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A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [9]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [4]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [5]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [7]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [3]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Beyond Man [14]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
Blake's Tyger [1]
Blessings of the Grace [3]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal Speaks [4]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Champaklal's Treasures [4]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [10]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [33]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [11]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Debou's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Demeter and Persephone [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Emergence of the Psychic [5]
Essays Divine and Human [8]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [6]
Essays on the Gita [14]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [9]
Evolving India [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [9]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Guidance on Education [2]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [6]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [13]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [16]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [23]
Letters on Yoga - II [23]
Letters on Yoga - III [24]
Letters on Yoga - IV [15]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [4]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
Light and Laughter [2]
Lights on Yoga [3]
Living in The Presence [2]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [2]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [3]
Mother or The New Species - II [4]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [8]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [14]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [12]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Education [3]
On Savitri [3]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [3]
On The Mother [33]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [12]
On the Path [4]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Our Many Selves [5]
Overman [4]
Patterns of the Present [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [11]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [3]
Prayers [1]
Prayers and Meditations [5]
Preparing for the Miraculous [8]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [15]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [11]
Questions and Answers (1953) [13]
Questions and Answers (1954) [15]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [13]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [6]
Record of Yoga [2]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [6]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [9]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [8]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [3]
Surendranath Jauhar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Sweet Mother [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [12]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Destiny of the Body [10]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [5]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [11]
The Life Divine [18]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [9]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [6]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [5]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [37]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [9]
The Psychic Being [8]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [8]
The Signature Of Truth [8]
The Spirit of Auroville [7]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [10]
The Supreme [3]
The Synthesis of Yoga [27]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [10]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [3]
Towards the Light [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [2]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [3]
White Roses [4]
Words of Long Ago [2]
Words of the Mother - I [9]
Words of the Mother - II [14]
Words of the Mother - III [11]
Work - an offering [3]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Filtered by: Show All
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [9]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [4]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [5]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [7]
Aspiring Swan [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [3]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Beyond Man [14]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
Blake's Tyger [1]
Blessings of the Grace [3]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal Speaks [4]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Champaklal's Treasures [4]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [10]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [33]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [11]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Debou's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Demeter and Persephone [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Emergence of the Psychic [5]
Essays Divine and Human [8]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [6]
Essays on the Gita [14]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [9]
Evolving India [2]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [9]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Guidance on Education [2]
Hitler and his God [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [6]
Ideals of Auroville [1]
Images Of The Future [1]
In the Mother's Light [13]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [16]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [23]
Letters on Yoga - II [23]
Letters on Yoga - III [24]
Letters on Yoga - IV [15]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [4]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
Light and Laughter [2]
Lights on Yoga [3]
Living in The Presence [2]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [2]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [3]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [3]
Mother or The New Species - II [4]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [8]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [10]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [6]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [9]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [14]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notes on the Way [12]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Education [3]
On Savitri [3]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [3]
On The Mother [33]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [12]
On the Path [4]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Our Many Selves [5]
Overman [4]
Patterns of the Present [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [11]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [3]
Prayers [1]
Prayers and Meditations [5]
Preparing for the Miraculous [8]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [15]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [11]
Questions and Answers (1953) [13]
Questions and Answers (1954) [15]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [13]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [6]
Record of Yoga [2]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Socrates [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [6]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [3]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [4]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [9]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [5]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [8]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [3]
Surendranath Jauhar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Sweet Mother [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [12]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Destiny of the Body [10]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [5]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [11]
The Life Divine [18]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [9]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [6]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [2]
The Mother on Auroville [5]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [37]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [9]
The Psychic Being [8]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Riddle of This World [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [8]
The Signature Of Truth [8]
The Spirit of Auroville [7]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [10]
The Supreme [3]
The Synthesis of Yoga [27]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [10]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [3]
Towards the Light [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
Visions-Experiences-Interview [2]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [3]
White Roses [4]
Words of Long Ago [2]
Words of the Mother - I [9]
Words of the Mother - II [14]
Words of the Mother - III [11]
Work - an offering [3]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Showing 600 of 1197 result/s found for Divine Consciousness

... anything like that. I say: ...But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. They are all going to wince at "Divine", but I don't care! You know, it's the explanation of the Marylander at the centre. The Marylander represents the Divine Consciousness. All that is not said, but that is the way it is. And then: 2.Auroville will be the place... a very intelligent man, it seems, a reader of Sri Aurobindo, entirely interested, wanting to be useful and... he says, "What can I do with the 'divine consciousness'! ["To live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness"]. (Mother laughs) The word is forbidden in our country." I told him: it's not a question of God (you know, God is forbidden, I can well understand... AM IX-81-82 [About section one of the Auroville Charter: "But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. "] This is the big dispute at the moment about Auroville. In the Charter, I put "Divine Consciousness", so they say, "It reminds us of God." I said (laughing), "It doesn't remind ME of God!" So some translate it as "the highest ...

... Avatar does not go to the root of the matter. You say: "A Yogi is one who attempts an ascent to Divine Consciousness. An Avatar is one who is born in Divine Consciousness." An Avatar is surely born and not made, in the sense that anybody and everybody can't be an Avatar, but whether the Divine Consciousness shows itself openly through the Avatar to the world from the very beginning depends on the purpose... purpose with which one or another birth of the Avatar takes place. No Avatar before Rama showed specifically the Divine Consciousness either from birth or during life. Even Rama, whatever he may have inwardly known himself to be, never quite showed the Divine Consciousness; he was there to establish the dharma of the ethical man and acted out a moral ideal in a manner that suggested to everyone the ... asked people to transcend the human consciousness and unite with the Divine. The Divine Consciousness as such formed no direct part of what Rama exemplified or sought to manifest. And yet he was undeniably an Avatar. Secondly, it is not necessary that an Avatar, when his business is to manifest the Divine Consciousness as such, should show it from the very start. Even Krishna, as the Chhandogya Upanishad ...


... creates by His Presence, little by little; it is influenced, formed and moved by the Divine Consciousness of which it is a part and parcel. It is in each of you the deep inner being which you have to find in order that you may come in contact with the Divine in you. It is the intermediary between the Divine Consciousness and your external consciousness; it is the builder of the inner life; it is that which... how the psychic being is formed, how, essentially one with the Divine Consciousness and partaking of its infinity and immortality, it ¹ Words of the Mother. Page 81 yet develops by the process of evolution an individuality of its own which becomes a particular radiating centre of the Divine Consciousness. It manifests an individual aspect of the universal and transcendent... being is also a great discovery to be made requiring as mud fortitude and endurance as the discovery of new continents."³ The Psychic Presence and the Psychic Being The Divine Consciousness which is involved here in Matter is immanent as a Presence in all that exists. In every living being on earth this consciousness becomes a psychic presence, a nucleus of the psychic being. ...


... do you fail to see, when you lay so much stress on the desirability of a merely human consciousness, that suffering is its badge? When the vital resists the change from the human into the divine consciousness, what it is defending is its right to sorrow and Offering and all the rest of it, varied and relieved no doubt by some vital or mental pleasures and satisfactions, but very Page 149 ... to the Divine, one can offer too a created form of beauty, a song, a poem, an image, a strain of music, and gain through it a contact, a response or an experience. And when that divine Consciousness has been entered or when it grows within, then too its expression in life through these things is not excluded from Yoga; these creative activities can still have their place, though not ... your imagination which is what you would like the real world to be. But the real world is not all that could be desired, you know, and that is why it has to be acted upon and transformed by the Divine Consciousness. But for that, knowledge of the reality, however unpalatable, is almost the first requisite. This knowledge often enough is best brought home to us through blows and bleedings. True, idealistic ...

... aware of anything whatsoever through identification with it. But the divine consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. For, mere awareness is not knowledge. To become aware of a vibration, for instance, does not mean that you know everything about it. Only when the consciousness participates in the divine consciousness docs it get full knowledge by identification with the object. Ordinarily... conscious of your own nature self you possess at once the divine reality which you secretly are. Whereas if you arc one with the divine consciousness, you know—over and above how the tree feels—what the truth behind it is, in short, you know everything, because the divine consciousness knows everything. Indeed, there are many means of attaining this unity. It may be done through aspiration, or surrender... So knowledge in the ordinary state of being is to be obtained rather by stepping back from a phenomenon, to watch it without becoming identified with it. But the Page 31 divine consciousness identifies itself with its object and knows it thoroughly, because it always becomes one with the essential truth or law inherent in each fact. And it not only knows, but, by knowing, brings ...


... is that part of the world, the psychic being is that part of the being which is directly under the influence of the Divine Consciousness.... It is a world of harmony, and everything moves in it from light to light and from progress to progress. It is the seat of the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Self in the individual being. It is a centre of light and truth and knowledge and beauty and harmony which... creates by his presence, little by little; it is influenced, formed and moved by the Divine Consciousness of which it is a part and parcel. It is in each of you the deep inner being which you have to find in order that you may come in contact with the Divine in you. It is the intermediary between the Divine Consciousness and your external consciousness; it is the builder of the inner life, it is that which... true self. The psychic being is a terrestrial formation. It is human beings who have a psychic being which has been developed upon earth and by earthly life and which is a projection of the divine Consciousness into Matter to awaken Matter out of its inertia so that it takes the path back to the Divine. But in certain cases the true self is found in the psychic being, that is, it dwells in the ...


... ss, there is the Divine Nature, the Divine Consciousness. It is only in the light of this Divine Consciousness that life can be changed and transformed. But for that man has to consciously will it. He has to call into him that Divine Consciousness. From below man has to invoke, to aspire for that Divine Consciousness and from above this Divine Consciousness will respond in answer to that aspiration... of the Mother's Consciousness. When this Divine Consciousness will awaken in human life, when this Force will act, then the whole world will get transformed too. Man has been doing what is within his own means so far. He is not capable of more than this. If he wants to find the key to his problems then he must take recourse to the Divine Consciousness and Force. The Divine Man shall emerge with... our work perfect with the help of the soul, to realise one's soul through karma and to realise one's karma through the soul. And we should always endeavour to keep ourselves open to the Divine Consciousness. Then will the Divine Grace and Force descend in our being and body and make the total transformation possible. The Mother has assured us that this Divine Force and Consciousness, this ...

... soul calls down this descent into himself and is either possessed by the divine consciousness or becomes an effective reflection or channel of it. This view rests upon certain truths of spiritual experience. The divine birth in man, his ascent, is itself a growing of the human Page 161 into the divine consciousness, and in its intensest culmination is a losing of the separate self in that... individuality into an infinite superconsciousness. That need not carry with it either the inner consciousness or the characteristic action of the Avatar. On the other hand, this entering into the divine consciousness may be attended by a reflex action of the Divine entering or coming forward into the human parts of our being, pouring himself into the nature, the activity, the mentality, the corporeality... of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus and it is the same descent which brings down the powers of the higher consciousness into the simple humanity of the Apostles. But also the higher divine consciousness of the Purushottama may itself descend into the humanity and that of the Jiva disappear into it. This is said by his contemporaries to have happened in the occasional transfigurations of Chaitanya ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... physical human ignorance into a large and integral spiritual and divine Consciousness;—as a result of this liberation, this change or transformation there is a union in the spirit with our Divine Origin in its integral Reality, an ascent of all our being Page 370 and nature into the Divine Existence, the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Bliss or Ananda, and a descent of the Divine infinite... as our conscious parts, must all be thus given, must all become a means, a field of this realisation and transformation and participate in the illumination and the change from a human into a divine consciousness and nature. This is the character of the integral Yoga. 151 The integral Yoga is a single but many-sided way of the growth of our spirit and development of our nature. A total... else, uniting both these terms, one may add to them that of the individualised Divine in oneself and through this trinity arrive at a perfect union, one, satisfying and complete. But the Divine Consciousness can manifest itself through any and every plane, on the mental, on the vital, on the physical, or on those which are higher than the mental[.] 155 All Yoga done through the mind ...


... small one! The true test is the direct experience of the Divine Consciousness in whatever you do. It is an unmistakable test, because it changes your being completely. Evidently, you cannot at once be fixed in the Divine Consciousness; but even before it settles in you, you can have now and then the experience of it. The Divine Consciousness will come and go, but while the union lasts you will be as... Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Union with the Divine Consciousness and Will The force which, when absorbed in the Ignorance, takes the form of vital desires is the same which, in its pure form, constitutes the push, the dynamis towards transformation. Consequently, you must beware at the same time of indulging freely in desires, thinking them to be... dly, asking for help and, by submission, winning the freedom and absence of responsibility which imparts to the mind utter quietness. Not otherwise can you hope to attain the union with the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Will. Of course it depends on the path by which you approach the Divine whether the union with the Consciousness comes first or with the Will. If you go deep within, the former ...


... stands united with the universal and transcendental Divine, which leads to a further step of the reign of the divine consciousness on the psychological and even physical instruments and limbs of the individual in their action of transformation. It is true that as long as the divine consciousness is only an idea of the godhead to which one renders reverence or homage, there is not yet the beginning of... consecration must be a process of self- purification directed towards a growth towards the divine contact or for the entrance of the Divine into the temple of the inner being in order that the divine consciousness and divine being is revealed in the shrine of the heart. The process of purification may be only ethical, but at the point where yoga Page 68 begins to appear in its true spirit... divine nature. It is in the context of this profundity of Bhakti yoga that the place and significance of prayer needs to be underlined. There may be in the ordinary religious approach to the divine consciousness by prayer many crudities such as that illustrated by the attitude which imagines the Divine as if capable of being propitiated, bribed, flattered into acquiescence or indulgence by praise, entreaty ...

... reality they are, as we have Page 422 seen already, creations of the Divine Consciousness projecting mind away from its all-knowledge so as to realise these opposite or contrary values of its all-power, all-knowledge, all-delight, all-being and unity. Obviously, this action and these fruits of the Divine Consciousness can be called by us unreal in the sense of not being the eternal and fundamental... eternal All-Existence: the Divine Being dwells in all that is; we ourselves are that in our self, in our own deepest being; our soul, the secret indwelling psychic entity, is a portion of the Divine Consciousness and Essence. This is the view we have taken of our existence; but at the same time we speak of a divine life as the culmination of the evolutionary process, and the use of the phrase implies... pragmatic nature—a principle or an effective phenomenon of division or rupture in the unity of the Divine Existence. This division becomes in its inevitable practical effect a limitation of the divine consciousness and knowledge, the divine delight and beauty, the divine power and capacity, the divine harmony and good: there is a limitation of completeness and wholeness, a blindness in our vision of these ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... he learns to make not the ego but the Divine the centre of his existence and thinks, acts, feels only for the Divine—or until he enters into the higher or divine consciousness or the divine consciousness into him—for in the divine consciousness there is no ego. All human beings are full of ego. If you want to change, you must be very quiet and always aspire for a higher consciousness to come... siddhi—can really come in any degree of completeness or unmixed finality until this ego-centric attitude changes into the God-centric, until it becomes the development, perfection, siddhi of the Divine Consciousness, its will and its instrumentation in this body—and that can only be when these things become secondary, and bhakti for the Divine, love for the Divine, oneness with the Divine in consciousness... Divine. Yes—it is from looking at things from the ego point of view that there comes all the confusion and trouble and ignorance. One has to think of the Divine, be still and let the divine consciousness come in and replace the egoistic human—then all that disappears. All attachment and ego must disappear. No temptation of power, for power is given only to do the Divine's work and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... consequences by saying that you didn't intend them. Let me remind you of what I wrote about the Avatar. There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness behind and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forth the instrumental personality in Nature, under the conditions of Nature, and it uses it according to the rules of the game—though... become very much the tendency, especially in Bengal, to regard the Guru as the Avatar. To every disciple the Guru is the Divine, but in a special sense—for the Guru is supposed to live in the divine consciousness, to have attained union and when he gives to the disciple, it is the Divine that gives and what he gives is the consciousness of the Divine who is within the Guru. But that and Avatarhood are... can be equal to the whole is geometrically and logically impossible. Page 406 But if we are the Divine, what is the harm of evolving into a portion of the Divine, living in the divine Consciousness even if in a lesser degree? No middle Narayan will then be needed for anybody's head. Once when X had said she wanted to be like the Mother you thundered saying, "How can it be? That is ...


... Transformation There is a Supreme Divine Consciousness. We want to manifest this Divine Consciousness in the physical life. Blessings. The goal is not to lose oneself in the Divine Consciousness. The goal is to let the Divine Consciousness penetrate into Matter and transform it. The Divine Consciousness is at work to transform you and you must open to it in order... order to let it work freely in you. 17 October 1937 Page 84 Of all things the most difficult is to bring down the Divine Consciousness into the material world; must the endeavour be abandoned on that account? Surely not. 2 July 1955 You belong to this stage of spirituality that needs to reject matter and wants to escape from it. The spirituality of tomorrow will take up ...


... the workings of universe, of the deepest roots of those workings and of the relations of the divine consciousness with human will and human action; Sri Krishna went farther and showed the integral method of combining that integral knowledge with motivation of complete surrender to the divine consciousness, the surrender of human will and human action so that they may be uplifted, transformed and so... in course of his teaching, every path of yoga which has been developed is His path, and that the old or new path, depending upon how the seeker seeks the highest union with the divine consciousness, the divine consciousness in response answers suitably and provides the right method of progression. 7. Relationship between Knowledge, Action and Devotion At the root of the synthesis of... In ultimate terms, it is in the integral static and dynamic Brahmic consciousness that the soul becomes free from works and is yet able to determine works by the intervention of the supreme divine consciousness and the Divine Lord within and above us; — it is by reference to that integral Brahmic Consciousness that Sri Krishna provides Page 15 the final answer to Arjuna's question and ...

... understood whose is the story and what it is!    NOTES   1. Five creatures – the five senses. 2. Lotus grove – the divine Consciousness. 3. When one enters the divine Consciousness one becomes dead to the world, to the life of flesh. 4. Illusion – the life of the flesh. 5. Story – the Story of the Soul, the soul's union with... and there is only one expression – that of the straight and narrow path. 9. Drink but do not be drunk – steady and balanced and firm must be the frame that holds and expresses the divine consciousness and delight.   Page 257 IV   O my mate, press triply and embrace me fast.¹ The lotus and the thunder shall meet and... into the head of the deluded!   NOTES 1. The deer is the individual self; his mate, the doe, is the secret deity, the conscious being in the heart, the immanent divine consciousness. 2. He gives up the joys of ordinary life.   Page 259 VII   Illusion and Delusion – the twin blocked the way; ...

... previous Darshan on 24 November 1972: Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness. 3 The Mother had also said on 31 December 1972: There is only one solution for falsehood: it is to cure in ourselves all that contradicts in our consciousness the presence of the Divine... nevertheless the ground of harmony, of unity, of Ananda. The transcendence of preferences and limitations could lead to cosmic consciousness; and such cosmic consciousness could ripen into the divine consciousness. To put it in another way, increasing self-awareness and progressive world-awareness invade and possess each other, and find their meaning and fulfilment in the Divine. Another year that... as was perhaps inevitable - there was a set-back in her physical condition after August 1972. There were periods of acute suffering, but invariably she rallied on the strength of the true or divine Consciousness, and she continued to brave the self-accepted tasks in her Battle of Transformation with "As Thou wiliest, as Thou wiliest!" as her sole weapon. It was her experience that she recorded in her ...


... Be sincere in your aspiration and there is no unworthiness. . . 24.4.1970 How can one rise above the struggle? By identifying one's consciousness with the Divine Consciousness. Then all changes in its aspect and the values are not the same. 27.4.1970 I find that I no longer try to know what You want to make of me. Here is an excellent attitude... 1970 Page 139 Does the sense of physical suffering not exist in the cosmic consciousness? In the cosmic consciousness it certainly exists. It is in the Supreme Divine Consciousness that it does not exist, that is to say, the nature of the sensation changes and the opposites disappear for being replaced by something which is indefinable in our language. 20.5.1970... maintaining a surface activity which no longer affects the consciousness. 3.6.1970 isn't the Divine Will the only Truth to be followed in action ? All exists in and by the Divine Consciousness, and the place which each being and each thing occupies in the whole depends on the extent to which a thing or a being is aware of the Supreme Consciousness and identified with It. 5.6 ...


... not like the old ones in that it aimed not at an ascent or passing beyond life but at a descent of the divine consciousness into life. Its aim is double - two movements fusing themselves into one - an ascending into the divine consciousness and a transformation of earth-life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vai-kuntha, Goloka... power. Consciousness in man is an effect of the divine consciousness; in other words, the divine being acts in us to cause our consciousness. But there is this difference. The human consciousness can be raised to participation in the divine consciousness. This is an effect of divine grace. The human consciousness is penetrated by the divine consciousness, so that no difference is experienced, yet the... are now, as Sri Aurobindo understood, in the stage of evolution from mental to supermental or divine consciousness. The enlightenment of the Buddha and the revelation of Krishna in the Gita and later the revelation to Mahomet in the Koran were stages in this evolution of humanity towards divine consciousness. In my view the resurrection of Jesus marks the point when the body of man and through it the ...

... what we call the higher spiritual or Divine Consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relation with us; it is especially the source of love and bhakti. . This upward opening puts us into direct relation with whole Devine and can create in us the divine consciousness and a new birth or births of the spirit... that depends on one's own sincerity—for if one is not sincere, if one is more concerned with the ego or being a big Yogi or becoming a superman than with meeting the Divine or get- ting the Divine consciousness which enables one to live in or with the Divine, then a flood of pseudos or mixtures comes in, one is led into the mazes of the intermediate zone or spins in the grooves of one's own formations... is the Mayavadin´s idea of it a mistaken first view, a mental imperfect reading, even perhaps itself an illusion? And next, "Is illusion the sole or the highest Power which the Divine Page 155 Consciousness or Super consciousness possesses?" The Ah lute is an absolute Truth free from Maya, otherwise Uberati80' would not be possible. Has then the supreme and absolute Truth no other active ...

... admitting Avatarhood if you take all the meaning out of it? The Divine and Human Sides of the Avatar There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness behind and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forth the instrumental personality in Nature, under the conditions of Nature, and it uses it according to the rules of the game... what it would be if the Divine did not directly intervene and the Light of Lights did not break out of the obscurity—for that is the meaning of the manifestation. An Incarnation is the Divine Consciousness and Being manifesting through a physical body. It is possible from any plane. It is the omnipresent cosmic Divine who supports the action of the universe; if there is an Incarnation,... the Divine, which is the way of the Infinite dealing with the finite. It is not by your mind that you can hope to understand the Divine and its action, but by the growth of the true and divine consciousness within you. If the Divine were to unveil and reveal itself in all its glory, the mind might feel a Presence, but it would not understand its action or its nature. It is in the measure of your ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... temple is that of the spiritualised mind—the golden is that of the divine Truth. Yellow is the colour of the light of the thinking mind—white is that of the divine consciousness. White Light White light indicates the divine consciousness. White indicates a force of purity. The forces that come with white light are usually those of purity and peace. The important experience... or forces and often lights that come down from the higher consciousness. The violet light is that of the Divine Compassion ( karuṇā —Grace)—the white light is the light of the Mother (the Divine Consciousness) in which all others are contained and from which they can be manifested. Page 123 Purple is the colour of vital power. "Red" depends on the character of the colour, for there are... Page 124 illumining of the heart by this light is a thing of great power for this sadhana. The white light is, as you know, the Mother's light—it is the light of the Force of the Divine Consciousness; the sun of white light is symbolic of that Force in its origin and fullness of manifestation. It is a very good sign and if one feels its power in the being or mind or body it can have a strong ...


... The way of Yoga followed here has a different purpose from others,—for its aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter. This is an exceedingly difficult... would defeat its own object. Those who put this object in the front of their preoccupations invariably come to grief, spiritually and otherwise. The aim of this Yoga is, first, to enter into the divine consciousness by merging into it the separative ego (incidentally, in doing so one finds one's true individual self which is not the limited, vain and selfish human ego but a portion of the Divine) and, secondly... spiritual Self and live in that consciousness. Spiritual perfection and fulfilment means that the nature should be spiritualised, new-formed in the consciousness of the free Self and the divine consciousness of infinity, purity, light, power, bliss and knowledge. In the Brahmanic condition one feels the self to be untouched and pure—but the nature remains imperfect. The ordinary Sannyasin ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Himself; that is the raison d'être of the manifestation of the universe. It is as if the divine Consciousness wandered into all divine possibilities following a path it had chosen. Imagine then a multitude of possibles of which all the possible combinations are equivalent to an infinite. The divine Consciousness is essentially free—It wanders therein and objectifies Itself. The path traversed is free... March Questions and Answers (1950-1951) 1 March 1951 "There is a plane of divine consciousness in which all is known absolutely, and the whole plan of things foreseen and predetermined. That way of seeing lives in the highest reaches of the Supramental; it is the Supreme's own vision. But when we do not possess that consciousness, it is useless... they are equivalent to an infinite (you must be careful with words, however; I am very much cramped by words, they do not express exactly what I mean). So, the universe is objectified by the Divine Consciousness, by the Supreme, according to certain determined laws of which we shall speak later. The universe is a single whole, in the sense that it is the Divine—it does not contain Page 160 ...


... The way of Yoga followed here has a different purpose from others, - for its aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter. This is an exceedingly difficult... but for the sake of the Divine. * This Yoga implies not only the realisation of God, but an entire consecration and change of the inner and outer life till it is fit to manifest a divine consciousness and become part of a divine work. This means an inner discipline far more exacting and difficult than mere ethical and physical austerities. One must not enter on this path, far vaster and more... the Divine Mother. No doubt something of her is there in and behind this mechanism maintaining it for the evolutionary purpose; but what she is in herself is not a Shakti of Avidya, but the Divine Consciousness, Power, Light, Para Prakriti to whom we turn for the release and the divine fulfilment. The realisation of the Purusha consciousness calm, free, observing the play of forces but not attached ...


... task. You must make an effort, you must conquer pettiness and limitations, and above all tell the ego: your time is over. We want a race without ego, with the divine consciousness in place of the ego. That's what we want: the divine consciousness, which will enable the race to develop and the superman to be born. If you think I am here because I am bound, you are wrong. I am not bound. I am here... orange = supramental in the physical; yellow = thinking mind; green = life; blue = higher mind; violet = divine compassion or grace; gold = divine Truth; white = the light of the Mother, or the Divine Consciousness. * About S 100, 000 Page 232 That's how it is, like an imperative Order: Don't step out of line or else everything will go wrong. It's become terrible. Another... results. I ask only one thing: don't listen to the ego. That's all. The time of the ego is over. We want to go beyond humanity and its ego, to leave it behind, we want a race without ego, with a divine consciousness in place of the ego. There, that's all. Anything to say? (silence) If there is a sincere "yes" in your hearts, you will have satisfied me fully. I don't need words: ...

... of millions and millions of years in the terrestrial evolution, the habits of the old world, forgotten — but they have begun to accustom themselves to respond to the transforming light of the Divine Consciousness. They radiate with a perpetual splendour and a glow in a renewal of life which expresses only the Joy of existence, the Divine Ecstasy hidden in them. This is a new experience for me, with infinite... And we can have this knowledge only by identity, by a sort of enveloping, or one might say, a sort of englobing which gives one the truth without any resistance — as if one opened out into the Divine Consciousness pure and entire. Nothing is left out, nothing is neglected, but all is transformed by this Light, by this Ananda, by this Peace and by this Power. With this the whole cycle has changed, and... this, microscopic, which one cannot see with the naked eye, but I possess that power and that vision. Like this, I take up one tiny little cell and I open it to the transforming light of the Divine Consciousness. Then in it I infuse this immutable Divine Joy with an unwavering Peace, and I charge it with the Luminous Power of the Divine Reality. In this way it becomes complete in all the aspects of ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... The way of yoga followed here has a different purpose from others, for its aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter. This is an exceedingly difficult... defeat its own object. Those who put this object in the front of their preoccupations invariably come to grief, spiritually and otherwise. The aim of this yoga is, first, to enter into the divine consciousness by merging into it the separative ego (incidentaly, in doing so Page 80 one finds one's true individual self which is not the limited, vain and selfish human ego but a portion... is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him, that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. ...

... force uncoils itself and rises upward to meet the Divine Consciousness and Force that are waiting above us. When this happens, when the awakened Yoga Shakti arises, it is often felt like a snake uncoiling and standing up straight and lifting itself more and more upwards. When it meets the Divine Consciousness above, then the force of the Divine Consciousness can more easily descend into the body and be... to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga the spiritual transformation. A Double Movement in the Sadhana There is a double movement in the sadhana—the Divine Consciousness, Power, Light, Peace descending into all the body, the Page 415 consciousness... the influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these parts and the entire replacement of the present consciousness by that. This we find unveiled and unmixed above mind, life and body and not in mind, life and ...


... the date. Shall I put the date also? Yes, Mother. Is that all? Page 16 'The Gaze of the Divine Consciousness' Page 17 [Widen my consciousness and purify it so that it may reflect the Divine Consciousness without deforming it.]   Yes, Mother. Mother, these are the photos that you had sent me. But I have already sent the... still, each time that I look at this photo, I feel first of all that this is not an ordinary look: it is not I who am looking but it is the gaze in identification with the Divine Consciousness. It is the gaze of the Divine Consciousness which penetrates deep inside, there, in the psychic, and from there it radiates in the whole body, like this, everywhere. It is a gaze that penetrates; when one looks one... in the whole body. It is so living a gaze. Me too, when I look, I feel as if seized by the Divine Consciousness which goes directly into the psychic. Everyone who has even a slightly developed consciousness can feel it. It is an extraordinary gaze, full of power because it is the gaze of the Divine Consciousness. Me, I know what it is, but when I concentrate on the photo, this look penetrates the psychic ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... aware of anything whatsoever through identification with it. But the divine consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. For, mere awareness is not knowledge. To become aware of a vibration, for instance, does not mean that you know everything about it. Only when the consciousness participates in the divine consciousness does it get full knowledge by identification with the object. Ordinarily... conscious of your own natural self you possess at once the divine reality which you secretly are. Whereas if you are one with the divine consciousness, you know—over and above how the tree feels—what the truth behind it is, in short, you know everything, because the divine consciousness knows everything. Indeed, there are many means of attaining this unity. It may be done through aspiration, or surrender... process with a knowing eye. So knowledge in the ordinary state of being is to be obtained rather by stepping back from a phenomenon, to watch it without becoming identified with it. But the divine consciousness identifies itself with its object and knows it thoroughly, because it always becomes one with the essential truth or law inherent in each fact. And it not only knows, but, by knowing, brings ...


... motive and object of cosmic existence. The Divine Consciousness possesses that play and delight eternally and inalienably; our essential being, our real self which is concealed from us by the false self or mental ego, also enjoys that play and delight eternally and inalienably and cannot indeed do otherwise since it is one in being with the Divine Consciousness. If we aspire therefore to a divine life... by unveiling this veiled self in us, by mounting from our present status in the false self or mental ego to a higher status in the true self, the Atman, by entering into that unity with the Divine Consciousness which something superconscient in us always enjoys,—otherwise we could not exist,—but which our conscious mentality has forfeited. But when we thus assert this unity of Sachchidananda on... self-knowledge, as Truth-Consciousness, as Real-Idea, and, that self-knowledge being also self-force, fulfils or realises itself inevitably in Time and Space. This, then, is the nature of the Divine Consciousness which creates in itself all things by a movement of its conscious-force and governs their development through a self-evolution by inherent knowledge-will of the truth of existence or real-idea ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... there is less the Divine Nature, the Divine Consciousness. It is only in the Light of this Divine Consciousness that life can be changed and transformed. But for that man has to consciously will it. He has to call into him that Divine Consciousness. From below man has to invoke, to aspire for that Divine Consciousness and from above this Divine Consciousness will respond in answer to that aspiration... of the Mother's Consciousness. When this Divine Consciousness will awaken in human life, when this Force will act, then the whole world will get transformed too. Man has been doing what is within his own means so far. He is not capable of more than this. If he wants to find the key to his problems then he must take recourse to the Divine Consciousness and Force. The Divine Man shall emerge with... our work perfect with the help of the soul, to realise one's soul through karma and to realise one's karma through the soul. And we should always endeavour to keep ourselves open to the Divine Consciousness. Then will the Divine Grace and Force descend in our being and body and make the total transformation possible. The Mother has assured us that this Divine Force and Consciousness, this ...

...   Our ideal is not liberation, not attaining Nirvana by being dissolved in the indeterminable Unlimited; the ideal is attainment of divine consciousness by the individual and by the collective, unity, perfection, and delight in the divine consciousness and being self-realised, life and works established in the self and inspired and directed by the divine Shatki, - works as of a liberated yogi... disgust of the universe of the ascetic, not excluding the Lilamaya, Playful Divine for seeking Parabrahman. The goal of this knowledge is awareness of God, to raise our consciousness to the divine consciousness, to be united with it, one in the self and the world, one in vijnana, the supermind and in mind, life and general consciousness, one in the body, we will not exclude anything. Full Oneness.... equality is perfectly realised the path of yoga becomes equal, without any thorn, straight and full of joy.   *   To be one with the Divine Being, to connect our consciousness with the Divine Consciousness and dwell in it, to dissolve one's power by the influence of the Divine Force, to be self-realised and perfect by attaining the Divine Nature, this is the goal of the integral yoga. In one word ...


... In other words, liberation is a realization of the static Divine Consciousness by rising above the consciousness of mind, life, and body. This can be achieved by a certain degree of change of the ordinary consciousness without altering its fundamental nature. Transformation is the dynamic process of bringing down the Divine Consciousness into all parts of the being from top to bottom in order to... personal need; for the soul is nityamukta 159 and bondage is an illusion. We play at being bound, we are not really bound. 160 The aim of this yoga is, first, to enter into the divine consciousness by merging into it the separative ego (incidentally, in doing so one finds one's true individual self which is not the limited, vain and selfish human ego but a portion of the Divine) and... influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of the Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these parts and the entire Page 146 replacement of the present consciousness by that. This we find unveiled and unmixed above mind, life and ...

... your utmost, you must conquer all pettiness and limitations. Above all you must say to your ego: ‘Your time is past.’ We want a race without ego, that has a divine Consciousness in place of the ego. That is what we want: the divine Consciousness that will allow the race to develop and the supramental being to be born.” 6 Like every kind of birth in our universe the birth of a new era in the ... the substance we know at present”, she said, and if the Supermind in its full power appeared suddenly on the earth “everybody would disappear.” 20 – “Sri Aurobindo has said … that if the divine Consciousness, the divine Power, the divine Love, the Truth, manifested too rapidly upon the earth, the earth would be dissolved! She would not be able to stand it!” 21 The Family of the Aspiration... to what is. This truly is a new world … “But there is one essential condition: the reign of the ego must have come to an end. The ego is now the obstacle. The ego must be replaced by the divine Consciousness. Sri Aurobindo called it ‘Supermind’. We too can call it ‘Supermind’ so that there is no misunderstanding. Because when one speaks of ‘the Divine’, people immediately think of a ‘God’, and that ...

... not within the scope of the lower hemisphere of Existence and not with a gradual change which perhaps might have led to a Nietzschean superman. This new species would possess a supramental, divine consciousness of the higher hemisphere, and accordingly a supramental, divine body. In a new act of the drama of the world The united Two began a greater age. 3 — Savitri They knew that their... “feminine” … This is a concept that has come from below …’ 17 We now understand Sri Aurobindo’s fundamental pronouncements: ‘The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play.’ 18 ‘The Mother and I are one but in two bodies.’ 19 ‘The Mother and myself stand for the same Power in two forms.’ 20 The Mother from... the Mother was the ‘collaborator’ of Sri Aurobindo, and some even say his ‘disciple and collaborator’. The rationale of the matter is now known to us, namely that she was an incarnation of the Divine Consciousness and as such the Divine itself. As Sri Aurobindo wrote: ‘Either she is that … or she is not and then no one need to stay here,’ meaning in the Ashram. 26 The Mother cannot be called a ...


... vital glamour, but which the heavens do not reject, though it is offered from something so far below them, so maimed and ignorant and sorrow-vexed as the human consciousness which is to the divine consciousness as the moth is to the star, as the night is to the day. And will you not too accept this from me, you who in your nature are kin to the heavens, you who seem to me to have something of the divine... people who live much in the vital that so fall; with a strong and free and calm mind and a psychic awake and alive, such pettinesses are not likely to occur. As for those who can live in the true Divine Consciousness, certain powers are not "powers" at all in that sense, not, that is to say, supernatural or abnormal, but rather their normal way of seeing and acting, part of the consciousness—and how can... Divine above. But in our Yoga it is not a specialised process, but a spontaneous uprush of the whole lower consciousness in currents or waves (or otherwise) and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body. This descent is felt as a pouring in of calm and peace, of force and power, of light, of joy and ecstasy, of wideness and freedom and knowledge, of a Divine Being ...

... changed or their fixity disturbed. Knowledge and the Divine Consciousness Mental knowledge is of little use except sometimes as an introduction pointing towards the real knowledge which comes from a direct consciousness of things. All consciousness comes from the one consciousness—knowledge is one aspect of the divine consciousness. One must be conscious of all one's states and movements... supreme knowledge. The consciousness of union with the Divine is for the spiritual seeker the supreme knowledge. Knowledge and Mental Questions To answer your question [ about how the divine consciousness acts in life ] I would have to speak in the terms of a consciousness to which the mind has no key and at the same time try to explain its relations to the lower consciousness in which things... quiet. The true way to enter into these things is to still the mind and open to the consciousness from which things are done. Then you would first have a direct experience of the way the divine consciousness acts on different planes and secondly a light of Page 50 knowledge about the experience. This is the only true way—all the rest is only words and sterile mental logic. A thousand ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... when the Mother's working as well as her presence is consciously felt at all times. 7 January 1935 Is there any difference between the Mother's Presence and the Divine Consciousness? One can feel the Divine Consciousness impersonally as a new consciousness only. The Mother's Presence is something more—one feels herself there present within or above or enveloping one or all these together... You write: "One can feel the Divine Consciousness impersonally as a new consciousness only" 1 but that the Mother's presence is something more. You also wrote in another letter that the Divine Presence in the heart is much more than the consciousness. In what way is the Presence more than the consciousness? I meant that one can feel the divine consciousness as an impersonal spiritual state ...

... 1934 Page 265 The Mother's white light is the light of the Divine Consciousness; you are living more and more under it and it is that that is liberating you. 25 August 1934 What you saw in vision was a supraphysical body of the Mother made probably of her white light which is the light of the Divine Consciousness and Force that stands behind the universe. 30 January 1935 I am... which can be seen physically. Is it true? Is there any systematic process to open oneself to that physical vision? The white Light around the Mother is the Mother's own light—that of the Divine Consciousness. Many nowadays are able to see it around her when she is on the roof. One can also see all objects in this light—it means that the light has descended here and is floating around everything... consciousness growing in her—the consciousness which is necessary for Yoga. 28 July 1937 It [ the Mother's light ] is always there in the inner Purusha. That means the light of the divine consciousness (the Mother's Consciousness, white light) in the vital. Blue is the higher mind, gold the divine Truth. So it is the vital with the light of the higher mind and the divine Truth in it emanating ...

... was not like the old ones in that it aimed not at an ascent or passing beyond life but at a descent of the divine consciousness into life. Its aim is double—two movements fusing themselves into one—an ascending into divine consciousness and a transformation of earth life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vaikuntha, Goloka... the influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these parts and the entire replacement of the present consciousness by that. This we find unveiled and unmixed above mind, life and body and not in mind, life and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... merge oneself one's separative ego in the divine Consciousness? 1 How can one merge in the divine Consciousness? How must one merge oneself one's separative ego in the divine Consciousness? 2 Eh? merge oneself? Page 253's separative ego... I don't understand what you mean. "Merge"? the divine Consciousness. Yes, that's just what I mean... How ...


... it was only an emanation and an incarnation of the Supreme. And so this is what happened: when light or Consciousness separated Page 371 from the divine Consciousness, that is, when it began to think it was the divine Consciousness and that there was nothing other than itself, it suddenly became obscurity and inconscience. And when Life thought that all life was in itself and that there... Only, this is not a little external and social smile: it must be the psychic being which smiles. Doesn't the Divine help if he is not called? It is not altogether like that.... The divine Consciousness works always, everywhere and in the same way. The divine Grace is active everywhere, and in all circumstances in the same way. And so on. But according to your personal attitude, you create... And many people do that, even without being aware of it. Any number of men say: "How can I have trust in the Divine? I have such a lamentable and unhappy life!" That is to say, they limit the divine Consciousness to their little personal needs. If one has the trust, does the help come automatically? Page 370 Even an atom of sincerity suffices, and it comes. And if, truly, one calls very ...


... development. The psychic principle, also referred to variously as psychic essence, psychic existence, soul element, soul-spark, psychic entity or the psyche, is a non-individualised portion of the Divine Consciousness that descends into the evolution "to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light". 1 It is "the nucleus pregnant with divine possibilities that supports this... always the same, the psychic being is progressive; it grows from life to life, using mind, vital and body as its instruments. 3 "The psychic being at its origin is only a spark of the divine consciousness and it is through successive lives that it builds up a conscious individuality. It is a progress similar to that of a growing child. It is a thing in the making. For a long... being but sometimes refers to the psychic essence. The significance of the psychic being in the evolution of consciousness lies in the fact that the psychic being is "a projection of the divine Consciousness into Matter to awaken Matter out of its inertia so that it takes the path back to the Divine." (p. 11) 3. Mind is generally regarded as the characteristic feature which distinguishes ...


