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English [784]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Greater Psychology [10]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [6]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Autobiographical Notes [5]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [8]
Blake's Tyger [1]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [5]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [12]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [15]
Essays on the Gita [6]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [7]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [5]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [5]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [5]
I Remember [2]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [21]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [3]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Isha Upanishad [10]
Karmayogin [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [8]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [5]
Letters on Poetry and Art [5]
Letters on Yoga - I [13]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [4]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [4]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [6]
Mother or The New Species - II [10]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [8]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [3]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [5]
On Education [9]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [15]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [10]
On the Path [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Overman [4]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [7]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Prayers and Meditations [7]
Preparing for the Miraculous [5]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [8]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [11]
Questions and Answers (1953) [7]
Questions and Answers (1954) [5]
Questions and Answers (1955) [6]
Questions and Answers (1956) [9]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [11]
Record of Yoga [9]
Savitri [8]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [6]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [2]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [8]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
The Destiny of the Body [6]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [2]
The Future Poetry [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [7]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [20]
The Life Divine [24]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [9]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Riddle of This World [4]
The Secret of the Veda [3]
The Signature Of Truth [2]
The Sunlit Path [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [17]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [7]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of Long Ago [2]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [8]
Work - an offering [1]
Filtered by: Show All
English [784]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Greater Psychology [10]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [6]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Autobiographical Notes [5]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [8]
Blake's Tyger [1]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [5]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [12]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [15]
Essays on the Gita [6]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [7]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [5]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [5]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Guidance on Education [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [5]
I Remember [2]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [21]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [3]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Isha Upanishad [10]
Karmayogin [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [8]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [5]
Letters on Poetry and Art [5]
Letters on Yoga - I [13]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [4]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [4]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [6]
Mother or The New Species - II [10]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [8]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [3]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [4]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [5]
On Education [9]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [15]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [10]
On the Path [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Overman [4]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [7]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [4]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Prayers and Meditations [7]
Preparing for the Miraculous [5]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [8]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [11]
Questions and Answers (1953) [7]
Questions and Answers (1954) [5]
Questions and Answers (1955) [6]
Questions and Answers (1956) [9]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [11]
Record of Yoga [9]
Savitri [8]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [6]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [2]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [5]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [7]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [8]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
The Destiny of the Body [6]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [2]
The Future Poetry [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [7]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [20]
The Life Divine [24]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [9]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [2]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Riddle of This World [4]
The Secret of the Veda [3]
The Signature Of Truth [2]
The Sunlit Path [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [17]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [7]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [1]
White Roses [1]
Words of Long Ago [2]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - II [2]
Words of the Mother - III [8]
Work - an offering [1]
Showing 600 of 784 result/s found for Material World

... practically because the material world is unrepentant.  The chief obstacle which may prove to be insurmountable is the resistance of the material world. Disciple : What do you mean by- "unrepentant" ? Sri Aurobindo : 1 mean, that the material world does not care a jot for the Divine or the Divine Life. Disciple : What do you mean by the resistance of the material world ? Sri Aurobindo... something high, of conceiving something different from what it is accustomed to. I am referring to the obscurity and stupidity of the human being, if I may say so. When I speak of the resistance of the material world, I do not mean the external material but the subtle material. There is the subtle and the external material and when I say that Matter is impenetrable, I mean that the subtle material has not accepted... What do you mean by laws ? What you call laws are mere habits. If you change your habits you still remain yourself. Disciple : Can a few persons by their Sadhana change the laws of the material world ? Sri Aurobindo : We do not intend to change the external material being. Only, in certain cases where the man is open to the Higher Power, this change would take place and not in everybody's ...

... of Matter and a slave of the Form, not the master of the house. But above the material world there is a plane of dominant Life that presses down upon this material universe and seeks to pour into it whatever it can of its own types, powers, forces, impulsions, manifesting creative godheads. When in the material world form is ready, the Gods and Life-Daemons of this higher plane are attracted to put... Intelligence. An inert Soul guiding with a strange and blind sureness the steps of a somnambulist Nature would be no inadequate image of the apparent Spirit of this material universe. This material world sprung from the subconscious Infinite appears to us as if [it] were the sole actual universe and even perhaps the only creation possible. But that is because we are limited by our senses which... our possibilities extend infinitely beyond their present limit, and the world also is far more complex than the first crude inexplicable mystery of Matter would lead us to imagine. The immense material world in which we live is not the sole reality but only one of innumerable potential and existent universes; all of them need not have either Matter as we know it or the Inconscient for their base. Indeed ...


... heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in... (Savitri, Book X, Canto II, p. 609) The cosmic-terrestrial theory of existence considers the cosmic existence as the only reality and its view is ordinarily confined to life in the material world. Earth is the field of a great becoming and man is this becoming's highest possible form, albeit temporary and transient. In this view of a sole terrestrial life, the one high and reasonable... physical embodiment and persist eternally, apart from the body or perhaps 'clothed' in some other type of non-earthly frame; (ii) also the idea — a natural corollary of the first tenet — that this material world, this earthly arena, this human life is not the only possible scene or habitation of the soul; indeed, there are other planes of greater consciousness, other worlds of higher existence which ...

... If a spiritual evolution of consciousness in the material world and a constant or repeated rebirth of the individual into an earthly body are admitted, the next question that arises is whether this evolutionary movement is something separate and complete in itself or part of a larger universal totality of which the material world is only one province. This question has already its answer... spiritual Reality into the first inconscience and the subsequent evolving phenomenal life of material Nature. If that were so, there might be the Absolute above and the Inconscient below, with the material world created out of it, and the issue, the return back would then be a similar abrupt or precipitous transit from a material embodied world-being into the transcendent Silence. There would be no in... that Truth-awareness,—is a movement of the mind; desire is a movement of life in mind; life and mind then must be pre-existent powers and must have been the determinants of the creation of the material world, and in that case they can equally create worlds of their own supraphysical nature. Or else we must suppose that what acted was not desire in an individual or a universal Mind or Life, but a will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... this material world mortal being, mortal nature, mortal life and are called Mrityu or Martya, mortality. The doctrine and instruction of the possibility, the means and the necessity for man of climbing from Mrityu to Amritam, out of Death into divine Life,—mrityum tírtwámritam asnute, is Veda & Vedanta. The world in which we live seems to our normal experience of it to be a material world; matter... each case what has really happened is that in a certain arrangement of the current workings and a certain relation of the worked out shapes of Force—in this case of the active Life-Energy in the material world—a new arrangement was always potential and latent, water involved in hydrogen, fire involved in the tinder-wood, the oak tree involved in the seed and a particular process, that is to say a particular... energy, the mind which inhabits the nervous system dissolves also and is or seems to be no more, except in its posthumous effect on others, an organised active Page 527 force in the material world. We arrive, then, by reason considering the energies of things in their forms & the movement [of] forces that constitute their changes, activities, development & disintegration, at the culmination ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... consciously into that world with the part of your being which corresponds to that domain, you can move there quite objectively, as in the material world. And there, there are as many, and even many more things to see and observe than in our poor little material world, which belongs to only one zone of this infinite gradation. You meet all sorts of things in these domains, and you need to make a study... farther, as it were, from the material world, the forms and consciousness of those beings are of a purity, beauty and perfection much higher than our ordinary physical forms. It is only in the nearest vital world, the one which is, so to say, mixed with our material life―though it lies beyond it and there is a zone where the vital is no longer mixed with the material world―of that material vital one can... greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence. Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires ...


... possible. A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The  Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories... glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is . not  change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which conceals and turns... recede, the body becomes a more plastic and responsive and in that measure a more fit and perfect instrument of the action of the spirit. In all effective and expressive activities here in the material world the cooperation of the two ends of our being is indispensable. If the body is unable whether by fatigue or by natural incapacity or any other cause to second the thought or will or is in any way ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... which demands something more than these two clear-cut poises of the Mother—- another and more directly and concretely dynamic poise and power in which She can canalise her victorious Force into the material world and compel and quicken the irresistible germination of a divine race in humanity. It is a poise in the dissolving darkness of the world for the planting of Her highest regenerative and trans- formative... so that the inital step of the intended departure may be securely and irrevocably taken, and a definite direction and lead given to the Godward Odyssey of mankind. Her individual noise in the material world is an imperative demand of the logic of physical transformation and divine life. Besides, the aim of the Integral Yoga being the supra- mental fulfilment of the Divine in man, the infusion of the... , and is an 1 The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. 2 For further details refer to The Mother by Sri Aurobindo. Page 92 essential condition of the divine life in the material world. Maheshwari with her all-illumining and all-commanding splendour of knowledge, Mahâkâli with her thunders and lightnings of force, Mahâlakshmi with her enthralling and exalting grace and harmony ...

... mysticism, although the facts and experiences on which they are founded are quite as real in their own field and as much governed by intelligible laws of their own as the facts and experiences of the material world. It is not our intention here to plunge into this Page 447 vast and difficult field of psychical knowledge. 2 But it becomes necessary now to deal with certain broad facts and principles... the involution of the conscious delight of existence in self-oblivious force and in a self-dividing, infinitesimally disaggregated form of substance. Therefore the whole principle and effort of a material world must be the evolution of what is involved and the development of what is undeveloped. Here everything is shut up from the first in the violently working inconscient sleep of material force; therefore... determine the conditions of the life, but it is life which determines the form, and therefore forms are there much more free, fluid, largely and to our conceptions strangely variable than in the material world. This life-force is not inconscient material force, not even, except in its lowest movements, an elemental subconscient energy, but a conscious force of being which makes for formation, but much ...


... by its manifestation nor ever exhausted by it. The seat of the psychic in us is behind the heart. It is the individual spark-soul supporting the evolution of our mind, life and body in the material world. It is full of love and devotion for the Divine, and aflame with an aspiration for the manifestation of His Grace and Glory in terrestrial nature. It is the child of the divine Mother' descended... Universal. It does not descend .into evolution, but presides from above over the evolution of the psychic entity, which is its self-projection or Page 158 representative in the material world. The Jivâtmâ is our eternal and central being, untouched by the mutations of our nature and unqualified by the varying forms assumed by our evolving soul here. It also projects a Purusha, a re... from it in order to enjoy an unbroken continuity of the inner union. In almost all religions and philosophies there is a curious confederacy of silence over the purpose of the soul's birth in the material world. To call the birth a fall explains nothing, unless you account for the fall and discover its rationale; for, surely in the divine dispensation of Providence, such a tremendous event could not ...

... incident. He was angry, he said, "This is a bad joke!" And all the clocks started going again! It is said that the material world in its unconsciousness has forgotten the Divine. Has it forgotten Him from the beginning? It is concomitant. One cannot say that the material world is the result of obscurity and ignorance; one cannot say either that the obscurity and ignorance are the result of the... cause. What we call the material world came into being at the same time as the obscurity and ignorance, they are closely bound, but there is no cause and effect in the sense of a sequence in time. It is concomitant, both the things are the concomitant result of another cause: what has brought about obscurity and ignorance has at one go and at one time brought about the material world as we know it. ...


... consciously into that world with the part of your being which corresponds to that domain, you can move there quite objectively, as in the material world. And there, there are as many, and even many more things to see and observe than in our poor little material world, which belongs to only one zone of this infinite gradation. You meet all sorts of things in these domains, and you need to make a study... farther, as it were, from the material world, the forms and consciousness of those beings are of a purity, beauty and perfection much higher than our ordinary physical forms. It is only in the nearest vital world, the one which is, so to say, mixed with our material life―though it lies beyond it and there is a zone where the vital is no longer mixed with the material world―of that material vital one can ...


... and much practice is needed before this possibility ceases to be occasional and haphazard and can be used quite consciously, at will or to perfection. Even then to have "a control over the whole material world" is too big a proposition; a local and partial control is more possible or, more widely, certain kinds of control over matter. The desire [ of occultists and spiritists ] to satisfy the... from which it could victoriously ban all thought surpassing its own narrow bounds as mere wordy meta physics and mysticism and moonshine. Obviously, if material energies alone can exist in the material world, there can be no possibility of a life divine on the earth. A mere metaphysical "sleight of mind", as one might call it, could not justify it against the objections of scientific negation and concrete... Matter is jaḍa only in appearance. As even modern Science admits, Matter is only energy in action, and, as we know in India, energy is force of consciousness in action. 2) Prakriti in the material world seems to be jaḍa , but this too is only an appearance. Prakriti is in reality the conscious power of the Spirit. 3) A bringing down of the Spirit into Matter cannot lead to a laya in jaḍa ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... whose essential characteristic is motion; for by motion she creates this material world, and indeed all object-matter is only a form, that is to say a visible, audible or sensible result of motion; every material object is jagat , full of infinite motion,—even the stone, even the Page 105 clod. This material world, our senses tell us, is the only existing reality; but the Upanishad warns... realise in our hearts and minds Brahman the Ocean of spiritual force, drawing him in our imaginations like a robe round each sensible thing. THE STUDENT But the Upanishad does not say that the material world is itself Brahman. THE GURU It will yet say that. It tells us next by abandonment of this (all that is in the world) to enjoy and not covet any man's wealth. We are to enjoy the whole world... ether with Matariswun or the Air Force as its principle & essential condition, by the operation of the fiery or light principle through heat, out of the fluid to solidity which is its body. The material world is therefore often said in the Sruti to be produced out of the waters, because so long as it does not emerge from the fluid state, there is as yet no Cosmos. When Science instead of following the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 VIII The Mystery of the five Elements The material world, as the ancient sages viewed it, is composed of five elements. They are, as we know, (i) earth (k ṣ iti), (2) water (ap), (3) fire (tej), (4) air (maruf), and (5) space or ether (vyom), mounting from the grossest to those that are more and more subtle... belongs to earth alone. Water is liquid, fire gaseous, air is fluid, and ether is the most tenuous. Now this hierarchy can be considered also as a pyramid of qualities, qualities of matter and the material world tapering upward. The first one, the topmost, space, possesses the quality of sound or vibration; it is the field giving out waves that originate sound. 1 1 Science, that is modern Science... elements are not merely substances or states and qualities of substance, but they are also forces and energies, material forces and energies—since we have confined ourselves to matter and the material world. Science (we are always referring to Science, we have to do so since we are dealing with and speaking from the standpoint Page 154 of matter and material existence), Science ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 The Mystery of the Five Elements THE material world, as the ancient sages viewed it, is composed of five elements. They are, as we know, (I) earth (ksiti), (2) water (ap), (3) fire (tej), (4) air (marut), and (5) space or ether (vyom), mounting from the grossest to those that are more and more subtle.... belongs to earth alone. Water is liquid, fire gaseous, air is fluid, and ether is the most tenuous. Now this hierarchy can be considered also as a pyramid of qualities, qualities of matter and the material world tapering upward. The first one, the topmost, space, possesses the quality of sound or vibration; it is the field giving out waves that originate sound.¹ The next element is air, its special quality... elements are not merely substances or states and qualities of substance, but they are also forces and energies, material forces and energies-since we have confined ourselves to matter and the material world. Science (we are always referring to Science, we have to do so since we are dealing with and speaking from the standpoint of matter and material existence), Science has familiarised us with the ...

... significance to the otherwise unaccountable phenomena of life and death and the continued participation even of many liberated souls in the travail of the world. The soul comes down into the material world not to lose itself in the labyrinths of fleeting interests, not to become a sport of freakish desires and blind passions, not to toss among the conflicting lures of sense-objects, not even to... Mother calls the true service, there is only a beatific interchange of love between Page 108 the individual and the Divine, and a triumphant outpouring of redemptive Force upon the material world. The Mother seeks knowledge, not for its own sake, but for the sake of the service of the Divine, even the bliss of divine union she seeks not for itself, but for the sake of service. In how... communed with in every individual and thing and circumstance at every step and moment of one's earthly existence. It is service alone that can turn the whole field of human existence in the material world—a field so much spurned and condemned by short-sighted religions—into a heaven of constant and active God-union. In a Prayer of flaming aspiration and melting sweetness, the Mother prays ...


... is realised; there is still the horrible mixture without order and light,—for that element, that movement is a world, a world of disorder and darkness, as is the entire earth in the material world, as is the material world in the entire universe.”¹ That is why there is an intense, unceasing aspiration in the Mother's body—it is not a mental or vital aspiration imposed upon the body, but the body's... discipline of desireless and disinterested action, for the purification and liberation of the being; it has a double purpose and significance : 1) the canalising of the supreme Love and Light into the material world and 2) the preparation and trans- formation of the physical being of man for the perfect Union and the eventual Manifestation. The Mother so much insists on service, because : 1) Union with the... Epiphany of the Spirit in Matter. According to Sri Aurobindo, the aim of his Integral Yoga is not only to seek and realise the Divine but to call upon Him to manifest Himself in and through us in the material world. That is not only Union, but Union multiplied, universalised and dynamically self-revealed in its native glory in humanity. And in a sweet little Prayer, written on March 13, 1913, when the Mother ...


... sweetness, or is it also a Force ? What is its proper function in the material world ? Describing Divine Love, the Mother says, "Love is a supreme force which the Eternal Consciousness sent down from itself into an obscure and darkened world that it might bring back that world and its beings to the Divine. The material world in its darkness and ignorance had forgotten the Divine. Love came... subconscient which exerts such a fundamental, darkening sway over them. It is only a completely psychicised human nature upon which divine Love can take its stand and base its operations in the material world. Human Love A derivative of divine Love, human love is dwarfed and distorted in the ignorance of man's nature. It is infected with desire, clouded by mental ideas, and darkened... that has released the Spirit from the cavern of "supreme obscurity" can and will transform that cavern into an illuminated temple and install the Spirit there as the undisputed sovereign of the material world. Love, the initiator of evolution, will consummate its mission of divine manifestation in Matter as Love the Victor. Page 39 ...


... Bulletin of Physical Education. ² ibid. ³ ibid. Page 89 spiritual and supramental. Those schools of yoga which have as their aim an escape of the human soul from the material world into some state of Brahmic peace and silence, or into the rapt bliss of inner union and communion with the Divine, do not, as a rule, lay so much stress on a full and dynamic realisation of... them, or lump them all together under the blanket term of self-realisation. Whatever that may be, we must not Page 90 forget that the psychic has a specific mission to fulfil in the material world—it is the transformation of Matter, and the Epiphany of God in material life. It cannot, therefore, stop short at its own liberation, but securely established in it, must work for the fulfilment... expression of the Truth-Consciousness. And it will be, it must be—and the sooner the better. It should not, however, be just a subjective change. The whole physical life must be transformed. The material world does not want a mere change of consciousness in us. It says in effect: 'You retire into bliss, become luminous, have the divine knowledge; but that does not alter me. I still remain the hell I ...


... material ladder, the living and the dead are together, there are no longer two sides: there is a single side—just as there is no longer "over there" or "here," "yesterday" or "today." And yet it is a material world, for if the cells are not material, then what is? It means that our physical world extends in quite an unexpected way: its "life" and "death" are not real and definitive data—or "scientific," we... mineral and animal realms, we have contrived what is not. The counterfeiters of existence, you could say. Digestive tracts full of words. For the vision of the body—a childlike vision—the true material world, this same world, is fluid, vibrant, without walls or partitions, without "life" and "death." The degree of reality is in the degree of consciousness. The degree of life is in the degree of ... physical Mind, grew thinner. It was as if, slowly, what seemed to be on two different sides, like two very close but nevertheless separate worlds, were merging into a single world, which was our material world, only complete. This word "death" is so absurd! I see it as simply passing from one room to another, she said in the beginning. You take one simple step, you cross the threshold, and there you ...


... divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends Page 521 of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established inMatter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights... lights and glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which conceals... recede, the body becomes a more plastic and responsive and in that measure a more fit and perfect instrument of the action of the spirit. In all effective and expressive activities here in the material world the cooperation of the two ends of our being is indispensable. If the body is unable whether by fatigue or by natural incapacity or any other cause to second the thought or will or is in any way ...


... places him in communication with some reality from beyond the material world, then we may reasonably expect that person to have gained some deep, new knowledge about the world that can be checked against empirical facts.” 16 However, the problem, which Stenger here curiously overlooks, is that “some reality beyond the material world” and the reality of “empirical facts” are in the eyes of scientific... experience that truly places her in communication with some reality from beyond the material world,” continues Stenger, “then we may reasonably expect that person to have gained some deep, new knowledge about the world that can be checked against the empirical facts.” Yet, empirical facts are from the material world, not from beyond it. And if Stenger wants to disprove the existence of God (in God... eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously. … In brief, we do not belong to this material world that science constructs for us. … From where do I come and to where do I go? That is the great unfathomable question, the same for everyone of us. Science has no answer to it.” 34 This is ...

... possible. A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories... glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as Page 701 an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which... recede, the body becomes a more plastic and responsive and in that measure a more fit and perfect instrument of the action of the spirit. In all effective and expressive activities here in the material world the cooperation of the two ends of our being is indispensable. If the body is unable whether by fatigue or by natural incapacity or any other cause to second the thought or will or is in any way ...

... possible. A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul. with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories... glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which conceals and turns... recede, the body becomes a more plastic and responsive and in that measure a more fit and perfect instrument of the action of the spirit. In all effective and expressive activities here in the material world the cooperation of the two ends of our being is indispensable. If the body is unable whether by fatigue or by natural incapacity or any other cause to second the thought or will or is in any way ...

... the Grace that has assumed a human form, come down to our shores, the shores of Time, from its unthinkable eternity, consented to bear the cross of human life and labour in the darkness of the material world, so that even here, on these very shores, in the very midst of the darkness, the divine Light may be lit and shine undimmed, and a divine humanity manifest the glory of God. It is the Grace that... wanted to be transmuted into it; she aspired to be the divine love, "in every activity, in all the worlds of being”, so that she might achieve what the supreme Love alone can achieve in the material world—the integral transformation of human nature. It is not possible for us to gauge this Love, nor conceive the exact nature and extent of the work it has been doing for humanity. One day when the... ever the ignorance and suffering of human life and make it a potent channel of the Light divine. Her love for the human soul, her solicitude for its release and harmonious perfection in the material world, and her compassion for its besetting miseries, are very movingly expressed in one of the sweetest of her Prayers : "Each time that a heart leaps at the touch of Thy divine breath, a little ...


... matter is really the origin of our gross earth. In fact it is the "brilliant roof of our descending plane" and it serves to protect the material world from the operation of subtle forces which might be too strong for it. It canalises the glow of the subtle material world for this earth. All attempts at beauty of form which man makes here have their inspiration in this world. There is, on this plane, a... persists which, in fact, existed before the gross was created. On the level of the subtle material being there is a perfection of form and a perfection of expression. On the lower level, this subtle material world "...has dangerous nether planes" and though on the height it is immortal, still, it weaves for us ".. .death's sombre robe". It is from the fall of this subtle matter that "...our denser Matter... to reach the very highest Divine whose home is far above the realm of subtle matter. The world of subtle matter which lies behind our material world is full of "fantasy, symmetry and grace". There all movements are natural, pure and simple. There is a perfection which comes by acceptance of limits and within those limits the perfection is '' ...

... realized; there is still the horrible mixture without order and light; for that element, that movement is a world, a world of disorder and darkness, as is the entire earth in the material world, as is the material world in the entire universe.”¹ The second cause is their inequality in the illumination, as the Mother puts it. Some elements may have been purified and transmuted enough to enter... none here, in the eternal march of Time. The great gift of the West to the culture of modern humanity is the insistent sense of the significance of Life and its irresistible purpose in the material world. But this purpose cannot be read on the surface of its ceaseless flux; it is hidden in its depths and can be known only by the light of the Spirit and fulfilled only by its all-achieving Power... To be identified with Him, integrally, that is to say, physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually, is the sole condition of ex- pressing His Will or rather letting it express itself in the material world. It is to become "a pure crystal without stain which allows Thy divine ray to pass without obscuring, colouring or deforming it.” How to realize this identification with the Supreme Purusha ...


... Mother used one word and sometimes another, which I thought referred to different phenomena, and more importantly to different worlds, whereas she was always describing the same curve in the same material world — but just try to describe Matter through the eyes of a bird to an incorrigible tadpole that measures the walls of its bowl! To the tadpole, it no longer seems to be true or solid matter, it is... not up above, it is material. And that's what must come to the fore and take the place of the other. (Question:) The “true physical” Sri Aurobindo spoke of? The true physical, yes. A material world where accidents, illnesses, death cannot take place. And it is that world which must take the place of ours — not by any miracle: simply a change of vibration in matter. The vibration of the true... when it suddenly took wing? But that same vertigo contains the key to the new functioning, which goes to show that the obstacle is always the lever: 63.207 All the habitual rhythms of the material world have changed. The body cannot know in the way it knew things before. So there is a period when you are in suspense: no longer this, not yet that, just in between. And the difficulty is that from ...


... participates in its being. Sri Aurobindo could be there because he had supramentalized his inner being, consisting of the sheaths or bodies in which he lived after his departure from the gross material world. It may be said that Sri Aurobindo formerly, as the evolutionary Avatar, had built his stations one after the other on all levels of existence up to the Supramental. Now he had a permanent ‘dwelling’... he added: ‘I do not even know if sugar cane grows here or not.’ The Mother’s answer: ‘Have faith in the Divine and everything will be all right. Don’t worry about it. This will be my Yoga in the material world and I want you to do it.’ The Mother herself had the new company registered and named it ‘New Horizon Sugar Mills.’ An office was opened on 14 May 1958 in the Mother’s presence. Just then the... transformation praying to herself above from whom the forces of transformation come.’ 11 In an Entretien of 1954, the Mother stated clearly that her central consciousness here in the material world was that of the Mahashakti, the Great Mother. On another occasion she said that, occultly, her heart was always a Sun, while higher up there must constantly have been the supramental brilliances ...

... that God is all things and in everything; then he would cease to think himself superior to anybody. Source The Material World Is not this material world of ours very low down in the scale in the system of worlds that form the creation? Ours is the most material world, but it is not necessarily "low down", at least, not for that reason; if it is low down, it is because it is obscure and... and ignorant, not because it is material. It is a mistake to make "matter" a synonym for obscurity and ignorance. And the material world too is not the only world in which we live: it is rather one of many in which we exist simultaneously, and in one way the most important of them all. For this world of matter is the point of concentration of all the worlds; it is the field of concretisation of ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... and magnificence, where have they come from, if not from the Divine ? If Matter is from the Divine, then material wealth is also from Him; only, as says Sri Aurobindo, it is usurped here, in the material world, for the uses of the ego or "held by Asuric influences and perverted to their purpose.” It has to be wrested from the hands of the Asuras and used for the service of the Divine in the world.... has to be lived again, if spirituality has to shed its timidity and narrowness and rise to its full stature of an all-conquering might and revealing majesty. For its creations in the material world and the organisation of a harmonious and progressive life of luminous knowledge, power, love and joy, the material means indispensable to it is money. The Present Possessors of Money ... of human society, can afford to nut a ban on money, for, that will mean leaving the money- power in the hands of the vital forces, on the one hand, and, on the other, allowing its action in the material world to be paralysed by poverty. Like other powers, it has to be reconquered for the Divine and used divinely for the divine purpose in human life. How to achieve this conquest ? Individually, he who ...


... is not manifested, and that which is manifested, between all the transcendences, all the splendors Page 65 of the divine life and all the obscure and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the intermediary between That which has to be and that which is; he is a bridge thrown over the abyss, he is the great X as the cross, the quaternary link. His true abode., the effective... Mother, August 29, 1914. Page 66 what appears as eternal opposites in creation. His birth here is not a chance caprice of Nature or a vain error. If he has come down into the material world, it is certainly not to run away from it for good and all, leaving it in its distressing darkness, but to illumine and transform it and render it an abode of the Divine. The overstress on the... So, when she speaks of the integral union with the Divine, she means a union out of which will pour, as from an inexhaustible fountain. His Love and Light and blissful Force upon this obscure material world. "O divine Mother, Thy march is triumphal and uninterrupted, He who unites with Thee in an integral love journeys unceasingly towards vaster and vaster horizons, towards a completer and completer ...


... is realised, there is still the horrible mixture without order and light, for that element, that movement is a world, a world of disorder and darkness, as is the entire earth in the material world, as is the material world in the entire universe."¹ ¹ On Yoga—I by Sri Aurobindo. Page 325 When the whole being is thus weaned from all outside influences, transformed in all its fibres... an expression of the triune power of our being. It is the most potent means of an active integration of all the parts of the being, and the sole external vehicle of divine manifestation in the material world. Therefore, the perfection of Karmayoga would seem to ¹It is interesting to note in this connection the words of Pfleiderer who shared many of the views of Krause: "Man's whole vocation... "wide-winged peace", and to "heal with joy her ancient sorrow", by flooding the dark inconscient bases of life with the Super conscient's Light. He works only to further God's manifestation in the material world, by dispelling the Page 321 darkness of inconscience and ignorance, and healing all division and discord resulting from them. Vast, God-possessing, embraced by the Wonderful ...

... realised; there is still the horrible mixture without order and light,—for that element, that movement is a world, a world of disorder and darkness, as is the entire earth in the material world, as is the material world in the entire universe." 1 That is why there is an intense, unceasing aspiration in the Mother's body—it is not a mental or vital aspiration imposed upon the body, but the... of desireless and disinterested action, for the purification and liberation of the being; it has a double purpose and significance: I) the canalising of the supreme Love and Light into the material world and 2) the preparation and transformation of the physical being of man for the perfect Union and the eventual Manifestation. The Mother so much insists on service, because: I) Union with the... of the Spirit in Matter. According to Sri Aurobindo, the aim of his Integral Yoga is not only to seek and realise the Divine but to call upon Him to manifest Himself in and through us in the material world. That is not only Union, but Union multiplied, universalised and dynamically self-revealed in its native glory in humanity. And in a sweet little Prayer, written on March 13,1913, when the Mother ...


... unless that comes within his responsibility—each has to correct himself and his own defects and mistakes. We are here in this material world and not in the others except by an inner connection. Also our life and action lie here, so it will not do to neglect the material world and things, though we should not be attached and bound to them by āsakti and desire. We have to acquire a knowledge of the... I want there not to be a single wrong action which Mother does not like. If you want strongly and if you always try to be careful, then that too will come. 8 February 1933 Since the material world is only one of the several worlds, only a small portion of the total manifestation, should we not attach very little importance to material things, material work and its details? Also, from what ...

... formulations of existence and experience, yet at the same time they penetrate and envelop the physical plane with their invisible presence and influences, and their powers seem to be here in the material world itself behind its action and objects. There are two main orders of experience in our contact with them; one is purely subjective, though in its subjectivity sufficiently vivid and palpable, the... which are suprasensible, but, if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supraphysical 10 and can not only take cognisance of the realities of the material world without the aid of the corporeal sense-organs, but can bring us into contact with other realities, supraphysical and belonging to another world—included, that is to say, in an organisation of conscious... earths seem to be made. Constantly asserted by human experience and belief since the origins of thought, this truth, now that the necessity of an exclusive preoccupation with the secrets of the material world no longer exists, begins to be justified by new-born forms of scientific research. The increasing evidences, of which only the most obvious and outward are established under the name of telepathy ...


... against the ignorance of this attitude that I wrote this. Naturally, there is the same idea in India, this idea of the complete renunciation of all physical reality, the profound contempt for the material world which is considered an illusion and a falsehood, that leaves, as Sri Aurobindo used to say, the field free to the sovereign sway of the adverse forces. If you escape from the concrete reality to... idea is everywhere in the world but expresses itself in different forms. Because until now evil has been opposed by weakness, by a spiritual force without any power for transformation in the material world, this tremendous effort of goodwill has ended only in deplorable failure and left the world in the same state Page 4 of misery and corruption and falsehood. It is on the same plane... greater power than theirs, a power which can conquer them totally in that very domain . To put it otherwise, a spiritual force which would be capable of transforming both the consciousness and the material world. This force is the supramental force. What is necessary is to be receptive to its action on the physical plane, and not to run away into a distant Nirvana leaving the enemy with full power over ...


... of that consciousness. Through yoga, I had achieved a kind of relationship with the material world, based on the notion of the fourth dimension—inner dimensions, which become innumerable in yoga—and the use of this attitude and this state of consciousness. I studied the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world with a sense of the inner dimensions, and by perfecting the co... impossible. And if you ask me now, I think that both these things, the possibility of a meeting by carrying science to its extreme and the impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world, are equally incorrect. There is something else. And these last few days, more and more, I find myself faced with the total problem, as if I had never seen it before. Perhaps they are two ...


... itself only with the relation of mind-consciousness to Brahman-consciousness and does not stray outside the strict boundaries of its subject. The material world and the physical life are taken for granted, they are hardly mentioned. But the material world and the physical life exist for us only by virtue of our internal Page 15 self and our internal life. According as our mental instruments... and profound than itself? The Upanishad replies that there is such a greater existence behind, which is to the mind and its instruments, to the life-force and its workings what they are to the material world. Matter does not know Mind, Mind knows Matter; it is only when the creature embodied in Matter develops mind, becomes the mental being that he can know his mental self and know by that self Matter ...


