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English [656]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [5]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
Blessings of the Grace [2]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [3]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [14]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [11]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [4]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [12]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [5]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Guidance on Education [3]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [10]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Jayantilal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Learning with the Mother [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [12]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [4]
Letters on Yoga - II [8]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [14]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [9]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [9]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [3]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [5]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [11]
My Savitri work with the Mother [22]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [7]
On Savitri [5]
On The Mother [20]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [7]
On the Path [1]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [7]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [7]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Pradyot's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [6]
Questions and Answers (1956) [9]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [13]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [2]
Seer Poets [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [8]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [2]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [8]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Divine Collaborators [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [3]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [3]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [9]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [11]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [3]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [6]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [2]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [3]
White Roses [11]
Words of the Mother - I [9]
Words of the Mother - II [23]
Words of the Mother - III [22]
Work - an offering [4]
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English [656]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [5]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
Blessings of the Grace [2]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [3]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [14]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [8]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [11]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [9]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [4]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [12]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [5]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Guidance on Education [3]
Health exercises for Women and Girls [1]
I Remember [1]
In the Mother's Light [10]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Jayantilal's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Learning with the Mother [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [12]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [4]
Letters on Yoga - II [8]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Letters on Yoga - IV [14]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [6]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [9]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [9]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [3]
Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [5]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [3]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [11]
My Savitri work with the Mother [22]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Education [7]
On Savitri [5]
On The Mother [20]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [7]
On the Path [1]
Our Light and Delight [4]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [7]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [7]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [1]
Pradyot's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Principles and Goals of Integral Education [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [5]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [3]
Questions and Answers (1953) [8]
Questions and Answers (1954) [7]
Questions and Answers (1955) [6]
Questions and Answers (1956) [9]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [13]
Record of Yoga [2]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [2]
Seer Poets [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [8]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [2]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [5]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [8]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [7]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Divine Collaborators [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Grace [1]
The Growth of a Flame [3]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [3]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [9]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [11]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Sunlit Path [3]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [6]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [4]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [2]
Towards A New Society [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
What I Have Learnt From The Mother [3]
White Roses [11]
Words of the Mother - I [9]
Words of the Mother - II [23]
Words of the Mother - III [22]
Work - an offering [4]
Showing 600 of 656 result/s found for Divine Grace

... aspiration to the Divine can fail in the end. Trust in the Divine Grace Face all these things [ inner disturbances ] quietly and firmly with perseverance in the endeavour of the sadhana. Trust firmly in the Divine Grace and the Divine Grace will not fail you. The best possible way [ to "repay" the Divine Grace ] is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to oppose it, never to be ungrateful... Divine Response Letters on Yoga - II Chapter I The Divine Grace and Guidance The Divine Grace The Divine Will works in all things—it may work out anything whatever. The Divine Grace comes in to help and save. If you would know what is the Divine Grace, it is necessary first to realise that it is something which contradicts the law of the world... something about the Divine Grace—for you seem to think it should be something like a Divine Reason acting upon lines not very different from those of human intelligence. But it is not that. Also it is not a universal Divine Compassion either, acting impartially on all who approach it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... believe with all his heart and mind that there is indeed such a thing called divine Grace and that he must learn at every step to invoke this Grace and depend on its unfailing assistance. Here are two passages from Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's writings which make clear to us the reality and the role of the divine Grace and the nature of its way of working. "The Supreme has sent his... sense of great consternation: "If the divine Grace is in fact always operative, how is it that it could not prevent this mishap from happening in my life?" The sadhaka has to banish from his heart this sort of doubting and distressing thought and believe with all the conviction of his inner consciousness that whatever may be the appearance, the divine Grace is indeed always acting, even in the... everywhere except towards the Divine and take to this remedy or that remedy leaving out the only sure panacea, 'action of the divine Grace'. But this is what the Mother would like us to do: "Have faith. There is no disease which cannot be cured by the Divine Grace." (Words of the Mother, MCW, Vol. 15, p. 164) Now comes the question of the 'Dispensing Grace'. In the course of our ...

... tapasya in the spiritual domain. The Divine Grace alone has the power to intervene and change the course of Universal Justice. The great work of the Avatar is to manifest the Divine Grace upon earth. To be a disciple of the Avatar is to become an instrument of the Divine Grace. The Mother is the great dispensatrix―through identity―of the Divine Grace, with a perfect knowledge―through identity―of... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II The Divine Grace The Supreme has sent his Grace into the world to save it. It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for―if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it. Justice is the strict logical determinism of the movements of Universal Nature. Illnesses... impossibility to be solved, but as for Thy Divine Grace all is possible. Thy Work will be, in the detail as in the whole, the accomplishment of all these impossibilities transformed into divine realisations. 15 January 1933 Divine Grace, Thy goodness is infinite. We bow before Thee in gratitude. Mother, What is the rationale of Divine Grace? Is not the Supreme Mother always ready with ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... Indian philosophy and scriptures like the Bhagavata speak very highly about the Divine Grace; and saints like Narasimha, Mira and others are inspiring and striking examples in the spiritual history of India, whose lives were looked after, inspired, guided, moulded and were finally fulfilled by the Divine Grace, even though they had not renounced the family life. A man can make best efforts,... is a sovereign act of the Divine Grace, but there are only a few who are blessed to recognize, understand and accept or allow the Grace to act. The man born and bound by ego exists because he is destined to become the instrument of the Divine manifestation. The life will continue to remain a paradox till he allows the Grace to dismiss the ego and the key of the Divine Grace releases him from the bondage... bondage, fulfils and creates a Divine Kingdom. The Mother Divine had been very gracious to use the Key of the Divine Grace to arrange, organize and mould my life and transform it into a successful instrument. Under the training of the Divine Grace, the divine intervention is very natural and one is to face it joyfully at every step of life. The reader has come across many such incidents fulfilled ...

... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II Faith in the Divine Grace and Help Have a steady faith in the divine Grace. Continue to have full faith in the Divine's Grace, Will and Action and all will be all right. 6 November 1934 All depends on the intensity of the faith and the firmness of the right attitude. 30 May 1935 ... must have faith in the Divine Grace. Cheer up. 13 October 1956 In the present growing conflict what should be our attitude? Faith and total confidence in the Divine's Grace. 2 November 1956 Page 89 It is when all seems lost that all can be saved. When you have lost confidence in your personal power, then you should have faith in the Divine Grace. 28 January 1970... everything really depends on the Divine Grace and we should look at the future with confidence and serenity, progressing at the same time as quickly as we can. In an ardent faith lies salvation. In the final analysis, it is the Supreme Lord who does all. We must be faithful instruments. 29 August 1972 Have faith and unshaken confidence. The Divine Grace will do the rest. Page 90 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... in the supreme Wisdom of the Divine Grace which knows better than us what is truly good for ourselves. If the aspiration is offered to That and the offering is made truly and with enough intensity, the result will be marvellous.”² Purity, unstinted self-giving and implicit faith and trust are the three main conditions for an unimpeded working of the divine Grace. Not to have faith is to keep... intervention of Grace, which nullifies the rigid determinism of Nature. "It is the great work of the Avatāras”, says the Mother, "to manifest the Divine Grace upon earth. To be a disciple of the Avatāra is to become an instrument of the Divine Grace. The Mother is the great dispensatrix—through identity—of the absolute mechanism of Universal Justice. And through her mediation each movement of ... trust in the Divine Grace at every step, to direct the thought continually to the Divine and to offer oneself till the being opens and the Mother's force can be felt working in the ādhāra. ”¹ Nobody, however powerful ² he may be, can do the Integral Yoga and reach its great goal of supramental trans- formation by his own strength and effort. It is a complete reliance on the divine Grace from the very ...


... something about the Divine Grace—for u seem to think it should be something like a Divine Reason ^mg ^"H lines not very different from those of human 9ence. But it is not that. Also it is not a universal Divine Page 57 Compassion either acting impartially on all who approach it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid... nets of the Law and giving them their chance; (3) the Divine Grace which acts more incalculably but also more irresistibly than the others. The only question is whether there is some- thing behind all the anomalies of life which can respond to the call and open itself with whatever difficulty till it is ready for the illumination of the Divine Grace—and that something must be not a mental and vital... marvellous and miraculous things related by Bejoy Goswami's disciples about their master you will be shut out for ever from the Divine Grace? I am not three-fourths insane, par example, nor four-fourths either' I ask you to have faith in the Divine, in the Divine Grace in the truth of the sadhana, in the eventual triumph of the spirit over its mental and vital and physical difficulties, in the ...

... the numbers is certainly fanciful. It is true that the number of those who take the yoga seriously is not considerable... But the Divine Grace is infinite! 20 July 1966 Sweet Mother, I feel it is most shameful on our part to waste the Divine Grace, to misuse this unique privilege granted to Page 337 us here. But, Mother, why do we do this? For, each one of us has surely... state. I want, on the contrary, to feel an intense joy, a moment of ecstasy. How can I obtain it? Come with the aspiration to give yourself, to offer your whole being, without reserve, to the Divine Grace, and you will feel the felicity for which you aspire. 6 August 1961 Page 262 Sweet Mother, I want an electric lamp in the corridor of my room. It would be more proper... ceremony. I find it empty of feeling. I don't like Sri Aurobindo's name to be invoked without feeling and turned into a ritual. It is much better to read one of Your prayers and then invoke the Divine Grace in silence, each in his own way, for the departed person, as was done before. That is my opinion. The ceremony in itself is only of secondary importance. It is merely a form and more a matter ...


... little game like this: Which part of the being in everyone has a more total faith in the divine Grace? The psychic. Ah, no! I am speaking of an experience, I am not speaking of a verbal knowledge. I am speaking... which is the part in everyone of you in which you have the greatest faith in the divine Grace? It can be in the physical, it can be in the vital, it can be in the psychic, and it can... their physical consciousness have an absolute faith in the divine Grace, and a total trust, and they live like that in this faith and trust. Others still have it only in their deep feelings; and their thoughts are vagabond. And there are others who have even a vital faith—these are rare but they exist—who have a vital faith in the divine Grace, that all will always go absolutely well—with a considerable... considerable sense of power. But haven't you ever lent yourself to this little exercise, to see? First, have you faith in the divine Grace? Yes. Yes! Good, that's already good. And where then, in which part of your being? Is it in your thought, is it in your feelings, is it in your sensations, is it in your physical activity? If it is everywhere at the same time, you are perfect beings, and I c ...


... – the more one sinned, the more: could one grow in righteousness; the more the repentance, in other words, the more the divine grace. We have said that this is not our path. The divine grace is a fact – without that nothing is possible. From one point of view, the divine grace is unconditioned. But it does not follow Page 64 that the precedent of Jagai-Madhai is the invariable law... that the field must be ready, the being and the consciousness must get into a certain mould, attain certain order and disposition so that the descent of the Divine Grace, its manifestation and play may be possible. For, just as the divine grace is true, so it is equally true that the individual is essentially one with the Divine, sin and ignorance are his external sloughs, identity with the Divine is... These stupidities – and their name is legion-m – are lust, anger, greed, ignorance, vanity, envy, distrust, disobedience, revolt; repentance, constant repentance and earnest supplication for the divine grace – that is the remedy, says the devout Christian. But we, for ourselves, do not give any such supreme place to repentance. For, after all, it is a lower impulse, a vital impulse: as we call it; ...

... sinned—the more one sinned, the more could one grow in righteousness; the more the repentance, in other words, the more the divine grace. We have said that this is not our path. The divine grace is a fact—without that nothing is possible. From one point of view, the divine grace is unconditioned. But it does not follow Page 4 that the precedent of Jagai-Madhai is the invariable law... that the field must be ready, the being and the consciousness must get into a certain mould, attain certain order and disposition so that the descent of the Divine Grace, its manifestation and play may be possible. For, just as the divine grace is true, so is it equally true that the individual is essentially one with the Divine, sin and ignorance are his external sloughs, identity with the Divine is... again. These stupidities— and their name is legion—are lust, anger, greed, ignorance, vanity, envy, distrust, disobedience, revolt; repentance, constant repentance and earnest supplication for the divine grace—that is the remedy, says the devout Christian. Page 3 But we, for ourselves, do not give any such supreme place to repentance. For, after all, it is a lower impulse, a vital impulse ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 The Divine Grace (1) WHEN you are in a certain set of circumstances and when certain things happen, these things often go against your desire or against what appears to you best. And you regret and say: "Oh! How much better it would have been had it been otherwise!" It does not matter whether the... which once appeared to you disastrous or unfavourable were just the very best thing that could have happened for your needed progress. And if you were a little wiser you would say, "Truly, the Divine Grace is infinite!" And when this happens to you a good number of times, you begin to understand that in spite of man's blindness and wrong appearances, the Grace is at work everywhere and because... delight and wonder, the sense of a marvellous power and at the same time, full of a quiet and complete trust which nothing can shake. Whatever may be the faith and the trust you have in the Divine Grace, whatever your capacity of seeing it at work in all circumstances, at every moment and at all points of life, you can never fully understand the marvellous immensity of its action and the precision ...

... so hopeless, so childish, and so frightening for a poor— Dilip—who finds it so difficult to believe that any amount of Divine Grace will make a Page 238 Haradhan 93 into a Sri Aurobindo or a Rani 94 into a Sri Mira. Is it for this preconception that the Divine Grace will shun me like one past all hope ? I am not joking. I mean it. All mental conceptions must go! This too? It is urged... by much learning, but whom this Self chooses, to him it reveals its own body." Well, that is the same thing as what we call the Divine Grace—it is an action from above or from within independent of mental causes which decides its own movement. We can call it the Divine Grace; we can call it the Self within choosing its own hour and way to manifest to the mental instrument on the surface; we can call... state. It has the joy of creation and there is nothing spiritually wrong in creative action. Why deny your vital this joy of outflow? I had already hinted to you that to be able to wait for the Divine Grace (not in a tamasic spirit, but with a sattwic reliance) was the best course for you. Prayer, yes—but not prayer insisting on immediate fulfilment—but prayer that is itself a communion of the mind ...

... But in fact, what he meant he has said here: You are yourself rejecting the Grace.... Isn't that it? He says—where is it? what page? page four? Yes, "... pushing the divine Grace from you", yes; " are yourself pushing the divine Grace away from you." No, it is not that; it is... ( The child begins reading: "the Grace..." ) No, after that, my child... "It will not act..." ( To another child ) This... recede from the Grace. It is a feeling, and the expression of the fact. For in the sentence... a preceding sentence, we have: "You are yourself pushing the divine Grace away from you." This is just the thing. You are yourself pushing the divine Grace away from you. But after having pushed It away, you have the impression that It has receded from you; and it is rather this: "...then always you will be... the Divine!" ( Laughter ) It is very simple. "You do not fulfil the conditions I lay down, so you are not the Divine!" But they do it constantly, you know. So, naturally, if to please people, the Divine Grace were to submit to their demands, it would be working entirely against its own purpose and would destroy its own Work. ( To another child ) Now, do you have a question? It is not my turn! ...


... Spiritual Forces of Help and Succour The Hidden Forces of Life The Divine Grace I should like to say something about the Divine Grace—for you seem to think it should be something like a Divine Reason acting upon lines not very different from those of human intelligence. But it is not that. Also it is not a universal Divine Compassion either, acting impartially... of the Law and giving them their chance; and (3) the Divine Grace which acts more incalculably but also more irresistibly than the others. The only question is whether there is something behind all the anomalies of life which can respond to the call and open itself with whatever difficulty till it is ready for the illumination of the Divine Grace—and that something must be not a mental and vital movement... impartially on all who approach it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid the persecutor (Saul of Tarsus), it came to St. Augustine the profligate, to Jagai and Madhai of infamous fame, to Bilwamangal and many others whose conversion might well scandalise the puritanism of the human moral intelligence; but it can come to the righteous ...


... I shall oppose the vital, I shall fight with it, I shall win the victory. One day I shall win the victory over all the dark forces. The Divine Grace is there—why should I fear? Yes, you should not fear, you should keep an entire faith in the Divine Grace. The second point is to keep your body well-balanced by getting enough sleep—seven hours out of twenty-four—and enough food. 2 March 1933... attended the midnight meditation for the New Year. An answer is not enough to change the course of events. Only aspiration or faith can do that—for it is aspiration and faith that allow the Divine Grace to act. 9 January 1934 Isn't it true, Mother, that the vital will soon be surrendered to you? Yes, if it is sincere in its aspiration, it will soon be converted. 11 January 1934... aware of anything special that is being done against my will. But you must not let yourself be disturbed. You must will to become more and more honest and sincere, and, for the rest, rely on the divine Grace. 11 September 1934 The mind wants to know how this crisis came and why it has remained so long. What should one do when this happens? It has been quite a widespread attack. When this ...


... the Divine Grace seems quite independent and separate; on the other side it appears to me to be the most important instrument of the Mother and a part of Her."   You quote a number of passages from the Mother and then conclude:   'It appears to me that, on the one hand, I have to surrender exclusively to the Mother, and on the other hand to give all my thanks to the Divine Grace. Not... would say that for us the Divine Grace is best figured as that inextinguishable splendour which has assumed the world-guiding countenance of Sri Aurobindo and that ever-overflowing love with which the Mother's face has taken up the travails of our groping world. The one to whom you, as you say, "have to surrender exclusively" is no other than the giver of "the Divine Grace" which, according to you,... ? Surely a pragmatic question."   I would say that the division you see in the quotations is also pragmatic or practical, depending merely on the theme to be developed. To me there is no Divine Grace which is not an outflow from a Divine Person either directly through an inward intervention or by way of help through an outward agency.   In general the working of Grace has two aspects ...


... different. If one has within him faith in the divine grace, that the divine grace is watching over him, and that no matter what happens the divine grace is there, watching over him, one may keep this faith all one's life and always; and with this one can pass through all dangers, face all difficulties, and nothing stirs, for you have the faith and the divine grace is with you. It is an infinitely stronger... stronger, more conscious, more lasting force which does not depend upon the conditions of your physical build, does not depend upon anything except the divine grace alone, and hence it leans on the Truth and nothing can shake it. It is very different. Page 297 Sometimes children ask us why we are here. What should we tell them? That depends upon their age, my child, and upon what they are... questions and doubts. The very tiny ones, if they ask this, it is wonderful. There is only one very simple answer to give them: "My children, it is because this is the divine will. It is due to the divine grace that you are here. Be happy, be calm, be at peace, do not question, all will be well." And when they grow older they already begin to reason, then it is no longer so well, no longer so easy. But ...


... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II The Divine Grace and Difficulties It is only by remaining perfectly peaceful and calm with an unshakable confidence and faith in the Divine Grace that you will allow circumstances to be as good as they can be. The very best happens always to those who have put their entire trust in the Divine and in... the Divine Grace which is leading you by swift paths towards the spiritual goal of your life. 14 January 1963 What can be done will be done, but it is a matter of regret that you waited so long for the warning. In any case, the only thing which is really effective is to will what the Divine wills, and to keep an unshakable confidence in the supreme compassion of the Divine Grace, for... expression of the Divine Grace leading you towards your goal, and try to understand the lesson that circumstances give. 23 April 1964 For those who have given themselves to the Divine each difficulty that confronts them is the assurance of a new progress and thus must be taken as a gift from the Grace. 19 June 1966 When difficulties besiege you, know that the Divine Grace is with you ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... open myself more and more to the Divine Grace and allow it to work out the difficulties. At the end of the day I thanked the Divine Mother most gratefully and prayed. I should record here most gratefully that all my prayers and calls were generously responded to. My difficulties were transformed into opportunities. Here I offer the reader a story of the Divine Grace, how it helped, guided, enriched... the Divine life upon earth, by transforming the triple human nature of mind, life and body. In short it is a sadhana of self-perfection, which is to be practised in the conditions laid down by the Divine Grace: opening yourself to the divine and allowing the Grace to do whatever is necessary. After striving in a most sincere way for eight years, I found that the transformation of the human nature was... However, a time came by the pressure of my sadhana, after wandering on the unknown tracks and the intermediary planes above, when I realized that the path was difficult and too long and only the Divine Grace could lead me to the destination at the right hour. I had to give up my impatience and wait for a change to be effected at the right time. I decided to return to Gujarat to practise this Yoga in ...

... very difficult operation. The psychic need is an expression of the divine Grace and it is expressed by the divine Grace. Psychic life in the universe is a work of the divine Grace. Psychic growth is a work of the divine Grace and the ultimate power of the psychic being over the physical-being will also be a result of the divine Grace. And the mind, if it wants to be at all useful, has only to remain ...


... in the Divine Grace and the hour of liberation will be hastened. It is absolutely false that anything human can heal a human evil. Only the Divine can heal. It is in Him alone that one must seek help and support, it is in Him alone that one must put all one's hope. All my power is with you to help you; open yourself with a calm confidence, have faith in the Divine Grace, and you... than you say. Only, this is not very easily seen because it happens normally, in accordance with the law of the truth of things, and not arbitrarily through a mental decision. Certainly the Divine Grace is always at work, it is the material world and the men living there that do not want it! What does the Divine want of me? He wants that you first find yourself; that with your true... meditation. It would have been better to have sat in my chair and thought about the moonlight playing upon the water. Or, better still, not to have thought at all but contemplated the Divine Grace. If you do your work as an offering which you lay in all sincerity at the feet of the Divine, work will do you as much good as meditation. Perhaps I am mistaken in believing that ...


... THE DIVINE GRACE (2) There is a time when one becomes conscious enough to see that things in themselves are neither good nor bad. What they are and what their effects are upon us depends entirely upon the attitude that we have towards them. The same thing, the same circumstance, identically the same, if taken as a gift from God, as a Divine Grace, as the effect of a total... upon earth and not too radical a transformation, then you can have it quickly provided you follow the line with persistence. And if to that now you add the ardour of faith and trust in the Divine Grace and that self-giving to the Grace which makes you await everything from the Divine, then it becomes a formidable Page 32 matter. You can see before your eyes things happening more... realised one after another. But there are conditions to fulfil: a great purity must be there and a great intensity in the self-giving, and that absolute trust in the supreme wisdom of the Divine Grace which knows better than us what is truly good for ourselves. If the aspiration is offered to That and the offering is made truly and with enough intensity, the result will be marvellous. ...

... had been commissioned to make it! There. With the touch of the divine Grace, how do difficulties become opportunities for progress? Opportunities for progress? Yes! Well, this is something quite obvious. You have made a big mistake, you are in great difficulty: then, if you have faith, if you have trust in the divine Grace, if you really rely on It, you will suddenly realise that it is a lesson... "candid" faith mean? Candid? It is simple, sincere and does not doubt. We speak mostly of the candour of a child, who has a simple faith without any doubts. Sweet Mother, do we push the divine Grace away from us every time we make a mistake? Eh? You push it away every time you make a mistake? Well, there are two different kinds of mistakes. There is the fault committed through ignorance... making a mistake. But as soon as one knows that it is a mistake, one must absolutely refrain from making it, because each time one makes it, it is true that one builds a wall between oneself and the divine Grace. There is a very big difference between the mistake made through ignorance which one will not make again as soon as one knows it is a mistake, and the mistake made knowing that it is a mistake ...


... the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II Trust in the Divine Grace and Help The Grace is infinite for him who sincerely trusts the Grace. 15 March 1935 The Divine Grace is always with you and by your trust you allow its action to be effective. Page 91 It is in proportion to our trust in the Divine that the Divine Grace can act... trust the Divine's Grace. 25 October 1954 Keep a cool head , strong and very quiet nerves , and a complete trust in the Divine Grace. Aspiration for trust in the Divine: an intense need for that immutable peace given by the certitude of the Divine Grace. Nothing can be compared to the peace that comes from a total trust in the Grace. Leave all care to the Divine's Grace, ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... the Grace THE MOTHER Significance given by the Mother   ‘Divine Grace’ [1] “Thy goodness is infinite; we bow before Thee in gratitude!” THE GRACE Bonjour! Bonjour, Douce Мèrе. What … you have brought ‘Divine Grace’ for me? [2] ( In a teasing tone ) But… why? You still have need of Grace? You do not have enough? But what... working? Mother, is there any limit in asking for the Divine Grace? I do not think so. Perhaps not, from a certain point of view. It depends…. But you are not aware of what surrounds you, of the Grace that is showered constantly on all of you. You are bathed, inundated, filled up till there ( indicating the head ) with the Divine Grace. You have no idea as to what it is, of the phenomenon, of... staircase to go up to the 2nd floor, and She turns back ) It is clear that you do not want a flower, since you do not smile. Evidently, I do not give it to you. If… Mother, You cannot refuse me the Divine Grace. What? Say that once again that I may hear you properly. Mother, You cannot refuse me the Grace. ( Mother hurries back towards me with a change in her mood .) What did you say, my child ...


... tapasya in the spiritual domain. "The Divine Grace alone has the power to intervene and change the course of Universal Justice. "The great work of the Avatar is to manifest the Divine Grace upon earth. To be a disciple of the Avatar is to become an instrument of the Divine Grace. The Mother is the great dispensatrix—through identity—of the Divine Grace with a perfect knowledge—through identity—of... intervention of Your Grace, who would not oftentimes have come under the merciless blade of the Law of Universal Justice? "Each one here represents an impossibility to be resolved, but as for Your Divine Grace all things are possible. Your work will be, in the detail as in the ensemble, the accomplishment of all the impossibilities transformed into divine realisations." Words of the Mother, CWM Vol ...


... sin if he wants to be. It won't reject him, but It won't help him to do evil. It wouldn't be the Grace any longer. Source Identify with the Grace It is the divine Grace which makes you progress, and with the divine Grace you feel the divine Joy. But instead of identifying yourself with the Grace which makes you progress, you identify yourself with the ugly thing you want to get rid of;... personal effort is needed to preserve one's faith, to let it grow within. Later—much later—one day, looking back, we may see that everything that happened, even what seemed to us the worst, was a Divine Grace to make us advance on the way; and then we become aware that the personal effort too was a grace. But before reaching that point, one has to advance much, to struggle much, sometimes even to suffer... beginning, faith is the most direct expression of the Divine Power which comes to fight and conquer. Source The Extent of the Grace matter how great your faith and trust in the divine Grace, no matter how great your capacity to see it at work in all circumstances, at every moment, at every point in life, you will never succeed in understanding the marvellous immensity of Its Action ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... (215) In vain now seemed the splendid sacrifice. {T} (Sri Aurobindo also marks a division before line 186 with a blank line.) This unit introduces Savitri, who embodies the Divine Grace. One might expect, therefore, to find several images of Godlike grandeur, beauty, and magnificence to describe her. Instead, at least Page 392 initially, we find a cluster of... the poem. As the earth slowly responds to the divine touch and awakes from a state of inconscience and soullessness, then turns away from the spiritual light to pursue its daily routines while the Divine Grace takes up the human burden, Sri Aurobindo varies the patterns of imagery to produce a poem of profound psychological impact and monumental artistic merit. Semantics In addition to the... dumb deeps", "Intervening in a mindless universe", "crept through the reluctant hush", "conquering", "compelled", and "quivered". This language creates the sense of a reluctant world resisting the Divine Grace, while the Divine eternally attempts to awaken the earth to its own greater reality. [78-101] All can be done if the God-touch is there. {T} This transitional line introduces the ...

... big 'But', for the Divine Grace acts with all its Power only in the case of a sadhaka who has eliminated all his separative ego-consciousness, overpassed all sense of being a personal actor, and realised by actual experience that the Divine alone is the agent at all times. In such a sadhaka' s case no other condition need be imposed for the effective intervention of the divine Grace. But have... will. Now, so long as we dwell in such a state of ego-dominated consciousness, we have to make some personal effort for our spiritual progress. We cannot pass on everything to the action of the divine Grace. This will be an act of sheer self-deception, of mithyācāra as the Gita would say. Sri Aurobindo has clarified the situation in these words: "In Yoga... it is the Divine who is the Sadhaka... regard. This is what she says in substance: 'It is absolutely ludicrous to think that all that is necessary in the life of sadhana will come to you automatically through the magical power of divine Grace. No, this is not true at all. You must Page 39 not lapse into sleep with this vain thought: "Oh, everything will be done for me by the Divine; I need not do anything at all except ...

... "It [Divine Grace] is a power that is superior to any rule, even to the Cosmic Law—for all spiritual seers have distinguished between the Law and the Grace. ... There are these three powers: (1) The Cosmic Law, of Karma or what else; (2) the Divine Compassion acting on as many as it can reach through the nets of the Law and giving them their chance: (3) the Divine Grace which acts more... reflection. The inexplicable birth of faith 5 in the existence of God has given mean insight into what the Mother has said about faith: Faith is certainly a gift given to us by the Divine Grace. It is like a door suddenly opening upon an eternal truth, through which we can see it, almost touch it. As in everything else in the ascent of humanity, there is the necessity—especially... and grace of the Guru, that, one would think, is always there on the disciple; his acceptance itself is an act of grace and the help is there for the disciple to receive. But the touch of grace, divine grace, coming directly or through the Guru is a special phenomenon having two sides to it—the grace of the Guru or the Divine, in fact both together, on the one side and a 'state of grace' in the disciple ...

... significantly divided mainly in two parts. The first part covers his Yogic experiences and visions guided by the Divine Grace in the form of letters by the Divine Master of Yoga in Sri Aurobindo Ashram. The second part covers his experiences in the thick of life outside, guided by the Divine Grace, which gives a touch of originality and uniqueness to the book, for it is the first book of its type which contains... touch of the Grace and fulfilling it into a stream of dedicated pilgrimage. Here we have the pleasure to see, how skilfully the door of the human life which is a paradox, is opened by the key of the Divine Grace, turning it into a fulfilment of life as a dedicated pilgrimage. "Life is a paradox, with God for key." Govindbhai heard the 'call of the Spirit' while still young. He was accepted by the Mother... people to a spiritual attitude. As we approach the end of the book and have listened stories of the Touch of Grace we feel like having passed through illustrative exercises worked out by the Divine Grace. These are episodes that concern problems of practical life. The light that Grace sheds is shared by the readers in abundant measure and that too for the simple reason that they are not unrelated ...

... Divine Mother a providential pension of Rs. 300 per month and a house to live in. This was also an arrangement made by the Divine Grace that I might not have to look to my son or anybody else for living in the last days of my life. It was an arrangement made by the Divine Grace for our independent living. It so happened that one of the shopkeepers in our house, a radio repairer who was regular in... of the house where we lived in Gomtipur. The brother tried his best to dispose of his portion of the city house to outsiders. I had written the whole story to the - Mother and was waiting for the Divine Grace to change the circumstances in our favour. When he was in need of money and when he could not sell it to anybody else, he sold his portion of the house to me for Rs. 7,000 and I had to reconstruct... tenants to fetch the best possible return for the money that had been spent in rearranging the house and in constructing six shops on the ground floor. This was a great solace and a gift from the Divine Grace to get a regular income of Rs. 300 out of shops which had fetched only Rs. 50 when we came to live in that house. It was by the Divine arrangement that in the last years of my life when I was eagerly ...

... happens, you are yourself pushing the divine Grace away from you. If behind your devotion and surrender you make a cover for your desires, egoistic demands and vital insistences, if you put Page 3 these things in place of the true aspiration or mix them with it and try to impose them on the Divine Shakti, then it is idle to invoke the divine Grace to transform you. If you open yourself... the gates to hostile forces, it is vain to expect that the divine Grace will abide with you. You must keep the temple clean if you wish to instal there the living Presence. If each time the Power intervenes and brings in the Truth, you turn your back on it and call in again the falsehood that has been expelled, it is not the divine Grace that you must blame for failing you, but the falsity of your ...

... the power is limited and there is great petition in that world. Therefore, even if one has no knowledge at all but has trust Page 253 in the divine Grace, if one has the faith that there is something in the world like the divine Grace, and that this something can answer a prayer, an aspiration, an invocation, then, after making one's mental formation, if one offers it to the Grace and puts... oneself in His hands, one does not expect a particular result. To expect a particular result one must formulate one's prayer, must ask for something. If you have only a great aspiration for the divine Grace and evoke it, implore it, without asking it for anything precise, it is the Grace which will choose what it will do for you, not you. That is better, isn't it? Ah! that's quite another question... disastrous or unfavourable, were exactly the best thing that could have happened to you to make you progress as you should have. And if you are the least bit wise you tell yourself, "Truly, the divine Grace is infinite." So, when this sort of thing has happened to you a number of times, you begin to understand that in spite of the blindness of man and deceptive appearances, the Grace is at work ...


... you are yourself pushing the divine Grace away from you. If behind your devotion and surrender you make a cover Page 29 for your desires, egoistic demands and vital insistences, if you put these things in place of the true aspiration or mix them with it and try to impose them on the Divine Shakti, then it is idle to invoke the divine Grace to transform you. If you... gates to hostile forces, it is vain to expect that the divine Grace will abide with you. You must keep the temple clean if you wish to instal there the living Presence. If each time the Power intervenes and brings in the Truth, you turn your back on it and call in again the falsehood that has been expelled, it is not the divine Grace that you must blame for failing you, but the falsity of ...


... What is the rationale of Divine Grace? Is not the Supreme Mother always ready with Her Grace for those who can call it down? Yes. Is it not true that most of the seekers after God cannot call the Divine Grace down, and yet they can receive it if someone, a guru or avatar, has once called it down within him? Yes. Can we conclude that the Divine Grace works best when it is established... established in the earth consciousness? Is it the aim of your endeavour to establish it permanently? Yes. Please explain to me the whole principle. The Divine Grace cannot be explained through words and mental formulas. Blessings 7 April 1939 ...

... Fate and Karma can be completely neutralised and this can be done by three different means: (i)by the application of personal tapasya and effort; (ii)through the mediation of divine Grace; and (iii)by the agency of yogic power. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo have both discussed in their writings all these three means in great detail. Because of dearth of space we cannot... have been built by our own wills and our own wills can alter them." (SABCL, Vol. 17, p. 258) (ii) Let us now come to the procedure of the annulment of Karmas through the intervention of divine Grace. If the sadhaka becomes truly pure, washes himself clean with the tears of genuine repentance, and ardently prays to the power of Grace of the Divine, it will surely be found that the action... Do you understand?... Unless the Grace intervenes. And as the Grace is omnipotent, it can change everything.... But without the Grace there is no hope." (CWM, Vol. 5, pp. 362-63) "... the Divine Grace completely contradicts Karma; you know, It makes it melt away like butter that's put in the sun." (Ibid., pp. 91-92) (iii) Now comes the third means of neutralising the fruits of ...

