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English [1392]
A Captive of Her Love [2]
A Centenary Tribute [15]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [8]
A Vision of United India [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [16]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [11]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [4]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Beyond Man [26]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [5]
By The Way - Part III [4]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [3]
Champaklal Speaks [78]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [2]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [185]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Down Memory Lane [14]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [5]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [12]
Evolution II [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [2]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Guidance on Education [3]
Hitler and his God [9]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
How to Bring up a Child [1]
I Remember [7]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [3]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [4]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [5]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [5]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [4]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Jayantilal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [11]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [23]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [27]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [28]
Light and Laughter [7]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Living in The Presence [14]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Man-handling of Savitri [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [7]
Moments Eternal [14]
More Answers from the Mother [4]
Mother and Abhay [4]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [12]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [7]
Mother or The New Species - II [12]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [7]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [12]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [6]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [8]
My Savitri work with the Mother [13]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [6]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
Nachiketas [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [2]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
On The Mother [48]
On the Path [3]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [16]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [6]
Patterns of the Present [8]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [5]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [10]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [3]
Prayers and Aspirations [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [11]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [6]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [3]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [8]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [4]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Reminiscences [5]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [1]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [8]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [12]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [12]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [7]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [15]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [6]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [5]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [6]
Sweet Mother [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [4]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [11]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [25]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
The Destiny of the Body [14]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Golden Path [9]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Growth of a Flame [4]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [7]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [17]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [10]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [13]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [13]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [19]
The Story of a Soul [7]
The Sun and The Rainbow [13]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [5]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [10]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Visions of Champaklal [25]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [4]
Words of the Mother - I [3]
Words of the Mother - II [3]
Words of the Mother - III [7]
Work - an offering [2]
Filtered by: Show All
English [1392]
A Captive of Her Love [2]
A Centenary Tribute [15]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [8]
A Vision of United India [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [16]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [11]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [4]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Beyond Man [26]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [5]
By The Way - Part III [4]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [3]
Champaklal Speaks [78]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [2]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [185]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Down Memory Lane [14]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [5]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [12]
Evolution II [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [2]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Guidance on Education [3]
Hitler and his God [9]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
How to Bring up a Child [1]
I Remember [7]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [3]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [4]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [5]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [5]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [4]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Jayantilal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [11]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [23]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [27]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [28]
Light and Laughter [7]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Living in The Presence [14]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Man-handling of Savitri [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [7]
Moments Eternal [14]
More Answers from the Mother [4]
Mother and Abhay [4]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [12]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [7]
Mother or The New Species - II [12]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [7]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [12]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [6]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [8]
My Savitri work with the Mother [13]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [6]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
Nachiketas [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [2]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [2]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [2]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
On The Mother [48]
On the Path [3]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [16]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [6]
Patterns of the Present [8]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [5]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [10]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [3]
Prayers and Aspirations [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [11]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [6]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [3]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [8]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [4]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Reminiscences [5]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Six Talks [1]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [8]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [12]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [12]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [7]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [15]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [6]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [5]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [6]
Sweet Mother [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [4]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [11]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [25]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [4]
The Destiny of the Body [14]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Golden Path [9]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Growth of a Flame [4]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [7]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [17]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [10]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [13]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [13]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [19]
The Story of a Soul [7]
The Sun and The Rainbow [13]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [5]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [10]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Visions of Champaklal [25]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [4]
Words of the Mother - I [3]
Words of the Mother - II [3]
Words of the Mother - III [7]
Work - an offering [2]
Showing 600 of 1392 result/s found for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Sixteen: The Lord of the Nations It is well-known that the Nazi party proved itself to be anti-intellectual in a blunt and even boisterous manner, that it burned books and classified the theoretical physicists among its ‘Judeo-Marxist’ enemies. It is less well-known in favour of which explanations... after the fall he became the Lord of Falsehood who, with his three brothers, has held this world in his grip up to now. As one of the original Asuras , he was fully aware of the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the Earth, and of their effort to change Falsehood into Truth, Darkness into Light, Suffering into shadowless Bliss and Death into Immortality. In other words, this meant that it was... will / To push the demon back into his cell. / My father held the seal and broke it. / He did not sense the breath of evil / And out into the world he let the devil.’ 16 Everything Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, with their extensive occult knowledge, have said about Hitler being possessed by the Demon could be confirmed by many more historical facts. But the so-called ‘objective’ historians do ...


... 16 – Sri Aurobindo When reading the stories of some aspirants who became disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, we have seen that, in every case, time was given to them to think over their decision, even when they knew from the very first moment of meeting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that their destiny lay with them. ‘I never push anyone to take the path,’ said the Mother. ‘When you... The Mother The Foundations Everything was in place for the decisive phase of the effort to bring the Supramental down into Matter, to transform Matter, to divinize the world. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had long known, from the early realizations in their yoga, that this apparently impossible step in evolution – evolution so much condensed and accelerated that it became revolution – was... would not have come together in this life. We are of one family and have worked through the ages for the victory of the Divine and its manifestation upon Earth.’ 2 Not only the pioneers, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had had to descend into Matter, but humanity had to follow. As Sri Aurobindo wrote: ‘Since then the Sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical consciousness. Many ...

... perhaps the most ruthless of them all, was Joseph Stalin. It has already been mentioned that, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Stalin was not an ordinary human, but a directly incarnated vital being with no soul. As in the case of so much else concerning Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, this assertion is supported by facts, and Stalin’s dire deeds are recorded in history for all to read. ... impressions. We quote here the experience of Rhoda Le Cocq, an American philosopher, as described in her book The Radical Thinkers : ‘As a Westerner, the idea of merely passing by these two [Sri Aurobindo and the Mother] with nothing being said, had struck me as a bit ridiculous. I was still unfamiliar with the Hindu idea that such a silent meeting could afford an intensely spiritual impetus. I watched... 1938, the focus of all attention in the Ashram was the newly arrived person who was also American: Margaret Wilson, the daughter of former President Woodrow Wilson. She had read books by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and started corresponding with them. Sri Aurobindo had duly warned her before she undertook the long journey from the United States: ‘We [i.e. he and the Mother] are doubtful about the ...

... already existing group was formally called Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and how Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were doing their yoga of divine transformation in this more and more expanding and representative body they called the ‘laboratory’. This draws our attention to that highly intimate collaboration between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which was often not sufficiently realized or forgotten because of what... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Thirteen: Sri Aurobindo and the ‘Laboratory’ The Divine does not need to suffer or struggle for himself; if he takes on these things it is in order to bear the world-burden and help the world and men; and if the sufferings and struggles are to be of any help, they must be real … They must be... clearly said that the decisive evolutionary step, deemed impossible in the whole of the previous history of mankind by all the Great-of-soul, has been consciously and willingly taken by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother sometime in 1927. Matter is the first-born of the Inconscient and Subconscient and completely impregnated by them, also in the human body. As a result of which the transformation of this ...


... the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as an extraordinary insight into this process of transformation which has enabled me at least to see the meaning of the resurrection and the new creation in a new light. Compared with this, the speculations of Biblical critics seem to me of very little importance. They write from books, but they had not the experience of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I... consider the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as an extraordinary insight into this process of transformation which has enabled me at least to see the meaning of the resurrrection and the new creation in a new light." You are surprised that I should seem anxious to discredit just those elements of the Christian faith to which the experience of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother give confirmation... accept a most unusual event following the death of Jesus, but Page 90 on the basis of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother I fail to see here anything approximating to your vision. The resurrection, for all its unusualness, has nothing directly to do with what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother understand and know as the Supramental Manifestation. Nor is there in the Gospels or anywhere else in the ...

... Part Two: The Road Together The Mother (biography) 8: The Seven Hidden Years What is known as Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 1 – Sri Aurobindo The Seal is Put Paul and Mirra Richard, accompanied by Dorothy Hodgson, left Japan in March 1920 and arrived in Pondicherry on 24 April. They probably... centre of my work is Bengal, although I hope that its circumference will be all India and the whole Earth.’ This letter is interesting and amazing because it shows clearly in what measure Sri Aurobindo (and the Mother) had to hew the path of their spiritual progress ‘in a virgin forest’, according to the expression they will use often. Until the end of his life, Sri Aurobindo would keep looking ahead... two – from the Mind into the Vital, and so on, quite rapidly, leaving the Mind as it was: fully in the Light but not permanently transformed.’ 13 This crucial step in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother needs some clarification. The Mother said almost in passing that Sri Aurobindo ‘had brought the supramental Light into the mental world,’ which is the same as saying that he had realized ...

... most important thesis of our times. They are likely to ask whether that synthesis has been achieved in the results that have been accomplished in the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Both, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, look upon yoga as Science, and, as Sri Aurobindo points out, "Yogic methods have something of the same relation to the customary psychological workings of man as has... works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother cover large areas of humanistic studies and whatever they have written about their studies of Matter, Life and Mind, and, particularly, on the theme of evolution, on which various sciences, philosophy and yogic systems converge today together, represent an ever growing mass of synthesis of knowledge. Considering this work, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have advanced... it." 102 This message brings out clearly the rigour of the criterion of the final proof that is proposed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. There are, indeed, many levels of proofs, and during the course of the progression of the research conducted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, we find various levels of proofs, philosophical, experiential and even scientific, which transcend limits of subjectivity ...

... unanimously proclaim the same, namely that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had said or let it be understood all along that they would not die, and that the body in which they had incarnated also would be the body of their supramental transformation. It is a unanimous conviction difficult to doubt at first sight by an outsider. What have Sri Aurobindo and the Mother themselves said or written about the immediate... that ‘postponement’ had become, in those dramatic and traumatic days, the magical consoling word in the conversations among the prominent disciples. For those involved in the effort of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it was taboo to talk about failure. ‘Postponement’ was a word which still allowed for some hope — especially after one had lived to see the passing of Sri Aurobindo and to what a miserable... an effect in the world’s surface-life. The process is postponed only in the sense of being retarded, slowed down.’ 8 And he writes: ‘I am afraid the logic of their revelations [of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother] can conduct us only to one conclusion: the Mother has first to come back in whatever manner and stand before us physically transformed before we can reach the last stage of Sri Aurobindo’s ...


... Madras, and henceforth the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was all in all for him. Something of what was now happening to Sastriar may be inferred from this entry for 14 June 1929: There was some strong sense of a liberated being or rather myself a silent being with an over-being which was universal watching and guiding me to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 4 Summing up the nature... the Library. 20.2.1928: Good experience at the feet of the Mother at the Library. Later, tendency to tears. 21.2.1928: The Mother's Day. Between 10 and 11 a.m.: Pranam to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Tears before and after. 23.2.1928: Calm, waiting for heart's intuition. Glimpse of the heart's poise .... 13.6.1928: The Mother was very smiling; gave her feet; meditated... Nayana and he consulted the Maharishi, the latter remarked that it must be Daiva Sankalpam (Divine Will). Accordingly Nayana arrived in Pondicherry on 14 August 1928, and had darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the next day. Although he was not enthusiastic at first, the Darshan itself proved a marvellous experience to Nayana, and coming out he exclaimed " O divya murtulu!", an untranslatable ...


... statements by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from various periods and sources speak for themselves and leave no room for relativism or toned down interpretations. Either they were That or they were not That (and if they were That, they still are That). This is not a matter of devotion or bigotry but a question of spiritual fact which one accepts or does not accept. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have never... between Purusha and Prakriti, the One and its Shakti, its Maya. 92 It is little known that the relation Purusha-Prakriti created a problem to the manifested two-poled Avatar, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. For it has always been, ‘almost for eternities,’ the aspiration of the creative Power to unite with the Creator in a total and unconditional surrender, ‘so that the whole Being might exist’... Mother stands on an equal and exactly complementary footing with Sri Aurobindo,’ 31 writes K.D. Sethna, the most reliable authority of the Ashram. And he goes on: ‘Side by side though Sri Aurobindo and the Mother stood, she often took the position of a “disciple” and spoke of carrying out a work allotted to her and of promulgating his message to the world. On the other hand, he never tired of declaring ...


... years old.’ 2 In fact, she was then fourty-three years old. The parallels between the ways followed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are striking. The parents of both wanted their children to be the best of the best. Their parents were atheists, and in their youth Sri Aurobindo and the Mother themselves had been atheists (the Mother: ‘I was a convinced atheist’). The yoga of Aurobindo Ghose began... present guidance of the disciples; by this fact the small group around them became an ashram, a spiritual community. To fully understand the importance of this milestone in the life of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it is necessary to take a closer look at the effort at transformation they had made up to then. A.B. Purani tells us how the consequences of that effort had become visible: ‘The greatest... has to attain the extreme limit of what the other yogas have realized.’ 13 This is no small prerequisite. But the Work the doublepoled Avatar had come to do was no small work either. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have mastered, if not all the details, all the essence of the traditional yogas. ‘Will, knowledge and love are the three divine powers in human nature and the life of man, and they point ...


... for the Divine has been his constant trait since the day in the far past when, at the tender age of twenty-three, he came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother after having spurned the pull of "career" and the lure of fame in the academic world. The touch of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother unsealed in his heart "an abundant fount of faith", to quote his own words. His unflinching devotion and unreserved love for... that I have a fire in my heart which age cannot quench and I do not look backward to muse on past irrecoverable joys but gaze forward to a future of more and more bliss of self- giving to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother." "... the body itself has not kept pace in every feature. I indeed don't feel less fit in general at 85 than at 25... but the lower body has suffered, though without affecting in the... and absorbed in the craft of endless writing and turned as much as his numerous human weaknesses allow towards the all-healing and all-fulfilling infinity of that dual divine presence - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother — such is Amal Kiran..." "I am doing my best to live long both because I am happy and can give happiness and because I want as much time as possible to go nearer to Sri Aurobindo's luminous ...

... future miracles capable of solving our global problems, miracles which, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, will reveal the meaning of it all and are certain to happen. The Preparatory Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother What do we, Aurobindians, stand for? Is the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother just another of those well-intentioned New Age fancies, or does it have a basis in... causes the present unprecedented upheavals on our globe, resulting in an almost total disorientation among humans, was predicted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as one of the inevitable phenomena of the Great Transition. The path which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother called the Integral Yoga is therefore not a fixed system with a defined goal to be realized within the lifetime of the practitioner (as... Preparing for the Miraculous 3: Preparing for the Miraculous Evolution, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, is a long and difficult climb of Nature, in the organisms it creates, to regain its original divinity. Therefore humanity, given its imperfection, cannot be the ultimate step or crown of the evolution. Beyond the human gradation are the higher ...

... sole true supermanhood and the one real possibility of a step forward in evolutionary Nature."¹³ The supramental life that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have envisaged would be the life of unity, mutuality and harmony. The synthesis of yoga that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have put forward envisages that evolution in material nature is an evolution of being with consciousness and life as its two... In the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the individual soul, by the process of integral yoga, can be experienced as the eternal portion of the Supreme Spirit, and just as the immortality of the Supreme Spirit is an object of yogic realisation, the realisation of the immortality of the individual soul is also an object of yogic realisation. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who admitted and... rta-cit) was of capital Page 52 importance in the yoga of the Veda, as it has been in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In the Vedic yoga, the method consisted of the ascent to the Supermind as also of the descent of the Supermind; in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, too, the method has been the same, but it underlined the Gita's method of self-surrender and applied it in ...


... using visible and invisible means. If ordinary life is a battle, spiritual life is a hundred times more so, and one has to be a hero to persevere in one’s effort. Of this heroic struggle Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are the best examples; their fight with the hostile forces can be read on every page of their lives. This is why in the students’ notebooks the following prayer, written by the Mother, was... will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth.’ 36 The Ashram school was intended to provide a complete education in the light and with the help of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A message of the Mother makes this clear: ‘We are not here to do (only a little better) what the others do. We are here to do what the others cannot do because they do not have the idea... is most probably because of this difficulty, never attempted to solve before, that Sri Aurobindo had to perform the unprecedented yogic act of descending fully consciously into death. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had realized the mastery of the body and its parts many years ago. It is one of the elementary stages in most paths of yoga and a precondition for further progress. Yet, as long as the mastery ...

... had died five years before. This woman, Chinmoy, is mentioned in several chronicles as spreading scandalous insinuations and rumours about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Champaklal remembers: ‘At one time C[hinmoy] was very close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And as happens in the case of many who come too close to them, she also lost her head. She became hostile. This has happened so often and ... instance. And hereby hangs an illuminating tale. Laljibhai Hindocha, building on the pioneering work of his father, was a successful Indian businessman in Uganda, Africa. He first heard of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in 1953 at a talk by A.B. Purani, who was in Uganda on a lecture tour. Towards the end of the same year Laljibhai visited the Sri Aurobindo Ashram for the first time. He saw no reason for... ‘normal’ life could not satisfy him any more and he went to seek adventure in French Guyana, Brazil and Central Africa. However, during his brief stay in Pondicherry he had had the darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, probably in 1949, and he carried The Life Divine with him wherever he went. Ultimately he joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, reluctantly, in 1953. The published correspondence between ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother 4 Sri Aurobindo and The Mother An ocean of knowledge was poured by Sri Aurobindo in his monthly journal, Arya. By 1920, when Mother returned to Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo had already expounded in the pages of the Arya much of his studies which were not confined merely to philosophical and spiritual knowledge, but... jointly by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In one of his letters, Sri Aurobindo has written the following: Mother was doing Yoga before she knew or met Sri Aurobindo; but their lines of Sadhana independently followed the same course. When they met, they helped each other in perfecting the Sadhana. What is known as Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother....² ... a special difficulty in the process of transformation. Each individual received from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother all the care and attention that were required for his or her growth. This was a daily affair, and this implied a gigantic task. Members of the Ashram used to write letters to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and Sri Aurobindo wrote in answer to these letters. This required daily 12 hours, three ...

... of the intermediary levels is the whole story of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The difficulties of accustoming the body to the supramental Agni may, ultimately, have a reason Page 291 and a purpose. It may not be so much a material difficulty as a strategic one, as it were. Indeed, during that second phase, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would realize that transformation is not just an ... said, it is a stupendous evolutionary ferment. Perhaps something should be mentioned about how this power manifests practically, in the lives and actions of those who embody it – so far, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But because no explanation is ever truly satisfying unless one experiences it oneself, and because the experience will only begin to be convincing when it takes place on a more collective... poles of existence, Consciousness and Force, Spirit and Earth, He and She forever. An Outline of Evolution One day or another, we may all join in the work of transformation that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have undertaken, because this is our evolutionary future. If we wish to understand what this process really is, its difficulties as well as the chances of failure or success, we must first ...

... Supermind. The Supermind, being a Consciousness of Unity and Harmony, acts in the manifestation as a whole, harmoniously and inescapably, with its divine omnipotence. This is the reason why Sri Aurobindo and the Mother worked unceasingly and one-pointedly for its descent into the earth-atmosphere and were never satisfied with partial realisation. This fundamental rationale of their whole avataric effort... stressful burden that living in an earthly body means. Their intention is justified and praiseworthy, and the established spiritual paths are meant to provide just that. The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, though, seeks to take evolution a step ahead, which means to transform the present condition of the planet and of humanity. But humanity and the planet are dominated by forces hostile to... All this would be unattainable without the four supramental aids, totally new in the history of spirituality. The presence of the Supermind . Thanks to the avataric sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the supramental Consciousness was established in the earth-atmosphere on 29 February 1956. This date marks the exact end of the old world order and the beginning of the new. “This is becoming ...

... by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother will be developments of the present potential of humankind. One should always keep in mind Sri Aurobindo’s warning that only the Supermind knows how things will evolve, and that future evolutions are unpredictable and even unimaginable to the contemporary human being. What follows is, however, based on the experience and foresight of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother themselves... then, these apprentice-overmen and apprentice-overwomen? For those related to the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the first place to look for them is in themselves. Overman or overwoman may be in embryo there. As wrote Nolini Kanta Gupta, one of the close collaborators of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: “Although we may not know it, the New Man – the divine race of humanity – is already among... irrational and unspiritual proposition; it is to ask for something unnatural and unreal, an impossible miracle. 1 – Sri Aurobindo Some specimens of homo sapiens will, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, evolve into transitional forms of overmen, who in their turn will render the appearance of the divine species of supramental beings and a new world order possible. “All life for the achieved ...

... imposed on it. In harmony with this basic truth the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moves towards its fulfilment, taking into its scope the involved universal Godhead calling out to be set free in every man.   In response to this movement of the Integral Yoga each of us who is devoted to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother should give himself up to them as a centre of manifestation at the... is now useless, especially as it has a fair number of faults like any non-Yogic institution.   I believe there are several reasons why the statement cannot be accepted.   (1)Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not need an Ashram if their job was merely to bring the Supermind to the earth. They could very well have done it on their own. The Ashram was an organic part of the mission they explicitly... a passage in her Collected Works.   (3)The Supramental Manifestation was in the subtle-physical of the earth, in what the Mother called "the earth's atmosphere". Surely the aim of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was not just the establishment of the Supermind there? They aimed at its manifestation in the gross-physical. Not to realise this is to mis-see their mission, or rather to see it Page ...


... called in Buddhist tradition... "In the Christian belief the body of Jesus in the resurrection underwent precisely this transformation..." 1 Surely, Griffiths must know that both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were aware of all that had happened or been sought for in spiritual human history. They knew their Bible very well and never hesitated to point out in it legends or symbols, visions or ... . The transformation a la Sri Aurobirndo was envisaged as a goal to be reached in the present age, as Griffiths himself admits when he alludes to the lack of success in the efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to accomplish here and now a transformation of the body by the Supermind's descent into the physical no less than the psychic consciousness. The objective of the Christian Yoga is poles... outer existence, the individual and the Page 45 collective being, in the immediate or near future. The physical transformation, divinisation, supramentalisation at which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother aimed has no anticipatory parallel in the resurrected body which Matthew, Luke and John and the author of the Acts picture Christ as possessing. Ramalingam's "Golden Body" and the ...


... called in Buddhist tradition..." "In the Christian belief the body of Jesus in the resurrection underwent precisely this transformation..." Surely, Griffiths must know that both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were aware of all that had happened or been sought for in spiritual human history. They knew their Bible very well and never hesitated to point out in it legends or symbols, visions or ... l. The transformation à la Sri Aurobindo was envisaged as a goal to be reached in the present age, as Griffiths himself admits when he alludes to the lack of success in the efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to accomplish here and now a transformation of the body by the Supermind's descent into the physical no less than the psychic consciousness. The objective of the Christian Yoga is poles... both the inner and the outer existence, the individual and the collective being, in the immediate or near future. The physical transformation, divinisation, supramentalisation at which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother aimed has no anticipatory parallel in the resurrected body which Matthew, Luke and John and the author of the Acts picture Christ as possessing. Ramalingam's "Golden Body" and the ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother APPENDIX I.1 Cosmic Consciousness I have wrapped the wide world in my wider self And Time and Space my spirit's seeing are. I am the god and demon, ghost and elf, I am the wind's speed and the blazing star. All Nature is the nursling of my care, I am its struggle and the eternal rest; ... out of its cosmic formation into Transcendence.¹ ______________ ¹ Ibid., pp. 949-53. Page 250 APPENDIX IV A Note on The Yogic Psychology of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (a) All methods of Yoga are special psychological processes founded on a fixed truth of Nature and developing out of normal functions, powers and results "which were always... see Letters on Yoga, Centenary Library, Vol. 22, pp. 265-307. Page 262 can come only when there is the supramental fulfilment. (h) In the Yogic psychology of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the word 'superconscient' is used to include the planes beyond our pre-sent level of awareness, namely, those of the Higher Mind, Illumined Mind, Intuitive Mind, Overmind, Supermind, and ...

... of the Integral Yoga as ushered in by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But a common complaint with many of these students has been that they often miss the beauty and the significance of the 'wood' because of concentrating on individual 'trees'. In other words, even after going through the hundreds of pages of many of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother dealing with the Puma Yoga, they somehow... impossible. He prayed for the blessings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in this rash venture of his and sought to encompass the entirety of their teachings on Yoga and Sadhana in the span of roughly three hundred and fifty pages. The author can assure that all that is noted down in this book is authoritatively based on the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The whole matter has been treated ... Session many of the students of the Higher Course of SAICE ('Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education', Pondicherry) have studied under the guidance of the author various books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother such as, The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita, Letters on Yoga, The Mother's Entretiens (in 13 Volumes), Mother's Commentaries on Sri Aurobindo' s Thoughts. ...

... charter for a new heaven and a new earth. Neither in 1914 nor in 1939 was it a mere fortuitous coincidence; rather was in the proof that the sanction of the Supreme was behind the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And when The Life Divine appeared as a mighty two-volume symphony in 1939-40, it made an immediate impact on sensitive minds, and Sir Francis Younghusband said not long afterwards that... Rake's progress towards the Satanic Age. It is important to remember that during the agonising weeks following swoop upon Denmark and Norway and the lightning breakthrough in the West, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were anxiously following the events, and where necessary or feasible, directing a spiritual force in favour of the Allies. Sri Aurobindo's daily talks, morning and evening, with his ... From certain remarks made by Sri Aurobindo in the course of his daily talks his room, as also his own explicit admission in the passage quoted above, it should be clear that both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were not only closely following the fortunes of the War on he various fronts and the vacillations and snap decisions m the chancelleries an cell ones of the world, but they were also ...


... Kumari Themis Light and Laughter (1974) The Technology of Consciousness (1991) Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (2d ed. 1990) More Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1991) How They Came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother vols.1-4 (1990-94) Poems (1952) Page 896 ... Mother Vol. 26 On Himself Vols. 28-29 Savitri - A Legend and a Symbol Vol. 27 Supplement COMPILATIONS FROM THE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO AND THE MOTHER Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Pondicherry) Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954) Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (7th Deluxe ed. 1985) The Sunlit Path (4th imp. 1992) The Mother on Herself (2d ed.... Towards Divine Living (1974) Poddar, Vijay On Women (5th imp. 1990) Sahana Some letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1989) Sethna, K.D. Life-Literature-Yoga (2d ed. 1967) JOURNALS The magazine literature on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a growing, and almost a global, phenomenon. Only some of the more important journals are mentioned below, many ...


... than Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and in the course of their yoga they had to confront enormous problems, as we have heard from themselves. As incarnated earthlings, the sadhaks, by the fact of their birth, took on the existing ‘impossibilities’ of the current stage of the earthly evolution. Few of them were totally conscious of their true being. Their meeting with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Fourteen: The Mother and the ‘Laboratory’ People [in the Ashram] are an epitome of the world. Each one represents a type of humanity. If he is changed, it means a victory for all who belong to his type and thus a great achievement for our work. 1 — Sri Aurobindo The Mother too... their effort to the supramental transformation, to the divinization of the Earth. This community was in actual fact a psychological and physical prolongation of the embodied personalities of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Through this community, which consisted of typical characters representing the whole of humanity, they would take in the human race in their work; through those personalities living around ...


... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Twelve: Krishna and the World of the Gods In 1926, as we have seen, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had, the supramental realization in the parts of their personality which we might call, using Sri Aurobindo’s terminology, the mental and the vital. This means nothing less than that in these parts of... have been aware of the high degree and the concrete results the efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had obtained at that moment. In naive expectation and without having any notion of the enormous dimensions of the Work, most disciples were looking forward to a sudden physical transformation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the day they would, in a glorified supramental body, turn their faithful... surprising discoveries in the study of the life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that another Avatar, Shri Krishna, was present and embodied on Earth from 1926 to 1950 in the body, in the adhara of Sri Aurobindo. In Champaklal Speaks, a book in which Champaklal, the faithful disciple and great yogi who served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother all his life, narrates his experiences, he says the ...


... earth because our work is here. Besides, the earth is a concentration of all the other worlds and one can touch them by touching something corresponding in the earth-atmosphere”, 7 wrote Sri Aurobindo. And the Mother said: “The earth is a kind of symbolic crystallisation of universal life, a reduction, a concentration, so that the work of evolution may be easier to do and follow. And if we see the history... packed covers the contents. The results, however, are there – this is what this book is all about – and it is therefore important to recall, at least in passing, the radical spirit in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took up their heavy task and worked it out every minute of their existence. And they always expressed themselves very clearly and, at times, forcefully. The quiet, gentlemanly Aurobindo... well as others that are external makes no difference to its character.” 15 Two remarks may put the above into the correct perspective. Firstly, the “hostile beings” were very real to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They belong mainly to the vital worlds, but also partially to mental worlds, and are dominating the earth in its present state. This dominion they want to keep, and as their nature is sheer ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... It is in this third phase that some harrowing questions crop up. What about the expectation that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would stay on Earth forever? (They have never said so.) What about the appearance of the immortal supramental beings and the New World? (What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said about the transitional being was not taken into consideration till the present day.) Would Sri Aurobindo... referred to.) In short, was it true what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had written or said, or was it another grandiose effort ending with the traditional “fiasco”? These questions are rarely formulated in public or in writing. Some disciples and followers have bypassed the mental problematics, taken the devotional attitude, and included Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the pantheon of the Gods whom they... embodiment upon Earth are not exclusive of each other: the special reason for the coming may well be part and even the cause of an evolutionary crisis – as was the case in the coming of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a double-poled, male-female, complete Avatar for the first time in the history of humanity. According to Sri Aurobindo’s definition: “An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious ...

... consulted. Sen confirmed the diagnosis that the prostate gland had enlarged and proposed an operation, but this was an intervention Sri Aurobindo and the Mother refused to consider. The darshan was, as usual, a physically exhausting affair for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who had to sit there for hours in a continuous spiritual exchange with hundreds of disciples and devotees. After the darshan the... Shiva. India is a goddess as Shiva is a god. If she likes, she can manifest in human form.’ 13 Nowhere is there a more profound and positive view of India to be found than with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We have had a glimpse of Sri Aurobindo’s love of Mother India and his sanctification of her in the pages of his political writings. He studied her past and her cultural riches as few others... of its resurrection – the resurrection to a higher and truer life.’ 15 Considering the manifold and colossal problems of India at present, all this may sound a bit bombastic. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were ‘spiritual realists’ who saw the difficulties as clearly as the possibilities. ‘We must recognize the great gulf between what we are and what we may and ought to strive to be,’ 16 ...

... Upanishad." It was a great privilege for Champaklal to live constantly under the direct influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Slowly he proved worthy of their faith. The Mother relied on him so much that once she exclaimed, "Champaklal is my memory!" He himself said, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are my all; they alone are my aradhyadeva, the form of the Divine that I worship. Whatever they have... to present this revised and enlarged edition of Champaklal's Treasures, which contains new material recently found among Champaklal's papers. This book comprises writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that were collected and preserved by Champaklal. These letters notes, messages and conversations delve deep into the values of a life based on truth, light, love, beauty, harmony and the... God-realisation. But here, I found the stress on transformation. Very soon, however, both receded and service took hold of my being entirely." Service was Champaklal's mantra and he served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with joy for over five decades. Neither sleep nor food had claim on his time. He was bright, smiling, sincere, firm, equal to all, transparent and humble. M. P. Pandit truly said, "He is ...

... Always he is the traveller of the cycles and his road is forward. 1 – Sri Aurobindo Spiralling Upwards If the global change now in progress has the importance Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ascribed to it, it must be seen in a much larger perspective than the academic historians are willing to accept. Only when perceived in the context of humanity and its evolution, of our... spiritual capacities of man, and his possibilities of transformation. Science has remained limited by its dominant principle of positivist materialism. The “future science”, as foreseen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, will break through the barrier of what is perceptible by the senses, and will proceed “from within outwards”. A certain awareness of the vastness of human time before our recorded period... growing aware of himself in an eternal Becoming; and the goal is the union of the created with the Creator, a union that is conscious, voluntary and free, in the Manifestation.” 31 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have restored the Earth to its former central place in the cosmos, not physically but symbolically. It is the bhumi , the place of material evolution. After Copernicus and at a time when ...

... of battle and the nature and function of man as a fighter have to be accepted and accounted for by any practical philosophy and religion.” ( Essays on the Gita , p. 49) 5. The Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother In September 1943, when the Second World War was at its height and undecided, Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter: “Ours is a Sadhana which involves not only devotion or union with the Divine... not in the systematic forms given them formerly but in their essence, and carried to the fullest and highest significance.” 16 It cannot be overstressed that the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a radical, revolutionary effort to change human nature. As it is “integral,” it takes up the essence and many processes of the old yogas, but it is new in its aim (the transformation... evolution,” as Sri Krishna himself gives Arjuna to understand, saying that he incarnates as an Avatar yuge yuge , from age to age. 18 Extraordinary actions abounded in the lives of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the most extraordinary being of course that they hewed out the road by preparing the Earth for the descent and action of the Supermind. To this end they had to fight the good fight as no ...

... Preparing for the Miraculous 2: The Development of Sri Aurobindo’s Thought Now that most of the writings and recorded sayings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been published, and with the hindsight we have of their lives, it is sometimes thought that their Work on Earth was completely preordained. After all, they were “special,” being divine incarnations... lived exclusively for his spiritual mission, as we know from his notebooks, published under the title Record of Yoga . (There are some striking correspondences or resonances in the lives of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. For instance, both began their yoga in the same year; as the Mother said: “I began my conscious yoga in 1908.” And both began to note down their practice of yoga in 1912, Sri Aurobindo... integrating humanity into one world, they were also changing the living conditions to a degree which has created our post-modern surroundings, but which was hardly predictable a century ago. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said that the First World War caused a massive descent of the vital forces on our planet, an observation supported by the phenomena of a decade named “the roaring Twenties.” As to “the ...

... double embodiment of the Divine on earth named Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We have learned about their goal and their Work, that would consist in making possible the appearance of a new species on our planet and eventually in the long expected establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. One can conclude from many statements by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that they have played an active and even decisive... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Fifteen: A Night in November For us historical events sometimes have reasons which reason does not know, and the force lines of history may be as invisible but nonetheless as real as the force lines of a magnetic field. 1 — Louis Pauwels The three darshan days were the highlights... the smiling embodied Presence who, with the blessing of the day, gave to all what they needed for their inner well-being and progress. On every occasion, the darshans were prepared by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the occult plane. ‘There is usually a descent, but there is also a great opposition to the descent at these times 2 … It is true that attacks are frequent at that time.’ 3 (Sri ...


... anger of the Pondicherrian Dravidians against the imposition by the Indian government – later modified – found a scapegoat in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. The main Ashram building, where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were staying, is, as we know, at 9 Rue de la Marine, less than two hundred meters from the sea. Yet most of the Ashram houses, school buildings, shops, services and facilities are in the... Earth.’ 35 Another story out of the ordinary is the following, also told by Udar. Manibhai Patel was one of the ‘African’ Indian businessmen who had returned home. As a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother he wanted to contribute to the launching of Auroville by building a food factory. ‘There was the question of getting the required machinery, which was coming from abroad. There were two... existence of an ‘ether’ in which all events are recorded that ever have taken place and are to take place, is well-known. It is the basis of the belief in a Doomsday Book and a Recording Angel. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother recognized the existence of this recording ether, known in the Indian traditions as akash, and were acquainted with it through their occult experience. Sri Aurobindo wrote for example ...

... impression on him.   Sethna's first Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took place on 21 February 1928. Until then he had never seen Sri Aurobindo. Sethna spent the next ten and half years in Pondicherry. Thereafter he alternated between Pondicherry and Bombay, keeping in contact inwardly and through correspondence with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.   One of the many trips Sethna used to... xiii turned his back on worldly life, fame and success early in his career, and took the path of the Integral Yoga in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram under the direct guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. However, in choosing this new life, he did not seek to annul his intellectual and artistic interests or integrity for the sake of a passive surrender and self-abnegation, characteristic... Sethna, had he continued in the outside world, he himself had no doubt that the distance he could have travelled could never exceed what was made possible thanks to the grace he received from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Indeed, the more he travelled in his artistic-spiritual life, the less he was concerned about worldly recognition, although admittedly there were times when he must have felt a tinge of ...


... of divinity which everyone got was for him a priceless treasure. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: "The Lord has descended into the physical today." That 24 November should be given an importance equal to that of the birthdays of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is quite proper because on that day the descent of the Higher Power symbolic... Khaserao Jadhav came to Pondicherry and met Sri Aurobindo. He was put up at the Magry Hotel. + + + The following seven letters written in 1915 and 1916 clearly express the mission that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had in common, the trials they had in their work for humanity, and their unshakeable faith in the ultimate victory. Page 159 LETTERS OF SRI AUROBINDO TO THE MOTHER ... Palit's own sadhana. Page 182 The informal talks in the evening with Sri Aurobindo, which had begun in the house at 41, Rue Francois Martin, continued in the new house. "When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to 9, Rue de la Marine in 1922 the same routine of informal evening sittings after meditation continued. The author came to Pondicherry for Sadhana in the beginning of 1923. He kept ...


... the fourth Darshan Day in 1938 (24 November), there was an accident as related in the previous chapter and Sri Aurobindo's right leg sustained an injury and had to be put in plaster. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who had been staying with some of their disciples in the house in Rue de la Marine (now known as 'Library House') from October 1922, moved to an adjoining house in the same street on... installed in Pavitra's room and relayed to Sri Aurobindo's room. The meteoric rise of Hitler in Germany and the dire possibilities flowing from it were a source of anxious concern to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, for they could not only see the Fuehrer for what he seemed to be, a ruthless dictator, but also see behind him the Asuric forces that were trying to make use of him for their own purposes... on 14 June Paris itself was occupied by the Germans. Churchill's bold and imaginative offer of a union with France was rejected by the French Government (an action that was deplored by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) - and on 16 June, Reynaud resigned, and the aged Marshal Petain formed a new Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. Mussolini's attack of France ...

... Sethna, Our Light and Delight , p. 1) And in a letter Sri Aurobindo himself wrote: ‘What is known as Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.’ (On Himself , p. 459) The equivalence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is self-evident when considering their basic declarations: ‘The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because... you will take charge of the people. You take charge.” (There were about thirty people at the time.)’ 2 It is clear that somewhere around 15 August 1926 a new phase in the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother started. 91 To the question ‘On what date in 1926 did Mother take up the full charge of the Ashram?’ Sri Aurobindo’s answer was: ‘Mother does not at all remember the correct date. It... expectation and aspiration, in the electrically charged atmosphere, the usual, yet on this day quite unusual, tick was heard behind the door of the entrance. Expectation rose in a flood. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother could be seen through the half-opened door. The Mother with a gesture of her eyes requested Sri Aurobindo to step out first. Sri Aurobindo with a similar gesture suggested to her to do the ...

... contrast to these theories, the spiritual theory of the evolutionary process expounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not speculative in character, but it is based upon the results that they obtained through a rigorous experimentation in the domain of yogic experiences and realizations. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, having made detailed yogic study of consciousness and of the methods of their operations... Vedanta. There was, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a great attempt to scale the heights of the supermind and even an effort to connect the supramental consciousness with the material body by certain processes and methods, but the utmost that was attained could not succeed in bringing about the descent of the supermind in the human body. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother acknowledge that the Veda had... experiment of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has resulted, as can be seen from the relevant records of the entire experiment, in the fullness of the knowledge of the supermind, the knowledge of the secrets of the evolutionary process, and eventual accomplishment of establishing supramental consciousness in the physical consciousness in the human body. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as a result ...

... divinity which everyone got was for him a priceless treasure. "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: 'The Lord has descended into the physical today.' " * A year and twenty days later I arrived in Pondicherry with my wife Daulat whom Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gave a new name shortly afterwards: "Lalita." Sri Aurobindo explained... and her foundations are, Sunk beneath the tides of war, In Thought and its eternity. Why the Greece-ward turn was so strong from my boyhood became intelligible when both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother told me that most distinctly to their eyes I had been an ancient Athenian in a past life. My bond with Sri Aurobindo may have been close at that time too, for Nolini has reported that two... of ancient Athens in modern times was Paris. But, of course, whatever the play of a modernised Athenian temper with its love of beauty and clarity and liberty in the new world which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother aim to manifest, the principal moving element in it is Spiritual India of the ages with her face of past illuminations turning to a yet vaster light from the future. An immense precursor ...


... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Seventeen: The Five ‘Dreams’ of Sri Aurobindo It is not for personal greatness that I am seeking to bring down the Supermind. I care nothing for greatness or littleness in the human sense … If human reason regards me as a fool for trying to do what Krishna did not try, I do not in the least care... look at them. 1. India ‘The first of these dreams was a revolutionary movement which would create a free and united India. India today is free but she has not achieved unity.’ To Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, India was not a mass of land but a being, a goddess, ‘just like Shiva is a god’, called Bharat Mata, Mother India. The visible land mass is the material body of this very real being,... material completeness at a culminating point in history. Whatever may be the external, political motives, this is the true impetus of most historical emotion and commotion. In the view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, India occupied a special place in the world. This country has always been the cradle of the most important spiritual discoveries and the highest spiritual realizations, which have spread ...


... sometimes several pages long; the Mother played a little on her harmonium, distributed flowers, and mostly communicated her knowledge orally, sometimes in English, more often in French. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had “the same path from the beginning”. In 1920, when Mirra Richard and her husband Paul returned from Japan to India, “the Yoga was waiting for the Mother to continue”, wrote Sri Aurobindo... Where is the superman? Where is the new, divine world? Has the world ever been more inhuman and bewildering than now, at the turn of the millennium? So much is new in this adventure of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Here is an Avatar not semi-mythical as in the great epics of the past, but in the flesh, talking, eating, sleeping, writing, riding in a car, being ill, breaking his thigh, having been... of awakening a divine consciousness in the cells! Too fantastic to deign worthwhile considering? But in whatever way one judges the personalities, the intentions and the work done by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, no sincere critic can deny the coherence of the vision and the greatness of their effort to turn it into reality. That the world is very little aware of it, is no criterion for evaluation ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... ward, warm, generous and a silent servitor of the Divine. She looked upon Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as her true Father and Mother. Her initiation and development have taken place under their direct guidance. Champaklal once showed me some of the correspondence Kamalaben had carried on with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and also the birthday messages and folders she received from them. The co... but also its struggles and the growth of the inner flame under the direct protection, care and love of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Kamalaben herself has said that she did not know anything before coming to the Ashram. She used to express her feelings through letters to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, most of the time in Gujarati and occasionally in English. Each letter was answered by Sri Aurobindo,... one family and had the opportunity to ask about everything to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for whom their respect, love and obedience were total. Kamalaben, for example, was not allowed to do many things like cycling and swimming. She readily and gladly accepted these restraints without any resentment at all. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother poured their love on them and worked ceaselessly on them at the ...


