reasoning and then he is sure to make a mistake, or else to tell you some "vaguenesses" like "you are nearsighted" or "you are farsighted" (!) So much so that there aren't two identical cases of cataract—there ...


... doctrine of Aristotle himself, according to whom virtue meant a mean between extremes. Aristotle was the first logician of the Western world and he must have taught his pupil the art and science of reasoning as applied to metaphysics, science and mathematics. The vast encyclopedic knowledge that Aristotle could have put at Alexander's disposal would have made Alexander, if he so chose, a great master ...


... illumination, a fountain of inexhaustible life-giving waters. Buddhism with all its developments was only a restatement, although from a new standpoint and with fresh terms of intellectual definition and reasoning, of one side of its experience and it carried it thus changed in form but hardly in substance over all Asia and westward towards Europe. The ideas of the Upanishads can be rediscovered in much of... metaphysical analysis which labours to define notions, to select ideas and discriminate those that are true, to logicise truth or else to support the mind in its intellectual preferences by dialectical reasoning and is content to put forward an exclusive solution of existence in the light of this or that idea of the reason and see all things from that viewpoint, in that focus and determining perspective. ...


... sort of enriching descent from the spirit to matter and to pass on first to an intellectual endeavour to see life and the world and the self in all their relations as they present themselves to the reasoning and the practical intelligence. The earlier movement of this intellectual effort was naturally accompanied by a practical development and organisation of life consciously expressive of the mind and... resulted in the authoritative social treatises or Shastras of which the greatest and the most authoritative is the famous Laws of Manu. The work of the philosophers was to systematise and justify to the reasoning intelligence the truths of the self and man and the world already discovered by intuition, revelation and spiritual experience and embodied in the Veda and the Upanishads, and at the same time to ...


... psychic light put things back in order. This is the most powerful way. When one does not have this psychic contact, but is still a reasonable being, that is, when one has a free movement of the reasoning mind, one can use it to reason with, to speak to oneself as one would to a child, explaining that this fear is a bad thing Page 117 in itself and, even if there is a danger, to face the... greatest stupidity. If there is a real danger, it is only with the power of courage that you have a chance of coming out of it; if you have the least fear, you are done for. So with that kind of reasoning, manage to convince the part that fears that it must stop being afraid. If you have faith and are consecrated to the Divine, there is a very simple way, it is to say: "Let Your will be done. Nothing ...


... it. Or if any intuitions come, they can be twisted and spoiled by the mixture of these forces of the Ignorance. It [ intuition ] is the power of knowing any truth or fact directly without reasoning or sense-proof, by a spontaneous right perception. Page 162 As for intuition—well! One has to make a distinction—if one can—between a pure intuition and a mixed one. A pure intuition ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... it can cover and will inevitably be stretched to cover the repetition of "dangers, mischiefs and iniquities in our olden history and, perhaps, in our present history"; in other words Mr. Morley's reasoning in favour of the present "iniquities" in India Page 533 can equally well be used to justify every utmost atrocity, cruelty, vileness with which tyrants ancient or modern have attempted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of blood survive. But here racism drew an un-Darwinian conclusion: the fittest-purest also have the right, conferred by Nature or “the Lord”, to dominate the others. Of course, their whole line of reasoning accorded with the inclusion of the human race into the animal kingdom, something which Linnaeus was the first to do and a theory which, if consequently applied, swept away in one go all humanistic ...


... decisions. But so long as men go on believing in the sovereign power of machinery, it is not likely that the gods either will cease from their studied irony. There have been other speculations and reasonings; ingenious minds have searched for a firmer and more rational ground of faith. The first of these was propounded in a book by a Russian writer which had an enormous success in its day but has now ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... call presupposes her presence. When I told this to X, I felt a strong pressure and vibrations from the centre of my forehead downwards between the eyebrows. What is the reason for this? X 's reasonings are not very sound; yours are better if not altogether flawless. The Mother is not limited by the physical mind, so even if she has "more important" work to do, that would not in the least stand ...

... what these words mean, understand intellectually what the sentence means exactly—that is active meditation. You concentrate on these few words and take the thought they express and try, through reasoning, deduction, analysis, to understand what it means. There is another method, more direct and deep; it is to take this mental formation, this combination of words with the thought they represent ...


... how to obtain the maximum result with the minimum loss of energy. Well, it is the same thing with thought. When you train yourself methodically, there comes a time when you can follow a train of reasoning quite objectively, as you would project a picture on a screen—you can follow the logical deduction of one idea from another, and the normal, logical, organised movement, with the minimum loss of time ...


... No? I am not interested—whatever happens, happens. I am there to stand up to the last—whatever happens, happens. ( Mother tries to speak, Pranab cuts her short ) ...I am neither reasoning nor doing anything. And I don't want to listen also, Mother. [The attendant laughs.] I understand fully. And let me go on with my own light—own conviction, own faith, own strength, own will. [Pranab ...


... everything. The Vital is a sort of super-theater giving performances—very alluring, dazzling, deceptive performances—and it's only when you know the True Thing that immediately, instinctively, without reasoning, you discern and say, "No, I don't want that." And for everything, you know. The one point in human life where it has assumed cardinal importance is love. Vital passions and attractions have almost ...


... being. There is no royal road to the divine realisation. This is the Karmayoga laid down in the Gita as I have developed it for the integral spiritual life. It is founded not on speculation and reasoning but on experience. It does not exclude meditation and certainly does not exclude Bhakti, for the self-offering to the Divine, the consecration of all oneself to the Divine which is the essence of ...


... of thought and reason in an animal world as an absurdity and a chimaera. It is the same now with the appearance of supermind in the stumbling mentality of this world of human consciousness and its reasoning ignorance. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Descent of the Supermind One thing seems obvious, humanity has reached a certain state of general tension—tension in effort, in action ...


... intuition in our first inexperience. The suggestive intuition is not the same thing as the intellectual insight of a quick intelligence or the intuitive discrimination as the rapid judgment of the reasoning intellect; the intuitive inspiration is not the same as the inspired action of the imaginative intelligence, nor the intuitive revelation as the strong light of a purely mental close seizing and ...


... section of that party, but they are evidently wishful not to entirely alienate the Nationalist Moderates, if they can do so while excluding them from all real weight on the Councils. But by what reasoning any Nationalist can imagine that he will escape the operation of the excluding clauses, we are at a loss to understand. We may also ask our Mahratta brothers what advantage they have gained by being ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... to secret conspiracy and assassination. Therefore stop all means of criticising the Government and the first cause being removed, the final effect will disappear. That this is the actual train of reasoning, conscious or unconscious, in the minds of those who advise, initiate or approve a policy of repression is beyond doubt. It is evident in all they say or write. Unfortunately the statement of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... satisfying explanation. If there are two planes and in putting the question we are confusing the two planes, that argument can only be of value if both planes have some kind of existence and the reasoning and explanation are true in the lower plane but cease to have any meaning for a consciousness which has passed out of it. 2) Adwaita. People are apt to speak of the Adwaita as if it were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... understands the process and laws of his thought, but detaches himself from it. Then as the master of the sanction he withdraws his past sanction from the tangle of the mental undercurrent and the reasoning intellect and causes both to cease from their importunities. He becomes liberated from subjection to the thinking mind and capable of the utter silence. For perfection there is necessary also the ...


... more modern intellectual stimulativeness something of the antique psychic and intuitive vision and word of the older Mystics. The trend to rationalism is there, but not yet that fluid clarity of the reasoning mind which was the creation of the Sophists. Professor R. D. Ranade has recently published a small treatise on the philosophy of Heraclitus. From the paging of the treatise it seems to be an excerpt ...


... than the Roman civilization, which had borrowed so much from them and still remained practical and square. The Greeks, as well as the Romans, had been of Germanic stock. Indeed, the simplest logical reasoning showed you that, if all higher culture was originally due to the Aryans, cultured peoples like the Greeks and the Romans must have been of Aryan blood, and Aryan meant the same as Germanic. Hitler ...


... But we only have to hold out, that's all. We must erase the imprint little by little. And in fact, the only way to erase the imprint is to make contact with the Truth. There is no other way—all reasoning, all intelligence, all understanding, all that is totally useless with this physical mind. The only thing is to make contact. That's just what the cells value: the possibility of making contact. ...


... inconscient to the inconscient, — for sense and reflex action [yet it] becomes absurd if we try to explain by it thought and will, the imagination of the poet, the attention of the scientist, the reasoning of the philosopher. Call it mechanical cerebration, if you will, but no mere mechanism of grey stuff of brain can explain these things; a gland cannot write Hamlet or pulp of brain work out a system ...


... I believe, three things : To bring out the real man is the first business of education. In the present system it is sorely neglected. It can be done by promoting powers of observation, memory, reasoning etc. Through these the man within must be touched and brought out. The second thing that acts is the personality of the teacher. Whatever Montessori may say, the teacher is there and his influence ...

... side then of the problem has to pass under consideration before we can examine with confidence the solutions that rest on a relative or partial reality of the universe. There is indeed a line of reasoning which gets rid of the problem by excluding it; it affirms that the question how the Illusion generated, how the universe manages to be there in the pure existence of Brahman, is illegitimate: the... necessarily cancelled out of existence by timeless Eternity; their relation is only verbally a relation of contradiction; in fact, it is more likely to be a relation of dependence. Similarly, the reasoning which cancels the dynamics of the Absolute, the imposition of the stigma of unreal reality on the pragmatic truth of things because it is pragmatic, is difficult to accept; for the pragmatic truth... however real they may seem or be in Time. Action leads to ignorance, to the created and finite; kinesis and creation are a contradiction of the immutable Reality, the pure uncreated Existence. But this reasoning is not wholly valid because it is looking at perception and action only as they are in our mental cognition of the world and its movement; but that is the experience of our surface being regarding ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and sculpture. Page 318 The Veda is the creation of an early intuitive and symbolical mentality to which the later mind of man, strongly intellectualised and governed on the one side by reasoning idea and abstract conception, on the other hand by the facts of life and matter accepted as they present themselves to the senses and positive intelligence without seeking in them for any divine or... and symbol the mystic significances of life. It was a divine discovery and unveiling of the potencies of the word, of its mysterious revealing and creative capacity, not the word of the logical and reasoning or the aesthetic intelligence, but the intuitive and inspired rhythmic utterance, the mantra. Image and myth were freely used, not as an imaginative indulgence, but as living parables and symbols ...


... intimate vision in the Intuition. This true and authentic intuition must be distinguished from a power of the ordinary mental reason which is too easily confused with it, that power of involved reasoning that reaches its conclusion by a bound and does not need the ordinary steps of the logical mind. Overmind: The Overmind is a delegate of the Supramental Consciousness, its delegate to the... Superconscience progressively evolve and emerge out of the Inconscient, the first emergence being Matter. the Intraconscient — the subliminal. Intuition — 1. Insight without conscious reasoning. 2. Plane of consciousness between Illumined Mind and Overmind. See under Gradations between Mind and Supermind. Ishwara — Lord, Master, the Divine, God. Ishwarakoti — a human ...


... obeying the least gesture of the policeman, the State official, the military officer was really the freest, happiest and most moral individual in all Europe and therefore in the whole world. The same reasoning in a heightened form might perhaps be applied to the drilled felicities of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The State, educating and governing the individual, undertakes to intellectualise, ethicise... for a perfect social evolution, no other can replace it. But this brotherhood and love will not proceed by the vital instincts or the reason where they can be met, baffled or deflected by opposite reasonings and other discordant instincts. Nor will it found itself in the natural heart of man where there are plenty of other passions to combat it. It is in the soul that it must find its roots; the love ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... this for years, we shall never get out of it. And so those who push it so far finish by telling you: Ill-will doesn't exist, it is an illusion. And that's simply because they stop midway in their reasoning, for if they went a little farther they might say: Perhaps it is a human invention, this ill-will.... That is possible! Page 146 Animals don't have ill-will, do they? I do not think... that gently lays its eggs inside in such a way that when the eggs are hatched the larvae feed on that paralysed but not dead animal. It is Machiavellian, isn't it? Evidently it is not the result of reasoning, it is an instinct. Can this be called ill-will? Is this ill-will?... It is simply the instinct of procreation. Perhaps, if we say that these insects are moved by the spirit of the species which ...


... cultured verse; but they did not represent life with success or interpret it with high poetic power or inspired insight and were not stirred and uplifted by any deeply great vision of truth. The reasoning and observing intellect is a most necessary and serviceable instrument, but an excess of reason and intellectuality does not create an atmosphere favourable to moved vision and the uplifting breath... finer and bolder impulses of creation, one of the most insistent demands and needs of the human mind, not only in poetry, but in thought itself and in spirit, has been to lessen the tyranny of the reasoning and critical intellect, to return to the power and sincerity of life and come by a greater deepness of the intuition of its soul of meaning. That is the most striking turn of all recent writing of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... of experiential "overstanding". Zen wants us to acquire an entirely new point of view on the mysteries of life and the secrets of nature. Zen has come to the conclusion that ordinary logical reasoning is powerless to satisfy our deepest psychological needs. To bring home this point, Zen masters often speak in what seem to be illogical terms. For example, the famous Zen master Fudaishi describes... lines, Suzuki writes: Nothing can be more illogical and contrary to common sense than these few lines. The critic will be inclined to call Zen absurd, confusing and beyond the ken of ordinary reasoning. But Zen is inflexible and would protest that the so-called common-sense way of looking at things is not final, and that the reason why we cannot attain to a thoroughgoing comprehension of the ...

... it has got to be learnt from another Page 27 who has true knowledge, and who makes the listener as stead-fast in truth as Nachiketas. He says: "This wisdom is not to be obtained by reasoning,0 beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge, the wisdom that thou hast got. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art, may I meet... of security and great praise and fame, even then thou didst cast these things from thee, as thou art wise and strong in steadfastness." Yama then began to speak of God who cannot be known by reasoning but by spiritual yoga and Yama tells Nachiketas that that God is one from whom all things have come out, and who is therefore, the oldest of all, and is to be found in the deep estcave of our heart ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... conscious; in the animal the beginning of mind is already taking place. I mean mind has begun to come out into expression in the animal already, only it is a vital-mind and not an intellectual or reasoning mind as man has. It cannot put two and two together and come to a conclusion. The animal has a vital rationality which is different from intellectual rationality. Page 181 They have... cause and effect. So if you constantly have a door open in a certain way, the animal at once knows the action that precedes it and therefore it will automatically react. It is not by a process of reasoning— "that is the way to open the door." "What is this?" "Why is this ?" are questions not present in the animal. But they have an instinctive understanding of processes at work and that is the logic... which carries matter to mind and mind again to matter to bring back the force of mind as will to modify matter. You say there is a sensation of the river; then mind resorts to an abstract process of reasoning and with the help of science it conceives the idea of a dam. "If I can store up the water and if I can do this then I can have electricity." All that mental operation comes back again to matter, ...


... himself open as he was in those moments. The Force is not a matter for reasoning or theory but of experience. If I have written about force, it is because both the Mother and myself have had many thousand experiences in which it acted and produced results of every kind. This idea of the Force has nothing to do with theory or reasoning but is felt constantly by every Yogin; it is a part of his yogic... satisfying explanation. If there are two planes and in putting the question we are confusing the two planes, that argument can only be of value if both planes have some kind of existence and the reasoning and explanation are true in the lower plane but cease to have any meaning for a consciousness which has passed out of it. Page 169 2.Adwaita People are apt to speak... itself, it is only its external form. Just as the body, the external form, can change but the spirit remains the same, so is it here. Faith is a certitude in the soul which does not depend on reasoning, on this or that mental idea, on circumstances, on this or that passing condition of the mind or the vital or the body. It may be hidden, eclipsed, may even seem to be quenched, but it reappears ...

... emerge from my understanding of rationalism and may not be found in other accounts of rationalism: 1.There is a Reality, which transcends the act of reasoning or ideation, but which is caught or reflected in the activities of conceiving or reasoning. 2.That Reality is such than which nothing greater can be conceived; and 3.That Reality is infinite, eternal and self-existent. According... of the implications of the ontological argument. The Presuppositions of Rationalism 1."There is a Reality, which transcends the act of reasoning or ideation, but which is caught or reflected in the activities of conceiving or reasoning. 2.That Reality is such than which nothing greater can be conceived; and 3.That Reality is infinite, eternal and self-existent." (Quotation ...

... instrument and a shadow. 13) They proved to me by convincing reasons that God did not exist, and I believed them. Afterwards I saw God, for He came and embraced me. And now which am I to believe, the reasonings of others or my own experience? 14) They told me, "These things are hallucinations." I inquired what was a hallucination and found that it meant a subjective or a psychical experience which c... absurd cabalistic figures have any real force & meaning?" Then the scientist drove him out as a hopeless imbecile; for he did not recognise his own system of denials and his own method of negative reasoning. If we wish to refuse an impartial & open-minded enquiry, we can always find the most respectable polysyllables to cover our refusal or impose tests & conditions which stultify the enquiry. Page... action, creation and being. 161) Become & live the knowledge thou hast; then is thy knowledge the living God within thee. 162) Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges. 163) The power to observe law rigidly is the basis of freedom; therefore in most disciplines ...


... Against his reasonings Sri Krishna sets two different ideas, one inferior for the use of the man bound but seeking liberation, another superior Page 79 for the liberated man, the Shastra and surrender not only of the fruits of the work but of the work itself to God. The virtue of the Shastra is that it sets up a standard outside ourselves, different from our personal desires, reasonings, passions... of accepting the Shastra and submitting to the Guru and do not do like the Europeans who insist on the freedom of the individual intellect to follow its own fancies and preferences which it calls reasonings, even before it is trained to discern or fit to reason. It is much the fashion nowadays to indulge in metaphysical discussions and philosophical subtleties about Maya and Adwaita and put them in ...


... external form. Just as the body, the external form, can change but the spirit remains the same, so it is here. Faith is a certitude in the soul which Page 199 does not depend on reasoning, on this or that mental idea, on circumstances, on this or that passing condition of the mind or the vital or the body. It may be hidden, eclipsed, may even seem to be quenched, but it reappears ...


... into sterile intellectual discussions. The intellectual mind cannot even realise what the supermind is; what use, then, can there be in allowing it to discuss what it does not know? It is not by reasoning, but by constant experience, growth of consciousness and widening into the Light that one can reach those higher levels of consciousness above the intellect from which one can begin to look up to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... what can touch it? But all the world will disappear! It is that, is it not? When That comes, when the Lord is there, there is not one in a thousand who would not be frightened. And not in the reasoning, not in the thought: like that, in the substance. Then supposing, supposing that it is so, that a being becomes the condensation and expression, a formula of the supreme Power, the supreme Light—what ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... and vegetable nature and mineral nature, a DIRECT handling of Matter, which men do not have—they need intermediaries, material instruments, whereas this was direct. And there were no thoughts or reasoning: it was spontaneous ( gesture indicating the direct radiating action of will on Matter ). I have the lived memory of this. It must have existed on earth because it wasn't premonitory: it wasn't a ...


... persecution, denunciation and disparagement the idea gathers strength and increases; there are strange and great conversions, baptisms of whole multitudes and eager embracings of martyrdom, and the reasonings of the wise and learned are no more heeded and the prisons of the ruler overflow to no purpose and the gallows bears its ghastly burden fruitlessly and the sword of the powerful drips blood in vain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... when I express not spiritual thought but spiritual experience. I knew perfectly well that this recurrence would be objected to as bad technique or an inadmissible technique; but this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique. AE himself admits ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... in tune with not only the Integral Yoga which he propounds and communicates but also with the character of his own time. The Integral Yoga has to cope with man in his wholeness, which includes the reasoning intellect. Also, contemporary homo sapiens is exceedingly complex in his demands and particularly requires a structure of rationality to convince him and assure him of the suprarational. Ours is ...


... "Oh, the years are going by... ," it's a long time since all that has been over. It's not that, it's... the easy path of passive acceptance, which evidently leads ("evidently," I mean not through reasoning, but THROUGH EXPERIENCE), which leads to increased decay; or else, that intensity of aspiration for the Perfection that must manifest, for all that must be, an aspiration which keeps everything at ...


... of the Rig-veda is a figurative representation of our planet after its long-continued glacial death in the same period of terrestrial evolution. It is difficult to accept in their mass Mr. Aiyar's reasonings and conclusion, but he has at least thrown a new light on the great Vedic mythus of Ahi Vritra and the release of the seven rivers. His interpretation is far 6. Ibid., p. 170. The short phrases ...


... for a perfect social evolution, no other can replace it. But this brotherhood and love will not proceed by the vital instincts or the reason where they can be met, baffled or deflected by opposite reasonings and other discordant instincts. Nor will it found itself in the natural heart of man where there are plenty of other passions to combat it. It is in the soul that it must find its roots; the love ...


... case is not annihilated or even kept in abeyance, but sublimated, undergoing a reorientation and reorganisation, acquiring a new magnitude. Even if there is ¹This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning.-Katha, 1. 2. 9 ²That which thinks not by the mind.-Kena, 1. 4 ³Not with the mind has one the power to obtain it.-Katha, II. 3. 12 4 By the mind too this has to be seized.-Ibid, II. 2. 23 ...

... the old Hindu thought interested itself. Modern Science has made it its business to investigate and master the forces and laws of working of the physical world; it has sought to know how man as a reasoning animal developed into what he is, how he is affected in detail by the laws of external nature and what is the rule of his thought and action in things physical & psycho-physical whether as an individual... Dream and Waking. But this evolution has been a downward evolution; he has descended spiritually from pure Spirit into physical matter, from self-existent, self-knowing, self-delighting God into the reasoning animal. In other words each new condition of Spirit, as it evolved, has overlaid and obscured its predecessor. In the physical condition, which is the ultimate term of the downward evolution, man... last term of gross matter disintegrates and matter reaches a stage at which many of the most urgent and inexorable laws of physics no longer operate. It is at this point where chemical analysis and reasoning can no longer follow Nature into her recesses that the Hindu system of Yoga by getting behind the five Pranas or Page 251 gross vital breaths through which Life manifests in gross physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... also likely to lead to self-delusion. Metaphysics and philosophy, or a metaphysical philosophy, have a greater appeal to the mind. They require hard thinking and the application of logic and reasoning, though all this is necessarily based on some premises, which are presumed to be self-evident, and yet which may or may not be true. All thinking persons, to a greater or less degree, dabble in m... continuous becoming something better and higher of social development, of the ceaseless adventure of man. In the solution of these problems the way of observation and precise knowledge and deliberate reasoning, according to the method of science, must be followed. This method may not always be applicable in our quest of truth, for art and poetry and certain psychic experiences seem to belong to a different ...


