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English [486]
A Centenary Tribute [5]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [3]
A National Agenda for Education [4]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [6]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Arguments for the Existence of God [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [8]
Bande Mataram [6]
Beyond Man [5]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [5]
Children's University [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [9]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Education For Character Development [3]
Education at Crossroads [5]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [6]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [15]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [7]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [6]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [2]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [5]
Karmayogin [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [10]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [9]
Letters on Yoga - II [5]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [12]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nala and Damayanti [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Savitri [1]
On The Mother [4]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [5]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [3]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [12]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [5]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [4]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [4]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [12]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [11]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [6]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [30]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [6]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [8]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
Filtered by: Show All
English [486]
A Centenary Tribute [5]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [3]
A National Agenda for Education [4]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [6]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Arguments for the Existence of God [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [8]
Bande Mataram [6]
Beyond Man [5]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [5]
Children's University [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [9]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Education For Character Development [3]
Education at Crossroads [5]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [6]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [15]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [7]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [6]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [2]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [5]
Karmayogin [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [10]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [9]
Letters on Yoga - II [5]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [2]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [12]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nala and Damayanti [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Savitri [1]
On The Mother [4]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [5]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [3]
Patterns of the Present [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [12]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [5]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [4]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [4]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [12]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [11]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [6]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [30]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [6]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [8]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Secret Splendour [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [3]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]

Vivekananda : (1863-1902) born Narendra Nath Dutta

486 result/s found for Vivekananda

... intuitive knowledge." And on Vivekananda he says in his book, The Ideal of the Karmayogin: "The going forth of Vivekananda, marked out by the Master as the heroic soul destined to take the world between his two hands and change it, was the first visible sign to the world that India was awake not only to survive but conquer." About his inner contact with Swami Vivekananda we shall quote Sri Aurobindo's... non-resistance be a virtue." — Vivekananda (b) At Almora, Swami Vivekananda was asked by a rather gentle and meek person: "What should one do against the tyranny of a strong man?" Turning on him in surprised indignation, the Swami replied: "Why, thrash the strong, of course! You forget your own part in this karma. Yours is always the right to rebel." And Vivekananda was nothing if he was not, every... soul, far deeper than our reason and practical sense can ever probe. It takes a Yogi to appraise the actions and achievements of a Yogi. As Swami Vivekananda once said: "If there were another Vivekananda, he could have under- stood what Vivekananda has done." But we are always on firm ground. In the modem age of Science, Sri Aurobindo has proved by his experiences and example and teachings ...

... 1902 (July, 4) Vivekananda leaves his body. Suggestions for further reading Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, The. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 16th edition, 1984. Dhar, Sailendra Nath. A comprehensive Biography of Swami Vivekananda, (2 Volumes). Madras: Vivekananda Prakashan Kendra, I st edn, 1975. Life of Swami Vivekananda by his Eastern and Western Disciples... 1. "My Master", Selections/row Swami Vivekananda, (Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1975), p. 359 ff. 2. "My Plan of Campaign", Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. Ill, p. 207 ff. 3. Swami Nikhilananda, Vivekananda : a Biography (Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1975), pp. 246-247. 4. Ibid, p. 286. 5. Selections from Swami Vivekananda, op. cit., p. 547. A few dates ... Ashrama, 5th edition, 1981. Nikhilananda, Swami. Vivekananda (A Biography). Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Rolland, Romain. The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Selection from Swami Vivekananda. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 6th edition, 1975. Tapasyananda, Swami. Swami Vivekananda, His Life and Legacy. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math. ...


... not until Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda brought down a tidal wave of creative spirituality and touched every aspect of Indian life into an unwonted glow of galvanised consciousness, did the lineaments of the renaissance shine out on the horizon with a radiant distinctness. We cannot measure the debt we owe to the lightning personality of Vivekananda. Sri Aurobindo says about him: "We perceive... building up of an India greater than she had ever been before, for the fulfilment of the evolutionary destiny of mankind. In this respect, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo stand out as the two seers and sculptors of the India that is to be. What Vivekananda intuited and initiated, Sri Aurobindo developed, expanded, and carried to its crowning accomplishment. India of the ageless Light, freed ... Sri Aurobindo that Nivedita had come to India with the idea of doing Yoga, Sri Aurobindo said, "Yes, but she took up politics as a part of Vivekananda's work. Her book is one of the best on Vivekananda. Vivekananda himself had ideas about political work and had spells of revolutionary fervour. Once he had a vision which corresponded to something like the Manicktola gardens." 169 At the Howrah ...

... problems can be solved in various ways and Vivekananda has given countless instances of them. He did not consider it at all necessary for his work to evaluate, harmonise and organise his solutions. In the midst of various contradictory and disorganised conclusions Vivekananda had only one word to say: "This self is not to be attained by the weakling." Vivekananda was not a householder, yet he was not... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Vivekananda VIVEKANANDA is the embodiment of the newly awakened, heroic and eternal soul of India. India forgot herself, forgot I what she was, what was her mission in the world. With the true nature of her psychic being gone out of her consciousness, India was sunk in slumber. India had lost her spirit... wisdom and, withdrawn into her shell was about to be swamped by the deluge of an utter destruction. Vivekananda lifted India up as did the Lord when he had incarnated himself as a white boar and lifted the earth from the ocean-bed with his pointed tusks. Thus with his indomitable power Vivekananda upheld India before the world and awakened her to establish herself in the assembly of nations. Or ...

... 12. Swami Vivekananda, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (Calcutta: Advaita Ashran. 1984), vol. 6, p. 234. 13. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, 1970. vol. 23, p.619. 14. Eastern and Western Disciples, op. cit., vol. 1, pp. 97-98. 15. Ibid., p. 99. 16. S. N. Dhar, A Comprehensive Biography of Swami Vivekananda (Madras: V... Vivekananda Prakasha Kendra. 1975), Part 1, p. 142. 17. Romain Rolland, The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel (Calcutta: Advaita Ashram1975), p. 10. 18. Swami Vivekananda, op. cit., vol. 4, p. 187. Page 300 ... The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil Left: Ramakrishna Right : Vivekananda (Photo taken on December 10, 1881 ) An Illumined Teacher and a Brilliant Pupil Introduction A question is sometimes raised as to whether the scholastic education imparted in schools and colleges is really necessary to prepare ...

... keeping too much to the forms of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. The authorities did not keep themselves open for new outpourings of their spirit, thus making the error of all organized religious bodies, all 'Churches.' Yet was Vivekananda fiercely progressive. Yet was Sri Ramakrishna an Avatar for them. Thus the Instrument which Swami Vivekananda had forged so meticulously over the years — from... affirmed, "She found no difficulty in arriving at realisation on the lines of Vedanta." She took up politics as a part of Vivekananda's work. "Her book 2 is one of the best on Vivekananda," remarked Sri Aurobindo. "Vivekananda himself had ideas about political work and had spells of revolutionary fervour. Once he had a vision which corresponded to something like the Maniktola Gardens. It is curious... settle somewhere in Darjeeling and discuss philosophy with him. I refused the offer." Vivekananda had once taken Nivedita to Jorasanko to meet Maharshi Debendranath. She came to hear about his youngest son, Rabi. One day she went to meet him. The young poet too had heard about the disciple of Vivekananda. From the first meeting they were drawn to each other, both felt a profound respect for each ...

... Five 61 Swami Vivekananda Vivekananda was born on: 12 January 1863. Nivedita was born on: 28 October 1867. Sri Aurobindo was born on: 15 August 1872. Does something strike you? Now, if we look closely at these dates we find that: a)Vivekananda is older than Nivedita by 4 years 290 days, b)Sri Aurobindo is... truth behind the birth of Vivekananda." The Master used to say about his Noren that he was a portion of Shiva — Ishwara Koti—and that he was of the eternally liberated souls — Nitya mukti— who can go up and down the ladder of existence. "And what was Vivekananda ?" asked Sri Aurobindo and answered: "A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva ..." The lion-heart of Vivekananda sought to shake the world... Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo was also certain that "the going forth of Vivekananda, marked out by the Master as the heroic soul destined to take the world between his two hands and change it, was the first visible sign to the world that India was awake not only to survive but to conquer." Without a shadow of doubt Vivekananda was Sri Ramakrishna's strongest disciple. Sri Aurobindo mentions in a ...

... inference is his conclusion based on the meeting of Vivekananda and Rajnarayan Bose on 3 January 1898. He infers from this fact that Rajnarayan must have talked about it to Sri Aurobindo. This is wrong. They had no talk about Vivekananda at all. Sri Aurobindo never read Ram Mohan's Vedanta and according to him Vivekananda is not a Mayavadin. What Vivekananda preached according to him is the universality... Aurobindo was not only influenced in his mind by Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Vivekananda – in fact most educated Indians have been for the last forty years, – but that he owes his Yoga and spirituality to them, which is not true at all. In his enthusiasm to prove the prabhava [influence] of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, Girija forgets that one of the quotations he gives from Dharma actually... to prove that the life and method of Sadhana – not the mental outlook – of Sri Aurobindo were influenced by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, I think this is not a tenable proposition. If Sri Aurobindo was so influenced and owed his spirituality entirely to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, the most natural thing for him would have been to join the Ramakrishna Mission. Besides, one cannot always make much even ...


... The Indian Spirit and the World's Future Vivekananda and Our Spiritual Future WE who live in this day of India's reawakening to the Yogic secrets of her own past cannot but pay homage to the mighty figure of Vivekananda. Together with his guru, Rama-krishna, he was the most potent early shaper of the resurgence of our national genius. His also was a tremendous... necessary and grand as it is, could be overstressed, and Vivekananda did overstress it because of a certain division between his deeply dedicated heart and his powerful yet not untroubled intellect. The most momentous event in his life was the great act of Ramakrishna, a little before Ramakrishna's own death, which endowed Vivekananda with the divine energy to carry out his mission on earth... sense and thrill of the divine World-Mother's presence within and without. The subsequent march of the homeless sannyasi, possessed of the Mother, is part of Indian history. Throughout his life, Vivekananda worshipped the Mother as only a few souls have done; still, his final philosophical word is against the worship of a personal divinity. Surely here is a paradox. The only explanation is that ...

... The Life Divine, Vol. 19, pp. 863-74. 40 Vide., Swami Vivekananda, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashram, 1958, Almora, Vol. I, IXth Edition. 41 Vide., Bhagwan Das, Essential unity of religions, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Atui Bordia Bhavana Printer, 1932, Bombay, 1st Edition. 42 Vide., Swami Vivekananda, Address at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 11 ... led to the belief that yoga consists exclusively of the methods of breath control (pranaydma), and physical postures {asana). The books of Swami Vivekananda on Rajayoga, Jnanayoga, Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga (Ref. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashram, Almora, 1958) have explained that the word Yoga has a very wide connotation, and it cannot be identified with Hathayoga alone or... secret of their divergent methods and capable therefore of organizing a natural selection and combination of their varied energies and different utilities. 28 Vide., Swami Vivekananda, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashram, 1958, Almora, Raja Yoga, Vol. 1, 9* Edition. Page 133 29 Vide., Yogi Swatarama, The Hathayoga Pradipika, translated into English by Panchan ...

... unpublished letters by Vivekananda, in one of which he says: "The time has now come to follow Aurobindo Ghose." Because of this it seems the Ramakrishna Mission keeps always an interested eye on what is going on in Pondy. Do you know anything of that reference by Vivekananda and in what connection it was made? Where on earth is this extraordinary file? How could Vivekananda know anything about me... le in their quality. Don't talk nonsense. Moreover I never developed my intellect and I made zero marks in Logic. Who preached Ramakrishna's gospel to the world? Vivekananda, a highly developed mind. And who taught Vivekananda the Truth? Not a logician or highly developed intellect certainly? 13 November 1936 I have heard different things about Ramakrishna from different people. Some... (Ishwarakoti) coming down the stairs as well as ascending, he had not the idea of a new consciousness and a new race and the divine manifestation in the earth-nature. Swami Vivekananda I do not remember what I said about Vivekananda. 2 If I said he was a great Vedantist, it is quite true. It does not follow that all he said or did must be accepted as the highest truth or the best. His ideal of sevā ...


... not quenched. Then something happened that was to change her whole life. A "Hindu Yogi" had arrived in London. His name was Swami Vivekananda. In 1893 Vivekananda had gone to America to attend the Parliament of Religions. When the Parliament was over, Vivekananda lectured and taught in many parts of America. In 1895 he arrived in London where he had been invited by some English friends. He... He gave many lectures there and in a few days became well known. A friend of Margaret, Lady Isabel Margesson one day invited Swami Vivekananda to her house. Margaret was present and was very impressed by the talk. Vivekananda left England and went back to America. About one year later, he came back to England and stayed there for eight months, giving many talks and classes. Margaret did not... not miss any of his lectures. She was deeply touched and learnt a lot from him. Yet she could not accept all his views. She argued with him, and fought with him. But Vivekananda had plans for her. One day during the question answer session, the Swami suddenly rose and thundered, "What the world wants today is twenty men and women who can dare to stand in the street yonder and say that they possess ...


... and cheer him up ? Vivekananda. Vivekananda's speeches, From Colombo to Almora, came, as a godsend, into the hands of the young man. Invariably, when the period of despondency came he used to open the book, read a few pages, read them over again, and the cloud was there no longer. Instead there was hope and courage and faith and future and light and air. Such is Vivekananda, the embodiment of... life and vision of Vivekananda can be indeed summed up in the mighty phrase of the Upanishads, nayam atma balahinena labhyah. 'This soul no weakling can attain. Strength! More strength! Strength evermore! One remembers the motto of Danton, the famous leader in the French Revolution: De I'audace, encore de I'audace, toujours de I'audace! The gospel, of strength that Vivekananda spread was very... call of the deep unto the deep. That was what Vivekananda meant when he said that Brahman is asleep in you, awaken it, you are the Brahman, awaken it, you are free and almighty. It is the spirit consciousness—Sachchidananda—that is the real man in you and that is supremely mighty and invincible and free absolutely. The courage and fearlessness that Vivekananda gave you was the natural attribute of the ...

... and cheer him up? Vivekananda. Vivekananda's speeches, From Colombo to Almora, came, as a godsend, into the hands of the young man. Invariably, when the period of despondency came he used to open the book, read a few pages, read them over again, and the cloud was there no longer. Instead there was hope and courage and faith and future and light and air. Such is Vivekananda, the embodiment of... and vision of Vivekananda can be indeed summed up in the mighty phrase of the Upanishads, nāyam ātmā balahīnena labhyah . 'This soul no weakling can attain.' Strength! More strength! Strength evermore! One remembers the motto of Danton, the famous leader in the French Revolution: De l'audance, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! The gospel of strength that Vivekananda spread was very... of the deep unto the deep. That was what Vivekananda meant when he said that Brahman is asleep in you, awaken it, you are the Brahman, awaken it, you are free and almighty. It is the spirit consciousness – Sachchidananda – that is the real man in you and that is supremely mighty and invincible and free absolutely. The courage and fearlessness that Vivekananda gave you was the natural attribute of the ...

... 04.67 * * * Regarding Vivekananda's instructions to Sri Aurobindo in Alipore Jail, it was not the Vivekananda whom we know from his writings and speeches, but a Vivekananda who had acquired new and considerable knowledge of the higher planes after his death. The Vivekananda we know was a combination of two disparate tendencies—one, derived from Sri Ramakrishna which drove him to action... action, and shook the world with his mighty genius. Some time before his passing away, Sri Ramakrishna poured all his power into Vivekananda and said to him, "I have empteed myself of all force. It is this force that will make you work for the world." But Vivekananda could not reconcile the two contradictory urges in him—the inherent urge to passivity and meditative silence, and the overmastering... Ramakrishna's influence supplanted for a time, or rather from time to time, but could never eliminate the quietistic tendency, the tendency to ascetic world-renunciation in Vivekananda. That is why after Ramakrishna's passing away, Vivekananda built up the Mission on the model of monasteries with this difference that a strong leaven of humanitarianism was introduced into it. Spiritually the members of the ...

... unexpectedly, he was helped in his yoga by Vivekananda. "In the jail I had the Gita and the Upanishads with me, practised the Yoga of the Gita and meditated with the help of the Upanishads; these were the only books from which I found guidance." Then during his meditation Vivekananda came. "It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the... Aurobindo always acknowledged the role played by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda in his life, saying how, at one time, he had received inspiration from the sadhana of Rama- Page 489 krishna and Vivekananda. "For myself," he wrote in 1913, "it was Ramakrishna who personally came and first turned me to this Yoga. Vivekananda in the Alipore Jail gave me the foundations of that knowledge which... field of spiritual experience and it ceased as soon as it had finished saying all that it had to say on that subject." In a talk Sri Aurobindo disclosed the field on which Vivekananda had come to teach him. "It was Vivekananda who, when he used to come to me during meditation in Alipore Jail, showed me the Intuitive plane.... He gave instructions about Intuition. One can get a glimpse of Supermind ...

... s famous answer to the Madras Pundit who objected to one of his assertions saying: "But Shankara does not say so." To which Vivekananda replied: "No, Shankara does not say so, but I, Vivekananda, say so," and the Pundit sank back annoyed and speechless. That "\, Vivekananda," stands up to the ordinary eye like a Himalaya of self-confident egoism. But there was nothing false or unsound in Vivekananda's... is beyond it. You quote the sayings of Vivekananda and Kabiraj Gopinath. 66 Is this Kabiraj the disciple of the [?] Sannyasi or is he another? In any case, I would like to know before assignning a value to these utterances what they actually did for the testing of their spiritual perceptions and experiences. How did Page 166 vivekananda test the value of his spiritual experiences—some... we must leave it to Tagore' viśva-mānava [the universal man] (posterity?) to decide. As to the extract about Vivekananda, 76 the point I make ' there does not seem to me humanitarian. You will see that I emphasise there the last sentences of the passage quoted from Vivekananda, not the words about God the poor and sinner and criminal. The point is about the Divine in the world, the All, ...

... that hindered progress. There was much then that! drew us to Swami Vivekananda. His message to the students, in particular, enthused and inspired us: "Make your body and muscles like iron and your nerves like steel" and "You'll attain God faster by playing football rather than by reading the Gita". And so we named our club Vivekananda Byayam Samiti. Page 80 The creation of an or... Kadai under Tarit, in Babupara under Shorsi-babu, in Saidabad under Taradas and in Kasimbazar under Santosh. The Vivekananda Byayam Samiti remained in the same place. We used to go each day to a different club to instruct them. And even though we had no official link with the Vivekananda Byayamagar club run by Madan-babu next to the Berhampur Co-operative Bank, but as our relations with their organisers... great possibility of building a great India, in every way, through sports and physical culture. In the first year of his college studies in Berhampur founded a physical culture club called Vivekananda Byayam Samiti, with the idea of building up the younger generation for a higher life. It was successful from the very start a many fine, honest and capable people, from all walks of life, were members ...

... of those who were unable to imagine or strive for such an autonomy but were content with the status of mere subordination.   That is why Vivekananda holds Indians responsible for their own downfall. Like Gandhi later in Hind Swaraj , Vivekananda is unwilling to blame others for our downfall:   Materialism, or Mohammedanism, or Christianity, or any other ism in the world could never... to this list let me now add the names of the even more illustrious Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. If we place them in chronological order, we notice a peculiar progression from the British to the Indian and from the Indian to the international. Jones was English, Derozio Eurasian, Dutt converted to Christianity, Vivekananda reversed this trend, converted Westerners to Vedanta, and finally Sri Aurobindo... Makarand, "Reworlding Homes: Colonialism, 'National' Culture, and Post-National India", India: A National Culture ?, Ed. Geeti Sen, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003. Swami Vivekananda, The Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda (1989), Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1994.   Page 376 ...


... troubled him a great deal. Unwittingly of course, and that shows he wasn't bright." "Please tell us his story," requested Anirban. "Well, you see, when he found that his uncle had granted to Vivekananda and others the vision of the Divine Mother, he complained to him loud and long, 'I look after you all the time and never get to see anything in reward. It's always others who are shown the divine... Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, Page 61 the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace.' "The Knowledge that Buddha, Shankara, Chaitanya or Vivekananda mastered was of this kind. Ramakrishna had no learning of any sort but the Divine Mother gave him Knowledge." "Which Divine Mother?" "Are there two Divine Mothers?" Outside a fine rain was... she was Swami Vivekananda's follower, how is it that she left the path of religion and spirituality to join revolutionary politics?" "Is that what is bothering you? Don't you know how deeply Vivekananda loved his motherland and what agony it was for him to see her bound and enslaved? Though he was an ascetic, a Sannyasi, he was constantly preoccupied with ways and means of liberating her. It is ...

... and concrete when it descends into the vital. Vivekananda is the living embodiment of the life-energy of modern Bengal. Not simply in the world of mental imagination, not in the mere sport of thought, but in the flesh and blood of life, to make the truth dynamic is the arduous tapasya of Vivekananda. It is from Vivekananda that the life-force, the vitality of the nation has taken a new... Bankimchandra, Vivekananda – these three personalities represent the three steps in the process of evolution in modern Bengal. Like the three strides of Vishnu these three great souls have occupied three stages of the evolving consciousness of Bengal. The soul of modern Bengal awoke in Rammohan, and then its mind blossomed in Bankim, subsequently its life-energy burst forth in Vivekananda. In fact... imagination, hope and ideal in Bankim and culminated in Vivekananda as an unavoidable necessity of life, as an object to be realised, as a supremely desirable material asset. If we look into the personal history of many a Bengali youth of the modern age, we would find almost everywhere an initial inspiration and the influence from Vivekananda. True, not all are influenced or likely to be influenced ...

... has its value. Take Vivekananda's famous answer to the Madras pundit who objected to one of his assertions, saying: 'But Shankara does not say so'. Vivekananda replied: 'No, but I, Vivekananda, say so, and the Pundit was speechless. That 'I' Vivekananda' stands up to the ordinary eye like a Himalaya of self-confident egoism. But there is nothing false or unsound Page 163 in Vivekananda's... again. I wrote to him once quoting from Vivekananda. Did he not often decry the faith of the formal kind which, he was wont to say, was partly responsible for our decadence? But there was a snag here, I added, in that condemning people often engendered a sort of sense of self-superiority: was not that why the traditionalists accused Vivekananda of superciliousness if not actual conceit? Tolerance... Upanishad. But, if "'none but strong deserved the fair Soul's favours", what hope was there for the likes of us who could not claim the strength of a Ramkrishna, a Shankar, a Ramana Maharshi or a Vivekananda? Thus I went on blowing my bubbles of sorrow, inveigled by their, phantom iridescence. But this time he did not choose to meet my banter with banter and wrote back in high if not stem seriousness: ...


... the thirst of power. Now they are vanishing and I drift. I come, .Mother.... a spectator, no more an actor ............ things are seen and felt like shadows. Vivekananda Disciple : The question is : Is Vivekananda expressing only a passing mood because of his innate preference for Vairagya or was ambition really an element mixed in his work. I always felt that there was a double... thought it may not change the entire humanity at once; still it will act as a potent force for turning human nature towards it. It was because of the difficulty of changing human nature, which Vivekananda calls the "dog's tail", that the ascetic path advocated flying away from Nature as the only remedy. Those people could not think it possible to change human nature, so they said, "Drop it." One... Avatar. 22-2-1926 A letter from Subhas Chandra Bose to Dilip Kumar Roy appeared in the "Pravartak" of Chandernagore. Subhash remarked in it that "though he had great respect for Vivekananda he considers Sri Aurobindo – "gabhir" deeper than the former. In the letter he accepts Sri Aurobindo as a genius and a great Dhyani, but he thinks that too long remaining away from what is ...

... an artless, rustic soul, with the prayer, "I am thy disciple, deign to teach me." Further, inspired by his Master's unique power he, Vivekananda, threw himself, like a thunderbolt, upon that very country where modern civilisation had reached its acme. In Vivekananda modernism received the initiation of the supreme spirituality to become its instrument and servitor. Sri Ramakrishna, at the very outset... Mother. The Mother herself is the Power of the Brahman. The dynamic Vedanta of Vivekananda, its application in life, is based on this foundation. Spirituality and life are not two separate things – spirituality should be established and made to flower and bloom in life itself. This great truth always inspired Vivekananda in all his activities. Before the advent of Sri Ramakrishna the word "religion"... of the universe. Vivekananda seized upon this fundamental realisation of Sri Ramakrishna to turn the tide of religion. His endeavour was to bring down religion or spirituality on the surface of the earth, into normal society and into the ordinary ways of life-activities. Sri Ramakrishna was a genuine Sannyasin at heart but he had never appeared in the garb of a Sannyasin. Vivekananda in spite of his ...

... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 27 JANUARY 1939 This evening a letter written by Vivekananda on April 18, 1900, R Alameda, California, to Miss Josephine Macleod was read out to Sri Aurobindo. It was a very moving letter containing the following passages: "I am well, very well mentally. I feel the rest of the soul more than that of the body. The battles... are seen and felt like shadows—without fear, without love, without emotion—Peace that one feels alone, surrounded with statues and pictures . ..." SATYENDRA: It must have been a passing mood in Vivekananda to see ambition, personality, fear and thirst for power in himself. Besides, since he died two years later, these things could not have been there always, for by that time he must have realised some... blindly by some unseen Force. SRI AUROBINDO (after some time) : It is not easy to get rid of these things. Even when the higher consciousness comes, they can go on in the lower nature. And if Vivekananda found himself driven blindly by some unseen Force, as you say, then it is quite possible for them to remain in the nature and get mixed up in the working out of that driving Power. SATYENDRA: ...


... After our talk yesterday I suddenly rememberd Ramakrishna's phrase, "Lok na pok?" "Men or insects?". So he could not have commanded Vivekananda to do humanitarian work. NIRODBARAN: Anilbaran says the idea of service of humanity is Christian and was brought in by Vivekananda on his own. I am told Ramakrishna asked him to do more Tapasya, achieve greater Yogic realisation. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know... down-trodden than in others? PURANI: If the Brahman is at all present, it is samam brahma, Equal Brahman. SRI AUROBINDO: Anilbaran is right. Vivekananda brought in the idea of service of humanity from Christianity—and also from Buddhism. Both Vivekananda and Gandhi derive it from them. But I don't understand why they speak of serving humanity only! Buddhism, as well as Jainism, includes animals also... definite information. PURANI: People say he did a lot of Tapasya at the time he was a parivrajaka, a wandering Yogi. SRI AUROBINDO: Was it this kind of Tapasya Ramakrishna meant? SATYENDRA: Vivekananda had a sort of Nirvanic experience. He has himself mentioned something about it. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that experience is the only one definitely known. PURANI: He also had a vision at Amarnath ...


... s analysis of the political situation in India at the time and how trenchant were his comments and criticisms. It was, perhaps, no fortuitous circumstance that, as it were simultaneously, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo - the former at the Parliament of Religions at Chicago, the latter in the columns of the Indu Prakash - should have both made history, shaking complacency, making people think... the importance of self-knowledge, exhorting people, be it the question of "man-making" or nation-building, "to commence from within and not depend on any exterior agency". 1 In his first speech, Vivekananda had told the vast congregation: "Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal spirits free, blest and eternal...." And in his first article, Sri Aurobindo... them had any respect for Congress mendicancy and perorative politics. If Sri Aurobindo condemned the Congress leaders as the one-eyed (if not the totally blind) who were trying to lead the masses, Vivekananda was to tell Aswini Kumar Datta in the course of a conversation: "Can you tell me what the Congress is doing for the masses? Do you think merely passing a few resolutions will bring you freedom ...