... objectless seried self-revelation. A universal totality may also be considered as something complete in itself; as a totality, it has nothing to gain or to add to its fullness of being. But here the material world is not an integral totality, it is part of a whole, a grade in a gradation; it may admit in it, therefore, not only the presence of undeveloped immaterial principles or powers belonging to the... the system to deliver their kindred movements here from the strictness of a material limitation. A manifestation of the greater powers of Existence till the whole being itself is manifest in the material world in the terms of a higher, a spiritual creation, may be considered as the teleology of the evolution. This teleology does not bring in any factor that does not belong to the totality; it proposes... possibilities; either there was the sudden appearance of a human body and consciousness in the earth nature, an abrupt creation or independent automatic manifestation of reasoning mentality in the material world intervening upon a previous similar manifestation of subconscious life-forms and of living conscious bodies in Matter, or else there was an evolution of humanity out of animal being, slow perhaps ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... as to experience itself in a succession of changing movements of itself, by which it is not really changed, increased or diminished,—any more than the original stuff of Matter or Energy in the material world is increased or diminished by the constantly changing combinations of the elements,—although it seems to be changed to the experiencing consciousness so long as it lives only in the knowledge of... variable substance of mind as that we see presented mechanically by the repetition of the same cause and effect in the less variable operations of Page 536 the energy and substance of the material world. We may say, if we like, that there is a subconscious memory in all energy of Nature which repeats invariably the same relation of energy and result; but then we enlarge illimitably the connotation... use all the material of self-experience. Such at least is the process of evolution as we see it governing the development of Mind out of the self-absorbed and apparently mindless energy in the material world. The ego-sense is another device of mental Ignorance by which the mental being becomes aware of himself,—not only of the objects, occasions and acts of his activity, but of that which experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and modify, even to the extent of dissolving and reconstructing, substantial forms with mutual play and interchange of an overtly or secretly conscious energy as its fundamental character. In the material world we inhabit Mind is involved and subconscious in Life, just as Supermind is involved and subconscious in Mind, and this Life instinct with an involved subconscious Mind is again itself involved... external to it in the universe; it has to draw them in and feed upon them and is itself being constantly devoured by them. All Matter according to the Upanishad is food, and this is the formula of the material world that "the eater eating is himself eaten". The life organised in the body is constantly exposed to the possibility of being broken up by the attack of the life external to it or, its devouring capacity... necessity of that mutual devouring which we see to be the initial law of Life in Matter. Life, says the Upanishad, is Hunger which is Death, and by this Hunger which is Death, aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ , the material world has been created. For Life here assumes as its mould material substance, and material substance is Being infinitely divided and seeking infinitely to aggregate itself; between these two impulses ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... all earthly living or from all mental existence. Death is the king of the material world, for life seems to exist here only by submission to death, by a constant dying; immortality has to be conquered here with difficulty and seems to be in its nature a rejection of all death and therefore of all birth into the material world. The field of immortality must be in some immaterial plane, in some heavens... possible and is for a time indulged. But this indulgence of the lower being is not our whole possibility; it is not the sole or crowning experience for which we exist as human beings even in this material world. This individual being of ours is that by which ignorance is possible to self-conscious mind, but it is also that by which liberation into the spiritual being is possible and the enjoyment of ...


... Epiphany, which the Mother designated as "the festival of the offering of the material world to the Divine". × Distributed on the Feast of the Epiphany, which the Mother designated as "the festival of the offering of the material world to the Divine". ... collaborate with the future, but most of them refuse, convinced that the power of money is stronger than that of the future. But the future will crush them with its irresistible power. In this material world, for men, money is more sacred than the Divine's Will. 12 March 1965 Greed for money: the surest way to decrease one's conscience and to narrow one's nature. I am not for getting ...


... than our gross material world and with its own splendid beings – the “brilliances” – all greater than the gods. We may suppose that the supramental world ready to contact the material one was the nearest and therefore the lowest in that hierarchy, but supramental it was nonetheless. The problem therefore now consisted in the connection of that supramental world with the material world, for the kind... old spirituality was an escape from life into the divine Reality, leaving the world where it was and as it was; our new vision, on the contrary, is a divinisation of life, a transformation of the material world into a divine world. This has been said, repeated, more or less understood; it is indeed the basic idea of what we want to do. But this could be a continuation of the old world as it was with [little ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... without number." (11 December 1912) I think that the veil You mention here is the veil between the Supreme and the obscure material world—but it has nothing to do with You. Page 175 In order to do my work, I have had to identify myself with the material world and its imperfections. 6 November 1934 "Already there is heard from behind the veil the wordless symphony of gladness... need. 16 July 1934 Mother, it wasn't an explanation that my sister asked me for last time, but something about one of Sri Aurobindo's letters. When I read what she had written about the material world, about leaving her house, I was disturbed—hence the obstacle to my aspiration. My Sweet Mother, I will do as You wish. Page 52 If it disturbs you, you need not listen to what she says ...


... A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories... glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which conceals and ...


... physically) such strong jolts that I might have wondered, 'Was I dreaming or was it real...?' And more and more I am coming to understand that this is the INDISPENSABLE preparation in the most material world for that experience to become definitively established, to express itself outwardly, constantly—this is obvious. If the experience remained permanently, it would be something very close to... an impossibility: it was truly the sensation of omnipotence. It is not omnipotence, because there is always a greater Omnipotence (one knows this only in the higher realms). But in terms of the material world, it was clearly something very, very different from all that has ever been seen or heard or told by all extant traditions—it all seems like the babbling of a child in comparison. At that moment... itself like the other one, or the other ones, rather, like the mind of all the states of being—do you know, it is educating itself. It )p learning things and organizing the ordinary science of the material world.... That's very interesting. It wants to know. You see, all the memory that came from mental knowledge went away a long, long time ago, and I used to receive indications only like this (gesture ...

... find, as you have been taught, that it runs into a fantastic figure. Similarly, take the material world and come down to the most minute particle—you know scientists have arrived at things that are absolutely invisible and incalculable—and take this particle as your basis and the material world as the total and, further, imagine a Consciousness or a Will playing with these particles, making... illustration of a detail, but it will be a kind of reply to some other questions put to me sometime ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, inevitable consequences in the material world, more particularly from the point of view of health : we are told that if some precautions are not taken, if we do not eat as we should, if we do not follow certain rules, necessarily there will ...

... Purusa of the Upanishad or the Purusottama of the Gitâ. The deepest mystery of existence, the ultimate truth of our soul's individuality, the teleological significance of its descent into the material world, the secret of our heart's love for the Divine, and its yearning for His infinite joy and love and beauty, the hidden sense of our aspiration for perfection and fulfilment—all these are: resolved... aim in the Integral Yoga—a knowledge which not only purifies and illumines and liberates, but transfigures and fulfils our whole being, and accomplishes the object of our soul's birth into the material world. In the Integral Yoga the sacrifice of knowledge (jñānayajña) mounts from experience to experience, from plane to plane of the spiritual consciousness, passing now through the thrilled... unfathomable love is the glowing heart of this integral knowledge, a fiery rapture its inexhaustible life- force, and a tireless, manifestational work of the Divine its objective expression in the material world. The object of knowledge in the Integral Yoga is a double achievement: a constant and integral union with the Para Purusa on all the planes of consciousness, and, as a dynamic result of ...

... arises to our view the gross material world, but this world seems to bring out into her gross forms the beauty and delight of the subtle material world. The spirit that gradually approached the creation of form in the subtle material kingdom is able to overcome the resistance of gross matter and bring out into expression some of its beauty in this gross material world. Above this subtle material plane ...

... divine Grace to help and heal humanity. This movement illustrates the Mother's rôle, so well indicated in many of her later Prayers, of the Mediatrix between the supreme Transcendent above and the material world below. The stretching out of the golden robe is a significant gesture of the divine Grace leaniing down to succour suffering humanity. It is interesting to note again that the "men, women, children... loyalty. This, then, has been the sole aspiration of the Mother's whole being : to realize an integral union with the Integral Divine and become the conscious intermediary between Him and the material world, so that His unflawed manifestation may be possible in transformed human nature. Divine manifestation can, therefore, be said to be the core of her mission in this life. Page 8 ... scene of His rapturous self-manifestation. The Manifestation of God in Matter We have seen what the constant seeking of the Mother's soul is and the means of its fulfilment in the material world. Let us now try to understand the nature and significance of her work upon earth. If we take a synoptic view of all her experiences and teachings, we cannot resist the conclusion that it is ...


... will to grow, to develop by experience, to harmonise and unify the discordant elements of its instrumental nature, so that it can use it freely and masterfully for the work of the Divine in the material world. The developed soul does not hesitate to choose a life of pain and suffering, if it thinks that in that way it can accelerate its evolution. Viewed in this light, birth ceases to be a mournful... developed psychic. It perceives a pin-point of light there, and precipitates headlong into that atmosphere. But this headlong plunge lands it directly into the darkness and inconscience of the material world, and for a more or less long time, even after its birth, it remains, as it were, dazed, lost to itself and lost to its preconceived purpose in life. "Generally it takes time for the soul to come... their diverse self-expression. The statement establishes the teleological significance of the soul's evolution. It makes it clear that the end of the soul's evolution is not flight from the material world, or nirvana, but letting the divine Consciousness descend into and flow out of its liberated and perfected individuality and manifest its infinite glory upon earth. The soul's aspiration from ...


... Reality. It is not a world of chance or accident even though to our mind it wears the appearance of an inconscience. The world of mind, of life, of matter—the human, the animal and vegetable and the material world— even though so different and disparate is not without an Ordering Reality. The whole universe seems, then, to be the veiled working of an Omnipresent Reality. And Matter which seems to be the... cramping limitations, is the experience of the mental being. Therefore mind wants to take up the attitude that ultimate wisdom lies in rejecting matter—rejecting physical existence or the material world or the plane of matter. This, Sri Aurobindo believes, is not correct and holds that it is not the integral and ultimate wisdom. To take up this attitude as the last word of wisdom because life... is a complex play in its design and pattern of the spirit. In this one principle, matter, all the other principles of substances have entered in the Page 236 process of descent. Material world is a result of all the other worlds. The last world of descent becomes therefore the first world of ascent. When one reaches the last point of division, that point begins the first step of the ...


... s alone exists. And that it is the decision or the choice of the consciousness that causes the form—all the forms, from the most subtle to the most material ones; and the material world, the APPARENT fixity of the material world stems from a distortion or a darkening of the consciousness, which has lost the sense of its all-powerfulness. This distortion has been still more pronounced since the advent... you had only to be able to walk in that strange life, or rather in that strange kind of Matter, that strange Time, that other Rhythm—everything was different! Truly as if a totally different material world existed at the cellular level. But when the old imprints have vanished, you still have to learn to remain standing "in the other way," as Mother would say. The transition is the difficult thing ...


... mental plane of existence Page 35 which presses upon the physical and tends to possess it. In that case the mental being would be in its origin an entity which is formed outside the material world; but it prepares in that world bodies which become progressively more and more able to house and express Mind. We may image it forming, entering into and possessing the body, breaking into it,... Prakriti to be only its Shakti or the Force of its conscious being which operates upon itself as the material of forms. 1 The latter is the view of the Upanishads. Certainly, if we study the material world only, excluding all evidence of other planes as a dream or a hallucination, if we equally exclude all evidence of operations Page 36 in mind which exceed the material limitation and... origin and as the indispensable basis and continent. Otherwise, we shall be irresistibly led towards the early Vedantic conclusions. However this may be, even from the standpoint of the sole material world Man in the substance of his manhood is a mind occupying and using the life of the body—a mind that is greater than the Matter in which it has emerged. He is the highest expression of the Will in ...


... Nature; but they are pragmatic truths and we are not bound to accept them as the whole or the fundamental truth either of self or of Nature. Prakriti presents itself as an inconscient Energy in the material world, but, as the scale of consciousness rises, she reveals herself more and more as a conscious force and we perceive that even her inconscience concealed a secret consciousness; so too conscious being... Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence. The sharp opposition made between personality and impersonality by our mental way of thinking is a creation of the mind based on the appearances of the material world; for here in terrestrial existence the Inconscient from which everything takes its origin appears as something entirely impersonal; Nature, the inconscient Energy, is entirely impersonal in her... same self-extension of the cosmic Eternal. A purely physical Space might be regarded as in itself a property of Matter; but Matter is a creation of Energy in movement. Space therefore in the material world could be either a fundamental self-extension of material Energy or its self-formed existence-field, its representation of the Inconscient Infinity in which it is acting, a figure in which it a ...

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... all evidence or intimations of its truth have been rejected a priori as fundamentally false and undeserving of inquiry because incompatible with the axiomatic truth that only Matter and the material world and its experiences are real; all other experience purporting to be real must be either a hallucination or an imposture or a subjective result of superstitious credulity and imagination or else... but, if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supraphysical 1 and can not only take Page 177 cognisance of the realities of the material world without the aid of the corporeal sense-organs, but can bring us into contact with other realities, supraphysical and belonging to another world — included, that is to say, in an organisation... seem to be made. Constantly asserted by human experience and belief since the origins of thought, this truth, now that the necessity of an exclusive preoccupation with the secrets of the material world no longer exists, begins to be justified by new-born forms of scientific research. The increasing evidences, of which only the most obvious and outward are established under the name of telepathy ...


... or the life, that it is strong enough, that is, not to be counteracted by outside forces, by the external events of life, that one can meet.” “This is profoundly true in reality [i.e. in the material world]: There are large ‘families of beings’ who work for the same cause, who have gathered in more or less large numbers and who come [down upon earth] in groups, as it were. It is as if at certain... I don’t remember any more – since I met the Tantrics. I was in relation with them and I started seeing this light, and I thought that it was the ‘tantric light’, the tantric way of seeing the material world. But now I see it constantly, in relation with everything, and it seems to be what one might call a perception of ‘true Matter’. All possible colours are connected without being intermingled (same... made a massive inrush upon the Earth during the First World War. “The First World War was the result of tremendous descent of the vital forces – the hostile forces of the vital world – into the material world.” (The Mother: Questions and Answers 1953, p. 184). × The Mother: Questions and Answers 1957-58 ...

... which it seems to be lying inconscient, though in reality, as we know now, always subconsciently at work, it is able to manifest life and living beings, to manifest mind and mental beings in a material world, and must therefore be able to manifest there supermind also and supramental beings. Thus has come about the present status of the evolution of which man is the now apparent culmination but not... domain of mind mostly for its utility for the support, comfort, use, satisfaction and entertainment of his physical and sensational existence. For the physical mind takes its stand on matter and the material world, on the body and the bodily life, on sense-experience and on a normal practical mentality and its experience. All that is not of this order, the physical mind builds up as a restricted superstructure... subliminal mind which senses directly all the things of the mind-plane, is open to the action of a world of mental forces, and can feel the ideative and other imponderable influences which act upon the material world and the life-plane but which at present we can only infer and cannot directly experience: these intangibles and imponderables are to the mental man real and patent and he regards them as truths ...

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... descended all the degrees of being from Page 265 the Supermind to Matter and in each degree it has created a world, reign, plane or order proper to that degree. In the creating of the material world there was a plunge of this descending Consciousness into an apparent Inconscience and an emergence of it out of that Inconscience, degree by degree, until it recovers its own highest spiritual... supporting and enforcing the immediate necessities of the creative Force. There is an intuition in Matter which holds the action of the material Energy together and dictates the organisation of the material world from the electron to the sun and planet and their contents. There is an intuition in Life which similarly supports and guides the play and development of life in matter till it is ready for the... that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient—the inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this Universe,— Page 276 or, as it is sometimes called ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... their influences on the lower, the lower react to the higher and develop or manifest in themselves within their own formula something that corresponds to the superior power and its action. The material world has evolved life in obedience to a pressure from the vital plane, mind in obedience to a pressure from the mental plane. It is now trying to evolve supermind in obedience to a pressure from the... regard for other members of the great series. Thus, if we regard the vital or the subtle physical plane, we see great ranges of it (most of it) existing in themselves, without any relation with the material world and with no movement to affect or influence it, still less to precipitate a corresponding manifestation in the physical formula. At most we can say that the existence of anything in the vital,... above, let us say some supramental or mental power precipitating its formation from above and developing forms and movements on the vital level as a means of transit to its self-creation in the material world. Or it may be all these things acting together, in which case there is the greatest possibility of an effective creation. Next, as a consequence, it follows that only a limited part of the action ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... therefore we cannot get back from the physical mind to the higher planes or degrees of consciousness without receding from the waking state, without going in and away from it and losing touch with the material world. Hence to those who desire to have the experience of these higher degrees, trance becomes a desirable thing, a means of escape from the limitations of the physical mind and nature. Samadhi or... and comprehensive movement of this internalised mind liberated from the narrow limitations of the physical outward-going senses. It is able first to take cognizance of all things whether in the material world or upon other planes by aid of perceptible images, not only images of things visible, but of sounds, touch, smell, taste, movement, action, of all that makes itself sensible to the mind and its... the cidākāśa , to depths of more and more subtle ether which are heavily curtained from the physical sense by the grosser ether of the material universe, and all things sensible, whether in the material world or any other, create reconstituting vibrations, sensible echoes, reproductions, recurrent images of themselves which that subtler ether receives and retains. It is this which explains many of ...


... of Prakriti is motion; for by motion she creates this material world. Indeed all object matter is only a form, that is to say a visible, audible or in some way sensible result of motion. Every material object is what it is here called, jagat , a world of infinite motion; even the stone, even the clod. Our senses tell us that the material world is the only reality, the only steadfast thing of whose... whose rule and order we can be sure and by which we can abide; but our senses are in error and the Upanishad warns us against their false evidence. The material world is a transitory and changing whirl of motion on the surface of Brahman, the great ocean of spiritual existence, who alone is, in His depths, eternal, real and steadfast. It is He who as the Lord gives order, rule and abidingness to the infinite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... beginning, the objects which compose the physical world were arranged by Him in their causes, developed under the law of their being in the subtle or psychical world and then manifested in the gross or material world. From kāraṇa to sūkṣma , from sūkṣma to sthūla , and back again, that is the formula. Once manifested in matter the world proceeds by laws which do not change, from age to age, by a regular... indwelling force shapes the growth of the tree and the evolution of the clod as well as the development of living creatures and the progress of mankind. Whichever theory we take, the laws of the material world are not affected. From aeon to aeon, from kalpa to kalpa Narayan manifests himself in an ever-evolving humanity which grows in experience by a Page 18 series of expansions and ... the same place; its rotations carry it forward. The animal is distinguished from man by its enslavement to the body and the vital impulses. Aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ , Hunger who is Death, evolved the material world from of old, and it is the physical hunger and desire and the vital sensations and primary emotions connected with the prāṇa that seek to feed upon the world in the beast and in the savage man ...


... related to each other by regular, simple and intelligible laws and form a world of their own independent of thought acting on the material world. Here too Science has this possible answer that this supposed world is merely an imaginative reflex in the brain of the material world and to any arguments drawn from the definiteness and unexpectedness of these subtle phenomena and their independence of our own... The psychology of the human race has not yet been discovered by Science. All creation is essentially the same and proceeds by similar though not identical laws. If therefore we see in the outside material world that all phenomena proceed from and can be reduced to a single causal substance from which they were born, in which they move and to which they return, the same truth is likely to hold good in ...


... not this material world of ours very low down in the scale in the system of worlds that form the creation? Ours is the most material world, but it is not necessarily "low down", at least, not for that reason; if it is low down, it is because it is obscure and ignorant, not because it is material. It is a mistake to make "matter" a synonym for obscurity and ignorance. And the material world too is ...


... " A divine life in a material world implies necessarily a union of the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit and the material base. The soul with the basis of its life established in Matter ascends to the heights of the Spirit but does not cast away its base, it joins the heights and the depths together. The Spirit descends into Matter and the material world with all its lights and glories... glories and powers and with them fills and transforms life in the material world so that it becomes more and more divine. The transformation is not a change into something purely subtle and spiritual to which Matter is in its nature repugnant and by which it is felt as an obstacle or as a shackle binding the Spirit; it takes up Matter as a form of the Spirit though now a form which conceals and turns ...


... this material world of ours very low down in the scale in the system of worlds that form the creation?" "Ours is the most material world, but it is not necessarily 'low down', at least, not for that reason; if it is low down, it is because it is obscure and ignorant, not because it is material. It is a mistake to make 'matter' a synonym for obscurity and ignorance. And the material world too is ...


... their influences on the lower, the lower react to the higher and develop or manifest in themselves within their own formula something that corresponds to the superior power and its action. The material world has evolved life in obedience to a pressure from the vital plane, mind in obedience to a pressure from the mental plane. It is now trying to evolve supermind in obedience to a preSSure from the... for the other members of the great series. Thus, if we regard the vital or the subtle physical plane, We See great ranges of it, (most of it),existing in themselves, Without any relation with the material world and with no movement to affect or influence it, still less to precipitate a corresponding manifestation in the physical formula. At most we can say that the existence of anything in the vital,... above; let us say, some supramental or mental power precipitating its formation from above and developing forms and movements on the vital level as a means of transit to its self-creation in the material world. Or it may be all these things acting together, in which case there is the greatest possibility of an effective creation. Next, as a consequence, it follows that only a limited part of the ...


... said! What I wanted to ask is whether from the "other side", the material world continues to be perceived clearly or whether it all evaporates? This is another experience of these last few days. It came to me with an absolute certitude—although it is very difficult to express—that this so-called "error" of the material world as it is, was indispensable; that is to say, the material mode or way... of the head. When one is in this eternal Consciousness, to have a body or not to have a body, does not make much difference; but when one is what is called "dead", does the perception of the material world remain clear and precise or does it become as vague and imprecise as the consciousness of the other worlds can be when one is on this side, in this world? Sri Aurobindo speaks of a game of hid ...


... to become visible in the material world IN SPITE OF the falsehood. What makes the great difference for the ordinary physical consciousness is this: it wants to come into contact with that in spite of the falsehood, whereas the universal law is, get out of the falsehood and that will become true for you. For me, this subtle world is far more real than the material world—much truer, much more tangible... tangible, concrete, real—but for others in this material world to believe in the subtle worlds, either they must have some beginning of experience, or else they must agree to have confidence and say, 'All right, they say it's like that, therefore it must be like that.' Otherwise, to be convinced they want the truth to manifest in a world of falsehood in spite of the falsehood. Their attitude is like this: ...


... consciously into that world with the part of your being which corresponds to that domain, you can move there quite objectively, as in the material world. And there, there are as many, and even many more things to see and observe than in our poor little material world, which belongs to only one zone of this infinite gradation. You meet all sorts of things in those domains, and you need to make a study... age-long superstition. All so-called evidence or intimations of its truth are fundamentally false and undeserving of inquiry because incompatible with the axiomatic truth that only Matter and the material world and its experiences are real; all other experience purporting to be real must be either a hallucination or an imposture or a subjective result of superstitious credulity and imagination or else ...

... charged with intensely hot particles. The universe had neither cohesion nor a settled form, it was a gaseous nebula. And in its final end too it will have to go back to that formless state. The material world is simply a mould for the spirit. This mould or basis will be gradually rent asunder and broken and scattered before the reign of spirit manifests and establishes itself. Will it then be somewhat... clearly suggested that the new earth will not be anything like a planet renovated into a "sidereal" body illumined by its own light and not that of another. It will not be a thing of the gross material world at all. It would rather come into being as if by rending through the old earth and destroying it, almost as a result of a universal catastrophe, pralaya. Would it then be something non-material... matter. Materiality need not abolish itself in order to become consciousness. The spiritual world too need not transcend matter; the establishment of the spirit will not mean the extinction of the material world in a final dissolution. This twofold movement, this dual line of ascent and descent, carries forward the entire creation, including in it man on earth as a collectivity as well as all the parts ...

... you have been taught, you will find that it runs into a fantastic figure. Similarly, take the material world and come down to the most minute particle – you know scientists have arrived at things that are absolutely invisible and incalculable – and take this particle as your basis and the material world as the total and, further, imagine a Consciousness or a Will playing with these particles, making... an illustration of a detail, but it will be a kind of reply to some other questions put to me some time ago about the so-called laws of Nature, causes and effects, inevitable consequences in the material world, more particularly from the point of view of health: we are told that if some precautions are not taken, if we do not eat as we should, if we do not follow certain rules, necessarily there will ...

... that science began with the aim of reducing the complexity of the material world to a great simplicity. But now, it seems, science has not been able to keep its promise and no model of the material universe is possible. A good deal of mathematics and specialisation is necessary now to understand what science says about the material world. Eddington says that the table on which he is writing is not merely... objects. He says that what we call gravitation is due to curvature of space. Sri Aurobindo : What is all that ? Disciple : He says that Euclidian geometry is not applicable to the material world. That is to say, space is not flat, a three-dimensional analogue of a two-dimensional flat surface. Euclidian figures like the square and solids and straight lines are abstract, not real or actual ...

... "in principle is at the very bedrock of the material world as it is"; and the manifestation of the supramental consciousness from above (which had occurred almost eighteen months earlier), must now progressively bring the imprisoned Supermind to the surface in order to accelerate the pace of transformation. The powers of resistance of the material world are formidable still, and an intestine struggle... all along? It is here that the Mother gets at the heart of the problem: Because until now evil has been opposed by weakness, by a spiritual force without any power for transformation in the material world, this tremendous effort of goodwill has ended only in deplorable failure and left the world in the same state of misery and corruption and falsehood. It is on the same plane as the one where ...


... Page 441 spiritual, mental, emotional, volitional and physical parts must all attain to their utmost perfection, if they are meant to be instruments of the divine manifestation in the material world. Perfection really means a growth into the nature of the Divine Being. It is to be one with the Divine in His divine Nature, sārūpya or sādharmya. Oneness in consciousness with the Divine... yogas in its ideal of the physical perfection is its absolute insistence on the invulnerability of the gross physical body to all attacks of the forces of disruption and disintegration in the material world. It is not any kind of dematerialisation that is held up as the ideal, or the assumption of a bright, etheric body, but the divinisation of the physical body itself in all its cells and nerves... ¹ The Supramental Manifestation by Sri Aurobindo. Page 458 steeped in happiness and harmony, the supramentalised body will reveal the beauty and glory of the Divine in the material world, wiping away its immemorial stigma of grossness. For many a long century, the body has been a pathetic object of the yogi's contempt, spurned as the greatest obstacle to the freedom and progress ...

... tuation in the individual, the persistence of the thread; Karma is the process, a force, a work of energy and consequence in the material world, an inner and an outer will, an action and mental, moral, dynamic consequence in the soul evolution of which the material world is a constant scene. That is the conception; the rest is a question of the general and particular laws, the way in which karma works ...


... express Him? I mean, what exactly do you call "expressing the Divine"? In words? In teachings? In books, finally? Or how else? Who has expressed the Divine completely in the material world?... It is only when the material world is transformed that it will be possible to express the Divine in his purity. And I don't see what difference there can be between art and any other activity. It is something ...


... perfect, to this purely material knowledge there is added an internal knowledge, and a power to bring into play forces like the supramental forces, which can do instantaneously what takes in the material world a fairly long time, you see. There too, when one succeeds in bringing in not only the material knowledge which allows you to put things in their place as quickly as possible but also in making... There is an independence which at times seems to be total, and at the same time a very close link and even one which is, so to say, absolute. The central consciousness, that is to say, here in the material world, is the Mahashakti, you know. Well, she always has the power to control the action of these different Page 289 aspects—though they are quite independent and act according to their own ...


... the supramental truth, you are the creator of the supramental plane. Page 349 That is another matter. The supermind plane is a plane above, its nature is not yet manifested in the material world, which has manifested matter, life and mind, and something of what is between mind and supermind, but not supermind itself. 15 September 1935 I don't think X was referring to any particular... even to change oneself. I have always said that the spiritual force I have been putting on human affairs such as the War is not the supramental but the overmind force, and that when it acts in the material world it is so inextricably mixed up in the tangle of the lower world forces that its results, however strong or however adequate for the immediate object, must necessarily be partial. That is why I ...


... present is to gather spiritual force, calm knowledge and joy regardless of the adverse powers and happenings around us so that when our work really begins we shall be able to impose ourselves on the material world in which our work lies. (This [I] am slowly doing: you, I think, more rapidly.) I am always of the opinion that the internal must precede the external, otherwise whatever work we attempt... us of his divine Knowledge governing the action of his divine Power. The rest is the full opening up of the different planes of his world-play and the subjection of Matter and the body and the material world to the law of the higher heavens of the Truth. To these things towards which in my earlier ignorance I used to press forward impatiently before satisfying the first conditions—the effort, Page ...


... my Yoga impossible. My Yoga can include indeed a full experience of the other worlds, the plane of the supreme Spirit and the other planes in between and their possible effects upon our life and material world; but it will be quite possible to insist only on the realisation of the supreme Being or Ishwara even in one aspect, Shiva, Krishna as Lord of the world and Master of ourselves and our works or... the universal Sachchidananda, and attain to the essential results of this Yoga and afterwards to proceed from them to the integral results if one accepted the ideal of the divine life and this material world conquered by the Spirit. It is this view and experience of things and of the truth of existence that enabled me to write The Life Divine and Savitri . The realisation of the Supreme, the Ishwara ...


... being belongs exclusively to the earth, doesn't it? But the psychic being is not material, it is psychic! It is not bound to the material world; as soon as it stops living in a body, it goes away to the psychic world which is very far from being a material world. How can one transform the vital? The first step: will. Secondly, sincerity and aspiration. But will and aspiration are almost ...


... objectless seried self-revelation. A universal totality may also be considered as something complete in itself; as a totality, it has nothing to gain or to add to its fullness of being. But here the material world is not an integral totality, it is part of a whole, a grade in a gradation; it may admit in it, therefore, not only the presence of undeveloped immaterial principles or powers belonging to the... the system to deliver their kindred movements here from the strictness of a material limitation. A manifestation of the greater powers of Existence till the whole being itself is manifest in the material world in the terms of a higher, a spiritual creation, may be considered as the teleology of the evolution. This teleology does not bring in any factor that does not belong to the totality; it proposes ...


... (1957-1958) 9 October 1957 Mother reads the last pages of The Supramental Manifestation . " Even in the material world which seems to us a world of ignorance, a world of the workings of a blind and inconscient Force starting from inconscience and proceeding through Ignorance and reaching with difficulty towards... all, guides towards the Self many contrary powers of being and rises towards its own heights where it can manifest its own highest truth and fulfil the secret purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is ...


... the very bedrock of the material world as it is, would never have any possibility of manifesting itself. Its awakening and appearance below will be the response to a touch from above which will bring out the corresponding element hidden in the depths of matter as it is now.... And this is precisely what is happening at present. But as I told you two weeks ago, this material world as it actually, visibly ...


... Page 20 There you are. And this must be continuous. And when a certain level of consciousness has been reached, when this consciousness has been realised in the material world and you have transformed the material world in the image of this consciousness, well, you will climb yet one more rung and go to another consciousness—and you will begin again. Voilà . But this is not for lazy folk ...


... towards the Highest, the Divine, and it is in the spirit that the consciousness can begin to understand the Divine. It might be said that what is called "spirit" is the atmosphere brought into the material world by the Grace so that it may awaken to the consciousness of its origin and aspire to return to it. It is indeed a kind of atmosphere which liberates, opens the doors, sets the consciousness free... this means that one is not born into the spirit. And when one is born into the spirit, it becomes something much more concrete, much more living, much more real, much more tangible than the whole material world. And this is what makes the essential difference between beings. When that becomes spontaneously real—the true, concrete existence, the atmosphere one can freely breathe—then one knows one has ...


... exist in the subtle physical and they can be seen there—they simply are, they exist there. They are only the reflection—not even a transcription—the reflection or projection of the image in the material world which will appear on the next day or in a few hours. There you see the exact thing in all its details, because it already exists; so everything depends on the accuracy of the vision and the power... physically, if you see him in the subtle physical, already there are things which become more marked, more visible, more outstanding, which you had not seen physically, because in the greyness of the material world they had merged with many other things on the same plane. There are characteristics or expressions of character which become outstanding enough to be quite visible, although they had not been ...


... par excellence . It has just the consistency to embody and to express, neither so fluid as to be vague, nor so concrete as to be opaque. The word pertains to two worlds at once. It is of the material world and therefore can give a form of matter: and it is sufficiently immaterial to be in contact with subtle things, forces and vibrations, principles and ideas. It can materialise the immaterial, embody... a child; let us invoke with sincerity this new Consciousness, this new Force, Truth and Beauty which must manifest, so that the earth may be transformed and the supramental life realised in the material world. They all concentrate in silence. The Unknown Man continues: "O Supreme Reality, grant that we may live integrally the marvellous secret that is now revealed to us." They all repeat ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... down with it into the material and the whole of existence is seen by you in the terms of that consciousness—just as when a man sees the vision of the Divine everywhere, he sees all down to the material world as the Divine. It happens so in the sadhak's own subjective consciousness [ that the Divine is seen everywhere and there is no sorrow or suffering in the world ]. Of course it does not mean... everybody's consciousness. If your experience were objective, then that would mean that the whole world had changed, everybody became conscious, no sorrow or suffering anywhere. Needless to say, the material world has not changed objectively in that way. Only in your own consciousness, subjectively, you see the Divine Page 21 everywhere, all disharmony disappears, sorrow and suffering become ...


... Vedanta, ideal Truth which has arranged the lower worlds & on which amidst all their confusions they rest. (2) Corresponding roughly to the vyahritis are three worlds, Bhurloka (Prana-Annam, the material world), Bhuvarloka (Prana-Manas, the lower subjective world), Swarloka (Manas- Buddhi, the higher subjective world). These are the tribhuvana of Hinduism. (3) Corresponding to Mahas is Maharloka or... Vedic, Vedantic & Puranic system of the seven worlds and the five bodies. In this system the three vyahritis constitute the lower half of existence which is in bondage to Avidya. Bhurloka is the material world, our dwelling place, in which Annam predominates, in which everything is subject to or limited by the laws of matter & material consciousness. Bhuvar are the middle worlds, antariksha, between ...