... who, like the rest of us, found life on Earth such a mess that they declared it to be a bad dream, a chimera, an illusion, advising us to get out of it as soon as possible. Following their line of reasoning, these sages did not seem to be aware that they were pulling the carpet if not from under the feet of the Brahman, then surely from under the structure of their own logic. How in the omniscient, ... to all great occult traditions the promise given to humankind — the promise of the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. ‘Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal so out of man the superman emerges,’ 10 reads one of Sri Aurobindo’s aphorisms. And in the first pages of The Life Divine ...


... your destiny?"... and so on and on — endless variations on the one theme: do not surrender your self-will. As the days went by, I became progressively conscious of the fallacy of such specious reasoning till, in the end, I saw, like Page 63 St.Augustine of yore, that it was not freedom I ached for but license. I saw that my higher self was not only willing but eager to surrender to... fell, Aspiring to be angels, men rebel. And, we do not merely rebel, but also refuse to learn from our past mistakes, insist On our right to plead for our folly with the wisest of reasonings and, lastly — to quote from Gurudev's letter to me — resist "the change from the human to the divine consciousness " in order to be able to defend our "right to sorrow and suffering". I was reminded ...


... cat and rat equation is, I suppose intended to describe the kind of reasoning by which the devil misleads the mind. At any rate, it is an apt description of the devil's logic and the devil's mathematics there are fantastic and false ideas with which it is dangerous even to play. You see how successful this kind of devil's reasoning has been with prashanta. Prashanta presends to be pure and surrender ...

... have met before and reason has considered it to be untenable. But now in the light of this experience which has an inherent certainty and finality about itself, reason also comes to see that its reasonings were mere constructions, perhaps sufficient within themselves but having no relevance to the ultimate facts of existence; for experience shows that there is an ultimate dualism. And thus we get a... which we have met before and reason has found it to be untenable. But in the light of this experience which has an inherent certainty and finality about itself, reason also comes to see that its reasonings were mere constructions and that reason being itself ridden with self-contradiction cannot really give us the truth; it finds now that its constructions have no relevance to the fact of supreme ...

... nature of logical argument brought to the support of a philosophical truth. The nature of debate or logical reasoning is absent from the mentality of the Upanishadic thinkers. The grand question they always asked each other was not “What hast thou thought out in this matter?” or “What are thy reasonings & conclusions?” but “What dost thou know? What hast thou seen in thyself?” The Vedantic like the Vedic... that Hercules burnt himself on a pyre on Mount Oeta and the sun also sets in a glory of flame behind the mountains. Such proofs seem hardly substantial enough for so strong a conclusion. By the same reasoning Page 189 one could prove the emperor Napoleon a sun myth, because he was beaten & shorn of his glory by the forces of winter and because his brilliant career set in the western ocean and... tion of the Vedas may be [not] unjustly described as a huge conjectural & uncertain generalisation built on an inadequate & shifting mass of conjectural particulars. Nor does the philological reasoning on which the astronomical interpretation of Vedic hymns is supported, inspire, when Page 191 examined, or deserve any more certain confidence. To identify the Aswins with the two sons ...


... escape. In the ancient system which admitted the soul's survival of the body, Mind was the man, in a very profound and radical sense of the phrase. It is not only that the human being is the one reasoning animal upon earth, the thinking race; he is essentially the mental being in a terrestrial body, the manu . Quite apart from the existence of a soul or self one in all creatures, the body is not even ...


... first to explain that race was the determining factor in the evolution and composition of mankind; he taught that the mixing of pure with impure blood was the cause of race deterioration; and his reasonings pointed back to the existence of an original master race with uncontaminated blood. What suited the völkisch-minded Germans of the aforementioned societies also was that Gobineau was a through and ...


... with which they have contact or into which they enter. Do not scientists go sometimes beyond the mental plane? It is said that Einstein found his theory of relativity not through any process of reasoning, but through some kind of sudden inspiration. Has that inspiration anything to do with the Supermind? Page 93 The scientist who gets an inspiration revealing to him a new truth, receives ...


... have put it. So? To stop the action of the mind, is that it? The way to do it? I am asking... Naturally! But that is already difficult enough. So what are you asking? When one stops the reasoning, if something new from above doesn't come immediately, then during that period sometimes... One acts like an idiot! ( Laughter ) Then it is better not to stop the reason before going beyond that ...


... don't know. Yes... And this vision [with the big control panel], it was like an application of scientific means, but quite different! And it was entirely based on... There was no thought, no reasoning, nothing of all that: it was a force going like this ( gesture of a descent imposing itself ), as it always does, and it impelled the action. So I saw; I saw, I knew I had to do this or that, and ...


... separates this subtle physical from the ordinary physical. But what does this net represent? I don't know... You see, there is no mentalization, there are no explanations, there's no thought, no reasoning, all that is clearly done away with. So, in fact, I see... The sensation isn't the same either. Our way of feeling on the physical level isn't there, it doesn't work that way.... It's more like ...


... indisputable truth. Certain aspects of the ultimate reality appeal to certain types of mind or chime with certain types of experience — and these we erect into a system by means of logical reasoning which seems cogent to us but which others with equal cogency for themselves put aside as erroneous. The only system which is likely to be accepted in the long run is one which satisfies all the ...

... what is called a "realisation" or a "seeing". It is no better than an indirect knowledge, paroksa. What is needed is a direct vision of the truth without the need of observation of the object, reasoning, evidence, imagination, memory or any other of the usual faculties of intellect. Now the spiritual vision, drsti, is a sort of light in the soul by which things unseen become as evident and real ...

... unable to realise this inevitability...." He said at the end of the letter, "It is the same now with the appearance of supermind in the stumbling mentality of this world of human consciousness and its reasoning ignorance." 1 The question that pops up is why did the great Creatrix give such a liberty to the human race? Maybe she wished to have some creatures to consciously share the World-Game with her? ...


... for everything. The vital is like a superstage that gives shows—very attractive, dazzling, deceptive; it is only when you know the True Thing that you recognise immediately, instinctively, without reasoning, and you say, "No, I do not want that." And for everything it is so. Where it has taken a capital importance in human life is with regard to love. Vital passions, vital attractions have almost ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... Energy to accustom the natural & merely mental man to the promptings of the ideal soul in him which seeks even now to escape out of twilight into light, out of groping into truth, out of the senses & reasoning into vision & direct experience. The upward tendency is imposed on us & we cannot permanently resist it; at some time or another God will lay his hands on us and force us up that steep incline so ...


... can descend and it is my experience that nothing short of its full descent can thoroughly remove the veil and mixture and effect the full spiritual transformation. No metaphysical or logical reasoning in the void as to what the Atman "must" do or can do or needs or needs not to do is relevant here or of any value. I may add that transformation is not the central object of other paths as it is ...


... and the God-given captains of the national aspiration. His life, his character, his work and endurance, his acceptance by the heart and the mind of the people are a stronger argument than all the reasonings in his speeches, powerful as these are, for Swaraj, Self-government, Home Rule, by whatever name we may call the sole possible present aim of our effort, the freedom of the life of India, its se... revolutionary temperament. This character of Mr. Tilak's mind explains his attitude in social reform. He is no dogmatic reactionary. The Maratha people are incapable of either the unreasoning or too reasoning rigid conservatism or of the fiery iconoclasm which can exist side by side,—they are often only two sides of the same temper of mind,—in other parts of India. It is attached to its social institutions ...


... selfishness, jealousy, demand, anger have no place in the spiritual life. If you keep to what you have resolved, then all will be right—and the right knowledge will come not from the mind and its reasonings but from the soul and its true vision of things. Page 788 You must throw this black poison [ of dissatisfaction and revolt ] out of you at once instead of dallying with it and giving... which has been so long the foundation of your sadhana and the cause of the great progress you were making. Do not listen to the clamour of the adverse vital Force which has been attacking you, its reasonings or its wrong emotional suggestions—it only wants you to fall from happiness, to suffer and to descend into a lower consciousness and lose your progress. Get back into the true spirit of love and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... are comprehensive, creative and synthetic; the faculties of the left-hand critical and analytic. To the right-hand belong judgment, imagination, memory, observation; to the left-hand comparison and reasoning. The critical faculties distinguish, compare, classify, generalise, deduce, infer, conclude; they are the component parts of the logical reason. The right-hand faculties comprehend, command, judge... l life in an ancient culture. Especially in mathematics, astronomy and chemistry, the chief elements of ancient science, she discovered and formulated much and well and anticipated by force of reasoning or experiment some of the scientific ideas and discoveries which Europe first arrived at much later, but was able to base more firmly by her new and completer method. She was well-equipped in surgery ...


... whole aim of Indian religion and spirituality. The Veda with its symbol-pointers and seer-wisdom, the Upanishads with their lightning flashes and leaps of thought, the Gita with its high-arching reasoning and culminating revelation, Purana and Tantra with their more pronouncedly rich and complex appeal to the human psyche, all addressed themselves to the same elemental task of man's self-transcendence... familiar to him, and his reading of Heraclitus has thus a very special value for the modern reader. Heraclitus was evidently teased by the "first and last things" of philosophy, and the lines of his reasoning seem to be reminiscent of some of the boldest adventures and loftiest flights in the Veda and the Upanishads, thereby pointing to the close filiations between ancient Greek and Hindu thought. ... n "symbolised in the ancient occult sign of the pentacle (or double triangle) enclosing a central square," which was also Sri Aurobindo's symbol. ** Cf. Dr. R. Vaidyanathaswami: "...the reasoning and exposition in the book are not of the 'dialectical' kind proper to the divided mentality, but are of the same nature as, and cannot be separated from, direct vision". (Review of The Life Divine ...

... out naturally a right and rational adjustment of his life with the life of others, it is for the reason of the whole community to arrange that too for him. Not the reasoning minds and wills of the individuals, but the collective reasoning mind and will of the community has to govern. It is this which will determine not only the principles and all the details of the economic and political order, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... automata,” but which the materialist supposes to function in the same way. 12 It is this mechanistic simile, created by an ignorance seeking knowledge, which has become one of the basic ways of reasoning of scientific materialism. What the mind, embedded in materiality, cannot know is held to be nothing but fancy which, at long last, should be swept aside. Reality, as mapped by the mind, may only... overtly, Cuvier was attacked by the Biblical literalists, “who could not believe that God, having created all things and pronounced them good, would allow any of them to be wiped out.” 20 His reasoning led to the formulation of “catastrophism”: gigantic catastrophes (the last one being the biblical Flood) explained the disappearance of so many species. From this standpoint he lashed out with his ...

... consciousness which surpasses the reasoning intellect, can one do it on lines which are to be judged and understood by the reasoning intellect, controlled at every step by it, told by the intellect what it is to do, what is the measure of its achievements, what its steps must be and what their value? If one does that, will one ever get out of the range of the reasoning intelligence into what is beyond... made up only of magnificent and important things? How many "trivial" things had to be dealt with and done before there could be produced a "King Lear" or a "Hamlet"? Again, according to your own reasoning, would Page 295 not people be justified in mocking at your pother—so they would call it, I do not—about metre and scansion and how many ways a syllable can be read? Why, they might... Mother will see about the time to be fixed for the music. February 18, 1933 At least the inner being, the psychic, is nowadays sufficiently awake not to acquiesce in the "reasonings" of the vital—your dream was the voice of the inner being, its reply showing you the truth within you and the real demand of the spirit. It was the dissatisfaction of the soul with the superficial ...

... They were more truly, harrowing moments of my trial. I soon saw through the cheat of the senses and the specious reasonings of the mind. And something within me obstinately refused to assent to these silly reactions. It held on to its faith, it brushed aside the mind's reasonings and the vital's grievances. And deeper still, there was something that clung all the more tenaciously to the Mother... your guard and do not try to understand and judge the Divine Mother by your little earthly mind that loves to subject even the things that are beyond it to its own norms and standards, its narrows reasonings and erring impressions, its bottomless aggressive ignorance and its petty self-confident knowledge. The human mind shut in the prison of its half-lit obscurity cannot follow the many-sided freedom... is like worshipping the sun and turning one's back upon its life-giving light. Such cases are tragic, indeed. Page 50 What these sadhakas should have done was to kick the reasoning mind with its array of sense-evidences into complete silence, and, taking the true psychic attitude, plunge headlong into the Mother's lap, saying, "Mother, make me or mar, I am eternally Thine. I ...


... The thinking mind ? Disciple : Yes. Sri Aurobindo : The reasonings and the fanciful constructions of the mind cease : there remains only a play of intuitions. Disciple ; Does not reason remain, at all ? Sri Aurobindo : When the whole mind is intuitionised, it knows directly and therefore needs no reasoning. I see you before me; so, why should I argue whether you exist or not... Mental transformation is a gradual process. First, the reasoning and constructions are silenced. Then the mind becomes intuitionised. Then one feels that there is something above which is much more than intuition. Intuition goes downwards and the higher Truth takes the place of intuition. At present, you find it difficult to understand how all reasoning and constructions of the mind can cease. That can... not ? Disciple : Reason may not be required for acquiring the Truth, but, for practical application of the Truth reasoning may be necessary. Sri Aurobindo ; Do you think that Truth is not practical? Page 122 The Truth is not something abstract. As long; as the mind reasons there is the possibility of error. Disciple : As regards mental constructions, – are ...

... the words of indomitable strength, with an oddly arrogant accent, in terms of concrete life-values, life-situations, were shaped by the spontaneous collaboration of the Vital with that soul. The reasoning mind was not looking at the future: the unthinking life-force that had been gripped by the Divine was pushing with utter faith towards the time to come. It could dare anything, it was sure of its ...


... consciousness. It is good to have the former if it is accurate, but it is not indispensable." 25 It is not enough to devote ourselves by the reading of Scriptures or by the stress of philosophic reasoning to an intellectual understanding of the Divine; for at the end of our long mental labour we might know all that has been said of the Eternal, possess all that can be thought about the Infinite and ...

... to build a new world-order out of the remnants of the nations. Who were those “pedantic intellectuals” whom Rauschning did not name? They may have been the linguists who pointed out the wrongful reasoning which extended the discovery of a common Aryan language to the factual existence of an Aryan race. Hitler was, unbeknownst even to his closest paladins, cherishing a dream of world domination, ...


... system, try to find out how it can be made fool-proof and all that in the course of a single lifetime. And I have to do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility Page 212 and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints—but at length. Lord God in omnibus ! 29 March 1936 Every ...


... be merely the consecutive thought of the intellectual thinker, whose only object is to conceive and intellectually link together his conceptions. It is not, except perhaps at first, a process of reasoning that is wanted so much as a dwelling so far as possible on the fruitful essence of the idea which by the insistence of the soul's will upon it must yield up all the facets of its truth. Thus if it ...


... subtilising the nature, and at its highest it is a great force for purification. Even the scientific habit of mind and the disinterested preoccupation with cosmic law and truth not only refine the reasoning and observing faculty, but have, when not counteracted by other tendencies, a steadying, elevating and purifying influence on the mind and moral nature which has not been sufficiently noticed. ...


... proved, but that, it is argued, does not matter; it only means that we do not yet know enough; but one day we shall know,—the necessary physiological reaction called by us an intuition or train of reasoning crowned by discovery having, I suppose, taken place in a properly constituted nervous body and the more richly convoluted brain of a Galileo of biology,—and then this great and simple truth will be ...


... refuse point-blank. The mind resists with an obstinate persistency in argument and a constant confusion of ideas, the vital with a fury Page 342 of bad will aided by the mind's obliging reasonings on its side, the physical resists with an obstinate inertia and crass fidelity to old habit, and when they have done, the general Nature comes in and says, "What, you are going to get free from me ...


... fight for a personal acceptance. A general and impersonal statement about spiritual force is another matter, but I doubt whether the time has come for it or whether it could be understood by the mere reasoning intelligence. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - II: The Divine Force All the world, according to Science, is nothing but a play of Energy—a material Energy it used to be called, but it is ...


... abdicate." Or, "How can I have any right of demands since I do practically no sadhana etc." Is it not so?       It may be. The first is vital non-cooperation. The second is the usual vital reasoning; for the vital sadhana is only a basis for demands, satisfaction of pride, ambition or desire. But this is just the attitude which leads to shipwreck in the end, if not corrected.         ...

... over animal and vegetal and mineral nature, a DIRECT handling of Matter which men don't have —they need intermediaries, material instruments, while that was direct. And it was not thought, not reasoning, but spontaneous." Mother made a gesture to indicate the will's direct r "That life was, yes, a truly superior life in a natural setting, and of such an extraordinary beauty and harmony! But ...

... attachment in them. Even fairly easily, in some of the higher animals like dogs, elephants, and even horses, it creates quite a remarkable need for devotion (which indeed is not thwarted by all the reasonings and arguments of the mind), which is spontaneous and very pure in its essence, something that's very beautiful. The working of the mind in man in its rudimentary form, its first manifestation ...


... by vital likes and dislikes. "Those she likes she keeps near her, those she likes less she keeps less near, those she dislikes or does not care for she keeps at a distance", that is their childish reasoning. Many of those who feel the Mother's presence and love always with them hardly see her except once in six months or once in a year—apart from the Pranam and meditation. On the other hand one near ...

... necessary for everybody to regard it in that way. Supposing it is the impersonal Self of all only, yet the Upanishad says of the Self and its realisation, "This understanding is not to be gained by reasoning nor by tapasya nor by much learning, but whom this Self chooses, to him it reveals its own body." Well, that is the same thing as what we call the Divine Grace,—it is an action from above or from ...


... runs out from the body, you get tired, exhausted, you can no longer do anything. And all of a sudden this becomes worse, for I must tell you that the mind is very friendly with the vital—not the reasoning mind but the physical mind is very, very friendly with the vital; so, as soon as the vital begins to say, "I have nothing to do with that, I have been badly treated, I won't have anything to do with ...


... we function: even our own souls are not to us a certain knowledge. We have instinctive beliefs about them, which to some people are automatically convincing, but as soon as we start thinking and reasoning we find ourselves in what our reader would call "mist and clouds". Of course, the words we use can be either precise or vague, our manner of argument can be pointed or rambling and involved: "mist ...

... Experience, The, 57,131,137, 163,206,231 Songs of Innocence, The ,139,206 Song of Liberty, 174 Song of Los, The, 233 "spears", 31, 32,60,61,162,164,166 Spectre, The (Reasoning Power), 149, 161,164,243,244 Sri Aurobindo, 4,5 Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, iv Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, i St. Athanasius, 50 St. Augustine ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Truth, obeys a predeterminnd will, realises an original formative self-vision"; World is the "growing image of a divine creation". Is this only an inference ? One has to accept that man's reasoning power is only a messenger, a representative of a greater consciousness. We have seen that infinite Being is Page 138 infinite Consciousness; infinite Consciousness and Power is Omnipotent ...


... life's desires and preferences. Very often it does not reason at all, it consents to the demands and decisions of the vital (prāṇa) without demur, and justifies them by a specious pretence of reasoning. It is a mind which has not yet come into its own, not yet been able to disengage itself from the teguments of its nether origin. If man stopped at this sense-mind, content with its extensive ...

... intervention of the helping force is not felt in the confusion and the whirl. This is what used to happen in your crises; the vital in you was deeply affected and began supporting and expressing the reasonings of the attacking force—in place of a clear observation and expression of the difficulty by the vigilant mind laying the state of things in the light for the higher Light and Force to act upon it... one can receive an answer even if I write nothing. 9 June 1933 I have the idea that since we can communicate everything to you by prayer, why do we need to write? Is there any fallacy in my reasoning? It is always well to write what goes on in you—but it need not be done every day. The essential is to keep nothing concealed. 4 August 1933 I have now made it a rule to write to you every... made up only of magnificent and important things? How many "trivial" things had to be dealt with and done before there could be produced a King Lear or a Hamlet ! Again, according to your own reasoning, would not people be justified in mocking at your pother—so they would call it, I do not—about metre and scansion and how many ways a syllable can be read? Why, they might say, is X [ the recipient ...


... and that may be because I could not express myself with any power; but it may also be because of his temperamental failure to feel and see what I felt and saw. I can only answer to the intellectual reasonings and judgments which turned up in him when he tried to find the causes of his reaction. These seem to me to be either fastidious and unsound or founded on a mistake of comprehension and therefore... resistance. There is the same necessity for reminding the reader that the "tread" of the Divine Mother was an intrusion on the vacancy of the Inconscience and the herald of deliverance from it. The same reasoning applies to the other passages. As for the occurrence of the phrases in the same place each in its line, that is a rhythmic turn helpful, one might say necessary to bring out the intended effect, to... which might damage the appreciation of it in readers who are not sure of their own critical standard and reliability of their taste and so might be shaken by well-phrased judgments and plausible reasonings such as Mendonҫa's: they might make the same confusion as Mendonҫa himself between an apology and an apologia. An idea might rise that I am not sure of the value of my own poetry especially the earlier ...


... will have it that this or the other book is alone the eternal Word of God and all others are either impostures or at best imperfectly inspired, that this or that philosophy is the last word of the reasoning intellect and other systems are either errors or saved only by such partial truth in them as links them to the one true philosophical cult. Even the discoveries of physical Science have been elevated... There are other means, there are greater approaches, but this line of access too can lead to the one universal truth.” 40 “To form no conclusions which are not justified by observation and reasoning, to doubt everything until it is proved but to deny nothing until it is disproved, to be always ready to reconsider old conclusions in the light of new facts, to give a candid consideration to every... material life, the advance might be indefinitely delayed. But since its very soul is the search for Knowledge, it will be unable to cry a halt; as it reaches the barriers of sense-knowledge and of the reasoning from sense-knowledge, its very rush will carry it beyond and the rapidity and sureness with which it has embraced the visible universe is only an earnest of the energy and success which we may hope ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... seeing speech. It is the utterance that comes spontaneously to the illumined mind above the level of reasoning intelligence, but below the highest level of over-mental creative consciousness. When it breaks into the mind it brings in with the word the light that does not require the help of reasoning or the imperfect sense-data. With the light it carries the force of the Reality. 3. Third is Madhyam... form, almost one can say in the form of condensed light of Truth which can reveal or cast its light upon. various lines or masses of thought. It is not thought depending upon or derived from either reasoning or sense-data. This truth-revealing power is spontaneous in the expression itself that comes with the vision of the truth. This concentrated expression when taken up by the mind goes on revealing ...