... to say that the fault is not a fault! It is a fault all the same, but as I said, you are not in the state in which you push away the divine Grace. But if you know that it is a fault and commit it all the same, each time you do so you are pushing away the divine Grace, and you push it away a little farther. Mother, there are mistakes... one knows they are mistakes, but still it is as though one... For example, you see, as soon as one feels a wave of physical disequilibrium, of ill health coming, well, to concentrate in the right spirit is to concentrate in an inner calm, a trust in the divine Grace, and a will to remain in physical equilibrium and good health. This is the right spirit. In another case, one may feel a wave of anger or a fit of temper coming from outside; then one should withdraw... life. Then one puts oneself in the condition of being able to take a step forward. Sweet Mother, one day you said that if one makes mistakes knowing that one is making a mistake, one pushes the divine Grace away and builds a wall, a veritable wall between the Divine and oneself. I don't remember exactly what I said, but there is one thing: if you make a mistake knowing that it is a mistake and ...


... like the little kittens, as Ramakrishna used to say. It's just because you are not strong that we are here with you. Man, however great he may be, cannot attain the Divine by himself. It is the Divine Grace that makes everything possible. As the Bhagavata says, the Grace can make the dumb speak and the lame 'climb the tallest mountains. There is no miracle the Grace cannot perform." "There is one... there is a Peace that one finds nowhere, not even in death. It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, Page 61 the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace.' "The Knowledge that Buddha, Shankara, Chaitanya or Vivekananda mastered was of this kind. Ramakrishna had no learning of any sort but the Divine Mother gave him Knowledge." "Which Divine... that is just what happened. Another of his prophecies also came true. He said that no violence or bloodshed was necessary for India to win her independence, that she would become free by an act of Divine Grace. This was way back in 1907 or 1908. It wasn't Lele alone who said this, many other Yogis too foretold the same thing. But Barin did not believe Lele, for he found it completely incredible that the ...

... eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"!), and there is the higher Divine Grace: The Divine Grace alone has the power to intervene and change the course of Universal Justice. The great work of the Avatar is to manifest the Divine Grace upon earth. To be a disciple of the Avatar is to become an instrument of the Divine Grace. 15 And it is through the mediation of the Mother that each spurt ...


... trustful reliance on the divine Grace. For, as we advance in sadhana, we find that there are moments when, in spite of our best efforts, we feel we cannot take the next step forward—somewhere in the being a shadow hides a twist or a snag, and our consciousness fails to perceive it. It is at such crucial moments that our sincerity is put to the test. If we are sincere, the divine Grace removes the shadow... path of the psychic direction, the steady infiltration and permeation of the central sincerity is the better way, and much more speedily effective. Sincerity makes it possible for the divine Grace to act directly and sovereignly. And when the Grace intervenes, it stimulates and accelerates the growth and infusion of sincerity in the whole being. Mountains of difficulties can be swept away... transparency of the whole being, and is the most powerful force for its harmonisation and integration. It calls forth the latent powers of our being and at the same time ensures the intervention of the divine Grace. "Sincere calls surely reach and receive an answer", says the Mother. "Those who are sincere, I can help and turn easily towards the Divine. But where there is insincerity I can do very little ...


... despair and stand impotent. We fail to look beyond the ego and to put ourselves in the hands of the Divine Grace whose possibilities are boundless. Surely, personal effort cannot be given up in the early stages, but such effort must have as its goal a state of effortlessness in which the Divine Grace takes up our labour and acts through our being. To reach that state there have to be practised... suppleness in the limbs, an energy in the movements. The idea of the impossible recedes — and even vanishes the moment we fulfil the prime condition of the Aurobindonian Yoga: dependence on the Divine Grace. All feeling of inadequacy, incompetence and inability arises from the failure of our personal being to do the needful. This feeling is ultimately a sign of the ego: we have depended on our bounded ...


... away (with the flow of river water) in only that level of consciousness, then “a lot of work remains undone”. However, help comes from the Divine Grace in the personi­fication of Sadhu Babaji. He invokes and seeks strength and courage from the Divine Grace (Mahimnastotra) and a Hanuman-like leap takes them across to a very high and fascinating level of consciousness. Remember the message clearly... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision at Govind Dham 1979-06-30 A vision of help in Sadhana by the Divine Grace from above. The path of yoga (climbing the mountain of existence) is full of obstacles (valleys) dotted by the activities of the subconscient vital (trees). The river represents some movements of con­sciousness. An awakening in ...


... be attained by man. In spite of these differences one can say that there is similarity in the poignant pathos pervading the life of Rama, the Sattwic hero, and of Savitri, — the embodiment of Divine Grace descended to save mankind from the bondage of Ignorance and Inconscience. In Ramayana, Dharma, the ideal law of life as formulated by the religious seeking in man, and Rama, the man who embodies... up till then. The conflict there is with the exaggerated forces of egoism and ambition trying to dominate the world. In Savitri evolution reaches a higher rung than the mind and Savitri, the Divine Grace incarnate, has to fight not merely with the hostile demonic ego merely but with the original force of cosmic Ignorance, the Inconscient represented by its extreme form of death. In raising this... immortality". Savitri takes up the same subject, brings out all the necessary conditions for the realisation of this dream of man. It affirms the necessity of the birth of a new Power, the Power of Divine Grace, or Love, which alone can save man from the reign of Ignorance which is Death. We have said in the beginning that Sri Aurobindo's Savitri in its origin and in the realm of experience ...

... habit—the vital part takes a sort of glowing satisfaction in crying out, "I am attacked, overborne, suffering, miserable! How tragic is my fate! Why do you not help, O Divine? There is no help, nor divine Grace? I am left to my misery and downfall etc. etc. etc." I do not want one more sadhak to fall into this condition—that is why I am calling Halt! before you get entangled in this kind of habit of constant... consciousness until or in proportion as it is realised. The people who stagnate because of it are those who accept the idea but do not realise—so they have neither the force of tapasya nor that of the Divine Grace. On the other hand those who can realise it feel even behind their tapasya and in it the action of the Divine Force. Surrender and Tapasya Yoga is an endeavour, a tapasya—it can cease to be... is no personal burden on the shoulders of the sadhak. There are two possibilities, one of purification by personal effort, which takes a long time, another by a direct intervention of the Divine Grace which is usually rapid in its action. For the latter there must be a complete surrender and self-giving and for that again usually it is necessary to have a mind that can remain quite quiet and ...

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... of the kind. What are the signs of the coming of the Divine Grace? Does the Divine Grace take full charge of the sadhana as soon as the sadhak gives the charge? If not, when will it take full charge? If he gives full charge truly and really, with an absolute sincerity of total surrender and does not come in the way of the divine Grace. How many can do that? It cannot be done by a word or by ...


... affected by them any longer; and so, instead of feeling the negative side they represent, you feel only the positive side the Divine represents in the experience. It is the divine Grace which makes you progress, and with the divine Grace you feel the divine Joy. But instead of identifying yourself with the Grace which makes you progress, you identify yourself with the ugly thing you want to get rid of;... yourself ever so little with that thing, you feel the pain of the extraction; if, on the contrary, you identify yourself with the divine Force which comes to liberate you, you feel the joy of the divine Grace—and you experience the deep delight of the progress you have made. And this is a sure sign for you, a sure indication of what you identify yourself with. If you are identified with the forces ...


... categorical a transformation, you may have it quite quickly, provided that you follow the same line persistently. And if you Page 238 add to this the ardour of a faith and trust in the divine Grace and that kind of self-giving to the Grace which makes you expect everything from It, then it can become tremendous; you can see things being realised more and more, and the most surprising ones... after another. But for this there are conditions to be fulfilled. One must have a great purity and a great intensity in one's self-giving, and that absolute trust in the supreme wisdom of the divine Grace, that It knows better than we do what is good for us, and all that. Then if one offers one's aspiration to It, truly gives it with enough intensity, the results are marvellous. But one must know... themselves, "Yes, naturally it had to be like that." So they lose the joy of... the joy of gratitude, because, in the last analysis, if one can be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for the divine Grace, it puts the finishing touch, and at each step one comes to see that things are exactly what they had to be and the best that could be. There. And so Sat-Chit-Ananda begins to come together ...


... Questions and Answers (1953) 25 November 1953 You have said: "It is in proportion to our trust in the Divine that the Divine Grace can act for us and help." 1 If someone has no trust in the Divine, but calls very sincerely when he is in difficulty, in danger, what will happen to him? How can he call? The two things are contradictory. If... the psychic being which smiles. Doesn't the Divine help if he is not called? It is not altogether like that.... The divine Consciousness works always, everywhere and in the same way. The divine Grace is active everywhere, and in all circumstances in the same way. And so on. But according to your personal attitude, you create within yourself the conditions for receiving what is done or not receiving... invisible enemies of the the Divine always try to have their revenge and when they cannot injure the soul they strike the body, but all their efforts are in vain and will finally be defeated, for the Divine Grace is with us. " Words of the Mother, CWM Vol. 15, p. 22 What are these "invisible enemies of the Divine"? They are precisely those four persons who have naturally put forth innumerable ...


... caught by the crowd of students in Andhra. He had to beg and plead for mercy and by divine grace he could at once offer Rs. 500 to get out of their hands!! The same story, with small differences in the setting, could be told so many, many times!... And what about the stories of the efficiency of the Divine Grace? They are less in number perhaps, but so much more comforting!... Love and blessings... store. This is only a pessimistic view of things. The opposite also is true and through this apparent chaos a new and better order is being formed. But to see it one must have faith in the Divine Grace. Cheer up! Things are not so bad as you think. With love and blessings. 7 October 1956 ( The Mother called the disciple to the Playground to see her on his birthday, but he did not ...


... "Surrounded by its full presence you can go securely on your way because it is hers." It is the same way. From the moment you are surrounded by Page 316 the divine grace and are in a fit state to receive the divine grace, your way and hers have become one and the same. What are the "invisible worlds"? That is a formidable question! You have heard and read that we are made up of... is not aware of the divine presence, can one enjoy the divine protection? There too it depends on the case. It may occur; it is not always like that, but it may occur. It may happen that the divine grace is given to someone without his knowing anything about it. This even happens more often than one thinks. Is an emotion always a vital movement? It depends on the emotion and it also depends ...


... soil—latent? It means exactly what it says—that a man in whom there was no "evident" capacity, can suddenly or rapidly manifest that capacity by the Divine Grace. Indeed such things happen even without the direct intervention of the Divine Grace, so a fortiori the Grace can do it. He can make the barren unproductive land productive and fertile. Even a man can do that, say, Mussolini or the Japanese... impotent, that he cannot do what has never yet been done etc., you deny the possibility of changing conditions, of evolution, of the realisation of the unrealised, of the action of Divine Power, of Divine Grace, and reduce all to a matter of rigid and unalterable status quo. Which is an insolent defiance to both fact and reason (!) and suprareason. See now? About myself and the Mother,—there are people ...

... we don't?' Then the person he had questioned said: 'Tejbabu, it isn't just a question of accepting or not accept ing, believing or not believing. It is a question of divine Grace. The one who receives this divine Grace can alone believe and accept totally in his mind and being and in all the parts of the being. Why, even Arjuna who was an unmistakable part of God, his loved friend, when he... Then the Lord bestowed His Grace on Arjuna: Divyam dadami tey chakshu pashyamey yogamaishwaram. I grant you divine eyes so that you can see my divine form. (Gita 11.8) Without this divine Grace even if He were to reveal Him self people would not believe, they would refuse to acknowledge. Even if the resplendent Divine were to be standing before our very eyes in person people would not ...

... to be attained by man. In spite of these differences one can say that there is similarity in the poignant pathos pervading the life of Rama, the Sattwic hero, and of Sāvitrī ,—the embodiment of Divine Grace descended to save mankind from the bondage of Ignorance and Inconscience. In R ā m ā yana, Dharma, the ideal law of life as formulated by the religious seeking in man, and Rama, the man who embodies... conflict there is with the exaggerated forces of egoism and ambition trying to dominate the world. In Sāvitrī evolution reaches a higher rung than the Page 38 mind and Savitri, the Divine Grace incarnate, has to fight—not with the hostile demonic ego merely but—with the original force of cosmic Ignorance, the Inconscient represented by its extreme form of death. In raising this basic problem... immortality". Sāvitrī takes up the same subject, brings out all the necessary conditions for the realisation of this dream of man. It affirms the necessity of the birth of a new Power, the Power of Divine Grace, or Love, which alone can save man from the reign of Ignorance which is Death. * * * We have said in the beginning that Sri Aurobindo's Sāvitrī in its origin and in the ...

... appears as original Nescience. It contains within it the upward drive and the downward drag of the evolutionary movement that has created the cosmos. Love represents in its origin and purity the Divine grace that sacrifices its perfection in order that creation may be saved from the prison of Inconscience. Love therefore is the immortal element in mortals. It maintains some of its original divine glow... "Ambassadress 'twixt eternity and change" found that the conditions in the cosmos were favourable: She "saw Page 131 the spaces ready for her feet". This was the first leaning down of the Divine Grace upon earth for even when Dawn made her first appearance "Earth felt the Imperishable's passage close" and even "The waking ear of Nature heard her steps And wideness turned to her its... beauty" of god-kind. This slow and difficult work of preparing man for the reception of Page 132 the Divine was left to the passage of time and to the intervention of the Divine Grace in the person of Savitri. As the cosmos came into being by the sacrifice by the Divine's perfection and His descent into the Nescience so the creation of divine life on earth would be possible ...

... Integral Yoga is surrender. Usually all Yogas are practised by one of the three means: (1) personal effort and tapasya, 1 (2) personal tapasya aided and fortified by the divine Grace, and (3) the direct working of the divine Grace and Force. The last means is that which Sri Aurobindo advises the followers of the Integral Yoga to avail themselves of,, because it is the only means by which the great... which religious or spiritual life is often exposed derives its justification from this want of calm and collected poise in its followers. A calm and confident strength, entirely reliant" upon the divine Grace, is the best condition for progress. in the spiritual life. Equality and calm go hand in hand, helping each other., The Gitâ, following the spirit of the Upanishads, insists upon equality ...

... with the problem once more. The question I have been asked is this: "Now that the Supermind has manifested on the earth, it must naturally follow that the divine Grace is all-powerful", and I am asked: "Is this right?" The divine Grace has always been all-powerful. And yet, if we compare the world as it is with the more or less ideal world we can imagine when we come out of our ignorant ... that there are sure signs of a progressive evolution. An evolution naturally tends towards a goal, and if it is a progressive evolution one may continue to think that all is the expression of the divine Grace and Will, but that at the same time all is not as it ought to be. Everything is in accordance with the divine Will, but everything is not as it ought to be, otherwise things would not move. ...


... spiritual and divine life. It was considered to be the divine grace, the divine help, the divine intervention. And even now, in this age of anguish, tension, hypertension, this sovereign peace is the best received aid of all, the most welcome, the solace people ask and hope for. For many it is still the true sign of a divine intervention, of divine grace. In fact, no matter what one wants to realise,... and immutable peace; it is the basis from which one must work; but unless one is dreaming of an exclusive, personal and egoistic liberation, one cannot stop there. There is another aspect of the divine grace, the aspect of progress which will be victorious over all obstacles, the aspect which will propel humanity to a new realisation, which will open the doors of a new world and make it possible not ...


... unfitness, but it is not a question of fitness or unfitness. There is nobody who can go on in his own strength or by right of his fitness to the goal of the sadhana. It is only by the Divine Grace and reliance on the Divine Grace that it can be done. It is in a strength greater than your own that you must put your first and last reliance. If your faith falters you have to call on that to sustain you; if your... raise the question of fitness. No one is fit—for all human beings are full of faults and incapacities—even the greatest sadhaks are not free. It is a question only of aspiration, of believing in the divine Grace and letting the Divine work in you, not making a refusal. It is difficult to say that any particular quality makes one fit or the lack of it unfit. One may have strong sex impulses, doubts ...

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... it, is one that cannot stand as valid, since so many have done Yoga relying on tapasya or anything else but not confident of any divine Grace. It is not that, but the soul's demand for a higher Truth or a higher life that is indispensable. Where that is, the Divine Grace whether believed in or not, will intervene. If you believe, that hastens and facilitates things; if you cannot yet believe, still... as Krishnaprem very rightly indicates. Then all meditation, all tapasya, all means of prayer or mantra must have that as its end and it is when one has progressed sufficiently in that that the Divine Grace descends and the realisation comes Page 490 and develops till it is complete. But the moment of its advent is chosen by the wisdom of the Divine alone and one must have the strength ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the material one and alter the course of circumstances. But in this particular case there is a conflict between a very powerful mental construction founded on medical opinion and your faith in the divine Grace. The power of this medical suggestion lies in the fact that it insinuates itself into the subconscious and acts on the body from there, undetected even by the conscious mind unless it is in the... Our blessings are always with you. Very affectionately. 9 February 1939 It would be so nice not to take any injections! Wouldn't it? As for the other things, do not worry. The divine Grace is behind everything, even shortcomings, and with Its help there is Page 193 nothing that cannot be made an opportunity for progress. Our blessings are always with you. 23 March... My blessings are with you unceasingly. 3 May 1939 My dear little X, If you want my true way of seeing things, I must tell you that taking a good dose of faith and confidence in the Divine Grace is better than all the pills and injections in the world. With my blessings. I am always with you. 7 May 1939 My poor little X, I am truly very sorry to have to disappoint you, but ...


... spiritual and divine life. This is what was considered divine grace, divine succor, divine intervention. And even now, in this age of anguish, tension and hypertension, this sovereign peace is of all help the best received, the most welcome, the relief asked and hoped for. For many, it is still the true sign of divine intervention, of divine grace. In fact, no matter what you wish to realize, you... immutable peace—it is the necessary basis for any work; but unless you are thinking of an exclusive or personal and egoistic liberation, you cannot stop there. There is yet another aspect to the divine grace, the aspect of progress that will be victorious over all obstacles, the aspect that will propel humanity into a new realization, open the doors unto a new world, enable not only a select few to ...


... the Mother - III Cure by the Divine Grace ( Someone with rheumatism wrote: ) Am I destined to be an invalid? I have given the best part of my life to the Divine. Is this to be my fate? Is there no way out? Have faith. There is no disease which cannot be cured by the Divine Grace. Page 151 Do not think you are invalid for ever, because... so-called "miraculous cure" that can take place and that kind of "miracle" can happen only as the result of an absolute sincerity in the consecration to the Divine and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. This was not the case, she was full of fears, desires and demands and terribly concentrated on her exterior being and Page 152 what she called its needs. This is just the opposite of ...


... know what should not be done They know what should be done They know how to do it They know everything!... Yet, of all factors, mental arrogance is the most unfavorable to the action of the divine Grace." This notation, you know, was purely and simply a question of vibration; it was the vibration of mental arrogance (which is perceptible, clear, absolutely clear). It came and took up the whole... light... and stay there. ( Soon afterwards, Mother again looks at her notes before filing them, and reads aloud a passage from one of them: ) "...The most unfavorable to the action of the divine Grace." 4 Page 273 ( Then Mother takes up the translation of a passage from "Savitri." Curiously enough, this very morning, before going to see Mother, Satprem looked at this passage... endings of rain. × "...Of all factors, mental arrogance is the most unfavorable to the action of the divine Grace." × Satprem thought of en cachette for "unseen" (literally, "on the sly" or "stealthily"). ...


... the Divine and must reach the Divine sooner or later. I am Page 127 imperfect, but seek after the perfection of the Divine in me and that not I but the Divine Grace will bring about; if I keep to that the Divine Grace itself will do all." 13 "I want the Divine and nothing else. I want to give myself entirely to him and since my soul wants that, it cannot be but that 1 shall meet... bad: they are this only in relation to us; their effect on us depends absolutely upon the attitude we have towards them. The same thing, identically the same, if we take it as a gift of God, as a divine grace, as the result of the full Harmony, helps us to become more conscious, Page 121 stronger, more true, while if we take it - exactly the very same circumstance - as a blow from fate ...

... child To my sweet Huta Here is a nice vase of "Collaboration", for indeed we shall collaborate to do nice things and express in painting a higher world and consciousness. Truly the Divine Grace is over you to lead you to an exceptional realisation. Along with it my love and blessings never leave you. The Mother The Mother has given this significance to the Carnation: ... Huta I have received your nice letter. Yes, we are going towards a painting that will be able to express the supramental truth of things. My love and blessings and the Presence of the Divine Grace are always with you The Mother That same evening she explained to me: I want you to do something new. You must try to do the Future Painting in the New Light. There is a reason... making both spiritually and in her painting—and to assure her of my constant and affectionate help so that this progress will increase without stop. My love and blessings and the presence of the Divine Grace never leave you. The Mother Page 7 Towards the end of 19581 went to London according to the Mother's wish. I came back in August 1960. This was the New Year ...

... is always burning in you. How can I give wise advice to foolish people? Throw this apparent chaos. A new and better order is being formed. But to see it one must have faith in the Divine Grace. Cheer up. Give yourself entirely to the Divine and you will see the end of all your troubles. Things are not so bad as you think. Joy comes when you take the right attitude... it wherever they are. Be sincere in your consecration. Our best help is faith—The Divine is all merciful. With love and blessings. Have faith and unshaken confidence. The Divine Grace will do the rest. Let his life be a strong, successful happy and powerful life at the service of the Divine. Indeed he is happy who loves the Divine, because the Divine is always with... indifference towards all religions. You cannot expect anybody to be perfect unless you are perfect yourself. And to be perfect means to be exactly as the Lord wants you to be. Pray to the Divine Grace to make you do always the right thing in the right way. The mind, the life and the body must become and live what the Soul knows and is. Leave all care to the Divine's Grace, including ...


... rein- forced it. However I won't complain. I have prayed a lot today—some comfort to dwell on that—though Krishnaprem advocates the Upanishadic attitude "Awake ! Arise" and not trust too much to Divine Grace. Raihana on the contrary believes in Grace. Hike to do that but find nothing which encourages me to such a faith, nor find any strength to entrust myself to the Upanishadic path of self-help... fire. Quite magnifically magnificent—it is quite exhilarating to read a poem so full of power and energy. August 8, 1936 Yesterday I saw a dream rather lovely about Divine Grace: as though it retiring everything seemed black. But it was present even when it had seemed to recede. A voice said so anyhow, "It waits for you to greet it, it is greeting you always. See if ... not think the arrangement is suitable. The only thing to do is to trust to luck and look for a house. Page 189 October 18,1936 It is quite impossible for the descent of the Divine Grace to produce nausea and nervousness and a general disturbance like that—to think so is self-contradictory and foolish. Sometimes when one has pulled or strained, there is a headache or sensation as ...

... would defeat its own purpose.... "If each time the Power intervenes and brings in the Truth, you turn your back on it and call in again the falsehood that has been expelled, it is not the divine Grace that you must blame for failing you, but the falsity of your own will and the imperfection of your own surrender." (SABCL, Vol. 25, The Mother, pp. 1, 3) We cannot but recall in this... his egoistic ignorance. 4.The sadhaka is not debarred from taking some ancillary outward aid but his first and foremost reliance, and a confident reliance at that, will always be on the divine Grace. 5.Even if the divine answer does not come according to the sadhaka's expectations, or even if his prayers get completely thwarted, he will not lose a whit his love for the Divine or his... the Divine exists at all." Even the slightest intrusion of doubts like this or any egoistic complaints addressed to the ever-loving Divine will throw a spanner in the effective action of the divine Grace. Let us close our essay on śaranāgati-sādhanā with a final mantra meant for the sadhakas: "Watch for God in the events of your life. See only the hand of God in it all." Page 104 ...

... I lost my sound sleep. I prayed and prayed. One night I woke up suddenly and heard myself uttering in an extremely fervent manner, "Divine Grace! Divine Grace!" and went on chanting it automatically for minutes together. It was as if I had been invoking the Divine Grace in my subconscious and it broke into a waking passionate cry. I knew then that the prayer had been heard. Soon after we came to ...

... could not utter a single word, who used to feel shy in the presence of people, has now become a speaker. There is a verse which says: The Divine Grace can make a dumb fellow talkative, and one who is lame can be made to jump over a mountain. 250 The Divine Grace, the Divine Power can do that. I did not believe this when I was a child; but now when I am a grown-up man, Sri Aurobindo has proved it to... that such and such a great poet has come here from Shantiniketan; he had made a name for himself in the outside world at that time. So Dilip-da and somebody else went to see him. You see how the Divine Grace works. And Dilip-da was very much impressed by his talk and by his poetry which he showed him. Then he came back and wrote a long letter to Sri Aurobindo pleading on his behalf, saying that he ...


... domestic drudgery and child-bearing—which is the same position as Manu and as all the old masculines had towards women. The Divine Grace has done something. I acted up to your advice and N felt better the whole day, as he wasn't in bed. It was not the Divine Grace but the Divine Force. If it had been the Grace, it would simply have said तथास्तु 41 and the thing would be done. As it is, last... complete itself. M has ringworm. It's a nasty business and very likely to spread. He has to go on persistently and patiently applying medicine and waiting till one day he is cured—as for the Divine Grace, I am afraid! Tell him all that and give him the treatment. He is as sceptical about medical Force as others are of the Divine species. I am thinking of giving him Benzoic and Salicylic ...

... to find itself, to be itself again. It is Rudra, the Energy coiled up in Matter and forging ahead towards a progressive evolution in light and consciousness. That is what Savitri, the universal Divine Grace become material and human, finds at the core of her being, the field and centre of concentrated struggle, a millennial aspiration petrified, a grief of ages congealed, a divinity lone and benumbed... The divine sweetness and solicitude lights upon this hardened divinity: but the inertia of the Inconscient, the 'Pani', hides still the light within its rocky cave and would not deliver it. The Divine Grace, mellow with all the tears of love and sympathy and tenderness she has gathered for the labouring godhead, has pity for the hard lot of a humanity stone-bound to the material life, yet yearning... progressing through the oblations of our experiences, bitter or sweet, towards the revelation and establishment of the immortal godhead in man. Page 23 (2) Savitri, the Divine Grace in human form, is upon earth. The Divine Consciousness has abandoned its own supreme transcendental status to enter into the human consciousness and partake of the earthly life: it has taken up ...


... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 THE DIVINE GRACE (I) When you are in a certain set of circumstances and when certain things happen, these things often go against your desire or against what appears to you best. And you regret and say: "Oh! How much better it would have been had it been otherwise !" It does not matter whether the thing concerned is small... which once appeared to you disastrous or unfavourable were just the very best thing that could have happened for your needed progress. And if you were a little wise you would say, "truly, the Divine Grace is infinite !" And when this happens to you a good number of times, you begin to understand that in spite of man's blindness and wrong appearances, the Grace is at work everywhere and because... wonder, the sense of a marvellous power and at the same time, full of a quiet and complete trust which nothing can shake. ⁂ Whatever may be the faith and the trust you have in the Divine Grace, whatever your capacity of seeing it at work in all circumstances, at every moment and at all points of life, you can never fully understand the marvellous immensity of its action and the precision ...

... to find itself, to be itself again. It is Rudra, the Energy coiled up in Matter and forging ahead towards a progressive evolution in light and conscious­ness. That is what Savitri, the universal Divine Grace become material and human, finds at the core of her being, the field ¹ Sri Aurobindo: Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol. Book 1, Canto 1 Page 163 and centre of concentrated... The divine sweetness and solicitude lights upon this hardened divinity: but the inertia of the Inconscient, the 'Pani', hides still the light within its rocky cave and would not deliver it. The Divine Grace, mellow with all the tears of love and sympathy and tenderness she has gathered for the labouring godhead, has pity for the hard lot of a humanity stone-bound to the material life, yet yearning... the holy sacrificial rite progressing, through the oblations of our experiences, bitter or sweet, towards the revelation and estab­lishment of the immortal godhead in man. 2 Savitri, the Divine Grace in human form, is upon earth. The Divine Consciousness has abandoned its own supreme transcendental status to enter into the human consciousness and partake of the earthly life: it has taken up ...

... and this could be done by seeking "a greater strength, a more perfect self-knowledge, an intenser purity and force of aspiration, a faith that nothing can crush, a more powerful descent of the Divine Grace". 76 This is evidently the inner meaning of the stories of demons and other anti-divine forces trying always to prevent the completion of holy yajñas or yāgas (sacrifices). In the Ramayana... fight and destroy the Rakshasas, and felicitate the completion of the sacrifice. Always when the conscious upward drive is countered by the play and pull of the riot of adverse forces, the call to Divine Grace is alone the sovereign remedy. One more question: To what extent is predestination an adamantine law? If we are to accept the doctrine of Karma - of fate, of destiny, of kismet - of what... determining the present attempts and their future results. But as soon as one enters the path of spiritual life, this old predetermined destiny begins to recede. There comes in a new factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ...

... Divine Power, is the work of the Divine Grace. That one cannot claim. One cannot say :"I did sadhana therefore I must have grace." The Divine is not interested in you as such; He has to do some work and he can utilise a Churchill, or a Roosevelt, if it suits Him, to carry some work through. But the advantage of the yogic life is the consciousness of the Divine grace. One is in contact while a great... Lord and Mother that chooses ? A : No, there are two parts of sadhana,—spiritual effort. The yogic life in Sri Aurobindo's path is divided into two parts : the personal effort and the Divine Grace. Personal effort is to be done by the individual and not by the Divine; aspiration, rejection and surrender are within the field of the individual effort. But to bring perception, to develop ...


... and complain: 'What have I done in my past life that I have to be under such difficult conditions now, to suffer so much /' I always reply : 'But don't you see it is a blessing for you, the divine grace upon you ? In your past life perhaps you yourself asked for such conditions so that you may make greater progress through them.”¹ Our ordinary, ignorant notions of good fortune and ill... but letting the divine Consciousness descend into and flow out of its liberated and perfected individuality and manifest its infinite glory upon earth. The soul's aspiration from below and the divine Grace from above combine to fulfil what the soul seeks through many births and the earth is made for. ¹ The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part VII, by Nolini Kanta Gupta. Page 102 ... Part VII, by Nolini Kanta Gupta. ² The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, by Nolini Kanta Gupta, Page 104 beings and forces abounding in them. And it is only the souls shepherded by divine Grace that can pass through them unscarred and safe. Page 105 ...


... lotus-shaped small vase in the center, holding a rose of “Surrender”, both of which indicated her aspiration. The Mother took them herself and filled her dish with flowers of “Divine Grace”. This went on for as long as the “Divine Grace” was blooming. I watched this with great interest. The Mother then changed the flowers to the “Supramental Psychological Perfection”, again as long as they were in season ...


... but they too will end as that nightmare has ended." "Guru", I pursued again. "I cry like the gasping Goethe: 'more light'! For I miss it today as never before. I have heard so much about the Divine Grace and seen so little of it so far! But I am dead sure you'll silence me by saying that in a brighter mood I will contradict myself again for the hundredth time, and you will be right. Nevertheless... edly as he did. For then alone shall it be given to us to break the bars of the cage against which the prisoned Bird of Fire must go on beating its bleeding wings till the cage is transmuted by Divine Grace into a Temple of Love claiming kinship with the skies of Light — when A greater truth than earth's shall roof-in earth And shed its' sunlight on the roads of mind; A power ...


... when he is at odds with his own human nature, the less hopeful I felt about my prospective ability to make good in such a difficult undertaking as Yoga, that is, to effect a junction with the Divine Grace to be able to surmount Destiny. At such times, I bitterly complained to Gurudev: why, oh, why had he dragged me to such a path.. . .But since the milk was split, alas, the sooner I was allowed... his characteristic British irony, how grievously Westerners misunderstand the time-old spiritual impulse of the God-mooded Indian (who has experienced the Divine Reality) to aspire to bring the Divine Grace to bear on the din and dark discord of dismal life in order to resolve it all into harmony — the impulse which had made him pray so Page 84 beautifully to the World-Mother overarching ...


... 1935 My dear Mother, ask for "justice" from You. Here is my appeal! 0 Lord, the human mind is too ignorant, too obstinate and obscure. May the Divine Grace be granted to it in order to set all things right. Yes, it is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for. If justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it! My love and blessings are always with you. ...

... and conditioned by the Law of the world as it is, but a full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature. The Divine Grace is there, ready to act at every moment, but it manifests as one grows out of the law of the Ignorance into the Law of Light and it is meant, not as an arbitrary caprice, however miraculous often... the grateful earth for thy own in her hour of anguish and strife, Surprised by thy rapid feet of joy, O Beloved of the Master of Life. To the above this reply came to me Man has tested Divine grace most-in order to bring into boldest relief its marvel and miracle. I wonder if my answer is true? Your answer is not only fine poetry but it is a true explanations of the descent of the ...

... Krishnaprem very rightly indicates. But then all meditation, all tapasya, all means of prayer or mantra must have that as its end and it is when one has progressed sufficiently in that that the Divine Grace descends and the realisation comes and develops till it is complete. But the moment of its advent is chosen by the wisdom of the Divine alone and one must have the strength to go on till it arrives... but they too will end as that nightmare has ended." "Guru," I pursued again, "I cry like the gasping Goethe: 'more light!' For I miss it today as never before. I have heard so much about the Divine Grace and seen so little of it so far! But I know you will effectively silence me by saying that in a brighter mood I will contradict myself again for the hundredth time, and you will be right. But, alas ...


... killed by a curse—that it could, only there should be some arsenic behind the curse. I blasphemed suggesting that the Divine Grace was all right but it was essentially perseverance and discipline which had tangible results in killing the sheep though of course the Divine Grace is not both to take the credit for the removal of the impediment. 108. Poems by Sri Aurobindo. 109. The first part ...

... what the Gita calls abandoning all set rules (dharmas) and taking refuge in God alone, there is the action of the Divine Grace, the Godhead coming forward in all its plenitude to uplift the human instrument. And it is fundamentally by Page 135 the Divine Grace that the Integral Yoga can be fulfilled. Man's consciousness can climb by its own initiative up to the Overmind, the ...