... That is, if you truly want to receive the divine Light and transform yourself, it is your whole way of being you must offer—offer by opening it, making it as receptive as possible so that the divine Consciousness which sees how you ought to be, may act directly and change all these movements into movements more true, more in keeping with your real truth. This is infinitely more important than surrendering... out in all the details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source. When you can realise... living sense that one is nothing, one can do nothing, understand nothing without the Divine, that even if one is exceptionally intelligent and capable, this is nothing in comparison with the divine Consciousness, and this sense one must always keep, because then one always has the true attitude of receptivity—a humble receptivity that does not put personal pretensions in opposition to the Divine. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... forces and powers, and this action is reciprocal. To escape this constant and general confusion of influences, there is only one way—to concentrate exclusively on the Divine Consciousness and to open oneself only to the Divine Consciousness. 1954 Mother, It is the general talk around here that if I want to assign workers to departments I can always do so, but for one reason or another I... can assure you that to go inward and to receive the force is more helpful than to throw oneself into an agitated action. Certainly "tamas" is not good, but it is only through surrender to the Divine Consciousness that tamas can be changed. With love and blessings. 6 May 1966 Mother, The other day a man came to me asking whether he could give his clothes for washing. I said, "You can... completely right or completely wrong and decisions cannot be taken favouring this or that point of view. Let each one do his best according to what he thinks or feels to be the best and... the Divine Consciousness will manage the results. Blessings. Undated My dear child, It is much easier to clear your head than to let you quit. In fact the second alternative is perfectly impossible ...


... attitude. I mean it increasingly feels in a concrete manner and, I could say, ACUTE manner that there is only ONE way to exist—in the Divine Consciousness. All the rest seems... seems to it dangerous, unknown. To remain as though constantly bathed in the Divine Consciousness seems to the body the only way to exist. There is no other. That's the attitude of the body. It feels... you see, it's more than... That's all. Until such time when it will exist only in the Divine. There's a kind of prescience of a state in which there is only the Divine Consciousness. That.... ( Mother intently closes her eyes with an ecstatic smile. ) Only the Divine Consciousness. × Perhaps coincidentally, two days later, on August 16 ...


... are people who say the divine is working everywhere and the world is being supported by the Divine, so everything is all right. It is all right when one gets into the Divine consciousness; but when one is not in the divine consciousness then the world is not all right and the world is indeed imperfect. Then the problem of attaining perfection does arise and if it does not arise there is no use trying... comes—giving a vision of some higher Truth. Thus an opening is made in mental consciousness. That gives us a first inkling. More than that, the fingerpost of this nature of creative Divine Consciousness is given in one of the oldest books of the world, the Veda. The language used is symbolic but still it points to the process of how the Satchidananda, the infinite and the Eternal has become... the thing itself. This is a little difficult but let us take the Vedic guide because without that perhaps the indication will not be clear. The two processes by which man begins to know the Divine Consciousness are inspiration and revelation, the two powers by which mind has known something of it. Hearing the vibration of Truth and seeing the vision of Truth—these two powers have brought man some inkling ...


... be attained by human effort alone. Man cannot say, "I will transform myself into the Divine." It is not possible. He must open to the spiritual consciousness, the Divine consciousness and allow it to transform him. The Divine consciousness will be able to transform because perfection is already present in it. It has not to attain perfection. Just as a man cannot put himself On his own shoulders, so... Aswapathy is after. And Savitri is born to him as a gift from the Divine Mother because he pleaded in the House of the Spirit, in the house of the Divine, when he reached by his development the divine consciousness; "he prayed to the Divine for an emanation of the Divine to be sent down on earth so that man's problem would be solved. Man's problem of ignorance and subjection to death was to be solved,... merely a structure of dreams. An unborn Power must build reality. If you want to build reality, then a Power which is not yet born has to be brought in here: the power of truth, the power of the divine consciousness, the power of the soul, the power of the spirit in man. The essential divinity in man, an unborn Power, must build reality. If reality is to build something more than just a structure of dreams ...


... A nation is a living personality; it has a soul, even like a human individual. The soul of a nation is also a. psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals... not imposed elsewhere - there is a reason for them.... First, the Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things; and thirdly that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated.... It; is on this basis that she planned the Golconde.... Mother India about Sri Aurobindo: "He stands for the deepest and highest Independence, the freedom of the soul from the shackles of mortal ignorance, the liberation of the human into the Divine Consciousness." 64 On 16 August 1949, Sri Aurobindo Abirbhava Mahotsava was celebrated in Calcutta, and at the general conference. Justice N.C. Chatterjee said in the course of his masterly ...

... of developing consciousness and nature; and the other is a particular line of divine consciousness influencing and guiding from above the evolution of the psychic being, and using its transient surface formations to further its own ulterior aim of self- manifestation in Matter. This particular line of divine consciousness, at once transcendent, universal and individual, seeks its perfect self-expression... through this experience of the universal it can pass on into the embrace of the Transcendent. THE PSYCHIC BEING The psychic entity, which is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine Consciousness, the immaculate, in- extinguishable spark-soul, as Sri Aurobindo calls it, puts forth and develops its individuality in the nature,—its representative central Purusha, the psychic being. The... of the divine Will;—each birth of such a soul is, indeed, an invasion of light into the terrestrial darkness and an infusion of bliss into the mortal suffering. The particular line of divine consciousness influencing and directing the evolution of the individual being is then Page 185 an important determining factor. This influence and direction come down to the evolving individual ...

... psychic being is that part of the being which is directly under the influence of the Divine Consciousness; the hostile forces cannot have even the remotest action upon it. It is a world of harmony, and everything moves in it from light to light and from progress to progress. It is the seat of the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Self in the individual being. It is a centre of light and truth and knowledge... creates by his presence, little by little; it is influenced, formed and moved by the Divine Consciousness of which it is a part and parcel. It is in each of you the deep inner being which you have to find in order that you may come in contact with the Divine in you. It is the intermediary between the Divine Consciousness and your external consciousness; it is the builder of the inner life, it is that which... others who are conscious, and these act their part, knowing that it is a play. And there are some who have the full knowledge of the universal movement and are identified with it and with the one Divine Consciousness and yet consent to act as though they were something separate, a division of the whole. There are many intermediary stages between that ignorance and this full knowledge, many ways of participating ...


... Sri Aurobindo has given clear definitions of the Avatar and Vibhuti on many occasions. For instance: “There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forth the instrumental personality in Nature under the conditions of Nature and it uses it according to the rules of the game – though... the Vibhuti veiling the fuller Divine Consciousness. If we admit that the object of Avatarhood is to lead the evolution, this is quite reasonable, the Divine appearing as Avatar in the great transitional stages and as Vibhutis to aid the lesser transitions.” 42 “The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same,” wrote Sri Aurobindo, “the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary... necessary for the play.” 43 He wrote “Divine Consciousness” with capital letters. And there is for example the following statement of which we cannot even sound the depth: “It is only divine Love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed everything else to the one aim of uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine.” 44 In the last years of ...

... Nor was Kapali Sastry's by any means a sudden affirmation; it had grown over a period of years as an article of faith among the sadhaks. There is, after all, but one Consciousness - the Divine Consciousness. And two such divine collaborators like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the collaboration began in 1914, entered a new active phase in 1920, and a still closer creative phase in 1926 - could... November 1934: The opposition between the Mother's consciousness and my consciousness was an invention of the old days.... The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing, can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness - if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know that... who, for sixty years, had lived and taught the true message of India; who, for forty years, had stormed the fortress of the Unknowable in order that the world's life might be broadened into Divine Consciousness. 8 As for the Mother, although "a tennis-playing, silk-garmented lady of seventy-five, carrying a tenuous veil and blessing the Ashramites at the march past day after day was not ...

... lodged in a human body, is verily in his supreme being the Lord of all; that he is in the action of Page 150 the divine consciousness the creator of the fourfold Law and the doer of the works of the world and at the same time in the silence of the divine consciousness the impartial witness of the works of his own Nature,—for he is always, beyond both the silence and the action, the supreme... of Maya. These two terms are only complementary aspects of one and the same effective force of divine consciousness. Maya is not essentially illusion,—the element or appearance of illusion only enters in by the ignorance of the lower Prakriti, Maya of the three modes of Nature,—it is the divine consciousness in its power of various self-representation of its being, while Prakriti is the effective force... ,—there is nothing else, nothing other and different from it and there can be nothing else, can be nothing other and different from it; Nature is and can be nothing else than a power of the divine consciousness; all beings are and can be nothing else than inner and outer, subjective and objective soul-forms and bodily forms of the divine being which exist in or result from the power of its consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... small one! The true test is the direct experience of the Divine Consciousness in whatever you do. It is an unmistakable test, because it changes your being completely. Evidently, you cannot at once be fixed in the Divine Consciousness; but even before it settles in you, you can have now and then the experience of it. The Divine Consciousness will come and go, but Page 19 while the... dly, asking for help and, by submission, winning the freedom and absence of responsibility which imparts to the mind utter quietness. Not otherwise can you hope to attain the union with the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Will. Of course, it depends on the path by which you approach the Divine whether the union with the Consciousness comes first or with the Will. If you go deep within, the former... movement the latter is likely to be realised first; but it is not quite possible to make a cut and dried generalisation because the sadhana is a flexible and fluid thing and also because the Divine Consciousness and Will are very closely connected with each other, being two aspects of one single Being. Take note, however, that the merely external similarity of your thought or action docs not prove that ...


... Her gifts are valuable because they embody Her Consciousness. So the true delight of the being is in communing with the Divine Consciousness in the gifts and not in the powers which accompany them. In fact, a gift from the Divine is a partial manifestation of the Divine Consciousness sent to the sadhaka to prepare him for receiving more and more complete manifestations till the whole and integral Divine... comparatively enlightened but none-fhe-less unregenerate state. The true fulfilment for the individual is in being a focal centre, one of the multitudinous centres for the manifestation of the Divine Consciousness. It is to be at the centre of the Cross for the manifestation of the Higher Part of the Transcendent both sideways and downwards in the universal consciousness around and below. This is possible... experience of Nirvana. For, Nirvana ensures an eternal emptiness in the being and the becoming and therefore a permanent foundation for the manifestation of the Highest Superconscient. The Divine Consciousness is a paradoxical blending of Mastery and Servitude, Transcendence and Immanence, Lordship and Humility, Fullness and Emptiness. The sadhana of Nirvana establishes in Savitri, the Mother, this ...

... not like the old ones in that it aimed not at an ascent or passing beyond life but at a descent of the divine consciousness into life. Its aim is double —two movements fusing themselves into one—an ascending into divine consciousness and a transformation of earth life by the divine consciousness coming down here. All the old Yogas put the emphasis on going to Nirvana or to heaven, Vaikuntha, Goloka... answer your question about what Krishnaprem means by Krishna's light. It is certainly not what people ordinarily mean by knowledge. He may mean the Light of the Divine Consciousness or, if you like, the light that is the Divine Consciousness or the light that comes from it or he may mean the luminous being of Krishna in which all things are in their supreme truth—the truth of Knowledge, the truth of... whole being into its own native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in half-light, half-darkness. I believe the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness Page 239 there to be the final sense of the earth evolution. If greater men than myself have not had this vision and this ideal before them, that is no reason why I should not ...

... in human being, is essentially an influx of the divine from its transcendence and universality, and each individual who receives in his being this influx is a recipient of the descent of the divine consciousness and therefore of divine incarnation, divine avatarhood. But Sri Krishna goes farther and describes certain conditions under which the world-situation offers itself to the supreme divine in... vibhutis are to be found on all major levels of evolution, in Matter, in Life, in Mind, and one who sees the Divine in all can see in these vibhutis a direct proof of the omnipresence of the divine consciousness. It can be seen that at a certain point of intensity, each force in us, force of knowledge, force of will, force of love, force of delight, can result in an explosion; it can break the shell... surprising visions of the vastness and wonder of the supracosmic and cosmic reality, and his heart Page 103 had begun to feel the delight of the incomprehensible Presence of the divine consciousness; in that state, he was led to ask Sri Krishna if he could see the Form of Sri Krishna, the embodied Lord and the Supreme Purusha. Arjuna revealed his state of mind and his deep aspiration that ...

... glimpse of the Divine Consciousness is so over-powering, that -it is too much for them ! They are satisfied with the experience. Sri Aurobindo : It is true that all ādhārs – nature-formations – have not the capacity to hold the Divine Consciousness and they don't make any effort to increase the capacity of the natural instrument. Once you come down from the Divine Consciousness you are again... God is not sufficient to change human nature. Disciple : The question arose from a conversation which we had about the Christian mystics. They have an idea that once they realise the Divine Consciousness there is nothing else to be done. They also maintain that after that all the work a man does is., not his but God's, Page 130 Sri Aurobindo : How do they know ? And what... they do ? Disciple : Generally, they were monks and so they used to do the work of the Church. Sri Aurobindo : That is what I say, that even when one gets the experience of the Divine Consciousness once, one generally remains what he was in his mental and vital being. And so they go about with the usual ideas of the Church or religion in the orthodox sense, making themselves believe that ...

... are identified with it and with the one Divine Consciousness and yet consent to act as though they were something separate, a division of the whole. There are many intermediary stages between that ignorance and this full knowledge, many ways of participating in the play. 38 The essential thing, then, is to be united with the Divine Consciousness. First an opening up of the lines of co... is the universe at its origin. It is the same thing under one aspect or another. And you cannot divide them ... the fact is that when you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the divine consciousness, there is no problem left. Everything appears quite natural and simple and all right and exactly what it had to be. But when you cut yourself off from the origin and stand over against Him... grow in the perfection of consciousness that makes it impossible to act otherwise than as a pure instrument of the Divine. Once the egoistic mentalised consciousness is transcended and this Divine consciousness takes root, there will be experienced a new freedom, equality and puissance. The traditional dichotomies will disappear, and one will know that "there is nothing in the world which has not ...


... higher gods or a ray of the divine Consciousness entering into exceptional men and investing them with a superhuman greatness, majesty or valour, is not quite unknown to readers of the ancient myths. But what is original and very illuminating from the standpoint of the soul's evolutionary purpose is the Mother's Statement that there are different lines of divine Consciousness seeking to manifest from... follow each a certain basic line of development and are intimately connected with certain aspects and phases of the evolution of the earth-consciousness. Each soul, being a spark or ray of the divine Consciousness, plays its individual part, as a constituent of its group, in the work of the illumination of the material inconscience. The coming together of many kindred souls under the prophet's banner... it came to him physically. Sri Ramakrishna would often say in regard to a sadhaka or yogi that he belonged to this house or that, meaning, evidently, this line or that of the manifesting divine Consciousness. All this proves that there is a universal Will and a universal plan behind the apparent phenomenon of the soul's coming and going, a community and solidarity of purpose, and a complex interplay ...


... connection in its consciousness, because its consciousness is separated from the Divine. That is to say, it has become unconscious. For the true consciousness is the divine Consciousness. If you cut yourself off from the divine Consciousness, you become absolutely unconscious; that is exactly what has happened. And so, everything there is, the world as it is, your consciousness as it is, things in the... Divine and makes it obligatory; for it is one and the same reciprocal movement. It is because the Divine has given Himself in Matter and scattered Himself everywhere in Matter to awaken it to the divine consciousness, that Matter is automatically under the obligation to give itself to the Divine. It is a mutual and reciprocal sacrifice. And this is the great secret of the Gita: the affirmation of the... the state they are in, are the result of this separation of the consciousness and its immediate obscuration. The minute the individual consciousness is separated from the divine Consciousness, it enters what we call the inconscience, and it is this inconscience that is the cause of all its miseries. But all that is, is essentially divine, and the divine Oneness is a fact, you can't do anything about ...


... he shuts off the waking consciousness in his meditation—he must cast away fear. Probably he expected to get the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness by following out the suggestion of the Gita. But the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness can be equally and for some more easily got in the waking meditation through the Mother's presence and the descent from above. The inward movement... not a specialised process, but a spontaneous uprush of the whole lower consciousness sometimes in currents or waves, sometimes in a less concrete motion, and on the other side a descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force into the body. This descent is felt as a pouring in of calm and peace, of force and power, of light, of joy and ecstasy, of wideness and freedom and knowledge, of a Divine Being... the physical to come into touch with the higher planes up to the supramental and get impregnated with their light and power and influence. And it is the repeated and constant descent of the Divine Consciousness and its Force Page 216 that is the means for the transformation of the whole being and the whole nature. Once this descent becomes habitual, the Divine Force, the Power of the Mother ...


... consciousness moved away from its divine origin and remained no longer identified with the movement of the divine consciousness, the sense of separation was created. The individual consciousness did not separate wilfully, but it remained no longer identified. Not being identified, the Divine Consciousness followed a certain movement and the individual consciousness followed another, and naturally they... and you perceived the Thing. But it is always there. The Divine Consciousness also means the same thing. This too is there in its full intensity. Yet people do not perceive it or perceive only spasmodically. But at one moment you happen to be in a good condition, you feel something and say : "Oh ! the Divine Consciousness appeared Page 45 to me". But, as I said, it is not... they moved away from each other more and more. Let us say, as an image, that the Divine Consciousness advances at a certain speed and the individual consciousness, not having remained united with it, could not follow it and therefore fell back more and more, far behind. The Divine moves forward, the individual stops; when the individual moves, the Divine flies. When the individual takes one step, ...

... consciousness moved away from its divine origin and remained no longer identified with the movement of the divine consciousness, the sense of separation was created. The individual consciousness did not separate wilfully, but it remained no longer identified. Not being identified, the Divine Consciousness followed a certain movement and the individual consciousness followed another, and naturally they drifted... a little and you perceived the Thing. But it is always there. The Divine Consciousness also means the same thing. This too is there in its full intensity. Yet people do not perceive it or perceive only spasmodically. But at one moment you happen to be in a good condition, you feel something and say: "Oh! the Divine Consciousness appeared to me." But, as I said, it is not quite that. When you have... drifted apart from each other more and more. Let us say, as an image, that the Divine Consciousness advances at a certain speed and the individual consciousness, not having remained united with it, could not keep pace with it and therefore fell back more and more, far behind. The Divine moves forward, the individual stops; when the individual moves, the Divine flies. When the individual takes one step ...

... also understand that we are the Divine that has descended : the problem now is for this Divine in the human to ascend or rather to reascend to its own Divine Consciousness. And you can say that this being that wants to ascend to the Divine consciousness is already contained in the essential Satchidananda. The soul, the psychic being, behind the ego wants to ascend, but it is self-contained in the Supreme... conception of God at which we have arrived. And when concentrated within Himself, He is Bliss. When He is active He becomes the delight of the play of Bliss. It becomes for us the universe. Divine consciousness possesses that delight eternally. For that, the problem does not exist. But if man is to attain divine life then that veiled Divine Self must be unveiled to man. Otherwise he cannot live the... intellectually, does not give us the satisfaction of the thing that is "experienced." And so he puts this question : how must we now change and what must we become in order to arise then in the Divine consciousness ? In order to have the real change man will have to undertake a serious inner effort and become so changed in his nature in life and his relation to others as to be able to embody the divine ...


... there is the lower nature with its fierce or dull downward gravitation which resists and battles against the motion of ascent and clogs the wings of the exaltation and the upward rapture. The divine consciousness even when it has been found at first in a wonder of great moments or in calm and splendid durations, cannot at once be altogether held or called back at will; there !12.9! is felt often an inability... that is imposed by It on the nature. For by this means the obstacle steadily diminishes and easily disappears; the mind is left free to remember the Lord and to fix itself in the liberty of the divine consciousness. And here the Gita gives an ascending scale of potencies and assigns the palm of excellence to this Yoga of desireless action. Abhyāsa , practice of a method, repetition of an effort and experience... and laws because there are many varying determinations and types Page 405 of the mental, vital and physical nature. The immortal Dharma is one; it is that of the highest spiritual divine consciousness and its powers, parā prakṛtiḥ . It is beyond the three gunas, and to reach it all these lower dharmas have to be abandoned, !18.66! sarva-dharmān parityajya . Alone in their place the one ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... process when Consciousness turned into Inconscience, it seemed that no contact was possible between the Origin and what was created. A direct Descent of the Divine Consciousness became imminent and so was there a descent of the Divine Consciousness in the form of Love. And it is this first descent of Divine Love who is "the first universal Avatar who, gradually, has assumed more and more conscious... of Matter—in the form of grass and the flowers, plants and butterflies, fish and the amphibians, the dinosaurs and other animals and the whole dynamic kingdom of nature. So, this is how the divine consciousness, in Matter called Satyavan, brought forth Life from Matter. And when Life element in Nature was mature—it may take billions of years and it has taken truly a long long time—it is only then ...

... not the Divine's. The Divine Consciousness sees first the truth of a work, the best way of doing it according to given circumstances, and when she acts, it is final. She never comes back on what is done, She goes forward, using failure as well as success for a new progress, one more step towards the goal. In order to progress. Nature destroys while the Divine Consciousness stimulates growth and... dark and dolorous battle, the more atrocious because it seems without any issue, but which can be resolved above all sensations and feelings and ideas, beyond the words of the mind the Divine Consciousness. The integral yoga is constituted of an uninterrupted series of examinations which one must pass without being warned about them beforehand _ which puts you under the obligation of being ...

... How do you fail to see, when you lay so much stress on the desirability of a merely human consciousness, that suffering is its badge? When the vital resists the change from the human into the divine consciousness, what it is defending is its right to sorrow and suffering and all the rest of it, varied and relieved no doubt by some vital and mental pleasures and satisfactions, but very partially relieved... the devotee, ceases ______________________ * Quoted from Sri Aurobindo's poem "In the Moonlight". Page 75 and the consciousness of the individual ego is merged in the Divine consciousness. Then all his actions, thoughts and words emanate from the divine source, leaving him entirely free from all doubts, desires and bonds.... Question: How is it you allow your child's mind... something greater? Is mental consciousness with its groping Page 77 enquiry, endless argument, unquenchable doubt, stiff and unplastic logic something superior or even equal to the Divine Consciousness or is it something inferior in its action and status? If it is greater, then there is no reason to seek after the Divine. If it is equal, then spiritual experience is quite superfluous. But ...


... that the Presence is found … the presence of the divine Consciousness hidden in all things.” This presence is the psychic presence, and her words mean that only the beings on the Earth have a soul. To put it more clearly – for the soul is one of the least understood issues in religion and philosophy, especially in the West – the divine Consciousness is present, “hidden”, in everything upon the Earth;... view [however] it is a voluntary symbolic formation. And as I already said, it is only upon the Earth that the Presence is found, the direct contact with the supreme Origin, the presence of the divine Consciousness hidden in all things. The other worlds were organised more or less ‘hierarchically’, if one may put it like that, but the Earth has a special formation due to the direct intervention, without ...

... the task. You must strive, you must conquer all weaknesses and limitations. Above all you must tell your ego: “Your hour is past.” We want a race without ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth.’ 36 The Ashram school was intended to provide a complete education in the light and with the help... human being should be rendered immortal – for being divine means being immortal. Which means that the low, dark, elementary consciousness of the cells must be transformed into the supramental, divine Consciousness. Indirectly, this again throws some light on the passing of Sri Aurobindo. Directly, it was the problem left to the Mother to resolve: the cells had to be supramentalized in order to form a... it is a symbolic, expressly willed formation. And as I have already said: it is only on the Earth that the Presence is found, the direct contact with the supreme Origin, the presence of the divine Consciousness hidden in all things. The other worlds have been organized more or less “hierarchically,” if one may put it this way, but the Earth has a special formation due to the direct intervention, without ...

... but to find the Divine, to enter into the Divine Consciousness and find one's true being (which is not the ego) in the Divine. (2) The ripus cannot be conquered by damana ; even if it succeeds to some extent, it only keeps them down but does not destroy them, often compression only increases their force. It is by purification through the Divine Consciousness entering into the egoistic nature and changing... including humanity and its life. But the effect on humanity would only be one result of the change; it cannot be the object of the sadhana. The object of the sadhana can only be to live in the divine consciousness and to manifest it in life. As to the extract about Vivekananda, the point I make there 2 does not seem to me humanitarian. You will see that I emphasise there the last sentences of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... processes; the power of the life too is similarly purified, heightened, concentrated by Asana and Pranayama. This concentration of powers is then directed towards that physical centre in which the divine consciousness sits concealed in the human body. The power of Life, Nature-power, coiled up with all its secret forces asleep in the lowest nervous plexus of the earth-being,—for only so much escapes into... being, the nervous life, the heart of emotion and ordinary mentality, the speech, sight, will, the higher knowledge, till through and above the brain it meets with and it becomes one with the divine consciousness. In Rajayoga the chosen instrument is the mind. Our ordinary mentality is first disciplined, purified and directed towards the divine Being, then by a summary process of Asana and Pranayama... quite dispensable and yet perhaps salutary mystery. But the one final end and the one all-important gain is that the mind, stilled and cast into a concentrated trance, can lose itself in the divine consciousness and the soul be made free to unite with the divine Being. The triple way takes for its chosen instruments the three main powers of the mental soul-life of the human being. Knowledge selects ...


... force of the divine consciousness with its two twin qualities of Light and Power working in perfect harmony,—even as the Maruts are described, kavayo vidmanā apasaḥ , seers working by the knowledge? We have had reason to conclude that Usha is the divine Dawn and not merely the physical, that her cows or rays of the Dawn and the Sun are the illuminations of the dawning divine consciousness and that therefore... knowledge, of the illumination of the divine Truth. We now begin to have reason for concluding that the Flame, which is only another aspect of Light, is the Vedic symbol for the Force of the divine consciousness, of the supramental Truth. In another passage, VI.11.3, we have mention of the "seer most illumined of the Angirases", vepiṣṭho aṅgirasāṁ vipraḥ , where the reference is not at all clear ...


... He is beyond causality and relativity and therefore there is no change of relations in His being. Page 21 "SWIFTER THAN MIND" The world is a cyclic movement ( saṁsāra ) of the Divine Consciousness in Space and Time. Its law and, in a sense, its object is progression; it exists by movement and would be dissolved by cessation of movement. But the basis of this movement is not material;... but a becoming in terms and forms of conscious existence. In the becoming each individual is Brahman variously represented and entering into various relations with Itself in the play of the divine consciousness; in being, each individual is all Brahman. Brahman as the Absolute or the Universal has the power of standing back from Itself in the relativity. It conceives, by a subordinate movement of... symbolically expressive of the Unknowable,—so arranged that every level of consciousness really represents something beyond itself, depth of depth, continent of continent. It is a play 3 of the divine Consciousness existing for its own satisfaction and adding nothing to That, which is already complete. It is a fact of conscious being, justified by its own existence, with no purpose ulterior to itself. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... golden [ Sun ] is the Light of the Truth on the higher planes. The white [ Sun ] is the Sun of the Mother's consciousness (the Divine Consciousness) which manifests on all the planes. Page 143 The white sun indicates the purity and peace of the Divine Consciousness. The red sun is a symbol of the true, illumined physical consciousness which is to replace the obscure and ignorant... Yoga is the symbol of the supermind and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme Nature, parā prakṛti . It is that Light of which the Vedic mystics got a glimpse and it is the opposite of the intervening Page 142 darkness of ...


... Chapter I Human Relations and the Spiritual Life Relations with Others in Yoga The true unity with others, in the sadhana, is founded in the unity in the Divine Consciousness, not in the vital movement. It is not because of your nature or evil destiny that the vital cannot find the satisfaction it expected from relations with others. These relations can never... of or incomprehensible. Absence of love and fellow-feeling is not necessary for nearness to the Divine; on the contrary, a sense of closeness and oneness with others is a part of the divine consciousness into which the sadhak enters by nearness to the Divine and the feeling of oneness with the Divine. An entire rejection of all relations is indeed the final aim of the Mayavadin, and in the ascetic... Divine; no human association can fill the void. In the same way, for the spiritual life the harmony with others Page 310 must be founded not on mental and vital affinities, but on the divine consciousness and the union with the Divine. When one finds the Divine and finds others in the Divine, then the real harmony comes. Meanwhile what there can be is the goodwill and unity founded on the feeling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Yoga is the symbol of the supermind and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme nature, parā prakṛti . It is that Light of which the Vedic mystics got a glimpse and it is the opposite of the intervening darkness of the Christian mystics—for... altogether possible for mind so long as it does not open into the higher planes. So far as a mental account can be given, I have done it in the Arya . Divine Nature is the nature of the divine Consciousness, Truth, Peace, Light, Purity, Knowledge, Power, Ananda on whichever plane it manifests. Supermind is one plane of the Divine Nature. The Divine is Sachchidananda. 18 October 1938 I do... life. This Ignorance is the result of a movement by which the cosmic Intelligence separated itself from the light of Supermind (the divine Gnosis) and lost the Truth,—truth of being, truth of divine consciousness, truth of force and action, truth of Ananda. As a result instead of a world of integral truth and divine harmony created in the light of the divine Gnosis, we have a world founded on the part ...


... conception of sin and virtue; it is not an intellectual light that is the sun of its aspiration but a spiritual supra-intellectual supramental light; it is not sainthood that is its culmination but divine consciousness—or if you like, soul-hood, spirit-hood, conscious self-hood, divine-hood. There is therefore between these two kinds or two degrees of transformation an immense difference. I. "It is a heroic... for that, it says, not ego, is the essence of the person— so'ham, tat tvam asi . In our idea of transformation also there is the destruction of the ego, its dissolution into the cosmic and the divine consciousness, but by that destruction we recover the true or spiritual person which is an eternal portion of the Divine. II. "The contemplation of the Christian ... is inseparable Page 508 ... summit of the natural creation either, but say there are higher summits to which we have to climb and reveal their powers in earthly nature. The natural creation is an evolution of the hidden Divine Consciousness in Nature which is limited and disguised at first by the Ignorance. It has still to climb out of the Ignorance—therefore to get beyond the human person into the divine person. It is in this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... that from what is thrown off the best can unite in a new creation with what has succeeded. The true significance of resurrection is that the Divine Consciousness awakes from the unconsciousness into which it has gone down and lost itself, the Divine Consciousness becomes once more aware of itself in spite of its descent into the world of death, night and obscurity. That world of obscurity is darker even... even than our physical night: if you came up after plunging into it you would actually find the most impenetrable night clear, just as returning from the true Light of the Divine Consciousness, the Supramental Light without obscurity, you would find the physical sun black. But even in the depths of that supreme darkness the supreme Light lies hidden. Let that Light and that Consciousness awaken in ...


... psychic being, one may say in the same way that the physical being of this person is organised by the central divine consciousness. The moment you put yourself in contact with it, submit yourself Page 58 to it, you are organised by it, by the central divine consciousness.... 66 * It is usually the first contact with the psychic being which brings this experience [reversal... towards the physical being in order to act on it with the knowledge that comes from the contact with the Divine, and to transform the body so that it may be able to receive and manifest the divine consciousness and harmony.... So, to all those who come to join the University Centre, I shall say once more: never forget our programme and the Page 53 deeper reason of your coming ...


... and the positive foundation of the divine consciousness. Whatever else is aspired for and gained, this must be kept. Even Knowledge, Power, Ananda, if they come and do not find this foundation, are unable to remain and have to withdraw until the divine purity and peace of the Sat-Purusha are permanently there. "Aspire for the rest of the divine consciousness, but with a calm and deep aspiration... have an experience—even if it be only the experience of identification with the psychic—then all of a sudden they understand. Identification with the psychic means an identification with the divine Consciousness. So, immediately they understand; they understand and this even makes them laugh. One feels how foolish one was! ( Mother laughs. ) This sense of one's own person becomes a kind of cage, ...


... other, a wee bit open, so you felt it. But it is there, always, like the divine Consciousness. It is the same thing, it is there, all the time, in its full intensity; but one is not even aware of it; or else in this way, spasmodically: suddenly one is in a good state, so one feels something and says, "Oh, the divine Consciousness, divine Love have turned to me, have come to me!" It is not at all like... say, this takes you farther and farther away from the truth, from consciousness and happiness. It takes you far away from the Divine. And for the Divine, naturally, only one thing is true—the divine Consciousness, the divine Union. And each time you put material things in front, you become more and more materialistic and go farther and farther away from full success. To judge from appearances and ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness, containing all possibilities, which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark is there in all living beings, from the lowest to the highest... being (physical, mental, vital) enters into direct and constant contact with the psychic being, one may say in the same way that the physical being of this person is organised by the central divine consciousness. The Mother Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 24 February 1951 The soul or psychic is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibility of the Divine within it,... beings. But it is a speciality of the earth. It is a direct infusion, special and redeeming, in the most inconscient and obscure Matter, so that it might once again awake through stages to the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence and finally to the Divine Himself. It is the presence of the psychic which makes man an exceptional being—I don’t like to tell him this very much, because already he thinks ...


... 190 truth or in your own ignorance. I am not here to convert anyone; I do not preach to the world to come to me and I call no one. I am here to establish the divine life and the divine consciousness in those who of themselves feel the call to come to me and cleave to it and in no others. 91 * * * January 14, 1932 The traditions of the past are very great in their... native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in Page 200 half-light, half-darkness. I believe the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness here to be the final sense of the earth evolution. 107 August 8, 1935 From the spiritual point of view such temporary phenomena as the turn of the educated Hindus towards materialism... there were no other law of conduct than the moral. The law of action of the spiritual consciousness is higher not lower than the moral,—it is founded on union with the Divine and living in the Divine Consciousness and its action is founded on obedience to the Divine Will." 2 September 16, 1935 (A disciple:) It is rather depressing to hear about the atrocities committed by some Mohammedans ...


... automatically controls the vital impulses. 30 September 1967 You have taught me the importance of awakening the divine consciousness in the body, and now I pray to You to awaken my body's aspiration towards You. The cells of the body thirst for the Divine Consciousness and when they are brought into contact with It their aspiration becomes very intense. 21 October 1967 I have heard... ways of speaking. 10 March 1967 My body is very weak and full of unconsciousness and tamas. How can this body become Your good instrument? At the centre of each cell lies the Divine Consciousness. By aspiration and repeated self-giving, the cells must be made transparent. 18 March 1967 "To be aware of the consciousness of the soul"—is this the same thing as uniting with the ...


... noted it down so as to tell you, because I knew it was going... not to evaporate, but to fade out ( Mother reads ): "The body is bathed in the Divine Consciousness... It's like floating in water. That's the impression: the Divine Consciousness is everywhere, very strong—very strong—powerful, and the body is as if bathed in it; and the impression is of something which is still... a bit to... ( silence ) Every time the rule or domination of Nature's ordinary laws is, on one point or another, replaced (or must be or is going to be replaced on any point) by the authority of the Divine Consciousness, that creates a state of transition with all the appearances of a tremendous disorder and a very great danger. And as long as the body doesn't know, as long as it's in its state of ignorance ...


... Page 66 Auroville's Charter 1) Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2) Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. 3) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking... evokes the idea of God." And S., who had been there, said, "It's not that at all! There's nothing religious in all this affair. We'll show you the French." Then he read conscience divine [divine consciousness], and he was satisfied. He said, "This is just what we want to realize, and without these words it would be officially recognized and supported by the Soviet government." Then they asked him... × In the final English version, the apostrophe was removed: "...To live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness." × See conversation of February 3, 1968 . ...


... and then the divine Consciousness seemed to be saying, "In all this suffering, it's I who suffer" (the Consciousness, you understand), "it's I who suffer, but in a way different from yours." I don't know how to express it.... There was a sort of impression that the divine Consciousness was perceiving what to us was a suffering, that it existed—it existed for the divine Consciousness. But not in the ...


... task. You must make an effort, you must conquer pettiness and limitations, and above all tell the ego: your time is over. We want a race without ego, with the divine consciousness in place of the ego. That's what we want: the divine consciousness, which will enable the race to develop and the superman 1 to be born. If you think I am here because I am bound, you are wrong. I am not bound. I am here... results. I ask only one thing: don't listen to the ego. That's all. The time of the ego is over. We want to go beyond humanity and its ego, to leave it behind, we want a race without ego, with a divine consciousness in place of the ego. There, that's all. Anything to say? ( silence ) If there is a sincere "yes" in your hearts, you will have satisfied me fully. I don't need words: I need your hearts' ...


... 1054. 2. Ibid., p. 1055. 3. Questions and Answers, Cent. Vol. 3, p. 33. Page 59 contact with the spiritual Reality, a union with the Divine and a living in the Divine Consciousness. Spirituality represents thus an essentially catholic mood, a programme of inner regeneration and finally a realised goal. The spiritual life, as distinguished from a religious life, "proceeds... interest in the knowledge of the world, in the "contemplation of God in Nature", and his "aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the... three, God, Soul and Nature, in his own consciousness is the sure foundation of his perfection and his realisation of all harmonies: this will be his highest and widest state, his status of a divine consciousness and a divine life and its initiation the starting-point for his entire evolution of his self-knowledge, world-knowledge, God-knowledge". 43 It is not expected that everybody will be ...

... part of the search for the right action. The Gita affirms that this search is fulfilled only when one discovers the ultimate source of will; that ultimate source, according to the Gita, is the divine consciousness (which is universal and transcendental) from which the divine will flows out spontaneously for the growth and maintenance of the unity of people, lokasangraha. Finally, therefore, the ultimate... Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, 1971. Vol. 18, pp. 146-7, where we find a statement describing the supermind, which is, in the language of the Gita, Para Prakriti, and where the divine consciousness, which is in the language of the Gita, Purushottama, is stated to be standing back in the idea from the movement which it contains, occupying and inhabiting its works, seeming to distribute... souls or jivas is put forth without abrogating their oneness in the Brahmic consciousness. What is clear in the Gita is that the individual is the eternal portion of Purushottama or divine Page 154 consciousness (XV.7) and that it is the Para Prakriti which manifests itself as individual souls or jivas. (VII.5) 48 BG., II.42 49 Ibid., II.52-3 50 Vide., Ibid., VII.4-14 ...

... consequences by saying that you didn't intend them. Let me remind you of what I wrote about the Avatar. There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness behind and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forward the instrumental personality in Nature, under the conditions of Nature, and it uses it according to the rules of the game—though... higher consciousness is what is wanted, not to become a Sri Aurobindo or equal to the Mother. But if we are the Divine, what is the harm of evolving into a portion of the Divine, living in the divine Consciousness even if in a lesser degree? No middle Narayan will then be needed for anybody's head. Once when Y had said she wanted to be like the Mother—you thundered saying, "How can it be? That is ...

... seat to her right or left according to the turn of our nature or the inner being.... The Mother's endeavour at that time was for a new creation, the creation here of a new inner world of the Divine Consciousness. She had brought down the Higher Forces, the Gods, into the earth atmosphere, into our inner being and consciousness.' In one of her talks in later years the Mother herself referred to this... union that man can gain true Knowledge, 'knowledge by identity', in Sri Aurobindo's words Ordinarily, i.e. in our ordinary state of consciousness, we are unaware of our psychic being or of the Divine Consciousness and live in a state of ignorance and separation which are the real causes of our sorrow and suffering. The aim of yoga is to remove this lid of ignorance and the veil of separation so that the... being into its own native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in half-light, half-darkness. I believe that the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness here to be the final sense of the earth evolution. If greater men than myself have not had this vision and this idea before them, that is no reason why I should not follow my Truth-sense and ...


... high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: the entire course of its earthly evolution is chalked out and patterned by the exact need of its growth. Whatever happens in each particular life, all the Page 50 currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery... archetypal realities are realities of the Spirit, Idea-forces, truth-energies, the root consciousness-forms, rta cit, in Vedic terminology. They are seed-truths, the original mother-truths in the Divine Consciousness. They comprise the fundamental essential many aspects and formulations of an infinite Infinity. At this stage these do not come into clash or conflict, for here each contains all and the All ...

... original and high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: the entire course of its earthly evolution is chalked and patterned by the exact need of its growth. Whatever happens in each particular life, all the currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery, one can... of the Spirit, Idea-forces, truth-energies, the root Page 19 consciousness-forms, rita chit, in Vedic terminology. They are seed truths, the original mother-truths in the Divine Consciousness. They comprise the fundamental essential many aspects and formulations of an infinite Infinity. At this stage these do not come into clash or conflict, for here each contains all and the All ...

... But these do not exist as such in the supreme status, they are resolved each into its ultimate and fundamental force of consciousness. When we say all things, whatever they are, exist in the Divine Consciousness, the Absolute, we have an idea that they exist there as they do here as objects or entities: it goes without saying, they do not. Naturally we have to make a distinction between things of Knowledge... there Page 48 is a gradation between the two—Knowledge rolls or wraps itself gradually into Ignorance and Ignorance unrolls or unfolds itself slowly into Knowledge—still in the Divine Consciousness things of Knowledge alone exist, things of Ignorance cannot be said to exist there on the same title, because, as I have said, the original truths of things alone are there—not their derivations... Ignorance in the end works itself out as Matter. So also with regard to Life and with regard to Mind. If things are to exist in the highest status of Page 49 consciousness, the Divine Consciousness, exactly as they exist now, there would be no point or meaning in creation or manifestation. Manifestation or creation does not mean merely unveiling or unrolling in the sense of unpacking. ...