... they are denied by the sceptic and discouraged by the saint. The sceptic disbelieves in them and holds them to be impostures, fables or hallucinations, as a clever animal might disbelieve in the reasoning powers of man. The saint discourages them because they seem to him to lead away from God; he shuns them just as he shuns the riches, power & attainments of this world, and for the same reason. We... of—1) Intuition, 2) Viveka. Drishti Drishti is the faculty by which the ancient Rishis saw the truth of Veda, the direct vision of the truth without the need of observation of the object, reasoning, evidence, imagination, memory or any other of the faculties of the intellect. It is as when a man sees an object and knows what it is, even if, sometimes, he cannot put a name on it; it is praty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... doubt however that the ancient civilizations of India, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, still shining in the memories of men, produced people of the highest character and ability. In the field of pure reasoning, the works of Greek mathematicians indicate a level not below that of the modern mind. Also the monuments of the past bear witness to the ingenuity and skill of the craftsmen, as for instance in ... strong urge to try for new solutions for both old and new problems. It has become imperative to penetrate into the innumerable possibilities that the future contains, and analyze them. The reasoning mind alone is not a suitable instrument for the purpose; it must be supported by imagination - not an imagination which is a loose play of images, but ...a disponibility [i.e., openness] of ...


... mind which devises "...the forms of an ignorant life, That sees the empiric fact as settled law, Labours for the hour and not for eternity". It is the faculty of ordinary reasoning practical mind which man uses in the very beginning of his spiritual awakening; "It reasons from the half-known to the unknown" and creates its constructions of thought which it, again... ungrasped omniscience. This search of the human spirit for the Highest knowledge was helped by "A dwarf three-bodied trinity". These three dwarf's were the physical mind, the mind of desire and the reasoning mind. The first of them was "A pigmy Thought needing to live in bounds "Absorbed and cabined in external sight". Everything to it appears to be a habit,—a habit of life, a habit of ...

... behave rationally. The least thing will upset you completely and you won't even know why, and still less how to remedy it. While someone who has established within himself a state of active, clear reasoning, can face attacks of all kinds, emotional attacks or any trials whatever; for life is entirely made up ofthese things - unpleasantness, vexations - which are small but proportionate to the one... depends on each individual. But still, it is understood that in the seven-year period between the age of seven and fourteen, one begins to reach the age of reason. If one is helped, one can become a reasoning being between seven and fourteen. Before seven there are geniuses - there are always geniuses, everywhere - but as a general rule the child is not conscious of itself and doesn’t know ...


... make one is part of his métier as a critic and a student and writer on literature) is probably as good as any other is likely to be; but each is free to make his own according to his own idea. Reasoning and argumentation are not likely to make one account truer and invalidate the rest. A mystic poem may explain itself or a general idea may emerge from it, but it is the vision that is important or... any risk of overstatement. In the process of overmental transformation what I have observed is that the Overmind first takes up the illumined and higher mind and intellect (thinking, perceiving and reasoning intelligence) into itself and modifies itself to suit the operation—the result is what may be called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher ...


... of sadhana based on the method of self-surrender?" page-93 How facile becomes then the sadhana! Alas, the fact is otherwise; there is a blatant fallacy vitiating this type of escapist reasoning. One quotes indeed in this connection the supreme promise of assurance offered by Lord Krishna to his disciple Arjuna: "1 shall deliver thee from all sins," but conveniently forgetting the necessary... psychological movement? Let us discuss this point in brief and try to clear away the cobwebs of confusion. True faith is not just a conviction created by intellectual argumentation and rational reasoning based on some sense-evidenced data and factors; nor is it something brought about by a strong and forceful exercise of the will-power; nor is it again a fair-weather 'trust' displayed by our impure ...

... didactic part (didactic = meant to teach), where the student will find an introduction to the subject, definitions of the new terms, a historical background. That part may also contain a piece of reasoning that is given to the student as an example (a theorem of mathematics, for instance), or a description (history and geography) or a set of rules (grammar), etc. Each detailed step of the didactic... composition can be resorted to, i.e., a subject chosen entirely by the student.' 2. Mathematics: Here also the work-sheet is of the didactic type. In this subject especially each step of the reasoning should be so unmistakably clear that the normal student who has reached this point can follow it without help. The usual text-books are too condensed; the work-sheet has to be more detailed. And the ...


... been several—have appeared only as meaningless foam and froth on the excited crest of the dispute. I fear you have not grasped the internalities and modalities and causalities of my high and subtle reasoning. It is not surprising as you are down down in the troughs of the rigidly logically illogical human reason while I am floating on the heights amid the infinite plasticities of the overmind and the... relative and conditional and mutable. In mathematics one works out problems in infinite and in unreal numbers which exist nowhere on earth and yet these are extremely important and can help scientific reasoning and scientific discovery and achievement. The question of a Muthu becoming a Ramakrishna, i.e. a great spiritual man may look to you like being an exercise in unreal numbers or magnitudes because... down in everyone, why then in them first? Why should we not get it before they do? Why through them, not direct?" It sounds very rational, very logical, very arguable. The difficulty is that this reasoning ignores the conditions, foolishly assumes that one can get the supramental down into oneself without having the least knowledge of what the supramental is and so supposes an upside-down miracle—everybody ...

... will have it that this or the other book is alone the eternal Word of God and all others are either impostures or at best imperfectly inspired, that this or that philosophy is the last word of the reasoning intellect and other systems are either errors or saved only by such partial truth in them as links them to the one true philosophical cult. Even the discoveries of physical Science have been elevated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... poet with a pronounced mystical bent, Sethna's present study, with its expository brilliance as also its estimative sensitivity, is criticism of poem at its seasoned best. The subtlety of the reasoning notwithstanding, the attentive reader cannot miss the unfolding argument. In the movement from the old poetry to the new. Mallarmé has a centrality following Baudelaire and the earlier Symbolists ...


... —expressions which we are otherwise condemned to use with looseness and as the vague wording of a large but almost impalpable aspiration,—but also to give these ideas a firm basis of philosophical reasoning, to put them into a clear relation with the humanity and the human life which is all we at present enjoy and to justify our hope and aspiration by the very nature of the world and of our own cosmic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... sense and as a psychological symbol, and let us see how far it takes us. We notice first that existence itself is constantly spoken of in the Hindu writings, in Veda, Purana and even philosophical reasoning and illustration as an ocean. The Veda speaks of two oceans, the upper and the lower waters. These are the oceans of the subconscient, dark and inexpressive, and the ocean of the superconscient, luminous ...


... also helps it to get rid of the narrowness and doubt which are the chief defects of the physical mind. When the physical mind is disturbed by the vital, it is not easily convinced because its reasoning is supplied to it by the vital which thinks according to its own desires and feelings—unless a great clarity from the psychic or from the thinking mind above comes to the rescue. It is the psychic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Mother; but in your outer there are many reactions that make it difficult—and the chief cause of these reactions is the readiness with which your outer mind listens to the suggestions and accepts the reasonings and obeys the movements of the obscure ignorant physical Nature. That is why I want you to get rid of this habit of the outer mind and to recognise that it is the inner being which is the real truth ...

... of help to you. You seem to be struggling against three kinds of obstructions. The first is a fundamental uncertainty about the Divine's presence. This uncertainty cannot be removed by reasoning only. I dare say I can intellectually make out some sort of a case for the Divine's presence, but I cannot wholly prove anything. Neither, for that matter, can you wholly prove to me the contrary ...

...       Even when there is no active revolt, the ego keeps the heart or vital on the wheel of suffering, saying: "The Mother does not love you at all!"       Obviously, such feelings and reasonings are just the things to impede the action of the Force and prevent or spoil the sadhana.         If the ego determines its revolt according to the Mother's failing to smile or to put her ...

... primeval utterances; they do not hesitate openly to abandon in certain passages interpretations which they adopt in others and which are admittedly necessitated by their own philological and critical reasoning because, if admitted always, they would often involve deep and subtle psychological conceptions which cannot have occurred to primitive minds! Sayana minimises because his theory of Vedic discipline ...


... sincerely believe, from all that I have studied, that there is perhaps a greater purity in animals for they do not think, while human beings with their mental power, their capacity of reflecting, reasoning, analysing, studying, all that, oh! They spoil the most lovely movement. They begin to calculate, reason, doubt, organise. Take, for instance, parents. At the risk of removing many illusions in ...


... its processes and its difficulties that makes you feel desperate and pronounce yourself unfit for ever because of this quite ordinary obstacle. The insistence of the ordinary mind and its wrong reasonings, sentiments and judgments, the random activity of the thinking mind in concentration or its mechanical activity, the slowness of response to the veiled or the initial touch are the ordinary Page ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... and material, condition and field, this would seem then to be the meaning of the universe,—since meaning and aim it has and is neither a purposeless illusion nor a fortuitous accident. For the same reasoning which leads us to conclude that world-existence is not a deceptive trick of Mind, justifies equally the certainty that it is no blindly and helplessly self-existent mass of separate phenomenal existences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... s of thought and the development of implied or subordinate notions. Very often one single word or sentence reposes on a number of ideas implicit in the text but nowhere set forth explicitly. The reasoning that supports conclusions is often suggested by words but not expressly conveyed to the intelligence. As a result, Upanishads demand a good deal of patience, quietude and concentration, if we are ...

... It withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions and unsteadiness of the waking mind. "...It is quite ...


... Kumar Roy that the English language was pitifully ill-equipped to convey spiritual ideas; but Sri Aurobindo could not subscribe to this view: Page 459 ...this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique.. ...


... Gurdjieff's Gnosis, whereas Sri Aurobindo's vision of the Supermind is an integral unity of apprehension, "a primary spiritual intuition which is only afterwards elaborated by the reasoning mind." 66 As for Berdyaev, his postulation of Nature's 'transfiguration' is rather suggestive in the context of the Aurobindonian postulation of a supramental transformation of man and Nature. Dorothy ...


... disputes arising from conflicts of sense-observation and of diverse philosophical reasonings, they can all be resolved by referring to the authentic knowledge of the Veda. An important element of Indian philosophy which admits the Veda as an authority is that it does not accept the conclusions of philosophical reasoning as conclusive, unless they are supported also by the pronouncements of the Veda... mentality subject to physical senses. But at the same time, it has now come to be accepted that the infra-rational man is not wholly infra-rational, and that even he has some kind of implicit reasoning and a more or less crude supra-rational element. And it is not unlikely that at a certain stage of development, the infra-rational age may arrive at a lofty order of civilization. It may have great... levels of consciousness and their corresponding objects of knowledge. Those ancient seers also made a distinction between Yoga and philosophy. Philosophy was restricted to mean intellectual reasoning about the ultimate source of things or intellectual transcription of spiritual experience. It was recognized that Yoga transcended intellectual methods of thought and attempted to revolutionize ...


... to assist it, its path is made easier but even the sattwic element can resist by attachment to old ideas, to preconceived notions, to mental preferences and partial judgments, to opinions and reasonings which come in the way of higher truth and to which it is attached: the kinetic element resists by its egoism, its passions, desires and strong attachments, its vanity and self-esteem, its constant... that here too the resistance may diminish and eventually disappear. And you must now get rid of an exaggerated insistence on the use of reason and the correctness of your individual reasoning and its right to decide in all matters. The reason has its place especially with regard to certain physical things and general worldly questions – though even there it is a very fallible judge ...

... greater than itself, from a power that dwells in an ether more luminous, wider, illimitable. The true and ultimate, as distinguished from the immediate or intermediate importance of our observing, reasoning, inquiring, judging intelligence is that it prepares the human being for the right reception and right action of a Light from above which must progressively replace in him the obscure light from below... in all of which we are aware, is what we mean in Yoga by knowledge and the effort after knowledge. It is not enough to devote ourselves by the reading of Scriptures or by the stress of philosophic reasoning to an intellectual understanding of the Divine; for at the end of our long mental labour we might know all that has been said of the Eternal, possess all that can be thought about the Infinite and ...


... Letters on Yoga: "I would prefer to avoid all public controversy especially if it touches in the least on politics. Gandhi's theories are like other mental theories built on a basis of one-sided reasoning and claiming for a limited truth (that of non-violence and passive resistance) a universality which it cannot have. Such theories will always exist so long as the mind is the main instrument of human... supreme commands, or as one channel of the sovereign authority, because that hidden Power acts at present not directly but through many agents and messengers. The real sovereign is another than the reasoning intelligence. Man's impulse to be free, master of Nature in himself and his environment cannot be really fulfilled until his self-consciousness has grown beyond the rational mentality, become aware ...

... analytical reasoning that cuts up the unity of existence into innumerable bits, and goes blundering through them in a vain attempt to arrive at their original unity and fundamental truth. Sri Aurobindo's epochal synthesis, embracing and manifold in its nature, is at once a repudiation and a ¹ The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo. Page 56 fulfilment of the reasoning mind of ...

... qualities, the immutable and the mutable, the infinite and the finite, the eternal and the temporal. The complete division of the one from the many he considers implicit and inevitable in true reasoning about ontology. And his philosophy, which is founded on an intense experience of the one Spirit or Self of all, has built out of that experience a system where essential reality is posited on... to his system and difficult for the mind to entertain in an easy or familiar concept. The mysteriousness involved by Sri Aurobindo's essence is therefore no disqualification: it is what all reasoning about the supra-rational involves. We have only to ask whether his mysteriousness is not more comprehensively reasonable than Shankara's in an ontological view of essentiality. 2 ...

... to determine them by metaphysical reasoning; but the object before us is to arrive at them by the road of psychology. The whole psychology of Vedanta depends upon this double scale and without it could have no complete scientific verification. Because it exists experience of consciousness can give a clue to the nature of world existence. Metaphysical reasoning by itself could only give us philosophical ...


... better rush out into the world and dissipate himself into the Nihil. Besides got upset by every trifle and, as soon as upset, lost faith in the Mother - and without faith no Yoga possible. Reasoning, sir, reasoning - the mighty intellect in its full stupidity. Understand now? NB: When somebody leaves the Ashram, I feel a kick, a shock, a heartquake. Sri Aurobindo: May I ask why? People have... far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be made foolproof and all that in the course of a single lifetime. And I have to do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints but at length. Lord God in omnibus! 24 (2) Pulling down the Supermind by tail-twists... can refuse and do refuse point-blank. The mind resists with an obstinate persistency in argument and a constant confusion of ideas, the vital with a fury of bad will aided by the mind's obliging reasonings on its side; the physical resists with an obstinate inertia and crass fidelity to old habit, and when they have done, the general Nature comes in and says, "What, you are going to get free from me ...

... great degree of reality; so great, indeed, that criminal law speaks of the theft of energy and imposes severe punishments on it". (R. Kronig.) A further important step in liberating physical reasoning from the corset of mechanistic considerations was taken by Faraday and Maxwell when introducing the 'field concept' into the treatment of electrodynamic phenomena. Gradually more and more concepts... explain existence in the universe.... For Mind is that which does not know, which tries to know and which never knows except as in a glass darkly.... Knowledge waits seated beyond mind and intellectual reasoning, throned in the luminous vast of illimitable self-vision." 28 So we see that if we seek an integral knowledge of the reality, the only logical course for us is to discard this smoke-covered... material life, the advance might be indefinitely delayed. But since its very soul is the search for knowledge, it will be unable to cry a halt; as it reaches the barriers of sense-knowledge and of the reasoning from sense-knowledge, its very rush will carry it beyond and the rapidity and sureness with which it has embraced the visible universe is only an earnest of the energy and success which we may hope ...

... scientists have set their course towards the Magical View. Even apart from the idealistic "fifth column" within the camp of science itself, the Magical View can stand up and fight - and not on pure reasoning alone. Facts of observation, facts of experience can be enlisted for many levels of "Magical" reality - from occult creatures to the illimitable Ancient of Days. Anthropological scrutiny leaves a ...


... nothing in the past that we cannot see in the world around us now.” 11 In science, this way of seeing is called ‘extrapolation backwards’. Even common sense will tell that it is a slippery way of reasoning, because experience teaches that things are never exactly the same. In 1830 Charles Lyell published the first volume of his trilogy: Principles of Geology – Being an Attempt to Explain the Former ...

... And now it is culminating in something that promises to go beyond it, to bring about a new futurist rather than modernist age in which the leader of the march shall be intuition rather than the reasoning and critical intelligence. The long intellectual search for truth that went probing always deeper into the physical, the vital and the subjective, into the action of body and life, into the yet i ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... Yogis can live for 200 or 300 years or more, but there can be no real principle of it without the Supramental. Even Science believes that one day death may be conquered by physical means and its reasonings are perfectly sound. There is no reason why the Supramental Force should not do it. Forms on earth do not last (they do in other planes) because these forms are too rigid to grow expressing the progress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... follow one's soul? The first condition is to be a little conscious of one's soul and receive its inspirations. Then, naturally, it goes without saying that one must obey them instead of obeying the reasoning intellect. But how to do it? By what method?... This is something purely personal. Each one must find his own method. The principle is there; if one wants to apply it, for each one the method is ...


... themselves the question why one sleeps. They sleep because they feel sleepy, they eat because they are hungry, and they do foolish things because their instincts push them, without thinking, without reasoning; but for those who know, sleep is a school, an excellent school for something other than the school of waking hours. It is another school for another purpose, but it is a school. If one wants to ...


... highest ideas and principles are nothing but an evolution out of a complex ¹ The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo. Page 353 of sense-data, inference, imagination, reasoning and the prevailing bent and bias of the whole being—they are not facets and formations of Truth received undiminished and undeformed from their authentic origin. To meet Truth face to face, we have ...


... achieve the dynamic freedom necessary for purifying the nature. Besides, even its highest ideas and principles are nothing but an evolution out of a complex of sense-data, inference, imagination, reasoning and the prevailing bent and bias of the whole being— they are not facets and formations of truth received undiminished and undeformed from their authentic origin. To meet Truth face to face, we have ...


... matters, egoisms, insistences on one's own point of view, anger because one does not have one's own way or a due recognition of one's independence or importance. It is these feelings disguised by reasonings and self-justification that are at the bottom of more Page 499 than half of the difficulty in the work of the Asram. 18 May 1936 Is it true that the Mother is taking away her physical ...

... members have to be exalted and raised before they can be fully spiritualised, before they can directly feel the spirit and obey its law. An intellectual formula is often needed by the thinking and reasoning mind, a form or ceremony by the aesthetic temperament or other parts of the infrarational being, a set moral code by man's vital nature in their turn towards the inner life. But these things are aids ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... for the inner, subjective and absolute motive of ethics, its reduction of ethical action to an impossibly scientific and quite impracticable jugglery of moral mathematics, attractive enough to the reasoning and logical mind, quite false and alien to the whole instinct and intuition of the ethical being. Equally false and impracticable are other attempts of the reason to account for and regulate its principle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Page 348 an uncertain makeshift, a secondhand pratyaksha; analogy is only a doubtful and often a false inference. But the Vedantist in common with all Indian thinkers admits in intellectual reasoning aptavakya and analogy as well as pratyaksha and anumana. At bottom all human thinking is some sort of perception; either perception by the mind of something that seems to be outside itself or of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... recognisable & analysable elements of idea and form. Anor aniyan atarkyam anupramanat. It is subtler even than elemental subtlety and therefore not to be deduced, induced, inferred or discovered by a reasoning which proceeds from a consideration of the elements of name and form and makes that its standard. This is a truth which even the greatest philosophers, Vedantic or unVedantic, are apt to forget; but ...


... movements aesthetically steady and definite. This certainly helps him grasp the sequence that runs invisibly through the literary stateliness of the narrative. In fact, when the main line of reasoning is thus established the story so formed that itself becomes an artistic creation. Can a similar undertaking, be it in prose or poetry, have any acceptability for the spiritual poem which Savitri ...


... noxious ¹cf. Yet was I sore adread Lest, having Him, I must have naught beside. FRANCIS THOMSON Page 250 stuff of the citta, which distorts and perverts its reasoning and judgment. One often catches oneself feeling a sort of unaccountable antipathy towards a person for whom one is normally inclined to entertain only feelings of affection and regard. Sometimes we ...

... The descent of the Supermind into the human mind will transform the latter from a groping and stumbling seeker of knowledge into a crystalline channel of the divine Wisdom. Not by strenuous reasoning on the misleading data of the senses and the dubious output of imagination and inference, but by a direct intuitive vision and an intimate identity will the transformed mind know the truth, and ...

... with his own "Spectre" - the Reasoning Power, An Abstract objecting power that Negatives every thing. This is the Spectre of Man, the Holy Reasoning Power, And in its Holiness is clos'd the Abomination of Desolation... 368 About this Spectre we read elsewhere in the same poem Jerusalem: The Spectre is the Reasoning Power in Man, & when separated ... faculty of Reason which measures out and distinguishes and diversifies. The distorted form is often dubbed by Blake "the Spectre": the Reasoning Spectre Stands between the Vegetative Man and his Immortal Imagination. 46 As a result of the Reasoning Spectre our very senses are cramped. We cannot say about ourselves what Blake says of Los and his emanation Enitharmon - that they walk'd... allow Man to identify himself with his Spectre (i.e. his naked reasoning power), but insists that every element in the human totality must be respected." Blackstone explains here a constant movement in Eternity against the isolation of Urizen in any of the Eternals - a standing action to counter and restrain the tendency which the reasoning power harbours to separate itself and dominate the other powers ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... prana and manas for habitual use; and well-developed men are able to use with power the vijnanam acting not in its own habitation, स्वे दमे, nor in its own rupa, vijnanam, but in the mind and as reasoning faculty, buddhi; extraordinary men are able to aid the action of manas and buddhi proper by the vijnanam acting in the intelligent mind indeed and so out of its proper sphere, but in its own form... concept by a sattwic reaction called intelligence or thought which men share with the animals; buddhi or rational, imaginative and intellectually mnemonic faculty, observing, retaining, comparing, reasoning, comprehending, combining and creating, the amalgam of which functions we call intellect; manasa ananda or the pure bliss of existence manifesting through the impure mind, body and prana impurely ...