... force as that of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and as a mark of their yoga, instructing me to meditate on the Mother’s image surrounded by a blue light. Immediately upon doing this, I felt an inner release, as if I had come home after a long journey. From that point my health began to improve and the feeling of leaving the body disappeared. Besides Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Mukherjee had another... Indian National Army to help free India from the British. According to the story, though Bose was supposed to have died in a plane crash, he survived, had a spiritual turning to the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and was now the Baba Sharadanand of Okhimath. There were many reports in the newspapers that this Baba was indeed Bose, and apparently Mrs. Gandhi herself even attempted to meet him. Strangely... Strangely enough, it was this Baba who sent Mukherjee to Rishikesh, telling him he would meet some foreigners there, and that he was to instruct them in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! And indeed, he did meet some of us and did give instructions about concentrating on the Mother. In the summer of 1967, we met Baba Sharadanand near Haridwar. He spoke very educated, clear English, and bore ...


... the 1960s”, or rather it has lost its head, its reason, its mental capacities of rationalisation, understanding, and concentration. The mental chaos was to be expected if the view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the forces activated by their Work, contain any truth. Man is “the mental being” par excellence, as one finds repeated time and again in their books. If man has to be surpassed by the... and the Big Crunch. An epiphenomenon has discovered itself to be an epiphenomenon. We, however, remain convinced that one metanarrative remains standing: the vision and world view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. If so, then we must also have an alternative explanation of what mind and reason really are. Passages on this theme abound in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s writings – as there are also... suprahuman species of the future. Man is the typical mental being, an embodiment on the Earth of the mental gradation in the universal manifestation. Keeping this in mind, let us see how Sri Aurobindo and the Mother defined Mind. 1. “Mind is not a faculty of knowledge” “Mind is an instrument of analysis and synthesis, but not of essential knowledge. Its function is to cut out something vaguely ...

... Part Two: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Beyond Man Chapter Eighteen: The Confrontation with Death To conquer death, one must be ready to go through death. 1 — The Mother About a year before, there already had been signs of trouble with the prostate gland, but Sri Aurobindo had cured that with his spiritual power. In November 1950, the... is important because without it, it is impossible to evaluate the proper significance of the epic, which in turn would cause us to overlook some of the most relevant data in the life of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This epic is like a very old city of which layer upon layer has been built on the foundations of former times. First there was a rather short narrative poem; then, in the various versions... y and work is left by the others in the shadow of his passing on. This does not mean that true devotion or veneration necessarily has to be based on rational understanding, but one does Sri Aurobindo and the Mother great injustice by overlooking the documents of what has been the greatest, because decisive, intervention in the history of humankind. True, their work has been performed on a plane surpassing ...


... Our Light and Delight 5 The Exercise of Divine Power According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Divine Power which is all the time present in the world as well as beyond the world and especially the Divine Power as embodied by them for a new manifestation could do a lot of impossible-looking things. I know from my own experience... Once I had a fall very badly hurting my left knee and resulting in a large collection of water over the joint. I went through a whole night of acute pain. My inner appeals to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother brought on some alleviation now and again but no appreciable relief. Soon after sunrise, my friend Ambu who used to be a great help to me in the early days of my stay in the Ashram came... plunge which seemed a surprising metamorphosis of the terrible prolonged sinking feeling in the middle of the chest as if I were passing inexorably out of life. I was inwardly calling to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for help but also acted in a "realistic" manner by calmly telling my wife that there appeared to be not much hope of my survival. I believe it was the sustained intensity of my cry to ...


... I felt 'Amal Kiran was my brother in a past birth.' I wondered what he would be in the present. This was at the end of 1983 or the beginning of 1984. Afterwards in 1986, by the grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, we got in touch with each other by means of letters and you accepted me as your little sister and student."   The words you heard - "We are with you. You are our Amal Kiran" - are... and time-transforming, which we have attempted to make time-transparent through the labour and laughter of our 'Integral Yoga'."   You are right in - seeing me as "absorbed" in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and as telling you to draw help at all times from them. I am absorbed not only to the exclusion of common mundane attractions, though I do not look down my nose at their play in the lives... counterpart in ignorant mind and stumbling life-energy and imperfect material existence, such depth and dynamism of spirituality and occult science as I discovered to be quietly put in action by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from their poise in what they designated as "Supermind" I had never come across anywhere. No wonder I am "absorbed" in these two personalities who struck me as having brought forth some ...


...   If somebody does not wish to follow Sri Aurobindo and the Mother because of some general attitude, leave him alone. Just say that you have offered your life to them and you will do as they direct, irrespective of whether your doings conform' to one or another position taken up by people. Only those who believe that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother possess a greater light than the mental consciousness... an optimistic vision is the Mother's assurance that a luminous spiritual age awaits us and all that happens before it will be turned in the best way possible towards its arrival. Now that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are not in their physical forms, the age spoken of may be far, but it will certainly come and nothing like a Third World War will be able to prevent it. I even question the possibility of... calmly and courageously, have whatever children you want without the fear that you would be ushering them into a disastrous world, choose whatever location suits you and keep your faith in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ever bright and inwardly dedicate to them all that you do.   The dream you had in early August this year figures the dangers of an inwardly "unprepared mankind possessing - in words ...


... void. Page 415 Although confined to bed and submitting to the usual medical treatment, Sethna had a feeling of peace, a sense of the living presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and more and more poems seemed to write themselves out, as if insisting on utterance. A month after the heart attack, he wrote: A month has flown like some Archangel's form... Aurobindo and his Ashram at Pondicherry where the aim was "a new life not rejecting but transforming the main activities of man". Not long after, Sethna reached Pondicherry, had darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on 21 February 1928, forgot all about the dissertation on ‘The Philosophy of Art’, and stayed on in the Ashram for ten and a half years fully engaging himself in the Aurobindonian... within its scope the literature of Power as well as Knowledge.  Although Sethna returned to Bombay in 1938, he paid periodical visits to the Ashram and was in constant communication with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When Independence (saddled with the ruinous Partition) came on 15 August 1947 (which was also Sri Aurobindo's 75th birth anniversary), it was felt a new journal taking a spiritual ...


... result of which he lost his mental balance. Sri Aurobindo advised him to go back to his home in Vizianagaram, coastal Andhra, to recuperate. From there Tirupati wrote a number of letters to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo wrote these twelve replies at this time. [1] 21 February 1926. The manuscript of this letter was written by the Mother but was apparently a transcript of something written... while Hitler's Germany was possessed by forces that were positively anti-divine. Contributions to Allied War Funds . This letter, dated 19 September 1940, was signed jointly by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It accompanied a contribution of Rs. 500 to the Madras War Fund. The letter was published on the same date in the Hindu (Madras). Later the second paragraph was included in a leaflet... s Sadhakas Only ". This piece, piece [2] and the 19 September 1940 letter on the war fund contribution were subsequently brought out in a booklet entitled On the War: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Calcutta: Arya Publishing House, 1944). [2] 3 September 1943. This item is an abridged version of Sri Aurobindo's reply to a letter from Dilip Kumar Roy, in the course of which Dilip ...


... VI These principles of education have a profound bearing on what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have called psychic and spiritual education. These two domains bring into the picture all that is central to value-oriented education, and to higher and profounder elements of human psychology. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have advocated new methods that are free from those of dogma, rituals, ... Education at Crossroads 4. An Experiment in Education for Tomorrow An unprecedented kind of experiment in education was launched by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, when in 1943, a school came to be established at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry with merely 20 students on its rolls; soon it began to grow, and in 1951, when the number of students had increased... for the contribution it can make towards the bringing about of unity and a more harmonious world order towards which we look as our hope for humanity's future. "* IV According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, one aspect of education that is normally neglected but which needs to be ________________________ "Sri Aurobindo: The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, Centenary Edition, Vol ...


... For that to happen, the old foundation of the inconscient itself, which lies at the bottom of Matter, will have to be made conscious, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; and in that context, the yogic experiment of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has shown that the highest consciousness, the highest supramental consciousness can alone by the inflow of light and awareness brought down from its... life of humanity, or, to begin with, a new perfected collective life in the earth-nature. Integral yoga is an evolving yoga, and in order to lead this yoga to its farthest possibilities, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have suggested a difficult programme of research. Integral yoga and Method of Self-surrender The integral yoga involves research in various directions, and unlike religion... book; the object of this yoga involves a very long journey, and for conducting that journey as rapidly as possible, and as perfectly as possible, a synthesis of yoga has been proposed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; it is neither a combination en masse of different systems of yoga, whether connected with religions or independent of them, nor is it a process of successive practice of these systems ...

... more the action of the different parts of the our being, though the perfect harmony can come only when there is the supramental fulfilment. VIII In the Yogic psychology of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the word 'superconscient' is used to include the planes beyond our present level of awareness, namely, those of the Higher Mind, Illumined Mind, Intuitive Mind, Overmind, Supermind, and... escape into the higher. This escape is the ordinary point of view. But the passage by the transformation of the lower and its elevation to the higher Nature is the aim of the integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This passage and this transformation is a complex process, involving a profound evolution and revolution of the being. There is, first, as ascension to the next higher stage of development... of mind and body, so that the higher results of Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga should be contained in the widest formula of the synthesis finally to be effected. There are, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, several elements of perfection. The first is a perfect equality, samatā. It is a fundamental poise of the soul while meeting the impact and workings of Nature. Equality is a term of ...

... asked Nolini-da to hand over this responsibility to me. And so, I prepared a programme entitled Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on India and Her Future which was conceived to evoke and invoke the soul of India. The core of the programme was composed of extraordinary lines from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother touching upon India's past, present and Her future. Interspersed with these lines were patriotic... from Nolini-da and Navajata- Page-198 ji that the Mother had remembered me. The Pondicherry government celebrated Sri Aurobindo's centenary. Shri B.D. Jatti, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was the lieutenant governor of Pondicherry then. He had informed the Mother that the Pondicherry government was keen on celebrating Sri Aurobindo's centenary. During this time, Nolini-da... and had liked it very much. Besides, as this programme was to be put up on 15 th August, we informed the Mother. She was happy with the idea. Manoj, Richard and Jhumur read the lines from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sahana-di recited the Bengali poems from Rabindranath. The programme was put up on the beach, in the Gandhi Square, under a large pandal that was especially erected for the occasion. The ...


... usurpers and swindlers of the spirit, and the emptiness within us is so deep, the human distress so exasperating, that the ‘men of God’ always find an eager audience and a flourishing trade. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never made any effort to recruit disciples or devotees. We quote Sri Aurobindo’s well-known letter, perhaps addressed to a too zealous disciple: ‘I don’t believe in advertisement except... publicity,’ said the Mother. And she had as strong an aversion to sectarianism in all its forms — the contorted self-righteousness of egocentric opinionatedness and narrow, stunted thinking. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were aware that their fully elaborated and forceful vision of the superman and supermanhood could easily lead to the growing self-assertion of fanatic sectarians. The Mother therefore warned:... only sense what one has in oneself, for otherwise the sensory capacity would not be there, and one can only make contact with what is already in some way present in oneself. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who follow the ancient yogic tradition in this, the human body in the manifestation of the human being on Earth consists of several ‘sheaths’ (of the soul). The material, visible sheath ...


... few months succeeding the descent of the Overmind on 24 November 1926 into their bodies, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother saw that the transformation from above could not be achieved in their disciples: the disciples were not ready for such a direct process. The sadhana assumed a new form: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took their stations in the physical mind, which begins at the brain- level of the mental... 1997-98 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture. In their present form they have been slightly re-edited. 10 March 2000 The Author 1 (a) SRI AUROBINDO AND THE MOTHER followed from the beginning the same Yogic process of integral development towards an identical goal of spiritual manifestation. But they followed it according to their own psychological... in our hands: The dealing with the physical consciousness has gone on "for several years" before 1934 and it has begun since the time of the sadhaks' failure to respond to the working Sri Aurobindo and the Mother attempted "from above". Did the commencement of the changed action lie in the months immediately succeeding 24 November 1926? It would certainly be "several years" earlier than 1934 ...

... success, the idea of incom-pletion would be out of place and the perplexed mind might find comfort. But how would we reconcile such comfort with the drive of numberless pronouncements by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? Two brief expressions by Sri Aurobindo of their fundamental goal may be quoted to speak for all. A letter on January 14, 1932, has the phrase: "...I want to divinise the human consciousness... 2 Ibid., p. 124. 3 Ibid., p. 450. Page 136 the higher parts of the earth-consciousness but "Matter itself" is to hold the Supermind's manifestation; (2) Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who are trying in 1935 to bring about this manifestation are to exemplify it in their "physical"; (3) they would not be "alone" in that achievement: others too should succeed by their help... not disposed even now, in these dark conditions to consider my will to help the world as condemned to failure." 2 We may remember that this letter was penned at almost the time when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were aware that one of them had to give up the body in the interests of their work and he had decided that he would go and she would stay for its completion. 3 1 Ibid., p. 169 ...

... all-penetrant rays take root To make the Eternal's sun a rose of the dust. 4.4.1954 22. MCW Vol. 15, p. 183 Page 135 The Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother SOME REMINISCENCES There is a lot of " I " in these reminiscences. But that is an unavoidable accident. For, they are penned not because of the person to whom... deal with its abundance now. I pick up the thread from when I went back to Bombay for a long stay, keeping in contact inwardly, as well as by correspondence, with Sri Aurobindo and Page 137 the Mother but outwardly unable to return and resume my life in the Ashram. Of course I used to make short trips. And one of them was for the darshan of November 24, 1950... and said, "Nothing has changed. Call for inspiration and help as you have always done. You will get everything from Sri Aurobindo as before." This was simultaneously the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the crowning touch to all that they had done in those three weeks from November 24 onwards for a poor aspirant whose dependence on them was abject. ٭ I went back ...

... Fish, the Tortoise, the Boar, the Man-Lion, the Dwarf, Rama-with-the-Ax, Rama, Krishna, the Buddha, and the last one, Kalki, who according to the tradition is still to come. Question: If Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were Avatars, or an Avatar, what or which Avatars or Avatar were they? 1. Avatar Sri Aurobindo has given clear definitions of the Avatar and Vibhuti on many occasions. For instance:... established as the manifestation of the Divine, and which Sri Aurobindo called “involution.” What in present-day science and common thought is seen as an exclusively material process, is by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother put in its complete, spiritual context. Thanks to them humanity is becoming aware of what is really at stake in the universe: the regaining of the divinity which was at the beginning and... account the divine sexless Archetype which supports the evolution and directs it towards its goal. 57 The time has come to draw the full conclusions from certain well-known formulations by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo wrote: “The Mother and I are one but in two bodies.” “The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for ...

... delta of increasing supramental Force in the earth-atmosphere, and that finally would flow into the ocean of the supramental Presence in the living mother-body of our symbolical planet. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, being the double-poled supramental Avatar, have ‘seen’ this river and its destination from the beginning of their integral yoga; they have all along had a profound knowledge of it, but... itself automatically to the predestined soul under the direct guidance of the always present but now no longer veiled Most-Highest or Most-Intimate. Suffice it to say that the sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has been something completely different from the neatly outlined, watered-down system one finds in the treatises. Sri Aurobindo has, on rare occasions, spoken in a most reticent way about... Truth-Consciousness. (‘Supermind’ and ‘supramental’ are technical terms denoting a reality far surpassing our consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has often defined them in his writings.) In the view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Earth is an evolutionary field in which the mental being we call human must be succeeded by a supramental being, just as man has been preceded by a whole series of inframental beings ...


... cross-shaped X, the quaternary connecting link. 24 – The Mother This may be the appropriate place to give an idea, in the briefest of summaries, of the vision and yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that is the gist of the writings published during six-and-a-half years in the Arya. The root of Sri Aurobindo’s vision is Vedic-Vedantic. There is the Brahman, the One without a second... something in It is seen, that something exists. And this is how the ‘Fall’ happened of the four great beings whose acquaintance we have made at the end of chapter three. At this point Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not follow the Vedantic teaching any longer. Against the broad, eternally unchanging universe arises the evolutionary manifestation of which our world is a part. When this evolutionary... may well be a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious co-operation she wills to work out the superman, the god.’ 29 These central points in the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have to be emphasized because they form the foundation of their Integral Yoga. If ‘yoga’ means a (re)unification with the Divine, then evolution as such is a yoga of the Divine: after having ...

... the road by which the lower nature can be transformed into the higher nature was found by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be blocked, and it can be said that the mighty effort of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was centered on breaking and surmounting that block. The novelty of the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lies precisely in this effort and its victorious accomplishment. What would be the... Against this background, there was a need to review the entire fund of knowledge pertaining to the nature of liberation and perfection as also to the Spirit, Supermind, Mind, Life and Matter. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as a result of a vast research, the dimensions of which covered all the planes of existence and intricate secrets of psychology, occultism and spirituality, have provided new answers regarding... found in the Veda, particularly in regard to the integral vision of the ultimate reality and in regard to the discovery of supermind, which was termed as rta at or Truth-Consciousness. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had, on their own, discovered the supermind, and because of that discovery, they were able to decipher the Vedic symbolism and discover the golden knowledge of the supermind in various hymns ...


... An unprecedented kind of experiment in education was launched by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, when in 1943, a school came to be established at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry in South India. It was expanded into Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education in due course, and the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on education have influenced greatly the innovative processes of education... IV Principles and methods of education advocated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have a profound bearing on psychic and spiritual education. These two domains bring into the picture all that is central to value-oriented education, and to higher and profounder elements of human psychology. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have advocated new methods that are free from those of dogmas, rituals... rituals, ceremonies, prescribed acts. Spirituality, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, is a vast domain of the inmost soul, of the immobile silence, of the higher objects of the higher psychological exploration. The justification for psychic and spiritual education rests upon three important considerations: (a) education should provide to the individual a steady exploration of something that is ...

... courses had been open to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: first, to wait till their own Yoga of supramental transformation was complete, and then take the people forward too; and second, with whatever gains of Yoga had already accrued to them (and they were momentous enough), to get a group together, and carry whole collectivity forward. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother opted for the latter course... tions. The organisation of the Ashram at Pondicherry, with the living Presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother generating the central Force for success in the pursuit of the sadhana, was but one aspect of the Truth. On the other hand, being a spiritual Force, the influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was by no means confined to the Ashram, for "the psychic contact can exist at a distance"... seminal significance had not happened sooner or later. But what exactly did happen? The reports of the sadhaks - Purani, Rajangam, Champaklal, Jaya Devi and others - are unanimous that, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had withdrawn after meditation, pranam and blessings, Datta spoke some words as if visioning something in a trance or a sudden apocalyptic flash. They had all seen that there was a new ...


... service of the Divine. He dedicated himself to the practice of Integral Yoga under the guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The Integral Yoga as developed by Sri Aurobindo aims to enhance the experience of God-Consciousness in men, matter and nature.. He served both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over five decades in a manner that is unprecedented. He had the rare privilege of living with... interference from mental thinking. In this case, the journey of his soul to the higher levels of consciousness became possible by penetrating prayer, deep meditation and continuous contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who are, to Champaklal, manifestations of God. Champaklal was born in Patan, Gujarat, on 2-2-1903. Even as a young boy he lost interest in everything except God. He did not like going... with them as their attendant. He won the hearts of many people with his sincerity, straightforwardness, humility and love. He endeared himself so much to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that be became their blessed child. They poured their Grace on him not only during the five decades when he untiringly served them but even after they had left their physical bodies Champaklal has been breathing their Grace ...


... whisked away the first doctor to a conference in Africa. It strikes me that, if the operation had occurred when I had ventured to have it, there would have been some loss of protection. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have evidently saved me from myself. One question may puzzle people. If the Gurus so hold me in their hands, why did they not prevent me from starting in such hot haste to get the operation... been lacking? So to rush like a cataract to get the cataracts removed was the unavoidable mode by which the sorely needed isolation, detachment, separation could be achieved. The Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lay behind even my folly. The folly itself may be interpreted as a paradoxical action of their wisdom. While writing this, it occurs to me that the name "Togo" itself might be a hyp... refused sanction to what Prakriti was up to. Immediately the movement to clear the throat stopped and never came back till 36 hours later! I also called for the peace and protection of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When the injection had taken effect, Dr. Ursekar started covering my left eye as well as the parts around the right, leaving only the prepared eye open. This took quite a time. He was ...

... what this means, and this causes the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be misunderstood so often. Most people looked forward rather naively to the transformation of the body. According to their expectations Sri Aurobindo, and after his passing the Mother and the disciples, should suddenly have started radiating like a Sun! Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have written and spoken volumes to explain... of the cells had to be changed into the divine, joyful, all-encompassing and luminous Unity-consciousness. A stupendous change. Up to then all had sought their salvation in a Hereafter; Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wanted the salvation of mankind here, on the Earth, in the cells, in Matter. ‘ Le salut est physique ,’ said the Mother, ‘the salvation is physical.’ If this is not true, then this creation... of the fact that he, like all Avatars, had taken the past of humanity on his shoulders, otherwise he would not have been able to help it one step forwards. From the little we know of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have gone through, we get some idea of what an Avatar has to suffer. And this time the step forward was an enormous one: it was the quantum jump from animal man to a Divine Being, skipping ...


... life) or try to bring them back ‘within the womb of the community,’ within the ranks of a predominantly worldly organization in which all spiritual flowers are artificial. The teaching of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, together with their abundantly documented biographies, contain more than sufficient elements to turn it all into a new religion. One will remember how the Mother experienced this in April... about the Mother under the title: The Next Great Religion ? And the first sectarian tendencies, fungi on the humus of their vision, are perceptible. Those who draw their inspiration from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have to defend themselves against allegations by religions and worldly organizations that they belong to a sect. At a time when sects are rife (a significant phenomenon caused by the turbulence... Anyone who has read this book up to here knows how any kind of sectarian mentality is incompatible with the vision (in this context it even feels incorrect to use the word ‘teaching’) of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The rich and voluminous literature they have left was intended as a communication of their own experience 92 and for the expansion of the understanding and the knowledge of the reader; ...


... children! One can deduce from many sources that most Ashramites needed time to adapt to such an upsetting change. But the inclusion of the children in the community was very typical of the way Sri Aurobindo and the Mother worked things out. Like with most of their actions, literary or organizational, the occasion of the coming of the children was something which had happened of itself and which was then inserted... more implied an augmentation of the life forms and forces to be taken up into this Yoga of world-transformation; it was or should become as it were the first fruit of a Tree cultivated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and symbolically representing the effectuation of the Great Work of the Avatar on Earth. A School with a Difference Make of us the hero warriors we aspire to become. May we fight... such teachers to be found? Those requirements inherently belonged to the ideal of all teachers in the Ashram school, for they had chosen to dedicate their life in this Ashram to the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But all of them had been inculcated with the prejudices of their own defective education, which in most cases were the prejudices of the obsolete Indian educational system. This is why ...


... to my left as if you were sitting there in your wheelchair. Now that I too am wheelchaired, we shall make a pretty pair when you next come here and the hearts of both of us go forth to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.   You have asked me about my first darshan. My first sight of the Mother was on the very day I reached Pondicherry on December 16, 1927. 1 had been taken by Pujalal, who had received... Champaklal's tradi- Page 32 tional sign of his brahmin caste any more than to show disapproval of Dilip's attachment to the sannyasi's ochre-coloured robe.   Not that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother consider temples and churches and mosques superfluous. Ordinary life needs such supports and they have a place in the evolution of consciousness. And the religious instinct of prayer, worship... ask: "In what way do they carry on or participate in the process of Supramental transformation?" You add that your question has no bearing on your own life which is devoted and dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: you have posed it just "to know and let others know".   Your inclusion of Krishna in the list you have given is not quite proper. According to Sri Aurobindo, Krishna is the Supreme ...


... you can the command of Sri Krishna: bhajasva mam, "love "and worship Me." Sri Krishna has graced our times with a manifestation still more luminous than in the period of the Bharata War. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have touched our earth with the blessings of their holy feet. Let us do our best to follow in their footsteps. Particularly you who have heard the call of the Magic Flute from the very beginning... keep smiling as you so charmingly do in the photo you have enclosed of May 1964 with your landlady. Do you still smile often enough? You must guard against becoming too serious. Those whom Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have drawn into their radiance must let that spiritual sunshine come often to their faces.   Here I am not recommending just a jolly temperament, though that is an advantage. I am... issues than it would normally envisage. No doubt, there are less spontaneous, less felicitous intervals but a fair amount of freedom from mental labour has been one of the boons granted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Yes, great has been their grace in several ways. Yet how far am I from the spiritual states which were Aswapati's in Savitr! When will I be able to say about myself at all times any of ...


... and a detachment from common ambition. Having been accepted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother should tend to give one an all-sufficing happiness. But the desire for fame, the yearning for name are not easy temptations to overcome if one has some talent beyond the ordinary. Rarely do specially gifted people act like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who always tried to keep themselves in the background. Once... of bed 1 reread your letter and was struck by two points.   First, your resolve "not to give a chance to any so-called great person" to become your "Guru". Once we are dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who were never anxious to have disciples, how can we share our souls with anyone who claims spiritual eminence and is eager to have people falling at his feet? I remember my friend Purani... for you to rewrite these books. Can you rise above the tremendous void in front of you?" My spontaneous answer was "Yes." The next moment I woke up, a little stunned but deeply thankful to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that even in the dream-state, face to face with an irreparable misfortune, my chief concern could be whether I was doing their Yoga properly.   If we may put together little things ...


... the Yoga whose guides are Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but with an orientation beyond the vision, far-flung though it was, of Vishwamitra, the seer of the old Gayatri. Page 215 The moment we see the new core of spirituality in the message of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother we shall gain the right perspective of all their gestures. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not refuse to bless various... Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) 20 The Gods and Goddesses are emanations of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. So their connections in some way or other with the work of our Gurus, according to the choice of our Gurus, are natural. But the question is whether the disciples are encouraged to have connections with the Gods and Goddesses. Here, as elsewhere... and absorbed in the craft of endless writing and turned as much as his numerous human weaknesses allow towards the all-healing and all-fulfilling infinity of that dual divine presence: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - such is Amal Kiran to whom you are stretching friendly hands which he is willing to clasp. What gifts these hands should bring is quite a problem. But I may add that there is a more a ...


... Mother made it clear that it was achieved in the subtle-physical layer of the earth, what she termed the earth's atmosphere, and not in the gross-physical. Once this was done the mission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother could be said to have been Page 225 fulfilled so far as the evolution of man as a race was concerned .'The supramental principle was made a part of the earth's future history... means the bodily divinisation about which 1 have written. It is an individual process and, in the early days of the Ashram, it was openly thought feasible in one life-time. Not only were Sri Aurobindo and the Mother sure to be the grand exemplars of it, their followers also were considered candidates. No doubt, these were expected to observe certain conditions in order to qualify. But these conditions... wanted to live long enough to see her Victory she said: "Bon" — which means "Very well". Even when that Victory had not been won, the presence of the Supermind in the bodies of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother brought about some effect on their bodies' own functions so that we felt that they were not like us at all and could transmit inner force and light and bliss, and could influence purely ...


... life to carry us higher than before — by a short cut through "a long gash" and by a sudden turn of the path through the surprise of a sprain. I am not such a big Yogi as you think, but Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have lifted me a wee bit above the deceptive exteriors of life. Sri Aurobindo has put a little light into my mind so that I may see beyond the surface of things and catch an ecstatic glimpse... their hopes and reveries and loves. That is why I could recognise in you from almost the start a dreaming and a daring which were affined to my own inner self. I might say that while Sri Aurobindo and the Mother aimed at making a great Yogi out of a budding poet they succeeded only in making a wide-eyed poet out of a tyro Yogi. But this success, though falling short of what should have been, was... head-posture as well as hair-do to a photograph of Minnie at the time this poem had been written. I made a copy of Dante Gabriel's sketch and sent it along with that photograph of Minnie to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, They too were extremely struck. The likeness seemed certainly past all coincidence - and I, who had in early life asked myself whether I should concentrate on poetry or on painting, the ...


... home-remedies were Page 219 tried to keep me up. Yet the terrible sinking increased. It struck me that the only decisive help could be drawn by inwardly appealing to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, in whose Ashram at Pondicherry I had spent eight years and whose disciple I still was. With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling and... feeling. Two nights back I had kept awake similarly; but there had been no poetic inspiration. I had, however, been making inward Page 221 contact again and again with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and hearing what I hear in my best and calmest moods, a low universal croon, a far-away rhythm with a deep monotone overlaid with small variations: even the variations repeat one and the... become normal. I had been asked to avoid even lifting my head up. I did not take this regime seriously and spent hours resting in a slanted position. 1 felt that if I could open myself to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother they would effect a cure much sooner than the doctor expected. I kept concentrating more and more intensely on them, feeling that a grip had broken loose in my chest, with no longer a dreadful ...


... juice to Sri Aurobindo and some devotees too. Kashibhai considered himself fortunate for having such a rare opportunity given to him by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. There are four doors to the passage where at present the photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are kept for darshan. One can go to the meditation hall by passing through a long passage parallel to Sri Aurobindo's room. Kamala was... the development of her life. During this period she did many paintings, learned vocal music, played the veena and corresponded regularly with a childlike enthusiasm with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gave Kamalaben the following messages on her birthday in 1946: 11.2.46 Fidelity, devotion, self-giving, selfless work and service, constant aspiration are the simplest... marvellous Friend, all-powerful Master, penetrate all our being and transfigure it so that thou alone livest in us and by us!" With my blessings, The Mother It is such messages from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which have sustained and nourished the growth of the flame of Kamalaben's aspiration and devotion all through her life. R OSHAN Page xiii ...


... -12_Supermind in the Veda and the Aim of Immortality.htm 11 Supermind in the Veda and the Aim of Immortality In the building up of the path for this consummation, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother undertook a colossal task of yogic research, and in the course of this task, the earlier religious and spiritual traditions of the world have been fully taken into account. As a part of... and development of this new synthesis of yoga have many significant aspects. First of all, there is the aspect of a tremendous speed in the development of the research work conducted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, page - 122 and the landmarks of this development have been scrupulously and accurately recorded; these records have the scientific rigour of laboratory journals, which stand out... yoga in a series of diaries. The earliest entries in these diaries began in 1909 and latest ended in 1927. These diaries have been now published in two volumes, entitled "Record of Yoga". Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wrote thousands of letters to the disciples, and large numbers of them are now available in three volumes, entitled "Letters on Yoga", and in other volumes of the Mother's works. Finally ...

... distance, meets sadhaks on the subtle planes, talks to them. She saw exactly what was going to happen in the recent European trouble. We know whatever we have to know for our work. 3 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother must have been deeply concerned during Page 395 those weeks of gathering storm and mounting tensions. On 29 September 1938, the humiliating (but perhaps at the time very... fatally half-headed people were inhaling the fumes from the Pit? Half the world had already been bewitched into acquiescence, and the other half held its breath in be­numbing fear. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother saw clearly and straight through the intervening mist and māyā of the propagandist falsehood. They could see right from the beginning the kind of threat Hitler and his "Children... of strength between the forces of Light and Darkness was still to come. The world was very near the brink, it was almost touch and go. But in their anxiety for the world's welfare, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were perhaps a little careless of themselves and the hostile forces suddenly struck. 15 Sri Aurobindo himself explained thus the cause of his accident: "The hostile forces had tried ...


... l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo), and she launched on 21 February 1949 its organ, Bulletin of Physical Education, a bi-lingual (English-French) quarterly journal. It was to contain articles by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, reports of the Ashram and School activities during the quarter, and a wide range of photographs. In the Aurobindonian world-view, the physical was in intimate relationship with the vital... sincerely for it, to open oneself to it in faith and trust, to widen one's consciousness and identify it with the universal Consciousness. 10 It should be clear, then, that as viewed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother alike, physical education was not an end in itself, but a possible means preparing the beneficiary for the ardours and adventures and realisations of Integral Yoga. The importance of... heart of the community, and held the key to its future. At the time of the Darshan on 24 April 1949, all the members of the Playground sporting programmes in their group uniforms filed past Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and it was truly a heart-warming and inspiring sight: The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn, ... Faces that wore the Immortal's glory still, Voices that communed still ...


... CHAPTER 41 New Horizons I For Sri Aurobindo and the Mother alike, the earth was a theatre of conflict, a veritable Kurukshetra, between the Asuric and the Divine forces; it was also a field of unfolding possibilities. On the one hand, the supramental change was decreed and inevitable, and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had direct evidence that the revolutionary power of the... elements of the experience for your own good, as steps towards new ascents". 8 IV Ever since the Ashram formally came into existence in November 1926, it was the settled policy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to eschew politics. Page 570 With the Mother it was an absolute rule, but Sri Aurobindo could hardly sever his connection entirely from his former political associates and ... lieutenants. They sought his advice from time to time, and where he saw more clearly than they could from his spiritual height, he gave such guidance as seemed practicable. Also, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother espoused the Allied cause during the Second World War, or when Sri Aurobindo advised the Indian leaders to accept the Cripps Proposals in 1942, they were acting from the higher spiritual - ...


... Ambalal Purani, Sisir Kumar Mitra, Indra Sen, K.D. Sethna, Nirodbaran and Kishor Gandhi. The Centre of Education was guided by the seminal thoughts in the writings or utterances of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. From time to time, the fear was expressed that the Centre of Education was being compelled - partly by the expectations of the pupils, partly by the teachers' own inhibitions that were... guiding the human microcosm through the embattled ways of the world. Here, of course, the atmosphere of the Ashram was the main factor, and the presence, the example and the teaching of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were assets of immeasurable value. As one of the teachers, Manoj Das Gupta. has testified: I solemnly believe that what is unique in our Centre of Education is not so much its academic... games and sports". 6 And, of course, what gave unity and clarity and shining purpose to the Centre of Education - as, indeed, to the Ashram as a whole - was the dual spiritual power of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, their vision of future possibility, and their involvement in the destinies of their disciples individually and as an evolving spiritual community. IV The Ashram was a growing ...


... spiritual and supramental Truth (not Sannyasa), the spirit which is prepared to sacrifice all for that one end accepting even the hardest conditions, ordeals and tests, and the recognition of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is the Mother herself who decides after seeing the aspirant and the nature of the call within him. You may point out to him that the seeking in him seems from his letter to be of a vague... that. 2 August 1937 Sri Aurobindo says you are mistaken in thinking that by merely being at Pondicherry one can keep the psychic being in front. Difficulties arise here as outside. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would not advise you to throw up your practice and come here now, especially as this is a very difficult time for everybody even in the Asram itself. 26 April 1938 I want to live... time and can go no farther, because they cannot consent to get free from their past selves. They find the atmosphere too hard for them to breathe and the pressure of the Truth too exacting. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are therefore unwilling to call anyone Page 594 here, especially from so great a distance, transplanted from such different surroundings unless they have first assured themselves ...


... the other hand, where does one ever find a sign of the slightest awareness that in 1947 the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on which the future of humanity depended, was threatened with annulment? Nirodbaran, in those days with Champaklal the closest assistant of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, wrote in his priceless Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo : “We observed a noticeable change in his mood... and the Epilogue’. ‘Oh, that? We shall see about that later on.’ That ‘later on’ never came and was not meant to come.” 10 For the subject matter of Savitri were the experiences of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Death had not yet been experienced. And the Epilogue, the happy ending which in this case will be a life of fulfilment on Earth, lies somewhere in the future. Thus reached Savitri , in... “incomplete completion.” The “worse than worst” situation did not subside. The uraemic symptoms increased, for the moment of the great master act of the Avatar had come. After all the work Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had done, after all the burdens and the suffering, the black passages and the dawns of light, something had to be done which is unknown of in the history of humankind. As the Mother would ...

... Somewhere this was decreed. After the many cycles of the human presence and evolution on Earth, the time had come for the arrival of this new species without humankind even being aware of it. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Avatar, the Two-in-One, had come to make this possible. Therefore, they had to take the past of the evolution upon and into them, and they had to work in order to make the earthly ... solidarity with the being of others, because in himself he contains the universe.’ 33 The only real, conscious sadhaks of the Integral Yoga in their time were the initiators of it, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and after Sri Aurobindo’s passing the Mother alone. Many followed in their footsteps, but then by an inner orientation based more on surrender and intuition than on knowledge or a consciously... adhara, even of the Avatar, is a limited instrument because it is individualized. It was possible to enlarge this limitation on the mental and vital level almost boundlessly, so much so that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had been able to supramentalize first their mental and then their vital; but the matter of their body cells, however much impregnated by the psychic and supramental presence, remained bound ...


... usual likes and dislikes should be transcended and eating done with a quiet attitude and a movement of aspiration towards the Divine through whatever is set before us. Knowing what both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have taught, I would add that food has to be taken with a gesture of inner offering of it to the Divine and of praying that it may go to the growth of His Consciousness within us. If... Only, your body will become weak, dislocated from the inner life and one fine day it will fall ill." 6 The point I would like you to note is that as we are pretty 4. Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: Three Hundred and Sixty True Stories, Compiled by Shyam Kumari {Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1989), p. 112. 5 . Health and Healing, p. 196 6. Ibid. , p. 197. Page 212... there is an Aurobindonian who is sufficiently immersed in the Integral Yoga, you may seek his help and advice. But to open yourself to somebody out of Page 214 tune with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not a prospect I would encourage. Of course, one may always take an example from whoever you feel is leading a more-than-ordinary life of the inner consciousness, but you should be careful ...


... veteran sadhaka of the Integral Yoga and a veritable walking encyclopaedia of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In fact, The Practice of the Integral Yoga is a comprehensive treatise on the effective practice of the Yoga of Integral Transformation as propounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The book does abound in valuable hints, consisting in insights, approaches and perspectives... The author has remarked in the prefatory note about his role as merely that of a weaver of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But in writing this book lugal Kishore Mukherjee has provided more than a connecting thread, for besides the actual teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on which the book is solidly founded, The Practice of the Integral Yoga contains a wealth of the author's... insights which are a distillation from his lifetime's sadhana of the Integral Yoga. Throughout all its chapters the book is studded with some of the choicest passages from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In selecting these passages, the author has gone beyond the commonly trodden ground of more familiar sources. So the reader is likely to discover gems of extracts not encountered before ...

... e power - it was as though anything might happen. The total effect, however, was hardly reassuring, and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had to resolve to stay the sudden descent of the Force. The sadhana had to go on, but less spectacularly though not less intensively; Sri Aurobindo and the Mother decided to concentrate - and advise others also to concentrate - on the physical, the subconscient and the... off the cares of family and business and boarded the "celestial omnibus" to Pondicherry. Once there, he never left it; a demure, scholarly, self-possessed person, he was utterly devoted to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, he used to give readings from Sri Aurobindo's poetry and The Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga, and he wrote authoritatively on the sadhana. The sense of consecration to the Divine... up workshops and industries there. Madhav Pandit came in 1939 in the wake of his teacher, T.V. Kapali Sastry, and has been there since. A Sanskritist like Sastry, Madhav's consecration to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is as unflinching as it is unblemished. "Just as the Master Flutist of the Mahabharata attracted the choicest souls to his feet for his great work and master plan," says one writer, "so ...

... to get later and later, till the limit of one o’clock at night was reached. Then the curtain fell. Sri Aurobindo retired completely after December 1926 . . . ." ¹ On 8 February 1927 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved from 9, Rue de la Marine to 28, Rue François Martin, a house on the north-east corner of the same block as the Rue de la Marine house. Sri Aurobindo never went out of this new residence... for instance, or the daily taking of food – were made means of spiritual communion. The life of the Ashram – the sadhana and the work of the sadhaks, and the greater, unseen sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother – went on rhythmically until the eve of the darshan of 24 November 1938. Then, in the words of A. B. Purani, in the early morning of the twenty-fourth, "between 2.20 and 2.30 the Mother... final arrival in Pondicherry, which had taken place in 1920. This day henceforward became a regular darshan day. But the routine of the darshan was changed: devotees could now only file past Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in silence. Also as a result of the accident Sri Aurobindo's correspondence with the sadhaks, one or two of them excepted, was discontinued. But a new form of contact with him, more limited ...


... sent for her and they were married. Their daughter, Gauri, was born at the end of that year in November. First Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother After Mona and Udar were married somebody suggested that they should have darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother so Udar arranged for this. “There were very few people in the Ashram in those days so there was no long queue,” Udar said. In August... After that darshan we were very much drawn to the Ashram.” The War The war began and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took a keen interest in it. “All wars”, said Sri Aurobindo, “are begun by the asura.” The Second World War was an effort by the asura to destroy the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for the earth’s evolution toward the Supramental Light. Sri Aurobindo began to work occultly... going from east to west and next to it was a square. The Samadhi on top has kept that same pattern for flower decorations. The longer rectangle below houses the two rooms where the bodies of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are entombed. The Mother gave me a prayer to be carved in marble in English and French and placed on either side. It reads: December 9, 1950 “To Thee who hast been the material ...


... strong anthropic principles prove how even the sober men of science are in need of an explanation of the improbable chain of coincidences that leads up to their own existence. The view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, referring to the great traditions and based on their own occult experience, differs radically from the generally accepted scientific model. ‘In the whole creation the earth has a place... telling that the Earth has been formed from something ejected by the sun,’ 10 the Mother said to the children of the Ashram. After the complete development of their occult capacities, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had access to all manifested worlds. Sri Aurobindo has described the whole range of them in detail in his epic poem Savitri, a revelation with a lasting place in the occult and spiritual... the functioning of the whole of the cell, so too Earth determines the life and development of the cosmos. We who have been living under the nuclear threat of the Cold War receive from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother an unexpected reassurance. ‘The Earth has been built with a certain purpose and it will not disappear before the things have been accomplished,’ 11 said the Mother in 1960. She repeated ...


... being was being attempted, this range of gradations became the focus of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Both of them had become thoroughly knowledgeable about those higher, spiritual realms during their yogic explorations and experiments. All related data indicate that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother realised the supramentalisation of the Mind around 1920 and that of the Vital soon afterwards... Aurobindo announced, in his delightful correspondence with Nirodbaran, that he had good hope to bring “the supramental Whale” down soon. 2 But the Hostiles were vigilant. When in 1938 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother seemed convinced that the Great Event would take place before the end of the year, Sri Aurobindo was the object of a direct attack and broke his thigh; the work towards the chief aim had... and establish something that could be called a divine life upon earth, a first sketch of supermanhood, of a supramental living in the circumstances of the earth-nature.” This is not what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother until then had consistently called “superman”: “… It would not be the total transformation, the fullness of a divine life in a divine body. There would be a body still human and indeed ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... problems are insoluble; everything creaks and swirls, foams and roars, everywhere. One has to climb very high to be able to look over it and to see the sense of the whole. The vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is the only platform that is high enough. History shows that the birth of something new always creates a period of confusion and bewilderment. Krishna was on Earth at the time of the... the avataric incarnation was humanity and the one world. Nobody lives any longer outside the ongoing process of transformation, there is no escape from it. The Earth has grown ripe for it. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother represented, even through the cultures they had been born in, the one Earth. To them, the tension, the fermentation, the confusion, the complexity of the historical scene of the twentieth... attention priante, attention in an attitude of prayer, an attention attuned to the Living Presence in everything. ‘A Child Shall Destroy Them’ It has been the constant concern of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that the breaking through of the new world into the old one would happen without irreparable damage. The phasing out of a world is always a catastrophe, a loss of everything built up by ...