... spirit of Swami Vivekananda, who had died in 1902, six years before. ‘I didn’t know about the planes [i.e. the gradations of being]. It was Vivekananda who, when he used to come to me during meditation in Alipore jail, showed me the Intuitive Plane. For a month or so he gave instructions about Intuition. Then afterwards I began to see the still higher planes … It was the spirit of Vivekananda who first gave... Nivedita (1867-1911) was the foremost Western disciple of Swami Vivekananda. She was born Margaret Noble in northern Ireland. In 1895 she met the Swami, who was then on a European tour after his triumphal appearance at the first World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. She travelled with him to Calcutta in 1898. Swami Vivekananda initiated her into the newly formed Ramakrishna Mission and renamed... fervently advocating the return in all Asian countries to national values and art, and vehemently opposing Western influence and political dominance. He had come to Calcutta to try to invite Swami Vivekananda to tour Japan. During his stay Okakura came in touch with the cream of Bengali society, impressing them with his black silk kimono, hand-painted fan and ever-present Egyptian cigarettes. At one meeting ...

... principle in human nature rather than a search for the highest personality. Swami Vivekananda states this unequivocally in one of his writings: 'The masses will always have the person; the higher ones the principle. We want both. But principles are universal, not persons. Therefore stick to principles." (Vivekananda, The Complete Works 1959). The Upanishads describe the ultimate universal... 13Ganguly, KM. The Mahabharata New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1981, p. 202. 14Sri Aurobindo; The Ideal of the Karmayogin. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1974, p.60. 15.Swami Vivekananda; The Complete Works. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1959, Vol. VI, p. 268 16. Taittiriya Upanishad. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1980, p. 30. 17Chakraborty, S.K. Ethics in Management. New... Hints for Self Culture, 13.Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi, Programme of Action, 14.'Value Education (Through Stories in Indian Tradition)", Vivekananda Kendra Patrika, 15. National Policy on Education 16.UNESCO Report of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century: "LEARNING - The Treasure Within", 1996. ...

... his mind. NIRODBARAN: Somebody has asked: Did Vivekananda bring into Ramakrishna's work a spirit not intended by Ramakrishna? SRI AUROBINDO: In what way? NIRODBARAN: He spoke of service to humanity. SRI AUROBINDO: But was that Ramakrishna's idea which Vivekananda followed? Did Ramakrishna ask him to do service to humanity and did Vivekananda bring into this work what was not intended by his... anything about service of humanity. The phrase daridra narayana—"God the poor"—was Vivekananda's. It seems not all the disciples of Ramakrishna were agreeable to the idea. But some submitted, saying, "Vivekananda should know best." SATYENDRA: Even from those who didn't object, all didn't take active part in the service. Brahmananda,4 for example. We have heard that his spiritual realisation was higher... don't remember what it was about. I advised him to keep silent and not give any reply. PURANI: Nowadays in many places people feed the poor. On the birthdays of saints and Yogis, there is what Vivekananda called seva of daridra narayana. SRI AUROBINDO: What is the use of feeding people one day when they have to go without sufficient food all the year round? Those who feed them satisfy their own ...


... Swami Vivekananda. Eighteen ninety-three turned into a memorable year as it witnessed two voyages in opposite directions by two sons of India out of their love for the country. We know that Bankim Chandra, Rabindranath, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo looked upon their country as the Divine Mother. And that is why they have all unveiled the real face of India to the world. When Vivekananda returned... you touch your Mother with your foot?” Because mati was ma – ti (meaning ma = Mother and ti = like or like {{0}}Mother[[ Amar Jug Amar Gaan , Pankaj Mallick.]]). Let me now come to Vivekananda. He said: Our sacred motherland is the land of religion and philosophy—the birthplace of spiritual giants—the land of renunciation, where and where alone, from the most ancient to the most modern... before arriving in the West. But now (while returning to India from the West) I feel that each atom of India’s dust is pure, the very air of India is pure. India is my punyabhumi: my pilgrimage. Vivekananda continues : I am prostrate before these hundreds of centuries of India’s brilliant unfolding history in awe. …No force in heaven or hell can stop this march of victory. Nineteen forty-seven ...


... its own day the first Parliament of Religions at Chicago almost half a century back, only one creative cry has remained the voice of Swami Vivekananda. It has remained because it broke from a living realisation of the Infinite and the Eternal. Vivekananda uttered his message with the actual mystical experience glowing within him of the one supreme Self of selves present everywhere and the mighty... of them existing there. A divine creative and all-transforming peace should be our prayer. But, though we may look even beyond Vivekananda, his name is most appropriate in connection with the endeavour to establish world peace through religion. Without men like Vivekananda this endeavour will find little more than a glow-worm illumination, and neither moon nor star will shine for it, much less will... which renders them the most beautifully potent, the most widely practicable. Gandhi, whose name dominates most pacifist thinking, was not a mystic in the real sense in which Ramakrishna or Vivekananda, Raman Maharsi or Sri Aurobindo is, yet whatever intensity of fellow-feeling and unselfish behaviour he brought was born directly of his fervent faith in a God who was to him the perfect father of ...

... time Pantulu was already a follower and admirer of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda. He had shaved clean his head and went about with a large Vivekananda-type turban and attended lectures at Ramakrishna Samaj. When he walked along the streets, children used to shout, “There goes Swami Vivekananda.” Now, after the three deaths he was somewhat depressed and had half a mind to become a... gauge Pantulu. Neither his rank nor colour was enough to save him. Pantulu did not run him through with a sword or have him beaten. It all happened this way. Pantulu was, as mentioned, a follower of Vivekananda. He had a shaven head and an equally clean face. Then a strange occurrence took place. Whenever he shaved he would dream that hair was coming out of his mouth! He stopped shaving and the dreams too... profession he was an engineer, but his mind was not to be fenced in in that field only. It ranged far and wide in the fields of Sanskrit, Telugu and English literature (of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo). He translated many works of Sri Aurobindo into Telugu and started the magazine Arka in that language (printed in our Ashram Press even today). He had read in Sanskrit the Puranas ...


... Sanskrit Vangmaya Kosha (2 Vols.), Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad, Calcutta. . Veezhinathan, N., The Samksepasanraka of Sarvajnatman, University of Madras, Madras, 1972. Vivekananda, Swami, The Complete Works ofSwami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 1964. Whitehead, A.N., Science and the Modem World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1953. Wilbur, K., Integral Psychology:... Maitra, S.K., The Ethics of the Hindus, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1956. Majumdar, R.C., (ed.). The VedicAge, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1965. Majumdar, R.C., Swami Vivekananda: A Historical Review, General Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, 1942. Margolis, Joseph, Science Without Unity, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987. Mario Bunge, Scientific Materialism... Press, Boulder, CO, 1990. Murty, Sachidananda K, Revelation & Reason in Advaita Vedanta, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi, 1947. Nagendra, H.K., Yoga: Its Basis and Applications, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashan, Bangalore, 2003. Nandakumar, Prema , Manimekalai, (tr.), Tamil University, Thanjavur, 1989. Nataraja, Guru, The Bhagwad Gtta, R.N.K. Publishing House, Delhi, 1973 ...

... the stamp of a great soul. Some of our people used to talk very glibly about the quality of our sadkaks here. They said, "Show us one Vivekananda here, if you have any," and we said, "None! Why do you want a Vivekananda? There is only one Vivekananda as we have only one Pavitra-da, one Amritz-da, one Noimi-da." I will now read out to you some of my correspondence with Sri Aurobindo:... have to read the Arya. 25 While referringto greatness, Sri Aurobindo wrote to me: "I daresay that [my disciples are] in no way different from or inferior to Vivekananda or other adbaras. 26 When did Vivekananda become great ? After going to America and having lectured there. It's rather difficult to know who is really great, that is why people pass these facile remarks!" Sri ...


... Disciple ; Swami X seems to have spoiled the chance of Vedanta. Otherwise, it would be going on well. Sri Aurobindo : Vedanta is too abstract for the ordinary mind. It was the personality of Vivekananda that gave the drive. But this Bahaism is just what suits the common mind. There are now two sects run by his two sons. Abdul Baha is the younger one. He has some vital force from his father and... topic changed as another question regarding survival after death and projection of the being to another place came in. Disciple : It seems that Sister Nivedita used to feel the presence of Vivekananda in the place where she lived. Sri Aurobindo : That may be presence of the disembodied person. Disciple : There is an idea that Swami X could appear simultaneously at three places.... Disciple :It may be only the psychic presence. Sri Aurobindo : That is quite another thing ; it is possible, even thought-formation and psycho-vital formation is possible. Disciple : Vivekananda came to Shashi Maharaj after leaving his body and told him "Shashi !  I have spat out my body", Sri Aurobindo : That is quite possible and even common to make the presence of the disembodied ...

... Actually, his first real acquaintance with Indian spirituality was through the reported sayings of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the speeches and writings of Swami Vivekananda. Sri Aurobindo had certainly an immense admiration for Vivekananda and a deeper feeling still for Ramakrishna. But Sri Aurobindo did not accept altogether Vivekananda's philosophy or Advaitic standpoint; and though spiritual e... revolutionary side of her great Guru, Swami Vivekananda; Sri Aurobindo, on his part, had admired her distantly as the author of Kali the Mother, and now found in her a fiery spirit utterly consecrated to the cause of the liberation of Mother India from despotic foreign rule. They discussed neither spiritual questions nor Ramakrishna or Vivekananda; they saw themselves as fellow-votaries of... of the nation".... In smoky little grain shops, on the terraced roofs of private houses, young men would meet to hear about the lives of Mazzini and Garibaldi, to read exhortations from Swami Vivekananda, to listen to the warlike incidents of the Mahabharata and to comments on the Bhagavad Gita. The number of samitis increased daily. 42 In Maharashtra, under Lokamanya Tilak's unparalleled ...

... paintings. His mural paintings were distinguished for their harmony of composition and sober colours. Interestingly, at the Congress of the History of Religion held in Paris in August 1900, when Swami Vivekananda gave his lecture in the Sorbonne's great amphitheatre, he had as backdrop The Sacred Grove, a mural by this artist. The painting had received high praise from Mother. Matisse, the leader... promise of a new age. Bengal, in the person of Ramakrishna Parama-hansa (1833-86), rediscovered the spiritual fountain of India. This discovery was taken to the West by his disciple Swami Vivekananda (1862-1902). The newly emancipated Indian mind looked upon its past with a clear and discerning eye and saw that the past of India was not wholly or solely its spirituality. For, although it... individual capacities, greatly helped the people. A few are universally known, some others are less known, while still others have sunk into oblivion. Sister Nivedita, the Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda, and Justice John Woodroff, who made a deep study of Indian tantrism and wrote under the pen name of Arthur Avalon, tremendously encouraged Abanindranath. In this they were joined by the great Japanese ...

... among Ramakrishna's disciples about what Vivekananda was bringing in. But some of them submitted saying :  "Vivekananda must know better." The phrase "Daridra Narayana" was Vivekanand's. Disciple : But some disciples, even though they did not object, did not take any part in the work. Brahmananda was one such. He had a greater realization than Vivekananda.                               ... Disciple began. Disciple : A. B. is supposed to have said that Vivekananda by his idea of service to humanity, brought mixture and spoiled the spirituality that was intended to be cultivated by Ramakrishna. Sri Aurobindo : In what way? Disciple : I don't know. But was it Ramakrishna's idea that Vivekananda followed? Was it Ramakrishna who asked him to do service to humanity? ...

... Vivekananda's famous answer to the Madras Pundit who objected to one of his assertions, "But Shankara does not say so." To which Vivekananda replied, "No, Shankara does not say so, but I, Vivekananda, say so", and the Pundit sank back amazed and speechless. That "I, Vivekananda" stands up to the ordinary eye like a Himalaya of self-confident egoism. But there was nothing false or unsound in Vivekananda's... before the consciousness, unless one is already of a saintly and humble disposition. There are men like Nag Mahashoy in whom spiritual experience creates more and more humility, there are others like Vivekananda in whom it erects a giant sense of strength and superiority—European critics have taxed him with it rather severely; there are others in whom it fixes a sense of superiority to men and humility to ...

... to real spiritual life and knowledge. 4 November 1933 Page 318 × Swami Vivekananda, Raja-Yoga, in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, vol. 1 (Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1989), p. 280. × W. Y. Evans-Wentz... here from abroad. X is a man with a trained Page 306 intellect; he must be left to see for himself and judge. He has a great respect for the Ramakrishna Mission as the creation of Vivekananda and the continuer of the work of Ramakrishna and for Europeans like him these metaphysical differences of opinion—for so he would regard them—are of no importance,—it is the opportunity for a spiritual... and samādhi is the only way of uniting solely and completely with the Brahman beyond existence. 3 May 1933 There is a Sutra in Patanjali, prātibhādvā sarvam [Yoga Sutra 3.34], on which Vivekananda comments: "Everything comes to him [to a man with Pratibha] naturally without making Page 307 Samyama." 1 Is it that he brings the highest knowledge down into the outer consciousness ...


... phenomenon in future, in spite of the apparent reality, the idea that he sees a mirage always presents itself to him. So is the world of Maya to a Jivanmukta (the liberated in life). (Swami Vivekananda, Collected Works, Vol. VI, p. 104) I am neither the doer nor the enjoyer. Actions have I none, past or present or future. I possess no body nor does bodylessness characterise my state... ṣṭ ha (Utpatti-Prakara ṇ a), Sarga 9, Sls. 4,6,7,9. 3 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Advaita Ashram, Almora), p. 695. Page 94 Finally a long excerpt from Swami Vivekananda: "...He has reached the perfection which the Advaitist wants to attain; and at that moment,... the veil of ignorance falls away from him, and he will feel his own nature. Even in this life, he... gaining of the true Knowledge of Reality of one's own being as well as of the world-existence, the propensity to future births in this phenomenal universe is altogether stamped 1 Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. I, p. 365. (Italics ours) Page 95 out; the second and final stage being the dropping off of the current body-formation and the attainment to the status ...

... had a great disciple, Vivekananda, and he was very fond of him. But Vivekananda was a doubter; he could not blindly accept what Ramakrishna preached. He would say all the time, "I do not believe all you say," and Ramakrishna would say, "I see the Divine Mother, I touch Her, I talk with Her." "I don't believe it. If you show me, then I shall believe." So that was Vivekananda. He was a pakka 305... must give me the proof - the proof of the pudding lies in the eating! Then, one day, Ramakrishna lost his temper and said, "Then, sala, 306 why do you come to me?" and began to abuse him. And Vivekananda gave a reply, "I come to you because I love you." Then Ramakrishna forgot all his anger and hugged him, embraced him. That is what love is. We have only to love the Divine and do everything for ...


... Messages received by Prophet Mohammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindra Nath Tagore's experience of his opening to poetic inspiration. (f) "Powers of the Mind" from Swami Vivekananda. 3. Topic for deep study and reflection: how to progress continuously? 4. Study of great personalities: Prophet Mohammad (a detailed study). III. Methods for the development... Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs ofMirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and ofher saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Page 234 Class X I. Sciences and Values: 1. Our knowledge regarding man: (a) Man in evolution (b) Has man made progress? (c) Limitations of man ... aspiration in the student. 4. The right attitude towards time: to do everything as quickly and perfectly as possible. 5. Study of great personalities: Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda (a detailed study). III. Exercises to be recommended: Reflections on: 1. Scientific and philosophical methods of knowledge. 2. Can science and philosophy explain the ...

... — Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo, and on his way north delivers many lectures throughout India. 1899, October — Beginning of the Boer War. 1900 — Max Planck lays the foundation of quantum physics. — International Exposition in Paris. -J.C. Bose demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International Congress of Physicists; Swami Vivekananda is present... Revolutionary Chronology 1893, February 6 — Sri Aurobindo, returning from England, lands at Apollo Bunder, Bombay. February 18 —Joins the Baroda State Service. May 31 — Swami Vivekananda sails for America to attend the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in September. August 7 — Sri Aurobindo publishes in the Induprakash the first of nine articles entitled... Martinique; 30,000 dead, town of St. Pierre annihilated. — Beginning of the Sinn Fein organization. — Sri Aurobindo begins organizing revolutionary action in Bengal. July 4 — Swami Vivekananda passes away. December -Sri Aurobindo meets Bal Gangadhar Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. 1903, May-August — Sri Aurobindo accompanies the Gaekwad on his ...

... proper expressions, but that does not stand in the way of a keen and understanding appreciation. So, there you are. All things are possible. 25 July 1936 Contact with Vivekananda I was wondering if you had seen or met Vivekananda some where. No, not in the body. My contact with him was in the jail when he was speaking with me for about 15 days, giving me the first insight into the Intuition... not indiscreet would you ask Sri Aurobindo if it is true that in 1909—in Alipore jail—seven years after his death—Swami Vivekananda came to him, not in vision, but in actual fact, to ask him to continue the work, that he had not yet finished? Sri Aurobindo says that Vivekananda came to him not in a visible form but as a presence which was with him for a fortnight during which V. spoke certain things ...


... Vivekananda's famous answer to the Madras Pundit who objected to one of his assertions, "But Shankara does not say so." To which Vivekananda replied, "No, Shankara does not say so, but I, Vivekananda, say so", and the Pundit sank back amazed and speechless. That "I, Vivekananda" stands up to the ordinary eye like a Himalaya of self-confident egoism. But there was nothing false or unsound in Vivekananda's... before the consciousness, unless one is already of a saintly and humble disposition. There are men like Nag Mahashoy in whom spiritual experience creates more and more humility, there are others like Vivekananda in whom it erects a giant sense of strength and superiority—European critics have taxed him with it rather severely; there are others in whom it fixes a sense of superiority to men and humility to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... moves round the sun; this is false to the supreme vision. Neither earth moves nor sun; there is only a change in the relation of sun-consciousness & earth-consciousness. Page 434 103) Vivekananda, exalting Sannyasa, has said that in all Indian history there is only one Janaka. Not so, for Janaka is not the name of a single individual, but a dynasty of self-ruling kings and the triumph-cry... Mind which created the worlds, but that which created mind has created them. Mind only missees, because it sees partially & by details, what is created. 157) Thus said Ramakrishna and thus said Vivekananda. Yes, but let me know also the truths which the Avatar cast not forth into speech and the prophet has omitted from his teachings. There will always be more in God than the thought of man has ever... the tongue of man has ever uttered. 158) What was Ramakrishna? God manifest in a human being; but behind there is God in His infinite impersonality and His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze Page 442 from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. 159) He who recognises ...


... died in 1886, and another was Vivekananda. ‘[Vivekananda] visited me for fifteen days in Alipore Jail and, until I could grasp the whole thing, he went on teaching me and impressed upon my mind the working of the Higher Consciousness … He would not leave me until he had put it all into my head,’ 7 Sri Aurobindo later confided to some of his disciples. Swami Vivekananda, that pillar of strength and... brother drink it. He had met the great yogi Swami Brahmananda of the Ganga Math in Chandod and been impressed. In England he had already been familiar with the writings of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Vivekananda. Maybe he would find in yoga some resource to help realize his political ideals? I wanted Yoga to help me in my political work, for inspiration and power and capacity. I didn’t want to give up my ...


... He asked me to be patient and to leave the matter to the Mother. I appreciated his advice. Since I had read a lot about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, I wanted to go to Belur Math, built by Vivekananda on the bank of the Ganges. Ma Sharadamani Devi and Vivekananda had lived there. My husband took me to this wonderful place. My heart was quickened by the evening prayers: various instruments were played... played while the monks sang in front of the huge marble statue of Ramakrishna. The atmosphere was entrancing—the presence of Ramakrishna, Ma Sharadamani Devi and Vivekananda could be felt there. I was reluctant to return to my house, which was not mine. I was aloof, disinterested. I was pining to return to my true home—the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I also had a glimpse of Dakshineshwar, on the other side ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Because of his habits of speech, it is surely impossible to deny great- ness as a spiritual man to this remarkable ascetic admired by Ramakrishna and revered by Vivekananda. Even Ramakrishna himself had habits of speech about which Vivekananda in a letter to his gurubhais [brother disciples] [rates?] them for translating these portions as it would make a very bad impression on his English readers.... that Brahmananda has intervened or at least wandered in at the right moment—it is something more than a coincidence. It is true that Brahmananda though not a great man or a great personality like Vivekananda, was or became a more perfect bhakta and sattwic Yogi. What he says about tapasya is of course true. If one is not prepared for labour and tapasya, control of the mind and vital, one cannot demand... certain characteristic happening in sadhana and cannot be interpreted in a general and absolute sense; for in that sense it is hard for it to be true. All difficulties disappearing in a minute? Well, Vivekananda had the grace of Ramakrishna from the beginning, but I think his difficulty of doubt lasted for some time and to the end of his life the difficulty of the control of anger was there—making him say ...

... us after we forget all the subjects that we might have learnt in schools and colleges. And what essentially remains with us is character. He referred to great educationists like Nietszche, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo and pointed out that all of them had underlined the theme of education as essentially the process of development of individuality, selfhood, and character. He also quoted Iqbal's... the concept of character. Smt. Savitri Sharma said that education for character development should be based upon the lessons that we can learn from the lives of Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Swami Vivekananda and others. Dr. R.P. Sharma said that while we talk of values and virtues, which are very good words, what is important is the man who has embodied those values and virtues. Page 73 ... also referred to the domains of life, physical, cognitive, conative, and affective. He said that personality development is a great domain. He referred to the definition of education given by Swami Vivekananda as the manifestation of perfection already in man. He said that the occupation of the teacher was quite different from other occupations. He said that teacher's main occupation was that of sacrifice ...

... Prophet Muhammad from the Angel. Page 50 Account of Rabindranath Tagore's experience of his opening to poetic inspiration. "Powers of the Mind" -from Swami Vivekananda. Topic for deep study and reflection: how to progress continuously? Study of great personalities: Prophet Muhammad (a detailed study). Methods for the development of... Gita Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X Science and Values Our knowledge regarding man: Man in evolution Has man made progress? Limitations of man The phenomenon of death. What is death... for inner aspiration in the student. The right attitude towards time: to do everything as quickly and as perfectly as possible. Study of great personalities: Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda (a detailed study). Exercises to be recommended: Reflections on: Scientific and philosophical methods of knowledge. Can science and philosophy explain the ultimate reason of ...

... framework of the study and practice of those elements which would directly or indirectly promote the basic elements of character development. It is an attempt to correlate the main aspects of what Swami Vivekananda spoke in regard to man-making education with the varieties of subjects that are normally pursued in the primary, secondary and higher secondary courses in Indian schools. This programme underlines... (d) Messages received by Prophet Muhammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindranath Tagore's experience of his opening to poetic inspiration. (f) "Powers of the Mind" — from Swami Vivekananda. 3. Topic for deep study and reflection: how to progress continuously? 4. Study of great personalities: Prophet Muhammad (a detailed study). III. Methods for the development of the... -Vow of the Buddha -Selected Psalms -Islamic prayers -Selected portions from Tulsidas -Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints -Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X I. Sciences and Values 1. Our knowledge regarding man: (a) Man in evolution (b) Has man made progress? (c) Limitations of man 2. The phenomenon of ...

... it?" Vivekananda answers: "Yes." "Can I test you a bit ?" "Yes." So from whichever page he turned to, the pandit 233 In that period, there were landlords, who were like kings ruling over a small territory. These were really Zamindars (literally, 'Holders of Land') but they were often referred to as Rajas of small kingdoms. Page 168 asked him something, and Vivekananda answered... more striking feat of memory than any that I have ever come across. Yogic power? I don't say so. But it is marvellous concentration! Perhaps some of you know the marvellous story of Vivekananda -another feat of memory. I don't know all the exact details. He was on a tour of India as a wandering sannyasi. He arrived somewhere in southern India and stayed with a rich Zamindar or a Raja... answered correctly word for word. The pandit was simply amazed and demanded: "How could you do it?" Vivekananda replied, "Well, my friend, there is a simple way. If one observes Brahmacharya 234 for twelve years in mind and heart and action - then he can get this power of memory." You know what Brahmacharya is. But to be a Brahmachari or Brahmacharin, in mind, even in thought - that is the greatest challenge ...


... Divine Love. Then another anecdote comes to my mind, apropos of the relation between Sri Ramakrishna and his famous disciple with the independent spirit - Vivekananda, before he was converted. You know, I suppose, that Vivekananda was a fiery spirit and he would not accept all that his guru Sri Ramakrishna said, without testing it first. And Sri Ramakrishna encouraged him, "Yes, do test at every... feeds me." Vivekananda used to listen quietly to all that Ramakrishna used to say and he did not answer. On one occasion, he lost his temper: "I don't believe all that you say!" Then Sri Ramakrishna lost his temper: "Tobe re shala, ekhane ashish keno?" (If you don't believe what I say, why the hell did you come here, why the devil did you come ?) Here "shala" would mean that. Then Vivekananda gave an ...


... when Sri Aurobindo was in jail, He used to be visited by Vivekananda. You remember, it occurred consecutively for about fifteen days, mind you. Vivekananda came to meet with a definite purpose, gave Him instructions about the Supermind and would not leave Him (I am quoting His very words) till Sri Aurobindo had grasped everything that Vivekananda was saying. Just as we do with some persons: we insist... insist on explaining something so that it enters into their heads before we leave them. That was what Vivekananda did for fifteen days, my friends. He explained everything about the Supermind in great detail: this is that, this is that, etc. So there is clear evidence that such things do happen and fresh evidence is here in this Bulletin 158 of 15 August 1969; all of you must have read it, I'm sure. The ...


... Jesus; but, for the matter of that, there was no such personality of the name of Jesus ever born. Various evidences testifying to this fact will be brought to light by excavating here." You say that Vivekananda woke up, rushed to the deck and asked the captain their whereabouts just then. The answer was: "Fifty miles off Crete." I may comment that the writers of Vivekananda's biography record: "Whatever... II.10-11) by the famous Philo of Alexandria (a contemporary of Christ). He locates them not in Crete but in Egypt. However, there is some truth in another part of the dream-man's declaration to Vivekananda. A later authority on the Therapeutae is the Church historian Eusebius Page 12 (third and fourth century). His Ecclesiastical History (II.xvii, 3-23) shows how struck he was... if Jesus had never lived and nobody had seen him, or if he had lived so long ago that nobody who had seen him could possibly be alive." 5   References   1.  The Life of Swami Vivekananda by his Eastern and Western Disciples (Almora: Advaita Ashram, 1949), p. 458. 2.  Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master by Swami Saradananda, translated by Swami Jagadananda (Mylapore, Madras: ...