... But these do not exist as such in the supreme status, they are resolved each into its ultimate and fundamental force of consciousness. When we say I all things, whatever they are, exist in the Divine Consciousness, the Page 85 Absolute, we have an idea that they exist there as they do here as objects or entities; it goes without saying, they do not. Naturally we have to make a distinction... Ignorance. Although there is a gradation between the two – Knowledge rolls or wraps itself gradually into Ignorance and Ignorance unrolls or unfolds itself slowly into Knowledge – still in the Divine Consciousness things of Knowledge alone exist, things of Ignorance cannot be said to exist there on the same title, because, as I have said, the original truths of things alone are there – not their derivations... interaction of Knowledge and Ignorance in the end works itself out as Matter. So also with regard to Life and with regard to Mind. If things are to exist in the highest status of consciousness, the Divine Consciousness, exactly as they exist now, there would be no point or meaning in creation or manifestation. Manifestation or creation does not mean merely unveiling or unrolling in the sense of unpacking. ...

... Supreme, the Divine Consciousness, there stood out the utter unconsciousness: the Light disappeared into absolute Darkness. It was the result of a self-choice in the consciousness: but the end was the very opposite of consciousness. It was a dead silence, more silent than Death and more dead than Silence itself. And it was utter helplessness and hopelessness. The Divine Consciousness – Aditi – saw... Negation. Against the Asuras there came and ranged-at the first line of division, on the one side of the descent of the Light – the first godheads, the major powers and personalities of the Divine Consciousness. The battle of the gods and Titans for the possession of the earth has been going on ever since. The end will come one Page 226 day: it will mean the dissolution of the forces ...

... fixed in the supramental consciousness. That message has been constantly repeating itself in the declaration that the divine-consciousness and the earth-consciousness are poles apart, and however much one may try, earth-consciousness cannot be reconciled with the divine-consciousness, and that the integration of the supramental life and the earth-life is an impossibility. It was to break the barrier... the earthconsciousness." 66 The New Integral Aim of Life: Yogic Accomplishment in Matter The integral aim that Sri Aurobindo came to formulate involves the realization of the divine consciousness in all its integrality, which can be possible only when a mental consciousness, even in its highest degrees of development, is transcended and the supramental consciousness is attained. ...

... of the ego and dualities was a necessary step which has been symbolized in some schools of Religion and Philosophy as the fall of man. The fall of man is this separation from the original Divine Consciousness and assumption of limitations in which the separation becomes dynamic, and has consequences in what is called human life. When it is called a "fall" it only means it is a lure. Adam attracted... are seen in Nature, there is an attraction on the part of the subjective consciousness to accept the lure and the consequences that follow. Redemption comes by the Self rejoining the Divine Consciousness and bringing it into life, into Nature. That is the real redemption. It is by a process of transformation of the being that accepted the limitation; the transformation consists in the widening... declared that this is not the final experience possible to human beings; that there is another line of experience possible to man; that it is possible to rise to a universal consciousness, to a divine consciousness, and remain alive and bring something of that Light to life. Page 54 This, reason naturally ignores and constantly argues against because it is overcome by the actual and ...


... because helpful, to make ourselves clear as to what the Mother means by "Thy Consciousness". The absolute divine Consciousness of which the Mother speaks is not the supracosmic, incommunicable Consciousness which is the ultimate goal of some traditional Yogas, but the supreme, integral divine Consciousness, which is everywhere and everything in the universe as well as beyond it. No dynamic Yoga can proceed... higher regions, it is easy, almost inevitable, to live this Existence, this Light and this Beatitude. But what is very important, as also very difficult, is to awaken the being to this triple divine consciousness on the most material levels. This is the first point. Then we must find out the centre of all the divine worlds (probably in the intermediate world), from where we can unite the consciousness ...


... more important than the actual talk and its content was the personal contact, the influence of the Master, and the divine atmosphere he emanated; for through his outer personality it was the Divine Consciousness that he allowed to act. All along behind the outer manifestation that appeared human, there was the influence and presence of the Divine." ¹ + 1923 9 April. Talk about the political... Aurobindo. Kapali noticed, as the author had previously, the remarkable change in the colour of Sri Aurobindo's skin. Talk about the transformation of Nature and the necessity of bringing down the divine consciousness into the physical. Sri Aurobindo said that only two powers can give the Supermind: Sri Aurobindo or the Higher Power herself. 2 August. A letter from Motilal Nehru asking Sri Aurobindo to... the Higher Consciousness but also in bringing about its descent into Nature. Several times in the beginning of November 1926, the evening talks turned to the possibility of the descent of the Divine Consciousness and its process. From these evening conversations, therefore, the idea came to several disciples that such a descent might be near. There was the possibility of the descent of the Gods. In ...


... through Nature. To Him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty. 49 Quite obviously, the Gita in its immediate intention... always a dual phenomenon of divinity and humanity; the Divine takes upon himself the human nature with all its outward limitations and makes them the circumstances, means, instruments of the divine consciousness and the divine power, a vessel of the divine birth and the divine works... the object of the Avatar's descent... is precisely to show that the human birth with all its limitations can be made... birth which Avatarhood and the upholding of the Dharma are intended to serve. 52 The aim of Krishna the Avatar is to raise the man Arjuna to the level of a 'superman' deploying a divine consciousness and a divine energy and drive - not a Nietzschean, Olympian, Apollonian or Dionysian 'superman', but a man "whose whole personality has been offered up into the being, nature and consciousness ...

... living sense that one is nothing, one can do nothing, understand nothing without the Divine, that even if one is exceptionally intelligent and capable, this is nothing in comparison with the divine Consciousness. 21 A tamasic kind of humility will avoid all personal effort, imagining that the Divine will do everything. "But the Divine does not do things this way." One must put forth one's best... new power of vision, a new facility for effective expression.. V Part of the discussion on 20 May 23 revolves round the question of Transformation. Identification with the Divine Consciousness is one thing, the transformation of the human body into a supramental one is a very different thing. In a moment of luminous transcendence, the flame of one's ardent aspiration may successfully... transmutation.. And because of that, in this Matter which was perhaps the most obscure and most inconscient of all the Matter of the universes, there plunged and incarnated directly the Divine Consciousness... without going through any intermediate stages, directly. Consequently, the two extremes touch, the Supreme and the most inconscient, and the universal circle closes. 36 If out ...


... revealed ordinarily in an efflorescence of its powers, in energies and magnitudes of its knowledge, love, joy, developed force of being, 3 in degrees and faces of its divinity. But when the divine Consciousness and Power, taking upon itself the human form and the human mode of action, possesses it not only by powers and magnitudes, by degrees and outward faces of itself but out of its eternal self... dwelling in God and giving up of his whole consciousness into the Divine which the Gita upholds as the best or highest secret of things, uttamaṁ rahasyam . When Page 14 this eternal divine Consciousness always present in every human being, this God in man, takes possession partly 4 or wholly of the human consciousness and becomes in visible human shape the guide, teacher, leader of the world... of those who despise the Divine lodged in the human body or of the same Godhead destroying our ignorance by the blazing lamp of knowledge. It is then the eternal Avatar, this God in man, the divine Consciousness always present in the human being who manifested in a visible form speaks to the human soul in the Gita, illumines the meaning of life and the secret of divine action and gives it the light ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... because the moment the individual consciousness broke off from the divine Consciousness, from its divine source, it created the sense of separation. The moment the individual consciousness ceased to follow, did not remain identified with the movement of the divine Consciousness, this produced a separation. The divine Consciousness follows its own movement, and if the individual consciousness does not... with the primal Consciousness, its origin, and separated from it. Separated... it did not deliberately separate itself, but it did not remain identified. So, not remaining identified, while the divine Consciousness followed one particular movement, it followed another, and naturally this caused them to move farther and farther away from each other. Let us take an illustration: one goes forward with a certain ...


... answer your question about what Krishnaprem means by Krishna's light. It is certainly not what people ordinarily mean by knowledge. He may mean the light of the Divine Consciousness, or if you like, the light that is the Divine Consciousness or the light that comes from it or he may mean the luminous being of Krishna in which all things are in their supreme truth,—the truth of Knowledge, the truth of... sadhana rightly done; or, if it comes before that or without any apparent reason, it is a grace; but one cannot demand or compel grace; grace is something spontaneous which wells out from the Divine Consciousness as a free flower of its being. The bhakta looks for it, but he is ready to wait in perfect reliance, even if need be all his life, knowing that it will come, never varying in his love and surrender... How do you fail to see, when you lay so much stress on the desirability of a merely human consciousness, that suffering is its badge? When the vital resists the change from the human into the divine consciousness, what it is defending is its right to sorrow and suffering and all the rest of it, varied and relieved no doubt by some vital or mental pleasures and satisfactions, but very partially relieved ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... journeying towards the Truth, the ritam. We have already hazarded the conception of the Ritam as the principle of Mahas, the spontaneous, self-existent, self-efficient nature of the infinite & divine consciousness, satyam ritam brihat, to which right action, right emotion, right knowledge, right enjoyment belong inalienably & result naturally & without effort or stumble. In its moral aspect, that conception... If it is not the activities of the human being in us offered as a sacrifice to the higher & divine being so that human activities may be led up to the divine nature & be established in the divine consciousness, then there is either no meaning in human language or no sense or coherence in the Veda. The Vedic sacrificer is devayu,—devakámah,—one who desires the god or the godhead, the divine nature;... extension of the divine in man. We see also the force of dhítaye. The havya or offering of human faculty, human having, human action, reaches its goal when it is taken up in the divine thought, the divine consciousness & there enjoyed by the gods. In return for his offering the gods give to the sacrificer the results of the divine nature. The mortal favoured by them moves forward unstumbling & unoverthrown ...


... self-perfection by which we can hope to become conscious and luminous with a Light from above poured into all our movements of mind, heart, will, sense, life and body. An increasing light of divine consciousness will make us close in soul and one by identity in our inmost being and spiritual substance with the Master of the world-sacrifice,—the supreme object of existence proposed by the ancient Vedanta;... best only serve for a while or serve a little and for the rest either detain or confuse us. The guiding law of spiritual experience can only come by an opening of human consciousness to the Divine Consciousness; there must be the power to receive in us the working and command and dynamic presence of the Divine Shakti and surrender ourselves to her control; it is that surrender and that control which... activities must have the One Divine for their object and the heart of their meaning. The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the ...


... things is the lack of the divine consciousness in the inward and outward man. Without the divine consciousness in toto there will always be the poor, the naked, the sick, the stricken, no matter how much we go feeding, clothing, healing and sharing a tear with them. Over and above practising generosity and charity we must try to impart the divine consciousness, and how can we do this unless... destruction." It is like saying that if the sky fell we would all catch larks. The trouble is that the sky won't fall. The only sense in which it can fall is the Aurobindonian "descent of the divine consciousness." From high above the mere mind the hidden glories and powers and beatitudes of the Supreme have to come down and make us their moulds. When the Spirit's sky falls, the larks of light will ...

... effort, you must conquer all weaknesses and all limitations. Above all you must tell your ego: “Your time is past.” We want a race without ego, that has the divine Consciousness instead of the ego. It is that that we want. The divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to be born. ‘If you think I am here because I am compelled to, you are mistaken.... There is something in this physical world as it is which is not – how to explain this? – which is not yet open to the divine Vibration. And it is this something which is doing all the harm. The divine Consciousness is not perceived, and therefore lots of imaginary things – but very real to the senses! – exist, and That, the only true Thing, is not perceived. But it’s better now. It’s better. ‘It’s really... called ‘permeation.’ She reported that the transformation of the consciousness of the body cells from the ordinary consciousness, burdened by the fear and horrors of the past millennia, into a divine Consciousness had taken place in a great number of her cells. ‘The physical is capable of receiving the higher Light, the Truth, the true Consciousness, and to manifest it.’ 32 When stating this, however ...

... assumes the outward human nature in order to tread the path and show it to human beings, but does not cease to be the Divine. It is a manifestation that takes place, a manifestation of a growing divine consciousness, not human turning into divine.” 30 The concept of the Avatar is actually very well known in the West, for it defines the being and mission of Christ. 31 The difference with the Hindu... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were the double-poled supramental Avatar, descended to create a divine world. “The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same”, asserted Sri Aurobindo; “the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play.” 32 Those who feel that the suffering Sri Aurobindo mentions is perhaps exaggerated might contemplate for a moment what it must have meant... as our conscious parts, must all be thus given, must all become a means, a field of this realisation and transformation and participate in the illumination and the change from a human into a divine consciousness and nature.” 59 For the general reader a text like this may not be easy to fathom at one go. Each sentence, each phrase has its subtle resonances, and Sri Aurobindo’s sonorous language ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... is very far from being integral. When we speak of "the integral being", we mean the being in its totality, from the physical body to the true Self, the Divine Consciousness. 31 October 1934 You write "the true Self, the Divine Consciousness"—does that mean the true soul, the psychic? No, it is not the same thing. In several of his messages Sri Aurobindo has explained the difference between... help to find what has been lost or repair what has been broken! 1 November 1933 Page 16 Instinctively I uttered the following words: "My little garden is opening to the Divine Consciousness." Plants too can open to the Divine. 5 November 1933 May I have some kerosene and soap to prepare a liquid for killing insects? Yes, but kerosene is dangerous to plants—be... something of the Divine even in material things. Yes, and we must take care of them, not because we are attached Page 87 to them, but because they too manifest something of the Divine Consciousness. I would like to know by what signs one can tell that the heart is fully open. It is something one feels and there can be no doubt about it when it happens to you. Opening the heart ...


... always dip. 7 August 1954 There is a consciousness that nothing can debase or tarnish or defile; it is the one that we call the Divine Consciousness. The Divine Consciousness must be our only guide. 11 August 1954 The Divine Consciousness is the only true help, the only true happiness. 12 August 1954 The Lord has said, "The time has come" and all the obstacles will... Page 9 It is in the Divine that we shall always find all that we need. 17 April 1954 Alone the Divine can give us a perfect safety. 18 April 1954 Let the Divine Consciousness be the leading power in your life. 22 April 1954 Let the Divine Presence be always with you. 27 April 1954 Whatever you do, always remember the Divine. 5 May 1954 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... that somewhat looks like the first, and then, under the crucifixion, we'll have in big letters ( Mother reads ): "The Divine Consciousness crucified by man's desires." Then, in very small letters, like this, we'll put under the photo of Auroville: "The Divine Consciousness manifested through human unity." We'll see! The lady has a lot of goodwill, we'll see the response in her country. ... came from the press with the brochure on Auroville and said, "Oh, there's a mistake, we've been told that the text of Auroville's Charter had to be changed." Someone told them I had said that "Divine Consciousness" had to be replaced throughout by "Perfect Consciousness." I stared at him: "What!" "Yes, that's what we've been told." Then I said ( laughing ), "Who's the idiot who told you that... Russia, they go one better, the word is banned! Using the word "divine" is forbidden! So I said all right. I said, "FOR RUSSIA, you may, if you wish, put 'Perfect Consciousness' instead of 'Divine Consciousness.'" I pointed out to them ( laughing ), "It's somewhat diminished, it's brought down a little, but never mind!" Page 111 Here, in the French brochure, it's "Divine." I said if they ...


... relationship with others for that action which consists in infusing them—infusing them with divine consciousness. So then, this is the result: first, a very clear vision (not a vision in pictures, a very clear vision) of the state they are in; then, this: enveloping and infusing them with divine consciousness; and then, the effect that has, or hasn't. That's the occupation in relationships with people... (not the body's global consciousness, but the consciousness of the cells) consists in teaching them... First of all it's a choice (it looks like one): it's choosing the divine Presence—the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence, the divine Power (all that wordlessly), the "something" we define as the absolute Master. It's a choice of EVERY SECOND between the old laws of Nature—with some mental... the body); the two are constantly like this ( Mother places one hand closely over the other ). And the choice—the constant choice—based, in fact, on a reliance ... leaning for support on the divine Consciousness for all things and every second, or ceasing to lean on it. To the cells, that choice appears to be a free choice, with a very strong sense (but not at all formulated in words) of the support ...


... a to-do with the Communists and the Soviet consul, a very intelligent man, it seems, who has read Sri Aurobindo, is quite interested, wants to be useful... and he says, "What can I do with 'divine consciousness'! 1 ( Mother laughs ) In our country the word 'divine' is banned." He was told, "This has nothing to do with God" (a ban on God I quite understand, you see, because you can put whatever you... was happy, I wrote "perfect consciousness" on his paper, and he left with it! But here, the group of... (what shall we call them?) Y.'s disciples, the "forward" group, don't at all like "divine consciousness," and Page 73 the woman who translated it into German (not a direct disciple of Y.'s but one of M.'s) went to M. to ask for his help (moral help, probably), and the best they could... themselves. But their text was read out in Auroville, and some people who heard it and know German asked me, "How come?"... That's how I found out. "How come in the German version they translated 'divine consciousness' by 'highest consciousness'?" So everyone is sticking his oar in! But we're going to prepare a little brochure with the message and all these translations—into Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic ...


... always one of them precedes the other which follows like a logical consequence. The movement attains its perfection when the separate self disappears melted in the Supreme and only the Divine Consciousness exists animating the innumerable bodies. 22.4.1969 1 Savrtri(1972), p. 705-6 Page 85 Yes Your mind is capable of transformation. It should first silently... the true role and place of money. In a truer world, towards the realisation of which the creation is moving, money has to be one of the terrestrial forces placed at the disposal of the Divine Consciousness for its work on earth. The first step towards this realisation is the abolition of the sense of ownership. Each one is the user and distributor of the money at his disposal—and this leads... He will awaken you. 12.10.1969 I feel that it is in my passivity towards the Mother that the true activity will begin. In truth, to know how to be passive in regard to the Divine Consciousness is the great secret of transformation. 14.10.1969 The more the Mother frees me from desires, the more the life becomes simple. Most certainly, it is desires that complicate ...


... higher divine consciousness. But how exactly is one to know that one has in fact risen to the higher consciousness? Doubtless it will be an exhilarating but ineffable state of poise and peace and power, but it is not possible for the mere mind, to measure or formulate its nature. And yet the experience will be unmistakable: The true test is the direct experience of the Divine Consciousness in ... connotation. Resurrection is not just a new lease of life after the holocaust of death. It is really the rise of the Greater Dawn after the plunge into the inconscience of the Night: "the Divine Consciousness awakes from the unconsciousness into which it has gone down and lost itself". 15 Even in the utmost depths of darkness, the supreme Light lies hidden, and Resurrection is merely the reawakening... This phenomenon is described more explicitly in the Mother's talk in the Playground on 16 September 1953: The psychic being is the result of evolution, that is to say, evolution of the divine Consciousness which spread into Matter and slowly lifted up Matter, made it develop to return to the Divine. The psychic being was formed by this divine centre progressively through all the births. There ...


... to give himself entirely to this aspiration. This Yoga implies not only the realisation of God, but an entire consecration and change of the inner and outer life till it is fit to manifest a divine consciousness and become part of a divine work. This means an inner discipline far more exacting and difficult than the ethical and physical austerities which are the rule at the Satyagraha Asrama. He must... being, and the descent of Power and Force into the body which will take up the whole adhar Page 546 and work in it to transform mind, life and body into the instrumentation of the Divine Consciousness. The two experiences of which you wrote in your letter are the beginning of this calm and the descent of this Force. Much has to be done before they can be established or persistently effective... whose aim is to bring down a supramental consciousness and its Light, Power, Peace, Knowledge and Ananda for the transformation of the mind, life and body consciousness into an instrument of the Divine Consciousness. It does not follow any of the old ways though it takes something from all of them—but it is in essence the finding of a new way and is therefore extremely difficult and under certain conditions ...


... as passive and receptive as possible so as not to stand in the way of this divine Will, this divine Consciousness that is acting. You become more and more attentive, and exactly to the extent you become more attentive and more sincere, you feel in what direction, in what movement this divine Consciousness is working, and you give yourself to it wholly. The thing ripens more quickly. And in this way... it, Nature will succeed in transforming all this, but when one sees the time she has taken to do what she has done till now, if one wants to do all that in another way.... Evidently, for the divine Consciousness time means very little, but for the consciousness here, it is very long. There is a point of view from which you say: "Bah! That will be done, it is sure to come about, so it is all right, one ...


... And to That, essentially, you can give neither a name nor a definition... That is now the big quarrel about Auroville: in the 'Charter' I put the 'Divine Consciousness' (to live in Auroville one must be a 'willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness', so they say: it makes you think of God. I said ( laughing ), as for me, it does not make me think of God! So some translate it as 'the highest con... out in all the details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you." Questions and Answers 1929-1931 ( 28 April 1929 ) When one is conscious does one perceive the Divine in His form in everything? Oh! that is, you expect ...


... creates by his presence, little by little; it is influenced, formed and moved by the Divine Consciousness of which it is a part and parcel. It is in each of you the deep inner being which you have to find in order that you may come in contact with the Divine in you. It is the intermediary between the Divine Consciousness and your external consciousness; it is the builder of the inner life, it is that which... being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression and your psychic being is a special aspect of the one Divine Consciousness that has taken shape in you... Source The Temple within You In the depths of your consciousness is the psychic being, the temple of the Divine within you. This is the centre ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... contact with the psychic being, one may say in the same way that the physical being of this person is organised by the central divine consciousness. The moment you put yourself in contact with it, submit yourself to it, you are organised by it, by the central divine consciousness; one may say that the body is organised by it, but it is a body , not a soul. The fact of being organised by this divine spark... not make it a soul. Is there a psychic being in the atom? No, it is not yet there. It can be said that there is a possibility of psychic consciousness in Matter—the diffusion of the divine Consciousness had only one object: to make possible an organisation which would be under the direct influence of the Divine. That is why it passes over all the worlds of disorder. 1 It may hence be said ...


... gain what?—the most important thing, the only thing which is valuable: the divine Consciousness. And to gain this one must know how to lose all the goods of this world, to let go of all one's possessions, all desires, all attachments, all satisfactions; one must know how to lose all this if one wants to get the divine Consciousness. It is a little paradoxical for the mind. You have said that after... " Enthusiasm, it expects to see the vital transformed overnight: "I am not going to have any difficulty henceforth, I am going to advance rapidly on the path of yoga, I am going to gain the divine consciousness without any difficulty." There are some other difficulties.... One needs a little time, much perseverance. So the vital, after a few hours—perhaps a few days, perhaps a few months—says to itself: ...


... that from what is thrown off the best can unite in a new creation with what has succeeded. The true significance of resurrection is that the Divine Consciousness awakes from the unconsciousness into which it has gone down and lost itself, the Divine Consciousness becomes once more aware of itself in spite of its descent into the world of death, night and obscurity. That world of obscurity is darker even... even than our physical night: if you come up after plunging into it you would actually find the most impenetrable night clear, just as returning from the true Light of the Divine Consciousness, the Supramental Light without obscurity, you Page 81 would find the physical sun black. But even in the depths of that supreme darkness the supreme Light lies hidden. Let that Light and that ...


... it was as though the divine Consciousness told me: "In all this suffering, it is I who am suffering"—the Consciousness, isn't it?—"it is I who am suffering, but in another manner than that of yours." I do not know how to say it, it was like this, the impression that the divine Consciousness experienced what for us is suffering; it existed—it existed for the divine Consciousness—but in a different way ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... and its ascent to meet the Divine Consciousness above. It is this and the corresponding descent from above that make Yogic experiences and realisations possible. It [ the Kundalini ] is the Yogic force asleep in the Muladhara and covered up in the other centres by the ordinary consciousness. When it is liberated, it rises up to join the Brahmic (Divine) consciousness above passing through the... the centres on its way. There is no Kundalini Shakti above the head. Above the head is the universal or Divine Consciousness and Force. The Kundalini is the latent power asleep in the chakras. The Energy in the Kundalini is the Mother's. Page 461 I am afraid the attempt to apply scientific analogies to spiritual or Yogic things leads more often to confusion than to anything ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Gita This world is as the Gita describes it, anityam asukham , so long as we live in the present world-consciousness; it is only by turning from that to the Divine and entering into the Divine Consciousness that one can possess, through the world also, the Eternal. The Gita cannot be described as exclusively a gospel of love. What it sets forth is a Yoga of knowledge, devotion and works... and immanent Divine. When one has risen into the higher Self, has the knowledge and is free, one makes the complete surrender to the Divine, abandoning all other dharmas, living only by the divine Consciousness, the divine Will and Force, the divine Ananda. Our Yoga is not identical with the Yoga of the Gita although it contains all that is essential in the Gita's Yoga. In our Yoga we begin with... surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the Yoga. Page 443 In regard to the Purushottama the Divine Mother is the supreme divine Consciousness and Power above the worlds, Adya Shakti; she carries the Supreme in herself and manifests the Divine in the worlds through the Akshara and the Kshara. In regard to the Akshara she is the same ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... them towards our soul's fulfilment in and beyond heaven—Agni, as játavedas, the self-existent luminosity of knowledge in this Cosmic Force—for Force is only Chitshakti, working power of the Divine Consciousness & therefore Cosmic Force is always self-luminous, all-knowing force. Agni Jatavedas then is the ray of divine knowledge in this embodied state of existence;—he is Adhrigu—the Light in our embodied... known in Veda as Page 722 theápas or sapta sindhavah, the waters of creative being, the seven elements of one ocean, the sapta dhenavah or sapta gávah, the seven fostering forms of divine consciousness and each of them forms for itself a separate world in which it predominates &is the governing principle of consciousness & existence but to which it necessarily admits its six sisters. These... is a guiding Soul of consciousness & not the mere gana, formal executive energy & mechanical ratio of things which is the outward aspect of Nature. Man is able to bring out, to express the divine consciousness & nature in the prison of matter or, as the Vedic hymns express it, to manifest the gods—he is devavyacháh, effects by the yajna the devavíti, god-manifestation, in himself, because he is able ...


... formless nor formed. He is the Divine. You talk of these distinctions as if they separated the Divine into so many separate Divines which have nothing to do with each other. The Divine Consciousness By the Divine Consciousness we mean the spiritual consciousness to which the Divine alone exists, because all is the Divine and by which one passes beyond the Ignorance and the lower nature into unity with... Nature. Here in the Ignorance we are not aware of the Divine and we obey the lower nature. Page 5 All that is true Truth is the direct expression in one way or another of the Divine Consciousness. Life is the dynamic expression of Consciousness-Force when thrown outward to realise itself in concrete harmonies of formation; Love is an intense self-expression of the soul of Ananda, and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... and by merging the ego in the Divine Consciousness, submitting the personal will to the Divine Will, calling into the being the Divine Peace, Purity, Oneness, Knowledge, Light, Ananda, replacing the ego by the psychic being devoted and surrendered to the Divine. It is the love of the Divine that saves, not a love turned towards human beings. When the Divine Consciousness is there, then there comes based... of conduct than the moral. The law of action of the spiritual consciousness is higher, not lower than the moral—it is founded on union with Page 422 the Divine and living in the Divine Consciousness and its action is founded on obedience to the Divine Will. The beliefs you speak of with regard to right and wrong, beauty and ugliness etc. are necessary for the human being and for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... people who live much in the vital that so fall; with a strong and free and calm mind and a psychic awake and alive, such pettinesses are not likely to occur. As for those who can live in the true divine consciousness, certain powers are not "powers" at all in that sense, not, that is to say, supernatural Page 571 or abnormal, but rather their normal way of seeing and acting, part of the cons... judgment in these matters; so you need not worry. Occult Powers Not the Object of Our Yoga Yes, the object of our Yoga is to establish direct contact with the Divine above and bring down the divine consciousness from above into all the centres. Occult powers belonging to the Page 573 mental, vital and subtle physical planes are not our object. One can have contact with various Divine Forms... that he wants. This and other Yogic powers should never be used by the sadhak for egoistic purposes or to satisfy his vital desires. They can only be used when they become part of the realised divine consciousness by the Mother herself or at her command for good and unselfish purposes. There is no harm in Yogic powers that come naturally as a part of the new consciousness and are not used for a wrong ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... The ordinary movement of sadhana is that of the inner being (mind, psychic, higher vital) rising towards the Divine Consciousness,—leaving the external being behind—but for this Yoga that is not enough, the physical and external being must also be able to rise into the Divine Consciousness. What you have written is quite correct. The body is not connected ordinarily with the higher consciousness... Divine. When, liberated from its ordinary identification with the body, it rises upward to have experiences of the higher planes, to link itself with the psychic or the true being or to join the Divine Consciousness, then there is this experience of ascension and of speeding or expanding through space. The joy you feel is a sign of this last movement,—rising to join the Divine; the passivity and expectancy ...


... man, all Brahman though both be. The Brahman realisation is an inner static realisation, until one has become the dynamic instrument of the Divine Consciousness and Force—then the problem of the elephant and the Rakshasa won't arise, for the Divine Consciousness will know and the Divine Force will execute what is to be done in each case. There is no need to have vaira inside, but to be friendly with... causes much unnecessary struggle. Fix your mind on the positive side—open to the Mother's power, concentrate on her protection, call for light, calm and peace and purity and growth into the divine consciousness and knowledge. This idea of tests also is not a healthy idea and ought not Page 760 to be pushed too far. Tests are applied not by the Divine but by the forces of the lower p ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... know and to grow into this truth of itself, to become one with the Divine Being, to raise its nature to the Divine Nature, its existence into the Divine Existence, its consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, its delight of being into the divine Delight of Being, and to receive all this into its becoming, to make the becoming an expression of that highest Truth, to be possessed inwardly of the Divine... become aware of supreme planes or levels of fundamental manifestation or self formulation of the spiritual reality in which is put in front the unity of the Divine Existence, the power of the Divine Consciousness, the bliss of the Divine Delight of existence,—not concealed or disguised as here, for we can possess them in their full independent reality. A fourth principle of supramental truth-consciousness... Sun-God; so are the limitations of our material substance diminished until they can be transcended and mind, life and body can be transformed through a possession of them by the greater law of divine Consciousness, Energy and Spirit. The integral knowledge admits the valid truths of all views of existence, valid in their own field, but it seeks to get rid of their limitations and negations Page 692 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and progression into that purer working which they have in the Truth-consciousness. In that case not only would it be possible to manifest and maintain the divine consciousness in the human mind and body but, even, that divine consciousness might in the end, increasing its conquests, remould mind, life and body themselves into a more perfect image of its eternal Truth and realise not only in soul... conscious-force and bliss, not outside but in and as a part of the working of the divine Real-Idea. There is therefore no reason to suppose that there cannot be any real play of the higher divine consciousness in a world of forms or that forms and their immediate supports, mental consciousness, energy of vital force and formal substance, must necessarily distort that which they represent. It is possible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... explain this difference of understanding, it would explain the difference between the mental functioning (even the higher mind, the highest intellectual functioning) and the functioning of the divine Consciousness.... I feel it, but... ( Mother tries to explains, then gives up ). The mental functioning explains—it explains. Things are consequences (even my word "consequence" in the notebook, I'm not... ! Words are approximations. I had to use words because I had to write for him, but the experience came like that, the working: the experience of this universal Immensity returning to the Divine Consciousness, how it returns—and innumerably, of course, with all possible experiences, but with a marvelous sim-plic-i-ty. ( long silence ) Words... It gave me at the same time a sort of bodily... problem), and suddenly, when he spoke, suddenly there came this sort of union and... (what Page 277 should I say?) almost a sensation, in the body, of the earth returning to the Divine Consciousness. So the conjunction, combination of all that resulted in this experience. ( silence ) Previously when I used to have experiences (long ago, years ago), it was the mind that benefited more ...


... value which a Divine Consciousness holds as the everlasting Page 208 archetype of a thing that happens in the temporal world. The poet seizes flash-like objects for ever: once seized they are never submerged—if we may cite an unforgettable Shakes- pearean phrase— In the dark backward and abysm of time. Also, the contrast between the Divine Consciousness and the time-process... have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were a vast concealed ocean of experience-movements in which the Divine Consciousness is hidden and in which there is an occult oneness of our individuality with the whole world. Sensation, emotion, idea are here involved or contained in a thrilled awareness focused for poetic ...


... ancient lore says that at once the divine Love descended straight from the Lord into Matter and began to awaken what was involved there. Other traditions speak of the Consciousness, the divine Consciousness, instead of Love. One even finds accounts full of imagery depicting a Being of prismatic light lying in deep sleep in the cave of the Inconscient; and this Descent awakens him to an activity... beginning of evolution. I have had this experience. I have had the experience of being 'missioned,' so to speak, in a form of Love and Consciousness combined—divine Love in its supreme purity, divine Consciousness in its supreme purity—and emanated DIRECTLY, without passing through all the intermediate states, directly into the nethermost depths of the Inconscient. And there I had the impression of being... Truth became falsehood. And these are the four great Asuras: the Asura of Inconscience, the Asura of Falsehood, the Asura of Suffering and the Asura of Death. Once this had occurred, the divine Consciousness turned towards the Supreme and said ( Mother laughs ): 'Well, here's what has happened. What's to be done?' Then from the Divine came an emanation of Love (in the first emanation it wasn't Love ...


... the Avatar, a few quotations from Sri Aurobindo’s letters may complete our understanding of it. “There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forth the instrumental personality in Nature under the conditions of Nature and it uses it according to the rules of the game – though... something to be done in the history of the earth and its races.” 11 “It is not by your mind that you can hope to understand the Divine and its action, but by the growth of a true and divine consciousness within you. If the Divine were to unveil and reveal itself in all its glory, the mind might feel a Presence, but it would not understand its action or its nature. It is in the measure of your ...

... and gave them freedom to separate their cortscrotrsriess from the supreme divine consciousness, that is, these intelligent human beings are still subject to the original inconscience illumined -to some extent by progressive growth of knowledge and consciousness culminating in the attainment of the supreme divine consciousness through various turns and vicissitudes of ignorance in several lives of... divine play and all those have realised their true being have unanimously testified to this truth of creation. Now with all this data of creation given, of involution and evolution of the -divine consciousness, it will not Page 460 be difficult to follow the evolutionary process which is the sole theme of the Divine Life. Sat or existence becomes Matter, Chit or Consciousness hides ...

... possess the divine consciousness. 13 June 1937 Page 286 "We would be completely under Thy influence to the exclusion of every other." 1 Each force or power has an influence on other forces and powers and this reaction is reciprocal. To escape this constant and general confusion or influence, there is only one way, to concentrate exclusively on the Divine Consciousness and to... to open oneself only to the Divine Consciousness. There can be no true integral surrender to the Divine if any human relations and their habits and attachments are still maintained. All relations must be turned upward and directed to the Divine alone and transformed into means for the union and surrender. Vital relations are always dangerous. A complete, absolute consecration of the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... thing and the value which a Divine Consciousness holds as the everlasting archetype of a thing that happens in the temporal world. The poet seizes flashlike objects for ever; once seized they are never submerged - if we may cite an unforgettable Shakespearean phrase– In the dark backward and abysm of time. Also, the contrast between the Divine Consciousness and the time-process is brought... have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were a vast concealed ocean of experience-movements in which the Divine Consciousness is hidden and in which there is an occult oneness of our individuality with the whole world. Sensation, emotion, idea are here involved or contained in a thrilled awareness focused for poetic ...


... "Yes," We may string together and interpret a number of his statements in it. When asked: "What is the incarnation? From what plane does it take place?", he¹ answered: "An incarnation is the Divine Consciousness and Being manifesting through the body. It is possible from any plane." This must imply either that the Supreme Godhead takes hold of a desired plane and brings its characteristic to earth... divinity, he is aware both of the plane from which there is the divine manifestation and of the Supreme Godhead who has that plane-poise, whereas the Avatar's followers have to develop the divine consciousness. However, we must add that even the Avatar has to go through a sadhana before he becomes the Guru, for otherwise he would not be the true meaningful pioneer in human evolution. On the other... himself as the Divine, in one passage he describes himself as a Vibhuti, vrsninam vasudevah. We may therefore fairly assume that in many lives he manifested as the Vibhuti veiling the fuller Divine Consciousness. If we admit that the object of Avatarhood is to lead the evolution, this is quite reasonable, the Divine appearing as Avatar in the great transitional stages and as Vibhutis to aid the lesser ...


... thing and the value which a Divine Consciousness holds as the everlasting archetype of a thing that happens in the temporal world. The poet seizes flash-like objects for ever; once seized they are never submerged — if we may cite an unforgettable Shakespearean phrase — In the dark backward and abysm of time. Also, the contrast between the Divine Consciousness and the Time-process is brought... have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were a vast concealed ocean of experience-movements in which the Divine Consciousness is hidden and in which there is an occuit oneness of our individuality with the whole world. Sensation, emotion, idea are here involved 14 Savitri, p. 258. Page 217 ...

... "Consciousness is the faculty of becoming aware of anything whatsoever through identification with it. But the divine consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. For mere awareness is not knowledge....Only when the consciousness participates in the divine consciousness does it get full knowledge by identification with the object. Ordinarily, identification leads to ignorance rather than... process with a knowing eye. So knowledge in the ordinary state of being is to be obtained rather by stepping back from a phenomenon, to watch it without becoming identified with it. But the divine consciousness identifies itself with its object and knows it thoroughly, because it always becomes one with the essential truth or law inherent in each fact." 1 The passage contains two profound im ...

... INELUCTABLE There is here a Consciousness working. Each one when he goes against this divine Consciousness loses something of his consciousness every time he does so. He goes down each time he does something against it. Each one gains in his consciousness every time he acts according to this divine Consciousness. The world goes on as it is. When there is nothing you or I can do to change it, we... to play truly and to learn to play they must play among themselves. You have this extraordinary opportunity of being able to play a game and to take exercise in an atmosphere filled with Divine Consciousness, Light and Power in such a way that each of your movements is so to say permeated by the consciousness and the light and the power which is in itself an intensive yoga; and your ignorant un ...


... cosmic being who represents the Illumined Mind. As one rises and as the truths of Indra convert our animal consciousness, our impulses become the brilliant herds of the Sun, gāvah, rays, the divine consciousness of the Veda. The human mind does not possess knowledge; it can receive and understand Truth by dhi, the faculty of understanding which receives, holds in place and settles the object... rising of the soul from the dryness of the material being, from the desert which is unwatered towards the increase of eagerness of the soul for beatitude, for the delight of the presence of the divine consciousness, which is the essence of Bhakti. The Soul is increased and satisfied when by the attainment of the truth and immortality, it enjoys the bliss. This is the state which Parashara describes in... heaven and the earth, fills them with abundant rain of the springs of the Truth, nourishing them, restoring them to youth and vigour. 51 The Ribhus pervade heaven with their workings; they bring divine consciousness and increase the divine mentality. 52 They give to the mental being and the physical being fresh and young and immortal movement. 53 From the house of the Sun, which is the home of the Truth ...

... determinism of Prakriti is not the last word of the Gita. The equality of the will and the rejection of fruits are only means for entering with the mind and the heart and the understanding into the divine consciousness and living in it; and the Gita expressly says that they are to be employed as a means as long as the disciple is unable so to live or even to seek by practice the gradual development of this... through Nature. To him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty. The first step is Karma yoga, the selfless sacrifice of works... his hands your mind and your heart and your will, all your consciousness and even your very senses and body. Let your consciousness be sovereignly moulded by him into a flawless mould of his divine consciousness. Let your heart Page 96 become a lucid or flaming heart of the Divine. Let your will be an impeccable action of his will. Let your very sense and body be the rapturous sensation ...

... Supreme, the Divine Consciousness, there stood out the utter unconsciousness: the Light disappeared into absolute Darkness. It was the result of a self-choice in the consciousness: but the end was the very opposite of consciousness. It was a dead silence, more silent than Death and more dead than Silence itself. And it was utter helplessness and hopelessness. . The Divine Consciousness —Aditi—saw... Asuras there came and ranged—at the first line of division, on the one side of the descent of the Light Page 21 —the first godheads, the major powers and personalities of the Divine Consciousness. The battle of the gods and Titans for the possession of the earth has been going on ever since. The end will come one day: it will mean the dissolution of the forces of Negation, at least ...

... united diversity; but on the line which ends in Matter it enters into more and more obscure forms and forces and finally the virtual eclipse of the supreme light of the Page 18 Divine Consciousness. Creation as it descends towards the Ignorance becomes an involution of the Spirit through Mind and Life into Matter; evolution is a movement backward, a return journey from Matter towards the... the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his "psychic being"; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus... attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the "being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart", spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true ...

... in the end. The descent of the Divine Consciousness to prepare its definitive home in the dynamic and pragmatic human nature, if considered at all, was not the main theme of the past efforts and achievements. Furthermore, the descent Page 4 spoken of here is the descent, not of a divine consciousness—for there are many varieties of divine consciousness—but of the Divine's own consciousness ...