... the satisfaction of seeing the rush of German victory almost immediately arrested and the tide of war begin to turn in the opposite direction.’ 7 These are but two of the many times Sri Aurobindo and the Mother intervened in the history of the twentieth century, as related by themselves and as documented in the literature which they have left behind. Never did they flaunt these actions; they mentioned... Mistral 20 and Pearl S. Buck. In December 1972 Newsweek magazine published in its international edition an article on the Mother under the heading, The Next Great Religion? Yet, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are but little known and, if known, usually misunderstood. Upon what did they base their claims of their occult influence on the historical processes which have carried the world to the... available documents; these documents have, for various reasons, not yet been treated as a whole by previous authors. The truthfulness of the authentic writings, conversations and sayings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not in question. The result of the convergence of these documents is important to all of us and may provide some insight into the things that were decisive but took place behind the veil ...


... Yoga-Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo that science can discover its true self and true mission. It seems certain that in a not too distant future science is bound to turn to the world-vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and take a new birth in the light of their teachings. This essay is an attempt at providing the argumentative background to this conviction. Physiognomy of Science Science... branch of natural science, has already outgrown the phase of materialistic bias and is at present ready enough to welcome and receive the illumination offered by the Integral World-Vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Scientist's Quest for a Philosophy We have already referred to the phenomenon of a scientist philosophizing outside his laboratory. But what is at the source of... obsessed by its existentialism, analysis and humanism of which the other name is 'philosophical anthropology' - that is more ready to receive the message of the Integral Yoga as given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And has not the Mother herself declared that perhaps it is the attitude and outlook in the scientific field rather than in any other that will first get transformed? Let us now examine ...

... presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is there hour after hour. It lends a meaning to all activities beyond their immediate and apparent usefulness, a meaning that seems to point both inward and upward to some everlasting Perfection, This Perfection, which is at the same time far away and plays like an aura around the sublime yet intimate closeness that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are through the... postponed now. I have written somewhere about man reaching this condition either in a revolutionary or in an evolutionary way. The revolutionary way was envisaged originally for Sri Aurobindo and the Page 196 Mother in the first place and for their close disciples in the second. Even I was once told by the Mother orally - and my report of her statement was confirmed by Sri Aurobindo in... undergo "the Great Transformation", meaning bodily supramentalisation, in this very life. Knowing my own weaknesses I found this double assurance breathtaking, but there it was. When both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gave up - for reasons of their own - the grand experiment with their own bodies, the hope of any of their disciples doing it faded. But what is called "the Supramental Manifestation" on ...


... Avatars before Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ¹ Ibid ² Ibid., p. 282. ³ Ibid., p. 283. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid., pp. 282, 283. Page 50 and in view of the affirmation that no Avataric manifestation in the past could be equated to past forms of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it was pertinently... another?" The response¹ was absolutely definitive: "We were not on earth as Avatars." The conclusion seems inevitable that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were Avatars only in their present lives and that none of the other Avatars could be said to be they. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother came as Vibhutis at the time of those Avatars, and worked veiled either where these Avatars were or at some other place... creation. What were you doing during your previous lives?" The answer² was: "Carrying on the evolution." The words suggest that the earth's evolution was carried on by the activity of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in a form other than Avatarhood. The suggestion becomes quite explicit when Sri Aurobindo³ says about their past personalities: "... there is no reason why the Mother and I should cast ...


... touched upon subjects concerning Sri Aurobindo and the Mother awaiting to be studied in depth. (One really has the impression that this kind of 29 Ibid, p. 227. 30 Ibid, p. 230. 31 Ibid, p. 306. 32 Ibid, p. 445. Page 265 study has hardly been taken up and that whole dimensions of the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother remain to be discovered— which... liberated only within limits. To a high degree atomic physics has become occultism, as predicted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, though without the scientists realising it. The Reprogramming of Earth's Foundations In Beyond Man: The Life and Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, 36 Ibid, p. 100. 37 Ibid, p. 106. 38 Ibid, p. 121. 39 Ibid, p. 129. ... which, in a very real sense, is the discovery of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother themselves.) For instance, when writing the Arya, i.e. years before the formulation of the theory of quantum mechanics, Sri Aurobindo predicted that the deeper science would penetrate into Matter the more Matter would seem to evaporate till none would be left. In Savitri, an explanation of the origin and evolution of ...

... the true sense of the word, occupies in the life, writings and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo was a professor and later Vice Principal at the Baroda College from 1897 to 1905. In 1906, he came to Calcutta as the Principal of the newly founded Bengal National College. At Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother laid the foundation of a new centre of education, and some of the last... Drawn by this ideal, more and more individuals and groups want to understand the principles of Integral Education as enunciated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and to create educational institutions founded on these principles. But the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on education are not found at one place or in one book. There is therefore a need to present these writings in a manner which will... our ideals and follow the path which has been opened before us by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I believe this book will be of great value to teachers and educationists everywhere and of a very special value to the students and teachers of SAICE. Every seeker can feel here the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through their own words, find the answers to his or her questions ...

... science of sciences, has been deep and entire even from his young days; finally, he is a humble seeker of the spirit walking with faltering steps on the path of self-perfection shown by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. With these meagre credentials — if they are credentials at all — he has ventured to approach and study in depth the evolutionary world-vision of these great spiritual Masters, in so far... mental-spiritual being. But the question is: Are these limitations and impediments of the body to be considered as something permanent and insuperable? The Seer-Vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother assures us on the contrary that the disabilities of the body and the animal frailties of physical nature need not and will not be there for all time to come. For, the terrestrial ... about this supremely potent dynamic status of spiritual consciousness that Sri Aurobindo has termed as Supermind, the readers are referred to relevant pages of this book. Now, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have always declared that the earth-conditions are now ready to receive the Supramental Light and Force. In fact, the present-day ills of humanity are only the birth-throes of a new Dawn ...

... had grown over a period of years as an article of faith among the sadhaks. There is, after all, but one Consciousness - the Divine Consciousness. And two such divine collaborators like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the collaboration began in 1914, entered a new active phase in 1920, and a still closer creative phase in 1926 - could operate effectively only if their consciousness-force were intimately... Two years later he wrote: "Whatever one gets from the Mother, comes from myself also - there is no difference." 4 It was natural at the beginning to view persons - even two such as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - in terms of sharp separativity. It was partly Sri Aurobindo's declaration, but even more the sadhaks' own experience and realisation, that gradually laid the foundations of the faith on... for my inmost soul the Ashram was my true home], leaving my true home and my divine Mother? 15 Page 753 II The Ashram had always eschewed politics, and even when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother espoused the Allied cause during the war, or when Sri Aurobindo advised the Indian leaders to accept the Cripps Proposals in 1942, they were only acting from the higher spiritual - not the ...

... complete answer. On the other hand, any such deep involvement in the personal histories of the sadhak-correspondents may prove confusing and side-tracking to the earnest spiritual aspirant. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were hence definitely against such wholesale publication of the two-way correspondence. There is clearly the touch of universality in Sri Aurobindo's numberless letters on Yoga, even the... und of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. First: How did the sadhaks, individually and collectively, respond to the challenge for a change of consciousness (from the human to the divine) posed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? Second: How far did they, as the two "Leaders of the Way", succeed in their great aim of bringing down the overhead powers of consciousness, including the Supermind, into the earth-atmosphere... another could likewise prove depressing and enervating. So too visitors with sensitive spiritual antennae had been known to register the general atmosphere of the Ashram deriving from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the sadhaks open to him and advancing their mission and, on the other hand, the scattered isolated pockets of doubt, dissidence, darkness, negation and even revolt in which the hostile ...


... Living in The Presence Sri Aurobindo And The Mother Let me start by telling you when and how Sri Aurobindo and the Mother entered our Calcutta house as Guru.     I belonged to a very old well-established family of Calcutta. The large Mitra house was situated in the northern part of the city right from the time of the British occupation. My family... mesmerised to all these stories  about the Mother and the Ashram from Dada's mouth. This was our first contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. All this time we had been worshiping our family deity Narayan. This was the first time that all of us consciously accepted Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as our Gurus, even though my second brother Robi and I had not yet had Their darshan. Page-4... Deogarh, a neighbour of ours named Ajit-da came to our house for some work connected with my brother. After finishing his work he came and sat down with Ma and began speaking to her about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. After speaking about their  Ashram for quite some time, he turned to Dada and said,  "Arun, why don't you take Jethima to Pondicherry.? Who knows, she might feel better in the Ashram atmosphere ...


... inspiration to know that a man exists amongst us, who could assert even today that he actually sees and is in constant union with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in their luminous, golden bodies? We have also compiled extracts in general from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on dreams and visions, which have been presented in individual chapters. Most visions have been translated from Gujarati... Visions of Champaklal Preface We present in this book a collection of dreams and visions of Champaklal whose very name evokes the memories of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to their devotees. The collection is prepared without any distortion from the original writings. The word "Vision" is also used at some places to convey its wider sense of superconscious... Aurobindo are available. They are presented here. We have made an attempt to suggest possible interpretations of later dreams and visions, based on the interpretations of the symbols given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Some hardy souls may raise their eyebrows at this. We are aware that to give an interpretation would be like shooting an arrow at the Truth, which may, at the most, "hit a point, but not ...


... a huge, luminous, golden lotus was seen in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in their huge bodies were gloriously seated. Then, from the illumined place around them, several individuals came out. Beautiful small children were also seen. All of them were moving around Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. One by one, they went to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and offered their salutations, but subsequently they... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in Gigantic Bodies 1980-01-07 Sri Aurobindo was taking his meal in some new building. There were no lights in the room, but it appeared as if the light was spreading out from Him in various colours. Finally, golden light was seen; the whole room was filled with it. Now, Sri Aurobindo ...


... the appearance of many Suns. Then, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are seen in a perfect golden light which is spreading all around from their golden bodies. The general suggestion seems to be that by a patient waiting with the consciousness turned upward, one can connect even the subconscient vital to the Supermind whose embodiments are Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The dish and the cover over the... means that there are forces of obscurity and darkness at work which are the first obstacle. It is significant that the cover over the dish can be opened only with the help of the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The covers change after being removed successively into covers of different colours in the order: yellow (activity of the mind plane), pink (psychic love), blue (higher-mind at work, spiritual... the luminous golden lotus as a clear indication of how Champaklal's psychic being could come to be fully open and receive something from the Supramental. After this, with the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the ascent begins and ends in pale blue light, which is Sri Aurobindo's light. It was soothing and some movements took place in all the centres of his body, signifying the beginning of ...


... are by nature and attitude like Champaklal. From the very beginning all these incidents were inscribed in Champaklal's memory; that is why now he can write about them. Champaklal's life is Sri Aurobindo and the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship. It makes Champaklal most fortunate and his heart is filled with gratitude and bliss." No wonder, M.P. Pandit concluded his... childhood, his upbringing and the influences of saints and yogis — about all that gave form and force to his aspirations and imparted the training that proved very useful in his long service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When the manuscript was ready he willingly went through it with his usual conscientiousness. Finally, he himself decided which photographs were to be printed. Throughout the work, both... his Lord Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother — was amply fulfilled by Their infinite Grace. In fact, as Champaklalji might have put it, it is more appropriate to say that he was chosen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who themselves moulded him into a fit instrument for their work. It is worth noting some of his reminiscences on this subject. On 20 November 1926, the Mother told him: "The Being whom ...


... have in them all, and variously, the entrancing sweetness of her Love alone. Autobiographical It is well known that Savitri is the poetic record of spiritual experiences of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In this connection we may recall what the Mother told Mona Sarkar: All this is his own experience, and what is most surprising is that it is my own experience also. It is my sadhana... success would entail divine prosperity in the sunlit widenesses of the earth. Such are the happy or else grave dreadful consequences which we have to recognise in the avataric endeavour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Savitri is the only yogic record through which we might glean the enormity of the difficulty and come to know what they did for us little mortals. But it is also the bright flame with... ardent invocation to the Supreme Light to "pervade us entirely and illumine us with its great brilliance" is certainly the imploration, as well as the defining assertion, with which both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother started their work even before they came together. Years later, thanks to Doraiswami, 22 we see it embodied in the "auspicious form" of the Gayatri Mantra itself. The result is the tra ...

... intellectual questions but also a path of which I became an ardent follower and promulgator. When I was about twenty-one, I became acquainted with a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that I borrowed from him had a deep appeal. In particular, the Mother's Prières et Méditations 1 made a strong impression, and I was prompted to write to her... of Eastern spiritual philosophy, Page 4 such as karma, rebirth, and spiritual evolution—tenets that were quite alien to my early beliefs about the afterlife. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother seemed to have entered my life at a timely point when Theosophy was beginning to pall on me. Theosophical teachings had well satisfied my need for a philosophical understanding of questions... of God as the Supreme Divine, who is beyond the personal and the impersonal, resonated with my deepest intuitions. Eckhart speaks of God primarily as an impersonal Divine and, like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, does not use the word "God" very often for similar reasons. He does, however, sometimes speak of Grace, which makes of God more than a purely impersonal Reality solely meting out the results ...

... form of Buddhism, in South-East Asia in the form of Brahmanism, and in West Asia through its influence on Christianity. Few have had such a high, and well-founded, opinion of India as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Here are some of their statements by way of illustration. “In the whole of creation the earth has a place of distinction, because unlike any other planet it is evolutionary with a psychic... were written. It is now generally forgotten that India once was an opulent civilisation and the wonder of the world. The cause of its impoverishment and deterioration was, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the otherworldly mentality propagated by Buddhism and illusionism. “In India the philosophy of world-negation has been given formulations of supreme power and value by two of the greatest... comment. Firstly, “intuition” here is not what is meant by this word in the common parlance: a hint, a feeling, a presentiment, a suspicion, or whatever to the same effect. By “intuition” Sri Aurobindo and the Mother mean a “knowledge by identity”, which is the only real knowledge; it is proper to the spiritual level of the same name; it is “a messenger from the superconscient and therefore our highest ...

... Revolution, which was almost immediately followed by the rise of the proletariat ( shudras ) and their mass movements of socialism and communism. Thus we may conclude that, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the traditions they refer to, there is the presence of a divine archetype resembling the human form above or behind the evolution. The knowledge of this form has been and still is common... Adam’s bisexual body. This becomes meaningful if one knows that the divine Purusha, the Supramental Being at the origin of creation, is the gnostic Adam who is not bi-sexual but a-sexual. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have stressed time and again that the supramental being is asexual, and that the sexes are a means created by Nature on her lower levels to attain her ends. In this way the Genesis myth... to them by a Saviour, that would allow them to return to the supra-terrestrial worlds from which they had fallen into the terrestrial world of darkness, suffering and forgetfulness. For Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gnosis is the knowledge of the complete scheme of things which grants the understanding of the next step in the evolution on Earth, and the means to participate in its realization. It is ...

... therefore, with profound pleasure that I put his name on record as one of the worthiest aspirants to the Integral Yoga. All the more fitting is it to associate him with the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother rather than with any Page 133 other spiritual discipline, because what Sri Aurobindo says apropos of the photograph implies a very unusual "psychic" development. ... vibrant ceaseless communion of the soul that is at once a child and a seer with the Supreme Grace that is the outpouring of a Divine Motherhood: such in its essential form is the sadhana Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were so happily willing to carry on for young Bosanquet, insighting in him a rare capacity of self-surrender to the Highest. Two statements of Sri Aurobindo's bring into sharp... contact, with an old bound volume of Sri Aurobindo's periodical Arya. Similar was Champaklal's amazement on seeing Pavitra blithely spring on to the seat, which once used to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Darshan days, in order to reach up to a point on the wall where a fixture was to be made to suit the Mother. No Indian would commit such a "sacrilegious" act, but champaklal, recounting ...


... I would like very much to serve - in whatever small way possible - as our Gurus' channel to help you. Let me make certain points clear.   One who has been touched by the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother cannot ever close his eyes to it. So it is no use thinking of making such a person give up sadhana. But this light carries with it a great peace and if it does not establish that peace,... "fear-complex". And as an aid to acquiring Page 55 normalcy continue with the psychiatrist's prescriptions. Try also to realise that you are in the saving gracious hands of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. No ultimate harm can come to you. There is no reason for any fear. Can you put your finger on any particular occasion or incident that sparked off this resurgence of an old complaint which... programme before going to work, I had a strong impression of the cleavage you seem to make between the sadhak in you and the evolving medico. An hour and a half of walking with a book of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in your hand and doing Yoga in a supposedly concentrated manner is to my mind a somewhat artificial strain on your nerves. Half an hour of absorption in Yoga with or without a book in the ...


... periodic generosity to our work. You have posed me the question:   "What is the interrelation between the Mother and Her Grace? I have searched for a clear answer in the books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as well as in your books and Mother India. On the one side the Divine Grace seems quite independent and separate; on the other side it appears to me to be the most important instrument... takes notes from me on it besides assisting in general with genuine concern.   The Ashram Nursing Home is a remarkable place. The doctors and the nurses - all of them dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - are giving exemplary service. All the daily arrangements are most conducive to the patients' comfort and the medical treatment is scrupulously regular. Then there is the cleanliness and... takes notes from me on it besides assisting in general with genuine concern.   The Ashram Nursing Home is a remarkable place. The doctors and the nurses - all of them dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - are giving exemplary service. All the daily arrangements are most conducive to the patients' comfort and the medical treatment is scrupulously regular. Then there is the cleanliness and ...


... own words:   The unconquerable will This, too, can bear; - I still . Am Belisarius!   As long as you are you and, what is more, feel intensely that you are a child of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, nothing can down you. You are a born fighter, but we are very glad that in being courageous you did not forget that, when occasion demanded, even Krishna, as Sri Aurobindo has told us,... make the angels weep.   To turn to a much more pleasant dispute, let me touch on a discussion I have been having with our mutual, widely cultured English friend, a sincere devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, one who means a great deal to me and whose fine aesthetic judgment has been a powerful spur to my career as a poet. Lately she has reacted rather over-emphatically against a certain tendency... the Eternal are" "The Naked and the Dead" (used as a novel's title) Blake's "the eternals" Hots de categorie 'The Eternal" "The Supreme" (used by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) Shelley's "The One". "The Many" "The flight of the alone o the Alone" (after Plotinus)     A-typical 'The Divine" (The Mother) ...


...       Your lament sounds genuine and, since it is so, you are sure to break open the closed recesses of your being. The fact that you have not come into physical contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother though they were on the earth in your lifetime is certainly unfortunate, but the conviction which you have that they were Divine Visitors to our world is strong enough to put you in inner... eternity and infinity possess a concentration of them in a subtle-physical form in close rapport with us.   You may say: "The subtle-physical has still a distance from us and is not as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were at one time." True, but I may remind you that even at that time they were not always accessible to sight and hearing and touch. No doubt, other signs of their accessibleness were there... in your letter. The other important point is your concern that your wife, your son (12 years old) and your daughter (aged 17 1 / 2 years) should follow along with you the Path shown by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is a worthy concern, but don't let it be an oppressive one to them. Live your life as much as you can in our Guru's light but don't preach too much to your family and don't seek to impose ...


... patiently poised, rather than the Titan mood which runs to extremes. I advise you something similar - with the added touch of a devoted faith in the divine compassion and force with which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are ready to invest your days. 1 will certainly continue to pray to them at the Samadhi on your behalf. But you have to put yourself in a condition of receptivity to them.   I am... don't pander to the common superstitions of your astrological clients - propitiation of godlings. It makes me happy to see that you will do nothing that "goes against the basic teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, even though it may cause loss of money".   You have raised the question: "Is the Mother's grace available only to those who have taken to the practice of the Page 237 ... brothers) and the whole family." This statement suggests that a force from outside you is at work.   I can't help saying that you must get rid of your horos-copic obsession. When you take Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as your Gurus, you have to clear your consciousness of every preconception. Their influence tends to pull you out of all past circumstances and outside forces operating at present. Those ...


... disciples and children of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother under any circumstances have had their touch - and to have received that touch is the only thing we should be concerned with, for it guarantees to us the entire riches of the Divine Existence in proportion to our capacity. As for the opportunity to stay in the Ashram, it depends on a number of things. When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were in our midst... to those sadhaks who pass away? Is it inevitable that in their next life they will be spiritually oriented?" Ordinarily it would be difficult to chart out a course. But when we know that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are residing in the earth's subtle-physical layer in an embodied form in order to carry on their work, the future of dead sadhaks would lie entirely in the hands of our Gurus and I believe... in whatever way is deemed helpful by the Gurus. I have also the notion that, since a sincere sadhak has his mind and vital no less than his soul set to one note of devotion to the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the same mental and vital beings and not only the psychic being which naturally persists from life to life may return in a new body in the next birth. After death they may stick together ...


... supposed "intellectual" a more brainy attitude - a definition bringing in "a heat and a light in my head". But, as I said in one of my talks to the students here, I had lost my head over Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the moment I had seen them and that was surely the heart's doing. Since then the chief motive-power has been something other than the thinking mind. Not that I have renounced thought, but... renewed change of my disease for the worse which was so intense as never before" - I could not go further a few minutes, for a powerful inwardness seized me and a dumb intense cry went up to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to protect you always and improve your health and prolong your life. It was not in my power to come out of this inwardness at will. So I just sat with eyes half-closed and waited for the... to it science has put an over-stress on the body, particularly as it has serious doubts whether anything of us survives physical dissolution. The right balance is preserved by the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It has three intuitions. First of all, the present life is not the only one: a series of embodiments has preceded it and a series will follow because God is to be realised and established ...


... leaping to certain historical conclusions or to "debunking" inferences. And how ridiculous is all his talk of "The mystification of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother" 78 to anyone who has come into touch with either of them! Whoever has stood in Sri Aurobindo's presence can testify to its wonderful illuminative... looked at the main complex of buildings which is technically known as the Ashram, the complex within which there are the Samadhi and the house of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as the Meditation Hall, he could not have missed seeing from the Ashram gate a huge house diagonally opposite the Ashram block and painted yellow ... calculated inaccuracy is the glaring implication that no Ashramites or Ashram activities are to be found on the West side of the canal. Scores of followers of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have their houses there. I lived Page 271 for 10 years on that side. An Ashram restaurant and ...


... (i)Where are our venerable seniors now, the close confidants of the Mother such as Nolini-da, Counoumaji and Dyuman-bhai? (ii)And what about Champaklalji? - who stayed by the side of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the early twenties of the last century to 1973, but had to leave his body at a place far away from the Ashram and being surrounded by strangers? (iii)And the universally respected... those who have lived upon earth but now shed their bodies? We propose now to enter into the discussion of these tricky questions, all, of course, in the light of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. For the information of our readers let us state that Sri Aurobindo has discussed these issues in great depth and detail in the chapter "The Order of the Worlds" of his philosophical magnum... will shape also the nature and quality of the experiences, positive or negative, pleasant or unpleasant, the disembodied being has to undergo in the supraphysical worlds after death. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother also have referred many a time and on many different occasions to the capital importance of the psychological attitude of a dying man at the moment of his critical transition. For example ...

... The last sentence of the passage quoted above has given rise in some minds to serious misgiving about the future of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry. For it is well known that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother jointly founded the Ashram on 24 November 1926. After Sri Aurobindo withdrew from his body in 1950, the Mother continued to preside over the destiny of the Ashram. So there was nothing to... that is only for the external administration of Ashram affairs. Surely there is none who can even in his wildest imagination claim to fill up the void left by the physical withdrawal of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. There is, then, some would say, only one conclusion which is inferrable: it is the ultimate demise of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. For, so would they contend, has not Sri Aurobindo himself... receive this, well, you will lose the chance that's given to you." (Questions and Answers 1954, CWM Vol. 6, p. 269) But the sceptic may rejoin that all this might have been true when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were there physically present in the Ashram; but what about now when both of them have withdrawn from their bodies? What guarantee is there to believe that we the Ashramites Page 19 ...

... can now come back to the subject of the 'real' work Sri Aurobindo was engaged in: this was to bring down the Light and Power of the Supermind into the earth-consciousness through himself. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother represented in themselves the highest and deepest spiritual aspirations of humanity. As leaders of the evolution, it was their divine work to hasten the evolutionary process, to manifest... shall dwell on them separately. After 1926, on three days in the year, February 21 (the Mother's birthday), August 15 (Sri Aurobindo's birthday) and November 24 (the day of Siddhi ), Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gave a joint darshan to the disciples and to some visitors who had obtained prior permission to come for the occasion. These three days were known as darshan days and I cannot describe... occasion for the sadhak , an exceptional moment of spiritual communion and communication with the Master and the Mother when he could offer himself anew to them and receive their blessings. For Sri Aurobindo and the Mother it was an occasion to look into the innermost being of each disciple to see his spiritual progress. Besides, Sri Aurobindo said that at the time of the darshans there were special descents ...


... tolerance, accommodation and even the spirit of synthesis, but there has still been a great weakness and some kind of sense of failure. One of the great tasks that has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is that the real cause of the rise of exclusive systems of yoga and their continuous conflicts has been diagnosed and that cause has now been removed in the new synthesis of yoga which they... neither the combination nor the culmination of the earlier paths of religions or of yoga. The earlier paths of yoga or the paths of yoga that lay behind various great religions were found by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be all valid in their own degrees of their realizations and culminating points, but none of them were found to be as comprehensive as the demands of knowledge require, nor did they prove... earlier yogic systems had envisaged the aim of the complete manifestation of Spirit in Matter or that of the total transformation of the life in Matter into the divine life on the earth. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were led to the new and integral aim by their intense labour of research on the basis of which the life on the earth can be led eventually to achieve total and integral integration, perfection ...

... years are left to us, may we be able to devote for this. Because after all in a few years time most of us will disappear from the face of the Earth, and what will remain? The Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. These Works will usher in a new Earth — such an evolution, undreamt of by man — and already signs are proliferating in the whole World of the Action done by Them, for those who are perceptive... Nava to exploit the same for amassing wealth, generating personal black force to overpower and dazzle the entire world to prove that he was the one and only one successful successor of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who would deliver the mankind from all ills and bring about a total transformation (a thing he never has understood himself). “So what? So who questions?” The animals (the forms) have... followed this agony. After Her withdrawal in 1973, you can imagine my position in the midst of these very forces which wanted to destroy Her. Now they were the “heirs” and “owners” of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Now the big spiritual business could start on a grand scale — this has been the eternal story ever since Christ and even Karl Marx. Some new Rome or spiritual Kremlin wants to establish ...

... among us and see what I can give you and what you can take from me before you go further. 27 St.-Hilaire never left Pondicherry; he lived for forty-four years in the service of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. "From that day on, for a full year, he had the privilege of going to Sri Aurobindo every day, talking to him and listening to his answers." 28 When he asked for a spiritual name Sri... Pavitra was to prove one of the Page 229 finest sadhaks of the Yoga, and throughout the rest of his life (which he spent in Pondicherry) he was to be among those closest to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A long corridor connected his room with the Mother's quarters, and she would visit him at any hour of the day. He also drove the Mother's car, and she would trust nobody else. The poet... was surcharged with some electrical energy. In that silence ... the usual, yet on this day quite unusual, tick was heard behind the door of the entrance. Expectation rose in a flood. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother could be seen through the half-opened door. The Mother with a gesture of her eyes requested Sri Aurobindo to step out first. Sri Aurobindo with a similar gesture suggested to her to do ...


... you had asked: "How much longer will this world itself last?" I had reminded you that the nuclear age is also the age of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I wrote: "I, small and insignificant in myself but blessed with the rare good fortune of having known Sri Aurobindo and the Mother intimately for years, make bold to assure you that all shall be well with the world these two have made their home and that... fundamentally this war was theirs and not merely a conflict of the Western democracies with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy and, towards the concluding period, militarist Japan. For the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was for a new spiritualised earth building dynamically a greater beauty of the visible and the concrete, a tangible progressive embodiment of the Divine and not just a flight of the Inner... to the Higher, leaving the Outer to the poor devices of a groping and stumbling mind. A victory of the totalitarian powers would have spelled a tremendous setback to the Vita Nuova that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were striving to realise for the earth. Thus from various points of view today, to which my delay has led my reply to you, is the recurrence of an occasion of multiple momentousness ...

... thought I would soon die. Various medicines were given me to keep me up. Yet the terrible sinking increased. It struck me that the only decisive help could be drawn by inwardly appealing to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, in whose Ashram at Pondicherry I had spent eight years and whose disciple I still was. With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling... day there was no sleepy feeling. Two nights back I had kept awake similarly; but there had been no poetic inspiration. I had, however, been making inward contact again and again with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and hearing what I hear in my best and calmest moods, a low universal croon, a far-away rhythm with a deep monotone overlaid with small variations: even the variations repeat one and the... become normal. I had been asked to avoid even lifting my head up. I did not take this regime seriously and spent hours resting in a slanted position. I felt that if I could open myself to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother they would effect a cure much sooner than the doctor expected. I kept concentrating more and more intensely on them, feeling that a grip had broken loose in my chest, with no longer a ...

... 1973, in the Bulletin under the title Notes on the Way , after having been read out to the Mother and approved by her. The Agenda is one of the great documents about the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. What Sri Aurobindo had seen and partially worked out is here being worked out further by the Mother. The Agenda is the sequel to The Synthesis of Yoga and The Supramental Manifestation... development of what was outlined in Sri Aurobindo’s writings and in the Entretiens. This document also provides us with an extremely interesting and often revealing light on the lives of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. No life sketch of them, no biography can be complete without this source. Satprem, formerly named Bernard Enginger, was a Frenchman born in Paris in 1923, but who has always nostalgically... Pondicherry, but he felt dissatisfied and unfulfilled everywhere and went in search of adventure in French Guyana, Brazil and Africa. However, when in Pondicherry he had had the darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and he carried The Life Divine with him even in the rain forests of the Amazon. In 1953, after those wanderings, he returned to Pondicherry to meet the Mother and settle in the Ashram ...


... imminent best or direst. Our moment in time is also supposed to be the end of the Iron Age, the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, the momentous change predicted by Edgar Cayce, and, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the time of upheaval inevitable in the transition to a new stage of the terrestrial evolution. The bewildering circumstances caused by this transition are clearly expressed in the extreme... more than a curse, what is it that is happening and makes us look for an explanation of an Earth changing into one habitat for a unified humanity? Is the Earth Special? According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Earth is a very special body in the universe. Speaking to the Ashram students in 1953, the Mother made this quite clear: “In the immensity of the astronomical skies, earth is a thing... vast trillions of cubic light years of emptiness, ours is the very first planet to harbour creatures that can ponder their own existence.” Taking all this into account, the statements of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother about planet Earth, which a few decades ago may have appeared “occult” or “mystic” to many, no longer seem so other-worldly. The scientific debate is on and its conclusion is not yet out ...

... of consciousness gets somewhat limited in writing: the very act of expression narrows the reality to some extent.’ 14 The significance of this event cannot be overestimated. What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had been working for since the beginning of their avataric yoga was now realized. What had they been working for? To bring the supramental, i.e. divine Consciousness down on Earth, to insert... It was now certain that the Kingdom of God would be established upon Earth. The supramental Consciousness is the Unity-Consciousness, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Consciousness. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have often compared the Manifestation as a whole to the two hemispheres of a globe: in the upper hemisphere all aspects, gradations or worlds exist in the Unity-Consciousness and are therefore... ess, which means that everything here belongs at least partially to the Ignorance, of which the Inconscient is the Black Pit, the lowest, total Darkness. The avataric intervention of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother consisted in establishing the link between both hemispheres, thus creating not only the possibility but the certitude that the upper, divine hemisphere would become manifested 93 upon ...

... drove him to the drastic method of extricating himself from it. The attitude of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not the conventional one. The notion of criminality is far from it. Hence too the idea that here what is within the rights of an individual is Page 295 trespassed. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother point out certain unfavourable psychological and evolutionary circumstances resulting... photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in front of me and there went out from my heart an appeal of such intensity as I had never felt in my life before in turning to them. All my being swept towards them with but one cry: "O take our laved one and your own child to yourselves!"   Trying to hold the heart-wrench within the mass of peace which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had packed into... "Too late have I loved Thee, O Beauty of ancient days who art ever new, too late have 1 loved Thee!" He was thirty-three at that time. I believe you and I were luckier than he. I came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at the age of twenty-three. I am sure you came to them even earlier. So we found sooner than St. Augustine the master-key to the problem of human existence which had irked us despite our ...


... postponed, though not cancelled. . Before I exhibit my trouvaille let me touch on the old bones of contention you have dug up. There are four points here from my side:   (1)Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were to be the first to achieve bodily supramentalisation. Here Sri Aurobindo's declaration to me to the effect that if supramentalisation is not done in him it cannot be done in others... This future evolutionary certainty coupled with the present individual impossibility is what i mean when I support Nolini's dictum.   (4)The postponement is in force not only because Sri Aurobindo and the Mother left the transformative process uncompleted in their own bodies. It is in force also because of the fact driven home in several pronouncements to the effect that without the Guru's physical... from ancient times. The very first surra of Patanjali's Raja Yoga asks for it: chitta-imtti-nirodha ("subdue the quiverings of the consciousness"). The transformation of the body which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were after has never yet been done. The Mother said that hers was the first human body to undertake on Sri Aurobindo's command this radical experiment. May I request you to consider the ...


... Samadhi, albeit now in a wheelchair. It's glorious to be there again. In the old days I felt I was inwardly embracing the Samadhi. Now it is as if the Samadhi were inwardly embracing me. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother seem overjoyed to find me back "home" and they press their light upon my head and their love upon my heart without ceasing.   The Divine appears to be more happy in gaining poor ... 21 days past my 23rd year when I reached the Ashram. I met Sri Aurobindo for the first time on February 21, 1928. Since my arrival here I have kept my eyes strained towards the great goal Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have set up as the culmination of their Integral Yoga: the supramentalisation and divinisation of the body. But I have never forgotten that this goal has been put by them in a far-away future... postponed, things are going fairly well here." Page 318 In this connection the topic you have raised of X is pertinent. He is claiming to be supramentalising his body. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have clearly said that the supramentabsation of the mind, the vital being and the physical consciousness have to precede the body's supramentalisation - and that there would be a failure ...


... new world shall be born.       The things that were promised shall be fulfilled.   Page 74 These words look forward to the Supramental Manifestation for which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were working. As you know, the Manifestation at last took place on February 29, 1956. On April 24 of that year the Mother declared for the first time publicly that the long-awaited event... of the Supermind was lost and the Overmind stood as the ultimate Dynamic Divine for all spiritual seekers. And here the actual glories of the Overmind are themselves responsible too. What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said must not lead us to look down on the Overmind. It is the plane of the Great Gods who are aspects of a single Godhead representative of the Supramental Divinity. Both the Mother... our historical knowledge of the supramental progression upon the earth. You will find it in the pamphlet I published on February 29, 1960, where all that had been said up to that year by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother about the Supermind's advent was collected. There the Mother is reported to have declared in 1953: "Even in 1938 I used to see the Supermind descending into Sri Aurobindo. What he could ...


... tolerance, accommodation and even the spirit of synthesis, but there has still been a great weakness and some kind of sense of failure. One of the great tasks that has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is that the real cause of the rise of exclusive systems of yoga and their continuous conflicts has been diagnosed and that cause has now been removed in the new synthesis of yoga which they... neither the combination nor the culmination of the earlier paths of religions or of yoga. The earlier paths of yoga or the paths of yoga that lay behind various great religions were found by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be all valid in their own degrees of their realizations and culminating points, but none of them were found to be as comprehensive as the demands of knowledge require, nor did they prove... earlier yogic systems had envisaged the aim of the complete manifestation of Spirit in Matter or that of the total transformation of the life in Matter into the divine life on the earth. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were led to the new and integral aim by their intense labour of research on the basis of which the life on the earth be led eventually to achieve total and integral integration, perfection ...

... elixir, the administration of which would lead to continuous youthfulness of the body and immortality of the body. In the context of these conflicting views about mortality and immortality, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have confronted the issue centrally and come to the conclusion that the necessity of the death of the body implies deficiency in the manifestation of the spirit in the body and that the... ichachā mrtyu. 50 In either case, the necessity of the death would have been overcome. Ultimate Reality and Phenomena of Death, Desire and Incapacity 51 According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the highest concept and experience of yoga has been that of the Ultimate Reality, which has come to be conveyed through the word 'Sachchidananda', the inexpressible complex oneness ... ineffable Sachchidananda is the content of the loftiest experience of the reality, unsurpassed in the history of yoga and even unsurpassable, since That is the ultimate. Page 59 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother confirmed that the attainment of That is the experience of immortality, and whatever other meanings that may come to be attached to the word immortality must have their foundation in the ...

... spiritual self-rule. Consistently the author views such problems in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and offers certain meaningful suggestions including the possible criteria for admission of individuals to the Ashram in the future. In all this one reads his firm commitment to the ideals set by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, his sober assessment of the present position of the Ashram, and his unshaking... its Yogic grounding, its past phases and present status and future prospects, its problems and its promises etc., etc., Prof Mukherjee draws frequently and abundantly from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. These excerpts, - often from The Life Divine, - carry their great value, variedly as enunciation, exhortation, guidance, instruction, help, caution, promise, and assurance. Sometimes... "Destiny". Prof. Mukherjee has presented this study quite thoroughly, speaking to us about facts, principles, governing ideals, psycho-spiritual scrutiny, and bringing everything to the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The section "The Task Ahead" is indeed very important. It offers a sincere invitation to the serious attention of all inmates of the Ashram, older ones, recent ones and even the ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother Preface The more one studies Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, the more is one wonderstruck by the breathtaking sweep of their experimentation and their victorious achievements. It is impossible to present even a distant idea of the crucial significance of their realisations to the expanding horizons of knowledge and to the possibilities... only a few glimpses. It would be useful to explain some of the important terms that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have used in describing their experiences and realisations. In doing so, it would be necessary to present a brief account of what may be called the yogic psychology of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This has been presented in Appendix IV. I wish to place on record my gratitude to... Chairman of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, for the encouragement they have given me to pursue my research work. Above all, I am deeply grateful to Satprem whose books on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have provided me valuable insights into the significance of their work. KIREET JOSHI ...

... and its importance in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo came to be increasingly recognised with the passage of time, culminating in the anniversary becoming one of the four days in the year when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother gave darshan to their disciples in the Ashram and to visitors who received permission to come for the occasion. With the end of the war, the British Government pushed through the M... heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' From January 1, 1922, the Mother took full charge of the management of the household. The number of residents, including Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had now increased to nine. In addition to the four companions who initially came with Sri Aurobindo, K. Amrita became an inmate in 1919, followed by Barin, who arrived after his exchange... with visitors whose numbers continued to increase. Around four in the afternoon there was collective meditation (this practice had commenced in 1921, after the Mother's arrival) in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother participated and which practically all the inmates attended. Later in the evening, the disciples and permitted visitors gathered together for a sitting during which Sri Aurobindo replied ...


... process of change and transformation. And it was the Mother's personal touch ­ her all-seeing eye - her unfailing Grace - that engineered the change. 1 II The problem that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had to solve was something like trying to square the circle. For collective sadhana, the assembled aggregate had to be a miscellany of human types; and it had to be a growing and evolving... Nolini's responsibility to distribute the letters and notebooks to the sadhaks, and in Course of time he was to be known as the Divine's postman! It is obvious that it must have taken Sri Aurobindo and the Mother a lot of time day after day and for years on end to read the masses of letters received in an unending stream, and to answer them individually. In the middle thirties, Sri Aurobindo had... stray bits of paper. Eight to ten hours of the evening and night for these letters! This was commitment indeed to the Guru's vocation. V The question may be asked as to why Sri Aurobindo and the Mother permitted, if not encouraged, such unrestricted letter-writing by their disciples. After all, brief interviews might have claimed much less time than the scheduled eight or ten hours ...


... building of the Ashram. When one enters here through the main gate, the two-storey building that first catches the eye, was the origin of what we call the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. In 1922 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother came to this house with some disciples. The Mother founded the Ashram while living in this house. Sri Aurobindo used to live on the first floor in the south-west part. On 24th November 1926... stories of the early Ashram life, about the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and about themselves, where they had stayed at first, how they had come to the Ashram and what relation was theirs with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and many anecdotes and humorous incidents. It was Nolini who first told us about Sri Aurobindo’s departure from the Ganges’ ferry at Calcutta for Chandannagore. How we laughed when he... cordon sanitaire , within which we were moving with great care. Wherever a strong attachment was found, blow after blow fell upon it. The Divine and the undivine forces were at play. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother explained to us what was unintelligible and showed mistakes or defects in what we were supposed to have understood. Self-introspection became very important. Whenever they saw something ...

... the Supramental World has not yet been brought down. Some Light, Force and Consciousness of it manifested in the subtle-physical on February 29, 1956 and the Supermind was at work in both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but there was no substantial establishment of it in the stuff of their bodies. The process of transforming the cellular consciousness was going on in the Mother but there seemed to have... flash. It amounts to saying that neither Sri Aurobindo nor the Mother would be compelled to leave the body. If physical maladies came about and if they were responsible for the deaths of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, everything happened by their consent and for a purpose of their own. Nolini's message I take to have been worded from what we may call the absolute point of view: since nothing further... Transformation of the physical and external being is not possible otherwise." 6 The refrain in the three passages is the word "indispensable", referring to the physical presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother or of at least one of them as the sole condition for the disciple's doing the Integral Yoga with the hope of complete success in overcoming all obstacles: Page 183 that ...


... there for nine months his grandfather wrote back “Where is the baby?” The reply was that they had had a new inner birth and that was the “baby”! He and his wife Lalita, who had accepted Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, eventually lived separately and she stayed on in the Ashram for almost 10 years before returning to Bombay. Amal Kiran (“A clear ray”) was given his name by Sri Aurobindo in 1930. Amal’s... Ashram on February 12, 1954 and Sehra passed away on April 24, 1980. Following are some of the questions I put to Amal and his answers: Would you describe your first darshan with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? What experiences did you have with them? The first darshan with the Mother I had the impression of a radiance all around her. When I first saw Sri Aurobindo I had the sense of something... of the Ashram when Mother and Sri Aurobindo were in their physical bodies and the difference since that time? The general atmosphere of the Ashram did not change radically. When both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had left their bodies, I could still feel their presence. Perhaps because their subtle physical was said to have extended a number of miles beyond their bodies. I remember being told that ...