... Staying here when you think you can afford everything and you are sure of your position — this is one thing. It is another to rise in response to the Divine's direct call, to be moved by the Divine Grace and come without thinking of how one will live. The situation being what it is, I think it is inadvisable for you two or even you alone to come now. If I let you come and if somehow Sehra comes... necessary money." At night before going to sleep I told her that I had explained to the Mother her inner willingness. I then told her what the Mother had said about coming at the call of the Divine Grace and coming at one's convenience and how the two things were worlds apart. This went straight to her soul. She said she would come. The whole problem was immediately solved. Page 35 ...


... "Would you like to come in?" she asked. "Of course Mother," I cried out and quickly went up. She took me in by the hand and kept me with her for awhile. After this incident I could never dissociate divine grace from the soul's utter leap towards the Supreme Beloved.   Perhaps you are pretty impatient by now since I have not yet touched on the topic which was supposed to be the main one in the letter... if he were moving amongst us:   Haloed with hush he enters, corona'd with calm he goes!   (2.6.1990)   1 am extremely happy that your brother's problem has been solved by the Divine Grace through an impossible-seeming event. He is a good man with true faith but sometimes the outer mind gets troubled and clouded. The Divine looks always deep inside and does not judge by surface realities ...


... Huta I have received your nice letter. Yes, we are going towards a painting that will be able to express the supramental truth of things. My love and blessings and the Presence of the Divine Grace are always with you. That same evening she explained to me: I want you to do something new You must try to do the Future Painting in the New Light. There is a reason why I always ask... the firmness with which you carried it out and the strength of your will. I fully agree with your nice letter and appreciate the decision you have taken. You can rely entirely on the Divine Grace as well as my love and my blessings that will lead you without fail to your goal. ...


... to go on aspiring and trust in the Divine Grace. He should not allow himself to be impeded by narrow caste ideas. Always in India the Brahmins have bowed down before a man of spiritual realisation, who becomes by that very fact of realisation above caste. He should open himself more to the help from here. Man is a mass of imperfections—it is only by the divine Grace that he reaches the Divine. Religious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... pleased than ourselves if it comes over there in the Himalayas, or for that matter anywhere. The place does not matter—the thing itself is all. I ask you to have faith in the Divine, in the Divine Grace, in the truth of the sadhana, in the eventual triumph of the spirit over its mental and vital and physical difficulties, in the Path and the Guru, in the existence of things other than are written... only siddhas for whom one can claim perfection and even then not according to a mental standard. Keep Firm Faith Do not allow any discouragement to come upon you and have no distrust of the Divine Grace. Whatever difficulties are outside you, whatever weaknesses are inside you, if you keep firm hold on your faith and your aspiration, the secret Power will carry you through and bring you back here ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... contrary fixes before it the self-preparation for another existence after death, its commonest ideal is some kind of pure sainthood, its means a conversion of the imperfect or sinful human being by divine grace or through obedience to a law laid down by a scripture or else given by a religious founder. The aim of religion may include a social change, but it is then a change brought about by the acceptance... substitutes for the form of religious piety its completer spiritual seeking of a divine union. It proceeds by a personal effort to a conversion through a divine influence and possession; but this divine grace, if we may so call it, is not simply a mysterious flow or touch coming from above, but the all-pervading act of a divine presence which we come to know within as the power of the highest Self and ...


... others. All blue is not Krishna's light. Blue is also the Radha colour. Violet Light The violet is the light of the Divine grace and compassion. "Violet" is the colour of benevolence or compassion, but also more vividly of the Divine Grace—represented in the vision as flowing from the heights of the spiritual consciousness down on the earth. The golden cup is I suppose the ...


... be, my soul is a child of the Divine and must reach the Divine sooner or later. I am imperfect but seek after the perfection of the Divine in me and that not I but the Divine Grace will bring about; if I keep to that, the Divine Grace itself will do all." The "I" has to take its proper place here as a small portion and instrument of the Divine, something that is nothing without the Divine but with the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... it, is one that cannot stand as valid, since so many have done Yoga relying on tapasya or anything else but not confident of any Divine Grace. It is not that, but the soul's demand for a higher Truth or a higher life that is indispensable. Where that is, the Divine Grace whether believed in or not, will intervene. If you believe, that hastens and facilitates things; if you cannot yet believe, still ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... impotent, that he cannot do what has never yet been done etc., you deny the possibility of changing conditions, of evolution, of the realisation of the unrealised, of the action of the Divine Power, of Divine Grace, and reduce all to a matter of rigid and unalterable status quo , which is an insolent defiance to both fact and reason (!) and suprareason. See now? About myself and the Mother,—there are people... free your mind from all thoughts in 7 days or be established in Brahmic consciousness in a few days. 3 if you please. You are terribly inaccurate in your statements. It was simply through the Divine Grace, because it had been done by thousands before me throughout the centuries and millenniums, and the Divine did not want me to waste time over that; other things in the Yoga were not so damned easy ...


... February 1936 Power to Help I do not ask you to believe that the Divine Grace comes to all or that all can succeed in the sadhana or that I personally have succeeded or will succeed in the case of all who come to me. I have asked you if you cannot develop the faith that the Divine is—you seemed often to doubt it,—that the Divine Grace is and has manifested both elsewhere and here, that the sadhana by ...


... you will not advance far on the way. And such things come to you, not because you are unlucky or because your lot is not a happy one, but because, on the contrary, the divine Consciousness and the divine Grace take your resolution seriously and allow the circumstances to become a touchstone on your way, to see whether your resolution is sincere and whether you are strong enough to face the difficulties... such a thing to happen and not to be disconsolate, indignant or aggrieved, because people do not appreciate you at what you think to be your true value; on the contrary, you must be thankful to the divine Grace for having pointed out to you the weakness or imperfection or deformation that you must correct. Therefore, instead of being unhappy, you can be fully satisfied and derive advantage, a great ...


... Page 57 revert to their old activities and the good condition gets veiled. You must have a persistent will to regain it. 54 * ... this faith, this trust in the divine Grace is in the psychic — behind, there, like that, in the psychic, always there. So sometimes it is the feeling, sometimes it is the thought, sometimes even it is the body which is in contact with the... For example, when you find yourself in a very great difficulty or a very great physical danger, and suddenly feel this, this force coming into you, the force of a faith, an absolute trust in the divine Grace which helps you. So it means that there is a conscious contact with one's psychic and it comes to help you — it is a special grace bestowed.... That is, according to the part which is active or ...


... anything to say? "To be always observing faults and wrong movements brings depression and discourages the faith." How does it discourage the faith? The faith spoken about is faith in the divine Grace and the final success of the undertaking. You have begun the yoga and have faith that you will go through to the end of your yoga But if you spend your time looking at all that prevents you from... come upon particularly detestable parents to lose it; but if their parents are simply good enough, they keep this very well. Well, it is this attitude; if you can tell yourself, "Good, perhaps the divine Grace deserves our confidence", simply this, nothing else, you will avoid many difficulties, many. In fact this avoids many difficulties even in ordinary life, and many worries. And particularly here ...


... kind. The very nature of the soul is divine Delight, constant, unvarying, unconditioned, ecstatic; but it is true that if one can face suffering with courage, endurance, an unshakable faith in the divine Grace, if one can, instead of shunning suffering when it comes, enter into it with this will, this aspiration to go through it and find the luminous truth, the unvarying delight which is at the core of... away from it, must face it with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely, in full confidence, with a complete quietude to the divine Grace, It will settle in these cells as It is established in the depths of the being, and the cells themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight. Page 43 ...


... has the feeling that everything is going to help him, to do what he wants to do. Faith is a certitude without any proof. Mother, on what does faith depend? Page 120 Probably on Divine Grace. Some people have it spontaneously. There are others who need to make a great effort to have it. How can faith be increased? Through aspiration, I suppose. Some have it spontaneously...... bad: they are this only in relation to us; their effect on us depends absolutely upon the attitude we have towards them. The same thing, identically the same, if we take it as a gift of God, as a divine grace, as the result of the full Harmony, helps us to become more conscious, stronger, more true, while if we take it—exactly the very same circumstance Page 123 —as a blow from fate, as a ...


... his nature. " The Life Divine, SABCL, Vol. 19, pp. 863-64 Sweet Mother, can faith be increased by personal effort? Page 350 Faith is certainly a gift given to us by the Divine Grace. It is like a door suddenly opening upon an eternal truth, through which we can see it, almost touch it. As in everything else in the ascent of humanity, there is the necessity—especially at... needed to preserve one's faith, to let it grow within. Later—much later—one day, looking Page 351 back, we may see that everything that happened, even what seemed to us the worst, was a Divine Grace to make us advance on the way; and then we become aware that the personal effort too was a grace. But before reaching that point, one has to advance much, to struggle much, sometimes even to suffer ...


... dry beside it. And that is why the less one talks about these things the better it is. A single moment, a single impulse of deep and true love, an instant of the understanding which lies in the divine Grace brings you much closer to the goal than all possible explanations. Even a kind of refined sensation, subtle, clear, luminous, acute, which penetrates deep, opens the door for you more than the... one comes to the work of transformation of the body, when some cells of the body, more ready than others, more refined, more subtle, more plastic, are able to feel concretely the presence of the divine Grace, the divine Will, the divine Power, this Knowledge that is not intellectual but a knowledge by identity, when one feels this in the cells of the body, then the experience is so total, so imperative ...


... 10 December 1932 Page 27 Joy lies in having absolute trust in the Divine. 2 January 1933 Why, when you get into trouble, do you no longer ask for the help of the Divine Grace? Yet you know from experience that the result is unfailing and marvellous! 16 January 1933 Sweet Mother, I still cannot make a clear distinction between a desire and a need for the... Attila from Lutetia, which he spared? Attila was compelled to spare Lutetia because of the occult action of Saint Genevieve who, by the ardour of her prayers, obtained the intervention of the Divine Grace. This prompted Attila to alter the route of his troops, and so he gave the city a wide berth. 11 February 1934 Sweet Mother, I have had a pain in the right side of my chest and in ...


... Aurobindo (they came and bombarded me in the name of Sri Aurobindo!), to tell me that in The Mother it was written that, "The divine Grace can act only in the Truth"—and I shouldn't forget that! ( Mother laughs ) There is a quotation from Sri Aurobindo in which he says, "The divine Grace will answer, but do not think it will answer in Falsehood...." An admirable sentence. Only, they don't know: they are the ...


... disgusted with its falsehood?" It's terrible! ( long silence ) There is only ONE remedy—there is only ONE remedy—to rely only on the Divine Grace. ( Mother takes Satprem's hands ) The only remedy: to put oneself entirely in the hands of the Divine Grace. × The Indo-Russian pact which has just been signed in ...


... years ago in a leap year, a dip into a sadhak's Diary of 1956 will be of interest.) Bombay, March 4 On December 18, last year, on a Sunday night the Divine Grace came forth to meet me and lift me up. I was feeling a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. Then, towards early morning, perhaps at 4.30 or 5, I had a dream. Even after waking, I could not think... passed by me after tennis and said: "It's all right." I said: "Was it real?" She nodded, saying "Yes" and, still smiling, passed on. I was extremely happy. Today after two and a half months the Divine Grace has again come to me. It is a Sunday once more and I have just got up from sleep. I was feeling lost and depressed, so far away from Pondicherry. In my dream last night I found myself going to the ...


... the last resort the supramental Truth. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star, Fire Call of the Divine Grace: Not noisy but persistent and very perceptible to those who know how to listen. The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: The Divine Grace The sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: Sun, Moon, Star ...


... Dunkirk, rejected Churchill's proposal of a common citizenship for Britain and France so that they might carry on the fight as one country, the Mother seems to have considered it a rejection of the Divine Grace itself that had come to the help of France at the most opportune moment. The entire speech of Churchill was dictated in the occult way by the Mother, we were told. To resume our talk: Q: They... will work everything out. Certainly there were flaws in the offer. Nothing on earth created by man is flawless, because the human mind has a limited capacity. Yet behind this offer there is the Divine Grace directly present. The Grace is now at the door of India, ready to give its help. In the history of a nation such opportunities do not come often. The Grace presents itself at rare moments, after ...

... siddhi." (Letters on Yoga, p. 1372) So long as this unholy "I" occupies the central position in the field of our spiritual effort, it will be difficult for us to receive the bounty of divine Grace in a free and uninterrupted flow nor can we in that case expect to grow in genuine love for the Divine. A Christian mystic of Europe of the Middle Ages has succinctly stated the same truth: "As... Page 182 vital insistences, if you put these things in place of the true aspiration or mix them with it and try to impose them on the Divine Shakti, then it is idle to invoke the divine Grace to transform you." (lbid., pp.2-3) We recall here the words uttered by Bellecius in his Solid Vir-tue: "Self-love is the rival, adversary and sworn enemy of the love of the Divine ...

... much to learn from it. This particular passage that you have just now recited has a great message for the entire realm of law. Law should always yield to mercy; mercy is an expression of divine grace, and divine grace is but another name of Page 151 freedom. I do not advocate anarchism, but I do believe that when human civilisation develops higher forms of culture, the conflict between law ...

... ai. Often the purest gold hides in the basest ore, the diamond is coal turned, as it were, inside out. This, one would say, is the Divine Grace that blows where it lists – makes of the dumb a prattler, .of the lame a mountain-climber. Yet, but what is this Divine Grace and how does it move and act? It does not act on all and sundry, it does not act on all equally. What is the reason? Appearances often ...

... with the spirit of things through art. This union is nothing but a union of delight. In religious terminology we may call it divine Grace. One who is endowed with this Grace has no need to observe the rules of conduct or spiritual practice. By the help of this divine Grace the artist can continue his enjoyment of sense-appreciation, yet become flooded with spirituality and get purified without undergoing ...

... Naveen Chandra because she found in him a great exponent and commentator of the Gita. In a few pregnant sentences, Naveen Chandra had explained to my mother the mystery of the Divine Grace. Is prayer necessary for the Divine Grace to descend? If necessary, how can grace be regarded as unconditional? Naveen Chandra had smiled and said, "The very fact that you pray is a consequence of the operation of the ...

... means; the inner sense is this: O seeker, what you have lost through the robbers is your worldly possessions, the chains of ignorance. The robbers who came and did all the havoc were really a sign of Divine Grace. Your wife whom they have taken away was no other than your ignorant ego. Your true family and friends will be the companionship of your inner Self, the Beloved within. The inner mysteries in... Delight: It is as if the skies are bright with the moon. This is the Essence of the three worlds. Yogi Bhusuku has rent the Darkness asunder. Page 124 The Divine Grace is descending from on High in a continuous stream, thus is obliterated the sense of Being and Non-Being, all doubts and difficulties as to whether It exists or not. On the screen of the individual ...

... vindicating amply the deviation and the fall. Through devious ways, long winding, arduous marches the spirit of evolution laboured through millenniums: it was the instrument utilised by the Divine Grace. The original individual was a hard concentrated point of ego, concerned wholly and absolutely with itself. So a situation of give and take was brought about so that even to exist meant... Himself from whom it came and strayed away. The ranges of ascent are within him and are in line with those outside which the universe is traversing in the path of evolution. Such is the process the Divine Grace has undertaken to fulfil the Divine's purpose in creation. * * * The earliest sense of "ego" or "I" is limited and confined to one's own self as against others and other things ...

... pressure of one's own nature that drives it forward through all vicissitudes back again to its original source. When it is said that the Divine Grace can Page 120 and should do all, it means nothing more and nothing less than that: the Divine Grace only accelarates the process of return and recognition. But on the side of the journeying element, the soul, there must be awakened a ...

... his mind and life. Then keeping this Truth in front he has to educate himself in an integral way. He has to keep the flame of aspiration steadily burning within him along with his reliance on the Divine Grace. The work has to be done both from within and without. Within, the awakening of the psychic and psychic and spiritual sadhana. Without, the sadhana of the mind, life and body. As a man... of the soul, to realise one's soul through karma and to realise one's karma through the soul. And we should always endeavour to keep ourselves open to the Divine Consciousness. Then will the Divine Grace and Force descend in our being and body and make the total transformation possible. The Mother has assured us that this Divine Force and Consciousness, this Supramental Consciousness has come ...

... to spoil the ideal. 11. Plasticity to adapt to any circumstance when needed and must recognise and change one's mistake when- ever it comes up to the surface of one's nature. 12. Divine Grace If any of these misses from your programme it will spoil your possibility of good performance. Good technique is achieved by constant practice of any item along the most scientific and... perfected spirit of your family.)' * The Mother wrote to Dada: Page 153 Page 154 (There are two complementary aspects of the liberating action of the divine Grace on earth among men; both aspects are equally indispensable but not equally appreciated: The sovereign, immutable peace which frees from all anxiety, tension and suffering. The dynamic ...

... the Divine presence of someone like Sri Ramakrishna. In his own words, his aspiration was "truly fulfilled in a number of ways." Sincere aspiration, even when not expressed in words, can evoke the Divine Grace. Champaklal's life is a Page xv shining example of this truth. When he first arrived in Pondicherry in April 1921, for a "Darshan" of Sri Aurobindo, Champaklal had noted... realms of yogic experience is free to follow his own way, but guidance from a guru is indispensable. The guru can show the path for the contact with the Divine. Champaklal has absolute trust in Divine Grace as reflected in his prayers and utterances.¹ 1. These have been compiled and published in a book in Gujarati entitled "Prarthana and Udgaro" by Roshan & Apurva Page xvi ...


... attainment of immortality was possible. But the Maharshi would not say anything by way of reply. But "K" persisted then he said; "It is possible by Divine Grace." Sri Aurobindo : That is hardly an answer. Everything is possible by Divine Grace. There are two things about immortality : one, the conquest of death. It does not however mean that one would never die. It means leaving the body ...

... unfailing aspiration that calls from below and a supreme Grace from above that answers. It is amazing to think that our reverent rishis and munis had experienced this confluence of aspiration and divine Grace in their consciousness thousands of years ago. And they established this tradition of offering both these flowers during Durga-puja. The descent of the Mother’s Compassion onto the earth is made... writing that He was the Lord and Avatar. What an incredible coincidence occurred on the earth! The two unveiled each other’s truth to ignorant beings like us. What an unimaginable, inconceivable divine Grace! These totally unexpected showers of Grace have been our lot uninterruptedly in our lives. And Champaklal-ji was the witness of this moment eternal, Champaklal-ji, the consecrated servitor of the ...


... in the hour of the big change - His breath might come with a terrific force, and also as Divine Grace. He was Rudra, he was Shiva too! And what was the response expected of mankind? As a message for 24 April 1969, the Mother had recalled Sri Aurobindo's words: The best possible way is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to oppose it, never to be ungrateful and turn against it - but ...


... 04 February 1933 MYSELF: I am doing your work all right but where is the joy of the service? Cheerfulness is gone, there is faith neither in my success nor in divine grace. All empty and void. I am lying listless in an empty house. The flame is out! SRI AUROBINDO: YOU must throw all that away. Such depressions can only make you shut to what Mother is giving you... There is absolutely no good reason for such an attitude. The existence of difficulties is a known thing in the yoga. That is no reason for questioning the final victory or the effectuality of the Divine Grace. (4.2.33) ...

... The Grace The Grace Some Reminiscences This is not a polemic or an abstraction on the reality of the Divine Grace which the materialist might frown upon or draw the devotee to wax into high-sounding eulogy. What I recount is factual without a grain of fiction. Yet these might seem impossibles. Why? Take for example the capacity for literary or musical creation... I returned in July 1930. My father stayed for a month and half. But he did nothing to arrange for my stay. And what could be done? There were no "homes", no people eager to keep boys. But the Divine Grace intervened in a strange way. The wife of one of the first disciples of Sri Aurobindo agreed to look after me, while I stayed in an adjoining room vacated by her husband Bijoy Nag. All this happened ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace

... that which is perfectly true, sincere and pure persist. *** Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future. *** Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace? All are children of the one and the same Mother. Her love extends equally over all (of them). But to each She gives according to his nature and his receptivity. *** There... they can recognise it. *** Concentration upon oneself leads to decay and death. Solely a concentration on the Divine brings life, progress and realisation. *** It is for the Divine Grace that one must pray; if the divine justice were to manifest, they will be few who would be able to stand up in front of Her. *** Love alone can understand and enter into the secrets of ...


... it always wants to judge... It is only a true, sincere humility in the mind allowing the psychic to rule the being that can save human beings from ignorance and obscurity. * It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for — if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it. * There is a deep and True Consciousness in which all can meet in love... the contrary with confidence everything becomes so easy. * Indeed I believe that when the Inconscient is conquered no more conditions will be required, it will be a free decision of the Divine Grace. * To aspire and to call for help are quite indispensable. There is certainly a great difference between calling and pulling — you can and must always call for help and the rest — ...


... There is greater joy in overcoming a desire than in satisfying it. 20.05.1951 *** Peace and silence are the greatest remedies of all illnesses. 29.05.1951 *** The Divine Grace alone has the power to intervene and change the course of universal justice. 03.06.1951 *** In truth he is happy who loves the Divine for the Divine is indeed always with him. ... *** Glory to Thee O Lord, victor over all obstacles. 28.06.1953 *** How I would love to go out in such beautiful weather! cried Poupette. 06.09.1953 *** Only the divine grace will be our support. (SMALL) 13.09.1953 *** The noblest courage is to recognise one’s faults. 20.09.1953 *** Forward, forever forward ! 27.09.1953 *** ...


... Blessings. 19 December 1971 * * * We shall have taken a great leap towards realisation when we have driven all defeatism out of our consciousness. It is by perfecting our faith in the Divine Grace that we shall be able to conquer the defeatism of the subconscient. 20 December 1971 * * Total union and the perfect manifestation of the Divine are the sole means of putting an end... not making it. Each one is responsible first for himself; and if you aspire to help others, it is by giving an example of what one should be that you can help them most effectively. And the Divine Grace is always there, marvellously effective for those who are sincere. 28 December 1971 * * * We are at a decisive hour in the history of the earth. It is preparing for the coming of the superman ...


... different from the truth. It may or may not be, although no promise of the kind can be made at the present moment, that you or other sadhakas here or all will be brought through in the end by the divine grace in spite of the very serious difficulties created by your and their external being and the obstinate obscurities and resistance in its crooked human nature. But in any case, to say that "you need... all influences as the true surrender and, if accepted, would legitimate every wrong movement of the nature. First, certain conditions have to be fulfilled; afterwards, there will be room for the divine grace to act. 18 October 1928 I have heard that sadhaks here will have perfect control over decay and death. I have some doubts about this. Could you say something about it? It depends on the ...


... That is why we quarrel at times, but that's something we do not say. You have said here that we are "tied to the chain of Karma", but then sometimes when the Divine Grace acts, that contradicts... Completely, the Divine Grace completely contradicts Karma; you know, It makes it melt away like butter that's put in the sun. That is what I was saying just now. What you have just told me is ...


... all our weaknesses when we lack self-confidence. Why do we do this? Um! So! We justify all our weaknesses? It is not a positive want of self-confidence; it is a lack of confidence in what the divine Grace can do for us. To justify one's weaknesses is a kind of laziness and inertia. Well, when one doesn't want to make an effort to correct oneself, one says, "Oh, it is impossible, I can't do it... effort. One accepts all one's defects and incapacities in order not to have to make the necessary effort to overcome them. One says, "I am like that, I can't be otherwise!" It is a refusal to let the divine Grace work in you. It is a justification of your own ill-will. Has someone there a question? Or isn't there any? Sweet Mother, here Sri Aurobindo writes: "You will know and see and feel that you ...


... want to dedicate himself; there must be some clear indication that he is capable of entering into the path and following it. 17 December 1929 I entirely surrender myself and depend upon your divine Grace. If in your pleasure you direct that I should remain in the Asram, I feel the spiritual path will lose many of its difficulties for me. If on the other hand you should direct that I should go back... say is right. This attitude that the Divine has need of the sadhak and not the sadhak of the Divine, is utterly wrong and absurd. When people are accepted here, they are given a chance of a great Divine Grace, of being instruments in a great work. To suppose that the Divine cannot do his work without the help of this or that person is surely most arrogant and illogical. They Page 580 ought ...


... the preoccupations of the spiritual life in the near future. 7 December 1949 Grace and Therapeutic Force The Divine Grace has certainly done something. I [the Ashram doctor] acted according to your advice, and X felt better the whole day. It was not the Divine Grace but the Divine Force. If it had been the Grace, it would simply have said तथास्तु [ tathāstu] and the thing would be done ...


... by much learning, but whom this Self chooses, to him it reveals its own body." Well, that is the same thing as what we call the Divine Grace,—it is an action from above or from within independent of mental causes which decides its own movement. We can call it the Divine Grace; we can call it the Self within choosing its own hour and way to manifest to the mental instrument on the surface; we can call ...


... depends upon the Divine Grace." Questions and Answers 1929 ( 23 June ) But first you must will it, I believe that is quite important! There is no one method to follow.... I read this and at the same time ask myself how many people would be satisfied to hear this. All the materialism and positivism in the world have been constructed just because people do not want the Divine Grace to come in at ...


... aspiration. You must know, you must understand the reason for this anguish. And then, if you can introduce just one more element Page 249 in your aspiration, that is, your trust in the divine Grace, trust in the divine Response, it counterbalances all possible anguish and you can aspire without any disturbance or fear. This brings us to something else, which is not positively a question... but a request for an explanation, a comment or a development of the subject. It is about Grace. I have said somewhere, or maybe written, that no matter how great your faith and trust in the divine Grace, no matter how great your capacity to see it at work in all circumstances, at every moment, at every point in life, you will never succeed in understanding the marvellous immensity of Its Action ...


... unselfish work always cures you of your petty personal maladies. The Mother Impossibilities into realisations Each one here represents an impossibility to be resolved, but as for Your Divine Grace all things are possible. Your work will be, in the detail as in the ensemble, the accomplishment of all the impossibilities transformed into divine realisations. The Mother Laziness ... What qualities are necessary for one to be called "a true child of the Ashram"? Sincerity, courage, discipline, endurance, absolute faith in the Divine work and unassailable trust in the Divine Grace. All this must be accompanied by a sustained, ardent and persevering aspiration, and by a limitless patience. The Mother Being a sadhaka What is the use of being a sadhak if, as soon ...


... Knowledge, which is no longer intellectual, but spiritual. And Sri Aurobindo says: I am not a Jnani.... I do not seek knowledge. I have given myself to the Divine to accomplish His work and, by the divine Grace, at every moment I know what must be known in order to accomplish this work. It is an admirable state; it is perfect peace of mind. There is no longer any need to accumulate acquired knowledge... the knowledge that is needed to perform an action, to impart a teaching, to solve a problem. The mind is silent, the brain is still, everything is clear, quiet, calm; and at the right moment, by divine Grace a drop of light falls into the consciousness and what needs to be known is known. Why should one care to remember—why try to retain that knowledge? On the day or at the moment that it is needed ...


... the most material is not yet ready. The attempt was therefore premature. In order that it should succeed, one of two things was necessary, either a right entire knowledge and process or else the divine Grace supporting a complete descent of the highest supramental Truth and a complete ascent to meet it of the supramental from below. These things should have been got first and firmly founded, for till... thing is to bring down and up the highest supramental from above and the deepest from below, to unite them and to obtain the support, sanction and constant effectuating action of what you call the divine Grace which is a descent from the Truth of the Supreme determining all from the plenitude of the Eternal. When you get these things in Page 1347 their fullness, the true material miracles ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... I will say no more now. Go on . with your meditations: my help will always be with you. The tension and pain will disappear after a week or two — or perhaps sooner if you can manage to trust the Divine Grace which brought you to Sri Aurobindo." What she had foretold came to pass afterwards in due course. I was impressed, naturally. So there were, really and literally, "more things in heaven... glimpse Grace even in this world of awful wars and petty preoccupations." She shook her head. "But you have the vision," she said. "And you have had evidences galore of the reality of the Divine Grace. Only you do not yet know how to appraise the one and recognise the other." "I see what you mean, Mother," I answered, dubiously. "You wrote to me the other day that what I call 'human at its ...


... is one that cannot stand as valid, since so many have done Yoga relying on tapasya or anything else but not confident of any divine grace. It is not that, but the soul’s demand for a higher truth or a higher life that is indispensable. Where that is, the Divine Grace whether believed in or not, will intervene. If you believe, that hastens and facilitates things; if you cannot yet believe, still ...

... spiritual seeker to realise the Divine. This faith must not be an egoistic faith in one's own strength and capacity but in the Divine Grace and omniscience which knows better than ourselves what is or is not good for us. There must be a constant and unfailing reliance on the divine grace. Sincerity, is to say the least, our only safe-guard in the path and will invoke divine's grace which will infallibly ...

... Equanimity—equanimity. It is the only practical answer to all this confusion which is bound to come to an end one day. My dear Mother, pride challenges the Divine Grace whereas humble consecration and self-giving call the Divine Grace; then it becomes effective and protects. By becoming humble and giving myself to the Divine I lose nothing. May the shallow "I" become a portion of the Divinity ...

... card with these words: Here is a Japanese picture painted on a very thin sheet of bamboo. I am sending you also the pink dahlia for painting. My love and blessings and the Presence of the Divine Grace are constantly with you. Since she did not mention the background I painted the flower against a white background. When she saw the painting in the evening her eyes lit up with admiration. She... For example, a great musician has a piano but owing to the bad tuning he cannot play on it in spite of his wonderful talent. Similarly the Divine Force, the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Grace cannot work if the instruments are not proper ...


... one part wants the Divine and another part wants something else. It is through ignorance and stupidity that the being is insincere. But with a persevering will and an absolute confidence in the Divine Grace, one can cure this insincerity. As long as there is within a person the possibility of an inner conflict, it means that there is still in him some insincerity. Page 68 Any... The important point is to be more and more sincere, always more sincere so that you never deceive yourself in the integrality of your aspiration. This sincerity brings the sure help of the divine Grace. Blessings. It is easy to see that the mistakes are due to a lack of sincerity in the being―the only way out of it is to become sincere. You have been given the power of will and of knowledge ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... harmful. 17 October 1960 Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo tells us: "God's grace is more difficult to have or to keep than the nectar of the Immortals." 7 What does this mean? Doesn't the Divine Grace always pour down on us, depending only on our receptivity? The Grace is always there, eternally present and active, but Sri Aurobindo says that it is extremely difficult for us to be in a condition... condition to receive it, keep it and make use of what it gives us. Sri Aurobindo even says that it is more difficult than to drink from the cup of the gods who are immortal. To receive the divine grace, not only must one have a great aspiration, but also a sincere humility and an absolute trust. 17 October 1960 Sweet Mother, Why isn't it possible to live always on the same height ...


... no more problem when the error no longer recurs! Isn't it when the error recurs that it needs to be effaced? When one does not repeat one's past mistakes, the divine power, the power of the divine Grace, abolishes their consequences—their karma—in the being. But as long as mistakes are repeated nothing can be abolished, because one re-creates them at every minute. When a person has made a serious... error, say, a serious mistake (it can be serious or not, but we are concerned primarily with the serious ones), such mistakes have their consequences in life, a karma which has to be exhausted. The divine Grace, if you call upon it, has the power to abolish that karma, to cut short the consequences—but the Grace can only do this when you, within yourself, don't begin all over again, when the mistake committed ...


... makes you move forward very fast. It's very good. At all events, it's very good. His response is far superior to what I expected. I have a strong feeling of those marvelous moments of the divine Grace.... All one wants is to keep quiet and worship, that's all. 4 × Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness... undergo a Collegiate medical examination presided over by the Pope's physician. Thus the situation seemed to have been reversed. Mother's answer was: "The best protection is an unshakable faith in the divine Grace." ...


... me (I forget Page 208 his exact words, but it was very well put) that he had just realized that aspiration for progress and the result of the aspiration were both the divine Grace, the effect of the divine Grace.... So I thought, "Well, let me see if he knows French well enough to have a sense of humour." And I replied this: "One could say humorously that we are all divine but scarcely ...


... arrangement for visitors. Pondicherry. 9-2-30 February 1930 To Vithaldas, It is only by remaining perfectly peaceful and calm with an unshakable confidence and faith in the Divine Grace that you will allow circumstances to be as good as they can be. The very best happens always to those who have put their entire trust in the Divine and in the Divine alone. Mira ( Condolence... contradiction of your spiritual life. You can expect full support and protection from us in your resolution and, if you keep a sincere will and resolution in this matter, you may be sure that the Divine Grace will not fail you. 6.10.31 Sri Aurobindo 12 August 1932 To Lord Sri Aurobindo, Pondicherry. Dated 12th August 1932 My Divine Father , Please let me know how can a ...


... vision of the violet stream and the golden cup; so he would like you to illumine him regarding its significance. "Violet" is the colour of benevolence or compassion, but also more vividly of the Divine Grace—represented in the vision as flowing from the heights of the spiritual consciousness down on this earth. The golden cup is I suppose the Truth consciousness. Almost all whom I know have come... bony shoulders. So in every way is there room for Hallelujah or for Jeremiad. All right, sir, Jeremy away. To think that five or six years more of barren desert stretch between me and the Divine Grace, coagulates my blood! Coagulate! coagulate! coagulate! Please give an answer to these points—if no time tonight, tomorrow. Non, monsieur,—j'ai d'autres chats a fouetter. I have other ...

... Page 150 factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. 201   Savitri is herself the manifestation of the Divine Grace, and it— becomes her duty—the law of her ...


... Madonnas and their asuric perversions that spoil their work. What they signify and how the whole episode reenacts the drama of one of the central themes of Savitri, namely, man's refusal of the Divine Grace, is most brilliantly brought out here. One wonders how much we all lovers of Savitri would have benefited if Nolinida had been persuaded to write on each canto of the poem in this inimitable fashion... Godhead that is the transformation of the Divine Being into Matter who is always driven by the secret urge to be itself once again. The second set of passages brings up the theme of the Avatar, of the Divine Grace taking human form so that the lower animal nature in man can be persuaded to change into the divine nature. But it is hard to persuade human nature to change; mortality does not take kindly to the ...


... to find itself, to be itself again. It is Rudra, the Energy coiled up in Matter and forging ahead towards a progressive evolution in light and consciousness. That is what Savitri, the universal Divine Grace become material and human, finds at the core of her being, the field and centre of concentrated struggle, a millennial aspiration petrified, a grief of ages congealed, a divinity lone and benumbed... The divine sweetness and solicitude lights upon this hardened divinity: but the inertia of the Inconscient, the 'Pani', hides still the light within its rocky cave and would not deliver it. The Divine Grace, mellow with all the tears of love and sympathy and tenderness she has gathered for the labouring godhead, has pity for the hard lot of a humanity stone-bound to the material life, yet yearning ...