... Being into a play of united diversity; but on the line which ends in Matter it enters into more and more obscure forms and forces and finally the virtual eclipse of the supreme light of the Divine Consciousness. Creation as it descends towards the Ignorance becomes an involution of the Spirit through Mind and Life into Matter; evolution is a movement backward, a return journey from Matter towards the... process—the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his "psychic being"; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus... attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the "being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart", spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true ...

... more direct and integral descent of the Divine Consciousness, and in its highest degrees— Page 13 the degrees of the Supermind—the Descent means a reversal of the normal values, a swift and total transfiguration of earthly life into the mould of supernal spiritual realities. An absolute degree of the Descent, an irruption of the Divine Consciousness in its supreme purity and fullness becomes... out swiftly by such a descent which imposes an inexorable physical pressure as it were upon an earthly material which otherwise is slow to move and change. Even of this descent of the Divine Consciousness, however, there are varying degrees, in accordance with the nature of the work it has got to do. In the inferior ranges of evolutionary Nature—the lower hemisphere, as it is called, of Mind ...

... high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: the entire course of its earthly evolution is chalked out and patterned by the exact need of its growth. Whatever happens in each particular life, all the Page 51 currents of all the lives converge and coalesce, and serve the psychic consciousness to swell in volume and intensity and be one with the Divine Consciousness. Or, in a different imagery... archetypal realities are realities of the Spirit, Idea-forces, truth-energies, the root consciousness-forms, ŗta cit , in Vedic terminology. They are seed-truths, the original mother-truths in the Divine Consciousness. They comprise the fundamental essential many aspects and formulations of an infinite Infinity. At this stage these do not come into clash or conflict, for here each contains all and the All ...

... Being into a play of united diversity; but on the line which ends in Matter it enters into more and more obscure forms and forces and finally the virtual eclipse of the supreme light of the Divine Consciousness. Creation as it descends' towards the Ignorance becomes an involution of the Spirit through Mind and Life into Matter; evolution is a movement back­ward, a return journey from Matter towards... the self-consciousness which I referred to as being the distinctive characteristic of man is a function of this organ. It is his soul, his "psychic being"; originally it is the spark of the Divine Consciousness which came down and became involved in Matter and has been endeavouring ever since to release itself through the upward march of evolution. It is this which presses on continually as the stimulus... attained sufficient growth and power and has come so far to the front from behind the veil that it can now lead and mould his external consciousness. It is also the channel through which the Divine Consciousness can flow down into the inferior levels of human nature. It is the "being no bigger than the thumb ever seated within the heart", spoken of in the Upanishads. It is likewise the basis of true ...

... more and more direct and integral descent of the Divine Consciousness, and in its highest degrees – the degrees of the Supermind – the Descent means a reversal of the normal values, a swift and total transfiguration of earthly life into the mould of supernal spiritual realities. An absolute degree of the Descent, an irruption of the Divine Consciousness in its supreme purity and fullness becomes inevitable... worked out swiftly by such a descent which imposes an inexorable physical pressure as it were upon an earthly material which otherwise is slow to move and change. Even of this descent of the Divine Consciousness, however, there are varying degrees, in accordance with the nature of the work it has got to do. In the inferior ranges of evolutionary Nature – the lower hemisphere, as it is called, of Mind ...

... in the end. The descent of the Divine Consciousness to prepare its definitive home in the dynamic and pragmatic human nature, if considered at all, was not the main theme Page 4 of the past efforts and achievements. Furthermore, the descent spoken of here is the descent, not of a divine consciousness – ­for there are many varieties of divine consciousness – but of the Divine's own con ...

... which rock us endlessly from light to dark, enthusiasm to exhaustion, gray apathy to fugitive pleasures and recurring sufferings, and to find a poise above – in other words, to recover the divine consciousness ( yoga ), the state of perfect equilibrium. In order to achieve this goal, they try to take us out of the state of dispersion and waste in which we live daily, and to create in us a concentration... Night, Evil, Death are masks. The supreme Opposition awakens the supreme Intensity, and the analogous becomes Itself – there is only One, tad ekam . The Solar World, the supreme, supramental, divine consciousness, of which all the other worlds are separate rays, was present in the very heart of Matter. The step above the overmind is not "above"; it is here within all things. The door below opens the... phenomenon. Page 276 This is also why, since they knew the cause, they dared to speak of transformation. 359 Finally, the whole universe is composed of a single substance of divine Consciousness-Force, and Agni is the element of force or energy in consciousness: "O Son of Energy," says the Rig Veda. (VIII.84.4) It is Force-Consciousness, a warmth, a flame, at whatever level we feel ...

... earth. The Divine Consciousness has abandoned its own Supramental transcendental status to enter Page 656 into the human consciousness and partake of the earthly life.... More Cantos appeared in the ensuing months, and in the Advent of 1948, there was again another editorial comment, this time on the second Canto ('The Issue') of Book I: The Divine Consciousness descending... emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life. 25 The characters, then, are at once symbol-powers and real human beings. They didn't figure in the mythic past alone, but are also constituents of the current climate ...

... world was moving; that the centenary year gave people an opportunity truly to understand his message and put it into practice; and that he had given his life so that "we may be born into the Divine Consciousness". 3 Further, when the Mother's advice was sought by sadhaks as to how best they should exemplify the reality of the Ashram, she said: "Live it. Live this reality. All the rest - talking, etc... person, herself, but the stored-up subconscient of the earth itself, and only the Divine could wage the war to the point of victory. For the Mother, to live in the peace - the Beatitude - of the divine Consciousness was "luminous calm"; to be jerked out of it was "hell". And then she must call the Divine again and nestle within his arms. 25 On 8 November, the Mother revealed that she had had a few... future is not revealed to him; because most men would not have the courage to live their life, if they knew what it would be. 38 But Savitri, because she is endowed with the all-embracing Divine Consciousness, is equal to the demands of her grim "foreknowledge". She knows that "this was the day when Satyavan must die", and is prepared to face the event. His death "becomes the symbol of the misery ...


... quite at the bottom of the "I". Dig deep and you will find Him. 16.10.1967 You taught me the importance of awakening the divine consciousness in the body, and now I pray to You to make my body aspire for You. The body-cells thirst for the Divine Consciousness and when they are brought into contact with It their aspiration becomes very intense. 21.10.1967 It seems that my ambitions... ways of speaking. 10.3.1967 My body is very weak and full of unconsciousness and tamas. How can this body become Your good instrument? At the centre of each cell lies the Divine Consciousness. By aspiration and repeated self-giving the cells must be made transparent. Page 6 "To be aware of the consciousness of the soul": is this the same thing as uniting with the Divine ...


... Listening to Mother was always full of the pleasure of the unexpected. "So, this is what happened. "When Light or Consciousness separated itself from the Divine Consciousness — that is, when it began to think itself as the divine consciousness and that there was nothing else than itself—suddenly it became darkness and unconsciousness. "And when Life thought that the whole life was in itself and... emanations and she turns to the Supreme in a great entreaty: " 'Now that this world is in such a dreadful state, it has to be saved! We cannot just leave it, can we? It has to be saved, the divine consciousness must Page 38 be given back to it. What to do?' "And the Supreme says, 'Thrust yourself into a new emanation of the ESSENCE of Love, down into the most material Matter ...

... the words - perhaps repeated as in an incantation - they could not recapture them later, and each remembered somewhat differently. In 1921, Sri Aurobindo had told Purani that, although the Divine Consciousness had descended, it had not yet penetrated the physical being; 1 it was precisely this that took place on 24 November 1926. In Sri Aurobindo's words: It was the descent of Krishna... Even after they had recognised her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to themselves and others. The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness - if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know... brought by Sri Aurobindo was too high for them were free to leave the Ashram and live in their own brand of half-truth or ignorance. Fifth, "I am here to establish the divine life and the divine consciousness in those who of themselves feel the call to come to me and cleave to it and in no others. " 21 Page 247 VI Writing to another sadhak, Sri Aurobindo observed that ...


... even a child, can approach Thee. 11 And in just a few words, the Mother clarifies the goal of the Aurobindonian Yoga: The goal is not to lose oneself in the Divine Consciousness. The goal is to let the Divine Consciousness penetrate into Matter and transform it. 12 VII The aphorisms included in Part One of Words of the Mother (1946), are in a category apart, for whatever... the last alone is the principle and power of continuity through a succession of births. And it is through the awakening of the psychic being - the soul within - that we can grow into the Divine consciousness, and it is only from that level of puissance and illumination that our problems can be truly understood and definitively solved: A transformation, an illumination of the human consciousness ...


... Golconde and the paramount need for discipline in life: First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things; and thirdly that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated, used in the right way, not misused or improperly handled... Mother: A nation is a living personality; it has a soul, even like a human individual. The soul of a nation is also a psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals... background was the Ashram's flag as well. Explaining its significance, Sri Aurobindo said in 1949: The blue of the flag is meant to be the colour of Krishna and so represents the spiritual or divine consciousness which it is her work to establish so that it may reign upon earth. It is used as the Ashram flag because "our work is to bring down this consciousness and make it the leader of the world's ...


... met him for the second time I asked him: "What are you waiting for ?"—for, the Divine Consciousness was already there in him. He never wanted to declare his divinity. The answer he gave was characteristic of his impersonality and wonderful balance of mind. He said: "The divine is there, but the divine consciousness has yet to descend into and transform the whole of nature and until the physical... powers and forces than the physical and the material. He never claimed any personal credit for it, and he had clarity of vision to note that it was not the Supramental that was working but the Divine Consciousness through the Overmind instrument. If the supreme Supermind intervened the result would be immediate success of the Divine Will without any chance for intervening possibilities. Even the Overmind ...


... of ignorance and death. Then Savitri is born and seeing that the constitution of the universe is imperfect, she brings the perfect divine consciousness into the nature of man in order to realize immortality for him. Immortality is another word for divine consciousness. Then she overcomes death? Yes, death on earth. This possibility of change of the whole human nature from its present... true being, equating him with the cosmos, with the universal consciousness, the universal being. Marching through all the planes which have their counterpart in his nature, he is then led to a divine consciousness where he is able to take the whole of human aspiration and put it before the Divine; he prays to the Divine for help and for an emanation to be sent down to mankind in order to solve the problem ...


... 736. ³ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, Part One (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1970), pp. 206-07. Page 265 There are different statuses ( avasthā ) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statues of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is... universal self, but she brings forward only what is needed to be brought forward so that the working is done.¹ 13-8-1933 The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness – if anybody really feels her con­sciousness, he should know... whole being into its own native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in half-light, half-darkness. I believe the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness here to be the final sense of the earth evolution. If greater men than myself have not had this vision and this ideal before them, that is no reason why I should not follow my Truth-sense and ...


... replacing the fallible human will this divine force as soon as it is kindled conducts the sacrifice; he leads it in its journey through the stages by which the sacrificer rises to the supramental divine consciousness; he is its vanguard and front-fighter in the battle of the divine with the undivine and the march of man to his goal, पुरएता, प्रणेता. The Seer-Will is the Ritwik, he sacrifices in the order... them the whole activity of the being as a sacrifice of the lower human to the higher divine. The result of this progressive action is the divine delight or ecstasy, the Ananda of the infinite & divine Consciousness, brought into man, there established, held, expanding till it possesses the whole being and occupies all the energies. The Seer-Will is the godhead in us which is most powerful thus to establish ...


... morality is no doubt found in these few words. Because, for God, and presently for Him alone, neither Good nor Evil exists because, in Him, all is one. In other words, we must first attain to divine consciousness before going beyond Good and Evil which, paradoxically, is all that separates us from God. It is not by committing Good and Evil without knowing what they effectively are that we shall be able... be God. All were first men like us. Human consciousness could dominate them for a very long time, and it is clear that they retained something of that consciousness until the end, even after divine consciousness had descended in them. That which is to take place, on the other hand, is of an entirely different nature, as enlightenment will not be the fruit of a more or Page 46 less ...


... must conquer all weaknesses and limitations; above all you must tell your ego: “Your hour is gone.” We want a race that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine Consciousness. It is that which we want: the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the suprarnental being to take birth. The Mother ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions - Importance, Utility The only vision that is true and sure is the vision of the divine Consciousness. So the problem is to become aware of the divine Consciousness and to keep this consciousness in all details all the time. The Mother All visions have a significance of one kind or another... This power of vision ...


... state. This is one of the secrets of Savitri and the reason why it speaks to us so intimately. The vision his words evoke for us—the new-bom infant searching the darkness—is a symbol of the divine consciousness "asleep" in a material universe and waiting "as the tree waits in the seed"; but it is no less, for the individual, an expression of the yearning in the deepest part of his being that calls... individual fulfilment. Its consummation is reached at the end of The Book of the Divine Mother when Aswapati's prayer for Earth's release from the grip of Death rises to heights where the Divine Consciousness unites will and creative power to bring about infallibly what is seen. The prayer turns into a prophetic vision of the future: a new creation and a new humanity. Now obeying the ādesh ...

... undertaken and the Grace will always be there to help you. Let the waves of the past flow far from you carrying away with them all attachments and all weaknesses. The luminous joy of the divine consciousness is waiting ready to take their place. Let each one do his very best and, peacefully,-leave to the Supreme the care of the result. If each one took the resolution of mastering oneself and... and for which we shall strive unceasingly' however long it may take. Here the only power we can dispose of is the power of love. In the depths of the Inconscient, there also shines the Divine Consciousness resplendent and eternal. Death is not at all what you believe it to be. You expect from death the neutral quietness of an unconscious rest. But to obtain that rest you must prepare for it ...

... Ineluctable. There is here a Consciousness working. Each one when he goes against this divine Consciousness loses something of his consciousness every time he does so. He goes down each time he does something against it. Each one gains in his consciousness every time he acts according to this divine Consciousness. The world goes on as it is. When there is nothing you or I can do to change it, we ...

... below in death. The task of the incarnate Supreme Consciousness is to revive the death-bound divinity, to free the human consciousness, re-install it in its original radiant status of the Divine Consciousness. Such is Savitri's mission. This mission has two sessions or periods. The first, that of preparation; the second, that of fulfilment. Savitri, the human embodiment was given only twelve... Arise, O soul, and vanquish Time and Death. 13 Yes, she is ready to do it, but not for herself, but for her Love, the being who always is the life of her life. Savitri is the Divine Consciousness but here in the mortal body she is clothed in the human consciousness; it is the human consciousness that she is to lead upward and beyond and it is in and through the human 12 Ibid ...

... seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation Page 85 to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the Divine Consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark is there in all living beings from the lowest to the highest... parts of Nature that have to be developed as its instruments of self-expression, and it is long confined by their evolution. Missioned to lead man in the Ignorance towards the light of the Divine Consciousness, it takes the essence of all experience in the Ignorance to form a nucleus of soul-growth in the nature; the rest it turns into material for the future growth of the instruments which it ...


... not found it necessary to do this in order to have peace. In my Yoga also I found myself moved to include both worlds in my view — the spiritual and the material — and to try to establish the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Power in men's hearts and earthly life, not for a personal salvation only but for a life divine here. This seems to me as spiritual an aim as any, and the fact of this life taking... whole being into its own native power, instead of the nature of man continuing to remain in half-light, half-darkness. I believe the descent of this Truth opening the way to a development of divine consciousness here to be the final sense of the earth-evolution. If greater men than myself have not had this vision and this ideal before them, that is no reason why I should not follow my Truth-sense and ...


... out her own idea through Raymond, 31 Sammer and others. First Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things, and thirdly, that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated, used in the right way, not misused or improperly handled... disintegrate but appear and disappear or at most fade out of manifestation. Mind itself as opposed to particular thoughts is something essential and permanent; it is a power of the Divine Consciousness. So is life, as opposed to constructed living bodies; so I think is what we call material energy which is really the force of essential substance in motion, a power of the Spirit. Thoughts ...

... Delight had remained Delight, conceived as Delight, and everything [of the manifestation] had come about in Delight and Union instead of in division, there would never have been any need for the divine Consciousness to plunge into the inconscience as Love.” 26 This is the justification of our evolutionary universe. The four great beings, cause and basis of the manifestation, were the Lords of Falsehood... Sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its initial transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood only from ...

... in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness”. The Mother was, of course, very much aware that this was the touchstone of the whole enterprise. No wonder then that from the very beginning, even before Auroville’s inauguration, the squabbling started precisely over this point. Which Divine? Which Divine Consciousness? Were the vision and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... following: (i) the complete identification with their divine nature; (ii) the realization in themselves of their divine consciousness in a dynamic way (a yoga beyond the existing yogas), to render that consciousness active in the world; and (iii) to progressively embody that divine consciousness themselves, first on the mental, then on the vital and finally on the material level. The result of all that ...


... Yoga of works and of the integral divine life; for that the integral transformation of nature is evidently necessary; the union with the Divine has to carry with it a full entrance into the divine consciousness and the divine nature; there must be not only sayujya [the absolute union of the Divine with the human spirit] or salokya [dwelling of the soul in the Divine] but sadrsya [likeness... down into us, into body and life as well as mind and heart and to fill with it all that we are. This and its consequences, of which the greatest is the union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Paghe-198 Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being ...

... needed,’ he would write to Nirodbaran. And the Mother said: ‘Everybody here represents an impossibility that has to be solved.’ 22 The transformation of the physical consciousness into a Divine Consciousness is in itself an impossibility. Each sadhak and sadhika, son and daughter of Mother Earth, contained that impossibility in his or her person. The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others. First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things; and thirdly that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated, used in the right way, not misused or improperly handled ...

... symbol and her own: The effective manifestation of Ishwara and Ishwari in union. Sri Aurobindo has disclosed: The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness—if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know that... gardens which will represent twelve Attributes of the Supreme Mother and her four Powers. In these gardens I would like to have varieties of flowers—specially the different kinds of Hibiscus—the Divine Consciousness. On the other side, towards the boundary of the gardens, I wish to have a lake, huge trees like palms, pines, various types of ferns, neem, Indian cork trees, eucalyptus and many other ...


... the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however mundane, into activities of the divine consciousness utilisable for the perception of the one and unique Object of knowledge both ...


... himself as the Divine, in one passage he describes himself as a Vibhuti, vṛṣṇīnāṁ vāsudevaḥ . We may therefore fairly assume that in many lives he manifested as the Vibhuti veiling the fuller Divine Consciousness. If we admit that the object of Avatarhood is to lead the evolution, this is quite reasonable, the Divine appearing as Avatar in the great transitional stages and as Vibhutis to aid the lesser... but that he was the Buddha. It is the Hindus who made him an Avatar. If Buddha had looked upon himself as an Avatar at all, it would have been as an Avatar of the impersonal Truth. If a Divine Consciousness and Force descended and through the personality we call Buddha did a great work for the world, then Buddha can be called an Avatar—the tapasya and arriving at knowledge are only an incident ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the form of the psychic being—so obviously it cannot have already the powers of the Divine. Only its presence makes it possible for the individual to open to the Divine and grow towards the Divine Consciousness and when it acts it is always in the sense of the Light and the Truth and with the push towards the Divine. Page 104 The Self or Spirit and the Psychic or Soul The Spirit is the... but according to the laws of the Ignorance. These things, love, compassion, kindness, bhakti, Ananda are the nature of the psychic being, because the psychic being is formed from the Divine Consciousness, it is the divine part within you. But the lower parts are not yet accustomed to obey or value the influence and control of the psychic for in men the vital and physical are accustomed to act ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... No doubt something of her is there in and behind this mechanism maintaining it for its evolutionary purpose—but what she is in herself is not Page 41 a Shakti of Avidya, but the Divine Consciousness, Power, Light, Para Prakriti to whom we turn for the release and the divine fulfilment. The realisation of the Purusha Consciousness calm, free, observing the play of forces but not attached... the ordinary consciousness of man with its ignorance, desires and bondage. I suppose you know that one has to transcend this ordinary consciousness of the lower Nature and arrive at a higher divine consciousness, if one wants to be free? By Prakriti [ in a passage in Bases of Yoga] is meant universal Prakriti. Universal Prakriti entering into the vital being creates desires which appear by its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... constant, present to himself this greater thing that he can be and entirely live in what is now to him at the best a luminous aspiration. He must seek to develop and grow altogether into a greater divine consciousness by an integral Yoga. The Yoga of perfection necessary to this change has, so far as we have been considering it, consisted in a preparatory purification of the mental, vital and physical... formulate its knowledge, will, Ananda and all things else in the mental figure, and that means to translate them into an inferior kind of functioning other than the supreme workings native to the divine consciousness and its Shakti. The mind spiritualised, purified, liberated, perfected Page 784 within its own limits may come as near as possible to a faithful mental translation, but we shall ...


... is in its divine origin and how it is related to the Truth-consciousness,—Mind, the highest of the three lower principles which constitute our human existence. It is a special action of the divine consciousness, or rather it is the final strand of its whole creative action. It enables the Purusha to hold apart the relations of different forms and forces of himself to each other; it creates phenomenal... Supermind; it is an arrangement, an order of the results right and proper to the action of dividing Mind and its creation of separative oppositions, its dual contrary sides of the one Truth. The Divine Consciousness, having conceived and thrown into operation the Idea of this dual or divided representation of Itself, deduces Page 186 from it in real-idea and educes practically from it in substance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... initiator of the upward effort of the mortal towards Immortality; to this divine consciousness that is one with divine power we arrive as the foundation of immortal existence. Indra, lord of Swar, the luminous intelligence into which we have to convert our obscure material mentality in order to become capable of the divine consciousness, is our chief helper. It is by the aid of Indra and the Maruts that ...


... divine being in his creative and illuminative solar form. Surya Savitri is the Creator. According to the Truth of things, in the terms of the Ritam, the worlds are brought forth from the divine consciousness, from Aditi, goddess of infinite being, mother of the gods, the indivisible consciousness, the Light that cannot be impaired imaged by the mystic Cow that cannot be slain. In that creation,... Varuna and Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga are four effective Puissances. Varuna represents the principle of pure and wide being, Sat in Sachchidananda; Aryaman represents the light of the divine consciousness working as Force; Mitra representing light and knowledge, using the principle of Ananda for creation, is Love maintaining the law of harmony; Bhaga represents Ananda as the creative enjoyment; he takes ...


... for the right ordaining of action, the word of calm and harmonious attainment for the bringing of the divine desire of the spirit, are themselves the Brahman, the Godhead. The mantra of the divine Consciousness brings its light of revelation, the mantra of the divine Power its will of effectuation, the mantra of the divine Ananda its equal fulfilment of the spiritual delight of existence. All word... bliss of the All-blissful; our weakness and error and sin will be changed into the all-embracing and all-transforming strength, truth and purity of the Eternal. To make the mind one with the divine consciousness, to make the whole of our emotional nature one love of God everywhere, to make all our works one sacrifice to the Lord of the worlds and all our worship and aspiration one adoration of him and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... effect some new development. For this action of change a divine force is needed; but the force varies always according to the power of consciousness which it embodies; hence the necessity of a divine consciousness manifesting in the mind and soul of humanity. Where, indeed, the change is mainly intellectual and practical, the intervention of the Avatar is not needed; there is a great uplifting of con... of liberated, desireless, God-governed action, of God-knowledge and self-knowledge enlightening and drawing to itself all the nature and all the action, drawing it towards divine being and divine consciousness, and of God-love as the supreme power and crown of the knowledge and the action. The idea of companionship and mutual aid in God-love and God-seeking which is at the basis of the idea of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... spirit, to know God and adore him in his integral truth and in all his aspects, to surrender all oneself to the transcendent Soul of nature and existence, to possess and be possessed by the divine consciousness, to be one with the One in universality of love and delight and will and knowledge, one in him with all beings, to do works as an adoration and a sacrifice on the divine foundation of a world... divine passion even in the midst of universality, even at the top of transcendence is here enjoined on the human soul as its way to reach the Highest and its way to possess the perfection and the divine consciousness to which it is called by its nature as a spirit. The intelligence and will have to turn the whole existence in all its parts to the Ishwara, to the divine Self and Master of that whole existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... in you and when you are in the psychic consciousness, they become normal and natural. But when your consciousness shifts and becomes more external, then these workings of the soul or of the divine consciousness are felt as themselves external, as merely an influence. All the same, you have to open yourself to them constantly and they will then more and more either soak in steadily or come in successive... reign, over ignorance, falsehood, selfishness, ego, passion and lust, outward or self-regarding desires and all else till it reigns alone and victorious, bringing down all the other gifts of the Divine Consciousness. It is by force of love and selflessness and self-giving that the sadhak can help Love to conquer. I suppose it [ premabhakti ] is bhakti with love as its basis; there can be bhakti ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... what we call the higher, spiritual or divine consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relations with us; it is especially the source of love and bhakti. This upward opening puts us into direct relation with the whole Divine and can create in us the divine consciousness and a new birth or births of the spirit ...


... Yoga of works and of the integral divine life; for that the integral transformation of nature is evidently necessary; the union with the Divine has to carry with it a full entrance into the divine consciousness and the divine nature; there must be not only sāyujya or sālokya but sādṛśya or, as it is called in the Gita, sādharmya . The full Yoga, Purna Yoga, means a fourfold path, a Yoga of knowledge... down into us, into body and life as well as mind and heart and to fill with it all that we are. This and its consequences, of which the greatest is the union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being behind them that we have to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... positive foundation of the divine consciousness. Whatever else is aspired for and gained, this must be kept. Even Knowledge, Power, Ananda, if they come and do not find this foundation, are unable to remain and have to withdraw until the divine purity and peace of the Sat-Purusha are permanently there. Page 146 Aspire for the rest of the divine consciousness, but with a calm and deep aspiration ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Why does the Mother wear rich and beautiful clothes? Beauty is as much an expression of the Divine as Knowledge, Power or Ananda. Does anyone ask why does the Mother want to manifest the divine consciousness by knowledge or by power and not by ignorance and weakness? 1 It would not be a more absurd or meaningless question than this one put by the vital against wearing artistic and beautiful dress... reality? Outer things are the expression of something in the inner reality. A fine sari or a palace are expressions of the principle of beauty in things and that is their main value. The Divine Consciousness is not bound by these things and has no attachment, but it is also not bound to abstain from them if beauty in things is part of its intended action. The Mother, when the Asram was still unformed ...

... many ways of opening to this Divine consciousness or entering into it. My way which I show to others is by a constant practice to go inward into oneself, to open by aspiration to the Divine and once one is conscious of it and its action to give oneself to It entirely. This self-giving means not to ask for anything but the constant contact or union with the Divine Consciousness, to aspire for its peace ...


... realisation is to be found in an integral Yoga, a union in all the parts of our being with the Divine and a consequent transmutation of all their now jarring elements into the harmony of a higher divine consciousness and existence. This-Worldliness and Other-Worldliness One thing I feel I must say in connection with your remark about the soul of India and X 's observation about "this stress on t... not found it necessary to do this in order to have peace. In my Yoga also I found myself moved to include both worlds in my purview, the spiritual and the material, and to try to establish the divine Consciousness and the divine Power in men's hearts and in earthly life, not for personal salvation only but for a life divine here. This seems to me as spiritual an aim as any and the fact of this life taking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... what we call the higher spiritual or Divine Consciousness. The psychic opening through the heart puts us primarily into connection with the individual Divine, the Divine in his inner relation with us; it is especially the source of love and Bhakti. This upward opening puts us into direct relation with the whole Divine and can create in us the divine consciousness and a new birth or births of the spirit ...


... best impose nothing better than a precarious shifting order. The remedy can only come from the parts of the being that are already turned towards the Light. To call in the light of the Divine Consciousness from above, to bring the psychic being to the front and kindle a flame of aspiration which will awaken spiritually the outer mind and set on fire the vital being, is the way out. * ... dynamic vision coupled with a concrete undeniable experience. * Supermind is between the Sachchidananda and the lower creation. It alone contains the self-determining Truth of the Divine Consciousness and is necessary for a Truth creation. One can of course realise Sachchidananda in relation to the mind, life and body also - but then it is something stable, supporting by its presence ...


... true self. The psychic being is a terrestrial formation. It is human beings who have a psychic being which has been developed upon earth and by earthly life and which is a projection of the divine Consciousness into Matter to awaken Matter out of its inertia so that it takes the path back to the Divine. Page 104 But in certain cases the true self is found in the psychic being, that is,... psychic being—but not always. There is always a divine Presence in the psychic being, but it is the divine Presence which was at the origin of the psychic formation, it is an emanation from the divine Consciousness; whereas the true self is not a terrestrial formation. It precedes the terrestrial formation. Is that all? No more questions? You have one still? You can ask. Sweet Mother, when one has ...


... other, a wee bit open, so you felt it. But it is there, always, like the divine Consciousness. It is the same thing, it is there, all the time, in its full intensity; but one is not even aware of it; or else in this way, spasmodically: suddenly one is in a good state, so one feels something and says, "Oh, the divine Consciousness, divine Love have turned to me, have come to me!" It is not at all like ...


... world progress, that is to say, from the standpoint of what we want to do, to try that this world may no longer be what it is and may become truly the instrument of the divine Will, with the divine Consciousness). It is not by running away from the world that you will change it. It is by working there, modestly, humbly but with a fire in the heart, something that burns like an offering. Voilà . ... living sense that one is nothing, one can do nothing, understand nothing without the Divine, that even if one is exceptionally intelligent and capable, this is nothing in comparison with the divine Consciousness, and this sense one must always keep, because then one always has the true attitude of receptivity—a humble receptivity that does not put personal pretensions in opposition to the Divine. ...


... explanation of the religious practice of consecrating one's food to God before taking it. When eating one aspires that this food may not be taken for the little human ego but as an offering to the divine consciousness within oneself. Page 333 In all yogas, all religions, this is encouraged. This is the origin of that practice, of contacting the consciousness behind, precisely to diminish as much... ... Then, with the indulgence of knowledge, one smiles. One no longer judges severely, one offers the difficulty in oneself or in others, whatever may be its centre of manifestation, to the divine Consciousness, asking for its transformation. On June 8, 1966, at the time of the publication of this talk, Mother spoke about the same question in terms of her present experience which forms the basis ...


... suprarational intervention, well, it has to keep quiet; and if for example, by an inner development, by a yogic action you have managed to come into contact with a divine consciousness and receive inspirations from this divine consciousness, if at this moment you want to judge these inspirations by the reason, then you are sure to make stupid mistakes, because reason understands nothing of this, and ...


... simply and sincerely down to the most physical consciousness and its workings. . . .     The world is a movement of God in His own being; we are the centres and knots of divine consciousness which sum up and support the processes of His movement. The world is His play with His own self-conscious delight, He who alone exists, infinite, free and perfect; we are the self-multiplications... these is to become the superman; for he is to rise out of mind into the Supermind. Call it the divine mind or knowledge or the Supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness. By the Supermind the Spirit saw and created himself in the worlds, by that he lives in them and governs them. By that he is Swarat Samrat, self-ruler and all-ruler.     Supermind is ...

... you do. What makes you feel as you do is that you are no longer Myself." This is what He could tell you in answer. And the fact is that when you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the divine consciousness, there is no problem left. Everything appears quite natural and simple and all right and exactly what it had to be. Source The Lord Is Staging a Play And yet if one looks ... may be: like that ( same gesture ). (Silence) All the while (it is amusing), all the while I have the feeling that I am a little baby who nestles—nestles within... (what to call it?) a Divine Consciousness... all-embracing . Source The Pressure of the Consciousness You know, I do not believe in external decisions. I simply believe in one thing only: the force of the Consciousness ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... out in all the details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting Page 1 through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its... present and your future. Is the time also of an occurrence arranged in the Divine Plan of things? All depends upon the planes from which one sees and speaks. There is a plane of divine consciousness in which all is known absolutely, and the whole plan of things foreseen and predetermined. That way of seeing lives in the highest reaches of the Supramental; it is the Supreme's own vision ...


... must conquer all weaknesses and limitations; above all you must tell your ego: "Your hour is gone." We want a race that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine Consciousness. It is that which we want: the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth. If you believe that I am here because I am bound—it is not Page 307 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... ineluctable . There is here a Consciousness working. Each one when he goes against this divine Consciousness loses something of his consciousness every time he does so. He goes down each time he does something against it. Each one gains in his consciousness every time he acts according to this divine Consciousness. The world goes on as it is. When there is nothing you or I can do to change it, we ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... And the true sincerity― To live for the Divine without expecting any benefit from Him in return. 20 January 1964 What is my true destiny? The true destiny is to reach the Divine Consciousness. What is my true worth in this life? To serve the Divine. 22 October 1964 Page 4 The only thing worth living for is to serve the Divine. January 1966 ... is not in order to be happy that we are upon earth, for in the present conditions of terrestrial life happiness is an impossibility. We are upon earth to find and realise the Divine, for the Divine Consciousness alone can give true happiness. Do not live to be happy, live to serve the Divine and the joy that you will experience will be beyond all expectations. March 1972 The life of a ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... 1968 AUROVILLE CHARTER 1) Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2) Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. 3) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Page... self-contradictory moralities and contending religions; a place where human beings, freed from all slavery to the past, can devote themselves wholly to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that is seeking to manifest. Auroville wants to be this place and offers itself to all who aspire to live the Truth of tomorrow. 20 September 1969 Auroville is the ideal place ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... will have to realise that it is not only in meditation that one can reach the Divine consciousness, you will learn that one can remain in contact with the Divine even while playing or doing gymnastics or walking or doing anything; at every moment, you should remember the Divine and try to remain in the Divine consciousness. 31 August 1953 Here sensibleness is indispensable and the integral ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... effort. You make an effort to progress because you feel within you the need, the imperative need to make an effort and progress; and this effort is the gift you offer to the Divine Consciousness in you, the Divine Consciousness in the Universe, it is your way of expressing your gratitude, offering your self; and whether this results in progress or not is of no importance. You will progress when it is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... illumine my mind, and do not leave, I pray, any distance between You and me. I too do not want any distance between us. But the relation must be a true one, that is, based on union in the divine consciousness. Open your heart yet wider, yet better, and the distance will disappear. This prison that separates me from You and from the Divine must be broken. O Mother, I don't know what... mean that one should give it up; on the contrary, the more difficult a thing is, the greater must be the will to carry it out successfully. Of all things the most difficult is to bring the divine consciousness into the material world. Must the endeavour then be given up because of this? Our way is very long , and it is indispensable to advance calmly without asking oneself at every step whether ...


... little bit, that's all. No, sleep is something else. Yes, something else. It's more like a relapse into Inconscience—a sort of invasion of tamas . 7 We all know, of course, that the Divine Consciousness is there in the depths of the Inconscient; but even so, sleep appears to be a fall, and there are people who fall almost completely back into the Inconscient and come out of their sleep far... piercing through me; I physically saw it enter into me. It was obviously the descent of a Being—not a past incarnation, but a Being from another plane. It was a golden light—the incarnation of a divine consciousness. Which proves that she succeeded for both her children. But she... She was down on her knees before my brother. My mother scorned all religious sentiments as weakness and superstition ...


... see, you perceive images and see events from varying distances and with varying degrees of accuracy. The only true and sure vision is the vision of the Divine Consciousness. The problem, therefore, is to become conscious of the Divine Consciousness and constantly maintain it in all life's details. Meanwhile, there are all sorts of ways to receive indications. That exact, precise and... (what's the ...


... up the tamas, shakes up inertia. It's like in Savitri , when he speaks of the "consciousness that fell asleep in the dust"... the divine Consciousness that fell asleep in the dust of its creation (I am embroidering). The divine Page 394 Consciousness, the eternal Mother, that is, fell asleep in the dust of her creation; somebody wakes her up, and She realizes (this isn't from Sri Aurobindo ...


... to keep quiet, look within oneself honestly to find out what is wrong and set to work courageously to put it right. The Divine Consciousness will always be there to help you if your endeavour is sincere; and the more sincere your endeavour the more the Divine Consciousness will help and assist you. 19 May 1952 Periods of obscuration are frequent and common; generally, it is enough to ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... you live. Consciousness is the faculty of becoming aware of anything through identification. The Divine Consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. To become aware of a vibration, for instance, does not mean that you know everything about it. In the Divine Consciousness the smallest things from below unite with the highest, the most sublime from above. 3 July 1954 Page ...


... and recognised as divine, but the progress is welcomed only by those whose aspiration is intense and courageous. 15 August 1961 In the depths of the Inconscient there also shines the Divine Consciousness, resplendent and eternal. Page 185 21 February 1965 Above all the complications of the so-called human wisdom stands the luminous simplicity of the Divine's Grace, ready to... over the future. 24 November 1972 Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness. 21 February 1973 The more we advance on the way, the more the need of the Divine Presence becomes imperative and indispensable. Page 187 24 April 1973 Beyond man's ...


... mortal thing as well as the value which a Divine Consciousness holds as the eternal archetype of a thing that happens in the movement of time. The poet seizes flash-like objects for ever: once seized, they are never submerged — if we may cite a Shakespearean phrase — In the dark backward and abysm of time. Also, the contrast between the Divine Consciousness and the time-process is brought out by ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... towards the divine life and the divine consciousness, in which they are not annihilated but fulfilled." (p. 137) The Supramental Physical and the Body of the Resurrection Just after these words Griffiths writes: "This is the goal of a Christian Yoga. Body and soul are to be transfigured by the divine life and to participate in the divine consciousness. There is a descent of the Spirit ...


... always the same thing. That is to say, there is ONE state (if you catch hold of it), ONE state in which you are conscious of the divine Consciousness (not "conscious of": "conscious through" or "conscious with," I don't know how to explain ... it's the divine Consciousness which is conscious, that is, the Consciousness in its essence), and there are no more problems there, no more complications, no ...


... about to be dissolved. Strange. With people, unless (this is rare), unless they are quite unbearable (but that's very rare), with people, this [body] no longer exists: what's there is the Divine Consciousness at work, observing, working, answering, and ( laughing ) sometimes full of mischief! A mischief so full of goodness, but quite mischievous. And an extraordinary sense of humor. Well, there... tense, like someone full of tension, and it eases up. Now it's like that for all the cells. There, enough chatter for now! ( Satprem gets up ) I'll give you the perpetual Smile of the divine Consciousness. ( Mother gives a Champak flower 2 ) And roses... here. ( To Sujata: ) For you too. × Annadurai. ...


... ( Mother closes her eyes ) But there is one essential condition: the ego's reign must come to an end. The ego is now the obstacle. The ego must be replaced by the divine consciousness—what personally I call divine consciousness. Sri Aurobindo called it "supramental," so we can call it supramental to avoid confusion, because as soon as you say "Divine," people start thinking of a "God," and that ...


... towards the divine life and the divine consciousness, in which they are not annihilated but fulfilled." (p. 137) The Supramental Physical and the Body of the Resurrection Just after these words Griffiths writes: "This is the goal of a Christian Yoga. Body and soul are to be transfigured by the divine life and to participate in the divine consciousness. There is a descent of the Spirit ...

... stressed so many times before, is "not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the 1 Sri Aurobindo's translation (Eight Upanishads, p. 77). Page 98 supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a ...

... of any use, then it is worthwhile having a perfect manifestation rather than an imperfect one. (Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga, p. 1231) To live in the Divine and have the divine Consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only. (Ibid., p. 1232) ... of one truth, to exist consciously in eternity and not in the bondage of the hour and the succession of the moments is the substance of the change: so to exist is a first condition of the divine consciousness and the divine life. To possess and govern from that inner eternity of being the course and process of the becoming is the second, the dynamic condition with, as its practical outcome, a spiritual ...

... the Divine, or Spirit, in its innumerable material forms — an incarnation of the Divine consciousness in a physical body becomes necessary at times of the evolutionary process when a certain grade of consciousness must be surpassed. In the case of Sri Chaitanya, it may be considered that the secret Divine Consciousness had been waiting to manifest until after the conversion; and even then it manifested ...


... This is idiotic. I have said "Follow my path, the way I have discovered for you through my own efforts and example. Transform your nature from the animal to the spiritual, grow into a higher divine consciousness. All this you can do by your own aspiration aided by the force of the Divine Shakti." That, if you please, is not the utterance of a madman or an imbecile. I have said, "I have opened the Way... greatness—it is a question of acquiring a certain consciousness to which the way is laid open. It is not a question of acquiring cosmic omniscience and omnipotence, but of reaching the essential divine consciousness with all its spiritual consequences, peace, light, equality, strength, Ananda etc., etc. If you say that that cannot be done, you deny all possibility of spiritual perfection, transformation ...

... arrested the people. Then their faith got shaken. SATYENDRA: How can the vital forces be drawn out when one is in contact with the Divine Consciousness? SRI AUROBINDO: The forces that support the work around one are quite different from the Divine Consciousness. I had an experience in the Guest House with a man of what may be called an intense type. He was a Maratha. He came to see me. When ...


... other words one is no longer acting from the ordinary or even the enlightened human consciousness and its ignorance. NIRODBARAN: Couldn't people like Ramakrishna, who have attained to the Divine consciousness and been living in and acting from it, be said to have transformed their nature? He didn't act from a human motive or from egoism or selfishness. SRI AUROBINDO: Was he correct in all his... Somebody asked him to put his head out the window and his cold would be cured. He did that. NIRODBARAN: He was quite childlike in many such matters. SRI AUROBINDO: But was it acting from the Divine Consciousness? DR. MANILAL: What about Buddha, Sir? Was he not transformed? SRI AUROBINDO: He had knowledge. Knowledge is not transformation. People are using the word in any sense just like the word ...