... aspect on which to write. Without that I would have been unable to write about such a multifaceted personality. He and Nirod, and some others are for me continuations of my two Gurus, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Without Amal I might not have been here at all, and definitely not what I am today, not much but better than what I would have been otherwise.  Amal has nurtured me like a tender plant... Page 202 that have been climbed. Following Mother's words that the time to rest is not now, Amal continues unceasingly this great adventure that is the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. All these three experiences have probably been published in Mother India. 17 August 1991, about 5 p.m. Suddenly a great quiet took possession of the body and... 2 January 1993 Amal told me the following experience soon after we went back to his home from the Samadhi: I was sitting quietly facing the joint Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Suddenly a voice within me addressed it, 'All of me belongs to You'. The voice seemed to pervade the whole being and express every part of me. But was every part of me really speaking ...


... in particular by Champaklal, the existence and aspects of the Divine in relation to man. As a physical being man may be seen as a child of God. (Champaklal saw his Father and Mother in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother respectively.) This is the first aspect, whereby according to the devotee's attitude, need, development and philosophy, God manifests Himself in various forms of beauty and holiness to the... assurance that the manifestation of God can be visualised by an inner sight in a spiritualized body, in short, by a purified human soul. Thus, with the help of sadhana and the grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Champaklal has not only gone from near to nearer God but has reached constant communion with Him. Sri Aurobindo said once that Realisation consists of three successive movements, internal... its own way. Visions and experiences of Champaklal indicate that every cell of his being responds to the Divine Consciousness and he has attuned himself completely to the Consciousness of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and in turn continuously knows how, in the Mother he has worshipped, “Immortal rhythms swayed in her time-born steps.” These visions are records of the struggles, victories, wonder, ...


... The present reading room to the east of the Reception Hall in the Ashram main building became Amrita's room after Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved into this house in 1922. On 8 February 1927, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved to the first floor of 28, Rue Francois Martin, the house that now forms the northeastern part of the main Ashram building. Nolini and Amrita... Library House When I first came here in April 1921, Sri Aurobindo was living in the Guest House. 1 When I came for good in June 1923, both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were living in Library House. 2 Sri Aurobindo used to see people in the morning in the verandah upstairs. At that time it was an open verandah, covered on three sides (east, west and... east of the hall) was Sri Aurobindo's. The room to the left, on the top of the staircase, was Datta's 4 (later Rajangam's). The new house (28, Rue Francois Martin), the last that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother occupied, is called Meditation House. Later, in the hall outside Amrita's room, Mother used to preside over collective meditations. For many years she also distributed flowers etc here. ...


... are likely to gain from it, 7 not a loftier or more penetrating, – that is with difficulty possible, – but an ampler light and fuller self-expression.” 8 This passage is typical of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who never forgot that everything is the Brahman and that therefore everything has its value and significance; yet, they also saw the big picture and knew where to place everything in the... building a transitional world between the human being of the bygone civilisations and the new species in the making. This extremely important role of science, seen in the perspective of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, has not yet been generally perceived. Thanks to science every person living at present is developing a kind of global consciousness, whether he wants it or not. Television and radio... the direct object of the supramental transformation. Reason, science and commercialisation have now focussed humanity on Matter to a degree unknown at any time in the history of humanity. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were of course aware of the blatant spiritual shortcomings of a materialistic humanity, but they also appreciated its merits – no doubt because Matter is the level where the supramental ...

... also was totally dedicated to the Aton) were drawing from, must have been very powerful indeed to allow for a revolution as the one brought about. Looking back on it from the viewpoint of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, one may assume the following. Tiy was a ‘Vibhuti’ of the Universal Mother, a fact which endowed her with the awareness of her eternal soul within, and thus of the Divine. She had probably... Maat, “Truth,” appears again and again at Amarna, and the phrase “living in truth” seems almost to have been a motto of the new religion.’ 25 It is also a key concept in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. ‘In reply to a question (concerning Akhenaton) I had put her,’ recalls Tanmaya, a French teacher at the Ashram school, ‘Mother let it clearly be understood that she had been Queen Tiy... Champaklal Speaks , p. 46. × Reminiscences of Udar, in More Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , p. 200. × Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga , SABCL 22 p. 408. ...

... that when everything was ready for the yearly flight to our Pondicherry Ashram you had to be whisked off to a Vienna hospital. But for those whose heartbeats are a japa of the names of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother all happenings turn into gifts from God bringing the devotee closer to the eternal Light and Love in various ways.   Those words of mine on the phone - "Our love is with you" - sprang... hospital and that it happened to carry my letter to you of November 1990 as the very first item in "Life - Poetry- Yoga". It must have reassured you that no matter what happens, the grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is always with everyone of us and is invariably carrying us onward and inward and upward to their own Perfection which for all its ever-full sublimity and felicity never fails to brim over... Page 196 my letter - if any - is not due to my own small self: the communication has worth only inasmuch as this small self can be a little opening through which my adoration of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wafts towards you something of their sublimating, strengthening and soothing presence.   I am quite curious to know how my enlarged photo must be looking with all the loving tricks ...


... fear, not a tremor of anxiety! Utter tranquillity seemed the very substance of my consciousness, I had never realised that such perfect calm had been permanently established in me by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, To the inner being, nothing had happened. I am almost inclined to say that the fall was worthwhile just for me to discover this profound serenity. In former days I had found myself... things and of persons around it. An atmosphere of harmony and happiness is the best gift one can make to one's child. The art of bringing up a child is in its own way a kind of Yoga. Faith in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is, no doubt, an important matter, so that the infant soul may catch their subtle presence. But faith is not enough. The manner of life counts a great deal. Between the two parents there... What I have said is what I myself try to put into practice, although I have no baby to take care of (thank God!). Rather I am myself a sort of baby. But this baby feels very intensely Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as its parents and has tried to absorb something of their presence. So it knows how your own baby will be disposed to act in response to its physical and psychological surroundings. ...


... India as a whole in contrast to the U.S.A. And, as your friend is in Pondicherry for the Ashram, we have to ask why of all countries India, which Pondicherry with its Ashram represents, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother chose for their spiritual work.   I believe India was chosen for what I regard as the supreme divine manifestation for two reasons. The inner being of what historically and geographically... our own day the soul-search for the Eternal and the Infinite has been more intense here than Page 113 anywhere else, India has the greatest potentiality for the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This is the first reason.   The second reason is that at present India's outer being is very deeply sunk in dirt and noise and stench reflecting a marked imperfection in life-style... the midst of all this disagreeable environment. The extraordinary inner spiritual potentiality has to come forth and set right the marked exterior imbalance. Especially fitting is it for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be here because their Integral Yoga is meant not for a glorious flight to a perfect Beyond but for a splendid all-round manifestation of a Divine Life on earth. That manifestation has ...


... has been called the Akhanda Yoga. The New Synthesis of Yoga: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother The supreme significance of yoga, of the history of synthesis of yoga, as also of the history of specialized systems of yoga comes out clearly in the new synthesis of yoga or Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. There is, we come to realize, a secret intention behind the entire endeavour... entire movement of specialised systems has behind it the large canvas of the original synthesis that we find in the Veda. It is also remarkable that the latest new synthesis of yoga that Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have given in our own times has brought back the knowledge contained in the Vedic syntheses and, even though their new synthesis breaks a new ground, this yoga cannot be understood if the... an evolution of the supermind. Sri Aurobindo's theory of spiritual evolution is not merely a philosophical theory, but the uniqueness of this Page 37 theory is that Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have developed this theory on the basis of a long and a difficult process of experimentation. During the course of this experimentation, they have found it necessary to develop new objects ...


... According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, this transformation can be effected only if the lowest bottom rock of the Inconcience can permanently be reversed, so that the supramental consciousness which is concealed in the heart of the inconcience is manifested. None of the powers of the mind or even of the Overmind can, according to the yogic experience of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, accomplish this... visibly be operating physically on the physical earth in the same way in which the human physical body is today operating on the physical earth. That, when it happens, will be, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the conclusive proof of the evolutionary birth of a new supramental species on the earth, and also of the synthesis of science and spirituality. We speak today of the momentous development... question of accelerating human evolution and of the means and direction of the future evolution of the human species. It is against this context that the task which has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the development of the new synthesis of yoga will prove to be of direct relevance and momentous significance. page - 126 Total Transformation: The Keyword of the Integral ...

... present dreams of perfection." (Ibid, The Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth, Vol. 16, p. 65) A study of the accounts of the development of the experimental re- search carried out by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother will enable us to suggest that after 1970, when the Mother stated that the supramental consciousness had come to be permanently fixed in the physical consciousness (vide Mother's Agenda... the progression of the earth-consciousness. One can even legitimately Page 97 suggest some novel aspects in the development and practice of the integral yoga as described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, particularly with regard to the removal of difficulties that lie in the stupendous task of making supermind operate in physical consciousness as also in regard to the speed with which the... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondich- erry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance ...

... turning-point towards an integral transformation and an integral knowledge." 36 The discovery of the psychic being, its experience and its development is a decisive stage in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The psychic entity is not an evolute of the Inconscient, although it has descended into the evolutionary process as a spark of the Divine and accompanies the evolution of our being and... barriers of your egoism, the walls of your external personality, the impotence of your reactions and the incapacity of your will." 39 Truth, beauty and goodness are, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, akin to the native character of the psychic consciousness, and therefore, in the early stages we dimly become aware of the psychic consciousness through a certain sensitive feeling for... we can achieve remains imperfect; and we are obliged to go deeper into the inmost truth that lies behind all conflicting elements, and this can be perfectly done, according to Sri Page 45 Aurobindo and the Mother, only if we go within and find our real centre, and even then the harmony in our personality cannot be achieved as long as our psychic personality put forward by the psychic ...

... that you want to know something about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from me. But then there are three lines of approach: you may want to know about them, know of them or know them. Of course the last is the best. Indeed if you want to know truly something you have to become it. Becoming gives the real knowledge. But becoming Sri Aurobindo and the Mother means what? Becoming a portion of them... them, a part and parcel of their consciousness — that is what we are here for. And if you can do that, you know enough.... Once I told you, I think, how to study or approach Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in order to read them or understand their writings. There are two things: studying and reading; I made a distinction between the two. To study Sri Aurobindo is — I won't say fruitless, that is... concentrate Page 6 consciously on that part, that portion; then gradually it will increase. Question: What is the distinction you make between "to know about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother," and "to know of them" ? ANSWER: "About" means what a man does, what his profession is, his occupation — kimāsita vrajeta kim and "of " means his personality, his character ...


... Aim of human life EDUCATION AND THE AIM OF HUMAN LIFE Publisher's Note This book is a study of the educational ideal of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and of the educational method being developed at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Its author, Pavitra, was the first director of the Centre of Education. In the first... Centre of Education. In the third he summarises the educational theory and method of the Centre of Education. Pavitra (so named by Sri Aurobindo) was one of the early disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Born Philippe Barbier Saint-Hilaire in Paris in 1894, he graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique with a degree in engineering. After serving in the army in the first World War and working... working briefly as a junior engineer in Paris, he set out on a spiritual quest that led him to Japan, China, Mongolia, and finally India. There in Pondicherry in 1925 he met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and remained with them for the rest of his life. In 1951 the Mother appointed him director of the newly-founded Sri Aurobindo International University Centre (later renamed Sri Aurobindo International Centre ...

... LEARNED that you want to know something about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from me. But then there are three lines of approach: you may want to know about them, know of them or know them. Of course the last is the best. Indeed if you want to know truly something you have to become it. Becoming gives the real knowledge. But becoming Sri Aurobindo and the Mother means what? Becoming a portion of them,... a part and parcel of their consciousness ― that is what we are here for. And if you can do that, you know enough. . . . Once I told you, I think, how to study or approach Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in order to read them or understand their writings. There are two things: studying and reading; I made a distinction between the two. To study Sri Aurobindo is ― I won't say fruitless... Divine. Only you have to concentrate consciously on that part, that portion; then gradually it will increase.     Question: What is the distinction you make between "to know about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother," and "to know of them"?       ANSWER: "About" means what a man does, what his profession is, his occupation ― kim ā sita vrajeta kim? ― and "of "means ...

... and the Mother's is a Yoga of revolutionary change defying the known limits and daring the Unknown and confidently pressing towards the supramental world of the Next Future. III Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the incarnate Lord and the divine Shakti - were nevertheless, when seen from our human end, willing actors in the terrestrial drama, generally veiling their divinity but at the same time... and manifestation of 1956 or the Superman Consciousness of 1969, it is a global possession now, offering a global opportunity for the evolutionary leap into the future; and it was given to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to hasten the advent of this New Consciousness, soften its impact, and create conditions for its general diffusion, interpenetration and activisation as the commanding ruling principle and... exhilarating Yoga of the Body, the Mother finally decided to withdraw from her sainted tenement on 17 November 1973. Did it mean the abrupt end of the unique adventure of consciousness begun by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on behalf of the earth and humanity, almost sixty years earlier? A thousand times No! A spiritual power, a supramental Light and Force and Consciousness, cannot just become extinct. The ...


... pins of light in that multi-dimensional world was all that I could attempt relying mainly on the Mother's writings, notably her Prayers and Meditations. Although generally approved by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as my late friend Shankargauda intimated to me at the time, the publication had to be delayed for over a year, and the book came out only in August 1952. Some years later, it appeared... through Jayantilal Parekh. The present work has expanded to over ten times the bulk of the first edition of 1952. But basically my approach hasn't changed, for it had the sanction of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; and so the stress is on the inner history, on the progressive efflorescence of the Manifestation, and on the far-ranging character of the Mother's ministry for man and the earth. ... indicated, generally in the Select Bibliography, and more pointedly in the footnotes. My debt to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust is immense for readily permitting me to quote from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and from other books and journals copyrighted by the Trust. My daughter, Prema Nandakumar, and my wife, Padmasani, were my first eager readers; and I am thankful to Dr. Kishor H. Gandhi ...


... because of anybody’s merit. At that time Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were working on a higher plane. It was easy to meditate. The Mother used to get even the gods down in our midst. Now the Mother and Sri Aurobindo are working with the lower nature. Now everyone has to go through the various problems of the lower nature. If one can open to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, They will solve our problems with... our family had stayed back. What an astonishing act of courage that was on father’s part, really! Mother would calmly go on with her household activities, untouched by the slightest worry. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were around us, that was our certitude. In a few days the British soldiers occupied the school and college and every room in the hostel was taken. Our house was very close to the college... Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s pictures on father’s table. The photo was the one where she is wearing a gown. Two pieces of cloth always used to cover the photos. At that time followers of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother used to do everything in secret and so in our house too nobody was allowed to enter father’s ‘puja-room’. When father came to Pondicherry in 1941, Tapati and I came with him. Our photos ...


... the parts of our being for a total transformation of mind, life-force and body. Eternity, Infinity, Divinity themselves are to us more than they have been to spiritual seekers so far. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been bent on bringing into action a power of these Ultimates more radically effective in earth-existence than ever before. As a result the practitioners of the Integral Yoga have... lines of Jnana, Bhakti or Karma-yoga, could easily set up as Masters and shine out. In the Ashram they remain almost unmarked — and, instead of being complimented upon their triumphs, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have gone on asking from them still higher and deeper and wider explorations of the Spirit. Aware of the tremendous demand behind their summons, we often felt ourselves falling... every part. Then one is cleared of egoism with the greatest assurance. The practical upshot for us of such a view was the necessity of giving ourselves entirely to the guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. As the twofold incarnation of the Supramental Ishwara-Shakti, they could carry us most swiftly forward. On so complex a path as the Integral Yoga we could hardly have advanced without ...


... to be Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A real home will then have been found — an America beyond Columbus's discovery, a country even beyond the India Columbus dreamed of reaching when he stumbled upon America, a land towards which Whitman moved when he cried "Passage to India!" but which is truly seen when we hear his deeper cry: "Passage to more than India!" For, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are leaders... leaders, from an Indian starting-point, to a Future where all earth will attain at the same time its consummation and its self transcend-ence. However, it is not unimportant to know where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother start from on their wonderful journey. Page 111 ...


... with the Many. So what is really our true token of love and gratitude to them is to try to be honest and sincere in our love and self-giving to the Divine just as they were. And Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who agreed to meet us, the tiny souls in human form—making themselves as tiny as possible to be perceptible to our tiny consciousness—surely they deserve this effort from us. If we want... Amrita. It is a very interesting book. It gives us the idea how these Page 99 people worked together in perfect harmony and understanding fulfilling selflessly the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in building the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Amrita stated in Reminiscences: "....An image of immeasurable power—that was how I felt the Mother to be whenever I approached her. She, however... quietude of mind, a constant memory of something which was fundamental". He was barely twenty years old at that time. He joined the Ashram permanently in 1919. Dedicated his service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother till the end which came on 31st January 1969. He was the bridge between the Mother and us. With her he was her child—when he came down he was our supporter, elder brother. How unassumingly ...

... emboldened me later to write an article for Mother India edited by him and on its acceptance I felt encouraged to write occasionally. Once I felt that my articles were mostly quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with my short sentences serving as connecting links or notes and I went to him (we both were at Pondicherry then) and placed this limitation of mine before him for his advice. He at once... the opponent to pieces with love. With love, for he is tolerant and gives the others the right to continue to hold a different view.   Amal Kiran is also clear about the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Some years ago there was a question about the status of the Mind of Light that had got realised in the Mother when Sri Aurobindo left his body. I had got confused on reading a viewpoint... morning sunlight peeping into the room and falling on him. I had gone to see a patient known as a Literary Colossus, but met a Yogi with a song on his lips, lovingly blessed and guided by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the path. Page 31 ...


... A Centenary Tribute The Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother*   Some Reminiscences   There is a lot of "I" in these reminiscences. But that is an unavoidable accident. For, they are penned not because of the person to whom certain things occurred: they are penned because of these things themselves. And if the person has any significance it is... story apart. I shall not deal with its abundance now. I pick up the thread from when I went back to Bombay for a long stay, keeping in contact inwardly, as well as by correspondence, with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother but outwardly unable to return and resume my life in the Ashram. Of course I used to make short trips. And one of them was for the darshan of November 24,1950.   It was reported... and said, "Nothing has changed. Call for inspiration and help as you have always done. You will get everything from Sri Aurobindo as before."   This was simultaneously the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the crowning touch to all that they had done in those three weeks from November 24 onwards for a poor aspirant whose dependence on them was abject.   *   I went back to Bombay ...


... done—I was told. The descent of Power was like the descent of some thick fluid. It was certainly something far different and much more than the descent of Force. I could see it. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother quite know that I speak about these things and about these experiences to you,—that you are my consultant. What you explained to me about the Square seems to be correct. Sri Aurobindo is... for whatever she takes from them. She tried to pay the bill, but they refused to accept money from her. But why should N. tell it to others? I asked E. how he had come to know that I see Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Her answer was that he had been with Sri Aurobindo for years and that he must have received something from him, to know about these things, these matters of sadhana. I do not know. Anyway... . Must have some connection with the Mind of Light. The whole thing appears to be closely knit together. 21:12:1996 In the evening I had come to the Ashram for meditation. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were doing the work for a long time. I could see it, and know it also. But there was no mind. The work continued so. But in the absence of the mind, who is it that knows what ...


... on are so overwhelming that the planet with its inhabitants seems to be sucked, at an ever-accelerating speed, into something like a black hole. Then, of course, there is the view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the origin and destiny of the Earth and of humanity, and on their present development. But who will take this view as something more than sectarian or utopian? The Mother foresaw “the... What follows are notes, reflections, quotations, comments and comparisons, all in connection with the continuation of the transformative process caused by the fundamental realisations of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and with the spiritual Forces active at present. To make these notes and reflections more readable, they have been organised around some of the main topics, chosen as themes of the chapters... Answers 1957-58, p. 277. × See Georges Van Vrekhem: Beyond Man: The Life and Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , and The Mother: The Story of Her Life, both published by HarperCollins India. × Sri ...

... Auroville’s inauguration, the squabbling started precisely over this point. Which Divine? Which Divine Consciousness? Were the vision and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be accepted in order to be an Aurovillian? Were Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be accepted as the Divine? How can one formulate things like that without making a religion out of it? And so on. No doubt, the Mother foresaw... spiritual ignorance and confusion; the egos of the individuals and the different groups – national, racial, cultural, and others – dancing their dances; the cultural and financial problems. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother herself had already pointed out on several occasions that the chief condition for the overman and the superman to come into being was an invincible occult protection against all the visible ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... a gradual process extending over a long span of time which would be more than our present lives. In other words what Amal has somewhere called the "revolutionary" phase of our yoga which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were Page 267 carrying on with a view to achieving everything in one life is no more there. It has given place to an evolutionary phase.   I believe that without... practised today, but surely she could not exclude from the Supermind's sphere any part of essential human activity. The same would hold in the matter of money-making.   To speak of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother failing is shortsighted. We can only say that they chose not to continue their work as at one time envisaged. We must remember that line in Savitri:   His failure is not failure... the Avatar's work. Sri Aurobindo asked why the Avatar should not choose what looked like failure if such failure suited better his long-term strategy.   * Page 268 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been to us both separate and one. Sri Aurobindo put the Mother forward in his spiritual work, saying that this arrangement was made not only for convenience's sake but because it was ...


... milk of paradise.   Perhaps the discrepancy between the lower body and the rest of me is the result of a defect in my sadhana. While I have opened more and more to the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother within and around and above, I Page 27 have not been able to experience it below. For bodily transformation it is the Divine crypted in Matter who is to be realised and... participating in the realisation and will participate in it." Some years earlier, when I was in Bombay and reported from there an extremely vivid experience of all of me giving itself up to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother she replied (19.5.1944) that the experience seemed to her "a valid promise" that the realisation would come if I made up my mind to it. In answer to my reference to a "warning" she had given... would say that if he and she did not do it, we can't either - at the current stage of spiritual history.   ' I must clarify two issues at this point. Please note that I have said that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not undergo physical transformation. I have not said that they could not. The supramental Avatars come from beyond the cosmic law. There is never a could not for them. They may ...


... to make his followers believe that by merely quieting the mind and the vital nature one can have the power to supramentalise the physical instrument by means of a mantra. No follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother can subscribe to this facile sadhana, this "Yoga without tears". Now to another topic on which you seem unclear. The impression of importance the Mother gives to a person has to be ... indeed, without the Psychic's up-kindling thrill, the Spirit's widening peace, the Supermind's illuminating touch, the Mantra is sure to become an empty enchantment. Sadhana as taught by both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother -yes, by the Mother even in the period when she was busy with the Mantra's magic - is the sine qua non. What I understand your author to harp on is that a little quieting of the mind and... ents -proposed as epitaphs like "Amal the Imbecile, was born such on 25.11.1904 and died likewise on..." You must counterpoise the sarcasm we are discussing with the several compliments Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have paid. Sri Aurobindo's are already in print. As for the Mother's I may mention the known fact that when in the early days she was allotting to various rooms little paintings by me of ...


... letter of 21 November brought a number of significant themes - the chief being the grateful exclamation: "We have been so blessed in our lives, to be caught up in the blazing comet-trail of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, our life-span crossing a line of Earth's destiny." After creating such a vividly profound sentence you don't have to bewail: "I don't know how to express this. I wish I had your gift for... little on your command to words to "be simple and merry" in their message of your friendship. Basically you have voiced here something appropriate and inevitable between us as followers of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and not only as two individuals who chime in unison and are joined all the more by both being in love with poetry. By the way, poetry itself is, according to Milton, "simple" no less than... man, surging out of its depths rather than floating on from its surfaces, can go dancing to the Divine instead of toiling towards the Transcendent. Perhaps we may even sum up the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as being in its most concentrated and swiftest form an injunction to be sublimely simple and seraphically merry: that is to say, to bring forth the Psychic Being as the leader of the march ...


... asked me what special wish I had made for it, I replied, "None. There is one single wish running through all the years - and that is to be open more and more to the transforming grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. On each birthday it gets an extra spurt." The prayed-for opening is not a boon only for me. By it I would be rendered more helpful to my friends - a deeper sense of my oneness with... astray from the path, no matter what the mobile heart and the mutable head may suggest in the course of the trying journey that is Yoga. In spite of all my vagaries of emotion and thought Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have kept me treading "the razor's edge". (14.1.1988) Page 108 You have put me a question which is not easy to answer, but I shall make an attempt to meet it. ... heart which age cannot quench and 1 do not look backward to muse on past irrecoverable joys but gaze forward to a future of more and more bliss of self-giving Page 110 to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. AH the same I can be called "elderly" because of my semi-bald head and a bit of difficult hearing. If the latter is due more to some extra wax in the ears than to any defect in the tympanum ...


... over the last several years, produced a series of excellent selections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on a whole variety of spiritual concepts. In this book — Emergence of the Psychic — he has once again produced for us an excellent selection of writings by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on this whole concept of the psychic being, its emergence from the mass of inertia under which... a whole series of self-realised souls. In the 20 th century itself, which has just drawn to a close, we have had outstanding figures such as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Sri Krishna Prem and a number of other men and women who, through the dint of their sādhanā and realisation have re-illuminated the path to the Divine. Sri Aurobindo in particular, with ...


... years in the Ashram, the disciple has served in many positions. The main ones, mentioned here because they are referred to in the correspondence, are: the preparation of fruit juices for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; the allotment of work to new Ashramites; the distribution of fuel and foodstuffs to Ashramites; the management (in conjunction with others in some cases) of the Fruit Room, Dining Room... Room, Bakery and Laundry; editor of Purodha and Agnishikha, two monthly journals in Hindi; Hindi teacher at the Ashram's Centre of Education; and the Hindi translator of many works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Mother mine, Sometimes I am translating stories written by various people both in the Ashram and out of the Ashram. If I want to send them to press, may I do so? In these days... Blessings. 20 April 1963 Page 222 ( Banarasi Ma, a woman from North India with thousands of followers, went about Uttar Pradesh preaching that she represented the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. She made various predictions, among them that Sri Aurobindo would reappear in human form on 15 August 1964. To enhance her prestige, she produced forged letters supposed to have been written ...


... fires divine! [14] On Dilip Kumar’s insistence and being informed that Nishikanto had left his home at the age of fifteen and spent a considerable period under the aegis of an ascetic, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother consented to accept him as a disciple since he had ‘undergone so much tapasya and might be given a chance’ but Sri Aurobindo warned him once again that “he would come to know and see many... Dining Room. So engrossed was he in his work that he lost the sense of time till someone reminded him that the Darshan would end soon. He realized that it was too late to procure flowers for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. So what to do? He looked around and saw a vessel full of red, ripe tomatoes. He took the best one from it and offered it to his Gurus as a flower. But Nishikanto’s culinary skills brought... 575-576 [37] Ibid., pp. 579-581 [38] Ibid., p. 584 [39] Ibid., p. 841 [40] Ibid., pp. 844-845 [41] R. Prabhakar, Among the Not So Great, p. 27 [42] Shyam Kumari, Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, pp. 20-21 [43] Srinvantu, Golden Jubilee Collection (Bengali), pp. 257-259 [44] Dream Cadences, p. 1 [45] Recounted to the author by Nirmal Singh Nahar. [46] Nishikanto: The ...

... ourselves mainly to the discussion of this general line; but at the same time we shall refer to some special cases too. It goes without saying that all this is taken from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: there is nothing concocted by the present author's imagination. But before we start our actual elaboration, it would be advisable Page 81 to make one point sufficiently... the dropping of their bodies. Such is the programme of our proposed discussion. Let us remind our readers once again that all that follows is entirely based upon the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: the present writer has not tried to smuggle in any of his own concocted ideas or speculations. First Line of Movement (The Movement of the Soul or the Psychic Being) ... question is: How long does the "departed being" remain in the supraphysical worlds after the death and dissolution of a body and before it assumes a new physical body at rebirth? According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, there is no invariably fixed rule in this matter. There may be wide variation in this intervening interval of time, depending on many factors, of which one important one is the state of ...

... Supermind in Integral Yoga Notes and References 1 Vide, Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, particularly, Letters on Yoga [Vols. 23-24, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library (SABCL), 1971, Pondicherry], and Sri Aurobindo's The Synthesis of Yoga (SABCL, Vols. 20-21, 1971, Pondicherry). 2 Vide, Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, 1971... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis ...


... expansion of knowledge, — confirmation of knowledge gained in the past and discovery of new knowledge. This book aims at showing that the new synthesis of yoga that has been developed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not a culmination of the past yogic effort and aim and, that it is based upon new yogic knowledge of the meaning and aim of life. The past yogic effort is, indeed, assimilated in the... consciousness, which is marked by scientific rigour and thrust towards furnishing experiential proof of the knowledge and power gained by larger integral experience. The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has put forward the possibility of establishing on the earth a new grade of consciousness, the supramental grade of consciousness embodied in material body, which will have a new structure... from authentic scientific knowledge gained through methods of yoga. It is hoped that this book will stimulate readers to study yoga as a science and to study the original works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Kireet Joshi ...


... X: Coming of the Mother - “Arya” Review - World War I (1914-1920) WITH the Mother's arrival, there was a mighty mingling of two vast streams of sadhana which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were pursuing individually. These now joined forever to mark the beginning of a new era of spiritual creation: 'An hour began, the matrix of new Time.' To help you understand this, a brief... the last physical cell was humanly possible; it was when the Mother came and bowed down that I saw that perfect surrender in action.' The spiritual significance of this meeting between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is immeasurable and will reveal itself progressively through developments and manifestations in time. Superficially, it represented a meeting of the East and West but Sri Aurobindo himself... men. And he decided to stay on in Pondicherry to work amongst them, and in order to give a positive shape to this work, he started a society called lid& Nouvelle (The New Idea) in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were both actively involved. For the Mother it was indeed a continuation of the work she had been doing in Paris. The object of the society was, in Sri Aurobindo's words, 'to group in a ...


... final solution of the problem of political unity of the subcontinent of India. In this effort, I have been guided throughout by the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The book therefore contains copious references from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. However, I take full responsibility for the views expressed in the book. The book is divided into two sections. The first section... fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India's future." Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been since that day working silently and in their own spiritual way to bring about this unity of India that will inevitably come about in the near future. It is this conviction ...

... discoveries made by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in regard to these three realms of psychic consciousness, spiritual consciousness and supramental consciousness confirmed in many ways what was already discovered and applied in the past traditions of religion, occultism, philosophy and yoga, both specialized and synthetic. But what distinguishes the discoveries of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not only the... related to human evolution and to what Sri Aurobindo puts forward as the supramental evolution of the divine body by a process of triple transformation. In the development of this method, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother found it necessary to work out something that was colossally important and indispensable but which was not found in any earlier systems of the synthesis of yoga, and it is to that aspect ...

... cells themselves. It is something like the submerged sense-mind which is highly operative in animal and plant life but is also obscurely at work below our conscious nature. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the great discovery which has been made in their yoga is that of the cellular consciousness or of the mind of the cells, and they have pointed out that it is only when that obscure mentality... Inconscience? But this entire operation of the supramental transformation has to be preceded by the plunge of the supramental consciousness into the subconscient. But, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a plunge into the subconscient when we are not yet sufficiently ready is unsafe, and would not help us to explore this region, for this would lead us into incoherence, sleep or dull-trance... developing the right and comprehensive knowledge of consciousness and the conditions under which one can plunge into the subconscient for purposes of its transformation. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, our first concern must be with all that we are conscious of, and it is only when there has been a good deal of harmonization of our conscious being by the power of our psychic consciousness ...

... 1922 January The Mother takes charge of the management of Sri Aurobindo's household. Regular evening talks and group meditations held from this year. September-October Sri Aurobindo and the Mother move to 9, Rue de la Marine (south-west section of the present Ashram block). 1923 June 5 Meeting with C. R. Das. 1924 January The Century of Life... other direct contacts ,with Sri Aurobindo are discontinued. He retires completely into concentrated sadhana, but gives "Darshan" three times a year. 1927 February 8 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother move to the house on Rue Francois Martin (north-east section of the present Ashram block) where they remain for the rest of their lives. 1928 Publication of The Mother. ... becomes a regular Darshan day. 1939-1940 Revision and publication in book form of The Life Divine. More writing of poetry. 1940 September 19 Joint declaration by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in support of the Allies in World War II. From the time of the evacuation of Dunkirk Sri Aurobindo puts his spiritual force behind the Allied war effort. 1942 Publication of ...


... it all transpired when Vattal's wife came in an extremity of despair and threw herself at the mercy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Her husband had realised that nemesis had overtaken him for he Page 307 knew occultism enough to realise that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had hurled the force back. When such occult forces are aroused against one who can repel them they inevitably... decent furniture, – a mat, a chair and a small table. There was an air of tidiness and order. This was, no doubt, the effect of Mother's presence. But yet the atmosphere was tense because Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were engaged in fighting with forces of the vital plane. Only a few days before my arrival a dismissed cook had managed to get stones hurled into Sri Aurobindo’s house through the ...


... 1922 — January The Mother takes charge of the management of Sri Aurobindo's household. Regular evening talks and group meditations held from this year. September-October Sri Aurobindo and the Mother move to 9, Rue de la Marine (southwest section of the present Ashram block). 1923 — June 5 Meeting with C. R. Das. 1924 — January The Century of Life published. Group... and all other direct contacts with Sri Aurobindo are discontinued.He retires completely into concentrated sadhana, but gives "Darshan" three times a year. 1927 — February 8 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother move to the house on Rue François  Martin (north-east section of the present Ashram block) where they remain for the rest of their lives. 1928 — Publication of The Mother. ... becomes a regular Darshan Day. 1939-1940 — Revision and publication in book form of The Life Divine. More writing of poetry. 1940 — September 19 Joint declaration by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in support of the Allies in World War II. Prom the time of the evacuation of Dunkirk Sri Aurobindo puts his spiritual force behind the Allied war effort. 1942 — Publication of ...

... France, and she left on February 22, 1915. Khasirao Jadhav, an old Baroda friend of Sri Aurobindo's came down to visit him. We reproduce below the seven letters written by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to each other on the subject of their Yoga between 1915 and 1916. They are extremely important as they throw much light on their joint mission and the trials and difficulties they had to... Page 418 A few memorable interviews that took place in 1920 are noted below: W.W. Pearson came from Shantiniketan and met the Mother. James H. Cousins came and met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Dr. Munje came and stayed with Sri Aurobindo. He had long talks with the Master on political subjects. Sarala Devi Choudhurani came sometime in 1920 or later and had an interview... Aurobindo's house for a few months. Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya and Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya also came and met Sri Aurobindo in this year. In September, 1922, as already stated, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved with their disciples to No 9, Rue de la Marine which is now the main building or central quarter of the Ashram. On the 15th August, 1920, the Prabartak Sangha of Chandernagore ...

... A READER from abroad has asked for a clarification of certain points apropos of an article in Mother India of July 14, 1951. He writes: "I read in Prithwi Singh's Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: 'Sri Aurobindo's decision to leave his own body does not invalidate the truth of his teachings.' I would like to hear, in clear and understandable words, what is meant by 'Aurobindo's... our reader's last puzzle. He feels that it is nonsensical or at least incomprehensible to assert that for the sake of the lila or world-play the same consciousness was divided into two - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But we are afraid that he is thinking in terms of the Ahankar or ego. The ego is the separative individual, a formation of Nature whose very essence is its limitation, its exclusion of... radiating centres of a new creative spiritual force. Intrinsically, therefore, there is no lack of sense in speaking of the same consciousness divided into two for purposes of the play. Whether Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are such a consciousness must be left to spiritual experience or intuitivised intellectual insight. One thing is clear: their joint endeavour is to bring about a radical spiritual change ...

... runs counter to the "traditional" but his anxiety to stay within the Roman Catholic Church in spite of grave disagreements prevents him from being a thorough evolutionist. The supermind of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has a greater potency for earth's fulfilment in the this-worldy manner which the scientific temper calls for. The Integral Yoga, demanded by the supermind, has not only a super-science... evolution, had to come. And, along with it, as its inner rationale, as the total Light of which Science was just a one-sided disclosure, there had to dawn the age of an Integral Yoga such as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have discovered and developed on the basis of all that has been positive and synthesis-minded in the past. With the advent of the Integral Yoga India stands on the threshold of a most glorious... earth towards an era of universal concord, a self-consummation of Man at once spiritual and scientific. To elevate our country to play that happy role is a vital part of the dynamic ideal of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the Ashram of all-round Educational Research they have founded. Their call to men of good will everywhere is to co-operate with them and hasten the completion of the mighty work which ...


... that nothing could be done: there must be some-thing wrong in the spine. Maybe he is right, but it doesn't trouble me. No matter what happens, I am bathed in bliss all the time. That is Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at work in me.... (17.1.90)   Later that year Amal's physical health was once again threatened by a mystery illness that defied medical treatment -until the Mother herself came... nephew who was a doctor in that hospital swept me out of the place and took me home. The illness went on more than a week. Medicines made it worse. During that period a passive prayer to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went on - passive because there was just a turn towards them with no direct call for intervention. When conditions looked as though there were a hidden form of typhoid at work, suddenly... ourselves with Your Eternal Consciousness so that we may know truly what Immortality is."   With my love, Amal (05.12.1990)   Amal's total reliance on the loving guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and their ever-present help has always been a source of inspiration to me and, I am sure, to many others in the Ashram and the world outside. The 'clear ray' emanates not only from his mind ...


... follows: Recollections and Diary notes; Spiritual Games that the Mother played with sadhaks; Birthday Messages; Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; Letters on Champaklal; Some letters written by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother mostly to devotees connected with Champaklal; Some valuable notes and memos left by the Mother with Champaklal now and then; Quotes from the... not know yoga and say that he is only a worker whose Mantra is Service. True, he is the embodiment of Service and the manner and the extent to which he has been privileged to serve both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over five decades has no parallel. Neither food nor sleep has a claim over his time. But the quantum of service has no value for him. Did he not one day say to the Mother in the anguish ...


... vision for the sake of simplicity. This vision has been developed progressively, always with spiritual experience as its foundation and touchstone. At no time has it been the intention of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to stop somewhere on the way, to review their gained knowledge at that point and to mould it into a system. Theirs was an open vision, and they have employed everything in their power... family. This golden lid is a gate, as it were, which man in his present state is not allowed to pass, for the Vedas say that he who goes through ‘the gate of the Sun’ cannot come back. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have passed through it — and they have come back, because they were the first beings destined for this adventure. They have explored the divine solar world between the uppermost levels of... the intervention of the Godhead itself in its evolving creation to make the insertion of a new gradation possible. To this end the Godhead incarnates on Earth as an Avatar. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the existing human species, at present, has reached its ceiling, after a long-lasting development of which only the most recent phase is known to us, the period in time which we call historical ...


... Aurobindo. She has had the same realization and experience as myself.” And he wrote in a letter: “What is known as Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.” 14 The equivalence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is evident when considering the following basic declarations. Sri Aurobindo: “The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in... by Paul Davies, and The Privileged Planet by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards. The direct and continuous influence of the mind on the body has time and again been highlighted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, especially in matters of health and the doctor-patient relationship. At the centre of this topic are the power of a doctor’s suggestions and the placebo effect. In a special file about ...

... creates a new body for oneself when one wants to change... (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 11) The Integral Yoga of Self-Transformation as revealed to man by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has for its aim, in contradistinction to the attempts mentioned in the foregoing chapter, the creation of a divine body, here in the conditions of earth and matter. It does not want to... Earth. The limited span of the present work does not permit us to discuss in full the nature of this apotheosis of the material body of man, as envisaged in the Yoga-Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, nor can we indicate how far and in what way the insistent problems of fatigue and inertia, disease and decay, un-regenerated impulses and appetites are going to be solved in the transformed... picking up here one theme, the theme, we might as well say, of the Sphinx-like problem of death and dissolution of the individual's physical body. For, we have been assured by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that as a crowning achievement of the Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, there will come about 'the physical conquest of 1 Letters on Yoga, p. 257. 2 3 Ibid ...

... appeared in My Little Smile (1977). About thirty-five per cent of the whole is presented here. Series Four. Original in English. The full correspondence, containing the replies of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was first published in the October and November 1977 issues of Mother India . About half the replies of the Mother are included in this volume. Series Five. Original in French... excepting thirteen replies in English. A small part of the correspondence was published in Breath of Grace (1973), pages 94–105. A comprehensive selection, containing the replies of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was serialised in the Bulletin issues of February, April and August 1980. Of that material, about half the replies of the Mother are included in this volume. The following replies were... Series Seven. Original in English. About half the correspondence was published in Breath of Grace (1973), pages 182 – 94. The complete collection, containing the replies of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, came out in the Bulletin issues of February, April and August 1981. Of that material, about half the replies of the Mother appear in the present volume. Series Eight. Original ...


... dear friend's room far away at 5.30 a.m. to share in the birth of daylight.   (10.9.1991) Page 238 Your sincere poignant letter has deeply moved me. I can see that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are so shrined in your heart that nothing can ever remove them. I venture the paradox that even if you were let loose in a festive paradise teeming with enchanting houris and you took... avoid them altogether. Be perfectly calm and inwardly offer to our Gurus what you have just done. You may object: "How can I offer to the Divine what I regard as an act of shame?" Surely, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not say: "Bring to us only your"good points." They say: "Put before us all your weaknesses, all your faults and failures, so that we may deal with them. By offering them to us, you put... of non-Parsis no more than thirty-eight were permanent Aurobindonians. The two Parsis made a percentage hundreds of times higher in recognising at almost the very start of the Ashram Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as Avatars of a new age in human history with a project and a process for a total transformation of earthly life.   Don't you think these two people brought the greatest glory possible ...


... would come with long strides the old big-built physician famous in the Ashram as "Doctor-babu", his right hand combing with its fingers his abundant white beard flowing down his bare torso. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were convinced of the viability of my plan. My sheet of drawing came back the next morning with a line written in Sri Aurobindo's small neat hand: "Seen and appreciated."   To return... and remoulding all our parts in the image of their perfect figures already existing in the Truth-Consciousness. Here the central dynamism in us invoking and receiving the Divine is what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother term the Psychic Being, the Soul of us which is stationed in the inmost recesses of the heart-centre, the centre which the Gita seeks to activate through its Yoga of Devotion. The Lord Himself... experiments. In all matters where a necessity of taking life is involved the main object should be avoidance of cruelty and an invocadon of some higher Being's care for the creature destroyed. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother always struck me as free spirits having no fixed notions, no faddism, in issues connected with life and death but always keeping above the level of ordinary psychology and acting in tune ...


... ever-new beauty is our goal.   Don't tax yourself with the problem whether bodily divinisation will take place in this very life. Let all your inner self be a constant remembrance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and let that remembrance shape your outer life to a consecrated strength which is at the same time a dedicated sweetness. Thus will you lay the foundation of a future, whether in this life... lifetime of drifting here and there in quest of my soul. You will remember too that when I first went out of the Ashram for a visit to my grandfather after six and a half years of stay with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother my one appeal to the Mother was, in effect: "Please never give me up even if I myself tend to give you up!" The Mother granted the favour I had so intensely solicited and that is why I have... our planet and to a gradual transformation of not only the human mind and life-force but also the very body in which they function. In this great change the main motive-power is to be what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have called "the psychic being", the true Page 249 soul in us acting from the depths of what we may term the inmost heart behind the complex of emotional movements, the ...


