... the worshipper of many gods still knows that all his divinities are forms, names, personalities and powers of the One; his gods proceed from the one Purusha, his goddesses are energies of the one divine Force. Those ways of Indian cult which most resemble a popular form of Theism, are still something more; for they do not exclude, but admit the many aspects of God. Indian image-worship is not the idolatry ...
... The Body must Learn The inner progress has been sufficiently rapid for the exterior being to find it difficult to follow. Now the body must learn to receive the Divine Force and to keep it. The Mother ...
... 10, 1933 My full blessings on your aspiration and resolution. For when you accomplish that, you will have taken a very big step towards what one might call "a state of grace" in which the Divine force can manifest directly in you and not as now indirectly in the midst of violent perturbations. It would be the first step towards a settled fundamental peace and inner happiness and, what is most ...
... reached that stage of illumination, they yoke their mind and they yoke their thoughts to Surya-Savitri. The sukta is thus a guideline for the yoga of the supermind. The yoga begins with Agni, the divine force, fulfiller of the Aryan sacrifice. In the Vedic yoga, Page 41 Agni is the beginning, and Agni accompanies the process of seeking and tapasya right up to the end. In answer to the aspiration ...
... Veda)* I (The Rishi desires a state of spiritual wealth full of the divine working in which nothing shall fall away to the division and the crookedness. So, increasing by our works the divine Force in us daily, we shall attain to the Bliss and the Truth, the rapture of the Light and the rapture of the Force.) 1. O Will, O conqueror of our plenitude, the felicity which thou alone canst ...
... art takes us beyond reaches of thought and morality and takes us deeper into spiritual truths and into the joy and God in the world as also the beauty and desirableness of the manifestation of divine force and energy in phenomenal creation. Indian art, particularly, provides a ready means through which body, heart and mind can be brought into touch with the Spirit. That is the reason why, if the Indian ...
... spiritual joy and ecstasy, illuminations of dynamic action and the truth and largeness of a purified mind and heart and soul, the certitudes of the divine light and guidance, the joy and power of the divine force working in the will and the conduct. When the psychic experiences and the spiritual experiences combine, there comes into play soul's power of unerring inherent consciousness, its vision, in touch ...
... covers matter, life and mind is to be lighted in our own limited body, life and mind. Whosoever lights this Fire on all the three planes of their own limited body, life and mind, comes to know the Divine Force, which is utilised to raise the triple being of man to divinity. Thereafter one makes an offering of the physical Page 21 consciousness, vital consciousness and mental consciousness to ...
... and disasters. But in reality it is not so. The question is why. Here comes the second cosmic Force operative in man's life. This may be called 'divine Compassion'. It is an impersonal divine Force of love and goodwill which is acting always in every man's life and in the world at large, irrespective of any variation of conditions and circumstances. Its sole purpose is to mitigate the effect ...
... upon earth with the Complete Manifestation as the Crowning. When you get the sense of relativity of things, then whatever happens, you can step back and look; you can remain quiet and call on the Divine Force and wait for an answer. Then you will know exactly what to do." (Ibid., p. 160) Now comes another daily sadhana which a sadhaka should never be negligent about. It is 'not to manifest in ...
... there—everything that was happening. And while it was happening, I concentrated the _________________________________ ¹The Mother, Prayers and Meditations, pp. 328-9. Page 63 divine Force there so that everything (all this pain, all this suffering, all of it)... so that it would hasten the preparation of the earth—or in truth, the descent of the Force.¹ The basic reason for ...
... indeed a divine apotheosis of body and the bodily life upon earth: "The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze And Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face. ........ A divine force shall flow through tissue and cell And take the charge of breath and speech and act And all the thoughts shall be a glow of suns And every feeling a celestial thrill. .... ...
... which the divine Light and Power can work in the sadhaka without encountering any obstruction." (The Mother) (2)Openness to the Divine "is a state in which the sadhaka is conscious of the Divine Force working in him or of its results at least and does not obstruct its descent or its action by his own mental activities, vital restlessness or physical obscurity and inertia." (Sri Aurobindo, Letters ...
... seeking." Now from the Mother: Page 42 An aspiration is "an inner enthusiasm towards the New, the Unknown, the Perfection." It is "a yearning, a longing for the contact with the Divine Force, divine Harmony, divine Love." An aspiration is "an inner flame, a need for the light... A luminous enthusiasm that seizes the whole being... An unquenchable thirst, an elan, a luminous drive towards ...
... between two opposing loyalties, the sadhaka cannot possibly expect that he would remain constantly in a state of ardent aspiration, perfect faith and love, and full and constant openness to the Divine Force. It is thus clear that so long as the sadhaka does not get integrally consecrated to the Divine Mother, he has to meet and contend with the resistance in his mental being with its principal ...
... to do the following: (1) Half an hour sunbath in the morning at the time of sunrise, with the attitude that the Sun will help to open me physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually to the Divine Force. (2) Half an hour meditation with a prayer for inner opening for contact, so that all works become Thy work and I get correct guidance. (3) Taking food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) all alone ...
... one enters the path of spiritual life, this old predetermined destiny begins to recede. There comes in a new Page 150 factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future ...
... you do—study or sports—you must think of the Divine in doing it. It is not a very difficult thing after all. At first you may do it as a kind of preparation to make you capable of receiving the divine force, and then as service to help in the collective work. You can do it not for personal gain but in order to be ready for the Divine Work. This seems to me indispensable. If you keep the ordinary ...
... The Dark Power tries to work in the self- same way; but it cannot touch you, even though you oppose it, if from the outset you are armed with the protection of the Divine - Force. The Dark Power too gives protection to- its devotees, but it cannot maintain them long against the inexorable oncoming of the Divine. * ...
... are mowed down and destroyed. The Dark Power tries to work in the self-same way; but it cannot touch you, even though you oppose it, if from the outset you are armed with the protection of the Divine Force. The Dark Power too gives protection to its devotees, but it cannot maintain them long against the inexorable oncoming of the Divine. *** Consciousness is the light that flows ...
... stage of the Yoga, transitional between the human and the divine working, there will supervene an increasing purified and vigilant passivity, a more and more luminous divine response to the Divine Force, but not to any other; and there will be as a result the growing inrush of a great and conscious miraculous working from above. In the last period there is no effort at all, no set method ...
... and contradictory movements: and that creates difficulties without number. Now instead of that, live away from the surface, from the outside and open up to the Divine and receive nothing hut the Divine force. If you can do that all difficulties practically disappear. But, of course, the trouble is there. Unless one is alchemically conditioned, it is an impossibility to have relations with people, to ...
... can only be attained by the Grace of the Guru. This has been expounded by Yogishananda Nath Nilakantha Sharma Joshi, the disciple of Sri Amba Nanda Nath, as commanded by the Mother, the incarnate Divine Force, for the delight of the sadhakas who are freed from all evil by a single ray from the glance cast by the Grace of Sri Aurobindo, the great seer. Bliss for all! Page 155 ...
... consciousness.' The subconscient of the earth keeps rising up interminably: 'It is the Divine who must do the battling.... And so the body does all it can in order not to be an obstruction to the Divine Force which passes through.... Page 866 - Nov 8 Her physical consciousness experiences 'just for a few seconds - the supramental consciousness.... It is like the harmonisation of contraries ...
... , and so there had to be a new spiritual influx, a climactic transcendence of the mental faculty, - in other words, the bursting of "a new spiritual light, a manifestation upon earth of some divine force unknown until now, a Thought of God, new for us, descending into this world and taking a new form here". A Thought of God, a new form: something that is different from and exceeds all past ...
... the Mother's birth centenary must mean a fresh mobilisation of supramental force and its effective action for taking mankind in a big leap towards this Next Future prophesied in Savitri: "A divine force shall flow through tissue and cell And take the charge of breath and speech and act And all the thoughts shall be a glow of suns And every feeling a celestial thrill. Often a lustrous ...
... the story of his life and what happened in Persia in the early days of this religion. And I remember him saying, with what intense joy, with what sense of the Divine presence and Divine force those people went to the sacrifice." History informs us that Islam's reforms were fraught with sacrifice. All the first adherents paid their change of religion with their lives. In Persia, their ...
... in order to do his yoga, one must have already found the Divine and be united with Him, and then the consciousness descends through all the states of being down to the most material, bringing the Divine Force with it so that the Force can transform the whole being and finally divinise the physical body. 20.9.1967 In the message for the radio You substituted the word "union" for the word "unity ...
... in profiting inwardly by it. It is obvious that if you discover the psychological reason of the cough, that is to say what in your physical or vital being resists the penetration of the Divine Force in your body, not only will you have profited from the illness for making a big progress, but also, the body itself will begin the long work of transformation. Blessings. Did Mother ...