... experience. Speaking of this vision, she said: I have had the experience of being 'missioned', so to speak, in a form of Love and Consciousness combined—divine Love in its supreme purity, divine Consciousness in its supreme purity—and emanated DIRECTLY, without passing through all the intermediate states, directly into the nethermost depths of the Inconscient. And there I had the impression of... Truth became falsehood. And these are the four great Asuras: the Asura of Inconscience, the Asura of Falsehood, the Asura of Suffering and the Asura of Death. Once this had occurred, the divine Consciousness turned towards the Supreme and said (Mother laughs): 'Well, here's what has happened. What's to be done?' Then from the Divine came an emanation of Love (in the first emanation it wasn't Love ...

... than Mind or He is something greater? Is mental consciousness with its groping enquiry, endless argument, unquenchable doubt, stiff and unplastic logic something superior or even equal to the Divine Consciousness or is it something inferior in its action and status? "If it is greater, then there is no reason to seek after the Divine. "If it is equal, then spiritual experience is quite superfluous... This is idiotic. I have said "Follow my path, the way I have discovered for you through my own efforts and example. Transform your nature from the animal to the spiritual, grow into a higher divine consciousness. All this you can do by your own aspiration aided by the force of the Divine Shakti." That, if you please, is not the utterance of a madman or an imbecile. I have said, "I have opened the Way; ...

... trouble any time in course of his voyage. The same thing applies in the case of a spiritual traveller. When he sets out on his spiritual pilgrimage whose ultimate goal is to be united with the Divine Consciousness and to turn oneself into a fit instrument for the Divine's manifestation, he too must have to gather at the very outset the essential requisites for the successful completion of the pilgrimage;... course, to clothe it outwardly with a conventional religio-spiritual garb. (B)The sadhaka may get sidetracked and, after forgetting his real goal which is the attainment of union with the Divine Consciousness, may concentrate his efforts on some senseless secondary achievements such as (a) being a great 'spiritual' scholar, or (b) an effective exponent of the doctrine of Sadhana, or (c) a successful ...

... and a sacrifice to the Supreme your only object in action shall be to serve, to receive, to fulfil, to become a manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works You must grow in the divine consciousness till there is no difference between your will and hers, no motive except her impulsion in you, no action that is not her conscious action in you and through you. "Until you are capable... abrogation of even the sense of oneself being an instrument of divine action, the sadhaka will arrive at the last stage of Karmayoga in which he will feel himself completely identified with the divine consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has described this summit realisation in this way: "[In] the last stage of this perfection... you... feel yourself to be no longer another and separate being, instrument ...

... teaching, every path of yoga which has been developed is His path, and that the old or new path, depending upon how the Page 20 seeker seeks the highest union with the divine consciousness, the divine consciousness in response answers suitably and provides the right method of progression. Page 21 ...

... material mentality. The highest achievements which have been described in the Vedic records of yoga consist of the experiences of the Vedic rishis that manifest the unity and integrality of the divine consciousness, transcendent and blissful. The ideal that was pursued by the rishis was that of increasing powers of the. soul of man and attaining unity of the soul of man and the eternal divine fullness... highest fulfillment. The Vedic yoga thus aimed at the divine perfectibility of man, and therefore of the divine integration or perfect integrality of human consciousness when it rose up to the divine consciousness. Page 11 As a stray illustration of this synthesis of this Vedic yoga, we may refer to the following verses. These verses constitute the third hymn of Madhuchandas in the first ...

... that we lose all sense of individuality; for there is no concentration of consciousness there to support an individual development. All is developed in unity and as one; all is held by this Divine Consciousness as forms of its existence, not as in any degree separate existences. Somewhat as the thoughts and images that occur in our mind are not separate existences to us, but forms taken by our con... l and Force-Soul, for all force would be action of consciousness, nor between Matter and Spirit since all mould would be simply form of Spirit. "In the second poise of the Supermind the Divine Consciousness stands back in the idea from the movement which it contains, realising it by a sort of apprehending consciousness, following it, occupying and inhabiting its works, seeming to distribute itself ...

... about politics or other mundane subjects in our evening talks, I used to think: since Sri Aurobindo takes part in all our talks and jokes, where is the Divine Consciousness ? I used to ponder and speculate - when I speak, I forget the Divine Consciousness! He answered me, a bit annoyed, "When I write to you, do you think I cut off the cosmic connection?" And I realised He has all three levels of ...


... can be pushed out and can no longer occupy an important place.       The other day I became a bit more conscious. I felt I had overcome everything and asked directly for the divine consciousness! If one wave of the higher consciousness makes me so proud, what will happen when the whole thing comes down? I would like very much to know how a mere wave coloured my ideas so much — so that... Supermind is Page 48 a sufficient instrument for divinising the vital.       I do not understand the meaning of Tapas.        Chit Tapas — the second plane of the Divine Consciousness.       My vital is very much affected by all sorts of things, good and bad.       It is an excessive vital sensitiveness which sometimes comes with a growing openness in the con ...

... of existence, the power of manifestation of the Eternal Truth, the divine Compassion, the love of perfect Union, the Benevolence without limit, as well as the wrath of God. This look of the divine consciousness in which love pours itself in an unending flow to save the world by an infinite compassion towards men and creatures without distinction, in a self-oblivion which leads by waves of immortal... without anyone being disturbed, sweetly, very gently, full of affection and sympathy? Wherever I have looked, I have planted an aspiration of the Transforming Force, I have sent a vibration of the Divine Consciousness, I have transmitted the power of an Eternal Joy, I have enveloped these beings and things with an Immutable Love. Wherever I have looked, everywhere, whatsoever I have seen or this gaze has ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... appears and begins to organise itself and the plants appear and then the animals; next mind, first in the animal, and then man appears.       What is meant by the Divine Consciousness?       By the Divine Consciousness we mean the spiritual consciousness to which the Divine alone exists, because all is the Divine and by which one passes beyond the ignorance and the lower nature into unity ...

... to revive the death-bound divinity, to free the human consciousness in its earthly life from the obscurity of the material unconsciousness, re-install it in its original radiant status of the Divine Consciousness. Such is Savitri's mission. This mission has two sessions or periods. The first, that of preparation; the second, that of fulfilment. Savitri, the human embodiment was given only twelve... out: "Arise, O soul, and vanquish Time and Death." 1 Yes, she is ready to do it, but not for herself, but for her Love, the being who was the life of her life. Savitri is the Divine Consciousness but here in the mortal body she is clothed in the human consciousness; it is the human consciousness that she is to lead upward and beyond and 1 Bk. VII: Canto 2: p. 539. Page ...

... take two bodies at the same time? The matter is not so simple. I have told you often that the psychic being is the result of an evolution, that is to say, it is the expression of the divine consciousness that has entered and spread itself into Matter and slowly raises Matter and develops it so that it may return to the Divine. The psychic being is formed progressively by the divine centre... note that it is a speciality of the earth alone. It is the direct infusion of a purifying and redeeming agent into the most obscure and unconscious Matter to waken it by degrees towards the divine consciousness, the divine presence, to the Divine Himself. It is the psychic presence that makes of man an exceptional being. Perhaps it is not good to tell it to him too often, for as it is he is already ...

... Father are one." What for? To take up the sins of man – that means man is a store-house of sin. By his own effort, by his spiritual practice to get rid of sin and to attain to the spiritual divine consciousness and life is not possible for him. Therefore, the supremely gracious God has come down in the human form to expiate the sin of man on his behalf and thus make him fit for receiving the Grace... nature from a human nature. God reveals this sadhana through his human life. Man knows himself as sinful, afflicted, weak and helpless. To him the spiritual realisation, the divine Life, the divine Consciousness may seem to be futile and hollow dreams, like the castle in the air. These are only luxurious idealisms which are not for all, at least for many. Only a few that are heroic, adventurous and ...

... One must sincerely want the spiritual life in order to have it. The soul—the psychic being—is always sincere: it is made of the very stuff of sincerity, for it is a part, or a spark of the Divine Consciousness itself. When one feels the call, turns one's back to the worldly life, moves towards the life spiritual, one follows then the urge of one's true being, the psychic being: one is then naturally... sincerity, when it reaches its climax, calls for the ultimate sincerity—sincerity in the body. When the body consciousness becomes sincere then we cannot but be and act as decided and guided by the divine consciousness; we live and move and have our being wholly in the divine manner. Then what the inmost being, the psychic, envisages in the divine light, the body inevitably and automatically executes. There ...

... to revive the death-bound divinity, to free the human consciousness in its earthly life from the obscurity of the material unconsciousness, re-install it in its original radiant status of the Divine Consciousness. Such is Savitri's mission. This mission has two sessions or periods. The first, that of preparation; the second, that of fulfilment. Savitri, the human embodiment was given only twelve... Arise, O soul, and vanquish Time and Death. 11 Yes, she is ready to do it, but not for herself, but for her Love, the being who was the life of her life. Savitri is the Divine Consciousness but here in the mortal body she is clothed in the human consciousness; it is the human consciousness that she is to lead upward and beyond and it is in and through the human consciousness that ...


... take two bodies at the same time? The matter is not so simple. I have told you often that the psychic being is the result of an evolution, that is to say, it is the expression of the divine consciousness that has entered and spread itself into Matter and slowly raises Matter and develops it so that it may return to the Divine. The psychic being is formed progressively by the divine centre through... note that it is a speciality of the earth alone. It is the direct infusion of a purifying and redeem­ing agent into the most obscure and unconscious Matter to awaken it by degrees towards the divine consciousness, the divine presence, to the Divine Himself. It is the psychic presence that makes of man an exceptional being. Perhaps it is not good to tell it to him too often, for as it is he is already ...

... can arrive at yet greater degrees of freedom and in the end eliminate altogether the element of bondage and transmute it into the self-expressed rhythm of the higher consciousness. The supreme Divine Consciousness or Being is that where Nature's determinism is dissolved in the self-law of the All Spirit, the Divine Will becoming the law of the being. The whole process of creation, the final goal of... ignorance. Man through his soul and self can liberate his ordinary ignorant nature: he not merely liberates himself from this nature but transmutes it into an expression and emanantion of the Divine Consciousness. Even so the cosmic Godhead buried in Page 377 the universe grows, evolves and slowly spreads and establishes the radiance of its consciousness in the cosmic nature, makes ...

... and modes, the basic consciousness is still the divine consciousness which is there behind and at the origin of all the partial formulations. It is through this core of Divine Presence—which is nothing else than the psychic—that the individual maintains and develops its contact with the Divine, grows into the fullness of the divine consciousness even as an individual and earthly embodiment. ...

... time and again in the writings of Sri Aurobindo : "...Its (of his Yoga) aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world- consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.”¹ With regard to the ...


... She declared, "There is a Supreme Divine Consciousness. We want to manifest this Consciousness in the physical life." In furtherance of the realisation of Sri Aurobindo's ideal of human unity, the Mother inaugurated 'Auroville' on 28 February, 1968, "which is meant to be an International City, a living embodiment of that unity built upon the Divine Consciousness. It will be the effective way of ...

... 151 into an instrument no longer of the upsurging of the ignorant subconscient Nature, but of the Divine. It is by remembering always that and opening the nature upwards that the Divine Consciousness can be reached and descend from above into the whole inner and outer existence, mental, vital, physical, the subconscient, the subliminal, all that we overtly or secretly are. This should... be kept under control. What is needed for progress in Sadhana is gained best by increase of consciousness and experience and of intuitive knowledge. Above the head is the universal or Divine Consciousness and Force. The Kundalini is the latent power asleep in the Chakras."¹ " It is so that the inner consciousness is arranged. There are five main divisions of this ladder. At the top above ...

... leave I asked him: "What are you waiting for?" I put the question be­cause it was clear to me that he had been constantly living in the Higher Consciousness. "It is true," he said, "that the Divine Consciousness has descended but it has not yet descended into the physical being. So long as that is not done the work cannot be said to be accomplished." I bowed down to him. When I got up to look at... of his room and, through the one door, I saw him turning his face towards me with a smile. I felt a great elation when I boarded the train: for, here was a guide who had already attained the Divine Consciousness, was conscious about it Page 23 and yet whose detachment and discrimination were so perfect, whose sincerity so profound, that he knew what had still to be attained and could ...

... - mankind is not ready. And she pleads in a long, long poetic passage in which she shows how man is incapable, not ready and not qualified now to bear the descent of anything so high as the divine consciousness. But Aswapathy persists and by persistent prayer and sincere aspiration he succeeds in persuading her to extend her Grace. And she, at the end of a long discussion, grants him the boon and says... So prayer doesn't mean that what one asks for must be given - otherwise there is no God. That's what people think, but it's not true. Prayer is only an appeal to set into movement the higher divine consciousness and allow it to do what is best, what it considers best, that's all. That is what can happen. A "master act". I illustrate it sometimes by giving the example of Gautama Buddha leaving ...


... him I asked him: "What are you waiting for?" I put the question be­cause it was clear to me that he had been constantly living in the Higher Consciousness. "It is true," he said, "that the Divine Consciousness has descended but it has not yet descended into the physical being. So long as that is not done the work cannot be said to be accomplished." I bowed down to him. When I got up to look at... of his room and, through the one door, I saw him turning his face towards me with a smile. I felt a great elation when I boarded the train: for, here was a guide who had already attained the Divine Consciousness, was conscious about it and yet whose detachment and discrimination were so perfect, whose sincerity so profound, that he knew what had still to be attained and could go on unobtrusively doing ...


... of spiritual culture, current at the time or regarded as essential, were woven together into that comprehensive synthesis, which aimed at raising man into the light and freedom of the dynamic divine consciousness. Nowhere, at no period of the spiritual history of mankind, has there ever been such a vast and powerful attempt at a synthesis, at a mighty gathering up of the distinct and divergent elements... s, we lose all sense of individuality and are immersed in the illimitable ocean of unity. This is the basic truth and rationale of pure Advaitism. In the second poise of the Supermind, "the Divine Consciousness stands back in the idea from the movement which it contains, realising it by a sort of apprehending consciousness, following it, occupying and inhabiting its works, seeming to distribute itself ...

... this too as a possibility of its manifestation is intelligible and has its profound significance. 41 Page 429 With regard to the broader question as to how an illimitable Divine Consciousness happened to undergo the process of limitation and separativeness, Sri Aurobindo recalls the ancient concept of tapas or "concentration of power of consciousness" and cites as an epigraph this... Gurdjieff's "Enneagram" and its transformations. In the course of a review-article, D.S. Savage wrote in 1950: The Consciousness which is identical with Being can be no other than the Divine Consciousness, or Supermind, of which a thinker like Sri Aurobindo is able to assert: "Supermind sees the universe and its contents as itself in a single indivisible act of knowledge, an act which is its ...

... accents: It is true that the Divine Consciousness has descended but it has not yet descended into the physical being. So long as that work is not done the work cannot be said to be accomplished. 36 Even this buoyed up Purani as he records: I felt a great elation when I boarded the train: for, here was a guide who had already attained the Divine Consciousness, was conscious about it, and ...


... Dawn" * surge forth, awakening "some one who was dead" (I.113.8). The "infinite rock" of the inconscient is shattered and the seeker un-covers "the sun dwelling in the darkness" (III.39.5), the divine consciousness in the heart of Matter. * Reminiscent of Homer and the "herds of Helios." Such is the secret of the Veda, the victory of the seven Rishis Angiras and the Navagwas, who discovered the... heroic might of yours was made conscient" (I.93.4). Soma , the wine of immortality flowing in our veins, the ambrosia which is perhaps not the immortality of a body but the possession of our divine consciousness on the summit of the eternal mountain. But woe to him who is not ready, he "breaks like an ill-baked jar," for he cannot hold the Intensity : "He tastes not that delight who is unripe and whose ...


... 'Krishna' and 'Kali' in 155 'teeming with the catch of the Infinite' 200 and India's independence 206, 450, 458 his Samata 210 change in his complexion 212 descent of Divine Consciousness 214, 216, 232-3 (cf Siddhi Day) bringing down the Supermind 223-4, 226-7, 380-1, 503-4 (cf216) not for himself 380 bridging the Empyrean and the Abyss 382 (cf 657) crossing... Evening Talks with disciples 220-1, 242 birthday talks 223-6, 232 what might cause his death 226 withdraws into seclusion 233, 241-2, 246, 251 Siddhi Day 234-6, 239-40, 615 (cf descent of Divine Consciousness) difficulties and dangers in his life 262, 380 correspondence with sadhaks 247ff, 265, 273-4, 283-4, 370ff on his Savitri 265, 387ff at Darshans 358ff sustains a fall 398-9 converses ...


... whether you are conscious of it or not. For evolution, she concluded, may be regarded as the mutual sacrifice of the Divine and Matter, the very heart of the inconscient there is the divine Consciousness, you aspire, and necessarily... automatically, mechanically, the sacrifice is made. And this is why when one says, "It is not you who aspire, it is the Divine, it is not you who make progress... it is the Divine" - these are not mere words, it is a fact. » And it is simply your ignorance and your unconsciousness which prevent you from realising it. 7 To cut oneself off from the divine consciousness is verily to become quite unconscious; and this is the normal plight of human beings. Be conscious -is one of the Mother's elemental exhortations. For if one's consciousness remains distorted ...


... which arise lines of smoke like those from incense. It is the symbol of your psychic being. And if the bud is that of a lotus, it means that your psychic being is aspiring to manifest the Divine Consciousness. 12.2.1968 As a trial we have written to the Government of India to register the Ashram as the owner of the copyright of one of Sri Aurobindo's works. Now I am filling the form for... towards transformation, and at my banality and mediocrity, I am reminded of this line of "Savitri": "All can be done if the God-touch is there." As soon as one has a contact with the divine Consciousness, this mediocrity of the outer being becomes obvious, but the promise of Savitri is true and will be fulfilled. 28.10.1968 Perhaps now Your Grace will like to help me make the surrender ...


... shuts off the waking consciousness in his meditation — he must cast away fear. Probably, he expected to get the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness by following out the suggestion of the Gita? But the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness can be equally, and for some more easily, got in the waking meditation through the Mother's presence and the descent from above. The inward ...

... Surendranath Jauhar's Correspondence Surendranath Jauhar's Correspondence with The Mother 13 August 1969 There is a Supreme Divine Consciousness. We want to manifest that Divine Consciousness in the physical life. Bonne Fête to Surendranath. With love and blessings 13 August 1969 ...

... awaken in me the ardent desire to know You. I aspire to consecrate my life to Your service. 24 December 1971 * * * 1972 Sri Aurobindo gave his life so that we may be born into the Divine Consciousness. 24 December 1971 * * * The best thing we can do to express our gratitude is to overcome all egoism in ourselves and make a constant effort towards this transformation. Human egoism... 8 January 1972 * * * In time and space no two human beings have the same consciousness, and the sum of all these consciousnesses is but a partial and diminished manifestation of the Divine Consciousness. That is why I said “progressive perfection”, because the manifestation of the consciousness of detail is infinite and unending. 9 January 1972 The first condition is not to have one’s ...


... s and its descent into Matter, (the Greek "hyle"), into Hades. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, called also "the Nether Zeus", is the entire material Nature which imprisons the soul until the Divine Consciousness descends and redeems it, and all Nature with it. The ancients certainly knew these deeper significances. Plotinus, for instance, says, "the soul descends so that the Divine Principle may follow... unlit ocean". Pluto is described as "the Ruler of the Many" indicating the whole of Nature in which "the One devised innumerably to be." He is also called "Zeus of the Underworld." Demeter, the Divine Consciousness has to come into the mortal world to redeem the soul and change all material Nature. The ancient seers seem to have had a sufficiently clear intuition of these fundamental primal truths which ...


... with its seven heads or powers, the seven-rayed knowledge of Brihaspati, saptagum , has to be confirmed or held in thought in the waters, the seven rivers, that is to say the seven forms of divine consciousness are to be held in the seven forms or movements of divine being; dhiyaṁ vo apsu dadhiṣe svarṣām , I hold the Swar-conquering thought in the waters. That the making visible of Swar to the... totality of which founds the perfect spiritual existence. The winning of these seven rivers of our being withheld by Vritra and these seven rays withheld by Vala, the possession of our complete divine consciousness delivered from all falsehood by the free descent of the truth, gives us the secure possession of the world of Swar and the enjoyment of mental and physical being lifted into the godhead above ...


... determinism of Prakriti is not the last word of the Gita. The equality of the will and the rejection of fruits are only means for entering with the mind and the heart and the understanding into the divine consciousness and living in it; and the Gita expressly says that they are to be employed as a means as long as the disciple is unable so to live or even to seek by practice the gradual development of this... through Nature. To him love and adoration and the sacrifice of works have to be offered; the whole being has to be surrendered to Him and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His divine transcendence of Nature and of His works and act in a perfect spiritual liberty. The first step is Karmayoga, the selfless sacrifice of works ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Diamond Light (a) It [ the diamond light ] means the essential Force of the Mother. Page 266 (b) The diamond light proceeds from the heart of the Divine Consciousness and it brings the opening of the Divine Consciousness wherever it goes. (c) The Mother's descent with the diamond light is the sanction of the Supreme Power to the movement in you. (d) The Mother's diamond light ...

... pressure of the divine consciousness. The Mother and I and others were there. Then at the temple gate I saw red pieces of paper; on each piece was written the name "Mira". Then X called me and brought me down to Y's room to learn a new song. After that, I again went up to the temple by a staircase, but it was a difficult climb. Inside the temple there was the full power of the divine consciousness. What is ...

... individualised. It is something which is capable of growth and follows the movement of the evolution. It is not a descent of the involution from above. It is formed progressively round the spark of Divine Consciousness which is meant to be the centre of a growing being which becomes the psychic being when it is at last individualised. It is this spark that is permanent and gathers round itself all sorts of... from above. Below the human level there is, ordinarily, hardly any individual formation—there is only this presence, more or less. But when, by the growth of the body round the spark of Divine Consciousness, humanity began upon the earth, certain human organisms became in the course of this progressive growth sufficiently perfected, and by their opening and receptivity allowed a junction with certain ...


... to manifest itself. Can a psychic being take birth in two bodies? It is not quite so simple as that.... The psychic being is the result of evolution, that is to say, evolution of the divine Consciousness Page 263 which spread into Matter and slowly lifted up Matter, made it develop to return to the Divine. The psychic being was formed by this divine centre progressively through all... "How is it? what is this downfall?" It is not a downfall. It is meeting the problem from another angle, from another point of view. For the consciousness (I mean the true consciousness, the divine consciousness) success or failure are the same, glory or mediocrity are the same. What is important is the growth of the consciousness. And certain conditions that appear very favourable to human beings can ...


... There remains only one field in which the experience has not been totally achieved, that is the purely material field. And Page 322 there, it may be asked if truly, when the divine Consciousness descends into the body, the transformations will not be sufficient for there to be a possibility of integral expression.... But that is yet to come; it has not yet been done. And so long as... these were the worshippers. It was... it was an orgy of images. But the Buddhism of the South has the austerity of Page 325 Protestantism: there must be no images. And there is no divine Consciousness, besides. One comes into the world through desire, into a world of desire, and abandoning desire one goes out of the world and creation and returns to Nirvana—even the nought is something too ...


... understand rightly. Especially understand my words in their plain sense and do not put into them any "hidden meaning" or any other meaning which might be favourable to your present ideas. The Divine Consciousness we are trying to bring down is a Truth Consciousness. It shows us all the truth of our being and nature on all the planes, mind, life and body. It does not throw them away or make an impatient... against my instructions. How can this be if you are one with me? It is obvious that these ideas that go against my instructions come from your mind and impulses, and not from me or from any Divine Consciousness or from anything that can be called the Sri Aurobindo Consciousness. 2) In this connection, you write: "I see one difficulty: that even when I am filled with you the idea of obeying and following ...


... Wait quietly." Then we tell her: "But it is not I who am waiting!"—"Ah! That's because you call 'I' that thing which comes and goes away. If you were to call consciousness—the one, eternal and divine consciousness—if you were to call that 'I', then you would see everything, you would be present at everything. Nobody prevents you from doing it! It is only because you identify yourself with this ( indicating... divine spark inside the being and out of this spark will emerge progressively an independent conscious being having its own action and will. The psychic being at its origin is only a spark of the divine consciousness and it is through successive lives that it builds up a conscious individuality. It is a progress similar to that of a growing child. It is a thing in the making. For a long time, in most human ...


... animal forms. This is one of Nature's ways of evolution. Sri Aurobindo told us last week that this Nature was following an ascending progression in order to manifest more and more the divine consciousness contained in all forms. So, with each new form that it produces, Nature makes a form capable of expressing more completely the spirit which this form contains. But if it were like this, a form... individualised. It is something which is capable of growth and follows the movement of the evolution. It is not a descent of the involution from above. It is formed progressively round the spark of Divine Consciousness which is meant to be the centre of a growing being which becomes the psychic being when it is at last individualised. It is this spark that is permanent and gathers round itself all sorts of ...


... illusion to be cast aside by the soul returning to heaven or Nirvana, but the scene of a spiritual evolution by which out of this material Inconscience is to be manifested progressively the Divine Consciousness in things. Mind is the highest term yet reached in the evolution, but it is not the highest of which it is capable. There is above it a Supermind or eternal Truth-consciousness which is in its... the play of its forms and forces. It is only by the descent of this supermind that the perfection dreamed of by all that is highest in humanity can come. It is possible by opening to a greater divine consciousness to rise to this power of light and bliss, discover one's true self, remain in constant union with the Divine and bring down the supramental Force for the transformation of mind and life and ...


... emotional self-indulgence and the ahankara of work etc to which you seem to give a greater importance than to the greater and deeper object of the Yoga. Our Yoga is solely for the development of the divine consciousness in man and all the rest is secondary, work only valuable as the expression of the Divine in the individual and it is to be done by the Divine, not with the ego, not as a work that is yours... yours or to be done by you for the satisfaction of the sense of the অহং কর্তা in you. Equally an emotional self-indulgence will stand in the way of the true calm and Ananda which belong to the divine consciousness. If you are ready from the beginning to recognise the difficulties in your own nature, they can be easily removed; otherwise you will have to face much internal trouble and suffering in the ...


... And no one has a right to demand or clamour for it. If he wants to practise this Yoga, he must do it with a quiet spirit, demanding nothing but the calm, peace and light and strength of the divine consciousness and the presence of the Divine. And he must face all that comes to him in life, in a spirit of quiet faith and equality and endurance. circa 1928 It is very evident from his letter that... watched on account of Sri Aurobindo's past political activities of 20 years ago. 1 December 1929 The Asram here is not precisely a place for "spiritual training" but for growing into a divine consciousness and divine life. Those who come here must have grown already so far that they are ready to give up all past mental ideas, fixed life-habits or life-tendencies and even the very mould of their ...


... System of the Chakras Is there a psychic being in the atom? No, it is not yet there. It can be said that there is a possibility of psychic consciousness in Matter—the diffusion of the divine Consciousness had only one object: to make possible an organisation which would be under the direct influence of the Divine. That is why it passes over all the worlds of disorder.* It may hence be said that... succeed in all they do, they avoid many troubles and catastrophes, indeed they are in harmony with the rhythm of life and Nature. And, moreover, there are days when one is in contact with the divine Consciousness which is at work, with Grace, and then everything is tinged, coloured with this Presence, and things which usually seem to you dull and uninteresting become charming, pleasant, attractive, ...


... September 1933 Is it true that when I realise the Divine Consciousness there will be no difference between the Mother's will and mine? I would like her to tell me whatever her will is, even if it is unpalatable to me—not to say "If you like" or "As you like", but to say "Do this" or "Do not do this." Certainly, when the Divine Consciousness is fully realised, there will be no difference between ...

... separately and gives them a separate identity. subliminal — inner, not on the waking surface. Supermind — the Supramental, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Gnosis, the highest divine consciousness and force operative in the universe. A principle of consciousness superior to mentality, it exists, acts and proceeds in the fundamental truth and unity of things and not like the mind in their... change them or to bring down the higher consciousness or for any other yogic or high purpose. transformation — not just a change of consciousness, but the bringing down of the higher, divine consciousness and nature into the lower nature of mind, life and body, and the replacement of the lower by the higher. true being — see Purusha. true mental — see Purusha. true ...


... out in all the details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source. When you can realise... your present and your future. Is the time also of an occurrence arranged in the Divine Plan of things? All depends upon the plane from which one sees and speaks. There is a plane of divine consciousness in which all is known absolutely, and the whole plan of things foreseen and predetermined. That way of seeing lives in the highest reaches of the Supramental; it is the Supreme's own vision ...


... progressive movement of the material world to express it. Now if there is awakened somewhere upon earth a receptivity and openness sufficient to bring down in its purity something of the Divine Consciousness, this descent and manifestation in matter can change not only the inner life, but the material conditions also, the physical expression in man and Nature. This descent does not depend for its... would be little hope. But there is a possibility that an individual or a small group or limited number may achieve the descent. It is not quantity or extension that matters. One drop of the Divine Consciousness entering into the consciousness of the earth could change everything here. It is the mystery of the contact and fusion of the higher and the lower planes of consciousness that is the great ...


... current about surrender. Most people seem to look upon surrender as an abdication of the personality; but that is a grievous error. For the individual is meant to manifest one aspect of the Divine Consciousness, and the expression of its characteristic nature is what creates his personality; then, by taking the right attitude towards the Divine, this personality is purified of all the influences of... difference between spirituality Page 117 and morality, two things that are constantly confused with each other. The spiritual life, the life of Yoga, has for its object to grow into the divine consciousness and for its result to purify, intensify, glorify and perfect what is in you. It makes you a power for manifesting of the Divine; it raises the character of each personality to its full value ...


... individualised. It is something which is capable of growth and follows the movement of the evolution. It is not a descent of the involution from above. It is formed progressively round the spark of Divine Consciousness which is meant to be the centre of a growing being which becomes the psychic being when it is at last individualised. It is this spark that is permanent and gathers round itself all sorts of... the human level there is, ordinarily, hardly any individual formation—there is only this presence, more or less. But when, Page 44 by the growth of the body round the spark of Divine Consciousness, humanity began upon the earth, certain human organisms became in the course of this progressive growth sufficiently perfected, and by their opening and receptivity allowed a junction with certain ...


... that constitutes the animal part of the being. And then Sri Aurobindo gives the image of Krishna, whom he describes as the Driver of the herds, which is only an image; this means that it is the divine Consciousness which takes possession of all the activities of the physical being and directs and guides all those activities, all its needs, which controls and governs all the movements of the physical animal... your body; the body is something else. And it is precisely the body that he is speaking about in the last paragraph: "Transform the animal into the Driver of the herds." When one becomes a divine consciousness, a divine personality, then one can become the master of all the bodily activities, because one is superior to them; one is not bound to these activities, not subject to them, one dominates ...


... effort. You make an effort to progress because you feel within you the need, the imperative need to make an effort and progress; and this effort is the gift you offer to the Divine Consciousness in you, the Divine Consciousness in the Universe, it is your way of expressing your gratitude, offering your self; and whether this results in progress Page 316 or not is of no importance. You will ...


... these things so closely held, like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction... the attitude she had towards her food, was much more important than the number of lumps of sugar she put into it. It is the same with all the little things one does at every moment. The divine Consciousness does not work in the human way, It does not decide how many lumps of sugar you will put in your coffee. It gradually puts you in the right attitude towards actions, things—an attitude of co ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... you perceive images, see events that are more or less near, and you see them more or less accurately. The only vision that is true and sure is the vision of the divine Consciousness. So the problem is to become aware of the divine Consciousness and to keep this consciousness in all details all the time. Until then, there are all sorts of ways of receiving indications. The precise, accurate, familiar ...


... selflessness, desirelessness and surrender. This Yoga implies not only the realisation of God, but an entire consecration and change of the inner and outer life till it is fit to manifest a divine consciousness and become part of a divine work. This means an inner discipline far more exacting and difficult than mere ethical and physical austerities. One must not enter on this path, far vaster and more... the path. Fear is the first thing that must be thrown away and, secondly, the inertia of the outer being which has prevented him from responding to the call. The Light is the light of the Divine Consciousness. The aim of this Yoga is first to come into contact with this consciousness and then to live in its light and allow the light to transform the whole nature, so that the being may live in union ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... ]—the meaning is plain. It is the call of the being for higher things—for the Divine, for all that belongs to the higher or Divine Consciousness. It [ aspiration ] is the call in the being for the Divine or for the higher things that belong to the Divine Consciousness. (To "aspire" always means to call for higher things.) Aspiration is a turning upward of the inner being with a call, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... and the same being supporting the manifestation from within it, because the psychic being has become fully aware of the play of the Divine through it. What is called merging takes place in the Divine Consciousness when the Jivatman feels itself so one with the Divine that there is nothing else. Page 450 Terms in The Mother (1) Falsehood and Ignorance Ignorance means Avidya, the separative... life. This Ignorance is the result of a movement by which the cosmic Intelligence separated itself from the light of Supermind (the divine Gnosis) and lost the Truth,—truth of being, truth of divine consciousness, truth of force and action, truth of Ananda. As a result instead of a world of integral truth and divine harmony created in the light of the divine Gnosis, we have a world founded on the part ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... material inconscience to consciousness and on towards the divine Consciousness, from ignorance to divine Knowledge, from darkness through half-lights to Light, from death to Immortality, from suffering to the Divine Bliss. Suffering is due first to the Ignorance, secondly to the separation of the individual consciousness from the Divine Consciousness and Being, a separation created by the Ignorance—when ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... it is the one thing indispensable and all the rest is nothing without it. The Divine once found, to manifest Him,—that is, first of all to transform one's own limited consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, to live in the infinite Peace, Light, Love, Strength, Bliss, to become that in one's essential nature and, as a consequence, to be its vessel, channel, instrument in one's active nature. To... that move it and get over it a control of directing knowledge. The remedy can only come from the parts of the being that are already turned towards the Light. To call in the light of the divine consciousness, bring the psychic being to the front and kindle a flame of aspiration which will awaken spiritually the outer mind and set on fire the vital being, is the way out. It is usually a psychic awakening ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... n of the self, consents to be a part of its natural phenomenal becoming, supports its evolution in the world of material Nature. It carries with it at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness, containing all possibilities, but at first unevolved possibilities, which have not yet taken form but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark of Divinity is there... not have any experience of the Self, though he may have the sense of the dissolution of his ego in something Universal. But he can become aware of his unborn non-evolving Self, a centre of the Divine Consciousness, long before that; the Self cosmic or individual is experienced long before rising to Supermind. If it were not so, spiritual experience of that high Page 66 kind would be impossible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... than Mind or is It something greater? Is mental consciousness with its groping enquiry, endless argument, unquenchable doubt, stiff and unplastic logic something superior or even equal to the Divine Consciousness or is it something inferior in its action and status? If it is greater, then there is no reason to seek after the Divine. If it is equal, then spiritual experience is quite superfluous. But... of man? It cannot because man's mind is a greater power working in a wider, more complex way which the animal vital consciousness cannot follow. Is it so difficult to see similarly that the Divine Consciousness must be something infinitely wider, more complex than human mind, filled with greater powers and lights, moving in a way which mere Mind cannot judge, interpret or fathom by the standard of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... The Mind and Sadhana Letters on Yoga - IV Chapter I The Mind and Other Levels of Being The Mind and the Divine Consciousness The ways of the Divine are not like those of the human mind or according to our patterns and it is impossible to judge them or to lay down for Him what He shall or shall not do, for the Divine knows better than we can know.... If we admit the Divine at all, both true reason and bhakti seem to me to be at one in demanding implicit faith and surrender. To understand divine movements one must enter into the divine consciousness; till then faith and surrender are the only right attitude. How can the mind judge what is beyond all its measures? The Mind and the Supermind The less pet ideas are petted and cherished ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the true or higher consciousness—the Mother's—in which one sees all the world as one, a vast free consciousness full of freedom, peace and light—it is that that we speak of as the higher or divine consciousness. Even if it comes and goes, yet its effect on the heart shows that a Page 381 connection has been established through the psychic—for the psychic is behind the heart. It is there... Page 384 above the head is part of the movement of the sadhana. There is a higher consciousness above you, not in the body, so above the head, which we call the higher, spiritual or divine consciousness, or the Mother's consciousness. When the being opens then all in you, the mind (head), emotional being (heart), vital, even something in the physical consciousness begin to ascend in order to ...


... ss into the divine consciousness. The sadhaks who come here are human beings with all the human weaknesses, but with a possibility of the transformation and an aspiration for it. For getting rid of their human weaknesses—such as lust, greed, vanity, pride, falsehood—they must become conscious of them, must always reject them, must call in the Mother's presence, the divine Consciousness, the divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... and a sacrifice to the Supreme; your only object in action shall be to serve, to receive, to fulfil, to become a manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works. You must grow in the divine consciousness till there is no difference between your will and hers, no motive except her impulsion in you, no action that is not her conscious action in you and through you. Until you are capable of... must be no demand for fruit and no seeking for reward; the only fruit for you is the pleasure of the Divine Mother and the fulfilment of her work, your only reward a constant progression in divine consciousness and calm and strength and bliss. The joy of service and the joy of inner growth through works is the sufficient recompense of the selfless worker. But a time will come when you will feel ...

... The Mother's Presence and Human Imperfection Do doubt and ego continue even after one has the realisation of the Divine Consciousness and the Mother's Presence? No doubt can remain if there is the realisation of the Divine Consciousness and the Mother's Presence. Imperfections may remain in the outer being, but they do not trouble the inner being and can be got rid of quietly ...

... conscious energy taking possession of the nervous vitality and revealing itself in it, Agni more than Vayu and especially Agni Dadhikravan was the symbol. For it is Agni who is master of Tapas, the divine Consciousness formulating itself in universal energy, of which the Prana is only a representative in the lower being. Therefore in Vamadeva's hymn, the fifty-eighth of the fourth Mandala, it is Indra and... itself and its double repetition with a unit added before and at the end, making altogether 1+49+49+1=100. Seven is the number of essential principles in manifested Nature, the seven forms of divine consciousness at play in the world. Each, formulated severally, contains the other six in itself; thus the full number is forty-nine, and to this is added the unit above out of which all develops, giving ...


... l creatures; eager to maintain their reign in the manifestation, they oppose the increase of light and truth and good and, still more, are antagonistic to the progress of the soul towards a divine consciousness and divine existence. It is this feature of existence that we see figured in the tradition of the Page 624 conflict between the Powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, cosmic... be that this awakening is a spiritual necessity of the evolution itself, a step towards the growth of the being out of the Ignorance into the truth of the divine unity and the evolution of a divine consciousness and a divine being. For much more than the mind or life which can turn either to good or to evil, it is the soul-personality, the psychic being, which insists on the distinction, though in a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... form, a symbol of the cult, the adoration, the sacrifice; it must carry something that makes it bear in it Page 164 the stamp of a dedication, a reception and translation of the Divine Consciousness, a service of the Beloved, a self-giving, a surrender. This has to be done wherever possible in the outward body and form of the act; it must be done always in its inward emotion and an intensity... nature. This cannot be a smooth and even process; alternations there are of day and night, illumination and darkness, calm and construction or battle and upheaval, the presence of the growing Divine Consciousness and its absence, heights of hope and abysses of despair, the clasp of the Beloved and the anguish of its absence, the overwhelming invasion, the compelling deceit, the fierce opposition, the ...


... plan we cannot yet interpret, if her forces present themselves as all these ambiguous forces of the universe, yet it becomes visible before long that she is working for the development of the Divine Consciousness in us and that she stands above drawing us to her own higher entity, revealing to us more and more the very essence of the Divine Knowledge, Will and Ananda. Even in the movements of the Ignorance... and the fruit of its triple sacrifice. A union by identity may be ours, a liberation and change of our substance of being into that supreme Spirit-substance, of our consciousness into that divine Consciousness, of our soul-state into that ecstasy of spiritual beatitude or that calm eternal bliss of existence. A luminous indwelling in the Divine can be attained by us secure against any fall or exile ...


... spread beyond the individual, it might even constitute a divine humanity or else a new, a supramental and therefore a superhuman race. It is this new birth that we make our aim: a growth into a divine consciousness is the whole meaning of our Yoga, an integral conversion to divinity not only of the soul but of all the parts of our nature. Our purpose in Yoga is to exile the limited outward-looking... too with That which expresses itself in them and in all that we see and experience. This equality and this oneness are the indispensable twin foundation we must lay down for a divine being, a divine consciousness, a divine action. Not one with all, we are not spiritual, not divine. Not equal-souled to all things, happenings and creatures, we cannot see spiritually, cannot know divinely, cannot feel divinely ...