... impenetrable ignorance, the other terminating in a knowledge as powerfully impenetrable. The powers of the mind — the power of perceiving and judging, the power of guessing and imagination, the power of reasoning and arranging and the power of remembering and piecing together — are all powers of the finite, of a partial ignorance, which are not sure of what they see, guess, arrange or remember. There is an... them and coalesce with it, then the power of perception of the mind will appear in its true nature stripped of its darkness as self-revelation; the power of imagination as inspiration; the power of reasoning as the rhythms and standards of the truth or truth in its various harmonies and orders; and the power of memory as the continued knowledge of the immortal truth in its eternity comprising in itself ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... impenetrable ignorance, the other terminating in a knowledge as powerfully impenetrable. The powers of the mind — the power of perceiving and judging, the power of guessing and imagination, the power of reasoning and arranging and the power of remembering and piecing together — are all powers of the finite, of a partial ignorance, which are not sure of what they see, guess, arrange or remember. There is an... them and coalesce with it, then the power of perception of the mind will appear in its true nature stripped of its darkness as self-revelation; the power of imagination as inspiration; the power of reasoning as the rhythms and standards of the truth or truth in its various harmonies and orders; and the power of memory as the continued knowledge of the immortal truth in its eternity comprising in itself ...

... impenetrable ignorance, the other terminating in a knowledge as powerfully impenetrable. The powers of the mind — the power of perceiving and judging, the power of guessing and imagination, the power of reasoning and arranging and the power of remembering and piecing together — are all powers of the finite, of a partial ignorance, which are not sure of what they see, guess, arrange or remember. There is an... them and coalesce with it, then the power of perception of the mind will appear in its true nature stripped of its darkness as self-revelation; the power of imagination as inspiration; the power of reasoning as the rhythms and standards of the truth or truth in its various harmonies and orders; and the power of memory as the continued knowledge of the immortal truth in its eternity comprising in itself ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... step." 17-9-1944 "Certainly Krishna is credited with much caprice, difficult dealings and a playfulness (lila ! ) which the played-with do not always immediately appreciate. But there is reasoning as well a hidden method in his caprices and when he does come out of it and takes a fancy to be nice to you, he has a supreme attractiveness, Page 332 charm and allurement which compensate... of how I was hard-pressed by doubts and misgivings. He commented: "Dilip, "I agree with most of what Krishnaprem says, though one or two things I would put from a different angle. Your reasonings about faith and doubt have been of a rather extravagant angle because they come to this that one must either doubt everything or believe everything, however absurd, that anybody says. I have repeatedly... another, higher than the intellectual, opening. Even in mind itself there are things higher than the intellect, ranges of activity that exceed it. Spiritual knowledge is easier to these than to the reasoning intelligence". I enclosed a copy of Gurudev's letter in my reply to Krishnaprem and wrote: "I am very grateful, Krishnaprem, for all that you have written to me which has been so very helpful ...


... him, most indispensable is daksha or viveka. Drishti of Vijnana transmuted into terms of mind has become observation, sruti appears as imagination, intuition as intelligent perception, viveka as reasoning & intellectual judgment and all of these are liable to the constant touch of error. Human buddhi, intellect, is a distorted shadow of the true ideative faculties. As we return from these shadows to... which they came. Imagination is at rest or has been transfigured into inspiration, sense observation or insight of intelligence at rest or transfigured into revelation & luminous vision, judgment, reasoning & intelligent divination at rest or transfigured into sure intuition & illuminated discrimination. The Solar Purushas are there swe dame in their own home; the self-awakening of their perfect activity ...


... the universe. For "Mind is that which does not know, which tries to know and which never knows except as in a glass darkly.... Knowledge waits seated beyond mind and intellectual xxi reasoning, throned in the luminous vast of illimitable self-vision." (Sri Aurobindo, The Live Divine, pp. 118, 121) So we see that if we seek an integral knowledge of the integral reality, the only... these assumptions are simply not true. And what is more, the final test of truths... is not reason but spiritual illumination, and a single decisive spiritual experience may undo a whole edifice of reasonings and conclusions erected by the normal logical intelligence. Also, a genuine spiritual knowledge - and we cannot but insist on this point again and again - is not to be arrived at through a ...

... Our belief in the birth of an ascending soul into the human form and its repeated rebirth in that form, without which it cannot complete its human evolution, rests, from the point of view of the reasoning intelligence, on the basis that the progressive transit of the soul into higher and higher grades of the earthly existence and, once it has reached the human level, its repeated human birth compose... ble. All this, however, is a matter of dynamic probability, and that, though amounting in practice to a necessity, though justified by certain facts of subliminal experience, is still for the reasoning mind not in itself quite conclusive. We have to ask Page 832 whether there is any more essential necessity for these internatal intervals, or at least any of so great a dynamic power as... the injustice of life and Nature is a feeble basis for the theory, for it puts forward a shallow and superficial human feeling and standard as the sense of the cosmic Law and is based on an unsound reasoning; there must be some other and stronger foundation for the law of Karma. Here, as so often, the error comes by our forcing a standard which is the creation of our human mind into the larger, freer ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and uncompleted intellectuality. The language which they inherited was admirable for clear and balanced prose speech, but in poetry had been used only for adequate or vigorous statement, rhetorical reasoning, superficial sentimentalising or ornate thought, narrative, description in the manner of a concentrated, elevated and eloquent prose. The forms and rhythmical movements were unsuitable for any imaginative ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... its meagre results, its crystallisation into the character of a "petty conjectural science", the idea of a Science of Language is now discredited and its very possibility, on quite insufficient reasoning, entirely denied. It seems to me impossible to acquiesce in such a final negation. If there is one thing that Modern Science has triumphantly established, it is the reign of law and process of evolution ...


... to advert to it at length in this aspect of its method, as we Page 166 did to the question of its possibility, because it is necessary to look at it and face the difficulties which the reasoning mind of man is likely to offer to it. It is true that the physical Avatarhood does not fill a large space in the Gita, but still it does occupy a definite place in the chain of its teachings and is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... in the Mediaeval singer. It may be tempting to aver that Dryden failed because he wrote in an age when the Poetic Intelligence acted from its surface part — the part which put into verse-form the reasoning faculty skilfully expressing itself in measured language. Indeed this faculty exposes itself to the danger of an inadequate transmutation of prose into poetry. But the failure is not intrinsic to ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... intuitive faculty in scientific enquiry. If it is argued that the so-called sudden intuition is nothing but the final outburst, the cumulative resultant of a long strenuous travail of thinking and reasoning and arguing, Prof. Hadamard says', in reply, that it does not often seem to be so, for the answer or solution that is suddenly found does not lie in the direction of or in conformity with the, conscious ...

... succeeded in spreading widely the idea that all the highest eternal verities are truths of the spirit, and that the supreme truths are fruits of the soul's inner experience rather than of logical reasoning or affirmations of credal statements. A permanent flow of thought in India has constantly given a message that there are no true and false religions, but rather all religions are true in their ...


... secret of silencing or transcending the physical mind, faith would return as naturally as dawn returns after the night; but they cling to its obscurity which they mistake for light. And when the reasoning mind is allied to the physical mind, we have the dogmatic scepticism which proves a great bar to the progress of knowledge by its wilful shutting out of the unexplored levels of human consciousness ...

... es under the government of a trained mind and reason and for the best advantage of the personal and the national ego. It has not been either the turn of her mind to regard man pre-eminently as a reasoning animal, or let us say, widening the familiar definition, a thinking, feeling and willing natural existence, a mental son of physical Nature, and his education as a culture of the mental capacities ...


... without necessarily passing through the reason or mental formation. For instance, one may act with a perfect knowledge of what should be done, and without intervention—the least intervention—of the reasoning mind. The mind is silent: it simply looks on and listens in order to register things, it does not act. Here you have said: "Knowledge belongs to a region much higher than that of the human mind ...


... and I can wait and see. What I said was that you should leave it entirely to the Mother to call you or not to call you. The Mother's will and decision I have always respected, but I saw no reasoning in the things concerning me. I simply meant that her decision should be accepted whatever it is. Since it is her decision not to have a private interview, that will should be accepted and you ...

... consciousness and its movements; when the lower vital manifests certain desires and impulses, this more material mind comes to its aid and justifies and supports them with specious explanations and reasonings and excuses. It is this layer of mind that is most open to suggestions from the vital world and most often invaded by its forces. But there is in us a higher mind which moves in the region of di ...


... of a trained mind and reason and for the best advantage of the personal Page 14 and the national ego. It has not been either the turn of her mind to regard man preeminently as a reasoning animal, or let us say, widening the familiar definition, a thinking, feeling and willing natural existence, a mental son of physical Nature, and his education as a culture of the mental capacities ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... divided and opposite. If it had been said that in art the synthetic action of the idea is more prominent than the analytic idea which we find most prominent in logic and science and philosophical reasoning, then one could understand the statement. The integrating or direct integral conception and the image-making faculty are the two leading powers of art with intuition as the driving force behind it—that ...


... ts—religious, social, political. There is as yet no apparent ground for predicting a more reasonable principle of development in the near future. Man seems indeed to be becoming more generally a reasoning animal than in any known past period of his history, but he has not by that become, except in one or two directions, much more of a reasonable mind and a harmonious spirit; for he still uses his reason ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... and insight greater and surer than the power and light of the intellectual judgment in its widest scope. There is an intuitive discrimination which is more keen and precise in its sight than the reasoning intelligence. What has been said of great creative art, that being the form in which normally our highest and intensest aesthetic satisfaction is achieved, applies to all beauty, beauty in Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... magnificent and important things? How many "trivial" things had to be dealt with and done before there could Page 672 be produced a King Lear or a Hamlet ! Again, according to your own reasoning, would not people be justified in mocking at your pother—so they would call it, I do not—about metre and scansion and how many ways a syllable can be read? Why, they might say, is X wasting his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... limitation. Then we can know surely in an increasing illumination that which we had uncertainly conceived by the pale and flickering light of Reason. Knowledge waits seated beyond mind and intellectual reasoning, throned in the luminous vast of illimitable self-vision. Page 129 × I take the phrase from the Rig Veda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Man would be just a higher kind of brute or, rather, a worse kind of brute, since he would have nothing of the innocence of the animals but only their ferocity developed and gilded by a soulless reasoning ingenuity. Admittedly, religion which gives birth to the Beatific Vision in some may also degenerate in others to cruel bigotry and hidebound superstitious caste-ridden orthodoxy: we have to be on ...

... complicates everything, everything! For example, take this difficulty I mentioned of climbing the stairs: in the doctor's consciousness or anyone else's, pain causes it. According to their ordinary reasoning, pain is what tenses the nerves and muscles so one can no longer walk—but this is absolutely FALSE. Pain does not prevent my body from doing anything at all. Pain isn't a factor, or rather it's a ...


... (18-6-1942) * * * (I spent quite a lot of grey matter, putting before you argument after argument. But you have not argued back. You are quite happily unconcerned.) "All the reasonings in your letter come from the external physical mind. You cannot expect me to come down to that level and discuss with you from there. I see things from another plane and in a different way." ...


... "The ego can disappear only when one goes into samadhi." 3 "It is true that one or two can get rid of the 'I' through samadhi: but these cases are very rare. You may indulge in thousands of reasonings, but still the 'I' comes back. You may cut the peepal-tree to the very root today, but you will notice a sprout springing up tomorrow." 4 "The 'I' cannot be effaced altogether.... It is like ...

... intuitive faculty in scientific enquiry. If it is argued that the so-called sudden intuition is nothing but the final outburst, the cumulative resultant of a long strenuous travail of thinking and reasoning and arguing, Prof. Hadamard says, in reply, that it does not often seem to be so, for the answer or solution that is suddenly found does not lie in the direction of or in conformity with the conscious ...

... and instinct for theirs. Why shouldst thou set thy members to war upon each other? Page 458 261) Perceive always and act in the light of thy increasing perceptions, but not those of the reasoning brain only. God speaks to the heart when the brain cannot understand him. 262) If thy heart tell thee, Thus & by such means and at such a time it will happen, believe it not. But if it gives thee... heart and laugh at thy folly. 298) Avoid vain disputing; but exchange views freely. If dispute thou must, learn from thy adversary; for even from a fool, if thou listen not with the ear and the reasoning mind but the soul's light, thou canst gather much wisdom. 299) Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living. 300) Private dispute should always be avoided; but shrink not from ...


... is even being said that Buddhism was only a restatement of one side of the Upanishadic experience, although it represented a new standpoint and provided fresh terms of intellectual definition and reasoning. Even in the thought of Pythagoras and Plato, one could rediscover the ideas of the Upanishads. Sufism has been found repeating the teaching of the Upanishads in another religious language. Even some... as the highest authority in these matters. There was a constant admission that spiritual experience is a greater thing and its light a truer, if more incalculable, guide than the clarities of the reasoning intelligence. In the epic literature of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, we find a strong and free intellectual and ethical thinking; there is an incessant criticism of life by the intelligence and ...


... place as the highest authority in these matters. There was a constant admission that spiritual experience is a greater thing and its light a truer if more incalculable guide than the clarities of the reasoning intelligence. Page 167 Inevitably there was a close link between religion and philosophy. The relationship between religion and philosophy was complementary, each one helping... were the disadvantages of the mechanising rational intelligence. The Indian mind has always been profoundly intuitive in habit even when it was the most occupied with the development of the reasoning intelligence, and its political and social thought has therefore been always an attempt to combine the intuitions of life and the intuitions of the spirit with the light of the reason acting as an ...


... subjects all their lives because they started them too young. Of the capacities tested in school, the power of abstract Page 403 reasoning is the latest to develop, as may be seen from the data collected in Piaget's valuable book on Judgement and Reasoning in the Child. A pedagogue, unless he is very psychological and very experienced, cannot believe that children are as muddle-headed as they ...

... of the Arabs. Specially in mathematics, astronomy and Page 319 chemistry, the chief elements of ancient science, India discovered and formulated much and well anticipated by force of reasoning and experiments some of the scientific ideas and discoveries which Europe first arrived at much later, but was able to base more firmly by her new and completer method. India was well equipped in... sentence being given, and when repeated quickly, the words are often transposed or badly pronounced; 32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff and bow and arrow; 33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring; 34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter; 35. Architecture, or the art of building; Page 324 Seventhly, a constant emphasis was laid on the study of human psychology ...

... withdraws from experience of the outer world, it puts its seals upon the physical senses and their doors of communication with material things; but everything that is proper to itself, thought, reasoning, reflection, vision, it can continue to execute with an increased purity and power of sovereign concentration free from the distractions and unsteadiness of the waking mind. It can use too its... soul grows in height, range and self-mastery. Especially, withdrawing from the distraction of sensible things, it can, in a perfect power of concentrated self-seclusion, prepare itself by a free reasoning, thought, discrimination, or more intimately, Page 214 more finally, by an ever deeper vision and identification, for access to the Divine, the supreme Self, the transcendent Truth ...


... in the body. The material and vital law is a rule of survival, of struggle, of desire and possession, of self-assertion and the satisfaction of the body, the life and the ego. All the intellectual reasoning in the world, all the ethical idealism and spiritual absolutism of which the higher faculties of man are capable cannot abolish the reality and claim of our vital and material base or prevent the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... any direct reference to observed events. The only reference these must have to them is indirect: deductions must be made from the hypothetised axioms, and conclu­sions at the end of a long chain of reasoning are alone to be experimentally tested. Of course, the experimental test is the crucial criterion, but the axioms themselves remain, as it were, metaphysical - beyond experimental or observational ...


... by simply kicking a stone and saying "There I prove the reality of matter," is not alone affected by this turn towards simple solutions. Even the philosopher, though he inclines to an intricate reasoning by the way, is best delighted when he can get by it to some magnificently conclusive conclusion, some clean-cutting distinction between Brahman and non-Brahman, Reality and unreality or any of the ...


... to Page 217 the divine realisation. This is the Karmayoga as it is laid down in the Gita as I have developed it for the integral spiritual life. It is founded not on speculation and reasoning but on experience. It does not exclude meditation and it certainly does not exclude bhakti, for the self-offering to the Divine, the consecration of all oneself to the Divine which is the essence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... "only on the mental plane" means? What does it mean? Well, these are experiences concerning thought, mental activity, the understanding of things, the observation of things, thought, deduction, reasoning, the contact Page 350 with teaching, knowledge, the result of this knowledge on your understanding—all these things which are purely mental. And in fact one should always begin with that ...


... to you, and, especially not to try to profit by your faithfulness. None of these complications are there in the dog, for its mind is very rudimentary. It does not have this marvellous capacity of reasoning that men have, a capacity which has made them commit so many stupidities. Only one cannot turn and go back. One cannot become a dog again. So one must become a higher man and have the quality of ...


... cumulative experience of some of the more or less gross movements of human nature—an experience which is unavoidably conditioned by the bias of his mind and his limited faculties of observation, reasoning and imagination. His individuality enters so largely into his experiments that it is no wonder that Freud and Adler and Jung and others vary so vitally in their basic concepts and final conclusions ...

... viśiṣyate . We may say that these forms are successively the bhakti of the vital-emotional and affective nature, 2 that of the Page 284 practical and dynamic nature, that of the reasoning intellectual nature, and that of the highest intuitive being which takes up all the rest of the nature into unity with the Divine. Practically, however, the others may be regarded as preparatory movements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... interfere with your ignorant mind in a matter which had been decided by the Mother, as if it could know better than she did. As usually happens when the physical mind acts in this way, it made wrong reasoning and foolish blunder. It was as if you gave Haribhai a choice between giving money or giving the clothes and other articles. He was to give both and there was no question of a choice between them; ...


... all the pleasures you have had are taken away from you, all the people whom you loved leave you; it is indeed not worth the trouble to be good and to have made an effort." And if you follow your reasoning far enough, all of a sudden you come upon the canker—so, you wanted to do yoga out of self-interest, you wanted to be good out of self-interest, you thought your situation would be better and you ...


... fight for a personal acceptance. A general and impersonal statement about spiritual force is another matter, but I doubt whether the time has come for it or whether it could be understood by the mere reasoning intelligence. Use and Misuse of the Divine Force All power comes from the Divine but it is more usually misused than used spiritually or rightly. The Divine Forces are meant to be used—the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... through and behind them. It cannot be otherwise until the average and the aggregate man become more of an intellectual, moral and spiritual being and less predominantly the vital and emotional half-reasoning human animal. The unrealised international idea will have for some time at least to work by this secondary method and through such accommodations with the realised forces of nationalism and imperialism ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... genius, subject to flaw or pent within unescapable limits. Its highest knowledge is often abstract, lacking in a concrete grasp; it has to use expedients and unsure means of arrival, to rely upon reasoning, argumentation and debate, inferences, divinations, set methods of inductive or deductive logic, succeeding only if it is given correct and complete data and even then liable to reach on the same ...


... physical parts, the more it enriches and elevates the corresponding mental plane of the embodied nature. At a certain pitch of its increasing sovereignty it can make man truly man and not merely a reasoning animal; for it gives then its characteristic force to that mental being within us which our humanity is in the inwardly governing but still too hampered essence of its psychological structure. ...


... shows us that it is the Person and the personality and all that it had manifested which has thus cast itself upward into its own unexpressed absolute. And if we carry up our heart as well as our reasoning mind to the Highest, we shall find that we can reach it through the absolute Person as well as through an absolute impersonality. But all this self-knowledge is only the type within ourselves of the ...


... onal. He tries to order his life according Page 39 to his intelligence, but constantly the tiger and the ape in him break out, laying waste the neat and glittering tracts of his reasoning mind, and when there is not this reversal to animality there is often a sudden reaching forth towards something grand and godlike, some power more wide than the intellect, and "a light that never ...

... Sri Aurobindo recognises an inspiration from above the mere mind, creating simultaneously a profound philosophy and a superb style through which his thoughts come to us "in large streams of subtle reasoning and opulent imagery". 7 Sri Aurobindo's estimate of Plato crystallises further in two brief phrases. One of them again brings in the adverb "even": "We may reasonably doubt whether even a Plato ...


... sheath of the Divine Presence. It is found deep within oneself, beyond all thoughts. 11 December 1971 Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental form. They are not ideas or reasonings. They have their own character quite distinct from the mind, something like a feeling that comprehends itself and acts. By its very nature, the psychic is calm, quiet and luminous, understanding ...


... effort and dedication Equality in success or in failure, while working constantly for the triumph of the Truth. Page 60 Development of the powers of philosophical reasoning, scientific observation and experimentation, artistic expression, and technological skill. Harmonization of these powers by rigorous internal exercises of will. Programme of Self-Education ...

... genius, subject to flaw or pent within unescapable limits. Its highest knowledge is often abstract, lacking in a concrete grasp; it has to use expedients and unsure means of arrival to rely upon reasoning, argumentation and debate, inferences, divinations, set methods of inductive or deductive logic, succeeding only if it is given correct and complete data and even then liable to reach on the same ...

... has stuck to you, I must say that she is exceptionally enduring too. I suppose X was able to stick because X had no brains. It is the confounded reasoning brain that is the ruin of you. For instead of taking the lesson of things it begins reasoning about them in this futile—shall I say asinine—way. My idea however is that X stuck because X had nowhere else to go. Of course that is the outward reason—the... can refuse and do refuse point-blank. The mind resists with an obstinate persistency in argument and a constant confusion of ideas, the vital with a fury of bad will aided by the mind's obliging reasonings on its side; the physical resists with an obstinate inertia and crass fidelity to old habit, and when they have done, the general Nature comes in and says "What, you are going to get free from me ...