... happen to me." These words did not strike me as either vacuous or vainglorious. For, in the whole period of the allotment of those rooms to me, the general conviction in the Ashram was that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would completely transform and divinise their bodies with their "Integral Yoga" and that those who had joined them whole-heartedly would do the same. Even after the fracture Sri Aurobindo... basket on the bank of the Nile was Hatshepsut before she became queen - Hatshepsut who was believed to be a past incarnation of the Mother. The only certainty announced about myself by both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was that I had been an ancient Athenian. It is curious that I never inquired who the fellow had been. If, as reported, Sri Aurobindo had been Pericles and a little later Socrates (as declared... with her, part of it tutoring her in French. It is fitting that she should be prominent, together with her sister Saroja, in celebrating the centenary of his entry into this world to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother faithfully. Page 304 The Mother's own words are: "He was a good servant of the Divine." She has revealed that his "natural" life was only 50 years long. The rest of his ...


... write: "... Two Page 337 nights back I had kept awake similarly; but there had been no poetic inspiration. I had, however, been making inward contact again and again with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and hearing what I hear in my best and calmest moods, a low universal croon, a far-away rhythm with a deep monotone overlaid with small variations; even the variations play on one and the... state. Meditation in the Yogic sense seems to me to be a flow of one's conscious being towards the Divine. My natural tendency at the beginning of my Yogic life was to turn mentally towards Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but the real urge within me was to open my emotional self to them. I did not know how to make this urge active. Knowing that I was an intellectual, the Mother told me to imagine an open... everywhere. Because we have forgotten our root in them, our true nature which carries (in Wordsworth's phrase) Page 343 A greatness in the beatings of the heart,   Sri Aurobindo and the Mother make us conscious of our real self by summing up in an unmistakable way its golden essence.   (5.2.1995) Page 344 ...


... The Overmind dynamism, preliminary to the Supermind power which was the ultimate aim, came into repeated use during the Second World War. This war brought into play two figures whom Sri Aurobindo and the Mother recognised as extending into the physical plane the occult Evil at its most dangerous. Hitler was seen as possessed by the Rakshasa-aspect of that Evil. The Rakshasa is a devouring "Giant"... makes no secret of his ambition to dominate the world with a master-race of ruthless henchmen. Hitler's Mein Kampf is a glaringly open manifesto of such greed and ambition. In Stalin Sri Aurobindo and the Mother discerned a phenomenon not merely of possession but of incarnation, a vital being born in a human form and not just employing that form as its medium — and here was the Asura-aspect.... only I but Sehra, her sister Mina and a Goan servant-girl of ours can testify. I say "extraordinary", not "unprecedented". In fact, it was paralleled by a series of happenings to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as Amrita and some others had been witness. We have all heard of how stones mysteriously started falling inside the "Old Guest House" (41, later 11, rue Francois Martin) in the ...


... form goes back to the utmost origin." This vision should fill us with an immense hope; but to fulfill our destiny on earth we have indeed "miles to go". The Supermind is what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have held out to us as the all-fulfilling power. To receive and embody it is the aim of their yoga for us, and they have laid it open to our aspiring reach. But we must beware of crying... attractive. Along with it some soul-quality has to be at play if it is to be by its own strength a part of the spiritual life, Knowing my attachment to the mental personality in me. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother always tried to summon me be- Page 204 yond it. The very name I have been given by them — "Amal Kiran", meaning "The Clear Ray" — is meant to point not only towards... luminous. What at least I seek to achieve is some soul-quality infusing the mind's functioning. And, of course, for us the soul-quality lies in being open in our inmost self to the new yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have made active amongst us. If one has turned away from them one cannot expect a legitimate place in the field of mental expression that the Ashram's magazines afford. Not that everything ...


... experienced was nothing exceptional. Others could suffer even more acutely and be led to strange remedies. A friend of mine would find himself unresponsive to the various photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in his rooms because they were there at all hours for his eyes. He struck upon the device of putting towels over them so that for a number of days the impression of Sri Aurobindo's majestic... spiritual child of the Mother we must blindly do what she wants and not judge whether it is spiritual or not by our own standards or our own understanding of the Aurobindonian revelation. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were not merely Gurus of aspirants bent on a razor-sharp Page 128 yogic path: they took under their wings a vast variety of souls at different stages of evolution:... to the young sadhak's but in another context awaited a middle-aged Sannyasi who wanted to join the Ashram, He offered as his credentials the ascetic regime he had followed for years. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, while appreciating the capacity for discipline he had developed, saw that he was cast in a rather rigid mould and the relatively free existence enjoyed in the Ashram would be a shock ...


... to say to my own blessed name given by Sri Aurobindo: "Amal Kiran", which means "A Clear Ray"?         I will now, like a clear ray, shoot towards its parent Sun — the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother — and give you a few recollections of my contact with them.         I shall begin with what happened when I first came here and stayed in what I have called Vasudha's House but what... staircase leading to the Darshan Room, and then some of Udar's muscle-men came with a chair and put me on it and carried me upstairs to the entrance. At the other end of the long passage Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were seated. I was put down at the staircase-end. I took again to my crutches and with as much slowness as I could reasonably indulge in I started moving, so that I could have the longest... you go through the whole grill of the diplomatic service. And soon afterwards Sanat Banerji — no duffer absolute or relative — was appointed Consul and he was an excellent instrument of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother such as I could never have been in that post.   Page 43       I think we must stop here. 1 may keep some stories for another occasion if you are willing to come again ...


... in all its forms, but when our Mother sees the Lord as going always ahead she does not reject everything of the past. On the contrary, all that is fine in times gone is quintessenced by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and carried over into a new revelation. I might aver poetically that their work answers to that superb phrase of St. Augustine about God: "O Pulchritudo antiqua et semper nova!" - "O Beauty... The Life Divine on November 25, 1950, one of my birthdays, is another of Asimovian coincidences. Of course, if I have been lucky enough to be your '"favourite" among those disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother whom you "knew about", we have a psycho-spiritual basis already for it. But possibly a numerological association between the event and me may be traced, 25+11+1950=1986 which can be dealt... shadow of it is caught by many.   I am sure you also feel within yourself the smile of the Immortal in the mortal, which the seers call the Soul. All of us who have been touched by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have wakened to it but the whole travail of Yoga lies in keeping alive the sense of that touch of theirs by which the inner is brought close to" the outer.   The soul's smile is also ...


... happen to me." These words did not strike me as either vacuous or vainglorious. For, in the whole period of the allotment of those rooms to me, the general conviction in the Ashram was that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would completely transform and divinise their bodies with their "Integral Yoga" and that those who had joined them whole-heartedly would do the same. Even after the fracture Sri Aurobindo... basket on the bank of the Nile was Hatshepsut before she became queen—Hatshepsut who was believed to be a past incarnation of the Mother. The only certainty announced about myself by both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was that I had been an ancient Athenian. It is curious that I never inquired who the fellow had been. If, as reported, Sri Aurobindo had been Pericles and a little later Socrates (as declared... her, part of it in tutoring her in French. It is fitting that she should be prominent, together with her sister Saroja, in celebrating the centenary of his entry into this world to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother faithfully. The Mother's own words are: "He was a good servant of the Divine." She has revealed that his "natural" life was only 50 years long. The rest of his span of 73 was due to ...

... of the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say, "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail", to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply, "I am a child of Immortality chosen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; I have but to be true to myself and to them - the victory is sure; even if I fell, I would rise again ; to all impulses to depart and serve some other ideal, to reply This is he greatest... physically and morally. Pavitra asks me to remind you of the motorcar accessories. With Mummy's best love. Pondicherry 12 July 1930 The Mother To René with blessings from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Your letters dated 29th, 30th, 31st, have just reached and I have been very happy to receive detailed news from you and hear that your health is improving. But you must be patient and... Expecting to receive soon good news from you. With blessings from Sri Aurobindo and best love from your Mummy. Pondicherry; 4 August 1930 The Mother To René with the blessings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Two letters of yours, dated 9th and 20th of August, have reached about at the same time — one took 12 days to come, the other 3! The post seems to be full of fancies. The worst is that ...

... before she knew or met Sri Aurobindo, but their lines of Sadhana independently followed the same course. When they met, they helped each other in perfecting the sadhana. What is known as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? 1 After the outbreak of the World War I in August, 1914, the Mother had to return to France along with Paul Richard and then she spent four years in Japan; but she returned for... in the physical had to be done by opening up the physical cells. Just when the descent of the supermind reached a critical point, the Second World War broke out. This war was perceived by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as a fierce resistance to the task of the Supramental descent. Hence, they put all their yogic force against Nazism and the war ended in 1945, with the victory for the Allies as Sri Aurobindo... the Adventure of Consciousness (1984). On the Way to Supermanhood (1986). Sujata Nahar: Mother's Chronicles, 7 volumes (published by MIRA Aditi Centre, Mysore). Kireet Joshi: Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (published by Mother's Institute of Research and Motilal Banarsidass Pvt. Ltd.) Page 18 × Sri ...

... study the great science of Yoga, its history and how a new synthesis of Yoga has been developed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The significance of the synthesis of Yoga that is in the Veda will itself become more and more manifest in the light of the new synthesis of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This book aims at presenting the secret of the Veda and the synthesis of Yoga of the... required to study Sri Aurobindo's book 'On the Veda’, and one needs to read also Sri Aurobindo's ' Synthesis of Yoga’, in order to understand how the Vedic Yoga has been assimilated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in their new synthesis of Yoga. If this book leads the readers to study these two great books 'On the Veda’ and 'Synthesis of Yoga’, the labour of this book will have been rewarded. ...

... Christianity and Islam into a large synthesis. Swami Vivekananda expounded the concept of synthesis of Yoga in his various works. The latest task of synthesis of Yoga has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. In this synthesis the integrating principle is that of integral concentration. All instruments of the body life, mind, soul and spirit are purified, subtilised and perfected and they... is looked upon as an instrument of the Spirit; in some cases, the body is used as an instrument or as a necessary basis until spiritual realisation is achieved. In the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, a greater goal of the human body has been envisaged. Here the human body is required to achieve not only high degrees of excellence but also such perfections which can be expected when... another chapter entitled "The Divine Body". We have envisaged the inclusion of that chapter in a later book that we are planning. But the readers who are keen even at this stage to know how Sri Aurobindo and The Mother envisaged and worked for the mutation of the human body may be advised to read Sri Aurobindo's book "-The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth" and thirteen volumes of Mother's Agenda ...

... formally established at Pondicherry in the year 1926. Aspirants started flocking to the Ashram and stayed there with the avowed intention of practising the Integral Yoga as propounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But from the early forties, due to exigencies created by the Second World War, young children too started coming to the Ashram. For their proper education the Mother established a school... felt that the Mother was unwittingly trying to alter the 'spiritual' character of the Ashram. Following the subtle suggestion of the Hostile Forces they wanted to create a cleavage between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And it so happened that Dilip Kumar being a highly gifted intellectual among them and being very close to Sri Aurobindo they chose him as their effective spokesman. Dilip Kumar took the... wonder cannot but make us speechless when we read these last lines of Sri Aurobindo addressed to his benighted disciple. Even after all the scathing and baseless accusation DK hurled at Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Sri Aurobindo voluntarily placing himself in the dock and almost apologising to the reckless disciple! And in such love-drenched words dripping humour as a constant strain!! This is simply ...

... Satyen was missing and I said, "Satyen has not come. Shall I call him in?" The Mother spoke out, "Yes, all, all." All were called in, everybody was now present. We took our seats before Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, both of whom were facing us. The whole Page 203 scene and atmosphere had a heavenly halo. Sri Aurobindo held his left hand above the Mother's head and his right... right hand was extended to us in benediction. Everything was silent and still, grave and expectant. We stood up one by one and went and bowed at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. After a while, both of them went inside. And then, Datta who had been among us, suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries, "The Lord has descended. He has conquered... form part of the world, we are united with it and inseparable. We are an image of the entire world, its symbol and representative. We have to share in its work and suffer its deeds. Even Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have not spared themselves this, but that is another matter. Whatever changes we succeed in effec­tuating in ourselves here will initiate similar changes all the world over. Therefore, not ...

... a rapidly evolving world, it must be based on a clear conception of the true aim of human life, both individual and collective. And I have tried to show that the comprehensive views of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother give a complete answer to this problem. The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education is tentatively trying to translate this ideal into practice, but does not in any way claim... have proved useful for the work that we are carrying on. There is first what we may call the homogeneity of the school population. Most of the students are children of disciples of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and, whether they live in hostels or with their families in the Ashram, they have been brought up and are continuing to live in an environment suited to our ideals. Too often, outside, the... biologist wants to produce certain results, he selects the favourable conditions and protects his strain from influences which would hinder or prevent success. The wisdom and protection of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have acted with us in a similar way. But above all these favourable conditions there is the towering presence of The Mother. She is not only the organizer who directs and harmonizes ...

... Aurobindo Ashram Press. Vol. 8. Questions and Answers 1956. 1977. Vol. 12. On Education. 1978. WORKS OF THE AUTHOR Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1990. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Love. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1988. The Future Evolution of Man: The Divine Life upon Earth. Pondicherry: ... (The Future Evolution of Man contains extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo, with a summary and notes by the compiler. The other two compilations contain extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.) WORKS OF OTHER AUTHORS Bertaux, Pierre. In Encyclopedic Francaise, tome XX (Le Monde en Devenir). 1960. Condorcet, Antoine Nicolas. Esquisse d'un tableau historique ...

... 1940 Septemper : Joint declaration by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother supporting the cause o f the Allies who stood, fol the defence of civilisation and its highest values against the threatened domination of the Nazis who were out to destroy them and frustrate the preparation for the new creation started by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 1940-50 Publication of most of... are of the same divine origin and meant to manifest upon earth the unity of this origin." August II: Sri Aurobindo's Message to America. Vide Messages of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Second Series), PP. 19-23 . 1950 Publication of the American editions of The Life Divine, Essays on the Gita, The Ideal of Human Unity, The Human Cycle, The ...

... photos of Sri Aurobindo to be taken. The French artist, Henri Cartier-Bresson, not only photographed Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at Darshan time on 24 April, but took also numerous other photographs of the Master, the Mother and the Ashram. Was there, after all, a purpose in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother relaxing the earlier rule prohibiting new photographs of themselves? While outwardly the life... behind the scenes there was being enacted from mid-1950 onwards a mysterious struggle on the issue of victory or defeat - at least of a postponement of victory - for the cause represented by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. People who met Sri Aurobindo daily and were in constant attendance like Champaklal and Nirodbaran could Page 489 see that he was becoming more and more withdrawn, as if pondering ...


... didn't jot down these notes for other than his own eyes to see. Nevertheless, they reveal to us some of the pointer­readings during the long years of his sadhana under the guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A word or two, and one is drawn into the occult regions regions. Once Sastriar notes: "There was a new twinkle - significant - at pranam from the Mother; so joyous." On one of his birthdays... ravines, or seeking an arbour of pseudo­uietness, sometimes even retracing the steps a little, but generally persevering onward and upward towards the beckoning heights of Realisation. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother made no secret of the fact that their Yoga, while its aim could be stated in extreme simplicity, was very difficult indeed to practise. When Narayan Prasad wrote - Page 354 ... true that you have never received Force from us: you have received it to any extent; it can only be said that you were not conscious of it, but that happens with many. 15 As for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother being conscious of the action of the Force upon sadhaks, Sri Aurobindo explained: It is not necessary for us always to be physically conscious of the action, for it is often carried ...


... find that you are still hemmed in with the old mental vibrations, and don't seem to be aware of the trick of your mind, still justifying its standpoint and its reactions by quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And it is because of this whirl of mental vibrations that the psychic perception is clouded, and that the Mother's most revealing letter to you and all my earnest pleadings for a return... of any suffering that comes in the course of sadhana. 2.07.66 Page 47 Our path is very long and steep and rugged. It is indeed a virgin forest through which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have hewn a path for us. Experiences, however great and alluring, have only to be past by with only a smile; greater ones will follow and they have to be treated with the same detachment... been swept away. A virgin forest has been cleared and a new path carved, a new trail blazed. The descent of the Supermind has made all the difference. Our Yoga is geared to the Supermind. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother stand for supramental manifestation, of which the last few chapters of the Life Divine give some intellectual idea. 24.05.67 * * * I suppose I am clearer now in my mind ...

... * 6.2.72 A French resident at Aspiration has written about his thirst to read books on Matter and scientific things. Before, he felt joy and happiness in reading only books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He wanted to know if this new movement merited a free flow. Mother gave the advice to read 'The Life Divine' and 'The Synthesis of Yoga' to have the answer to all questions. ... happily and gave a blessings packet. Madanlal's letter about the strike at All India Press was read. He says that due to the strike the work of the Centenary volumes is suffering and if Sri Aurobindo and the Mother want the work to be done, they themselves will find a solution. Giving a blessings packet, Mother said, "Pray to Sri Aurobindo that he reigns. He is present, conscious." * ... alright. Mother said Yes. * * * 19.9.72 Letters were disposed of. The lady who looks after the Ganesha temple at Auroorchard inquires whether the pictures of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother can be kept there. Mother said, "It does not fit. ( Ca ne va pas)" * * * 20.9.72 Chamanlal writes about disharmony between the Madras Institute and Auroville ...

... * 6.2.72 A French resident at Aspiration has written about his thirst to read books on Matter and scientific things. Before, he felt joy and happiness in reading only books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He wanted to know if this new movement merited a free flow. Mother gave the advice to read 'The Life Divine' and 'The Synthesis of Yoga' to have the answer to all questions. ... happily and gave a blessings packet. Madanlal's letter about the strike at All India Press was read. He says that due to the strike the work of the Centenary volumes is suffering and if Sri Aurobindo and the Mother want the work to be done, they themselves will find a solution. Giving a blessings packet, Mother said, "Pray to Sri Aurobindo that he reigns. He is present, conscious." * ... alright. Mother said Yes. * * * 19.9.72 Letters were disposed of. The lady who looks after the Ganesha temple at Auroorchard inquires whether the pictures of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother can be kept there. Mother said, "It does not fit. ( Ca ne va pas)" * * * 20.9.72 Chamanlal writes about disharmony between the Madras Institute and Auroville ...

... having said to Hitler: "Go... To have the supreme victory, go and attack Russia." You have been shocked because you have misconceived the world-roles played by revolutionary Avatars like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Old ideas about spirituality are leading you astray in the assessment of the Supramental Incarnations. Let me elucidate my point. But before I come to immediate particulars I... on transformation of the physical existence and not merely a purification as a step towards transcendence of earth and life — by bringing the new message of the Supramental Descent — Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are more specifically evolutionary in their mission and more openly opposed to the rule of the Asura and the Rakshasa in the world. Sri Aurobindo did not hesitate to take part in rev ...


... A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo Publisher’s Note This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale, told... began at the end of 1926, he became its general manager and later was made a member of the Ashram Trust. For fifty years, from 1919 until his passing in 1969, he remained in the service of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo in 1921 with Kumud Bagchi and Amrita Amrita ...


... the links between these to the idea of India. Amal Kiran's entire life was spent in engagement with these ideas. He saw himself as 'poetic' and 'philosophic' and able through the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother to comment on the political questions of the day. For him the life of the literary intellectual, for such we may characterise him to be, was not unrelated to public affairs, more especially... aspect of spiritual life from this particular tradition.   Anyone at all alert to the spiritual and cultural barometers of our times cannot but remember the contemporaneous presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Ramana Maharishi and the Paramacharya of Kanchi. Each in his or her Sadhana , I believe, exemplified the ancient Indian truth about Satyagraha , self-abnegation ...


... 1943. My interview with Aster, unlike all the others which were conducted in India, took place in my home in Los Angeles following the annual national conference of all the devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in America called the AUM Conference (All USA Meeting). The East-West Cultural Center — The Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles had been the host for the AUM 2003 that took place at Loyola... the Absolute — or whatever was the spiritual reality — in life and not by rejecting life, by leaving it aside. This was very clear. The four days in the year when we had the darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, seated side by side, were of such power and presence that I would like to share how a growing young person experienced those moments. For days before each darshan the presence of Sri Aurobindo ...


... Interpretations of Champaklal’s Visions (Based on the interpretations of the Symbols given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) We have made an effort to suggest possible interpretations of most of the visions with the help of the interpretations of the symbols given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.(A few interpretations and reactions by Nolinida, K. Dixit, Amal, M. P. Pandit, Sundaram too are ...


... great pains to develop his poetic genius: different metres were discussed, poems corrected, revised and lavish praise both from Sri Aurobindo and Mother was bestowed whenever it was due. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother told Dadaji that his music had great evocative power. Sri Aurobindo called Dadaji "a unique translator." Dadaji could and often did, in a matter of minutes, translate Indira Devi's... sincere effort in making this publication as beautiful and as perfect as possible. We also thank Patrice Marot for his patience and his selfless work. We offer our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as to Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the spirit. Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune February ...

... went into Savikalpa Samadhi soon after the Darshan, Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter to Dadaji, that Janak Kumari was a highly evolved soul, ripe for yoga and she need not go back: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were willing to accept her as a disciple. But Janak Kumari insisted that being a novice, she needed day to day guidance and Sri Dilip Kumar was her Guru. Sri Aurobindo may have smiled... authenticated her experiences, which Dilip faithfully reported to him. The Ashram published a book (Shrutanjali) of her songs heard in her visions with permission and blessings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We have included in this volume one of the letters written by Smt. Indira Devi to Sri Aurobindo in 1950 to give a glimpse of her Bhakti and surrender to Gurudev Sri Aurobindo. ...

... would, as Sri Aurobindo said, “wipe it out”. In India a whole range of attitudes towards the warring powers could be found, a situation which increased the pressure of the complexities Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had to deal with. The ultra-nationalist Vishva Hindu Parishad favoured collaboration with the British and their Indian army, mainly because enlisting would provide them with training and... self-respecting nation”, wrote Sri Aurobindo about himself; now he had to support the colonial power which he once had described as a demon sucking the blood of Mother India. The first time Sri Aurobindo and the Mother made their position public was on 19 September 1940, just after the Battle of Britain, when they sent 500 rupees, then a considerable sum, to the Governor of Madras as a contribution to ...


... indeed find in some mystics who have been capable of acquiring the cosmic consciousness the supreme affirmation that all is good or right as it is. It is however in the vision and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that we find the supreme justification of the divine manifestation in its origin, its evolution, and its glorious, endless future end. The Gnostic Explanation The following story... redeeming all. “It was you …” History is for the most part a horror story, with only here and there an oasis of rationality, beauty, kindness or love. It was not for nothing that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother so often called Homo sapiens “the human animal,” for this is what we still are. True spirituality is not only a matter of ethereal experiences, hearing bells or hovering a foot above the ...

... traverse matter and, as the soul supposedly does at the time of death, move about unseen and continue existing in ethereal places? The truth, though, as re-experienced and re-affirmed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, is as follows: “Consciousness, as we descend the scale, becomes more and more diminished and diluted, – dense indeed by its coarser crudity, but while that crudity of consistence compacts... (emphasis added). × See also by Georges Van Vrekhem: Beyond Man – the Life and Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , and The Mother – the Story of Her Life (HarperCollins India). × Sri Aurobindo: The ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... evolution — one might say to bring into the earth-atmosphere the ‘archetype’ of the possibilities and forms of the new evolution. The Supramental Consciousness, the main goal of the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had come into the earth-atmosphere in 1956. The Mother had been forming the archetype of the ‘overman’ ( surhomme) and the overhuman consciousness had manifested upon the Earth on 1 January... of her life, could not be envisioned. The supramental transformation of the body was of course the continuation and the provisional culmination of all the preceding avataric labour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. (The definitive pinnacle will be the visible supramental body on Earth.) We have seen time and again that the expansion of their realization, however surprising and overwhelming in some ...


... Overman Author’s Note Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wrote and spoke at a time before the awareness of “gender specific language”. Yet, they more than anybody else stood for the importance and dignity of the individual in all its aspects, male and female. For those who are not familiar with their personalities and their work, it may suffice to say that they... they admitted in their Ashram sadhaks and sadhikas on an equal footing at a time when this was most unusual. When writing on subjects in connection with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother it is not always possible, however hard one tries, to adapt one’s language to the present sensibilities. The book before you offers an important new presentation of an aspect of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s vision ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... to Thee in an act of supreme adoration … Will the great miracle of the integral Divine Life in the individual at last be accomplished?’ 5 All the main themes of the endeavour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, all the main items on the agenda of their spiritual labour for humanity, which most of their biographers suppose to have been taken up years and even decades later, were already present... depressing, and never-ending. The body by itself is a sad burden without relief, which is why human beings seek solace in substances that lighten for a while their affliction of being human. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had to take up the lot of the mortals in order to transform it, there was no other way. ‘Thou hast willed, O Lord, that the being should grow wider and richer. It could not do so without ...

... advanced sadhaks. Of course a wise practitioner of Yoga would be ready to learn from the example of others, catch the particular line along which a fellow-Ashramite had come inwardly close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother or avoid the trend by which he or she seemed to grow distant.   "How will the division in me heal? What would be the mechanism of the healing?" - this question of yours gets an answer... one's sadhana.   Yesterday there was an incident as if something important were failing me radically, a solid support abruptly giving way. I kept offering the painful occasion to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. All of a sudden, at the Samadhi, I felt an intense inward opening to them in the heart-centre. Behind my own self in that centre supporting me, sustaining my being was a wide warm Presence ...


... the cells would have to be illuminated, the matter of the body refined and rendered receptive to the supramental substance and form which had already been brought into action down to what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have called "the subtle-physical plane" immediately behind the gross-material on which we live. The process by which the habitually functioning organism could fuse with that substance and... adequate density, the proper power, to operate directly on the earth-plane and ultimately even to condense and precipitate itself there for a still more intense activity to fulfil evolution as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had always dreamed. The prolonged withdrawal from outer life the Mother underwent from mid-May to mid-November and the protracted trances into which she plunged during those six months ...

... 2 Ibid ., p. 89. Page 35 would instantly be embraced, irrespective of human standards of what is spiritual and what is not. Even Avatars who did not aim, as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have done, at a complete organic change from one grade of evolution to another, a total divinisation not only of mentality and vitality but also of physicality, a transformed body ultimately... to disease, decay and death, a body expressing in full a consciousness wholly converted from the twilit Mind to the noonday-splendoured Supermind—even the Avatars who never attempted like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother an integral evolutionary advance have flouted habitual conceptions of spirituality. We know how Sri Aurobindo, instead of sitting like a Himalayan sage serenely apart from world-issues, ...

... nt that the physical transformation, though not cancelled, has been postponed because of the Mother's giving up her body. We argued that this transformation in the sense intended by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—a transformation supramentalising the body, turning the body totally divine— could be achieved only if either an Avatar of the Supermind was physically present amongst us or else the Supramental... casuality", would still carry on their sport. Nor would the Godward-aspiring evolutionary soul be content to inhabit a body still working under an unillumined human consciousness. In any case, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were not after such a suspension and not even after a divine immortality imposed on the body by a special Siddhi, a supernormal power exercised against the body's nature. What they wanted ...

... Siddhi Day, the Day of Victory marking the descent of what Sri Aurobindo has called the Overmind, the Krishna Consciousness, the plane of the Great Gods, into the physical being of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This Victory was to prepare the descent of the supreme divine dynamism that has never directly worked in the world and that Sri Aurobindo has termed the Supermind, the Truth-Consciousness... I were most probably the only persons present on the occasion?" What I gathered from Champaklal, in addition to what I have already said on "Amar", is as follows: At that time (1926) Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were living in the "Library House", the building to which the principal Ashram gate directly leads. A day or two before November 26, Champaklal arranged flowers on the floor of the Mother's ...

... battlefield, The forge where the Arch-mason shapes his works. Thy servitudes on earth are greater, king, Than all the glorious liberties of heaven. What did Sri Aurobindo and the Mother not endure for our sakes? Armoured in soul-strength, they were the first to hew a path through trackless virgin jungle. Their hallowed tracks remain for us to walk on. The only requirement... Shakespeare, Blake, Mallarme, on Indian history and philology, on the philosophy of the new physics, on Teilhard de Chardin and on Christian theology - and most abundantly and helpfully on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, for whose yoga, as editor and Page 180 contributor to Mother India for over 45 years, he has been a major interpreter and apologist. Personally ...


... and admirers dealing with matters spiritual, yogic, literary, personal; editorship of a monthly review of culture Mother India for more than 45 years; and, above all, interpreting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in a most luminous way as something coming from his full-fraught spirit — any one of these should be sufficient to place Amal-Kiran in the top rank of the intellectuals. His writings... acceptability of this approach. Briefly stated, the festschrift consists of four major sections. In the first section we present the facsimiles of some of the letters written by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Amal-Kiran; there are also a few other important letters received by him. The second section makes a quick selection of the writings of this prolific author. The third section has ...


... inevitably become caricatures of the divine Reality in the mind of his mental audience, perhaps even with negative consequences for them. And in spite of all their ideas and occult experiences, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have always considered those ideas and experiences as hypothetical, as they had to go on marching forward into the unknown. For the supramental world as a typal world is very different from... above. This means that the crux of the process of supramental transformation lies in matter; the supramental world has to become possible in matter, which at present still is gross matter. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were supramentalized in their mental and vital, but their enormous problem was the supramentalization of the physical body, consisting of the gross matter of the Earth. As the Mother said: ...


... with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh . Dilip Kumar Roy's correspondence was issued in four volumes in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 under the title Sri Aurobindo to Dilip ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence Page 817 came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh . Dilip Kumar Roy's correspondence was issued in four volumes in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 under the title Sri Aurobindo ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Ministry of Education, Government of India, Challenge of Education—A Policy Perspective, 9. Towards an Enlightened and Humane Society 10. The Mother On Education, 11. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, 12.Lala Hardyal, Hints for Self Culture, 13.Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi, Programme of Action, 14.'Value Education (Through... Delhi Branch, has been attempting to provide value education for several decades now. This institution was established with the specific purpose of disseminating the vision and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The Ashram has seven educational institutions on its campus—Mirambika Free Progress School, the Matri Karuna Vidyalaya, the Mira Nursery School, the Mother's International School, ...

... into this clay world of ours, with a particular mission. It is not to establish another religion like Buddhism, Islam or Christianity. All these -isms are now back in great numbers. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not want to found a religion; they want to establish a new race, a new race of Supramental beings, out of this human material. And I believe that many of you will, one day, belong... little by little. So, young friends, let us have this aspiration today that we should Page 267 like to belong to this new race. If you are really interested in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I would advise you, first of all, since you are students, to learn, to study well and to develop your mind, your intellectual faculty, and at the same time to develop your life as well; ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother 7 Towards the Transformed Body A momentous stage was reached. An irreversible stage was reached. The whole work, the real work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was to open up the consciousness of the cells by fixing the supramental consciousness in the body-consciousness. This work was done; the rest was a secondary c ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother Index Absolute, Impersonal, 75 Dead or alive, 156 Adventure, 109, 113 Death, 134, l60, 186-9, 206, 211, 212, 213, 220, 261 Adwaita, 7 Descent, 33, 76, 78, 146-7 Alipore jail, 11, 12 Descent of the Supermind, 85, 87 Arya, 2, 56, 67 Divine body, 95-6, l63 Ascent, 33, 76, 78 Divine... and law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956 he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance ...

... many of Sri Aurobindo's works into German) who later became a close friend of theirs. Janina heard the message of Sri Aurobindo and it was for her the beginning of a new life. More books by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were obtained and she began to practise yoga with her friend. It was also at that time that she started painting. She had learned drawing and painting at school in Poland, but had never... managed, often out of next to nothing, to create an atmosphere of harmony and beauty. During her free time, she devoted herself to painting, drawing her inspiration from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The colours she chose were always symbolic of a state or a plane of consciousness. She often used the technique of stippling: hundreds and hundreds of dots, into each of which went all ...


... ss of one-being, of one self in all beings, can alone found and govern by its truth the action of the divine life." (The Life Divine, p. 1030) And it is such a divine life that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother want to establish upon earth, and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram should consciously and deliberately aspire to be the nucleus of such a noble type of collective life. In such a group-life what... , by each, of the right relations and their inevitable application in the act. Now, in the light of what has gone before as regards the traits of an ideal group-life envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, let us cast a look at the actual state of our Ashram life and dispassionately judge how far or near are we to this ideal. Page 28 ...

... ours we are trying to equate life with the Spirit." (Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, pp. 502, 503) As all life comes within the purview of the Yoga of Transformation as propounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram presents the spectacle of a bewildering network of activities in which individual sadhaks may participate as an effective means of consecrated self-offering to... the Spirit in all? Or, who knows, perhaps many of the new Ashramites have for all practical purposes banished from the field of their consciousness any active awareness of the Goal set by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! ...

... does our Ashram stand in its present form and disposition with respect to that dual achievement? Surely, as it is, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram cannot be considered to conform to what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wanted it to grow into. Sri Aurobindo himself said a long time ago: "The Ashram as it is now is not that ideal." (The Mother, p. 229) But why not? Where is the lacuna? Sri Aurobindo... in the process the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's devotees residing elsewhere. Hostile elements outside, elements not well-disposed towards our Ashram or for that matter to the teaching of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, are eagerly lapping up this 'news', spreading calumny against the Ashram and gleefully prophesying the impending decay and downfall of the creation of the Master and the Mother. ...

... question is whether our Ashram at Pondicherry will have the privilege of being the vehicle of that Work. If we Ashramites remain sincere in our effort and do not deviate from the Goal that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have set before us, there is no reason why our Ashram cannot realise its God-given destiny. But if we fail to fulfil the conditions for our spiritual awakening, we may be left behind and... lately, rather prominently, manifested among quite a few inmates of the Ashram. We refer below to five of these trends and append along with them some select passages from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which have bearing on them. Page 73 ...

... assured evidence of his direct personal experiences. Luckily for us, there are in this age two persons who fulfil these conditions in ample measure. We are, of course, referring to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. With their perfected method of "knowledge by identity" they have delved deeply into the mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth and brought to us their inestimable treasures... the extensive original sources. We fervently hope that some clarity will dawn on our readers' minds after they become acquainted with the occult-spiritual answers provided by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We shall not mind if some hypercritical negatively disposed readers find nothing worthwhile in this book. The author himself has derived a lot of inner benefit from his reflective ...

... was formally established in 1926, many young men and women started flocking to Pondi-cherry with the aspiration to lead a higher life and to do spiritual sadhana under the guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Apart from using more potent inner spiritual means, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo used to guide their disciples through the medium of correspondence. This correspondence became a regular... ones: he even persuaded Sarat to follow suit and leave the Ashram. Sarat was confused. He was torn between two pulls: his natural emotional love for Bejoy and his deep devotion towards Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In his desperation, he tried to hold a brief for Bejoy's perverse attitude and behaviour and prove to Sri Aurobindo that the rebellion of his apparently misguided friend was in fact an ...

... presence of the Guru, and in the as yet imperfect status of the psychic awakening, how should the inexperienced sadhaka come to discern the right attitude? Fortunately for us, both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have given in their extensive writings sufficient indications as regards what attitude to keep in what particular situation. A perspicacious study of these writings will surely solve the... the development of an unwavering fearlessness in his character. He has to be self-poised under all circumstances however serious may be their outward impact. Here are some words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother insisting on the indispensability of the virtue of fearlessness in the life of a sadhaka: (1)"If you want to do yoga, you must get rid of fear." (Letters on Yoga, p. 1416) ...

... motivating force behind the sadhaka' s thoughts and actions. The command upon the spiritual aspirant at all moments and in all situations can be formulated by a few pithy sentences of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: 'To will what the Divine wills is the supreme wisdom." (Sri Aurobindo) "We must see only through the Divine's eyes and act only through the Divine's Will." (The Mother) ... the sadhaka discover this Divine's Will and know it to be so and not be misled by any impostor alien will? To answer it properly, we have to introduce hen a very important concept which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have designated as the "central will of the being". This "central will of the being" entirely depends on the Divine Will. It is, in fact, the individualised expression of the Divine's ...

... really so? Of course, those who are somewhat knowledgeable automatically reject the idea of any pronounced religious training there. For they know that the teachings and world-philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are far removed from the propagation of any credal religion and its tenets: what they emphasise is an experiential spiritual outlook on life and the world-existence. And when such is the... it in order to lift it to a higher level. Page 97 After this preliminary introductory discussion of the truth behind, let us quote some passages from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which will make clear to our readers' mind what courses of study are offered to the students in Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education and why. (1)"To unite East and West ...

... Why Is This Book Being Written? Why is this book being written? There are several reasons for that. The very first reason is that it is by now well recognised that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were not only Mahayogis, masters of spirituality, they were at the same time great educationists as well. Both of them, in their diverse writings, formulated fundamental principles of education... great Centre of Education for more than fifty-five years, since 1949 till this day (2005), first helping the students in Physics and Mathematics and subsequently in the study of the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. My introduction and explanation end here. With a sense of trepidation and humility may I now venture to bring this book to the notice of the reading public for whatever little ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Character Development . Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary ...

... edition of this book. (6) In Part V, which has been entitled "Profounder Aspects of Physical Education", we are presenting three passages from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. As is well known, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have given to the world a new vision of the synthesis of Spirit and Matter as also a programme of supramental action on the earth aiming at the total transformation ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis ...

... Preface The most distinctive thesis of the Integral Yoga is that supramental consciousness can, by its descent in Matter transform earthly life into divine life. In other words, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have discovered the method by which supramental descent on the earth can be brought about and even Matter can manifest supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has, while describing... one must depart from earthly and material life of the world. This view has now come to be shown to be mistaken, not only philosophically but even in yogic process of realization. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have succeeded in establishing and manifesting the supermind in Matter. This success maybe regarded as the most momentous event of our times, and it is for this reason that we need to study ...


... studied Philosophy and Law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S in 1955, but in 1956 he resigned in order to devote himself to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother at Pondicherry. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct... Education for the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher •Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man •Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga •Sri Aurobindo and The Mother •The New Synthesis of Yoga-An Introduction •Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation •Significance of Indian Yoga-An Overview •A Pilgrim's Quest for the Highest ...

... vanishes up to such a vanishing-point that it cannot even be referred to in any manner. Page 28 Analysis of Knowledge and Ignorance in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, there is no doubt that the Supreme Reality, which is supposed to be fully conscious and which is supposed to be the only Reality and the only ground of everything ...


... enslaved humanity is the divine way of supermanhood." 75 Supramental Supermanhood : A New step in Evolution Distinction between Nietzschean Superman and Divine Superman When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother speak of the supramental manifestation as a result of triple transformation and of the emergence of supermanhood, they make it clear that the supramental supermanhood must not be confused... divinity that is striving for birth within it. This is the sole true supermanhood and the one real possibility of a step forward in evolutionary Nature. " 76 The supramental life that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have envisaged would be much greater and multitudinous as well as more imperishably delightful than the interests of the finite. It would be the life of unity, mutuality and harmony. Evolution ...

... ry crisis and have shown that the Integral Yoga can become an aid to humanity and it can even be used as an aid to the development of the next step of evolution itself. According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the contemporary crisis of humanity is evolutionary in character and that the basic solution to the crisis requires, and even necessitates, evolutionary progression that leads to the emergence... Yoga can be looked upon as a process by which the synthesis of science and spirituality can be expected to be realized. This book invites the readers to study the original works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and particularly, Sri Aurobindo's book 'The Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth' and 13 Volumes of 'Mother's Agenda.' Kireet Joshi ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 Series Two I HOW TO READ SRI AUROBINDO AND THE MOTHER Why do we read the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? And if we read them, how to read them? Do we read for the sake of study? to know things? to acquire knowledge? That is a secondary aspect, a profit gained by the way. The real purpose ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Joshi Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis Philosophy ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Joshi Education for Character Development Education/or Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis Philosophy ...


... he handed me a shawl from his Stores, adding, "Payable when able." I distinctly remember the phrase. I came in touch with him again long after this. He became a devotee and disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and remained a faithful follower till his death. It will not be out of place here to say something about the sort of education and training we received in those early days of our life... about it, the well-known French poet and mystic Maurice Magre who had been here and lived in the Ashram for some time has recorded it in one of his books. You must have heard or read what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said on the subject. I do not wish to add anything of my own, for I was not an eye-witness; I had been away in Bengal for a while. Now that we are on this topic of cooks and cooking ...

... of Indian freedom had been losing their patience and they thought that the discomfiture of England was going to be their last and best opportunity; so they created a good deal of trouble. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother held a very different view. What they said in effect was this: "Help the British government to the best of your abilities. Enter every branch of their civil administration and their military... Mother, there began a rush of young children, or rather of people with young children, seeking shelter in the safety of the Ashram. In fact, we who lived here under the direct protection of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not get into Page 491 much of a panic. Nor was there noticeable any great austerity in our day-to-day life, and we did not have to undergo much privation either in ...

... lifeless matter or how mind managed to get into mindless life, that is, into animal life. There are so many hows and many more possible and impossible answers. We may say, rather Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said to us, that there were two processes: on one side, a seed of the next state of consciousness was involved in the existing one from the very beginning; it was dormant, as it were; and... named it the Supermind—had to be brought down into this terrestrial atmosphere so that it might awaken the inmost truth lying hidden in the depth of creation. And to accomplish this work Sri Aurobindo and the Mother came down on earth in human form, as a bridge between the two hemispheres. They represented in their human moulds not only humanity—all the elements of human consciousness-— Page 60 ...

... is a feeling that I must amplify my thinking. First let me assure you that there is no question of diluting the tradition of the Guru. It is understood that for all time to come Sri Aurobindo and the Mother will continue to be the Gurus for every one taking to the path of Integral Yoga. There cannot be a successor to the Mother. When Dakshinapada asked Her (unwisely) in the early fifties:... visited the Ashram in 1936 and his father Dakshina Pada in 1938. Since then they frequently visited the Ashram. So, it was natural that Pranab would come under the influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 76 During his college holidays after his intermediate examination, he came to have Their Darshan and to see the Ashram in April 1942, in order to get firsthand ...

... their heads to bless each one of them. Then they would bow to Sri Aurobindo who would also bless the person by placing His hand on their heads. Then the persons would bow their heads between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and both would bless the person with Their hands. And in this way, one after the other, the Darshan-seekers would come and go. This is how the Darshan was formerly organised. My... then he must take recourse to the Divine Consciousness and Force. The Divine Man shall emerge with the joint endeavour, the joint yagna (askesis) of Man and the Divine. This then is what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother called the "Sunlit Path" of human life. So in brief this is what we must do now. We must try to: 1. Do our work as properly and as perfectly as we can. 2. Develop our mind ...