... is the proper centre of all human action. Mind blended with the vital energies is our seat even here in the material world. The bhuvah or middle regions are worlds of rapture & ecstasy because life-energy & the joy of life fulfil themselves there free from the restrictions of the material world in which it is an exile or invader seeking to dominate & use the rebellious earthly material for its own purposes ...


... and more towards God, becomes more & more Ish and can more and more control the processes of becoming in himself and in others, in the subjective and in the objective, in the mental and in the material world. This final conclusion of freedom & power in the world is of the last importance for our immediate purpose. Merely to draw back from all identification with form is to draw away towards the... seven stairs, seven worlds, seven streams of world movement, seven bodies of things, seven states of consciousness which inform & contain the bodies. They saw this material consciousness & this material world as the lowest stair, the least in plenitude & power & joy of these seven divine rivers. Man they saw as a soul dwelling in matter, deriving his activities from mind & holding them in mind but going ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... material body and is seeking to make it capable of infinite mentality & infinite ideality so that it may become the perfect instrument, seat and temple of the manifest Sacchidananda. Mind in the material world is attentive to two kinds of knowledge, impacts from outside, corporeal or mental, received into the individual mentality and translated into mental values and knowledge from within, spiritual... death of its body. All matter here is filled with life-energy of a greater or less intensity of action, but the organisation of life in individual animation begins later in the process of the material world by the appearance first of the plant, then of the animal. This evolution of life is caused & supported by the pressure of the gods of the Bhuvar or life-world upon Bhu. Life entering into body ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the world energy seems to attach a more direct importance and give more tangible results to knowledge, to the right practical workings of the intelligence than it yields to moral right. In this material world it is at least doubtful how far moral good is repaid by vital good and moral evil punished by a recoil, but it is certain that we do pay very usually for our errors, for stupidity, for ignorance... ignoring or misapplication of the laws that govern our psychical, vital and physical being; it is certain that knowledge is a power for life efficiency and success. Intelligence pays its way in the material world, guards itself against vital and physical suffering, secures its vital rewards more surely than moral right and ethical purpose. But the higher mind of humanity is no more content with a utilitarian ...


... which it can travel from it to its own heights in an uninterrupted line of gradations; the depths are linked to the heights and the Law of the one Truth creates and works everywhere. Even in the material world which seems to us a world of ignorance, a world of the workings of a blind and inconscient Force starting from inconscience and proceeding through ignorance and reaching with difficulty towards... all, guides towards the Self many contrary powers of being and rises towards its own heights where it can manifest its own highest truth and fulfil the secret purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is ...


... Power. It is possible for the seeker in his spiritual experience, standing at one pole of the Duality, to follow Mind in seeing a fundamental Impersonality everywhere. The evolving soul in the material world begins from a vast impersonal Inconscience in which our inner sight yet perceives the presence of a veiled infinite Spirit; it proceeds with the emergence of a precarious consciousness and personality... universal labour. As an occult vision opens in him, he becomes aware of worlds behind in which consciousness and personality hold an enormous place and assume a premier value; even here in the material world to this occult vision the inconscience of Matter fills with a secret pervading consciousness, its inanimation harbours a vibrant life, its mechanism is the device of an indwelling Intelligence ...


... ascension bases itself upon each of these principles and makes itself successively a characteristic vehicle for the dominating cosmic self-expression of each in their ascending series. Here in the material world everything is founded upon the Page 269 formula of material substance. Sense, Life, Thought found themselves upon what the ancients called the Earth-Power, start from it, obey its laws... it. But the opposite is the truth; the manifestation of the Spirit is a complex weft and in the design and pattern of one principle all the others enter as elements of the spiritual whole. Our material world is the result of all the others, for the other principles have all descended into Matter to create the physical universe, and every particle of what we call Matter contains all of them implicit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... is assured only by a strict reliance on its wholesome and nourishing outer sources,—the balance of the personal mind and life can only be secured by a firm support on external reality, for the material world is the sole fundamental reality. This may be true for the physical man, the born extrovert, who feels himself to be a creature of outward Nature; made by her and dependent on her, he would lose... expression of a vast universal Life, a veiled universal Mind, a hooded Gnosis, and without these origins of itself it could have no power of action, no organising coherence. Life-Force also in the material world seems to be more dynamic and effective than Mind; our Mind is free and fully powerful in idea and cognition only: its force of action, its power of effectuation outside this mental field is obliged ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... sense, a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc., that creates or reveals to us a quite different view, not merely Page 867 of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects. The supermind uses the physical organs and confirms their way of action, but it develops behind them the inner and deeper senses which see what are hidden from the... to the subtler consciousness but to the mere sense, to the illumined physical sight itself, that of the identity of the Eternal, the unity of the Brahman. For to the supramentalised seeing the material world and space and material objects cease to be material in the sense in which we now on the strength of the sole evidence of our limited physical organs and of the physical consciousness that looks ...


... to take place is a stronger and more direct influence on purely material circumstances.... Yes, this is it: action on this subtle physical has an effect according to the laws of the material world in the material world. You see, amidst many other things (it lasted a long time and was a very complex thing), but as one example amidst other things, it had to do with the consequences, even current ones ...


... it peculiar to individual being? Or has it come from elsewhere into this inanimate and inconscient universe? To what end this entry? The significance of our conscious being in an inconscient material world is the last and worst enigma. What is the sense and justification of the individual, his consciousness, his feeling of self, his personality? Is our individuality real or apparent, temporary or... Consciousness may be a subordinate phenomenon dependent on Matter or, more accurately, on the Energy that formulates Matter. Our need then is to discover its exact nature, origin, function in a material world and the utmost limit of its possibilities for the human being; for to man matter is only a basis of his life, a material of his works, an opportunity; what is really important to him is consciousness ...


... admission of an individual soul is a first condition of the truth of rebirth. For there is a plausible theory of existence which admits an All-Soul, a universal being and becoming of which the material world is some sensible result, but does not admit any at all abiding truth of our spiritual individuality. The All-Soul may continually develop, may slowly yet urgently evolve its becoming; but each... behind, an open taking up of the manifested life by a power which was always secretly presiding over the life evolution. What this theory of rebirth supposes is an evolution of being in the material world from matter to embodied mind and a universal spirit which ensouls this evolution, while our individual spirits exist in the universal and follow their upward course to whatever purposed consummation ...


... the assurance that we will get out. I'm not speaking of things of the higher mind, because there the key to the way out was found long ago, a long time ago: I mean down below, in the material world—the material world. That's why all those people, like the old man last night, go somewhere else—it's all the same to them, why should they bother! "Why do you want to change that?... And don't try to give ...


... imperfection, the result would be a catastrophe—that's a human vision. Divine Love manifests, has manifested eternally, will manifest eternally, and it's the incapacity of the material world... not only of the material world, but of the vital world and the mental world, and of many other worlds that aren't ready, that are incapable—but HE is there, He is there, right there! He is there permanently: ...


... with the things and people of that plane as with the things and people of the material world. In other words, there exists an entirely objective relationship that has nothing to do with your own idea of things. Naturally, the resemblance becomes greater and greater as you draw nearer the physical world, the material world, and there is even a moment when one region can act directly upon the other. In ...


... was not content: he wished to usurp all power and conform all things to his own image. As a result he brought about a division in Eternity, was cast out by his indignant peers and organized the material world where reason should reign supreme." Blackstone uses exactly the words Blake has employed in The Marriage: "...was cast out." And a fight in Heaven leading to Urizen's expulsion is definitely... this context the critical words for us are: "spurn'd back." It suggests an assault by Urizen and a repulse of him from the Eternals' side precedent to the isolation within which he organizes the material world. And the mode of the repulse, the spurning back, is hinted in a line of the passage where Urizen says: "Why will you die, O Eternals? "Why live in unquenchable burnings? ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Mother Meanwhile the transformation process in the Mother’s body, which was representative of the Earth, went on. The connection, the bridge, the link between the supramental world and our material world was being established in her. Her body was no longer a personal body belonging to somebody known and seen as being the Mother; this, she said, was only an appearance kept up to maintain the contact... It was shortly afterwards that she remarked, as we have mentioned before, that she was moving about in the Ashram while lying in her bed, and that the changes which she then brought about in the material world did effectively take place. In August 1963 she said that she was not very sure that she did not already physically exist in a ‘true body.’ She said she was not very sure ‘because the outward senses ...

... ’ 22 ‘The force which is at work at this moment is a Force of harmony that makes for unity,’ 23 the Mother wrote. In 1972 she said: ‘There is like a golden Force which presses [on the material world], which has no material consistency but nevertheless seems terribly heavy and which presses on Matter. And the apparent result is as if catastrophes were inevitable. And together which this perception... descent of the supramental world, which is not something purely imaginary: it is an absolutely material Power but which has no need of material means. A world which wants to incarnate into the [material] world.’ 24 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have protected the world with all their divine power at moments when elements of humanity were not only able but also inclined to destroy their own planet ...


... ever accelerating pace. “What is happening now is something that never happened before, and therefore nobody understands it,” said the Mother. “There is like a golden Force which presses on the [material] world, which has no material consistency but nevertheless seems terribly heavy and which presses on Matter. And the apparent result is as if catastrophes were inevitable. And together with this impression... the supramental world, which is not something purely imaginary: it is an absolutely material Power but which has no need of material means. A world which wants to incarnate into the [existing material] world.” 25 “Mankind has a habit of surviving the worst catastrophes created by its own errors or by the violent turns of Nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its ...

... ever subtler substance of the twelve worlds gradually ascending from our material world up to the highest, outer limit of the manifestation. But always there is the silver cord or thread of life which has to keep connecting the subtle bodies with their material base on earth, for if it snaps one loses contact with the material world and dies. Once, during a working session, Théon had a terrible outburst ...


... Yoga impossible. My Yoga can include indeed a full experience of the other worlds, the plane of the Supreme Spirit and the other planes in between and their possible effects upon our life and material world; but it will be quite possible to insist only on the realisation of the Supreme Being or Ishwara even in one aspect, Page 230 Shiva, Krishna as Lord of the world and Master of... the Universal Sachchidananda, and attain to the essential results of this Yoga and afterwards to proceed from them to the integral results if one accepted the ideal of the divine life and this material world conquered by the Spirit. It is this view and experience of things and of the truth of existence that enabled me to write the Life Divine and Savitri. The realisation of the Supreme, the ...

... to mind the name of the Parisian group she had been leading quite recently. ‘Idea’ in this case should be understood in its full Platonic sense as a supernal reality with diverse effects in the material world. The proposed title tells us two things: firstly, that Mirra saw in Sri Aurobindo’s vision and realization a continuation and accomplishment of everything she herself had learned and realized before... 39 And the Mother would say many years later: ‘The First World War was the result of an enormous descent of the forces of the vital world – the hostile forces of the vital world – into the material world. Even those who were conscious of this descent and consequently armed to defend themselves against it, suffered from its consequences. The whole world, the whole Earth suffered from its consequences ...

... and more, now that I am grappling with material difficulties that used to be nonexistent (in the material world, I mean), they didn't exist for me before. The material domain was something happening far below and I didn't bother with it at all. Even when I was practicing occultism in the most material world, I looked on it from above; there was this sort of inner light, this Presence—I was born with it ...


... things and people of that plane as you had with the things and people of the material world. That is to say, there exists an entirely objective relation that has nothing to do with the idea you may have of these things. Naturally, the resemblance is greater and greater as you approach the physical world, the material world, and there even comes a time when the one region has a direct action upon the ...


... physically, such strong jolts that I might have wondered, 'Was I dreaming or was it real?'.... And more and more I am coming to understand that this is the INDISPENSABLE preparation in the most material world for that experience to become definitively established, to express itself outwardly, constantly—this is obvious. If the experience remained permanently, it would be something very close to ... an impossibility: it was truly the sensation of omnipotence. It is not omnipotence, because there is always a greater Omnipotence (one knows this only in the higher realms). But in terms of the material world, it was clearly something very, very different from all that has ever been seen or heard or told by all extant traditions—it all seems like the babbling of a child in comparison. At that moment ...


... the decision or choice (the words are inaccurate), a decision of the consciousness that creates the form—all forms, from the most subtle to the most material ones; and the material world, the apparent fixity of the material world results from a distortion or a darkening of the consciousness, which has lost the sense of its all-powerfulness. This distortion has been still more pronounced since the ...


... with divine Love [a few days ago], after that had left, the cells were ordered to undergo a similar phenomenon [to what happened after Sri Aurobindo's departure]. And I understood why the whole material world is closed: it's to allow it to exist WITHOUT the experience [of divine Love]. Naturally, I had understood why I was made to close off my psychic, because... because it was truly impossible, I couldn't... and living their life without the presence of divine Love. And that's how it took place in the Page 157 world: it was a necessary phenomenon for the formation and development of the material world. But we're perhaps nearing... We are nearing the time when it will be allowed to open again. ( silence ) You remember, I don't know if it was in a letter or an article, Sri Aurobindo spoke ...


... itself like the other one, or the other ones, rather, like the mind of all the states of being—do you know, it is educating itself. It is learning things and organizing the ordinary science of the material world. When I write, for instance, I have noticed that it takes great care not to make spelling errors; and it doesn't know, so it inquires, it learns, it looks up in the dictionary or it asks. That's... becomes complicated. It was symbolic, with images; an activity in images in the sense that it wasn't purely material, physical as we know it here, but in a symbolic, imaged physical (in which the material world is seen as clay). It was very interesting. Page 224 Only, there was a very great intensity of transformation, and (how can I explain?)... It's like a shift in the directing will. And ...


... with our outward consciousness...." 2 That's certainly a very elegant way of saying the same thing as I've just said! What I wanted to ask was whether, seen from the other side, the material world is still perceived clearly, or whether it all evaporates... as much as, seen from this side, the other world seems to evaporate? ( silence ) The play is interesting if one is conscious... conscious on both sides. That's another experience of the last few days. It came to me in a certain and absolute way (although it's very hard to express) that this so-called "error" of the material world as it is, was indispensable for what you've just said; that is, the material mode or the material way of perceiving, of becoming conscious of things, that mode was gained through the "error" of this creation ...


... (X.129.3) describes as "darkness wrapped within darkness" - an absolute Inconscience at the inverse pole to the Supreme Superconscience in which all the powers are plunged or lost in light.² Our material world is the first upsurge from this Inconscience. It is the release of the subtle- physical principle hidden there, release due to the pressure upward of that locked element as well as the pressure... the same element from its free state on its own plane.³ And whatever is subsequently developed is the similar release of the hidden vital and mental and more-than-mental principles through the material world. The Mother employs a fourth sense. In her talk of 21 October 1953 she opposes to the phenomenon of evolution in which there is an ascent towards an ever higher consciousness the descent ...

... to mean that each power is exclusive to one poet only. Valmiki's world contains "vast material development and immense intellectual power, both moralised." 40 Likewise Vyasa's contains the material world, but almost always subordinated to the idea. Ideas in a poetical world, cannot thrive in pure abstraction, as they do in a philosophical one. The poet has therefore to depict the material background... synthesis proposed by Sri Aurobindo besides the life-world of Valmiki the thought-world of Vyasa is an element of great consequence. Next we shall talk about the third element of the synthesis: the material world. iii) Kalidasa and Sri Aurobindo Kalidasa's writings, says Sri Aurobindo, show "a keen appreciation of high ideal and lofty thought, but the appreciation is aesthetic in its ...

... incoming Truth might stumble and fall. 118 There are two images of passport, which are quite different from each other: Assigned to meet the cosmic mystery In the dumb figure of material world, His passport of entry false and his personage, He is compelled to be what he is not. 119 This is the description of the plight of man and so is the next: Our spirits depart... wears her knowledge here And every face is turbaned with a doubt. 148 Our world's comparison to a gaol is beautifully given in the following lines: A gaol is this immense material world. Across each road stands armed a stone-eyed law, At every gate the huge dim sentinels pace. A grey tribunal of the Ignorance, An Inquisition of the priests of Night ...

... The creation has descended all the degrees of being from the Supermind to Matter and in each degree it has created a world, reign, plane or order proper to that degree. In the creating of the material world there was a plunge of this descending Consciousness into an apparent Inconscience and an emergence of it out of that Inconscience, degree by degree, until it recovers its highest spiritual and... in a superconscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend.... We perceive then, these three steps in Nature, a bodily life which is the basis of our existence here in the material world, a mental life into which we emerge and by which we raise the bodily to higher uses and enlarge it into a greater completeness, and a divine existence which is at once the goal of the other two ...


... s narration of the evolutionary story of mankind tells us a great deal about ourselves, of our past as well as of our future. As mentioned earlier, Aswapati's experience of the gross material world, 13 of its truths and errors, is not dealt with in Book II. This Book begins with his experiences of the Kingdom of Subtle Matter, described in Canto 2. Here, as elsewhere in this Book, the... the thousand keys of the Beyond." He also sees there "World-Time's enjoyers, favourites of World-Bliss." These great creative powers are the miracle workers of the Creator. They have built this material world, "this wide world-kindergarten of young souls" by lending finite shapes to infinite things. A timeless Spirit was made the slave of the hours; The Unbound was cast into a prison of ...

... brain-cells, when clearly those very organs and terminals and currents and cells involve actual objective material existence of the precise sort which is said to be in doubt! We as good as say: "The material world as a real entity comes to be in doubt only if sense- organs, nerve-terminals, nerve-currents and brain-cells which are part of the same world really exist to receive the Page 157 ... which we have seen Page 161 to be inevitable in the scientific account of sense-n And here the image we have of the world is taken to be essentially-true and still spiritual: a material world is accepted as producing a true image of its materiality, but the materiality is seen to be the self-formulation of a s Consciousness. In the case of scientific as distinguished from philosophic ...

... by the sole existent Spirit. It is true, he may find that a number of religions, spiritual philosophies and systems of Yoga have attempted to build some meaningful relationship between the material world and God, whether conceived in deistic, pantheistic, theistic or in some primitive or ultra-modern terms. But all of them stumble when they come to pronounce the real meaning of Matter, precisely... eternally a portion of the Divine, could 'fall' by some mistake or temptation or why, itself being, pure, any chastisement or training is needed at all. If the soul is pure and if it has accepted the material world, it must be with some luminous understanding and for some noble or meaningful purpose. It cannot be merely to become capable of returning as soon as possible to its original home, which, ...

... worlds to which it has natural access or to which it chooses to acquire access, from the physical to the higher mental worlds. ...It is able first to take cognizance of all things whether in the material world or upon other planes by aid of perceptible images, not only images of things visible, but of sounds, touch, smell, taste, movement, action, of all that makes itself sensible to the mind and its... the cidākāśa, to depths of more and more subtle ether which are heavily curtained from the physical sense by the grosser ether of the material universe, and all things sensible, whether in the material world or any other, create reconstituting vibrations, sensible echoes, reproductions, recurrent images of themselves which that subtler ether receives and retains. Page 38 "It is this ...


... others or on the movements of cosmic Forces. There are, indeed, phenomena which appear to be miraculous, but according to occult sciences, they can be explained as happenings which occur in the material world on account of the operations of the hidden powers of subtle Matter, Life, and Mind. Examples of hypnotism may appear to be anomalous, and examples of telepathy, telekinesis and many others which... , of the physical, vital and mental personality, which are considered and utilized by the psychic being as its instruments. A vast knowledge of the secret laws of human growth in the material Page 18 world becomes accessible only when one enters into psychic consciousness and one begins to dwell more and more consciously in that inmost consciousness. Higher consciousness is the proper ...

... realities which are supra-sensible, but if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supra-physical and can not only take cognizance of the realities of the material world without the Page 18 aid of the corporeal sense-organs, but can bring us into contact with other realities, supra-physical and belonging to another world. Sri Aurobindo concludes: ... teaches us that it is not a suspension of consciousness, but it is gathering inward away from conscious physical response to the impacts of external things. If so, Sri Aurobindo points out, this material world is all existence that has not yet developed means of outward communication with the physical world. The subconscious mind is, again, not entirely different from the outer mentality, but only a ...

... also, it may be urged, be considered as something complete in itself, and as a totality, it can have nothing to gain or to add to its fullness of being. In reply, Sri Aurobindo points out that the material world here is not an integral totality; it is only a part of a whole, a grade in a graduation; it can, therefore, admit in it, not only the presence of undeveloped immaterial principles or powers belonging... of a material limitation. This would imply the teleology of the evolution that would consist of a manifestation of the greater powers of Existence till the whole being itself is manifest in the material world in the terms of a higher and a spiritual creation. This teleology does not, Sri Aurobindo points out, bring in any factor that does not belong to the totality; it proposes only the realization ...

... domain of yogic experiences and realizations. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, having made detailed yogic study of consciousness and of the methods of their operations in the material world and in the worlds that lie beyond the material world, arrived at the conclusion (i) that the mysteries and laws of evolution, when thoroughly understood and mastered, indicate that a divine supramental consciousness and ...

... closes her fist tightly), and which appeared so inevitable, to the extent that those who had a living experience of the higher worlds thought that one had to escape from this world, to abandon this material world if one truly wanted to live in the Truth (that is the cause of all those theories and all those beliefs), but now, it is no more like that. Now, it is no more like that. The physical is CAPABLE... is not that at all. It is this change IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS—which has been produced—, which is the most important thing. All the rest, they are consequences. And here, in this world, this material world, this appears to us to be the most important because it is... it is all upside down. I do not know how to explain. For us, when this (the body) will be visibly something different from what ...

... lodged in the outer mould of an ignorant terrestrial consciousness. The soul, we might say, is a magic lantern put down here on earth to illumine and annihilate the surrounding obscurity of the material world. In its individual form each soul is unique: it has a unique role to play, a small corner to clean and render transparent, and it is unique also in its relation to the Supreme. This is... connect one more easily to one's source. It was a very practical approach, perhaps even the correct one, for those who aimed at a liberation of their own individual selves from the obscurity of the material world and the earth-consciousness. But for us who aspire for the deliverance of the entire terrestrial consciousness from falsehood and ignorance, this will not do: we have to accept our burden; ...

... built up for us? Jeans himself is on the horns of a dilemma.1 Being a scientist, and not primarily a mathematician like Eddington, he cannot very well acquiesce in the liquidation of the material world; nor can he refute successfully the facts and arguments that Science itself has brought forward in favour of mentalism. He wishes to keep the question open for further light and surer grounds.... s" is Jeans' own, not mine). Jeans is not alone to have such a revolutionary and unortho­dox view. He seems to take courage from Dirac also. Dirac too cannot admit an annihilation of the material world. His proposal to save and salvage it follows a parallel line. He says that the world presented or pictured by physical science may not be and is not the actual world, but it posits a substratum ...

... divergence has to be healed and both have to be included and reconciled in our view of the future. The Science of the West has discovered evolution as the secret of life and its process in this material world; but it has laid more stress on the growth of form and species than on the growth of consciousness: even, consciousness has been regarded as an incident and not the whole secret of the meaning... that soul's highest aim and necessity, for that is the supreme reality; but there can be too the descent of the Spirit and its powers into the world and that would justify the existence of the material world also, give a meaning, a divine purpose to the creation and solve its riddle. East and West could be reconciled in the pursuit of the highest and largest ideal, Spirit embrace Matter and Matter ...

... with the Beyond, conscious of the Great Cosmic Game and the inner dimensions in which our little surface lives are just points, periodically flowering and soon re-engulfed, came to neglect the material world – inertia, indifference to progress, and resignation often wore the face of wisdom; a spiritual ransom also (this one far more serious), because in that immensity too great for our present little... part and even in a subtle way an expression of the unity of all that we see. And this unity... is that of the identity of the eternal, the unity of the Spirit. For to the supramental seeing the material world and space and material objects cease to be material in the sense in which we now on the strength of the sole evidence of our limited physical organs... receive [them];... they appear and are seen ...

... out of the limits - "at any point in the manifestation" - there was then only "the Consciousness". 7 The soul unhorizoned commanded the eternities. The disciple now wanted to know how the material world struck one who was 'dead'. "Yesterday or the day before," the Mother answered, "throughout the day, from morning till night, something [in me] was saying, T am - I am or I have the consciousness... and spiritual point of view that Truth would have the last word. And yet, in the world as it is, "it is the supreme vision that is realising itself constantly, but its realisation in the mixed material world does not appear to the ignorant human sight as the triumph of good, what men call good and true." It is this wrong vision of things that gives "a deforming appearance to the divine Action". As ...


... it can travel from it to its own heights in an uninterrupted line of gradations: the depths are linked to the heights and the Law of the one Truth creates and works everywhere. Even in the material world which seems to us a world of ignorance, a world of the workings of a blind and inconscient Force starting from inconscience and proceeding through Ignorance and reaching with difficulty towards... all, guides towards the Self many contrary powers of being and rises towards its own heights where it can manifest its own highest truth and fulfil the secret purpose of the universe. Even this material world of existence is built upon a pattern of the truth in things which we call Law of Nature, a truth from which we climb to a greater truth until we emerge in the Light of the Supreme. This world is ...

... Most certainly a greater harmony will be manifested in the material world, in the same way as the terrestrial appearance has changed much with the advent of the human species. 4.1.1969 In other words, Mother, it can be said that the transformation of the human body, the microcosm, will serve the transformation of the material world, the macrocosm. Yes, it is an intellectual way of ...


... any integral tranformation, including the transformation of the physical. It holds up the ideal of living in the Divine, but not of manifesting the Page 34 Divine in the material world. It has no collective divine fulfilment in view-it doesn't speak of the evolution of a supramental or divine race on earth, which is our main objective. There are other differences, but we shall... Mother. It lies in the arms of the Mother, and whatever is its destiny, it is the Mother who fulfils it. The Mother carries it to its ultimate perfection and manifests the Divine through it in the material world. She is the sole redeemer and the supreme Force of transformation. Sri Aurobindo says "The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Divine—or, it may be said, She is the Divine in its cons ...

... the involved state of inconscience, is the descent of Love into the abyss of Matter. It is a holocaust of Love,² its magnificent self-sacrifice,³ this descent into the death and darkness of the material world, so that Life and Light may emerge here, and a love seeking union with that from which it has been estranged. Love .attracting from above and love awaking and responding from below and advancing... golden Fount at which we drink the immortalising draughts of delight. This is the sempiternal Fire of which our souls are inextinguishable sparks, shot here below to illumine the darkness of the material world. The Integral Yoga fully accepts the synthesis of the Gita, of which love is the central note and the recurring refrain; but it introduces into it the Vedic and the Tantric element of ...

... and manifold elements. This identification gives her a perfect knowledge of the inner and outer workings of the material world. But that is only a tiny part of the experience. ¹ Prayers and Meditations of the Mother—-April 10, 1917. Page 358 Beyond the material world, she is identified with the Will that moves it, the Thought that acts in it, and the Force that realises itself ...

... perfect union with the Divine. In its widest perfection, it is a yearning for an integral divine union in the context of the terrestrial existence. In fact, the psychic is the bridge between the material world and the world of Spirit. It is because of the psychic that Matter rises towards Spirit in a growing élan of love and aspiration, ¹ On Yoga II—Vol. IV, by Sri Aurobindo. ² ibid... certitude, an indubitable knowledge. In fully evolved psychic love there is always an intense and invincible will to the service of the Divine, for the psychic is aware of its mission in the material world, and cannot remain content only with personal freedom and a passive union with the Divine. It has a will to fulfil the mission of its descent into Matter, which is the manifestation of the Divine ...

... preserve and, if possible, to fortify the base of life, for, it knows that without this base all its achievements will be like castles in the air, lacking in the concreteness of the brute facts of the material world. They may have a reality and a value—perhaps a great value—in some other world or on some other plane of consciousness, but little here, in this world, unless they stamp themselves upon the expressive... with Thy present possibilities. And the things which appeared most difficult, most improbable, and perhaps even most impossible, become wholly realisable, since Thy Presence assures us that the material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of the Will and the Law ”? ² "What a plenitude in the perception!...Thy Force is there; ready for manifestation, waiting, it is building ...


... this formula is that Heaven is in the earth in order that earth may live in Heaven. All the divine principles and powers that make up the splendour of Heaven are involved or partly evolved in the material world, and can be fully evolved. Earth can become Heaven and man divine. This is the logic of transformation. This is real Resurrection or New Birth of man, far more radical and integral than the current... Union enjoyed above. Her life has been a ceaseless sacrifice, a holocaust, an ungrudging renunciation of all that constitutes the happiness and solace of an exclusive spiritual existence in the material world. She has voluntarily travelled down far afield from the absorbed unitive life, which is held to be the apex of spiritual fulfilment, so that the uncharted subconscient and inconscient bases of ...


... the nature and purpose of its work, and a conscious and constant cooperation in that work with an unwavering faith in its final accomplishment—the full and perfect manifestation of God in the material world. The only objective we have to set before ourselves, in this age at least, is the Victory of the Divine over the forces of darkness —over Ignorance, Falsehood and Death. This is the great... at least, as we learn from the Mother and Sri Aurobindo a Will to Victory over the forces of darkness and death, and a manifestation of God's supramental sovereignty and splendour in the material world. Those who have felt or perceived the transcendental great- ness of this work of the establishment of the supramental life or the Life Divine upon earth, and dedicated themselves to ...


... insentient images or symbols of the forthcoming individualities. The One becomes many in these minute particles of Matter, and the work of self-multiplication progresses by the creation of the material world and the peopling of it with suns and moons and stars and planets. The dual principle of automatic attraction and repulsion, making for aggregation and disaggregation among the atoms, weaves the... sciousness—Bliss. His essential individuality has not to abolish itself, but continue to reveal the glory of the Universal and Transcendent, of which it is a delegate and representative in the material world. But this he cannot do so long as he is an ego, a limited separate being, wrapped up in his personal aims and interests, and the superficial relations with others, which he establishes through ...

... the material objects and interests, dictates it as the sole means of the utmost fulfilment of our whole being. An enlightened intelligence cannot remain tethered to the brute facts of the material world, and impervious to the call of Spirit. With his vision unbarred, his imagination unclamped, and his sensibilities sharpened and subtilised, man, following the secret law of his evolution, which... and enjoyment. Its repression, mutilation or neglect—so common in ascetic spirituality —is a fatal folly, for it is nothing short of depriving God of the means of conquest and enjoyment in the material world. Purified of desire, the prāṇa becomes a potent ¹Nature's qualitative mode of enlightened poise and happiness Page 112 instrument in the hands of the Mother, and capable ...

... many phenomena". A wonderful compactness in expression and yet it holds a world of significance. It implies the rise of Life from Matter,—some Flame of original Fire burning has left this material world and sands as remnants and given rise to Life that like a flame burns in our very limbs. The line "one flame bums many phenomena" reminds one of the Upanishadic revelation. "It is the one Fire... is native to Sāvitrī George Herbert expresses the organic unity of mankind in a striking and illuminating analogy which not only includes the whole of mankind but exterds out to the whole material world. Page 84 "Man is all symmetry, Full of proportions, one limb to another, And all to all the world besides: Each part may call the farthest, brother: For head with ...

... imperfection from life. Sri Aurobindo says this is a derivative working of the Real-Idea of the Supermind. The Truth-Consciousness has seen the possibility of a mental world, a vital world and a material world. And it is that which has projected itself into actuality for us. So, as it is a derivative working, it is not necessary to abandon life, or abandon mind or abandon the body in order to go back... Mind can continue when Life is suspended. Attraction and repulsion of elements is a sign of some movement which to the conscious being would become "like and dislike." Positive and negative in the material world become in the world Page 175 of Life, attraction and repulsion. In hibernation life is suspended and continues after months when good conditions return. When we say "a man is dead" ...


... developed as one rises in the scale of animal creation, until it becomes perfect in man. It is, therefore, life & mind awakening in matter & manifesting with difficulty that is the truth of this material world, not the introduction of a ready made life entirely foreign to it in its own potentiality. If it be said that the life & mind attaching themselves to matter only enter it by degrees as the system... out of all proportion to the farther organisation of its bodily & vital instruments or even without any such farther organisation in the lower man. But even in the highest forms here in this material world, matter being the basis, life an intermediary and mind the third result, the normal rule is that matter & life (where life is expressed) shall always be active, mind only exceptionally active ...


... larger aspects in the inward facts of the soul. In its Monism also Vedanta is far more profound and searching than the European scientific observer, for while the latter is aware only of this gross material world and resolves everything into the monism of gross Matter, the Vedanta, which is perfectly aware that gross matter can all be resolved into a single principle, does not pause at this discovery; it... sleep but more entirely and for a longer time through the gates of death, is the source whence all psychic processes draw their origin; and the link which connects this universe with the gross material world is to be found in the phenomena of life and mind. His assertion is perfectly positive and the Upanishad proceeds on it as on an ascertained and indisputable fact quite beyond the limits of mere ...


... which are suprasensible, but, if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supraphysical 1 and can not only take cognisance of the realities of the material world without the aid of the corporeal sense-organs, but can bring us into contact with other realities, supraphysical and belonging to another world—included, that is to say, in an organisation of conscious... earths seem to be made. Constantly asserted by human experience and belief since the origins of thought, this truth, now that the necessity of an exclusive preoccupation with the secrets of the material world no longer exists, begins to be justified by new-born forms of scientific research. The increasing evidences, of which only the most obvious and outward are established under the name of Page ...