... conflict he has cast down his bow; he has refused to fight. In the great colloquy that follows & forms the substance of the Gita, the incarnate Master of things, among a host of profound & subtle reasonings, uses also this striking exhortation which has become a commonplace of Indian thought, Mayaivaite nihatáh púrvam eva, Nimittamátram bhava, Savyasáchin. "By Me are these already slain & dead, do thou... windows may have about the world and his own dwelling place. In the colours of the senses he sees the objects outside, in the light of the few objects it sees through its small & scanty windows & by reasoning from their appearances mind forms its idea of the world; even of this house which it inhabits, it knows only one room with a locked door & all that is outside that door it can only guess at by analogy... which creates the mental, vital & material symbol, from the general truth it proceeds to detail & particular, from the idea to the working out of the idea in process, attribute, quality & variation. Reasoning in vijnana is only an arranged statement of already possessed knowledge; it is not a means of arriving at truth, but only of orderly stating of truth. Mind has for its process, mati; mind feels & ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... beyond itself: there were lower levels of consciousness that came before it and out of which it arose, there must very evidently be higher levels to which it is itself arising. Before our thinking, reasoning, reflecting mind there was a consciousness unthinking but living and sentient, and before that there was the subconscious and the unconscious; after us or in our yet unevolved selves there is likely... knowledge by intimate internal experience; and finally a knowledge by sheer identity. Thought-Knowledge and Spiritual Knowledge "Knowledge waits seated beyond mind and intellectual reasoning, throned in the luminous vast of illimitable self-vision." (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 121.) 34. The Life Divine, p. 127. 35. Ibid., p. 13. Page 153 ... p. 277.) "The final test of truths... is not reason but spiritual illumination verified by abiding fact of spirit; a single decisive spiritual experience may undo a whole edifice of reasonings and conclusions erected by the logical intelligence." (The Life Divine, p. 469.) The human mind, which relies mainly on thought for the acquirement and holding of knowledge ...

... groans of people, the blood of patriots and the tears of widows and orphans; and second, when he tried, in the interests of British capital, to crush the resurgent life of India. As a political-cum-reasoning animal who Was also a pre-eminently literary animal, Mr. Morley had made smart use of the phrase: Page 259 "The anchor holds." On this Sri Aurobindo comments: "It is true, gentlemen... India! It was just so with principles - what was applicable in one place mightn't be applicable elsewhere! Sri Aurobindo is aghast at this kind of logic: It is difficult to know what inequity reasoning of this sort would not cover. "I thoroughly believe in the Ten Commandments," Caesar Borgia might have said in his full career of political poisonings and strangulations, "but they may do very well... was needed to sting the nation to sovereign aspiration and mighty effort - as fire is needed to purify gold. If he took the decision - even over the head of Tilak, so to say, and against all the reasonings of the intellect - it was only because of the lightning clarity of his intuition. Speaking some months later, Sri Aurobindo said: "The Page 271 breaking-up of the Congress at Surat ...

... high a faculty to be with impunity denied its rights. In thus destroying the unsatisfactory intellectual conceptions with which it has been sought to bring the Eternal Being into the province of the reasoning powers, the core & essence of popular religion which is true and necessary to humanity is discredited along with its imperfect coverings; materialism establishes itself for a while as the human creed ...


... wrath of her critics, against the tremendous shock of the flood from Europe which has almost submerged other peoples? If her misfortunes are due to her cultural deficiencies, must not by a parity of reasoning this extraordinary vitality be due to some great force in her, some enduring virtue of truth in her spirit? A mere lie and insanity cannot live; its persistence is a disease which must before long ...


... particle of matter presents great difficulty: it need not be the electron - probably it is not - but the atomic notion of the constitution of matter does surely demand an ultimate particle, and such reasoning as has been suggested shows that to this ultimate particle no properties of any sort - not even magnitude - can be assigned." The atomic theory, whether it stops with the nineteenth-century atom or ...


... interfere with your ignorant mind in a matter which had been decided by the Mother, as if it could know better than she did. As usually happens when the physical mind acts in this way, it made wrong reasoning and foolish blunder. It was as if you gave Haribhai a choice between giving money or giving the clothes and other articles. He was to give both and there was no question of a choice between them; ...

... propaganda-cum-brainwashing directed by Joseph Goebbels. The effort succeeded wonderfully well, alas, thanks to the völkisch preparation briefly related above. What counted was instinct, not intellectual reasoning or “causalities”, as Spengler names them. This falling back on animal instincts may also provide a clue to the cruelty with which so many Germans, citizens of one of the foremost civilized nations ...


... less economy and wisdom, and our thought a vain glittering of imaginations weaving out involuntarily a web like that of old legend that is spun and respun only to be undone and again undone and of reasonings that build a series of intellectual and practical conventions which we represent to ourselves as the truth and the right, making the fallacies of our minds a substitute for wisdom and the fallacies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... pseudo-Augustan writers does not call in these greater gifts: it is occupied with expressing thought, but its thought has most often little or none of the greater values. This Muse is all brain of facile reasoning, but has no heart, no depth or sweetness of character, no high nobility of will, no fine appeal or charm of the joy and sorrow of life. In this flood of brilliant and forcefully phrased commonplace ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... reason for declaring such an achievement or spiritual evolution impossible? The only argument you advance amounts to this only that it has not been done yet and that shows that it cannot be done. That reasoning has not much value. It is the usual logic of the physical intellect which is bound by what is and believes that to be definitive. It has been used against all new or yet unaccomplished ideas or a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... greatening of forms and never gone so far as to make a radical change and override its first nature. It is only by a transformation of our inner life that we can get beyond the magnified, mentalised, reasoning and consciously willing animal that for the most part the greater number of us are and only by raising it up to unity with some spiritual power we have not yet reached that we can hope to transform ...


... his English readers. But would these English readers have been justified in denouncing Ramakrishna on that account as an unspiritual man or spirituality as therefore without value? This was my reasoning and, so stated in a clearer way, I hope, you will not find it either irrational or offensive. I wanted to clear this because, if you remain under the impression that I am saying outrageous things ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... this can descend and it is my experience that nothing short of its full descent can thoroughly remove the veil and mixture and effect the full spiritual transformation. No metaphysical or logical reasoning in the void as to what the Atman "must" do or can do or needs or needs not to do is relevant here or of any value. I may add that transformation is not the central object of other paths as it is of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... is nothing but being unconscious. (A teacher) He means that they should have been converted since the Divine can see the Divine... But, excuse me, the Divine where? I don't understand your reasoning. When a man is the Divine's enemy... But after all, suppose there is one man in a million who has realised this consciousness in himself. It is possible he may have had an effect on those ...


... your guard and do not try to understand and judge the Divine Mother by your little earthly mind that loves to subject even the things that are beyond it to its own norms and standards, its narrow reasonings and erring impression, its bottomless aggressive ignorance and its petty self-confident knowledge." This you may Page 300 re-read from time to time, it will bring you back to your good ...


... See, how many times I have told you this! "The vital preferring its own desires"! And then the mind becomes the accomplice of the vital and gives admirable explanations for keeping the desires by reasoning, explaining, giving justifications also, and all these things are very useful to it. I have heard people say that the best way to get rid of desires is to satisfy them. They make a theory of it. You ...


... incoherent life.... The least thing will upset you completely and you won't even know why, and still less how to remedy it. While someone who has established within himself a state of active, clear reasoning, can face attacks of all kinds, emotional attacks or any trials whatever.... Well, reason can stand back a little, look at all that, smile and say, 'Oh! no, one must not make a fuss over such a small ...

... it can do no more than take an i.: objective world on trust. Things need not, however, be so dismal looking. The difficulty arises because of a fundamental attitude—the attitude of a purely reasoning being. But Reason or Mind is only one layer or vein of the reality, and to see and understand and 1 La Physique Nowelle et les Quanta, by Louis de Broglie, p. 12. Page 239 ...

... social and cultural institutions are built up; they acknowledge that the highest eternal verities are truths of the spirit and that the supreme truths are neither the rigid conclusions of logical reasoning nor the affirmations of credal statements, but fruits of the soul's inner experience. They acknowledge that intellectual truth is only one of the doors to the outer aspects of the religion. They ...

... mind, so that the reader may better understand the line I have taken or, if he chooses, check my prepossessions or personal preference which may have influenced or limited the right application or reasoning to this difficult problem. "² { I } " Like the majority of educated Indians I had passively accepted without examination; before myself reading the Veda, the conclusions of European ...

... difficult, yet the goal is not impossible of attainment. Once the way is open to the psychic centre, the other disciplines will be easy of mastery. Rightly tempered and sensitized, the mind or the reasoning intellect can be a great helper when subordinated to the soul. The vital, which is "the seat of impulses and desires, of enthusiasm and violence, of dynamic energy and desperate depressions, of passions ...


... yet realised must be prepared for by faith, not by sceptical questioning, because this truth is one which the intellect cannot give and which is indeed often quite opposed to the ideas in which the reasoning and logical mind gets entangled: it is not a truth which has to be proved, but a truth which has to be lived inwardly, a greater reality into which we have to grow. Finally, it is in itself a sel ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... material life, the advance might be indefinitely delayed. But since its very soul is the search for Knowledge, it will be unable to cry a halt; as it reaches the barriers of sense-knowledge and of the reasoning from sense-knowledge, its very rush will carry it beyond and the rapidity and sureness with which it has embraced the visible universe is only an earnest of the energy and success which we may hope ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... intervention of the helping force is not felt in the confusion and the whirl. This is what used to happen in your crises; the vital in you was deeply affected and began supporting and expressing the reasonings of the attacking force—in place of a clear observation and expression of the difficulty by the vigilant mind laying the state of things in the Light for the higher Light and Force to act upon it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... to go on having the ordinary movements—for they depend only partially on the mind for their action. They can even carry it away, haranti prasabhaṁ manaḥ , or they can act in spite of the mind's reasoning and disapprobation. "I see the better and approve it, I follow the worse" as the Roman poet puts it—in the language of the Gita, anicchannapi balād iva niyojitaḥ . It is necessary therefore that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... thought-mind will look on knowledge and ignorance and on truth and error, those dualities created by our limited nature of consciousness and the partiality of our intellect and its little stock of reasonings and intuitions, accept them both without being bound to either twine of the skein and await a luminous transcendence. In ignorance it will see a knowledge which is imprisoned and seeks or waits for ...


... superman of imagery. But let us first say a few prefatory words on our subject. Just as the music of melopoeia must come fused with significance, though not necessarily significance acceptable to the reasoning mind, so also the Colour and shape, the contour and gesture brought by phanopoeia must come as organic part of the substance of poetry. By this I mean that true imagery is not something added to an ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... touch of profound sadness at the human situation - the tragic sense of being. However, the poet, after a longish philosophical argument, comes to comfort himself with certain convincing arguments and reasonings, and the reader is also incorporated into this. There is the art of growing up - that is growing apart, and seeking intellectual comfort and security in the knowledge of what is abiding as a residual ...


... totality. Science no less than Art has its story of inspiration to tell. Lord Kelvin has testified how the solution of a key problem came to him quite suddenly without any direct process of reasoning. And there is the famous incident in the course of the chemist Kekule's research. While seated on the top of a bus he visualised in an instant the structure of a molecule of benzene. What he saw in ...


... they feel protected, helped and supported, in fact by Russia and America, they won't push for reunion. With masses, you know, it's only a question of a current of thought: it's not reflection, not reasoning, just a current of thought. I don't know, we shall see. ( Mother holds out a hibiscus to Satprem ) Here is a monumental "Grace," there are almost two together. ( silence ) Before the fighting ...


... Yama said: O unblamable, return now; in true accent and knowing the letters well and making the right use of the words, and with the proper reasoning that you speak, I am pleased with you. Ask for a boon which I shall grant, but excluding life for the dead. Page 46 Savitri said: ...


... understanding, but also on criticism and control of ideas; not only on comprehension, synthesis, creativity, judgment, imagination, memory and observation, but also on critical functions of comparison, reasoning, deduction, inference and conclusion. Both these aspects of human reason are essential to the completeness of the mental training. One of the best methods is to create an atmosphere in which massive ...


... sheath. These three are familiar to all of us who have risen above the animal level of existence and have even gone above the level of passions and desires so as to lead the life of reflections, reasoning and understanding. But these three levels belong to the plane of Ignorance, because while living on these levels we grope blindly in search of knowledge. Knowledge, even when achieved, is only mental ...


... phenomena and death. They may provide models of virtuous or heroic behaviour by _______________ * Sui generis: adj., of its own kind. * ٭ Dialectically: adj., using discussion and reasoning as a method of intellectual investigation. Page 11 relating the adventures of great heroes, or they may describe the nature and function of divinities. They impart a feeling of awe for ...


... enough to warn her of her fate, and it would be better to follow a different course of action and thus avoid the impact of the foretold calamity.         But Savitri has decided; the specious reasoning falls flat and she replies:         My strength is not the Titan's; it is God's. 224   Hers is not the love merely of a beautiful face; it is rather a true marriage of minds at the ...


... that it can do no more than take an objective world on trust. Things need not, however, be so dismal looking. The difficulty arises because of a fundamental attitude-the attitude of a purely reasoning being. But Reason or Mind is only one layer or vein of the reality, and to see and understand and --------------------------- ¹ La Physique Nouvelle pt les Quanta, by Louis ...

... would run in its normal grooves, and the souls of creatures rust in their obscure inertia. The Upanishads suggest the action of Grace when they say "This understanding is not to be gained by reasoning nor by tapasya nor by much learning, but whom this Self chooses, to him it reveals its own body." The teaching of the Gita is soaked in the spirit and gospel of Grace. In the Vaishnavic tradition ...


... nothing save an illusion, for the beliefs in question are dictated by the inexorable "must" of physical effects from physical causes without the intervention of any "ought". There need have been no reasoning at all: the conclusions had to be what they are by a blind physical necessity, not a seeing logical obligation. So it is meaningless to speak of beliefs logically true arising from a brain-process... The lack of substance and relevance in Mrs. Knight's rejoinder cannot help underlining our thesis against epiphenomenalism, which we have developed through four articles based on both philosophical reasoning and scientific evidence. POSTSCRIPT (1958) In Main Currents in Modern Thought, November 1957, pp. 36- 38, Dr. H. Tudo Edmunds, a medical authority, has written an article, "The El ...


... with his creation than the Creator himself. If Death would only understand the movement of evolutions then he would realise that the child cannot suddenly become a man. The fallacy in Death's reasoning consists in the fact that he is assailing an unfinished universe, regarding it as a finished product. Savitri says to Death that the child cannot suddenly become a man; she tells him further: ... these words uttered by Savitri there was a hush, a poignant silence. Death had never come across such resoluteness on the part of a mortal being. His threats and explanations, his philosophical reasonings and offers of gifts, having failed, Death still attempts to wean Savitri away from the path she has chosen. And so Death tells Savitri: I give to thee, saved from death and poignant fate ...

... these are so much dominated and conditioned by the thinking and reasoning conscious-being in us that we have no real awareness of these lower planes; we are unable to perceive in their own terms what these parts of us are doing, and receive it very imperfectly in the terms and values of the Page 163 thinking and reasoning mind. Still we know well enough that there is an animal in us ...


... , drunk on their own mystical ideas,” writes Leonard Susskind. 6 “Many scientists dislike the anthropic principle because it seems to be a throwback to a pre-Copernican, Aristotelian style of reasoning. It seems to imply an anthropocentric view of the cosmos.” (Freeman Dyson 7 ) “It explicitly invokes life and is consequently anathema to many scientists. … The anthropic principle re-injects teleology... Lewontin and I, following Kipling, would later call “just-so stories” or plausible claims without tested evidence …” 40 Even Daniel Dennett seems to keep his distance from such kind of happy-go-lucky reasoning and writing: “One may be reasonably nervous about the size of the role of sheer, unfettered imagination in adaptationist thinking.” He is aware that “what particularly infuriates Gould and Lewontin ...

... higher, wider and greater that shall be divine and perfect not only by the secret spirit within it but in its manifest and most outward form of existence. But these conclusions are only first reasonings or primary intuitions founded on our inner self-experience and the apparent facts of universal existence. They cannot be entirely validated unless we know the real cause of ignorance, imperfection... precedents, and this dissonance confronts us with a problem which appears to be incapable of satisfactory solution. It is not difficult by some construction of the philosophic reason or of theological reasoning to circumvent the difficulty. It is possible to erect a fainéant Deity, like the gods of Epicurus, blissful in himself, observing but indifferent to a world conducted or misconducted by a mechanical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... can be nothing but means of bondage; only the pursuit of Godknowledge and the worship & adoration of God, to which the name of works does not properly apply, are free from responsibility. But this reasoning too is not consistent with divine teaching, with experience or with reason. For divine teaching distinctly tells us that works done after abandonment of the world and devoted to God only, do lead... takes him by the hand, karma must leave him, just as rites & ceremonies must leave him, and its function is therefore not essentially higher than that of rites & ceremonies. But if this were good reasoning, the Karmayogin might equally well say that Bhakti leads to knowledge and the devotion of one's works to the Lord; therefore knowledge and works without desire bring a man to the Eternal and bhakti ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Consistency in aspiration, effort and dedication. 7. Equality in success or in failure, while working constantly for the triumph of the Truth. 8 Development of the powers of philosophical reasoning, scientific observation and experimentation, artistic expression, and technological skill. Harmonisation of these powers by rigorous internal exercises of will. V. Programmes of Sel... being given, and when repeated quickly, the words are often transposed or badly pronounced; 32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff and bow and arrow; 33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring; 34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter; 35. Architecture, or the art of building; 36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, and jewels and gems; 37. Chemistry ...

... is even being said that Buddhism was only a restatement of one side of the Upanishadic experience, although it represented a new standpoint and provided fresh terms of intellectual definition and reasoning. Even in the thought of Pythagoras and Plato, one could rediscover the ideas of the Upanishads. Sufism has been seen to be repeating the teaching of the Upanishads in another religious language. Even... place as the highest authority in these matters. There was a constant admission that spiritual experience is a greater thing and its light a truer if more incalculable guide than the clarities of the reasoning intelligence. In the epic literature of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, we find a strong and free intellectual and ethical thinking; there is an incessant criticism of life by the intelligence and ...


... desires. Only children are more simple. When they want something they say so. They don’t tell themselves that perhaps it would be wiser not to show this, because they don’t yet have this kind of reasoning. But I think, generally speaking, with very few exceptions, that people live in perpetual desires. Only, they don’t express them, and sometimes they are ashamed also to acknowledge it to themselves... of desire. And for this a great deal of knowledge is needed, and this is difficult for a very young child. Page 43 It is difficult. Indeed, they don’t have the capacity for reasoning; one can’t explain things to them, because they don’t understand the reasons. So you see, when it is like that the parents usually tell the child, “Keep quiet, you area nuisance!” In this way they ...


... without danger, for the sudden presence of the Supramental Power in whatever measure, even the most minute, might have a destructive effect on that what is and those who are unprepared. We know the reasoning: Truth automatically effaces Falsehood as light effaces darkness; the world and man, as they still are at the present moment, consist for the greatest part of Falsehood, for they are constructed with... them, probably because they confound the external with the internal process. If a person would be transferred from the Earth to the Moon in an instant, it would be a miracle according to everyday reasoning; if he flies to the Moon in a space capsule, then it is no longer a miracle but the result of man’s scientific and technical acquisitions. How come then that each and every important scientific discovery ...


... shown by Tarukka? As a good teacher, the Buddha shows the way to the root of the disputed matter, but he does not give a demonstration; he only tries to put the two students on the track of logical reasoning which will ultimately lead them to the solution of their problem. As always in his teachings, the Buddha does not give any ready-made solution, but he tries to put the student or disciple on the path... concrete examples to explain to the students the futility of their dispute. After each of his statements, he checks if the young Brahmins have followed the argument, have understood the implications of reasoning and have agreed with his conclusions. He never tries to impose his views; he only tries to lead the young Brahmins to the right understanding of the problem and thus the right conclusion. In ...

... Force and, when you have a control or conquest over it, it means that its supremacy is lost in this part of the world, whether I have faith or not, do sadhana or not. Good Lord, man. What is this reasoning? Everything is a force—why should the supramental descent into me or earth assure complete and universal immediate conquest of this Force only or specially among so many? ... Even if one does... lest ye be judged!" Exactly—for these are poor little uneducated people. But are the big brains at bottom less unreasonable and inconsistent? All alike, sir, in one way or another. Man who is a reasoning animal no doubt, but not a reasonable one. October 17, 1936 I am sending you an excerpt from a medical book regarding the abdominal support for T. An abdominal support should fit closely... family. D.S. is only insane at one point which can be touched at any time. But apart from that he is though narrow and extreme in all things, yet intellectually brilliant, an admirable linguist, reasoning and seeing with extraordinary acuteness and clearness when he chooses. He is more "intimate" with French than any Indian here—understands the spirit of the language, reproduces it in his writing. ...

... case of an as yet unborn babe which is still lying in the mother's womb as a developed foetus. Hypothetically speaking, let us imagine for a moment that this foetus is endowed with the thinking and reasoning power of an adult human being. In that case will it not be seized with some strong feelings of fear and anxiety as regards its fate after it is delivered from its mother's womb? Without knowing anything... anxiety as regards my post-delivery situation. Better to remain in the mother's womb for an indefinite length of time and, if possible, for all time to come." How do we feel about this train of reasoning? Do we judge it right and valid? For we know this supposed anxiety of the unborn babe is altogether baseless. Even before it is delivered, the supremely wise and loving Divine arranges for it nourishing... equanimity? The argument as given above seems to be a clinching one without having any possibility of refutation. But the fact is otherwise. For the basic assumptions implied in the above line of reasoning are altogether fallacious. For the physical world does not represent the only world where a conscious individual can hope to have multiform experiences. There are many, many other worlds which are ...

... motive. This is the burden of all his song that the reconstruction of the world must take place in the forms and follow the canons of a rationalistic and materialistic European civilisation. On his reasoning, India if she adheres to her own civilisation, if she cherishes its spiritual motive, if she clings to its spiritual principle of formation, will stand out as a living denial, a hideous "blot" upon ...


... faith itself, it is only its external form. Just as the body, the external form, can change but the spirit remains the same, so it is here. Faith is a certitude in the soul which does not depend on reasoning, on this or that mental idea, on circumstances, on this or that passing condition of the mind or the vital or the body. It may be hidden, eclipsed, may even seem to be quenched, but it reappears again ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... complete unless it were traced on paper. 602 Ta splendeur veut rayonner — Thy splendour wants to radiate 603 et le raisonnement est une faculté humaine, c'est-à-dire individuelle — but reasoning is a human faculty, that is, it is individual 603 elle est consciente, voulue — it is conscious, willed 603 Les hommes, poussés par le conflit des forces, accomplissent un sublime ...