... jealousy and satiety. Although human beings have thus turned love into "an ugly and repulsive thing" , something "low, brutal, selfish, violent, ugly", true love is "universal and eternal... a Divine Force". 40 The Mother's view of Love is not different from Savitri's, who limns its contours (in Sri Aurobindo's epic, Savitri) for the benefit of Death who is confronting her: My love is not ...
... same accomplishment - for a work unique and new, that the divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you will understand the exceptional importance of this work.... The divine force is with you - feel its presence more and more and be careful never to betray it. Feel, wish, act, that you may be new beings for the realisation of a new world and for this my blessings shall ...
... perfectionist Mahasaraswati. While at certain times (like the morning meditation and an evening Soup) she was serious, a Maheshwari doubled with a Mahalakshmi, a marvellous concentration of divine force, at other times she seemed to relax, and move informally with the sadhaks as a worker among other workers. There were afternoon visits to the sadhaks' rooms, and there were the evening drives ...
... movement followed it. This was ordinary meditation with an aspiration and ascent towards the Divine. Here, at the Playground, the work is to unify all who are here, make them open and bring down the divine force into them. It is the opposite movement and that is why this concentration cannot replace the other, even as the other cannot replace this one. 7 In the meditation, the -ascent towards the Divine ...
... 22nd May, 1940 Disciple : If the Asuric forces incarnated in Hitler and others in Germany, is there no one on this side of allies who incarnates a Divine force? Sri Aurobindo : No. Unfortunately there is none. They are all ordinary men; there is no one who can receive the Force. Perhaps Marshal Petain may be able to receive but he is too old ...
... similar responsibilities can understand what we have gone through. Carrying on anything of this magnitude without any settled income could not have been done if there had not been the working of a divine Force. Works of charity are not part of our work, there are other people who can see to that. We have to spend all on the work we have taken in hand and what we get is nothing compared to what is needed ...
... by higher experience, illumination of dynamic action in the truth and largeness of a. purified mind and heart and soul, the certitudes of the divine light and guidance, the joy and power of the divine force working in the will and the conduct."² All. parts of the nature are lit up and quickened and transfigured by the presence and influence of the psychic. The mind develops an immediate vision and ...
... there is no limit to the possibilities of divine manifestation. All knowledge is within the reach of psychic love, and all power of effectuation. Whenever and where- ever the divine Light or the divine force has been brought down into human life, it has been invariably by the power of psychic love, and not by any other means. The mind's adoration and the heart's love and devotion are powerful aids to ...
... the Grace of the Divine is the sole requisite, and surrender ensures it. The detached soul watches the desires as they rise in the being, and rejects them, at the same time offering them to the divine Force for the destruction of their dark forms and the conversion of their energies into the fire of the Will. An unreserved surrender makes for an unveiled action of the divine Omnipotence in man and ...
... There is in it no exceptions, no loop-holes, as the Buddha declared. As one sows so one has to reap. There is no escape from the natural and inevitable consequences of one's karma. But "the divine Force alone”, as the Mother assures us, "has the power to intervene and change the course of Universal Justice.”¹ Grace possesses this freedom to override the determinism of universal nature, because ...
... for our personal effort to do it, but reserve to ourselves the ideas and principles of our mind. This reservation stands in the way of the Mother's working in us. It is preposterous to expect the divine Force to act .according to our ignorant mental notions and conceptions; if it did, it would lead us no better than our mental reason. I have already elaborated the process of surrender in the chapters ...
... half-result and continue rumbling for ever in the twilight of the mind. But there is always a. limit to the mind's own power of self-transcendence, which necessitates a surrender to the infinite divine Force of the Mother. In the Integral Yoga, the mind is not sought to be forcibly silenced or suppressed, as is done in some of the other Yogas, notably in Raja Yoga. The aim of the Integral Yoga ...
... sympathy, feeling, dynamism become more catholic, all-understanding, all-embracing, cosmic, in- finite." 2 This is the highest that the human consciousness can achieve, sustained and aided by the divine Force; but the next step beyond, the crucial step into the Truth, the Right, the Vast (satyam, rtam, brhat) van only be a gift of the divine Grace, a crowning boon and blessing of the supreme ...
... are making a sublime sacrifice, they are offering their lives in a sanguinary holocaust. "Lord, eternal Master, grant that it may not be in vain; that the inexhaustible torrents of Thy divine force may spread over the earth, penetrating into the troubled atmosphere, the struggling energies, all the violent chaos of the battling elements; and that the pure Light of Thy Knowledge and the ...
... best is a broken rhythm. To show the perfect rhythm and to indicate how the imperfect rhythm of actual life is related to the perfect rhythm of ideal life, "to be able to suggest the unconquerable Divine force, in men and in the world; to show the Divine nature in its calm, wideness, greatness, attractiveness, to breathe it into man's soul and mould man into an image of the Infinite".— (Sri Aurobindo) ...
... birthday and it is naturally gratifying to me that it should have assumed this vast significance. I take this coincidence, not as a fortuitous accident, but as the sanction and seal of the Divine Force that guides my steps on the work with which I began life, the beginning of its full fruition Indeed, on this day I can watch almost all the world-movements which I hoped to see fulfilled in ...
... depths of that body: What takes time, She told me in 1966, is to prepare Matter, this cellular Matter as it is now organized, to make it supple enough and strong enough to be able to bear the divine Force. 69 And in fact, it was that tide of power that came as if by small touches as the web gave way, that “boiling porridge” of the primary Matter, those thousand experiences of “dissolution,” ...
... was very strange, I had only to sit quietly and watch: I would see here, there, there, the whole thing in my body, all that was going on. And while it went on, I would put the concentration of the divine Force there, so that all—all that pain, all that suffering, everything—would hasten the preparation of the earth and the Descent of the Force. 7 Each of Mother’s and Sri Aurobindo’s illnesses has ...
... you can't fool people who have devoted their entire life to go beyond humanity. There is only one way to be convincing—it is to be that. Then we'll stand strong, we'll have all the divine force on our side. We are here to prepare a superhumanity, not to fall back into desires and easy life—no. People must feel it; it should be so strong that the sheer force Page 155 ...
... you can't fool people who have devoted their entire life to go beyond humanity. There is only one way to be convincing—it is to be that. Then we'll stand strong, we'll have all the divine force on our side. We are here to prepare a superhumanity, not to fall back into desires and easy life—no. People must feel it; it should be so strong that the sheer force Page 155 ...
... After returning from Hazaribagh, another incident took place in Calcutta. Though it was not similar to the incident With the bhairavi, it made me very sharply conscious at that young age of the divine force and influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 21 My mashima (Ma's sister) had taken initiation from Balananda Giri's main disciple, Swami Mohanananda. She was most keen to take ...
... here coiled up and asleep in all the centres of our inner being (chakras) and is at the base what is called in the Tantras the Kundalini Shakti. But it is also above us, above our head, as the Divine Force—not there coiled up, involved, asleep, but awake, scient, potent, extended and wide; it is there waiting for manifestation and to this force we have to open ourselves—to the power of the Mother ...
... way to work without getting tired is to offer the work you do (whatever work it is) to the Divine and to find in the Divine the support you need—for the Divine's Force is inexhaustible and He answers always to whatever offer is made to Him sincerely. Then, when you will feel that it is the Divine's Force that has done the work in you and through you, in your sincerity you will know that the merit... s and deficiencies, everybody has some and one is here to overcome them. This is the meaning of the sadhana of works. Go on courageously with your duties, keeping all faith in the Divine and relying only on the Divine's help and grace. 6 January 1942 I do not see why you should feel oppressed. It is not an easy job to run an establishment like X Garden and many bitter experiences may be... without you. So I ask you to be patient and not to attach importance to the difficulties on the way. Love and blessings. 3 May 1970 Page 319 Take up the work and have faith, the force will come in proportion to the need; and your receptivity depends on your faith and confidence. Love and blessings. 24 December 1971 Page 320 ...
... 1954 Open yourself more and more to the Divine's force and your work will progress steadily towards perfection. 11 June 1954 Let us constantly aspire to be a perfect instrument for the Divine's work. 27 August 1954 Let nothing short of perfection be your ideal in work and you are sure to become a true instrument of the Divine. Page 304 There must be order and... October 1934 In all action, all work done, the degree of perfection depends upon the degree of consciousness. To work in the Divine's way is not easy for a blind and egoistic person like me. By that I mean: to work unegoistically and to keep myself open to your force so that it may work unhampered in me. Am I right? Yes, it is correct. Judging by that standard I have no right to work for... progress lies true joy. 6 January 1952 Page 303 When work becomes attractive and is done with joy, how much better it is. It is true that my force is always with him to help him to do his work; but my force is essentially a force for perfection, and to be able to allow it to work fully, one must have a constant will for progress in the work. 12 May 1952 It is by combined and ...