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... (vāsudevaḥ sarvamiti, VII. 19.) A consciousness-force, everywhere inherent in Existence, acting even when concealed, is the creator of the worlds, the occult secret of Nature. But in our material world and in our own being consciousness has a double aspect; Page 309 there is a force of Knowledge, there is a force of Ignorance. In the infinite consciousness of a self-aware infinite... out of itself in the boundless finite of the material universe. The apparent inconscience of the material Energy would be an indispensable Page 317 condition for the structure of the material world-substance in which this Consciousness intends to involve itself so that it may grow by evolution out of its apparent opposite; for without some such device a complete involution would be impossible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... should they exist, nevertheless remain inaccessible to our material frame, refuting the necessity of the latter, rather than explaining it. On the contrary, we must believe in the sanctity of the material world and in a day, which will unfailingly come, when it will be given us to live a new life on Earth. Not on the socio-economic plane, but in the very apprehension of what presently in our eyes remains... such as we understand it, completely dissolves. What happens then? To begin with, everything takes place in the present, which is the time of the Spirit, and the past no longer exists even in the material world. For if we do not have a past, we do not have an origin and nothing has a beginning. And the future is without end. It is to establish this idea, in itself quite simple, yet very difficult for ...


... ion in the physical sense, a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc." that will reveal to us "a quite different view, not merely of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects." The supramental eye will get a new and transfigured vision: its sight will acquire "an extraordinary totality and an immediate and embracing precision... separate object on the background or in the environment of the rest of Nature, but an indivisible part... an expression of the unity of all that we see." To the supramentalised seeing the material world and material object will cease to be material: they will be seen as spirit itself in a form of itself and a conscious extension. "The whole is a unity—the oneness unaffected by any multitudinousness ...

... descent of the supreme Truth and 12 Savitri, pp. 384-85. Page 249 Power into Matter, the supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. 13 We make this conjecture because of the image of the star in the last... Power that rises from the sacrifice, i.e., the Yoga... it has the power of going beyond mind and life to that which is beyond mind and life... It reaches the Eternal and brings back to the material world that which*is beyond mind and life." And here is a description of its red breast. 29 Ibid., p. 352. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid., p. 263-64. 33 Ibid., p. 46. ...

... and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. This is what we nowadays call the Inconscient which seems to have created the... seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient — the Inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this universe — or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being ...


... impossible. "My Yoga can include indeed a full experience of the other worlds, the plane of the Supreme Spirit and the other planes in between and their possible effects upon our life and the material world; but it will be quite possible to insist only on the realisation of the Supreme Being or Ishwara even in one aspect, Shiva, Krishna as Lord of the world and Master of ourselves and our works or... else the Universal Sachchidananda and attain to the essential results of this Yoga and afterwards to proceed from them to the integral results if one accepted the ideal of the divine life and this material world conquered by the Spirit. It is this view and experience of things and of the truth of existence that enabled me to write The Life Divine and Savitri. The realisation of the Supreme, the Ishwara ...


... six years of intense Integral Yoga representing six hundred or six thousand years of unassisted supramental evolution. The pillars of the bridge connecting the supramental world and our gross material world were put in place. Normally at this point the Work of the Avatar would have come to an end. But it was decided that the Mother would remain on Earth to accelerate the process of transformation... world with the mighty currents of his will and changing it by the pressure of his soul-state. — That which the liberated sees in his soul on its mountain-tops, heroes and prophets spring up in the material world to proclaim and accomplish.’ 34 In the case of the Mother it was no longer a by yoga liberated soul but a liberated body which was directly working from its matter onto Matter everywhere. ...


... projected into it. In the physical these beings are powerless, but when one has passed completely outside the physical – and the main characteristic of death is that it cuts all links with the material world – one is at their mercy. ‘If at that moment people who love the departed person concentrate their thought and love on him, he finds a refuge therein and this protects him fully against those entities... only tie then remaining with the material body is the ‘silver cord,’ the existence of which is common knowledge in occultism. If that link snaps or is cut off, the person loses contact with the material world; in other words, he or she dies. Mirra also learned to exteriorize twelve times in succession up to the upper limit of the manifestation, just like Alma, and she had learned how to talk during ...

... you and his conception of you. Briefly it is this, Biren writes, "Rabindranath has a strand of atheism in his composition: he admits the nirākār brahma [formless Brahman] on the one hand and this material world of forms on the other. Beyond this nothing. It is true his verses depict some ideas and perceptions in between, but he himself looks upon these as creations of his imagination—phantasy that is... non- evolutionary worlds are worlds of a type limited to its own harmony like the life-heavens. The Earth, on the other hand, is an evolutionary world, not at all glorious or harmonious even as a material world (except in certain appearances), but rather most sorrowful, disharmonious, imperfect. Yet in that imperfection is the urge towards a higher and more many- sided perfection. It contains the last ...

... Human nature and the character of the individual are a formation that has arisen in and out of the inconscience of the material world and can never get entirely free from the pressure of that Inconscience. As consciousness grows in the being born into this material world, it takes the form of an Ignorance slowly admitting or striving with difficulty after knowledge and human nature is made ...

... explained that her ‘illnesses’ were the outward expression of processes of transformation. ‘These are not illnesses, these are functional disorders,’ she said. ‘All the habitual rhythms of the material world are changed. The body had founded its sort of feeling of good health on a certain number of vibrations, and when those vibrations were present, it felt in good health; when something came and disturbed... in the Indian traditions as akash, and were acquainted with it through their occult experience. Sri Aurobindo wrote for example in The Synthesis of Yoga: ‘All things sensible, whether in the material world or any other, create reconstituting vibrations, sensible echoes, reproductions, recurrent images of themselves which that subtler ether receives and retains. It is this which explains many of the ...

... of anything created, only a constant whirl without any formation: status of being, form of being are necessary to kinesis of being. Even if energy be the primal reality, as it seems to be in the material world, still it has to create status of itself, lasting forms, duration of beings in order to have a support for its action: the status may be temporary, it may be only a balance or equilibrium of substance... all our illusions and errors arise from a limited separative awareness which creates unrealities or misconceives the Real. But the problem becomes still more enigmatic when we perceive that our material world seems to arise directly, not out of any original Being and Consciousness, but out of a status of Inconscience and apparent Non-Existence; our ignorance itself is something that has appeared as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... movement of vital currents through which the mind becomes conscious of the material world and, so far as it chooses, of the vital world of Nature. Otherwise the mind would be conscious of the mental world first and chiefly and would only indirectly glimpse the material. As it is, its attention is fixed on the body and the material world in which it has been installed and it is aware of the rest of existence ...


... sense for its scattered truths, mysteries of the higher planes of existence of which even its dogmas and superstitions are crude hints and indications. What Science does for our knowledge of the material world, replacing first appearances and uses by the hidden truths and as yet occult powers of its great natural forces and in our own minds beliefs and opinions by verified experience and a profounder... consciousness so that we are only aware of the body, its nature and its actions as secondary circumstances of the Life-soul which we now are, used by it for its relations with the Page 462 material world. A certain remoteness from physical being and then a superiority to it; a vivid sense of the body being a mere instrument or shell and easily detachable; an extraordinary effectivity of our desires ...


... impress himself powerfully on the material world. Yes, spiritually—There is the same difficulty, but less concentrated. As with Abdul Baha. The choice is given always.—Why question about such weak forces—He is divided from you by his weakness, not as the others by their strength—If they have an immediate destiny—Who?—They are always there, it is in the material world you should seek. They are the men ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... with the mighty currents of his will & changing it by the pressure of his soul-state. 274) That which the liberated sees in his soul on its mountaintops, heroes and prophets spring up in the material world to proclaim and accomplish. 275) The Theosophists are wrong in their circumstances but right in the essential. If the French Revolution took place, it was because a soul on the Indian snows... Become, for therefore wast thou established as a man in this world of matter. 371) The path of works is in a way the most difficult side of God's triune causeway; yet is it not also, in this material world at least, the easiest, widest & most delightful? For at every moment we clash against God the worker & grow into His being by a thousand divine touches. 372) This is the wonder of the way of ...


... change. Human nature and the character of the individual are a formation that has arisen in and out of the inconscience of the material world and can never get entirely free from the pressure of that Inconscience. As consciousness grows in the being born into this material world, it takes the form of an Ignorance slowly admitting or striving with difficulty after knowledge and human nature is made of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... my Yoga impossible. My Yoga can include indeed a full experience of the other worlds, the plane of the supreme Spirit and the other planes in between and their possible effects upon our life and material world; but it will be quite possible to insist only on the realisation of the supreme Being or Ishwara even in one aspect, Shiva, Krishna as Lord of the world and Master of ourselves and our works or... the universal Sachchidananda, and attain to the essential results of this Yoga and afterwards to proceed from them to the integral results if one accepted the ideal of the divine life and this material world conquered by the Spirit. It is this view and experience of things and of the truth of existence that enabled me to write The Life Divine and Savitri . The realisation of the Supreme, the Ishwara ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... your dreams may have had this experience that, even while dreaming, you knew it was a dream; you knew that it was an experience that did not belong to the material world. When once you know, you can act there in the same way as in the material world; even in the dreaming, you can exercise your conscious will and change the whole course of your dream-experience. And as you become more and more conscious ...


... Page 311 you have learnt how very fantastic the figure becomes.... Good. But if you take the material world and go down to the most minute element—you know, don't you, that they have come to absolutely invisible things, innumerable things—if you take this element as the basis and the material world as the whole, and if you imagine a Consciousness or a Will playing with all these elements at making ...


... "It is impossible." Why? For you have said that nothing is impossible! Nothing is impossible in principle. But if one refuses to do what is necessary, obviously one cannot succeed. In the material world there are conditions, otherwise it would not be what it is. If there were no conditions and processes, everything could be transformed and done miraculously. But evidently it is not in this way... cases of which one doesn't speak. These things put into motion certain small entities which are usually the result of the decomposition of human beings and yet have a sufficient contact with the material world to be able to act there. But anyhow, if the action is of a lower order, the power is of a lower order, and it is something almost repugnant for one who is truly in relation with the higher forces ...


... is no danger of the thing getting changed when you return. For, the experience is very clear and precise to that part of your being which is there at the moment, but when you come back into the material world as it is, almost always something escapes and this does not escape when you speak directly at the Page 280 time you are at work. So all that means very many conditions to fulfil: it... undeveloped condition, do we speak of the descent of the supramental plane, instead of the descent of the intermediate planes? For a very simple reason, because till now the whole physical, material world, the whole earth (let us take the earth) has been ruled by forces and the consciousness that come from what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind. Even what men call God is a force, a power coming from ...


... kind." Questions and Answers 1929-1931 ( 23 June 1929 ) In what does the supermind take interest? It takes interest in the transformation of the world—in the descent of forces in the material world and its transformation, in Page 300 its preparation so that it may be able to receive the supramental forces. And it is conscious of the difference between the world as it is and the... considerable, more than the physical, I believe. For instance, the First World War was the result of a tremendous descent of the forces of the vital world (hostile forces of the vital world) into the material world. Even those who were conscious of this descent and consequently armed to defend themselves against it, suffered from its consequences. The world, the whole earth suffered from its consequences ...


... harm is the "Lord of Falsehood". He it is indeed who is the biggest obstacle in the universe, this constant negation of the truth. And he has a very strong hold on the terrestrial world, on the material world. Besides, here (on the earth), those who see him, see him as an Page 375 absolutely marvellous, splendid being. He entitles himself the "Lord of the Nations", and he appears formidable... Because it protects itself well. What you say is quite true, but it takes good care not to incarnate on earth. And in the vital world there is no death, it does not exist there. It is in the material world that this exists, and it takes very good care not to incarnate. Was Stalin predestined to be what he was? Stalin? I am not quite sure that he was a human being... in the sense that I don't ...


... the old traditions they always speak of the wives of the gods who are troubled by the asuras. What, the wives of the gods who were troubled by the asuras? Yes! They too are closer to the material world? Is it in the vital world or in... It is in the vital world. (Pavitra) Mother, in the mind also, there are beings of the mind... There are beings of the mental world which are also... relation with the Supreme Mother? I think that Nature is the most material part of the creative force Page 160 which is concerned with the creation specially of the earth, of the material world as we know it upon earth. I want some information about the latest astronomical discoveries... ( To Pavitra ) Is similar matter known in the other worlds as that on the earth? (Pavitra) ...


... included and reconciled in our view of the future. Page 42     The Science of the West has discovered evolution as the secret of life and its process in this material world; but it has laid more stress on the growth of form and species than on the growth of consciousness: even, consciousness has been regarded as an incident and not the whole secret of the meaning... that soul's highest aim and necessity, for that is the supreme reality; but there can be too the descent of the Spirit and its powers into the world and that would justify the existence of the material world also, give a meaning, a divine purpose to the creation and solve its riddle. East and West could be reconciled in the pursuit of the highest and largest Page 43 ideal, Spirit embrace ...

... divergence has to be healed and both have to be included and reconciled in our view of the future. The Science of the West has discovered evolution as the secret of life and its process in this material world; but it has laid more stress on the growth of form and species than on the growth of consciousness: even, consciousness has been regarded as an incident and not the whole secret of the meaning... that soul's highest aim and necessity, for that is the supreme reality; but there can be too the descent of the Spirit and its powers into the world and that would justify the existence of the material world also, give a meaning, a divine purpose to the creation and solve its riddle. East and West could be reconciled in the pursuit of the highest and largest ideal, Spirit embrace Matter and Matter ...


... is realised; there is still the horrible mixture without order and light,—for that element, that movement is a world, a world of disorder and darkness, as is the entire earth in the material world, as is the material world in the entire universe. Page 8 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... "cruelty" as we know it—but within the totality of circumstances, a vibration appears and, with a certain intensity, refuses love as it is manifested here. It is precisely this: something in the material world which refuses the manifestation of love as it exists at present. I am not speaking of the ordinary world, I am speaking of the present consciousness at its highest. It is an experience, I am speaking... confusion, from disharmony and confusion: a confusion, a disorder which takes every possible form, which becomes struggle, useless effort, wastage. It depends on the domain you are in, but in the material world, in action, it means useless complications, Page 166 waste of energy and material, waste of time, incomprehension, misunderstanding, confusion, disorder. This is what used to be called ...


... me. And if you ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else. And more and more these days, I find myself facing the whole problem as if I had never seen it before. Both paths may be leading towards a third... world changed since that experience [of April 13 ]? I can't give you more than an approximation of that awareness. ( silence ) Through yoga I had come to a sort of relationship with the material world based on the notion of the fourth dimension (of the innumerable inner dimensions opened up by yoga) and on the utilization of this attitude and state of consciousness. Using this sense of inner ...


... seen because it happens normally, in accordance with the law of the truth of things, and not arbitrarily through a mental decision. Certainly the Divine Grace is always at work, it is the material world and the men living there that do not want it! What does the Divine want of me? He wants that you first find yourself; that with your true being, your psychic being, you master and govern... up; on the contrary, the more difficult a thing is, the greater must be the will to carry it out successfully. Of all things the most difficult is to bring the divine consciousness into the material world. Must the endeavour then be given up because of this? Our way is very long , and it is indispensable to advance calmly without asking oneself at every step whether one is advancing. ...


... dreadful confusion. But from next week people will start leaving. The crowning day will be January 6, which is Epiphany (but we have made it into a day for the offering of the material world to the Divine: the material world giving itself to the Divine)—it will be the climax , 2 and I shall then see you on the 7th. After that, we'll work hard! But until then, no work—my head's in a kind of soup ...


... There are dreams where Page 320 you see things so precisely, so concretely that the material world seems rather unreal in comparison. There are dreams like that where things are so intense, so precise, so concrete, so objective and leave you with such a vivid impression that the material world seems rather misty, not very clear, not very distinct. So, if it is a dream like that, yes. But ...


... Idealism holds that matter is not a reality independent of mind but a phenomenon of mind itself and that it is ultimately composed of perceptions from which it is logically impossible to disengage a material world in its own right. Wisdom studies the medical reports about Berkeley and sums up the whole problem by saying in effect: "Everybody is intensely interested in the movements of his bowels, especially... an early age was deeply imbued with the discovery that nothing solid came out of his system. As a result the philosophical system he built up could not admit anything so solid as an independent material world. Everything was liquidated into the subtle flux of mental experiences." The eagerness of psychoanalysts — or, as the fashionable term goes, psychiatrists — to find concealed complexes and hidden ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... slightly ) just slightly off, that is, not identically what I saw. And when they tell me, my impression is, yes, it's because of the transcription in their brain.... The objective reality of the material world stems from the fact that if you see the same object ten times over, ten times it looks like itself, with differences that are logical, or that may be, for instance, differences of wear and tear—but... says the contrary of what is—that must not be as frequent as we think. Many people say incorrect things like that ( floating gesture ), but they have perceptions in another world than the purely material world, with too close a mingling and without sufficient discernment to be aware of the mingling.... Sri Aurobindo used to say that real bad will, real hostility and real falsehood are fairly rare cases ...


... remedy, and the Doctor who says that if I don't take medicines it'll go on "for months"! Yes, they always say that. So... Oh, but it would take hours to tell it all. It's certainly in the material world. So then ( laughing ), last night, suddenly I saw two tall figures with human shapes, but all gray and you couldn't make out eyes or nose and so on. They had a human shape and all gray; they were... vital who use... who use what's left of unconsciousness in doctors. ( silence ) But once it happened to Sri Aurobindo: at night—once at night—he screamed. And afterwards he said it was in the material world: beings from the most material vital, but which are in the earth atmosphere, not in the vital atmosphere. Page 83 It may be vital entities that are the residues of dead people—it's ...


... this? Result of my groaning complaint? Effectuation in dreamland what couldn't be in the world of fact and reality? The place where you were is as much a world of fact and reality as is the material world and its happenings have sometimes a great effect on this world. What an ignorant lot of disciples you all are! Too much modernisation and Europeanisation by half! These things are meetings in... themselves for realisation. Whatever happens here has already been prepared or foreshadowed in the vital; it does not happen exactly as represented in the vital, but with a change suitable for the material world. But this is a big subject—can't be dealt with tonight. And can't you be a little more explicit and precise about that writing on the forehead? Something impure that has to come up? We usually ...

... Vision and there can be no change in that. But nobody knows what it is. Krishnaprem puts it in a rather absolute way which I don't think is true. He doesn't give sufficient importance to the material world. If everything is fixed and whatever happens is, as he says, according to the decisions above, then this world would be only an illusion. He says that by a psychic change, the New World Order can... takes his stand on the Buddhistic Karma theory. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. His contention that everything is fixed reduces this world to Maya. Even the result of the psychic past belonged once to the material world before it passed away into the subtle. And the material can always modify the result. He himself admits that in the case of Hitler he could reject the influence. So others. It is the same as in ...


... prototype. There are still two higher types which have been established in the human consciousness and in the world atmosphere as dynamic ideals, if not as common concrete facts of the material Page 234 world. The first is the ethical man, who seeks to govern his life according to some principles of light and purity, such, for example, as unselfishness, altruism, chivalry, self-abnegation... radiate and spread out, infiltrate into the lower ranges something of their enlightenment and harmony and happiness which will bring about a global purification and a new dispensation; even the material world, the vegetable and mineral domains too may be taken up into this luminous consummation and earth become the Garden of Eden that it once was, suffused with a new glory. Page 237 ...

... ion in the physical senses, "a supramentalising of the physical sight, hearing, touch, etc." that will reveal to us "a quite different view, not merely of life and its meaning, but even of the material world and all its forms and aspects." The supramental eye will get a new and transfigured vision: its sight will acquire "an extraordinary totality and an immediate and embracing precision in... Page 90 ground or in the environment of the rest of Nature, but an indivisible part expression of the unity of all that we see." To the supramentalised seeing the material world and material objects will cease to be material; they will be seen as spirit itself in a form of itself and a conscious extension. "The whole is a unity - the oneness unaffected by any multitudinousness ...

... have built up for us? Jeans himself is on the horns of a dilemma.1 Being a scientist, and not primarily a mathematician like Eddington, he cannot very well acquiesce in the liquidation of the material world; nor can he refute successfully the facts and arguments that Science itself has brought forward in favour of mentalism.He wishes to keep the question open for further light and surer grounds. In... ess" is Jeans' own, not mine). Jeans is not alone to have such a revolutionary and unorthodox view. He seems to take courage from Dirac also. Dirac too cannot admit an annihilation of the material world. His proposal to save and salvage it follows a parallel line. He says that the world presented or pictured by physical science may not be and is not the actual world, but it posits a substratum ...

... perhaps all pundits, are proverbially supposed to be very unpractical. That is to say, they are so much engrossed in their study, in their books, in abstract things that they lose their sense of the material world, of the external things. So, once it seems, a pundit wanted to know what a pig was: "I have heard of a pig, a boar, what is it? I have not seen it." Someone answered: "It is an animal." "What kind... you go on developing upward. Indeed the light-speck that you were originally, of which I spoke to you at the outset, is nothing but a spark of the same Divine Entity or Person come down into the material world. A great and glorious example of man becoming a god is that of Narada, therefore he is called Devarshi, that is to say, a rishi, a spiritually perfect man developing, that is, metamorphosing ...

... The creation has descended all the degrees of being from the Supermind to Matter and in each degree it has created a world, reign, plane or order proper to that degree. In the creating of the material world there was a plunge of this descending Consciousness into an apparent Inconscience and an emergence of it out of that Inconscience, degree by degree, until it recovers its highest spiritual and... working proper to that stage and acts from behind the veil, supporting and enforcing the immediate necessities of the creative Force. There is an Intuition in Matter which holds the action of the material world from the electron to the sun and planets and their contents. There is an Intuition in Life which similarly supports and guides the play and development of Life in Matter till it is ready for ...

... vision of the ancient seers was not of such an analytical type. Their synthetic realisation revealed such mantras as comprised the essence of all the levels. In the process of Nature, in the material world and in its activities they did not see something mundane and material, but found in them a reflection of the supernatural. It may be asked: if, the gross forms were mere symbols, then why is the... Those ideas were to them as living, true, clear and manifest as a material object. They did not consider the subtle world visionary, rather they took the subtle world for the raison d'ître of the material world. So they found no difficulty in expressing the subtle concepts of their experiences through gross symbols. Even we, the moderns, at times do the same. For instance, in poetry the poet has to resort ...

... rise into the everlasting poise and pure existence of Page 104 the Vast. We are satisfied with a little, for our happiness and delight and enjoyment are confined to this material world alone. And from this sense-pleasure which is the outer form of the Somarasa we shall have to squeeze out true delight and immortality. This is possible only after one has invoked Indra, the Lord... deity of the pure intellect. When the mind has become pure, when the Divine Being Within it has awakened, the aspirant’s delight gets satisfaction no longer in the little imperfect pleasures of the material world. The ecstasy of the divinised mind is surcharged with the divine light. One who has achieved this delight has also achieved the all the well-ordained rhythmic play of Truth inherent in the pure ...

... we have become leaderless in the material world. That has brought in certain difficulties, not yet so overwhelming, into our daily activities. There is nobody now we can turn to and confide in as regards our woes, both inner and outer, and seek for guidance. Mother's main work upon earth was to bring down the Supramental Consciousness in the material world so that physical transformation ...


... but corrects the first evidence and goes beyond. So, when it pursues the truth reason itself overcomes the first sense-data, and corrects it in order to arrive at knowledge of the truth of the material world,—truth of the facts of life. The argument which reason advances with regard to psychology of man, or development of consciousness is just the contrary of what it does in dealing with the... always said that the spiritual force I have been putting on human affairs such as the war is not the Supramental but the overmind Force, and Page 68 then when it acts in the material world is so inextricably mixed up in the tangle of the lower forces that its results, however strong or however adequate to the immediate object, must necessarily be partial." (Letters Vol. II p ...


... India and love of God now flamed up in Sri Aurobindo, the one intensifying the other, till they fused into one overmastering passion for the Divine and the fulfilment of His Will and Purpose in the material world. But it is interesting to observe how the patriotic urge led him to spirituality. It is true that spiritual aspiration was 162. "...the function of India is to supply the world with... Page 137 evidence from some of the researches of modem Science - we should inquire as to what they are; how they are situated, in what order or hierarchy; how they are related to our material world, and whether there are forces and influences from them penetrating and affecting our life and thought; what changes take place in us when we rise into them in consciousness, or receive their ...

... largest experiences,. .but the external mind remains an instrument of Ignorance.” In More Lights on Yoga, Page 352 he remarks, "The whole physical life must be transformed. This material world does not want a mere change of consciousness in us. It says in effect, 'You retire into bliss, become luminous, have the divine knowledge, but that does not alter me. I still remain the hell I... ourselves with that part is very helpful, but this knowledge and communion must be utilised for "hastening the earthly transfiguration," for that is, indeed, "the sublime work" of the Divine in the material world. To be identified only with the immaculate soul and commune with it in the silence of the depths is not the ultimate object of human birth. This identification must be extended and reproduced in ...


... aspect of the Divine and meant to manifest that aspect in its earthly life. There is a general belief that the soul comes down from the Divine and gets entangled in the meshes of karma in the material world, and that its salvation lies in its realisation of its innate freedom from karma and its return to from where it came. The Mother does not subscribe to this age-old view. According to her, the... conscious of the Divine in itself; but it is shrouded in the obscurity of Matter in the beginning —a thin, quivering spark of fire, a pulsing ray of consciousness in the Cimmerian darkness of the material world. Then it evolves little by little till the spark becomes a flame, a tongue of fire rising straight to the Divine. As it evolves and awakens, it begins to radiate its influence to all the parts ...


... Order, he became a palaeontologist and did some outstanding research during his long stay in China. Since his childhood days, Teilhard had been gripped by the world of phenomena - especially the material world - and subsequent to the spiritual experience at Hastings and during the dreary years of the war and the long years afterwards, he thought out his conclusions, based on the insights provided by... suffering, the same assumption as in Sri Aurobindo that the incidence of such evil is inseparable from the evolutionary process. Again, both Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin took the material world as seriously as they did the Spirit. If Sri Aurobindo wrote on 20 May 1915: "Heaven we have possessed, but not the earth; but the fullness of the Yoga is to make, in the formula of the Veda, 'Heaven ...

... explains in the course of her talk on 7 October 1953: The First World War was the result of a tremendous descent of the forces of the vital world (hostile forces of the vital world) into the material world. Even those who were conscious of this descent and consequently armed to defend themselves against it, suffered from its consequences. The world, the whole earth suffered from its consequences... Court said in the course of a speech on 21 February 1954 that, even in Sri Aurobindo's long lifetime, "It was she who formed the nexus between the transcendent and immanent 'Parabrahma' and the material world which is a mere manifestation of that Supreme Spirit." He thought that Golconde was an architectural marvel housing the spirit. As for the Mother, with "the mystic vision of a Joan of Arc and the ...


... of this world of Inconscience and Ignorance. 6 The Mother explains that sacrifice is self-giving, and a sacrifice in one direction brings about another in the opposite direction. As in the material world, in the spiritual world as well, action and reaction are equal and opposite. The Divine's descent into Matter is the provocation or antecedent to Matter's ascent into the Divine, and this is possible... asked as to how the presence of the Supermind would change the tenor of our problems. The Mother answered that it was a question of adding new dimensions to one's understanding: If you take the material world and go down to the most minute element... absolutely invisible things, innumerable things - if you take this element as the basis... if you imagine a Consciousness or Will playing with all these ...


... not like other men " more pawn who comes destined to be pushed One slow move forward on a measureless board In the chess-play of the earth-soul with Doom". In this material world man seems to be only a pawn in Nature's game, the cosmos appears like a vast prison wherein Ignorance rules with the karmic laws and pain and joy seem to be the inevitable results of its working... conscious Immortality". This she does with the help of the intervention of the Divine from above, for it cannot be done by unaided human effort. Though, outwardly this world looks like a material world and seems to be governed by mere chance, still from a' more occult and spiritual point of view it would appear that there is a divine governance of the world behind this apparent reign of chaos ...

... obviously, it is not the same logic! But it is logical nevertheless. If you consider the material world, she said to the children, and you go down to the most minute element (you know, don't you, that they have found innumerable, absolutely invisible things), if you take this element as the part and the material world as the whole, and you imagine a Consciousness [the great total Consciousness, which ...


... still the same, 12 said Sri Aurobindo. It is also one of the first things Mother told me, just one month after her experience: Through yoga I had come to a sort of relationship with the material world based on the notion of the fourth dimension (of the innumerable inner dimensions opened up by yoga) and on the utilization of this attitude and state of consciousness. Using this sense of inner... me. And ifyou ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else. And more and more these days, I find myself facing the whole problem as if I had never seen it before... 13 Because She was facing the problem in ...


... is still possible, and that the entire life as it is does seem like an old dried-up husk, thin and flat and colorless, a sort of caricature of the real life, a two-dimensional image of another material world full of depths and vibrancy, of superimposed and fused meanings, of real life, real joy, real movement. Here, outside, there are only little puppets of being moving about, passing figures in... cast by something else, which is the life of their shadow, the light of their night, the sacred meaning of their futile little gesture, the real body of their pale silhouette. And yet, it is a material world, absolutely material, not some glorious fiction, not a hallucination with eyes closed, not a vague area of little saints. It is there. It is like “real matter,” Sri Aurobindo used to say. It ...


... project through imagination our way of seeing in the cage): it is a vision outside the cage, a vision of material reality free from all its mental appearances, by-products and disguises. It is the material world seen without any distortion. "But then how is it different from the old vision and all the old visions?" I asked Mother one day. It's as if the consciousness were not in the same position with... physical people a day—and its perception is physical: New York is physical, the Chinese troops are physical, and so are the gutters of Thebes. So then, what kind of physical? What is the truth of our material world? And in that same physical, behind the "veil of unreality," death does not exist, illness does not exist, gravity does not exist, rivers can be crossed effortlessly... as if the Matter we now ...


... conceived or attempted before in the past, for at no period of the spiritual history of the world was .humanity so athirst and ripe in its elite for being a manifesting channel of Sachchidânanda in the material world, as it is today, in spite of the deepening gloom that envelops it. The call that rises from the earth is a call of the widest and profoundest love, offering itself as a ransom and holocaust for... the power of Spirit, returns upon the nature and its movements to subject and attune them to the divine Will, and transmute them into a limpid and docile channel of its self-expression in the material world. The final perfection of equality will be an imperturbable vastness in the being, sustaining the rapturous dynamism of a harmonised and integrated nature for the outpouring of the splendours of ...

... consent to be converted into the Supernature or go slithering down into perdition. If we look with a searching and dispassionate eye into the heart of Nature's universal working in the material world, we perceive that all life is Yoga—a slowly, spirally, precariously evolving stupendous Yoga of Nature aiming at a progressive reproduction and revelation of the divine Image in her own terms... the Divine in the infinity of His Knowledge, she forgets in her creatures, though not in the still depths of her being, this primal and determining truth of her existence and evolution in the material world: the developing ego acts as a veil between her and her Lord. In man the ego erects a thick wall between the individual and the universal, with the result that the ¹ Sri Aurobindo ...

... possible and have the largest experiences...but the external mind remains an instrument of Ignorance." In "More Lights on Yoga", he remarks, "The whole physical life must be transformed. This material world does not want a mere change of consciousness in us. It says in effect, 'You retire into bliss, become luminous, have the divine knowledge, but that does not alter me. Page 25 ... ourselves with that part is very helpful, but this knowledge and communion must be utilised for "hastening the earthly transfiguration," for, that is, indeed, "the sublime work" of the Divine in the material world. To be identified only with the immaculate soul and commune with it in the silence of the depths is not the ultimate object of human birth. This identification must be extended and reproduced ...


... its tendencies and in which beings of that particular order of consciousness can live and manifest themselves. The three worlds, tribhuvana, trailokya are called in Vedic terminology, Bhu, the material world, Bhuvar, the intermediate world and Swar, the pure blissful mental world,—Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, earth, the lower heavens and paradise, are the three sacred & mighty vyahritis of the Veda, and the ...


... strength, solidity, speed. Shall we not say, therefore, that aswa to the Rishis meant the unknown power made up of force, strength, solidity, speed and enjoyment that pervades and constitutes the material world? But there is a danger that etymological fancies may mislead us. It is necessary, therefore, to test our provisional conclusion from philology by a careful examination of the images of this ...


... graphic description, even giving its entire value to the distinction it implies, must not be pressed to carry more in it than it means. When it is said that there are two creations of beings in this material world, Deva and Asura, 4 it is not meant that human souls are so created by God from the beginning each with its own inevitable career in Nature, nor is it meant that there is a rigid spiritual p ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... and lived far aloof and remote in other worlds, in a celestial heaven of saints and immortal spirits. But why should there be any other worlds? I admit, cried the progressing intellect, only this material world to which our reason and senses bear witness. A vague bleak abstraction of spiritual existence without any living habitation, without any means of dynamic nearness was left to satisfy the wintry ...


... to the intermediate worlds behind ours, to the lesser godheads or genii, it still carries into them some power or some Page 267 hint from above. And when it comes quite down to the material world and the life of man and the things of external Nature, it does not altogether get rid of the greater vision, the hieratic stamp, the spiritual seeing, and in most good work—except in moments of ...


... the human image of the other, so is it in the image of the man. Faith is the head of him, Law is his right side, Truth is his left side; Yoga is his spirit which is the self of him; Mahas (the material world) is his lower member whereon he resteth abidingly. Whereof this is the Scripture. Chapter V विज्ञानं यज्ञं तनुते । कर्माणि तनुतेऽपि च । विज्ञानं देवाः सर्वे । ब्रह्म ज्येष्ठमुपासते । विज्ञानं ...