... Notes and. Sources Bibliographical details about the sources listed below may be found in the Bibliography. The author's references to citations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been updated by the editors of his fifth edition. The new citations refer to the volumes of the Sri Aurobindo Birth - Centenary Library (SABCL) and the Mother's collected Works (MCW)... Aurobindo. 2. Quoted by R. Cousinet in L'education nouvelle, pp. 127-28. 3. The problem of love and sexual life, left untouched in these lectures, has been dealt with in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Love. III. The Educational Environment. No notes. IV. The Class Work 1. R. Dotterns's L'enseignement individualise contains samples of work-sheets, specially ...

... Father sitting side by side on this earth of dust, the very ones that Dada had indicated in the sky with his finger. During the Darshan, in a flash all thoughts and questions vanished. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had filled my heart with deep devotion and love. After the Darshan we went back to Feni. Every evening, I would sit silently facing the wide open field. Those questions continued to haunt... grown-ups would say: “That’s not possible. In this Kaliyuga God does not show himself in this way.” But our supreme good fortune is that the Divine Herself has come down onto this earth. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have Themselves become our friends. Sri Aurobindo’s wit and humour are so much in evidence in His Evening Talks . His conduct with His servitors and His children was that of a friend ...


... much contact with each other. But inwardly he could silently inspire and entrance people in a way I have never seen anyone else do.” Sudhir-da’s life was utterly dedicated at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I never heard him utter weighty sentences of Yoga. All his actions were centred in Sri Aurobindo. He used to say to me, “Why worry any more? Have you not reached the Ashram?” To my query... everything hidden within him, he brought out without the least hesitation to Sri Aurobindo. * Our parents had contemplated returning to Calcutta from Pondicherry after having Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We all three brothers wished to stay back in the Ashram. In some mysterious way the old man derived what was in our mind, and with a mischievous smile and a flicker in his eyes, he suggested: ...

... even more often. When I started doing this work, I too got the opportunity of organising Chandralekha's Bharatanatyam programmes at the Theater. What should be understood is that while Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were physically present, the principal purpose of the artists' Visit was to have Their darshan, however great their repute in whichever field. They used to come to the Ashram for darshan... were we. Unfortunately, quite some time after this recording was done, it got accidentally erased from my spool.     Raghunath chose to begin their programme with a sanskrit stotra to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: jayatu sa bhagavannah purnabhago aravinda by TV. Kapali Sastri. He set it to music in a short time and when it was sung the audience was deeply moved by its soul-thrilling rendering! On ...


... the Sri Aurobindo Centenary Library in thirty volumes and the Collected Works of the Mother (Centenary Edition) in fifteen volumes have been published in their entirety, the citations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been checked and corrected where necessary, and the page-references too have been given to the definitive editions. Likewise, references are now made to the fourth edition (1978)... thanks to its Registrar, Parubai, whom I have known since her childhood days in Belgaum. And it was her noble father, the late Shankargauda B. Patil, who providentially first led me to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother forty years ago. I realise that, in the proper sense of the word, Sri Aurobindo's biography cannot be written, for his real life had not been lived on the outside. But with humility ...

... of the "senior sadhaks" in particular. Not a single protest by any "devotee" of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother when Sujata's home was locked by the trustees of the Ashram during her absence and on her return she had to spend the night outside. Who is Sujata? A child of 9 who came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and spent her youth and middle age serving Them. Nolinida, Dyuman, Harikant, trustees ...

... million tongues ... the Creator never ceases to scatter His floral bounty in forests and gardens 3 In the Ashram, the offering of flowers to the Mother at the time of Pranam - and to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at the time of the Darshans - was a Page 320 symbolic act testifying to the spiritual kinship between the Divine and the devotees. In India, flowers have always been associated... Yoga? On 4 April 1931, Amrita had found a passage in Essays on the Gita describing the role of the Avatar. Wasn't Amrita concentrating, when he was about to open the page, on what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as the twin Avatars were doing to him and to the other sadhaks and the rest of humanity? Why were they bearing the burden of earth-nature and treading its dolorous way? The answer was ...


... CHAPTER 27 Joint Adventure I During the seven years between 1931 and 1938, there was, as we have seen, a decisive progress in the sadhana, the lead of course being given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the disciples too - most of them - were no slackers, and were reasonably responsive to the demands of the Yoga: some moved fast, some at a moderate but steady pace, and there were... happened to her, what happened to him, had accordingly the same contours, the same colours, the same force of impulsion. Savitri thus became essentially the inner life-history of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. As the Mother has succinctly put it, Savitri is: 1) The daily record of the spiritual experiences of the individual who has written. 2) A complete system of yoga which can serve ...


... forwarded to Nolinida. He wrote back that in fairness half of it belonged to me, so the whole amount went from both of us to Mother. In order to acquaint the Hindi readers with the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, there was the idea that suitable Page 8 articles should go to Hindi journals from time to time. Mother had approved that I could do it without asking for her permission every... The response of the Hindi world was good, one may say. The famous orthodox journal 'Kalyan', having the largest circulation in the country, also responded by publishing some passages from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sometimes I wrote to Nolinida asking for clarifications in order to understand what Sri Aurobindo meant at certain places. He would gladly oblige. After settling down in Pondicherry ...

... Living in The Presence To round off... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have left us the assurance of the new Supramental consciousness. To receive it, one needs to develop a surrender that is complete through one-pointed sadhana. This Ashram was created for the realisation of this Truth, for its manifestation. I did not come here from my early childhood, no doubt... doubt, but I have grown up in this environment and aspiration. In their prolific writings, both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have given us very clear guidelines to become conscious participants in this adventure of the new Consciousness, how to transform our old human nature in order to manifest the new. This has been the primary focus of the Mother's workings in us. And the work IS continuing: the ...


... untrue to say that Ma came to the Ashram to live this life just for me. As I mentioned earlier, my mother had met several saintly and spiritual people before offering herself finally to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as Their disciple.     In any case, let me return to my story. After the November darshan, we went back to Calcutta. Just a few days after our return, we came to know on the radio... have been impossible for me to come to Pondicherry, had Ma Page 28 not stood by me and opposed Baba in that way. Today I draw all my support and strength from the Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, from Their blessing but my reaching Their Feet has been made possible only by my mother's steadfast faith. And for this I shall remain eternally and infinitely grateful to her. ...


... Jhunjhunwalla 817 Sisirkumar Ghose 234 Sisirkumar Mitra 433, 676 Socrates 315 Soli Albless 568 SRI AUROBINDO 232, 420, 503, 635-6 Categorised under 1. Biographical 2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother 3. Others on Sri Aurobindo 4. Sri Aurobindo on other subjects 5. Works of Sri Aurobindo 1. Biographical experiences in jail 52-3, 162, 657 aim in retiring... takes up Savitri in earnest 491 pulling down the supramental light 491-4, 503 passing 492ff interment 493ff, 501ff, 823 birth centenary celebrations 788ff, 803, 810, 829 2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother inner history in Savitri 3-4, 8-9, 12, 14, 16, 28, 44, 81, 84-6, 115, 126,184-5, 203, 286, 293, 315, 387-93, 491, 493-4, 496, 502, 610, 674, 695, 706-7, 734, 793-4, 809, 817, 824-5 ...


... because to succeed in politics one has to cultivate in oneself hypocrisy, duplicity and unscrupulous ambition". On the other hand, the indispensable basic requirements of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were "sincerity, honesty, unselfishness, disinterested consecration to the work to be done, nobility of character and straightforwardness". Sri Aurobindo had loved his Motherland deeply... World Conference on Human Unity convened by Sri Aurobindo Society in August 1964, several delegates had expressed the desire to come to Pondicherry and live in the light of the ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The Mother had then mentioned her vision of a new town not far from Pondicherry where such an experiment in communal life in the spirit could be launched. Now in 1965, eleven years after ...


... limit its extension and prevent anything more than an individual achievement. 6 August 1937 Page 638 The Supramental Evolution, the Ashram and the Hostile Forces With Sri Aurobindo and the Mother so close to us here, how is it that we continue to fall into darkness and sorrow—even into struggles with the hostile forces? You are right. The hostile forces, their attacks, their... physical nature". Page 663 Pointing to me she said, as for "the conversion of consciousness, it is there". Did she mean, by implication, that all those who have gathered round Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have this "conversion of consciousness"—perhaps in varying degrees? No. Those who come here have an aspiration and a possibility; something in their psychic being pushes and if they follow ...


... vital bhakti full of demands and desires. There is no room in it for ābdār of any kind. It is only for those who surrender to the Divine and obey implicitly the directions given to them by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 2 August 1930 You may get his photograph—it may help to see what kind of nature he has. But there is no need to go out of the way to persuade him; from his letter he does not seem... to take up this path of Yoga he is led towards a deeper and higher consciousness in which he can attain union with the Divine Mother. This however is a path long and full of difficulties—Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not admit anyone to it unless they are sure of his call and his capacity to follow it and the person himself is sure of his will to follow it until the goal is reached. You can also inform ...


... with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh . Dilip Kumar Roy's correspondence was issued in four volumes in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 under the title Sri Aurobindo to Dilip ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh . Dilip Kumar Roy's correspondence was issued in four volumes in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 under the title Sri Aurobindo to Dilip ...


... then observe the following instructions: (1) Never allow any fear to enter into you. Face all you meet and see in this world with detachment and courage. (2) Ask for the protection of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother before you sleep or meditate. Use their names when you are attacked or tempted. 2 (3) Do not indulge in this world in any kind of sympathy such as you felt for the old man in the... the temple or accept such suggestions, e.g., that he was your spiritual preceptor, which was obviously false since you could have no other spiritual preceptor than Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It was because of this sympathy and the accepted suggestion that he was able to go inside you and create the pain you felt. (4) Do not allow any foreign personality to enter into you, only the Light, Power etc ...


... totalitarian in him is evident from the intolerant, exclusivist single-type mentality he has fixed in the group which follows him. I have observed that people who are not steeped in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother turn against the Ashram on reading the Agenda. Even an old-time Swiss sadhika stopped coming to the Ashram for years because of the propagandist spirit which has moulded the Agenda... she have hoped to succeed if she had not had behind her a plenary life of Yoga answering to all that is said in those books? What Satprem is preaching to his admirers is a mutilation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother — a path that cannot lead the aspiring soul of the West anywhere near the "Divine Materialism" (to adopt a fine phrase of his own) at which the Mother was at work for the last 15 years ...


... what we may term "evolutionary Avatarhood" — a type of incarnation peculiar to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother because they came to start a new race, the next step in earthly evolution, a job none of the other Avatars had come to carry out. The very idea of "evolution" as understood and expressed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in our present post-Darwinian age could not be there in the times of Rama or ...


... performing ceremonies much like the worship of deities in front of the Page 32 photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Stating that for proper worship there should be a bijamantra [seed-mantra] to invoke the deity, he asked whether there was such a mantra for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Mother replied:) I always advise to let the mantra rise from the depth of the heart as a sincere ...


... literary fields equal of any of the greats in those spheres outside. To name a few: Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita, Anilbaran, Dilip Kumar Roy, Sahana Devi, Amal Kiran, Nishikanto. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have hinted that in their past lives some of these sadhaks had been great historical figures, and now in this life they have been drawn to Yoga to fulfil the ultimate object of human... wheel-chair carries him about like a perambulator, he is with us in full vigour of mind and heart. Now he asks himself an overall inner question: "What do Sri Aurobindo and the Mother expect me to gain by this accident ?... In the middle of one of the early nights I asked Sri Aurobindo what was to be my fate by this fall. A number of phrases came as a reply, the ...


... Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic The Literary Firmament of the Ashram THE world Sri Aurobindo and the Mother tried to create here in Pondicherry under the institutional name of Sri Aurobindo Ashram during their stay of six to seven decades among us is a subject worth studying from various angles, sociological, holistic, and as a new evolutionary... of life in a collectivity is not only necessary; but the various contributing factors must come together to work out a rich harmony and a vibrant orchestration. It is to this end that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother undertook this difficult experiment; certainly a worthwhile task for humanity if it has to pull itself out of its present round of blind repetitiveness, devoid of a larger vision and ...


...   The practical necessity of this experiment was not merely to advance knowledge; nor was this experiment directed towards seeking any personal gain, gratification or glory. But Sri Aurobindo and The Mother saw that the contemporary human crisis cannot truly be met without the evolutionary saltation or mutation. There are, according to them, only two alternatives before mankind today; either... either a revolutionary and evolutionary ascent towards the supramental manifestation on the earth or the abyss.   An account of the momentous experiments undertaken by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother cannot truly be given; they can only be glimpsed from the records they have left. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Letters on Yoga, The Mother, The Surpamental Manifestation and ...


... to remain with me for my lifetime but Shiva was ultimately replaced by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. When did you come to the Ashram for the first time and when did you have darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? It was in 1942 and I was eight years old. I came with my parents and I was so taken with the Mother’s beauty, her love, the flowers everywhere and the quiet, nightly meditations under... by Sri Aurobindo and later given to the Mother. There are some Egyptian scarab beetles and the head of a pigeon (both occult objects). Number seven houses dishes and utensils used by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It also stores a fourteen-inch knife, made by Harpagon. It had been made especially for the Mother to cut her enormous 80 th birthday cake! Number eight is a case Filled with beautiful ...


... would be more pensive if you had some of the problems I am facing these days which I cannot share with you at present.” He had come prepared (I had no idea that he was a long-time devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) and he promptly said, “Sir, you are my old instructor and I should not be advising you, but I have a humble submission; whatever your problems, write to the Mother for her blessings.” I... life? I must correct you. I am not “old”. You could say “almost eighty-one years young”. I had previously led a very active and adventurous life. I believe this unique yoga sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has kept me young with a capacity, energy, will power and confidence to carry on actively the work in their Auroville which has been called a “living laboratory” by her. We are the so-called ...


... who were 95 and 93 years young respectively at that time. These two nonagenarians graciously shared with me the illuminating experiences of their darshans and early days in the Ashram with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is difficult to imagine what it would be like to stand in the presence of Sri Aurobindo, to encounter the infinite in a physical form and to even correspond with Him directly. Both these... Mother India: A Monthly Review of Culture . Even now he remains in contact with legions of the scholarly and those in literary circles from all around the world. Udar Pinto came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as a businessman living in Pondicherry. He founded the Harpagon Atelier, makers of furniture and stainless steel products and was a personal secretary to the Mother, seeing Her on a daily ...


... India and came to Pondicherry in French India and the Mother came from France to join Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry. Will you explain the significance of their meeting? The meeting of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother appears as if predestined. Events and circumstances have been so moulded as to bring them together. Sri Aurobindo, who had been practising Yoga during his 6-years' leadership of the nationalist... Divine Mother he had worshipped. The meeting of the two represents the coming together of the necessary creative powers by whom a new age would be born. And it is to be noted that both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had been pursuing the inner life on essentially identical lines which would unite Spirit and Matter. So their joining of forces was the most natural thing. And it was not only a doubling ...


... my request, invoked the Mother's help and blessings to solve difficult and critical problems facing my friends and relatives. Besides the fact that we are co-disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (which, of course, is the most precious bond between us) we have many things in common, the two most notable being Philosophy and a boisterous sense of humour! We have... critic and the author of many brilliant publications. May he continue for many more years to guide and inspire seekers of knowledge and wisdom and lead them to repose at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! -Author's Note THIS question - Are Philosophical Questions Self-Answering ? — itself is not self-answering and perhaps also not self-explaining. Even if we hold that ...


... meticulous personal service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over fifty years was an inspiring example of selfless service. His helpfulness to devotees who sought the Mother's blessings and advice on personal questions made him a friend and well-wisher of all.... It is surprising that in spite of the rigours of his constant attendance upon Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and his innumerable small but ...

... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Conquest of the Asura on Mahasamadhi Day 1979-12-09 This is a vision of how Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are protecting everyone against evil forces. The Service Tree over the Samadhi is not ordinary, it does not cover only the Samadhi, but also the whole universe. It might represent here the transformed... descent of brilliant, white light (The Mother's Light) followed by the descent of the “Two-in-one” figure radiating bright golden light of Divine Truth, indicating clearly the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. ...


... or hinder my progress. On the contrary, I was happy to know that at least Mother understood me—the one whom all had called obstinate and trying she had found steadfast and meticulous. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are my All; they alone are my aradhyadeva , the Form of the Divine that I worship. Whatever they have taught me, through words or gestures or writing, I follow to my utmost capacity. In... In actual fact, it is they who make me do it and it is by their grace that it is done. Nowadays when someone observes my reactions and then shows me some writing of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, saying, “This is what they have said” or quotes them from memory, if I find it appropriate I do accept it. But if I don't accept it, it does not mean I consider what Sri Aurobindo and Mother have said to ...


... of the Yoga one has to be one-pointed in one’s heart, but in one’s mind, as a human incarnation in the present time, one has to be open and wide-ranging, therein following the example of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. “We have to find a truth that can entirely reconcile Spirit and Matter and can give to both their due portion in Life and their due justification in Thought, amercing neither of its... secret Whole, / Where zero held infinity in its sum / And All and Nothing were a single term.” It may here be recalled that, in another, complementary approach to the creation of matter, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said that matter is the first produce of the Inconscient, the dark Zero that is the contrary into which the Divine has plunged. At the very beginning of Savitri we read: A fathomless ...

... were in the minds of all sadhaks and devotees, who for the most part had expected to see the Mother as immortal and in a resplendent, divinized body. Not only had many expected to see Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in a divinized body, they had also expected that they themselves would become immortal and share in their divine glory. K.D. Sethna, for instance, writes: ‘Psychologically, one of the most... the gross matter known to us. The gross matter of our Mother the Earth is still in the process of transformation. This process is now in an advanced stage thanks to the avataric yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When gross matter will have become sufficiently subtle and receptive, i.e. transformed, the mature souls, ready and waiting in their soul-world, will descend and incarnate in it. The formation ...

... – knowledge, devotion or works – each of these faculties can only be neglected at the peril of gross reduction of the integrality, the condition of the intended divine transformation. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have often stressed the need for a clear mind and ever expanding knowledge. Sri Aurobindo writes e.g. in The Life Divine : “In any total advance or evolution of the Spirit, not only the... Earth Special As we have seen, it is the main tenet of the Copernican Principle that there is nothing special or privileged about our location in the universe. The spiritual view of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother says exactly the opposite, as has been considered in another talk. 26 In the present context the following quotations must suffice. The Mother: “In the immensity of the astronomical ...

... consisting of the general public which was ignorant of the ideal and the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and was not able to attend the meetings of Sri Aravind Mandal, but was eager to know about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Some friends approached and requested me to arrange programmes for placing Sri Aurobindo's ideal before the general public. In response to this request we decided to celebrate Sri Aurobindo... Dilipkumar Roy, a well-known name in Indian music and a disciple of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Dilipkumar Roy had been giving programmes of Indian music in all big cities of India as an offering to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. We arranged this programme in the Town Hall of Ahmedabad in November 1950. Two days' programme brought about an offering of ten to twelve thousand rupees to the Mother. Some friends ...

... worship of Shiva-Durga. If I can perform your worship and the Mother's, then perhaps I need not go from here. That is why I am wondering…" "Well, you can do that." On the day of Mahastami, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother sat in two chairs side by side. With the usual offering I performed the puja. I put garlands around both of them. Oh, it was as if Shiva and Durga had come down to accept the worship! It... "Wait and see, there will be more delight to come," he said. On November 24 a little before evening all the sadhaks were asked to assemble. One after another we trooped to the upper hall. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother blessed us all with both hands. I was told: "Mahashakti, the Supreme Consciousness-Force, has descended into Sri Aurobindo." I could myself see light and glory bursting out of his body. ...

... All the three undertakings being basically spiritual, are essentially most uphill tasks, which have had constantly to fight against the down-hill movements of normal human nature. 13) Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were most realistic in their approach and entirely aware of a continuing and a mounting action needed to overcome the hard resistances of life and circumstances, even when they pressed for... both continue to look after their work and the sadhakas have thus every reason to be happy in their pursuit. An energetic and a persistent pursuit of the high ideal under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother carries its own immediate satisfaction and the assurance of a full ultimate result. ...

... the inmost soul and from the blissful silence of the universal Spirit, both of them transmitting the glory and grace of the transcendent Supermind? Our chief concentration has to be - as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never tired of saying - on realising the Divine in our consciousness and on invoking His Will to work in us everywhere.   (9.2.1991) Page 220 Some thoughts and e... this "voiceless white epiphany" (to use an Aurobindonian phrase) across earth's vicissitudes.   (26.7.1991) Page 221 You have asked me for the best way to approach Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the great Darshan days. According to the Mother's own advice, we must do so with a quiet happiness. This creates a spontaneous receptivity. The state of being quiet makes for a sort of ...


... surfaces have to trace in time and space a running golden reflection of that eternal Truth. When I look back I feel ashamed of so many opportunities missed, so many fallings-away. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never encouraged the backward gaze and the regrettings and sighings. I can hear them saying: "Turn your ear to the flute of the future. Its melodies are endless. Waste no hours on airs... And I may tell you that the sense of nothing wonderful happening in our sadhana from day to day does not reflect any reality for us who have given ourselves into the hands of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Their secret Presence is ever with us and they are carrying us forward no matter if we feel we are standing still. At some moment what is being prepared behind the scene will break forth ...


... filled with God's goodness and win salvation." (4.12.1987)   Since you entered the Ashram atmosphere as a teenager and paid your respects to the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Page 210 Mother at that early period of your life - presumably your first contact with a spiritual power - the influence of these two Masters of Yoga is bound to have been basic. If afterwards... Page 212 instinct. But even if one decides to be an outsider Ashramite, so to speak, one must now and again come into the in-drawing atmosphere that plays about the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Those who live outside India can't do it often. Those who live within our country should drop in as frequently as they can to drink at the fountain-head.   (1993)   The question ...


... push of desire, all pull of attachment, and make every component clod of it rhyme with God. So far the body used to be a devoted channel for the inner being to flow in the direction of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Now one feels thrown out into one's physical stuff and called upon to realise its own divine inwardness, so to speak, its own soul-dimension. The stress of the Yoga is put on the most external... Perhaps they are - and that is what you mean when you say they are still in what Sri Aurobindo designates as the "conventional" stage of social evolution. I can see that the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are proving a great standby in the sort of world you are living in. As to your question about the rending of the veil I can't say offhand what is meant in The Life Divine without the context ...


... general sense of this dimension, for there is in my heart a warmth and a glow which I feel in a certain measure to be simultaneously my own Little soul and a heavenly hugeness known to be Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a hugeness with whom I am in intimate relation and within whom I perceive myself sweetly related to a multitude on whose lips the Two Great Names are a secret sound at all hours. When... the three verses breathe something of your present and your future in relation to the Divine. Your soul is seen peering into the dream-distances that are our approach to the immensity of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is isolated from the hubbub and hunger of the common world and wants nothing but the holy and healing influence of that far-seeming Perfection. Out of that remote prospect where earth ...


... various shades is hung. I am sure you also feel in yourself the smile of the immortal in the mortal, which the seers call the Soul. All of Page 95 us who have been touched by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have wakened to it but the whole travail of Yoga lies in keeping alive the sense of that touch of theirs by which the inner is brought close to the outer. The soul's smile is also the... a fire without smoke and who was there in the past and will be there in the future". (7.10.1987) You wrote your letter in the evening, the time to close the day with the books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In that holy time your thoughts come to my place. I am happy to learn of this association. I am writing.the present letter to you in the early morning when my own thoughts rise like the ...


... basalt rock terminating in a dip from which rose two companion peaks. had the sense of an endless infinite presence projecting for our sake a pair of communicative summits which we know as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.   What I have written above is of life here at its best and as it should be. There are difficulties and dry spells, but with a little inner opening, my picture tends to be realised... and his own operation for an enlarged prostate - I have no precise idea .(I may guess that the hostile forces are eager to get rid of the sadhaks who had a direct prolonged contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and so carry some of their light more substantially into the present period than those who did not enjoy such Grace. These forces perhaps believe that the removal of the old-timers would ...


... very essence of oneself is love and worship of the Greatness and the Grace ever before one in the deep heart's temple.The best way I know of in order to enter this temple is to visualise Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as they Page 146 used to sit together on the Darshan days or else to visualise one or the other of them and imagine one's head bowed to him or her for the touch of their... an Other reminding us of our need to outgrow our own smallness and yet figuring what is hidden Page 150 deep within us as our own true reality - verily, the existence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as Avatars amongst us to whom we daily related our little selves, laying both our virtues and vices at their feet, would justify my disposition to see the soul-fire without rather than within ...


... The War was on, Hitler was in the ascendant. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother declared that Hitler represented a hostile force and so we must all side with the Allies who were on the side of the Divine. But still many in India and Europe were much enchanted by Hitler and wanted him to win. Even in our camp, knowing very well that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were supporting the Allies, some had the temerity ...


... in Matter, in a total supramental being and supramental body, and... All earth shall be the Spirit's manifest home. 1 This cleansing of the middle ground is the whole story of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... "I had been dredging, dredging, dredging the mire of the subconscious.... The supramental light was coming down before November, 2 but afterwards all the mud arose and it stopped."... Sri Aurobindo verified, not individually this time but collectively, that if one pulls down too strong a light, the violated darkness below is made to moan. It is noteworthy that each time Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had some new experience marking a progress in the transformation, this progress automatically materialized in the consciousness of the disciples, without their even knowing anything about ...


... which the Master unveiled his high visions and to the Master himself because the Mother had anticipated them in mystic silence some thirty years in advance. Side by side though Sri Aurobindo and the Mother stood, she often took the position as a of a "disciple" and spoke of carrying out a work allotted to her and of promulgating his message to the world. On the other hand, he never tired... humility possible only to a supreme instrument of the Divine such as Sri Aurobindo — occurs in one of the months just before the Descent of the Overmind into the physical beings of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He is recorded as saying: 4 "The inner guide may fail after a time in the sadhana. I had attained an inner calm, before J took help from Lele. But when I came to ¹ Ibid ...


... confidence unless you believe that we have been through the same complexity of troubles and succeeded in untying every 'knot intrinsicate' of life?" — such in effect is the stand of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This diversified experience within themselves of all types of natures and all species of problems has given them a sympathetic and helpful tolerance that is unique. I know from... say. "No." It was as if she were cutting me loose from herself. A tinge of fear also crept in at the thought of a maelstrom of life like Bombay. I wrote a number of letters to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. One was in connection with a spell of danger to the Ashram brought about by some hostile elements in the British Government which wanted Sri Aurobindo dislodged from Pondicherry. Sri ...


... Light and Laughter   TALK TWO August 29, 1970         During the last talk I realised that the subject was as much myself as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but I could not really help it and I hope you will forgive me if I repeat the folly. I even made the claim that in Savitri Sri Aurobindo had referred to me twice because twice he has... Mrs. Mcpheeters — the man was named Vaun and the lady Janet, and they had come just a month or perhaps not even that long before I arrived. So they too were preparing for the Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.         I happened to be just behind them in the queue and I couldn't help overhearing their agitated conversation. It seemed a big problem had arisen at the last minute: to whom ...


... not expressive of any indignation a la Shaw at the follies of the age (least of all at my own follies), it did play a certain expressive role. On the one side it mildly suggested what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother thought was quite evident — namely, that I had been an ancient Athenian in one of my past lives. On the other it conjured up, in the overall look of the face, the early Christian. The early... (laughter) When editing Nirod's accounts, I submitted a few of Sri Aurobindo's jokes to the Mother for approval and she said: "No, no, you can't publish that in Mother India."         Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not deliberately keep any barriers between themselves and their disciples. I have found the Mother behaving without the slightest sense of the gulf separating her in quality of consciousness ...


... the epic of epics, one of the four pillars of the stupendous structure of supramental work, may from a point of view be regarded and studied as an epitome of the unimaginable labour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This they undertook for hewing out the path of supramental realisation, for divinising man and heavenising the earth. In particular it epitomises the holocaust of the Mother in her gigantic... Page 407 to another.'This is Sri Aurobindo's own definition. Several characters of this epic are symbolic. The main purpose of writing this epic is to show us the mission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on this earth. His birth held up a symbol and a sign. 1 A world's desire compelled her mortal birth. 2 A soul made ready through a thousand years Is the living ...

... as one goes through the enormous work that the creative genius in him has been able to create. And what shines throughout these luminous pages is a deep devotion for his and our Masters Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is a kind of cheerful enthusiasm that flows out of some deep and soothing stream of love. It is a love that does not flow on the surface as a superficial sentiment but can be seen to... pours Itself and Its energies upon the world. We have to be exclusively under the Influence of the Divine who alone can be the true and perfect guide, who for us has assumed the form of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. When we appreciate and admire someone we must never lose sight of this central fact that it is the Divine who has made the person what he is. Once when the sehnai maestro Bismillah Khan ...


... I then followed her there, and sat with a happy flow from my heart to her all the time. At 5 o'clock I left and came to the Samadhi where I spent about half an hour of deep devotion to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I went from there to the Playground where my interview was to be at six. The Mother came a little late and said: "I have by mistake given some time to other people too." I said: "That's... expected had not happened. I learnt many years later that the Supermind had come but could not be fixed here. Now, on February 29 this year, late in the evening, it came for good! What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had worked for during 30 years happened at last. I wonder when the world will realise that in 1956 the greatest event in its history took place. Of course the detailed working out of ...

... English translation for approval. ( Amal sent both the French original and his English translation. Below only the English is given. ) READING SRI AUROBINDO AND THE MOTHER A LETTER TO THE MOTHER How should one read the books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? The true method is to read a little at a time, with concentration, then keep the mind as silent as possible, without trying actively to ...

... informed and thoughtful reader. I express my grateful appreciation to the Sri Aurobindo Trust for its generous copyright permission to quote from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. My deepest gratitude goes out to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to whom I owe the inspiration and the light that have made the writing of the book possible. A. S. Dalal x ...

... all things may change. Such is the Divine challenge to seekers everywhere who decide to tread the road of the Integral Yoga opened up by the "One Consciousness in two bodies"—Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A formidable challenge, one that can be accepted only by those prepared to be among the forerunners of the tomorrow of the earth—a tomorrow, we might add, that we are all willy-nilly... several—might communicate its mantric force and power to others. And, perhaps, make their listeners' entire being throb with the Supreme Certitude in the very last line in the above. Clearly, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother did not walk the earth in vain. Finally, it is important to stress, in the strongest possible terms: no essay can do even a modicum of justice to the unparalleled wonder and majesty ...

... Champaklal Speaks Sri Ramakrishna’s Photograph Do you remember my coming to you [Madhav], now long ago, and asking you to send photographs of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to anyone wanting them, irrespective of whether they were in a position to pay for the photographs or not? I came to you after hearing from Mother the nice things she said about your work... Another instance of sincere aspiration ultimately getting fulfilled, is it not? Now you will understand why I am particular that when anyone who has no money to pay asks for a photograph of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother out of aspiration or devotion, it must be supplied to him. ...


... being entirely.” (Page 17) And it is through dedicated and loving service that he achieved God-realisation and prepared for transformation. He was the personal attendant and confidante of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. His simple, straightforward nature, his utter obedience, his thirst for perfection in every detail in whatever work he undertook, brought him very close to his gurus. The Mother called... into a spiritual painter, writer and poet. Soon after the Mother left her body, he kept voluntary “maun” (silence) and stopped talking. But being identified with the consciousness of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, he spontaneously projects Their presence. His travels all over India and to many countries in Asia, Europe and America have made a tremendous impact on all who have come in contact with ...


... × Library House (9, Rue de la Marine), into which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved from Guest House in October 1922, was rented some months earlier and purchased on 6.4.1929 for Rs. 21,000. Meditation House (28, Rue Francois Martin), into which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved on 8 February 1927, was rented from 1.1.1927, and purchased on 13.7.1927 for Rs. 14 ...


... days, Kashibhai had asked his son Maheshbhai, who was living in Bombay, to send a basket of fruifs and nuts (oranges, chikoos, grapes, almonds, pistachios, etc.) every week from there for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. After Maheshbhai left Bombay to live in Bharooch, Kashibhai arranged to get these fruits from Madras. You might ask what was done with these baskets coming so regularly. Kamala was entrusted... filled with orange peels. The Mother gave this juice to Sri Aurobindo and also to sadhaks. Kashibhai considered himself blessed for this rare opportunity given to him and his family to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Counting flowers : As you go upstairs to Sri Aurobindo's Room, you first step into a vestibule with doors on two sides and one in front which on Darshan days is covered by a life-size ...


... The practical necessity of this experiment was not merely to advance knowledge, nor was this experiment directed towards seeking any personal gain, gratification or glory. But Sri Aurobindo and The Mother saw that the contemporary human crisis cannot truly be met without the evolutionary saltation or mutation. There are according to them, only two alternatives before mankind today: either... revolutionary and evolutionary ascent towards the supramental manifestation on the earth or abyss. Page 56 An account of the momentous experiments undertaken by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother cannot truly be given; they can only be glimpsed from the records they have left. Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Letters on Yoga, The Mother, The Supramental M ...

... the experiment in the evolution that was proposed and carried out by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He said that if we were Page 134 to study this entire account of evolutionary experiment, then one could see the enormous relevance and inevitability of the programme of evolution presented by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He added that it was in the context of that great programme that he ...


... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Character Development . Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary ...


... and law at the Bombay University. He was selected for I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956 he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... and UNESCO affairs. He is currently Chairman of Auroville Foundation and of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. His published works include: Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Education for Character Development, Education for Tomorrow, Education at Crossroads, Glimpses of Vedic Literature and Veda and Indian Culture. ...

... Supermind in Integral Yoga Introduction The new synthesis of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has come to be known as the Integral Yoga 1 . This yoga has, as its first basis, the Vedantic realization of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sachchidananda) as the ultimate reality and the ultimate foundation of the universe and all that is in the universe... Consciousness, Delight in the mould of the mind, life and body. Such an intermediate link must be found, if the ultimate reality is Sat-Chit-Ananda, one without the second 2 . According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, that intermediate link exists, and that link is evidenced by the loftiest experience and realization of the Ultimate Reality, eternal and infinite and indeterminable. That intermediate ...


... Sadhana independently followed the same course. When they met, they helped each other in perfecting the sadhana. What is known as Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Page 140 Mother. (Sri Aurobindo: On Himself, SABCL, 1971, Vol. 26, p. 459) After the outbreak of the World War I in August, 1914, the Mother had to return to France along with Paul Richard... in the physical had to be done by opening up the physical cells. Just when the descent of the supermind reached a critical point, the Second World War broke out. This war was perceived by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as a fierce resistance to the task of the Supramental descent. Hence, they put all their yogic force against Nazism and the war ended in 1945, with the victory for the Allies as Sri Aurobindo ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I. A. S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Contemporary Man A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother On Materialism (Compilation) Towards Universal Fraternity (Compilation) Towards a New Social Order (Compilation) Let us Dwell on Human Unity (Compilation) ...

... Integral Yoga of Transformation -02_Preface.htm Preface Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is also known as Yoga of Transformation. The word 'transformation' has a distinctive meaning, and it is to be distinguished from what is normally called conversion or mere change of attitude or from the state of sainthood or ethical perfection. To be transformed... Gnostic Prakriti or Gnostic Nature. To use the words of the Gita, this would mean the manifestation of Para Prakriti. The secret of the manifestation of Para Prakriti has been discovered by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and it is this discovery which constitutes the novelty of the yoga of the integral transformation. This has a great deal to do with the evolutionary intention of Nature, and the entire ...

... Veda, which was followed by the synthesis in the Upanishads; the third synthesis is to be found in the Gita and the fourth synthesis is to be found in the Tantric Yoga. The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a new synthesis, and a question is often asked as to what is new in this synthesis. This book aims at answering these questions, and it can be regarded as an introduction to the original... this book will provide some useful material to seekers of the highest modes of action and who wish to clarify to themselves and reflect at deeper and deeper levels on Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Kireet Joshi ...

... of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who discovered and brought to perfection a new method of a synthesis of Yoga. In this synthesis, they came to underline certain profounder aspects of physical education, which have far-reaching implications for the contemporary problem of human evolution. We have, therefore, presented in this part a few selections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which ...

... In the early forties of the last century there were barely a few children in Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Later on, a few more came from outside, mostly children of disciples and devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and started residing in the Ashram. For the education of these very young children the Mother established a school in the Ashram with the name Page 105 of "Sri Aurobindo... over, sometimes because their parents were residing in the Ashram as its sadhaka inmates. But for these new groups of children the case was different. Their parents were indeed devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother but they lived the life of householders elsewhere in other parts of India. They had sent their children to the Ashram, only to be educated in the Ashram School, and there the matter ended ...

... frustrate our spiritual advancement? Yes, such is the experiential testimony given by the great Yogis of the past both in the East and in the West. Here are two statements, one each from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: "The forces that stand in the way of sadhana are the forces of the lower mind, vital and physical nature. Behind them are adverse powers of the mental, vital and subtle physical... behoving a sincere aspirant of the Path and follow certain .standards of con- Page 340 duct vis-à-vis these forces of darkness. The following passages from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother will surely help the sadhaka to choose the right guidelines for his action and reaction: (1)"You must not allow yourself to be disturbed. ... it is because they [the hostile forces] ...

... different plane. This can be testified by the fact that at a very critical moment of his life when he was almost on the point of dying, he spontaneously, almost instinctively, turned to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for necessary help and received it in full measure. This is how he has narrated the incident: "I seemed to drip ice from my face and be forcibly bent and broken. So, there was nothing... thought I would soon die. Various medicines were given me to keep me up. Yet the terrible sinking increased. It struck me that the only decisive help could be drawn by inwardly appealing to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ... With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling and calling. I pulled at the saving and healing light that is their Yogic consciousness ...

... law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance... Contemporary Man A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother On Materialism (Compilation) Towards Universal Fraternity (Compilation) Let us Dwell on Human Unity (Compilation) Landmarks of Hinduism The ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother The Mother with Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamaraj, Indira Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri at the playground of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 5 The Mother Continues Sri Aurobindo's Work I am only realising what He has conceived. I am only the protagonist and the continuator of His work. This is what... or the New Species, Mother or the Mutation of Death. The reader is recommended to study all these works. What is envisaged here is to put together some of the most Levant passages from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which could serve as a brief introduction to the study of this question. _______________________ ¹ Mother's Agenda, Vol. 3,p. 147. Page 109 In a strikingly revealing ...

... defects is chronically found in any sadhaka, he should pay heed and take immediate steps to remedy the situation. Now, let us consider some of the positive signs of opening. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have spoken about them. First Page 79 let us listen to what Sri Aurobindo has to say about the matter: "It can be easily understood whether any sadhaka has been... qualities and as a supplement to it, one can attend to a few processes of sadhana which can increase a hundredfold the sadhaka's receptivity. These sadhana can be formulated in the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as follows. The formulations are quite self-explanatory and need no elucidation. Formula One: "Lack of unification of the being creates difficulties in reception." Formula ...

... do we stand in this 'Hour of God'? Does it behove us to be forgetful of our spiritual commitment and of the purpose of our stay here - here in an Ashram which has been nurtured jointly by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - Page 89 and thus be left behind by the road-side while the Chariot of the lord moves inexorably on? We cannot plead in support of our timid tepidity that as the Mother... endeavour to those sun-eyed children of the Mother who are destined to appear "in the march of all-fulfilling Time", join this Ashram and turn it by their Tapasya into the divine Dream-Home of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother upon earth. Victoire à la Douce M è re: Victory to the Mother Divine! Page 91 ...

... changed from the morning to the afternoon and the period shortened to avoid any strain on Sri Aurobindo. It was a simple darshan: one by one the sadhaks stood for a brief moment before Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, received their Blessings, and departed with feelings of supernal joy. For the first few weeks after the accident Sri Aurobindo remained mostly silent. Gradually, however, he began to... in it of India, an enslavement far more terrible than any this country had ever endured, and the undoing of all the work that had been done for her liberation.' On September 19, 1940, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother made a joint declaration in support of the Allies. It was in the form of a letter addressed to the Governor of Madras covering a token contribution to the War Fund and stated: 'We feel that ...


... and unwaveringly. This cannot be easily done or achieved, for most of us look to the right, to the left, behind, below, 14 Pavitra (Philippe Baibier Saint-Hilaire), a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, passed away on 16 May 1969. A Frenchman who joined the Ashram in the 1930s, after having been to Japan, China and Mongolia in search of spiritual guidance, he was a Polytechnician and became... did Vivekananda become great ? After going to America and having lectured there. It's rather difficult to know who is really great, that is why people pass these facile remarks!" Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are not in the habit of saying: "Here are great people like Pavitra and Nolini and Amrita." These people live with us and we can exchange glances and word-lances with them! But let me not ...


... he handed me a shawl from his stores, adding, "Payable when able." I distinctly remember the phrase. I came in touch with him again long after this. He became a devotee and disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and remained a faithful follower till his death. It will not be out of place here to say something about the sort of education and training we received in those early days of our life... about it, the well-known French poet and mystic Maurice Magre who had been here and lived in the Ashram for some time has recorded it in one of his books. You must have heard or read what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said on the subject. I do not wish to add anything of my own, for I was not an eye-witness; I had been away in Bengal for a while. Now that we are on this topic of cooks and cooking ...


... of Death and Suffer­ing made it instinctive for her to accept the conviction then prevalent among Ashram inmates. "There was an unshakable faith in us in those days that not only will Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never die, those of us who succeed in surrendering ourselves to them entirely would be under their protection and also not die. Now, I cannot believe how that faith had entered in us.... Amma were among those allowed to cook a few dishes for Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo was very fond of Amma’s lemon rice preparation. Amma’s mother sometimes sent a basket of fruits for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The Mother always sent down some to them, and told Amma what to reply when her mother asked about her offering. Once, Mother forgot to send them any. It was only when she asked her if ...

... to go up to the Darshan of November 24, 1950, came. As soon as my wife and I appeared at the door of the long Meditation Room upstairs, at the other end of which was the small room where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were sitting, the Mother leaned towards Sri Aurobindo and said something. At once he started smiling. All through the Darshan the smile was on his lips, and my wife tells me that until I... December for Bombay after meeting the Mother. He flew back as soon as he got the news. He was in the Ashram on the morning of the 6th. He has written in his reminiscences entitled The Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother : "I who had depended so much on Sri Aurobindo in all my writing work — when he had woken to inspiration the labouring poet, stirred to literary insight the fumbling critic, shaped out ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 How to Read Sri Aurobindo and the Mother WHY do we read the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? And if we read them, how to read them? Do we read for the sake of study? to know things? to acquire knowledge? That is a secondary aspect, a profit gained by the way. The real purpose of coming in contact ...