... of the Himalayas, so to say, and that Sri Aurobindo was the “elder” of Swami Vivekananda. Sri Aurobindo explained this last utterance: “No, certainly no physical relation. What he must have meant was a superior in knowledge or power or generally greater than Vivekananda.”(8.7.1937) After this talk on Swami Vivekananda, Dhirananda brought out from somewhere a picture of Sri Aurobindo and showed it ...


... and the modern Indian intellectual is likely to derive inspiration from both.   No modern intellectual with a spiritual cast of mind can escape the influence of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda and their disciples. Sri Ramakrishna represented a high point in Indian spirituality, the quintessential moment, the culmination of over five thousand years of experiment with Godliness in India... religious sectarianism, the ignoble agenda of com-munalism, the destructive and divisive politics of casteism. Sri Ramakrishna was truly catholic. On this foundation of a catholic spirituality, Swami Vivekananda built an edifice of social and religious service. The Ramakrishna Mission and the Sarada Mission embody in themselves the spirit of their progenitors. Most important they are the living manifestations... believe that it can be made relatively unimportant for our public life by taking our inspiration from the profoundly humanistic aspect of our spiritual traditions advanced by figures like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and, of course, Mahatma Gandhi, all of whom focussed on the individual and promoted the quest for self-perfection. In such a discourse who cares if you are man or woman, Brahmin or ...


... because, clarity of vision being incumbent on him, he must see clearly how insidiously indiscipline betrays the aspirant into the slough of tamas of the worst kind —a fact which made the great Vivekananda inveigh so often against our vital lethargy and mental somnolence Page 243 masquerading as sattwic spirituality. "These tamasic people," he wrote scathingly in a letter, "will... of Yoga. They will persevere in nothing... nor undertake any serious sadhana. My campaign is against such jniracle-mongering pseudo spirituality." Sri Aurobindo had all along concurred with Vivekananda in denouncing lethargy and sloth stalking the land masquerading as spirituality and sattwic vairagya. In point of fact, it was because he saw the blasting effect of tamas on the aspiration of... in the world has been gained by love; criticizing can never do any good; it has been tried for thousands of years. Condemnation accomplishes nothing."* And yet what was this love which he or Vivekananda had so vividly realised? Can we ever really know from our experience of love on the human level? What was the love which had made him stake everything dear to mortals for something we did not even ...


... Thus the love of good life inculcated by my father found rich nourishment in the school and at the young age of fourteen I had imbibed the inspiring influence of men like Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Inspired by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, at the age of sixteen I started the practice of meditation. During the long school vacation, I would stay on in the boarding... with friends and sending messages to distant friends and calling them over to me. Thus the seed sown by my father sprouted into a plant and bore some fragrant flowers. Since Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were no longer alive to guide me in my newly awakened spiritual quest, I started, even while in the D. N. High School at Anand, looking for a guru who would help me to realize the presence of God... silenced my sceptical mind ever prone to doubt and filled me with the ambition to cultivate strength of mind and spirit. When, after repeated readings of the teachings of Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, I started practising meditation, my mind would often sink into total silence and remain in that condition for many hours. Man is a slave of his nature, prakriti ...

... the sadhana can only be to live in the divine consciousness and to manifest it in life. As to the extract about Vivekananda, the point I make there 2 does not seem to me humanitarian. You will see that I emphasise there the last sentences of the passage quoted from Vivekananda, not the words about God the poor and sinner and criminal. The point is about the Divine in the World, the All, sa... to the higher turn of our nature and which indicates the essential character of the action the liberated soul must pursue.... It is that which inspires a remarkable passage in a letter of Swami Vivekananda. 'I have lost all wish for my salvation,' wrote the great Vedantin, 'may I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God I ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... as a State guest. Khaserao and myself went to receive her at the station. [Sri Aurobindo had talks with Nivedita about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda.] I do not remember Nivedita speaking to me on spiritual subjects or about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. We spoke of politics and other subjects. On the way from the station to the town she cried out against the ugliness of the College [building]... influenced by the patriotic fervour of Swami Vivekananda's utterances, such as his "Mission of the Vedanta" speech.] Sri Aurobindo was not aware of this speech or of any political action by Vivekananda. He had only heard casually of Vivekananda's intense patriotic feelings which inspired Sister Nivedita. × MS buildings ...


... idols.' "The last two sentences contain indeed the whole gist of the matter...." 11 As to the extract about Vivekananda, the point I make there does not seem to me humanitarian. You will see that I emphasise there the last sentences of the passage quoted from Vivekananda, not the words about God the poor and sinner and criminal. The point is about the Divine in the World, the All, sarva-bhūtāni... to the higher turn of our nature and which indicates the essential character of the action the liberated soul must pursue.... It is that which inspires a remarkable passage in a letter of Swami Vivekananda. 'I have lost all wish for my salvation,' wrote the great Vedantin, 'may I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God I ...


... over there? A question?... Is that all? Mother! It's still that fellow asking questions! What do you want to know? When Vivekananda spoke of "the essential unity which would find its perfect state", did he think about it vaguely or... Vivekananda, as far as I know, was not much for a material realisation. He belonged rather to the order of those who want to escape from life, cure... know where now, because it was in France, it was a translation in a book, perhaps one of those theosophical books which make translations of Indian things. I had read an incident recounted about Vivekananda who had been deeply shocked and had scolded a disciple because the latter had told him: "Oh! Look how magnificent is the sunset!" This had shocked him deeply. I remember I read this in France and ...


... nowadays you’re sunk in the writings of Sri Aurobindo?” Nishikanto replied that Sri Aurobindo’s works were read not only by him but by many in Santiniketan and he added that books on Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and other saints have been read by him. Years later Tagore admitted that when he had heard of Nishikanto reading Sri Aurobindo’s works he had realized that Nishikanto would go out of his hands. ... those around him. He concluded that the Buddha was visible only to him. Then the Buddha vanished and in his place Nishikanto beheld Adi Shankaracharya and when this vision too vanished he saw Swami Vivekananda standing behind the Mother. Nishikanto was greatly intrigued by what he had seen and when he wrote to the Mother about this triple vision, she replied that what he had seen was correct and that... be recited or sung, are written supposedly in the ‘Kirtan’ style. They are mainly eulogies on Sri Krishna. But the writer also extols other great souls, like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Vivekananda, Sri Gourango, etc… In Nishikanto’s poems Krishna is not shown as a mythical god but as a real being… For himself it was a fulfilment devoutly to be wished. One could plausibly say that it is his ...

... on such organised scale are not many. For, at the head of a spiritual institution there must be a self-realised man, the Guru or the Teacher who is very rare and difficult to find. A Ramakrishna-Vivekananda or a Sri Aurobindo appears once in many centuries to lead the benighted humanity to the path of Dharma or righteousness—though we are fortunate that in course of less than a century these Masters... sin or unrighteousness and the promise of Sri Krishna had to be redeemed by the descent of the Avatars for the regeneration of humanity. Apropos of our subject, it is relevant to quote Swami Vivekananda here. The Swami defines religion in the following terms in his Raja Yoga : Page 5 Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divine within, by controlling... all o£ these—and be free. This is the whole of religion, Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details. This is the whole of religion, says Vivekananda. In the language of the present generation, we would say, this is the whole of spirituality—this discovery of the soul or the true being, the spirit in us. The last part of his observation pertains ...

... seekers from this supreme height of spiritual consciousness. It is only the exceptionally gifted Iswarakotis or "divine souls" who succeed in coming back to the waking state. Cf. Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. VI, p. 499: "When once they [ordinary Sadhakas] somehow attain to the direct realisation of Brahman, they cannot again come back to the lower plane of material perception... intermediary of a trace of ego and desires. Hence a certain "lowering of the key" becomes unavoidable which places it at a remove from the perfect divine realisation we aspire after. Cf. Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. VII, p. 140: "The conclusion of the Vedanta is that when there is absoluteSamadhi and cessation of all modifications, there is no return from that state; as the Vedanta... cessation from embodied existence is 1 Cf. "Yes, this a state not at all easy to attain. When very rarely it appears in somebody, it does not last for long." (Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. VII, p. 112) 2 The Life Divine, p. 912. Page 88 considered to be the summum bonum, one need concentrate only on an inner realisation of ...

... in the early morning and enter her Puja House (House of the Deity) and spend many hours there. It was kept beautifully decorated with pictures of Kali, Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Sarada Mata. Two small pictures of Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo were placed on either side of a shelf. One day I entered the room after she had left and I saw flowers offered at Sri Aurobindo's feet and incense burning... colour. She would then enter the Puja House and pass hours in meditation. After that, she would attend to the usual chores and spend the rest of the day in the study of religious books, mostly of Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna. In the evening, she shut herself up for hours again in the Meditation Room. At times, at the request of her parents and friends she would take up the harmonium and sing devotional ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... the revolutionary work that Sri Aurobindo visited Bengal during these years. Sister Nivedita came to Baroda in October of this year. She had identified herself with the political ideology of Vivekananda. She had an ardent aspiration for India's freedom. She had ultimately to sever her connection with the Ramakrishna Mission on account of her political activity. The relation between Sister Nivedita... their lives? What was the message that radiated from the personality of Bhagawan Ramakrishna Paramhansa? What was it that formed the kernel of the eloquence with which the lion-like heart of Vivekananda sought to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three hundred millions of men, from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya... In order to do this, she must first re-Aryanise herself. It was to initiate this great work, the greatest and most wonderful work ever given to a race, that Bhagawan Ramakrishna came and Vivekananda preached. If the work does not progress as it once promised to do it is because we have once again allowed the terrible cloud of Tamas to settle down on our souls – fear, doubt, hesitation ...


... from the "beyond" to the "here and now". But such communications are seldom articulate to any definite purpose. There could be exceptions, of course, and Sri Aurobindo himself later claimed that Vivekananda had spoken in the Alipur jail to him and that Rammohan Roy had given the material that went into the book Yogic Sadhan 8 But these were events of no more than marginal relevance to the "work"... 1902, having read earlier with profound admiration his articles in the Indu Prakash. She could see in him even then the same missionary spirit that had animated her own great Master, Swami Vivekananda,   Page 338 and Sri Aurobindo glimpsed in her the Shakti that had made her the inspired author of Kali, the Mother. Returning to Bengal, she gave sustained support to him in his... from the soil of India pointing fiercely towards the future. In the words of her biographer, Lizelle Raymond, in The Dedicated: Nivedita thought she could still hear the voice of Swami Vivekananda stirring up the masses: "Arise, Sons of India! Awake!" That had been the first phase of the struggle. Now this life-giving cry was repeated differently, because the effort required in the changing ...

... ask for anything. But the truth of the Supermind-was put into me. 19 Sri Aurobindo further explained that it was the spirit of Vivekananda that first gave him "a clue in the direction of the Supermind". Clarifying it further, he said: He [Vivekananda] didn't say "Supermind". "Supermind" is my own word. He just said to me, "This is this, this is that", and so on. That was how he proceeded... of insensate shadows and prevalence of total formlessness, at Alipur the ambrosial taste of the Divine in all things and the feel of the Divine caress at all times helped him to take off - with Vivekananda playing the role of Paraclete - from Mind's long runway and soar into the regions of the Superconscious, soar higher and higher, careering towards the Supermind. One result of these experiences ...

... was a healthy interfusion of the new and the old, and the primacy of the West was no more blindly accepted. In the creative work of Bankim Chandra and Rabindranath, in the tremendous visions of Vivekananda, in the spectacular ministry of Dayanand Saraswati, in the seasoned evangelism of Ranade and Telang, the 'new' forged syntheses with the yet living, the perennially enduring past of India. Brahmo... power and its own circle of influence. The greatest of these was undoubtedly the stupendous spiritual phenomenon of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, followed by the global ministry of his great disciple, Vivekananda, resulting in a movement with a "wide synthesis of past religious motives and spiritual experiences topped by a reaffirmation of the old asceticism and monasticism, but with new living strands... Ranade himself has been called a modern Rishi by V.S. Srinivasa Sastri. What an inspiring calendar of modern Rishis: Rammohan, Keshab Chunder Sen, Debendranath Tagore, Vidyasagar, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Narayana Guru, Dayanand, Bankim Chandra, Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subramania Bharati, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo: these are among the more well-known ...

... and voices in the half-light. We did not move. I was so thirsty that I had taken a can of beer (I who hate beer!) — it's incredible going to Cape Comorin to drink a can of beer! right where Vivekananda went to meditate. Whistles again, policemen came up to us and asked us to clear off: "Don't stay there, there are robbers and thieves" — at Cape Comorin! We went back up the coast, in quest... Palace 69 was part of this same line. But a feeling grew in me to the effect that the time of lecturing and writing was past and even obsolete. I was not meant to be a "guru"; nowadays even a Vivekananda would be lost in the blast and glare of the TV and loudspeakers — this game is self-defeating; one wave is soon engulfed by the next one. It is all a chaos of stars for no heaven and no light... 66 Shiva with a blue throat, for having swallowed the poison of the world. × 67 When Vivekananda went to Cape Comorin to meditate, he heard a divine voice which said to him: "Go West." As I was there with my can of beer, I received another message... from policemen: "Don't stay there.,." ...

... judge of what is beyond it. You quote the sayings of Vivekananda and Kobiraj Gopinath. Is this Kaviraj the disciple of the Jewel Sannyasi or is he another? In any case, I would like to know before assigning a value to these utterances what they actually did for the testing of their spiritual perceptions and experiences. How did Vivekananda test the value of his spiritual experiences—some of them... accept the apparition of Buddha out of a wall or the half hour's talk with Hayagriva as valid facts by any kind of testing. It would either have to accept them a priori or on the sole evidence of Vivekananda which comes to the same thing or to reject them a priori as hallucinations or mere mental images accompanied in one case by an auditive hallucination. I fail to see how it could "test" them. Or ...


... 31 - Swami Vivekananda sails for America. 1894,April 8 -Bankim Chandra Chatterji passes away. In July August, Sri Aurobindo writes a series of articles on him in the Indu Prakash. 1897- Sri Aurobindo teaches French, then English at the Baroda College; he will become its Vice-Principal in 1905. 1897, Jan. 15 - Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo... -Sri Aurobindo makes first contacts with secret societies in Maharashtra and Bengal. 1901,April 30 - Sri Aurobindo marries Mrinalini Bose. 1902,July 4 -Swami Vivekananda passes away. 1905 -Sri Aurobindo writes Bhawani Mandir, a revolutionary pamphlet. - Partition of Bengal, beginning of the Swadeshi movement. 1906, June - Sri Aurobindo ...


... beyond it. Page 383 You quote the sayings of Vivekananda and Kobiraj Gopinath. Is this Kobiraj the disciple of the Jewel Sannyasi or is he another? In any case, I would like to know before assigning a value to these utterances what they actually did for the testing of their spiritual perceptions and experiences. How did Vivekananda test the value of his spiritual experiences—some of them... accept the apparition of Buddha out of a wall or the half hour's talk with Hayagriva as valid facts by any kind of testing. It would either have to accept them a priori or on the sole evidence of Vivekananda which comes to the same thing or to reject them a priori as hallucinations or mere mental images accompanied in one case by an auditive hallucination. I fail to see how it could "test" them. Or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... from Ramakrishna. For myself it was Ramakrishna who personally came and first turned me to this Yoga. Vivekananda in the Alipore Jail gave me the foundations of the knowledge which is the basis of our Sadhana. The error of the Mission is to keep too much to the forms of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and not keep themselves open for new outpourings of their spirit, — the error of all Churches and organised... luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His con- temporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. "Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great." Adverting to several of these names again and bringing in one new name, Sri Aurobindo ...


... discipline, for both boys and girls, for attaining full development of personality. Swami Vivekananda spoke of man-making education and declared that every individual soul is potentially divine; and this is the ideal that has been greatly experimented upon in the educational endeavour initiated by Swami Vivekananda. Rabindra Nath Tagore created Shanti Niketan as a cradle of the creative development... thing can be said about the Tantra, and many other yogic developments, such as we find in Sri Chaitanya, and even up to the present day, in the mighty yogic endeavour of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, and in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Like every science, Vedic science of Yoga has continued to develop, and it is in that background that we can confidently put forward the Vedic knowledge and Vedic ...


... various specialized systems of yoga. Hatha Yoga borrowed certain elements of Tantra; even Raja Yoga, which is historically the yoga of Patanjali and has in recent times been expounded by Swami Vivekananda, contains the concept of kundalini and chakras, which are special features of Tantra. Tantric Buddhism and Tantric Jainism are also systems of synthesis; and various forms of Shavism and ... how the Indian history of yoga has been developing complexity into divisions and divisions into fresh synthesis; and in the last decades of the nineteenth century, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda developed a new synthesis of yoga. This synthesis provided a new impetus to the theme of the unity of religions and to the development of the knowledge that opened up important gates to Sri Aurobindo's... unconscious movement and its apparent waste by self- conscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which the highest purposes of life can be attained more swiftly and puissantly. Swami Vivekananda has rightly said that yoga may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of bodily existence. In this view, yoga reveals itself ...


... -Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati inspired the Gurukula system of education and underlined the great role of the teacher in uplifting the talent and character of the pupil. -Swami Vivekananda spoke of man-making education. Accepting Vedantic knowledge as the base, and acknowledging the truth of every religion and a synthesis of yoga, he opened the gates of the future before the... presented in sessions ii, iii Paper I: Educational Philosophy of Maharashi Dayanand Saraswati Speaker : Professor Jaidev Vedalankar Paper II: Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Speaker : Shri Sunil Kumar Paper III: Gandhian Values in Education Speaker : Professor Ramjee Singh Paper IV : Educational Philosophy of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore ... Innovative Practices in Value»Oriented Education: National Open SchooPs Endeavour Speaker: Shri I.S. Asthana *The National Open School tries to implement the views expressed by Swami Vivekananda on education. Swamiji said 'the education which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle of life which does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of p ...

... most enthusiastic and widespread. The youth were touched and inspired by Swamiji. As a manifestation of this, it was the Raja of Ramnad who sponsored and helped Swami Vivekananda to undertake his voyage to Chicago. Swami Vivekananda spent quite some months in South India and in all the states he visited, he had a tremendous impact. Here is one report of a speech in Madras. Swami Vivekananda's... manifested itself not only in politics but in all fields of Indian life, culture, society and religion. One of the most important personalities who contributed to this awakening was Swami Vivekananda. After the passing away of Sri Ramakrishna, he toured all over India as a parivrajak and got a first-hand view of the condition in which India was at that time. He made a great impression wherever ...

... reached our hands. My people sent me Bacon's Essays, Shakespeare's King John – I still remember these titles – and several other titles of the type used in my college as textbooks. Some works of Vivekananda came and also the Brahmavaivarta and the Vishnu Puranas in the Basumati edition. All of these books we went through over and over again, times without number, for new books could not be had for the... and what, and where, and which way?" These were questions at came up and clouded the mind. There was a sense of wariness. The one solace I found – it came towards the end – was in the company of Vivekananda. That was 1en his book, C olombo to Almora, came to my hands. What Page 380 faith and confidence, what strength, what courage breathed through his words and his manner! All... declare." How direct the touch of something eternally true, of a refuge unassailable, a fearless state and foundation unshaken Page 381 was brought by the words of Vivekananda! They did in truth bring one near to the Self and impart strength, atmada, balada. Later, I read about Oscar Wilde and his experiences in jail, his De Profundis. Whenever I seemed to fall into some ...

... Italian, 381; financial stringency, 382; early (1911) letters on his Yoga, 572ff; move under Aliens Act, 382; "seat of sadhana", 383; higher planes of consciousness, 388; clue from Vivekananda, 389; exploration of Inconscience, 391-2; synthesis of experience and knowledge, 393-4; the coming "golden age", 393; Paul Richard's tribute, 395; Alexandra David-Neel's visit, 395; Mirra Richard's... 64, 190, 208, 219, 306,308,309, 538 Bhavani Mandir, 194ff, 209, 282, 298, 304, 346,370; packet of political and spiritual dynamite, 194; filiations with Ananda Math, 194; example of Vivekananda, 195; a brahmāstra to fight the alien rule, 195; mobilising strength by invoking Bhavani, 197; wanted mandir, math and Karma Yogis, 198; impact on youth, 198; bureaucracy's reactions, 199ff,... Vikramorvasie, 94,98m, 99 Vidyasagar, Iswar Chandra, 14-15,16 Vijayaraghavachar, c., 529 Vijayatunga, J., 736 Vision of Science, A, 159-60,161,169 Vivekananda, Swami, 15, 16, 48, 63, 184, 195,197,235,258,278,287, 305, 321, 336,338, 339, 389 Viziers of Bassora, The, 69, 119-20, 129ff; source in Arabian Nights, 129; action of the comedy, 129ff; ...

... ocean of eternal Ananda. Today's visitor will see many things at Deoghar, but not that hallowed house, hallowed by so many noble sons of India — including Vivekananda 1 — its every brick so full of sweet 1. Swami Vivekananda met Rajnarain Bose several times at Deoghar. So far as we can ascertain, his very first visit was in December 1889, that is about three and half years before... number of guests attended the marriage party, but the bride's father, Rajnarain Bose, did not. Rabindranath Tagore composed a song for the occasion, and Narendranath Dutta, better known as Swami Vivekananda, sang at the ceremony. The Mitras had three children: Kumudini, Basanti and Sukumar. Kumudini (1882-1943) was beautiful and straightforward. She was to become one of the first two women councillors ...

... silently by their lives? What was the message that radiated from the personality of Bhagawan Ramkrishna Paramhansa? What was it that formed the kernel of the eloquence with which the lionlike heart of Vivekananda sought to shake the world? It is this that in every one of these three hundred millions of men from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his sandhya ... world. In order to do this, she must first re-aryanise herself. It was to initiate this great work, the greatest and most wonderful work ever given to a race, that Bhagawan Ramkrishna came and Vivekananda preached. If the work does not progress as it once promised to do, it is because we have once again allowed the terrible cloud of tamas to settle down on our souls Page 84 —fear, doubt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... is the spiritual biography of the Mother and of himself. 26 In that conversation the Mother said that the awakening of the kundalini took place before she went to India. She had read books by Vivekananda on the subject and had, as always, tried out what she read. Strange to say, when the force of the kundalini arose in her, it climbed all the way up to a place above the head, which is where ‘the... know how to use the Power deriving from service to Truth. 31 Mirra also met many travellers on the circuit of what would now be called ‘New Age’ communication and propaganda. After Swami Vivekananda, sent on a mission by Ramakrishna Paramhansa, had in 1893 so impressively opened the doors of the West for Eastern religions and spirituality, many visitors from the East followed in his footsteps ...

... - to be soft wet clay in their hands to be moulded as they wish. Somebody once said to the Mother: "How wonderful it would be if a Yogi like Vivekananda could come to you instead of poor stuff like us!" She paused for a moment and said: "People like Vivekananda would come with strong moulded beings. I may not be able to do anything with them. I want people who are not formed at all - whom I can turn ...


... young man as very fascinating and helpful. Therefore, he started reading books on Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga in particular. While he was doing this, he got interested naturally in the works of Vivekananda. And Vivekananda gave him a greater perspective. Yoga is a means not just to amass energy, which one can throw about as one likes but to gather energy to concentrate on a certain aim which would lead one ...


... thinkers gone astray,—Max Muller emitted his wonderful utterance about the babblings of humanity's nonage, Shankara left so much of his text unexplained or put it by as inferior truth for the ignorant, Vivekananda found himself compelled to admit his non-comprehension of the Vedantins' cosmological ideas & mention them doubtfully as curious speculations. It is only Veda that can give us a complete insight... Civilisation with a scientific basis and a principle of unbroken continuity; we may find the earliest hymns of the Veda linked in identity of psychological experience to the modern utterances of Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna. Meanwhile the theory I have suggested of the relations of Veda to Vedanta receives, I contend, from these Vedic indications a certain character of actuality. But I have to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Because of his habits of speech, it is surely impossible to deny greatness as a spiritual man to this remarkable ascetic admired by Ramakrishna and revered by Vivekananda. Even Ramakrishna himself had habits of speech about which Vivekananda in a letter to his gurubhais rates them for translating these portions as it would make a very bad impression on his English readers. But would these English readers ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... derive from Ramakrishna. For myself it was Ramakrishna who personally came & first turned me to this Yoga. Vivekananda in the Alipore jail gave me the foundations of that knowledge which is the basis of our sadhana. The error of the Mission is to keep too much to the forms of Ramakrishna & Vivekananda & not keep themselves open for new outpourings of their spirit,—the error of all "Churches" and organised ...


... certain characteristic happening in sadhana and cannot be interpreted in a general and absolute sense; for in that sense it is hard for it to be true. All difficulties disappearing in a minute? Well, Vivekananda had the grace of Ramakrishna from the beginning, but I think his difficulty of doubt lasted for some time and to the end of his life the difficulty of the control of anger was there—making him say... experience gained in samadhi cannot be prolonged into the waking state. Ramakrishna had the siddhi himself before he began giving to others—so had Buddha. I don't know about the others [ Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, Ramdas, Mahavir, Shankara ]. By perfection of course is meant siddhi in one's own path—realisation. Ramakrishna always put that as a rule that one should not become a teacher to others ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... see that it is the right experience, the right voice or vision—for it is possible for a false guidance to come as it did with X and Y . These things [ the seeing of Buddha, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Shankaracharya in vision ] are the result of past thoughts and influences. They are of various kinds—sometimes merely thought-forms created by one's own thought-force to act as a vehicle for some... a support for their work through the individual,—but sometimes one is actually in communion with that which had the name and form and personality Page 104 of Buddha or Ramakrishna or Vivekananda or Shankara. It is not necessary to have an element akin to these personalities—a thought, an aspiration, a formation of the mind or vital are enough to create the connection—it is sufficient ...


... on February 6, 1893, at the age of twenty. Bankim Chatterji's Anandamath, which contained "Bande Mataram," the hymn to the Motherland, had been published eleven years earlier. Swami Vivekananda had just come to the end of his first pilgrimage round India, and was preparing to sail for America. But it was going to take another dozen years for their call to their countrymen to find expression... must be relegated to the lumber-room of dead sorrows. * *  * March 26, 1910 The work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised. The truth of the future that Bijoy Go swami hid within himself, has not yet been revealed utterly to his disciples. A less discrete revelation ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 157, 158 157—Thus said Ramakrishna and thus said Vivekananda. Yes, but let me know also the truths which the Avatar cast not forth into speech and the prophet has omitted from his teachings. There will always be more in God than the thought of man has ever conceived or the tongue of man has ever uttered. ... 158—What was Ramakrishna? God manifest in a human being; but behind there is God in His infinite impersonality and His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. Will the Avatars still need to take birth on earth once the supramental ...


... fact that Rama-krishna's chosen instrument for world-work was Vivekananda, a complex passionate analytic mind, a highly cultured master of system and organisation, a richly endowed physical nature, shows that India moves instinctively to grip earth no less than heaven. At least the intention of Ramakrishna was to reshape through Vivekananda the whole of the country's life in the light of God-realisation ...

... declared their contemporary relevance to the needs of developing modern India, and particularly in developing a new system of education in India. The writings of Maharishi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo have underlined the importance of the Upanishads, and have even advocated the redesigning of contemporary Indian system of education in the light of the Upanishads... Indian literature on yoga has described various methods by which concentration can be attained. Speaking of the application of the powers of concentration in the processes of education, Swami Vivekananda once said that if he knew early enough the secret of concentration, he would have first attempted to master concentration rather than to read a number of books, Page 95 since, by the ...