... water and earth; but it must be remembered that they are not elements in the modern scientific sense but subtle conditions of material energy and nowhere to be found in their purity in the gross material world. All objects are created by the combination of these five subtle conditions or elements. Again, each of these five is the base of one of five subtle properties of Page 72 energy or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... seeker of liberation. Vedism worshipped the Devas, the gods, with sacrifice and held them to be the powers who assist our salvation. Vedantism was inclined to regard them as powers of the mental and material world opposed to our salvation (men, says the Upanishad, are the cattle of the gods, who do not desire man to know and be free); it saw the Divine as the immutable Brahman who has to be attained not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... senses and piercing beyond the walls of the physical mind. So long as we confine ourselves to sense-evidence and the physical consciousness, we can conceive nothing and know nothing except the material world and its phenomena. But certain faculties in us enable our mentality to arrive at conceptions which we may indeed deduce by ratiocination or by imaginative variation from the facts of the physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... enfold us, and his spiritual influence will always be the same, absolutely the same. Whether materially he is near or far matters little, for the divine forces elude completely the laws of the material world: they are omnipresent, always at work to satisfy every receptivity, every sincere aspiration. So although it may be pleasant for our outer being to see his physical appearance or hear his voice ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... "Love is a supreme force which the Eternal Consciousness sent down from itself into an obscure and darkened world that it might bring back that world and its beings to the Divine. The material world in its darkness and ignorance had forgotten the Divine. Love came into the darkness; it awakened all that lay there asleep; it whispered, opening the ears that were sealed: 'There is something ...


... foresee. But there also, if you enter consciously and if you can be present up there... How shall I explain that to you? All is there, absolute, static, eternal: but all that will be unfolded in the material world, naturally more or less one thing after another; for in the static existence all can be there, but in the becoming all becomes in time, that is, one thing after another. Well, what path will the ...


... little... how to put it?... epigrammatic, and we may say, "It is the Page 274 sensuousness of the spirit"—just as those who are exclusively busy with the sensations of all that the material world expresses through its forms, and the whole side of the forms of sensations of the physical life, are men who live in their senses; and when they enjoy all these things, well, we call them sensuous ...


... that as he goes on studying and searching, sincerely and more and more deeply, he becomes aware that there is something which eludes him, because, quite naturally, he comes to the limit of the material world and, there, he faces a precipice; he can no longer carry on his research in what is beyond, because the same methods don't suffice. But if we take the question from the other end, we shall see ...


... outward struggle, preparing my powers for it, awaiting the time and the signal to begin. The details I will not write to you now; the hour has not yet struck; for the enemy in the subtle parts of the material world, although beaten, is still struggling desperately to prevent my Yoga materialising in the objective plane. I await the issue of the struggle, towards which every day of the Yoga brings me nearer ...


... attempt to realise what this Self or Atman might be, to convert the abstract idea into a concrete and living reality in his own consciousness, but conceiving it as something beyond or behind this material world,—not having understood it as something immanent in himself and all and also universal. ...


... end, away from life; Sri Aurobindo's rises to the Spirit to redescend with its gains bringing the light and power and bliss of the Spirit into life to transform it. Man's present existence in the material world is in this view or vision of things a life in the Ignorance with the Inconscient at its base, but even in its darkness and nescience there are involved the presence and possibilities of the Divine ...


... knowledge was resplendent, expression was harmonious and vast, will was potent and invincible. Then the worlds darkened in a multiplicity more and more chaotic, the Energy became violent and the material world obscure and sorrowful. And when in our infinite love we perceived in its entirety the hideous suffering of the world of misery and ignorance, when we saw our children locked in a sombre struggle ...

... eternal true being of the individual. The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness, containing all possibilities, but at first unevolved possibilities, which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the ...


... and much practice is needed before this possibility ceases to be occasional and haphazard and can be used quite consciously, at will or to perfection. Even then to have "a control over the whole material world" is too big a proposition; a local and partial control is more possible or, more widely, certain kinds of control over matter. 24 October 1938 About the occult phenomenon of the house and ...


... ordinary mentality); this inner or subliminal mind senses directly all the things of the mind-plane, is open to the action of a world of mental forces, and can feel their influences which act upon the material world and the life-plane but which at present we can only infer and cannot directly experience. inner physical — the physical part of the inner being. inner vital Intuition — see ...


... with you. * Supreme art expresses the Beauty which puts you in Contact with the Divine Harmony. * Page 112 True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life. * In art also we must ...


... this means that one is not born into the spirit. And when one is born into the spirit, it becomes something much more concrete, much more living, much more real, much more tangible than the whole material world. And this is what makes the essential difference between beings. When that becomes spontaneously real—the true, concrete existence, the atmosphere one can freely breathe—then one knows one has ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it. The Mother Words of the Mother - III: The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth … this material world as it actually, visibly is, is so powerful, so absolutely real for the ordinary consciousness, that it has engulfed, as it were, this supramental force and consciousness when it manifested, and ...


... of something of a spiritual influence or infusion (quite veiled), everything that happens is the combination of all this—if we go out of all that (we can do it), if we rise above the physical, material world as it is, and enter another consciousness, we perceive things totally differently. And then we see that behind these appearances which seem to us absolutely logical and extremely natural, and ...


... alone liberate from the apparent Inconscience, which was our starting-point, the all-conscient Godhead concealed in us. Sri Aurobindo The Life Divine - II: The Order of the Worlds Our material world is the result of all the others, for the other principles have all descended into Matter to create the physical universe, and every particle of what we call Matter contains all of them implicit ...


... foundation upon half truths and whole falsehoods. When there is destruction, it is the form that perishes, not the spirit—for the world and its ways are forms of one Truth which appears in this material world in ever new bodies In India, the chosen land, [that Truth] is preserved; in the soul of India it sleeps expectant on that soul's awakening, the soul of India leonine, luminous, locked in the ...


... of external Nature, nor external Nature the cause of man, but both depend on the same one thing that is behind them and greater, and both are part of a perpetual and progressive movement of the material world to express it. Now if there is awakened somewhere upon earth a receptivity and openness sufficient to bring down in its purity something of the Divine Consciousness, this descent and manifestation ...


... expression of the Truth-Consciousness. And it will be, it must be—and the sooner the better! It should not, however, be just a subjective change. The whole physical life must be transformed. The material world Page 128 does not want a mere change of consciousness in us. It says in effect: "You retire into bliss, become luminous, have the divine knowledge; but that does not alter me. I still ...


... the point when you no longer lose the inner contact. From that time onward you must remain in this inner and higher consciousness from where you can do everything. You see your body and the material world and you know what is to be done and how to do it. That is the first aim of concentration, but naturally not the last. To attain that concentration much effort is necessary; an immediate or ...


... the knowledge, if you have strength, you act upon them—you act, you can subdue them, you can show yourself stronger. But all your knowledge, all your power, all your strength is nothing in this material world when you are subjected to the horrors of a war. And this acts in the terrestrial atmosphere in such a way that it is very, very difficult to efface it. Naturally, men are always very anxious ...


... not free you only from all attachment but from all consequences. As I have told you many a time, by your inner liberation your consciousness rises to a level far above the level which governs the material world and, from this high level, the Force can descend and cancel all the material consequences. If one realises a certain truth in the higher consciousness but the mind resists, should the mind ...


... expression of the Truth Consciousness. And it will be, it must be—and the sooner the better! It should not, however, be just a subjective change. The whole physical life must be transformed. The material world does not want a mere change of consciousness in us. It says in effect: "You retire into bliss, become luminous, have the divine knowledge: but that does not alter me. I still remain the hell I ...


... Prayers and Meditations August 8, 1914 My pen is silent.... So absorbing is this material world! Why must we let it take so much place in our consciousness? Is it an incapacity in us? Is it Thy Will? O my sweet Master, I would live only in Thee but Thou hast told me that I must live for Thee, and in thus living for Thee our consciousness turns towards ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... result is worth the trouble of playing it through. "Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us." "The Science of Living" , On Education It is much easier to organise the body than the vital, for instance. But ...


... An old sage has said: "There is no evil. There is only a lack of balance. "There is nothing bad. Only things are not in their place." If everything were in its place, in nations, in the material world, in the actions and thoughts and feelings of individuals, the greater part of human suffering would disappear. There are two things to be considered: consciousness and the instruments through ...


... the Sun of an inexhaustible illumination. " Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. All living thought is a world in preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists, because an Idea began to play in divine self-consciousness. " Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for being; I become what I see in myself. ...


... able to perceive the work of the Spirit. If you are not conscious of the Spirit, how will you be able to see it at work? Because the result of what the Spirit does is necessarily material in the material world; and as it is material, you find it quite natural. What do you know of what Nature does, and what do you know of what the Spirit does? All that Nature does—I am speaking of physical Nature—we know ...


... they will say, "What does your number mean, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? Nothing at all." These things can be taken usefully as symbols and as a means of bringing a more subtle world in contact with a more material world. They may be used in this way, that's all. But if, instead of the millions of people who use the present calendar, there were only three or four, it would be pointless to say that these numbers ...


... spirituality was an escape from life into the divine Reality, leaving the world just where it was, as it was; whereas our new vision, on the contrary, is a divinisation of life, a transformation of the material world into a divine world. This has been said, repeated, more or less understood, indeed it is the basic idea of what we want to do. But this could be a continuation with an improvement, a widening of ...


... planes—but also the vital and the mind; all this is part of the earth-Nature. And after that there is no Nature, that is to say, there is no longer this distinction. That belongs essentially to the material world as it is described here. 1 But, as Sri Aurobindo says, this is not "all the true truth". He has simply given a summary of what is explained in the Gita. That is what the Gita says; it is ...


... of something of a spiritual influence or infusion (quite veiled), everything that happens is the combination of all this—if we go out of all that (we can do it), if we rise above the physical, material world as it is, and enter another consciousness, we perceive things totally differently. And then we see that behind these appearances which seem to us absolutely logical and extremely natural, ...


... this world. Once consciousnesses separated from the one consciousness, they fell inevitably into Ignorance and the last result of Ignorance was Inconscience; from a dark immense Inconscient this material world arises and out of it a soul that by evolution is struggling into consciousness, attracted towards the hidden Light, ascending but still blindly towards the lost Divinity from which it came. ...


... This must be remedied if there is to be any sound progress. Sri Aurobindo Not to be despised Material things are not to be despised - without them there can be no manifestation in the material world. Sri Aurobindo consciousness in physical things There is a consciousness in each physical thing with Page 42 which one can communicate. Everything has ...


... rationale, the significance of the whole is left as dark, as mysterious and even more mysterious than ever. The scheme it has built up of the evolution not only of this rich and vast and variegated material world, but of life and consciousness and mind and their workings out of a brute mass of electrons, identical and varied only in arrangement and number, is an irrational magic more baffling than any the ...


... act, take hold of the vital and its life-force and use it for a greater purpose here. The Life-Force in the vital is the indispensable instrument for all action of the Divine Power on the material world and the physical nature. It is therefore only when this vital is transformed and made a pure and strong instrument of the Divine Shakti, that there can be a divine life. Then only can there be-a ...


... already accomplished from of old, it is now manifesting. One could say it in this way: everything exists from all eternity, and we become conscious of it progressively in what we call the material world. This way of seeing and speaking is a complete reversal of the ordinary human consciousness. 2 February 1970 ...


... can devote oneself to studying it and develop it in a regular and logical way, just like any other recognised science of today. But this study deals with realities which do not belong to the most material world. In order to take it up, one must possess special senses, for the domain in which it moves lies beyond our ordinary senses. These special senses are latent in men. Just as we have a physical body ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Yogic science knows of other ways of acquiring energy, and we shall mention two of the most important. The first is to put oneself in relation with the energies accumulated in the terrestrial material world and to draw freely from this inexhaustible source. These material energies are obscure and half unconscious; they encourage animality in man, but, at the same time, they establish a kind of harmonious ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... mean on the other hand specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds Page 449 all evolving formations here. There is and can be no psychic being in a non-evolutionary creature like the Asura; there can be none in a God who does not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... growth of being, pleasure and power. Life itself here is Being at labour in Matter to express itself in terms of conscious force; human life is the human being at labour to impress himself on the material world with the greatest possible force and intensity and extension. His primary insistent aim must be to live and make for himself a place in the world, for himself and his species, secondly, having ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... more in her hidden suggestions and soul meanings and in the finer impressions by which we enter into them and establish with her a spiritual relation or identity. The things that lie behind the material world are almost for the first time being touched and seen with a close and revealing intimacy. The communion of the human soul with the Divine is becoming once more a subject of thought and utterance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... luminous term thy flight" means, I suppose, the complete descent into the material consciousness after breaking the barriers of mind and life. No. It reaches the Eternal and brings back to the material world that which is beyond Mind and Life. 25 October 1933 The Dancer is not the Time-Spirit, but the Divine in Time. 1933 The flame means the Bird of Flame and the Bird is the symbol of an ...


... and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. This is what we nowadays call the Inconscient which seems to have created the material ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... its controller. It can only add the uncontrollable impetus Page 250 of a high-crested or broad-based Titanism, or it may be even a nether flaming demonism, to the Nature forces of the material world with the intellect as its servant, an impetus of measureless unresting creation, appropriation, expansion which will end in something violent, huge and "colossal", foredoomed in its very nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... partly as a conscious creed in the minds of a few, partly as a potent shadow in the consciousness of the race. It is the shadow of a spirit that is yet unborn, but is preparing for its birth. This material world of ours, besides its fully embodied things of the present, is peopled by such powerful shadows, ghosts of things dead and the spirit of things yet unborn. The ghosts of things dead are very troublesome ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... instrument of manifestation and not an obstacle, would be necessary to preserve the continuity, the evolutionary total; it would be needed as the living vehicle, vāhana , of the emergent god in the material world where he would have to act and achieve the works and wonders of the new life. It is certain that a form of body making this connection and a bodily action containing the earth-dynamism and its ...


... rationale, the significance of the whole is left as dark, as mysterious and even more mysterious than ever. The scheme it has built up of the evolution not only of this rich and vast and variegated material world, but of life and consciousness and mind and their workings out of a brute mass of electrons, identical and varied only in arrangement and number, is an irrational magic more baffling than any the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... or mystic poetry. The Veda, for instance, uses with what seems like a deliberate recklessness the mixture, at least the association of disparate images, of things not associated together in the material world which in Shakespeare is only an occasional departure. What would the Johnsonian make of this ṛk in the Veda: "That splendour of thee, O Fire, which is in heaven and in the earth and in the plants ...


... riches that lie hidden and unexplored as if kept apart under the direct gaze of the Infinite, as has been found in the past for man's surface and finite view and experience of himself and the material world in which he has lived striving to know himself and it as best he can with a limited mind and senses. The door that has been shut to all but a few may open; the kingdom of the Spirit may be established ...


... number. Force varies its form according to the work it has to do. A passive Force has no meaning—Force is always dynamic. Only a Force can act on a basis of calm passivity just as in the material world the Force acts on the basis of inertia. Page 25 Static and dynamic in reality always go together—it is in appearance that anything seems only dynamic or only static. In each ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the 19th century wrongly imagined, disprove the existence of a soul which uses the body even if it is also conditioned by it. Laws of Nature do not disprove the existence of God. The fact of a material world to which our instruments are accorded does not disprove the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments can show to us. Occult Forces [ Occult forces: ] The forces ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... show a strong perfection which amounts in its best movements, & these are frequent, to a control only checked by a slight ineffective resistance or rather passive inertia & unwillingness in the material world. This is marked in the lipi by the figure sixty. Originally the values of the siddhi of power used to be 1, 6 & 10. Afterwards the lipi showed 20, 30 & 40. At 40, which is now tending to be the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... can act, take hold of the vital and its life-force and use it for a greater purpose here. The life-force in the vital is the indispensable instrument for all action of the Divine Power on the material world and the physical nature. It is therefore only when this vital is transformed and made a pure and strong instrument of the Divine Shakti, that there can be a divine life. Then only can there be ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... physical Page 193 mental movements with the subtle events is closer. Vital Experiences The place where you were [ in a dream ] is as much a world of fact and reality as is the material world and its happenings have sometimes a great effect on this world. What an ignorant lot of disciples you all are! Too much modernisation and Europeanisation by half! These things are meetings on ...


... Ananda born of Brahmananda which is far higher, finer and more intense than the sexual, but of which the sexual is a coarse and excited degradation—that is all. Sex and Love Nature in the material world started with the physical sex-pull for her purpose of procreation and brought in the love on the basis of the sex-pull, so the one has a tendency to wake the other. It is only by a strong discipline ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... reversed and he lives within in this new inner consciousness, inner self and feels the outer as something on the surface formed as an instrumental personality for the inner's self-expression in the material world. Then from within a Power works on the outer to make it a conscious plastic instrument so that finally the inner and the outer may become fused into one. The wall you feel is indeed the wall of ...


... food.We have from अद्, अन्नं in the sense of gross matter, as well as अदिति, Existence; from अध् a lost अधस् matter, food, still found in Greek ἔθος, ἦθος, pasture (अधस्, आधस्), hence the lower or material world, अध्वर, the material oblation, material, the material existence; from अंध्, अन्ध blind (originally thick, dark), अन्धस् thickness, thick darkness, food, matter. 8) May ours, O ye gods, be ...


... of consciousness to which we belong, Tapas dwells upon Matter as its basis. Our consciousness is determined by the divisibility of extended substance in its apparent forms. This is Bhurloka, the material world, the world of formal becoming. Page 70 But we may conceive of a world in which dynamic Life-force with sensation emergent in it is the basis and determines without the gross obstacle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... could not fail to exercise an immense influence on mankind as a whole, even a radical change in the aspect and prospect of its existence here, even if this power had no other capital result on the material world in which it had come down to intervene. One cannot but conclude that the influence, the change made would be far-reaching, even enormous: it would not only establish the Supermind and a supramental ...


... only be achieved by a departure from earth and the body. Even if cosmic existence is not an illusion or Maya, a divine or a completely spiritual being is likely to be possible only in another less material world or only in the pure spirit. At any rate, to the normal human reason the odds seem to be heavily against any early materialisation on earth of anything divine. Again, if too strong a stress is ...


... Witness of creation, if there had been one conscious but uninstructed, would only have seen appearing out of a vast abyss of an apparent non-existence an Energy busy with the creation of Matter, a material world and material objects, organising the infinity of the Inconscient into the scheme of a boundless universe or a system of countless universes that stretched around him into Space without any certain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... must be transformed; all must become a part, a form, an adequate expression of a spiritual being in the supramental nature. This is the height and crowning movement of a spiritual evolution in the material world, and as the change from the vital animal to mental man made life another thing altogether in basic consciousness, scope, significance, so this change from the materialised mental being to the spiritual ...


... destiny must be a fulfilment and transfiguration, not a rooting out or an annulling. We perceive, then, these three steps in Nature, a bodily life which is the basis of our existence here in the material world, a mental life into which we emerge and by which we raise the bodily to higher uses and enlarge it into a greater completeness, and a divine existence which is at once the goal of the other two ...


... are not the only possible scene and habitation of the perfected soul; nor can we find in any unchanging typal world the final or total sense of the Spirit's self-expression in the cosmos: the material world, this earth, this human life are a part of the Spirit's self-expression and have their divine possibility; that possibility is evolutionary and it contains the possibilities of all the other worlds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... seeing, but to its normal separative vision each way excludes the others. Overmind consciousness perceives that each view is true of the action of the principle it erects; it can see that there is a material world-formula, a vital world-formula, a mental world-formula, a spiritual world-formula, and each can predominate in a world of its own and at the same time all can combine in one world as its constituent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... seems to be determined Page 179 by the body, because it is preoccupied with that and devoted to the physical workings which it uses for its conscious superficial action in this gross material world. Employing constantly that operation of the brain and nerves which it has developed in the course of its own development in the body, it is too absorbed in observing what this physical machinery ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... sensible to be borne with contentment. Man may for a long time quiet himself by seeking to be satisfied with his limitations or by confining his struggle to such mastery as he can gain over this material world he inhabits, some mental and physical triumph of his progressive knowledge over its inconscient fixities, of his small, concentrated conscious will and power over its inertly-driven monstrous forces ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... ence cannot be the result of the human mind which is itself the result of earth-existence. If we say that the world exists only in our own minds, we express a non-fact and a confusion; for the material world Page 248 existed before man was upon the earth and it will go on existing if man disappears from the earth or even if our individual mind abolishes itself in the Infinite. We must conclude ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... all inner action. All working of mind or spirit has its vibration in the physical consciousness, records itself there in a kind of subordinate corporeal notation and communicates itself to the material world partly at least through the physical machine. But the body of man has natural limitations in this capacity which it imposes on the play of the higher parts of his being. And, secondly, it has a ...


... subconscient to his superconscient existence. By a developing power of Yoga he can become aware of these concealed worlds hidden from his physical, materialised mind and senses which know only the material world, and then he becomes aware that his material existence is not a thing apart and self-existent, as the material universe in which he lives is also not a thing apart and self-existent, but is in ...


... over like that and looking ( Mother opens her eyes wide ) to try and understand what was going on. Which means it was taking place in a world that had the full appearance—full appearance—of the material world, but in which people were conscious. I'm not recounting all the details, but my body FELT the battle of the illness. And at the same time it knew it wasn't its own body, you understand? It was ...


... surest sign. But it's not that at all!... It's not that at all. The important thing is this change in the CONSCIOUSNESS—which has taken place. All the rest is a consequence. And here, in this material world, it appears the most important to us because it's... everything is upside down. I don't know how to explain. For us, when this [the body] is able to visibly be something different from what ...


... personal possession." But it's not the "idea," it's the "sense"! ( Mother writes ) 3) The Aurovilian must free himself from the sense of personal possession. For our transition in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and action is put at our disposal.... You don't say by whom? ( Mother laughs ) No!... By the All-Possessing! ...according to the place we are ...


... and substance and form no less than the subtle parts of our nature - a transformation never clearly envisaged by the saints, sages and prophets of the past despite their intuition that the material world has come originally from the Divine. The Yoga of those saints, sages and prophets, even when not thoroughly escapist, Page 34 would not be completely baulked if ...

... second in the paragraph which starts speaking of "a unity behind diversity and discord" as "the secret of the variety of human religions and philosophies". It runs: "Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation of the breath of Divine Existence, or all things as thoughts of the cosmic Mind, or realise that there is a Spirit which is greater than ...


... writes: "To us mind seems to be determined by the body, because it is preoccupied with that and devoted to the physical workings which it uses for its conscious superficial action in this gross material world. Employing constantly that operation of the brain and nerves which it has developed in the course of its own development in the body, it is too absorbed in observing what this physical machinery ...

... anything created, only a constant whirl without any formation: status of being, form of being are necessary to kinesis of being. Even if energy be the primal reality, as it seems to be in the material world, still it has to create status of itself, lasting forms, duration of beings in order to have a support for its action: the status may be temporary, it may be only a balance or equilibrium ...

... thing which I am bringing about. You are not doing it from selfishness. It is a thing necessary for my purpose. It is a thing which is decreed, already done, but it is now to be effected in the material world. Whatever happens, it happens for the best. I now give you my knowledge, the key to yoga . I remove the veil of ignorance from you. I give you the meaning of yoga ." In the Gita Srikrishna gives ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Occidental foundation upon half truths & whole falsehoods. When there is destruction it is the form that perishes, not the spirit—for the world and its ways are forms of one Truth which appears in this material world in ever new bodies and constantly varied apparel—the inward Eternal taking the joy of outward Mutability. The truth of the old Satya that is dead was not different from the Truth of the new Satya ...


... an unreality or, if it is favourably disposed an ideal. When, afterwards, it corrects its views, the first thing it does is to reverse its values; coming into a region & level where life in the material world seems remote, unspiritual or apparently not capable of spiritual realisation, it immediately applies here its old expressions dream, mirage, lie, unreality or mere false idea and transfers from ...


... fragmentation; the All-Blissful has put on a huge insensibility out of which it struggles by pain and hunger and desire and sorrow. Elsewhere the Divine is; here in physical life, in this obscure material world, it would seem almost as if the Divine Page 165 is not but is only becoming, θϵος ουк ἐσᴛɩν αλλα ϒɩϒνεᴛαɩ. This gradual becoming of the Divine out of its own phenomenal opposites is ...


... to mind, relates them in life, fixes them phenomenally in body of material substance. This is the descending scale by which universe is created or made sensible to embodied soul. But in the material world, all is first involved in matter and has to find itself by a development from material being and with material being as its support and basis. The evolving process of this self-discovery of the ...


... cannot be the inert inconscient Godhead, original and eternal, out of which all came, in and on which Energy works and produces by automatic necessity or a fortunately self-organising Chance the material world and all the lives, minds, souls—if souls there are—which in it live and move. It can be said that this is only a conclusion of Science and Science is unfinished and ever-changing; it may refute ...


... though not quite free, for its variety is limited. Shabda is still more baffled, even Page 1067 where established rare and obstructed and most confused of all by the sthula sounds of the material world. Darshana is only of the pranic akasha and two or three of its objects, and that too imperfectly developed. Another attack from the external physical mind, but this was unable to take the old ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... human progress and perfection. The idea is absolutely just and we accept it entirely; but its application has been erroneous. For the Law and Truth that has to be discovered is not that of the material world—though this is required, nor even of the mental and physical—though this is indispensable, but the Law and Truth of the Spirit on which all the rest depends. For it is the power of the Self of ...


... round the Sun of an inexhaustible illumination. Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. All living thought is a world in preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists because an Idea began to play in divine self-consciousness. Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for becoming; I become what I see in myself. All ...


... path of world-altering deeds. He is like a shell discharged from some dim Titanic howitzer planted in concealment far behind this first line of trenches which we see thrown out by Life into the material world; or he is like a planet sped out from Nature's hands with its store of primal energy sufficient for its given time, its fixed service to the world-life, its settled orbit round a distant and sovereign ...


... Mother clenches her fist tight ), and which appeared so inescapable, to such a point that those who had a living experience of the higher worlds thought one had to flee this world, abandon this material world if one really wanted to live in the Truth (that's the cause of all those theories and beliefs), now things are no longer like that. Now things are no longer like that. The physical is CAPABLE of ...


... conceive it; but in the totality of circumstances, there is a vibration which is felt as a certain intensity of refusal of love as it is manifested here—that's exactly the thing: something in the material world refuses the manifestation of love as it exists at present (I don't refer to the ordinary world but to the consciousness at its present highest). It's an experience, I am speaking of something that ...


... Lord to manifest his Perfection (and I am quite aware of how foolish this expression is, but it does correspond to an aspiration). 3 When I say 'manifest,' I mean to manifest in our physical, material world—I'm asking for the transformation of this world. And the moment I utter one of these invocations, the sense of the particular approach it represents is there; that's why I am now able to give such ...


... "the mysticism is in relation to the beauty of woman and the desire-soul, two problems almost inseparable from the artistic life". In fact a sublimation of life-energy takes the poet from the material world to the realm of Art and Mysticism. Thus, like a motif on a tapestry the symbolism of Mallarmé suggests his inner mood. Whether it is the exotic nature or a concrete object, Mallarmé’s ...


... mind. Our eyes are only able to perceive what we call ‘matter’, but this Earth, and the life and mental consciousness on it, remain connected to their involutionary planes of origin. “The immense material world in which we live is not the sole reality but only one of innumerable potential and existent universes; all of them need not have either Matter as we know it or the Inconscient as we know it for ...

... Wallace saw the human being as a duality: an immortal spirit in a mortal body. Death effects no change in the spirit, and it was with such spirits that a contact could be established from our material world of mortals. The reason that he refused to believe in reincarnation may have been that he understood it as metempsychosis, an aimless transmigration of the soul in bodies of animals as well as humans ...

... have some knowledge of the truth of the material universe. There are vital, mental and spiritual ranges behind which give the material its significance.” ( Letters on Yoga ) 27 “The immense material world in which we live is not the sole reality but only one of innumerable potential and existent universes; all of them need not have either Matter as we know it or the Inconscient for their base. Indeed ...

... of the mind to ‘things’, observable by the physical senses, into an insuperable mental dogma. As such it restricts the field of its activities to what the general public still supposes to be the material world (but what has since about a century ago become an occult world of invisible forces and even invisible matter, and recently of an infinite number of universes). This doctrine will one day have to ...

... present mission successfully. (This illustrates how the planning and the completion of the mission of an Avatar is decided upon and pre-exists outside the dimensions, outside “the theatre” of the material world.) Sri Aurobindo let himself gradually become more and more ill. In the last few days before his departure the Mother said: “He is losing interest in himself.” The faithful Nirodbaran, gathering ...

... Power, supreme Nature, holding in herself infinite existence and creating the wonders of the cosmos,’ 3 as Sri Aurobindo wrote. Of herself, she said: ‘The central Consciousness, here, in the material world, is the Mahashakti.’ 4 And Sri Aurobindo again: ‘All powers of all the planes must be seen and known as self-formulations of the one spiritual Shakti, infinite in being, consciousness and Ananda ...


... not say: “India will be free”, I said: “India is free.” Now, how many years has it taken between that moment, when that was an accomplished fact, and the moment it became translated in the material world on earth? [The occult experience] took place in 1915 and the liberation in 1947 — thirty-two years.’ In this instance it took thirty-two years for an occult fact in a subtle world to become material ...


... ’ But this encounter was special, completely new. It happened because the supramental Power had entered her body. The supramental world where Sri Aurobindo has his home was very near to the material world, and like the latter it also existed in the physical plane, as it were, (but still hidden behind an invisible screen) and completely worked out. The Mother stayed there two days, two full days ...


... will do the job. He is the one who will change. He is the one who will transform his Earth.’ 5 (The Mother) ‘For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower.’ 6 (Sri Aurobindo) Man is the crux ...


... he is not asking that, he only suggests that you should believe in higher worlds and higher beings, divine beings also who are here behind material phenomena, not in the reality of the outer material world alone, after the Aristotelian fashion – though I am under the impression that Aristotle also worshipped the gods, including the Sun (Apollo). I think that is all he is after. But you needn’t ...

... fulfilment of dharma”, 12 even when dharma is changing into higher gear, into a totally new mode, when evolution itself begins to evolve. “If we could draw this power [of the Supermind] into the material world, our age-long dreams of human perfectibility, individual perfection, the perfectibility of the race, of society, inner mastery over self and a complete mastery, governance and utilisation of the ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... the most exacting in its conditions. It is nothing less than the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter, the supramental established in the material plane and consciousness in the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle” 68 – as only a supreme Grace can bring this Yoga of physical transformation ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... mentality was restricted by the knowledge and thought patterns proper to their ages. Now the times seem to have ripened and may bear fruit in the realization by mature souls of their presence in this material world, transformed by a higher Consciousness. The “anthropocentric illusion” will then be changed into a divine Reality. Which is why Sri Aurobindo had Narad say to Savitri’s royal father: Earth ...

... The golden red Light of Truth is verily the concrete physical form of the highest supreme consciousness. The descending Golden Light becomes the golden red Light when reaching into matter and the material world and the material body. The phenomenal universe which is derived and born from the supreme eternal Truth of Bliss, Light and Peace moves to reach and become the Truth of Bliss, Light and ...


... totally new city, Akhetaton, ‘Horizon of Aton,’ on the right bank of the Nile, halfway between Thebes and Memphis. The name of the city may be understood as the projection of the Sun World into the material world of the earth. This splendid city, entirely dedicated to the new creed, was built in an incredibly short time and must have been a costly enterprise. Akhenaton lived there with his wife, the ...

... approaches that of the divine growth. But the 1 The Mother, Conversations, p. 128. 2 Ibid., pp. 129-30. 3 Ibid., pp. 133-34. (Italics ours) Page 354 material world is rigid by nature, there transformation is slow, very slow, almost imperceptible for the measure of time as human consciousness perceives it, so that there is a constant lack of balance between ...

... after spiritual illumination was considered the goal of life a£*er the destined fall of the body. In the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo there has to be a total and radical transformation of the material world to warrant the full manifestation of the Divine in matter and that requires a higher spiritual effort and performance than the mere separation of the Purusha consciousness or Soul from Prakriti ...

... (Rig Veda, IX.83) In the beginning all was covered by Hunger that is Death. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I .2.1) All food, and this is the formula of the material world that "the eater eating is himself eaten". (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 192) He who knows this food that is established upon food, gets his firm base; he becomes the master ...

... rather than an utilitarian spirit, that motivates the march of science. But what do we find at the journey's end? Science has not been able to offer a mathesis universalis even for the inanimate material world, let alone the whole of this universe. To it this immense actuality and this stupendous becoming is indescribable as a whole. But this whole is ever impinging on the man of science as on all other ...

... We have noted that we are only half way through this ascending march and our climb has to continue till we reach the Solar Supermind and embody its effulgence and power of Sight, even in this material world of ours, even in this very earthly body. The goal set before the seekers of Truth-Light is thus to shoot out of the bounds of mind and rise in consciousness on to the aforesaid 93. Ibid ...

... emergence." 25 Thus the significance of terrestrial existence is concealed at the outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Reality, in a dense material Inconscience. Here in this material world or at its basis Sachchidananda has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites:."a Void, an infinite of Non-Existence, an indeterminate Inconscient, an insensitive blissless Zero" 26 out ...

... nce with The Mother 3 October 1936 My dear Mother, I wish the day would come when You can use me as an instrument in worlds other than this material world. You go into other worlds, worlds of the subconscient, and fight there and conquer and spread the kingdom of light. Is it not possible for us to be Your soldiers even in those dark lands? There ...