... November darshan: ) There is a text I find very interesting, I had never read it. I already told you about that: "There is always this critical hostile voice in everybody's nature, questioning, reasoning, denying the experience itself, suggesting doubt of oneself and doubt of the Divine. One has to recognise it as the voice of the Adversary trying to prevent the progress and refuse credence to it ...


... of sin and its personal consequences and that his heart had recoiled from consequences and that his heart had recoiled from individual grief and suffering. Sri Krishna also detected that Arjuna's reasoning was an attempt to cover his egoistic impulses by self-deceptive specious pleas of right and virtue. In the first brief reply, Sri Krishna referred to the highest ideas of the general Aryan culture ...

... if we have the strength and firmness in the practice of yogic methods, it is affirmed, we can make a starting-point for another play on consciousness than that of the sense-mind and intellectual reasoning, for the play of Intuition. Intuition and Reason Intuition 8 is not a process of getting truth by happy conjecture; it is a spark of a deeper layer of our consciousness which can be ...

... comes suddenly? That is what people usually understand by intuition. It was not that in her case nor in A.B.'s. By seeing the Divine in the Mother, I don't mean imagination or calm, calculated reasoning. But to see actually the fully flaming, resplendent, effulgent Divine Mother in any one of her Powers—why, that is damnably difficult, Sir, at least for me who have not even seen the halo around her ...

... voice or knows her by immediate recognising memory—just as we say of a friend “This is he” and need no reasoning of observation, comparison, induction or deduction to tell us who he is or to explain our knowledge to ourselves—though we may, already knowing the truth, use a self-evident reasoning masterfully in order to convince others. The characteristic of ideal knowledge is first that it is direct... Rishi Mahachamasya succeeded in getting his fourth vyahriti accepted by the great body of Vedantic thinkers. With a little reflection we can see the reason why. The vijnana or mahat is superior to reasoning. It sees and knows, hears and knows, remembers & knows by the ideal principles of drishti, sruti and smriti; it does not reason and know.Or withdrawing into the Mahan Atma, it is what it exercises ...


... book of revelations is alone the eternal Word of God and all others are either imposters or less imperfectly inspired, that this or that doctrine or philosophical or theological reasoning is the last word of the reasoning intellect and other systems are either errors or saved only by such partial truth in them as leaves •» them to the one true philosophical cult. Humanity is, however, inclined... social and cultural institutions are built up; they acknowledge that the highest eternal verities are truths of the spirit and that the supreme truths are neither the rigid conclusions of logical reasoning nor the affirmations of credal statements, but fruits of the soul's inner experience. They acknowledge that intellectual truth is only one of the doors to the outer aspects of the religion. They ...

... and by his will. This control is very partial: for the reason is often deluded by vital desires and the ignorance of the physical and it puts itself on their side and tries to justify by its ideas, reasonings or arguments their mistakes and wrong movements. Even if the reason keeps free and tells the vital or the body, "Do not do this", yet the vital and the body often follow their own movement in spite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... your guard and do not try to understand and judge the Divine Mother by your little earthly mind that loves to subject even the things that are beyond it to its own norms and standards, its narrow reasonings and erring impressions, its bottomless aggressive ignorance and its petty self-confident knowledge. The human mind shut in the prison of its half-lit obscurity cannot follow the many-sided freedom ...

... × Aphorism 261: "Perceive always and act in the light of thy increasing perceptions, but not those of the reasoning brain only. God speaks to the heart when the brain cannot understand him." ...


... wrote to me on 28 July 1937 when I was discussing his past lives and the Mother's: "Your artistic passion for symmetry may easily mislead you, for life has all sorts of irregular figures. Your reasonings are too geometrical." And we find it impossible to press regularities and recurrences too far in the present context. A discrepancy crops up in regard to the hours of birth. The Mother was born ...


... of sin and its personal consequences and that his heart had recoiled from consequences and that his heart had recoiled from individual grief and suffering. Sri Krishna also detected that Arjuna's reasoning was an attempt to cover his egoistic impulses by self-deceptive specious pleas of right and virtue. In the first brief reply, Sri Krishna referred to the highest ideas of the general Aryan culture ...


... tem is destined to remain bound down to its present form and functioning? How can one then envisage any physical transformation through the process of the Integral Yoga? But this train of reasoning is altogether fallacious. For, the implied assumptions and hence the so-called 'conclusions' are only half-truths and has it not been well said that "half-truth is its own Nemesis" ? As a matter ...

... there, would I have chosen this path?... Where is the sincerity in me?... So wouldn't it be better for you to let me go instead of wasting so much of your time and labour on me? Your analysis and reasonings are those of Grand'mère Depression which sees only what she allows to come to the surface for her purposes. There are other things that Madame suppresses because they don't suit her. It does not ...

... impossible to give a rationale of it because man is a mental being. Sri Aurobindo says : if you tell an ape and try to convince him that a being called man is possible,—man who would have the power of reasoning and judgment, of control over nature,—the ape would not believe it. And if you further try to tell him that not only such a being can exist but would be the result of evolution from the ape kind ...


... consciousness which presides over the body. Finally, the conception of a divine Mind and Will creating the cosmos becomes justifiable, while at the same time the perplexing elements in it which our reasoning mentality refuses to ascribe to an arbitrary fiat of the Creator, Page 320 and their explanation as inevitable phenomena of a Consciousness emerging with difficulty out of its opposite—but... action and movement, so in the human being Page 321 mind-consciousness is involved in its own whirl of thoughts, an activity in which it is carried on without rest and in which its very reasonings and speculations are determined in their tendency, trend, conditions by its own temperament, mental turn, past formation and line of energy, inclination, preference, an inborn natural selection,—we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and its springs of perennial Truth. In the Upanishadic Age that followed, the marvellous insights of the Veda acquired clearer definition, and intuitive seeing went hand in hand with logical reasoning to structure those superb dialectics, those Himalayas of striving and realisation, that have since compelled the awe and admiration of the world. There is an utter incandescent finality in affirmations... struggle, despair and renewal. There was, secondly, a failure of the fount of intellectual energy, "a slumber of the scientific and the critical mind as well as the creative intuition" 18 ; dialectical reasoning, with its endless propensity for hairsplitting and for the projection of multiple categories and minute differentiations, now acquired an oppressive vogue, and mere sectarianism assumed the garb ...

... come back with its painful and irrational circle. It must be thrown away for good: these movements go round in a circular repetitionary way characteristic of these things. It is lent force by the reasonings of the physical mind which are specious but of no value. It is not true of spiritual things that experience must come within a certain number of years or not at all. There are some who begin to succeed... this inadequacy of the lower vital is not peculiar to you, it is present in almost every human being. This tendency to irrational sadness and despondency and these imaginations, fears and perverse reasonings—always repeating, if you will take careful notice, the same movements, ideas and feelings and even the same language and phrases like a machine—is a characteristic working of the lower vital nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Future Science There is the pressure on human life of an Infinite which will not allow it to rest too long in any formulation. 21 – Sri Aurobindo Materialism, tied up in its circular reasoning that there is only matter because there cannot be anything but matter, has to fade away because of the deficiencies inherent in it as a thought system and as a scientific tool. The Great Chain of... rise to it.” 26 “Since its very soul is the search for Knowledge, [science] will be unable to cry a halt”, Sri Aurobindo predicted. “As it reaches the barriers of sense-knowledge and of the reasoning from sense-knowledge, its very rush will carry it beyond and the rapidity and sureness with which it has embraced the visible universe is only an earnest of the energy and success which we may hope ...


... right— tathāstu. " February 1935 I don't find it a noble voice at all, it is the voice of the usual defeatist suggester using any and every reasoning to instil weakness, flight and self-destruction. There is no strong reasoning either, it is the usual round of sophistries always the same and repeated to every sadhak in turn. "Give up, give up, give up! run, run, run! die, die, say die... sought for his own sake, as and more than these have been by men even in their lesser selves and nature ? What your reasoning ignores is what is absolute or tends towards the absolute in man and his seeking as well as in the Divine—something not to be explained by mental reasoning or vital motive. A motive, but a motive of the soul, not of vital desire; a reason not of the mind, but of the self and... the past, my object would have been achieved. For me mental conceptions cannot be the end of all things. I know that the supermind is a truth. You do not seem to have followed the sense of my reasoning very well—perhaps because I clothe my arguments with Nirod in a tone of humour. You have taken my humorous comment about Muthu with a particular seriousness—if you really are not joking: but I suppose ...

... come to be regarded as the perfect example of the truly philosophical life. Historically, he personifies a turning point in Western history, where mystical contemplation began to give way to logical reasoning. Socrates' concept of virtue through knowledge, modified down through the ages, has become a distinctive trait of the Western ideal of man. Page 63 ... indictment, which might just as well run "Socrates is guilty of not believing in the gods, but believing in the gods." And this is pure flippancy. I ask you to examine with me, gentlemen, the line of reasoning which leads me to this conclusion. You, Meletus, will oblige us by answering my questions. Will you all kindly remember, as I requested at the beginning, not to interrupt if I conduct the discussion... younger they will be harsher to you and will cause you more annoyance. If you expect to stop denunciation of your wrong way of life by putting people to death, there is something amiss with your reasoning. This way of escape is neither possible nor creditable; the best and easiest way is not to stop the mouths of others, but to make yourselves as good men as you can. This is my last message to you ...


... also the extreme probability of such a God directly communicating Himself to man and even incarnating Himself in history and founding a Church as His growing Mystical Body arises by sheer force of reasoning. Situated as Teilhard was, the direct communication could be conceived only as Judaeo-Christianity and the incarnation as the Man-Jesus and the Mystical Body as the Roman Catholic Church. But when... we can gather from a quotation by Rideau: 25 "You will note the interesting apologetical approach I feel driven into. Visibilia are to me no longer simply a logical premise to some chain of reasoning that leads to the invisibilia. They now constitute for me an initial world of faith of which the world of supernatural faith is only the development. I wonder whether   21.Ibid., p... 25.Op. cit., p. 650. Page 153 that is not the only legitimate apologetics...." (Letter of 25 February 1929). Here the classical procedure is spotlighted as the chain of reasoning which starts with the visible order of things as premise and ends with the invisible order as conclusion. Teilhard's non-classical or rather anti-classical procedure takes the world of natural experiences ...


... miracle because he is so rare. He who is the object of Knowledge is subtler than subtlety, and he cannot be taught by logic. He ended his response by saying: "This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, O beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another, it brings real knowledge. ....Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such questioners as thou art may I meet with always."25 The... Upanishadic Statements The concept of ultimate reality and of the world and of the individual that emerges from the teachings of Yama in the Kathopanishad is not arrived at by any philosophical reasoning or argument; it arises out of the data of yogic experiences and realizations that result from the pursuit of yogic methods, which can be employed for repetition and verification and for possibilities... thus the field of all that is known within the spectrum of human consciousness. It is true that some sense of unity and even of oneness does emerge in the higher or highest ranges of the powers of reasoning in human consciousness. But even if the certainty of unity and oneness is sometimes glimpsed or seized by the human intellect, one does not have that concrete experience of unity and oneness of that ...

... primates, physically as well as in his sub-rational psychological make-up. This animal part of his constitution is dominated mainly by the lower vital and the subconscious. How badly rational man, the reasoning being, had overrated himself during the Age of Reason was appallingly proven by some of the main events of the 20th century. Until now, man has explored himself in only a very limited part of his ...


... express not spiritual thought, but spiritual experience. I knew perfectly well that this recurrence would be objected to as bad technique or an inadmissible technique; but this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique. A.E. himself ...


... should do in all independence, but usually it is obscured by the vital movements, desires etc. and its ideas and judgments are not pure. In physical mind there can be an action of intelligent reasoning and coordination which is a delegation from the Buddhi Page 169 and would perhaps not be attributed to the Manas by the old psychology. Still the larger part of the action of physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... intuition in our first inexperience. The suggestive intuition is not the same thing as the intellectual insight of a quick intelligence or the intuitive discrimination as the rapid judgment of the reasoning intellect; the intuitive inspiration is not the same as the inspired action of the imaginative intelligence, nor Page 813 the intuitive revelation as the strong light of a purely mental ...


... Retrospect of Vedic Theory Veda, then, is the creation of an age anterior to our intellectual philosophies. In that original epoch thought proceeded by other methods than those of our logical reasoning and speech accepted modes of expression which in our modern habits would be inadmissible. The wisest then depended on inner experience and the suggestions of the intuitive mind for all knowledge that ...


... so that the reader may the better understand the line I have taken or, if he chooses, check any prepossessions or personal preferences which may have influenced or limited the right application of reasoning to this difficult problem. Page 35 Like the majority of educated Indians I had passively accepted without examination, before myself reading the Veda, the conclusions of European Scholarship ...


... maker of Vedanta. In other words, the Divine is at once the Soul of matter and the Soul of life and the Soul of mind as well as the Soul of the supramental light that is beyond mind and its limited reasoning intelligence. Thus the Divine is manifest in a double soul of his mystery, a twofold power, dvāv imau puruṣau ; he supports at once the spirit of mutable things that is all these existences, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... or aspire spiritually? A mental aspiration means that the thought-power aspires to have knowledge, for instance, or else to have the power to express itself well or have clear ideas, a logical reasoning. One may aspire for many things; that all the faculties and capacities of the mind may be developed and placed at the service of the Divine. This is a mental aspiration. Or you may have an aspiration ...


... him and was changed into fear, so "the Lord's principal perversion is fear"! If you read that, you'd say he was going off his rocker. Yes, one can say absolutely anything with that kind of reasoning. Page 375 Exactly! That's just what happens when you feed people something too strong, something they can't understand and assimilate: it creates incoherence in their brains. So none ...


... many aspects. Yet unless told of Him by another thou canst not find thy way to Him; for He is subtler than subtlety and that which logic cannot reach. 9. "This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, 0 beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge, —the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art may I ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... for Me, by Me and in Me from now on. Open wide thy spirit to the incoming Light. Be My instrument, bright and transparent, moved by the Truth above, beyond the dubious circle of reasoning. I shall embrace the world with thy eyes, Pour My love on it through thy heart divinized, And from the capital of thy soul convince it Of lasting peace and harmony, sheer joy of living ...

... silence in the mental region and when the spiritual force with its light and power descends through the mind and makes it act directly without its following its usual method of analysis, deduction, reasoning. 20 This would be yet another aspect of the reversal of consciousness (to which a reference has already been made in an earlier section), for even Page 671 the mind's "power of ...


... intellectual life in an ancient culture. Especially in mathematics, astronomy and chemistry, the chief elements of ancient science, she discovered and formulated much and well and anticipated by force of reasoning or experiment some of the scientific ideas and discoveries which Europe first arrived at much later, but was able to base more firmly by her new and completer method. She was well-equipped in surgery ...


... and what is our real nature? What is that which is growing in us, but into which we have not yet grown? It is something divine, is the answer, a divinity Olympian, Apollonian, Dionysiac, which the reasoning and consciously willing animal, man, is labouring more or less obscurely to become. Certainly, it is all that; but in what shall we find the seed of that divinity and what is the poise in which the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... a machine,’ Jacques Monod in Le Hasard et la Necessité, p. 145). Life has its own laws and processes that are yet to be discovered by the true, comprehensive science of the future. The same reasoning is valid, and in still greater measure, in theories concerning mental consciousness. To us the processes of life can still be directly experienced, most intimately in our beating heart, but the mental ...


... the intellectual kind, a metaphysical analysis which labours to define notions, to select ideas and discriminate those that are true and those that are false, and to logicise truth by dialectical reasoning. The Upanishadic seers saw Truth rather than merely thought it. It is true that visions have been clothed with a strong body. Page 20 if intuitive idea and disclosing image. But the clothing ...


... deeply revered, a remarkable personality that combined in itself the soul of an ardent and most intrepid spiritual seeker with a powerful and keen intellect, capable of the most subtle and incisive reasoning. The presence of these two elements is strongly reflected in his presentation of this experience in the form of a philosophy and of a practice or way of life. Page 167 Shankara, as ...


... Ashram. ‘Unfortunately, in the Ashram itself there were some who wished for Hitler’s victory, not for love of Hitler but because of their hatred of British domination,’ writes Nirodbaran. 31 The reasoning went as follows: the British are the enemies of India, for they are the colonial power that is occupying it and bleeding it dry; the Germans and their allies are the enemies of the British; therefore... in India, were rather happy that England was attacked,’ confirms Udar. ‘Indians, still under the British rule, felt that if England were defeated, India would be free.’ 32 This kind of reasoning was strengthened by the fact that many idealistic Ashramites chose the side of Subhash Chandra Bose. His close friend in the Ashram was Dilip K. Roy, who at one time had tried to entice him into becoming ...


... govern the kinetic vital energies, but it is more by a forceful compulsion and constraint than by a harmonisation of the being. If, however, a strong vital personality, mind and will can get the reasoning intelligence to give it a firm support and be its minister, then a certain kind of forceful formation can be made, more or less balanced but always powerful, successful and effective, which can impose... potent effect when achieved, it is at once more difficult for him and easier to arrive at a harmony of his nature. It is easier because the mental will once in control can convince by the power of the reasoning intelligence and at the same time dominate, compress or suppress the life and the body and their demands, arrange and harmonise them, force them to be its instruments, even reduce them to a minimum ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... obscure, egoistic, self-centred in the vital being rose up in revolt and created a confused farrago of desires, demands, disappointments, grievances, misapprehensions, 2 Page 223 false reasonings and especially a wrong attitude of claim and demand which was the entire contradiction of the psychic and spiritual attitude and wholly inconsistent with the right conditions of sadhana. It is this... the refusal of all feelings of desire, claim and ego and all justifications of these feelings by the vital mind which is full of a false view of things and therefore cannot be trusted even when its reasonings seem to be plausible. Others before you have entered into this whirl of the vital mind and ego and have gone on justifying it and indulging it. The only result was a constant repetition of vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... there are cracks in a roof, I want to know the exact cause. How can I identify myself with the roof? Is there a definite method? Is this method easier and more certain than the mental process of reasoning which is based on acquired experience? In theory, it is true that everything can be known by identification , but in practice it is rather difficult to apply. The whole process is based on the... the world disappears and the object alone exists; then, by a slight movement of will, one can succeed at identification. But it is not very easy to do and there are other means of knowing besides reasoning—intuition, for example—which are also effective. November 1934 O Sweet Mother, I sing Your praises. I will never forget how You respond when one calls You with intensity, nor the marvel ...


... All this is of course only an answer couched in mental terms to your one objection or inability to conceive how one can love God without having first known Him or had experience of Him. But mental reasoning by itself leads to nothing—it is something in yourself that has to see and then there is no difficulty. Fortunately, you are moving near to that. Nor would I trouble at all about this point, if you... how to do it also. Certainly Krishna is credited with much caprice, difficult dealings and a playfulness (lila!) which the played-with do not always immediately appreciate. But there is a reasoning as well as a hidden method in his caprices, and when he does come out of it and takes a fancy to be nice to you, he has a supreme attractiveness, charm and allurement which compensates and more than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... objective experience. He says "The man says this or that, so he must think so and so or he must have such and such a character; his actions show the same, his face shows the same," and so he goes on reasoning. If he does not get all the necessary facts, he fills them up from his imagination or from his memory, that is his experience of other men, of himself or of human life as read of in books or heard... But it tries to impose them all on the Buddhi. It tests everything which it does not take for granted by reference to the senses. "I saw that", "I heard that", therefore it is true, that is the reasoning of the Manas. That is why people who have a poorly developed Buddhi, attach so much importance to what they have seen or read. "I have seen it in print" says the just literate man, and he thinks he ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... thrusting on him the crown of Avatarhood even after he had written to Nirod (8.3.35): "Let me make it clear that in all I wrote I was not writing to prove that I am an Avatar! You are busy in your reasonings with the personal question; I am busy more with the general one. I am seeking to manifest something of the Divine that I am conscious of and feel — I care damn whether that constitutes me an Avatar... 17-9-44" "Certainly Krishna is credited with much caprice, difficult dealings and a playfulness (lila!') which the played-with do not always immediately appreciate. But there is reasoning as well as a hidden method in his caprices and when He does come out of it and takes a fancy to be nice to you, He has a supreme Page 206 attractiveness, charm and allurement which ...


... strong psychic faith and ardour) to follow the movement here. I doubt whether X would be able to appreciate, much less to assent to it and follow it. (2) X seems to lay entire stress on the reasoning intellect and to have fixed himself in that movement. Here the endeavour is of a supramental and therefore suprarational character. It has to be carried out through a silent mind, an active psychic... surrender to the influence and prepare slowly till they are ready. It may be that X cannot advance precisely because of this interference of the intellect in the ways of the Spirit. The reasoning mind can never give itself confidently to the greater Influence, not even to God or Guru; it is capable of turning unprofitably around itself for ever. July 1927 He cannot come here to join... heart which brings the divine touch and in time the divine presence, humility before the Divine which liberates from egoism and the pride of the mind and of the vital, the pride that imposes its own reasonings on the ways of the spirit and the pride that refuses or is unable to surrender, sustained persistence in the call within and reliance on the Grace above. These things come by the inner discipline ...


... modification and Vedanta, Sankhya and Yoga the late intellectual result and logical dogma. But like all life, like all science that is still vital, it is free from the armoured rigidities of the reasoning intellect; in spite of its established symbols and sacred formulae it is still large, free, flexible, fluid, supple and subtle. It has the movement of life and the large breath of the soul. And while ...


... घ्राता रसयिता मन्ता बोद्धा कर्त्ता विज्ञानात्मा पुरुषः । स परेऽक्षर आत्मनि सम्प्रतिष्ठते ॥९॥ 9) "For this that seeth and toucheth, heareth, smelleth, tasteth, feeleth, understandeth, acteth, is the reasoning self, the Male within. This too departeth into the Higher Self which is Imperishable. परमेवाक्षरं प्रतिपद्यते स यो ह वै तदच्छायमशरीरमलोहितं शुभ्रमक्षरं वेदयते यस्तु सोम्य स सर्वज्ञः सर्वो भवति ...


... plane "archangel of a white transcending realm" emerges in man as a "dwarf three-bodied trinity"—and who but Sri Aurobindo could flesh out such abstract concepts as physical mind, desire mind and reasoning mind, giving each a body, an appearance and human characteristics that are immediately recognisable? We know these manifestations of mind; they are people we have met and spoken to. They are also ...