... flux, nothing fixed or stable; the appearance of stability is given by constant repetition and recurrence of the same vibrations and formations. That is why our nature can be changed in spite of Vivekananda and Horace and the subconscient, but it is a difficult job because the master mode of Nature is this obstinate repetition and recurrence. As for the things thrown away from us that come back,... show that some persons are dearer to the Divine than others. Besides Krishna and Arjuna, we have the instance of Buddha and Ananda. There is also St. John, the beloved disciple. Then again, Vivekananda was dearer to Ramakrishna than the other disciples. Chaitanya showered his grace on Madhai and Jagai, but were they closer to him than Nitai? But he had love for them (তাই বলে কি প্রেম দিব না ...

... that I adopted a vegetarian diet. That gave lightness and some purification. NIRODBARAN: What about meat diet? Vivekananda advocated it. SRI AUROBINDO: Meat is rajasic and gives a certain force and energy to the physical. That's why the Kshatriyas did not give up meat. Vivekananda advocated it to lift our people from Tamas (inertia) to Rajas (dynamism). He was not quite wrong. Then I came into ...


... 23 NOVEMBER 1939 DR. MANILAL: Where can the souls of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda be? Have they taken birth again? SRI AUROBINDO: You have to enquire at the Foreign Office of the World. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: You said Vivekananda came to you in jail. SRI AUROBINDO: When he came he could not yet have taken birth again. DR. MANILAL: But now ...


... There is plenty of it already; a little increase won't matter. NIRODBARAN: But in India there is not so much. In Europe, may be. Vivekananda said that there is not a single virgin in Europe. SATYENDRA: That is too much to say. SRI AUROBINDO: Did Vivekananda really say that? NIRODBARAN: Yes, I have read it. SATYENDRA: But he said that in America many women are pure. NIRODBARAN: That ...


... indications found in the published writing of Sri Aurobindo on this subject. Thus we read in Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother. "It is a fact that I was hearing constantly .the voice Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence.... The voice spoke only on a special and limited but very important field of spiritual experience and it... Anilbaran of a talk with Sri Aurobindo in July 1926. Like Nirodbaran's report, it also brings us some significant particulars. It runs: SRI AUROBINDO: Then there is the incident of the personality of Vivekananda visiting me in jail. He explained to me in detail this work of the Supramental—not exactly of the Supramental, but of the intuitivised mind, the mind as it is organised by the Supramental. He did ...


... Education is often identified with vocational training or with some kind of mental culture, but its fundamental nature of integral psychological process remains quite veiled. "Yoga", as Swami Vivekananda has said, "may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few months or even a few hours of bodily existence." And, Education too, when rightly understood, would... world-conditions: the idea of Cosmic Yoga, Yoga and the New World of Truth, Harmony and Liberty Books recommended: The Principal Upanishads Yoga Sutra Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda The Bhagavadgita The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta In addition to the above, the following may be suggested for those who are more deeply ...

... being and a union of the human individual with the universal and transcendent Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Cosmos."³ Object and States of Yogic Knowledge Swami Vivekananda has stated: "Yoga is really one of the grandest of sciences ... take up the study of this science as you would any other science of a material nature and remember there is no mystery and no danger... book extremely Page 87 illuminating examples of mysticism. These include those of Malwida von Meysenbug, Walt Whitman, Dr. J. Trevor Dr. R.M. Bucke, of Raja Yoga as expounded by Swarai Vivekananda, AI-Ghazzali, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa, Saint Ignatius, and some others such as Sufi Gulshan-Raz and Plotinus. See Appendix VI (p. 131) But Yoga, as distinguished from religion ...

... Thibaut, G., Vedanta Sutras, Sacred Books of the East, Oxford. Vamekar, S.B., Sanskrit-Vangmaya Kosha (2 vols.), Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad, Calcutta. Vivekananda, Swami, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, (8 Vols.), Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta. Page 110 ...


... he mentioned later. One of the most important of these experiences covered a period of two weeks when he heard constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to him in his solitary meditation and felt his presence. Sri Aurobindo told us: 'It was the spirit of Vivekananda which first gave me a clue in the direction of the Supermind. This clue led me to see how the Truth-Consciousness works in everything ...


... homeopathic effects, what? To take up our yesterday's discussion—I think Vivekananda said that by observance of brahmacharya, one acquires a prodigious memory. He himself proved it by reproducing anything he was asked from the Encyclopaedia Britannica though he just took some glances at it. But it was said that only Vivekananda and Anandas like him can do the feat. We have heard about your doing such ...

... conviction that India was destined to be the leader of the human race in the spiritual progress. This approach was stressed both by Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. On his return to India from the meeting of the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893, Vivekananda declared that the indebtedness of the universe to India knew no bounds. While civilizations had come and gone, the civilization of ...

... The Spiritual Genius of India WHAT is it that we precisely mean when we say that India is spiritual? For, that is how we are accustomed to express India's special genius-—her backbone, as Vivekananda puts it—the fundamental note of her culture and nature, which distinguishes her from the rest of the world. What then are the distinguishing marks of spirituality? How does a spiritual collectivity... cultural life was brought to stagnation and very near to decomposition, this undying Fire in her secret heart was ever alight and called in the inevitable rebirth and rejuvenation. Ramakrishna, with Vivekananda as his emanation in life dynamic and material, symbolises this great secret of India's evolution. The promise that the Divine held out in the Gita to Bharata's descendant finds a ready fulfilment ...

... come and then you get useful instruction or even true knowledge from them. Sri Aurobindo himself has described at length how, when he was in prison, Vivekananda used to come to him and give him important indications in Yoga. What he did not know, Vivekananda was explaining to him. I have spoken of automatic writing; there is a parallel phenomenon, automatic speech. That is also possible. .When you speak ...

... can be attained or contacted, is one of the chief obstacles that needs to be crossed. Fortunately, humanity has made considerable progress during the last hundred years, particularly since Swami Vivekananda declared that everyone needs his or her own religion, since each one has his or her own specific road of specific method of contact with the superconscient knowledge. Adherents of different religions... personalities associated with these religions, or various systems of yoga such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha Mahavira, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. What is called psychology of religion and spirituality could also be studied at least at the elementary level, and here the emphasis could be on the study of psychology of ...

... unassuming and affectionate tone and explained a number of things. He asked me, "What precisely do you want to come here for ?" I said, “This is a sacred spot dedicated to the memory of Swami Vivekananda. I have a deep attraction for Swamiji, and I want to follow his idea1.” "To have an attraction for Swamiji," he said, "is a very good thing. But it is not enough. It is easy enough, especially... adore him and do him worship. What is more difficult is to know and understand his Master, Sri Ramakrishna. And he who does not know and understand Sri Ramakrishna cannot know and understand Swami Vivekananda wel1. In any case, you will agree that anyone cannot be admitted to the Math just like that. You pay us a few visits, let us get to know each other better, then perhaps we might decide something ...

... Indian spirituality, in its pure form, was effectively brought to the notice of the modern world. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda inspired nearly two generations of Indians when they were in bondage with self-confidence and pride in their culture. The Ramakrishna Mission; organised by Vivekananda carries out the work. It is unfortunate that in recent years the spiritual work of Ramakrishna ...

... movements. That is what most  Yogis mean when they say "It is nature". They mostly allow it to run its course and when the body drops, it also drops; but, it is not transformation. That is what Vivekananda meant when he said that "human nature cannot be changed, that it was like a dog's tail, you can straighten it if you like, but as soon as you leave it, it is curved again." Disciple : What... subconscient. There is a central point in the subconscient that has to be changed. If that is done, then everything is done. It is from there that resistance rises from Nature – that is what Vivekananda meant. To effect complete transformation you have to bring down everything to the subconcient, and it is very difficult. Disciple : How can one replenish the exhausted nervous being? Can ...

... diet and found a great feeling of lightness and purification in the system. Meat is a Rajasic food. Vivekananda recommends it to the Indians. It gives a certain force and energy in the physical. It was for that the Kshatriyas did not give up meat in India. From Tamas you pass to Rajas and Vivekananda was not quite wrong. There came a Sanyasi who gave me a Stotra of Kali, – a very violent Stotra ...

... he fasted for eleven days. He lost ten pounds during that period, though he felt no worse for it. He used to hear the voice of Vivekananda during meditation. Here is what he wrote about this later: "It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence, but this had nothing to do with the alleged ...


... at the altar of the Mother of the universe. Love for Motherland ( Recounted by PURNANANDA , an Inmate of the Ashram, to Mona ) Once Bhupen-da (Bhupendranath Dutt, the younger brother of Vivekananda) spoke to me about Sudhir-da. He told me: Oh, Sudhir! he is a realised soul. Could one recognise him by his outwardness? All those young revolutionaries descended from another world. At the dawn... self-giving and service. He served Sri Aurobindo with love and unquestioning obedience. And Sri Aurobindo taught him. When I think of Sudhir Kumar, I remember the Upanishadic words so dear to Vivekananda, n āyam ātm ā balahinena labhyah , “This self is not to be attained by one who is weak.” I believe that Sudhir Kumar’s seeking of the Self, his s ādhan ā , followed the path of the divine ...

... force, but he is a very great potential force, and whoever succeeds in understanding and eliciting his strength, becomes by the very fact master of the future." Five years later, in 1898, Swami Vivekananda was asked, "But have you no faith in what Congress is doing?" In his forthright manner he replied, "No, I have not." And he forcefully echoed the younger man's viewpoint. "Can you tell me what the... the Congress is doing for the masses? Do you think merely passing a few resolutions will bring you freedom ? I have no faith in that. The masses must be awakened first." Swami Vivekananda was seven years older than Sri Aurobindo. New Lamps for Old was like the morning light dispersing darkness. It brought with it the promise of a new sun about to rise over the horizon, and ride into the ...

... quite see why barbarians should wish to go and teach civilized people what they have known long before you. That's all.' "And that was the end of it!" About the Christian missionaries Vivekananda could not have agreed more. "You train and educate and pay men to do what?" he asked his American audience. "To come over to my Page 34 country to curse and abuse all my forefathers... Sri Aurobindo. And who was Sri Aurobindo? Let the Kaga Maru take Mirra steadily nearer and nearer to him. Let us begin at the beginning. 1. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Page 35 ...

... associated with that movement. The whole religious bent of the later years of her life was in the direction of the Hindu revival movement inspired by Paramhansa Ramakrishna and his great disciple Swami Vivekananda. "There was no relationship, nor even acquaintance between the Boses and the Ghose family, except that Mrinalini's father once came in contact with Sri Aurobindo's father, Dr. Krishnadhan Ghose... paying occasional visits to Calcutta. She devoted these years almost exclusively to meditation and the reading of religious literatures which consisted for the most part of the writings of Swami Vivekananda and the teaching of his Great Master. "The writer believes she perused all the published writings of the Swami and all the publications of the Udbodhan Office. Of these she has left behind an ...

... even with those who were less amorphous and diffusive in their pressure on men and things, even with workers of a more distinct energy and action, I arrive fundamentally at the same impression. Vivekananda was a soul of puissance if ever there was one, a very lion among men, but the definite work he has left behind is quite incommensurate with our impression of his creative might and energy. We perceive... gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, upheaving that has entered the soul of India and we say, "Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children." So it is with all. Not only are the men greater than their definite works, but their influence is so wide and formless that ...


... lessons, or bind down a Vivekananda to support his family and for that to follow dispassionately the law or medicine or journalism. The Gita does not teach the disinterested performance of duties but the following of the divine life, the abandonment of all dharmas, sarvadharmān , to take refuge in the Supreme alone, and the divine activity of a Buddha, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda is perfectly in consonance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... " That's exactly what I have just said. I am not going to begin all over again. What? Sweet Mother, when Sri Aurobindo was in Alipore, 1 Vivekananda came for fifteen days and explained something special to him. What part of Vivekananda was it, the psychic being or the atman? Page 224 It could very well be his mind. It could very well be the mind because he had unified his ...


... the infinite possibilities of the muddy waters at hand. In the meantime something startlingly romantic happened.... "The fountain [of undefiled water] was cut by the fiery shafts of Tilak, Vivekananda, and Aurobindo, among others. They gave to Indian Nationalism its fiery basis in India's ancient cultural glory and its modern mission.... It is always more beautiful and more inspiring to contemplate... Some Political Associates I knew very well Sister Nivedita (she was for many years a friend and a comrade in the political field) and met Sister Christine,—the two closest European disciples of Vivekananda. Both were Westerners to the core and had nothing at all of the Hindu out look; although Sister Nivedita, an Irishwoman, had the power of penetrating by an intense sympathy into the ways of life ...


... gone astray,—Max Miiller emitted his wonderful utterance about the "babblings of humanity's nonage,"* Shankara left so much of his text unexplained or put it by as inferior truth for the ignorant, Vivekananda found himself compelled to admit his non-comprehension of the Vedantins cosmological ideas and mention them doubtfully as curious speculations____ Only when we thoroughly know the great Vedic ideas... It is safe to predict that future archaeological findings will further confirm the essential continuity of Indian civilization. Page 101 Thus said Ramakrishna and thus said Vivekananda. Yes, but let me know also the truths which the Avatar cast not forth into speech and the prophet has omitted from his teachings. There will always be more in God than the thought of man has ever ...


... phrase from the book! It is quite obvious that one must first begin by self-control, otherwise one has no effect on the surroundings except to increase the confusion. To give an example, Vivekananda had no control over his own anger, but he had great control over the life around him. Page 350 This is the first time I've heard that. He had no control over his anger? Who told you... understand, I won't have mastered the movement or the state of ignorance. Do you understand this? So I can tell you with certainty that at least in this matter, if it is historically correct that Vivekananda had movements of anger which he could not control, that is, that he was carried away either in word or action, well, in this matter he was incapable of controlling those around him. He could only ...


... remember that and dissociate yourself from these suggestions when they come, never accept or yield to them. No sadhak even if he had the capacity of the ancient Rishis and Tapaswis or the strength of a Vivekananda can hope to keep during the early years of his sadhana a continuous good condition or union with the Divine or an unbroken call or height of aspiration. It takes a long time to spiritualise the whole... entirely your explanation. I knew very well Sister Nivedita (she was for many years a friend and a comrade in the political field) and met Sister Christine,—the two closest European disciples of Vivekananda. Both were Westerners to the core and had nothing at all of the Hindu outlook; although Sister Nivedita, an Irishwoman, had the power of penetrating by an intense sympathy into the ways of life of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... gathering experiences, tendencies, influences from the earth atmosphere—which are taken up by one of the constituent personalities as suitable to his own nature. Such an influence left behind by Vivekananda or one of his disciples may have been taken up by you without your being an incarnation of either. The being as it passes through the series of its lives takes on personalities of various... course, there is rebirth, but to establish that one is such a one reborn, a deeper experience is necessary, not a mere mental intuition which may easily be an error. Ideas of this kind about Vivekananda and Ramakrishna are ideas of the mind to which the vital strongly attaches itself—the truth of the past lives cannot be discovered in that way. These mental ideas are not true. You must wait for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... because I think the decree of our liberty has already been pronounced by another giant of thought. When the great Vivekananda, potent seedsower of the future, in answer to the objection of the Pundits, "But Shankara does not say that," replied simply but finally, "No, but I, Vivekananda, say it," he pronounced the decree of liberation not only for himself but for Page 336 all of us from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of rebirth; may I assume the sorrow of all creatures who suffer and enter into them so that they may be made free from grief." It is that which inspires a remarkable passage in a letter of Swami Vivekananda. "I have lost all wish for my salvation," wrote the great Vedantin, "may I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God I... so, it would be a poor and petty rule and every noble heart would reject it to follow rather the divine vow of Amitabha Buddha, the sublime prayer of the Bhagavata, the passionate aspiration of Vivekananda. But if we accept rather the view that the world is a divinely guided movement of Nature emerging in man towards God and that this is the work in which the Lord of the Gita declares that he is ever ...


... intrinsically incorruptible substance but generally the seat of some disease or other - cancer of the throat in Ramakrishna, asthma and diabetes in Vivekananda, blood-poisoning in Dayananda. Even that champion hathayogi, Pavhari Baba, whom Vivekananda was at times sorely tempted by his own ailments to consult and take as master, gave up his corporeal frame because of some affliction that had overtaken ...

... satisfied even if there were no such spiritual inspiration in the country as breathed and lived in a Vasishtha or a Yajnavalkya, a Chaitanya or a Mirabai, a Tukaram or a Tulsidas, a Ramakrishna or a Vivekananda - provided there were no scheduled classes! One may inquire what sort of life would there be on earth without the rishis, the saints, the mystics, the yogis. Man would be just a higher kind of brute... held together in a loose yet living and interlinked combination by the Hindu view and way of life are responsible for the almost utter lack of religious intolerance we observe in Indian history. Vivekananda was but voicing the Hinduism of the ages when he said that there should be as many religions as there are individuals; and we may add that every one of these religions could be called Hindu! Not ...

... in the path of the soul's liberation. Swami Vivekananda did much to encourage this attitude by his eagerness to avoid all mention of them at the outset of his mission in order not to Page 14 startle the incredulity of the Europeans. "These things are true" he said, "but let them lie hidden." And now many who have not the motives of Vivekananda, think that they can ape his spiritual greatness ...


... young man as very fascinating and helpful. And so he started reading hooks on Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga in particular. While he was doing that he got interested naturally in the works of Vivekananda. And Vivekananda gave him a greater perspective. Yoga is a means not just to amass energy which one can throw about as one likes but to gather energy to concentrate on a certain aim which would lead ...


... disciples in 1938: “It was Vivekananda who, when he used to come to me during meditation in Alipore Jail, showed me the Intuitive Plane. For a month or so he gave instructions about Intuition. Then afterwards I began to see the still higher planes.” (Nirodbaran: Talks with Sri Aurobindo I, p. 53) Sri Aurobindo was imprisoned in Alipore Jail from May 1908 till May 1909; Swami Vivekananda had died in 1902. ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... idea propagated by Vivekananda had such a worldwide appeal. But because it stressed more of an individual than collective spiritual ideal through social and humanitarian services, it failed to bring about a change of our social economic and political life. Sri Aurobindo saw that nothing good for collective life emerged out of the neo-spiritual ideals of Ramkrishria and Vivekananda and that' there was ...

... the result was failure of vital and material life which was considered fit only for the ignorant masses. This state of affairs continued to be prevalent up to the advent of Ramkrishna and Vivekananda. Vivekananda wanted to broadcast the spiritual message of the Gita and Upanishads by bringing it out of the caves and mountains and give a new orientation to life but he never thought of transformation ...

... of them—dated November 14, 1956 —someone had asked if mastery over circumstances depended on self-mastery, citing the case of Vivekananda, who was said to possess great mastery over circumstances even though he could not master his own anger. ) I never knew Vivekananda. I only know what I have heard or read about him, but that isn't what I call knowing. So I can't say anything, and above all I ...


... recall here the Mother's trenchant observation: "When people speak of sexual desire, instead of giving it the noble name of 'love', they should simply call it 'vital cannibalism.' " 11 Vivekananda, speaking of Divine Love, told a sublime story: "A great saint said, using the language of a girl, describing love: 'Four eyes met. There were changes in two souls. And now I cannot tell whether... into himself is the right condition for the full spiritual life in man. 17 The Mother, SABCL, Vol. 25, pp. 24-25. 18 Rig Veda: Mandala One, Sukta 70.2 Page 331 Vivekananda, pointing out that the unity of all religions must necessarily express itself by an increasing richness of variety in its forms, said once that the perfect state of that essential unity would come ...

... the process of reconciliation among religions was the spirit that declared that there are no true and false religions but rather that all religions are true in their own way and degree. As Swami Vivekananda declared with great emphasis, each religion is one of the thousand paths to the One Eternal. viii All religions aim at relating human life or humanity to the highest possible truths or... and realization and that therefore all of them can be united by admitting the truths of all religions in the light of the yogic experiences by which their truths can be verified. Happily, Swami Vivekananda, the great and heroic disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, became a potent vehicle of the message of the unity of religions. This message, when uttered publicly in the first Parliament of Religions ...

... if so willed, on a very vast scale for the deliverance of humanity. The renascent spirituality of India from Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati to Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Page 109 Vivekananda and to Sri Aurobindo has two important concerns. The first concern is to stress dynamic spirituality as opposed to ascetic spirituality which limits itself only to the conquest of the spirit at the... concern of this spirituality is not merely to provide paths of individual salvation but to build up paths of collective salvation. This spirit is manifest in one of the remarkable passages of Swami Vivekananda, where he writes as follows: "I have lost all wish for my salvation, may I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God ...


... synthesis was added by means of which the psychic love for the divine consciousness could inundate the mind, life and the body. In the nineteenth century, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Swami Vivekananda have provided a vast system of synthesis in the light of which the conflict of religions could find a helpful solution. The twentieth century presents a new synthesis that has been proposed in the... terms and new combinations is a necessary condition. In the new synthesis of yoga, Sri Aurobindo provides for an infinite liberty in the receptive human soul. Sri Aurobindo points out that Swami Vivekananda had said that the perfect state of the essential unity of all religions would come when each man had his own religion, so that one can follow freely his relations with the Supreme. In the same way ...


... bring about. It must be said, however, that this operationalization should be regarded as a good beginning in the right direction, although the higher goals of man-making education of which Swami Vivekananda spoke will imply a still greater effort and we should not lose sight of this higher goal and the need for still greater efforts. There is a dimension of values, which transcends the dimension... progressive. He inspired the Gurukula system of education and underlined the great role of the teacher in uplifting the talent and character of the pupil. The second great effort was that of Swami Vivekananda who spoke of man-making education and, accepting Vedan tic knowledge as the base, and Page 34 acknowledging the truth of every religion and a synthesis of Yoga, he opened the gates ...

... above the Mind leading up to the Supermind. It is a fact that Sri Aurobindo received help from Swami Vivekananda in regard to a transition to some of the planes of consciousness above the Mind. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: 'It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence. . . . The ...

... lessons, or bind down a Vivekananda to support his family and for that to follow dispassionately the law or medicine or journalism. The Gita does not teach the disinterested performance of duties but the following of the divine life, the abandonment of all dharmas, sarvadharman, to take refuge in the Supreme alone, and the divine activity of a Buddha, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda is perfectly in consonance ...

... God really exists, human life will be seen in a totally new light, and this has consequences for the way of life or the direction of life. Page 15 In the inspiring life of Swami Vivekananda, we find how as a college student, he was gripped by the question of God's existence, and he was in search, not merely of intellectual proof of God but of experiential proof of God. That is why,... asked the question: "Have you seen God?" and he was seized by Sri Ramakrishna, when the latter told him, "Yes. I see him more vividly than I see you." Since that important encounter between Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna, many young people of India have entered into the debate regarding God's existence and about the intellectual and experiential proof of God. It is in this context that ...

... obstacles that needs to be crossed, if we are to build the needed new road of education. Fortunately, humanity has made considerable progress during the last hundred years, particularly since Swami Vivekananda declared that every one needs his or her own religion, since each one has his or her own specific road of specific method of contact with the superconscient knowledge. Adherents of different religions... which is given the most basic importance in the ancient Indian theory of education and which has also reappeared in Indian experiments of education during the last hundred years and more. When Swami Vivekananda spoke of man-making education, he referred to this inmost soul and its potential divinity. When Tagore spoke of education for personality development, he referred to this very entity, which like ...


... enlarged into greater horizons of universality and integrality; they have a natural aversion to quarrels of religions, and, in respect of the belief in God, they would like to demand, like Swami Vivekananda, if God can be seen and realized; they love the ideal of dynamism and manifestation of ideals in physical and daily life; they love to be multi-sided and more and more comprehensive. These and many... etc. One more council could still be envisaged as a coordination council and it could be centered on research and applications related to integral development of personality or to what Swami Vivekananda has called "Man-making Education." This council could concentrate on the study of the laws of integration of various aspects of human personality: physical, vital, ethical, rational, aesthetic and ...


... consciousness above the Mind leading up to the Supermind. It is a fact that Sri Aurobindo received help from Vivekananda in regard to a transition to some of the planes of consciousness above the Mind. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence.... The voice ...

... all compatible with the highest state of realisation, can be surmised from his utterances on the occasion of his favourite disciple Narendra (afterwards known the world over by the name of Swami Vivekananda) attaining for the first time the Nirvikalpa state of Samadhi. Let us quote in extenso from an authoritative work published by the Sri Ramakrishna Order: "About nine o'clock at night... waking consciousness, its present penury and future possibilities and seek to disengage the conditions whose fulfilment will lead to its divine transformation. 1 The Life of Swami Vivekananda by his Eastern and Western Disciples (Advaita Ashram, Almora), p. 145. (Italics ours) Page 69 ...

... action, to almost admit at the end that to shun this transient and unhappy world is perhaps after all the best possible solution? 1 And what about that wonderfully dynamic saint Swami Vivekananda? Did he not at the end give the simile of a dog's tail in order to represent the impossibility of transformation? Alas, straighten it as much as you like, but release it—and the moment after,... for ever in an impersonal infinity." 3 But we shall presently see that none of the foregoing assumptions is absolutely valid. As a matter of fact, all the difficulty 1 Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. VI, pp. 432-34. (Italics ours) 2 The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 389. 3 Ibid., p. 421. Page 103 disappears if along with the plane of ...

... education will contribute to enhancing "quality education." — What everyone needs to learn If Macaulayan aim of education to produce clerks is to be effectively replaced by what Swami Vivekananda called "man- making education", we have to conceive a new scheme of contents of learning. We have to provide for the essential knowledge that every individual needs to cultivate in order to become... the movement for national education and in the context of the great experiments which came to be initiated and developed under the inspiration of leaders like Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo. As a result, methods of lecturing and the use of blackboard have remained the only methods of education in our country. If the same ...

... consternation that human nature is basically incorrigible: it may admit of some cosmetic whitewashing but will never shed its unholy spots. We may recall in this connection the famous simile given by Vivekananda to carry home the point of impossibility of the transformation of human nature. It was the simile of a dog's tail: alas, straighten it as much as you like, but release it — and the moment after,... my love was personality, behind my purity was fear, behind my guidance thirst for power!" (Complete Works, Vol. VI, p. 424) If such is the case with a great spiritual giant like Sw'ami Vivekananda, the detractors may declare: "Is it not vain to engage in any sadhana of transformation? Knowing that it is a task beyond all possibility of realisation here upon earth in an embodied existence, ...

... quality. Don't talk nonsense. Moreover I never developed my intellect and I made zero marks in logic.   And who preached Ramakrishna's gospel to the world? Vivekananda, a highly developed intellect. And who taught Vivekananda the Truth? Not a logician or highly developed intellect certainly?   Is there not a world of difference between an intellectual man and an unintellectual ...