... there is upon you. I will tell this to the face of everybody, even to the face of the man who considers it a merit to be rich. It is a calamity; it is also perhaps a disgrace, a fall from the Divine Grace, the expression of a Divine discontent. It is infinitely more difficult to be rich and also to be wise, intelligent and generous—to be generous, please note,— when one is rich than when one... Over and above this, if such people possess a higher spiritual consciousness, then they can use the force to build slowly upon earth something that will be able to manifest the Divine Power and the Divine Grace. It is then that this force of money, of wealth, this power of Finance, instead of being a curse, as I have said, would be a blessing for the welfare of all. The saying goes that it is the worst ...

... Page 22 gold hides in the basest ore, the diamond is coal turned, as it were, inside out. This, one would say, is the Divine Grace that blows where it lists—makes of the dumb a prattler, of the lame a mountain-climber. Yes, but what is this Divine Grace and how does it move and act? It does not act on all and sundry, it does not act on all equally. What is the reason? Appearances often ...

... meaning, but I believe it is what may be called "grace". Something from the Divine descending in man. Sri Aurobindo : But grace is also a part of divine wisdom. You do not mean to say that divine grace is due to a chance caprice of God ! It is there because the divine knows its purpose. Disciple : Ahaituki bhakti and, krpa means .that .there is no purpose – that is, human purpose... impersonal side. Any one who opens himself to the impersonal side of the Guru gets the Truth, but unless there is surrender to the personal it is not complete. This personal side of the Guru can use divine grace. Sri Aurobindo : It depends on the Guru. If he is a human Guru then his personal vital or mental preferences may play a part and often they falsify the purpose of grace. The less they interfere ...

... necessary, why does Sri Aurobindo bombard me for being lazy, for being leisurely, etc.? CHAMPAKLAL: I can give you an opposite answer. The Mother said that one must have complete reliance on the Divine Grace and the Grace will do everything. PURANI: Even that reliance requires effort. NIRODBARAN: In Champaklal's case it may be complete reliance but in my case Sri Aurobindo will ask me to make... he felt the peace. PURANI: Yes, when he was meditating with the Mother. CHAMPAKLAL (when Sri Aurohindo was lying in bed after his sponging) : What is then meant by complete reliance on the Divine Grace? SRI AUROBINDO: It means what it says. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: No, no, I am asking a question. SRI AUROBINDO: I am also answering. (Laughter) You know what is meant by reliance and what ...


... her son. They don't take a hint. Then she wrote to me that they couldn't go as they couldn't get hold of a chauffeur. I was tempted to write to her that the Divine Grace (here the Mother spoke in French; the sense seemed to be that the Divine Grace had saved her.) 1 Tapas: concentrated energy. 2 Old man's young wife. ...


... is the secret pressure of one's own nature that drives it forward through all vicissitudes back again to its original source. When it is said that the Divine Grace can and should do all, it means nothing more and nothing less than that: the Divine Grace only accelerates the process of return and recognition. But on the side of the journeying element, the soul, there must be awakened a conscious collaboration ...

... there is upon you. I will tell this to the face of everybody, even to the face of the man who considers it a merit to be rich. It is a calamity; it is also perhaps a disgrace, a fall from the Divine Grace, the expression of a Divine discontent. It is infinitely more difficult to be rich and also to be wise, intelligent and generous – to be generous, please note, – when one is rich than when one... Over and above this, if such people possess a higher spiritual consciousness, then they can use the force to build slowly upon earth something that will be able to manifest the Divine Power and the Divine Grace. It is then that this force of money, of wealth, this power of Finance, instead of being a curse, as I have said, would be a blessing for the welfare of all. The saying goes that it is the worst ...

... his arrival in 1923, and about Purani and Satyendra, I will state later what relates to them. Though collected from different fields, we made a harmonious bouquet tied together by the thread of Divine Grace. Four of our number have passed away, one in a most tragic manner during the Master's lifetime, and the other three at a fairly advanced age. As for the rest of us, we are engaged in our individual... midsummer now." Champaklal is himself aware of his defects and repents them very much. Sometimes on the verge of despair, he confesses that complete change of nature is impossible except by the Divine Grace. More than once after losing his temper with me, not always without cause, he regretted his explosion and said, "I hope you won't mind; you know my nature," and became his old sweet self. He has ...

... his mind and life. Then keeping this Truth in front he has to educate himself in an integral way. He has to keep the flame of aspiration steadily burning within him along with his reliance on the Divine Grace. The work has to be done both from within and without. Within, the awakening of the psychic and psychic and spiritual Sadhana, Page 5 without, the Sadhana of the mind, life... of the soul, to realise one's soul through karma and to realise one's karma through the soul. And we should always endeavour to keep ourselves open to the Divine Consciousness. Then will the Divine Grace and Force descend in our being and body and make the total transformation possible. The Mother has assured us that this Divine Force and Consciousness, this Supramental Consciousness has come ...

... that love must be answered by Love? Compassion only for the wicked, the deficient, the misshapen, the unsuccessful, the failure is but "an encouragement to wickedness and failure". If instead, the divine Grace - "this immensity of Love which acts upon the world at every second" - be answered in all sincerity by "the spontaneous gratitude of a love which understands and appreciates, then things would change... on the last of the cantos, the canto on "The Brahmin", the Mother speaks of a still higher evolutionary ideal than the precise goal of the Buddhistic Nirvana: There is a deep trust in the divine Grace, a total surrender to the divine Will, an integral adhesion to the divine Plan which makes one do the thing to be done without concern for the result. That is the perfect liberation. That is ...


... Knowledge, the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace. 17 With the sanction of Grace, one has everything; without it, one can have nothing. There is a soul here below, and there is the Supreme Grace above. One has only to aspire aright, reject the false, and make complete surrender, ātmasamarp an a Divine Grace will do the rest. From the poise of this centre of certainty ...


... patience, and a confidence reliance on the Divine Grace are the only means to ensure and fortify the Page 38 irrevocable step. Any precipitancy in forcing the inner change may be attended with undesirable reactions. Let us proceed steadily, with vigilant patience and uncompromising aspiration, depending for every step forward on the Divine Grace, and all will go well. Let us steadily ...

... to do that—and at each step we have to make a choice, surrenderingly and irrevocably. It is only the sincerity —absolute and integral sincerity—of our aspiration and the answering action of the divine Grace that can take us through the tangled forest of Yogic action— gahana karmano gatiḥ. But when we live in the Divine, identified with Him, our will attuned to His Will, our springs of action... can quench, a Peace which can be found nowhere, not even in death. "It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, the Beatitude, the Love and the Peace which come...from the Divine Grace.”¹ ¹ Prayers and Meditations of the Mother, October 28, 1928. Page 325 ...


... after the ascent that descends as a vehicle of the divine Grace to help and heal humanity. This movement illustrates the Mother's rôle, so well indicated in many of her later Prayers, of the Mediatrix between the supreme Transcendent above and the material world below. The stretching out of the golden robe is a significant gesture of the divine Grace leaniing down to succour suffering humanity. It is ...


... vision of the divine Mother and he pleaded before her for humanity. He prayed for a boon of divine Grace to help humanity to overcome Ignorance and Death. The divine Mother gave him the assurance that a Divine being, her own emanation, would be born on earth. Savitri was that incarnation of the divine Grace. The yoga of Ashwapathy and that of Savitri need not be thought , of in contrast ...

... Universality because of the way the dream develops. The first connecting point is the marks of birds' droppings on the umbrella. They are at once a bit of scorn from on high and a touch of Divine Grace: the droppings suggest the former Page 40 and the birds the latter. But as the droppings come from birds, the scorn and the Grace play into each other, and Mahakali the falsehood-smiter ...


... celestial joy of Indra-loka, or were they the regrets of my ego watching the imminent end of its life? I cannot say. Bhakti is a divine acquisition, a thing of wonder; it cannot have its birth without divine grace. When the heart is aroused from sleep by the all-ruling grace, one sees that greatness; it is so delightful to the sight; then only one's life, possessed of the knowledge of the Lord's universal ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... Ambu's Correspondence Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother 27 May 1934 There is no message more beautiful than the assurance that the Divine Grace never fails those who trust in It. With love and blessings 27 May 1934 ...

... Ellis Prize which a Literature-student was expected to capture.     3. Curiously, I too missed my First by 2 rnarks in the B. A. (Honours-English) Part I exam and by 1 mark in Part II. By Divine Grace I was placed first in the first class in M.A. Page 231 The next significant letter is dated 22.9.1979. After providing an incisive critique of B.B. Lai's paper on "The Indo-Aryan ...


... Champaklal instantly essayed showed the distance of that plane from our earthly stance. I failed to make it and consequently lost the chance of the full glory of the new side-by-sideness. But the Divine Grace forgives our fears and vacillations and grants whatever is still possible. That is why the Mother responded to the cry in the soul of her hesitant child, especially as a bold attempt was made to ...

... one way: remain firm at your post; recover your lost faith, and where you see now the sign of a lack of trust in you and of unjust or, at least, undeserved severity, recognise the action of the Divine Grace labouring to make you rise above this condition of impotent and confused humanity, into a state of clear, luminous and powerful Consciousness. 8 December 1933 ...

... in the mortal world. It is the deep-rooted problem of death that is being tackled by the three protagonists, affirming the evolutionary future in the splendour of divinity. Aswapati invoking the divine grace, Savitri carrying out successfully the occult battle, and the soul of the earth called Satyavan stepping into the world of knowledge mark the unfoldment of the epic's theme. It may also be considered ...

... the present state of affairs man is plagued by ignorance, division, duality and bondage. Amidst such stark adversity, it is the spark of Divinity that sets man on to the eternal path. It is the Divine Grace within which manifests in those who show clear will to overcome the bondage of temporal existence. A borrower of Supemature's gold, He paves his road to Immortality. 24 Thus ...

... interpretation of life," Earth representing the masked Infinite contains within it the upward drive and the downward drag of the evolutionary movement that has created the cosmos. Love representing the Divine grace that sacrifices its perfection in order to save creation from the prison of Inconscience is the immortal element in mortals. Dawn symbolises the "perpetual awakening of the light of consciosness ...

... no other choice but to choose him because she has to transform this earth and Satyavan represents this earth. Savitri is that fullness of incarnation of Divine Love in the form of Divine Grace and Shakti who came to manifest the Supramental Light in its entirety. A full manifestation of Divine Love alone can bring to creation its final consummation, when "the entire universe becomes ...

... Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Go Deep Inside Say to your mother to go deep inside her heart and she will feel that the Divine Grace is with her. I am sending her a card with my blessings. You can translate for her what is written upon it. You can tell her also that the consciousness of your father had left his body at the time ...

... you waited so long for the warning. In any case, the only thing which is really effective is to will what the Divine wills, and to keep an unshakable confidence in the supreme compassion of the Divine Grace; for through that it is always the best that happens; not the best according to human ideas but the best according to the supreme Truth. Be calm and full of a solid and pure faith. My love ...

... earth a tree growing towards heaven, The body of earth a tabernacle of God. 71 And therefore she acting as the divine intermediary, will bring to the earth the Boon of boons — the Divine Grace and Love acting in its native power of bliss and light. For this to be possible the Divine must use her as His radiant Representative, the Avatar: I will pour delight from thee as from ...

... so called "miraculous" cure that can take place and that kind of "miracle" can happen only as the result of an absolute sincerity in the consecration to the Divine and an unshakable faith in the Divine "Grace. This was not the case; she was full of fears, desires and demands and terribly concentrated on her exterior being and what she called its needs. This is just opposite of a sincere consecration ...

... How can we prepare ourselves to be your most faithful sadhaks during the possibly exciting events of this year? Keep a cool head and strong and very quiet nerves and complete trust in the Divine Grace. The Mother ...

... To be convincing when you speak think not in ideas but in experiences. Be grateful for all ordeals, they are the shortest way to the Divine. When difficulties besiege you know that the Divine grace is with you. With confidence we shall advance; With certitude we shall wait. Never say, "I have nothing to give to the Divine." There is always something to give, for always you can give ...

... progressively into a movement of the Divine Force. 62 There are two possibilities, one of purification by personal effort, which takes a long time, another by a direct intervention of the Divine Grace which is usually rapid in its action. For the latter there must be a complete surrender and self-giving and for that again usually it is necessary to have a mind that can remain quite quiet and ...

... they come; therein lies freedom, the divine detachment which the individual must possess always in order to be one with Him, feel one's identity with Him. -5- Man's refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First ...

... Savitri represents one such divine dawn at a crucial moment of the earth-life. She embodies creation's entire past and shows in her life how that past is transformed through the alchemy of Divine Grace into glorious future — the inevitable destiny that awaits man and earth. NOLINI KANTA GUPTA Page 67 ...

... contradiction of your spiritual life. You can expect full support and protection from us in your resolution and, if you keep a sincere will and resolution in this matter, you may be sure that the Divine Grace will not fail you. Pondicherry 6 October 1931 Sri Aurobindo ...

... perfect and immutable peace. It is the basis from which one must work. But unless one dreams of an exclusive, personal and egoistic liberation, one cannot stop there. There is another aspect of the divine Grace, the aspect of a progress that will be victorious of all obstacles, the aspect that will propel humanity towards a new realisation, that will open the doors of a new world, that will make it possible ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1935 My dear Mother, A complete reliance upon the Divine Grace alone gives peace, happiness and joy. That is because the Divine Himself takes up the devotee and carries him or her in His arms. Yes, the Grace is infinite for one who sincerely trusts the Grace. Always ...

... work, it will immediately be broken again." Nobody asks him to take up work—and the doctor has forbidden him to work. So ... To me it seems a pity that he does not have confidence in the Divine Grace. Ninety-nine per cent of his illness is pure imagination. 6 June 1936 ...

... 22 September 1966 What You have written to me is quite true — but I just want to tell You that I have never complained to anyone except the Divine (You). Divine Grace I have not felt, but Your Love, yes! What difference can you make between Grace and love? Love is the Grace’s means of action, so it is quite natural that one feels love first. 22 September ...

... wants to manifest itself. If only I could realise them . . . You would always have material riches at Your feet. Well, this is good! Cultivate in yourself a growing, unshakeable faith in the Divine Grace, and you will succeed. 16 November 1966 ...

... (From Indira Devi to Sri Aurobindo) August 12, 1950 I write this not to thank you for the Divine compassion but to express my deep gratitude for making me conscious of the Divine Grace. I am grateful to you not for your Mercy, for the Divine to be merciful is nothing new, but I thank you, Mother and Dada for the awakening that has come over me – the light you have ...

... must not be depressed or sad. You know that Sri Aurobindo has not left us and that he will be here to-morrow as usual. With my love and blessings * March 6, 1951 Let the Divine Grace do the work through you and the work will be thoroughly done. My love * April 28, 1951 Sri Aurobindo has made our realisation independent from all world circumstances ...

... deciding factor. So while there is no call for complacency, there is also no room for despair and depression. There would be room if we de- pended for our progress on ourselves exclusively and the Divine Grace were not ever at work. Despair and depression would be signs of an inverted egoism, for not only would we be unduly concentrated on ourselves but we would be regarding our own powers as the sole ...


... troubling you? Love is an absolute value independent of whether this or that action is possible. The very presence of the loving heart and face is a boon and must be felt in your own depths as divine grace. Then you will experience a wonderful solace. Strength and tranquillity will be yours, making you free in the centre of your being from all that burdens or hurts you. The slings and arrows of outrageous ...


... themselves but you have not let them go waste. They have served as spurs to the inmost being - they have called it forth not only to surmount them but also to let their poignancy become a call to the Divine Grace, the Saviour Love which draws the eternal child in you close to the radiance of the Infinite Mother. The sharper the pain, the intenser the cry for the supreme all-soothing Presence. The pain turns ...


... fulfils the dream we already have of it we must feel intensely that we do not career forth by our individual initiative: the fact must drive home to us that in "quiet joy" we are being driven by Divine Grace away from a false foreign country to our real Home which was long hidden from us. In short, we must have more and more the sense which is growing in you of our sadhana being led forward by Sri ...


... onesided. The inner withdrawal towards the still spirit is an important part of yoga, but so also is the opening of the heart and the mind and the bodily consciousness to the soothing calm of the Divine Grace, the tranquillising tenderness of the Divine Love. The gradual natural evolving method lit up by the truth-instinct of that spontaneous sweetness and light and strength within us which is our individual ...


... price is said to be his "crucifixion" as a common "criminal" on a charge of violating Jewish orthodoxy and transgressing Roman authority. By this act he is commonly credited with opening man to Divine Grace through man's faith in him as the one and only Son of God, the single universal Saviour. I am mentioning all this as a possible illustration, not recommending the semi-mythological and narrowly ...


... was at the top recall to me an early poem of mine with the name "Kanchinjanga" in its title. The name means "Golden Ganges". No appellation could be more apt for our Mother, the radiant fount of Divine Grace. Here is the poem: At the Foot of Kanchinjanga I have loved thee though thy beauty stands Aloof from me, And hoped that dwelling in thy sight From dawn to dawn at last I ...


... psychic being had come to the fore and assumed leadership, the unfoldment could Page 45 have been as if the protracted yet beautiful and happy opening of a tightly shut flower. The Divine Grace may intervene, especially if our psychic beings press constantly into the outer consciousness. But, whether we have a hard or a smooth time, we may be sure that all is well and that, in the final ...

... 1920 that he would remain for ever and 24 November 1926 was declared the Day of Victory, and two days later was the Day of Immortality. The Mother brought down the Force of Immortality. But the Divine Grace has other ways. He left his body and the Mother decided to keep him in this Ashram at the centre.’ 13 These statements by prominent and sincere disciples who at the time of the passing of ...


... 1958 White Roses 24 February 1958 Bad will is a passing smoke that cannot alter the splendour of the Divine Grace. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1958 White Roses 08 February 1958 With faith in the Divine Grace, all difficulties are solved. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... There were a small easel, a stool, the painting materials, and a low table with a vase holding three white flowers— Hibiscus Mutabilis . The Mother gave the significance to this flower: The Divine Grace—Thy goodness is infinite; I bow before Thee in gratitude! These flowers were arranged against a background formed by a cloth hung over the back of a chair. Jayantilal and Champaklal were ...


... answered on 15th December: Indeed, it is very good that Jayanti will help you and I am sure you will progress very quickly and do very nice things. My love and blessings and Presence of the Divine Grace are and will always be with you. I cursed myself—I was certainly not such a blockhead as not to sense a touch of sarcasm in the letter. I really felt ashamed, and gave up the idea of learning ...


... nodded meekly. She raised my face towards her and regarded my tear-filled eyes. Then she embraced me and said: All right, my child. After this she gave me the flower Hibiscus Mutabilis —"Divine Grace—Thy goodness is infinite. We bow before Thee in gratitude." The Mother has explained about the Art-discipline in Words of the Mother: The discipline of Art has at its centre the same principle ...


... Huta. My Divine Teacher was very proud of me. As a matter of fact, to have an exhibition of my paintings was incredible. I had just started painting. But there is nothing impossible for the Divine Grace! ...


... you back also your book for you to write down all what I told you yesterday on painting and I shall see it when it is written. My love and blessings and help along with the Presence of the Divine Grace are always with you. ...


... little child To my sweet Huta Here is a nice vase of "Collaboration" for indeed we shall collaborate to do nice things and express in painting a higher world and consciousness. Truly the Divine Grace is over you to lead you to an exceptional realisation. Along with it my love and blessings never leave you. The Mother has given this significance to the Carnation: Collaboration, ever ...


... narration by Dr. Govindbhai of the course taken by his life under the loadstar of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He bares his entire career of three scores and gratefully acknowledges the action of Divine Grace in every field of his life. Indeed the Grace acts in the life of every seeker, but not everyone is aware of it. Dr. Govindbhai is wide awake and never fails to recognize the working of Grace in ...

... 1957 White Roses 04 January 1957 Have faith in the Divine Grace, in spite of everything it will lead you to your true goal—the Divine. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1957 White Roses 26 March 1957 To turn away from the Divine and reject the Divine Grace is the most silly thing one can do. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1959: To My dear little child , I have received your pretty card and nice letter. I can only say that stability and perseverance are indispensable for success — but in all cases the Divine Grace is there helping those who call with trust and faith. With my love and blessings Trust and faith in the Divine fluctuated. There were severe struggles and much tension which sometimes blotted ...


... the Law of the world as Page 356 it is, but a full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature. The Divine Grace is there, ready to act at every moment, but it manifests as one grows out of the Law of the Ignorance into the Law of Light and it is meant, not as an arbitrary caprice, however miraculous often ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... present attempts and their future results. But as soon as one enters the path of spiritual life, this old predetermined destiny begins to recede. There comes in a new factor, the Page 509 Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... and I know that the part about the descent into Hell can stand comparison with some of the best English poetry; but I don't expect my contemporaries to see it. If they do, it will be good luck or divine grace, that is all. 2 February 1932 I am afraid you are under an illusion as to the success of Love and Death in England. Love and Death dates,—it belongs to the time when Meredith and Phillips ...


... and a sincere and strong aspiration for the spiritual consciousness and union with the Divine, might very easily fall fatally and his effort come to nothing. There can be no doubt about the Divine Grace. It is perfectly true also that if a man is sincere, he will reach the Divine. But it does not follow that he will reach immediately, easily and without delay. Your error is there, to fix for God ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... is Bhoga Samarthyam. The perfect state of Chitta consists in a sense of richness and gladness of feeling (Snigdhata), of abounding moral power and energy (Tejas), in a confidence [in the] 8 divine grace and help and general sense of mangala (Kalyana Sraddha) and in the capacity for unbounded love for all beings and all objects. This is Prema Samarthyam. The perfect state of Buddhi consists ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Consciousness fulfilling itself and removing obstacles. Giraffe The Giraffe symbolises aspiration. Camel [ Camel manifesting violet light ] Patient progress and endurance as a gift of the Divine Grace. Deer and Antelope The deer = speed in the spiritual path. The deer is perhaps a symbol of speed in the spiritual progress. The deer is Immortality, the antelope is Rapid Movement ...


... symbols of a rapid progress or forward movement. The railway train at full speed means rapid progress. The railway line is a symbol of rapid progress and the three stars are a symbol of Divine Grace in the mind, life and body. The moving on the sands—it frequently happens in these Page 162 dreams—is usually a sign of an easier movement in the sadhana. Running Away The ...


... attack. But the apparent invincibility is not true. The most ego-centric can change and do change by the psychic principle becoming established in the external nature. That it can be done only by the Divine Grace and Power is true (that is true of all spiritual change)—but with the full consent of the being. As it was done in the inner being, so it can be done in the outer; give the adhesion of your full ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... movement. Do not be caught by the desire to "help" others—do and speak yourself the right thing from the inner poise and leave the help to come to them from the Divine. Nobody can really help—only the Divine Grace. It might not be prudent to mix freely and too often. Enough to relieve any tension of the sadhana, but not so much as to dissipate its intensity. Aloofness is very necessary at certain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... eternising it; afterwards when they want to get rid of Page 614 it, it has got such a hold that they find themselves helpless in its clutch and only a terrible struggle or an intervention of divine grace can liberate them. Some do this out of a vital twist or perversity, others out of sheer ignorance; but in Yoga, as in life, ignorance is not accepted by Nature as a justifying excuse. This danger ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... not to indulge them, to send them away at once. Vital difficulties are the common lot of every human being and of every sadhak—they are to be met with a quiet determination and confidence in the Divine Grace. It needs either a calm resolute will governing the whole being or a very great samatā to have a quite smooth transformation. If they are there, then there are no revolts though there may ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... persevere in turning towards the Light is what is most demanded. The Light is nearer to us than we think and at any time its hour may come. 9 September 1943 To keep the soul ready for the Divine Grace so that it may be ready to receive it when it comes. 9 September 1944 A persistent will for the work to be done in us and in the world is what is most needed; there is a sure spiritual result ...


... There is absolutely no good reason for such an attitude. The existence of difficulties is a known thing in the Yoga. That is no reason for questioning the final victory or the effectivity of the Divine Grace. 4 February 1933 Can it be believed that the Mother's Grace is acting even when the difficulties do not disappear? In that case everybody might say that all my difficulties must Page ...

... and of the Divine Mother. Do nothing, try to think and feel nothing that would be unworthy of the Divine Presence. 16 April 1930 The constant presence of the Mother comes by practice; the Divine Grace is essential for success in the sadhana, but it is the practice that prepares the descent of the Grace. You have to learn to go inward, ceasing to live in external things only, quiet the mind ...

... perfect in discrimination at once or in rejection either. The one indispensable thing is to go on trying sincerely till there comes the full success. So long as there is complete sincerity, the Divine Grace will be there and assist at every moment on the way. 1 July 1933 There are two cosmic Forces—one the higher Cosmic Shakti which is a form of the Mother, the other a Power of the Ignorance ...

... AUROBINDO. One of Motilal's questions referred to the message that is published as Chapter 1 of The Mother . Another question asked for "the Page 651 signs of the coming of the Divine Grace". Sri Aurobindo concluded his reply to this question as follows: "Calling on God to do everything and save one all the trouble and struggle is a self-deception and does not lead to freedom and ...

... think of her with the will to be rid of these things. Don't worry yourself with the idea whether you have true aspiration or not—the psychic being wants and that is sufficient. The rest is the Divine Grace, on which one must steadfastly rely—one's own merit, virtue or capacity is not the thing that brings the realisation. I shall put the force to rid you of this obsession in any case, but if you ...

... and grace of the Guru, that, one would think, is always there on the disciple; his acceptance itself is an act of grace and the help is there for the disciple to receive. But the touch of grace, divine grace coming directly or through the Guru is a special phenomenon having two sides to it,—the grace of the Guru or the Divine, in fact both together, on one side and a "state of grace" in the disciple ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... grace is to be there and effective. 6 May 1930 To practise Yoga implies the will to overcome all attachments and turn to the Divine alone. The principal thing in the Yoga is to trust in the Divine Grace at every step, to direct the thought continually to the Divine and to offer oneself till the being opens and the Mother's force can be felt working in the Adhara. 26 July 1932 When a sadhak ...

... law and the purpose of earthly life, the truth of universal existence and because you put yourself in harmony with it, spontaneously, whatever the result may be. There is a deep trust in the divine Grace, a total surrender to the divine Will, an integral adhesion to the divine Plan which makes one do the thing to be done without concern for the result. That is the perfect liberation. That is ...


... removal of a moral defect. But whatever you ask for or whatever your effort, you must feel, even while trying your best, using knowledge or putting forth power, that the result depends upon the Divine Grace. Once you have taken up the Yoga, whatever you do must be done in a spirit of complete surrender. This must be your attitude,—"I aspire, I try to cure my imperfections, I do my best, but for the ...


... action and heart of men as they are, one would have every right to be surprised at all the hatred, contempt, or at best, the indifference which are returned for this immensity of Love which the divine Grace pours upon the world, for this immensity of Love which acts upon the world at every second to lead it towards the divine delight and which finds so poor a response in the human heart. But people ...


... cannot be called a sacrifice, can it? Generally, all those who have suffered tortures for their faith, that is, for their highest thought, their most sublime ideal, have always felt a kind of divine grace helping them and keeping them from suffering. Of course, outsiders call this a "sacrifice" (that is understandable, they have sacrificed their life), but one cannot use the word for what personally ...


... and strength, grace and force, plasticity, endurance and, above all, an excellent health, unvarying, unchanging, the result of a pure soul, of a joyful trust in life and an unshakable faith in the divine Grace. The brochure ends with the following words: One word more to finish: I have told you these things because you needed to hear them. But don't make an absolute dogma from them, for that ...


... all study, you will become geniuses, and supramental geniuses at that, don't have any illusions, it won't happen to you. For even if you touch a higher light, through an inner aspiration or by a divine grace, you will have nothing in there, in your brain, to be able to express it. So it will remain quite nebulous and won't in any way change your outer life. But if it pleases you to be like this, nobody ...


... then coming up against a wall. And then one knocks and knocks and knocks, and one can't go through. And so long as one is there, inside, one is in the falsehood. And only on the day when by the Divine Grace one can break the shell and come out into the Light, is one free. Page 136 This may happen suddenly, spontaneously, quite unexpectedly. I don't think one can go through gradually ...


... when someone is born rich or has become very rich, in any case when he possesses much from the point of view of material riches, it is certainly not a sign that the Divine has chosen him for His divine Grace, and he must make honourable amends if he wants to walk on the path, the true path, to the Divine. Wealth is a force—I have already told you this once—a force of Nature; and it should be a means ...


... their distance and will no longer bother you. So you will be free to enter a little more deeply into your being and open yourself in an aspiration to... the Giver of Delight, the divine Element, the divine Grace. And if this is done with a sincere self-giving—something that gives itself, offers itself and expects nothing in exchange for its offering—one will feel that kind of sweet warmth, comfortable, ...


... aspiration is so constant, whose goodwill so total that whatever happens to them they take as a trial on the path to make progress. I knew people who, whenever they fell ill, took that as a proof of the Divine Grace to help them to progress. They told themselves: it is a good sign, I am going to find out the cause of my illness and I shall make the necessary progress. I knew a few of this kind and they moved ...


... and do not pay them any attention at all, after some time they won't come any longer. But you must do this very persistently and regularly. You have said that one must know that without the divine Grace one is nothing. Then why make such a great effort to know that one is nothing? Why make such a great effort? In what sense? You want to make this effort for a personal reason? Is it for your ...


... to put both of them together. And you will truly have made progress, a real progress. It is the same for everything. In all that you do together with others, if you do not agree, take it as a divine Grace, a marvellous opportunity given you to make a progress. And it is simple: instead of being on this side, you are on the other; instead of looking at yourself, you enter the other person and look ...


... nothing can trouble. You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements, the attacks, the misunderstandings, the bad wills, with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine Grace. And that is the only way out, there is no other.     This world is a world of conflict, suffering, difficulty, strain; it is made of it. It has not yet changed, it will take some time ...

... favourable for their inner development.... And when you are a little awake and look back, if you are in the least sincere, you say: 'Ah! It wasn't I who was right—it was Nature or the divine Grace or my psychic being who did it.' " 5 As the psychic being grows more and more, its action becomes stronger and as a result of its influence all events in life seem to conspire to help ...


... grown-ups around them and, generally, they are also weaker vitally and mentally. Fear stems from a sense of inferiority. However, there is a way to be free from it: it is to have faith in the Divine Grace and to rely on It to protect you in all circumstances. The more you grow up, the more will you get over your fear if you let the contact with your soul develop in you that is to say, with ...


... methodically, make yourself useful by working in the Playground and in the place you work, and try to do it in as selfless a way as possible. The Mother Doing the right thing Pray to the Divine Grace to make you do always the right thing in the right way. The Mother Doing the best Always do what you know to be the best even if it is the most difficult thing to do. The Mother ...


... effort. One accepts all one's defects and incapacities in order not to have to make the necessary effort to overcome them. One says, "I am like that, I can't be otherwise!" It is a refusal to let the divine Grace work in you. It is a justification of your own ill-will. The Mother Resistance The resistance with which we meet in the accomplishment of our work is proportionate to its importance ...


... plasticity and endurance, and above all, an excellent health, unvarying and unchanging, which is the result Page 296 of a pure soul, a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. One word to finish: I have told you these things, because you needed to hear them, but do not make of them absolute dogmas, for that would take away their truth. Published in September ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... will burn out all resistance and make us fit to be Thy faithful servants. My children, We are united towards the same goal and for the same accomplishment—for a work unique and new, that the divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you will understand the exceptional importance of this work and that you will sense in yourselves the sublime joy that the accomplishment will ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... as a useless encumbrance, as a bondage and an impediment to all spiritual progress, in any case as something incorrigible, as a load that has to be borne more or less cheerfully until Nature, or divine Grace, delivers you from it by death. At best, life on earth is a field for progress and one should take advantage of it as best one can in order to reach as soon as possible the degree of perfection ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... happened to me too, but for the Grace of God." Sri Aurobindo remarks that had Sir Philip Sidney been wiser he would have said, "That could have happened to me too, by the Grace of God." For the divine Grace is everywhere, always, behind everything and every event, whatever our reaction to that thing or event may be, whether it appears good or bad, catastrophic or beneficial. And if Sir Philip had ...


... best and contributes as much as he can to that transformation of the world which Sri Aurobindo has predicted. 2 December 1964 Sri Aurobindo has said somewhere that if one surrenders to the Divine Grace, it will do everything for us. Therefore, what value has tapasya? If you want to know what Sri Aurobindo has said on a given subject, you must at least read all that he has written on that subject ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... want is a transformation of the individual consciousness, not a change of regime or government. For reaching that goal we put no confidence in any human means, however powerful; our trust is in the Divine Grace alone. For us here there is only one thing that counts. We aspire for the Divine, live for the Divine, act for the Divine. July 1956 Page 108 It is ages of ardent aspiration ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... not through exterior means. It is in the silence of your heart that the Divine will speak to you and will guide you and will lead you to your goal. But for that you must have full faith in the Divine Grace and Love. 18 January 1962 Page 96 Little child of mine, When your first letter came, I simply wrote a word in French upon it and left it on my table―as I was expecting the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II Faith Faith is spontaneous knowledge in the psychic. Faith is a certitude which is not necessarily based on experience and knowledge. Faith―confidence in the Divine and the unshakable certitude of the Divine's Victory. It is good to have this unshakable faith―it makes your path easier ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II The Divine Help Whenever there is sincerity and goodwill, the Divine's help also is there. 19 April 1954 Be ever one-pointed in your surrender and sincere in your aspiration and you will constantly feel the presence of the Divine's help and guidance. With the Divine's help nothing is impossible ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... love are with you. At the end of the struggle there is Victory. 7 January 1966 In silent endurance, one step forward towards victory with the help of eternal love. Open to the Divine Grace and thou shalt endure. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... August 1954 Straightforwardness shows itself as it is, without compromising. Transparency can come only as a result of perfect sincerity. Illumined transparency: an effect of the Divine Grace. Page 174 Integral transparency: it is the result of perfect goodwill and sincerity. Integrality is super-sincerity. 17 December 1972 Page 175 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... human relation can appease; there is a Peace that one finds nowhere, not even in death. It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace. Page 380 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... not making it. Each one is responsible first for himself; and if you aspire to help others, it is by giving an example of what one should be that you can help them most effectively. And the Divine Grace is always there, marvellously effective for all those who are sincere. 28 December 1971 Give us faith in a glorious future and the capacity to realise it. 30 December 1971 Lord ...