... remarkably wide-visioned book as well as in his recent elevating speech another sad deficiency is in regard to Reincarnation. He quotes Shankara to the effect that "the Lord is the only transmigrator". Reasoning from this, he infers that the one Self dwelling in humanity as in everything is alone the reality that passes from life to life. In support he quotes Aquinas's dictum: "All men are one Man." The whole ...


... Hope My child, thy castle of sand On the banks of immensity, Can it forever withstand The onslaught of the waves of Eternity? Thy shield of clear reasoning, Is it really so cold and strong That it must always resist the song Of the Light that is swelling? The school of early training, The shallow pool for paddling ...

... for action, battle and victory — the complex that is covered under the term "vital being"; and the third aspect is what we call mind, our instrument of conception and ideation, of reflection and reasoning. But deeper psychological explorations indicate that behind what we experience as our physical being, vital being and mental being, there are, as the Upanishads point out, inner sheaths supported ...

... through an outside action. For the child, to grow is to act, to do something, and by that action, that doing, his body acquires strength, resilience, health, his mind becomes sharp, alert, capable of reasoning, judging and deciding, knowledge grows and the capacity of using that knowledge. Growth is an activity that interests the whole being. The body grows by the assimilation of suitable food, by exercise ...


... given certain instruments,—senses, nervous being, vital being, emotional being and mental being. These have certain capacities and they are capable of development. Man's intellectual capacity, his reasoning power, comprehension etc. can be developed. When the powers of the instruments are developed then man is able to expand his consciousness. Man finds also that he has a great power of detachment ...


... which might damage the appreciation of it in readers who are not sure of their own critical standard and reliability of their taste and so might be shaken by well-phrased judgments and plausible reasonings such as Mendonca's: they might make the same confusion as Mendonca himself between an apology and an apologia. An idea might rise that I am not sure of the value of my own poetry especially the... that may be because I could not express myself with any power; but it may also be because of his temperamental failure to feel and see what I felt and saw. I can only answer to the intellectual reasonings and judgments which turned up in him when he tried to find the causes of his reaction. These seem to me to be either fastidious and unsound or founded on a mistake of comprehension and therefore... . There is the same necessity for reminding the reader that the "tread" of the Divine Mother was an intrusion on the vacancy of the Inconscience and the herald of deliverance from it. The same reasoning applies to the other passages. As for the occurrence of the phrases in the same place each in its line, that is a rhythmic turn helpful, one might say necessary to bring out the intended effect ...

... themselves to the warmth and colour of his atmosphere before they can find right of entry into his kingdom. Page 232 The meeting is not here at the base, but on the tops. The philosopher's reasoning intelligence discovers only a system of thought symbols and the reality they figure cannot be seized by the intelligence, but needs direct intuition, a living contact, a close experience by identity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... freedom that is aglow in him and you will see not only the divinity of his undeniable powers but also the divinity of Page 165 his so-called limitations. For then you will not just sit reasoning and arguing about a Guru: you will know a supramentalised Guru's beautiful and beatific being, his comprehensive and creative consciousness, and in the light of this being and consciousness you will ...


... understanding but also on criticism and control of ideas; not only of comprehension, synthesis, creativity, judgement, imagination, memory and observation, but also on critical functions of comparison, reasoning, inference and conclusion. Both these aspects of human reason are essential to the completeness of the mental training. Page 149 One of the best methods is to create an atmosphere in which ...

... levels of consciousness and their corresponding objects of knowledge. Those ancient seers also made a distinction between Yoga and philosophy. Philosophy was restricted to mean intellectual reasoning about the ultimate source of things or intellectual transcription of spiritual experience. It was recognized that Yoga transcended intellectual methods of thought and attempted to revolutionize the ...

... Adhar Das. He writes of "unintelligent faith". Is it not a queer specimen of faith?       Intelligent faith is, I suppose, "reasoned" faith; unintelligent faith is faith that believes without reasoning.       (1) If you say "X is equal to Y. Y is equal to Z. therefore X is equal to Z, — so I believe X is equal to Z,", that is intelligent faith. If you simply see at once that X is equal to ...

... for a stillness and passivity through which the consciousness may pass out of the mind into some kind of trance or absorbed union with the Eternal. Each faculty of the mind—imagination, perception, reasoning; discrimination, penetration, judgement, must be directly intuivised, and finally linked to and worked by the Supramental Light. Mind, the alienated, and diminished Page 110 delegate ...

... the whole. A strong and clear and powerful intellect, Russell, but nothing more—not certainly an infallible authority whether in science or anything else. Jeans and Eddington have their own logical reasoning; I do not accept it any more than I accept Russell's. 6 Let us, however, leave the flinging of authorities, often the same authority for opposing conclusions, Russell quoted against Russell... the real question is whether his vision is great enough, inspired enough, and he brings a sufficient power of interpretation to render his insight compellingly intelligible and valuable. Your reasoning seems to proceed by abolishing the necessary distinctions and running different things into each other. 1st equation. Philosopher (artist kind) = a man with a constructive as well as a critical ...


... atmosphere of human life is one of the most natural movements of spiritual life. One who cannot appreciate that movement, knows nothing about spirituality or Yoga. Your husband's letters are like the reasonings of the scientists and men of the world who know nothing about Yoga or spiritual experience; they only pass mental opinions and judgments on it from outside. It is not even worth while replying to... purpose and confidence in my leading, but you see no good in subjecting it to intellectual discussion. Yoga and spirituality rest on the soul's intuition and the need of the inner nature, not on the reasoning of the surface intelligence. circa 1933 Women are not naturally weaker than men, but in society they have not been trained and educated like men to have a strong will and control over themselves ...


... desires. Only children are more simple. When they want something they say so. They don't tell themselves that perhaps it would be wiser not to show this, because they don't yet have this kind of reasoning. But I think, generally speaking, with very few exceptions, that people live in perpetual desires. Only, they don't express them, and Page-171 sometimes they are ashamed also... of desire, the movement of desire. And for this a great deal of knowledge is needed, and this is difficult for a very young child. It is difficult. Indeed, they don't have the capacity for reasoning; one can't explain things to them, because they don't understand the reasons. So you see, when it is like that the parents usually tell the child, "Keep quiet, you are a nuisance!" In this way they... depends on each individual. But still, it is understood that in the seven-year period between the age of seven and fourteen, one begins to reach the age of reason. If one is helped, one can become a reasoning being between seven and fourteen. Before seven there are geniuses  there are always Page-184 geniuses, everywhere but as a general rule the child is not conscious of itself and ...


... whimsical Creator and set under impossible conditions to get salvation, but far more likely to be thrown away into the burning refuse-heap of Hell as a hopeless failure. At best he is exalted by a reasoning mind and will and an effort to be better than God or Nature made him. Far more ennobling, inspiring, filled with the motive-force of a great idea is the conception placed before us by Indian culture ...


... subject them to the close test of a logical and severely dialectical ratiocination and to elicit from them all that the thought could discover, reaches its greatest power of elaborate and careful reasoning, minute criticism and analysis and forceful logical construction and systematisation in the abundant philosophical writing of the period between the sixth and thirteenth centuries marked especially ...


... and works only in the circle set for it by interest, Page 201 partiality and prejudice. The politicians reason wrongly or insincerely and have power to enforce the results of their reasoning so as to make a mess of the world's affairs: the intellectuals reason and show what their minds show them, which is far from being always the truth, for it is generally decided by intellectual preference ...


... remarkably wide-visioned book as well as in his recent elevating speech another sad deficiency is in regard to Reincarnation. He quotes Shankara to the effect that "the Lord is the only transmigrator". Reasoning from this, he infers that the one Self dwelling in humanity as in everything is alone the reality that passes from life to life. In support he quotes Aquinas's dictum: "All men are one Man." The whole ...

... that all mathematical axioms can be traced back to logical principles. In this light it becomes clear that the Euclidian approach to reality is only one of the many possible modes of mathematical reasoning. In other words, Bertrand Russell presented a new mathematical model which could be the basis of a new way of thinking. Bertrand Russell was also a great philosopher, and in philosophy, too ...


... many aspects. Yet unless told of Him by another thou canst not find thy way to Him; for He is subtler than subtlety and that which logic cannot reach. "This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, 0 beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge, — the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art may I ...

... of your jokes and humour denoting an intimacy. What can be the reason for it? Is it because my psychic development needs it? Is it because I have to be handled only in this way? All these wise reasonings are rubbish. You are x and therefore you get yz , that is all. You asked me to cast my plummet into the deep to find out the reason. But the "deep" is too deep for my plummet. For any ...

... finishing it one day, to bifurcate education in curricular and extra- curricular courses, to regard studies as work and games as a mere play and pastime, to give exclusive value to reading, writing, reasoning and eloquence and to regard all else as secondary or a mere decoration, -- these tendencies are inimical to the conception of all life as education, and all education as Yoga. Yoga is essentially ...

... be practised even by those who do not aspire for transformation. Blessings. 12 December 1971 * * * Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental form. They are not ideas or reasonings. They have their own character quite distinct from the mind, something like a feeling that comprehends itself and acts. The psychic, by its very nature, is calm, quiet and luminous, understanding ...


... 128,129, 134,135, 136 , 196 ,201 ,216,218 his destiny, 136,235,251 in Europe, 78,79 an infant, 193 his intellect, 115, 163,21 8 more mental than woman, 181 his nature , 144, 189, 200, 219 a reasoning animal, 85 his status with regard to woman, 90 of today, 213 a transitional being, 189 see also civilization, future Mantra, the fu ture, 37 , 155 Page 267 Ma nu ...


... of an inconscient to the inconscient,—for sense and reflex action [yet] becomes absurd if we try to explain by it thought and will, the imagination of the poet, the attention of the scientist, the reasoning of the philosopher. Call it mechanical cerebration, if you will, but no mere mechanism of grey stuff of brain can explain these things; a gland cannot write Hamlet or pulp of brain work out a system ...


... see it, we feel it, it becomes vivid. In that sense it is the "emotional and imaginative background of our mind" which would give to the object its true soul of Reality.  If we have to push the reasoning farther then we would enter, through the doors of aesthesis, the very domain of Maya itself that is a kind of conceptive creative power of imagination. That would make the imaginative world ...


... in heaven, or (as Kathleen Raine does) with the insights of the Neoplatonic, Gnostic, Hermetic, Cabbalistic and Alchemist traditions? To the extent I have been able to follow the winding bout of reasoning in the book, I'm more inclined towards yours rather than Raine's interpretation, but this may be because I am far more familiar with Milton than with the "sources" investigated by her. It is a pity ...


... the introduction of sensation or consciousness [i.e. life and the first glimmer of mind]; 3. the existence in man of a number of his most characteristic and noblest faculties such as mathematical reasoning, aesthetic appreciation, and abstract thinking [i.e. the full-blown mind of Homo sapiens]: Wallace asserted his view of the levels of being explicitly: “The grand law of ‘continuity’, the last outcome ...

... and complicated of all problems and to deal with it at all adequately would need an answer as long as the longest chapter of The Life Divine. I can only state my own knowledge founded not on reasoning but on experience that there is such a guidance and that nothing is in vain in this universe. If we look only at outward facts in their surface appearance or if we regard what we see happening ...

... in arriving at conclusive statements of truths, they create double standards of truth: those relevant to science and philosophy and those relevant to religion, or else, there develops theological reasoning which provides justification for acceptance of the dogmas of religion and yet apply rational methods in explaining those phenomena of the world which can be sensibly and rationally verified but which ...

... Here we have a pattern of thought-movement that does not seem to follow the lineaments of the normal brain-mind consciousness, although it too has a basis there: our customary line of reasoning receives a sudden shock, as it were, and then is shaken; moved, lifted up, transported—gradually or suddenly, according to the temperament of the listener. Besides, we have here the peculiar modern ...

... ² Here we have a pattern of thought-movement that does not seem to follow the lineaments of the normal brain-mind consciousness, although it too has a basis there: our customary line of reasoning receives a sudden shock, as it were, and then is shaken, moved, lifted up, transported – gradually or suddenly, according to the temperament of the listener. Besides, we have here the peculiar modern ...

... perfect work, people will hate you. If you do imperfect work, god will hate you. Either you will do perfect or imperfect work. In either case either people or god will hate you." The lady's reasoning was irrefutable. But can you tell me where the fallacy is in this logic?' Everyone sat still. Then someone answered: 'I studied this at college many years ago. I don't remember very ...

... ns which inevitably are not the future inter-relations of all the elements of the terrestrial problem. To deduce the future from the present circumstances is a mental activity of the order of reasoning, even if the deduction takes place in the subconscient and is translated in the being under the form of intuition; and reason is a human, that is to say, an individual faculty; the inspirations ...


... the body of the Bodiless and slumbering Life breathed in Matter. Mind lay asleep in subconscient Life and became active in conscious Life. The waking mind gave rise to the Thinker: Man became a reasoning animal: he measured the universe, opposed his fate, conquered and used the laws. He became master of his environment. Now he hopes to become a demi god. He now "sees the vast descending might of God ...

... without any contestation, and her hesitations in front of any innovation.” 39 The mathematician Paul Germain sees his faith as purely personal: “I believe. This has nothing to see with scientific reasoning. It is an affirmation which is my own, which I take as my own responsibility. I see myself as part of the Church and I commit myself to her. I bet my life on her, freely and daily, without any rational... to realize is that the concept of ‘God’ they are juggling with is of the same order as their own very human dimensions. They are attacking the shadow of Yahweh, yet the archetype determining their reasoning is identical. It is a ‘God’ in the image of man, tribal because Eurocentric, and quite childish. Their arguments hardly differ from those already in use in the popular, exoteric religions of Egypt ...

... place as the highest authority in these matters. There was a constant admission that spiritual experience is a greater thing and its light a truer if more incalculable guide than the clarities of the reasoning intelligence. The same governing force kept its hold on all the other activities of the Indian mind and Indian life. The epic literature is full almost to excess of a strong and free intellectual ...


... others; everywhere there was the pervading pressure of the notion of the universe as a manifestation of divine Powers and a movement full of the presence of the Divine. Man himself was not a mere reasoning animal, but a soul in constant relation with God and with the divine cosmic Powers. The soul's continued existence was a cyclic or upward progress from birth to birth; human life was the summit of ...


... when I express not spiritual thought but spiritual experience. I knew perfectly well that this recurrence would be objected to as bad technique or an inadmissible technique; but this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique. AE himself admits ...


... for personal acceptance. A general and impersonal statement about the spiritual force is another matter, but I doubt whether the time has come for it or whether it could be understood by the mere reasoning intelligence. " But in as much as Gurudev permitted me last year to publish in America what he had told me about his occult experiences, I may, I think, venture to make public what I could not ...


... when I express, not spiritual thought, but spiritual experience. I knew perfectly well that this recurrence would be objected to as bad technique or an inadmissible technique; but this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique. A.E. himself admits ...


... dominant vision of the system concerned. And, indeed, (this is what most puzzles the tyro) it is next to impossible to detect any lacuna, the absence of even a single link, in the long chain of rigorous reasoning that leads us from the first premiss of the central vision of the philosophical system up to its periphery. But there precisely hangs the ticklish question: "How is it that there exists an almost ...

... realised." (The Mother, Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 3, p. 51.) Page 233 mechanism can at all be conceived of that can bring about the necessary change? But this train of reasoning is altogether fallacious. For, the implied assumptions and hence the conclusions are only half-truths, and has it not been well said that 'half-truth is its own Nemesis'? As a matter of fact, doubts ...

... have rational assurance that supermind can manifest in the world and that the supramental whole seeing can come into the forefront and resolve the problems that the mind, the faculty of discursive reasoning and dividing consciousness, creates in the course of its development. For the world is not an illusion and a meaningless unreality but evolving manifestation of the self-existent and conscious being ...

... perception or intuitive discernment and number of such mystical experiences belong to the intervention of this higher region. Mystical experience in which one knows things without any process of reasoning is an indication that there is the connecting region between mind and Overmind being the first step toward creation of mind. So the light of the Supermind, moving toward creation of the mind, passes ...


... Some lustre of that Reality might appear. There is a picture, there is a rhythm, but what holds us most in its grip in these lines is the substance, the dialectic of a tremendously mystifying reasoning, it coming from the regions of super-logic. By this assertive laya or dissolution or true Nirvana, by merging her self in the not-Self, Savitri attains the state of formless liberation. From the ...


... of in many aspects. Yet unless told of Him by another thou canst not find thy way to Him; for He is subtler than subtlety and that which logic cannot reach. 9. This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, O beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge,—the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art may I meet ...


... in aspiration, effort and dedication. 7. Equality in success or in failure, while working constantly for the triumph of the Truth. 8. Development of the powers of philosophical reasoning, scientific observation and experimentation, artistic expression, Page 103 and technological skill. Harmonization of these powers by rigorous internal exercises of will. V. Programme ...

... growth of the being. There is no royal road to the divine realisation. This is the karmayoga as it is laid down in the Gita and developed by myself in the Arya. It is founded not on speculation and reasoning but on experience. It does not exclude meditation and it certainly does not exclude bhakti, for the self-offering to the Divine, the consecration of all oneself to the Divine which is the very essence ...

... however far off, and meanwhile there is not the slightest doubt that it helps to get things done. There's a bit of reasoning for you! Just like all other reasoning too, convincing to the convinced, but not to the unconvincible, i.e., who don't agree with the ground upon which the reasoning dances. Logic, after all, is only a measured dance of the mind, nothing else. January 15,1936 It... expected so much from both of you. It is no use trying to argue with you. You are quite blind. Reason is but the slave of your faith. When I think how a person of your calibre can surrender his reasoning in this way, I feel like despairing of my country. Everywhere we find the same thing. You regard Sri Aurobindo as God incarnate. So many regard Mahatma Gandhi in the same light. My own mother —... accommodating instrument and works only in the circle set for it by interest, partiality and prejudice. The politicians reason wrongly or insincerely and have power to enforce the results of their reasoning so as to make a mess of the world's affairs — the intellectuals reason and see what their minds show them, which is far from being always the truth, for it is generally decided by intellectual ...

... relativity brought in. Formerly the physicist believed he reached his fundamental axioms by generalization from observed phenomena through a kind of inductive reasoning. In the place of that picture has come the mode of mental activity which Karl Popper calls "hypothetico-deductive". A scientist builds a hypothesis (often... impossible-seeming harmonizations of opposites: the accord of apparently brute matter with sentient life and the accord of instinctive and apparently non-reasoning vitality with self-aware, nature-probing, value-questing, ever-aspiring intelligence. Sri Aurobindo is not essentially tied up with one explanation or another which science ...


... and reading of men... 37 The longer speeches in the Ramayana, those even which have most the appearance of set, argumentative oration, proceed straight from the heart, the thoughts, words, reasonings come welling up from the dominant emotion or Page 80 conflicting feeling of the speaker; they palpitate and are alive with the vital force from which they have sprung.... Vyasa's have... we have the very morning of Vyasa's * "This conversation," says Rajaji, "has a curiously modem ring about it and shows that powerful men in ancient times used very much the same specious reasoning as now." (Mahabharata, 1970 Edition, p.77)   Page 85 genius, when he was young and ardent, perhaps still under the immediate influence of Valmiki.... The Nala therefore has the delicate ...

... the mind is educated and has applied itself to various disciplines, the more it becomes capable of proving that what it puts forward or what it says is true. One can prove the truth of anything by reasoning, but that does not make it true. It remains an opinion, a prejudice, a knowledge based on appearances which are themselves more than dubious.       So there seems to be only one way out and that... precarious condition. But as I also kept the contact quite consciously, it could be done. Page 52       Communications from the psychic do not come in a mental form. They are not ideas or reasonings. They have their own character quite distinct from the mind, something like a feeling that comprehends itself and acts.       By its very nature, the psychic is calm, quiet and luminous, un... passing through the reason or mental formation.       For instance, one may act with a perfect knowledge of what should be done, and without intervention — the least intervention --- of the reasoning mind. The mind is silent. It simply looks on and listens in order to register things, it does not act.         Once the psychic has come to the front, can it withdraw again?       Yes ...


... not that an unassailable basis? Keshav —I do not think so; for two ambiguous words you have merely substituted two others only less ambiguous. Page 35 Trevor —I fail to see your reasoning. Keshav —I will endeavour to show you what I mean. You will admit that one man's meat is another man's poison, will you not? Trevor —Yes, and that is where our system works so beautifully;... property will accelerate the day of abolition. I recognise indeed that the immediate effects will be evil, but put a greater value on the ultimate good than on the immediate evil. It follows that, if my reasoning be correct and we agreed that individual judgment must be the arbiter, it is perfectly moral for me to steal. Trevor —There is no arguing with you, Desai. You wrest the meaning of words until... very first step of his history used his reason to confound the all-pervading Cosmos or harmonious arrangement of Nature, conventions became necessary in order to allure him into less faulty modes of reasoning, by which alone he could learn to rectify his error. But after the torrent had rolled for a time along its natural course and two broad rivers of Thought, the Greek and the Hindu, were losing themselves ...


... thought divides itself broadly into two groups of functions, those of the right hand, contemplation, creation, imagination, the centres that see the truth, and those of the left hand, criticism, reasoning, discrimination, inquiry, the centres that judge the truth when it is seen. In education the latter are fostered by scientific and manual training, but the only quality of the right hand that this ...


... whole surface consciousness, connotes in the language of his yoga that part of the being which is related to cognitive elements and functions, such as ideas and thoughts, intelligence, thinking and reasoning. He distinguishes mind from the other two elements of the surface nature, namely, the vital and the body-consciousness, which are mixed up with mind on the surface. The vital is the Life-Nature made ...

... , inspiration and discrimination. But they knew very well also the knowledge by separative means of knowledge, knowledge that can be attained by senses, and the knowledge that can be obtained by reasoning and intellectual thought. The famous Gayatri mantra of Vishwamitra singles out one faculty of the human being as of singular importance, without whose cultivation and concentration, the best ...

... for a perfect social evolution, no other can replace it. But this brotherhood and love will not proceed by the vital instincts or the reason where they can be met, baffled or deflected by opposite reasonings and other discordant instincts. Nor will it found itself in the natural heart of man where there are plenty of other passions to combat it. It is in the soul that it must find its roots; the love ...