... who rushes and charges, shoots, bayonets, kills and is killed is more active and dynamic than the general who sits quiet behind in Page 32 a cabin and merely sends out orders. Vivekananda wandered about the whole of India, crossed the seas, traversed continents, undertook whirlwind campaigns—talking, debating, lecturing: it was a life superbly rich in muscular movements. By his side... quite tame—inactive, "introvert": fewer physical displacements or muscular exercises marked his life. And yet, ask anyone who is in touch with the inner life of these great souls, he will tell you, Vivekananda is only a spark from the mighty and concentrated Energy that Ramakrishna was. What is this spiritual or Yogic Energy? Ordinary people, people with a modern mind, would concede at the most ...

... the first-line infantryman who rushes and charges, shoots, bayonets, kills and is killed is more active and dynamic than the general who sits quiet behind in a cabin and merely sends out orders. Vivekananda wandered about the whole of India, crossed the seas, traversed continents, undertook whirlwind campaigns—talking, debating, lecturing: it was a life superbly' rich in muscular movements. By his side... quite tame—inactive, "introvert": fewer physical displacements or muscular exercises marked his life. And yet, ask anyone who is in touch with the inner life of these great souls, he will tell you, Vivekananda is only a spark from the mighty and concentrated Energy that Ramakrishna was. What is this spiritual or Yogic Energy? Ordinary people, people with a modern mind, would concede at the most that ...

... as opposed to the conception of right obtaining royal rule in the Occident. The distinction between the attitudes that underlie these two conceptions was once upon a time greatly stressed by Vivekananda, who was the first to strike two or three major chords that were needed to create the grand symphony of the Indian Renaissance. It is true Europe too had her Mazzini Page 136 whose... of safeguarding and, if possible, even of increasing individual and collective rights. Thus came into being the competitive society—a society necessarily red in tooth and claw like Nature. Vivekananda pointed .out that one should rather think of one's duties, how best to accomplish them and leave the rights to take care of themselves. Such an attitude would give a man the correct outlook, the ...

... hierarchy of duties was given by him as the pattern of a fulfilled ideal life. In India in out day the distinction between the two attitudes was very strongly insisted upon by the great Vivekananda. Vivekananda said that if human society was to be remodelled, one must first of all learn to think and act not in terms of claims and rights but in terms of duties and obligations. Fulfil your duties ...


... pragmatic eye Ramakrishna, for example, appears as a less dynamic personality, a less strong and heroic, if not positively weaker Page 395 character than Vivekananda. Well, that is only face-value reading. Vivekananda himself knew and felt and said that he was only one of hundreds of Vivekanandas that his simple and, modest-looking Guru could create if he chose. Even so a Ramdas. Ramdas ...

... the first-line infantryman who rushes and charges, shoots, bayonets, kills and is killed is more active and dynamic than the general who sits quiet behind in a cabin and merely sends out orders. Vivekananda wandered about the whole of India, crossed the seas, traversed continents, undertook whirlwind campaigns – ­talking, debating, lecturing: it was a life superbly rich in muscular movements. By his... tame – inactive, "introvert": fewer physical displace­ments or muscular exercises marked his life. And yet, ask anyone who is in touch with the inner life of these great souls, he will tell you, Vivekananda is only a spark from the mighty and concentrated Energy that Ramakrishna was. What is this spiritual or Yogic Energy? Ordinary people, people with a modern mind, would concede at the most that ...

... as opposed to the conception of right obtaining royal rule in the Occident. The distinction between the attitudes that underlie these two conceptions was once upon a time greatly 'stressed by Vivekananda, who was the first to strike two or three major chords that were needed to create the grand symphony of the Indian Renaissance. It is true Europe too had her Mazzini Page 253 whose scheme... problem of safeguarding and, if possible, even of increasing individual and collective rights. Thus came into being the competitive society-a society necessarily red in tooth and claw like Nature. Vivekananda pointed out that one should rather think of one's duties, how best to accomplish them and leave the rights to take care of themselves. Such an attitude would give a man the correct outlook, the ...

... Spiritual Genius of India WHAT is it that we precisely mean when we say that India is spiritual? For, that is how we are accustomed to express India's special genius – her backbone, as Vivekananda puts it – the fundamental note of her cultute and nature, which distinguishes her from the rest of the world. What then are the distinguishing marks of spirituality? How does a spiritual collectivity... cultural life was brought to stagnation and very near to decomposition, this undying Fire in her secret heart was ever alight and called in the inevitable rebirth and rejuvenation. Ramakrishna, with Vivekananda as his emanation in life dynamic and material, symbolises this great secret of India's evolution. The promise that the Divine held out in the Gila to Bharata's descendant finds a ready fulfilment ...

... going into trance. NIRODBARAN: She came to India with the idea of doing Yoga. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but she took up politics as a part of Vivekananda's work. Her book is one of the best on Vivekananda. Vivekananda himself had ideas about political work and had spells of revolutionary fervour. Once he had a vision which corresponded to something like the Maniktola Garden. It is curious how many Sannyasins ...


... other reviewer of the Ramakrishna Mission also gives the impression that they follow the old conventional ways. But Ramakrishna did not proclaim any system of thinking. They follow Vivekananda, perhaps. PURANI: Vivekananda does not seem to have succeeded as a philosopher. SRI AUROBINDO: His writings on Yoga are forceful. He made an attempt at writing philosophy and said that all philosophies are ...


... the hands of Maharshi. PURANI: He speaks highly of Vivekananda. He says he would have occupied the same place as Gandhi. SRI AUROBINDO: Which place? Wardha? (Laughter) PURANI: He means he would have had the same influence. SRI AUROBINDO: That's a different matter. He doesn't speak of Ramakrishna? PURANI: No, he speaks of Vivekananda. SRI AUROBINDO: What was at work was Ramakrishna's ...


... life. Disciple : She came to India with the idea of doing Yoga. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. But she took up politics as part of Vivekananda's work. Her book is one of the best on Vivekananda. Vivekananda himself had ideas about political work and fits of revolution. Once he had a vision which corresponded to something like Maniktola Garden. It is curious that many Sannyasins at that time had ...

... lead of their unchastened emotions. Vivekananda had once to ¹ Bulletin of Physical Education, Feb. 1957. Page 205 lash out against some of his brother disciples who had given themselves up to extravagant emotional paroxysms in the mistaken belief that such swoons and wailings were a sign of intense love and devotion for God. Vivekananda branded them as hysterics and neurotics ...


... water of the world for that matter. On what tenets is Islam founded ? The question rises in my mind today, in April 1990, as I write this chapter. What is this Islamic culture in reality? Swami Vivekananda put it succinctly: "There has not been a religion which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should... compassion. . . . "And the surest way to get to heaven, where there are beautiful houris and all sorts of sense enjoyments, is by killing these unbelievers." 1 1. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, II, 352-3. Page 64 And yet. Yet religions like Islam or Christianity — and most others —claim universal Brotherhood as their doctrine. "Mohammedans talk of universal brotherhood ...

... bondage, the realisation of freedom, the trampling upon our fetters, that is the first need of the future. It was to give mukti that Ramakrishna came, not to impose a new bondage. Therefore was Vivekananda His Apostle to the Gentiles, a man who in all things asserted freedom. The soul of Hinduism languishes in an unfit body. Break the mould that Page 552 the soul may live. Is it not the ...


... Ramakrishna Mission is admirable and touching, but such deeds we take as a matter of course and the least we can expect from those whose Page 620 lives have been shaped by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda; it would be surprising if those who have touched the hem of the garments of divinity should not themselves have something in them of the divine. But the most significant part of the communication ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... authors. The speaker dilated on the great efficacy of suffering in rousing the spirit from slumber by a reference to the parable of two birds in the Upanishads so often referred to by the late Swami Vivekananda. The parable relates that there was a big tree with many sweet and bitter fruits and two birds sat on the tree, one on the top of it and the other at a lower part. The latter bird looking upwards ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... step that is taken in the light of a lower wisdom will fail until the truth is driven home. The work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised. The truth of the future that Bijoy Goswami hid within himself, has not yet been revealed utterly to his disciples. A less discreet revelation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... find this hypothesis of superiority supported by the facts. I do not see that Mrs Besant has a more powerful and perfect intellectuality, eloquence, personality or religious force than had Swami Vivekananda or that a single Theosophist has yet showed him or herself to be as mighty and pure a spirit as the Paramhansa Ramakrishna. There are Indian Yogins who have a finer and more accurate psychical knowledge ...


... wind & sea also are He & the gases which constitute the air which moves as wind & the water which flows as the sea. He is ether that contains all & He is that which contains the ether. Swami Vivekananda in a passage of his works, makes a striking or, as the French say better, a seizing distinction between the locomotive & the worm that it crushes, between the animate which has conscious life in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... to a wider flood and a more grandiose motion. Page 574 × The only exception, to my knowledge, is Swami Vivekananda and even he has not entirely escaped the necessity of his environment. × The word for knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... hermits before and afterwards our race has aspired with an ultimate and limitless sacrifice, with a sovran self-giving, to the boundless Master of peace. Even the latest of the mighty Ones, the great Vivekananda, who was in outward seeming a storm of speech and thought & force and action, was yet reaching always to the rare, remote & icy-pure linga of Amarnath, the still & silent Mahadeva, as his inmost ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... made Indian religion a living and evolving, a secure, triumphant and self-assertive power. But the seal was put to this work by two events, the Theosophical movement and the appearance of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago. For these two things showed the spiritual ideas for which India stands no longer on their defence but aggressive and invading the materialised mentality of the Occident. All India had ...


... Dante's Divina Commedia' ('Paradiso', Canto 33) 192 The Crescent of Beauty 428 The Crowning Vision of Dante 194 The Dead 416 The Death of Vivekananda 534 The Divine 534 The Divine Denier 137 The Divine's Compassion 584 The Eternal Vast 258 The Eyes of Botticelli's Madonna 548 ...


... philosophical speculation does he grow aware of his true soul and become a mystic. SEEING GOD     When the young Narendra, who later made a name on three continents as Swami Vivekananda, met the God-intoxicated Ramakrishna, the first question he shot at him was: "Sir, have you seen God?" A crude question for the awed religionist and a naive one for the abstract thinker, but typically ...


... when he departed. Poornananda left home at 16 and joined the Vedanta Ashram, a creation of Swami Abhedananda who was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and a co-disciple of Swami Vivekananda. He was initiated along with four other youngsters. It was a cold winter night. They had to start on the right note — strip and dip in the cold Ganga, and not much to wear. Then followed the daily ...


...   Objections raised regarding the historicity of Christ are taken up by Sethna and shown to be without foundation. For Ramakrishnaites, however, a stumbling block remains in the dream Swami Vivekananda recounts having seen near Crete while travelling back from Almora: one of the Therapeutae of Crete appeared to say that their teachings had been propagated mistakenly as those of Jesus who never ...


... concretely proved if one visits a Sri Ramakrishna Temple. The main prayer hall always displays pictures of Christ, Buddha, Nanak, Zarathushtra, etc. Christmas eve celebration, introduced by Swami Vivekananda in the late 1880's, still continues at the Mission's headquarters and several other branch centres. Some of the monks of the Order have written wonderfully sensitive books like Sermon on The Mount ...


... Presence now? In the original epic we find Aswapati asking for a boon of children to perpetuate his race. But the Mother's presence changes the equations. It has always been so. We know of Swami Vivekananda as the youngster Naren being advised by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to go and pray to Mother Kali for alleviating his (Naren's) poverty as the family was in dire straights: 29 Savitri, ...

... Aurobindo exactly as she had seen him in her vision. Before Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry he did Tapasya and, while he was in the Alipore jail, he had the first instruction from Swami Vivekananda as to the direction for the later Tapasya. Eighteen years later, in 1926, he got the Siddhi of his Tapasya when Sri Krishna entered in his subtle physical body. That was the merging of the Overmental ...

... present were a witness to that scene. I mention it here only to emphasize how he responds to one's aspiration—as I said earlier, since childhood I had aspired for the same intimacy with my Guru that Vivekananda had experienced! with Sri Ramakrishna. That was the fulfilment of my aspiration. Even now, in an ever increasing measure, Sri Aurobindo is showering his infinite Grace; its boundless action is ...


... desire, sexual desire, small likings, dislikings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds, etc. Vital mind — see mind. Page 418 Vivekananda, Swami —monastic name of Narendranath Dutta (1863-1902), the most famous disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and one of the great spiritual teachers of modern India. Yajnavalkya —a famous Rishi ...


... In the process of sadhana or spiritual practice. (Ed.) × Vivekananda said that human nature cannot be changed just as a dog's crooked tail can never be made straight. (Ed.) × ...


... Realisation, the Word that effects transforma­tion in his soul and spirit. The initiation by the Guru can even be by putting his hand on the head of the disciple, as Ramakrishna did in the case of Vivekananda. It can be the invisible Presence which can touch the aspirant, Page 11 enter into his consciousness and lead him on the path. Even in his external activities, or in acquisition ...


... your Bengali writing very well, but I am afraid it would be difficult for me to make time, especially as you are in hurry to publish. But why all these dedications-especially to Ramkrishna and Vivekananda who seem to me to have very little to do with the theme of you play? 1 I do not remember that I have ever written anything on this subject. In any case I do not wish to write anything about ...

... Maharshi says that the sadhaka has to work his way through to his own salvation himself. And yet we see numerous disciples writing ecstatically about the Guru’s Grace: but didn’t even Vivekananda have to do a lot of uphill climbing even though he did have an experience of Samadhi at his Guru’s touch? But then when one came down from the realm of Samadhi one re-became the ordinary humdrum ...

... obvious that it does not need documentary support. The start of this contact – the fourth enrichment of the West by the Eastern spirit according to Sri Aurobindo – may be taken to be 1893, the year Vivekananda was sent to the USA by Ramakrishna Paramhansa in order to participate in the Congress of World Religions at Chicago. “No one could have imagined then that a Hindu monk would make converts in London ...

... Shastra [Scripture] or this or that great authority, whether philosopher, saint or Avatar. Remember then that realisation and experience are alone of essential importance . What Shankara argued or Vivekananda conceived intellectually about existence or even what Ramakrishna stated from his multitudinous and varied realisation, is only of value to you so far as you [are] moved by God to accept and renew ...

... Viceroy of India, who called him ‘the most dangerous man we have to deal with at present.’ 13 In the beginning of 1910 Aurobindo was warned by Sister Nivedita, an English disciple of Swami Vivekananda, that the trap set for him could be sprung at any moment. It was time for him to leave the scene. As a farewell he penned an article in which he expressed his ideals openly. This article, his political ...


... when stricken to the heart, gives out his mightiest roar. When smitten on the head, the cobra lifts his hood. And the majesty of the soul comes forth only when man is wounded to his depths.” — Vivekananda Is this true? It is only a little bit true and a lot is literature — because the state of Nature which makes this necessary must be surpassed. We aspire for the time when it will no longer ...

... grew luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were great. It was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna and ...


... luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. * Page 255 February 2, 1950 It was not my intention* to question ...

... whom there is neither past life nor future birth, nor death nor going nor coming, in whom we always have been and always will be one. Him worship; break all other idols." (From a letter of Swami Vivekananda; quoted by Sri Aurobindo in The Synthesis of Yoga, Centenary Edition, 1972, pp. 257-58) 77. sarva-bhutani: all creatures. 78. daridrerseva: service to the poor. 79. Old house: the ...

... than that, is a frequent element in mystic vision; I may mention the powerful and vivid vision in which Ramakrishna went up into the higher planes and saw the mystic truth behind the birth of Vivekananda..." Now a final observation. Mr. Ezekiel generalises his case against Sri Aurobindo so as to cover his many volumes of poetry: "This is not merely a difference of opinion between Prof. ...


... stressed as the greatest mover in his own Yoga - Sri Ramakrishna who after his death appeared to Sri Aurobindo on three occasions in connection with Yogic workings and whose chief mouthpiece Swami Vivekananda paid a visionary visit, day after day for a fortnight, to Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Jail pointing beyond the mental consciousness towards the Page 213 "overhead" planes whose ...


... fellow-feeling. The moral life in itself is a fine thing, but it cannot be compared in greatness to the mystical life - the Life of a Krishna, a Buddha, a Christ, a Teresa of Avila, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda, a Ramana Maharshi. Nor can we deny that nothing short of the mystical life, the Yogic spirituality, is the beau ideal of the Upanishads and the Gita, the vibrant luminous essence of India's ancient ...


... The second aspect of my touch of depth-on-depth with you emerges from the quick transition I made from my Christ-coloured student-days to the period of profound fascination by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda who served as a passage to the still wider call of Sri Aurobindo. This call with its "integral" earth-accepting Yoga conjured up as its background the age of the Rigveda when first what he has termed ...


... and solitude but with a secret in them of some unimaginable future outflowering. Suddenly a mantra of Vivekananda's sprang to my mind as if to crystallise the condition in which I was caught up. Vivekananda once spoke of his ideal of sitting in meditation under a height in the Himalayas and hearing a waterfall thunder forth: "Hara! Hara! - Vyom! Vyom!" (Sanskrit for "The Free! The Free! The Void! The ...


... alert enough to give you a corresponding (apt epithet!) pleasure on hearing from me. Your latest sheaf of matter has stirred me from my long lethargy.   It is indeed interesting that Swami Vivekananda was a Freemason. The evidence is well presented. But I cannot subscribe to the idea that his memorable "Sisters and Brothers of America" at the Parliament of Religions at Chicago was inspired by ...


... thinker, she for the first time upon this Earth devises self-conscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which this great purpose may be more swiftly and puissantly attained. Yoga, as Swami Vivekananda has said, may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of bodily existence. A given system of Yoga, then, can be no more than a ...


... denied and can no longer deny it. But for that the means must be accepted and the persistence in the will and patience in the labour. I cannot very well answer the strictures of Russell or Vivekananda (in one of his moods), for the conception of the Divine as an external omnipotent Power who has created the world and governs it like an absolute and arbitrary monarch, the Christian or Semitic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and Page 485 acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the divine love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. It was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... and the Gita were not final though everything may be there in seed. In this development the recent spiritual history of India is a very important stage and the names I mentioned [ Ramakrishna and Vivekananda ] had a special prominence in my thought at the time—they seemed to me to indicate the lines from which the future spiritual development had most directly to proceed, not staying but passing on. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... human soul. A free adaptability in the manner and the type of the individual's acceptance of the Universal and Transcendent into himself is the right condition for the full spiritual life in man. Vivekananda, pointing out that the unity of all religions must necessarily express itself by an increasing richness of variety in its forms, said once that the perfect state of that essential unity would come ...


... for some word of harmony, not forgetting immediate in ultimate truth, nor ultimate in immediate, but giving each its due place and portion in the Infinite Purpose. Some minds, like Plato, like Vivekananda, feel more than others this mighty complexity and give voice to it. They pour out thought in torrents or in rich and majestic streams. They are not logically careful of consistency, they cannot build ...


... spiritual knowledge to mankind and in their intense love for humanity imparting something of their power to the world. Such were Buddha, Christ, Mahomed, Chaitanya, such have been Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. It is still the orthodox view that the experiences of Yoga must not be revealed to the uninitiated. But a new era dawns upon us in which the old laws must be modified Already the West is beginning ...


... had only a fragment of their knowledge. Buddha wandered away on a bypath of their universal kingdom. In our own day Ramakrishna lived in his being and concretised Page 80 in his talk, Vivekananda threw out into brilliance of many-sided thought and eloquent speech the essence of ancient Veda. The Veda was the beginning of our spiritual knowledge; the Veda will remain its end. These compositions ...


... at the thoughts and observe what is the nature of the human mind as they show it but not to give any sanction and to let them run down till they come to a standstill—this is a way recommended by Vivekananda in his Rajayoga . Another is to look at the thoughts as not one's own, to stand back as the witness Purusha and refuse the sanction—the thoughts are regarded as things coming from outside, from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Religion I have no time to read books usually. I seldom had and none at all now. I have had no inspirations from the sadhana of Bejoy Goswami, though a good deal at one time from Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. My remarks simply meant that I regard the spiritual history of mankind and especially of India as a constant development of a divine purpose, not a book that is closed, the lines of which have to ...


... and usually received help or an answer from it, but there were no such happenings in connection with the Gita as are narrated in the book. It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence, but this had Page 98 nothing to do with the alleged circumstances narrated in the book, ci ...


... enthusiasm and I tried later to translate some of them. The other strong intellectual influence [that] came in India in early life were the sayings of Ramakrishna and the writings and speeches of Vivekananda, but this was a first introduction to Indian spiritual experience and not as philosophy. They did not, however, carry me to the practice of Yoga: their influence was purely mental. My philosophy ...


... of dhyana ; for the principle of dhyana is mental Page 293 concentration whether in thought, vision or knowledge. There are other forms of dhyana . There is a passage in which Vivekananda advises you to stand back from your thoughts, let them occur in your mind as they will and simply observe them & see what they are. This may be called concentration in self-observation. This form ...


... been Page 449 understood by people. Now that the general turn is away from the rigorous Illusionism, many of the Adwaitins seem to want to hedge and make Shankara hedge with them. Vivekananda accepted Shankara's philosophy with modifications, the chief of them being Daridra-Narayan-seva which is a mixture of Buddhist compassion and modern philanthropy. I believe according to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... show that some persons are dearer to the Divine than others. Besides Krishna and Arjuna, we have the instance of Buddha and Ananda. There is also St. John, the beloved disciple. Then again, Vivekananda was dearer to Ramakrishna than other disciples. Chaitanya showered his grace on Madhai and Jagai, but were they closer to him than Nitai? But he had love for them (তাই বলে কি প্রেম দিব না ?) ...


... the human an obstacle to the Divine love? Or is not rather the capacity for human love an index to the capacity for Divine love? Have not great spiritual figures, such as Christ, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, been remarkably loving and affectionate by nature? Love is one of the great universal forces; it exists by itself and its movement is free and independent of the objects in which and through ...


... they knew or did not know and their experience. But you all, my children, at what age did you come here? That was not an age to have realised the Overmind?! If you had around you people like Vivekananda, for example, your work would be more easy, wouldn't it? Instead of having unrefined stuff like us? (laughter) Probably they would have been more refractory!... For what is most difficult is ...


... well, they are free to choose to do this or that. That is why, even in the worst criminal, there is somewhere in the depths, somewhere, the divine light. I believe you have read that passage of Vivekananda where he says (I don't know the exact words), that the criminal must be told: "Awake, awake, being of light, and shine forth!" Just a while ago, when I told you I shall narrate the story to you ...


... have been reinterpreted and rearticulated by a whole series of self-realised souls. In the 20 th century itself, which has just drawn to a close, we have had outstanding figures such as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Sri Krishna Prem and a number of other men and women who, through the dint of their sādhanā and realisation have re-illuminated the path to the ...


... after their coming the whole tamas has settled like a solid block. There must be some awakening before something substantial can be done. Otherwise, India has got very good men; you had Tilak, Das, Vivekananda —none of them an ordinary man, and yet you see the tamas there. August 29, 1926 (Sri Aurobindo refuted a criticism of birth control in an article.) Scientists and medical men have ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 103—Vivekananda, exalting Sannyasa, 1 has said that in all Indian history there is only one Janaka. 2 Not so, for Janaka is not the name of a single individual, but a dynasty of self-ruling kings and the triumph-cry of an ideal. 104—In all the lakhs of ochre-clad Sannyasins ...


... and blessings. 1962 Mother, Somebody connected with the Ashram wants to publish a diary (not for commercial purposes) with quotations from your writings along with the writings of Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, etc. I have said that it is not good to make this khichri [mixture]. Better don't put Mother's things. Is it all right? Page 218 You are quite right. About 1962 ...


... is the supreme consequence. 25 July 1970 Sweet Mother, The other day I had a discussion with X about Sri Aurobindo's Action. He said that had there been an enlightened person like Vivekananda, the work could have been done better, but that Mother has to do Her work with the instruments She has at her disposal. Finally he told me that he had no opinion on the subject. "My business," he ...


... ground, as if in a gesture of prayer. Then he lay prostrate, as though doing a pranam. There it all ended. The sun had set." Page 20 4 July 1902: A few minutes past 9 p.m Swami Vivekananda entered Mahasamadhi. Next day—There was a little blood about the eyes, mouth, and nostrils, a sign that his life breath had passed out of the sahasrara, Most probably something similar ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 September 16, 1964 103—Vivekananda, exalting Sannyasa, 1 has said that in all Indian history there is only one Janaka. 2 Not so, for Janaka is not the name of a single individual, but a dynasty of self-ruling kings and the triumph-cry of an ideal. Page 189 104—In all the lakhs of ...


... true of the English and Americans, Page 171 not perhaps quite so true of the southern peoples. But still it is a fact that one can meet Europeans more easily in a purely mental way. Vivekananda had noticed this about American women and writes of it in one of his letters." Not since the war. Yes, on the contrary, my impression was that it was far more predominant in Europeans than ...


... know, Mother. If I had the power, I would do it willingly. But the miracle is still possible with these people. Yes. Yes, but... there has to be someone to say it. Yes, there should be a Vivekananda for Sri Aurobindo. ( Mother laughs, very amused ) And their reversal could be effected swiftly and easily, I'm sure. You see, they're not perverted, they're simply... they don't know. ...


... quite folded in the land where even in our materialistic times a Ramakrishna could arise, tripping like a haloed child with a spontaneous intensity of heart into all the known courts of heaven, a Vivekananda could come like "a lion of the Vedanta" spreading with his own illuminated mind his master's message in the West as-well as the East, a Raman a Maharshi could embody the eternal Peace which would ...

... will-power and fellow-feeling. The moral life in itself can be a fine thing, but it cannot be compared in greatness to the mystical life - the life of a Krishna, a Chaitanya, a Mirabai, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda. Nor can we deny that it is the mystical life, the Yogic spirituality, that is the aim and ideal of the Upanishads and the Gita, the vibrant luminous essence of India's ancient wisdom. When ...

... significance of the English language and the essential truths behind Hinduism. We are still confused about revivalism and secularism, the spiritual life and world crisis, the legacy of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi for nation building. Indeed, if one was unaware of the date of its publication, the earlier edition might well be mistaken as a current imprint. Such is the ...

... made by its help the novelist's art a rare blend of the simple and the subtle, Sarojini Naidu has been enchantingly lyrical in it, Tagore has given with it to his Gitanjali an immortal poignancy, Vivekananda has forged from it a thrilling Page 101 clarion of the Vedanta calling both the East and the West to God-knowledge, Sri Aurobindo has turned through it philosophy into a magnificent ...

... workings in detail and, in his works of literary criticism, illustrated their peculiar seeing, verbal quality and expressive rhythm. Not finding any knowledge of these "planes" in Gopi Krishna, Vivekananda or even Ramakrishna, Nair finds fault with Sri Aurobindo's statements that the Gita "does not bring forward the idea of the higher planes and the supramental Truth-Consciousness..." 5 Similarly ...


... many representatives of the different religions of the world Page 80 but who has heard of their names and what about their learned papers read out so eloquently at the time? Only Vivekananda survives and that is because he had the divine commission and was an orator by divine right while the others were not. In India, during the last seventy-five years or so, we have had a number of ...

... . What we do not understand, we deny or decry. This is human nature. In order to understand Krishna you should attain to the level of! his .consciousness as Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Vivekananda and as others have done, then only you know what he is and why the is adored, worshipped, and revered by millions all over the world throughout the thousands of years. He delivered the great and ...