... , thank God, that it was impossible to speak to her of invisible things—she took them as evidence of a deranged brain! Nothing counted for her but what could be touched and seen. But this was a divine grace—I had no opportunity to say anything. I kept my experience to myself. But it was one of my first contacts with.... I learned later that it was an entity from the past who had come back into me through ...


... You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements, the attacks, the misunderstandings, the Page 398 bad wills, with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine Grace. And that is the only way out, there is no other. This world is a world of conflict, suffering, difficulty, strain; it is made of it. It has not yet changed, it will take some time before changing ...


... its return, eternising it; afterwards when they want to get rid of it, it has got such a hold that they find themselves helpless in its clutch and only a terrible struggle or an intervention of divine grace can liberate them. Page 51 Some do this out of a vital twist or perversity, others out of sheer ignorance; but in yoga, as in life, ignorance is not accepted by Nature as a justifying ...


... will produce such and such a result if you do that, this will happen, etc.' Oh! It reeks! I know it well. I know it very well. These laws reek of falsehood. In the body, we have no faith in the divine Grace, none, none, none, none! Those who have not undergone a tapasya 2 as I have, say, 'Yes, all these inner moral things, feelings, psychology, all that is very good; we want the Divine and we are ...


... necessary distort your own intentions. They are truly instruments of sincerity. Yet they always overlook one thing, deliberately, something they reject and cast far behind, as if it didn't exist—the divine Grace. They overlook prayer, this spontaneous prayer that suddenly surges up from the depths of your being like an intense call and makes the Grace descend and changes the course of things. And each ...


... all these attacks as an outward expression of the usual tests that the adverse forces make to fortify and intensify the sadhana. It is teaching you to have an absolute faith and confidence in the Divine Grace, because when they will be complete and perfect, all sorrow and all anxiety will depart from you. I can read in your heart and see in your mind—the attitude, gossips and suggestions from anybody ...


... allowed such a thing to happen, and not to be disconsolate or indignant or sad because people do not appreciate you for what you consider to be your proper value; on the contrary, you should thank the divine Grace for having pointed out to you the weakness or imperfection or deformation that you have to rectify. So instead of being unhappy, you can be fully satisfied and take advantage, a great advantage ...


... the Divine Love. But there is a remedy: Sincere and constant aspiration. 6 July 1967 I have begun to see that both the personal effort of the sadhak and its result depend on the Divine Grace. About this, one could say humorously that we are all divine, but we are hardly even aware of it, and what we call "ourselves" is that in us which is unaware that it is divine. 13 July 1967 ...


... avoided, all that is always the intervention of the Vibration of Harmony into the vibration of Disorder, allowing Disorder to cease. So the people, the faithful, who always say, "Through the Divine Grace this has happened," aren't so wrong. I only note the fact that it is this Vibration of Order and Harmony Page 93 that intervened (we're not concerned with the reasons for its intervention ...


... traces for him, whatever it may be, even if it is altogether incomprehensible to his limited reason? 14 October 1954 All fear must be overcome and replaced by a total confidence in the Divine Grace. 6 June 1955 On some days of each month, when I sleep at night on my cot, moonlight from the window of my room falls on my face and body. Is there any harm in the moonlight falling on ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... this galloping mind and you will see the results. With love and blessings. 17 January 1962 Above all the complication of so-called human wisdom there is the luminous simplicity of the Divine Grace ready to act if we allow it to act. Life could be quite simple and easy if man's mind did not introduce in it so many useless complications. 29 December 1962 Once the mind has started ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... and not through external means. It is in the silence of your heart that the Divine will speak to you and will guide you and will lead you to your goal. But for that you must have full faith in the Divine Grace and Love. 18 January 1962 The guidance is in your heart. Go ahead according to your inspiration. 14 January 1972 When I pray to You and open my heart to Your light and put ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... correctly what these circumstances are, it is better to keep silent about them. To anticipate difficulties is to help them happen. Always to foresee the best with a total trust in the Divine Grace is to collaborate effectively in the supramental work upon earth. Sweet Mother, This morning in my meditation I saw so many things which were logically unrelated but which definitely produced ...


... brother's blood! In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him: "What have you done with your brother?" Today I call man and ask him: "What have you done with the earth?" For all those whom the Divine Grace has kept far from the horrible conflict which is tearing men at, the only way to express their gratitude is by a complete consecration of their whole being to the divine work. May 1940 ...


... to celebrate the advent of a new world, the supramental world, is a marvellous and exceptional privilege. 24 April 1958 There are two complementary aspects of the liberating action of the Divine Grace upon earth among men. These two aspects are equally indispensable, but are not equally appreciated. The sovereign immutable peace that liberates from anxiety, tension and suffering. The dynamic ...


... will be all right when you are all right. 17 November 1952 Let the consciousness work in you and through you and everything will become all right. 10 April 1954 Pray to the Divine Grace to make you do always the right thing in the right way. Always do what you know to be the best even if it is the most difficult thing to do. 2 May 1954 Which is the easiest way to ...


... of distinguishing what must be and what must be avoided, the true and the false, the Divine and the anti-Divine, we must act strictly according to this knowledge. And this knowledge comes by the Divine Grace. He is our life, our courage, our knowledge and our peace —how is it possible for us to live in this world without Him! That is why we say: "Without the Divine, life is a painful illusion. ...


... [governing life on earth]: (1) The Cosmic Law, of Karma or what else; (2) the Divine Compassion acting on as many as it can reach through the nets of the Law and giving them their chance; (3) the Divine Grace which acts more incalculably but also more irresistibly than the others." (Sri Aurobindo) × ...


... shrinks, becomes diminished, generalized and finally within everyone's grasp. But there is something: like a FORMIDABLE conflict taking place over the earth at this moment, with this wonderful divine Grace always helping, always striving for the best and exerting a pressure, "Come now, be cheerful, come now, have goodwill, come now, have, yes, have that inner Harmony of contentment, of hope, of faith ...


... you know!... "...Let the higher intelligences putter along in their own sweet way, which will go on for millennia, and let them leave simple and goodwilled people, those who believe in the Divine Grace, free to move on quietly on their path of light." Then, here, I have several notes, I don't know what it is.... ( Mother holds out papers to Satprem ) The first note is dated August ...


... that he is quite desperate and... So I answered this: It is when all appears to be lost that all can be saved. When one has lost trust in one's personal power, one must have faith in the Divine Grace. It's useful for many. It has been said I don't know how many times, but it always seems necessary to repeat it. ( silence ) So the old system of personal property is collapsing in ...


... and conditioned by the law of the world as it is, but in full action and therefore bringing the reign of light, peace, harmony, joy, love, beauty and Ananda, for these are the Divine Nature. The Divine Grace is there ready to act at every moment, but it manifests as one grows out of the Law of Ignorance into the Law of Light, and it is meant, not as an arbitrary caprice, however miraculous often its ...


... about five o'clock in the morning there.... Do you have a message for him? Tell him (words are so restrictive) that when I heard his letter, I saw—I saw and felt—the marvelous action of the divine Grace. There was a sort of... flood of Grace concentrated on him, and it stayed there, on him—it is there, concentrated on him ( embracing gesture ). Page 149 It is very concrete—very concrete ...


... cold and dry beside it. And that is why the less one talks about these things, the better it is. A single instant, a single impulse of deep and true love, a single minute of deep communion with the divine Grace brings you much closer to the goal than all possible explanations." ( Questions and Answers , 5.14.1958 ) "In the other hemisphere, there is an intensity and a plenitude which result ...


... You're too active. If you could simply.... More and more I feel that unless we do this ( Mother opens her hands upwards in a gesture of surrender ), and leave it, with an INTENSE faith in the divine Grace,... it's just... impossible. Like this ( same gesture ). ( Mother plunges in then opens her eyes wide and looks at Satprem. The contemplation goes on, eyes open, unblinking. ) ...


... to recall -how this periodical was launched and to note some of the vicissitudes through which it passed. Considering the initial difficulties in its way, one may well designate it a child of Divine Grace. In its origin it was the idea of a young businessman, Keshav-deo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: 'The New-Born.' For, although ...

... human into the divine: that must be the story of our progress. And here we may give a few glimpses of the Mother as the pragmatic Guru. "Nobody can say, 'there is no hope for me,' because the Divine Grace is there." - "The ego thinks of what it wants and has not. That is its constant preoccupation. The soul is aware of what it is receiving and lives in endless Gratitude." - "There is no better ...

... from far behind through his emotional heart which is the centre of his conscious organism. This soul is a spontaneous self-giver and God-worshipper and holds the ultimate yearning of Nature for the Divine Grace that has itself plunged into the abyss of Matter as a Saviour and urges everything higher and higher towards God. So the divineness of Love has to manifest in this soul and give it the secret of ...


... prophesied "heat-death" of the universe that Sri Aurobindo's "gnostic beings" are envisaged as developing out of us by human aspiration and the response of divine grace. Long before the anticipated low-temperature dead-end the involved Supermind will have evolved in co-operation with the free descending Supermind. And the ...


... would no more be the Truth and the Love, but something artificial. That is why the collaboration of the human consciousness is indispensable, and the way is long and arduous. However the Divine Grace is there always and each fall can be changed into a springing board for a new progress. á demain LOVE Now the hideous difficulties and sufferings and disappointments reached their ...


... salutations to the Mother. By her divine advice alone I can get patience and peace. Write to me Mother’s advice under the circumstances.” What shall I reply to him? “To keep faith in the Divine Grace and not to worry.” My love and blessings 22 March 1949 ...

... free your mind from all thoughts in 7 days or be established in Brahmic consciousness in a few days. 3 if you please. You are terribly inaccurate in your statements. It was simply through the Divine Grace, because it had been done by thousands before me throughout the centuries and millenniums, and the Divine did not want me to waste time over that other things in the Yoga were not so damned easy ...

... then Purani prolonged it. PURANI: Kapali Shastri asked the Maharshi whether immotality was possible. The Maharshi would not say anything, but as Shastri persisted he said that it was possible by Divine Grace. SRI AUROBINDO: That is hardly an answer. Everything is possible by Grace. There are two things about immortality. One is conquest of death. This doesn't mean that one would never die. It means ...


... it possible to create Manasaputra ("mind-child") by will-power? SRI AUROBINDO: Anything is possible under proper conditions. NIRODBARAN: I am afraid that is like the Maharshi's reply: "The Divine Grace can do everything." (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: But it is true in principle. NIRODBARAN: The question is whether proper conditions would be possible. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends. If man, ...


... As for Moni's idea, I can't say there is no truth in it if one sincerely believes in it and sticks to it. SRI AUROBINDO: Ah, sticks to it! NIRODBARAN: There are people who rely entirely on Divine Grace and have the faith that the Divine will do everything for them. It is not entirely wrong, is it? I think you have yourself written something like that, though, as you have said, such people are ...


... opens to you a door on something truer and deeper. And when you are a little awake and look back, if you are in the least sincere, you say: "Ah! It wasn't I who was right — it was Nature or the divine Grace or my psychic being who did it." It is the psychic being which organised that. Page 5 Man's hopes and longings build the journeying wheels That bear the body of his destiny ...

... the same time that people with such qualities succeed in life. NIRODBARAN: You have said in your Prayers and Meditations that justice exists and one can't avoid the law of Karma except by the Divine Grace. Why doesn't one believe in this Grace? THE MOTHER (after looking for some time with meditative eyes) : Because the human mind arranges and combines things, accepts or eliminates them according ...


... this kind have been recorded in Talks with Sri Aurobindo . And quite a number of our own people, inmates or visitors, who never hoped to reach Sri Aurobindo through external means, had thus the "divine grace", as they called it, to be heard by the Lord. The self-imposed seclusion was partially broken by the hand of Fate. There was the case of a visitor-friend who Was unjustly involved in a criminal ...

... stream and a golden cup. In a letter to Nirodbaran, Sri Aurobindo explained the significance of the vision: “ ‘Violet’ is the colour of the benevolence or compassion, but also more vividly of the Divine Grace—represented in the vision as flowing from the heights of the spiritual consciousness down on this earth. The golden cup is I suppose the Truth-Consciousness.” Once Nishikanto saw in a dream-vision ...

... physical atmosphere of the earth as no other engine has done. It has shaken the moral atmos­phere too not in a lesser degree. Reason and moral sense could not move man, so Fear has been sent by the Divine Grace. Dante said that God created Hell in his mood of infinite love and justice-that seems to be the inevitable gate through which one has to pass to arrive at the Divine. We are indeed in hell today ...

... been called the Wheel of Karma or the cycle of Ignorance. And the aim of all spiritual seekers has been to rise out of it – some-how, by force of tapasy ā , energy of concentrated will or divine Grace – go through or by-pass and escape into the Beyond. This is the path of ascent I referred to at the outset. In this view it is taken for granted that this creation is transient and empty of happiness ...

... , thank God, that it was impossible to speak to her of invisible things—she took them as evidence of a deranged brain! Nothing counted for her but what could be touched and seen. But this was a divine grace—I had no opportunity to say anything. I kept my experience to myself. But it was one of my first contact with.... I learned later that it was an entity from the past who had come back into me through ...

... tears Rejected the undying rapture's boon: Offered to the daughter of infinity Her passion flower of love and doom she gave. || 2.8 || Here I perceived that Savitri brought the gift of Divine Grace and Divine Love but the Earth rejected it and on her part gave Savitri the opposite. ...


... elements which are as follows: (i)Never to admit "I can't possibly resist this present temptation." For this avowal on the part of the sadhaka automatically prevents the action of the divine Grace. After all, this "I can' cannot stand the scrutiny. For, it is a fact of spiritual life that whenever a sadhaka sincerely decides to fight against any of his weaknesses, the Divine himself actively ...

... difficult in parts! NB: ... I would not like to invite the same inevitable fate on my weak bony shoulders.... To think that five or six years more of barren desert stretch between me and the Divine Grace, coagulates my blood! Please give an answer to these points - if no time tonight, tomorrow. Page 338 Sri Aurobindo: Non, monsieur, — j'ai d'autres chats a fouetter. I have ...

... which is rich with all the realisations that are to come, full of beauty and light. (xiv)He is full of love for all those who are around him. (xv)He is full of confidence in the Divine Grace. (Vide ibid., pp. 150-52) (20)"The true wisdom is to be ready to learn from whatever source the knowledge can come. We can learn things from a flower, an animal, a child, if we ...

... faulted? If you find fault with anybody, that fault is likely to increase in that person and to come also into you. 18.10.32 Sri Aurobindo Mother With Thy Divine Grace, all the wrong suggestions will go away from me. After receiving your letter today I feel peace and experience your Love and Grace, because you love me as a mother loves her child and also I feel ...


... sadhaka will not do for him in his lift of sadhana. The Mother's words addressed to the sadhakas of the Path are categorical on tins point. Here, is what she has said again and again: "Pray to the Divine Grace to make you do always the right thing in the right way." (Words of the Mother, MCW Vol. 15, p. 243) We find here two significant requirements: the right action and the right way ...

... The Practice of the Integral Yoga X Personal Effort and the divine Grace While walking on the thorny path of spiritual Sadhana the sadhaka should never forget even for a moment that he is not alone in his arduous journey. But if not alone, who gives him companions hip on the Path? Is it any human comrade who is referred to here? No, certainly ...

... and I know that the part about the descent into Hell can stand comparison with some of the best English poetry; but I don't expect any contemporaries to see it. If they do, it will be good luck or divine grace, that is all." It redounds to the great credit of K.D.S. that he took up in right earnest, almost single-handedly, the pioneering task of making Sri Aurobindo known to the reading public as ...

... thought here, indeed for amazement and wonder at this tremendous experience Sri Aurobindo gained in three days. When I asked him once how he had achieved this, he answered: 'It was simply through the Divine Grace — because it has been done by thousands before me throughout the centuries and millenniums and the Divine did not want me to waste time over that.' Yet we can but marvel that he should have had ...


... work everything out. Certainly there were flaws in the offer. Nothing on earth created by man is flawless, because the human mind has a limited capacity . Yet behind this o ffer there is the Divine Grace directly present. The Grace is now at the door of India, ready to give its help. In the history of a nation such opportunities do not come often. The Grace presents itself at rare moments, after ...

... repay even a fraction of what He has done and is still doing. It will take hundreds of lives, even if I were to try. Human kindness can be repaid, ladies and gentlemen, but you cannot pay back Divine Grace, because the Divine gives without measure, without bargain or motive. He left no stone unturned to bring my soul to the Light. All this He has done for me and He has tried to make me a yogi ...


... no responsibility for the sadhana—and that I should just live and work joyously (which I can't do either). Mother, what attitude should I take when I read such things? And what about the Divine Grace? Do you think it exists to remain idle? Most have to work, but some are carried and are asked only to keep faith and confidence. With love and blessings 1 September 1966 ...

... beyond the silence!       Is this a correct description of my unity and silence?       That is how it is felt.         In this Ashram one does not need to search for the divine Grace. It is there in abundance. Only a sincere opening is needed from us.       Yes. Page 167 ...

... habit — the vital part takes a sort of gloomy satisfaction in crying out "I am attacked, overborne, suffering, miserable! How tragic is my fate! Why do you not help, O Divine? There is no help, no divine Grace! I am left to my misery and downfall etc. etc. etc." I do not want one more sadhak to fall into this condition — that is why I am calling Halt! before you get entangled into this kind of habit of ...

... to leave. Mother, do take her under Thy complete protection. Mother, what should I do under the present circumstances? What are Thy commands for me? You are doing what is necessary. The Divine Grace is with her. Now her soul will decide to stay in her body or to go, according to her spiritual need and the Lord’s command. My love is with her. Blessings c. early 1968 ...

... materially, with a friction it was entering into me. It was as concrete as that, through the pores, it was entering like this ( gesture ). And for the first time I see how one can have faith in the Divine Grace, an unshakable faith, without the least anxiety about the work which He had accomplished. It was phenomenal, the consciousness He had accumulated in Himself. It was extraordinary — the level He ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 XII The Divine Grace and Love The Mother says that there can be Love without Grace as there can also be Grace without Love, although the two are essentially one and the same. Grace means gift, it is a gesture of the giving of boon from the Divine. The Divine gives out of His Plenitude what we want, what ...

... they come, therein lies freedom, the divine detachment which the individual must possess always in order to be one with Him, feel one's identity with Him. (5) Man's refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri, The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First ...

... privilege of being so conscious as to contact the gods and God Himself—-he is master of life-force (a ś wapati); he climbs to the summits and brings down upon earth the heavenly riches and the Divine Grace, which fulfils, transmuting all debits into credits. Page 140 ...

...       Savitri represents one such divine dawn at a crucial moment of earth-life. She embodies creation's entire past and shows in her life how that past is transformed through the alchemy of Divine Grace to a glorious future—the inevitable destiny that awaits man and earth. Page 3 ...

... at least can have, a wonderful power, the potency of reversing the natural decree and bring about a supernatural intervention. Human love can at a crucial moment – in extremis – call down the Divine Grace, which means God's love for man. And the soul meant for perdition and about to be seized and carried away by Satan finds itself suddenly free and lifted up and borne by Heaven's messengers. Human ...

... Even so, the world in its inconscience lies heavy on the secret Consciousness that is behind. It lies almost smothered under the dead weight of the inconscient and the unconsciousness. But the Divine Grace has entered into the inertial mass and split it up, entered into each particle as a spark of consciousness to turn gradually the dead matter into a rising and evolving tier of consciousness. ...

... accept other qualities and transformation and thereby achieve the higher and the nobler existence. The human receptacle acts as a unique catalytic agent in this chemical progress. A benediction, a divine Grace reposes on this apparently weak and perishable human body. God accepts this human body burdened with diseases and afflictions, because there is no other way of accepting the world and humanity ...

... lies freedom, the divine detachment which the individual must possess always in order to be one with Him, feel one's identity with Him. Page 12 (5) Man's refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First ...


... Lord with his outer heart too aflame with passion; not only his inmost being but his vital being also seeks the Divine. This bears upon the occult story of man's spiritual evolution upon earth. The Divine Grace descends from the highest into the deepest and from the deepest to the outer ranges of human nature, so that the whole of it may be illumined and transformed and one day man can embody in his earthly ...

... Source. Savitri represents one such divine dawn at a crucial moment of earth-life. She embodies creation's entire past and shows in her life how that past is transformed through the alchemy of Divine Grace to a glorious future – the inevitable destiny that awaits man and earth. Page 307 ...

... second, it works miracles. Only it must be there already, you must be already in the state of wakefulness, you cannot order it at the moment, you have no time. You may say again that it is the Divine Grace that saves. But would you explain to me how it works? It would be interesting, indeed, to find out who had precisely the awakened consciousness, had the faith and the inner trust, had called ...

... at the lower end-that of St. Peter, for example, at his weakest moment – there are various gradations of the conditions fulfilled and the protection given is variable accordingly. Not that the Divine Grace acts or has to act according to any such hard and fast rule of mechanics, there is no such mathematical Law of Protection in the scheme of Providence. And yet on the whole and generally speaking ...

... consciousness to a serener height and aspire wholly towards the help and guidance from above, not to be moved by the blast that passes but hold himself firmly anchored upon the rock of ages, the Divine Grace. It is only then that the question can come of actually taking part in the battle of life – for it is then that you can act as God's agent or instrument. If you have to take to the field of actual ...

... to me and complain: "What have I done in my past life that I have to be under such difficult conditions now, to suffer so much!" I always reply: "But don't you see it is a blessing for you, the divine grace upon you? In your past life perhaps you yourself asked for such conditions so that you may make greater progress through them!" This way of looking at the thing may seem very novel. But truth lies ...

... bad, they are so only in relation to ourselves: their effect, I say, depends entirely upon the way in which we regard these things. If we take, for example, a circumstance as a gift from God, as a divine Grace, as an outcome of the total har­mony, it will help us to become more conscious and truer and stronger. The same identical circumstance, if we take it diffe­rently, as a blow of Fate, as a bad force ...

... He continues to be in the earth atmosphere, but not very far from the material. In our childhood we used to hear that in Kali the practice of religion or spirituality has been made easy by the Divine Grace in view of man's frailty. In Kali man is now incapable of austerity, so, at present simply to utter God's name is sufficient to bring salvation. So I was saying the Divine help is at our door: the ...

... their various levels is almost an exact image of what happens to a soul after death. The highest Heaven where Dante meets Beatrice may be considered as the psychic world and Beatrice herself the Divine Grace that bathes, illumines and comforts the psychic being. If one has, however, within oneself an ardent and sincere and unflickering flame, one can go through more or less easily and unscathed; ...

... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 READINGS IN "SAVITRI" (2) Savitri, the Divine Grace in human form, is upon earth. The Divine Consciousness has abandoned its own supreme transcendental status to enter into the human consciousness and partake of the earthly life: it has taken up a mortal frame, to Jive and dwell here below. Only thus she can transform ...

... it works miracles. Only it must be there already, you must be already in the state of wakefulness, you cannot order it at the moment, you have no time. You may say again that it is the Divine Grace that saves. But would you explain to me how it works? It would be interesting indeed to find out who had precisely the awakened consciousness, had the faith and the inner trust, had called for ...

... physical atmosphere of the earth as no other engine has done. It has shaken the moral atmosphere too not in a lesser degree. Reason and moral sense could not move man, so Fear has been sent by the Divine Grace. Dante said that God created Hell in his mood of infinite love and justice— that seems to be the inevitable gate through which one has to pass to arrive at the Divine. We are indeed in hell today ...


... mind and life. And then keeping this truth in full view he should develop himself in all the parts of his being, keep the flame of aspiration constantly burning within him and rely entirely on the Divine Grace. Man should determine his work according to his nature, capacity and inclination since it is work that helps us in manifesting our inner truth outside. Then it is important to try turn oneself ...

... joy of Indra-loka, or were they the regrets of my ego watching the imminent end of its life? I cannot say. Bhakti is a divine acquisition, a thing of wonder; it cannot have its birth without divine grace. When the heart is aroused from sleep by the all-ruling grace, one sees that greatness; it is so delightful to the sight; then only one's life, possessed of the knowledge of the Lord's universal ...


... therefore would mean etymologically "some one descended from the Sun", "one belonging to the Sun", "an energy derived from the Sun, the Divine Creator". In our poem, Savitri is the princess who embodies Divine Grace descended in human birth to work out with the aspiring soul of humanity his divine destiny. The word "Satyavan" means etymologically "one who possesses,—or wants to possess,—the Truth", or "one ...

... it even if it has lasted for centuries in a community. A spiritual man is not bound by these rules. He keeps the door for redemption open even for the worst criminal, knowing the Omnipotence of Divine Grace. Q: You spoke of the Real-Idea—can it be the same as Praj ā A : No. It is Praj ñā or Praj ñā na of the Upanishads. It is the Divine's own self-view. Q: There are eminent ...


... nature and the subconscient scum is absolutely incompatible with it. So long as a man is on earth, the terrestrial life is his field of achievement, and all that he gains by personal effort or by divine Grace must have a full and perfect expression in his life, whether the gain is physical, vital, mental or spiritual; and if any acquisition, however highly spiritual it may be, fails to manifest itself ...


... ailments and breaking asunder all our bonds, liberates us into our essential purity and perfection. As we contemplate this living Love, this blazing Force Page 326 of dynamic divine Grace and Beatitude, She reveals herself to us under three arresting aspects : first, the aspect of her love for the Divine,—a white psychic flame burning in unabated intensity, second, the aspect of ...


... uninterrupted expression of the Divine Page 373 Presence and an integrated means of the fulfilment of His Will. This colossal work of revealing the divine glory and dispensing the divine Grace in a life of ceaseless activity, she has undertaken, as the Prayers and Meditations proclaims from page to page, in response to the express Will of the Divine, so that the fruits of her labours ...


... a presence or a voice The world is turned into a temple ground And all discloses the unknown Beloved." Then life becomes a rapture-offering full of bliss, carrying in it the secret divine grace and revealing even in life the working of immortal divine powers. Then the individual feels fulfilled in life. At its summit this realm touches the regions of this Immortals. On those immortal ...

... and yet impersonal descriptions. The description of Savitri on the last day before she faces Death is suffused with strains cosmic pathos mingled with the grandeur Page 372 of Divine Grace. It has sufficient elements to make her human and yet it is her divinity that dominates. As Sri Aurobindo himself wrote it contains the Overmental intuition at its highest. The occasion when ...

... can say that he established the League of Nations and somebody else has disestablished it. Disciple : He used to keep nothing for the morrow in his organization – he depended entirely on Divine Grace. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, and he also started, I believe, Sannyasi marriage – I can't say, if it was real marriage or spiritual. But he had something real in him. Page 233 ...

... come down onto this mortal world and opened up the treasure-trove of Her Grace. Now in these moments of leisure, every utterance, every gesture of the Mother overwhelms the heart with a memory of divine grace and beauty. In remembering Her, my entire consciousness sinks deep within my heart. At that time it seemed the most natural of thing, that life would go on in this way! When Mother Aditi Herself ...


... will work under the conditions of the Truth, not under those imposed upon it by falsehood."] Disciple :   Grace is grace, but one need not sit with folded hands. What is achieved is by the divine grace. Sri Aurobindo :   Grace is of course unconditional, but it is for men to fulfil the conditions. It is as if man was continually spilling from a cup in which something was being poured ...

... i doesn’t allow it. She abhors any sort of waste.” These elderly ladies remembered the Mother quite unknowingly in different ways as they lived their lives. Probably this too is the Mother’s divine Grace. Ranga-didima came to the Ashram two or three times. She even had the Mother’s darshan in Her room. She was very keen on getting the Mother’s charanamrita and so I told Nolini-da about it. ...


... between guru and disciple; the grace of the guru: Page 185 Question: "Is there anything like grace – what is called ahaitukī krpā ? Can the personal side of the guru dispense Divine Grace?" Sri Aurobindo: "It depends upon who is the guru. You don't mean to say that the personal side of the guru decides what is to be given to the disciple voluntarily and independently of the Divine ...


... India and Pondicherry around October 15 th . ...... Let us see what happens. I have done my duty, completed the job — now only remains the unknown. (...) This is the hour of courage and Divine grace for the strong in soul. We are deeply and closely together. We have come now on the real battlefield. I embrace you, Satprem P.S.: I shall inform Kireet only of the near release of ...

... You, O Divine Mother Mira, sublimely radiant Twin divinities, have manifested down here. I am, thus, forever blessed. I pray humbly that I be able to keep myself forever open to the shower of Your divine Grace. Page 207 ...


... the battlefields, lay mangled the flower of Europe's manhood whose death had been decreed by Hitler. And here, in the Ashram, were gathered the day's flowers in an act of adoration to invoke Divine Grace for the early end of the War unleashed by the Asura. VII While there was all this solemn resolve to mobilise the flowers of Light against the forces of Darkness, the outer life of ...


... come to the Mother more or less as simultaneous and complementary apocalyptic Visions. Varieties of human beings appear as recognisable types, but the central actors are really Human Aspiration and Divine Grace: one calls and the other responds. In The Great Secret, the characters are trapped by destiny to start self-examination in real earnest and face the truth of their respective failures. In ...


... grace and force, plasticity and endurance, and above all, an excellent health, unvarying and unchanging, which is the result of a pure soul, a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. Page 440 ...


... 593, 602 (cf303) true hierarchy 54, 105, 611 one's place in universal work 55-7, 123, 526-7 ', 701 peace, silence and sadhana 67, 671 two ways of uniting with the Divine 72-3, 306 the Divine Grace 73, 345, 679, 813 and Karma 401, 546 obedience to and trust in 528, 648, 781 aspiration and 593-4 contact with 673 and the horoscope 713 and human egocentric imbecility 776, 806 ...


... except from Savitri: "She only can save herself and save the world." The entire outside work is going on as usual. One moves on in his or her best light.... What will be our life only the Divine Grace knows. Faith and Courage keep up the whole life. Physically she is O.K., Dr. Sanyal and Dr. Bisht say. So we have nothing to worry nor think anything.... And on 13 August, at the Sri Aurobindo ...


... word to anybody, least of all to her mother, who would have whisked her off to the nearest doctor without a moment's loss. "Nothing counted for her except what one touches and sees. But it was a divine grace," Mother acknowledged, "I had no possibility of telling her anything. I kept my experiences to myself." Thus the materialistic armour served Mirra as a protection and helped her to withstand the ...

... the slightest doubt that you can do the sadhana if you cleave to it — not certainly in your own unaided strength, for nobody can do that, but by the will of the psychic being in you aided by the Divine Grace. There is a part in the physical and vital consciousness of every human being that has not the will for it, does not feel the capacity for it, distrusts any hope or promise of a spiritual future ...

... clear and comprehensive vision of the crowning achievement. It marches with firm but flexible steps, profiting by the landmarks of the principal Yogas of the past, but solely depending upon the divine Grace and following the subtle, unfaltering guidance of the divine Force. Because its creative vision is fixed upon the realisation and expression of the splendours of the Supermind in human life, much ...

... scum is absolutely incompatible with it. So long as a man is on earth, the terrestrial life is his field of achievement, and all that Page 24 he gains by personal effort or by divine Grace must have a full and perfect expression in his life, whether the gain is physical, vital, mental or spiritual; and if any acquisition, however highly spiritual it may be, fails to manifest itself ...


... namo'stu te sarvadehasaṅgamaṁ sukhadaṁ subhagaṁ bhavasāram. Thou, who art indestructible, O Lord of the Infinite Mountains, Inhabiter of the World, One in body with All, the Giver of Happiness, the Divine Grace, the Essence of the World, I bow to Thee. ( Source unknown ) आनन्द ममि तमामधि सत्यमपि परम Om anandamaji chaitanyemaye satyamazi param Sri Aurobindo ...

... play when he is in the playground, … he likes to eat at meal-time, … he likes to sleep at bed-time, … and always he is full of love for all those around him, … full of confidence in the divine Grace, full of deep respect for the Divine. Much later, when we were recording Mother’s reading of The Ideal Child, She added another phrase: Childhood is the symbol of the future and the hope ...


... smiling surrender to Urvasie's petulance & wilfulness and her whole half matron-like air of elder-sisterly protection, give her a very sensible charm and attractiveness; there is a true nymphlike & divine grace, tact & felicity in all that she says & does. Outside the group of Opsaras the Hermitess Satyavatie is a slighter but equally attractive figure, venerable, kind, a little impersonal owing to the ...


... relation can appease; there is a Peace that one finds nowhere here, not even in death. It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace. Page 644 ...

... reason why you should not succeed in your sadhana if, having seen the defects of your lower nature, you take a firm resolve in future and keep it to be more strict with yourself, more trustful in the Divine Grace, more sincerely open to the Mother. 10 September 1933 Page 673 Some [personal] rules I have been following—not reading newspapers, not eating outside, and so forth—now seem like ...


... only when one is right at the bottom that one realises that one has Page 233 come down. Then one must climb back. That is not always comfortable. But for one who has faith in the Divine Grace, the return to the Light becomes easy. 2 Page 234 × "Love is universal and eternal; it is always ...


... Even if it is truly an enemy who comes to attack you, he becomes powerless. In all cases, without exception, whatever may happen, calm and quietude and serene peace and an absolute faith in the divine Grace—if you have all this, nothing can happen to you. And you must have all this if you want to have experiences; because experiences without this—it's not good; but with this, it's excellent. Page ...


... opposition opens to you a door on something truer and deeper. And when you are a little awake and look back, if you are in the least sincere, you say: "Ah! it wasn't I who was right—it was Nature or the divine Grace or my psychic being who did it." It is the psychic being which organised that. Is it the psychic will which wants the being to be identified with the Divine? Yes, surely. It is the will ...


... consciousness has only to descend in you and remain there, and all is finished. You imagine that no time is needed, no long, hard or careful work, and that all will be done for you in a moment by the Divine Grace. This is quite wrong. It is not done in that way; and so long as you persist in this error, there can be no permanent divinisation, and you will only disturb the Truth that is trying to come, and ...