... Aurobindo's Message Divine Mother and Her Embodiment The Divine Mother is the Consciousness and Force of the Divine — which is the Mother of all things. * The one original transcendent Shakti, the Mother stands above all the worlds and bears in her eternal consciousness the Supreme Divine. Alone, she harbours the absolute Power and the ineffable... unknown others. All is her play with the Supreme; all is her manifestation of the mysteries of the Eternal, the miracles of the Infinite. All is she, for all are parcel and portion of the divine Conscious-Force. * Her embodiment is a chance for the earth-consciousness to receive the Supramental into it and to undergo first the transformation necessary for that to be possible. Afterwards... containing or calling the Truths that have to be manifested, she brings them down from the Mystery in which they were hidden into the light of her infinite consciousness and gives them a form of force in her omnipotent power and her boundless life and a body in the universe. The Supreme is manifest in her for ever as the everlasting Sachchidananda, manifested through her in the worlds as the one ...
... I First Absolute— The concealed Avyakta Supreme, self-involved Sachchidananda, Parabrahman (Parameswaraiswari) Second Absolute—Aditi-M. containing in herself the Supreme. The Divine Consciousness, Force, Ananda upholding all the universes—Para Shakti, Para Prakriti, Mahamaya (yayedam dhâryate jagat). Third Absolute— The Eternal Manifestation (The supreme Satya Loka, Chaitanyaloka,... absolute unity the dual Principle (He & She, Sa and Sâ) and the fourfold Principle, OM with its four states as one. Third Absolute— Aditi - M [the Mother]. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness force and Ananda of the Supreme; M, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. Adya-Shakti of the Tantra = Parabrahman Fourth Absolute—Parameswara of the Gita = Parameswari of the Tantra ...
... I am sorry to see that this very nasty influence is still upon you the clouds seem to lift a little, and I can write. One thing you must know, that it is the Enemy of the Divine, the Force that is hostile to all divine realisation, that gives you this fear to see me and wants to keep you away from me. I may not be able to give you as much time as you wish me to give you, but on your side ...
... evidently the inner Flame of power and aspiration, the divine Will-Force that takes up the sacrifice, योगयज्ञ. It rises up to the heavens above the mental consciousness and brings down the divine power into the being. It is man's messenger to the gods, the priest of the call. It leads aright all the inner and outer actions because it is the Divine Knowledge-Will, all-knowing, unlike the ignorant mind ...
... aim, but it is only by a very patient effort that this can be obtained. The Mother Offer "Remember and Offer." The Mother Open yourself Open yourself more and more to the Divine's force and your work will progress steadily towards perfection. The Mother Organisation Organisation: indispensable for all good work. The Mother Regularity Regularity: indispensable... that is now done out of a sense of duty towards the Divine will be done out of love for Him. The Mother The starting-point When one is united with one's psychic being and conscious of the divine Presence, and receives the impulses for one's action from this divine Presence, and when the will has become a conscious collaborator with the divine Will - that is the starting-point. The Mother... quickly. . The Mother Page 58 The Divine's work If people could stop speaking of the work as their work it would put an end to a lot of trouble. Here, all work is the Divine's. The Mother Planning Faultless planning of work cannot be obtained except with the consciousness of the Divine. The Mother Boundless capacity for work When the instruments ...
... pleasant and prosperous. Page 43 For the bulk of humanity there is no choice or will ; they are like the dumb driven cattle. This is the rationale of the working of the Divine Conscious Force which is at work behind all the happenings of this world. If men were always conscious that tunings would not remain fixed and stable, they would not in all probability accept life and withdraw... economic ideologies differ. Now, if humanity is to survive, this mentality must be completely eliminated from our nature. Man must first be master of himself before he can be master of others. Brute force can subjugate for a time but this is only for a time, for, "Freedom's battle once begun Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son/ Though baffled oft/is ever won". If all the past civilisations have... future civilisation is destined to be a spiritual civilisation which will bring to humanity all that it lacks at present, rlamely, Consciousness, Power, Peace, Bliss, Harmony and Love, in other words, a Divine Life on earth. Page 46 ...
... the divine Light. × All our growing powers of force and knowledge move towards the manifestation of the divine Knowledge-Force and in it combine and are harmonised. × The illuminations of the divine Truth... Agni The Galloping Flame-Powers of the Journey [The flames of Agni the divine Will, home and meeting-place of all our increasing and advancing life-powers, are imaged as galloping on our human journey to the supreme good. Divine Will creates in us the divine strength of impulsion, an illumined and undecaying force and flame described as the steed of the plenitude, which brings us that good and... the path who increase by the sacrifice; they hasten uninterruptedly, and race always more swiftly; they bring in the penned-up illuminations of the hidden knowledge. Their entire force and rapidity are accorded when the divine Strength is filled and satisfied with the sacrificial offerings.] अग्निं तं मन्ये यो वसुरस्तं यं यन्ति धेनवः । अस्तमर्वन्त आशवोऽस्तं नित्यासो वाजिन इषं स्तोतृभ्य आ भर ॥१॥ ...
... Vibhutis that do her work in the universe. The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates. But something of her ways can be seen... Further Sri Aurobindo discloses in Vol. 25, pp. 62, 64: ... Shaktis, manifestations of different powers of the Supreme Consciousness and Force, the Divine Mother; by which she rules or acts in the universe. And they are at the same time divine personalities; for each is a being who manifests different qualities and personal consciousness forms of the Godhead .... Sri Aurobindo, Letters... mights and spiritual force and severest austerity of Tapas and swiftness to the battle and the victory and the laughter, the attahasya, that makes light of defeat and death and the powers of the ignorance: she is Mahalakshmi, the goddess of the supreme love and delight, and her gifts are the spirit's grace and the charm and beauty of the Ananda and protection and every divine and human blessing: she ...
... and behind that sense is the belief that one's own self is the only factor concerned. When one offers one's work to the Divine and cares only for the effective transmission of the Divine's force, one does not bother how one ordinarily compares with others in capacity. The Divine can not only make the most of whatever little capacity one has but also improve and expand such capacity. The main thing... heart-centre. The psychic element in the mind and in the vital force should be Page 65 your teacher. Here my master-formula is to be applied: equanimity plus "Remember and offer." Whoever takes to the spiritual ideal has been led to it either by a direct explosion of the secret dweller in the heart-centre or by this "divine dwarf" 's fingers of light extended above into the vibrant brain... lack of confidence". You have to drop making comparisons of one ego with another. Your aim must be service of the Divine in the way the Divine wants you to serve Him. By putting your personality at the Divine's feet you will bring the Divine's hands into action for whatever goal the Divine's eyes have chosen. Sometimes a certain imbalance in the nerves adds to one's psychological attitude. Here the p ...
... knowledge her centre of power and to build our soul and our nature into the divine Truth her mission and her labour. MAHAKALI is of another nature. Not wideness but height, not wisdom but force and strength are her peculiar power. There is in her an overwhelming intensity, a mighty passion of force to achieve, a divine violence rushing to shatter every limit and obstacle. All her divinity leaps... the largest vistas. Therefore with her is the victorious force of the Divine and it is by grace of her fire and passion and speed if the great achievement can be done now rather than hereafter. Wisdom and Force are not the only manifestations of the supreme Mother; there is a subtler mystery of her nature and without it Wisdom and Force would be incomplete things and without it perfection would... Vibhutis that do her work in the universe. The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Supreme and far above all she creates. But something of her ways can be seen ...
... vijñāna or gnosis is not only truth but truth power, it is the very working of the infinite and divine nature; it is the divine knowledge one with the divine will in the force and delight of a spontaneous and luminous and inevitable self-fulfilment. By the gnosis, then, we change our human into a divine nature. What then is this gnosis and how can we describe it? Two opposite errors have to be avoided... soul in the shape and power of a divine knowledge, a divine will and a divine bliss of existence. It is as if infinite light were gathered up into the compact orb of the sun and lavished on all that depends upon the sun in radiances that continue for ever. But the gnosis is not only light, it is force; it is creative knowledge, it is the self-effective truth of the divine Idea. This idea is not creative... highest height the absolute knowledge and force of eternal Sachchidananda. Its second power concentrates the Infinite into a dense luminous consciousness, caitanyaghana or cidghana , the seed-state of the divine consciousness in which are contained living and concrete all the immutable principles of the divine being and all the inviolable truths of the divine conscious-idea and nature. Its third power ...