... Essence Of Life You have asked me—"What is the truth of life ?" This question has been answered long back by our ancient sages and the modern ones like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and others who have not only an intellectual apprehension of what life is but a true, real and concrete realisation of it in the truth of the Spirit, Atman of which we read so much ...

... ), in spite of your absence of personal objections to think of me as such (the Supreme). Why, you are yourself the Supreme, aren't you? Soaham, tattwam asi Nirada, ঈশ্বর কোন বেটা, আমিই ঈশ্বর (Vivekananda) 151 আমি in this formula means not V but anyone, that is to say Nirod. Also vide Krishna Prem. So what's this stupefaction about, I should like to know? When everybody is the Supreme and of everybody ...

... gods are calm; you can't say they are quiet. NIRODBARAN: In occupied moments, various loose thoughts come in. They don't disturb. What is that state? SRI AUROBINDO: That is the quiet mind. Vivekananda says that one should allow the mind to run on like that and ultimately it will by itself get tired. I don't think it is always successful. PURANI: When I used to be disturbed, I would read The ...


... history. Perhaps you have some idea of Arjuna's association with Sri Krishna, Ananda's with Buddha, St. Paul's with Jesus Christ, and similar ones of others; in our modern days, associations of Vivekananda, particularly, and of his friends with Ramakrishna, and lastly, in our present time, here, of Pranab-da and Vasudha-ben 263 with the Mother. Our association too belongs to that class, that category ...


... contemplated arrest. She had many friends in Government circles. On getting that news I wrote the article "My Political Will" which stopped my arrest. PURANI: In one of her letters Nivedita says that Vivekananda tried to dedicate her to Shiva but found her not ready. SRI AUROBINDO: How not ready? Not ready means either unwilling or not fit to fulfil the conditions. PURANI: Perhaps unwilling. SRI ...


... consistent. Whitman said, "Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I contain multitudes." When one is growing, one can't always have consistency. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. Emerson and Vivekananda said the same thing. "Consistency", said Emerson, "is the hobgoblin of little minds." There are contrary sides to a truth and their expressions may appear contradictory. EVENING NIRODBARAN ...


... one may mistake the latter for the former. I remember the day when people here claimed to have got the Supermind. I myself had made mistakes about it. I didn't know then about the planes. It was Vivekananda who, when he used to come to me during meditation in Alipore Jail, showed me the intuitive plane. For a month or so he gave instructions about intuition. Then afterwards I began to see the still ...


... his skin than pluck a flower. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the popular notion of art and artist. If you love flowers and admire the sky you are considered an artist. I saw in Prabuddha Bharata that Vivekananda was called a great master of art because he loved music. SATYENDRA: Perhaps one can be an artist by appreciating art? SRI AUROBINDO: In that case many people are artists. NIRODBARAN: If ...


... sittings was told by Vivekananda's spirit that he wouldn't have his realisation in this life, that he would die about twenty-two years later, and that one year afterwards he would be born again with Vivekananda. Sri Aurobindo would still be alive and in that life Amiya Sankar would have his realisation. "Is that true?" he asks. (There was a burst of laughter as the information was conveyed.) SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, Page 56 but also something ...

... Uttarpara speech, 11 Veda, 14-5, 30, 41, 136 Page 286 Vision, premonitory, 30 Vital, 75, 82, 254-6 Vital, descent into, 82 Vital-physical, 254-5 Vivekananda, 13, 28 Worker, divine, 232 Work is done,194, 199 World War I, 63, 170 World War II, 91-2 Yoga, 2, 5, 7, 10; 14, 17, 18, 20, 68- 74, 77-81, 87-8, 144 ...

... it. My love and blessings are and will always be with you. My mother had sent all my things, including the marble idol of Radha which I used to worship. Also lots of books: Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, some sanskrit books, Gandhi, Tagore, Saratchandra Chatterji, Kakasaheb Kalelkar, K.M. Munshi, the poets Kalapi, Meghani and other great men and women. There were two books I cherished most. In my ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... wife and father and the government of the Sakya State, or would direct a Ramakrishna to become a Pundit in a vernacular school and disinterestedly teach little boys their lessons, or bind down a Vivekananda to support his family and for that to follow dispassionately the law or medicine or journalism." 3 ' 3.From The Human Cycle: "The truth is that upon which we are now insisting, that reason ...

... about. It must be said, however, that this operationalisation should be regarded as a good beginning in the right direction, although the highest goals of man-making education of which Swarni Vivekananda spoke will imply a still greater effort and we should not lose sight of this higher goal and the need for still greater efforts. There is a dimension of values, which transcends the dimension ...

... Ultimate Reality. Profound passages from great thinkers like Plato can ignite in the students the fires of the inner soul. The stories such as those of relationship between Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda can convince that search for God is not submission to dogma but a relentless process of questioning and of finding. Passages from the writings of great scientists such as those of Einstein and others ...


... Veda as also in rational modes of thought so as to be equipped with invincible knowledge and robust character that is forged by constant practice of truth, self control and fearlessness. Swami Vivekananda, inspired by the Upanishads and their message of divine perfection inherent in every individual, strove to give to the youth of modern India the lessons of man-making education so as to cast them ...


... bring about. It must be said, however, that this operationalisation should be regarded as a good beginning in the right direction, although the higher goals of man making education of which Swami Vivekananda spoke will imply a still greater effort and we should not lose sight of this higher goal and the need for still greater efforts. There is a dimension of values, which transcends the dimension ...


... framework of the study and practice of those elements which would directly or indirectly promote the basic elements of character development. It is an attempt to correlate main aspects of what Swami Vivekananda spoke in regard to man-making education with the varieties of subjects that are normally pursued in the primary, secondary and higher secondary courses in Indian schools. This programme underlines ...

... Independence of 1857 (iii) Rani Lakshmibai, Nanasaheb and Tope IX (i) Renaissance in India and struggle for Freedom (ii) Raja Ram Mohun Roy, Dayananda, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda (iii) Birth of Indian National Congress (iv) The first demand. The Moderates: Ferozshah Mehta, Ranade and Gokhale (v) The demand of the Nationalists: Swarajya as the goal (vi) ...

... Objectives of Children's University 1.Objectives of the university would be formulated in the light of the guidance that we can derive from Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and Sri Aurobindo and also many other pioneering educationists of Gujarat, India and the other parts of the world. 2.Ideal of nationalism which is in harmony ...


... cit., pp. 7,8. My quotation follows the privately printed pamphlet which preceded Dr. Bucke's larger work, and differs verbally a little from the text of the latter. 7 My quotations are from VIVEKANANDA, Raja Yoga, London, 1896. The completest source of information on Yoga is the work translated by VIHARI LALA MITRA: Yoga Vasishta Maha Ramayana, 4 vols., Calcutta, 1891—99. 8 A European ...

... insistence on collective forms of life. The reassertion came through the Page 29 works of the great personalities like Raja Ram Mohun Roy and Dayananda Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, who filled India with a new vision and power both for the spiritual awakening and national prosperity. The new nationalist spirit was at once spiritual and social in character, and symbolised a ...


... physical and supraphysical - that constituted the contents of the ancient Indian system of education will come to be underlined. And this will lead also to the study of Yoga as a science. As Swami Vivekananda had declared, Yoga is science par excellence, since it proceeds by the scientific method of observation, experimentation and verification, of repetition and of rectification as also of continuous ...

... power of love, by the extension of inborn spirituality into various experience and by the spontaneous play of an intuitive knowledge. 7 Page 277 We have also in the works of Swami Vivekananda inspiring accounts of various systems of Yoga in large catholic and synthetic terms. In Sri Aurobindo, we have still a new synthesis which is effected by negating the forms and outsides of the yogic ...

... good of all beings; Buddha discovering the way of Nirvana must turn back to open that way to those who are still under the delusion of their constructive instead of their real being - or non-being; Vivekananda, drawn by the Absolute also feels the call of the disguised Godhead in humanity and most the call of the fallen and the suffering, the call of the self to the self in the obscure body of the universe ...

... the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared, Raja Rammohun Roy (1772-1833), Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883), Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), Swami Vivekananda (1862 -1902), — to name just a few of them, — and through their work the entire country was electrified not only spiritually but even socially and politically. India became renascent, and there began ...

... thinker, she for the first time upon this Earth devises self-conscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which this great purpose may be more swiftly and puissantly attained. Yoga, as Swami Vivekananda has said, may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of bodily existence... It is this view of Yoga that can alone form the basis ...


... Vedic Rishis 89, 90, 91 Vedic Yoga 46 virya 74, 75 vital, central 55,57; emotional 55,57; lower 55, 57 vital-material 57 vital-mental 56 vital-physical 56, 57 Vivekananda (Swami) 11 Whitehead, A.N., 25 world-consciousness 8, 79 world-knowledge 22; see also knowl edge world-nature, intangible energies, of 62; see also Nature Yājnavalkya ...

... explore the claim that while God's reality can be undeniably established by the light of Reason, there is also a greater light in the effulgence of which God can be, as Sri Ramakrishna told Swami Vivekananda, seen, possessed and known by constant living with Him. It is hoped that this monograph will serve as a friend of the students who are seriously gripped with the question of illumination by which ...

... common among all religions which emphasises living contact or experience of the individual in his or her encounter with the totality of the universe or that which lies beyond the universe. Swami Vivekananda, for example, constantly spoke of religion as experiential in character and contended that religion is a matter of experience, a matter of knowledge and a matter of verifiable and repeatable knowledge ...

... the development of yoga, it has been discovered that each of the major religions is based upon yogic experience, and even in recent times the yogic quest undertaken by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, as also by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, has verified the yogic truths of religions like Buddhism and Jainism as also Christianity and Islam and others, and they have been discovered and reconfirmed ...

... followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, Swami Vivekananda, Balgangadhar Tilak , Rabindranath Tagore, and others. The list is by no means exhaustive and I have given the names of only those who were Sri Aurobindo's precursors or contemporaries. They are ...


... don't fear, they can't hurt you. J's uncle was one. [Sri Aurobindo drew a line indicating "one".] One what? Got mad with fear? So fear must go. Fear must not enter in Yoga. As Vivekananda said, the Yogi must be অভী. 47 The other day Dr. Sircar asked me what is the yogic process you adopt in curing people. I told him what you have said about the medical aspect—when the diagnosis ...

... me, but I was sure she noted my presence.- Nothing could elude her eyes nor her knowledge. As to her not looking, she had done her work by dropping a hint and I had caught it. That was enough. Vivekananda, if I remember rightly, and Nivedita too perhaps have said what a fine life it would have been to pass one’s days sitting at the feet of Sharada Devi, the Page 75 Mother of the Ramakrishna ...

... warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world, for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, Page 133 but also something ...

... that is to say, advancement on the same plane, but there is a kind of ascension on a somewhat different plane. Yajnavalkya represented a type of elite which is far away and far other than that of Vivekananda, for example, today. We have described man, especially, modern man as homo fabricus; but that is a particular aspect of application of homo intellectualis. And it is a sign and warning that ...

... or unity. The basis of his relation with the world and its objects is not the human heart, however purified and widened, but something behind it and hidden by it, the secret soul and self. It was Vivekananda who very often stressed the point that the distinctive characteristic of the Vedantist was that he did not look upon created beings as his brethren but as himself, as the one and the same self. The ...

... -Rig Veda, 13n., 18n.,26, 30,36, 42-5n., 157, 160, 163-6n., 184n., 220 -"Ode to Darkness", 220 Virgil, 53, 85, 93 Vishnu, 30-1, 278 Vishwamitra,162 Visva Bharati, 228 Vivekananda, 103-5, 241, 253-4, 299 -From Colombo to Almora, 103 Voltaire, 85, 286 Vyasa, 39, 58, 62, 73, 235 WARNER, REX, 192n., 194n Whitman, 150 Williams, Charles, 93n 'The Last ...

... take to the path of total renunciation till you attain perfect siddhi and then turn back and share your light and leading with humanity. Some great souls have done this—Buddha and Christ and Vivekananda. And it is not for every man to try that path in the way they did. But even if the path is not easy, to some extent at least every one of us has to follow it; for we must remember our aim is not ...

... Varona, 207 Vedas, the, 133, 151, 239 -Rig Veda, 133, 160n Vedanta, 85 Victoria, Queen, 418 Virgil, 107,203,209 -Aeneid, 1O7n. 154, 178, 207, Vishnu, 58, 208 Vivekananda, 141,300 Voltaire, 99 WORDSWORTH, 119, 132, 195n. -Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, 119n. -Miscellaneous Poems, 132n. -"A slumber did my spirit seal", 132n. ...

... a realisation that was explicitly stated in the writings of the nationalist leaders who inspired and led the movement of national education in India, such as those of Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo. These writings gave a clear expression of the deeper self and the real psychic entity within. They pointed out that, if we ever give it a chance ...

... rich fund of the yogic knowledge contained in various religions and in the vast heritage of the past yogic effort, such as what we find in Siddhanta and Sri Chaitanya and Sri Ramakrishana and Swami Vivekananda. Sri Aurobindo has, indeed, acknowledged the ideals and anticipations which appear to be allied to the ideals and anticipations of his new synthesis of yoga such as the perfectibility of the race ...

... process of reconciliation among religions was the spirit that declared that there are no true and false religions but rather that all religions are true in their own way and degree. As Swami Vivekananda declared with great emphasis, each religion is one of the thousand paths to the One Eternal. 40 All religions aim at relating human life or humanity to the page - 62 highest possible ...

... and realization and that therefore all of them can be united by admitting the truths of all religions in the light of the yogic experiences by which their truths can be verified. Happily, Swami Vivekananda, the great and heroic disciple page - 73 of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, became a potent vehicle of the message of the unity of religions. This message, when uttered publicly in the first ...

... that was Indian as also impulsion to fresh creativity in the field of spirituality, literature, poetry and art. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Tagore, on the one hand, and Dayananda, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, on the other, gave a new impetus not only to a new awakening but also to creation of new forms of culture on the basis of the original motive and power of the Indian spirituality. The political ...


... period of Indian history. It was at the beginning of this period that there arose a galaxy of great personalities like Raja Rammohun Roy and Dayananda Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, who filled India with a new breath and sowed the seeds not only of a new spiritual awakening but also of social and political awakening. The great Indian fighters of India's freedom who struggled ...


... new spiritual impulse pregnant with a power to fulfill the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared. Raja Rammohan Roy (1836-1886) and Swami Vivekananda (1862-1902) to name just two of them, and through their work the entire country was electrified not only spiritually but even socially and politically. India became renascent, and there began ...


... on collective domains and forms of life. At the beginning of this period there arose a galaxy of great personalities, like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dayanand Saraswari, Sri Rama Krishna and Swami Vivekananda, who filled India with a new breath and sowed the seeds not only of a spiritual awakening but also of social and political awakening. The new nationalist spirit was at once spiritual and social in ...


... Page 211 of Bengal. The power of Delight of the Divine is inherent in the heart of Bengal. We find Rammohan, the worshipper of Shakti, at the dawn of modern Bengal. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were also the worshippers of Shakti. Howsoever Vedanta may have influenced them, the worship of Shakti was very dear to their hearts. And in a different field, what Jagadish Chandra Bose has been ...

... character that mattered more. By a great character I mean one in whom there has awakened in a certain measure and manifested to some extent the inner being and the indwelling spirit; this is what Vivekananda used to call the awakening of the Brahman in the individual. I had come to know Sri Manoranjan Guhathakurta personally and I had been to his house in Giridih and stayed with him more than once. Giridih ...

... Aurobindo had seen the subtle presence of Rammohan Roy around, it may be inferred that the book was written or inspired by Rammohan Roy. Sri Aurobindo has likewise told us that the subtle being of Vivekananda came to him in Alipore Jail to give him certain instructions. Meanwhile there came to us running, one afternoon, a young man – Satish Sarkar – to give Sri Aurobindo the news that Shamsul Alam ...

... warrior mood, that aims at conquering the physical world for the Lord, a temperament which Indian spirituality had not, or had lost long before, if she had anything of it. This was, perhaps, what Vivekananda meant when he spoke graphically of a Hindu soul with a Muslim body. The Islamic dispensation, however, brings with it not only something complementary, but also something contradictory, if not for ...


... Aurobindo had seen the subtle presence of Rammohan Roy around, it may be inferred that the book was written or inspired by Rammohan Roy. Sri Aurobindo has likewise told us that the subtle being of Vivekananda came to him in Alipore Jail to give him certain instructions. Meanwhile there came to us running, one afternoon, a young man—Satish Sarkar—to give Sri Aurobindo the news that Shamsul Alam, ...


... terrible. I lost one year and then joined the Art department of the Berhampore College. That was in 1940. As I began my studies in college, I also managed to set up a little gymnasium. I called it "Vivekananda Vyayam Samiti" and strove to develop my body as well as my character. And with whatever knowledge I had then, I began my work of preparing young boys. Between 1940 and 1945 I managed through my hard ...


... he was hard put to it to make both ends meet. He now began looking for a job, so that he might return to India. His heart and soul panted for the breath of his motherland. It is said that when Vivekananda was returning to India after his triumphal tour of Europe and America, somebody asked him: "Well, Swami, you have been so long in the midst of the pomp and glory of Western civilisation, and come ...

... the serious seekers of the Spirit. A glorious future looms before mankind, and the Earth has a most magnificent rôle to play in it. The prophecies of many seers and saints—Ramakrishna, Ramalingam, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, to name only a representative few—about the birth of powerful Yogins in India and a general spiritual renaissance in humanity only confirm and substantiate the persistent anticipations ...


... from there a descent of the Divine, and come out to announce to humanity: "A new light shall break upon the earth, a new world shall be born.” It is said that one day a young man came to Vivekananda and took his seat in the room where he was discoursing on spiritual matters to a spell-bound audience. When the discourse was over and the crowd thinned, the young man approached the Swami and asked ...


... Jan 326 Vasavadutla 47-49, 318 Vidula 12, 46, 458 Vidyapati 45 Vijayatunga J. 18 Virgil 33, 54, 309, 376, 380, 381, 383, 384, 395, 417 Vivekananda, Swami 4, 5,19 Viziers of Bassora, The 47, 49, 318 Vyasa 135,137,209,257,258,261,262,         Wadia,B.P.77       Walker, Dr. 7       Wallace, Alfred 252 ...


... of articles on passive resistance in the Bande Mataram. One can see in it clearly the distinction between non-violence and passive resistance. On 24 July 1907 Bhupendranath Dutt, a brother of Vivekananda, was sentenced for seditious material that appeared in Yugantar. He wanted to offer defence, but Sri Aurobindo said that it was illogical for a revolutionary to recognise a foreign court and its ...


... intended but is not evident. In the movement of forces the decision to accept the Supermind is not there. 6-11-1926 Disciple : It is reported that Ramakrishna used to say about Vivekananda that he was an amsa – portion – of Shiva. What is the Truth in that ? Sri Aurobindo : There is some Truth in it. Each of these Gods has, so to say, his own group – what they call Ganas or ...

... may mistake one for the other. I remember the day when people here claimed to have got it. I myself had made mistakes about it in the beginning, and I did not know about the many planes. It was Vivekananda who used to come to me in Alipore Jail and showed to me Intuitive plane and for about two to three weeks or so gave me training as regards Intuition. Then afterwards I began to see still higher planes ...

... those I had written to my wife. A Zamindar – disciple of that Yogi – found me out and bore the cost of the book "Yogic Sadhan." Disciple : Tagore never spoke at any time about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda except recently when he wrote a very ordinary poem on Ramakrishna during his centenary. He used to tell girls that Ramakrishna used very often to deride women saying "Kamini Kanchan" are the roots ...

... Savitri  III   Yoga   There have been great fighters in modern India like Tilak, philosophers like Vivekananda, poets like Tagore, and 'mahatmas' like Gandhi. But Sri Aurobindo was all these, and a yogi as well. To the question, what is yoga, it is not possible to return an easy or facile answer, and unfortunately the word 'yoga' is being bandied ...


... working in this world is full of imperfections, ignorance, suffering, etc. All these things do not count. The question is whether the Divinity in the Guru can awaken the Divine in the disciple. Vivekananda was conscious of Ramkrishna's shortcomings and his mind was very agnostic. So it took him years and he was fighting with himself before he accepted Ramkrishna. Page 315 ...

... everyone’s hearts. West Bengal gave proof of her inner magnanimity. Both the Bengals were tied with the same string. Two brothers came together again and this was amply proved during the war. When Vivekananda visited East Bengal he wrote: At last I am in Eastern Bengal. This is the first time I am here and never before knew Bengal was so beautiful. You ought to have seen the rivers here — regular rolling ...


... June. Talk on the difference between European and Indian politics. July (for a few days in the beginning of the month) Talks on Tirupati, the deranged sadhaka. 10 July. Remark in a talk: "Vivekananda came and gave me the knowledge of the intuitive mentality. I had not the least idea about it at that time. He too did not have it when he was in the body. He gave me detailed knowledge illustrating ...


... (not only of India), and attained the highest realisation possible in each. Third, he conquered and converted ; the most representative Indian of the times, a brilliant product of Western culture, Vivekananda—Narendranath Dutt as he was then named—and moulded him into his; chief instrument for the accomplishment of his mission. Fourth, he heralded the coming synthesis in spirituality and foreshadowed ...

... the higher interest of the Ashram. And finally: “This Agenda is my gift to those who love me.” It is clear enough, isn’t it? Were Peter and Paul the disciples of Christ, or of the Vatican? Was Vivekananda the disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Page 301 or of the Ramakrishna Mission ? Was Marx a disciple of the Kremlin? Blast them! They killed Mother, and now they want to whitewash it. Well ...

... horrors? He must have been born wise and fearless, for instead of rebelling uselessly, he silently went on “pulling the thread.” And a certain fraternal voice from beyond the graves (it was Vivekananda) said, higher, higher still, beyond the last line. After a year in the cell, acquitted, he took refuge in French India, in Pondicherry, where for forty years, from 1910 to 1950, he was going to ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolution II

... 255, 265ff, 287, 674, 691, 699, 817 Vaun McPheeters 255, 296-7 Venkataraman, K.S. 258, 351, 377 Vijayatunga, J. 461, 535 Vincent de Paul, Saint 551-2 Virgil 485, 633 Visvamitra, Rishi 92 Vivekananda, Swami 15 Werner Haubrich (Saumitra) 674 ,. The Wherefore of the Worlds 110, 120, 127 Wilson, Margaret see Nishtha Wilson, President Woodrow 398 Wordsworth, William 5-6, 111, 484, 514 ...


... from – I was home. Towarnicki: And it all happened in the flash of a look? It lasted, I don't know, four seconds.... Four seconds. And I never forgot it. Towarnicki: As when Swami Vivekananda met Ramakrishna for the first time. It lasted a fraction of a second. It's a recognition, you see. That's exactly it. It isn't that you discover something different; you suddenly recognize something ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... Sri Aurobindo.¹ Sri Aurobindo, Bejoy and Moni were lodged on the second floor of Shankar Chetty's house in Comoutty Street. They stayed there till October. It was the same house where Swami Vivekananda had stayed when he had visited Pondicherry, sometime ago. As there was no bathroom in his apartment, Sri Aurobindo had to come down to the ground ¹. According to A.B. Purani, Subramania ...

... there everything takes its proper place." When actually did Sri Aurobindo get the idea of the Supermind? Because at first he "did not know about the planes." Page 308 It was Vivekananda who "showed me the Intuitive Plane" during his meditation in Alipore Jail. "Then afterwards I began to see the still higher planes." Sri Aurobindo said, "I myself got the idea of the Supramental ...

... prince, Bijoy Singha, who had conquered Lanka and given the island, its people and its language his name which has come down to us —Sinhala? The early Bengalis had gone even farther a field, as Swami Vivekananda observed on 11 March 1898, after his visit to the Far East. "You may easily imagine my astonishment when I saw written on the walls of many Chinese and Japanese temples some very familiar Sanskrit ...

... either yogis or disciples of yogis - men like Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, the disciple of Bejoy Goswami . ... Then there were others , like Brahma Bandhab Upadhyay. The influence of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda worked from behind." The genius of the Bengali race had, all of a sudden, burst into full bloom. Its main flowering was in the field of literature. A many-faceted literature which expressed itself ...

... Dayananda Saraswati was perhaps the first to reject the Aryan invasion theory, emphasizing that the word arya referred in the Veda to a moral or inner quality, not to any race or people. Swami Vivekananda followed suit with his characteristic vigour; in a lecture he remarked scornfully: "And what your European Pundits say about the Aryans swooping down from some foreign land snatching away the land ...

... 1904. Bharati, as subeditor, began earning Rs. 30 a month. His main work was to translate into Tamil the news published in English dailies. That is how Bharati came to translate speeches of Swami Vivekananda, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and other Nationalists. Gripped by the messages of these men, Bharati became a sympathizer of the Nationalists. This work gave him good training in the art of writing. His language ...

... Sri Aurobindo, Moni and Bejoy made N°39 Comoutty Street their shelter in Pondicherry for the next few months. Was it a coincidence that Sri Aurobindo's first base had earlier sheltered Swami Vivekananda when the latter visited Pondicherry? That was in January 1893, just a few weeks before young Aurobindo reached Indian shores at the end of his voyage from England. Page 36 ...

... the trampling upon our fetters, that is the first need of the future. It was to give mukti Page 5673 Ma Sarada Devi impose a new bondage. Therefore was Vivekananda His Apostle to the Gentiles, a man who in all things asserted freedom." Sarada Devi had heard perturbing news of her husband. People said that he had gone mad! In 1872, the year Sri Aurobindo ...

... May the hearts be transformed. And may Your peace reign upon earth. *** The power of human intelligence is boundless; it increases by concentration; such is the secret. (Vivekananda) *** Let us watch over our thoughts. (Fo-shu-ching-san-ching) *** A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves. (Chinese Buddhist Scripture) *** The mind is a ...


... seemed assimilable to the old spirituality or apt to widen the channel of its larger evolution. Of this freer dealing with past and present, this preservation Page 21 by reconstruction Vivekananda was in his life-time the leading exemplar and the most powerful exponent. But this too could not be the end; of itself it leads towards a principle of new creation. Otherwise the upshot of the ...


... it is unable to see the forest because of the richness and luxuriance of its vegetation; it misses the common spiritual life in the multitude of its forms. But this infinite variety is itself, as Vivekananda pertinently pointed out, a sign of a superior religious culture. The Indian mind has always realised that the Supreme is the Infinite; it has perceived, right from its Vedic beginnings, that to the ...


... behind, while in later times the most striking feature is the long uninterrupted chain from Buddha and Mahavira to Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak, Ramdas and Tukaram and beyond them to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and Dayananda. But there have been also the remarkable achievements of statesmen and rulers, from the first dawn of ascertainable history which comes in with the striking figures of Chandragupta ...


... itself on a fresh interpretation of the truth of the Veda and an attempt to apply old Vedic principles of life to modern conditions. The movement associated with the great names of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda has been a very wide synthesis of past religious motives and spiritual experience topped by a reaffirmation of the old asceticism and monasticism, but with new living strands in it and combined with ...