... opposition opens to you a door on something truer and deeper. And when you are a little awake and look back, if you are in the least sincere, you say: "Ah! It wasn't I who was right—it was Nature or the divine Grace or my psychic being who did it." It is the psychic being which organised that. The Mother Questions and Answers (1953): 16 December 1953 If you have within you a psychic being sufficiently ...


... to the most subconscient is not opened and awake. There is no harm in a Doctor who is a sadhak carrying on his profession and using his medical knowledge; but he should do it in reliance on the Divine Grace and the Divine Will; if he can get true inspirations to aid his science, so much the better. No doctor Page 784 can cure all cases; he has to do his best with the best result he can ...


... nothing can trouble. You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements, the attacks, the misunderstandings, the bad wills, with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine Grace. And that is the only way out, there is no other. This world is a world of conflict, suffering, difficulty, strain; it is made of it. It has not yet changed, it will take some time before changing ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... consciousness are as externalised as they are, what is the point of aspiring for the Supermind? But I don't see why I shouldn't aspire for the highest, in spite of my weaknesses. We rely on the Divine Grace. It is the central sincerity that is needed. It is true that neither can be got in any effective way unless the whole being is turned towards it—unless there is a real and very serious spirit ...


... 21 April 1937 A Reluctant Guru I have prayed a lot today. Some comfort to dwell on that, though Krishnaprem advocates the Upanishadic attitude—"Awake! Arise!"—and not to trust too much to Divine Grace. Krishnaprem's objection to Grace would be valid if the religionists mattered, but in spiritual things they don't. Their action naturally is to make a formula and dry shell of everything, not ...


... a bondage fettering all spiritual progress; in any case, it is considered as a thing that cannot be mended, a load that has to be borne more or less cheerfully until the time when Nature or the Divine Grace relieves you of it by death, At best life on earth is a field for progress and one should try to get the utmost profit out of it, all the sooner to reach that degree of perfection which will put ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... opposition opens to you a door on something truer and deeper. And when you are a little awake and look back, if you are in the least sincere, you say: “Ah! it wasn’t I who was right—it was Nature or the divine Grace or my psychic being who did it.” It is the psychic being which organised that. The Mother Questions and Answers (1953): 16 December 1953 ...


... when he is in the playground, ..he likes to eat at mealtime, ..he likes to sleep at bedtime, ...and always he is full of love for all those around him, ...full of confidence in the divine Grace. ..full of deep respect for the Divine. * What should be the main concern in education for children aged eleven to thirteen? Page 34 The most important ...


... But it is always there, always there. In every circumstance, there is in the depth of every being, just this little (one can't call it "voice", for it makes no sound) this little indication of the divine Grace, and sometimes to obey it requires a tremendous effort, for all the rest of the being opposes it violently, one part with the conviction that what it thinks is true, another with all the power, ...


... meditation, instead of telling you that you must be in constant contemplation and totally indifferent to all things in the world, that you must have only one thought, to prepare yourself to receive the divine Grace, instead of that you are told, "No, try to become developed and conscious beings who know things and have healthy, strong, agile bodies capable of doing exceptional things, an adequate will and ...


... mistake, is as if someone lighted a lamp and you deliberately put it out.... That corresponds exactly to bringing the darkness back deliberately. For the argument of weakness does not hold. The divine Grace is always there to help those who have decided to correct themselves, and they cannot say, "I am too weak to correct myself." They can say that they still haven't taken the resolution to correct ...


... one surrenders, entrusts oneself entirely to That which is above, beyond all creation, and when, instead of seeking any personal advantage from the experience, one makes an offering of it to the divine Grace and knows that it is from This that the experience comes and that it is to This that the result of the experience must be given back, then one is quite safe. In other words: no ambition, no vanity ...


... need be they distort your own intentions. They are truly instruments of sincerity. But they always forget one thing, deliberately, something that they cast far behind as if it did not exist: the divine Grace. They forget prayer, that spontaneous prayer which suddenly springs up from the depths of the being like an intense call, and brings down the Grace and changes the course of things. And each ...


... am good for nothing, He can do nothing with me, the only thing for me is to give up the game, for He finds me unworthy of Him!" So, unless one adds to faith a total and complete trust in the Divine Grace, there will be difficulties. So both are necessary.... Now, we have put "devotion" in this series. Yes, devotion is all very well, but unless it is accompanied by many other things it too may ...


... go to war and fight with the Adversary. So sometimes, if they are not quite ready, they go and land in very bad situations, difficult predicaments. These are saved only by their trust in the divine Grace. Because, even if they act foolishly and land in difficult situations, there will always be something which comes and pulls them out of the hole at the last moment. A little like the mother cat ...


... its most sordid form, promoted by newspaper articles, useless talk and so on. Mother, how are medicines to be used for a body which is not altogether unconscious? For even when we draw on the divine grace, we see that we need a little medicine, and if a little medicine is given it has a good effect. Does this mean that only the body needs medicine or is there something wrong with the mind and the ...


... nothing can be abolished, for one recreates them every minute. When someone makes a mistake, serious or not, this mistake has consequences in his life, a 'Karma' which must be exhausted, but the Divine Grace, if one turns to It, has the power of cutting off the consequences; but for this the fault must not be repeated. One shouldn't think one can continue to commit the same stupidities indefinitely ...


... towards future realisations. Nothing is more dangerous than wanting to rest. It is in action, in effort, in the march forward that repose must be found, the true repose of complete trust in the divine Grace, of the absence of desires, of victory over egoism. True repose comes from the widening, the universalisation of the consciousness. Become as vast as the world and you will always be at rest ...


... this is no longer magic—neither white magic nor black nor golden—is not magic at all, it is a spiritual power which must be acquired by long discipline; and finally, it is given to you only by a divine grace. This means that as soon as one draws near the Truth, one is safe from all charlatanism, all pretension and falsehood. Of this I have had numerous and extremely conclusive proofs. And so someone ...


... the mud of the Ignorance in which we are stuck, opens the doors to us, shows us the path, leads us to where we have to go—this is what man has called "spirit". It is the atmosphere created by the Divine Grace in the universe to save it from the darkness into which it has fallen. The soul is a kind of individual concentration of this Grace, its individual representative in the human being. The soul ...


... Do not be caught by the desire to "help" others - do and speak yourself the right thing from the inner poise and leave the help to come to them from the Divine. Nobody can really help - only the Divine Grace. Sri Aurobindo The prison Altruism, duty, family, country, humanity are the prisons of the soul when they are not its instruments. Sri Aurobindo Charity Fling not thy alms ...


... all study, you will become geniuses, and supramental geniuses at that, don't have any illusions, it won't happen to you. For even if you touch a higher light, through an inner aspiration or by a divine grace, you will have nothing in there, in your brain, to be able to express it. So it will remain quite nebulous and won't in any way change your outer life. But if it pleases you to be like this, nobody ...


... with a special grace, born like that. But this indeed is still more rare. Source Pleasure and Pain ...if one can face suffering with courage, endurance, an unshakable faith in the divine Grace, if one can, instead of shunning suffering when it comes, enter into it with this will, this aspiration to go through it and find the luminous truth, the unvarying delight which is at the core of ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... avoided. But it is always threatening and always in abeyance; every error, every darkening of the consciousness increases this threat. And yet in the last analysis everything really depends on the Divine Grace and we should look towards the future with confidence and serenity, at the same time progressing as fast as we can. 15 April 1960 × ...


... and drives towards the revelation of that which it knows. Is it good to have a "blind faith" which neither questions nor reasons? What men usually call blind faith is in fact what the Divine Grace sometimes gives to those whose intelligence is not developed enough to have true knowledge. So blind faith can be something very respectable, although it is of course clear that one who has true ...


... he is in the playground, ... he likes to eat at meal-time, ... he likes to sleep at bed-time, ... and always he is full of love for all those around him, ... full of confidence in the divine Grace, ... full of deep respect for the Divine. Page 151 The things to be taught to a child 1) The necessity of absolute sincerity. 2) The certitude of the final victory of Truth ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... grown-ups around them and, generally, they are also weaker vitally and mentally. Fear stems from a sense of inferiority. However, there is a way to be free from it: it is to have faith in the Divine Grace and to rely on It to protect you in all circumstances. The more you grow up, the more will you get over your fear if you let the contact with your soul develop in you that is to say, with the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... perfect in discrimination at once or in rejection either. The one indispensable thing is to go on trying sincerely till there comes the full success. So long as there is complete sincerity, the Divine Grace will be there and assist at every moment on the way. If he [ the sadhak ] is sincere, there is bound to be devotion. Sincerity in Yoga means to respond to the Divine alone and if he has no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... could say that it [ spiritual humility ] is to be aware of the relativity of what has been done compared with what is still to be done—and also to be conscious of one's being nothing without the Divine Grace. Sacrifice Sacrifice has a moral and psychological value always. This value is the same no matter what may be the cause for which the sacrifice is made, provided the one who makes it believes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... this sadhana by his own merit. To become open and plastic to the Mother is the one thing needed. Despair is absurd and talking of suicide quite out of place. However a man may stumble, the Divine Grace will be there so long as he aspires for it and in the end lead him through. If she remains firm and calm and keeps an unshaken faith in the Divine Power, that will carry her through every ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the predestined instrument making the difficulty his own. That would explain many things that seem very disconcerting on the surface. Page 648 Yes, the solution is certainly the Divine Grace—it comes of itself, intervening suddenly or with an increasing force when all is ready. Meanwhile it is there behind all the struggles, and "the unconquerable aspiration for the light" of which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... absolute contradiction of your spiritual life. You can expect full support and protection from us in your resolve and, if you keep a sincere will and resolution in this matter, you may be sure that the Divine Grace will not fail you. The Relationship of Man and Woman These are ideas of the vital plane 7 where the strong demand subservience from those who are not physically or otherwise so strong. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... state. It has the joy of creation and there is nothing spiritually wrong in creative action. Why deny your vital this joy of outflow? I had already hinted to you that to be able to wait for the Divine Grace (not in a tamasic spirit, but with a sattwic reliance) was the best course for you. Prayer, yes—but not prayer insisting on immediate fulfilment—but prayer that is itself a communion of the mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... not the slightest doubt that you can do the sadhana if you cleave to it—not certainly on your own unaided strength, for nobody can do that, but by the will of the psychic being in you aided by the Divine Grace. There is a part in the physical and vital consciousness of every human being that has not the will for it, does not feel the capacity for it, distrusts any hope or promise of a spiritual future ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... conditions for its surrender or withdraw if its aspiration is not immediately satisfied—for the psychic has complete trust in the Divine or in the guru and can wait for the right time or the hour of the divine grace. The psychic has an insistence of its own, but it puts its pressure not on the Divine, but on the nature, placing a finger of light on all the defects there that stand in the way of the realisation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... however cases of people who break down their nervous balance by wrong practices—there the madness has nothing really to do with the sadhana. It is quite impossible for the descent of the Divine Grace to produce nausea and nervousness and a general disturbance like that—to think so is self-contradictory and foolish. Sometimes when one has pulled or strained, there is a headache or sensation as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... ordeal, but as a compulsion on us to seek a greater strength, a more perfect self-knowledge, an intenser purity and force of aspiration, a faith that nothing can crush, a more powerful descent of the Divine Grace. The purpose they [ the hostile forces ] serve in the world is to Page 758 give a full chance to the possibilities of the Inconscience and Ignorance—for this world was meant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... past lives with the Mother and myself, the development of your nature in former births which made it possible for you to seek the Divine, bhakti in those lives bearing its fruit now—finally, the Divine Grace. October 1935 ...

... its power. It's the unification of ALL religions that's needed, not the unification of Christianity—they haven't reached that point. So after looking a good deal, I saw it was, on the contrary, a divine grace that it didn't work out. If you have the opportunity, you can tell him that. I don't know if he himself is still Christian.... All that gives strength to Christianity isn't good. Christianity ...


... the divine being acts in us to cause our consciousness. But there is this difference. The human consciousness can be raised to participation in the divine consciousness. This is an effect of divine grace. The human consciousness is penetrated by the divine consciousness, so that no difference is experienced, yet the difference remains. It is like light shining in a mirror. The mirror may be totally ...

... there it seems perfectly natural. That must be what makes people become "unhinged." If they don't have inside what we could call the "divine support," a kind of unshakable faith in the Truth and divine Grace, if they don't have that.... ( Mother remains absorbed until the end ) It's a phase we have to go through. We have to... go through it. × ...


... presume you will leave Pondicherry...." 3 ( Mother laughs ) I simply answered her, "Dear friend of always ( laughing ), do not worry, all is well. Above the forces of destruction, there is the divine Grace, which protects and mends," and I simply put, "Yours very affectionately." And I enclosed in the letter the message 4 of the 21st. That woman is eating herself away. Every time I had the ...


... and I know that the part about the descent into Hell can stand comparison with some of the best English poetry; but I don't expect any contemporaries to see it. If they do, it will be good luck or divine grace, that is all. Nothing can be more futile than for a poet to write in expectation of contemporary fame or praise, however agreeable that may be, if it comes: but it is not of much value; for very ...


... compared to the one—much deeper and completer—which you will come to know. You must keep your aspiration intact and your will to conquer all obstacles; you must have an unshakable faith in the divine grace and the sure victory. Sri Aurobindo is working for your transformation—how can there be doubt that he will triumph! With all my love. 1931 I simply meant to say that you were happy ...


... obligation to the Divine, which makes you do your best to become less unworthy of what the Divine is doing for you. Detailed gratitude: the gratitude that awakens in us all the details of the Divine Grace. Integral gratitude: the whole being offers itself to the Lord in absolute trust. Mental gratitude: the gratefulness of the mind for what makes it progress. The best way to express ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... dealings. For the Governments honesty lies not only in saying what they are doing but also in doing what they say. Page 58 If diplomacy could become the instrument of the Truth and the Divine Grace, instead of being based on duplicity and falsehood, a big step would be taken towards human unity and harmony. 15 April 1955 About Peace It is only by the growth and establishment ...


... to Pondicherry, but those who are afraid everywhere and one who has faith is in safety everywhere. 9 September 1965 Page 46 The best protection is an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. Protection is active and can be effective only with faith on your side, absolute and constant. Let us give ourselves entirely and sincerely to the Divine and we shall enjoy His ...


... been so very violent? Am I totally guilty ? Is it true that you are abandoning me? I am broken and battered in the depths of my being as I was in my flesh in the concentration camps. Will the divine grace take pity on me? Can you, do you want to help me? Alone I can do nothing. I am in an absolute solitude, even beyond all rebellion, at my very end. Yet I love you in spite of all that I am. ...


... chocolates! ( Mother holds Satprem's hands in hers ) Mon petit.... ( To Sujata: ) Naturally the chocolates are for you! The biscuits for him. ( Sujata gives Mother flowers ) This is "Divine Grace"... and this is "Power of Truth in the Subconscient." ( Mother gives Satprem Sujata's flowers ) Yes, Mother, yes, Mother.... Happy birthday, happy new year. Page 304 ...


... celestial joy of Indra Loka, or were they the regrets of my ego watching the imminent end of its life? I cannot say. Bhakti is a divine acquisition, a thing of wonder; it cannot have its birth without divine grace. When the heart is aroused from sleep by the all-ruling grace, one sees that greatness; it is so delightful to the sight; then only one’s life, possessed of the knowledge of the Lord’s universal ...


... interest to recall how this periodical was launched and to note some of the vicissitudes through which it passed. Considering the initial difficulties in its way, one may well designate it a child of Divine Grace. In its origin it was the idea of a young businessman, Kes-havdeo R. Poddar, now known as Navajata but even at that time secretly what the name signifies: "The New-born." For, although not ...


... “The generosity of your absolute self-giving will bring to you the revelation of the Divine's Love.” The simple secret is that one must have the faith of a child, boundless and absolute, in the Divine Grace. The best offering to God is love, single-minded devotion and complete self-surrender that knows no complaint. Sincerity and unselfishness to the last particle of one's being are essential so that ...


... I don’t know how this conclusion follows. But I won’t argue or question. I accept your judgment as final. If joylessness comes to stay, let it. I will pray for strength to bear it, trusting to Divine Grace to intervene when it will. No, I didn’t say that you chose the rajasic or tamasic vairagya. I only explained how it came, of itself, as a result of a movement of the vital in place of ...

... it with courage, tranquility, confidence, with the certitude that the illness is a falsehood and that if you turn yourself entirely, in full confidence, with a complete tranquility towards the divine Grace, It will establish itself in the cells as It is established in the depths of the being, and the cells themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Joy.” 24 Apart from the light this quotation ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... conditions for its surrender or withdraw if its aspiration is not immediately satisfied—for the psychic has complete trust in the Divine or in the Guru and can wait for the right time or the hour of the Divine Grace. The psychic has an insistence of its own, but it puts its pressure not on the Divine, but on the nature, putting a finger of light on all defects there, that stand in the way of the realization ...

... patient. I examined him and found it to be a case of detachment of retina caused by dashing his head against the door. The above experience came and disappeared with the following poem: The Divine Grace descended into every cell of the body And awakened me to the touch of the Divine It created the union with the Grace And a union also with the Divine. —Victory to Sri Aurobindo (By the ...

... "Arogyamandir" also on the same day. The field of our activity was enlarged and we had a chance of inviting the Mother's Grace in our activities. Now we shall have a look at the action of the Divine Grace in three different streams of life lived for a single destination, which taught me to do all activities for the Divine and realize the Divine at every moment in waking as well as in sleep. I ...

... find you a miser. If I listened to what the people say, we should have been ruined long ago. My dear loving Mother, make me more and more true and faithful to Thee. O my dear Love, may the Divine Grace alone manifest. You have chosen the right path. Do not mind what the others say. In all love and trust 10 February 1935 ...

... courage nor heart nor strength. My strength is You, and in You I rest. Everything will be all right in time. There is only to keep up a patient aspiration and an unfailing confidence in the Divine Grace and its assured victory. Always with you 23 January 1935 ...

... gleam! (After a pause) And then, day after marvellous day, things happened Which gave us glimpses of... I know not how To define what flashed before our entranced eyes ... We call it Divine Grace, but can we, alas, Through symbols convey what is symbolised? Can a painted flame, however fine, caress Cold limbs with a real fire's exquisite warmth, Or kiss its way through the passage of ...


... receives in the measure of one's receptivity." He winced. A little after, he queried: "How is one to grow in receptivity?" "By sincerity and trust. Sincerity in one's seeking and trust in the Divine Grace." Then after a pause: "Sincerity you have. Only you must learn to accept that you can get the response you want in proportion to your trust in Grace." She spoke with such an utter simplicity ...


... Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1966–1967 The first step towards one’s soul is to awaken in one’s heart gratitude for the Divine Grace. c. 1966–1967 ...

... Dilip Kumar Roy's Correspondence Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1951 To Dilip with blessings Let the divine Grace do the work through you and the work will be thoroughly done. My love 16 March 1951 ...

... 24 June 1936 My dear Mother, May H turn herself fully towards You and allow the Force to act on her. May her thinking mind be quiet. The Divine Grace is always with her, but she must open to it and learn to receive it fully. She has not written tonight, and I am sorry for it. I so hope that she will get all right soon. All love and blessings ...

... 24 April 1934 Mother, I am happy to be working again. All Your Love, Grace and Protection are with me, Your Presence is in me and, Mother, surely the Divine Grace shall manifest. Keep this quietness and this faith, let nothing disturb them. If there are things to be changed, do it slowly, not in a hurry— time is a great helper when we know how to make ...

... submission and love for the Divine, may she be filled with gratitude, may she progress in the sadhana. I shall add: may she have a simple humility, because that is what she needs most. The Divine Grace is infinite. O Mother, grant me a perfect receptivity. 1 give myself to the Divine. Yes, my dear child, it is with the widening of the consciousness and the one-pointedness of the aspiration ...

... Correspondence with The Mother 3 October 1966 Many people here have lost their sense of security. Why? Because instead of keeping their faith in the Divine Grace intact, they have started to think about what will happen to them if I leave this body. There are others who are here only for their material comfort; they are frightened because they find the ...

... 20 November 1966 Where is there justice upon earth? Nowhere. Even (and perhaps especially ) human justice is not just. Here on earth, justice is replaced by Divine Grace. Because if Divine Justice were to be applied, the freedom necessary for evolution could no longer be exercised. 20 November 1966 ...

... your nice letter—yes, my dear child, I will explain to you all that is needed to live the Divine Life, the true life, and I will show you the way step by step. My love and blessings and the Divine Grace are always present with you, night and day and for ever ...


... activities. I especially appreciated the quiet and concentrated atmosphere created by the "Temple" which gave a very fine impression. With all my love and blessings I keep you in my arms, and the Divine Grace is always with you. ...


... Friday morning at 10.30 that you will come to open together the box of painting materials—and I shall show you how to use these things. My love and blessings along with the Presence of the Divine Grace never leave you and will never leave you. ...


... aspiration will be fulfilled. And she smiled reassuringly. She went into a trance for a few moments, then opened her eyes and said: Behind all troubles, behind all difficulties, there is the Divine Grace. When you are on the point of falling down and actually fall, the Grace appears. Sri Aurobindo has written something similar: The Divine holds our hand through all and if he seems to let ...


... Because insincerity leads to ruin . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: India Mother has explained regarding diplomacy: If diplomacy could become the instrument of the Truth and Divine Grace, instead of being based on duplicity and falsehood, a big step would be taken towards human unity and harmony . The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Human Unity ...


... 1959 White Roses 29 May 1959 I can only say that stability and perseverance are indispensable for success—but in all eases the Divine Grace is there helping those who call with trust and faith. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... making both spiritually and in her painting—and to assure her of my constant and affectionate help so that this progress will increase without stop. My love and blessings and the Presence of the Divine Grace never leave you. ...


... 1957 White Roses 05 April 1957 The Divine Grace and Love are with you—do not throw them away. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1957 White Roses Undated? There is no question of deserving and not deserving because the Divine Grace is Grace and does not depend on merit. At each moment the Divine does what is the best for you. Because His purpose is to save you and liberate you from all trouble. He cannot allow you to put an end to your life in an arbitrary way because ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1957 White Roses 25 June 1957 Nobody can say, "there is no hope for me,” because the Divine Grace is there. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... The Mother sent a card dated 5th August 1959, with a quotation from her own writings: It is only by remaining perfectly peaceful and calm, with an unshakable confidence and faith in the Divine Grace, that you will allow circumstances to be as good as they can be. The very best happens always to those who have put their entire trust in the Divine and in the Divine alone. She had signed ...


... 1956 White Roses 16 July 1956 Yes, my child, the Nature can change, completely change with the practice of Yoga—nothing is impossible for the Divine Grace—it can transform a being so totally that all that seemed for it completely impossible becomes not only possible but done . The Grace is there working for that transformation. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... 1956 White Roses 11 November 1956 Avoid as much as possible to be restless or impatient because it is in calm and peace that the forces of the Divine Grace work at their maximum. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... sufficient mental foundation would be panic-stricken. All those poor people who get scared at the least little experience had better not dabble with this—they'd panic! But as it happens—through divine grace, you might say—my vital, the vital being of this present incarnation, was born free and victorious. It has never been afraid of anything in the vital world; the most fantastic experiences were ...


... it's all going according to "rule," because that's the way it "has to" be.... I am not bothering with it any more. Myself, I have learned a lot of rules I didn't know before (thank God!)—the divine Grace saved me from that whole hodgepodge Page 64 of rules about how this happens and how that can't happen and how that must happen and how.... Oh, good Lord!... I saw things very simply ...


... invisible enemies of the Divine always try to take their revenge, and when they cannot injure the soul they strike the body. But all their efforts are in vain and will finally be defeated, for the Divine Grace is with us. We must never give a chance to the adverse forces to do their mischief—they take advantage of the slightest unconsciousness. It is jealousy, selfish dissatisfaction and ...


... firm basis and your mind and vital being ready to enter into a new inner life. Our help will be with you and our blessings. 24 February 1941 It is true that I have pardoned X, for the Divine Grace pardons everything, but it is true also that the coming of X's wife and child here is absolutely out of the question , for many reasons of which one is sufficient―it is that nothing is more contagious ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II Confidence There is a great power in the simple confidence of a child. 17 November 1954 It is with the confidence of a child that our heart implores the Divine. 5 December 1954 The best way of meeting difficulties is a quiet and calm confidence in the Grace. 13 August 1966 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... Faith and the Divine Grace Words of the Mother - II Certitude We must march on with the quiet certitude that what has to be done will be done. 6 July 1954 Certitude: assured and calm it never argues. Certitude of victory: it is not noisy but it is sure. Page 82 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... make use of us. 19 December 1971 We shall have made a great leap towards realisation when we have driven all defeatism out of our consciousness. It is by perfecting our faith in the Divine Grace that we shall be able to conquer the defeatism of the subconscient. 20 December 1971 Total union and the perfect manifestation of the Divine are the sole means of putting an end to the ...


... them—are not likely to be of the more external kind, and the others she can, by keeping her faith, meet and overcome. Tell your mother to go deep inside her heart and she will feel that the Divine Grace is with her. I am sending her a card with my blessings. You can translate for her what is written upon it. You can tell her also that the consciousness of your father had left his body at the time ...


... When informed of the episode, the Mother wrote: ) The same story, with small differences in the setting, could be told so many, many times! And what about the stories of the efficiency of the Divine Grace? They are less in number perhaps, but so much more comforting! When you speak of sacrificing everything for the Divine, it means that you are very greatly attached to those things, you ...


... inconscient is all-powerful even when we do not know it. Indeed, I am convinced that when the Inconscient is conquered no more conditions will be required; all will be a free decision of the divine Grace. The Greeks had a keen and exceptional sense of beauty, of eurythmy, of harmony in forms and things. But at the same time they had an equally keen sense of men's impotence in face of an ...


... doesn't matter; what we have to do, we'll do' (this fear of not being able to do what has to be done is the most irksome), if at that moment you can sincerely say to yourself, 'No, I trust in the Divine Grace ... no, I will do what I have to do, and I'll be given the power to do it, or the power to do it will be created in me'—then that is the true attitude. I feel that's what you give me. ...


... an obstacle―all that is just to help us, so that the realisation may be more perfect. Once you know that, everything becomes easy. 6 October 1958 Shocks and trials always come as a divine grace to show us the points in our being where we fall short and the movements in which we turn our back on our soul by listening to the clamour of our mental being and vital being. If we know how ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... the extent to which they have served you to make a progress. And once the progress has been made, the consequences of past errors, if there are any, disappear through the intervention of the divine Grace. For the Supreme Lord, sin does not exist―all defect can be effaced by sincere aspiration and by transformation. What you feel is the aspiration of your soul that wants to discover the Divine ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... that is now revealed to us. Sweet Mother, grant that we may simply be, now and for ever, Thy little children. Here, each one represents an impossibility to be solved; but since for Thy Divine Grace, O Lord, all is possible, will not Thy work be, in the detail as in the whole, the accomplishment of all these impossibilities transformed into divine Realisations? O my sweet Master, Thou art ...


... to our ignorance looks like luck is simply the result of causes we know nothing about. It is certain that for someone who has desires, when his desires are not satisfied, it is a sign that the Divine Grace is with him and wants, through experience, to make him progress rapidly, by teaching him that a willing and spontaneous surrender to the Divine Will is a much surer way to be happy in peace and ...


... enmity to God can be made an agency of salvation. Sometimes God draws and attaches us most swiftly to Him by wrestling with us as our fierce, invincible and irreconcilable enemy. In short, the divine grace is so marvellous that, whatever you do, it will lead you more or less quickly towards the Divine Goal. 5 March 1970 ...


... the Will and Faith exceeding mind which God meant to be the divine support of our life in this body. All the circumstances of life are arranged to teach us that, beyond mind, faith in the Divine Grace gives us the strength to go through all trials, to overcome all weaknesses and find the contact with the Divine Consciousness which gives us not only peace and joy but also physical balance and ...


... to say the least. Let these beings of higher intelligence trot as they please on their way which will continue thousands of years and leave simple people of goodwill, those who believe in the divine Grace, to advance quietly on their path of light. Page 115 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... What qualities are necessary for one to be called "a true child of the Ashram"? Sincerity, courage, discipline, endurance, absolute faith in the Divine work and unassailable trust in the Divine Grace. All this must be accompanied by a sustained, ardent and persevering aspiration, and by a limitless patience. 28 December 1966 The Ashram is meant for those who want to consecrate their ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... send you my blessings. 23 April 1934 My blessings are always there to awaken you, but you must want to make use of them. 21 October 1935 Blessings are a manifestation of the divine grace, in favour of an individual or a collectivity. 22 October 1935 My love and blessings are with you. Understand that blessings are for the best spiritual result, not necessarily according ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... to increase rather than grow less. You must not worry; you will soon be back on your feet, especially as your vitality has remained very strong. Have no fear and keep your full trust in the Divine Grace. 18 February 1938 X told me, "It was a mistake on your part not to inform the Mother about your body which is so thin and weak." Kindly tell me what to do to improve it. Page 141 ...


... away from it, must face it with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely, in full confidence, with a complete quietude to the divine grace, it will settle in these cells as it establishes itself in the depths of the being, and the cells themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight. Page 140 For some time I have ...


... Faridabad (U.P.). × Message given for the April 24 darshan: "The best possible way is to allow the Divine Grace to work in you, never to oppose it, never to be ungrateful and turn against it—but to follow it always to the goal of Light and Peace and unity and Ananda." ...


... as to be worthy of HER. These feelings in my soul are very different from all my previous religious experiences.... ( Mother nods her head in approval ) "...I feel all luminous, the Divine Grace is so powerful that at times I think my body is incapable of holding it; Mother's Presence is so real; the bliss is so serene, so tranquil.... The little ADVENTURE begun at the Samadhi becomes so ...


... me understand certain things), the stories of people who, in the midst of torture, felt bliss—that's how it is. A bliss. Here, this is it: ( Mother holds out to Satprem a white hibiscus, "Divine Grace" ) ...


... at times we don't feel quite on top of the world, but we should take care not to persist in the bottom-of-the-world feeling.) For, I have always said: "There is no hole so deep that out of it the Divine grace cannot lift us up sky-high." Your dream-vision about your crushed head is strange but not without meaning. The particles of your brain being all separate but at the same time golden suggests ...


... draw it nearer the surface of our life is to let a quiet smile play on our lips, confident in the faith, which I have underlined to people again and again, that there is no abyss so deep that the Divine Grace cannot lift us from it sky-high.   The smile I speak of is surely within reach of you who are always full of humour - and it should be all the easier when you know that you have the love ...


... pure face smiles through her cascading hair - Like a strange dawn of rainfall nectarous It comes to amaranth each desert prayer.   What is sought to be conjured up is a picture of Divine Grace. The Grace is twofold - beauty and benediction. It hails from a height of spiritual consciousness far beyond our reach, but, wearing the transfigured form of a face like ours, it brings to us with ...


... These leaves represent the life-force touched with tenderness carry- Page 229 ing aloft the rose-bunch. I notice that the yellow flowers bear a light on their petals, an answer of Divine Grace to their sincere human plea.   Glancing downward at the picture I mark that it is not quite confined to reflecting the upward movement of my call for help. At the foot of the white vase there ...


... warmed our hearts no end and set them beating more boldly and dreamfully towards the stars. Such spontaneous appreciation as you have expressed of Mother India has brought a deeper sense of the Divine Grace at work in this venture to which we have pledged ourselves.   May I tell you what happened at the very start of our periodical's career? Perhaps you know the story already, but it may be ...


... midst of all frailty and falling short, that has kept you going with what I may paradoxically call a smiling sigh on your lips. And the same soul-presence I feel when you write: "My faith in the Divine Grace is unshakable. But whatever, strictly speaking, the Mother decides to be my fate, I will accept without the slightest hesitation." Ever since I woke up this morning and remembered what a wonderful ...


... the faith that she will take note of it and save you from its recurrence. I believe I struck upon a great truth when I wrote to a friend in dire trouble: "There is no pit so low and deep that the Divine Grace cannot lift you out from it sky-high."   As for your job, why should you take it to be at a tangent from the line of sadhana? Whatever the job, tackle it with an inner dedication of it to ...


... of a Mantra merges us in a supreme mystery of our own being. Where time rolls inward to eternal shores. Naturally our normal consciousness is a little alarmed at such an enormous sweep of divine grace and we think of looking for a place of safety, as you did - but, thank God, there is no safety from God! Once we have taken His Name and invoked His endless secrecies of a Bliss which turns all ...


... y to be there to clap wings on to our sagging shoulders.   (27.9.1993)   Here are your questions and my answers . 1. What is the unifying relation between the Supermind and Divine Grace? The Divine Mother who is the Supermind's eternal gesture of Light and Love to our fumbling and stumbling world, 2. What should be our attitude towards the Supermind? Self-offering ...


... should be said—the exact thing in every movement... You must pay attention to everything, be tensed for everything: it's a constant, constant tension. Or if you take the other attitude, trust the divine Grace and let the Lord take care of everything, isn't there a risk that it will end in the body's disintegration? Rationally I know, but it's the body that should know! When there is someone who has ...


... do with human generation [i.e., birth by physical means and from sexual activity], but is a special gift of God". 70 The phrase denotes "mankind and human potentialities" outside the life of divine grace brought by adherence to Christ. That Grace is held to effect a central change taking us beyond "flesh and blood" while we are still not dead. "Implicitly, we are told here that this new birth is ...

... which is new, an organism moving and alive in which we are all united physically, biologically...."   The next extract, from Teilhard's "Introduction to the Christian Life", 40 speaks of divine "grace" as the "organic" power of "a state of union with God": "from the Christian Catholic and realist point of view, grace represents a physical super-creation. It raises us a further rung on the ladder ...

... birth of an Avatar, and the reluctance of the world to receive the message that the Avatar brings. With this background we can now proceed to study what he says regarding Savitri who is the Divine Grace incarnate; she came to battle with Death and win immortality for humanity. In vain now seemed the splendid sacrifice. She left her celestial home, left her glory, eternity and infinity ...

... 40 p. 270. Page 362 How much is suggested by this single simple-looking image! All the problems of Destiny and Freewill, of Destiny and the Divine's Will, of Destiny and Divine Grace seem to be lurking behind this magnificient figure and trying invisibly to draw the reader's attention to them. And then, The diameter of Infinity was drawn, Measured the distant arc ...