... spiritualise the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowledge, freedom and wideness. It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into supramental... Power comes inevitably by the supramental change, it is a necessary condition for a perfect action: but it is the Divine Shakti that comes and takes up the nature and the life, the power of the One acting through the spiritual individual; it is not an aggrandisement of the personal force, not the last crowning fulfilment of the separative mental and vital ego. Self-fulfilment is a result of the Yoga... perfection of the self and the dynamic nature rise each to its absolute of itself and all to their perfect harmony and fusion with each other, to a divine integrality, a divine perfection. For the supermind is a Truth-Consciousness in which the Divine Reality, fully manifested, no longer works with the instrumentation of the Ignorance; a truth of status of being which is absolute becomes dynamic in ...
... bind down the Force as to when, how and why it will act. It [ the higher consciousness ] descends in the atmosphere, but for it to be effective the individual must receive and respond. It descends also in the individual independently of the atmosphere. Preparatory Experiences and Descent The illumination above the head as usually seen in this Yoga is the Light of the Divine Truth. It is... is above the head that there is perpetually the Divine Peace, Force, Light, Knowledge, Ananda. These begin to descend into the body when the personal consciousness is prepared sufficiently. The preparation is usually full of vicissitudes such as these [ illness, sleeplessness, an inability to concentrate ] but one has to persist patiently, opening oneself more and more till that is ready. Page 442... of today makes it very clear what is happening. The Force that you felt had come down at first, came to open the way for the descent of the higher consciousness into the mind and body. That was why it descended with such force and the difficulty of holding or assimilating it was simply because the body was unaccustomed. But as often happens the Force is preparing its own reception and habituating the ...
... notes. The introductory chapters consist of a foreword, a general introduction entitled "The Doctrine of the Mystics", and two essays on the gods to whom the hymns are addressed: "Agni, the Divine Will-Force" and "The Guardians of the Light". The fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda comprises eighty-seven hymns composed by Rishis of the Atri clan. Sri Aurobindo translated forty-three of these: all twenty-eight ...
... Matter itself; it is in essence the gradual emergence and heightening of the force of consciousness in the manifest being, leading to an ever greater manifestation of the divine Consciousness-Force in the manifested material universe. Thus in this progressive evolutionary awakening of the involved Consciousness and Force and its ascent from principle to principle, from grade to grade, from light... in the self-luminous bliss of the Eternal." (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 640) Following the purposeful involutionary plunge of Sachchidananda into "the Inconscient's boundless sleep" 1 , commences the 'obverse manifestation', the inevitable process of evolution, by which the Consciousness-Force involved in the form and activity of inert material substance gradually wakes... The expressions put within quotation marks and bearing no specific references are all taken from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. 2 The Life Divine, p. 552. 3 Sri Aurobindo, The Future Evolution of Man, p. 146. 4 The Life Divine, p. 853. (Italics ours) Page 184 things.' Out of the Inconscient, Existence appeared in a first evolutionary form as substance ...
... purity of the states of knowledge and of divine love by the pursuit of Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, the demands of the Life-Force will oblige the seeker to deal with the impurities and dualities of the ego-consciousness which seem to be inextricably tied up with the works of Life-Force. It is possible in systems of exclusive yoga to renounce the works of Life-Force (i.e. works that are related to acquisition... saving light in Knowledge, a redeeming and transforming force in Love, these cannot be effective in earth-life unless they secure the consent of Life and can use the instrumentation of some delivered energy at its centre for a sublimation of the erring human into a divine Life-Force. As Sri Aurobindo Page 11 states: "The Life-Force is an indispensable intermediary, the effectuating element... remedy to redress and transform the troubled vital nature and activities of Life-Force. These activities of Life-Force are normally centered on desire and egoism, and the effort to eliminate these two obstructing limitations and perversities and to transform the nature and motive of these activities so as to divinize them presents such obstinate difficulties that one is led to avoid them and banish ...
... vessel containing the hot soup was placed before her and Champaklal removed the cover. The Mother went into meditation for a while with her hands stretched out over the container, invoking the Divine's Force. Thereafter Champaklal set the container to the Mother's right. Then, one by one the sadhaks went up to her, each with his own enamel cup. With a long spoon she filled the cups and gave them... but also put her force behind the sadhak, and in fact she was with him (or her) all the time. The sadhak who, yielding to false suggestions from an adverse force, doubted this only weakened himself and maimed the work assigned to him. When someone asked Sri Aurobindo what was meant by his or by the Mother sending a Force, he gave this reply: The Mother or myself send a force. If there is no... no openness, the force may be thrown back or return ... as from an obstruction or resistance:. if there is some openness, the result may be partial or slow; if there is the full openness or receptivity, then the result may be immediate. 6 This was written in the context of a sadhak combating an illness, but with regard to Karmayoga too the principle and the process are the same. Again, when ...
... consciousness, power, delight of the Divine, a union or communion at all the points of meeting in the soul of man, the mental being, by which the Divine himself.. .shall by the light of his presence and guidance perfect the human being in all the force of the Nature for a divine living.. .The liberated individual being, united with the Divine in self and spirit, becomes in... "the sign of right action is the increasing and finally the complete submission of the individual to the divine Will", and in a footnote adds: "Here the offering is that of completest submission and the self-surrender of all the faculties of the lower egoistic human nature to the Divine Will-force." 49 The Gita, of course, is a pocket spiritual encyclopaedia, for all spiritual problems... only the supramental Force that works absolutely", he wrote in 1935, "because it creates its own conditions. But the Force I am using is a Force that Page 22 has to work under the present world conditions. It is not the less a Force for that." 41 Twelve years later, he wrote again that his yoga had enabled him to put only an Overmind force on human affairs, with ...
... physical—all turned towards the Divine, all based on love, adoration, bhakti—finally, the vision and sense of the Mother everywhere in all as well as in the heart, her Force working in the being etc., faith, consecration, surrender. The spiritual change is the established descent of the peace, light, knowledge, power, bliss from above, the awareness of the self and the Divine and of a higher cosmic co... them right—they indicate the two necessities of the sadhana. One is to go inward and open fully the connection between the psychic being and the outer nature. The other is to open upward to the Divine Peace, Force, Light, Ananda above, to rise up into it and bring it down into the nature and the body. Neither of these two movements, the psychic and the spiritual, is complete without the other. If the spiritual... evolution, part of the human being, its divine part—so a psychisation will not carry one beyond the present evolution but will make the being ready to respond to all that comes from the Divine or Higher Nature and unwilling to respond to the Asura, Rakshasa, Pishacha or Animal in the being or to any insistence of the lower nature which stands in the way of the divine change. It is not the psychic ...
... and the soul is just the centre and guide of a world which is not ultimately a contradiction of its divine spark but a veiled perfection which it has to clear of encumbrances and help to unveil. A divine Mind, a divine Life Force, even a divine Matter have to be realised and established. Then alone the aim of evolution will be fulfilled. The complete and integral divinisation of our whole being is the... negation of the Divine. The open affirmation of the Divine is therefore its evolutionary aim. But such affirmation cannot stop with the soul's inner realisation of God. The outer nature must also become Godlike - and this becoming Godlike is not tantamount only to the outer nature obeying the soul and receiving something of its light. Mind, Life Force, Matter are themselves the Divine concealed, and... evil from the roots. Our present mental-vital-physical status lacks the light and the force by which alone suffering and conflict can be avoided. We have to explore our deeper ranges of being, bring into the forefront the inner self, the true soul, call down into the mind and the life-energy and the body the Divine Consciousness by a direct process of Yoga. By Yoga I don't imply a sitting in a fixed ...
... of living soul-truths enjoying a play of divine consciousness, force and bliss, and which guides overtly or covertly a phenomenal mould of itself which starts with a complete involution of all its powers in order that they may be progressively manifested in the terms and figures of their own seeming opposites — apparently inanimate Matter and unconscious Force. What we call evolution is a process... and scope afforded them by nature-force on the material plane. For, matter contains, on this hypothesis, everything in potentiality; it is the action of what is hidden in it that aids to compel the emergence of the higher values, the action of the Spirit's single yet multiply-realised splendour through intervening terms of itself which are mind and life-force. This explains the rise of living and... process by which the multiplicity of the soul-truths inherent in the Spirit shape various series of formulations on earth for the gradual revelation of their own shades of divine diversity at play in the divine unity. This, again, means that each soul-truth gathers and assimilates through these formulations or rebirths a certain growing experience which helps it to express its diversity on evolutionary lines ...