... the Trinity. Brahman is the Eternal and Infinite. In English very often the stem is taken as the form of the name in transliterating and not the nominative form e.g. Pururavas, not Pururavā. So Vivekananda writes "Sannyasin bold" instead of Sannyasi. 1 February 1933 You have given me the spellings of ब्रह्म (the Eternal) and ब्रह्मा (the Creator). Kindly write to me the correct spelling of ब्राह्मण ...


... was no such discussion of problems; Sri Aurobindo took no interest in philosophy at all at that time; he was interested in the sayings and life of Ramakrishna and the utterances and writings of Vivekananda, but that was almost all with regard to spiritual life; he had inner experiences, from the time he stepped on to the shores of India, but did not associate them at that time with Yoga about which ...


... think that he exercised any influence on me. I had gone in England far Page 45 beyond his stock of ideas which belonged to an earlier period. He never spoke to me of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. [His meetings with his grandfather were for political purposes.] This is not correct. In these visits he was not concerned with politics. It was some years afterwards that he made a ...


... gone, this dirt becomes still more repulsive than before. One must never neglect to clean one's room, it is very important; inner cleanliness is at least as important as outer cleanliness. Vivekananda has written (I don't know the original, I have only read the French translation): "One must every morning clean one's soul and one's body, but if you don't have time for both, it is better to clean ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... spreads from the first centres and takes up more and more of the global consciousness till it becomes an established force there. 29 July 1933 The spiritual work of Krishna, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and others achieved nothing permanent. Whose work? So far as bringing in spiritual forces goes, I suppose their work was fairly successful. I am not aware that Ramakrishna or any other of ...


... changing human institutions infinitely and yet the imperfection will break through all your institutions. January 21, 1939 She [Nivedita] took up politics as a part of Vivekananda's work Vivekananda himself had ideas about political work and spells of revolutionary fervour____ It is curious how many Sannyasins at that time thought of India's freedom.* ___________ * It is noteworthy ...


... Rishis, see under Rishis village, 39, 41 in ancient India, 172, 220 development, 172 , 180 see also agriculture. peasantry violence, see under non-violence virtue, 171 Vishnu, 98(fn), 144 Vivekananda, Swami, 9, 24, 76 , 97 , 102, 185,219 Voltaire, 77 W Wakankar's, V. S 101 (fn) war, 81·82,123·124, 125,202,239-240 see also World War I, II waste, 198,199,215 West, 25, 88 red ...


... endeavour. The Mother On Education: The Science of Living One must never neglect to clean one’s room, it is very important; inner cleanliness is at least as important as outer cleanliness. Vivekananda has written (I don’t know the original, I have only read the French translation): “One must every morning clean one’s soul and one’s body, but if you don’t have time for both, it is better to clean ...


... good of all beings; Buddha discovering the way of Nirvana must turn back to open that way to those who are still under the delusion of their constructive instead of their real being-or non-being; Vivekananda, drawn by the Absolute, feels also the call of the disguised Godhead in humanity and most the call of the fallen and Page 22 the suffering, the call of the self to the ...

... gone, this dirt becomes still more repulsive than before. One must never neglect to clean one's room, it is very important; inner cleanliness is at least as important as outer cleanliness. Vivekananda has written (I don't know the original, I have only read the French translation): "One must every morning clean one's soul and one's body, but if you don't have time for both, it is better to clean ...


... at the wonders of physical Science as the playthings of babies. This is the continuation of what we were saying before about those who want to "see". Ramakrishna is supposed to have said to Vivekananda, "You can see the Lord just as you see me and hear His voice just as you hear mine." Some people understood this as an announcement that the Lord was on earth in flesh and blood. I said ( laughing ...


... to take a physical body so as to have the experience of the psychic being—but not many of them. As a rule, they did it only partially, through an "emanation", not a total descent. For example, Vivekananda is said to have been an incarnation—a Vibhūti —of Shiva; but Shiva himself has clearly expressed his will to come down on earth only with the supramental world. When the earth is ready for the ...


... said in his Bombay speech. But our contemporary, the Indian Patriot , has lamented his downfall from the high pedestal of culture he once occupied. Our contemporary has forgotten the teachings of Vivekananda which were once so powerful in Madras. What does he think was the cause of the great awakening in Bengal? When Lord Curzon thought to rend Bengal asunder, he deprived her of all her old pride ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... —on the way,—not because they are helps, but because they are imposed on us by the darkness of this human nature out of which we have to struggle into the Light. I do not suppose Ramakrishna or Vivekananda would have recommended the incidents you allude to as an example for others to follow—they would surely have said that faith, fortitude, perseverance were the better way. That after all was what ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... more than that, is a frequent element in mystic vision; I may mention the powerful and vivid vision in which Ramakrishna went up into the higher planes and saw the mystic truth behind the birth of Vivekananda. At least, the fact that these poems have appealed so strongly to your friend's mind may perhaps be taken by me as a sufficient proof that in this field my effort at interpretation of spiritual things ...


... good of all beings; Buddha discovering the way of Nirvana must turn back to open that way to those who are still under the delusion of their constructive instead of their real being—or non-being; Vivekananda, drawn by the Absolute, feels also the call of the disguised Godhead in humanity and most the call of the fallen and the suffering, the call of the self to the self in the obscure body of the universe ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the future spiritual development and Sri Aurobindo's mentioning certain names: "I have had no inspirations from the sadhana of Bejoy Goswami, though a good deal at one time from Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. My remarks simply meant that I regard the spiritual history of mankind and specially of India as a constant development of a divine purpose, not a book that is closed, the lines of which have to ...

... get out of the round of rebirths and be absorbed ultimately in a supracosmic Eternal but who still live in the world and work for it as long as the body lasts. Buddha was such a Yogi; also Vivekananda. Surely these great men did not do less good than ordinary social workers and philanthropists? Even what they did in the specific field of social work and Page 55 ...

... Two Letters to a Seeker The Spiritual Life and World-Renunciation: A Letter to One Attracted by the Cloister The Mystical and the Misty: An Answer to Some Queries about Sri Aurobindo Vivekananda and Our Spiritual Future The Mind and Spirit of Our Age: Dilip Kumar Roy's Interviews with Five World-Figures December 22, 1951 January 5, 1952 January 19, 1952 June ...

... quite right in thinking that what is called the Supermind is Sri Aurobindo's speciality and that it is not compassed by Masters of the Silent Self like Raman Maharshi or even by the more catholic Vivekananda: the synthetic genius of Rama-krishna himself has not embraced its basic implications. Krishna Prem seems to me mistaken in saying that if you surrender to God under any Guru you will come to know ...


... withdrawn. The people wanted the boycott to continue and refused to believe that they were too weak for the purpose. They refused to be hypnotised and to consider themselves cowards. It was Swami Vivekananda who preached this doctrine to his countrymen. This was believed by the new party. Young men and old worked for the movement. The young men took up the work of picketing and sold Swadeshi goods ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... association which stood by labour and service and self-sacrifice, whose object of existence was to help the poor and nurse the sick. That was the flowering out of the Hindu religion. That was what Swami Vivekananda preached. That was what Aswini Kumar Dutta strove to bring into organised existence. That was what the Ramakrishna Mission, the Little Brothers of the Poor at Barisal tried to effect. This was the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... feet of an illiterate Hindu ascetic, a self-illuminated ecstatic and "mystic" without a single trace or touch of the alien thought or education upon him that the battle was won. The going forth of Vivekananda, marked out by the Master as the heroic soul destined to take the world between his two hands and change it, was the first visible sign to the world that India was awake not only to survive but to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... the crisis of Russian despotism and at the time of the Boer War. Even were it otherwise, a London session of the Congress would only awaken a passing interest. In that respect the visit of Swami Vivekananda to America and the subsequent work of those who followed him did more for India than a hundred London Congresses could effect. That is the true way of awaking sympathy,—by showing ourselves to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati One of the Vital Four Purani Trita. The Angel of Peace—One of the Vital Four Anilbaran Vivekananda—The "Fearless". D [Durai] Swami Franҫois I. Chandragupta. Janaka. Page 1344 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Shakti and she will give you Sat." Will and Shakti are the first means necessary to the Yogin. That was why he said always, "Remember you are Brahman," and he gave that as a central message to Swami Vivekananda. You are Ishwara. If you choose, you can be shuddha, siddha and everything else, or, if you choose, you can be just the opposite. The first necessity is to believe in yourself, the second in God ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... this or that Shastra or this or that great authority, whether philosopher, saint or Avatar. Remember then that realisation & experience are alone of essential importance. What Shankara argued or Vivekananda conceived intellectually about existence or even what Ramakrishna stated from his multitudinous and varied realisation, is only of value to you so far as you [are] moved by God to accept and renew ...


... well as the peculiar temperament differs so greatly or so subtly in each individual that there can never be, for this purpose of Nature's, too many sects, disciplines or different religions. Swami Vivekananda has well seen the consummation of religion in a state when each human individual has his own religion dictated by his own spiritual needs & nature; for collective creeds, Churches & theologies, in ...


... there is no reason why there should not be a yet more perfect synthesis in the future. It is such a synthesis, embracing all life and action in its scope, that the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda have been preparing. What is dimly beginning now is a repetition on a wider stage of what happened once before in India, more rapidly but to smaller issues, when the Buddha lived and taught his ...


... it freed itself from their spell. This indigenous version of India's history had started coming to the surface in the works of Maharshi Dayananda, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, and some other stalwarts of the Hindu Renaissance during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. But it met a vehement Page 399 opposition ...


... squelched. A sense of something deeper was expressing itself, something of intuitive knowledge, so he could not bring himself to engage in mental questioning. This event led him to begin reading Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna. In this period he went to another yogi, Yogi Devji, who taught him some breathing exercises. The yogi went about the room touching people on the top of the head and Amal felt ...


... The Secret Splendour The Death of Vivekananda   He is gone from us—deep within Truth's secrecy beyond.  How could we hold him from the abyss of the Almighty? Can the wild water be reined it the precipice's edge?  Can the lightning be statued between heaven and earth? Can we clutch the heart of the ion and the leap of its desire?   ...


... in a stark nudity of fundamental Indianness — illiterate, childlike, clear of all Europeanised trappings and modernised refinements. He began a new cycle of the Eternal in time for the old race. Vivekananda, his disciple, gave a strong vital and mental body to the sheer soulfulness of his master and brought the new cycle into some rapport with the temper of the age. But the sannyasi ideal was still ...


... which would lead up to the Renaissance. The fourth attempt at spiritualization of the West by the East is happening at present. As the year of its beginning we could consider 1893, when Swami Vivekananda addressed the Congress of Religions in Chicago. ‘The influence of the East is likely to be rather in the direction of subjectivism and practical spirituality, a greater opening of our physical existence ...


... that Shastra or this or that great authority, whether philosopher, saint or Avatar. Remember then that realisation and 18 experience are alone of essential importance. What Shankara argued or Vivekananda conceived intellectually about existence or even what Ramakrishna stated from his multitudinous and varied realisation, is only of value to you so far as you [are] moved by God to accept and renew ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... and journalism, and especially during his year-long incarceration in Alipore Jail. According to his own report he, like Mirra, received help from beings on the occult levels: from Ramakrishna and Vivekananda – both then deceased – and throughout from the Great Mother and Sri Krishna, who dictated to him the programme for his yogic development. Aurobindo considered Pondicherry his “cave of tapasya” ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... counted: Veda Vyasa, Hatshepsut, Moses, Pericles, Socrates, Alexander, Confucius, Lao Tse, Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, Mohammed, Joan of Arc, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon, Shankara, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and undoubtedly many more in all times and climes. All of them were concretely aware that they had a specific, superhuman mission to fulfil and so they did. It should be noted that some of them ...

... (which something in us thrills to) that makes it so difficult even for angles to deliver fools from their cherished bondage. It is this insurmountable snag in the composition of nature that made Vivekananda cry out: "The scheme of the world is devilish." The sigh, alas, is as old as the sky. Somehow, things insist on going awry progressively no matter what we will or do. That is why the word 'fatality' ...


... on the way – not because they are helps, but because they are imposed on us by the darkness of this human nature out of which we have to struggle into the Light. I do not suppose Ramakrishna or Vivekananda would have recommended the incidents you allude to as an example for others to follow – they would surely have said that faith, fortitude, perseverance were the better way. That after all was ...

... in luck; he found himself in London precisely at that moment and so got the chance to hire a young man with the capabilities of Aurobindo Ghose, an ICS trainee, for 200 rupees per month. Swami Vivekananda, the great disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, travelled to the West in 1893; in the beginning of the same year, Aurobindo Ghose sailed on the SS Carthage back to his motherland after an absence ...


... grew luminous in mind and body and was Krishna himself and spoke and acted as the Lord. His contemporaries saw in him an Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. SRI AUROBINDO Dilip, It was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's ...


... truth of things lies in depth behind the surface. All spiritual efforts have been to lead this creation to the Origin that is, the Creator. Many do not know that both Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Vivekananda helped Sri Aurobindo to this Yoga by their Occult Presence. He has himself testified to this truth. Go on reading the Gita and the Gospels^Light will come. One should not despair. Patience ...

... spiritual Realisation. Thus we have the Dwaita, Adwaita and Visisthadwaita philosophies each true in its own sphere and you can have realisation on any one or all three of these planes but ultimately as Vivekananda says, all the other two lead to Adwaita which is the highest truth on the spiritual plane. I am not competent to say anything about the teachings of different Philosophies but I shall only quote ...

... Aspects Where Truth and Courage and Love Lack Truth, says Sri Aurobindo, is the basis of spirituality and courage is its soul. With love of God, says Vivekananda, will come as a sure effect, the love of everyone in the Universe and we shall begin to see Him in all existences and all existences in Him. This is at once a test, a warning and an admonition to ...

... global nuclear war may be necessary to rouse the Real consciousness of man so that he may change and have peace, prosperity and harmony in life. This is for the future as predicted by Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and other great seers. A new consciousness other than the mental, i.e., Supra-mental or Truth-consciousness will bring about the desired change in Life. But we all must contribute ...

... give up hope for the Divine is always there to help him out of his difficulties. He who chooses the Infinite, says Sri Aurobindo, has been already chosen by the Infinite. Page 27 Vivekananda elucidating the 38th Aphorism of Patanjali (by the establishment of continence energy is gained) thus observes : The chaste brain has tremendous energy and gigantic will-power. Without chastity there ...

... Takht-i-Suleman (Seat of Solomon) in Kashmir." In 1939 he wrote this Sonnet (Adwaita) on this experience. × Vivekananda describes the beginning of a somewhat similar experience: "In the twinkling of an eye he (Ramakrishna) placed his right foot on my body. The touch at once gave rise to a novel experience within ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 173, 174 173—Even Vivekananda once in the stress of emotion admitted the fallacy that a personal God would be too immoral to be suffered and it would be the duty of all good men to resist Him. But if an omnipotent supra-moral Will and Intelligence governs the world, it is surely impossible to resist Him; our ...


... Purusha in a wager with himself" undertook the adventure, the perilous task of creating the stark opposite of everything divine and then starting to manifest his true reality from the inconscient. Vivekananda spoke of his God the poor, the miserable, the persecuted. I am inclined to speak of my God the gambler. And I think every mystic in quest of Him is himself one about whom the contented of the world ...


... In the early days there was a good deal of talk about past births. The being who had been behind Jesus, Chaitanya and, most recently, Ramakrishna was said to be behind Pavitra now. St. Paul and Vivekananda were seen in the background of Anilbaran. In connection with Nolini we heard of Roman Virgil and the late-renaissance French poet Ronsard as well as the French-revolution poet Andre Chenier. As for ...


... ( Mother laughs ) He said that very nicely. ( Soon afterwards. The context in which Mother made the following remark has been forgotten. ) Page 101 It seems Ramakrishna told Vivekananda, "You can see the Lord just as you see me and hear His voice just as you hear my voice." Some people took this as a declaration that the Lord was on earth in the flesh (!) I said, "No, that's not ...


... a physical body in order to experience the psychic being—not many. They generally did it only partially, through an "emanation," not through a complete descent. It is said, for instance, that Vivekananda was an incarnation ( a vibhuti ) of Shiva's; but Shiva himself... I have had a very close relationship with him and he Page 18 clearly expressed the will to come down on earth only with ...


... be wonderful to live all the time in the great golden sense of the psyche. If we could do so, we should not have to do anything to convey to people that there is something in spirituality. When Vivekananda was asked how one was to know whether a man had realised God, he answered, "His very face will shine." Then, of course, there would be no need to talk — as I am doing now. The Mother precisely referred ...


... than that, is a frequent element in mystic vision; I may mention the powerful and vivid vision in which Ramakrishna went up into the higher planes and saw the mystic truth behind the birth of Vivekananda. At least, the fact that these poems have appealed so strongly to your friend's mind may perhaps be taken by me as a sufficient proof that in this field my effort at interpretation of spiritual ...

... which we have to encounter every day? Is the alleviation of grief and suffering the main intention behind the narration? Are the examples of Sita, Savitri, and Damayanti, proclaimed and upheld by Vivekananda even today, any more relevant, appropriate enough in the modern unavoidable circumstances? Are they secular in character? But if Markandeya is a Rishi with high spiritual attainments and an ...

... In the early days there was a good deal of talk about past births. The being who had been behind Jesus, Chaitanya and, most recently, Ramakrishna was said to be behind Pavitra now. St. Paul and Vivekananda were seen in the background of Anilbaran. In connection with Nolini we heard of Roman Virgil and the late-renaissance French poet Ronsard as well as the French-revolution poet Andre Chenier. As for ...

... higher vital, 63 lower vital, 63, 63-64 and mind distinguished, 339-40 outer (surface), 62-67 physical vital, 66 Vital mind, see under Physical (being), the Vivekananda, 38 Waking-State (jāgrat), 206-09 Washburn, Ken, 371, 392, 398 Yoga, 123 based on experience, 184, 198 experiences of, testing, 188-90 meaning of the word, 309 ...


... Satyagraha and Ahimsa—but Himsa too has its inconvenience. So the fires sleep. October 5,1936 Some delightful news as Mother will tell you: (1) Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and Co. materialised, eh ? Mother will have told you. Very good indeed—you have the power of evocation. It started with Mother hearing the music with Ramakrishna's consciousness—a ...

... Rabindranath and novelist Sarat Chandra Chatterjee came to bless him. Toured Europe giving lectures on music. At Nice (France), he met Madame Calve, a famous prima donna who had found solace in Swami Vivekananda, and the philosopher Paul Richard, who gave him a final impetus towards Sri Aurobindo; a profound feeling of vairāgya gripped him and he returned to India cancelling his journey to the USA. ...

... and supraphysical — that constituted the contents of the ancient Indian system of education will come to be underlined. And this will lead also to the study of Yoga as a science. As Swami Vivekananda has declared, Yoga is science par excellence , since it proceeds by the scientific method of observation, experimentation and verification, of repetition and of rectification as also of continuous ...


... the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared, Raja Rammohun Roy (1772-1833), Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883), Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), Swami Vivekananda (1862 -1902), - to name just a few of them, and through their work the entire country was electrified not only spiritually but even socially and politically. India became renascent, and there began ...

... has provided in his book extremely illuminating examples of mysticism. These include those of Malwida von Meysenbug, Walt Whitman, Dr. J. Trevor, Dr. R.M. Bucke, of Raja Yoga as expounded by Swami Vivekananda, Al-Ghazzali, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa, Saint Ignatius, and some others such as Sufi Gulshan-Raz and Plotinus. See Appendix VI (p. 131) Page 6 HOME ...

... that was Indian as also impulsion to fresh creativity in the field of spirituality, literature, poetry and art. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Tagore, on the one hand, and Dayananda, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, on the other, gave a new impetus not only to a new awakening but also to creation of new forms of culture on the basis of the original motive and power of the Indian spirituality. The political ...

... guidance of the Maharashtrian Yogi called Lele. He had a further realisation of the universal Vasudeva — Krishna — in the Alipore jail. And he had already in the Alipore jail, also heard the voice of Vivekananda for fifteen days uninterruptedly where Sri Aurobindo was given the knowledge of the planes between the mind and the supermind. It was after this background that Sri Aurobindo had numerous experiences ...

... Mahavira; ix.Moses; x.Jesus Christ; xi.Thiruvalluvar; xii.Prophet Mohammed; xiii.Guru Nanak; xiv.Sri Chaitanya; xv.Mira; xvi.Ramakrishna; xvii.Swami Vivekananda; xviii.Sri Aurobindo. IV.Exercises for the Development of Sense of Wonder: i.Examples form Astronomy: distance, vastness, galaxies, expanding universe; ii.Examples from Physics: ...

... knowledge of the inmost self. It is remarkable that the spirituality of the Indian renaissance has proclaimed the message of dynamic spirituality. Whether it is Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, or Swami Ramtirtha, they have laid stress on applying spiritual knowledge to the problems of the world; they have advocated the view that spirituality is not an escape but it is an affirmation of ...

... on "Educational Philosophy of Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati" Shri Sunil Kumar (Ramakrisha Mission) on "Educational Philosopy of Swami Vivekananda" Page 762 Professor Ramjee Singh, Former Vice- Chancellor, Jain Vishwa Bharati, on : "Gandhian Values in Education" 3.15 p.m. ...

... of the world. The knowledge that arises in the state of realization carries with it this certainty of self-consciousness and this state of self-consciousness abides uninterruptedly. As Swami Vivekananda points out, 28 this entire process is methodical, one moves upwards step by step, and in this process, one is not required to hold dogmatic belief or to practice rituals or ceremonies. This process ...

... realisation of the universal dynamic Divine, and he realised the dynamic presence and action of Sri Krishna Vasudeva everywhere. It was again in the same jail that Sri Aurobindo heard the voice of Swami Vivekananda for a fortnight and received the knowledge of planes of consciousness between the mind and the supermind. After his acquittal from the jail, Sri Aurobindo continued the inner yogic development ...


... bring about. It must be said, however, that this operationalisation should be regarded as a good beginning in the right direction, although the highest goals of man-making education of which Swami Vivekananda spoke will imply a still greater effort and we should not lose sight of this higher goal and the need for still greater efforts. There is a dimension of values, which transcends the dimension ...

... culture has developed over millennia a multisided science through the pursuits of those faculties, which lie above the ranges of physical sciences and rational intelligence. This science is what Swami Vivekananda called science par excellence; this is the Science of Yoga, developed and matured by Rishis and yogins of the Veda and the Upanishads and still further perfected in unbroken chain throughout the ...

... can be eliminated for the purposes of introducing into the evolutionary process those principles and methods which would facilitate its hastening or Page 2 acceleration. Yoga, as Swami Vivekananda has said, may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few years or even a few months of the bodily existence .2 In this light, yoga no more remains ...

... crown of Jnana Yoga. In recent times, Sri Ramakrishna synthesised various systems of Yoga as also inner practices of different religions like Christianity and Islam into a large synthesis. Swami Vivekananda expounded the concept of synthesis of Yoga in his various works. The latest task of synthesis of Yoga has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. In this synthesis the integrating principle ...

... achieving the goals of the Integral Yoga? For whenever we utter the word "Dhyānī ' or a "Yogi in meditation', immediately in our mind there flashes forth the image of Lord Shiva or of Buddha or of Vivekananda, with eyes closed, a serene face and consciousness appearing to be completely indrawn, cut off from all contact and concern with the outer world. But we must remember that this is only one ...

... they don't trouble me. If going beyond the experiences of the past seers and sages is so shocking, each new seer or sage in turn has perpetrated that shocking thing -Buddha, Shankara, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda - all did that wicked act. If not, what was the necessity of their starting new philosophies, religions, schools of Yoga? If they were merely verifying and meekly repeating the lives and experiences ...

... progressive. He inspired the Gurukula system of education and underlined the great role of the teacher in uplifting the talent and character of the pupil. The second great effort was that of Swami Vivekananda who spoke of man-making education and, accepting Vedantic knowledge as the base, and acknowledging the truth of every religion and a synthesis of Yoga, he opened the gates of the future before ...

... these examples have not been numerous, but since our country became renascent in the immediate past, we have begun to cherish an aspiration to multiply such teachers as were Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo. Not long ago, efforts were made to create nurseries of new types of teachers who could spread knowledge as spontaneously as flowers spread their fragrance. Unfortunately, since ...

... outrageous results. He once visited the Ashram and lectured on the progress of Indian thought in the world. And this is one of the sentences with which he developed his subject: "Then what's called Vivekananda sailed away and after many what's called hardships reached Chicago and there at the Parliament of the Religions he at last what's called appeared." I simply had to get up and what's called run away ...

... knowledge becomes the same as the instrument of knowledge....It is therefore that the Shruti says, 'Vijñātāramare kena vijānīyāt — Through what are you to know the Eternal Subject?' (Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. VII, p. 142) If the Mind were the last word and there were nothing beyond it except the pure Spirit, I would not be averse to accepting it [Mayavad with its sole ...

... unhappy?" 70 (26)"Well, I am hanged! You can't know anything about anything before you have achieved it?" 71 (27)NB: "We have heard that you have done tremendous feats of memory like Vivekananda." Sri Aurobindo: Hallo! 72 (28)NB: The confusion and despair are because I don't seem to have any go at all. Sri Aurobindo: Pshaw! Pooh! Rubbish! 75 (29)NB: R cures cancer ...

... succeeded in the aim that he set up for education, and that in spite of great educational experiments of the Gurukul system, of Shanti Niketan, of Nai Talim, and of the blazing message of Swami Vivekananda and radical experiments proposed and conducted by Sri Aurobindo, nothing palpable seems to have happened so as to arrest the onward march of the Macaulayan system. Reports of Dr. Radhakrishnan and ...


... crop of valuable results of pioneering experiments which have been carried out by five leading educationists of the country: Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo The results of the experiments conducted by them remain as yet to be pooled together and the conceptions behind their experiments need to be developed further; ...


... was taken from the ship belonged to Calve Shankara Chettiar, a well-to-do and prominent citizen of Pondicherry, who had generously made it available for Sri Aurobindo's stay. Years earlier Swami Vivekananda had also stayed here in the course of his tour of the South. It suited Sri Aurobindo's requirements admirably. He had a room on the top floor built on the rear portion of the house so that it could ...


... Similarly he interpreted the concept of non-violence as one of the fundamental tenets of the Hindu way of life. These were in direct opposition to those of Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda. Gandhi put all these ideas into practice in the Khilafat movement. Let us then see what the Khilafat movement was. The Khilafat Movement (1919-23) Shortly after the outbreak ...

... read them or any books that would give you an idea of Vedanta schools and Sankhya. There is Mahendra Sircar's "Eastern Lights". It is Indian philosophy you want, I suppose!         What Vivekananda has said in his lectures — is it all truth, something directly inspired?       I cannot say that it is all truth — he had his own opinions about certain things (like everybody else) which ...

... Chapter 9. 1. History of the Indian National Congress - PUBLISHED BY G. A. NATESAN & Co., ESPLANADE, Madras Chapter 10. 1. REMINISCENCES OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA by K. S. RAMASWAMI SASTRI 2.  Complete-Works - Volume 3 - Lectures from Colombo to Almora 3. Complete works of Sri Aurobindo Vol 6-7 p 294 4. Complete works of Sri Aurobindo ...