... have cancelled any possibility of executing the present mission. This shows that the planning and the completion of the mission of an Avatar is decided upon and pre-exists outside the scope of the material world. We cannot even guess in what Sri Aurobindo’s master act specifically consisted – ‘You wouldn’t understand,’ Sri Aurobindo said to his assistants. The Mother herself has never given a complete ...

... authentic art and answered questions on the relation between art and yoga: ...If you want art to be the true and highest art, it must be the expression of a divine world brought down into this material world. All true artists have some feeling of this kind, some sense that they are intermediaries between a higher world and this physical existence. If you consider it in this light, Art is not very different ...


... come in contact with a pleasant substance, something harmonious, warm, vibrating with a higher light; it happens. But it's rare. Flowers, yes, sometimes flowers—sometimes, not always. But this material world, oh! It batters you from all sides; it claws you, mauls you—you get clawed and scraped and battered by all sorts of things which... which just don't blossom. How hard it all is! Oh, how closed ...


... represents something to be conquered. Because... you remember, I told you the other day about having such a tremendous experience in the body-consciousness 1 —this... this dull consciousness in the material world, which really gives the feeling of something inert, unchanging, incapable of responding; you could wait millions and millions of years and nothing would budge. And that experience came at the end ...


... beyond Nature—but most of the men are unaware of it. 18 September 1967 Divine presence: it hides from ignorant eyes its ever-present magnificence. You speak of delight, but in the material world there is no such thing as delight. Yet, remove the delight and the whole world will collapse. Page 9 ...


... speed. We had made it. Then, just on the other side, it changed color. It was ... it changed in color to a predominant blue, this powerful blue which is the force, the organizing force in the most material world. So there we were, and the vehicle stopped. And then, after having been looking straight ahead the whole time we were speeding along, I turned around and said, 'Ah, now I can start helping those ...


... therefore wast thou established as a man in this world of matter. 372—The path of works is in a way the most difficult side Page 316 of God's triune causeway; yet is it not also, in this material world at least, the easiest, widest and most delightful? For at every moment we clash against God the worker and grow into His being by a thousand divine touches. 373—This is the wonder of the way ...


... not exactly the same as what I saw. So when they tell me about it, I have altogether the feeling that it is the transcription in their brain that made it so.... And the objective reality of the material world comes from this, that if you see the same object ten times, ten times it resembles itself, with differences that are reasonable, which could be differences due to usage, for example; but there ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... the half-blind human consciousness—it will not even understand it. I mean, to be more exact, that it is the supreme vision that is realising itself constantly, but its realisation in the mixed material world does not appear to the ignorant human sight as the triumph of good, what men call good and true. But (to say it in a joking way) it is not the fault of the Lord, it is the fault of men! That is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... Mother closes her two fists ), that appeared to be inevitable to such an extent that those who had a living experience of the higher worlds thought that one must flee from the world, give up this material world if one wanted to live in the truth (that is the basis of all these theories and faiths); but now it is no longer like that. The physical is capable of Page 229 receiving the higher ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... quietness of an unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it. When you die you lose only your body and at the same time the possibilities of relation with and action on the material world. But all that belongs to the vital world does not disappear with the material substance; all your desires, attachments, cravings persist with the sense of frustration and disappointment, and all ...


... vibrations in Nature. The fragrance, the color, the shape, are simply the spontaneous expressions of a true movement. What does the serpent represent physically? What does it embody in the material world? The vibration of evolution. I don't mean symbolically, but physically, materially: the animal itself. A formidable concentration of vitality—of all animals, the serpent has the most ...


... become lovely, it all becomes interesting, but in themselves, for themselves, they are NOTHING. It's the first time I have felt that so intensely. Because I felt it in the subtle world (in the material world it's always mixed with all kinds of trouble and effort and difficulty, so it's completely different), there, things are absolutely free of difficulties, completely harmonious, really, and it was ...


... much interested in the moral Page 114 suffering that stems from a moral distortion, it finds it idiotic), the wholly material suffering that comes from the structure and working of the material world: it finds that unacceptable. I don't know how to express it, there's a sort of refusal to accept that.... I am observing (we're still in a phase of observation), and from the experiences I have ...


... human consciousnesses is not the Law of pure Truth—they wouldn't even understand it. To put it more precisely, what is constantly realized is the supreme vision, but its realization in this mixed material world isn't seen by the ignorant human vision as the triumph of good (of what men call "good" and "true"). But—to put it humorously—it's not the Lord's fault, it's mens' fault! That is, the Lord knows ...


... unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it, When one dies, one leaves or loses only one's body and, at the same time, the possibilities of relation with and of action on the material world.   All that belongs to the vital plane does not disappear with the material substance, and all the desires, attachments, cravings, persist with the sense of frustration and disappointment ...


... experience Mother had the day after the last conversation, on February 16: ) It was really very interesting. Afterwards it's just a memory, no longer the thing.... It concerned the creation of the material world, the material universe, in the light of the conception of the Supreme in love with His emanation. But the vision was all-embracing, as if I were on the other side—the side of the Supreme, not of ...


... "descend": to manifest and permeate; permeate and fill this terrestrial consciousness. What a force it had! What a power!... I had never felt that kind of Page 73 intensity in the material world. A stability, a power! Everything in the sense of a power, everything in the sense of a thrust forward—a thrust forward: progress, evolution, transformation. Everything like that. As if everything ...


... turned into "statements of facts"), even the most fantastic, the most contradictory, the most unexpected—it's full of all that, it lives on that, it swarms with that—and the result is that the material world is convinced that all by itself, it can do nothing! Nothing. Nothing, nothing but that: that inextricable and apparently senseless jumble, which is nothing, which is an unbridled imagination in ...


... Listen, Sri Aurobindo wrote the whole Arya for I don't know how much time, five years, I think, without a single thought in his head. I don't think, but I do have the thoughts of the physical, material world, the material mind. Yes, that's there. Oh, it keeps running? Yes, it keeps running. But all the rest has stopped running. There's a sort of numbness. I wouldn't complain if I didn't have ...


... circulates, nothing remains. Page 337 But she is sweet, your mother.... She is going to have the joy of her soul. You know, there is a joy in being more conscious of one's soul than of the material world—you may keep yourself busy, you may see clearly, you may understand, you may do what you have to do, all that remains, it's very fine, but, behind, there is... a Light. A light, something warm ...


... last time.... When one is in that eternal Consciousness, to be with or without a body makes little difference, but when one is "dead," as it is called, I'd like to know if the perception of the material world remains clear and precise, or if it becomes as vague and imprecise as might be the consciousness one has of the other worlds when one is on this side, in this world? Sri Aurobindo speaks of a play ...


... necessities. And for him, it's only one small part of himself; because it's with him (I told you the story the other day) that I had that experience of going out of humanity, going out of the material world: it was with him, in his "company," if I may say so! I like it when it's with him because it gives me a sort of certainty that it isn't an experience of my subjectivity—it's impersonal, entirely ...


... after the first few lines instead of its appearance being delayed by the lengthy evocation of the preceding night and the vision conjured up through it of the original Inconscience from which the material world evolved as well as of the unmanifest Unknown negatively reflected by that Inconscience. But I can appreciate well the awesome effect of lines like those four about the suggestion emanating from ...


... all constituents of reality being implicative of one another by "prehension", a mutual taking into account or "sensitiveness" or "feeling", which objectively seen is the interrelatedness of the material world: he speaks also of each creature having a "prehension" into the "togetherness" of the universe and into the principle of concretion turning universal possibility into universal actuality - a " ...

... of mind mostly for its utility for the support, comfort, use, satisfaction and entertainment of his physical and sensational existence. For the physical mind takes its stand on matter and the material world, on the body and the bodily life, on sense-experience and on a normal practical mentality and its experience. All that is not of this order, the physical mind builds up as a restricted supe ...


... riches that lie hidden and unexplored as if kept apart under the direct gaze of the Infinite as has been found in the past for man's surface and finite view and experience of himself and the material world in which he has lived striving to know himself and it as best he can with a limited mind and senses. The door that has been shut to all but a few may open; the kingdom of the Spirit may be ...

... concrete powers whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass... Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built... The mystical poet can only describe what he has felt, seen in himself or others or ...

... of these inner states of ourselves, also the pattern of the universe so be seen within, below, without, above, is to more fully understand ourselves. Aswapati crosses out of this gross material world into a subtle 4 Ibid., pp. 22-45. 'Ibid., pp. 46-73. "Ibid., pp. 74-91. Ibid., pp. 95-302 (Book Two) Page 422 material existence, where the patterns ...

... eternally but is unmanifested and that which is manifested, between Page 49 all the transcendences and splendours of the divine life and all the dark and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the link between What must be and what is; he is the footbridge thrown across the abyss, he is the great cross-shaped X, the quarternary connecting link. His true domicile, the effective ...


... Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother 7 February 1934 The design is the symbol of the descent of the Divine forces and the answer from the material world. The harmonious combination of both produces the four things I have written on the drawing: Divine Love, Light, and Life manifested in a Divine Perfection. 7 February 1934 ...

... Mother 16 November 1934 My dear Baby, It is not I who have given you the "blindness and dullness" as you call them, it is the obscurity of the material world which I have come to fight and conquer... With love and blessings 16 November 1934 ...

... spiritual life and the higher artistic sphere. The Mother has stated: If you want art to be true and highest art, it must be the expression of a Divine World brought down into this material world. She valued true feeling and right consciousness more than only precise and decorative work without vibrations and vividness. She put stress on "White Light without shadow." It is the vibration ...

... 39 Ibid, p. 129. Page 268 I have already drawn attention to the fundamental importance of the end of Canto VIII in Book II as to the transformation of Matter in our material world which is now taking place. Into the abysmal secrecy he came Where darkness peers from her mattress, grey and nude, And stood on the last locked subconscient's floor Where ...

... it. 2 March 1934 The anniversary of my return to Pondicherry which was the tangible sign of the sure Victory over the adverse forces. 24 April 1937 What I want to bring about in the material world, upon the earth. 1) Perfect Consciousness. 2) Integral Knowledge, omniscience. 3) Power Invincible, irresistible, ineluctable (Power), omnipotence. 4) Health, Perfect, constant, unshakable ...

... 1937-04-24 The anniversary of my return to Pondicherry which was the tangible sign of the sure Victory over the adverse forces. 24.4.37 1937-10-23 What I want to bring about in the material world, upon the earth. 1) Perfect Consciousness. 2) Integral Knowledge, omniscience. 3) Power Invincible, irresistible, ineluctable (Power), omnipotence. 4) Health, Perfect, constant, unshakable ...


... the Mother's declaration of a true slave of God, reflects her total surrender to the Divine. In a note with twelve points, she summarises her ideas about what she wants to bring down into the material world. For the Mother, the important thing was Sri Aurobindo's work and her conscious support went out to all that helps that work. Part II Notes, Prayers and Reflections of the Mother ...

... downward here into the world of men it plunges its roots of attachment and desire with the consequences of an endlessly developing action. The real form of it cannot be perceived by us in this material world of man’s embodiment, nor its beginning nor its end, nor its foundation; having cut down this firmly rooted Ashwattha by the strong sword of detachment, one should seek that highest goal whence ...


... by a large body of knowledge, which has been developed by efforts that make a transition from the physical to the supra-physical, and it is even contended that the evolutionary movement in the material world is constantly aided by the forces and beings of these supra-terrestrial systems or planes of existence. There are, indeed, several theories concerning supra-terrestrial planes of existence ...

... humanity is the contemporary dissatisfaction that has arisen with materialism, on the one hand, and on the other hand, with spirituality which has been negating the meaning and purposefulness of the material world. After centuries of experiments, materialism is gradually giving way to the pressures of new discoveries which require exploration of the psychical and spiritual domains. Similarly, centuries of ...


... (Swar); the principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the world of various becoming (Bhuvar); and the principle of matter, prithvi, corresponds to the material world (Bhur). The Page 99 cosmic gradations in the Veda correspond with those in the Puranas although they were differently grouped, - seven worlds in principle, five in practice, three ...


... World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) 6 Indeed, in the Vedic system, cosmic gradations are differently grouped, — seven worlds in principle, five in practice, three in their general groupings: Page 11 ...


... altitudes to the intermediate worlds Page 477 behind ours, to the lesser godheads or genii, it still caries into them some power or some hint from above. And when it comes quite down to the material world and the life of man and the things of external Nature, it does not altogether get rid of the greater vision, the hieratic stamp, the spiritual seeing, and in most good work - except in moments ...

... humanity, is the contemporary dissatisfaction that has arisen with materialism, on the one hand, and on the other hand, with asceticism, which has been negating the meaning and purposefulness of the material world. After centuries of experiments, materialism is gradually giving way to the pressures of new discoveries, which require exploration of the psychical and spiritual domains. Similarly, centuries ...

... realities which are supra-sensible, but, if evidence and experience are at all a test of truth, there are also senses which are supraphysical and can not only take cognizance of the realities of the material world without the aid of the corporeal sense organs, but can bring us into contact with other realities, supraphysical and belonging to another world.11 But even if the extreme materialistic view ...

... physical body, and it aims at and accomplishes the transformation of life in the physical world as one of its fields and even though the super mind opens up possession of planes and worlds beyond the material world. Perfection of the body as the outer instrument of a complete divine living on earth is a necessary part of the supramental transformation. In its highest movement, Sri Aurobindo envisages illumination ...

... And the first thing we have to ask ourselves is whether that Force is simply force, simply an unintelligent energy of movement or whether the consciousness which seems to emerge out of it in this material world we live in, is not merely one of its phenomenal results but rather its own true and secret nature. In Vedantic terms, is Force simply Prakriti, only a movement of action and process, or is Prakriti ...

... general framework and design into which all fit and take their place.' Ibid., pp. 437-38 Page 80 It is important to note that when our knowledge expands, we come to know that the material world that we normally see and experience is not the only world in the universe. The universe has many planes of existence, and it has many worlds init; the material universe is only the lowest plane ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... this world. Once consciousnesses separated from the one consciousness, they fell inevitably into Ignorance and the last result of Ignorance was Inconscience; from a dark immense Inconscient this material world arises and out of it a soul that by evolution is struggling into consciousness, attracted towards the hidden Light, ascending but still blindly towards the lost Divinity from which it came. ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 7. Sight in the Inconscient: The Inconscient is at the basis of this material world, where the Divine has, as it were, hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Insentience and Non-delight. This Inconscient seems to have created the material universe by its inconscient Energy, but this is ...

... It follows that a consciously realised unity of the transcendent, the universal and the individual is an essential condition for the intended fullness of the self-expressing Spirit. Now, this material world, this earth and this human life have, as we have noted above, their divine possibility, but that possibility is evolutionary. A progressive evolution of consciousness is the secret sense of our ...

... "Is there any goal towards which this divine guidance is directed? Yes, the goal is to manifest all the divine Sachchidananda in the bosom of Time and Space, in earthly embodiments, here is the material world. The evolutionary movement that we see unfolding upon earth is the appointed means for that progressive manifestation of the immortal divine life in the field of matter-bound mortality. And man ...

... be distinguished as passive? Page 210       A passive Force has no meaning - Force is always dynamic. Only a Force can act on a basis of calm passivity just as in the material world the Force acts on the basis of inertia.         To live always above, behind or at least in the mind would be good for my nature as well as for the Mother's working in me.       ...

... and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all these, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here - it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified ...

... literature of any other country. But the oriental approach is quite different from the occidental. The consciousness and the attitude with which Europe has accepted and embraced the sense-world or the material world are profane, pagan – the enjoyment of pleasure in the grossest and the most materialistic way, pleasure for the sake of pleasure. The fount of tears pent up in the core of every transient object ...

... Man's life, even the life of the very best, is still that of a mortal creature, still subject to ignorance, incapacity, disease and death – so long at least as he lives in his material frame in a material world. That is why certain seers and sages have asserted and assert even now that to be ignorant is human: to be born, to live and to decay and die – s asyam iva pacyate sasyam iva jayate punah – ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 The Problem of Evil God has created the world, the material world as it is? Yes and No, more "No" than "Yes". For he has not created it directly. There have been many creators, rather formateurs, form-rqakers, in between the world and God, who joined in the work of creation. Who are they? They have been given various ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 Freedom and Destiny From a certain point of view whatever happens here hi the material world is a reproduction or realisation of whatever has already happened or existed on another level of reality. In this world then there would be no free choice, everything being predetermined. From another standpoint, however, one can ...

... in the normal life. Indeed when it is happening you feel it is happening in your waking life. You find the difference only when you wake up. As a matter of fact it is a region very near to the material world running parallel to it. And at times we are lifted bodily as it were into it and the experiences and adventures we go through are very analogous to those in normal life. Still when we are awake ...

... earth and find a place outside to stand on. Our efforts to observe and understand the operations of the cosmos are frustrated because we are ourselves intimately implicated in it. In the strictly material world, one cannot be both within and without, the observed and the observer; in the realms of the spirit, however, nothing is impossible. Savitri stands back, Page 191       ...


... intelligence or reason. But these are various formations of consciousness, which in itself is something else and can exist in many other forms and formulations. One remarkable thing in the material world that has always attracted and captivated man's attention, since al- , most the very dawn of his consciousness, is the existence of a pattern, of an artistic layout in the composition and movement ...

... delight. Man refused because for him it is something too high, too great. Being a creature earth- bound and of small dimensions he can seize and appreciate only small things, little specks of a material world. He refused, first of all, because of his ignorance, he does not know, nor is he capable of conceiving that there are such things as immortal life, divinity, unobscured light, griefless love ...

... which eternally is, but is not manifested, and that which is manifested; between all the transcendences, all the splendours of the divine life and all the obscure and sorrowful ignorance of the material world ? Man is the intermediary between that which has to be and that which is; he is a bridge thrown over the abyss, he is the great X in the cross, the quaternary link. His true abode, the effective ...

... described, in the famous song of Jayadeva describing the Avataras. The Gods, I have said, are types, self-existent realities, models for new creations which are gradually coming forward in the material world, which are to be directed and organised. Specially with man at the top of this new creation, the terrestrial situation has changed considerably and is being changed continually. I have said ...

... suns from where there is no more downfall, being totally free from all earthly downpull. But this need not be the only solution. Matter (the basic unconsciousness) was the master in this material world because, it was not properly faced and negotiated. One sought to avoid and by-pass it. It was there Sphinx like and none stopped to answer its riddle. The mystery is this. Matter, material Nature ...

... Page 115 to you. In the universe all will be unfolded. But in what order and in what way? Everything is there absolutely, eternally but static. Everything is going to come out into the material world, naturally, more or less one after another. What course will the unfolding follow? Up there, it is the domain of absolute freedom. Who tells you that a sufficiently sincere aspiration, a ...

... line: a thing to Page 19 be created or embodied upon earth is first created in a subtle world. When it is ready, ready-made in that world, then it precipitates itself upon the material world, slowly or gradually or suddenly, according to the cosmic will. An illustration to explain the point-the Mother herself gives it: Once, asked about the liberation of India, sometime in 1915 ...

... physical world to represent other worlds that are in it and behind it. Each one is a principle that constitutes the fundamental nature of a particular plane of existence. Earth represents the material world itself, Matter or existence in its most concrete, its grossest form. It is the basis of existence, the world that supports other worlds (dhara, dharitri), the first or the lowest of the several ...

... make them active and fruitful and effective in practice, Power is needed, the power of work. Hence, under this category of Power, are grouped the fourfold series that constitute in essence the material world in its forms of solids, liquids, energy and air — the fifth or ethereal element is omitted for it is not relevant here. The solids form the body's material substance, the liquids give it life and ...

... even so I am the lowest force of this earth-nature. You have given me the privilege of being a collaborator in your Work." He used to say that Sesha-­naga, the primal energy that sustains the material world, had manifested in him, that he was Sesha-naga itself. He was the spirit of Inconscience, of the Force in the nether world; his task was to work in that darkness, sweep it clean and make room for ...

... say, they agreed to conversion. Thus they took birth as or in human beings, so that they may be in contact with the hitman soul—Psyche—which is the only door or passage to the Divine in this material world. But the Page 58 matter was not easy; the process was not straight. For, even agreeing to be converted, even basking in the sunshine of the human psychic, these incorrigible ...

... future. When the time comes for return upon earth, for the descent into a physical body, it remembers naturally the choice it made, but from that higher and subtler plane at that moment the material world is not seen in the way we do, it appears in a different form; still one can notice the differences in the surroundings and activities. One has not the vision of the details, but a total or global ...

... spoilt beauty. And yet the soul makes use of such trivial or absurd means to turn the man towards itself, guide him gradually to the place or the family to which he really belongs. The material world is full of things that draw you away from your soul's quest, from approaching your home. Normally you are tossed about by the forces of ignorant Nature and you are driven even to do the utmost ...

... the same truth, in their own language and imagery when they said "The sacrifice is made a sacrifice through the sacrifice". (5) Consciousness and Dimensions of View The material world is, as we all know, three-dimensional; it has a length, a breadth and a depth. In fact every material object is material because it has these three dimensions. That is what we knew till now ...

... chosen the stronger word to give an edge to it. People are called sensual when they are occupied solely with the sensations of the physical life, with the forms and formations and movements of the material world, when they live with their senses and enjoy the things of the senses. The same tendency instead of going out towards the external life, the physical world, when it turns towards objects of the ...

... within himself, make his will one with His will, go through the evolutionary process consciously, realise within himself God's truth, God's beauty and God's goodness, and establish them in the material world. Then, in the play of God, man's special role is - to realise God in himself, make his will one with the Divine's will, express Him through all his efforts and make his life and his surroundings ...


... degrees of suprarnental working in which the action becomes increasingly more independent of the mind. Disciple : Can an individual in the supermind know the function of, and deal with, the material world without the direct intervention of mental knowledge ? Sri Aurobindo : When it is perfect there is no more need of mental knowledge. Disciple : I mean to say this : take a piece ...

... concreteness it acts as a fortress for the inner consciousness to dwell in safe from easy attacks of the hostiles: it acts also as a firm weapon for the same inner consciousness to cut into the material world and indent and impress its pattern of truth upon an otherwise hard and refractory material made of ignorance and obscurity and falsehood. Furthermore, it is supple enough to receive and record ...

... disparate moments of consciousness. The sense of continuity is a make-believe, an illusion. We know today, thanks to modern science, of the mystery of particles. The ultimate constituents of the material world consist of particles (or wave-particles), that is to say, packets of material energy strung together or merely juxtaposed, but held together somehow. Now the Buddhists added that these are particles ...

... other suns from where there is no more downfall, being totally free from all earthly downpull. But this need not be the only solution. Matter (the basic unconsciousness) was the master in this material world because, it was not properly faced and negotiated. One sought to avoid and bypass it. It was there Sphinx-like and none stopped to answer its riddle. The mystery is this. Matter, material Nature ...

... is the significance of this riddle? Descent is the master-key that unravels the mystery – that Page 32 is to say, the descent of the delightful conscious existence as the material world. But why this descent at all? What was the necessity? What was the purpose? The why of a thing is always difficult, if not impossible, to gauge. But we shall try to understand the how of the ...

... conclusion out of a number of conclusions not because of the nature of objective reality but because of the nature of the observing subject. That 8+8=16 and not 61 points to some correspondence in the material world to the movement of the thinking mind. SRI AUROBINDO: It is the accumulated experience- the invariable experience-that gives that sense. Man has found by putting 8 and 8 together that it makes ...


... uncertain and faltering steps of a child.   The average European has a strong basis of the earth-nature in him; he is heavily enclosed in his physical sheath and firmly placed upon the material world. Therefore he keeps a very stable terrestrial equilibrium and is not easily ousted from his earthly footing; his is not a nature easily upset from its poise, or disturbed by the currents and forces ...

... are hidden in the higher worlds. But when one has this inner vision which opens the doors within our being and one begins to see the truth behind things, then one perceives that even in this material world there are so many things which escape our ordinary sight. Even what one sees under the microscope or through the telescope or what one has been able to reproduce by means of modern photography ...


... a meeting somewhere, and I couldn't understand its meaning, so I'd written to Him about it, and He replied: The place where you were is as much a world of fact and reality as the material world, and its happenings have sometimes a great effect on this world. What an ignorant lot of disciples you are! Too much modernisation and Europeanisation by half! 303 An epic poem ...


... talking to you; well, there was no 'I' at all, there was nothing, no world. The only truth was a universal Reality, perhaps describable only as 'That'! No more were there any I or you or a room, the material world had been replaced by a universal Nihil, a Nothingness, in which the only Reality was That. Do you follow?" No answer. "Was this why you said that you hadn't understood anything?" Sudeep ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 Freedom and Destiny FROM a certain point of view whatever happens here in the material world is a reproduction or realisation of whatever has already happened or existed on another level of reality. In this world then there would be no free choice, everything being predetermined. From another standpoint ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 The Nature and Destiny of Art TRUE art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expresssing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life. In other words, the artist must be able to enter ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 The Problem of Evil GOD has created the world, the material world as it is? Yes and No, more "No" than "Yes". For he has not created it directly. There have been many creators, rather formateurs, form-makers, in between the world and God, who joined in the work of creation. Who are they? They have been ...

... chosen the stronger word to give an edge to it. People are called sensual when they are occupied solely with the sensations of the physical life, with the forms and formations and movements of the material world, when they live with their senses and enjoy the things of the senses. The same tendency instead of going out towards the external life, the physical world, when it turns towards objects of the ...

... , blended, harmonised; that is the effective and patent unity that lies in potentia and has to be brought forth in front. The world is one at bottom; it is to be made one upto the brim. The material world is a factual unity. For it is one matter that exists everywhere; the same fundamental elements constitute, although in different degrees, the earth, the sun, the stars, the distant galaxies and ...

... delight. Man refused because for him it is something too high, too great. Being a creature earth­bound and of small dimensions he can seize and appreciate only small things, little specks of a material world. He refused, first of all, because of his ignorance, he does not know, nor is he capable of conceiving that there are such things as immortal life, divinity, unobscured light, griefless love, or ...

... in the normal life. Indeed when it is happening you feel it is happening in your waking life. You find the difference only when you wake up. As a matter of fact it is a region very near to the material world running parallel to it. And at times we are lifted bodily as it were into it and the experiences and adventures we go through are very analogous to those in normal life. Still when we are awake ...

... capable of explanation in rational terms. The events or experiences had almost the look of 'miracles', but actually they were overmental superimpositions on our normal three-dimensional Euclidean material world. To be engrossed in such feats of supranormal occurrences would have meant leaving the lower life where it was, but structuring glittering edifices on a recalcitrant or inertia-ridden physical ...

... Page 677 whose resistance is present everywhere and at all times in its tremendous and boundless mass.... Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built.... The mystical poet can only describe what he has felt, seen in himself or others ...

... neither sacrifice nor renunciation nor weakness' but 'a Delight which is strength, endurance, supreme courage... brought by the supramental force' which can conquer Evil 'in its own domain' - the material world. - Jun 5 'For me, for what I am trying to do, action in silence is always much more important.... The force expresses itself in each consciousness in accordance with its own particular ...


... woven into the fabric of these books that cover such a vast period of time. The Puranas give mythical accounts of creation. They expound the theory of spiritual evolution. Stating that the material world is not an integral totality, but only a grade in a gradation, they describe through parables and fables how the powers belonging to the whole and involved within its matter, descend into it "from ...

... could not fail to exercise an immense influence on mankind as a whole, even a radical change in the aspect and prospect of its existence here, even if this power had no other capital result on the material world in which it had come down to intervene. One cannot but conclude that the influence, the change made would be far reaching, even enormous: it would not only establish the Supermind and a supramental ...

... only be achieved by a departure from earth and the body. Even if cosmic existence is not an illusion or Maya, a divine or a completely spiritual being is likely to be possible only in another less material world or only in the pure spirit. At any rate, to the normal human reason the odds seem to be heavily against any early materialisation on earth of anything divine. Again, if too strong a stress ...

... then, she is not born to yield the field to Ignorance and Death.          To lead, to deliver was her glorious part. 27   Hers is the task to unclasp the net that binds this "immense material world" which is really a gaol, and thus release humanity to the freedom of a tremendous spiritual heaven. To break mankind's fetters, "Her single will opposed the Cosmic rule." Savitri is determined ...


... difficult. Those eleven years constitute the most astonishing paradox ever experienced by the human species. The paradox of Mother is our secret—our next secret. All the habitual rhythms of the material world have changed.... The body had based its sort of sense of good health on a certain number of vibrations, and whenever those vibrations were present, it felt in good health; when something came and ...


... as false as our life—it is the false life that dies. And it is a veil... over something else, which is material. No—not at all the paradise of a consciousness up above, after "death," but a material world of true Matter on the other side of the veil of death, which is only the death of the Mind. Another Matter in Matter, another continent in a continent. But we do not need to die to get there ...


... [the little evil specimen], there has been a constant multiplication of facts of identification (one is it, and so one DOES it), for all the small things of Matter, the most trivial things in the material world. But it's the key. The key. 28 The key of material contagion. Only, the universalization of the body has to become total enough to be able to sow or rather awaken or reawaken everywhere ...


... simply goes into the mental world or the vital world. But here, it was through her body that She found the way, it was the consciousness of her body that found the way. Therefore it is obviously a material world, but another Matter than the one our usual senses understand—another Matter, or the same differently perceived? In other words, She spent those nine years building the missing link (or letting ...


... Love is a supreme force which the Eternal Consciousness sent down from itself into an obscure and darkened world that it might bring back that world and its beings to the Divine. The material world in its darkness and ignorance had forgotten the Divine. Love came into the darkness; it awakened all that lay there asleep; it whispered, opening the ears that were sealed, "There is something ...


... able to perceive the work of the Spirit. If you are not conscious of the Spirit, how will you be able to see it at work? Because the result of what the Spirit does is necessarily material in the material world; and as it is material, you find it quite natural. What do you know of what Nature does, and what do you know of what the Spirit does?... The world will go on. Things will happen. And perhaps ...


... must be awakened to the perfect existence, knowledge and bliss .... But what is very important, as well as very difficult, is to awaken the being to this triple divine consciousness in the most material world .... 25 Thou settest in motion, Thou stirrest and churnest the innumerable elements of this world, so that, from their primal darkness, their primeval chaos, they may awaken to consciousness ...


... and the lower; the one by which the Infinite determines his own self-manifestation by the selecive power, the second is the lower play of the m ā y ā in the mental, in the vital and in the material world. It is the higher m ā y ā that creates the world, the lower m ā y ā cannot create the world. It is lower m ā yd of mind, life and body which is concerned with intermediate terms. Mind is ...


... 1425. 5 Sri Aurobindo, On Himself , pp. 499-500. Page 286 on human affairs such as the War is not the supramental but the Overmind force, and that when it acts in the material world is so inextricably mixed up in the tangle of the lower world forces that its results, however strong or however adequate to the immediate object, must necessarily be partial. That is why I am ...


... bound in our thoughts, involved in our emotions, torn by our desires, glued to our sensations, and caged in our body. It is a manifold and consolidated servitude that is our common lot in the material world. "The perception of the ignorance of our assumption of freedom while one is all the time in the meshes of this lower nature, is the view-point at which the Gita arrives and it is in contradiction ...

... ses both organic and inorganic Matter, but we have not traced hunger to its ultimate source and watched its primal genesis. If we do that, we shall know what hunger or desire represents in the material world and what it is in its eternal essence. A clear perception of this essence will tend to liberate us from the tormented yoke of desire and make us revert to the source which is a perennial fount ...


... the vital world. And you have no longer a defence; there is not the physical body any longer to rush back into far safety.”² The greatest spiritual achievement has to be made here, in this material world, in this physical body. Is the body dense and inert and reluctant ? The reason is that much of it is yet sub- merged in the obscurity of the Subconscient and the Inconscient, ¹ Words ...


... from life; Sri Aurobihdo's rises to the Spirit to re-descend with its gains bringing the light and power and bliss of the Spirit into life to transform it. Man's present existence in the material world is in this view or vision of things a life in the Ignorance with the Inconscient at its base, but even in its darkness and nescience there are involved the presence and possibilities of the Divine ...

... development, and a stepping-stone to naistraiguṇya or a secure superiority to the knotted action of the three guṇas. It is an intermediary between the Light of the Infinite and the life of the material world. THE THREE TRUTHS Three things emerge from this study of the hierarchical order of the faculties of the mind. (1) Each successive step of the evolutionary psychology of the being ...

... is then a passion of new birth, coloured visions fly across the lids, thoughts fashion the ideal worlds. Savitri slipped into this twilight. She saw "vague fields", vague pastures, vague trees—a material world but not yet of our gross Matter. There were forms but subtly elusive. These "fugitive beings" and "elusive shapes" were "the natural inhabitants of that world." "But nothing there was fixed or ...

... presupposes an implicit faith in the existence of a living, omnipresent Reality, nay, a Supreme Being or Person, of whom the essential human individuality is an abiding manifesting centre in the material world, and the mutable human personality a phenomenal front and figure of self-representation. It is His Will that is splintered into the myriad wills and desires of the swarming mass of living forms ...


... Aurobindo in the Ashram at Pondicherry, herself a great artist, says :- "If you want art to be the true and highest art, it must be the expression of a divine world brought down into the material world" (Words of the Mother) Page 75 While showing the relation between art and Yoga she says :- "Art is not very different from Yoga, if the artists consider their work ...

... coming in contact with the higher worlds of being or planes of consciousness. In that case the artist brings back the memory of the forms Page 29 and reproduces them here in the material world. In some cases some superhuman agency—a higher being for instance, uses the artist as a medium for its self-expression. A work of art may be revealed to the artist even in dream. ...