... when he possesses much from the point of view of material riches, it is certainly not a sign that the Divine has chosen him for His divine Grace, and he must make honourable amends if he wants to walk on the path, the true path, to the Divine. Wealth is a force—I have already told you this once—a force of Nature; and it should be a means of circulation, a power in movement, as flowing water is a power... enough to know how to organise all these needs and use this force by these means. If, besides this, these beings have a higher spiritual knowledge, then they can utilise this force to construct gradually upon the earth what will be capable of manifesting the divine Power, Force and Grace. And then this power of money, wealth, this financial force, of which I just said that it was like a curse, would become... power in movement. It is something which can serve to produce, to organise. It is a convenient means, because in fact it is only a means of making things circulate fully and freely. This force should be in the hands of those who know how to make the best possible use of it, that is, as I said at the beginning, people who have abolished in themselves or in some way or other got rid of every personal ...
... tranquil concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for God is Love and Delight, and what with us would be denial of love and delight will be the holding back of joy in the still sea of Bliss so that certain forms of divine union and enjoyment may... play of mental thought, but as a real play of conscious being. The divine soul in this poise would make no difference between Conscious-Soul and Force-Soul, for all force would be action of consciousness, nor between Matter and Spirit since all mould would be simply form of Spirit. "In the second poise of the Supermind the Divine Consciousness stands back in the idea from the movement which it contains... knowledge will be the play of the divine omniscience, for God is Knowledge, and what is ignorance with us will be there only the holding back of knowledge in the repose of conscious self-awareness so that certain forms of that self-awareness may be brought forward into activity of Light. Its relations of will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God is Force, Will and Power, and what with ...
... will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God is Force, Will and Power, and what with us is weakness and incapacity will be the holding back of will in tranquil concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for God is Love and Delight... others, exceeds them in force and knowledge, yet is inferior to them in cosmic position and is employed by them as messenger, priest Page 166 and worker,—the creator of the world and father, he is yet the son born of our works, he is, that is to say, the original and the manifested indwelling Self or Divine, the One that inhabits all. All the relations of the divine soul with God or its... of being, of consciousness and knowledge, of will and force, of love and delight. Infinite in their potentiality of variation, they need exclude no possible relation of soul with soul that is compatible with the preservation of the inalienable sense of unity in spite of every phenomenon of difference. Thus in its relations of enjoyment the divine soul will have the delight of all its own experience ...
... and the Horse, were the object of the sacrifice. Force was the condition, Light the liberating agency; and Indra and Surya were the chief bringers of Light. Moreover the Force required was the divine Will taking possession of all the human energies and revealing itself in them; and of this Will, this force of conscious energy taking possession of the nervous vitality and revealing itself in it, Agni... capable of the marriage with Agni, the divine Will-force, which breaks down their boundaries and is himself nourished by their now abundant waves. That is the crisis of the being by which the mortal nature prepares its conversion to immortality. In the last verse of the hymn Vamadeva describes the whole of existence as established above in the seat of the divine Purusha, below in the ocean of the ... there is question of the divine action of the Life-forces in man, Agni in the form of the Vedic Horse, Ashwa, Dadhikravan, takes usually the place of Vayu. If we consider the fundamental ideas of the Rishis, this position of Vayu becomes intelligible. The illumination of the lower being by the higher, the mortal by the divine, was their principal concept. Light and Force, Go and Ashwa, the Cow and ...
... descent into our whole constitution in order to shape a divine mind, a divine life-force, a divine body: this is the aim and the decisive condition of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. But there is a long and difficult way to go, a hard task of self-consecration, self-purification, self-discipline, a development on many lines and an opening to the Divine Shakti and Her working on all the planes to be carried... and infinite Divine putting forth the world-play and taking part in it for a various expression of Himself by purifying and illuminating our mind and life-force and body. In Vaishnavism and Tantricism the ideal of God's self-expression in our nature was the most openly held. But everywhere a definite irreducible quantity was recognised in which no self-expression of the Divine could take place... Supermind means only "above the mind" and coincides with what other seers have discovered to be divine levels of being, higher than the mind yet lower than the "Ultimate Transcendent Reality". The Latin word "super", as used by Sri Aurobindo, has a particular significance which emerges with unique force once we look at his table of what is above the mind. He speaks of the Higher Mind, the Illumined ...
... soil of plenty covered by desire with a luxuriant growth of poisonous weeds and hardly less poisonous flowers, the pains and pleasures of our egoistic existence. When the Page 106 divine conscious-force working secretly in us has devoured these growths of desire, when in the image of the Rig Veda the fire of God has burnt up the shoots of earth, that which is concealed at the roots of these... conscious force, terms of that delight of being. Just as we find all things to be mutable forms of one immutable being, finite results of one infinite force, so we shall find that all things are variable self-expression of one invariable and all-embracing delight of self-existence. In everything that is, dwells the conscious force and it exists and is what it is by virtue of that conscious force; so also... itself out as a force of movement of consciousness which is creative of forces, forms and worlds, we have yet no answer to the question "Why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms?" For we have put aside the solution that it is compelled by its own nature of Force to create, obliged ...
... self-luminous divine Consciousness in its first dealings with the apparent negation of itself from which our cosmos commences, so also Life as it emerges in our material universe, an energy of the dividing Page 210 Mind subconscious, submerged, imprisoned in Matter, Life as the parent of death, hunger and incapacity, is only a dark figure of the divine superconscient Force whose highest... relation fixes the nature of that great cosmic processus of which we are a part; it determines the first, the middle and the ultimate terms of our evolution. The first terms of Life are division, a force-driven subconscient will, apparent not as will but as dumb urge of physical energy, and the impotence of an inert subjection to the mechanical forces that govern the interchange between the form and... rigid division the atom, which is the basis of all material form, is the very type. The atom stands apart from all others even in its union with them, rejects death and dissolution under any ordinary force and is the physical type of the separate ego defining its existence against the principle of fusion in Nature. But unity is as strong a principle in Nature as division; it is indeed the master principle ...
... more than a concealed soil of plenty covered by desire with a luxuriant growth of poisonous weeds and hardly less poisonous flowers, the pains and pleasures of our egoistic existence. When the divine conscious-force working secretly in us has devoured these growths of desire, when in the image of the Rig Veda the fire of God has burnt up the shoots of earth, that which is concealed at the roots of these... itself out as a force of movement of consciousness which is creative of forces, forms and worlds, we have yet no answer to the question "Why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms?" For we have put aside the solution that it is compelled by its own nature of Force to create, obliged... existence, terms of that conscious force, terms of that delight of being. Just as we find all things to be mutable forms of one immutable being, finite results of one infinite force, so we shall find that all things are variable self-expression of one invariable and all-embracing delight of self-existence. In everything that is, dwells Page 124 the conscious force and it exists and is what it ...
... the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowl- Page 259 edge, freedom and wideness. It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realise the self, acquire a Spiritualised and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. "Then only... (iii) "an excessive ambition, vanity or other dominating weakness" ; (iv) "an obscurity of the mind"; (v) "a vacillating will"; (vi) "a weakness of the life- force or an unsteadiness init or want of balance" ; etc. (See The Life Divine, p. 905) If the sadhaka possesses any of these failings in a marked degree, he should take immediate steps to remedy them as soon as possible. ... This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego. "The next step is to become aware of the eternal self in us unborn and one with the self of all beings. This self-realisation liberates and universalises.... "The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being ...
... with his own Shakti. (1954) As far as I know, it is indeed "a new feature" - the opening of the chakras by the Force from above, as in our Yoga, instead of the Kundalini rising from below to open them. The divine Page 358 "overhead" Force will do the opening job far more safely, far more fruitfully. But I may add that quite an amount of creative spiritual development... Readings in "Savitri" as saying: "In the very process of its descent from the heights of the Spirit, the Divine has followed and involved itself in the movement in two poises that are necessary for working out its intention in Creation.... This is the dual status taken by the Divine in the Creation - Soul and Nature, Purusha and Prakriti - in order to build it in the full figure of the Truth... and preserving under all circumstances an inner poise, a sense of tranquil wideness in our being. The second secret is to surrender oneself to her and appeal to her to take up our defects and by her Force free us progressively from them. The core of this movement is devotion and love on our part, invoking and drawing her love and grace, instead of relying on our own supposed strength, our capacity of ...
... once, and between her waking and sleeping states, there were the trance states when she roamed the immensities. As Sri Aurobindo had said: The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence, one and yet so many-sided that to follow her movement is impossible even for the quickest mind and for the freest and most vast intelligence. 15 The people... India and Pakistan. While the Punjab was all ablaze in the weeks after Independence, Mahatma Gandhi was able to bring peace in Calcutta and Bengal, as if indeed he were an effective one-man boundary force in the East. But the exodus continued, and the invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan, Kashmir's accession to India in October 1947, and India's resistance of Pak aggression were to sow the seeds of strife... world struggling to be born would be made of a different texture which would come from within and not without. One must hold on, one must master the art of endurance - and one must open oneself to the force and light of transformation. III If some disciples questioned Sri Aurobindo about the bewildering Indian and world situation, others ventured to doubt the wisdom of the Mother giving so much ...