... Sri Aurobindo changes King Aswapati's sacrificial asceticism into the Tapasya or conscious spiritualisation of an aspiring soul of humanity. Savitri is not only the incarnation of a goddess but Divine Grace born in answer to Aswapati's longing for help in bringing some living form of God on earth to relieve it of its burden of inconscience. The marriage of Savitri and Satyavan is the divine linking ...

... burden of our frail humanity and accepted the difficulty that few could dare. At the end what counts is not who or what we were but what we could become by lending ourselves to the workings of the Divine Grace. Even to be able to stay near the Divine is no easy task, to bear the sweet and fiery assault of that ether and of fire. It is said and rightly so that fools judge the Master by the disciple while ...


... celestial joy of Indra-loka, or were they the regrets of my ego watching the imminent end of its life? I cannot say. Bhakti is a divine acquisition, a thing of wonder; it cannot have its birth without divine grace. When the heart is aroused from sleep by the all-ruling grace, one sees that greatness; it is so delightful to the sight; then only one's life, possessed of the knowledge of the Lord's universal ...

... the path to the Divine Glory ... Aswapati stands face to face with the Creatrix of the universe, the supreme Divine Mother, and prays to her fervently to manifest her glories on Earth ... The Divine Grace takes birth as Savitri, daughter of King Aswapati, and with the birth of this Flame, things get moving ... Aswapati has arrived at the overmental levels of existence and he embodies the consciousness ...

... the extent to which they have served you to make a progress. And once the progress has been made, the consequences of past errors, if there are any, disappear through the intervention of the divine Grace. The Mother ...

... Treasures - Edition-II Vithaldas Vithaldas, It is only by remaining perfectly peaceful and calm with an unshakable confidence and faith in the Divine Grace that you will allow circumstances to be as good as they can be. The very best happens always to those who have put their entire trust in the Divine and in the Divine alone. Pondicherry, 9 February ...

... was interested in reading, writing, painting and music, but always his central aspiration was to serve the Divine. Sincere aspiration, even when not expressed in words, evokes a response from the Divine Grace. Champaklal's life is a standing example of this truth. His aspiration was fulfilled in a number of ways, often to his utter surprise. He once said, "I came here with the object of God-realisation ...

... might have arrived here, becomes meaningless, a strange creation which has no issue and no solution even to invoke the indescribable Nothing. There is then no Tao, no divinity, no Divine Will, no Divine Grace. By a strange process we land into the most frightening kind of a desert in which even that perception has no perceiver. If this is so there is nothing much to choose between Mayavada and Nihilism ...


... about the issue and proceed with a steady perseverance and unfailing will that success, however long the resistance, shall be yours. October 30,1933 Yes, the solution is certainly the Divine Grace—it comes of itself intervening suddenly or with an increasing force when all is ready. Meanwhile, it is there behind all the struggles, and "the unconquerable aspiration for the light" of which ...

... a bondage fettering all spiritual progress; in any case, it is considered as a thing that cannot be mended, a load that has to be borne more or less cheerfully until the time when Nature or the Divine Grace relieves you of it by death. At best life on earth is a field for progress and one should try to get the utmost profit out of it, all the sooner to reach that degree of perfection which will put ...

... ordeal, but as a compulsion on us to seek a greater strength, a more perfect self-knowledge, an intenser purity and force of aspiration, a faith, mat nothing can crush, a more powerful descent of the Divine Grace." (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, Cent. Ed., p. 1734) (4)"When their [the hostile forces'] presence in the world is no more of any use, they will disappear. Their action is used ...

... the discovery of new continents." (M C W, Vol. 12, p. 33) Yes, the psychic being is also 'a great discovery'. For this soul or the psychic is a kind of individual concentration of the divine Grace; it is the Grace's individual representative in the human being. It is like a particular delegation of the Spirit in mankind, a special help to lead it faster and faster. It is, after all, the soul ...

... to consume your little sprats. It is Messrs. Hostile Forces who do that - the dasyus, robbers." 32 2. NB: To think that five or six years more of barren desert stretch between me and the Divine Grace, coagulates my blood! Sri Aurobindo: Coagulate! coagulate! coagulate! NB: Very well, Sir, whip the cats and dogs, bulls and hogs, to your heart's content. Only the whipping has been rather ...

... of the Integral Yoga should never forget that as soon as he takes to the path of sadhana with even a moderate sincerity of purpose, he becomes immediately enveloped with an atmosphere of active divine Grace which presses upon his consciousness with all the bounty of its divine attributes. He can then so easily imbibe this light, and love and power and what not almost at every step, with each inhalation ...

... of her with the will to be rid of these things. Don't worry yourself with the idea whether you have true aspiration or not — the psychic being wants and that is sufficient. The rest is for the Divine Grace on which one must steadfastly rely — one's own merit, virtue or capacity is not the thing that brings the realisation." (Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother, p. 742) We consider ...

... unified into an integral synthesis." (On Education, p. 399) If we rightly apply the above maxim to the solution of the problem of mutual relation between personal effort and the action of the divine Grace, we can come to understand what we should do whenever we confront a situation like that. This has been clearly indicated in one of Sri Aurobindo's letters: "All this cannot be done in a day ...

... not to indulge them, to send them away at once. Vital difficulties are the common lot of every human being and of every sadhak—they are to be met with a quiet determination and confidence in the Divine Grace. June 16, 1933 Now I realise that my efforts are not everything, they can be more effective by your help and Grace. But should I write to you every time I have a difficulty? You ...

... Truly, 'calamity' had befallen India, as the Mother had apprehended. The situation became even more critical as a result of the armed conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir. I do believe that it was Divine Grace that protected the country's newly-found freedom and gave it the strength to survive its terrible ordeals. In December 1948, Sri Aurobindo was awarded the National Prize for Humanities at the ...


... putting an end to his, life. What should I tell him? You have seen my answer I suppose. You can add that despair is absurd and talks of suicide quite out of place. However a man may stumble, the Divine Grace will be there so long as he aspires for it and in the end lead him through. Last night I woke up suddenly in a condition of deep ecstasy. My room seemed to be quite different, it was pervaded ...

... visible. From that day, the stiffness of my knees went on decreasing rapidly. This sort of thing is happening constantly here, as everyone knows. Call it a miracle or not, as you like! I call it Divine Grace - the Grace of the Master and the Mother. But what people outside are constantly asking is this: was there anything miraculously visible in Sri Aurobindo's actions before he came to P ...


... but 'I' doesn't go so easily, as you know (Laughter), though it is a small 'i' here! 286 However, I feel, as I've told you before, more than once, that there is a Divine Compassion, a Divine Grace acting upon your class. And I have ample proof of this. Even yesterday, on the eve of the class, as it has happened before, a visitor rushed into my room: "Are you so and so ?" "Yes," and I said ...


... is right. I told him that it was you who wanted the Supermind for the earth, not we. I don't see what is wrong in my aspiring for the Supermind in spite of knowing all my weaknesses. The Divine Grace is there on which we rely at every moment, and if the central sincerity is there, there is nothing wrong, I think, in entertaining such an aspiration. It is true that I want the supramental ...

... lower worlds and alter it. That is how things in the world give the impression of the unforeseen, the incalculable, the miraculous. You may call this intervention Grace; for without the Divine Grace this could not happen. There is a consciousness and a vision of things where all are brought back to this single source; Grace only exists, nothing else is there. That does every thing. But as ...

... Even so, the world in its inconscience lies heavy on the secret Consciousness that is behind. It lies almost smothered under the dead weight of the inconscient and the unconsciousness. But the Divine Grace has entered into the inertial mass and split it up, entered into each particle as a spark of consciousness to turn gradually the dead matter into a rising and evolving tier of consciousness. ...

... mightier support, it will surely outgrow all its drawbacks and lapses, it will surmount all dangers and obstacles and become unconquerable. This is what the spiritual seeker means by saying that the Divine Grace can make the lame leap across the mountain. India's destiny today hangs in the balance; it lies in the choice of her path. A great opportunity is offered to India's soul, a mighty auspicious ...


... where they come, therein lies freedom, the divine detachment which the individual must possess always in order to be one with Him, feel one's identity with Him. (5) MAN'S refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. ...

... privilege of being so conscious as to contact the gods and God Himself - he is master of life-force (a ś wapati); he climbs to the summits and brings down upon earth the heavenly riches and the Divine Grace, which fulfils, transmuting all debits into credits. Page 21 ...


... not able, because they have not the flame of the will, nor have they the flame of humility. Both are necessary. To change one's Karma one needs a great humility and a great will-power. The Divine Grace counteracts the Karma wholly; the Grace melts Karma, as the sun melts butter. If you have an aspiration sincere enough, or, a prayer intense enough you can bring down into you something that will ...

... Savitri represents one such divine dawn at a crucial moment of earth-life. She embodies creation's entire past and shows in her life how that past is transformed through the alchemy of Divine Grace to a glorious future - the inevitable destiny that awaits man and earth. Page 32 ...


... to me and complain: "What have I done in my past life that I have to be under such difficult conditions now, to suffer so much!" I always reply: "But don't you see it is a blessing for you, the divine grace upon you? In your past life perhaps you yourself asked for such conditions so that you may make greater progress through them!" This way of looking at the thing may seem very new. But truth lies ...

... they are so only in relation to ourselves: their effect, I say, depends entirely upon the way in which we regard these things. If we take, for example, a circumstance as a gift from God, as a divine Grace, as an outcome of the total harmony, it will help us to become more conscious and truer and stronger. The same identical circumstance, if we take it differently, as a blow of Fate, as a bad force ...

... Effort and Grace There are, we know, as Sri Aurobindo says, two powers which in their conjunction bring about the great consummation we aim at. It is personal effort from below and Divine Grace from above. The one prepares the field, the other fructifies and fulfils. It has, however, always been declared that personal effort is not absolute in its effectivity, it is limited, relative ...

... itself awakes and declares its purpose, the thing is done. This secret consciousness-energy appearing as a material form is also intrinsically the delight of existence. Its other name is Divine Grace and Love. Page 136 ...

... that. It is the soul's love for the Divine given unconditionally and without Page 30 reserve that can best purify the dross of the inferior nature and render one worthy of the Divine Grace. Such was Arjuna's capacity; herein lay his strength, his spiritual superiority. It was because he could be so intimate with the Divine as to call him his friend and companion and playmate ...

... and hold us back even when the road is clear. They have the subtle effect of prolonging vibrations which are better left behind and forgotten; and they interfere with the purifying action of the Divine Grace which always responds to sincere appeals for help to start anew. Published November 1983 Page 113 ...

... mightier support, it will surely outgrow all its drawbacks and lapses, it will surmount all dangers and obstacles and become unconquerable. This is what the spiritual seeker means by saying that the Divine Grace can make the lame leap across the mountain. Page 15 India's destiny today bangs in the balance; it lies in the choice of her path. A great opportunity is offered to India's ...


... the Ashram with this object in view, namely, to provide surroundings, conditions and opportunities for such a growth and she is actively helping it to blossom under the protective wings of her Divine Grace. We have no wish to lose this golden opportunity even for a moment. Besides, it is futile to go out on any mission until we are really equipped in an adequate measure. That is not yet. ...


... this kind of a pundit was not your job.' * We were talking about how everyone's luck was not the same. Even for luck to come knocking, the suitable day and time is fixed by divine Grace. Dada recounted two stories in this context. One was about a pundit who could hear the auspicious moments, a veritable astrologer. One day the astrologer studied and calculated and found that ...

... background. Disciple : Is it not due to the Grace of God? Sri Aurobindo : That is a way of explaining it, though, really speaking, it does not explain anything when you say» "It is divine Grace." Disciple : But is there no law governing the Grace? Sri Aurobindo : You seem to be very constitutional. You must allow God some absolute power! Disciple : I do, I have no ...

... number of people like that. e.g. those who were trying to persecute Sri Aurobindo. Disciple : You have said in your Prayers that justice exists. One cannot avoid the law of Karma except by Divine Grace. Sri Aurobindo : N. may be a scoundrel but he has capacity and cleverness and so he will surely succeed. It is that capacity and cleverness that succeeds in life not virtues etc. Disciple ...

... truth of all this deviation and deformation, lying behind in the inner heart. The psychic being is a special creation in and for earth, in and for man, the earthly creature. It is, as we have said, divine Grace imbedded in Matter. The gods are glorious beings; they are aspects and personalities of the Divine, presiding and ruling over the cosmic laws, each with his own truth and norm and dominion ...

... by a few individuals, it cannot be attained by 'mass action. Others declare that personal effort will not lead very far; if there is to be a great or fundamental change in human nature, it is the Divine Grace alone that can bring it about. The surpassing of man is a miracle and only the supreme magician as an Avatara can do it. Others, again, are not prone to believe in a physical Incarnation – somewhat ...

... life-surge, a geyser, a volcano. He, too, crossed the Night and saw the light of Day, but in a different way. Well, I he did not march into the day, it was the Day that marched I into him! Yes, the Divine Grace came and seized him from behind with violence. A modern, a modernist consciousness cannot expect that indulgence. God meets him only halfway, he has to work up himself the other half. He has laid ...

... is not a mark of falsehood, nor is uncontradiction a mark of truth."¹ "The infinite distance of the body from the mind images the distance infinitely more infinite of the mind from Charity (Divine Grace, Faith)."² "The heart has its reasons which Reason knows not... I say, the heart loves the universal being naturally, and itself also naturally, according to whichsoever it gives itself. And ...

... promises to deliver him from all that. It is the soul's love for the Divine given unconditionally and without reserve that can best purify the dross of the inferior nature and render one worthy of the Divine Grace. Such was Arjuna's capacity; herein lay his strength, his spiritual superiority. It was because he could be so intimate with the Divine as to call him his friend and companion and playmate and ...

... their various levels is almost an exact image of what happens to a soul after death. The highest Heaven where Dante meets Beatrice may be considered as the psychic world and Beatrice herself the Divine Grace that bathes, illumines and comforts the psychic being. If one has, however, within oneself an ardent and sincere and un flickering flame, one can go through more or less easily and unscathed; ...

... may be tempted to find a measurable proportion between the personal endeavour and the attainment. However that may be, at the end of all human efforts, the finishing touch always comes from the Divine Grace. Whether we succeed or fail, whatever be the human judgment of the situation, the Grace is sure to intervene in the final stage: to success it will bring more success giving it the peak of fulfilment ...

... staggered at her extraordinary observation and recollection of even an apparently insignificant detail in the midst of a crowded programme and was quite overwhelmed by the unexpected touch of her Divine Grace. And this is not the only instance. In those old days when our number was limited and the Mother could establish a personal contact with all of us, big or small, we all had such unexpected touches ...

... according to that Will. He has to reject and choose amongst all other forces which are not that. Then he performs the action of rejection. He is no more an automaton. And his very calling for the Divine Grace may be an interference. SATYENDRA: Besides, one has first to know what the Divine Will is. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. It is true that ultimately everything works out according to the Divine ...


... outgrow all its drawbacks Page 74 and lapses, it will surmount all dangers and obstacles and become unconquerable. This – is what the spiritual seeker means by saying that the Divine Grace can make the lame leap across the mountain. India's destiny today hangs in the balance; it lies in the choice of her path.   A great opportunity is offered to India's soul, a mighty ...

... human relation can appease; there is a Peace that one finds nowhere, not even in death. It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace. * Such was Mother’s trust in Appa’s judgment that she permitted him to bring for Darshan any newcomer he felt was worthy of it. Thus for 15 th August 1926, he brought his cl ...

... went well. What are the reasons? Your question is not properly stated. I told you that when we say: he is fortunate, or it is luck, it simply means that what has happened is the effect of the Divine Grace. This is beyond all the reasons which the human mind can conceive. March 5, 1951 * Mother, The other day You said that the history which we study is not correct; then why don’t You ...


... purpose, vindicating amply the deviation and the fall. Through devious ways, long, winding, arduous marches the spirit of evolution laboured through millenniums; it was the instrument utilised by the Divine Grace. The original individual was a hard concentrated point of ego, concerned wholly and absolutely with itself. So a situation of give and take was brought about so that even to exist meant to exist ...

... of the lower worlds and alter it. That is how things in the world give the impression of the unforeseen, the incalculable, the miraculous. You may call this intervention Grace; for without the Divine Grace this could not happen. There is a consciousness and a vision of things where all are brought back to this single source; Grace only exists, nothing else is there. That does everything. But as you ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 The Divine Grace and Love THE MOTHER says that there can be Love without Grace as there can also be Grace without Love, although the two are essentially one and the same. Grace means gift, it is a gesture of the giving of boon from the Divine. The Divine gives out of His Plenitude what we want, what ...

... where they come, therein lies freedom, the divine detachment which the individual must possess always in order to be one with Him, feel one's identity with Him. (5) MAN'S refusal of the Divine Grace has been depicted very beautifully and graphically in a perfect dramatic form by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. The refusal comes one by one from the three constituent parts of the human being. First ...

... cell itself awakes and declares its purpose, the thing is done. This secret consciousness-energy appearing as a material form is also intrinsically the delight of existence. Its other name is Divine Grace and Love. Page 265 ...

... privilege of being so conscious as to contact the gods and God Himself – he is master of life-force (aswapati ); he climbs to the summits and brings down upon earth the heavenly riches and the Divine Grace, which fulfils, transmuting all debits into credits. Page 268 ...

... Effort and Grace THERE are, we know, as Sri Aurobindo says, two powers which in their conjunction bring about the great consummation we aim at. It is personal effort from below and Divine Grace from above. The one prepares the field, the other fructifies and fulfils. It has, however, always been declared that personal effort is not absolute in its effectivity, it is limited, relative ...

... But truly speaking, even with the opening Canto, 'The Symbol Dawn', Savitri had arrived and begun her reign. The February 1947 issue of me Advent editorially declared: Savitri, the Divine Grace in human form, is upon earth. The Divine Consciousness has abandoned its own Supramental transcendental status to enter Page 656 into the human consciousness and partake of the earthly ...

... his body; the cells, the muscles absorb and retain the very essence of what he sees and touches. It is a thrilling experience as they say. He is very receptive physically. It is a gift from the Divine Grace, it is because your father has done so much for Sri Aurobindo; that is why. He has suffered a lot? Mona: Yes, Mother, but he never complained about anything. He once asked Sri Aurobindo: “If ...

... of civilisation and its highest attained social, cultural and spiritual values and of the whole future of humanity.' They put their spiritual force behind the Allies. 1942 Mar-Apr Sees 'the Divine Grace directly present' behind the Cripps' proposal: 'If it is accepted, the nation will survive and get a new birth in the Divine's consciousness. But if it is rejected the Grace will withdraw... (India) ...


... nothing can trouble. You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements, the attacks, the misunderstandings, the bad wills, with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine Grace. And that is the only way out.... All work has to be done as an offering to the Divine, and not in expectation of human appreciation and even in defiance of misunderstanding or criticism, ...


... settled in 1967. Do not change my words: it will be settled in 1967." A four or five years respite, then, to help humanity to awaken into sanity in time, opt for survival and progress, and invoke Divine Grace! Thus, although the Mother wasn't accessible in the old way almost as a matter of routine, sadhaks, children, disciples and sincere inquirers were still permitted to see her, offer pranam, and ...


... gratitude. Have confidence. The Light is with you and will never leave you. 9.7.1967 I have begun to see that both the personal effort of the sadhak and its result depend on the Divine Grace. About this one could say humorously: We are all divine but we are hardly aware of it, and that in us which is unaware that it is divine, is what we call "ourselves". 13.7.1967 ...


... grace and force, plasticity and endurance, and above all, an excellent health, unvarying and unchanging, which is the result of a pure soul, a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. What should be the ideal of physical education for a girl from the point of view of her sex? I do not see why there should be any special ideal of physical education for girls other ...

... mind and life. And then keeping this truth in full view he should develop himself in all the parts of his being, keep the flame of aspiration constantly burning within him and rely entirely on the Divine Grace. Man should determine his work according to his nature, capacity and inclination since it is work that helps us in manifesting our inner truth outside. Then it is important to try and turn ...

... that tries to spoil the ideal 11.Plasticity to adapt to any circumstance when needed and to recognise and correct one's mistake whenever it comes up to the surface of one's nature. 12.Divine Grace If any of these misses from your programmed it will spoil your possibility of good performance. Good technique is achieved by constant practice of any item along the most scientific ...

... Absolute more or less automatically, by sheer power of gravity as it were, in the Aurobindonian view the ascent is not altogether inevitable and is really conditioned by the auspicious descent of Divine Grace at every Page 33 step of the evolutionary advance. Hartmann's dualism of value and reality is apparently in sharp contrast to Sri Aurobindo's affirmation that value is ...


... You know, to do EXACTLY what should be done, to say exactly what should be said—the exact thing in every movement... it's a constant, constant tension. Or if you take the other attitude, trust the divine Grace and let the Lord take care of everything, isn't there a risk that it will end in the body's disintegration? Rationally I know, but * IT'S THE BODY THAT SHOULD KNOW! When there is someone who has ...


... But all depends on the reason behind the suffering, and the nature of the sacrificial offering; and the people who so suffer or die for a religion or a great cause "have always felt a kind of divine grace helping them and keeping them from suffering". 33 But from time to time the question returns: Why do we suffer? Why must we suffer? Is it because Nature is blind, giving hurt without ...


... forces", for they belittle everything, and try to infect us with defeatism: But they always forget one thing, deliberately, something that they cast far behind as if it did not exist: the divine Grace. They forget prayer, that spontaneous prayer which suddenly springs up from the depths of the being like an intense call, and brings down the Grace and changes the course of things. Page 660 ...


... fit to be Thy faithful servants. And this was the Mother's reply: My children, We are united towards the same goal and for the same accomplishment - for a work unique and new, that the divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you will understand the exceptional importance of this work.... The divine force is with you - feel its presence more and more and be careful ...


... inner gift in order to use it, and that is the safeguard ... it is not magic at all, it is a spiritual power which must be acquired by a long discipline; and finally, it is given to you only by a divine grace. This means that as soon as one draws near the Truth, one is safe from Page 19 all charlatanism, all pretension and falsehood .... And so someone who has the true occult power ...


... face it with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely, in full Page 190 confidence, with a complete quietude to the divine Grace, It will settle in these cells as It is established in the depths of the being, and the cells themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight. 7 III The four years Mirra spent ...


... the hidden immaculate sublime which is Grace abounding, Grace abiding and Grace omnipotent: In every circumstance, there is in the depth of every being, just this little... indication of the divine Grace, and sometimes to obey it requires a tremendous effort, for all the rest of the being opposes it violently, one part with the conviction that what it thinks is true, another with all the power, ...


... will work everything out. Certainly there were flaws in the offer. Nothing on earth created by man is flawless, because the human mind has a limited capacity. Yet behind this offer there is the Divine Grace directly present. The Grace is now at the door of India, ready to give its help .... But if it is rejected the Grace will withdraw and then the nation will suffer terribly, calamity will overtake ...


... relentless fight with his lower self, renewed from hour to hour, sustained through long years of unrelaxed vigilance and unremitting Page 387 labour, and supported and fortified by the divine Grace can alone lead him to liberation. But what is liberation? The average man knows little about it, and and has no definite desire for it; for, a desire for liberation presupposes an agonised ...

... Foreword -- -- -- -- -- I offer my humble and deepest gratitude to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo for the constant downpour of their Divine Grace and Compassion, and the Help bestowed on me while working for the publication of this book. I am also grateful to them for making a number of friends come and give valuable assistance in various ...

... teaches us, will achieve the conquest of desire, which has been the despair of all ethical disciplines and ascetic austerities. It is only a question of the right attitude and the action of the divine Grace. "Each wave of desire as it comes must be observed, as quietly and with as much unmoved detachment as you would observe something going on outside you, and must be allowed to pass, rejected ...


... evokes in us an intense tragic emotion which arises from his complete identification with the life of struggling humanity. Thus there is a vast. Divine impersonal emotion which carries to us the Divine Grace from above and there is on the other side his Oneness with the human which feels the great tragedy and a sense of disappointment at the great human trials to which the Divine submits himself out ...

... completely fulfilling itself in the material world. The embodied physical action of the individual poise of the Mother is a constant opportunity to our embodied being to approach and contact the divine Grace, and accelerate the pace of our evolution into our dynamic divinity. Page 94 The individual divine Mother, at once transcendent and universal in Her consciousness, brings down the ...

... can achieve, sustained and aided by the divine Force; but the next step beyond, the crucial step into the Truth, the Right, the Vast (satyam, rtam, brhat) van only be a gift of the divine Grace, a crowning boon and blessing of the supreme Mother, and never an achievement of the will and force of man. The ascent to the Supermind is an ascent to the eternal home of the supernal Light and ...

... , all may be an uninterrupted expression of the Divine Presence and an integrated means of the fulfillment of His Will. 1 This colossal work of revealing the divine glory and dispensing the divine Grace in a life of ceaseless activity, she has undertaken, as the "Prayers and Meditations" proclaims from page to page, in response to the 1 For fuller details refer to my book, "In the Mother's ...


... this partial surrender is not unavailing, it may, if carried out with sincerity, create an opening in the nature for the higher light and initiate a salutary, expansive change in it. But for the divine Grace to descend and do its work fully and freely in the human being, it is essential that the surrender should be unreserved and integral. There are many pitfalls on the path of surrender. We ...


... and it is seen like a grey or black cloud or form throwing itself on the adhar. MYSELF: Mother dear, people see light, radiance etc. in your face. Not all have this faculty. Can it be then the Divine Grace that enables one to see it? Or is it an inborn gift? Does this vision open by itself by people’s contact with you or do you open it in them? SRI AUROBINDO: What people see around the Mother is ...

... opportunity to dance in the 1st December programme. What You want is not possible to Page 67 portray through dance just with human effort. It can be possible only through Your divine Grace. Grant me the strength to be able to do this.     The Mother was standing before me. She placed Her right hand on my shoulder and said:     Mother - Fine. It will be possible. ...


... attack. But the apparent invincibility is not true. The most ego-centric can change and do change by the psychic principle becoming established in the external nature. That it can be done only by the Divine Grace and Power is true (that is true of all spiritual changes) — but with the full consent of the being. As it was done in the inner being, so it can be done in the outer; give the adhesion of your full ...

... movement in front of me an intense celestial beauty. My being unknowingly swam, as it were, in a sea of silence.... Bhakti is a divine acquisition, a thing of wonder; it cannot have its birth without divine grace... Immeasurable wonder drowned me.... 35 He was drawn more and more into that enchanted inner circle, he read Yogic sadhan with Mirra (who seemed in his eyes "an image of immeasurable ...

... grace and force, plasticity and endurance, and above all, an excellent health, unvarying and unchanging, which is the result of a pure soul, a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace. One word to finish: I have told you these things, because you needed to hear them, but do not make of them absolute dogmas, for that would take away their truth. 23 July 1960 * * * ...


... Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Divine’s Grace The whole thing is so powerfully symbolical and expresses so clearly how dangerous it is to be under the leading of an arrogant and ignorant human mind which relies on its own power alone and refuses the help of the Divine's Grace. I do not need to enter into any detailed explanations; for with this clue... believe him. Tell X to keep her faith intact whatever pressure may be put upon her to change her mind and attitude. She may have to meet some difficulties, but she must never forget to call on the Divine's Grace with confidence and the protection and help will surely be with her. As for yourself do not worry or apprehend dangers for X. Her difficulties, — and life is never without them, — are not likely ...

... Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 November 1932 My child, Be quiet, peaceful, strong. Nothing is impossible with a quiet strength, the Divine's Grace and the Mother's blessings. With love 22 November 1932 ...

... the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Take Hardship as a Boon Whenever, in your life, you meet with a hardship, take it as a boon from the Divine's Grace and it will become so. The Mother ...

... So many problems have been facing me of late. I wonder how they will be solved happily. To Amal The only way to a true and lasting happiness is a complete and exclusive reliance on the Divine’s Grace. With my love and blessings 19 October 1941 ...

... Forget the Past To forget the past and to lose habits of thinking is indeed a difficult thing and generally requires a strong "tapasya". But if you have faith in the Divine's Grace and you implore it full-heartedly, you will succeed more easily. Blessings. 22 November 1968 The Mother ...

... A sannyasi who makes demands is not sincere. To be sincere a sannyasi must be perfectly satisfied with what is given to him and ask for nothing more. In all that happens to him, he must see the Divine's Grace and be at once happy and grateful for it. Moreover he who wants to do "intensive sadhana" must be able to isolate himself from his surroundings and to sit if necessary in deep meditation even ...

... strain and weakness.) To get over this attack soon, one thing is needed: remain quiet, calm, peaceful. Do not get upset, do not fear, do not get restless or impatient. A quiet, firm trust in the Divine's Grace is the one thing needed. The anxiety of the mind, the restlessness of the vital delay the cure more than anything else. Our love and protection are always with you. 21 March 1934 ...

... catheter is not especially attractive. I should like to serve you. Kindly grant this without an operation if possible, and with an operation, if necessary. An unshakeable faith in the Divine's Grace and no disharmony can resist its action. With my love and blessings 10 October 1968 ...

... Huta Here is some 'skill in work' which expresses so nicely the special capacity of your nature. I send it with all my love and my blessings with the assurance of the constant Presence of the Divine's Grace. I gave finishing touches to the idols. The Mother saw them in her Stores before they went to the Exhibition Hall. I arranged the images in the wooden Temple—especially made for them—as the ...


... my parents and other family members: 20.2.55 Laljibhai, Where is your faith in the Divine? Having faith in the Divine you ought to rejoice that Savita has received the inner call and decided to lead the divine life; you ought to be made happy by this sign of the Divine's Grace and feel grateful for it. The offering that Savita has made of herself has been accepted and from ...


... Difficulties Never worry. Do with sincerity all you do and leave the results to the Divine's care. Let us live each day without anxiety. Why worry beforehand about something that will probably never happen? Page 222 Anxiety is a lack of confidence in the Divine's Grace, the unmistakable sign that the consecration is not complete and perfect. Don't foresee diff... surmount them and helps them to come. 5 August 1932 It is better not to worry about progress, because worrying only hinders the advance. It is better to open in all trust and simplicity to the divine help and to have faith in the Victory. Live in the consciousness of the Eternal and you will have no more worry. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... spirit of arrogant and impudent disbelief which passes its time in throwing mud and filth on all that is sacred and beautiful and especially on the aspiration of your soul and the help from the Divine's Grace. If this is allowed to continue it will end in a sure catastrophe and ruin. Strong steps must be taken to put an end to this, and for that the collaboration of your soul is needed. It must wake ...

... right. There was no urine retention. You told me, for this prostate gland trouble, when the question of operation was raised by the doctor four years ago, that "an unshakeable faith in the Divine's Grace and no disharmony can resist its action." I pray that the symptoms disappear and no operation becomes necessary, to prove myself that I have some faith and the body responds to your will. ...

... last because those who answer to the adverse force do not truly want to be cured. They are not sincere. We have only to remain quiet and confident, unshakeable in our faith and trust in the Divine's Grace. 1 July 1935 ...

... move forward without haste, for we are sure of the future. I propose that we should simply do what is right and fair, without thinking too much of the future, leaving it to the care of the Divine's Grace. Page 74 ...


... Palestine. Now the Israel victory will call for a final acceptance of her existence by all and the assurance of a life-line for her in the Gulf of Aqaba. Could one regard this turn of events as the Divine’s grace to her — of course for non-political reasons? Israël as a nation has the same right to exist as all the other nations. 11 June 1967 ...

... and you will know that I am always with you. Patience, perseverance, endurance and a steady will are required for the Sadhana, and above all a complete trust in the Divine's Grace is quite indispensable. For the Grace there is nothing like 'worthy' or 'unworthy' and in all She does or says, there is always the same unchanging love and compassion. ... 1956 White Roses 1956? (Wednesday) I can tell you that there is in the world only one place where you can fulfil your aspiration and realise the Divine, it is here . It is well understood that there are difficulties, everybody has difficulties, but nowhere else, as much as here, you can find the help to surmount these difficulties. I am here ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   White Roses

... descending lights for personal use.... Everything flows out unhindered to the universe as Divine's Grace.... Day and night I see myself in this huge form… radiating the only thing—fire! fire! Explanation: It is what it represents itself to be—an experience of the universal consciousness aspiring to the Divine Truth and beginning to receive its light. It is not your own consciousness, although you ...

... do yoga have to add the constant struggle against the inferior nature which stands in the way. To counterbalance this strain, it is better to concentrate on the positive side of the trust in the Divine’s Grace and Mercy which is always there to help, guide and comfort. If you can establish and keep in you this faith and confidence, then the way becomes easier. With my love and blessings 16... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 16 July 1965 Mother Divine, In Thy own Divine words I pray to Thee: “What is this small meanness, stupidity, vanity, ignorance, bad will that is there hiding in a corner, preventing me from crossing the threshold to the new discovery?” 30 Mother, what ...

... showing a little girl lying on her stomach watching a teddy-bear leaned against a tree-trunk, with these words: To My dear little child Huta With eternal love and constant compassion of the Divine's Grace In the evening the Mother and I met in her room at the Playground. She looked at me for a few seconds and plunged into a deep concentration. I couldn't care less, didn't bother to respond, ...


... in our thoughts, feelings and actions, on the points of agreement rather than on the, points of divergence. All work must be play, but a divine play, played for the Divine, with the Divine. Indeed, all life is love if we know how to live it. The Grace and the help are always there for all who aspire for them and their power is limitless when received with faith and confidence. India must... for the Divine conquer in you all desires and all difficulties. Never grumble, all sorts of forces enter you when you grumble and they pull you down. Suffering is not at all obligatory, nor is it even desirable, but when it comes to us, how helpful it can be. Let your life be a constant search for the Truth and it will be worth living. Anxiety is a lack of confidence in the Divine's Grace ...

... obstinate obscurities will drop from us along with the finishing year. 30 December 1954 A strong and effective resolution not to commit the same faults any more and a complete trust in the Divine's Grace are the only remedy. 28 February 1955 Page 239 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... chemicals and then allowed to settle and dry. Finally the sugar was packed in big bags. The smell of heavy sweet molasses diffused everywhere. There was a shower of rain which indicated the Divine's Grace. Afterwards the Mother went into the office and sat on the chair specially made for her. My father offered the Mother Rs. 51,000/-. All my family was photographed with her except me. One last snap ...