... Anilbaran. Songs from the Soul (1939) Roy, Dilip Kumar. Eyes of Light (1948) Sethna, K. D. The Secret Splendour (1941); The Adventure of the Apocalypse (1949); Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954) Tehmi. Poems (1952) The literature by disciples of Sri Aurobindo, or inspired by Sri Aurobindo's life and thought, in the several modern Indian languages and in Sanskrit... Auroville. Gazette Aurovilienne, a bi-monthly report. Sri Aurobindo's Action, a monthly Journal. All India Magazine, a monthly Journal giving extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Srinvantu, a Quarterly Journal in English and Bengali. Bartika, a Quarterly in Bengali. Purodha, Hindi Monthly, and Bengali Quarterly, for Youth. Dipti, ...

... to draw flowers or not, Sri Aurobindo asked him to carry on without worrying, merely allowing the inspiration to come spontaneously. Champaklal had thus appreciation and advice from both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the earlier years of his practice of the art, and he maintained a reasonably steady progress. Once early in 1935, the Mother specially asked him to draw a rose in the corner of a card;... providing recreational activities, but rather at training and perfecting the physical instrument so that the Truth Force might manifest itself through the body. The goal of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was integral transformation, and the body being the base claimed particular attention. Through resilient efficiency and harmony of perfect functioning, the body was to be a House Beautiful ...


... visioned her, verily Sakambari herself and Plenty was her native gift, occasions were not wanting when the pinch was felt sharply and necessary expenses had to be stinted. In the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, there was no rejection of life but only a determination to accept it and live it wisely and in the process to try to transform it; and no ascetic rejection of money either, but rather its... levels of the spirit. 6 If money and politics have become by and large the preserve of the Lords of Falsehood and of Death, what then is the duty of those who have the knowledge given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? It is obvious that the answer to Falsehood is Truth, the answer to Death is Life, the Life Eternal, the Life Divine. The fight against falsehood and death must therefore start with the ...


... therein the fire which purifies and transfigures .... 27 These reiterated words of divination seem to embody in seed-form the whole Ashwattha-tree of the future Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. V Between May and June 1914, Mirra identifies herself with the Earth (25 May), becomes Earth's mouthpiece (31 May), receives the Lord's assurance (9 June) and wins the... June. There is here the lightning-flash illuminating the future, visualising both Sri Aurobindo Ashram (as it was to grow from 1926 onwards) as also Auroville in 1968 and after, with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as the "divine Centre". It is necessary to add, too, and this has been emphasised already, that the "hierarchy" Mirra had in mind was of the spiritual, not of the bureaucratic or financial ...


... plane on which blows can still be given by the adverse forces, it is necessary to make a change which can best be done by a change in the inner attitude of the Sadhaks .... 11 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the Mother even more than Sri Aurobindo - had to be at the centre of a struggle with adverse forces, and of a work of change and transformation of the old into a new consciousness... means of knowing how the Mother herself reacted to the sudden set-back in her health in October 1931. That month of withdrawal and tribulation was certainly a period of great anxiety. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had commenced a work of vast significance, nothing less than the structuring of a new heaven and a new earth; and this set-back seemed to cast a question-mark on the entire future of ...


... children on 2 December 1943, but in the course of the seven years they had grown up in age and abilities and spread and depth of consciousness, and were now ripe for higher education. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had definite views about the future, and about the role of education in hastening that future. The Mother accordingly felt that the time was opportune for calling a Sri Aurobindo Memorial... spiritual realisation - the proposed university should restore to the latter its rightful place and help the pupils to receive integral rather than piecemeal education; and, finally, that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - their thought, their personality, their influence, their yogic direction - should give the needed dynamism and creative unity to the forthcoming university. As if anticipating this ...


... the heart of man the flower-seed of Divine love that is sure to grow .... 11 Such, then, were the gains of the Darshan for the sadhaks, disciples and visitors who filed past Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and received the touch of their palms as the concrete symbol, as the electric currency, of their benedictions. It was certainly worth waiting for weeks, months and (with some) even... grace again? III From Sri Aurobindo's or the Mother's point of view also, each Darshan had an importance of its own as a carefully controlled spiritual experiment. Every time Sri Aurobindo and the Mother tried to bring down a force or power of consciousness, a Ray of Light, a tremor of the Delight of Page 360 Existence, and they would watch how the sadhaks and the others ...


... the being and gives it a new vision, a new outlook, and a new aim to pursue in life. ” In no yoga the complete psychic realisation is so much insisted upon as in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; for, the secret of divine fulfilment lies in the psychic, and also the key to the transformation of nature. It is true that the supreme transforming power comes from the Supermind, but... inwards and discover his psychic, his real self, the eternal fount of love and light, the living ocean of peace and power, the potential architect of the kingdom of God upon earth ? ¹Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education, Page 92 ...


... my heart and soul. In those days, the artists who came here came primarily for the Ashram, to spend some time in its spiritual atmosphere and to imbibe a little bit of the Presence that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had charged the Pondicherry air with. Presenting their music was not their principal objective. Thus, many of these artists would come regularly to spend some time here. During their stay... developed between myself and them in several fields. I received a lot of music and knowledge of music Page-177 from them. In turn, I would share with them my love for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and their Ashram. If any of them expressed a wish to learn Dilip Kumar Roy's or Sahana-di's songs, I would try and help them with it. But progressively, I came face to face with a little ...


... here. 34 Pavitra remained, the bud of his spiritual aspiration opened out gradually into a full efflorescence, and he became one of the most authentic sādhaks of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Others came too - some remained, some went away - and some went away and returned to stay permanently. By 1926, there were about twenty-five sādhaks staying with Sri Aurobindo... meditation. In the interval of silent meditation and blessings many had distinct experiences. ... It was certain that a Higher Consciousness had descended on earth.... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: "The Lord has descended into the physical today." 59 Page 548 ...

... pronouncements. It is solved when the precise reason for the reservation is explained. In the original draft the article had a few jocular expressions of somewhat "naughty" high spirits. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother could enjoy them but not allow them in a periodical of the Ashram, especially one like the ADVENT which had a sustained serious tone. Even elsewhere in India the article needed a little ...


... incorporate from Sri Aurobindo himself and the sweeping conclusions drawn on the strength of them: "Many people are of the opinion that for the Supramental Yoga we require exclusively Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The devotion of these people is commendable, but we must see what Sri Aurobindo has said on his Integral Yoga. Otherwise there is every possibility of sectarianism being developed. ...


... and to the Personal Divinity beyond all beings as well as within them. Then alone will love bring heaven to earth. Then alone shall Auroville be the City of Dawn built from the Light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 80 ...


... the Institute of Human Study at Hyderabad headed by V. Madhusudan Reddy offered its co-operation.   The Ashram Trust is to be thanked for permission to quote from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.   1 st August 1981 AMAL KIRAN (K.D. SETHNA)   PUBLISHER'S NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION The Clear Ray Trust is happy to bring out this long-overdue ...


... December - "Augustus Caesar and the Birth of Jesus" - has revived your scepticism. It accepts the historicity of Christ as much as that of Augustus Caesar. And it would not have done so if Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had anywhere been uncertain. In that very issue you will find on the opening page the Mother's sentence: "Jesus is one of the many forms which the Divine has assumed to enter into relationship ...

... to be impressive Yogis, as if an infinite of the unachieved did not stretch before us, the supreme egoless soul-sweet spirit-wide range after range of evolutionary possibility to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother constantly beckoned us. But there is also the second step — to be on guard against other people's pretensions. Either we are too important in our own eyes or else we cast about ...


... Russia, Communism in its Stalinist "Asuric" form was anathema to him. Here it would be well to realise that the politicians in charge have to be differentiated from the common folk. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had a warm appreciation of the Russians in general. They are, according to her, a fine people, capable of devotion and self-offering, who were coerced into a mould not suiting their innate ...


... Christian Heaven, the Muslim Paradise), there has to be an organised collective life with a certain minimum of rules. An extreme tolerance is attempted because human beings are so various. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have tried to give the utmost liberty to their disciples so that each one's special trend of being may be respected. As the very word "Mother" connotes, there has to be an abundance of ...


... thankful if you will get clarification from the Mother on the following three points: 1. On the subtle-physical plane, was there any creation before or is a new one being created by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with new types of beings or for the souls that are developed and transformed on earth? 2. Sri Aurobindo had promised that he would manifest in a first supramental body built in a s ...

... king to note that Golconde has no ceiling fans, nor are any contemplated. It is the Ashram’s most “exclusive” guest house, also the oldest and most famous. (Except for Guest House where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother resided in the early days.) Fortunately Golconde is excluded from our usual list of guest houses. There were many hurricane lanterns in Bula-da’s room, well maintained and ready for use ...


... utter security a supramental earth-existence the Yogi has to tackle at last the bed-rock of the Inconscience, the dark basis of the submerged Divine from which evolution seems to issue. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, taking upon themselves as representative pioneers the agelong difficulties of all human nature, have been striking against this bed-rock for the last decade and a half. "No, it is not with ...


... that too with full awareness. Gossip and back-biting are a great hindrance. When we remain silent how many difficulties are overcome! It was with this understanding that even while serving Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I desired to observe silence and prayed to Mother for her permission. But she did not consent, because my silence would have affected my daily work with her. In the month of October ...

... necessary yearning of his being and still at the age of a hundred, the climb up with determination and persistence has not diminished. Age is no bar when the spirit is immersed in the Sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.   At a very early age an attack of Polio deformed one leg and here too he is a living example that a physical incapability need not hamper the growth of intellect and spirit. A Stephen ...


... When it had reached a presentable stage, Arabinda Basu succeeded in firing the imagination of the Sri Ma-Sri Aurobindo Milan Kendra of Calcutta. That enterprizing group of disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took up the publication of my adventurous attempt. And it is thanks to the liberal offer of funds without any fanfare by Mr. Tarapada Majumdar and to the leadership of that rare combination ...


... Pondicherry! She had been the secretary to Paul Brunton. [Paul Brunton was an occult journalist and author. He wrote A Search in Secret India. He wanted to interview the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said, “If we see him he must not write anything about us.” From what I was told he did get to see them but never wrote anything about them. He did, however, travel among sadhus, visited ...


... infinite content, nor defer the manifestations of it in our material universe which, in fact, it carries in itself. It goes without saying that without the teaching and example of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, these pages could not have been written. They are bathed in their vision of what I call the eternal Future. In Le temple de 1'Apocalypse, wanted to go back to the beginning of ...


... The Mother Notes on the Texts Series One —Amrita . Originally named Aravamudachari Ayengar, Amrita was one of the first Tamil disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. His correspondence covers the period from 1919 to 1955. The basis of the correspondence are his reports to the Mother and her comments on them. Most of these reports and comments are in ...

... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Characteristics, Types Usually, the vision is the expression of the consciousness in things. Can hallucinations be compared to visions? A vision is a perception by the visual organs, of phenomena that really exist in a world corresponding to the ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Opening, Signs, Development A Painting after seeing the Vision “At first only darkness is seen every where but it sis nice. Then, very bright sparks are seen, Now everywhere light and only light is seen. Finally, the effect of this sparking light ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Importance, Utility The only vision that is true and sure is the vision of the divine Consciousness. So the problem is to become aware of the divine Consciousness and to keep this consciousness in all details all the time. The Mother All visions ...


... throne, boys, girls and teachers were standing in that golden Light. There was no difference between students and teachers in their way of standing. After a short while I saw them going to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother one by one. Each one stood just in front of them praying for what he wanted and expressing in words his inner condition very sincerely. All were self-gathered, concentrated and gave an ...


... innumerable steps to reach the top. While climbing one would often feel that only a few steps remained, but that was not to be as there was no end to the steps. This building belonged to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The desire to go higher and higher became more intense but the steps were almost endless. I finally decided not to think about the remaining steps. Is it not joyous to climb them? In ...


... formations behind the con­struction upholding and inspiring it.” 16.1.1979 NOLINIDA 4.1.1979 This could be the vision of the future of Auroville, confirming the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother above Matrimandir and Auroville, they continue to do the work. They are still taking care of all (as indicated by the appearance of a body with many hands and then with many eyes). The ...


... Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Two Visions at Hyderabad, Darbar Hall 1979-02-10 Both the visions are a significant confirmation of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are doing from other worlds. ...


... assimilated. “I feel deep joy in your experience.” 5.5.1979 M. P. Pandit “Soon after receiving the Golden Vision, I felt that I had received a lot. “It is my faith that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are always present and they are doing the last work of the physical transformation of Mankind (or this world) along with the other works for the maintenance of this world. This faith is ...


... “Truth is like a vast, pathless land” and one can get lost in one's search for truth. The psychic (symbolised by the children) should, then, become active and lead along the path indicated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. One may then reach the highest consciousness—the supramental consciousness or one can get a glimpse of it. However, “Only a little the God-light can stay”. It is very difficult to hold ...


... started working with the Mother, she brought that watch and asked me if I would like to keep it. I was amazed but did not answer because I had firmly decided never to take anything from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, bur to offer whatever I could. 3 All the same she gave it to me.) We had not decided on which day we would leave Pondicherry. On the eighth day we all felt it to be the last day; ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Too Human If you are quite sincere, you will agree with me that you are complaining of my being not too Divine but not Divine enough. For if, in my physical body I had assumed, for instance, the appearance cherished by the ancient Indian tradition, how convenient it would ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Yoga and Self-Control Say to K that it appears from what has happened that he is unable to control himself and hardly even seems to will to do so; for otherwise he would not have indulged his sexual instincts in this way and by importunity force them on another. If that ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Inward Separateness The protection and help will be there as they were here. You have only to keep yourself open to them and live inwardly seeking to become more and more conscious so that you may feel the Divine Presence and Power. As to the Bombay atmosphere, keep ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Children in the Ashram My four-years-old nephew cries and insists constantly to come to the Ashram. What should I do? He is too young and undeveloped yet. It is only after a certain age that the being takes on a definite individuality except in rare cases. It is only ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Superior to All X might be told that apart from the superficiality and shallowness of his reasons for not coming for pranam, there are others, much more advanced in Sadhana than he is, who do come. What about these? He is always trying to prove that he is far superior ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Symbolism of a Snake Generally a snake symbolises a movement of falsehood. When something in the nature is in affinity with falsehood snakes are attracted. The nature of the falsehood is indicated by the nature of the snake and the plane where it appears. 30 August ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II One Sidedness is not Helpful How do you expect others to keep to an arrangement when you are not doing it yourself? How do you hope to get out of your shallowness if you remain always one sided in your perception of things? June 1931 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Her Motive must be Pure She can try to do yoga, but her motive must be pure, for if she decides to do yoga in order to join you here, nothing good can come out of it. 23 June 1932 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II We can’t be Strict We can't be as strict for visitors as for inmates of the Ashram. Sri Aurobindo ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II One Meets in Life What One Is About what you say on the last page of your letter. Things are not altogether what you think them to be. For some years already, I have had much to say on the subject. But what is the use...there are certain waters which are best left unstirred ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Fight against the Ego Your ego, at the slightest thing that displeases it, is in the habit of opening the door of your being to an evil spirit of arrogant and impudent disbelief which passes its time in throwing mud and filth on all that is sacred and beautiful and especially ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II To Profit by One’s Stay Here You have answered the trustful welcome given to you by an arrogant and uncomprehending attitude, judging everything from the viewpoint of an ignorant and presumptuous morality which could only alienate from you the sympathy so spontaneously ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Working for the Divine There is no question at all of "position" — nor of prestige. V has a lot of knowledge and experience of the stage that we do not have. She is willing to share it with us. So the only sensible thing for us to do is to learn as much as we can and to ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Your Birthday is an Occasion Let this day of your birth be for you an occasion to give yourself a little more, a little better to the Divine. Let your consecration be more total, your devotion more ardent, your aspiration more intense. Open yourself to the New Light ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Allow your Soul to Wake Up You have allowed an evil spirit of arrogance and impudence to possess you. It is leading you to ruin and perdition. Allow your soul to wake up and save you from this catastrophe. 9 April 1958 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II My Duty Everyone has to follow his own path which, necessarily, is the best and the swiftest for reaching the goal. As I happen to know the way, it is my duty to show it to them. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Mental Knowledge Now, what the intellect has understood let the whole being realise. Mental knowledge must be replaced by the flaming power of progress. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Have Full Faith Have full faith in your experiences, they come from true spiritual source. 12 December 1957 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Source of True Happiness Do not worry. It will pass. It is the vital's amour-propre that has received a fine knock on the face, it is vexed and gone on strike. When it starts understanding that it is a foolishness and that this leads to nothing, it will become reasonable ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Invoke My Will In order to be cured, my child, not only is it necessary to stop all these unseemly practices completely, but it is necessary to get rid of all these unhealthy desires from your thought and sensation, for it is desires that irritate the organs and make ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Buddha’s Smile Friend, sister of former days and always, In your letter of the 9th June which has just arrived, you write that the Buddha is smiling with gentle irony", but the Buddha's smile can only be a smile of perfect understanding before a luminous accomplishment ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Give Yourself My love is always with you; if then you do not feel it, it is because you are not capable of receiving it. It is your receptivity that is lacking and should be increased; for this you must open yourself, and one opens oneself only if one gives oneself . Surely ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Widen your Consciousness The whole trouble comes from the fact that you cannot harmonize with someone unless he is in agreement with your own ideas and his opinion and way of doing things are in conformity with yours. You must widen your consciousness and understand ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II “I Am with You” I am writing to tell you that surely you should be able to feel my presence everyday. I am with you so concretely, I see you so clearly, we speak together, we contemplate the harmony of a beautiful park; I explain to you and show you how to keep within oneself ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II No Attachments There was a time when you were very passionate and your affection! degenerated immediately into passions with all the disequilibrium that this entails. But now you are more sober and undoubtedly you are more calm and quiet until the day there will be no ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II A Genuine Call for Sadhana I am sorry, but for the moment we are not in a position to increase the number of inmates. It is already difficult to manage with those who are here — exception made of the very few cases of those who might come with a genuine call for sadhana ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II An Imbecilic Act It is clumsy and unbecoming enough to kiss a girl when she likes it; but kiss her when she does not want it is a coarse and imbecilic act. The Mother ...

... those with natures like mine. Promode Kumar was one of the famous artists of Bengal. For some years he was the principal of Kalabhavan in Baroda. He was an ardent seeker and a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. An instance of Promode Kumar's absolute faith in the Mother's grace is that he never locked his room when he went out for work or a walk. When he settled here he brought a large collection ...


... the staircase, facing east, during the time people came to her for Pranam or distribution. (On special occasions her chair was kept along the northern wall of inner hall.) In 1927, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved from Library House to Meditation House, Bijoy was given the small room which later became Bula's room (the room to its north was Purani's). And for many years, after Bijoy shifted ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Studies in England I intended to let you go for your studies to England without telling you anything about it, because each one must be free to follow the path he has chosen. But after what you have written I feel compelled to write to you. No doubt from the exterior ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Two Falsehoods You must remove two falsehoods from your mind. 1) What you get from me has nothing at all to do with what the others have or have not. My relation with you depends on you alone; I give you according to your true need and capacity. Even here already you ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Avoid Quarrels This is my answer — It is because of all your quarrels, shouting, restlessness, nervousness, agitation, discords and disputes, that C is unwell. I told from the beginning that she needed rest and quietness. But especially it was indispensable and she has ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Western Mind The western mind always finds it difficult to submit totally to a Guru and without total and unquestioning surrender to the Guru his help to you is paralysed. That is why generally I advise westerners to find the guidance and the Presence within themselves; ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Go Deep Inside Say to your mother to go deep inside her heart and she will feel that the Divine Grace is with her. I am sending her a card with my blessings. You can translate for her what is written upon it. You can tell her also that the consciousness of your father had ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Value of the Relation This is a very good opportunity to test the value of the relation. You must absolutely stop all quarrels. They are harmful for the sadhana of both of you. Try your level best, and if you cannot succeed, then you will have to give up the relation ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Others also are Legitimate He is quite legitimate in thinking and feeling as he does, but he ought to understand that the others also are legitimate although their thinking and feeling differ from his and he ought not to despise them and call them by bad names. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Human Love is Fugitive Do not grieve. Human love is fugitive. It is only the Divine's love that never fails. With love and blessings. The Mother continue ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II A Key Word for Japa It often occurs to me to beg Thee for a key word for japa. OM. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Call the Grace I have sent for the "delinquent" to tell him that this kind of activity is out of place in the Ashram, though unfortunately it is only too often practised here; but I am sending you this letter before seeing him so that you may know that he has nothing to ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II To be True to Oneself What has happened was more or less expected. Each one in life acts according to his own nature, and those who are not steady in their faith cannot be steady in their love either. Surely I am not angry with you and my help is always there whenever ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II To do the Right Thing Certainly to do the right thing is not cruel or selfish. What is cruel and selfish is to follow blindly one's weakness and thus to drag another with oneself in a pit from which it is always difficult to come out and never without losing much of one's ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Keep an Unshakable Confidence What can be done will be done, but it is a matter of regret that you waited so long for the warning. In any case, the only thing which is really effective is to will what the Divine wills, and to keep an unshakable confidence in the supreme ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Expectation from the Divine At last ft has been possible to go through all your communications. I shall see what can be done. Meanwhile here are two questions that do not call for a reply. What have you done for the Divine to make so many demands? What have you ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Ideal Friendship A friendship free from desire and attachment might be the ideal solution, but to be carried out it requires a perfect mastery over oneself and an unshakable discipline of the vital and the body. And as for the moment it is not yet the case, it is wiser ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Worry is no Cure My advice is not to worry. More you think of it, more you concentrate upon it and, above all, more you fear, more you give a chance for the thing to grow. If, on the contrary, you turn your attention and your interest elsewhere you increase the possibilities ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Human Friendship You preferred human friendship to divine friendship but human friendship is unsteady, and now you feel cut off from both, not that the Divine has withdrawn His friendship from you, never does He withdraw it, but you have got into a state of vital incapacity ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Light of the Truth I received your letter. My deepest sympathy is with you. We must pray for the day when the light of the Truth will reappear in the consciousness. Meanwhile my love and blessings are always with you. The Mother ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother Tends a Banana Garden When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lived in Library House, there was a small garden in the front; and at the back of Library House, where there is the Prosperity and Fruit Room building now, there was a banana garden. I learnt from Barin that the front garden was under ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Curing Congenital Diseases Her mental disease was congenital, that is to say, caused by her physical constitution, and it would have happened to her wherever she would have been and whatever life she would have lived. In fact, I made her last here one and half years more ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Political Polemic Anilbaran, It is important and urgent that the people of your Unity Party should rise to a higher level of consciousness and stop all attacks of a petty political character on persons. They must learn to fight for the Truth and the Divine Realisation ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Sri Aurobindo is with Me I do not deny that you have got a connection with something of Sri Aurobindo, the something that was interested in you and in what you are doing. This something might have remained with you to inspire and help you in your work in America and elsewhere ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Cure of Illness Wake up in yourself a will to conquer. Not a mere will in the mind but a will in the very cells of your body. Without that you can't do anything, e.g., you may take a hundred medicines but they won't cure you unless you have a will to overcome the physical ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II True Happiness It is not in order to be happy that we are upon earth, for in the present conditions of terrestrial life happiness is an impossibility. We are upon earth to find and realise the Divine, for the Divine Consciousness alone can give true happiness. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Become what I Am Why have you come just as we are? Why didn't you come as you really are? Because if I had not come as you are I would never have been able to be near you and I would never have been able to tell you: "Become what I am." 25 September 1957 The ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II New Birth Bonne fete! Let it be, for you, a new birth of your consciousness, the constant and conscious contact with your psychic being and for your co-workers a new start of unselfish and real collaboration in the work. 10 April 1954 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Keep a Cool Head How can we prepare ourselves to be your most faithful sadhaks during the possibly exciting events of this year? Keep a cool head and strong and very quiet nerves and complete trust in the Divine Grace. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Temple of the Spirit Why did I did not give meditation yesterday evening? Because one does not enter the temple of the spirit with an unclean mind. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Kind of Attraction All depends upon the kind of attraction. If it is a physical attraction, the need, the instinct of the animal pushing it to reproduction, the best thing is that you leave the place and not see X again. For this would mean that this person's influence ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Nothing can Remain Hidden Apart from the fact that the Ashram is not meant for those who seek the satisfaction of their vital or sentimental desires, but for those who aspire to perfect their consecration to the Divine, I have to warn you that here you must do only what ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Faith and Confidence If you have faith and confidence, it is not the human form of the Guru that you worship, but the Supreme Lord who manifests through him. Be not troubled and give yourself unreservedly to the Supreme Lord through whatever channel helps you. With ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II An Unselfish Aim When you give yourself to the accomplishment of an unselfish aim, never expect the ordinary people to praise and support you. On the contrary they will always fight against you, hate and curse you. But the Divine will be with you. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Perseverance It is a wrong use of a great quality — perseverance. Make a good use of it and it will be all right. Be obstinate in your efforts towards progress, and your obstinacy will become useful. 29 May 1971 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II An Ardent Faith In an ardent faith lies salvation. In the final analysis, it is the Supreme Lord who does all. We must be faithful instruments. 29 August 1972 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Always with You Always with you in a growing light and peace. Forward, always forward in love and joy and a peace rising ever higher. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Our best Help To Indira, Our best help is faith — the Divine is all merciful. With love and blessings. 12 September 1972 The Mother ...

... Touching Sight It was during the period when Sri Aurobindo was attending to correspondence with the sadhaks. Nolini used to receive letters for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the inmates, arrange them on a tray which he then brought up and left in a fixed place at the top of the staircase to the first floor. (It was also his work to distribute Sri Aurobindo's ...


... that too with full awareness. Gossip and back-biting are a great hindrance. When we remain silent how many difficulties are overcome! It was with this understanding that even while serving Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I desired to observe silence and prayed to Mother for her permission. But she did not consent, because my silence would have affected my daily work with her. In the month of October ...


... Aurobindo, the last is by the Mother. The other two longer notices seem to have been formulated by Nolini Kanta Gupta, the Secretary of the Ashram, following the oral or written indications of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Some of he rules in them were written by Sri Aurobindo or else taken almost verbatim from his letters.) ...

... to the Mother in 1958 she wrote the caption on its lower margin. She also got it printed and distributed it on the Darshan Day, 21 February 1960. It is exhibited in the room where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother used to sit for giving Darshan. Page 64 ...


... poison by giving a slap. I have narrated the above two incidents to illustrate how occult work is also done in this yoga. I have always been interested in watching the expressions of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Especially during meditations with the Mother it was almost impossible for me to sit with closed eyes. My gaze would remain fixed on her face. In the same way I have learned much from Sri ...


... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II A Talk of 25 October 1924 It was stated by a sadhak to Shyam Sunder Chakravarty that Sri Aurobindo 's mind had become international and that he does not think about national matters. I do not believe in present day internationalism which aims at creating ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Interviews with Tirupati (The following seven reports of April 1925 are notes on Tirupati's interviews with Sri Aurobindo,) When you bring down Power, you always bring down fighting power. The Divine power need not always be fighting power. When so power ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Talks of September 1925 (The following five reports of September 1925 are notes on evening talks of that month.) If one has a natural conscious psychic capacity to open to God totally, unconditionally, sincerely, then there is no fall for him. Difficulties ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Rabindranath Tagore’s Account of His Interview with Sri Aurobindo At the very first sight I could realise that he (Sri Aurobindo) had been seeking for the soul and had gained it, and through this long process of realisation had accumulated within him a silent ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II A Refined Girl X is a very refined girl, and she is extremely sensitive, easily hurt. Never scold her or speak harshly to her or force her to do anything. I find her very nice. But she looked so frightened — I don't know who could have told her about me that ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Yoga and One’s Horoscope When you take to yoga, the horoscope does not hold good, because another force enters into play. After that, the predictions are only true as far as you carry with you parts of your old life into the new one. This is a well-known ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Remarks about Kashibhai’s Dream Sri Aurobindo said: I have told him about his vital sensibility. Try to keep the vital quiet under any circumstances; whatever happens, not to get angry. Regarding Kashibhai's dream in which he saw a brilliant, luminous ...

... Part V: Talks and Interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Two Comments of ‘the Mother’ ...

... verbatim transcription of the author's interview with Eckhart, is the most powerful conveyor of what Eckhart has to offer to the spiritual seeker. Similarly, the power of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lie far more in their actual words quoted throughout the book than in the author's paraphrases and expositions. ix ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Hostile Force in nearby Persons At one time X was very close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And as happened in the case of many who come too close to them, she lost her head. She became hostile. The speech of such persons is very sweet. Mother warned me several times against it: “Champaklal ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Right Attitude and Illness If this is his only illness, there is absolutely no reason why it should not be cured, if he keeps proper habits and diet and above all the right attitude. I expect that the reason why the illness has such a hold and strong effect on him is in ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Burden of the Past Champaklal, Tell D on behalf of myself and the Mother that she must not allow herself to be crushed by the burden of the past. All she has to do is to turn her back on this past and sexual weakness, for which she was not herself primarily responsible ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Caste To Dayaben, The moment one enters the life of the Ashram and takes up the yoga, he ceases to belong to any creed or caste or race; he is one of Sri Aurobindo's disciples and nothing else. To cut jokes about what he was in the past is altogether incongruous and ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Kishensingh Mother never said that Kishensingh was Alexander. Kekoo [K.D.Sethna] must have made some confusion in his mind about this. There is no truth in this identification. January 1929 Sri Aurobindo ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Teacher of Alexander Diogenes was not the teacher of Alexander. They only met once. The teacher of Alexander was the philosopher Aristotle. Sri Aurobindo ...

... psychological disturbances from the viewpoint of Sri Aurobindo's psychological thought implicit in his Integral Yoga. In doing so, we will draw mostly from specific references in the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother bearing on the subject. An understanding of the nature of psychological disturbances from the standpoint of Integral Yoga may be approached from the description of the state of psy ...

... largely unaware and of which one needs to be conscious for achieving inner harmony. The basic teachings of Integral Yoga in this regard are expressed in the following two quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother respectively: "Men do not know themselves and have not learned to Page 55 distinguish the different parts of their being; for these are usually lumped together by them ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Divine Love Why didn't you come yourself? I would have seen you for a few minutes and told you something interesting and helpful as an answer to your letter of this morning. For, in speaking it would have been better than anything I could write. At Pranam time I felt ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Indications in Dreams These are mostly dreams made out of impressions recorded in the subconscient. They are not remembrances of actual events or circumstances, but are sensations and impressions left behind by circumstances of the same type or a somewhat similar nature ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Conditions of the World I have already spoken about the bad conditions of the world; the usual idea of the occultists about it is that the worse they are the more probable is the coming of an intervention or a new revelation from above. The ordinary mind cannot know ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Give Me a Promise After all the affection and trust I had shown you yesterday morning after having taken you so much in my heart's intimacy, I never expected that you would go back to X in the old spirit in which you went and I have been truly grieved by it. Now I want ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Sign of Welcome I had just remarked to Sri Aurobindo (yesterday also): "I did not see D while I was walking on the terrace", and I was wondering why... It must have been the darkness, I suppose, that prevented me from making you out in the shadows of the street. After ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Illusion of Sex Why does the illusion of sex not disappear? Too many roots in the human vital. Sex has a terrible tenacity. Besides, universal physical nature has such a need of it that even when man pushes it away, she throws it upon him as long as possible. ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Sri Aurobindo is Seeing Nobody You can reply that Sri Aurobindo is seeing nobody and speaking with none. He only comes out to give Darshan to his disciples and some others on two or three fixed days in the year; but even then he does not speak with anyone. Sri Aurobindo ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Things also have a Consciousness It was an act of ignorance. Received in the right spirit the curtains could have lasted 2 or 3 years more. Received wrongly they might have gone to pieces within a month. Things also have a consciousness of their own. The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II A New Birth Do you want a new birth, a new start, a new opening of the consciousness? Then come tomorrow at 9.30, we shall sit to call it down. 24 December 1932 The Mother ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II As Long as We are in a Body Dear friend, Your letter came bringing me news I knew already, because often your thought comes bringing me your remembrance and keeps me in touch with your tribulations. Everyone, in truth, has his own and you know as well as I that is only ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Spiritual Need I did not reply because her mind was in such a confusion as a result of her desires, that she would not have been able to understand what I would have written. Since then I have tried to work on her mental and vital being to make it a little more open and ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Change your Nature It is indeed indispensable that something should change radically in your nature before you are fit for staying here. You are far too ego-centric to lead a spiritual life; and it is also the cause of this catastrophe and of the suffering it has brought ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Collecting Funds I have received your letters and answered inwardly, confident that you are capable of receiving these intimate communications. But I feel something must be added to what I wrote to you already. There is no question of going to people and collecting ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Master your Lower Nature My blessings are always with you, but never forget that, as much outside as in the Ashram, if you want to live a happy life, you must be the master of your lower nature and control your desires and vital impulses. Otherwise there is no end to the ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Moments of Depression This is a misunderstanding. The sentence in French was clear enough. I meant that at these moments of depression or of revolt, no fresh decision must be taken under the impulse of the wrong movement, but practically one must go on with the usual ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Success in Our Yoga Do not forget that to succeed in our yoga one must have a body strong and in good health. For that the body must do exercise, have an active and regular life, eat well, work physically and sleep well. In good health lies the path towards perfection ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II True Renunciation You speak of absolute renunciation, but to give up the body is not the absolute renunciation. The true and total renunciation is to give up the ego which is a much more arduous endeavour. If you have not renounced your ego, to give up the body will not ...

... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Not to Cheat The will not to cheat but also that of not being cheated. With blessings. The Mother ...

... limit Sri Aurobindo to the Record only. If we have to see anything of this much much had happened afterwards, then Savitri is the record of the latest spiritual-yogic realizations of Sri Aurobindo, and the Mother, particularly the last decade of Sri Aurobindo’s presence here. Could it be that he worked out things in their required completeness before his withdrawal on 5 December 1950, giving the ...


... the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say, "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail;" to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply, "\ am a child of Immortality chosen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; I have but to be true to myself and to them —the victory is sure; even if I fall, I would be sure to rise again," to all impulsions to depart and serve some other ideal, to reply, 'This ...

... We are grateful to him. We also gratefully acknowledge the dedicated work of "Mira Aditi" team under the guidance of Revered Satprem and Sujata Didi. We offer our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the Spirit. Dol Purnima 26th March 2005 Shankar Bandopadhyay Hari Krishna ...

... the midst of a disaster of the first magnitude which has befallen Great Britain and France … And do not suppose that this is the end. It is only the beginning of the reckoning.” 1108 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother condemned the Munich Agreement outright. A “corrupt” France had “backed out of her promise” and “betrayed Czechoslovakia”, thereby calling down upon her head her own future difficulties ...


... broke his thigh) in order to postpone or even cancel the realization. The same forces were mustering their legions in the world and caused the outbreak of the Second World War, to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother attached so much importance that it interrupted their yoga for the duration. Even when the Second World War, or the second act of “the Twentieth Century World War”, was finished, Sri ...


... noted down by A.B. Purani in his Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo and by Nirodbaran Talukdar in his Talks with Sri Aurobindo. Their notes remain a direct source of the involvement of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the Second World War. To a disciple Sri Aurobindo will write in July 1942, when the outcome of the war was still in the balance: “You should not think of [the war] as a fight of certain ...


... change towards a new, higher consciousness of truth and harmony, this asuric Power fought with all its might to conserve the status quo of its dominion over the earth. It was, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the initiator of the twentieth century wars, and prompted not only Hitler but all those who through falsehood and violence acted against the progressive movement of the world and the u ...


... behind Kali and said no, very simply but irrevocably. Now we have a somewhat better idea of the power by which an intervention of this kind was made possible. Without the world knowing, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the Two who were One, had found themselves and each other. The earth shook with the fury of the war; maybe it was her way of reacting to the incarnated promise of a new era. ...


... that the habit of criticising and judging by the outer mind or cherishing its preconceived ideas and formations must disappear. You should repeat always to yourself when it tries to rise, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother know better than myself—they have the experience and knowledge which I have not—they must surely be acting for the best and in a greater light than that of ordinary human knowledge." If ...

... idealism, he left his medical studies midway, joined the freedom movement and stayed at Gandhiji's Sabarmati Ashram. Then he joined Vinoba Bhave. Left him for a Sikh guru who directed him to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In the Ashram he tended gardens and grew fruits and veg- etables. Later with the help of his wife Kamalalakshmi, he made rose water, power syrup and other products for Mother. 124. ...

... letters. They represent a treasure trove of inspiration and interest for spiritual seekers around the world and will richly repay the reader. I close by paying my deep personal homage to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as well as to the memory of Dilipda and Indira Devi. Dr. Karan Singh 29 February 2008 Page 7 ...

... the evolving psyche: the final result envisaged of the Integral Yoga is a transformed, divinised body. Yes, physical welfare is an every-present objective for the follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. But it is an objective fundamentally linked to the benefit, the progress of the soul. Apart from that central concern it loses ultimate importance. Simple to save one's skin and ensure ...


... and compassionate in considering all my suggestions to him. Then my ego would be thrown out and my physical mind become clear and grow receptive to the vast divine Consciousness of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I chose to take without any question her words, however contrary they might appear to my own sense of factuality. Moreover, I said to myself: "Your heart will not go anywhere else in ...


... Force, we can't say that it was never at work before in the history of Yoga. But we can say that there was no fully realised embodiment of it to channel it to us before the Avatarhood of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.   (1993)   The "chronological puzzle" about the date of the great   Page 359 Shankara, over which many scholars have pondered, can be much simplified if ...


... course, short of the physical divinisation there is a vast range of spiritual development open to us and paradoxically renderd all the Page 280 more open by the decision Sri Aurobindo and the Mother took to leave their bodies, for something momentous in our path is cleared by what we may call their "sacrifice". But how much advantage we take of it depends on ourselves to a fair extent ...


... ever-new beauty is our goal.   Don't tax yourself with the problem whether bodily divinisation will take place in this very life. Let all your inner self be a constant remembrance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and let that remembrance shape your outer life to a consecrated strength which is at the same time a dedicated sweetness. Thus you will lay the foundation of a future, whether in this life ...


... the fact that your brother has the good luck of having for his sister one who is wholly devoted to the Spiritual Cause and, in spite of all difficulties, never swerves from the Light that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have brought to us poor wayward wandering human beings. I may add - taking my cue from the title of my own book of talks which introduced me to you - that you have cherished not only their ...


... opposition, hampered and only slowly victorious labour which are possible on the path,"   In other words, the difficulty arises not so much because the work is so radically new as because Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have to give their work a significance for all humanity and not make it a glorious isolated triumph open perhaps at most to a few gifted individuals. And we may add that by the very difficulty ...


... you what I told you briefly this evening after returning from the Ashram. I shall try to set it down in as much detail as I can.   I was sitting quietly facing the joint Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Suddenly a voice within me addressed it: "All of me belongs to you." The voice seemed to pervade the whole being and express every part of me. But was every part of me really speaking? ...


... angry reactions to me. More than ever before, a calm consideration, a tranquil kindness towards all with whom I came in contact, grew out of my equanimity. When the inmost heart opened to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and began to feel a warm stream of self-giving and a happy glow of devotion, the distance, the standing back, from the surface consciousness, which equa- Page 167 nimity ...


... The gradual natural evolving method lit up by the truth-instinct of that spontaneous sweetness and light and strength within us which is our individual soul - this is for us who follow Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the most desirable and fruitful yoga. We must join with it the pressing inward towards the still infinity of the Atman and the surging upward towards the opulent and dynamic immensity of ...


... to be appreciated. And, if we study the four pictures of him, three small and one big, reproduced on the page, we can at once observe that he has not only admiration but also devotion for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, for behind him there is an open photo-folder bearing the pictures of the Mother and the Master. So we cannot attribute to him any prejudiced and hostile attitude such as found in a number ...


... SUGGESTION ABOUT A WORD IN SAVITRI AN AMERICAN DISCIPLE'S LETTER TO MOTHER INDIA February 13,1972 Dear Mr. Sethna, A follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I have been a reader of Mother India since 1953 and have gained much from it. T have been an admirer of your writings in particular. An engineer in the fields of computer design and ...


... has carried out the project with constant goodwill and care. My grateful acknowledgments are due to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust for permission to quote from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The deepest thanks go to the Mother and the Master themselves for fostering through the years all my stumbling efforts to be their child and for filling my life sufficiently with ...


... earth's future were no longer ambiguous. Whatever the appearances henceforth, the path to perfection had been secretly laid across the ages to come. From the distant future the saviour arms of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were stretched out to us just as from the past they were gently 1. Questions and Answers 1956, p. 220. Page 271 pushing us forward and in the present upholding ...


... write brings the soul in me to the surface or, rather, makes the surface feel more intensely the soul which is mostly hovering there after all these years of seeking for the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with the waking consciousness. They have said, while not discouraging meditation, that to remain calm and concentrated and self-consecrated in the midst of one's occupations in life is more ...


... sight you would spontaneously turn your thoughts to Pondicherry. Perhaps Pondicherry would appear to you as a wideness with Amal as a tiny twinkler nestling in the tranquil omnipresence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Perhaps "twinkler" is not quite an accurate term. The evening star is a planet and planets are steady and I think Amal also has a certain steadiness in his temperament; but whatever calm ...


... hidden gold of their future. Of course, this sense of their enveloping largeness does not fill the need which both of us very acutely have for the Divine's "eyes and lips and face". Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, having taken particular names and forms, can never lose them for us; but these are what Sri Aurobindo describes in his account of the young Savitri as being A golden temple-door to ...


... Page 66 Eternal truth's time-measuring sun-blaze -Lonely omnipotence locked in self-light. Returning to the topic of "patience", I may recount to you an incident between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Once, it appears, the Mother was animatedly pressing for the Ashram's progress. Sri Aurobindo expressed surprise at this change from the usual calm attitude towards her erring children ...


... to go to Pondicherry.   He and his friend wrote to the Ashram. An answer came from a person named Purani, who was in charge of the Gujarat side of the correspondence. He wrote that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had said they could come and see for themselves the Ashram life.   But how to go there? For one thing, they did not have enough money. Moreover, in those days an unmarried couple ...


... prose and verse, have been moved to speak of his achievement in the same breath with the work of the greats in literature, history, and philosophy. Sethna's association with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a myth and a history. What he has done and what remains before us can hardly be mistaken. One look anywhere at his work, at any paragraph or any stanza, is enough to open our eyes ...


... and absorbed in the craft of endless writing and turned as much as his numerous human weaknesses allow towards the all-healing and all-fulfilling infinity of that dual divine presence - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - such is Amal Kiran... (Jugal Kishore Mukherjee,  The Wonder that is K.D. Sethna p. 2) Page 42 And to turn towards that 'dual presence', the best way, advises ...