... 659. 2 The Life Divine, p. 272. 3 Savitri, Book X, Canto IV, p. 646. 4 Ibid., p. 635. Page 124 John of the Cross's 'divine Darkness of the mystic Night.' Also, as a medium of divine expression and action, the mind plane cannot in its very nature allow of the supreme workings native to the divine Consciousness-Force. "The mind spiritualised, purified... And on the dynamic side there is here "a golden drive, a luminous 'enthousiasmos' of inner force and power,...almost a violent impetus of rapid transformation." 4 1 Ibid., p. 938. 2 The Life Divine, p. 940. 3 Savitri, Book X, Canto IV, pp. 659-60. 4 The Life Divine, p. 944. Page 131 Next in the order of ascension is the Intuitive... they are 1 Savitri, Book VII, Canto VI, p. 549. (Italics Ours). 2 The Life Divine, p. 277. Page 130 domains of being, grades of the substance and energy of the spiritual being, fields of existence which are each a level of the universal Consciousness-Force constituting and organising itself into a higher status.... Each stage of this ascent is a general ...
... to the end of a line from its middle! The jump is an act of art, not of life. No doubt, there is an experience of vague spiritual exhilaration in every act of art that aspires to the Divine: the force of the Eternal is intuited and a grace of soul added to the consciousness; yet the phenomenon is not tantamount to realisation. The poetry has aided the Yoga but it does not measure it accurately... the criterion of the same recognisable Force which is behind all your poems, there would be no need to weed out anything: all your poems bear the mark of an Aurobindonian sadhak and, judged in that light, they must without exception be preserved and published. But to lump everything together would be to serve ill even the Force your friend speaks of: that Force is best served in poetry by what is poetically... character and force. The general idea, sight and emotion in Browning's Page 33 God's in His heaven, All's right with the world is almost the same as in Dilip Kumar Roy's For 'tis His will that overarches all, His sentinel love broods o'er the universe. And yet what a gulf of difference between the individual character and force of the one and ...
... world is a masked form of Sachchidananda, and the nature of the consciousness of Sachchidananda and therefore the thing in which His force must always find and achieve itself is divine Bliss, an omnipresent self-delight. Since Life is an energy of His conscious-force, the secret of all its movements must be a hidden delight inherent in all things which is at once cause, motive and object of its activities;... does it manifest and fulfil itself in the action of the cosmos as the principle of Conscious-Force manifests and uses Life for its cosmic term and the principle of Supermind manifests and uses Mind? We have distinguished a fourfold principle of divine Being creative of the universe,—Existence, Conscious-Force, Bliss and Supermind. Supermind, we have seen, is omnipresent in the material cosmos, but veiled;... subordinate term, Mind. The divine Conscious-Force is omnipresent in the material cosmos, but veiled, operative secretly behind the actual phenomenon of things, and it expresses itself there Page 232 characteristically through its own subordinate term, Life. And, though we have not yet examined separately the principle of Matter, yet we can already see that the divine All-existence also is ...
... them, to make the mind free and quiet and open only to the divine light, force, knowledge and the presence of the Divine. Your mistake has been to allow free play to these thoughts, voices and suggestions instead of rejecting, silencing and controlling them. It is what you must now do. Aspire, get into contact with the Light and the true Force, reassert your will to reject these suggestions and voices... filled with the higher Light; but it can feel and believe in the Divine and that the way of the Divine is sure, and this faith itself will bring the first true understanding. What you say is quite true. No personal effort can get these things done; that is why we tell you always to keep yourself quiet and let the peace and the force work. As for understanding, it is your physical mind that wants... There is a power in the idea—a force of which the idea is a Page 47 shape. Again, behind the idea and force and word there is what is called the spirit,—a consciousness which generates the force. The idea is not enough. It gives only a half-light—you must get to all the Truth that lies behind the idea and the object together. Being, consciousness, force,—that is the triple secret. ...
... nature. The real motive power is a divine spiritual Will which uses at present these inferior conditions, but is itself not limited, not dominated, not mechanised, as is the human will, by the gunas. No doubt, since these modes are so universal in their action, they must proceed from something inherent in the power of the Spirit; there must be powers in the divine Will-force from which these from aspects... because Sattwa is a power of light and happiness, a force that makes for calm and knowledge, and at its highest point it can arrive at a certain reflection, almost a mental identity with the spiritual light and bliss from which it derives. The other two gunas cannot get this transformation, Rajas into the divine kinetic will or Tamas into the divine repose and calm, without the intervention of the sattwic... and determines them by his divine will, is indeed above this mechanism of quality, not touched or limited by her modes, but still it would seem that he acts always through them, always shapes by the power of the swabhava and through the psychological machinery of the gunas. These three are fundamental properties of Prakriti, necessary operations of the executive Nature-force which takes shape here in ...
... activities, as a divine Maya 4 or Wisdom-Formation of the Eternal. Gnosis is the divine Knowledge-Will of the divine Consciousness-Force; it is harmonic consciousness and action of Prakriti-Purusha full of the delight of the divine existence. In the Ananda the knowledge goes back from these willed harmonies into pure self-consciousness, the will dissolves into pure transcendent force and both are taken... another and divine centre of control through which the Infinite can consciously govern its own action in the individual, it is moving towards the gnosis where that centre pre-exists, the centre of an eternal harmony and order. It is when he ascends above mind and life to the gnosis that the Purusha becomes the master of his own nature because subject only to supreme Nature. For there force or will is... is the exact counterpart, the perfect dynamis of the divine knowledge. And that knowledge is not merely the eye of the Witness, it is the immanent and compelling gaze of the Ishwara. Its luminous governing power, a power not to be hedged in or denied, imposes its self-expressive force on all the Page 502 action and makes true and radiant and authentic and inevitable every movement and impulse ...
... arrived at Pondicherry by boat. The historic record of impressions. Publication of The Mother in which Sri Aurobindo says: 'The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force' 'who comes', says he in a subsequent letter, 'to bring down the Supramental'. 1930-38 Daily correspondence with sadhakas. Heaps of letters; replies giving them personal... Tamil Nation- alist weekly. February: In response to an Adesh (Command) from the Divine Sri Aurobindo secretly left Calcutta and came to Chandernagore where at the house of Matilal Roy he spent a month and a half in Yogic contemplation, after which, again commanded by the Divine, he came to Pondicherry on April 4 by the steamer Dupleix. Thirty years ago a Tamil Yogi had predicted... establish on earth a light of heaven. This work of theirs upset the forces of Darkness that dominate earth and seek to frustrate the work of the Divine. 1939 September : Second World War. November : Publication of The Life Divine, Vol. I, revised and enlarged from the Arya. It had appeared therein serially from its first issue since August 15, 1914, almost with the ...
... into the mould of a divine action of the universal Shakti or World Force (Chit or Tapas) which shall use the mind, body and life as a passive, obedient and perfected instrument; ego-sense cast and dissolved into the mould of divine & undivided being (Sat) which regards itself as one in all things & the multiplicity of minds, lives & bodies as only a varied motion of its own divine Page 454 ... unity. This divine being, force & bliss constitute the higher part of man's being centred in the principle of Ananda; they represent the direct, unveiled and unperverted action of the free & blissful Sacchidananda. To this last and supreme Immortality (Amrita) these lower mortal parts of man must be given up as the victims of a high & ultimate spiritual sacrifice in the upward movement of world-Nature... rather to me, the Lord. But the world was made by its Lord for Page 449 divine habitation & possession; the object of the renunciation, therefore, cannot be to turn away utterly from the world after abandoning it in itself & in the lower consciousness, but to conquer and repossess it through the divine Krishna and in the supreme & all-blissful conscious being of the Lord. Nivasishyasi mayyeva ...
... ," upahvare yad uparā apinvan madhvarṇaso nadyaś catasraḥ . This is again the honey-streaming well pouring down its many streams together; the four higher rivers of the divine being, divine conscious force, divine delight, divine truth nourishing the two worlds of the mind and body into which they descend with their floods of sweetness. These two, the Rodasi, are normally worlds of crookedness, that... driving up the cows, breaking Vala by the divine word, brahmaṇā , concealing the darkness and making Swar visible. The first result is the breaking open by force of the well which has the rock for its face and whose streams are of the honey, madhu , the Soma sweetness, aśmāsyam avataṁ madhudhāram . This well of honey covered by the rock must be the Ananda or divine beatitude of the supreme threefold world... mystic sacrifice, is instinct; it is the honeyed wave which rises out of the ocean of life. Such images can have only one meaning; it is the divine delight hidden in all existence which, once manifest, supports all life's crowning activities and is the force that finally immortalises the mortal, the amṛtam , ambrosia of the gods. But it is especially the Word that the Angirases possess; their seerhood ...