... it is also the one Existent,—it is the sole Conscious-Being, but still a Being. Nevertheless, with this aspect we are not concerned at present; it is the impersonal psychological truth of the divine Consciousness that we are seeking to fathom: it is this that we have to fix in a large and clarified conception. The Truth-Consciousness is everywhere present in the universe as an ordering self-knowledge... sees the universe and its contents as itself in a single indivisible act of knowledge, an act which is its life, which is the very movement of its self-existence. Therefore this comprehensive divine consciousness in its aspect of Will does not so much guide or govern the development of cosmic life as consummate it in itself by an act of power which is inseparable from the act of knowledge and from the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... ( Sujata goes out in search of the paper ) On this one there aren't any details. ( Mother extends a note in English ) The Mother's Symbol The central circle represents the Divine Consciousness. The four petals represent the four powers of the Mother. The twelve petals represent the twelve powers of the Mother manifested for Her Work. January 24, 1958 The Mother ( silence... clarification to her note: "No two consciousnesses are alike among human beings in time and space. The total sum of all these consciousnesses is a partial and diminished manifestation of the Divine Consciousness. That is why I said 'progressive perfection,' because the manifestation of the consciousness of details is infinite and will never end." ...


... doing one's duty. What, then, is the way out of the welter? Only a divine consciousness can know what is truly good for the world: it possesses the inalienable truth of things, it keeps the secret certainties of the universe. So the sole endeavour of all true philanthropy should be to rise into that divine consciousness and become, by a perfect self-consecration and self-transformation, ...

... complimentary or critical, spoke from a divine consciousness — and her personal comments were never meant to be carved in "monumental alabaster" for all time. They were made for a purpose and she could say the very opposite the next minute. Even people in the Ashram don't always realise this but people outside who have no feel of the divine consciousness in the Mother are liable to be completely ...


... from a refinement of consciousness that isn't within everyone's reach. The subtlety of the discernment. To me, what's mysterious is that one may have the divine consciousness and yet not see. How can it be? Because he has a divine consciousness, that's certain. But how can he not see? ( After a silence ) As I see him, it's because he needs the thing to be manifested through a personal consciousness ...


... disturb—that WE change into difficulties, suffering, misery what is... perfect peace in the divine Consciousness." This is extremely important. An extremely important discovery. It was fundamental. It is WE, the distortion within OUR consciousness that changes into pain what in the divine Consciousness is perfect peace, and even joy—an immutable joy, you know. It's fantastic. And I've experienced ...


... contact of the human and individual consciousness with the divine [consciousness]". 5 The relationship between yoga and psychology can be seen here because psychology, from the viewpoint of yoga, is the science which deals with the nature of consciousness and the method of transforming the ordinary human consciousness into the divine consciousness. The second object of yoga - the liberation of the soul ...


... sadhana. The right place is only one, which Champaklal naturally identifies correctly and he gets drawn to it because he has already established that all-important contact—the contact with the Divine Consciousness (Sri Aurobindo and the Mother). The obstacles are broken and “the door opens automatically.” The “Yajna” of self-purification is to be performed if one is to enter the realm of higher co... something beyond—into the immediate vicinity of the Divine (Sri Aurobindo) and then thrusts him forward, breaking all the individualised domains of consciousness, into the sheer infinity of the Divine consciousness. Immediately, he sees the golden light of the Divine Truth and hears the Divine Voice. The touch of an invisible person brings a transformation symbolised by the circulation of the fluid ...


... he meant that she knew the things by a direct knowledge derived from the Unity-Consciousness where all is known in ‘the three times,’ past, present, future — a Unity-Consciousness that is the Divine Consciousness. This too was a point which the intellect of many disciples could not fathom and which had to be clarified by Sri Aurobindo. Question: ‘In what sense is the Mother everywhere? Does she know... worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others. First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things; and thirdly that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated, used in the right way … It is on this basis that she planned ...


... Earth from its pre-existent involutionary level in the cosmic manifestation, so the supramental consciousness will incorporate from the supramental level or Supermind, which is the creative divine Consciousness. As Sri Aurobindo and the Mother said, the difference between the human and the superhuman is much greater than between the animal and the human. Considering the intricacies it has taken... y predecessors, if the appearance of the supramental being on Earth is a still greater wonder, its realization will be vastly more complex. For what the incorporation of a supramental, i.e. divine consciousness in a material body demands, is that matter be divinized. Only then will the future species beyond the human become a possibility. What such a transformed supramental body on our material ...

... overestimated. What Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had been working for since the beginning of their avataric yoga was now realized. What had they been working for? To bring the supramental, i.e. divine Consciousness down on Earth, to insert it into the earthly evolution and thus make the decisive evolutionary step possible by which one day a divinized species will be present on Earth in a material body... body. It was now certain that the Kingdom of God would be established upon Earth. The supramental Consciousness is the Unity-Consciousness, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Consciousness. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have often compared the Manifestation as a whole to the two hemispheres of a globe: in the upper hemisphere all aspects, gradations or worlds exist in the Unity-Consciousness and are ...

... lotus. If so, it is the Mother’s flag, for the white lotus is her symbol as the red lotus is mine. The blue of the flag is meant to be the colour of Krishna and so represents the spiritual or Divine Consciousness which it is her work to establish so that it may reign upon earth. This is the meaning of the flag being used as the Ashram flag, that our work is to bring down this consciousness and make... found it necessary to do this in order to have peace. In my Yoga also I found myself moved to include both worlds in my purview, the spiritual and the material, and to try to establish the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Power in men’s hearts and in earthly life, not for a personal salvation only but for a life divine here. This seems to me as spiritual an aim as any and the fact of this life ...

... consciousness thus abandoned to itself from being invaded by an irremediable sorrow … If only it were possible to come definitively out of this external consciousness, to take refuge in the divine consciousness! But that Thou hast forbidden and still and always Thou forbidst it. No flight out of the world!’ (Many years later and in circumstances as dramatic we will hear similar exclamations.) ‘The... she was supposed to be, then it cannot be otherwise than that she was Sri Aurobindo’s Shakti. This is why Sri Aurobindo would say: ‘The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play,’ and that the Mother would say: ‘Sri Aurobindo and I, we are always one and the same consciousness, one and the same person.’ Moreover, Mrinalini’s ...

... Page 268 March 1968 About Section One of the Auroville Charter: "But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness." This is the big dispute at the moment about Auroville. In the Charter, I put "Divine Consciousness", so they say, "It reminds us of God." I said ( Mother laughs ), "It doesn't remind me of God!" So some translate it as "the highest ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... and taking one step backward for each one forward. Furthermore, instead of helping me draw nearer to the divine consciousness, my work in the Ashram (the very fact of working—for to change work, even if I felt like it, would not change the overall situation), diverts me from this divine consciousness, or at least keeps me in a superficial consciousness from which I am unable to 'unglue' myself as long ...


... a level above the sensations Page 6 and feelings and ideas, beyond the domain of the mind—in the Divine Consciousness. 29 March 1934 The manifestation will overcome all difficulties, for manifestation means the overcoming of all difficulties. One Divine Consciousness is here working through all these beings, preparing its way through all these manifestations. At this day it ...


... not the Divine's. The Divine Consciousness sees first the truth of a work, the best way of doing it according to the given circumstances. And when She acts it is final; She never comes back to what is done, She goes forward, using failure as well as success for a new progress, one more step towards the goal. In order to progress Nature destroys, while the Divine Consciousness stimulates growth and ...


... Wisdom cannot be acquired except through union with the Divine Consciousness. Integral wisdom: that obtained by union with the Divine. Like everything that belongs to creation, wisdom is progressive. A bit of wisdom is welcome. Page 229 In the depths of the Inconscient, there also shines the Divine Consciousness resplendent and eternal. The Divine Will acting ...


... Unless something comes down and by force changes it? Yes. But Sri Aurobindo says (I read it two days ago, I do not know where he has written it, for it was only a quotation) that if the divine Consciousness, the divine Power, the divine Love, the Truth manifested itself too rapidly upon the earth, the earth would be dissolved! She would not be able to bear it... brrf! I am translating, but the... be done.... And so, as regards itself it can rejoice only when the work has been done—but what does that mean, the "work done"?... Something that is established . This divine Presence, this divine Consciousness, this divine Truth manifests itself like this, in a flash, and then... everything goes on in its usual trot—there is a change, but an imperceptible change. Well, for it ( the body ), this is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... 31 December 1969 Page 231 What is the purpose of life in Auroville in general and Auromodèle in particular? Is it to serve the community or to be a true servitor of the Divine Consciousness? The purpose of life in Auromodèle is to learn to live in Auroville, to make all the experiments necessary for learning to live in Auroville. We want to find a way for the community to... than a week. 27 February 1971 Drugs are prohibited in Auroville. If there are any who take them, they do it deceitfully. The ideal Aurovilian, eager to become conscious of the Divine Consciousness, takes neither tobacco, nor alcohol, nor drugs. February 1971 Three years ago, you said: "I have been asked what the rules are for life in Auroville. "Thank God, as yet ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... unless something comes and changes that BY FORCE? Yes. But Sri Aurobindo said (I read it two days ago, I don't know where he wrote it because it was a quotation) that if the divine Page 363 Consciousness, the divine Power, the divine Love, the Truth, were to manifest on earth too rapidly, the earth would be dissolved! It couldn't bear it ... brrf! I am interpreting, but there's... work, IN SPITE OF THAT, remains to be done!... And so it won't be able to rejoice until the work is done—what does "the work is done" mean? Something is ESTABLISHED. This divine Presence, this divine Consciousness, this divine Truth manifests like that, in flashes, and then ... everything goes along in its own sweet way—there is a change, but an imperceptible one. Well, for it ( the body ), it's all very ...


... what you find. And to That, essentially, you cannot give any name or definition. It's the big quarrel now about Auroville: in the Charter I put "Divine Consciousness" ["To live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness"], but they say, "It brings God to mind." I said ( laughing ), "Not to my mind!" So then, some change it to "the highest consciousness," others put something ...


... "citizens" and all that, I say: ...But to live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. They will all balk at "Divine," but I don't care! You understand, it's the explanation of the Matrimandir 1 at the center. The Matrimandir represents the Divine Consciousness. All that goes unsaid, but it's like that. Then: 2) Auroville will be the place of an unending ...


... note ). You know that a Commission came from the government, and when they left, they asked if I could give them something. I gave them this: "There is a Supreme Divine Consciousness. We want to manifest this divine Consciousness in the physical life." Soon afterwards Page 244 There was someone in America whom I would often see at night, a woman. I would go there, talk ...


... lines —   If one of theirs they see scale heaven's peaks, Men then can hope to learn that titan climb -   the sense seems to me to be simply the realisation of a superhuman or divine consciousness with whatever change it is bound to make in human nature. The specific idea of "transformation" such as Sri Aurobindo has put forth -namely, the permanent divinising of all our parts, ultimately...   1. The projected book referred to in this letter is now at last published, (A.K., 1994) Page 49 instantaneously. The Upanishad's Krishna was not born with the full divine consciousness: he was not, strictly speaking, "an accomplished avatar". Apart from the picture presented in Vaishnava legends, I don't think any avatar can be "accomplished" in the full sense. The veil of ...


... peculiar thing is that there are also pains, discomforts, appearances of illness—and it all comes from outside. And with always the same answer ( gesture of Descent ): put the divine Consciousness—put the divine Consciousness, on everything. The Consciousness that contains the Peace, the Light, the Force.... × In that ...


... "You seem to be on an inner hunt, you go hunting for the dark little corners.... You offer the difficulty, whether it is in yourself or in others, whatever the seat of its manifestation, to the Divine Consciousness, asking It to transform it." ) That's precisely what I have been doing for two days! For the last two days I have spent all my time seeing all that... oh, an accumulation of heaps of sordid... overcome, and which gives such a clear and intense perception of how precarious the equilibrium and existence are. And then, behind: a Glory. The Glory of the divine Light, the divine Will, the divine Consciousness, the eternal Motive. × It was for the next Bulletin that Satprem read this Talk to Mother. ...


... 30 glancing at two more letters: "The white light is the Mother's light and it is always around her."¹ "The white light is her own characteristic power, that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence."² Not only is a fusion of Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo indicated but also the Mother's presence is shown to be in it. Elsewhere Sri Aurobindo, speaking of the various... "identity" we may observe how Sri Aurobindo concludes his explanation of the Mother's Flag: "The blue of the flag is meant to be the colour of Krishna and so represents the spiritual or divine consciousness which it is her work to establish so that it may reign upon earth." 4 Once more the Master, the Mother, and the Godhead incarnate at Brindavan, Dwarka and Kurukshetra merge. From ...

... Why not just open oneself to the poet's spiritual vision and allow the divine inspiration to infuse one's being?" Savitri is, after all, mantric poetry and, as such, carries the force of divine consciousness within it. But as Sri Aurobindo has explained in The Future Poetry, there are three aspects of mantric poetry—rhythm, verbal form, and the vision of truth conveyed—and each of these elements... a poem such as Savitri, precisely because the form is the vehicle which carries the divine message. The form is the body of the poem and carries within it the inspired vision, the force of divine consciousness, the living god. It is through the outer form that the poem delivers its spiritual force. It is the sounds, images, and ideas employed by the poet that enable us to enter into the poem's co ...

... is not your business. And the best way to the true attitude is simply to say, 'All those around me, all the circumstances of my life, all the people near me, are a mirror held up to me by the Divine Consciousness to show me the progress I must make. Everything that shocks me in others means a work I have to do in myself.' "And perhaps if one carried true perfection in oneself, one would discover... and life as well as mind and heart and to fill with it all that we are. This and its consequences, of which the Page 125 greatest is the union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being behind them that we have to ...

... Tells Me Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on Avatarhood What is an incarnation? From what plane does it take place? An incarnation is the Divine Consciousness and Being manifesting through the body. It is possible from any plane. When the Divine descends here as an incarnation, does not that very act mould his infinity into a limited finite... self—the true divinity— from them ? It could not have mattered whether you and any of them were born in the same country or not. They ought to have discovered by their own higher light that the Divine Consciousness from which they had descended was already here in a physical form. But why can't the inner self be hidden from all in such lives? Your reasoning would only have some force if the presence ...


... directly or indirectly under the influence of the person's individual consciousness, and if the individual has arrived at some higher perfection, he is still but one filter through which the Divine consciousness pours Itself and Its energies upon the world. We have to be exclusively under the Influence of the Divine who alone can be the true and perfect guide, who for us has assumed the form of Sri... intensified and uplifted to their true divine stature in the Divine-become-human, it is only faith that is the special privilege of humanity since it does not yet live in the self-aware light of the Divine consciousness. The story of the Divine revealed in a human form is the story of Love and Strength and Compassion and Grace and Truth and Force and Harmony and Peace and Wisdom and Bliss. But the story of ...


... advantage of a greater impact on a universal scale, there is the absence of a pou sto, a fulcrumlike poise on hard earth to move its downward gravitating nature to finer intensities. The focus of divine consciousness held within a human face and form, with a recognisable receptiveness to our calls and a sunshine-smile for every agonised grope of our beings, is missed. And, when we realise that the Mother's... the first thing one must grasp, otherwise one can understand nothing about the manifestation of the Divine." 2 The same view Sri Aurobindo expresses elsewhere also. According to it, the Divine Consciousness of the Avatar, concerned as it is with only two things fundamentally—"the truth above and here below the Lila and the purpose of the incarnation or manifestation"—does "what is necessary" for ...

... influence of the Self leaving the consciousness fundamentally as it is with only purification, enlightenment of the mind and heart and quiescence of the vital. It means a bringing down of the Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these parts and the entire replacement of the present consciousness by that. This we find unveiled and unmixed above mind, life and body. It is a matter of the... is obviously easier to do than the supramental. Also nobody can have the supramental realisation who has not had the spiritual.... ...There are different statuses (avasthā) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is ...


... to keep quiet, look within oneself honestly to find out what is wrong and set to work courageously to put it right. The Divine Consciousness will always be there to help you if your endeavour is sincere; and the more sincere your endeavour the more the Divine Consciousness will help and assist you. 1 19 May 1952 The Mother × ...

... not the Divine's. The Divine Consciousness sees first the truth of a work, the best way of doing it according to given circumstances, and when She acts, it is final, She never comes back on what is done, She goes forward, using failure as well as success for a new progress, one more step towards the goal. In order to progress, Nature destroys while the Divine Consciousness stimulates growth and ...


... material inconscience to consciousness and towards the Divine Consciousness, from ignorance to divine Know- ledge, from darkness through half-light to Light, from death to Immortality, from suffering to the Divine Bliss. Suffering is due first to the Ignorance, secondly to the separation of the individual consciousness from the divine Consciousness and Being, a separation created by the Ignorance—when ...

... sense of individuality; for there Page 6 is no concentration of consciousness there to support an individual development. All is developed in unity and as one; all is held by this Divine Consciousness as forms of its existence, not as in any degree separate existences. Somewhat as the thoughts and images that occur in our mind are not separate existences to us, but forms taken by our con... and Force-Soul, for all force would be action of consciousness, nor between Matter and Spirit since all mould would be simply form of Spirit. "In the second poise of the Supermind the Divine Consciousness stands back in the idea from the movement which it contains, realising it by a sort of apprehending consciousness, following it, occupying and inhabiting its works, seeming to distribute itself ...


... through the processes of remembrance, adoration, offering, submission and surrender, leads to those spiritual experiences in which one gets united by the power of divine love with the supreme divine consciousness and its delight in states of supernal ecstasy. The methods of the yoga of Devotion, when followed with regularity and constancy, confirm the repeated experiences and realizations of the human... effortless instrument through which the divine will is manifested and accomplished. These are the methods and processes of Karma yoga. The realization of the divine will and the realization of the divine consciousness behind that will become attainable by rigorous and continuous employment of the relevant methods and processes. Validity of Yogic Knowledge It will be seen that, in the light of ...

... dynamic operation of the divine will in the individual instrumentality, the individual grows not only into the divine Consciousness and divine Force but also into the divine Delight. There is then the rise of Bhakti, because Bhakti is essentially the delight in the Presence of the Divine Consciousness and Divine Force. The crown of the union of Karma yoga and Jnana yoga is divine Love, and the divine Love ...

... and counsels, which are heard as it were in the deeper recesses of the heart. The psychic being inspires body, life and mind to give their consent for their awakening and their turning to the divine consciousness. This consent, when obtained, is a necessary condition for a rapid growth of these instruments. The more decisive is the consent, the greater is the efficacy of the psychic being. As a result... point of perfection that they too become divinised, and one could describe the divinised body, life and mind as the divine temple, that lives physically on the earth and manifests fully the divine consciousness in each and every movement of body, life and mind. This aspect of the work of the soul is not described in the Katha Upanishad. But what is left unsaid in the Upanishad remains to be accomplished ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... the fulfilment of our sadhana we aspire to lead a divine life here upon earth itself in an embodied physical existence. But is it possible to lead a divine life without first achieving the divine consciousness? For, it is consciousness that determines the nature and quality of the life lived. Therefore, our first task must be to acquire a truly advanced spiritual consciousness. Then and then only... close to "The Mother". For example, the flow of thoughts in the sadhaka' s mind during his 'meditation' may take the form of the series below: 1. The Mother. 2. The Mother represents divine Consciousness in a human body. [The thought stops here for quite some time and then proceeds.] 3. The Mother's Grace is boundless. [Thought Hops here too for a good length of time and then moves forward ...

... writings of Sri Aurobindo manifesting the same quality of elevated sublime humour. These excerpts are from Sri Aurobindo's correspondence with Dilip Kumar. (1) Mental consciousness viz-d-vis Divine Consciousness: "I would ask one simple question of those who would make the intellectual mind the standard and judge of spiritual experience. "Is the Divine something less than Mind or is He something... something greater? Is mental consciousness with its groping enquiry, endless argument, unquenchable doubt, stiff and unplastic logic something superior or even equal to the Divine Consciousness or is it something inferior in its action and status? "If it is greater, then there is no reason to seek after the Divine. If it is equal, then spiritual experience is quite superfluous. But if it is inferior ...

... gave the Charter of Auroville: 1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. 3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking... things to do.... And this is the DIVINE SENSE, you know, it means having a divine sense. During those few hour; (three or four), I understood absolutely what it meant to have a sense of the divine consciousness in the body. And whether it was this body, that body or another body (Mother made a gesture all around her, indicating the body of this person, that person) didn't matter at all: it just went ...

... workings of the universe, of the deepest roots of those workings and of the relations of the divine consciousness with human will and human action; Sri Krishna went farther and showed the integral method of combining that integral knowledge with motivation of complete surrender to the divine consciousness, the surrender of human will and human action so that they may be uplifted, transformed and so ...

... conquer all weaknesses and limitations; above all you must tell your ego: "Your hour is gone." We want a race that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine Page 171 Consciousness. It is that which we want: the Divine Consciousness which will allow the race to develop itself and the supramental being to take birth. If you believe that I am here because I am bound - it is not true ...

... walls, these tables, the books, etc. and yourself, Dr. Manilal, I see as the Divine. No, it is not an imaginary vision, it is a concrete realisation.' All Sri Aurobindo's actions welled from the Divine Consciousness that he embodied: they were yukta karma — that is all one can say except to add that impersonality was the essence of his nature. In everything he kept his tranquil spirit, his impersonal... incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life.' She brings back Satyavan from the Kingdom of Death, thus conquering Death and the Inconscience. The Kingdom of Truth, Light and Bliss is established upon the earth.... ...


... life and body. Obviously then, those whose realisation of the Divine was on the mental-spiritual plane did not have the physical consummation. There are different statuses (अवस्था) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual... your Yoga, I should say. Is it not also for the possibility of this great achievement among others, that your Supramental stands unique? For to my thinking, plenty of people have lived in the Divine Consciousness, but none could "divinise the body", which means that none of them had a complete mastery over the laws of physical nature, e.g. age, decay, illness, etc. You are mistaken in two respects ...

... revive the death-bound divinity, to free the human consciousness in its earthly life from the obscurity of the material unconsciousness, re-install it in its original radiant status of the Divine Consciousness. Such is Savitri's mission. This mission has two sessions or periods. The first, that of preparation; the second, that of fulfilment. Savitri, the human embodiment was given only twelve... rings out: Arise, soul, and vanquish Time and Death. 1 Yes, she is ready to do it, but not for herself, but for her Love, the being who was the life other life. Savitri is the Divine Consciousness but here in the mortal body she is clothed in the human consciousness; it is the human consciousness that she is to lead upward and beyond and it is in and through the human consciousness ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 I AT THE ORIGIN OF IGNORANCE The Divine Consciousness, basically and essentially one and unique, has inherent in it four cardinal attributes—principles of its modulation, modes of its vibration—developing into or appearing as four aspects and personalities. They are Light, Force, Delight and Knowledge. Originally and... variability is the absolute freedom of the variables; the play consists precisely in the free choice and self-determination of the partners, the differentiated units. For a formation in the Divine Consciousness, an individualised formulation of its being must necessarily have the Divine's own freedom. Now, the result of this freedom is somewhat unexpected, to put it in the human way, that is to say ...

... only to enter within yourself and you will find Him." It is a direct, special, transmuting infusion into the most inconscient and obscure Matter to awaken it once more step by step to the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence and finally the Divine Himself. It is a thing characteristic of earthly creatures. It is a speciality of the earth. But only in the human being does the psychic... to eat because he was hungry. It is a very old story, but it is eternally true. ⁂ At its origin, the psychic begins by a kind of a divine spark within oneself, a spark of the divine consciousness. Out of this spark will slowly emerge an independent conscious being which will have its own action and its own will. The progress of the psychic consists in its formation, building ...

... intervention of the Divine Consciousness: it is on the earth alone that there is and can be the direct contact with the Divine. The earth absorbs and develops and radiates the divine light; its radiation spreads through space and extends wherever there is Matter. The material universe shares, to some extent, the gift that the earth brings —the light and harmony of the Divine Consciousness. But it is upon ...

... are universal they are never nonexistent, they are never and can never be negatived. Divine Consciousness, Divine Delight, Divine Power, indeed, Divine Being—they each and all exist as absolute and unitary realities, that is to say, one without a second. Even like Divine Love, there is only one Divine Consciousness, one Divine Power, one Divine Bliss, one Divine Page 133 Being, however ...

... full of light and delight, peace and purity, one with the Divine Consciousness. Such a Consciousness, when it comes down upon earth in its original unmixed clarity, lives as a foreign element and has no real contact with the world; it can have only a very indirect influence upon men and things. If the perfect, the Divine Consciousness has to be truly effective, has to change human and world nature ...

... movement of the Infinite and reject another? What is the criterion? Sri Aurobindo : Knowledge is the criterion. You accept those movements that help you to grow and release you into the divine consciousness and reject those that bind you down. Disciple : Supposing I change suffering into joy ? Sri Aurobindo : Then it is no longer suffering. It becomes an experience of Ananda. All... refers to cosmic powers which preside over certain movements in the universe Brahma-creative etc. "Son" in the Christian Trinity means perhaps the "Divine in man". "Holy Ghost" symbolises the "Divine Consciousness". 3-10-1926 Sri Aurobindo : True humility is when you are ready to admit your own defects for which, again, you need not feel adham, – fallen. You feel that you have all the ...

... a ray from the Page 268 Divine Light descended upon earth and housed in a physical body. The spark, the ray is to attain the amplitude and splendour of its original form in the divine consciousness, to express that plenitude here below. This original, the archetype of each and every individual embodied upon earth is the central being, Jivatman. At the beginning the individual soul in ... but man embodies all the modes of consciousness, he is an ever growing and changing type. Man is an epitome of creation, he is coterminous with Nature. If he is that within which is wholly divine – consciousness and bliss, truth and immortality – phenomenally he is also quite the opposite – earthly, unconsciousness, pain and suffering, ignorance and falsehood, incapacity and death. If heaven is his ...

... suffering – evil – as an integral part of the Divine Consciousness. It is born out of the Divine, no doubt, as nothing can be outside the Divine, but it is a local and temporal formation; it is a disposition consequent upon certain conditions and with the absence or elimination of those conditions, this disposition too disappears. God and the Divine Consciousness can only be purity, light, immortality and ...

... One must sincerely want the spiritual life in order to have it. The soul – the psychic being – is always sincere: it is made of the very stuff of sincerity, for it is a part, or a spark of the Divine Consciousness itself. When one feels the call, turns one's back to the worldly life, moves towards the life spiritual, one follows then the urge of one's true being, the psychic being: one is then naturally... when it reaches its climax, calls for the ultimate sincerity – sincerity in the body. When the body consciousness becomes sincere then we cannot but be and act as decided and guided by the divine consciousness; we live and move and have our being wholly in the divine manner. Then what the inmost being, the psychic, envisages in the divine light, the body inevitably and automatically executes. There ...

... bring down a Power which I call the Truth-Consciousness, which will admit none of it, no compromise with the lower forces, the powers of Falsehood. By the Truth-Consciousness I mean a dynamic divine Consciousness. This Power must govern even the minutest detail of the life and action of man. The question is to bring it down and establish it on earth and keep it pure. For there is always a gravitational... change the human being by some sort of evolution into what I call a race of Gods. The Hindu vision of the last Avatar Kalki destroying everybody is an easy but rather drastic solution. The Divine Consciousness has entered into the Inconscient by a process of involution. It is only apparently inconscient. It is also superconscient. From the Inconscience it is trying to evolve and that process thus ...


... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 PART FIVE At the Origin of Ignorance THE Divine Consciousness, basically and essentially one and unique, has inherent in it four cardinal attributes – principles of its modulation, modes of its vibration – developing into or appearing as four aspects and personalities. They are... variability is the absolute freedom of the variables; the play consists precisely in the free choice and self-determination of the partners, the differentiated units. For a formation in the Divine Consciousness, an indi­vidualised formulation of its being must necessarily have the Divine's own freedom. Now, the result of this freedom is somewhat unexpected, to put it in the human way, that is to say ...

... and modes, the basic consciousness is still the divine consciousness which is there behind and at the origin of all the partial formulations. It is through this core of Divine Presence – which is nothing else than the psychic – that the individual maintains and develops its contact with the Divine, grows into the fullness of the divine consciousness even as an individual and earthly embodiment. ...

... intervention of the Divine Consciousness: it is on the earth alone that there is and can be the direct contact with the Divine. The earth absorbs and develops and radiates the divine light; its radiation spreads through space and extends wherever there is Matter. The material universe shares, to some extent, the gift that the earth brings – the light and harmony of the Divine Consciousness. But it is upon ...

... have only to enter within yourself and you will find Him." It is a direct, special transmuting infusion into the most inconscient and obscure Matter to awaken it once more step by step to the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence and finally the Divine Himself. It is a thing characteristic of earthly creatures. It is a speciality of the earth. But only in the human being does the psychic become... right in order to eat because he was hungry. It is a very old story, but it is eternally true. At its origin, the psychic begins by a kind of a divine spark within oneself, a spark of the divine consciousness. Out of this spark will slowly emerge an independent conscious being which will have its own action and its own will The progress of the psychic consists in its formation, building and o ...

... is full of light and delight, peace and purity, one with the Divine Consciousness. Such a Consciousness, when it comes down upon earth in its original unmixed clarity, lives as a foreign element and has no real contact with the world; it can have only a very indirect influence upon men and things. If the perfect, the Divine Consciousness has to be truly effective, has to change human and world nature ...

... universal; they are never non -existent, they are never and can never be negatived. Divine Consciousness, Divine Delight, Divine Power, indeed, Divine Being – they each and all exist as absolute and unitary realities, that is to say, one without a second. Even like Divine Love, there is only one Divine Consciousness, one Divine Power, one Divine Bliss, one Divine Being, however various they may appear ...

... because it is bound to the ignorant material nature. The body too can attain freedom, the freedom of the spirit, when submitted to the spirit. Freedom is a divine quality; it belongs to the Divine Consciousness. Nothing below that status is free or can be free – all are bound to the Cosmic Law, the inexorable law of Karma, the chain of global Causation. You are free when you are out of it and dwell... obedient to the Divine Will one acts absolutely freely, for obedience here means complete identification with the Master. The being one with the Divine Being, the consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness, the will one with the Divine Will – such is the condition and status of the perfect, absolute Freedom. Page 396 ...

... 1878 Feb 21 Birth of Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) at 10:15 a.m. at 41, boulevard Haussmann, Paris. Sri Aurobindo: 'The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play.' The Mother: 'Without him, I exist not; without me, he is unmanifest.' 1879 Sri Aurobindo is brought to England for his education. ... certainty - a harmonious certainty.... It gave the impression of a personal divinity who comes to help....' - Feb 10-15 The new Consciousness demonstrates to her 'what it was to have the divine consciousness in the body... nothing similar to that happiness has this body ever felt during the 91 years it has been upon earth: freedom, absolute power and no limits... all other bodies were itself. There ...


... of so-called 'Fate' or 'Destiny' or 'Nature', our bodies are surrounded by "illness and misery and disorder" which have nothing in common with the Divine. But there are periodic doses of the Divine Consciousness that manifest upon earth, and they make all the difference. Regarding her own body, the Mother said, ...if this instrument was made to observe, to explain, to describe, it could say wonderful... wonderful things, but... [it] has been made to... to try to realise - to do the work, the obscure task... it is compelled at every minute to see... how much work still remains to be done.... The divine Consciousness and Truth manifested in her body "in a flash", as a "dazzling but short-lived" revelation bringing about "an imperceptible change" which sustained its courage and gave it "a kind of smiling ...


... and hopes of Tomorrow's World: (1) Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. (2) Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. (3) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. ... Certainly, one must be like a child to acquire and deserve the rights of citizenship in Auroville, the city that could one day house a planetary society governed and sustained by the True or Divine Consciousness. IV The dedication ceremony had attracted global attention, and many who had half-reconciled themselves to a not-distant Nuclear Doomsday and the end of civilisation now ventured ...


... have no right to use any material object whatsoever if you do not take care of it. You must take care of it not because you are attached to it, but because it manifests something of the Divine Consciousness.² Nolini Kanta Gupta too has testified how she taught us to use our things with care .... She uses things not merely with care but with love and affection. For, to her, material things... world-stair, and is fascinated by all their richness, complexity and variety, their knotted contrasts and their transcendent unity. Securely stationed in what may be called the perfectly awakened Divine Consciousness, Mirra has access to "infinite grades of consciousness, going right down to complete darkness, the veritable inconscience". 12 It is like Aswapathy's exploration of the world-stair described ...


... Paraclete" and "Rose of God", the former describing the flight of consciousness from the material to the supramental, and the latter invoking in five stanzas - the fivefold intensity of the Divine Consciousness - to come down and permeate the earth-atmosphere. Thought was the mediator, the bridge-builder: Past the long green crests of the seas of life, Past the orange skies of the mystic... which alone could effect the transfiguration of the earth and man. "Rose of God" was the flower with five petals: Bliss, Light, Power, Life, Love; and Sri Aurobindo would have this Rose, this Divine Consciousness, come down and encompass the marvel of integral change and supramental transformation: "Leap up in our heart of humanhood, O miracle, O flame," -"Transform the body of the mortal like a sweet ...


... And here are a few extracts from T. Y. Kapali Sastry's spiritual diary relating to this period: 2.3.1933: [Received the flower] SINCERITY* Morning: pranam time: prayed for intense divine consciousness. Mother answered .... 13.5.1933: FAITH; PSYCHIC FIRE. Saw the Mother today. Mother decided to give me room in Z. house so that I might go to the terrace in the evenings (to stay... the Divine. In the Ashram, the response came from the Mother or from Sri Aurobindo - theirs was the same Consciousness, which Page 355 for the sadhaks was axiomatically the Divine Consciousness. But how exactly the Divine operates is impossible to explain or describe in wholly intellectual terms. The SOS goes forth at any time of the day or night and from anywhere, - and there is ...


... universe as life-spirit comes to man is that man holds potentialities higher than life, he is the centre of those high potentialities. For example, man can bring into life the working of the Divine consciousness. If the conditions are as we have stated above, how can we, then, affirm the possibility of divine life on earth ? That can only be if man can accept that there is something within... The question is, is it possible to transcend the ego formation here with all its imperfections by opening the individual Page 48 consciousness to the Universal and to the Divine Consciousness ? It is hard to convince the ordinary mind, though it is not impossible to give a rationale of it because man is a mental being. Sri Aurobindo says : if you tell an ape and try to convince ...


... Yes, but the doctrine she has proclaimed is not Vaishnava doctrine, it is Tantric. Disciple : Is it true? Sri Aurobindo : In principle it is true; for the Supreme Shakti is the Divine Consciousness and all the gods are from her. It is she who gives out the gods – Shiva and others. It is said that even Shiva cannot act unless she gives him power to act. Disciple : Harnath had his... solitary Sukta, called the Vak; Ambhrani Page 142 It is a Valkhilya. There Ambhrani speaks of herself as the creatrix of the Gods. Of course one can take Aditi, the Infinite divine consciousness as the root of Tantra if one likes. Sri Aurobindo : The principle of Tantra may be as old as the Veda but the known Tantras are later. Disciple : The Vedas are considered the ...

... higher regions, it is easy, almost inevitable, to live this existence, this light and this beatitude. But what is very important, as also very difficult, is to awaken the being to this triple divine consciousness on the most material levels. This is the first point. Then we must find out the centre of all the divine worlds (probably in the intermediate world), from where we can unite the consciousness... of consciousness, act simultaneously, freely and in full knowledge in all of them. This will be possible only when the entire consciousness of the individual has been transformed into the divine consciousness. The physical transformation is an extremely long and laborious process, of which we get glimpses in many of the Prayers, particularly the later ones, of the Mother's book. "Thou ...


... illusion to be cast aside by the soul returning to heaven or Nirvana, but the scene of a spiritual evolution by which out of this material Incbnscience is to be manifested progressively the Divine Consciousness in things. Mind is the highest term yet reached in the evolution, but it is not the highest of which it is capable. There is above, it a Supermind or eternal truth consciousness which is in... g the play of its forms and forces. It is only by the descent of Supermind that the perfection dreamed of by all that is highest in humanity can come. It is possible by opening to a greater Divine Consciousness to rise to this power of light and bliss, discover one's true Self, remain in constant union with the Divine and bring down the supramental Force for the transformation of mind and life and ...

... descents. It consummates the establishment of the entire conscious- ness of man upon the infinite pedestal of the Knowledge- Will of the Divine. It unites the human consciousness with the divine consciousness in a permanent, integral and dynamic identification. On the sun-bathed heights of the Supermind, the Yogi enjoys at once the invariable bliss of the transcendent Sachchidânanda, and the variable... n of the earth-consciousness envisaged in their aim. But the most outstanding feature of the aim of the Integral Yoga is that it seeks to raise the collective human consciousness into the divine consciousness of the Supermind, and bring the Light and Force of the latter for the transformation and divinisation of the whole nature of man, including even his surface Page 66 physical ...

... stressed time and again in the writings of Sri Aurobindo:"...Its (of his Yoga) aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter." 1 With regard to ...


... her view, the ideal state is to be constantly conscious with the Divine Consciousness, so that we know "at every moment, spontaneously, without any reflection being necessary, exactly what should be done to best express" the Divine Law. 8 And the very next day she wrote that such perfect identification with the Divine Consciousness was one of the things she expected from her journey to India. We may ...

... its rhythm. The Bird of Fire is the living vehicle of the gold fire of the Divine Light and the white fire of the Divine Tapas and the crimson fire of Divine Love—and everything else of the Divine Consciousness. Shiva - The Inconscient Creator The quantitative metre of Trance is suited only for a very brief lyrical poem. For longer poems I have sought to use it as a base but to liberate it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... all the being to the Divine and a total surrender. This opening is a throwing wide of all the nature on all its levels and in all its parts to receive into itself without limits the greater divine Consciousness which is there already above and behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence. In the receiving there must be no inability to contain, no breaking down of anything in the system ...


... But this vast spirit of beneficence does not necessarily exercise itself by the outward forms of emotional sympathy or active charity. We must not bind down all natures or all states of the divine consciousness in man to the one form of helpfulness which seems to us the most attractive, the most beautiful or the most beneficent. There is a higher sympathy than that of the easily touched emotions, a ...


... special sense Page 583 in Veda. आ भू is to become in, enter into another's being, to cast oneself into his, as the god manifests himself in the man, the man lifts his being into the divine consciousness. Cf I.56.2-3 where the phrase आभूषु is applied to those who ascend upon Indra, इंद्रमधि रोह तेजसा and range in that divine Mind as on an ocean, तं गुर्तयः .. परीणसः समुद्रं न संचरणे. आ कृ is ...


... contrary, stands back in the divine unity of Sacchidananda, it enjoys either of two states of conscious experience, the individual self-consciousness of the separate Jivatman or the universal divine consciousness of the Jivatman merged or dwelling in God. In the former & inferior self-poise, our status is that of a separate soul, different from the Ishwara & always in some personal relation with Him; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... body, he has to extend his waking consciousness,—whoever can so far develop,—into the Vijnana and Anandakoshas. What are these bodies and these Atmas? The Vedantins of old recognised that divine consciousness on whatever level always creates for itself through Prakriti or Chit, its active creative knowledge, a world to live in & a body for its habitation in the world, and in that world and in that ...


... revealed power and grand uplifting truth of the Spirit. But it has had too at times a highest vision which sees the possibility not only of an ascent towards the Eternal but of a descent of the Divine Consciousness and a change of human into divine nature. A perception of the divinity hidden Page 215 in man has been its crowning force. This is a turn that cannot be rightly understood in the ...


... his hands your mind and your heart and your will, all your consciousness and even your very senses and body. Let your consciousness be sovereignly moulded by him into a flawless mould of his divine consciousness. Let your heart become a lucid or flaming heart of the Divine. Let your will be an impeccable action of his will. Let your very sense and body be the rapturous sensation and body of the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... self-existent reality are an illusion of Ignorance. Form and matter can be valid only as shape and substance of manifestation for the incorporeal and immaterial. They are in their nature an act of divine consciousness, in their aim the representation of a status of the Spirit. In other words, if Brahman has entered into form and represented Its being in material substance, it can only be to enjoy self ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... do not look down upon what you have called "brotherly love". Ideals of fraternity, like those of liberty and equality, are very good, and surely they reflect something of what we may term the Divine Consciousness. But as long as we live in our surface being, however refined and well-intentioned it may be, and as long we do not make a constant methodised effort to go beyond it, we shall see that human ...


... So remain happy and do not worry. With my love and blessings 29 September 1941 UNDATED LETTERS OF THE PERIOD 1934-1936 The red lotus is the Avatar. The white lotus is the Divine Consciousness. In a prayer you ask something from the Divine—in a meditation you contemplate and express a truth. Love and blessings to my dear faithful Baby Ma, what is perfection? ...

... disciple asked:) What does "movement" mean—any kind of movement? It is better to explain the whole sentence. Yes, any kind of movement, even in a plant. It is a way of saying that the divine consciousness is everywhere. With love and blessings to my very dear and faithful Baby 19 March 1935 ...

... All souls, big or small, come on the earth for the same purpose: to accept and illumine this ignorance or self-forgetfulness and thereby to dissolve it and regain the original state of Divine consciousness. Naturally big souls have a big responsibility—the greater the soul, the greater its share of work here. And we who are not yet conscious of and established in our own soul, cannot perceive ...

... is implied is an "unmasked" pervasion and interpen-etration of it by the beyond-human. In fact the human element is unavoidable, since the figure from which the poem derives its name is the divine Consciousness descended into flesh. Her work is among terrestrial creatures: it is among their joys and travails that she awakes on that fateful morning. Trees and animals and humans hold her in their midst ...