... began to descend—not “descend”: to manifest and permeate; permeate and fill this terrestrial consciousness. What a force it had! What a power!... I had never felt that kind of intensity in the material world. A STABILITY , a power! Everything in the sense of a power, of a thrust forward: progress, evolution, transformation. It was the joy of progress.... Amidst all that—that mass of experience—there ...

... difference between the two consciousnesses. Among other things and in a quite practical and positive way, he explained to me that the cause of all illnesses, all disorders, all conflicts, here in the material world, is that the two simultaneous movements (one is the movement of duration—what we could call Stability—and the other, the movement of transformation), the two movements in the original Consciousness ...

... knowing, except under hypnosis or in abnormal states, because they are hidden to us by the whole mental superstructure. It is the cellular level, the one at which Mother lived, from which She saw the material world differently and which made her body live according to laws that were miraculous for a body assailed by age, heart attacks and the rush of the world. “As if the physical became double”: the old ...

... degree of Matter that is finer than our substance, there is no carapace. Our present eyes seize upon the opaque carapace alone. And yet it is a material body that moves about materially in our material world. But Mother remained facing her problem and all the “ubiquities” of the world explained nothing to her, except that one had added one more small label, as always, to mask one’s ignorance and ...

... junction of the end is at the beginning of everything: What would be the use of man if he were not meant to be a bridge between That which eternally is and all the dark and painful ignorance of the material world? Man is the link between what must be and what is, the bridge thrown across the abyss. 13 And Mirra wondered in her Prayers and Medita­tions: Oh, when shall I have forgotten myself completely ...

... the being, the point through which he can be touched. 25 We must accept the weak point. We must build a bridge between That which eternally is and all the dark and pain­ful ignorance of the material world. 26 "He has cloven wide away the darkness as one that cleaves away a skin that he may spread out our earth [earth = body] under his illumin­ing sun,” says the Veda (V.85.1). To triumph in ...

... come in contact with a pleasant substance, some­thing harmonious, warm, vibrating with a higher light; it happens. But it's rare. Flowers, yes, sometimes flowers sometimes, not always. But this material world, oh! It batters you from all sides; it claws you, mauls you—you get clawed and scraped and battered by all sorts of things which just don’t blossom. How hard it all is! Oh, how closed human life ...

... further horizons still: the power-house has to be charged with Divine Knowledge and there has to be "the full opening up of the different planes... and the subjection of Matter and the body and the material world to the law of the higher heavens of the Truth". The ultimate aim, of course, was to "possess securely the Light and the Force of the supramental being", but progress was hampered by the gheraoing ...

... Sandhyapaddhati 58, 59, 60 ॐ सत्यम्। Om satyam. OM the Truth ॐ आपो ज्योती रसोऽमृतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवः स्वः ॥१०॥ om āpo jyotī raso' mṛtaṁ brahma bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ. 10 Om Brahman, the material World, the World of various Becomings, the Mind, the Waters of consciousness, the Light, Delight and Immortality. Yajurvediya Sandhyapadhati Gayatri Dhyanam 10 ॐ नीलोत्पलदलश्यामां भुजगभर ...

... on the supreme light of the illumining Sun-god, that he may impel our mind." To my father's queries Sri Aurobindo gave the definitions of the following planes (10 Sept. 1937): bhurloka = material world; bhuvarloka = vital world; dyoloka = mind-world; swarloka = highest region of mind-world. The Rishis preferred a concrete language to an abstract one. Bhu, to them, meant the physical ...

... leave the world and vanish into the Universal, but as the highest have done, as God Himself habitually does, to bring down the bliss, illumination and greatness of that higher existence into the material world of creatures. All that rises beyond the minimum to the maximum, even though it may not attain it, is the Para Dharma; the minimum is the apara. To be a good, unselfish and religious man is the ...


... tells us that nothing proceeds from nothingness and that for every effect there is a cause and for every growth a seed, we must remember that her truths apply as much to the spiritual as to the material world. Mommsen has said rightly that without passion there is no genius. We shall not gather beauty from ugliness, nor intellect from a slow temperament, nor fiery passion from disciplined apathy, but ...


... there in the type in the causal world with which our superconscious selves are perpetually in touch; they manifest in the psychical and become part of our thought. That thought we put out into the material world and there it takes shape and body, as movements, as institutions, as poetry, Art and Knowledge, as living men and women. Man creates his world because he is the psychic instrument through whom ...


... FOR TWO REASONS:— (1) Because it is only in proportion as we put from us the pre-occupation of bodily desires and interests, the sensual gratifications, lusts, longings, indolences of the material world, that we can return to the ocean of spiritual force within us. (2) Because for the development of Shakti, entire concentration is necessary; the mind must be devoted entirely to its aim as a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Therefore, their idea of the gods was a conception of great divine Beings manifesting or born, as they said, variously in all the kingdoms of being. Surya is manifest as creative solar Light in the material world, he is Savitri, the Father; he is manifest in his own home, the Truth-principle, as the divine Light that illuminates our liberated being. To all the gods this parallelism applies and it is the ...


... join all the aspects and illumine all the facts of the enigma. If all were indeed a result of cosmic Chance, there would be no necessity of a new advance; nothing beyond mind need appear in the material world,—as indeed there was then no necessity for even mind to arise at all out of the meaningless blind material whirl. Consciousness itself would be only a Page 162 fortuitous apparition ...


... wholly.Man especially, because he is most self-conscious, develops this awareness to a high degree, nor can he be permanently satisfied with increase of power or knowledge within the limits of the material world, for that is also limited and inconclusive and, being aware of and impelled by the infinite within and around him, he cannot escape the necessity of seeking to know and possess it. This progression ...


... Knowledge or Truth—Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5) Mind World of light (Swar) 6) Life (nervous being) Worlds of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7) Matter The material world (Bhur) Now this system which in the Purana is simple enough, is a good deal more intricate in the Veda. There the three highest worlds are classed together as the triple divine Principle ...


... physical consciousness, tredhā vicakramāṇaḥ . Page 347 In those three strides he has measured out, he has formed in all their extension the earthly worlds; for in the Vedic idea the material world which we inhabit is only one of several steps leading to and supporting the vital and mental worlds beyond. In those strides he supports upon the earth and mid-world,—the earth the material, the ...


... earthly shabda, but afterwards when the hand was removed. The whole sukshmabodha is now extending its sense-perceptions to the mental & pranic heavens as well as to the mental & pranic koshas of the material world. This movement initiates the completion of the trailokyadrishti first indicated in the Alipur jail. It marks also the growing emergence of the sukshma shabdadrishti in the sthula hearing. In ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Vishnu-Virat as his especial care.We have seen that the Ananda is now highest in the developed evolution. Vishnu is therefore now preeminently the Lord of the Ananda and when he comes down into the material world he stands in the Sun as the supreme electrical force involved in Agni and evolving out of him, which is the physical counterpart of Ananda and without Page 473 which no action in the ...


... tongue is lifted upward, he destroys and rushes swiftly through and should be cloven to, increasing his father. (Explanation. Heaven & earth, Mind & body dwelling together in one frame or in one material world move in the darkness of ignorance, they pass through it by following the divine Force which is born to their activities. कुपयं is of doubtful significance. The father is the Purusha or else Heaven ...


... development of a great & liberating doctrine. Kurvanneva, says the Rishi, having his eye on the great dispute. Thou shalt do works & not abstain from doing them and the works are the works of this material world, those that are to be done iha, here, in this life & body. Doing his works in this world a man shall be joyously willing to live the full span of years allowed to the mortal body. If he grows weary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... will be impersonal, unlimited by any particular acts and enjoyment, unbound to their results, untroubled by the dualities or the touch of sin and suffering, grandiose, boundless, immortal. The material world itself will become for these gods a figure of the infinite, luminous and blissful Superconscient. This will be the transfiguration of the gods, but what of the self? For we have seen that there ...


... which there is a nervous contact and formation, the mental, manaḥkoṣa , in which there is mental contact and imaging. We dwell centred in the mental sheath and therefore the experience of the material world has to come through the other two sheaths before it can reach us. The foundation of sense, therefore, is contact, and the essential contact is the mental without which there would not be sense ...


... sacrifice. Matter they described by a name which means ordinarily food and they said, we call it food because it is devoured and devours creatures. The eater eating is eaten, this is the formula of the material world, as the Darwinians rediscovered when they laid it down that the struggle for life is the law of evolutionary existence. Modern science has only rephrased the old truths that had already been expressed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... only by fire, but also and much more perfectly by all workings in the world,—subtle as well as gross material,—of the principle of heat and brilliance and force; God is not manifested only by this material world, but also and much more perfectly by all movements and harmonies of the action of consciousness supporting and informing material appearances. What then is Yajna in Himself and what is Agni ...


... down in that alien medium; after some moments he must come Page 485 up gasping for the necessary breath of his natural existence. Since we cannot find a real & ultimate peace in material world, that great flux & whirl of movement, we are driven to look within for a principle of eternal stability. To look within is to look behind the veil of our material life. The very movement supposes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... logical ingenuities of the sophists awakened a widespread curiosity on the subject; but the moment the experimental methods of physical science give us actual experience of the constituents of the material world, such speculations become valueless; the simple relation of connected facts takes the place of abstract logic. No one would dream of trying to settle the constituents of water or the processes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... foundation on the mind of the physical man whose natural faith is in things physical, in the sensible and visible objects, presences, representations and the external pursuits and aims of this material world. The means, symbols, rites, figures, by which it sought to mediate between the spirit and the normal human mentality were drawn from these most external physical things. Man's first and primitive ...


... West has acquired the religious mind rather than possessed it by nature and it has always worn its acquisition with a certain looseness. India has constantly believed in worlds behind of which the material world is only the antechamber. Always she has seen a self within us greater than the mental and vital self, greater than the ego. Always she has bowed her intellect and heart before a near and present ...


... And the first thing we have to ask ourselves is whether that Force is simply force, simply an unintelligent energy of movement or whether the consciousness which seems to emerge out of it in this material world we live in, is not merely one of its phenomenal results but rather its own true and secret nature. In Vedantic terms, is Force simply Prakriti, only a movement of action and process, or is Prakriti ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... erroneous. Either some sort of personal subjectivism is postulated or else there is the subtlety of the Vienna Circle which says: "Science is a mere systematisation of sense-observations. To posit a material world with mechanistic laws, as the Newtonian scientists did, is to exceed the legitimate boundaries of scienti­fic thought. We have to abstain from materialism and mechanism, because, like all philosophy ...

... brain-cells, when clearly those very organs and terminals and currents and cells involve actual objective material existence of the precise sort which is said to be in doubt! We as good as say: "The material world as a real entity comes to be in doubt only if sense-organs' nerve-terminals, nerve-currents and brain-cells ^h are part of the same world really exist to receive the Page 157 ...

... and not one by itself are the eternal terms of existence.   Page 390 "This truth which we can see, though with difficulty and under considerable restrictions, even in the material world where the subtler and higher powers of being have to be excluded from our intellectual operations, becomes clearer and more powerful when we ascend in the scale. We see the truth of our classifications ...


... supramental Yoga had made his incarnate personality. He could actually be that Purusha active in an indissoluble subtle body at once divine and human, in a far more direct constant touch with the material world than could the forms which mystics have visioned of past Rishis and Prophets and Avatars. In a most special sense, therefore, Sri Aurobindo the marvellously gifted and gracious person who was our ...


... fulfilled. And the immediate things are already realised, they already exist in the subtle physical and they can be seen there.... They are only the reflection or projection of the image in the material world which will appear on the next day or in a few hours. There are all kinds of premonitory dreams. There are premonitary dreams that are fulfilled immediately... and there are premonitory dreams ...


... remember, ESP is not confined to telepathy: there is precognition which mentally triumphs over physical time over and above including telepathic transcendence of matter and the space-relations of the material world. If possibilities are opened to us of being Plato's "spectator of all time and all existence", are we confronting a sub-human relic or the promise of a super- human development? No doubt, ...

... them are at present intensely doing; for orange or red-gold light is the light of the Supramental in the physical, and the whole effort of the Master and the Mother is to emanate into our outer material world the Supermind's Truth-luminosity which is theirs in this world's inner subtle-physical background where they have now joined their forces. Page 133 ...

... world is an athanor 2 in which the lead of our painful subconscious must be transmuted to the gold of beatific consciousness, not in some unverifiable beyond, but here itself in the reality of the material world. Thus one might summarize the content of these revelations which, heretofore sacred Utopias, Science now begins to corroborate and will necessarily continue to do so in the decades to come, as ...


... tantric, yogic, ayurvedic). They seem to have included the idea of transforming physical matter as part of their long-term aspiration for humanity, but they were also aware of Asuric forces in the material world that are very difficult to overcome." Vamadeva further adds: "The Rishis' pursuit of physical and spiritual rejuvenation is reflected in the Vedic knowledge of Soma. There were many types ...

... of the Bhagavad Gita unlocks the secrets of a specific Yoga, each canto of Book II (and in fact, every canto of Savitri) opens a new approach to spiritual union, a Yoga. Leaving the gross material world, the first new realm that Aswapati enters is the world of Subtle Matter. The Mother has called this "true matter", since a supramental physicality will finally manifest through this substance ...

... Ibid., p. 477. 31 Taittiriya Sanhita Part I, Harvard Oriental Series, Vol. 18; p. cxxviii. Page 116 and protecting them on the path of heaven. As will in the material world it is he who shapes and moulds forms and brings concreteness to things ethereal. Agni is the creative principle or power of immortality in Matter. Identification with him is a certain and effective ...

... Poems, SABCL, Vol. 5, p. Page 138 own harmony like the "life heavens". The Earth, on the other hand, is an evolutionary world, not at all glorious or harmonious even as a material world (except in certain appearances) but rather most sorrowful, disharmonious, imperfect. Yet in that imperfection is the urge towards a higher and more many-sided perfection. It contains the last ...

... Champaklal for his birthday. The things which seemed most difficult, most improbable, perhaps, even most impossible, become wholly realisable, because Thy Presence is our assurance that the material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of Thy Will and Thy Law. With my Blessings The Mother 2.2.1940 2 Tranquillise and widen your consciousness; go deeper into your ...


... and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. This is what we nowadays call the Inconscient which seems to have created the material ...

... delight. Man refused because for him it is something too high, too great. Being a creature earth-bound and of small dimensions he can seize and appreciate only small things, little specks of a material world. He refused, first of all, because of his ignorance, he does not know, nor is he capable of conceiving that there are such things as immortal life, divinity, unobscured light, griefless love ...

... and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all these, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here—it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified ...


... Champaklal for his birthday. The things which seem most difficult, most improbable, and perhaps even most impossible, become wholly realisable because Thy Presence is our assurance that the material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of Thy Will and Thy Law. With my blessings 2 February 1933 ...

... therefore is itself real. The reality is the infinite and eternal Divine.... This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience.... The Being which is hidden in what seems to be an inconscient void emerges ...


... — a human being who in losing himself in God yet keeps himself and is able to lean down again to humanity. See also Jivakoti. jāgrat — the waking state, the consciousness of the material world. Jivakoti — a human being who, once immersed in the Reality, cannot return; he is lost in God and lost to humanity. See also Ishwarakoti. Jivatma — see Atman and Central Being ...


... greater and more profound. They too must have passed through the first materialistic stages of science and philosophy. For we read in the Aitareya Upanishad that entering upon possession of the material world and the body, the Purusha, the Conscious Soul, asks himself, "If utterance is by speech and life by the breath, vision by the eye, hearing by the ear, thought by the mind," if in short all the ...


... individual. The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation Page 85 to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the Divine Consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This ...


... and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. Page 170 This is what we now-a-days call the Inconscient ...

... sacrifice. Matter they described by a name which means ordinarily food and they said, we call it food because it is devoured and devours creatures. The eater eating is eaten, this is the formula of the material world.” 4 “War, said Heraclitus, is the father of all things, war is the king of all; and the saying, like most of the apophthegms of the Greek thinker, suggests a profound truth. From a clash ...

... will develop further and her body will become the body of the earth. We have seen (cf. ‘The Ship from the Supramental World’) that the supramental world was there, ready to permeate the gross material world and take its place. The more the Mother’s cells became supramentalised, the more she belonged physically to the supramental world too, which means that for years she belonged physically to two ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... Gautam Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother 19 September 1966 Love among humans is based on remembrance, isn’t it? In the material world, love expresses itself through the need to be close, to unite, to become one. The persistence of remembrance is rather the effect of love and not its basis. 19 September 1966 ...

... more perfect in work one is? But I know people who work as perfectly as possible but are ordinary. They cannot be “ordinary” and do perfect work. Surely their physical consciousness of the material world is highly developed and they must have great concentration in their work. 15 January 1967 ...

... made or is going to make its appearance in the play.’ The task ahead, now and on so many occasions to come, was much more arduous than anticipated by her or by Sri Aurobindo. The reason why this material world had never been divinized became ever clearer to them as they advanced into unknown but very concrete and resistant physical-spiritual territory. (In years to come an ironic Sri Aurobindo would ...

... rationale, the significance of the whole is left as dark, as mysterious and even more mysterious than ever. The scheme it has built up of the evolution not only of this rich and vast and variegated material world, but of life and consciousness and mind and their Page 182 workings out of a brute mass of electrons, identical and varied only in arrangement and number, is an irrational magic ...

... through the perfection of form, through harmony and a sense of the ideal which uplifts and leads towards something higher.’ 27 And she wrote also: ‘True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life.’ 28 We know what an important ...

... small human mind—and, the realism includes Titan forces, the dark Inconscient and the Ancient of the worlds no less than the slow ages and Time's enormous sea and the days of this material Page 457 world where life, in the Upanishad's phrase, is one long hunger that is death. Maybe Mr. Ezekiel will brush all of Sri Aurobindo's sonnets away as bombastic mystagogism, but, if he does ...


... William Walsh, a modern critic, has characterised the stanza as associating the natural and the numinous: that is to say, the familiar and the religiously solemn, the human and the superhuman, the material world and the mystery beyond. And, contemplating the blend of the natural and the numinous, the poet says: And, little town, thy streets for evermore Will silent be; and not a soul to tell ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Indian cosmogonic theory. What is more important, we do not even come across this kind of relapse in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. When Sri Aurobindo says that 'from a dark immense Inconscient this material world arises and out of it a soul that by evolution is struggling into consciousness', 1 he conceives the process to be not repetitive at all but absolutely unique. For, considering the Why of it, 'the ...


... disappearance is a kind of death. "It is here that the subject, however independent minded, may literally welcome a helping hand. Of all the senses, touch is naturally most firmly anchored in the material world. So it is the least liable to illusions. It has been found that if at the moment of this 'trans valuation of all values', this double change of the view of one's self and one's view of nature, ...

... change oneself. I have always said that the spiritual force I have been putting on human affairs such as the War is not the supramental but the Overmind force, and that when it acts in the material world it is so inextricably mixed up in the tangle of the lower world forces that its results, however strong or however adequate to the immediate object, must necessarily be partial. That is why ...


... I don’t remember anymore) when I met with the Tantrics and got in relation with them, I started seeing this light and I thought that it was a “tantric light,” the tantric way of perceiving the material world. But now I see it constantly, in connection with everything, and it seems to be something that one might call “a perception of real Matter.” All possible colours are mutually associated without ...


... unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it. When one dies, one leaves or loses only one's body and at the same time the possibilities of relation with and of action on the material world. All that belongs to the vital plane does not disappear with the material substance, frustration and disappointment, and all that keeps you restless and prevents you from getting the expected ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... to the spiritual life and the higher artistic sphere. The Mother has stated: If you want art to be true and highest art, it must be the expression of a Divine World brought down into this material world. She valued true feeling and right consciousness more than only precise and decorative work without vibrations and vividness. She put stress on "White Light without shadow". It is the vibration ...


... birth itself or during the life. For either a psychic entity pre-exists in other worlds in a subtle form and comes from there with it to its brief earthly sojourn, or the soul develops here in the material world itself, and with it a psychic body is developed in the course of Nature and persists after death in other worlds or by reincarnation here. These would be the two possible alternatives. An evolving ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... three together and not one by itself are the eternal terms of existence. This truth which we can see, though with difficulty and Page 396 under considerable restrictions, even in the material world where the subtler and higher powers of being have to be excluded from our intellectual operations, becomes clearer and more powerful when we ascend in the scale. We see the truth of our classifications ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... of human religions and philosophies; for they all get at some image or some side clue, touch some portion of the one Truth or envisage some one of its myriad aspects. Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation of the breath of Divine Existence, or all things as thoughts of the cosmic Mind, or realise that there is a Spirit which is greater than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and action only when it casts itself upon life and accepts equally its possibilities and its resistances as the means of a greater self-perfection. In the struggle with the difficulties of the material world the ethical development of the individual is firmly shaped and the great schools of conduct are formed; by contact with the facts of life Art attains to vitality, Thought assures its abstractions ...


... permit but favour the harmony of our inner and outer activities and experiences in the divine consummation of both. For man is precisely that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower. To avoid the life which is given him for ...


... human life is useful to humanity in one way or another. Yoga is directed towards God, not towards man. If a divine supramental consciousness and power can be brought down and established in the material world, that obviously would mean an immense change for the earth including humanity and its life. But the effect on humanity would only be one result of the change; it cannot be the object of the sadhana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... spiritual in the proper sense of the word—for they lack the essential condition of spirituality. Perfection of all kinds is indeed good, as it is the sign of the pressure of the consciousness in the material world towards full self-expression in this or that limit, on this or that level. In a certain sense it is an urge of the Divine itself hidden in forms that tends in the lesser degrees of consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... they are connected in our associations with true and beautiful things of which our senses or our minds are vividly aware. Men have not learnt yet to recognise the Inconscient on which the whole material world they see is built, or the Ignorance of which their whole nature including their knowledge is built; they think that these words are only abstract metaphysical jargon flung about by the philosophers ...


... non-evolutionary worlds are worlds of a type limited to its own harmony like the Life Heavens. The Earth on the other hand is an evolutionary world, not at all glorious or harmonious even as a material world (except in certain appearances), but rather most sorrowful, disharmonious, imperfect. Yet in that imperfection is the urge towards a higher and more many-sided perfection. It contains the last ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... this world. Once consciousnesses separated from the One Consciousness, they fell inevitably into ignorance and the last result of ignorance was Inconscience; from a dark immense Inconscient this material world arises and out of it a soul that by evolution is struggling into consciousness, attracted towards the hidden Light, ascending but still blindly towards the lost Divinity from which it came. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... n proceeds and all universe. (2) The supramental and the supracosmic are not the same. If it were so there could be no supramental world and no descent of the supramental principle into the material world—we would be brought back to the idea that the divine Truth and Reality can only exist beyond and the universe, any universe can only be a half-truth or an illusion of ignorance. (3) I mean by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Worlds of the Lower Hemisphere The bhuvarloka is not part of the material universe—it is the vital world that goes by that name. Dyuloka = mind world, bhuvarloka = vital world, bhūrloka = material world. Svarloka is the highest region of the dyuloka , but it came to be regarded as identical with it. Tapoloka and the Worlds of Tapas That is the original Tapoloka in which the principle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... that all that looks material is like a phantom, a dream, which must vanish, leaving no trace.... Page 393 One can read anything into anything. But Shakespeare says nothing about the material world or there being a base some where else or of our being projected into a dream. He says "we are such stuff." The spirits vanish into air, into thin air, as Shakespeare emphasises by repetition ...


... greater vision. All our nature must make an integral surrender; it must offer itself in every part and every movement to that which seems to the unregenerated sense-mind so much less real than the material world and its objects. Our whole being—soul, mind, sense, heart, will, life, body—must consecrate all its energies so entirely and in such a way that it shall become a fit vehicle for the Divine. This ...


... of the values of existence lays stress on the dignity of labour and sees in its toil the bed-rock of the relations between man and man. There is a truth in both attitudes. For this force in the material world is at once in its necessity the foundation of material existence or rather that on which it moves, the feet of the creator Brahma in the old parable, and in its primal state not uplifted by knowledge ...


... when we look upon men and beings, we have to see him in them and in our relation with them to see that we are entering into relations with forms of him; when breaking beyond the limitation of the material world we know or have relations with the beings of other planes, still the same thought and vision has to be made real to our minds. The normal habit of our minds which are open only to the material ...


... had long ago discovered. We may say, therefore, that it is a subconscious Mind or Intelligence which, manifesting Force as its driving-power, its executive Nature, its Prakriti, has created this material world. But since, as we have now found, Mind is no independent and original entity but only a final operation of the Truth-consciousness or Supermind, therefore wherever Mind is, there Supermind must ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the Divine is to miss that closer union towards which these crude beginnings are the first steps, however faltering. Page 558 All life, we have said, is a Yoga of Nature; here in this material world life is her reaching out from her first inconscience towards a return to union with the conscient Divine from whom she proceeded. In religion the mind of man, her accomplished instrument, becomes ...


... By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to Vayu, the god of wind, breath & the life principle. Cf अन्, अनुः, अनिलः, प्राणः. अ The first letter of the Onkára, representing material world being; from a to be, & bearing the sense of initial & pervasive being. अ, अन् (1) a negative prefix, expressing defect, absence or opposition. (2) a prohibitive particle. (3) an in ...


... here is opposed to जगतां in the second pada. Day and Night are the goddesses who impel on their journey those who move; their journey in the chariot is the ascent of the hill, पृथिव्याः सानौ, the material world being the first level of the three त्रिषु सानुषु (cf I.10.2. सानोः सानुमारुहत्); the vital and mental worlds follow, when these three open out, are manifested in their wideness रोदसी उर्वी (स्तुषे ...


... possibilities of the sensations and emotions, of the intellect, of Page 291 the intuitive reason and liberating the superior faculties from their limitation and constant reference to the material world fulfils our entire mental being. Its activities receive their completest manifestation; they are gathered up into the life of the complete Truth by the rays of the sun, that is to say, by the full ...


... Notes on Images Seen in March 1914 The Evolutionary Scale. Notes on Images - I We shall see how the thought of God works itself out in Life. The material world is first formed with the Sun as centre, the Sun [ ] 1 being itself only a subordinate star of the great Agni, Mahavishnu, in whom is centred the Bhu. Mahavishnu is the Virat Purusha who as Agni ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... II. III. finally read.) 3) Vedanta.—(The Upanishads restudied.) 4) Correspondence— 5) Notes on the System of Yoga. 6) Diary. 7) Miscellaneous. There is an opposition in the material world in all its strata; there is no opposition in the worlds beyond. Sharirananda The tivra is growing at different points of the body. From today, it will nowhere be dependent on the smarana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... atmasamarpanam iti Shudrashaktih. The Shudra is God descending entirely into the lower world and its nature, giving himself up entirely for the working out of God's lila in Matter & in the material world. From this standpoint he is the greatest of the four shaktis, because his nature goes direct towards complete atmasamarpana; but the Shudra bound has cut himself off from knowledge, power and skill ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... future; but as the real body of the psychic worlds is not present to the physical mind, but only appears like a dream or Page 1415 imagination, so to my psychic mind is the body of the material world. This presents a difficulty which most who do this writing do not appreciate. It is only spirits who are very near to the earth who can to some extent see it with similar eyes to physical beings ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... or any of them are applied to the things of thought, ideas and knowledge generally it may be called Jnanam or Divine Thought. When these four faculties are applied to the facts and events of the material world the result is Trikaladrishti, which means the direct knowledge of the past, the intuitive knowledge of the present and the prophetic knowledge of the future. To have it properly, it is necessary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... forgets that all experiences are facts, that ideas are Page 11 facts, that subjective knowledge is the one fact of which he can be decently sure and that he knows nothing even of the material world by his senses but only by the use his subjective knowledge makes of the senses. Many a materialist will tell you that only those facts can be accepted as a basis to knowledge which the senses supply ...


... depend upon inaction, nor is this possession limited to the enjoyment of the inactive Soul that only witnesses without taking part in the movement. On the contrary, the doing of works in this material world and a full acceptance of the term of physical life are part of its completeness. For the active Brahman fulfils Itself in the world by works and man also is in the body for self-fulfilment by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... being. He begins to perceive Nature and divine Powers in Nature to whom he owes sacrifice, adoration, obedience, because it is by them and by their law that the workings both of the mental and the material world are controlled, and he learns that only by increasing their presence and their greatness in his thought and will and life can he himself increase his powers, knowledge, right action and the sa ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of cosmic existence has no beginning and no end, nānto na cādiḥ , in space or in time; for it is eternal and imperishable, avyaya . The real form of it cannot be perceived by us in this material world of man's embodiment, nor has it any apparent lasting foundation here; it is an infinite movement and its foundation is above in the supreme of the Infinite. Its principle is the ancient sempiternal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the most exacting in its conditions. It is nothing less than the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter, the supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. The supreme Power has descended into the most material consciousness but it ...


... 1910-1913 Essays Divine and Human The Interpretation of Scripture The spirit who lies concealed behind the material world, has given us, through the inspiration of great seers, the Scriptures as helpers and guides to unapparent truth, lamps of great power that send their rays into the darkness of the unknown beyond which He dwells, tamasah parastat ...


... greater and more profound. They too must have passed through the first materialistic stages of science and philosophy. For we read in the Aitareya Upanishad that entering upon possession of the material world and the body, the Purusha, the Conscious Soul, asks himself, "If utterance is by speech and life by the breath, vision by the eye, hearing by the ear, thought by the mind," if in short all the ...


... second chapter in the Brihad Aranyaka? Yet there are few profounder thoughts in philosophical literature than its great central idea of Ashanaya Mrityu, Hunger who is Death, as the builder of this material world. But who will be our guide in this forest? who can illuminate for us that which is dark in these Upanishads or, conquering the rapid and deafening surge of modern thought, plunge deep into the ...


... follow in its course of evolution the development of that soul. I put it that from this point of view the soul of man like the soul of Nature can be regarded as an unfolding of the spirit in the material world. Our unfolding has its roots in the soil of the physical life; its growth shoots up and out in many directions in the stalk and branches of the vital being; it puts forth the opulence of the buds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... themselves for realisation. Whatever happens here has already been prepared or foreshadowed in the vital; it does not happen exactly as represented in the vital, but with a change suitable for the material world. Page 384 The Physical and the Psychic All that is very good—it is the psychic condition that is increasing. The peace and spontaneous knowledge are in the psychic being and from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... physical mind and brings into it the spontaneous action of the Light. Dealing with Physical Things Material things are not to be despised—without them there can be no manifestation in the material world. Physical things have a life and value of their own which does not depend upon their price. To respect physical things and make a careful and scrupulous use of them is a part of the Yoga ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what seem to be his opposites, Non-Being, Inconscience and Insentience. This is what we nowadays call the Inconscient which seems to have created the material ...


... on the other hand, specifically the psychic being in an evolutionary creature like man; it may mean the spark of the Divine which has been put into Matter by the descent of the Divine into the material world and which upholds all evolving formations here. There is and can be no psychic being in a non-evolutionary creature like the Asura; there can be none in a god who does not need one for his existence ...


... and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all three, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here—it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified ...

... things happening in an illogical way; otherwise from the very beginning the world would have been illogical and it is not so. Men imagine for the most part one of two things, either that there is a material world to which they belong, that all comes from there, all returns there and all ends there—these are the unbelievers—or, the believers, most of them, that there is something which they call "God" and ...


... the body and its activities like an encumbrance and a useless thing, in order to attend only to the inner movement. Sri Aurobindo declared that this was not enough; the Truth demanded that the material world should also participate in this transformation and become an expression of the deeper Truth. But when people heard this, many thought that it was possible to transform the body and its activities ...


... relation with the Divine in the way of his art, exactly as he would in any other. If you want art to be the true and highest art, it must be the expression of a divine world brought down into this material world. All true artists have some feeling of this kind, some sense that they are intermediaries between a higher world and this physical existence. If you consider it in this light, Art is not very different ...


... greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence. Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires ...


... supreme force which the Eternal Consciousness sent down from itself into an obscure and darkened world that Page 73 it might bring back that world and its beings to the Divine. The material world in its darkness and ignorance had forgotten the Divine. Love came into the darkness; it awakened all that lay there asleep; it whispered, opening the ears that were sealed, "There is something ...


... necessary, even at times of commands from within, and it requires time and much sincerity to discover and overcome them; at last it seems as if you had done away with these wretched desires in the material world, in external things, in the world of feelings, in the emotions and sentiments, in the mental world as regards ideas, and then you find them again in the spiritual world, and there they are far ...


... relation with the Divine in the way of his art, exactly as he would in any other. If you want art to be the true and highest art, it must be the expression of a divine world brought down into this material world. All true artists have some feeling of his kind, some sense that they arc intermediaries between a higher world and this physical existence. If you consider it in this light, Art is not very different ...


... knowledge was resplendent, expression was harmonious and vast, will was potent and invincible. Then the worlds darkened in a multiplicity more and more chaotic, the Energy became violent and the material world obscure and sorrowful. And when in our infinite love we perceived in its entirety the hideous suffering of the world of misery and ignorance, when we saw our children locked in a sombre struggle ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... with Thy present possibilities. The things which seemed most difficult, most improbable, perhaps even most impossible, become wholly realisable, because Thy Presence is our assurance that the material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of the Will and the Law. I greet Thee in the joyful plenitude of perfect harmony—Thee, Thy Principle and Thy works. Page 251 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... through them into conscious relation with the life-world and other worlds and use them also for a more subtle experience and more intimate knowledge of the truths, facts and happenings of even the material world itself. We can by this self-development live more or less fully on planes of our existence other than the material which is now all in all to us. Sri Aurobindo The Synthesis of Yoga - I: ...