... character that mattered more. By a great character I mean one in whom there has awakened in a certain measure and manifested to some extent the inner being and the indwelling spirit; this is what Vivekananda used to call the awakening of the Brahman in the individual. Page 19 I had come to know Sri Manoranjan Guhathakurta personally and I had been to his house in Giridih and stayed with ...


... confusion among the critics of Indian writing in English. For one thing, some of them tend to lump together as spiritual poetry all outpourings in verse on any "spiritual" theme or topic. Thus, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Shivanand, J. Krishnamurthy, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo, are all categorised as "spiritual" poets by virtue of the themes of their poetic compositions. The epithet ...


... form a unit, a nucleus, of the new creation that the Avatar initiates. The twelve apostles of Christ are famous. Chaitanya too had his group of Parshadas; nearer to us Ramakrishna with his Vivekananda-group, is familiar to us all. But the greatest of them all was Sri Krishna who came down with a whole bevy of 16000 1 Gopikas – divine powers, emanations – Matrikas – to rule His new creation ...

... or unity. The basis of his relation with the world and its objects is not the human heart, however purified and widened, but something behind it and hidden by it, the secret soul and self. It was Vivekananda who very often stressed the point that the distinctive characteristic of the Vedantist was that he did not look upon created beings as his brethren but as himself, as the one and the same self. The ...

... the Force and many other things. It is not as simple as many people imagine – that the Guru gives and the disciple takes. Disciple : Is it not true that of all the disciples of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda got the greatest benefit ? Disciple : You mean spiritual benefit ? Sri Aurobindo ( after a pause ) : Well, it is very doubtful; evidently he was the strongest of them all and so he ...

... won't be affected by that. Disciple : That might be only for show. Sri Aurobindo : No, it is quite genuine and there is a great freedom of speech in England. Disciple : Vivekananda said that it is difficult to make friends with an Englishman, but once the friendship is made it lasts a life-time, Sri Aurobindo : Quite true. Disciple : Jean Herbert says that ...

... that is to say, advancement on the same plane, but there is a kind of ascension on a somewhat different plane. Yajnavalkya represented a type of elite which is far away and far other than that of Vivekananda, for example, today. We have described man, especially, modern man as homo fabricus; but that is a particular aspect of application of homo intellectualis. And it is a sign and warning that ...

... waves. When this force of action is established in the world, humanity will gradually turn towards it. It was because of the difficulty of changing human nature—the crooked human nature which Vivekananda called "the dog's curled tail"—that the ascetic path advocated flying from the world as the only remedy. No one thought it possible to change human nature and so everybody said, "Drop it." SATYENDRA: ...


... that peace one does not ask for anything. But the truth of the Supermind was put into me. I had no idea of the Supermind when I started and for long it was not clear to me. It was the spirit of Vivekananda who first gave me a clue in the direction of the Supermind. This clue led me to see how the Truth-Consciousness works in everything. NIRODBARAN: Did he know about the Supermind? SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... after year, point after point, till you come to a central point in the subconscient which has to be conquered and it is the crux of the whole problem, hence exceedingly difficult. You know what Vivekananda said about the nature of man? That it is like a dog's tail. So long as you keep it straight, it is so; then as soon as you release it, it curves back. This point in the subconscient is the seed and ...


... relations won't be affected. DR. BECHARLAL: That will only be appearances. SRI AUROBINDO: No, no. It is quite genuine. And there is a great freedom of speech in England. DR. BECHARLAL: Vivekananda said that it is difficult to make friends with Englishmen but once it is done it lasts a lifetime. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite true. PURANI: The Japanese, Jean Herbert says, are also like that. Generally ...


... or unity. The basis of his relation with the world and its objects is not the human heart, however purified and widened, but something behind it and hidden by it, the secret soul and self. It was Vivekananda who very often stressed the point that the distinctive characteristic of the Vedantin was that he did not look upon created beings as his brethren, but as himself, as the one and the same self. The ...

... duties was given by him as the pattern of a fulfilled ideal life. In India, in our days the distinction between the two attitudes was very strongly insisted upon by the great Viveka­nanda. Vivekananda said that if human society is to be remodelled, one must first of all learn not to think and act in terms of claims and rights but in terms of duties and obligations. Fulfil your Page 59 ...

... Nationalist? SRI AUROBINDO: Good Lord! He was my fellow-worker and also took part in the Secret Society. Then there were others, like Brahmabandhav Upadhyaya. The influence of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda worked from. behind. The Movement and the Secret Society became so formidable that in any other country with a political past they would have led to something like the French Revolution. The sympathy ...


... and by will-power. Any human being worth the name has a will, and this will has to be exercised or developed. She can ask the protection of the Divine, lay herself in the hands of the Divine. As Vivekananda very insistently said, "Abhi". The Yogi has no fear. I don't know whether I have told you of an experience of mine. After my meeting with Lele, I was once meditating at Calcutta felt a tremendous ...


... must speak only of things already said and otiose? NIRODBARAN: He says the outer world is like a dog's tail. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the old idea. So one has to cut off the tail? PURANI: Vivekananda himself has done many new things. SRI AUROBINDO: One can do new things but can't have new ideas, I suppose! NIRODBARAN: In the same issue Girija Shankar has started writing your biography. ...


... But in practice only "the people" are insisted on; "God" is left out of the account. Possibly there is the echo here of Vivekananda's idea of serving Daridranarayana (God the Poor). NIRODBARAN: Vivekananda did perhaps see Narayana in the Daridra. SRI AUROBINDO: But ordinarily, in the man drawing water from the well, people hardly have the vision of the Divine at work: they see only the peasant. ...


... NIRODBARAN: The Calcutta people, the organisers of the celebration, want to know where in your writings you have referred to him. I read in one book your saying that the work begun Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Bejoy Goswami hasn't been finished. Jayantilal was telling me that you have said somewhere that Goswami couldn't give to others what he had received. SRI AUROBINDO: Where have I said that ...


... realisation of the Self. Supermind can be left to Manilal. NIRODBARAN: Intuition is the first step to Supermind, isn't it? SRI AUROBINDO: First step? NIRODBARAN: When Manilal had asked you what Vivekananda had taught you during your innner contact with him in jail, you replied that he had taught you about Intuition as a first step to Supermind. SRI AUROBINDO: I may have said something like that ...


... AUROBINDO: Depends on the person. Of course it makes the body heavy, I mean the subtle body. The other objection to a meat diet is the taking of conscious life. DR. MANILAL: Isn't it tamasic? But Vivekananda used to recommend it. SRI AUROBINDO: He said it is rajasic. NIRODBARAN: It is rajaso-tamasic. DR. MANILAL: Is it good for the spiritual life? SRI AUROBINDO: Again it depends on the person ...


... with me. I thought I caught an infection of hilarity from Ravindra. SRI AUROBINDO: Then you are trying to suppress it. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: Are German philosophers influenced by Vedanta? Vivekananda said that Max Müller was a reborn Sayanacharya. SRI AUROBINDO: How? It is more than a compliment. DR. MANILAL: Sylvan Levi is also a Sanskrit scholar. He came to Baroda. The Gaekwar used to ...


... take to the path of total renunciation till you attain perfect siddhi and then turn back and share your light and leading with humanity. Some great souls have done this-Buddha and Christ and Vivekananda. And it is not for every man to try that path in the way they did. But even if the path is not easy, to some extent at least every one of us has to follow it; for we must remember our aim is not ...

... 265 Vaishnavism, 183 Varuna, 189,318-9, 369 Vedanta, 181, 197 Vedas, the, 188, 294, 330-1, 357, 369, 371 Villon, François, 338n Virgil, 284 Vishnu, 106, 183-4, 358 Vivekananda, 349 Vrindavan, 183, Vyom, 280, 331 WORDSWORTH, 257n – Ode on the Intimations Immortality", 257n Wu Wei, 144 YAMA, 400 Page 409 ...

... seeker must therefore be on his guard, for any inner experience touching our being's intimate substance always feels irrefutable and final when it occurs; it is dazzling at any level – we may recall Vivekananda speaking of Nirvana: "An ocean of infinite peace, without a ripple, without a breath" – and there is great temptation to remain there, as if that were the ultimate haven. We will simply mention this ...

... Ibid., p. 252 Page 793 PART TWO: PATRIOT AND PROPHET Chapter 8: Bhavani Mandir 1. Sri Aurobindo, Vol.1, p. 32 2. Life of Swami Vivekananda (by his Eastearn and Western Disciples), pp. 586-87 3. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, p. 23 4. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 3, pp. 99-1.00 5. Ibid., p. 101 6. Sri ...

... discussion about their country and religion. A small library grew up as everyone in our ward had a few books with him. Most books in the library were religious — the Gita, the Upanishads, the works of Vivekananda, the life and conversations of Ramakrishna, the Puranas, hymns, spiritual songs, etc. Among other volumes were the works of Bankim, patriotic songs, books on European philosophy, history and literature ...

... a will and that will has to be exercised or developed. She can ask for the protection of the Divine, lay herself in the hands of the Divine and say there is no fear. This is done by the mind. As Vivekananda very insistently said, the Yogi must be "Abhihi" – without fear. I don't know whether I told you about my experience. After my meeting with Lele I was meditating at Calcutta. I felt a tremendous ...

... is a common enough experience, illustrated in the lives of many great men, such as St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi, Luther, and Kant (among the Westerners); and Valmiki, Tulsidas, Vivekananda, to name only a few, among the Indians. This proves that there is nothing permanent and sacrosanct about our mental structures, which are but ephemeral things, constructed out of a medley of passing ...

... powerful, dynamic spirituality, and not the traditional straining and struggle of the spiritual seekers, or the heat and effervescence of their undisciplined emotions, so ruthlessly denounced by Vivekananda and branded as hysteria and neurosis. So long as aspiration and devotion for the Infinite are mental or vital-emotional, there is usually, perhaps unavoidably, a great, unequal tension in the ...


... him. Lele asked me : "You don't bow down to him?" I replied : "I don't believe in the man". Lele said : "But you must respect the yellow robe". The Sanyasi was one of the three people whom Vivekananda drove out of his house and they became Avatars in one day ( Laughter ). Is he just the man to be so treated?  (As Mother had fallen into meditation we all tried to Page 21 ...

... and the old, the primacy of the West was no more accepted as a matter of course, and in the work of Bankim Chandra, Tagore and their contemporaries in Bengal and elsewhere, and in the vision of Vivekananda, a synthesis was attempted. Still later, there have been attempts at fresh and new creation, as distinct from mere synthesis or reconstruction. The Japanese renaissance in the nineteenth century ...

... force and vitality it had hitherto lacked, Aurobindo spiritualised it and became the high priest of Nationalism as a religious creed. He revived the theoretical teachings of Bankim Chandra and Vivekananda... ...placed the country on the altar of God and asked for suffering and self-immolation as the best offerings for His worship. 33 And Sister Nivedita and others who watched Sri ...

... repression and more terrorism, and more and more desperation all round. One of the great dare-devil revolutionaries of the time, Bagha Jatin (Jatindranath Mukherjee), was "Dada" to everybody, knew Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita, and among his staunchest followers was M.N. Roy who was to become a leading figure in international Communism and in his later life the prophet of Radical Humanism. Jatin ...

... opened the book at random and read out a line from it. 'Now go on with the sequel, Sir Principal.' Aurobindo thought for a moment, and then repeated the contents of the whole page unhaltingly." Swami Vivekananda was endowed with the same ability. "He read late into the night," D. K. Roy's narrative continued, "so would get up late [about 8A.M.]. He always kept on his person an open watch that cost about ...

... we may be always on the side of great ideals and show to men thy true visage, as a leader in the ways of the spirit and a friend and helper of all the peoples." Like Sri Aurobindo — and Vivekananda before him — Mother too believed that India was destined to do a singular work for the human race: the spiritualization of the race. But in 1947, Mirra was already the Mother. She had returned ...

... is the ocean of the subconscient, dark and inexpressive, the other is 1. Regarding the antiquity of the Vedas, archaeologists are increasingly veering round to the views held by Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, and others. As to the theory of Aryan invasion, which imposes a very recent date on the Vedas, it's really all rubish! The interested Reader may turn to the Appendix at the end ...

... Tamra-parni.... From the Himalayan peaks to Dakshina Jalanidhi (Indian Ocean), from Purva Sagar (Bay of Bengal) to Pashchima Payodhi (the Arabian Sea), India's air filled with a strange aroma. Swami Vivekananda of our own times put it so well. "India," he said, "shall rise only through a renewal and restoration of that highest spiritual consciousness which has made of India, at all times, the cradle of ...

... recent spiritual history of India is a very important stage." Decades earlier, in an article in the Karmayogin (26 March 1910), Sri Aurobindo had given three names—Rama-krishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, and Bijoy Goswami —as examples. They had then indicated to him "the lines from which the future spiritual development had most directly to proceed, not staying but passing on." Among them, ...

... place to the smiling new child: 1893. The youth was soon to pick up its drum of victory and the call of Mother India was to be echoed and re-echoed as it went forth. For this was the year when Swami Vivekananda went to America to take part in the Parliament of Religions at Chicago, in September, and Sri Aurobindo returned home in February. "The one to illuminate the West with the light of the East. The ...

... barbarous and benighted. Their descendants are today's 'secularists.' We were lucky to have some true great reformers; those who could think for themselves. Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, and others. Free thinkers, they looked at the degraded forest of Indian society. They looked closely at the myriad 'age-old' customs clogging the river of life. Were they really 'age-old' ? Did ...

... Swami Vivekananda's brother, presented himself on his own motion to the police in a search as the editor of the paper and was prosecuted, the Yugantar under Sri Aurobindo's orders adopted the policy of refusing to defend itself in a British Court on the ground that it did not recognise the foreign Government and this immensely increased the prestige and influence of the paper." Vivekananda's younger... an unequalled popularity for the paper." Even petty shopkeepers, tea-stall owners read the Yugantar and were fired with patriotism. The Yugantar, according to its promoters — among them Vivekananda's brother, Bhupendranath Dutt —"was dedicated to the service of the country and was the first newspaper of the revolutionary party." Again Maharaja Suryakanta Acharya helped them in financing the ...

... temples are usually not big. Whom do they worship at Ramakrishna's temple? PURANI: I think there is a life-size photograph of Ramakrishna and the sign OM somewhere. SRI AUROBINDO: That is Vivekananda's creed. PURANI: Yes, but I am not sure of the details. SRI AUROBINDO: In Ramakrishna's temple there ought to be at least an image of Kali. ...

... and history also supports the assertion. But why should not India then be the first power in the world? Who else has the undisputed right to extend spiritual sway over the world? This was Swami Vivekananda's plan of campaign. India can once more be made conscious of her greatness by an overmastering sense of the greatness of her spirituality. This sense of greatness is the main feeder of all patriotism ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... history, and pass on; basing yourself upon that, you rise up to still higher ranges. You may pertinently ask, however, why we have not started with overmental beings; we should have had here, say, Vivekanandas only and not ordinary frail human creatures. You think the work would have been easier? Such beings, on the contrary, would have been less manageable and malleable. Page 300 ...

... pass on; basing yourself upon that, you rise up to still higher ranges. You may pertinently ask, however, why we have not started with overmental beings, we should have had here, say, Vivekanandas only and not ordinary frail human creatures. You think the work would have been easier? Such beings, on the contrary, would have been less manageable and malleable. For what is most difficult ...

... unorthodox and progressive groups in Paris. It was at that time that she met an Indian who gave her a French translation of the Bhagavad Gita to read. 91 About the same time Mirra got a copy of Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga. She was overjoyed that the many questions which had occupied her mind were explained in these texts and that moreover they presented her with a method of spiritual realization. She... woman by man one of the most unreasonable conventions in the history of humankind? We have already seen that Mirra concentrated on an intense inner development guided by the Bhagavad Gita and Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga. In her social life she tried to contact persons who represented some aspect or other of her newly discovered values. She became acquainted with Abd ol-Baha, who had succeeded his father ...

... in a certain way. Take breath-control, for example: it acts more or less mechanically, but it is sometimes recommended to add to this a concentration of one's thought, to repeat a word, as in Vivekananda's teaching.This works up to a certain point, but then it fades away. These human attempts in various times and places have been more or less successful individually but they have never given a collective ...

... life. Any book of philosophy has to be metaphysical. Even then Haridas Chaudhuri writes that some people may consider it dogmatic—lacking in enough argumentative dialectics. DR. MANILAL: But Vivekananda's books on Yoga are very easy to follow. SRI AUROBINDO: His books are made from speeches and he speaks of what everybody ought to know. DR. MANILAL: He is a philosopher also. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... there is a glory, even a bliss, in their conquest. I am afraid my mystic vision and chicken heart do not see much in this theory. Conquest of sorrow and suffering is all right for brave hearts like Vivekananda's and A.B.'s, or even for poor hearts like mine when they have a Guru. like Sri Aurobindo and a mother like our Mother here to do the sadhana for them; but what about the people outside who are wallowing... universe, they would have done much better, but they were not there to be consulted when they were made. Only your central being was there and that was much nearer in its temerarious foolhardiness to Vivekananda's or A.B.'s than to the repining prudence of your murmuring and trembling human mentality of the present moment—otherwise it would never have come down into the adventure. Or perhaps it did not realise ...

... earth a rather impossible place for any spiritual being; earth-nature appears to him 1 2 Letters on Yoga, p. 24. 3 The Life Divine, p. 232. Page 9 in Vivekananda's simile as 'the dog's tail which, every time you straighten it, goes back to its original curl' 1 . Hence, the only aim for a sane seeker should be — not to make any futile attempt at embodying ...

... body with a framework strong enough for it to stand? ( after a long silence ) This "rising of the kundalini," I had it in... I was still in Paris. It was before I came to India. I had read Vivekananda's books about it.... And when the Force rose, it emerged from the head through here ( gesture at the top of the head ); the [classic] experience was never described in that way. The Force came out ...

... concession of the omnipotent and omniscient Divine to the generality of a law that governs Nature". 4 This was how Mirra began reading Swami Vivekananda's Raja Yoga and later, more important still, poring over the Bhagavad Gita. She found Vivekananda's lectures illuminating, and it seemed a marvel that somebody could explain something to her so clearly. Then an Indian* introduced her to the Bhagavad ...

... couched in mental terms according to the type and quality of their minds. As far as India is concerned, there are for example, Buddha's answer and Shankara's and Ramanuja's and Madhwa's and Vivekananda's. I have mentioned answers more or less philosophically expressed. Some have the character of philosophical intuition rather than philosophical intellection: those of the Upanishads. Others ...

... vairagis and make the choice of the spiritual life itself (Nirvana seekers excepted) quite inexplicable. Your arguments are not convincing. What have Ramakrishna's excesses or the fluctuations of Vivekananda's vital receptivity between exaltation and depression or Chaitanya's viraha to do with the question in issue? These are difficulties Page 377 of the body and the vital. The question ...

... flux, nothing fixed or stable; the appearance of stability is given by constant repetition and recurrence of the same vibrations and formations. That is why our nature can be changed in spite of Vivekananda's saying and Horace's adage and in spite of the conservative resistance of the subconscient, but it is a difficult job because the master mode of Nature is this obstinate repetition and recurrence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... preface or an antechamber of four pillars of education. And it is rightly pointed out that science of learning to learn is the science that teaches how to concentrate. We are reminded of Swami Vivekananda's remark that once the secrets of concentration are learnt, we have the key to the entire field of knowledge and the entire field of self-possession and sellf-realisation. Page 49 In ...

... of 18 and 20, I had attained a constant and conscious union with the Divine Presence and that I had done this ALL ALONE, without ANYONE'S help, not even books. When a little later I chanced upon Vivekananda's Raja Yoga , it really seemed so wonderful to me that someone could explain something to me! And it helped me realize in only a few months what would have otherwise taken years. Page 42 ...

... universe, they would have done much better; but they were not there to be consulted when they were made. Only your central being was there and that was much nearer in its temerarious foolhardiness to Vivekananda's or X 's than to the repining prudence of your murmuring and trembling human mentality of the present moment—otherwise it would never have come down into the adventure. Or perhaps it did not realise ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the trouble. At a later stage it has tried to justify and prolong itself by appealing to your penchant for the Vaishnava attitude. But the emotional outbreaks of the Vaishnava—or such impulses as Vivekananda's prāyopaveśana —spring from a tremendous one-minded, one-hearted passion for the Divine or for the goal which tries to throw itself headlong forward at any cost. It was another part of your vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... constant union with the divine Presence and that I had done it all alone , with absolutely nobody to help me, not even books, you understand! When I found one—here came to my hands a little later Vivekananda's Raja Yoga —it seemed to me so wonderful a thing, you see, that someone could explain something to me. This made me gain in a few months what would have perhaps taken me years to do. I met a ...

... them.   To write with spiritual intensity is not always to be a great Yogi. If the lines that are mantric were pointers to the poet's realisation, he would out-halo Ramakrishna and dwarf Vivekananda's sagehood. Do you know that these lines derive from the dizziest pinnacles of the over-world? They flow, if not from the top of Shiva's shadowless head, then at least from under his radiant feet ...

... others. There was the experience of Nirvana in Baroda in January 1908, - that of Narayana's omnipresence in the Alipur jail later in the year, and of the levels of overhead consciousness under Vivekananda's guidance. During his first years at Pondicherry he saw these diverse experiences in their symphonic unity, and when he formulated his philosophy in the Arya 21 he presented the universe as "the ...

... sound!” 3 Someone had "captured the sound." Almost at the same time (everything did seem to have been triggered like a conspiracy,) a very ordinary Indian, on his way through Paris, put Vivekananda’s book Raja- Yoga into her hands, the very first Indian book She had ever read: It really seemed so wonderful that someone could explain something to me! 4 She fell on it. Then yet another ...

... attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence and I had done it all alone, with absolutely nobody to help me, not even books. When I found one – a little later I got hold of Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga – it seemed to me such a wonderful thing, you see, that somebody could explain something to me! This made me gain in a few months what would perhaps have taken me years to do.’ 27 ...

... for guerrilla warfare. Sri Aurobindo himself wrote some of the opening articles in the early numbers and he always exercised a general control; when a member of the sub-editorial staff, Swami Vivekananda's brother, presented himself on his own motion to the police in a search as the editor of the paper and was prosecuted, the Yugantar under Sri Aurobindo's orders adopted the policy of refusing to ...

... way of getting inexhaustible energy it is the right thing when you are young, (laughter) So I pleaded with him to let me see whatever he had read on the topic. He put into my hands a book of Vivekananda's. It was his treatment of Rajayoga, in which you have breathing exercises reduced to a minimum, but to a quite effective minimum, and several other things related to it. I tried to concentrate on ...

... in Court and his death," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "put a seal upon the meaning of his life and left his name stamped indelibly on the pages of history as a saint and martyr of the new faith." 2 Vivekananda's youngest brother, Bhupendranath Datta, did not defend himself and went to jail. And so - printer, publisher, editor, contributor, worker - anyone almost ran the risk of sudden apprehension on... result might be hanging or transportation for life, some of the accused persons without as much as glancing at what was happening around them, were absorbed in reading the novels of Bankimchandra, Vivekananda's Raja Yoga or Science of Religions, or the Gita, the Puranas, or European Philosophy. 32 As for the way Sri Aurobindo's unruffled demeanour struck the boys, we have the testimony of ...

... articles for some of the earlier issues of the paper and exercised a general control over it. The Government, alarmed at the popularity of the paper, eventually arrested Bhupendranath Dutt, Swami Vivekananda's brother, who came forward as the editor, and sentenced him to jail on a charge of sedition. Yugantar finally had to cease publication in June 1908, but during its short career it attacked the ...

... great enemy of progress was not error but indolence, obstinacy and the spirit of routine25 - in a word, tamas. Like Danton's "No weakness!", Sri Aurobindo's "No tamas[" - reviving Swami Vivekananda's clarion-call - rang out, time and again, loud and peremptory; and Sri Aurobindo remarked with unconcealed bluntness that politics was for the kshatriya in spirit, for not otherwise could freedom... allow you to Page 277 develop the necessary strength unmolested. ...The only conclusion is that there is nothing to be done. The only conclusion is that this country is doomed. Vivekananda's great intellect readily submitted to something far greater in Ramakrishna. Brahmatej was greater than kshatratej, soul-force could defy the might of the mightiest. Programmes too - Swadeshi ...

... 196-7. ². Ibid. Page 27 conscious union with the Divine Presence and... I had done this ALL ALONE, without ANYONE'S help, not even books. When a little later I chanced upon Vivekananda's Raja Yoga, it really seemed so wonderful to me that someone could explain something to me! And it helped me realise in only a few months what would have otherwise taken years. I met a man ...

... in the jana sādhārana only the lowest remain. Disciple : It is the proletarian idea of literature coming with the Socialistic and Communistic ideology. Or, perhaps it is the echo Of Vivekananda's daridra Nārāyana – the divine as the poorest. Sri Aurobindo : I think it is Vivekanada who started the idea. Disciple : He at least had the idea of Nārāyana while he served them ...

... convenient sophism: "No more bowing," it roared, "to what is imposed from without: the only deity is the Resident within — Him alone worship, 'break alt other idols'." Thus I borrowed the great Vivekananda's mantra without stopping to ask myself whether I was cast in his heroic mould! "To tread the austere path, the manly path!" — I goaded my drooping spirits in order to be a master in my own house ...

... the authorities. 1896-98 'I attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence... all alone, with absolutely nobody to help me... not even books.' Later comes across Swami Vivekananda's Raja Yoga. 'It made me gain in a few months what would have perhaps taken me years to do.' c. 1898-1902 Receives a translation of the Bhagavad Gita from Jnanendranath Chakravarti with ...

... possibilities, sir, in the play of Forces.) Even if it can't be wrong, its efficacy will vary with the power of the communicant. For instance there will be a difference between Ramakrishna's and Vivekananda's Force, and therefore in the resultant effectivity or ineffectivity. Naturally. What I want to know is whether the Force, applied or directed, is always the right Force. Can there be any ...

... for guerrilla warfare. Sri Aurobindo himself wrote some of the opening articles in the early numbers and he always exercised a general control; when a member of the sub-editorial staff, Swami Vivekananda's brother, presented himself on his own motion to the police in a search as the editor of the paper and was prosecuted, the Yugantar under Sri Aurobindo’s orders adopted the policy of refusing ...

... goes to the grove. Mother said, "It shouldn't be very near, otherwise it will disturb the trees." A person who is confused on some points—he came here thinking of some difference from Vivekananda's institutions, but finds here new things—wanted to see Mother. Mother said, "He should read Sri Aurobindo; I will see him after that." * * * 3.7.72 Informed Mother of ...

... goes to the grove. Mother said, "It shouldn't be very near, otherwise it will disturb the trees." A person who is confused on some points—he came here thinking of some difference from Vivekananda's institutions, but finds here new things—wanted to see Mother. Mother said, "He should read Sri Aurobindo; I will see him after that." * * * 3.7.72 Informed Mother of ...