... "emanations or incarnations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life." 29 We have therefore powers and incarnations which have been eternally here; they are not simply the time-honoured characters belonging to Vyasa's 28 For a fuller ...

... incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life. Salutations to Sri Aurobindo for this gift of Savitri, the Devi Kavyam that leads us from untruth to Truth, from darkness to Light, from death to Immortality: ...

... the blue lotus of the Idea. 99 The Spirit of Mind, like the Holy Ghost brooding over the waters of consciousness, reflects on the blue lotus which is a semiotic representation of the divine consciousness in the mental plane. This brooding takes place in the clear glowing 'amethyst air'—because the air itself is charged with forces of protection. Whenever the spirit functions in this manner ...

... its centre in a fourth principle called Supermind (Mahas or Vijnana). Thus Supermind is between the Sachchidananda and the lower creation. It alone contains the self-determining Truth of the Divine Consciousness and is necessary for a Truth-creation. Supermind is Sachchidananda's "... power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as within itself and not outside.... [It ...

... for Vijnan. It is not sufficient to realise the higher-consciousness in meditation. Its working presence should be felt even while doing the ordinary works of life. But supermind proper is Divine Consciousness which arranges and guides the movements of the Universe. This consciousness must be made to be our normal nature, and allowed to descend and transform our mind, life and body. Human effort is ...


... go forward straight on the path. With our love and blessings The Mother 2.2.1930 Red lotus—Symbol of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. White lotus—Symbol of the Divine Consciousness. The Mother 2.2.1930 To Champaklal, Let this year be a year of progress and transformation—one more step on the way leading to the Divine Realisation. The Mother ...


... is not in order to be happy that we are upon earth, for in the present conditions of terrestrial life happiness is an impossibility. We are upon earth to find and realise the Divine, for the Divine Consciousness alone can give true happiness. The Mother ...

... Part III: Miscellany Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Symbols -The Mother’s Symbols The central circle represents the Divine consciousness. The four petals represent the four power of the mother. The twelve petals represents the twelve power of the mother manifested for Her work. The Mother Centre and 4 power white. The 12, all of ...

... incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life." This mystic symbolism of the tale gets further corroborated by his remark made during a conversation of 3 January 1939: "I believe that originally the Mahabharata story was ...


... opens to spiritual greatnesses. Here is felt the Immortal's touch. On the Page – 58 other side of this climbing pathway burns the deathless flame of will, the force of utter divine consciousness. Even as it climbs the ascending slopes, there is a call to reach the summits of existence. Aswapati moves through these worlds with the household ease. But he finds that here while beauty ...


... 10.1929 Advance on the way with peace in the physical being as your ground and simple sincerity as your means and, sooner or later, you are bound to reach identification with the Divine Consciousness . 23.10.1929 Surrender to the Divine and integral transformation are the two great Steps leading to the new perfect creation . 24.10.1929 Open the vital to Radha's ...


... experiences from settling into permanent states consciousness. You must have faith in the power of the Supreme that giving you these glimpses, if you want the supreme help and guidance To get to the Divine Consciousness which will shape itself into a Div Life must be the central idea of this sadhana. Please keep writing as often as you can, intimating your experience The rest he will do. Kumud Bandhu ...

... with The Mother 2 February 1930 BIRTHDAY MESSAGES Red lotus—Symbol of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. White lotus—Symbol of the Divine Consciousness. 2 February 1930 ...

... egoic self rather than in seeking something for oneself. For, the impetus behind the evolution of consciousness—of which both Eckhart and Sri Aurobindo speak—is towards the manifestation of the divine consciousness, which can take place only with the disappearance of the egoic self. Page 11 Mental Noise One characteristic of the mind that Eckhart has spoken about more often than perhaps ...

... all is Brahman and I find the Divine everywhere.... In my Yoga also I found myself moved to include both worlds in my purview — the spiritual and the material — and to try to establish the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Power in men's hearts and earthly life, not for a personal salvation only but for a life divine here.... This at least has always been my view and experience of the reality ...


... which are included the higher planes of mental being as well as the supramental and spiritual. Supermind — the Supramental, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Gnosis, the highest divine consciousness and force operative in the universe. A principle of consciousness superior to mentality, it exists, acts and proceeds in the fundamental truth and unity of things and not like the mind in ...


... without any descent). It is a putting on of the spiritual consciousness, dynamic as well as static, in every part of the being down to the subconscient.... It means a bringing down of the Divine Consciousness static and dynamic into all these parts and the entire replacement of the present consciousness by that. This we find unveiled and unmixed above mind, life and body. It is a matter of ...


... deepest affirms on the other hand that Mind and Matter are rather different grades of the same energy, different organisations of one conscious Force of Existence. 15 Chit, the divine Consciousness, is not our mental self-awareness; that we shall find to be only a form, a lower and limited mode or movement. As we progress and awaken to the soul in us and things, we shall realise that ...


... ng pin-pricks they prove to be, — and we have to realise true existence, and true consciousness, and true experience of existence and consciousness, Sat, Chit and Ananda. Chit, the divine Consciousness, is not our mental self-awareness; that we shall find to be only a form, a lower and limited mode or movement. As we progress and awaken to the soul in us and things, we shall realise that ...


... that is divine is there involved and pressing to evolve, Light, Consciousness, Power, Perfection, Beauty, Love. For in the Inconscient itself and behind the perversions of the Ignorance the Divine Consciousness lies concealed and works and must more and more appear, throwing off in the end its disguises. That is why it is said that the world is called to express the Divine. Letters on Yoga ...


... Divine. When, liberated from its ordinary identification with the body, it rises upward to have experience of the higher planes, to link itself with the psychic or the true being or to join the Divine Consciousness, then there is this experience of ascension and of speeding or expanding through space. The joy you feel is a sign of this last movement,—rising to join the Divine; the passivity and expectancy ...

... Jalatanka. Page 31 A Message of November 1929 It is not by your mind that you can hope to understand the divine and its action, but by the growth of the true and divine consciousness within you. If the divine were to unveil and reveal itself in all its glory, the mind might feel a Presence, but it would not understand its action or its nature. It is in the measure of ...

... who live much in the vital that so fall; with a strong and free and calm mind and a psychic awake and alive, such pettinesses are not likely to occur. As for those who can live in the true Divine Consciousness, certain powers are not 'powers' at all in that sense, not, that is to say, supernatural or abnormal, but rather their normal way of seeing and acting, part of the consciousness — and how ...


... creatively active sadhakas. The master is, of course in a different category: for it would be wide off the mark to talk of his "evolution' — with him there has been "a manifestation of a growing Divine consciousness', but not something human, laboriously scaling higher regions. His sojourn, his descending into clay, has been necessary to "bring the heavens down'; and having assumed a human envelope, he ...


... the divine and the asuric forces, as narrated in the traditional stories of all peoples, in their myths. In the great Fall “the cosmic Intelligence separated itself from the light” of the divine Consciousness, which is a consciousness of unity and therefore of essential, infallible Truth. “As a result, instead of a world of integral truth and divine harmony created in the light of the divine Gnosis ...


... it manifests the Many, but does not lose itself in their differentiations …” 6 The supramental species to succeed the human species in the terrestrial evolution is of the essence of the divine Consciousness and Being here called “Supermind”, and will, in the infinity of time to follow, be as varied and glorious as are the potentialities of the Supermind. So much aware was Sri Aurobindo of the ...

... death to extirpate, at the root of the human condition, that which on all previous occasions had barred the way of Progress. This act was the ultimate condition of the descent of a greater, a divine Consciousness on Earth. Only six years after his voluntary descent into death (1950) the Supramental Consciousness manifested in the earth atmosphere (1956). 33 Coda Years before he performed the ...

... dealt with. In the cells, the Mother said, the automatism of the habits of thousands, not to say millions of years had to be changed into a conscious activity under the direct guidance of the divine Consciousness. The transition of one way of functioning (the habitual) into another (the supramental) she called the ‘transfer of power’ or the ‘change of master.’ The way the cells were functioning before ...


... original French: CHARTER OF AUROVILLE Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking ...


... worked from there, while the Mother as the ‘feminine’ Prakriti , Shakti or Creatrix converted his spiritual acquisitions into practical facts of change and growth. But they always were one divine Consciousness and therefore acted on a plane far above, behind and within the physically perceptible. ‘I already had all my experiences,’ said the Mother in 1962, ‘but in the thirty years I have lived ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 June 1934 Dear Mother, The Divine Consciousness descends, fills the earth and penetrates deeply. It is sure to bring about the complete recovery of the earth. You have worked out many things in me within these few days; You have given me Your patience, quietness and peace ...

... discerns the falsehood and throws it out. It is simple sincerity that will purify my love for You, strengthen it, make it wide, vast and deep, and bring my being into a complete union with the Divine Consciousness—You. Increase the simple sincerity in me, around me, in the Ashram. This is my prayer to You. It is, indeed, a very good prayer, deserving to be fulfilled. With love and blessings always ...

... Grace for pardon. May my consciousness grow and become a part of Your Consciousness. Yes, my dear child, your aspiration is sure to get fulfilled and your consciousness to unite with the Divine Consciousness. Always with you 16 March 1936 ...

... piano-music that she used to play at midnight on every New Year's Day for blessing the world. The consciousness was raised to the infinite transcendental plane and was steeped in Ananda and Divine Consciousness. At that time a marvellous sound woke me up from meditation. It was 3 a.m. After this vision I find and feel the Mother's concrete physical presence inside the Ashram building. One day ...


... is only one problem — that of “separation”. All the others follow from it. And there is only one solution. This problem will remain until the separation has been abolished and fusion with the Divine Consciousness has become a reality. But the whole creation is moving towards this in a perpetual state of change. It is only for a superficial, short-sighted, limited vision that the world does not seem to ...

... "I do not know that I can answer your question about what Krishnaprem means by Krishna's Light. It is certainly not what is ordinarily meant by knowledge. He may mean the Light of the Divine consciousness, or the Light that comes from it or he may mean the luminous being of Krishna in which all things are in their supreme truth: the truth of knowledge, the truth of bhakti, the truth of ecstasy ...


... enter into any comparison as between these two great spiritual personalities; both exercised an extraordinary influence and did something supreme in their own sphere. "But also the higher divine consciousness of the Purushottama may itself descend into the humanity and that of the Jiva disappear into it. This is said by his contemporaries to have happened in the occasional transfigurations of Chaitanya ...


... supreme in their own sphere. * Dilipda’s note: Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita in the Chapter entitled, “The Process of Avatarhood “: “But also the higher divine consciousness of the Purushottama may itself descend into the humanity and that of the Jiva disappear into it. This is said by his contemporaries to have happened in the occasional transfigurations of ...

... French: Charter of Auroville Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking ...

... what is implied is an "unmasked" pervasion and interpenetration of it by the beyond-human. In fact the human element is unavoidable, since the figure from which the poem derives its name is the divine Consciousness descended into flesh. Her work is among terrestrial creatures: it is among their joys and travails that she awakes on that fateful morning. Trees and animals and humans hold her in their midst ...


... been nothing more than polite and compassionate in considering all my suggestions to him. Then my ego would be thrown out and my physical mind become clear and grow receptive to the vast divine Consciousness of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I chose to take without any question her words, however contrary they might appear to my own sense of factuality. Moreover, I said to myself: "Your heart ...


... prediction by Sri Aurobindo cited so emphatically by the Mother be confronted by a Pakistan appearing to stand quite solidly even though 1957 had passed? Was nothing to be said on behalf of the Divine Consciousness? Would nobody elucidate the situation and render the non-fulfilment more understandable in concrete terms? When Abhaydev poured out to me his tale of woe, I startled him with the ...


... introduces the word "eternity". The Grecian Urn with a perplexing exquisiteness bears us above the perceptive and conceptive powers and activities of thought as though towards a divine reality, a divine consciousness that is ineffably eternal. The statement — "beauty is truth, truth beauty" — comes on top of all that the Urn has already been said by the poet to do and gathers up and completes the significance ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... following from Sri Aurobindo: "The ideal sadhaka in this kind is one who if required to Uve poorly can so live and no sense of want will affect him or interfere with the full inner play of the divine consciousness, Page 218 and if he is required to live richly, can so live and never for a moment fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or to the things that he uses or servitude to ...


... would gradually undergo complete transformation and become a spiritual physical instrument with an intrinsic permanence, a natural immortality, answering to the non-transitory character of her divine consciousness.   I raised a vehement objection to the word "transitory". I proposed that the right epithet would be one which would translate in English as""transitional". This epithet would mean that ...


... Page 32 track and prove to be a blind alley. I know that the Mother was concentrating on them during the last years of her earthly sojourn, but with the background of a supreme divine consciousness held within her body and acting upon the cells from its profundity and its altitude and its circum-ambience. Without overlooking the cells, let our primary aim be to catch something of that ...


... has nowhere a word on the alleged karma of such a type. A number of difficulties in one's being may not be amenable except to what Sri Aurobindo has called Supermind, the highest dynamic divine consciousness. These difficulties may be due to one's karma or to the play of universal forces or to the folly of other people. Take, for instance, the attack of polio which my left leg suffered when I was ...


... universe holds scattered through its maze. I can only think of a "volume" like The Life Divine or The Synthesis of Yoga which in terms of earthly literature could reflect the state of Divine Consciousness Dante hints at, a state wherein the multiplicity and diversity of the phenomenal world interweave and blend to discover their all-hansforming unity or, rather, meet in a warm and glowing union ...


... they said, is not anything born of the human consciousness or, rather, anything garbed in the shape and colour of the consciousness that is human. The values and figures of it come from the divine Consciousness straight and sheer: the life-throb and rhythm of it spring from the very heart of the Eternal and the Infinite. It is the direct epiphany in words, the sovereign scripture. Apart from the fact ...


... But that speech is basically from the true being of us which is not only deep within but also itself a great depth, holding as it were a vast secret ocean of experience-movements in which the Divine Consciousness is hidden and in which there is a concealed oneness of our individuality with the whole world. Sensation, emotion, idea are here involved or contained in a thrilled intuitive awareness focussed ...


... herself to the Supreme for His activity—and at a different place we get a hint of what must have led her to the crisis of discarding her body. She speaks of having had for three or four hours the Divine Consciousness in the body, but it was a Consciousness that "went about from one 1 Ibid. 2Ibid., p. 100. 3 This translation from the French differs from that in the Bulletin, because the ...

... a parable of dawn That seemed a niche for veiled divinity Or golden temple door to things beyond. 1 What this heart of a Yogini par excellence, this living echo of the Divine Consciousness, represented by its physical pulsation is revealed in another passage in the long description of Savitri: A deep of compassion, a hushed sanctuary, Her inward help unbarred a gate ...

... or drink or do other usual things?' All these questions are silly. "Sri Aurobindo's leaving the body makes no essential difference. Sri Aurobindo is after all a certain consciousness, the divine consciousness, and this consciousness was there even before the earth came. The question of his 'absence' has little meaning. "A world war may destroy civilisation, but it won't destroy the Divine's work ...

... the divinisation of the body. In Indian spirituality, from the beginning, Immortality has stood for much more than personal survival of physical death: it has stood for a realisation of the Divine Consciousness which is infinite and eternal, the supreme God-Self both within and beyond the changeful series of birth and death in which our common terrestrial existence is caught. Immortality, in the Integral ...

... revealed ordinarily in an efflorescence of its powers, in energies and magnitudes of its knowledge, love, joy, developed force of being, in degrees and faces of its divinity. But when the divine Consciousness and Power, taking upon itself the human form and the human mode of action, possesses it not only by powers and magnitudes, by degrees and outward faces of itself but out of its eternal self ...

... know and to grow into this truth of itself, to become one with the Divine Being, to raise its nature to the Divine Nature, its existence into the Divine Existence, its consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, its delight of being into the Divine Delight of Being, and to receive all this into its becoming, to make the becoming an expression of that Page 80 highest Truth, to be possessed ...

... by the light of the Mother's consciousness and is it the same as that of yours? Does she lead us to the same goal as you? "The Mother's consciousness is the Divine Consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the Light of the Divine Truth. "One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's Light will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the ...


... the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were a vast concealed ocean of experience-movements in which the Divine Consciousness is hidden and in which there is an occult oneness of our individuality with the whole world. Sensation, emotion, idea are here involved or contained in a thrilled awareness focused for ...


... Or there is the hypothetical hyperintelligent, extraterrestrial being with a brain like a balloon or a supercomputer. The main quality of the supramental being is its consciousness, its divine consciousness, its Unity-Consciousness. ‘Supramental nature sees everything from the standpoint of oneness,’ 17 wrote Sri Aurobindo, and: ‘The law of the Supermind is unity fulfilled in diversity.’ 18 ...


... centuries.’ — The Mother: ‘But you have never hoped that it wouldn’t take time?’ Satprem: ‘Well yes, of course.’ — The Mother: ‘But I have never believed that it could come quickly! … If the divine Consciousness, the divine Power, the divine Love, if the Truth would manifest too quickly upon the Earth, the Earth would be dissolved!’ (15 November 1967) ‘We think that this, this appearance [the ...


... distributed to all: on 24.11.1972: Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony. It is the aspiration for a divine consciousness . The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Darshan Messages ...


... self-contradictory moralities and contending religions. A place where human beings, freed from all slavery to the past, can devote themselves wholly to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that is seeking to manifest. Auroville wants to be the place and offers itself to all who aspire to live the Truth of tomorrow . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Aims and Principles ...


... perfectly all right and we must go ahead. He also suggested that the Lotus should be of white marble. Sri Aurobindo has written about the white lotus: It is the Mother's flower, the flower of divine Consciousness . I received a letter dated 1.6.74 from M. André, who was at that time in Paris: Dear Huta, Thanks for your letter and enclosures. I had read them just before Roger came to see me ...


... represents me. In a general way the lotus is the flower of the Divine Wisdom—whatever is its colour. But red, it signifies the Avatar—The Divine incarnated in matter, and white, it signifies the Divine Consciousness manifested upon earth. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1958 White Roses 22 January 1958 The eye of the Divine Consciousness shines like an eternal diamond in the depths of the Inconscient. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... sadhaka has to turn away entirely from the invasion of the vital and the physical by the sex-impulse; for, if he does not conquer the sex-impulse, there can be no settling in the body of the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Ananda. ###March 8, 1932 There should be no straining after power, no ambition, no egoism of power. The power or powers that come should be considered not as one's ...

... 1957 White Roses 28 July 1957 Vital prayer: Steadiness and perseverance. Mental prayer: Purity. Integral prayer: The Divine Consciousness. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... power of the third term, the individual, for he alone can work out at its critical turning-point that movement of self-manifestation which appears to us as the involution and evolution of the divine consciousness between the two terms of the Ignorance and the Knowledge. The power of the individual to possess in his consciousness by self-knowledge his unity with the Transcendent and the universal, with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... three, God, soul and Nature, in his own consciousness is the sure foundation of his perfection and his realisation of all harmonies: this will be his highest and widest state, his status of a divine consciousness and a divine life and its initiation the starting-point for his entire evolution of his self-knowledge, world-knowledge, God-knowledge. Page 729 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... taken place, this descent and uplifting, that is bound to become in the end the one thing real, for by that alone can the rest find its own lasting greater reality. It is the descent of the Divine Consciousness and the ascent or uplifting into it of which we speak in our Yoga. All else can only hold, make good, fulfil itself if it can lift itself to be a part of this divine realisation or of its m ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... consciousness out of which thought, will, memory, emotion, desire, sensation all arise—all these are called chittavritti, movements of the chitta. It was distinguished from Chit, the higher or divine consciousness. Usually the word [ Chitta ] is employed for the general surface consciousness in which thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions, sensations (these being called chittavritti) arise. There ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its original transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood only from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... centre ]. It is the centre of externalisation,—speech, expression, the power to deal mentally with physical things etc. Its opening brings the power to open the physical mind to the light of the divine consciousness instead of remaining in the ordinary outward-going mentality. Yes, it is so—it is the physical mind that acts like that [ rising up from the throat centre to cover the mind ]. The centre ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... difference will be that they will satisfy them endlessly; but such an immortality would not be worth having and it would not be long before people are tired of it. To live in the Divine and have the divine consciousness is itself immortality and to be able to divinise the body also and make it a fit instrument for divine works and divine life would be its material expression only. It depends on the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... now is and the other intermediate powers between Mind and Supermind would become also more common and develop an organised action. It is not for considerations of gain or loss that the Divine Consciousness acts—that is a human standpoint necessary for human development. The Divine, as the Gita says, has nothing to gain and nothing that it has not, yet it puts forth its power of action in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... certainly difficult but not impossible. Supermind and Sachchidananda Supermind is between the Sachchidananda planes and the lower creation. It contains the self-determining Truth of the Divine Consciousness and is necessary for a Truth creation. One can of course realise Sachchidananda in relation to the mind, life, body also—but then it is something stable, supporting by its presence the lower ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Mother's white light that was pouring out through the opening. The lights you saw were the many lights (powers, forces full of light) of the higher consciousness, the Truth consciousness or divine consciousness. Their pouring down was preceded and made possible by the appearance of the moon, the spiritual light. It is when the spiritual light is there that the presence of the Mother is revealed and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... The knowledge that there is a Supreme Existence, Consciousness and Bliss which is not merely a negative Nirvana or a static and featureless Absolute, but dynamic, the perception that this Divine Consciousness can be realised not only beyond but here, and the consequent acceptance of a divine life as the aim of Yoga, do not belong to the mind. It is not a question of mental theory—even though mentally ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... supramental consciousness and the spiritual life is the sole force that can lead to individual and collective perfection in earth's highest creatures. Only by our coming into constant touch with the divine Consciousness and its absolute Truth can some form of the conscious Divine, the dynamic Absolute, take up our earth-existence and transform its strife, stumbling, sufferings and falsities into an image of ...


... infusing into it, even though in silence, that which he himself is and possesses. This is the supreme sign of the Master. For the greatest Master is much less a Teacher than a Presence pouring the divine consciousness and its constituting light and power and purity and bliss into all who are receptive around him. And it shall also be a sign of the teacher of the integral Yoga that he does not arrogate ...


... impetus and significant figure. An escape from the action of the two inferior gunas is very evidently indispensable if we are to transmute our present nature into a power and form of the divine consciousness and an instrument of its forces. Tamas obscures and prevents the light of the divine knowledge from penetrating into the dark and dull corners of our nature. Tamas incapacitates and takes ...


... is a result of the Yoga, but its aim is not the greatness of the individual. The sole aim is a spiritual perfection, a finding of the true self and a union with the Divine by putting on the divine consciousness and nature. 1 All the rest is constituent detail and attendant circumstance. Ego-centric impulses, ambition, desire of power and greatness, motives of self-assertion are foreign to this greater ...


... perfected Nature. This is the sense of the self-surrender of the individual self to the Divine, ātma-samarpaṇa . It does not exclude a will for the delight of oneness, for participation in the divine consciousness, wisdom, knowledge, light, power, perfection, for the satisfaction of the divine fulfilment in us, but the will, the aspiration is ours because it is his will in us. At first, while there is ...


... these parts of Nature that have to be developed as its instruments of self-expression, and it is long confined by their evolution. Missioned to lead man in the Ignorance towards the light of the Divine Consciousness, it takes the essence of all experience in the Ignorance to form a nucleus of soul-growth in the nature; the rest it turns into material for the future growth of the instruments which it has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... neither is precisely darkness, but one is the dazzling by a concentrated Light, the other the illusive proportions of things seen in a dispersed, hazy and broken light, half mist, half seeing. The divine consciousness is not shut up in either, but holds the immutable One and the mutable Many in one eternal all-relating, all-uniting self-knowledge. Memory, in the dividing consciousness, is a crutch upon ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... little-penetrating pin-pricks they prove to be,—and we have to realise true existence, and true consciousness, and true experience of existence and consciousness, Sat, Chit and Ananda. Chit, the divine Consciousness, is not our mental self-awareness; that we shall find to be only a form, a lower and limited mode or movement. As we progress and awaken to the soul in us and things, we shall realise that there ...


... Chapter XXVI Samadhi Intimately connected with the aim of the Yoga of Knowledge which must always be the growth, the ascent or the withdrawal into a higher or a divine consciousness not now normal to us, is the importance attached to the phenomenon of Yogic trance, to Samadhi. It is supposed that there are states of being which can only be gained in trance; that especially ...


... Secondly, it is to put on the divine being and the divine nature. And since God is Sachchidananda, it is to raise our Page 511 being into the divine being, our consciousness into the divine consciousness, our energy into the divine energy, our delight of existence into the divine delight of being. And it is not only to lift ourselves into this higher consciousness, but to widen into it in all ...


... sensations seeking in all objectivities the Ananda whose quest is their reason for existence. These, too, are not excluded. Nothing has to be rejected, all has to be raised to the pure levels of the divine consciousness. Formerly Agastya had prepared the sacrifice for the Maruts under other conditions. He had put their full potentiality of force into all in him that he sought to place in the hands of the ...


... the psychological nature of the clarified butter and its connection with the vision of the Sun. Who is this cow that "cannot be slain" if not the cow aditi —the Infinite Mother—the supreme Divine Consciousness creative of the cosmos, of the gods and the demons, of men and of all that is? × These three ...


... I First Absolute—    The concealed Avyakta Supreme, self-involved Sachchidananda, Parabrahman (Parameswaraiswari) Second Absolute—Aditi-M. containing in herself the Supreme. The Divine Consciousness, Force, Ananda upholding all the universes—Para Shakti, Para Prakriti, Mahamaya (yayedam dhâryate jagat). Third Absolute—    The Eternal Manifestation (The supreme Satya Loka, Chaitanyaloka ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the will of the Divine in him active for the need of the race in its gradually developing advance towards the Godhead. Again, the sign of the divine worker is that which is central to the divine consciousness itself, a perfect inner joy and peace which depends upon nothing in the world for its source or its continuance; it is innate, it is the very stuff of the soul's consciousness, it is the very ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... vital glamour, but which the heavens do not reject, though it is offered from something so far below them, so maimed and ignorant and sorrow-vexed as the human consciousness which is to the divine consciousness as the moth to the star, as night to the day. And will not you accept this from me, you who in your nature are kin to the heavens, you who seem to me to have something of the divine nature, ...


... clear; it is the Vedic image. In the Veda the Cow is the Divine Light—the white Cow is the pure Consciousness in which there is the Light. The milk is the Knowledge and Power descending from the divine Consciousness. The Cow usually means the Higher Consciousness. Perhaps the calf indicates the truth of the higher consciousness (white) in the physical (red). The white calf is the sign of a ...


... becomes abundant. The flowers indicate always an opening (usually psychic) in some part of the consciousness. The flowers 1 are the symbols of psychic movements. The sun is the Divine Consciousness. It is the awakening of the psychic consciousness and its activity under the Divine Influence. Red flowers would ordinarily indicate an opening of the consciousness either in the physical ...


... your imagination which is what you would like the real world to be. But the real world is not all that could be desired, you know, and that is why it has to be acted upon and transformed by the Divine Consciousness. But for that, knowledge of the reality, however unpalatable, is almost the first requisite. This knowledge often enough is best brought home to us through blows and bleedings. True, idealistic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... ion with mind and life and open the way for the lower (mental-vital-physical) consciousness to rise up to meet the higher Consciousness above and for the powers of the higher (spiritual or divine) Consciousness to descend into mind, life and body. This is what is called in this Yoga the spiritual transformation. If one begins with this movement, then the Power from above has in its descent to open ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the end in all the being, and the descent of a Power and Force into the body which will take up the whole adhar and work in it to transform mind, life and body into the instrumentation of the Divine Consciousness. The two experiences of which you wrote in your letter are the beginning of this calm and the descent of this Force. Much has to be done before they can be established or persistently effective ...


... experience. The fire you saw was again the psychic fire of purification and Page 369 tapasya and the garland was the offering it was preparing for the Mother, the psychic and divine consciousness (pearl and diamond) in the sadhak. The beautiful place was also probably a symbol of the psychic and the lotus indicated the opening of the psychic consciousness. The twelve-petalled lotus ...


... progress if, even when in the external physical consciousness, you feel the Peace enveloping you. Descent and Psychic Experiences The infinite calm you felt coming down was the calm of the Divine Consciousness—the higher or spiritual consciousness above the head, which descends as the higher parts of the being open to it. The experience of faith, love or aspiration come from the psychic being. It ...


... Divine. One can live in contact with the Divine even amidst the universal forces—but to live in the Divine one must be able to rise beyond the lower universal nature or to call down the Divine consciousness here. The beginnings are difficult for most—and at no time is it really easy. The Universal Energies and the Divine Force There is only one Force or Energy here in reality; what is called ...


... plastic to the Divine Will. The true spiritual perfection is not so much of form; it is of the very substance of the consciousness and, as it consists at its base in an entire harmony with the Divine Consciousness and a free and plastic self-adaptation at each moment to the Divine Will, its forms and the forms of its action are not so easily visible or appreciable. The word "righteous" does not apply ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... outward human nature in order to tread the path and show it to human beings, but does not cease to be the Divine. It is a manifestation that takes place, a manifestation of a growing divine Page 31 consciousness, not human turning into divine. The Mother was inwardly above the human even in childhood, so the view held by "many" is erroneous. I also conceive that the Mother's Prayers are ...

... you imagine that things are badly done by you when really you have done them very well; but even if there are mistakes, it is nothing to be sad about. Let the consciousness grow—only in the divine consciousness is there an entire perfection. The more you surrender to the Divine, the more will there be the possibility of perfection in you. Do not attach too much importance to such mistakes or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... e are things known to all who have some experience of Yoga. Silence and Quietness of Mind Silence is a state of the consciousness which comes of itself from above when you open to the Divine Consciousness—you need not trouble about that now. Page 159 A quiet mind, receiving things and looking at them without effervescence or haste, not rushing about or throwing up random ideas, is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... etc. to be replaced by the right movements governed by selflessness, purity, obedience to the urge of the Divine Force in all things. It is evident that the lower vital has received the Divine Consciousness when even in the small movements of life there is an aspiration to the Divine, a reference as it were to the Divine Light for guidance or some feeling of offering to the Divine or guidance by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others. First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living things; and thirdly, that they have an individuality of their own and ought to be properly treated, used in the right way, not misused or improperly handled ...

... high up somewhere. What else is the Mother's music except the bringing down of these things? She does not play or sing merely for the music's Page 571 sake, but to call down the Divine Consciousness and its Powers. 16 September 1933 Yesterday when the Mother was playing her music, I was much struck by the descent of forces in me. I clearly experienced these three elements: aspiration ...

... passage in the Prières that came up tonight is this: "et le raisonnement est une faculté humaine, c'est-à-dire individuelle" [ p. 201 ]. I am not able to see what it points to. When the divine consciousness is veiled, one has to fall back on the reason, but the human reason is an individual action quite unreliable. That is the sense. 18 June 1932 The Mother says in her prayer of 31 July ...

... wideness, the heights of knowledge, the seas of Ananda. 15 August 1929 It is not by your mind that you can hope to understand the Divine and its action, but by the growth of the true and divine consciousness within you. If the Divine were to unveil and reveal itself in all its glory, the mind might feel a Presence, but it would not understand its action or its nature. It is in the measure of your ...


... As I was sitting in prayer, I saw Sri Aurobindo in a vision coming down the staircase till he came just near to the floor. What does this mean? It indicates perhaps the bringing of the Divine Consciousness down from level to level till it is now nearer the material. 23 September 1933 Today while meditating I saw in a vision that in Sri Aurobindo's light Nataraja Shiva was manifesting with ...


... all the love that you can bear and absorb in answer. Realise also that the Realisation must come first, the work to be done, not the satisfaction of claim and desire. It is only when the Divine Consciousness in its supramental Light and Power has descended and transformed the physical that other things can be given a prominent place—and then too it will not be the satisfaction of desire, but the ...

... causes much unnecessary struggle. Fix your mind on the positive side—open to the Mother's power, concentrate on her protection, call for light, calm and peace and purity and growth into the divine consciousness and knowledge. Am I right in thinking that every bad movement in my life is the result of my past karma and takes place with the sanction of the Mother because she is testing me at every ...

... mental phrase and the object of Yoga is not service to others. The object of Yoga is to enter into an entirely new consciousness in which you live no longer in the mind and the ego but in the divine consciousness and grow into the true inmost truth of your being above mind and life and body. The aim in most ways of Yoga is to draw back altogether from life into this greater existence. In Sri Aurobindo's ...


... nothing else, or is the Mayavadin's idea of it a mistaken first view, a mental imperfect reading, even perhaps itself an illusion?" And next, "Is illusion the sole or the highest Power which the Divine Consciousness or Superconsciousness possesses?" The Absolute is an absolute Truth free from Maya, otherwise liberation would not be Page 451 possible. Has then the supreme and absolute Truth no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... are exceptions, comes only when previous experiences have prepared the consciousness so that it may feel, understand, recognise the Page 17 response. Ordinarily the spiritual or divine consciousness comes first—what I have called the higher consciousness—the presence or manifestation comes afterwards. But this descent of the higher consciousness is really the touch or influx of the Divine ...


... presence of the Divine Mother in the heart and to become aware of one's soul or psychic being which is a portion of the Divine. The object of the concentration in the head is to rise to the Divine Consciousness and bring down the Light of the Mother or her Force or Ananda into all the centres. This movement of ascent and descent is implied in the process of your japa and it is not therefore necessary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... sincerity is the first thing and sufficient for an aspiration to be entertained—a total sincerity is needed for the aspiration to be fulfilled. There are different statuses ( avasthā ) of the Divine Consciousness. There are also different statuses of transformation. First is the psychic transformation, in which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the aspects; the surrender to the Divine Mother is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the Yoga. In regard to the Purushottama the Divine Mother is the supreme divine Consciousness and Power above the worlds, Adya Shakti; she carries the Supreme in herself and manifests the Divine in the worlds through the Akshara and the Kshara. In regard to the Akshara she is the same ...

... the conquering and protecting aspect of the Universal Mother. 12 July 1929 Durga is the Mother's power of Protection. 15 April 1933 The lion with Durga on it is the symbol of the Divine Consciousness acting through a divinised physical-vital and vital-material force. November 1933 What aspect of the Mother's personality comes out on Prosperity day? Is it something like the goddess ...

... interest in the world, since the world would be felt from there as a mere speck? It all depends upon what basis one lives in the silence or above. A speck can be of as much interest to the Divine Consciousness as an infinity. 8 August 1934 ...

... the beginning. Even after they had recognised her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to them and others. The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness—if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know that ...

... of the peace of Nirvana or Samadhi! I think that is why Yoga could not be made dynamic up till now. It is only because they make the peace an end, not, as we aim at doing, a basis for the divine consciousness and all its dynamisms. 25 May 1933 It seems to me that there would hardly be any difference between the consciousness of peace, light, bliss and wideness in Nirvana and in the transformed ...


... confusion the miracle may be accomplished and Thy Law of supreme serenity and pure unchanging Light become visible to the perception of all and govern the earth in a humanity at last awakened to Thy divine consciousness. O sweet Master, Thou hast heard my prayer, Thou wilt reply to my call. ...

... Krishna is the Anandamaya, he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards his Ananda. I believe that on the 24th November Sri Aurobindo realised that the Mother is the Divine Consciousness and the Force. No. I knew that long before. 2 November 1935 Page 272 I knew that Krishna is not the Supermind. But because some say it was the descent of the supramental ...


... out in all the details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source. When you can realise ...


... that." Everything is completely mixed up and finally nobody can judge anybody. Therefore you are completely indifferent to all praise and all blame. And the conclusion would be: so long as the divine consciousness in me or in one whom I have chosen as my Guru does not tell me "This is to be done", "This is not to be done", I am indifferent to what others may tell me. For I think that the divine presence ...


... of the dynamic freedom of Yoga by the more negative spirit of Sannyasa. The will of the Divine is to manifest, not to remain altogether withdrawn in inactivity and an absolute silence; if the Divine Consciousness were really an inaction of unmanifesting bliss, there would never have been any creation. Page 113 ...


... the experience was too strong for him, the truth too great. He became half crazy and the next day went out into the streets, proclaiming that in him Christ and Buddha had become one. One Divine Consciousness is here working through all these beings, preparing its way through all these manifestations. At this day it is here at work upon earth more powerfully than it has ever been before. There are ...


... consciousness might be awakened in the depths of its obscurity and little by little a Divine Power might rise in it and make the whole of this manifested universe a highest expression of the Divine Consciousness and the Divine love. This was the supreme love, to accept the loss of the perfect condition of supreme divinity, its absolute consciousness, its infinite knowledge, to unite with unconsciousness ...


... hand, nobody speaks of the ego, because nobody knows it. It is such an intimate companion that one does not even recognise its existence; and yet so long as it is there one will never have the divine consciousness. The ego is what makes one conscious of being separate from others. If there were no ego, you would not perceive that you are a person separate from others. You would have the impression ...


... that men say about you, you will not advance far on the way. And such things come to you, not because you are unlucky or because your lot is not a happy one, but because, on the contrary, the divine Consciousness and the divine Grace take your resolution seriously and allow the circumstances to become a touchstone on your way, to see whether your resolution is sincere and whether you are strong enough ...


... 115 freedom of Yoga by the more negative spirit of Sannyasa. The will of the Divine is to manifest, not to remain altogether withdrawn in inactivity and an absolute silence; if the Divine Consciousness were really an inaction of unmanifesting bliss, there would never have been any creation. Page 116 ...


... have. It is in spite of opposite appearances that you have to act on faith If you depend upon reason then you can't know what is Truth____ Our people cannot understand why one who has the Divine consciousness or Brahmic consciousness should take sides in a fight. That is all right if you want to remain in the static Brahman; then you can look upon the whole thing as Maya and it may not exist for ...


... is to become the superman; for [it] is to rise out of mind into the supermind. Call it the divine mind or Knowledge or the supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness. By the supermind the Spirit saw and created himself in the worlds, by that he lives in them and governs them. By that he is Swarat Samrat, self-ruler and all-ruler. Supermind is superman; ...


... recommended not to put either violence or too much zest into the realisation of this programme, for an excess of zest is detrimental to the peace and tranquillity and calm necessary for the divine Consciousness to express itself through the individual. And it comes to this: Balance is indispensable, the path that carefully avoids opposite extremes is indispensable, too much haste is dangerous, ...


... succeed in all they do, they avoid many troubles and catastrophes, indeed they are in harmony with the rhythm of life and Nature. And, moreover, there are days when one is in contact with the divine Consciousness which is at work, with the Grace, and then everything is tinged, coloured with this Presence, and things which usually seem to you dull and uninteresting become charming, pleasant, attractive ...


... and all bondage to ignorance. One can experience, on the path―when one has made some progress, when there is a greater understanding, a more total opening, a more intimate union with the divine Consciousness, one can experience this Delight as something that passes by and colours life and gives it its true meaning, but as long as one is in the human consciousness, this Delight is very easily deformed ...


... expression of the Spirit. That is why Sri Aurobindo used to repeat and has always said: You must work from both ends, not let go of one for the other. And certainly, if you want to have a divine consciousness, you must not give up spiritual aspiration; but if you want to become an integral divine being on earth, take good care not to let go of the other end, and make your body the best possible ...


... it may become what it ought to be. But to know this one must first know what it ought to be, isn't that so? That is the problem. What should the world be? X: It ought to be aware of the divine consciousness. Y: No suffering in the world. When one makes a construction, one doesn't begin by saying, "I don't want this, I don't want that", else you will never make your construction. You must ...


... point of view, it is a symbolic willed formation. And as I have already said, it is only upon earth that this Presence is found, this direct contact with the supreme Origin, this presence of the divine Consciousness hidden in all things. The other worlds have been organised more or less hierarchically, if one may say so, but the earth has a special formation due to the direct intervention, without any ...


... which is the creation, and the individual which is self-explanatory. There is a transcendent Divine, a universal Divine and an individual Divine. That is, one may put oneself in contact with the divine Consciousness within oneself, in the universe and, beyond all forms, in the transcendent. So these three aspects are also the three aspects of the divine Mother: transcendent, universal and individual... ...


... "Master of forces" who sees "the defects of the present machinery"? It is the divine Presence which sees from within what is incomplete and imperfect in the working of the present being. The divine Consciousness is present in the psychic being and it sees what is imperfect and at the same time it is aware of the attacks, and it knows what should be done to repulse them. But for this, one must be conscious ...


... for its existence? It itself. The central will? It depends on the divine Will. It is the individualised expression of the divine Will; and the divine Will is the expression of the divine Consciousness seeking to manifest itself, to realise itself. How can one become aware of the central will? Ah, this of course is another side of the problem. First of all one must become aware of ...


... Nature, of the force of Nature. ( It begins to rain. ) Ah! That is to cool down our minds! ( Laughter ) And that is what he calls "exceeding itself", that is, that the Being, the inner divine Consciousness, the supreme spiritual Reality in its effort to develop... ( It rains harder. ) Oh, oh! We shall have to stop talking... in its effort to develop a conscious means of manifesting itself has ...