... that seems to be the opposite of itself, something in which there can be Darkness, Inconscience, Inertia, Insensibility, Disharmony and Disintegration. It is this that we see at the basis of the material world and speak of nowadays as the Inconscient—the inconscient Ocean of the Rigveda in which the One was hidden and arose in the form of this Universe,—or, as it is sometimes called, the non-being, Asat ...


... Aurobindo, "India is free." I didn't say, "She will be free"; I said, "She is free." Well, between that moment when it was an accomplished fact and the time when it was translated into the material world on earth, how many years were necessary? It was in 1915, and liberation came in 1947, that is, thirty-two years later. There you are, that is the exact picture of the resistance. So, for the ...


... higher consciousness, you are liberated from outer forms, but they remain as they are. Indeed, some slight mention is made of changing one's character, but there is no question of changing the material world. Sweet Mother, I have not understood this: "The spirit's inner enemies... have to be sacrificed in the harsher sense of the word, whatever pain in going they may throw by reflection on the ...


... science which must itself be perfected, completed, and which will obviously be used for the creation and setting in action of new bodies which will be able to manifest the supramental life in the material world. But, as Sri Aurobindo says, before this can be done, it is good to utilise all that we have in order to increase and make more exact the control of physical activities. It is very obvious that ...


... material worlds as we know them is the result of the descent of the supreme Consciousness into the Inconscient. It cannot be said that there was something prior to that, things as we know them in the material world ( I apologise for the ambiguity of my words, but you understand one cannot express these things in our usual words). The formation of the earth as we know it, this infinitesimal point in the ...


... power. It creates vibrations which have an undeniable effect. It is not so much the idea as the sound; the idea too has its own power, but in its own domain—whereas the sound has a power in the material world. I think I have explained this to you once; I told you, for example, that words spoken casually, usually without any reflection and without attaching any importance to them, can be used to do ...


... and the higher up the scale one goes, the more closely does the rhythm of the advance resemble the rhythm of the universal development, and approach the rhythm of the divine development; but the material world is rigid by nature, transformation is slow, very slow, there, almost imperceptible for the measurement of time as human consciousness perceives it... and so there is a constant disequilibrium between ...


... understand what you have said: "True art is a whole and an ensemble; it is one and of one piece with life." What I have said? Nothing else but that true art is the expression of beauty in the material world; and in a world entirely changed spiritually, that is to say, one expressing completely the divine reality, art must act as a revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life; that is to say ...


... true thing which escapes our superficial understanding." But, Mother, it is said one must not be pessimistic, and here you have said, "They are always a clumsy attempt...." This means that the material world, just as it is, is very awkward at expressing the truth which is behind. That is obvious. I believe we don't need to reflect very deeply to perceive that, unless there are people... Yes, in "The ...


... the most exacting in its conditions. It is nothing less than the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter, the supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. . . .     A total surrender, an exclusive self-opening ...

... cases of which one doesn’t speak. These things put into motion certain small entities which are usually the result of the decomposition of human beings and yet have a sufficient contact with the material world to be able to act there. But anyhow, if the action is of a lower order, the power is of a lower order, and it is something almost repugnant for one who is truly in relation with the higher forces ...


... Poetry and Art: The Two Parts of the Poetic Creator … the First World War was the result of a tremendous descent of the forces of the vital world (hostile forces of the vital world) into the material world. Even those who were conscious of this descent and consequently armed to defend themselves against it, suffered from its consequences. The world, the whole earth suffered from its consequences ...


... eternal true being of the individual. The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness, containing all possibilities, which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This ...


... inner discovery which can only be achieved in the peace and transparency of perfect disinterestedness. 3.The Aurovilian should lose the sense of personal possession. For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and action is put at our disposal according to the place we must occupy. The more we are in conscious contact with our inner being, the more will the ...


... eternal true being of the individual. The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the Divine Consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This ...


... y capable and he would be on the road to the full possession of the truth of the Spirit and of the truth of Nature. ... If we could draw down this power [Truth-Consciousness] into the material world, our age long dreams of human perfectibility, indiviciual perfection, the perfectibility of the race, of society, inner mastery over self and a complete mastery, governance and utilisation of ...


... that our physical substance is transformed and becomes immortal. For that quite another procedure has to be followed. You must not only first obtain this consciousness, but bring it down into the material world and let it work not only on the transformation of the physical consciousness, but also on the transformation of the physical substance, which is quite a considerable task. Finally, you must ...


... with the mighty currents of his will and changing it by the pressure of his soul-state. 275—That which the liberated sees in his soul on its mountain-tops, heroes and prophets spring up in the material world to proclaim and accomplish. 276—The Theosophists are wrong in their circumstances but right in the essential. If the French Revolution took place, it was because a soul on the Indian snows dreamed ...


... peace must express itself. Page 232 Spiritual beauty has a contagious power. Beauty is the joyous offering of Nature. True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life. In art also we must remain ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... harmonious relationship with Nature. It could represent a continent with vast open spaces and an unspoiled population living close to the soil and Nature. Red is the colour of the physical and material world. The red ring could therefore be allotted to a people that has achieved a great mastery over the physical world. This colour would also Page 265 indicate that material success has given ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... before the radiance of the truth-consciousness. Lastly, by means of a rational and discerning physical education, we must make our body strong and supple enough to become a fit instrument in the material world for the truth-force which wants to manifest through us. In fact, the body must not rule, it must obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately, it rarely has the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... , if we take the trouble and follow the appropriate methods. Page 44 In this Aphorism, by "the idea of illusion", Sri Aurobindo means the philosophical theory which states that the material world has no real existence: it is merely an appearance created by an aberration of the ego and the senses, and when this aberration disappears the world will disappear at the same time. Sri Aurobindo ...


... that one comes in contact with a substance that is pleasing, harmonious, warm, that vibrates with a higher light. But this is rare. Yes, flowers, sometimes flowers—sometimes, not always. But this material world, oh!... You get knocked everywhere—scratched, scratched, scraped, knocked by all kinds of things that won't unfold . Oh, how difficult it is! How little human life has blossomed! It is shrivelled ...


... integral Yoga aims at scaling all the degrees of consciousness from the ordinary mental consciousness to a supramental and divine consciousness, and when the ascent is completed, to return to the material world and infuse it with the Page 98 supramental force and consciousness that have been won, so that this earth may be gradually transformed into a supramental and divine world. The integral ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... hast promised me the Victory... O Lord, awaken my entire being that it may be for Thee the needed instrument, the perfect servant. 27 March 1936 What I want to bring about in the material world, upon the earth. 1) Perfect Consciousness. 2) Integral Knowledge, omniscience. 3) Power invincible, irresistible, ineluctable; omnipotence. 4) Health, perfect, constant, unshakable; ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... inner discovery which can only be achieved in the peace and transparency of perfect disinterestedness. 3) The Aurovilian should lose the sense of personal possession. For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and to our action is put at our disposal according to the place we must occupy. The more we are consciously in contact with our inner being, the more are the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... idea of personal possession. " But it's not the "idea"! It's the "sense"! (Mother writes.) 3.The Aurovilian should lose the sense of personal possession. For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and to our action is put at our disposal.... You don't say by whom? (Mother laughs) No!... By the All-Possessing! ...according to the ...

... between That which is eternally but is unmanifested and that which is manifested, between all the transcendences and splendours of the divine life and all the dark and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the link between What must be and what is; he is the footbridge thrown across the abyss, he is the great cross-shaped X, the quaternary connecting link. His true domicile, the effective ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... vanish before the radiant consciousness of truth.     Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clearseeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us.     In fact, the body must not rule, it has to obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... whole life without even knowing how they do it! They are not aware of it. So anything at all can happen. But that is the very first little step towards becoming conscious of oneself in the material world. You have vague thoughts and feelings, don't you, which develop more or less logically in the being—rather less than more—then you have a faint impression of that; and again, when you get burnt ...


... Witness of creation, if there had been one conscious but uninstructed, would only have seen appearing out of a vast abyss of an apparent non-existence an Energy busy with the creation of Matter, a material world and material objects, organising the infinity of the Inconscient into the scheme of a boundless universe or a system of countless universes that stretched around him into Space without any certain ...


... little more, I do not remember) since I met the Tantriks. I was in relation with them and I began to see that Light, and I thought that it was the "tantrik light", the tantrik way of seeing the material world. Page 57 But now I see it constantly, associated with everything, and it seems to be what might be called a "perception of true Matter". All possible colours are joined together without ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... never tried to find that out, it just came). I was almost calling them by their former names.... Yes, a special state, a state of knowledge—but not spiritual knowledge: a knowledge related to the material world. In such visions, water always represents the vital. When everything is harmonious with the water, it means the vital is harmonious. It was delightful (it happened around 1:30 in the afternoon): ...


... change it from inside. At present, the two movements are simultaneous, and staying "inside" was 4 the result of all those years of experience in drawing the Supreme Presence down into the most material world—for that, you have to accept (how can I put it?...) corporeal oneness. Formerly (I mean before last April 13), the process was different; now it has totally changed. This body is nothing but ...


... × Satprem remarked that this sentence might be interpreted in an 'illusionist' sense (i.e., that the objectification of the material world would be a falsehood), and Mother replied: 'No, it's not the objectification that is a falsehood, but our conception of the objectification as being something other than THAT. When we say that ...


... about it on my birthday. Yes, he spoke to me about it. But you must know that yoga frees us from subjection to the horoscope; the horoscope expresses the position one has in relation with the material world, but by the sadhana we get free from the slavery to that world. 14 September 1936 I know that the work I get nowadays is often very slight. But I submit reports about it because once ...


... five days, I'm not sure), there has been a constant multiplication of FACTS of identification (one is it, and so one DOES it), for all the small things of Matter, the most trivial things in the material world. ( Mother gets up ) But it will take a long time. We mustn't imagine that it will be done in the blink of an eye—I am ready to spend years on it (if it comes quicker, so much the better) ...


... And this he does not understand—to him something seems not to be functioning properly. He must feel a contradiction between certain things he perceives in my consciousness and my contact with the material world. 'This being this,' he thinks, 'that ought to be like that; so why...?' He doesn't understand. 1 Page 312 × ...


... like that, they live that, for it's necessary to get out from below and this is a way—it's a way, the only way. It was the only way for the vital formation and the vital creation to enter into the material world, into inert matter. An intellectualized vital, a vital of ideas, an 'artist'; it even fringes upon or has the first drops of Poetry—this Poetry which upon its peaks goes beyond the mind and becomes ...


... quite remarkable that it was the body-consciousness that discovered—nine years after his passing—Sri Aurobindo's abode (experience of July 24-25, 1959 ). The world where Mother went is thus a material world, not an "inner" world. The other Matter, the true Matter? We recall that in her very last Playground class, on November 28, 1958 , Mother said: "Through each individual formation, physical substance ...


... but at present, apart from a few very rare exceptions, man is quite unconscious of the Divine he carries within him; and it is just this unconsciousness which constitutes the falsehood of the material world. Page 313 I have already written to you that our gratitude should go to the Divine and that as for men what is required is an attitude of goodwill, understanding and mutual help. ...


... realized, they are self-existent and can be seen in the subtle physical—they already exist there, and the reflection (not even transcription) or projection of this image is what will take place in the material world the next day or a few hours later. In this case you see the thing accurately, in all its details, because it's already there. Everything hinges on the precision and power of your vision: if your ...


... able. But at the same time there is this aspiration, so intense that it's almost anguish, for a perfection of creation to come. And it does seem that this intense aspiration and anguish in the material world is a necessary preparation for this perfection to come. Yet at the same time, whatever exists is perfect at each moment, since it is ENTIRELY the Divine. There is nothing other than the Divine ...


... flimsy, like a dream in comparison with the same experiences in the body. There, it becomes so... The Power and Intensity are so fantastic that, all of a sudden, you understand WHY there is a material world. ( silence ) The relationship with the outside world would become difficult if this experience were constant.... And there is such a marvelous Wisdom, which gives all things in doses so ...


... Change your consciousness for the world to be saved. Change yourself if you wish to change the world. Prove by your inner transformation that a truth-consciousness can take possession of the material world and that the Divine Unity can be manifested upon earth. Page 276 Organisations, however vast and complete they may be, can achieve nothing permanent unless a new force, more divine ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... of the Mother - II Material Desires Do not expect any satisfaction from physical life and you will no more be tied to it. For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to our life and action is put at our disposal according to the place we should occupy there. The more we are consciously in contact with our inner being, the more exact ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... you and you must open to it in order to let it work freely in you. 17 October 1937 Page 84 Of all things the most difficult is to bring down the Divine Consciousness into the material world; must the endeavour be abandoned on that account? Surely not. 2 July 1955 You belong to this stage of spirituality that needs to reject matter and wants to escape from it. The spirituality ...


... because we do not understand them, this "something new" that comes is turned by ordinary people into a "miracle". This is precisely what we want to do by bringing down into the physical and material world the supramental force and consciousness. At first it works by diffusion, not directly. Its working is more or less veiled, more veiled and distorted as it descends into the physical world, until ...


... of those around him indispensable. If the incarnate god embodied the perfection necessary for the required progress, then this progress would not be conditioned by the state of the surrounding material world. And yet without any doubt, interdependence is absolute in this world of extreme objectification; therefore a certain degree of perfection in the manifestation as Page 279 a whole is ...


... It wasn't their waking consciousness? No, no! It's not individuals as they know themselves—it is their subconscient. It is in the subconscient. The subconscient is a realm just as the material world is a realm—it's in the subconscient. There have been many efforts, concentrations, meditations, prayers to bring about the clarification and control of all those semiconscious reflexes that ...


... the most exacting in its conditions. It is nothing less than the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter, the supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle. The supreme Power has descended into the most material consciousness but it ...


... (which probably must be translated as details of action, I don't know): they are like lines that make little marks like this ( gesture ). It's a formation. It's a force that isn't ordinary in the material world. You remember, I had that in the past (a few months or years ago), I told you, it was something that would suddenly make me bang my fist... it was so terrible that I felt as if everything would ...


... than two years, I don't remember), when I met the Tantrics, when I came into contact with them, I started seeing that light, and I thought it was the "tantric light," the tantric way of seeing the material world. But now, I see it constantly, associated with everything, and it seems to be what we might call a "perception Page 28 of true Matter." All possible colours are combined without being ...


... That's the only thing we can do. Be patient. But materially, is your body better or...? Because that's where the progress is taking place. ( silence ) All the habitual rhythms of the material world have changed.... The body had based its sort of sense of good health on a certain number of vibrations, and whenever those vibrations were present, it felt in good health; when something came ...


... always used to say, "My visions aren't concrete, they are subjective visions since they are inner visions; they are subjective visions, not concrete ones—I want concrete visions, I want to see the material world as it is; not in its deceptive appearance—AS IT IS." When I started seeing, I said, "No thanks! We are blessed not to see." But that's not what I am asking. No, I know that. I want ...


... Indian cosmogonic theory. What is more important, we do not even come across this kind of relapse in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. When Sri Aurobindo says that 'from a dark immense Inconscient this material world arises and out of it a soul that by evolution is struggling into consciousness', 1 he conceives the process to be not repetitive at all but absolutely unique. For, considering the Why of it, 'the ...


... One night, a disciple, who usually was a very good clairvoyant, heard a voice, whose vibration was clearly hostile (a voice he felt coming from a vital world very near matter, almost a material world). That voice declared that Mother would pull through this time, but that the last battle would return in 1972. ...


... two consciousnesses. ( silence ) Among other things and in a quite practical and positive way, he explained to me that the cause of all illnesses, all disorders, all conflicts, here in the material world, is that the two simultaneous movements (one is the movement of duration—what we could call Stability—and the other, the movement of transformation), the two movements in the original Consciousness ...


... perhaps we could say (it's just a way of speaking), we could say that time is replaced by a succession ... ( Mother remains absorbed for a long time ). And that belongs specifically to the material world. I take the simplest and most concrete things like, for instance, brushing one's teeth; it's extremely flexible and things are done, not out of habit but by a sort of choice based on personal ...


... goes into a long contemplation: A very difficult time. ( long silence ) In the middle of my work and ... nothing to say, it's impossible. Impossible. The most difficult thing in the material world, here, is to fight against the result of all those millennia of experiences that have created a sort of pessimistic and defeatist consciousness—a general consciousness, you know, like this ( gesture ...


... Mother looks at her hands ), it's not limited and... impossible, I can't express it. There is something existing in a constant, permanent way; it's a sort of STATE of consciousness related to the material world.... In the ordinary state, a sensation comes from a precise place in the body, it's noted, recorded somewhere in the brain—now it's no longer like that at all. The sensations... but they're not ...


... course of life. Yes, and I'd like to know how it can be done, in fact. How its done? That's what I don't know, because, I tell you, it came spontaneously. But it's very similar [to the material world].... Only, there doesn't seem to be the same laws of... (how do they call it?), what they said is the result of attraction to the center of the earth? Gravitation. Yes, there doesn't seem ...


... pushed down or held in Matter ). But I didn't take the precaution of really pulling the Force into the body.... I might say that my body had too much (probably the way of seeing and reacting to the material world), too much... 1 Extremely rarely in my life—extremely rarely did I have Ananda in the physical body. It's only when I would see beautiful things ( Mother lifts her eyes as if to look at the ...


... n the Great Plane, the immense divine plane. Such was my impression. Yes. But what is to be done, then? Should one withdraw in that Consciousness, seek to attain it and, well, just let the material world unfold as it can with the fakers and liars, or else.... That's what I am myself brought to do now. But is it what I should do, too? Does it mean I should simply cede the ground to that ...


... In all the other domains, it depends on the attitude; here it doesn't depend on the attitude—you may suffer more, suffer less, but.... The FACT has to change, you see. Because the world, the material world seen as it is, is a FRIGHTFUL thing. You see, it is bearable due to the mental influence (vital and mental), but that influence is not enough, it has to be transformed. Let me say it in a ...


... supramental Yoga had made his incarnate personality. He could actually be that Purusha active in an indissoluble subtle body at once divine and human, in a far more direct constant touch with the material world than could the forms which mystics have visioned of past Rishis and Prophets and Avatars. In a most special sense, therefore, Sri Aurobindo the marvellously gifted and gracious person who was our ...

... its activities as a burden and a useless thing, so that one might be engaged solely in the inner development. Sri Aurobindo declared that that is not sufficient; the Truth demanded that the material world too should take part in this transformation and become an expression of the deeper Truth. But when this was told to people, many thought that it was possible to transform the body and its activities ...

... the 1 The Mother in Bulletin, Vol. IX, No. 3, p. 123. Page 309 creation and action of new bodies that will be capable of manifesting the supramental life in a material world." 1 But apart from this process of luminous materialisation of energy, the New Body may renew its material stuff through the materialisation of substance of subtler grades. For it is ...

... is his lower member whereon he rests abidingly. Whereof this is the Scripture. Chapter Five Knowledge spreads the feast of sacrifice and knowledge _____________ ¹ Or, the material world Page 53 spreads also the feast of works; all the gods offer adoration to him as to Brahman and the Elder of the Universe. For if one worship Brahman as the knowledge and if one swerve ...


... when we look upon men and beings, we have to see him in them and in our relation with them to see that we are entering into relations with forms of him; when breaking beyond the limitation of the material world we know or have relations with the beings of other planes, still the same thought and vision has to be made real to our minds. The normal habit of our minds which are open only to the material ...


... God on earthly soil. Page 65 But she is sweet, your mother.... She is going to have the joy of her soul. You know, there is a joy in being more conscious of one's soul than of the material world - you may keep yourself busy, you may see clearly, you may understand, you may do what you have to do, all that remains, it's very fine, but, behind, there is ... a Light. A light, something warm ...

... not that something outside and totally incongruous is entering into him, it is part and parcel of himself, it is himself in one of his functions and phases. Consequently, his work in and upon the material world and life may be viewed as that of self-purification and self-illumination, self-discipline and self­realisation. Also, the horrors of material existence, being part of the cosmic play and portion ...

... intelligence or reason. But these are various formations of consciousness, which in itself is something else and can exist in many other forms and formulations. One remarkable thing in the material world that has always attracted and captivated man's attention, since almost the very dawn of his consciousness, is the existence of a pattern, of an artistic layout in the composition and movement of ...

... 'vision of the three times'; direct knowledge of the past, present and future; as an element of the vijnanacatustaya, it is described as jnanam applied to the facts and events of the material world. Prediction of even the most trivial domestic events could be used by Sri Aurobindo as an exercise for perfecting this power. Utthapana the state of not being subject ...

... consciousness. (silence) He explained to me, among other things, and in a manner absolutely practical and positive, that the cause of all the maladies, disorders, conflicts, here, in the material world, is that the two movements which are simultaneous—one is the movement of duration (that which one could call Stability) and the other, the movement of transformation—, the two movements in the ...

... overhanging as it were the whole gamut of manifested existence. An ultimate decay and dissolution appears to be the ineluctable end of all individual existence. For, everything here in this material world seems to pass inexorably through the sequenced procession of birth and growth, and decay and death, with a period of transient stability in between (j ā yate, asti, bardhate, viparimiti, apak ...

... pervasive variant of metaphysical mood, a mood of ascetic spiritual aberration, that is likely to oppose the efflorescence of Science and the successful exploration and utilisation of Matter and the material world - not of course actively and outwardly as in Europe but in a passively negative and all the more potent way of mortifying the very initiative to scientific research, through the cultivation of ...

... its activities as a burden and a useless thing, so that one might be engaged solely in the inner development. Sri Aurobindo declared that that is not sufficient; the Truth demanded that the material world too should take part in this transformation and become an expression of the deeper Truth. But when this was told to people, many thought that it was possible to transform the body and its activities ...

... just as in the case of an individual human being there are planes of consciousness like the physical, the vital, the mental and others, so also in the cosmic field there exist beyond the physical-material world other worlds like the vital, mental, etc. And what is of great relevance and significance is the fact that there is close connection, communication, and co-operation between the functioning "vital ...

... World of the vastness (Maharloka) 5. Mind World of light (Swar) 6. Life (nervous being) World of various becomings (Bhuvar) 7. Matter The material world (Bhur) Page 26 The Vedic interpretation of life as a movement of sacrifice and a battle continued in the Purano-Tantric tradition also. According to the Veda, the ...


... of Yoga that can alone form the basis for a sound and rational synthesis of Yogic methods." 82 According to Sri Aurobindo, man is that term and symbol of a higher Existence descended into the material world in which it is possible for the lower to transfigure itself and put on the nature of the higher and the higher to reveal itself in the forms of the lower. He concludes that the true and full object ...


... Matter. This success maybe regarded as the most momentous event of our times, and it is for this reason that we need to study Sri Aurobindo's concept of the supermind and its relationship with the material world. This book is an attempt to bring together some of the most important statements of Sri Aurobindo in regard to the supermind and how the origin of the ignorance can be shown to be explicable ...


... down from these altitudes to the intermediate worlds behind ours, to the lesser godheads or genii, it still caries into them some power or some hint from above. And when it comes quite down to the material world and the life of man and the things of external Nature, it does not altogether get rid of the greater vision, the hieratic stamp, the spiritual seeing, and in most good work — except in moments ...


... same self-extension of the cosmic Eternal. A purely physical Space might be regarded as in itself a Property of Matter; but Matter is a creation of Energy in movement. Space therefore in the material world could be Page 189 either a fundamental self-extension of material Energy or its self-formed existence field, its representation of the Inconscient Infinity in which it is acting, a ...

... power? And the Upanishad replies that there is a greater existence behind, just as the mind and its instruments are behind the life-force and its workings, and just as these latter are behind the material world. Just as Matter does not know Mind, but Mind knows Matter, even so, the Mind does not know That which is behind it, but That knows Mind. The supreme problem and aim for the mental being is how ...

... Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharioka) 5. Mind World of light (Swar) 6. Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7. Matter The material world (Bhur) According to the Vedic sages, we live in physical consciousness, and we experience only this physical world of the Earth-Mother, and we are aware only of mortal Page 57 ...

... pulsation is the galloping horse that rises from the inconscient ocean and whose limbs symbolize movements in the vast Movement (jagatyām jagat) and an organized constitution of the elements of the material world, intermediate worlds, mental world and still the higher worlds of the superconsciousness to which are all directed by constant gallops of the cosmic horse. Indeed, the whole universe is a vast ...

... reality. If we were present there, conscious but uninstructed, we would only have seen appearing out of a vast abyss of an apparent non-existence an Energy busy with the creation of Matter, a material world and material objects, organizing the infinity of the inconscient into the scheme of a boundless universe or a system of countless universes that stretched around us into space without any certain ...

... me. And if you ask me now, I think that this possibility of Science pushed to its extreme limits joining up with true Knowledge, and this impossibility of any true conscious connection with the material world are both incorrect. There is something else. And more and more these days, I find myself facing the whole problem as if I had never seen it before. Both paths may be leading towards a ...

... is not necessary — Spirit and Matter, 'the two poles of existence', are not mutually exclusive or antagonistic, for Spirit is involved in Matter and is progressively manifesting itself in the material world through the evolutionary process. Sri Aurobindo teaches us that our world is the scene of an ascending evolution which goes from the stone to the plant, from the plant to the animal, and from the ...


... the 19th century vainly imagined, disprove the existence of a soul which uses the body even if it is also conditioned by it. Laws of Nature do not disprove the existence of God. The fact of a material world to which our instruments are accorded does not disprove the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments can show to us. But Ramakrishna was an Avatar, Sir! An Avatar ...

... and sublime that my poor pen refuses to manifest it through a material thing like paper!       Material things are not to be despised — without them there can be no manifestation in the material world.         The following flowers present themselves repeatedly before me: "Psychic purity" (Jasminum), "Purity in the blood" (Pimpinella major) and "Aspiration in the physical for the ...

... and vanish before the radiant consciousness of truth. Lastly, we must, by means of a rational and clear-seeing physical education, make our body strong and supple so that it may become in the material world a fit instrument for the truth-force which wills to manifest through us. In fact, the body must not rule, it has to obey. By its very nature it is a docile and faithful servant. Unfortunately ...

... and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all these, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here — it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 Section Six The Nature and Destiny of Art True art means the expression of beauty in the material world. In a world wholly converted, that is to say, expressing integrally the divine reality, art must serve as the revealer and teacher of this divine beauty in life. In other words, the artist must be able to enter ...

... which eternally is, but is not manifested, and that which is manifested; between all the transcendences, all the splendours of the divine life and all the obscure and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the intermediary between that which has to be and that which is; he is a bridge thrown over the abyss, he is the great X in the cross, the quaternary link. His true abode, the effective ...

... blended, harmonised; that is the effective and patent unity that lies in potentia and has to be brought forth in front. The world is one at bottom; it is to be made one up to the brim. The material world is a factual unity. For it is one matter that exists everywhere; the same fundamental elements constitute, although in different degrees, the earth, the sun, the stars, the distant galaxies ...

... confusing to the mind. It is said two objects cannot occupy together the same spot or position. One object must drive out another to occupy its position. Obviously this is a truth belonging to the material world—for it is said matter is impenetrable. But this law, however valid in the material plane, becomes less and less applicable in regions subtler and less and less material. Two movements or two ...

... with the uncertain and faltering steps of a child. The average European has a strong basis of the earth-nature in him; he is heavily enclosed in his physical sheath and firmly placed upon the material world. Therefore he keeps a very stable terrestrial equilibrium and is not easily ousted from his earthly footing; his is not a nature easily upset from its poise, or disturbed by the currents and forces ...

... in exchange for my poor and humble offering Thou. hast granted to me the last liberation." Page 108 dimensions he can seize and appreciate only small things, little specks of a material world. He refused, first of all, because of his ignorance, he does not know, nor is he capable of conceiving that there are such things as immortal life, divinity, unobscured light, griefless love, or ...

... confusing to the mind. It is said two objects cannot occupy together the same spot or position. One object must drive out another to occupy its position. Obviously this is a truth belonging to the material world – for it is said matter is impenetrable. But this law, however valid in the material plane, becomes less and less applicable in regions subtler and less and less material. Two Page 193 ...

... What is the significance of this riddle ? Descent is the master-key that unravels the mystery—that Page 31 is to say, the descent of the delightful conscious existence as the material world. But why this descent at all? What was the necessity ? What was the purpose ? The why of a thing is always difficult, if not impossible, to gauge. But we shall try to understand the how of ...

... will act in accordance with the brain pure and simple; to utilise any other faculty is, for him, a frightful abuse of the scientific way. Besides, the concern of the scientist is wholly with the material world; sufficient for the discovery of the facts and principles of this domain are the five senses and the reason; there is no necessity to seek other aids. Again, the scientist can at the same time ...

... subsequently its life-energy burst forth in Vivekananda. In fact we may generalise that all disciplines and ways of creation proceed in the same order. The truth that is to manifest in the material world in a concrete physical form appears at first in an apperception of the inner heart, hrdi pratisya. The mind then seizes upon it and gives a manifest form, manasa abhiklapta. Next it takes a ...

... paradox to be explained? What is the significance of this riddle? Descent is the master-key that unravels the mystery—that is to say, the descent of the delightful conscious existence as the material world. But why this descent at all? What was Page 16 the need? What was the purpose? The why of a thing is always difficult, if not impossible, to gauge. But we shall try to understand ...

... to its infinity but can express its infinity in and through infinite limits. (2) The principle of "exclusive concentration" does not by itself really create the "objects" of the material world; it creates the perception —the illusory perception—of separativeness, that objects are more or less closed systems, distinct and isolated from one another. The sense of limitation—and hence actual ...

... last liberation." Page 11 is something too high, too great. Being a creature earth-bound and of small dimensions he can seize and appreciate only small things, little specks of a material world. He refused, first of all, because of his ignorance; he does not know, nor is he capable of conceiving that there are such things as immortal life, divinity, unobscured light, griefless love, or ...


... say, they agreed to conversion. Thus they took birth as or in human beings, so that they may be in contact with the human soul – Psyche – which is the only door or passage to the Divine in this material world. But the matter was not easy; the process was not straight. For, even agreeing to be converted, even basking in the sunshine of the human psyche, these incorrigible Elders Page 253 ...

... which eternally is, but is not manifested, and that which is manifested; between all the transcendences, all the splendours of the divine life and all the obscure and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the intermediary between that which has to be and that which is; he is a bridge thrown over the abyss, he is the great X in the cross, the quaternary link. His true abode, the effective ...

... Rishis declared the same truth, in their own language and imagery when they said "The sacrifice is made a sacrifice through the sacrifice". (5) CONSCIOUSNESS AND DIMENSIONS OF VIEW The material world is, as we all know, three-dimensional; it has a length, a breadth and a depth. In fact every material object is material because it has these three dimensions. That is what we knew till now. But ...

... physical world to represent other worlds that are in it and behind it. Each one is a principle that constitutes the fundamental nature of a particular plane of existence. Earth represents the material world itself, Matter or existence in its most concrete, its grossest form. It is the basis of existence, the world that supports other worlds (dharā, dharitrī) , the first or the lowest of the several ...

... way not only a personal body of her own, the new Divine body, but also a 'generic' body for humanity at large out of which other personal bodies may be precipitated into the material forms of the material world - the two forming but one indivisible act. The body that is being divinised can never suffer deterioration, neither in respect of its substance nor of its functionings. Page 33 ...

... bound to its infinity but can express its infinity in and through infinite limits. 2 The principle of "exclusive concentration" does not by itself really create the "objects" of the material world; it creates the perception-the illusory perception – of separativeness, that objects are more or less closed systems, distinct and isolated from one another. The sense of limitation – and hence ...

... notre appel    pour descendre sur Ia terre.   Page 111 world. When it is ready, ready-made in that world, then it precipitates itself upon the material world, slowly or gradually or suddenly according to the cosmic will. An illustration to explain the point, the Mother herself gives it. Once, asked about the liberation of India , sometime ...

... substance of the experience-the two cannot be separated. Or when the Vedas speak of the kindling of the Fire, the rushing of the waters or the rise of the Dawn, the images though taken from the material world, are not used for the sake of mere comparison, but they are the embodiments, the living forms of truths experienced in another world. When a Mystic refers to the Solar Light or to the Fire-the ...

... material field, even a lesser something, is worth much more than speculating on high flaunting chimeras and indulging in day-dreams. Yes, but what is this something that has to be achieved in the material world? It is always an ideal. Even procuring food for each and every person, clothing and housing all is not less an ideal for all its concern about actuality. Only there are ideals and ideals; some ...

... future. When the time comes for return upon earth, for the descent into a physical body, it remembers naturally the choice it had made, but from that higher and subtler plane at that moment the material world is not seen in the way we see it, it appears in a different form; still one can notice the differences in the surroundings and activities. One has not the vision of the details, but a total or ...

... back her spoilt beauty. And yet the soul makes use of such trivial or absurd means to turn the man towards itself, guide him gradually to the place or the family to which he really belongs. The material world is full of things that draw you away from your soul's quest, from approaching your home. Normally you are tossed about by the forces of ignorant Nature and you are driven even to do the worst ...

... that has   Page 5 not yet been touched, – touched consciously by the human consciousness and utilised for world existence. Man's genius has contacted today in the material world material forces which are almost immaterial – the extra-galactic radiation, the laser beams and other energies of that category which are powerful in an unbelievable unheard of 'degree. Even so ...

... by a large body of knowledge, which has been developed by efforts that make a transition from the physical to the supra-physical, and it is even contended that the evolutionary movement in the material world is constantly aided by the forces and beings of these supra-terrestrial systems or planes of existence. There are, indeed, several theories concerning supra- terrestrial planes of existence ...