... Victory is won for ever. Courage outside, peace inside and a quiet unshakable trust in the Divine's Grace. 19 May 1933 In front of the repeated attacks from the enemy you must keep your faith intact and endure till the Victory is won. 2 February 1942 The ultimate victory of the Divine is certain beyond all doubt. 6 April 1942 Page 81 The Victory is certain... 1954 In the sincerity of our trust lies the certitude of our victory. 3 October 1954 There is nothing which is not ultimately an instrument leading to the integral victory of the Divine. July 1956 Sweet Mother, You have written: "The ideal child is courageous. He always goes on fighting for the final victory, though he may meet with many defeats." Page 82 ...


... the Light. 11 July 1935 Indeed he is happy who loves the Divine because the Divine is always with him. 7 March 1937 So many problems have been facing me of late. I wonder how they are to be solved happily. The only way to a true and lasting happiness is a complete and exclusive reliance on the Divine's Grace. 19 October 1941 Always be good and you will always be... happy. 13 October 1951 Let us always do the right thing and we shall always be quiet and happy. 24 May 1954 Let us seek our happiness only in the Divine. 5 June 1954 Page 180 When the Divine grants the true inner happiness nothing in the world has the power to snatch it away. 5 October 1954 Spiritual happiness: calm and smiling, nothing can disturb ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... the simplicity of a child. 25 July 1954 We pray that the Divine should teach us ever more, enlighten us more and more, dispel our ignorance, illumine our minds. 2 November 1954 It is never in vain that an ardent and sincere prayer is addressed to the Divine's Grace. 19 December 1954 The Supreme is divine knowledge and perfect unity; at each moment of the day let us call... Prayer and Calling the Divine The whole of our life should be a prayer offered to the Divine. Integral prayer: the whole being is concentrated in a single prayer to the Divine. When coming out of sleep you must keep quiet for a few moments and consecrate the coming day to the Divine, praying to remember Him always and in all circumstances. Before... When, in our despair, we cry to the Divine, always He answers to our call. 21 December 1954 We pray to the Divine to accept the ardent flame of our gratitude and of our joyous and fully confident adherence. 27 December 1954 Page 208 Sri Aurobindo says in one letter: "All prayer rightly offered brings us closer to the Divine and establishes right relation with him ...


... 01 June 1955 On June 1st I wrote to the Mother: The Divine Forces are slow to appear, while the anti-divine forces are prompt to rush into my consciousness and upset everything. Why is that? She answered: Because your call is not sincere enough and your confidence in the Divine's Grace is not sufficient. In my letter I had added: Mother, grant me three things... If you call or aspire with fear that you will not be heard, or have doubts about the Divine's answer, then the adverse forces that are always on the watch, slip into your consciousness through the fear and the doubts and do their mischief. So you must call with a true and sincere faith. Help and Grace are always with you. But you must open yourself to them. I endeavoured to follow her... her advice to the best of my ability. But it was hard to persevere. Some parts of my being refused to accept the new conditions of life, and frequently revolted against the Mother's Force, Grace, Love, Light, Truth and Peace. Time and again, these parts opened the door to perilous forces. I found myself amidst strangers, and strange customs. There had been an instant change of environment, atmosphere ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Man's Relationship with the Divine Man's Relationship with the Divine Words of the Mother - II The Ways of Working of the Lord The Divine's Grace is wonderful and almighty. And the ways of working of the Lord are full of a delightful sense of humour... Be always ready to receive the Divine, for He may visit you at any moment. And if sometimes... man wicked. It is man who makes himself wicked by separating himself from God. The Divine may very well lean down towards you, but to understand Him rightly you must come up to Him. To understand the Divine we must have no more preferences. To understand the Divine one must become the Divine. 24 May 1972 Page 25 ... November 1966 Mother, Does the Divine punish injustice? Is it possible at all for Him to punish anybody? The Divine does not see things as men do and has no need to punish or reward. Each and every action carries in itself its fruit and its consequences. According to the nature of the action, it brings you near to the Divine or takes you away from Him, and that is the supreme ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... and generally requires a strong "tapasya". But if you have faith in the Divine's Grace and you implore it full-heartedly, you will succeed more easily. Blessings. 22 November 1968 Let the waves of the past flow far from you, carrying away with them all attachments and all weaknesses. The luminous joy of the divine consciousness is waiting ready to take their place. Will not past... experience has sometimes to be swept away from the thoughts that it may not impede the work of perpetual reconstruction which alone, in this world of relativities, permits the perfect manifestation of the Divine. 21 November 1954 Beware of the charm of memories. What past experiences leave behind is the effect they have had on the growth of the consciousness. But when you try to relive a memory... Lasting remembrance: the remembrance of that which has helped the being to progress. Page 70 Sentimental remembrance: only those circumstances which helped us in our seeking for the Divine must be the object of this remembrance. At certain periods, the whole terrestrial life seems to pass miraculously through stages which, at other times, it would take thousands of years to traverse ...


... not an easy matter, and it might take an almost indefinitely long time if you had to do it all by yourself, by your own independent effort. But when the Divine's Grace is with you it is not exactly like that. With a little push from the Divine now and then, a little push in this direction and in that, the work becomes comparatively quite easy. Of course the length of time depends on each ... the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender cither through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine, you... you cannot manage. Or you may have a spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy, a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: "I do nor belong to myself," you say, and give up the responsibility of your being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: "Here I am, a creature of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer myself as I am to you, take ...


... organization, God looks to it." Something like that. Then, below, I put my message of February 21: Above all the complications of the so-called human wisdom stands the luminous simplicity of the Divine's Grace, ready to act if we allow It to do so . And on the other page I wrote this in English ( Mother looks for a note ): "In conscious communion with the Supreme Lord, I declare that I do what ...


... y not an easy matter, and it might take an almost indefinitely long time if you had to do it all by yourself, by your own independent effort. But when the Divine's Grace is with you it is not exactly like that. With a little push from the Divine now and then, a little push in this direction and in that, the work becomes comparatively quite easy. Of course the length of time depends on each individual... the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, the Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine you... you cannot manage. Or you may have a spontaneous feeling that this line is the only way of being happy, a strong psychic desire to belong exclusively to the Divine: "I do not belong to myself," you say, and give up the responsibility of your being to the Truth. Then comes self-offering: "Here I am, a creature of various qualities, good and bad, dark and enlightened. I offer myself as I am to you, take ...


... A sannyasi who makes demands is not sincere. To be sincere a sannyasi must be perfectly satisfied with what is given to him and ask for nothing more. In all that happens to him, he must see the Divine's Grace and be at once happy and grateful for it. Moreover, he who wants to do "intensive sadhana" must be able to isolate himself from his surroundings and, if necessary, to sit in deep meditation... more you will have to realise that it is not only in meditation that one can reach the Divine consciousness, you will learn that one can remain in contact with the Divine even while playing or doing gymnastics or walking or doing anything; at every moment, you should remember the Divine and try to remain in the Divine consciousness. 31 August 1953 Here sensibleness is indispensable and the... will come spontaneously. 30 March 1970 Should I spend some time in solitude? It is the old methods of yoga which demand silence and solitude. The yoga of tomorrow is to find the Divine in work and in relation with the world. Look within yourself, reflect upon it and tell me what your choice is. 24 January 1971 According to my experience people fall into tamas when ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... disappointment: “I was prepared to give him everything!” Here the Mother's words are apt: Above all the complications of the so-called human wisdom stands the luminous simplicity of the Divine's Grace, ready to act if we allow it to do so . The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Darshan Messages The Mother has said correctly in Vol. 14, p. 163: A self-willed man cannot be ... Paul I did not see him. When the Mother was in her body, she was explaining, inspiring, helping and guiding towards her Supreme Vision and Will. Then why people concerned did not respond to her Grace and let go the golden opportunity? Now they are groping in vain, because nothing is set right. Here I should like to quote what I read in the book, Reincarnation : The Phoenix Fire Mystery , Compiled ...


... the following day, the Mother wrote to Laljibhai: Laljibhai, Where is your faith in the Divine? Having faith in the Divine you ought to rejoice that Savita has received the inner call and decided to lead the divine life; you ought to be made happy by this sign of the Divine's Grace and feel grateful for it. The offering that Savita has made of herself has been accepted and from... forces that operate within the periodic time-process. The supreme infinity, the all-containing and all-supporting spiritual Self is the silvery blue background, the foundational mystery from which the Divine's revelation—emblemed by the lotus—stands out in gold suggestive of sovereign Truth-consciousness. The roundness of the lotus combined with the squareness of the background betoken perfection and o... ideality above and the secret wonder that is to be revealed below are both compassed in the symbolism. Here, then, is a flag charged with India's spiritual mission, the mission of rendering victorious the Divine Mother, the infinite Self and Shakti. In this symbolism is the promise both of India's own unity and of a world-union; for, the genuine indefeasible oneness can come only of a sense in all men of the ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... often, but one cannot count on one's safety and security being assured just because of one's devotion to the Divine. In a deep sense the Divine's true servitor always gets the Divine's Grace, but it is not possible to sit in judgment on the mode in which this Grace comes. It may come in a most paradoxical form for the sake of some future good - even good in a future birth! Even death by murder may prove... being a part of the Divine's followers, we have to be ready for failures and mishaps along with successes and windfalls. The universe we live in is too complex for cut-and-dried solutions of the problems it poses to each individual. What we have to do is to keep the firm faith that the Divine's servitor will never be without the Divine's Grace, but we must not prejudge how this Grace will show itself... our work without expectation of rewards. To serve the Divine is a joy sufficient in itself if the soul is behind the service. Even otherwise one can be happy through the action of the idealistic mind to devote oneself to a great cause. Of course, it is hardly unnatural to expect the Divine's Grace again and again during the execution of the Divine's work, and indeed its intervention is seen quite often ...


... role of the doctor is, by various means, to induce the body to recover its trust in the Supreme Grace. To medical knowledge and experience, add full faith in the Divine's Grace and your healing capacity will have no limits. Spiritual power of healing: opening and receptivity to the divine influence. The material power to heal demands a great sincerity in one's goodwill. I am... 1 April 1961 Do you think that I could take treatment from Dr. X—after all, it is not any system of medicine but your Grace that cures. It is true that the faith cures more than the treatment. You might take Dr. X's treatment and call for the Divine's help. 5 August 1962 Will you ask Kali to burn me with a fire of fever? I have become rather desperate. Shall I take simple... feel like laughing away the black future with which they—of course, with the best intentions and for my own good—threaten me in case of carelessness about my heart. I feel certain, Mother dearest, the Divine Power can help—can't it? My dear child, I quite agree with you that there is a power other and much more powerful than that of the doctors and the medicines and I am glad to see that you put your ...


... your small egoistic personality and become a worthy child of our Mother India, fulfil your duties with honesty and rectitude, and always keep Cheerful and confident, with a steady trust in the Divine's Grace. 3 February 1963 * Page 61 ... Page 58     O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony. 23 September 1967 *     Divine Power alone can help India. If you can build faith and cohesion in the country, it is much more powerful than any man-made power. * (Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India... attempt to unify them artificially could only have disastrous results.     But her soul is one, intense in her aspiration towards the spiritual truth, the essential unity of the creation and the divine origin of life, Page 59 and by uniting with this aspiration the whole country can recover a unity that has never ceased to exist for the superior mentality. *     ...

... dear Mother. What kind of faith would you like me to aspire for? Faith in the Divine's Grace and its power to transform you. Love and blessings to my dear child. 4 November 1938 Dear, dear, dear Mother, Every day you are growing more and more lovable and more and more adorable to me. By what divine Mystery do you cast this sweet spell on us? The only mystery, the only spell... spell is my love—my love which is spread over my children and calls down upon them the Divine's Grace to help and to protect. 6 November 1938 You send me your love and blessings every day of late, dear Mother, and in rare blessed moments I do sense that we are always surrounded by your love. But as for a real response, my heart does seem to be made of stone; otherwise, why should it refuse to... random. Doubt is not a sport to indulge in Page 216 with impunity: it is a poison which drop by drop corrodes the soul. With my love and blessings. 9 September 1943 The Divine's Grace is there—open your door and welcome it. With my love and blessings. 9 September 1944 Page 217 × ...


... his visits. As for his work it is a matter between myself and him, and I know we shall come to some satisfying arrangement. So I must ask you once more to be in peace, and to trust in the Divine's Grace and Wisdom. 26 January 1962 The proximity of the heart and feelings is much stronger and truer than the proximity of the bodies. Love truly your mother and without sorrow or suffering... is vast. 22 July 1968 Page 144 My dear child, Certainly we are your true parents, and your true duty is towards the Divine. Let the ignorant say according to their ignorance and keep in you the light, knowledge and peace of the Divine Consciousness. With our love and blessings. I am glad you are taking all this "drama" as it deserves to be taken, that is to say with... its effect for the earth. As for accepting the working of the Divine in all things that is necessary here too in the sense of seeing it even behind our struggles and difficulties, but not accepting the nature of man and the world as it is―our aim is to move towards a by a greater and happier manifestation. That too is a labour of divine Love. 2 22 October 1933 What Sri Aurobindo has ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... enter your whole being. So they came back to me by the Divine's Grace. This impressive experience reminds me of the following verses from Savitri , Book Three, Canto 4: "I saw the Omnipotent flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude, Out of the paths of the morning star they came... Inconscient." According to Sri Aurobindo the Inconscient is the Superconscient's sleep. That experience of descending to the very bottom of the Inconscient and finding there the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Presence, in one form or another has happened quite frequently. ...And it is remarkable that this marvellous Being strangely resembled him whose vision I had one day: the Being who... the evolution. The Avatar is a special manifestation while for the rest of the time it is the Divine working within the ordinary human limits as a Vibhuti. It was difficult to paint rainbow colours. I could not finish the painting. That very night I had a vision: The shimmering waves of the divine white Light enveloped me as they turned into brilliant multi-colours. They were in gradations—from ...


... folder with a photograph.) Page 136 11.2.66 Bonne Fête! To my dear child Kamala With all the strength which comes from an absolute faith in the Divine's Grace and Love. THE MOTHER Page 138 11.2.67 Bonne Fête! To Kamala My dear child, With love and blessings for a luminous year. THE MOTHER Page 140 ... true intimacy with the Divine. THE MOTHER Page 92 Page 93 11.2.42 My blessings for the day and the year. Grow in faith, grow in light, grow in consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO My dear child, my love and blessings are and will be with you throughout the year. Let them help you to make one more progress on the way towards the divine goal. THE MOTHER... with the Divine. SRI AUROBINDO For Kamala, a prayer: "With a calm and pure devotion we salute Thee and recognise Thee as the only reality of our being." THE MOTHER (Translated from the original message in French.) Page 94 Page 95 11.2.44 My blessings for the year. May it bring to you growth in consciousness towards the Divine. SRI ...


... blessings for a peaceful and luminous year. The Mother 11.2.66 Bonne Fête! To my dear child Kamala With all the strength which comes from an absolute faith in the Divine's Grace and Love. The Mother 11.2.67 Bonne Fête! To Kamala My dear child, With love and blessings for a luminous year. The Mother Page 23 11.2.68 ... and give you the true intimacy with the Divine. The Mother 11.2.42 My blessings for the day and the year. Grow in faith, grow in light, grow in consciousness. Sri Aurobindo My dear child, my love and blessings are and will be with you throughout the year. Let them help you to make one more progress on the way towards the divine goal. The Mother 11.2.43 ... forward in consciousness and towards union with the Divine. Sri Aurobindo Page 14 For Kamala, a prayer: "With a calm and pure devotion we salute Thee and recognise Thee as the only reality of our being."* THE MOTHER 11.2.44 My blessings for the year. May it bring to you growth in consciousness towards the Divine. Sri Aurobindo Here is a prayer for ...


... 33     I feel the Divine Mother sitting on the throne of my heart and giving me aspiration and devotion for Thee, and making me conscious of Thy grace. 4.3.33 Page 1 O Mother Divine! I pray to Thy Lotus feet, at Thy holy feet that my aim may be towards Thee and always I may live at Thy holy feet with the right attitude. 8.3.33 Mother Divine! O My Dear Mother - ... happiness always. With love and blessings. The Mother Mother, Mother Gracious, I pray for the peace and for Thy Grace. Your happy child Kamala My dear child, Keep full faith in the Divine's Grace, do not attach undue importance to non-important things and the peace will come to you. With love and blessings. The Mother Mother... at Thy Lotus feet. 17.3.33 To The Mother O my gracious Mother! where are you! In my heart? If so, then lead me on; my way is full of darkness and I find it hard. Although I feel Thy grace and protection with me while I go to bed, it seems a short time. Still I have some patience and happiness. At Thy Lotus feet. 16.5.33 Your child Kamala (Following are a few ...


... I am an innocent babe, my ignorant mind knows nothing, who will tell me of the secret seats of the Godheads?¹ Indeed the darkness and the blindness seem to have been the Divine's grace upon him, for his eyes turned inward to other domains and saw strange truths and stranger facts. We remember in this connection another blind old poet who even though fallen on such evil days composed... heart of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we say that body and life and mind ...

... an innocent babe, my ignorant mind knows nothing, who will tell me of the secret seats of the Godheads?" (Rigveda—I. 164.) Indeed the darkness and the blindness seem to have been the Divine's grace upon him, for his eyes turned inward to other domains and saw strange truths and stranger facts. We remember in this connection another blind old poet who even though fallen on such evil days... of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we say that body and life and mind ...


... give to people a comfortable life, but to prepare them for a Divine Life which is quite a different affair. The reason for people to come and settle here is surely not to find comfort and luxury—this can be found anywhere if one is lucky enough. But what one can get here, that is not got in any other place: it is the Divine Love, Grace and Care. It is when this is forgotten or disregarded that... and cannot be changed. 30 September 1960 We are not here to make our life easy and comfortable; we are here to find the Divine, to become the Divine, to manifest the Divine. What happens to us is the Divine's business, it is not our concern. The Divine knows better than we do what is good for the progress of the world and of ourselves. 19 August 1967 Here sensibleness is... that people begin to feel miserable here. Indeed whenever somebody feels unhappy and discontented, it can be taken as a sure sign that he is turning his back on what the Divine is always giving and that he has gone astray in pursuit of worldly satisfaction. 13 January 1947 In spite of what the ignorant men believe, it is the inner vibrations that are responsible for the exterior events. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... not an easy matter, and it might take an almost indefinitely long time if you had to do it all by yourself, by your own independent effort. But when the Divine’s Grace is with you it is not exactly like that. With a little push from the Divine now and then, a little push in this direction and in that, the work becomes comparatively quite easy. Of course the length of time depends on each individual... to the Divine. Without this decision nothing is at all possible; if you do not surrender, Yoga is entirely out of the question. Everything else comes naturally after it, for the whole process starts with surrender. You can surrender either through knowledge or through devotion. You may have a strong intuition that the Divine alone is the truth and a luminous conviction that without the Divine you cannot... wrong channels when you are not in the right state of consciousness. But once you are poised in the psychic and have made your self-offering to the Divine, all that happens will happen for the best, for everything, however disguised, will be a definite divine response to you. Indeed the very act of genuine self-giving is its own immediate reward — it brings with it such happiness, such confidence ...


... physically lived.)To the sincere soul anywhere, both of them are concretely its companions, but that is by way of emanation. The emanation is indeed no other than they, being essentially a gift of the Divine's Grace, yet there is always the centre of a circle distinguished from the radii carrying the effluence of this centre all around.   A famous definition of God's presence is: "A circle whose centre... which would gradually undergo complete transformation and become a spiritual physical instrument with an intrinsic permanence, a natural immortality, answering to the non-transitory character of her divine consciousness.   I raised a vehement objection to the word "transitory". I proposed that the right epithet would be one which would translate in English as""transitional". This epithet would... the Mother's present bodily state was part of a changing process - a phase among various phases of physical alteration leading ultimately to "le corps glorieux", the human body glorified into being divine. Page 269 When the Mother did not seem impressed by my protest and went even to the extent of saying: "All bodies are transitory", I impulsively blurted out: "If Sri Aurobindo were ...


... central concern is our soul. Her blessings are for the soul's progress. This progress may take place through various experiences which may not in every case look like the Divine's favours. Even death may be a part of the Divine's grace. Just because we have received the Mother's blessings we cannot expect success in all we do or a straight flower-strewn path. But once we have her blessings we can be sure... of us, the "Nature"-component. The Purusha side, the self who watches and acts on this nature, has to develop equanimity, stand aloof unaffected and offer to the Divine all that happens for whatever result the Divine may will. The Divine's help is always there, but we have to be prepared for hitches to our choice of the higher life. Whether we feel protected or not depends on how receptive we are to... realise it. The harm has been avoided from the beginning. We must not doubt that the protection has been present. To put ourselves in the Divine's hands and think at the same time that the Divine is not with us every moment is irrational. It is true that the Divine, by being omnipresent, is with each person, but since we have directly dedicated ourselves to Him, He is with us in a special sense. And ...


... an impression as if it can be a conscious willed act instead of being the spontaneous result of the Grace where the Presence 'happens' to you. Please bring some illumination as I direly need a concrete sense of the Presence within me." You seem to forget that Yoga is a twofold affair: the Divine's Grace and Page 103 one's own effort. One has to fulfil certain conditions, create a certain... with the Divine Force. And the collaboration is made easy because the same Force which acts as Grace is already within your own being as what the Mother calls "the Presence". To be aware of it you have to quiet yourself, turn your thoughts towards the Mother, make as much as you can an offering of all your movements to her. In this way you will help her to open you up, you will render her Grace more effective... satisfaction can be yours but, having seen beyond the mind and obtained a taste of spirituality, glimpsed a ray of the direct light of the Divine, too much preoccupation with mental knowledge will be a waste of your life." Ever since I gathered this grace of "wisdom from the Mother, I have moderated my acquisition of mental knowledge. Though every new vista of intellectual research pulls me towards ...


... statement about approaching people for monetary help.) "I am not in the habit of writing for money to anybody. If people do not feel that it is for them a great opportunity and Grace to be able to give their money for the Divine cause, tant vis pour eux! 1 Money is needed for the work— money is bound to come; as for who will have the privilege of giving it, that remains to be seen." (24-4-1938)... problems have been facing me of late. I wonder how they are to be solved happily.) Page 74 "The only way to a true and lasting happiness is a complete and exclusive reliance on the Divine's Grace." (19-10-1941) * * * (Your letter, in reply to mine which explained what I thought of doing, runs: "Do as you like. But as you ask my opinion I must say that it is silly." Is... stream of warm wind or rather like a wind of fire, there rushed from the chest a cry that had nothing to do with my conscious mind. It went on and on for many minutes, an intense aspiration for the Divine, like a thousand prayers gathered into one yet prayed by something that was not my own self as I commonly knew it but a deep dweller within, who had suddenly come out and uttered his luminous hunger ...


... all ordeals, they are the shortest way to the Divine. The joy one experiences in living for an ideal is the sure compensation for all the difficulties of the path. Have faith in your destiny and your road will be lit. Page 225 For each one and for the whole world anything becomes useful if it helps to find the Divine. The grace and protection are always with you. When in... in the inner life and consciousness turned towards the Divine, aspiring for the Divine and capable of receiving the Divine's Force and Help. But often the vital being or some part of it takes a kind of perverse pleasure in giving a dramatic importance to each and every difficulty and thus cuts the contact with the inner being and the Divine's Force. Page 230 This bad habit which is common... do not allow it to oppress you; take refuge with the Divine Force that protects. If you do that always with faith and sincerity, you will find something opening in you which will always remain calm and peaceful in spite of all superficial disturbances. 3 February 1931 Those who are sincere I can help and turn easily towards the Divine. But where there is insincerity I can do very little ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... me back "home" and they press their light upon my head and their love upon my heart without ceasing.   The Divine appears to be more happy in gaining poor infinitesimal Me than I could be in plunging into the inexhaustible splendour of His beatific immensity. The Divine's Grace has always puzzled me at the same time that it has enraptured me. It is as though to get one little kiss from me God... Beauty and Beatitude, the utter openness to whatever comes out of their incalculable Grace. The prayer is no casual act. Something goes forth from deep down within, as if one's whole self were gathered into it for a while. What is done is a part of the sadhana and when it is over I am myself a little nearer the Divine at the same time that I have striven to take my friend a bit closer to that inexhaustible... sign however faint of our physical condition is usually present. You were certainly meeting our Gurus and your soul was full of gratitude: that is why you wanted to offer to them the flower signifying Grace in recognition of the great benefit conferred on you, but it is rather a mystery why you could not directly make the offering and had to do it through somebody else. Perhaps a part of you was not wholly ...


... the same time I knew that if you opened yourself to my help and force you would be able to surmount these obstacles and at the same time to increase your consciousness and open yourself to the Divine's Grace. Now it is time for you to make a real progress and to check your outbursts of temper whenever your will is contradicted. If you want to please me―and I have no doubt of that―you will sincerely... neither for yourself nor for a boss that you are working, but for the Divine. Your life must be entirely consecrated to the Divine Work and cannot be governed by petty human considerations. 28 May 1970 Whatever is done here, must be done in a spirit of complete collaboration with one single aim in view―the service of the Divine. A community life must necessarily have a discipline in order... of mind and, if possible, by him or by those who are conscious of the Divine Presence and are surrendered to that. For the earth to be happy, power should be in the hands of those alone who are conscious of the Divine Will. But this is impossible at the moment because the number of those who are truly conscious of the Divine Will is negligible and these have necessarily no ambition. To tell ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... deep-felt emotion I replied, "As long as I am alive, Nolini-da, let this book remain with me. It can be handed over to the Archives afterwards." I have treasured this book as a testimony of the divine Mother's Grace. Page-80 ... came with them. They all arrived on time. Nolini-da gifted me some of his books along with a sheet of paper, and blessed me. Two lines of a poem were written on the sheet:     Hear, O hear, the divine voice intense,     The Mother's Light shall Death's darkness end. (Nolini-da)     What a matchless treasure was this blessing from Nolini-da ! We all sat down and talked about so many different... Mother, would you like to give her any books?' 'Which Shobha? Our Shobha?' the Mother enquired. 'Yes, Mother, our Shobha,' I answered. The Mother thought for some time, and then said, 'Give me The Life Divine and Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother .' I did as told. She wrote in the first book and kept it on Her table. She placed the second book on Her lap, and went into a trance. On returning to ...


... supramental change of the world, when the Divine will stand manifest — unveiled in its total perfection. Then she told us: "I do not mean to say that the whole world will at once feel its presence or be transformed; but I do mean that a part of humanity will know and participate in its descent — say, this little world of ours here. From there the transfiguring grace will most effectively   Page 76 ... railway compartment?" I said: "Yes, but what did happen?" She replied: "Do you remember I promised in 1938 to inform you. I came now to fulfil my promise." I was absolutely overwhelmed. My God! what Grace the Divine   Page 80 could give to a poor fool! I fell at the Mother's feet in deepest gratitude.         AH this is an old story and here it is rather by the way. After knowing... I had first found the declaration.         I went up to her, trying to look as innocent as I could, (laughter) She also smiled very angelically — and quite without pretending, for the Divine's Grace can flow in spite of all our foolishnesses. Then the conversation started. I'll repeat it here but can't vouch that every phrase is exactly reproduced.         "How old are you today?" ...


... your small egoistic personality and become a worthy child of our Mother India, fulfil your duties with honesty and rectitude, and always keep cheerful and confident, with a steady trust in the Divine's Grace. 3 February 1963 1) If you were asked to sum up, just in one sentence, your vision of India, what would be your answer? India's true destiny is to be the Guru of the world. 2) Similarly... February 1954 Divine Power alone can help India. If you can build faith and cohesion in the country it is much more powerful than any man-made power. 2 February 1954 There must be a group forming a strong body of cohesive will with the spiritual knowledge to save India and the world. It is India that can bring Truth in the world. By manifestation of the Divine Will and Power alone... weapons of the Asura at work when you are taught to shun beauty. It has been the ruin of India. The Divine manifests in the psychic as love, in the mind as Page 372 knowledge, in the vital as power and in the physical as beauty. If you discard beauty it means that you are depriving the Divine of this manifestation in the material and you hand over that part to the Asura. 8 From ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... man with a new hope to restart his new life given to him by the Grace of the Divine Mother. Sorabji Bharucha gave a party in 1949 to honour the result obtained by naturopathy, under the presidentship of Dr. Hariprasad Desai, a well-known public figure of the time. This was an honour given not to me but to the Divine Mother's Grace who had guided, helped and secured the success that was a miracle... Spirit The Touch of Grace in the Practice of Naturopathic Eye Clinic Health is the expression of Harmony, If Harmony is disturbed, ill health is expressed The Mother The eye clinic was started on 4-10-1947 (Vijayadashami) under the name of "Arogyamandir" with the blessings of the Divine Mother. It was started in an aristocratic area where people... one month's treatment and training. When the Gymnastic Association of Gujarat could not organize the competitions they returned the shield to me after five years and I offered it to the Divine Mother whose Grace was at the root of all the miraculous results. The Mother worked many more miracles in my practice of the eye treatment, but this is not the place that I can relate all of them. Apart from ...

... you in my eyes I am not surprised at all at the unhappiness you feel whenever you notice "the paucity of kindness in the human heart". You have very finely and aptly said: "We always pray to the Divine for Grace but we are hardly gracious to fellow human beings." Yes, when we receive the "kindly light" which Newman invoked in a famous poem to "lead" him on, surely it is not meant to be looked upon with... bliss will envelop all his doings. One must learn to draw a line, check the over-exteriorising tendency, stay clear of certain activities that are out of tune with the Dweller of the Depths who has graced with his presence the surfaces of life.   The ideal sadhak would combine the essences of both the types. To show us how this can be done we have the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. The Mother's natural... physical frame and could somehow play the artist with the lines of her face, turning the preceding expression of peace to a hint of delicate Page 15 delight at the subtle sight of the Divine Mother. I remember calling Richard Hartz's attention to this sweet change. The other experience was caught from a large picture of the Mother hanging behind the bed on which Lalita had been laid. This ...


... talent with a golden touch from the Mother. Don't waste the gift the Divine has graced you with. With a calm, poised, inwardly dedicated attitude go ahead with your studies, so that your MD may mean at the same time Medicinae Doctor and "Mother's Devotee". If you neglect your talent, you won't be serving the Divine as the Divine wishes you to do. You'll finally stultify the light that has been placed... It goes far beyond the day-to-day Amal with all his deficiencies. Somehow you have seen the luminous secrecy already in the midst of things mortal. No doubt, I aspire at all hours to manifest the divine truth which is the supreme ideal behind the evolving real. As a result, these all-too-fallible eyes reflect Page 256 on occasion some lustre of the Impeccable. But oh so far still ...


... persons who rarely get depression or despondency? Has it anything to do with the Grace of the Divine?       For many reasons, some because their vital has taken the right attitude, some because their psychic is prominent, some simply because they have a more sound, balanced and reasonable nature. The Grace of the Divine has nothing to do with it.         It seems that yesterday some Ashramites... inform the Mother about your body which is so thin and weak." Kindly tell me what to do to improve it. Page 260       Do not bother about it and increase your faith in the Divine's Grace. Blessings.         In fact I can assure you that the pain in the stomach as well as many other discomforts are due 90% to wrong thinking and wrong imaginations - I mean that the material...       In meditation I saw three flowers of "Divine Ananda" hanging from a bower. Some time ago there was a similar vision of the three flowers of "Divine Love" offered to the Mother. Has this any correspondence with my sadhana?       It is not quite clear what this number 3 means in this connection. Possibly it is the aspiration for the divine's love in the three parts of the being. Page ...

... activity can be taken as part of the sadhana if it is offered to the Divine or done with the consciousness or faith that it is done by the Divine Power. 5 The six months till August passed quickly enough, and Nirod stayed on, Page 274 and the bud of his psychic self blossomed in the steady warmth Grace of the Master and the Mother: My intellectual preparation glided... child, I am always with you and my love and blessings never you." When he wonders by what divine Mystery she makes grow in . increasing love and adoration for her, she replies: The only mystery, the only spell is my love - my love which is spread over my children and calls down upon them the Divine's Grace to help and to protect. 65 Within a year he is convinced that there is no one in the... the Integral Yoga certainly did, to help a sadhak to find his authentic voice as a poet of spiritual sensibility. Thus, for example, "The Feet of the Divine Mother": Be Her light footfall a token Of a Stillness fraught with Grace; Page 259 Keep the truthward prayer unspoken Her sandals trace. Not solely Heaven descended But earth upflowers to God ...


... adverse Fate, "Twelve swift-winged months are given to him and her; This day returning Satyavan must die." The queen then complained to Narad that the Grace of Heaven, in that case, would be in vain. If the Divine showers grace with one hand and smites the human being with the other then I would reject both of them. She then addressed Savitri: Go forth, O Savitri! and "choose once again"... clambers on a stair of storms". He does not rely on the Divine's help. He wants to grab everything, he wants to make "his own estate of the earth's air and light". He wants to dominate over all. He inflicts suffering on himself and on others. He resorts to hurry, riot, excess, hate and violence in order to be equal to the Divine. And the Divine to him is only Power. He feels his own strength by pain... earthly cup" but hast wondered through "brighter countries than man's eyes can bear". Thou hast been in the Gandhamadan mountain sporting divinely, "and in god-haunts thy human footsteps strayed. Thy mortal bosom quivered with god-speech." And what kind of divine melody "still surprised thou nearest?" "The empty roses of thy hands are filled Only with their own beauty and the thrill ...

... therefore that such suggestions should come. You have only to reject them and remember for what you are here.   How sad it is that in spite of the Mother and yourself being here and the divine Force, Grace and Protection granted to us in abundance, we cannot master even our little natures! Other Yogis have not this advantage and yet progress much more than we do. The Yogis who progress... for the Divine.   How is it that the "subconscient root" has been reached while the purification of the vital is still to be completed? The descent into the subconscient was a necessity of the general sadhana, i.e. of the Divine Work. That descent could not be held up till everybody had conquered his vital nature or till you personally had done so.   What "Divine Work"... physical collapse, I suppose he has to be put together again somehow.   Some sadhaks hold the belief that an illness is a cherishable thing, that it comes from the Divine to test our faith: it makes us remember the Divine more often than otherwise! All that is quite wrong. Illness is a wrong movement of the body and is no more to be cherished than a wrong movement of the mind or vital ...