... physical image. There is not only the physical sight, it is not seeing with... And in fact, one can see with one's eyes, if the eyes are plastic enough to allow the higher Consciousness, the divine Consciousness to pass through them. Page 364 One can see also, one can see also, but one no longer sees things as they are physically, that's natural. If you keep a tiny part of your outer ...


... am even astonished that you don't feel an intense need for it: "How can one know?" For you know—you have been told, told repeatedly, it has been dinned into your ears—you know that you have a divine consciousness within you, and you can sleep night after night and play day after day and learn day after day, and not have the enthusiasm and intense will to enter into contact with yourself, yes, with yourself ...


... blows are needed in life for one to know to the very depths that one is nothing , that one can do nothing that one does not exist , that one is nothing , that there is no entity without the divine Consciousness and the Grace. From the moment one knows it, it is over; all the difficulties have gone. When one knows it integrally and there is nothing which resists... but till that moment... And it takes ...


... closely held, Page 390 like that, that nothing can separate them. And at that moment you must resolve that you will no longer listen to these things, that you will listen only to the divine Consciousness and will do no other work except the divine work without worrying about personal results, free from all attachment, free from all preference, free from all wish for success, power, satisfaction ...


... beings. But it is a speciality of the earth. It is a direct infusion, special and redeeming, in the most inconscient and obscure Matter, so that it might once again awake through stages to the divine Consciousness, the divine Presence and finally to the Divine Himself. It is the presence of the psychic which makes man an exceptional being—I don't like to tell him this very much, because already he thinks ...


... thinks of not wasting it? Who realises that it is a sacred duty to make progress, to prepare oneself to understand better and live better? For people live by the divine Energy, they live by the divine Consciousness, and use them for their personal, selfish ends. You are shocked when a few thousand rupees are wasted but not shocked when there are... when streams of Consciousness and Energy are diverted ...


... you do. What makes you feel as you do is that you are no longer Myself." This is what He could tell you in answer. And the fact is that when you succeed in uniting your consciousness with the divine consciousness, there is no problem left. Everything appears quite natural and simple and all right and exactly what it had to be. But when you cut yourself off from the origin and stand over against Him, ...


... most of them are not capable of that, because they have small minds. They get illumined, possessed, as it were, and cry, 'I have the Divine Truth, I possess it whole and entire....' "One Divine Consciousness is here working through all these beings, preparing its way through all these manifestations. At this day it is here at work upon earth more powerfully than it has ever been before. There are ...


... others who are conscious, and these act their part, knowing that it is a play. And there are some who have the full knowledge of the universal movement and are identified with it and with the one Divine Consciousness and yet consent to act as though they were something separate, a division of the whole. There are many intermediary stages between that ignorance and this full knowledge, many ways of participating ...


... is a physical aspiration. A spiritual aspiration means having an intense need to unite Page 292 with the Divine, to give oneself totally to the Divine, not to live outside the divine Consciousness so that the Divine may be everything for you in your integral being, and you feel the need of a constant communion with Him, of the sense of his presence, of his guidance in all that you do ...


... is very similar to the purity of the animal, and after passing through an unavoidable period of mental perversion and impurity, rise beyond the mind into the higher and luminous purity of the divine consciousness. The Mother On Thoughts and Aphorisms: Aphorism - 30 Does spontaneity come spontaneously or does one have to follow a discipline to obtain it? Spontaneity in feelings and action ...


... individual, transformation means that the higher consciousness or nature is brought down into the mind, vital and body and takes the place of the lower. Truth-Consciousness The highest divine consciousness and force operative in the universe; a principle of consciousness superior to mentality which exists, acts and proceeds in the fundamental truth and unity of things; its fundamental character ...


... others who are conscious, and these act their part, knowing that it is a play. And there are some who have the full knowledge of the universal movement and are identified with it and with the one Divine Consciousness and yet consent to act as though they were something separate, a division of the whole. There are many intermediary stages between that ignorance and this full knowledge, many ways of participating ...


... for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong, equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple,—until these under ...


... to change. It is always by faith that miracles happen. A person goes to another and has a contact with the Divine Presence; if he can keep this contact pure and sustained, it will oblige the Divine Consciousness to manifest in the most material. But all depends on your own standard and your own sincerity; and the more you are psychically ready the more you are led to the right source, the right master ...


... is below the ordinary physical consciousness, the subliminal that which is behind and supports it. Supermind —the Supramental, the Truth-Consciousness, the Divine Gnosis, the highest divine consciousness and force operative in the universe. A principle of consciousness superior to mentality, it exists, acts and proceeds in the fundamental truth and unity of things and not like the mind in their ...


... self-contradictory moralities and contending religions; a place where human beings, freed from all slavery to the past, can devote themselves wholly to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that is seeking to manifest. Auroville wants to be this place and offers itself to all who aspire to live the Truth of tomorrow. 20.9.1969 * Auroville: At last a place ...


... 1971* Page 54 Drugs Drugs are prohibited in Auroville. If there are any who take them, they do it deceitfully. The ideal Aurovilian, eager to become conscious of the Divine Consciousness, takes neither tobacco, nor alcohol, nor drugs. 1971 * Is it true, Mother, that though you do not want drugs to be taken at Aspiration, you tolerate them on the other hand ...


... Auroville Charter 1)Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2)Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. 3)Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. ...


... these parts of Nature that have to be developed as its instruments of self-expression, and it is long confined by their evolution. Missioned to lead man in the Ignorance towards the light of the Divine Consciousness, it takes the essence of all experience in the Ignorance to form a nucleus of soul-growth in the nature; the rest it turns into material for the future growth of the instruments which it has ...


... the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the Divine Consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark is there in all living beings from the lowest to the highest ...


... Smile within thyself, but comfort the children; join also, if thou canst, in their play. It is the narrowness of the human consciousness that makes tragedies out of events which for the Divine Consciousness are only movements in the general evolution. But even when one Page 277 sees that, one can and must keep a profound sympathy for those who are still living in the throes of ignorance ...


... thou believest firmly and unweariedly, in the end thou wilt see and experience the All-true, Almighty and All-blissful. By tireless constancy in effort and faith, we can unite with the Divine Consciousness which is constant and perfect beatitude. 2 June 1970 ...


... man's body or mind from suffering is not always for the good of either soul, mind or body, is one of the bitterest of experiences for the humanly compassionate. To be conscious of the Divine Consciousness is the supreme fulfilment offered to human realisation; all the rest are only inessentials. 25 May 1970 Page 357 ...


... is something in the physical world as it is which is not... (how to explain?) which is not yet open to the divine Vibration. And it is this something which does all, all, all the evil.... The Divine Consciousness is not felt. And then, any number of imaginary things (but very real to the sensation)exist, and that thing, the only true thing is not felt.... But now it is better. It is better. It is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... ) they believe they are, they believe they are extraordinary! ( Mother takes her head between her hands and laughs. ) Somewhere Sri Aurobindo has said that when you are in touch with the divine consciousness, it gives you all of a sudden the sense... to what extent the world is ridiculous in its fatuity. The fatuity of men.... But even (I have had contacts with animals), even with the animals that ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... may be: like that ( same gesture ). ( Silence ) All the while (it is amusing), all the while I have the feeling that I am a little baby who nestles—nestles within... (what to call it?) a Divine Consciousness... all-embracing . Page 332 × The New Consciousness. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... or of the world as the final expression of the Divine Will. The integral Yoga aims at scaling all the degrees of consciousness from the ordinary mental consciousness to a supramental and divine consciousness, and when the ascent is completed, to return to the material world and infuse it with the Page 98 supramental force and consciousness that have been won, so that this earth may be ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... understanding in which the needs of each one and of the overall harmony are taken into account. A: Yes, Mother. The future will have no need of violence, for it will be ruled by the divine Consciousness in which everything harmonises with and completes everything else. Is that enough? A: Yes. I shall read out what you have just said, Mother. (A reads out the note) Is that all right ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... to play truly and to learn to play they must play among themselves. You have this extraordinary opportunity of being able to play a game and to take exercise in an atmosphere filled with Divine Consciousness, Light and Power in such a way that each of your movements is, so to say, permeated by the consciousness and the light and the power which is in itself an intensive yoga; and your ignorant ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... child, Certainly we are your true parents, and your true duty is towards the Divine. Let the ignorant say according to their ignorance and keep in you the light, knowledge and peace of the Divine Consciousness. With our love and blessings. I am glad you are taking all this "drama" as it deserves to be taken, that is to say with a good laugh. They call you "refugees" but it is indeed a ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... Europeans don't believe it. For them, he is somewhere above. He has incarnated only in Jesus Christ. So they don't bow down to any human person. But if one bows down to a person who has embodied the Divine Consciousness―of course with faith―then that person can more easily transmit his consciousness (or experience) to the other. 1 March 1973 Page 61 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... confusion the miracle may be accomplished and Thy law of supreme serenity and pure unchanging light become visible to the perception of all and govern the earth in a humanity at last awakened to Thy divine consciousness. O sweet Master, Thou hast heard my prayer, Thou wilt reply to my call. Page 258 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... assumes the outward human nature in order to tread the path and show it to human beings, but does not cease to be the Divine. It is a manifestation that takes place, a manifestation of a growing divine consciousness, not human turning into divine. The Mother was Page 384 inwardly above the human even in childhood, so the view held by "many" is erroneous. I also conceive that the Mother's ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... To understand rightly the problem of what is popularly called reincarnation, we must perceive that there are two factors in it which require consideration. First, there is the line of divine consciousness which seeks to manifest from above and upholds a certain series of formations, peculiar to itself, in the universe which is its field of manifestation. Secondly, there is the psychic consciousness ...


... by faith that miracles happen. A Page 42 person goes to another and has a contact with the Divine Presence; if he can keep this contact pure and sustained, it will oblige the Divine Consciousness to manifest in the most material. But all depends on your own standard and your own sincerity; and the more you are psychically ready the more you are led to the right source, the right master ...


... upward, the descent a call of the whole being towards the infinite and eternal Divine. ... There must be an opening and surrender of the whole nature to receive and enter into a greater divine consciousness which is there already above, behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence. There must be too an increasing capacity to bear an ever stronger and more insistent action of the ...


... they have gone to the very end of their task nothing can possibly be attempted for future reconstructions. At present these forces, for the major part at least, are closely linked to the divine Consciousness which is guiding their surging flood, directing the flow of their seemingly untamed and untamable torrent—indeed, because it is not subject to any mental guidance, they obey its impulsion: will ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... development, of becoming conscious of That which is Eternal: the gift of example. The example which is not self-conscious and which one gives because one is, because one lives in the Eternal Divine Consciousness. Page 131 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... [There is a] great difference between spirituality and morality, two things that are constantly confused with each other. The spiritual life, the life of Yoga, has for its object to grow into the divine consciousness and for its result to purify, intensify, glorify and perfect what is in you. It makes you a power for manifesting of the Divine; it raises the character of each personality to its full value ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... thinks of not wasting it? Who realises that it is a sacred duty to make progress, to prepare oneself to understand better and live better? For people live by the divine Energy, they live by the divine Consciousness, and use them for their personal, selfish ends. You are shocked when a few thousand rupees are wasted but not shocked when there are... when streams of Consciousness and Energy are diverted ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... just because of what one is doing; for, according to them—all the "great minds" of the earth—one has forsaken one's divinity. They do not put it like that, they say: "What? You claim to have a divine consciousness, and then..." And one meets it in everybody, in all circumstances. From time to time, someone, for a moment, has a flash, but it is quite exceptional, whereas, "Well then, show your power"—this ...


... Dawn' 7 surge upward awakening 'someone who was dead' (I.113.8). 'The infinite rock' of the inconscient is shattered, the seeker uncovers 'the Sun dwelling in the darkness' (III.39.5), the divine consciousness in the heart of Matter.... In the very depths of Matter, that is to say, in the body, on earth, the Rishis found themselves cast up into Light—that same Light which others sought on the heights ...


... the reading of an old Talk of September 26, 1956 , to be used in the Bulletin. In it she speaks of moments of opening in the yoga: 'Then there are days when you are in contact with the divine Consciousness, with the Grace, and all is tinged, colored by this Presence, and things which usually seem dull to you become charming and pleasant... all is alive, all is vibrant. At other moments you are ...


... chakras, 2 I believe. Theon said he knew of more, specifically two below the body and three above. That is my experience as well—I know of twelve chakras. And really, the contact with the Divine Consciousness is there ( Mother motions above the head ), not here ( at the top of the head ). One must surge up above. Doing japa seems to exert a pressure on my physical consciousness, which goes on ...


... say about you, you will not be able to advance much on the way. And these things come to you not because you are unlucky or because your lot is not a happy one, but because on the contrary the divine Consciousness and Grace take your resolution seriously and allow circumstances to become the touchstones on the way, to see if your resolution is sincere and you are strong enough to face the difficulties ...


... First and always, we must ask ourselves what our instrument of judgment is. One must ask, "What is my judgment based on? Do I have perfect knowledge? What in me is judging? Do I have the divine consciousness? Am I completely disinterested in this matter? Am I free of all desire and all ego?" And since the answer to all these questions will be the same, namely, "no", the honest and sincere conclusion ...


... said 72 days? Three times 72 days.... A little more than eight months, that is. That's it. It's... ([ laughing ] I've just asked him!) it's the work of gestation for the birth of the divine consciousness. And 7 (7 and 2) is interesting. 7 is the realization; 2 is dual: a dual realization. If you put both together, you get the figure of gestation. You see, Mahalakshmi is the Divine Mother's ...


... psychic being and to live entirely in its consciousness. Life upon earth as it is now is full of miseries and any sensitive heart is full of sorrow because of that. To get in contact with the Divine Consciousness and to live in its mercy, its strength and its light is the only truly effective way to get out of this difficulty and suffering and by uniting with the psychic we can obtain this condition ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... can assure you that to go inward and to receive the force is more helpful than to throw oneself into an agitated action. Certainly tamas is not good, but it is only through surrender to the Divine Consciousness that tamas can be changed. What are the defects in me that are coming in my way of spiritual as well as material progress? Tamas and sluggishness. Page 249 What am I to ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... sort of connection with the great day 4. 5. 67? Or would it be simply a pure coincidence? For Sri Aurobindo "coincidences" do not exist. All that happens is the result of the action of the Divine Consciousness. The Force which is at work at this moment is a Force of harmony that makes for unity—the unification of all the symbols that express the Divine Truth. 5 May 1967 " In 1967 the Supermind ...


... remains...), there must be Light, Peace... ( Mother stretches her arms out )... Vastness... perfect understanding... the TRUE vision of our world and things, and union, a conscious union with the divine Consciousness. ( Mother plunges in ) × All salted food, the doctor said. ...


... ess that accepts illness, you know. And I am saying this to my body, not to anyone else—others, that's not my business, it's their work, not mine; I mean, I am present [in them] only as the divine Consciousness, and then it's very easy, a very easy work; but the work here, the sadhana in here... But sick people... when I tell them, "Be sincere," I know what I mean: if they REALLY want the Divine ...


... that's not possible. All the deaths in the world cannot take it away from you, and that's why I smile—try, mon petit! It's impossible. Consciousness is something eternal. Consciousness is divine, consciousness is eternal, and NOTHING can destroy it. Appearances are another matter. And it's only unconsciousness that's destroyed (meaning that there is an appearance of destruction), but not co ...


... vain to remember ). I don't remember the words. It's strange, I can't remember. ( here is the text, found later: ) Page 125 "Divine life in the process of evolution, the divine Consciousness at work in Matter—here is, so to speak, what this existence represents." And at the same time, there was the clear vision, the very clear consciousness of the whole thing from the point ...


... as a means of transformation in order to lead human beings and the entire creation to its divine Origin. That gives a place to all religions in the development from the Inconscient to the divine Consciousness. It isn't simply a little remark noted down in passing: it's a vision. One can always present it as something conceived mentally, but it's not that; it's not that, but it was, if you like ...


... they suddenly caught that. There's a VERY STRONG action. But, of course, people expect everything to go smoothly according to their conception, and then they are surprised: how come this divine Consciousness is at work and there are so many difficult or painful or unexpected things?...—They don't understand. But this body understands very well! Not for one minute has it complained. It hasn't even ...


... change—it will have to change. How? That I don't know yet. It's in the direction of Matter's perfect obedience to the Consciousness (the higher Consciousness); to the present experience, it's the divine consciousness, but it's very probably what Sri Aurobindo called the supramental consciousness. Because there must be... ( gesture in gradations ) an indefinite ascent. It's a consciousness in which the ...


... consciousness being altered. That's not what altered my consciousness: what veiled my consciousness was seeing people; that was when I began being here and doing what I do every day: projecting the divine Consciousness on people. But it has come back... (what could I call it?) on the fringe, I mean that instead of BEING in it, when you asked me I began perceiving it. But the sensation is no longer there—there ...


... probably what he calls "the Law." (A.R.:) That's right. In the manifestation, it's the Consciousness that expresses itself. And if you identify with it, this Supreme Consciousness, this Divine Consciousness is what makes you act. But as I understand it, the "law" he refers to is a mentalization of this Movement, and that's not necessary—what's necessary is the IDENTIFICATION of the consciousness ...


... and this morning, it was the body learning, the cells have learnt ... I told you that the work till now has been the change—the transfer—from acting out of habit and reaction to letting the divine Consciousness act. And this morning, for a part of the night and the whole morning until people started coming, with every action, every movement, every gesture, all the tiny little things (when, for instance ...


... sense that you are nothing, can do nothing, understand nothing without the Divine, that even if you are an exceptionally intelligent and capable being, that is NOTHING in comparison with the divine Consciousness—and one must keep that constantly, because then one constantly has the true attitude of receptivity. A humble receptivity that sets no personal pretension against the Divine. ( Then Mother ...


... struck with panic. And it can't say it's in pain much, I can't call that suffering; it's something... quite extraordinary. So, for it, the only solution is... to disappear in the divine Page 139 Consciousness. Then everything is fine. But the body knows it's not that [i.e., dissolution]. You understand, it's something it doesn't know. For a time, it thought there were certain influences ...


... ess; there it exists. I know it, in fact, because it's a consciousness I constantly have, so I know that pain exists. Page 198 But it's what follows: "It is in the Supreme, Divine Consciousness that pain does not exist. That is to say, the nature of the sensation changes and opposites disappear in order to be replaced by something indefinable in our language." Is it clear? ...


... this possibility has not been endorsed by you. Is the presence of these elements—which according to us are undesirable—necessary to Auroville Page 130 for reasons known to the Divine Consciousness? Are we supposed to build Auroville amidst the difficulties they represent? And are they useful to Auroville's development?" ( Mother speaks in French ) In a general and absolute way ...


... something in the physical world as it is which is not... (how can I put it?) which still is not open to the Divine Vibration. And that "something" is what causes absolutely all the trouble.... The Divine Consciousness is not perceived. And so there are lots of imaginary things (but very real to the sensation) that exist, while that, the only thing that's true, is not perceived. But it's better now. It's better ...


... in words, you wouldn't understand. I don't even know how to express it.... I just know that even mistakes (what we call "mistakes") and difficulties are the result of the manifestation of the divine Consciousness helping us to progress towards the future perfection through... (what's the word?) through continuous molding. That's what I see. And that's why.... (Satprem, aside to André:)... We mustn't ...


... an altogether animal humanity. So.... Having to take care of one's own change is enough of a work as it is, no? God, yes! ( silence ) To be at every moment as expressive of the Divine Consciousness as one can be. That's the only important thing. ( silence ) Yes, when one is here, near you, one is taken up into a kind of absolute ray. It's.... In the past, I remember my meditations ...


... alone, to count on the Divine for everything—absolutely, absolutely everything without exception. There is even a pressure for.... It's only when the consciousness is linked to its utmost to the Divine Consciousness that there's the sense of existence. It has become extraordinarily intense. When the physical gets converted, it will be something SOLID, you know, unalterable—and complete. And so concrete ...


... peaceful ( gesture of listening to the above ). To try not to obstruct or distort what the Lord... ( Mother corrects herself ) what the Divine wants. That's all. And not a personal Divine: the Divine Consciousness at work in the world. Page 295 We know nothing, we know absolutely nothing, we are totally stupid really, but if we can be like this ( gesture, hands open ): receptive—receptive ...


... oh! ( same gesture ) they think they're, they think they're just extraordinary! ( Mother takes her head in her hands and laughs. ) Somewhere Sri Aurobindo wrote that when you touched the Divine Consciousness, it suddenly gave you the sense of... how laughable the world is in its self-conceit—men's self-conceit. But even (I've had contact with animals), even in animals it begins. Vanity, vanity, ...


... This fragment of conversation has been noted from memory. ) What has to be done for each one is done. Our consciousness is limited ( microscopic gesture ), it sees only a little part. The divine Consciousness is... ( gesture ): it sees. What has to be done for each one is done. If someone has given himself to the Divine and trusts the Divine, the Divine looks after him. And... (how to explain ...


... then writes with her eyes closed ) Beyond all preferences and limitations, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness. 1 ( With a charming smile ) Nothing to ask? ( Satprem shakes his head Mother keeps her eyes closed ) × ...


... aggregate? He would be such, if the social aggregate were the only reality of any consequence. But if there is a thing called the soul distinct from the body and if that soul is a spark of a Divine Consciousness that emanates and sustains the universe, then the individual's supreme significance and reality need not be limited to society. He would be related to an Immortal In-dweller, to a Cosmic ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... though social reformism is a fine passion, it cannot be the centre and core of man's upward endeavour. The main purpose of true religion is a change of the merely human consciousness into a divine consciousness by a progressive practice of the presence of God. Only when that presence is inwardly realised can social pestilences like Untouchability be radically removed. Till then, sincere efforts must ...

... all that we call "planes" must be not in , a ladder but all together — the non-physical universes subtly and secretly present along with the physical in a single original self-extension of divine consciousness. March 31 This is the poem I wrote before the Supramental Manifestation was announced. In fact, I wrote it in Bombay. Doors in the ultimate Secrecy cleave wide And out ...


... passed without a trace of decomposition. And many saw with even their physical eyes the body glowing with what the Mother had called the concentration in it of the light of the Supermind, the Divine Consciousness in its integrality which Sri Aurobindo and she had been labouring with the patience of heaven-sent pioneers to bring down for the first time to suffering earth. Mortality in its normal form ...


... whatever may be the appearances — it is consciousness that is always the prime determinant. So, before we can expect any transformation of our physical existence, we must first acquire a divine consciousness within and effectuate a total liberation of our Purusha part. Then and then alone the question of the liberation of our Prakriti part and of the divine transfiguration of our bodily instrument ...

... unconsciousness. Sri Aurobindo Sacrifice is the word used by the Gita for self-giving. The Divine has given himself and spread himself everywhere in matter in order to awaken it to the Divine Consciousness; matter is automatically under the obligation to give itself to the Divine; it is a mutual and reciprocal sacrifice. The Mother, Questions and Answers (1956): 29 February 1956 ...


... word in order to know and understand. God is not something or some one remote and abstract. We ourselves are God in disguise, and in ignorance and in order to realise God we have to live in divine .consciousness and not in our separated, narrow, ignorant, and individual Ego. Get rid of the Ego and you know what life is, what God is. Now, listen to my philosophy of life. It is my personal experience ...

... he had the vision of the cowherd Krishna, dark-blue like a newly formed cloud and bedecked with the feathers of a peacock's tail on his head. At such times his soul soared into the realm of divine consciousness, his body remained motionless, and his breathing almost ceased. People nearby were amazed at the change in his appearance." In a letter dated 26 December 1895, Swami Premananda, who collected ...


... e aims of life, some of which are very well known. The latest view has been expounded by Sri Aurobindo,45 who has, on the basis of the highest yogic realizations, shown that the Supramental Divine Consciousness can manifest in the physical existence. Arguments in Phaedo In the light of this latest view, the arguments that we find in the Phaedo regarding the place of the life of ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... earth is the meaning of all the toil of humanity. She adds that humanity need not suffer always, and that the struggle and the suffering are meant to be the prelude to the coming of the Supreme Divine Consciousness on the earth so that humanity and the Divine can join together and humanity can partake of the manifestation of the Divine Bliss on the earth and rejoice in the Rasa of Sri Krishna. Let us read ...


... sacrifice, reach the point at which you feel that the works are not yours but done for you etc., etc. Through meditation, through dedicated works, through bhakti—all these together, arrive at the divine consciousness and live in it." Buddha and Krishna are not considered to be unintelligible big Absurdities, yet when we lay [stress] on the same things, you all stare and say "What's this new unheard-of stuff ...

... the body unreal because it was too much with them. They had to hammer and hammer away at the idea that it was unreal. But after all, it is a secondary thing. The first thing to achieve is the divine consciousness and not body transformation. NIRODBARAN: Sotuda has offered his pranams and informs you that he is stagnating but his body doesn't seem to be doing so. SRI AUROBINDO: Is that why he feels ...


... doctrine. SATYENDRA: He was a Vaishnava. SRI AUROBINDO: Maybe, but the doctrine is not a Vaishnava one. It is Tantric. In principle the doctrine is true, for the Supreme Shakti is the Divine Consciousness and all the Gods come from her. It is said that even Shiva cannot act unless She gives him the power. SATYENDRA: Haranath had an interesting life. He underwent complete change of colour at ...


... is different. That is common among most people who have an opening. That is the ascent and descent of one's own consciousness, while what I am speaking of is the whole being going up to the Divine Consciousness and coming down with it. NIRODBARAN: The distinction is still not very clear. SRI AUROBINDO: In the usual experience, it is one's habitual consciousness that rises: it may be any part ...


... for that can more easily attune itself to the divine Will, and then there is a division in the being as if there were two beings, one within, calm, strong. equal, unperturbed, a channel of the Divine Consciousness and Force, one without still encroached on by the lower Nature; but then the disturbances of the latter become something superficial which are no more than an outer ripple, — until these under ...

... of the psychic person and individual. The first stage is that of a subtle body individualised, a radiant form of etherealised elements consisting of the concentrated light particles of the divine consciousness of the Psyche. This too is an immortalisation of the personal identity which can be achieved and is achieved by the gnostic man who is to come, who will wholly psychicise and divinise his p ...

... which saves and fulfils-begins with the awakening or the entrance into this real being. This being is pure and luminous and blissful and sovereignly real, because it is a portion, a spark of the Divine Consciousness and Nature: a contact and communion with it brings automatically into play the light and the truth that are its substance. At the same time it is an uprising flame that reaches out naturally ...

... wrote: "The Bird of Fire is the living vehicle of the gold fire of the Divine Light and the white fire of the Divine Tapas and the crimson fire of the Divine Love — and everything else of the Divine Consciousness." Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Six Poems - Notes ============= ...


... Supreme except in moments of total withdrawal from all trace of body-consciousness. Thus it is held that only the cataleptic state of Samadhi can offer itself as the most natural status of divine consciousness that an embodied soul can aspire after. This so-claimed incapacity of our normal waking consciousness to allow of a complete spiritual illumination has often been cited as one of ...

... contrary - it is consciousness and consciousness alone that is always the prime determinant. So, before we can at all expect any transformation of our physical existence, we must first acquire a divine consciousness within and effectuate a total liberation of our Purusha part. Then and then alone can the question of the liberation of our Prakriti part and of the divine transfiguration of our bodily instrument ...

... sacrifice, reach the point at which you feel that the works are not yours but done for you etc., etc. Through meditation, through dedicated works, through bhakti - all these together arrive at the divine consciousness and live in it"? Buddha and Krishna are not considered to be unintelligible big Absurdities, yet when we lay stress on the same thing, you all stare and say "What's this new unheard-of stuff ...

... every moment in joy without any reserve, wholly to Thee - Thou who art everywhere and in all things so that all may realise the plenitude of Thy Presence which is a sweet reign of Bliss. Let Thy Divine Consciousness be awakened in each tissue and cell and nerve, in each element of my being - in all parts and planes - and make me a centre of Thy luminous Love and Truth for the perfect accomplishment of Thy ...

Kailas Jhaveri   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Prayers

... unhappy or indifferent. This tortuous journey of the individual can only end when his impure and limited ego-consciousness transforms itself and attains to the status of the supernature of the divine Consciousness. Now along this long long track of this meandering adventure of the individual's evolving consciousness, he is bound to encounter many obstacles at different stages of his spiritual journey ...

... must be no demand for fruit and no seeking for reward; the only fruit for you is the pleasure of the Divine Mother and the fulfilment of her work, your only reward a constant progression in divine consciousness and calm and strength and bliss." ( The Mother, Cent. Ed., Vol. 25, p. 16) To sum up: A sadhaka of the Integral Yoga should not bother about Fate or Niyati or Karma; he should always ...

... g the boundaries of religion into pure and integral spirituality or yoga, the renascent India is called upon to find original solutions to build up integral consciousness which can manifest divine consciousness potently in all fields of activity, scientific, philosophical, cultural, social, economic, political. VIII. Spirit of Synthesis Significance of the Veda is not confined merely to ...


... . The Bhagavadgita, which is known as the Yoga Shastra, provides us profound secrets of knowledge and application of knowledge by means of which human consciousness can be transformed into Divine consciousness. The first secret, guhyam rahasyam, is to find out how the field of circumstances in which one is placed can be apprehended or comprehended and mastered. This secret is the knowledge of the ...

... of yogic knowledge. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: Page 352 The Yogin's aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be to discover and understand the workings of the Divine Consciousness- Puissance in man and creatures and things and forces, her creative significances, her execution of mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical ...

... ego-sense (VII.4), and because that Prakriti is unconscious and riddled with conflicts of its three gunas and is thus quite lower than the original Prakriti which is the direct manifestation of the divine consciousness. The ultimate reality is, according to the Gita, the Purusha, that is uttama, the highest, and can be designated as Purushottama because he is the originator by his will of the energy and ...


... but experiential, and in his transformed state of consciousness, Arjuna was able to have the direct experience and therefore vivid certainty of the command that had issued from the Supreme Divine Consciousness that was visioned by him in unmistakable light of the Divine Himself in His universal Action. There is, he perceived, a divine law of action, a divine dharma of universality proceeding from ...

... the triple status of the Supermind, (i) the status of the comprehensive consciousness which founds the inalienable unity of things, (ii) the status of apprehending consciousness in which the Divine Consciousness stands back in the idea from the movement which it contains resulting in the individual play of movement where the conscious Self is the same every where in soul-essence, but varying in soul-form ...


... daivī prakriti 75; see also prakriti de Chardin, Teillhard 25 death 15 deity, the emergence of 25 desire-soul 64 dh ā ran ā 26 dhy ā na 26 Divine Consciousness 29, development of 14 Divine Knowledge 80; see also Knowledge Divine Nature 29; see also Nature earth-consciousness 14,15,86,87, 96,99, 100 earth evolution 14; see ...

... manifestation, by whom all works are directed, in a perfect transcendence through Nature. Here whole being has to be surrendered to the Supreme and the whole consciousness raised up to dwell in this divine consciousness so that the human soul may share in His Divine transcendence and act in a perfect spiritual liberty. Page 41 Sri Aurobindo sums up the entire core of the teaching in the following ...

... aspiration towards the supreme felicity. The Kena Upanishad is also concerned with the state of Immortality, it is also concerned with Ignorance and Knowledge with the relationship between the divine consciousness and the world and human consciousness. Like the Īśa Upanishad, the Kena Upanishad also closes with the definition of Brahman as the Delight and the injunction to Page 8 adore and ...

... been opened up in my vision. I had to admit that I was ignorant of the Divine Will. But then I had to put a further question to Brahmadev ji : 'It is believed that you live constantly in the Divine Consciousness and that you are able to communicate with the Divine. If so, can you tell me what is the Divine Will at present?' Brahmadev ji smiled. He looked sharply and said: 'No violence in any measure ...

... its own divine nature, swabhava, and stamps it more and more visibly on the satwic, rajasic and tamasic personality. It is then that one recognizes that the soul-force in man represents the divine consciousness as a fourfold effective Power, chaturvyūha, a Power for knowledge, a Power for strength, a Power for mutuality, and active and productive relations and interchange, and a Power for works, ...

... Sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its original transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood only from ...

... name given to the child by the father — 'Aravinda' — was new at the time and hardly borne by anyone else. The word in Sanskrit means lotus and its spiritual significance is that it symbolises divine consciousness — a singularly appropriate and prophetic name for the child. Dr. K.D. Ghose was a remarkable person, a spirited man who was in many ways in advance of his time. After graduating from the ...


... force of survival and revival". 2 "A Nation is a living personality; it has a soul, even like the human individual. The soul of a nation is a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it. It is not merely the sum total of its individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals are, as it were, cells, like the cells ...

... thirties. He was almost the official photographer of the Ashram. He used to go out frequently, and had once been to see Shri Krishnashram. 2A sadhak is one whose aim in life is to attain the divine consciousness. He is engaged in sadhana, which is the fixed discipline to be followed in his chosen path. 3Indian sweets. 4Nirod-da Page 1 Seguin's goat, 5 says: "Il faut du ...


... don’t believe it. For them, he is some- where above. He has incarnated only in Jesus Christ. So they don’t bow down to any human person. But if one bows down to a person who has embodied the Divine Consciousness — of course with faith — then that person can more easily transmit his consciousness or experience to the other." The day after the next, I read this statement out to her and asked her if ...

... planes. Even our outer questioning and your answering does not bring us sufficiently close. Is it not really so?       Obviously. To understand divine movements one must enter into the divine consciousness, till then faith and surrender are the only right attitude. How can the mind judge what is beyond all its measures?   LOVE AND ANANDA         Would you kindly define the ...

... Page 269 ness where one begins to lose the ego. What is this Brahmic or Brahman consciousness? Spread out where?       In the wideness of the Self and of the universal Divine Consciousness — these two together are the Brahman consciousness.         I feel what you want all of us to do is to detach at least one part of our being and unite it inwardly with the Mother. So ...

... reject all that disturbs — the impulses, the sensations, and the thoughts. All that does not belong to us has to be rejected so that we may be pure in order to identify ourselves with the Divine Consciousness.   Three stages that help one another: to concentrate, to reject, and to aspire to identify oneself with the Divine. Page 115 ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sweet Mother

... out of the inconscience and ignorance, is guided by the Supreme. And the Supreme, in order to manifest His reign upon earth, labours to uplift the human consciousness so as to establish the Divine Consciousness; and for this He does not delegate someone but He Himself manifests physically, even in the Ignorance, to accomplish His work. And it is I who have been appointed to raise up man and the creation ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... petal indicate?       The five are purity (not love), devotion etc. The sixth is steadfastness (stability, etc.).         This morning the Mother gave me a flower signifying "The Divine Consciousness". What did it mean for me?           * This is what the Mother, in one of her talks, said about flowers: "I can transmit a state of consciousness more easily to a flower than ...

... diversities that naturally rise Page 182 out of it as its self-expression becomes possible, not only possible but inevitable. That bed-rock is one's inmost spiritual being, the divine Consciousness which is at once an individual centre, a cosmic or universal field of existence and a transcendent truth and reality. With that as the nucleus and around it the whole system has to be arranged ...

... piercing of the veil above, when the consciousness rises into the superconscient, takes the human being into the divine being; the second is the rending of the lower veil and the descent of the divine consciousness into the most material, the subconscient and the inconscient, realising the divine life on earth. Page 133 ...

... of it, they think they have achieved something very great. But they simply fell into unconsciousness. Yes, some know how to meditate. But even supposing you know how to enter into the divine consciousness, that experience must have some effect upon your external life—naturally it would differ according to the person concerned. There are some who cut themselves clean Page 101 ...

... consciousness; it represents all that is yet unconscious and striving secretly without knowing towards consciousness; it is also at the same time the light itself that acts and transforms. The divine consciousness embodied acting upon itself thus symbolises and embodies its action upon what would be viewed as others. Page 30 ...

... change their direction, but their very nature and character. And the Divine himself is conceived of as such a Human Person – for the norm of the human personality is an eternal verity in the divine consciousness. Esoteric Christianity also has given us the conception of the Human Divine; but it is somewhat different from the Vaishnava revelation which has found rather the Divine Human. In other words ...

... into matter – that has forced matter to burst into, to flower into forms of light and consciousness. The pressure is ever-present and the flowering continues into higher and higher modes of the Divine Consciousness. The figure '52' of the mythological legend denotes perhaps the integral multiplicity of the manifested universe. We may suggest an interpretation just to satisfy a mental curiosity: 52=50+2; ...

... inherently harmonious and unified, even an unitary body too, since all these larger units will express through their corporate life each in its own special way the glory and greatness of the Divine Consciousness.         In this global reconstitution of the earth life, Sri Aurobindo gives India a great role—a mighty destiny and a heavy responsibility. For he Considers India as the repository ...

... be able to save what is worthy of being saved; it is they who will see the sunny day; centring round them will dawn the new happy Age. The best friend of man is, the divine being in him, the divine consciousness, in other words, the divine Will – not ambition and desire for earthly things, for personal care and comfort but the high purpose and urge of the World-Mother, etadalambanam srestham etadalambanam ...

... which saves and fulfils—begins with the awakening or the entrance into this real being. This being is pure and luminous and blissful and sovereignly real, because it is a portion, a spark of the Divine Consciousness and Nature: a contact and communion with it brings automatically into play the light and the truth that are its substance. At the same time it is an uprising flame that reaches out naturally ...

... perfect Epiphany. Each religion, each line of spiritual discipline takes up one limb of man-one level or mode of his being and consciousness-purifies it and suffuses it with the spiritual and divine consciousness, so that in the end the whole of man, in his integral living, is recast and remoulded: each discipline is in charge of one thread as it were, all together weave the warp and woof in the evolution ...

... consciousness; it represents all that is yet unconscious and striving secretly without knowing towards consciousness; it is also at the same time the light itself that acts and transforms. The divine consciousness embodied acting upon itself thus symbolises and embodies its action upon what would be viewed as others. Page 319 ...

... out of it, they think they have achieved something very great. But they simply fell into unconsciousness. Yes, some know how to meditate. But even supposing you know how to enter into the divine consciousness, that ex­perience must have some effect upon your external life­ – naturally it would differ according to the person concerned. There are some who cut themselves clean into two. These, as I ...

... inherently harmonious and unified, even a unitary body too, since all these larger units will express through their corporate life each in its own special way the glory and greatness of the Divine Consciousness. In this global reconstitution of the earth life, Sri Aurobindo gives India a great role – a mighty destiny and a heavy responsibility. For he considers India as the repository of the spiritual ...

... is Earth's divine fulfilment in and through her earthly son, man. She clothes Page 372 herself more and more with the developing psychic consciousness of man meeting the Divine Consciousness – finally incorporating in herself and as herself her lord, the Supreme Divine and in her individual formations his parts and portions to make the whole a divine Play. Page 373 ...

... everything, organises everything, arranges everything, and leads us, whether we want it or not, whether we know it or not, towards the supreme goal, the union with the Divine, the awareness of the Divine Consciousness and becoming one with it. Thus living in the action and the presence of the Grace one Page 124 lives a life full of delight and wonder, the sense of a marvellous power ...

... to lose even that which you possess. Reduce the whole consciousness to the zero-point to the zero of consciousness, not the zero of unconsciousness. Then only the positive term, the Divine Consciousness, will begin to form. The Divine Force does not act in vacuo. Here it acts in the midst of teeming ignorances: so the net result is at best half and half which is the present world. ...

... Will and to be one with it is not easy, to be sure. But that is the only radical solution. That has got to be done, if one is to come out of the chaos he is in. Once in this status of the divine consciousness, one passes beyond the three Gunas. That is to say, one bids good-bye to one's (the human sense of) freedom and option or choice. One can say no longer, I cannot do it, for it seems immoral ...

... way of saying: the true fact being that for some reason or other you happened to be just a little open and you had the perception of the thing that is always with you. The Love is there, the divine consciousness, too, is there in the same way. They are one, after all. They are there all the while; only you do not feel it or do so only spasmodically. Once in a way you find yourself, without any rhyme ...

... that even as one lies happily on a royal couch, bathes and anoints himself with all the perfumes of the world, has attendants all around and always to serve him, even so, one can be full of the divine consciousness from the crown of the head to the tip of his toe-nail. In fact, a poor or a prosperous life is in no direct or even indirect ratio to a spiritual life. All the miseries and immediate needs of ...

... too, a heroic boy that he was, flung back into the face of Yama himself all the riches offered to him by the Lord of Death. Have life and property then no value in the eye of God? To the divine consciousness are these things mere m ā y ā , transient objects of ignorance, ties that bind the soul to earth and have to be cut away and thrown behind? We at least do not hold that opinion. We hold that ...

... that naturally rise page – 379 out of it as its self-expression becomes possible, not only possible but inevitable. That bed-rock is one's inmost spiritual being, the divine consciousness which is at once an individual centre, a cosmic or universal field of existence and a transcendent truth and reality. With that as the nucleus and around it the whole system has to be arranged ...

... inner person and out of this spark comes and gradually develops an independent conscious person who has his own will and activity. As I say, the psychic being is originally like a spark from the divine consciousness: it grows into a conscious individuality through the experiences of successive lives. This progress then is like the progress of the growing child. It is a thing in formation and it remains ...