... spiritualise the being in its entirety by a descent of a divine Light, Force, Purity, Knowledge, freedom and wideness. It is necessary to break down the limits of the personal mind, life and physicality, dissolve the ego, enter into the cosmic consciousness, realize the self, acquire a spiritualized and universalised mind and heart, life-force, physical consciousness. Then only the passage into the... and emotion, imparts to the life-force a spiritual urge, a truth inspiration that dynamises the action and exalts the life-movements; it infuses into the sense a direct and total power of spiritual sensation so that our vital and physical being can contact and meet concretely, quite as intensely as the mind and emotion can conceive and perceive and feel, the Divine in all things; it throws on the physical... by the divine Shakti." 22 A fourth method consists of developing intellect instead of eliminating it; but the development is aimed at heightening the capacity right up to its utmost borders where the objects on which concentration is laid transcend the capacities of the intellect; the care is taken not to cherish the limitations but to increase the intensity, light and degree and force of activity; ...
... revolution in perspective. Positivist and Spiritual Evolution The central theme of this talk is that the macrocosm, and in it the human being as the microcosm, are brought about by a divine creative Force above and behind them, which Sri Aurobindo calls “Supermind.” What Sri Aurobindo called Supermind, and what he and the Mother discovered through their own experience, was partially known in... the gnostic myths, souls (sparks of the Divine) get lost in the world of the Ignorance and can only be saved by a redeemer who reminds them of their origin. In the Bible, Satan (originally the Angel of Light) revolts against God and becomes the devil. The Mother herself has more than once told the same story in its complete form: the four attributes of the Divine – truth, light, life and bliss – in their... boundless egoistic pride deemed themselves equal to be the very Divine and therefore turned into the great Asuras: the Lords of Falsehood, Darkness, Suffering and Death. (In one of his sonnets Sri Aurobindo called them “the iron Dictators”. They are also known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.) The “special Entity,” emanated by the Divine to save the world, is described in the narratives of the old ...
... cause of the rise of inertia: "This negation is the very nature of the physical resistance and the physical resistance is the whole base of the denial of the Divine in the world. All in the physical is persistent, obstinate, with a massive force of negation and inertia." Later on, the sadhana descended still lower: "The most material has come up or you have gone into it." And as ... approaching me! This negation is the very nature of the physical resistance and the physical resistance is the whole base of the denial of the Divine in the world. All in the physical is persistent, obstinate, with a massive force of negation and inertia — if it were not so, sadhana would be extremely cursory. You have to face this character of the physical resistance and conquer it however... Page 9 During the whole day I have been so much filled with tamas that I have not even succeeded in calling for the Divine's help. What to do under such circumstances? You have either to shake it off by will or to call down the force into it. What makes the physical so weak that it can't do without the vital's help? The physical is not ...
... even when it asked for the divine life it had no faith, in fact it was afraid of it and clung to the old life. The Mother pictured the transforming Force as a child sitting on the head of this Mind to silence it. Nevertheless as the Mother said on 6 May, there certainly was a Force abroad turning things upside down, pressing upon Matter to compel it to turn towards the Divine inwardly - not an outward... was a Force as well, and his life was the unleashing of a great Power of consciousness - verily "an immortal sunlight radiating over the future" In other words, he had come to get a movement going, the movement of evolution from man to Superman, from nature to Supernature, from our flawed present to the Next Future, the future that would see established here upon earth the Life Divine. This Force, this... Ten days later, wondering how human nature could continue to resist the Divine's will, the Mother remarked, "The depth of human stupidity is incredible." Resisting the new Force the human subconscient would cry out, "Oh! Not yet, not yet - not so soon!" And when this brought on catastrophes it would perversely blame the Force! And the general subconscient, retaining the memory of earlier pralayas ...
... something divine, absolute and infinite which is concealed in its blind strivings. Here too reason must be overpassed or surpass itself and become a passage to the Divine. The first mark of the suprarational, when it intervenes to take up any portion of our being, is the growth of absolute ideals; and since life is Being and Force and the divine state of being is unity and the Divine in force is God... courage, energy and strength are among the very first principles of the divine nature in action. All this great vital, political, economic life of man with its two powers of competition and cooperation is stumbling blindly forward towards some realisation of power and unity,—in two divine directions, therefore. For the Divine in life is Power possessed of self-mastery, but also of mastery of His world... native terms are growth of being, pleasure and power. Life itself here is Being at labour in Matter to express itself in terms of conscious force; human life is the human being at labour to impress himself on the material world with the greatest possible force and intensity and extension. His primary insistent aim must be to live and make for himself a place in the world, for himself and his species ...
... too every form of weakness is really a particular working of the one divine Will-Force or the one Cosmic Energy; weakness in that Force means its power to hold back, measure, relate in a particular way its action of Force; incapacity or weakness is the Self's withholding of its force-completeness or an insufficient reaction of Force, not its fundamental opposite. If this is so, then also it may be, and... thousand rays of consciousness stand together so that there is That One, the supreme form of the Divine Being. But this world in which we live seemed to them to be a mingled weft in which truth is disfigured by an abundant falsehood, anṛtasya bhūreḥ ; 2 here the one light has to be born by its own vast force out of an initial darkness or sea of Inconscience; 3 immortality and godhead have to be built... complete validity, then only the absolute idealist, sent perhaps out of some higher existence, unable to forget his mission, stung into indomitable enthusiasm by a divine oestrus or sustained in a calm and infinite fortitude by the light and force and voice of the unseen Godhead, could persist under such circumstances in holding up before himself, much more before an incredulous or doubting world, the hope ...
... the sadhana. One is to go inward and open fully the connection between the psychic being and the outer nature. The other is to open upward to the Divine Peace, Force, Light, Ananda above .... The best way is to aspire for both and let the Mother's Force work it out according to the need and turn of the nature. 23 One day, in a fit of gloom or moment of excessive self-dramatisation, another... the problem: How to find, how to unite with the divine Presence which is "always and everywhere"? Either go within, and find the Divine in your heart; or look out, and find the visible Divine in Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through love and self-giving. 22 Page 376 The way doesn't matter; what is necessary is to find the Divine, and learn to see Him "in all things and everywhere"... increasingly powerful descent of the Higher Force. Many now see the lights and colours around the Mother and her subtle luminous forms - it means that their vision is opening to supraphysical realities, it is not a phantasy. The colours or lights you see are forces from various planes and each colour indicates a special force. The supramental Force is descending, but it has not yet taken possession ...
... the earth, a knowledge complete enough to know how to organise all these needs and use this force by these means. If, besides this, these beings have a higher spiritual knowledge, then they can utilise this force to construct gradually upon the earth what will be capable of manifesting the divine Power, Force and Grace. Source Money Belongs to No One The conflict about money is... something and says, "Oh, the divine Consciousness, divine Love have turned to me, have come to me!" It is not at all like that. One has just a tiny little opening, very tiny, at times like a pinhead, and naturally that force rushes in. For it is like an active atmosphere; as soon as there is a possibility of being received, it is received. But this is so for all divine things. They are there, only... to you in proportion to your capacity to use it as it is meant to be used. That is the true mechanism. The true attitude is this: money is a force intended for the work on earth, the work required to prepare the earth to receive and manifest the divine forces, and it―that is, the power of utilising it―must come into the hands of those who have the clearest, most comprehensive and truest vision. ...
... embodied material existence. Thus, for divine Sachchidananda to trace the cycle of self-oblivion and self-discovery, the manifestation has taken the shape of a double movement, a prior involution of the spirit followed by a process of evolutionary ascension. Involution is the process of self-limitation by which the universal Consciousness-Force has veiled herself by stages until she assumes... boundless sleep" 12 , when Sachchidananda lay self-shrouded in "the inconscient swoon of things", there commenced the obverse manifestation, the inevitable process of evolution, by which the divine Consciousness-Force involved in the form and activity of inert material substance gradually started waking again to bring out by slow degrees all the hidden powers and splendours inherent in "the original s... processes involved in the original Truth. All Nature is simply, then, the Seer-Will, the Knowledge-Force of the Conscious-Being..." 54 Thus, "the world expresses a foreseen truth, obeys a predetermining Will, realises an original formative self-vision, — it is the growing image of a divine creation." 55 (Italics ours) Such is then the primal Sight, par ā d ṛ k, the original s ...