... is the essential condition to realise a perfect sincerity . The Mother, Notes on the Way: 9 February 1972 In the evening the All India Radio, Pondicherry broadcast a talk on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother arranged by Madhav Pandit. The Mother has revealed about OM: With the help of OM one can realise the Divine. OM has a transforming power. OM represents the Divine. If anything goes ...


... amazing to get letters from India within four days! I decided to change my college as well as my residence. Meanwhile I remembered to write to Miss Doris Tomlinson who was a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. She ran the Sri Aurobindo Study Circle in London at her place—42 Clarendon Road W.II. Promptly she telephoned me and came down to see me at Marble Arch. We were very happy to meet each ...


... 1959 My Savitri work with the Mother Undated? I received Mr. Jaykissen Bahety and Mr. Narottam Mehra—both devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—at Mercury House. We greeted one another. They were on a business trip. Apart from that they wanted to purchase a wonderful gift to offer to the Mother on the golden occasion—the 1st recurrence of the Supramental ...


... Life I am a deputy of the aspiring world, My spirit’s liberty I ask for all.” || 144.54 || When I joined the Ashram in 1927 I had the good fortune to accept two reformists—Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—as my Gurus. Both of them have revolutionized and reformed human life into Divine life and transformed the old face and outlook of Indian spirituality. They are the pioneers of a new ideal ...

... force and clarity. This main part of the book is prefaced and followed by an interesting and instructive narration by Dr. Govindbhai of the course taken by his life under the loadstar of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He bares his entire career of three scores and gratefully acknowledges the action of Divine Grace in every field of his life. Indeed the Grace acts in the life of every seeker, but not ...

... he was satisfied with my yearnings for sadhana and progress in it and conveyed his satisfaction and had sent compliments to me through the Mother. After that day my spiritual bond with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother continually grew stronger and my gurus helped me in my sadhana with all their spiritual powers. In 1929 Barindrakumar, the younger brother of Sri Aurobindo, left the Ashram without informing ...

... including Cherry blossom which the Mother loved immensely, as well as a galaxy of smiling flowers, with different kinds of birds singing merrily. Everywhere there would be quotations of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother engraved on marble slabs. If people wish to meditate quietly they could do so underneath the trees where there would be marble seats, and absorb the atmosphere of the "Eternal Bliss" and ...


... have kept on offering money to the Matrimandir. Up to the present day, I have all the receipts from Shyamsunder and nowadays from Barbara. When the time came to make the gold symbols of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother combined, I gave to Piero some pieces of gold my mother had given me. Also my fourth brother's wife, Mina Maganbhai, gave some gold for the cause of the Matrimandir. ...


... absorbed for a second or two and wept. Afterwards he took his leave in utter silence. Later he revealed to me: "I experienced in that room an overwhelming Peace, the concrete Presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother." On 10th October during Dipawali time Pondicherry was shaken by violent storms. The sky was darkening rapidly as nimbus clouds spread across it. Lightning flashed, a loud terrifying ...


... to take up this path of Yoga he is led towards a deeper and higher consciousness in which he can attain union with the Divine Mother. This however is a path long and full of difficulties—Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do not admit anyone to it unless they are sure of his call and his capacity to follow it and the person himself is sure of his will to follow it until the goal is reached. 6 March 1937 ...

... × The correspondent asked whether there is any difference of Force when one repeats only the Mother's name and when one repeats both the names of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother together.—Ed. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... can you speak of the transformation of your lower vital nature. 29 September 1929 Page 276 × Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved into 28 rue Franҫois Martin, the "Meditation House", on 7 February 1927.—Ed. × ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India ON THE WAR 1 Some forces are working for the Divine, some are quite anti-divine in their aim and purpose.           If the nations or the governments who are blindly the instruments of the divine forces were perfectly pure and divine in their processes and forms of action as well as in the inspiration ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India Messages and Visions THE Victory has come, Thy Victory, O Lord, for which we render to Thee infinite thanks-giving.     But now our ardent prayer rises towards Thee. It is with Thy force and by Thy force that the victors have conquered. Grant that they do not forget it in their success and that they keep ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India THERE are moments when the Spirit moves among men and the breath of the Lord is abroad upon the waters of our being; there are others when it retires and men are left to act in the strength or the weakness of their own egoism. The first are periods when even a little effort produces great results and changes destiny; ...

... Mother once observed that "this cannot be done by any external method"; therefore there are no prescribed courses or Observances, though most of the older students study the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In its teaching method, the Centre of Education employs, as far as possible, what is called the free progress system. In this system the student is encouraged to assume ...


... Guidance on Education THE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO AND THE MOTHER Sweet Mother, Yesterday in our Synthesis of Yoga class, You said that it is useless and even stupid to comment on Sri Aurobindo's writings. Sweet Mother, I have been committing this stupidity in my classes for years. May I beg you to allow me to stop giving them? Many ...


... unsafe; they are not at all necessary for any opening in the yoga. 28 March 1944 Page 56 ( The sadhak wrote again, about the possibility of dying before turning entirely to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and related an experience in which a movement of total self-dedication went on. ) Certainly I have not given you up, not in the least. You are quite capable of the realisation if you ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... only in one section, though it might have been put in more than one. Statements that appear in other volumes have not, as a rule, been reproduced here. Quotations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are occasionally cited in the text and footnotes. The sources of these works are the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library (SABCL) and the second edition of the Collected Works of the Mother ...


... know is the purpose of our Center of Education. Is it to teach the works of Sri Aurobindo? And only these? All the works or some only? Or is it to prepare the students to read the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? Is it to prepare them for the Ashram life or for 'outside' occupations as well? So many opinions are floating in the air, and even the old disciples from whom we expect some knowledge make ...


... become master of circumstances. 19 September 1956 May the Divine Mother give me the necessary force so that the following prayer of mine may become effective. As a son of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, my greatest interest is in Truth. Let not the mountain of pride hidden in Nature distort in any way the movements of this Truth—the Glorious Sun. Lift me above smallness. Do not let ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... other religions... very far from the Truth. × Seminars, lasting several days, for the study of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. ...


... 2001 Esteemed Norenbabu, I am shocked to know that Abhaybabu is no more. A perfect gentleman, highly cultured, sweet with words, deeply committed to the mission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, always rightly proud of his family tradition and contribution, it was always a sort of an unforgettable spiritual experience to talk to him. It is extremely difficult for me to believe ...


... his wife on the day of "Vijaya Dashami", his life-plan underwent a complete change. While on a pilgrimage to South Indian temples he chanced to visit Pondicherry. After having darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother he decided to take shelter at their feet. In 1938 he with his eldest daughter Sujata became ashramites. Then one by one all the children followed their father. Page 19 At ...


... addressed by his disciples as "Krishnaji." The irony comes home to me rather acutely because of some words of Sri Aurobindo's to a seeker who had been a Vaishnava but had somehow felt drawn to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Sri Aurobindo wrote to him that there should be no conflict or contradiction, for what was being done in the Ashram was Sri Krishna's own work. Of course, by this he did not mean that the ...

... R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: 'The New-Born.' For, although not yet a resident of the Ashram, he was devoted to the cause of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Feeling the need to bring into the dust and heat of the common world's arena the breath of the New Life they embodied, he conceived a paper which would busy itself with that world's problems ...

... often spirituality has been in India as well as elsewhere. In fact, to make it dynamic as never before, with the help of a new principle and power of consciousness, is the whole effort of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The full flowering, the full richness of life on earth is their objective. The world at the present moment is in no less need than the world when our Cultural Review started its ...

... with utter security a supramental earth-existence the Yogi has to tackle at last the bedrock of the Inconscience, the dark basis of the submerged Divine from which evolution seems to issue. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, taking upon themselves as representative pioneers the agelong difficulties of all human nature, have been striking against Page 125 this bed-rock for the last decade ...

... ever-novel discoveries of the infinite Divine in art, philosophy, science, politics, society-structure and industry. When the procession of disciples and pilgrims offers garlands to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on August 15, it is to the vision and power of supramental creation at work amidst us that the offering is done and in that gesture lies the seed of man's birth into integral Godhead. Hence ...

... Supermind did come but could not be fixed in the very substance of Sri Aurobindo's body. Now, on February 29, late in the evening it came down Page 114 for good. What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had worked for during 30 years happened at last. I wonder when the world will realise that the greatest event in its history took place. Of course the detailed working out of the Supermind ...


... to be appreciated. And, if we study the four pictures of him, three small and one big, reproduced on the page, we can at once observe that he has not only admiration but also devotion for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, for behind him there is an open photo-folder bearing the pictures of the Mother and the Master. So we cannot attribute to him any prejudiced and hostile attitude such as found in a number ...


... be done in others." I may add in tune with Sri Aurobindo's basic intention: "If it is also not done in his equal and partner, the Mother, how can it be done in us?" However, workers like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother never give up: so they will find ways and means of consummating in the time to come the vision they tried to materialise in the 20th century. There can be no cancellation of it but humanity ...


... difficulty these days. There has been a riot among two parties of Zamindars. Somehow he has been involved in the criminal case bearing on the riot. He writes: “By the Grace of God and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the report of the police and the medical man are in my favour and I will probably pass through it safely. But my mind is not at rest. Convey my respectful salutations to the Mother. By ...

... body and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only. (Ibid., p. 1232) We have ventured to state that the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has for its ultimate goal the realisation * Sri Aurobindo's translation. Page 341 for man of a radical victory even over the process of physical death, achieved ...

... a time when one has need to change. "And you dream of a game in which it will no longer be necessary to destroy in order to progress." 3 And since we are assured by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that, given the fulfilment of a certain set of conditions, death can be done away with in the life of the individual, and cosmic Life can fulfil itself in a continuously progressive way ...

... to be independent, the will to follow the call of his nature—the belief that he had the Light and the realisation sufficiently to follow his own path, as one already almost the equal of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He gave you his will, his inner sanction, when he came here. You have never heard of a double being? If I want to hang myself, would you say, "I can't help him against his will" ...

... attendants did not have much to ask or Sri Aurobindo was not in the same mood as before. But one thing was noticed: the Mother could come to meditate very early—at about 6:15 p.m.—and both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother concentrated together till 7:00 or thereabouts. So Nirodbaran was obliged to massage Sri Aurobindo's leg after 7:00 which left hardly any time for conversation. This evening Purani began ...


... quotations from Sri Aurobindo and Mother which were used in an exhibition titled "Sri Aurobindo and Mother, Finding the Psychic Being". In the yoga of personal growth and transformation which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother brought to humanity, the first stage to be attained is the realization of the individual soul, termed the "Psychic Being".       In Sri Aurobindo's epic poem, "Savitri", two people ...

... the war was not the solution," he resigned from the Air Force and decided to dedicate himself to the spiritual search. He joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, created by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Mira Alfassa) in 1946. Then his "real life began." It is there that he started putting in music, paintings and words his deepest spiritual experiences, his most touching feelings ...

... about to read Page 276 out]. Today, a young friend from this crowd has asked me to read out to you the introductions from the two books here, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo and The Mother of Love. One introduction is by my humble self, the other by the scholar himself - Madhav Pandit. 312 I'm sure my introduction is not new to you. I've talked about much of the same ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother 2 The Mother The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) was born in Paris on the 21st February, 1878. Her mother was Egyptian and her father was Turkish—both of them were perfect materialists. As a result, although she had inner experiences, including that of the divine Presence, right from her childhood, she was in her external life ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother Introduction Sri Aurobindo was born on the 15th August 1872 at Calcutta. At an early age of seven, he was taken along with his elder brothers to England for education, since his father wanted him to have no Indian influence in the shaping of his outlook and personality. And yet, even though Sri Aurobindo assimilated in himself richly ...

... 14 May 1963 Mother, May the Divine Mother give me the necessary force so that the following prayer of mine may become effective. As a son of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, my greatest interest is in Truth. Let not the mountain of pride hidden in my nature distort in any way the movements of this Truth—the Glorious Sun. Lift me above smallness. Do not ...

... shorts were of different colours; green, red, dark grey, white, navy blue according to the age-groups (A, B, C, D, E, etc.). Women and girls wore kitty caps to secure their long hair. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have put great stress on physical culture. Here are their words: The Perfection of the body, as great a perfection as we can bring about by the means at our disposal, must be the ultimate ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... to step aside and hold with ardent aspiration my mind, life and body imploring Her to do Her Will with them. There can be no doubt that the Divine has directly come into the human life in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Anyway there is no doubt in me and for this Truth I am continuously giving thanks. I arrived in Pondicherry yesterday, 17.12, early in the morning. The brother of the sadhak who met ...


... organisation in the nature of something intrinsic and radical? Or is it not something capable of redemption? We pass on to the consideration of these and allied questions in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 14 ...

... physical parts, and not simply a subjective liberation from the grip of the phenomenal Ignorance, Avidya, is the goal set before the Yoga of Transformation as envisaged and delineated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Naturally enough this implies that our Prakriti part including in particular the waking physical consciousness must * Tat kenaitanmahābhāga yanmoho jhāñlnorapi ? Page 55 ...

... And never can it be fulfilled in Time. 8 For, is it not too much to expect ever seeing 'a face and form divine in the naked two-legged worm' 9 otherwise called man? But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother assure us that the transformation of the body as envisaged above is going to be the natural, logical and inevitable result of our destined evolution out of the present human ignorance ...

... within, is it really too difficult a task for the awakened section of humanity, for those who have deliberately chosen to form a part of this Ashram in order to realise the Goal given them by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother? Are earth-conditions not yet propitious for the fulfilment of that task? Sri Aurobindo assures us that these doubts are ill-founded. The time has come to disprove all these forebodings ...

... (23) Rambhai Patel and (24) Rati Palit. (All these 24 pioneers have since "left" us.) November 24, 1926 marked a watershed in the history of the world-redeeming Sadhana undertaken by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and on this particular day Sri Aurobindo Ashram was formally founded as an integrated community of spiritual seekers. ...

... crcumstances to advance on the path of spiritual progression. And that is, after all, the only purpose behind all divine action and the sole essential thing needed by the individual. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have elaborately discussed this point at many different places in many of their writings. The essence of their teachings is as follows: Apparent happiness and outer success and good ...

... this magnificent depiction of sights and visions in Savitri is the imaginative product of the creative genius of a supremely gifted poet. But we should never forget that both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have categorically affirmed on many occasions that the whole of Savitri is a very precise and authentic transcription of their spiritual-visional experiences: not a single line has been ...

... our readers to another striking fact which is that the things inside can present themselves as suitable objects of vision. Here are two relevant passages from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: "Things inside can be seen as distinctly as outward things, whether in an image by the subtle vision or in their essence by a still more subtle and powerful way of seeing..." ...

... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Section II: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Savitri (1) The Mother to Mona Sarkar: "All the secrets that man possessed, He [Sri Aurobindo] Page 6 has revealed, - as well as all that awaits him in the future; all this is found in the depth of Savitri. But one must ...

... There was something like a terrace. On that, there were beautiful green crotons; Sri Aurobindo came near the wall from the new room and the Mother also followed him. I told Champaklal that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had come there. Sri Aurobindo started drawing a string swiftly from high above. I could not make out whether from the sky or from other places. The string was being drawn when I looked up ...


... t and put all your effort for their realisation. Now the passages from the Mother's writings which, we hope, will prevent you from being derailed from the right Path. Victory to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! The Mother Speaks: (1)"We want to show to the world what must be the new man of tomorrow. Is this the example that we will set before them?" (Ibid., p. 154) (2)"I ...

... everywhere, everywhere — Him, nothing but Him — Him, His vibration." (On Thoughts and Aphorisms, MOW, Vol. 10, p. 156) Let us close this chapter-with some practical guidelines from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which will help the Sadhaka of the Integral Yoga to steer clear of all dangers and pitfalls on the Way and build up his human relationships upon a right foundation in the early transitional ...

... Integral Yoga, covers a special field of research and is the product of a careful and sustained investigation. The book will, we hope, interest the growing circle of devotees and disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, especially those who want to know the method of actual practice of the Integral Yoga of Self-perfection and Self-transformation. We are thankful to Dr. A. S. Dalai for contributing ...

... Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine', 'The Synthesis Page 67 of Yoga', 'The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth', and in his many thousand letters. An account of the highest efforts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and of the accomplishment of the task is given in thirteen volumes of 'Mother's Agenda'. This great effort resulted in what the Mother has called the Yoga of physical cells which involved ...


... possible to thought is the sole effort entirely worthy of those whose dedicated vision perceives that God dwells concealed in humanity." 71 But this great consummation of perfection that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have placed before humanity has involved the development of the new processes of ascent into various planes of the superconscient and of the descent of the highest level of the superconscient ...


... for the Contemporary Youth", "A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man", "A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher", "Education for Personality Development", and "Sri Aurobindo and The Mother". He has also edited "The Aim of Life" and "The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil". He is currently the President of the Dharam Hinduja International Centre of Indie Research. He is also ...

... the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher •A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man •Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga •Sri Aurobindo and The Mother •The New Synthesis of Yoga-An Introduction •Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation •Significance of Indian Yoga-An Overview •A Pilgrim's Quest for ...


... been discovered that each of the major religions is based upon yogic experience, and even in recent times the yogic quest undertaken by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, as also by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, has verified the yogic truths of religions like Buddhism and Jainism as also Christianity and Islam and others, and they have been discovered and reconfirmed in their veracity and in their ...

... done no wrong. This part of him was so false that it erected its falsehood into right. The Mother spoke always of his hypocrisy. See, he told D "There is no love lost between myself and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, but I am sincere in my Yoga." That means he was seeking after something not connected with us. Yet he wrote that when the Force came down which was at will, he felt the Mother's presence ...

... release from all slavery to the flesh, this liberation from all personal attachment is not the supreme fulfilment. There are other steps to climb before you reach the summit... From Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education (Pondicherry: 1982) pp. 89-95, 97-99 and 121-27. Page 524 Contemplation, Painting by Rolf, Auroville Page 525 Pictures credit ...

... follows: The disappearance of Pakistan is inevitable; this could have already happened, but human ignorance has retarded it. Thus in the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Pakistan will inevitably get dissolved as a political unity and merge with India. We shall now take up all these points in some detail. Page 115 ...

... 2 April 1971 Mother, During my meditations, I try to concentrate on some aspect of the Divine. I am engaged now in printing and publishing the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I am trying to do it with detachment and devotion. Most of the time I spend thinking of my work and praying for the Mother’s and Sri Aurobindo’s help for its success. Mother, is this not ...

... Seven—Madanlal . Madanlal Himatsingka joined the Ashram in 1959. A successful businessman, he initially advised the Ashram in financial matters. Interested in the publication of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, he founded the All India Press in 1969. His correspondence deals with his press work, his personal affairs and his sadhana. A selection of letters from Madanlal’s correspondence was ...

... is a mental being to organise the vitality into some sort of an individualised form that the persistence of that form is possible after the dissolution of the body. ¹ A disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Page 29 ...

... by the description of the integral reality and supramental consciousness that we find in the records of the synthesis of yoga in the Veda, Upanishads and the Gita, and in the Tantra. But Sri Aurobindo and the Mother go farther and determine a new integral aim of life 56 which can be fulfilled by new methods of their integral yoga. Let us elucidate this important point in some detail. Sup ...

... unity and integrality of the Object of realization is not effected and that one has to rise still higher to the supramental consciousness. Penultimate Experiences According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the exclusive paths of yoga do lead us to the experiences or realizations of the ultimate reality, but each one of them being grasped at the level of the mind, the experience that is obtained ...

... evolution of the next species. The purpose of this book will be served best if it enables the readers to reflect seriously on this question and lead them to study original works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, particularly, 'The Life Divine’, 'The Synthesis of Yoga’, 'The Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth’, and 13 volumes of 'Mother's Agenda’. Kireet Joshi ...

... Joshi Education/or Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Landmarks of Hinduism The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis Philosophy ...

... another Page 460 item: that was walking, a kind of morning walk. Early in the morning every day I used to go out and deliver to the sadhaks the letters written to them by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In those days, of course, the Ashram houses were not so many and not so far apart, so it was not exactly a 1500 or 5000 metre walking race. I have told you, we received the call to join ...

... Aurobindo had a similar capacity for gentle sweetness by merely expressing a wish without giving an order. He never asked anybody to do anything for Him. Dada is indeed a true follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This is something that must come spontaneously from within. You cannot get it through effort. * The cassette was played and everyone enjoyed the songs. Someone asked ...

... everything else. I should add another item: that was walking, a kind of morning walk. Early in the morning every day I used to go out and deliver to the sadhaks the letters written to them by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. In those days, of course, the Ashram houses were not so many and not so far apart, so it was not exactly a 1500 or 5000 metre walking race. I have told you, we received the call to ...


... Publisher's Note Rishabhchand, the author of this book, has to his credit a number of other books, all of them shot through and through with the Light and Presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. One cannot fail to perceive in them an unusual harmony of the intellect's clear thinking, intuition's deep penetration and the spirit's permeating suffusion. They stand out impressively ...

... Prayers and Meditations of the Mother. Page 367 Presence, ”¹ and calls this conquest "the work to be accomplished, the mission to be fulfilled upon the earth. ” Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are both agreed that so long as we live under the dismal sway of the Subconscient and the Inconscient, we are almost amorphous in our psychological being, repeating indefinitely, helplessly ...


... PREFACE On the occasion of the birth centenary year of its founder Rishabhchand, Indian Silk House pays its homage and expresses its gratitude to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, the guiding Forces of Rishabhchand. In 1931, he settled permanently in the Ashram at Pondicherry. His younger brothers, Bimalchand and Sumatichand assumed charge of the business which ...

... decent furniture, – a mat, a chair and a small table. There was an air of tidiness and order. This was, no doubt, the effect of Mother's presence. But yet the atmosphere was tense because Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were engaged in fighting with forces of the vital plane. Only a few days before my arrival a dismissed cook had managed to get stones hurled into Sri Aurobindo’s house through ...

... meditation all of the members and those who were permitted shared in the evening sitting. This was a very informal gathering depending entirely upon Sri Aurobindo's leisure. When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother removed to No. 9 Rue de la Marine in 1922 the same routine of informal evening sittings after meditation continued. I came to Pondicherry for Sadhana in the beginning of 1923. I kept notes ...

... and Mother's Champak, One of the hundred With my love, appreciation, trust and blessings for ever. En route vers la Réalisation." THE MOTHER Champaklal, who served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over five decades as their blessed child and faithful servitor was affectionately called by the Mother, "My Lion," "My true child," "My most faithful child," "A part of myself." ...


... it to Her. One could fill up whole storybooks just with all these dreams. The Mother used to ask almost everybody about their dreams. This dreamworld is a strange, mysterious world. Both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have explained the deeper meaning of dreams to sadhaks and sadhikas in writing as well as orally. So anyway, I told the Mother about my dream in minute detail. She listened with great interest ...


... all this poison. In this way I am protecting the world and man.” We know that Shiva had swallowed halahal and it was lodged in his throat. But that was in the subtle world. And now Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were doing the same with all the poison and falsehood and deceit that were being churned out from within us and thus They were protecting the world and humanity. Every time the Mother ...


... their essential requirements for the month. Around two o’clock the Mother would go through Pavitra-da’s room, cross the terrace and go to the southern room of this block and take Her seat. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had lived in this block at one time. Everyone came in a line and took from the Mother’s hands his or her monthly requirements. The first of every month (known as ‘Prosperity’ day) was a ...


... the name-kirtan. During those days when I looked at people’s faces, I felt a great purity in their expression. When I came here that name-mantra of childhood blended with the names of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When I showed the Mother a photograph of Sri Ram Thakur, She looked at it for a long time and then remarked: “He is with me always.” The Mother Herself used to tell us: “Keep calling ...


... Down Memory Lane Indra Sen Dr. Indra Sen, en erudite disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, used to attend study circles, seminars and conferences including the sessions of the Indian Science Congress and All-India Philosophic Associations. He had carved out a name for himself in the intellectual circles as an able exponent of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy and ...

... small our human thinking was and how far, and how far above She stood! She is indeed Divine!     Anyway, thanks to every one's effort, the programme 'Offering' dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, passed off very beautifully. But I had to go through a lot of problems with my large group of participants when the date of the programme had to be changed from the 14 th to the 16 th ...


... supervised the cooking or prepared the dishes herself. Reminiscing about those days Nolini Kanta Gupta writes: After dinner, we used to go up on the terrace overlooking the sea front. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother stood aside for a talk and we stood by ourselves. Sometimes we would request Sri Aurobindo for some automatic writing after dinner. The writings that came through his hand in those days ...


... Down Memory Lane Madhav Pandit It was in 1949, the first year of my visit to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I was in the long queue for the Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A bright youth came out of a room and asked me whether I would be interested in having a photo of the Mother, a costly one. I nodded and took it the next day. That was the start of my ...

... would leave from the other Madras station, Egmore. Uday Singh had come down to Madras from Pondicherry to receive us and we were first taken to the house of Mahadeo Dalmia, a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and friend of Uday Singh. In fact, he was a friend to all devotees of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and cared for them when they came to Madras. He also attended to the Madras matters of the ...

... Living in The Presence My Pranam My whole being bows down in a profound, inner surrender at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. O Supreme Mother Divine, in the midst of these millions and millions of humans, I am but a spark. At this most auspicious moment in the history of the Earth, if I have been able to touch Your feet and receive ...


... grades, it is perhaps premature to talk of supramental Page 516 education, which the mere mind cannot grasp at all. But the dream of today may yet become tomorrow's actuality. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt convinced that the supramental descent was no mere phantom of hope but an event decreed and inevitable. And it would be specifically a "descent" of consciousness, and hence supramental ...


... cannot have a strong soul, undaunted in danger and ready to perform the great task, the root principle of all Dharma, of defending the weak and helpless. 12 During his interviews with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, they discussed - though in brief - national and international problems, and they agreed that the times were truly out of joint. In India, after prolonged sufferance of the Razacker excesses ...


... Ashram, more and more of the flowers of humanity - the children of the sadhaks and disciples - found a free atmosphere for integral growth. The War, for one thing, had forced the hands of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and made them agree to the withdrawal of the earlier rule of exclusion of children from the Ashram; and for another, the harbouring and training of children could be the best insurance ...


... in August 1958. The volume includes the speeches of R.R. Diwakar, Himangshu Niyogi and others, as also a variety of contributions throwing light on the life-work and the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. C.F. Baron, the former Governor of Pondicherry, thus recapitulated his first meeting with the Mother: At last comes a day, a day of fervent self-giving when, in the course of a meditation ...


... ascent into the Divine, and this is possible because of the ultimate or quintessential oneness of Spirit and Matter in the universe. "All are linked together by a secret Oneness," says Sri Aurobindo, and the Mother is at pains to underline this mystic truth at the heart of Reality: You think you are separate from one another, but it is the same single Substance which is in you all, despite differences ...


... Aurobindo's writings and the entire story of Mirra's life and of Page 53 her manifestation and ministry may have to be cited to bring out its full implications. The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the Ashram to be and its vast and intricate network of activities - Auroville, the City of Dawn, to be founded fifty-six years after: all can be seen in the manifesto, even if only as ...


... by our Press does not matter." In September 1967 I met a responsible officer in the Ministry of Education at Delhi who said that the Government would like to introduce the study of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the Indian Universities in English as well as in Hindi. For translation into Hindi the Government had prepared an English-Hindi dictionary containing philosophical words, as a model ...

... introduced and established as a policy by the Indira Gandhi regime. It was during Indira Gandhi's rule that Auroville was taken over by the Government of India. She had great respect for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and their work. The inconsistency of this action with what Mother has said about Auroville is well-known. There are many stories about how she was manipulated to do so. I don't know the ...

... be brought to Pondicherry for burial at the Cazanove Gardens, Mother had agreed, but then it did not happen. I must say here that he was perhaps the very first one to introduce me to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and the happiest when I made my first visit to the Ashram. (3) In October 1981 when I was lying in bad shape in the Ashram Nursing Home, my mother came to see me in spite of her ...

... about these things; why then should we sit in judgement over them?” Maybe, I am posing myself as a superior being trying to judge others from an egoistic attitude. Still, I told them, “Have Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said anywhere that the Supermind has descended into their bodies?” SRI AUROBINDO: No, I have not said that at all. It is quite impossible for the Supramental to take up the body before ...

... Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Sri Aurobindo's Letters 8.10.31 There are only two passages in your letter which call for a change. In one place you speak of those who do not leave all and come here as being inferior in surrender. It is better not to write this, especially as it might appear to be a suggestion or a ...

... Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother The Mother's Letters (To me, they are more a history of my life here; how the Mother moulded me with love, care and consideration under her guidance — how she taught me to follow her instruction at each step, in each case — how to be constantly aware and conscious of each movement, each incident —the inspiration ...

... Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Foreword To begin with, I would like to relate two interviews with the Mother and what I heard from her when I first came here on 22nd November 1928 — sixty years ago. In those days, after 9 o'clock in the morning one could go to the Mother if one had something to ask her. Of course a previous permission or ...

... cannot take any official position in institutions like this nor can their names be signed to any document involving a breach of this principle. Their proposals therefore cannot be accepted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Whatever sympathy, support and guidance they receive from you or from anybody here must be personal and given Page 684 behind the scenes. Sri Aurobindo has sometimes made public ...


... pathfinder and leader. Or otherwise they have to have so strong and clear a call that no difficulties matter, or else to be in some way predestined to follow this path and no other, to cleave to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as Guru and to no other. Your preparation seems to be mainly intellectual and for this Yoga the intellect is not sufficient; relied upon as the chief guide it may become instead a barrier ...


... the Mother (first edition). The present text is the same as that of the first edition, with the exception of a few minor revisions of the translation. The quoted passages from the texts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are taken from the Centenary editions of their works. Page 411 ...


... Our grateful thanks to the/allowing: 1) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust for   a) The writings and photographs a/Sri Aurobindo and the Mother   b) Photographs and paintings a/the Ashram artistes 2) The Reader s Digest/or the two articles   a) Father ...


... race of supramental beings. Therefore, though man in his ordinary state is depicted here as a creature who is more or less entirely moved and moulded by forces beyond his ken and control, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have also given herein intimations of a marvellous future human destiny as not only a possibility but a promise. A.S. Dalal × ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India The Present Crisis AT PRESENT mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny; for a stage has been reached in which the human mind has achieved in certain directions an enormous development while in others it stands arrested and bewildered and can no longer find its way. A structure ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India SRI AUROBINDO INDIA's nature, her mission, the work that she has to do, her part in the earth's destiny, the peculiar power for which she stands is written there in her past history and is the secret purpose behind her present sufferings and ordeals. A reshaping of the forms of our spirit ...

... yoga implies not only union of the individual soul with the Divine but also the union of the outer being with the soul and the unification of one's being around the soul, for, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it is only through such a unification of one's being that the Divine can be made to manifest and transform the earthly life. × ...


... choice intended to give the reader some basic idea on the subject. These are by no means exhaustive. These compilations, we hope, will inspire the reader to study the complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 38 ...


... Work - an offering Foreword This compilation of the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was first conceptualised as an Exhibition. It is being presented here as a book because many who visited the exhibition felt that a handy volume would be a help in their life and sadhana. The selections have been taken from ...


... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India On India SRI AUROBINDO always loved deeply his Motherland. But he wished her to be great, noble, pure and worthy of her big mission in the world. He refused to let her sink to the sordid and vulgar level of blind self-interest and ignorant prejudices. This is why, in full conformity to his will, we lift high the standard ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India THE MOTHER INVOCATION 15 August 1947 O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from the voice,served other Masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and the light is on ...

... part of the second edition of the Collected Works of the Mother, has the same text as the first edition, except for some minor revisions of the translation. Passages from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are sometimes quoted in the text and footnotes. The sources of these works are the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, (SABCL) and the Collected Works of the Mother (CWM), second edition ...


... Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education On Education Study of Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Sweet Mother, how should one read your books and the books of Sri Aurobindo so that they might enter into our consciousness instead of being understood only by the mind? To read my books is not difficult because they are written in the simplest ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... vital bhakti full of demands and desires. There is no room in it for ābdār of any kind. It is only for those who surrender to the Divine and obey implicitly the directions given to them by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The True Vaishnava Attitude Your whole-hearted acceptance of the Vaishnava idea and bhakti becomes rather bewildering when it is coupled with an insistence that love cannot be given ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... independently followed the same course. When they met, they helped each other in perfecting the Page 81 sadhana. What is known as Sri Aurobindo's Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; they are now completely identified—the sadhana in the Asram and all arrangement is done directly by the Mother, Sri Aurobindo supports her from behind. All who come here for practising ...

... that the habit of criticising and judging by the outer mind or cherishing its preconceived ideas and formations must disappear. You should repeat always to yourself when it tries to rise, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother know better than myself—they have the experience and knowledge which I have not—they must surely be acting for the best and in a greater light than that of ordinary human knowledge." If ...

... beckoning of the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail"; to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply "I am a child of Immortality chosen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; I have but to be true to myself and to them—the victory is sure; even if I fell, I would be sure to rise again"; to all impulsions to depart and serve some other ideal, to reply "This is ...

... Helpers on the Way The Mother with Letters on the Mother Receiving Their Influence There are no conditions for receiving the influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother 1 except faith, an entire sincerity in following the spiritual path and a will and capacity to open oneself to the influence; but this capacity usually comes as the result of sincerity ...

... Visions, Dreams and Experiences of Their Unity From the intimations frequently received from the play of lights seen in visions, I am having a deep feeling that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are the same though we see them in different bodies. Is my feeling right? Yes. 25 April 1933 In the centre of the flower "The Supramental manifestation upon earth", I saw both ...

... manifested, converting all the painful terms of the Ignorance into the terms of Knowledge and Bliss. Twelve years after the descent of the Overmind into the physical being of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the greater aim seemed on the point of achievement. The Mother remarked in 1954 that even as far back as 1938 she used to see the Supermind appearing in Sri Aurobindo's body but what ...

... work under its glowing guidance from afar and above is not the same thing as to ascend to it and live in it with one's physical eyes open and bring about its progressive descent - as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do. The constant day-to-day living in the light of the Supermind and the supramental descent into our whole constitution in order to shape a divine mind, a divine life-force ...

... which, too, I hope, some light and delight drawn by the Integral Yoga from beyond the ordinary world are at play. Always I see you as a lovely and loving companion in the adventure to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have beckoned those who are ready to recognise themselves as their children. Officially, outwardly you may have a life apart, but, just as many shall come from the East and the West to sit ...


... Aurobindonian programme. Even otherwise — even if one were not persuaded of life-prolongation — I should imagine that one would not back out of a Yoga whose guides were such grand beings as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and which could achieve under them wonderful inner results beyond all previous spiritual dreams. The entire picture presented to you of the early period of Yogic initiation seems to me distorted ...


... to poetry I had never expected him to give. Maybe his business was in a terrible slump and he had got into nasty holes and these lines cut across his depression, lighting up the fact that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were always there to help if one could fill one's mind and heart with aspiration for their Grace. Stanza five applies the idea of omnipresence concretely to the world we live in: peace and ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... is trod, which, for all its discipline and detachment, tries to take into its sweep the whole essential life-movement of the world and bring about its transformation by the power of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have called the Supermind, a power that has never before been completely compassed or directly manifested, such criticisms from a standpoint based on old identifications of spirituality ...

... g and he has transmitted them, himself deeply thrilling in the process and moving readers like you. He has transmitted them with a new and unusual fidelity because he has been taught by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to watch and wait concentratedly for the Everlasting Voices. Some day he will rise from his lowlands to the kingly peaks with his whole self and live in the consciousness of the Mother and ...


... × November 24th, a Darshan day. On the three (later four) Darshan days each year, the sadhaks went before Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to receive their blessings. × "Good day", the customary French greeting. ...


... which we all will hear in the form of a song a little later. His father, Prithwi Singh, could not settle in Santiniketan also and went out in search of a higher spiritual guide and met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother whom he recognised as his spiritual gurus and finally settled down in Pondicherry. In 1940, at the age of 16, Abhay Singh finally settled at Pondicherry Ashram on a permanent basis ...


... Ah? Yes, we met. Why, I have no idea. Very benevolent—he's very benevolent. Page 350 I was told something (I don't know if it's true), he is reported to have said, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are the most important personalities in the world today"—I don't know if it's true. He seems to have been pleased with his visit. He was very happy to see the school and the children ...


... Pondicherry.      He and his friend wrote to the Ashram. An answer came from a person named Purani, who was in charge of the Gujarat side of the correspondence.  He wrote that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had said they could come and see for themselves the Ashram life. But how to go there ? For one thing they didn't have enough money. Moreover, in those days an unmarried couple ...


... of gratitude.  How to speak about all I have received from and through him? SADHAK First and foremost Amal has been a living example to me of what a follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother could be. Our last darshan message told us: "In the integral Yoga there is no distinction between the sadhana and the outward life; it is in each and every movement of the ...


... crippling disability; who sits for more than an hour listening to the celestial music floating in the air around the Samadhi, - the secret of all this is to be found in the infinite Grace of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on one hand and on Amal's tremendous receptivity on the other, as well as in his favourite lines of Savitri : A poised serenity of tranquil strength, A wide unshaken ...


... longing for the Divine. In his case it is true to say that the things, that is, his many facets do not fall apart, that the Centre can and does hold. Amal Kiran's burning faith in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is an iridescent Page 130 example to all disciples and devotees of the twin Avatars. Who is Amal Kiran ? Kekoo D. Sethna - a sadhak resident at ...


... glowing heart and brilliant mind. His, I found, is the heart that "knows strange depths". 1 It is indeed a beautiful sight to see Amal coming to the Ashram, to the Samadhi, to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This is his delightful daily pilgrimage. A happiness hovers around him. The young boys of the Ashram who help him go about, do so with utter love and devotion. Saurav is always thinking ...


... samadhi each day, to bow or kneel before it, to offer it Page 374 flowers, to meditate around it. Those who believe, claim that they feel very palpably the force of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother emanating from it.   From William Jones to Sri Aurobindo is a long way. In the 150 years or more that elapsed from the death of the former to that of the latter, India itself changed ...


... Kes-havdeo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: "The New-born." For, although not yet a resident of the Ashram, he was devoted to the cause of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Feeling the need to bring into the dust and heat of the common world's arena the breath of the New Life they embodied, he conceived a paper which would busy itself with that world's problems ...


... name to fly about in the Ashram's air was one that significantly had a plural ring: McPheeters. It was two Americans who jointly started the flow of the New World to the Newer World which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had begun to build in the Old. They were husband and wife: Vaun and Janet McPheeters. They were here already before I stepped into Pondicherry on December 16, 1927. The Mother had ...


... all that is here partial, broken, groping and discordant. That luminous "archetype" has to be evolved here and now.   The evolution of this "archetype" needs the operation of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother call the Supermind, the creative Truth-Consciousness, which has never been brought into play in its direct form. The Supermind can divinise the mental and vital and physical being of man ...


... earth consciousness as a whole. No Plato and no Marx ever thought of such a Republic based on a communism of the spirit. The Divine Materialism and Spiritual Communism advocated by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is such a revolutionary concept that it is no wonder that the world has yet to grasp its full implications. I am conscious of the fact that I have not been able to give more ...


... "Doesn't he know that Mother India is my paper?" The main articles for the first issue were written by the editor and the associate editor S. Albless and sent to Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother listened carefully when Nolini-da read them out. Both approved the articles and sent words of appreciation,      The Mother India's Office in Bombay was set up just six or seven ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Symbols, Symbolism Visions are made up of symbols that do not necessarily obtain universal currency. The symbols vary, according to race, tradition and religion. There is a common idea that visions are a sign of high spirituality. Is this true? ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Experience, Transformation, Realisation Spiritual experience means the contact with the Divine in oneself.... Directly you have spiritual experience, which takes place always in the inner consciousness, it is translated into your external consciousness ...


... only one, which Champaklal naturally identifies correctly and he gets drawn to it because he has already established that all-important contact—the contact with the Divine Consciousness (Sri Aurobindo and the Mother). The obstacles are broken and “the door opens automatically.” The “Yajna” of self-purification is to be performed if one is to enter the realm of higher consciousness. Sri Aurobindo ...


... yet no division. During this experience, Champaklal seems to have reached the state which is the highest state of his psychic being (in the form of a “lovely baby”) which has merged in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: ”“Existence found its truth on Oneness' breast” . || 85.2 || ...


... Champaklal A Message from the Mother 1985-02-20 One of the earlier visions (16.4.79): it was a symbolic indication that a lot of work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was being done through Champaklal, who is now, spreading the Light of Truth wherever he goes. In this vision, this message is verbally communicated by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and ...


... The Mother in Golden Lotus (A Vision at Paris) 1985 The grace of the Mother (white light) and Sri Aurobindo pour over Paris and the Supramental Light with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is seen. What started in Paris, became a Universal phenomenon and the sun of Supramental Light is at its full. A vision covering the past, the present and the future. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Living Examples You once asked me what were my impressions when I first met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Well, it is difficult to describe them. But I remember this much, that I felt I was in the presence of Shiva when I saw Sri Aurobindo. When I saw the Mother, I felt an extraordinary closeness ...


... but the ones I saw here kept themselves clean. A pariah named Ratnam used to wash Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's commodes; at first sight he too did not seem to me of a low caste. When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved into Meditation House, the commodes were washed at a tap in the small shed where they now distribute flowers and incense for the Samadhi. (The tiny room behind was the boiler room; ...


... You can read the letters written to Motiben by the Mother; there she has explained how work itself is a sadhana.' But at that time, I did not care to know anything except how best to serve Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. So I did not even care to read those letters. But now when I want to read them, they can not be traced. Motiben used to give them to X to read; perhaps she never got them back. “When ...


... of the war – Nirodbaran candidly confesses that “almost one third of the talks were not recorded for want of time or sheer laziness” 1176 – provide us with some insight in the concerns of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with the war. There can be no doubt that this concern continued during the rest of the worldwide tragedy, and many allusions in their writings or conversations confirm this. On 15 August ...


... Asuric front through which the Asura aims at world-domination. It is the descent of the Asuric world upon the human to establish its own power on the earth.” 1159 Moreover, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother India occupies a special place among the nations in the development of humanity. Towards this development every “people” (nation or culture) should contribute the essential elements which ...


... needed for a new world. This literature has recreated Indian culture for the present and the future, as also created for the world its true future possibility. The deepest perceptions of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been that man has reached a high level of mental development, high enough acutely to feel the limitations of it and seek to exceed it. From a superficial, piece-meal, seeking for truths ...

... the world — had to form a queue along with us, the Ashram members. One by one, we went up to his sanctum sanctorum and filed past, every visitor or disciple, taking but a few seconds. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother sat side by side and blessed each as he (or she) approached and stood in front of them for a little before passing on. Those who came were neither asked nor expected to comply with any ...