... and, even, that there is no other. The Indian religious thinker knows that all the highest eternal verities are truths of the spirit. The supreme truths are neither the rigid conclusions of logical reasoning nor the affirmations of credal statement, but fruits of the soul's inner experience. Intellectual truth is only one of the doors to the outer precincts of the temple. And since intellectual truth ...


... throw you into despondency and despair. It is best done by detaching yourself from them and calling in the Mother's Force to act there and spread the deeper realisation into the outward parts. Your reasoning about violently getting rid of the body in order to get a better one hereafter is entirely wrong. For when one throws away the present life in that way instead of facing its difficulties one not only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... indeterminate Energy to organised Matter, from inanimate Matter to Life, from a subconscious or submental to a perceptive and feeling and acting Life, from primitive animal mentality to conceptive reasoning Mind observing and governing Life and observing itself also, able to act as an independent entity and even to seek consciously for self-transcendence; but these leaps, even when considerable, are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... just conscious instinct; it develops slowly till in more organised forms of living Matter it reaches its climax of intelligence and exceeds itself in Man, the thinking animal who develops into the reasoning mental being but carries along with him even at his highest elevation the mould of original animality, the dead weight of subconscience of body, the downward pull of gravitation towards the original ...

... any risk of overstatement. In the process if overmental transformation what I have observed is that the Overmind first takes up the illumined and higher mind and intellect (thinking, perceiving and reasoning intelligence) into itself and modifies itself to suit the operation—the result is what may be called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher ...


... , inspiration and discrimination. But they knew very well also the knowledge by separative means of knowledge, knowledge that can be attained by senses, and the knowledge that can be obtained by reasoning and intellectual thought. The famous Gayatri mantra of Vishwamitra singles out one faculty of the human being as of singular importance, without whose cultivation and concentration, the best ...


... himself by catching at a straw!" But let it be unequivocally stated at the very outset that this sort of misgiving is not based on actual facts of the world; it arises out of a fallacious reasoning which draws its substance from ungrounded premises and false pre-suppositions. But even before we come to the pointing out of these wrongly assumed premises and pre-suppositions, we feel like advising ...

... added Sri Aurobindo in that conversation of 1924.—“Why dangerous?” the disciple asked— Because it is solid, compact, and can refuse or even give up its own stuff completely. It is the least open to reasoning and in dealing with it you require the highest divine Power. Besides, the whole samskara— established imprint—of the whole uni­verse is against your effort. 38 There comes a moment when it ...

... unawares you will be carried far into wrong tracks .... 35 Among other suggestions of the hostile forces is the denial of the very possibility of physical immortality. But the Mother's reasoning against this 'orthodoxy' is unassailable: It [the body] must become aware of the immortality of the elements constituting it (which is a scientifically recognised fact), then it must submit ...


... unconscious work of a Churchill is good from the divine point of view, for the world but this work which the yogi does is necessary to raise the world to the Divine. Man has awakened only his reasoning faculty and developed his sciences to-day but when he is tired of it, perhaps, he will try to go into other fields and perhaps then he will find that there are realms of experience possible to ...


... metaphysical analysis which- labours to define notions, to select ideas and discriminate those that are true, to logicise truth or else to support the mind in its intellectual preferences by dialectical reasoning and is content to put forward an exclusive solution of existence in the light of this or that idea of the reason and see all things from that viewpoint, in that focus and determining perspective ...

... which might just as well run "Socrates is guilty of not believing in the gods, but believing in the gods." And this is pure flippancy. I ask you to examine with me, gentlemen, the line of reasoning which leads me to this conclusion. You, Meletus, will oblige us by answering my questions. Will you all kindly remember, as I requested at the beginning, not to interrupt if I conduct the discussion... younger they will be harsher to you and will cause you more annoyance. If you expect to stop denunciation of your wrong way of life by putting people to death, there is something amiss with your reasoning. This way of escape is neither possible nor creditable; the best and easiest way is not to stop the mouths of others, but to make yourselves as good men as you can. This is my last message to you ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... I express not spiritual thought, but spiritual experience. I knew perfectly well that this recurrence would be objected to as bad technique or an inadmissible technique; but this seems to me a reasoning from the conventions of a past order which cannot apply to a new poetry dealing with spiritual things. A new art of words written from a new consciousness demands a new technique. A.E. himself admits... conscious mental insincerity — they will argue lake Pundits and quote shastra to prove you in the wrong; it is unconsciousness, a vital insincerity which they are not aware of and which uses the reasoning mind as an accomplice. "That is why we insist so much on sincerity in the Yoga — and that means to have all the being consciously turned towards the one Truth — the. one Divine. But that is ...


... Well, where would you like to begin? Shall I teach you logic? MR JOURDAIN. Yes, but what is it? PHILOSOPHER. Logic instructs us in the three processes of reasoning. MR JOURDAIN. And what are they, these three processes of reasoning? PHILOSOPHER. The first, the second and the third. The first is the comprehension of affinities, the second discrimination by means of categories, the third ...

... Rama then and turn to Harmony and Bejoy Goswami? September 6, 1934 I agree with most of what Krishnaprem says, though one or two things I would put from a different angle. Your reasonings about faith and doubt have been of a rather extravagant kind because they come to this that one must either doubt everything or believe everything however absurd that anybody says. I have repeatedly... gets another higher than intellectual opening. Even in Mind itself there are things higher than the intellect, ranges of activity that exceed it. Spiritual knowledge is easier to these than to the reasoning intelligence. September 7, 1934 The faith is there, not in your mind, not in your vital, but in your psychic being. It was this faith that flung you out of the world and brought you... has a place, though it cannot have the chief place it occupies in purely mental philosophies. The Mayavadin himself labours to establish his point of view or his experience by a rigorous logical reasoning. Only, when it comes to an explanation of Maya, he, like the scientist dealing with Nature, can do no more than arrange and organise his ideas of the Process of this universal mystification; he cannot ...

... not quite true. And his argument is : because animals, have no articulate speech and because they don't know that they exist, therefore they are not self-conscious. He admits that animals have reasoning power. But it is not true that they have no language. They have some sort of intoned sounds which are like the language of the pigmies and also they have a power of wonderful telepathic communication... believe the extension of mathematical numbers to infinity was well known in India long long ago. (After a long pause) No ! In a philosopher it is not Page 98 the process of reasoning that is important; for he blinds himself to everything else in order to arrive at his conclusion. Therefore, what you have to do is to take his conclusions and in considering them you should accept... It is something that answers the need of evolution and can vary. Disciple : Probably something in the man's mind has already accepted the conclusions unknown to .the man and it is by his reasoning that he sets them out. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, perhaps something unknown to the surface-consciousness. There, again, the human ego comes in. It is so limited that it thinks that the contribution ...

... without reasoning. It is not intellectual but mental —the mental being has a faith and the vital being too can have its faith as well as the physical being. As for the psychic being, its faith is natural and spontaneous—faith is the very essence of the psychic being. 18 October 1935 There are supposed to be two kinds of faith: simple, blind faith, in which there is no reasoning, and faith... the vital so as to sleep better? By aspiration? And a concentration, a will to reject the restlessness. As for deciding about ghosts, I would like to know which part it is that doubts the reasoning of the other parts. These are various fragments of the mind opposing and contradicting one another, and they are not all at the same stage of development. 28 June 1934 Page 47 ... faith with some Page 123 reasoning, some understanding—intellectual faith. But I don't understand the latter: it is said to remain firm under all circumstances since it is based on a certain understanding. There is only one faith, but it manifests in different parts of the being. I suppose that what the person you refer to calls "blind faith" is the faith in the heart, which needs no ...


... Isha Upanishad is one of the most perfectly worked out, one of the most finely and compactly stated inspired arguments the world possesses—an argument not in the sense of a train of disputatious reasoning, logical not in the fashion of an intellectual passage from syllogism to syllogism, but a statement of inspired thought each part of which has been perfectly seen by the revelatory faculty & perfectly... perfectly its own message. For ultimately, as I have already insisted, we can know the subject of the Veda only by the soul & its pure faculty of knowledge, not by verbal scholarship, metaphysical reasoning or intellectual discrimination. By entering into communion with the soul of the thinker which still broods behind the inspired language, we come to realise what he saw, and what he put into his words... Vedantic knowledge & supreme realisation. It is the gospel of a divine life on earth, a consecration of works, the seed & foundation of Karmayoga. The Upanishads are works of inspiration, not of reasoning; therefore we shall not find in them the development of thought or the logical connection of the sentences managed on the system of modern writers. The principle of our modern writing borrowed from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... built a thought in nothingness; Matter was made the body of the Bodiless and slumbering life breathed in Matter. Mind lay asleep in subconscient life and became active in conscious life. Man became a reasoning animal, measured the universe, opposed his fate, conqured the laws, became master of his environment and now hopes to become a demigod. Savitri tells the dire God: Yes, I am human. Yet shall ...

... and the buffalo also occur. Strangely, cows are never represented." 4 The seals too are devoid of them. Are we to believe that there were bulls without cows in the Indus Civilization? Mr. de Sa's reasoning is faulty in itself on the basis of the available evidence. And in the face of the actual horse-bones in abundance at Surkotada throughout the 3."Early Domesticated Animals in India and Pakistan" ...


... therefore are made partly of inferences from the actual, both past and present, partly of a volitional or an imaginative and conjectural selection and combining of possibilities and partly of a decisive reasoning or preferential judgment or insistent creative will-intelligence that tries to fix among the mass of actuals and possibles the definitive truth it is labouring to discover or determine. All this which ...


... in the wideness of the earth consciousness & labours with the seven waters Indra has set flowing to produce the Truth. पारे of heaven, the mind पार्ये दिवि . That is on the borders between the reasoning Mind & the Truth-consciousness. वाणीं the Speech or Word of the Truth, the divine form of Thought set sounding by the two horses of Indra which forms the impetuous stream of the intuitive Mind ...


... can refuse and do refuse point-blank. The mind resists with an obstinate persistency in argument and a constant confusion of ideas, the vital with a fury of bad will aided by the mind's obliging reasonings on its side, the physical resists with an obstinate inertia and crass fidelity to old habit, and when they have done, the general Nature comes in and says, "What, you are going to get free from me ...


... was much quicker than he thought, can one conclude from this accident that the Divine perhaps wanted to remove the obstacle? Of course it is a very drastic method. All that is simplificative reasoning—the truth is much more complex than that. I was tempted to conclude so, because I heard you had said that X being a rare sattwic type, you wanted him sooner, or something like it. No. We were ...

... as he has been defined, a reasoning animal, but it is necessary to add that he is, for the most part, a very badly reasoning animal. He does not ordinarily think for the sake of finding out the truth, but much more for the satisfaction of his mental preferences and emotional tendencies; his conclusions spring from his preferences, prejudices and passions; and his reasoning and logic paraded to justify ...


... this can descend and it is my experience that nothing short of its full descent can thoroughly remove the veil and mixture and effect the full spiritual transformation. No metaphysical or logical reasoning in the void as to what the Atman "must" do or can do or needs or needs not to do is relevant here or of any value. I may add that transformation is not the central object of other paths as it is of ...


... that Mind perverts the original intention of Nature. It doesn't prove that Nature created it only to give man a brief and destructive sensual pleasure. I won't lengthen my perorations and human reasonings. Will you give a satisfactory reply to all these questions tonight or tomorrow? Well, it can't be tonight, as there are three tons of correspondence. (It may be less of course in actual weight ...

... or present: It is always wrong to want to evaluate the future or even to foresee it by the thought we have about it, for this thought is the present ... a mental activity of the nature of reasoning .... 42 What we need is the capacity to work without attachment, and "to develop the capacities of individual manifestation without living in the illusion of personality". 43 Even as Mirra ...


... their sensations are more alert and definite than in the plants; they have emotions and feelings —love, affection, hatred, anger, jealousy, etc.—and, in some advanced types, even a flicker of the reasoning mind. Here, for the first time, we get a distinct centralising agency, a primary crystallisation of the individuality, a subconscious ego. This ego takes its stand upon the Page 128 ...

... suffering on His creatures, sanctions pain, permits evil? God being All-Good, who created pain and evil? It is argued that pain is a trial and an ordeal. But does it solve the moral problem? For by that reasoning we arrive at an immoral or non-moral God. He may be an excellent world-mechanist, a cunning psychologist, but not a God of Good and of love whom we can worship. Why? For one who invents torture as... and unity, of the totality of things and of anything else that may even transcend the totality. And the method is to purify, develop, enlarge and transform our ideas and concepts, our powers of reasoning, of analysis and synthesis, our modes of knowledge, our capacities of discrimination and co-ordination, —all the elements that constitute our processes of cognition. "Yoga of Divine Love is so ...

... persecution, denunciation and disparagement, the idea gathers strength and increases; there are strange and great conversions, baptisms of whole multitudes and eager embracings of martyrdom, and the reasonings of the wise and learned are no more heeded and the prisons of the ruler overflow to no purpose and the gallows bears its ghastly burden fruitlessly and the sword of the powerful drips blood... from records of oppression: Shakespeare and Milton did not illumine his imagination when he peered into the future of India. Mill, Carlyle or Herbert Spencer did not shed any light on his reasoning when he applied himself to the study of the problems in India. Hume, Froude, Kingsley or Freeman did not help him at all in taking a correct reading of events and their bearings. Neither Chatham ...

... cannot reach. नैषा तर्केण मतिरापनेया प्रोक्तान्येनैव सुज्ञानाय प्रेष्ठ । यां त्वमापः सत्यधृतिर्बतासि त्वादृङ् नो भूयान्नचिकेतः प्रष्टा ॥९॥ Page 109 9) This wisdom is not to be had by reasoning, O beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge,—the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art may I meet ...


... Similarly the "tread" of the Divine Mother was "an intrusion on the vacancy of the Inconscience and the herald of deliverance from it." 28 Hence the phrase "vacant Vast" has been used. "The same reasoning applies to the other passages." 29 The symbol of Dawn is not "a logical chain of figures or a classical monotone." The twin symbol of Night and Dawn is the most significant, rather the key ...

... far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be made foolproof and all that in the course of a lifetime. And I have to do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints but at length. Lord God in omnibus!" 12 Then, with regard to hard labour on ...

... discovery of unwarranted and unexpected proportions.” 20 These examples must suffice, but it seems that hardly any important theoretical discovery is the end product of an effort of logical reasoning: most discoveries, and certainly the important ones, are the consequence of a sudden illumination. The same conclusion could be drawn from the history of biological and technological research. The ...

... experiment. The elements of this enumeration have been, point for point, of immense importance in the latest four centuries. It was within this framework of science that Darwin had to shift his reasoning from a world as perceived by natural theology. Anything he had been and was studying since his voyage on the Beagle was intuitively weighed against these premises. The wondrous results of breeding ...

... self-will, the yoke of his rajasic nature. At the top presses down upon life the harmonic regulative law or dharma; the sattwic man attempts to erect and follow his limited personal standards of reasoning knowledge, enlightened utility or mechanised virtue, his religions and philosophies and ethical formulas, mental systems and constructions, fixed channels of idea and conduct which do not agree with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... therefore necessary from the beginning to understand and accept the arduous difficulty of the path and to feel the need of a faith which to the intellect may seem blind, but yet is wiser than our reasoning intelligence. For this faith is a support from above; it is the brilliant shadow thrown by a secret light that exceeds the intellect and its data; it is the heart of a hidden knowledge that is not ...


... human group and its poetry move on the mental plane: that is to say, the movement of their being and consciousness is to interpret outward and inward existence to the reasoning intelli-gence. Most poetry is either of the subtle-physical, the vital or the mental plane - and most poetry, by the very turn of the human ...


... there is no reason why the Mother and I should cast off the veil which hung over these personalities and reveal the Divine behind them. Those lives were not meant for any such purpose...4 Your reasoning would only have some force if the presence on earth then were as the Avatar but not if it was only as a Vibhuti.”5 Both these answers were given to questions involving what was the biggest puzzle ...


... obscures and prevents the light of knowledge from penetrating the dark corners of our natural self, and takes away the energy and the will for change and progress. Rajas perverts knowledge and makes the reasoning mind an accomplice and abettor of movements that are contrary to our true nature but for which the mind gives specious rationalizations. Rajas disturbs the workings of the life-force and thereby upsets ...

... s of thought and the development of implied or subordinate notions. Very often one single word or sentence reposes on a number of ideas implicit in the text but nowhere set forth explicitly. The reasoning that supports conclusions is often suggested by words but not expressly conveyed to the intelligence. The reader, or rather the hearer, was supposed to proceed from light to light, confirming his ...


... meditate. How can I surrender when I am so much absorbed in writing?..." That is like him and most of the sadhaks. All hold grimly to their own ideas—follow their own conceptions about Yoga. Reasonings! logic! As for the ways pointed out by the Guru, all supramental nonsense. The surprising thing is that anyone succeeds here. You seem to have again changed your front. Once you wrote that the ...

... far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be made foolproof and all that in the course of a single lifetime. And I have to do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints but at length. Lord God in omnibus!" Then, with regard to hard labour on Savitri ...


... are accustomed to listen to this voice out of the Silence, take it more and more as the instigating motive of their actions; and where others, the average men, wander along the intricate paths of reasoning, they go straight their way, guided through the windings of life by intuition, this superior instinct, as by a strong and unfailing hand. This faculty which is exceptional, almost abnormal now ...


... obvious and is rendered invalid. As Sri Aurobindo points out: "This vulgar or rustic error of our corporeal organs does not gain in validity by being promoted into the domain of Philosophical reasoning. Obviously, their pretension is unfounded. Even in the world of Matter there are existences of which the physical senses are incapable of taking cognisance. Yet the denial of the suprasensible as... the materially perceptible, which is itself a hallucination. Assuming throughout what it seeks to establish, it has the vice of the argument in a circle and can have no validity for an impartial reasoning." 1 At the stage at which we stand today, the recent advances in the field of knowledge provide us sounder foundations for the philosophy of value and philosophy of value-oriented education ...

... accomplishment. * The central theme of education is man-making. But till now the emphasis is on developing reasoning capacity, which is claimed as value free. Education without value is redundant. The need of the hour is to bring value in the entire system of education of reasoning which is value neutral. * Indian literature is fairly eloquent about values. The essence of our great ancient ...

... & within the vital man the emotional or impressional man similarly related and again within that the intellectual man governing the others and again within that the delight of the spirit in its reasoning existence & within that delight like the moon within its halo the Spirit who is Lord of all these, the sitter in the chariot & the master of its driving, so in metre there is the quantitative or accentual ...


... shoreless & streamless peace of Nirvana. Shankara, one of the mightiest of metaphysical intellects, a far greater intellect than the Buddha, though a less mighty soul, built up by his intuitions and reasonings a third position which reconciles Vedic Brahmavada and the Karmavada of Buddhistic rationalism & Rationalistic materialism. Shankara asserts the real existence of the Atman, self or soul which alone ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... state of the individual because something comes in between the eye's perception and the brain's reception. It is very subtle; the brain receives the eye's perceptions through the nerves; there is no reasoning, it is so to say instantaneous, but there is a short passage between the eye's perception and the cell which is to respond and evaluate it in the brain. And it is this evaluation of the brain which ...

... can live for 200 or 300 years or more, but there can be no real principle of it without the supramental. Even Science believes that one day death may be conquered by physical means and its reasonings are perfectly sound. There is no reason why the supramental Force should not do it. Forms on earth do not last (they do in other planes) because these forms are too rigid to grow expressing the ...

... has a place, though it cannot have the chief place it occupies in purely mental philosophies. The Mayavadin himself labours to establish his point of view or his experience by a rigorous logical reasoning. Only, when it comes to an explanation of Maya he, like the scientist dealing with Nature, can do no more than arrange and organise his ideas of the process of this universal mystification; he cannot ...


... placed them among the animals? But then there is also the question: what is a human being, and what kind of human being is Science talking about? The Copernican Theory Copernicus’ world and reasoning were much more complex and varied than generally assumed. He was after all a man of the Renaissance trying to make sense of the old and new cultural influences crisscrossing through his time. For ...

... doctrine of Aristotle himself, according to whom virtue meant a mean between extremes. Aristotle was the first logician of the Western world and he must have taught his pupil the art and science of reasoning as applied to metaphysics, science and mathematics. The vast encyclopedic knowledge that Aristotle could have put at Alexander's disposal would have made Alexander, if he so chose, a great master ...


... self-confident doctor decides as best he can and acts—if he finds he is making fausse route, he retraces his steps and corrects. He develops in himself the coup d'oeil which does not depend only on reasoning and finally manages to be right in the majority of cases. You may say that he may kill his patients when he is wrong. But so does the hesitant doctor by his hesitation—e.g. by not taking a step which ...

... disciples,” I remarked. —Yes. Nobody should say anything except, “Mother has gone into trance.” That’s all. But if they are prepared for the idea beforehand, they might be more reasonable?... 31 The reasoning of the disciples is one of the wonders of the world yet to be discovered. A few days later, Mother explained to me: I have seen rather clearly that the work depended on the ratio between two aspects ...

... 661. 36 Ibid, p. 662. 37 Ibid, p. 57. 38 Ibid. 39Ibid,. p.587. 40 lbid, p. 574. 41 Ibid, p. 428. Page 158 observation of the object, reasoning, evidence, imagination, memory or any other of the usual faculties of intellect. Now the spiritual vision, drsti, is a sort of light in the soul by which things unseen become as evident and real ...

... over-romantic graduate” he had been captivated by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Phenomenon of Man and the Omega Point, one will not be surprised by the tone of Dawkins’ prose and the radicalism of his reasonings. This is one of several characteristics he has in common with Edward Wilson. Another marked influence on him was scientism, more specifically the mentality of the nineteenth century reconditioned ...

... too a higher mental and spiritual basis for the philosophy of world-negation and here we are on more solid ground: for it can be contended that the world is in its very nature an illusion and no reasoning from the features and circumstances of an Illusion could justify it or raise it into a Reality,—there is only one Reality, the transcendent, the supracosmic: no divine fulfilment, even if our life ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... admire at all. 12 May 1934 I spent quite a lot of grey matter, putting before you argument after argument. But you have not argued back. You are quite happily unconcerned. All the reasonings in your letter come from the external physical mind. You cannot expect me to come down to that level and discuss with you from there. I see things from another plane and in a different way. 19 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I