... apply only with difficulty to the god of physical fire; they are of a striking appropriateness if we take a larger view of the divine nature and functions of the god Agni. He is a god of the earth, a force of material being, अवमः; but he seems too [to] be a vital (Pranic) force of will in desire, devouring, burning through his own smoke; and again he is a mental power. Men see him द्यामिव स्तृभिः, heaven... the spirit in the physical life of man was made available by the Bhrigus to each human creature, विशे विशे,—we must presume, by the order of the sacrifice. This Agni, this general flame of the divine Will-force, was turned by them into the Hotri of the sacrifice. The question remains, who are the Bhrigus of whom we may suppose that Apnavana is in this action at least the head or chief? Is it simply... were symbols of the dedication of inner powers and experiences to the Lords of Truth. The divine gifts, result of the outer sacrifice, were also symbols of inner divine gifts, the cows of the divine light symbolised by the herds of the Sun, the horse of strength and power, the son of the inner godhead or divine man created by the sacrifice, and so through the whole list. This symbolic duplication was ...
... two great elements of the divine Mystery, the Personal and the Impersonal, are here fused together, the seeker of the integral Truth feels in the duality of Ishwara-Shakti his closeness to a more intimate and ultimate secret of the divine Transcendence and the Manifestation than that offered to him by any other experience. For the Ishwari Shakti, divine Conscious-Force and World-Mother, becomes... Master of Force, a Giver of Bliss, Friend, Helper, Father, Mother, Playmate in the world-game, an absolute Master of his being, his soul's Beloved and Lover. All relations known to human personality are there in the soul's contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman levels and compel him towards a divine nature. It is an integral knowledge that is being sought, an integral force, a total... Ignorance and put on the inherence of that light, peace, bliss, harmony, universality, mastery, purity, perfection; it must convert itself into a receptacle of divine knowledge, an instrument of divine Will-Power and Force of Being, a channel of divine Love, Joy and Beauty. This is the transformation to be effected, Page 131 an integral transformation of all that we now are or seem to be, by ...
... with as much solemnity & reverence as in the Rigveda and indeed in language borrowed from the Rigveda, not as the material Sun and material Fire, but as the master of divine God-revealing knowledge & the master of divine purifying force of knowledge, and not to drive away the terrors of night from a trembling savage nor to burn the offered cake & the dripping ghee in a barbarian ritual, but to reveal... alternative or not having the full courage of his ritualistic rendering introduces it as a mere possibility,—these would be meritorious failings,—but he wavers in a much more extraordinary fashion, forcing the ritualistic sense of a word or passage where it cannot possibly hold, abandoning it unaccountably where it can well be sustained. The Vedas are masterpieces of flawless literary style and logical... inherited by them. Their attitude to the ritual even when it was performed mechanically without the possession of this knowledge was far from hostile; but as ritual, they held it to be inferior in force and value, avaram karma, a lower kind of works and not the highest good; only when performed with possession of the knowledge could it lead to its ultimate results, to Vedanta. “By that,” says the ...
... supramental Light". 4 What does this mean? I don't understand. If you put "Divine" instead of "supramental", does that make it clearer to you? It means the consciousness that is not filled with the activities and influences of ordinary life, but is concentrated in an aspiration towards the divine light, force, knowledge, joy. Now do you understand? 23 March 1933 Page 79 ... identification with the Divine Consciousness that one can attain and preserve the true unchanging happiness. Keep your confidence and your faith, my little smile, and everything will be all right. With all my love. 1 August 1932 Dear Mother, This subject was given for composition in our French class— Develop this thought: Consecration to the Divine is the secret of existence;... me of this discouragement and this revolt, please. Will You not save me from them? With all my will I want to save you, but you must allow me to do so. To revolt is to reject the Divine Love and only the Divine Love has the power to save. 28 December 1932 Dear Mother, Am I not Your child? Yes, I know that I am a naughty child, but what can I do? Naughty or not, in any case I am ...
... comes before us with differing aspects; many are her powers and personalities, many her emanations and Vibhutis that do her work in the universe. The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence.… Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and in her dealings with... “Repeat exactly whatever I say, even if you don’t understand.” He started with: “ Sans le Divin, la vie est une illusion douloureuse. Avec lui tout est félicité .” (Without the Divine life is a painful illusion, with the Divine, all is bliss.) I kept pronouncing the words exactly as he did and kept telling myself: “How will I remember anything without understanding?” Mr. Benjamin said: “Now, let... he continued, “what an invaluable thought I have given you in our first French lesson.” For many years now these words have come to my mind again and again: Without the Divine, life is a painful illusion, with the Divine, all is bliss. After remembering the words of the Mother that Benjamin had taught me, I suddenly recollect a great change that took place in my life. I was very young then ...
... and the soul is just the centre and guide of a world which is not ultimately a contradiction of its divine spark but a veiled perfection which it has to clear of encumbrances and help to unveil. A divine Mind, a divine Life-Force, even a divine Matter have to be realised and established. Then alone the aim of evolution will be fulfilled. The complete and integral divinsation of our whole being is the... negation of the Divine. The open affirmation of the Divine is therefore its evolutionary aim. But such affirmation cannot stop with the soul’s inner realisation of God. The outer nature must also become Godlike - and this becoming Godlike is not tantamount only to the outer nature obeying the soul and receiving something of its light. Mind, Life-Force, Matter are themselves the Divine concealed, and... (1) “Your [Dr. Dinkar’s] next query is: ‘The nescience is nearest the Divine in the tail-in-the-mouth snake-analogy; why couldn’t it go in reverse gear instead of ‘evolving’ and causing all this bother?’ If the divine car could have been put in reverse gear it would have been only the positive Divine dealing with the negative Divine, and perhaps there wouldn’t be much fun in that. All the fun seems to ...
... There is, after all, but one Consciousness - the Divine Consciousness. And two such divine collaborators like Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - the collaboration began in 1914, entered a new active phase in 1920, and a still closer creative phase in 1926 - could operate effectively only if their consciousness-force were intimately grounded in the Divine so as to be practically indistinguishable. There... 17 And this is the force behind the prophecy or divine decree in Savitri: "Even the body shall remember God". 18 It was during the meditation that followed the discussion - or exposition - that the Mother had the singular mystic experience of the descent of the Supramental Light and Force, and she recorded in her diary: This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material... the common divine action that was thrown out into the world in its beginning as a symbol of the solidarity of the universe. It is by the attraction of this law that a divinising, a saving power descends to limit and correct and gradually to eliminate the errors of an egoistic and self-divided creation. This descent, this sacrifice of the Purusha, the Divine Soul submitting itself to Force and Matter ...
... Purity of the Divine whom he loved and adored as the Divine Mother. His greatest disciple, Swami Vivekananda, was in America in 1893, waiting for his apostolic triumph at the Parliament of Religions, which was to open a new chapter in the history of the impact of the East upon the West. 88 The example and influence of Sri Ramakrishna acted as a potent regenerative and formative force in the Renaissance... wrung out of Vivekananda's leonine heart, his passionate love of his motherland, and his ardent appeal to the Divine Mother to raise the masses of India triggered the movement of a Force which has been unsleeping in its action, and which will not rest till it raises India to her highest, divine stature. Page 85 of the national spirit, after the spade work done by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, was... modesty and reticence characteristic of him in regard to personal matters. 54 Here he evidently speaks from a super-personal consciousness. Here we find the un- mistakable ring of the Divine Consciousness-Force (Chit- Tapas) uttering its Will. When God speaks through the chosen soul of man, He speaks in such accents of fire. It is undeniable that, apart from the spiritual experiences he had had ...
... the universe, Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride! But, when the second-century churches attributed to the physical mother of Jesus the transcendent act by which the ever-pure divine Consciousness-Force brings forth the Avatar into the world in a special manner unlike that in which other souls come into birth - when the theological truth of the Virgin Birth was given a literal material ... means of a special power, siddhi, and not the result of a cooperative venture between the ultra-physical above and the same below. In Sri Aurobindo's vision, the Supermind with its divine substance, consciousness-force, delight and truth is not only a free power beyond earth-life but also an involved or hidden power in matter itself, and the supramentalisation occurs by a descent from the beyond and... avatar whose speciality of manifestation was love, a being of beauty sprung from the Divine Mother's heart (a spiritual fact which was mythopoeicised as the Virgin Birth) to impart to gross earth a spark of the Supreme Bliss, but they have also recognised that the vast knowledge-light and the all-transforming force which they have seen in the sovereign Supermind and which they strove to incarnate in ...
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